(. Wi.·H. :::z=::J1 _ ,: 'i;""!!;l'+:j , :'1"; ';dl;fL!!i!.l>r HERALDe/ c-' WAYNE. WAYNE COUNTY. NEBnA5KA. DECEMBEnI9. 1901. , WAYNE REPUBLlCAN·-LEADING AND OFFICIAL PAPER OF WAYNE AND WAYNE COUNTY REPUBLICAN, THE Year. ..... ""'": . .:.. I' II I . "( :1 A CHEERFUL CALL TO BEAUTIFUL GIFTS, CHRISTMAS . F" with ., '1 gifts for dren of all ag es.. ., Our new j, -foIJ stock IS load.ed Buyers. NEVI:R SO CHEAP, Christmas I NEVER SO GOOD. VARIETY.) The point that I ,»'j pleases in bur Holiday Display JONES' "'\ THE MAMMOTH STOCK OF Toys, Books, Novelties, Beautiful Pictures, el ties for friends. pretty girls. . .,. ... Nov- "."ili gifts. lfor Pretty ve Organs and Pianos I Y01l:ng men. father like. The kind of Pres- sents mother and .Ideal pre sents for $3.50, $5.00, $6.50. Neckwear. Editor Lynoh ot the I'Daily Post" PbUhpsbul"g, N. Jo, bQa tested the merits -ot FoJ/>\,'s Hooey anrl Till" with t.hls result:. "I ba,ve R. Rreat many patent medtotnes tn my tsmUy for oOIlA'bs Bod ooids, Rod 1 Oao bonestly !'isy tbat yoor Honer aud Tar 18 the best thloR' of tbe kind 1, tJ,'ave ever Dsed and 1 cannot flBy t.o' motlb in its praisE'." Raymond's GUNS and AMMuNITION are sold by us at rock bottom prices. OttoVoget's Hardware. and you are' always heartily welcomed. Fresh Canned <:;l;:)()ds stock always up-to-date. .. DO NOT aUy/, ... . Your ChristmaslJeweiry until you have seen my line. Solid Gold, Sterlmg Silver" Novelttes, Solid Ware in Spoons, Single ,i Pieces, Watches at all prices, the largest line jn the county. 'Y'I e are laying aside , purchases for WELCH, Wayne. ANY I HEAD

: THE WAYNE HERALDe/ - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · ~"lrl'iI. t is th~heM, salVA alltbe IDaI' ~~f~~r~Slr~f~1~~~Af:~~i~~~~8(j~r.:~,burnf',

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Wi.·H. ~cNeal. PUbli~her~

:::z=::J1 _

,: 'i;""!!;l'+:j ,:'1"; ';dl;fL!!i!.l>r ;'il!!~vtMr"'~ ~

HERALDe/ c-'





.....""'": ..:.. ~: ~-

~, I' II

~I .

"( :1





with Christma~ ., '1

gifts for ~hil­

dren of all ages...,

Ournew holidaY~i~!~I'j, -foIJ

stock IS load.ed






The point thatI ,»'j

pleases in bur

Holiday Display



Toys, Books, Novelties,Beautiful Pictures,

elties for friends.

pretty girls.

. .,....


gifts. lforPretty



Y01l:ng men.

father like.

The kind of Pres-

sents mother and

.Ideal presents for

$3.50, $5.00, $6.50.


Editor Lynoh ot the I'Daily Post"PbUhpsbul"g, N. Jo, bQa tested themerits -ot FoJ/>\,'s Hooey anrl Till" witht.hls result:. "I ba,ve u~6d R. Rreat manypatent medtotnes tn my tsmUy foroOIlA'bs Bod ooids, Rod 1 Oao bonestly!'isy tbat yoor Honer aud Tar 18 thebest thloR' of tbe kind 1, tJ,'ave everDsed and 1 cannot flBy t.o' motlb in itspraisE'." Raymond's

GUNS and AMMuNITIONare sold by us at rockbottom prices.

OttoVoget's Hardware.

and you are' always heartily welcomed.

Fresh Canned <:;l;:)()ds stock always up-to-date.--.-------~4tib=--,.-,-.-..-.~,,-~:.----,~--~--.-

DO NOT aUy/, ... .Your ChristmaslJeweiry until you have seen my line.

Solid Gold, Sterlmg Silver" Novelttes, Solid Ware inSpoons, Single ,i Pieces, e~c. Watches at all prices,

the largest line jn the county. 'Y'I e are laying aside ,

purchases for ~~jst~l:' WELCH, Wayne.


Of Benefit to You.. D.8 tobell, Fulford, Md.; uDur·109 a ]00 illneRR I Wol,E1 trouhlefl wHbb",d f10r.ll I WIl.S arlvllied to try DeWilt'aWttrh KZIlI Satve and did so withwonderf 11 rPFlnlt~. [was' perfl:'ctJ,f~"lrl'iI. t is th~ heM, salVA all tbe IDaI'

~~f~~r~Sl r~f~1~~~Af:~~i~~~~8(j~r.:~,burnf',

Health and Beauty.A poor oomph,xlOn is USUlllly t.he re·

Rult of a torVld IIver,ol' irreR'ular KO­ttlln of the bowleR. Unless natore'",refuse is ol\rriefl off it, will surelyoaU!ll'Impnre blood. Plmples, boils BUrl oth·"1' t>rnpUons rollow. ThtR iR natore'"me~,tJod, of throlPiIlR' off f,h~ poisun swhloh tbe bowleR I'nilN) to remnvl'.DeWitt'ti Little E'l.rlr Ri~ers arn worlrlrl\mf)ll~nr remedsinll Ibh<l eondlUon.They 8uml1llit,e the livar anrt promott'n'Sl1lar and healthy actioa of the ·bow­els but. never 0 se grlpln/iil', oramps ordistress. Sa pills. Ortb.

1, 1904.


"'Here is an oppbrtunity tor any one who

d,e~ires to make a friend a very useful holi':'

aaf gift to S/'Lve money on their purchase by

t~lfing advantage of this sale.I I ~ .f

O. Voset's f)ardware.

'Hil !' !"~1 81'S Reductl~on' S·a",J:lle "rH,E ~AYNE HERALD. ::;:!;'~:E:~~~1i:t:'Jo1:t:~~:~;':'JEi

! I

I 8ntered at·the P~l::Itoruceat Wayne,Neb, the ~\Iver wing of democra.cy woh l dti:ld

'!I' I,I

~"()n all our~ ,~_I:ll:lecon-dc\a~~~.~~~mttet. Vl:lry Budden\y 'fhur8t1ay mom\D(lw. H. McNEAL.• Editor. ,on 'b. tr.in b.'we'Q Llnooln .DO

!I.v.loOk...............,.........,.."....JUdfl:t1 B~I.I 1:;: mii~f~ (;-, Omf-Jhu' has

1 I be.~n appoit1ted I1b6oet~tt'l ~u"'tt{',eot tbe,'t' '"J. R su"rt"tne court"of Nt:lbra.skn. Ht8 lJllm-

! ill ': .1',0,:,"es an~. .. angea. ~ __._._'~ -E.'2::~~~rt·t~h~~':.~b~i'\· ;.\'; '~;':o;~~'~ PUBLISHED EVERY THUR~DAY. An Evi...eli.t'. Stu",1

, ••".1 " ", • \ "1 8ulftlrtld toz' years Wit~ a bran-

a obili! or lUDg troUble ft,ud trleli vuriOl,Js, p to TARIFF AN!) RECIPROCITY. remedies but did 110t. obta.iu' perma·ntlur, fellet until I commended USiIlI<t

Should ~~rr~narl:~ ~~t~a~~~t~~~o;:vilhou' ~Hll~/:;IKlt;::;;~~~~v~~~:~';8~r~~f!8Jj~~r~Principle. River, Ill. "1 ha.ve 110 I.tesitu.tion 1u '-

recornmeodiol<!' it to Bll SlltfeJ;'erR froptWall-l.11ltlb of.. t.hi,; kilJd," QOe MlUllt.e'CUUKb Curtl liffordlJ loom.IHilate relieflor tWJJ/{tIH, O'lIriH aod ... 1\ klnd/-l ofLbroat, awl lulJg troubles. For oroupIt II> UIH qllllolled. AU801uttlly 811ft.'.¥err pJeH.8Ilout, to tlloke, never fll.IIS Ilondl!:i H'H.Hy Ii t'llovorile wlt:h tbe chlldreD.L'hey like it. Ortb.

Saw Death Near."It. often .made my heart aobpt

Wrile:-. L C. OVt:ll'!:,trtletof Elgin, TeLln,"to hl'tlot· Ol}' wHe cough until it al::'~we(l

hel' Wtmk Kud 80re JunKIl would eo)·Itl.P~rl. Guod dootors Htlold she WHoS H~11:11' MOlle whh ()urHlUmptioU' thH.t uomertlOine or el:l.r1hLy b~lp oould SBVHhtll', but 1\ fril:'nd reoummended Dr..IJt, KiuK'1i Ntlw VlsooveI''y BUrl perbi... ­tent US" of thifl I:'xeeiltmt medio1Dl:'t;Kvetl her hfe." [t'~ 8o"olt1tely gUllor­I:t.ut.etod for oOllghs, ool,jll, brnnobtti~1

Ilol<thma and lloll I hrflJl,t ami lung dis_ell.sel'l. IjDli aud $1.00 e.t Raymolld's.l'ri,,) tJOules free.

[li"rom tbe Message of President House'\""tllt, Dl:lUlWUer 2, IVUI]

There HI gtHIl-l'dol fU'(J lIthl.:eUClj io nul'prebtllJt 'l't1.l'iff "}'!:Ilem liS I:lo uatiOuH.lV,dll~Y. 'l'tltl tlrl>t rt qtUbittl to ollr PI'Ob­ptfJly i., tbe ~outll~UIlY lUlCi bla.IJllltJur Ill!5 ecuuomio gulwy. NuttllUg(junld Utl more UUWI81:t thlt.o to (ll~turo

tbe bw;iutlb8 lutertlsts Lf tbe cuuutr}'by lloUy geutlt'I:loL Tarlff ..,bl:lougf} at t!.w.,tIme.. l>ullbt, apVt'l'beU!:llOlI, UUOilr­ttl.lury tire tlXltutly wlwt, w~ IUO..,t v.i-,Lt I avoid iu the iLJter~~t. ot our UlJWm"l·­

Ull:l.l.'HH1 UlI::I.lel'llil wt<llLJeIIJK. OUl· t'X

Vtlrltluoe In tbe Plist lUHI I;howli tLtJ,t"wtl~Ving l'tlvlsioUB of tbe 'l'1:uitf "'1'1:'

lipt.to vroduotl oUllditlolJf:l olosely ap­proaLlhiull ptiDIO lD tbe bUtnne8!j worldy~t It t8 liot, only p08bihle, but enH~Utllltly de6lrtible, to l'owbille with Ih","'~Il.bllity or our t'OQUt,mlc ayah m K

l'1upplementary syt>tem lIf rt<cipruul11I>e~udh uud obllgutltH.1 with 0 her llaluUI;. Muoh l'tHHproolt,y i'i (U' lumdtldlIud rtlbu.t, or tbe fl,m tllJlabll"tlmtlul

~~;~r:~~O~I;;~IO~ ~:s ~~~lli~~i;e:r'~~~f~.· Savc:d 'Hlu Life.~d f ,1' III t.be prl'stlllt l'al'lff Iltow. • "1 wlMh to 81toy tbtlot I ftlel lowe m)

H.a"lpruotty mu... t btl tI·t-ater::! as tbt' lifl:l to K'ldol DY"Vtlp"ld ('urt'," write"!.Iltollllm>l.lrh.u ut Pl'ure01111l1. ' O'Jf fir~t H. O. l.lhrI8leUI;uu or Htlo)t1eld, MllllJ.d (II Y Ib t.o !;tle UlHot. tlltl Pl'ot.. et lull gl 1::1.1, t- "1.<'01' t.hree ) e"rH '1 w",s truubJ",d Wit htl,1 II)' tblj l'lj,l'llf III t"V"I'Y llllofitl Wllllrtlil dY"Vt'pHllto S') th ... t I mmlc1 huld uotbllJl!h !JlJtlfjt1d 18 wa ntoi.lu",d, Itolld t.hltot, 1'0 II fill my ktumH.(,h. M!l.uy tim",,, I wuultlIltOlllty lie tI"U,othl, f,,1' 8" f"r 8M it cal' tJ., U'HIoUltl t.o retH.11J Ilo m'.lro,jle uf rood ..... rtlly be dOlltl wtlbuut lIJjut"y to OUI" ~'ll11dly 1 WHo'! couflued to my bt'd'lome ludu... t'·ltli;l. Ju~t huw far UIl:,; UOCr"rH Siud I w,/111,1 nor, l1ve. I r"HO

............_....._,........._..0,00000000 l-mlJstbed.t.. rwIDf:ldHecofdIIlKf,utbt' 'lilt> of YQur IU1Vtlrtlht-m"l,tH on K'If1I,jn'llvltiUHol (lHobt.., lewtloou..rlllK KlwKy'" D,Sp"p:';lb Cure and IhlJllfoCut It tit m\ ~

Lu"t ei"tlry ap~lhJaHUfl of our 'l'Krlff OH.Stl Itoud com'u ..m'eol its n"e. I b"K"" ~1

Opulh-y tu met'll. our 8blftlUg UblilJue,1 to improve froOl the first b'lttltl. Nov. ~

C hlIt'ed", mu",t be. Otllldlthlned np IU thtl I am ollred Bnd 're,olJmmt'Dd it to 1l.11." 1.----.....;;a]~1

T Ik BOllonHu"l fI:l01.1h'1.t Ihtl dutiekmust. UtlV Dhceloots your food. l)urIlH'ul1stomtlobas ,a s e,' be ,.duo,rt below the VO ,,",. 'h.t w,1I .troobl.s, O,tb. '

. ' .. . ~::~;~~~= :l\~e:~~~:d~et~~be~[} ~ ~I~ ~~~',~; A Woma~'8 A;;idl P~r~.of tbe wtJ.6(tl wor!:ter hi 110 pl'ime oon"i!,- hThere IS ol,IJ-' Olle wltoy to Sllove yOUl

Our currency is sound and ,hlDnest-why 0 ·"'Ktloll or Ol1r 6ut-he pOliCy of eouno life and tbtlot, ii:l t,llrouKb lUi op"tatlOll", m'o l",gh'IHolioo. were the Htf-Jr1lillJ.:' Wlll'd~ hellord by Mrt;

shouldn't it lalk. You won't find a beller audlt.:nce ,s'lbje'lt to thlR proviso of lh .. prllp~r 1. ~ BUilt ur.Llmtl RII:h(~, Wilt, rr\lw

O Prutt'utlOll ll ..nel1!"krJ to our Inllust I i"ll b. i d, 'C' or tlofttlr htl hllo.1 VHi'lly t.1'1~rl t (I

for your money than we can give you, for we .. ~lltJeiLl~ at burne, tile prtLltll~16or le(l. l'U~,f> b..r (If Ilo trlg!Jtful ('kf;~ of !-turn, 0 i~lrllolt.y mUl;t ooromKu I Ollr bPIlott3 Huhl trouhle hnd 3,"tollo\\' j-lollnd1oll, <;-,,1apprecIate your wants, value your patronage, and '1lJlJ~HlJ't. The phtllJoffiHulto1 growrh nl " torI1'H hl:ld form~d aud b!.Je uom.taut,!,.U: h'bIb I' our export trade emphasizes thtl ur Il r..tv worse. 'l'beu sbe be~H.rJ to UHI-<

'fI1 gIvoeYrOyU tee WOODdewSo,r•.t CO IYOOUtrhmoinneYgin. ,8 .c..noyof the need for wider mlJ.rkt't" E'eutricrBitters whioh wbolly cured bel'"ud for a liberal poltOY iD dealing with Lr,'tl· a. wonderful stomRotJ, liver .IloIlOIQl'tlhcD DHoTioDS, Whatever is merely kiduey remedy. Cures dyHpepsi9 1 10hf-

~:;t:I~.liJ~Il:e:b~~~~S ~~ t:v~7::d~f t~r~: (JU6~~~~;~t3~ F~~SFa~:· byoa~:m~~d~~i I .10 uu.\;lomtlrs to whom we dispose of our

Bo' ots and Shoes '1urplu~ prodUfjO the IO(lg roo dl

, '.0 "otly or lort' ',Iy, porohose tho,."iurpills produ 8 b)' givwg us Slime

Ladl·es~' and Gen' ts' ,!O 'hlo.ln "turn, TheIr 'blhl,y 10 vurcha-;e our produots sbould 88 flir asVos,i' Ie be sl:'curtld by 80 arra.ogioK, 0 onr Tariff as to eOtl.ble us to te.ke from

Fu ·sh·· rI N t·b I them tho:;e produots whioh we elton userm • mas, 0 I ns I without h.rm In our OWII illdus... y 11001

Bl'ibor, (11' t,be use of 'whloh will be 01

I ~H.rk ..d b"llf't1t to Uq.

and Glioceries.· It 10"0" import"o!. Ih .. t we ,hould

I 0 '~r~j~~,:::~;.h~~~K~~::~o~ ~~l~oh~ds~b~

O point in the d-evelopment of our inter·'F h t>sts where we are not only able to sup, 'urc ner 0 ply our own m'1.rkefS, but to pruduoe If

I . , ~~";:;~~t~n~r:'1:~'I~u:~~~:dfor ,~~I~~

O cure tbe"'e mltorkets we can ntlli2.e ex

D\J' · &' C IHUng duties in auy OKse whOlre the)'

erlg 0 0'lore 01) l<llJ~er u9flded fol' the purpo,,,,qr ProteolHHl, or in HollY CHose wllel'tl ttll-', . . 0 ,,'Iole i, 1101 prodoced bere .ud tbeduty 18 llO 10llgtl,r il ..ceslooary fOJ' revt'­IIUP, as KivipR' UR somtlt.hin~ to offer in

ODDCJDODDDD..xobangA for wl!lIlot w'" fl5k. 'Pile 001" Food Changed to Poiuon.

'-~__JL....JL...JL--II' , I I ~~~ls~e~~~I~~~l~i~~ll'~~~~r:W~[l~:~i:~b (hl~~~r:~~~~,: rik~dltrh~~: ~~t~~~~i~:P:~;=#="",==================,,=====_1 moted b~ the course thus'required by ~~i60~~~';(l~"dO~~~~P~~'~ei:'P;~n~r;,

fl OR CHRI~rMAS ~lri~:~~~~~7~~~c~~yd~i~~0~ju:t(,~~lr ~~tIVr~n~~~~~~~~~t, h~~lrtR~~~.O~~.~:~:O~;iue(\UOIl wi! h 1bOI>t-l ,of our proliucl iOIlf- !ivAr, kidllev Hoofl bowel trouble~, Only

•• •• whioh no IOnol~Jr r,qllire Itoll of t.he ttup- 25c Hot R\s'ntrlnri~s.

, 1 ManiG U r~ a ~d ~f~~f~~¥.;:~~~~J.:~~;~~~)f~i:~~l~ 01' ,ol"~II"I,do\oUfor~I'~~ht.':I:11'lr"~:;b~,{,tt~eBTur~O·~k'tRe~n:b'~~A~~~

tbA r~"ch of suooe,ssf[)I tmmpelition. ' '" •I' . I ask tbe attention of the Senate to UlM Slllve completely oured them." It.

P' d · ~ ,G d the re.~lproolty treaties laid berore it. 11011' like magio qn spraios, bruises,ontse IGUre 00 s. hy my prert~,_o_es_s_or_,.,.-__ ~~~~~~::I~,~~'r~k~~Fllrl~~,I,~s~fl~IO:~~p~~,~

. 1 I.. ConRress' hq,r; bpe~ nrJjooroed until 25 cts. Cure KUl:lrH.nteed by RH.)'mond,

I, b b '" N .after the holl'a,".,·,'1 ease. or Y t e r SlDg e PIeCe, olbing be'ltter' made, ;""';;;';f;.=== DUD't Do It,

lt is problLbl'e tbat Judge Barnes' of. Do Dot tH.ke Dr, Caldwell's Syrup

'Perfumel ~IlO:::::~ W~~l11~~ 8:t::~lt:s10~~~so~~'~t~ ~~ft~l:ati~~:eBRI~~llh~~~eAO~Oe~S~I:a:~:~, 'lldf'f'A No"v.1 r,lire, from the b I ot.her form of st.omRoh Irouol., ,u,'111

,~ ,:".".', ~',I, ,'. "",.' , "",. .1. ' Her';'s hOpiuR' b~wtl,1 be. ' eDe I as dyHp£lpsio, biJl1ousoeRS or belJ.;:t,'I born, tor tbefle 91'e what it fs warraDt·

I~ always acceptab~e for a Ch~J~tma·sl present and we 1have a 'very About a (i~z~n"ne~"b-lii8- have bMD ed to oure. Sold by RBymond." , It'" f d 'I' " d . I lntrodOtled by Nebraska oonRrelismen 'I se e



1St 0 0 ors 10 ancy paCK.ages an 10 bulk. Prices the for pUblic t)Ul1r1'iIlR'B tn thl t t • To Cure a Cold.

, I'o

.--t. 1 1 I rhere is Dotbing like pllbl1c i~P~:~:: After exposure or wben you feel fiw_ ments and it IS well to mak~ ",n 1 'l"lold oomioK on, tR.ku a dose of Foley't-


I start for It takes a ppg time ttl s:~~r~ HODey and ~ar. It. never faUs to fotopII R' d' I them. II a ool~ if te.lle.n ip. time. RaymoD~'f1.,i=IIymon s O"'rug Ctore· The OOllrt of inqdirym the Stlhle7 From a Hotel Landlord·

I U I U. oootrovfl!'.y foulld lI~almt the Adm - Oel:ll' 8Ir!': I bad no fnith iu testi-

'~~~il~be;~~~:~~d~~~sfir~~~l~~~~I~tK~~ Il~~~I:~~)~,.rutili4j~;:r,~~.v~~~ i~~n;~si~l,~~W A,Y


N,.....," '. NE'B' aIs,lJ B seoond 1,"eport, a minority report at.tt!utlOl1 belna (l!'lolled to it by a hU<!r~ , • i in whloh Ad,mil'al Sob ley is .blghlY from someone wbo he.d been cured of

:+~""f"~====""'b"",===*~===,;,,,==,===,h'~'== Icomme~ded,aod: tbe minority report, :::\ ~:R'~~I~:~~~:r~tn~~ro~~,"~~~~io[;'t~~~__~ *"''''~_+'';'''''';'..._~'';'..,;,l._!I~li;~ :b~~~eit~~~~t~~h~~~';~l[bt~~liI:;: tttlYtlue who reads thiS baA f·otlstlpt.

;11 lion or Alomlloh troublf', 1 ~llornPlitl.\

Harry O. tilrul"ay, lhe very £ltIlolant reoommetld Dr. CKltfweWs Srl'up Pt:lp'ohalrmao of the' repl1bllC'l\O ~t"tfl oen· ~:~,:n ~~~~rR,::~'~,~ie~~~:r,>~~~~,P~;l~~:~t,i~~~d~~t:(-'~~~mb~~~~vIlW~';:l:~~~; will l:irld It. will do ItII t.hl:lt, Is olalmpdthe nominee of tbe repnbllllil.ll r)lU'I, for it. Rasp,ror governor, next fHI( lIt iA I'l-l.tht'r L O. Gurnee,el\rb to bl:'jiliu tbe next oalllpkl~O, oe\'- Pr~'(l. HOfl"l, Paris, DUhuque, ,1a.Ioldheloss thsre. ore 0. good mnny peo Sold by Raymon~..:.: j'pie anri papers throughout the stBIp FuUy Insuredthat are of the same opln~on. You aud.we are both insure sglJ.lnst

It now lookq ~e ymuoh B9 thOllgh ~~~dt~~~~~~h~~;";~'r:eei~;~;:d~o;~tNorfolk ~tlnM Inn~e th~ n."yll1lU, o~ ill H!H)tzo whH.t: th~y claim for Dr Ol'lld.othtW word,., tbl-\ p... lllhlrqbmllllt will w..lI's8yrnp·Pf'pl~ln in 06"('-8 ofcoQstr~I.,t ~m rebnllt. If1 thfl f-V~flt. till-It, H 18 plI.tlnll. Inr1hlflst,ioo, Rlok bPlvJflobe or

~~:S~1I7~~rOahl\b~~r,:~:'~S~~ell~'~rO;l~~Ab~!jt.omHOh t,rul1bl~a... S~ld by ~~ymood.the !laok bone '0 it~e "tH.~e. : IIoweyer, ! InformJUon Wanted.when the ne:xt: p«tRIA.tllre., (101I+601'-1'I! Tbe mfl.nu~f\o!t!lI·t'rs~r llQ~nerSalvethpre will hA n S~() , of protAflh-l ~o np hBVlnfot fLlwarA h';lh'vt-d tbH.t no doctor

~tli h~hebe~~r'~,h;ll1~t;n~~'~~br.:re:~~X·~~;:~dlg~nvlr~~nl~e~rr~lllwf';~e:: °B~~~~;Rod breadt.h ,?r t~~ bate,· :Salva lliUflr"llo ~t1re nloor", soref.:l, tet·

'OIlVHno.. R,\'~:'~~"!~:-~~:;:'!l'I'i1 fOll'~' '~~~~lr~li~~;m:,;,S,~ Ift~:~;otl~a~:~?:~e~~of thl'! L 'lli"IIHIH P,III·ol""".. E.'tp0l'llt.lon al'~ fU't\ ... Il"h ('Il~("". H 1i0 t,ht>y will.wmmi"hionl<I"f1"IWn nl'O f"lIm Omaha Rln.rl,y rtlrllw1 tb~ IDoDey.· Raymond.n,ne rr~m Llrif'lOL~, ,aorl. one from Ne: -. . . , , .br••k.oIl". :Tbh commls,lo; I' om· 'ED' REiYNQL S

-p'nwerell t.n rtloiQ~ fl1'trl'l fOl' sultA.hle I . I, D:'h~il:)~~~(;fhll~~.~'~:~P:;' ~:;II~~~~~~'flW~~.:; .' ' ,r,fundit, I,t,!'10l1'hlJnl 111,he \••1'·,' A.uctJoneer :Ifl,t,ure ~8n d.o t.~t~ IlfaaUy. Neb~aek~ I' , '.:' .. " •

~~~S~bOli~~I~Ot~':r~~~id b~oo~~~It;:~~u~~ PrOJJlP~,' p.tt~n#on aiven tt? orylngconnection wlt.l\ t,bA "Wortll or the' ,sales. Service~,oanbe seoured byoall.

"""i";,!:=~~~""!r~~~~~~~~!"",,,,~~~~,,~,,,,,!,+-.!IIl"flB.t'ratlroRdR or ttle ,-,t.atl', In mtlk"fl H lin·R' at or addt.;ll?sing Ttle HJlRALD~,:!,; Anit.Rble f'xhiblt.' I (ffioe. Rl\t(oB reasonable., 1'1,1 1




To cure a cold in one day tak~Laxatlvtt Bromo Quinine 'l'ablet!'l. Alldrl1~ists rf>flllld the money if it failsto l\Ure. E. W. Grnve','i algna.ture is 0 01

each box. 2~,~'~'1 I' 'I' ' I'

'1:\ '. I~' I


Mall' ~ II /lood J{ift. We hnv,", :nIce IU'HOI'tmpnt, wilh hadu!lf m',bandl!'!". R:<tra good qUllllty rnf'tprllll in covPI'lngB

A Good UmbrelJ

GOOD GIFTS FOR MEN: I-0ood Gloves anj

""'-" Mittens 'Mflkp a fi~~~'chl'lHtmnH girt" W

hHVll H. comp1l1t.u l;l,"ll:lf)rLment 01'Ailk llnri fur l!nmL

I $1 to $2 1

·11' A Pair of FancJf

II woold m'k"!?~~11or hoy hap

Ipy We baVl~ f'XII'll good quailties or c~tton, wool andC.ll~~lm"l·e

:. 25e, 50c, and 75c'I

A Muffler

A Necktie

25.c to $1,50

$4.50 to $10

Plj,ltfol"S 1'\,' I')' 111110 Cll' boy. Abt'-1n nt>w I\."",rlmpnl jUil~ rf'coiv.ed in att I.he http"!! [lat.lcrn~.

!:;omll in ole') H'n~de hox'Il'.

. Sn10king .JacketsAI'" 'ill, .. ll gifl-.· w" '6no...... l;l,bllocl~pml' VH.l'I,·ly. ,\)1 tlll" PI'lt­ty P ,lid .. and l'll'll co 01,.. ",~ryJ:lwel] out! well IIll,]"

~~-~ I!:very1hing fof' Ch Istm.J-prt's~nt~.

~:'.G ~') ~4.,,'!:\,~.J}. Tb:x~:::'k:~'e Rwn't. ider, 1\',e,leotlY~'9 ,J "UJ - 'If(.g~ ... A. , purfl at mIller & Co. ,

" (~11 of or g-lue l'l t... H. Milrlnflr. went to Oml\ba n, hllsi., ~, r I,)S!J))g' i!J: lIes Ttlesday morrl1n~.

Iiu.N.... ~,., r~.,,'.h·,·,i1w~"·' f~,. ~."'....". ~,~"~l:"':~ 11",'••.". p". ~.~ ,1111' <tvle

of mllfller' "Dd ,ilk HDed !ik.~~... \.;;~:~ I?!<,'lt:~= g-1(lve<;atTHE2JOI(NS. ~ ; TIn: TOTAL IS $Slt-,7UO,

I I For good fan"v (lAlery bny ea Hor-I .It i~ all Ulric, '-:Hl11~ '~Jli. ,. nia f'fll~r3' at C R WitLEll"s i AnHJng th..: ~~..v Buihlings :ll-~ tho..:!\ ~~t\:~~~c(~f?~~ '~r,~~\~~::;~h' f~:"~~~:~:'I Dr. Sa!?'.l Sc-rn~~s of Winsi')e, ,\V3S &.11 I1alldsu~<: X~W Hdck. M. E.

I a cheap co<'ting "~ ('>';1.'>, l~l1ic or \Vayn", vl!->ltor thls morning I

Iothcr C(jll,dly I'd I"ll; ~dJl,!,l ':IC~";. Go to i\fcVick~I's Bakery fUI'a, choice' I,.hlll"\,:h, n. C. Main's aud

~~~I~l;'~:l,~;;t~~~~"'~~: -'I-·q ".:,[,,1 .1 lin'l o[ eandie!i fol' the hlll,rII-1Js. II. lll.::nn~ys HIoi!"iiLl~Il':~s.

I~er. k~'fifi~1t:~.! For the he,t farm lnridsor'lJi1r prop-

erly, CH,ll on E. R Surber. pbone 1:!, F"l' I,early eighteen .\ l HI' , lIuril,j.(

. ----.---- - --_ .. -- -r--- on~·~e~a:~d~~·f;~.,j~;~:I:d E~\~~ :~vC; ;~~,~:~;~lti~'I~),fb'::Hr I"::~},p!J/:~II~:( {:~~, (';l/,ll,l!lCdl dnd Miscellane2~s. Llltpst "'tyies oflinen cfllJltrR jl1,>t re- ll'~I~'~'~~~l\a 11:~~el~.,..\l~ll~·l~t~; Or,?,: I~\~~);';I~:

Bll!k o<"stprs a~~~ter's. I ef:dvpd for Chl'istma,> ht Tt~e 2 .tohus ~:t~~f~~~'I~I~):~I~~:i,i~\,,,l:l ~\~~';~~~"I~~:~\',:;~ Mr... 01>0, DI-lmon ~oes t<1 Omflha. to·

'I', B Heckert, Dentbt" o\'l-lr Miller's morrow to spend the holidays with I.er ~:kesa,,~~~ah ~~IP~Xid!H~~i/jlaestJ~~,lil\~~\~H k pnrents.

Doll, gO) carts and cabs. 'fhe 're I)t. . hitS far out slripPI:'4. all ot..ller lOWllS·Rome'tbing new in oysters a, Wil- Of~RI~f~~~~i;~~:~'11;~~'c:i:eg.isI~iDi: ~Dd ciliedin IJOtt lJ

' :r;. N\'bm~~a, ~'~tter's the best in tbe"city. 1a~'l:~~eo~I~:~~rkhbl~S:~~~t\l ~i1.C;l~Ma~d~ lant<>rns and steam eJglnes. Qlleen Mellor arrived home this libt ot ImprOVl:'m~ntH" the limount pa-

Tbe Racket. I 00 ruinll from Micblj(8n where she had in.lZ' excel'ded but three or fOnt· years be·Mr;,. F'rank Gaerlner arrived i 'fues- been atterldiug sch 01. ~~~~~,a~~ei~8i~doal~Ot~~t~ht:rA.~~th ~bt~

dayeveuing. mA. L' ck of Omaha, was in 'Wayne HERALD, tfl.ke great pri.le in sud t'ever~'foy..; and picture bO(Jks very bheap on I:Hl!->ine..s Monday greeting old thll quetln city of the L 'gf1,n. Wil h

The RaCkfc\t. 'frlenrls and hcqlll1i'utances. our Krf1,n,1 N",hrliska NOl'mal colll'~c,

CUlHlif>s Rnd Duts of all kipds at COTOAKNEKIlS~EthAeTEb(leSot-"antd IFowEEe''?t ~~~~;titt~~~~r~;~:;i~li~~ b~ro~e~~~~~~;McVicker's Bakers. I "'.. PHf'. wilh it" three or four bundred

For illSUI'Rnl'e or loans &eo ~ E. R. prices, otto Voget's Hardware. "'tlld~nls continua.lly in atteudancf,iSurlier. Pbone 32 I Rel'!'u)ar meet1nlZI'l of Casey Post., No. from H. large nuwller of cour,'ti~s in

See our toy counters. five ahd ten 5. G. A.R., Rt the Ma.sonio haJJ on the Nebrask .. , Iowa. Wromlng, South Da-cents, '1'he luwket, first Saturday evening of each month. ~i~~y:re~~f~a~:~e~;~~a~~rel~~~~:f.,

C. B. Owens and Charley Thompson Six hundred neck ties just received lilZbt and telephone 8Y8tem~, with a,went to Si"ux City ye~terday, fOI' Christmas presenis. BIlY np to· hundsome and modern COUl't hO'd';f',

A dallghter Rrrived at the bome of liate tit'S for presents at The 2.,Johns. ~~ehb::}d~::r~n30~V;.,~i~~~er;;l(~ii~~j"M,,, and Mr". Sam Lane on .sunday. w~~St~'s ~.:elr~~~~ei:ndRi1~~nl~ T~ dfurch .editlces of any oity of like .. ill;'"

Miss Davis of Carroll. visited bere Dtlnnell at tb~ Racket durinll tbe hol- in the t;tate, with her bplendid bank~Friday WIth her bl' ,ther, F. U. Davis. iday!!. inR' inf1tituUonl;"- with over a half

W, O.'GHmble F.bippec] cattle and S. Eli and Maude Mc Eaoh(>n came up ~iit~iOt~eo~e~O~~~B ~~stdF.fr.~?~~' f:I:~E. Auker r-hl:lop to Omaha yeiltHday. frOIll Hancroft Tuesday, to attel'd the la',ds surrouuding the cit,y for miles

Gbristmas candil:'s will be in latar. fllT.1erHl uf R. A" McEaobean's little and •miles, upon which are" locatedEpler & Co. daullhter. some of tr,e most bea.utiful farm fesi·,

W, P. Payne iii; .bere from If/wa to Owner of re<'lden~e prop,'rty in ~~~~e,s'R:jt~itbof:r:l:~~id:s~?I~~~n~tviSIt with tds brothers I"ay and Jolm. ~o~:~'ie 0~i1~(,~~11 c:~~etA:: ~H;,~H~a~~ from f30 to 880, is if, any wo"del' Ihat

Cht~~.baJ1;~e~s~W~~'Sdl~~~~~t0Jp~:~('& (Mnt, ~ee E. R.l-3ul'ber. Phone 32. ~~~s~:~~I~~~;~;~~l~ l~~~~;i:r~~~I~;i~Co. P».Jty with casb and nice re,id~nce from livery direction looking fqr 11.10-

Me~(hj.mf's L, S arid Geo N~pdbltm t~~PI~~~i~i%i~n; ~~~~~~ f"~fs~~~g: ~h~\O~a~~~t\~°d::jlUt~~hesel:rf~!tC~a~;of Win:pidl;l, lire sbopping in Wlioyn", from Wayne, Se"E, R.Surber, phone have not balf told it, Yflt tho HERALDtoday. I 32 loves to spe'1.k of it Aside fr 1m thIS

lp~t-;e (~~~~~~ f~~:'J ~~~I~ r~~t~Y ec~liif(:~_ Mi~R lint tie Weber is f\XpectNJ hnme ~to::': ~~?:I~k)r~~wO~ tf~~'u::t f:~I~l~~~O~~Dia celt'ry. 8ltturday llilZbt, 10 sp~nd the holidays. the county and tbe busine"s me.a and

We give l!IId redepm coupons till ~~I~~~:t~un~~~~s~nacademy for ~irls ::~~~~~~~~~~hinCJ;;;t~i:l1jot~:t~h:~~,Jail. 1st: Make our. j'UUt' collect.ioLi. Mr, ('IIlUS Lalle foU, acoldf'DtialJy bahlJ's brick yards, with its l,a'ge.Ilum-The Hal'ket. ~ 8uuday in gattinlZ u~out of a l'nckibR' ber of emplovef', bas been the se:ene of I====-~====..=..=_==_=_=.=_=_=._=",=;:'=~;""=="';"~==,=,

Tho trail S ha\'e been ill tbe l:i " of chair liUd sustaine a disiociltiou of increaspd activity, anrl many'bumh'edsbelllj.:!' lale pletly ~enel'ally du lug the hiI'. Dr. Leiloo' nrinl£ was sum- of thousands of brIck havQ bf"en ma·!l· )"the co'd 6pell morll~.l and reudel' d the necessary ufactured. The two hand~ome

25c t $1 lII!2 to $5 1 ,. K Ilssist~l)ce. ohurches, the Presbyterian costingo '" ~ Th-e!DbdBDe.waBh'ld ;nlue lIS' ne,r Y$14.000. aDd tbe Me'bodH ever; hpal~~BTaDnt",dlla""r. night and was a very The Methodist ladies bave a few $17,000, are especially the prid't.pf 1he

, I '-Q rlOUR If"ft and will s 11 them at cost at cit)'. Yes, there are two saloons, but

\Ve have an excellent line of suit cuses and .travelli ,g m~sbl~~~S~~~CYe~~lt~o~ot~~~b:.i-;. ;~eb~;~~af~: ~~~~Sd~~kdb~~ks~bi~~ ~~i~~ti~~:i~thfet:;~~e~~t~~~:uac:lle'~~~twin make nioe Christmas pre~ent~. i 1 f f d' t b . d

bag'S. and from 6 to 8 p. m. Come and see U8 at Ol'th's sture. ~u~ahi~sti~:ti~~~,a;:, i~'\:~f:~:~ag:: ...... Tbe markpts for toray are new'colD went. and appenranoe, Il orpdH. to tbiH

II 52, wbeat 5ll, oats 37, hogs $5 75, WA desire to exLpnd our sincere or Bny other city, and assuell, WI~yne's,,:I:Th 2 J h Speak 6ert11tuJ I butter 15 and egg.~ 20. thank" to the friends and neighbors able'a,fld most efficient m!\rshnl HndHe 0 ns ' wbo so kindly 8.Rsist~~ us durin~ the

_ .... e •....•.._ _

•._~Au~_s:wedeJ-__~~I_. A fine unimproved 160 near Winside illness and I:l.t tbe death of our little Jittle to do in this dirtlction, '

'. at, $411'per acre. La.ss fine. A Ima,l. du.llghter. Thr. improVeml1ntfl, as neilI'll' lLH we

l~ee E.R SurlJ.8r, phoue 32. M M RAM E have been aole to. t~ompiletheUl, Hro U!:li C EOE ' R. AND ns, . 0 AOHEN, follows:

ThCl~cA~t~E:R,NC:'B447 k 'M' I'srs O'ns ~~~ Pryor of Wilti,le, L~rA,ntkthflHbo"o~)inl~of~~Yt;:~~~~nl)1 ~1~IJ~'~', Hepublic'(\1': Pn,i Kennedy, l~lJ old M. E.(,hul(lh.,." .... , ' ~1I,nnOe I I;ze ns an. I' rl'gislered this weak for a terw's 'OI·k. ~."oore nO' for I". pI.,",e of 610 1'1 iend of MI'. linc) MI'S, Ahern, 'vi ited D. U. Mllin',,,; I c,sidenco , !J,O10

WAYNE NEBRAS~A .. .....et U " t./Jem 1\ few 'liuylo\ IHs't :week .... Mrs. H. Hermun Henney .... ".,., ... ,. fl,or'o~l€lpor~ nf tho cond'ltloll or tho 11It;zons' Bank ThrOllR'h tbe ~ou~te"yof the rai ro~~ I W Altel' w~~t. to GnmcJ IH'Ulill F'. l::lluuR'hler, of BO}id county. i,,' bere ~i~' ir"an~1' A~doU bldl', etc. (j,g~(~

rhal'l.u· ~o. 447, IrwDr'pOI'aHHI in the StuHl of compan I'S I'\tll en "l ~av 8honrd. lO Ii TIU'sdfl.Y on (1tfJt~ial bnsilll1SS (·Ollllect· 011 H. vi"it ,to her pH.l~nfR, Henrr Thn- .. errl. a ..... ·1'·'····,· 1,20

~J~l~~'ll~~;L, at the clo",e of lJUolness DCfember r:~~:t;o8tbSi:~~~Y as t a 2?t au "oo( ud wltb tbe A. O. U. W. grnnd lodge. ."ell and, wife, She nl'l'ivcd' 'llJul' day, ~ C. Cl'oc~eu.'htwo dwe lings .. ,' 800

lm~OUW'::F..t!. MI'. ADd Mrs. J. Towel' rlepl\rt tom 01'- Mrs. H'rank Fuller and soris Ben' and p:~f.i"~nlfot~r~add~'.·.:·.·,:.: DOG5~~~~iil::\~,il:;;l,~~,~(~ll~~lrl;~'JI(I ·tin~(;clii,c·d $IKi:'~~~ ~~ h011~hL~vuv~~:~~~fl,?I~e t~I':I~ d~~l 0

1re bleD I'OW for Cflrt.~ 11K", 111 1 to visIt clurinR' Tl'evett, d .. parted this !lfte~noon fl1l' Anton Lerner, residence ... , 1,£i75

{~:~rll;:::I~'7::I~:~S,~fl~I'nli~;1:(;;~li~~~ii';'1~'. [tl.M~;m in.!' Cbri'l' OJl\'l rluy, anrt a-ide from the h"lidays with their f>OO, Rev. li'red. ~~~n~a;:~u~g~~t~lr~' 9rh::~i~lt~L';;t.~~; ~I~: ~i~~'e~'~~'d~l: ~we1liD~, ~~gOth,'r I'\'f~' u:;l,:~h·.... lUilla on that. the work will go OU· as usual{' See E. R. Surbel' abOllt tIle new Iiff1 li few d .. ys in Cblcago wi~h Mr. Rmi Ul l{ b I '3 ~I~:l~~,I:l~r~~~:~ll::\\~:'~,I~.I~I~~ltl~~'~'~i'll.)'~I,(l:... ,4,~l~:J Mes<.;rs lIanson of Holt COUUI~, and in-.uruncl1 policil'" of t bA North <,','('S{'-1'n MI·s. F. A. earborn. Ci~;~f ~YI:Y::~ anr lOOp" l,fJtlOD~" r,·"ml lllvioual, Illnl!b.llnd pl'lv_ ~ ~ St"w'lrt of Dixon ('ounty, 8' d·~ Miss Mutual Life of Milwallkeo. ,Pho[le :12.' I . E. P. Olmst~d,'add 1,[1011

OW:lh IUO \Jall)(!> nud )Mllllol'H.. . 9,62!l U ~dlll?tlw~l~r Of Kno: t~OULlt~, ate re- McVlckel's Bakery CRD fO,upply you liuldh:~li .Ct~1t~p ~~n~~J~l'S~~I~d P~l~,~;l[~ ~~~sC(~:~::~'. ~.~':~' :.!,~~~ 'I'<:lold (.~OIl1. .. · .... · ,,:i.2Iii (10 c ... nt lDer I'I~U lites 8 e co ege~. witb a.1l kinds of candies !lnd nuts in that'coIlD'y'SOOD. 'I'nose d('sil'ing to I,. F. Ray"Jr". add. 1 lIunP"~H'I' Clirlency .. 4,H81 c/O Mr. DlI.1ilwRn, .."bo su!';hinerl frae· t j'd 'k d f ~ u.· ,

1'oC~:;~k~:r.U~~:"1~~d~'" . i~; i: 10.08' 83 ~~;::eorw\~b eR~~di!eph~ iha~ber~~;.:~~: :'~:eo::,::~ly ::::::Ii:: ::: ~::t: t~(~:~~Hi~{i'~;::~da~~':,£:~:~s~f~t?:~tf:~~:'~!:~:::. l.~Totll.l". . .,265.917 DO from the injury and is back in s ~hool. church will h tId its annual Chri ..twas l'IO tt1El.t we can make up our party. B L. Preston, add........... .. 200

J")lltu.\ stock p~~\~[~rTIES, 7.5.lJOO 00 l\IC'd·,.,:m,,·n McePI"Dottey'bwl~err'etbhlea wl,:."ko.!o,r eXE:lrcise Tuesday evel,iug of mxt E. R. Surber, phone 32. Johu Livel'ingbousf:>, bal'll,.... 2QLItt l ' 1') !IOO /)0.LT" .u week. t "!'he Misses Bayer ga.ve a deligbtful MisceUaneou~,inoluding cement!~I:/a~~\~(;'i(i)j·(;t1i~·.~::'.· IO:!Jsa 77 term of ~cbool. He will be mi~'erl in If you do Dot w~t to be a widow "five o'clock tea" on Friday. The N~~~~sk:t~'~;~~i'p'~Ji~g'~','~~'~ 3


5(1()'In,jlvld\uU d..,posil>\ H;l.C:Ji2 flO I mOI'e thau one department of ttl N. N b bId St I I" I U I 1 roomS were ),')'ettily ,decorated wi.tb~",',~~lt~,',L(."'[""I~,tn',r,'[' /~.f"u,,'"','O..'.I., 'iO.,7'11O, '6~ 'IO·l:I.llctivities. nyyour us )a~ It ey ,yOO tI'!'·- dormItory I::to 6 JOOpo~ "l .',:" .,~"~, I""""" . • Rev, Weldon conducted tbe Y. M, c. JOHNs,It oures rhenmatiam 'mE 2 ~"l~:~ st~:;~ft'~;S:~~d~~~:::~~e A, G, H"ward, eott~.~·:::::::::. 'GOO,

'i bltllk~ aud \)lUlkcrs "-_?.:~ lfij,!)a~-= i ~.~~0et~~::l~~~d~~~e:h~~~0~~~I~ ~1~~~ Mis" LOlli~i Mitc~!'lI, wh 1 ~t ,at.ten~- ~iJ~!:'\~~:~:it~~S~herb::~ ~~~:~~t~~: ~'~J~~'h::::::~~~::;::~:~d:::: 1,:\~~ J BtI•••illIIllillllli\{iJiIlllE..,.fIiiij!!l"1'otrL[~.. . ~lHUH7 IJ'J i thil't.v-n o n"w mHmbl;lr" hltv~ag, been ~'~~e~~:dt~,~~gt~~to~~~wa;;/S:l~:lt~h~ Pl't"SMlt were Misloes Oraven, Mary lind J.li'. ~hel'babD, imp brick surds I,O(JI).· III

~t;L,l;'} o~:f~~::'\l~;.kl~;:~::;::~~~r (~~H;V~l:~l\~; s~l~lrIl){l eU;I~le~Jl::~~t:I~~aY~f Pilr{er egins b IidHyS. I 1;~v~~~ W~:~~l,~Web~r~~~'tt~;,Op~m~ri l.'otlll $(j.l,7110 I: ~=============="===='±=,===""':~==::"'"I~MIII, 110 ~11()l"IIIYflw"nr thn-t tho /l,IIOVU HIl1tu t Iii gab e n xt \\~(' He Frank ResinJ': and R"~m Ellis, of and Mrs. Surber., 'J hl'ca haonf;ome uri(lk bu-.in8ss'j0!lt 1.'1\:11'1'(:1". ILIIII:~ ~r'UI' ,'l]IIV or tile n'/lu!·t ('lie) I ye r om " . Ail.e"a, w.re mli.rried 'at the Muthodi-.t .IlLllelllthu:;tuwB nlllng'hOlwd, hl(obN~llrnanhool bere only R short parl-onHge ye.':lterday, Rev. Hittlell of- We have a fine line of Sewing bIO(lk!'olul'of,obeblJilt.iuthe~pllnl.:'.

, '''~'l'T!I~'J!~ 1,. TOCltN::" r~;'I':~\::' OI1~hIOl', ;~~I\:~I[II~~:s (~~oi::u~i~y l~~~S~1 y:~~~~ floiatinR'. ' \ Machines, such as Wheeler & ~p~~ljfd()S~:~:~~n~~I~r~6li;t~~~ t~:ll~:~~ !, .J. I", FIU':NCU. llll'~lltor. man of cornmeuda..l.le ambltlon. Mi...s Maude Bensboof will Ilav,' It Unanc1al iU/oititutioT,s, t.he State HankI flUh.O;CI-11:bl1d '/L1l1i ,~II"Urli to lJctoro me tills ---~~--_.~ Christll,as tree und 1\, proprh"te t>xor- Wilson and others, at bottom or Wayne, the F,rst Natioo'il aud th~17Lh uay If IJlJCem lh'r 11101. . HOSKINS. I ciHel'lQ.t. hflr SObll"l iu thll Hugbes dl'"l, qitizens Bank, three of tbe fouL' ill tho I

; ,A.. ~ 1<"")0', ".",a,yl'oblle. B'~''fLemplln i,onl.t,et IOkll t Id tr[et Cb/istmaB eve. prices, for lIoliday gifts. Otto e'iLs prebable that we !ailed to get 'r-,-'-1- - M'}iId~Y'·a)es was do~wn rom Ins" F,'r tree ornRment$, nuts,oandles, V t' U d ' all of the improvement.", nnrl we wouldI ' ' 'I NO 3p92 ''i)~tP 'KI\:n'lz came ~p from CIa. katon fruits and holi(h~y liood'::! s('e Taylor oge s ar ware. he plt'll'sed to bo nolifio(lof any Stl9hI : Firllst National Bank. la~t evelll!'J~. 8te· n, 1st. door north of Olmkted's Mrs. Nick Hansoll, who resided with in time for next week's,isslle.

~ 'WI\YNE, NEBRI\SI\I\. - w~;:'e ~~t~da:lowser retllrn d to ~a:Z~rueff~~J:: He hus the best thfj ~et;p:~~~~~:asr~~"W~~n~o~~~k ss~~~~ M<Hket Reports.1 'H-ejlorl of t},eCrlIlIHtlnll oUhe FirlltN"Uon* G B Mlltrr shipped flo load 0 oattll!' J. M. Wal'd of HardinJr. S. D., And consentrated lye by miRtake Monday SO'lth Omaba, Dec. 18.,a1 BalL)< at \\ ILYIH·~. ill tho ~tllt~ ofJr~hf901<a. to Omaha Y~terriaY. Mrs Dell M BI kef;ley of Carroll morning from the effects of wbich she Heceipts of cattle r~l.i", 10,000 fol'r~ th:ecl4se OfbLl~t~~O~~I~:c8el~ or t, . I o. 'rraato anl1 bride left r r thelr were uOlt~.1 'In ~1i~"lalle Silturday; rHed 'fueRday afterooon. It l:ieOIDS sbl:l threfl dllYi'l. Corn feclsteel's ffi'lk.' upLOIUlll,lltd 11laeOlll1tM......· $tOO.054 77 bomel at WI Del' S>l.f.urc1ay. Dell. 14, H),11, at fbI< COtluty Judj:,te~ of- had beoome very illo.ud was not awnre Il good Sb!l.rl~ of the ofi'el'inJ{", but asOv~~I.~I~~ltl~;.b~(J~~l,~~~I.. ~..~~l ,a,r138:12 ! Mrs, LIlI" wI"" ZIBm~ Bllrl am~y flce in WaSne, Judge Huntet, otfioiat· of what sbe t,d ttl ken. A"do(~tor was l,suRI the half fat l~nd ~hort fed R:radesul ~."1l\1~1t1>1 to llecUrO eil'- I Ne(Rd,o are. loth mUob b~t.ter. lng. R hurriedlv Btl mOiled and everytbing I:l.re lar/otety in!,evidence. IDesirable well

I I, 18750 00 h dAd h d possib'e 'wnsl, one to reli.. ve hersn~er- latte'j beevl-s are ill active demand ~\I,df:i~qcil~tll~,~l~;~~~'l'~i~~:"l;tri:::' , . IJI.IO flO Jolin Sh~" DQ,Q_8.'S dn rew. tart;ltn Puts R'ray mBrPr in yo 11' h ea . ing"l,1)ut to rio avail 'l'be fu.neral will strong wbilll common and mediumInUlli,IIII{ hOll~.l fmulturo w~nt, to oewaN.... un ay, re iIlrulng, Brings a rosy R' ow to fade c e,-ks. be held at 10:30 .b~rido.y morning. De. grades I'l1le dull anrl wetlk. Cows RndI IlLlld'IIx'lllrf'~' .... ...... 10.000 on Monday. ' 'I II RestilrEls vim,' vigor, mental and "bysi- d h M ~l!Jlm fr911 NlltlOlll\l Blluktl . 'rra'. k Pblll,'p. and Jaoob Rooel"; cill happin.ss, 'l'bat's wbat Rocky ceased who was t,he aug tel' of· r. mixed stook in fair supply, 00" ket. '(ILOt ~,otlor"(J Alfoutll).$W,121 H .J: ,J I . I lid 35 A k and Mrs, Henry Jans,leaves a busbtmd stron~ to 100 higher t.han last vi ek,0111\ fl'o h lljlrll'O"ed re-' were ,p'\8Set~gers to" NiobrRt'B. on1HY MOllntain Tea wi o. c. s your aod one ohild three y,ears old to mourn demand liber~1 and aeth·e. Trade in1ni~~:;~1 ~.7:~~:~I~~t;;I~;;~'.42,6~~ ~~ moro:1ug. 'I. I I druggist. 'II her untimely depariqre. Irbe stricken stockers and feeders qui.. t but steady. ,<':lIN~I~ll' nud other CUllh There Will be a ChrlBtma-s j t~e Bn~ Heinz's pre!';erves, strawberry, pine l'elat1ves have the. ~ympatby of uei't'h· to StNO" on anyt,~l'inKdesirable. Sup

I I' · .. ·1 3,524la exerClS6s at tbe M. E. ohurch Christ- apple, blackberry, peHch butter, aod bars and friends in this bout, of thf'ir ply anrl demand limited.4.07000 mas ~ve. ! I apl,le butter. II'hese preselys Ilrs not· bel·eavement. l~eceipts of bogs cooti11lle liberal,

Tbe leotu e by 0, W. Blain last Sat- ed for thell' purity, and H.l'e with'mt _.,. ~_ .....~__.._~_____ 30,GOO for three days. 'l'oday with 11,·urday even ng was not as well patro7 ipl~; ~b(~O~nest bbi,?g on the market. "......._""'!.. .....lluOtton sale market opened slow audnlzedb8s it ~bou~d have been. I I ~iti~' i ?~'wa~g,.etD'lallld'g'r-:dgeDsg.•. ~Re,i,D.,"gef~~)'.~o'.~ocl '

Kfl. ta Erioks'on Is latd '\,J'p with A. ,An ordinary lire polioy in t~e North,: ~ L R 0 "

·bh.dIY 8prat~ed o.nklE!', the rp,l:Iult of· B western Mut.ual Life of Milw!'1ukee for . .' ong, . air ~;~~'t ~O~~li:~'~~ t1~l:~;;:t W~d~~a;J~~~:wres~lln~ ma.toh wlth Ed 3teveos. I ' 20 years will·cost soq. an Rverage of $5 'Ve don't look for muoh of 6 decline' Sf

It is rePtrted that Hoskins is to ptll' $1000 pel' annum. Is there any for res·t of' week. ,." ' I

:~:l;~::~g ~~~~ei: t~~t~~~~. a:~~~r~~~ ~;~,i:~~~:~~~ chea~er. See iE~ R. Sur. I"About,a yoar'lllgo my hair was ,st~ohne;~Dhi~~~l~.s moderate, DlaI'ke~'!~~ggg gg th;ht~I&=~S O~n~h~~~:erD~o~t!l~n~llli wiTIe~:II~··a~·u~~e:yhS~h~~1 i~sgf~~:g~t ~Ob;t~l~ °OftA:~~,~a~~irOV~g~~~g~: N~. & BU"~~_~~ Co, I I13.024 62 C ImQll'nCe Ibusiuei8 the first of the atbned Bev"ePn"IB,.'ge,bA"lr(o,b.eSeu.'rdD'eYa ~lynlenrvDietOe' n

dI stopped the falllqg .and made my ES'tRAY NOTICE. I i

"8,"000 -{eo"')'!'o K'n.er ha' '"Id bl' B'lonnl t" ' tl:, Ihall' gro.w very rap"idly, until now It Taken up at my pla'c~ abo\lt Dec. 7. 'I'.. and particularly those interested lin is 45 inches 1~ length."-Mrs. A. one sow pig, welght about 180 pounds,

~~~~l~:;;~llr6~rr::~~."'W[n~~~.hO';-~~ Sunday sohod! 'fork. I:Boydston, Atchispn, Kans. , llnd a hole punoh;d 'in 'both ears. ,

,nf~W ~rm took POFIRARslnn .1'uRRdll.y. 'I ' T;::'°k~~~:t~1 kinds for boys a~ld girls. There's another hunger Ib,NRY MEYER. I ==;::::==:==:::====~=~~:;=::::=~~~~;:;;;;;;"lli;'i'!;i!;I 'I! C"0'L,ct';n.a"t'°lo'n'" .1' A'tthe M: de~n WJo~men meeti~" !th:1n th~t of the stomach. PD::~:,::,:erB,

11.0 JI Y on'rueRday eveninR' the following of· Hair hunger, for jnstan~e. Elf.st-7 a. 00 ,1:30 and.3:30 p. OJ.

I J fl~ers were f'lt'cted for t1i~ enSUlnR H h d f d West-9:m 8.. m. anrl6:20 v. m.Does your he~d ache? : Pa.n year: Alex Holt •• V, 0,; Lamberl, Ro·e. ungry air nee s 00, N tib lit f I" ? 'Bid W.A.;H:Merrima.l1,bank"'rjE. Hunt- dh ' A" art -9:15 1\. m. aud6:20p. m.

,I ac 0 your eyes h·? IeI', olerk; A. Jett, efJcort;JDr. Wiili~ms, i neTeh· SI'S iasiwrVhiv,g~e-sahYtehraSt· Al~~~~:~:~ar~rday~n, '1'\lesd~Y, 1'hurs.:

Utaste ,in VOUI~ maut t s S~:,SiEili~dtt~f.tW.;:~~~L,eWi::~b~~~: Sunttl\y~O:1ti Q m Bnd 1:30 p. m.yoitr liver'! Ayel"s Pills a e 0,w", Ayer's Hall' Igor a ways omee op..n from 7 a. m, to 8 p. m" 1

'liverpills. They cure cons I· Cbd.tmas packages for, tbemail . restores colot, and makes ~::,~i~li~r:;~2:8~:~:'10:30 a, ",. ,ndlp'at~ion, lieadache, dyspepsi'la. shou d be wrapJ,led in beavy p"per lind the ha~r grow long and Monr:r Pl·oj .. r winrlow 0PPh from 8 a. m I

\! . '*sc. Alldruggh:ts. . , ~e~l~~~:~l i;'h:e~~~~~:il:Jn~~"~t':e~r heaVy.! $1.0J)Q~Jll. Alldraul.... to6p. w. - ..

wl!ole sealed. Put your name A,nd a'1 M

dress in tbe upper teft band corner.See Mlat the po!otllR'e is tolly prepaid.Euclosing' letters with paokages ofmerohaI1dise is subjeot to $10 flne.. ,,', ,"'.!!!~~

i,[ ~ ,

..._--'t1he people of Wayne couJ1ty haNc 'been gO()(~ t?

':P,wC111,y-Hix months ago we came here an entire 'strange

a~'HI l'tl does... seeru to us that every(1ne made a special efFor" ' II' i

to ClWOUl'.lge Ilt-i. Our tl'l1ue was good from tile start ,an

ha:-::; titeadily grown :-::;inc'e until OUl" stOl'(~ room haB becom

too sm~l.l for (IUl' in~reas~c.1 tr:L(k~. Our' competitors hav"

unifol,"mly tf'eated u~ with l'espe9t. for w~ieh we are thank­

flll. Jf it wa~ po~~i1,lle fa'" u~ to mal'" ,(~vel'yol1e who ha

P~ltl'opiwd u~ a Chl'istma$ present, we would enjoy doing i ,

All "e ean do i~ to wi~h all a Merry Christmas and we hop

thOI'd ";vi!l not I", any -that will not be Tt'membereu wi~hpreHe~~~'bY ~~JTne deal' friend. \Ve have made great prepa ­

atioll for Chri:::;t,mas buyer8. You cannot realize how IDan\r

pretty thing~ we have unless yon call and see them,

.l\l d<u~ UlI,ll:ot d,'"irllbll' glfl rOl'£111,1)"11,, 01' ",)11 Wl~ !Jure u full

I Iino of Ill! vllr-ipli"tI



Times "Change.~'ashions cbange·--,viLb H tailoI' alwuys--with the ready-m:ltle (·lot.bing mltn.ifhe sold bis last sta,ok., A mao can bepe~'fectly sure'of ent.ire cl?tbi:pg satis-,'taotioQ,'only. :Tbere ~r'& tio ~m'fin alikE!":"tIn one there is aUttle defect here--ip.'.i.nother it is ~ in an,,:enf.irely differeritpl~~e. Tailo~ ,.made .'c~ot~in~,is ,Lbe,cheapest in'every way'man ~l\n flgure.~'

Style, a~tisfaotion.finh;b and eJeganc'~'all combined by'