© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Page 1: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 2: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Educate you with practical tips, tools, and resources to accelerate & enhance your job search success.

Give you opportunity to apply the concepts.

Provide you with expertise from people in the HR profession to help you make a smooth & successful transition.

Have some fun & network!

Page 3: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Skill Set (Do you have the employer’s “wish list”? Can you deliver significant ROI?)

Industry Experience & Education (Does it match job descriptions?)

Social Skills (Are your verbal, interpersonal skills above average?)

Motivation (How hard are you willing to work?)

Support / Network (Are you going it alone? Do you have a strong prof. network?)

Search Strategy (Are you using the right one, or the easiest one?)

Computer Skills (Do you have right tech skills for job; good computer skills for search?)

Salary (What flexibility do you have in salary?)

Time Availability (Are you putting in 8-10 hours/day; 3-5 if employed?)

Potential Obstacles (Any language barriers, potential age discrimination, weak work history, disability, etc.?)

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 4: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

1. Over-preparing (quit tweaking your resume or elevator pitch; get out there and use it)

2. Assuming you shouldn’t pick up the phone and contact a stranger on your own (not every call has to have a warm lead)

3. Going it alone (it takes humility to ask for and receive help)

4. Not taking the time to do some soul searching to know your strengths and value (vs. lunging after the first opportunity that flies by)

5. Thinking that you’ve networked just because you had lunch with your Uncle Jim’s brother’s barber (get close to hiring managers + influencers)

6. Working hard instead of working smart (face-to-face contact with hiring managers will help hit paydirt faster than anything else you can do … spending all day searching job postings doesn’t count)

7. Forgetting that employers hire people to make money and solve problems (if you’re not focusing on this, you’re wasting your and the employer’s time)

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 5: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

1. Target “dream” companies + a handful of perfect-fit postings … ideally, always be working on 6-10 hot possibilities

2. Identify 3+ contacts (hiring managers, influencers) for each co./opportunity.

3. Research each company’s needs + industry trends & issues

4. Network relentlessly, making 3-5 face-to-face meetings per week with influential contacts (people close to hiring managers)

5. Continue to execute on passive job search strategies (resume posting, recruiters, job fairs, etc.)

6. Log 8-10 hours 5 days/week; 3-5 hours a day if employed … job search is a full-time job!

7. Focus on value/benefits/ROI more than your skills, experience, or personality … answer the “So what?” question!

Make money Save money Save time Solve a problem

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 6: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Anyone ever planned a work project?

Taken a big trip?

Built or remodeled a home?

What’s the first place you start?


Your job search is one of the most important projects of

your life!

Your Job Search is a Project

Page 7: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Schedule your time – This is a “9-5” job

Make a “task” list (top 3 things that MUST get done each day)

List your accomplishments each day/week

Tap into your network

(make a list of EVERYONE you know – no limitations!)

Track your results (www.jibberjobber.com)

Update your resume – targeted to each opportunity

Create your LinkedIn Profile – and use it frequently!

Expand your skills – there may be $$ for training / certification

Network, Network, Network!! – know your “elevator speech!

Volunteer – a great way to network and learn new skills

Work Your Plan

Page 8: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

????Networking? Posting?


Job Boards?

Company Websites?

Internal Referral Sources?

Tweaking Resume?

Researching Target Company Issues?

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Source: CareerXroads Source of Hires Study

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Source: DBM

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Source: The Very Quick Job Search by J. Michael Farr (JIST)

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6 am

7 am

8 am

9 am RED YELLOW10 am

11 am ZONE ZONE12 noon

1 pm

2 pm



Green Zone

God gives each of us 168 hours/week

Be a good steward … invest your time wisely

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Red Zone / Yellow Zone Search and respond to job postings Research/documentation Plan/evaluate your week Practice 2-minute, 30-second resume

Green Zone Networking calls and meetings Interviews Networking events

Blue Zone

Find a Schedule that Works

Best for You and

Produces Results

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Devotional and prayer time

What are your “A” “B” and “C” Activities?

Page 14: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Networking? Posting?


Job Boards?

Company Websites?

Internal Referral Sources?

Tweaking Resume?

Researching Target Company Issues???

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 15: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Is Not►Transactional (“I need you to give me a job lead or a job!”)

►A one-way street, with you doing all the “taking”

►Sending mass emails

►Sitting in front of the computer all day searching postings

►Just talking to your normal circle of friends … you must get out of your comfort zone


Is►Relational (ideally face-2-face)

►Opportunity to be a blessing to others (say a prayer, share a tip)

►Individualized process; quality is more important than quantity

►Opportunity to learn more about industry/target companies

►A “Screen Test” (contacts are measuring you up, even in informal meetings)

►Lifelong activity … “Dig your well before you’re thirsty”

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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Most Used

When Job Searching

►96% Internet postings

►95% Ads

►95% Networking

►92% Employee referrals

►90% Internet postings

Most Effective

For Landing A Job

►78% Networking

►65% Employee referrals

►48% Internet postings

►45% Headhunters

►30% AdsSource: SHRM Survey

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 17: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Target Company

Decision-Makers & Other People Inside Target Companies

Alumni, Professors

Former Employees of Target Companies

Contacts from Church, Community,

Volunteer & Hobbies

Past & Present Coworkers

Mentors, Business

Contacts, Job Club Network

Professional Association &

Industry Leaders

Vendors, Customers, Competitors of Target


Friends & Family Recruiters

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 18: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Church & Community


Social Activities &

Service Groups

Your Children‘s

School, Sports & Hobby Activities

Random Meetings& Meals

Seminars, Conferences &

Association Meetings

Planned Networking


Online: Google Search, ZoomInfo,

Social Media (LinkedIn), Blogging

Job Fairs

School/Training (If Enrolled)

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Page 19: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

(c) 2002 Effective Networking, Inc.







Exec ed





Peer group



Strategic PartnersPartner #1

Partner #2




Present job

Job #1

Job #2

Job #3

Special-interest Clubs





Colleague #1







BE WISE!Religion




Trade organization

Leads group



Page 20: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Plan your week

Set small-step goals for each day

Do what’s outside your comfort zone FIRST each day

Keep filling your pipeline w/ new potential target companies, contacts

Reward yourself for small-step victories

What do you need to be your best today? Ask for what you need!

Stay focused on your ultimate goal on a daily, or even hourly, basis

Ask God for His perspective, peace, provision … weekly, daily, hourly!

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Go Back to the “Basics”

Page 21: © Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

Progress Metrics (# per day/week/month you will make):

Phone contacts

Email / social networking contacts

Letter contacts

Thank you’s and follow-up’s

Face-to-face employer meetings

Face-to-face networking meetings

Results Metrics:

Openings / opportunities identified

New employer prospects or networking prospects identified

Interviews / candidacies

Finalist spots


Job accepted© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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www.zoominfo.com - Search over 5 million companies

www.weddles.com/associations/index.cfm - Search hundreds of associations

www.google.com/Top/Business/ - Search more than 50 industry categories.

http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Directories/Companies/ Search more than 60 industry categories.

www.bcwinstitute.com/ - Christian Best Workplaces

www.anywho.com – Search for businesses & people (white/yellow pages)

www.reverse-lookup.com – Reverse lookup & email search (fee)

www.googlealert.com – Updated info on company, topic, industry

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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www.onetcenter.org – For occupational information

www.jobcentral.com – National Labor Exchange

www.deed.mn.us/ - MN Dept. of Employment & Economic Dev.

www.careeronestop.com – U.S. Dept. of Labor website

www.careervoyages.gov – Find in-demand occupations

www.usa.gov – Information about U.S. Government

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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www.crossroadscareer.org – Crossroads Career Network

Grace Church Network Key: grace-ce

www.rileyguide.com – Job search resources

www.rileyguide.com/nettips.html - tips & resources for networking

www.careeronestop.com – U.S. Dept. of Labor website portal

www.jibberjobber.com – Organizing job search efforts

www.jobfiler.com – Organizing your online job search

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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www.minnesotaworks.net – Find MN jobs & post resume

www.crossroadscareer.org – Crossroads Career Network


www.free-ed.net – Free education on the Internet

www.goodwilltraining.com – Free learning opportunities

www.elearners.com – Search for learning institutions & programs

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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• Majors: Monster.com (35%), CareerBuilder.com (30%), HotJobs.Yahoo.com (29.5%)

• Aggregators: Indeed.com, SimplyHired.com, Jobster.com, JobKaBob.com, Oodle.com

• Top Niche Sites: TheLadders.com, CareerJournal.com, Dice.com, CollegeGrad.com, SnagAJob.com, Mozilla.com,

• Listing of Niche Sites: www.interbiznet.com/bugler/060412Specialedition.html

© Susan Whitcomb 2009 – The Christian's Career Journey – in partnership with Career Transition Ministries Network & Crossroads Career® Network

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