Hawk Hook12/6 This is critical thinking. You will not be graded on your accuracy just that you thought and met the sentence requirement. In at least 3 sentences explain the difference between the terms: ethnicity, race, and nationality.

This is critical thinking. You will not be graded on your accuracy just that you thought and met the sentence requirement. In at least 3 sentences

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Hawk Hook12/6

This is critical thinking. You will not be graded on your accuracy just that you thought and met the sentence requirement.

In at least 3 sentences explain the difference between the terms: ethnicity, race, and nationality.

Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalities


Vocab Ethnicity: Ethnicity: a group of people who

share cultural traditions of a particular homeland Immune to globalization Don’t seek world dominance just

local control Ethnocentrism: belief that your

ethnicity is supreme and others are judged according to its rules


Clustering Within a Country

2 scales of clustering Regional Local: neighborhoods

Regional Concentrations

Hispanic-Americans: South West, South Florida Latin American immigration

Regional Concentrations Asian American

West Coast (California) Immigration during 19th century for

railroad construction, gold, etc

Regional Concentrations

Native Americans South West and Plains due to forced

migration onto reservations

Critical thinking question

Why does it make sense that that Asian American’s would be clustered on the West Coast and Hispanic Americans in the South West?

Concentrations in the Cities

Minorities clustered in cities Ex. Detroit 85%

African American, 7% of Michigan African American

Ethnic Enclaves (Enclave: territory

completed surrounded by another territory)

Clustered ethnic groups surrounded by other groups

African Americans Concentrated in South

3 major Migration patterns1. Forced Migration from Africa to South

• After freed stayed as Sharecroppers: rented land, equipment, food, and housing paid landowner with large portion of their crop

African Americans

2. Great Migration of 1910’s and 20’s again in 1940’s and 50’s• Machinery replaced sharecroppers• Booming economy in North

Lack of labor due to wars Stimulated war time economy

• Followed distinct routes to cities along major highways

African Americans3. Expanding Ghetto: crammed into

neighborhoods already occupied by a few African Americans• High Densities due to lack of housing

• Overcrowding, insufficient amenities• Expanded to surrounding


Vocab: Race Race: a category of

humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Racism: Belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and that these differences create an inherent superiority of a particular race

Critical thinking question

Looking at the two definitions for Ethnicity and Race.

What is the primary difference between the social labels of “African American” and “Black?”

Your Race Assignment At the end of the documentary “A Question of Race” the

statement is made: “The question is not whether or not you are racist. The question is what are you doing to be anti-racist.”

My challenge, and assignment for you, is to keep a daily journal for the next week. Each day you must do and record 1 thing you did that day to combat racial stereotypes or open the conversation of racism with peers, family, etc. It could be a discussion of the topics you learned in the video, or standing up against a racist comment someone made. It is entirely up to you.

Record the general time, i.e. “Before School, at lunch, 3rd Block, over dinner, at basketball practice” etc.

Write approx. 3 or 4 sentences about the situation. At the end of the week Write a 4 or 5 sentence reflection about what

you learned about this experience. You don’t have to reveal what the assignment it is to anyone…if you don’t want to.

This will be a major assignment grade…and a VERY good way to combat low test grades.

Examining the Ghetto I will assign you a portion of the

Article: “Ghettos: The Changing Consequences of Ethnic Isolation.”

Take 10-15 minutes to individually read this section and write down several key points that you learned.

Move to the location designated for your section and, as a group, place an (*) by the 3 main points of the section and create a 10-20 word summary

Examining the Ghetto With the chairs create 3 circles of 7 chairs

a piece: Move into the following groups Kyle, Shannon A, Roman, Brady, Sarah, Matt

L, Kylie Brandon, Chaz, Courtni, Wilneydi, Matt S,

Audrey, Sam Shannon B, Taylor, Seth, Ashton, Erin, Matt B,


Share yours and copy down the 3 most important points and the summary for each section

Collectively Create a 3 Sentence Main Idea for the article.

Hawk Hook 12/10

In complete sentences, Explain the Ethnic composition of the US in terms of the following scales. Regionally Locally

Power Relationships Those that assume or structurally have

control over others often force people into certain areas or disenfranchise others from leaving their mark on the landscapeEx: Apartheid: The

physical separation of races into geographic areasIn South Africa began to

force 44% of the population (Black) onto 13% of the land called “Homelands”

Illegal today but the effects are left on the cultural landscape – though slowly changing groups still remain clustered in respective “homeland”

Ex: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Murals indicate the neighborhood affiliation to Protestantism or Catholicism

The Rise of Nationalism

Nationalities Vocab Nationality: a group of people who

are legally and culturally attached to a particular country

Define this person’s Nationality, Ethnicity, and Race

Joseph was born in Mali. On a student visa, he attended college at the University of Southern California and after obtaining a job in Los Angeles, he became a US citizen in 2003. He is still a practicing Muslim and is planning his Hajj next year.

Critical Thinking Question

What is the “shared cultural tradition” that makes people apart of the US Nationality?


Nation-State: state whose territory corresponds to the boundaries of an ethnicity Created based on self-

determination: concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves

Transforms ethnicities into nationalities

Fuses ethnic cultural traditions such as language, customs, and religion with political philosophies

Usually not perfect


Nationalism: Loyalty and devotion to a nationality Promotes national

consciousness and one nation above all others

US Freedom of the Press but many Governments use media to promote national beliefs

Cultural Symbolism: flags, songs,

Name Symbols of US nationalism

Multi- Ethnic States

Multi-ethnic state: state that contains multiple ethnicities that all contribute to the formation of one nationality Ex. Belgium (Dutch-speaking

Flemish and French-speaking Walloons)

Multinational State

Multinational states: states with ethnic groups who believe in self-determination but have agreed to coexist by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities Differ in terms of cultural

and historical differences

Former Soviet Union: Largest Multinational State

Split into 15 separate nations: Revival of ethnic identity and nationalism Three Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia,

Lithuania Three European: Belarus, Moldova,

and Ukraine Five Central Asian: Kazakhstan,

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

Three Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia


Russia: Now the largest Multinational State

39 Nationalities: Many want independence Clustered in 2 areas

Along borders of neighboring countries (borders of Azerbaijan and Georgia as well as Mongolia)

Ex: Chechnya : fighting for independence Russia Refuses to set Chechens free as an

example and because of oil interests in the area

Middle of Nation between Volga river basin and Ural Mountains

You do not need to label each region in a different color or label the

different ethnic groups

Chechnya and North Ossetia

The Caucasus Several ethnicities trying to

form independent states or desiring reunification

Greatest fragmentation occurs due to linguistic differences

Irredentism: One state desires to annex (or absorb) another state’s territory because they have common ethnic or historical backgrounds

Azerbaijanis (Azeris) fighting Armenians for Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian ethnic enclave within Azerbaijan)

Georgia fighting South Ossetians who want to be united with North Ossestians in Russia

Nagorno-Karabakh: add region to your map by circling this area and labeling it

Ethnic Clashes

Competition to Dominate

Lebanon Religious Divisions

Estimate: 60% Muslim, 30 % Christian, 10% other (Druze: mix of Muslim and Christianity)

By law, government must represent all religious groups according to 1932 census (last census taken) Christians were majority now Muslims but

not represented accordingly in gov Civil War in 1975: now each religious

faction (ethnic enclave) territorially separated by militias

Capital (Beirut) split in half between Christian East and Muslim West

Hezbollah: Muslim Militant group in charge of Muslim portion of government

Dividing Ethnicities Among More Than One State

Former British Colonies in South Asia split into 3 countries: Pakistan {Muslim}, India {Hindi}, and Bangladesh {Muslim} Loosely based on ethnicities Caused mass migration bc lines

imperfect Disputes still in Kashmir {Muslim}

region between Pakistan and India

Ethnic Cleansing The forced removal of an ethnic

group by another ethnic group in order to create a homogeneous region

Kosovo Ex: Kosovo province in Serbia

Serbia: former Yugoslavian State predominantly Eastern Orthodox Christians

Kosovo: Albanian Muslims (90%) Breakup of Yugoslavia: Serbs begin

Ethnic cleansing to remove Albanians from their land

2 million Albanians forcibly removed from their homes to refuge camps in neighboring Albania

Recently declared their independence…accepted by West not by Serbia, Russia, and China

Critical Thinking Question

According to what you have recently learned about Russia, why would Russia not support Kosovo’s independence movement?


Terms created due to the unrest in the Balkans Balkanization: the process by which a

country breaks down due to ethnic conflicts

Balkanized: a small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into stable states

Central Africa

Hutus: settled farmers in Rwanda and Burundi

Tutsi: cattle herders migrated to Rwanda and Burundi from Kenya 15% of Pop control area making Hutus

their serfs Colonial Gov. also disenfranchised Hutus Independence 1962: Hutus ethnically

cleansed Tutsis fearing they’d reestablish control

1994 Tutsis did, 500,000 Hutus killed 3 of 7 million forcibly migrated

Congo: Hutus and Mayi Mayi first ethnically cleansing Tutsis then Tutsis seize power and the tide turned

Ethnicity and Scale Ethnic Identity changes across

space and scale Example: South Asians

Large Scale: Within each country ethnically define themselves by region (India: 18 official languages reflecting ethnic differences: what other region?)

Smaller Scale: Define themselves by country: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh often with animosity

Global Scale: South Asians in Fairfax, Virginia, outside Washington D.C., identify with each other regardless of country or regional identification. Stores hold both Pakistani and Indian films and foods

Gandhi Competition for Extra Credit

Over the next week we will be watching the movie Gandhi. Your assignment is to find and note as many examples of Human Geography concepts, vocabulary, or content you can.

Write the concept and a BRIEF synopsis of the content it covers.

Example: Apartheid: Gandhi is forced off the 1st class train

in South Africa because of his race You must note 10 for an assignment grade

the 2 individuals from each class with the most will get 5 extra credit points on the test

There will be a brief reflection on this video after the holidays