. .' -'.V I - ■ ,.,i- .... ... . -- LaX I .................. te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iM in ' -r-— 1 '"^ Washington i ^*'01ruKenft 'inoved• UioviTiiU iiOMrnitnent Invesllgntlon:* KctijCWlXjUnie^ouJlilhia^ -lluUiVa^lniiton’Post qiiohirf Hosii hiiviwm j i " ’ ” l^ cH n ctiiaT n tip tir?!^ on tliiLScnatc flooV’oa a posslblv Siolce, •■■, •Wntffrffilte p W srr-, , _ ^ - nythorlzL'cl Hidftwlitoo^ spcclal ^Govcrninent spokc/>nien_di'SLTllk^llt utj iirL.-Pcaatb iUttUU^i^fol^ ww-nucoBsafcy. .- --- hond(iift»rtera-ivHh-bH«RinR-r{iulpmertHn-thcir- --menjjinR ho was rirOil'mitriKhti orjerlv prpcedura} styp thabrcf ccltidjiumuiy_-z__ Tito »[)nearimcp:M _[htL_ FBL^uiieAtfl at_th(i— --- ^ ^ ----- ------------ ^ '•■* “— _ \Vlute 'Moiwo iliolf ,«nd jit ti»e. adjla^ylt subordinates. ~ i tlio'inovL'was Kxei.iitive'Office HuildlnR w;is. the-first oyert, . j\'^nrcst|inotv nicliardiipn,, ^ dclerhiinal -iHiiioM K ifniit^frywr r PWilc r rcapohalbility fur not rec’(ji{nizlnK tlic Rravlty'of flhe arroM bf fivcinen ut PiiiliocroUiTinittoniil Sunday tdtell lilm they.did not want to realf{rt, - UntJ^tlC"~f6ii me>^'.siioiilu cioiipite flreir closo feluUori'ahfp. Deun's resignation was requested - .■ MENArto, 111. lU PI) — A*group of robeiUous Jnmnt^ iif ---- Muniird Stutu- Ponltfintlnry-<?)irrondorQd today "anil /clcnfled unlwirmed on elderly'(iuarV^Uiey had licldlioaraBc since*WooTr - - Mondnyrrrstnto officlnl’sJjld. , , '^■^^'T’ng^ mimiffccnuiilt ija7ift/ rro » ru tfvrt>anlcFW «ticaf^. .1 Kfiy, who also^tTOfrn’^nlker \^uld holda ; news conference Inter today on the disturbance. _ ia lin ii |ii^ » l!S foTtil ilclils . on thoBo Icavlnif.’ But Wlilte flouse officinis sa’i deeiuotl on at u levehrrcetinK jyipntlny aUff conaultfltions betvvoen. Klliot L. munod by Nixoh to-4n}w~cninmand' of the ~Wfllj)rtfiUe |nvesUj»ttll6n^l^dlo■bL>7\e^r7It^w tj6nerar,-1ind acting Wliite House leKal coihisei liConar'd uarment. willi a -lump sum p.ayment-ofil75 mililonr Japan has ik'cn payin|{ for It on tlxnc sincc the mid-1950s, and the last, payment"vvaa not due. uh^il. 1035..'HoweVer, .Prime Minister 4Cakuel Tanaka agreed to Battle the debt Immediately -at the'reqiiQaLQLlHiLUnlted StaleaJ________ i<Aw«.uiivv wiu\.\: 4J\uiuiilH uicittai wycit, ib^iircstaiion oi Nucon’w jinnouJim^ deterhiimiilOn- -to «ot‘-'Uie" fuft'7ucls-'Q(^', thtt .Watert^ato ac»anV»t > i ^ w ls ,. wiyiriruj visitoyi' passed, •vvc'te ' seed ffCar tlie offices bf.Ualdeinan, Elu*Ucliman anu \ iJuaii. utliers •were posteu pear* the _____________________-ji^illruum-of titc Executtvo»Qffioo BuU'dlnt’. - s- c-stabliiihed, re- p.'jST' 'ijrdL paper yarding accCas andjonioval of any White l^ioase pitpers,” official said. , jjiipu - NUon.firpri.hls Whlteil^otiafLcoi^igeliJafin' W .t — thrr^ . Dealvlll Monday aTid accepted tbe resifiniitions ^tep/ bf his two most trusted aides. If. tt-. Iiaideinan ProSs Scpret^ify lfonHld L‘, Zieyler said J ’Thc and John D. ElirJicliman. , / . purpjJse df tjils prdCodural step-i.s to mpke sure 'ly procedi^re is> mWntnin presidential. 1arid in ntf way reflect on tlie inleyrity of ^^rfiriK' advisors —It's ^aBtijirocedurnl --He olao pledged in a televised .'i|H'CcH*to the nies."- IIeyHli.i(l, t h e 'F B I w a s "^ ‘sTr\ided to nation “ there will be no whiicwaslpn tlm White '. - •‘[Uiv.sk-ally the- the Watcr|’ato'•affair and ordLTcd a mnve a^. ‘’a^Strict .saf<‘|juiir(n[)roceduj^c to, fd said today. '• fresh ihvodtlt^tlon'of .administnttidn'inVolye- - . n command spokesman said sn'feotcurs plnnt^ m in ^ s ---- mcnt— in— Hm, ,,bur^|itrsY. -ilfHl „ , U lliintl’i;; fifi -----/.mt;h;r...\vaiild nut, ^ iay »/hy Rer r^l .S hw .S a ig o n ( U P I | — saboteurs blow up a freight train about r*Atoilca-caat;-of-Saijj0i^-M0ndi>y-an(|-f«>v»rnment-trQ0 pfr-kili0d-].'|- liiat-oMplStfSi^nderji-w^U-triiln llifoe mileB soiithcaBt-^^ Bom, wounding one workman, ~ aj:ents.or \vtiltc I! oii. sc-Im Ucc wtfc nol uaed •'Rio Serintc’s apeeial pofcnnitttcc inveslijj't Watergate \rtis suinmoni|d to nieet In a closed. ’ moiid when he publicly welcopied West German irWeinas ‘ ..........‘ - -------- ------.......................................... .................. _____ IlLHJHES'lJitl N.V. lII Colui: Monday he tiiiiiiKht'Pri'J'idoul ~Nuon was siui iryuig to 'ion the Ainericati [)*.-o|)le in his — --scflsionrWednasduy yndiUiu Water^wla-Kiund. Jury met bite, this ihoijning to di.scu.ss vthoir ’ ;-in-lDok5ng-unW-ibc: scandal, liul-he ihoujiht- U»C- - Ju s tic e , Uepactuiunl .would- **l?Pt~ti7~thtr-bottorTf^f~:lliLT~ incident "Nix(iri’.s chartgL* of Ijcarl wfuUy-ialti^' ^\adQr^n saids^ifre after Nix(in's.nation* ,• _a 11>r-1ipmkinKt _-i;pL‘L'ph^ - _________ *uklr<!sii-1 -------on-pubUo-]|9tou|itU>n ~ ll^:pi^i!u;lsijQWdii^^ , . r*. . '• 'PAfilS tUPI^'-rvU•S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Slate ^ W^lltnrnjH Suillvan sfi^tSday North Vietnam mu^it decide soon y:''"' eU^er.f(radl»cnrto~th^:^se^f!re-iiKreement-pr'Ko bacfcto-wnr^. I.’^ i^Sulllyim'ma^^hisstatem to newsmcii before depllr'tlng for r— ’ \Wsh.inKtonrtprTeportx)n'the-thi'eihdoy8^of--tirtkiHh<^hnd-'wllh -------N'guyettTGd/FhnchrNorth-Vietmtmese Vicq Minister for Foreign A/falrs. . ' Stand T'Jixon apj>eared to be in a relaxed, smiling .jioild when hepubllcly welcopied West Gerin.an, tljnncoliorWilly-UfMndtld the Wliite HouKo'^iiHo—w - -- Uua niorning.^^/ ' . . 1 .Tljat--wus-^IirU'»ntritjt-.tp -Uie__noticeabli ; Tlhliotii (nlli.s m alt Ufiiiiii 'nyT 5:nRV^:AMi’Hj:iJ. TlrncfsNews writer ^ . HAIL^y.i- Blainci-County lYoa. Atty; siqpncn nont.T statcfl Wednesday. Uurt he vviU.._ hot' r.epreaent McCuHuch... Propcfiles'~Inc., In' mailers concerning thfr county. Accopdlng to/'a letter aiis nnai Tvn.sc l\ixoii ncu'sjiipn' ( Ui^l) — Prc.sident Nixon sent Cotlgress to<)i!y a-?8r{H>i!llp(t^‘foi'eiiiM m(l hi»-inchi(11 ritr4 r>a 2'-nnn'ionjo rebuiW war-tQr/i'.Wlf) Viotmiin. I-'u)s and. Carribodia, biit^eW ng no funds at all for North Vietnam. Nixon described the ineasjire which would increase current -T-"~piNrniPGr::5TOrprr='AT>ti;w^nvco?iihegFmnm’yiuftg~'- ) -. over ihe long^^doff at Wounded,KncjU_tQdiiy.i-fla^ncrit:an _ v: ::--Injmh Moyemenl^nUililnl3 -p^epi^red to bury:thelr dead,. ,: Resumplfon of talks between federal negotiators am) .MM leaders apparently were «laUod--unlll--e)>inplotion-of-fun«rnl . :woUld represent Mcculloch :scrvlcesJQr^^mmiin:NQlixrcrtIifl^r^-servi-rfig:^^ '■ 7 . ■ r - « -iMfnT-n UlninrT /‘nnnilf (•' ' submitted to Blaine County Nixon de; i ^ l l f t t r ' ' - ^ » ‘‘nlasior»tt;hHirmHh C. W. aid leveh by $30()-milhon;ft,3 “ the absohile mintmum (Andy) Cr'ardner. uoiler .staicd; fit huu -never—been-- iny -|H’U<lenH ar\d-prflspei:i(jr tnl^»-i)i<>4i'etHwurld^4-de< .position and cannot be Uiat 1 Nixon .said In'’.! iiiessaue to Ihe HoiLse and Senate that he-wav •Si . 4 — ubeeii-announcod.--- -— —;_.i ~ — —^-U----- ’■— “ ■* noscvillo proliocl ______ iu)SKvii.ii,|jiif 7 tjpi.i - :', 'offlelnla- "Eeioro Blaine County or any of ^tS'SUKfldlafy ag'^noii's.‘---- '.Gi)rdner'. said tlio. coimnissiohers feUjl. tlie letter "as»jf|a. us that ' I'^Lcequusting anj-jiioncy for ^r_th yiotnain_becmise he sah) r onnriiitiisLs m ‘ri‘ the l‘*aris cea.se^fire accords. He "smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN ' llu..satd any deeislon co'ncerfilng Tdaho Fro^en- •Am^ncnn'^nssistanc^ forrcconstruction {^n.d-developmeht-in North-Vietnani. ^ When tho Vietnam poijiVagr^j^nient 'was negotiated, both Lsides liientioned that tlie’'Unlted*^§tole8 would contribute to ‘OpOkU- ---- iw.sslbl)lty a' iiiOMtirtir touriVcd rri'uclio'iTP^Iinjrai 0|ijVJiiiIhitinns train whicl airaiRMmMiiniiarwiiBna', conceriung envirenrfTOntal grants hiis propipted aii appeal for rti]ie^frll^Il Idaho Frozen I'^oods, this city's largest proce.ssing industry. =:rtJndcrtmjnciqCTtJCJtmailQns;ilm~rroti Jiew federal ruling; come frdm the "Jiome offlca-in-Chicago.” -.— .J AUerr)Ut»v*i.s U^giU -inclmle shutting down the . Twin Falls operation or "other arrangements” for secondary treatment, such as spraying of ■jniiged .ncarly'7fi(rK6mcs and^‘ F B I ai’c’nts (niesliorLvd. ruilr.J— t*p«d. employes,-wlult; military exploslye exjM*rts searched fopV " bointy fragmentfl:.' -Hprayefj^^HpTFuB^rifiiTi^^ 'doomed 'l\(mdre(Ci fc^ into ^ the air. , ^ C llt Uie leti'er afface v(\luu" 'y ' _ ” Dli"ljro‘ X'^cri^rfr'oT^nii-'h'llei-,' • : 'ITnrPre.sidefirriiTiue.sted Jjunon m UevolnjjrntniHisaistance, r.iif to t)u‘ worUl's pour natinn.s. and'|1.3^bniion In military aid to ^reed to partTpipate with thocity of tiuMyTiv.of niore than’SGSO.fwft- i^i constr Falls, Twin Falls City Manager Jean Mllar said the -cf-1 facilily. tJie c’()unty7 imstryetifin ‘ new federal ruling ott envtrontnentid-grnnla_ lecta a crucMown on* use of puljlic money Inlirojects thjK benefit priifate'V * I ■iii»ii«- - --- ^ ^ -BUljNOj AIKJ Jnwi.In'^ifenoT-' commisWon j-^~.:-8a^d ;he *felt '•at-tlic prenenl, there, isn't a conlllct tif ,. Interest” between •Bolier'.s *■ ' , position fta cojuity prosecuting I- ^ ‘^SftiDrheS^luiH^r?_ as ’flltyrhey ' Tor ■^KicCulloch-, V;;j()Uiing, h‘/is Ifien prest-ntcil ;.as yet t< i the ^courifcv’ Ijy McCulloch," he iiaid, . iii-;:,rr:::ifpw.QVGrLrimiIutT3 II Ki'iffiiin rim j.'i',— ) *0^1 iTti11 i/kr\ ‘ * tiitr ^gXgi^ilVreguktlon provided -PIT ei’nt federal futuling for sewage Ireacinenr^ facilities, witiranoth(;r 2S~pcr K'ht-eoming from . . friendly- TuTtions ^nrong ' with. the*” $(j:}ij^imllion the 'niau^iTh~^~~^“*con?»truction-gffort-ift»lndfTrhing?±t)thorilron-North^ietnitfn.-‘~ IrtlUal ----- —_— u 4 . , . .u r dhure(jftheco.st-s.toniorethan$2.^5million. . ■(toJlnno.libnndonsit-Tmlltary^ The cily, „s II,u iiu|,lica..t forTnaldlin,! md f,.r .North V.otnmn «’lll recdve n.y porsonW review and will .... . ^ a p,.r eenl from )x. a .silbleet for a,„firi.s.Hlotll,l upprornl, Nlxnn .saW,, sul.hiUled a.i .a ,|,eal to tho IC.viro.unealal l,M-al sourte. Private Inilustry paid a |.f.r(lon of A U h ,^ he did repeat jhe eai,.inltnienl ln_loday s A K ™ c ty ^ U ^ ‘>l>a<^-“^-^dah -U.c, local U.at.^,:.:or.lm|.„-la .Um-JluumnUll. m e.s,a,^,x„„ varlTer l^Wa. P^fe^oe JM_any nid-|o 1 Foo.lsrSHirdi^ta I,, M.ua«e they pot into Ih^ sy.Hlem. -- - N o rU i^ iam woji d eop.e (ron^efen.se or fordHwiM btan^- -j;:snil|;ntT m i F f ir;‘n~ " ‘‘ "'----- ------- -iCm.finnrdnnnrlm^--^--------------- - budgels and wuuld. iiQt, necessltiite a cutback in domestic -i . • ^ .spending IJ^ lU P l) tjATlie government'declared'martlari’*. ^ommlSBioners -will decii) liftnoT-'ifalSur imtf'flvd .Jprdvihcbs' Monday nfiiliiNiftWr*-^^' ■kftM>'igl!i5uE?4fiaSyuUo«iUnotfl4^3-jJtirad^ ......................... frftlaj -Vivhat to do at that lime.' llie Presidenl_jn.sjslciLliml_thiLiJld..prograin..WiJii^¥ltalJO;-_-^ _ ...jtopjci^XijTe by'. nnd ......... ' ^Uchrfnnklng mHltacy nnm .slain bf guerrillas Slhcfc-A'^arch , ............... -eltscliflnjnejinltojelurn tlie country-toxlvillan jiiie.____ _!... _________ ptoajicullng-.uttutney- JiiusL , In WH(irld,'PreM(lcht/<lecl Hector J . Campora sflld he would represent the county in anyiiiKl return juiine Tuesdnyfoi' air^TTery u'fgenf" inCGIlnp^hat^— all—multers before it-Dr ProflldunU AlbJandF6 .L4immc.'xaUc(l lo-iiltfcuss-wbat-Lanuaae*--, ^toncernlirg'it.” iioplinoMliuUJJoolUlio-counlPltjili--_________________ ^ ^ '\ V h ik I^ ll.bc_<lm;igge;^ne .- ‘^rjco^pniicall^^'lhiiny of^tiMleveloprng countrjes hyve eher-|" ^ > rjitlouit^ttiiiiMwt^j4»^>wt»pialii--wttietKtjie-woi‘ld-wllH|e^t-to Boiler stated "by statute, the ''^hai'eW,n'j»AW()f»g!*years.. ' vJCF seliool ftiiids Gem load lim it outlook unsure 1 ' rcplon of South Yemen lote Monday, killing Uie country' -foreign n>iniflUNomU^thor-g(M;ornment-nftif.lnlvI^eimt-Riuiia --.•.aflid-iodny;_____ _ ____ -^i^iOT-ttdlo-sttidcBorciHn.J died in the crjuh. ■ ' — *. nl legal matter.'; for Mct^ullorfr _____ Jotter slfltod, ‘•Ihuvc*bsli(KUnothernttorric7 « fipEfiKcnt^*^ceuIISch-^ c untry s Properties, wlUi Uieli*-eonsont. in-nny-ahrt natters. ntatatJiloharmSodiaiSSaSinS^ Hy DAViU N FAt^ f i^ V district UidgrtinB ngroodrln effect, to f an earlier (iernhMr overturning certaiii stale-^i^iway r nmm~tnto~n~stntpTtth^nisncnsinni::::— --- -------- - Tttl^«^AI;|;S -•-’W^tlrthe (llilt^lct■s butlBet^JlMirinrtlttrevcnfnin^Fini^>f«^----- school pfiioloUjigfdiMhiiy.iiriLinillunoorlalu about HtmiUTiu^lal (edoraUundii^- Tfic school (itimlnlBtrntlon hna prepared a $3,526 million general'fund budad rjmnifliflollftTfclioo^'trttstee*-t(iitlKhHeiv1he-dl»lricVe-elght‘r<‘guiar»ehotil»- andl 8,200_Btudent9^. ^ ; -1 . - ' Fair s ^ditoTiaf^- -=Uvihg,9rW_^zr^ ^rjjyPlionea^SftaiL ^Or««yjo|ir lnll-rr«« tliot "tlicro' may^' sotnewli'erc' .down tiie road,- a 'conflict appear.” •. *- . Clrcumatnnccq.-whleh , may • . 1 . load to HUch •«»Bituidlon. nollor .'Sard," coui(T'^tcm from. Slicceafllvn .H^nii>ia^f.-^aafrr ’-nreauiM^^y—^IcCTlloeh- -Proi>erileflr-*nehiiilfl-of-mieh-ft^ plan.- by tho county planning — Qrid^UonlnH—cQinmlMlon-^fuh- ^boarjl of>>pDoabLtfjj»ld brina.lL^ rulo on .eKpe(^‘d appeids from Ihe-caso. - ' ‘ " - - At sti«l(^s llic'future'-of Idaho's hlRluvay-funda for tlie' ‘■ CQnatrucUonotUiB-Uifec'lnlferallileTondwaya. nccordlnB to nn flaE«%lJlstelja.Co«rt.-.• ... ;;J. „:•>. One ODDoal has alreadV 1] ...... .... “ ‘ ' - the • cane ot ->stcrMm~ Directors filed an-tjppeal several dnyjl'jjuV Bn Cunningham's "TlB.nini of thDlr mutlwrtu intervene In th trc w sbr^ 7 - .i:>i==i: u -gum.w»io.-n— -— >wmu-mnaitw»uamimtty.Hqiiorttwmmi»-yi»-njftinwrrupruHCimnn«— ——— ‘ ------- ----------- wfore tno county coinmiflfilon---- liio-liWM-onforcemont-vgentlOfl, said lolky'ort appofll hairtjcen /• ; . y L > ' " t V “ ;(Confjnueilomp. 13) iCon^IniK'dunp.Z)j TO 3 SlHIHtgn?«g1 im T .» ncroirthc-boBrd-p»iyH (llBtdct’fl' empl(^ceff. . .. « —' • ' _ n io money for tliB..)iirap Inpay la reflective of Uic 111 mfllloA In new money l^c state leglilaturc>madQ nvallablc toJocDhflchottljHgtricti thla pMt winter. ' ---- ilwlari i>-*ai»out-: sedbndnry : lUO.OOO, used for migrant progriimB nndother com{WMOtory projccf, luch ai the hiring of al4 Ti> 'B- - ^ Nj~ (Contluuedd

-'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

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Page 1:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

. . ' -'.VI - ■ ,.,i-....... ■. --LaXI ..................t e = ii^Tnsi^Ufl^ ;-fcm iM

in ' -r-— 1'"^ W ash ing ton i *'01 ruKenft 'inoved• UioviTiiU iiOMrnitnent Invesllgntlon:* KctijCW lXjUnie^ouJlilh ia^ — -lluUiVa^lniiton’Post qiiohirf Hosii hiiviwm j i " ’ ”

l ^ c H n c t i i a T n t i p t i r ? ! ^ on tliiLScnatc flooV’oa a posslblv Siolce,

•■■ , • Wntffrffilte pW srr-, , _ ^ ‘ - nythorlzL'cl Hidftwlitoo^ spcclal“ ^Govcrninent spokc/>nien_di'SLTllk^llt utj iirL.-Pcaatb iUttUU^i^fol^ ww-nucoBsafcy. .---- hond(iift»rtera-ivHh-bH«RinR-r{iulpmertHn-thcir- --menjjinR ho was rirOil'mitriKhti

orjerlv prpcedura} styp thabrcf ccltidjiumuiy_-z__Tito »[)nearimcp :M _[h tL_ FBL^uiieAtfl at_th(i— — --- ^ ^ ----- ------------^'•■* “ — _ \Vlute 'Moiwo ilio lf ,«nd j i t ti»e. adjla^ylt subordinates. ~ i

tlio'inovL'was Kxei.iitive'Office HuildlnR w;is. the-first oyert,. j\ '^nrcst|inotv

nicliardiipn,, dclerhiinal

- iH i i i o M K ifn iit^fr y wr r P W il c rrcapohalbility fur not rec’(ji{nizlnK tlic Rravlty'of

flhe arroM bf fivcinen ut PiiiliocroUiTinittoniil

Sunday tdtell lilm they.did not want to realf{rt, - UntJ tlC"~f6 ii me> '.siioiilu cioiipite flreir closo feluUori'ahfp. Deun's resignation was requested -.■ MENArto, 111. lU P I) — A*group of robeiUous Jnmnt^ iif

---- Muniird Stutu- Ponltfintlnry-<?)irrondorQd today "anil /clcnfledunlwirmed on elderly'(iuarV^Uiey had licldlioaraBc since*WooTr

- - Mondnyrrrstnto officlnl’sJjld. , ,■' ■ ^ 'T’ng^ mimiffccnuiilt ija7ift/ rro » ru tfvrt>anlcFW «ticaf^.

. 1 Kfiy, who also^tTOfrn’ n lker \^uld holda ; news conference Inter today on the disturbance. _

i a l i n i i | i i^ » l ! S foTtil i l c l i l s

. on thoBo Icavlnif.’• But Wlilte flouse officinis sa’i deeiuotl on at u levehrrcetinK jyipntlny aUffconaultfltions betvvoen. Klliot L. munod by Nixoh to-4n}w~cninmand' of the

~Wfllj)rtfiUe |nvesUj»ttll6n^l^dlo■bL>7\e^r7It^w tj6nerar,-1ind acting Wliite House leKal coihisei liConar'd uarment.

willi a -lump sum p.ayment-ofil75 mililonr Japan has ik'cn payin|{ for It on tlxnc sincc the mid-1950s, and

the last, payment"vvaa not due. uh il. 1035..'HoweVer, .Prime Minister 4Cakuel Tanaka agreed to Battle the debt Immediately

-at the'reqiiQaLQLlHiLUnlted StaleaJ________ —

i<Aw«.uiivv wiu\.\: 4J\uiuiilH u ic itta i wycit,ib^iircstaiion oi Nucon’w jin n o u Jim ^ deterhiimiilOn- -to «ot‘-'Uie" fuft'7ucls-'Q( ', thtt .Watert^ato ac»anV»t > i ^

w ls , . wiyiriruj visitoyi' passed, •vvc'te ' seed ffCar tlie offices bf.Ualdeinan, Elu*Ucliman anu \ iJuaii. utliers • were posteu pear* the

_____________________-ji^illruum-of titc Executtvo»Qffioo BuU'dlnt’ . -s- c-stabliiihed, re-



yarding accCas andjonioval of any White l ioase pitpers,” o ffic ia l said. , jjiipu

• - NUon.firpri.hls Whlteil^otiafLcoi^igeliJafin' W .t — thrr^. Dealvlll Monday aTid accepted tbe resifiniitions ^tep/ bf his two most trusted aides. If. tt-. Iiaideinan ■ ProSs Scpret^ify lfonHld L ‘, Zieyler said J ’Thc

■ and John D. ElirJicliman. , / • . purpjJse df tjils prdCodural step-i.s to mpke sure

'ly procedi^re is>‘ mWntnin presidential. 1 arid in ntf way reflect on tlie inleyrity of ^^rfiriK' advisors —It's ^aBtijirocedurnl

--He olao pledged in a televised .'i|H'CcH*to the nies."- IIeyHli.i(l, th e 'F B I w as"^ ‘sTr\ided to nation “ there will be no whiicwaslpn tlm White '. - •‘[Uiv.sk-ally the-

the Watcr|’ato'•affair and ordLTcd a mnve a . ‘’a^Strict .saf<‘|juiir(n[)roceduj^c to, fd said today. '• • fresh ihvodtlt^tlon'of .administnttidn'inVolye- - .

n command spokesman said sn'feotcurs plnnt^m in ^ s----mcnt— in— Hm, ,,bur |itrsY. -ilfHl „ , U lliintl’i ; ; fifi-----/.mt;h;r...\vaiild nut, iay »/hy Rer r^l .Shw

.S a ig o n ( U P I | — saboteurs blow up a freight train about r*Atoilca-caat;-of-Saijj0i -M0ndi>y-an(|-f«>v»rnment-trQ0 pfr-kili0d-].'|-

liiat-oMplStfSi^nderji-w^U-triiln llifoe mileB soiithcaBt-^^ Bom, wounding one workman, ~

aj:ents.or \vtiltc I !oii.sc-Im Ucc w tfc nol uaed•'Rio Serintc’s apeeial pofcnnitttcc inveslijj't

Watergate \rtis suinmoni|d to nieet In a closed. ’ moiid when he publicly welcopied West German irWeinas ‘..........‘ - -------- ------‘ ■ .......................................... ..................

_____ IlLH JHES'lJitl N.V. l IIColui:Monday he tiiiiiiKht'Pri'J'idoul

~Nuon was siui iryuig to 'ion the Ainericati [)*.-o|)le in his

— --scflsionrWednasduy yndiUiu Water^wla-Kiund. Jury met bite, this ihoijning to di.scu.ss vthoir

’ ;-in-lDok5ng-unW-ibc:

scandal, liul-he ihoujiht- U»C- - Ju s t ic e , Uepactuiunl .would-


"Nix(iri’.s chartgL* of Ijcarl wfuUy-ialti^' \adQr^n

saids ifre after Nix(in's.nation* ,•— — _a11>r-1ipmkinKt _-i;pL‘L'ph -_________ *uklr<!sii-1-------on-pubUo-]|9tou|itU>n ~

— — ll^ :p i^ i!u ;ls ijQ W d ii^ ^ , .r*. . '• 'PA filS tUPI^'-rvU•S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Slate

^ W lltnrnjH Suillvan sfi^tSday North Vietnam mu it decide soon y:''"' eU^er.f(radl»cnrto~th^:^se^f!re-iiKreement-pr'Ko bacfcto-wnr^.

I. ’ i^Sulllyim'ma^^hisstatem to newsmcii before depllr'tlng for r— ’ \Wsh.inKtonrtprTeportx)n'the-thi'eihdoy8^of--tirtkiHh<^hnd-'wllh-------N'guyettTGd/FhnchrNorth-Vietmtmese Vicq Minister for Foreign

A/falrs. • . '


T'Jixon apj>eared to be in a relaxed, smiling .jioild when hepubllcly welcopied West Gerin.an, tljnncoliorWilly-UfMndtld the Wliite HouKo' iiHo—w - -- Uua niorning.^^/ ' . . 1

.Tljat--wus-^IirU'»ntritjt-.tp -Uie__noticeabli

; T lh l i o t i i (n l l i . s m a l t U f i i i i i i

'n y T 5:nRV^:AM i’H j: iJ .TlrncfsNews writer ^

. H A IL ^ y . i- Blainci-County lYoa. Atty; siqpncn nont.T statcfl Wednesday. Uurt he vviU.._ hot' r.epreaent McCuHuch... Propcfiles'~Inc., In ' mailers concerning thfr county.

Accopdlng to / 'a letter

a iis n n a i

T v n . s c l \ i x o i i n c u ' s j i i p n '

( Ui^l) — Prc.sident Nixon sent Cotlgress to<)i!y a-?8r{H>i!llp(t ‘foi'eiiiM m(l hi»-inchi(11ritr4 r>a2'-nnn'ionjo rebuiW war-tQr/i'.Wlf) Viotmiin. I-'u)s and. Carribodia, b iit^eW ng no funds at all for North Vietnam.

Nixon described the ineasjire which would increase current-T-"~piNrniPGr::5TOrprr= 'AT>ti;w^nvco?iihegFm nm ’yiuftg~'-

) -. over ihe long^^doff at Wounded,KncjU_tQdiiy.i-fla^ncrit:an _ v: ::--Injmh Moyemenl^nUililnl3-p^epi red to bury:thelr dead,. ,:

Resumplfon of talks between federal negotiators am) .MM leaders apparently were «laUod--unlll--e)>inplotion-of-fun«rnl . :woUld represent Mcculloch :s c rv lc es JQ r^ ^ m m iin :N Q lix r c r t I i f l ^ r ^ - s e r vi-rf ig :^ ^'■ 7 . ■ ■ r - « - iMfnT-n UlninrT / ‘nnnilf

(•' ' submitted to Blaine County Nixon de; i ^ l l f t t r ' '- ^ » ‘‘nlasior»tt;hHirmHh C. W. aid leveh by $30()-milhon;ft,3 “ the absohile mintmum

(Andy) Cr'ardner. uoiler .staicd; f i t huu - never—been-- iny


tnl »-i)i<>4i'etHwurld 4-de<

.position and cannot be Uiat 1 Nixon .said In'’.! iiiessaue to Ihe HoiLse and Senate that he-wav•Si

. 4 — ubeeii-announcod.--- -— —;_ .i~ — —^-U----- ’■— “ ■*

n o s c v i l l o p ro lio c l______• i u ) S K v i i . i i , | j i i f 7 tjpi.i - :',


"Eeioro Blaine County or any of^tS'SUKfldlafy ag'^noii's.‘----'.G i)rdner'. said tlio. coimnissiohers feUjl. tlie letter "as»jf|a . us that '

I'^Lcequusting anj-jiioncy for ^r_th yiotnain_becmise he sah) r onnriiitiisLs m ‘ri‘ the l‘*aris cea.se^fire accords. He

"smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnrpyDAiVrOHORSMAN ' llu..satd any deeislon co'ncerfilng Tdaho Fro^en-

•Am^ncnn'^nssistanc^ forrcconstruction {^n.d-developmeht-in North-Vietnani. ^

When tho Vietnam poijiVagr^j^nient 'was negotiated, both Lsides liientioned that tlie’'Unlted*^§tole8 would contribute to

‘OpOkU- ----

iw.sslbl)lty a' iiiOMtirtir touriVcd rri'uclio'iTP Iinjrai

„ 0| ijVJiiiIhitinns train whicl


conceriung envirenrfTOntal grants hiis propipted aii appeal for rti]ie^frll^Il Idaho Frozen I'^oods, this city's largest proce.ssing industry.


Jiew federal ruling; come frdm the "Jiome offlca-in-Chicago.” -.— .J AUerr)Ut»v*i.s U^giU -inclmle shutting down the . “ Twin Falls operation or "other arrangements” for secondary treatment, such as spraying of

■jniiged .ncarly'7fi(rK6mcs and ‘

F B I ai’c’nts (niesliorLvd. ruilr.J— • t*p«d. employes,-wlult; military

exploslye exjM*rts searched fopV " bointy fragmentfl:.'


'doomed 'l\(mdre(Ci fc^ into ^ the air. ,

^ C l l t

Uie leti'er a fface v(\luu" ' y ' _” Dli"ljro‘ X'^cri^rfr'oT^nii-'h'llei-,' •: 'ITnrPre.sidefirriiTiue.sted Jjunon m UevolnjjrntniHisaistance,

r.iif to t)u‘ worUl's pour natinn.s. and'|1.3^bniion In military aid to

^reed to partTpipate with thocity of tiuMyTiv.of niore than’SGSO.fwft- i i constr

Falls, Twin Falls City Manager Jean Mllar said the

-cf-1 facilily.

tJie c’()unty7

imstryetifin ‘ new federal ruling ott envtrontnentid-grnnla_ lecta a crucMown on* use of

puljlic money Inlirojects thjK benefit priifate'V* I ■iii»ii«- - ---^

^ - BU ljN O j AIKJ — Jnwi.In'^ifenoT-'

commisWon j-^~.:-8a d ;he *felt '•at-tlic prenenl,

there, isn 't a conlllct tif ,. Interest” between • Bolier'.s

*■' , position fta cojuity prosecuting I- ^ ‘ SftiDrheS^luiH^r?_ as

’flltyrhey ' Tor ■^KicCulloch-, V;;j()Uiing, h‘/is Ifien prest-ntcil ;.as yet t<i the courifcv’ Ijy

■ McCulloch," he iiaid, . iii-;:,rr:::ifpw.QVGrLrimiIutT3

II Ki'iffiiin rimj.'i',—) *01 iTt i 11 i/kr\ ‘ * tiitr^gXg i^ ilV reguktlon provided

-PIT ei’nt federal futuling for sewage Ireacinenr^ facilities, witiranoth(;r 2S~pcr K'ht-eoming from .

. friendly- TuTtions ^nrong ' with. the*” $(j:}ij^imllion the'niau iTh~^~~ “*con?»truction-gffort-ift»lndfTrhing?±t)thorilron-North^ietnitfn.-‘~ IrtlUal -----— _ —

u 4 . , . .u ■ r dhure(jftheco.st-s.toniorethan$2.^5million. .■ (toJlnno.libnndonsit-Tmlltary^ The cily, „s II,u iiu|,lica..t forTnaldlin,!

md f,.r .North V.otnmn «’lll recdve n.y porsonW review and will .... . ^ a p,.r eenl from)x. a .silbleet for a,„firi.s.Hlotll,l upprornl, Nlxnn .saW,, sul.hiUled a.i .a ,|,eal to tho IC.viro.unealal l,M-al sourte. Private Inilustry paid a |.f.r(lon of

A U h , ^ he did repeat jh e eai,.inltnienl ln_loday s A K ™ c t y ^ U ^ ‘>l>a<^-“ ^-^dah -U.c, local U.at.^,:.:or.lm|.„-la .Um-JluumnUll.m e .s ,a ,^ ,x „ „ varlTer l^Wa. P ^ fe ^ o e JM _an y nid-|o 1 F o o . ls r S H ir d i^ t a I,, M.ua«e they pot into Ih^ sy.Hlem. -- -

N o r U i^ ia m woji d eop.e (ron^efen.se or fo rd H w iM b tan ^ - -j;:snil|;ntT m iF f ir;‘n~ " ‘‘ "'----- ------- — -iCm.finnrdnnnrlm^--^--------------- -budgels and wuuld. iiQt, necessltiite a cutback in domestic -i . • ^ .spending

I J^ lU P l ) tjATlie government'declared'martlari’*. ^ommlSBioners -will decii) liftnoT-'ifalSur imtf'flvd .Jprdvihcbs' Monday nfiiliiNiftWr*-^^'

■kftM>'igl!i5uE?4fiaSyuUo«iUnotfl4^3-jJtirad^......................... f r f t la j

-Vivhat to do at that lime.'

l l ie Presidenl_jn.sjslciLliml_thiLiJld..prograin..WiJii^¥ltalJO;-_-^ _ ...jtopjci^XijTe b y ' .

nnd .........

' ^Uchrfnnklng mHltacy nnm .slain bf guerrillas Slhcfc-A'^arch , ...............-eltscliflnjnejinltojelurn tlie country-toxlvillan jiiie.____ _!... _________ ptoajicullng-.uttutney- JiiusL

, In WH(irld,'PreM(lcht/<lecl Hector J . Campora sflld he would represent the county in anyiiiKl return ju iine Tuesdnyfoi' air^TTery u'fgenf" inCGIlnp^hat^— all—multers before it-D r

• ProflldunU AlbJandF6 .L4immc.'xaUc(l lo-iiltfcuss-wbat-Lanuaae*--, ^toncernlirg'it.”iioplinoMliuUJJoolUlio-counlPltjili--_________________ ^ ^ '\ V h ik I^ ll.bc_<lm;igge;^ne

.-‘ rjco^pniicall^^'lhiiny of^tiMleveloprng countrjes hyve eher-|" > rjitlouit ttiiiiMwt^j4»^>wt»pialii--wttietKtjie-woi‘ld-wllH|e^t-to •

Boiler stated "by statute, the ''^hai'eW,n'j»AW()f»g!*years.. • '

vJCF seliool ftiiids

Gem load lim itou tlook unsure


rcplon of South Yemen lote Monday, killing Uie country' -foreign n>iniflUNomU^thor-g(M;ornment-nftif.lnlvI^eimt-Riuiia

--.•.aflid-iodny;______ ____-^i^iOT-ttdlo-sttidcBorciHn.J

died in the crjuh. ■'

— *. nl legal matter.'; for Mct^ullorfr_____ Jo tter slfltod,

‘•Ihuvc*bsli(KUnothernttorric7 « f ip E f iK c n t^ *^ c e u IIS c h - ^

c untry s Properties, wlUi Uieli*-eonsont. in-nny-ahrt natters.

n ta ta tJilo h a rm So d ia iSSaS in S^


™ N FAt^ f i^ V district UidgrtinB ngroodrln effect, to f an earlier (iernhMr overturning certaiii stale-^i^iway r nmm~tnto~n~stntpTtth^nisncnsinni::::— --- -------- •

- T ttl^«^A I;|;S -•-’W^tlrthe (llilt^lct■s butlBet^JlMirinrtlttrevcnfnin^Fini^>f«^-----school pfiioloUjigfdiMhiiy.iiriLinillunoorlalu about HtmiUTiu^lal (ed o raU und ii^-

Tfic school (itimlnlBtrntlon hna prepared a $3,526 million general'fund budad rjmnifliflollftTfclioo^'trttstee*-t(iitlKhHeiv1he-dl»lricVe-elght‘r<‘guiar»ehotil»-

andl 8,200_Btudent9 . ^

; -1 . - ' Fair s^ d ito T ia f ^ -

- = U v ih g ,9 rW _ ^ z r^

^ r j j y P l i o n e a ^ S f t a i L^ O r « « y jo | i r ln ll-rr««

tliot "tlicro' may ' sotnewli'erc' .down tiie road,- a 'conflict appear.” •. *-

. Clrcumatnnccq.-whleh , may • .1. load to HUch •«» Bituidlon. nollor .'Sard," coui(T'^tcm from.

Slicceafllvn .H^nii>ia^f.-^aafrr •’-n reau iM ^^ y—^IcCTlloeh- -Proi>erileflr-*nehiiilfl-of-mieh-ft^

plan.- by tho county planning — Qrid UonlnH—cQinmlMlon-^fuh- ^boarjl of>>pDoabLtfjj»ld brina.lL^

rulo on .eKpe( ‘d appeids from Ihe-caso. - ' • ‘ " - - At sti«l(^s llic'future'-of Idaho's hlRluvay-funda for tlie' ‘■ CQnatrucUonotUiB-Uifec'lnlferallileTondwaya. nccordlnB to nn

flaE«%lJlstelja.Co«rt.-.• ... ; ; J . „:•>.One ODDoal has alreadV 1]...... .... “ ‘' - the • cane ot ->stcrMm~

Directors filed an-tjppeal several dnyjl'jjuV Bn Cunningham's "TlB.nini of thDlr mutlwrtu intervene In th t r c w s b r^

— 7 - .i:>i==i: u -gum.w»io.-n— -— >wmu-mnaitw»uamimtty.Hqiiorttwmmi»-yi»-njftinwrrupruHCimnn«———— ‘------- -----------wfore tno county coinmiflfilon---- liio-liWM-onforcemont-vgentlOfl, said lolky'ort appofll hairtjcen /• ; . y L —

> ' " t V “ ;(Confjnueilomp. 13) i C o n ^ I n i K ' d u n p . Z ) j

T O 3SlHIHtgn?«g1im T .» ncroirthc-boBrd-p»iyH(llBtdct’fl' empl(^ceff. . .. « —' • '

_ n io money for tliB..)iirap Inpay la reflective of Uic 111 mfllloA In new money l^c state leglilaturc>madQ nvallablc toJocDhflchottljHgtricti thla pMt winter.

' ---- • ■ ilw lari


sedbndnry :lUO.OOO, used for migrant progriimB nndother com{WMOtory projccf, luch ai the hiring of al4Ti>'B- - Nj~


Page 2:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

3~Tlwo»-Nawt/Tw|n.rAll8i.idahb Tueiday, Ato'y \,.\v)3'>^

'•]Hai ks :r ^ :gnsy--, _______ _ _ ... ...,. ■ rr~: ~

4ii3ge^stis^< ^ixlm

................ -f)^<MMrhi»^nti'f)OtrwhlcMM^An-Mar«h40^iiI(lflho'j{,nowJQilparlmcntof--.- Ij.oxpoctfid to b(LcoinplctcU-in,Uic no*t fow

Knvironmc ntnl nnd Confmunity Servlcca Ima weeks', in not llkolv to cxcced 130,00(1

. . . -:: cnUUc3 In two aprawllntf^pnrtmcnU?- and tjic :.. Howard U. .Jamieson, aflidilio new;tlapartmont-

...... ......... ...................... ..... - , - ■ Hicy lhclu<le ', 'ij p pinn — ~mit togothur by .■<;QnHUltiiflt '^^rivlroMifI . _..jwcncy and five flovcrnmcntdl. task for^^’^-^^uppdrt, legal acrvIfc^H; ofHco of planning artd

Will now hnvc to bo-flpprovcd-by-Dopartnionl of -•" qiiiiUty' aHRuranco and tfiiToffioonif program ^ISnvlronmcntol-nnd-'Gomnm^tj^Swvloo* -support.,/ . ,

(DRCS) administrator JamM Dnx.. ■ ' '• Most-of tlTcdcpartmont*8fl,52B omplbyca 'will •

,RehtbmtiiUv« S ^ lcM ria ld today be would ' "leave, itaj^ :,gftyyniin.qit..to -UiL. n«L,tyQ

mAatfii; Morki hfli i){^ t dgbt ycBNi Id ft^te

(CoQiimiedfromp.'l) - I - if said Ju(jRmerit-is- permitted •CunnlnghomV^-or'lBlnfll-to - stand. ' do further

i ~ln -midi T RpportlonnlcnU'or FCdorul-Aid -[d,fl.hflU.Bi head of ---- Mfnm h, _ fbund-mi£L.-MtiitflitL-JHighmj>y^Truflt FimdB-ff>r-tll<*

wpB merged with (1


_ prn'cUcc'of. permitting htglicr londBmltaTdrYifW ngricuItuFal Tii'ghwny Systepi will be

•DoQf' ■ HottliheP inalllng

mbasure was approved cnlllhg for*i*un!i(Jlldutluii".............. tif— tlfg-^Pep!Environmental Protection and Health. Social and RelmBIlllatiohTScrvIccflTlmg^er^lnldnfoUtiCL. Iiealllf


‘»ny rr;aloL«r‘v

" Marks was oiked about hla future when an « - tmpublielxod cbart-8hAWlng4bc ucw^fmmand . filructure of thftdepanl^cDt dld innl >>felude His -- M m

future, but la looklnn oround.

mil iBiiminimi'ni i i' Hiii' aiiiti;' " ‘,'!*"'’; "7 " !" '” w ', Idslaimio-^or ovor-iin hmir ■3“ “ ”'’ S ^ " ■’»“ " B " " "■ while officials tried to-decide 'gcwpc^d $10(1 million dUH to doiivering buskct-' contninlng ’

-'Xvhothor flpcclal legislation was-- .. 1|^--- ------- Uikp^-r:i^d:;B055nrd^CTtflrUr~^niPedecLlo foreatall-'n'caiorr^VIL.thoNelaonnrrifisqMuifayr .trnvel i trniJer . . Charlies

l - t J t l f e

,.OtHl rifiCwTiltTyctflpfiheTilanxnirforTi I eaUlf offiflcr nii3 a’athtF’weifarc''officer,'

state " who

"Iho ffedtrol fUndtn -Under-federal iQW^-ih Jtate.


- 'Since-March-10, task forces composed o f- oinployes’ fyfftrr-tKf^nVinnrtrnent • of-»Hea|thr Welfare nnd the training center, along with '; tnember.s of Touche Roaa and Company, have

^been worklni! to combine the three

year, which begins July 1.^ quc1ic~.Hqm and Company was hired bv n a r

■i'etjui-l- dll tutlygttffftg if^TBhs -WiUUthO- unfilied position-of exccutlv^ aMUtant. Tliot »te no{lr(lrif EnvirQnmcntnraDd Com'rryinltv

rvlcca wllldenl dlrecfly wfth Bax, under theplan

A policy

paCh year .that the U»fl»l:jimitfl “ in cffectTre'hol-higher thfin tfie

.. ... ___ _ J ____ DncaJn-iiffccUir-lOSO.when_tl\t..--- ' -J'lKbwny.con.'Jtructlon-act wasi/alionrr' CmuHngham Inter refuacii-to

council created under itMywpiiin wiin)c~rtfa'd<nip of Dayrtho '

division uwl Uie depuly“ nam1nIsfnnora of the -iicvcn regions whicli dlvidC-up.'.th{La!H{c.

7 “h ^ o o i f | ? r a ( \ i h n o t b i f jct?Hon— ----------- - ---------- . ____________■ — . ■:

■fiulil lolling• amend his ruling fit an A prirV . mm . ‘ j . . lieai-ing, telling the opiMiJiin \V1I1 IV IO O S C '

• -counscl-iilt_L’m-wrQng.-iUl'.be_

hau^ its\pr^ucts>int0 Idhho. • "

flaper . S . carefully(\n blistered feet . .; Howard

' Johnson and Ed' WoSds i^?fv^onfdt-rlng~in‘'■ courthouse

~p»rhini! Iftl ■ I ■ Mrs, t.InnftU

BQ ISE(UPI)-M em bers of D e. p-a r tr m c n t's o fNew ■ York City -based tnvironmonlal Protection and

consultant firm ha^ b’ecTTj^d—-HoaUli^pr^^ocfal^^^^ wages ranging rom $20 to $00' ''^Rehabilitative Services and the per hour to help IdflliO(ri)mblhe_, SlaUi Yputh Troining Center It • health and* • welfare March 10,

gUL as the Sup ine -Court 'wllT”-^saiLXaLrigtlt:

• Bean arranginK-photograph of club* officer,*; • . . . Cnpt,“ Tiiyi

;Q ualk trylng^tp. .talk-'oTT teleplione above Inolse of

pzariTcntcriifhis-tifficD. ,TClno”Holiini'on noprtlR fl^TiTnirncltP

n j i n ^ “Btmprirosirrminl”■fjfit anfl'SeWnd

•In IhLMmhuarstate Moose ritual fnti^eliiionT -i-in-'r=Btirlcr SalGrday, Ile'pry .Wlivi;a announcetMofbjr-'

Individjal wlnner.s were_ lT=3uni

Keith Andersen, talki:alwut rmui E l e cts . . . M rs.,T, . Ander.iion.^cclinnutshtng-- oporluhily ol Slaving herplipto taken' to make way for other .club officials . and ovcrl\eard. "How long docs winter la.st In Idalio, anyway?"

ta'flct as a consultant dwlng-tho reorganlyjition

Agents guarfl papers W ^W ^firt^House aides^

_ .The ' appea l- ;: asking Cunmhtniarrr staying his ociginal‘fuUng was" accontpanied by documents warnlfjg o( a cutqff .of fcdefal.

■departments. ' , Me tfnid no more Uilirf $30,000 . funds ■ for the -inter.statcH6ward H. Jamieson, will be paid to the firm-WHICH— P5Tl^ntOYnhTn?rnrn.^

r-dlrGPtnr-of-budgfltr^nd-flflpal— • ■-..affab's for.thc-new-depactmcnt -thmughouLlliC-Colintry Jt,has.

^^,of Envlronmerttal and done work for the ati\le - _>T,-Oqnvfltmny 'SSrvlcesv told

___________(Continued from p 1):MixQn-sald,hc-Qccepted_th(Lrc8pODatblllty fot-

; ti)e Watergate allolr hlcuUUU III any uigiiiiiziF- Uon "the man-ot U»e top must bear the

____ reaponalbilitv.*'.............. .— -JJiionrbrualiinB away-lcarflrBloppcd-by-.thp

White House press-office, where reporter had a^ut

Nixon said thrffWinK the ____ _______________ ...campaign his nvprrldlng concern was tlte Koal ^Mnnday-that Touche Ros-s and = ^ bringinR peace to-Amorle<Mmd41i&-wocld:ii— CojnpnnjrrhcCfln‘“ w;ork on

Hesaid that at tlie tlme'oniic bugging he wa^ 'reorganlzatlon , of the It was not.V getting a few lioys’ rest after his summit trip to •- •U»o Soviot-Unlon. .

He said he Immed'iateTy ordered an ' investlKation. He said he diacouated press ’■

legialalure and

The contract waa required tojroiiplor bid.-

Dcan lisdale. Vrnn<7higliway engineer.- 'siiidT in~ NsTp^governorpau

■ part, •‘since the memorandum -Hoffmnrrr I'wlfr:. • Fnlisr

not in ihi.s cause, im L^gb iW iy_Aair

the .Fe(l^.»r l ilctiiton—iia

l()vernoi; Honry Wavra. Buhl. nri'latc; Nile' Casten, Buhl., ilViJtor.-.and.Jxjy :Spra(lling

ndviscd U.e Staili of Idnlio thiit, ifuHI, sprKc-anl-at-iirim,/

---- Watergate -during the months^ttor-the 24 .minute address and said: “ Just continue to giveme hell; when you think I'm wrong;’’”

Republicans, who had joined in harkh criticism of NIxon'a handllhg of Wotergote as tlie case

--woro on.'But^BOvcml members of Congress

stories abom Watcr«atc because hcAva.s getting ‘‘reheat^assurances" that no niftmh<»rfl nLhia. administration were Involved

' ti)at the denials were true and timt the dmrges of Involvement by members of the Wfilte Hou-se ..| ■stnff-were false," Nixon snid.- --

“cohimuetl to call lor-o spcciafpi^secnioych^ern He uim "new Ihtprination" caliic to him tliat by someone outaidc.the adminiatratlonr ‘ j there was a “ real posalbllity" that som e of the

Son. WlUlam B. Sax^ . R-Ohlo aald: ‘i don't cbju-ges were true, and on March" 21 he'T '^toiow‘flny more■nbont^ntergnte-thnn-I-dldr l---per8on«lly“ Bs3Qliiea^<raiwnflninnyJor_a_neiV_lrzinton't know^hy-people-resigned-or-were'oakcd^— tnqutry^ .................. .............

. toroalgnJ'ncpiBellaS.Abzug,D-N.Y.,saidthe House should- Investigate whether ^ e ^e

J^ounds to fmpcac)i NixonIn his telccns)'. 1)0 tmnuted no wrong-doing-to-

Klelndlen5t, Holdeman oncF Elirllchman— but gave no such asaurance about Dean.

“ I believed the reportrl wa^-gettlng," Nixon "said7 rcTerrlnglp' an tarl> friveslTga'lIon 6T —Wotergote conducted for him by Doan, which

denied furtbpr WJilt House involvement beyond | two low-level nicies arrested ahcr tlie bugging.

-Magii alie dfclospilals,.,.M in idoku M cm orin l

---------Admitted— “Frank Maricle, Earl

M agic ,V«U*^v MtMnorial---- Admitted _Mrs. F re (f Renfro. Mrs.

Hardwick,-^ra ^ ilh , Susan Jercy .Burge.ssT‘Giu:i’-_Bybeo,_ti___ II____ n »-> - - i______::t_ ’ ~ '-IQ-""'..'.'.'*: n > ~ ? ■:.ri ‘ i - r— .• -- tW itr Wiyn


I.oulse Garngr, Nadine Peterson. Jjjmes Feeney,

M ag iir V a lle y O b it iia id ^ ’T f T ^ ^ i i g a t i r

• I w ^ i r g l a r i c s

TW IN FAI,I,S~. -i-~fwQ

N . ( . I v r i s l y jV la r fn D a t i r c v l * o l l y S t i in g c 'r•lICnOME - Mr.s. NCltie M. WF.NDKI.l. - 'Marin I Mikal

CliMHtyr—Wr-Jor-iimo^ditid • Uubrcv. 51, Hiud Monday

wi-ekond burglarie.s continued , unrlc.t.invcaligntion to^ny by

Bencdict’.s’Hospital of a briaf iUiie.s.s. .

Horn April 12. 1901, in St. J r a n c i^ ,tQ-

Menho, S.D.. at an ejirly age id attended Menno , scbrtols. Sl^_ mai^ried L i jwronce

Christy ' June Yis.'" 192ij. in'*

MiU]or of a lonu illnu.' s:Born Sept, 5, 1921, in

Bulgaria, he ciitne to the “ijUlles .lD \m. Jb?

rhnrried '.Sfurloy naichei6|' in liLS Vegu.'l on Feb 4, Iflfil

lie .spent . one year In TTevcTnnlJrOTfonwB'yC'flr'SnTr

, (il/\KI,t':Y - Polly r.-ipl -Tim Qualls, fhiel-of Marllmlali! "CTin iiicr,- -75, - iletEetlvili;, sail]'- Zcmlth'

'fiaWcy. dltd:^nihclmH^LM!lIIl^^Wiat^‘;aIf T l« Co., n n f flffi Valley' Memorial Ho^ijiilnl TexacoOll Co. liulk plant were folliiwini; a sliiirl illlie.'is. enI.Ted xlurinK Ihe weekend.

She wafi jjorn. A0ril 2*1. .1(!!I8, ■ 'Ilu'breaknns were reported to_m -.OflklcjL amL jltk 'lld fid poliM, Monday,_____________

.scliodls thererTOi .lUIy 2 ir l51 l'F^ "^ n itirT ifc ’ CoTrejibftei! M2 she married .lohn A lbert,, eash lakor) (j-om Ih e ir ': '',Stan^er__ in ItUrley, 'I'be, husinijss an*l a quantity of tire.siTiamirKe w a s t e soBinHteM inissinc. A coin|ilete invenTnVy......in tho Idaho Pallfi I.n,*! Temple, beinn taken today by Alleii Mr..stuni:er died in .lime, 1907. Osljofno, -blisinoirs owaur, to

A-. membor-of the l.D.S .•(jeUTinine Hie loss

Yankton, S.D. Tl^cy lived In . U s Angelu.s and threu yeai-s In'Okobojo, S.D.; Colorado. Beauinont** Call/., beforeCalifornia anil Nebrtiska returning to l./is Angeles whprc ........................................................before movinf; io Rnplil ^'*y, h04ii>dhin-wH^Horvud-n!ifo!iter— nuirphngrnhflhfililorrrL-Bfi^nma-— Snmrnnr rntnrH"5.U,, where they lived until parenl.s. " ' l^irTiary and TnlTef Soolety. oji plant Hurlnii theTogo' wlien~lirey” moved’ to Tlie past t«*tr j-ctT s he ha.s She is sufvivecrr/y^'no'jTo'n, ' ’^v^kenii but only batteries andJoronu). — J, — -------bmu^a:. .duii:^L_iurJlHir_Jn__.lat;k_M..SUinger,-T,wiiiJialls;— Kome— spark— plug*- were

They operaled Christy’s Wendell. Mr. Dpbrev belonged one da.iighter. Mr.s. Dorothy rerwrted missing pending anTrailer Corral‘in*.lerome. io“WesrFoihl'Grange*No.‘'208.‘ Connolly, Twin Fa lls ; one . inve

- W . U o l l « n b e u kShe was a member of the., Sarviyors "wdude his wiTe' sister. Mrs. Marjyirel Schinith,

Unitetl F*rcs!)yterian Church, Wendell; five dauKhter^i. Mrs. -San Knren/.o. C a ilL ;

’er^orj; .

■WnvneUnited Pre.sbylerlan Womon_lj4«dcjdn Kline, ShermanOak.sT

^and the Amcrk.Tti -Legion Cailf.; Rosa Dabrev."Moimiim

seven grandchildren and six greiit'^randehildren, ~ R I F L E S

rrtmgti... :3mLj41mu- Myiib J M Z ,RnMn.snKZ^lLBfed3avid ,‘‘‘ 1■ I Llk.n^ltiaf ritlntAitnnn n l ft nJ ) l 8nilSSCd iujv>n<—tni, -uuiiu____mjuiiiauu,_uu__-i^ivju— „---------- - -------- ---- 1----

isninel <jullanton. Connie Vadna Ciarrard.'IUirley; Patty . Sfhwendjma'it, Rupert- Ahce Sundjiy nfternoun of an brothersM cC learv; Bobbie Tracy. Shaw, Lyd ia Call, Jame.s

- -LiUi^n,!Ncddo.MulttL^

NEED A MAGIC CARPET remi';=MI'S-HobBCl=SimmiM"a_=^Nonii-=:=Bi:ttS!;clr^vRay' -7" Williant Moeller, Hnyniond Tlnunpson, Brailloy tTuke, Nellie C o n n e r le y ^ > o n t e ^ jS r ™ i^ . r 7 in K o S a n , ■ when his pia-ents moved we.st

Malta; Ver„ Jennin^, I'aul; ' ' Fune,;»

I5U BSC R lm a iU (A IES= l= THE-T«M E5> NEW S-

Mr.s. Jimnjy McHride, all Twin Mrs. Fa lls ; ~ Tnirri‘'~~~Hnrtailt, leyimp

Ronald Jackson.

^ur-viv^ng-uro-hur-huliband,— and>l4 fia-Dqbr4Ait-ainW f ndell one son. MicitaeL Dobrcv,-

icller.Menno; ^\lix;rt Wendwl; two brothers und-^me- Mneller. Sioux City. Iowa, ami .sister, Bulgaria . and, one

„ . . Em il Mudler: Jcromerand one— gmndchi l dr— - area iinOL the ai,e of Barbara Grave.slde ritu».wlll lie al 2

St'hbrzman; Hupert. - " f jn , Wedne.sd.jy at the Wendellid-.services will be at 2 Cemetery w^h' R«V KennethHe married Dtirolh)t-Douglas

,on-Ju;ie 7..1949>___ _________,

;=Me3 ^iBoiser

p.m. Tlnirsday a f the Hove ral Chapel:,,^hy--Uo.\

^y"ChrH»r‘- '•

- (Qan/»-JoiiafiV> • - -.rt-rri-.tlTrrr:

Joseph Stastny Jr .. Hansen; CJiester .. Arndt, Hailey, and ‘

"L-IVHP Jlldll I CTfey:l^Dlamiaicd-

-vrti, Paid in Advanc*

- ' _ ,(Do[ly Sundoy): 1 MoniK _ 3 Man'hi ! hMnnthi_______ ^■ I Y«or

ITe I r n ^ tnf ttvffln~lflgA^hr

■A son was bornlo Mr. and Mr.s. navid .Schwendlman.Hiinnrl auditor, He worked-foL

-^ vu u Ltu _— — — ;’'_,ctintlni'rimfetp _ _ _anrt was'Unpcrt City manager


Brown. .Jerome fievcnth Day -JUbtimlitiLXhucLh^ttiuuiliiiu.

4!ondUt4o4l— ul-- U.—Wednp.'?dni:ln‘‘ih?‘t)akrp^.DS Slnkehouse.-wlth Bishq£ Ray-^ C, Be<lke officiatinf'- Inlerinent \vi II iM in-tim CfaWcy-Cemc|ci^—•

l'’rlends"Tnay call at- Payne • Mtirtuary this afternoon and evenit»g and at the pUlce of .service one hour'iprior.Tft the ■funuKaUWu iu day.-----------— i.—


" '^bonUy amty^WtBfn' 8 Track Sterno

’ j a c k ' s ; : ; . 'iS f ? Kimhw.ly pa 7.11.

Memorials may be nuide to, ^Preahvlgrii

:m_7Jofl:n0. p.m. and Wednesday tho*_



‘ Moil lubicrlptioni oc<«pt«i) only ,wh«i» cairicr d»liv»ry li not maln- lalAcd. .

SUBSCRIBERSCall yovr'C*fM*i^—I----

Williams. Owirles McCauley f f | -and Mrs. Kldon Meyer, all t l C L Z G l l O l l^ vln Fail.si Mary-Wiirisrand------ ' ' - 'Olln Jacobs, both Kiml)erly;

^ n r —Willhim Ambrose-and_M rs. -Richard . Kacs— and daugUterj all Buhl; Wesley Fowler, Murtangh. and Mrs,lilenn^I*arsonr-Jerome.--- -—

— nirths


for two years befJire joming the” Minidoi<a County Cotimdsslon

rtniflfifl: HO wnF5-clePtPd again in • 1970 and at the time of his death

— li»-w«>^)miniM;ioa-cluu»uaiu-

-Wetinestiny— nftevening and until L30 p.tn, Tlmrsday. • * •

rartho chapel or]o hourprlor tn services'; The 1 ' . . i l l le.• v *.j ^ 445rpJ n J

\<>ii k i u t w

. . I ■< < rt lU IIK iU w u u iiv j54^.dU«_ •’?l''>:-!’!'''«“ “ ’^-^TOn«nltsi9 iiorClaud(Uicrmitd.

IiUhl, Thp woric dnv w IIH m* hold JnPqui.Oni.l.v.Nqrionri -*»8.35SJ - . . ine worK (lay Will IK neiti niiii.,:Bo'o.i,«n.Hoiii.i., M o in o r ii i l ; 'vl'l' " .statewidew,nd,ll./4,om. . : ' . Johnny llorlfon pay,

^£pdlnofrMoo«rman 536; S;|& , Admlttl^B


Mr; HollCTTbeck'was a pa.st 'pro!?lrtcnt T)f ttio Rupert. _ ^imer A,Chimilior of CoinmerCo;- WolfiWiarner, 4(, Jefpme, died

_ dinrtcr meniber.iind first Monday niiiht nl t^e Veteran'f preshlej^jif^ tlie Uupert , Admlnl.stralloll IloshHal,'

Tklwanls; [nember T)f- the— „„rr-i-l,r|C51llness.will ^p^ticipat, in „ county- o f i^ rd iin ' W a« -

.Wide tlcnn=iip-riny:Sntiirdayr-^j-l,,-^-,,„„ ----^ni^unu-iLrvlce.. ----------"TiOTsi-rtlTic ■ to----cDimty------------------ —

- HAZBI.TON — Rosidents in

. --Buhl. - and -Mra> -Diane ..Uah;.

He had been chairman of the J^odeo C0fnmlttPC-frnm-t9?7-tn-r 197L He wa.s also .sccretary_-.


By Unfted Press Iiiteniallm)al '.Mayday, tlie international distress, call, cuines from •m'aidez/'- llie Frericli word

fof "itelp ni'e."


surround TAursns; with Tofnlcoiot.Aiid SH«inu«



nr «Regliisr ler Orlsd riowcr ShSHdiilriiihinlniiildclj piriicipitino itpri.


nog. $ 0,80TWO FOR

» i r »Sill uii fliliil lundfini. rug ihimpoo. ipfiy pilnli. tBllii lit), ifloli. mirriir} ind moril

Turn t.-jcK r

— ____ :ir?JJ32U- Dull] I. HfluiiWOnv ^ ,S415412

^ W l = ^ a J W 'M “ ■ s.-Ryun, R. K. Olaen, Mivi. Arthur

• .owiwr-J.MT-Sutton-jwd-Ebde

treasurd’r of the South fdaho „ , Planning and lie.sburceItodent.s of IVvelopninat-A^ a l lo .H

J 1 9 7 5 A A e r ^ ^ ^ - M d n t e i - ^ e yWIth-whlloWall itoo l ttollocLradlal .

4 6 ,0 0 0 m llo t lro i p lu j ; . .

f r e e i o i k c h a n g s r ; ^ ^ / ^ .•Asan«-«silflc«r«5s.— ■ O n « H 4 .. .^ 7 JM .K u r« l, .

are asked td meet at the -llazidton-Villagfc-PaEk-iitJUQ-

Survlvpr.H Include '4irfl'-wifc,’ Rupert; one son. Warren

' jO godtno CouMy

liau^cher,-all Gooding; Mrs. a.m........ ..........................■ftoy ^ l l « ; i a m B 5 i V W W n - T » Pullman. Wash.; .two .sister.s,.Vtiung.3Juroino,:^=^=======Ka!io}a^orcQ-rp8jdonto^wm


Q]7-443&>WlliTin lofion

DQra]hea$i«olimith_ 433 S4Q0_ i -zr'.-l ---: .

______ __________ _______T niPjlVnt.Itig'.kiihuni'intoroniiiiLn. Vernon B'cowor, Hagermah; wjiere* cap/aln^ ‘have been

934»S704 Dfdsy., Voung,. Vllciidcll^, Joha u wigned la Ujc- crcon*|ip-ot U»e, )not-"Mfitr'JiWtf>P^fro^wQ^


■ tliohe I - TheVt


yo., and. Mrs.' Dale ParishT” "

.Edwnrrt Hniicnbcck-; Uoise.T- ■ TifiTcFtiTscrvIccs will be n rTBobn,Ooodlng.

• • TheV» w ill . wprk»'toword5ivTJfficdrcu.'i---.'.;iuiisi!Uonjind_mWr: « ic ,

(ding to UjCj«cwuy.-,-p_,„-Ti,u^jnyFirst airlstlan.Glmrch by noy...

■•r-Afiliur. Ofonr

•• MofilytvtHioM- - ' ¥t)«n' Vo7»llon

'. t r ir io i? ' “ W im nt, a io s lw n y ,jn d . th’ -c’o 'Ja iT .j^r.* 0 iap .l7 F rn a iMoorc, S t Cliflrlea Mo:-, - • <■ Rupert Cemote


■,e:j«.33Sn-;« Mrs, -V9 lanUn.,t)aynp..Mrii. ..i|||^'jj,;;AilnV-Park

qt orflo .leaser, J t i l n - ^ l la^ — EvcTyonc~'lii-<mcmii’« ( i« R ( i ' ----= - r '7 ,-----—"-■ihmnn, Boise,and p ^ ir t lc lp .a lo . H ig h w a y 1* U n c r o l S c r V l C C S


■Drcnila-jLlcklcy, Jerome; - riWSxldVim'dcU^Alc


ere.wa'“ nrb- npcticij.,^ Thoa'6 - ......... ......liuvrn^viilliibio^uli»n«nt-^Wcilnoulay.flttiiiyni>-M«mbrl|il>^

W m * V ^ ^ rv tc c .T W.-HiirAlFwlll-bc-nt- 2

t Cemetery.’ritex in (ho

THELSEN MOTORST h e e o s l o i t p l a c e Ip w o r l d Io _ b 0 y a c a r .

> AuiomOllc TfOnimliiion ■

• Front Disc Dt'o.... ,• Wall loV^oll.100% Nylon

•tintr:'t'Olfl^cl Poworfut ,v a■'-ffloio* - -• Awiomaiu PofklPo^.roh* - ,Rilooi* ;• . - _.• fnir'oV AJiioibln'a Dumper -r

• r luMo'Sound Pcukogo

, WhopI * Oodytldo. Wipof* .

. ^•-lono 1-34 Irictt Whonlnoio1___ tP<mctrV«nfllfjliji[LSyi*«'T>-• Woodtane liiiirumonlolion

■ ~T»dnol ‘ , "

«.sAVLaN.xLUQiiBitua>nuiuajJuDB juuuQi-^&iuaTiij-

Fails O la ss iiP a ln l”

B 3 -A d ills p !E f lw = E ^ T w ilf iR ll5 rW ^ ir^ V r-OrjyouplocaNealBrTln-lteg^^^^ 7 \ -

Page 3:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

fstjlc t *^toulct ■ discard . Ui'e .froM tlic U lrd through six{li,_'—Hellrinj;^ Inistcc' clinlrmnn— phfldMpli^^o[(hoeplng-iV|rwith-^Hnj(!iSTIll'B.^j*e8-Hre-.-lQPHO'--- —IJohn \Volfo' iitcfUic TVin.FnUa Uie Joneses/^ * ; At Hm-rison fidiool^Jie said,.

_____luiY(Mi}iQwiL<iuntimiintt:.»ft:owlh^rMtU:uUurm-stfltc.- Wt. filiould— 36studcuts.pcw:oomicompared.... “ IPdnnimilTniifhj^nvliirvt.- t e n Ihla ln .h iln il/W ir(|p rr^-w lth 2 3 ln U iM e 'cW

iirt'ii.s and In.'prrHuction-;- have all of Uw resources soinp; In Uie . f ir ...........of our Ind^lslrlnl hiivo," he siiid.

neighborsne"saiil a study of the Tvvln Falln 1£)0? Krnduates shqwodiiboiH ‘fiO |)er cent hild7 lon^ l o ...............................................

-mltfHu, wuM .another Inr ja— rijnks itigh on and Morninf{sido sciiools. AnSfj'inenl /ffcnlerinH career bijsic indices of ‘dUucational alternative would, b j to build

. edlinUTojrj)ro}>ram^ ' a.eliiextmehi./../'iucIu(ling J^nothe^ scliodl and-or 'BliJfl ‘‘Wifhiir/.tlie limiLs of our literacy, dropont rates, rate of students away >;froin •

-blulKeL.J^iiHt-^'ne|otUz£ to-— draftees flunking m ilitary overcrowded cluSarooniJi.. . ---^anylx)py for the educati^ in inen liiP lesls flrfff^tnancial He SIiid“ ilfflr^iIs^GflCllTTE


H ^ ^ i s a n P T O

fete s te a ehers “ TWIN —rn

Harrison .T n r c n r Teachers -OrgnnlmtlorrrPTOT

teachers. . -•*'ni>‘~ lhr«'i> -<4»;uilinrn-

” f>?a)IF; amI“ TWrs. Po n r r Mitchell, sixth Krnde. ~nnrteiichcrs~vvere-prc:

* iHecc IS ■"Wflniiinurnclass .hIzl».“ Rather, hp said, researcherslmve been able to find little ■ ponslsien! corr^'latlon btlween class size *■ and educational excellence.

Konk, in response to a

dl.strTcf’s planffa^tity levyTo — build—Hifr-ntw-ritlasiiroomti

Ijdcause thu cost would be excessive.'He said aii'averaKe classroom would cost (10,000 to

r» » 9 m i]W M G « r*M iiin iv iilBlfl~

Xi!i)hflr(l'fttH! me Kticr ......^4Ji{jtrlot^ill- repVo^cnt the ■

—count jir-nwfnir-RroiyidJTwn!— ?"^" be hci^dquartijrs. • *

For Buhl and Cnstlcford.John Haxby will woj-^mn-J^ihnlt:^

trfyrftniftaUnJt wcrr . frnm lnft,f:Hni(n;n—, _.Mi'yer, (msistnnt HiiprHntrnde'nt of Twin Fnlls ~ 'Quunber- of -Cortunorco-wllh-

-mn-uiijard ond Mike 'njoWnssrhiinls, imd tnisteeK, Dr.; Hlrhnrd;'SnycnrrOrr" .................. ‘ -Mrs-JUUli-Day-and Jolm-Wolfe.__

Marj^aret MfAtee, first gwide; Mr.s. Vera Monroe, .fourth

I l iilitlniu’cl ffum |). 1 j in new monc)' the district , build. Afcordlnj^ to the The t»lministraliotj-bud|*el flHures on receiving from stale

for tlieir service by both the administration'fi ' proposed Uial will } o lo the school Iward .simrc<‘>; m U m d-b )L-U»-‘. fivf sriioul 'budgeirinot-e would lie about tonigyTT' 'eplace

avnilabl(^ln“ thp ,1ast several days, hints at a ,'100 per cent

Ulioti— rtitrriEille-nrlr

Wlla^dond __as cQ.di4«nen.;«Xw1n^Ii:alU----i’ -l

Canal QtiL a/ill furnlsl>-tivo— trucks for*the. area. Wpj-kers

meet; at tfjo city park;' ■’— ’ - Clare Ha'ldAin. bTST Mrs.

■Hob«rUlloinKUiin-*nd-Wr-XjiUi—' Kin>{. residents of Hansen w i lH ^

bc—in charfip ftf;"Uuif~.................-►Unldwin wiH-reiwesent.' the

I , , -“ ^ ’M-in-Kimbcrly^th^Botr---^ir 197.1 nder Title I of the stradley and Dick Stafford- menlanrand Secondary directim- loral rrou/ Tho

district trustees who attended J 125.OOO avaiimiTimhls year -nntlCipaled loss of the-Titlu-U Mey-er saiil Monday he thoughtthi'meeting. ‘ __ in the,plant facilities fund. nioney-uith state and county ihe disl^ict might receive

. - • Trulilcc.iJtuUi Daj:_nnd D. geneml fund.s: "atwut half" the Title 1 money• Hitljard Sayres outlined some t i t le I I money, which . itiscurrcntly getting, or uboiitof ^he new educational adiounted. to $7,500 library $70,000, v

But Assistant Supt. Cmiiden [)roferaihH.!although under thename of the B e U p r ll if i^ R 'A rm

-107:J. the fl^fjjon'of-

ta ilo r . AaloHillib." --- willrmcct-trt-thc-V w prapasuk, In cfiecl, Kl.niierly Advertiser to begin (lllld create a noor to support ||,o Jay'.s cairipalRn.

, . . . ' " " '“w proiJrnnis, at JMurtauiili jnd- Himsen adlliuilstration K proposed their present level, at least tor resldent.s' will meet at the spyclul revraue shurHig. lor, one year, accordmi: to tho Murtauoh'l®.S-Church ^ th education. State ' Department of nAr

iirbolninJffcrcd-byThu- iiruRraiTr-diirlnirthtF-currom---- rnhin"janhe case, he a a ia ^ ^ w ^ ^ la l^ K p H f t m e n F o r ----- ----- ------------ vj— uuz,

4ieads bap^ael ^(IlSlrld. ------ ------ 7 ~5cIHjIH yCllfrTH y i l t gTcd-lo lie'

Mrs. Day lit^ 'h ig h school' eliminated at the federal level, ' curriculum flexibility that-■ aK -woll, - but is not' beitig


• - -GliENNS F IO RRY-TheH th- Nnmpn, ohnplninr • Mrs.District convention of the . Carrie Bells^ Nampa,

••'World W a r ‘I Barracks and conductress; Mrs. Eoger Rice,Auxilfti^y was held Saturdjiy Mountain Home, guards and

...... {iftvrii(jL)n at the

the I.L'gisljiture's approval ul euriy gruduutiun for some senlorr.”

One of [he areas affected wastheKngli.sh Department, which , coupled with the nmv offers a wide nmge of cedented pay raises

re|)laceci l)y the Uistrict's otnor nHmane availntllc.,funds. — _____. '.O ffic ia ls , in the Slate

he— rcnlTicumeritsuntic-ipated T itle I monl-y, lung felt Title I funding for ttn

TlTtf -iichooi boara can “ easily amend the budget later in the year when the money actually jiroposals. which includt' Ihe

fuHowing for 'ftttt-t

emplmKize the special revenue sharing will not pa.s.s Congress

— ^ it iU lie fall or winter of 1973, if

-4 ji-U oU iitet_O oug_Ccil£Uh_. will represent .the, BI^M andBill Uughmllle? "and Morris Huffman, will be local lenders. -


,Je r r y . thrt;c year trustee^ Mrs.__ QUht -Programs nearly aU tlie rougiily $500.000Charles Whipple, Mountain include a17“ exDmimcntar

. n< xt school .year couj d reach BO t<it 90 per cent oL the current

“ Wilh respect Jo amounts^^at all, and thus warn ugainst“ ‘ 7 relymi! on me lunds wiWTwy il^nSm m unitj^

each .slale anil each local certainty. Several divisions In andedu.-atlonal agency would be |,j„ s „ „ „ . state officials feel around Twin Falls have been

KlecUon cifufficers was held. .. . _____________________W. H. Farris, Caldwell,. was Horne. WH5jnslalling-officer-, - -^ryHr«in— tTTThe, d istrict’s

----pf^ed— — commRfui«rt---- Mnlcom- Rogers,- Nnmpuaihletie-jlepnrtmemt .which ta■William Moore. Bo ist^ first Idaho State Department attemptiiig-to |)ulUI studeiHiT

" 7 'vlcD-commnnder; ■ W T Lee 1 Commander and Hugh-Judd, self-image Ihrough—pbyiiiiiaLBlack, Mountain Home, Junior ' [Rupert. -ftTBT vicc-<-ommnnder iraininn,____________:_______ ‘vice-coram,an3er: R, R. also-nllend Uie .dinner and -■ Mrs. Day said the program TWIN FALUS — ’1711* T\vin

B ij“s h a r d , N a m p a , riTeetUigT” ”' ' ‘ ’ " is the'hnlv one oriLs kinrt im hc— F n n r7 TiRh“ Sclif)0l“ symph0ny

ratherler information, made. .the Con»res.s' could opntinue esljiblished^ Tliii U-S. Arm y....

■rr;i“ ii, “ ICO ,.L. wllUTIir . ll. l ili?"*'|HUst^r‘lille 1 funding Reserve and hangar owners -_i-:mi(nni ndl i-H n i fnr. fii;cii ________ , . ....................... ” .......................

3-JE-sets pop^Goncertqunrrermoster'John"JamtBon^--- -Mrs. —Jennrrlc;- Burira, tTin1lon~Meridian, explain and Qmer . .Ciildwell. .clepar-tjuent Junior-— .Dr.r- Rice. Caldwell, sargeant-<|t- , vice-president, nltended.-Mrs. imix)riayce of exlending Ihe arms. Wm, Robinson, Boise, Margaret Sims, Glenns Furry, district 's career education

* nth ■ District regional decoratctrilfo'tablcs for the programs. He said the conimander was the Installing lieef roast pot-luck dinner, programs ■ now offei'ed are officer. • Aboul 100 people attended. .......go"od.'but shojild be expanded.

Mrs, A.N. Tshmael; "Boise, ‘ ^ inoL oloolod-pr-ftatdw t-of—th» -J-»-— -l.nn g^ l.inct __

6 nnd \vlir pre:st>nl“ lhe~I7th

Rhoads, based on “ None But the . Lonely -Heart” by

______ AiiviHnry; “Mrt; Rr NflSma .BoUic, first vice-president;

_ — -M rs ,- ^ d — McLean, Boise/ ,tr«nsurer,~Mrs.' Bell Austin'.

Tiir’haikov.sky; “ Dry" Bonos'- ^IJan/.-Die, «mmuaLpupa concerl at Ujj..m. - -ar-imnge<M>y-john-Gncavagr" Cac6 fl.sv

Tluirsday a( the College J f "Nialhna, 'Mah-na” by Piro Sarnmy Neslico;Southern Idaho Fine Arts i Umillanl; "Sound.sof the Tliree ~froip Carole King Tapestry” Center. . Dog Night” arranged arranged by Jeffry Sclilcifcr;

The band is djreeled by Dei Robert U w den: "Outa-Spacc" "Them Ffom SiOnmer of ’42”___lJUt shojild bu expanded, ?;laughUT. a.ssisted by Rich by Pre.^ton and Greene;' by Micliel iW a n d ' ' ‘Here’sperhaps into the“ elementary TTuiriie, •‘Sound.s ' ~ ' n- -

__fiBifet!ttiiL-=H>t!ludea (;ittrfunkt

jmioimtj^Uca^jWi^C; icvoU will wo/k wlUUltirxy_Mc[Tlck.. j.while it works out the paH.sage'"alrpori’ mannoer, and Mrs. A1

.-l01lQ-hDgcinl-Ct;tonutLshacintt-„Pflrxiitt.-.tQ..cIean--thc. airport____ _package, • thus as.surlng -n and liu i'oundlng grounds. In continuing disadvantaged tho.city area, volunteers and, 'V program at school districts leaders wtll moot at-lho -old ncrojjsnhe country. ' hospital building.' Gcorg^'

rmm- -H.nvv Despite requests from citizen* ^ Scout .Vn,... ,, —groups,-iiotahH’-thTr1Vhrt ls ---- —Blues ■ by -John Vntorfi Highway Dislricrand National

band will present “ IlHir ’72" by Galt MacDermfll


Simon and puijyud-"' - y--

--------------------- -- I' r llK 'iifUin ^ lin iilri ;i " M .u l lLnnf/rnT.wrrnnrrrrrT Tn---- .mii «nmn ■iniiimi.iiiuuiUL.ti-ftiuui)wi(k’rii.s-</ojroll[/c,.I lo com- ' “ “ I Y es le rday" by from -nib Men"Iiii/linjr thm r r r irn Jiiiiim is apjilyjvlienoviir-hii .loaves Iho l,t.ini.>n ancl M cCarlney;-H ayes, ili'ii'i f plDiniinii III hi'si'. .system," he .said. liossa ' N’o va " by i'ollowin); Inlcnili.ssion

Cliicago" am =TnrgCTihnT

iged John'Now-soun<i.i

kindcriinrtcn proe^pa-- School 'w^iipl. v_Gcorgc

Staudaher told a-press briefing several days ago that decision


All workers wilt a33emblc_’nL__startlnB points ol 8 a'.m. and ‘ proceed to thtiir asalghmwits.. "rollowlnR-tHc trash lockup (n .1

all areas of th«» courtly, workers witi-tMj K rv e o - if iK J ^ ’n r u H r •Pllni" 'r iieinc the C'flnwrntet^**-Brrnnp !d'‘br

by Isaac'' Robert J^wdyn; "Ode to Joy” with its funding, os..wcll as » ________ ______ _______by Bethovon; /it-haefer. ' 7 ~ _"serious ‘problem. in-localing-.• n llend'apl^^al thfMOrtai^iT

____ .1 _________ sufficient space for the clas.ses. [.n.S Hiiirrh ____ ______ '

■Fair'ntiuimils'. Tftoscjn the east end ^the county will

<’1 i m m r v m s m . r r r r n , w .


ART AGENCY ^RVICE— frN D t> tffj!\B Q U T^ U R N EW D KIO N :C O N .C E i?T ;^

5iE<3afizjn m:.r~Py S€ on9rCiTmPubliGations>^BFp^iH =GM ‘=BapiogL^ .^ .TT^Is6rlogGs^^dSf^

fo rm s, flyeriHand-e^nGatroWal^^v^^^

^ 2 5 0 M N ^ A V E ? N r T W t N FA tt:S-^ PH O N E 7 3 4 - 4 8 W ~

Page 4:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

Ho&ing Er~ f ) e v o l i ^ r r o T h e O f M a g i c V a l l e y

■. TuMdav, AAfly 1, 1973

jMftclal eitysndC^tv Nawtpiptir':‘ ' ............. .

A) W«il«ri3rin; Publiihir PHONE 733W3Vici«i(.iiy*noi.«unit'n«wspau>r. . . , AA«mb*rotAudin}brfl«uo(.CLe£UlMk>nand

______ riuiol tO-S#Clloo;*a:lM.ltJ»ho^di.-Thuri<liv Uh#-r#byfjlf'SIon*l«d>i »ht d*y^«Hhr wwk wfJMiTdr

tfU.sl ihtpoil0 t<lc« In Twin Falli, Idtho.IlM). under lh«]K|^|^rch 1. ll>9.


roocnt -ln*!i'tnise review - of fodorol houfllng nnd ' urbnn

rimcvnl profirnms dobfl nol. 'progtHin hna provided .a

•prd.Mnt n pretty picture. , quarter blUlpn ijollars In the' • rchnbllltallon loan --fiubsldlxcd 3 per cdnl,'20:yoar'

- T M E ^ A T E R G y S F r E ^ F O L L I E S -

' Tftlho Russians, the world' Is 11. --- circle divided into two halves, the

nnd.capitalist caipp■Icam'Bi-:

'^ n d wMat is the. UUnited Statcsrsays;

ihe •_Sovler*-' tho■ 'w orld “ Basica - triangles, a 'large ^

sandvyich, with the Soviets -nntT-the— :— - Thft three corners An»irioiinii-;i'apraiiohtin|} Ihr slirps . ■■ ..Irlnnglp.-r.p.prnapnt

view? The:, Ichnert, seesr' lly as (wo and a Snnall '

of tho largetha-Uni.t«;.d.

Ioann QVcrliicpiMrtehl-yciirB— public-,.....l i o u a l n B , - - ^ ^l i Mlcclcd owitcm nnd'tcnnnU aupplcmcni, homo owncralililtopr™otctliercl5 l)lliu.lloiio(' " “slatnrico , nnd, . .ronl„l__ .Soncriy- ln -^fbim rencwnl ' houslnr proBrnma ore '

liirM*-' ------- expected to coat tlic, tnxpnycr" ■? InvSBOlSa’ m ---- — dialroasliig-tact thut In some siibM jrpnymonts over tho-llto ■ - locnlitiea-, T Bvt'rliond or Qf.Uie-CroiccUi , . .„ .

adminlatrotivc expenses iiuvC Yet—Uie-lnvtnllniilors have TnromnOTor H Mr o H i i f - e w l ^ M 'w * ^ '" ' ; ^

■■ fortunntc^eHnuiiUi new ■

■familii!».^nil|i;— m n m Jlfn r-

jniindehina mall triangle

of bfead which a r t " putHnB the States, thtiSoviotJUni squeejce on the other socialist and At tho corner of the

— — Indliatr lal lllltlmfe uf the-vvuridr-^---ap<HlapaivEuFi• These images-art.auggeslcd by United States. . aOTman=;pri1tic U r. In orxTer for the United States to Klaus Mehhert', who is currently be on'both triangles, one corner of

__________ Kenior-fellow-al-ili(!.-iSdiiinl for____ Uie small a and one corner of theInternation-lleIationB-al-Columhial^ar6C_tdjU!6los— mee.L;— J^his-


niu uiu nuv s v 'wt «•—neediest tamllles,', ^dll 'over

,halr of llie ■iUBSIdi^ed loons■|mvo boon colnif l<i persons

' wltli incomes ajx)vc.tlic-meiiinn: J n their, area.'!..NpoYlv:fi(W went

.nlvcrsity.Europe nnd. Japan -Iravc a still

different view of the'worldrJlU-loId- ^tcfiates to the rccent 14th annual conferecne of the Hegional Council for Trirb'rn'aji^nal Education, held

Both. Eujropeuris aiUI Japa^nCSe :

tlie only power cbmmunicaijng; _with all other camps. -

"^lemisphereS, 6an(lwi)rhes“ lines, triangles, corners, schmorners.

If-the-professor-were ^o-ask the common man, he might.find atill anofliCr view 7of th( world:— This^

- c o n v e rg in g ..a . point- eitlicr_at_:__ bobbihfi—un_aD.d„(li>.wn_aLSurope-or-.Japan,^epcnding_upQi]— ^CQmmancUil^thos(L.whQiikc4p-Uiink^ whelhpr the viewer is European they^ve got i>by a string. .

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Elusive RealityIf farm ers and Agriculture tradition of admiration for the

DepartmtVit officials alike- show " farnr as a way of life, '\V.hicy has declininu^ interest in the “ fa riii____prompted whylesalo intervention of

uasubsldlzed. housing that. Is , not new.V,-T ^ ‘

Tlie {roloy^.liavo." plaCJd .some .famjiiea in homes can't afford to irTnTritaShmvc

ii«i£;S^>MBSliMtdl'niirifcnnnni!ai^S gains toc.lntcrmediarlcs-.and .* ,

Imnravoment of_ tiave Intliited tiQuaing coatsr;iiranbstaridltfd-housThl''-'tui-n'-^pnrr7iij«nBi-l«“ ™B<!;oi/i(.MUi3. —major objective, most ot Uie supervlslne the programs have houslni! being iiili.sldlzed not properly Inspected homes

-ulreiKhMnL'l-mlnlmuiiUlllU.'iine__ nor nlven .adequate cousellni!-code slandard.1: Fomilles to lo«-lncome homes buyers, recelvlne Ibe loans used Uie Tlie Icdernl enllcBc hoilslnii

'■lunds (or udditional prWram, It was touhd, ..has _ imfrnvniniTfc - I bccyslibstditlnn-Uie building'*"'

Tlie ait.unlii)nln the 21-yoar- of \ystly; new callege ■_ ImnjjuMnaHe^^n .. _______, worse. Tlie atuijles Iniiicale .11 'jiludcW.1 are leaving the tfonns

subslimltoi'parVtitlho It'dorat for Aoff^umpus-' privole T^■5m^5ras^ra^tTO^B'W^fcland^V’?!nE^^rBelJ7l^erl^Ips7^^^

sjieculalor wlio liuve unloaded, result o<_Uus misplaced aid, landalsuverallimesiLs>«rlh.,._,deQun_l1t Jura from ,13 In one ea«tern clly liicalr TjroJecli in W71 to 59 In 1072. otflciiiis documenled 21) •, Tlie i/iiesllon.which tonurjss

“ iw decide Is wheUler lliu nnnpi'fiHriniisH Rtinn—

ineelwi---lliat n‘W federal programs mUBt-bo-i

A e ' T B U G H W A l D

Ofippmore thilil'SOfrpfpra.................... , , .............

uy-rttxrpTrrainn— mtsisiirrTsrcinKirThTirTravp— T by 1.500 per cent la three been stuck with poor - '

and -by 2,000 per cjtnrln one. management over the piist Pnrllcipating cllle.s nuisl several 'adm rn lslra llons

obiervir-l'flOOjiugiijtuUeduriil —-(Hepubliean'.and Democratic) regulations.. Local officials and a inanagerlal cleanup Is must.ofneccs.sily, if|ien(l niuoh ■ Ulus called for, or whether theof their time fioding ways, of— problems noled above are __staying— — within------or---Inhcie iit In any— fctftrn lly-

_____ p'roblem^LiiUjccausc-iUsjapidbL-bcing phased outT , lixporUi and

---' floods promise to take care of any surpluses tliiS year. And there is n'd“ CVidence the farmer will have

. JtnyUriiig to uiui ry about dm the — ^price-front.-^-' .r - — c— -

Like the factory oLiflurldg,cii_dejL^---------afio,i.tlii:Ja|Uji_ii_uudaj:guinUyan

intense poripd of mechanization, ev'on automatization. The results of this agricu ltifra l revolution

tlie_government in jh e lliv e s . and— iivelihooas' ofi people wHo hve on farms. j

A number ofi presidents and their.....spokesmen called many times for Uiu reductliiii iiif farm fiiimlles-to no- _

-mortr'lhan thd numbin^needed-ltf— Jecd-the natioif iiridjnBUt Dvcrsen3'_;.

demands, as j the/ way loward. restoring an [cconomic ^balance

Li ck i n g P'eli u t ionWA.S|ljN(’,T()N -

ha«- had so muchiinpri.sotutic‘iU, or bollij’ ^

•‘It piiUL tlic onu-s 6a-y the public wliero it be!niii;s,|‘ I

coniril)iili(ins to [ Itie

parallel those of the ass'emblv line,____ poinlifi -onMuch less labor is ncedoH, a grent^ woTild acct Beal-more capittil I's' I’eijWrijd and


, , . r , . I .1 Huioiiiuujif c iii|}inm;s wibctwcen-thcL^ji'oaucp- anci_the,--- 0w>uaixiiunLim.-.itiMn nwM.jcousumer, ‘

Uelroil bandages will cost tlu-................................. troiibk', coiKsumer only $1 ‘whilf anliiectinji the. •_.antip()liuti(in (IcvicL- on a carlYolection •Aj'enc-y's emLssion -4voulda)st$:>00, We’ve not only anrefd,

■stiffldaTdntnlrtr jiiven (iiiir" solvi-il lla- eniissidns problem “ Our -yonr-B-(»raco,-^mttP-lt)Wi,- u> —iiUbu Unitod.-Xtatufrhut wo>c— Uwin Aiw\ci-\muldiMLtbul'yQ\i: protluw «m• tMif'itu* wijielj will done-it 2'Jft snvin«9 to the wouldn’t bo ablo to KlurtVuar

T io fpB lIii^Ke »nr.-"T:vcn witli— nirljfiyoi^^-----------------"C'.'.ramTrymifbantlapctt-lis llDd'tlnr*fxtra 1 inonlh.s, tin* ' •' Vnd Ua-y'siiid Dvlroit lia.s_-over your tnoUlh." automobile' ci mptmies Insist Iwon nsleqr all thosp ycjirs." "1 don’t sov hov ’ K P A ^ u ld

circumventlni’ the rules, In' tunny tNises this further

. — distort-s thp objectives, ' ‘C o m m itm u n ts - -ao.w-

^ — ■,-oulBliuidint' in tudural luw-omt—

managed proi^rams and that many or most o ftlic projccti should be' turned over to the states, perhaps usinj): shared .


Ahmrt Hay

tlie same productive-area-IS'TTOw^ -ea^ble-of-multiplying-ilB-output-^ jperiMeally.except when climate ^or flSM intrudes.

~TBe srhiiirfarm of today has little-fuiuH>—a4u —buM

"A g r ic u lconsistcntl^dcmanded siill more * regnhrtory^Unlike;

reyolijtimi, are "not

What we have to do now is turn down j’flQr proposaljl-1 [Mjr.sUiidt*' IhV

urors are ' JVotoclicin A^etn'y to make it a so despLTirtCthat they'arLTITiW law that everyone 1n this

Yet, wh)^n it 'wasj " .e i ‘a deadline:' ' that-a-/-i4ep— nio auto mamifacturo;

mpTTsli tJi^ purpose, tfie' • so despLTirte-that they arl 5" e p a r t in e n l ;— ’yibrnittmg nltcrnrftc propfWHb— rotmtry^mush 'w rw

poy cr;e a r lie t industrijil

the fruits of e f f ic a c y being enjoyeU' a"n

Washinjiton which they be|\cvowit|,tflHgCtiEcnf the air._pollution iiarzard ' Oni -pr(»iuiR(nij-.:plan.-WiuaLabout waS'hroiiKht to l- FA the ^o-tlier day-' by A R V E Y -

that the auto companies have none the extra mile. -then-J

gmjtt!— doi t-ktww-whal wilh -----^bandai-c by IJarnsTable " I hope you're riyht,” he said.' "Anyune- who yoes ru|^|od. ••because Uie i auze outdoors without his bandn^ bandage is the only thiniJ we’ve would-be Kubjuct-to a fihe^or— Uot-ll --- ' ------

Why talk, about hay fever -later, it ihiiy mean now if niid-Auj-ust is lh»‘ time frequent injections to ac- < when it starts to botfier'folks? . cbtiiplish results. But if Die

Because yoU' can do injection program is started -3oinc(hWh' iib6<iFhliytevernmT~—iwlhihmhjRt^w-tkdluii tumii,- tJiiit you ciui’t .do when tJic a year-round proj;rani can be snifTuT-atul-red-eyes seasoni' u.sed. This means Uiat tin ap- appcoacheti, prtlpriatc“ doEeTjf~tiio“ extnict -

Sesensitizatlon treatment for ha>-f*ver (and other allergies) really w-orks. 1( may not. be pcrfect, but it builds up a jiartial loleranee to thv pollei^

illeiTTUTR; '

may. h( given at le$8 frequent . intervals, yet Uio desensitizing; ;• effect is maintained,. Under §ach a]Han. injettions't»ray:be_,^ onceji inonth ri^i^r^Uij^ t vo or three-times'a week as’ i?i.

Ex ipesshig Of ■itfiiirwlll'.eul down on carbon

• Received a note from Mrs. Peggy reasonab e cansideratioii for otlicr . -z=rd0e!yimiOThrT^s!dcsrat^21Jrt^)lf^^— ro!id3sgp!T~ : ■; ”. Street in Kimtieriy. She said she It seems that Mr. Garner was '' ' ‘wantcdToTnfpm si^^ nabbed.- (tea ring up thD' Middle

— -gratitnHe;— ---^ ^ ^ — -------- Bourne7 highway-at-a-8 l»?ilng—10-

_ turn hur too \ 11— ^fhts-ls— to'liivenllc deljnqueipcyvbut In .;___ ..--"monoKlde'-but^e^b<'iir\i-viT—^erlfleiHiy^lisrronoMlii’al rules'-^iei'aoa-lie-lil-mosf-ul'Beiilly^rjnderslliJUI-llii;)Lwanl to gel. .- 'vrote- about- an Ululesoonded

Imvc Ucvcidiicd a dcmcc wliii'li, .of' .dropout.' drug- -addicflon;— cimcBrnej T.~«ath.l::jiilantH**!’” ‘lt* '..* !y - '"ver season tcstirlp^ My hiisl)and had-.Mial,- ' r Iitjadied t r a hmi'u'n ' i i im<— iiie ilt tfW H n o B ii^ h il- ^ ^ iijlo fiy ^to a tiMiuaii 4»omfo»4*blyT-

•After Jiving in a small town where it was difficult to get acquainted, she writes thirt—she

. WOTits.to praise Kimberly_ (iind the people there) for being

-_3[fflidci:fuUL__-_^-.— ^ — "THc ncigtibors here sm ife,'

■Thu-shop that flxed rny car oven took , my daughter to and from

helpful, even otlering suggestions ’aS’ |owhere to'sliopT IMiV very glad ' to hve in this community and I hope to complete- tlw- raising of jny,_ children ht;rc.':_________

- -3

miles an hour.Talk abqub permissivehc,<SI^--

American courts. In 1983, » '92- • year-old speed demon will'be back on the pllblic roads-Doo't say you .


for hfm.4o breathe the- poisons - - S "» 'e “ 1 us have thouflll-UlOKe-. tliildiell unless that couple is we emit ” UUiles vvrrc ' Spocheil’ ' when prepared to accept rL*.s(x)n-

■■■niSl'.s fantastic!" r.iiil(l. --tlieji- ShoUh|--hnvc'- b4en— ii| ji-y€Hfft-tno-<i«lOH«*l»»lM— spankiid— -------£---------

l^t's soinvhat Dr. S;jlk says about brln ’ln up baby Hi7;i


Nn ftiiiph‘ should )i;ivi‘ Hny ini'>'C~TO .sn^mrftiTtniont wltli ai}__w«i?i cani-'eroiis -• but they iiol lt’■ ‘ ' in time to tjet it all out. - l. l*

Yes. that is!a poasible risk • when an unpesceiidcd tosllcle Ls allowed to remain,In an adult,

companies have devoted all tlieif re^i'acch to cuttin ' down on pollution created l)y their enj-ines... Oji)y recently did wi- realize it was easier to invent a Kmlf et to' put on a person."


' iJlblUtyJor conaClcntioua care,

parent sh iuld stny home and tiike care of* baby for Uie first •10 months. And one parent

nlleryist or personalphysiclfti.-

. - n iis is called Vpreseasonal desensiti/.atiori,“ , If startedr

-Whnt-tir-trr -1 -

l)r. U*e Salk mi^ht Ix- ju.st -should spi'jid with tlie child "nanother pcdialriciati with lun^ bluck^of time in Uie middleanotliei;;theory on tlie care and cjf the dai.’’_,_(hirlni} the first

-fTOiiiurff KrtTCTp ■ ■excitedly. -Iljirnht iblu-

- Wo- arC Tnoving intp town ve ry h^n andTvould like to 'find htimes;


nhnt-hiJT- .. crfldentmifjTnrf^prcssive nnd .h is rniinsrl'ha.s Lh»t i:lu?iiv4:-

—Iw-iofiHjfw—«ml—puHeil- out:^- --diadsmQtic__auttUly.i-;,whidw |Mickane. . .i ca|)tures public attention and

Thn}(rycnr!vi)r.' t^tilk-Kuyii-.iatlipri; ■ aro

-^Lal tQ.UitJ,oiumiiimai:cn!lnii of

l u u h . i i i y u u u u iu u i lu iu iu i iu i n u u u w iu u u im c lu m m ___ • ..„V, ................... ^— licliopu— Pooplo-hcco-aro-iuMt---^r--our--exoeK6- p e ts ^ A ll- h a v ^ a d _ - - ^ ^ i, , , , , „^ ; ij ; , ,^ , ,------

. J Ju B iU ie .|w p e r .o f ( .u "W h y ,- proftssor ordistemper shots and are good andRealihf 'for children tcThave. We have tw^Very small dogs, about six montjis old, flnd'also two,'young cats. One cat is lonii haired and one

ild psycljoloKi^t, paychuloiiy- iiil

It's a i>auze bandaj»e with P‘;dli‘.t>'.‘ ' V o rn e lir is Btrlnjts on ltl‘ ‘ '• — beconiinK ' ‘tlijj last-vvord” 'on

“ 'I’hnt'.icoj-rc^t," Barnstable tlie'-.^ul^oct of child reurinH. said, ‘T o iijfe l.overyour nose |ltnr9 r t!y, h« addres-s'ed «n

Hiildnnir- '‘l^crfninpr sliourd share 100 pi^ cent in tho raising

■■of Uic elillil,- In'Bome cagoMhu^~ jfather would be a better piirent

«warde<l custody In divorce- . ..Spoilinj* a child? 'D r. .Salk

= ~r= aiO T> K aired rfiSM W fcxce lI^mousorsf Anyone intfii^tfd-in any

______________ __________ot timse plCASii.ca)lJ3i:f!jiiO;_f p r z Jh L E p .q r ie ^ M ts.j5 c ll Webb .of-B23 lyiountain---",low d ld 'VSuT&sIi

A HAD W O RDSoleam<?n _______ . r-^-.-r-

■ .JRcPUbltc-nf 6 hina wril have to do

Hays thntji ehild's noeds diirii^- -

c(miorx;ncounth'e,siihjectof tho should Ih' *,Satisfied, totally. qifliTTTyTr iinr~TTOihvrffmh Tnnf ’!s~wtTtm~tm^ihTi

jitL.jiimple^_l said. .our "middle years'* Is larHely -di vol.ops a senst; of trust

and it will cut the dirty air you hrcallie by'liO pur cent

d t

yiO.w AVcsUn.Twin.EallSrtclcp ----mink nf ti?.some cramming on flie American'T-":7f 4;gM5 ,;hng identicaTwIiite; vefnnoular if they hope to sell a itj CatVlBra" wliicl\-^they ;repbrtediy gj

everr—predetermined, iiccordlng—to. iC£-S|llk.

...................M ........................ .............. .. ’Itlviis relni)^anTn?CWnT;'^-vefnaoular .if lliey hope to sell ,a .'‘", ititteris'iind’.a grey mother cat to , • Unstable replied, “Ono or aduli'a. lor mental ‘ and

-|K'QI)le,-lie, lyjlleyc.s. (nnpy lnfan|.s,

-adivaes ..H je l'JJn U cd — &Uitea_ -Trademark-AssaclatlBiir

drug.s In thbir.rrustrated qiiest nnd, Jo r si!l[,-ostQ«m

- Tho prosont name of the camera— is," White Elephant.-

(O aviinv The kitteni'are lust researcher^'was going, ernat onul .distress and, ,tor seit-esigem, .- ■ , r

e r-e ig h t w eeKs Ota. l?|ie w ^ t a . . Oeogrnphtc Iind ..saw, a plioio i«iildldo for most of Uiem, - tlie first Uiree,years ~ Uio .-likya.tarm-home-for-them and to -T-tnkcn-Ot^n-nroun-iit£mnnlnl---riTo'iloadnd:!n:cnilrnnlratn-nn—nnmil^hh;iHhi;|tin in-riiniinr ' - give then) away as a 'U’jihnlly" l( • during a typhoid ispldemic lit heading off problems, where himself less ultentrve, the

• possible—She-must flnd a|lQItie for v— ilhpanr-niey were nil wenrlng Uief lieRih .47.;ih dilldliood; offspring more Independent.' ossible. So please

=-:NOT=CRTeKE;y^-j^llrltlntercsti — "■' "i r-— on-hlm-lliat Uio-buriaaHo-wu#-

A.court;lri,Hailsham,'ji:nglBnt),..y:' ■ ■'..t o DAVJS CHUCKLe !-llf^tlr the=Uci(!nati-^bL.one_Etahk_L— A_wellMtdjuslted:_perMiLi8 j a ( L _ ‘ '

Gartteiv-B2,ito£ 10 je u M f to r- h o . ■ ........ .—ploadcdnuilt\ya.^rlvlng-^'wltlnnit'

Rnuzu ’-bandn^ea ovec tliolr— Nrtw. nftcr 20 years of traatinu nrvSfill<«l^oqdyhH8 45**Sfilk__“TTro^ffT'It'Suddenlly djwned ^ cfilWminvhnLhfi? lie lnamod?-->)ahie?i,** r.<?ftrwl-J)y'-.hi8 _ (or:!;____...

Wbk':up-«nd-comfort—Uio - - nudaKr-wUondlng’- hiB .-puroicrylfjff baby. ...__ .. .;IUtDod_doaaoa.—:All,..warit ?or. iryou leavc b«by lying ttmrc'’" thelr chlldren''thc-upbrlnBln(»

• i-Abi' • ■ ■ ■ ........................ '

mc'rely^a-gaiMo: -- ■ "■ ' '•niiobenntynfitlsihntthoiito -i'nminfi-ciTiotiHK-infTfwafa i-Tiiioiir^n:_ ^ i i m p 7yiLOV't(o;:Bi!t.fiii!«-./o«(i.<lop|jlii/coni (opetffor ■

w i l h J w c c - i n r k ^ ' f n ' o c i a l i ! " ~ '

Page 5:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

TuiH(l,iy, Ma» I, 1873 -TlmevNcw»/T-yjln»IHill«THitahoa JL ;

^ e s i g j i i a t i b n s ^ ^ ^ ^

VSH ING TO N 'rE irir— Al- "hiuinjci-'ni taUcn wliL'n lluiiio ItV ninrU's-Vanik, n-Otito/'ivhd -Ucp. JohnlirmlemnB:


[ ' . VTASinNGTbN 'fW PIF— Al- taken wIilmi those liv Huirles-Vanik, P-Olilo, • n\(l •Hep. John !Jrmlcmn5; D-lTid~ ’* ” ^-.-moJJt- lhoho voleJ, inoinlwrt»-u1wmva-Prusldonl liHH iilHCcd... John UrAnUiTKonriMir*Peppy .-rChipf. (fopiay-* bcjnp.cicgtTc i~ > ■ ‘

of.X’ongi'flSfl of l)otl\ pHrtlea lUB Ir^Ht.hnve faired. tii‘ invfTt -’nniL.Andi’r.son, liou'ever,-said— lIouso-wHlp.x was, crriKnl'of~ ‘ '■— •;:^loiHtoju-wolcoiwiuLUliU“ t o tliat'tnist.” ......--------- - -OfiiiylivttulU.podtiWme offering a Nixon.’s islvlni; -Attorney' r

toplcvcl adniiniHtrnliiMi Jk’oU revealed lio had met r,Qiii)lulioii to lliat efft'ct uiUil' CTenerul-dffslHnnle Elliot li. IiHlBnuliojui nrowlnKoul-of-tlio— wiili-Niin«n-MfirHv41i,-thiMlay-r-«flvr-Nixon-itd'dfe88^ the— Htehnrtlaon-fuUriiaponalblllly---------‘

Waternate bu)! «ln c risor" ' - nftor Uie~Pre.sltlent loariK'd ;of ngtinn nSen. 1.0WCI1 I*. Wolcker Jr.. whnt lie later called ■'inafor llou.si,' Speaker

D ^ M irr iin d ^

crisor" ~ - after Uie~Pre.sldent loariK'tl of i'lcker Jr.. whnt he later called ''inajor

R^pnn.,'n\l:mbor:ortl\o-Sofrn-—rtevrlopnTontRr*'.'ii«lftiiuttfiHl{r t<i’» _ t i i- ‘le cL .;. . ,^ iL lm ia t^ he was ciiavlu^jj «t-llu"illl»;^ ri’siclliitionK niea InvTHtlijatlni'^commUlPv., Miid thiii thi’ JYesidcnl .'jriid not be . a. better

rltd— Scrtt KPvern,mfflt-^^Cflldr--=r:r

:ht;---- - ovcr_ -bia^ -WfltcchatiL:-Carl Albert JsaatiCtHinn. porters'the ‘‘Mr, Nlxonhas nairicUono o f '

‘•there^wni his appointees . to .look jnto effort at. miaconducton the .purl of a

.... ■ r, . .

vlc|l^'nlzedAi)’ ' " 11u ‘riiiiinlUnn :*lWjltions p f'z i’iilflHs lioopt in fHlUnii

i a i lie pirsfT Tiiiii^htines.s of certain

Prize Prnducl-— ‘- N u P . b l e o D , l i t . f o r «

«jupl(llty’riSen. Mnrk 0.. lIjdHt^d,. U-- Parly hatU ^ _

Ore:, also Tqn?lneml'ed - the • the maclWjltions ‘ pf' wabas ,|M»opt iii fHllTnii'to'WftlVornW ‘ saTls7aVinn- '^huVtjiL^ ^substl'i- action bxit salcf-the next rnnst ■ amateurs.*'• ' ---------rrwtthr:-Stf|iYni^co1 iiinlire6a“T7 ,„ti ^ -u'ffcl-e'd a l i r ^ l o r ‘ an“ ~ “ r ‘ ‘4 m p b r . ta n t^ tap;:- iH i - to ^ l m .. Hap}):lim- to-~ii^tUT--^^a<*t«*^nwwHHiU4n tt» » ^« o rB « > to ^ la^ frW tz^ > p rem <—ilUriiiu— --------■^i-'Srdent lo ie in iie Anieii?iai' ‘ DenfOcraili.'' i.oader MTtn? stiineiiiinn i uj.u-surti-Tve will FTnTTCTrt^nTrrinTTrrAViTrTTfl people tl)e UuUi, *thi» vvhDlo ManKficld.Haldhewas sure (hut never hiu‘ ' re|)eated a^aln,"

truth.” ■ facts and. acted accDrdinfily,”Son.- Harry

(>UM»niargarinc was devel-

MUidhlwater. l^-Ariz.. - tho . uiiil f r O P

presidential candidate who

In an earlier Ktatement, Mans­field said the resii;nalions of Kleinrtfenst and While House

m r g E y r a i m O T H H i

openly criticized \Vhite Ihnise handling of the case, aaici in a statement, however, tbal he

_________rcKretted the res^’aatlon of- AtJjiijiov_UL‘nei:iiLl{idinriL;crr

• -fclarly—renctlon^frorn—thc— fromthe beRlqnlnpr*'- electorate on President Nixon’s 'nicif remarks were 'couh- WaierHatcspeechTimBcd-froni tered by others who appeared " i f s path(5tic ,” ‘ it.stlnks,''' -to-bc affected by the Presi- tQ.pypreistons-Qf faith’ In the \?lent'sgincerity^ f re.sidpnt’s .s incerity and the' i Joseph McCann.^olumbus,

-bdic(Jiixiin illJ nnt hnyc pr. °'" . QIno, ;nlil, "1 llioiijilDi^iinj • knowlcdRO Of the affair. ' iJ'Very giJwl lalk.I^

^ i i t initial., returns runninu

4hV..nhLMiv/7n.j;». ..^ in ff '_Sonnv_:jQfics. National Guard' an intjiiit to mv ~lntcnh(encr-tvehnician froiivGlintoa,-Missr;— when—he— Hhifted—from— thp-

said, "J- j^e l like . I would domestic to the internalional." support him after thlH speech. I He said that Nixon asked to bo

■' Of i|!l the people who have ~ril!ur<»( itF tlfp “ current

aides H.R. naulema'nT'.lohn i). Khrliehman and John W. Deiin 111 were by no means the end of the Waterijate inve.stif^atioii,

*‘W fr*ve-gft4^hP }<rand Jury ctti

courtij funetioainj’ and ive^ve Koi l liiLlEr.vTn-'i.'ii'n.'Swii ?r-


_ in tQ .riic hu;^dreds. indicQ^£j^int(gt*g ifiaillic.man-in-iiic-sireetiit the..

' approxiniate.rJite oT two-toone was disenchanted by Nijcjm s “Monday nif;!!! speeejj in which he accepted the rosponslbllity for Water^’ate and vowed there"* will be “ no whitewash o t’the'Wliite Hou.sc." ^

*‘I felt he was askin(i-to be

see whefe-li [tir him

ijie.!ri~TVafrelTr rchTjl i;ol T.

‘Franks’, an a^istiint \W i in hon^Ir*a< jff^t h^^pQke^^iam iccnjn itf. “ H<y ^ m 't f i 'e l^ h d h o n e s t ly ^ b u t I don't think he's

fofKiven Watergate but would mU forgive war re.sisters.

ATToHier University of Cnica- HQ student . l^nvJd Scarboraufih.

-inviHrtitti»t4i»n---none--- Itas— Ervin-Ji^l^N-t^'iutinnan-of-condiicted himself with more Uie select)'committee inves- Integrity and caiirat’o than tlgatini;.'-Mansfield saicl. . ^ Dick Kieindienst," Gold^valer Mansfield-Bidd Tie'-saw no .said oftlieW ih who had helped nUed for a special prosecutor, him gain the l!lfi4 nomination, as‘proposed by Sen.'n ( ’harles -i>cnatG-.-Uopublicnn -l^adar -:;Bg'»t*er<.^7~Tt»lHn-C lifford I V

" 4 . i L , .1^N..^. Jacob K,22, said, “ I find it typkallTf Hugh ScOtt- of PenmjiUw^^ PrCSidptfclix^.^cnictll^ tlto

'Hie theme wa^repcatetl by Itiilpli Deatpis, Qijfat'o. fJeat-, .pisiuiilr^-thouKht It was v u ir

responsi- make the tx»st '«ction^*‘shmil(l nnmev, l)-CiTTiT,. »ndbl'e'Jpr the \^ole thinf!...hti^,^mepgrif i)ofitioal rliuturic."......- ____can't do everyi(iirt»rt^t one limcH. Georne Tetrlck, 17, a hijjh ilu , has to re ly^ o - subo(^ -schoolsVniorfrom Jeffer.sonvil- dinales.'*’ . lo, Ind.. sa]d,’ ‘i think he is

Mrs. Dorothy Volt, an In- lyinR.HeknewalK>ul it." dlfinhpolls,' Ind.. hoiiscwlfe. Older persons appeared to be Uifiufiht T lxon vvas vlctUn of niore inclined to stand behind overzealous aides^'When you the President.

-<>■ bltji^Hrty.'-' she---- ‘| ’ptm iof4hCTf

T R E A S IJ R E H U N T E R S FIN Dyou con'f buy-g 'titffer Intfrument than a W H ITE’S! -

.sl NSAtlONAl. A\n ni'AlTllTI .CdUlMAST1 R i.M'' >• l'(ir fiitril all a/.oii»J Hoi', i n i i ^

.1 iii> ollirl ir^niillri* d{nj,'() 'ti AH r.iiAiiANii I.' •


AUO uiaMtTIC , birioDlil &Hi> v.iiHt. rrc.' iumii fllMIITIVI tw mMtTTI«-BtC«>V«ll. THt-«f .T. coMif WITH TWO i.oo»i. urTr ydD ir at';


C O IN SHOP=4a8.N.^0ln=^

.....................“ TwlirTallCT". 733-B593

± 3 i

loved. II was palhctif," said 'v iiiod . I niouula ho wu.s .slnctTi !!“ «■ ‘il l l .l-'railk, .Sltpp, 70, uf AlliiiqULT-Hollywood writfr Clloria (lold- I iliin't Ihink he woulii coof up n ia L'VLTythitif;," < ' qiii'Ut*. N.M., wllii saidsmith, "Ho_w;ia*nIeTcIinC“ for nallon:"" " -------- - Uclraclorsluniledto bt inort mure,' _wi; support you ,'i IIr'.sympathyfor.hisraisUikes," TIib issue ol "prior knowlcd- ■ spcocl i with Presiilcnt I and IIW hope of " In Cranstoli: R X ; Mrs:— i?e’’T ilii(r was-V<)Cv-'inu<--li-<hT y°“ ">t--p«i'«ini;r-»«p<icially-»lu— ^-Anifrii'aAaiiippKuid hti-didu]

donts, stronnest in tlieir' unp- Ijcliovu Nixon liad pi ior knowi-denin.ltion, odiit- of Watcrjlalt* adilitifi, .

How low can you |!o'„ We ITUt ' ’re(Turd lllat as a key [loint In Koppenjioefec^l,. a ,, I'niaylie he's licen a little alciwIKUpIo In there that wo, trust Wliite llou.se respoRsitilltyfor al (lie University of UHx-heve that prople ruuld lieand wllat do they do," She said Waterfjate,'..... 'niii'iiRO. s.lid, " I thou(;ht it was , so silly as to do suoh a tliini;'”

William J, Chapmaii said;"“ lthinlt the whole tlil/ii; riinks. su0 iortcr,4 who appeiireil

evidence in remarks by Nixon

savings with a

associated druggists JrmCCS GOOD c r AttOCIATID DRU001STS



nal^ixon^l^Tely seen IB A Y B FT A S R R IN " FHGHTHS13^i»5

M A Y 2 ,3 ,4 & 5IRTTOUANTimS AT U lf MICIJ'

ii'-w.s nu'tha.Nixon’s most pubhi 'Zedbni.sh

with Iht; press-oceurt’ed after---lir 'T^ ’as dcfen'tfd for tha

WASHINGTON) I U P I I - / |iart\i ularly those which dealt' "t'liin and upper lip,'He wore Tense and emotional. President wilhthe wurin Indochina. heavy injikeup.

-:~-- ^ 3lxo^■&hQWCd-:c&l ifllof-hln cl^ ' ~ of Thc-tcic\ision- cametfamenTUiat many AmerlcnnS^had tlie niuht. the President pluiif*etf Te.chrnclans” R ll' l iW a never Been l)Cfore^ort(|ny n icM ^ lr ilb a busy schodule.today with stiinncd ^ i l ^ c in. th c jM ite , uoi’iPrnorship i ri. California in - whcn~T)e 'welfl -on--I^Ui^>“ ^ B n' fli^mrnt-^eiwe uf fWlet:— Houji^C^V'Room-iifler Nixon television lo accept ulti;matc CongrV'sslonal leaderfi of both finished the speoch, which w as^havii Nixon to kick around

----- resp(Jnsi»litj4«,*«Hl»^W<»te^Hte— pnrtk-'s-wcn; SUimJHiii.C'tnffillir'"'Iwnpe'‘e?Jwltfijf(»rawi5 lrePfcren' fljMFjnurt'” ** lmve hntmtwl-hintscandal, ' t Wliiteilouso at e;30 a.m., t o * ‘-‘‘■‘S ' • thUuyh the last 11 years of his

—The-televiiiion •ctttWfr ----

_2Da5-• M(g List $1.99 ,

XJiTPowcTor Antt-PorSp

5 oz Mfg List'S 1 25

“ Tonight 1 ask for—7 0 ur, discnss a forcltjn assistance bill prayers^to .help jije Ip --v liiat was fo'bc'scnt to Coni'ressthlnR r do,*’' he sald> his voice at noon.

forwjird to shake the Presi- dttftt^sTiand before "he. left'the’ •

breaKinK jmil tears .snowint \ his eyes. “ non,"bTc.ss Ainerica,

_.jind Gpd bless e jtch and every one of you,"

Jiot(^^i,xleleriniri^d.approach that/ ixon had displayed ,.in previous tplevisiop iiddfesses.

■ riie spo4;ch also waa remims- 'i^nt-of Nixon’s-famous 1952

Jiu-subjecrorWatercalii '^■Mpnoonr n-wuatt t-t;nayr~~ ""ni(*r)(erjrspeecn” irrwhlchhe would undoubSdiy conie'iip lrT ' tpltrthum, ncn^ry”sobbmg, ^loturedya .secre this ni^'tint* with cohu'ressionid I, fomi»amt> ir ln m s e ^ poiitital admirers in Uieleaders an(l many times ajjalh Nixon*then went to the WhiRr‘t;^”,iiforntn'1)usine»s comtnunlty

‘tho.l itnror-*— — —------- I^^^s&p^ JiS.r.OL» l,■ai ?tl, ^pdCl^^Niwn^tumbiaU--w4>^-ltlti ' (ho >)dlum.._"W e’ve h ^ o»!:i prt^sifinil

PWlklPS- M «M ILK O F S M7«5fifESlA=”Bfr

t?n / , RBau laL 'M jn l.--- ! _ _ — — _

Oy*^ea.Swords^cvDral times durintj the si)eech Monday and small drops of persj iratioh broke out on his

differences 1n -the pa,st,‘' he Siild, "and just continue toKlve - jfie h(?ll when you think I ’m dBlnf{\vro,nf'.>‘

, Durinlni the speech. Nixonifiepliunedsuch personal detiiils as tile “ lioals" he had wi»itteh

p[ece of papor~nast — “ r^giHlnF— nrten>aLotUla wiUt UiiLprfAs,,—

he appeared— to— be. half he- had prepared a t ' , the ■ atT^nowledinM thgt~ttnr~Wutcr»- "b^'^fnhih^of'hly sprohd~tRim— —If'ate scandal would not have ^hich counted the days back*

” nnefi?~,iiftcovcrcd without the

WASHINGTON— CUPH-------imlieateil- the HUmlhistration- -SepreUiry of SUjte William P. ntay be considering some other •Rogers ralfjfid the...p05slbllity Incentive to the North -Viet.

■ mlfty-thaHhe-^JnitiHl-fitHleH— ru»raoiyaoB-pw»«»4n4mIocli^ar-| ratherthan postwnrrccanstnic* ■" tlon,-.Avhlch -has draw;/ over­whelming opposition .1n both hnlises of Congress. /

Envoys from HAnol and - • Wa.shinuton rconcncji talks In ■Pnrls Sunday to rivlew tKe ' Jan. 20‘cease-fire aHreement, whtch contains f\ prtWlsInn for

may.drop Ita.offer to help pay for reconstruction of North Vietnam,

Rogers promised the Senate Foreign Relations CommlUee

—onoo-ngnln-thnl-no-aid -liof-any- oquoncc” would be Klven to


-vLl>&. |)OHturar—uBiiiiitani “ And as you know. we_'ve tal'ks^are preparatory lo

oponcd.up Uiu talka ln J?ari - 1- uRollntlohfi'ficheduled'lTrMay---.he added. •‘It may be we won't Ijetween Wliite House envoy

-Jiavp..tna.skfQr lta ta ll/ ’. . . lIunry, KlasinKcr- and J^ortli-



■ 4.EG TR IG -SH A V E“! 3 ozg— — R e 9ularvMet>lhol-

Li5t-aai ea. ,


■Rogfers' remark, which was "not pursued by the committee/

vieinnmoMj-ropreHenliillve T F - J Due Tlio.

= s ^ SlA Q U A V ELV A

-f— SAIGON-{ U P I) — I KiKid<)nt— iuuuktam;c_m_lbi:^lepulNguyenVanTliloy.lQldlendJ^s Vietpnm 4ipd that

i:pubUvuuI_ m*- violild—

u n i i r l u I

CLAUDEMOWN’S?ealdmt Nlwn had Blvcn Mm vlolillcd tho .consc-firc." «hld

J ' /plcdljc llial llio United Stntca 'llileu, who" nmf?rrcd with7 ” ^'uU^''reU\llate" If 'tt1C/Com=Tr1«joiir-tn. llio Unltotl Siaiii#

mtinls&'BroftT! H i« t»ao :fln h in -^ M Io r thliimonth,-^^' 'i vii innm...... ~ ~Knch-alili!-hiiiuaiiouii<K|. ii>—



CO TTO N B A LLSl^od Cross Brand

'~2"0i/-Lubalh Mfo: Llst;$5:50-

R F Cash Rofund-by-Mal}” i. J j-: : $fnn ______ ■■

13 0 'a T ^ i m ^ | o i n o p ^ n M ^ ^ g ■

n ilcii uko.told the Icndcrs ofhls^o«Jy/formcdDcmoer^^^^^^^

------- .n ionU tato ipn iyriLUnra n, - j ;i^or r 1w rth .!n rh t .» - fa ro n ^n proiirnin t M ,wlll ; e „ „ r d | n „ i „ d , o ffon » lvo ■

^__,juinQUnr:lid-lati!5- Iti.thj .vsriTcIi, -ni„vannitFniportiid=by olUior-i: j.r... ;..i._‘.*PreflldciUi.Nlxon- T onew e^ uldo.iljat-would in offocl-scrap . . . . . h l8-p lo a jic - ifD tlJ tfe r ic to u L _ lU ii; ,^ ^ .........


On T h e M a l l


Page 6:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN


----■-'1 '4 T\wlnlF‘flTW, Idaho ; Tu«ldiy/May 1, W J■ ' ■' ■ ' ' ■■ ■ ‘ ■ ■

]g a ^ | y z e g

-Wft4tf^t7r-sefthrfnl^WtfK thc— tnry fclllof HfcJfnrdBon 'wnff~ ■• WlMlcHous3 .once dlBmlsfled ns plucked from ihc Pentnyon to

H /'lllfnl >H(e'l}iir(i)nry**'JiHB -bccomenllopne^f{cnerril;Dcpu* -- --=^viflUully--p«i:alyaod-U»o-top- • ly-Sccrotnry-WlHlnm- P.- Qo-

-'Of. the ~ Democmtlc 4roin. Dnllna, bccomos ,$cUn«' ' Nauoiiiil ii(}m»|H«plcr?i und Ino doren)je sccrel^v.i^Icmcntd

"^nepl nltcinpl to cover up the“ -^fredihe ndnil^trntlon thrcQ

'— :— Is vlrfiriniy'lendfideHS, the F B I luis n tinstily rbcniitcd noting


> with no previous unvernmcjitnl experience. - • Ofllnrlfltoptivlllnnpoaitlons

" meriliartellmifromaflluikeup.. tht'KnvirnnmentqhE^'alcctlon Agency (RPA ) has na permu-. npnl hwijl jind Uio WJiltc House

ntMn l/<ni.ptnt'i’« -


'PsImTrit Nixon's hopes of ' tiirninfi hHH9-fltfllc-re^letUon

unfilled nnd Ihrco-otHerH nre Dccuplcd by porsons who hnvo' announced pliins to leave but are wiiltlni' for aucccflsorfjv .

-^yiolfllfr’Waltiri^nte cuHc-ImR-rhnde it more-dlfficttU to rccrult able

■swooft into n innntlatu ff>r Iwld —tnpn."new lias heen" BelJwirk and perhaps dealroyed.

A— Atii-juicond -ethelon— posU throiii'hoiit the ('overnment people are wHllltik'forthc'nuxl develo'unient. .Many, offlcihls

F B I: I,.P a lr it ;l^ ra y , who luid headed the bureau since J.~ 'RdRnr~tTbover died last-year anil' who Was under sovpre

“crltiqisnj for hlahandling of (hci Invcstinotion. reslg-'

p a r t ie s

, ■ an<I Dcmocrnla oBrodltijjJlintJhrW atefg iilc___'■-fSconilnlwlilrcmolnamnjoriiam'formohtlu!to Uinl llm prosoculorsri^lcnw». ,«iTio. IcnUers i)(JioUi-|iafBi!a (Icmotiilccl iodny^imythlnii p o llto l."| '■ ■

InlJ In(lciwn35nt- prbsmlt^Jr- Sen. Jnmcii L. BifcWoy, J>-N.Y;-riot*d that ",■Hlchiiriimri ■'li|iH.fe| n on tlw Nlxon:tcam fromUie befelnnlna so tliw iip^tm tfht o fa trulyTr^

- jrcy. R-Ill., considered al'' jJoasibrT. 107 ifqTubllc/ih prftsldefltlnl't^nrull'doto. said, in prtjpa^ng n Schate resolution cnllinG idr an cutflldo proaecutor. r. ’. '':35hnnnQuncinttJi!ohdiiyiUiail^^^ top-lcvel^dmln)atration—nldei-^bccniiB^oF-

P’ercy, ln n joint IntcrVlfctV'wKh Duckley and -.^wo oU»cr GdP senntors on NDC.T-V-Woday-'

Slow, fluid "the underiylrig principle" of his rcRohitioq is that^thc executive branch ahould .


.UUoft-W4Upflol«^lwloi ..PrcBldgnt"Nixon nflmcd-Elliot L. nicliardson —now A|ttomey>Qcncrol dealgnote —to takp overUie Invcfltlgation. Inhls broiiilcnst speech'lo the__natlon-Mondny'nfgiit.-Nlxon said ho had told niChardsQiV ho eoidd supervising

“ Iin«epi»>ole l«tCi*vlow7-J»okfion-Bald-Nlxon- -shflila^hftvirdlr^ctcd Richardson to :flilpolnl o. special ,pros(fcutor - “ far removjid. .from

_ i Scn. Henry M..-Jackson,-D^WaahMJ»n.cftrly. DcmocraUi’.DroRi(|entinl candidate In 1972 who

,«nyUilntJ iwmical, nddloB;.:.,::At this point in lime, the best politics Is no polities. i-'Jliat applies on the .Democratic side; Unit ap>lies on tlic' Republican side. The

-peftplo-foolUhot-thn.insHti>tinn.nf-thg-^prosjdpnpyr the \Vliile Hdiise, has been badly tarnished, in tliis [{OTfouml.’^

uevciounieiii. jyiauy. uiiieiaia Y ^ w n ie mvcsuHonon. resiH- --havr-TomTfied-privntely-thnt— ncdrUcTvnsTcplfrccrtUFirettng----- ^Umy -see ri'o purpose in making .director by William P. Buclcetr^’ ■_____ .....................

orrlcrcd ifm ay bo Uie next ih •fall, •• ;

lliesu are some of- tFie consequenfcsofthescandal:

.............jKist as head of Uie B PA to run. Hie Fni.-Ruekclshaus')ias said he Is not a candidate for permanent director.

gfoup vuled mianlmQualy- fqr “ full and fdtol

senl IN'ixon 1 etteIZ„WASmNGTpij:l ruP-I-)------suotl-itB-invMUHaLioiUnloaiie---

I S^ le Department officialshave letter at the' request of Sens. - ■d&tcrmimuU lmt-formo'p^ .t lwrnat^Ijl^RaHUU , H-MiI m , House aide Charks Colson was and ' J . William Full)right, l> the rhon j^hind oVonlrovorsinl Ark., chaiman of the SenoTe

Uuil Pres. Nljnro.renrovc'htmitlf aud Ids men from itirinvesllgatlon. I^AoklniHn Is Mnryland Oov. Mnrvin Mnndel, chnlrmnn of Uic National

‘ Governors Conference. tU P I)

GoMwttter hints callimpwaukmmr

__ Iciier dtskributedj at the tax- i''oreiRn-neiHimnK-4 niiiilllcB '^phyefa’ expense list February who qyesUonedihe propriely of '

........ 'm prdrse of jfres dCnt NixofTs a U^. mnbassador involved InVielham policy. nurlisifn politics.

The letter wa written by /Shortly after tlie Feb. 5 letter r'-:-'* WnlterAnnenberg,U.S.nmbas-_ Whs discloficd, ICjigleton and “ sirafln?rBrlunn. Qnii dlslribat^-rulbricht asked for an explpnn-r

ed throuRh ,the-Rovcrninent .tlon from the Stale-l^cparl-i mail on a State D epart^nt ment. But tITey wiTe not '

----- Ictlcrhoad.- UL^pcaliicd ‘Uie sjilisfiedwhenMa'rshnllWright,,

NO RTH DARTM OUTH, cbrtalnly' CQmc."-Goldwnte>- Mass. (D P I ) — ^ n . Barry --«Ud/vWl»olhor^wouId4 ^ ^^^^

•T?nldwater. R-Arl?.., sayrs Ini- ' It or not,Tcoul^nT^v. flTave

fo r independeiit searchto know more about it than I know now.

peaehment proceedlnBBTnn bo expected If President Nixon shown io have--had ndvnnee

• knowledge of the Watergate : r.. ’ bugglngcdSlior.ltacover-up.■.yj----- P ut Goldwator-told newsmen " _________________

Monday before the.President's If the elections, were heldnntlbnwliIe~~te|cvl.siQn address,'__next we^ jno ld w oter, lhV> W >4J 'Thion't think the President had' “ ............ 'prlorlcnowled^."

He also said, lnTesp9 n.se to a. question. “ I think that Qover-u|\ is worse than prior knowledge.”


reluctant -lo enter national {)()litics, ImW- called on Presi­dent Nixon to turn the Watvrgate investigation over to nn independent [irosi'cuttir

Tin‘~Dcrii6crtnR: ■uovcrnors’ caucus.-wlth 16 of 31 members

RepuWrcan presldentTal ' can- hnTTdnirtflMmoXftiyUOmanil- didatc, said the Wnlergqte the close ofinwo^-^ay

— Prcstmmfs ‘islrurnr.ftufTimt't leadership'{,]n Wotnam,

State D^partnienl officials said Mwday, that .during, un.

special pro.secutor ohnsen by n President toVe-estjibfish price Inquiry into complamts aboutqua!mr'rt"-nnnpnrtlsnfrn?To\»l>'=-arvdT^nrS'r^rs""-"’"-‘" :^ ^ " '‘"such as the AnuTican Bat" n,ese were strong duses for Annenije^ wrote It at Colson’sA.s.Hoclati<m : — 7 ::^:' -the Democratic governors, wJio reque^t.yVnnenberg previously

At the start of their mcpllng up u, ijidr Inte.st gathering ^ Jit lla k ^ full fcsponsibjlily forat a- resi.rl loiiHe licnr 4jiku , . .1, ,,, „|| ,J-rc„ch '

JU ir im the u»VCthora,«mni;a.--„-^rnmmon-i)(iMUor^^ ''CotiSirtf-wliii m y ig iian d st^luillkely lo agree on-onythihg. seniHUvnssue'" ' - ” % ,th as simjcIhI ' counsel to’

Waterguleprovided tlK*pu3h. -n’hr-govcf/iors-then-folia

was-fiHown-tTiotlllifr -- affflli!-WQuld” hiivc a decl^ve” '‘W^^tmf1vtonday1hat Pre.tildcnt PresidTOt has. been h t 'a l l effect. “ But,” he aoidr “ whon 'Nixon, in effect, gel out of Uie dsfioncst about th la ,!jh g n Jl. . you run It throni?h Ihgwrtnfier,"'* 'Wah*r-gate invesUgation and IhlnHliat impeachment would ' it won't niean thal miich.” t<> an liihpnrlial

Wntergate at first seemed to I'us been-fited by ;the-.d“ - nTaVP-snme-or ihem chaTy and” WHflliinglonnPo9l M one of-the-

up- with rcsnlntjons—to b e - j ( t h e Monday ItHew about. tho-presentrH— h»r-the— NHllonnt-^ijrtjyiornlng ncw^-'on--1 he-'T^«‘**‘8«^^ufl8 ‘"HP>«n»l«^^''on.ovonwrs ConferencHn Ju ly,' resignalions-uf Nixon aides was executed. He cur- (iI)IM)sing"Nixon’ special reve- brought ..into their closed practicing law in nlje- ihHring-Hnd falling on tho meeting that any stalemtffff on - W^hington----

~tin3~uc'Hiiii-hi:Lii:liL' >'gressiiinal relations, deferuled. Annynberg, lliey ^asked for more deliiils.

Wright 'w rntu to'~tlie two

7urUierrnquirio.sha(l uncovered Colson’s role in the writing of

was paid J 200 per year and 'each "'^m bei'_~of'~Uie City _Cou^l got'$20pcrye/ir, . T“

yo'ur llfc~ and l o B l r ^ iitf mess, "you could just cry,’*' said Mrs! Henry Lorch, city clerk et % Mury^, Mo^ as s^e watched

acTcs of land—much of it rich ing—them. They .say they’ ll_fiirm land-:-have been iriuhdal- nevencome back.’*_ « I W ^ d r >a m^^wnter otf|cinlH-of Ihc .Mlasisamnlmrs- .. un

were building a levee on Ihe west side; • - -

.^^fUtLvVaan'L for. th<» lrvee,un_Nixon

yVir India warehouse near Kennedy Airport Monday night

. to open.a vault, ihen escaped —wiUi-diamorldii'WOrUi-t500,000r-

“ IQWHT'flHJ-~Beejie was much thq

, same; in .many areas of Uic

—I g n o r e s. l5 ihe firsl llnui-you-vc l.n<l Io H ^ V " | ' l lllrrlr-l lif _ Of •tnr ~ai7ffTTBnd‘r ‘ penr

| Y ~ f e n t l I and con.sisted of ‘•high -----vntuc-njjd-somlprOTlnni

Dolofft>Mi»acpnrlv todnv^-wiid

•. sevvri Mississippi valleyjilalesT~ *-« ief tho-r«ttipB|»{n;rt4yei^89-

surged over. Us .banka,^lowcr ■r .bo planted wlthabjiUeans, since

~ ^ ” '"* ~ ~Vl)oaT)s can be planted faTer"

caused damages“ eSllmated of *in u:iuuuii ofWtW iKtUlQiL- - — "

in the seaspn.-■Arrtrul< W -^ fe7 m ry-^ l^ — -^V^WHWareN- IfTut?- wa7to'ny over t]TP7tnodef1


Uiplr •'bovPs.' T)iey say llic fflyuti thBlf

'Jo —lho:-MUisisslpi^—Jlelta*1 Ielta irreiTorTVIIsiiUiilppfloday ~ni\d roporl (o President Nixon on U»e fjoMlngi

yR lPvO n rinvs-n&n -WhttfrHmrct ----Tl»ey-«»id--th^-gunttion en^^ H S ^ o h in y r D c a i i - I ! I said’ the warnliouse ul abouf

he would not be "the scape- -Rrrnf l rT-thrWaterBntc buKHlng

9:45 p.m.-and told six workers 4ljowh^Wo-wont^ianionda=We=jt'

■' President Nlxoa went 6ul of hlfi- way- in, alftcpting Uieir resignations to praise Atttffp’ey General Richard G. Kleln- dienat3flille_Hauae Cliief of. Staff—H:Tl." Haldeman/ and Domestic Affairs Assistant* JoIdTD, ElirlRTiman. >I Nixon acccpted Klclndicnst’s

__rosignation "wlUi regret" nnds;ild ; ‘i Krwitlv regret** Iho’

_ departure of Ilaldeman and khrlichman.

. . . Bu b o f ta‘An,,.JJUon_3ald • tersely: “ Ihavelodayirtquoatrr

tion?'.Nixon said any asaoinptlon of

_ WTonijdnlng, by the threo^ip^n WQidd i)e "unfair and unfoun--

^ D r t f * ^ j r * 7Titn!F—m r - ^ i r

workers to open the safe and. then handcuffed five of the

________ o; 1 > sttim stohite ,KHlll(.rl^^Wol WIIKDAVs'ii45»M0


"Honeymoon's o v e r . . . i t ' s time to g e t m a r r i e d . "

—.statement aboutDenrt* hint 9]f suflpoctci

miith7ln'o‘HBiiemimt:that:hls secretiiry telephojie'l to report-. ofaTTTIoyniToTWan'^

wllPT>6como'-;ilio • ^^s-yoapoHoat^Uha—Wntcrflfltfi zr^qjBcrAriypnjr^hq'beHeycs this

(k>es not know-rnc. 'lciiow t e‘ true fncta, nor,undtrratflnd our

.— -i--

ipltol-HU1^nd-«8l»^ _ deputy attorppy Boncral under Uicn Attorndy General John N. Mitchell. Hp went to Uio Whitb lIouM -ln .rJulyr.>IS70,-.under.

ilchoU'V iponai Whl teKouM counsoHwhiirvfled

__4hiUniUaLWlilt&Hou8cjnyestk1-fiQtlon o( WatfirgBto, which ■~NIx6h iwrd^lWITRfTBf^^


Page 7:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

• - • 1 -


” ,



AKES O N ! IIn Anc i Se« Wliat,

e For |Y< i



SPRING GARDEN SA LE!!G p l a n t s ..

_ il I .Trees Sib. B^rkmpnj Sn ad eT rsesE

>f P«1un>e«. Al Iflontjl!

p d rd s/ i H o se La^ n G Yow er


SISn: [ / | 3 il/Tl

Tt E FOOD pbo pi-e 'Who Care’Pri CES E F F k d fV E ; J\ft/.T I S 3 . 4 ,

5 9


1 HB .01 WE'RE

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G A R P E illO O IL S

IN^ T p R p A Y ,



A (NQ jpiNS: r


IM«<el p(ar t«r; Ha ik<

’ Kak*. ■ K< ■Troi *•

K«d • IHead Trow»I

tr; Ha di| tfulUwa^r CfotjjshMrt.



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HY])ROB lSC U lT S lSSS jf,

l;:tlE^ER<5 P O P C O l RICH

_ P EG A ?I V . . . ^



TIDE■mM a -





6AC(SrShonk icdl.

LB. By ThaPt*Cut*. K bHLB. . .

m. Enjd br Whe(»

Sliced HamH c L k - ' r!— i ”

^EAT N EAT. i-C >ol« d



tomcit^ ...'Jane! L^! itdisup b: \rls\} Pfc»4 Kosher]

Man^qnij ibranges i 'Soible

Pdar HwV^s


'Yf.Uijs)ye^bned 0 !ra^efrujt Jce.ylgeiflbb^Juice Joiner-ite ^

)ark lAHtl I I ... .

Cbjcktai Tomqibeij ey Be^ns Spa H tt Corn I Flakes d Cake

IanftleIi* ox,................


ToiticitQ Spup. AL«mON-S. < fJA Os. -----.1

\Vith G o u p o fi . j

wEmpires f !r-5-' 7:

y S s W C I . I F j u r u S l i V T



Vtfith Cb&D ; W

k»oy 5. 1 2


' « i r ; d llSL J i l l l: J j i i l l-





M -

jREE m A vint o n k a FINE Bf

PRICES EF FECTIV^: M A Y Tji,2^' ' ' .<1 ! ■- j'! '

i-:f' r . :


Page 9:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

f . d R e i r s a ' p i i w s ^■'.Hi^Wt ' ■. : __ H - ...;.• . -r - :_ — ■■'■..----------------------------------- i -------------------- — t— /---------

■ ^ I C H F 1EI,P . _ _ ._ _ ;A n n -bVwcaroom. ■ _ _ ' j : _____^■ ai&llfeaain bccoinOlsJ»'Jdfe=ilicl)ore=£UMpok


; J~:ncv._w. .G; PuUz,-.Wendell,. '/ Christ _Llitii5rnn

ferijiod ' lhp.T ceremony TleForffled'orangd'^rbscs lifr-QHa^whieWeali^U— KroonloavoR^nd-whlto b e lU lt .

; ;_fflllllo cnndlcs and capdeliiura was flanked by fundl^liolacrs-'__ ^SfliI nn.,ni;ranKcmenl of. white . containing white tapers and an.■ ■ -ichrysflnthcmums. brant*C arranucmont ot-a)iadcH_flL

car^aiioni and wniie .*plU<;r orange carnalloris' an white phrpanUiemums on eiich sUie Spider chrysanthemums.

'T - -’trfrthr^ltftr, ■ —— -TI»e ‘ttko-WH9<‘Utwm(liqGrvod■; :^lVCn'In'nmrriaHC by her *by Mrs, Albert Bruno;

Catlicr, tlie bride wore a Bridal Hnzelton, and Mrs. Edwin

— fefltmrd^ a l topeU" -LintultiL'il— brWiTT5!r5flIrtw - JScfctJit(yond‘ nylon-Qmntilly-' Jerome; • served -coffe© ‘

— gaei’ ■nbout"tinnifgli-!ii«i'ldincp_ MrsrrEmily Fuller,_ JccQmc,“ ’ . . . • • - ‘ rrBotlfwmen-are-

T W IN ;F A M .S — . ktloU^nt(ir-2, hilH-'Pwln^

Pall.sr.recel've(r.a, WM .fjfsiT ' jilucc, nwprd unU'a‘MQO.youtii -■

'Involvement award wlay at -tlic idabi .Keaeratlori.. of ■

T=Womimii=ClubflT«mvfintlonr - :lubr-WJfByUn«MhO>r

.................. ..... In 1072 ^to_. improve.--the..- - onvjro.iyrteDtoUts community.’ Tlie coffservation-proRcam-.in.

which the awar l was inade I— attM-sponKOMO-JolnUy-ljy-U; [-enernl ~—Wntmtioir — ol

AVomonIs Clubs and Shell Oili---.Gpraiterftwardttwero proKonted-

by Dennis Johnsoni' hell Oil Jobber representative. .

Tlie Twentieth Century Club will compete wuii Urst place winners frmtl other states for natlonaT-prizcs^ic-nntional-

Tutfsday, Why 1973 . Ttfnos-Ngws, T^in F nlU7 Idj^ho' U . .

. L u s h e s ^ r n a k e ; r i o u s y - l o v e r s —I i )N G ^ A C H , C a lif ..(U P I)_ ; pc^j^^ but for oldflr mnlcar ,

- rAishes m akcjQusy~lovcrs;‘ ;“ Trncdnja and E rV d on lt-m iic r ' ’-' flccordlnK to Dr. W llHam Todd. • »/sald Todd, n member of tlio ' '

,.'~ :n Jquor m ay bo a Boxual stateIJonrdof,I^ibUcHcalU>.,,. a tlm u lh ^ for. florae-younRer . • ’ , ,y ,. .

r P A R T JN

I engaged

Buhl nciisv


*p\c chnncHmln'hTtd n cascadecl^ lace cdycd iQiance Bridal

-poured punei minis of the b'HdeRroom. T '

rufflea.; Her! Attendanta of.Uie eift table_ Veil was -a ' were Mrs. Mahala nowbottom,

'(Hat '.^r.s, Jody iJirsen/.aninvlrs.__ -IT f.____field a two-Uered 72-inch wide JiicWCnarsT'rir^ll «nd

jj lbowlength—and—jwof—fnce— aunU-of-the-bridcgroom—and yell. j ‘ " Mrs, Shirley Wilson. Jerome.

=et8hc-cmTtcd^n 1 bouquet of <0U8lh-6Flhe^brfdeHr6om7:flnd= ^~cr.an tfo ^ ‘— roses'.— . wluto"'

Sie'phanotiB and Krjjenery on a ' B^teBibleTfT^nflhtiaitloni’ift

from her grandparents, Mrs. J. Neumurf and |he Inte Mr.E .N e i

Mrk^Farnum Warr,-Murtflugh. aunt of tlie bride. , . ~

TTie bride was honored at a shower at the Reddick home Kiyen by_Mrs. Uoaoltl Ileddick tind...MraL_En»ly FuJ ler- a .

.la tron :of honor was M rs ..— shower w h s also-given at Uie iSM d c ll Robinson, Murtaugh, Robjjison home by M r s . " :fioiisln___ o L . t h v V bride. Wendell.Robinson, assisted byBrtdesmHtd.s wltl'

— j l | c

pcoplie y * u

know L iv in g

awards will be announced Ju'ne . 4 at the General Federntion of .Women’s Clubi. n a t i^

■Mdr=-.Tlie TWonlict)^Co tury Club was honorcil'- for organizing civic and youth groups on a county wide Uasis in the<ioveU)pmenl ol RocR CrlToK

Canyon Park , a .fcPr.mer . -Junkyard. . - , ' - " — —

BUHL - Mr. and Mrs, Al^s T’arTTiT; announi''^' dieengagement and fortlici)niing_uiarriage—ofT-tiielr-daughten—Hurtidra, (o H ick T ik Ii I.


hool:----To<UI was graduated froni

POCATICLl.O — Eleven Buhl High School la 1972 and is.. M agic. ‘Valley students will altonding tlu- (-ollegc of

•— i)apt4fipat?»^-ifv-llm—winurtl Southern jilidio.f • 'File coliptj? plans 2.

■Uie—Idaho State University. ;^;dding at the ttuhl I.DS_ concert bund Tliur^duy. Church.

Oonlon 2 woy Stretch Arpei-a-Nylon Blonds

— .&»C*pofr.'Horola & solids_6no .Yqlilp!

~l^ 'lye1ster Double KnitsIncluding lots ofM on's .

' wear fabrics and othori >n solids ond llripos . . j vd.

Lofs of boouiKul NoW

Swim Wear Fabrics.Solids.. P.rints,Jacquards and Swim Volvol

Vorlous typos ofqS.ewiag c lasses beqinhiriti soon

- —Phone for mor« Informotlon orriiorvottan i" — “

Spring f •wlnoT_W« tmU the b«itl


- a jA B R IC S H O PMOVES236 Soyonth Avir. E. — ^/<4*Hon»-733i7i79

~ 'T / I flocks ofl Shoshono S>. East


SwaInslonr'Rl3)fill<irMary Ann Hones, Jerome.

Grant buhcnn. Jerome, was best man. James WelUiausen,

■r-r-fiichfleld.-brotlierof-thp^brldei— bridt?groofh •?~^fandpa iiH3" IJoyd Mflfdn. Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. I-.cRoy Liwere groomsnienrlJ^ers were ISlark Drune, Murtaugh, cousin BI.tlie l)ridc, and Don Reddick, JCfome,' broUier-in-la>v of Uie

Special guesits at the weddinK were the b rid eg ran d m o th er, M rs. J . E . N eum ^,4 ind-U ie

larents,' ,arson.

Jerome. Others attended from Murtaugh, "Jerom e, Richfield, Wendell. Shoshone, Twin Falls, Buhl ahd Hazelton.

M ay w edding date s la te d

T W lk 'F A I. I^ ’- i inarrijlBe license was issued hj M w la y to Theron W. Wftrd, Twifi FalTsr'F^nh” /Judge and Mrs. Betty Pefison, BoiHe, _

---- ^Tlicy ;w !ll- b e- m ftrr ilff l'- ^ —supreme court chief'iustlqe aiflM6a*'twmi!Uson'on~; ynT7daughter and soh in mw Mr. and Mrs. J . Brock O'ijcary.

Mrs. Penson, who iias been employed by- th(( Idaho ;ial‘eslniin'iIncc-A937=^h-

continue as trt/vcl and

Abigail Van Buren ..DEAnfADBY^r A wife complained that her husband, a

£_iiililrli niialUlM lilirrin riilr oiil n iiliv«lcnl pwlili-ni tlu l •^^ould be j-c'vpaiuiblb for the cmi)(loiiut.pro1>!i'm. Further- rilfm ore, only , a physirlan Ik able to prciicrlbu medication, t i 'ihoiiiri It hr ncpdrd.

■* ' A pNyHmloglst who behaves In on unrihlcal mannrr liigg ln JnHmpt:h*»^ wHh patlentt 1» indeed .uncUd-

r a ll ' illou «l. in my oplnloni-<«M* u pVycWalr|iri~^nd^^^^^^^ M akn4hr lam r rrcommrndatlon for a lawyer. C. P . A., or

Tilhrr profpsslonal person who gr|s carrlrd away In the 2 'l ln e of duty and iipprars hpll-l)enl on dpstroylng W» family •*-<ind llvel hond. I f the pfiychlatrisl d*tldrii jha l only p»y- > rr^chnthera) y in Indicated, a rtferra l to q cllnleal ,p»ycholo-

could Ihoii |) made.

"DETAlroute.” a.

----ji—mttAnt wuuK Jtyu-


S i My s 5r-’hor-:durl

^ lierrr;:

ABBYr'YoundYtsed someone- to :* *i»jt-the-90x7 nd no one In our ^ Ic e can fifSire out whnt you

' - inn iP P 'R

-.-OEAll STUM PKri;'! mront Uiot iulweviT many timci ■7 .’ or 70 7—iianitono ernsliaKBCi bSalllU' you. II lit a«k»

»^ rillK in c ! I, lomlyi; .liim. INcw Tf»lnmfiili Mnltlicw, XVI- 21-22.

~ABBVn am a |.|-Wiar-o1il lay ivmi'inrunuBUOl.......... J.'or-tlio-lwl two yetaTl iiavo Ifml n^paimr rpule____ EvcrjllllnE_yPII n ccd_-^ l

±==gjnrnbiw=iaa^^iWr4fliiw^WMR9M4oHli>-wilh-whaM--^lln,niln|r^ktmmtn|!ri™^^^^--- J------ -— I-! - — ------- llrC8S..tan)CaMnl5J!lUJL£tt8y;

slor JIvoK In llcl(!ium and has aHkod mo to ylall crqclielsHnwl lo toss over all.B-.vncntlon..tlmi'^5hii:,1» M ,aml loiirlics actimil-Jc-

■ - My monTinlcl'I'inay 80, liilTmy rallier lilt tlif gelling. • ESjltir»Blt|.|-wii» loo yoimi! to learn anything,, that It would bo,,

■ waste (ililmnjiniJ mnno)> (or mo lo make that trip at pae.'■ j~Ju:Abljyri‘aoT*cll InncliniilTinirMhlrlrl Wiul(t-l»nni-ii-Jot“ :

I^wStlSidSlniSimiiW allowcilfio.gp ^WliS ^

nKAll nEAnith; From ytiui- IHicr I waulil «ay you - ESf ■ reiponBlblft.'-young-inaD- nd. C lcRtn - R. _gnini.:d£J|l

•“ - 6 o W m EN T IA t-T »F J0 )lN N V i^ 'M « ; lW»*i ln-UI*« w f i r ' l r o m "(t« j^ b e jr .ori^nllmM eoniB wllb

' fliM.-Anil««»«rtMti^c«nbe,eip«OTlvii. . , . .

■ alM and'stylo number. '■ ■:— Nuwl— SirriTtgnmir

caUlog 1. W«.,lov*TtodeiflBn fur you — ovor 100 town, voentlon,—| lllnmor. styloif,

Page 10:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN


; ■).

^ A - r i t i M a l r S h o w i l . . - - ^

s e t in TF-B l i S E

~ ai jo Vipiley fdvofiteTryB A R B A K A .W m m i

■■“TW mjraT3« - " V f i K r r t | ^ uUl«t t *m» »l Uit Magic V»««y S»MH|>«iilli<- Clubf )inaal ibliw Mt-IW:g»Uinlay lii-Tl»lii

^3c\ S D O S L L S --- IlesulU ol" thdrNntlMial AATSP-SpSnUli

mtlons -nro onnoluicoa:

*'^ceiien l wlll.be M d »l,ti>e lOOK llill,’ SST Sfd Av«rB.r •nJ )• «p»» l?lHFpuBlli frd an ^ -

■ TW INF/yi.I.S— T lio ^ o r tn -projcfct o( Uii.Shoshone/Jotl’LH cndflckaon, H agcnn im ,,_____.:daa3 'g L U io / E lra H Biipilst 'DnuglitcrV Tlio public U In- / ■

■" '■■■■■■ vited. _ ; ■ y - - , ■ “ T W IF P A I- ^ ^ - T wo• • Volim- itiideiiU. -lav* :-com- ’ •• STsw*'*"** „

non TW IN FAl.I.S- - Mor- p lo l J r(^ulr«rta|ts tor nd- | ”

,^e^ncwla yU t:.ilp .ro .- ^ llli i— »i>WcrHltv^.^orv . C. Juclinu . Wt^teHRf^n salt

ajqfch wlii Tiold a rummngc ■ sale FrldSylandlSWJiriioy. In

' .IS B D o ro s D r., P o c q lo l lq r

-1bumpkin5iread* —3-«nd-«n<i lrd I

thp bnsemcnl i t the "TitJrcfiEr

, . 2 tcnspoons soda ■ *1 fcQBpQon vnnllla . .


! flour.'---'-----

--^^udlUi-NBBhr-'twlh-JPalU- Hlfih -Sfihosl. .--Spanish . ; ________ s.. - ' ' ^

' fcSWI^s, wcond ploco, ouUltlc- '«ji(| Fronk V Aamodt,

*FAtr£ -.T]lo“ MDBic Vn[Hey--—TrnlI-—-Machine— 1cmb<Tfl;,arc,aaketr to br|ng a -

' ■ * pocm,-(in pfioUicr^-or~frIdods.

includlnt]; su^ai i M o i^ w o n In

•As^odbtlon-wll! ;no^imrliiflhtrPDwcr

t ut 8 P-ni'-Prt)|cn»nrwilH: iri:

- ' ‘' “>1^ nutmcB pf Um rcDMlnlne IhgredlcnU:.tCilUcmlve a masters dcgreo ’.


■iaiimcLji-.|lie«^Eliilcdl nn;IJ Mi.Cllin:lanii|i;-,-,,,Ann....-,Anili;rfli1 r(!ttilml members

-B o eA T E i,i.n - 1 ,si».~Miiiiifidnuijhler of-T<

•RntlTV 1 P iip ^ b ^ k iK lIp u n p ^— - • '..[wns.whlcli.linvftihe c iv g i l :^ ,. ■ atnvpr . • ‘ Niits, rolslna or.dotca'may M '

and Belty - .

.-■clnST-cj^crlcnco; 'i^d, .Frank BnlonUno, flwt Kcrt A,

. .. IiigHwaytothc Cryutal-^rin^a; Valley vyon»cn.wlU be Inatnllcd'* earned a masters degree In. _ (if|hgnrnNF! ''l,'n fflrnrfl fnr Mra. Leon ^ i c v o ^ i ^ ry. _cut4ff:bot_\yc nnd_Byhl_ jn 'M ortar Board, n notional -malliejnhtlcs.losli^o Civic Oub for. the-, and M rj. M arvin Cole, bcttiklhg at 8.a.m. Saturday, honorary Hoclety Tor senior

r-ftflWnrMOTi nsT'

fourtli. no-outflide cxrwrlDnce. Level n i, Antonia Davila,

-=nfirsl, J ____ond, outflidc-cjass.experience: Cloudia Brumboch, first; Debbie tiucther dnd Lori

S ilfcH O N R - A arfflulicttl!r-;- JBM ife lJiin* ~nUPE!ffr=.AIuiB Clirlsl,.lB, ::rcprosentativc, Vlll ^.Atl * CltVifftrfl*'*' I ' f A v i D A r t nnll .' il-_ lir__%naiyff'' Ijauise' J(tfT.sen .anti n'upcrt.'l^ , one of four. Idaho ' Uic WQrtliwhilG.Club!

CiIiSNNS-FEBRV -.JlKcfT;, ,eich fi}'Faleni district Social'Security p i^orijet.r' lf ’ .you hitya

___In . •________________________ '.ik.lL>, 'jmfto fivorlle r«clpc, Just mtU.lt. to- -the___Recipe— Depactmenti-:

Mrs. Jeanne'Annefft; newly fnettlnR are •akaed’ wntll-Uic food runs out Falls; .Jan-Qii «loy and Judith electednrcflldiftCWlH succced ; Mrsi Hfll In order , that tonlBb^at-thc American l.eglon K. Jukor, bo'd Bulil; Unda S.

-»-TeflervaUona-moy be mader-;— H n ll^ lW T i.s ft fund" rni3ing-^«nflinBr-FHlerrond-Mur>{aretofficers to bcinstalled arc Mrs.Qyde Huf{lies, vice president;

for' tl>e-Rodeo Queen-lille-for - p.tn. at the home 6( Mra. Merle1973. She Is the daughter of Mr. .McTndden,- 200 W. 3rd, .’1710 flird—Mry.. John J '. Christ,— pnWIC.lflmvilCd;-"..'.' -

rcdpfl becomefl:th«br6| ^ y or ■ the Tlmes-Newi and cannorbe

-rttu T M d — .— ' I . . 1-------

Page 11:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

S m y lie ^ s - # ^ e G t io i^J3la TccallcU-Uiaf-ftI He,

nftcr serving seven yenrs n^'rr:*Z!S2te :tUElir552Scii.' ■ GhnS'frrD'St; Maries, Indlc'ntes and aU Dcmocfnts—^ d , “ I ’m

^ Ic-wiU liKht todny thcpcoposed—ToppoBod^orhiring-hlrtrojrlcRnl— ^|ppncyqjcncrjitimdi2aisi:Q\s:: l ftppolntmcnl of former ,Qov.,. counsel.” knor. was turned oM to frhsjure 1

— nblwrHS.SJnyUonJIoiinl coun- r —Ctmse-snid-ho-foU-tho-for-—-ln.tho GOPpEininfyori06fi.-'~^|- fnr thf? finvi»rnmr>nt-n^fir-r-imr»i«PnpnhHr«n|yftv»t^nr\i/nnW» Hm fnrmflr-ynynrnnr^l__ BunimtionCommifmlon. • ' brln|» to tlic jomniiisionjit^^lto—raaVuliava.a-lfiU>t-<>xpflcionce--

------- ^ n w 4ntow lcw fthiFm lnorlty^llvm nin}'6 thol==ntiBht^fpu9trQte«— nnd:knDwhdvFChm!ir89ttfFth!r• m'cmbci' -of^.thc commission lt« ‘ efforts auccessfulJy-tv re- pooplo ftbt rid of him, seven

................... ...........'m nw ilz'o ITf r tiAWLailve b^WKiv’ * ’ 'y«m a '‘jiKo;' a iJijm entlji U

* . .--Tuosdny, May 1, 1973 Tlm’os-Nows, Twin F«IU. Idaho .11

u n c e r t a inIj-servlrTH In -tlie_.offlcq ;lonK(!r Improv

. vaiT3BfvuiurWcM!hil__ Improvement'fronr ilro^W.OOO by slntmt? _______

Uuin i ^ n e in Idaho hislolyv^tlu■•Jm^>H^rssheUed■Dut}vhen__ 15n«etQnH^a dutJo» Mimi— -Itfiayd^mrmhurs. of. which,_f5’r-P^^C^’elkiifj’ is tmcer.tain he fll^tT^*TrffiriiTn ___ powers are imcharted in th‘ir~"?;n)iell<ir\i{ i5 nr)<t. never t)nvq. .v-\vliethi*r he • will seek YCT-'. What_j k Uono - with h i«/n eu ’lyw, but Uo tldnb jiomo of I roiootud- - one— • o f '....hls-

— oloctlon-. as— stale— »upor-*_dopartinentMUKlor-i'overn»nt‘nt— (huin-|K*rhhp«-«H6V»ld-l>e- ----»|-m<*mm*ndntlnns-fnr^li^tnf(-.ln^on(tt*nLQ^jinbllc instruction , For iiiatatfco. at present.Ju‘ ; ir|i»fnbor in his dcporimitnl. •

■ . next year-.........-......■ . Ndw lil, tho Alblon-horn

faclorfcr-Eiigolking wdd,-which well may tletcrniinV wljPlher

-does -not hauQ, ubsohito-power.... Hul he queslion»-wh^lioMJi<to hihl liWd firo'— at leasl.nol s.lward — - the cosV-of ii

I W < w t rihlrinor "firsl .was chosen he'll hmiLiiuLailer-Uds.tcun.i--luclmlcally— Hc-ce^m m tndii_compr-lsed— of —appolntex

_’WirsTsijo 'ixpp.'Smyllc'sappQlntment{indtim) Uiey did not like the way he

*of ‘0 commission director arq^^vasrunning tlio state. He que. - . scheduled for dIscus.Hion today ' tlonswhctlierltwoijl|lboadvls- at the second mCellMK'Of the _ai)le,for tlie (iommlsslmVto-hlrc commission. Myrjin Schlechle, .such a person for tlilH sensiUvlT


n.F.KNCKLKING. i in c r r l i i in

cil, has been sugficsted for com--mififlloihexeeutlMO-dlPOOloj:,----

Although admittini; he had -<wuuUffcr£nixiiflloplnlQiuviUL_

Cluise pointed out Smylie, in ,Smylie when the noise attorney Ills last appearance berorff th'e was Kovernpr, Chose contends■commissiorvToffeiwlhlnftorviooe;—^heNM&-^notliiily personal" in ------------------—its legal counsel for $ V 00 per"_^ his objection to Smylie serving O ' 1 1 V r l & Ynonur or l o r - T r y C T r r " a s le p i C6Unsej jor inc'coril- ^SuppoaedJy, tills would be for mission.

^.Smylie’s*‘half-timo^'services. ' i f he's goTtfltns to 'Strgye^■ ^ m S O ra r ic ^ h e ~atlBgftcy--- tM-l)«-)mppy to listen tgRpnomhrnly rucfives fl8;00flper— a iasu saidr “ I '*n ^ u e Uie fel-. -

contenders for .slatehou.se '*ri'o;>){anizalUin l_;oMlcl* exi'e()l then-Oov. Hobert- discuss.if wilK

Fa,Smylie. •. I-' »a»Tjfci|Since then lu*V boon r«'- liiU^Jlhis weok.____

eleered-threetinieKrHnd-nouiis — ^plaman«-co|«mItluu-oUhG.■m-ilui.middlc ,uf hlti.

-liis ajit'iK'ydHtrons—i'W'Hliutlly-

- br pfVhoiiti'd the fnigjlnr/.atrun Cmiimlji. iiiif A l,t h 0 ti n h I'l ti i; i‘ l k.l n n

^ 11 1 t initial responso when asRe(l_if_,- to l l - j H ----- he-^vfiuld-nin-'TiRTitTrin—ltJ?47

ution plansThon, reflyc-tini! question, he sai(| it will (

the / least of whii'h

-HOiSK - r l lP I 1 — ,State _ Ji'c'hnnlnny is‘ developed and ’■(iirecMur for nir and water new standarils sol, wo will be



• fCngelkifiK recuives SIH.OOQ pvi- -'n inl '.T' lcas tiinn

for the past U yi*ars_'f-‘ ponutiort coiUrolrecently that he hud die *• stan d ;^^ and .pl^'in?Mdlier^Til H I— InHU'liiiiiHy. the-dypartiuiUiI-:-. * -l' ‘ ' W. .SlukiliiUilrectiir^ untit'-m w li!is~ ntil I'xtstwl____■— year fop his iuiRIUT&‘t<}rviC0B wi "How luw souioudnu lo suRRCsr—. ilTmiv 11 ii>i t __u/nrMfln— _____ . / _ '___.u«

---— Idnho-nndHiugyeHM-fimylie-’s— iriit to hire him as IcRfll counsel - M'lV lias n-ikc'dloF^ r ^ F^^'f^ i ^----- propo^^^^H>K>>.i>au.lvo-^>Mhi^kin. P ^ u U iu - - W .H d b ^ h H n i i . s ia lu n ^

amount of money to pay." cu lo tn r^ '^ seven-day_.s-ii-week seciirily , ■

~s:■ f - Search continues— I)qpjirtmrnt‘ .r.'u.n.ui.e.n-t-4t4-

• niiiUdrin order -to.flblain 11}^-.^ air and water quality we wai^V

~*pr~tdffiin r'' bc wiid. ^ ___J le .said inslallation of ai) '


. W iiiils post

houUj of lioiae because -of vandalism at the site. —

-<i<unnuinily Sorvii’ijs; .said he vvaMMJikjntj theroporlto Ijring

of the -:l;pwiRton=lactlttj:;:itmJr~ a n d: r c .suitcu—ui . a 'JO per-l^tU-^.

reilui’lion in ordorouft oiiu.ssions iuid a 50 per cent

\vhat the t'timpany lias done — - - - - -------- - -crmd what rnTTTTins-trr-tnr

pi.liilinK licmuliili.slii.il,anil 11 .socliiin Iif.tlii- |itTiiiii-'ti.'r Alnni4 »i;il si’;ir|'||ri||'p«"''i''"’ - - Ireiiclicrous nipiil.s on Hie .Sinhus »uii|-the I'K If e ^ l l is ^ L 'd n ripi)i;d JS'''rt.-''''^.(,|ljjijviiiniluy-4OT-IM\i^ SiiTilie Uivcr ..........'

----— = W ilhiima (irie- wei'k iiflt ? ^lie said ciintraotors have lo>;t fnrtr..r pinhn Shiii. a ir and m itor >;earch was car

0|nis,si(lltH '0V€ ■yt'ars.*

Ihe -pasl two


matorinls • at the -sile umi '

>» wtvu. y.niuw iin- I t ! 1.1 till Uie Washiniitnn Dennrtment of urlTviilPTTOmriHWa^ CcuIol’v recently made an_oiv

T’Oi'TTl'n'i al diiysain lntPTffllvo-^ntmcnt •^f-^v^te 'dls{’h r}i^- ■ site PvnhmttnTrroT'-PPl-^'^lr i)v nii(i-107-i, ________ ;________tmlhition eonlrol measures al**

' IX JSAN O f-Ll-SiUPD -T lie Pontaj^on Papers trial, onc’c

^z^zcxpcclcdzlo-^lOKO' lhls-\vookr ~ _Iiisiua<i has Income-tanylod up

in the'Watergato wbb,U.S. Dislric'l • Court Judge

--- Matl4lyrno Monday ordored-a“Jkmid' ■ pcoue uuaiyivernmehi__ convicltiiTWnTnrRHty cunspir

moml>erH. T ” 'And the judRc* revealed in

open eourt that he himself had m et-at—thcXWcslern Wliite. House with iVesldent Nixon and aide John D. Ehrlichrtuin—


Ud investigations^-of Daniel KHsl»e!‘|‘—reft*rring-to auoh-an inOestiualion that had been

conducted "dircclly out of Ihe Wldle House.”

TJio ' judge has already ordered IHe .justice department to tell him everything It knows or cao.possibly find out about a (.hijFyo— thttl— two— of— Uie.

■Wntergfttc'lo rs burgiarized^the-offices of <li,4i‘uss a jwssible job "for

[i:ilsl>erg-a psyohialriKl—while .himscU_.in the goyernjiienl.

^^^vannnTfTlum* slutf luilos irrpipe^ .sliirtnl there.

" I ex[)L'i't it wdl goUvvurwi. not l)oUer, liurln’g the .siuniiiei'and fj^ii-if—\vo-don’t,gel tin* guard.^-May said. ■

tn-»,f..r7iig-rippi.?T^.iVrithft ricd but .fQrJht^t\V».-Jl»0 1 i!njt::::-^torfllKoicautuhpidopartmOnt^thoToquostTirbbCS:'~ lia Rapids, about 50 mllos.south <lay mdy Nez-Porce Connty -vviii, continue lo push' for In a report-Kuhmilled March of heif, .Sheriff HuH lliuldie.slon, two of fu rllu T m iprnvernents” M, the lns[)eclipq team

— W!lltIlfhs.™^TrTvFnnianr’a n ^ *‘^ 1 ■' p a im m n i’ nril»7ugnifiei^f'flTilrm^^^ TiYdi'c'a’fed the Lewiston plant,Ia‘-k Bowman, 44. U*wiston, his hu Slate policemen made the „ „ fompljanco schedule comparos favorab ly- with

[’t pro.<;ont .stamlards. • . ~stn l.nr- -tnstallatlons. in' thc~ciiiisrh. Tlisai^pearVd' A prir23"' long.water trip-hack lo the ar- meot;pro.<;ont .stapxlards.whfiillie in-foiitriverlKiatHow- ea. ' * ................. .-AK-'-' nPW 'Juwl- ■ liuLlui Nnam trsTr


Uiey were Wliite House-staff

Congress giv^s N imrir=e o n tr o 1

WASHINGTON (U IM ) - After’ much fuSsing and "lion that companios'wUh more

. 'jfuminii. Congress has given__ UiUD-i25!UnilijonayeaPiniaileso I-*resldent N lx o il- a u th o r it y In u s t give the T^st of Living

control wages and prices fdr .Council to . Ju s t ify price nnothe^-yuar. increases ufil, V.; per cent or

-----JiUnal-wtnHr^KKlonal-puKsage — more on majoi^-producls:— ^ v"rrcuine iatc Monday aftcfnoon. ' —Allow Nixijn tir allocflte

- and Nixon signed it into law petroleum products In shor- just two hours, before the lagos.

V, “ Kconomic Stabifizalion Act . —Change from $2.75 an hour would have expired at mid*' lo ;;{.5[)an hour the definition of

laler revealed to Ix; Uuit of direclnrofthoFUl.

—^^^;Tlie-'^Hdge—i>aid--hc - told — ■' TJirlichman • he., would not

— -discuwv any such ap|)ointnuHU while bo was .sitting in judgtiifhl onJ-'UHlKTti. He said lhaUiQhad-mct Nixoii_:.‘fgiiunc„ ijiiiiulo or -lcjis*,-..wo‘ merely’—

r- exchanged groelinBKir’ -— ----------------------------------- -----------------------------— T h P 'lu d R e ‘ Tnnfflr*w*stntf?*—Make public the infonna- menl in open court, with the

jury 0]il of the room, r in re.s|>onsc topi^Jisliedxoponts-oi— a ‘'secret’Tnceting" and an inquiry from.defpnso lawyers, ho .said, to make sure there was

— no-r ■incident.

w ^ i ia i i

'-F.llKlJorg, out.of court, que.s- tioned the cffecl of the offer of sucli h [JosHo Uie jiidgeT

Defen.se .• lawyers, ''•us the •links w'ilh thyWalergale........ . -}juij»iHndHjHj-Tf«rhingHr-whioh— trial's „

,Thc lull April _ <ir<> <M»>mpt-frn;n wmiei> lee scandal increaKGd;‘<iL»tnahdod a •30.1374,-Nixon's discretionary controlsr.......... . - '-tmHring into -the-connectjons:|M)wer1o control the ocononiy,

i»ir power-he-is-aM»ng-now-only- _ f(O ht- relutlvch’-jnild-Jiimae-

conlrols on Uie procoiised» fooripiej^^-construction and- jxilroloipar., mduslriA, and a

. celling oh meiiL4iricc.s. Tho’ Wil?i .l>ii;?sod

•after w -Rrptibiic

liks of Uemocralr tnfiRhting Tind-

JUlL-liniliiJljiL-HQUdtL- Comffltltec had

lut a bill UuM would

TfT'Funut hacrTrrTjuT-io- k'Vjds aq ( |)lace(Y Iheni under a

— vuling.. ---------------- 1------------------------------■The f i^ il bill, lidwever,

‘ conUiiil's rio |^oezes, rollliacka _j)i^rop l tVnlfols, jdlhough it

(ioes contain some significant ..amendmoWs that wore

strongly j opposed by .Hepublica'fi.s and 'by sonie Den^orralsl ;! The jiia j lir . amendment^ iii tlie couipi'(anise tiill Wduld:

—Make it clear that Uie «ulhority-in- the bill could nol-bc used—as__tin.impound funds appropriated

“by Congress; — - - —* '. Tlie final vote wits 2fi7Ho415, witFi the pro and con "votes

‘ sore.ul {fmonrn)olh neinocrals . and Hepublieans, Some

Trt, ----- jmdJic:piiWicHn5_v.Qtwllfor_the.iiIU„ while 5(i Democrats nnd &7 JjeiniMltiins volt l l . iiK«!nsl- H...

'Iliey asked flie judge TcT •riiubpoena niany.of lhosn-nion-—

^eludingformer Attorney UonT.- eral John MltclipHrEhrlichman ■ and fellow ex*Wliile-HouHe-<ilde H. ' n. IJiddeinan, former Attorney Gefternl •Richard G. Klpin^dlijiaL/i^d eonvlowd ;

Accirdipg lo a rc|>orl lo the JU‘lyOy;;.U'eJprpsecutton_ last

because of ‘ iTie restrictive Hunt.rifled files of the —^miondiuont^T-^uUiny-substan* - -doctor-- who psy^ioapjdf/ed

lial opposition faded after the Ellsberg.VVliile, Housc-jpfwsed-the'-woni---- The“ ludfle refused Ihe de-

^lround that the bill was mand for a separate hearingacceptable. ___________ Ult 'ijyr le rgale links—wliich

Several Ilepiiblicans who would have halted the lengthy * oarlier vowed to fight to <lefeal trial agaln-l)uf dt:m'»nded 4hat

• die bill mntlc'RHoccj^cs urcinn thr irnverninent invcsli'uate iho -its paij.sage a,s -the best uvuiiable-eomproll>hH^—<U the hist minute. ^

C iBerals rap ta i^ p ropo^afs

.... i WA.'IIIINGTON 1UIM| . - piilii on \nrome wlilqh bcnuflUi llou.si;."— UVni'rtnBliim il—IHhiniIb—iipii— fFmiHmf«F<intiiil-tr>JulinciiUn— _Tlii;ai-WiiuiluaiiliumUimJiy- ' ,7 otnplnlnlii(i thiit'.thi; mlmln l^ t irp Uix ciflt'-looplinlc-lnpnmc. - Ih e luiliji-<il who wiih inennt by

; tnll-lo olosb liny cxisllnfi tax HOO.OOO

---- r r ^ - r s r = ^ — ___losacu i^p rw taod ■ liy i i i x — 'Jltwanl-Iill oMIm iSBFiiiiSlIon: Tlicjy snlil such InophoIiS, , ,,1,„,,„■„ Lhdbby fa rm ln irw *''ynu m,lRlit linvo-roi|iii*dln|! llio,

.. jillowcorpnratlons iini I f r l i- l i ' ri,„| caUitc,' (oK Momplo-lo lnVii!itli(alWrT Of' tlio Pcnlaflbn ’ ’ “ ^ l:tirw icn p » pnylnB*P'WlUoi>.|B* '®u e?r iT Fo iB ’T i i7 a i lo r c ^ w f r . '" W p c t ^ f c

.. .J'taxc* each year. _ • - - - .« « « « « ./ !----- —treasury; ocreiari'Ufcor^ T im it 'w m iy iii hir

S LU-SudU prcmilsei} that, tlie txixpay«r<‘nn benefk from taxTwi^e-JIoiiftb 'would consider sholters. ,- j.......'

• -jnny anll-loopholp proposals . An I'xamplo Shulti provided • i ConRrcsaictin _dev.lff ?i -1‘ut-ho;. .jfi iilsXe;aliinQnyjyQmlflyMm

Page 12:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

7 k ic w :V T ^ i i : i t s r T N — — W A n i m n K i n :. T h o ffW ■- .N -n rrn n in

— -jirhltln^ Inb In two weeks. . .L .louncli Mny ML-nnd CluiHes Tnc. sp<j>ccsmnn snld-the IM i U l T l ' f W T r r Tfio countdown reiionrBnlfi - “ Poto ’. Conruil, Dr. Josoph*^^- utriko moinbcrs of tho

, F I 'A TiH-mhitr » im ed - to-wfird ,_a|n)ul»tv’d v KerivJn,nrttl ruuLJ._.^cltz“nre;_ Internntl'onul BrothefliooU. of

. Wltn^ia'o IIJKVV m ynbcra .9n. Ktrikfl, the stntlon -is—novydpLTHlW_hyjHjJen?!ix_siip^vi-

__'nie-.cleclrlcal workers went ■M.^trjke . inst'^ iursdny..

,V ..e- ■' . . .H[ioriHitmti-two unions and not bctwcerv-. Knvlronnnont«l- Protoction .ij ijjusTftTenl

____ union, workers iind nonunion . A^onny |?unncd_,its use - on— — - __■' ’^ lu U u c c but it cnn still be used------- ^ rowopKr-

1)0N^iVNb-MABKIr-«HENeKll77l lc H ^ have been honored by t'hej Upper Wood illvcr Grnnge for being membcrHr-Uie«l:gatdzation for 45 yenrR. Doth were previouRl)/ nwnrded

to attend B o y f_i-:i||t>d foj- it iKivcQt't of lettuce liave bi^ori Tio _xcpftfAftd

picked by workers who aren’t problenis_“wiTli I^ ^ ito r . •!

country und track Teatns. Johnson is an I^aj'lo Scout

.IEHQMK - Six Jerome youths hnvc" been chosen to

-rttend Boys'Si»rtth}unc-H*‘H»t— wllh-TrooiT4Ml.Boise, according to Jolin Stelle, Foote Is the son of Mr, andchairman I l f the American Mrs. Dick Koote. l!« has servedI^Jglon commiltoth----- im claaa president and also--"nro9e-nelecte«t-weiH)-4^ u H -pronidont ..o l— hi.s. chUrch

However, tlie great majority of those workers belong to the Teainstor.s Union, So, a boycott

ti<:ipatcd m J-club and varsity of lettuce would be a boycott ofbijskctball. ^ ......... oniMjnion to favor the other.

. Diuld Ik the son of Mr. and There Just is . not enough jvirji. Tod Diehl. Me Is home

_rcprc.senl;itive for his class.. and iius lettered Jn fuutbalL wres'tluru' a'nil triickT

recenlly tried lo clean a new "(Ifess and the colors ran,

evidence availhblcr-to-'mnktf'-' Thestorc'^id itwns the coin- claiiiis that one union does operated machine's fault and Ix'tler fur , ils workers th.-m they didn'.l.rccuiiuiiend-aiioplc tumliief*:---- ------------------ using thesO’machines. How do

towards 50-year pins.

- , . :i__

^•aning machines found, in n^a l laundrojuats. Blit I

76. And M,ir» SfAnIrr W. -)ri Jo rptMitf CI.ibKi.inn. ]}. Cl.i.lon O

TWIN- F A IJ .S - The -Licensed Practical Nurse's will meet Wedriesday at Moglc Valley Mepiorlal Hospital auditorium at 7:30 .p.m? Delegates I'o tlie annual LPN

to-be listed • for_ academic , recognition for . the fall • scr^cstcr, ‘ • . , ./ .

convention will be elected.

He is a member of Key club, Honor Society, l.etterman’s

Kohntopp, sponsored by tiie Sernlrfnryr~1i r ‘-t!r"nelLve-Hfv*Jerom e Chamber of Com-— ehui'eh drama and dancingmeree; . Kevin Jolinson, iiroKrums. dub und churdi youU. Broups. n

„ . aponaoced-by-Uic Aincrlcnn .. _ J 'o B lsL Jva^ cgn cL . hjiih------lieglont-PuuHikwttMjp^nwjred— dluiduuUiUlm StatC.I'T/^ ITOP

. by Lions •club; Scott Hyder, idenlHicatlon contest and '• ■ .^-qpohsorod by the Jerome repreiJentedWestWaglc Valley

. Rccrentlon -Association; and FFA Distrkt at the National Kellv Emerson, sponsored by InsfUuTiT on Uo-operaltve Rotiiry elub; an^ Wude Diehl, liducaUon iiv.1072.

------RpotlsflPCtrbyKlwanlS'Clul]:--- - H^Ticr Is tff6 ^ " o r M r , nnd______ Knbntnpp Is the s0p of Mr. Mrs. Jack Hyder, he is . a

and Mrs. Halph Kohntopp. He member of the Student Body fs"ncilve'1n ntlMDroiis school 'ncttvttles and sports.'He Is n membei*; Of' Ui6 Kugnr I-oaf Grange nnd' plt^ys on the

[I'.s |rue uuii last winter Ht)ine lettuce was found to 4i^ye ■onslderable Fcsidi}cs of

tliefif; mactnnes diller r^oiiT" rw /,uii%o those u.se(^ by conunercial ' gleaners?---Ms. S. S. R.,

-TWIN“ FA LI^ . - Steve U..' 01m.stcad. son of Mr.' and M ^ ’

• nHlph E, Olmstead, I l^ te ‘ ... r . Twin Falls, a JunioKat the

basketball tenmr

member of Btudcnt councUrJ-" and Mrs: Bil|y C . Emerson.-He club, band and Honor Society; is vice-president of the Jerome V d -Is active with the cross Kev clnb. and has- also parr

Page 13:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

j^ehiodelfd IjuildihRs Moncljiy jjl_ Dj^’lq h}!?. a proposedni/-ht,^ , • • • •' completion, ilate 4 - Gctoberr— - - _

- 'nie^ndRci. tljl irt^reflge:Qf„.-}{)74^Eaucntton gp<dfii*alion3----- ^$.100,000 over Hint year, whs, would be cuUcil'for Ju n o -1, of* * ' '■

. iipprpvud without pcolcr4» this ^ ytjar^ • prollminary . *" — .— RIOOV-lNrf the ctinrnilnR-ountom-of-lm^6 inR In L'pnniiiHiCU. with jilt* budjjct d r a w t e Ju ly 2; blue prints . - . May bnnkelg «ti Mny Ut m:e thc'trro hhioII

-ttf<»pognl-theH^dmlnJ?LtL»Unn-r^p ^ h ; ; r ^ r7inH bids-^^ ----- - -- • UauBl»tcr«-oi Mr. aud Mrs.UmL.Vafl_.Ngy.,lglcL_ (hc_board j , new-^g^.pt, y

{Hilary schedule unCennjIeUt peraoiinul such-as cuslodians,

bafietl ,oh a in^riA'Ijasis. Tlie ‘ board accepted Uie chant'e.,

'Tlio-bnnrtndso appyved the' re^'irinf' for tlte DecUi. .shop from 100 j(mi}S W 400’jifT)ps. Pids'foc the project? will be.

.asked for..- . - ' Con;ilructi(^n work.will bef jn tliTs weelt on rerooflni* the front

• Moy^ 7 l97&7-i»-set for the cumi)letion-of-Uie uew junior high •' school in Burley. K(lucationariff)3l'ification$ will Ix' a.sked for t>efore July 2. 1972; preliminary drawinKU by Sept...lO, 1973; bUiuprinU by Jan. 7.. 107T;’ and bid.s Feb. "25.i m . . ,

The Iasi biiiUlMm to be

Allau, 3, uiui Mlfhelle, 2, are reiidyTu-UeUvcr baskets of flon erH niid euiidy lit-iiuvLirul of tlic— nelfihborBjji very pleasant vvny tb'uih'ei: nnife~

'new month.

tntitCounty prosecutor i:-;

Dsitioii is a part time iM)sition [m n iia rT ifn iraO T ru tQ iTnust— iii; (mtiniie a civil..practice.••'Hiat solution- wotild-irl-iny- lind not be in the Iwat interest, ^UhoRmyfiel^oF^loC-itilloch:

^operties. Wliether o r rot it

Fed era l T u lliig

mrbti In the be t inCercst i of .county.'- is- perhaps ,

lethinj' you Should conslJll'r■ 'nTTn\ inform me," the letter

statrtd.Ik)\ler staled that another

■ [xi.ssible sdlutlon mlRlit be "to. discbtUinue in'nny efyiucity for .

_Ulalne\ County*’ or " a n y of its, Movenihumtal subdivision.s."

IUi( li|Oller slotted thy he had ttH^int,— —til

leakinfT^problfms for years.

• ‘ ''■ l rtucatlon .specification — <-'o_[iiinttt(‘c.s for each of the

junior hijih school. Completion date of Dec, :il. 1975 woidd follow the*"' education

_________ __ ipeeificatmns on Sept. 'i'i, lj)7-lconstruction pintjeets Nov.in a recent W.'J million btjnd j.i, iQ7i; blue prints, March 2-1.

(Conlinucdlromp. 1)Milar -sniti Itlaho I-'rozen

Kooils' effluent would maite u;' •al)»ut tw ’-(hirds of tlie'sewaTlir ‘ treilted by the facility. The

which Ifed e r n t— m

to the V CT nm ij n t ..

aiMH*'MmalH\- 1 m illion. ♦' '"'A ltliuunli. iRi* city riuppfirts Ulahd F ro ;i 'ir l'‘(]i)(lh in . ii.s

- .__ruujiicd-b;Tlie ii’binnUtleea will iiieluile

Ixith leache'f.s and resideiit.s iwbo yill draw up-educallonbl

tlbtil oi5ciUnj(i'Aprll^fi.='’ iriTiiE^harxrTj{-the ]Qcal-cfl3ts;z.appcatr3iitr-ncliulUL;tlly,jn;i:dri. .would, therefore aiiinuni to ihe fuin's flti.'incial ,sunf>im~nT Tyiu^il'r

MovTrilifiPntarroad in lUaine Coiihty for the past few years. lle.staU'd, " 1 do not think that a compb^ witlidrawal from ji:

—all uni'ut Ajuenl^work would be in iny be.sl'intV'fiJSl.s or perhaps llie residents uf Blaine

- H k Hrt*r:— api»i‘vximiilt*ly $(»70,W)0 i Iwo* a,rchitvct Uill thirds of the 20 per le iii or $l The fifjuroi, mdluinin money j under thu old

accordinR to jtiL'hardbon.

H|MH‘ifi«‘«tionH-»n--tlu‘-form-of— hwve\'«?r7nm nrrely^tim nle»-- i)l«»,-he-eK|jlHiMoii.-.philo.sophy an<l educationnj. uf fonstrijcllon times, he said. Ihit Ihe tVe\0 ^e ;ulalll)n rails

In Other action Uni. |>oard . Jo r a 7& per cent federal shari^iiuldelinesconstruction

for building______Tliuir propofials

■ 'will be-reviewed and revised by_ Supt. Harold Blaucr. who will

.. - present J^iein tu the board. . .x■. .. B fn et•v.l;nid he hoped the

comnutt(7(is vvouhl have a lot of___feedba.ck friun the cornmunitv

in making their decisions.— After - the. educulionaL--- :---specjficaUons-ace.-cfltnpleted. .

Salt I-ike City architccts from ■niclitirdson and Rltliiinlsor^'

approved a .stateinenl on "use *' for.ihiisewnge facilitVj with ihe of - Kn(«lish and otber stale paying-, another 15 per

'lanf^naKes." '. . . cent and'the remainin^ 10 [)erThe .statement, in response to . cent coming fronr loual

poUcv chanp.e.s renueiitcd bv sources, it also includes

nff?<eltin)t Iht* i)ij;h rojitx of thv (I'ealiiK-nl liu 'ililv, M iliir said il ih-uh.-icolial that ihi.' fii'iii make

III' of ihi‘ fac'iltiv *■


community groups ollowcd f ir other hinj-'uattes Ito be sjwken oh the playground and between

-discuptiV^ f ^ ehw>l««iiaeipline,

.;VjiLl.iLfutufi:-ch^a mth the Knvironmeiilai ' [’rotet-tion-'V. I)ivisi(»ti Ilf the ijlale Health iJeparlmenI indicate that /cilernl and state inatchinf'

lars fur the —liuin- Falls[ir^vihion for a-jjayback by private-in(fiist?y of pr'nje.-t’are jeopanli/.ed by the matchini’ feJleral dollars. di-lay in ijruiuulbreakiny.' the

— lirthE. castn)f:itfaJio rruzun; .Liiyriuan^~W 2ha^n5ictr~ _Lhe_ firm would^he" FooiLs for a 'H'XitiUe

r4'{iuired lb nay back two-tiilrds ctiminitmeiU l>efore—May 31.

Hailey ('itV rouhcil approved a ri'i)laceinunl for UoUcr to act in matters ooncerninj’ Meriilloch' .

ilY^ th thvt-titiU ib^^pjro j^ .rrin iT inBollcrvm ^ — r d n^v s pl.iii,. for a j-i.j-uinr c ity—i§r ' '|

Tti^ornvy.^' „

IJe ro m e m eetin g ,.

'm ' ------ ji . - ■> •>.

B| — ' -. .. . -..j.f*

Wrr -....^ . 1

■ ’ I'd /‘iiili.r, T iilt 1- 1- “ I don't uive aJinng ii‘l>o\U \'-■ Mr. Nlxon'ti talk.'



EleGtion= jn r iS ii:?^ m q c in ij;,JU „ _ ■ ' ~ ' .T.'uiiiNry ihte—renrr-mimtl-

and bids Auj*; Kl. Com()letionT5 l l - F v l C t - y .... ted to a "local fund" loi^iJudd—piim to tlie Marcji 1. ileadliin*sel'fbrTL^ruary:197l. ‘L' . . ‘ bv'tho citv jor_in)pniyi?u!^ and" jifiiM' ahiiiiril|'e-

_ _ _ : _ a[ackmtzQHkley~HiRlrSchool---- le v y ^ ^ V p irn t lin f^ nvastinrrrtTri— rrTTnlmtnn?rTTWlrrffP(*Tr~ - ■, ,S[j.|.!>'iir■'_ ^vill:t)c.donein two phnner- l'he— rlPctin7r-nf=^2rl5-TTitn5—f(n’ '^ieatrnrnt-fnrilitic57^i’h«^ thrr—“ 1f"'Itl:itrn— l*Y07pn— K n m 1 ?';v r^ C “ nR(‘n(1a "nlS^

' fir-sVpfiasiTrset for ciiinpTClion kinilerwarlen in the Wendell ha|f would rPturji u» li.S dei-ide.'i not to join in l l i i T .......................... .

^eL'Tficiitions by May H ; today. ' — ^ 7 ^ He :^lsosaid.the city's appealpreliminiU'y flrawintis by May I ’olLs will be i pen until 7 "in behalf of" lilaho Frozen*21; blue prints by June 4; iind p in. m the Weijdell nil'll Foods requcsls waiver of onlybids on Juiie 25.' .St-hool library. --- that [xirlion of the.pay-back

liU-reaSe • 'fl-'om ximalely $1.''»0 ,(H)(I to

smaller farility,appr•,’.1(1.0(10 for aecurdmi! lo Milar

inciiKies considuratiun of \e ttiny ' thu

l i iTlj'eiicy " . fund----forconstrucHoh' and ihalnleniince .at $2l;270, and a reduction of reserves'from approximately $75,000 Id $25,000.

i o n s g i v e n o nH yM A IlIl.YN FIJJO rr

'(‘ImeK-NowK wrHer-“ »lime, tijfoni and money, Hu'ilke .^id. Ilie

■ trunsportat|on“ DrT5rlsonei‘y~1)fiOk' and forlb'

- —-JiUHLKV;;.. Another in a serie's.of meelinKKMonday thornfnt’ hroni;ht ii lively ___concerninf? location of the new l.avv Knforceinent' Buildir^ here but no decision,

------The-Httr|gyVt: t>—eo^ tl lirnl ‘ tnc Ui.Vsia----Countv commissioners met jointlyto discuss an

. . uUemntivii^llo proposed luat,Wedncsdjiybv the ■nurley Phinnihi:; l!ntnniLHsion.'Tir(» recommenried a; ctty~lol i>n the coi-nor Fonrloenth Street and Albion Avenue ln.stpnrt o r— r

— llio 4irli'in«l-Hlle l>elween the city'and couuly- — bulldiimHi _ i I —

:iilirla uifd'the juiLiind .Uit: extra prosecutors and attorneys would’

bei\v[ccn_ilic: footwork f<»r

— l>e-pi'ol)ibltfv4v ie-;iHldIf the law enforceinent building is con.striiL-ted

Iwtween th't? pre;^en| r|ty ;irui rmmty hiiihlinni:,.said Mayi>r Garis Uobertson^all [msHihiljty of future expansion is cut off for each of Uie three

"TjuiUljni’.a. ___ ______ :________ _ . ., H»k rbtin_i:iidm i:tl-Uui..:iilti^rimUi,

aesthetically and practically more viable -AecordlniJ to the archilect.

said, (tx: rity would attem[)l to nei;otiate with ■ lh‘e"hcliooI_dlfcUioifor.aiiirlporiandon:ilip'wcst

.iiide-uLthL-juuibijuHri-jidiuol-fflulbuftl field, whore the bl 'achers afi; finVv locatedT—

——^l‘hr-t*tt)-own.«ronc-fmii:tfi i»f- the-fleldrH»-the iiorJInvest comer, he said, and would trade u

city-county eoniplex' Alxjut -10 parkinj* .spaces WiiuhI.be created. '

__ .-If.thii city refuses tu endor-su-tliU-iJciuiiiataitii,.:^id-Sln!riff Hiiy-NUtijjelLwjm ilisnt;i*[!i»Lwitli

Almee nr'yaii,

•J[..sllll have iio couliijenceJjj^ what NiXnii say.s'ln regnnls tO“ thill situutiuni

_ _ — ^ •- . biillHlii)'W(iUl(hWit»pllinent llW'slru('tui'eH<if*the " --- llH'’li:illii:

Clark endorsed the orl(>lnal siti> in .supfxirt of —rUic ‘ponpltf who wlll•bc'workl^^^with•tt;**-the— _altorncys4 lp4l lnwcnforcemcnLpcoplor •

Aceordlnit to Clark, the architect snTiT'the — nron»n«!^-hij{ldjm rlTO il ^ ib f^ riin\fetftg— :

accortimodalc the ucQh's growth for 10 years or

IIh' altei'nate.siteproimaU th( county~could add ' nn in the sIdO Df lt.s present btuldinj* on county

.... ‘ - ‘( nf ‘ - •'

' • ilot- represent li quorum, were present, no . - .w-0/n«;l«l.Z ife.ti,sljm -^could_b£u^

IrnnHferral of city .lots 'to Ibg county' for - -construction on iho orlfilrtal-Brto: Tliij"

• - . • • iii’rvement cnllcd for the eity to transfer two lol.s", _ tfl:citv:hnll gor-cQriatniRt'l(in:rif.ihi iffiiTnfnit;

If Ihcrcouncll rofuse.q to grant the transfer of ■.property, the l(>vv enforceinortfbillldlnii conld

- -Tr imnn • llradluy,, a -niumlwr of 'tlio -cUy planning coniini.ssion, said'the pri inat pUm-rL

^vvas-:-K.U'i(;tly^-aualn«t-BuNBy'»-pupoiicil.^ZQnliu{... -or-<Utmnoo.> ny tUaret5t\rdinj( rulos net up by (HtT |)lahniny body, the locaf pvcimncntal bodies' would be undermhilng the Iward's -future

^not Ije completojl as originally planned.- Metnlwrs of the rou'nrll yhr» prefer the Tiltiinmtti-

morc liocauso tho trend In Inwjinforconent wo??.

'.slie.i ld-llvo clty wouUl donalo the land, forthj> - —<dternalo-Hll4»-whk’h'4l-alH6-ownH:~

■ r ; o rjR!nj^»ilto RrnW -!«lk:*If.wjLi>rO-t}oiniLto;ji^^ -----n-Jnilrlet’s pul-lt-whertritVaiippoaejFfo be/*—

away frbinTocai Jaik iowar realonal iiftl{»wiiy and uorrec’tionaLhuuaca. ....... — ^

"The example you aet bv diootilna-tho

uonunlpslbn In Uw future. Jie said.— — GJcclimu'u'orihe-acsthcUc .valiicjOf. Ufisrblock

- : { tii'e clty'county.i.'omplex) for the convbrtlpnce of g few, is ncifn very uood deciHlon.** hotiatd,

-BcUkiua^UTtie alternatfl location'would prpvc u loui In '*

Police Chief Ken Barry, who'fftvored tbe Jmove. said, “ I think we'll want tu add on to the

. .. -woukrand-oonHtiUnlloii-areliltoete-Aiid-rodQrhl-— - beyond ita {irescpt facllitlca, tie -said.. . ' . .. . - •. fuhdlnn iuuiiipv nfflei|ils,: i^opoiiafi” for culling t C j n s ^ ^

Tcpni^Uiiciioni or Iho buiiuI%~nt~:thplr*Ti«t---7 ^’araon.s. No mutter whteh alto Is ha.stth.-he

32=I*’!;:I n'ljiilarly se leilukd nuiettnK /Wonday,

Page 14:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

Izi' fTtmof-Nftwi, Twin Fnlls, Idaho rueiday, 1, JW3 i

W e a t f e ^Nationti;s;Tempertllure&

■ p .w ^ y i)n K (u p i)- s tM ([ & a i sp ric o « o M n o d « llf lh t ly h lB h e ro n - j*w ;« ;; j;- '‘ i:;S!:-ij;“ - * T , ^

- ' 'TuoRtlnyinmodorototrndlnrion co. nrd.jnj • i j w - ........ ^

. - ' '- > 5 l.o r l ly » f t c H l ic o h o n ln c l|g | t^ ^ ': ; i ! ! ,S !~ ^ !rT]!5l';;j p S!^ !-I IT im n m nRTil M ITOl II5E®/n«T3?BS

' Intlustrlnl nvcrflRC’ f((diitd..O.«-o«n^vr « n, *"lo"02r80. Advnnces topped Ihi?

— il(‘ciincjir2H'tD-8«rnTTmnirti aa:ia!iu - »-iliu:s

. • ______ ____ ; . .•_ I ;.

M o s i t ^ a i r thittiLjs^lLJSEj^Cnnins-. P rn jr if , Unlley.

lower WHotr River V tiliey rbrought f.’iir .1(1 pnrlly cloutly skifs to the Nortliwusl sUilcs

vyest^ ’ • _______.__ _ ™ - - -_i - - -........... * I-oXtoiuicTf ouHooK. 'I’hurscUiy

iMo.stly fair loniijhl lluoimh’ Clearini’ tonight.1 L illfe “ wliiclnviUcolitinueTor Uiehext IIifoukIv Siiturdny. calls for' Wednestluy-wiUi ii (uw.cloudi; — warnicr—W.ciineiidayi_LawSL__Iaw_dayii_a’cinpi‘r;ilureii_vvUI— ^enui^Uy-panUy-doudyi^us-

nes(Jay in upper 50s. Outlook foh TliuriOayJhtlc- elianiie.


Tsrt!nT%rtirtnrtmi'riuliiinirat— KimThmcc-of-showcrs-inninij-by niid-vvcL‘k. I.iius w ill-in Uiu northern and easternUiiain be quite tool, In the ;(fls inoiititains___ Kri«lny. andj

hyiio|tHiN: |. t toniuht aiidJiiuluJ In the (iOs In . SalurdJiJ*. I limits In live GOs toHuililinu hif'l» i)re,Hsurc* h as^ flic past and lowtjr 70s in the lower 70s and lows-:i5 to i5, ^

. \

Twin Falls Temperatures

-Vohtorday - |jlKtYfl_OT Normal

Ssiclear blaMfp o licy -sla te d■ p R N V E R , (U P I i — assump Jurisdlct.ioa- In —

=Colgr«(?To s'-n~o.frd' of HealtTi regulation of~niil~£^<ntuM -^^*^'incofs'\VodR6 .^ISyTifturm^n^o"'itfoWctrnnlurlTT^nrfdr-rtni^-^ i^ ~ ^ a dQpla EtatcnficnLnf policy on snmcr tise. The i.’as from tlie

^t}le^nRrmiRe--fpnTj|fc-^hGaltlrM\yo pagt~miplonp=pro}octK^hai u)ipuuts-of-^ r-oji)cl-Hio-iUatR>Orj^>een-r-{t(lioaotivti

— S_ttf*nilAif Ji 11- ■ Brigu»1/0.IU

■* Brilfcl 2«U]6 kruntwk 34 11IS Oudd Co 40 t bt ..Du'ovaW &0 fu Ourl..........». Aurl .


/•w 40 » 11 iji. I I ', , ii>; 1,, I10 1.40n 7«) 11 lO'/.-lO', 'j li*|A cnl', BNOP,. 9 « 39I^U’. n-,.Jh» <04) W 3l6'»1u‘ ) J l ) ' , ulfl..,! 'SII310

C«/fi*rCHJM At |i» IV',. H'.t |„,,N.4h.nU ' M T»’. «».C.Ur_t.OJ^I4 Ar *l>. V In I.*r.pV,.l4 U ^ V y , . }^ JS

Ch«ieM«n} «I ChtlO 1 ISO • -Chi«» Cr«lt

............. 100 IJJ .. .PLT.UDIi n !»'» iiTTiv;.iron 9 JO- J0‘» JO' JO'i • ‘>j ■ I nci m.»oi 40.1 .1 n I)', T Ji. 'l J 'i Ct vliiIwft 3J 10 10 I', 'S', a^. Iflcuimrrimnitynj:;.— ;.. V-iS# iw 13'. I3‘i AMtoii'^W'AVr'ii •-■•m

t U - 3 i : i . j 2 - . 12TTVf . HfltUOHTaN

runo_ftr.n.,. t uiiii'-ii n T

ir* f vn;--*• ivirn- “ tl-CJ M‘I) ■ mcd li VI15 n M.ilv. iv ? so 3 Wl./L!^W._A.\jllnr__•04*r*‘> 'WTn—nm -(fi >N . Sillrru I 4 04 4 4? Muny f* 0 1C 4*■ XtxniL. ..23H?.75:‘r:MOnGr9:ii FINANCIAL ____Jyiii. I


F r a e lic K "

Heads T F caf frrm.TWIN' F A l J i i

the Dil-kiloton underjfrounil nucloar cx|)lu.siotJ, ,.-'llic board has takon the posi* tion in several'Past mpetlnns Uiat it lacks Juristliclion' over the project, which la scheduled furaienl-niuntli in nurtluvesteni Colorado's gas rich Pieeance

-MuiiiVUihUd a ll DtflciaQtiile „ and federal agencies )iavu now given their-appruvalttUlie May

and "on ly an en- virgCdmentat lawsuit filed last week In ‘ Denver lioULs w y possibility vf po'StpoTlinH-il.- _ - -

Citizens-) for -**<ioloradj»^#-^Uasin.

But the Atomic Energy Coni' “ mTsslon* and its •”prtvjU»^in‘

dustry partners are pressing ahead with plans for "full field (ievelopttietjt; ” nienninii, liilndreds inure underground i^xplusions in the area tu free

■theTriipp»-<r Mas.— ’i'he health buard is uxpected-

tn expriLSK.Llts ri’_si»rvatlnns

____...... Future iindJl. coalition of en­vironmentalists filed tJie suif omhe Ri'ounds the Stnte ComuMssion did «oi have :sufficii;nt information on long- range environmental;, hazardsto eratX .|t-s nppro:tij" ’ ' ___

Siiturday. members of tlie ■T^irorimcnlal _ Action:. Hrouif

and oU)or-s-piekotod-Uuv.r.John A. l^yp's ninnsion in PcnvcrtQ

ilirvSv370)7 >n.<>_iUi.4UU

■11 ?o « ; ij»> iM i'. ij;*k w H,»< ,Htin i

' ! '• -Kerr Mt *010B,ColliftRfli._

, M ,C“ 0-a--l — iy i i ' . .M iCfll G«H.M»0 . . a M*4 10»»- 30?ri ituicirvVTOilvi'■ComSoW 40U U- 1», USljlA. k C c M 3 ^■ CmMygtt} 10 V> ■ l(U 11 I «c i> m Airl - «. U''. 44 44 • KnamiKOPDrr 1

, Uii tjcLXjaU

ilJO L — t i 11'.U Aircr 1 80’ I 30 }»!•LliU llr<in(lt lU OS 4‘*UtiCorp 4»U II #'»Oi 6VP I *0-i HI 3i'.OV lt.au> 6i X l>» 11't

u«_ULC_aiii-H.iU I. »vi)i^li 4 i; /viuOft'g' liij—1.14 4 3J «TfilNH06(:0(- —1|lilt A-Hl car rn ti n?

UCJUIMI ».5e Vift .riBiT N iHtCFO i:. - •ilSOHOUP'. I 01V JMO ?J Cfwli. 10 6 6»

' Cent •H)97“ u%“ i i— ir 49 3I'V 3/*l II

ttihr—T*'i..................40 10

S lU

■•nTwrr...................... . ...... ............. p ., - ,,v,„ .r . . ,n .V. ■ .n .r .n----triidu± JuL

....... ... “ .....

I ‘orsche-Audi. , .Former mynaper of the

automobile dealership was Hudi Kreybig.

about full field (Jt'veiopment protCsVhis approval of Project -■and, to rasuxve-it^i ..right -to , IlioBTahcQ.- .— -H

Continental Ljf^ jreports 72 fj ains

■ -- V V--- lliiilihi -10 j ; IQ I I OHOUP

.W W.»«4l--4-'-'*LOVW«C Irti }tone 5 mrti i ' Lon.^lG I 40 1}

,Lukoi>S1l I0-)1 , L>kr;_Y«»ln _

._M4C^il Dll) }--Mncv « M I ,■•♦ -

Man Ftf J»n ■ M a J^ v I 30 It' M«r Oil I,*0 11 MArtO' ' 10 10MariVnoi M. I ; M«r»hl 1 »*1J

' ■ n ‘""^ h e UTtj e w lio lin s i i ie ^

qGiCainnuf— I-Al-tJi -Crtl) invs 'H I IVl L .in lllli i.ftl 4.1S


Wl'JB'I'.ll Ml Awtirlpool.ii 11 . UUIilVCofl Ml 4 W'liloMolOf 13

43 lJU-l-lJ - 1I."_ :.

_'-KANKUN_ OKOUP' •••ONIC 0J9-V1O r.wlh Sf M4 B 04- I I irictn 3 0) i n

— uxQv -no-qp-m-tfl -hI'vcSp-- li I J J Ki Kn'V TTO 4 BO ru Miitk V It «» i)i-

.Nomiti an B, i iolit Cl i(i:> children, Mrian, ,10. and ii)}ieri.w ll-bciom intriim rin Twin

1 It aouu-aii lie tan find a:--- k v —'j ‘Oi>r «Vill 14 0> It OPMCNtlMFO.

0 f ,»|)'l . V 61 10 0 fhlhAI T) 01 14 }3 4ITC0 FUNDS: O v « * r T h « * ^ 'o i i n i e r

*1 Ouotadont irom NAlD or •pproMimaloly noon. AU «JiU»

l\ inlordf«lrr t)iri», lnlcrdc»lor-^ aUOlBliont do’ not inCIUtfo retail

»CplW« JO 11'»• tip

- InrBdst’nnimnhn'thc ivo flj;

v.'n d 111 Mlmarkup.marKdownfir.commi^I In b“ wbA/?f« ii«Si2J5 ThCJO W at'o n * are prouldcfl DV I 441 I 2J US Ovis I0 3i.i04i M(T«obcf1*. Slur9j)l * Ulrich, Inc

10 14 10 14 VAUUmNE FDS

5 .orgonlsms ,cnllod' prbnktoo. When Itvcloscs Its Jaws Hie

w ■tongiir‘£oj;ces the water out v T ^ o u B h a \g]i^to^ota» sTtve. ^T**1cuvliicn ie #

—:--- I'ni'vrlBlii (tj—— (• • Vntwrpi

M-0 M IMiaVflUi.ioioMinnMiM*! 14 Mini>l‘L 1 4» r MobilODIOII I

.^OlliCQjJO MofioQf* - ’ '

~ iTO’W ^~X5^hfflg!rTl— I j I JlJ- -■ IK*” I* .n«ni»tff 1,1 10 4J J0‘. -- --J>»» JH» - '• nr«iC»n 10 S ' >»»4W 74'.-,l*» (luitc, OA»34 .

30S '• • Cul Compir .14 V»»4i'. 4S«.- '• • Cl*r>»#ln MH, -no 4}v. i -ijov- ;-3>- - n u - n ~

•' Circle K 34 U JO IV*Crtoie J JOa II Cra*/T\ CPii.l?04v^vl0u 14

. Dutiyd CO'p'DomtPelfoH Jll

__________ _________ ItanUAniiM-‘f';"!'’ I J i ' l l i ! ' t'Li&Ho 13JJ u»4 uoni.ii l ib I Vi K ji» ;L*iLe. t:. -i i ir ifo ]\ n 3 JI I j i j i ( iia_.ii.;n j./v _______ — mw—mn ^

-..O.urShf' |5M .ini foi.ifclfc U44l3il r.rwlh 34 ]V M jV__Spnct > >1 » 4> Jfjfl....................... ........... ....... .......... - .Cant. JJfti..il_.

HOISK lU P I j . - Net j^ams ■ffhi~opDr.a!loAs' for*’ nJ72~

totaled $i.i inllhon, a recoriL ]>igli fiTr' Contihentarnre^ami-4\aCkJu»t---CuKi---|i;m^iUant-WilUaiu-^1.—iHtiigi'oiKu— Mnnilay. ’

A lii-[iiige report mailed'to- sliareliolders said iisseLs ami _iiarplus likewise' were u|i sul)sliintially. Adniltte«l |_is.set.‘4

T iiryeac’s. end^lotaled" $20717 inlllii)ri, ^up 17.25 . pt*r centv ( ’apital and surplus rose nearly Ii7 [JUT cent to $2.7 tnillion

I'jingrolHe »ald,

lim ilia r ifrnn^nrmTTra. iiT'-j ~stales7''- —-

UrdinarJ' life coverngc\ toial('(rs2 i7 ,5n million' at yenr '•

iri'il -tdlll- J l K j l L -uullioa.a year ago; i\ piT rent Increase.-

Hic .annual inoelinit <>f tlie- *coinpan>' will be May .bL in

lloise. ---- • -

l^ E G A L N O T IC E

Notice of s a l |cNoticr <b hiTi-tjy uivi>n thnt Orlflr\

'SitMfr>%, 2;|fl Mofflflnd.Avf . Twin. i- .. T l 'iU i l i- r o r ic 19J4,C(ievrolet Coupe. 10

^ear «'hv^ the consolidaljfHi (if f*, ida 71059 ninswaHH; rficieved esTablislied'gain's cmipleTI willi

--rnrnrrt'tvr (n 1 nrr nrri r g iira 1' u n d e'r wr i 11 n g

Future^■; J I aTiii ^focf^

reirtrenTtiini..'-*- iiuFind cu.;c 4....U-UW " htreisc*__4 ir«ttiirAtr i I 4>«Cine 'Un 14 1 JO' JO - 1 'i CO tvDI'TWl"’ 3J •>o* ~w rrw .~nr~*‘ C^^OIUJ ..ill.nuVlftU m-| ^V ~ I!■•r inflkli-_.;lO.. 1 . 4'» 4’i - 'i,,* ; ' ■Vlna« * J M U JOW* JO»»f

..... ... 11 M 1. - .............S. Ci'OtSl<% 13441)4 lOlMO }, CHANMtNO ' ,'iarl l v '41 r »1*> fUKP* 4 04 6 >9; '•^1 (1 11 03 U 04 H«1d» 4 10 4 10, 1-- iMt^iuntoe— - 9—\-Tl~COm!,U 114 148 Horrt..- 11 i; 19 44 14 4 7i

Txm r*Siicn 1 41 I |0 mc'fiiAti. 13 (3 u 11 vcniuf J it I.Jl .'"c l.*o»i ^HAtE U>dUUl< 2U \JJ• OiTOU: ‘ IK1<K}5virrnm-rt-wil—f-7t—ilMnvni-lh'


-Qiiantex_« IO.su,

premiums' • ciunhiiied to . produce the nu>st profit^able year in the coinpany'H ;m-year

-liliHi'.'llOfI CiiiitlnciitaL

Nolicp hiTcby oiuurv innt ':Iflck Piirroll, 00 N.Towing. Roulo No. 1. Cum. idAlio will 4cll to Hie tilgtictt

l(ie followino v<!hlc|»»:— —^Oorto*——Polar*'— no:— - UK41K43U3270 '

c» Ml. i.M' Wintfk' Su re ty l.ifp *-^ .r^ ‘:H.r, ,JV 33V W.I.UO. rvFit—4-«-Vlf—witcmw— l-64-4.IV----------- ... .


PllChtreiSc 9__4 II'Froot.ir Atr J ' ' 0»n Cine']U)

■■ HjliXvOIK4ikcrKirov „Lm Cnl. lOIJ Lta NlMCp 10

ChVr.»,rd 10 SO 11 41 «nnvt‘000»' 11 co lon ia l ■ ' IHVfciT 'OROU

•nr uiT* 10 10 n 04 * l l "

Life's m.s‘urance In force {U the en(r of las t‘year totaled ir>'J9'million. 'Hie company Is the ' uiu& win dp recciveci uniii Mny «i,

Jik'u>aL-Jiri^UMu^cc^ifibHn~Y;--?^^r;^“ lieadouartereti in Idaho.and is p u q u is h ; April

. . „ . - S ' . | .

_ ____ S JM J** •

n,4j-:^a,43— - —

lO'u n.Vt Muiu«i '«u )o ;j--GfwH> ,»,«J 4.4J "llotk .18 41 Jl 14, liicom .V9J10.M- ,icl«l 9 44 10 37 V*fXu<< — 1 (4-l.U—V«r-tlAv IIV V-U- Spot Metals- _ K o v 'i ■ Suru lco. Conti»rf"'30l-~

Klmherlv Ro«rt,.Twln F/ilts. Itfnho wMI soil lo iho hiohotl tiltldN' ono -

I(J«ho polflU^fl . . . _ X - 0 .4 0 — 0.40 -0.42-^0.43 — ---* Mnln(rrt6tati[)c« • - B.ftS ■ B.OO --a.BO B.ftS- ■- pni..nL«:- -

’ — - ' in n jrftA - n .■ -----pVcnwT

COMMOHWLTM THUIT '• _.i«in 4.ir'4.4/-

Cninii Av 4 73 t IIComp-Cp 5UTSM IMtlFna iSK i- .l) CompftU I 40 • . i ' .Comp 10 I I I 149 OillDli M4 M4zatihK,::;-

'.ESSfini-;:!!- ’;u i s ,!

UmAKciU!!lfc=rdW«Hlrimrdr’lELiiLu-Matioual- Acad’omy-of--fioi'

y j j” c'ull UJ JO u j/.n

— Qtiiifl..topper,40 00 44 00 c lb.; Iak» \9 fi'■ . u«4d. common. U.&.. 14.00 i lu.Miin04nrte 99 V tier cdiiI Uiied rruui«r 11 JS b ll>.Niclial. pIKlrolylic cat(ioUi«. I.o u PoriColboroa, OntT^»r»-r“tfT---------' I'lalinumttol*- sdneTprodiicertiWOO 1U DD. ti44ltr-'Aparox.. ---------- --- ---------

............ -Mwwpioiauwy,ani.no cjn— ovoro(i(^m oiintAW )(—Iunu»l4n powdir. 911 ptr c*ni

.*;plnaclj— tanks~-h.l.^.li,(Lfil_ (tinong ve^etnbiua ' in nil- •round nutritive vnluoBrThc W^rld Almiinac-notusi Spl


ich-conUOAftUho!-mosi poucertiwoo -nnji v ltnm ln A of nil,fiS iaau___>r.ani.no cjn— H )v o ro (](^ m o iin tA W )f—\lt<

. ? ‘"';-^ln_C:nnd-ciilclum. •. *\ us To jjjio o t ----«\.iiyrlW)il (D la U " \

Page 15:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

C a v a lfe rs ; tap lJrjt£ t|> ick

CLEVni.AND (U P lV -H ie ^acvolnnil Cnvnlicrs Mpndoy

tltelr flrfit drnft cho|cc, '_____ _ J*"i.nrtffer nf Minnesoliii-ia^

“ A t' iWs sUigo of . 'tlio Cnvniiticaldovolopmont Uils Isb njovo wo n(KKlod and wanU>d U>- jnnkc.lLM»cti.salt{.^Wc^wont

undisclwietlsnlnry. . ' “ It 'm jis t 'b e done In nnDrewcr, thp Kocomi mnn»- orderly way." he afljd. “ Tlie

ciioscn-in iiii> rec‘cnt-Nntiona» fact th'flt vv taHRctb^^socm tto irr?iFflfe;£ jil^ohffg

- , Wjs »(?in (Iriiftod by Uio Noiv ■— . • York-Nets ,of the Ann»ip{in pbout Jlrh Brewer.".....,

’ Haakct^llAHsmnntion. , Brewer, 6-0 , was named tjic -— ■ Caviillm q\vtierT^rck”M ii« li~ ^ o s l vahjnblc gla ________"~saiUlUi-sl(friInpT}f Brewer. wlio~~Tch~I^^


*:,aIurtt!rtiJohnJohnsQnand Iliclc-- is'^anothcf.irrcat.step. towards Robcrsnn. was an investment in our goal of. -bocomlnc •• R •-a ClovQhinil drive for the MBA titrt.

^nieiidlhlT cHltj;’ ooack B ill Fitch

Wh al ers represen tBostoirrn-pIayM fs^

HQ.STON ( U P l) — A month WinnitKit; Monday afternoonrrprfhirNtw EnKlnnd Wljalera wore ahno.st losl in tHe shiifflQ,’ srnimhlini' fnr flnt/’VTTt'Bnstnit^Giirden where the competition played Tlmrsday ni^htincUultJ(i the Boston Bruins, the

. CeUlc‘8. (hc-t ravea npd a few Zrock^fowsi— ---- --------—

‘ '1Jui(Sd«y; M j i y '• TlmoyNowt, Twin Frtllittld'nho. J

anwr^ovei^ lo w rttark

■ ATI.ANTA h Jb T)- - JIan k- Aaron-HarrflftliilnK—baek_the

.rmni<‘i hut^iie >can*t liidu Uie

leaijue ballihj; nverage of .311, ‘ Tliis Is Uie'Smhe sort of thlnp, ’adiuibihu4 iUJonjURrrflMod"by -dc&inned-n»ore-lhnn=aO: yeftrk-— ~*) i!Vearlysea>ion fnihiro. - , aRo nKainst ted Williams nhd.

If'this were io yeapa-f iyi'Tnr ibo slump will continue. He r;3:~:evun'fivc years '.ai’o. Anron«> ^feels that he nuiy-linve-ta'kcn

hit to tTfb opjjosllG field to break' U.UP-'. " v r

- wout<Vla<un?^v.-l^u»uinii- , ii uil [»n oaKv:rn-<;()r}nmn»n»>K-— -^UVlmln11Ti5u^(;n»^^^tn^plv^ :^^av:iiriigfcas^luat:n.slow-xt4iFt4^lr-at)dt)uifrJfe^biihiml«i»he(iuh^r!^— -ontir4h-Hittit»Hfltvl(>f in?iif tftd- r- j_ _ _ J iu U lIa n k JU jiu jn Js - ^ ye a ^ — — jVn.vutayr—Artriia,—wh9—hnd—s^r-on^It-wouUl-inoan-l^lnH^^-^ ^-.old-anil-thu-lucklnij-pQ iislb llity.-hit.s iis"liitt^prlm» «onl Infi UliJ^bal bnck.dovs'n wiusccj...

■ that*ho may not be able to-hike— iintll-lH*-ri‘a(;)u’ ^Uu»t-i)mrk-{l— could control j t-Tnenjrer-'iiverai^L' vt?iy‘ "fi'W years , jiro. I* now. nlnssfnpow^ iMnn-tw4f^>ifttt4»utUarT-— -:M’'ohc■j»nt^atint; )ncn^^hTn^^^^^^^~*,* r( ff1jpy,youUlirc^

TlK^tuio savjnj; I'raco has' "1 don'.t know thn\ t wlli'Aver -'boon lliat Aarun is slill hlttlnu..

if 't ii' cuntiriurto close i n ’ori Bnlw Huth's ,m>airtlt-faui_vvlll _uurry. abuUt

hit'.'aoo aiibin, or 4H'c« ’.270,V sitUl A;irOii"\vt»r-iil fsen'son after bnttinR .32? the yea;: li<;li)ri!.

' ' ‘1 'ma]n.fily4inwillinii. at Ihin -lntrdntP7tn?;!in'ifllTmy IWWLT *

and .fillib a-<‘h»nc'e on' i r ;iew llttilni; , stanec. Just^-bccdyio, . -«llw—tuanis are shlftln}’'*on

iituriiinnreip^riuj. jmu,'‘ h.tiil Aan'ij. ‘‘That’s coniinufd Aiiron ’ \l»ey w

— mi in i?;Lv hi' 'lsn*t~lcttlrn»‘_____________ ik^pcLasucc.V- attendant__to-

■ uX C7fl, .3fi iihy' of the Huth lonuer cuntribMte, CUvp^a_ic|umin;v lluth'5 xccbrd .nff'oct.ri‘c(ir(i.-' ■ I’hoicL* U-Uvoen hittlnn .300 or ■ him, , , .. . —

The Hriivps- t ^ )_ in»fd rz3atr.hlnpnnittr-vti pn fnrthnsp--- “ 1— don't- -mind ‘ all, A a rim 'iJiom ep rlO yp tf 'sntl* "H hornm- everj' -diim ecT inicojiuws. .ill the questions.^

. ■ .saldi Aiirnn “ rtnhmUyr-pimpli

Game No. 2 in the series' is - sche(iuled for Wednesday night

in five previous seasons when ht^ftd^tve-4wnto«‘fiMn—liiaL_

"ispun, he wound up with from 3fl tO‘17forthiuinQrey}}ar. •

Aiiron, who came inlirihlt!

n|)po.slpj’ clubs, aware thut 4lank-At(MiiHU^tr4i‘tly-{H-piil)-

liave Iwen very. kind“to'TTierI~ ^>eittfHn-AH«nia-Rivi

lT3h(rthat iire vying for dates as the

' Whalers "s i^ lH o n e as Bos^ ton’s sole entrant in a pi

— Keries.

The teams will return lierc- •SattmlHy-for-the-fourtli-t^amB- -- ’-NW«flffmnHJBBni*yrwili-bo-

~Bokt on~fla

hitter.-haveI been using an meimadvantaj'einthalregnrd exagj’erated .'thif^ lojuU.off hits oyer the problems Roger Marls

. , W ougl~tli(rieft~srde of tHe iaceci in New York me year he som;ori"^ltli'Ti‘ 0*7 oar~majoiYTinfibld:-------- ---- -------- hit filhoinoTuns. ------- ^

~playud -Suf^ay. attornQon.___

Thewlialers have now won -

icc^ijnduding seven-ln play/>ff—__And if Sunday’s performance competition.is any baronioler, the Winders wiiile New Englnnd had an may_-be Doslon’s only chnm- .casy-tlmc-of-it'in the-opening . pi on. Tliey • Mlowwl Bobby ' win, neither Coach Jack Kelley TlaflVWirinipeg 'JeLsTo sl’Dre ' por his players wer^satisfled

.you’re fen cin g

APPKAHING TO BK fieHinE the point Is-fimTnmy^s- -Hrlni nn Modifiileviilo'— --- -|

niftrltfrcs-his-dlgnily-^ith •nn'unufiiiap'score --during 13(h ICurnppan Cup fe ii^ g fin

lk ‘idt‘nhejm, Qvrmany. The Soviets (icrmany ll-O. <UIM Telephoto)^

„ i ________________

B ^ B A ± belt-Servicer " £ i y ' ' L j O ^ ^ s h o e s

S e l f - S e r v i c e

the firsl and-laal.toals, but. scoren’nlTTeVen-in liotwoWlo takua ;-2 vlclnry-and a 1 J l


with t(ic team's Qvorall porfor* mance.

mui ju im r r vri i ^ 'w iTOTrprptfone of the.I^ew England gojils.

“ The game wasn’t as goodnjH ^M ley-added :

” N%"Miiml™i'ompctillon ' ' ™ FAH IIII.I.S, N..I. T tjp lT^ ta.n a d i l r v o c l l l ^ l i ' J I ^—tfoprflpaccfflt.the GardcOj WaB— - - - 'nio --U-S. - Golf - AKW)^aia/>.-:--n^w-tii^lop»uenl.s ,'' - . ^ ____

TcaucodttnreaTTero-SundnyTis— -HuH,*meHnwhile-.complained-'-ninrmcd - at—new—linpleinenl--- GolL-puti£lii^-Uavu_iiiLYmiL

g q iT ip iT !® ¥ p ^ B |FAnother USGA officia

^•U-uuLuliiUt_a -player—couUL— iiduoibis han<lie»|t-by-scvural

- hy>- Boatf>p-pltic^^^oBt=:I |lp— UjaTwhilo Uin^utlorfi worg-a ■ 4l»>t— incrtiaae— Uie— reasons .[in- trying to kecp.the sirukes )u:»l_by-buyinK-bctt^-ggyenth nnd Adding game of good hockoV team. we'(fidn‘t

>«^.;iilherBastcm Cooterence cnarn'-'" — ,— pjonBliip fiur-io&-in-tho-ltattonaL

, B nsketl)allA.s.soriation.94-7fl.to • the New Yorkltiiicks:

The Bru\ns were ellailnuted from Ihe National Hockey

- U*aguo-pluyoffs'earlicr while ' . their topfnmwlub, the Braves^

“ pTay well ut all:.r_Hull-anlfl thc-JctijnusLliwla

-by -buying-better^ eiiistancc a golf ball will fly. giimu inUjuiul.s. - implements-,.-and-.-^e jHItlsT^

ho adde<l to curb lonu-liall tlie characit»r<tf-thc gattie are /mont indoinM that.'all oTfr home games“ tmd at hilters^ | uppurniust," saysj'P..K Bmit- Another poinl is'tfie fact thatleast one on the road.I' " If the* ^nme is'tbrjjwn out- of' wriglil. exocutivt^'Tlireclor of a baufuiof nio<lern tool.s could “

Kojley. obvlou^y^,: Ijad a killer by livelier,-ehyis and the USGA, "^ art of Ihe more than $1 000. Thatdifferent outlook. balls' courses worth l)llllons of romanre of .spnrt is t o a b f e may l>c peanuts to wealthy club

:*If we cun win gn,.. m dollars may bucomc obsolete, u lu cuinpart; wltal liappened members but one USGA saysWinnipeg wfj'll l)e in great- USGA oficial said.-■ ~ ■ lodny, with vyhat happened rKL«jit:shQllUU)e.ii^iipog we' ________ _______ . _ _

were knocked out...of the sliape."thetsIowFntilandcoach___ .Tlx^ys^^.j9n^llfW^P^!^olled _lx^ire. One of-ilie tliitig s j<t b*»— tK»ttt?r-t’olf game strictly on aAmprlrnn . Ilnpknv l.nauiic aald.-''-We'<i[lilie .10. win llieiil _ Ulo a iiiuunLoCTrolB!3i^ ‘<h^ f a i l h A v a j Ul..J l lia i . ,a ‘a-p [ia ltllljlf.^lQili)fL. ---- L _playoffs.

___Tlie\ Wlialer.sr headed forlK)th, but it }vould be great if wc could come back with one.”

Bl^ck-Haw ks cpach4 s-plaim in^ change

initial velocity—that dm Ik* deveTnpinents, is you may not -tested bybuin iiiCo u KUII ball. However. !»■ pliiyini!-,JlH‘ wum’ K.mie of |.iive mII- h .ll^no-5U tJ~6 l»nda^s— flol^nd .t- m a> ^ l^ eveU J.m n L_Bovcrnmi! now ball (li'.slBiw will) -(llfft.ront tn.tho ulurc. ^ f,e lp tr second. Tha im casure i;" Improved norodynainios or unV " I ’ar os Ive kn o / iito ( liiy ■■bouncc'loft'a club .controls on Uie manufacture of would be no longtjr valid if ta ke T n to J

rlic USGA frar^lim^cceiit ■ ildlllTronirinsUnce and scoring || |, arrandorncnls of dimples ■mdynainie devdo|mie»lo-«i--lif UoHHor..|)tliy buying botlor- ball's cdvct,..II ,.r..l tl... P/.iircoc lil/.llT/l Tldtln

-MOW-RKA l. .(U P D incortltih^f nColUu-Magnm;<

- ball dimpling and the intruduc-- tion' of graphite shares may

___ (1iicfn?o. Hlack Hnwks coach b ick into the Cliicago lineup.-■ -BilW AltoavrfiAid MondHv hift- Magnuson—miss^id' tho first

equi[mient. Coui~ses would have, to b(‘ iiiade iijwjj-longcr and Uicre irx'quenity jusT K il'i room“render exisimg (lisUince con- _

oh— inmle<}HHt< r^— sayH— an— ^n'^KjH»»«i4*»Ilkpihat7—

Taq., auw-uuicliinea-ut th(j_: -fi<t:nrinhnn‘'Vni»whi-»dftH»rtert,here cun test a ball In night.

faces In the lineup .wlien it L'ts u\emet'


broken' Jaw suffered in tl)e Montreal Canadiens semifinal serioB Jigainst the

jhe frtQihi T iieyia ju iigh t-f^ ‘ New York Bangers, .[{hrnJMn Uie.aiiinley ' Magnuson|iasbeen|



' I Uititieeoml [{lime in Uie — -cuurliockoy-flnalfc-—-

n given Ujc

^tff^jd-UgG^jinnflunmiient^— A-tot«I-or-4.l..1.ibllllon-nou lR:— JB ic.‘ ‘CnflsoqucntlyT^lie'USUA rc»'r "^-lmrcsicd1nT;o!ranl£5c'rffCl!t!lc»zr cenily instltuled a series of testsTlxjlh indoor and outdoor, to delernrtfte the extent of the effuct. if .a n y , ' of these

Nelson and Toney’in the-U..S, alone. Very few-of- Byronthem are the .so-<‘alled "mon- P'.ma. When a ball is hit bysl'ers" of 7.000 or more yai;ds, one (if these machine.s, observ Many faiuyus loiTTnamenK may check the differences


SondalsTlie Hawks, who dropped an to play Tuesday

-JUl-doolHio»-t<>-4lnM;it«nMdienH---prowidud— h«— wea— Sunday-^-nftornoon ^;-nftoF=--froleeUvc-muak-dejiigned for—,

'opening up an early 2^ lead him, Hcay- snid, “ We’ll, use- only 62 sectinds IntoJJj/gnme,

are pltlTinTnir tng**^nRes to trouble."________augment an, ailing defensive Ceriler Stari Njikitii. wlio

• crrtv:------- ;---------------- «H*t*ivt*tl-fivc-stilchesIteay sjiiil, "The''CaKadiens ., middlf finger after colliding

- hhvethchesfhcnch Inthe NHL w itir Jim f^oberts of the

tlic next few months, the testfi _ will ' be primarily conducted

! ' L J S C 3 llWle„ _l!;rrjUll=D0 l JiKb t eh afaclcris lle s .______(iistan'ce. - ' •; Meanwhile,~tho »Ui5GA is

meclinnlcnlly, nlthougli they "If-it's true lliut-iinproved c'oyuiniiln|idlscusslon^w|thball , , , ,, . . win Include some tests by implements help a player hit and clul^opomjfnctuf&re. If the

- MugnljHon -jf-we -nm-into- -j^jfJrTarweli: tiu- hairao'fT^fl^rrrtls fa rU i^ - do-nof-Cyoh-thi?—^»ahw-uIing4iod>Lof-«olUn____ividl^^uu've riThurd a .'tTilUyapl— implmil|:nt,fliiVRlnnmftnt.'ritfiUl

'the UnitudJJtatesrthe USOAis— holcr^^nrthinR."* Boatwriglrt •e<»ntrols- are-expeeted'to be iii 11** prepared to taki? action if i l i . say-fi. “ ^ou w()(dd Ih* changing applied to keep the game

COllUling ..1.'.....- .11...______ I___ k... tt.’A ii... " inlv>iin(ktesLs show a distance bonus |ias the characlertjf tlje game

but we have good reserves on ■ ■ our cluttlirPallas, tw). jmji IHl

^ iwe -aomc of them iTiiesday night since our farm team wa

^ eliipinaled Siiturday night in ' ithe'central league playoffs.” .

forwards and foju* derensenieri .^j.Iroco the Uiillastcam who are-

""LnieffiTe- to pnmnHff_^tn_thf»__ .stiinlny r iip finnl scrle.v -In'TRTdfrom the tarnj club, Heay is

J h s .

Canadiens Sunday, (jlaims he'll ‘ 1)0 able to play l)y Tasday niglit. • Mikitn,- wlm did not .practice wfth'-the H aw ks' Monday, said ,"l.liave trouble holding my ^stick but I'll be ' ' .............

SPRING IS MERli !\ Cot outflttod now In Iho latest stylo i In

, Cliobso yours o'nd pul It on'loyawdy.



;pwor or the. lonlnTTcxrr^

is the tallesl observation tower in the Westvn Hemisphere.

- ^ r - : , _ : : r . : S h o n o d : t D J l L . v t m n s f a P p a - —

PA N H AN D tE SLIM - LASSO— h—c ^ e s ^ lllv i

lARK IV LA D IES 'B IO U SES100% polyofiler. Long sleeve, short slodvoT and sloovoloss, Solids, stripes. Horpiia,

■c'hncks. You novor saw such an array of


P lu i Initgllallon


ato lN l.Soo tho now lldrd hott6m‘t»o« _ ond Short 0cf(0t — A fIno spring outHti

MTEilSiMjS;____ B tor, onrf wh<____

^ ’ ’ lfou4hoijWiltoyyourn#*folrcondlllo " ' ‘l:>ftTM nln X v t . S., — — r-7qS-770 f f |

WiE5TEIlN:4I IUiAREI. TS;i3 .4 0 :W *tn-*y^ i«

- ..........- V -I iAPDISON AVErAtiBtUElAll^ES

Page 16:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

16 • TimM'N0\i/t, Twin Fa llij Idaho iueKiay» May. i< iw/j - •

f o r N B A c h a ^

M k e HSa^ifefastest x lriv e r

" ... J N r , , t R t o m e 8Hr a m i)- - .- ii i* a i^ Ji)iv£l)<!cn w n l^ B > r : nt|jhl n _ ^,;i 1 thiTthlrd Uni'L* In'Mic iiihi - Ujo oiuWm^fiTlhF'icaiii since . s6r i « movoB torNcw

nf((h( n«eond gnm irb^

—ycnrs;-UiCTV/f’iH f l ' m y

-ihcy- (ckcd-off-tht

.. Knkks iirc.pUM oDCh ;


-ifljita WnrHo'ralh:ftvl-t<ntV^A.idny niftht.

^f.stlnyrtJjiTir__ ln_il)70»_Ili(i- NtiHLyorkcra

won II ftll In BGVch■ ffirsnn/ tlur‘'I/ikcrH. Iwyncetl ‘ZlJiicteitnDminiTroptnincfiiftme—

I0S.T to end Uic serlua ia- five sUflo awfully aiiick;

'•I’m •r ll«le^5 i e a

wliosrteiinilinTl>ee>r!dlcj!lnee...... ............................ . ’\vlll 1)0 lioM^iursda^-nlghtkrdliWtTiHntodVaiTior*=«!%^^Mayd6a i^ ^ Tm H iip rW c5ti*nr-Conferen«H-If»’Now-VorK-oiHSuiulftyrMflJ/ vchnmplonshfp ' Wcdnosdayi 13. Gnmo No. 7 would to' pitted nf«l>T. “ I don’t like to-hnvc n ’ rif llie Forum; Uic kpllo jrlnM lojim of* minp no that . lon« , 'Hiesdny, May J5. '.betwjsi '

dny.ln a row; ^tit tills Ume, it IfllVpluBlaps In AlllsOn's:Mel.a-

..--wlthoiU tluiifcentc^— ' . “ 1‘ think-tliby-nre^-a-twtter

lenfn tium t)iey were in the iinjiiH last your,” K»l(rT4iT(cr“ coHfh Bill Sliarman, ‘‘bccause'

, U k e r lineup for the flrat tlmo^^tlie Ukcra . have, the home In Wcdnysday’s win ovc//tho

“ Iwckr ----------- ------- —aaypnrHfrHeir-bj^rtmf^f-thcii---- '•I“ th1nlr*thC“ :Th("Khi('kH a<Iviint‘tMl to tlic* ~?liV22 rcKular «eason rct'onl. . .fjreat team," Sljarman con-'

• finals their fH-7a «j^iLnth__ rpmp(irc»(l with the Knicks’ S7- eluded,— and-vc^ii_RolnftL^name victory oyer the J jnajnn^ 25 mark. After 'Aiesday's have, to bp at pUr best to boj Ccllks-<av-^uulay, wfllje the’~"TnnTn?7tf*“ ^ " “ ' ‘.....- - " • -rthere^iU-bo-4t-Tliuwdajt‘^ th cm .''

Fcnglcr lifted U»c"‘a^ed'lim lt shortly, beforeUBiSffTTnir^ohly’

•If^DIANAPOIJS. Ind. (UPI).- MikcHlss of.TusUn.'iS lif'r . _

-was tlic' fnsf(>rt'drlverMonday Iwo otlJer^dflyiuxi^ '^nt-Uic-tndJnnopolisrSpccdway-^J-GaryTMcnluiuson.oLTinlcy

S ,S « Sfe 'ri= »

. IllSS,.the'lM2 "rookia ()(;Uie ^r\skc rncinii, team. frlin--- Allimilr^WllD-rillnnilllM rnni—^

......Ell 2^rintlrDvalTitTrTqim lr-Viyi«i»-wlitre-hr riiceil In n ■

'or two m.p.h.'quickL'r Uiiin racer ntii.slietl Uie foiirtli anti ' S f fS iin Jliy wllen'insl'CTviis— lirinl-i)|iiiBO-<)[-lils-roi)klo-ljBti-—

a_lM.m.p.li.,limlLlmp6?eil liy ".illQw]ni; Jfim to .sce|i' lileh " : ■Speedway''((Icinlff,...^pecd ivll's qulckc,'iJ'|op. wos '

Chler Slewili-il llgrhni lOI.OIll , ' '> -

IVIr. Prospector Heads fteliJ" in,today’s derby trial stakes■M^iil'^vii.i.K, Ky I — Held lor UTe mue racc. SeurctOTtnt*5~nttltUy, a conf<-

Con!acf the jimoi-Now» ^qrm ia l6» Dopai’iZtnr. fPnvplwtiT youJ- ___

ale, hand 'bills, ' nowipopor coverago rovor -jojiQQ-<oodo'iA-;-in-Maoic-.VallBY) ndvantgJu U i—

iriq All at one spe^ipl low rate. Eyp/y »a1o litlod in Ihi' Fnrm Calendar to, I u dayl-Hsq»..-tQl<i.

P ro^pi't'tor heofl*** ** _ Vodika wa.s scratfhed from the deneo tlial was sluikch whienof six .scheduled to run todayHn Uiei20.600 adilcd'Derby Trial

Hie speedy t'olt^wa.s preppint; •for tk* Prenkncjw Sti»kes on May "l9 rather than next Saturlluy’s runnlau of--the Kentucky Derby.'

Trial and Uie IX'rby an atljick of <5(llic.

.•cause of _Anj{le Ulyht won the Wood Mcmorfiil' witli Sham second N e w Y o r k e r s

'IierncR n' royal welcome liomc ore New York ftfnt.-.^hu|;rriHrd~thr~RTrirkiroHihry-retinTicd-home after defeiiting (he Bontnn Celtics to take the Enstcrn champiouBliip of the N ational____


tecento'.were likel; bijck an the Kentucky Derby.

Secretariat remained the .sJronK favorite with Sliam a hiKlily rcKurdcd second choicc,. -them

•Aii fur us rnr.conccmed „ A . ^ ^ tbJiurfacjaL____ Ijc-’s-licadcd for tlic Rrcakness Monday between Jhejr trainers

but I can't speak :fo r tlie witli Fiank ( Fmiciio) MartUi^- J~ ’nti/nnr,!i-giilfL_^inflc-Jlmmv_. wlio lmndn?5 % am , claimink

— 'riial-includwl -AnBlr-hiBh't: also truined by I^urin, Knight* ly Dawn. alsuf.;ii‘aintJit ^^«nter safety-programs-opeTi

'’ Auclloncvfi: W»rt. Eltcri, MobUy. Clark I

IVCRETT 4 FLOBlAdv*nlf*m*nl; Mby 3

Sol* Monog*d by Gr«q» W«H«rn Aueflon S*rvk*. •- Horyiy lv*rlOnrAw«Uofi»»r

. , - -Adv*rtli«m*nli Moy 3__ .. ..Auc4lon«*f«i Lyl* M otl*ui Oary.Otbarn*

M A Y 1 0 :

brin^int; him here at all iifti r!jni55UllUIUla>s. of Iraintng. in

irlJorniKo of n~That threw hin) off schedule

Martin said,Shiiii) c^u)'(

iin,l-r.nl,l-Hi,,. iS U l tllt're I.S a Ircsll und the lo t:^ r ecrealion.ilfrom Ihe fiTnl7 ieFd — — oHduho youill!.stl'rirwio opportunifies. HunUim^l s a

'hpie lb a-Krcnt-ni'ecI to yn — longuTTimis.'iriryln IhirUnltcy phuhizo quQUtv- fyfpprlonoes- Ktiiti?Kr^i;in«^uptr.that:hunlai:&

and sfwrt shooters play a vital role in" wildlife management HHj^rains is innored,

- M A Y 12

Aucllon>Ti; lyl« Mqit»n I Gory Oiborn»

M A Y - n -

.somethinn bad. ijeTnie tell you, He couldn’t-rim-in -thc-Hut- --mj*—reputation on Uie race cli6Ronjin(f.bocau.‘50he''mlssod track Is a million percent Uiat'TJjce, lie had to mi.ss Uie honest. U was very cheap to

not want to start Sheckyr-t.•onf»ternHlion^^t lfHl^p^l ‘et»CM:— acHrCTOiblQ;4iOi4lHt-tliould-not— HhoolmM-^alurni^p^^tii-iiiuPo- (}reeno.;Winnorof tJie S'teppinn—TlitK-yoar-Uieru-iiru iQ.OPO J»f “ aiul indeed i.s not — the sole Uian $200 million for' wildlife ' Stone jl’urse on Saturday, but tl^em, statewide; junior liiuh . “restoration c?rc;h.Tcnr. 'A lll

‘ ' ' • Oiif of Uk< be.sl wav^ to '

-M:«ri)t'VNertrKtfrNi¥«T(r= Adv«rtium«ntl May 10'*

V.VrfiririnW5FVy:C1ork' I W

1 Oip—prtity—tlwit—<ibout-nH*7^^M«rtin — HiHttHl—u|Jot»—it:^Fowneij J w Kellman may ln-^^school boys and ;i ls iri public

.son Falcon, I’m Guaranteed"im d Blue pilp DafTcompleltT

said.Hut lju ir in denied he was

roforrinj^ to Martin bul only expa“jsnji'~his conTidence^in'

•cRo m a y come out if he does not work

ja tjs fM tid ly citliur .today , or liiniorrow or if tlie track is ITiliddy on Saturday^

-nnrt- -^nrr chml- -arhool-......... ...... . wildlife specie^, jncluding

pioriMilt*—ImnlinM—aiui~jip^v4— hOiM^aino.-bunofil—Uuntlnii-

M A Y i < r

-untiMig abilky-for■7 3 D @ p i T * " T T T O " " ^ r '

lament of Duke s'(ms'is tho sntisnnc nf Thtr Dfttrnlt Tlcrrtk

It has been said that.

genemt revenile to wildlife fr'onP'lhe” 'L5s T05torntion"nnd~himtcr'safety

_________________________Amuiluii DodKCEsZAuti."/'Inst "jTolu'ams.' Idaii'o’s'share forDnkn. Dukr. Diikr.Dnkn-,”__ ypar .Sims hnd fntir hnmr runs ,• tilt; fi?|cnl Y*‘H>’-HmonnLs

classrooms learning proper' shnntmK is-to promote - fjuiv license fees are the backbone Hun hnndlintiJnin'ini;. nUik-v, aafctv. -TlR- publi(.\ iu;ycr_ hn&\ of tlie 50 sUile.fish and ganH* w’ildlffc Identification and Ix-cri mure suk,LV-i'»nscioiis..sd (k*mirUnents. lam lM d^ “-"sportsinan rebi,-. wl'J' takba-nvuntagronn tions in ^un sidety courses. 'riitTtr i.s notliih that promotes

-A-^rcat -neM—^vindfall--i3- - ‘J ‘*n‘'l}«T^‘«‘LTfillwtinR-beltoi^- -Iitnte ■n'jp {3--= than-huntinf -a»d-bliootinn.- Ai>—

share, of the $7 million >ri|;a.s Ihraetjimsportsrefnaln avallablO under the Diiljxlh- P»''t Uie Aillerlean

’ Hart bill, whicll diverls the 10 .scct7.' the eiirrenl public

UPSHAW 5I0CK cow t MACHlNEHy AUCTION ' M y J ; ' '

Aucironi*7i:'W*rl,'{lUri, MobTiyTClaA I

TffTP’oniiOni oh~li7s flfsriionTc lyu'tilU~lum fun ' ‘ ’ • . - .

cheered the fans as the reserve mul 10 runs ■batted in and t" about S-IO.IUM) iind is beintj 'I’lif " NatioiiJil RTTTeinniltlple4tlPfRUy4>yHhe-TiKers— eatchct—rumblethTtrounrt-thc- -rnuRhtTlown-thc-strctclrwhcn— us«l-f«r-hve-fit‘ut)<-pi‘«t*lit‘t*i— ^UiiociatiojUiai-auvclo^d-a;

— n)OPO-feiw>mblefH»-eattle-dpivl^-^iKos-wyhHdl-tln>-«r»fi‘t-«>f-«— Bill-Ffeeharv^roke-<Mhumb^— inciudinrt4-4^mu-;ma. alliu^tr-- .uut:itaQ Jin t :- Im n Lcr a a fc lv " ~Tir(mi!(fm m ^i!iro ia irdchdrw ~‘“ti!TCf^bTOetfT)Tirrm'o\‘'" ''

of the heavy brigade." IF I could run, it would be a

’different ball game,” Sims

^ i c j S Q r r i ‘«icri«r also loiu ” 1 was Rojng full speed; too,"- . just aixiut anybody who could

' Sims chuckles.. , write he felt he should Ik*He sUirted put the,'season catchinii more;durlrig th(i

-equrpilfeiiL A'. nict.- 'fL'aigrc~ur Uiis program is that the.money-

_can be used in the depart­ment’s rVil'iLat wildlifi*

4 y U m X all needed -for teachinn, safe

"Hun"naH(lltnhCTooTt51i$(oTioirosigried tiims^f- - <lnyH-on the bench will do for-i»

, . ~-to-trj’lnBHo'tak'cMhe'tftle“ o r 'rn a iiV Jili{ lu (ie . . . . . . ^con^ibution to gettiuR Detroit team funnyinan nway. from ■ “ I ’m Ju.st a mediocre player Hunter -safety proKram.>; is iKised, on v.oluntary .bftck to .500 (ICtlO) In this NornTCash. with, mediocre tjilent,” Sims opon doors for younijsters \vith-• coqixjratUjn betw^

!C in the. American' • S ims held, out for__moLC___.sjiys now:'” Uke lourncyman reluctant, parents. and_ even and 'Cjnfne p oparttncnt andicailucjiaatdiviatQn.Wejvalked money iilterJiittlnH^-Jlfl-in 38 ..plumber. It would be kind.of . iid'ilt.s who maV decide to tiiiuj ifuliyifiuTil pulilic

rtilao e*--wlthHhe—f^>*^fjtr^l»*:^4i»oliHli-foi^mo4<M)KpoCWo^)/^^ — tpof-PFffhno^nRi' -------- :::------- lumllnfif^Siieh—iJPotjrain:

A1‘ Marshall picked TtojK^isienatWigl^^

' V B O IS EY U P I)—,AlMarshidl. - C|infen>nce .selection.. -fionior wfdc recvlvct , lo r. Uie .The Santa Cruz senior was

B^ilsc State' Broncos from * named to the'" Kodak all-----Snntn Cruz, 'alif.,' w»s njmicd American first tenm«t tlu)-«nd

oulsi^n?nnf< ♦s nioi'—athlott»-<if-- of-tlu> last soaKon: He was also“the-yenr at Uiirthtrd-nnntwil— fiwl—loam--all*Amorlcacv. f»d,’" ’3inisgrr5tatp-|'^lctteTmpn*s-T:^olpctHl-by.-Unttcd-^*rpsBrfn^- —iBanqilel Monday hiKltl. " ' l(frriarional and 1lomr»>al the manager gets imm,‘“ ftecervlng^litMTtfar^^ Sports. '

” 1 knew that when I, came elude more than proili:!' guw-iJiandniig ITclinTcpei thc'Idjiho over here,” he- adds. * lumdlinK Perhaps the f-reatesl ' liuntcr safely course Covers "Nobody’s goingWo move that need is to teach hunting elliic.s shoolin^ techniques, wildlife guy (A l Ka linc ) out of {ind tlw conccpl of quality id e n t if ic a t io n , hunter

- rigiitfiold, -wo:vtt«-flot a- Rood— outdoor expt*riont>i>i----------, catcher, and a-«ood fir.st One of* the most serious sportsman relations. ICvery

/'basem an.” drawbacks' to the hunting student who compleU^j.. Uiefraternity is the pure ••taker. " -course is jiiven a copy of the lie has no thought of resi>ccL basic {jl-pflgo book,' •■The for Uip game-he^himts7 TTi(?“ Himtrr-Hnfpt>'-Han(lt)ook."^ XUHie-lawur-flMliu-land^UlHHi— riuk-umounli to-somu 4U-.000 - which he is hunbn«.-wheUicr «> year. And Uie program ^

Rnrlier he had wiid, -*Fm a .240 hitter. Uok it up - .240 or -2ir," th r tV s ^ m f lliic retorcl lionk sjiys; ‘Course, take awav a .170 and a .-IW when I w as ,

in Uiv tjnme, The.hunter safely'.lop.acholurutlilcte Wli senior ‘ naveOber had Ui(v highest had disagreement.s program offwii'such an oi>.Dnvc Ober. a defensive safely .. grade point of. any Bronco' with nianagors in the pasl,” -ho |«)rtuuity-U) youngstorH..........:fro ^ Nampi^daho■.A totafof senior. His GPA is 3:.17'nntfTc _____;26 a\l/artls were presented to is a busineV>i ninjor. * i.............i.._ t

— BolsirStjiti:-‘ “ --- -------------- . .■bnn<tuet” uiiemled 'b y fnpre ■ ffiii’jv flOd'Bronco boosters aTid

tw n n l-...... im rcrc :tnpliro.od; "'hft^al^^mo.s^u^hulble' plavet'T itfjb M u rc ijfT ^ in e rt Park. ,

tTrnyw, .f^nuntryyla^u b liT 8‘ *“ ’ J«(Jk;3 ;eu rtIcer"p om athletic dlrpctor of the Hines, Ore.; track, most'poinLs

y-of eolifornin-Snnta~ award, Mlk6 Bennett, Rakefp i r B f l f .................... ■'.......... '

‘But-thftt-wfts-when-I-was .Q. luntj-man-and-had-deluslons-^grandeur.” coming to a screeching halt.

‘ — DSC pcoflldent Dr.;.^lohn'^^'—Uu, biisktlball -Mimdcc •^rnos prcaentetTtljc awnrd to'''x|}ijckinRhnm; (JnryT-Ind:^ vns^' g tfflr;a?y^ .n^grahnlL*siit^ jyttoUlEpIuviui—

:T r> ! i7 W W f“ yuui')i'‘''B>~' ''viii'8lty fiiutiiuTI ' At8IW ,HiiL .competition, hjrTOUSli't tlic biilt~~ wns, given tlHi'moal-valunhic •

■ , n i i i i « u r 'A w i i v s rM |im i'i3",'!KS!imiin iiiujiur mcura. . . lu . . .-_____________________ _____ ,____ ______ V.!n .J(;nnii!._iniiv.i!_lirjihnm.: .

, That ..tOt«P~y«l'dn|!e. Is . .!eromc,«ayiwardcd Uie mofel. I c^uLvalent to I.linllf^s on Uie -'viilunMi* pliiycr owani, while - =,4r^:=r^oolb«H-^jeld— He-^upronn)H:;^n:«iwlii(i(!pir(im-Hiiri--- -holito; 10 iLsCMjchooj-recordi), -Worl'and, -Wyo.,.. wai.i

' ! Inclmllnn Uirce~ IH‘ .B . pQnt *: niosi InsnlratUinal ~v________return apodalfst. Wriiiulftios— ond.-ln-aiilln((, -Curl OaUim,

privately Qwhed. or piiblie contlim'ei to. Brow in coin duniiiiii.- The-liine lu nenute inuni,tie.'i.ivliere.|mblic splritujJ - J UiiN-Wiiil «r nlillinophv is early cltlZTOrianilitzfa ' 'x'dnre-thf<»‘—

|H)ssil)ility of. gun accidenLs.One of tlie charges m<Kle

aguiiuil hunlinu Uiul pcraist^.js. Uiat harvesting the annual

.ihc-onlr’mcnsur«of-jM:^urplui;-^r-orop-iK-iloU-iniont„,niing^Huco'o6 i^-«M-^-Utc:batenidllfc.pQpulaUofCl

Graduation Special

M E IS T E R S P O R T ’ ’G T ' ‘ R e g , . $ 1 6 6 .9 5: : t ^ J ^ J o ! l o L Y & o ^ - f O M n d . - s a f e a ‘ a n d s e r v i c e .


Page 17:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

; ■ M ^ O l S V I I , I . E , |<y. ( U P I ) -. K e n tu c k y 111-107 In o v c r llra o , ' i j p „ i „ j 5 /„ '^ is G l lm o c o « ;o r o d - 2 0 p51nTii7 ' ; , , ^ u r ( l n y , Irn llo d n e a r ly n lU K b a tU ic il’i ' * ■ -

^ «n7rre(l2Brcboundsnndblockcd -wny .Iwfore Goor{jc_McGinnla____ Nlcain1nte-w«s-hlulUor ijic '- r - ^ ^ i r n s!iott.Alomla>uniRlit to._ sank two foul>hoLq wlUi, 15 Pncers. w ith ' 28 nolota o m T "

nnw^T.flio - K o n tu c to H ^ H o Ifr to — a e c o n d ^ o - p l f t r H n - H h e - H m i^ K n ^ < r i t r ^ w i in ; o t ^

Tuosdayy 'A A flv"i, V w f ‘ T lm fli-N p v i/^ ;fw lIj 'F flll* ", Id iihp . )7 '■ '.“ '"T ,

th c .jG filO n c la ' ;

, Ind jnna_ Pacers. lyln« their .S im on tritnrn(Jd^tllt_ Pacers:_:_!pt)inLln Uie flra i hnlfr_________' - 'y t ?d c j in ~ U /is)^ctball-AsaQclaiJMead^tQ-imE-»itli n ^rgg thrnw -■ 'nio.(7oionoiB, nlroady jiijo r t^

y < !»>nyionHhips ^ V juat before the end . of', the Im'nddd a l'guard w.... " . / ' w nptg c e ; . : p e r i o d _ „ r r : ’ - ’ : / ' b U M ik u ^ r .a l iL w f th - a n ;^ o v o - -

[lii_CdQQd£^Vflcaw«J--Uit^-^^OUmorei^wh0=7mt=si—chilr^-. inj»iryi-woro-furtlrot=iloplotod:i, 'l^ layoff .re c o rd w ith 19 wlieri Moulit suffered Ills ankle

m c o fn t loss of (junrd^Rick Mount with

. * S A N ^ lK ( ; o ( U n i ) '“ J n i i . w ith a. ..B llm 11-'4S^ J;ad - . “ ]u h jo ^ } i i» h p i{ l)te ex c item en t .-VrttUaKe, d esp ifc n poor :t4 pc r . : ^ - ^ ^

i^ ii T iflA ii' iM t^ h t 5lio o ii i if r^ n a 'k ‘’*fnirn~ihfc'^' ,

b iisku lb iill tc jjr ii « » r v iv od^-« . . i:ilmc-’.»i-first-fiuo noints-to u ivo - ;-----■•-lli.sl-scmn(l s l i i i l ' l lv ll'ii’-'Tmifiril^ h i ; U .S . an m irlv .1.?. Ipilrf liiil________^

— .Sl4ilo .^ ._ i; i .- ( ir e - I i - 7n-?ll:-win— K iiM iii c a m e I1|H»H-In-I.*n(l .t iH il '- y - — -

. “ ....................... .. r ..,.. |H iiyu u . r t'L 'u ru •wuii u wiiL*n iviuuiii a iiK u reu iiis utmiua spralrtud Ib fU n k le and an flO- '; U ctcn s ive ’reb ound^, r ile d the In ju ry e a r ly in th o - ae co n d

— 73defieU nt tljp orid i3f~ ttir| lU rd . . i> h c k b o i i r d - . _ v 1 r I » a 11 v n iin rtn r. ThPY| Wppf w ith n » m -_ 1 to w int»oinR a w a f w i f l K ^ unchn licn Koc in the J i r a t h a lf— p ie r •an d '" a ' J t r l c n in ■ th e-

/ ' ~ a n tfl n n y tH1<piirt u T lIic fm n l • w lm n hn tm iilf t l fin w n fn l»> rk f 'n iir t fn r t lw » ro m » in (l(r ro f perio (l that snapped ah K-B3 - • ■ '

- T r n n F y - ^ n n r j i ^ ? ! — H t ru iu jk s 't v u in i iu T iF ^ ^— ^dcs ix ra tinn .U«.fooi s h o i^ t l ia t ' inK h nn d s_m tim es in the first: z id lo i l i iL u U ih u jU U J . iU U iP-bn Jii^ r-^^w lf'-----—

as . t ie ' !y )v ie ts c la in im i t l i f U vo rn ii | j d —all-^scorer-i^-^tt

rebounds. ' th e n am e.

T1.C 7.foo l-2 G iln m rc i B n U c o T T ^ ' T W T ^ * rn ,|m n » . K e n tu ck y V b r e o k u w u y In Uie I , ' '™ ! " -.Inst q iia r lc r w lU i a IQ-fool bank ’mr=iErE5Ei55SS5SB^ ,

' ■ .baek ljoardu, (he tw o team s — |-uui(jo44u ;tan d o IU n - u tb o u n d iliu -

_ r t l ) i i im a im il. l l i i '. v l i 'to ryI f 11 .tjy .th c if two

1u |j) ila .v irs , M u ll m m I I f i l l ^ l lijiin ts iitiil IvTi'ti IH ’o rn ii. who

- h a t l lli. lli^lli So v ie t Htars fniiU 'd

" l i i i l lt i in e w i\h 1(1, while. l i r t T r e " ' ti 1» p iirt a l h ie u ;b , (vtm _l,l.

^ V i ( l r t ( i r T n ! l ‘ii[iu iH iir -i Ih I j M # - ' srtomi.s o l[l, (h r Sov ie t team ' loBt r ivn rn ii W ith h is (K th foul,

W a l l S imon, who has b e e i i 'a ____iU— -________ _____r i - . de fensive .sliiniloiil fo r tlid .. re c c lv in i! _.u . iM hlnd-the-back

Colonels d iirin i; the p la yo ffs , pa.'i.s Iro m S im on ,------- turned into an o ffens ive tlem on T h e C o lo nu li--4m !ti ■ T ’e n r n f IW il'ii l lir— »eo'n(.^l lo llie l ln a l 12-polnI

-------------_ .^ k g y i jg ^ fepQjj>tj . ^ m g g B in ^ iU i41ie ::« itfcafaH lieefc=and raa ile som e n ifty p asses to point.(tool, by D u m p ie r w iU i 28

- lscLu (lJliile am im ile ii-w iU l-o a liy----seM )nds-rem iiin ln |!^ lssel- fire< l-; . l n 2IL p o in is L a A d : i!r i ib b e H 12

In d ia n a .J« ll ld L sq u e cZ n tT iS s t - ;e r it im iila - iiiu l- p i;n ip ie .^ a d d cd -

_Jfl Mntm li L jJn tr—

ie il by IM o y id o iK - w V ? ^ n ie S iilm k o v . w iio appuanud lo be ’ "w i ' S i a ^ i j y i . S i i U L ' a ___o n U ’____ta u s ia lu a i_________

---nlthm iRlThccm nnUttW l a costly nuiKlde th rea t, jo sse i! in H ..J tiirnovi'i;. I)y ll» 'u w in yrllie -b H n Ih v7 lr8l- I3"rp im ile f l^ 'r : -T^"^

(lifl (if bounds w ill i on ly llirL-e , tiie second ha lf to j^ ivc the bCL-onds le ft tu p la y . — \;.-Soviul.team a CB-filload w ith 7

)« '» n — lu} i ) * ) ) } } - II

I'o nsy waK w h isllod>i)- . / .Oxloy , a. formor-Ktatw>l-tl

Tor il u-S M iiit iiry^ A ca d e m y..jjco re (l

““i i Kvn]utK( Ji-wtiiiu Kon H e lia tjen w«is e iected

3 ^ ^ e n d e U ^ 3 itiif- a c e s la t- d e iib ^

IsllI.LEm U I S V l L L E , K y . ( U P I l - A H iv a , H id ^ e . c u r r e 'n l iy one=sided vende ttii su rfaced at Mcttinf- f a v o r e d S e c ro tu r ia t . Clnu-chin Dow ns M ond a y w ith r e a d y , f o r S a tu r d r r y * s ~ 99th“

M a r t in 've liem en lly chaP^ In|{ " “ I t t l H f M ifr t in hancfles S h a n ij ' he -had— bcCT—s lan d e red — b y — K«cond-<'hojco-in tbo 1 W tnil«-

L u c ie n L a u h n an d I .a u r ln race .- protcstinH- liis in n o cen ce^ ----- ‘'W Klinvc-tw en-

- P la y e rs w a it^ f<»r b ask t^ ih a ll

o w n _ ^ fee l bad ab out a ii is . indeed I do. 1 liiink M a r t in is a dam o” y o M ” h o fs e m a n T o n e of

U , "-Lau rih sa id . /

-•--IliU— m y —S e c r e t a r ia t . r e a d y fo r

-SatucUai’. A.s fo r-oxcunes. liie

W H II J- : A K T IS - G IL M O U F : (531 am i W a lt Slm<in ( 2 ) iirU ie k o a tu c k y Coloaels w n lt fo r t h r " •- tiali (0 ro m e (jciwn, M e ! D an ie ls ( In b a rk , r ig h t ) of la i l la i ia P a c c rK . loKc>i b a la n ce m id - liu a d x Ju L -. . I l i r ' i roor. t ln r inii fir iit o n a r t t r u ctlu ii of. the - secumi tjam e of the bcK l-id 'Sevcn ser ie s . K i-ntiicky svon 114-102. ( U P I Te lep lio to )


from -tiio-nam o-for—unsportii— m aidikt* conduct In Uie second

- Im l f . /— i n

dress inu room at In term issio n had to le a ve the t»ame

._q u ick la y jip s— vv'tDun-ia «'/— m inute to c re a te a 70-70 lie w ith - ^

-iiW l-ri> m uin ipj‘T-W itlt—f<«SBia leiid int{ 72j 70 w ith ,4 :5(1 rem a i^ ' n ln K , O ly m p ic H ero " n ^ I o r '

P r o S ta n d in g s

Defen d in ^ cliBm ps

passes in it)o k test

H C lT A lita r cen te r ft ill W a lton wa.s unava ila ’ble for ton ii’h t's coptqst (lui n ientii in l a ? knee, in cu rred <lurlnK th e r|r.st Kafiie o f Uie surioH on S u iw a y . Sw en f i l t e r ,

. W a lton •sundbrstudy at U f fL A . lo ia le tl 11 M in is , ju )d le d V lien,s. (n reiwrniUini; with 10. ■;

IN D IA N A P O I . t S . '!n d : ' 'fU P fV ,- N a s c a r v e t e r a n H o b b y P o l j - l ’ l l l

“ 'A iii.sonpa.ssod his fina l driv inf* ^, t f s l fo r ro o k ie s a t the.

"M to T iT trris ”~"STgned-by

■Motor \ipcci\m Monday and won the ri^lil to |)arlicipatc Irvthe 500-mllP rnco

-to talk- ab o u tV dechired ■Martin'’wh.n“Ko ■interpreted 'n stntemeni attributed to t-niirln

- ir n r rn th r r i fn n p P t

time, if he can| and I liope he• c a n ,"- J j tu r in ju ldw U ---- -----

Marlin alab /esents implica- - t io n fK h n H ;p w e te r tB H e « e * i« ii4 ^

"w ith ilraNin-protesi:TUay^in provuiedlie qualiries In

May I)a^’ and the |y play well,” the ;0-car starlinu field. BA D " HO M RURfiJ jWiist-....................... 5t - need^ a : -A]IisninrmshciHiis i ound of GTnnHtiy-t.UPU - A-VlllltTn--------

Sa tcD irg o --SAN D IKGO lU P h -

________t>w lRb t • ‘R o " i J im a r , the firs tchoice j n the /American

'basketball association draft, siKned Monday with the San

------ Diego>-€ontjulstndoraa m o u n t '_ d lia c r ib e d a s “ s U .

________d i i i l t a _ f ln d jn u l t b y c a r J : _ _ '—I^ m ij r^ ^ h o lod-Uie n a t io n 's

c b llc c ia h s In SL*oring aa n sophom orij and Ju n io r, a ls ? had

' boon d ra fted by the Etetrioit - - ip is lo n s- 'o f— th e .- - N lit io n f l1"

-'llie-stalumpnL. appmixd-un— ered tjie bi^ jr^ tject^ Jo win Uie Triple Crown since Oit ilion swept Uie Kentucky Derby, Uie Preakness and the ni*lthont Slakes in 194H.

. Ulc day of Uie Wood Miiinoriul at Aqucdiict. In the riicc Sham fmished second with Secretariat third. Angle l.i^ht.

■ (ini<lnml‘A-!rhavc'Tlirlr (ll.'mTniTr .signal flvint*.

----W l» ; IIIP gP.I.tlflT -mA'v tn ' l nt oLs .si i'iititl in m ith Ihn fli?fnnttin{<

."Thi.s ]eam just break."savsBoston pkii>t)erF.<l tfsts with a lai)i)f 174.512 K iis k ii, i 1 '

. iv o r ld d ia in p io iis a r iiK tr ij( i i; lin R h en e f ir ln l tn-all fo ur c lu b s 'w how iU i Ju y tU ro co rd a n d - a re ,in ..............................* - - -iH‘xl*l(»-)fist p lact! in tlie.'Am eri-

also irained'by I-iurm. woh by .■ a-liead..^ W a ld ,quoting Ijmrin, "Tlie

AsLn_5cniQr_jasL_yj2ur_bc,,-Lduti2LUianakc-cxcus,tis»-cxi tlipged fmqi his usual 36 points excuses. It’s fimny. the only

-a— fiamo— ia — only—^M r-^4lay-i«cw ’lawat-Jrdn^^antIlo concent,rating* more on run was the day he nicT!{>ham.'’pla^inakin ’ and defense. _______Martin said._________ _______ ,

. TIh* Soutliwestern l^^uisiana " I any sorry if lie feels llujt rO n h re ra tty^ n ra iitt ilT rflf in ttitl^ :T ;7t fr tV ^ iii4i»SihU- iirU to iy= U ldH;L- .

"SJiani has as j ood a shot a.s Secretarial to win Uie 'IViple. n l T " , “ 'I CYovvn. 1 think 1 have the best ‘Y '” '

can b eat h im - 'h o rs ir * ln “ tn c^ co iin tr j’^ n y h P —(Secretariat) is lo steal il.” l ‘m wronft. Bat there is only

._ , i : lb a L _ jn e a n i i_ S l ia u i_ c a n iL _ f ln t L \ u iy ^ f in d .Q U U Q U l ! L h e r c " .beat-SecretariaL'-Unlefl^ I do .M artinAaitli f^jflUrH it fJ iO--.v.'M'jH'ii uii!somethlnKbad4.elmefellyou. race track. ” And out''ttie+«‘ iB*-rrrS.'i7M‘‘v»rt)' my reputalion on Urn race w h f r t i want to find out.'I’v e -track is a ■ million per cent t*6t j/good liorjie^a_iiQud cider. r V?,.----iciouy

7honcst/*ii-w n.‘i- v e iy "e h e n p - tD — n i^ ^ c r . '^ r- trH o p rT O T T T t lt tn n "- s a y . th a t ab o u fjo jc^ A ll l i i u r i a ___

aro.in u iilutiip and Uini^hl they net dial opporlunily us

road. • - There were'no ^aines sche-

dided in lli(j, majors Monday, but tonlAhl 22 of the 24‘Veatns

thT'y nirfiht be~^ iii b^in action. Only the New Ir^de for a York Mels and the Cincinnati

'Ilii'ir pnihlcrii lias been lack of hiltint^. and manager Dick Williams siiid after Sunday's


per liour .in(l.later, after,chiof- Vpcnitlff-round of the women's-Stm v^4 J Ja r ia n l .- .u n u le r - ^ l l f t L < I- : : „ '„ i , f , 'S , „ t _ ^ r t d - — t e i m t ^tiK- IH O - .M .H .H .-specd lim (t ch 'ifinp ionsW ps M o n day w lieh which-hii.s p i'c va iled s in ce th r- - P o la nd w ith d re w . from " Uio truck opened S a tu rd a y , W ilso n to u rn am en t. In protest over tu rned a round in in i .007. soutli A f r ic a 's p a rt ic ip a t io n ,’

A l i t t le r a in In t e r fe r r e d — “ P o la n d 's w a lk o u t e n a b le d b r ie f ly w ith a c t iv ity (it the l,u *em b o u rg to ad van ce to the t ra i'k , but m .ostli a l u w ln y w a p second- round since M - had c loudy to, p a r t ly c loudy arid .d r a w n th e P o la n d In t l i e . mild with a moderate brcez6 . J^openin round. '

■ rumors h O a d .aKreed-tbl’jjo -jncan lo.say anyUiiht; afiaLnsC with the ABA before .Ihe dr^tr ‘ lum.’’ t-autin said. “ N ju.sl

• i ’m very hJippy to 'be d id n W an l some hoFse'tto'Ket

Metiiorial which 1 won toln<;ltj.' Ilifrlit;

TOP-con ttm p btin^ j ^ _______ ___

____ __________ nod ii- o f- tho ::N a lio na l-U aK uo .= — Ja h m i ja ? i i r s Q n a jL iU £ Q Jo o k _ l I lp i r '6U ro ’u~nd~pla>^f'4i» o - U ^■■-::VVe arc evaluatin» our club »r«» )>nt. » ^ ___igmc-pracUcc-lurJis^t^one___.womon^edoration tonniB cup,_______n o w .” sa id ' W i l l ia m s V ^ O f ' in ' t l ie ~ A m e n c a n "T ^ a R iic t im e ; .smoke e m an a tin g fro m .'w h ich got u n d erw ay In 'U r o course , we are lookln i! fo r Q c v b la n d w ill be at./^ lnnesotji. t)eneath h is c a r cau sed th e ’ ‘h c s s d re so r t tow n north o f ' •someone w ho can h e lp us B a lt ln io r e a t d ] ia u iQ . .O in n u n i I i r y i^ ^ i^ H a jn b u i^ ”- M o n d ay , d id not /O ffensively, and u i tT iaf re K a rd - ^ it M ilw a u k e e . C a lifo rn ia a t the d river.s fo r a s h o c t. llm e , bring a n y snrp rlses .w t u a r o ^ ik in H ^ it h - '^ v o K a - - B e t r b l f - K « n ^ H a ^ H » = f l r ? ? g ^ ^ u t - t h o r - o - w a f- n o - f i r c ^ n d - n o - : - . ^ o th - ^ frtca rth e-de fen d lh g -^= ^ = ^

llo u n ijn iis at -PhilailClpliia.____ day ^ g ^ n , there were :Juiplfiss^Greece.M iojnakfl_th 'e................... ^ .......................-------- - '■ r n n r h m t w d - i\ M h e - lr « c k . .:scCQnd" rou’lTd.” Ja p a n ':s w c p t

h u i^ ijf le r th a r the A ’s run- j^ is Anjit‘ li*.s, St, u 'O u a ;» S a n B v o lv u .- u L .U ie n u JM iL n.a.ssed : p im t jm lnnH 3-0 , Moxlco^-bcatl)r-i>dudimLdri)p:n:onsiUi:£ablv.'.. tii<tn<>-iind-t2miaHirtiti-at- San., technical Inspection.---., - Austrith-a-OT-it«l«ium disposed , ----l- is l season; the A ’.*/ fin ished . F r a n c is c o in N a tio n a l lA-aKUC 'G a r y Ue ttenhausen tj-aveled of Sw itz e r la n d 3-0. Sw eden

Sa[ Hando ha.s hit five home i-and-RP^^gle-iTack^orH

playiHR jn-San PteH(h^^Tnac_:-to.ttl ' sai(l. "i'm pleased with the sneal

“ftealTriciis' and’ llui~lit4 inDnT " Stakes.

” lx*fs see who,can,win Uie

uufliLiA ‘.s finished

.Un'..\i\im u L

■ Tuckday i C'4n>i-tsc'orediiad lopped th/> jeai^ue home runs with i ;m ./

■ R iljr i. h o w e ve r, is fo rc c a s l for-the eastern seaboard, putlln(j

• The A'.s aren't the only tS n i urenainesiit New-York, noston:--T,''3!r~aiiirFliniiilinB “

= ^ O I t J i h o c t l j ! ^ U ( i i ; ^ n | | ! o t ^ bftcd the speed rostrictionfl. Romania bested Brazil 3-0.

n r i i f i t t r t f l M S ! }

fo r a co ach like K . C, Jo n es .______y>.’h » — w t i l _ h e l^ te a c h m e'• :y^ „d e ;D iiw e.’* ' ~ ' l ' " ’

( Jo c k e y l?o rr T u rco tti/ ) " iibo ut' i l . I s ta r te d two h u rse^ u iid told

. bo th 'jo ckeys th ey wei/e bVTtheiP

£c o n (jr a lu la le _ |u m . B u t he 11 ^,|iave to do It f i r s t , " . M a r t in ' .''utir'a.i' n.um ' ■

llO s lo rU lcd Sux , w ho w on t l i J l r be in cTvashed out.f'!ur- — T n rtifo u sa c llv lty a ia iir ia iA s^

Par^iar4 takes'se str^iaight pi*6 w in, leads T .F.~muny team to tie fo n Jirst

h ave droppt-d lO ofthoit* la s t n ■ tind a re m ired.ir:

' Ih e A I- V E a ^ t D iv is io n and the — St^ ^ U iu iti- C tird in u lii, a-p ro>' (.season /choice b y se ve ra l — ^^Ti ten,— to • - t i t le , “ h a ve - w o n -

U ie firs t t im e this season that

the ligh ts.— 'n i a t ‘s-TiRualiy-^aj;;i!iRn--that-^ ’sprints is f in a lly h e r e . "

nam es in 18 sta rts .And w tial about die Pitls-

JA C K P O T — T w in F a l ls — U e n s h a w . P o c u le l lo . an d ■ '^ In n R s iH la n tp ro J Im 'P a c k a rd w o n M a r s h a l l A d 'am sJ P o c a le llp , a t • W p .sp o l a t . l7-under p a r 12VC^n , l^ y Ju _ l ’X )u i?f'e r, Dun S to k er, th c p ro fe S S lo n a l sw eepstakes 77. U ' ( . ’ 1 * th c 'lHvIn F a lK i te a m w e re I t a y U a ro ld l.araf»u«?tH • and l^ uf o r - t h i ^ ^ h d s tra iK li l wbok ‘ ' U n J IC 'f lw u m ia ir '^ i i a m best C rO ^ b lls s ; R u n P o p e , B o b K r q u l a R n ' r e p r e s i^ n l t 'd

----- ^ a m n ^ n i l s T w ir r r tn is i im i^ . T w r r t 'V a l in ilT T i A n ro n m n iT m iM n l'X «m m ff7im i= ^ m n o m u o o Q j ^ - - ^ ' '- '— ■—-lMim-lnto-4 ^ h a F 0 'df.>Ui0 -biiQ:L.-- . ~ ...... .............. . — V, — . :--------- ----- ' y- -- ------- — .st rnkc bnt~k u ’a t A rn old.

burgh - P ira tw ^ c h a m p lo n r 'o f the N r ,- K a W a > l year^- T lie H 'rh te s h iive droppe.t) f iv e in a ' ro w after w inning e it 'lit o f th e ir firs t nine and a re now in U ilrd

• p lace . ‘ 'N o iU icr Ihe l ie d Kox nor. Uie

- It ic i i k a aum t-Lu-b iun iltu-panic-


Trucl< tan*. Twin Fa lli 793-I379


CFM STHTF TffOPHII371 Loeu*t S». South Twin PalU

b a lLU tlo in the Jack|>ot 11500 ----ad ded pro-am Jklonday

"ATniouSfi" l l i e — iim e^ in m rcourse’ Was- cu rsed w iU i co ld t e m p e ra tu re s an d asom etim es biUfift w ind , a to ta l — of 30 tea m s ^ )arllc lp a ted ln Uiu

C S t Jio ii^ i^ s - S a b e rs ,-

Suter and Bollin^ger-fin< M |ny — e v c ^ T r. . I U c k ~ S n h o r s ~ nTal dy ~ S n t p ^ ^ e t : -U iu-sehooi-stnK i^- „ .......

— l ilg h llc h te d - b y _ u Ju iiiB ll± n « J» i— a n d J W p h I U o U i n g c i : _ w e r c - ‘L _ 5e i> rliiU J'.fC Q r< !^«n_tho_fro«h D u tch -W a lk e r o f O n U irlo who. ae lectod a.s the outaUm dinu ■‘ h a ^ c tb a l l. t r o p liy . c a rd ed IheTnnn rfiT rW lnd-ho le , sop liom nrrH in th rrp Hpnrts lit D n rre lL G m u a ^ .i i tTw ln ’FflllH

H h i ie k e 's H i l l c r e s t te a m ,

^ l i p k i n B . O n U ir io ; Schu^ rtnan , and T a p p . - '

O l iv e r took the 0-10 h and icap ;d ivlH lon y ro ss w iU i Itis w h ile

~ '^ .o n ,B a c t ik . Nam puT. h a d “ 72.

static yel.thouf^h — " T h T m *T(nT i‘n3on'to'p fliiig

gijjrtp— |(b u n d ln H - o iT t^ lu il- h iJt- w o ro - M ik e H u f f a k e r , M o u n ta in ;

F ly castin g is set


HBmT W IN K A l '. l . S

V a lley F ly F i.H h y rm c S l two •


._______________ ... _____________________ y, , nr rx IX -/ r. fipoiisor u two sflwlon fly- . - , . . . ;U>e-ColloBo-of-SouUwm-JUulio— urndiultft nntLfciiHhnhin,. waal-^^otlS^ » L ? i : ___ ca«UnH-dlnicaUjy'-2-and-14-in— i — _____ . • . ........

------- Packard flroda 72j^ - l^ d J i l l - _ ^ banquet Mondar'niRht:— named aa-vvlnnei‘^ i t - U iL ^ V e r n o a - ^ ™ M [c | ^ r J lo ^ w a s ' ----' " H E A r f E Dprore.«y;lonalB but the low score • U ld d le a w a rd , 'an tf W lir ie « Oa, followed by DuRRor at (19. inuelds Acadoi^c Uiiiidinu. /•/ n s n o s t tn l by rodeo Clintnplon W ill ia m s , a , l e a K O , _ w . W . f l : r « l ' K l b b y M ; ■ POOL'O c n n - O l lv i ! r : » t M in e w ho ‘

It l i 'n e t l i n ^ n c T T I i r ^ t r n h l ! — ---------U , . i l i . . i , . i i i vamateur swccnstnkcfr-;-------n{ilff. w on—th^ h a ^ i t b a l l v.t tnn Mrtrr'knn TinUM.ruUv nf \ In. Uie 11 and over <llvislon.

'Ill 9t00 P.m. DAILYn^iFi

t'n'Jtiromp'mnr Mrirrlgnn Tlnltforultj nf :iM m -M o ra t ir vice p re s id e n t . of Uie

■ said- “

G UARD SChildrBn=HliiilBnts ?iv=f=Tf 5^


..o c juu iitiiUonT- -AduHs- J5L= SEASO N= nCK#W

A V A It A B U .

.. idbaU!At|f/u> ra ji onutlie B b r Ics after trans(errin{{iro ia - Jd a h a - J^ & „ Jo Q k —Utc-

fSDISiCSSt i l l c ' j j j r n n n r t i r 'H


.Sohutrman al) « l 73; Clyde I t W , In^ (ihtl

—......... .. uwn«niiuii>»faiimiii)i I , ............. ..... .........wn .llw'maln-Bpookgr S|i«cu ii equipnieni.io uio.tirai . ■ovonl-wliloh-drcw-^n-good ~®itflo» Mnnncrs, Tw)ai^albi, .,.„g„ji„,,-. w(ll lie tl' •

fliomsion, nhvp-Tapp.MQMntainHomB,'71>

■ . NwrnrHoflitolMia^fikB^f , . . J o p c a , ; .M p n lp e | t t f | ‘^ l

I lc r r e tt i B lnoktoo t; 1 Kon

. bnscmonKluHlolilcr,, was


f t Pb b .,.e d .^ ^ ..s« o ,,d ;se s .o n ; •Honloi-, _qnd R o K c r C a m p b e ll. -fg. fo llow ed t i y y PM tp Il .. i ,n d thoHo n ttiihd in f! tho f irs t -

^ l n u . O i iT Oo rt ia n d i w as tw o y c a r a lii[o i an ree lp len to o l J«»ltllt> t, 07| J .P*''l"',P.“i!!?!;l-nccd.ln.[irlnii fni .Uic DrncUce. IwaklitbalHclioltrihipriiir-llieT-^.—I*tonia--Ailoa:-iiiiit:,ll |j.:

lamilriil iiCDiian.'DiirhiimTtllI bn— --- ------ Tmin iro lii i iO nnamed tlBlontmclrtrcujimnnl --------------- --------------- ----

■hh-rh)oeH^ublnc;H3itiiih»7-««nlcd--cimilri|lii(!Diian,Diirhiini^lllbn~Q**‘>''r7ll.—- -HiHmnnnr^ _)=UNJaOH£:WHDlErFAMIty;:MiWhA«nodU|W uj|nE|-TUJH-<»l&-»»nwi.b.rrwtiiifj.r_. ::____ . - r r ,

... —

Page 18:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN


■ _is .•nWM;N«»(jr*«lirFflll«di<«l’o . Tu in l*y.JA»y I, Il73 , ---- .O A tO LIN E-A LLBV-- r jlG w iL vV iN cu i

■qou n'Sllm qlt« marrlBd, ■M M Cliwia!-

fact, I'm on muway to^ Uuthiete ru5w!”W-ciirlS“

Btie qlvlti<3 ouqhfca be. c lean when

^ Vie S i t I i ‘j ^ m a M s d j y “


X R O S M E S TH& ^■ L& A Sl------


" I wish they never invenlod ch^clcTjn’ pox ."

L . M . B o y l

lidory-in.lallod v »rp m butMn, liolH" «nd on hfi c,7\ . Kri hn'lnvitalod hii own l»p« lyilomrAnd lMl«ll«d U. Kow whnn \. Ih . iKfk luri. low, na tW u ^ r^ a iia irw t - taO 's ih jr lm d t is lr t v o lc o jo irn r ’ ’VQu'r*

— -No ioum au l ihoulilm doTTlrJl Iho w it ia 'i l i i i l now>plpo[- man w ai Iu liu»C « 6 i 4 >^H6 “ ildll»d tl)ii-on(lin«l-publio«liorc«U.d

..................................... ..... •— ‘TBbrCOOvm,,,

, r«ui uiaiiy --------- - . .. — — --ihe OAi mu« iB only 06 yoars old CheHor Groonwood of Firming, ton. Mo... invonlod it, ho did.


___ FQRECASX-i:Qii-Vi:ia>Ni;s[uy^,M.A_Y_j. j o j j ____ ^

t trW tF.NC iHH: Ftritric^o-dayto— ■ny cliiinccs, cspccially wltcrc money,

propcfiy iind poRscssinns-arc conccrncd Doiiblc;clicck on' •hfltevt‘f-uH5J*»-lo-flvol(li-n»ukmn-nutlak.c*_JUni-fivcningJs-£ini:—

for raiiluniic inlErests that c.in liring happinessAKH S” (Mur ;!1 10 Apr f ‘J)“ “AVojU” c”xiruvaBana:s. and

unwise invcsrrnenrs~t{5ilHy~irnil Ihink more on lltj: emolinnal siclc nf irfc~Poslponc lii^’ ini' iiig-dccisiohs iinlil yoit arc njorcsure of llte fiKtKc lie iilorl - * --

lAUHUS (Apr 20 lo May 20) Do ihosi: things that make you more ■ charming in 'the moininR LiUer finish those

.uncompleted 'tasks tl|at have accumulated Slot A good day to . rpach a dccision/on a personal matter-GF.MlNI-(MjJy--l-<fl^Joncr2tl7-YDirfeclJljnilcd bufilii!Lcan;

lie'overcome ny enpnRltip m your-fovofite-pastlnie Lend a •helpl«rhsnd-to-<inoth«r-4iwnciuUiridjnakc_y.oiii:jiwiiUuLlcjTL--lighjcr Tlunk nml act construclively

MfinN r u n IIIM N ftimr ? > tn Inlv 21 > Mak(i._sme_VQl

'127DFTri>s-'TK4;r. j p y u r TUAT& THE-

- s e e yt>o/ I .


H/tP YbuP-

, ^ t airBltdolj up'U Ih# rolrlgorator door if loft open too 16i U a Ught’lf left bumlnom an ompty room, U a houwhold thormV

-------___^^y-ailubila jam oTay »omo W ^»gnaLpft[tY,

=„.^rn,.rv- y W .tlifl-I . Hvfrinnd. iH« rinioi empty-katehup hot- tloi I'vo got onoj 1o&>.Don't ovor romombor thiowing away <i


don't hurt the feehngrnf-7i-fricTyt-whai?rnp5erQrTHere~COU!ct~ he an unwanled'Kcvcrancr-o/-cnnncetions I'omiitionrare'rlglli to attcmLti‘tf fl«H'wl-tuflighl. ' .

l.i'O (July 22 to A>ig. 211 Use tact in llic handling of a carcor prol*lon> today ^nd beconie mor«r-*ccure in your line oT

'TndeaVoF'Db7iTT(>rl'e'ydiu‘Tdca'!ron” 5nrirr5“ rnnh(rifrernrn{i nprnifCVf.nniBn>iii:llv.aLhnma,wiIliTkln,-------------------- ---

VI1« iO (A ur 22 to Sept 22) Make sure yoti complete what' ' you it^c started iluring tlic morntng in iTi'c'afternoon go 6 uT

- and-makc-ncN fncnds^vt>Kl ono-wltCTttt^^t-chip-orv-^j^-chouldcr. Ihc evcrjing then tutns.lojoy---

LIU liA (Sept 23 to Oct. 221 Attend to IhoscUulics ahtiud of you unci keep protnlses made to others Persevere and yon coniaccoiuphsh a great deal Avoid a tendency to go off on,a tangent. I>o something you really like

. SCOKI'IO (Oct 2.1 to Noy 21) Show how much you appreciate associates and allic;i who have hecn loyal to you -Any chaii>’c!> in anwcjueiits ^houid he made in tlie aftcrnooti 'More cooperation with mirt i& necessary

SAGrrTARIUS.(Nov,.22-4o 0«c 21) Cobpcrutc more with fellow workers and imfirove your jurroundtngs Do your work

" V- social side of life •- • . ■ . ‘ i •■{ CAPllICORN’ (Dec 3-2 to Jan 2t)) If you pcrfccl your [roitb^ccjr.yoo-fmd thcy-can dcHt<>H~you-a-gr»at-deal Uoryoui—^

- I IO I . 1 VO Ul>l UU*>, - — ...............• . ^ih o r l poocir H A jr ilio '^ a v tfo ri hTnio'HouM hVvoT^ncinmBrra—thorn. WhafiyOUTi^_______ _____________

LO V E A N D W A B What oowlywodAaught to koop in mind aro tho four “C i , "

—cootonH». a Indy rifidor in Londgp 1 CompromiBo. 2. Con>. iidoratiott. 3 ComTnunica ion. 4. Cooperation. Intoroiting

Our Lovo and^War man taya iho left oUt™bbo~9rGoDkUig___V o iflrtly l *hw innvflg botwflon aao8 16 and

24 to'u pollBtors thoy Qidy. wmt ono ch ild^o moro-And 4 per cont *ay thoy don't want any children at all

Woro you aware that Kalamazoo got ill name from thoiadian word for "placo whoro |hp water boils''?

Dead on a atrotch oTMiclUTan highway, ttato patrolmen thoro found 44^ rflccoona, )40 tu^os, 77 door, li6 phoaMrili,49 muikrata, B2 akunka, 45 raHbita. 57 woodchucki. 16S aquirrola,

'--66 doge, 67 DjitHrl37 DppD«iunui and 22 ioieu.— r— —— - rrr:——

-.ohl i973 ( Boyd

' ' 7 .S .. . PEANUTS

-Jumbla. Aniwtr lo Prtvioui P u ii l i

P i;U N K i

z 3 ? / l n L

WMAT'5 50 6R£AT AWUT U31NNIN6 TrilRT*/ 6AME^ O f-

EI6MT-PALL IN A f^0(j3?-— r

lH u r in ltw 5 Withered

1— .B - E i t c h r - _____12 DiamouiUi'd

— l3 G e m 3 l*n » — 14 Esk im o kn ife

]7Caviur18N « lw h |o |/o r ...................10 Candi:M :vt)dcil. gt-Numbcr ■ bo M flt^ullho

-zajimppcnod . - 7 -htcVnttnv" * 2< Cuido-i'Tmftr' 61 Micldoy

SITFfcnctratwnm and'oj’ca

-§-Pemtntno— 35Ilebr#w na-kfwm‘J osccllc

3 Huvcrxnttif--- 40Uncloscd“

-__ :— work -properly durinB-the-tiay~The~drie^6 irTove cnn ho in a^■iooperqtiVe mood tomcht " ----

' "r 'A Q U A l U l i S ( J a n i l . ' r o F c h luc^ in dealing w ithoth ers at homt; D o n 't p ick a (i’lu ifrc l w ith an yo ne o r resp o n it '

- -in-thgir-tgnsinp—A v o id the 3octa1 tpn|ght w here th f rg:CO»id_h i?_ Jrguments'Dme out tonighV . .' l‘ISC l-:S (4ich 20 to Mar^20) Takc'flo risks wlieie money is

----coriccrned andT^u gain the rest^ecLof hipttimirs-The eveningis a good tiln^ to talk matters over with 'liusinoss experts Bbl«iir!l!r3^a-yulhK*tW t-

IfVVOl.Ilt ( 'I IM J) ,JS , U liKN 'nUlA-V^'- lie oi'slic'will be one of lhosc‘ fasginating young people who early 111 life lias to

-liarn-tt>l- ..litc-bccQmnk,ir5\iccc!isful one The fiolda of hankii^ftlCiill^-jitatc- SrdZUuuriiisrXriCmit-hcrt-SjRStorLimpoitanij^Clvc^Bdffil::.'!:^ relipous training . . ■* -

“ The fSturs impel, they do pot compel " Whot you make - ^ n f t ir rn M e £ iv T ii> 'T 5 'V 0 iin

C S N ^ G C r T O T H E C I R C U S T O D A Y ? ,

O K A Y B U T F r t ^ S T r V O b —

M U S T T A K E Y O U R ■ 0 A T W —

N YO U f- ■n rr ' V'

F A S T ? r

i im r rIM]

.tinmi^s;iki-932 K in d of nut 34 ;te(ui:v 36 Agree

■ 37 C iunrim lec . *38 P’ori'St appellotion

-cr»fl»ir< »----------S M w c a t -■ y IlnbU!

10 T ro p ica l p la n t p h i l^ n h e r _11 KcK ro ltcd ' 45-M alM hrn* -

.-D O W N — — 10 lljkJaoted . — ». , 20 L a w n ic a lu r c 46 M ascuUne I C hecks ( c o l l ) ^ .M o re recen t 47 A natom ica l 2 U o y ann m c a n iS B iU it p lan t co m b .fo rm a Sm a llro d cm a - - jo rm 48 G re a te r

2 S .O p c n w o rk -______ n u a n lit jr - - ' -■■ Nested boxifuhnc ■■iO N caled

----- 2£A ctflfria lng — Sl-vtTH:{c6ftbV-:^—39 M y lli ic a l b ird :i ^yllnl^U• SHVoM icc 41 Tvas|>oot) p A flc r io n g s a o S lrn ys

---— alTrtsT'ol

SHVoM icc focm )-2P arad i»e

31 Pace 33 W ad in i;'b ird

- raN N y-Busm ess------



By Raoer taltdn~r^VL^OOK T E G g t^ E ^ .

IjU iAygiiLlU iS i-W W EUL^P a in i n w v n e c k ; .


~itjo,BOT iv^cCTfeipeggi, DiW k c e .

THE BOftN LOSER . -_______ 60.

f MAM' IC p K . WHO'S COIW' \ 7M‘ HOUSE W liM ' |


— 50- B1


:-REXMORO,AN y .v r

V . in I - — ^ ........ .......

_jioariHL f?oui j»Ej\iocm i

Fi?LK*, TMIJ oust HA6 TO BE•T'.ik*.. . Kmtm

cpum w e.ll-w The: fa m o u s ~

LICENSE TO ^t a a < : i (2 . j ( ? y e 4 -

Q E . C '- -

Page 19:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

TWIN COLTS horn ill Snimoii t(i ii 23 yvur o liF • fnrnrerTnpe'lirirsc-hirvpinrrmsed'thr-hcrd-of-:

CTInt-Wliitncy lleftl.^S.niul Kcn WhUney. 17, (o linminilmitlt-JDicyJmpiiiimiliitLHnilwlnH for ll year, tben lircMik (hem (o hnlter niul Ki(d(llt‘- The ^olt at left Ik n filly muncd Htihio} (he-other ak'tiul. Is SiiuUI. Their motlier, n ()unrU*rln»rHe.

^ s e n i c re s id iie s

‘ W ASH INdTON lU iM ) — Tlie 5,;i [jer cent vmtiilu)n Government tests show thJit rale vvits down slwirplyfroin Uie obout one out of every 20 15.5 per eenl rate found last

-Lroilor-fr-yer t-‘h(ek«n»-«>}<l'to- -ytNirTnrnr-wnK-luiilPtmoiiSir-lo-- .consumers In the first three lead, officials t<» hrder’monilisof (liis year apparently contmueil heavy sanjplinV had illegal residues of or^a^iic— during Uie second (|rrarter uf nrsenic in their livers’.' Uiis year.

considered highly toxic to humans. Tiie dani^pruiLs arsenic [)i)ison nu»sl peopl>>arc

:fam iliar ■ wUh'-ts—ihoct’anlii arsenic

I ’Jiu-AKricultw e Department Oritanic arsenic " is "wrdely ti.‘st r<»sulta.due fi»r publication used »i .poultry and huii feed us ^on . wil.l show residues.abouu - a yrowlh stimulant, lliis form the lenai limit of 1 part per or arsenic, while it- cannot

found In livcr.a___kiifilly JK ntlduil.U/-luimnhJuu<!from-ifl of 902 nockiLins|)ecte(l -in ajnoiuits above 2 part perip. a sctTntlfic__ ;-andpm- . million for poultry Hvers and

(r^m— -Similar—low-lovuIii-4ui:—uUier- poUUry and jxtrk parts, is not

/idfpartmetit official saul no residiiu:> were luumi in .any parts of Iho sainpletl cliickens

- w m p I in K —January through March

ti^JplHicliversananoresiuues wero foiuul in itny (tarls of 5'.i hu^s sampled,

lie added that he dniihtcd

illegal residue in the ‘ first quarter had been' scirrd—nr

-condcmoca__ By__iha_iim e-lustinf was,('oinpl(‘ted. he saidthe chicKens had already j-one

■=-Hourevcr v~ h c 'niddcd'.• - ■ ■ ................i'esf(iuecasoshudl)Cenpe'irdrtud

- i^ h ir z r ir im n rn n rd - D n i rAdiiuni.stration and the

jk ‘[)arttiii-nt is .sfeklfrj lo i;edtice violations by usin)^

* “ s'elective” policy of pre-"-lesUny-fur-sume-pruduojrs.__

i f wi' find a 'hot' case, wt

spud .|»roc*cssr|ilaiii«S E A T T I.r , Wash. - Western Farmers

“^^Attoclail&n^^lUL-cunsolldaU* imtJUoprotcssl!JH operations at the Nampa plant at the

•Uiiin of this processing; season. • require advance test»in of eachloi froin/'that piiriTcular "plant

• lil’fore (’iirtjier-sliiiiineiits can iT n i[!7 ~ T T T P^ in r in i-3 iau r

l|'*««»V to find the loluHon t«J V6wr. want or psetf ln ;T H irT IrtiM ^ N#wi' PKSbitf Reacher W*rtl Ad columni. t-Hlod beio^ l» ihe K ty tQ M»gle V*ll«v«m oir d lVeriH ltd Mar k«p lace . D» iur» fo Rafld ■fcid Uio l im e coliJrpni »'eoulJif:lV — Vou’ll p rofitJh to maflv >

A n no uncom eh tii

. Selccted.Ollcr-s

ntJ"Ttai4ie-iiEia__ :__'•s :

rrf^rctr& :Q n rJle n

-■I*...A.Via« , .Io Lu«i .. . .. 1' W.vi'cM


- . . . . ' i r IM n lo i. . I .

Real Fslrtio For



.and commlttlftn ironitiiip.rn. ...

. ^ IN T J iN A N C t n n E W I f

......-Opl’n in a . M usi bc-flbtc->h opi;r.ili.'.

ao io ^r.^nr.'OUS - typ c i of n iftln lbnancc -ia

p11 c r r r f r i o »• r « f . ott _cltf|!i<ar.lini>nl< ~


line J L jo cq . ovL>r L o lliu r

tlitrk-broiivn G urioan

LObJ.. Uclw.i.'i-nr .illa itv i'd W.-w.iVtl 5-14 747i

Special Noticit

L O S U W E U .M l '..lU-lv 1^ 0 I f l i l w itti K I I D u . P i.n i i ' . UO R E D U C F E» c rs> P luirts 'Mttv. X P ill W-00 Money' Dock Ciu<ir.ir>toi' nl. Penny

'N e -1 O L I N T " c r . i ■. i «' stx'gjnnirtg A/ <ly Wti W A JO U06 /Vinm AvL'niK' N o rlli 7.13 01)86 (or db1.iils.~

V .T ire y M.1I R P W A JJO .7 3

M tm e r ia l N o t lc i i

tn rm lv Ol G i'O ro f CobU.....-tuliv ■Uknowli-d(jfi U'f kind

t‘ «p rfiM o n s ol -ivm (>.vU'V._ilunn<ir c c t 'n l ' ftfP iivt-nu -n l " ^ r s

-•P o rtifC d b b , M r .ind M n KeiUi P .irri^w orlh .lotl l. if r id y . M r ,ind M'b Pcfer -Kev.M nnd fiimllv

P R IV A T E investigator — 24 h6yr

Je b s o f In ttrc if^ ...M M leJb '.Fttnala

- e x p e 't iR N C frD nnr Ti^nnprrcmt

G L W i i T AT L M U 1U A L---- TTTPTir«nrtn or vronifln for lu ll of p iir l hn w Siili’ 5 iin il sj’fO ici' iri M itgic V o lley .W rilu . W><I.U(I L A llo n . P O noo 1707. Pocrtlc llo . Idrtlio B330I

T— FToTmr Tj■ lyiJis

rvi.tt;nTi. nr sair^-I lUnij^M ofc Jol) tor liM

lo r r i f i l " - pnrson 4 C ou n ii-r srti ('• .in i‘111 In rm - hn< k o ro u n ii IH i.'I.-rri’tl S R i- .I.iu f .irti w o rk iTS

A --JW cth JiU 4 .- -o re tu iw in u-'-p lJn l..h ittx ly fix in 7 R o iilc S<llcS.

H. P iiK t f it u t r i i in L f y S.-r v i ( I ' f i i . i i i , t r u c k s »0

.b o b h ku L'iJLT . s o n ic i a l c i- t iu e n o n tv . P LT ionn i'l Center- ss«z,

“ TA-lcTNfc-^A’p P r r C A T I ON‘S ~ to r cooks <»nfl i^ .i il r fs s o i . S m itty ’s

F U L L t ia Ae C 0 0 )C , i d ays a wctiK

ro stflu rfln l cook Phone

i-N C lLO —< v L u ru A la ! . l . x o o k — lo r..iPonaffMft"lntfrn»^T»‘y.r ?«».'.*»•-

9073 lo r in le rv 't ’W. —

7 11 NOW ciccfp lino rtppllcAtions tor p c r io n i w*tn m iinooem ent .ib il itv Sh iriino w .foes i l flO per hour, CiMitov* M r Altm<in a l Addison Avi'hue iind Locusi

C O O O tN G County m ie rn tilio n a l Q<icetv>v i<ikino .ip p llca llo n s tor

infcputlors Mdny- o ltie r p0&ilton% '"■';j?RV.n..Write Ho» SJ7, Goodlno

N E E D C O C A R P d N T 5 . CDmninAtifln.llnlU\ and rouotv <‘ y

ij^ n rd in o io-*«ptnenco^ 'cflli 7J< .

N G E O 'M E C H A N IC 10 w ork o« O.Si ftna^ lj^h lM ruckl, 533 WaU>lnoloiu

W A N T D D M EN TO W O R K In Drdcoaslno-plinuand-tanrtTTtroivr; c>n "Tnouvflnd'iprino6 ' “rrotn CompAny^UJ.<llL:__E X P E H IE N CC c li'» n rjswanted- tor .C h rv » lir * and Jeep dea le r In K«tchum al-es. Solary

^AUBSMAN-NoodoUi-Salaivv «n«- C o m m liilo n p lu s d c m o n s lra lo r a n d po nslon - p la n . -C u cn llo n tw ru h o c o n f l& i. Aopiv'.n"

Ourley ' lr (

A P r t t C f i I K T ' rne.'>r -< iit ltr r .- .i] ;~ a p p re n t ic e o ro c c ry mi»n* Gi»perl\:*ncc h e lp fu l- hu t p6t- « 5 tn li f lK ‘ ‘Younu. M iirriecl- Start WOO Wrinygivinq mir. relerrnti's.

. New.ida 09^4S

C A R P E N T E R S W A N T E D , i

nam o and .> d Jr»n »

;»[,*-;yMai^Qula.y irh.fuii-OL

■ W ttrrs^ fe 'sM A NFOR



TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ----------- 203^634^------ J—

- W H e R E - W lb L - ' - - YO U B E IN .

5 Y E A R S ? '■DO U U U E Y O U B IN CO M E B E Y O U R OWN QOSS C O M M U N IT Y S TA N D IN G T O P m a n a g c m e n t 'JonsecuR iTv - “JO U S A U iP A C T IO N -Cam lor an A p jx iln lm cn l ana obi am Itio la c t i- O ii bQtu~Io_riial<.e an in tc llio ent dcci&ion about a caroer <n -4al«fc -le«dino-to-m«naoi*n>«ni.<

hi'a ltn in surance 1o Ihe Ipp 10 per ti-n i incoino clrts^

- 423 5600 '■ P E N N M U T U A L

Aji lia'udl -flui»rluntly.Erf)P!(>y'10 F t m a l t H tip

Ira in ln p Apply i»i I r o y NiHio

s i r ' --------

W A iT h e s s N c c o n o : Api p e rw n . K o l6 'i Catff.

D E A U T IC IA N n o cJc tt .lu U I C all 733 743S'6r f l4 S iW . , ,

n S a l* im in o rS a l« iw e n i« n

p o to n lln l/ for in lorm ntJon . c a l l ' . -<jontf H o p k in s S43 AA33.-VUand

"OtltCD o ftd f llio 733 0 /U . ,

INVESTORIir- -W*f! » it«b lllh «d .h ^ Idaho ■Corporation now-off rlno.. Q uarthUM 1ft porcMf inlarett on .l lm lt « d ‘ by o lfe rln p corporation Ai>d.m ay be cHAietTa) Any* tim e . •

Reptv ^D U .

DO O .iiiys iiiitu i lor lAorkmii B api^ fttnm ls included. YogTn^ni’r. , " i-'uo 'wi.-'a{i3rDniY"»ir

rTiii.T rtiUJ. I tTj -qoa....’-.-

..T .iN Y .T 0 T -N U M iH » *V ,1 ,n v r ro6in ' tor prio b ji jv now W ill l.ik c .vtoihpr thi- l i r j i ol June- M onday -- CuiUv—iU-UU.------------

• o p n o fliin lfy to QCl V I .t f f f 'c iW e s t e r n A u io S to re ;

v n io r y . iincf -'b u s in e ss on l\

Lflnd ■H.irold K riin i« 'V '"713 ’3Voo' O l''- i ''o t Idrtho 733 0716


IlftCKtlOt 'srRVICEj, cnil J'm !=»• K o f p n it k , 733 7313- or ' R lw m ]

Tupper 324 S aU ............; . . » O A H n c fl shop for rent Fn irw aV ' Stiopiiing C on lcr in F ile r.-M aurico '. K1.W1. Uoal Ewtdlti 731-SS19,__________

H EH C 11 ii*<y tti.in c*' ol A litcl^ nuu i.^ .Q wn-vour ow n osocory. b u s ip o n .- ,-

I 'O W E « » « Y l S 7 S r ' c M i V.nmuM -n VnVeVlVnVnl0_ndV .n o .o c k i 40 p. r hole C .tll j n -r im ri.o A d d .i .o n a l Im a p c in n

Awoil.ihle Soverfll locations Inidnho-ti) c iiik ; s i> fiA m EWppncnTF"

l*OWt:»* » tN C U pOit hole, d r il lin u .l m inu (jro co ry n u iW Iiss p re le rriK f. 7" anti «•'. ttf) ro C T ‘ I JO pi-r hole ' m i r e p lie s he ld in s t r ic l c s l .............................. ' co n lif ii iic e ■Write. P . 0 . Box 364,

W A N T E D . C .iw n m o w in d . r c<ii(in’r . ' ca ll a lte r 6. Phone 'i78J-... .......... ....

-j^Ri'iriurn; in.ino, onair-

G A K Q U f J , _ H Q T Q T I L L I N G! •AN N U AL-'-

i— l7S.0m AND GOO D C R E D IT

P A IN T IN G w .in and w m dow w .ivn n o in -w n ^ . etc " H O h '’ 733 J30B'

ca lls A lter 6 p .m . iJ 3 4SS9.

W IL L do tip iisckecp ino . Coll ;3 .t . 305S a lte r S, M ond.iy Ihrouuh

-CfcUN<i>«\«Ml—nA^onal—f«(Uwr«nl— I r iw r c trhie la ve rn cha in dosiros iin ootlcl in your a r ra . Y a u rece ive e ve ry iiiin o net>dcd to open h now “ fe ii.iu rA r» l la v e rn for a reasonable I l f You own 100 porccnt of the l>usine%s Tins is nol a franC h iie Why p .iy lor blue sk y? ' __

317 Prtnkof WflShinoton Otdo:—


D C U O Y B IN G H A M ro lo-tilU n© blAde w o rk , pasture co rru ga ting .

--- ]4j9O A C K H O E S E R V IC E , c a ll“ 735TO0~

R E C E P T IO N IS T S E C H E T A B Y , iinn tu d ia lu opunmy lor wonioik w ith strong secre lariA l lr<nnin(i M usi h a ve pKfAsnal vo ice and AApflaranco. lo tia n d ir phone and t t ic n tP ic .. o iio fs credit»rlQn,,inmrflncf-iin(>-fCtircmmL p lan . Send resum e ta M rs . M . C la rk , T im e s News, tto* 54B, Twin' F a n s , Idaho


se lling . No>chllOren under 7. Well paid- W rilo resum e ca re ot th i i

-papcrr^)^JO.-T"H O U S E K E E P E R .to live In and do

Im pAcmpliW rlle

ir c a c y v s io h t . V r o ym e n t lo r r iu f lt ■ Dox E IB. T im es Ni

m apent p e rs o n .


N E E D M A T U R E W OM AN . iJvho w ould c n lo y ..k tt ‘B inu , house and cooking for one lady , no nu rs ing : m ust be a responsible .D teasfln i

-pef^n-wtio-woultf-lllre-to-ttVe-ono w ork In a lovely home' ang earn top salary.- W rU cJJo * 4M , Ketchum

V^ILL DO Iwokket-pinii for smWll” ' buSine^^ 0( riin Lh upLTdliuns. 32 5110

N IG H T, t a r e tor e lde rly in home Good reti'r«-ni i-s A va ilab le " M.iV 1.5111 7141340 ----

T F i r m W o rk W ^ n jfd

C U S T O M F A R A ^ N G . p re c is io n Sugar beet p lanting , fa ir ly s ira lg h t row s B lc ttro n lc beet thinning 459 0590

GO&TOM P LO W IN G . ro lO ti|h [iy ^ rtisctng-ond e o rru na lin iir' dilcKInu* ' now e q u ip m e n t. i76 4631 Denver

................... . atdo-Spokane. WdShinolon 99201

I50W 038 4761

" T P O F J 'T R E A b t H IS 'A P ' '

app licants in yoin^area (o becom#

You a re not app ly ing (orIng for-a-veryYou aro-«pplyln

iXPERiENCE **N'tci^SARY''^— n o s e l l i n - ........ - — -

a s :

. panded fu ll tim e v . , , . ;linancing Wo need people ______depend on. Our p ro ducit a r«

— -»*r nou» "H dV ‘Food''--' itcfTiS m ade by H o lm . We havB o v t» 0 6 va r ie t ie s of Hot Soups and Hot e n tre e s , such as 0«ef S le w . C hicken & D um pjlnoS i Chl|l Ai Deans, and on ana o n . W e h a v t a ll of A jn e r lc a 's (a v o r lt t t . A ll t f i t ie

- tUio«J»-pp«du«f»-ar«-«0 ltf-frem—

Mta_bllsH»d and fnifalle^ y*.

Dpcrale as a fa rn ijy buslp c n . ■

personal in te rv ie w send Nartie. A ddress . &_ Phono num ber to : North A m e r ic a n D ls t rib u trn o Corp ., Hot Food D iv is io n . 3443 North Cen tral A ve ., PtidoniM, A i . flS012.

Mofiavto Lean

• ft. n«y Wlebe, W I'A president, made Hie annonncenient nt Hie firftrn »f(ieci> in Seattle.

733 4631 -n ig h t 733 5773 t S P E C I A L A S S IS T A N T Tem po ra ry tE n d , Doc, I K 1973).

"T r in , c a l l 4<5o '^ 7 oappointm ent

' Initrudlen

Wash.. Aberdeen and Idhlio Falls \ylll UoTlostTt-— :--:TUc tesUi. ai:e..inadu at the In an orderly fasliltm and offered ior sale. ' (i\v>ier h expen.se and

Wiche Hiiid~Tl^t 11umj{TriIu=~>^K~rdegn -ami 'lwllc\'p-!hl.‘; will.

•wsn , ,t ^ b n K i a n - -1174

'________ lLOEl Soui. , ,reopened w ilf i (Sfi'ir IrtP r

;--Suntldy-niu lU i. _

budgut .ng- m n n H n rln Q----and._c o o rd ip f ll ln g io c Ia I A ctio n prdgrom Uackground in [ j u i i n t i i .

AC^ftunlinu, re se a rc h , s lA flS fic s or - lovy-inconwei^frnfiine-tfeeli^ablfrT-

A b lllty to com m unlcafo In Spanish

-C N C n A V & f i.' r ieedvd .-w iU —lr.d in . Intervwlew J iy appfttntmeht o n ly . C a ll U 3 6S05

= r m m R € -

~ i^ E D iATE~&pgnintr~tot-

prov<Hc-for-mor.c-ffl(eiVnt-4’«m}»uny-wld«• operation#. The Illatid Fulls operation.niarketejl ' fresh nmt dPhvdrntrd pntntoeti. -• ~ _

^ll»e^nrm!ii-CtrliUea.pulut«._stK'fi.i)peratlniis__\Tlll (Mintlnuc nnlnmrnnUfd. Wlglx^/tjaltl.

Khai was caiiJiinA the.prubluin.• bat were umivinmd tlte tiuiiibla-

lay"iii feills 'wlik'li net up tn 00 -Ucani.s uf inmn»ni^' pt-‘i' tun-

s ilv e r co in s , etc . twught and lo ld -Coln-ShO P» 438 North-Afcatf*,-7U--

059J, .Open evenings 5 lo B p .m S atu rd ay 106 p.m

V ales lad ies Iritcrested p r im a rily nn^pDrllw«*75=tMaTO*^flCfll-

In d lcs ' f lp p a rfl'O u fie t in T w in


-J7fT-4T(5H---------------------334>- ia t i ‘

„U . S._C I V I1., S E R V IC E T E S T S l

•PrrpB m to nr~ tr.jin inq as leng-Jfc— reouirrTt-trw-*-t*— fr- C iv il Service


E M P L O Y E R .

_f;.fill5JijgjalflLx_c£immmiiJr.dlt— - • w lt t i— n tJ it ity - antt-

lencer,TnIn to resled , p lease w rite to Do* ’

^ A N U R & . H A U L - I N GU U lflR ID G F

......... ....... CUSTOM FARM ING

■tlaries.Jgforfn.liian-:^nrrtot«‘. SAlari*reifGr£u4tlttnt&.__OiiUnO_•iild rcss ' i in d 'T ip u n c - t t r— t^ineolni Serv ice , Inc , (A Home Study School s in ce 194oV Dop i; 12 J . 7211 ^rna^YHij/ p f .k ‘n . I I l inoU-.611S4. .

C O M M U r^ lT Y A ID E Tw o T p m n o ra rv Openings (B nd s D ec

(ieort'.e Watt.s, presiiletitdfj _ tJiiL.KiiUunal Uroiler Council

ati induslry Iriiil^as.sociatiDi Saiti prn(iucer,s were puzzled t(ui,an{l that stmie firms wl^re ifsidiK’s were found inslJited

.Omy:. _c;u-e^ny ,f t) 1 1 (I w i II f*“ a p p r I) V e d

■ proi’edures'.■ - - 4 . ' ■ . V . ‘ / . vr - —

_A M jQ u im lfe x ._ a lP iy _ _ j i!n u jw iy> ^ ^ _____V ................Mi nl A[ii)ri'i'ililinn Wi'i'k w.i.s l>uc[nrddiluts, 'I'lii' wliulo allalr 1 rO Q U C e P r i c e S

n la f(fs^T till! Itirji thill man \v/isU» Avitulllj) wUInij^i.int ftpt*--- -'CjiruuiTHiveljy bl'uad alpiiu,-uu barbccucd- -beur— ! 4 lnnui .

' ' ■ ' K;iliirflny ;iflnr-......

B a r b e e U P u i i C Q o h e d


icilujltu-uukt-of—lK!(tf Inireases. - - Tlie’ cooks nallioied Ifi.onil

All week lon« the folk.s intjii.s niLs of ctioite beef, du a liO ^ ~ ^ n b a n d le .to u ’t u v h e r e i :a t t f f c - i v — fo u t- p i t^ iil in :k ^ ;t m iiL b c t :( . l I l J l l

Livesrock•pirnirtMo fit'L' timi nivfu’d tin-’, pit. ■ ,

•Hien the crowds caine:--!n----zall, Ufi.OflO pei'fiuiis showed up, Ainonn tlie ■ V IPs were*

4; '0 4) 4; 41 1,1 OJdl 41 ftl 11 4) v ; 41 A7'41 Hi IV6

- F^coftn R o r O t l t l t ^

II.VI IJ vs )J 60 ill w

. 35.00.1-n. 3-I.OO-,11,75; 2*1. > ■'•:i5.50 -.sowR, R ti'«O y to - lo w e r ;i

u.Jfl i-n'; 20,oo-no.5o. ' V:— Hmrnc k---

....... , -«:WM - f<irlv% inoMly Hr.»i1v lAni(i,»rnl

.lolinson, 'fowlwy nctpr An(fy ■■=^t'W?vHwrpol«e»‘ c lw n ip r A i im r U lo ^

Slinj J^restoh und Rcpr Hob Rrlcc, It-Tox,, making hl.s firs! ' n[uipnrnnce in bis_hom e

4 } & lc U f U u i iU e n u l l i y .b Q B n ] ^ K -

■ .stiay." :-- 7 ^ —Hv the time .fl'fHK) persons

GrainPOnTLANp (U P l)

uraln. coti.stlicVlvcry 1)\i l*a1 '” 3(>-d»yii’ CO-tinys Wliitr^wlienl

- ------- -

N E E D A L A W Y E R ? If you don't hAviS a l aw yer and need p n t» .c * l! ino— fnaho~“3tnft!— f la r^ tB w rw ~ R e te rra l Serv ice (co llccU 342 89S4. r i r s t I r 'e rv ie w , 115 M.

R E A L S IL K A ppareh •• /(Aason and Kn app Siiuv:.. f V.' Hcl>nn 733 537V

A ide m ust t>c able lo a ss is t poor to

N E C D C O m a lu ra lady ati»ndun>.. Noroe C Icnning V lllflge , Lynwood

■StTBnninO'CTnTPr.r73J'SW7----- -— ^ - B t i l in m f lO D Q ilu n l ly -1 1 : H o m is F o r ^ l# - ^ = r r

:> CER 'C r?tr“ tlie easy w ay Rent W alto n D e ll V io r a t u is , Speed n ik e s , Acflon C yc les And M assAije R o lle rs , at UDnnor* r u rn ltu ro , 7d3 142). -• '

tO N E L V ?

A C T IO N A G E N C Y , 260 2nCl St E T w I n - I F a l l s . . A h L i E Q l'A

_Q f lP .Q m UN L T -Y ._ - E M R LQ--:i:r. R . _

AyirttAnte de ComiVtupldad Dos

r stos tem pocadii m cn tc (F in el DocombDr 1073) T w « R "t4 JU y Jero m e , Ep nyundante tcndrA

tendrA que ser capa7 do o rg an lJiU ~y. a^stlr_A .la& 4iQ Drc& ..o lat\CA r-iy .

d e ta r ro l lA r los o b U 'S ta s en cd a c lo n c o n una acclaa .£ 'canom lca . y s o c ia l HAfoltldAd decom m unlcAr cn Espano l ’ V t

-C o g le r-SM tp ra u e e iio a o — M is . i _m c n tu flL _£ iW o r dP apMcar p

A Y U D E f T f E E S p E C f A L -Tcm oacadfl— LTctutilria— D a t . . .11,. —>0U 1— M L-AtlitJit— nn— do&Accalla-

F R - V ^ o o k No S u n d a y s o r

telloay■.•. Apply a l Specks Cate 110 irih M am.

W A N T E D . c jT ls lo f c o c h i. i i l \^/aitrpv.es, t r id a y nnd Salurday m nhlb . C all ;34.3038.

'M C f)— =“ -w o M T rN ~ n n n ~ o r“ tu i r linu', itn ellirK) involved, i ist iijpply Disney Ixjoks to eslatiliitiec) reiiJil ii( fourtt*. Corn t1,000 OOfilus p<-r mt>rMH with only t2.V90 00 lor invL-nlnry. .ind Ir.iin-irm. call

Mr .K.,-,yS.i?!,-‘ i. !9»J .

O f - - : — - , Jo»#rDf-lrrt«r#it o?- A A a lttF tm ilt

_t&4LULi£N-U_fdiiiiiy_Hom.«i=J=iH-dfoonn on mam floor, 2 more b«'droofn‘. plus rcrrcation roofti in hjll Im.Mii-d b.iM'Mienl S74,S00 0pilSi,iOO oo'lu s i r r in m le ie d , ne w .........

p a lp i , e t c . . 2 b ed ro o m s, b a so m a n t . o il fu rndC«> 1 ip n i« )f- lo t .-

< »^ ,,u> inm i • w iprusuRO«sio.*monltor.-y cootslinAr prog/amas loclale^' acclon.

I Proasomo osporonclu on nogoclo,*’ jn/ilas do neooctor.lnvetllaBclDn. s/adlstlcAs ' 0 ■ tuoldo -bnjo /ijhiynteihr desoo. 'Habllldad — I communlcar «n cn lcr

■ W c d -T W IN fA lJK .5 ,0 .(r0

U -

T i iu r r j ;f « r w r n x u u iT .< « k :~V' ^ 733 0531

.)A 3 0 E a st H la t ila r tf l* ; .

"“ ‘ r r f . ' J p n of'^ni i^ r F . '—^24 0346 . - 3 2 0 East A vo E

Io u b I Rm pleo. • -

NljbD-^AKER tor Pondorota. mn, rnurlpy;„Cflir fl78-WM-for intDf’Virw. • - > —

~— empioymMi Aq m c Im

' t.akffi Nortfi. Tvl/ln-f>«IU. 7U - U 43,



CALLTIMES-NEWSc irc u la t io n d epa r tm en t

- 6 7 8 - 2 5 5 2 — r - T ^ b l^ l iR E E



-ITM U!i-NtW !idilt>Utt-IN-HAIbtY— . . OR KETCHUM AREA.~G'Q Pr6fli fdrl'lme Involved.'

- C A L L 4 5 R - W iy T E - T - lA A E S ,N E W S - e iR C ^ U L A T fO N d e p a r t m e n t

nice » bedroom ap«rt;nonf; **<pw - ,

tt ls p roperly- I23.SOO. . •

■jie the fip»t ow nTTo f lh l» fipa honi®■•■Tn' a'M Vi/ .*ubd IvH lo fi. 3 b a th i. 3 •-bedroom is atfachad parao e . A| I • td f *p w ;iH .4o c iudo d> -------- - L j i !

Spacibu i n jw fio m co n V c o rn a r lo l.‘ “ raodroUmu 5 b«th«. lirp#.n mrw - area, tovily rock trniplac«.

I.h ly cOMim..r(.,.l JIDOJuTT^>«jriMl yii'liMir.»ni' % 10(HI 11 in. Ir* v ''y w,ir> Urye lilL jti W. JO W, iu '^ r»IS i> ;i- iiuiK .................1.1)0. iiMtivniiicii


(iut and ilicre w i} noUdnK to

-----*78-2014—and j:io o r-C ilv - l laji

Sun T W IN F A L L S ,t l ;0 0 733.V/62 ; .

130 7th A ve . Ea s t


M«l*H<llP-- .. '.. ..lA— . ---------L_

w a n t e d ' - B » p o n c r i^ - .r rJ ic lo r

Page 20:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

k G U A R A N K E D R E S l l l r T S ■ V

- F o r Teh D a y s A n d If N o t .S o ld W e 'llte la d ly - R e fu n d Y o ii^ M q n e y !"^ te la fn ' fh e E n tire -P fd c B lliiBu 6 2 K 5 g ^ h d -6h o W '% a -H d w Y (?0 ~ to yh r-A T d yerti5 ^ x > U r^

O Y O W fJe O - - --------733.5336

----- r~f*OtU44J4m M r.fll,L5 ---,3 h c ilro o frt. V'l bflth, (tfm llv

-rrtom , 7 cfir c«rpor», 6 i»^*U .o r.-. (jitpoidi, comp*cjorr #ircontjjiionino Only 3 monlhi old

■■■"4 bedroom',-5 b u m .- Ja m iiv m o rr ! '» ' - C Q m m u p c ia l . : U r p c 0<op p iu t- -

lurnJUm</.-<lnoio-<}.— ----- -•inonth plus t5S .nepoaif C<in bo scorf flt 704’3rd Aw'cnuc Wost Cflll ;n s j3 6 o r m m ? .

AiorTssnimion--- TTrwtv**p«'''^«*‘« y ^iAr.aoorj7Q-pcr.- .

M O R N IN G S ID E nro.v i hedroom J .im ily ro o n ijju n c c d y ^ d , 110,9

;_Qnr_noo. nil Wic** OKierlor. can be jonod commorcffll ■' - -

....nily r__,A cc-Kcfllly 713 S3I^

3 'lio d ro o fTU x h o iC L 'il

1 by < i|)l« 'nrm flMUnrVDB/—o<—

130ACwifh . . . ........... . - -Mu&t sell or lo/isd duu lo

illlj.--- -

....................... ,, '5 SSSd i?3 i=b .'t io n ia n i-^ f lu a tc d bulK10014 pipeline, coveri-d holdtng pen.. Thirty lour cowv ^nd .lu ll l/nij,..... ..-k. ... rv iicl cnil

fff[Tuy>homo wllTr< bedroom and loirmir room. Good lorm t or Irado lor . tarow <«rmi Calt Ffflnk Oow«« at H n w ip tfR c M ^ 733 <oyg;

whL'cl i>nd livi! hflncl |if\fi, <irlesicin

M l Aero bar® Ground highly produclivo to ll. FtiU pos;o66<or\ W M n is wim thP crop on. ~

.wj A C R E O flirv ,,fT>iiij;no oquipment. 100 Irooilalls . Nice

iliome. UOiOOtt- L ' bitA te. Jeromo'3?4 0133.

1.300 head out lit. 2 oood ■homes, corrals, lAroe shop .ind bsn i. Ibts of walcr, owner winters on l6n.

3,000 HM d r t lt le ranch., 15» per

iround orailng^ ABinmanr—

e x ce lle n t 6 bp dro o m ho m e ,. cKccilcni^corraU, Idoal teachers suntmor projoci and copntry

• homo.- - lanw o, .around oriTlcTg'.w a te r.) ♦«m Hyown»rihlplor«»-' - a years. Musi be » l ( f by AprlMO. W73 Oroker coo[»raMon (nvlled.

100 Head aa lry i^ W a lk • ihrouoh

modern honno. r r «

C*'BUTLER REALTY120 E‘A»i Mdin ip'rome. Ido'hV

— rxHnra—rriniusiA^n' ahn>tt> ItinwIjTxio'n nn<l <]n>k lonni Cll>»» 1(1 llllipilctlO Will i(<nl»• o, ■»„ug. - I3J000

(o m lo rtA b lc 1 bedroor apartment, wml 1 bedroom house .w ill I • •• . _ . . . .

WBir; su rrnc i'- wittvi nn— nrr--irrtontinn-rtlt30tI"Mortr7-row-croi»r-or d.tiry scl up Ono m ilo.ol laku Short’ IrontiiijL' Good terms

r jo '. 'C c ’Itorago m a uig .| LO( u<" ou« ''II th ison a largo k'nccrt lot *or only UI.900, Gem State Rofllty ' J33

EiY O W N ER . o«clu iivi‘ ffsidt.t)li.it-»W)

J bedrooms, ? brtths.

.- . -.tuu»an i t s i ?


jus»~i0J00iK-droom tioimv Oood lor a starter or invcstiticnf property

•TWOSTORV DRK .........4 .ER A W E

.Oui9tanrtino cho cu I|vc type l.omc-twaulltuHy, carpoted anti drapDd.

-..suivkiin Tivino room, m arble tlreplnco, lormal dinlno room

“ P R lC r R F b U C fD O f . 't l i .s ' la m i M itli Iro m o n d o u s p o lu n lio l uoQf Cit'<ly» ‘ lo i i l l io f Tuppo»

I inlttrdiongu f>onlo(]o rood 60'!*■ wilh nicg w f f e H f o t

ot Ih is low pr poling lofQo bttdroonu and fifoptoeo. Spocig i toQiuroS

"u ifl. iH n n lN ianwm w.ni niMlI

boforo II I too laiQ.-SiiuZlWi-

■ S3S UOO • l lu i luKUiy tioinu -_____ LjoflluDtti_fl__liugn—JolmoL___

-Tjining-* foon» )" Alio largo boaulHul kitcnon

3 Bedroom .brick home, carpeted • Ond cleaaliCtenn I Clean! Has nice jiiu b b c ry ..»u il't rco s . Im ced yard


TuvtirtoTnr' JTe urncar.i TWr lUfc fauf-bcdroomi-JU—bdihs. 10VeiV“ Tamiiy— roon>, fireplace, aaraoe. 139,000.


J l O ut o l Tow n H o u t tt

i> odropm s ip o c io u k rocrpQilon room. And oil

~11io*oltior iooturoi yo\j ux pod In o luxury home E> coHont localon Co llN ow l


T l R BALTYO F F IC E 733-40?«-9

NORTMEA51 location ‘Jusi mfoU To)')

S p cc .r HA i»iid VA buyi'fs Wf have new twnivfc now lisiud lor S4lo. dilioront

—llut>r-i>iititft, |>aytTienls art* les* thv»t>— I todays rcnl priLv Comu sou '• about ihese.

J Hodroom Dupicn, >sc to Uynwopi? tJI.OOO Can- wi»e HjO.OOOyaii y -


? tJED ^O O M . 01) lurnace. niCo ■yaM, oarden ," riMion.jblc c.>ll vyuntJuU S3A-JM7

S O M E T H IN G new»^lor Ji-r HvautituI sp ill un try dup lex. Iim sh in u . F o r i^ ip om linv ill

W A N T ED lo ’tiuv J 01 * beilroom hon\a, garden spaLu. prulur

.1 MjDmcnUnaJicu K Lil5- ’®F a rm s !• R a n c h t i ,

yoLLdbaJLUse anycpoxe., fu ra th^Bmjn^o^casti fast , . . w ith (Your PapeiL^Classilied Ads.

<?_;Check through your idle items, now arrd.^ .make a llst of'gobd lhings like photographic equipm~e7rtV.'st~e7ed cdmponenfs; musicaI irC-; strumentST^ spoi+tRg—goods;—fur-nitufo—am appliances. Then diq^(Phone) fo f ,d 'R ^ 'fu l' Ad-Visor. A speedy sale is llkety,to fojlow?* A nd , a .(0) word/linp ad is just ($0] pei-^^.y on fhe (B i.ydy plan, . . " ■;_____ ______

R A N C H E R S.RaikinQ co lllo doom t havo to be lodtout. .h o i on thi» 17 9 o cru niHii ranch

yuor around iip ingk ono ol which >t i\t ll>u lobd yard. mako>i wdlur’ir fl O' riap. '■food y rd"'Rns nofu'rQryrQm*^—

iho '5croo(jo In ’ poflOf®'Hood xrigaivd

__ Start ;coJlecting y6ur extra, cash r ig h t 'iw a y'^-^^ithresull^g^fiBiT^fYour^Pai^’rj',C lassified "^

A d sI V ’ . . • .i f


rMDtnm*tl$TlNO-^fllVlCt--1 hin«7inboJ:QhVltCrTlONr-BuyiiioJjt;-.- " 'ivHlnb q h9me Is no eosy Iqvk. Oilon limus ll lakos time ond otlorf •MO fJna.lho'rlohT ComblnDtion ol buyqr onri s«!lirr, Ar>d whil**it i»

truo Ihni homo buyers lik ro 'so loctlon ol homos.^o.thpose fromvit ' 'Is al(0>j#\ja that.it Is.tO Ih t adyar%tdQt torhov* d selAVtioo

-o l p f.i^«ctiwe buyars. MLS givos both biiyor and 's«ll«r flu».saloc'=nQTr=Ni»r»im*H4u=»lacuta=io^bov^r-io|l-7ouiihQ®iL_!!ioko?.“r~*

( if ti mowe [oJcoll ono ol the M tS INHtUc|rs|ll»tod bolfl^ ■ '

NESBEAITV «lfri>EALT\•nxwrtfnEXLTv ..






; ..... ..................................... .


O UYIN O -O R S E L L IN G A F A R M ? I t ' i easy when you .call Frank Dowon, a lull limo farm specialisl.Yoo 're In "Oood H ands...........

- R ’a W

QQO□ ix i a llo l la „

—- - i—Alsn-t»n* 0 '2 b««JettQjn hon>o heowv _Own fj^^nini-rqiifh^wltJi^ogjO

~| 'o l opoiolioii ond’’thi»-t)rito


Cun>« iii'o itd stfo mu. to^tp- prociQto ilio warm chorrp.

~W7~Q\vhtir i m B~~lQ dticori mo Nswly ramoiilod kllciv w ill) oppliQiKos. 3 botliroomt.

At^D jqUNGEDor <jr\d Lounne •

' lic«p«« BulldirfQ-- fu i**- A lso 'ln c lu d * i|D ,

■ 1 ■ nnd olhl»cJnj»|n»»s Jlriftod fiflht ~«oll63.&00.00;

■A eiG-ONEr 900 44intU. .Iwo. .w il lt ‘ .com pitt* .ip rinK ivr.

. 364. Acr* 'Ra rtfh '• 3^0 ih o ro i ol wiblvr • two homss • gbod loca> tloa r pric«4> ^25.000,p j)_^ ;._,-

a m : ' . ________A ltar Houf»:BUTLER REALTY

130 Eoll Main Jtrom*. Idaho

. -Chuck.324-0a67 Con»l» 334«SB60

Tgyrgsnan' faaTW ^am sBati i *'=n?i*fOtrpoo!riQbl*. Ifiu «ornor ’

loi I sit, on I* Inndipoped- bt'CMiillu^ly Orlvo by onti lo * - —

. (or ‘ y u m 's i i in o l i4 4 Q . .9 lh.Ay«'nuq-Ea»t.. Rorfuco rl* frdm____^-W2 QQ:iO.I39 900. ‘■ NEAT 3-

( ‘. r bQi)ti7-|lraplQc». oofoto*- • - Auae£awnv-Vond.. polTo.. o il . . ' .

"■'gqrpir,-Frii;V> ».eoff--- ----- -L Y N W O O D R E A L T Y

610 DIuo Lak«ft.N o rlh 733-9J11


M lK a G ro y ' _________RJ. ScliwondlmaV 733-7100 ‘MjilkVIWaiha rr—T3JH473'

Page 21:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

240 ACRES- VDry good'form ■ around in BurloyJ^ul nrefl...___EbcdJalMor-KOOOIipd-oUiitllc..IlcnutHui 3 • bedroom;'• nil ■ ■ c l pc»ed brick t omc'. tJ7B,3iO ~ ---Tj Pnj.,jlniii_n WFSJ.F gjl-T.Y 7U OUS


evcnlntjs --95 ACRE WentJi'il Area, no buildings, irrtontccJ Irom - well, coultf be .1 Qood imair liv«lock --------------UQ.OOO

BuiinMi PreiMrtV''

_WILl__TaADE. ■ lop commLTcil property in Lt)s Veuos, located belwecn C.isino nndnow bnnk, for .Southern Idaho form or ranch orWrltu DOK Tr-ITTItnes ftews

ON 7 bedroom np.irlmenl <ind 'two I bedroom npajjmcntsir crilrancob -RenTQoriNS''- fPcr monlti .Priced lor' fciil iiile GEAA ST^E. REALTY 733 5336

rWAREHOUSE I OR RENT 3,700 fI5"tf00n fui lOBtfinn ‘ 'luhlfc turnifchL'd, noi tiCiileU. Call ,^oniolrdnlt'd FrL-.ohlw.ivi. ^3

'FOR RENT; 10,000. quitf.C _fi:«:t*1*’flcK«M3e Phone ;33 4 198 before -ABtOOjun.__DC_flllttf-*.00-ttjn=«

W M ES IN OUHL Nice 7 Mjdroom homc oul.0* slfllc-owntr" i to sell. 3 hot

Hocfltlon."'>'J bedr'ooiTi' home WnplC Strcct ja'-V-mcfi homo on Ulh Ave North. Gone Hopkins 513 6 3, Lnnd Ollice bl Idaho 733

r . - ^ .................E E E C R Y D H N a E E N O r ^ ^


jipproL__ _ . - __ ___.Tilock anflorick More huilOino, 3?00 MUir >- lo«l, with ItKluret .tnU • •quipmltnt Lorgu melnl 6lor<>u«.'

■ 3 bcd room home with ciirport. all-^loclnc, 4.b«tht, CArpolod wcil-.Ipcnifd rtnd ne<-*r ni'w 477,500


COUNTRV ESTATE AcreAQo with proicoiiv®'*' '-covennnt* ‘rrr-"* ' ' n_Cl0i0-f0—1969 nROOKWOOO W*64, 3

“ (iroOm, parlliilly lurnKhodr-alt- ifloc1rlc.?aWfi*rr:^-- ----- ■—

40 ACR’ES SoufMBfl', T«‘rm s.bY .o^ ncf^ Q j i 32<.fl

DY OW?EnT. jl*rfo JQ ifiarcs oJ 'wiitor': 5W milei Norlhertiil of Jeromu. Good poialo and bcot land. ( 1.000 per Acro. 374 ft3)6. ^

- ^ S T R EA M - F R O N T A G E

Wdlkout biisemenf ofllo roHino hi|l& — 1 flcre — UOO squaro Ipotlliinos. V37,500, VlCfllriia ElledO*-'' ■L-u.AQm n»u li-w.n, ;y iJ49B.

AcfvoQo <01 'buiidinQ ti South of * Jc'ibmc,’ ’ do ’

691 ShoU.onn'V "• 7330111" ■ •’ 733 9431

j» __Vicalion Prop*iiV

EXCEPTIONAl.l Y tioqtl- Gar.nje7<nrt Scnrjcf statiu.., payment, vfty good itne oi etUJlDmorrr' included FARM BUREAU REALTY 374 437B DON WALLACE 733 7616 DAN SUHR . 3J4-70W. -—

Hi-cr«.Mt1t>n I'nioymy l. a part ol Devils Q6d&i(i>>d Ranch, con bf yours with all Ihc trtmmmgs Free roomi, cainpino. I'ihmg, t>unlin«, p<ick'trips, Icnnis cburti, horses, rtlt tnnnwl oil tiy tree plonfand^ofnifrl^na-OltOr.li>mnaTnmrmi» rjncn: -Vflorown-vi/TnniunnrWBrrv Tol.il pr>(.t', 16.500

B E T H W IC K + tA M -* R E A L T O R - ' . _

T ir

"MLS" 733 5476 Vicki Qolingtf 12 2115Jerry Iriih . .. _ - 679 5M6

T AC K t? -l-W- tHKiwooir-lurrtcsiii'd, .tir conditioninn See lo

iri-ct,ik' 733 7410 or 733 0473, 11. .......

.. T H __ C A' M P U SAOTWITNTmjTIU. ■ two. iind.

1969 MARLETTE 13K *i And u1ilillo& p.T(d. Phnnc 734 446/. ,<rT34-3owr<-■.

*IWA« «ET7E« »U»A VT-

JCQunp—ymmof-aniy .....parking. Clfiinir'u <lep<

| | | 0 S / 1 ( HOMCS;

S IN G lf - O O U IIE W ID ES:t'!- nii.i Will ol Well 5-Pdnn

T 97T ( 5F F IC r O R r r

• nolifQofolod ill - Conditioner —A RboI Ouy AlOnly. , . >4859




__________ r.hciil. ■vyivV.'f,,,Of,_garbage disposal lurmshed Adultsn No pct , Cgll Iron) 5 la 9 p tti

4-35}6 - •WANTED i\ .(Jirl lo sliiire .ip.trltncnt Lltiiities p.»id. —ttvotlnht** Mity 1. c<«H 733 3751LAURELTVriTK APARTMENTS


m o b i l e h o m e s a l e s...-wJSOQ Kimborly Rd.

.734^4336 . ------ fWtN-W.11 -----



Dvol53bO O FF

Any ioll.coniQinnri -tfoilor in viock '

No lfick» • . •••V No Htddon Cu lb

AiUlugulai Puklud-■r 49 Unlit In Block On Dolh

Lol» ---., ' No Iiodo» * '

•flolh OiifloyJifTtJtwtn f o l l i ' ' ..L q Iv _______ _______________-

j. muMi. Acron rrom inaiian AOlar| .. IwinfnlU__ U4 ji67_..^_Oili pnd O*#flof>d, Duiley 6?a 7574 W» Tiade 16/ Can anil fwmluic

OPEN#a m.toflp m -

TWIN HALLS WEST ncro»v Irom Collie of Soulhcm Idatio. 3 bodroom lurnlshod or unlurnlllied, kilchen appliancet.pAld. 734 366fl AAcndayJtiru Friday“• • -’d'l rector iifiuf,

F U R N fsVi E C j'A P A R T M EN T .t lS O ' mom



7'ROOMS in JeromL‘, AII ultUtiuw- p.iid 334 6341. .IN LAUREL PAr6 new,deluxe 7 btiSroom. SAW.lra.mlny pool r or 3 .mDnlhv-orJjflpoiir_i2 ~Z34.J/B/-OELUXe .iporlment feiove,:frini;rfVtnf.r.hCii>.

One p iticr cl c.ill n j 4617

“ HOMirrTTE— £h;«'in SAWS, VL 1! and super X L 12. good condition,. >130 .'ind <140 Call 037 ^977 or B37

lor renl. All .ippluinces including <lishw.>Shpr,‘(ilspos.ll, cnrpet and ilr.ipes Air condllipned .ind w.ilk •m-elMm -794 4195*~~—• • •.Un(urnishid.Apt>.

S'DUplCKtlNFW V iM-ttroom rtuplm. slovr. i.-lr n|iT rtlor , MifiW*'**. < i*f |>til*-<J, il.ir.uir, .Ilf Ri't.'fi nc i-., »160 733 27AV‘or 731VftVl

imc TO 00 ■ A M io .4 0 0 “ r:M •(DoorT i/3s)

----- ■ P u y i i i . J I.O Q t a i iood

NEW 7 bedroum •duple» luliy cArpQlud, 4towu. rutriuurtilor. Nd smoking, no pels 73J 435H

apartment, car petrel, sanitation pmtt No pri’i i 4494

fcrifoom- ti-r .'VTttr

NEW 2 bt-ilroUTlfJuple , LflrpCt. dr<ipi*s. anti jir conaitioning, 1140.- n44316.-.. - -3 UEDHOOM, c.irput. dr.ipes, tariwrt, (te|)o*n»-fC<|uirwl 734 366H. lM‘tw<'fn 1 .ind S wi'i'kd.iys

WrrTT ;H|Ui||il.MUl.lifcMU~V,,130. Di ich Crlncler. t20;

i3 '- /n o r* rp o w ff i » a l fii&lor.. W<'" intul«tO(Jrlac<f)f .-ma V< aH»p*iH

FOOD STORAGE? We ougr.v>i«-e nd -YVL»i—

Ihp'coil fof lhc-4vtfrabe family Sav« «l|p w|)rrYt OohydfAtcd foods r ducm folntion'.' spoilage, and WAt'> I Call for igiormation and S»mplirs J 33 S97a r

EL LC T WtC rii'ngu, c»ct'll,enl condiiron. .Clean—374-4436. * - -

7ecJ~-i- • fllP O TTc '- refcigeraior. 455. if noriiL.powcf riding mower. 1100 A M and F M ■Conulii willt pllivur UO. 374 2735.


Nt'w vO” |H>w<'r lawn iiiowor. - ,JijLfl!L£.aUJ3.U6Ji;^ ___

-------•--•71 INCH LAWn Hoy mower,' ondHiooiJd and guar.intvtfd,'. . . . _U 9.9S At Cn S 733 7

J J iS .T e i- r i l i j : llie w av .'w e ’rc '^ e ilin ii , [ jiuu L u t lfq 10- t lw n

lafREENAWA^T'S “ -V vV ''

IT'S INEXPCNSIVI; lo Clean rixi'. and opholslory wilti. Illui’ LiiMre Reni elcctrii. shrtnipooor • GHEENAWAl TSLtGHT-Oak. Ili-diootn Sol, slowi'. Y j^ ‘'rjii0.rivvn)l«ji-<vf.ucn--i<:<- 73,i;

lug:i..&lill havL.a50appUi-bo>es. is ter lS Oclch Ptioni; 733 I4U4

40— ;;W»c«IUn*ftut-F«rtalr*-.RE/iSONAIlLY pritcfl 2-' 3*11 loot Nylon ' Ci>rpel runnorv, Sciiwjnn Slingr.»y bike, brown 4'»6' Irpni wool rug. Stcnorcllo diclating in.ichme, cabinet anil File --- i lor 5 X 0 £.1015 34von SJVLE ■ wiii?ip6{»r ’hiMns, «.-i»ci'licn1 for tire'll muscles. T»«rm any o ltie r-p h yvca l a iln»rn i» T h r.QOernn- urown 4»omu—l r~n»oru_ inlormation <.'ll 670 076(1 or wnle to Gi'in Sl.ilt' Sign CompAnv- BP’' 154. I'lcytiorn

eauii. various atlachnionts in s t r u c i io n i in c lu d e d . M a k e s -bulton tiotca Cwlt 879 5930

JojiEX£Llluc.mlWo^i>uffW>-Twin“SI70”tJ5Vj^Uiwin b

Ing cuilom fluAlt lor cflrv weekends Calf 733 4797 ilcLimi__AnnriT-T-;c_AjjTn___________________ _"5uVf lY,‘To5”shMhon ^ South.'

One pifice desk ancl thai

-Ai-U.M-Ui4 U*A-- O-t-A .T-C-S I--33‘'>“k91"*.007'* 70 crnts encti or

— ir r c r T tn r r iD t s Of so*or m o rc^ sce Gorry White, Times News. Twin I FaKs

j PAINTING — cars, trucks, irAClors,

GARDE^ TILLER, 5 HP, H75 00*T ra ilc vc - Ju r— tW^OO.

ilUY -SELL OH IRADf AT IHE GRAND OPINING OF MAGIC VAILEYS FIBSl _ SWAPMFfl' ytJtr fmViT ony giiwan'lai'nr . __I- -,»,«V 1J. .trvM.r.

'Itomv Of Hood o lifltn ■‘rflfO • cosh clean otjl ihol orogo

-mtif-t»r-faosotaortr-nn -hrtrto—ovcJylliilifl ancj otjylliing .lo I iKo - Moloiviftw D-

Clark. 731 5601, after 4 00 ,vH«

USED Steer Food Loiker- E»cellenl for food slor<\<ir. shop o M PIT unit. CJ9310mHfif limn 1-1 ni.-nt

DO IT YOURSELF! Shampoo your own carfjcl, professional result*. Rent a Clarke ShAmpooor with companion vacuum, Oannor Furnilurc,. 733 1471. .......

buiuloy Moy -Olh JJ~ovuLy

iticr inloriiiaiioii UJ^----

CLtftW CAHPETfc |t\e save and js.ifu way. with Blue Lu&tro.' RnnT,/r.BrtNAWAUT/i, rnrocrpi

_HQlJJ-l;!iOLD. .ilAtU tK bET R|)iU|u. rulr ><)er .itor, wooden kitdu'ti si'i, ‘.c'clicm.il '.wil.i. slutli-<i chinr iillU, rO‘ ker. mid tahle ...... ind’dryprW.-»Shl.Ti1lold.I

irypr Si'll nt-i, mhUiui^Tiuitt-»?50

ll sp.iniuily 175.00 733 0170

Cold _____ ___Include", one S tpp 507 jomprrs? ’0»'e 3 horse' power compressor, refrigeration units, sh.irp free;e unit, rool , mounted c.oiuli'nsor. overh*ad meat track, 4 walk m frce/uf_4]oors -arM 5' chrome grocery carls, c.>ll 733 ^ 4S. •W A J O 806 Mdin.Norih.'needlucrall' •designs, supplies, oniJin.il —p^ntinjjs, ^gifir-Open 1Q_J0_6 -MfthTfhy UiroU'gh~5.Tfurd.iy — ‘

- M O TO R eb A --2-W A Y ftAD IO -

Foi bu«ino«s indu»lrial &□ gncultiHol usu Buy fo/ laiy - diiucl .no ..cununuv^n.i

---- mon involved '^ A LL 734:5050.

NEEfteEPOINT TAPESTRY yarn, canvns,-Crewel kiH'and •looli.- Mour )0:w A.m, lo 4:00 p.mr. .wMkdavs.-SdlurdAv-lO-OOJo 13;0I^ 731'3904, Mrs. WllllAm (irulcy, IS3

„l>h-Avcnuc-Efl&L___ _41 WinUdtoBuy

WANT TO. BUY Gas’fe f geralDr And 3 iron bod rails

Ci/ld ion, 733 7045.NEED’ good used"Teaui^^hop equipment. Cdll 334 0301 after 6tO0 '

CAiH FOR SCRAPMETAL Copper.-Or4i&. Aluminum..' Radi 'or. DAtlerios. Etc.-HiKOPPELCOi-- ----

1533nOAvonU8 Soulti

IrCtominv-Like to we<tr Famous KNAPPi j Q T.Tticn cnil.fticfrlll Pflrtcr.,

4) A n ilq u t i

IT'S INCREOIOLE tholhings you'll find Pctc' Jot]nslon . 317 boulK _ WasiHngtfln—(Airoty:! rondl,,7;i3 .

U <;fllQDv_Jl?crci«rv and a three' 7^dwfcf4fo»-loptlo*krCfljf-S4J-S91?r::-ANtlbUE-OINlNC -SET and antiqoff recorti-pi»verrTi?ti~734—

44 . M O t lc c I In i lr u m in t i

TAKEOveR pftymentson Spinet Piano 733 6074 after j 00 p m.

■QNIC oroao.

dryers, ranges. Reasondble —if*i4»fc.-30v««rl.4iJipor-ionc,tt-Xall::, SHUMWAY APPLIANCE -REPAIR, 733 6167

; »i ili iVIIliJ y.u’U fi"‘({SlflNAl* Voi/'ll find lk#m <onv»«i*ntl<f l<«l»d btlojr


KeRAm ..;jiM «T tn>Awenue'WesT • \

_, .... -irr-'VTTTTr..wholesale I. retail, service L -JnitJllfltion. CCTCQ. 331.M.i.n Evisi 733 9737Grav*! Top («fl

Guns - Amrnunttlon,headquflrters. Open 7 a iSTiTi, 7‘flJiyr“76T Main' West, T*in Falls. Phi

in. Fishing 7 a m to n

Call B37 4417 aflcr 7 _ _____ _NEW YAMAHA pianos, used pinnos

To Ilf V5lrf'lhis nrea Also'Orgap .WiHi Aiyiomalic Knythm... Rionu . collcct SG9-TP0 lofio or write * A lostor, West 908 Sprague.- Spoknnp; Wn5t»tngf0rt *9704---- -Super Conlincntal Organ andOuckinohdm—Amp.'-Hioo. Very '

Good used- Scnndalli 130 Pass call 7l4.77e4.

' *<.“ l-[‘.'im6 bu * qu.irr Iret on mo wilh « 125 lool corni-r iTO.OOO"conditioned' carp'Sk'icted patio, •ABC M O B IL E 4 IG M &

- Doolor lot itiu loninsiice }*nd. 1

-.3 -mlnulcs. from town. Unjimiled supply . . . .Deliver«d_i3i-1334, North WestA it -

^ Good sm.ill going Imsinf'-iS vt'lh b building and equipnjftit lor only■ 16.000

5<WE iTOO Inr?i5.995.Od AAA Discount

South ol'-TOppprwarp, Joromfl.■•*164 NEWMOON 10 x' 47, 7

- "l itMAUIiieE-STIIEet i

“STEAM CLEANERS, nigh jressure cleaners, sales i»nd m vite,-nBw »ntf uw .-aTe<<M- STORE OF MAGIC VALLEY

P ld‘lU'J347ni■QuftrflntcCd.-tBO ot Cain's 733 7111.

® 4 4 9 5 734-4195 MAGIC VALLEY AWNING CO .■rKtis

iberolTwin Fall?----^MLS" Service' T.»ylor„Ufoker. , .423 52U2_.-Wa&cn Smith " ‘ 73J 4V06 _i*Viriiil Wilson .___- 4234137

17. ACfMQtl. Loll

MAGIC VALLEY AWNING COT" •wid mobile home service, we do rrenkdowns,set ups, re leveling, .water cooler alei.Jiid iervicc.734 4900F(DR sale' or Trent.. '.28 idoTNashua Trailer, all Jerome. 334

s a » B i s Q h t a : a t A K &—TWIMPAllS ---^ 3<r l6t

inlenor Painling, Antlqueing.4758 or 733 7530

img, VArnisninu. all lypes.‘'Call 33

21 INCH-Colorr ?WMth-,>ronsoip, rcconitltioaocL-and-06acanlood, tl99 dl Cain s 733 7 1 1 1. i _TREC-TOPPING or removal by


T.im ,

-- I iO ,-ACftq&—iM).. .40 Wiact/: ol i.__ Wfllcrllll.Good.oui buildings.iincrlencing 3 bedroom home paneled . roughout Mith aluminum sidmg !'Organic gflrOen spot, trult Irees. iPrice l45,OOOby owner October lsl vflossession, Jerom- 324 5053

2 4 X 4 4 - D O U B L E

J / V ID E

>ncludino dithwathvr and ditpotol " corpit and drapet " (oundry “ (me londtcop.ng ° fXtol a t»i «on- difioning'■ wolk in cloeti.


Fornifurt I. C«rptt

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION iS_ -du?-^aln--MT|T-?iP=skar^^Fancy Curl Beauty S<>lon, 733


DEACr*-*mM*AL'S plcke0 up promptly CaII collect 733 6035. - boodVng';- S lf. 7' CUI tnt c n AtlnnR t F ree Pieittip* ■■? J.. " ! ...,. .1 . .V - .Evergreen .tcrpmmg anrt—iJowerrakinbr-dant nowr-i;estimates. 733 6405 -

1971 CUSTOM JfCHULT. U « 65, 7j -Di!0rooms-r '*r-t3nths:—*tep-xj dming room, light* pAnelm.| car pel I no, - air. I condit iomn(

OPEN HOUSE. ne\r Flamingo. 'Sparkling diller«nt, Gibson shopping Center. «toor prtle.---acre Call 374 8703

-3 BEDROOM MOMEof*-3* acros.■ •■hatelion area only' 414,000 -.Stockman Really 600 S Lincoln, tv jorome 314 40451 374 5735, 324 ^

tAptn^^onuion ,733 7446

-...t!DAU£-UANO- t«v.. dcrcoOcs. .10 ••ere parcels. t2,t)00 acre K -Harrison Realty 733 2323. 733 6B48, ■” 3 4019.- * ! ? t ................... - ...............I*.Twin F.Aljt golt course. t7,ooo

10’ > 45' PARAMOU|JT Mobile Homi', 3 Urdrooms, call 733 467S Or 733 3043 lo r .t in A ppo liiim cn l.

IV73.7<>it4 nf.'luxe,! 3 tjw ro o m . 3. ti.ith«;-tieep shAA c A rp e tf t>uill-insi n^nllflces 536 15619/7; SHELTERED 14x60 }u>naiTioned COO nnrt take uver-paymentS. 374 7446

V b e d r o o m '--CARPETED 5ot up S Dolivoxy

''9995 .S M O B IL E

1B39 Kimberly Rd: 734-3440 OPEN 7 DAYS (110.9 '


FURNISHED 0-». 40 Iraller iiouSe (or ren>. MO per monllx C.jll 733 M44,i " ' •-7 BFDROOM tiirnMirrt trailer 'ilWl'prr monili "Npftr Vbllege '733- 92S9-

700 267BQr QQ6 779D Carpet-

SI FumitMd A Unfum Hout*«

14 , 0 »ictA.P»«ln««»FOUR rentals on 1 "cre indusirlal IBTt-MDffiniylnrome'WSOrCloso in.

734 7050UEAirftf-UL nOw qMlcii Space , UlUO-.UAtUM>-^0Ll' •ImmedlaleUu—733.

Carpots 40 per cent less than - «r«t* 4r-eworVd»v>"(kin the middle man. Viilley Interior. 433 4046. •

Carpef Cleaning _____■6TEAMWAY The beil*^rT

DEPARTm EN I, highest quality meAlS, low budgel pricer Blue Lakes Shopping Center

-MOW4CEJC.trbe' VeRVICE■ ■ _flatnu.. Mecpanical__tu:cng and removing Alt limbs

—0Nt-UMNI5Hhl3 hOHNMURg-"- LATg‘es1” s'breclToi>ri'n<J^U0We5r Prices •0«nner Furnllurc. 137 7nd Avenge West 733 1431

■ OUCB 70cur{Wt.remnant», up (o6i purt^nt-o^t-C-vitn^waa^-t^

very good condtlioii. t| ia.dt £din’& ‘137HI

Painting ,iWtNTtWo-Inatalla

Vacuum C laantrt. le rv lc t

106 t4ASHUA 10 K 4S 7 bedroom " - wnisho<l or unlurntihiul. 374 7W4

1972 74«64 Pclu«ei 3'bitlroon», 2 bams, (leep sh<*<L?arnpt. BuiLi-ir\s, appliatlcos » 6'7l56SET Up on 90 » UO loot'lot 'In

ITnFURNISHEO' 7 ,be*rooni, carpeted living room, auultuonly, nopetsr ilepusil re<|tiiri , (UO, 733. 3390 or 733 60SB rUNFURNISMED 2 bedrooms!

FOR RDNT OFFICE SPACE 12 fpci t>v"15 •(‘01 In' downtown office buildir\0- Tel option e apswer ina survlcu and reception room. Call 733 4961.

Carpentry, remodeling, cabineli

C A R P E N T R Y WORj -WANTTD.- New or remCiaeTrna Ernie Walts 336 5339

,“ S«vutr <irv?c*-ROTQ ROOTER sewer service “-Sowttr nnev Bnd leptlc tank • cleaning. , aim. all types of excavation. 733 IS41

ftl.»f.~SrTir'»7i)C'ln H\~r.;TT7 ~Y«Tr~ M W 10 rWOH-

Slovt) Relerencch ffOO p.o Call 731773 77' aticr , -STORAOE area suitable lor 4 --omUutnt> itfft,qariin itJLOUicn^ n >33.W55.

Cement work, carpentry i WedciFna

“Paw ori-T»orui}iD‘-* vvcidrna:'Aluminum and gerreral welding Call Larry Pnwson ' -376 4117, i/ ho-answer 73} 7634

-------2 2 ,0 0 0 -

__ Bg^M I L I E S —

CARPETS. 40 percent lets lharretail.—awat-ydiv—Sltlp-the middieman Valley Interiors. 473-404A '

-eAHiiv- “•American Dnvenrfort;____“ wowTTTweBarDKtmowrc*!! — “

50 33 ________________? 'LINCLGUM RUGS,'aSSOBTED PATTERNS. I7.M.- OANMCR FURNITURE. Twinmi___ _ ___ ______

AnPllan<A>. OAby , things,Antli ucs. We do Upholsterlno- Haye» Fufniture 731 4010. " .SPOT CASH--- Fdr"FomHof‘e^AMIIW6W=~— ------^- Ttiinfl»ot Value ------- :|IANNEH PURNSTURE .i- 3;-»id 4vanua.l««<t---- J 33 1421 • -

,„^ppir*n«> “ ■

I0M1S sewn S75.00uiEO Phllco‘Hcfrigernlor wllhoyi handle tIS. Also usqd aulonTailc < -“ ’--•--^irThororm-ner-----

-.-m o-7e-C ..T lJo«»SW ~T’ i7-TncNcrDrricr''or iOAno'. nranch Olltce, 73) 0715 jusl next to Town and Counl|'y Drive Inn.

■ pieci'r'if. air

ipol. Moving, rhust sell'q^^, will sell equity tor.J4,000'and tflko over pnvmcntrDn..W.OQQ_rlli} halancit. • Call 473-4076 Sunday or week sJay attpr 6:30 p.m., V i

1 &EDROOM, small furnished twusc (or working gin or older .ncfJO i. Wctidi*ll,.»A 2171,a BEDWOQM House, All clonriod.

• f a r m i F o r R t f l l

50 B»'A 5»e5..Now groundrEnV ol Jerome, Sprlninor TrriXjated, luggcsled lor ixifAtoe .374-5H0.


CONCRETE • All tyfies, 733 J 6IO1' 334 4770. or 433 5053 ewnings.

.^|o‘s m ark e tplQCo' save you 'ilm o, -of- fo rt aad monoy when you need de-

'Mayiflo Set llflo.oa wilh 90 day ..wauanlVJil XJlLecirJc.: 44l

JUST OOUGHT a- now Soars .Appiinnco, AABvtso‘AutAwianc

'imu sub division land . Rim Rond In Twin sewer available. 734Acres of pMr

■ •Of' Canyon R'JSPnlls.wHh.sf-3426., ■_______ > • •'3 OEDHOOM owner home op •jji;ofageal Filer-Call 32 5467. f .

ACRES close to IluhiJ modern,

PURNISHCO H0U2H. 4 . roams 'furnlfthad. Groundlloor, odMl pats. 733 3024,

,J'Pa>cu Sectional i 6S. 73:( <649. ALMOST new! uso wticotTtiBlr.

|Hom«, ;jl-7S4«.|lQrtwora>o vow .ceillnoi wUh ACOUIIICAI spray, Coldor silver ■'l otutor; Free B*tim»toiT-TM-

fapofttessed 13 n S4’9 bedroomti la^l^wn. take over, pavmenj*. 4 <](»oma And bath. Retired pertoni

■ com pleto ly rom o 'do l p y -" 'B r " " l ' i i !H— n w e ^ s o M o o n o lo f jx y o u rl e o l t y T f o u ® * ^ ' you ,'r.o s m a r t to ch e c k " S B r v lc o s "

17 CUBIC foot Sean upright■iW8‘S H 'W % ' »W y-w rr " '

Building Wi l t /

P E R :

\ O N T H ! . ! ' i 4 :

- O J IL D NOW - H p u ii lo o * * r tb*wrttun--- priitfttrtt-^— »r •aconomlcal. ch#»p*f than lum b i.. fair*!' in d 't a i i a r ' t o « r« c t..N o iniuiition.: fiflllh lntt.9r-J’ »'0J

Page 22:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

.V • ' ' - L . .- . . 1.. ----- ^ .. ..... . . r , . . .. ... ?J. .

— irr-T-^— ; -.1 ------’ ' Z " ■

r - - •

RMAS yQc gy Yowftei«sMayBePla6#Fy Slfe1lfifl y t X f l ------ta»> U < gf

r iS iin c a S i3 r5 3 R « n ir '*UOOWBMMW Jmmm,. M^S))r5 i« --------,j-'-----.—

BURLeV CdMAAISSrQN YARD^; . „Byloy> Idaho ,

E a r lv . 'c o c is iq p m e n t t o r ~ M w ~ 3 r d . 'Tgh1^hlnrfffC®^llinT7T3fr^3 'lb5 iTSoTfgRT

-60-F.dl-hogs.-2Qji«banoiLploa-4! 60Crlbc:

70 Yoarfings, 65|0-725lbi,. ^O.Holstoln ycnfll 600-650 lb&.

35 Young cows and colvot. * *u- '

For market informationcall:

B r o w n H o g u e - 6 ^ - 7 7 2 6

«»■ ; . 8 u lld lA a M < t« r il l i .

- fO R 5At--6; io ld wrooU Ootir>. «rom 2 0 - l^ 0 > t ie & One lo lid R lrch . 3

- A lum inum -no rm doors, Ca II 433 S?34,-. ■ - .........

-G O O D 8 C L B C T I0 N — w rw lc f lb lc —•r#o«“ H o liY sin O u iir . F ro m ve ry Dood top producing c o w t. lor tal.o

-o rto m .-T W p rth . »a -Wm «, J*fo m p- J }4 .50fl3 . --------

- H O L S T E IN D A IR Y c a lv M lo r u l e . l r o m »d e vo id to lm o n th , cb II S3»}W 3‘ . • -

U l U ^ H

G IG A N T IC S A L E 3rd,

,0«»llln(> products, cloth lno ^ndP U B S H o r8 p r lfH i* f c o w l o r

g u a rtn te to , Buy o r t r « d « - fo r

MQVINC — Many mlsteilAncout Ite m i. M nv > d and J lt i Iro h i 10 in t l l 6. 3013 V a p le Axenup.

G A R A G E S A L E . O dd i and ends, •’ somu ' " ■ •-*1-8^

~ P U n U > T r » M * '>

L A W N L E V e L iN C .U o t o t a i ln o B n i i l — p lin t ln a . ^t*one >13-58Tr •

T H i i S P R IN G landftcapt w ith — I» v « ly -« p ru c * • n d - p ln « i. Phon«

7J4 i i u a tU r S p .m . w — kandt.

T O M A T O E S , pap p art and othor garden o lt ie r

. i ia c d n e

aard sn p lan t* . A lto p ilU n la i and q tt ie r tto w e r ln o p la n t* .

- I S — • f» **d

W AN T TO B U Y h « v Phona M4-M33.

4 T O N , 3rd ' cutting hay lo r M if . C a ir 733 7113 a v a n ir - -

. SO TON lof flay ' fo r S « la , 73;|;3I»3.

.• - 'f-dlJa*^uH w M d at Oo u rj ^Orch y t f .

d o b f ll OnB A iah'an hound', and I ■ p a ir - o f m a lch ln o S a lu k li , at a

; ; : :N Q B T H W C S T O rtrtf l Ct^llWP T g tr- <Ooldon r « r le v e f ) braadino »lock

: : J L « r v '5 i.7 3 4 ;S « « '» M a r SrOO

;^ A K C — Non»Bor*n— Elkh ou nd iT ' S»m oyadtv-8rlttlsnv»f-Garm an

Shortha ir, Germ an Sha^ihercl., b » M t « , A llp O n t.B poo i.-tov

arTHu*fcy~*><«<thara - if_M lialB r Cl

A K C R eo lita rffd CD lila puppies, m a t e i , t a b le *And t r i . Ju d y Thom as, 3333S74. 'Poca le ilo .

IR IS Jt^ S E T T E H - . 14 m onlhs old

adu lt poodles,, ca ll

R E A L 'h lc a reg tsta rad w h ile toy poodio puppies, Phona 733 1009 a l t t r i p m ' ^ . ,

S0 H O L S T e T ?n ie H « r ca lve iTb anas v a c c in a te d . A p p ro x im a te ly

-go<|nds— P -h o n a _A il.M » .- J lo a B C l^

. u t e c T .s i i ie - IN C . .a ii b ra td i.W M U r LaU ch . IHwna

m o v«d to mMA w a it o f h o ip ita i to G ran dvu D r iv e , than m lla

- u M iH : Cash"ter Irac fo H T .'M W -pric ir-- 5 > uiid wrTirpiwta TW-ttVj.

b lo o d line ll c a ll F ra n k K s r^ l. 73^ 7U 9 or. J43 5W»,

jO jwum

G O O O B A B V and p a t lu ra c a lv e s for - talanAlMiindt^ona-UiUliJ-or-

A B X IE IC IA l^ B t tE E D lM r i to 4WS

‘? £ » iS ‘iTrK."'wr';;:b T M d to r baaf « v a l ia b tt . B u h l, s o -

a H o rftM

9 Y E A R O LD q w t e r ho rse m a re .

to viar 6ltf<i*idlnorwtlii5i'i

S T A N D IN G A T S T iJO . tight re in . R a g lita ra d A Q H A . Double brad 3 bars-blood llr ta t . 0 \m > ton o f the ta le B a r R o cka t. 433-44M.

B e a i a T C R C D A p p f / io e t aG a ld ln o . 10 y iM rs o ld . Good learn

N EW S tid h a m , tandem a x le two twtM fr*lleri atoctrfc-hr<*k«7;f*«*5r' space , a te . » l,900 . c a ll 7M 3 3 iro K boc tOOj. H ftlley .

A T S T U ^ T M IS S O U L A F L A S H *~Appalooia stand ing at Slmpso< -T f*tftft»< r-4tab ta*—C o n ta c l- C la i i

733 1041 o r .J lm -3 2 4 i2 3 2 3 ^

.A T L S .T .U D ._= ^ R u it l f lr ,D l ll- i^ c h o „ J[2A£inaaanL-c«oi»t«*«l-iao. d.XU. Own son of R u s t le r D ill and King R A n ch Q re e d jn g . S ta h d ln g ot B u r le y . Id a h o , L iv e lo fllguaran?t8..ftZB:23flt,-----------3 tat k ij le r ho rses , c a ll 54} *803

-StOQtft—»H>I f ■ ■» ».4«W~sadd le , c<Ul 334.4035.


lp g a lV ( i> ( .. . ..........(A Q H A ) I .C .H .A . B e g in n e rs

'SoT liiV r CM m iilPnifW ilV*"'’A p p « lo d } |i . P o k .v r ' - w im p v

Ooars, A^chlo M fllone. 7 north U wesi 01 Je fo m c . 334 S0B3

6 and 6 week o ld w caner p ig s , lor

« J Pbtin A Rm c Ii SupiilUi

~^ 9~ ^ lion . D a lcv Cool bu lk la n k , (\ew comp’ressor with 5 year

400 g a llo n s a lfu o n t a ln e d m l|k keeper bulk t a n k .T y e a r s o ld , ca ll 06730)0 or U«i7743.

O W A TO N N A iw a lh a r s , p a r ts . la lM id a a ry lc t . M o lynaux M a ch ln a ry .

o ile r . 733't33«.

FO R S A L^ n W f*»M ^ -'^ « > m e rs !>>;“ ' -W -W o ^ lfra e lo frm to ^ tap o W W ., 3 itoint h itc h .. V e ry good c o n d itio n ./ M io n a .7 3 ia )» i. , .

.-I9A^ IH t'Oi. w id e lro n t . :? B } d if lie l. .■ front eftd lo Bder, p h o w 7 3 4 .j3 n

- Ja c m e d .l» in c B _ lS i9 — evenings.

\ C A S E 300 chopper - com and

ip ra a d ars Calt-S36-33S9..

F O R 'R E N T H o rso n rtStijrc K lm tv r lv _ B o a d ..c i lv _ w iU - H a n d lc , .w w c fa l/ _

. . . V 'f4 3 6 IS j

4 RO W AC corn or bean pl«^'P‘'f .H i lJ i .o n .h c f lu y ..b a r 3 point hftch w lth "^ o t\n - D eoro a y om OHc

o n ra lin n l.co nd itio n . S36

shower,' w ash ba&m. fa n g c and t-h<Hidr:refFloer-aior£=JOrniinf,:_lK *“

w a te r h e a te r , hydrno ltc- taeka L ik e now . W ill s a c r i f ic e lo r quick*

- « i t e r T3a 4W0:- ' - - — ‘ ---------

F O R D IN D U S T H IA L tracto r w ith In dustria l loader and blnpp. Good condition. 734.^871. . _

) N EW H O L LA N D Model 1044 soil pro f i l e d h 'aysta cker. Phone 334

<7 P « i t u r « t F o r R « fit

I I A C R ES o f w o ir (c h c c d Ir r ld a lt d . p asture for rent. Lo catio n 3 m iles south and 4. n iU js w est o( E n s i 5 points. 733 3006

W A N T E D P a s lu r o for 60 y e a rlin g s . A K o 1973 Ponhac lor malp . S36?15fl"-----------------------------

P a stu re WAHlcd tor 10 ht-a<l >(ock

:Club »4'342Ar- ---

3 .0 A Y ___ O flQ U N n ____S u h n A L

"M H O R S e e le c tr ic s ta rU -U '-b o a l- I And tra ile r iS50 ,-f34 5 I6 J ‘

......... bods, c a r jo e io d .'V a ry 000(1c o h d llld h .'C a ll 7^-3810 or 4 ^ S ..

A R R O W H E A D . '1 6 '. e n c o llo n l condition , gas sto ve ,. oMen. w ater t«f\U'.' t in V . -icvD flx r iparo^-ibhaet.' butane ta n k s , 733 38)^

'1969 T R A V E L Q U E E N C am per

SineW A lT iE s T J T o A A A P E R ifA llo r 8 * 13. UOO. 334 8017. ,

- “ S F O R T .K IN GO riQ inotor o( p ickup cam p ers . w h a fe you dot m ore Ip r l«t&».

= M A D R O N ^ ^ W P E f t ' ? .& T R A IL E R S A L E S

A d m lro i'i A m o rlean

M otor

^ 7 3 " S W t N G E R ” m o to rh o m es a re G R E A T E R TH A N E V E R I Y o u 'll a g ro « w iie n 'y o u o e l yoor f re e d ftm o n tt ra f lo n ' f r 6 m ~

m O .M Q N D A -T rn -t 9 0 -w .lh ilC .c k i£ h an o e^ *f*cH le fil shApe See- at-


F O R S A L d ’1 3 l'j’?ool Ooal. motor « id t r a i le r 733 3537 or 734 3405

a t il t f rn llo r . *t.300 . 733.36W.

r^ a ie :~ ro p "co n d ittD n — » 3 'J u u U r a l lc r n—m33»7»-

rrSotors, See ihdTii a t OUD A N D M A R K 'S yo ur. ' J ^ ln r u d e - and

ifl^V^CO-ttOAt&JU4D - . . . . M O T O R S ■ T A R C R A F T BO A TS

_ .« H M A N T R A C K S T E R 'J E R O M E IM P U E M E N T

■ .M A M N A JO M E . ID A H O

.tou,i»anl iWGIotli n Itiol.‘Cow »' P'>J /

F O O Z B A LL t a b l e s '^ Poof^TO- — -*i**U6Pi«».- hof™.- Bnti c o m m crc ia l m odels Pool tables

■ recoverad . Te rm s avo il«t)le S ieve- Hanes', 733 7»4» --------------------------

B R U N S W IC K , Dull.> <ti«(t'>0«1mo pool ta b le s , nvw o(id used Accesso ries. Sa Ius .tnd .Sorvicu . Jam es C la rk . 7 i3 5*0l .i f te r / .j 00 and wi^KTTTtir'

BR O W N IN G au to m a ti. . . . w ith r ib s ig h ll . 13o«uO fiH 5 0

rtan“ ifUTOTttiific snot3 P C .» li0 ._________ 3un-WMiy*

tl.SO a box. and one SO/pound Bvnr

oavgr-M?mlnmari*'WUlOTMllf Qun w ith a qu ick po ln lscopc SOboKcsof t3oaugfTWCffTJUT

D ow.-call 714 4637

TizrzmziiiSWInO-CQUlpmifit;H A R T C U T L A S S S k i s N e v ld a

-b indings and Lan g boots 733a933 •IIJO o r best o l t v . '.

I9 7 3 .5 K ID OO 340' T N T . 143 m iles . "» loogKI naw iwO mOrtlhs ago . MOO

3 4S 5U - -----------


1966-ftAHCHO E l R a y 15'-i toot cam p er irallor^ dual la h k s , s tove , ice box , ]0 't )a ilo n w a ter lanK . sleeps 4 co m lo rta b ly , im m acu la te , m usf se ll -USO. S36 3906.

MOTOR CO.Rocrootional Vohiclo i"

Avonuo Souili

FEATDRTNG^Air Sfroom.Traylors Argosy Troilors (Owned by Air-Slroofn) “

V.' Rood Ronqor Tf^gilors^ _ “ • C o it^ T iirST trW h o o f^


(Owned by CHompion),Cloud Ninp.&ickuE____ !

=PonrirwwiifcSafy»f»-To_,<___modolb 6 3r ^bl^TroIfor’".Soo d^CoU-Tofr'yJPmrco^

Phon®-733.6fll 1Open 0 a m • « p.m''Wook'Soys

ExCopI Soturdoys . . “12 Noon lo 5 p.mT'Sundoyi

T O R ER T- R S € R E ;^ f l© N A Ir-

j - A t K ^ S f R V ) 0

P A k W ^ S ' U P P U E Sj« 17 Addi»on_Ay.«.,W.^____M a S l

AutoStrvlciTT - P a i i t i . A c c « t t e r i t »

S H O P EQUlf>AAENTAulon:^obilQ hoTlt

W alkor & io 3 r1 ^ lr Capacity 7500 lbs. $]50 Iwtit hoisti l*«o»y — dutyi hydroulic tilt. '. . 1500 W9Hinoliou»^com prossor f h p .• Inoer»ol-Rqf>d



1221LV B m c lW ' ,-1— Mntiborvr-l 5 0 ;m o d a i^ ^ _ .

QOS iiro d ilo a m c lo o no i . $400 Doar F ra m e A hgnm onim oohln»-hydroutlc~ -“ ------—

h o l s l , ------• . • r S 3 0 0 -

1 9 6 3 -P O R D M o to r , 3 4 0 ' V B , - au to m atic com pieta ly robull^ lo r 1300. C all-334-fll97 .-- . ----------

Q U A D R A j E T mnfiiioiO'^tfr'^X^

: r r i 7 -u itaa l d

D O N 'T G E T C A U G H T

Cycl«»A Suppllfi

w ith side by side sp ro cke ts , tooth, o ther s c ra m b le r, and new

x c a r t ire . E x c e lle n l «.ondilion. T»hone 733 7793 Q r..accat^ 1Bt6 San

H O n P A — C-Lp 9 5 0 -

p erfect. 13SO.OO 735 0550

W O H O N D A S L ‘ lOO. excellent a> ndiflon .t395 . C a i ia l ic r 6 30p^.m. 334 1314.

D tR T B IK t ,3 S 0 c c , G re c y c s . i good. U 7S 734 3746.

ii r e O t3 5 73J 3403.

1970 S u iu k n X fl H u s t le r , 750CC. - M eta llic b lue, chrom u lend ur, 3.300- m iles , e xcc lico t condition , c a ll 734 3003 ■ •

'W r x z - m o io r c y c io , sh a rp . Akron 713 0430 n fItT 5

1969 H O N D A , 350 C C , C L

5CCC P p flp ricn OOBcat M in i T rn t i, " iju 'ed hcinfl c iu ic ii . fuco llfrS i condition , S150 00 , 733 8640

.F ^ a _ iA L E _ J « 7 0 - Y a m a l ia .- m x c — En d u ro . t3 iO w ith toric-pipe 543- 4327. a lte r 7 .30 . .

~197^7&0-Kawai«ki,. low-j}iil<.‘Age and e x tra c a rry in g racj^s C^lt 433 5336 a t lc r 6 p j n . . . - ~ J f

FO R S A L E- * sp cco ^ a iri .......................

Appcardnce and perlo rm nnce H undreds o i d o lla rs Ip e x t ra s . . »7S».00 or best o lfc r Sec H olhs at B rooks W cid inu <n KVtchum or ca ll 736 3155.

U t il it y T f» U # r |^

H « a vy Eq u lp m tn f

- i(h - V A » 0 -e0 0 R - *n d d u m p -tr# iie rr-jtrtff'TJu lic l i l t , c a ll 374 O T3 before

B 00 a m or. after 6 00 p.

• F O R s a l e ; C ru sh e r cqu ipm 6nt^ = ~ o 0 C a is . No c iU ti a lic r 0 p .m - 436 . 6009.

C yllhder, good rub b er. ^ speed. »139S,73> 1373. • ......... ;•

1966 D O D G E '/i ton p ick up , 31« V 8^4 sneed, Qood condUlon, calip^3

laal d r iv o p ick up.' c a ll 433^ 923* . . . . . . . . . .

WliO '/ jfo n Fiird /p icK up . Exce lle n t

- fe v e le rs .O n e o w h e f ,43035 . 733 S39J

1B6S IN lE R N A t lO N A L 4 i$ - V 4 . . . i - speed, positivQ , t ra c k , S136. Ca|l M U l2 tU :-------------------------

F O R S A L E OR T R A D E ' 1973 Fortj F 350^4ton Power s lc flr ln g , power' b rakes, a u lo m a llc trAnsm isslon,^


:E Q £ l _ S A L E ._ O S : ; l f iA D E . .O ickup-w lih-c

1967 H O R D , 353 V 8, ' i ton , CUSlom cab w ith or w iljiout 36" h ig h caper she lves . H eavy duty au to m atic Ira n s^ is s io n . C ra n k Caso Cooler. Good condition <ind ve ry c lean .

•1973 . F O R D . ^ .Io n » p ic k u p , Ex p lo re r C am per, sp c c ia l, power

-- - ■ ---------- - a lw m l i roood cond ition , 433-5034 onytim o.

FO R S A L E 1967 GM C H andy V an . recent engine over hdul 035 5310 In su lated . pAneled*

GOOD 1965 ' } Ion G M C three ■ipeed. >500 433 5316

J E L L O R T R A D E 1963 Fo rd truck -C - ?0 0 - tHte-cab.-1fl‘ l iv e s to e k jje d ,-

ic t f JTrrgtRff luw .i iil lp s g e i

C«ll 334-;i76«,j;,

1964 S C O U T , 4 X top condit •H ,J00 . 1951 ton Fo rd , V 'ftrru n s ■•oodd"ll00'3j4'j3o9' ‘ ' ---1V67 F P R IT n ic k t i f t fSpp.':-77TS7I!ll

‘ f o r S A L E 1963 Che ve ry 4500

FO R S A L E tool.bo* lor w ioe box ■picvup F f lc t * i- ,- b o lll -.III m eta l.

li r e s r re c e n l cngme over hflul 025

—t0600 iovf0 lo i-p ic ltup-anocam por— VCT5, c a ll 734 3395

L l9 J3C H EV Y-!- .L Jiin 4.JL<.short txix w ith cab hiQK she ll Power s ie i- r ln g . po w er p ra K o s .' a n a

A u tO l P p r S i l »


John P iie ro '760 Scropor $10 otJo

IjQ h n -6 o c {ft—5010~5cropof r r r r o o o -

— C a 'rrb o 'in B n 'o t-

-ELLIOTT'S1 I 1 O verlan d A ye

H urle y Idohoi7 0 .5 5 U 5 ,

•* Glon Jonklns Motor 317 Woln West Falls . 733-8726

B O B H O U STO NS a les Repifosantptive

Hnrrie Thuno 73^ 1490

W IL L S M O IC n r^ c r e a t 1 o n ^ l ^ / e h i c | e r 6 e n t e r -

O O ECO bodliw.' b t j s , g ra ln ^ c«Ul8.

i i Ie v ^ ’j i S r o i S n S ^ i T i

1967 EO R D R anchern , t lim iia rd 1 transm iss io n , good condition. CAII 733 7646.

-1973 C H E W C U lto n r* / llo n ,- 350 VU)- • a u lo m a lic power ^sioorjno,. - d isc :

19S7 C H E V R O L E r P t C K U P w llh i 1966 B ig 6 En g in e . Short n a rrow box, -new t ie r s , 'n e w p a in t / n l ’w In te rio r, and a home m ade woddco co ver. C ail733 M 69even lno so r - - -

1959 C H E V R O IE T - * C C ,- 3 ton tru ck w ith 3 f dump bedr w«tM w«ft-

“ h0lstT-*t;8?57-c*lt-f3>66>l-0f^ 33-8^?l.fl!»er_5;00p_

.D o d o e 'T ro ck speed VB engine. 3 new l i r o y *350. Slide in cab high cam per shell. $100. 733 9649.

Keith W ilk in s , 934 4016

1971 V O L K S W A G E N Squarobdck. AM FM , M icho lins, T l.900 , 733 6393.

.1969 F IA T D U N E Q U G G lE r c o a ira - f . .i l i . .U L A

■ 1968 F ih l, J74 Sp yd rr to n verlib ie , exce llen l condition, d .irk yn.'t-n.

W E S T E R N 16 fool leed t>ox. Side and rear conveyor High sides for s ilag e and chopped hay Phone 934 5143. _ _ ■' ■ _

^,ELtOW_177l_Volh5W .iafn._:AM —PM —radio,'TMich'eilnsr cxcoilcnt

condition'arid gas miloogc 733

M U ST t C L L ---- THTs^ wuok, 1968Volkswagen^bug. 1500 engine, low m ile a g e , ru n s good, I 'x C f llv n t

-C0iulUipri ?3ji2iL ycninjt,O..-___. oood

1965 , V O Li< S ‘W A G E N

H alt! selling .but novu p ii .k u (i N icest 196T M usi.in ij cn M ayir V a lle y . M any e x ira s . muSI soe, ca ll 336 4419,-even ings.

DATSUNrROM NISSAN WITKPI^IDE . .. Bvof-Jn/Jofion A f . . .

W h ee l D r iv t t

l-C ST .o ve rv th in g bul •^ 9.000r1hiles, extra Sharp,

1969 P O R D BR O N CO . 12300. 'o n d ltlq n o f f ' '

Sun V a lla y .

.l973.nord-Bronco .-sports p^tckage. -hcV7 -rnd l6 t-- '-firps ^ t n t t luggage ra ck .’ 13,000 m iles. *3,500 Calt-wn^OO' r -

“ Ita licAP ILLftC~rtPCTwnptt. --v,.. p o w e r, n e w u n h o ls ie ry . good

*373;536-----■toWdition,*373;5b6 7303or 536^774

FO R S A L E 1965 C hovoile, now . t ire s , |) r a k c ^ in te rio r, scy; a l Olue Lakes Am erican or M ill 733-9JJ45,.

1964 D U IC K R IV E j l^ e x t r .a c le a n .

M UST S E L L 1973 M ontegp .M X. 4 door h a rd J o w m ile a g e ,

1971 F O R D T O R IN O 500, V O , a u to m a tic t r a n s m is s io n , pow er steering, a ir conditioning. 7 door hardtop C a ll 733 *471 or 733 5375

■Ijm pcLfiX>.Acc| .JgW ,

1971 B U IC K E s ta te Wagon - V.uium ----- ■ --- -M ain.

-IJfiB—Rcirrh iC—.S la lio n - .W d g o i/ .

rn 7 T C S r"^ v u rla . M iche liD *. . good condition, power slee rlng . se a ls , and hrokes. 1600- 711.*’“ ^'

1967 C H E V R O L E T CapriCe, OIT. V p .' BotomaTir—Transm iis io n— tu ir - (Xjwcr. good condition .$750 433 5546

"■ l^TO CH EVELLI^ M A L IB U ‘307 V8 a u io m a tic ird n in n s s io n . 12D0

-uolow liook. 7)1 0033

MUST b E l .L 197? Monlego M X , » door tiA rd lop , low m ile a g e ,

_^ c r ..U u t_-C a lL -U p U fl------------

1963 M E R C U H Y ,‘^ t e g o 390 V 8,- 3 SPCL‘0 . *175. runs oood, 67a 3774

Autei FerS Jilt-

FO R” 5 A r r ^ o d T m J S F T l o u r i n g ~ orig ina l conoition. $3,400. Phone 543 4113, , ; _____

I96S Pon liac C A T A L IN A wi'tV .Mr'

FO R S A L E 1958 R jm b le r , $75 00 m echanical Mork re c e n lly . 3 ndw

■ t lre s r r im s good *1?5 734 5496.-

1-e-SPEED-i l g ¥ g i i



T h is T Q ^ l JA ios-M o clo .

Bike Along With Our 1973-Golden Bronze Coupe__ ____ - , ,)uitl-Rof—TJioiu»n--MotCM=6T—YowM^-Speetl-Btk-'W a3S^W RBr!BB3flmeLC)uallTy u j STeel-As Your Nfew CdmofT______ 3^.,V.................. .................................... , , ,5Sin3^pf.£oui:«e^ho SomB-Color-rJu^4o MalchI---- _(Of Course, i f . Thoro A re Somo W ho W ould Profor Anolhor Colnr W o H q v d

4ov©fal-A<rai}abia"tncludW^Coral. Rod wliiTjWatcliing 10 Speed.' Sultono W liito --- .......................... •■ ‘chin ---------------------With' I

Moijib.), Sunbur'^~Yb1lo'w w ith 'M a lcn in g 10 Spood. Plus Many

-/4973-ftA6R€yR-V^__________ j j ‘»>!-Mounii;iMtnnviii>tii-.,. ___ - • • ~ I . n l iio iia l t>« l» » »('»

It Soalt too*. Nylon MoUhing Nyjoii lOJ Inch WhuultiOkO llin niul [lOwOlul <> cylinil luU ol ()oj)T7uT’u»tulliiil I

' f'ndtlnci Outh S yis<

Sjtorly 5lyliiig For. Iliu Ndm C im rrn lo ch cor oqiii|<(>0<l wnli ilt <iw» dm skipos '

rrx ifi?n rrAftVu'droirMoJo Tliii i,ijT7T7iir~ fHLL D ll Choridui lo t l4.i<Mo llu>»o hoouiiut *

q L - j S.

Page 23:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

■ •-priyot«Pdrty ClaiUfiid®v(irti^«ri_^" \ -,- — <Hh-:

tiHj^ai 7 0 ' P«r IfiMrtlon ( '3 lln.Bj — IQ Doys' in floij»K, RwptM^ Ofcio', PQui;o( NorlontJ,-"-' ’ ^ T p r i r ”•MJ6 ?53Jt ,n W#nd«l|, GooiJino. Hogt'm on o t.J»(om t, 3^6 5375

_.'thHv.ii,vif,,Roflmorv^o. Jockpbl. N ivado -. -•-v...'- :

PAirtoi V«r S«lt U A llte l P o r S a l* , .14.

railback-.M uilano.- .... ..309.j-ipood.-ooo0-can(ii»ion. botl-

oHpf, cnl| 543 6l5i.- IigTuMDAkZT-aoor-hardtop. air,

la lTa r .......................

" T W m e r CU RY Monlerc “ Ooodconclltton-.7333517

L-y, Vocy- 734 340l

- __ and U^lntrowi, winyJ—p,~mnirly nevt/ ijros Anci,(nany Jcasi-jtxtrfl flood^acmioni-Dy.vncr; l4 3 5 M 0 5 4 9 y ~ ~

o u lC K — »nviiiRA7-iffflnpn- ooodconoitlon ?34,fi?fl |Or 733 9750'

— --1989-Vo2ksw.ioch for’ iS i y f 734 S396 ’.. POfl S A L E 1965 Chevcl

lirc&. UratuiL. inlonor., buu dt Uluu- -----L-wkr9^Amwi^fT^bnrcaHe73a^H45rf

'l« r ~ P ir V W 0 D 7 T I‘-anrrncnidfl, 2 .; door .'hnnHop. fl OOOrt ac Io^ ^ ,oconomlCAl tirtit ■ in vt’r.yi oooa. fondHlon. m S- 8623^5..

-1948 CA D ILLA C 'SPO nrt flPVIllo;-

futol For'siliix;; ___Dpdoc - C h iJta cL ,___

condilioo. low o>i)Oi*q«*. itK.lua*fc^ r • uiow ttrcy CiUI'334 504D..

.. JV4S POfg T ti'nlpoirr'mi^T \Mii!i‘l5'.inrt l.ipt dcck. d l l 734

J W O “ CI "C rtm ino ;050_V/ power -i.Toor>no7- jibwucl.^- Ij'rflKCO.V

i^f.Cllont conUUic

•^9M vF0RD w .v jb n . 390 Cru

ilv ;j_U LU S - C U T - L R S b b, &, UUU origindl m iles. Exco llon I

.condition. W ill consider aoo(f -- ‘ «or-<>Quitr:->3H0ABtfflyior 734—

A Altor- 5.- A ik lar.M^rlfln.

1971 itiF^AtrXTVoor li^ornT)- air.iwof lea li-flnd windows, vinyl I, nvfli’ ly nww Mros. and manv^

\m- F-3RD._SdU'M‘- .‘‘PQ- - - TcaUrrcs 'Full powrr inw iftilc>iui-'< JDO njoior; - E*cirllL-nt conUitiot* C.>ll 7 lTqs\4 .»1trr.^_n<ClQCK

ir»(»n>.f^CU‘iin 73.1 m oj—

CJUTI rsr.iiK iirw aT im r'

-i»tti'ii(piAi«-973i l,f>rfv-W

r r , , p 7 5 5 P u v m o u n i . iM rr .aaH U ,rully.cQuipL'd.witli.AC.-Vinyl loi

_£ K ii!lP n !_co n iJi jicn lX ;'!C i- ‘.3i?i! c lean .. 326 46flQ aU i'f 6. P^iPj. f??,.. . . L , . .lOm Impntff'rTtoor,'ixcerftl6fW»llv - •

- 'fiMer 6;00. 733-9JD3. ..................-

^ T n n n r s E H n s im a r n s a in :R36 75n& . ■ I

'j9iS~t5^iiir\7;yT, clVromt-'wl»ouU, compiDtpl'^pTmCTPCTrrnrppn’t r rm o —

n o onoinn.-Blpri'n'p?i 5t(H nflcr • p.ip. ................ ......... J- ■ .

r—»rmton:;vni—‘llcnl condition. AI^q .

7VJ3 .S rv= S"^permUnlfdTT

^ - .JT IA C Fireb ird. 350 H L. 4 ip o « r E?(cellont conditjon. t1,595 7flO Maurlco.

I9 7 JG R A N D V IU LE Pontiac FuHv |USI ofl warj-.flnly. H59S

■E i 2 i . i aoc.i-d.-

blevrinQ, power windows r.idio. vt-ry low milf.iQiMQrtll a(U‘( 6 '00 p n i 734 ?OSA ''

-♦0*4— • • R A M H LE»1 , «odO tran^|)or1.ition. tl7S ?34 3/H?. .iH fr 6 |J Ml

oooti condition. c.iil_;34-2‘Ma......

rF o r*^ n t" iV i7 ‘P6nTSu.‘t r rD :“wruP" -nntynna, - s rp rro -^ ys trm ; d u e -bnrtn>i,, 400 cuhif men iin|inc wiiti 365 hor.M? power Ai> is J/50-or ta'sl otter Cnil 733 73Bfl fo-'A-e

•196> WUl^L'UWV ' 4 " ffW7.~~pBWf 'c v fy y ll i i iu i. I.M 'o rv ^^r, l.ip r

4.30 Photli^/34 3 jl4 3 __

'-'1960 Oodcif c/irt/GI'. l-iiclory .'i t

1965 n O lC K :lr<t, tjood , tattor .li^.

. ' ? ” •.f?OTAR¥_’ . u f l a ..Wfluoiu.'.. a i id in t ' pav't>»ouiv. ...U67 332a_ lxM>vfi-n II citid J . aih- .lor Mr

-Cmvihorn. O.ikl'cv . ' ,

W64 O L O ^ r US St.ltic



- M i f s r t m r r

i w

CALL= z a a = fia a a

- A W e m r u i i—• FOli-. S A U t _____________ . . —tontiitl«(i', -WW—F-ord--eounlry^ StHlnn. 9 pASSomicr. laclory ai 390-V tf,engine »7M. 734 4940.

»9M CaprJ.IAOg CC car, »300(J. SirriT) nnd.?pi’ilKDr57rSr'733 7785

19AV t'O Nt lACT'LeVi.ins F’owi'r,.a lm u n u — uuMxt— b u ii - -

lilJ0i^u-itcr.cQ .An5t

Cj VRT, qO{/d condllion.


_ S i g C E N C I h l E B U T D O N ^ T

WA«fr:TOJU.y_A-N£W-IRUCft?_Save tiinoT jnonoy aad.prpbloms-wilh-o-brancTTi(i>v 350 ocigino,

R.-[ilq'Cf% niovl 31)3 307 3?7 Of l< to iik ilio li himdv.-»l?loiVa.~.cam>lion..bc6tinqs! lo j i. |irU'«v liming

i | i ' i in a cfi'uliV.'iiTOnifold^ ir*u>ui |>u"<v i->-- y — - -ciis ln h u lo i o il pum p piston p in s ond ovoit iho *pn«l* p lu g i'

— r-— ^EfH^OOrOOAfl/ORT+H-OrJ’JUUSJUUDW E rv. ~ O N P DAY SERVjCE . . . READY TO G O l !

*785 ExchongeIns1al(6'd . , . Including Lobor .'

Coll George f o r y o b r a j p p b i n i m e n l a t

TWIN FALLS T T m r r r

lu ll wFiool covof s londuf 'sk itU rnrlio g lo w bo lltid w h itu w a ll t iiu s 3 lonc> poinl

. List S41J0.90 .. SALE PRICE

*3 4 0 4 ?’

»ion p o w fr sU io rin g , po^ur b ra k e s , t in lo d Qldss. b o dy iid u m o u ld in g s , , .f l lo s s b u lfo d

'"w h tlp w q ll-tirp » , fo tjio 3 tong’ point

19 7 3 g l l b s B E L T T T ^ "

197-1 T o y o t a Cdtto7 f : , - v ; v r r i $ 2 3 9 5

- T 9 - 7 0 ^ P ly n T O U th - B a 4 c p iE ;T - r T T :$ T :9 9 :

usOal ilrippdd' down^rnifiditrtoairai lWt'^ leoturesi AM rad|o, foclory" oir conditionino. outomolic 'tfomTnUiion, power ttecfing, power dUc brokev,

l«r^ib«i'(|lc(«»-boltad-whitawaUJ|[cl^(lfiluxB!-W.I100LcQrj{U ,J_____ ^....—,_____JloUi-thrU-MHn«itntinn ri^nr_Hghtnr^nii4^pemted-hood—

' 1 0 7 0 A-aAY' ' * t0 1 Q n ■ IdcL Jiydraulic front biimpor .iy$tom,..duqj front-JoaL hqad roitrointj. sootI V / / A A /\ L . V j r c r n i I n a . . . . ■ 3 )^ t O U — r '-T-belti.'front ond reor, rocqr-ponel»oncj• whoel opening mouldinQ^. chro

T 7 _ 7 J V o lk?-r .....''2 1 9 5

1 9 6 7 P ly . .......................... .....op . 'M 0 9 5

rl:9 -7 Q ~ C trevra ie f Inipulu. 2 iluQi hai^lQp

1 ,96 8 P o r^ lotiiioFoitbdtk,moowticcii $ 1 4 9 5

_ 1 9 6 7 X h e v r 6 le T ImpolJ. t i l l u tlaa ii. .. — 1 1 2 .9 5

_V9<J5"Ch^evrolet Novii SiKHI Co i^r $ 4 9 5

11^63 F o rd f olton, 4 doQi. 4 tpned . . . , . .$ 5 9 5 ,

occepted-pedQli.-Jird'dim-wmdihiBlci.-r6diQ-ontenTwrr^qKC--He<VinQ .whocL--- ..: .ond lots iofi moro^ Seo'this today and you'll'"oorfie il!t just'Whdr you're looking for, the kind of cor you'll enjoy'being seen in and all the equipment Io 4i\ako driving o-pleaiuro.

- f'. Pivm oufh

7 T 2 /5^ o i n

j X)ICK7— OPEL — AMERrCAN_MOTORS■■'Whi^reGom^ ; 733-872 V

Page 24:  -'.VI - ,.,i- . . --LaX I te= ii^Tnsi^Ufl ^ ;-fc m iMnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF..."smd-lt iunioi atnu?f?iFfjrriir*r"a"rirotilmml"~M^onnr pyDAiVrOHORSMAN

Staters to C h ie f n a u n iE id l i x o i i 4 c o n t r

- ■ JSU&MIi —-TIU'ie--J8i'oiftc---(Muncn, n6U(fljJjipi!r-:flti f/t::driJl-;--:— =]mflSrTItlr1r^iniltim'l-^rl»TTTH«,nrr-«nnu«u4ja — - ttt—“ StotC“JUnc 17-M «( NortliwiMl club, ■ : - ^ — . ;;------

NMnrcno CnllcBo, Nompn. i : Slio Is n mouibcribt Ihc. pcp

• TWIN F A U il;Hrel r Trce7liT<«RB oraMTrlMcb.lrtn ot Uie Uobo nulon 3 laW Enj(|r«jiiciil ,■•>

Jl.Plii|iiilng CominlHlon.^ . ■...... , -_.iianiclt’* ele^ion by ^omnilJiIoii racmteri

wji» niinounpcil' lodoy Tiy Front* FInlnyion, c<coutlvc o»lcelr.iiI the /«(iiml«iloii.

s t a b i t e z a i i o i i r a ^

--WASHINGTON— ^UP )-• - --- «^w«l-to-fl!gn4hoHw>folN»noo^mortf In business . to justify ncpubllcnng dropped their op- cfimmitttferoporlond vowed to / price -increaMs on * mnjbr.

. . . , : \ :>> -... : •

parts oTOie'countryv - - . —The bin makos c\ear that

Ti»nr~AW U c ScTOfej^K'^riTiii3iP~PhnrlHtcr nt^th^lips------- ..altcpnt tM* ----

• MUs-iju owmon ’ Ibc. ■ '. " MissANowmnn Is-. IDC, ( siie.'pTnn?‘To'Tnicn(rt(lc]tr* -r.rdau'8lrtcSL-Mr.j;unUiMn!=. -\ i^ (k iIO n d Jan Jo r Jn ,n!n U h____

literature, • -V-.. ; .Alifl&^Wallln ift.tliu-anuKhter-^-

M i!hnlrnion-tucceedlng lorm«r prosccutoi^ In BanncvlUe Countvi Seward“ raiiflli____________ ' f;'_—!____________■ ■ ■ _________ li.

'itFOrfltTflMdaho stole UinvciiUy, in outgofng

. nnlnyson naWJthc commUBjon JsTefin

-V. economy wlll'ooutlnuo witlioflt ah amendrtiont to make, public' in-an ejnergency. He couiu interruption! / '_~ 'trip fnTorrnifJJon mafor C ^ ^ dlatrlbulors got

redefined oiJ43.!>0 nn hour\)r lcs5\ instead ;of the presont'


llble .

Thomas Newmfint...^

0 Mr.'and Mcs. JoiuV waiiln.

on law . cnforcemtfnt. ond jnflllcp proRrawfl V -cligiWplorfgdcmHondlng. -

"a move by Serf:*Cllfford Case, However, thQ-Wliite House 1. RtN.J., to send tlie bill bnclc to passed the Word- that: tl)e ■ n confprcnccJcQmmlttca 'with-. coinpromjse bill .wos, occcptn-._^-. • Inslructionfi. to' include'’rent tilcV 'ahd";COr 7oppos5t|bn

—•cbntroljj—In—tlic- final—com*—jivaporated________ —:____:......................... .• ---_;^iij,irlJoir‘

F U N N Y S U S W E S S By fi(Hicr B o l U n .


Silw r ol-ltm «Hulcnl-^lolff-yi!iu'»^-------■ • ' hrii> nnrfirinnfcffin pnrtirlnntctf m dnm)».

..fiocQnd.ranklnft>na'puhlicaT .nn,

ehomn^s^ode lz

i TTTrHitiltrclnimnszonDCCcaaiSOHftr—tli _DQnHinu_(- -T -vOemocratlcJjeadcrMEffMl/na-jJJondoy.Kc^^i^ lonflcr oppOBC(r

itcM*5airmrnnrmcTDmtfTrot- muster the ncccssQry’Outba'.'

Tt\i‘ billwould extend to April 1974. Nlxon’a diacretionnry

powor-to-fix-waBo-and^ lcc-

I (lec)ninntiaar‘>-0'rfrt«rre7ll conlcW^.VipeeCh' iifstival.s, “f ep '*’

I club, Yudofit . council, powder Li;pufhf^tbollT^Hlrlfr Irack-und-;- APSr\------ -----——

enw>loyed -ut—Si.-

the report will i*o (be passed, y” Johnson was one of the

conference committee Republl- -cans-who-icfuflcd-to-appcave__

nepedlct^B IIospital and plana- to utloftd-— Idjiho - iilale*-

liirmfilJ or ,l(kb luchnnlcjuy..Miss nosers Is Ibe (iau«hUir

— of—Mr.. and—MnrrHhjmtitH ■— Rogers, .s>m-iMt'tiv»-in^ob.'a- «*Wtt^>h}ra »n(r ' i« -senior

princess. She will Im) inu{«lle<l , as honoredjuecn of ntilhel l l ' in June.

S)ie is (i tnetnber of pop club-, =rm«N*U«t-el»lMikUlubr.....

. I« )IS Iv i-UiM) - Kendrick \n not a nxxlol kcIkmI diutrict and

ntrolsrTheae powera-^re to— th^wrt^rflmifl^ blllrHp said ot—- “ 0Jn>lr-A-^W==iW iuHhV-jfdSa^4^jhaW lm 0~4lwt-^MiUl-wouId-^

opi^ntlonsin a report .anU-thcrc-WcrcJcnrs thflLnny never ycl ihroiiyh the House, to - .the Jo in t Fln^rite* confirds-iional failure to act However, he, said Monday, “ I

performnnco audit lo mislead n Sjilurday. -l«MifllHtiv<J-TomniiiUeor-J^bUc.

Pluise I I I programs. -Without-

lievcs it' can live with Uie

It is ohu of throo-wlectcd by 'nicN<t price ccHInt; and controls Four majorIn.struction Superintendent D._____________ ___________ ______________ __________________________________________ _F.-KnRclkinR-anid'Mondny---- l5nge!kinfr-fo«-the-commmee— on-hcnlth ,- confstyuctlon-nnd— were-addedio-thrbillT

Lejjislativ'e auditors Rave 'lo atidii: The coynmittcc wants— nther indiLstricff-woi^d hlive— --- ^Tlw-govemment-would-Kendrick District 2J1:j a hiyh a “ repre.sentiilive'’ study of expired until Confjress finally have to make public infornja* f'rade for its educational siilall, mediijm and large arlod, lion stiluiiltled by companies

.proi!rain and itnod inarbi for jtislrit^'^n the Klalo,. * Hcpublicans, originally with $2jo million a year or

- K i:H R Y NICWMAN ; . .'VhoHi'ii

7TAI*,S and the I'resr^yltTUui — lilfllj-ailiooU roulh-KKiup— — .. Miss.UoKerh plans to attend

collef'e andlitudy In the field of education, prefcraby teachinK ^an ish or Knglish.


W h e n e v e r p o s s i b l e , s c h e d u l e y o u r L o n g

. ' D i s t a n c e c a j J s d u r T n g 'o f f - p e a l c - h p u r s : ■

' - - Y o u ' l l a l w a y s g e b t h e ' l Q w e s t r a t e s . A n d .,-

since Loog Distance circuits are less-• - b u s y d u r i n g t h e ! s e ‘ p e r i o d s , y o u r c a l l s w i l l —

^Hei -are-two reasons - easj ._____________ - " „ ......-____________ - - - ___________ O n w e e k n i g h t g . r a t e s - d r o p n a f t^ ^ 5 - E . M . ■to yOUl w e e k e n d s , r a t e s a r e l o w e s t a l l d a y

■ ^ S a t l T r c t a y a n d S U n d a y i 5 n m '5 “ P 7 M : ’"" " ’" ^ T

Long Distanc^^alM T h e r e ' s a l s o a s p e c i a l d i a j - i t - y o u r s e l f

during off^eak hour$■

; . . w ill a ltn u l . . .

o n e - m m u t e r a i e f o r . c a l l s o u t - o f - t t T e ’^ l S T E "

b e t w e e n 1 1 - P . M . ' a n d 6 ' A r M , ^

-4jI youi:COmmj-inily eteaan't.h.av. Direci-Diai ''f ac 11111 es. ■vQt te-Vl he-aaffie-tew -1-51 e-lo r-




L in d a M e ii y,

I —ovcr^v^inlllion hgrKo^in^e.----- United-Statejr-i^m—aun^ i’s—

. been’ decades sinpc 'any

everv b»ck-yord.*‘ but...thntX~— where most Dnhose seven

-h-— mntlllul liuraL’s ii tpr:— -------. J. : l-Most .arc pleaaure-aiilnials,

pets, friends of the family rather than ranch, .^rkcrs. 'Hieir owners m ^ not have had mTfch' contact with IhrBC * animals and, a. a result, cjon't,'

• roallte some .' of thC“ “maintenance requirements—

■ for horses.Since\ii'y pracUco is limlt^l

-beeolnes-irifeete<L-wj producing bacterium ver^ common in the soil. The disease is hiRhly fatal and all tog common, butyiih viBOCOua

itnrcnt somc^horscs recover. • /•■'

Influen'/a i a dl&ease charaCterized-TDy a chronic, harsh cough which persists for up-tffsix-wecwmnsTii itself is rarely fataffbut'can tpndtT3“pn«mmonln7 ~IitfitciiijiCTi“ w strahgles fls the ranchers cal\ iU is usuftlly characterized by swellings

■--- J^toi urtiTmlii«o-latger--thnTrtt^) officc door; I asked a large---Hmifnnl'PrftctUioner-wh<H»-fr

meml^er of-the American— Associa110n" " 'fo'r Equlhe

Practitioners to outline.health'V nccdg.Qf.i tiorac.r __

•'imrterthc'jnw; these swclllnRS usually'rupture and -a thickwhile pus dlBchArKe9:froitH})er=rKipcnlngoi________ —

Horsoa-.UHually recover but severe cases cun and 'do.end—

Here are his answers; ' \ Question: Whgt vaccinations

■'does a horse need?-Aiswer: Tliere are seven

'fatally.Viral rhinopneumoniriu is

most'important hs n cause of miscarriage,' and has a geographic limitation

nruijor e(]ulne (horse) diseases niCstly in -thr-ei we immunize'against; eastern States.

W e a t e r n^-C ,q u I p e r'<iventoriv oqulnc encepiinlom

Immunized against brain fevercomplex'Ynd tetamis,* this

yelltips, Venezuelan equinfr ' should be (Ione^ J[orc.you buy. - oncb'i^alcmyoliUofl/-. tetanusr—hlmpno-mor^mouthfutof l}'ay> -fUttiftWftiUnfluonia^d-yiial '

-------- “ rhlnopnernnonBiesr -, ■ .. The three encepHalllldes,., and without', protection," the, ;z:;i;r.:..i..,.,...oopumnlyrodtod-t)roln4ovorr--olwno&of4o^nl|-your-«nimalld* r„r -n-.-Ti!7-«T«^rnljtlm!inirmiTM;illtnl^^ _________

by 6)ood*flucklng fn&ccls'. Distemper-and-Influenza,— Tiujjiimof-au^hrtc prtusuallyr-^hllc not u*tially“ kiUcrsr-*Po —

' * daath or permanont mental 'sufficiently povere to cause tlie ' ' derangement. strapping of plans for'a trail

----V--- 0<jca8loni»lly «n animal, can • ride oc'horso nhbw-you haverecover unovont/ully and fully, dreamed of all winter. • 1

mh- iAnlflcinee uiually-ut up-ln a:-fl4 oa.-llio

n ^ r^ n tra c tU ift— In itia l-yearr th^n annuaV ‘ liaUJPS Iiro roqulrMr-p: