The reclan~ation shop boasts of a champion bowling team. At this writing they are holding flrst place with only six more rrames to ~ l a s . Miss Camie Adkins, exp'ense clerk. made a pleasant visit to the home town recently visiting parents and friends for the meek-end. She says that the "old Pray marc ain't what shc met1 to be and it's the iron horse tor ma" H. 31. Willis. niaht clerk. has been on William Mclton, watchman, who ' been off since March 1, b irnprn~~ nicely and expects to be back at n soon. Floyd Jones, mechanic at south . was absent one day visiting relativ* Lebanon. He was accompanied b) fan~ily. H. F. Brown, local- store keeper, at- tended a Shrine conclave at Monett. NO., recentlv. Henorted a wonderful time and plenty ' of enjoyment. 3Ir. and Xrs. Guy Haynies are con- templating taking a western trip, includ- in^ Oakland, Calif., before returning home. Our wish is for an enjoyable thk slck list Cor a short time. He was not admitted to the hospital. but efficient mrdical aid was rendered -at his home and he Is again on duty. J. H. Sherman. nizht clerk. mas heard LOCAL NO. 18-BIRMINGHAM, AI - W. A. MYERS. Reporter journey. Cecil Banta, stationery clerk, has done some trading recently. The deal involved his Ford coupe for a Whippet roadster. U7e have a new electric, welding ma- chine at the ~cclamation plant. Under- stand one of our good fellow workers, Jack Frost, mill havc charge of same. Local KO. 1 is holding regular seml- monthly meetings at I'ythian Castle hall. They h a w been conducting a mem- bership drive and tlic 1.cal secretary ad- vist~sthat 521 members arc now in good standing with the local, leaving only about 35 members that are still delin- quent. There is a great deal of interest taken in the meetings and thcy are well attended. The ladies' auxiliary has gained a nienibershlp of better than sixty and 15 planning a program of entcrtainrnent and ice cream socinl sometime fluring the month of Slay Everybody invited. complaining of sore-hands recently. and ul-on proper investigation we found that his wife has already started the spring gardening and Sherman was the flrst vlc- John Early. machinist helper, nhl cently returned to work after sprr. somc length of time in the hospit?!, l~aclto return to the hosnital for 111r, tim. R. A. Allen, station accountant. seems to be afflicted with the common malady of autoniobilitis. This contaglous dis- ense has ~luimed for its victims most all thc rmnlovcs In the freight office. either recently'or will in the near future cuuse them to purtliase automobiles. -~~ - treatment. He mzq accbmpanied ta Louis by Gilbert Fleming and Tin XlcAlister, machinists, they also ur, going similar ope~.ations. We wish 1' all a speedy recovery and that tiiv!- - soon bc back on ti~c job amin. Glad to report that Local Xo. 18, ur thc guiding hand of our genial and r: lar division chairman. J. E. Rucks. ,- other officers of the local, is gainmy nxn~bcrship. A drive for* new mcmi is under way and it is hopcd that <; - member that is eligible to belong 10 I association at Birmingham will Ih and becomc an active nicmber of tl~. cal organization. Bovs, let's get in 1.- hind ollr officers, ou; division chairr: ' a s well as our general chairman, make I3irmin.sham local the best <In I BRIDGE AND BUlLClNG DEPT EASTERN DIVISION Mr. Skvles and aang are repairing bririges at Gerster, XO. Nr. Cartrr and fianfi ha\-c flnished the underpass for highn~ay at Aqh Grove, 310.. and arc now repairing bridges a t LOCAL NO. 29-FT. SCOTT, KANS. -- XORMAN MILLER. Reporter Aldrich, No. Mr. Cnnninrham antl gang are cloing general rcwir work at west shops. Xlr. Rrown and cans are repairing rnilroad. IVe wcre honored by the prumr- *' our general chairman at our r',:,~' meeting on Monday night, April 1. n-liich time he gave one of those Wr! 1' spiring talks and praised the o8lceri :' members for the splendid r0-OF1 P!18 and assistance given in helping ta * for the work of the association. 1Klm ' jcved his address and wish he V"1' c&r back more often. U7e are glad to have our rood fri,' and brother. J. E. Rucltn, back on It job a.gain. The writcr overlooked n 11 of his injurs in the last month's rri I: Urother Jim was greatly missed R away from the shop. 3Irs. "Pcte" H. Crouch. electrlcbn. visiting relatives in Chattanooga. T,, Demllsey Glidewell and Lloyd Crirx-- machinists. are new corncrs to our si.. IVe heartily welconle them to our n): and wish them much success hem Jack Campen, machlnist. workinc thc night shift, has quit his job fur mcNre desirable position wlth a cnrrl tion in North Eirrningham. His sv r m was fillecl by Uempsey Glidewell. Mr. H. H. Stapp, wife of stationsr; ,' gineer has becn conflncd to the hWil for a 'niinor operation. We wish f(8r 1 R specdy recovery. Recent heavy rainfulla have d l . the streanis and rivers of Alobamn I high flood staxe. It is said that :' waters were higher than the) havsm i for a 'number of years. Thousands r left. homeless and in destitute an stances. facing starvation and dk that Pollows such catastrophes. T:.' were in dirc need of foodstuffs. 1'1.' ing etc. Citizens all over the rt ' ~.csponded nobly by contributing iik to tlic relief of thc flood sufferep. ,i. members of T.ocal No. 18 dld thrir hl! the rclirf work by contributlng the sum $25 from our trcasury to tlic taus?. .I: Ijirmingham colored local contribute! likc anmunt Pcr the same cause. LOCAL NO. 33-HAYTI, MO. Our reporter Mr. Roy Rector, and family are on a two months' leave and arc visiting in Detroit. whcre Mr. Rcc- tor formerlv lived. We know they will brirlgcs at Pllairstonrn, 310. Mr. IVatts and gang are doing gen- eral renair work at St. Louis. 310. .-..- ~..~ AIr. mallacc tinrl gang are renewing the roof and skvlirhts at the machine shops a t north shops. Ellis Nayfleld mas off. several da3-s re- cently on acwunt of xlcl<neSS. Ed Poc ha-n't spoken to any of the gang for some time now. He traded his old Ford in on a Dod~e sedan. "see the sifihts." Boiler Inspector Leslie Christie is all decked out for snrinx in a fine ncw Dodge . . sedan. Mr. Dewey Quecn, who has been xork- inrr nirrhts for the oast year. is at last on- days-teniporaril$, - Since the B'riwo minstrel-follies 1%- cently staged in Fort Scott by the Frisco Club, nrc have discovered the following facts: Thd t our fieneral fore~nan. 311.. Rrporter spent several days visitinr relatives and friends a t Dodge City. Kans. Xlrs. Archie Bunch rccently spent twc weeks viqitin.: ~clativcs a t Alonett. 310. P. J. 3loorc. is "some rlarky" and can ccrtainlp shake a wicked leg: also that our locomotive nainter. F:ddie Pierce, has SOUTH TRAIN YARDS SPRINGFIELD, MO. something that -wc clidn't know he hacl- a singing voice. Our boiler forcman, Mr. Heinz, spent a day recently in Kansas City. Roundhouse Foreman Orb Stoner also visited the "big city" last mrek. JIGSSE I.. BRANDON, Reportrr will in^:^ J. Crnnfor~l. F'i ycxrs old, dim at his home. 734 \Vest Scott street. Sat urday. April 13. following a brief illness. MI-. C r ~ w f o r d had been an employe of the 1Wsc.o since 1901. At the time of his death hr wa.q connccteil wlth the FRISCO FREIGHT HOUSE BIRMINGHAM, ALA. A. C. HAXSON. Reporter - J. J. Cummins, agent Prisco and Belt. has bcen serving his time as a juryman, although it l~as been the first tinic in 1r1anv wars, he failed to gct es- freight department at chief rlclivery rlcrk. Mr. Crnwford was born in Roscoc, Ccshorton Countv. Ohio. anrl came to . . Slxingflelrl 28 years ago. Ee was :I Spanish-Americnn War vetcran. havin: seen wtive service in the Philippin(.w dur- ing- thr! Spanish-American War. Hc was a mcmber of the 32nd reaiment. Com- yiny A, during the war. Funeral scrv- 1cc.i were held Monday afternoon at 1:?n o'clock at thc South Street Christian Church, of which Nr. Crawford was an active member for years. Rev. C. Em- erson Xillcr. pastor, officiated and Harry Eruton. tenor. sang at the services. Mr. Crnwford is survived by his wife nnd thrcc sisters. Mrs. T. \V. IIaight antl 311's. B. Haiaht, of Coshocton count);. Ohio, and Mrs. John Hostcttler. of Okla- hcma City. Jcsse and Louis Bunch wcnt to Tex- arkana. Ark.. on account of the death of an aunt. Frank Brown worked at Southern Junction in abscnre nf Jesse Bunch Satn Hays was absent from work a few days on account of the illness of his cused thk Gmc. C. J. Snook, retircrl agcnt of Frlsco at Eirminrrl~an~. was at the freiaht house recently visitinq friends and otThe:s who were not employed here at the tinit: of his cm~?lo.\'in~'nt. \IT. W. Fheifer, collector, is the proud owner of a Ford touring car now. Photo Grady, check clerk. has rccently purchasccl a ncw Chrlsler G5 model. Hc seems to Iw much devoted to the Chr?s- ler. this being his third car of this va- riety. Nrs. Pauline Eurt, report clerk. \\as forced to undergo a very painful opera- tion rccently, to remove a tumor from one of her eyes. While she lost no time from thc office. she suffered the loss of one eye for several days. We are glad to note that shc is again smiling. 3Iiss Elvina Smith, stenographer. vouchcs for the fact that the evc is E. TZ. WHITENER. Reporter IVarren B'ck, box packer and #:Im provcd himself useful on March 25 ul on train 801. Near Matthew, ah, :' air line broke and stopped the train. !' Bvck, being a handy man, repaird 1'' pipe with a piece of belting, and ai*' out much delay the train departed. I received a. very nice letter in re%d hie work. Luther Carter, coach cleaner, has k. wife. J. L. Brandon was also absent account of sickness. Allena Brandon. daughter of J. L. quicker than the hand, as she reEelved a bla~k eye from a falling chair. She said that the eyes got it when the hand went to remove the chair to its former Brandon. car carpenter. is taking a post- graduate course in a St. Louis school. position.

- Reporter - The Library · and ice cream socinl sometime fluring ... EASTERN DIVISION ... visiting relatives in Chattanooga. T,,

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The reclan~ation shop boasts of a champion bowling team. At this wri t ing they a r e holding flrst place with only six more rrames to ~ l a s .

Miss Camie Adkins, exp'ense clerk. made a pleasant visit to the home town recently visiting parents and friends for the meek-end. She says tha t the "old Pray marc ain ' t what shc met1 to be and it's the iron horse tor ma"

H. 31. Willis. niaht clerk. has been on

William Mclton, watchman, who ' been off since March 1, b irnprn~~- nicely and expects to be back at n soon.

Floyd Jones, mechanic a t south . was absent one day visiting relativ* Lebanon. H e was accompanied b) fan~i ly .

H. F. Brown, local- store keeper, at- tended a Shrine conclave a t Monett. NO., recentlv. Henorted a wonderful time and plenty ' of enjoyment.

3Ir. and Xrs. Guy Haynies a r e con- templating taking a western trip, includ- in^ Oakland, Calif., before returning home. Our wish is for a n enjoyable

thk slck list Cor a short time. He was not admitted to the hospital. but efficient mrdical aid was rendered - a t his home and he Is again on duty.

J. H. Sherman. nizht clerk. mas heard LOCAL NO. 18-BIRMINGHAM, AI

- W. A. MYERS. Reporter journey.

Cecil Banta, stationery clerk, has done some trading recently. The deal involved his Ford coupe for a Whippet roadster.

U7e have a new electric, welding ma- chine a t the ~cc lamat ion plant. Under- s tand one of our good fellow workers, Jack Frost, mill havc charge of same.

Local KO. 1 is holding regular seml- monthly meetings a t I'ythian Castle hall. They h a w been conducting a mem- bership drive and tlic 1.cal secretary ad- vist~s that 5 2 1 members a r c now in good standing with the local, leaving only about 35 members tha t a r e still delin- quent. There is a great deal of interest taken in the meetings and thcy a r e well attended. The ladies' auxiliary has gained a nienibershlp of better than sixty and 15 planning a program of entcrtainrnent and ice cream socinl sometime fluring the month of Slay Everybody invited.

complaining of sore-hands recently. and ul-on proper investigation we found that his wife has already started the spring gardening and Sherman was the flrst vlc- John Early. machinist helper, nhl

cently returned to work after sprr. somc length of time in the hospit?!, l~acl to return to the hosnital for 111r,

tim. R. A. Allen, station accountant. seems

to be afflicted with the common malady of autoniobilitis. This contaglous dis- ense has ~ l u i m e d for its victims most all thc rmnlovcs In the freight office. either recently'or will in the near future cuuse them to purtliase automobiles.

-~~ - ~

treatment. H e mzq accbmpanied t a Louis by Gilbert Fleming and Tin XlcAlister, machinists, they also ur, going similar ope~.ations. We wish 1' all a speedy recovery and that tiiv!- - soon bc back on t i ~ c job amin.

Glad to report tha t Local Xo. 18, u r thc guiding hand of our genial and r : l a r division chairman. J. E. Rucks. ,-

other officers of the local, is gainmy nxn~bcrship. A drive for* new mcmi is under way and it is hopcd that <; - member that is eligible to belong 10 I association a t Birmingham will I h and becomc a n active nicmber of tl~. cal organization. Bovs, let's get in 1 . - hind ollr officers, ou; division chairr: '

a s well as our general chairman, make I3irmin.sham local the best <In I


Mr. Skvles and a a n g a r e repairing bririges at Gerster, XO.

Nr. Car t r r and fianfi ha\-c flnished the underpass for h ighn~ay a t Aqh Grove, 310.. and a r c now repairing bridges a t LOCAL NO. 29-FT. SCOTT, KANS.



Aldrich, No. Mr. Cnnninrham antl gang a r e cloing

general r c w i r work a t west shops. Xlr. Rrown and cans a r e repairing

rnilroad. IVe wcre honored by the prumr- * '

our general chairman a t our r',:,~' meeting on Monday night, April 1. n-liich time he gave one of those Wr! 1 ' spiring talks and praised the o8lceri :' members for the splendid r0-OF1 P!18 and assistance given in helping ta * for the work of the association. 1Klm ' jcved his address and wish he V"1' c&r back more often.

U7e a re glad to have our rood fri,' and brother. J. E. Rucltn, back on I t job a.gain. The writcr overlooked n 11 of his in jurs in the last month's rri I: Urother J im was greatly missed R away from the shop.

3Irs. "Pcte" H. Crouch. electrlcbn. visiting relatives in Chattanooga. T,,

Demllsey Glidewell and Lloyd Crirx-- machinists. a r e new corncrs to our s i . . IVe heartily welconle them to our n): and wish them much success hem

Jack Campen, machlnist. workinc thc night shift, has quit his job f u r mcNre desirable position wlth a cnrrl tion in North Eirrningham. His sv r m was fillecl by Uempsey Glidewell.

Mr. H. H. Stapp, wife of stationsr; , '

gineer has becn conflncd to the hWil for a 'niinor operation. We wish f(8r 1 R specdy recovery.

Recent heavy rainfulla have d l . the streanis and rivers of Alobamn I high flood staxe. I t is said that :' waters were higher than the) havsm i for a 'number of years. Thousands r left. homeless and in destitute a n stances. facing starvation and dk that Pollows such catastrophes. T:.' were in dirc need of foodstuffs. 1'1.'

ing etc. Citizens all over the r t ' ~.csponded nobly by contributing i i k to tlic relief of thc flood sufferep. ,i. members of T.ocal No. 18 dld thrir hl! the rclirf work by contributlng the sum $25 from our trcasury to tlic taus?. .I: Ijirmingham colored local contribute! likc anmunt Pcr the same cause.


Our reporter Mr. Roy Rector, and family a r e on a two months' leave and a r c visiting in Detroit. whcre Mr. Rcc- tor formerlv lived. We know they will

brirlgcs a t Pllairstonrn, 310. Mr. IVatts and gang a r e doing gen-

eral renair work a t St. Louis. 310. .-..- ~ . . ~ AIr. mallacc tinrl gang a r e renewing

the roof and skvlirhts a t the machine shops a t north shops.

Ellis Nayfleld mas off. several da3-s re- cently on acwunt of xlcl<neSS.

Ed Poc ha-n't spoken to any of the gang for some time now. H e traded his old Ford in on a D o d ~ e sedan.

"see the sifihts." Boiler Inspector Leslie Christie is all

decked out for snrinx in a fine ncw Dodge . . sedan. Mr. Dewey Quecn, who has been xork-

inrr nirrhts for the oast year. is a t last on- days-teniporaril$, -

Since the B'riwo minstrel-follies 1%- cently staged in For t Scott by the Frisco Club, nrc have discovered the following fac t s : T h d t our fieneral fore~nan . 311..

Rrporter spent several days visitinr relatives and friends a t Dodge City. Kans.

Xlrs. Archie Bunch rccently spent twc weeks viqitin.: ~ c l a t i v c s a t Alonett. 310. P. J. 3loorc. is "some rlarky" and can

ccrtainlp shake a wicked leg: also t h a t our locomotive nainter. F:ddie Pierce, has


something that -wc clidn't know he hacl- a singing voice.

Our boiler forcman, Mr. Heinz, spent a day recently in Kansas City.

Roundhouse Foreman Orb Stoner also visited the "big city" last mrek.


will in^:^ J . Crnnfor~l . F' i ycxrs old, dim a t his home. 7 3 4 \Vest Scott street. S a t urday. April 13. following a brief illness. MI-. C r ~ w f o r d had been a n employe of the 1Wsc.o since 1 9 0 1 . At the time of his death h r wa.q connccteil wlth the


A. C. HAXSON. Reporter - J. J. Cummins, agent Prisco and

Belt. has bcen serving his time as a juryman, although it l ~ a s been the first tinic in 1r1anv w a r s , he failed to gct es -

freight department at chief rlclivery rlcrk. Mr. Crnwford was born in Roscoc, Ccshorton Countv. Ohio. anrl came to . . Slxingflelrl 28 years ago. E e was :I Spanish-Americnn W a r vetcran. havin: seen wt ive service in the Philippin(.w dur- ing- thr! Spanish-American War. Hc was a mcmber of the 32nd reaiment. Com- y i n y A, during the war. Funeral scrv- 1cc.i were held Monday afternoon a t 1 : ? n o'clock a t thc South Street Christian Church, of which Nr . Crawford was an active member for years. Rev. C . Em- erson Xillcr. pastor, officiated and H a r r y Eruton. tenor. sang a t the services. Mr. Crnwford is survived by his wife nnd thrcc sisters. Mrs. T. \V. IIaight antl 311's. B. Haiaht , of Coshocton count);. Ohio, and Mrs. John Hostcttler. of Okla- hcma City.

Jcsse and Louis Bunch wcnt to Tex- arkana. Ark.. on account of the death of a n aunt.

Frank Brown worked a t Southern Junction in abscnre nf Jesse Bunch

Satn Hays was absent from work a few days on account of the illness of his

cused t h k Gmc. C. J. Snook, retircrl agcnt of Frlsco

a t Eirminrrl~an~. was a t the freiaht house recently visitinq friends and otThe:s who were not employed here a t the tinit: of his cm~?lo.\'in~'nt.

\IT. W. Fheifer, collector, is the proud owner of a Ford touring car now.

Photo Grady, check clerk. has rccently purchasccl a ncw Chrlsler G5 model. H c seems to I w much devoted to the Chr?s- ler. this being his third car of this va- riety.

Nrs. Pauline Eurt , report clerk. \\as forced to undergo a very painful opera- tion rccently, to remove a tumor from one of her eyes. While she lost no time from thc office. she suffered the loss of one eye for several days. We a r e glad to note that shc is again smiling.

3Iiss Elvina Smith, stenographer. vouchcs for the fact t h a t t h e evc is

E. TZ. WHITENER. Reporter

IVarren B'ck, box packer and #:Im provcd himself useful on March 25 ul on train 801. Near Matthew, ah, :' a i r line broke and stopped the train. !' Bvck, being a handy man, repaird 1'' pipe with a piece of belting, and ai*' out much delay the train departed. I received a. very nice letter in r e % d hie work.

Luther Carter, coach cleaner, has k .

wife. J. L. Brandon was also absent account

of sickness. Allena Brandon. daughter of J . L.

quicker than the hand, a s she reEelved a b l a ~ k eye from a falling chair. She said that the eyes got it when the hand went to remove the chair to its former Brandon. car carpenter. is taking a post-

graduate course in a St. Louis school. position.

Page 35

. rt* slck list for three weeks. We re. lie will soon be able to resume his

I rk. '! N. Rhodes has spent several days

.- h,srpilal In St. Louis. We a r e glad rgrart, however. that h e is gettlng

I *:: fine and will be back with the .- 7: In n few days. i *!In Strack. former mechanical re-

:. -1, r ; ~ t this point. spent the week-end z ' Ilk parents a t Cape Girardeau re- . -me Ilondlcy, March 1.

F'r;=m Employes' Club met Wednesday _ . I . l . . .. April 3, for their rerular monthly - rinr. After businws scssion, the eve- r :.- n:u spent in playing pinochle, eat- :: mi drinking the very best of punch t .I l h ~ ladies know so well how to pre- ..-. , Favors ri-ere grantcd to the win- --, ; ~ n d a very enjoyable evening was .- by all. We were honored by the :- i -nr~ of our acnial master mechanic, ! !: Xhon, and Ben Fowler, car fore- -? from Cliaffee.

T;IC Frlsco Railroad Company is re- r"'inp the coal chute here a t this writ- -: :ml am told it will not be many days

.:'I rome will be placed in service again. '!;a 0. N. Watts of Newburg. Wo.,

r.2 o a-elcome visitor a t Hayti this r wh.

"r clnd Mrs. Richard Hayes a r e the :. 181 pnrcntu of twin babies. a boy and I :,rL Congratulations a r e in order.

" I . Hayes has just recently advised ! nritcr that he had purchased a twin : 1' :. radio set. Now he says both sets , I - Ins arc doing flne. Nr. Hayes is -. . f our car inspectors a t this terminal. !' rt Hall is sporting a new \Vhippet

11. We're hoping to have a ride in ' :matime soon. --



?!rl Getchelt was sick sevcral days --1:. March. !:'thew Rouse lost several days owing

* 3k hmily being quarantined w-ith T . ~ ! ~ o K .

:Warn Bailey. water service fore- ... on thc Southern division, was a ::~.ni.(i4d vlsitor recently. !wr Sumner and James Stephens went

. ( I lhn recently. where they erected : , mnkc stack on the large locomotive 7 Mler previously installed by Ste-

-s and Austin Wood. '11~4 Tuck with Austin Wood and

;r ir Baker repaired deep well pumps a t .'.,nnn during the latter part of March L.' ?rt: now busy cleanin.: the large tank

r Lhe passenger station. !!vs. .J. K. Stephrns and daughter.

I. := Mildred, visited 1\11', Stephens' - !h-r at Cape Girardeau during the L+T Reason. ;~Jlliam Coons and family, of St. Louis. ,'I 11 In Nonett, Mo., Easter. ':en Blanche Getchell, daughter of

!. md Mrs. Eart Getchell. has accepted I 1i4on In the U. S. encineer's office ; !hr.hnll. Mo. Xlss Gctchcll was for- - employed In the office of County ; nt C. C. ICrller of this city. Xr.

$11 accompanied his daughter to t~-+dI. returning next day.

vncv Buckniaster and the writer r.. in- I ~ b a n o n recently. where they - ? ~ i l the y t t e r l n g on the roadmas-

house. 'I'liirn Xkrrs went to Wishart No.,

1 12, to make repairs on thc pump



Xoland, BLB scale shop fore- is nwar in~ a smile a foot wide.

'-7. is the owier of a brand new Stu- ,,:kcr Dictator. F, I. Foster. o a h t foreman. and some

' I ? P are a t present' repainting ole; switch targets and stands on the

. I line and leaky roof. '!ircnn Gsvisk. BPB painter, reports

the serious illness of his brother a t xew- burg. The "gangs" extend their ' sym- pathy and wishes for his early recovery.

Claude Hereford. of the water service department. and ye scribe recently went flshina a t Lakeshore Park. Nothinr - - ~ ~ - -

cnughi to get excited over. The writer has just returned Prom Mo-

nett. Mo.. where he repainted the big sign on the front of the Railroad Y. hf. C. A. building.

Node Francis recently visited with f r i ~ n d s and relatives in West Plains, 1\10.

Daddy" Singer and his gang a r e a t prcsent repainting the offices of Mr. 0. W. Bruton, superintendent of terminals. this ooint.

Charles Trantham and Lloyd Acute a r e beginning the bi- task of stenciling all the highway and roadway signs from Tower Grove to Sprincfldd.



Cecil ~IcCorniack, carpenter a t the coach shops. manages to get to work on time since hc purchased a Ford coupe.

J a y Cheffy. triickman, has becn off for the past month, due to a broken foot.

Ralph Hickman. piecework chrrker, is again back a t the coach shop a f te r be- ing transferred to Birmingham and North Springfield.

Harry Holden, mill and ctrbinet shop forcman, just recently received his new Chevrolct six sedan. Some car, hoys. Ask Harry.

H a r r y Dysart, upholsterer. cnterecl the realms of married life on April 8. Con- gratulations to Mr. and Nrs. Dysart. R. 1;:. Kellogg, carpenter apprentice,

sl.,ent several days visitins in Kansas Clty last month.

H a r r y Phillips, mill machine man, traded his Ford for a Chevrolet of larger capacity. We believe H a r r y is planning on bringing home some large Ash before long.


R.21'MOND F. DEES. Reporter

h1:u'shall JIalone. c a r oiler. is off sick a t this writing.

Sidney Joc, son of 13. F. Dees, pipe fltter, was seriously 111 recently, due to new teet i . Sidney says. "bring on the eats.

Ben Davis (not the apple man) has loined the roundhouse aanc a s extra . . man.

Homer U'. Willlams h : ~ bcen on tho nixht supply job due to the absence of TI. L. Tschucli, requlnr night supply man.

Evcrett D. Hanson, electrician, is back a t work again after having been off with mumps. W. R. Adams, machinist, is thc proud

father of a n e k h t and one-half pound boy. Concratulations.

R. H. J ~ a m m , car foreman, Birniinx- ham, paid us a visit recently. Mrs. Lamm returned with him. 1111 those hav- ing thc pleasure of knowlns them will miss both.

J. V. Adams, machinist. son and daugh- ter. Joe. Jr . and Katherine. were re- cently called to Dallas. Texaq, a s wit- ncsses for the T. P . Railway Com~mny. The Adanis were eyc witnesses to a grnrle crossing accident last summei;.

I". L. George, night machinist, is off a t thls time sick.

W. D. Tibbetts, car man, is also on thc sick list. 0. B. Holinquest, a i r machinist, made

a flying trip to Springfield. Mrs. J. R. Sullivan, wife of Foiler In-

spector Sullivan, visited home folks re- cently.

A good many rush home to help the madam with the gardcns these days.

Grady Nicholson, car man. has quit to accept a better position. Good luck. old boy.

Mrs. hI. Howard, wife of Pipe Fit ter

Howard. visited friends and relatlves In Memphis recently. W. T. Ritter, cab carpenter, is having

a well drilled a t his home north of town. Bill says he will be all set for water. Everybody is Invited out for a drlnk (of writer). . . - - - - , .

Shop nine boasts of city water now. The bia well drilled last year for Layne pump had drained all the smaller wells t l ~ a t have been in service for thirty years.

Our new car foreman. John L. Sulli- van, Is doing good work. Hurrah for John L, and his wreckers.

A. R. Holinquest was off recently. Think the spring fever is taking hold now an old man flu turns loose.

We a r e informed Mr. W. J. Patterson goes to Pensacola store and Amory folks will miss both Mr. and Mrs. Pa t - terson. However. we welcome Mr. Ker r R 8 Our kceper.


D. F. TOBIAS. Reporter

Nonett does not seem to have been well rcpresentcd in the April issue of this Y a g n d n e and had ye scribe known whnt a n influence those new Fords were t o thc other correspondents for Monett ho would have reached out and "scoopetl" their stuft.

Several new faces now in the car de- partment herc. C. 0 . Sawyer resigned to accept a position in Topeka, ICans., and his placc was lllled by W. A. Eng- land. Ueltner Spaiii came back to 11s to f i l l vacancies a s extra man. J. L. May wigl lied nnd is farminx near Exeter, MO. His place was fllled by Loren Carmack. Carmack's vacancy was fllled by W. I<. U:eston. R. A. Tcrry took Weston's place aa extra man. Also on the extra list is J. A. Ferguson, who formerly worked on the freight platforni.

Yard Oiler D. E. Horine moved in off thr- fa rm in the early part of April.

Two personal injuries in March brought the attention of our general fore- man to R. 31. Robinson and J. E. Proc- tor. The lat tcr lost no t ime only to have a flnger dressed, account getting i t struck by a hammer. J u s t why the flnger w a s in the place where his chisel ought to have becn J i m didn't know but prom- iped he woulrl t r y not to injure himself in the future. Brother Robinson wasn't so luckv. Whcn a wrench sllpped off a bolt he'ad it struck him on the right cheek, made s bad bruise and loosened ~ o v e r a l tceth and he lost almost a week. The gui1t.y wrcnch was scrapped so tha t shoulcl eliminate hazards of a similar na- ture.

Taking advantage of the reccnt ruling for car repairers. J. R. Hull and H. H. Gray now possess annuals for 1929.

Paul Steelc spcnt the Easter holidays with home folks in Monett.


I:. IV. GEE. Reporter

3Jr. G. IV. Nourc was a visitor recently. Brother Xcl\'amara has accepted a po-

sition a t BIeniphis. W e regret very much to losc him. a s he was vice-presl- dent of our local.

Two atlditional car inspectors have been added to t h r force a t east yard re- cently. which shows that business iu picking up.

We a r e all looking Poiward to being in the new Fi*isco-Rock Island joint pas- senger station in the near future, also a ncw E r c i ~ h t atation. tile best in Okla- honia Cit3-.

\Ve deeply regret to report in this issue the (ieath of Mr. John Fritz. d o t . He had been with the Frisco a Ions time and we a r e certainly going to miss him. We extend the family our deepest aympathy in their hour of bereavement.

Local No. 1 5 has movcd from the Bo- hemian Hall on Wcst Prisco to the Odd Fellows Hall, on Capitol Hill, on account of so many of the mcmbers l i v i n ~ in t h a t part of town.

- Ross Hughes, who resigned some time

P a g ~ 36

back, has returned and nsr welcome hini I~aclc again.

Tlie Frisco now operatcrs two all stecl trains tach way from Olclalioma City to Quanah. We a r e imvroving :ill the tiin<%.

A Mr. Canir)bell is the new clerk in the genrral forernan's office, nnd we wel- come him to our city. We a r e sure hc will Ilke the job.

Frank Joncs was doing relief work a t Altus last month. The car insoector a t t h a t point was off sick.

Mr. E. L. I'helps, our genial ca r fore- man, was called to Springflrlcl recently arcount serious illnes? of his mothel. \\re wish for her a spccrly recovery.

Brothcr Ed .\ustin, car inspector. rc- crlved notice of the death of his fathey recently. ?4'r cxtcntl our s y m ~ a t l i v to

~ ~

him and family. .J. H. 3IcMains. ~ s s i s t a n t yardmnstcr a t

south pard. is back on the job again a f t e r a seige of the flu. We a r e glad to see him back.

Our general chairman. Brother Junk- ins. was with us March 1.5 and 16. \Ire a r c always lad to see hlm.

Mr. W. 4 . Mills, president, and D. J.. Xates, past prcsi~lcnt, attended tlic Frisco club presidents' annual meeting a t Pensacola last month. Thcy revolt a wonderful trip. Tho convention is con- siderlng Okk~homa City for the meetinn; next year. Comr on. club ~)residcnts, we \\,ill show you onc rousing good tinie.


E. F. FULLI*:R. Reporter

R. L. Paintcr, fll'st class machinist. visited Mr. and Mrs. 0 . J . Painter. of Springfleltl. recently.

Henry Hill, night foreman, of Okinui- gee. Okla., visited h l ~ brother, Jack Hill. a few weeks ago.

Ralph Hancc. cinder pit man, is tak- ing n 30 days' leave of absence explor- ing antl sight-seeing on l ~ k c Eric

Clayton Sandifer. fireman. is off duty on account of a n absccas in his head

Roy Painter. flrst class machinist. wife and son, Jack , visited relatives in .7rf- Person Clty and Sprlngflcltl rccently

Arthur Trotter, second claas niacliinist. is driving a new \Vhippet coach.

Local 32 held a spccinl meeting Satur- day March 23. The tneeting was- ex- ccptionally Inferesting.

Henry Roenier. hill engineer, is nursinr- a carbuncle on the back of his neck.

0. J . Painter. flrst class machinist, and wife, of Springfield. visited Mr. anrl Xrs. R. L. Painter over the wcek-end of 41x-il 6 and 7.

William Owens, third clilss machinist. and MISS Lillian Sickles, stenographrr of Mr. 0. N. \Tratts, assistant supcrinten(1- ent, were united in marriage Tuesday. April 2 , a t Waynesvllle, 310. Shopmrn extend con~ra tu la t ions . E. F. Fuller. second claxs inachinist

attended the Peonxln convention held a t Kansas City, April 10.


J. H. LONERGAN, Reporter

We deeply syrnl~athiae with o u ~ friend. Mr. C. J. Miller, in the reccnt death of his mother, Mrs. I d a B. Millcr, who d ~ c ~ l March 2 6 af ter a linfiering illness She was burted in Jlemorlnl Park.

Otto Kavtrnan, nisht mathini.;t, h.111 h is Hupmobile relminted. You ha11 us fooletl, Otto. W e thought you had a new car.

AIr. Frank Junkins. gcneral chalrman of the svstem committee. was in SIeni- phis recently and attentled the meetin? .of IAocal ATo. 19, anrl spoke on the ~ o o t l .of the order. His talk w : ~ cnjoyed b s all. Glad to have you with us, Mr. .Tun- klns. After the meeting had ndjourncd we were entertained, through the cour- tesy of Mr. Holmes by Mr. Elmer Tan- ouaru. of the Mrlody Music Shop, and his atr ink band. T h e pt.ograni \\.as short. b u t sweet.

Kirk Holmes, car painter, had the stork

\toll a t his home on March 23 .and leavr R baby boy. Tile boy has b'een named \\-illinn1 Alvin.

Clint Fuller. second class uipcflttrr. i, biiclr on the job aga-in after h d v i n ~ Ixen ill St. Louis hosyital, where he hail his trmsila rernovcd. J. 0.' Herbold. blacksmith, is r c t t i n r

rc:idy for his ncw Ford. H e has tlie gar- age. so it won't be long now.

We regret to learn of the death of Jlrs. S . I,. H a w e . of Covington, Tenn.. mothrr of Mrs. I.. V. Glass. wife of our friend JJarry. \Ve extend our sympathy to them in this rad bcrcavcnient.

Paul 1:. \Voods, second clms coach c~il'pentel', is n victim of Dan Cupid. Hc u u marriel1 the lat ter part of Jlarch.

Cal Brown, thin1 class coach rcpnirei,. \vas on tlie sick list for a fcw days, but i~ now 1)uclc a t work.

;\ntlrew Post, sccond class pipefltter. is the proud owner of a ncw home.

H. E. Wall, third class machinist. h a s recovered from a recent operation and is back with us again.

John Sowers. piece work inspector, has ~~urc l iascd a Chevrolet coupe and a one- h ;~ l f ton truck.

Dan Henderson, car repairer, has rc- ported baclc for work after having spcnt a short while in thc St. J.ouis hospital for trcatmcnt. The boys a r e all glad to see hiin baclc.

C. T. Stansbury. locomotive oaintcr. is back a t work a f te r a n ahsenck of about sixty days. --


A. 1-1. BISHOP and B. W. B.\I.DRIDGI~: Regorters

1\11. and Xlrs. \V. B. Petera announce the birth of a n ciglit-pound baby girl. .Te:mine, born March 25. Pctt? is a ma- chinist in t h r crosshead gang.

\Villiani "Bill" Kelly, engineer on west shopgoat. wcrit to 3Ionntain View. 30.. April 7 and put in a Spanish-.Zrncrican \\.ar veterans' camp.

Gerrge Thomvson, formcrly a. machin- ist a t this shov, was a t,eccnt visitor.

Carl Main, fonncr machinist appren- tice nt this shov, h:is becn assigncd a flrst class job in the north side baclc shop.

Gcorge Hasler, I n k gang foreninn, has rjurch:lsed a nmv Essex coach.

Irvin Jacobson. hcavywcight pugilist of the west shop, has entrred the Anirrican 1.caion flght tournament, to be held in S~v+ngfleltl April 22. We hope to hail Jrvin a s a champion in our column next nionth.

We wish to extend the syrnpathy of the wcat .;hop to Erncat Shimp and fani- ily in tile recmt illnesa antl dcath of 311'. Shimn's mother. Ernest 1s A .;llect metal wo;.lrer.

.Joe Bixahears and Harold "Dutch" Rauali, machinist apprentices. wcre trans- ferled to thc north sick roundhouse for tiieir last six month of aplxenticcship.

H a r r y Hall. former aaslstant forae shop forcman. has hecn madc welder for eman in machine shop. Greetings. H a r r y !

Gohlie Grlsham, forn~cr ly mnscot in shoe and u e t l ~ e h-ang, was called back to work i \ p r ~ l 1. Howdy, Goltl~e, glail Lo sce you back.

Hillis "H~lly" Davis left the s e n lrc 1\pri1 1 tu i ~ ~ c c . p t a position L L ~ salrs- n!an for the Quality Motor Company. 1:iltl Jackson has been assigned to Hil- lir' duties in the repair gang.

We of the west slior) a r e ccrtainlv ~woud of the splendid kecord made bp Jlr. Shackelfor-tl's traftic club for t h ~ pcriotl ending 3Iarch 31.

0. T. Ocnung with Mrs. G e n u n ~ and cl~ildren visited in Jluskogee, Okla.. rc- renL1y.

A. E. Godfrey recently spent the week- cmtl in Holly Spr~nga , Miss.

Tom Latld has joined the ranks of Clievrolet owners.

And still another. Louis Earnhart . boilel maker. ha.; purchased a new

Chevrolet coach. Therc is o n , exhibit in the Ilrd

room wven pairs of goggles that i: been br'oken since the flrst or .lanll:- 12:lch onc of these ~ o g g l e s shows 11:. sults of wfc ty rules requirin? us to a gnpglcs. If one of tlic flylng o? s t ~ o w n in this this exhibit had str:~,' man's eye it would have becn a ralat~~ Any of the following men will be g11 tell yon of the rclief and thankfu-I they felt a t bcing able to see aftrt I

<:I nsli : Thomas Kelly. machlnfrt : h11b Hale, machinist : Gcorge Branie, nn ist : H. IC. Ackrrman. machinist a w

Ray. R&D man. \Villium Atwcll, formerly machin

np~m:nticc a t this shop, has flnlslie~i time a t the north rounrl house

Frank Cottos. machinist. has been joying n Dodge sedan for some tin*

Howard Hulse has entcrrd thv anoa tcur hosing contest to be held .b 22 a t the Shrinc Nosque.

Lonnie Tornpklns has completM lmilerniakw nl~l~rcnticeship and at p7 ent is enil)loy\.cd in Olclahonia City.

Arthur Eurkholtz recently had i thrlli of s c c i n ~ his car stolen while was wntchin!: it. However, ho 6nd EL Rrddiclt gave chase and after leavinm rar, thi. thief was chased srveral hl , antl escape<l.

Several improvements have taken ~ I J in the ronndhousc of late. The brick a betwccn the rbundliousc antl boiler i has becn removed and the overi~. cranes now run into the round11 );- which savcs much time and heavy iLr ing.

The apprentice boys rccently reh~l', englnc 367.5. The 703, uyliich RaS r. bullt by the apprentice bogs two )'P.'.

ago, is to be brought in and pirtr. . claxs 5 overhauling.


H. n. Warren and son. Junlor r p 4 %aster with his (lauxhter and son-In-15: Mr. antl Nrs. C. K. Hoboclt, of St. Lm

Mr. and Xrs. John Guthrle and PIP tia Blevlns have s e c ~ ~ r c d passes to 11 troit. Jlich.. and Niagara FRIIII. T b expect to visit with relatives at FI!v Mich.. and other points of interest b ~ l i r returnina.

Finis Dixon. s tore clepartmcnl en~phr. has traded his property in Springllul~l 6. a fa rm east of the city, near Jtvi*-- River. Mr. Dixon will continue in ti ser,vlcc of the Frisco. however.

John 15. ICellos. motor machinirt. 2-

sists the J I i s s o ~ ~ r i Paciflc in kcepirq r!;~,,- motor' cars in rcpair by servicinc thr each clay while they ure here bctn, train\. Thc 3ILssouri Paciflc has no n tor n~twhanic a t this point.

Fred .\lu!.phy. machinist helper, a1 8

a n ex-senwe man. was called to I \ . . sax City for examination by the got ~r ment hospital board. for dlsabilit?.

Carl 15. Main. who served wart of I ' npprenticexhlp a s machinist ai the sv,!r' shop roundhouse bcfor'c it way abo!l-i k ! hax secured n job a t the north romrad houlrc.

Finis J..ittr,ell, carpenter, met wit11 :', unusuitl accident recently when he a on nn outin- trip on the river. W u s i s t i n g to prr!rxire the evening 1n8 8 '

hc spillccl hot lard on his rlght ham1 r? arm, which caused severe burns.

\\reldon White. Inborer, made a b.' news trip to Iktroi t . XIich.. durinz l1 la t ter ,,art of Jtorch. Whrn he rcct~rnt he purclinscil a new Essex cabrlolct : clrivc to wor k.

.John Bowman, Brown holst flroihn motored to St. Louis for a sight~l,r~f trip in .4pril.

\Villiain F. Nobles. our dav watrlln 1-

wcnt to Tulsa to visit his daughter a1 has been dangerously ill for some timr

Several have been on the sick Ikt 1' past month, amon% them Dare r'rtl:

Pnge 37

Thia . John Brown and Guy Haines the blacksmith shop and Bob

i .'- ~ m l John Haines, laborers. I:. F. Wood and A. W. Rlume.

. . ; . . \ nk r l by a moving picture ma- ., opmlor. were among us recently

"n:o\iex" of va~lous operations of ,*.n a~rd machines of the rcclamo -

: - 4 m t We understand these pic- . . . re to be shown a t the annual

. "L: of the Anlerlcan Railway Asso- n ?t San Francisco. Calif.. in J u n c

; .r., to be laheled "The XIotlcl Re- I1t.n Railroad Plant of the United

. ,, . .


".I,:nirt John Kay was a visitor in :;m~ris for a Pew days recently.

"-41inlst Armon Peer and wife a r e ;mud parents of a fine daughter - ~wently.

- . l e Brrd Baronsky has been on the . . lrt for several clays and is recup- , '11: In Frisco Hospital in St. Louis.

: ~,:t~rmakrr Sorvell nncl Pipefltter , . oi night crew are back on the

,~;aln after long absences account , .-6.5, . ' I . the big argument now is. who

: hr champions? No. not baseball, t : ~rii~heoe pitchers. The boilermak- r 0 3 blacksmiths both claim the pen- u.' but they will sure have to watch ! I r.k ganc. --


ROBERT W. HEED. Reporter

.1 So. .i met in regular session i - , I l i with Drothcr Leaford .John- :. ;r~sidlng In the abscnce of Brother ' -. This was one of the worst win- .. ,tmlngs ma. have had, but the hall ., l~:~kcd. Two new members wcre

:!),I by obligation antl one by trans- I.. - n l Local No. 1. Two boxlng bouts r., &?red after the regular order of L, -2. . for the entrrtainment of the --:.vhip. Fast going Jim Ates and I '. Mlller r t a ~ e d the flrst bout of tht'ee r :md Battling Pearman and Slus'- ; C-Aton stagcd the second bout, I- Kalton getting the decision.

$1 No. 5 met again April 5 with t. r Kvans presiding and the attcnd- I? . sas a fnn house. Three new mem- r were admitted by oblipation an11 P h:; trransfw. Many discussions ancl

~~lmilerl and on(! visitor, 3tr. Wil- ~:a=hvan. it was dccidcil a t this

-, c; th'at the entertainnicnt commit- I. .lit on a dance with cats on April

. n 8 I we will tell you about i t later. r- hudness was over, two boxing bouts r 2!3:1*11 Kenneth Lee, holder of t h e * .-rcirht title for this district in r '.la boning, was thc referee. Judges *- 1;. P. Lee, 3. 8, Abbott and C. R. 4.- : The boxers in the flrst bout were r wights, Deadly Dick Pilcersley

I ' Ihn. the Kansas slugger. The de- r - r-mt to Pikerrler. The boxers in r.. .-..tnt bout wcre light heavyweights. ,. , 111,. Giant Killcr vs. P r u g w r , and ? 2: was given the decision.

i m4h Lee, machinist a t the Choutcau I -.,. roundhouse and holdcr of the r i . ~ d ~ h t title In thc Western Anla-

'rilletic Association. says he would 5 !## meet Harold .Juques. the Mis- t- . wildcat. Says he likes the proflle r rl~peared in thc L\m'il Mn.fjn;ine. - monthly meeting of the general 7 - . R and the shop conimittce was held

w h 22 at Choutrau avenue. 011ly r - matters were discussed. Every- t: iwr:1s to be goins' along nicely a t t :.-lint. Seems that there is no dis- c' ;L in the rank and flle.

mnce and flre inspector paid Cliou- b. ,:-,,nue a visit March 22, and a flre t .;I;* ~ t a ~ e d for his beneflt and in c !h.n two and one-half minutes the r;. a:rs mind through the hose ofter a , rm was sounded and the firemen w. ~ : h t unawares, too. .. owdent prevention meeting was

hcld in the Chouteau Avenue n~acljine shop i \~) r i l S. 1-ncle Billy Morrill madv a n intc?restina talk on acc:ident prevcntion. a l s ~ Mr. Murney. general forernan. made anothw ~oocl talk. The theme of this meeting was to c.:rmpaipn lol. fewer ac- rirlrmts on the Eastern division. Wc c!x- 1)ect to have a similar meeting each \veclc a t noon on Tuesdnyrr.

Wm. Oaghyan held a meeting April 1 in the nlachine s h o r ~ the thenic of this meeting bcinx to boost thc Frisco Rail- ~varl . boost the employes, and boost the Tc~.niinnl Club, unll the results w c ~ ~ t ve1.y atifs if sin^:, ns tllere has been twenty-flve n c v al~l)lications nxide, to join tho Club. anti there a r e othcrs to follow.

1\11., George Ppraguc! was a visitor a t Chouteau Avenue ;\pril 1. His buslness was to give the power running out of here the third d e ~ r e e . W e think that Georw found the [)ow~!r much above par.

Mr. \Ym. B. 3Iurncy. general forcman. r~.caatetl the most excitement on Easter Sunday when hc drove to work in that shiny n i w automobile. the one with all the latest fixings and every thing. Say. fellows. it's the Iatcst thing out on tires.

Xiss Louise Schuten, stcnoyraphcr a t Choutrau Avenue, goncl,ol foreman'# of- Ace. took n ten day vacation in San An- tonio. Tcxas, and Nlss 3targarette Con- don flllrtl her 111ace t l u r i n ~ her absence, Miss Conrlon is the darrghtcr of Gcorgc Condon, oxwelder a t this point.

Everet Owens, thlrtl class machinist. suffered a painful accidcnt when he miss- ctl his step an11 fell out of the ganRwiLY of a locomotive antl fractured his arm. JGveret is still off a t this writing.

Ed. Roze~nan lost about two weelts lat ter part of March with the flu. Doze- man is third class blacksmith.

~ \ r c h Crumm. second class sheet metal worker is back with us on the mldnight shil't, af tcr havin- been off scveral weelts with a n injured foot.

Mrs. Janics Hoflich, wife of flr'st class machinist a t Choutuau Avenue, had a vcry narrow cscape. when she was run down by a n antonlobile.

Frank Alfutis. mechanical laborer. in- jured his foot March 28 while helping on the brown hoist, and is off a t this writ- lng.

John C:RSS. xrr'asc clip nian, has re- turned to work after h a v i n ~ been off sick antl in the liospltal. for several weeks. John looks good and spcaks very highly of the hospital staff. Says tha t thcv sure t rca t you good a t the St. Louis Frisr,o hospital.

Fisher Gass. third class machinist, has i,etired from thc railt~ond m m e to trl. his luck on the f a r n ~ . 'iVe understan~l hi.; hobby is poultry.

Ernest Xlason, thin1 clcass machinist. has also retired from the railroad Kame. but we have not learned what he has taken up.

Frank .\lfutis, (lay s~ipr)ly man has been advancerl to n~uehinist rnermllunical laborer, n n ~ l Cleo Hume, thc fouls Pm. supply nian wm asslsned to the (133- shift. and Hcrbr r t 1,angly. extra man. was assigned to the four Pm. supply job.

Sherman Walker, third class machinist. has been assirnccl to the tool room in thc vacancy made whcn James McEuen was retired.

Chcstel' Dirltson, ~ c r o n d lass machin- 1st on the four Fm. #hif t , took a trip to California about two n ~ o n t h s ago for a vacation but a f tc r bcina thew a while Irarned to like thc country so well tha t h e had dc-3cld to stay. W c ha te to lose C'licster a t C h o u t ~ a u h v m u e , a s lie was cnc' of the !'egular fcllons.

The ensme crews running into St. Louis, on the rlassenyer powcl a r c high in their pruisv, for the new MrEntlre seat cushions which tho management h a w seen flt to provide for their comfort. ancl have usketl the wrlter to announce th- fact.

Sntline, the six-year-old daus'hter of EVathel' Lnngly, nwond class carnian a t Chouteau Avenue, is conflncd in the hos- pital with pneumonia, Wc uncleratanrl. Iiowever. tha t she is improving a t this writing.

JIrs. Homewood, wife of flrst el:%ss ma-

chinist is baralc home now af te r a three n-reks' sjwll of sickness in which she was ronfined in the hospital. W e a r e glad to hear of thc improvement.

<'laude Gentry. mech:rnical laborer. is about to rcport for service aftcr bding oli' sicsk since February 1 3 .

licnneth Lee, machinist a t Chouteau i\\.enuc roundhousc again won a Jutlges' (lecision on points in a battle stagcd a t thc indoor arena a t the Missouri Paclflc -3thletic meet held April 11 . Kenneth fought it three rouncl bout with Louis Vollmer, of the I3usiness Men's Gymnas- ium. St. Louls. The 31. 1'. Arena is lo- (,at?? in thc ncw boHer shop a t the Mia- sor~rr Paciflc Shops, and the Xo. Pacifle .\thletlc Club meet monthly. Kenneth w a s ~wcsented a t this meet. by the mann- s e r of the W. A. A. U., with a flne en- ~'ravecl gold watch. a s a token of esteem for his winning the welter weight title. You may be sure Kenny is proud of his new tinle &)irc.e and exhibits it ~ r o u d l v .~ . to his many friends.


-- A. E. GODFRNY, Rcpor te r

15. E. King. painter , made a week- end trip. March 31. to Sedalia, Mo., to aLtend t h e -3merican Legion convention of the Seventh District. H e rcported a nice trilj.

Mr. and X r s . L. 0. Davis a r e t h e 11roud paren ts of a fine baby boy. The youngster \vas born hlarcli 1 6 . Congrat- ulat ions a r c in order.

T. J, Hagpen, painter, has a big smile on hi? face of late . Anyone \vould smilc ~f they owned a ncw car like this one.

Ralph Harris. bollcrmaker appren- tic, made a weck-end flshing trlr, to one of o u r Ozarlc s t r e a m s re'entlg;. H e tells us that hv had very good luck.

.\. C. Westland. boilermaker, made a week-end t r ip to Neosho. March 31. t o a t t e n d a n E a s t e r sunr i se meeting.

4. H. Bishop, machinist. s p e n t E a s t e r Sunclav a t West Plains. 310.. with home . ,

folks. "Rish" is one of o u r popular 3techanical r e ~ ~ o r t e r s .

XIarlc Marsh, y e l d e r , is back on clap- l igh t work a g a l n a f t e r hav inx been on the m o o n l i ~ h t 'shift for nearly two vears. W e a r e glad to have Nark on ;he d a y s h i f t wi th us aga in .

E d w a r d Johnson m a d e a week-end f ishing tr ip. March 21. H e repor t s a wnnilerful trip anil oodles of flsh.

Sherman JIaples, boilermalcer, Is the proud owner of a brand-new autoino- bile. I think Sherman intcnds to t a k e a l l t h e boys for rt l i t t l e spitr now t h a t t h e s n r i n g w e a t h e r is upon us.

H. E. Baer , boilermaker, i s also driv- ing' n new car.

Louis Nye, boilermaker, s a y s he had rn ther have a F o r d a n v clay t h a n a n automobile. V'c a r c for you, Louis. s tay right in thore antl don't let 'em k id you.


S. E. PALNERTRJSP:, Reportcr

Wcll. here we a r e Pol. another n ~ o n t h w11ich wc a r e all a t our post and our business is increaslns here. Jus t had a trrringram from hlr. X. R. Cninpbell a t Hugo. Okla., stating t h a t south Texas vcgctablcs will s t i ~ r t soon which will be rc!d hot stuff. The T&NO will deliver to tho IWsro a t Paris , and Frisco schedule from here to Nonett. Mo.. will he 1 2 hours. The message says all trains ex- ecpt passenger trains must clear the track. so you see Paris is going to have n hot shot, so I can s a y one thing, tha t we sure can get them out of Paris.

MI,. Reurtlen, our pension ARA clerk rnatlo a visit to west Texas, to see his brother. H e agent several clays out there and on his return said tha t he had a good time.



D. H. SWISDELL. Repor te r

Speakinrr for myself and from observa- tion of the crowd a t the Sunnyland Club's d inner dance t h e n igh t of t h e l.?th, I would s a y i t w a s a a r a n d sue- - cess.

The Fuel Conservation meeting held a t Kansas City Tuesday April 2 mas well attendcil. Nr. Forsythe stated it was t h ~ second biggost Pucl meeting he ever a t - tended and he h*m attended a lot of thcm. There were seventy-six prcsent.

Our rotund roadmaster, Alonzo J. Finn. certainly did his stuff a t the dinncr dance. There is evidently nothing to the .saying. "Nobody loves a fa t man", for every time I saw him, he wa dancinq with a dif- ferent girl. 1 may have to battle him over that, but I'll talcc a chance.

Wcll, they didn't h a w chicken a t the dinner dance, so I guess everybody a te :L square meal. At least I havcn't heard any remarlts about Bill Walsh hrrving to take any steak off anybody's hands.

Mr. A. J. Finn. roadmastrr. held a sec- tion foremen's meeting recently, ~ t t e n d c ~ ~ l by all thc forerncn in the terminal. Mr. J 0. Armstrong, division engineer, made a finc talk, t a k i n g as his principal theme, "How to Get t h e N o s t Ply,asurc a n d Enjoyment Out of Your Job.

We symnathize with Yardmasters G. A. Davis, J. C. Hanna and others, whose duties would not pcrmit of t h e ~ r attend- inz the S u n n ~ ~ l a n d dinner dance. I ore sumo they hgvc heard what they mi&ed.

Notes on the dinner dance: F. E, JIorgan, heltel- skelter, trying to

And somebody that wants to dance. Ben Simmons and T. A. Graff, yard-

mastrrs. getting 131 out on timc and swapping stories.

I-Ioward Hoke telling some of the vis- I t o ~ s what tho Sunnyland Club is going to do thc coming year.

B. H. Eenncson. t imckcc~er . seeinz that the accountinz end Is handled properly.

And last. but not least. there goes Nick Fracul. proud a.. a peacock on paradc. doing his stllrf n i t h Miss Frances La- deski.

Nr . I\'. B. B ~ I T Y , m a s t e r mechanic a n d wife w e r e in at tendance.




Conductor L. L. Lelier and wife h a w returned from a trip to Washington and points in the East. While at Washington they attended thc Inaugural servlccs.

Harold Smith of the engineering dc- partment a t Ft . Scott has purchased a ncw DeSoto and is now wishing he wm In Ft . Scott a few more evcning's during the week.

Conductor B. E. Edward is in the hos- pital nt St. Louis a few days having had the fin, which caused a gathering in his ear.

Conductor Frank German and wlfe a r e back f r o m a visit to points in t h e South and JIr. German is back to work after having been off some time account of a sprained anklc.

Mrs. W. H. Rcvans spent the Easter holidays a t Muskogee with her daughter, 3Irs. Walter Roberts and family.

Trainmrrstcr R. H. Hubbart, wife and son Harry spent the Easter holidays with their son. Jacob. a t Lincoln, Neb.

C. 5'. Zentmire. bralccmiin. and wife have returnrd from Menard. Trsas , where they were called account illness of Mrs. Zcntmire's father.

Rralteman H. Logan. although a late victim is now off account of the flu.

Brakenmn 31. 3.1. Swope snrnt a few c l a p in Topcka recently on business for the B. of R. T.

Brakeman H. H. W a t r r s is now \vol,k- ing on the Columbus division.

Brakeman P. L. Anderson has been off for the peast fenr days account illness. .

With spring comes the spring fever. Rraltcman H. Thrasher has laid off a. few days and expects to catch a lot of Ash.

Brakeman E. B. Jones has returnrd from the St. Louis hospitnl where he rc- cently wrls operated on for trouble with his cars, a s a rcsult of the flu.

Conductor 0. E. Drapcr is now taking a two mecks' vacation beforc bumping on the Bas tc r switcher. Draper was for- merlv conductor on the Afton-Baston s~vitdher, but account changing runs and this run abolished, urmn returning to work, he will go to Bastcr .

W e wish to estend our sincere sym- pathy to Mrs. R a p Satterlre and family in the loss of I~usbaniT and father account tragic death a t Baxtcr springs.

Ernlicman A. R. Means, who is now in Colorado for his health, is reported a s imnrovina and soon hopes to be back with u9.

Erake~nen C. AIvCIun~. 11. Bartholcmc\\' and C;. C. Harwr . \v;rc rcccntly cut off thc es11-a b o a ~ d .

Brakeman C. 1':. Draushon. recently cuff of the bral ieman's e x t r a board. i s now workinfi tenworarily on the switch- msn's board a t F t . Scott.

D. F. Coppcr. former brakcman antl s \vi tchn~an a t For t Scott, has resianell ancl accepted other duties.

Mr. L. 0. Gardner. t racer c le rk in t h e trainmaster's office, wife, mother and n~other-in-law n~otol'ctl to Tulsa to spend the ncclt-end of Al~ri l 13.

Assistant Superintcndcnt L. B. ClUY a t t c n d d thc Sunnylnnd dinner dance a t Kansas City, April 15 .

Conductor E. T. Orr, ~ ~ 1 1 0 is in the 110s- pital, is reported g c t t i n d o n g nicely.

Brakeman F ~ w l Sharp and family a r e now in California. Mr. Sharp recently sprained his ankle and w h i k unablr! to work, took the opportunity to visit in the west.

W c wish to extend our sincere sym- pathy to J1r. C. B. Catching antl re?a- t i res in the loss of his wife, Grace. on & r i ~ 15.

Mrs. L. A. Heinrich and grandson, Har ry IIiIan, motorcd to Neodcsha on April 1 3 to spend Sunday n i t h JIr. Heinrich.

Mr. and Xrs. W. H. Eevans and daugh- ter. Mrs. \Valter Roberts, of Muskoxee, have Rone to Rochcster, Minn., where Xrs. Eevans ancl Xrs. Robcrts a r e going through the Mayo Clinic a t that point.

Mr. and 311"s. G. -4. Ermatinger a r c now

in St. Louis, where their daught*~ cille, is conflned to the hospital.


I).\VID H. TODD, Reporta - Harry 3IcCarthy. OS&D clerk. Is.

undergone a very serious operation Xary'n Hospital. H e is getting very nicely.

C. G. Thomas, waybill clerk, Is o w - est proud daddy. A son was born . home l ln rch 31.

Thc whlspcring canlpaign Is o v v - what we expected, but we couldn't it. Geo. Wilson and "Dude" l: slipped away and were married et I e r ts , .\lo., February 21.

1I7e a r e real oroud of our afirir.. with i ts new coat of paint-and n?a :' in=.

The Frisco Sunnyland Club put l',' bin dinner dance a t Ivanhoe TI :\pril 15.


3I.\RIE ITAYDEN. Reporter

George Cummins, car man. KT guest last wccli-end of relatives in i\ worth, 1\10.

The 11st of brakenion adgned t Pit tsburg e s t r a board Monday mi- April l. were F. I. Seiberts, C. L. Tb C. McClung and Clyde Pope.

We expect to movc into the wr senner s ts t lon about ADril 22. Pr; is mighty proud of the new statif

AIr. Walter Narsh attended thn dent prevention meeting held at F!. : Monday, April 1,5.

Miss Eda Nigh and Ylsa HanW : Gnw snent the wcelt-end vlsitinr l'. - a t ~ i r i r d . Rans.

Mr. H. 117. Cooi~er is In Miami t n ' ~ businrss.

The roadmasters and yardmmter move into their new ofllceiq In tit* fcw clays.

Changing locals a t Pittsburg ar Scott caused considerable bumw: these placcs.

Conductor J. E. .Wen. who has b+- account sickness for the past tm rcportccl for work ancl humwd Ctw C:. H. Heitz, who, in turn, bump! , ductor Wm. AIertz.

Mr. and 311%. E. Singleton were to Denvcr account of the dcnth I'! Singleton's brother.

Brakeman T. 0 . JIann went 1 , Scott to take a run out of there.

Conductor C. H. Hcits is the omcr new Esses and Chlef Yard Clerl: : has a new Chevrolet.


\V. A. YOUXG, Reporter

If there has cver been any quest'- my mind a s to why the Frisco sf#-,. !; tinoes to sell n d l up toward 01,. t s , the list, that question was atwl. swered last night. A casual glaw , : - splendid group of employes attemilr.