Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday, January 25, we met together for our Annual Meeting. It is good for us to gather once a year in this way to reflect on the ministry of our church over the past year, to see all of the good work that we are doing for the Lord, and to do some planning and visioning for the future year. An annual meeting reminds me of what we are to be about as a congregation. A congregation, as defined in our ELCA churchwide constitution is: “a community of baptized persons whose existence depends on the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments and whose purpose is to worship God, to nurture its members, and to reach out in witness and service to the world. To this end it assembles Newsletter-

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Sunday, January 25, we met together for our Annual Meeting. It is good for us to gather once a year in this way to reflect on the ministry of our church over the past year, to see all of the good work that we are doing for the Lord, and to do some planning and visioning for the future year.

An annual meeting reminds me of what we are to be about as a congregation. A congregation, as defined in our ELCA churchwide constitution is: “a community of baptized persons whose existence depends on the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments and whose purpose is to worship God, to nurture its members, and to reach out in witness and service to the world. To this end it assembles regularly for worship and nurture, organizes and carries out ministry to its people and neighborhood, and cooperates with and supports the wider church to strive for the fulfillment of God’s mission in the world.”

Newsletter- February 2015

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The reporting at our annual meeting points to what we are doing to carry out these imperatives, these essentials of being the Church of Christ. All of our committees are alive and focused on their particular portion of this most holy calling.

In that definition of the church is the word “nurture”. There were times in Jesus’ ministry that he knew that it was time to get away, to be nurtured, to rest and recreate. The Early Church gained much strength as they gathered together for mutual encouragement and nurture in each other’s homes.

I would like to encourage each of you to take the time to come to a congregational retreat the weekend of February 21 and 22 at Crooked Creek Christian Camp near Wayland. It will be a time of nurture on Saturday evening as we play together, and talk with one another. On Sunday we will hold our worship service at Crooked Creek, and share a meal. This will be a good way for us to begin our Lenten journey! More details on this fun and meaningful weekend will be coming your way soon.

I came away from our Annual Meeting with a good feeling of what we have been doing this past year. I am pleased with your faithfulness and commitment to make these things happen. May God continue to bless and guide us as a community of faith as we provide opportunities to worship God, to teach the faith, to provide

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Christian care and support, to reach out in mission and service, and to support the work of the church around the world.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Mark

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SELC Winter Sunday Schedule

8:30 a.m. Confirmation Classes in parsonage 8:30 a.m. Prayer Time in the library 9:00 a.m. Sunday School in basement 9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday school in Parish Hall,

electric room 9:00 a.m. Choir rehearsal February 8 and 2210:00 a.m. WorshipPlease note: Worship on Sunday, February 22 is at Crooked Creek Christian Camp. See inside for more details.


"We have built a bridge between America and Tanzania. That bridge is made of love. The best way to make it stronger is to use it." – Julia (from Ngaeni)

After serving on the Tanzania team for several years, we had decided that we really had to get someone over there to begin building the relationship in person. None of us knew enough about the needs and the people to know what to do next. We also didn't want to go by ourselves the first time. The way everything came together - for us to be able to partner with Gloria Dei in Cedar Rapids who not only had experience in

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Tanzania, but the synod staff person responsible for making the arrangements. We wondered if it was a good thing, just a complication or too much expense when Pastor Mrutu wanted to come at the last minute. God knows what He is doing, though, and we couldn't have had a more powerful set of experiences. We are at the right place and time, doing the right thing. Gayle Olson

I believe, at least for me, the trip was absolutely God inspired. I have always had a mission trip on my “bucket list”, but thought it would come much later in my life, likely after I retired. Then in mid-August Pastor Mark mentioned the trip in church and asked that anyone that might be interested should let him know. On my way out of church Eldon Beichter came up to me and asked if I would consider joining the committee and perhaps even consider taking the trip. Then at coffee cart, Gayle and I spoke about it and she convinced me of the power of having more people go. Excitement can be easily lost when it is one person, but with a group, the excitement is contagious and one person’s excitement feeds off the other. I think, deep down, I made my decision to go right then, but I did have to go home and look up a few things………..like first of all, where was Tanzania?! Lol…….I didn’t even know that! But seriously, I did want to see that I would not be taking undo risk with things like terrorist activities or Ebola. Once I did my research the decision was made. I was going to Tanzania.

The trip was amazing! It was everything that I had hoped for, and more! We were able to see the country, including time spent in big cities like Arusha, Moshi and Same, but we also had the opportunity to go into the mountains to “our” villages as well as spending time in the “wild”. We drove through game preserves and saw wild animals literally “up close and personal”. We visited government and church diocese offices and

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learned a lot about the politics of the area. We were even lucky enough to be there over an election and witness what may turn out to be the beginning of a huge shift in the politics of that country. I would have to say the best part of the trip, and certainly the real reason that we went, was to go up in the mountains and meet the people of Ngaeni. What a treat! The countryside was lush and green. The poverty was widespread, but the joy and generosity of the people was abundant. We visited hospitals and schools as well as the main church and most of the sub-parishes. It was heartwarming to see the local people gather around us with open arms. We talked and sang and ate…..and ate….and ate. It seems that at almost every stop we made, they had food for us. I truly believe the trip was divinely inspired. Pastor Mrutu and his Evangelists, as well as the government officials are all poised and ready to go to work. They are anxious for our help, but are equally excited about helping us. One of the most symbolic things we did while we were there was our nightly devotions in the home of a congregation member of Ngaeni. She had hymn books in both Swahili (or maybe it was Pare) and also in English. We would end our devotions by singing a couple of well recognized songs. Pastor Mark, Gayle and I singing in English and they were all singing in their native language. It struck me that this is really what the trip was about……….we may speak different languages, but we are all working together in harmony with the same goal in mind, helping God’s people and spreading the Good News!

Jan Towne

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When it became a reality that we would be sending people to Ngaeni, our Companion Congregation in Tanzania, I was really excited for the folks that would be representing our church over there. I felt that a key to our relationship was lay people making a connection between the two churches. I really didn’t think at that point that I would be making the trip. But God had other plans, for which I am so thankful! Even more so, I am thankful that the Holy Spirit called Gayle Olson and Jan Towne to go to Ngaeni.

Our days in the South Pare Mountains were memorable. We were blessed with a driver who had traveled those rugged roads before. We had the opportunity to visit a Lutheran hospital, Ngaeni, and three of the subparishes. Most of all, we were blessed to meet the people there, who opened up their hearts and their homes to us. The Tanzanian people are so generous, even the students at a school we visited had presents to give to us.

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At a meeting with representatives from Ngaeni and the subparishes, the following things were discussed as things we could work together on:

Education – We visited Mtii Secondary School. There are needs for textbooks that would match their curriculum; for dormitories; and for tuition assistance. The students and teachers there are very open to exchanges with students and teachers from our area. We are looking at options with Rotary to make this happen.

Reduce poverty – There is talk about forming a co-op and establishing a “pork farm”.

Environment – We discussed the possibilities of solar powered stoves to reduce the destruction of the forests for firewood.

Communication – Pastor Mrutu has the dream of having a local radio station to teach Bible studies and offer community resources.

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We are prayerfully considering how we might help these dreams become a reality for our brothers and sisters in Tanzania.

Thank you for your prayers and other support to make this trip a reality. Pastor Mark

Souper Bowl of Caring

We will have soup pots at the church doors on Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 1. We will join people in churches across the country to collect money and cans of soup for those who are hungry and hurting. All of the money and food collected will be donated to The Fellowship Cup – none of the money is sent to the Souper Bowl of Caring headquarters. Please support our church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by bringing your cans of soup and/or dollar(s) in the soup pot on February 1.

Churchmen Soup Supper

Everyone is invited to come out and join the Churchmen-sponsored Soup Supper at the parish hall on Tuesday, February 3rd. Serving will begin at 5:30 p.m. The menu will include chili and oyster soup, relishes, desserts and beverages. Your freewill offering will enable the Churchmen to help support several local charities such as: The Fellowship Cup, Tolson Community Action Center, Henry County Habitat for

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Humanity, Christamore Family Treatment Center, and Henry County Foods Resource Bank.

Congregation Council and Church Finance Notes

The Council met on Thursday, January 15, 2015. Meeting minutes are posted in the church narthex bulletin board when they become available. Council minutes are also available in the church office. The next regular Council meeting will be Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Financial Report 2015 General Fund Activity (as of January 24)

Gifts $15,516.50Ministry Expenses $11,608.98Mission Support Submitted $0 .00 Net Income $3,907.52

150th Anniversary Improvement Update

At our annual meeting on January 25, preliminary plans were presented and votes were taken for the addition of handicap accessible restrooms and a covered entry ramp in the Parish Hall (passed 41-7), for adding vinyl siding to the Parish Hall (passed 45-3) and for remodeling the church basement (passed 38-10). The church basement remodeling would include a handicap/family restroom, larger nursery, a kitchenette, a choir room along with movable walls. A fourth proposal for adding a meeting room on the north side of the Parish Hall was defeated 31-17. Note: if we move forward with the Parish Hall restroom program, we would not have meeting room space in the Electric Room of the Parish Hall. Based on the votes, the Interiors Committee of the 150th Anniversary Committee will continue to develop plans

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for the first three projects. There is still a lot to come together as to the final details, available funding and getting in the schedule of the contractor. Most likely, the contractor doing most of the work on these projects is ABC Construction and Aaron Beechy. At this point (and very subject to change), we have received cash contributions of about $40,000 and pledges of about $26,000. We are at about 25% of our goal of $250,000. Within the $250,000, the committee is hoping to include a large part, if not all, of the renovation of the Parish Hall kitchen. The kitchen was not discussed at this meeting. With the Church Roof replacement, and with the possibility of the working on the 3 projects above, the committee believes we have tackled enough for one year.

We should all be very gratified that the congregation has shown confidence in the future with these projects. What would be most helpful right now, is for all of us to prayerfully consider our contributions and pledges. The congregation voted that the number one priority should be Parish Hall siding. The basement renovation received the second most number one priority votes but there was slightly stronger overall support for the Parish Hall restrooms. Scheduling and funding will determine how we move forward with each project.

Our other 150th Anniversary committees are becoming more active as we move toward our 2016 event. Opportunities abound for any and all of us to be involved with various projects and events.

Choir Updates

In February, choir rehearsal will be held on Sunday, February 8 and 22 (at Crooked Creek) at 9:00 a.m.

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Lifetree Café

The Evangelism Committee is looking at working with Group Publishing on a program called Lifetree Café. Where can you find a place where people find Jesus? Lifetree Café can be that place. Lifetree Café is a comfortable place and time for people to gather every week to explore life and faith. It’s the kind of place where you’d meet a friend for food and drink and fun. Where the atmosphere encourages conversations, questions, and personal stories. And the conversations about life lead to seeing God’s presence and love.

The hour-long Lifetree Café experiences feature real stories of real people, guided conversation, biblical insights, time to build relationships with new and old friends, laughter, and opportunities to serve. Lifetree stories dig into the big and little things that shape our lives. Family. Friends. Fears. Balance. Money. Materialism. Health. Heaven. Peace. Purpose. As we explore these stories, Lifetree friends discover that God is active today and looking for a close relationship with them—even through all that life has to throw at them.

The Lifetree Café experience will take on Wednesday evenings at the Parish Hall beginning March 4 at 7:30 p.m.

People also connect to LifetreeCafe.com, where the weekly conversation continues online. Local Lifetree Cafés are part of a national and international system. Each week Lifetree Cafés everywhere offer the same nationally promoted program.


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Arvid and Joan Anderson observed their 65th wedding anniversary on December 27, 2014. They were married in the Swedesburg Lutheran Church December 27, 1949. They celebrated with family on Sunday, December 28 in Waterloo and Cedar Falls. It was a special day.

Happy belated anniversary to the Andersons! Youth

The youth are invited to the music and testimony of Bobby Colquhoun and his ministry “Live God Now”. Sunday February 8th at 6:30 in the Iowa Wesleyan College Social Hall. Hosted by #REAL † TALK student Bible study. Meet & Greet following. ADMISSION IS FREE. Love and Free Will Donations to Bobby’s Ministry will be appreciated. Bobby’s story is amazing…Bobby has opened for Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, and Big Daddy Weave. Bobby has been featured on the 700 Club and his story is being made into a motion picture.

SELC Luther League will enjoy a skiing trip at Sundown Resort near Dubuque after worship on Sunday, February 15. A Lock-In is planned at Crooked Creek on February 21-22.

On Tuesday, February 24 Confirmation will meet at the parish hall at 7:00 p.m. to make care packages for our shut-ins.

On Wednesday, February 25, the Luther League will serve the meal for the Midweek activities.

Worship & MusicNow the Feast and Celebration – We will begin using this order of worship written by Marty Haugen once a month. You might find many of the songs familiar as they are in the Service Music section of the

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ELW. Our first time to experience Now the Feast and Celebration will be on February 22, the day that we will be worshiping at Crooked Creek Christian Camp.Lenten Schedule –

Ash Wednesday – February 18. Worship will be at the church at 7:00 p.m. We will have Communion by intinction at the Communion rail. You may either kneel or stand. Ushers will be available to help you up the stairs, or we will come and commune you at your seat.Midweek Lenten schedule (at the Parish Hall) –

6:00 p.m.- meal served by the Luther League. Freewill offering received for Luther League activities, including the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit.

6:45 p.m. – Evening Prayer (Vespers) service out of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW).

7:30 p.m. (beginning March 4) – Lifetree Café

Sunday School

This winter and spring in Sunday School we will be studying lessons from the New Testament, specifically from the gospel of Mark. As often as possible, our Sunday School lesson will coincide with the gospel lesson to be presented during that morning in worship. This will reinforce the lessons, helping our children to learn about Jesus and his time on earth at a deeper level. We will also take time this month to make and send valentine greetings to congregational members who are in need of some extra cheer.

The schedule for February:

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February 1 - Jesus Demonstrates His Authority (Mark 1:21-28)February 8 - Jesus Heals, Prays & Preaches (Mark 1:29-39)February 15th - Making valentines for congregation membersFebruary 22 - No regular Sunday School (due to lock-in / worship at Crooked Creek Camp)

Looking forward...A special 4-week study based on the hit movie, God's Not Dead!, is planned for high school students (optional for confirmation students). Tentative dates: April 12, 19, 26 and May 3rd. The sessions will be after worship and last approximately one hour, with students watching a portion of the movie, followed by discussion. Snacks and student workbooks will be provided! This study

tackles these four topics:Take a Stand - God has called his believers to something "set apart" and sometimes he calls on us to do something unexpected. Will you be ready?

Say Something - It isn't fun being ignored. Are you ready to acknowledge God?

Link Arms - Our closest friends are usually our strongest allies. What if they don't share the same core belief?

Lean on Me - Once someone is an unreliable friend, is there a way back to redemption? We have set the dates for this summer's VBS- June 8-11. This is a change from our normal week, but allows for those youth and leaders attending the youth conference in July to participate in VBS. The theme this year is EVEREST! -

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Conquering Challenges with God's Awesome Power! This year's VBS is going to be a fun-filled, "icy" expedition through rock-solid Bible truths that can help guide kids through life's challenges.

Social Ministry

Social Ministry continues to provide milk to area school districts. Following is a thank you that we received for Social Ministry’s donation.

Dear Liz, I just wanted you to know that your check arrived yesterday. I have called the parents who will benefit from this wonderful donation. Guess what two of them said in response, "this is an answer to my prayers!" All of them wanted me to express their thanks to you and your congregation.

I too want to thank you. One of the hardest things I have to do here is call parents and ask for money, when I know they don't have it. I know it makes them feel bad, especially when it affects their kids. So this truly is an answer to prayer for me too! Thanks so much to you and your congregation for this gift.


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Lock-In at Crooked Creek Christian CampSELC youth haven’t had a lock-in since Pastor Mark has been here, so we’re going to do this up big. We have reserved the Pavilion at Crooked Creek Christian Camp, northwest of Wayland. You may arrive any time after 5:00 p.m. on Saturday (please eat supper before you come). I know that some of the youth will be coming from school activities, but there will be activities going all night, so don’t be afraid to come too late. Just let Pastor Mark know your approximate time of arrival. Bring a sleeping bag, if you want to sleep, snacks to share, tennis shoes for the gym, and $10 per person for the rental of the facilities.

The whole congregation is being invited to spend the night during the youth lock-in, or at least a part of it, at Crooked Creek. At the camp on Sunday, we will be having Choir rehearsal at 9:00 a.m., SELC’s worship service at 10:00 a.m. (no worship at SELC that day), and a potluck meal after the church service. We will need to leave the camp by 2:00 p.m.

Driving directions from the South on 218:• Exit 218 at Highway 78. Head west toward Wayland.• Travel past Wayland (2-3 miles) to Coppock Road• Turn right (north) on Coppock. Go 6 miles to camp

entrance on east side of Coppock Rd.

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WELCA has begun their mission sewing on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Everyone is invited to join them at the Parish Hall, 201 Academy Drive, Swedesburg.

Baskets of PromiseThis Lent WELCA is once again joining Lutheran World Relief’s Baskets of Promise campaign. Each week, WELCA will collect a different item that will be used to assemble Personal Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging situations.

Here is the collection schedule:

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Thank YouThank you for the check to use towards my college expenses. It always comes in handy.

Aaron Kempf

Altar Flowers

The 2015 flower chart is available in the narthex. If you are able to assist in beautifying the sanctuary on any date, please write your name on the chart. We appreciate your assistance.

March Newsletter Deadline

The deadline to have your meeting times and activities listed in the March newsletter is Friday, February 20th, at noon. Submit any news, schedules, articles or activities to Mary McLerran in the church office at 319-254-2216 or email [email protected] before that time.

Called Together in Mission (CTIM) Conference

People of the Spirit

We are people of the Spirit! Join members of the Southeastern Iowa Synod for Called Together in Mission at First Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids.

This year, CTIM is excited to welcome Dr. Troy Troftgruben, assistant professor at Wartburg Theological Seminary, as the keynote speaker. Troy will engage and inspire conference participants around the topic - what it means to be people of the Spirit. Join us on March 14th for a day that will leave you with a fresh understanding of our identity as children of God,

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led by the Spirit. Workshop information and registration is available at www.seiasynod.org/ctim.

This event is for everyone! Enjoy a day that will leave you with a fresh understanding of our identity as children of God, led by the Spirit!

Registration is $20/person with discounts available for groups of 10 or more. Let Pastor Mark know if you are interested.

National Parent Leadership Month

February is National Parent Leadership Month. Through your support, LSI is able to partner with thousands of parents each year who want to be parent leaders and make positive changes in their families. Some parents come to us through our early childhood services and want a little extra support in raising an infant or toddler. Other parents come seeking help for an older child who is in trouble and turn to our therapy services, behavioral health intervention services or our many community programs for help. And some parents become part of our programs through involvement with the Department of Human Services, and we work to help them resolve issues in their home and to ensure the home is a safe place for a child. Your support of LSI as your social ministry helps prevent child abuse and neglect and helps strengthen families all across the state. Thank you for making this work possible!

LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in

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America (ELCA). Learn more at www.LSIowa.org and www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.

“I want to give my daughter the opportunities I never had.”

Emma is only two years old, but she already knows something as important as the ABCs: learning can be fun! Amanda and Mike, Emma’s parents, are giving their little girl the tools for lifelong success, and they’re partnering with LSI to do it. The Waterloo couple found out about LSI while Amanda was pregnant. “It was my first child, and I was nervous,” Amanda said. “We had planned for it, but it was still nerve-wracking. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right.”

The family joined LSI’s HOPES (Healthy Opportunities for Parents to Experience Success), a voluntary program for parents of young children. Andrea, an LSI family support worker, visits the family at home, bringing along a wealth of information, tips and resources for Emma’s healthy growth and development. “Andrea brought me a lot of information on what to expect and what I could prepare for before Emma was born,” Amanda said. “Emma loves Andrea.”

Amanda’s parents are great at finding learning opportunities for Emma in everyday life, from counting stairs to identifying colors. “Amanda and Mike are so goal-oriented,” said Andrea. “Every goal they have made they have achieved. It’s become second nature to them to make every opportunity a learning opportunity. They are very supportive of each other and really want the best for their child.”

For Amanda, it’s also about giving Emma the childhood she herself didn’t have. “I had a rough childhood,” she said. “I want to give Emma the

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encouragement I never had and the opportunities I never had.” Amanda recommends LSI to other parents who want their children to get a great start in life, too.“It’s a great program if you are a first-time parent,” she said. “It’s very informative.”

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“Companions In Christ”Companion Synod/Diocese Celebration

Saturday, April 18, 2015Faith Lutheran Church, Clive

All are welcome to learn about the companion relationship between the Pare Diocese and the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Along with Bishop Michael Burk, the keynote speakers for this year’s event are Bishop Charles Mjema and Pastor Nahana Mjema of the Pare Diocese.

Cost is $10/person. If you have questions contact Pastor Eric Carlson at 319-631-8031, or by emailing [email protected].

Keynote speakers: Bishop Charles Mjema and Pastor Nahana Mjema

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February Birthdays

We wish the following people a very happy birthday on their special day: 1 Cole Benson 3 Shirley Swanson Aaron Deardorff

Torey Olson 6 Bill Molander 7 Elizabeth McClure 8 Coleen Mullin 9 Brad Benson Lori Hanze Blake Wickham Hannah Wickham Sterling Wickham10 Cherry Sandeen11 Tom Erickson13 Karen Alvine Don Heuton Amanda Stout14 Mary Ann Kaufman

Olivia Naber15 Tyler Craig Lance Marshall Bill McGohan McKenna White16 Milton Miller17 Trever Kelley18 Parker Renken19 Ruth Meth21 Brandon Ridinger22 Katie Benson

Eric Lunsford24 Angela Ribeiro25 Virginia Steffens28 John Wagner

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February Anniversaries

We wish to offer these couples a happy anniversary: 1 Dave and Jan Towne 2 Carl and Maribelle Lund 13 Bill and Linda McGohan19 Ray and Ruth Meth21 Darrell and Gail Smith21 Delbert and Virginia Steffens28 Bob and Marie Johnson

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Throughout the year we will be praying for all our church members. Each week we will be praying for about five church families. Please pray for:

The week of February 1 – Dustin & Kari Beichter, Norah Beichter; Eldon & Lennis Beichter; Brad Benson; Marc & Carmen, Cole and Katie Benson; Mary Benson

The week of February 8 – Margaret Bergstrom; Vicky Bergstrom; Waldo Bloom; Marilyn Boal; John & Dawn, Adam and Aaron Bodenham

The week of February 15 – Keven & Aani Bourassa; Mike & Jackie, Eric Brawner; Joel Brown; Kirsten Brown and Jared Peck;David & Kari, Kai and Helaine Brownholland

The week of February 22 – Kyle & Anne, Lincoln Burnham; Cragon & Jean, Anya Caboth; Cale Caboth, Ellie Caboth; Robert & Betty Carlson; Nikki & Kaci, Brooklyn and Kenna ChaconPlease help the church office update their records by submitting any corrections. Thank you.

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Page 30: storage.cloversites.comstorage.cloversites.com/swedesburgevangelicalluthera… · Web viewIn that definition of the church is the word “nurture”. There were times in Jesus’

Congregation Reflections

Thanks are Due . . .to those committee members that provided financial information for the annual meeting.

to the Worship and Music committee members that selected names for each of the duties to help the church function for another year.

especially to those who have, with servant hearts, quietly seen something that needs doing and willingly taken it on.

Pray For . . .for Pastor Elisa Mrutu and people of Ngaeni Lutheran Parish, our partner congregation in Tanzania.

ELCA missionaries Rev. Brian and Christine Palmer in Liberia. (Because of the continuing concerns about Ebola, Pastor Brian Palmer has been temporarily re-assigned to Cameroon.)

Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church, as it seeks to be planted, nurtured and growing in Christ.

With Sympathy . . .To the family of Maleta Barquist who passed away January 11, 2015. The funeral service was held on January 15, 2015 at the Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church.

To the family of Jim Bishop upon his passing January 20, 2015. (He was the father-in-law to Doug

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& Donna Deardorff’s daughter Amy [Deardorff] Bishop).

Page 32: storage.cloversites.comstorage.cloversites.com/swedesburgevangelicalluthera… · Web viewIn that definition of the church is the word “nurture”. There were times in Jesus’

1897 140th StreetP. O. Box 88Swedesburg, IA 52652


Worship begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.