Be sure to welcome our friend Phoebe in the way of the Master, with all the generous hospitality we Christians are famous for. I heartily endorse both her and her work. She's a key representative of the church at Cenchrea. Help her out in whatever she asks. She deserves anything you can do for her. She's helped many a person, including me. Romans 16:1-2, The Message Paul writes in Romans 16 personal greetings to a “who’s who” list of believers who have been a blessing to him personally, physically, and spiritually. He begins by commending a woman named Phoebe, who Paul refers to as a friend to him and his missionary companions. Paul exhorts the Roman church to welcome her “in the way of the Master”, befitting a follower of Jesus Christ, extending her the type of hospitality that Christians are noted for. In other words, Paul is expecting the Roman believers to treat her graciously, as if the Lord Himself was her host. Paul states that Phoebe is deserving of any act of kindness, since she has been a help to many, including him. As members of congregations Hospitality for our Brothers and Sisters

pghpip.org  · Web viewDraw them deeper into the study of your Word…deeper into prayer and worship. Give them hope, and comfort their hearts before, during, and after the General

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Be sure to welcome our friend Phoebe in the way of the Master, with all the generous hospitality we Christians are famous for. I heartily endorse both her and her work. She's a key representative of the church at Cenchrea. Help her out in whatever she asks. She deserves anything you can do for her. She's helped many a person, including me. Romans 16:1-2, The Message Paul writes in Romans 16 personal greetings to a “who’s who” list of believers who have been a blessing to him personally, physically, and spiritually. He begins by commending a woman named Phoebe, who Paul refers to as a friend to him and his missionary companions. Paul exhorts the Roman church to welcome her “in the way of the Master”, befitting a follower of Jesus Christ, extending her the type of hospitality that Christians are noted for. In other words, Paul is expecting the Roman believers to treat her graciously, as if the Lord Himself was her host. Paul states that Phoebe is deserving of any act of kindness, since she has been a help to many, including him. As members of congregations in Pittsburgh Presbytery, let’s all extend a Christ and grace filled welcome to all the delegates and supporting staff of the PC(USA) General Assembly. These folks are our brothers and sisters in Christ, fighting the good fight and wrestling with difficult issues and decisions during their stay here. Let’s be sure to treat them as though Jesus Himself is their host! Loving and merciful Father, You welcome all who trust Your Son as Lord and Savior. We confess that we are not always welcoming to others. We thank You for your grace and mercy in our lives, and ask for the heart of Christ as we prepare to welcome Presbyterians from near and far next summer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly. 

Hospitality for our Brothers and Sisters

Decision Makers The purpose of the General Assembly is to come together to determine the Lord’s will for the whole of the denomination as we learn and grow together in our Christian faith. This is an awesome responsibility and not one taken lightly.

The great Presbyterian minister, Dr. Peter Marshall, served also as the Chaplain to the Senate while he was installed at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC. He was a man of deep prayer and prayed each day for the Senators as they made decisions that regarded the well-being of an entire nation, possibly even the world. Let’s pray together a prayer that Dr. Marshall* used frequently when he prayed for those who made decisions:

Lord, You have said that our Father in heaven notes even the fall of a sparrow to the ground. Help us to believe, O God, that You are concerned not only with the rolling of the spheres in their orbits, but even with each of us, our doubts, our perplexities.

We remember all too well the bitter discoveries we have made when we have tried to run our lives our own way, when we try to steer our own craft. Will You come aboard, Lord Jesus, and set us a true course, for we grow weary of life’s demands, tired of our blundering ways.

We seek a clear light to shine upon our troubled way. We ask You to give us clear directions. Where we have missed the way and wandered far, bring us back at whatever cost to our pride. Take away our stubborn self-will, for we know that in Your will alone is our peace. We seek that peace.

We pray in the name which is above every name, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen *The Prayers of Peter Marshall, edited by Catherine Marshall, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, NY, 1954, page 40.

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Pray Continually Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 Rejoice always? Pray continually? Really? We may be convinced that a joyful disposition and a regular practice of prayer are key ingredients in the recipe for spiritual health, but that doesn’t mean we are ready to put it to work 24/7. Some hearty souls have given it their best effort but sooner or later they give up because the expectation becomes overwhelming. Actually, it is the effort that’s the problem. God is not asking us to become spiritual super heroes who do the impossible, but if we make room for the Holy Spirit to fill our lives, we will have a growing awareness of God’s movement in our hearts and in our world. As we remain faithful we will gradually come to know the constancy of joy and be drawn to perpetual prayer. It is God’s will and God is faithfully working out that will in each of us. A national event in the life of our denomination, such as General Assembly, is a good occasion to renew our commitment to prayer. Over these weeks of prayer we can join together in response to God’s invitation to rejoice, pray, and give thanks. Individuals may struggle to stay on course, but during these weeks of preparation, let’s hold each other accountable for cultivating a disposition that is always rejoicing, always praying, always grateful.  God of grace and God of mercy, send us your Spirit so that we might find contentment and peace in living out Your will for us in Christ Jesus. Plant a seed of thankfulness in our hearts and minds that blossoms into lives of rejoicing and prayer. Especially we pray that our General Assembly will overwhelmed with our prayers and God’s Spirit-filled joy. It is in the strong name of Jesus that we pray. Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Love One Another May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15: 5-6

One of the great strengths of Habitat for Humanity is their commitment to bring people together for the common task of providing affordable housing to families who might not otherwise own a home. Volunteers work together to build a house without necessarily knowing much about each other’s income or job title or church affiliation or political views. The common mission is what unites their efforts. It’s a great model for the church who wants to live into the supplication Paul offers in behalf of the Christians in Rome.

Paul prayed that the church would be able to have one mind in their mission to glorify God and let go of the things on which they were divided. He realized that in order for that to happen the Holy Spirit would need to fill their hearts and minds, because the default mode of human beings is to bicker over our differences. We have a perverse need for “them” to be “wrong” so that “we” can be “right” but we don’t always see how this becomes a distraction for being all God wants us to be.

Let’s receive this year’s General Assembly as an opportunity to receive the love of our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us endurance and encouragement so that we have grace to love one another.  Good and loving God, we give thanks for the fellowship we share with friends and members of all of the Presbyterian congregations in Allegheny County. We commit one another to your care and pray that we would encourage one another in our desire to honor you with our lives. May we see your grace deepening in our lives as we join together in the work that You have called us to do. Lord, send your light so that we may be light. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.  

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Angles of Vision

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6 - 7 There are many angles of vision through which we can look at plans for General Assembly. The logistical angle of vision lets us see what’s needed to mobilize hundreds of volunteers, and solve questions of how to move people from “A” to “B.” The aesthetic angle of vision helps us imagine ways to arrange the Convention Center space and dress it up so that it’s conducive to both times for business and times for worship. The political angle of vision moves people to ask questions about power in the church and discerns when and how to take a stand on certain issues before us. The theological angle of vision looks for where God is at work in all of this. The spiritual angle of vision sets us up to view the big picture and drenches in prayer all of the other ways of approaching the plans for GA. Prayer helps to correct our vision so that we don’t have to look through any of the other angles of vision with anxiety, resentment, or strife. Instead of working out all of the details on our own strength, we are led by the Spirit who gives us confidence in God’s provision and wisdom.

We thank you good God for all the people who are giving so generously of their time and talent to plan and prepare for this years Assembly. Relieve our anxieties over the enormity of the task. Help us keep in view that we belong to You and this General Assembly belongs to You. In confidence born of hope, we give you all of our petitions and with thanksgiving, we trust that all will be well. All will be well. Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Decisions How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 Have you ever thought about all the decisions you make in one day? What should I wear today? What shall I have for breakfast? Should I brush my teeth before or after breakfast, or both? These decisions are relatively easy and usually occur within ½ hour of waking up in the morning…and these decisions are individualized – there is not a committee making them for you. Each of the delegates coming to GA2012 will serve on one of the many General Assembly Committees where they will need to make many decisions and recommendations concerning GA overtures. Friends, we are in fellowship with one another and with the Living God in Jesus Christ. We do not make decisions in a vacuum. We can pray now that God speaks to delegates through scripture, readings, experience, tradition and one other as they discern how to make these important decisions.  Triune God of grace and glory, we pray for Your will to be done for the good of all of us who are in union with You through the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to live in the unity we have only through Him, that we might live in goodness and pleasantness. Amen.

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

The Gift of Hospitality  Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.   Romans 12:13, NIV Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  1 Peter 4:9 NIV Hospitality is recognized as one of the gifts of the Spirit. Hospitality can be described as the joyous receiving of folks into our homes and offering to meet their needs and give them comfort and peace. As members of Presbyterian churches in the Pittsburgh Presbytery, we have a great opportunity to extend our gift of hospitality to the delegates and support personnel of the General Assembly when they convene here in the summer of 2012. We will be welcoming them into our home city and Presbytery. They will have many kinds of needs. Some may be as simple as answering where to cash a check or access a MAC machine, a good nearby restaurant, or where to get a suit or outfit cleaned. Some needs may be more personal and heartfelt – a request for prayer, a Bible, a quiet place to meditate and unwind, or medical attention. Let us offer this precious gift with joyful hearts, not as an obligation, but willingly as children of God, reaching out to our brothers and sisters in faith. The Lord has given us this opportunity. Let’s magnify the Lord by graciously welcoming the GA12 folks and offering the hospitality in praise and honor of our great and awesome God! Dear Lord, You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Forgive us when our hearts are not open to Your leading. Thank you for loving us unconditionally, and help us welcome the GA folks with that same unconditional love and hospitality. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Extending Hospitality  

The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.  I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the LORD has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.      Isaiah 41:17-20  In this passage from Isaiah, the prophet writes about the Hebrew nation being refreshed after their season of exile. The desert describes the spiritual wilderness that the Hebrews existed in apart from their God. God promises the Hebrews that He will refresh them with rivers and pools and springs of healing and nourishing water. The parched ground will become a garden, representing the return of the nation of Israel to a nurturing relationship with God. As the hosts of the 2012 General Assembly in Pittsburgh, may our witness to the delegates and the rest of the world be like streams and springs of water, full of grace and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Let’s be the hands, feet, and arms of the Lord, proclaiming His power and majesty, and His mercy and compassion. Dear Father, You are compassionate and gracious, and abounding in love. Sometimes we do not extend those graces to others. We thank You that You have not forsaken us, and pray for a fresh anointing of Your Spirit upon us when we are called to host the General Assembly next summer. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Hospitality Grows 

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.         Galatians 5:22-25 What kind of fruit tree do you imagine yourself to be? Apples make great pies and apple sauce and apple butter. Peaches and cherries create scrumptious cobblers and pies. Bananas are good on cereal and make great homemade ice cream. Pears are just fun to eat right out of the bag (so are apples, peaches, bananas, and cherries). Is your mouth watering yet? In our daily lives God wants us to bear spiritual fruit as we interact with others. Our obedience to God enables the Holy Spirit to produce this fruit in us. When we bear this type of fruit in our dealings with others, they are built up in their faith, and encouraged to grow and mature in love and service to God. When we host the 2012 General Assembly, let’s nourish the delegates and support staff with this spiritual fruit, and let’s share our joy in the Lord with them! Also, let’s be in the Word as we make our preparations, and pray that we are able to follow the Spirit’s leading as we host this important meeting. Dear Lord and Savior, You are our Master Gardener! We confess that we don’t always take root where You’ve planted us. Thank you for pruning us for service for You, and help us bear spiritual fruit in July 2012 as hosts of the General Assembly meeting. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Commissioners Abide  Abide in me as I abide in you.  Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.  I am 

the vine, you are the branches.  Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.     John 15:4-5 Various presbyteries have different ways of choosing their commissioners from General Assembly. Some commissioners will know well in advance that they will be traveling to Pittsburgh in 2012…others will be elected months later. Whether they are named or not yet named at this time, our God knows them. And now is the time to begin praying for each one. Pray that each commissioner will be drawn into a closer relationship with our Savior…a true “abiding” relationship. The responsibility of serving as a commissioner is huge…it can be overwhelming for most. Only as commissioners abide in Christ will their special time of service bear fruit. Apart from Christ, none of us can do anything to bless the Church. Lord God, we pray that every commissioner who will be attending GA is abiding in Christ and listens to the Holy Spirit before and during this important and challenging time of service to the church. May the Truth be made clear to them, and may love and obedience grow daily in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Commissioners Health 

Jesus welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.    Luke 9:11 As we remember Jesus’ healing mercy and compassion toward the crowds long ago, we must pause to think about the crowd of commissioners, guests, advisors, and volunteers at our upcoming General Assembly. Many of those may find that the long hours, the fast pace, walking around town and sitting for a long time to be physically challenging each day. Let us begin praying for their strength and health now. As Pittsburgh Presbytery hosts the General Assembly may we keep a compassionate eye out for all those who will be visiting Pittsburgh for the 220th GA. May our kindness to them bless Jesus our Lord. Jesus, we lift up people in need of your healing mercy now. We pray for those who struggle daily with physical, mental, and emotional problems. We pray for those weakened by cancer treatments, for those who cannot walk without pain, and for those whose blood sugar is such a challenge to stabilize. We pray for a special, wondrous outpouring of your strength for those participating in the GA who need your healing touch. And may those of us who are healthier be as sensitive and merciful as our Savior. In His name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly .

Commissioners Listen

You must understand this, my beloved:  let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.     James 1:19-20

Those who have participated in General Assembly gatherings in the past know that it does not take long for tempers to flare in committee meetings, conversations in the hallways, and in plenary meetings. Even the most dedicated presbyters will find themselves tired, confused, and sometimes appalled by the volume of business to be discussed and the variety of opinions that are discussed and reviewed. Let us begin praying, even now, that each commissioner will be so strengthened by the Holy Spirit that listening will become easier, speaking will be less impulsive, and the fruit of self-control will be clearly evident. Holy God, as our General Assembly time draws near, please implant these words into our hearts: “be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” We pray for the Holy Spirit to be strongly present in all of us, so that we will be able to control our tongues and our tempers. We desire to honor you, Lord, by our thoughts, our words, and even the expressions on our faces. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Commissioners find Welcome Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?    Matthew 6:26 I enjoy relaxing in my sunroom, where I look through a large window and see the abundance of our Lord’s creation and provision. Birds of all sizes and colors are flitting through the trees, nibbling in bushes, and sometimes feasting at the feeders we’ve provided. I see chipmunks and red squirrels, rabbits and gray squirrels, a groundhog and occasionally…a wild turkey. I am so grateful for the wonders of creation…so grateful that all

these creatures have decided that our backyard is a good place to be. My thoughts jump to the wide variety of people who will come from near and far to join us in Pittsburgh for the GA. I hope we will delight in their presence with us. I hope they will delight in Pittsburgh. I pray that they will find the provision they need while they are with us: good food, good places to rest and sleep, a warm welcome from the city as well as from Pittsburgh Presbytery. Each person is a special gift, a child of God. May they find Pittsburgh a good place to be. Our Father, Creator of this world and our part of it: we thank you for the missionaries, the guests from other churches in other nations, the theological students and other visitors who will fly…or ride…into Pittsburgh for the GA. We pray for their safety and health as they travel and while they are with us. We pray that our city and local communities will be joyful and gracious to them throughout their time here. We pray that all their basic needs will be met. And we pray for blessed opportunities to pray, study, worship and share our faith in Christ together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Commissioners and Technology Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.       Philippians 4:6-7

In June of 1999 I joined several other GA commissioners in struggling to board a jet bound for Fort Worth, Texas. Finally in my seat, I wondered how the jet would get off the ground. The problem? Each one of us was carrying over 40 lbs. of printed papers…instructions, background information, vast committee reports and explanations of overtures.

Just a few years later the church leaders decided it was time to use the new technology available to us: laptop computers! All reports would be

presented online, even voting would be done by computer. Hooray! Commissioners could avoid chiropractors and trees could live longer. But the change did not come easily. Sometimes screens froze, or reports didn’t show up, or response time “timed out.” And though many commissioners were computer savvy, many were not. The apostle Paul assures us that in EVERYTHING we can let our requests be made known to God. Does that include concerns about technology during General Assembly meetings? Let’s hope so! And let’s remember to pray for those special saints who will be planning, setting up, and running the computer systems for GA, as well as the Commissioners who will be using the system…some of them for the first time. 

Merciful God, we do believe that you can help us in all things. With faith and with thanksgiving, we pray for the computer technology and the computers that will be used during our upcoming GA. May the technology serve as a blessing, not a curse. Give wisdom to all those who will be working on and with the computer systems. We ask you to reveal the possible “glitches” and the right ways to fix them. And we pray that your peace, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Youth and Seminary Delegates Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.         2 Thessalonians 2:16-16 As crowds pour into the GA area in Pittsburgh next summer, many of the faces will be young. Youth Advisory Delegates (fondly called “YADS”) are students just finishing high school or already in college. Theological Seminary Advisory Delegates (awkwardly called “TSADS”) come from the variety of theological seminaries which serve our part of the Church. They come with energy, enthusiasm, laughter and goodwill.

May they also come prepared…and strengthened. For those new to the GA experience (the vast majority of YADS and TSADS), there will be surprises. They will find a wide variety of good people who disagree—intensely—about many things. They will find long hours and a lack of “free time”. Some meetings and discussions will seem boring and meaningless. GA is not easy for anyone. Our hope is that their time of service at GA will strengthen their faith in Christ and their love of our part of His church. The time to pray for them is now. YADS and TSADS need our prayers, our love, and our encouragement long before they arrive in Pittsburgh. Lord God, we thank you for the YADS and TSADS who will be chosen to serve as advisory delegates to this General Assembly. And we do pray that their experience in Pittsburgh will be spiritually uplifting and will inspire a life-time of faithful service to Christ. By the power of your Spirit, prepare them. Give them wisdom not only during GA, but in the months leading up to it. Draw them deeper into the study of your Word…deeper into prayer and worship. Give them hope, and comfort their hearts before, during, and after the General Assembly gathering in Pittsburgh. Strengthen them—and the rest of us—in every good work and word. Amen 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

  Missionaries & Ecumenical Delegates

  Friend, you have no idea how good your love makes me feel, doubly so when I see your hospitality to fellow believers.     Philemon 7, The Message One of many blessings of hosting General Assembly is that we will be given the opportunity to extend Christian hospitality to missionaries and ecumenical delegates from our own country and around the world. They will not be able to vote, but they will be given opportunities to share their wisdom and discernment. Part of our “hospitality” will involve providing housing and food that will be comfortable for them, as well as help with language issues, if needed. Good directional signs are essential. But part of our “hospitality” will be deeper…more of an openness of heart. We need to be ready to listen to

them, to enter into meaningful discussions…and to show respect for their insights. They are a gift from God, being sent our way for a special time. Look for them. Talk with them. Pray with them. And rejoice in the Lord with them. Wise and gracious God, we thank you for each one of the missionary and ecumenical delegates you will lead to our General Assembly. We pray for good health and safe travel for each one. We pray that you will anoint each one with gifts of your Holy Spirit. May none of them feel as if they are “decorations on the sideline”, but instead sense that they are an important part of our family…appreciated for their work in your service and for the wisdom and discernment you have given them to share. Above all, may they experience the powerful love of Jesus during their time in Pittsburgh. In His name, Amen.  

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

 Mission Agencies

 Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!   Psalm 66:5 The Mission Ministry Team of Pittsburgh Presbytery has validated twenty-five local mission efforts within the Presbytery’s geographical area. These include the East End Cooperative Ministry, Hosanna Industries Neighborhood Academy, Off the Floor Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Project, Sojourner House and many others. Delegates and Visitors to the 2012 General Assembly will have the opportunity to tour some of the mission Agencies working in Pittsburgh. They will

see how the policies, reports and recommendations of General Assembly are lived out in the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh Presbytery. We pray for the church as it seeks to discern what the church should be and do during the 2012 General Assembly. We also pray for the many mission agencies, volunteers, staff, and donors who are being and doing the work of the church every day here in Pittsburgh.   Holy One, As we prepare to welcome delegates and visitors to Pittsburgh for the 220 th General Assembly help us remember to extend a welcoming hand to the stranger and those in need . Bless the work of the 25 validated ministries in the Pittsburgh Presbytery and those whose donations, volunteer hours and work make their ministry possible. May their work inspire the commissioners and visitors who travel to Pittsburgh this summer. Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

South Hills Interfaith Ministries The General Assembly provides encouragement and guidance for churches as they engage in ministry and mission. The 211 th General Assembly approved the report Encounter With New Neighbors which asserts that “love of neighbor requires Christians to seek justice for refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.” SHIM is meeting this requirement. For more on this report visit oga.pcusa.org. For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.  He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.Deuteronomy10:17-18 These two verses eloquently sum up a recurring message of the Bible: social justice is an issue close to God’s heart. We serve a God who gives special attention to the vulnerable and who champions the weak. The passage describes at length the power and might of the Lord, then delivers its amazing – even shocking – message that this great God cares above all for “the least of these.”

South Hills Interfaith Ministries exists to extend God’s transformational love to financially struggling families, including refugee families, in the South Hills by meeting their basic needs for food, clothing, and support, as outlined in the passage above. SHIM works in partnership with local congregations to achieve its mission, enabling them to put faith in action to make a difference in the community. Dear God, use the staff and volunteers of South Hills Interfaith Ministries as vessels of your love as they seek to assist families and individuals in need. Thank you for the reports and recommendations of General Assembly which encourage us to do your will and for South Hills Interfaith Ministry who is living out your call. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Off the Floor Pittsburgh  The General Assembly provides encouragement and guidance for churches as they engage in ministry and mission. The 218 th General Assembly approved the report From Homelessness to Hope: Constructing Just, Sustainable Communities for All God’s People which proclaims that “universal access to safe, decent, accessible, affordable, and permanent housing is a measure of a just society and a sign of the coming Reign of God”. Off the Floor Pittsburgh is working toward more decent housing for all. For more on this report visit oga.pcusa.org. Dear children, let us love not with word or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 2:16-18

At Off the Floor Pittsburgh (OFP), a furniture bank ministry, we are committed to giving and receiving. By using the material possessions given to us by one person, we are able to help lift up families who don’t have sufficient means to provide for themselves and often times have given up hope. When we share our possessions in this way with someone who has little, we are actually expressing our care and love for one another, just as Christ did for us. Our faith is expressed through action and not just words.

Through the Christian volunteers of various faiths working together, OFP is able to deliver more than just furniture to families in need. We are able to deliver hope, dignity and a message that someone cares and God cares. Bob Myers. Executive Director, OFPwww.offthefloorpittsburgh.org Dear God, thank you that GA encourages churches to engage in ministry and mission in their neighborhoods. Continue to bless the work of Off The Floor Pittsburgh as they improve homes here in Pittsburgh by delivering furniture as well as God’s message of hope. Amen 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.


 Presbyterian Senior Care  The General Assembly provides encouragement and guidance for churches as they engage in ministry and mission. The 217 th General Assembly approved a Report on Economic Security for Older Adults which encourages the church to be diligent in its covenant responsibility to its older members and their caregivers” and calls individual Presbyterians to “advocate on behalf of older adults through work and community activities.” Presbyterian Senior Care is living out this call. For more on this report visit oga.pcusa.org The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in    Lebanon.  In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap, showing that the LORD is upright.  Psalm 92:12-15 I love these verses. The older adults at Presbyterian SeniorCare are still producing fruit and are just like a young tree that is green and full of sap. What do these “young” folks do that proclaims the good news? They worship, pray, study the Bible, etc. There are some who are physically restricted or memory deficient, but like the older adults in your congregation they are still witnessing in their own ways. When I lead worship, even those who cannot remember who they are can recite the Lord’s Prayer and remember the words of their favorite hymns from worship. Now, as many of these

folks draw near to the end of their lives, these memories remain while other memories are lost. They continue to witness to their faith as they as they are able. Rev. Gerald J. Sanders   Dear God, thank you for the encouragement from GA and Presbyterian Senior Care who advocate for and learn from Older Adults. Bless the work of Presbyterian Senior Care as the care for older adults. Let us remember the older adults in our congregations and those who live at long term care residences. Amen.  

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.


Produce to People  The General Assembly provides encouragement and guidance for churches as they engage in ministry and mission. The 214 th General Assembly approved the report We Are What We Eat which encourages the church to “practice good stewardship in the daily food choices we make, help the oppressed have a voice, and contribute time, talents, and financial resources.” For more on this report visit oga.pcusa.org You still the hunger of those you cherish… Psalm 17:14b These words from scripture seem like wishful thinking given the number of people going hungry in America these days. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 49 million people – that’s 14.5% of the population – do not have enough food to eat sometime during the month. They also estimate that 17 million of those people are children.

Hunger statistics in Allegheny County are not much better. Pittsburgh Presbytery’s Hunger Fund Ministry Team decided to do something about those numbers. In partnership with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank the presbytery participates in a project called Produce to People. Every third Saturday of the month, from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, volunteers from several Presbyterian congregations gather at a local elementary school not far from the presbytery office and distribute approximately 20,000 pounds of food to Northside residents. Each month approximately 450 families’ hunger is relieved by the generosity and helping hands of Presbyterians in Allegheny County. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

North Hills Community OutreachThe General Assembly provides encouragement and guidance for churches as they engage in ministry and mission. The New Form of Government approved by the last General Assembly defines the mission of the church to include “anticipating the heavenly banquet that is to come, and committing itself in the present to solidarity with the marginalized and the hungry” North Hills Community Outreach is doing just that.

   For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’   “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’      Matthew 25:35-36,40

A young seminarian once preached a sermon on Matthew 25:35-36. When it was time to preach, he was so nervous that he forgot parts of the scripture he had memorized and the rest was bungled: “I was hungry and you gave me a drink; thirsty and you clothed me; naked and you visited me.”

Everyone (well, almost everyone) had a good laugh in the seminary chapel that day. But it’s not funny when persons in real life crisis situations are offered the wrong type of help.

A validated mission agency of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, North Hills Community Outreach works to ensure that local people in need (over 5,000 families last year) receive assistance appropriate to their situation. NHCO directs resources – food, clothing, funds and volunteer time – offered by

local congregations, businesses, civic organizations, schools and individuals to effectively meet the needs of people in crisis, hardship and poverty. Services are designed to preserve dignity and confidentiality, and to demonstrate the love of God. 

Dear God, Open our hearts and minds to the needs of our neighbors. Help North Hills Community Outreach and all local ministries supported by the Pittsburgh Presbytery to serve with compassion and skill. Provide the resources necessary so that they can meet the needs of those struggling with the appropriate help. Show us all where we can serve. In Jesus name, Amen. 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Committee on Local Arrangements  Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28 A small but fierce red squirrel is building a new nest in our backyard. I observed Chap feverishly sorting through twigs and leaves on the ground. He would fill his mouth with them, race up the large tree nearby, then run down the tree and start all over. This went on for over an hour. I marveled at his energy and persistence. He was still nest-building after I left the room. I wondered if he ever got tired….

And then I wondered about the people serving our presbytery and the Committee on Local Arrangements for next summer’s General Assembly. They are busy, busy, busy preparing for that special event. It occurred to me that for many people serving on Presbytery staff and on those committees, preparing for GA is like taking on a second full-time job. Unlike my squirrel, they have other things to do.

They need our prayers…prayers for health, for energy, for understanding families and friends and local congregations. They need our prayers for wisdom and discernment, for patience and a good sense of humor. They also need our prayers for their rest, for those “Sabbath” days where they can lay their heavy responsibilities aside and simply enjoy the presence of the Lord. Do not forget them. 

Merciful Father, we lift up to you the people who serve on the staff of Pittsburgh Presbytery, and the people who have already been hard at work preparing us for the upcoming General Assembly. We pray for their spiritual, emotional, and physical health. We pray for peace and stability in their workplaces and in their families. May they grow in the fruit and the gifts of your Holy Spirit. Speak to them clearly, reminding them that you are there to share the work they are called to do…and reminding them to take a day of off. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

COLA Preparation Paul tells the Philippians, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6 Details. Details. And more…well…details. The Committee on Local Arrangements (COLA) is inundated with all the many details of the General Assembly coming to our region. The COLA group also has hundreds of volunteers to help in their efforts and the coordination of all those people is an additional challenge. The logistical details are such that some will work many extra hours. And, of course, there are the “unexpected” issues and circumstances that might arise. Let us continue to keep the members of the COLA in our constant prayers as they deal with the details of bringing over 1,000 people to the Convention Center and hosting the General Assembly here in Pittsburgh. God of All, Your ways are perfect and Your ways are already set in motion. Help the COLA to discern Your will and prioritize details and challenges that they may never feel anxious about anything. May You keep their hearts and

minds in Your peace as they prepare for all the organizational details of hosting the General Assembly. We pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen 

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

COLA behind the Scenes I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 Recently, our congregation celebrated our heritage with a beautiful worship service that glorified the Lord and concluded with a nice luncheon and fellowship around tables that were decorated with gorgeous centerpieces. It appeared that every detail was planned, every issue prepared with the utmost care and organizing in honor of our Savior. Of course, there were many issues occurring in the kitchen on the other side of the wall…but with grace and courage, those involved were the only people who knew the REST of the story! So, it is also, with the Committee on Local Arrangements (COLA). Each of these individuals is helping to honor the Lord with their planning and organizing and even as circumstances and events are showing flawlessly to the rest of us, there always is a rest of the story. Let’s continue to hold up these COLA members that they might know that their efforts are appreciated by the Lord and if they continue to focus on the Lord, help will always be present and come from heaven to earth. Holy God, we attempt to have things be perfect in our own way. Bless every humble soul who, in these days of stress and challenge, continue to focus their efforts to please and honor You. We pray in the name of Him, who called us to be servants of all, Jesus Christ. Amen

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Call for Volunteers But Moses said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else…” Exodus 4:13

Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.” Jeremiah 1:6

There is a great need for volunteers from Pittsburgh Presbytery…volunteers to help as we host the General Assembly. Many good Presbyterians, people who could be such a blessing in this event, are holding back. Why?

There are two familiar fears that hold many of us back from volunteering. The first is that we’re afraid we’ll have to speak in front of people. We’re in good company…Moses had that fear, Jeremiah had that fear…and they certainly weren’t the last. Here’s some reassuring news: very few volunteers will be needed to make speeches or give talks! Most of the talking involved will be short and simple: giving directions to the restrooms, or committee rooms, giving suggestions for good coffee shops, calling for computer or medical help if needed. We may need to have one and one conversations with people as they come to the registration desks…but you will NOT be asked to stand and speak to hundreds of people at one time. For those who have a heart to serve but aren’t comfortable doing a lot of talking, this is your time!

A second fear is that if we agree to do a certain job in the church, we will be stuck with it for life. Sigh. It has happened in the past. But here is more good news: the General Assembly will end on July 7, 2012. You will not be dealing with it in 2013, 2014, etc . There is a specific starting time and a specific ending time. So, jump in! You can let the COLA team know what you are comfortable doing, and what time you’ll have available to serve. Details on a variety of jobs can be found at www.COLA2012.org. Pay attention to the nudges the Holy Spirit has been sending your way, put aside the fears, and join us as we prepare for the General Assembly! 

Lord Jesus, forgive me for all the times my service to your church has been held back by fear. Give me the courage to reach out with a gracious, loving spirit. Help me to find my place of service at this time. My heart is open to serve…my heart is open to receive the joy YOU will bring to the journey. Amen

The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.

Volunteers  For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Looking out my sunroom window early this morning, this is what my eyes saw: leaves falling rapidly from the trees in my back yard.

This is what my heart saw: the season is changing quickly now…before long it will be winter, then spring, then summer again…and the General Assembly will be upon us. The time WILL fly. Will we be ready?

Looking out my sunroom window early this morning, this is what my eyes saw: a delightful variety of birds—chickadees and finches and nuthatches, cardinals and two different kinds of woodpeckers. Only two or three came at first. After a few minutes, a much larger number of birds arrived to join them.

This is what my heart saw: volunteers. Some come quickly. Others take their time, slowly joining the activity. Pittsburgh Presbytery needs many volunteers to make the General Assembly a positive, gracious event for those who participate. A few volunteers have spoken up quickly. Others are waiting….? So many are needed. The work will go better and will be a lot more fun if it is shared by many. Jesus, we are so grateful for the beauty of your creation. We are so thankful for the beautiful spirits of your people in our congregations, our presbytery. Touch the hearts of those who are holding back…encourage them to speak up, now, and not wait. Help us to be truly ready to serve when the season for General Assembly arrives.


The Local Prayer Team invites you to pray with them for those planning and attending the 2012 PC(USA) General Assembly.