www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com ن الرحيم الرحم بسمThe Golden Moments in the life of a Muslim

ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب - WordPress.com · Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean: . 7. The Night of Decree, the Night in which destiny is re-written by Al Qadir

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Page 1: ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب - WordPress.com · Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean: . 7. The Night of Decree, the Night in which destiny is re-written by Al Qadir


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

The Golden Moments in the life of a Muslim

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حيم ن الر ـ حم ه الر سم اللـ ب

ا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر ﴿١﴾ إن وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر ﴿٢﴾

ن ألف شهر ﴿٣﴾ ليلة القدر خير من كل أمر ﴿٤﴾ وح فيها بإذن ربهم م ل الملئكة والر تنز

ى مطلع الفجر ﴿٥﴾ سلم هي حت

Page 3: ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب - WordPress.com · Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean: . 7. The Night of Decree, the Night in which destiny is re-written by Al Qadir

“We have indeed revealed this (Qur’an) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to you what the Night of Power is! The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by the permission of their Lord (on every errand): (The Night is full of) Peace until the rise of Morn!” (Al Qur’an, Chapter 97)

Allah Unveils the Golden Moments


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The word Qadr means: 1. Worth 2. Position 3. Status 4. Esteem 5. Power 6. Glory 7. Decree 8. Measure 9. Strength 10. Fate 11. Ability

Amazing Word, Amazing Meanings!


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1. The Night of Worth, the Night worth spending in ibaadah, the Night bringing immense worth to the worshippers

2. The Night of Position, the Night upholding distinguished position

3. The Night of Status, the Night bringing enviable status to the Muslims

4. The Night of Esteem, the Night bestowing esteem upon those who care

Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean:


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5. The Night of Power, the Night bestowing power upon the worshippers, the powerful night that saw the revelation of the Qur’an, the Book that bestows power to those who value it. 6. The Night of Glory, the glorious Night that brings glory to Muslims

Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean:


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7. The Night of Decree, the Night in which destiny is re-written by Al Qadir (the Able)! 8. The Night of Strength, the Night giving strength to the worshippers. Subhanallah!

Subhanallah! Laylatul Qadr would mean:


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The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

“A month has come to you in which there is a night which is better than a thousand months. Whoever deprives himself of its blessings, is deprived of all blessings. And none is deprived of the blessings of the Night of Power except the most unfortunate”. This loving command and caution should

make us become intensely serious and sincere in

striving to attain the blessings of Laylatul Qadr.


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قام ليلة القدر إيمانا واحتسابا ، غفر من "

م من ذنبه "له ما تقد


Virtues of Laylatul Qadr

Prophet Muhammad صلى هللا عليه وسلم said:

“Whoever stands up for the Laylatul Qadr with firmness of belief and stock taking of his deeds, then all his past sins are forgiven”.

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Striving hard & straining one’s nerves

Prophet Muhammad (sal-lal-lahu alaihi

wa sallam) did not specify a particular

night to be Laylatul Qadr.

By saying, “Seek Laylatul Qadr among

the odd nights during the last ten nights

of Ramadhaan”, the Prophet (sal-lal-lahu

alaihi wa sallam) has kept it a secret.


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• Herein lies a Muslim’s thrill. A sublime thrill in

striving to live the nights in worship and

glorification of the Lord Almighty!

• The whole idea boils down to the fact that if

you want to aim higher and go beyond the

horizon, you need to strive hard.

• Precious things can’t be attained just like that!


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• Let’s use the golden opportunity of living

the night of Laylatul Qadr by often

supplicating to Allah:

• اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني

• Allahumma Innaka Afu’un, Tuhibbul

Afwa, Fa’fu Anni”

• O Allah! You are Forgiving, You love to

Forgive, So Forgive me.


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The Craze for 27th Night! Some questions to those Muslims who ‘think’

that 27th night is Laylatul Qadr:

What if 27th is not Laylatul Qadr, and you

thought that it is, and therefore slept all the other

nights? Wouldn’t it be a fatal loss?

What if the Government did make a mistake in

announcing the starting date of Ramadhaan?

Wouldn’t the actual 27th Night be on a

different date then?


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• There is hidden wisdom in not

confirming the exact time/night of

Laylatul Qadr.

• There is wisdom in striving to worship in

all the last ten nights of Ramadhaan!

• Sometimes, a little jerk on a car’s

bumper proves fatal to life.

• Do you want your spiritual life to suffer a

terrible loss by arguing on assumptions

that this night is laylatul Qadr or that

night is Laylatul Qadr??


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Let’s think over!

If one misses this year’s Laylatul

Qadr, he misses the Ibaadah of


And who knows this could be

one’s last Ramadhaan!!


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May Allah Guide us all on the Right

Path. Aameen.

Please remember me and my family

in your precious du’aa.

Jazakallahu Khayra.

