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Page 1:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement




American economic Aid to Europe $15 000 dollars made available for post war Europe (any 1 x 1) (1)

1.1.2 [Definition of a historical concept from Source 1A – L1] The aim of the Truman Doctrine was to create economic stability which was

hoped would prevent the spread of communism The aim of the Truman Doctrine was also to help the American economy by

enabling Europeans to buy American goods Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

1.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1] The aims were the reconstruction of the post war European nations To create economic stability in Europe To prevent the spread of communism in Europe To help the American economy by enabling Europeans to buy American

goods (any 2 x 1) (2)

1.1.4 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1] Many Americans were deeply concerned by the plight of post-war Europe Many Americans were conscious of their own lucky escape from the

devastations others suffered (2 x 1) (2)

1.1.5 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1] Marshall Aid was opened to all European countries Marshall Aid was opened to the Soviet Union (2 x 1) (2) [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1]

Molotov understood that the Soviet Union needed help Molotov understood that everyone’s aim was reconstruction (any 1 x 1) (1)

1.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1B – L2]

Page 2:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

Stalin viewed the Marshall Plan as the opposite of the Lend-and-Lease policy which the United States made available to countries during the Second World War

The Marshall Plan was to take economic/political control of Europe The Marshall Plan had strings attached (opening of borders to allow free

trade/establishing of US monopolies in Europe Stalin was not prepared to compromise his ideology (communism) by accepting

the Marshall Plan Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

1.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1] (a) Nine (1 x 1) (1) (b) Sixteen (1 x 1) (1)

1.2.4 [Determine the usefulness of Source 1B – L3] The source is useful because a Russian diplomat is giving insight to the

reasons why socialist orientated countries did not accept the Marshall Plan The source is useful because the Russian diplomat gave insight to how Soviet

leaders felt about the Marshall Plan The source is useful because it show how the Marshall Plan caused division

between West and East The source is useful because it show how the Marshall Plan intensified the

Cold War between West and East Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4) [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1C – L2]

The message of the cartoon question whether Stalin will be able to stop the European countries from accepting the Marshall Plan

The message of the cartoon question whether Stalin will be able to stop the spread of capitalism (Marshall Plan) in Europe

The message of the cartoon question if Stalin will accept the Marshall Plan (catching the ball)

The message of the cartoon portray Stalin as clumsy, over-weight, cannot catch the ball – he does not have the resources to stop the Marshall Plan

Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

1.3.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1C – L2] This is the emblem (hammer and sickle) of the communist party who opposed

all forms of capitalism Stalin as a communist could not allow capitalism (Marshall Plan) to infiltrate his

sphere of influence Stalin as a communist could not compromise his ideology (communism) by

accepting the Marshall Plan Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4) [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1]

Page 3:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

Molotov walked out of the meeting (1 x 1) (1)

1.4.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1] Molotov objected because economic assistance was granted to Germany who

devastated Russia during the Second World War Molotov objected because he wanted the Soviet Union to have control and

freedom of Marshall Aid funds that Germany might receive – this was denied Molotov wanted to know the precise amount of money that each nation would

receive – this he was denied (any 2 x 1) (2)

1.4.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2] Agree- The Marshall Plan helped the American economy by enabling

Europeans to buy American goods (economic imperialism) America insisted that European countries must open their borders to encourage

free trade (American interference in the domestic affairs of Europe) American monopolies were allowed to be established exercising control over

the economy of European countries America’s Marshall Plan promoted capitalism which meant that America would

have been intolerant to opposing ideologies (communism) Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

1.4.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2] The United States indicated that the Soviet Union’s refusal to participate in the

Marshall Plan was a ploy to isolate Eastern Europe from the West The United States indicated that the Soviet Union’s refusal to participate in the

Marshal Plan was a ploy to enforced its doctrine (communism) on Eastern Europe

The United States indicated that the Soviet Union’s refusal to participate in the Marshal Plan was a ploy to enforced its totalitarian doctrine (one party states) on Eastern Europe

Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

1.5 [Comparison of evidence in Source 1D and 1B – L3] In both sources the Soviet Union rejects the Marshall Plan In both sources the Soviet Union forbade their satellite states from participation

in the Marshall Plan In both sources there is evidence of the intensification of the Cold War between

West and East Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

1.6 [Interpretation, synthesis and evaluation of evidence - L3] In 1947 the Marshall Plan was made available to both Europe and the Soviet

Union (Source 1A) The Marshall Plan (Truman Doctrine) was to prevent the spread of

communism (Source 1A)

Page 4:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

Molotov was positive towards the Marshall Plan as he realise that the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe needs rebuilding (Source 1B)

Stalin was against the Marshall Plan as he viewed it as an attempt by the United States to take economic and political control over these countries who accepted the aid (Source 1B)

Stalin forbid all Eastern European countries from accepting Marshall Plan (Source 1B)

Molotov became unhappy with the conditions of the Marshall Plan and walked out of the Paris Conference (Source 1C)

The United States argued that the non-participation of Soviet Union and Eastern European countries was because of Stalin’s plans to isolate East from the West (Source 1C)

Stalin was also mindful that he might lose control over Eastern European countries if they accepted Marshall aid (own knowledge)

The Marshall Plan intensified the Cold War between East and West (own knowledge)

Any other relevant response

Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:


Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of how the United States and the Soviet Union responded to the European economic crisis after 1947.

Uses evidence partially to report on topic or cannot write a paragraph


0 – 2


Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent to the topic e.g. shows an understanding of how the United States and the Soviet Union responded to the European economic crisis after 1947.

Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph


3 – 5


Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of how the United States and the Soviet Union responded to the European economic crisis after 1947.

Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic


6 – 8



Page 5:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement


Magnus Malan (1 x 1) (1)

2.1.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2] Nelson Mandela disagreed because according to him the Battle of Cuito

Cunavale was a turning point for the liberation of the continent The Battle would lead to the independence of Namibia The Battle would lead to negotiations between the South African government

and the African National Congress The Battle would lead to the fall of apartheid Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

2.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1] The South African Defence Force controlled the lower reaches of south-

western Angola The South African Defence Force had corned the elite Angolan units The South African Defence Force was poised to destroy the elite Angolan units The South African military sources and Western diplomats were confident that

the fall of Cuito Cuanavale was imminent (any 2 x 1) (2)

2.1.4 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1] Fidel Castro decided to send more troops and weapons to Angola Fidel Castro decided to send his best planes with his best pilots to Angola Fidel Castro decided to send his most sophisticated aircraft, weapons and

tanks (any 2 x 1) (2)

2.1.5 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2] South African military adventures into foreign countries must stop South Africa’s military aggression that went without punishment must stop South Africa’s military aggression – massacres of refugees must stop Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

2.1.6 [Determine usefulness from Source 2A - L3] The source is useful because it show the different viewpoints of the outcome of

the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale The source is useful because it shows the South African Defence Force was on

the verge to win the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale The source is useful because it show how the intervention of Fidel Castro

prevented the fall of Cuito Cuanavale Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)


Page 6:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

2.2.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2B – L2] The battle destroyed the myth of South Africa’s military invincibility The battle convinced the South African government that it could not dominate

the region by military means The battle left the South African government with no option but to withdraw

from Angola The battle left the South African government with no option but to withdraw

from Namibia Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

2.2.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1] Namibia would become independent (1 x 2) (2)

2.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1](a)

50 000 Cuban troops had to withdraw from Angola (1 x 1) (1)

(b) South Africa had to implement United Nations Resolution 435 leading to

Namibia’s independence South Africa had to withdraw all its forces from Angola (2 x 1) (2)

© The African National Congress had to withdraw its 10 000 troops from Angola

(1 x1) (1) [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2C – L2]

Sam Nujoma and FW De Klerk are shaking hands on the independence of Namibia

The two leaders seem friendly and excited about the independence of Namibia The photograph show that the celebrations of Namibia’s independence was

formal (the manner in which the two leaders and guests were dressed) Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

2.4[Comparison of evidence in Source 2B and 2C – L3] Source 2B – United States insistence on ‘linkage’ which paved the way for

Namibia’s independenceSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988

Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement United Nations Resolution 435 leading to Namibia’s independenceSource 2C – Evidence that South Africa granted Namibia independence on 21 March 1988

Any other relevant answer (2 x 2) (4) [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2]

Page 7:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

That the cost of casualties was becoming politically unsustainable for the South African government

That the South African government should withdraw from Angola Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

2.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2] The African National Congress congratulated (triumph) the Cubans for

defeating the apartheid army at the Battle at Cuito Cuanavale The defeat of the apartheid army had strengthen the hand of the African

National Congress to negotiate a ceasefire in South Africa The Cuban army had sacrificed their lives out of solidarity for the liberation

struggle Any other relevant response (3 x 1) (3)

2.5.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2D – L1] The names of Cubans killed in Angola have been added to the Wall of Names

at Freedom Park In 2008 parliament sponsored a project to celebrate the 20th anniversary of

Cuito Cuanavale (2 x 1) (2)

1.6 [Interpretation, synthesis and evaluation of evidence - L3] In 1987 the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale began between Cuban, MPLA, UNITA

and South African troops (Source 2A) South Africa lost their air superiority and could no longer dominate the region

by military means (Source 2A) The agreement in New York paved the way for Namibia’s independence

(Source 2A) Cuban troops had to be withdrawn from Angola (Source 2A) South Africa had to implement United Nations Resolution 435 (Source 2A) Nelson Mandela conveyed that the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was a turning

point for the liberation of the continent (Source 2B) Cuba’s delegation demanded that South Africa SADF stopped with its cross

border raids (Source 1C) The Cuban delegation demanded that South Africa must act as a defeated

aggressor (Source 2B) In 1988 Namibia was granted independence by South Africa (Source 2C) The South African government acknowledged the role of the Cuban soldiers

at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (Source 2D) Battle of Cuito Cuanavale paved the way for negotiations between the

African National Congress and the South African government (Source 2D) Any other relevant response

Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:

Page 8:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement


Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of what the political significance was of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale for Southern Africa

Uses evidence partially to report on topic or cannot write a paragraph


0 – 2


Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent to the topic e.g. shows an understanding of what the political significance was of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale for Southern Africa

Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph


3 – 5


Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of what the political significance was of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale for Southern Africa

Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic


6 – 8



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It is the process of ending the separation of two groups usually referring to races

Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

3.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1] Central High School (1 x 1) (1)

3.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1] To prevent African American students from entering Central High School To protect citizens and property from possible violence by protesters

(2 x 1) (2)

3.1.4 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1] Eisenhower thought Faubus had agreed to enrol the African American students

(1 x 1) (1) [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1]

Central High school only enrolled white students Dunbar High school only enrolled African American students (2 x 1) (2)

3.2.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1] She expected that there may be something more available to her at Central

High that was not available at Dunbar She thought that there might be more courses she could pursue She thought that there were more options available at Central High

(any 2 x 1) (2)

3.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1] The guards closed ranks so that Eckford could not pass to attend classes. The guards crossed rifles The guards directed her across the street (any 2 x 1) (2)

3.2.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3B – L2] White Americans did not want to allow African Americans to enrol at Central

High School because they did not want to share their facilities White Americans thought they were superior to African Americans White Americans were racist towards African Americans White Americans acted discriminatory towards African Americans Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.3 [Comparison of evidence in Source 3A and 3B – L3]

Page 10:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

In Source 3A Govenor Faubus deployed the National Guard to surround Central High School while in Source 3B the National Guard prevented Eckford from entering the school

In Source 3A Governor Faubus deployed the National Guard to protect the school while in Source 3B the National Guard threatened Eckford with rifles preventing her from entering the school

In Source 3A President Eisenhower instructed Faubus that the National Guard should stay at Central High while in Source 3B the National Guard directs Elizabeth away from the school

Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4) [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3C – L2]

It was necessary because white mobs prevented African Americans from attending school at Central High, Little Rock It was necessary because white mobs tried to prevent the desegregation of Central High school It was necessary because the white mob did not want the Federal Court ruling be implemented which stated that all schools be desegregated It was necessary because the white mob destroyed property and physically abused African Americans Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.4.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3C – L2] President Eisenhower had to protect the civil rights of African Americans He had to protect the integrity of the constitution of the United States He had to protect property and prevent African Americans from physical abuse He had to protect the ruling of the Federal Court of the United States that stated that all schools in the country should be integrated Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.4.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3C – L1] The United States was portrayed as a violator of humans rights as proclaim in the Charter of the United Nations. The United States was portrayed as a violator of dignity and worth of the human person as proclaim in the Charter of the United Nations. The United States was portrayed as a violator of humans rights as proclaim in the Charter of the United Nations because all Americans should be treated equal irrespective of race, sex, language or religion (2 x 1) (2)

3.4.4 [Determine reliability from Source 3C - L3] The Source is reliable because it is a radio broadcast by the President of the United States on the crisis at Central High, Little Rock, The Source is reliable because it show the date, 24 September 1957 of when the President addressed the nation The source is reliable because the evidence show how the President dealt with racism at Central High School The source is reliable because it show that the President deployed troops to ensure the integration of schools in Little Rock

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Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.5 3.5.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3D – L2]

Governor Faubus show how integration was achieved at Central High School (Guns forced integration) Governor Faubus went public to show how (news-paper article ) integration was achieved at Central High School Governor Faubus does not seem happy in the manner of how integration was achieved at Central High School Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3D – L2] The story was published because the incident at Little Rock High School was of national importance The story was published because the incident at Little Rock High School was of international importance The story was published because the incident at Little Rock High School was news worthy – people wanted to read about the crisis The story was published because the incident at Little Rock High School dealt with human rights issues Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

3.6 [Interpretation, synthesis and evaluation of evidence - L3] In 1957 the city of Little Rock decided to desegregate all public schools (Source 3A) Governor Faubus deployed state troops to prevent black students from entering Central High School (Source 3A) When Elizabeth Eckford arrived at Central High School the state troops prevented her from entering the school (Source 3B) The state troops also escorted her from the school (Source 3B) The white mob intimidated Elizabeth Eckford and smashed school property (Source 3B) President Eisenhower decided to address the nation on the crisis at Central High School (Source 3C) He decided to deploy federal troops to ensure that African Americans attend Little Rock High School (Source 3C) Federal troops was used to escort African Americans to classes at Little Rock High School (own knowledge) Any other relevant response

Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:

Page 12:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement


Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of how the intervention by President Eisenhower in Little Rock, Arkansas restored the civil rights of African Americans in 1957.

Uses evidence partially to report on topic or cannot write a paragraph


0 – 2


Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent to the topic e.g. shows an understanding of how the intervention by President Eisenhower in Little Rock, Arkansas restored the civil rights of African Americans in 1957.

Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph


3 – 5


Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of how the intervention by President Eisenhower in Little Rock, Arkansas restored the civil rights of African Americans in 1957

Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic


6 – 8




Page 13:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement


[Plan and construct an argument based on evidence using analytical and interpretative skills]

SYNOPSISCandidates should indicate whether they agree or disagree with the statement. They need to discuss how the military tactics of the United States were ineffective to fight a guerrilla war and therefor the reason why they lost. However this short coming of the United States was not the only reason why they had to withdraw from Vietnam in 1973. In taking a specific line of argument, they need to support their response with reasons.

MAIN ASPECTSCandidates should include the following aspects in their response:

Introduction: Candidates should take a line of argument by indicating whether the military tactics of the USA was the only reason for their defeat in Vietnam.

ELABORATION The reasons for the US involvement in Vietnam: stop the spread of communism The Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the military involvement of the US in

Vietnam The US was ill-equipped and not trained to fight a guerrilla war in Vietnam. They lost out to the more experienced Viet Cong who knew the jungles and had

support of the local people The US embark on a ‘search and destroy’ tactics, destroying whole villages of

people The US started the mass aerial bombing ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’ which was

ineffective ‘Operation Ranch Hand’ in which chemical weapons (Agent Orange) were used

to deforest the jungle and Napalm to intimidate and destroy the Vietnamese people

These tactics lost the USA a great deal of support among Vietnamese people (North and South) but also fuelled the anti-war feeling back in the US

The US search and destroy missions led to the Mai Lai Massacre which resulted in the deaths of civilians

The role of the media, students at Kent University were shot by police, this turned war sentiment against US involvement in Vietnam

The Tet Offensive by the Vietcong made US realise that they cannot win this war Nixon’s Vietnamisation policy failed and he made a commitment that US will

withdraw from Vietnam Anti – war protest were gaining momentum across the USA (Washing DC protest) US withdrawal started in 1973 and Saigon fell to the Vietcong in 1975 Any other relevant response Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion


QUESTION 5: INDEPENDENT AFRICA – COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY: THE CONGO AND TANZANIA[Plan and construct an argument based on evidence using analytical and interpretative skills]

Page 14:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

SYNOPSISCandidates should undertake a comparative discussion on the political and economic challenges facing the Congo and Tanzania

MAIN ASPECTSCandidates should include the following aspects in their response:

Introduction: Candidates should focus on the nature of the post-colonial leaders in both the Congo and Tanzania from the 1960’s to the 1980’s.


Congo and Tanzania inherited single product industries from the colonist At independence both countries lacked manufacturing industries Both countries had few qualified technicians and engineers Neither country had oil reserves so both countries suffered economic crisis when

oil prices rose Mobutu and Nyerere privatised sectors of the economy due to economic crises Both countries took loans from the IMF and World Bank Congo received financial aid from capitalist countries (West) Tanzania took loans from International Financial Institutions and was subjected

to Structural Adjustment Plans This further brought economic hardship to ordinary Tanzanians Neither country succeeded in developing a significant manufacturing industry Both countries remained reliant on the export of agricultural products and


Differences-Economy The Congo embraced a capitalist economic system: Tanzania adopted a socialist

economic model The Congo relied on foreign aid and expertise: Tanzania attempted to be self-

sufficient and rejected neo-colonialism The Congo aimed to industrialise and develop the manufacturing sectors:

Tanzania built an agricultural base, villigisation policy of Ujamaa The Congo’s economy was characterised by elitism: Tanzania reduced corruption

of government officials through the leadership code The Congo economy produce differences in wealth between the rich and poor:

Tanzania attempted to minimise inequality

Political Julius Nyerere (President 1961-1985) One of the few African leaders to voluntarily retire, known for his personal

integrity. He was opposed to elitism and extravagance, a socialist, a dictator (banned all

opposition parties); He used the 1962 Preventative Detention Act to imprison those who opposed

him; Committed to economic as well as political independence (although Tanzania

came to depend heavily on foreign aid due to the failure of his policies)

Page 15:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

Nyerere emphasised the importance of unifying the nation and developing a Tanzanian identity – he made Kiswahili the official language,

He was an African socialist (all land and industry was nationalized), One party state (although membership of TANU was voluntary and open to

people of all languages, ethnicity and region). Attempted to remain non-aligned in Cold War;

Congo: Mobutu Sese Seko became dictator of Congo in 1965 to 1997 Relatively stable after Mobutu came to power in a military coup d’etat, but mainly

because all opposition was banned, silenced and executions of political opponents

Military dictatorship, kleptocracy, capitalist (private ownership of wealth created great divisions between rich and poor);

One party state; Mobutu had all power within the party and membership was compulsory for all citizens;

Conclusion: Candidates should sum up their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]


[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills]


Page 16:  · Web viewSource 2C – Evidence of Namibia’s independence from South Africa on 21 March, 1988 Source 2B – The peace treaty signed in New York required South Africa to implement

Candidates should indicate whether they agree with the statement and support the line of argument with relevant evidence. They should highlight the roles of the different Black Power Movement with regard to speed up change. They should focus on the tactics of the Black Power Movement that forced the government to improve the living conditions of African Americans.

MAIN ASPECTSCandidates should include the following aspects in their response:

Introduction: Candidates should indicate whether they agree with the statement or not and support the line of argument with relevant evidence.

ELABORATION The emergence of the Black Power Movements because of their disillusion with

the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement ended segregation in the south, inequality existed in

the north 50% of blacks lived in ghettos, poor housing, schools and high unemployment Black Power Movement rejected the non-violent methods of the Civil Rights

Movement Malcolm X’s Call of Islam said violence was necessary to confront racism Riots erupted in US cities e.g. Watts, Los Angeles in 1965, 34 people were

killed In 1967 riots broke out in Newark and Detroit, shops were looted and burned The presidential investigation concluded that white racism was the cause Malcolm X promoted black pride, encouraged blacks to be proud of their

heritage Stokely Carmichael’s Black Panthers was in favour of African clothing and

African hairstyles as a symbol of Black Pride (Black is Beautiful) Bobby Searle and Huey Newton were involved in initiating and supporting

community based programmes They also embarked on feeding schemes as well as anti-poverty centres Their focus was on socio-economic conditions of African Americans and also operated community survival programmes Ten (10) point plan served as the Black Panther Party manifesto that covered

its social, political and economic goals The Black Panther Party got involved in street patrols; monitored police

activities to stop police brutality and harassment of young urban black men Any other relevant response

Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]