Year 7 PSHCE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ National Curriculum - Purpose of study: Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the proposed new national curriculum. PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-qualityPSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription. However, while we believe that it is for schools to tailor their local PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils, we expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. National Curriculum – Aims Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

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Year 7 PSHCE___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

National Curriculum - Purpose of study:

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the proposed new national curriculum.

PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-qualityPSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription.

However, while we believe that it is for schools to tailor their local PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils, we expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.

National Curriculum – Aims

Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

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Year 7

Brief Overview: Familiarisation of the School. School Council. What makes a good citizen? Safety. Bullying. Peer pressure. Young Carers. Charities. Emotional Literacy and Mental Health. Friendships, sharing, feelings. Drug Education. Political Literacy. Healthy Eating. Voluntary groups. Sex Education. Personal safety. Financial awareness. Sun Smart.

Keywords:Citizen, Cyber Bullying, Safety, Young Carer, Charity, Emotions, Friendships, Drugs, Democracy, Diet, Calories, Health, Voluntary, Puberty, Hygiene, Finance, Careers, Sun Smart.

Careers statement:

In Key Stage 3, students will have the opportunity to discuss careers and what jobs we have in the community. PSHE gives a range of topics to follow which allows pupils to develop their teamwork, leadership and independent thinking skills which are all essential for future employment.

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PSHE Scheme of LearningYear 7

Weeks Key Learning Theme

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Week 1 and 2

School Familiarisation

Map of the School

Introduce PSHE as a topic. What types of areas will be covered this term. Encourage class discussion.

On the IWB write down 3 areas of the school that pupils need to find. You pick these according to the ability level of your class.

Pupils will then come back to the classroom and create a map of the school in pairs or small groups.

Go outside with the pupils using the maps. Split the class into two groups and have teacher and TA as leaders. You can do this as a whole group too. Nominate a pupil in each group to find and take their group to a specific area on the map. Ask them to find something interesting at that point to help them remember where it is and share with the class when they get back.

Ask pupils if they can remember where to meet for fire drill. Ask one pupil to lead the group there as a recap of fire drill procedures.

If you have time!! Come back to the classroom and discuss the memorable points and where they are.

SEMSC Working together to explore their new environment

IT Create their own map of the school

ILS Leadership skills developed when working in a group.

Numeracy Splitting into groups.


Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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Week 3 and 4

Rules, routine and expectations.

Rules worksheet found on the

Discuss rules, routine and expectations. What rules, routine and expectations have the pupils encountered so far?

SEMSC Explore values and beliefs within rules we follow every day.

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Being a good citizen

shared drive. IWBGood citizen worksheet.

Ask pupils to suggest rules, routines and expectations they think should be in the classroom. Start by providing an example: Pencil cases out on the table and coats off at the start of the lesson. Write these on the IWB or ask the pupils to write them on there.

Discuss the list you have jointly created, what 5-10 are most important? Why are these most important?

Use the worksheet for pupils to write the rules down on. If you are in a computer room, type these up. All pupils will sign the bottom.

Have an A3 copy of the rules for next lesson ready for pupils to sign.

Finish discussing importance of following Crowdys Hill School rules Introduce the term citizen. What do we think

makes a good citizen? What makes a bad citizen? List these on the IWB or mind map them.

Can we identify how we can be a good citizen:1. At School2. At home3. Out in Swindon Ask pupils to complete worksheet on a good

citizen. Class discussion - pupils can show the pictures they have created and share with the class what the picture describes.

IT Type up list of rules for the classroom

ILS Independent thinker creating ideas for group discussion

Numeracy Creating a numerical list.


Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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Week 5-8

Bullying and Peer Pressure

Bullying word search.TES video

Class discussion in bullying. What is it? What forms of bullying are there? What can we do if we are being bullied? Crowdys Hill School is a

SEMSC Acceptance and engagement of others and their differences.

IT Research ideas and poster creation on computer.

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A3 Paper ‘telling school’, what do the pupils think this means?

Complete bullying word search which has key words of bullying

Discuss as a class what words we found and what do we think they all mean?

Define the term cyber bullying. What types of cyber bullying are there?

Show the following video or similar: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Teachers-TV-Combating-Cyberbullying-Suffering-6085349/ Discuss what is happening in the video? How do

you think it feels to be the boy in the video? What should you do if you are being cyber bullied?

Imagine you are the friend of somebody being bullied, what would you do to help them?

Recap on the previous lessons of bullying. What do pupils know about bullying and what have they learnt about it?

Discuss Anti Bullying week that is coming up in November and highlight what the week aims to achieve. Raise awareness of bullying and helping children to know where to go and what to do if being bullied.

Pupils are to create a poster using A3 paper to stop bullying that can be displayed around school. Ideas for the poster: What bullying is, types of bullying, how can we stop bullying, what to do if they are being bullied etc.

Ask the pupils to think about a friend they have either at Crowdys or out of school. Discuss what makes them a good friend? Ask pupils would they be willing to do anything to keep their friendship? If yes why and vice versa? Class discussion on peer pressure. Define peer

pressure: Peer pressure can be defined as

ILS Creative thinking skills



Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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pressure by a peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values or otherwise conform in order to be accepted as part of a group. Give the class an example and discuss how it can be dealt with. How do you think you would deal with peer pressure? What do you think a friend might ask you to do that you don’t want to do? What might a friend do if you do not do what they want? E.g. threats of violence, friendship breakdown. Who could you speak to for help?

Pupils to work in pairs to complete worksheet on peer pressure.

Pupils can create a poster based on a scenario and what to do if they feel pressured. Pupils can present their posters and discuss ideas

Pupils can create a role play drama in small groups about peer pressure using the scenarios from the worksheet. They can then show these to the class.

Weeks Key Learning Theme

Resources Key Learning Marking and Assessment

Term 2Weeks 1 – 3:

Friendships IWBA3 Paper

New friendships made at Crowdys. Recap what makes a good friend. Discuss falling out in friendships, what we should do when we fall out with someone. Discuss name calling etc. Introduce the idea of sharing. Class discussions on brothers and sisters – what do we share at home? Why should we share? Mind map different ideas on the IWB. Define feelings. Happy, sad, stressed, angry etc. Ask pupils to draw different faces and to create different faces to represent the different emotions. Use A3 paper to create these. Emotional Literacy and Mental Health – discussions on how to deal with different emotions, boredom, anger, calming down,

SEMSC Learning about ourselves and others.

IT Collage different pictures that the pupils feel represent different emotions.

ILS Teamwork, taking responsibility for own behavior.

Numeracy Timeline- creating a diary.


Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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jealousy and worry. Anger management techniques: writing down thoughts, screaming into a pillow. Task – Ask pupils to write a diary about how they are feeling. How do we deal with jealousy – look at new babies in the family etc.

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Weeks 4 – 7:

Charities IWBCardBoxes

Class discussion on charities – what are they, what do they do? Use IWB to display various charities, ask pupils which ones they recognise. Do we know some more than others? Why? Discuss what charities the class has raised money for before. What did they do? Why did they do it? Pupils to work in pairs to create their own charity. They must be able to say: What is the charity for and why is it needed. Charity campaign – how are they going to promote their charity? Posters, design t shirts, design wristbands, badges etc. Pupils to create a mini project on their charity. Nearer to Christmas you can link in with Christmas charities. Show adverts that are on television, Christmas card examples by different charities, create your own charity Christmas card? Create a box for troops, homeless, less fortunate with goods a find a charity that takes them.

SEMSC Understanding different needs of individuals and groups through charity.

IT research charities on the internet, find out what the charities do

ILS Being able to work in a small group.

Numeracy Dates


Group discussions / Peer Discussions

Weeks Key Learning Theme

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Term 3Week 1-4

Smoking and Drug Education.

IWBVideosPowerpointT shirt outline

Smoking: Discussion points for smoking:

Why do people start to smoke? Do you know anyone who smokes?

SEMSC Knowing the difference of right and wrong and being able to say No.

IT Create Powerpoint on smoking/drugs

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Do you know anyone who has given up or tried to give up smoking?

What is it like to breathe other people's smoke?

Can students use their whiteboards to list the bad effects of smoking. Mind map these in the IWB. Show a video and ask if students found any more effects that are not already listed. Use the worksheets to highlight the effects of smoking and what students consider the side effects of smoking. There are various videos on the PowerPoint on the S Drive titled Smoking Video Links for videos about the effects of smoking, living with emphysema and peer pressure. Alcohol: Use the Alcohol/Non alcohol worksheet. Pupils cut out and stick whether they think drinks are alcoholic/non alcoholic. Discuss the effects of alcohol on the body: Short term and long term. There are 2 videos below with true life stories and effects on the blood vessels. Complete the alcohol fact sheet on the S Drive.

Video link:http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Teachers-TV-KS3-4-PSHE-Alcohol-Stories-6047897/Effects on the blood vessels:http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/The-Effects-of-Alcohol-on-Blood-Vessels-6175266/

Drugs: Can students brainstorm drugs. Define the difference between legal and illegal drugs. Side effects of drugs. Use Drugs and alcohol PowerPoint. Gives social, physical and mental side effects. Great starter video to drugs:http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Teachers-TV-Secondary-PSHE-Drugs-6085340/After information on smoking, alcohol and drugs

ILS Independent thinkers.



Group discussion and pair work.

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create an anti campaign. Can be anti smoking, anti alcohol or anti drugs. Perhaps you could give examples in Stoptober and Dryathlon. Two campaigns for people to give up smoking and drinking for a month. Can students create logos, t shirts, slogans etc.

Weeks Key Learning Theme

Resources Key Learning Marking and Assessment

Week 5 and 6:

Democracy Youtube (Need to be on your proxy)Smart Notebook

Democracy notebook, outlines what democracy is, who runs the country and how voted etc. Ask students to consider why a democratic society is important. Introduce the learning objective. Watch the video (Youtube). Read the key vocabulary. (screen 2)What is democracy? How can everyone rule? (screen 3)(Screen 4) who rules Britain?(Screen 5 and 6) – How is this country democratic? We hold elections/votes take place. Can chn name any political parties?(Screen 7) – Answers with image of political party leaders(Screen 8) – What benefits a democracy has (Screen 9) – Main activityAsk students to imagine they were the Prime Minister, what would they like to change in the country and what new laws would they try and enforce? Ask students to role play and them to create an election speech. Ask pupils to vote as if it is a democracy.Right and Responsibilities and the rights of others. Discuss parliament, local MPs, public funding.

SEMSC Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy.

knowledge of Britain's democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain

IT Use of the internet to research issues

ILS Independent thinkers, creating ideas to add to class discussion.



Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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AssessmentTerm 4Weeks 1-5

Healthy Eating

Food groups – discuss the 7 food groups. What are they and what foods are in that food group. Carbohydrates, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals, water and protein. You can show the food wheel. There is a resource in the folder where the pupils can draw the food on the food wheel for each food group. What is a healthy diet, why do we need a healthy diet? Pupils can make a food diary and highlight the foods they think are healthy and unhealthy. Discuss calories and inactivity. At this point you can bring some old food packaging in and show the calories etc on the packets. The Sainsbury’s ones are good as they show the red, amber and green. Discuss why we exercise to keep fit and to keep a balance for calorie intake/expenditure. Discuss effects of inactivity. (Obviously judge your groups with this information).Design contents of a healthy lunchbox. In the folder is a resource of a lunchbox. Ask the pupils to design a healthy lunchbox and what they think should be in it. Can be an ICT activity where pupils find the pictures online, print them out and stick the next lesson. They can then discuss why they have chosen those food.

SEMSC Exploring how to create a healthy mind and healthy body.

IT Research the internet for pictures to create a collage

ILS Explore their own habits.

Numeracy Creating a diary of events.


Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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Resources Key Learning Marking and Assessment

Week 6

Voluntary Groups

Research voluntary groups such as the Air Ambulance/RNLI. You can gather information for the pupils to go through or they could research in an ICT activity. Find out what the groups do, why are they essential and how are they funded? What can we do to help these groups?

SEMSC Understanding the world around them

IT Research on the internet

ILS Creative thinking

Numeracy Money given to charities.

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Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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Term 5 Sex Education:

There are lots of books in the cupboard that show how babies made etc and a good video. Please come and help yourself; please can you make sure you replace it after using it though please so that everyone can use it. TES has some great resources too – PowerPoint’

*I will take the boys and girls separately for part of the unit to discuss periods and changes to our bodies


A great way to start the unit is by giving each pupil 2 or 3 post it notes. Tell them on this post it the can ask any question they like anonymously and it will be answered for them during the course of the unit.

Puberty – what happens and why. Differences between M/F. Name different parts and introduce the term gender. Personal HygienePublic and Private – what we can do where.Who do we let see our bodies?The importance of saying No.Touching appropriateness.Personal safety – who to trust in school, home and community.

SEMSC Importance of developing a healthy relationship


ILS Understanding their own bodies and how they work



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s etc. I have just given an outline here as people like to deliver sex education in their own way but if you want help planning a lesson then please ask.

Weeks Key Learning Theme

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Term 6Weeks 1-4

Financial Awareness

Financial awareness – money how much is which? Pupils get a ‘wage’ tell them to use computers to find house to rent include bills, work out their spending. How much money left?Careers – What jobs would they like to do? Research different jobs. What jobs do parents do?

SEMSC Students develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain

IT Use the internet for job hunting, house hunting and shopping

ILS Thinking of the future.

Numeracy Working out prices and costs of everyday items.


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Weeks Key Learning Theme

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Sun Smart Staying safe in the sun. What times of day is best to avoid, where should we try and stay shade. Sun cream and importance, sun factors. Dangers of sunlight. Sunglasses.

SEMSC Understanding the world we live in.


ILS Taking responsibility for our own health



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Group discussions / Peer Discussions

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