محاضرات sql

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sql Software Engineering Teaching Through Game Design server

sql server management studio sql server management studio :Object exploer registered server summary

sql server management studio . : registered server .

sql server management studioobject exploer : : database Security Server object Replication Management Notification services

sql server management studio : database :- 1 -: system database sql server .

-master ) (. SQL Server .



2 -database snapshots 3- : :- database diagram- : . tables- : . views- : .

synonyms :. programmability : .sql server server broker :5002 sql server .

storage- : . security- : .

: Security :- :Logins . :Server Roles . credentials :

: Server object : backup devices : . Endpoint : Link servers : . management studio Triggers :sql server .

: Replication : ( local publication ) (local subscriptions )

: Management sql server: maintenance plans : sql server :sql .server Activity moniter : . Data mail :

: Notification services : summary object .explorer

: :management studio database . object explorer new database . ok .

: : t-sql t-sql create database :- 1 test :

USE master GO -- Drop the database if it already exists IF EXISTS ) SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'test1' ( DROP DATABASE test1 GO CREATE DATABASE test1 GO

execute 5 f query executed successfully .

: :management studio database object explorer delete .ok

: : t-sql t-sql drop database :- 1 test : 1drop database test

. . : sql server

Integer: From (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) To (9,223,372,036,854,775,807). int: From (-2,147,483,648) To (2,147,483,647) smallint: from (-32,768) To (32,767) tinyint: from 0 To 255 bit : (1,0) money : From (-922,337,203,685,477.5808) To(+922,337,203,685,477.5807) smallmoney : From -214,748.3648 To 214,748.3647 datetime : From January 1, 1753 To December 31 9999 smalldatetime : From January 1, 1900 To June 6, 2079


char : a maximum length of 8,000 characters varchar : maximum of 8,000 characters text : maximum length of (2,147,483,647) characters Nchar : maximum length of 4,000 characters


ntext: a maximum length of (1,073,741,823) characters binary: a maximum length of 8,000 bytes. varbinary: Variable-length binary data with a maximum length of 8,000 bytes. image: Variable: -length binary data with a maximum length of (2,147,483,647) bytes

: :management studio database . object explorer . tables .new table null .

open table . : customers :

Column name Id Name Phone Address City state

Data type int (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50

Allow nulls

* * * *

t-sql : use ccc CREATE TABLE [dbo].[custmer]) [id ] [int] NOT NULL, [name] [varchar])50( NULL, [address] [varchar])50( NULL, ( GO

:- :- 1- 2- insert into . 3- values . : :-

Create Tableuse studentDB insert into [T_Sem])name_Sem( values)sem 4( GO : use studentDB insert into [T_Sem] values)sem 4 '( GO

Edit the Table: :management studio modify -

: -:t-sql alter add drop . 1- : state

use studentDB alter table T_Sem add state1 varchar)50( GO state1 2- : use studentDB alter table T_Sem drop column state1 GO

Delete the Table: :management studio . . delete . ok -

: -:t-sql drop table : use studentDB drop table T_Sem GO

Exp company -: -customer Column name Id Name Address City state Data type int (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 * * * Allow nulls

Exp-orderColumn name Id date Customer-id Data type int datetime int * Allow nulls

Exp-orderlineColumn name Id Order-id Prodcut-id quantity Data type int int int int * Allow nulls

Exp-productColumn name Id Discrption Finish On-hand Unit-price Data type int (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 int Money * Allow nulls

constraint . :- 1- unique 2- not null 3- default 4- check 5- primary key 6- foreign key

constraint :- unique :- sport ( customer) :

constraintuse sport CREATE TABLE [dbo].[custmer]) [id ] [int] NOT NULL, [name] [varchar])50( NULL, [address] [varchar])50( NULL, constraint uk_cons1 unique )name(, ( GOName of constraint Type of constraint field

constraint: - not null . :- default (0) :-

constraint ( )items (0) :-Column name Item-id quantity Data type int int Allow nulls

constraint use sport CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item]) [item_id ] [int] NOT NULL,[quantity] [int] constraint df_cons2 default)0(

( GO

constraint: -:check (1 ) item ( )qya_s ( )int :-

constraint use sport CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item1]) [item_id ] [int] NOT NULL, [quintity] [int] , [qya_s] [int] , constraint ck_cons3 check )qya_s>0( ( GO

constraint:- primary key :-

constraint use sport CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item2]) [item_id ] [int] NOT NULL, [quintity] [int] default)0(, [qya_s] [int] , constraint pk_cons4 primary key )item_id(, ( GO

constraint : foreign key . :-

constraint ( )order Column name order-id item_id Data type int int Allow nulls

( )item_id (2 )item ()order

constraint use sport CREATE TABLE [dbo].[order]) [orde_id ] [int] NOT NULL, [item_id] [int] ,constraint fk_cons5 foreign key )item_id( references dbo.item2,

( GO

- ALTER 1- : use sport ]ALTER TABLE [item 2DROP CONSTRAINT df_cons GO

2- : use sport ALTER TABLE itemadd CONSTRAINT ck_cons11 check )quantity>=0(


cascade :- on delete cascade- 1 : . on update cascade- 2 : .

use company ALTER TABLE [order]add CONSTRAINT ck_cons1101 foreign key)customerid(references dbo.customer on delete cascade


: use company ALTER TABLE [order]add CONSTRAINT ck_cons1101 foreignkey )customerid( references dbo.customer on update cascade


. :company

Customer Id Name Address City state prodcut Id description finish Unite price On-hand Order Id Date Customer-id

Orderline Id Order-id prodcut-id Quantiy

database diagram .new database diagram .

index : . . .

index : . .

index : : 1- ()clustered index 2- ()non clustered index 3- ()unique index 4- ()non unique index

index1- ( :)clustered index . 2- ()non clustered index .

index: (01 )test (1_ )table ( )name ( )name :

01use test create nonclustered index cind1 on (table_1)name go

index3- ()unique index . : ( )address :- 01use test (create unique index cind11 on table_1)address go

index4- ()non unique index . : ( )city :- 01use test (create index cind12 on table_1)city Go


index :- (.) drop : 21cind 01use test 21drop index table_1.cind Go

views (.)select (:)select :- (Select )expression( from )table name : ( )products ( ) company :-

views Column name Produc_id Name Descrip Unitprice quantity Data type int (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 Money int * Allow nulls

views :- 1- . 2- . :- 1 use company select * from T_Product 2- use company select ID_Product,Name_Product, Descrip from T_Product

views (-:)arithmetic expressions ( )select :- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

views . : (01). use company 01+select Name_Product,Quentity, price from T_Product

views : :- use company 01+select name, Quentity,12*price from T_Product : :-

use company ( 01+select name, Quentity,12*)price from T_Product

views ()null ( )null ( )null ( )null . : ( )null (5)

views :- (+). : ( )firstname lastname . ( ) select (Select firstname+lastname from )table name

views ( -:)literals (.)select : ( )select select 'the frist name is:'+ fristname+'the last name is: '+lastname from )table (name

views (-:)distinct ( )select . : ( ) firsname ( )select ( )distinct ( )select .

views ) products( -: ) company( Column name Produc_id Name Descript Unitprice quantity Data type int (Varchar)50 (Varchar)50 Money int * Allow nulls

views (-:)where ... ( )where ( )from . : 03.

viewsuse company select Name_Product ,descrip from T_Product 03=where Quantity :- * .

views comparison operators

< =< > => = - ><

views :--

1- : between and ( )between ()and : 03 06. use company select price ,descrip from T_Product 06 where Quantity between 30 and

views2- -: in . : (03 32 05) use company select price ,descrip from T_Product (05,32,03)where Quantity in

views3- : like :- (%): _ : ] [ : . ] ^[:

views : :- (.)r

SELECT Name,unitprice,Descrip FROM product %where name like 'r



()th %Name FROM product where name like '%th ()g %Name FROM product where name like '_g .






views -

-: .) e( ) a( SELECT Name,unitprice,Descrip FROM product where name like '[a-e]% SELECT Name,unitprice,Descrip FROM product where name like '[^a-e]% ) g,t,a( Name,unitprice,Descrip FROM product where name like-





views4- :is null ( )null (=) . : . select name,unitprice ,descrip from product where quantity is null (=) ( )is

views -:logical operators (.)and-or-not 1- ( :)and . : 02 51. use company select name,unitprice ,descrip from product 51=where quantity >20 and unitprice

views2- ( :)or . : 02 51. use company select name,unitprice ,descrip from product 51=where quantity >20 or unitprice

views3- ( :)not . : (810251) use company select name,unitprice ,descrip from product (81,02,51) where quantity not in

views ( :)order by . : . use company select name,unitprice ,descrip from product order by descrip ( ) desc . order by descrip desc

views* (-: )join :- . : :- 1- (:)equijoin . : :

views )depart( Column name Depnum Depname Data type Int (Varchar)50 Allow nulls

)employ( Column name Empnum empname Depnum Data type Int (Varchar)50 int Allow nulls

views . 1use test select depname,empname from depart,employ where depart.depnum=employ.depnum 2 .

views2- ( :)non equijoin . : ( )sale ( )salegarde . .Column name Garde losal hisal Data type int int int Allow nulls

views use test1 select gard,empname,losal,hisal,sale from garde,employ where employ.sale between garde.losal and garde.hisal

views3- ( :)inner join ()equijoin . :- 1use test select depname,empname from depart inner join employ on depart.depnum=employ.depnum

views4- ( :)cross join . : . 1use test select depname,empname from depart cross join employ

views5- (:)union . : . 1use test 'select depname,'employ from depart union 'select empname ,'depart from employ

views6- ( -:)except ( ). : ( )products ( (producid( )prodname ))nuitprice 04 - 07 02 05.

views use company select name,unitprice from product where unitprice between 40 and 70 except select name,unitprice from product where unitprice between 20 and 50

views7- ( :)intersect ( ). ( )intersect ( )except .

views use company select name,unitprice from product where unitprice between 40 and 70 intersect select name,unitprice from product where unitprice between 20 and 50

views : select . : (.)create view : ( )employ ( )empid( )fristname(-)lastname(- )titel 004.

views use test1 GO create view view12 AS select firstname,lastname,titel from employes where sale=400

views . ( )view ()alter : 002 . - (. )drop

views use test1 GO alter view view12 AS select firstname,lastname,titel from employes where sale=200 drop view view12

()stored procedure : ()t-sql (.)server ( )server . : :- 1- : 2- : 4- ( :)clr () visual studio.net

()stored procedure :- ( )create : use company go 1create proc dbo.ex as * select from dbo.custmer 'where name='ali go (1 ) ex ( )custmer ( )name (.)ali

()stored procedure : ()exec : 1exec ex ()insert : 1insert into custmer 1exec ex (1 )ex (1 )custmer .

()stored procedure : ( )alter : use company go 1alter proc dbo.ex as select id,address from dbo.custmer 'where name='ali Go .

()stored procedure : ( )drop :- use company go 1drop proc dbo.ex go (1 )ex (.)company

()stored procedure ()input paramete :- . (1-1-3002). :( (1 )sell ())name-quantity-sellstardate

()stored procedureuse company go 11create proc dbo.ex as select name,quantity 1from dbo.sell '3002/1/1'