I ': . " " '.' ..' , ',',' :' " ' , . ':o.!.' ; . , , . ..\, .. , ... "",-. '. ' ." .":. " ' (1/' I . . .' .. ,.." ': ". '1' '. , , . '. .... I , I,' , " " ,(" .,'. , ,.' . J. '. 2' , ., .' . I,' ') . j' ... ,,' " '. ..",' ! i ett ;" ::t. ' " .. . " , , '" " ' , . ""''',,"' , " .... , " ... ,,' " ,I " , ;'. C'}'., " . 'I,. 0-.'.' J <r: ' , .r , , , ... :<'.:;-\1t" , . .... ',', , . ".',' .. ,," '. . , , , , . , ...,' , ... ""., .... " .. ',' , ." " . , " , ." , . 'I . , " " '.' " "', .. " 't,,' '" . " '. ' " , , ;, '. ," '. ,,'.' .', ". , , {• ' ,,' '>. " .. ' .. . , . ,Presbyterians To Move 'In Sunday In New Church On Nob Hill . ' '" . ",' !,o., .,' . , '.' , ,'. ',' " :1 .' ", .', . ," ' . , .' '. - ".' :, ". " . ," , . , ". -' . ". ,.. , .... . , ' '.. . ' , <". . ;.: .": . ' . . "' , ."'-< .. ' " . , '" . .. .. , '" .' ":t-." ,. , .. ,1: ;; " " . . _'1..J. __ , , -By Nosey Waters- AROUNDTOWN , .. , r , .. ,. '. ':',".',l\' "',",'''", ",". ¥''',:' ',": '" .. , ,"',.;-> .",. 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' .' .. ,'" ··'e· "'" .' .', ., 1:' ..:. :', ::, ':""C: . ·',·i ... '. ,"'.,.',.' ','.,'. . ' ',. . .. '. ' '," .,' ,'.,. ., . ' , . . . . " t .. ....&-' \ ' ' .' . ' '" -. . " " a.ld.d-. ,',' N, , •. :;.;1, ,•.J.! .. ' .... .',".,"'. .' '. '. '. '. ..... ,.. . "'7"'1 ' ." ' .' at 11: ".' 'liP .. . Wb.1ter Smdl({:': . . '.,'. n.Wltt;D ..... '810 SUI J\'eJimoDCI .... ,''1'. . "" ..'." .. .... "" " ;'. ., .' , '. ," '.' . ' ..,.... ' ..,.,..-;. .. ..-.' .. .... ,. .. .-0" -.-.. ............._' " .•• .·PA;;. :;.. .. ::;.UP:;:;. ":;;z,td;:.,,;:m:;:' ", .• ,::;;; .... :...,'. .... ,..,.'::-. .......... _ ........... .- ............... -." ..... ,..""""'"""·r··.,.,.., .. ';0;;;;' 'Oi' . For Rofary Club tOIllght Warriors VI!, . Dr.. P. E. Snyder,.!l:hairman of Hagerman: Sat. night W!uTiors vs. Is Completed the City Park Comm gave a EUlllce, both games at home. JOe Coe, local Community . . . .' brief outline of the work that has Ruidoso meel$ lie Co. mlUl;lger, wall !II . Western Construction Co. last night. reb•• 17, at GracJe SUver City on company ' week-end comp'leted the laylng of tary ClUb at Navajo Lodge This 7.:10 p. m. '\ Tuesday this week... ,'Guests of '" , main lines for Ruidoso's new park Is to be locafed in SkYland Junior Class. Johnny Mosettl , the E. T. Carters over the ;;,' ter sYstem, Mayor Dan Swearingin Addition across the road from dinner. Margaret s Cafe. •, end were Holloman Air Force i!".\,; said this week. As fast as possible, Fed M nt '1 d t d Feb. 19. B Inn Pf D' Sponsler" f ed U d I dt Id 1 r a oya 8 p ace an ex en Feb 19 mncsed blind "llnl" lUIe a en c. on ..., . e er nes an n v ua lines Ing alons the river for about 1 9' .. ed b d'" "', Ple. BllI Chestnut 'and Ptc. Jim ','. l\re .belng connected to the new miles It Is contemplated t9 buUd "torts at a. m .• mass '. an .. Waltman .... Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, DeBords last week-end were Mr. Ruidoso home owners and bus- 1 p ac d' a es ant zoz'o Capitan Hondo and Ruidoso W. M. McR:inney of El Inesses have had considerable SltCahnOOI bands participating, at Cap- ........ .. aws. , . . tnr' shortage again this winter from e ed nd tu 1 k n th k' . * ** .. ed v '. a ac n wor a e par Feb. 21, C. 0: c, Housewives who have been freezlng 01 mains and fe er lines wl1l 1,>e{ln within the next month. pie supper at school cafeteria 7'30 C ussin' their luck for breaking of the old IlYlitem, but it ts He asked that aU of the service pm' , . ed the new installation wlll cor- clubs be thinking of somethlng , 0 'E 5 Ch t N 65 t = l11lluoSO BAPTISTS flnil;e1,J (af.ter 'the c1ty (1.l\TE Swearingin' said this week the and at least one WIlS Vnlerillne n' was clOled down fot 13. membe1'J or QJe FJrJi constnictlon firm has yet to ttnlJh voted.· per, Feb. 14. $Cime wort on the new ml\!rlj) rna)' . Chllreh wU1 up some !'c!ean-up" work and to S lIE ... they we!'C!n't as )1l11\lckY d04Jute Uteb' IItrWI, .,leted iristall the fllter system at the set- pee a guest was varlsto •••or.. Free golfhH: for homefolk! Feb. , 'BIlbe fellow who to 'flaSh,hl! • and aaacttiarJ' on Me. tung In upper Ruidoso be. ales, who Is a sophomore In Htgp 6-12, Cree Melldows Golf COUl"lCl. 'false teeth-the water apurted /U1d elJ.fla Drive. with , .... 1Qn:ita worlt is done, School. an outstanding athlete and 1.Ions suppl!r e\'e1'Y Tue.dllY knocked them from his hands, cram. JlluIIoI lor .-nt1ar, r ...t"U"Uon of three t g ver'¥' popUlar student. For thll past nlsht , Carrizo Lodge, breakln' them In the washbowl Jem evmlre, TJIe'"PfO<o tanb,"\O"hold 1,000,000 BlilfoC:: Rotary ba$ hod as aueat Rotary luncheon every Tuesday , •• -T!\Q wit lilalnst tbe VUJaee CIQ:J "IUL s.car Seb.Hl water, Is to be done late this eacb. week Jltudent from the noon, Navajo t>odgc. of :RUWOIO tor $10.000 and $1,000 at ';«1 4etUoaWNt to be IIvallable for use by school to help them get an Idea RUidoso BapJlst Church ., the tuttlngoll ..... , .... II' JI,It, -r June '1. the mayor said. Founda. ot service Clubs and their fUnc:-- Uon Sunday, Feb. 13. (BJ ClltlBCIl REPoaTER) off whltcl ouUide and ot waWr""lc:e. for an unpaid bID. a.eub7 ooaua.... &JI4 Jar" t10n .. to be poured In March for UonJ, In order that they wlU.,be World Day of PrllYer, Feb. 211, The rel{Ular services of tho First Pllinted 1Ieht green Inside. The hu .beel\ aill.Wflred the VUlace of &Jut elulreJl JdU.' &lkinlate ." the three tanks, to be located near ablll to on the community Preebyterlan Church. Prcsbyterlan Church of Ruidoso ceiling b of acoustical tile while attomey,'uy, City Clerk Joo Dry. UJo JlI'NI'aB'. wlUl iIle m1Dk&et', the hl,l4d of the-system In upper lrevlce ren ered by tho service Feb. 211-27, Area meeting of wUl be conducted for the flrat time pews.' pulpit and chancel fUrniture The case wUIIDtely come up the aflV, Walter 'BIiP. pre- Ruldoao. near tho Illte of the old dubl. when they become old SPOrts Cor ClUbs from Arizona, Sunday, Feb. 13. In the new church are In mlltchlng red oak. in .prln, term of dlsUiet court.t IeDtlN a lJJCCIIal.-...ce til' the tonk west of Cree Golf enough to be members. Colorado. New Mexico. bulldln/cl just completed. Impressively markinG the north Carrl%ozo, date yflt 10 be set. . . • evellt. AD d&on&oOll procrua Course, and' at a new Ilite abeve Democratic pllrly The BaBcomb Cablnct Works 01 lind south ends aro crollSClll of * * * wID atarld ,. ... ancl ovo- tho new Municipal Bulldlng on the Two AIrmen Hurt meeting. Pcarl'll Cafe, Capitan, Keenc l Texns. has completed In· 1I 1 ass brlckll. A larlle plc- .. . The Green Tree flro hnll wall D1Jl.r wlJl atan wtth Wlnefleld property. Wh Co Ov Fob.. 27. stnllat on of peWll, pulpit nnd ture window In the fuyor lUrnl!hell ,etUng Bome repalrll thlll week, In. BTU at ... J:I&. f,I'l4 the tim In en . Upe ertunul chancel furnllurc. which cuts the n commnndlnlT view of Old Daldy. cludJnl work on the roof.... a eerka .f revivaJlIClI'DJOI1I wID T ck F d Near mve-lde Ba d bUilding In readinl'llS for mmedl- Elsewhl're In Ihls Issue of the * fr * bet preae1se4 b:r aflV. Brim a& ru er ree .8 Ive .n s utc uso. Tho beautiful 1I1ruciure ill Ruldollo News appeBrB tho new RIchards of Ruidoso, Inc •• local 7:S1 Po .. Lnceratlollll and bruises. {I the climax of ycarll of plllnninc 8chlodule for servlccs of the First pIcture frame factory which em· 0Bd Aft UP at tho hospital, thcn homo at In C PI unit organizcd effort. Prl.'sbytcrlan Church. JUllt all pIon from a dozen to two dozen BAl"TISTS "MOVE IN' n on er nlgbt. wall the scoro of two nlr- ounly an The bulldlnll commIttee 15 l'OIll- Idly 115 sound admlnlBtrBtlon wlll workers In llcnJQIUIl nJIlhcs, b Last Slmday wme 150 perlWnlI men at Walker Dose folJowlnq a posed of nlliph V. Obt:orholtllL'r. I wurrnnt. (I Ileodily eXplIndlnl: 1IIX an OIInex to the factory. The Welte prcsent for first :;ervlCCll in OrEN8 REVIVAL-Rev. Waltel' I' di D th on,e.car clip 311 mill'S cnst of Rul· M d'C C'lmlrman; Zllch Collier. W. S' "rum of filII church life and nddJlJon 111 the largcst building yet beautiful new Flr'llt L. Brtu. "put-r of Rul4CMSO Flm n an ea dO:lO at p. m. Monday _ asse oncert Campbell. Ernest McDaniel. nob· twit), Will be dcvcloped and 10 ndJoln tho original factory. , •• tist Church. A word of BapUal Cbun:b, .tarts a revival naymond FrllnclJl Marek, of St. from thc DOlll' hO:l' !l'rt McDaniel. Mn n v, Ober- pll'ml'ntl',I. * '* * inS Wall exprCS!led during' tho SmdJI:r nJahl to run throu,b Paul, Mlnn" wan relcllsl'd on a Sl,- pltol have been Eldon T. Members ot school bands of fl\'c holtzer. Mrs, E L Ml'dler and Mrs "Thin t'hurrh 1& uncondltlonally The 1MB l.r whom the IndJall momlnrtll ccrvlceo by Mrs. Charlco Spcla:r. Fob.. 21. Rev. GeraJ4 000 bond In AlamoSlordo Friday Rownld. 20. and S,Sllt. Stewllrt Llm:oln County communltll'lI will I Wllrrcn nnrrclt A A Nuncr of dt,dlcolt'd III Itn totnl prollrtlm of wmed WblJ ba4 aeveraJ lrimlla JJonncll tor the church . 1I100ro, mlnltsrr from Las Vf.lu, followln" a henrlnll In the trallle Couch. 24. both of the 012th AIr tllke part In thr finn annual Lln- Alllllqucrquc wad thoorchltl'ct and all arll\'ltlc", til (lur l.ord JCOUlI 11114 'DclCbbon herplnr him ICetn' Ship. "N. M., will be In dlarrfl of the de4th of Arthur Comanche. 35. a Pollco Sqdn. coin County MU!llc Clinic lind' John R. Emdl' thl' Ilcnl'ral con· (:Imnt. who III Illrnu'lltbt' On" lind 1be'wOCH!s and brub 011 the bUI Rev. Walter L. 8rlan, ptllltor, slnaln& wUb the local pastor do. member of II well.known l\ft'llCIl. Their cor. a 1951 FOfl1 Del.uxe Concert in Capltlln FI'h 10. It wno! trllctor ln Chlll'llt; of COlllltructlun Onl ... l.md und Savlof. the lIl"ad Jusl above downtown Ruld_ dlo:c all hill termon llubJeet "A Ute Ilreae1Jln,.. lero Indian family. blue conch, headed We'lIt, corcl'nl!d nnnounccd thin w('('k hy LeRoy, Knox F.ll't'Ir ..· (ompnn)' of Ihu-' Of Thc (,hUfCh, lind to lIun alono !.:r his ... r:'re. . ,MIUtant Anny," dcclarlna that ' __ . The hearlnll wlIa held In JUIltiec 024 fect on th" rlghl nhouldl'r of C'loocll. dlrcctor (It dchool musiC' In I' h.1I1 nnh contrut'l tOf \\ ,nnll do we on HI. protllt' lind Ihe:> memo :':lls a .. lib: CbJ1llUon wldlera were vlctoriouo, day when vlJ1lt1nll mlnilltefll and of the Peaco HowlIrd Mcchem'o the rondo bowlcd ovcr II cun.·e nlan. nuldrooo The !lchooln 10 participate. Ernest Wood ('lll'rtcd lht' Jl}umblllll bt:ofD of thin C'hun-h. clve our full .... _ ... leA '-1' troop:!. DedicaUon of the new, laymen will Inlcc partn on a pro' court .'rlda,' IIftornoon. hit a PO:lt on the oppMlte !lulc with lire RuldollO. ClIrrtmro, ClIpltan.: contract and Kccth ('II!! l I'mpony , allenlant'(' und III llin name In 10VL) bulldinl1l11 tot for thlo coming "rllm to Inat 011 day. Marek. driver for tho North the right front of the \'cludt'. and Hondo lind Comnll ' hod l'Oniruct for lnlltnlt"ltun IIf II,'· nnll ('lIlh C\I' 111\'1 It' 1.11 who wilt ..t4 woman. din 0 et!. ,American Trnllllport ts rammcd II bnrhed wlM' tcnC'c, The clinic openJl 0 0 m, Salur. Dyutl'/11 •• In .hmt' \\ ,th u, thin "lllll'gllllll'O 'l'be orklDalaAm p:::a:'d7' iJ; ** * Ilru ed to hn\'o run over Comanchc I Allcr thc run It went day. Feb. 10. with cllnlell Thl' llurn!!worth-( oil ("mpallV nlld thl' (Ircompallylnll dlnclpUnl'D TCSl IUfl eorreua lltS4 G0s4m. near Dmt. on IJilIhwny 70 Wcd· GO feel fnrther. o\'ertumlnll to lnllt until nnon thL' varloull band I of UOJIwell WlllI glvcn t'Olltract for ond IlC!\'IC'l'n whICh Ilrow out of It. stopped at Bn:m'aUot Dot' dan4 'f:II_& Ba lLt_& Church nt'llday nIght . times and plnnlna onc lit the dlrectol1l of the 'flvc Ilchoolll I hCllllnll C lont lind the COllpcr lOur rmpn'ml' aim Will (IlwlIyn be to oaWdnr.)' ,. ISbI' Fox Cave tit I; uaI The Incident wall reported by mcn. tOJlI:ed out of the coach. two focull)' mL'mbL'rll o( nteople. fire light fix tun'll WNt· \:It' Inl(, to (·hr/JIt. 1I111. Gu:lpc1I. lila an4 'YIIlteCI with M.... Bart" thO RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO two Walker Air Dnco alr- neath thl' car. Nl'w Mcxlro UnlVlll11lty at POl'. I u1curcd throUllh Ell't·· ,Mllllntr,. and Hln aplrUual '1Ill"'fttol'; IevUaI I lts X men. en routl! to RClIWcll. who no- 110 was removed from undllr- tolcJl allllhltlnll, After lunch. n Irlr Compan), of Midland . qUt'lIt of tho World: llald ono of 'In n. lI1S. Sunday. Feb. 13, 1955 I Uccd an unidentlllcd object lying neoth the vehicle by Sam Cole ana malllted band rchconnl will lit' The b:lll1C structure til of clndl'f the ornclalt, ., ... *** In the oppeulte traWe: lone as they SantoG MlIrtlna, omplo)OCCli 01 tho held under direction of Dr I. 0' Id F" he -.- d' ,.-- I <;•• "CH .. HILL.... "HOTO ,-=". '" , md a lorge troc:1c on tho hlnhwll)' nearby McKnight ltllnch. Stoobc dOan of mUlllc at ENMU as lone I Most 01 tho members of Llnroln . Monung ServIce At the momont of JIIlUllgo Tho cllr had It!I top poundl!d, At 1::JO' a maned oond ,p. h R ch 'Countj'. IS of tho Nfl'W'Melt.: ' . noted what to be' arms right rear t1rc flat. right door wllh IItudentJa 01 the rive uhoolll p. SSt ! Icac 0 an es, lco'llouDled Patrol wID be In 5an· libC!1 ••• -.-.--._--.-._.-.-._- •• ----.-.--•• '''-!pol fl)'lng up frmir'fllo Impact of the twisted nellrly oft. tho Icft door n p:rrtlclp:rUng. wllJ be held. with Ie upper e I S th Id W. t'WtahtoCf'Clwmthho 'MOUZI o tC!C1' 1l():20 --.-- ••_._.- . t40 to tlnd the body Jn1lllll of lIhredded metal and Dr. 'I'liompron of ENMU directing I U er an m ..-a""La 0 ...0' ontn' ov••0'''0 _,.. .. of Ho lu1d L. __ llmlUhed gll1C:l as though It had the largo "roup. An d '-'1 Fb ' , ;:;:.,- 3()bIl'Slmlnl with II banqneL}'rom .. '" .--- •• ....... •• -._---- •• co cd opproximlrt(!J)' 2ll biihe bet!n put through '0 wringer. .. 0 m..... on 21 H ' I r "RWdoao Lowell Marilin and Rfl7. Can to wonblp ••• .. -.- ••• ••• -. No. au I Placo of tho occident wall only e. ere I In NM Wool Show n6ldl Jones p1l1J1J1Cd to fb' to the Prayer •••••• ••••• Rev, OUVCl RI1fl1 Monk 'WU ., n local 4 milt'll ellst of R1vel'1llde OIl U. B. tho evening concert. lIuldoso Chamber of Ccnunt'rce 'JC:t. .tohn Walter, Jr .. "WD .... .. :;:;kn1= . HIghway '10-380. Stat Ak B.d OOQrd of dlrectora. In tho admln- nanehcQ of Plcllcho in Linceln 30,10 Mr. ana .,.;:.. 0 ... -. ----.-.--.--•• AU..... u -I Wen! looIdng for Q truck ;-11Ich A\1tb_-UI_- Rul I e S SIS IJJtrntion of Mannie Badillo 0lI Count)' won qUito Q few ribbons "JitrI. JlId( lUWmt of IJ,Jmn •• •• - ••• -.-- •••• No. 220 had .ttude down Comanche. Ue .\lu,u.,. e hall bt'cn operating on a and /lwards In exhlbltln. woc· "OOlG "Krt. 1Jo'IH!rw lJ the former Prayer of ThanbUriDC __ •• --. Mr. Charles Bonnell went to the polIce m(J ftPOrted' Man. Doth XI Su1cld. On T R ds '))l1y all you Ilo" ooalJOc-Gnd has fl«cell nt the nnnual Now Mexico '\ :3 ltJel \ 'O!J::::. 1IIbd l'U'ICIP1tlon 1lf 'VlIttors that on his b'lp to 1.'1mrJorordo 'be AutboritlCl Mol'lda.r held the WO oa In acUvlttt'll It could Wool GrowCf'll' Convention In AI· fHJd of only ot' DoxoioD' ........-.--- ..... Covu Pale be had 'bit sometblnl on death of Walter Mdll1lan, Oscuro. N R ed For II new projt'Ct jwt IldoPled by J. 'Xts. Bowed lin. Dt1J& 1'JaJe (If' Tithes and Comanc"'- - .... t h Saturday wu from a eeU·inOlc:tfd ear m 050 In the boRrd's ml!"tlnll Illllt Friday I'. McKnl"ht of PIcacho who ex· .,._ 'R.. 'A- '"--' -' . M n_ Do th •.., wu ........ _u 0 ave nnahot, *ccordlml to ...... 111 from cvmlng. all of RuldOJo'lI olltdoor bl ed .. .-- _ a1'Icf i ' hat """"I "• •• __ •• •• r• ...,... na an been lytal U1 nae ltlthwa" tn.sldfl CarrllOZO. Tho bOdy found a l'rtJ1l hi t tho c ham p Ion thfft<o lbet' =:.l1 t hS hs8crT. CbonJ •• •••• Cbolr the north, or we:Il-botm(J 1aI'Il1.1uat ...oL.-. w ... trom lb- L. ome of 'I'he State 1II.hwllY DenllJ1ment atodv ulllnjJ &Iedgrlll;..tt?ven In all. are elghlha fleece. Olher awards Wlro w C'OUItns". inside the "'IVII -" w .. T aU df blda reb II be rq»lJnt . HICY Include four won bY' 'lira. 'ZWtyn . of an4 SPtclaJ MUIlc .--------.-••••••••••••• -. Cboll' hen Me bod eph Howarth, O.euro, fit whOle u Jtler:: fIe dI 4! ,2 largo billboard lyPfl aJJlf1lI In the J. n.' Skren, Picacho, fourth In ; B\adc 'll'Orrteolt=PI Dn1I Me.-to ...... 'PMtor, Rev. Waltu 1.. Brian r:uek. Y was stnrIC by wu .pt!ndlnx Stat R 37 Immediate area. and anotber c!lau II lamb fine wool' Fu'ler ______ fi ;r- -- 9->'·tlou 11... _ _c .... an was slumped In ' e a"" group, overall nil nbout 4 ll: rl feet Ranch. 'PI"a"ho, fo"--1. In :'lau'"IO r" .-.u,:- ! ••• .-.:. ....... Wbc!n the otrlcen o«sanllted his ear, a rine nt!Arby. lrom RUldOllO Airport tOWQrd An- I I U8 JII h 70 I d '" .. , I JIrI. 3, Of Dml- Ded1eItor)' Pranr __ Rev. Travis McJdJnn, tru<:k. part of Col'lllmcbe" clothes f(UJJ and within tho City of nul. n II zc on . , II way ell hllll blood ewe lamb' FuI1' I" = 'W*te ufl'w.il ff)'Yf t1..,. JA.tIIoc:laUoual MlIIloo..... wert lound are bIae urolON 18 TllAmtED dolo; 4.11411 mltell Ilrodln. and Inll to Ruidoso lrom both ('lISt and ItlInch. IlCCOlld Ilf1d third 'In I ' -eod. , ... 1" .." of the n& FOil Wit OF IIALL ' blacktoppln£ weill. First to be rep:rlnted are II, three·ellhths ewe neue alter , fokle1a deIerlbtn, the l'int Cbr1J- Postlude At FridJlYa bearittl lit w.. Pat ChUbbuck, chairman lor the I Ihrce larter slgm nelln'.t the vII· McKnight" first· Fuller RanCb " ':!..ere wUh ta11Jm! W &1oJt at the Ruidoso Lions Club'lI Bln.o WEill T HFP 11Ille. Tho othera art! to be repaint. first and Iccond III Clau 12, ""'. .... ""'" __ '* * '* teene of an acddea1. committee. whleh more ed llJI lOOn ns pollSlble, elghtbJ lomb or yearUng' FuUer to folb In the are-. • • • The b!ldY of Comandte w. tak. than $200 for the Polio Fund, Illid - To ral8C! fundll to augment Dn RJnch. flnt In CJau 14' ranp ** * Afternoon Serv1ee en to Albuquerque. N. II.. for an th1J wedc Lloyd Cae. Amerlcl1l1 Ollte HI Lo a.s: 0w lImount earmarked for this ex· 14mb, one-hall blood and .,.f. at the I'l!qUeIt of the 1'BL Legion Commander, and members 3 411 22 all Prt!clp. pelllt'. the C. of C, hllS IDnd fourth In tho SlIme dlUl :uo_. __•• _. .. __ :8diJj'afldPralso &rvlce w&:'t:i'J Lellon wert ov·1 4 37 14 :oo&g Dou.w McKnlaht. PI· lbeattatW A{ clasI Of 22 'Vreeke. MayhJl1 misliOIi, at Jonda7 at ":,d I II 311 -3 .00 Tr ,Itllged In the cchool cafcterla. and I T. J. Sutherland 01 Ruidoso. who lloodaT, •• , 'if •. A. Hart .... Jra RfCOIJ1lUon of M1JdoaarieJ --S!bde 'WodIer.I 10:30 .. m. A tOIaJ')' JIIl!rYlce was UltIr co-cperatloo In the .c:. .25 I the service' of a jlmcrack • won the Ifand champlOl1llhJp In the 3Icma:Fe Jut -week on JleveaI__ iH.1mn held Ilt the dlllrclt prt!eedlq the fUI Match of Dlmb'drlve "ll u,; II 58 - 11'00 •cor are to be emploYed. The Iodin 11154 show, placed lCCoud In claa •,• . Arlnotmc:emesrU IUnUll1 mass. Burl.a1 wu' In the Lellon Hall hadn't been lOaned ua "!Ill 13 '00 .gg brln. c lresh cooked pie, two forks 2 this year. ('IO'a) Dnd fll'1lt In Macalero cemetery.,. I for this, we'd have hod a "roblem C ( &_ _II... . and a knife, lind the men bring Clau 13. range ram fine wooL Sttl1'lttlAr)' Of Ach1nemel1ta of Amon••urvlvofl we Coman. of where to hold our n.oo by A. CulYff. their pocketbook" It II explained• __ ._••••_ ••__ ;"-l-_ 1Ir:. 'Warren Tucker cbe·, parents. Mr. and 1dn:. "'no. Chubbuck .aid. "We are very lUI I buy. A pie fl:11l1 pie Mrs. Lyda Standefer and IOn, Specla1 MUIlI! ._••••••• __ Choir llam COrnatlChe, and a brOther, "gatelul to them for their http!' 'metett:' . nom· to the MtIIer were __ ... _ ...... __........ ... '!Ce"w' ... ,Jf!!II.. ... '""jIo""'\'\.--...--------..- - ..... -- ....... -. .. ...... "!1",:=:::== .. =-=-==.::--:"-:=:.:::.:...-.===:::;:::;============ . ( '., .I" , .' J ,

Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr

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Page 1: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr


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-By Nosey Waters-










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For Rofary Club Basketb~l tOIllght Warriors VI!,. '~, Dr.. P. E. Snyder,.!l:hairman of Hagerman: Sat. night W!uTiors vs.

Is Completed the City Park Comm ~slon, gave a EUlllce, both games at home.JOe Coe, local Community Pu~~ . . ..' brief outline of the work that has Ruidoso P~TA meel$ Thursda~'

lie ~rvlca Co. mlUl;lger, wall !II . Western Construction Co. last ~:~nn~~~el~~cW:(l~a~Nrut~~Il~R~:night. reb•• 17, at GracJe Sch~\SUver City on company bustn~ ' week-end comp'leted the laylng of tary ClUb at Navajo Lodge This Cafe~er!a. 7.:10 p. m.

'\ Tuesday this week... ,'Guests of '" , main lines for Ruidoso's new wa~ park Is to be locafed in SkYland Junior Class. Johnny Mosettl, the E. T. Carters over the week~ ;;,' ter sYstem, Mayor Dan Swearingin Addition across the road from dinner. Margaret s Cafe. Satu~day•• , end were Holloman Air Force i!".\,; said this week. As fast as possible, Fed M nt '1 d t d Feb. 19.~_. B Inn Pf D' Sponsler" f ed U d I dt Id 1 r a oya 8 p ace an ex en ~ Feb 19 mncsed blind "llnl"lUIe a en c. on ..., . e er nes an n v ua lines Ing alons the river for about 1~ • 9' ..~ ed b d'" "',

Ple. BllI Chestnut 'and Ptc. Jim ','. l\re .belng connected to the new miles It Is contemplated t9 buUd "torts at a. m.• mass '. an con~,.. Waltman.... Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~

DeBords last week-end were Mr. Ruidoso home owners and bus- 1 p ac d' a es ant ~'1 zoz'o Capitan Hondo and Ruidoso

Pa~~Minrs'l W. M. McR:inney of El Inesses have had considerable wa~ ~~a~~~~~ c:o~'::~~~ ~O:n ~u~: SltCahnOOI bands participating, at Cap-........ .. aws. , . . tnr' shortage again this winter from e ed nd tu 1 k n th k' .* * * .. ed v '. a ac n wor a e par Feb. 21, C. 0: c, old~fashlcinedHousewives who have been freezlng 01 mains and fe er lines wl1l 1,>e{ln within the next month. pie supper at school cafeteria 7'30

Cussin' their luck for breaking of the old IlYlitem, but it ts beJlev~ He asked that aU of the service pm' ,

. ed the new installation wlll cor- clubs be thinking of somethlng , 0 'E 5 Ch t N 65 t

~ee: aa::'a'l;°~:::fa=r~cl~ l11lluoSO BAPTISTS DBDI~ ~tm~~=\:~~~.headache ~:~~etl~~~1gt~I~:O~~~~~~: Wedne~daY. F~g.e~6, ~:30 ~~~'"~ flnil;e1,J ijI~IW~k (af.ter 'the c1ty (1.l\TE~CBUJl~..,..s_4aJ, Swearingin' said this week the and at least one firepla~, i~. WIlS W~~e~1gmH~l1phiVnlerillne 8UP~

'Wat~n' was clOled down fot ~b. 13. membe1'J or QJe FJrJi constnictlon firm has yet to ttnlJh voted.· per, Feb. 14.$Cime wort on the new ml\!rlj) rna)' . .l'UI~ Chllreh -r;K~ wU1 up some !'c!ean-up" work and to S lIE ...~nstder they we!'C!n't as )1l11\lckY d04Jute Uteb' IItrWI, .,leted iristall the fllter system at the set- pee a guest was varlsto •••or.. Free golfhH: for homefolk! Feb.

, 'BIlbe fellow who .wen~,to 'flaSh,hl! •~ and aaacttiarJ' on Me. tung ~In In upper Ruidoso be. ales, who Is a sophomore In Htgp 6-12, Cree Melldows Golf COUl"lCl.'false teeth-the water apurted /U1d elJ.fla Drive. with ~Ial ,.... 1Qn:ita worlt is done, School. an outstanding athlete and 1.Ions suppl!r e\'e1'Y Tue.dllYknocked them from his hands, cram. JlluIIoI lor .-nt1ar, ar~ r...t"U"Uon of three t g ver'¥' popUlar student. For thll past nlsht, Carrizo Lodge,breakln' them In the washbowl Jem ~ evmlre, TJIe'"PfO<o tanb,"\O"hold 1,000,000 BlilfoC:: o~ mo~th Rotary ba$ hod as aueat Rotary luncheon every Tuesday, •• -T!\Q wit lilalnst tbe VUJaee CIQ:J "IUL s.car Seb.Hl water, Is to be done late this eacb. week ~ Jltudent from the noon, Navajo t>odgc.of :RUWOIO tor $10.000 and $1,000 at ';«1 4etUoaWNt ~pr1ng, to be IIvallable for use by school to help them get an Idea RUidoso BapJlst Church Dt'dlca~

., br9~t abou~bY the tuttlngoll .....,.... II' JI,It,~ -r June '1. the mayor said. Founda. ot service Clubs and their fUnc:-- Uon Sunday, Feb. 13. (BJ ClltlBCIl REPoaTER) bl~ks. off whltcl ouUide and •• ot waWr""lc:e. for an unpaid bID. a.eub7 ooaua....&JI4 Jar" t10n .. to be poured In March for UonJ, In order that they wlU.,be World Day of PrllYer, Feb. 211, The rel{Ular services of tho First Pllinted 1Ieht green Inside. The

hu .beel\ aill.Wflred ~y the VUlace of &Jut elulreJl JdU.' &lkinlate ." the three tanks, to be located near ablll to ca~ on the community Preebyterlan Church. Prcsbyterlan Church of Ruidoso ceiling b of acoustical tile whileattomey,'uy, City Clerk Joo Dry. UJo JlI'NI'aB'. wlUl iIle m1Dk&et', the hl,l4d of the-system In upper lrevlce ren ered by tho service Feb. 211-27, Area meeting of wUl be conducted for the flrat time pews.' pulpit and chancel fUrniture~en. The case wUIIDtely come up the aflV, Walter ~ 'BIiP. pre- Ruldoao. near tho Illte of the old dubl. when they become old SPOrts Cor ClUbs from Arizona, Sunday, Feb. 13. In the new church are In mlltchlng red oak.in .prln, term of dlsUiet court.t IeDtlN a lJJCCIIal.-...ce til' the tonk west of Cree ~elldows Golf enough to be members. Colorado. New Mexico. bulldln/cl just completed. Impressively markinG the northCarrl%ozo, date yflt 10 be set. . . • evellt. AD d&on&oOll procrua Course, and' at a new Ilite abeve County~wlde Democratic pllrly The BaBcomb Cablnct Works 01 lind south ends aro crollSClll of* * * wID atarld ~3:I ,. ... ancl ovo- tho new Municipal Bulldlng on the Two AIrmen Hurt meeting. Pcarl'll Cafe, Capitan, Keencl Texns. has completed In· bullt~ln 1I1ass brlckll. A larlle plc-

.. . The Green Tree flro hnll wall D1Jl.r ee"~ wlJl atan wtth Wlnefleld property. Wh Co Ov Fob..27. stnllat on of peWll, pulpit nnd ture window In the fuyor lUrnl!hell,etUng Bome repalrll thlll week, In. BTU at ... J:I&. f,I'l4 the tim In en . Upe ertunul chancel furnllurc. which cuts the n commnndlnlT view of Old Daldy.cludJnl work on the roof. . . . a eerka .f revivaJlIClI'DJOI1I wID T ck F d Near mve-lde F· Ba d bUilding In readinl'llS for mmedl- Elsewhl're In Ihls Issue of the* fr * bet preae1se4 b:r aflV. Brim a& ru er ree .8 Ive .n s utc uso. Tho beautiful 1I1ruciure ill Ruldollo News appeBrB tho new

RIchards of Ruidoso, Inc•• local 7:S1 Po .. Lnceratlollll and bruises. {I cheek~ the climax of ycarll of plllnninc 8chlodule for servlccs of the FirstpIcture frame factory which em· 0 B dAft UP at tho hospital, thcn homo at InC PI unit organizcd effort. Prl.'sbytcrlan Church. JUllt all rap~pIon from a dozen to two dozen BAl"TISTS "MOVE IN' n on er nlgbt. wall the scoro of two nlr- ounly an The bulldlnll commIttee 15 l'OIll- Idly 115 sound admlnlBtrBtlon wlllworkers In llcnJQIUIl nJIlhcs, b odd~ Last Slmday wme 150 perlWnlI men at Walker Dose folJowlnq a posed of nlliph V. Obt:orholtllL'r. I wurrnnt. (I Ileodily eXplIndlnl: pro~1IIX an OIInex to the factory. The Welte prcsent for first :;ervlCCll in OrEN8 REVIVAL-Rev. Waltel' I' di D th on,e.car clip 311 mill'S cnst of Rul· M d'C C'lmlrman; Zllch Collier. W. S' "rum of filII church life and nc~nddJlJon 111 the largcst building yet nud1~'n beautiful new Flr'llt ~p~ L. Brtu. "put-r of Rul4CMSO Flm n an ea dO:lO at ~ p. m. Monday _ asse oncert Campbell. Ernest McDaniel. nob· twit), Will be dcvcloped and Im~10 ndJoln tho original factory. , •• tist Church. A word of thlll1kJlglv~ BapUal Cbun:b, .tarts a revival naymond FrllnclJl Marek, of St. D\smls~ed from thc DOlll' hO:l' !l'rt McDaniel. Mn n v, Ober- pll'ml'ntl',I.* '* * inS Wall exprCS!led during' tho SmdJI:r nJahl to run throu,b Paul, Mlnn" wan relcllsl'd on a Sl,- pltol have been T~Sllt, Eldon T. Members ot school bands of fl\'c holtzer. Mrs, E L Ml'dler and Mrs "Thin t'hurrh 1& uncondltlonally

The 1MB l.r whom the IndJall momlnrtll ccrvlceo by Mrs. Charlco Spcla:r. Fob.. 21. Rev. GeraJ4 000 bond In AlamoSlordo Friday Rownld. 20. and S,Sllt. Stewllrt Llm:oln County communltll'lI willIWllrrcn nnrrclt A A Nuncr of dt,dlcolt'd III Itn totnl prollrtlm ofwmed WblJ ba4 aeveraJ lrimlla JJonncll tor the church member~ . 1I100ro, mlnltsrr from Las Vf.lu, followln" a henrlnll In the trallle Couch. 24. both of the 012th AIr tllke part In thr finn annual Lln- Alllllqucrquc wad thoorchltl'ct and all arll\'ltlc", til (lur l.ord JCOUlI11114 'DclCbbon herplnr him ICetn' Ship. "N. M., will be In dlarrfl of the de4th of Arthur Comanche. 35. a Pollco Sqdn. coin County MU!llc Clinic lind' John R. Emdl' thl' Ilcnl'ral con· (:Imnt. who III Illrnu'lltbt' On" lind1be'wOCH!s and brub 011 the bUI Rev. Walter L. 8rlan, ptllltor, slnaln& wUb the local pastor do. member of II well.known l\ft'llCIl. Their cor. a 1951 FOfl1 Del.uxe Concert in Capltlln FI'h 10. It wno! trllctor ln Chlll'llt; of COlllltructlun Onl ... l.md und Savlof. the lIl"adJusl above downtown Ruld_ dlo:c all hill termon llubJeet "A ~ Ute Ilreae1Jln,.. lero Indian family. blue conch, headed We'lIt, corcl'nl!d nnnounccd thin w('('k hy LeRoy, Knox F.ll't'Ir..· (ompnn)' of Ihu-' Of Thc (,hUfCh, lind to lIun alono~are~!.:r his~...r:'re. .,MIUtant Anny," dcclarlna that ' •__ ,_~ ._.~~ The hearlnll wlIa held In JUIltiec 024 fect on th" rlghl nhouldl'r of C'loocll. dlrcctor (It dchool musiC' In I' du~o h.1I1 nnh contrut'l tOf \\ ,nnll do we on HI. protllt' lind Ihe:> memonc:ultl~~c.~ :':llsa.. lib: CbJ1llUon wldlera were vlctoriouo, day when vlJ1lt1nll mlnilltefll and of the Peaco HowlIrd Mcchem'o the rondo bowlcd ovcr II cun.·e nlan. nuldrooo The !lchooln 10 participate. Ernest Wood ('lll'rtcd lht' Jl}umblllll bt:ofD of thin C'hun-h. clve our full.... _ ... leA '-1' troop:!. DedicaUon of the new, laymen will Inlcc partn on a pro' court .'rlda,' IIftornoon. hit a PO:lt on the oppMlte !lulc with lire RuldollO. ClIrrtmro, ClIpltan.: contract and Kccth ('II!! l I'mpony , allenlant'(' und III llin name In 10VL):iba';I~~ =tbin;~ ~;'I~: bulldinl1l11 tot for thlo coming Sun~ "rllm to Inat 011 day. Marek. driver for tho North the right front of the \'cludt'. and Hondo lind Comnll ' hod l'Oniruct for lnlltnlt"ltun IIf II,'· nnll ('lIlh C\I' 111\'1It' 1.11 who wilt..t4 woman. din 0 et!. ,American Trnllllport Un~. ts al~ rammcd II bnrhed wlM' tcnC'c, The clinic openJl 0 0 m, Salur. Dyutl'/11 •• In .hmt' \\ ,th u, thin "lllll'gllllll'O'l'be orklDalaAm p:::a:'d7' iJ; * * * Ilrued to hn\'o run over Comanchc I Allcr thc rl24~feel run It went day. Feb. 10. with ~l'('lIon cllnlell Thl' llurn!!worth-( oil ("mpallV nlld thl' (Ircompallylnll dlnclpUnl'DTCSl IUfl eorreua lltS4 G0s4m. near Dmt. on IJilIhwny 70 Wcd· GO feel fnrther. o\'ertumlnll 21~ to lnllt until nnon thL' varloull band Iof UOJIwell WlllI glvcn t'Olltract for ond IlC!\'IC'l'n whICh Ilrow out of It.stopped at Bn:m'aUot Dot' dan4 'f:II_& Ba lLt_& Church nt'llday nIght . times and plnnlna onc lit the alr~ dlrectol1l of the 'flvc Ilchoolll ~nd I hCllllnll Clont lind the COllpcr lOur rmpn'ml' aim Will (IlwlIyn be tooaWdnr.)' ,. ISbI' Fox Cave tit I;uaI p~ The Incident wall reported by mcn. tOJlI:ed out of the coach. be~ two focull)' mL'mbL'rll o( E~!ltt'rn! nteople. fire light fix tun'll WNt· \:It' Inl(, to (·hr/JIt. 1I111. Gu:lpc1I. lilaan4 'YIIlteCI with M.... Bart" thO RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO two Walker Air Fo~e Dnco alr- neath thl' car. Nl'w Mcxlro UnlVlll11lty at POl'.Iu1curcd throUllh Thom~(ln Ell't·· ,Mllllntr,. and Hln aplrUual con~'1Ill"'fttol'; IevUaI I lts X • men. en routl! to RClIWcll. who no- 110 was removed from undllr- tolcJl allllhltlnll, After lunch. n Irlr Compan), of Midland . qUt'lIt of tho World: llald ono of~J' 'In n. lI1S. Sunday. Feb. 13, 1955 IUccd an unidentlllcd object lying neoth the vehicle by Sam Cole ana malllted band rchconnl will lit' The b:lll1C structure til of clndl'f the ornclalt,. , ... * * * In the oppeulte traWe: lone as they SantoG MlIrtlna, omplo)OCCli 01 tho held under direction of Dr I .0'Id F"he -.-d' ,.-- I <;••"CH ..HILL.... "HOTO

,-=". '" • , • md a lorge troc:1c on tho hlnhwll)' nearby McKnight ltllnch. Stoobc dOan of mUlllc at ENMU as lone I .,-~----Most 01 tho members of Llnroln . Monung ServIce At the momont of JIIlUllgo th~ Tho cllr had It!I top poundl!d, At 1::JO' a maned oond c~nc(!rl: ,p. h R ch

'Countj'.~ IS of tho Nfl'W'Melt.: ' . noted what a~rcd to be' arms right rear t1rc flat. right door wllh IItudentJa 01 the rive uhoolll p. SSt ! Icac 0 an es,lco'llouDled Patrol wID be In 5an· libC!1 ~•••-.-.--._--.-._.-.-._-••----.-.--••-~~--.-.~B~ '''-!pol fl)'lng up frmir'fllo Impact of the twisted nellrly oft. tho Icft door n p:rrtlclp:rUng. wllJ be held. with Ie upper e I S th I dW.~ ~~f'1. t'WtahtoCf'Clwmthho 'MOUZIotC!C1' 1l():20 --.-- ---.-~---_. -~••_._.- .~/'t40 trucJc.and~to tlnd the body Jn1lllll of lIhredded metal and Dr. 'I'liompron of ENMU directing I U er an m..-a""La 0 ...0' ontn' ov••0'''0 _,.. .. of Ccmanchc.~Ho lu1d L.__ d-"~ llmlUhed gll1C:l as though It had the largo "roup. An d '-'1 F b ' ,

;:;:.,- 3()bIl'Slmlnl with II banqneL}'rom .. '" .---••~~.......-~--.-~••-._----••~-.-~. co cd opproximlrt(!J)' 2ll ,..~. biihe bet!n put through '0 wringer. .. 0 m..... on 21 H 'I r "RWdoao Lowell Marilin and Rfl7. Can to wonblp ----~-•••~..-.-•••-.~•••-. No. au ~ck. I Placo of tho occident wall only ;::r:~Il~~\lcw~rt::u~~ar~~ ~~ e. ere I In NM Wool Show

n6ldl Jones p1l1J1J1Cd to fb' to the Prayer •••••• • • ~••••• Rev, OUVCl RI1fl1 Monk 'WU ~Ung ., n local 4 milt'll ellst of R1vel'1llde OIl U. B. tho evening concert. lIuldoso Chamber of Ccnunt'rce

'JC:t.~ .tohn Walter, Jr.. "WD ~Ptur···R·::·d·I=-------~-~···-....~;:..",;::;·H~~;.! :;:;kn1=~~am:r=:~W:; .HIghway '10-380. Stat Ak B.d OOQrd of dlrectora. In tho admln- nanehcQ of Plcllcho in Linceln'born"S~,JaD.30,10 Mr. ana .,.;:.. 0 ... -. ----.-.--.--•• AU.....u -I Wen! looIdng for Q truck ;-11Ich A\1tb_-UI_- Rul I e S SIS IJJtrntion of Mannie Badillo 0lI Count)' won qUito Q few ribbons"JitrI. JlId( lUWmt of~; IJ,Jmn .-.~.~~••~--.~----.---••- •••-.--••••~-.~.- No. 220 had .ttude down Comanche. Ue .\lu,u.,. e ~ruldent. hall bt'cn operating on a and /lwards In exhlbltln. woc·"OOlG"Krt. 1Jo'IH!rw lJ the former Prayer of ThanbUriDC __~--.~--•• --. Mr. Charles Bonnell went to the polIce m(J ftPOrted' Man. Doth XI Su1cld. On T R ds '))l1y all you Ilo" ooalJOc-Gnd has fl«cell nt the nnnual Now Mexico'\ ~ :3ltJel\ d~tt~'O!J::::. Annotn:lml11!n~ 1IIbd l'U'ICIP1tlon 1lf 'VlIttors that on his b'lp to 1.'1mrJorordo 'be AutboritlCl Mol'lda.r held the WO oa ~rJ%J.nllllged In acUvlttt'll It could Wool GrowCf'll' Convention In AI·

• fHJd ofB~~ only~ ot' DoxoioD' _.~._------........-.---..... Covu Pale U:U~be had 'bit sometblnl on death of Walter Mdll1lan, Oscuro. N R ed For II new projt'Ct jwt IldoPled bU~f:~tO ~::~rd~~f~on by J.• 'Xts. Bowed lin. Dt1J& 1'JaJe (If' Tithes and~ Comanc"'- -.... t h Saturday wu from a eeU·inOlc:tfd ear m 050 In the boRrd's ml!"tlnll Illllt Friday I'. McKnl"ht of PIcacho who ex·

.,._ _~ • 'R..'A- '"--' ~_ -' . M n_ Do th •.., wu ........ _u 0 ave nnahot, *ccordlml to ......111 from cvmlng. all of RuldOJo'lI olltdoor bl ed ...-- _ a1'Icfi' w~ hat """"I " • ...,~. ._~~ ~••__••~ •• r• ...,... na an been lytal U1 nae ltlthwa" tn.sldfl CarrllOZO. Tho bOdy ~Ai found a l'rtJ1l hi t tho c ham p Ion thfft<o

~l: lbet' =:.l1t

hS hs8crT. CbonJ~ • ~_._~.~._•• ••••~.~. Cbolr the north, or we:Il-botm(J 1aI'Il1.1uat ...oL.-. w... trom lb- L.ome of Jos~ 'I'he State 1II.hwllY DenllJ1ment atodv ulllnjJ &Iedgrlll;..tt?ven In all. are elghlha fleece. Olher awards Wlro.~ w C'OUItns". inside the~ "'IVII -" w .. T ~ aU d f blda reb II be rq»lJnt . HICY Include four won bY'

• 'lira. 'ZWtyn . of R~&.e an4 SPtclaJ MUIlc .--------.-•••••••••••••-. Cboll' hen Me bod ~atJu:; eph Howarth, O.euro, fit whOle u Jtler:: fIedI o~ 4! ,2 ~)11 largo billboard lyPfl aJJlf1lI In the J. n.'Skren, Picacho, fourth In

;B\adc 'll'Orrteolt=PI Dn1I Me.-to ......_~ 'PMtor, Rev. Waltu 1.. Brian r:uek. Y was stnrIC by h~: ':!;~l!ln·n wu .pt!ndlnx tbeIP1Incoln~~un'ty"· Stat R ~., 37 Immediate area. and anotber c!lau II lamb fine wool' Fu'ler______ fi ;r- -- 9->'·tlou 11..._ _c.... an was slumped In ' e a"" group, overallnil nbout 4 ll: rl feet Ranch. 'PI"a"ho, fo"--1. In :'lau'"IO

r" .-.u,:- ! ••• .-.:. ....... Wbc!n the otrlcen o«sanllted~ his ear, a rine nt!Arby. lrom RUldOllO Airport tOWQrd An- I I U 8 JII h 70 I d ~ ~ '" .., ~I ~ JIrI. 3, • ~«rJ Of Dml- Ded1eItor)' Pranr __ Rev. Travis McJdJnn, tru<:k. part of Col'lllmcbe" clothes f(UJJ and within tho City of nul. n II zc on . , II way ell ~ hllll blood ewe lamb' FuI1'I" =;~ 'W*te ufl'w.il ff)'Yf t1..,. JA.tIIoc:laUoual MlIIloo..... wert lound un~ are bIae urolON 18 TllAmtED dolo; 4.11411 mltell Ilrodln. and Inll to Ruidoso lrom both ('lISt and ItlInch. IlCCOlld Ilf1d third 'In CI~I ' -eod. ,.~ ...1" .." of the .!!'~, n& FOil Wit OF IIALL ' blacktoppln£ weill. First to be rep:rlnted are II, three·ellhths ewe neue alter, fokle1a deIerlbtn, the l'int Cbr1J- Postlude At FridJlYa bearittl lit w.. Pat ChUbbuck, chairman lor the I Ihrce larter slgm nelln'.t the vII· McKnight" first· Fuller RanCb" ~~fd'!~~ ':!..ere~ ~ wUh ta11Jm! W &1oJt at the Ruidoso Lions Club'lI Bln.o Gam~ WEill T H F P 11Ille. Tho othera art! to be repaint. first and Iccond III Clau 12,t~• ""'. ....""'" u~ __ '* * '* teene of an acddea1. committee. whleh ra~ more ed llJI lOOn ns pollSlble, elghtbJ lomb or yearUng' FuUer~ to folb In the are-. • • • The b!ldY of Comandte w. tak. than $200 for the Polio Fund, Illid - To ral8C! fundll to augment Dn RJnch. flnt In CJau 14' ranp* * * Afternoon Serv1ee en to Albuquerque. N. II.. for an th1J wedc Lloyd Cae. Amerlcl1l1 Ollte HI Lo a.s:0w lImount earmarked for this ex· 14mb, one-hall blood and~.~~~~l.,.f. ~---..~ au~~ at the I'l!qUeIt of the 1'BL Legion Commander, and members 3 411 22 all Prt!clp. pelllt'. the C. of C, hllS I1I1noun~ IDnd fourth In tho SlIme dlUl w~~~~~;W :uo_.__••_. • .._~__:8diJj'afldPralso &rvlce w&:'t:i'J :fS'te1~:b'~ of~~ Lellon wert ov·1 4 37 14 ~ :oo&g 1~:.ei~c.PI!{..f~~e~~~~0~°b;'~:c~0~1 Dou.w McKnlaht. PI·lbeattatW A{ clasI Of 22~ • ~ 'Vreeke. MayhJl1 misliOIi, atM~ Jonda7 at :pnWiu~n.~::~~~rtt:.":,d I II 311 -3 .00 Tr ,Itllged In the cchool cafcterla. and I T. J. Sutherland 01 Ruidoso. wholloodaT, •• , 'if•. A. Hart .... Jra RfCOIJ1lUon of M1JdoaarieJ --S!bde 'WodIer.I 10:30 .. m. A tOIaJ')' JIIl!rYlce was UltIr co-cperatloo In the~r ~ ~~ ~ .c:. .25 I the service' of a jlmcrack aucUon~ •won the Ifand champlOl1llhJp In the3Icma:Fe Jut -week on JleveaI__ iH.1mn held Ilt the dlllrclt prt!eedlq the fUI Match of Dlmb'drlve "ll u,; II 58 - 11'00 •cor are to be emploYed. The Iodin 11154 show, placed lCCoud In claa1Id.If41wtma~• , • . Arlnotmc:emesrU IUnUll1 mass. Burl.a1 wu' In the Lellon Hall hadn't been lOaned ua "!Ill 13 '00 .gg brln. c lresh cooked pie, two forks 2 this year. ('IO'a) Dnd fll'1lt In

Macalero cemetery.,. Ifor this, we'd have hod a "roblem C ( & _ _II... C· . and a knife, lind the men bring Clau 13. range ram fine wooLSttl1'lttlAr)' Of Ach1nemel1ta of~~.~.~.~~ Amon••urvlvofl we Coman. of where to hold our ~.. n.oo col11~ by • A. CulYff. their pocketbook" It II explained•

•_~.__._••••_••__;"-l-_ 1Ir:. 'Warren Tucker cbe·, parents. Mr. and 1dn:. "'no. Chubbuck .aid. "We are very 3:;0~raM"~~~tbset"~ lUI I~~~\ler buy. A pie fl:11l1 ~Id pie Mrs. Lyda Standefer and IOn,Specla1 MUIlI! ._•••••••_.~_.__~ Choir llam COrnatlChe, and a brOther, "gatelul to them for their http!' 'metett:' . nom· ':;d.fa~~IO~~e~~crordJngto the ~I~~:o:r:io~~:MtIIer were~,e __..._......__........ ... '!Ce"w'... ,Jf!!II.. ~uthertotd.. -...-st~~~~_~ ... '""jIo""'\'\.--...--------..- -.....-- -~ .~ .......-. .. ......"!1",:=:::==..=-=-==.::--:"-:=:.:::.:...-.===:::;:::;============

St*~~"'~'... . ( '.,.I" , ,'~

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Page 2: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr


{.. ;. .,

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, "1Iw1t' S~VINO LI~COQNtY'··'··,.

, ,


J. L b .... ,;,,~,,;, ..ti..1m am ., ~ 4 .." ..~."'*~,.,~.,~.. ~t.

(FOlmded May 16. 1946 by Lloy4 o1Ind Idll aroodwo.rehJr.n....rf'<l .. Second CI... Hatter at tbo' Po.t: Oilleo, R\lfdllJO New

Mctltleo, Clfld., Act at Hueb 36. 18'1'lf. f


•'" '-"

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I" .'1 • iI;, "'...



•.., ,

-You Are About To Lose, Some More Of Your Liberty!

Here'. How: The New Mexico SherUf, Be PoUee AQocla11on' ih1s week hu had lntrod'uced In the current 181­slon of our State Leg1alature a l~w which wnI require every owner of a platol of any Jd.nd to 'rtglater It mel' 10 secure apermit to pOlle•• it. Below, OD the leU, u a letter from the Prtlldtnt of th. A*Iot1atlon to mtmbert of ihat organtzatlon.We. 8. private citizens and liberty lovlng New MexJcaJ1I, ha". anawered fh1s letter, paragraph by paragraph. at the right10 you may KNOW THE TRUTH. .



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WANT TO BUY ••• ?If1'011ate.interestedmteal estat-lnibls1%4 .cheek ottt lWtngl OD




~... 7" •

,/ ."



Hal-'S rOt' aiSC01'ereJ.


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A. It Il'c abu#t'd In N~w York. whol .uoranteo do wo have It VIm not bel abuledin 1bJ.J ,WID?

D. It tho blow morely wanta tho dollor In rtlVcnu'o-most sportsmen will be glact .10 dellote Iho dollat, but not al CC3( 01 lOlling Golne Of our Uberly, It 'tH'I&'btItIJ lUJt::ed. then anolher lUll)' bel~d at QtlUlher st!SSlon of Utt !tlbl.ture~..Ing $:1.00 k) nogbler ~dt rft1•• ltihlll nil ~ItI& wed,e; 10 l'et Into (Jt1r~tram onolh~ c1Jt«:tlen? , .'•

& Ifll!l It ever tlct:# proven loot a gun regl$lrnUon low bl1ll ~!lt Q plswl out cst thOhotllb ot a c:t!,lnlnnl? .

IS. lsi your rllpuwllon IUld cbaracwr ot JuU1clmt ,ood t1t4ndln, that YOU can obWnII POrnlll nOw-and wJll ;:rour .1.1:1I)dln, ccnUlluet to IJI'I GUeh you tim alway, k~YOUI' s:un? lk!memba', IIlW enforcement oUiellfl ara «lntlnuaUy clulnJ1n.. 'rhoJow propast!, any of Ulao l(encl~Jl)'.county or .lI(o-may rovoka )"CUr pI,lr_mit, wJthout rcx:ouru. lit any Umo. (Ucro Wo quolo lrom tho pn>poJed bill: "Apt'NnIt may btfilVOkcd Ilt uny timo lipan proof that tho ptlrmlltee Is not a properpc!uon to own /;I pcnnlt.,") ,

C. A "pollee slllto" can and most likely will exllli In como of our «lmmunltlu ittho ouU!crUy 10 dclllgQ!o tho OWtlcn:hlp 01 guns is ilvtll to tho wron. pettill1.AIJ'.o, we cUll 00110\<0 tho NItA's mond lh this PllrllClllllr 11 sound. It weh a bIDI, 1l:uJCd, our lt1'iWatoti will be cctllng up !he trnmework tor II Il'UItowldo poUeeClll~ In lin Qrt!::l os largo WI many European rounlriClll.

G. JMt :lsk YO'U.rJI~II. how lcmg will thlil ttl'rIA1n. V61Ul}~1


, ,,-; '. ",

r .-

, , '


W" hllv.. hlld our Allorllt'y prvpllrll threo blllll tor .UbmlnJol1 to tho current....."m ut Itl" Nl'''' M"",,,o IAtlIGIIII\lr~.

Til.. '""•• «mlroY'",Uol one la lin AC't Rllilulattn, tho StUo, TrllNter and POI­_lOll "t plllnli. ,N/U"ln/l pt'rmllJl 10' oWl1onhlp or poIIt'qlon thONlOt, .1Id rt!quJr­• s lh.. '''lIuI'III ..." '" "II pilloh wllh 0 ('('ntral Ih.oRlntry 10 be mnlnlDln"d by the NawMo" Ir" RI" ..• 1',,11t P

A /n Itl.. I.,., ,.1"... Ihf' N,,/mn,,1 /I1f1t1 AlIlloc/llt/un htla become coneemad about theadmltll'" •• ,,,,, "I Ill.. Suillvon Acl In New York SlDh!. which III a /lUn rcgl.lmUonlAW Th.. A., 'M/""f'. 0 p<',mll 10 own Dny Ilro-lIrm (oot JUDI plAlolJI) onll mnkea•••11.. ,,,tI..'UII. ""II. lht> pollr.. oa 10 whether a IXlrmlt chalJ bD bllUlld. Thorolin" I....... " ........ 'n Ih.. odml/lllulllJon or Ihe lIcl, In thai Iho Pollco hllvo ratuccd/..."n,l. I" la" ohltllflS l'lIU'I•• who should be "nUlled to Gueh permllll lind hllveIl.anll'tl "'., nul. 10 IndlYldulIls who ar.. not enlllloo to them.

a l:n<1.., Ill" p,",."=<>" A" ...0 hllYt> '/rawlI. lIny rtlllld'mi ot How Mexlro, and OIlYJW'~"" ..m'.I.....,1 ", 1I,f' S'al.. nl Now M...lco. I. enlltled 10 II ~rmll. except pcr­....n... " .. ,,," ,. " ...." ' .."y'd.... or "nunCIo or Vlolc!llt'f.'." In oddltllln. Ihe llPpllcllotn'".' h....I 1l'}oNI ,r"ul"llun ond chorader, "Crlmell "t vlolenco" lIrc dellnC{) InIhr A., 0",1 0"· Il",,"'alh Ih...o-..oll..d malor t'rlmen,

C Th.. IIll1r A"'N ",,,.." It/o" oppouod '''Ill.trallon on tho preuUor b:lllis thaI noIJlflo' ...." ... I".. ,., , I....." ".tllbll.ht'tl wlthoUI IlUI\J hllv,"/l tlrat OOch raulclert!d.Th•• "'IIU"'''''' ..,"'" "I"rIY (nr-(01('h..1I. linn' In til.. European Counlrll!ll whichhi" r I....·" '0k"" '"'''' h, ..lth(', "'nllt'lAI or CommunlAI"OOVernmcnlll, II Nlltlonol""'ltt> '!I,,,,. It,,. I....." "llabllohed which hns rcoqu//'t!(1 'l't!IZIDtrallon ot flrc-tttmJ.w.. h", r ,,,. "IT to NoU.lI...1 I'ollro Fo....." In 1J1l' Un/led Statal, and of eOUI'l;(t. it hIn.onl...,volll.. 'h.1 ..", Iu('h Orllanlltollon could be I.'lItllblllbcd undClt our torm..r O"vl'fnm"nl In an, (')'('nl, lho N'lllatration Is nol wllh anr Notional PoliN!'r lfDnl'III1"" 11,,1 I. '" I\h Iho IOt'l11 :ltato 1'01l1.'Cl. which. of courctl. If lin" C!ttlCr­

11"0<' O<'I'IH.,,;1 "JUl.l ",,,rely drJllroy Ille ",al,lrllllol1 1"«.'0nlJl.•. A ""milia I '''Ilbl,olloo I<'t> or ..100 II 1'l'Ovldcd In Ihe Acl tor oblllJnlng 4 pt'i".

mIt Vnd.., thb pcrmH. un In.. lvldUlll ('(mId 1'C'11l:llcr any l1umbc!r ot plAlolJl. 110... ould nOI lIa,'" 10 P3) III 00 tor rlllr:!1 111J1101 n:ogllltcrcd. There hllll bocn \\Orno"ont'Vnl by /lUll ..olh.-('Ilfl Ihllt Ih!.')' would be n~t!d 11 prohlblUvo fl.'Cl ~auroot It." number or /lUll. which thoy own. Rnd or roun;l', Ihls III not tmo,

a. l'bt>r., ('lln '''' 1'1•• ,Iouh' bul Ihlll 0 l'C'a/alratlon Inw would help law F.nfotet'JJll'DtIn Nt'''' MMtlro The 0010 queltloll Involved In 0 con=1derallon ot thlll Art uWilethrr til.. 1I1I"On\'('0IC>/lCr 10 the CllIulU)!' /n hnvlnl1 to obtaIn 0 pormn lUldr-e4/J1lctr Ihclt l'Iun", II oul,wohfhcd by Ibo !wllcr" ot telclDlrllUon to ltlw (mfotee·menl

•• II .. uU'Ul)..o"'oltle UIIlI a r:ItUen would obJllt't 10 tho lImall Inconvenience otoblnln/n" II pt'rmlt. It III dOln" IIU. H would aasllt 11Iw entorcemc:n\, Atter 1111, thOJ"Obtllltl drlver'Q lI«>n",1I annullU)' and no 01'10 hllJl prowatcd Ihat IhJJI 1G on Un­......!llOnahl.. burdl'n UPUll tho cltlrenry.

0, It /lhullid. bel nOlut Ihlll In UIO Act, ad)' Sporilmmn m/tr I"Cglllt('r OIlY tire-attnwhich ho UWM, on II vollUltllty ba.lll tor Iho purl>Mo of lluloltlna 10 tho ",cover)'ot lIhl'lf!l1 w('.llp¢llJ. Jt flhoUld bel elmrl)' c/CplolnCld tlltlt IhlA II purely volull(l'lry.llnd Ulnl the «lmllul~., nllpcetC or Iho Act. Inrorllr M 'l't!lXllltrallon JI\ C<lI'lCCllit'd.I'lfJpllCll only to platol#,

Il. The'r enn btl 110 qUClIlIon but Ulnt Ihb Art, J1 1'35l:fld. wm CUrtail (M Indlll.cfimJnllto Ill\lO of plllto.tlJ It) tl1llllllCll1$ lind tllo::/,I Who wlll u~ them tor mClilrtlPlIl'pOte'4. 'I'blltV en,} be no QUc:lUOII but thllt It will Ql!!llnt lllw <!n!orcc.mont In thorwO\'lll"Y ot alolen WOll(lOt1J'I. It /lWlllJI thlll tho bcnotll1 to bo diltl~d ltom tho1\(01 rllt out.wellIt! I.Iny (ltgumcmu which mlnbt bo nttldo m oPS1f!llltJon Ulotl.lto.

I. It llhoul:! be pl)lntCd 0\11 Ihot lllWtlrul Stllll\!\ olrtlndy hove sua fi',lstraUQh J~wawhich lifO wotkitlf: ettcttl\'I!J.r, nnd tho aUunllon' which tho tuflo Moe:latlOnCtm~1ld will f~lt. hllvo 1101, III til",\' O«Urr1!U.

I, Wo .1uCtll'l'Jy tl~ ~'our IlUl)P/lft In lIUI_IIIl" In thll p:tllDGro ot thb ftllJt1fnUon.Wo 11Iould bO "tlvbed of 'll)cclilc ctHlcllim (If tJif.. Act, ll$ draw'll; wlthU\t ..,Iewthot at mll;1l1 be ti.lrtbllf am".ndcd to remOYQ nn, objoctlol\llblll tt:/Ihltei.

It Ill, of CO\l*,~mpof1l«\'o 1I1lil )'Our Immtd,lst(J .Ut:i1tlan ~ lI\'etl to Udt••UR, ~u'\l th. qu~t1on wlll be up tot cortllderaUoi} b1 JM .tclr~lwlft~

tIl.w.feb'. and n I' dilC:tlft.lly ~~lOd thlll ~l\d\ of fOu eootl\c\:li,)Ur te!ll~UVo 1tI:p.nrHI1l.Uvea bl\d SllIllltott Md reqIJ..t thoJr .mPPlli't Urt C13dt <It ll)oW .......w;,; ......Jlt'tPOSed bUll. ..",..~


JonulIl')" 23lh, 19:\5.

J. C, ),te.\UOQrr..tdt(lt,»\lW lttltll:O SblllrUr.. .nJ P<iU(c AU9d1lU<W.!.






Page 3: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr


•~... .



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u •


_.• d'_ '.' ••• ,'

THE SHANGRI-LAOF RUIDOSO, N. fA.Complet. Fadllff••

lodgJng - .ecreatlonDInIng loom • PI.hJng

eocktolf lounge • Candn.•


to the



,_. , .•.. '..... ,- ,~., ...." -


9 to 1,

SaturdayNight l


When you add tbem Up. you mny be surpriooc1 nt •the total Chances ar~ }'ou hacIll', re'lliLcd howln411y ~Jectrlc servants you have in rom home.

AlI of whic1\ emphasize.; lit,.. fnet th'lt yOUl' dec'trll'bill is no longer a light MIt, hut nn elect,Ie serv(ccbllJ, You usc electricity for M11l1)' othr;r !'''rvke'> in

t' addition to lighting, ench one ndtl1n3 to rom ('OIll­

fort l\t1d ~iWejUCncc al\d c~clt one rClUlf.'rcd fur nlew pennies or fractions or pennies P('f da)'.

.Just (Ot tQc Eun of it. divide )'out bst t't('('ltlc hiliby thirty to get the average t'ost per cttl)'. 'I'hen con.Sider thenumbet of 111i1l1'S nile{ npl,Jinnces you usc.~;tn trtle that yob get a tof lor a liUle when youbUy el~cttic scrvi~?

, .'

DANCE 1---..,. N()isy Water

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Visit Skyland Auto today and 'you'll be com­ing back again for service that makes youand your car feel good all over, A friendlysmile and a working efficiency that can't bebeat. Drop in today.

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f t! •

e~7"t::-~~~':~~, "

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flow manyho1Sel wb11/p. you IZke'"', ..

p ,




COMMUNITY TELEVISIONSERVICE CO. OF RUIDOSOIf¥ou WlIh Us to Call on You Penona11,P~.... Call Joe BInhartU-D1a13785

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~,IMabcL Jr., DW 3951. Js a1Io~ ~ "bU...





,1. 'Three Channels (4th in reserve). .

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6. 15~ D1Icount n Y'ou Subtscrlbe BeforeMarch bt, 1955. '0








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Page 4: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr



























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.. -"'.' ,

~. , .: ..

Whttler Museum-Most unlquo privately owned mUHUl:4~.

In New Mexico.

ButdOIO Lookout Tower--GIves panorutnle view ot 1'1a1cround ot

the Southwrsl.\

Ruldoso SJcy BIde- ,;)Unusunl cable ear lIlt to~p of Moon

Mountain, -, " "

Dowlln MIlL Bw.r Mm-. BOth in lmmed.latfl area. »l0"'1ll0lll' adobe.t.rui:turea once houSln~ flour "'lI, btUtOVCl' 100 yeartl old. DoWIIl1l1Uf It' BiIIt4NInow grinding flour f!acb IUrImw a...otlPmhtng, LeW Wal1~ Bm.Y the lad ..Pllt GlItrett \\1m 1U'l\000t tarlY chly vtalto1'llQt Dowlln·.. Mill Ir1 nuldoso. ~

Carrizo Lodge ..With utllque hIstOry, museum and scene

or &qUare d~ "hoots. bordering em In·dian reservnUcn.


'~. ~,, I~, ," J"........ ' ._.'

• '. :<Ii!it lIl'lIlIIiii ......."I!JUTIT~ t .• MI APPIn1"tII. •.....'...",..


. ' "

.You ha'fe probablr ne'fer 'fiIlted any placeIn Amerlca wUh IUCh • wide 'fI1'Iety ofICemc, b1atoric and ent.mInlng attrl·but... Make the molt of your 'Y1I1t tm.-­expIo~ any .~ all of the placet recom·mended below to give you your most deeUghtful vacation..

" '




To the Leadel'8and MeJnbe1'1 of

< ,



Upon MoYlng Into Their MagnifICent New',

House of Wonhl'p

• 1 •

We are lun they would l1b 100.'fe you present

for their cledlcat1cm~ onJ

We are happy to ~ve ~ • put In the buUcUng

of lh1I wonderful new Itrudure In our communliy




,', ', " .

Caplfan, Capltan GapAnd IndIan Gap-

Scalfc l'l1Jf~hJllJ\1f lmd mO\lllmllu.Popular JJUmmf!t' raco truck. wl(b horse

melo, e41ch wtek-end In. lUlt\fDJt,

RuldOIO DoWDS- >',

" ,'\,

, . '.,' .



- ,j ."' 'p, t~··u rt i""" % If '1' ...' ';1Oz~.•. ,., ...... ~ .." .........>', ""., '''ffi '",. I V_"_ I' H1 ",',' -. '.': l' j ! .1 '¢ S - p.)" ~'!:. ' 'ar~· "0 ·";'G " '"'..- S t ttld. (' ._0. R'._""_' . - .

. -, ', .

. . " .-

, '


, '



. , ~

,, . '


Uncoln Natlonal Forest-WUh I" clllIlPrroundll, ICOnic t11l11Jl and

drlvell. Three riding lIlablC!ll h~ providehon:~ for riding Into our torezt which.urroundll UJ.

Cedar Cr..k-\'llnl« IflON .,. ibIS pllrk·UJco abrubsImd~nJ.

Go1fCo~One of the ment bcllUtltul golf ceUI'UII

In tho world b Cn!\! l;!ClldOWll.

Moscalero ApacheIndian nu,rnflon-

Cap bo enten!d In U1e n!Cn!ollon nre3Wellt of heTt'. Of you mil)' ",bll lit M~·I('ro. on U. S. HlghwQY 10.

OUR VISITORS­Things to See and Do

In the Playground AreaOf Ruidoso & Lincoln County-

AIl of these things listed are within 60· Miles of Ruidoso--Whlt. Oaks- Mayhll1NW'ltr1u-

Old ahost town onco thfckly populaled Giant &tetnhl)~ IfOWln, mloJ beau.IUId ODeo )lavin, nttwspapor••toru. llI100na. tltul fiowm ,hipped to wlde area.

The '1'hrH VaUep-lkauUful .or;c~ h.llcbal lIlOh, nul.

dow, Uondo' and BonUa. Home Of fnter~nllUon.lIy fatnOUlarl1lt. Peter Burd; ICtftnJtal' LInda DamtllJ' lluthor. writer DanBtonn and LmJfIe ~'ian;;' ti11d Milt Mabli1,radla and Jereen tnitttilnen.

•, :' -

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. ,',


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,.. ' .

: ~ ,


. , ,



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kOD1t h.tt·. sl::W In tb,. .tor,.. . , . wanta to .tUI!7

l'Omparall , valu n.. to ,,,..plan ber

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FBI To HoldTl'almng SchoolAt Carrlzozo


UFE, 39 Weeks, Only · , • S3lt99TIME, 78 \Veel,s (11~2 Years) 56.87TIME, 42 Weelcs .'. • , • 52.97


FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY!LIFE, 78 'Veeks (I 1~2 Years) 57.87

\~";/lIfJ'~r~~., ~Jf~f:'::~, '''0''.....t!.ft.....Ari Prf.ums,o.u'ed Wim", ~~';M~~i:~~"TqJI/l4liM(1~f ~f~fJV,~.1 ~'. ~:~,v""."'~r,.. ~~9:.. .

:l1'IJ'1I J""'lm. ,'I!fl, IIirIlIlf"I;q~ll!fl. \~J14 gt.~,* wlt~ .An,,J:l~~ift.' Me'.......;.Ie·ro A,na~LAa,tbf "1f1l~Oflhelrfqlll!ll" ~1l4","'r,. ,', ' U~~" ~ • r Ialw.~IO~'~ ~ ft(r~;~u:,rl1~;:Hn~q.,l~ '~UCh'~ '~~~!lW.'Qt~a~-~a. ~ ~ dOl' ">i~G~·to~...·+t--

sh n~ry {ot ,lie QM",,,,.1l1 '0 r~d, th.~ u/ltl! tf,.y ~J.d1mtl,YIll1;~~anWnt t~~pJ.g~\.ln~ Jluld~Nem'TM /MKQltra Apo~ Indian -s"~VOtlon'~ ,:;b'I./t de...lop 1M" QWIl ,m-onJ of 1lv.llhQQd, •,tid, pr<Wlq,~,. ,qlf< ij'J"Wf~h ~!.PlaXI~ rl00~" (It Vf~~" . l'dday ,J!'gbWil:tY it "Q~5

: :::11;; ;:,::r,:: ~:~~. 1~c11a~:nt. wrvt:'d Ih~ eon'Jnufd 'n ,,,- 1929" qll4 'Ile Iriqlon','041:rf Q(. 91 "". Y nll."..JXl Jlc;g"n~4.)'~a ..s 0+· ~"'d,:.;t .. -._, ,,,.'. "-- -a~ of wa, Iryl.... 10 to.. Ih." o ''''d hoIMland "9m supportl"$! 0' 911)' otll" ~tluri"'l'''!tY '~l'" ,old MIjt ulld't MloMI'I1 lbe.

Ff!/;r:uS.~UQP of 1,{e~ Chlltl" General Pershln" served as

.._", ,~ .• '-" d Ill. 1<1"'" d"uIl\SIll~ a' ofM' dtlun, Willi Ib, ,,,"ptlqll thol . e21lco, ~,o•• : ~nton wa" ~. " ,T", f'l • 'h'l'" t ''M In-.adlng whll. man. TM /M1GQt.ro R.wNallon 0' .., all. tome 'rl\),1 Ihlll o;'/IflOIIClQilyo!lIt.' IUd! 01 ,,.. Me~J.rQJ Wblillhe¢ IJ) JaS$ to "rwrain" the II 'unlor 'of, Cel' a. t :l pos . Ifer '... Apoct,. Indlon, II one Of four weh " ..rvallon, flOW who rtcel~ (l)nM.robl. IncolM ftl;lm .IMlt Il",t/tr I.UW'~ McsctlJ~ro and White .!\ofolJnt1/in' Loc!ltcd an th~lll() lion/Co ~/Jme I~rlo'~, ~.= r,:'OIl~ /Mn:co~'ft,:':o~t/.~~':.d ~~ have a f'nondltl o..hlClIK* prllllr<t1fl of Ib.IC own. Apacbe India~. J,.ittl" m()1'e th,an two mlles below It~ present site...v Ii I!toc.kade, 1f. W~8 tujt colt.ldered the t(lrt hnd lIUJe eQuipment and

ApocM .....",atlan' a'. Iocal.d In Arltaoa. .' Gelleral lnformQtlOIl 011 the Relerv.<Jtlomp.ltrtlcl,l1ar~ettectJ'Ie by th~*et- few buildIngs, In t8B! the Te""nsA, a P'Opt.. ,Ii. abortglllal ho",. 0' Iht Apacht .xl.lld· tler~ who, bad th.ek ~ ltveJl~k under t}lll Confederate t1a~ ranged

td ltom I'" weot poI1lon of Tuo, ,h,ough NltW Mt!dco 10 TUCIOn Tn. p"wnl populoI/o" of Ibll ,,"f1IQtlon Ii Qpproxlillol. lind/or Jeillp. UtU:4. liD the ~Io Orlan!!e an~ dlltcured,n IvlfOt1O_ and "om Ih. 'nl.,lo< d. Mnlco north Inlo ,''' Jlo" Iy 1100. The 0'''' of lb. ''''lVollon, o,"Clllnllng 10 ,(60,117 Fort S~l)ton sfaJ1ed' orJglnally to detrtJ;'oY Fort Stanton 1$ !luUfica­d. Colorado. n.. Apoch... Q' ° group. Ihrl..d on Ih, ",rly ""'tI 01 Irlbol land, conti", 01 II",bIt" ronge and la,'" land.. In 185$, was moved tWa mlles to tions before moving on to Santa.nllu. 01 Spanlord, coming no"h Ihr",gh Mtlllco 10 ..plojl n.. Ilmbtr II IIlQnootd by Ill. gOYtrtlmenf lind 10 P'~nl of its present lite .0meUme atter Fe. In 188S. Indllln depredllt10ns1M rich ",.., and gold d.posll, of ,II. $ourh_, bul Mit lb. pr«Md, N/(,ttv.d f,o", fait of fi",bIt, prod~1 I' dl!duQ.d 1868. TIle fort ,fl.cu"Cd in the Ci,vll fQrced the UnlQn &my to r~es- ,unobt. '0 "a"d Ih. WOft, of OOg'·,sI... d""lIIlnJd plO""" for cost In odllllnlJl.l1ng Ill. fo,." "uw,"'. Til. ,,.lIKllnd., War and the IndIan WllrJ until tabl/.!lh tM tort Which had been,, ..... ,~ ~" who 'lowed Inla ,... $oulh.-r '" ..., I",,~ll"g til Ih. 1IIOMl/ (lC.!;rulnlJ fl'OlII "lIIbIt, It d'PO$IItd In III. IrllQwry 18lJfl. In 111~, Ii hOtplt,al lar tu. named fOf' Captain Henry Whltlng ;"urnbt" fallowing 1M Mt-llCDn Wa, of 1840. Til. Apom., tI In. IInlltd $'01'_ '0 Iht cr.dll of ,''' frlblt. TfHt r_r;oIlon bercular aallortl was establblled Stflnton, kllle<1 In action.. against_. ~ to" ,rtIM 'n I~ Unlltd Slat" 10 "0" "ghllng ond Will wpport opproxlmat.fy 10.000 btad 01 callI. 011 0 yeor. IIn'd has ceased operatloh anly re- the Apilches,- Jan. 19. 18:1", In th,e Ia, ..... Q' 191 e. 'h......... Ip<ltOdlc OIIIlwm, frolll , fft I... fonn b<iJlI Qnd II" I'OIIIt Industry It ......'ar.d by I,h. eolltt SacramAnto Mountain. of Ponad,..dwlt ....0 tllII ,,,,,ol,,,d wo,ll.. 10 ,''' .n",*"""nl 01 0';"",., AwxSotlOll 0' ,lie frl\),. -n.;';,u,. Q,. IndMduol/y --- . , _. • .--- Ana CQuidy. I'M willi. IlIOn. owned ond Ih. owne, poy, .11. AWXlQI'CIII fo, 1ookI"lI oft., TV Strvlce Given In 1863 mOlt ot the ,Apache In.

Today. Ih. Apac~ P'Ople ho.. adlu"td I~m..f", 10. I~l' 111'II"ock by 0 per",nloo· d.dUQlOll I,alll to'" ~lpt.. Good 'D~n.. Dlans wI.'re pracUcll1b1 pr1BOnenat,''' .....,. of th. a..'oot A_ncan .nc1 .,. 01llOllll Ihe ""'st A /lmiltd 0/110II'" of fo,,"'flI,;J I' dOM 011 lboft orllOl Of Ih. &l.--r- tho Bosque RedQndo. The real,.,.1 .. 'h, elll"n, of ,''' Unlltd St"'... TIley lIq.. dlltln· '_r;oIlo" adopttd 10 lormlng ond ",,,al "opt (l)lItfllul. Ih. CommunitY TeJeVllIlon Service tro\lbllt was coming trom tho N~-qui"," ,"'_1... altnlllJd. or"', "-lea", l~ ""11. of our Principal prod~lo"., Company 01 RUf~OJO. "getting re. VIlJOI in the ncrth and Wffl andUnlltd Stat., IV" a' Ih.l, lat"'" °,- y..." 000 cfllllngUllktd locol lJd,"lnl"'atlo" Ilf ,''' Mo.KOlllio ...._lion "oc- markable retJ)OlIie to Ita IIllIelta- the ComanchK on the east. Gen,I...IIINI.... a, Ih. ",.qt... 'I;hl." 'n th. -W ....... 0' f_ COIIIphlk.d by .IIlPIoyHt 01 Ih. Mttcoltro AlI.lICy, Iocot.d ot tlon here by .ever.1 representa" Illmes H. Carlelon. commande~of0' 30 _,"C>IJ could nat 1M coplu,t4.IrY a' ...."y a' t5llOO Mt_It,o on t"- '.,.,.fIIlon. ond 'M JlIsI_ Commltlfl. of th. tlv" In .11 pa~ of fhe vUlage for the Department ot New :M;pl«l'"_Icon I,oops In Ih. f~ld at one 1lIL In pv""t1 0' IMJIII, ",bIt 0 '.p".."'otl.... glJ'l'trtllng body IIItct.d by tItlI t,'!lol contract. to receiVe the aervl~' .lnce Sept. 18. 1862, Mnt extra50",. of ,''' mati nattd of ApocJu, '-I." ...r. Codl'... VI,- In,.,,. ex~ecJ to start AArly tills ,prtn': trooplI to reinforce Fon stanton.'orlo. Loco. Chata. Nok.... Ioftlla and 0.'011111II). Nole'" _. Harry lennlnll, p~~t of the One ot the otflcOrJ" at Lt. New.,''' san of CochJM and Ch,hllan Nakht, SOft of NIlIm.. ond No 11IO,. clot, /he ApocM worr/or ride forth Ie» h"nl ,'''' firm, IIld he was very opUmbtlc bold af the 5th U, S. Int\U1try, withI." o.,.",lma. san 01 CHtoIIlma. flOW lIn on Ill. .,tiAl>tro IwflQIo or 'e» ,...., ,,,- wII". 11IO11 fro", hI. IIvlltlng "fOllncll, from fJrtlt .aJ~. The COmpany 1lI a co~d of OAe cllvalry troopr.MrvallC>ft amaltO IIIOny or..., d_ndtnfl of I..... 10_' ,,"d Whit. "III Iookllllt b,dI with ptl~ Ip tM PQJI, ... OPP'fldat" to eretl a 't<rwer on a tnount.1n and'O Apa<:he wamo.~ m.tcbedInlaMOU' PtOf>I- Thta~ I\pacht 01 loday. ~b 'II)' othtt 1M p,tYlltg. of Amtrk4" clll"fIth'p' Ihcrt IHt 'n\o11 and look, ....~. 91 C ."U'" a If lOme 36 mUea from me to'" to.... h f "L __ "" - f~Nrd 10 f· ...·,. otl·."~.., fo, L'_alf ond LI' "LI ". 110. ",e Tee ;....c.\lQw. 0 . , ..A~._.- I. I..""""" rCIIII "",ny ...rtou, _rc-t , __- ~v _.. .... .._m ......- P.... &. C "try Club )bd ViUl pIpe blOt:1c: the Withdrawal Qt " party

I....__.- Sa....·1 W-·..'. Club te1cvl.Jcm pra&r.m. trom three of 01 NaVala ISravea who ~d recent-AIoIU.\W tt..... "_ four major stat~ the tower 1'8- Iy made a auc:etUtuJ. raid intoft ........v_1 a_a La._-"'_M "'_1..__ celve. to .oUtlet••Jl.,~ and downl Mora County, The Nava,JotJOIIt 12awl'l ..., QWA ~..,..... " ..~ the ~ql~OIO l:'lI)'~ ~ The fourth dead and one capttmld -plu. '.8811Much 8 Tluftllnh 13 $189 For Fund .tatlon wn) be piped on the c..ble1lheep and other pt:WettY·atolen In

--., Jt U h., • prolJ'lm that would be Mora Count,)' and ello~.D. A. 8ryce. BPOClal Acent In It. rllVlval at th.Tlnn.le B.ptllt RuidOlO'. Woman'. Club', an" 'of more lli~1'fIIt to local vIewers. In hla report to the Wa, De..

ChUlo of tho FedflTal Burellu of church I. 10 be,ln Sunday March nu.l luncheon tar the M.rch of Jennlnp ..Id. CUltomm may partmcnt, Gm Carleton di4 notInve.t1,IUon for the State of New e. Ind conllnue throulb Mirch II. Dlrnet. which extended trom the 4:bCOft'trom threeptOfl'llMl on the' menUon aD)' lou of eav.ln- butMOlllclt, lIdvlaCld that the Federal Service. will be beld twice e.cb bre.ktut hour tbroulh mld..atter. cable at an «mea, ho added. told of _':t'e I~,2t~..~paeh, ,Buteau of Invo.\I.aUon .. ~onduet- dlY. 10:30 I. m. and ., p. m. noon at Chuckwa,Oft Cafft here Cy Leland, Jr., abd Joe Rein· bravo. w.a l\tlAllVU NT" ~In~ a Law Enforcement Tralnln. Mlulonary Travl. McMinn and I••t Thurtld.y. brout-\)t in • total hardt al'C!' local representJIUvea tor vl~ or Chi~cadette and BlancL~!'Schoo/ tor the L1ncol~ County hla wife will lead the m~, aD4 of '11111 for the Polio J'und, Jt wa. the eom~, and Imnlnta and a He allo prabed .the acUot1l /If ..Sherlfr. Department In the Court- Reverend R. b. Swanner ot Firat aMounced. Thl! e.fe w•• Joaned cOrptl of ,aJeamen a1lo are 101icit. Newbol~ Loren~ J..!abadle. IndianhOUle III C.rrlww. N_ Mexico, Bllptlst Church. Alamo,orda. w111 .1 no coal 10 the or.anlzallon by III' tho communU". makin, a can. a.ent, lind Rev. h. F!£on. d1a~1boltlnnlna Ma,ch 21. 11l5!!, Ind do the prflllchin.. the '!POratoral Mme•. Bobble SaIn , va." blOt:k b1 blOt:k here. lain of Fort SUI1UlCf••ue leJl~.r\lnnln. Ihroulh Man·" 24. 11155. PllItor O. L. Oldham old: "I am and Edith Jonnaon. Ifomea or bUllneue. &titled UP uked pennIJIlon to reward ......Inclualve Thl, ...hool will ltort, pleadln, tbjll you (WE) do tome before March J will recelvo II 15~ Indlat1lJ with ••Lllt ot clothC$. Atp,omptly at 0 00 p m epeh evem- eurnl!ll' prayln•• thaI OOd .Ive u. IIONDO LOCAL dltl:ount from the coAnection about thIa Ume he wu also aeek.Inl lind run throull" 10:00 p m p 1rt!lIt revlVl1. Firat, In our In- OF FARM ftUlUCAV charte he added In. pclnnlulon to use the ApacheJ111.. ..I)OV" II<"hool .a ~ln9. ron- dlvldual IIvD.1l. then In our church. IIEAI8 aVlDOSO HA;N , , , • _ a,allut thefr heredJtal')' encmlu,durll'd pI Ih.. ''''IUell 01 Shllrlff 'hlln bflyonll the church. that Itla TravllI n. UlCM. man'fer ot Lin- Na-Jo Sand P_I_d_

gthe ComaneheJ In the plains coun.

Ol.,n IIn,dl..y. lind thl' rollowlnll r/JUIlJ may bo buill up In number coin County Feed ot {ollywood". -.uu..u4 try•

• uh'...·b will },.. duruAJu><l J>ubllt' I atld .plrllual ppwl.'r. ond H111 name and nuldo&o 'POko ~fore lIanda To Bt Exb1blted J'oUowln. the «uo tIre betwffn I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!'II!!!! '!!!!!I_" ..Iallon, ('oUertlon. IdentlfleD' I". Illonfll'd loclli of tho Lincoln County Farm the .tates, the Union Army found I' .. _ ;,;;,-._lion. lI"d J'uu:orvP!loll of Y.Vlttell""; , ''1'hI8 I. pn lnvltlltlon to all wha &. Uvt'ltock Bureau Wcdneaday At LlDcoln MUJlUJn - -n u , It Ill' t I""M1!1/t41111f, Crvl' ,"" III r""t'h to ottend 'hili revival nlshl In tho Hondo Wah School. A .pedal exhibit, "Navaho Sand".gllla ~".l "It..., m"II..,. III In- \\ Ilh ua." ho IIl1ld flllI lIubJeet was on tho potontloJ PlIlnl£n,-An rndl.onou. Art" willI..rl'ol I" I.. " "lIfr 'M "'''I'nl 1I1f.. "f. 1 "~~~~ ~- wealth ot dlveraltlcd agrlculturlll hc IIhowlJ lit tho Old Courthouco,Un, ....,lvI'"'' Ihal "II l"lfl.lIv rOil, IUONoIUm IN RUOWER production In the Ruidoso and MUUlum In Lincoln for ollht dllY., ITO.lI

tul,," law rlll''''''ment olfll'C'n M.. Juhn Hamilton of Hondo Hondo valloya. netfCllhmcnlll were Fob. 13 through 20. AllIombled by

III Ihl. I~"'I'" ." Ih" HI"I .. /JI., I wa. honor",1 with a ahowllr Tuea- tOrvCt! following blll·tolk. the Department ot EthnoloflY of111' llrrl I" "U,·",I II... "II••, .. "1I11I· ' dcrv "fh''''oOIl al tho h01'J11l of Mns, _.- till! MU-.llum ot Now Mexico. tho."'11 .. "01,1 I" V OhorhollzC!t hort! The hon- OIRL 8COVTS VISIT h f tIt d 1 t

I I d "UIDOSO N-B OFFIC" , ow Oll Ul'ell II ~ 0 IIlIn PIl n -Ill",,' rtJ..C'lvC't1 mllny ove Y an ... ..n s> Inlll used In l:Onneetro,n with the I

llll'h r".... (;"M"" lind Johll "'wlul sUt. All part ot theIr work towards 0 "FC!I:lthcr Way" ce~monhal. donI!•on·, (Irlx .." hav.. ...~IDII"d n".. ' '" - ~--- Communll)' Servlco MotU Dad,o, on pllpor with tempera by Q Nil-Iro,,,n fOod It".... J I' ('QPP' wna In 01111011. Tox. mf.lmberll at Hufdoao lnlermcdloltt voha medleino mOll Qnd hla holper.

/)1I\('h 1'011 .... "' .....n Rnnla Fe Ihlo m'd·wC11lk, boolUn/l pleturCII Olrl Scout Troop No. I vlJltoo tho 1.1=0 IncludtM1 In tho llhow art!..n 1"/I••I",.v" ,,,,,tt.,,. W",'n"cdnr ftl, th.. l'Ul'blo (luldoao Nowl ottlce rand wolclled coven Ink «'J'«!Il prinla by Louis

-- _. -~_... - .. ,== ..~- wVlilral 01 tho mochlnl!ll oporate Ewln"" th..... p~lnlln... trom theTuoadNa'. aOem.....n. In tho If?ug •• .~... w -w.... "Dleuln$! nlto." thl1l0 from thowore Yllell Smith. Ella ul "EmtlJ'ict1ell M h," nnd titer lee"JockMn. Judy &aVllrtl, Joralyn and 1I11nd p1Ilfrom tho Do'.Mll=ty. Dona Cartt'r. llover11 UotchcnJI Chlln. thor colorWatklnll, ShIrley lIalllldo1. Dixie prlntJI oro 01 th~ p1I IInu tromDryden. £lotltlor Spoor. Anne WI1- Iho CfCloUon Myth.thonn. mt>mbc.... and ColI~n !\fo,- Tho oxhlblt. C()mp cd of 20Ifly and Jon Anno Dt!.l\VCrll, vl/lila tromc1I, will bel on view In Ihe Oldfnlt Urownll'1l lA!adore Includt'-d Courtroom, A l1lt'C!ptltm CIt 3:00 p.M... Kathletm MlI/lW1 onlt MI" m. on Suntloy. Feb. IS. will markM"..I'lQ"e Itllndlllll, ond II '11111101'. lilt' opening 61 tho llhow. Tho PUb-IMrll AIl~~=~~~~ Ill' iii C()rdlolly Invltt'd to .lIttt!fld.


lind Mr. It K Knox. MrtI, Cy Thl' Capitan lenlol'll orf) 100ft..IAlon,1. Jr. M~ Sleven UO#tllm IOrlnn on enchtlodll IIUPPI!r Wed.and /II, atlll Mrll Mon'l.ron Quala ncillay, '·C!b. III. al LincOln School,trough WIIJO In ('orrl1.01O 101lt The enrhlllldnll ate IUllrnnl~ to11llm:dny DICh, olt('ndlnlt an In. Itt! nellh!!r too het nor too cool. but.trurtonl' mCCltlna for Iht! O. E, S. IWlI right. YoU con buy the IlUItyMns Qualtroul1h III dlll,ltl Itl/ltruc· dl.h for $&.00, and If you ('art! forIn, fo, thl. oren Ice C~nm ond coko too. It will, ~ ~, . _~o - '" - only (mt )'ou 2~ ('xtm. Prlco forOI:T8 REAL ESTATE LlC£N8E children wlJl bel llOl:. Supper will

Mnr. lc!11,J Eiultar. MtOClntl\d \\IUb bo _Ned from 5:3CJ tn 0:00 p. m.tho PaUl DaUU111t.ll Itl'lll £alAte Ag. to Ihe ",WIle of tllo Romero Or­tllCy hono. lut wel'k WDJ notUiC!d thl!lItrn. Plnn 10 IIlv/.' "our bclIt qJrlIfill hili p:llltcd thl! ,~nt exam· II Volentlne !rupper lit Lillcoln Feb.InoUen IIl1d Willi a IItDte IlcemC!d Ill. the srpolUOn urae.

"ant lo KfoLi. h..... nal', the Um. lo TELL hut ren! ntllle brclc.cr now. Sho took _a ~~~~ , _Hlhe ()XnmlOIlUon Itl S:lntll 'Fo late Jl08TJt8!l LISTED

I .. Il I. ::'Z .""") lie: 1.e:5a= u a." II '5& leu b.,.. In JClnUlU". I Utntt'SJI for tht> I'tt1!Ptltm held I---::::-- .~. ~ ,,- -~ - -- ---.-- I ---~.--~--~ 'tor Ihe newlywtdll. Mr. lind l\1ns.,:; .''''--.. ::. -:- ~ '*===-=:- ;"";":.c*=~-:~_._.~_. - '._- ..;.~~, l'l'rTY t:trll€,r 10lI1 Ih~up~r por· EntJ AlllJ;on. following their Wed-t

.......t I' " •••••••• f I tlon (If two flnlleTlI, from tho fint i dina Jan. 21, which WOIl held InI tolnl oul. TuCl:l1ny wbon his hand Iho Brut(! Orillifh home ot Ot«'n

O M · Sub · ti" "WIllI "auaht In a JolMt whl1~worka "Tr«' Itl(~ludl1d Mmu. GrHtith,n agaZloe scnp ODS Ing an the A. J nolt resIdent'" en if Rolph Bonnell. T. 0, Hood. DonMC'(bem Drln, j Snrdu, L.. 0, Slmrm, Odell SpenT•• ",It ' ' nDill MOOdy oM Mn. UarIM Mc·..-m----~---~~- ~-- ~--... -~~, Ctuw.. -,.-V...4fA4AiAi.4fJ4-9fi4V. ~9fLiii...-....u. "'- ..... -

r! ... ~ ~.. ~ ~~ --<",...,..





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Page 5: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr

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• • • and a good sfock ofValentine Cards and Gift Ideas

NEW CROP OF GLADIOLA BULBSGarden Tools for Springtlmo

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, 't!::"''';O'<td.,.naie'tiJ'e":To'' ')Iu'_O.'. p. "",tt" ·Jtaawk'$·~.ui' ,' ... ' .. ,.... , ~ '-.'.",i·, .. ...., <' Ill't~~"'" ,:, . "', ' .' '(" I.,,,

.lbi~~,~Y'-Ruidoso~' '. "~f~1o" "bb lint~m.->. 91l!'; ..• :"1i~r=:gWilMESCAtfRO ~~;;;#:;~~~#;:;;:~~;;;~~~.:;",'D li~d!i~t~i'frNo\~;1.llSfsulhmer Ule returnwlth:~'t~sk before mt: qf~:~~~~el$o, hill ,tfic:n~th~ f~"\ ,,, . Hi: :8''''001 .' , '1Quth C9DlWMI(l:~';tfui~Tda' . ,J,J,. :M'flI;' .... ~.lkfI ......r n ' .... . . '., "".1.1 0110 ~.ewl' C/ll'ried a fe"tUf~ gf~itte'th Ifttl t, hilt ... t .. '. 0 t kl 't 1 .. ' ··i,fti. .. '. JU~l<i;ij P1ltril:t ot l'tcw )I~eo .' ',' , " . " ' '"it'" .. "":.; i ..

ll!J>f,Y QI! ReYtlolds Jones. commei~ 0 n; Wrshi~gt(mll, Wlthotll(I$.~u. \.Ip~ [ r Xn:g a ol)d eav/t l!l,; ~U~ .>' (fbmihe'Wfli WiiOoP) .',tep~Acm«, 1t., .u•. ~¢4J.~~ll w~~' C ":I,'tj:\t tJO#l:.l~ro, Ap,~\:b,,:B~ness , .'.,~~~~~, ~iallirUst 'h~re, and his remar~ fst " 'tc U1 ':pr I' .",,~as,,!MDt' . ." S,ml:$ler,uA" ~Oboraoll' ,teSlCned., 'fAetIe COUAU~ iltcludoi omml_tee ,held ~ .POlli.t m~tipg . 1l1511:1RIC I :;,~...,. abI~' alld historlcal series of cal'" ::e~~~~fn~eda1iJmV~e~~:~f ~l\0 . gffte~ h:~~ staye~ ,RWQm's Se~io~:Shh:le,'Holmes. Lln~olI'I, Ot~m ~nil. ,J.lQnd' M~. l{is, r~dft~nt«ni' The <::omro~tAA will ,~ . :~t.=~Q!, .'~

flnldillr, PicMtuldrels for th" Chica/to& 'ce¢l:l, With that a~slstlU1ce I ca~:Lane Newberrv'took up/the series Juniors: toMe!! Lllcke,Y-. ~d!\ job ik· to netp 9~Eas( Uri.. .,IlV ,~. ~l ar nweUJ'li efl. 12. . AtltM.f'<:II.l~'lI "":"~

., no s and RailwaY. Jonesnotfall Trustln~ in fUm Wit I planned -.,. . 1\400re. Ada :t.l.! Gl'llgg Jo' Betty ~m. C9Yl1ti ~~ ,&, prillJt.~m,'llillt ; .. , ~.'. WI~1 011' V!09l;) -,:/i pthint); his r:"enth p!ctllre,.ll.oWlth· mlil.andremaln' wlthQy~~' Depicting Vi~id Ileenes on Salem'!! R<:ess·.e and SOfora FuQh;. ," '. wlU:belp soMt tioml} ot tbe jqve.." H',e ~1k-Sllve.r DJ>;' SChool III '19~ Cl1l~nija~; o:not~;ilfn f'?~d~X... t /lPP '. be everywh~rll tot' good, let hlll-·· . Do:Ps~till~~~: JAAne)l ~osker'Md rUh~ pfQbI\llnS, He $ti1t~~ that oactt; .st>gn~~, .1L~ x~~e~~e~ Pay Far.. ' ~.the series which lire no~ beeom t U$ r;Qnfident!Yc: hope that all will 'fhe. :6pUw"e . tavern, gmt and Six.Wet\..... 'f:A't lJo D it eOJUm~llHrfrQI'l\ Ruid9S0 ~Q.lUY(Il~- Q( Mr, l'llehs, Mr. liiclWt IIn\i /lom!= .in" 11 t 1" it d' ..~ t .yet be 'Well, 'To UiS cal"e commend- . cl.lr4(ng mill. S I ~ N i noWI' ••0 sl e Ii U .~ ~p~/tnf~d III tM. §tUd,Y hall );IQYs, t9l'll.· dqwn tbe ''''~'.. 'ha"tr:a~de~CtheISr hit~~er~ari~ t~ng y.§1,I' all I hllpe In your l!I'llY- Aftei.' hlm' Reynolds Jonea with Shl~~()rfiolme~om otton and org~nJ~ on. • • ,r PI;lJ;'tUlo~ oUlll) Ql'1glnaUlvuool'l\ .~, ~. f\ ~L1F01t\IIACo r fJ.' 11.155 1 d ' ',erJ! .,you W111 commend me, J bid bOlder S~Okes, J rc A' L '.. SeQlol' NoWll' .hoW?e to Int\ke it into One lar"e . ~tf"IlMlR ~ft1I\a~g~:in~~~ral RJ~::~~rri~. you an,llffeqtfonatefnrewell." 'rho. mat\l~, reflective Uncoin tl.lck~:rsjo~~tt UR~l'llgg'sNres 2 '\.h~SenCIQl'$,~a<l i meeting l'eb, ~~~ab1~r:ef1~il~dhT~'·tf~ew~~ ~U~ =-~i!':zl~~~t'~lind busines$ places, and. the scene I ' . ••• ' 'Wh I:yokes, . Fuchs. ' 'It- so., 0 Ol"a a. Ann .app iii hQme. FIMs W«lte b"v" '~" d' tl 1 j" ... b' 3 'IfNlAP III " ~~IOP'Of I"~ ~t •porfWs.LWcoln'.s ~arew.~I t'O n- Jon~l!' p!:~cie~el!:;ors~tb~paln~- '. 0u~~dl~SgaEllt'~,hth Circ\lit at leis· Sophomores: Joanell Nosker.· mad/t tot" our SEmlor tdn We 1 (I ... e n ..pra\: cen ,~·e , ..linoiS wher!! he i 11 d, t in Ing 'Of tli1l1}l.$b;lioOln 1 ri ri" D S d d K . , diScUSSed ."',", SE!.nJor. pOl.I~"'· 11. s, Wltb the new 'bundil'l8'i it wlUf vi hi' to II loar Wit a f ·11 . I' ~",a 1;. ,ell> ,0 It... Speaks in the Iltatehouse hall as on an e~ an enneth New.. We, .re~ij;"".. · '.0 h,"v'""'{Qst Eu- ~ po~ble to practice .tl\Orll. Mr.

t~r .. ~nng ,n tol owlng hiS e ec· InathcoP ea of the IlUt'.hansllls candidllte' som., ".en":Lan.,~o':';"....-.. ''':''o''w~. Senio · Gooc.,h wUi be a,1}'e to ~t..,r.. t mor.e,on as ",,resIdent. Below Is re- n e office of the prllliident (It InhI' i··..;~ .. .. .•• ' .. - .. • ,. ..

printed the explal1!!tfon which was the midWest rallw!lT' ;tlne,' are ~~p:ert~r ree:e ves the spoke- "" Newa . JOYCe I.iewis, was eteetecl as (jur new PUpUIl thl\t will bet able toattached to the calendar this year.) 'lentUoped in. a pQeJn.. wf1dlcb the To blJll him party's cboice f~r State AdviSor, Mw Hendrix, CI~etreel:~~fha'pp"y to' ~a'v~ R. V. ~~~Ui~e~~~~ aNe~r~u °teth:

• • • pc urea .evol,ted, rell~nw ~low Pmident. paid a vIsit to our Chapter Jan,.... .... .. ., h irFarew~_,To Dlmols ffQm an Illlri:Ol$ ~ew$PlIllOt'; To hb neighbOrs from a rear coleh 28 and diSc\lSSed the Executive and Goodson stat W~th I~' co'. • •

On the clay before hl.$ fltty-sec. James Hart., Bloom41Ktpu pod, platform OiStrillt Meeting. all" 1Iam..•• ......- It'-h' GD~.tte-r:llI.Stu4en.taC#ld birthday. Abraham Lincoln expresses, as 1QU,owSt JUs Impres· He bids t~wel1, to tace the Sllth. Our Chapter IIdvlaer, Mfa. Wll", .. ..•• "'".. '" e.l~!t Springfield for Washington.' slol1ll of the, ~pliinC Uilco1n erine Itonn. Uams, and Prelident !Jetty Car- Commereial. teacher R~ Bar- . F .AliIom~ fhe compar.Uvely un. Story Calend.a;s,'f.-.Uea b~ the Chi- - . penter will leave Marcl111 fOf the nett and faIJI.I~ were 101,lS1· rich ive pf tMDriver-Tl'a(nin~stu·li;noW1l frlends anll .mlll mJlitary C!llRO & mmois~1lM Railway: NOTICE OJ/' SALE ExecuUV'6 Meetin, in Las Crucel and badly "roke in the same hour dents of the tint lIemest/tr cIa••,~rt accomp~Ym' htm were a Tlie~.~Caleniu' W~, the Board ot Tn1s- AU J'HA ,irIs are workinr ~Q last Sunday whtle on a comblna. have received their drvier'. II·countryjlldce who late.. served at To bti,nt ~1n to us in living teeapt the VJllaCct of Ruldoco th/tir JJ1lI1or or Chapter Dezrees" tion ,DlCJlIc and :proapedin.Jrip to Cense. MarlJo Hart, with a high8; Justlce of the Suprtme Court, art. . J1eretata:re . »used a ResoluUon and wnt set them by Man:b 1 the Capitan mountain$: .Barnett seore ot 100 and Barbara Me­8J1d a young man who would be- How truJr'these artilts have done detmiD& It advisable tor the beat Our votins delecate:, are re~d., W.N nonehalanUy walltln. alon" Daniel, scoring U:S did excepUon·cpme AmbaUador to Grelt Brltain I their· pan; . intm:st 0( th.U VJllage to seU at in, the r.equJre~entl of the can., with b1l wHe and ,kids bdn.rin' .11y well on the written test ata,nd ll1Io ~retary of State. '1'hreO No l~ to ~ed Schrader our public vendue the foUowin, de- dldatea anll votib, for State Of., rockl frorn aU diree:tlOlll tor hiin the City Hall. Othe~ obtalninl01 the J01dI~wm destined to be thanJq we owe, . scribed parcel of real estate, not ficen. '. to test, with the ~i,er Counter, their license were Donna T.!snol· ty at Elk on Friday, Feb. ll. The - PAGE FIVJ:major generals. Two othen would :tPC' UOJ fine project started years b\lin,~r needed for municl. We hope to have a meet{n.1OOIl whetJ all ot 8 sudden the ear- thtOl, Nina ~eel :nd !Oyce Lewal. ~rty ~ bein,. held in .honor of Buld B~'J',,"'~=N";p-.. bb _'" "1........ ~w&l.....; ..... ~:-,;.~~~t\ =....b':u::::....~~~= ~~::-"-:.N_ ..~~:§f.~~A'i:: Fl1.O)"...:.".m... :r;~I=~~~=';:':; ~th=-in l1W1agerlat cates 1m.. (~~)~ .the::u~'1,ettan~ ~Qtber tbl~g we're tJroud ot is r~;aagnh~~~ :fi~iJif: del' the .:m~n~~a~~~r:d ~~~an~ke~ 11 be presented .\l.$ a Principal, and Mr•• Mtldred C~t·~~to~ the PrilddencY' rnened, NortheQt of the North- .,*!,at 01U' p~ent, ~ty_Ca~ had quite an excftinT Ume lind tQ II The Warrior Hideaway II a p hom, Home ll:conornilt, Ilttended aor the'l1n1ted States, America WQ At c,lesk IUldinc II I'Il1lroad,'. del- weal~' %NW'4)1..See. nt TO HOllAft COtJaT found a spOt that made a rood ~ult of the name contest "pon- M K th K· luncheon and. meeUnI ot the N-4r1ftin1C unmIstakably Into a civU ,Un1,es, , . . t1~.a~ To .i!~1 South, !tanle . OJ!' LlJfOOLN C01JNTY s!loWlnI. However, there seemed. sored by the Student Councu. Ro 1"1. II ryn enoi and IIOD, eral Busineu Association in .. Elwar, Qne eetion of the country IAnd botJt· &M>lJt LincoinJan d,- f~""'flN.J4JI': . "aI\ll hein, m~ STAft OJ!' mnr ¥KXICO to be one arnaU detail that Barnett The Couneil had a dance in the .Wj~~~en~ returned from PlIO on Feb. 8.·beUOVed that some men 'hould be1 \,0"-: . ~t:~I1,!" rlbed by metes IN THE JIA'l'TER 01' THE ) couldn't $Clve. He couldn't ttnd a Hideaway Jan. 2lJ, atter the «ame. 'ltIn, Mn.' iene0711th.eo~w~relrtvllln- -, •~ permanently .. laborers What lleUer way their road to -4.. iaDd'~ u fOUows: LAST WILL AND TESTA. ) rock or anythin. that Would • • • ,n, M , Miss Viremia .Srnlth i. our newwhile other. should control III :the 'I"f<.!ertfsf, . . . . " .',~ at the SouthWflJt comer IIENl' ) th1l .taU~. Mter retuniJna'~ AJsaut T. Rave~ Tlulae :,ho it 13i th~~fc~1l1 at the Ta- teacher at the Whitetail D&7capitaL LlnI;01n ~eved that flV.~_,thJa·~1tY conc:t1V«S et)- otUl4 ~Uon 21, thence No~ of. . ", l elr Barnett tound that the Geteel' Eddie Wimberly, editor ot the om" n lin a 0 um. School replaein, MIl. Reo AI·~ mill mould have the Oppelr- '.'~.~rUet.' '. # • OOlcr Wt, 1170 feet; thence South BONII'A~SALAS, counter had Uueo dilc:Onneeted 11154·53 Tomahawk, atated that the • brecht who tranalerred to the In~tunlty to become a· eapitallat The$e ~mtinp 10 .t~Uve, to UP,"' ~lJ'!ee~; thence South' DteoMed. wiru and wouldn't operate prop- annual wlU have a green and white Mr. and Mn. Muon Gu)'dellcon tennountaln Jndilln School inthrQugb h1J own industry and In. recall, 17030 ~ 235.a feet; thence No. 152 erly. COlOf *Cheme. with scenic plac:ea returned t\'> theIr horne in Cortez. Brigbam City, U~h. M1Ia BmJthlUaUve. On thia lasue the tint 1'1Ie great I1W1 once among UJ, Norih Silo O~ J:ut, 254.2 feet.: :N 0 TICEo· • • around RUidoso tor Ita theme. He Colo., last Friday atter v1lltin, C4me to Me~atero from San An..(ICreIt experiment In democne;y loved by .n. ., thenc:e South ~ Eut, 24b NoUce is herebY live th t J ...... au. Newa a1lo atated that thero wiD be more with relaUvea at MellCalero. MasOn tonio, Texa., where aile tonnerlyWIt to be tl!:lted. The "tuk betQl'CI The moat uaeM tunctlon calen- feet; thence North 71021' £an. 248 the 'ltb clay of l>eCem~r, alll~ The Junia..- have atl!rted to color pagel, more anapahot PI,es, is a -an of Mr. and Mrs. Paul tllught in County Sch001l.1M," Lincoln told his fellow elm do, feet: thence South 87002' East the .underatcned WQ a • inted work seriously on the Junlor~n.. and more ads. Also, the pattern GuydeUton. • <.townamen as he .toed on the rear ,Markin, ott day.. montha, ~waya 1111.1 teft: thence North 82;;ooJ I!:xecutrlx of the Eltate ErBonl lor prom, Fint, we've had aever.l and layout of the lU54·55 atmua\ ' Vlrjt'il Comanche, Ion ot Mrs Last yearr the' AmerIcan Red};ll~ttonn of the depal1ln. train, on vltw; East, 1UU feet: thence North race Satu DeceUed by the Hon': greparatory class meetinp and will be duterent from that of yean Eva Comanche of Cherokee BIIi' Cross partlc pated In 318 disaster"lI ~wter Ithan that which tested With temtle ehllrlTl8 tbe customary Z,0046' East, 20U teet

l· thenCc John Jlac'kO'/LPro~te JUdIe ot avo elected the prlnceues, kIne. before. recently joined the U. S. N"~ and reUet o....rllUona throu"hout the

upon ash neton. Without the all. theme: ..orth 2402$' Eut, 35.5 teet: Lincoln Coun\y New Mex1 and queen, wbo wUl re.lgn ov,:r • • ., .."-"I!Jtanee ot that DlvnJe Being who ThU3 • worthwhile departure It thence North .CI1~18' East, 22M The-fo- all' , COg' in what we hope will be one of the Eb. Beb. PI Newa Is now In tralnln« at SlIn le,o nation. and gave emergenc)' mIDever attended him, I cannot ,sue· would seem. teet; thence Noffir'13000' Eut, 215 I lIN" •.dn t penollJ v g best proIJ\S ClVflr held here. The Etl! Beta PI girls havc been Calif. ' ' care to over 62,000o/oo

pte plus

teed. With that assistance, 1 ean. Lon, servin. the region that Lin. t~t; thenee South 1003' East, 1511 ~ aar:lwI~ r:d&~te 6fUSkt Ourclau plana to hive I JQhnny brin,in, white T·llhlrts to the lut long·term aid to 7,1 flllnl1le1.bot taU." This Was the last time eoln knew, l~t; thence South 2020' West 270.8 t Li In C e un tI er Mosotti dinner Feb. 12 lit Marlar- few meetilliS lind Sofora Fucba Miss Augulltlna ZUllzua. '17 yearsLincoln'. volc:e wu heard In At relUtar Its traw go whlstllnJl feet: thence South 3000' West, ~d .~~~ nou:-nthty, Nfew

toexlco, et'a Cafe. Plates will be 711c and hu been painting tho nororlty's old, died at the MeSClllero Hos· Since 11)10. the American Red

Sprinafleld. . throueb: 401.6 fcet; thence to the right on'" ereo e un· SOc. Iname on the bacM. pltal on Feb. " after a long 1l1. Cro" hUll Issued over 18 millionJAY MONAGHAN And where his growing lcgend 1B a 394.3 fcet radlU3 curve tbru an ~~~'rte~t'i:~lns~lm~~thslru.~ We plan to have more aera.p Our last meeting wall held lit nellll. Funeral servlcc, were held fitbt aid ccrtlflcatet to persons In-

~ultent Wyles Col1 U f JlO real, orc of 27003', 188.1 feet; thence to tJ ilu b cll14

no... Iron drives in the n~ar future. We Ann WesteU's house. We had a at the St. Joseph Minion on Feb. ntructed In Red Cross First AidLineo1niann Llbrllry t%1:en~~ty To further spread and widen its tho left on a 1128.1 feet radlU3 thru :m:"sha:lf'i:'b~ w. or the will appreciato any donatlOllll lind bUlllnc$! meeting lind atterwarc1l 5, burial at tho Mescalero eeme· methods.of Callfomta S nt 'aa bar appeal, an arc ot 130 10', 120.4 feet· theneo DATED.... 3' can be reached at 2705. C'(lfreshmcnts wero Ilerved. tery. The decelllled Is nurvlvod by -=====~~~--.,.-,-.....Colle,e, Sant'a ~rg.rll.r a Midland hired tho begt artlllt:J to South 16053' Weal, 101 foot; thence 11155. ,..Is rd day of January, • • • - -- a sister. MrtI. John Tahnlto; a'···•••••••••••••••

• • • portl'll)', to the right on, a 387.7 teet curve ENRIQUET& Fftahman C..... NClWI STATE OF NEW MEXICO nephew, John Zuazua; l1nd a nloco. .• , Lincoln 'midst tho lIurroundings of thru an arc of .5042' 309.6 feet. n A. SALAS . We IIro IIOrry to lIay that we wUl COUNTY OF LINCOLN MrtI. Victor Randall. The Four Way Tell

, On the eve-.of Lineoln II blrhtday, hla day: thence South llloO$' Wll1lt 70 fect: Executrix ot the Estate of be lo:slnn one of our Clallll mem- IN TilE DISTRICT COURT f


' • which la obscrved DI1 II naUonal With faithful attention to ~lleh de-, thence South 2804U' ElIJlt, '171 teet: 28 Boniflleo Sall1!l, Deceased. berD, Dixie Gibson. She haD lone CONSOLIDATED CAUSE Funeral servlCCll were held at' 0 Thing. WE ThInk.boUliaY- tomorrow, we reprint the tall, • thence South 61008' Weal 934 feet: 1- : 2-4-11~18 to echool hero In RUido~o for nine NO. 6301l tho 51. Jo~eph MillDlon on Feb. 7 S y D0-

lwort'LineOln irr:ket from th/t reat' On Gerwch calendnrn ot ample thence North 1000' Elllrt, 322 feet; CALL FOIt-BIDB yellrt\. Sho hall moved to Hondo. NOTICE OF BALE tor Arthur Comnnehe. nllO 37. who a, or ,

[nla' fonn of the rain to 'Ills trIen~ JelllC!. thence North 89058' West 1317.2 Sc:nl d bids Ul be We nro planning a clallll party, NoUco Is hereby Illven thtlt tho died at Me#clIlefQ on IIIllhwl1Y 70 I [ U th TRUTIIf

I ~ :;OI1).. lOlnl Into the "gathllTinl Undcr Fletcher Ranoom'lI dellCl1to feet to the PQint of beiint}1n£ the Bo~rd of ~tecaac:rl1tedvlr but an: uncortaln Dbout thll date. underalgned Speclnl Manter will on Feb. 2. Tho decea~ed III lIur- i bU pAiR to all cOllee.....'A~ UaeelJ1' brunb, contaIning 71),354 1ICfU, moro or logo.of Ruidoso Now' MOl e th- • • • On April 0, lOll!! nt 10:00 A. M. at vlved by his talher. Wllllllm Com- :I Will U b lid GOOD 't"rILL

I • ~ 'l1 S-...! ....&td New Salem livea alaln in dream. less, tOlether with aU improve- Municl ot BuDdin, I:' flO rJ ,e BuUcUnh An1ve the Wellt rront door of tho Lin· anche; several brothern lind aiD· • It B E~TEa UNDUI • ,._..... Ilke hmh;' mentl1 thereon. New i:fc i M 10 1,1 0 0, The School hUll received the coin County Court HoullIl. Carri· ter.; and hili grandmother, MI"lI. STANDING, •f 't "My friends; No ono nof In my Outllido thl! fog lltore ll1udlOUll Abe There 11 JUCrved and excepted 1'15 P ~e~to~. ~[Ch i 10:~f lit hOUlC3 they had _purehalled from %0%0, New Mexico, sell lit public Minnie Eclode. t. Wllt 1& be BENEnOlAL ..I: & altuaUon, ellO apprcelat1l my feel. we ~ee, from thlG arant, hoWever. and in Boo d'M • tin ~e 0 re.....llr lho Ito....emmcnt. They Ware lOt on auction to tho hi&hCJIt bldd~r for II "'~ • in, ot sadnesll at this parting. To Deeply en~ with book in the arantortl, their hdn and as- of ",0 to~w~i ~hl~: purehnu foundations they had made behind eanh all the right. title and Inter- Mbl Stella TlIOSle, Resl!rvoUon a eoncerni thlJ p1ac:e ~ tho Idndncu of shade of tree: licru the two (2) toUowinl tracts. One Fil1l Tr" • hI I the 4hop and the Hornet Ec buUd- tilt of Southwelltem Snoh and Door - Ruld H d V'-"f ~!!!' t

PClOPle, I owe everythln(. &I arbitrator picked In tealll of tolcther with aU improvements hleb and low ~~U:m 1\lI~7~ ingn. Thoy came with IOmo equip. Co.. In and to the tollowln" do- PENCIL SHAt'tPINIU - C.,hn ()IO.. on 0 -.ue,

tl ... nu" bate liYed a quarter of " llporl; thereon to-wJt: axl 111 I ~um a, mont In them whleb will bO lold ecrlbod real CItato sllunted and 10· "INr, ,cUI"I mlIchlne pa,.r, J •


century! and bave~ from l\ Arguln, J!Ctly QUo in SquIrt t'rac:e No. 1 ~Ith ~~~°dv~~ _~~gtbt 5 feet; Tho ono behind the Shop wiU ~ <:afro In Lincoln County, New rubMr .t.m,., pa,.r cll...., 'I" ROTARY CLUB~ '0 an old ~, Hlr. ~ Greon /I court; A tl'llct ot land lyins in the brak j" 1 l""- fa or, power used for a storo room MClXlco, to wit: folden, 'YINwrft.r rib••n., etc.,

fYJ ~ bave been born, at1d ODO To "littered villager'll PlWlng out Southwest comer and being" port mud~~:~~r speed rear eld; The bulldlng behind 'the 1I0me Lota 14 llnd 1!l In Block" In ~1.n.R;u;I;OO;;I;OO;N;;I.W;I;;;;;;;; ..·;"i·~·;·;·~·;·~·~·;·;·~.;.;.~.;.;.~I(."" ,_ . U bUrled. 1 now leave. not know.. mall, of SeclJon 21 TOWlU!llpU SOuth. " d'" f tfI I reJl on rror: co or Eo Collage ill the I! b d tho Whllo Mountllin Ueights ,

__'- in( "'ben or whether ever 1 may U!ndinl mWUllInCln on Bin c Ie RAnce 14 Eat, N.M.P.M.. and r:we; 0c:;:abl~ en~ Sl10;,ndIho~ Monday Mr. GooeC ~l.:ntherre~ Subdlvlnlon. RuldOllO. Lincolnr ,. ruoro particularly d~1bed IllI tol· Ruld N MO pr uc ng ot • I County New Mexleo. II lo~ to-wit: 7J:>oO;:;U. ew exlco (E1eVlltlon . CALL FOa BmS SaId aaio will be made pun;uont

r\, SoBe,I:n at Q point wblch b the 500 rPm' minimum at 120 Ib I Senlcd bldG will be aeccptcd by to n dC{ree or foreelollure entered

!,. uthWflIt comer ot SeetJon 21, mini um low tnt . Pll tho Board of Trullt~ of the VI1- on JanlTory 31, 1055 tn the above;

II~~nsNbIP 11 South. ",!l8Z1P 14 roo I~ p!l1 mlnf~wrci rP~r: lORe of RuldotO. New Mexlc:o ot entitled lind numbered CIlUlle be-I!

Lin-.. .M.P.1tL; thencCl 4.0rth 0010' PI'CSiW'Cl' • the Munielpal Building In Ruidoso! tnll a COl\!lolldation of Lincoln

I ~.. ,coin County ~t 7JUSfeet to a poinl; thence WIth 'the {oUowln.a additfonal NlIW Ml.!xleo, on Feb. 24, 1055 at County Dilltrlct Court t'ousell num.,' GARAGE and CAFE

~ Q\J..th 890 l' Eoat 159.6 fcet to a equIpment. 7:1& P. M. at the tline of rt'gulor bercd G207. G208, G200. GSOO and..... point; thence South .4031' Eut 400 ~U~fl tank 4/1001 co art Board MeeUng, tor the pureho.so 6305 which were suilll to forec1011~'1 nOME OF CONOCO MOTOR Ft1ELIJ

Checkerboard News~r~,t~t to 4 point: thence South menf in C'(lar (mote size 0mP

bid) of the followIng vebJcle: mechnnlc l~anll. and In which re· , mlJJJWAY 70 HOLLYWOOD N lLthO..... East 20Ul teet to n SlOint; 2-PowCt' boolller reels W/~OO' ,One new, 2 ton Chevrolet Truck, spccUve Intervenors Joined to fore·' , ,

enee Soutb 114!)12' Eut l~.G foot ~.H lC 1000 lb. tClllt hOlle each r. opproxlmlltely 1GO lot'h wheel clOlle Judgment I1el\!l. --:-.~--_ ..- --- - - - -.-. ~--_._-t78 ~Int; thenee South. 1018' West tog nottle&. Recla mounted toprec i blUt', cab nnd chassl. ol11y, 6 cyJ. Procceda of aale will be applied ••••• Ii•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••

. h ..... a~5lrteotw to.a poOint: th.ence North tank Immediately beblnd c:ob l~ IndCt' motor. dngle low ftPeedrearlnthetollowlnnordet.towlt:..r ~,J;'.y1J B. Hlcb esl ..40.0 teet to thO point and riaht !Idell U ~ , end, flnh pll'ltell. booster brokCt, a. COlllll ot l\lIle. expenee of tho • VALENTINES •.. . and place..ot beginnlng. conbdntn'l tank behind recta ~IO' J~~ oU fllter, 1111' e1enner, overload Special MlllIler, nnd all cur· I. •

in nll 7.... tu:rcs. more Clr I~. hard' ct1 b ~I t in d Gpringa, 0.25-20 Uru rear nnd rent taxeD due. !. •l..INCOLN COUNTY FEED 'rratt No.2. moun~ I C?nLo Ojf f-tD er on llpnt'C, 7.ll0·20 front tires. Sllller to b. $2 I!lO 50 to the holdero of ,. •

f"'J:. stnnU tract C)r pl1tCCf ot Innd· red blink; ti~tn"k!o~"\~~t~ !ltnte motor llPeclllcatlonrr. SClltlr to the mechnnl~ BenD l'ctng •. Valenllne Cards •...,..D" in and being n part of tho • tight, to mo iiit. M t'l t 1 llt1;lte dl!livory datt!-Otld atl bldll foreclosed In tht' oforl'llllld • •Warm Water em >. Norr~Qu~ ~nmr(-.ntf~..Jtle North- l1round' gnnd ~1s side: lI;de:O\~~ contingent on dcl!very dote. C:llUSPll, plUG $2UO Intert'St I· Mis. Saylor'. Candles •.. IJeaUh Hint" 'Wd "'.. .,""74"' ... U'itnnSec- rear l:"'FI tlX I Id AU bldg llubject to trnde in of at 8>;, tram January 31. • •. . Feed BID r4on~, ~rsh!t'I n South. ge (L ~r R). 'f-40~ ~t~I:: t~ a 1040 l~ ton truek Ies:g hydraulic 1l1!l5to April O. ItlSS $210150,. Valentine Gift Ideas •

It's cheaper to Ute eledr1clty N thot thlcb bo to LP.M.. and more ptU'- llIdd~ alumInum R /llde mount dump bcd. c. S2000,OO to the Southwest- :. •.......1 ttl On to Wllrm water '--"0"': _.? it' oed we lito ut to Ueuhtit

• ly dCl:Clibed III toUows, tQ...'l-Pike polo 'aluminum 10; The Board ot Trtl!lteell of tbtl ern Slish milt Door Co.. ,.. COO K' S LOG CABIN·r-' drink ~ .., a"he, a n g ...cu com- W • 2-ha dl ,Vlllnge or nuldoso reserve the plU'1 S2297 mtert'St ot G'~ , •f::f b art.e1\t!bi:l: tel !lX!ds do pletely flllJl1tl%e the brooder house, BegIn at n poinf wblch III the lr~~nl. a~ I~~w/mountll. rIght to reJcct llny or otl bidll ond from January 31. 1055 10 ;. •Thnt~ why it ~ tu~~r:' "{e hovers, foollltll, wlltm!m nnd Northwest c:orner of the Northell!Jt 'In ltoid'0C::1o:,:'Noe4 c':;lgf~tedIto woive llny forirmtity. • April 11. lOS5 $2022.97 ': rrflprtelU'J' and Bandrie. •ml!tJcllecll; Wakr!aJlkh~ti.!tlInr:; ~~~uiM;r:l~~ n lUlluUon of Qu(NE~../lMh)e~~w~~arter. cowL l.esg: Siren. ibfn BlInkO:: Any further intormtition dC-\llred I d, SI7111i~ toplrl C' Dl'llord. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:to b(! they' in' ood .......,"'" ...."'..cn -i ..own-,Llght· ill I board' tl regarding spCt'JfIcctiollll or bid mllY plu!l ~20a Intl'rt'St trom -----.... . ' .- ~.,-_. . - ----Inlt crd~Ctlwll~t

uu:::d Use Purnin Chek-R-Tlloo fo tlln- f.~'p~ SQutht Range 4 Eas~ I Make'n~d :;a,:j~tgt truek :::m~fs" bI! received at the Office of the I Jllnu'lry 31. HIS:; to April &••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

part ot U:eJ".,teed l1Il "fuel" fA) Ithe b:lby chteks' drinking wnter. ""~~ 21:-.0; ,theMe South lllJ.,53 , and ()f ott additional cqUI.....,ent·' Clerk ot the Municipal Bul1dlng In : 9, 1955 ' . $100,55 • ;llttn I~ t I .__ 1 Complete direclla~ on Ute lahcl. ~\ 2 eel fo a point: thence itb d dd ""b", RuJdllSl). New Mrxtro. e. Any surpt". If ..n remaln- • •

W CO ;a wa er. f WlllCT Is eo d, Ask for Purina Dlalnfectant and South 54cS' East 20UI f(!(!t to tI e er request!! • o~ il l!d by ld· Bo.1rd of Trulltl!t'll , Inu. pro rat.. to Cll1nll ant! • TRUG AS~~dgnro'dg~enough for mnx~ Chek-n..TaM before you get your poInt: thence South GleS' West toe;;. m~t bl!dspce~ll'd on ~Id. Pho- I Village of RUidoso. N. M. 1 Hall nod Ol'o"" E Peter- : :chicks. 433.7 tc-et to a POint; thtnce North I :m atld 0111 row It mus oec01n- Attest: ' llnll PlYWOOd ("0. • •

Belter Eggs From W Ot>25' rnal 328.'1 feet to the point i iinlerwtitef'll~~~~~r;;::IW::~ L. F. Dryden. Clerk : (0 I Dan 5 ... eannal" • •afcb 'Em G1'OW! rod3f~ of beginning, contaJning •«ona. ond Tful'k wiU be required 'Seol) n' Sp::C'101 MLlst"r ' • .Loonard Surginer, Owner •YOUJ1g Hens n n . acres. more or Iesg. ! to J):ulS Underwriters testa ot R 1_ 2-4-11 • 2-II-t,,-2;,: 3-4 !. •

• Come in llnd see our dis...l y f Sale sublcct to purchaser ae-Id N M 0 u --' -~-- --.------' .• • P B·, , Oid hats ;just don't hnve Il sturdy. \'igol'OUll baby ~htC:S, (!(!pting alllJabflfty of mainfuining oso, ew (oxlco: de1lvory I'IC- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••011 ••• • . ropane utane •! J~ cluu:Ice. al¢1nSt pullets when it We're starting them off on Purlnll of iJle ditch and l\lIvlnlt the va.. ,ceplable only after l\lIUSfllCtOry • •

<'Om~ to layln~ top quaUiY eggs. Chick Sfurte1'la Checker.Etts. Wa- lage ot Ruidoso hannteS!l from test. ... "TOTfeE OF ELECTION • •I·; SUf\Feyll show that more AA grade fer Is smdt1zed wllh Purina Chek- mnlnlalnlng of dJteh now and In The ViIIl1!!e of RUIdoso resCTVes 11 i • Homo Owned and Operated •I ' 1.:U::'ftl~ll~e~:o~n::~}~ R-TnbS. Drop in otten fo see their th~~ORE,all of Illlid parcel' ~d "lt~~rv:i~~~nr/(.~~all blrls ~ Dial 2193-RuIdoso :t . 1itJ)' othei' nae group, progress, of realty wll1 be offered for sale Any further information desired '1 •

, JI T(>sfd shnw 'thilt the jlt!reenta~(I '1:."_-'", Chicks .. _.... at pub1tc venduc nt the Cfty HaU, retardIng specifi;;;t!ons may be re- To elect a comm:.tee man and alt"'l'naf'" .!%.If••••••••••••••••• ct•••••••••••••••l, 01 AA t.tri'tde el®/ from iJ ben un. ~..." ~ Ruldos(). New Mexico, on the 18th ce ved from the Ire Chief or AJlst. u. '" '" -t+"""~. . .-'.~ . <fer on.~ ye'lr old runS' aboUt 87'Y,: Going Out "Eo Farms day of MlIrcb, 1955, at 10 n. m.. ~Ire Chl!:'f of thl! Vrt1llge of Rul· County Road P]annl·ng Comml·& fo" An-' .......,~. tor D h!:'n 12 to 15 monthS, 72':~' to highest biddl't for ctlSh, or in 0110. 13 .u '" .. IUl PI P o., ior\lrtll lC. to 18tnorrthg.l'lt~;and Durintt Uto past week to 10 days lieu of cash not l~s than 1I3rd of vrt~eOfTR:lfllo gug.A1lo.Ruidoso dlstticl No.4 and to dis. E astic ipe ex Fitiingsj > -torti bird lB16'21 months old, ottIy we've delivered rn6ft! babY ehlctw the purehase prlco to. be paid in Attest: (l ~ I i Plastic Hose, Tr"'nsparent o. Regular~ 4I).i. to t01l:s In our COUJity cash, and the remainder to draW' L F D d ,... k I tUBS "0'"_&y road 1m" VA t f .hi . .. exi '.. . You'll hear some "P-ee~in'" lit interest at 6% per annum from .(SEAL' ry en, ".er ,. ... LUU. pro ~men s or ~ S I

} .~';a-. p' it... t.l'lclO; tit the Leo Snlcido latrt1 at . eqlJlll instnl1mentll over II -- . . I district. ;I , .wxuil 1'0lu ,S:m Putr1d()-:nnd Mrll. A. It, periOd of 5 Yl!al'll, seeured by firstI AU residents of thiB atea are requosted toj , DO& th~ extra irlcome oj' one Fowiert down· at Creen Tree, hilS a~iI Ptlo~ !ll°rgaae on the prop· H0l',. -complete' lil':UUon mtercst you? some ~( them, too. e y ry~ ase • wIlh usual defllult attend.. 'l ~; Ot toUTle. Jt doe. Com(!' 'in oM talk baby ·ch!cks proVil;lc . • 'l~ -• "Many aaltyti'i{in tire now . «It. next Ume YOU're ib town. NOW'll a. Th~ VUlllge ot Ruidoso reserves I W .

tlilg1in Cjtti'lllilctatIon 6h tllo ~t- gbOJ0.9. Uma. to _Order your qUamy ~~dr~t~r:J::~rluflo:J1~~w' Is the Time fo Municipal Building, R~'ilo~o I Cal" .inll ... Call' and Heller .PtogmlIl. C ""Sf so jbtiJi wm ftlme into Jj1'06 M I ' , , - If,;.... ~

'J'~ Xr:owtb makes ftt!llhciildj(' ductiofi next fall whIte ~gg prices exr retJIU'e5 thl1 tlf1:ttowliive Select Your ~=u: .lind practIcal ot 22-24 ut'~:WJjl!'te Purina Chick SWrM ~~ ~fthe n~~:est:tt~ =t . F L 25' 1955 'ltokteIn he1t~ in D. n. t, k Imu»fuf~IP~Ukh101t.Mote~an ~~ ~~~r:,~~f :C~of~~d: FRUIT TREES .euruary , HIiRRIS BUILDERS SUPPLYr .rI ~ne stale that c:ah.-E!d llt .~. ~ t' ~~Yergr ullye will btl received from any ~n H .

< . . la... monthS of a~ ptoduced ~i!ck"'''-Etts =n~~" _, tattena .on any or aU of 8Uch tntct. No.s 730 P'M'" • ". j , M,. r \ly,erligll of 1,920 IbS. of fat to big: hU;kv hI~tt;.1f."fMOV /tlOw waleI.' rights are llpputtenatit to '......aill.l- : ..' "....oeer e, - eat,~:N~o~g~~~ha~~ Purina Sfu:i~~r..Etfs~ flY ot the trllctlt. PUlthliSets mlliltI STRAW'BHRRY _ • ~p~Watfl • Notiim.

f· t~'l1lO l8tltids while. thOS: cl11v1ng give 12'1.. fa$ttt' growtft tfiillj.ll1)' ~um~~b'a~h~amount ot cash •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ .• at, .w••• , ,', ,•••o~ ~~~~, ,., ,; " . I " ;~2 _ S2 is .iP

~< ~ em Slartena. .reJ'lro~ have ftpOi:tM 1II0fte3"'lIaYitlit ad- A'lTJ'$r~P. $wellriDgln. M.yOt' •~.,Qf.ge", ..~~tna ~1f PrO.. 1f.ttfi~ froM Mkro-MIXl!dlltu-, L.~ :th',ydep, vntate crm:

~ ~hl~u~J'1~'~~r:~ Utl~ ec:k.et.J:I". .. .. }~t, 'I,' ·'f.-·k;" .." ,., n, We oUeryouth.hud!.. " YrJ'"'. Y:hf....,... ,.__g.~ff....l1.~. _·~~=t\!lilH<incmthSUlt t..:tNCOtNcOl.'J'.N'rY' . '. ~\l1 S1Jt ' • ,loeb and til. fln.. ,."a=.uaplQ1T,u"~~~~~.i:WUFun·

"".*"%f-"" ............. 01 time$. at !be Re- .~ ", : ,A-" ..... ' ."Jr~~#" '-'VUIIliO'at- UIQ.. ....nfilWv

..~t"""";thi iwitch to bile .~ .,. "....~ . . i!iN' 4"~ . •·..t ptodUte"" . . ... '. '. .~..J"'." "'.~:',H.. . ¥to

f..~·s:ta~·Itfrift1' al'O'ti~ Ho11~R.. U' ~N •~, .,. 'W,.," ,·•...S·.. ,·.,t,·,'',AMP".'" ,','B"'E"',fL'.·.'... JOJnJRQe J.IQ-» ." ~il\i!t_~thii'd,.,',,~",' ""'~ ..~ '.... ·7 , '. ~.',., ...~~... '...~d.~'.,v...,"..." '.. '. . ."..

.~'It""''''''''''''''_''''' ' .' ,_: ~ "'VJuIoA",,",,"~.... " . , , , . . ,. , ' '- . I< .,.'rU 1::A..., ..:u"'.' ,.'" .Iln ',,,al'.~, .·y-.lt6It-~ u;Oto.hY .~. -~~:=~~;~~~ .."" ...~~.~-.,~~:, '":" ..:'.' ,' ....' . .' , '

'[J ,"

I .L., ,1\., I

) I'II

Page 6: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr








• •

BuildingRemodeling'Construction .

Y.ar rlt. tall be~~ I ... ·thO IIomo

0l' ...ethJJs.f I.. Jaer aJeae.·••

There are IIWI, bea.UIaI IIlI4 uehl Jdeu•

eo pJek frem ID ftI' 'i.cere.

• ' ,1


AppUancel - Hardware - GifisPOIfofftce Bloek Ruidoso

, '

" ,



" -'.. ' '

j 2dUb b


..II •

. -'

II •

• •

. ,:.-". '," ... ...'... ,...

'CCrlIU [J~0J. L - ~.oo~


• .,,1 ,,~ 1 Ii ; p* < t,_ .=. ." 1 .

~J J. '," .HIS 'I au " ;: ; SI I I


DOZQ WOalt -, ALL JaNDS OFEXO....V....TlNG CKt1,mmoMvn


FREE ESTIMATE ON JOBS· P. O. Box 235. Hollywood, N. M.

Phone 4045 J. B. CLOSE




. '

t. . ,



" .


.., ,"


To Those Prepmi1(f To




I. can • fnenl!. and noUb hIm.w)m'e ,.Ii w&,b .. uyothe renull1.l .en&, a. U II a ft1&Uef'.r'reeO(d thaI • hlIbpereentaJe of II,," are raule' b, t.td- ~"" praetlee.•

2. NolIl, &bOlO In adJolnJnr room. of "Otll' lIltmUon 01 en·dan«J1ll&' theIr Ivln. ao &ba' t1lo, ~, ...lto neefllll'1,re~.ulJon. eo proCfeI themselvel. ..

3. Look around for IIlc nCDrn' wIndow, ao that It :ro. arefonunate enourll to "rape. ,OU ml, reach Aleh'.

•• N.w .11 dOW'J and thInk how foblbh Ii'll lor :rou to "'ltotho rlllk - 0101 rna)' ellJo)' "our Imolte while U1Jnklll&'It over.


While in Ruidoso Be Sure to Visit~FOX CAVE

New KuSW. II... VAile.. c.c. .II GIft ..,

N1be MUM East of Btdcbo





'II". ..,un


• • •



BankB}' Mail

By buylng your car. from your hom..towndealer . • • Thl. hu been proven

Ilme alter time.


You, m.ulman b"com... your banker when you UIlO

Fir.' Nntlollal. "Bnnk by Mail" plan Mall u. you'

,j"p".," w.. ,,,'urn ,,, .. duplira'" dl!!p".'l .lip. Can.

Int CheYrotet I·~r. healerliS. Cbr"""el .·d..r. radio " braler .••III. 0l...,....1cl I" ••,_. rad" " healer.

h7.rNUUo drtn . _'lUIIIU r.,....LIt I· r. ,...... ItNler . IU'I11I1 1'I,,-.-LIt. •• r. rad" " haler HHII" CIlrr..... e·._. rad.. " IsMIer • ""II., P",UM 8latloll War.. •• . 'I"I'" ., ~ 'IU

Remember. oW' firm 11 an AUTHORIZEDC~.rolet and OldsmobU. Dulenhlp

On Thls Hamllton AutomallcCLOTHES DRYER

W~s$246.95 NOW ftOO.OOSAVE



....... Ull-Wn' ., , ..... _~ tI

Phon. 481 TulUOA. N. Mex.


I Open 11 a. m. to 9 p. IDe -. Closed Mondara




Was $399.00 NOW 5300.00WE SEU AND INSTALL

Th... w.n Known Branda ofGas &Electric Appliances

CoDJte11atIon Deep FreutRhMml Warrior Hot Watu Htat-.

AU TfP" of Panel Ita, H....All Typ.- of Dearborn~,.Wtd~wood au~,

Maglc Chef GIJI~,Call 67·04 CoUtctFOt,~

ANYWHERE IN lJHCOLN· COlJH'ttAtmVl" .... "" .. ' . ..CINl'IY .

KEETH ,:' :, 5 CD.PRopANE uctrsuTANI ...

Pho.ll '025 ' •.. , ..... ' "',.'a~

For Convenience

,~ ',', - .,

,., ,



......•''.''!lii'!i:l."~'.'>.•' lI!I'....~'·iilI··.... 1iIi"'" ,,~, ',' " "', "W"iJIii''.'IIi!'iii"·N.!I!I!",." .. ,~\

II 1.1,,\'1•• 1, .. ,1 11\'1"'" Ilnm.. In_lIlullon"

M ..".h..,·f,..j,.,nl r>..po••, Inoufance (,orporllticm I' CLARKE INSURANCE AGENCYI i EZELL fiA Y BILLIE

~ _ . . ._. I PIIonD !U5 a,II'OIO•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i YOU CAN SAVE ~I' •.!'••• ~.!~!I~•• IJ}!~'!!~,.~!!••,.!I!!!!!!~!I!i!!.'!-~ ~


'". .' . ' ~ '

'." .,~~~~-~~~i~·it~ •.~~!~~;~~~_~::-',~~j_~1Ii i~ .~.tx.t ..1_~'h'U'e;i;IU;_j~ !X~'_li.l QiJtJ"'~ "l1Hn'to,!*, It{'I..J..W~.,.::J...411I.,~AW!l..,:'~.,$'I't ~~,~~- ._.-. -,

<, ;

".j "


.j ,


.J ,;A, !! !,



Page 7: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr

,. ,',


'. :



'"The Plum)er"



...·.phono 2375


One of the out.ltandJn. bame. iDIJ,uJdoio toPther with Ito KfOI atland. .

Loc:ated In RuJdOlo, and butx.oen Il c:ol\!llltant rnooey maker.Thl. will bear lnJpc:cUon.


• v (it ,~

~ C~t1oI\ atQCk an' trWtranc:b near RuidOlO, well ln1P'*!.located on pavement. Prlc:ed rltbt.~

"CARRIZO CANYON loti,priced to "II. See me todaytor your choice. I hue 10taIn In03t any pllrt at RuldOIOthai you mlllht want, pricedtram $700.00 up.

For a IImall amount clln actin &rocer)' bualnOSll.

, .,SH Oul' RUIdoso Saluman, Low.u Morgan

, Fot FOfdP ng.rCut, P1ck.U~tTnac:bt1~ 0 , 1'1ck-Upa aDd Tl'ueb

Dial 3805


Will TrUeD.vP~ ih Carllbad. torRuldOlo property. alao prop.crt)' in other tOWDl to tradetQr Rutd~ p:oper\)'.!IIvo 7 acros $1800.00. Smalldown payment. -17 Acm $2100.00.



Cyrus J. Leland

• Night Phone 3793RuIdoso, ~.w Mexico•.,

. ' .,;.. ,

(ri';' ." .<r ~'''C''-V~:h >Ys,.*. 7' .~ 2t nr T /' Itt( p( - ·stFtOf' '.. Nt· ,",. ,'- ."~·Y-' cr'-'t Pi< .."BCTr ! 'ailllll'1111""ill-'ill.,..··iliI'.,....( )liIr~.'a";; - rt r :-" .,~,. ,"-'-





WelJ located Court, "ven rentalunIta tumllhed. Haa plmty roomtor moro unlu. ThlJ II locatld onriver. Abo 00 PllVflncnt. 'UI.OOO.oo

Re«ntly eOrIJtructed .matl cab­In In the pines. on load ~d, H11Ifurnished. lIGOO.OO.

'Ono at the ouutondln« home­In Oateway IIrea.

PAUL H. DOUGLASSREAL ESTATE -W-A-N-T";"E";"D-=;;n';;;u;';;;tc:;;;;;he;';;;r=to=;;'rk at

In POll Office Block M~lllero Storo. would prater.... Two bedroom Inlmo ovorlookin. Bus. Pho. 3005 Ru. 2365 olnlllo man or man hllvlOil II trall-Cott Club. It hal ovorythln. )'OU cr. InqUlro lit the _taro. 2tp

aro looking tor. location c:an', be ~========~===~~~~~~~~~FOn SALE-OxI2 rua Illl: .tudJobeat. I ROYAL TYI'E\Varrn8 rout'h $20; bedroom Guile $511.50'

SALES AND SERVICE-AU ""- wradrooo $20; bab)' blUIlnoU',powrUen ad au ..- $3.50; hlRh c:halr $8.60; c:hl!5t ofehlll",.•~ .r AlIle4 II.· drawen .' to S25J odd choirs I.Inea. MaoIl.taei 0 U' N. IUel!. ~ $lI.~' 11Ims» $2.1>0 up; children'.ardMa. .MWeIL I'btt. Hn·W.... chain $1.50 eac:h: \I pIece lIvm.eall It.14... Hewa. Ub room Ilullo SUI; Apac:ho Furnlturt\

PUBLISHER WAH'l"ED---For ne. Dial 2835. ItcIIOnp, with new .Iant, tried and TO TRADE-Yor RUidoso prop­provCln . popular bc!toro audlmCtlf ortY, a plellUnt 3 bedroom homeof 411 kind#. For turther dotalll locotrd In CArbbod. ThIlJ :t% yearwrite Box N, e·o RuidOSO HIlW.. old dwolllnil hnJ II carport. .toro­, ----••--. ~.- -" room. central M:ttln. and \I 10­'LAY CANASTA? Yeil Ire 'nYllet coted ncar grade cchool lind Web

t. "rlnt y.vr ewn flvrllfM••' cchooL The ownctr will trodo torcome Ity y.u.....,. t. ,la, unll'. rClIldenC'(!. In('omo propc!rty or c:ab­~nday al'.m..n. at till Wem In., Phone or write MD. MII)'mOan. c1lt1t h.u.... tI Lou nClIty at Jim Snell ROllI r..­

WOMEN WANTKD-MlI~t~ totc. (lOO S. MAIn. Phone 6088. no..­money. Addrcu. mallpolltc:nrdll~~~lIpore time avery wet'k. Wrlto Dox JFourte(!n. Delmont. Moll.G. 31p II your drink II a pleuure-•-- ._- -, . - - that'. your bUllne...

FINISII HIon SCHOOL or Cndo , 11 your drlnkln, II 11 pro\)lemSchool at home llPoro tlmo. Books. -that'jI OUr bu#lneu.fumlJhcd. Dlplomll aWllrdect. Stori For Q eontidentllll talk with awhero )'ou lett cchool. Wrlto Col· memoor ealt 3035 or writoumbin 5ehoolJ Box 1433. Albu- Box M. 1I011ywood.~~~_ ., ..2.:~1·50 IItvld..H.1Iyweed.SPECIAL TUSSY SALE-T\1JllIy'lI O....n T.... 0....." .f

8TAltT A SAVlN08 ACCOUNT I Pink C1t'arulnJ( Crcnm. roaulnr $2 Alcoholics::;;:~~;;;;=;;;;:=~ AT lttJlDOSO STATE IIANK I vnlue, $1; Trnay'o EmulJllfled~. _"'b~. , Clean~lnll.Cronm.l'l'u $2 value. $1;; Anonymous

BEN ROY ~ --, _. ----. TIIJllIy 9 Skin lAtlon. 1'l'1%. $1.75\FOR SALE - Alrfloat Zephyr value, $1- Tul\Sy'll Dry Skin Frt.'nh. ~.'I"", IVlry Sunllay mornlnt

J N 8 U Il A NO E ,TI'llUer Holl.!l(!, 20-foot. lll~pg 4 "n('t. rep" $1.75 value. $1; IImiit'd al ••:31.~~f·~lf" s:.tsanu.or.T A X S E It V lOS Ipeople, electric rolrJeerntor. bu-: time only. Dake';. 1>tlarm~Y.:.....2..lc =====u=:c=n::Y::;,:,===

Dox IliO Ruldl1S'a, H. M. lahe ranae and healer. bulano VEl VA.SPRAY ZEOLITE P IOW UU· tank. nood tires. Thomp::on Ser-, • or -

~~~~~~=~~~~ vice SUI.. Hollywood.' j nble water softc:ner with rt\ll&!l311t'- ~----==- --- ~_.__ shampoo head. A compact waterWe Give S. & H. FOR nENT-eablllJl. with,· ont sortl'l1lng gystcm for >;our home

G S.two. IhN't' or four h<>ds. bv thO' for only $4,05. BlIl'kner IIreen taDlpS g Imonth, YQlJa~•. I~lIld:. PJ:,0:.445t .tt WANTEJ>. -SOO pt''Jple to' ·cal

ROY PIOR'S Fon SALE-I .'err.ey milk (,'Ow. J~hnny MOOOltl dinner at Mar~at-

Iwith 3 mo. old calt. both for cl 0 Cafe S3lurdny. Feb. IlJ. a to....exaco Sf-&ton $tOll.oo. Al!lo It slightly m:cd wind 9 p. m.• plate;g 75c and GOt', Junior~. _~ "mlU S3/i.OlJ. Theo. S. Pcna. OIen-; Clllll!l. 2te:,====:;;.;:.-=;:=:==':..':-:. cae, N. M. Itp WANTF.O'':: R('ii~I;lc ~vo;;~~ ';:'

ERNEST WOO0 noo" liAiCiiES-FI';eU'Une;' h.,by GIt. will furnl!lh menls. canbook InAuht'S til Ameria. With! live In how::t'. or m111 come and go

P L U M BIN G' d4udud dethrh'k sindt' or don· , 0!;lllTellu)ar Gt'hcdule. 1>101 2MI orblt' silt'. Ailme \\flh art wnrk. o. 2a53. Itp

CONTRACTOR" wrIte )'ollr owtI top,. Call Rul '. .. .. .... ,. • Ern' ,.. • .__ _ _ , "

Box Itro ltu/dOlO, N. M. dlJ!lo New. and ulesman will -- _. • •••••••••••••••••DIal 3'91 tall with ..mpl1's. ttl METAL WORK IalDJBER RUIDOSO C. OF C. MESCALERO

~~=.- - !=:;:.- -----.., ..... ~

I ,. •. Outten. Chlmn.., Top,. Tanb I INDIAN AGENCYA. C. KELLEY All Sh..", Mdal \Vorlc -AT-

noo~lc:::e~~~~~VORK I LACEY i TribaJ Wood YardRuidoso. Hew IItexlco .'oUed Plalit!! • Coru,es i SHEET METAL SHOP :,. DIal 4155 Cut FTowI"rs • H

Flower, tor natlqiletlt. C'ontacot Jo(' lIawklnll aI, 8SAnl1l\-el'llarlr. R"d G C ' J 1 d Oak1101111')'11 ot An,. OCt'llllon UI 01;0 as O. I un por an

I'J10Ilts 3285 tJt 2135; Dllli 430:1 I ...-.0-110)11\\10011. N. l'IL _-" ". - i 2 FOaOX' LDrGTnS

---:".....,...-_ --....-... ' -..1· $13,00W:&'UI ... T.l;w::~":'~"A-#:..e:1;::;;:t:;;;,:.,..:..... ...~:7~ I

Pho. 2495 Rutd()!o I When You Nefd To 4 FOOTt£NOTU8.. ItEASONABLY JinICEn : 'l\I~kll A lIurrlcd Trip - S11.00HARTELEC1RIC; -CONTA~-

'7 I ._ ,_. .

Contfrtd Oitt;h 'York IMACHtN£ DIGGINC

By F'()()tf By Hour, By YllrdFoundation. DUB

JOr: HAWKINSbJaJ 2935 or 4303 •

f ' ~UCE2WoOD

•.,""<~.' _'_' __~~."_•..:.w."."";l ,~•. ;\.... );w". i' "i .,.!

And a Hostof Fine





, .•

. ,









sales and Servicel302t 6GB, Phone se

. Alamogordo, New MexleoLEECRAWFOEU>, SalesmaJL. Green Tr.e

,) .


ll;' /I; ~ ...


AND nol'DTJ' EXClIANGB8••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

, We love thE!n1 when they're happy,We love them when they're sad,We lave 'em; when theyire joking,,And:we Iovethe1l1 when they're mad.We lo~e them when they;re quiet;

.,~e love them w~entheY'reta1ldrtg

. ,We'love theni when tney,1re 8tUl;'. 'W4:t'10ve th~n1 when they're wlJIking.

:.:Sut":"'most o£.all, we love them'When.,Tltey'i'eshoppmg~ looking and"bl,tyWg'0; .. ~•. ....., .' rOURC,USTOMBRS . !

BE,OUR V~ttriNE" , ' '. ,,'1., "

'+, ". _"'. ,~ J""

'ex Mercaltle .,w. GIve 5&H Creen StallNl: '..!.~.H_.............;.....t

'""'-.;~ ;,'_-'~ it ,'-, .. ., . >'


.By Eller, American Standard, Kehlerand Crane

lthttem, Water HAiera

SidCourvellePlumbIng llepalra and InItallatlona

TRY HIS EASY PAYMENT PLANlto 36 Months. to Pay

. 'PaymE!nts to Meet Your B<~dgetNO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED

- ~A lUllDOSO C. Of Co liBONE JIU..•....~.....~......•..............~. ·,~~;;~~~;;~==~~~~==~~~~~~a


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Page 8: Aarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Visiting the Cad : system, he added. . fire '1 es t bl d to h e cert at 7130 p. m.• Corona, Carrl~ DeBords last week-end were Mr

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Hunll • 46 oz. CaD

TOMATOJUICE • 17cHunt. Each


··TOMATO SOUP · 25c. 3 For

· · · · 25cWhite Swan 11ze300 can 2 CIIJ1I

Blackeyed PEAS • 25cF. F. V. Assorted Flavon Each



49c2 Cans



· 5cPound

· 5cJ


All Meat











Ground 'Beef 3Pounds .' .$1__________- ...... ...r __.. ....


W. Relerve the Right to Limit QuantIt1eI7


Pueblo Theater







. '


•. .

Phone DIal 3925

. "


Rig~t -On. Th. Corner Right On Th. Pric.

•. ,

.. "


" . it

' ..~t- _,' ".::~;..1"-;,,-_,"!I' ......,"~, '-r:"'.! t' ...'"'-~

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~: . '''~'''''' . _.,_~ .. .,,<., ... ,'" - ~ "'0',. .., .~" ••w. .....,~~'V'- .. 't"',."~ " .·,t;~~'-"'<-;t -1' ~;~~,,;s.,,*,"(,:;,,"¥~' .. ~,"~......~"';~--.'~ ~.,..,. ~"'.'


nOllOrrlrfl ()P~IUI II:U p. m. Week-Da)'.and % p. m. Salvr'a, and Rllnila,

BUNDAY . MONDAY TUES.· WED•• THURS.Randolph Bcott Sterling Hayden

" -10- Phyllis KIrk

--. The Bounty "c · -In-W ;~-' Hunter" nme ave

PIIIII 8e1NIe' 8M" 8.lIJocCIPI.. Newa It O&l1Mll * * *


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