€¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the

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Page 1: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the



Page 2: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the





















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Page 4: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the

by H. P. Mansfield

Logos Publications, Post Office, West Beach, South Australia, 5024.

Page 5: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the

^nttoductiotiTHE BOOK OF NUMBERS



In our introduction to Genesis and Exodus we referred to the five books of Moses on the basis of spiritual numerics: five being the number of grace. They are called The Pentetauch from pente "five", and each one sets forth a step in the developing program of grace as extended by Yahweh to fallen man.

Therefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the following order of development:

Genesis: sets forth Divine Authority and Power — in creating, punish-ing and selecting.

Exodus: sets forth Divine Mercy — in choosing and delivering.Leviticus: sets forth Divine Holiness — in separating and sanctifying.Numbers: sets forth Divine Goodness and Severity — in providing and

judging.Deuteronomy: sets forth Divine Faithfulness — in disciplining and delivering.

Considered from this viewpoint, the five books of the Law typically set forth five necessary steps to salvation. They begin with a recognition of Yahweh's authority and power; they move on to record His mercy, they emphasise the need of His holiness, they show the inevitability of His goodness and severity, to finally culminate in the revelation of His faithfulness in delivering His people.

The same five books considered from the human viewpoint exhibit the following five steps of Divine grace:

Genesis: speaks of Ruin and Divine selection.Exodus: speaks of Separation.Leviticus: speaks of Fellowship with Yahweh.Numbers: speaks of Divine grace in His Providence.Deuteronomy: speaks of the attainment of Hope.

These are five steps that man must take to ensure salvation. He must recognise the fallen state of human nature, and the need of redemption from such. This will lead him to the separation of the waters


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THE CHRISTADELPHIAN EXPOSITORof baptism, and to fellowship with Yahweh. Submitting to Divine guid-ance and providence, he will ultimately attain unto that which has been set before him as a matter of hope.

Though these five books spell out the principles of Divine grace on the background of Israelitish history, they have important lessons to teach all who would come unto Yahweh in truth.

In the Parable of the Pentetauch, Genesis represents the Book of Beginnings, Exodus sets forth a Pattern of Redemption, Leviticus lays down the principles of Fellowship Through Sanctification, and in Numbers there is set forth the next step: The Trial of Faith.

All Yahweh's saints, or separated ones, are subjected to trial. Indeed, in that great day when Christ returns, and the redeemed are gathered rejoicing into his presence, it will be revealed that though there will be only one in that great Family of God who never sinned, there will be no one who has never been tried. For even of the Lord Jesus it is declared: "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered" (Heb. 5:8).

The Fourth Book of Moses Called Numbers, therefore, is much more than a dry record of past Israelitish history. It is a book vibrant with interest, setting forth experiences and principles which have a very personal bearing upon our walk to the Kingdom of God. In a different setting, it records the very trials that afflict us now.

Take the basic cause of the failure of the people. It began with but a little thing. Chapter 11 commences: "Then the people complained. . ." Their complaining undermined the foundation of their faith and led to their failure. Israel had the power to conquer; the people had received the invitation of Yahweh to enter the land (Deut. 1:8); but instead of keeping their eyes firmly fixed on the future glory, they permitted present difficulties to obscure their vision. Grumbling led to complain-ing, and found the people contrasting the comforts they had left behind in Egypt with the bitterness they experienced in the wilderness. The voice of complaint once raised became contagious, and was soon heard on all sides. In consequence it was not long before the whole camp was grumbling (see Num. 11:4-5,10). Even Moses became discouraged by the continual moaning (w. 11-14). The leaders themselves became divided with contention (Num. 11), until finally the defeatist, faithless attitude of the spies, and their complaints against the land, brought ruin to the whole project (Num. 13). Thus the tragedy of Israel's failure, is traceable to but a small thing: a little grumbling on the part of a few people!

What a lesson to learn in regard to Ecclesial life! It teaches that those who murmur without cause are soon given cause to murmur! That was the case with Israel, as the old generation was condemned to wander and die in the wilderness. So the historical records of Numbers axe given deep, personal meaning by the Apostles. Drawing upon the whole of Israel's experiences in leaving Egypt, and specifically mention-ing incidents recorded in Numbers, Paul observes: "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our

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admonition upon whom the ends of the ages are come. Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Cor. 10:11-13).

The Greek word here translated as "ensamples" is tupoi, that is "types". Hence the incidents recorded in Numbers are to be treated first as historical, and second as typical. One generation perished in the wilderness; the other generation was brought safely to the confines of the Land of Promise. The two generations are typical of those who will be rejected of the Lord, and those who will be accepted of him. Therefore, in the nation of Israel, struggling through the wilderness towards the Promised Land, we have a type of "the Ecclesia in the wilderness" (Acts 7:38), enduring privations, trials and temptations such as it is our lot to experience in our wilderness journeyings. So Paul adds a word of warning: "If God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but towards thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off' (Rom. 11:21-22). This, indeed, is the theme of the wonderful book before us.

ITS SIGNIFICANT TITLEOur sub-title: Behold the Goodness and Seventy of God is locked

up in the title of the book.For Numbers is not its true title. This name comes to us from the

Septuagint (the Greek translation of the O.T.) through the Vulgate (Jerome's Latin translation of the O.T.). The Septuagint translators gave the book the name Arithmoi (from whence comes Arithmetic), and in Latin this appears as Numeri, which, in English, becomes Numbers.

The title Numbers was given to the book because it contains two numberings of the children of Israel: one at Sinai, and the other before entering the land. During the wilderness wanderings, the old generation perished, and its place was taken by a new generation. A census was taken of both generations, and, remarkably, when the two numbers are compared there is little difference (cp. Num. 2:46 with 26:51). This teaches that if individuals, to whom the call comes fail their place will be taken by others. Hence Christ warned: "Let no man take thy crown" (Rev. 3:11).

In contrast to the Greek title, fhe Hebrew title of the book is Be-Midbar which, in the first verse is rendered In the wilderness. This takes us to the words of Stephen who speaking of Moses declared: "This is he, that was in the Ecclesia in the wilderness. .." (Acts 7:38). The nation comprised the Ecclesia, called out by invitation, from Egypt and given the hope of an inheritance in the Promised Land.

Today the Gentile Ecclesia likewise finds itself in the wilderness, where the Roman Apostasy is found. John was figuratively taken "into

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THE CHRISTADELPHIAN EXPOSITORthe wilderness" to view the judgment poured out upon the "great whore" that had perverted the truth (Rev. 17:3). Figuratively he was taken into the populated areas of the world such as Europe, where Roman Catholicism has flourished, and where, down through the ages, the Ecclesia also has found itself. Though moving among people who are highly educated and sophisticated, the true Ecclesia has found those areas a howling wilderness as far as the Truth is concerned, and as barren and as bitter as was the wilderness through which the Israelites wandered. And there it has to submit to the laws and instruction of Yahweh.

The key thought of Numbers, therefore, is the need for discipline. The called are separated from Egypt for service to Yahweh, and educated in a new way of life. They were taught to implement in action through their wilderness wanderings the holy principles of self-sacrifice, as exemplified in the teaching of Leviticus. The old generation failed, and Paul draws a lesson from Numbers which he sums up by stating: "But with whom was He grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware He that they should not enter into His rest, but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter into because of unbelief (Heb. 3:17-19).

Unbelief is lack of faith. Hence the book of Numbers teaches that the redeemed are separated to serve in faith, and that they must be on their guard against unbelief.

As we follow those journeys we will find that the trials that faced the Israelites type those that face us today. The times and settings are different, but the principles remain the same. The book is separated into three sections: (1) Leaving Sinai — Ch. 1-10; (2) Wandering in the Desert — Ch. 11-20; (3) Journeying to the Land - Ch. 21-36.

SUMMARYThough Moses dominates in the Book of Numbers, above him

there is the invisible Presence of Yahweh. He is more prominent than any man therein. The basic story of the book reveals how He works among His people. He is revealed as a Pillar of Fire by night, a Pillar of Cloud by day, a Provider of water and manna, a Shepherd leading His flock; a Captain commanding His army, a hovering Presence protecting the camp. Unfortunately, the people failed to comprehend this completely, and so failure marked their efforts, until the new generation arose. God is the same today as He was yesterday, and it remains for His people today, to seek the lessons in the Book of Numbers, and learn of the Presence of Yahweh, leaning on Him for help, hearkening to His voice in His Word, and seeking His guidance today, as He called upon His people to seek Him then.

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THE THEME OF THE BOOKThe key thought of the book, is the need of discipline on the part

of the called as they wander through the wilderness of life, moving in faith towards the promised hope. A key verse is Numbers 33:1: "These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron."

The New Testament repeatedly alludes to, or cites, the book of Numbers. The incident of the brazen serpent is several times used by the Lord to exemplify his ministry on earth at that time (John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32); the teaching and influence of Balaam is referred to by Jude (11), Peter (2 Pet. 2:15-16), and John (Rev. 2:14), showing that the test he brought to Israel is typical of the trials to which the Ecclesia in every age can be subjected. The rebellion of Korah finds reference in Jude (11). The unbelief of Israel forms a basis for Paul's exhortation to the Hebrews (Heb. 3,4), and so on in numerous places.

Hence our sub-title for Numbers:BEHOLD THE GOODNESS AND SEVERITY OF GOD

The book commences by describing the preparations made in order to leave Sinai. The nation is numbered, and purified by excluding from the camp those who are ceremonially "unclean", though provision is also made for restitution in case of offence. The people are also shown that Yahweh is a jealous God and will not brook disobedience. In illustrative of this, the people are introduced to the Law of Jealousy, and to the Nazarite vow.

The second section takes us into the wilderness, and records outstanding events that happened there. We are shown the small things that led to the failure of the nation, until finally the spies return with their discouraging report, and a doomed generation wander through the wilderness without hope. Finally, the new generation is shown rejoicing as it moves towards the Land of Promise, overcom-ing its enemies by outstanding and remarkable victories, and finally encamping in an organised manner in the plains of Moab, facing the Land of Promise, ready to enter therein under Joshua.

Hence the book has three "movements":

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One: In the camp before Mount Horeb — Ch. 1-10 Part Two: Wanderings in the Wilderness — Ch. 11-19. Part Three: Preparations for entering the land — Ch. 20-36

We can set out these three main divisions as follows:

NUMBERS: IN THE WILDERNESS(1) Preparation in the Wilderness — Ch, 1-10(2) Provocation in the Wilderness — Ch. 11-19(3) Vindication in the Wilderness — Ch. 20-36

The above provides an outline for studying the book. We are now ready to read it superficially, and then to study it in reater detail. As an aid to that we discuss the chronology of the Gook, and then provide a suggested Analysis.

CHRONOLOGYThe book of Numbers does not supply a true sequential chrono-

logical order. For example, though it commences at "the first day of the second month of the second year" (Num. 1:1), the celebration of the Passover (Num. 9:4) actually took place on the 14th day of the first month; and the instructions for it were given prior to that (Num. 9:1). The appointment of Levites (Num. 3:6-8), the instructions regarding the lighting of the lamps and so forth (Num. 8:1-4) obviously all took place before the celebration of the Passover, and therefore before the period set down at the opening of the book. This suggests that Numbers comprises a careful selection of subjects designed to establish certain principles of spiritual importance, rather than providing a complete history of events throughout the wilder-ness wanderings.

We continue our chronology from ExodusPeriod from Creation to the Exodus................. 2513Tabernacle erected (111/2 months from 15 day

of 1st year to 1st day 2nd year...................... 1First day 2nd month Census taken (Num. 1:1)... 1 mth.20th day 2nd year, Journey commenced

(Num. 10:11-12).............................................. (20 days)From 20th day 2nd mth to death Miriam (1st

mth 40th year — Num. 20:1 =37 yrs. 11 mths— Deut. 2:14)..................................................

To Moses' Address on Plains of Moab (1st day,


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THE CHRISTADELPHIAN EXPOSITOR11th mth — Deut. 1:3) a period of 38 years9 mths from 1st day 2nd mth 2nd year (Num.1:1) to 1st day 11th mth, 40th year (Deut. 1:3)= 38 years 9 months. 38 9 mths.

Period from Creation to end Numbers............. 2552 10 mths

• The time covered by the book is 38 years nine months (Deut. 1:3):Dedication of the Tabernacle with the offering of the princes (7:1-2), andthe descent of the cloud (9:15) on the first day of Abib in year 2.

• The second Passover (9:5) 14th day of Abib in year 2• The census at Sinai (1:1) 1st day of second month in year 2• The supplementary Passover (9:11) 14th day of Zif• The commencement of the march (10:11) 20th day of Zif.• The death of Miriam (day not given — 20:1) 1st month of 40th yr.• The death of Aaron (Ch. 33:38; 20:28) 1st day of Ab (5th mth) of 40th

year.• Address of Moses — 1st day 11th month of 40th year (Deut. 1:3) a total

period of 38 years 9 months (cp. Num. 1:1 with Deut. 1:3).The last of the old generation perished at the brook Zered after thirty-

eight years of aimless wandering. See Deut. 2:13-15.(There were forty years from Exodus to death Moses: 2513 + 40 = 2553).

VICTORY THROUGH PROBATION(Behold the goodness and severity of God)


1. Census of Warriors — Ch. 1:1-54A census to be taken of those from 20 yrs upwards........................vv.1-3The Twelve Princes over the Tribes..............................................vv.4-16Only True Israelites Numbered...................................................vv.17-43General Summary.......................................................................vv.44-46Levites Exempted from War.......................................................vv.47-54

2. Order of Worshippers — Ch. 2:1-34The Eastern Encampment under Judah..........................................vv.1-9The Southern Encampment under Reuben..................................vv.10-16The Tabernacle in the Centre............................................................v.17The Western Encampment under Ephraim.................................vv.18-24The Northern Encampment under Dan.......................................vv.25-31General Summary.......................................................................vv.32-34

3. Service of Workers — Ch. 3:1-4:49Aaron's Family Appointed to the Priesthood..................................vv.1-4The Ministry of the Levites Defined.............................................vv.5-10The Levites Replace the Firstborn..............................................vv.11-13Levites Numbered from One Month Upwards.............................vv.14-16The Three Families of Levites....................................................vv.17-20Number and Service of Gershonites............................................vv.21.-26Number and Service of Kohathites..............................................vv.27-31


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Eleazar to Supervise Service of Levites..............................................v.32Number and Service of Merarites...............................................vv.33-37Moses and Aaronites at East of Camp................................................v38Total Number of Levites...................................................................v.39Firstborn Numbered...................................................................w.40-43Redemption of the Surplus of Firstborn.....................................vv.44-51Period of Kohathites' Service....................................................Ch. 4:1-4Kohathites' Service in transporting Tabernacle..............................w.5-15Eleazar's Service...............................................................................v.16Special Dispensation for Kohathites............................................w.17-20Period of Gershonites' Service....................................................w.21-23Gershonites' service in transporting Tabernacle..........................vv.24-28Period of Merarites' Service........................................................w.29-30Merarites' Service in Transporting Tabernacle.............................w.31-33Number of Kohathites................................................................vv.34-37Number of Gershonites................................................................w38-41Number of Merarites..................................................................w.42-45Total Number of Levites.............................................................vv.46-49

4. The Camp Cleansed From Defilement — Ch. 5:1-31The Unclean Excluded (Purity Essential).......................................w.1-4Laws of Recompense and Offerings (Honesty Essential)...............w.5-10The Trial of Jealousy (Exclusiveness in Worship Essential).........w.11-31

5. Separated to Yahweb — Ch. 6:1-27The Nazarite Vow........................................................................w.1-21The Formula of Priestly Benediction...........................................vv.22-27

6. Co-operating with Yahweb — Ch. 7:1-88The Combined Freewill Offering of the Princes Accepted...............w.1-9Instructions concerning the Altar Offerings of the Princes...........w.10-11Nahshon of Judah Offers the 1st Day.........................................w.12-17Nethaneel of Issachar Offers the 2nd Day..................................;VV.18-23Eliab of Zebulun Offers the 3rd Day..........................................vv.24-29Elizur of Reuben Offers the 4th Day..........................................vv.30-35Shelumiel of Simeon Offers the 5th Day.....................................w.36-41Eliasaph of Gad Offers the 6th day............................................vv.42-47Elishama of Ephraim Offers the 7th Day....................................vv.48-53Gamaliel of Manasseh Offers the 8th Day..................................vv.54-59Abidan of Benjamin Offers the 9th Day.....................................vv.60-65Ahiezer of Dan Offers the 10th Day...........................................vv.66-71Pagiel of Asher Offers the 11th Day...........................................vv.72-77Ahira of Naphtali Offers the 12th Day........................................w.78-83General Summary.......................................................................vv.84-88

7. Yahweh With His People — Ch. 7:89-10:10The Voice in the Most Holy.............................................................v.89The Light in the Holy...............................................................Ch. 8:1-4The Levites Cleansed and Consecrated for Service in the Court ..w.5-22The Duty and Age of Levites in Service Defined........................w.23-26The Second Passover.................................................................Ch. 9:1-5The Supplementary Passover........................................................vv.6-14The Ever-present Cloud (Yahweh's guiding Presence).................w. 15-23Divine Control By the Silver Trumpets..................................Ch. 10:1-10

PROVOCATION IN THE WILDERNESS — Ch. 10:11-19:22 1. Journeying At Yahweh's Command — Ch. 10:11-36

The Departure............................................................................vv. 11-13The Standard of Judah and His Company...................................vv.14-17The Standard of Reuben and His Company................................vv.18-21The Standard of Ephraim and His Company...............................vv.22-24The Standard of Dan and His Company......................................vv.25-28Hobab Invited to Join Israel.......................................................vv.29-32


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The Overshadowing Presence of Yahweh...................................vv.33-362. Murmuring and Discontent — Ch. 11:1-12:16

Complaints at Taberah....................................................................w.1-3Murmuring by the Mixed Multitude...............................................w.4-9Moses Discouraged.....................................................................w. 10-15Seventy Elders Appointed to Assist Moses.................................w.16-17The People are Promised Flesh...................................................w.18-23The Spint given to the Elders.....................................................w.24-30Quails from Heaven....................................................................vv.31-32The Graves of the Greedy..........................................................vv.33-35Dissension Among the Leaders.................................................Ch. 12:1-3Moses Vindicated............................................................................w.4-9Miriam's Leprosy........................................................................w. 10-16

3. Lack of Faith and Rejection — Ch. 13:14-45Spies Selected.........................<...................................................w.1-16Moses Instructs Them.................................................................vv.17-20The Expedition...........................................................................vv.21-25The Report.................................................................................vv.26-33Dismay and Faithlessness of the People...................................Ch. 14:1-5The Exhortation of Caleb & Joshua Rejected...............................w.6-10Yahweh Provoked to Anger........................................................vv.11-12Intercession of Moses..................................................................vv.13-19The Nation Forgiven but Criminals Condemned w .20-25Sentenced to Hopeless Wandering: Spies Destroyed w .26-38Further Rebellion; Further Punishment......................................vv.39-45

4. Instructions for the Next Generation — Ch. 15:1-41Individual Offerings to be Resumed (vv. 1-29)

a. The Law of Offerings...........................................................vv.1-16b. The Law of Firstfruits.........................................................w.17-21c. Ignorance to be Atoned......................................................vv.22-29

The Presumptuous Sinner to be Destroyed.................................vv.30-31The Sabbath-breaker to be Stoned (Example of Presumptuous sin) vv.32-36Distinguishing Fringes to be Worn (Reminder of the Law).........vv.37-41

5. Revolt Against Yahweh's Appointments — Ch. 16-19Rebellion of Korah and His Confederates & Its Suppression........16:1-50Endorsement of Aaron's Appointment by the Budding Rod .Ch. 17:1-13Privileges of the Priests Reaffirmed........................................Ch. 18:1-32Provision of the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer against the taint of

death..................................................................................Ch. 19:1-22

VINDICATION IN THE WILDERNESS — Ch. 20:1-36:131. The Fortieth Year: From Kadesh to Hor — Ch. 20:1-21:3

Death of Miriam.................................................................................v.lMoses Provoked at the Waters of Strife........................................w.2-13Edom's Insolence: Passage Refused............................................vv.14-21At Hor: Death of Aaron............................................................w.22-29

2. To Moab via Ezion-Geber — Ch. 21:1-22:1Defeat at Arad: Vengeance Promised......................................Ch. 21:1-3The Fiery Serpents and Brazen Serpent..........:...............................w.4-9On to the Border of Moab..........................................................w.10-13The Song of Triumph at Arnon..................................................vv.14-15The Joyful Song of the Well.......................................................vv.16-20Decisive Defeat of Sihon of the Amorites...................................vv.21-32Defeat of Og, King of Bashan....................................................vv.33-35Encampment on the Plains of Moab...........................................Ch. 22:1

3. Balaam's Curse Turned Into A Blessing — Ch. 22:2-25:18Moab and Midian Join in Alliance Against Israel...........................vv.2-4


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The Help of Balaam the Soothsayer Sought...................................w.5-7Yahweh Refuses Balaam Permission to Accept.............................w.8-14Further Rewards Offered: Balaam accepts..................................vv.15-21The Angel and the Ass...............................................................vv.22-35A State Welcome Granted Balaam..............................................vv.36-38Offerings to Baal at Kirjath-Huzoth..........................................vv. 39-41Balaam Views the Camp of Israel...........................................Ch. 23:1-6First Parable: Israel Immune from the Curse of Man....................vv.7-10Balak's Anger and Disappointment............................................vv.11-13Second Parable at Zophim: Yahweh's Purpose With Israel Is

Immutable...............................................................................vv.14-24Balak's Increasing Irritability......................................................vv.25-28Balaam at the Sanctuary of Peor.................................................w.29-30Third Parable: Israel's Future Glory, Triumph and Strength...Ch. 24:1-9Balak's Anger.............................................................................w. 10-14Fourth Parable: Prophecy Of The Latter Days...........................vv.15-24Balaam Makes Ready to Leave.........................................................v.25Balaam's Insidious Counsel to Balak Israel Seduced................Ch. 25:1-6Phinehas Vindicates Yahweh's Honour..........................................w.7-9Phinehas Granted an Eternal Covenant of Peace........................vv. 10-15Israel Ordered to War Against the Midianites...........................w. 16-18

4. Preparations to Enter The Land — Ch. 26:1-36:13A Second Census.........................................................................w.1-51Land Inheritances to be granted by lot........................................w.52-56Second census of Levites............................................................w.57-62Summary: An Entirely New Generation.....................................w.63-65Law of Inheritances Clarified.................................................Ch. 27:1-11Moses told of his impending Death............................................w.12-14Joshua Appointed as Moses' Successor........................................w.15-23Re-instruction Concerning Offerings — Ch. 28,29

a. Daily Offerings......................................................................w.1-8b. Sabbath Offerings.................................................................w.9-10c. Monthly Offerings..............................................................vv.11-15d. Passover Offerings..............................................................w.16-25e. Harvest Offerings...............................................................vv.26-31f. New Year Offerings........................................................Ch. 29:1-6g. Atonement Offerings............................................................w.7-11E. Tabernacle Offerings..........................................................vv.12-40

Laws of Vows — Ch. 30a. A Man's Vow must stand.......................................................w.1-2b. A Father can Annul a Daughter's Vow..................................w.3-5c. A Husband can Annul a Wife's Vow.....................................w.6-8d. All other Vows shall Stand...................................................w.9-16

Yahweh's Vengeance On Midian — Ch. 31a. The Army Selected................................................................vv.1-6b. The Battle: Victory won but Instructions Ignored.................w.7-12c. Moses' Anger: Judicial Punishment....................................vv.13-18d. Ceremonial Purification of the Army returned from slaying w. 19-20e. Ceremonial Purification of things Taken in Battle...............w.21-24f. Distributing the Prey..........................................................vv.25-47g. The Army's Offering to Yahweh.........................................vv.48-54

Conquered Territory Occupied by 2Vi Tribes — Ch. 32a. Request of Reuben & Gad to Settle East of Jordan................vv. 1-5b. Expostulation of Moses........................................................vv.6-15c. Assurances of the Tribes....................................................vv.16-19d. Moses' Stipulation...............................................................vv.20-24e. Conditions Accepted...........................................................vv.25-27f. The Nation Notified...........................................................vv.28-33


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g. Gad's Portion.....................................................................vv.34-36h. Reuben's Portion................................................................vv.37-38i. Manasseh's Portion............................................................vv.39-42

Review Of the Journeyings — Ch. 33a. 1st Stage: From Egypt to Sinai.............................................vv.1-15b. 2nd Stage: From Sinai to Kadesh........................................vv.16-17c. 3rd Stage: 38 yrs Wandering — Kadesh to Kadesh.............vv.18-36d. 4th Stage: From Kadesh to Moab........................................vv.37-49

Final Instruction and Exhortation on the Plain of Moab..............w.50-56The Borders of the Land — Ch. 34

a. South Border.........................................................................vv.1-5b. West Border...............................................................................v.6c. North Border.........................................................................w.7-9d. East Border........................................................,...............vv.10-13e. Transjordan Area............;.»...............................................vv.14-15f. Leaders to Divide the Land by Lot.....................................w.16-29

Appointment of Levitical Cities & Cities of Refuge — Ch. 35a. Cities for Levites...................................................................w. 1-3b. Description of the Type of City Required...............................w.4-5c. Six Cities of Refuge Appointed..............................................vv.6-8d. Purpose of the Cities of Refuge............................................w.9-15e. Murder Defined..................................................................vv. 16-21f. Manslaughter Defined.......%..............................................vv.22-25g. Warning Against Refugees Leaving the City.......................vv.26-29n. More Than One Witness Required for a murder conviction.......v.30i. No Atonement for a Murderer...........................................vv.31-34

Legislation Regarding Inheritances & Marriage of Heiresses — Ch. 36a. Objections to the Existing Law...............................................w.1-4b. Limitation of Partners to a Marriage......................................w.5-9c. Conditions Accepted..........................................................w.10-13

With this Analysis before us, we can see that the Book of Numbers can be briefly epitomised in three sections:

1.. The old generation (1-14} *.. The transition era (15-20) 3. The new generation (21-36)

In similar manner, the journeyings can be divided into threeparts:

1. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea (1-14)2. The wilderness wandering (15-20)3. Kadesh to Moab (21-36)

Again, in the Book of Numbers there are:Two generations (1-14; 21-36) Two numberings (1-4; 26-27) Two journeyings (10-14; 21-27) Two instructings (5-9; 28-36)


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Page 18: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the


WecBook^of lumbers

The book records the history of Israel's wilderness-life from Sinai onwards. At Sinai they were incorporated as the people of God under the legal covenant, and were given the task of crossing the wilderness to the Promised Land. Instead of a rapid march to the Land of the Covenant, sad and terrible failure delayed them in their progress due to their lack of faith. But though the generation that left Egypt perished in the wilderness, the nation did not. A new generation arose that was led on to the borders of the land, conquerors over all opposition, until they reached the Plains of Moab, ready to enter into their inheritance. And here the story ends, to be taken up in The Book of Joshua. Deuteronomy is simply a review, and not a history.

The lesson is simple and obvious. Those called out of the Gentiles, as was Israel from Egypt, can be categorised under the heading of failure or success; the old generation or the new. The Book of Numbers reveals that though individuals may fail, God's purpose will not. Those who trust in Yahweh, and seek to do His will, shall succeed in spite of temporary failure. In Christ they have a priest, a mediator, whose resurrection is the sign of competence, and in whom they can conquer, and go on from strength to strength awaiting the consummation at his coming.


Page 19: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the

OutlineIn the first section, we find the ordering of the camp.

The people, having been incorporated as the nation of God under the Mosaic Covenant, must now be placed to the test. They are to face the perils of the way, and the first requisite for success is to be in subjection to their Leader, Captain and King: Yahweh. Hence the first task is to organise those qualified as an army under His direction, so as to conquer any opposition that may be received on the way to the Promised land.

First there is ordered that a census of warriors be taken (Ch. 1). This requires an examination of pedigrees, for only true Israelites are to be allowed to fight the nation's battles. Complete identification with Israel is thus a first principle.

Then follows the order of worshippers (Ch. 2); for Israelites are not only to be warriors, but also worshippers. A true fighter for Yahweh is also a true worshipper; one appointment goes hand in hand with the other. Thirdly, there is the service of workers (Ch. 3,4). It is not enough that a man may desire to work for God, he must do it methodically and correctly as Yahweh directs. Hence the workers are given their proper function.

But even when all is organised with the Tabernacle set up in the centre, the camp is not yet ready to move; the preparations are not yet complete. As the Ecclesia in the wilderness, Israel must be above reproach, and hence, there is first removed any polluting influences, so that the camp itself is pure (Ch. 5).

And now, having organised the army, the encamp-ment, the workers, and purified the camp, opportunity is given any who so desire to reach unto a higher form of worship by the provision of the Nazarite vow (Ch. 6). Then as a national response to the goodness of Yahweh, the tribes, through their princes, present a freewill offering unto Yahweh which He graciously condescends to accept.


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THE CHRISTADELPHIAN EXPOSITORThus individual initiative is encouraged when it does not violate any specific prohibition (Ch. 7).

And now all is ready. The Levites are organised for their service (Ch. 8) the Passover is celebrated; and the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day, witnesses that Yahweh is with His people (Ch. 9). Finally, there is heard the sounding of the silver trumpets, as the people gathered unto Him for worship and fellowship (Ch. 10), and to receive their instructions to leave for the Promised Land.


Page 21: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the


Page 22: €¦  · Web viewTherefore, as a whole, they present a parable of salvation, which can be viewed from the standpoint of God or of man. Considered from the former, they reveal the