PINEWOOD PRESS A short, monthly publication to keep you informed. www.pinewoodhomes.net Jan, 2017 Election Results for the 2017 Homes Association Board of Directors 2017 Board HOA Board Information Terry Gwin Jim Kenney John Van De Steeg Sandy Sliffe Lola Shannon Traci Turner Sandy Schweikert President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Block Captains Landscape Newsletter The Home Owners Association (HOA) Board is a group of 7 Pinewood Homeowners who volunteer their time and effort to enforce the Covenants, Bylaws and Deeds and Restrictions (D&R’s) of Pinewood. They also work to implement the Pinewood Mission Statement. They agree to submit to a background check. Thanks to the Election Committee and everyone that participated in the election. Thinking ahead…..Nominations for the 2018 Board can be submitted in writing to the Secretary any time before Oct 1, 2017. HOA Meeting Sat, Jan 7 th , 9-10am The first HOA Board meeting will be held Sat, Jan 7, 2017 from 9-10am at the Blue Valley Rec Center. The Board will be discussing a homeowner’s request to install a solar array, plans for the upcoming year and other items. All are welcome to attend. Pinewood is YOUR community, how can we make it better ? What would you like to see done in Pinewood in 2017? Do you have ideas for a Social get- together that you would like to attend? This is where we live, we can make it the best place on earth. But it will take participation. Please send me your ideas, articles, pictures, or thoughts on places to go or what you would like to happen. The ideas will be presented to the Board or used in future Newsletters. The Newsletter is for YOU…..what makes it IMPORTANT to YOU? Email your ideas to [email protected] Parking on the Street in Winter Winter snows are just around the corner. So are the snow plows. You can help them. Do not park on streets until the street has been plowed. Parked vehicles slow down plow trucks and may block them completely. It is also very dangerous to have children dart out from parked cars when oncoming cars need to brake on slick streets. More info : http://www.opkansas.org/resident-resources/snow-and-ice-removal/resident-information/

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PINEWOOD PRESSA short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

www.pinewoodhomes.net Jan, 2017

Election Results for the 2017 Homes Association Board of Directors

2017 Board HOA Board Information

Terry Gwin Jim Kenney John Van De SteegSandy SliffeLola ShannonTraci TurnerSandy Schweikert

PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerBlock CaptainsLandscapeNewsletter

The Home Owners Association (HOA) Board is a group of 7 Pinewood Homeowners who volunteer their time and effort to enforce the Covenants, Bylaws and Deeds and Restrictions (D&R’s) of Pinewood. They also work to implement the Pinewood Mission Statement. They agree to submit to a background check.

Thanks to the Election Committee and everyone that participated in the election. Thinking ahead…..Nominations for the 2018 Board can be submitted in writing to the Secretary any time before Oct 1, 2017.

HOA Meeting Sat, Jan 7th, 9-10amThe first HOA Board meeting will be held Sat, Jan 7, 2017 from 9-10am at the Blue Valley Rec Center. The Board will be discussing a homeowner’s request to install a solar array, plans for the upcoming year and other items. All are welcome to attend.

Pinewood is YOUR community, how can we make it better ?What would you like to see done in Pinewood in 2017? Do you have ideas for a Social get-together that you would like to attend? This is where we live, we can make it the best place on earth. But it will take participation. Please send me your ideas, articles, pictures, or thoughts on places to go or what you would like to happen. The ideas will be presented to the Board or used in future Newsletters. The Newsletter is for YOU…..what makes it IMPORTANT to YOU? Email your ideas to [email protected]

Parking on the Street in WinterWinter snows are just around the corner. So are the snow plows. You can help them. Do not park on streets until the street has been plowed. Parked vehicles slow down plow trucks and may block them completely. It is also very dangerous to have children dart out from parked cars when oncoming cars need to brake on slick streets. More info : http://www.opkansas.org/resident-resources/snow-and-ice-removal/resident-information/

Block Captains neededLola Shannon is looking for a few Block Captains. Block Captains get to know their neighbors on a specific street, (usually their own street). They bring Welcome Baskets to new homeowners. Block Captains DO NOT MEDIATE DISPUTES BETWEEN NEIGHBORS, but refer the issue and neighbors to the HOA Board. This is a great way to get to know the people in your neighborhood. For more info email [email protected]

Important DatesHOA dues have been mailed out. Payment must be received by Feb 28th to avoid late fees. Jan 7th, Board Meeting 9am at Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W 151st St, Overland Park. All are welcome Feb 28th, Due Date for HOA dues

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

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Winter www.pinewoodhomes.net Feb 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

COMMITTEE FORMATION/SOLAR PANEL DISCUSSION MEETING – PLEASE JOIN USOur Pinewood community is forming Committees of homeowners for ideas, planning and execution of various events and

responsibilities. Committees include Block Captains, Social Get-togethers, Safety, and Elections. A letter will be sent to each household in Pinewood describing the various committees. Please contact the appropriate person or come to the Committee

Formation Meeting at 9am, on Saturday, Feb 11 at Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W 151st St, Overland Park, KS 66223. We will also discuss the Solar Panel Array request from one of our homeowners.

NEXTDOOR.COMYou may have received an invitation to join Nextdoor.com at https://theridgeatpinewood.nextdoor.com I was invited by Gaurav Mittal and joined. It seems like a Facebook page for our subdivision and other subdivisions nearby. I asked Gaurav why he created the Nextdoor account and what he hopes it accomplishes. This is what he said……

….”I see Nextdoor as a social networking site but it is more of a local community and neighborhood based private networking place, the entry is based on an invitation instead of open for all. One of my friends recommended Nextdoor to me and when I searched and found that our subdivision doesn't exists on Nextdoor, so I went ahead and created one for all of us. You need to have certain number of people join your community within certain days to mark its existence permanently on Nextdoor. For that they give you an option to send postcard invites to the people in your neighborhood. That's what I did to invite more people and now we have a permanent community at Nextdoor.

My intentions is to get in touch with the community and neighborhood on a platform where we can share information with each other and make a better society together…. people have to use their own caution while posting anything on Nextdoor. But these risks exists with every social networking site we use today.”

Thank you Gaurav, I appreciate your help with this article and for creating the Nextdoor account. Before joining any site, learn more about it by googling Reviews. If you join Nextdoor, you will give easy access to your name, address and email address. (It is not hard to get that information off the Internet anyway.) You can go to the Profile section and limit some of the settings. In general it seems as though there is a lot of good that can be taken away from the proper and appropriate use of this site. Under the Community Guidelines section, it says….. ” Everyone here is your neighbor. Please treat each other with respect” …..That sounds good to me.

Pinewood Home Owners Association (HOA) neither sanctions nor rejects participation in the Nextdoor website,,that is up to the individual.  The HOA does not monitor the Nextdoor website, nor will respond to issues via Nextdoor. Homeowners, if you have an issue or concern regarding Pinewood, please contact the HOA directly via the official website, www.Pinewoodhomes.net or come to the monthly HOA meeting. Please see the Calendar page of the website for details. All Homeowners are encouraged to attend.


Your home is your castle - enjoy it, customize it, make it reflect your taste and values. But, there’s one area where being too individualistic carries risk: landscaping for curb appeal. Landscaping is the first thing that potential buyers see, and it reflects well — or poorly — on other homes in the neighborhood. That’s why homeowners associations often have exacting rules for it.  

Good landscaping can add up to 28% to overall home value, says landscape economist John Harris. Even taking you’re landscaping from “good” to “excellent,” in terms of design, condition, and placement, can add 6% to 7% to a home’s value, according to a Clemson University study of homes in Greenville, S.C.

But don’t landscape merely to flip a house. You won’t get your money back, says Sandy MacCuish, a California appraiser. Rather, landscape for your enjoyment, knowing that you’re making a good investment. Click for the full article https://www.houselogic.com/by- room/yard-patio/landscaping- home-value/

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HOA DUESJust a reminder:  HOA Dues have been sent out and must be received by February 28th to avoid a late fee

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESS Spring www.pinewoodhomes.net Mar 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.


You are invited to attend a Town Hall Meeting on Sat, March 11, 2017, at 9 AM at the Blue Valley Recreation Center, 6545 W 151st St, Overland Park, KS, We will discuss an Amendment to the Pinewood Covenants regarding Solar Collectors. Solar Collectors can be Solar Panels, either ground mounted or roof mounted, Windmills, Turbines, or possibly other configurations. Solar Collectors, Solar Easements, Restrictions and Guidelines will be discussed. This amendment affects everyone in Pinewood. Bring your questions and let your voice be heard.

Landscaping and Home Values, Does it Matter? -- John VanDeSteeg*

Putting your home on the market can be a stressful time for most people. Wondering if it will sell, how long might it take and how much will the sale bring?  There are things to consider when looking at the value and sale ability of your home. In this article we will focus on the impact your landscaping will have on the value and sale of your home …

Neighbors View The Buyers View The Seller’s ViewThere is nothing quite like living next door to someone who has done little or no landscaping or has neglected the yard altogether. Is the value affected? You bet it is. Not only is the value of the derelict property damaged, but those around it are affected as well. But if the appraiser is only concerned with the house, how does the landscaping affect the value? It won’t show on the appraiser's report, but shows up when it is time to sell. Let’s say for whatever reason you decide not to do any yard work this summer. How long before your neighbors want to have a word with you?  They get labeled as living by “that guy”. And if they need to sell their home or just want to move away from “that guy”, they will probably end up discounting their property to make the sale.

When you have a house on a street where the owner and the neighbors all take care of their yards, there is an instant perception that the houses are better than one where the landscaping was not a priority. If a potential home is located next to that neighbor who doesn’t care, the buyers have a tendency to move on to the next house on your showing list. And if they are willing to make an offer on the home anyway, it will usually be lower than what the house would bring with nice landscaping and nice adjacent yards as well. So yes, landscaping does make a difference in the value to a buyer. A lot can be told about a home owner in how his house is cared for by looking at the landscaping. It is very rare to find a jewel of a house where the landscaping was a last priority for the owners. New homes are the exception to this as most new homes come with virtually no landscaping except maybe a little grass in the front yard. Once they are sold and lived in, the landscaping will come into play as

Here is the view that you have the most control over as you list your home. You are the one that can do the work or hire it done. Beautiful landscaping may not pencil out on paper as far as adding value. But when it comes to selling your home it could make all the difference in bringing a good offer or even multiple offers for your house. Landscaping is a valuable tool in the first impression battle. Curb appeal will be first on a buyer’s checklist. If the landscaping is nice it will help a house that might not be the most attractive. But if the landscaping is in dire need of attention it will only accentuate any imperfections a house might have. Remember, the value in great landscaping is the difference between an offer on your home or an identical one down the street. Consider it the polishing of a jewel that you are proud of. Like a new kitchen or bath adds value to the house, nice landscaping adds one more item on the “Why I Choose this House” list. As a seller you will want all the advantages you can get.

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far as value, just like any other existing home.

*See entire article http://utahpropertiesonline.com/fine/real/estate/blog/24833Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]


Spring www.pinewoodhomes.net APR 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.


The HOA Board of Directors thanks everyone that participated in the last 2 public meetings and provided their input regarding Solar Devices in Pinewood. The Proposed Amendment will be mailed out this week. Simply, mark if you AGREE or DISAGREE to add this Amendment. Fill in the required information in the box. Place the Amendment Ballot in the addressed, stamped envelope, and mail to the HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION. You can also bring your Amendment Ballot to the meeting on Saturday, May 6, 2017, 9:00 AM where the ballots will be counted. The meeting is at Blue Valley Recreation Center, 6545 W. 151st St, Overland Park.

Garage Sale Dates Restrictions and Guidelines for Solar Collectors

The Kingston Community spring garage sale has been planned and will take place from Thursday, April 20th - Saturday, April 22nd. The Pinewood Community always times their garage sale to coincide with Kingston to take advantage of the additional buyer traffic coming up from Lowell and Antioch. Now is the time to get ready by sorting things out and cleaning them up. Attractive, shiny, clean items will attract buyers to stop and take a look at your driveway. Individual signs, balloons or flags

Restrictions and Guidelines for Solar Energy Devices:

1.  If approved by an amendment to the Pinewood D & R, ALL solar devices must be approved by the Pinewood HOA Architectural Committee well in advance of installation.  Homeowner will submit a detailed plan for location, size and kWh production, not to exceed current net metering for the home. 

2.  Only commercially or professionally made devices will be allowed and the installation must be performed by a licensed, insured professional in this field.  All devices must be installed to comply with local City, State and Federal codes and restrictions. 

3.  Ground installed solar panels may not be located in front yards or side yards and must not be visible from the street or exceed 6 ft. in height.  They may, if approved by the Board, be located in the back yard if the yard is fenced with a privacy style fence of 6 ft. in height. 

4.  Roof mounted solar collectors shall not extend above the peak of the roof plane and shall fit into the form of the roof.

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get attention too, but remember to keep it safe. Keep cords, ropes and other things that people can trip over, out of the way or secured with duct tape. Good luck!

 5. All exposed metal, including the framework of collector

panels shall be colored to visually blend in the surroundings. 

6. All utility service lines serving a ground-mounted solar system shall be located underground.

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSSpring www.pinewoodhomes.net May 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

Solar Panel Amendment

The HOA Meeting was held Sat, May 6th at the Blue Valley Recreation Center (BVRC). The Solar Panel Amendment Ballots were counted. The Amendment to allow Solar Panels did not receive the required number of yes votes, therefore it did not pass. Thank you to everyone that participated.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist --- Courtesy of Reece and Nichols Did you know that April and May are two of the busiest months for home repairs? Get your home ready for the warmer months! Our friends at Zaarly have five things you’ll want to do this month and the service experts that can get the job done.

Check Your Foundation Take a look at your foundation. You want to look for any cracks. Caulking will not cut it when it comes to cracks, you’ll want to have one of our foundation experts come take a look at it and seal up those cracks.

Seal Your Concrete Protect your driveway, garage, sidewalks and patios from water damage this spring! Concrete sealing is especially critical to preventing driveway repairs.

Have a Sump Pump Installed Water problems in your basement? As we go into storm season, water problems are something you do not want to ignore. Water can collect in the basement for a number of reasons, and almost all of those reasons can be solved with a sump pump.

Lawn Maintenance It’s time to turn back on your sprinklers, trim back trees and bushes and schedule your regular lawn mowing. Now is a good time to write out what you’d like to accomplish with your lawn through the warmer months.

Clean Your Carpets and Floors It’s time to get rid of all of that dirt and grime collected over the winter. Cleaning your carpet and floors not only extends their life, but also helps with things like indoor allergens.

Cleaning Up After Your Pets

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I received an email from one of our homeowners. Here is a part of it….”I was wondering if there is any way you could add to our next newsletter; cleaning up after your pets. Summer has not even started yet and we have had to pick up dog pooh from our front lawn almost every time we mow (which lately has been weekly).  We do not own a dog (although we love animals) we would appreciate owners cleaning up after their pets.”

I agree. I no longer have a dog, but have urine burnt grass around my sidewalk, mailbox and poop all over.Did you know….

It’s the law… In Overland Park, Dogs must be on a leash, no longer than 10 feet long, at all times when not confined to a cage, residence or backyard. Letting a dog run loose with a leash attached but not held by an individual is a violation of the city's leash law. Violations may result in a fine of $100 or more. Leaving poop on other’s property can be considered “littering”, which carries a fine.

It’s common courtesy. Cleaning up after your dog shows respect for our neighbors and our community. Only irresponsible dog owners leave their dog’s poop for others to look at, step in, clean up or be sent flying with lawnmowers.

Dog Poop is unhealthy. Abandoned dog poop can host diseases and/or parasites which can infect other dogs who come into contact with it, or be transmitted to people who accidentally step in it and track it home. Particularly at risk are children who play in their yard. Disposing of dog poop immediately helps all dogs stay healthier and reduces feces-borne parasites and illnesses.

Easy solution. Neighbors, please walk you dog on your property for the first few minutes, so the dog relieves himself on YOUR grass. Then take him out for exercise on a leash. Carry a large bottle of water with added baking soda to neutralize and wash down the grass that gets urinated on. Male dogs will try to mark their area by urinating, even after they urinated in your yard. Carry plastic bags to pick up the poop. Dispose of it at your home.

Your actions set an example for others. When you pick up after your dog, you are part of the solution! And your actions will help convey the message that it’s the right thing to do. Consider carrying extra bags to offer to others as a subtle and neighborly hint that cleaning up after our dogs is what responsible dog owners do.

Be a good neighbor: Remember to pick up after your pet!

Or we may start seeing signs like these….

They are available on Amazon and Pinterest

Last Day of School

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The last day of classes for students in grades 1-11 is a half-day on May 25 assuming there are no unforeseen circumstances causing them to cancel school. Please drive slowly and carefully in our neighborhood. Watch out for our children.

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSSpring www.pinewoodhomes.net May 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

Solar Panel Amendment

The HOA Meeting was held Sat, May 6th at the Blue Valley Recreation Center (BVRC). The Solar Panel Amendment Ballots were counted. The Amendment to allow Solar Panels did not receive the required number of yes votes, therefore it did not pass. Thank you to everyone that participated.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist --- Courtesy of Reece and Nichols Did you know that April and May are two of the busiest months for home repairs? Get your home ready for the warmer months! Our friends at Zaarly have five things you’ll want to do this month and the service experts that can get the job done.

Check Your Foundation Take a look at your foundation. You want to look for any cracks. Caulking will not cut it when it comes to cracks, you’ll want to have one of our foundation experts come take a look at it and seal up those cracks.

Seal Your Concrete Protect your driveway, garage, sidewalks and patios from water damage this spring! Concrete sealing is especially critical to preventing driveway repairs.

Have a Sump Pump Installed Water problems in your basement? As we go into storm season, water problems are something you do not want to ignore. Water can collect in the basement for a number of reasons, and almost all of those reasons can be solved with a sump pump.

Lawn Maintenance It’s time to turn back on your sprinklers, trim back trees and bushes and schedule your regular lawn mowing. Now is a good time to write out what you’d like to accomplish with your lawn through the warmer months.

Clean Your Carpets and Floors It’s time to get rid of all of that dirt and grime collected over the winter. Cleaning your carpet and floors not only extends their life, but also helps with things like indoor allergens.

Cleaning Up After Your Pets

Page 8: pinewoodhomes.netpinewoodhomes.net/uploads/7/3/0/3/73036023/2017_newsletters.docx  · Web viewHow long before your neighbors want to have a word with you? They get labeled as living

I received an email from one of our homeowners. Here is a part of it….”I was wondering if there is any way you could add to our next newsletter; cleaning up after your pets. Summer has not even started yet and we have had to pick up dog pooh from our front lawn almost every time we mow (which lately has been weekly).  We do not own a dog (although we love animals) we would appreciate owners cleaning up after their pets.”

I agree. I no longer have a dog, but have urine burnt grass around my sidewalk, mailbox and poop all over.Did you know….

It’s the law… In Overland Park, Dogs must be on a leash, no longer than 10 feet long, at all times when not confined to a cage, residence or backyard. Letting a dog run loose with a leash attached but not held by an individual is a violation of the city's leash law. Violations may result in a fine of $100 or more. Leaving poop on other’s property can be considered “littering”, which carries a fine.

It’s common courtesy. Cleaning up after your dog shows respect for our neighbors and our community. Only irresponsible dog owners leave their dog’s poop for others to look at, step in, clean up or be sent flying with lawnmowers.

Dog Poop is unhealthy. Abandoned dog poop can host diseases and/or parasites which can infect other dogs who come into contact with it, or be transmitted to people who accidentally step in it and track it home. Particularly at risk are children who play in their yard. Disposing of dog poop immediately helps all dogs stay healthier and reduces feces-borne parasites and illnesses.

Easy solution. Neighbors, please walk you dog on your property for the first few minutes, so the dog relieves himself on YOUR grass. Then take him out for exercise on a leash. Carry a large bottle of water with added baking soda to neutralize and wash down the grass that gets urinated on. Male dogs will try to mark their area by urinating, even after they urinated in your yard. Carry plastic bags to pick up the poop. Dispose of it at your home.

Your actions set an example for others. When you pick up after your dog, you are part of the solution! And your actions will help convey the message that it’s the right thing to do. Consider carrying extra bags to offer to others as a subtle and neighborly hint that cleaning up after our dogs is what responsible dog owners do.

Be a good neighbor: Remember to pick up after your pet!

Or we may start seeing signs like these….

They are available on Amazon and Pinterest

Last Day of School

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The last day of classes for students in grades 1-11 is a half-day on May 25 assuming there are no unforeseen circumstances causing them to cancel school. Please drive slowly and carefully in our neighborhood. Watch out for our children.

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSSummer www.pinewoodhomes.net Jun 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

Would you like to be on the 2018 HOA Board?

Do you like what the HOA Board is doing in Pinewood? Would you do things differently? Then consider joining the 2018 HOA Board. The Board consists of up to 7 homeowners that volunteer their time to address issues in the community and attend monthly, 1 hour meetings. Along the way you will learn more about Pinewood, Overland Park and Johnson County. It is a great way to meet people and feel a sense of accomplishment and service. Nominations are accepted in writing at any time up to Oct 1st, 2017. You can even email me at [email protected] or use the Contact Us form on www.pinewoodhomes.net If you are considering helping your neighborhood, then it would be a good idea to attend the monthly HOA meetings, to see what we do. We welcome you to join us.

Have you heard about RideKC Taxi? –jocogov.org

RideKC Taxi is a program that gives senior and riders with disabilities in Johnson County access to transportation any day, any time, including holidays, for just $5.00 for the first 10 miles of their taxi trip. Using 10/10 Taxi, eligible riders can use a cab to go anywhere in the region up to 10 miles for $5.00About 75% of the cab fare within the first 10 miles is covered with a mix of federal and local funds. Customers pay the full fare after the first 10 miles. More info at http://jocogov.org/search/node/ridekc%20taxi

Let’s Go See GREASE!

June 10, from 9am to 5pm, is the Grand Opening of the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center, 8788 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park. The event will feature a free day of activities: tours of the venue, museum exhibits and experiences including KidScape at the Johnson County Museum, dance and art classes, entertainment; and more. The Theatre in the Park will present “Grease” on the indoor stage at the Arts & Heritage Center at 7:30pm, Jun 9, with additional performances through June 25. Tickets are $20 for Adults, $18 for Seniors (60+) Youth $15. Hey Pinewood Seniors, would you be interested in doing this as a group? Go to https://www.theatreinthepark.org/2017-season for info. Contact [email protected] m by Jun 9th, if you are interested to go as a group.

Looking for a Job?

Cosentino’s in BluHawk is hiring. Go to https://cosentinos.applicantpro.com/jobsearch/?classification=cosentinos or visit the store in person. 8051 W 160th St.

Pinewood family looking for part-time male helper to aid high-functioning Autistic young man with transportation, socialization and planned activities. Approx. 10+ hrs a week. Individual must be responsible, over 16 years old and will need to consent to background check and follow rules of employment of Helpers Inc. Contact [email protected]

School is Out and so are Our Children!

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School is out and Summer is here. The children are outside playing, running, talking and checking their phones. PLEASE drive slowly and safely in our neighborhood. Neighbors, if you see a car speeding down the street, pull out your cell phone and snap a picture of the car, preferably with the license plate. Send it to the Overland Park Police along with the details (date, time, circumstances) The Police have the ability to find the owner of the car and give them a visit. Please drive slowly and carefully in our neighborhood. Watch out for our children.

Important Dates There will NOT be a June HOA Board Meeting. Always check the www.Pinewoodhomes.net website for up-to-date information.

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

PINEWOOD PRESSA short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

Summer www.pinewoodhomes.net July 1, 2017

HOA Meeting Date Change

The July HOA meeting has been cancelled. The date for the Aug HOA meeting has been changed to Aug 5th. It will be held in Classroom #2 at the Blue Valley Recreation Center, 6545 W. 151st St, Overland Park, KS, 66223. You can always check www.pinewoodhomes.net for current information. The HOA meetings information is on the Calendar page.

Summertime Things to Do

Daily free Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art 12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210 http://www.nermanmuseum.org/index.html

Daily free after 2pm. Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead 13800 Switzer Rd, Overland Park, KS 66221 Admission is $2 per person from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. during the week. Guests visit the Farmstead for free after 2 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, except on July 4. https://www.opkansas.org/things-to-see-and-do/deanna-rose-childrens-farmstead/farmstead-hours/

Daily $5.00 Day pass at Hilltop Recreation Center (7720 W. 143rd Street) in partnership with the Blue Valley School District. https://www.bluevalleyrec.org/page/irf_2016.php

Daily $6.00 for any show before noon. B & B Overland Park 16 (formerly Palazzo 16 Theatre) 8601 W. 135th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223

Tightwad Tuesday at Cinetopia at Prairie Fire, 135th and Nall. $6.00 movies and reduced prices on popcorn and select beers.

Tuesday Free Admission at Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, 8909 W. 179 St., Overland Park, KS 66013 https://artsandrec-op.org/arboretum/

World War Wednesday at the WWI Museum. 2 Memorial Dr, Kansas City, MO 64108. Tickets are half price ($8.00) on Wednesday. https://www.theworldwar.org/

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Wednesday and Saturday Overland Park Farmers Market 7950 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66204

Carlsen Center on the campus of Johnson County Community College include Yardley Hall, the Polsky Theatre and the box office. July shows include Jesus Christ Superstar and Stephen Stills & Judy Collins Together Again http://www.jccc.edu/performing-arts-series/events/index.html

Hope this is helpful.  Enjoy the summer. Please submit any Questions, Comments or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSSummer www.pinewoodhomes.net Aug 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.WOW!~ WHAT A MONTH! THIS NEWSLETTER HAS 3 PAGES!


It’s a great time to own a home. We are well past the recession and can now enjoy increasing home values due to a renewed market demand with fewer foreclosures and short sales that flooded the market from 2008-2014.

Whether you are the original owner or have moved into the neighborhood in the last few years, there are so many resources available for exciting ways to beautify, update and upgrade our homes. HGTV and big box stores such as Home Depot and Lowes have inspired us to change our paint colors and add new tile and granite counter tops to bathrooms and kitchens. Not only do these changes provide personal comfort and enjoyment, the marketability and perceived value for the next owner of our homes are greatly enhanced.

Living in south Overland Park and specifically the Pinewood neighborhood brings the advantage of close proximity to Blue Valley Schools, Kingston Lake Park, 151st Street and now Blu Hawk dining and shopping experiences (to name a few.) Highway access, emergency services and a low crime rate also make this a desirable place to live.

If you have been keeping up with resale prices in Pinewood over the last 12 months, values have gone up. That’s the good news. Let’s not get too comfortable though. We can do better. We can continue to improve home values. The other neighborhoods surrounding Pinewood are.

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When families, friends and prospective home buyers visit our neighborhood they form a first impression based on our green space. That’s right… all of our yards. As we know, first impressions in business networking and personal relationships are everything. We strive to make that first impression a good one. This is no different with the maintenance and care of our yards and landscaping.

A well maintained yard will set expectations for the rest of the home. A beautiful lawn, a colorful bed or pot of flowers and trees that are healthy and trimmed tell a story that differentiates our homes from other homes of equal or perceived value. In fact it could very well add dollar value to your home and spill over into the rest of the neighborhood.

The other components for positive curb appeal and first impressions are the condition of our home exteriors, driveways and mailboxes. Improvements ranging from cleaning light fixtures, power washing the drive way, adding a new mailbox and freshening up the color of our front door are fairly inexpensive but can make a dramatic difference.

Thanks for taking the time. Donna Witt [email protected] *sources include lawnstarter.com, MLS

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Did you know landscaping is one of the top three investments that bring the biggest return on investment to your home? Landscaping is the first thing buyers see and it reflects well, or poorly—on the other homes in the neighborhood.  Good landscaping can add up to 28% to overall home value according to a landscape economist, John Harris.  An investment of around $400-$500 in landscaping could bring in a return of up to four times that, if done effectively. Even if you may not be in the market to sell your home right now, your neighbor might.  You don’t want your property to detract from the overall value of the neighborhood.  If your neighbor ultimately gets a lower selling price for their home because of the overall condition of the neighborhood, that translates to lower values for your home down the road when you are ready to sell or refinance your property.  So be a good neighbor:

1. Trim your trees and bushes2. Tame your overgrown beds by pulling the weeds and grass that have popped up.3. Keep your lawn weed free. Those weeds travel from one yard to the next!!4. Mulch and edge lawn for a clean, tidy look.5. Mow and water regularly6. Paint/fix mailboxes in poor condition7. Keep your house paint in good condition.

      We have had a lot of buying and selling activity in the neighborhood recently and some of the feedback has not been positive. Poorly kept lawns and property in poor condition are detracting from what is a great location for potential buyers. If you need help with landscaping issues or some excellent, well priced resources feel free to email me for suggestions. [email protected]

***sources include “thisoldhouse.com”, “houselogic.com”, “Washington Post.com


This month’s HOA meeting will be held Saturday, Aug 5th, at the Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W. 151st St, O. P. from 9-10am. This summer we have had several bad storms that have resulted in trees coming down and having to be removed. That results in an unexpected expense to the homeowner and possible damage to their home or their neighbor. The HOA has invited Mr. Dallas Stephens, a certified Arborist to give us information on care and prevention of tree problems. Homeowners are invited to participate, discuss, ask questions and get information first hand.

Other items on the agenda will be a discussion regarding properties that are not being maintained per the Pinewood Covenants and a course of action. Problems regarding neglected exteriors, overgrown or dead landscaping, deteriorating, unsightly mailboxes, and unnecessary tree stakes

The upcoming 2018 Election will be discussed. Oct 1st is the last date that nominations for the 2018 Board Election can be sent, in writing, to the Secretary. Nominations can be by email or written note. You can use the Contact Us page of the www.Pinewoodhomes.net website or email [email protected]. Please put HOA NOMINATION in the subject.

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Homeowners are encouraged to come to the meeting to hear for themselves what is being discussed, rather than relying on second hand information and interpretation. Even the meeting minutes, which are posted on the website, are just highlights and cannot give all the details of what was discussed or give you the ability to ask questions. The meetings are held at BVRC for the homeowners, please take advantage of these opportunities.


Yard maintenance is more than cutting the grass. It is maintaining ALL the landscaping on your property. That includes watering shrubs and plants, trimming bushes and trees, pruning flowers, removing weeds, refreshing mulch and spraying for bugs. It also includes keeping your mailbox in good condition, cleaning out gutters and removing tree stakes. If you don’t have the time or the knowledge to do this, ask your neighbors or the HOA Board, hire someone or ask the company that cuts your grass. It is YOUR responsibility

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. More information at this link: http://www.kctv5.com/story/35924721/this-



Have you noticed lacy patterns in your tree leaves and iridescent green bugs in your flowers? Then you have visitors called Japanese Beetles. But eating your flowers and leaves is only half the problem. The other half comes from the eggs that they lay in the soil that then hatch and create grubs in your grass. These grubs eat the roots off your grass, causing it to die and beginning a new cycle of Japanese Beetle invasion.

Spraying with an insecticide, like Sevin will kill the beetles and protect your landscaping. A treatment of GrubEx or something similar to your lawn, will kill off the beetle offspring. THIS LARVA KILLING TREATMENT IS SOMETHING THAT EVERY HOMEOWNER SHOULD DO, EVEN IF YOU DON’T SEE ADULT BEETLES IN YOUR YARD BECAUSE THE BEETLES FLY FROM YARD TO YARD! GRUBS CAN RUIN YOUR YARD AND LANDSCAPING. PLEASE TREAT YOUR YARD TO PREVENT PROBLEMS!

FALL GARAGE SALE OCT 19 – 21It is hot outside, so now is a good time to cool off in the basement while you clean it out and get ready for the Fall Garage Sale. If you haven’t used an item for months or years, it is time for it to go! I know some people say, “But I paid good money for that” So

what? If you don’t use it or if it doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle now, think of saying goodbye to it. Take time to clean the items up and make it more appealing for your buyers. No one wants to handle dirty, dusty items. You want it to be an eye-catcher.

Good Luck!


AUG 5 – HOA MEETING Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W. 151st St, O. P. 9-10amOCT 1 – Last day for HOA Nominations to be received.Oct 19-21 Garage Sale

Please submit any Questions, Comments or Articles to [email protected]

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THE PINEWOOD PRESSFall www.pinewoodhomes.net Sept 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.


Saturdays can be busy, so the Pinewood Home Owners Association will be holding a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday evening, Sept 12th, at 7 pm in the Blue Valley Recreation Center, 6545 W. 151st St, Overland Park, KS. Hopefully this is a more convenient time for all to attend our meeting.

We have several important issues to discuss, including Enforcement of Pinewood Covenants regarding maintenance of exteriors, landscaping, lawns, and mailboxes. Suzanne Coleman and Mike Ireland from the City of Overland Park will speak about Enforcement and Fines from Overland Park.


Are you interested in what happens where you live? Are you willing to volunteer your time to serve your community? Would you consider being a part of the 2018 Home Owner Association (HOA) Board?

The HOA Board is a group of 7 homeowners that meet once a month to resolve issues, enforce the Covenants and fulfill the Mission Statement for Pinewood. We need your help. If interested, please submit your nomination in writing to the


It is hot outside, so now is a good time to cool off in the basement while you clean it out and get ready for the Fall Garage Sale. If you haven’t used an item for months or years, it is time for it to go! If you don’t use it or if it doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle now, think of saying goodbye to it. Take time to clean the items up and make it more appealing for your buyers. No one wants to handle dirty, dusty items. You want it to be an eye-catcher. Good Luck!


The large item program only serves single through four-plex households with individual trash service. Communities with dumpster-style trash service are not included in the program. Please have your bulky trash items at the curb no later than 7:00 a.m. the day of, but no sooner than 5:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled pickup date.

Up to five of the following types of items will be accepted per household:

Furniture Mattresses White goods such as appliances like refrigerators,

freezers, washing machines and clothes dryers. Only one refrigerator per household will be accepted.

Push lawnmowers, which must be empty of any

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HOA Secretary by Oct 1st, 2017. You can mail it to the address below, email it to [email protected], use the Contact Us form at www.Pinewoodhomes.net or hand it in at the Sept 12th meeting.

fuel or oil Carpeting, up to 4 foot rolls that are securely tied,

less than 50 pounds in weight. Two rolls count as one.

For more information, including what will NOT be accepted, go to: https://www.opkansas.org/resident-resources/trash-and-recycling/bulky-item-pickup

SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION -- Please remember to drive safely in our neighborhood. Pay attention and don’t speed. A child can quickly dart out in front of you.

Please submit any Questions, Comments or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSFall www.pinewoodhomes.net Oct 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

2018 HOA BOARD ELECTIONThank you to the following homeowners that have submitted their names for nomination to the 2018 HOA Board. The nominees are:

Terry GwinJim Kenney Sandy Schweikert

Lola ShannonSandy Sliffe

Ballots will be mailed out Oct 16, 2017. Homeowners must fill out and sign the Signature Page. Put completed Ballots in colored envelopes and seal. Send signed Signature Page and sealed colored envelope back to HOA in the enclosed envelopes. Envelopes must be post marked by Nov 6, 2017. Envelopes will be opened Wed. evening, Nov 8, at the Blue Valley Rec Center. All are invited.


Whether you already have vines creeping on your deck or you’re considering which plants you want to add to your outdoor space, it’s important to understand how vines can affect your deck and house. Though their thin, wispy stems seem fragile, over time they can do serious damage. Here is an overview on

how vines can hurt your deck or siding:Vines creeping up decks can work their way into

crevices in the wood and lead to wood rot. They get between boards and joints and create serious problem to the structure of the deck and can affect its integrity. Vines can attach to soffits and downspouts and pull them down.

Vines that wrap around your deck can be home to a multitude of crawling pests. While many of these are


It may not feel like it yet, but cold weather is just around the corner. Keep your home safe and in tip top shape this way:

1. Rake up the brown, matted down grass and all the falling leaves so your yard can breathe over winter. (your neighbors thank you)2. Aerate your lawn with a core aerator. You can rent one or hire a company to perform this task.3. Overseed your lawn to fill in the bare spots.4. Fertilize with a winter fertilizer to promote good growth in the spring.5. Cut back perennials and remove those annuals. Trim trees and bushes/remove dead limbs.6. For the last mow of the season cut it short so winter snow and ice won’t damage your grass.7. Check your gutters for clogs. Too many leaves may result in water in the house!8. Weatherproof your windows and doors. Check for gaps. Critters want to come inside when the weather gets cold!9. Have a professional clear your irrigation system to prevent line damage from the winter freeze.10. Unplug outside hoses. Freezing water can create damage both inside and outside your home.11. Fixed cracked concrete. The freeze and thaw cycle of winter can make those cracks grow.12. Have your fireplace inspected.13.  Have a professional service your heating system.  14.  Install carbon monoxide detectors.15.  Change the ceiling fan rotation to clockwise to push warm air down in the cold months.

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harmless some can do real damage. Vines can make their way between siding and into windows and bring their crawling pests with them to invade your home.

Vines are easy to grow and can look lovely growing on an arbor. If you choose to have vines around your deck it’s very important that you diligently maintain them so they don’t get out of control. Vines can quickly take over a deck and go from an appealing addition to an expensive nuisance. More info at https://www.timbertown.com/blog/landscaping-and-design/how-vines-affect-a-deck



Time to clean out the basement, get rid of stuff that you have not used in years,

make a little cash and have fun!


The Saturday, Oct 14th meeting will not be held atBlue Valley Rec Center.

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

THE PINEWOOD PRESSFall www.pinewoodhomes.net Nov 2017

Welcome to your Pinewood Homes Newsletter. A short, monthly publication to keep you informed.2018 HOA BOARD ELECTION


You should have received your 2018 HOA Board Ballot by now. Please vote for up to 5 candidates. Place marked ballot in the small, colored envelope and seal it. Fill out and sign the Signature Page, which is required for ballot verification and place it in the white envelope. White envelopes must be postmarked no later than Nov. 6, and will be verified against the homeowner list.

If the Signature Page is included, the colored envelope will be set aside to be counted. If it is NOT included, the ballot will NOT be counted.

The Ballot Box will be opened at 9am at the Nov 11th meeting at Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W. 151st St. Pinewood homeowners are invited to attend and observe, but the ballots will be counted by the Election Committee Volunteers.


Set your clocks back 1 hour on Nov 4



The application to build several, large, changeable LED signs along both U.S. 69 and 159th Street has been withdrawn from the Overland Park Planning Commission's November 13 meeting agenda. This plan included four 80 foot tall LED screen signs to be located along the east boundary of the property adjacent to US 69 Highway and three 20 foot tall LED screen signs along 159th Street. They are marked in red in the picture above. Bluhawk may re-file an application for the signs early next year, at which time residents and HOAs nearby should be alerted with postcards to make them aware of the Planning Commission's consideration of the item. However, no one in Pinewood received such a postcard for this meeting.

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Fall is here! Turn off the air conditioner and open the windows before winter cold arrives. But watch out for bugs and spiders! Bushes, trees, and other plants that touch your house are an easy way for pests to move indoors. Overgrown bushes will naturally contain more pests than a well-trimmed bush, meaning an infestation due to an untrimmed bush will be more than just a few pests around your home. It will likely

require professional pest control and will disrupt your home and your life.

If you’ve let your bushes and plants near your home go untrimmed for a while, don’t fear. It’s relatively simple to trim them and get them back to where they need to be. The good news is that in addition to cutting the chances of pests coming into your home, you’ll also be adding curb appeal to your home and making the neighbors happy.

If you search online, you’ll see that the range recommended for trimming shrubs is anywhere from 6 inches to 3 feet away from your home. It makes sense that more distance between your plants and your home is better because cracks in the walls and windows are easy avenues for pests to take to get inside your home, and having your vegetation closer to your house makes it more likely that they’ll be able to access these crevices. If you’re already experiencing pests in your home, then you will probably want to err on the side of caution by trimming shrubs, bushes, and plants so that they are at least 2 feet away from your home. Insects and rodents are sneaky, and they like a warm house as much as we do. Don’t make it easy for them. More info at http://www.millerthekiller.com/2016/01/the-surprising-way-to-keep-pests-out-keep-your-bushes-trimmed/

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]

PINEWOOD PRESSA short, monthly publication to keep you informed.

Winter www.pinewoodhomes.net Dec 2017

2017 HOA Board Election Results

The Ballot Box was opened by the Election Committee at 9am at the Nov 11th meeting at Blue Valley Rec Center, 6545 W. 151st St. Pinewood homeowners and the Pinewood HOA Board were in attendance. Congratulations to the following homeowners that were elected to the 2018 HOA Board: Terry Gwin - President, Jim Kenney – Vice President, Architecture and Landscaping, Sandy Schweikert – Secretary and Newsletter, Lola Shannon – Treasurer, Block Captain Coordinator, and Sandy Sliffe – Board member at large.

2018 HOA Dues Increase – Lola ShannonBeginning, January 1, 2018, the Pinewood Homes Association annual dues will increase to $325.  The reason for the increase is as follows: 

Cost of Living - Pinewood has held steady for 7 years in not raising their dues even though the increase in trash pickup charges has increased year over year. Trash pick up is the costliest monthly charge for our dues as it takes over half of the HOA’s receivables. 

Landscaping - The appearance of our common areas has been in disrepair for a long time.  This year Pinewood spent extra money on one of the common areas (157th Street & Antioch) to make the island look fresh and updated. There are plans to do more in 2018.  Also, the sprinkler system has been repaired many times over the years and we will need to have a reserve for what may end up requiring a new sprinkler system.

Legal Issues - There have been legal issues in the past and a reserve is available should we need to utilize in the future.  

If you have any questions regarding the dues, please feel free to reach out to the Pinewood President, Terry Gwin, or Pinewood Treasurer, Lola Shannon, for further information.

2017 Year End Review and Thank You

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As 2017 comes to a close, it is time to review and give thanks to everyone that gave their time and effort to make Pinewood a great place to live.

Thanks to our Block Captains for being the first line of contact with neighbors and the Board. Thanks for giving your time to bring Welcome Baskets to new neighbors after they move in. Thanks to Lola Shannon for being the Block Captain Coordinator. Thanks to Lisa Potter for being our Webmaster.

Thanks to the homeowners that attend the meetings or email suggestions to the Board.

Thanks to the HOA Board that so generously gives their time, talent and sweat to Pinewood.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Season’s Greetings from the Pinewood HOA Board!

Please submit any Questions, Comments, Photos or Articles to [email protected]