- r"I. ' : :: . _ . . - -- . , ,. " " - - . - . . : ' I j 4: _ - ______ - ____ - j-- ' 'rILE OMAUA . DAllY : Jrl J ! : SUNDAY , OOTOJH1R 20 , 180 : . _ _ _ - - .- - ___ - __ . . ____ - , t . SOCIETY TO 11 VE A NEW FAD . : On crel1 Drnrc8 to Bo 1J C Popular Thir- _ Ing thl Coming r. - FIRST ONE or Tit SET TOMORROW NIGHT - - - D1CU Rul" nn.I CI1rlnlr : Will 1I- iOut ! ut StIc-oclaiI ! 'Vorll ShoY hut I.llh' 11"1nt ( the S" p11. 1ltIII.II111 - - hail It nol been for th thfornal : ! cud par- tiog . danccl and muslcale3. ! thro would hvo . been little to break the bat : w.eki monotony In cIrc1e. Out a ot soet. ! men , recognIItig : the need ot a Ibnclll ot 10le kind have : teppl tc tlo ( anl org llzed a Monday Nigh DthcIDg club , ltch will hold Is Irst mnr tomorrow eveulng I I more or : on Cinderella dlnco order thot Is . to begin at 8 o'cloilt . and clor ' before ( mlnlght . Cinderella dances havu become very pop ular In mos ot the large cites , and there i 1& no re.hun why they shoulll not In Omahn- .Carragc . : Jnll ( teS suits are tc he forbid- ( . It Is said that the Irt event Wi ho mlwhat ot adres alalr.- . For the heneft - some ot the carping rural crLtic ; recent Ak.Sar130n bal , s'ho pre'cnde1 to be qule shoclell that coininittt e shoull t neccsoary to ad- monish - .1:110CIS : to appear In evening drias , the following rule ! . whIch were promulgater llY the conniIttee In charge ot Veiletl Prophet ball at St. Lotus ten days ago. arc rtirotluced.- The , . V'ikd Prophet ball is n St. Loul society event , with ninny years' history be- Yllnd it , anti anything done by the Velcll- l'rophH muU he strictly proper. The rules referred to were published In the newlIapers several days previous to the bal , anti are ns follows : will hear In mind that tickets arc tot ( triisfernblo and must be prented by persons to whom they are Issued. Any person found who has not ben Invitel and whoso ) Inll docs not appear on 'he lIst fur.- nlsh(11 . committee will hI required to leave by persons employed for that purpoac.- UcfltIfl1du . will not allowed seats In the hal unt after the grand ntree. All for ladle (1entlmou leall1 Ire rellUI tlt Tservel olstrve thll rule strict ) . . . 'IIR lre ) ( In tul I , and e wearIng bonnets , hatf wrapH- vIll not tie allowed on the . This ruin 'wi be strictly enforced , without any oxcep. . ton Oentemon wi be required to attend In . member or a military or- gr.nlzation - who may lic InvIt'l. and . Icslrl" to Weal' his uniform , will be permItted to do lO. ctlDet will ho laid for dancing , so- ns to protect the ladies' dre.es. Contlenien's full tlreH must consist ot'- blnclt l'Olt . pants and vest ( coat to ho 1.al- low tail ) , and wIilt neck tc. Hooml are provided ! entemen's and ladles' hnt ! Wlapp etc. . 10 will be permltell to enter the ball room with wraps any iretoxt. A certain socIety woman was shopping one morning last week In one of the ] large down town storcs , when , Arer makIng ! her pur- chases - . uho wa smal ticket with a coupon attached which : about to put In her purse when the clerk a . kt- her why she didn't put the coupon In the hex and then sIlo might draw a prlz ! Several lays arer on entering this sale store and crowd ot iioople ! around the coupon hex she naturally secured a list of prIze winners , when tc her surprise she found her own IUI- bel - among them I was at th1 ! critical 10- meat that she met by several friends , to whom she told her good luck. She was studying the prIze list ali wondering which she would prerer a silk unibrohia . a new fall 11118 pater. a bcyclo ! or a sliver rat . they all on list , when she was told that she had drawn an accordeon. Imagine her dlsllllontment ! ! H I lies 1oi.lol nmi.l fla , i.e. When tIme doors ot time Thurston Rifles' now armory opened last Monday evening the dawn ot I now epoch in ' time SOCII : ! weld was recorded for Omaha's prond soldierly ciiz- ens. - ' . Whim .the Hfos have been the recipients ot a number functions since theIr name was phac3d on the list ot companies that have won I national reputation , tt be- came their turn to act time host and In honor or the openIng ot their now home to their many friends , the alant dofendrs ot time national cup gave nn ant roceptlcu and dancing pirty and extended their hospitality , which has won for thmem many friends on past social occasions ! . Time reception parlor with its rich furnlsh- Ing3 - was time center ot attraction and also : time 'cent or promlnales between llances. Time chandele ! festooned with dor. shone forth II great splen- Flags anti tropical plants were profusely dlspldycl , while lucre and there was a gal- axy - faces , together wIth 11 cqual number of soldier thus . rrleld ! making a pret ) scone. occasion was graced by tim neat. show )' Inlrorls ot the Onmaha GIrls and their ofc'I , wore present body , anl tOlother with the gray uniforms ot some th , geatr assIsted tn giving time affair the ' swel muiiitary event. From the central piar was ( lrmmpcd time beautiful silk flag many prlzs rib- boils , to which the Timurstons point with rritle and 1leasure. On a stand Imllr "Old Glory" was dlsplaYEll the cup given the boys by Miss Ovorton ot Mmnplmis I and elsa the great Oalveston cup , over which victory congratu- Intent htiil contInue to comne. The large . photo caltl forth the lcmlrllon : or time many guests. This benutul art design Is 1 recent girt mnes by Mr. Lancaster and Is magnificent In every rspct . During the early pat ot time evening Messrs. Taggart and Miller discoursed lev- oral well rendered selections on the banjo , which wre greatly appreciated . AhOt : 9 o'clocl time sweet strains of do- lighttui - music In tIme ball room brought the loldlers amid their guests and slfethartsp- on waxed for , where a program or eighteen numbers , ) : delicious punch be- tween - tiances , was immensely enjoyed until near the hour or midnight , when the iat't- waitt announclII the complimentary party of the Timurston Rifles an event ot time past - - -- - A . h.1hUII IIHlcnh' . Mrs. H. P. Whlloro gave a delightful lurormal nmuslcaie to a few friends last Thur- 4 (lay evening at her residence , 104 South Twentyfltth mtvenue. Those assisting In the evoaing'a entertainment were : Mrs. Olbert Ilitcheock Mrs. Cotton. Mrs. Mcntom , Vaimnor , Mr ! Cudaby Miss Anna Bishop Mrs. J , J. Dickoy. Mrs. Whitmore Mr Thonmas S- .Keiley . amid littie Eugenic Whtmor ! . who surprised time guests by tier splendlt render- Ing - of l'atlerowski's minuet. novJttes . . on the II0gram were the Impromptu "Sketch on Church Choirs " wth : verso by :11. Thoniai- Keiley , "An Evening Song" In lanulcrlpt- by Mrs. Whimore , sung for time firat tme by : tn lohop. thro -mlnuto sketch ' . Mr. Mclntosh's sketch ! was awardnd first prize on general meri anti Mrs. Gilbert llitchcock's on orig- inal - and cone ! ! ) spelling . The guests were : Mr. anti Mrs. Fraucs W. Wes8el , Miss- Iiishop , Mr. ald . Gilbert Hitchcock , Captain and Mrs. Palm or , Mr and Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy , Mrs. William IJton. Mrs. J.V. . Coton. Mr. Thomas J. KellY , Miss I'aimer . anti Ir J. J. : , Nm' . anti Mrs. James Mcintosh - - - TIie ) ' Surprisi.I 1" . 11uniy ' . Last Tuestisy evening a number ot young pNple met at the reslienc ) ot Mr. Murphy 1514North , and proceeded to Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. lealey. 1822 Clark street , whers the leader In- vaders - . , Mtss Kate Murphy announced that they bail dropped In to surprise :11 Mamni- eIlealcy. . Time parlor ww : soon ripartlt of chairs and dancing was indulged In tilt 1 o'clock when lunch was served. Miss leahy- entert1ned ! her guests with choica 521ectons . ou the pIano. Among those : : Misses IC. . . lcGuckln. K. Me- Henna. - . M. ialey , n , . . Cirahanm C 1" . O'Nem I. O'NeIll . L. finns , Mr' . len Icy ; Messrs. T. O'Connor Joseph , Nel Murphy , O. Unns , C. Toy , J. Malioy. Murphy , J. IIJley , C. Barry , A. Canon , W. Fooruy , U. Ilklnyo- u.I . , 'n. p. Jolly ! mrl'1IH" . A surprise party to celebrate the tblrty- lventh - birthday ot Mr. J. n. Stnt wa . . . t.p - . _ . . . . ._ ' . ' '. . ; : . " glyen ! at J 1Q Park AVOnl1 , on Tlmursdy tn'en- Ing. . . Cirds nr.d darelnl were Indulged In till I late hcur. when luncbCR wu senol. Th' rresn wore : Mr. and Mrs. . . Stirui , , Mr. anti Mrs. n. B WorthyMr. and Mr Melirido Mr. and Mr ? . T. C. l'arklims . and Mu C. fl . lickson . Mr. nn" Mre John S. Clark , Mr. and Mis. n. D. RUne , Mr- .nt . 1lrs. Charles l'assct , Met , Oarnu , Airs ( . , Mu. Cae.e , Miss EUo OOlney , )12 Anna OoSI y, Miss Dully. Miss Palmer , IS , Allis McNair. Mls Peal l rlrkBn , Miss l.u I Erickson Miss Cale , MIA Seidon Miss Minnie Slice . Miss DeUn Slne. Mr. W. , Mr. W. Dowl3n. . J. A , McKenzie , Mr. Harding . . Silver , Mr. Dckson. Mr. Chcat".orl , Mr.Viiliani Oos- . . John Ooruo , Mv. Soomon ! , Mr. Nicholas ] , Mr. Ilaythorn , MI' Wmrke. Mr. . Tor- rencd , Master James Stine. Mr. Slln was presented with n rocking chair by boys lt station 13. - - - - EchotoC lImo Coteiitlipn. P. H. O. deleg.t front many different states opened their latunal conventIon last Wednesday morning at Myrtle hal with an- attemidanet' : ot f.rty or fifty wonien. The Mu. lard hotel wu their healllnarters aul the scene , t a lauga In theIr honor 'flhumrsmia ) ' evening , at which were present sOnm < 500 ot the representatt'e people ot Omaha OnVedncaday arteloon , by In- .vitation . of the Commercial climb , women wlro escorted In specially chartered motor cars , by severiti Ak-Sam-lien . knights to their Den , where time floats displayed at the Feast of Indalnln110 shown and explained to- them. . Afterward they wuro ! shown sonic or time sights ot the cIty , as El"n from a car wIndow on the Farr.amn street line , anti In the evenIng were enlel'lnlnel , at na Informal re- ceptlorm hell at Mr. Llnluger's art gallery.- Mrs. . . Alce : of time Iowa chapter Is pres- Ident - tIme Nation slslerhood and Miss Daisy IS of Missouri corresponding see- retary. . _________ A I'I'UHIUI' , lrJI'IMt. ' . Time friends or Miss Corona HolmanIMs - Intl' surprised her at time home of her sister , . Ell StlrrUcer , lt 2t8 Capitol avenue , last Thursday evening. TIme evening was llclghtull' spent with games , musIc and rodlatone. 1 o'clock nil elegat ! lunch , ( In dining room , aCer which time guests adjourned In timno to cltch time last car homeward. Those present were : Mr. and MrF. August. Kueluui Mr. and Irs. S. C. lirnum . Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Sterrikr , Mc anti Mrs. H. Malhes Misses Eila O'lrlen. Sarah Buts , Corn Trusseli . : rnnll Katie Swart1lander , Cora amid Swanson , Hazel and Tiuina Schmidt I, Amelia Pearson . Mamnio ilruiner , Carrie Mi- ler , Edith Shields , Sophia Engier , ildIe , Miss Newton , and Hel' A. J. Turkle : 1essr. Ltslo Alien , Lean Curtis . Roy . _ , Oscar Engier , Howarl iow- Ird , larry Fischer , Arthur , . Pcarson Earl Sterrlki'r. : . - - - - An r nJo'lh' . Cnr,1 t'arty.Tl- ummrsday . evening Alias Amy Barker enter- tamed a few friends at cards In honor of Miss May Monger of Framnont 11h fIve was played and Miss Grace AIn Dr. Allison won the prizes. Time or the evening was spent II dancln . TIHse In- vitd - were : MiSses May Munger , Grco- Alen . Grace tiimebaugh . Lynn Curtis , Ilessie . Emma Creighton , Helen Moore , Es- teiio - and helm ilanmilton , lertha Sloan , May Morse , Hattie Catty , . Clara Palmer Carrie amid Grace Datwiler. Georgia Lindsay , Ortchen Crounee . Puss Lowe , Aice McCormick and Leita Carter . Messrs. Gould iietz . JOllan . Palmer , Burgess , McMahon. Martin . Cowin , Marbury VIctor anti Charms Itusnw.ter . Joe and Ed AIosinan , Wil l3ax- . ter , Carrel Curler , Walter ! . Milton Darlng. ) . Wilson , Dr. AlsOI , Dr 1)e- and Dr. D twler , ! . Mrs. C. N- .Dtetz. . . _ __ __ ___ - high I.'h't 1111" . Mr. and ! m C. McKomnrm entertaineti their friends at their easy here , 2227 Grant street , last Frlady evening lt high five , and a most enjoyable evenlne was bpent at that rlsclnalng ame. Mr. ii. Darnum received far gentlemen , anti Mrs W. 11- Paiuiatler time lady's prize , while Mrs. J. D. Foster and Joseph Hedman secured the con- 50lnton prIzes. After a bountonus luncheon home fooling that Indo'll they hind spent a very pleasant . Those pres- ent . were : Mr. and Mrs. Palniatier. Mr. and Mrs. Counsman , Mr. and Mrs. Ltiz . :11. and Mrs. 'Copley , Mr. and Mrs. Prcivai . and ! Is. ColetI , Mrs. Phiips..- Mr. . . and . , . and Mrs. Ihssel : [ r. and Mrs Bailey . Mr. and Airs. lasllol.- h' . . and Mrs. Kane . lr . and Mrs. . Mr. and Airs. oster. . and Mrs. Carahy , Miss Mol ! Bley , Miss Agnes Itvlse }, Mr Henry DaE t. _ __ __ lmis nnel l nnl.m'ntH . Miss Anna Iliggar daughter ot Mrs. A. E. Dmar , and Mr. Fred Pearce , a wel known young business man ot thIs city , were united In marriage at Coring , la. , October O. The ceremony was performed In the Presbyterian church Ht. Rev Ewing , dean of the Corning academy , olclating. after which a reccption- was held residence or time bride's brother , Mr. J. Vi' Iliggar Amid congratu- lations - and b3st wishes ot hosts of relatives aOl friends , the hpy : : couple left for a fly- tng - trip through the west. They wi reside- In this city and ho at home after 4 at 210S Ohio street. An } v'nhlt , vll Cu.I. . Mrs. O. M. Carter .gavo a very delightful informal card larty on Tuesday evening for her son , Mr. Carrel Carter. Four pretty- lrizos were given. After refreshments were served dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. The guests were : MIset' Soin : Dick- bison , Alien , Mount , Squires llo3giand , 'fay- lor , Morse , Munger or I remolt . Crounse. Lindsay , liarker .Alennder . Alice Chambers. Curtis , Georga : and l3uelah Sharp anti Mra. Colpetzer ; Moosra. Baxter , Clark , Allan , Cowin , Ewing loswater . Charles RO3water- .Hogerl . , Wiil . lorsn1n , Dotz. Ilcatlm. 101glnld , Pratt , : Iclel , ) , Ko nlg- "1ackwcl. ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilighi Jlv , ' l'imi't. On Thursday afternoon Airs. Stuhl gal't al enjoyable Informal card party In honor or her guest , Airs. Zanner or Faritmault. High fvo was playrd anti time Irlzes were won by Atra . Philip Peter end Airs. Jlhn Darker I The house was pretiy Iecoralell wih yel- low - romes Time guebta were : : r ! . B. Wood , lr8. Fred lavis Iu. S. , IJrlalow. : Airs. Jnt'pii Harlol , Mrs. John ; . . Phip Peter . Airs. Riley , Irs. Scofield. Is- .McOlon. . . . lughe" . Mr : Garrett Mrs. Fralic laler , - - . Olmore - , Airs AnglIn- .iri. . : , . C. N. II.II Bltertnhll , Mrs C. N. Detz : again threw open her beau- tful home II honor of Mist , May Munger on Monday e'enlll when time younger set took poshomion. Dancing , card anti blladh- cllfd to pas .n enjoyable ev _ ''lng. Those ( were : Misses Hattie Calr . Sue Col- .petzol' - . Grace Alan , Amy . Bertha Sloan , ' .ouhl Squires anti helen iloagiand , anti Messrs. lalon , Gould , Dietz , Will Carke . Ilsrry . Mr. Held ot St. Paul , . of Lincoln Wing Alien , Iaul- Hoagland. . Ed George and Will Cowin '1'1u1' ) ' Met 'i'lmelr i'rii.umuls. Mr. and Mrs. M. ! O. lcloon ot Los An- "olos Cal. , are vhllng Mr MeKoon's ok'ter.- Mrs. ' . . Samuel Hee. South Twcnty-second street. ! r. and Airs. formerly lived In Omaha anti l'nce : their removal to the ( Golen state their home has bean a sort or headquarters for ox.Om3hanl anti Omaha visitors to the city ot the angels. Yesterday they met a large number ot them at Mr Ilees' residence.- V. . - - - - . : I. C. .. ltet-u-ptlomm. The Young Men's Christian association gave Its annual autumn reception to Its memn- beT and friends last Monday at which about a thousand guests werl present. Music was furnished by an orchestra COI- pJsed - ot association members. 'fowarll the close of the evening Bishop Newman ot the Mothuo.hist Episcopal church delveld an In- teresting - alreu upon the subject young muon's . - - A Joly Cn"I Pull . Alias Kathryn Polack wu pleasantly sur- prlnd - by a fey of her young friends Satur- day evening , who hld a good , oti-fas'iloneml ! limits candy pulng . Those present were : Misses nnard. Mary Weed , Fan- ale Puris ; MUlrs. Claenco Thurlton , 6 tartluer , Rex Moreluouoa , Wi Cham- bers - , Frank : Isncheter , - - - - - A IlrU"lu ) ' Iurh' . Mr3. 1.lholl aunt Mrs . Butler gave a blrthdy party for their daughters , May and Annie , I"ridsy evning . at the resldenco of Airs. Huller , 29S FranklIn street , Delcou3 ! refreshments wer served. TI0Ji - - _ . . _ , - . : , _ _ . - . _ :: m. _ ) _ . - _ , " - . werll Aliases May 1 llholn , Annie Butler . Iabela MelIIVeYr Kair Mabel Ntbon ne , EdIth i1auhsen , lara Edholm , latlle Butler ; Masters Jlns Season . Arthur . Eugene Lloyd , WOOlS George thither , Albert Etilmoini , Chale . r _______ . " 's'.iuiiimgus mind 1 IJn"lm"I" Time betrothal Is today announced Leo M Franklin of Temple Israel . this city , to Alias Hattie At. Oberfelder , daughter of- Mr.. anti Airs. I. Oberrelder formerly ot Omaha but now ot Cimleago. This announce- mont will bl partcularly gratIfying . since I will back to Omaha n 'oung1oman. . wh while here . was a irni- .vcrsai . favorite . home Sunday October 20. and Wodnoday. October 23 , 3722 Forest ave- nue. - . Chicago. No cards Tie wedding ot Mr. Clifford Smih and Joslphlne Winslow of . . Y. , wIll take place soon 'Cer time holidays. The marriage of Mr. Justin Jay Bumtterflehl- of ( Omaha and Miss Clara Brown ot Counci Iili3frs occurred at the resitiemic brida's Sister , Mrs. Herbert Carpenter , In Counci Dnls on Thursday evening , October . . lr3. Butterfield will IRe In Omaha Dt 3j [ North Nineteenth street. Wednesday evening by 11ev . Asa Leard at the home ot time brld's parents , Walnut . la. . Mr. James 11. Stokes ot this city mind Miss Eva Tabor were married On their return from a brief vlit east Mr anti Airs Stokes viil be at home at 1912 Emmet street , where lucy 1- .Mr. . 111 elcole their friends after Novem- ber - . Alfred Olsen and Miss Ililmna Levin wore married Thursday , October 17 . at the residence ot Itev. Charles W. Savidge , time of- ficiating . minister. Time groom Is one ot time trusted employes or the O. & At. raiiromui. Mr. anti Airs. Olsln are stopping at present at hot Springs , S. D. On October H. by nel' S. A !. Noel [ lr- gnerlo - A. S. lcOlath , younRest daughter of . . Mcieath to James O. Ilastian , for- merly - ot Omaha , but now In business at Kansas City , waa marrlet at Kansas City. Wcdnesiay evenIng at 8 o'clock at the Mrs. John C. Trenton , Mr. James Adams ot Omaha anti Alias Deborah S. Mc- Miam ot larttord. Conn. , were married by- ltev. . . Wheeler. ThIrty Invied- guests were tiresent. Mrs. E. D. played the wedding march , Introducing the bridal party to the parlors which were bcau- tUul - ) decorated with potted plants anti cut . Time wedding dinner was elegant In service , anl received the praise or time guests. . and Iu. Gimlenbeck entertained time guests with severni fine selections on tIme banjo and Ilano . after which they deputed , with best wishes for the happy couple. 1 IIrlnll.1 'l'h.I' 1leIUH. Mr. and Mrs. John Vlrley entertained most pleasantly at carmis Thursday evening for Mr. Dewey ot New Brl.hton , Pa. , and Miss JEnnie Turtle of Wihilanisport , Pa. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanren- burg , Mr. anl Mrs. Jell Turtle , Mr. and Airs. Bigger Mr. anti Mrs. Crane Airs. Lam- rick Irs. Martin . Miss Karimacim Miss Eleffuer , Mr. lirant Mr. LoensdorC or Bele- vuo anti Mr. Voister. Mr. Lantenburg rioti off the gentleman's prize and Mrs. Lam- rIck the lalles' prlzo. The booby prlzcs were semi } . Turtle nod Airs. Crane.- Dohicioums . were served after cards. refeshments Time I' "mn MISMIOn . The Jlla Flower mission Is still going :1 with its labors of ] love , and , as time garden fewer , have now almost all disappeared , I Is asking for small donations to bo applied tl theIlurchase ot newer weekly. Contrt- buttons In time way of magazInes and Ils- trated papers , to ho distributed at the dller- ent hospitals. will be very acceptable. Inmates ot these hospitals enjoy quite as much time visits of the bright ycung girls as they do the lowers and reading matter that they bring. I noble mmiission. IiiYiiuit'iitM 11,1 " JmPremulOhit4. Mr. A. S. Peter has returned tram a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Curtis will go tobord- : Ing after the first. MIss Fannie Lehmer has recovered from a- long and serious uiiness. - Mrs. Lizzie Sweetand of 1816 Dodge heft yoztrdfly for a vIsi friends In Iowa. Mr. Ernest Nathan of Clnclnnat hiss been visiting friends In the thE week. Miss Frances Van Merritz or St. Louis Is the guest of Mrs B . Harris , 1824 Grace street. Mrs. W. H. ilhmnter has returned from a Illno Can months' vsit : In her cd home , Chathlm , Mr Winfleid S. Strawn , who returned front Des Moines on Wednesday , left Friday even- Ing - for Washington.- Mr. . . Joseph Bathngartner amid wle ( left on F'riday for New York and 11 sail on October 23 on the steamer Wlhed Bremen.- Mrp. . . Conslelo Stewart , who was so badly Injured recently In a runaway , Is now an In- mate - of ClarkE hospital and ts resting com- tortably. - . Mr. anti Mrs. D. W. Hitchcock ot San Francisco. who roshled In Omaha some years ago , are time guess : of Mr. and Mrs. harry p. Deuel. Captain anti Mrs. Sarson returned receumtly front Delv r and Colorado Springs. In Den- ver - they were the guests ot General and Mrs. Wheaton , MIss Margaret Robertson . who has ieen the guest or Miss NanniI Al. Driggs luring time llst femur weeks , has returned to her home tn Cherokee. la.- Ur. . . anti Mrs. William B. Sterling have tone east for an extended trip. Mrs Pteriirmg spend a few weeks In New York with friend , Mrs. Sheldon Miso Fannie Burns or .nnapJls , Md. . Is visiting friends In Omaha. , Mr- .Wihliani . Durs , was formerly 1 prominent- railroad official In this city. :15 Letta Sone : has returned to time city I thrEe months' visit to SherIdan , Wo Miss Stone took the trip In ! arch of health and has rclumd much bCnflted . Dr. U. C. liintoo , examIning umumrgeon for time Atlantic & l'aclflc Ralroll company , ac- companlld hy his . 11 time city the guest or Mr. and Mrs. S. E. IImo . Mrs. William Hoyt olde-t sister ot Presi- dent - Cleveland , anti Mrs. John I) . Counter- mine - , both of Beatrice , have been guests ot- lss : Val at time Madison ( tils week Mr. . W. Blackburn hu returned front a six we ks' trip to Calorla , called there by the Illness of his . . Blackburn la mitch improved In lmeaith , but will remain at Pasadena unti spring. Miss Cady , secretary of the Young Wo- muemu's Christian a3socl3lon. will return on Tuesday front . ., where she hues ben In attentianco at the Young Women's Christan association conventon . , . T. L. wife left Omaha last week for their new home In Falls City Nob. . where Mr. Hlnmelrlcb tvlil take chargm- of tite Samuel . lie vry sue- cesslully nianaged the Morse drels goods de- partment - for two years In this ciy . Mrs. A. Houser anti family leave for Mon- terey . , Mex. . tomorrow tu take up . their reel- tienco . In that dry. Mr. Honsel has been In business there for the past two years. Dur- lag their ten years' rpsldencl In Omaha they have maim many friends who will regret to learn or their departure They trIll remake a short stay In Kansas - - - Il route. . luuforumimil litutirzmi : hI ll. " I H. Miss M. 'r. Patrick gave a chiidren's party yesterday aCernoon.- rs. . ! . T. n. Cunilng has issued Invitatons a reception Thursday from 3 ulII . Alias Louise Squree ! entertained French Card club on Wednesday afternoon Miss , won the prIze , For Mr. and Mrs. M. O. McKoon of Angeles , Cal. , who are the guests of Mr 1,01 : lcKoon's sister , Mrs. Samuel Bees Mrc.. Philip I'otter entertained a nunibem' ot her friends on Saturday afternoon whim a charmht slx.handed ouchor party , Pretty - - - prizes served.- Mrs. . were IQnd delicious rereshments . Wcsle-ATrsntan entertained the Six- liantied Euchuer club delghtfulY on Thurs- day - afternoon at the hOle Mrs. 13. M- .ror'lan. . . Titjre were four tble aod verT pretty prlzcswemo awarded fortunate ' The second time serIes ot loclal planned by time Young Men's institute given at CrelRhton hail Wednesln evening About 300 " text have been Issued , Dole- gatons mire eJ e ted front the South Omaha eOlncl anti the Catholo club ot LIncoln Ionday yopIng Miss Margaret Ander- son entertalnc'ttTlmo member of time Caldwehi club In honor oc } iter ISlh bIrthday Nice ro trlshmentl were srved and a merry avenlmmg was , spent by all . lThe members ot the club presented Miss Aisjgaret ; with a beautiful . gold watch and chnln : There wl boa reception at the rotunda and time ' Young Women's Christian associaton rooms . lice building , on Monday p. . Miss Cora : . Paten , diamond medal graduate ot Sopor OrAtory , Chicago , wilt give several readings. A varied and pleasing program will bd Itmesenteul by a nlmber or- chidren under time direction of Mrs. Jenulo . with the Mandolin orcimestra . Frh.'umlly HnH"JI. Airs. S. E. Summer Kane Cimicago.- AtIsti . Oretchen Crounso Is suffering from a sprained ammkie- .Mr. . . and Airs. lialphm TodJeslla are expected In Omaha toda )' . A musIcal club Is being rormo by several Omaha 11Ulc lovers. Mr. anti Mrs. ArUmr C. Smih and daugh- ter - have returned home. Mr. anti lrB. Dean Lynman left for Salt Lake Tuestlay aferoon.I- rs. . . George hiss been spending the past week In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. hlurd Thompson have moved to 2648 Dodge street. Miss Short lies Just returne from a two weeks' vIsit In Oalefburg , 1 Mr. and Mrs. lnnuos I Conrad have taken the house at 1J2 Lowe aVlnle.- Oeneral . Copplner has' taken Mrs. Ezra Aiihinrd'Lu hal so for time wInter. Mrs. Marvin Porter Is visiting her sister , : . "laId , In Louisville , ICy.- Air. . . anti Airs , W. 0. Taylor have taken time residence at 1326 Georgia avenue Mr. S. A. Megeath returned on Monday front Franklin , Pao and New York. Mr. Euclid Martin returned front St. LOlis on Sunday , where lie attended time fair. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carton anti Miss Enuma McCormick left for Chicago on Sunday. The wemiding or Mr. George Mercer and Miss lichen Smith will occur Novenber 6. Major and Mrs. Srmtith have returned to Fort Omaha after a long absence lii Europe Ir and Airs. C. B. Smith are occupying their new home at Thlrly-slxth and howard streets Mr. and Mrs. T. C. VanDuren have gone to street. housekleplng at 129 South Twenty-eighth Miss BessIe Norton Is staying at the home or Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Drake ] during their absence. . ' Miss 1"lor Wlbstrr Iv time guest or Miss'- Dmdy , who Is spending the winter In Now York ctty. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell have gone to California anti HenrIeta Calwll Is visit- lag old friends . There were I npmnber ot Omaha society people who went over to Council Bluffs I rl. day evening to se "Powhatan. " - Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rector went to Chi- cago - on Friday to atond tue Melba concert , given nt the audlorllm Saturday. Will E. Hitchcock visIted friends at Kan- sns . City Wednesday and Thursday , returning over tie Durln"ton Friday morning. Leutenant ! Irlncl. whose itfe was despaired of for some . at present I10wly recoy- unrig at the Presbyterian bospltal Chicago. Miss May Murmger ot Fremont , who has been time gUest ' or"Mr C. N. Dietz for the last two weeks , ieftt.for , , he ham on rldny. . 11' . anti Mis. MeKoon ' cit Los Angeles will be the residence ox ttr. and Irs. Santuel- flees . tomorrow , . meet their friends In Omaha C Miss ( Mabel flaicomlie , who has been visit- Ing - 'in Dale Creek I , Grosse Isle tumid 'orolto today. for the past four 10ntls , I exp'ced home Alias France Lawrence ot Cambridge , Mass" , Is visitng at time home of her brother Mr. . , 124 South Thlrty- . first street. Mr. and Mrs L. J. Drake left for l rankln. Pa. , on Thursday , where they wi guests ot their daughter , Airs . . Miller , for several welks . Dr. P. hI. hiaiiimaciio of the marine service staten I at Staten Island , acconipanleti by , wore the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R C. Moore last week. Mr. ELI McCormick and MIss Alee McCor- mick - returned home from other Colorado points on Thursday , after on ab- sence - ot several weeks. Mr. C. N. Detz. who Is a great admirer of Conroy , ontortaineti Mr. A. B. Smith anti Mr. Frank Colpetzer at a box party at the Creighton : Monday evenIng. Mr. Robert IDgwalt and Miss Rngwal Ilve returned pleasant New England , stoppIng for a time on their homeward journey at Grosse Isle , Mich. The Lorraine Dancing club hues been or- ganized for the coring wlnler. There are about forty couples In time club , anti its first dancIng party will bo held on Tuesday even- lag ne-it : " Mrs. Elzabeth Craven ot the 111gb school recelvell worl the eutlthn death of her brother , lao Evans , principal or time public schools . la. Mrs. Craven has gone to Wllam burg , la. . to the rUleral , ! r . Ahlnel Ilewson and MIss Henderson- or , who have been spntiIng a tow weeks tn Omaha the guest3 ot Mr. miami Mrs. G. W. Ciabaughi leave for home this week after a delightful vlt'lt.- AIrs. . . Cliarher H. Drown and hlr daughter , Mica Margaret who have been nbacnt for several months In NEw York wihi return to Onmaha thus last ot October. They were de- tal'ed - In Ohio by time Illness or Mrs. J. J. Brown . The Manitou cub gave Its first or a series ot dancing puts last Thursday nIght at Eruliumg hall thirty couples were pres- ent - . and the dancing Immensely. Mr.- lii. . . S. Walklin anti IIs8 Anna Gentlemen lei the grand march. The eighth anniversary or the organization of the O'naha Guards wt he celebrated Oe- tobr 24 by a dance at armor. for which invitations we'e : I sued " the week . The commnittce has engaged an excellent or- chestra - . and time occasion will no doubt be very pleasant Alias Ialllo : Polack loft yesterday to spend time winter In Chicago and Cincinnat where she will visit her sister , . . . Rubel , and other relatHTtho wt attemid thin an- trc'e - Into ! n . Miss SlmaIa- bSilverman ot Chicago , which reception oc- curs October 21. Mrs. Will U. ltithcock . accompanIed by Item two daughlers J ay anti Hazel , anti a sister , lrs. J. A. : over of Friend Nob. , departed for San AhbnIo ( , Tex. , on Tuesday to spend the : In hopes of benefiting the tormer's hd1h. " TheIr address whIle there will be 6351' orh Flares street llss Grace hhinetntugh loaves on Timure- ClJar hiajiU . where she is to at- tend - and tale pafbelng , 8PCOlll maid ol- honor. . lt the weddumfguaf Miss Florence Clark to Mr. Louis ICh wihi occur October 31. From Devftv leaves for Chicago , where she wt spend ' some time before her return hem ( ' 'm I This n embr 'C ) the household of Mrs. Miner . 2301 gave a reception tn honor ot 811 11 r. U. 0 . Thomp 'Jn and Mr. and Aim1. . L. Drew , who have JUAt returned from their wedding trlpI. Music anti games fled itt time first part of the evening anti a dainty repast dancing was Indulged In until a late hour. Among those were : Mr. anti Mrs. ii. O. Morri . _ . Anghin . Mr. anti Mr. . - - Highest ofilI in Leavening -ower.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report p y Baking 4IOYLUTLY JE- k - - . . _ . - - - - _ . . -. - - - . . . . . - E. Orownlee ; Misses Icluh , Holland , Whit. more , Towne , : Mr. Miner : Messrs. Crape , Parish , Jordan loges , Marbury and larry Roberts ot Utica . Airs. Julia Montgomery of Tiiirty-eeventh tumid Hail Howard streets entertained in- formally . for a few of her frIends lat Mon. ( day night AmolthOl' preent were : Mr. and Mrs. Draper Smith . . Airs. If. P- .Stoddaril . , Mr. anti Airs. McGliton , Miss Alien ot Sidney , Nob. , Miss Eunice Gray ot Darl.- Inglon. . . Wis. . Captain Lawrence , Mr C. V. Miles and Mr Murray Marbury.- VIN . . I : UUnNU - IS V.U.U'OHXI. to , tll Ornllr I ' ) rnu"tormt11 Into I ! 1.JII Li.iuuiii . LOS ANGELIES , Oct 1- ( peclal- ) Those ot us who live II time 'east" know but Ito ot time many resources ot time great state ot Calornln . During may visit to time coat r have been living ! with my uncle , wrlo Is one ot the larlc producer ot wine , for which Cnlorla widely known I would ba idle to try anti give names of time 300 varieties ot grapes wmch are known to time producer as "wine grape. " A particular sol Is wanted for .finn quality I and high . These qualities are founl In Nmipa Sononta and time Livermore , 'nle's. Vineyards wi iroduco good grapes It four Ylar after planting. Grapes must have over per cene ot saccharine mater before tained a perfect termenta ton may Harvesting or "pIcking time" comnniencos In time month ot September and contInues ummtll the last of October. Time grapes arc plcled rrom the vlnts anti haulel to time cellar In hexes or fifty pounls capacity.- These . boxes are emimptleh an elevator , Wimicim beIng emi endless chains , carries a con- tlumuotms strlam or grapes to n crusher ot about forty inches long by } . inches In duanieter. The crusher being ot corrugatel Iron , crush every grape. Steam power motive used In nearly au ot time large cellars. After the grapes are crushed they are caught itt water tight cars and wimeeleti to a large tank or vat or about 2,000 gallons capacity. When each tank Is two-thirds full it la heft to undergo fermentation , which generally oc- cupies - three or four (lays. Atlr fermenta- tion - has taken place time drawn off amid pumped Irto other tanks to settle. The pulp , consisting of the skin mind "meat" ot time grape , called 'pomaco , " Is then carted to tin amijacent hylraulc press , which , with a sqtioezing power 400 poulls to time square inch squeezes the pornace dry or al lIquId which they may contain. Time liquid placed In tanks to settle anti the poniace Is either sent to time Ilstlery to made Into brandy or sold to crlam mamuumfacturers. After tIme wine or juIce ! has settled properly- and i Is sumciently cear IL Is syphoni off to another tank thlre uut goes through another fermentation In sprimmg- time , The lees or sediment front each tank Is gathmereth In hogsheads and sent to time distillery for brantiy purposes. The wine mut't be kept In a very even temperature to Insure soundness and delicacy or Ilavor. Time cellars are or stone male anl are kept at nearly 60 degrees Fahrenheit al or the year round. After wine has under- gone - all ot the tIme ot waiting I Is clarfied ! by Ilrelelt leans , titan placed on sale. It years ot experience to become- a geol wine mmiaher. Many vlgneron spend nluost their whole lifetime In trying to bimilti name for superior quality ot wine. The cheap unnatural stuff that Is sold In the east as "California wine , " perhaps never saw this state. I confess that I have riot drank one glast' of poor wine In time state. It Is iii good , clean , pure and wholesome. I wonder why such wines are not found tn the large cities or the east. It Is cheap enough for any purpose but the wine men In time Napa valley say that freiht rates for one timing and a combinaton wine trust located In the laKe the United States , with- headquartera In San Francie3o , keep good wines off or time market. Calrornla pro- 'duces about 20,000,00 galen per . In less than years wi not produce 5000.000 gallons. The low prices received for products has caused many ot the grape growor' to uproot their vines and plant theIr round to other rrults. What n pity that this fine Imidustry Is on the wane as the vineyards are so graceful In their tolal. large green leaves and purple trult. beautiful sIght to behold and one to long ho remem : : d. _ I. D. R. A CLOSE CALL. Itestnrt'.l to Life After I I'iummge Untl Iu U 'Inl of " % 'nts'r . Frankton , Ind. , Is talking of thin seemingly miraculous restoration to life or a entaIl child of Mr. anti Mrs. John Sipple. The little tot was 1Inylng with a hickory nut anti It chancel Cal In I tub of water that was sitting on time ground. Its head was plunged- beneath thin water while its feet stuck up over time tub. how long It bad been In that position Is not known , but when round there were ito signs or lc. and it was black In the face and declared be dead.- A . phmysiciamm was sumnioned and wimile the mnessemmger was gee after him a mal stepped out or the crowl that had quickly gathered and taking chmlhti by time feet hung a hteafi downward anl begin to stroke the body that was ns as a rag. After a time the water hmegan to run from thl chIld's month and before long signs of life began to ha seen. lie contnuel his stroking the boy until time chil fully restoreti to con- eclousness he then placed It In Its mother's arias and departed long before the physician made his apleaanel. Who the man was Is not known , child that was head now lives. AllTSTUIYi3YOIAlbVOMN ) . . - This DoplLmont of Wotiinii's Olub PlilS the Year's Work. - MANY VALUABLE HELPS SECURED - - ttI'rOlllc"l Methtoul 'st'lil lie Con- lie tllll'Suhjcctthlt nlrll , 1cnr In Series . Time art or time Womnn's cub met last WedMsday morning In Whlm gallery. Theo were seventy women pru- eat , :11. p1als for the r 'uar's work were do- cldell upon. 'limo lender of this department , Airs. Jeniio : E. , I one or time nmost thorough students In the city , and her mmmi- tiring anti enthusiastic interest In time history of art have : loubtess been Imporlant- ollments In helping to itosibie time growth and prosperity of time work In this dopartnuomit So Ilch interest was manifested last year that the depnrtnient concluded to give sonic stereoptcon exhibitIons , Ilnslralng time points already tiiscumesed. These ltros'cd ) a great succeas , financially : S well lS In other particulars. Wihlls raised In thIs amen- mier . the dcplmcnt purchaseti n nummuhior or fine photographs of classic pictures with which to adorn the club roomn Au these pictures are him the ( hue llratmn photographs , which , properly rrnled , are a permlent mmd delghtul poasosalon . : S they never anti reliin exact touch anti spirit of time nuastem' haud al no oilier reproduction has yet been able to to. Nearly.a hundrell dol- lars - a'orthm more ot these Itlctunes ( have beeu ordered amid will soon arrive. Among these are copies of Gimeido's "Aurora , " Ohebert's 'llroiuzo Gates , " llapimael's " ChaIr , " anti Mmmio. La Dr31n and Daughter , " painted by imerseif Time all ot time art department Is to ex- - tend the kmiowledge amid atprecimmtlon , ot that In art which has becn true enough to last , great enongh to speak to the hearts ot men through many ages , to lend Imeeple to under- stand what constitutes a god imlcturo anl why It Is god , Just as one may learn know books and good music. The pres- ence - goo o auly causes a thri of delghtul enmotlon , but Blskln Is authoriy statement that if a found for time cause lt time emotion , It , In short , time beauty does not nt length elect time Intelect as well as the senses , time to playas thin senses grow dint If true , this contains a posslbltr that will mmiako al de- sirous - ot time taste while Is yet thus storlug tilt lasting pleasurl. . the schools of Italian arid Sran- laha art were consillerld , and this year tim- ework begins with the painters ot time norlh. To further the already cited objects , a series of seven storeopticomi hours w1 be gIven , be- gInning Saturday , October , 4 p. m. , and continuing upon time last Saturday ot each aucceemlimig month , It time same hour , tn time club rooms. After the first cxhlblt time pictures thrown upon the canvas , to ether with time explana- tions - . ivihl bo a review antI summary ot tim- emonth's worlc. In November time subject will be Hubens a 11 Van Dyke , In December a commiparativo study or time Christmas iticttmrcs- of time north anti south. Rembrandt w1 ho studied In January , Genre and some its masters In February , lolbeln In March , and In conclusion the Coundcls rench painti- ng. - . . As the work Is so little advanced at the date ot the October exhIbit , It will bo an exception , and will show Raphael's "Hours. " The explanations , containing historial anti critical dnta. which will accompny ex- hibit - , will be very Intereslng , anl not ordinarily . articles to used , because of the dimcuhty In obtaIning time books , halo been copIed from time " 0- 1lmes - In university libraries and sent to Mrs. Keysor for this occasion A valuable volumime fresh from Boston , this subject , is J being brotmght into use.- hiapimaei's . "hours" were allegorical figures , representing time hours of day and night. They were upon time ceiling of a room in time Vatican. There has in hater days boemi- somno discussion as to their being time crc- ation - of Raphael's brush , but engravings found in time arcimives at Rome bear proof that these much adnmired allegories were lila- .No . pains have beau spared to make this , the first of time art series , replete with interest. Tickets for this course are transferrable in any nuanner. Should this uirove a financial sticcess , time worn.n of time art departnient , though their plans am yet hidden , may ho fully trmmsted to expend it for the extension of art and time imlghmtr hmpplmtess of imumnanit- y.Cnllforuuin . j'ruiIC. There has been a great falIug off In the iuantity of fruit shipped frumn California to time east tip to Sepieniber 1 title year as com- alared - with previous years. This year's shmip- merits fall 30,960,000 pounds below timoso of last year imp to the eanlo date. Only 2,990 car. loads crosetl thin Sierra Novatlas this year os against 4,280 carloads during the same perIod last year , or 71,760,000 poimmids as compared with 102720000. It is estimmisted that 1,500 carloads will yet go forward this seacorm , bimt oven then time ulhipmnents will be fully 1,500 carloads , or 8OoOOO pounds , below last year's record. The dOcrcaee is sttnIbute tot- hu. . failure ot the apricot ar early peat and peach crops , The severe frcsta last slmning caused moat of time dammiage , Time gnpo crop is very largo , anti time late pears anti peaches have turned out well. As now esiiiui&titi thmo total fruit ehlpimients by rail from California this year wiil toottmp107,76 potmmtds. . , hsnpro'i mug I litl ( I uIvusCo ) (' . A kinoniat graph has been lnvemmtcd by At , Luiniere of l'aris wlmlolm i a great inuprove- merit on the ! dnetoscopo. Time umnlnelimal tea- tune is a mmmechanismmi by which this iiimmi I , al rest during liiuumairmmutton , and fifteen Images a- miecmtmci only , imisteami of tlmirty , stufilCo to give continuity. The Ilhtit is at rest dtmnlmig two- thirds of the pastago of each inisge ; in time rcrnalimlmmg third it Is sIzcJ antI c.mrrietl for- ward - to time uiext Immiago by a sot of tecth att- acimeui - to a framii , whose meter is gos'crnetl- by a cant worked by a revolvIng linoulie.- Timere . iii alto cmi urrangeimuent for mmrojectiumg the hmmmagcs upon a miereon , so as to be visible to many poisons at once , Tim') MimiC sltii.ira- tus serves as a camera for tnkimmg lbs photo- graphs - mmml for hirintimig tranaparenclea fr.rn limo negat'vo ' Ohimi , hlnuigiut at innghi for Fl fly lnhlnrmm.- A . society girl , ono of i'hiOTC greatest at- tractiorms - is a soft , little musical lammglm , Cf- ltcrtnlned an iniorcstcl group lately wIth an account of imoW tlmt pronumnemmt cimamni of hmers was acqimireti , 'Very tow persoims have , as )'omm all kmiow , " she sild , "tin uigreentilo isugim.- I . had simmiply mtomhtiimg timmit cotilti Ito callc'tla- tmelu in mimy poosesmomi. Time lade muuatho time enema griuui anti too far from nmerry to be a successful cctnmpamiion. So I teohc hcssomits of- an actor and lt'arimctl tim mmmceluminiummi of forced laughter. This hpmacticed amitl improved mmiy- belt till I imati the art to Iterfectlun , anti IL became eccontl mmattmre. It coat me $50 In buy may laugh , but I wctuld not part with it for tlmousatimis. ' ' , Come to usF- ot' the latest styles Iii 1ndiei' nimul Inisse- s'iiV4 . AU meulo ( if this sea- stilt's - f - inmttem'hmtls , t. , . have tlmcmn at 5.UO, I * 8,00 , $ iO.Ot ) , $12 00 , "c , , h50 , $ l'illO * 18,00- .A . ,. mind tmii tfl,000miCli.- 75 . None hike ouure ivihl- 1w , t bueeeiiclsewhoro. Same etatctnemmt applies to out- CLOTH CAPES itt * 3.5 ,$ ; .00 7.50 , * 10.00 , 12.00 and up , Fur GarmeiitsElth- met' :: S ' COATS . . 01 CAPES Largest variety of fine furi ever 8hIowm- iIn Oimialiis , omubrnc- lag seal skin arid tirit ovo1.Y other' imuoulm- u'furqtmah'ities gnat'- -1 amiteeti its , ! cmi , styles gtmnrami- 'I I tued intestamid in'lcoo - lois'ost. 3 .4) ' . . . ) . I'stroiiage Sohiited.- r . r fl4SCOFIELO- U CLOAKS.SW1S.1UR- .Pimxtoit . Bici , l6thnnd Inrnnrn'Sts. More Ieduced Prices Ott Seasonable Goothi.- o . - ) ( - Syrup nt Fig. , LOcimottlo .. .... . . .. . . .350A- ckerum tJoothmirmg Syrup. 2Sc imottlo . . i8o- Vnmnor's SoimtImlrmg Syrtip2.lo bottle. 150S- ewmird'mm Cotmidi Cure , * i.OOlrnttho..73oChma- mmmhmcrhitlim'mt Cough Rumimt'miy , 1.00- imottle . . . . .. . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . .750C- ii'imnborlaimt'tm Cough Itomimedy , Ste- hottlo . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . .. . . ... . . . . 400- Acker's Eimgiitli ititimmedy , ti btmttio.7 io- Acker's Eiigiislm hteumicdy , bOo botile.4OO- ixtract Witch ilazut , 5Ot buttio..213oh- 'ond Lily Croauum , 2.lc lmottle. . . . . . . . . I noG- iyct'rimmo Soap , Itmrgocmtko2So. . . . . ... So - ) o- GOODMAN ( - DPUG CO'- I I 10 VA1NAM SlIU1T. " - - - - HARD COAL o' ( . . 5.00 A TON ! Is no better or iorc generous bargain than a- .pairof . j : . _ Nicoll's Made-to-Order , Trouse's at $5OO We make it to your advantage to deal with us . 'Tis not alone the saving in price-it's I better desio'ns than can be found else- where. - . ' - . , = = : . Our novel way of showing thousands of fabrics makes buyingeasy. All : ' All fl All Patterns uulo qw Patterns allL iIU Patterns on on on- 'fable Slits $ $20 Table Suits $ $25 Table SlitS $ $28 And so on through the entire 'store. .. - A Fall Overcoat is a nccesary garment these cool mornings and . evenings. - The prices are easy ; $18 , $20 , $25 , $30- ( Silk or Satin lined. ) Write 27 for Samples. . _ . _ 15th St. = - - - - -- - - - - - -- - _ - _ - , . _ - _- _ -

nebnewspapers.unl.edu · - r"I. ' : : .- -- _ ,. ,. .: " " -- . - . . ' I j 4: _ -______ - _ _ _ _ - j--''rILE OMAUA. DAllY: Jrl J! : SUNDAY , OOTOJH1R 20, 180

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Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.edu · - r"I. ' : : .- -- _ ,. ,. .: " " -- . - . . ' I j 4: _ -______ - _ _ _ _ - j--''rILE OMAUA. DAllY: Jrl J! : SUNDAY , OOTOJH1R 20, 180

- r"I.' : : :.

_ . .- -- . , ,." " - - . - . .: '



_ - ______ - _ _ _ _ - j--''rILE OMAUA


DAllY: Jrl J ! : SUNDAY , OOTOJH1R 20 , 180: . _ __- - . --_ _ _-

_ _ ..

_ _ _ _ -,t . SOCIETY TO


. :

On crel1 Drnrc8 to Bo 1J C Popular Thir-_ Ing thl Coming r.-


---D1CU Rul" nn.I CI1rlnlr: Will 1I-



ut StIc-oclaiI! 'Vorll ShoYhut I.llh' 11"1nt (

the S" p11.1ltIII.II111--hail It nol been for th thfornal: ! cud par-

tiog . danccl and muslcale3.! thro would hvo.

been little to break the bat: w.eki monotonyIn cIrc1e. Out a ot soet.!

men , recognIItig: the need ot a Ibnclllot 10le kind have: teppl tc tlo ( anlorg llzed a Monday Nigh DthcIDg club,

ltch will hold Is Irst mnr tomorroweveulng II more or : on Cinderella

dlnco order thot Is . to begin at 8 o'cloilt. and clor' before( mlnlght .

Cinderella dances havu become very popular In mos ot the large cites , and therei1& no re.hun why they shoulll not In Omahn-



: Jnll( teS suits are tc he forbid-

( . It Is said that the Irt event

Wi ho mlwhat ot adres alalr.- .

For the heneft - some ot the carpingrural crLtic ; recent Ak.Sar130n bal,

s'ho pre'cnde1 to be qule shoclell thatcoininittt e shoull t neccsoary to ad-


.1:110CIS: to appear In evening drias ,

the following rule ! . whIch were promulgaterllY the conniIttee In charge otVeiletl Prophet ball at St. Lotus ten daysago. arc rtirotluced.-

The, .

V'ikd Prophet ball is n St. Loulsociety event , with ninny years' history be-Yllnd it , anti anything done by the Velcll-l'rophH muU he strictly proper.

The rules referred to were published Inthe newlIapers several days previous to the

bal, anti are ns follows :

will hear In mind that tickets arctot( triisfernblo and must be prented by

persons to whom they are Issued. Anyperson found who has not ben Invitel andwhoso) Inll docs not appear on 'he lIst fur.-


committee will hI required toleave by persons employed for that purpoac.-


will not allowed seats Inthe hal unt after the grand ntree. All

for ladle (1entlmouleall1Ire rellUI tltTservelolstrve thll rule strict). ..

'IIR lre ) ( In tul I ,

and e wearIng bonnets , hatf wrapH-vIll not tie allowed on the . This ruin

'wi be strictly enforced , without any oxcep..ton

Oentemon wi be required to attend In. member or a military or-


who may lic InvIt'l. and . Icslrl"to Weal' his uniform , will be permItted to dolO. ctlDet will ho laid for dancing , so-ns to protect the ladies' dre.es.

Contlenien's full tlreH must consist ot'-blnclt l'Olt . pants and vest ( coat to ho 1.al-low tail ) , and wIilt neck tc.

Hooml are provided !entemen's andladles' hnt ! Wlapp etc. . 10 willbe permltell to enter the ball room withwraps any iretoxt.

A certain socIety woman was shopping onemorning last week In one of the ]large downtown storcs , when , Arer makIng! her pur-


. uho wa smal ticket with acoupon attached which: about to putIn her purse when the clerk a .kt- her whyshe didn't put the coupon In the hex and thensIlo might draw a prlz ! Several lays areron entering this sale store andcrowd ot iioople! around the coupon hex shenaturally secured a list of prIze winners ,

when tc her surprise she found her own IUI-bel

-among them I was at th1! critical 10-meat that she met by several friends ,

to whom she told her good luck. She wasstudying the prIze list ali wondering whichshe would prerer a silk unibrohia . a new fall11118 pater. a bcyclo! or a sliver rat . theyall on list , when she was told thatshe had drawn an accordeon. Imagine herdlsllllontment! !

H I lies 1oi.lol nmi.l fla ,i.e.When tIme doors ot time Thurston Rifles' now

armory opened last Monday evening thedawn ot I now epoch in ' time SOCII

: ! weld wasrecorded for Omaha's prond soldierly ciiz-ens.

-' .

Whim .the Hfos have been the recipientsot a number functions since theIrname was phac3d on the list ot companiesthat have won I national reputation , tt be-came their turn to act time host and In honoror the openIng ot their now home to theirmany friends , the alant dofendrs ot time

national cup gave nn ant roceptlcu anddancing pirty and extended their hospitality ,which has won for thmem many friends onpast social occasions! .

Time reception parlor with its rich furnlsh-Ing3

-was time center ot attraction and also

: time 'cent or promlnales between llances.Time chandele! festooned with

dor.shone forth II great splen-

Flags anti tropical plants were profuselydlspldycl, while lucre and there was a gal-axy

-faces , together wIth 11 cqual

number of soldier thus. rrleld! making a

pret) scone.occasion was graced by tim neat.

show )' Inlrorls ot the Onmaha GIrls andtheir ofc'I, wore present body ,

anl tOlother with the gray uniforms ot someth , geatr assIsted tn giving time

affair the ' swel muiiitary event.From the central piar was (lrmmpcd time

beautiful silk flag many prlzs rib-boils , to which the Timurstons point withrritle and 1leasure. On a stand Imllr "OldGlory" was dlsplaYEll the cup given the boysby Miss Ovorton ot MmnplmisI and elsa the greatOalveston cup , over which victory congratu-Intent htiil contInue to comne. The large

. photo caltl forth the lcmlrllon:or time many guests. This benutulart design Is 1 recent girt mnes byMr. Lancaster and Is magnificent In everyrspct .

During the early pat ot time eveningMessrs. Taggart and Miller discoursed lev-oral well rendered selections on the banjo ,

which wre greatly appreciated .

AhOt: 9 o'clocl time sweet strains of do-


music In tIme ball room brought theloldlers amid their guests and slfethartsp-on waxed for , where a program or

eighteen numbers , ): delicious punch be-


tiances , was immensely enjoyed untilnear the hour or midnight , when the iat't-waitt announclII the complimentary party ofthe Timurston Rifles an event ot time past-- ---A. h.1hUII IIHlcnh' .

Mrs. H. P. Whlloro gave a delightfullurormal nmuslcaie to a few friends last Thur-4(lay evening at her residence , 104 SouthTwentyfltth mtvenue. Those assisting In theevoaing'a entertainment were : Mrs. OlbertIlitcheock Mrs. Cotton. Mrs. Mcntom ,Vaimnor , Mr ! Cudaby Miss Anna Bishop Mrs.J , J. Dickoy. Mrs. Whitmore Mr Thonmas S-


amid littie Eugenic Whtmor! . whosurprised time guests by tier splendlt render-Ing

-of l'atlerowski's minuet. novJttes. .

on the II0gram were the Impromptu "Sketchon Church Choirs " wth: verso by :11. Thoniai-Keiley , "An Evening Song" In lanulcrlpt-by Mrs. Whimore , sung for time firat tmeby :tn lohop. thro -mlnuto sketch' . Mr. Mclntosh's sketch! was

awardnd first prize on general meri antiMrs. Gilbert llitchcock's on orig-inal

-and cone !!) spelling . The guests were :

Mr. anti Mrs. Fraucs W. Wes8el , Miss-Iiishop , Mr. ald . Gilbert Hitchcock ,Captain and Mrs. Palm or , Mr and Mrs.Edward A. Cudahy , Mrs. William IJton.Mrs. J.V. . Coton. Mr. Thomas J. KellY ,

Miss I'aimer . anti Ir J. J. : ,Nm' . anti Mrs. James Mcintosh-- -

TIie ) ' Surprisi.I 1" . 11uniy ' .Last Tuestisy evening a number ot young

pNple met at the reslienc ) ot Mr. Murphy1514North , and proceededto Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. lealey. 1822Clark street , whers the leader In-


, Mtss Kate Murphy announced thatthey bail dropped In to surprise :11 Mamni-eIlealcy. . Time parlor ww: soon ripartlt ofchairs and dancing was indulged In tilt 1o'clock when lunch was served. Miss leahy-entert1ned! her guests with choica 521ectons.ou the pIano. Among those : :Misses IC. . . lcGuckln. K. Me-Henna.

-. M. ialey , n , . . Cirahanm

C1" . O'Nem I. O'NeIll . L. finns , Mr' . len Icy ;

Messrs. T. O'Connor Joseph , NelMurphy , O. Unns , C. Toy , J. Malioy.Murphy , J. IIJley , C. Barry , A. Canon , W.Fooruy , U. Ilklnyo-


.,'n. p. Jolly !mrl'1IH" .A surprise party to celebrate the tblrty-


birthday ot Mr. J. n. Stnt wa


. . t.p- . _ . . . . ._ '. ' '. .; :. "

glyen! at J1Q Park AVOnl1, on Tlmursdy tn'en-


. Cirds nr.d darelnl were Indulged In till

I late hcur. when luncbCR wu senol.Th' rresn wore : Mr. and Mrs. . .Stirui

,, Mr. anti Mrs. n. B WorthyMr. and

Mr Melirido Mr. and Mr ? . T. C. l'arklims. and Mu C. fl . lickson . Mr. nn" Mre

John S. Clark , Mr. and Mis. n. D. RUne , Mr-


1lrs. Charles l'assct , Met , Oarnu , Airs( ., Mu. Cae.e , Miss EUo OOlney , )12

Anna OoSI y , Miss Dully. Miss Palmer , IS, Allis McNair. Mls Peal l rlrkBn ,

Miss l.u I Erickson Miss Cale , MIA SeidonMiss Minnie Slice . Miss DeUn Slne. Mr. W.

, Mr. W. Dowl3n. . J. A ,

McKenzie , Mr. Harding . . Silver , Mr.Dckson. Mr. Chcat".orl , Mr.Viiliani Oos-

. . John Ooruo , Mv. Soomon! , Mr.Nicholas] , Mr. Ilaythorn , MI' Wmrke. Mr.. Tor-rencd , Master James Stine.

Mr. Slln was presented with n rockingchair by boys lt station 13.- ---EchotoC lImo Coteiitlipn.

P. H. O. deleg.t front many differentstates opened their latunal conventIon lastWednesday morning at Myrtle hal with an-

attemidanet': ot f.rty or fifty wonien. The Mu.lard hotel wu their healllnarters aul thescene , t a lauga IntheIr honor 'flhumrsmia )' evening , at which werepresent sOnm < 500 ot the representatt'e peopleot Omaha OnVedncaday arteloon , by In-


of the Commercial climb , womenwlro escorted In specially chartered motorcars , by severiti Ak-Sam-lien. knights to theirDen , where time floats displayed at the Feastof Indalnln110 shown and explained to-

them. . Afterward they wuro! shown sonic ortime sights ot the cIty , as El"n from a carwIndow on the Farr.amn street line , anti In theevenIng were enlel'lnlnel, at na Informal re-ceptlorm hell at Mr. Llnluger's art gallery.-Mrs.


. Alce : of time Iowa chapter Is pres-Ident

-tIme Nation slslerhood and Miss

Daisy IS of Missouri corresponding see-retary. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A I'I'UHIUI', lrJI'IMt. ' .Time friends or Miss Corona HolmanIMs-

Intl' surprised her at time home of her sister ,

. Ell StlrrUcer , lt 2t8 Capitol avenue ,

last Thursday evening.TIme evening was llclghtull' spent with

games , musIc and rodlatone. 1 o'clocknil elegat! lunch , ( In diningroom , aCer which time guests adjourned Intimno to cltch time last car homeward. Thosepresent were : Mr. and MrF. August. KueluuiMr. and Irs. S. C. lirnum . Mr. and Mrs. Ed-

Sterrikr , Mc anti Mrs. H. Malhes MissesEila O'lrlen. Sarah Buts , Corn Trusseli .

:rnnll Katie Swart1lander , Cora amidSwanson , Hazel and Tiuina SchmidtI ,

Amelia Pearson . Mamnio ilruiner , Carrie Mi-ler , Edith Shields , Sophia Engier , ildIe ,

Miss Newton , and Hel' A. J. Turkle : 1essr.Ltslo Alien , Lean Curtis . Roy .

_ , Oscar Engier , Howarliow-Ird ,

larry Fischer , Arthur , . PcarsonEarl Sterrlki'r.: .- - --An r nJo'lh' . Cnr,1 t'arty.Tl-


evening Alias Amy Barker enter-tamed a few friends at cards In honor ofMiss May Monger of Framnont 11h fIvewas played and Miss Grace AIn Dr.Allison won the prizes. Time orthe evening was spent II dancln . TIHse In-


were : MiSses May Munger , Grco-Alen . Grace tiimebaugh . Lynn Curtis , Ilessie

. Emma Creighton , Helen Moore , Es-


and helm ilanmilton , lertha Sloan , MayMorse , Hattie Catty , . ClaraPalmer Carrie amid Grace Datwiler. GeorgiaLindsay , Ortchen Crounee . Puss Lowe , AiceMcCormick and Leita Carter . Messrs. Gouldiietz . JOllan . Palmer , Burgess , McMahon.Martin . Cowin , Marbury VIctor anti CharmsItusnw.ter . Joe and Ed AIosinan , Wil l3ax-.ter , Carrel Curler , Walter ! . MiltonDarlng.) . Wilson , Dr. AlsOI , Dr 1)e-

and Dr. D twler , ! . Mrs. C. N-


. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- high I.'h't 1111" .Mr. and !m C. McKomnrm entertaineti

their friends at their easy here , 2227 Grantstreet , last Frlady evening lt high five , anda most enjoyable evenlne was bpent at thatrlsclnalng ame. Mr. ii. Darnum received

far gentlemen , anti Mrs W. 11-

Paiuiatler time lady's prize , while Mrs. J. D.Foster and Joseph Hedman secured the con-

50lnton prIzes. After a bountonus luncheonhome fooling that Indo'll they hind

spent a very pleasant . Those pres-ent

.were : Mr. and Mrs. Palniatier. Mr.

and Mrs. Counsman , Mr. and Mrs. Ltiz .

:11. and Mrs. 'Copley , Mr. and Mrs. Prcivai. and !Is. ColetI, Mrs. Phiips..-


. and . , . and Mrs. Ihssel:[ r. and Mrs Bailey . Mr. and Airs. lasllol.-h'. . and Mrs. Kane . lr . and Mrs. .

Mr. and Airs. oster. . and Mrs. Carahy ,

Miss Mol! Bley , Miss Agnes Itvlse } , MrHenry DaE t. _ _ _ _ _

lmis nnel l nnl.m'ntH .

Miss Anna Iliggar daughter ot Mrs. A. E.

Dmar , and Mr. Fred Pearce , a wel knownyoung business man ot thIs city , were unitedIn marriage at Coring , la. , October O. Theceremony was performed In the Presbyterianchurch Ht. Rev Ewing , dean of the Corningacademy , olclating. after which a reccption-was held residence or time bride'sbrother , Mr. J. Vi' Iliggar Amid congratu-lations

-and b3st wishes ot hosts of relatives

aOl friends , the hpy: : couple left for a fly-


trip through the west. They wi reside-In this city and ho at home after4 at 210S Ohio street.

An }v'nhlt ,vll Cu.I. .

Mrs. O. M. Carter .gavo a very delightfulinformal card larty on Tuesday eveningfor her son , Mr. Carrel Carter. Four pretty-

lrizos were given. After refreshments wereserved dancing was enjoyed until a latehour. The guests were : MIset' Soin: Dick-bison , Alien , Mount , Squires llo3giand , 'fay-lor , Morse , Munger or I remolt . Crounse.Lindsay , liarker .Alennder . Alice Chambers.Curtis , Georga: and l3uelah Sharp anti Mra.Colpetzer ; Moosra. Baxter , Clark , Allan ,

Cowin , Ewing loswater . Charles RO3water-.Hogerl


, Wiil . lorsn1n , Dotz. Ilcatlm.101glnld , Pratt , :Iclel, ) , Ko nlg-

"1ackwcl.! . _ _ _ _ _ _Ilighi Jlv ,' l'imi't.

On Thursday afternoon Airs. Stuhl gal'tal enjoyable Informal card party In honor orher guest , Airs. Zanner or Faritmault. High

fvo was playrd anti time Irlzes were won byAtra . Philip Peter end Airs. Jlhn Darker

I The house was pretiy Iecoralell wih yel-low

-romes Time guebta were : :r! . B.

Wood , lr8. Fred lavis Iu. S. , IJrlalow.:

Airs. Jnt'pii Harlol , Mrs. John ; . .

Phip Peter . Airs. Riley , Irs. Scofield. Is-


. . lughe" . Mr : Garrett Mrs.

Fralic laler , - -. Olmore-, Airs AnglIn-



: , . C. N. II.II Bltertnhll ,

Mrs C. N. Detz: again threw open her beau-

tful home II honor of Mist , May Munger onMonday e'enlll when time younger set tookposhomion. Dancing , card anti blladh-cllfd to pas .n enjoyable ev _' 'lng. Those( were : Misses Hattie Calr . Sue Col-


. Grace Alan , Amy . BerthaSloan , '.ouhl Squires anti helen iloagiand ,

anti Messrs. lalon , Gould , Dietz , WillCarke . Ilsrry . Mr. Held ot St. Paul ,

. of Lincoln Wing Alien , Iaul-Hoagland. . Ed George and Will Cowin

'1'1u1' )' Met 'i'lmelr i'rii.umuls.Mr. and Mrs. M.! O. lcloon ot Los An-

"olos Cal. , are vhllng Mr MeKoon's ok'ter.-Mrs.

' .

. Samuel Hee. South Twcnty-secondstreet. !r. and Airs. formerly livedIn Omaha anti l'nce: their removal to the(Golen state their home has bean a sort orheadquarters for ox.Om3hanl anti Omahavisitors to the city ot the angels. Yesterdaythey met a large number ot them at MrIlees' residence.-


. -- --. :I. C. . . ltet-u-ptlomm.The Young Men's Christian association

gave Its annual autumn reception to Its memn-

beT and friends last Monday atwhich about a thousand guests werl present.Music was furnished by an orchestra COI-pJsed

-ot association members. 'fowarll the

close of the evening Bishop Newman ot theMothuo.hist Episcopal church delveld an In-


alreu upon the subject youngmuon's . --A Joly Cn"I Pull .

Alias Kathryn Polack wu pleasantly sur-prlnd

-by a fey of her young friends Satur-

day evening , who hld a good , oti-fas'iloneml!

limits candy pulng . Those present were :

Misses nnard. Mary Weed , Fan-ale Puris ; MUlrs. Claenco Thurlton ,

6 tartluer , Rex Moreluouoa , Wi Cham-bers

-, Frank :Isncheter ,- - ---

A IlrU"lu )' Iurh' .Mr3. 1.lholl aunt Mrs . Butler gave a

blrthdy party for their daughters , May andAnnie , I"ridsy evning . at the resldenco ofAirs. Huller , 29S FranklIn street , Delcou3!

refreshments wer served. TI0Ji

- -_ .. _,-. :, __ .-. _ :: m. _)_ . - _ ," - .

werll Aliases May 1 llholn , Annie Butler. Iabela MelIIVeYr Kair Mabel

Ntbon ne , EdIth i1auhsen ,

lara Edholm , latlle Butler ; Masters JlnsSeason . Arthur . Eugene Lloyd ,

WOOlS George thither , Albert Etilmoini , Chale.r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

" 's'.iuiiimgus mind 1 IJn"lm"I"Time betrothal Is today announcedLeo M Franklin of Temple Israel . this city ,

to Alias Hattie At. Oberfelder , daughter of-

Mr.. anti Airs. I. Oberrelder formerly otOmaha but now ot Cimleago. This announce-mont will bl partcularly gratIfying . since

I will back to Omaha n'oung1oman. . wh while here . was a irni-


favorite . home Sunday October 20.and Wodnoday. October 23 , 3722 Forest ave-nue.

-. Chicago. No cards

Tie wedding ot Mr. Clifford Smih andJoslphlne Winslow of . . Y. ,

wIll take place soon 'Cer time holidays.

The marriage of Mr. Justin Jay Bumtterflehl-of (Omaha and Miss Clara Brown ot CounciIili3frs occurred at the resitiemicbrida's Sister , Mrs. Herbert Carpenter , In

Counci Dnls on Thursday evening , October. . lr3. Butterfield will IRe In

Omaha Dt 3j[ North Nineteenth street.

Wednesday evening by 11ev . Asa Leard atthe home ot time brld's parents , Walnut . la. .

Mr. James 11. Stokes ot this city mind MissEva Tabor were married On their returnfrom a brief vlit east Mr anti Airs Stokesviil be at home at 1912 Emmet street , wherelucy



.111 elcole their friends after Novem-


. Alfred Olsen and Miss Ililmna Levinwore married Thursday , October 17 . at theresidence ot Itev. Charles W. Savidge , time of-


minister. Time groom Is one ot time

trusted employes or the O. & At. raiiromui.Mr. anti Airs. Olsln are stopping at presentat hot Springs , S. D.

On October H. by nel' S. A ! . Noel [ lr-gnerlo

-A. S. lcOlath , younRest daughter of

. . Mcieath to James O. Ilastian , for-merly

-ot Omaha , but now In business at

Kansas City , waa marrlet at Kansas City.

Wcdnesiay evenIng at 8 o'clock at theMrs. John C. Trenton , Mr. James

Adams ot Omaha anti Alias Deborah S. Mc-Miam ot larttord. Conn. , were married by-ltev. . . Wheeler. ThIrty Invied-guests were tiresent. Mrs. E. D.played the wedding march , Introducing thebridal party to the parlors which were bcau-


) decorated with potted plants anti cut. Time wedding dinner was elegant In

service , anl received the praise or time

guests. . and Iu. Gimlenbeck entertainedtime guests with severni fine selections on tIme

banjo and Ilano . after which they deputed ,

with best wishes for the happy couple.

1 IIrlnll.1 'l'h.I' 1leIUH.Mr. and Mrs. John Vlrley entertained most

pleasantly at carmis Thursday evening for Mr.Dewey ot New Brl.hton , Pa. , and MissJEnnie Turtle of Wihilanisport , Pa. Thosepresent were : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanren-burg , Mr. anl Mrs. Jell Turtle , Mr. andAirs. Bigger Mr. anti Mrs. Crane Airs. Lam-rick Irs. Martin . Miss Karimacim MissEleffuer , Mr. lirant Mr. LoensdorC or Bele-vuo anti Mr. Voister. Mr. Lantenburgrioti off the gentleman's prize and Mrs. Lam-rIck the lalles' prlzo. The booby prlzcswere semi } . Turtle nod Airs. Crane.-Dohicioums

.were served after

cards. refeshments

Time I' "mn MISMIOn .

The Jlla Flower mission Is still going

:1 with its labors of ]love , and , as time garden

fewer, have now almost all disappeared , IIs asking for small donations to bo applied

tl theIlurchase ot newer weekly. Contrt-buttons In time way of magazInes and Ils-trated papers , to ho distributed at the dller-ent hospitals. will be very acceptable.Inmates ot these hospitals enjoy quite asmuch time visits of the bright ycung girls asthey do the lowers and reading matter thatthey bring. I noble mmiission.

IiiYiiuit'iitM 11,1 " JmPremulOhit4.Mr. A. S. Peter has returned tram a trip

to New York.Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Curtis will go tobord-:

Ing after the first.MIss Fannie Lehmer has recovered from a-

long and serious uiiness. -Mrs. Lizzie Sweetand of 1816 Dodge heft

yoztrdfly for a vIsi friends In Iowa.Mr. Ernest Nathan of Clnclnnat hiss been

visiting friends In the thE week.Miss Frances Van Merritz or St. Louis Is

the guest of Mrs B . Harris , 1824 Grace street.Mrs. W. H. ilhmnter has returned from a


months' vsit: In her cd home , Chathlm ,

Mr Winfleid S. Strawn , who returned frontDes Moines on Wednesday , left Friday even-Ing

-for Washington.-



. Joseph Bathngartner amid wle( left onF'riday for New York and 11 sail on October23 on the steamer Wlhed Bremen.-


. Conslelo Stewart , who was so badlyInjured recently In a runaway , Is now an In-


of ClarkE hospital and ts resting com-tortably.


Mr. anti Mrs. D. W. Hitchcock ot SanFrancisco. who roshled In Omaha some yearsago , are time guess: of Mr. and Mrs. harryp. Deuel.

Captain anti Mrs. Sarson returned receumtlyfront Delv r and Colorado Springs. In Den-ver

-they were the guests ot General and

Mrs. Wheaton ,

MIss Margaret Robertson . who has ieenthe guest or Miss NanniI Al. Driggs luringtime llst femur weeks , has returned to herhome tn Cherokee. la.-


. anti Mrs. William B. Sterling havetone east for an extended trip. Mrs Pteriirmg

spend a few weeks In New York withfriend , Mrs. Sheldon

Miso Fannie Burns or .nnapJls , Md. . Isvisiting friends In Omaha. , Mr-.Wihliani


Durs , was formerly 1 prominent-railroad official In this city.

:15 Letta Sone: has returned to time city

I thrEe months' visit to SherIdan , WoMiss Stone took the trip In ! arch of healthand has rclumd much bCnflted .

Dr. U. C. liintoo , examIning umumrgeon fortime Atlantic & l'aclflc Ralroll company , ac-companlld hy his . 11 time city theguest or Mr. and Mrs. S. E. IImo .

Mrs. William Hoyt olde-t sister ot Presi-dent

-Cleveland , anti Mrs. John I) . Counter-


, both of Beatrice , have been guests ot-

lss: Val at time Madison (tils weekMr. . W. Blackburn hu returned front

a six we ks' trip to Calorla , called thereby the Illness of his . . Blackburnla mitch improved In lmeaith , but will remainat Pasadena unti spring.

Miss Cady , secretary of the Young Wo-muemu's Christian a3socl3lon. will return onTuesday front . . , where she huesben In attentianco at the Young Women'sChristan association conventon .

, . T. L. wife left Omahalast week for their new home In Falls CityNob. . where Mr. Hlnmelrlcb tvlil take chargm-of tite Samuel . lie vry sue-cesslully nianaged the Morse drels goods de-partment

-for two years In this ciy .

Mrs. A. Houser anti family leave for Mon-terey.

, Mex. . tomorrow tu take up.their reel-


In that dry. Mr. Honsel has been Inbusiness there for the past two years. Dur-lag their ten years' rpsldencl In Omaha theyhave maim many friends who will regret tolearn or their departure They trIll remake ashort stay In Kansas- - - Il route.


luuforumimil litutirzmi: hI ll. " I H.Miss M. 'r. Patrick gave a chiidren's party

yesterday aCernoon.-rs.


! . T. n. Cunilng has issued Invitatonsa reception Thursday from 3 ulII .

Alias Louise Squree! entertained FrenchCard club on Wednesday afternoon Miss, won the prIze ,

For Mr. and Mrs. M. O. McKoon ofAngeles , Cal. , who are the guests of Mr1,01

:lcKoon's sister, Mrs. Samuel BeesMrc.. Philip I'otter entertained a nunibem' other friends on Saturday afternoon whim acharmht slx.handed ouchor party , Pretty

- - -


Mrs..were IQnd delicious rereshments

. Wcsle-ATrsntan entertained the Six-liantied Euchuer club delghtfulY on Thurs-day

-afternoon at the hOle Mrs. 13. M-


. Titjre were four tble aod verTpretty prlzcswemo awarded fortunate'The second time serIes ot loclal plannedby time Young Men's institute given atCrelRhton hail Wednesln eveningAbout 300 "texthave been Issued , Dole-gatons mire eJ e ted front the South OmahaeOlncl anti the Catholo club ot LIncoln

Ionday yopIng Miss Margaret Ander-son entertalnc'ttTlmo member of time Caldwehiclub In honor oc }

iter ISlh bIrthday Nice rotrlshmentl were srved and a merry avenlmmgwas , spent by all . lThe members ot the clubpresented Miss Aisjgaret; with a beautiful. goldwatch and chnln :

There wl boa reception at the rotundaand time

' Young Women's Christian associatonrooms . lice building , on Monday p. .

Miss Cora : . Paten , diamond medal graduateot Sopor OrAtory , Chicago , wiltgive several readings. A varied and pleasingprogram will bd Itmesenteul by a nlmber or-

chidren under time direction of Mrs. Jenulo. with the Mandolin orcimestra. Frh.'umlly HnH"JI.

Airs. S. E. Summer Kane Cimicago.-



Oretchen Crounso Is suffering from asprained ammkie-



. and Airs. lialphm TodJeslla are expectedIn Omaha toda )' .

A musIcal club Is being rormoby severalOmaha 11Ulc lovers.

Mr. anti Mrs. ArUmr C. Smih and daugh-ter

-have returned home.

Mr. anti lrB. Dean Lynman left for SaltLake Tuestlay aferoon.I-


. George hiss been spendingthe past week In Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. J. hlurd Thompson havemoved to 2648 Dodge street.

Miss Short lies Just returne from a twoweeks' vIsit In Oalefburg , 1Mr. and Mrs. lnnuos I Conrad have takenthe house at 1J2 Lowe aVlnle.-


Copplner has' taken Mrs. EzraAiihinrd'Lu halso for time wInter.

Mrs. Marvin Porter Is visiting her sister ,

: . "laId , In Louisville , ICy.-



. anti Airs , W. 0. Taylor have taken time

residence at 1326 Georgia avenueMr. S. A. Megeath returned on Monday

front Franklin , Pao and New York.Mr. Euclid Martin returned front St. LOlis

on Sunday , where lie attended time fair.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carton anti Miss Enuma

McCormick left for Chicago on Sunday.The wemiding or Mr. George Mercer and

Miss lichen Smith will occur Novenber 6.Major and Mrs. Srmtith have returned to

Fort Omaha after a long absence lii EuropeIr and Airs. C. B. Smith are occupying

their new home at Thlrly-slxth and howardstreets

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. VanDuren have gone to

street.housekleplng at 129 South Twenty-eighth

Miss BessIe Norton Is staying at the homeor Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Drake] during theirabsence. . '

Miss 1"lor Wlbstrr Iv time guest or Miss'-Dmdy , who Is spending the winter In NowYork ctty.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell have gone toCalifornia anti HenrIeta Calwll Is visit-lag old friends .

There were I npmnber ot Omaha societypeople who went over to Council Bluffs I rl.day evening to se "Powhatan. " -

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rector went to Chi-cago

-on Friday to atond tue Melba concert ,

given nt the audlorllm Saturday.Will E. Hitchcock visIted friends at Kan-


City Wednesday and Thursday , returningover tie Durln"ton Friday morning.

Leutenant! Irlncl. whose itfe was despairedof for some . at present I10wly recoy-unrig at the Presbyterian bospltal Chicago.

Miss May Murmger ot Fremont , who hasbeen time gUest ' or"Mr C. N. Dietz for thelast two weeks , ieftt.for, , heham on rldny.

. 11'. anti Mis. MeKoon'

cit Los Angeles willbe the residence ox ttr. and Irs. Santuel-flees. tomorrow, .meet their friends InOmaha C

Miss( Mabel flaicomlie , who has been visit-Ing

-'in Dale CreekI , Grosse Isle tumid 'orolto

today.for the past four 10ntls , I exp'ced home

Alias France Lawrence ot Cambridge ,

Mass" , Is visitng at time home of her brotherMr. . , 124 South Thlrty-.first street.

Mr. and Mrs L. J. Drake left for l rankln.Pa. , on Thursday , where they wiguests ot their daughter , Airs . . Miller ,for several welks .

Dr. P. hI. hiaiiimaciio of the marine servicestatenI at Staten Island , acconipanleti by

, wore the guests of Dr. and Mrs. RC. Moore last week.

Mr. ELI McCormick and MIss Alee McCor-mick

-returned home from other

Colorado points on Thursday , after on ab-sence

-ot several weeks.

Mr. C. N. Detz. who Is a great admirerof Conroy , ontortaineti Mr. A. B.Smith anti Mr. Frank Colpetzer at a box partyat the Creighton :Monday evenIng.

Mr. Robert IDgwalt and Miss RngwalIlve returned pleasantNew England , stoppIng for a time on theirhomeward journey at Grosse Isle , Mich.

The Lorraine Dancing club hues been or-ganized for the coring wlnler. There areabout forty couples In time club , anti its firstdancIng party will bo held on Tuesday even-lag ne-it : "

Mrs. Elzabeth Craven ot the 111gb schoolrecelvell worl the eutlthn death of herbrother , lao Evans , principal or time publicschools . la. Mrs. Craven has goneto Wllam burg , la. . to the rUleral ,

!r . Ahlnel Ilewson and MIss Henderson-or , who have been spntiIng atow weeks tn Omaha the guest3 ot Mr. miami

Mrs. G. W. Ciabaughi leave for home thisweek after a delightful vlt'lt.-


. Cliarher H. Drown and hlr daughter ,Mica Margaret who have been nbacnt forseveral months In NEw York wihi return toOnmaha thus last ot October. They were de-


In Ohio by time Illness or Mrs. J. J.Brown .

The Manitou cub gave Its first or a seriesot dancing puts last Thursday nIght atEruliumg hall thirty couples were pres-ent


and the dancing Immensely. Mr.-lii.

.. S. Walklin anti IIs8 Anna Gentlemen leithe grand march.The eighth anniversary or the organization

of the O'naha Guards wt he celebrated Oe-tobr 24 by a dance at armor. for whichinvitations we'e: Isued " the week .

The commnittce has engaged an excellent or-


. and time occasion will no doubt bevery pleasant

Alias Ialllo: Polack loft yesterday to spendtime winter In Chicago and Cincinnat whereshe will visit her sister , . . . Rubel ,

and other relatHTtho wt attemid thin an-trc'e

-Into ! n . Miss SlmaIa-

bSilverman ot Chicago , which reception oc-curs October 21.

Mrs. Will U. ltithcock . accompanIed byItem two daughlers J ay anti Hazel , anti asister , lrs. J. A.: over of Friend Nob. ,

departed for San AhbnIo( , Tex. , on Tuesdayto spend the : In hopes of benefitingthe tormer's hd1h.

" TheIr address whIlethere will be 6351' orh Flares street

llss Grace hhinetntugh loaves on Timure-

ClJar hiajiU . where she is to at-


and tale pafbelng ,8PCOlll maid ol-honor. . lt the weddumfguaf Miss Florence Clarkto Mr. Louis ICh wihi occur October31. From Devftv leaves for Chicago ,

where she wt spend ' some time before herreturn hem( ' 'm I

This n embr 'C ) the household of Mrs.Miner . 2301 gave a receptiontn honor ot 811 11 r. U. 0 . Thomp 'Jnand Mr. and Aim1. . L. Drew , who haveJUAt returned from their wedding trlpI. Musicanti games fled itt time first part of theevening anti a dainty repast dancing wasIndulged In until a late hour. Among those

were : Mr. anti Mrs. ii. O. Morri ._

. Anghin . Mr. anti Mr. .

- -

Highest ofilI in Leavening -ower.-Latest U. S. Gov't Reportp y Baking4IOYLUTLY JE-

k- - . . _.- -- - _ . . -. ---. . . .. -

E. Orownlee ; Misses Icluh , Holland , Whit.more , Towne , : Mr. Miner : Messrs.Crape , Parish , Jordan loges , Marbury andlarry Roberts ot Utica .

Airs. Julia Montgomery of Tiiirty-eeventhtumid Hail Howard streets entertained in-


for a few of her frIends lat Mon.(

day night AmolthOl' preent were : Mr.and Mrs. Draper Smith . . Airs. If. P-


, Mr. anti Airs. McGliton , Miss Alienot Sidney , Nob. , Miss Eunice Gray ot Darl.-Inglon.

.. Wis. . Captain Lawrence , Mr C. V.

Miles and Mr Murray Marbury.-



to, tll Ornllr I ')rnu"tormt11 IntoI !1.JII Li.iuuiii .

LOS ANGELIES , Oct 1- ( peclal-)

Those ot us who live II time 'east" know but

Ito ot time many resources ot time great stateot Calornln . During may visit to time coatr have been living! with my uncle , wrlo Isone ot the larlc producer ot wine , forwhich Cnlorla widely known I wouldba idle to try anti give namesof time 300 varieties ot grapes wmch areknown to time producer as "wine grape. "A particular sol Is wanted for .finn qualityIand high . These qualities are founlIn Nmipa Sononta and time Livermore ,

'nle's.Vineyards wi iroduco good grapesIt four Ylar after planting. Grapes musthave over per cene ot saccharine materbeforetained

a perfect termenta ton may

Harvesting or "pIcking time" comnniencosIn time month ot September and contInuesummtll the last of October. Time grapes arcplcled rrom the vlnts anti haulel to time

cellar In hexes or fifty pounls capacity.-These


boxes are emimptleh an elevator ,

Wimicim beIng emi endless chains , carries a con-tlumuotms strlam or grapes to n crusher otabout forty inches long by }

. inches Induanieter. The crusher being ot corrugatelIron , crush every grape. Steam powermotive used In nearly au ot time large cellars.After the grapes are crushed they are caughtitt water tight cars and wimeeleti to a largetank or vat or about 2,000 gallons capacity.

When each tank Is two-thirds full it la heftto undergo fermentation , which generally oc-


three or four (lays. Atlr fermenta-tion

-has taken place time drawn off

amid pumped Irto other tanks to settle. Thepulp , consisting of the skin mind "meat" ot time

grape , called 'pomaco , " Is then carted to tinamijacent hylraulc press , which , with asqtioezing power 400 poulls to time squareinch squeezes the pornace dry or al lIquIdwhich they may contain. Time liquid placedIn tanks to settle anti the poniace Is eithersent to time Ilstlery to made Into brandyor sold to crlam mamuumfacturers.

After tIme wine or juIce! has settled properly-and iIs sumciently cear IL Is syphoni off toanother tank thlre uut goesthrough another fermentation In sprimmg-time , The lees or sediment front eachtank Is gathmereth In hogsheads and sent to time

distillery for brantiy purposes.The wine mut't be kept In a very even

temperature to Insure soundness and delicacyor Ilavor. Time cellars are or stonemaleanl are kept at nearly 60 degrees Fahrenheital or the year round. After wine has under-gone

-all ot the tIme ot waiting I Is clarfied!

by Ilrelelt leans , titan placed on sale. Ityears ot experience to become-

a geol wine mmiaher. Many vlgneron spendnluost their whole lifetime In trying to bimilti

name for superior quality ot wine.The cheap unnatural stuff that Is sold In theeast as "California wine , " perhaps never sawthis state. I confess that I have riot drankone glast' of poor wine In time state. It Isiii good , clean , pure and wholesome. I wonderwhy such wines are not found tn the largecities or the east. It Is cheap enough forany purpose but the wine men In time Napavalley say that freiht rates for one timingand a combinaton wine trust located Inthe laKe the United States , with-headquartera In San Francie3o , keep goodwines off or time market. Calrornla pro-

'duces about 20,000,00 galen per .

In less than years wi not produce5000.000 gallons. The low pricesreceived for products has caused many otthe grape growor' to uproot their vines andplant theIr round to other rrults. What npity that this fine Imidustry Is on the waneas the vineyards are so graceful In theirtolal. large green leaves and purple trult.

beautiful sIght to behold and one tolong ho remem :: d. _ I. D. R.


Itestnrt'.l to Life After I I'iummge UntlIu U 'Inl of "% 'nts'r .

Frankton , Ind. , Is talking of thin seeminglymiraculous restoration to life or a entaIl childof Mr. anti Mrs. John Sipple. The little totwas 1Inylng with a hickory nut anti It

chancel Cal In I tub of water that wassitting on time ground. Its head was plunged-beneath thin water while its feet stuck upover time tub. how long It bad been In thatposition Is not known , but when round therewere ito signs or lc. and it was black In theface and declared be dead.-


phmysiciamm was sumnioned and wimile themnessemmger was gee after him a mal steppedout or the crowl that had quickly gatheredand taking chmlhti by time feet hung ahteafi downward anl begin to stroke the bodythat was ns as a rag. After a time thewater hmegan to run from thl chIld's monthand before long signs of life began to haseen. lie contnuel his stroking the boyuntil time chil fully restoreti to con-eclousness he then placed It In Itsmother's arias and departed long before thephysician made his apleaanel. Who the manwas Is not known , child that washead now lives.


..-This DoplLmont of Wotiinii's Olub PlilS

the Year's Work.-MANY VALUABLE HELPS SECURED--ttI'rOlllc"l Methtoul 'st'lil lie Con-

lietllll'Suhjcctthltnlrll, 1cnr

In Series .

Time art or time Womnn's cubmet last WedMsday morning In Whlmgallery. Theo were seventy women pru-eat , :11. p1als for the r'uar's work were do-cldell upon. 'limo lender of this department ,

Airs. Jeniio: E. , I one or time nmost

thorough students In the city , and her mmmi-

tiring anti enthusiastic interest In time

history of art have: loubtess been Imporlant-

ollments In helping to itosibie time

growth and prosperity of time work In thisdopartnuomit

So Ilch interest was manifested last year

that the depnrtnient concluded to give sonic

stereoptcon exhibitIons , Ilnslralng time

points already tiiscumesed. These ltros'cd) a

great succeas , financially :S well lS In otherparticulars. Wihlls raised In thIs amen-



the dcplmcnt purchaseti n nummuhior or

fine photographs of classic pictures withwhich to adorn the club roomn Au thesepictures are him the (hue llratmn photographs ,

which , properly rrnled , are a permlent mmd

delghtul poasosalon . :S they never antireliin exact touch anti spirit of time

nuastem' haud al no oilier reproduction hasyet been able to to. Nearly.a hundrell dol-


a'orthm more ot these Itlctunes( have beeuordered amid will soon arrive. Among theseare copies of Gimeido's "Aurora , " Ohebert's'llroiuzo Gates , " llapimael's "ChaIr , " anti Mmmio. La Dr31n and Daughter , "painted by imerseif

Time all ot time art department Is to ex- -tend the kmiowledge amid atprecimmtlon, ot thatIn art which has becn true enough to last ,

great enongh to speak to the hearts ot menthrough many ages , to lend Imeeple to under-stand what constitutes a god imlcturo anlwhy It Is god , Just as one may learnknow books and good music. The pres-ence

-gooo auly causes a thri of delghtul

enmotlon , but Blskln Is authoriystatement that if a found fortime cause lt time emotion , It , In short , timebeauty does not nt length elect time Intelectas well as the senses , time

to playas thin senses grow dint If true , thiscontains a posslbltr that will mmiako al de-


ot time taste while Isyet thus storlug tilt lasting pleasurl.

. the schools of Italian arid Sran-laha art were consillerld , and this year tim-ework begins with the painters ot time norlh.To further the already cited objects , a seriesof seven storeopticomi hours w1 be gIven , be-gInning Saturday , October , 4 p. m. , andcontinuing upon time last Saturday ot eachaucceemlimig month , It time same hour , tn time

club rooms.After the first cxhlblt time pictures thrown

upon the canvas , to ether with time explana-tions

-. ivihl bo a review antI summary ot tim-

emonth's worlc. In November time subject willbe Hubens a 11 Van Dyke , In December acommiparativo study or time Christmas iticttmrcs-of time north anti south. Rembrandt w1 hostudied In January , Genre and some itsmasters In February , lolbeln In March , andIn conclusion the Coundcls rench painti-ng.

-. .

As the work Is so little advanced at thedate ot the October exhIbit , It will bo anexception , and will show Raphael's "Hours. "The explanations , containing historial anticritical dnta. which will accompny ex-


, will be very Intereslng , anlnot ordinarily . articles toused , because of the dimcuhty In obtaIningtime books , halo been copIed from time " 0-


-In university libraries and sent to Mrs.

Keysor for this occasion A valuable volumimefresh from Boston , this subject , is J

being brotmght into use.-


"hours" were allegorical figures ,

representing time hours of day and night.They were upon time ceiling of a room intime Vatican. There has in hater days boemi-

somno discussion as to their being time crc-


of Raphael's brush , but engravingsfound in time arcimives at Rome bear proofthat these much adnmired allegories were lila-.No


pains have beau spared to make this , thefirst of time art series , replete with interest.

Tickets for this course are transferrable inany nuanner. Should this uirove a financialsticcess , time worn.n of time art departnient ,

though their plans am yet hidden , may hofully trmmsted to expend it for the extensionof art and time imlghmtr hmpplmtess of imumnanit-



j'ruiIC.There has been a great falIug off In the

iuantity of fruit shipped frumn California totime east tip to Sepieniber 1 title year as com-



with previous years. This year's shmip-

merits fall 30,960,000 pounds below timoso oflast year imp to the eanlo date. Only 2,990 car.loads crosetl thin Sierra Novatlas this year osagainst 4,280 carloads during the same perIodlast year , or 71,760,000 poimmids as comparedwith 102720000. It is estimmisted that 1,500carloads will yet go forward this seacorm , bimt

oven then time ulhipmnents will be fully 1,500

carloads , or 8OoOOO pounds , below lastyear's record. The dOcrcaee is sttnIbute tot-

hu. . failure ot the apricot ar early peat andpeach crops , The severe frcsta last slmning

caused moat of time dammiage , Time gnpo cropis very largo , anti time late pears anti peacheshave turned out well. As now esiiiui&titi thmo

total fruit ehlpimients by rail from Californiathis year wiil toottmp107,76 potmmtds. .,

hsnpro'i mug I litl ( I uIvusCo ) (' .A kinoniat graph has been lnvemmtcd by At ,

Luiniere of l'aris wlmlolm i a great inuprove-merit on the !dnetoscopo. Time umnlnelimal tea-tune is a mmmechanismmi by which this iiimmi I , alrest during liiuumairmmutton , and fifteen Images a-

miecmtmci only , imisteami of tlmirty , stufilCo to givecontinuity. The Ilhtit is at rest dtmnlmig two-thirds of the pastago of each inisge ; in timercrnalimlmmg third it Is sIzcJ antI c.mrrietl for-


to time uiext Immiago by a sot of tecth att-


to a framii , whose meter is gos'crnetl-by a cant worked by a revolvIng linoulie.-Timere


iii alto cmi urrangeimuent for mmrojectiumg

the hmmmagcs upon a miereon , so as to be visibleto many poisons at once , Tim') MimiC sltii.ira-tus serves as a camera for tnkimmg lbs photo-graphs

-mmml for hirintimig tranaparenclea fr.rn

limo negat'vo' Ohimi ,

hlnuigiut at innghi for Fl fly lnhlnrmm.-


society girl , ono of i'hiOTC greatest at-


-is a soft , little musical lammglm , Cf-

ltcrtnlned an iniorcstcl group lately wIth anaccount of imoW tlmt pronumnemmt cimamni of hmers

was acqimireti , 'Very tow persoims have , as) 'omm all kmiow , " she sild , "tin uigreentilo isugim.-


had simmiply mtomhtiimg timmit cotilti Ito callc'tla-

tmelu in mimy poosesmomi. Time lade muuatho time

enema griuui anti too far from nmerry to be asuccessful cctnmpamiion. So I teohc hcssomits of-

an actor and lt'arimctl tim mmmceluminiummi of forcedlaughter. This hpmacticed amitl improved mmiy-

belt till I imati the art to Iterfectlun , anti IL

became eccontl mmattmre. It coat me $50 In buymay laugh , but I wctuld not part with it fortlmousatimis. ' ' ,

Come to usF-ot' the latest stylesIii 1ndiei' nimul Inisse-


AU meulo ( if this sea-stilt's

-f - inmttem'hmtls ,

t. , . have tlmcmn at 5.UO ,I * 8,00 , $ iO.Ot) , $12 00 ,

"c , , h50 , $ l'illO * 18,00-

.A. ,. mind tmii tfl,000miCli.-75


None hike ouure ivihl-1w, t bueeeiiclsewhoro.

Same etatctnemmt applies to out-

CLOTH CAPESitt *3.5 , $ ; .00 7.50 , * 10.00 , 12.00 andup ,

Fur GarmeiitsElth-met' ::S



. 01 CAPESLargest variety offine furi ever 8hIowm-iIn Oimialiis , omubrnc-lag seal skin arid

tirit ovo1.Y other' imuoulm-u'furqtmah'ities gnat'-

-1 amiteeti its,! cmi , styles gtmnrami-


tued intestamid in'lcoo -lois'ost.

3 .4) '. . . ) . I'stroiiageSohiited.-






Bici , l6thnnd Inrnnrn'Sts.

More Ieduced PricesOtt Seasonable Goothi.-


.-) (-Syrup nt Fig. , LOcimottlo . . . . . . . . . . . . .350A-

ckerum tJoothmirmg Syrup. 2Sc imottlo . . i8o-Vnmnor's SoimtImlrmg Syrtip2.lo bottle. 150S-

ewmird'mm Cotmidi Cure , * i.OOlrnttho..73oChma-mmmhmcrhitlim'mt Cough Rumimt'miy , 1.00-

imottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .750C-

ii'imnborlaimt'tm Cough Itomimedy , Ste-

hottlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400-Acker's Eimgiitli ititimmedy , ti btmttio.7 io-Acker's Eiigiislm hteumicdy , bOo botile.4OO-ixtract Witch ilazut , 5Ot buttio..213oh-'ond Lily Croauum , 2.lc lmottle. . . . . . . . . I noG-

iyct'rimmo Soap , Itmrgocmtko2So. . . . . . . . So-) o-


I I 10 VA1NAM SlIU1T. "-- - -

HARD COAL o' ( .


5.00 A TON !

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A Fall Overcoat is a nccesary garment these cool mornings and.


The prices are easy ; $18 , $20 , $25 , $30-(Silk or Satin lined. )

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