November 2017 Newsletter Grace and peace to you all in Jesus! Dear Family of God at Grace, November brings many wonderful opportunities to be in God's house. First, All Saints Day, which is celebrated on Sunday the 5th. We will read the names of the members of Grace that were called to their eternal rest with Jesus in the year of our Lord 2017! My mom is on that list. This is always a special Sunday for me as I'm sure it is for you. Remembering the faithfully departed over years of service in the church. In Jesus, we may be apart but we are not separated, we are connected in Christ. The Thanksgiving Eve Service is another opportunity for worship. This year we survived Irma! As a congregation, we are truly thankful for the protection and the blessings that God has granted. The Service will be Wednesday the 22nd, at 6:30 PM. Then on Thanksgiving Day we will have dinner in the fellowship hall. Come and enjoy wonderful home cooked Thanksgiving favorites; turkey, stuffing, real mashed potatoes, all the trimmings, and PIE, PIE, PIE! Please sign up and come and enjoy! The end of November brings the beginning of a new Church Year and Advent! What a wonderful time as we focus our attention on Advent in the threefold way. Remembering Advent - past: Babe borne in Bethlehem - our Savior King; Looking forward Advent - future: the return of Jesus, our King on the Last Day; and Advent - present: Jesus with us today in our baptism. This is a wonderful way to

 · Web viewLet's turn our attention to an interesting topic. As we focus on All Saints, the question has come up, "What happens when you die?" Now I didn't say it was a fun topic,

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November 2017 NewsletterGrace and peace to you all in Jesus!

Dear Family of God at Grace,November brings many wonderful opportunities to be in God's house.  First, All Saints Day, which is celebrated on Sunday the 5th.  We will read the names of the members of Grace that were called to their eternal rest with Jesus in the year of our Lord 2017!  My mom is on that list.  This is always a special Sunday for me as I'm sure it is for you.  Remembering the faithfully departed over years of service in the church.  In Jesus, we may be apart but we are not separated, we are connected in Christ.   

The Thanksgiving Eve Service is another opportunity for worship.  This year we survived Irma!  As a congregation, we are truly thankful for the protection and the blessings that God has granted.  The Service will be Wednesday the 22nd, at 6:30 PM.  Then on Thanksgiving Day we will have dinner in the fellowship hall.  Come and enjoy wonderful home cooked Thanksgiving favorites; turkey, stuffing, real mashed potatoes, all the trimmings, and PIE, PIE, PIE! Please sign up and come and enjoy!

The end of November brings the beginning of a new Church Year and Advent!  What a wonderful time as we focus our attention on Advent in the threefold way.  Remembering Advent - past: Babe borne in Bethlehem - our Savior King; Looking forward Advent - future: the return of Jesus, our King on the Last Day; and Advent - present: Jesus with us today in our baptism.  This is a wonderful way to prepare for the Christmas season. Let's turn our attention to an interesting topic.  As we focus on All Saints, the question has come up, "What happens when you die?"  Now I didn't say it was a fun topic, I said interesting.  So, what happens when you die?  This is a difficult question to answer.  The Bible is somewhat vague about this question.  Now you may be thinking, "Pastor! Seriously! How can the Bible be vague about what happens when you die? Don't you go to heaven or to that other place?!"  Well, yes, but it's a little more complicated than that.  Let me try to give you an answer.

First, I'm only going to address believers in Christ Jesus and that means heaven.  I'm not going to address where unbelievers go, not because I'm afraid of the topic but because I have only limited space here.  If you want to talk to me about unbelievers and their eternal location I'm happy to chat with you. 

What happens to believers when they die?  They go to heaven, right?  Well it's even better than just heaven!  The Christian belief is all about the Resurrection!  It's what Easter is all about.  We celebrate Easter because Jesus was raised from the dead in a glorified body.  He didn't just go off to heaven in some spiritual way but He was raised in the body.  This is our hope on the final day of resurrection.  We hope - and this is a sure a certain hope St. Paul tells us - to be raised like Jesus on that last day.  We will receive a body like His body.  Then there will be a new heaven and new earth and we will live with the Lord in our glorified body.  Soul and body united on the last day. 

So, if we die before the Lord Jesus comes back on the day of resurrection, what happens to us between the day of our death and the day of the resurrection?  Here is where the question becomes harder to answer.  Jesus tells the thief on the cross, "Today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).  St. Paul tells the Philippians, "I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better" (Philippians 1:23).  At death, believers are with Jesus, in paradise and this is a wonderful place, better than the life we have here. 

Unfortunately, because the Bible is somewhat vague on the time between death and resurrection there have been those who have speculated.  This is where purgatory came from.  The idea that Jesus paid for your guilt by dying on the cross, but you still must pay through punishment so you can be purged by suffering before you go to heaven; therefore purgatory.  This however limits the death of Jesus.  It is basically a works righteousness, Jesus did his part now you must earn heaven by doing your part.  This is false.  Jesus has done everything for you!  He died to take your guilt and the punishment you deserve.  Now dear friends, we still suffer and do good works, but not to earn heaven, but because we have heaven in Christ. 

The next thought that developed is what is called "soul sleep."  That we rest in the grave until the day of resurrection.  Now we have prayers that talk about the body resting until the day of resurrection, but does the soul sleep too?  That's not what Jesus said to the thief, but "today you will be with me."  That doesn't sound like sleeping!  Like purgatory, we have historically been opposed to this understanding as well.

Finally, we believe that between death and the resurrection, the soul of the faithfully departed is with Jesus.  How?  In what form?  What does that look like?  Those questions we don't answer.  St. John, in his Revelation sees a great multitude that no one can count, crying out with joy before the throne.  Is this a picture after the resurrection or before?  Well, you know how I answer these type questions: YES!  Believers are with Jesus, "and now with angels and arch angels (Not that we become angels either, they were created beings) and all the

company of heaven (This is all who have departed and live between death and the resurrection)." 

There is a beautiful connection between those who have died in the faith and are waiting the resurrection and those who are still live in the body and are waiting the resurrection.  The beautiful connection is Jesus!  The saints who have died are with the Jesus in paradise joining the church triumphant there, while we on this side of paradise are with Jesus singing with the church militant. 

What happens when we die?  Believers are with Christ which is far better than not being with him as we wait the resurrection of all flesh!  What comfort this good news brings!

In His Service,Pastor Lingsch                        


WOG Fall LunchTuesday, November 7th12:00 pm at Bayside Restaurant 

WOG Thanksgiving Bake SaleSunday, November 19th

Thanksgiving Eve ServiceWednesday, November 22nd - 6:30 pm

Thanksgiving DinnerThursday, November 23rd1:00 pm - Fellowship Hall 

WOG Christmas LuncheonSaturday, December 2nd(Details to come)

Christmas Concert Naples Brass - A Christmas CelebrationSaturday, December 2nd4:00 pm - Sanctuary


Women of Grace Fall LuncheonDate:  Tuesday November 7thTime 12:00 NoonWhere:  Bayside Resturant @ The Villages Shops on Venetian Bay4270 Gulf Shore Blvd, Naples FL

Join us for Fellowship, Fun and Door PrizesPlease RSVP to:Carol Borchelt or Ruth Farrell

Women's Bible StudyThursday's 10:00 am - 11:00 amFellowship Hall Handbell ChoirThursday's at 6:00 pm

Wednesday Afternoon/EveningPrograms 3:45 pm Cherubs Choir4:00 pm Kids Club4:15 pm Choristers5:15 pm Dinner6:00 pm Confirmation Class6:30 pm Evening Worship7:00 pm Grace Chorale

Wednesday Night DinnerPlease join us each Wednesday night for dinner at 5:15 pm.  

If you would like to help with a Wednesday night dinner, please see the sign-up on the wall in the Fellowship Hall or call the office.  You don't need to do the whole meal to help. See the signup sheet in the Fellowship Hall for jobs and dishes needed.  

Wanted:  Someone or a couple to deliver an Altar bouquet on a Sunday afternoon to someone who is in the hospital (whenever the need arises). You would be notified after the second church service on any given Sunday.  Call the church office or Ruth Dishop (239-262-7137) to volunteer.   

November EventsFrom DCE Kami Jo Mogelvang

November 3-5th: Middle School District Youth Gathering in Leesburg, FL.

November 7th: Cool Mom's Bible Study, 10am. Contact DCE Kami Jo for more information

November 12th: Education Board meeting following the late service

November 19th: Pack and Distribute Thanksgiving boxes after the late service

November 20th: Distribute Thanksgiving boxes, 8-9am.


Vice President ReportPlease remember the important Voters' Meeting on December 3rd, between the services.  We will approve the new budget for 2018 at Grace.  Your help in this budget is greatly needed and hope it will be approved for 2018.  All efforts will be given to keep the budget as low as possible while maintaining the high standards our congregation expects.  

I am also the chairperson for the nominating committee for positions which are open for this coming year.  Anyone interested in helping Grace in any capacity would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact me with any questions or interest.  (239) 784-0200.  

Thanks,Brian Heidel  

Martin Luther visited us on Reformation Sunday (aka Chris Mogelvang)

Pastor Eisold - November 2017

 I cannot express how wonderful it was to be part of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation on Sunday!!!  What an enlivening and educational service too.  You don't see those words together in the same sentence every day - and this was no ordinary service.  Three hundred Lutherans - the day after Tropical Storm Phillippe (it counts!), and after their regular Sunday morning services - came together in God's grace, the freedom & power of Jesus, and celebrated together as ONE!! The word "unity" amongst Christians may not always come to mind when we hear bizarre teachings from other "Christian" churches.  Disagreements over personal preferences, power, or authority within congregations don't exhibit "oneness" either.   Even amongst Missouri Synod Lutherans we each have had different experiences growing up in the church, favorite songs, and traditions.  Yet in Christ Jesus - and by His daily work to protect us, forgive us, and nourish us - He keeps us united and properly focused in order to accomplish His work.  As Lutherans steeped in the pure Scripture, we know that God's work is to 1.  Believe in Jesus the Christ as our Lord, God & Risen Savior.  And 2.  To serve our neighbor - which is everyone in the world.  I am so thankful for our unity in purpose & mission at GRACE & The Pelican Lutheran Churches!!  Yes, we are all different and unique, and yet Jesus has united us to fill Naples, East Naples, Golden Gate and BEYOND with the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ!   YOU CAN'T GET ANY 'MORE LUTHERAN' THAN THAT!!!  Luther didn't put his life on the line in order to free the Gospel so that we could SIT ON IT.  He fought to win so that it could be shared and proclaimed to ALL PEOPLE for salvation and selfless service to one another here on earth. I am thankful to be part of the AMAZING work at The Pelican Lutheran Church & Community Center! Over the past six weeks we have had two weddings, six well-attended worship services averaging 33 people, 10 visitors, and we are preparing to host a Team of Volunteers from REDEEMER, Peoria from November 13-20.  On Saturday I visited three homes which suffered storm damage and need help.  I continue to coordinate with leaders at Redeemer and others as well. Maximo is serving well and continues to teach Spanish every Tuesday and Wednesday morning and assist me those evenings with English.  Holly is doing great things for us from the office in the community and for future planning.  Lynn, Leslie, Idalia, Hollee, Biz, Rich, Randy, Susan, Erika, and other volunteers are helping out in many ways to teach, organize volunteers, and assist people in knowing Jesus as their Savior.  I don't what we would do without Dwayne Zeedyk!  What a great servant of Christ!!!This Thursday we will hold an Open House for our community to share about our plans for Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and new ministries for the New

Year.  Pray for us as we prepare and plan, and host this event for the first time.  Communication and involvement are key and are hand-in-hand for greater visible unity and progress - even within Christ's church.  I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for reaching and gathering SO MANY people over our first year of worship.  I praise our Lord for your participation, your prayers, and your support!  God bless you and have a great week as we rapidly approach Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a GREAT, NEW YEAR!! Your Brother in Christ,Pastor Mark Eisold 

A home destroyed by flooding on Cooper, Naples.  A team of volunteers from Redeemer Lutheran, Peoria, will be here on Nov. 13-20, to work on it.  

Wedding reception at The Pelican with members of our church

The Bride, Naylu Garces with her auntMauricio & Kayla Escobar with Pastor

Eisold at the Pelican

The bride and groom


Grace Lutheran Church, 860 Banyan Blvd, Naples, FL 34102