Best of the Science Sites of the Week Spring 2019 Mark Francek Central Michigan University [email protected] Geology and Geography……………………………………………………………………….p.3 1. Before/After Interactive Gallery of Landscape Change 2. Video: Plate Tectonics and Why Earth Has Two Levels – Hypsometric Curve 3. Hawaii Volcano: Blue Flames Burn in Streets as Methane Escapes 4. What is the Moho? How was it Discovered? 5. Frost Action in Soils 6. How Often Do Earthquakes Occur Factsheet 7. U.S. Seismic Hazard Maps and Site-Specific Data 8. Interactive Antipodes Map 9. Forensic Soil Science 10. A Map of Every Building in America 11. How connected Is Your Community To Everywhere Else in America? 12. Australia Is Drifting so Fast GPS Can’t Keep Up 13. IRIS How Will 3 Buildings, Engineered Equally, on Different Bedrock React to an Earthquake 14. Magnitude Perspective: Graphical Comparison of Earthquake Energy Release (NOAA) 1

€¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

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Page 1: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Best of the Science Sites of the Week

Spring 2019Mark Francek

Central Michigan University

[email protected]

Geology and Geography……………………………………………………………………….p.31. Before/After Interactive Gallery of Landscape Change2. Video: Plate Tectonics and Why Earth Has Two Levels – Hypsometric Curve3. Hawaii Volcano: Blue Flames Burn in Streets as Methane Escapes4. What is the Moho? How was it Discovered?5. Frost Action in Soils6. How Often Do Earthquakes Occur Factsheet7. U.S. Seismic Hazard Maps and Site-Specific Data8. Interactive Antipodes Map9. Forensic Soil Science10. A Map of Every Building in America11. How connected Is Your Community To Everywhere Else in America?12. Australia Is Drifting so Fast GPS Can’t Keep Up13. IRIS How Will 3 Buildings, Engineered Equally, on Different Bedrock React to an

Earthquake14. Magnitude Perspective: Graphical Comparison of Earthquake Energy Release (NOAA)15. A Tsunami Didn’t Destroy These 1,747 Homes. It was the Ground Itself, Flowing16. Interactive: the True Size Of a Country17. Video: Moment Magnitude Explained – What Happened to the Richter Scale?

Weather…………………………………………………………………………..………..….p.81. A Comic Timeline of Earth’s Average Temperature since the Pleistocene2. 7 Charts for Understanding the Extent of Climate Change3. Why is Moist Air Less Dense than Dry Air – One Minute Ground School4. A Response for People Using Record Cold U.S. Weather to Refute Climate Change5. 3 Reasons Your Uncle Might Think Cold Days Disprove Global Warming6. EarthViewer: An Interactive Tool For Exploring The Science Of Earth's Deep History


Page 2: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

7. How did Earth’s Atmosphere Form?8. Redrawing the Map: How the World’s Climate Zones Are Shifting9. Comic of the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans10. Climate Kids11. Web Weather for Kids12. Geographical Influences on the Weather13. A Timeline of Earth’s Average Temperature: In Comic Form14. Convection Demos15. Global Climate Report 2018

Space………………………………………………………………………………….…..…...p.131. Kinesthetic Astronomy2. ‘NASA Selfies’ in front of Neat Space Images Now Available

Water…………………………………………………………………………...……………..p.141. Minute Earth: Ocean Confetti – the Plastic that Doesn’t Degrade2. Uneven Rates of Sea Level Rise Tied to Climate Change3. Draining the Ocean – Pulling the Plug on the Marinas Trench4. Interactive Tides and Currents Map5. Water Balance App6. A Diver Filmed Shocking Footage of Plastic Waste off the Coast of Bali7. Rip Current Infographic

Environment…………………………………………………………………………………..p.161. Video: Death by Plastic of Albatross on Midway Island2. Video: How Earth Would Look If All the Ice Melted3. Cleanups in My Community Mapper4. A Splendid Video by NASA Shows Earth as a Living Creature5. Garbage in the Ocean – Interactive Infographic6. Interactive GIS Map of Coal Resources in the United States

General…………………………………………………………………….………………….p.181. CK-12 Interactive Physics and Chemistry Simulations2. What is G-Camp?3. Graphic: The Elements According to Relative Abundance4. Scientists Film a Rare “Fireworks Jellyfish” 4,000 Feet Deep5. Daredevil Goslings Make a Terrifying Jump for Life6. Google Dataset Search7. Noise Level Map From Natural Sources in the United States8. Look Up Patterns Overhead Show Tree Intelligence at Work9. Camera Shutter Speed Matches Helicopter’s Rotor

Teaching…………………………………………………………………………………….p.211. Video: Handling Difficult Conversations with Students over Cheating


Page 3: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Inspiration…………………………………………………………………………………...p.221. The Words of Yesteryear


Geology and Geography

Site Name Before/After Interactive Gallery of Landscape Change

Site URL https://climate.nasa.gov/images-of-change?id=670#670-hawaiian-island-disappears

Site Author NASA

Suggested By Zach Miller


“Our Images of Change gallery features images of different locations on planet Earth, showing change over time periods ranging from centuries to days. Some of these effects are related to climate change, some are not. Some document the effects of urbanization, or the ravage of natural hazards such as fires and floods. All show our planet in a state of flux.”

Name Video: Plate Tectonics and Why Earth Has Two Levels – Hypsometric Curve

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOv3FGVmRcA

Site Author Minute Earth

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“Earth’s outer shell is made of two materials whose different densities and thicknesses give rise to two distinct “levels” on the planet’s surface.”

Name Hawaii Volcano: Blue Flames Burn in Streets as Methane Escapes

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Quq3YnRlRZY

Site Author Guardian News


Page 4: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Blue flames from burning methane is the latest natural phenomenon being seen at the eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. The flames can be seen spouting from cracks in the pavement in the Leilani Estates neighborhood where the volcano has been gushing lava on the big island of Hawaii for the past three weeks.”

Name What is the Moho? How was it Discovered?

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omZj4GboJ00

Site Author IRIS Earthquake Science

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Without understanding what it is, we often hear the phrase “down to the Moho”, meaning very very deep. The Mohorovicic Discontinuity, commonly called the “Moho” is recognized as the boundary zone between Earth's crust and the mantle. This boundary marks a change in seismic-wave velocity from the crust to the uppermost mantle within the (lithospheric) plate.”

Name Frost Action in Soils

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFdf8mmo0pc&list=PLfp1hFsaJhK amaO1aDlzSBA92v6yQ5_t6&t=0s&index=3

Site Author Vermont Local roads

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description “This training video, produced by the Army Corp. of Engineers describes frost action, formation and the damage that it can cause.”

Name How Often Do Earthquakes Occur Factsheet

Site URL https://www.iris.edu/hq/inclass/fact-sheet/how_often_do_earthquakes_occur

Site Author IRIS

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


Page 5: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words


“Earth is an active place and earthquakes are always happening somewhere. In fact, the National Earthquake Information Center locates about 12,000-14,000 earthquakes each year! This fact sheet illustrates information on the frequency of earthquakes of various magnitudes, along with details on the effects of earthquakes and the equivalent energy release.”

Name U.S. Seismic Hazard Maps and Site-Specific Data

Site URL https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/hazmaps/

Site Author USGS

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Most people who live in the eastern United States likely don’t worry too much about earthquakes. Most of the shaking that goes on across the country happens on the west coast, running up and down the San Andreas fault zone or in the Cascades of Oregon and Washington. Other than the Virginia earthquake of 2011, most folks don’t even regard big earthquakes as an issue.”

Name Interactive Antipodes Map

Site URL https://www.antipodesmap.com/

Site Author Antipodes Map

Suggested By Matt Bobrowsky

Description “This map helps you find the antipodes (the other side of the world) of any place on Earth.”

Name Forensic Soil Science

Site URL https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/forensic-investigation/forensic-soil-analysis/

Site Author USDA

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description “If you think soil science is boring, you may be surprised.” Read the


Page 6: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

article to find useful ways soil can be used to solve different types of investigation.

Name A Map of Every Building in America

Site URL https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/12/us/map-of-every-building-in-the-united-states.html

Site Author Tim Wallace, Derek Watkins and John Schwartz

Suggested By Benjamin Heumann

Description“Most of the time, The New York Times asks you to read something. Today we are inviting you, simply, to look. On this page you will find maps showing almost every building in the United States.”

Name How connected Is Your Community To Everywhere Else in America?

Site URL https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/09/19/upshot/facebook-county-friendships.html

Site Author Emily Badger and Quoctrung Bui

Suggested By Randall Schaetzl


“America is often described as a place of great divides — between red and blue, big cities and rural towns, the coasts and the heartland. But our social lives are shaped by a much stronger force that ignores many of these lines: distance.”

Name Australia Is Drifting so Fast GPS Can’t Keep Up

Site URL https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/australia-moves-gps-coordinates-adjusted-continental-drift/

Site Author Brian Clark Howard

Suggested By Mark Francek

Description“As the Earth’s continental plates move, it can cause peoples for navigation. A significant correction must be made by the end of the year for navigation technology to keep working smoothly.”


Page 7: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name IRIS How Will 3 Buildings, Engineered Equally, on Different Bedrock React to an Earthquake

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAPTTEF_UgY

Site Author Efrain Moreno Trigos

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description Demonstration of how different structures react to certain types of earthquakes depending on bedrock they sit on.

Name Magnitude Perspective: Graphical Comparison of Earthquake Energy Release (NOAA)

Site URL https://www.iris.edu/hq/inclass/animation/magnitude_graphical_com parison_of_earthquake_energy_release#videoPlayer2

Site Author IRIS/NOAA

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“This animation graphically compares the relative "sizes" of some 20th and 21st century earthquakes by their moment magnitudes. Each circle's area represents its relative energy release, and its label lists its moment magnitude, its location, and the year it happened.”

Name A Tsunami Didn’t Destroy These 1,747 Homes. It was the Ground Itself, Flowing

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4sZlz8GuMI

Site Author The Guardian

Suggested By Mark Francek

Description Interesting video on soil liquefaction caused by an earthquake that occurred in Palu, Indonesia.

Name Interactive: the True Size Of a CountrySite URL https://thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTYxMjcyNjY.MzUxNzQ



Page 8: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

NQ(MjI1)MgSite Author Google

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? You may be surprised at what you find! A great tool for educators.”

Name Video: Moment Magnitude Explained – What Happened to the Richter Scale?

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL3KGK5eqaw&feature=youtu.be

Site Author IRIS Earthquake Science

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Scientists have developed far-more sensitive seismometers that, with faster computers, have enabled them to record & interpret a broader spectrum of seismic signals than was possible in the 1930's, when the Richter magnitude was developed. The Richter Magnitude Scale is effective for nearby earthquakes below magnitude 7, but not for larger earthquakes. The Moment Magnitude Scale uses seismograms plus what physically occurs during an earthquake (which can also be derived from seismograms), known as the "seismic moment". The seismic moment defines how much force is needed to generate the recorded waves. That information is plugged into the moment magnitude scale to give us the amount of energy that is released during an earthquake.”


Site Name A Comic Timeline of Earth’s Average Temperature since the Pleistocene

Site URL http://xkcd.com/1732/

Site Author Shakun, Marcott, Annan and Hargreaves

Suggested By Alice Kasten

DescriptionThis website provides a timeline of Earth’s temperature beginning thousands of years ago, to the current and future times to show how much warming earth has encountered. 


Page 9: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name 7 Charts for Understanding the Extent of Climate Change

Site URL https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46384067

Site Author Nassos Stylianou, Clara Guibourg, Daniel Dunford and Lucy Rodgers

Suggested By Liann Yates

Description“The concern is that such hot and cold weather fronts are being blocked - stuck over regions for long periods - more frequently because of climate change, leading to more extreme weather events.”

Name Why is Moist Air Less Dense than Dry Air – One Minute Ground School

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld5hu01mKWM&list=PLfp1hFs aJhKZ4XkdNIvby9jBwxRaboNUz&index=5

Site Author Gold Seal Flight Training

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“Humidity is a measure factor when considering density altitude. It seems counter intuitive, but moist air really is less dense than dry air. In this video, Russ explains why.”

Name A Response for People Using Record Cold U.S. Weather to Refute Climate Change

Site URLhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2017/12/28/a-response-for-people-using-record-cold-u-s-weather-to-refute-climate-change/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

Site Author Marshall Shepherd

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description OK…It’s from 2017….still: article discussing how record cold days do not mean global warming is not occurring.

Name 3 Reasons Your Uncle Might Think Cold Days Disprove Global Warming

Site URLhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2018/11/23/3-reasons-your-uncle-might-think-cold-days-disprove-global-warming/#76859e151699


Page 10: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Site Author Marshall Shepherd

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Cold days or weeks always bring out Tweets like "It's record cold, what happen to global warming?" or "I have 20 inches of global warming in my yard." These are cute Tweets, but they reveal a basic lack of understanding of science and can make for a tiring Thanksgiving dinner table conversation. Here are 3 reasons I believe such thinking happens.”

Name EarthViewer: An Interactive Tool For Exploring The Science Of Earth's Deep History

Site URL https://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/earthviewer

Site Author Bio Interactive

Suggested By Lillian Fitzpatrick


“What did Earth look like 250 million years ago? Or 1 billion years ago? Or 4.5 billion years ago? What was the climate like in the deep past? Find the answers with EarthViewer, an interactive tool for exploring the science of Earth's deep history. From molten mass to snowball earth, EarthViewer lets you see continents grow and shift as you scroll through billions of years. Additional layers let you and your students explore changes in atmospheric composition, temperature, biodiversity, day length, and solar luminosity over deep time.”

Name How did Earth’s Atmosphere Form?

Site URL https://scijinks.gov/atmosphere-formation/

Site Author SciJinks

Suggested By Kelly White

Description Kid-friendly explanation of the three stages in the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere.

Name Redrawing the Map: How the World’s Climate Zones Are Shifting


Page 11: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Site URL https://e360.yale.edu/features/redrawing-the-map-how-the-worlds-climate-zones-are-shifting

Site Author Nicola Jones

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Rising global temperatures are altering climatic zones around the planet, with consequences for food and water security, local economies, and public health. Here’s a stark look at some of the distinct features that are already on the move.”

Name Comic of the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans

Site URL https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsy155/5185677

Site AuthorJason S Link, Bas Kohler, Roger Griffis, Margaret M Peg Brady, Shin-Ichi Ito, Veronique Garcon, Anne Hallowed, Manuel Barange, Robin Brown, Wojciech Wawrzynski, Howard Browman

Suggested By Marcello Graziano


At the 4th International Symposium, “A professional graphic artist attended the meeting, and produced a range of amazingly insightful and often poignant cartoons as an effective means to share lessons from the conference in real time.”

Name Climate Kids

Site URL https://climatekids.nasa.gov/

Site Author NASA

Suggested By Rachel Zimmerman-Brachman


“Launched in 2010, NASA’s Climate Kids website tells the story of our changing planet through the eyes of the NASA missions studying Earth. Targeting upper-elementary-aged children, the site is full of games, activities, and articles that make climate science accessible and engaging. On the website, kids, parents, and teachers can explore the differences between weather and climate, learn about how to keep our oceans healthy, and even how to make s’mores using the power of the Sun’s rays.”


Page 12: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name Web Weather for Kids

Site URL https://scied.ucar.edu/webweather

Site Author NCAR and UCAR

Suggested By John Ristvey

DescriptionA website containing a variety of kid-friendly weather-related content such as clouds, thunderstorms, tornadoes, weather ingredients and more!

Name Geographical Influences on the Weather

Site URL https://pmm.nasa.gov/education/lesson-plans/geographical-influences

Site Author NASA

Suggested By Dorian W. Janney


“Students will compare temperature and precipitation graphs for various U.S. locations to look for patterns in geographical influence on climate, then collect data for a location of their choice and create their own climatogram.”

Name A Timeline of Earth’s Average Temperature: In Comic Form

Site URL https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/a-timeline-of-earths-average-temperature-in-comic-form/

Site Author XKCD – Randall Munroe

Suggested By Kristin Cook

Description “This new illustration from American cartoonist Randall Munroe puts climate change into perspective…”

Name Convection Demos

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEDUtS0IMws&feature=youtu.be

Site Author Mr. Temme


Page 13: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Suggested By Tom Gazda


“Convection appears in many systems in the universe. A heated fluid will expand, increasing the volume, and decreasing the density so the heated fluid floats in its surroundings. When cooled the fluid will sink in its surroundings. This movie highlights 2 demonstrations used in science class.”

Name Global Climate Report 2018

Site URL https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201813

Site Author Michon Scott, Rebecca Lindsey

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Given the size and tremendous heat capacity of the global oceans, it takes a massive amount of accumulated heat energy to raise Earth’s average yearly surface temperature even a small amount. Behind the seemingly small increase in global average surface temperature over the past century is a significant increase in accumulated heat. That extra heat is driving regional and seasonal temperature extremes, reducing snow cover and sea ice, intensifying heavy rainfall, and changing habitat ranges for plants and animals—expanding some and shrinking others.”


Name Kinesthetic Astronomy

Site URL http://www.spacescience.org/eduresources/kinesthetic.php

Site Author Space Science Institute

Suggested By Melissa Lutz


“Here we present a significant upgrade to the first in a series of innovative, experiential lessons we call Kinesthetic Astronomy. The Sky Time lesson reconnects students with the astronomical meaning of the day, year, and seasons. Like all Kinesthetic Astronomy lessons, it teaches basic astronomical concepts through choreographed bodily movements and positions that provide educational sensory experiences.”


Page 14: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name ‘NASA Selfies’ in front of Neat Space Images Now Available

Site URL https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7220

Site Author NASA

Suggested By Bob Riddle


“The new NASA Selfies app lets you generate snapshots of yourself in a virtual spacesuit, posing in front of gorgeous cosmic locations, like the Orion Nebula or the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The app also provides information about the science behind these stunning images.”


Site Name Minute Earth: Ocean Confetti – the Plastic that Doesn’t Degrade

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVoFeELi_vQ&feature=youtu.be

Site Author Minute Earth

Suggested By Mark Francek


“We make tons of plastic precisely because it’s cheap, durable and yet expendable. The features of plastic that make it so useful to us, have also transformed life in the oceans.” Watch this video to learn about the effects plastic has on marine life.

Name Uneven Rates of Sea Level Rise Tied to Climate Change

Site URL https://news.ucar.edu/132639/uneven-rates-sea-level-rise-tied-climate-change

Site Author Laura Snider

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description Find out how this new study “could be critical for coastal communities as they prepare” for sea levels to rise.


Page 15: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name Draining the Ocean – Pulling the Plug on the Marinas Trench

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngBnHUNXUMA

Site Author Ryan Brideau

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“A simulation of draining the world's oceans by pulling a hypothetical "plug" in the Marianas Trench, inspired by the work of Randall Munroe of XKCD.”

Name Interactive Tides and Currents Map

Site URL https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/

Site Author NOAA

Suggested By Michael Passow

Description “Choose a state to access your local water levels, tide and current predictions, and other oceanographic and meteorological conditions.”

Name Water Balance App

Site URL https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/waterbalance/

Site Author NASA

Suggested By Joseph Kerski

Description Interactive map showing how water balance is changing overtime.

Name A Diver Filmed Shocking Footage of Plastic Waste off the Coast of Bali

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31CdhLMV7Es

Site Author Business Insider

Suggested By Mark Francek

Description “Shocking footage has emerged showing a Bali ocean containing tones


Page 16: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

of plastic waste, showing the damage that humans are doing to the world's ocean.”

Name Rip Current Infographic

Site URL https://www.weather.gov/media/safety/rip_signs042704.pdf

Site Author NOAA and USLA

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description Infographic showing what to do if caught in a rip current.


Site Name Video: Death by Plastic of Albatross on Midway Island

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUM58LIU2Lo

Site Author waduha100

Suggested By Mike Nolan


“The plight of plastic on Albatross birds on Midway Island, an Island on the North Pacific Ocean, 2000 miles from the nearest continent. The island is littered in plastic, which the inhabiting albatross population ingests, causing a shocking and painful death.”

Name Video: How Earth Would Look If All the Ice Melted

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbiRNT_gWUQ

Site Author Science Insider

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“As National Geographic showed us in 2013, sea levels would rise by 216 feet if all the land ice on the planet were to melt. This would dramatically reshape the continents and drown many of the world’s major cities.”


Page 17: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name Cleanups in My Community Mapper

Site URL https://www.epa.gov/cleanups/cleanups-my-community

Site Author United States Environmental Protection Agency

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“Cleanups in My Community is intended to provide information about sites that might need to be cleaned up, are being cleaned up, or have been cleaned up in your community or anywhere in the United States. The information can help people understand what is happening in their community, what has happened, and, with the contextual information provided, what could happen if certain events take place.”

Name A Splendid Video by NASA Shows Earth as a Living Creature

Site URL https://www.geospatialworld.net/videos/a-splendid-video-by-nasa-shows-earth-as-a-living-creature/

Site Author Mahashreveta Choudhary

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) has released a stunning video that shows Earth in a way you may have never seen before. The video is a time-lapse simulation that depicts seven days in 2005 when a categoty-4 typhoon developed off the coast of China.”

Name Garbage in the Ocean – Interactive Infographic

Site URL https://public.tableau.com/en-us/s/gallery/garbage-ocean?gallery=votd

Site Author Kasia Gasiewska-Holc

Suggested By Xiaoguang Wang

DescriptionIn 2010, almost 10 million debris items were collected by the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup.  Here’s an analysis of what and where.

Name Interactive GIS Map of Coal Resources in the United States

Site URL https://www.americangeosciences.org/critical-issues/maps/interactive-


Page 18: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

map-coal-resources-united-statesSite Author American Geosciences Institute

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Coal Resources Data System comes with an interactive map that provides a huge amount of information on the distribution, thickness, and classification of coal in the United States.”


Site Name CK-12 Interactive Physics and Chemistry Simulations

Site URLhttp://interactives.ck12.org/simulations/?referrer=student&backUrl =http://www.ck12.org/student/&_ga=1.159262586.1902136634.14 55022959

Site Author CK-12 Foundation

Suggested By Hannah Naczi


“Our philosophy is that learning is a personal journey. The CK-12 Foundation was founded with the mission to enable everyone to learn in his or her own way. We pair high-quality content with the latest technologies. We equip students, teachers, and parents with everything they need. For free.”

Site Name What is G-Camp?

Site URL https://geoweb.tamu.edu/academics/camps-and-outreach/g-camp/index.html

Site Author Texas A&M G-Camp Staff

Suggested By Carolyn SchroederDescription G-Camp is now accepting applications for Summer 2019.

G-Camp is a 20-day field camp for 5th - 12th grade science teachers that provides first-hand experience with the principles of geology in the field, helps you develop new curriculum and virtual fieldtrips for your classroom, and makes learning fun and exciting out-of-doors. Our itinerary takes us through Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado.Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from College Station; however, all travel expenses (bus, hotels) during G-Camp will be covered, and teachers who complete the requirements


Page 19: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

will receive a stipend to cover meals during G-Camp.

Name Graphic: The Elements According to Relative Abundance

Site URL https://visual.ly/community/infographic/science/elements-according-relative-abundance

Site Author Wm. F. Sheehan

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“Roughly, the size of an element’s own niche is proportioned to its abundance on Earth’s surface, and in addition, certain chemical similarities.”

Name Scientists Film a Rare “Fireworks Jellyfish” 4,000 Feet Deep

Site URL https://www.diyphotography.net/scientists-film-rare-fireworks-jellyfish-4000-feet-deep/

Site Author Dunja Djudjic

Suggested By NESTA Twitter


“As written on Nautilus’ website, the jellyfish came into view at 1225m in the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Baja California, Mexico. This beauty normally drifts completely unseen in the dark of deep waters. But when ROV Hercules lit it, the jellyfish reflected the lights in gorgeous splashes of yellow and pink. The scientists explain that this is due to radial canals that move nutrients through the jelly’s bell. They form a starburst pattern that reflects the lights, giving away these beautiful colors.”

Name Daredevil Goslings Make a Terrifying Jump for Life

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsCaFSVRls8

Site Author Discovery

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description “Greenland's barnacle goslings undergo one of the most harrowing rites of passage of any creature on the planet. In order to reach the nourishing grassy plains below, the goslings must make a leap of faith


Page 20: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

and drop over 400ft from nests perched on towering cliff tops.”

Name Google Dataset Search

Site URL https://toolbox.google.com/datasetsearch

Site Author Google

Suggested By Bin Li


“Datasets are easier to find when you provide supporting information such as their name, description, creator and distribution formats as structured data. Google's approach to dataset discovery makes use of schema.org and other metadata standards that can be added to pages that describe datasets. The purpose of this markup is to improve discovery of datasets from fields such as life sciences, social sciences, machine learning, civic and government data, and more.”

Name Noise Level Map From Natural Sources in the United States

Site URL https://brilliantmaps.com/natural-sound/

Site Author Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division of the U.S. National Park Service

Suggested By Mark Francek

Description“This remarkable map… shows the distribution of the loudness of natural sounds (sounds that would be heard if human influence were taken out of the picture).”

Name Look Up Patterns Overhead Show Tree Intelligence at Work

Site URL https://bigthink.com/robby-berman/patterns-overhead-show-tree-intelligence-at-work

Site Author Robby Berman

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description“Trees may avoid touching each other in the forest canopy creating giant, backlit jigsaw puzzles from a light-sharing phenomenon called ‘crown shyness’.”


Page 21: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

Name Camera Shutter Speed Matches Helicopter’s Rotor

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr3ngmRuGUc

Site Author Chris Fay

Suggested By NESTA Twitter

Description Helicopter seems to be “magically hovering” due to camera shutter and rotor on the same speed.


Name Video: Handling Difficult Conversations with Students over Cheating

Site URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwSZ3XYUZME

Site Author Aha! Process

Suggested By David Upegui

Description“When angers flair, a win-win situation becomes impossible. Here's an example of how teachers/administrators and students can have effective conversations even when the topic is difficult.”


Name The Words of Yesteryear

Suggested By Larry ClaypoolDescription Do you remember that word?

 Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word Mergatroyd?   Heavens to Mergatroyd! The other day a not so elderly (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said "What the heck is a Jalopy?"   He never heard of the word jalopy!!     She knew she was old..... but not that old. Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle. 


Page 22: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy", "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of “moxie.”    We'd put on our best “bib and tucker” to “straighten up and fly right”.

Heavens to Betsy!    Gee whillikers!    Jumping Jehoshaphat!    Holy moley! We were “in like Flynn” and “living the life of Riley'', and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a “knucklehead”, a “nincompoop” or a “pill”.  Not for “all the tea in China!”

Back in the olden days, life used to be “swell”, but when's the last time anything was “swell”?    Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers...AND DON'T FORGET.... Saddle Stitched Pants.

Oh, my aching back!    “Kilroy was here”, but he isn't anymore. We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, “Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle”!   Or, “this is a fine kettle of fish”!    We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards. Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind.  We blink, and they're gone.

Where have all those great phrases gone?    “Let's all go to the beach Saturday"... Long gone: “Pshaw”, “the milkman did it”, “Hey! It's your nickel”, “Don't forget to pull the chain”, “Knee high to a grasshopper”, “Well, Fiddlesticks!”, “Going like sixty”, “I'll see you in the funny papers”, “Don't take any wooden nickels”, “Wake up and smell the roses”. It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than “Carter has liver pills”.    This can be disturbing stuff! ("Carter's Little Liver Pills" are gone too!)

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age.


Page 23: €¦  · Web viewFor a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words

 We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our collective memory.     It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.

Leaves us to wonder where Superman will find a phone booth... See ya later, alligator!
