Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Brief background of the Programme Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the objective to provide all-weather road connectivity to all eligible unconnected habitations, existing in the Core Network, in rural areas of country. The programme envisages connecting all eligible unconnected habitations with a population of 500 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in plain areas and 250 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in Special Category States (namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,Tripura Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand) the Desert Areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme), the Tribal (Schedule-V) areas and selected Tribal and Backward Districts (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission). The PMGSY permits Upgradation (to prescribed standards) of the existing rural roads in those districts where all the eligible habitations of the designated population size have been provided all weather road connectivity. PMGSY-II PMGSY-II has been launched to consolidate the existing rural road network. It would cover upgradation of existing selected rural roads based on a criterion to make the rural road-network vibrant and improve its overall efficiency. It is proposed to cover during the 12th five year plan period, overall 50,000 km road length by upgradation at an estimated cost of Rs.33,030 crore (at 2012-13 prices). The cost will be shared between the Centre and States/UTs on 75:25 for the Plain Areas and 90:10 basis for the Special Areas. Activities/Functions of Rural Connectivity (RC) Division

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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)

Brief background of the Programme

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the objective to provide all-weather road connectivity to all eligible unconnected habitations, existing in the Core Network, in rural areas of country. The programme envisages connecting all eligible unconnected habitations with a population of 500 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in plain areas and 250 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in Special Category States (namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,Tripura Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand) the Desert Areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme), the Tribal (Schedule-V) areas and selected Tribal and Backward Districts (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission). The PMGSY permits Upgradation (to prescribed standards) of the existing rural roads in those districts where all the eligible habitations of the designated population size have been provided all weather road connectivity.

PMGSY-IIPMGSY-II has been launched to consolidate the existing rural road network. It would cover upgradation of existing selected

rural roads based on a criterion to make the rural road-network vibrant and improve its overall efficiency. It is proposed to cover during the 12th five year plan period, overall 50,000 km road length by upgradation at an estimated cost of Rs.33,030 crore (at 2012-13 prices). The cost will be shared between the Centre and States/UTs on 75:25 for the Plain Areas and 90:10 basis for the Special Areas.

Activities/Functions of Rural Connectivity (RC) Division

1. To frame appropriate policy and sanction of projects for providing rural road connectivity.2. To interact with State Governments and other stakeholders with a view to take concerted action for effective and meaningful

implementation of PMGSY.3. Ensuring sufficient budgetary support for implementation of PMGSY. 4. Holding periodic review of implementation of PMGSY.5. Financial assistance to the National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), who is responsible for providing

technical support to the programme.

Implementation by States

‘Rural roads’ is a State subject and the works under PMGSY are executed through State Governments. Under PMGSY, the unit of programme is a habitation. A habitation is a cluster of population, living in an area, the location of which does not change over time. Desam, Dhanis, Tolas, Majras, Hamlets etc. are commonly used terminology to describe the Habitations. Unconnected habitations are listed as per the priority (generally, habitations with higher population, as per 2001 Census, would be connected first) and depending upon the funds likely to be made available for the State, the list of road works to be taken up under PMGSY will be finalized each year by the District Panchayat through a consultative process involving Panchayati Raj Institutions and elected representatives.

Release of Funds

The funds for the projects sanctioned under PMGSY are made available to the State Rural Road Development Agencies (SRRDAs) in the States and no funds are released District-wise/Village-wise under the programme.


In order to bring the execution of PMGSY works to the desired quality standard, a three tier quality management mechanism has been institutionalized. Under the first tier, the Programme Implementation Units (PIUs) are required to ensure process control through mandatory tests on material and workmanship at field laboratory. The second tier is a structured independent quality monitoring at the State level through State Quality Monitors (SQMs) to ensure that every work is inspected at initial stage, middle stage and final stage of the construction. Under the third tier, independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) are deployed for random inspection of road works to monitor quality and also to provide guidance of senior professionals to the field functionaries. Based on the periodic monitoring of quality of roads under the 3-tier mechanism, corrective measures, wherever necessary, are taken by the State Governments.


All PMGSY roads are covered by 5-year maintenance contract, entered into along with construction contract, with the same contractor, in accordance with the Standard Bidding Document (SBD). Maintenance funds to service the contract are budgeted by the State Governments. On expiry of 5-year post-construction maintenance, the State Governments make necessary budget provision to place such roads under zonal maintenance contracts.

Project Proposals

The State Governments are required to submit Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) to the Ministry for consideration/approval of projects under PMGSY. The project proposals are scrutinized by National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) to ensure that the proposals have been made duly keeping in view the programme guidelines and that they have been duly verified by the State Technical Agencies (STAs). The proposals of the State are then put up before the Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee chaired by Secretary (RD) in the Ministry of Rural Development, for its consideration and approval. The recommendations of the Empowered Committee are then submitted to the Minister (Rural Development) and in case the proposals meet the programme requirements, it gets cleared. The composition of the Empowered Committee is as follows:-

Secretary, Department of Rural Development Chairman AS&FA, Ministry of Rural Development MemberAdditional Advisor (Transport), Planning Commission MemberOne Expert to be nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development.


Director, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Member

Joint Secretary in-charge of Rural Connectivity Programme in the Department of Rural Development


Deputy Secretary/Director in-charge of the respective State in the RC Division of Department of Rural Development will be convener of the Committee.

Guidelines on PMGSY and PMGSY-II are available on Ministry’s website (www.rural.nic.in and also on www.pmgsy.nic.in).

Details of CPIOs and Appellate Authorities in Rural Connectivity (RC) Division are as under:-

Sl. No.

Appellate Authority

CPIO State/ Subject dealt withImplementation of PMGSY in:

Other Subjects.

1. Shri Y. S. Dwivedi,Director (RC),Room Number 376,Krishi Bhavan,

Shri Bhim Prakash,Under Secretary (RC), Room Number 463,Krishi Bhavan,

1.Chhattisgarh2.Bihar3.Jharkhand4.Madhya Pradesh5.Odisha

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Bharat Nirman Empowered

New Delhi-110001

Phone 011-23071372

New Delhi-110001

Phone 011-23382406

6.Uttar Pradesh7.West Bengal

Committee (Respective States)

VIP reference (Respective States)

Complaints (Respective States)

OMMAS Annual Report,

Periodical Reports & Returns.

Briefing Book Parliament

Question (Respective States)

Coordination with NITI Aayog

2. Shri P. Manoj Kumar, Director (RC), Room Number 278,Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi-110001

Phone 011-23074307

Shri M. Jayachandran,Under Secretary (RC), Room Number 378,Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi-110001

Phone 011-23070978

1. Andhra Pradesh

2. Arunachal Pradesh

3. Assam4. Goa5. Karnataka6. Kerala7. Manipur8. Meghalaya9. Mizoram 10. Nagaland11. Sikkim12. Telangana13. Tamil

Policy matters including Guidelines

Cabinet Note on policy matters

Empowered Committee (Respective States)

Parliament Coordination & General Coordination

Complaints (Respective

Nadu14. Tripura15. All UTs


Senior Officers Meeting

VIP References (Respective States)

Media, IEC Parliament

Question (Respective States & General)

General matters within the Ministry

Standing Committee & Consultative Committee (General matters)

Sl. No.

Appellate Authority

CPIO State/ Subject dealt with

3. Shri Priya RanjanDirector (RC),Room Number 369,Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi-110001

Shri Rakesh Bhardwaj,Under Secretary (RC), Room Number 378,Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi-110001

1. Gujarat2. Jammu &

Kashmir3. Haryana4. Himachal

Pradesh5. Maharasht

Budget matters Standing

Committee on Demands for Grants

Performance Audit

Phone 011-23382860 Phone 011-


ra6. Punjab7. Rajasthan8. Uttarakhan


ISO Certification IAP related

Issues Forest &

Environment Clearances

Five Year Plan/Annual Plan/Strategic plan

Resources Generation

Empowered Committee (Respective States)

VIP References (Respective States)

Complaints (Respective States)


World Bank RFD Coordination

with Ministry of Finance for Budget matters

Parliament Question (Respective States)

Frequently Asked Questions on PMGSY

Question 1. What is Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and when was it launched?

Answer: PMGSY, launched in December 2000, is a centrally sponsored programme aimed at providing connectivity to target habitations through construction of all-weather roads. This programme is a special Central intervention as part of a poverty reduction strategy. Though rural roads are a State subject, the Central Government is providing 100 % financial assistance for new construction. The PMGSY also envisages upgradation of roads as per the prescribed standards.

Question 2. What is the primary objective of PMGSY?

Answer: The Primary objective of the PMGSY is to provide connectivity, by way of an all-weather road (with necessary culverts and cross-drainage structure, which is operable throughout the year), to the eligible unconnected habitations in rural areas of country with a population of 500 persons and above (Census 2001) in plain areas. In respect of ‘Special Category States’ (i.e. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand), the Desert Areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme) the Tribal (Schedule V) areas and Selected Tribal and Backward Districts (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission) the objective would be to connect eligible unconnected habitations with a population of 250 persons and above (Cnsus 2001).

Question 3. Does the programme provide connectivity to only revenue villages? Are hamlets eligible to be connected?

Answer: The spirit and objective of PMGSY is to provide good all-weather road connectivity to unconnected habitations. The unit of this programme is a habitation and not a revenue village or a Panchayat. A habitation is a cluster of population, living in an area, the location of which does not change over time. Desam, Dhanis, Tolas, Majras, Hamlets, etc., are commonly used to describe habitations.

The population, as recorded in the Census 2001, shall be the basis for determining the population size of the habitation. The population of all Habitations within a radius of 500 metre (1.5 km of path distance in case of Hills) may be clubbed together for the purpose of determining the population size. In the blocks bordering international boundary in the hill States (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs), however, all habitations within a path distance of 10 km may be treated as a cluster for this purpose. This cluster approach would enable provision of connectivity to a larger number of Habitations, particularly in the Hill/ mountainous areas.

A special dispensation has been allowed to Arunachal Pradesh under PMGSY by extending the Cluster approach to all International border districts in the State by clubbing population with the path distance of 10 Km and treating as a Cluster.

Question 4. How are habitations selected for coverage? Who decides which habitations will be covered in a year?

Answer: Unconnected habitations are listed as per the priority (generally, habitations with higher population, as per 2001 Census, would be connected first) and depending upon the funds likely to be made available for the State, the list of road works to be taken up under PMGSY will be finalized each year by the District Panchayat through a consultative process involving Panchayati Raj Institutions and elected representatives.

Question 5. How is alignment selected? Are local villagers associated with this process?

Answer: Selection of alignment is done with the help of local villagers and officials. A ‘Transact’ walk is conducted by local officers along with Panchayat Pradhan/Ward Panch, Local Revenue and Forest officials for finalization of alignment of the road. Local people including those likely to be affected by proposed alignment are also given opportunity to put forth their view in this process.

Question 6. What does all-weather connectivity mean? Does it mean only black-topped or cement concrete roads?

Answer: An all-weather road is one which is negotiable in all seasons of the year. This implies that the road-bed is drained effectively but this does not necessarily imply that it should be paved surface with black topping or cement concrete. A gravel road can also be an all-weather road.

Question 7. How is the problem of drainage tackled in the portion of roads passing through built up residential areas?

Answer: Road portions passing through built up residential areas are prone to damages caused by waste water from households. Programme guidelines provide for construction of cement concrete pavement or cement/stone block pavements along with covered or uncovered Pucca side drains as per site conditions.

Question 8. Is adequate provision for culverts or cross-drainage works made?

Answer: Yes, adequate numbers of cross-drainage (CD) works including cause-ways or bridges, wherever appropriate, are provided.

Question 9. What about bridges on rivers/streams?

Answe. Bridges on rivers/streams crossing the alignment of the road are taken up under the programme. In case of span of CD work exceeding 50 meter pro-rata cost beyond 50 meter (75 meters in respect of the Selected Tribal and Backward Districts (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Planning Commission) is required to be provided by the State Government.

Question 10. Whether compensation for land acquisition is paid in the programme?

Answer: Rural roads is a State subject and it is the responsibility of State Government/District Panchayat to ensure availability of land for construction of road works under the programme. In view of the common benefit, generally the land for construction of roads under PMGSY is made available by the villagers/Panchayat free of cost through voluntary donation. However, in rare cases, if the land is acquired for the purpose of construction of roads under PMGSY, the State Government is required to pay compensation.

Question 11. How are executants selected for construction of roads?

Answer: Executants for construction of roads are selected through open competitive bidding for which well established procedure for tendering is followed by the State Government. As per provisions, the bidders who have the prescribed qualifications and have capacity to execute the works are required to take part in bidding process. In order to enhance the transparency in tendering and speed up the tendering process, e-procurement of bids has been made mandatory.

Question 12. If defects are noticed after completion of road, how are they rectified?

Answer: As per provisions of the contract, the contractor is liable for any defect that may occur till 5 years after completion of the road work. To enforce liability of defects, security amount is deducted from the bills of the contractors. The contractor has to rectify the defect in the above period and if the rectification has not been carried out the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is required to rectify the defect and recover the cost from the security deposit of the contractor.

Question 13. What happens if contractor delays execution?

Answer: In case the following milestones are not achieved by the Contractor, he shall be liable for payment of liquidated damages for the period that the completion date is later than the intended completion date as per clause 44 of the GCC:

i. if 1/8th of the value of entire Contract work has not been completed upto 1/4th of the period allowed for the completion.ii. If 3/8th of the value of entire work has not been completed upto ½ of the period allowed for completion.

iii. If 3/4th of the value of entire Contract work has not been completed upto 3/4th of the period allowed for completion.

1% of the initial Contract price, rounded off to the nearest thousand, per week, is the amount of liquidated damages for delay in completion subjected to maximum of 10% of initial Contract price.

Question 14. How is the quality of work checked and monitored?

Answer: Every contractor is required to establish field laboratory in every package of road works in which he/she is required to test the quality of material and workmanship under the supervision of executing agency. In addition to checking of quality by departmental officers of executing agency, the State Government is required to deploy independent monitors for monitoring of quality of roads works. Independent National Quality monitors are also deployed by the Central Government for monitoring the quality of works on a sample basis.

Question 15. Is there provision for display of project related information at project sites?

Answer: Citizen Information Board in local language containing the following detailed information of work is provided on each work:-

Description of every layer of work. Description of quantity of material involved in work. How road will be built and description.

General information board containing information about executing agency, contractor, estimated cost of work and time period for completion is also provided on every worksite.

Question 16. How can a citizen lodge any complaint with regard to quality of construction, use of sub standard material or delay in execution by the contractors?

Answer: (i) A citizen can lodge any complaint to head of PIU. The address of PIU is available in the Information Board available at every work site. The citizen can also lodge complaint to State Quality Coordinator of State Rural Roads Development Agency of the relevant State:-

a. State Quality Coordinator (SQC) / Head of the Programme Implementation Unit (PIU - in the District, or a compact group of Districts, with an officer of the rank of at least Executive Engineer as its head) is to receive all complaints. All complaints are to be acknowledged and registered by the SQC.

b. SQC is to arrange enquiry into all complaints, if required, by deputing independent State Quality Monitors (SQMs).c. Complainants are to be informed about action taken within 30 days.d. National Quality Monitors (NQMs) are deputed to probe into serious cases of complaints received by the

Ministry/National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA).e. State level Standing Committee headed by the Chief Secretary/Additional Chief Secretary is to review status of action

taken on complaints

(ii) Citizens can also file their complaints on the web site www.omms.nic.in. The website has a menu bar where “Feedback” appears prominently. The Feedback Module has three sections viz. Comment, Complaint and Query, which can be accessed by all the citizens.

(iii) The citizen can also lodge a complaint to Director (P-III), National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India at its address:-

5th Floor, 15-NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. Phone No. 011-26716930. Feedback can also be lodged on www.pmgsy.nic.in.

Question 17. What is the role of public representatives in checking the quality of implementation of the programme?

Answer. In the interest of total transparency and with a view to ensure pro-active role of public representatives, the States have been advised to organize time bound inspection of road works with local public representatives in the following manner:-

The Superintending Engineer to request the Hon’ble M.P. and Zila Pramukh once in 6 months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspections/visits are organized.

The Executive Engineer to request the Hon’ble MLA and Chairperson of Intermediate Panchayat once in three months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspections/visits are organized.

The Assistant Engineer to request the Sarpanch once in two months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspections/visits are organized.

Question 18. Whether information about the programme is available on any website?

Answer: Yes, information about the programme and details about every work are available on programme website www.omms.nic.in and www.pmgsy.nic.in Online Monitoring and Management Accounting System is being used for effective management and monitoring under the programme. The required data is entered by the field level staff and the State units under this web based package.

Question 19. How are the roads maintained?

Answer: Along with the tendering for the construction, the routine maintenance of road works for a period of five years after completion of work is also included. Programme guidelines envisage transfer of road works for maintenance to Panchayti Raj Institutions (PRIs) after 5 years upon completion of the road work.

Question 20. What is PMGSY-II ?

PMGSY-II focuses consolidation of rural road network by upgrading of existing selected rural roads based on their economic potential and their role in facilitating growth of rural market centers and rural hubs. Under PMGSY-II a target of 50,000 Km road length has been approved for all States/UTs. The funding pattern is 75:25 for plain areas (75% Centre share and 25 % State Share) and 90:10 sharing basis for the Special Category States. The detailed Guidelines have been issued and available on the public domain (www.rural.nic.in).


Organizational set up of Rural Connectivity (RC) Division, Department of Rural Development (RD), Ministry of Rural Development

Hon’ble Union Minister of Rural DevelopmentTel: 011-23782373, 23782327

Fax: 011-23385876e-mail: [email protected]

↓Secretary (RD)

Tel: 011-23384467, 23382230Fax: 011-23382408

e-mail:[email protected]

Joint Secretary RC) – Shri Rajesh BhushanTel: 011-23384707Fax: 011-23386173

e-mail: [email protected]

Director (RC) – Shri P. Manoj Kumar Director (RC) – Shri Y.S. Dwivedi Director (RC) – Shri Y.S. Dwivedi Tel: 011-23074307 Tel: 011-23071372 Tel: 011-23382860Fax: 011-23097036 Fax: 011-23385951 Fax:011-23074060 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail:[email protected]

↓Under Secretary (RC) - Shri M. Jayachandran Under Secretary (RC) – Shri Bhim Prakash Under Secretary (RC) – Shri Rakesh Bhardwaj

Tel: 011-23070978 Tel: 011-23382406 Tel: 011-23070978e-mail: [email protected] e-mail:[email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

↓ Section officer(RC)-Smt. Bimlesh Pawar Assistant Director(RC)-Shri Deeepak Ranjan

Tel: 011-23387150 Tel: 011-23389430 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Physical & Financial progress under PMGSY (upto August, 2015)(Rs. in crore, Length in Km)

SlNo States

Central Fund Released

Length of road works cleared by the Ministry

Length of road works completed by the States

Expenditure reported by the States

1 2 3 4 5 61 Andhra Pradesh 2557.60 14908.55 12583.36 2805.24

2Arunachal Pradesh 2223.46 6420.30 5039.04 2271.60

3 Assam 8407.33 17597.26 15667.22 8671.144 Bihar (RWD) 10551.23 34174.28 19451.40 11001.035 Bihar (NEA) 5782.35 15861.32 14921.15 5869.956 Chattisgarh 6195.74 29565.09 25400.26 7059.457 Goa* 10.00 182.77 158.70 5.328 Gujarat 2669.84 12654.83 11261.10 2872.989 Haryana 1703.73 5561.49 5338.69 1924.97

10 Himachal Pradesh 2132.77 13695.40 11017.18 2173.2311 Jammu & Kashmir 2976.38 10154.80 6323.60 3128.3212 Jharkhand 3625.71 19231.57 11862.72 3904.0313 Karnataka 3459.14 18622.59 17244.13 3742.8714 Kerala 875.70 3357.91 2203.00 956.5415 Madhya Pradesh 13800.13 67868.62 62025.46 15645.6416 Maharashtra 5692.46 27055.19 23241.98 6042.52

17 Manipur 1096.53 6720.18 4523.07 1144.2718 Meghalaya 440.15 2202.73 1135.21 409.2719 Mizoram 711.14 2851.88 2375.73 712.2020 Nagaland 617.46 3629.63 3323.37 623.4421 Odisha 12182.21 45188.77 33907.99 13647.8322 Punjab 2216.15 6939.22 6626.27 2288.6923 Rajasthan 9841.24 62434.02 57955.18 10165.6424 Sikkim 890.21 3553.42 2713.67 811.8225 Tamil Nadu 2564.53 14036.01 12867.18 2784.3326 Telangana 1782.33 10413.51 9130.56 1886.3926 Tripura 1937.96 4793.45 3119.67 2112.0527 Uttar Pradesh 11363.22 52604.75 44045.85 11622.3928 Uttarakhand 1725.77 8611.56 6179.43 1897.4129 West Bengal 6720.10 25395.21 18503.76 7277.40

Grand Total 126752.55 546286.29 450145.94 135457.95* No report after March, 2009