ARGUS. NO 12 VOL. !I. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T .• THURSDAY. :MAY ll.1879. . a. 1l0RIlIS HALLIR. Port Town •• nd. w. T. P"O" .. IONAL CARDS. Dr. Thos, T Minor James M.·Gassaway. M:D.' PHYSICIAN •• URCEON OlUce •• tn.; Opposite POltofllce W. T. lilt . .4..'(0 L.A." Proetor 1ft JloeIJ I.aed. R.' blllr. ,..,... w1.tlUe,. 0e11ett.letl 1rUIM, ConTeJllllcbll', ... POIrl' W.1'. C.M.OuDfH.". W)I••• I ... A" .RAD.HAW" INMAN. A T'NoS.K\"8 At' LAW r&Ol.:rou I" .1l.1l11lr.llr· Port'rO... IIIK4tL 'fI, 'I' J; R LEW IS. Att()1'n e11-at .LauJ Iif"" On'I("&.-RatJ",r'l btilldllll'. fflfIlIII!I I S JlIllH!'I '11'fJe1, oppnehe Ocdtlt!nll\l 1I01t11. .-oa.'t't1.o, Torr'7 ..- , . J.ort '''. '['. Can lIG nl.. ht or dar. 11.\ JlllOIfllral W. H. ROBERTS, TEACHER or PUKO m OBGAI. PILOTING. .... "*-t "..,.,. of OIUWN'l$tt v....... M ASTERS OP VESSELS, REQUlR- lor the senklel Of. pilot to AlaIb, or &111 ollbe: bilud waten or tboa Coaat, oaa bI ea:ommotlalet1 by 'PplylllC to) tile undenlalled. wbole Dpt1Vuce a. pilot 10. U. So t1OftmihlOt: and other a. tendl oftr. ptrlod of twe1yo Jearl. April by It,,<<raDt! or mall. J. W. KEEN". 8tqIt:Ctey. WuIIlnrton Tery. [!:SIB "'•• DoDD. J.LP"oa CENTRAL HOTEL, lItt:uteda,bMd.ot\Talo.. Wharf, ... h .... -4 ................. •• '1'. TllIIo.HoUM tin.,.. 'lIIa a.... 17 r.l'IltlIlNt..... \he _-c:na- .oteL lu Bar u '''1f.Iled. ....Itb tbe beetot w .... LlqQOl'II'Ull1 rw. Tllereuaam-dllAaa IanI Table an .. 141. Room In til. Botti Xotblq ..tn be left, uDdllne to I'D'" t .... U:O I MOOlul 1011011.14 Cosmopolitan HoteL , ••• :B1:15 ..., Prop. w........ POIrT T_ID, Tbl' eomm04Joua. eklpnt 1111.11 dlllJrabl:r" eated Hotel'" now nnde.· tbe tharre or h. oltl·Ume PNI,rietor, wllo wlUoonduCtlIt In the lIllml trenflraluyl6 "hlob nandeted luo popo. T M. HAMMOND & SONS, PORT TOWNSEND. ALI. JiU.1M (ir TO THE PUBLIC Geed JIcllrd and Lcdglnp can be cbtalned at :M::R." :M: or:m :R..' mltANlilEXT BOJ.RD&U Wll.L pem J.T .J. tbe aboYt pIAoe a quiet ... beN their ...IlUl .... be .u.tr.etoru, at.dell 100. T.rm. V.ry " ••••n.bl •• u:l; 0( IlllJ; lratlled.lateJJ baoIr: n. POKT 'l'OWN8ItYD, lr. T. TEAlIKG m EIPBESS iORI "_I: ,,·nl. DDWATt·B. l,,"arrlapaat all caD".J (lUleDlert To Port Discorery, CbiJDacDm, or Port L'tn:>LO"'V. DI.p.tchcs carrl.d "'.r Night. Hcr.... on Llv.r,. 'l'tIlnolllll wlll!ll"t, hr gflhl& wltb I"" lUI Wf' hllt'l"1 rll lI!c III 1lI.·1I A/lke. PlcaAu", p""lcl flrh·"11 nut IUIY time U.,. .nd feed till IUlIullllld corti wOOllIo; MIt! In IllY qlllllltll.r. OJ' •• ·.- mu ..... -F "aae, . 1'. II. IIA1UIOND " aQNS. . colleute€\ at tbe atation, took the prisoller from tb. officer .nd ba'lged bim 10 a post in (uJl ,i." of ,hous' .nd. or per.onl without a'fllll tbe fnrm of a It w.. a rlmark.· ble coincidence Ih.t tbe train buing tbe Post·offirw offici.ls rrom .11 perta or thl country. wbo ".re m.kinl aD exol.ltllioo, .bould han Itopped tbere It tb. tim., alld tbo wboll compau)' wert witllllltl o( tbe horrible deed. Doubtlt'-ll tb. nogro WII guilt, of tl19 offense (lb.rged. but it is a di.· grace to our in.titutions tb.t be should b.... been d:spatcbed by a rr.ob oC perlons little betUr tban birnaelf, more til gratiCy tb.ir delir. fur blood and oruelty tban ror ju.tico. The Post,offic. offioials wbo wit. nes6ed thi .I.ir are n('t ooamored o( Southern m.nnera (rom tbo obsen.· tiona they baft beeo .llowed to make. 1'h8 lltoni.hia&, .uooeM DC the nf"W lo.n, II propoHd by Secrlt.rT Sherman, baa prond anotber Itt· h"l1k for thl gro.n·bal:lk agitaton. Thill a combiDatioD o( 19 bankers in our princij)lll citie••hould baT' beeD form.d 10 take 1190.000,000 wortb o( lo"ernOl.nt "cuntie. at a Itrok. pro"es at once tbe wisdom o( tb. r.(unding ",be me, .nd tb. cOD6d'.ce whiob tbe peol!'l (e.1 in tb. &hilit, of tha ao".rom.ot 10 milt ita obh. galion•• nd the general ,tabilit, of bUlin·us. In yiew o( tb. con.tant and determiDld .,itation (or & chang. in the finucial policy, tbi. ia ,er, gratifying. Tb, promptue.. with whicb the go.. rnmtot offer il accepted "ill be of creat advanta¥. in an economio.l &I w,n .. a poht. ical point of Yiew, (or tbe expense or nl!l0tiatina- 10.01 bor.torore baa heen 1&r.,ll dole to del.,.. Hereafter there will be 8\1ly amootb sailing ror our 6naDci.l d'p.rtmlnt io .pit. oC tbe agit.tors. Benalo, K1Uoal b ... ·.·introducod tb. bill 01 I.. t lessioa pro,'idin« for a mail contract by atfllltmibip .ioel b.tw.. n Ne:"York.nd Ne .. Orleanl ' to Brazil. It "ill be recollect,d tbat Ihe Serutte p....od tbi. J.'t lellion, tlie majorit, oC S,natorll of both par- ti •• taki .. s the gmund tbat it w.. cI88nliai iu the intere.t or our com· merelal relations and our irldu.trie. to do .omltb'ng to improve comml1- nieation with the grllt South Amlr-, ic.o marbta. The Hoult, bo'We",r, refu.ed to pas. tbe bill, under tbl cry and sub.idy, and \b. prltlnce that the bill WII ror the benefit o( John Roaoh, tb •• minl"t Ibip·build- .r: "ho I. now run Dill&' lin. Irom N. V. Mr. Roacb b... iDca with· dr.wn from the contelt, .,ina tbat he cannot .fford to continue iL Tb. bill. tberelore, 1a to It.nd or f.U upon it. m.rit. berore memb.r" u nobody i. it. Sinct\ ConK''''' refilled to PIIS it I.. t lIe.loo, the Can.di.n GO'f8rl1ment hu accepted a propO&i. lion to run a lin. (rom Hatifll: to Brazil, pa;ting a liberal lubsidy, .nd tbe . plAin faf:t i. we mUlt do .om.- in thlt line or 100.. wb., Iiull trade "'8 bue in th.t direc,ioo. The luece51 of tb. bill for tbe 000· Inruction of the .hlp to dilinrlct .. esaell .upPo-ed to be im· porlinl' ,..lIow faver, h.. inrtuced partiel in the lOutb·.e.t to nfgolilte I 'With Prof. (or thl org.nin· tion of a compa .. y to build anolher .hip to be Itatiulled on tbe Mi ..i.· .iplli ri"er, .lId to m.ke ami .upply ice TO the cities there. Tbe 0'" pro· cell bills 1.lr 10 .chi .... gret.t lucce.u both in a commeroi.1 and sanitary w.y. DB WITT. NEW STORE General Merchandise. c. W. MORSE. ..AN ...... 80., WY W' 1'M(1IlCMI boughl. and .1lPIlIIM of.Uklndl th.lo... prkle. Ot;B WAllBllfOTOlI LE'l'UL -'- , KOllL.Y. TIWPZa.AJfCV; WOd. Th 8,000 driokio( holes "hioh tb. g.nius o( Cblllo.lIor Crosby bas been rapidl,. trlO.formio.lll\O u tela," are Dot it all t ir own w.y.itblr. L ..t Sundal'l arald coaLaiD.d adv.erti .. mentll 0 e"en temperaoc. meetlnRS tbat d.-" and this w .. but a (raoc.ion, Tb. City Million alone conduct It.ted tlmp.rance me.ting. a lur; ProC. EnOl i. Ip.. kini' to orowded houaes &'f.ry Bight; Sawyer it "ond,n ot r.Cormation aDd fillin&, tbe Par. Th.atr. t(l o"prf]owing-ev. .ff Suod., night, and IS IOOg.. of Good Templus and 18 (Ii,isions oC Sons of Temp.rano. 'N workinl(' mort quietly, bllt doing a preoioul wo!k n.nrtbelllil. 6KVIQf nAR! OF RIVIV4L. Ten yeare ago Jerry MoAuley, prize 6ghter, thief. u·oonvict. Will picked up by a cit! missionary 011 Wattr Itrlet and became a changed man. a. could DOl re.t with all the wickedn..s about him, Ind .rter a few yeare prtient " misltion waa built lor bim in tb. we.t part o( tb.t awful .trllt. Here lor s.. en yl&tI Jerry bas prtlch",d and •• hort- edt and bit wife (takeo (rom tbe t.r also) bu preaid.d at tbe orJtau, wbile tbiues, drunkards and ahan· don .... cbar.ctera bv the bundrtd, han btln I,d to." Dew lifl. Thl r..i ...l baa known no break all tbese Iltan, and though Jerry i. now .iftk "itb pD8umooia, aDd h.. ebe "'edll or cooluaoption acti .. ly at work. within "im, tbe t'fork got. «r.ndly 00. nllid'l tbis, tbere il • plein, old M.rioer'. cburch down n"ar tbl Brooklyn Bridgl, where a conltant ruinl b .. btlD in progrell onr three ,e.n. A l[ral haired man, wltb loying.kindnes. written all o.. r bit ."eet "ld face, .impl, telll tb. "old, old 'tory" to. crowd of wea. tbet·beateo saiJon, atrlet rou,taa. in tboir .hirt. ,Iee"e.. and Obloam.o not. a few, and in t.bue fohree ,.&tt o.. r 6fteen hundred of thell meR b.... epplied for cburcb m.mbtnbip. Wb.t wOMld'nt lOme o( your ohurcbe. gin Cor ao ODtpOUriDIt like tbat? H.rod Ii",s in New York, IIId to .... e bis Kolden f:rown or profit., oreea tbe III.ughter of the t.nement. bOUle iDDooenti. Oi ..... (arel .ump· tuou.I, .y.r, d.y wbile' Laz.rul b.gs tbe crumLI (rom tb. ricb man'. t.ble ; but whOtter cODcludes th.re. fro,"· tbat tbe city i. witbcut ton rigllteou. 01.0 bUlOtnltbinr Ylt to learn .bout New York. w.,,,- D. C. AprlllB, 1878. I De.d not relatela you bow grand. 11 the RopublicaD cault is rising out of tbl .1o\lCb which b.. ,"m.d to dep ..... it (or tb. Jut ,.ar or 'wo, IIJd bo" electu.lly the u·Ooaieder. .t.. a,. bur,.iDI dMir hop.. under tbe dry rot of BoorboDilm. Tbe faet il IeH.....id.nt. Tb. tlo".a·loot of tbe Bripdier i••ticking O\lt (rom uDder \b. D.moc....tio mdk, .lId tb, people a,. ob.. ning h: wich DO I... wODder tb&o ebagriD. ( "ill be a loog '1m. before the :North -pia. conltlota to place it.lf.t tb. com· maDd o( th, mea wbo ar. ubibiting wbat SeDltor Hoar, at lat .rouled trom Lia ooDHrutilm. cLtaounoed .. U pl&JJtatiOQ maoD.n." Tb. r\llia" and domioeerin, 'Pint of Tburmaa, ju.t .lltted pretldent Pita r .. w.' or th. Senate, aDd RaudaU io tb. Boult, &1" b\lt (orerunnere o( 'Wbat would oppreu and di.graci u, under & oompl.te D.mocratio domin.tion. Another prool of tbe ,towilll out of BI ... ery w.. linn yellt.rday in Mar,l.nd a mile. Crom lb. o.pit.l. A Degro, wbo b.d committed a orim., wa' arreltld 'Dd brough ••o Point 01 Rucki b,.bl or· 6cer. A mub oC old .1.... dri ... ,. aod their "poor while If (ollower. t"rom. oar 01nI CGlTf!8pOndentJ NEW YORK, April 20, 1879. Tnt DITTD SIDE OF Kf,W IORK. While the t.enement bo",.. ,,11. tbe atofY of the Dina lad Lazaru. or the nineteenth centur" let it not. be supposed that only Ow.. inbabit ,.onder bra"" ,I.OIl8·fO"'. Neither Ilbould you infer (rom our lambling lIelll, brut.1 ..,,,lkiIlK lIIatcb.., drink· ing boles, and O .. unting uaooial •• il," that New York i,. UWW.... D Sodom. Thank Hea."n, this is hut tbe beatb· en side oC what I called in an earlier letter the mOlt Christian and most heatben city WtlL oC tho Atlantio. The ricb c.nturion and. Doroas and Cornt"liua. aU li"e jUlt &or081 FiCth A,enu9 Cram Di'eI, hut ,II the 'YD- agogues thoy have buill, all the poor people clad, aud all th alUlI bell' to"ed by them hue :nld. leaa nois. in Ih. world than tho blind beggar, full of SO,tI, at Di .. s' ,ate. F,ir play. c.ntlernllll ? Uow Till. WEAI.TII 0," NP.W TOalt u GIV"!'i. Tbi. city hili nearly 6 '0 hundred cburch•• and ohapp-Ie. cOltin" forty million doUan to build, and 6.. mill· iool moro per annum to ke.p th.m W. ha.. firt1""ine hOlpital1 and 1I,luml lor tbe 'Ick,,¥ed. blind, dll( aDd dumb, lUliatiel, Inebriat.s, orpbanl, and soldietl, wbich bau COlt tw.ntl million' to build, and require he millions a year to sus· t.ia. Tbe publio Icbool .. b... COlt .ix millions, and four million. a l ••r to operat.. TL•• mouDt lpent 10 pri ....t. chariti .. no mw can .. ti- mat., but it must b..... ,.1 mill· ion•.. a-il. b ..utiful cit, o( beth,oont.iniua twenty-eigbt thou- and inbabltant., i.. ",lu.d at '14,- OOO,OOO'-and tbe .0111,1.1 bon.fae· tionl of New York. not couDtiug print. ch.ritie., .mouat to o"r 118,000,000. Tb.t·. "biz." "'IUT TillS MONU DO£!. ] don't know bow many million.· riel there m.y be in J.pan, but I do know how Inlluy arlt.t "ork amonr tho A.... b. and in lb. aluma o( tbi. .ity. Be(ore you r •• d (urther, just .top and gueslI how manl there Ite. I ask.d a h.rd-workinl' Presbyterian deacon, this morning, and ho gutlsed "t"lnly·five." That w" a milcra- ble guelS, Toilinrr among the t .. ment bOUI", "'lIor,' boarding hou· ael, tin cent lodgin, hDu,,,. and along whlr( and stf"\, dly Ind night, are no IIBI than two hundred And .i:a:t!-.ix city rnialJioaarils I It is doubt(ul ir .ny mi."ion.ry field in tbe world can show two hundred .ad .i:a:ty·,il I.ooretl to. million o( pop' ulation. The (orty.three ,minion., riel employed by till City Mi"ionll lion. beld throe thouand .e".n hun· dred religious lut y"r in thl worst .. ctiona o( th. city, and gne pctCurli.t1 aid to Ill: 'boullod people. Ttll' .egimeDt of untirin&, workln Ti,it and cart tor the lick. rlld the Bible to thOH who "ill lia· ten, organize prayer mtttinge io teo· ement bouses, 00 ,tr.et com.n and Ibipboard, and ••• rl day .nd every ni.ht hold in their 49 mi.· .ion churcb.. , Tbl' mOGI! .upporta be.ides, t.n churche. (or .. amu, 7 sailorl' readiag rooms, 16 otber tree reading room., 9 coff., bOUMI; and I nBo"" million," throuRb wbioh the .weet (..... r.Toft .ad beauty o( roee and lilI" heliotrope aDd gera· nium, are brougbt iato tbouaaod. of .ick room., in botpitall aod tlOij· mint bouse.. ThOi. bl ... ed dollan lustain w1101e corp' o( traiaied miuion.r, nUtl", gi"iDI tbem pr•. liminary In.tructioo In aNum.' Traininlr Bobool; tb.y .upport aD Id.nt'. D., NUI'I8ry lor C1biJdtlD of 'Workill' mot beta, "here tbe Jittl. ooe is tenderly oarld (or wbile the motber i. out at work; IDd a cbe.r. loda-ini bou.. for women. How 0 tin tbll bouse. witb itl healthful moral atmollpber•• haa .tood betwelo a homll ••• airl and rerdldon ouly the l..t Great na., "il uD(old. Bo- lide. thea. tber.l. a Workillg.m.o', Club, wbicb is .bout ItU·.upportia't deaigoed u aD olf"t \0 tb. ,.Ioon, Ind U MidoiKbt Million; for the o( girl. (rom a o( ,baml. ,I.,. "1I0RLn'I" LmERI FROM lEW YORl. ARGUS PUGET SOUND , ....."..1IoIMTt ...... - .. ' ... pf'r.II ••• In atlnnce; ••• uO. RATKS OF AO\'ERTISISG : Olle Inch. f1l"!!.t Insertlnll .•••• ..... ,f1,:10 Each hll!Crl1on .. .. .. .. .. ,(10 'fUll lent 1(1 11Iwrtioli IIlll!lt be a\'COnu)lulcd by c,,"sll. __'.'7'';; II ,.ILISIIED eva"" TlIllRSlIAY AT. rut "'ubl_rto" TtrrltorJ. A LL:J-:::N WEI It. EDITOR ANI) pltOPBIKTOlt, . Local and News Items. I'll. "7........ ,..... en•• ' ....."rn_... .......... .. 11I1:1ftl1a7••-7 til ••. "DIItE'! S. W', lIalH? ? ? ? TlTE 01ynlpta .ntl Porthtnd ,. Rlnnll- IrdJ" &roe IIwappllll. "11m IUlIt bllllllit 11111 cooing In. way ,ulre.tlve 01 tehool.glrl ft\Inlllhlpa. Wlltam, by" prtVRU, 1'Ol.U·Ol!. Ih.t Rev JOM Rea. formerly or thla pl.ce. W"f, reo ceDlIrt!rot1ght near the gt'ttt oflte:dh by trpbold re"er. CRmornll Ure doesn't 'lffm wltb him. ne I .. howeYer, J'eOOftrlng. Till seattle Pf'Opkl dO nothlnr: hall "y, and the runner thcy hue taken holll ot the ImmlcraUon Itchenle k/Il'lkt like NlnN!. reop'e 18 'What 80uud IIf'd mMt or t'ftrythlnr. With the,. capital w11l (olloW', "nd'he great f'eHltll"CCl 01 lbl conntry wl1lllrg\n to be It lItIenM. We hi" ",,}leya Iud IlrtttbeI of on' bottom. or the ftllC!lt IaDdI, ..bert thouaandJ o( people 011 Illike JGOd homM; anil wlLb (helle to back othrr ladustritl eftrytbln. will prOl!pe:r. I"ry on. ahoold akl the Staule moY&- ment all that II III hit power. II It will btlp ... err portion of the t'Ounlry.- .. '" THlltMtUwlp Grru Repnbllc ...'.., In·, tured u rollo'lll"l: SAn ClOmpa- o\et-Unlon. tl0,OOOj call1orllb•• State In","tment. "1.000; Fireman'. l'Iand. n.600; Commerctll .. t2.600i StIIKI· ttd. ta.ooo. ForelJll uompattler--liwlN 'Uord'l. "'.&00; 80uth Brltlllh, $2.&OOj Park Urll}e,.,wrU.. ,. ']'0111, t6l\,. 000. Thl! ftIlM!l'cost r. P. Cornwell tu,- 000. "00 afterw.rtl. repalrtd her, but at wlMt COlIl.W6-e.rt1 reliably Informed. whUe '011 tlll' r(,"1o WIA. by It.. men, ·lk.'Olflred t,() be rullllhlJt bthlnd, and al the 0,8. N. Co •• dltlllM or wookl not buy ber orr, It II 1I() doubt a hippy IIrtlk ot (ortllutl that Iho -[Repone, -WI N bhmcM'1 f:heetlJ And welled ereuU Chrl.. teed'om ye IU to nUIUUn yr Ada\lf utI E90 Ale IQ NOn III 1':doll. ..ft.JM>bllnrl, a 1","liI.. lorrect ,""II rTwo "O"Il*r kldo".:-· On, thlub tllit IU''''llor Eve 811.1111 Atl· 1m S. 1110, talAl hl. that Jo:ve .•1Il1 Adam 8-],,1-11, total to: lhe ol1ler OOr· rtII(londtnt "rite!: 'II calculate tbtt pas- .Ibly Allam and E'e tOKf:tb.r.te 00.p- i : Adam ale ( IIUlft EYe ate too . ".,., ..... it mont" We 00. Atb'tn Ite (8U ,,00 EYe ate one too 'l. total 893. Oood-bye-lor tlila b -boo'li 1O.l1yapplca u anYlarden no "'.-8:1. t Adam Ate ooa (81) ·tll true, lind Eft 1l1tlOOl too tor aultht (8lt,w) .... knoW', __ Adam dllJ; we tblnk Adul ate ooe 100 lor to (81""2) UJ.lJfy En', aarloltty. Abem-IQ-C. T ... maio whi."y .. loon OD. Sao JQ&Q blind WII alOied April BOtb. OUi. "i.il 10 Saa Ju.n lut week I '11'11 (raught "itb 10m' degree o( in- lertlt. Tbl aebool "ouae in di.triot No. 1, of tbat illaad wu well filled 011 Thursday e.. niDS, .ltboul.h the \ Ie.m,d quit, (orbidding. Alttr tbe llcture tb.re wal a Httle plU a".y the time durinS' bt", r.in .b.D .U reo tUQed to tbeir bOlOn. On Frid.y '''nlng San J uln Lodge beld & IDIetiDI,'" whiClh WI iOltaUed \bo omCiti .ro...r .... term, and oonrtrr,d tb, degre ,on cblrter lDember.. San Juan Lodg. il pro.- PIriIC, and Ilready hal t",nl"lix "Illbtrs. Long mil it flouriah. .. CQ"J_'lbIolll..,Tollocoo

---=--~====== S()b~~ ARGUS. VOL. !I. NO 12 =~~~~~==:3=~~~~======= PORT TOWNSEND, W. T.• THURSDAY. :MAY ll.1879.. • a. 1l0RIlIS HALLIR. Port Town••nd. w. T. P

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    ARGUS.NO 12VOL. !I.

    =~~~~~==:3=~~~~=======PORT TOWNSEND, W. T.• THURSDAY. :MAY ll.1879.


    a. 1l0RIlIS HALLIR.

    Port Town••nd. w. T.


    Dr. Thos, T Minor

    James M.·Gassaway. M:D.'PHYSICIAN ••URCEON

    OlUce••".~1" tn.; Opposite POltofllce~ORT TU"'~":E..'iU, W. T. lilt.

    AT'l'Oa.~&T .4..'(0 OOU~III:LUlll"T L.A."Proetor 1ft .t.d.ln~h.,..

    JloeIJ I.aed. R.' blllr. ~btud.1Ok1,..,... w1.tlUe,.

    0e11ett.letl 1rUIM, ConTeJllllcbll', ...POIrl' TOW'K~EXu. W.1'.

    C.M.OuDfH.". W)I••• I...A"


    AT'NoS.K\"8 At' LAW A~D r&Ol.:rouI" .1l.1l11lr.llr·Port'rO...IIIK4tL 'fI, 'I'

    J; R LEW IS.Att()1'n e11-at .LauJ

    Iif"" On'I("&.-RatJ",r'l btilldllll'. fflfIlIII!I I~ SJlIllH!'I '11'fJe1, oppnehe Ocdtlt!nll\l 1I01t11.

    .-oa.'t't1.o, ~-..h~ Torr'7

    ..- , .J.ort ~~~fHVJUJ4,)nd. '''. '['.

    Can lIG oon~uh.lIIl. nl..ht or dar. 11.\ JlllOIfllral


    PILOTING.~to ...."*-t ~"..,.,. of OIUWN'l$tt v.......

    MASTERS OP VESSELS, REQUlR-lor the senklel Of. pilot to AlaIb,or &111 ollbe: bilud waten or tboa Coaat,oaa bI ea:ommotlalet1 by 'PplylllC to) tileundenlalled. wbole Dpt1Vuce a. pilot 10.U. So t1OftmihlOt: and other~ a.tendl oftr. ptrlod of twe1yo Jearl. Aprilby It,,

  • ~--~-------------.





    !'OltT TOWSSf:SII. w. T.


    WholellUll' ami H(,l..,jl-IH!_'U:11 IS'-

    Allo • fine auortlllent of

    VloekJ, I !loUd aadVloelol, PlatedlljMletael8ll, !IU'"!Ipeetaeles, Wlite,

    fiiir Eyt, Field 6Dd Marine Gl.......Muaial lnatrumentl,

    Ete., Etc.

    Goods Wlrr..te~.ls rePl'85,III••WATOHES AND JEWELRY

    Olaooed ud ..paired by , 6ni oiIIIwork-IUD aDd ....rrut.ed

    for OM YMr.

    C. C. BUTlfTT, ~'r,



    The Fine.t ~tocic: 01



    Ship ChandlelT.

    Port Townsend.w:r.

    c..'rll1 H.tel building.Head of Union Wharf,

    Crockery,O....kery, Croobry.


    Doors dtlft "indo'''l,Farming I.npl~ts,

    Furniture,Wall :raIN",

    Plow.,And • Large auortment of Goode DOC

    ~Dumerated, which we....ilI 1811 at

    Hardware,H.row&l'f', HartJwan.-.



    nAR1'f,mTR COLUMN.







    CHAS. C.



    -dD OUIIlA.L-

    _IIlPOItTER 0'-


    HOlSe·Fur.ishilg Hlrdwlre.PRIME QUALITY,

    ~ ...&1. _•.an .un'or flY" ariic1e made 01' told•

    Port Townsend

    Arctic Over-Shoes.

    Stove_, Tinware,PUMPS, }_{IRON PIPE,PUMps, - IRON PIPE,PUMps, - IRON PIPE,

    Boots and Shoes


    Rubber Over-Shoes.

    V. S. IariDe Hospital !PORT TOWNSEND. W. '1'.




    Cood 01)' nnd Green Woodalways 011 hand. Ablo, gaod Bark.


    .AD, cell uJIOI'.bo"- pal4BOIpI1ll1.uM_

    twoa::~~:::~rf :o~ltr:~:uoo801,U..1 NU,L

    Pore XourMen4 HHp(IQI.

    l)f um 'l'ry IU·.t.·.il.l'jllalitic~.il·,j 'I" ';It'b,tf'!l:' P:lttenl'

    'l1.lis i., the lArgest IUld &o:.t sdect.l."tl_tock of Uoota :uuJ. ~~ Oil

    Pug-tit Sounu. comprisillq

    -AGENTS b'OR:-S",ibcoom !leer.

    Seattle Beer, and Lev" Bra. 'aSod& W_let Nld !tooL Iloer.

    V8IMII Di.charged,FreightA Collected•

    Teaming of 11.11 k:indi.dooe,At. roaaonable ra.tl'8 :Lnd utieractiOli


    .............11. D~j...,....... (· u ...p BIlM!kllur.

    r 1I..le..••W.ler-.....' •••f!.........

    .MI"I.,. IIlik ••d lIIeNI..,IbM r ••d re T deeerl."•••

    .I C .I:&e•• Eie•••Ie.

    M'!Il oi• ';;.".,,',. - .',,1.•. / • .\II....··~

    III t I ~ ".

    Bootand Illll!11111111111111WW~WIII! Shoe Store

    A Borciao prot...,r boo pabliobed ,work elldtled "P,riodkit. del Grud,0.1.... ReRltan, ·d. M"""."l Grad·uel de 1& Lilli. de. Aapidtl d.l, Terry."in .hich be WIl1ll 1&1 that we IDA, be 011•be lookou' f.r '0011>" d.I.., ol th.world. At an.in ttI.larl, recurri.internls. be maiawtII, the wale" of oaebemilpbere are lOeldenl, precipitated6C'ro. the cqUlOf aDd Rood the otherTbe Iut ol ,b... ~.I......bicb 01..,.Bow from the nonb to tbe .ooth, or fromlOoth to north, wu that of Noah', tim.,.,bicb WII from the north. Hence theexplaoation of tbe arelt preponderance01 water in the lOu,hern hemisphere.and or tbe ~eneral lOulbern trend ofNorth apel 801ll.b Ameri.:a, Arrie. and!DUY minor peninsulas. The nell ofthm deluges "ill Row [rolD the lOoth totbe north. The caule, be arguet, is tb.aherDalc in(.taIe and dtcrtue iD tbeice-care at lhe:pala, aDd tbe c:oIMeqUealchange of the earth'a equilibrium. Since1248 the lOath pol. hu betA contln'1lUrenlal'lil(, while the north pole bu beenprop6nion&tely Ldimlnilhina, IHa, th.diameter of the southern )lacier heineabout 3000 mila aDd tbat of tb. nonh-ern 1500 mil... When 'hell twO Illclel1llball bue urifed at their lDull1lum and• IDimum ute.oPl, then willth. euthtilt o,er and be sabmeraed by l1lotber,ru, Rood, 'b' fifteen'b ol ,b. kind 'ha'hu ocr:an04. In ,I... 01 'bil I..pend.i.. and ......ha, oeriou probability,'be q.-lo. 'rioa, Wha, or. WI,.I"llto do about hI I( no ODe caD oItr.better a.tttioD, would It not be ad"it-obi. ,bat _b 01 .. _IY. bl_lIlolObil 001\ ark by ....ri...rchl ud ""'... 0/ Pul Borto.'. robber 001••'-1.......I-LooiIYille Coou!et.Joonal.

    the hitt(!rllf'';'~ of uc~lh to hoth of them.j;[ am hlbl to-night. min. ca.rat tI:\id

    Homce U,lt!lorpc', ctU'C/ll'ingl)'. :»Jh... lllilihis hat. ant! glo\'cl' on t!ln tU\IIe, ~lld Illlt.)li"ann nrolllld Virqiniu',i slight wai:.tj··but. it ""'14 t1lO f!lulL of ur-ll\'oidahlc l.JlIS·illcs.~. \Vh:lt 1!lhrinkill~ away frolll rnr,10\'" { Burch' 80 IlIHIl. .1 (uu!t !'lIIOl:M

    • 0 I·' hnot be> ,·Litl.~1 with I'Clllt:1Cfl '''(' t ll.t.Let IlIO lil'ullll\' fOl"f.zi\,('tlCN;On )'o)llt lillS,my clnrling I"~ • - .

    Virginia Clc\'inJo;tOlt Jre... ba.:.. ustlhf' might hM"O rl'COill'tl from tho :1.1"prone!! of Il JCIl(lIy lWtl'cut or hi. ~illgadder

    h~lWCI' :\I;,tnin, Home.' l'llithorpe!You h:lVO been f:iliKl to tbo 1I0bluaf. u.odtruOIt. instincta of ~rOlll' btoing-you b:l.\'c111'0\-00 )'oursclf 0. \'illain IlDd A b,po.cri~! "'rom this momeut. Ollt lives ,ballno longer minglo ill the a:une e!lannel ofdllity intcreotlse."

    Uut 8he went on v.. ith 6ul&bed c1u~kaand Mpnrking eyer:

    II HoraCf' Calthorpe hoW' dare you 6}>-prosch me wi\h iaille "mile. and hollowwords of c1ltl~nntl Ho..... dared younspire to my h"'nd when your wifc-your wife ill the sight of heaveR audmllU-Wl\8 pining llw"1, unnckuowledgedand forgottenl"

    liMy .,ifet Doareat Virginia, ltOmeimpo.tor hall been l'ract.icin,'C on yourcredulih·. J oave no wife. I neYer hRtlone." • A comflleto 88l:iortmellt uf

    For .u.wor, Virginia ported tbu "'Urt) WMISC~~I,[.ANEOUSS'I'OOR..lI!IIfold. of the ooo.vy IIUken curtains, androvealed &. slight Hgure in the deep em·brozure-Alice-whiter tbau lUlyl6Culp.turcd Atonc. And Repairing executI.."ti lUI lIsu",J,:Lnd

    "There i."I v\)ur wite. Hor'DoC(' Cui· Ktltisfaction gunr.ultoely room. drooping over ber Rowden, ud the

    Meanwhile, Horace Caltaorpe in hil little pink glont half pulled from berown a~ment, ..,. quietly paekillJ up fairy Sogen, A 100000ely picture of ~rliahlOme Indilpenai.'tle uUcl. In a email bet.nty in ita prime. Yet not more he.u-vtJiae, the lamplight .treaming redly on Uful to look on tUn t.he t-le girl thata fa.oe that bore aomewhat of demoniac ...u sewing in the ,badow of the emeralduulta&ion on hi, faultJeaaly haodaome .uk curtain.. Only oyer one had. aweptf.tunl. the ",\uinoctial tempesta o£ ·life'a eharp-

    ''Thil it good luck," he muttered to eat gnef.. while the other knew but calmhimself, hurriedly tuming oyer a bun· and aunahioe.die of pIoper& 't'J'he oerti6C\lo8 here in .. .. .. •.y own bud-the old pIIlHD-t.be 0Il1, uYou're tired, Alioe dear." Mid Vir-..ita. killed on • rail....y! 'I'be me- ginia ClevingtoD IIOhly. "Put by yourmeow, fancy had like to OOIot me dear. work-reet. little while."1 don·t. ho... how 1 e.er . became inf..t.- It w... part of her benign nature to beU6ted ...Ith her doll face and red lipsj .weet and tender to all cre&ted beiop,bat it 11 aU o.er now. I c:u. go ... to but to Alil'l8 the worda of .ympMA, wereLoDdoo ud win !Dy"" 0D0e more into ines:prtlllllibl,. gratefuL Sbe drooped herVirpIia'all"lCa The faa& ia, t De"tr head on. Virginia.'. lOOthing band and..... ~ted to live or lo.e in the ooon· bont into teen,try. LoadoQ. 6Il.d an~ are my Dat- "Alice '"ural et_alta. Heigho I 1 W'ODder it I Ult'a only the Iharp pain at. myC&Il cakb the tin o'c1oc:k mail train al beart," groaned poor .A.JiCl". uOh, MiaAddiDpm. It'a a lomr walk, ud A Cle.inpm, mI., 1 tell you the hiatorydark, dilmallOrt 01. lliPit but I ihiDk of my life 1 'Then. perhape., )'OU 1n&1 Dot1 migbt tnaDap it," deem me weak: and fanciful wben t give

    So IOliloquioed 'b. adamao~bouted "'y to tb... fooJiob b"nll .f grief.·man of the world. "TeJl me." whiapered Virginia kneel·

    - .. • • ine at. ber pale oompuion'a aide; "tell"Goae! It. CUD.ot be poeaible; he me all"

    DeVer' would lea"e me: Galle! with- "But if it abollld bring a aharp pug toout Aword or Iiga.!" your heart, Mill CleviDgton r'

    Poor, ,oung tleICrted wife! it wu A "I cannot imagine how it Mould dobitter cap for thOle ruby lip' to tut.e. 10."but wben the lut dt'fgl were drained, Alioe heaitatod a moment, with thethere wu IOmething in that draught wbite and red Buttering like wind-that tomed her gentle nature into gall Itirred bannf'rI ac:r

  • (


    \We call especial attention to our HelD

    and PerfectedT ••m•••••




    Clothing! Groceries!BOOTS AND SHOES!

    ...or....... U.' .. 'odl ••p. SELLING,r.r. 1'1"'1". ,·....U 1tr'ffU. hl1laa'. 0rtee..

    (P. O. 110. 414.)

    Wakelee'. Patent Squirrel_d Gopher


    ~TER.~DC'A.TOR.tSold by l:eoeral Dealers ami OruA~ throughout the COIllt.

    H. P. W AK..EI....ICE &:. CO•• UruK1(l.hl And Chaml.a., t!I. F ••tCal..IlIcb'J..on'tO"-'iltt~

    .-act~. ca.nu.a:H. r"'I••II. l4~1 .JIft'd "....... III~I_d ~.' ,..de ......... h.IHWac"'.14k1e ,... ud WILlLe"'llappie _.&Iou, tlI,rlq ..dn-...~ ..rue aa.u W...•

    ..... me &:.JM'1 aa.tk, -rr.dll" DR,.. _d DdIu"7 W....... IIeId W...... br••_IU oUIto, bftt. w:aakn~.

    TblllruCMLaod bel! fulllU... oraul Ihop OD lb. p~,alS "Iape. UdruaraDtH en". uUcl. 0OUr WOr., .ad prlMIl.h.t uu·t be De. bylJeaJtl'l Or OlAnofltlDr.rI.

    W,lt.e lo m. 'or .nltblllr fOil wanl., aud OOa:lpfort'l wltb &.111 of 01' eoOlpetll.ol'1l aDeL "'- ClOG'tInted. W. w. UPIIY. "S'" ...............

    !lIew In delan and .•en.era' feat_reo DI.T1N~'VEand P£ClJL'4R, and Ilao...."ad. tbe

    CKIMPIOlllRlSHIR UllHl wom,~__110 "v. ue4 or..pi.,.. tJaIa .... IItJlo of'J'IuoMM.r. all aalte La tMdlflq~t til.,. U'a tIla ZT rarll;1__ III OIl: It .. 4__..4 1naUt uprMalJ' for GNp....W~ ., OIl••110tILoroqJal,.~4s tJae NflaIN•••t. 01 t.a -..tlT, ... t •• 4iIIn1_to 'be " .. AKea'. lor

    HAI.Ea· (liI.nuln.) allllilLE BEAIIED HUDIEII,Specl.lly Improved for this Senon -Ton or Twalve f ••t cut~


    Schuttler Ferm, Freight, nnd Spring Wagons.atu••••Il.r ••gon., S'udclJ.,kcr 4 Spring HachRqal.tar, Wind MUle, The most complete windmill in use.IE..... Harv••ten, Va5t1y superior to a.ny other~d binder·

    Han'ester in market, Will handle lodged or fallcngr3in and elevato'it better than any known machine of its c1a.ss, I

    T.fI_ aulll, II..... Selr Dump'ing and Plain.

    ~ltor Md ..........In. E..gmes.

    -,........·-...... laoi.. _ PrteII CIaL '

    -I' mr\\Wl1Il!~ ·r.2IJ!~~!~ & mUI)I OFFER FOR SALE liT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL LlIlE OF


    T1:e Lcadhl~ .'nr'·I·..tluu 'I:u::hIUtl or the "'(Jrll).So mrgo "POrUOD at tho Orag tulli

    Grtrln Crop. or aho Pae.180 Cout .......hoen oat by the BUCK_EYE, thaa DlJ far_mer hllro I:tw b. lanol'aJlt 01 U. merttslor req1l1re eu,;utDODt to courlneo him 01II ..penont'l .. It ta too ..eU _II fa.

    vora'bl,. know.a. to need CIOaUDe.t. It utho ,erreeUoJl of all Bu.,er alul Mow.III.J; Haehlll••IMPORTERS!



    for W",kal Purpu.e loll" til. '1'I'ea~mettlof Cbl'Clllk andNlmKIA~ wlUlOll' Dt'Up. Whtel"llla, CalO1l1ai orLb. ~cti. euUl ADOIi.t toNllrwLoI tt.e bodl for lb.e.pndJ)' reUf,1. 01 PlJri.,..d f\I~ 01

    lIff"_', blU.,.. ~......Unr ('0 1. lfearalala.

    lUd.f, a.w. .,.........1·e-&le llI. ..,..,.....,..

    Ji~lofT..,... .........,."raJ,.III. "ulNae '·daI.

    lIfu" f'OwI. • .......,.,. .,......• --. l'rUU7 ...-••

    Wt ~ P'HMMare~,.~ au C'IuoIaJe .... ~e"......HaMa.

    Suffering, Nervous and DebilitatedElectricity gives Vitality when

    Scientifically Applied.


    HELP'!rca THE-

    l'fT1 Appllutrat. teat..talld Yo'arrv;W\I, l"tktIl'loI:''''troca ID til ,~Ilr \0) the~etI~Ilired and:~:"~ 1.1::. -. 8ua,"......bo rQ "Ue'.

    Stoddart Electrical Co.,• 1.. Wuk1qte. 8treH.,

    lAX .'IlA."fC1800, CAL

    • ••He DraalqllfHdNl '- ('are!

    Cbronic or Nen'ousD~Suffering and Premature Decar,

    roailJ ....l,eu~~9:;t~:'AppUent..

    dt&l~ ~~t::,=~:~~~:OI~ead,apr I,U

    Oa.'ta.rrh• POIUT••ELY ("ORIID,

    )faa, wbo ha"fjlulT'tred tor leus wl'b lblldl~'lu, (ClllrrhlAlltl bf!l!D prnnount'lld IDeu ....•Iblll, "'I". bell" n'l\llIn'IIIII I",,"cd be.lllI by Alltrl.UQenr, Mod whQ.e It!.UlOonlll.hOAU be.e.ual. my ul1lt'e. I 11.111I1 Irlllll all chrollig "nd prl·Vln" 11IIIeuII... Itn!J f!:'m"lfI weakn.. llu, )ltllI'clnN .en~ v. MI.' l'IIr1~ 'It IhIlW\llllrJ'. And 1111~;U:'~l~~~~h:;~ ~~=~I~i.~ f~~~:~~:DI'~~:l~~I~IfI'Il

    1J1~~~·tfr~i':.~:,k ~~[frri~~~':~;~ ~~e:~b,~~~i1!.~~J'nl1rlf'll..r. mell~rr

    u ..::\Th "·"~TP.I••'l'n.: 01.1\ OHIUl~At. AIlt::O;~·I'lUI'I'I.Y IIOU"l't;-

    "1 ...) ,,1'1 hln I .l~h Ihe bk' LIIln~ltl,~; ul'llr.-l.l""k and l".~.~ I'"''''; u..mmolh /\4 r...we Uluotrat.d'll~"CIl'tru·, S j.~""l to: & cO.• :n Uury tlt,.li t·. lip.

    WE WANT!

    SIngle ThIck.Double Thlok,Cr,...t.al 8b.,.,t. 00 Oz."Colored,EnAmeled,Ground,Plat.e.

    kjVERY FARMER IN OREGON. WASH·la ~D T.nltol7 10 Mad aUlle ud p1111n 011 3dn..,Aad ... will man Ibem"" ourN.w CaLllI~ue for I"" The :DOli oolDpleteOIiLlllOCU.on:lftl-o.t.·. alld IIIIPI'O.ed Aatleul·laralll11pIIlOl'D~,"'rmIUId Mill Maalitll''''..,., I_aed ID ONlOa. wltb prteM rMQCfil coID:LLb. Um...

    Knapp, Borrell & Co.,PORTLAND.ORltOON.

    PorIJanc1, AprtIIOLb.lf7II-_rpfl,lm

    Centennial Block, the Middle StoreNo. 169anl~1'11 seCOfl(~ St...'Hy Comstock &Pfluger.


    Whole~u.li ;;i"H~till'DealttTs in IJierchanclise! i

    Goorls Settt by Malt 01" Well6Fargo.

    Lit/irs prompt!;' ansuJtrtd. Countr,. purpit WIll JQ1'( 0" ccrru/JOnrll""g wltn UJ.

    Orders from the Country SolicitedAlljlind.ot ot Produco Boa.rb& ant S(lid

    or Sclltl on Vommlll(on.


    Carriage Factory,rourth Site'lt. belWl!fID TaylOr lit'll Salmon.


    A anD l'lII'Jorlmen, /1' nllllll'l~, Jlbrot6n~, e'r-flare,••;~pre~~ W.1I0UI. 11lCl.,l'(lUllt..n(Jy

    on bRUd ,,"d made til order.Top Ihllflll ..A "n,1 EllleDaloll TnI' ('lIrrllll(;el "llpeclall)'-niUloll a ~Iteclility III tblll line anttro .. uufnclllrllll;K lilrllll1lu.lull)'. Ii'll CilII olfer

    ~~t~n~Ul~~C:~~~~~f:I}~,~m·~l'1)0U''',~~'t;~~~HUWllfM I,om II~10 ':.l'~I.

    l'all ••d Ire 0.' .1'4.\ ....,..

    ?:~r::J:OWel~~I~~~:~.~!!n~~I~~C:O::J:IDt lleat, TJll¥..\ FH~C)fAN.

    lie•• of EvidenceWWdlllu bIea fl«UmubllnJ dunnr alWriod (!f ,_ly.lIlIne ,........ pro,l", tbe fIIlW,·,f lI~ra t-.m IIIall_ when tbe brtlItlalrw orpnlI ",,"\ll:WId UIdahowlnl the wlll\Olllorlln .1lktl the relMd,. Ia1ltW hIU.e public IlId 11M medll'IIl JlI'Gf • tIoW br II11r"un\I''-' Pm 'I. pu bol~~.JOHN F. HENRY, CORRA N '" CO.

    8 Collegfl Pllte, New Vorli:.ur BEWARE or IMlTATIOS!f. AIk rer 111.11"1 Bal,_ Mtt. Lullll:'. &lid l.alIl M 0UItr.

    BODGE. DA'YJIi A: CO,. Agentl,

    Hall'. Be1ym1M tJu) Lending Specific for Consumption.

    II\~~': =teo=-.UlJ,I~'~of~~.IlilU ...~ and llchtdhil~ Ul" cIIllAt which ao1lOOlpan,r IL,

    ... COJlQUllll1l OF COJlIWIlmOJl I

    SAN FRANCISCO SHOPPINGOf' J,:v!::IlY UYllt.:IUP'I'IOS rOil LADlFiI AND(Cenllfnwn. 1l0000-"lhtlld IIl'llde~. I:nr)1~I.1bout'ht wilh "1"'"II"",ll11le Ilid Jud.,""tnt. .'ur dr·1'\11"", ..hill'. J. /I. IUt.:IlAHtJ:jO~.24 I'onStrett.San.'nllcllI'O. Cal. "I' JOoIUl

    p'x"i::EiU;' '1 I.. ,",urr('urr '-nll."'.' La" \,'1 "11(' "'I:'I I,......

    /I .U1'I- ulr..I.,r Il., 11m"l. hl,'.:oIilll:, It, I u. Io.'.!" II't'rlll.~II,IJ.~ b:lI.... .1Il. nlfll1ol.'lIJIl.an,I!IJ""I..r,,.hcIeJ'ft.:".anoJ ~.I ll1thlllJWlj:ro.-lh"h...h (:I,Wil'l( II"' .... n1lKll I~I., jldlln~."d1"*,.., IIlCr'raot't-I IInUI I. tIt'I_lmI .., Uf,' t'lJ-r .1..IIwmthallil)'lnA CIllfIdlan h.~:taI IIndlf)rf)Ir~lnu,1.~b1elf:OQ", Lilt found no bope. l.A.It filii I t'IlllletoClnt!..nd ....d \I~r"!':nL" Il'rrlbl.. "I",ratlon b)tllm d

  • Bakery,






    I'l'ol.J:lte (iourt 01" Jdli'rjlllll"ltUIII)", W. 'I'.


    ClUItL~S mSENHEl8,

    Wo hnve e.leo Q;lrnC'd D t:lrct-clcso

    R 'G' S t'I' '~ T","P '. '0 ',or,oCI "'" ~ U .I..J ...1 l.,;\1111 \\1:1"':1'\,'111"11.1.:,\' \\I~II r,~c,u'lJ

    '\:0 order:lt I,ll I"HlI·~. •.o!\"r: 1··.... \ ,',\:-;1 •.

    S-li"" (lj'I"";:' t\'.lf:u: Illlrl'!. 1.'·H1 "t'I1I.i'lil \\'JIIl, r

    l'oJ: I' r, 1.\:-. ::::! I.• ~'. 1'. [;



    The Lowest itatosfor Cash.

    Foreign & Domestic Fruitl:A;';-IHI':~,

    co;,;- Ffo:f"TH IX J:n \"ti'l'.\TiI):,\I·:tty.

    ']"Ul:.\I·I'O.l;If;.' 1::-;.

    Ere.• I;:'I'C.

    o. X-:E. 23:0:z:...001.WEI.l.'1···l'l·I,·lu:·.


    In the mlltter of lilt' ../Ol:tle o(Dc:nu.te ~sbt, :J:)oo'CL

    N O')' ICE IS lilm~:U\' GI\'l':X__ thllt Is IHlrSlI:llll'C III :Ill mtlf'r lI( lhllt!'ro!Jato COlirt of .hlll;·I'lllI11 t..:'lIlllt)". \Y. T ••,lilly lIlad\' QIl Ille ~;illl (If "lorll. ,\.Jj.lti7U, 1!I'l llllllt"r~I;tIl"ll. 11I11Il\ul;l.lrn"ll· fittho tl~lIIte of lJt.'lllll, 1I111llt, Ikc·tl. "III ~IIIn 1lll1111c IlIlellon, III ,lit· 111~11\'!Ot hl,ltll'r,MllIlsUIJjc\'t lo elllllil'llll.lllull t,y fill,lt! l,;lIl1r,u. -.e 9.h dl'l)' tlr JUIII', I~':D, •• Ihe

    "...r.' I~ !t.At tllc eUlllt IlOll"~ ,lllhr III 1',ll·t 'I'OlVll-1It.'1l11, Itl Jell"I·."11 ,"~'llull', W. '1' •• tlJ. luI·lo..'lllK tltl~\:l'ibcll r~11l ....iUII'. lu...... II:

    fHJ.f OCI'~ III lilt SIl, ~I:c {fHIIl !CltlOllNu. lh'~ (6). IIwl 5;;\lllCIII' III 1.1 SU.Il",V.I'll (71; nil III 11I\\·II.lIlp ~". 11\l·I,I.I'-ullltl(211) Ilurlll nlllj!:w Ulle ell.l. tllliialuilltc U:!I~lieI'd wllrc or il'~I. I) Il,g :uull,l'lll~ III J\:r-fllfSOtll.'Ollf,t)'. W, 'I'.

    'rerlil. of,." I!! n" /i,llfl\\,jl:-l:lI"h In ,nhll."Ulu tI( 1110 UlIlh'd :-'lill"'''; ollt.. lllIl(ul' Ihl,lpurcllnit lIl'Illl'" til 1;0'/,11101 II) :"hlJlllllll~I'lor 011 dll,\' of ;:110', Ill' .lIee "II cIllltlrlllll·!lUll of 1IIIll!lIJ.· I,\" ~:lltl l'tl)I~L1t' Clllll't.Uet:IIIIII·.''1_·u ...• "1·1'1I1'11l~/OI·r.UH~II ApI'1I1\), 1,,;\1.

    \\)1. II. II. 1.1-:.\:::'\1-:11.AlhlllllJ.,lrlllllr ull'I1llth' "I IIlI,1l1~

    lII:.;-hl,lh·tJ·('.nrlllJ~hnw ~t Ialllllili. RIt·.h!' (I'rt.~l. 11:lw

    'f0 WHOM IT 1m COllCER,R;.T

    OW' "il1;:1l.', 1111' Iln~,\!.r 111111 llllnll'~~. IIIpl·l·k,:! 1!"'1I1 1!I,lI·r. AI'II nil EIli:ll~l...(mill, ...lle. -I,ll"" 1101111. J(J:I(,

    WAT!!:UJiAN It KA·I'%.

    CliIMAClJiIIl. W. T.,'VUh lel ...hu...... _. PruJH·)otur.

    t~·H,' ~'I(U·IIUf.(·.. O'1r "h,'1'''ll (" tl(! F,r.t-fr.~I~~I~'~III~~:~:·.lIL I.... 1'1 1011] l'l'ltlr flUIlII! r 10 nUl'

    to:b"" '''I:,·.~hlll'f'lu J"I,I,IIIX lor......ul••~~

    t fl' .\,ltIrl'''''llll ()l,ll'ri I" V!m. BISHOP,"m.... l'UH I' M "',0,," ..r I'otl" ru,,'N...f1it::'t:u. Cl1e1'1C nHI~Y by M.... 'i hJth. lift

    NOR.T::S::: PAC.l:F%O


    NQI'[f"I'; I~ Il!'l'ltl~' I:l\"~ll 11I:lt I IIIUkN·plu;;.1 1'1'1:11 h.\· 1·...n-y'·lll· I/ld Imll \Illmy I'll ml·,·, willi'll ,i,c 11\\ IIt'J' 17'H 1,1I\'e!"" 11",\'1(1;: I)rlll~'rly II .,! IHl.du;.: alldl:lrl.l,·.l",' !"·"I,ia:,.•'l:c.: II "I If lU'l 1:110:"1111"'11" wht.:ll 1\I'u \\'t.~ k~ Ifllill II:lfe IIld"lllH~ to'e;,o~1 f..w Iii,· t'IU1'~t.""

    l'II.I.loUt 1';',IJlUllllE.t:hliullelllll, W. '1", April :!:!U, 1~i"U.

    ''',rll.tld _ ...lIe"Whcnt-,I 65:il1 aj~(or lll'cra,ItC.Pntarfle~. qllolnlJlu nt '1~I()~l 2li p'lr 100

    lbo. Jl~ to Ile..crlplloll Alill quality.Oati, rl:t!l.1 pet 1.'t'1l11l1. $1 tS(g:'1 25.Bill.... lII. slcll.·11 !Ii1Jlll:; hlllll H)@I;l,Lllnl, III kc~, 1l01le; 111:1\' III thiN, I to,UIIUtlr, we 1IIIMe choke IJalry II. :12 ~@

    ali cts; goot! rresh rllll. t7@301!' onlhllar)'J!\\ii'IB. wllt'lhcl' hrluo or !&Ili'l: 1.'01Il1ll0l;l:!li:lfH'i lllllrkct Ikllt.!" CaUlOrIltl\ fruitroll. ;Jiol!fl.tO.

    l'Ollltr)', cillci;enll. )'OUIII' t:J@3 (to I)ndoz; 0111. f.:J 751ft.. 00.

    lIo~~. Urlli&.111l l·t,q 011 (oof; 4 clJl,H.'t'l. II\'e wel~hl 2 1;£@:I'a'etA fOr ch{flee.Sill"'!'. lI\'e Weight. :.!~.,@:{ I·ts.1I111\'~. '\lIutllhJu lit 14 ctil Jar 1111 owr 10

    ~. fUlI'·lh I'll ntr lor uIIller til." alsq antit!1l!'II .IIr rOI' cllib.

    'I'nll(lw. 'lll,,~lIle AL 0@6!G'lin)'. tlulOtlly bllll.·d, lIuyllig at *ll1aJ:1

    IMlr tUli.

    l'lHtT 1·'I\\·:O:I'!y.sn, Mll)'!I,IIfo'I'.r:f'~:ll rfllllleN III POI·tllllll..!-lmylllg {/Ilj.,

    ~CJlll'l! III pllr."';i1\"l·rl~JIIIIIl POI'llllllll-lheballk;jIJlllltc 1--- _

    ;j.l'l'~2 Jl'" 1.'e111. III"CllUIlI.Colli ~::lt:htll1g(J l1IJ New York. 1 ver

    CCllt. premium.Cull! cXdlllllge 011 Stili FrJllll'i~'O. I).'lr 10

    ?fl JIl'r 1.'C1I~. I'rclHhlll1.CIlrl'clIC}' cxeluLlIgc 011 XUIV York, .I Ilt"r

    ccut premium.'I'cll·"rn\lhlu tratl"'fu" 011 XCIV Yorll, 1

    pe~''t'llt. 111'('111111111.:;"s FkoUlllllS" 1I11Territorics is tbu Ilrst tilllu It )Ior-111011 Deiligatet WitS ~\'cr lllisiglled tu6ny House committee.

    EDITOR ARous:-On Monday, May5tll, the Itauncb .nd fast steamerMary Taylor, "hicb ror lomo timehad been idly swinging at her "nehor,listcamed up;" .nd, under the ablemanaglment or Messrs. Henry Lew·ia, engineer, and Capt. PeterThomp-Ion, pi!ot, glided Ollt o( this harborand mo"ed likl • thing o( lif, to llerdtlltinatioD, Port Discovery.

    The party on board was small butali". to tbo be.o.uties or su, I;Ihore,and skYt not omitt.ing the man, ex·cel!ellt qualities of tbe goou sbip,which swiftly tbrobbed along p"tpoint, baylDd headland, and in threebours' time, UDder .&8y Iteam, land-ed Ull ou tho wharr at Disco..ry.

    OUI" time being limited, a rewhurriad but ..ery pleasant visitll "'orumade; and, as the bright, rull mOOl1rose ".er of the trde top, sClltteriull'its silver on the tremulou8 waters oftbo blly, we gil" a pllrting salule,and, fully imprp.88cJ with what weha.d lean alld bell.rJ, lllld the mllnyimpro"'I~llIt. made til this splemJitlproport, In recent yearll, steamed olfagain to Port TO"1l1l8IlU.

    With a small but very a~rceablll:a~lIitioll to our passtJll/ler list, thetriP home was made "II tho Illorepleasant, for the night was fine, Il.lltlev.ry ona tnj01cd it. The rcturn{rom Disco,ery to Port Towns.lIltwas mada in 2!t houn, under 28 lOll.of lfteam. The Ta}'lor cllrrier no Ibswhen uuder full pressure.

    \Vilh many tbanks to her o"nClrfor the pleasure confernd, we badehim good night and good b,l.

    1m: lim. kilns on &11 Juan andOrcas islands are duing a good bu~i.nls,. Last week, Mr. Robt. Canes,proprietor of tbe Idln on Orcms, ~"llta"ay about 300 barrels of his prod.uct to Portland; while Mr. JlImflaMcCurdy, propritltor of the kiln allSan J uall, had about :.l,MO barrelll 011batld ready to ship.


    WE have recei\'eu a compliment.ary ticket ~o til" Red Wen's llall tobe giv(l1l on thfl 12~h inst. TicL:etl$one dollar, lIot transferablc, andcan be ohtailled a& thi stori oC Mr.Goo. Dllrthrop.

    Tll~ Coualy COll1misf>ioners heldtheir May session tl1is "e.L:. Theyrlfused to allow tbe attorney's reeof Mr. D. W. Smith, ror prosecutingthe boys Clawson and Dnidson illthe Hight murder case, '

    Paot" Hoberta will "i"o a calicoball.on 1'1lursuay :.!2d inst. b~urtblilrparticulars lieu "eeL:.

    Ih a Illlstaltc, ~·h-.-d-"-I-O-I-iuo on ourin~ill(l titlc.page "al not correctedtill:!! weck.

    Mu. noth!lchil~1 has returned andis making things liuly.

    Tm: ISs..sment roll (or tbe city ofPort To"n.tnd i. now in the handsof thl city clerk, Mr. G. M. Haller.Those "ilhin" to cont;,st their .Sl:ie:t.meat!l, "Ill be pri"i1aged to do 80IU, tim. prior tu the firlt Monda.yin June.

    No" that rresillcllt lIu,"oll h",s'"toed thl Army RIJpwpriatinn billwitb its obnoxious llridon," thodemocrats in Con~res!l Are proceeu.iu~ to do just "hat they should ha.\·edone ill the 6t3rt, \·iz: to bring tlll~irllills ill properly, so tilat cach irn·portant qnestioll lIlay ho lh:alt \,~thaccording to its OWI1 merits, ulIlllll'dependent of allY other IlJQIISurC.lillu this be.n don. in the first. pillce,tho present extra s.ssion of COlll'reu,with iu upellse, would hl\'e beenunnecellary.

    }{ 'Il),tbill~ \\'ltS needed 10 \lllit~the republican pltrt!', the recliut Jefi·ant, forcing polio)' llf the n,)W dnmi.nant party in COllgrosK IIIIS elr~ctllal·Iy brou~ht aLotlt lhe result. Tht!lIudless revi,ing of lhe ohl issll~aball brought the party le.dM!' hI:-\'I'; h·or "here they willstalld lik. IL Williof ,damront betwcen 11.' II' COUll tryand dangl;lr. President Hll)'eM, inthl firm stand uk.n, has sunicientlyredeamed his administration from rhecharge of \'Iloilliltion lilld wCliknesl.

    The key note or tb, whole (Illes·tiOD just vctOl'U WBB sflumh.HI.lly.Gen. James A. Garfield, of Ohio,at the opening of the debat.. Holaid it 'I'I';.J not 80 lIluch that the ru·peal of tho Ilcction I",ws "'as objec.tiollable, though thll.t was badenougb, as the faet that the democratssought to trolllple UpOll thta mluntafYpowen of our law lI1akt!ra. It WIISthu PR1SClrt.E of such h·gisllltiollthat h. objected to mosL Underluch polio" how long "auld it hebefore a bill repealing the fourtcenthand fifteenth amentlllll'llt9 would LIintroduced and the Pre$idlnt told toIigil or It.n·e?

    Our friends in the Democraliepart)· need.flot charge HI'publiclllllwitb UDaunting the bluody .hirtll af·ter thl uow,d determination orn.Diool'ltio leaden in COlll;ress toII W iPI out every "'Islige of R.publi.caD legislltion.1t The, are tbl ooeawbo are l'8yi\'inll' ·old iasllea.

    TilE Snohomish "Star" baa per.

    manently suspended. Bro. MorKe,:0 a three column "ail, IItS forth hisurioul pecuniary and eYen domlltiogrievauees at hWlJth. During hismanagement or Ihl iustitulion,wbioh wu in itl fourth Tolume bl'(ore it gave up the gbolt. lb. M. de·.,ot.d birosllf to it with II pluck,determination worth, of & moragrati(,.ine rasult. He if not .. prac·tical uewspaper mAn, and never was,perhipi neur would bt, and henceth.laHure. T.bert il now an optn-iDII' (or IOml ambitioul.J'oung man 10diltinguilb bimael( iu the field- or

    jounalism. Thl late editor affirrul,witb pvldellt di'lust, hia purpo.. toforsakl tbl journ..liatio field forner.The uSlar," in 10m. or itl Ipechal·tiea, WAI a "Iu.bl. aid to 10c.1growtb, but it "" Dot up to tbeataod.rd in renlralitill.

    TUE Dew constitution for thl Stateof C.lifornia was to lJe accepted orrejeoted ,.eaterday, at the pollio Web..... not beard o( evln. parti,1 reolult, but pr&Jict tbe rtjeotion or thltdOC!ument. Our imp aUiI'eltl that.bouhl lb. cOllatitution be aocopted,Dennia Kearn.,. will be m.de ademi.'Q(l. He i. already & dlma.gogu., .....,. _

    A'S noblui" cilea thl fact tbll.tOTer ten million pounds of crud.) ndia-rubber.m annuall, imp()rttdioto the United Stltel, Ind "antsthl cloutohouc tree cultiU.tid "ith-in our bord.n.

    -=--=----M.uolt G. O. Haller', court mar.

    tial i. ill progr.ss .t Washington,h"iu~ UlOinenced ou Monday hlst.We ba,.e 1.10\ y.t heard allyl hi Il,lrabouc iu progriii or developmonts.

    Tua (amil, of P. D. Moore is mo·WiD, b6ck &0 Olympia.

  • S 81 t

    WE OFFER l'QH ~"U.r.. IX LO'TSTO ~[jI1'. A JlHA.·O 1..1.'



    CRShIV Herman.NEITItt:a l'm: (·.\I'T,\IX :"OR TilE CS-r deNlj(lIeu IIff'nlillJr Ib'j 1I11(''''u nllllletl v....lltll wllllJll re"I~>II~ltolu lor dulJhl t.'Unl nwtttl bythtlOnlOtt" "rcrt,,,,',

    ItlYl·lIN·III1.n .t f·l'. ~"UI);, l't:RIi.' Uaalur

    Port Towntend. JOin.:IlI. tlli.

    Hontnras barQne ChiclayoNEITlUm Tin: c'AI'1'AIS" ~Illt TilE tIS1 dl.lnthl""'ll I\Jlelll;j 01 llle t100"ll nLlllled"lI>IoelJI wUllJl11I'U1lI,,,m.. lbh: rut ,lelJlaCOIOln&ulo,llotl1mIIU(fmllfo(lhtlllhcwc 1111111",1 VCiJ-ilo'l wtll lin 1'C!IllOl1~tllle (llrl1nhllll'flllll'W.:ltltl II)'Ihllortloo""flrt'1'tlw.

    L.:A 11~~'JIIS: ~,III~ ~tl.~I~,~S .;'!r~n)I~·uer.I'urt 'l'owlI*'ltll.l'fllI H. 11l1~

    '1'llIf' !·:=:rrAIIT.lSIDlf:XT liAS ,It:t'll' OI'I,;;\,SI} \\ 1'1'11 A ~Tl.l. AXOl:UllIlllc!C S(ol:kvr Coners. Merchunoiso, l"II·I,11I ~ I.. jJlllllI(

    lrllrcll/'lLrr, Groceries, Prori"iolls, Croc/lcry,Boots, lIua ShoclS, Dry nOIJ!!s, .\ (Jfirms, l~'e" ~I'c"

    Which will be .old at Port Townsond PrIeD I. (0' Cuh.

    rHODUn: 01' EVEIl\' IJIiSl:IlWI'IU:O; T.II;e:o; " IiXl:IIAI'I;r;FOH VA 'II :\;\1) liD., 1,:--. ,\I,u

    ,V.IOX.. II I UJ:l"oI, J'l'H~. ,,\.su ()IT...For whicil the highcst Illurket prll':c will lIu !,llid. !··;lrllh'rll \qll IIiHI it to

    their iutl'rg5t to Crill illlil C~lIt1l1t11.l )!U(I\!l!o Itt tlli", \I.jlllIJh~I\IIwut

    ulrore purchasiuG' eliewhere. :o..U THOU'llLE '1'0 SUO\\' GOODS.

    --0 A~D DE,U.EILS 1~ 0-

    Exchange Bought alJd Sold.

    f:S'1'ADLISIlI:D IS.1S.] (1). C. II. 1I0'l'IISCIIlW



    111101 Wille \'hlf.'J1'lIr. IUlI)Or1ed dl!'ft·t b)' U! rrom the Ylne)"lIn~ In lIille'i IIIId bar-1'\:1 , :Iml for Ie Itt San rl'ftilclico f1L:es by •


    One Fish Wagon 3 1·4 inch, for saJeat a bargain, by

    ROTHSCHILD & CO,POI·t Townsend. Jlful'ch 27,1879.

    Ektne Katie FlicDll[er 4 \ Ship Gold Honter."" E1TIH:lt Tilt; C,\I'T,\l.x XOH Tilt: (;,,·1 NJEtTtlER Tmt C.\l'TAIX . un TltE UN"-.' dCflIl::ntll.l t1~l"lt.. M .00\'11 named \..,. (te1'l!!Knec.! ",_,"a fI( Ihe ah,we rl1l1lled,,1'1 .. Ill II,. 1'd11101I~Il)fe for dclJl~conlmetallJr ,-t:lIIt!.lwllf lHl ruvoulllle for 1.111111 COIItl'l\l.:\.eIl\!leullh:.INOrCl'jw. by the ol!lce... Qrcrcw.

    e..,,1. '!.~. I1I1.M.\;-, )liI~IN_ JOSIIUA t'tCEI':"IAS. MUIf'r.• I~UTII ....t: II I,!, U " CO•• ,\gf'IIt.. IluTlI 'lllLII'\' co., _\.(cnts.

    I nrt Town'"CI1t1, 1_. I'hlt, Port Townetnd, ".11. 'JIIlliilt.Hawaiian Bark Lilin, U1n CLT 1

    N"'TII"11 TIl" C.,,'T.\lS SOil Til" OS- e, , . ay Dr,1 'h'''''''hornet! ~l(llnlt ofll1ellhlJ\'e ""11l'-":lMllgu or Ihe lIelV t,;Oll!lfltIlIIOll 01 ellll-

    l\wlnl Ih~!I onr II l'I'I,'lIt e1111el .Wm:t1011 r. I '-II I It III I I I J• ,ona 11, uo: cv 11K w 5C.'r Ollll y IllIll.!III t1111t. cit)·. wl.h.:h dltl lit llro,O to be (111 lib I lr ItalJLluctloli nnci' uII. I Ie l' u~ lIe.. tlftNlt!A.

    Ox 3(ollduy the IIf4!Umer )(r18tle left thlif1I0llACE ~. O"'J:llry, lnte prlnte Com- IIllll:e (or DIIUlZ'l'lIeAA }lith' hOIl'\(! ~plr.

    pltuy ..n. ,. Jill lown 1,.~llllCllt, Is orden.d whuro tile llllrk r.lzzlu Mtll'I!hnlll:s ft!l-hort'.to ~I'ort to Ht. T, 1.'. ~lIllor, ExamllllllK !he Ilild 011 bolltt.l Hb4mt twclll)' WOrkllll!lI.:-) lIrll:i..'01I lor 1'(lII~OIlI. 11.11 told, with lllnt:hlllcry, UII,.'kle, 41.'.. (IN''

    Mit. ,1:1l11e~ MeXltllght. of Seattle, Is III plultory (or elrt.'Cllug tllellll(,\:t",~ftlll:llIl1('11Sail Frlolm·I....,o tlllClerJ.:olll)( medical treat. o(the trll.lIucll \'Cs...:cl. UlllC"s" Ilca,)'1II1'lIt lilr wC:lk I')·ell. ,11Il1Ke J:lrobs fllls "uor.w,..t" wind l..'Oll1e8 uloll/l( thl')"llIIIl' 1:111' IlIlhc IlIw Ilrm uurlng the IlIte- llCl'OlIIlJli8h Ihclrubjt.-...:t Ilure•

    rltll. ·l'u.: steamer Mliry '1',,)'lor \"11" Illkl'llOUII 0llllllun 01 thu Ntll .Tuau mlne,l, Ollt of the Illl,tbcll' 011 :\IOlllhl)' nRNIllIOh

    lIOlII\: ..... ll:It 1II011l11l11. liner l~ perwual n:· tor Illl IIlrllll[. She 1lt1'I\IIICtI arouud 10Illllltuillull (II tltt' tiel,,; alth(llllhjlltlgllleul Port UI!iCOvery. ulIII returllt:d. lI!!r 11ll~1I111~t he in'lltlllt~1 tllilll rclmlllJ come l!ell~ers IpeAk III tl'rlll:! o( prll~ r1( lilt:(nllll the ore thllt WIU kilt tu 'FrlA'O to be stAUIlCh IUUI l.'(\mftlrtllblv ,'11'....1. nllli pf'O.olbot;t~'t.'\I. UOIIIll'C the trill Jl \'er)' p!t'tI".SlIt ()lit'. W"

    Os )Ioml:lf IA.t Ihe lllel1lbtN of tllO 11. llllilpl'$lnllll tllltt It I~ the 11I1l'lltloll lrl Jl,:t·tf:. Churcll (IIMI IrlclllI~. lit 1'IlIl&eIlCi', lip 11I11 excunloll (1'0111 Iterel!OOll. nlillthltrb'ftve t Iil1rllrl-,' I~llil bcllCftt to He¥.~. A.. 11. will Ills lISttI. )tei~", Wllt..rlllllll ~tStllrr. The nl.'CII-IolI .....IIJ lIurlng olle of Kal7. ber owuerll. lll"ll \"'r)' oblllllll,r. 1111I1Ill~ lM'rII1l11l::11 "Islt~ 10 that I)!llt.c\leth'e. '1'hel 3l. t:: pulpit ",'uti t1I1OC·elll}I~'lI.

    31M. J.lI. Illey. pro(lrlCiOr or the PurtDI'ltJOvcr)'ltl'll 11m.'. ha~ ~~lItl~' Iml,l't.I,'clltlla road br.'lwceli IIIRt polut 111111 J'ortTowu.ccllli thl!l IItlll~. JI r. ,';:llIcy I~ ell-ttrllrl lug IIlld 1k.'llCI'vllll 01 UlllCh c"-'llitfor bit 1I1.11l11rniJle CXIlIIII,II.l tll our tUX-1m)'.....

    MR. n. n. Jnc1kllll!, a (lhoto~r:tllhcr nlbig experll'lll..'t:. Iml itt tip III llu;lnt.'lj0PllOIlte l"owltl:,'16 Ihtll. III" IlOrlahlu\lutfltl..'OlIlllrIK'I evelill hOUlll.l'lI1ltalllc (or1l\llet1 PllrllOiClI. c. III. "urk Ii 1111AfIt.I.'hL..-s., 1111I1 cutilict hlul to Jlberll put·100....

    'rilE Firelllell'. llto)·-t1Ay plt'-nlc ",:a~QlUlpltldy ')10111...41 by the rKIII, lI\\'IUIl 10tilt! NlJrll.l\'O rrolll UI6 ""dliler c1l:rk 1..'011I-1.11100 late. It WM lIuGtllmnu.d)· \·otl..'lIIi "too bad." ltl'\.'lIIWU lul'lll'lubonte pre·..ration had bet!u Illude Iml Uer,lJotl)'(elPftlally tl~ :Ittle OUeI) 11111 Intlcll}lll-'l1IUCh a IllcaJllllt tlUle. Tho ball III Ihet!fel1lna, howner, .at l'}ullu ,~ftll,

    lb:&lQ. Watermon & liatx n_'cl'1ndaootller IlItiC jot o( ",'Cucrol tIIcrch:rudl:iIJb, lb. ~1l11ler Cit)' o( Ch~Wt, ullO bythe schoollcr f:n'tb!or. till w\'ek. Itleems trul1 • nlllne1 thlltlhlJ tlrm shollll.lhate built Ililltlch a IlIlgulllCfllt bluhltifiibut Ihty hllve really llollo It, allli thll.t lOOIII a co mparatlvtll)' !!llOtt tlllle. 'J'hl'yno", carry the IArA&elt llliaoolhuli..'01I8 .lock011 Pillet 6oulI\l.

    • liH. Johll 1Jossdl, or Sec'lullll Ilrnl rle.ls IlIto"IIIIII,16r IIIwh:al lroatu\ont. Ill'III1Ilferlllg lronl l!C\'ere bruhl" rl'l:eh'w atthe hlllul~ 01 AllulHI\t FJelllmln&, UliO IlI"e!kleut ot Clalllllll. A jllry ttll~1 ""ftl 111111berore 1& JlI~t1('e or the 1'ell\'I1 at IJtlll~cuei';-c'pt.•;. II. McAIIllOlul app.llrlug (OttbllllT'Olt~utlou, llllt! w. C. Gltrllol\lti forthe I.!OIOUtlllllt. Hr••'lemllllu)c1 W!liI r01ll1l1plttr, •• e1mrl(l'\lln tho cumpl",lnt, ami.... Gnal'IO audl:OlCi.



  • PUGET SOUND ARGUS.• ""U'•.U ••·U't'll tH' ...\.· ..I(IlSU~ ...priTt'.


    Al.U:S "'.:11;,: Ellitlll' 3nll 1'1'tIllrlctor,


    "rom .'"u'r.t A.er'r•.New YORK, April ~7.-The IJnnama t;tar

    Aud Deroill of tbe 17tb RA)''' tbe rumon 01re,.olnLion have disturbed tbe cit)' for thewt lew dB)'I. Negrou outaide of tho citylU"4l arrnl'd and onlJ ,,,rait the lignal to let upAnother go...rnment. PresideDI c..;anorla i8abient vilitiug tho interior, Cauc" il in aferment o.er cle(tionl. The lIbuals appearto bU.1! Amajority uf tbo .otell, but th8 putyin power i$ not diRllo~e,l to lurrender theulnll of governl'QMl.

    'll1e PrHidelit of Dolivill. hRM announcedthat be "ill mRrch with 10,000 lllell to reocover Antofogll.8to,

    'Jhe U, S, steamer LnckawannA WAI atCallao April :!d, Aoll the Pelll;ll.colll, AdmiralRodgtn' flag Ihlp, wnll coming up tbe COlLl1from YnlpArailO.

    Tae ,,"eaG IlIr""...",.WAauncO'KI!f. April 29,-1'he c'Quomnry ad·

    journment 01 tbe Boulo opon tbo Bnllouncc-went of the de",th of ReprOlJentllti.a Clarkprennted tbe reading of tbe Prelident'll vetoJOeI••ge at tbe c.pital to·day, but eince itapublic"tion in thl'! evenlllg newlpapers it b81been tbe 11I-llbsorbin~ topic of connrsi\lionin Wubingt,n politlCI! cirolell, and bugiTeD riBe to much feeling, Republicanl areui.enall, dtlighted with Ibe IDl!Il8f(e, andaenenlly regard that in poin\. of abilitJ andl8ft"eeUn pruentltion of the poliuon whichthe, inteud to atlnd before the coun""', itbaa fa: exceedtd their espectatioul. TheDemocrats intilt thL't the f'reeident'. arttt~ment, den,ing the neceuit)' of tlu,. Illltha-legisl8tlon 10 prevel:l~ mllitarJ Interferencewilh election., hnot conclnlive, but that onthe ("ontrary it II eYuive of the meritaof themain quutlon in.ohed lu the pending btu.

    T....ble E_JteC!kd.V.....lfOl~&lI, April 30.-Troopl have

    hefn IeUC be.nce .0 Lourochel to bold theeollJeriu, bocaulJe of tbe Itrike of mintla.

    «:••• t £e...reu.Nn to.., April SO,-Rear Admin.! Am-

    JDID lDi Engineer A. Q. Menocu, from theWuhin.gton III.,. yard, Jean for ....lDce 14--1" delepC.. to the int4lr~anie ClnaloongrHI which mteta 011 Kay 15th. TheTimesof luis moming "')'1: "The congrelll i..Q*led to decide between the Darien andlffe&ragllan rontn, end powerful illtereltaare unJId In fa,.or of eaeb," ri.al fraD·w.ea are beld b1 the promoten of IhepunJ. aeme.

    ...... Ple.d I 1.HOlllTJll.lt.. April 3O.-A 6re lA now ragillg

    in the St.Jean n.ptiate quartft of Ih. city,,.hiob Ulluten. to dntror tbl whole mlli"'then beins DO "awr, POrl) 4",.uinBl are10 far 481troJtd,

    r.e P.bUe ..Ill.W~oro.,1iI'11.-The debt Itlwmeni

    ahow. t.he iJlmue for AprH \0 be '16,95~,&Old eertl.dcate., '16,772,600; eil,.er emft·... '1,971,0'~O; aertiftcatu of depo.it out..-audlDa, 191,635,000; ttfu4iqceltiSoatel,t3,lOt,J60; lepllt11denoUtt&IIIdinl, $M6,."1,01$; frICtioaal CQmIlO1 oUtI&&Ild.lq,'16,913,009; U. B. notet, held for rtdempotlOD. of frae\iona1 oumBc" t888,U6,338iailed boDds not matuteil for .hlah four pet'eal, boDda haTe been iuud, '171,319,100.

    Q DI.tIllM.

    The NaUonal Grlflllback memben 01 thelIoase held I Cluctla of throe heutS to-da,on the lubject of the preeldentill Teta. Aaenert.l. iD.terohanit of dew. occurred, butllode6'liteaction wunlObed. ]oformationObtaiDed from I trulLwonby IOUMe, iDdlUtest.blt themeetiug ..... no\ .Uogethllr harmon·i011l, there helDg great dinnlt10f opinion... to the proper tlel" to be \Ibn. The fac\WaR d...loped that the National part,will~ Itllld .. a unit on t1l.e question wbtn it.COMet before the HOUle, hut will dhide,acme etl;'t&InlDS the ...do,.~ert oppoaiDg it,a1ld thllli faction refmnlnS from Totingeither "a1,

    (}e••U'M c:..I....

    The HOUle commiUee, to inqDire into tbeC'1lN of tbe preaent. depreaaion or labor.1 which ReprtICntatin Hendrick D, WrlSbtis Clbirman, b.. arranged 10 leAl(! for SanFraodlco on tbe 15th of JuJy, and tlke te.·timOR' reglUdloll: Chinese labor. Tbe com·miUee will, during the Sommu....ilit.o.ll theI.rge ciUt. t ..t and west and take toltimoDJ.

    A New Railroad Nel..!•••It ia reported here thlt Jay Gonld ...i11lOon

    complet4l bis tranlcontinenlal rllilroad b,.bulldinR a line of 56 roillll between Toledo';Dd D"ro!t, whicb will Rive bim connee.honl from Boston by way of tbe GraLdT~nk, and from New York by wll1 of th.Erie rold 10 San Frftoeiaco i",dependenl of\he Vt.nderbilt line.

    T•••ftHe Belld••N.lIBnLU. Ill.y l.-Two-t.hird. of the

    holden of State baod. hIving .ceep\ed 'bepropolidon of 6ft)' ceotl on the dollar andfour per cent. intullIt, tbe Oournor will.lInbmlt th8 prnpotUtlon 10 the people for rat-i4oatiOD.

    Cellll.." C1MMl.PlTlYf'OlI', lIa1 l.-1'he Seneca and T.in

    coUerlilll, operated by the I'iltlton .ndElmira Coat Compao" al Ibil place hI'"clOHd operatioul for an indeftnite term,The compauy cln bill ctlll At \heir ~lIinllpriet eheaper tban Ihel CIID at thtir mineIIId Ihlp it, Several bUlldrl!d wen and bo)'1...iIl be tbrown out 01 emJllo)'1Dent,

    Tile A...... W.r.

    LOKOO:f. April 28.-Telt'sraml' frem Indialpeak of lbe cowpll'te breale down of tbeqUlrtertn"'ttr Illtl l'Omi",,"ry ,Iepllrttnentl oftbe Kbyber colu1Du, flUW It JeUaltlbad endOandlUllab, owiug tn lick af tnlnll,P0rtatiou.'rbe columu i. I13ld to be IUllIpscltated forofl'elilive OperlltiOllS. The g8rrJIOn of Cln·dabar 1110 a vfry limillU pOllitioD. In cou,

    ST. PKTIlI\IBl'1I0, Ma, l.-A facliuR ofgloom I,lrevlLila. RigorouH police regulation.rClpC!ebJ:l~ wAtchioK boules and ..illils andlfarcbel5 by night are to be madtl aliIJ moraItrioRent. Arter nine in the evening Dooodywill be at liberty 10 abow himself in theatreet withont a certiftcato 'lIpon which mUatbe written and aUclted the placo from whichand to which the blarer is going. GeneralGonrku. gOYllruO 'Hiluersl, planned tbilordinance. Boon h will not be Decea-aary to light. candlo hefore llalf-p.ut nino,yet at nina enrr ou mut be in doen, andafter 10, u in buTacu, nery light mUBt beDot. Notwithltlluding in.acuity in St. Pet-ersburg IDefaMeS IlYer1 dlY. grtnadea are8Jploded in tbe Itreett. The intention oftb. nilJilllt., it 11 bellend, to be to keep thepolico in a Itate of conltant e:l41itement, Uretbem out, or hall them Illeep with the idelthat danger hu been e:lagaerated. Bincethe attempt on the lite of the Czar, trooP'hu. ben held In readine.. da,. and night.In e'ery rtgiment, two compaDiesln marcb·ing order, equip~ with ball cartridge., IVekept eon.tantlJ under arou. B.tteri8llwdready boned IDd mounted in the barrackJud., a Iqu.dron of every c.....1Z']' It'giment.'.od. ia eooltult re&dine.. to mouot, IDd• 'yIll4 night diYlaloa. of OOllUcb patr

  • I

    Et>OllIIcnCt'. in his experimellls. The mO~l that he N. 8. PORTER,

    ':'111110011 with. Tt·gllrd to tliiO mObt .c.;~' I will l;impl.v (HIt! thllL il. WrI!( wl.ll has e\'er yet accomplished has been to I .\ l' 'I' 0 It N E \: A"·· I. 'W t,,:. l" "',nt :n 4:011(l'1'I'S~,' t lilt illllll ...... ll. , Itlng ~ I 1 II known to IlItllllll('r:. of VOllgrrss from m:lint3in 400 coiled iron wires m " slate Iel I prrtC\k'll tim WlLr uf tIll 1'1: Ie lOll, the South mlll frOIll tho North tnllL I of p,uua! inc1ndescencc with :l sixteen·""been r('cl'i\'etl Ly, Mr. ltobClt U. II" h "I 'I 'fl ,'hor" pow,r "t"nl ,.gin.-. The obJ',el -hJJ AI I{ichmollll, III l'tll'lPOIlSO to n Willi U! uClit Ii ot, 110 I Wit I fl ~ anu ..l)orll1er, ,. pUitol. there< Wll~ in the hoJ~'. Thrrc of this experiment wa, to :lscerlain the H. C. STRUVE. OLYMPIA

    , fOl' thoj IH.lol·ticularli of tho nm~ir. I I 'I" , nu.,b,r of '0,'1, .h,'ch coul" b. bro,ohtreqlll"ll I I I hI' seemel to '0 1\ prevlu 1II,lt 0JlUlIon, too, U 1:11'helcttrr "'0'(1:< lmt. i~t.cn, t t (); pu I I· thllt .1 woulJ ~ight if cl~lIc(1 OIl, This to 3. red heat in :lny given circuit: It is I A 1'T 0 I~ K r: Y .. A T -. I A W, B roo m F act 0 r""!cation, but ill vie.":_~: IU .IIR orl" ~t ~o Wll,):, pcrhapi, beca.use I Illt.d lllore cheek upon this experiment th:u \\Ir. Edison Oh,'UI\li'J, \\, 'I' tI)[r.D, IUIll pcralltl.l:U WI .u put t III than most JltCllllJel"il. YOll know tbat oosedhisr:laim that he could maintainl !!'t\.\C('IIILUL:nG, PI'Op'I',~t: IS- (check is ofton miiStakt'1\ for

  • Rent!



    r. . . ~":;,.:ao._ .... 0.1'._ ...~\,__ ,



    For Sale I

    amI Window3,Bnildi It .'.'•• 1.!(( (ei"'(,' 1

    SO(Ld/. I .~', '~'f·.


    eon.l.ntl, on Hand the

    Choicest of Meats



    c;, I). CII""OtU~

    VOKo1:a.b:l.cs.1\1'(1, Corlll..'ll lleul nIHI I'o:'kl t"lIlo~t.'\1

    .\Ic:lI~. Pork IUlIl llul'>gllli :;IUI.0lliCt:e.Belld Chcc"tl. Trlpfl• .te., .te.


    Oppollte Wa.hin~on Rotol

    Tho blllhllll~ IMIII!!I'I}' /)l'l'III,[t'll II)' ,Ill;CIl·lt(lIll;·IIIII"'l!r~ [; !lOI\' lor 11'111, 'I'he I..callI)' uf 1:1111 1IIl1l1lllllt I.. 01111 or IIII' l~'·,IIII"IVII, 1'hert'lAMJ 101lir tillcell 01'[\1"11't)· rt)lIlliM IIb.vr. Ilild II rille 100m brl·JI\·for LUllhl1;liil or lilly klud..

    Appll'lO L, B, UAll'nNGS, St".

    .t, .t. TtlO.l1""l.ull'II'·lCl,li'rlll

    lilr,,·lll ... :\11 .......

    Gi1Jnore &; CO.,629Fst,WASHINCTON, D,C

    WII.L I'HAl';')'lt'I'; rn;FUHE TilEficllcl1ll l.lIl1d Ulilt-c. nUke M Iwll.lll •.\(.(,111.... UtJplIrlhtl'llt of the lI,l,·rI"I'. II..,COllrt IIf Clllhl1~. 1I1111 l"llh!~1 !'-tIll e" ~11'Ilrtlllllll'.lllrl. (;llIlm" Ill' :111 l.iUtI< :1I·1.11I~1I11111'r !tIW,. j:(ll\'crulll:': the 1114111'4:11 Ill" t'lll~lit· 111m!. or II,,· 1IIIjIHm"II' Ill" rn'lllil.:;1):1111·11. lIllIl )h·xl.~IU ~l(IlIf'. I,t .11I,,'rprl\'Rlo lalltl Cl:lhll~. l'Ol"'1"1-I1 RIlI'hll,,"j.;h·l'llIQ l~ll;j'~ 111\'1> \·111;': iii •..; In ;:1:1.,1.laml" lllld 1Il111111J: ,·I.t1t1l4, time! \' ;Ir·r:llll~lIl11l hU111 ~l;I'l" Il1"'11',::" lr )'1111 l\'lllltnlll ~t Or lJ IIUki 1I11t1 iH-rrllctl.1U'.

    Company's Exp)'oss

    AND U


    L'ullsisting ill p:lrt of


    tOll.stc;.lIfl!l on IIltml


    :!j'argo &

    New Club





    Po,t Townsend fo, NeeahBay, and way ports

    On SIUlll:l)' 11Il)ruhl~~. nt lillie, ruturnllllt'I'lIl'stlay. 1

    e':--cr The X"atlollul Uol:1.)'. It''llr .' 'ml ,11111(1 frt'tlly nl.'\.'i)MlIlI~ to Illrl.'Cllotl~ ao.:-comVflu.\'ln.s: olld, bNllu. ":\·CI·.r I:ul)' de·slrflll.l of It:lvlll~ bc:llltilul IllIlr IhOlllll COILIIhlilr her tlJlIL!t1tl tllllJe table hll.'Ollll'JllIOwllholltll, hOltle ott"'J lIelll:,llc nlll ,'h'·!ClIllt t.'Oilllctlc. J'I'CI.ll'In"ll 1I11l1 for Slll~ by

    . llAT'I'IS'n: O..;r.AI'I'AXO,At 11I~ TUli MinI !:'IlooII.

    .WBler.trect, I'ort ·l'OWIlt:eIlJ. W,'l'.

    Arr 10....)11.)' ~JllllelO....


    "prllil.,~)lay I~JI1I1Cl d



    ttlil' ---"erll 10 011 arr.lvw .Apr ".. M~~)' 0~rR)' '"

    ., ..Juno 'II ., 0' 0., ..

    18/9'\lll'llia111l)' III

    ., OJJl\no 211



    Four Cours~s of Study:Cla••leal, lolentf1c Normal,

    Commerclal_l'upllS not lully p~»:\1't"'1 to t!nfC'r lUI)'

    (,Qnnco. l'fln I'l'U!IVl!:L thorolljth .lrilllllK IIIthe common brtlllCbett, Ilr'wld''l1 they nrcable to re:ulIII lhe :llc!llpl:llll.·llt lith 1(ami tak.e t.'Orl'Clp.JntlluK Mlllllc~.

    VOClII nml hl!itrlllllelltllllllutlic. llo'lilltlllitdrnwlll.\:. mllltary tlICIl...'1 11m I Ie ~grnlll1.111,1( tnughllu l.'O/lllectloll~\1'ltlt thu Ilbdtu·t1on.

    'I'ho Unlverlflty lJoanling hOtlijC 1Mulldcr lha emclent 1ll11ll11.ll:CllIClit 0' Mr,U. II. \Vil.rd.

    SprinG' 'rerlll OpoliS Ml\rt'li Ii. Ib7tJ.l'"7lo'or further partIcIlIJll'lllltlJrc:S8

    Pmltlcnt A. J. A.Nm:RSQN.

    These te&.1lI3hlplleavo Vlctorlllllt,nOuli011 tile dnyatl,ortlio(\. Tlckllt!J lire gootJ0111)' 011 thc stlllunel ror which they arepUl'\llm~. hud nrc 1I0t trlln~fllrAble.Fatt from Port TownseAd to Sin Frallclsco

    FI,at Cabln,llI110•Stee,ase 5'0

    Reduction In Fretght. - Ilerenrtcr therrel~hlii which. lIS per !llrln'. IUI\'e IlI.'t"n fGper tOil will bel"hafg'!\1 at f!". l.er ton.

    CT Proll) :llld aner Ihl'l \l1re:\11 BAO·GAO}; or l-Uit!t 50111111 pn.i'l-'ngers b)' I'.11. S. S. Co'uunmf'rs vhl Victoria. ,,'111be limIer. CUltum HUIIK k::lL .1)(1 willNO'r lie subject to t'.x1mlnlltlOIl by CIII!-lolU llOUJe authorltl~ III •';111 "mlllJ~.

    For freight or l),'l...KC ••\~\)I\"OIl I~nt,or to 11.1.. llJMI$,

    Gencral Agent for P!lI,"Ct :-!Dllllll,Port 'I'OWlll!l.'1K1.

    I,~ ton_. PETIt:R ...ACKIE. CoMXAl'ID&RWILL LUV£ ON TIl¥. }'OI,WWL'iOtlmc.: ,lSA.1'f 'JtA.JlOUK:O PT. TOw:flSlI:l'ID. VICTtHUA..

    The Unh'enlty or Wa.shlnl!'fnll Tcrrilo-rr hlu a P,",'Ult1 011111110 1U1;tl'Ut.'fors. "11l1

    .\I·\·1l0\·I:U S(l1.DlI:ll·S .\ 11\,'TIl1S.\ I.1I0m:.sTt:.AIJS call be I~':lf('ll IlJIllII :\Ily1:llItli••Ithcr 111I~lo Or ,101lLlu lullllllllllllIlunll. subject to htlmt'tcmJ whl!thcr tim-bered or notlllmi 11I1\'11Il,; thi! ollly lIr~1clllM pliller III lhe l.'Olultry. 11:1\·0 IIm,le .11'·I'I\IlJl('mentJ whh Ihe 1(lllowlll~ gClIlklllll:1Iill Westenl Wnshll1uton:

    A, MrlckltltOih. SCtluh!.,101111 It.. Wh\:l1l~ OI~'lIIpll\,G. Morrt~ 1lllller, Port'I'owll'l'II.I.Ileur,..Jncksoll. t"IIOltllllll~III'lty.

    Who will hllve 011 htlllli. :It IIl1thllll;!. Illy~rlll for tho 1l\,:(,.'OlllodIUloll of 111(,"4' ,11'_slrlllJ: to purcllil~. lit till: rntc (.r $:l.:!.jper lH'ro for SIk """ I:W~. IIml $:I.i.-. lit!'ncro lor oIllij I"rlll.'tioll, ~llcdllI. :\hOtlll-'t'IrilllllLllclit c111!8 or !crl(1t kllO\\'llll! ·ltoal"·CUll lwl gOllcn nt IlIllch 1C5~ rlltl:": hut 11('tltlOCl\n be ,l;IYtm. lIIlll b. 01 CIlHr-tt·. 1I0tlWvnllll~ble. A .I(.oul C:llI be ~ollen from tllilorl"hml npplll:l\llt of lllly lalld local":l! Ilyscript IlUn:hll!ll'i1 of Ill

    Wben flood. threaten the destruo·tion or propltrty j when namel men·ace it ; aud ...,hell anything portendsdisuter to it, protecti1'O mUllS are1.1 onCil employed to lave It (rom ru·in. ret with all al1111111.1 dostructiongrell>t