' -- rT r"r wit" ftfFvp w- - "v" T7T?,ffrTrTn''r " "fff ' V si '"' r j vr.- T"v ' W ffo- - '7? fe: INDEPENDENT. '. & 'I,v.. . . Vol. Y. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1897. No. GOO. P I Oceanic Steamship Company. K TIME TABLE: Tho Flno Passenger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Horoundor. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: MARIPOSA SEPT. 23d AUSTRALIA OOT. 12th MOANA OOT. 21st AUSTRALIA NOV. 9th ALAMEDA NOV. 18th AUSTRLIA DEO. 7th MARIPOSA..., DEO. 16th further SAN FRANCISCO! AUSTRALIA SEPT. 22d ALAMEDA OOT. Uth AUSTRALIA OOT. 20th MARIPOSA NOV. Uth AUSTRALIA NOV. 17th MOANA DEO. 9th AUSTRALIA DEO. 15th Iu connection with tho sailing of tho above steamers, the Agents arc prepared to issue, to intending paisenpore, coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to all European ports. For particulars apply to FOR Wm. G. Irwin & Co. LIMITED. General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO.. LTD. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED THE NEW Improved Planters Ho Solid Oast Stool Eye and Blado Forged Entire. CYCLONE WIND MILLS, PUMPS, ETO., HOWE'S PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, NORTON'S BALL BEARING JACK SCREWS, PLOWS IN LARGE VARIETY, VISES, PIPE 0 OTTERS AND WRENCHES, VACUUM OILS, Tho Standard of Merit, Universal Stoves and Ranges,, PAINT, WALL & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, CALIFORNIA LAWN SPRINKLERS. A Large Assortment nf General Hardware. Than II How I IIUUI II II SUGAR FACTORS, IMPORTBES OF General Merchandise AND Vgents for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool. Telephone 92. EAST CORNER ies & Co., Ltl P. O. Box ld5. FORT & KING STS. 50c. per Month H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New and Fresh Goods received by every packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. Vfe- - Goods dellvored to any part of the City -- i& IBLAMP TiiATirc RW.rniTKn HATrHWAnTinw onuANTKitn The Independent THIS REGATTA. Entries and Arrangements for To- morrow's Nautical Sports. The event) courses and ontrioi in regatta are as follows: 1. Yaoht race. First prize, $50; second, $25. Courso: From starting lino, pass- ing out the ohnunol, keeping bo twoen tho buoys, leaving spar and bell buoya on the port sido; thence to and around tho flag boat off Wai-kik- i, keeping on tho port side, in rounding,, to a &g boat off Fuuloa, keeping it on the starboard in rounding; thence to spar buoy, keeping it on the port sido, keeping between the buoys in the channel, baok to tho start line. Entries: Hawaii (Hawaiian flag), by W. L. Wilcox; Bonnie Dundee, by President Dole; Pilot-bo- at No. 2 (blue), by Captain Macaulay. 2. Six-oaro- d sliding seat barge. Prize, $40. Course: From Judges' stand out the channel, leaving spar buoy on port side; thence to bell buoy, pass- ing to port baok to star buoy, pass- ing to starboard; thenco to start. Entries: Myrtle, by Gen. H; An- gus (M. B. 0.); Healani, by G. R. Carter (H. Y. and B. O.). 8. Second-clas- s yacht race. First prize, $10; second, $20. Course: From starting line, pass- ing out the ohannel, keeping be- tween the buoys, leaving spar and bell buoys on port side; theuce to and around flag boat off Waikiki, keeping it on tho port side in round- ing to a flag boat off Quarantine Station, keeping it ou the starboard sido iu rounding; thence to spar buoy, keeping between buoys in tho channel back to starting' lino. Entries: Clytierby T. V, Hobron Dahlia, by W. J. Forbes; Wray, by J. W. Bergstrom; Pokii, by H. Wil- liams; Combination, by E.P. Chapin Edith L., by J. A. Gilranu; Abbio M., by H. M. Dow; Bennington by U. S. S. Bennington; Pauline, by Frank Godf roy. 4. Tub race. Prize, $5. Course: Start from tug-bo- at wharf and finish at Judges' stand. Entries: W. F. Love, H. A. Giles O. B, Gray and Cupid Kalanianaolo. ' 5. Ten-oare- d cutter race. Prize $50. Course: Same as in Bace 2. Entries: Bennington and Comus. 6. Swimming race (100 yards) Trophy. Entries: Arthur Harris, D. B lienoar. Tho entries will be kept open until the beginning of the con- test. It is understood that there will be three more entries. 7. Six-padd- le canoe race. First prize, $15; second, $5. Course: From starting line to and around first can buoy on the east sido of harbor and baok to starting point. Entries: Kakaako, by Kehoku; Honuakaha, by Cupid Kalanianaole; Pakaka Nalu, by Sam Woods; Wai- kiki, by David Kawananakoa. 8. Japanese fishing boat race. Prize, $10. Course: Same as in raoe 7. Entrios: Naniwa, by O. S. Crano; Fuji, by O. D. Gray; Yokohama, by Oupid Kalanianaole. 0. Four-oare- d sliding seat barge race. First prize, $80; soaond, $15. Courso: From the judges' stand, around Spar buoy, to finish. Entrios: Alt Rodgers, by Loilani Boat Club; Myrtle, by M. B. O.; Healani, by Georgo R. Carter, H, Y. and B. 0. 10. Diving coutost (for distance). Prize, $5. Entries: E. Sanstrom and 0. J. Whitehead. 11. Six-oare- d gig race (stationary soats). First prize, $30; second, $10. Courso: Same as race 2. Entrios: Kapiolani, by R. Parkor; Bennington; Kanoolani, by H. B. M, S. Comus. 12. Two-oaro- d shore boat raco. Prize, $10. Course: From starting line out to and around first can buoy, keeping it on the port side. in turning and back to starting line. Entrios: Honolulu, by J. M. Ma-huk- Minnie, by Joe Dillon, 13. Chinese fishing boat raco, Prize, $10. Course: Same as in raco 7. Entries: Haka, by G. Harris; Fon-ko- e, by J. L. Torbert; Yu Kon, by H. J. Mossman. 14. Half-mil- o swimming contest. Trophy. Entries: Pikalo, J. Marshall, E. Florell, W. T. Jones, W. W. Scott and 0. Mayne. 15. Steam boats' race. First prize, $25; second, $15; third, $10. Course: From starting point out tho channol; thenco to and around tho "knuckle" buoy, keoping samo on port side in rounding, and back to starting point. Entries: Kinau, Mokolii and Ki-lau- ea Hou. 16. Six oared slidiug-soa- t barge raco. Prize, $25. Courso: Samo as in race 2. Entries: Carl W., by Loilani Boat Olub; Alice M., by the Myrtle Boat Club. 17. Fivo-oare- d whaleboat raco. First prizo, $30; second, $10. Course: Same as in race 2. Entrios: Eahilu, by R. Parker; Pilot boat, No. 2, by Captain Macau-ley- . 18. Sailing canpo raco. First-priz-e, $15; second, $5. Course: From starting lino to and around second can-buo- y, keep- ing on port side in turning and back to start. Entrios: Kakaako, Hoquakaha, Moanalua and Kahauiki. At' the meeting of the Regatta Committeo hold last night, the timo of starting tho various evonta was agreed on as follows: First race, start at 9:30 a. m.; second, 10 a. m.; third, 10:30 a. m.; fourth, 10:45 a. in.; fifth, 11 a. m.; sixth, 11:15 a. m.; seventh, 11:30 a. m.; eighth, 11:45 a. m.; ninth, 1:15 p. m.; tenth, 1:20 p. m.; eleventh, 1:30 p. m.; twelfth, 1:40 p.m.; thirteenth, 2 p.m.; fourteenth, 2:20 p. m.; fifteenth,, 3 p. m.; Bixtoenth, 3:30 p. in.; seven- teenth, 4 p, m.; eighteenth, 4:30 p.m. The first gun for the first-clas- s yacht race will be fired at 0 a. m. sharp, and the seoond at 9:20, All yaohtB must be ready to start at 9:80. All yachts failing to comply with this will bo barred. Tho starting gun for the second-olas- s yaoht raco will be fired at 10:15 a. m. There must be at least three boats entored before tho seoond prizes can be awarded, at least'fbur boats be- fore the third can bo awarded. FOUND THE NO UTH POLE. Tho telegrams published Friday an- nouncing tho discovery of the North Polo by Dr, Frlthjof Jfanscn created considerable surprise. It seems funny that Dr. Nanscn should care to risk so much to find tho North Pole, when ho can get Rainier BeCr, which is cer- tainly more practical than tho North Pole, by coming to Honolulu. Phone 783. Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan is recommonding the colobrated Put- nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonio which is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excellent "half and half" is served to tho thirsty nuntomers of the Cosmopolitan Ono ounce of provontiou is better than ton ounces of oure. The Em- pire boaBts of infallible remedies against the varioloid. Wioland beer on draft boats vacoination, and Doctor Oharlio Andrew proBidos over tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can bo found in town. All for modi-oin- al purposes and cash. Tho Favorito has bocomo tho favorite roBort in town. W. M.Cum-ningha- m carries an excellent stock of liquors and beers. Attention is called to certain brands which will bo of special value to sportsmen during the game season, as they oauBo a steady aim and straight shooting. ' Wilder's Steamship Co, TIME TABLE. O. L. WIGHT, Pros. 8. B. ROBK, Bao Onpt. J. A. KING, Tort Bnpt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will lcavo Honolulu at 10 A. M.. tonchtDeat Lnhalna, Mnalaea Bay nnd Makena thr same day; Mahnkona. Kawalbae and Lau pahoehoe tho following day; arriving at Hllo tho samo afternoon. LKAVK8 nONOLPLU. ABB1VK8 H0K0LULU, Tuesday Sept 21 Friday 8eptl7 Friday Oct 1 Tuosday. BeptM Tuesday Oct 12 Friday: Oot 8 Friday Oct 22 Tnoadny Oct 19 Tuesday Nov 2 Friday Oot28 iriday Nov 12 Tuesday Not 9 Tuesday.... Nov23 Friday. Nov 19 Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Not SO Tuesday ...,Dool4 Friday.. Deo 1 Thursday Deo23 Tdsday Deo 21 Friday DecJi Returning will leave Hllo at 8 o'olook a. m, touching at Laupahoohoo, Mann-kon- a and Kawaihae same day: Makena. MaaJaoa Bay and Lahaina the following d?& nrrTIrg t Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdays and Fridays. tap- - Will call at Pohoiki, Puna, on trips marked. far- - No Freight will be received after a. m, on day of Balling, The popular route lo the Volcano la via Hllo A good carringo road the entire dls, tanco. Jtuund trip tickets, covering all expeuncs, J50.00. . Stmr. OLAUDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r. u. touching at Kahulul. Hana, Hamci and Klpahulu, Maul. Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once eaoh month. toe No Freight will bo rooelvod after i r. m. on day of Bulling. This Company will reserves the right t make changes in the tlmeof departure nnd arrival of Its Bteamors without notice and It will not be responsible for any cones, quencoa arising therefrom. Consignees must be at the 'Landings to" receive their freight; this Company will not hold ItBolf responsible for freight after. It has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk. This Company will not be responsible for Money or valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers. OT Passengers are requested to pur- chase Tickets before embarking. Those failing to do so will be subject to an add!, tlonal charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent. GLAUS BPBK0KEL3. WM. O. IBWPT. Clans Spreckels & Go., BA3STK1EK.S. HONOLULU San Francuco Agentt.TJIE NEVADA BANK OF SAN FRANCIBCO. DRAW XXCUAHQK OK BAN FRANOIBCO-T- he Nevada Bank of Ban Francisco, LONDON-T- he Union Bank of London Lt'd. NEW YORK-Amer- lcan Exchange Na- tional Bank. CHICAGO Merohants National Bank. PARIB Oomptolr National d'Esoompte ds Paris BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong Kong & Shanghai DanklnkCorpo ration. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A- Bank of Now Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America. Tanmct a General Banking and Exehanat Bunnell. Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap. proved Security. Commercial and Travel era Credit Issued. Bills of KxotiJng bought and sold. Collections Promptly Accounted For

vr.- W ffo-- '7? T7T?,ffrTrTn''r V fe: INDEPENDENT. · 2015. 6. 1. · Mayne. 15. Steam boats' race. First prize, $25; second, $15; third, $10. Course: From starting point out

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  • ' -- rT r"r wit" ftfFvp w-- "v" T7T?,ffrTrTn''r ""fff'V si '"' r j vr.- T"v ' W ffo- - '7?

    fe: INDEPENDENT.'. &'I,v.. . . Vol. Y. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1897. No. GOO.



    Oceanic Steamship Company.K

    TIME TABLE:Tho Flno Passenger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave

    This Port as Horoundor.






    Iu connection with tho sailing of tho above steamers, the Agents arcprepared to issue, to intending paisenpore, coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fromNow York by any steamship lino to all European ports.

    For particulars apply to


    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.LIMITED.

    General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company.



    Improved Planters HoSolid Oast Stool Eye and Blado Forged Entire.




    VACUUM OILS,Tho Standard of Merit,Universal Stoves and Ranges,,


    A Large Assortment nf General Hardware.



    General MerchandiseAND

    Vgents for Lloyds,Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino,

    British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life),

    Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool.

    Telephone 92.


    ies & Co., Ltl

    P. O. Box ld5.


    50c. per Month

    H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,


    Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods received by every packet from California, Eastern

    States and European Markets.

    Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.

    Vfe-- Goods dellvored to any part of the City --i&IBLAMP TiiATirc RW.rniTKn HATrHWAnTinw onuANTKitn

    The Independent


    Entries and Arrangements for To-morrow's Nautical Sports.

    The event) courses and ontrioi inregatta are as follows:

    1. Yaoht race. First prize, $50;second, $25.

    Courso: From starting lino, pass-ing out the ohnunol, keeping botwoen tho buoys, leaving spar andbell buoya on the port sido; thenceto and around tho flag boat off Wai-kik- i,

    keeping on tho port side, inrounding,, to a &g boat off Fuuloa,keeping it on the starboard inrounding; thence to spar buoy,keeping it on the port sido, keepingbetween the buoys in the channel,baok to tho start line.

    Entries: Hawaii (Hawaiian flag),by W. L. Wilcox; Bonnie Dundee,by President Dole; Pilot-bo- at No. 2(blue), by Captain Macaulay.

    2. Six-oaro- d sliding seat barge.Prize, $40.

    Course: From Judges' stand outthe channel, leaving spar buoy onport side; thence to bell buoy, pass-ing to port baok to star buoy, pass-ing to starboard; thenco to start.

    Entries: Myrtle, by Gen. H; An-gus (M. B. 0.); Healani, by G. R.Carter (H. Y. and B. O.).

    8. Second-clas- s yacht race. Firstprize, $10; second, $20.

    Course: From starting line, pass-ing out the ohannel, keeping be-tween the buoys, leaving spar andbell buoys on port side; theuce toand around flag boat off Waikiki,keeping it on tho port side in round-ing to a flag boat off QuarantineStation, keeping it ou the starboardsido iu rounding; thence to sparbuoy, keeping between buoys in thochannel back to starting' lino.

    Entries: Clytierby T. V, HobronDahlia, by W. J. Forbes; Wray, byJ. W. Bergstrom; Pokii, by H. Wil-liams; Combination, by E.P. ChapinEdith L., by J. A. Gilranu; AbbioM., by H. M. Dow; Bennington byU. S. S. Bennington; Pauline, byFrank Godf roy.

    4. Tub race. Prize, $5.Course: Start from tug-bo- at

    wharf and finish at Judges' stand.Entries: W. F. Love, H. A. Giles

    O. B, Gray and Cupid Kalanianaolo.' 5. Ten-oare- d cutter race. Prize $50.

    Course: Same as in Bace 2.Entries: Bennington and Comus.6. Swimming race (100 yards)

    Trophy.Entries: Arthur Harris, D. B

    lienoar. Tho entries will be keptopen until the beginning of the con-test. It is understood that therewill be three more entries.

    7. Six-padd- le canoe race. Firstprize, $15; second, $5.

    Course: From starting line toand around first can buoy on theeast sido of harbor and baok tostarting point.

    Entries: Kakaako, by Kehoku;Honuakaha, by Cupid Kalanianaole;Pakaka Nalu, by Sam Woods; Wai-kiki, by David Kawananakoa.

    8. Japanese fishing boat race.Prize, $10.

    Course: Same as in raoe 7.Entrios: Naniwa, by O. S. Crano;

    Fuji, by O. D. Gray; Yokohama, byOupid Kalanianaole.

    0. Four-oare- d sliding seat bargerace. First prize, $80; soaond, $15.

    Courso: From the judges' stand,around Spar buoy, to finish.

    Entrios: Alt Rodgers, by LoilaniBoat Club; Myrtle, by M. B. O.;Healani, by Georgo R. Carter, H,Y. and B. 0.

    10. Diving coutost (for distance).Prize, $5.

    Entries: E. Sanstrom and 0. J.Whitehead.

    11. Six-oare- d gig race (stationarysoats). First prize, $30; second, $10.

    Courso: Same as race 2.Entrios: Kapiolani, by R. Parkor;

    Bennington; Kanoolani, by H. B.M, S. Comus.

    12. Two-oaro- d shore boat raco.Prize, $10.

    Course: From starting line out toand around first can buoy, keepingit on the port side. in turning andback to starting line.

    Entrios: Honolulu, by J. M. Ma-huk-Minnie, by Joe Dillon,

    13. Chinese fishing boat raco,Prize, $10.

    Course: Same as in raco 7.Entries: Haka, by G. Harris; Fon-ko- e,

    by J. L. Torbert; Yu Kon, byH. J. Mossman.

    14. Half-mil- o swimming contest.Trophy.

    Entries: Pikalo, J. Marshall, E.Florell, W. T. Jones, W. W. Scottand 0. Mayne.

    15. Steam boats' race. First prize,$25; second, $15; third, $10.

    Course: From starting point outtho channol; thenco to and aroundtho "knuckle" buoy, keoping samoon port side in rounding, and backto starting point.

    Entries: Kinau, Mokolii and Ki-lau- eaHou.

    16. Six oared slidiug-soa- t bargeraco. Prize, $25.

    Courso: Samo as in race 2.Entries: Carl W., by Loilani Boat

    Olub; Alice M., by the Myrtle BoatClub.

    17. Fivo-oare- d whaleboat raco.First prizo, $30; second, $10.

    Course: Same as in race 2.Entrios: Eahilu, by R. Parker;

    Pilot boat, No. 2, by Captain Macau-ley- .

    18. Sailing canpo raco. First-priz-e,$15; second, $5.

    Course: From starting lino toand around second can-buo- y, keep-ing on port side in turning and backto start.

    Entrios: Kakaako, Hoquakaha,Moanalua and Kahauiki.

    At' the meeting of the RegattaCommitteo hold last night, the timoof starting tho various evonta wasagreed on as follows:

    First race, start at 9:30 a. m.;second, 10 a. m.; third, 10:30 a. m.;fourth, 10:45 a. in.; fifth, 11 a. m.;sixth, 11:15 a. m.; seventh, 11:30 a. m.;eighth, 11:45 a. m.; ninth, 1:15 p. m.;tenth, 1:20 p. m.; eleventh, 1:30 p. m.;twelfth, 1:40 p.m.; thirteenth, 2 p.m.;fourteenth, 2:20 p. m.; fifteenth,,3 p. m.; Bixtoenth, 3:30 p. in.; seven-teenth, 4 p, m.; eighteenth, 4:30 p.m.

    The first gun for the first-clas- syacht race will be fired at 0 a. m.sharp, and the seoond at 9:20, AllyaohtB must be ready to start at9:80. All yachts failing to complywith this will bo barred.

    Tho starting gun for the second-olas- syaoht raco will be fired at

    10:15 a. m.There must be at least three boats

    entored before tho seoond prizes canbe awarded, at least'fbur boats be-fore the third can bo awarded.

    FOUND THE NO UTH POLE.Tho telegrams published Friday an-

    nouncing tho discovery of the NorthPolo by Dr, Frlthjof Jfanscn createdconsiderable surprise. It seems funnythat Dr. Nanscn should care to riskso much to find tho North Pole, whenho can get Rainier BeCr, which is cer-tainly more practical than tho NorthPole, by coming to Honolulu. Phone783.

    Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommonding the colobrated Put-nam's Blackberry Brandy, a toniowhich is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalf" is served to tho thirstynuntomers of the Cosmopolitan

    Ono ounce of provontiou is betterthan ton ounces of oure. The Em-pire boaBts of infallible remediesagainst the varioloid. Wioland beeron draft boats vacoination, andDoctor Oharlio Andrew proBidos overtho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan bo found in town. All for modi-oin- al

    purposes and cash.

    Tho Favorito has bocomo thofavorite roBort in town. W. M.Cum-ningha- m

    carries an excellent stockof liquors and beers. Attention iscalled to certain brands which willbo of special value to sportsmenduring the game season, as theyoauBo a steady aim and straightshooting. '

    Wilder's Steamship Co,


    O. L. WIGHT, Pros. 8. B. ROBK, BaoOnpt. J. A. KING, Tort Bnpt.

    Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

    Will lcavo Honolulu at 10 A. M.. tonchtDeatLnhalna, Mnalaea Bay nnd Makena thrsame day; Mahnkona. Kawalbae and Laupahoehoe tho following day; arriving atHllo tho samo afternoon.


    Tuesday Sept 21 Friday 8eptl7Friday Oct 1 Tuosday. BeptMTuesday Oct 12 Friday: Oot 8Friday Oct 22 Tnoadny Oct 19

    Tuesday Nov 2 Friday Oot28iriday Nov 12 Tuesday Not 9Tuesday.... Nov23 Friday. Nov 19Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Not SOTuesday ...,Dool4 Friday.. Deo 1Thursday Deo23 Tdsday Deo 21

    Friday DecJi

    Returning will leave Hllo at 8 o'olooka. m , touching at Laupahoohoo, Mann-kon- a

    and Kawaihae same day: Makena.MaaJaoa Bay and Lahaina the followingd?& nrrTIrg t Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Fridays.

    tap-- Will call at Pohoiki, Puna, on tripsmarked.

    far- - No Freight will be received aftera. m, on day of Balling,The popular route lo the Volcano la via

    Hllo A good carringo road the entire dls,tanco. Jtuund trip tickets, covering allexpeuncs, J50.00. .

    Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r. u.touching at Kahulul. Hana, Hamci andKlpahulu, Maul. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once eaoh

    month.toe No Freight will bo rooelvod after ir. m. on day of Bulling.

    This Company will reserves the right tmake changes in the tlmeof departure nndarrival of Its Bteamors without notice andIt will not be responsible for any cones,quencoa arising therefrom.

    Consignees must be at the 'Landings to"receive their freight; this Company willnot hold ItBolf responsible for freight after.It has been landed.

    Live Stock received only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible for

    Money or valuables of passengers unlessplaced in the care of Pursers.

    OT Passengers are requested to pur-chase Tickets before embarking. Thosefailing to do so will be subject to an add!,tlonal charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


    Clans Spreckels & Go.,





    BAN FRANOIBCO-T- he Nevada Bank ofBan Francisco,

    LONDON-T- he Union Bank of LondonLt'd.

    NEW YORK-Amer- lcan Exchange Na-tional Bank.

    CHICAGO Merohants National Bank.PARIB Oomptolr National d'Esoompte ds


    Kong & Shanghai DanklnkCorpo ration.NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A-

    Bank of Now Zealand.VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

    of British North America.

    Tanmct a General Banking and ExehanatBunnell.

    Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap.proved Security. Commercial and Travelera Credit Issued. Bills of KxotiJngbought and sold.

    Collections Promptly Accounted For

  • W







    KV13RY AFTEKN( N .(Kxcupt Banilav )

    At "Brito Hall." Koulft Stroot.

    g0" Telephone 841 jaW


    Per Month, nnywhero In the Ha-waiian Islands ? M

    Per Year 0 00Per Year, postpaid to Foreign Conn-trie- a,

    . ... 8 00

    Payable Invariably in Advance.

    F. J. TESTA, Propriotor and Pub- -Usher.


    Editor.Residing In Honolulu.

    FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 1897.

    We publish in Ibis issue a rathercaustic lottor from a prominent andintelligent citizen, who evidentlyhas found-- a snake in the soft Rrmsof Christian Hawaii. Wo fear thatour correspondent is a pessimist. Ifsuoh a wretch, ns he describe, existshero and gets in his evil work underan honored name, lot us hear whatho ii and Tun Independent will assistin pitohforking back him to his pro-per sphere.


    When the plank numbored two inthe "Platform of Principles" of thoAmerican Union Party was road asfollows: "We commend the efficient,courageous and honorable- - conductof affairs by the Government of thoRepublic of Hawaii." there wasvociferous applause from tholato Minister of Finance.

    When the plank numbered ninewas road: "Wo pledge all the powerand influence this party may possessto aggressive endeavor to furtherrestrict Asiatic immigration." Thispromise bodes evil for sugar andcoffee estatos if it is to befulfilled; but it will not be. Thotwo last steamships brought intothis port over 500 contract Japaneselaborers and the steamers duo herebetween this date and November 1st,will bring 1200 more. Tho atten-tion of Commissioner Fitzerald,who isoxhausting his breath in aneffort to persuade the noble whiteman to cultivate our cane fields,should be callod to the renewedAsiatic immigration,

    But it was when tho fourteenthplank was road: Wo declare ouropposition to trusts and monopoliesof all kinds" that tho humorousnature of the convention found ex-pression in hilarious applanBO. Thorank deooption of the whole "Plat-form of Principles" was exposed andjeered at oven by tho actors in thefares.


    Tho Pacific Commercial Adver-tisn- r,supposed to bo tho palladium

    of the rights of tho people, hasfallen from grace and declines topublish a letter from a correspond-ent. The Advertiser applies tho gagto free discussion after this manner:"A correspondent of intelligence,wealth and position, sends to us' aletter, which states with force, someof the reasons against annexation.We do not publish it, becauso.thomattor of annexation is now eottlod,and beyond die.uussiou, so far ns itcan bo dono by our own govorn-Biont.- "

    Wo only hope that tho corres-pondent will demand tho return ofhis letter and offer it to iiomo othornewspaper for publiaatiou. TubIndependent will gladly publish it'

    Mr. and Mrs. Dosky will leivo bytho Doric for tho Coast, and willspend about six months in travel-ling. Mr. Dosky would lilto to behero, when tho Kewalo bioyole trackIs to bo openod to tho public, buttho health of Mrs. Desky demandsa ohange of olimate.

    f 'Cfr''rW,,'',Tr


    Ed. The Independent:

    Even under tho derided tnon-nichio- sof thin world certain rulers

    strtud forth as landmarks of theirera", at times wlnn civilization andprogress Bantu to Hag and even to re-trograde, those meu riso above theirfellows, rise abovo their environ-ments, turn their backs on the slug-gish past, withstand the wooingand blandishments of an alluringand enervating presont, and withprophetic confidence gazo into thomists of futurity, recognizing forcesbeyond the ken of ordinary mortalsand steering tho ship of stato ratherwith referouce to an ultimate destin-ation than by adhoronco to mathe-matical courses. Every nationwhich boasts of a civilization and ahistory has had theeo men who havecontributed to tho advancement ofthe ouo and the pages of tho other.Yes, every nation of record has hadmen in the load whoso far-sight-prescionco into a glorious futurityhas apparently dwarfed their visionof a groveling present.

    Tho names of Alfred the Groat,Napoleon, Washington, Lincoln,Frederick the Groat, and others arolittle pagos in tho histories of theirrospeotivu countries. When thonational onergy languishes, whennational characterization becomesindistinct such meu seem to gatherup and conoeutrato in themselvestho wasted dissipated traits of great-ness that have become eliminatedfrom tho masses. Their greatnesssurvives tho insensibility of contom-poraneo'u- s

    verdict to be enshrinedin the more critical and appreciativeestimate of succeeding generations.What omotions of veneration andrespect aro aroused at mention ofsuch names! What purposes ofhigh resolve assume decided formunder tho inspiration of sunh loftyexamplesl- - The vision roceptivo ofand appreciative of their greatnessdescends not to a contemplation oftheir weakness and foibleB. Theirgreatness is revered, their peccadil-loes unnoted. Even Hawaii

    And yet whilo au ago may pro-duce a man phenominally great, itmay also exhibit another unuttor-abl- y

    despicable. Even on theie isl-ands there may be a man who rivalsTorquemada and Cotton Mather inbigotry and cruelty, whoso ,mind isan unswopt warohoue of impureand unclean thoughts, and whosomost gonial expression is a bittersneer! It would be quite in keepingwith tho infamous character of sucha freak that he should subscribe auhonored name to his vile, perjured,and malicious impressions of thotimes, oven aB a jackal might dontho skin of a lion to prowl amongthe dead. This excrescence of na-ture, this tumor on maukind, mightat one time havo dofamed tho char-acter of a saint, a martyr, for exam-ple, to dread leprosy, whose nobilityho could not comprehend, andwhose example he was incapable ofimitating. That he would havebeen an artist as a witoh burner,more fanatical than Petor the Her-mit, more cruel than Nero andmore diabolical than Satan himself,his crafty and implacable face bearsattestation. Tho deadly exhalationof his noxious correspondence is in-stantly fatal to the flower of truth.Tho merciful lenient graces of reli-gion, of whioh he advertises himselfsolo proprietor, do not ontor intohis make up, but the fiendish char-acteristics that aro promouitory ofand eclipse hell itself aro so ongraftodin this individuality that even hisscientific opinions aro tincturedwith bigotry and malice. No char-acter is held saored and no religionrespected by this wretch when they(stand in the way of his selfish pur-poses.

    It is uo exaggeration but rather afeeble portrayal to affirm that thismonstrosity unitos and blends in hiscomposition all tho worst traits oftho human auimal and reptile king-dom. Tho pirate, tho hyena, thovulture, tho vampire, tho viper, andthe mocoasiu snako havo contributedtheir very worst to produco thistypo. Anyone of the kin just onum-orate- d

    can find in him au idoal.Mankiud iu general might regard

    th'is compouud of deviltry and ma-lice ns the crowning product, thoclimax of achievement of tho ac-cumulated wisdom of Sa'nn and hiscohorts for centuries. That theyhad set out to construct a master-piece and had succeeded beyondtheir fondest desires. But, no; thisculmination of foulness, hypoorisy,and atrocity, this ne plus ultra oftreachery, malice and decoit result-ed from a no more romarkablo causolhau of being firod out of a Govern-ment office.

    Lucifer lost hoavon and hatodGod accordingly, hut this tenthwonder lost a government job anddotested the universe! Being a pi-ta- to

    upon the ocoau of life he hasever steerod his bark away frombeacons of truth. Education insteadof softening and subduing prejudicehas but increased "his perversions oftruth. Ability has not contributedto a searoh for right but has ratherenabled him to dodge it. Venomat once poisons his shafts and con-stitutes his diet. Liko tho angryscorpion ho will eventually threshhis tail over his baok and sting him-self to death. Angels will experi-ence more relief over ouo sinner gonethan uinolv and nine that were savedwhilo tho devil will voluntarily handover his keys to a more competentsuccessor. H will go

    Back to tho earth from whence hosprung,

    Unwhipped, unhonored and un-hung;

    Far from the world in which hoStarred,

    Unfelt, unpunished and untarred.

    But, oh, shades of the mightypast ! Is there no security for deadmen? Is thoro no guaranty that anamo honored by maukind and

    by posterity will not be sub-scribed to the lying incubations ofsome fanatic' Will tho public calm-ly view a name conspicuous in his-tory written bolow the statementsand atrocious sentiments! If so, ifindifference prevails then lot overydeceut man prior to his death here-after copyright his name lest someghoul seize upon it to dignify thodecomposition which gratifies hisomnivorous voracity, Skeoos.

    nionna Depart.Tho Union Liuor Moaua sailod for

    San Francirco, at 8:30 yosterdayaftornoon, taking a large number of

    from this port. Only aight freight consisting of sugar,

    rice and bananas was shipped by W.G. Irwin & Co,, agents of thesteamer. The following is n full listof island people and visitors wholoft:

    Mrs F C Smith, Mrs Hoadloy, MissEmma A Smith, Master O Fassooth,W It Boote, Miss Alice Jones, MissT Richardsou, Mr and Mrs Goo HMead and son, W R Castlo, Jr., J RJndd, A W Judd, H P Judd, ArthurWilder, Miss E Castle, Mrs J MAtherton, O M Cooke, Jr., A MAthorton, Mrs Moses and child, Mil-ton Perkins, W J Morso, H F Wich-man- ,

    W H Baugh, W D Baldwin, AD Baldwin, Mrs Nnuman and child,S M Dodge, B, M Nowoomb, Miss HE Ankony, Goo O Potter, W J Bern!morly, E Bemmorly, C W Bartow,Miss M Richardson, Miss Ivy Rich-ardson, Miss Hattio Hitchcock, MrsDumas, Mrs Harris, Mrs J Lycott,Mrs J E Thompson, J Gunn andwife, A S Lord. W Miller, Mrs M CSmith and child, W Miller, wife andchild, G F Santos, Mrs Litchig andchild, Mrs Leroy, A H Crook, W BEnsign.

    A Sailor Xillod.sHoopii, a Hawaiian soairinu, work-

    ing ou tho Mauua Loa was fatallyinjured on tho 14th inst., by beingstruck in tho head by the gaff whiloattonding to tho unloading offreight.

    Tho mau was takon to the Queen'sHospital whero he died 45 minuteslator. No coroner's inquest washeld aud an investigation should be

    fheld at once to deoide, who is toblame, Tho man killed was "only"one of Morgan's kanakas.


    Photographic Studio(late ii. Licuria )

    No. 22, Berotan'a Strcot, near Fort,(Waring Ulock.)

    Is prepared to do Flrst-olas- s Photo-graph- icwork in tho Latest Styles with

    Neatness nnd Dispatch. The only groundfloor An Qrtllory ana Studio on tho s.

    Correct Likeness and Good ViewsTaken.

    Nono bnt experienced Hawaiian ArtistsEmployed, and no Orientals.


    Once Priceless!

    L02STO O-A-REEJI- R.


    Very Best Dry Goodsthat World Produces,

    principles the which we askcontinues, aro throwing out

    marked down ONE THIRD

    Now is the Time to


    I... IB. KI3S3R,R

    There arc three brands of

    and Jolliqs known bo

    absolutely pure. Crosse &

    Blackwelltf, Morton's and

    Code, Elfelt & Co. Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-fornia the goodH of the latterpasfiod every inspection and

    now come out of the factory

    specially stamped "PureFood.'' "Wo havo a completestock of these goods and offer

    them to the public at very lowprices.

    Our grocery department is

    full to tho with roliabl

    goods and our prices low

    enough as to draw common

    from dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suit

    the demand and consequently

    they always fresh.

    We handle the celebratedAlbert boneless sardines and

    the Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that arc unexcelled.

    We carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.

    Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-

    phone and careful attention

    paid to the selection goods.

    J. T. Waierhouse.QUEEN STREET.

    SLOWLY,IB-uL- t Seo"u.red- - it is

    Wo propose to HOLD A POSITION", that has been won, by ai

    J&.1XTD UPRIGHTThe things that have made this Store one of the

    IN HONOLULUArc Conscientiousness and Attention to the Interest of Our Patrons.

    Handling the. the


    These are bases uponstocktaking we repeatedly

    which are immediately to

    Jams to





    for your patronag-e- While

    of the ORIGINAL VALUE.



    Qo St., Honolulu




    Tho AornniM from Vnninuvnr induo to-da-

    The Kakaako and Iwilei butts willbo olosod I

    Lieut. Hose of Company G suornd18 at tho Kakaako rango josterday.

    Senator Morgan and party aro totake a trip to Ptiarl Harbor onTuosday uoxt,

    Tho Koau Hou arrived early thiimorning from Haualei with a largecargo of paddy and 100 bags rioe.

    H. May & Co,, H. E. Molutyro &Bro,, Lowii & Co,, and 0. HuitaoeTrill oloso their stores

    Tho Foreign Offioo and sooietyare desdlate. Tho gallant major hasdeserted them for Bit weeks rocuper-ntio-ti

    in California.

    The S. N. Castle has oommaucadto load sugar for W. G. Irwin & Co.4000 bags Hooia wort taken on attho Ooeanio dock to-da-

    W. W. Dimond has distributed aboautiful series of views illustratingthe dedication of General Grant'stomb in New York City.

    Yesterday was tho aunivercary oftho indepondenco of Mexico. It is aluau day in California with foast,fandango and masquerades.

    Thoro was no mooting of theCommissioners of Education yester-day owing to the absence of Presi-dent Cooper and Prof. Alexander.

    A public rocoption will be givonto Sonator Morgan and the visitingCongressmen at the United StatesLegation on Monday evening uoxt.

    The probabilities aro that JamesB. Castle, ox Collector Geuoral, willaccept the position of Secretary tothe Hawaiian Legation at Washing-ton in succession to the late FrankP. Hastings.

    Tho sohoonor Transit will take1000 bags circlo D sugar from theMoi Wahino and thon pau. Thobark S. O. Allon follows the Transitto load sugar for Frisco, for Thoo.H. Davies & Co.

    Tho U. S. S. cruiser Philadelphia,Admiral Miller, weighed anchor to-day and procooded to Hilo, Hawaii,for target practice. Tho Phillies'oarsmen will not be seen in theregatta races More's thePty.

    W. E. Wall tops the sharpshootersscoro for both July and August withthe "possible" GO for July and 49 forAugust. J. D. McVeigh comos sec-ond with 4G in July and 48 iu AugustThe averago of the first ton men forJuly was 45.0 and for August 40.1.

    Tho Myrtlo Boat Club will keopopen houBO for their friends to-morrow, tho Quintot Club will fur-nish music and there will be a dancoin the evening. The Hoalani willhave the Kawaihau Quintot Clubto furnish music for their friends attho club house.

    Tho hoaviest rainfall on Hawaiiduring August was at Kaumanawhere 23.76 fell at 1250 feet olevatiouon Maui at Puuomaloi with 5.GG and1400 feet elevation: on Oahu atLuakaha, Nuuauu, 12.G2 at 850 footand Waiauae, 1700 foot, 10.12, and atHaualei, Kauai, 5.25.

    is the 15th anniversary(ohrystal) of tho wedding day ofMr. H. Lose, to whom the heartiestcongratulations of his numerousfriendB are extended. Mr. Lose willenjoy a happy holiday in the midstof his friends with music, foast anddancing. Aloha nui.

    Tho Castle's time in dischargingthis trip was excellout; namely 900tons eargo in 2J days. Yesterdaywhen the Mauna Ala was telephonedin the forenoon 100 tons of theCastle's oargo lay on tho Iringordwharf. Beforo 2 p. m. not a poundromnined in sight. The indefatigableBilly Hoogs having drayed it allaway. The Mauna Ala took theIrmgard berth.

    Minister F. M. Hatch was enter-tained at dinner last oveningbyTJ.S. Consul-Gonor- al Haywood. Thofollowing guests wero also present:President Dole, U. S. Sonator Mor-gan, Admiral Miller, U. S. MinistorSewall, Ohiof Justice Judd, MinisterS. M. Damon, Captain Dyor of thoTJ. S. S. Philadelphia, CaptainNichols of tho U. S. S. Bennington,Mr. W. Porter Boyd, Prof. Maxwell,Mr. F. M. Swanzy, Mr. B. F. Dilling-ham aud Mr. Stioknoy.

    The Department was oalled outlast orening for a small blaze inrubbish behind Murray's blaoksmithshop. William Allon of the Hono-lulu Iron Works and blue jacketsfrom H. B. M. S. Oomus had it al-most extinguished beforo the en-gin- oi

    arrived, thoy having beenthrown off tho scont by wrong in-formation. Subsequently auothorsmall blaze was reported in thovioinity,

    The band was greeted with a goodntteudnnce at the Hotel last night.

    An mass mooting,was called for yesterday noon atHilo.

    Tho Australia discharged the lastof her 1800 tons of cargo promptlyat fi o'clock last evening.

    A mass mooting of nil personsopposed to tlio proposed annexationscheme will bo held at Palace Squareon Tuesday next, tho 21st inst. at7 p. in.

    The talking parrots have beontransferred to the Union Art Gal-lery where they will bo taught nicemanners and proper language bySoreno, tho ohiof artist.

    Lionel Hart will not play ball to-morrow. Partly because thoro isno game and partly because thefamous young pitoher loft by thoMauna Loa this morning for Maui.

    The Oceanic, Pacific Mail, Inter-Islan- dand tho Wilder Steamship

    Oompanios keep holidayAbsolutely no deliveries of froightwill bo made of the Aus-tralia's cargo.

    Mr. O. Hedoraan. tho manager oftho Honolulu Iron Works, lookswell after a very satisfactory busi-ness visit to Ohio. Mr. Hoaemaunrays the climate iu the States hovisited is much hottor than that ofour Hawaiian Paradise.

    Five thousand bags Paauhausugar to arrive per Claudius on Sun-day next will go into tho S. N. Cas-tle. She has now in hold 4132 bagssugar. Tho rate will bo kept up andCaptain Hubbard will got swiftdespatch by his agents.

    Thirteen uluas wore hookod offKilauoa, Kauai, by parties on theKeau Hou arriving from Kauai thismorning. The weight of tho 13 fish-es is roported at G00 pounds. Thestoamor's men's mouths fairly water-ed for ohowdor, this being Friday.

    The Mauua Boa sped away ontime at 10 a. m. to-da- y for Maui andHawaii, with substantial froight,and tho following passengors: Sena-tor J. Kauhane, J. A. MoCandloss,Mrs. E. Kopko, W. A. Wall, Mrs. G.W. Paty, Mrs. Meyers and son, andothers.. The Executive Committee of theHsgey Sooial Club last night de-cided to report at tho next regularmeeting iu favor of purging the rollof all derelict aud causelessly delin-quent members. The quostion ofamending the constitution was post-poned. Thoro will bo no social

    this month but probablyone will bo given next month.

    Herr Berger and his band woro attho Pai'ifio Mail wharf yesterdayafternoon at the departure of theMoann for San Fraucisco. CaptainCarey's hospitality was shown whenafter 30 miuutos playing, light cham-pagn- o

    was served the band boysfrom the Mo ana's wino stores. Thegonial skipper's kindness was highlyappreciated by tbe consumers.

    The Oyclomero Park will be open-ed in the early part of October. Mr.Clement, the manager of tho newbioyclo track expecits several pro-fessional wheelmen to arrive hero ontho 23 inst. by the Manpost. Whentho new electric lamps have beenplaced in position and the standscompleted the grand excursion tothe bicyole "Klondyke" will be inordor.

    Tho Kinau arrived at 12:80 to-da- yfrom Hawai and Maui with the fol-lowing passongers, Robert Catton,D B Smith, Judge W L Wilcox, EIt Hondry, F M Wakefield, H OAustin, J M Lydgate, R Horner, TS Kay, O J Falk and wife, EnochJohnson and W H Cornwoll. TheKinau cargo consisted of 25 hoadof cattle, 201 sheep, 22 hogs and 630pkgs of potatoes and sundries,

    Dr. Alexander H. Bailey, formerlyof Kahului, Maui, died reoontly atSanta Cruz, Cal. Tho doctor was agenial able young physician whomado many friends during his resi-dence in tho islands and whosedeath will bo deeply regrotted. Dr.Bailoy who was about 40 years ofage was married to Miss Nehou ofSanta Cruz who for some time wasconneoted with Maunaolu Seminaryat Makawao, and who survivos him.

    Oomus va, Honolulu,

    The criokot match betwoon elevensof H. B. M. S. Oomus aud the H. O.O, will begin at 1:30afternoon. It is euro to prove a voryinteresting one as tho Comus teamis roported to be a vory strong one,The Homo team will consist of thofollowing players: H. Herbert,Captain, A. St. M. Mackintosh,Aoneas Mackintosh, Rev. V. H. Kit-ca- t,

    Hatfield, Wansoy, Lishmnn,Thompson, Stanley, Viucont, Shanks,Kano. Umpiros. H. Simpson andR, A. White. Soorer, V. Jaeobien.


    A Terrible Accident on tho OahuRailroad.

    Again We hove to report a seriousacoident on the Oahu railroad line,whieh in this instanco cost tho lifeof one omployeo and tha mutilationof another.

    The pross, as usual, is kept in thodark as to tho details of tho fataleatastropho, and as the victims weroonly some of Sonator Morgan's "no-tivos- "

    who aro not entitled to anyconsideration, no mention of theaccident was mentioned by the offi-cial organ this morning.

    The facts whioh we have beenable to obtain show that Kalama, abrakeman, was run over by tho afternoon train when a flying-swito- h wasmade at the new plantation, and in-stantly killed; and that Uahi, au-othor employee had a leg crushedat the same time in a manner whichnecessitated an amputation of theinjured limb below the knee.

    The amputation was successfullyperformed at the Queou'a Hospitalat 8 o'clock last evening by Drs.Wood and Cooper, and Jthe sufferer,who is only 15 years of ago, is to-da- ydoing as well as could bo expected.

    Tho man who was killed leaves afamily. As far as can bo learned, nocoroner's inquest was held, and theburial took place this morning.Friouds of tho deceased and peoplehaving property interests in the dis-tricts through whioh the railroadruns have takon the matter up andwill insist on a thorough investiga-tion.

    It is to bo hoped that the manage-ment of tho O. It. & L. Co. will drop"politics" for a while and make asearching investigation into thecausos of the recent accidents. Itwill be wiser to do it now than towait until ths stockholders are oall-ed upon to pay damages out offunds that only exist on paper.


    Second :- - Celebration

    O- F-

    Regatta DayTO UK HELD IN


    Saturday, Sept. 18, 1897

    COMMENCING AT 0:30 A. M.

    - GLASS YAOHT ItAOE.First prize, $50; second, 25.

    SLIDING SEATBAKGE. rrizo, ?I0.

    YA0UT KAOEFirst prize, $10; second, $20

    TUB RACE. Prize, $5.BAKGE ItAOE

    (lor mon-of-w- boats only), rrize, $50.KAOE (200 yards).

    Trophy.OANOE KAOE. First

    prizo, $16; second, $5.FISHING BOAT RACE.

    Prlzo, $25.


    BARGE RAOE. First prizo, $30; socond,$16.

    CONTE8T, FORPrlzo, $5.

    GIG RAOE (station,ary scats;. First prize, $30; second, $10.


    FISHING BOATS.Prlzo, $25.


    BOAT RAOE. Firstprize, $26; second, $15; third, $10.

    10-- BIX - OARED BARGE RAOE.Prizo, $25.

    WK OARED WHALEBOATRA01 First prize, $10; socond, $10.

    OANOE RACE, Firstprlzo, $15; second, $5. N

    Races open to aft; no entry fco. Sivlm-min- c,"diving and tab races entries open

    till tho start of tho racesAll rowing races are to bo governed by

    tho Racing Rules of the Hawaiian RowingAssociation.

    For tho othor races entries must bo nindoto the Secretary of tho Regatta Committee,Mr. Charles 8. Crane, at Pacitlo HardwareCompany, Entries clote THURSDAY,September 10th, at I r. m.

    Each entry shall Include thu name oftho boat, or If it havo nonu, tho name oftho person who enters It in tho raco.

    For further Information, apply to thoChairman, Mr. U. B, Gray, oi the Secretary.



    Founded, 1793 Cash Capital, $8,000,000Oldest Fire Inauranib Company In tho United Stateo.Losses paid since organization over $90,000,000.


    Established, 1859 Capital $6,000,000.luBitranco effected ou Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Morohnndiso

    fjF For lowest rates apply to"S3.. LOSEGeneral Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.


    Good, Bad and Indifferent.


    SOHLITZ13 as Proven Its Superiority.

    Noah's Certificate is Needed for the Best. TheConsumers Are the Judges.

    SOHZXiITlZ;Is World .Renowned, Holds Its Own, and Don't You


    Macfarlane & Co., Ltd.,Sole Agents.

    Timely Topics.Honolulu, Sept. 16, 1897

    ANNEXATIONis near at hand we are told,and the arrival of SenatorMorgan and RepresentativesCannon, Landenslacger Berryand Tawnoy seems to pointin this direction. With an-nexation an unprecedentedAvavo of pro&perity is expectedto sweep over the land, bring-ing with it dinners and feabtsand merry-makin- g.

    We have quietly been pre-paring for this event, and laidin a stock of articles usefuland ornamental for the festalboard.

    Our stock of HAVILANDCELESTA is more completethan ever, and if any set orpiece is broken by carelessservants, you can have it al-ways replaced from our stock.

    STEELING: SILVERWARE is indispensable to awell appointed dinner table.We have just received a nowinvoice of sets of OysterForks, Berry Spoons, SoupLaddies, Lettuce, Moat andPickle Forks, etc., etc., whichare sold very cheap.

    In PLATED WARE wecarry a full line of Spoons,Knives and Forks, Salvers,Tea arid Coffee Sets, Coffee,Chocolate and Egg Spoons,Butter Dishes, Spoonholders,Casters, Water Pitchers, Fruitand Butter Knives, Fish andPie Sets, -- Cheese Scoops,Sugar Shells, Crumb Traysand Brushes and other arti-cles too numerous to mention.Also CELLULOID andALUMINUM COMB andBrush Sots, ROOKWOODand CUT GLASS WARE.

    Tub Hawaiian Hardware Co,, L'u

    208 Foirr Street,

    ' -- -







    The smokeless stove onwhich water is boiled in ourshow window has been a greatattraction for several days tostudents in philosophy. TheJewel is a good stove anyway.

    The special subject for thepeople this week is not stoves,that subject is a daily one.This week you will have no-velties of all sorts.

    This is the season when thehens go on strike and theprice of eggs goes skyward.Hens want a little encourage-ment now and then, and thebest thing known to scienceis green bones. But theymust bo cut up fine. "Wehave the best green bone cut-ter in the world.

    Another novelty is the soapsaver, made of rc-tinn- ed wire,basket shaped, with longhandles. This is the beBt soapsaver known and we havothreo sizes. Cheaper thandirt and more beautifying.

    Dripless tea and coffeestrainers are new and servica-bl-e.

    There's a cut-o- ff attach-ment which prevents coffee ortea from dripping on tho tablecloth after the cup is filled.Very cheap these, and prettytoo.

    Victor meat chop-per for a quarter seems like adream, but it isn't. Wo sellthem at that price and wo sellthe Holdfast dust pan bestyou over saw.

    Tho latest in toasters is therevolving star enables thecook to toast live pieces ofbread at once. Try one.

    WcWJUUL- JjtX2k

    Von Holt Block,

  • JUST ARRIVEDA now lot of Uio Finest

    Musical Instruments.Autoharpo, Guitars, Viol ins, Etc.

    Also a now Invoice of tho Oolobratcd

    Westermeyer Piaaos..Specially manufaotnnd for the tropical

    cllmnto, second to none,


    On the Hawaiian Islands during the lastyears.



    General Merchandise.

    Also tho choicest Knropoan and Amori- -

    Boers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST JIFASONAJII.B PRICES.


    Corner King & Bethel Streets.

    T. B. HURRAY321 & 323 King Street.

    The Leadtug

    Carriage and"ft agon Manufacturer.


    Will furnish everything outBlde steamboats and boilers.

    Horse Shooing a Specialty.

    TKLRPHON1C JV72. -

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

    Wm. G. Irwin President & ManagerClous Spreckels ntW. M. Glffard Secretary & TreasurerIheo. 0. Porter Auditor


    Commission Agents.AOBNTB OF TIIK

    Oceanic Steamship Gomp'y01 Snn Frannisoo. Cal.

    rKMsrnoNE 607. P. 0 Box 321.


    Carriage Manufactory,128 & 130 Fort Btreet.

    Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

    Blacksmithlng in all Its Branchesr

    Orders from the other Islands In Building,Trimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

    promptly attended to.

    W. ,W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. Wost).

    Metropolitan Meat Go.



    Wholesale andRetail . . .


    Navy Contractors

    THE "ARLINGTON"A, Family Hotel.

    X. KBOUBE, - - - Prop.

    Per D"ay 2.00PerWeolr 12.00


    Toe Best ol Attendance, tho Best Situation




    San Francisco, Cal.

    BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.,Philadelphia, Tonn., U. 8. A.

    NEWELL UNIVER8AL MILL CO,(Manf. "National Cnne Shredder")

    Now York, U. 8. A.

    N. OHLANDT & CO.,San Francisco, Cal.


    5S2-- tf San Francisco, Cal.

    Occidental Hotel,Corner KIiie and Alalcea Streets,


    Mrs. A. SOHMEDEN, Proprietress,

    Rooms Ensuito aud Single, withBoard, from $5.(50 por week, accord-ing to r quiromonts of tho RuestB,with Hot and Cold 13athn.

    The only Promenade Roof Gardenin the city. GEO. OAVENAGH,

    Manager.EST Telophono : : : 654


    W. H. RIOKARD,

    General Business Agent


    Conveyancing in All Us BranchesCollecting and. All Business

    Matters of TruBt.

    All business entrusted to him will receiveprompt and careful attention.

    Oflloo, Honoltaa, Hnniakua, Hawaii.


    ARE RESPECTFULLYSUBSCRIBERS all subscriptions are pay-able strlotly in advance by th6 monthqua'tcr or year.

    F. J. TE8TA,

    BuElnoBa Cards.


    Counsellor at Law.

    201 Merchant Street (one door fromPort Street.)

    Honolulu, H. I. tf.


    Real Estate and Genebal BusinessAgents, Also SunvEtons.

    Office VA IConla Street, Honolulu.

    R. N. BOYD,

    Surveyor and Real Estate Aoent.

    Office; Bothol Street, over tho Now230 Modol Rostaurant. iy


    Plumbino, Tin, Copper and SheetIhon Work.

    King Street, Honolulu.


    attorney- - at-La-

    Kaahumanu Streot, Honolulu.


    Frank Bbown, Manager.

    9 And n Mor..lnt BJroot. Uminlnln TT. T.


    Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuildino Materials or

    All Kinds.

    Qnn nt, TTnnnlnln

    Queer Prerogatives.

    Tho Earl of Donbigh, who hasjust been appointed a

    to the Queon, has tho horeditaryright of carving all the roast jointsof moat that appear upon the royaltable, while another nobleman en-joys tho queor prerogative of hold-ing in his hand tho sovereign's ta-ble napkin and of handing it to horwhenever she wishes to wipe herlips. Tho Dukes of Atholl and ofMontroso actually have appealod totho law courts to dotormino whiohof tho two possesses tho heroditaryright to the office of sorgeant of thoscullery, whoae duty at stato ban-quets consists in seeing that thomonarch never is without a cleanknife and fork.

    Both tho Duke of Norfolk and theDuko of Rutland are associated withtho peers above inontionod in at-tending to the sovereign's liquids atstato bauquots, tho Duko of Norfolkbearing the titlo of lord chief butlorof Englaud. Indeed, it is worthyof note that there are a far largernumber of groat uoblos chargodwith duties connected with furnish-ing drink to tho sovereign than aroassigned to the serving of solid food.Under tho circumstances it is notsurprising that tho Lord Bishops ofDurham, Bath and Wolls should beassigned to tho n ?. altogether eccle-siastical duty of "supporting" thosovoreign on leaving the banquetinghall. The Time.

    A Oaniilnvor Wharf.

    Tho Spanish provinue of Santau-de- rhas no seaport. Tho rocks rise

    boldly out of the sea and leave noopenings for thn landing of vessels.But tho conntry is rich inoro, whiohmust bo shipped by wator. Modorusoienco provides tho way by meansof a cantilever wharf.

    At the Setares mines, in SaltaCabolle, a wharf of stool reaches outlike a Gngor over tho sea for sixty-fiv- e

    feet including the land con-nections. It is thirty-fiv- e feet abovethe water at high tide. The ore isrun in cars along tho two tracksupon the structure to tho very ex-tremity of the wharf and theroquickly unloaded upon tho waitingvessels. Moro than 8000 tons of orecan bo loaded in this way in twelvehours. S. F. Chronicle.

    Tho simplicity of this arrange-ment would probably make it veryuseful for some of the. leadingstations around our Islands.


    Fishtail ferns for salo in quanti-ties to suit.

    Subscribe for The Independent, fiOcents por month,

    A nice front room is for rent atNo. 0 Garden Lane.

    Childrens trimmod hats aro stillBelling for GO conts at N. S. Sachs. '

    Join our Suit Club, SI per weekMedeiros & Decker, Hotel street. '

    For Drapery Silks, down pillowsand art tricking, go to N. S. Saabs. '" Nicely furnished rooms to lot onLiliha Street, opposite Kuakinistreet.

    New lot of choice patterns infigured organdy muslin, juBt receivedat N. S. Sachs.

    A lady, who is an accomplishedtoaoher of music, desires to givelessons to a fnw pupils at theirhome, at 50 contB a lesson. Address,tho editor of Tub Independent.

    Bicycle boys romembor that wohavo the finest brews of Buffalo Boorand tho Fabst gonial shaudy gaff atthe Royal, Paoifio and Cosmopolitanand with our interchangeable chocksyou can tako a turn around thoblocks between refreshments.

    Paddy Ryan is now assisted bypopular William Carlisle at tho An-chor Saloou, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught and other atimu-laut- s

    furnished. Pointers on allsporting events can bo had, free ofcharge from tho athlotio manager oftho Anchor.

    There is only one place where thoproper drink can bo obtained whenloyal Americans colobrate, "Annex-ation" and tho Fourth of July.Potnorj Soo, aud Gold Lao, aro thospecial brands of Champagne servedby Iho Royal Aunox. Come on, youannexationists, and lot the corks ily,and tho wiue flow,


    Qucnn Stroet, New House, withParlor, Dining Room, throe BodRooms, Kitohon and Bath; Lot,60x100. Also, adjoining Lot of samesize, 50x100. For sale as a whole orseparately at reasonable figure Ap-ply to

    BRUCE WARING & CO.nos-i-

    TO LET.

    ri'O A DESIRABLE TEN- - i W(r.. nRiu, a oeauuiui resi-dence! furnished throughoutsituated nt tho Peninsula. nrrwwtiGt0(1 boating Clorn to tho Railroad. Forfurther particulars apply to

    j. u uaut.uk, .hi ,at tho Bank of Bishop & Co

    02i-- tf


    Steamship Co.FOR SAN KRANCISCO.




    Wednesday, Sept. 22d,AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M.

    The undersigned are now prepared toIssue Through Tickets from this City to allpoints In the United States.

    Xtf For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage, apply toAVm. G. IRWIN & CO., L'D,

    Goneral Agontft.

    P. HORN,

    The Pioneer BakeryBread, Pics, Cakes of all kinds, fresh

    every day.

    Fresh Ice Cream made of the Best Wood-law- nCroain in all Flavors.

    Tbe Finest Home-mad- e Confectionery,uu-t- t


    IF YOUR - MlffiTflggtet.

    Horse or DogIS SICK

    Call on A. It. ROWAT, D. V. 8.Ml nfflpninl Rtnhlon tf


    0. J. SHERWOOD. Pioprletor.

    There earth and air, and sea. and sky,With breaker's song, ghe lullaby.

    King Streot Tram-Car- s pass tho door.Ladles and children speoialfy caros for.


    Jeweler.IS PREPARED TO

    Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewelry.

    FIRST-CLAS- S WOBK ONLY.POQ tfnllillne. Fort Rt. tf

    TWO REASONSWhy pooplo come long distances to bay at


    ZEPalama (3-rocer- yREASON 1 Becausoono customer tells

    anothor how much they have savort bydealing at this livo and lot lire establish-ment.

    REABON 2 Because the saving fromtheir grocory bill helps them to pay thohouse- rent.

    If you don't bellovo what our customorsay just glvo us a call and ho convinced.

    Hay and GrainHARRY CANON,

    Palama Grocory.TEL. 7fi5 Opposite Railway Dopnt

    wsvPHOTOGRAPH CO., Ltd., is open forbnslnoss. Portraits of ovory descriptionnpon tho host Papors, Plattunm, Iridium,Mezzo-tin- t, Carbon, and nil other papersknowuln Photography. Best work guaran-teed at modorato prices.

    CABINETS from SIX DOLLARS porDozen. Pictures made Life Size direct.

    Appointments mndo by Telophono 402.Solo proprietors of tho Uas-Rell- andIridium Processes. Largo collection of

    Island Vlows. .Specimens can ho soon on tho ground

    floor. MOTT-8M1T- H BUILDING,Corner Fort and Hotel Bts,


    Camping Season




    we can bo with you. The memory of alarder In your camp ttiU help

    the onioyraent of tho scenery picturesquoor majnsiio, as it appeals to tho oyo. Thclimate genial, brncing, rejuvenatingwill bo aided by good groceries. Whateveryou do rusticating, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, boating, whcoling, mountain climbingor In valely reposing onr goods are thebest and necessary accompaniments.

    The season for this sort of thought andaction U upon us. All the world, takes anouting once a yoar-- if it doesn't, it ouehto. While making up your mind where

    you will go, put those places before yourmind's ovo:

    ON JfAUI-Haleak- ala, Lahalna, Wal-kap- u.Mnkawao, Hana, Kula, Kahului,

    Haiku, Makoua.ON KAUAI Haualel.Hanapope, Llhne,

    Koloa, Walmea, Nawlllwill aad Kawl-ha- u.

    ON HAWAII Kllanea and Halemau-man- t.tho rainy city, Kapapala, Kcftlake-ka- a

    Bay ana Dr. Llridloy'g Sanitarium,Walpio, Kohala, Puna, Kona, Laupahoe-ho- o

    and Hamakua.ON OAHU-Walk- ikl. Tantalus, Puo-waiu- a,

    Olympus or Loahl Makapuu andMokapu. Wiiinnao, Pearl Harbor, lleraondGrove, Moaualua and Mnnoa,

    Tho IslandB of Lanal, Molokal, Kahoo-law- eand Nlihau.


    Telephono Freo dohvory twlco dally

    Merchants' Exchange

    8. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

    Corner King and Nuuanu Streets.

    Choice LiquorsAND- -

    Fine Boers


    Empire Saloon,Cornor Nuuanu and Hotel Bte.

    Charles W. Andrews - Manager.

    Choice Wines, Liprs, AlesHALF-AND-HA- ON DRAUGHT.

    Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

    Rainier in Bottles.

    Handmade Sour MashA BTKCrALTY.

    Brace Waring & Co.,

    Real Estate Dealers.603 Fort St., near King.

    Building Lots,houses'and lots, and


    ttf Parties wishing to dlsposo of theirProportion. rn Invltod to nail nn no.

    Hawaiian GrownOysters.

    Tho abovo dolicaoy can now beprocured in Buoh quautities an re-quired upon leaviug ordors with

    H. E. fflclntyre & Bro." 307-- tf


    JOHN PHILLIPSHas romoud hla Plumbing Business from- King stroet to tho premises on

    Hotel StreetFormorly ocoapied hy "Wovmj

    Vl.rii TUiLy
