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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Professor doctor: Eman El-gabry

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  • Professor doctor: Eman El-gabry
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  • Introduction
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  • Good health is not just the absence of an illness - it is the complete wellness of our physical and emotional selves. Our nutritional habits affect our health, happiness and our ability to get a good night's sleep.
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  • Besides helping us to effortlessly and naturally drop a few extra pounds, a healthy diet can aid in improving every aspect of our life - including our stress and anxiety levels.
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  • Many people feel a desire to change their nutritional habits on a long-term basis, either to reduce weight, to alleviate certain symptoms of disease or simply for better well being throughout.
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  • . all people must eat and, to do so, must put food into their mouths( uniformity); however, what people eat and how they eat it vary from one culture to another(diversity).
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  • A healthy food food must be safe, available, sufficiently nourishing to sustain life and permit successful reproduction, and acceptable by the group and then by the individual.
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  • One thing thats definitely a problem in the whole grains category is that so many things are made to sound like theyre all whole grains, when theyre not. For instance, wheat bread is not made with whole wheatits just made with wheat flour which is, of course, standard white flour.
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  • Made with whole wheat may also be made with not-whole wheat, so you have to check the ingredients and see where whole wheat appears on the list. Multi-grain may be made with non- whole grains as well, so its essentially white flour and de-germinated (non-whole) other grains as well. Its really annoying that these food manufacturers deliberately deceive the paying customers.
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  • The importance Of Studying Nutritional Habits
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  • 1-Solving the problem of nutrition and the deficiency of information in families about diseases related to nutrition and nutritional habits. 2-Decrease nutritional awareness in many families which need intervention from the authorities to increase it.
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  • 3- the increase in the numbers of food delivery restaurant and absence of good observation and supervision on it. This passively affect nutritional habits in families. 4- The need to increase nutrition education for family members. 5- negative attitude to practice bad nutritional habits.
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  • Food habits:
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  • They are acquired through years in the community. Like the use of fork and knife in transferring food to the mouth is a habits
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  • , a repetitive action that is largely automatic or done without thinking.
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  • Some people habitually reach for the salt before tasting their food. They do so as a habit. A mother may eat food left on her childrens plates without even realizing she is doing it, because she has been taught not to waste food.
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  • Food habit is a food behavior, but not all food behavior is habit. For example, tasting food deciding it needs a certain amount of salt to achieve the flavor one desires, and salting it accordingly is a behavior that is not a habit.
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  • Food habits are repetitive, characteristic acts, largely automatic, that an individual completes in order to satisfy a real or imagined need for food.
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  • The meanings of food:
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  • People s beliefs and values concerning food and nutrition influence their food behavior in a given situation. One may have a negative or a positive attitude toward a food because of its association with a place, a person, or an event.
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  • A child may eat any food while he has upset stomach may never eat this food again. Spinach and most meats are associated with masculine images, while salad and nonmeat enters are associated with feminine images.
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  • pudding, and carrot strips are food associated with sick person. Teenager and young today eat hamburger.
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  • Food preferences:
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  • Food preferences are developed as a result of many factors in a persons environment. Social factors exerts a powerful influences on food choice and preferences; by observing their parents, infants and children learn which food and combinations of foods are appropriate to consume and under what circumstances
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  • Perhaps more influential, though,are the messages from peers about what to eat and how to eat. Food neo-phobia is common among children, it can often be overcome by allowing them to observe another child enjoying eating that food.
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  • Factors affecting food preferences :
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  • 1-Food available in the community. 2-Food preferred by other family members, especially parents 3-Food purchased and prepared that reflect cultural attitudes as well as family income
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  • 4-Food permitted by religious 5-Food whose taste, texture, color and appeal particularly to individual.
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  • When you eat Pay attention to when you eat. Notice when you are hungry. Be attentive to your eating habits: are you eating because you're hungry? Notice if you forget to eat. Think about how you feel at different times during your day. How is your mood, your appetite?. Simply by paying attention to what you eat, you can uncover your habits and take a step towards changing them.
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  • What you eat
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  • Another key to good nutrition is becoming aware of what you eat and how it makes you feel. For example, if you eat a snack of fruit and cheese versus a chocolate bar mid-afternoon, do these foods make you feel any different later in your day?
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  • These are important things to take note of in your quest for better general health, which in turn leads to better life quality.
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  • Eating Eating is a social events that brings together different peoples for a variety of events(e.g. religious, or cultural celebrations, business meeting and family dinners.
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  • Social pressures Social pressures, however, can restrict our food intake and selection we might for example order nonmeat dishes when dining with a group of vegetarian friends.
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  • Definition of Nutritional Habits: 1-It is repeated behavior in preparing and eating foods, it also depends on a mixture of psychiatric, social and economic factors.
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  • It differs from one society to another. Each society has its nutritional habits which goes with its believes and religious.
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  • Another definition of nutritional habits, it is the methods used in choosing and consuming nutrients available and it includes all processes of production, distribution, preparation and serving and saving of foods.
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  • Classification of Nutritional Habits: 1-Good nutritional habits 2-Bad or poor nutritional habits 3-Unuseful nutritional habits
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  • 1-Good nutritional habits: Which Should be always encouraged as the habit of eating fresh vegetables and fruits, eating fresh juices with meals instead of beverages.
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  • Forming good nutritional habits doesn't happen overnight. Following are key points that can turn your new healthy lifestyle into a reality. Start slowly, and gradually build on these foundations.
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  • a list of good nutritional habits that help contribute to a healthy lifestyle:. Dont skip meals; plan for at least three meals each day. You shouldnt skip breakfast. Start reading food labels so youll become more aware of what youre putting into your body:
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  • reading the labels and checking the nutritional facts of every food before you eat it so that can make good choices. Plan for healthier snack choices. Between lunch and dinner each day, aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables: This is a category where you definitely need. getting at least an apple in each day. Stop adding salt to foods.
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  • Eat nothing after 8 p.m. because eating late had contributed to increase in body weight. Try a new food each week, to help you introduce more variety into your diet. Eat less meat to reduce your fat and cholesterol intake. The meat isnt that much of a problem. eat a lot more fish and poultry and very little red meat,. However, you should know the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats.
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  • Make sure that your breads, cereals, pastas, and crackers are made with whole grains. You should adjust your weight This is about changing your whole lifestyle. turning your life around and living in a new way. This can only help you to make all aspects of your life better. Wash your teeth before and after meals, especially before sleep.
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  • Nutritional Mealtime Habits Adopting nutritional mealtime habits go a long way in maintaining your overall fitness.. Well, one thing that parents can do to promote healthy eating habits is that they should encourage the idea of eating family meal, in which the entire family sits together and eats the meal. The basic idea of having a family meal is that the parents can act as the role model for kids and induce them to eat healthy foods
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  • Fresh fruits and green vegetables should be incorporated into the daily food intake, as they provide the nutrients that are necessary for the body. A fabulous idea that can develop the interest of your child in healthy foods is to present nutrient rich food beautifully. To say for example if fruits are presented in the form of colorful fruit salad, definitely the child would get tempted into trying it, owing to the fact that it looks good.
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  • Motivate the child to eat healthy nutritious snacks like yogurt, peanut butter and celery, or whole-grain crackers and cheese. If your child likes to eat non- vegetables, then prefer serving lean meat. Eating fiber food is very beneficial, as it keeps your digestive system good. So, give your child whole-grain breads and cereals. There is a need to alter your cooking method, in the sense, that instead of frying food item, change for methods like boiling, grilling, roasting and steaming. Fatty foods are not good for health, therefore the food items that fall into this category, should be avoided to be served at home.
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  • Well, the idea is not to deprive your child from his/her favorite food item, but to make him learn as to how to lead a healthy lifestyle. If the child gets lured by fad foods, it's not that he/she is prohibited from consuming it, but there is definitely a need to moderate the quantity of unhealthy foods. As important is to eat healthy nutrition rich food, equally vital is to eat in a balanced manner, because excess of everything is bad. So, eat healthy and increase the longevity of your life.
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  • These are the newest techniques from the latest cutting-edge plan. Rather, they are simple, time- tested, no nonsense habits that you need to get into when designing a good eating program. These are seven rules.
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  • 1. Eat every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day. 2. Eat complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal. 3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables with each food meal.
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  • 4. Ensure that your carbohydrate intake comes from fruits and vegetables. Exception: workout and post-workout drinks and meals. 5. Ensure that 25-35% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturated fatty acids (e.g. animal fat), mono-unsaturated fatty acids (e.g., olive oil), and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).
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  • 6. Drink only non-calorie containing beverages, the best choices being water and green tea. 7. Eat mostly whole foods (except workout and post-workout drinks). So what about calories, or macronutrient ratios The short answer is that if you arent already practicing the above-mentioned habits, and by practicing them ; putting them to use over 90% of the time (i.e., no more than 4 meals out of an average 42 meals per week violate any of those rules), everything else is pretty pointless.
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  • Moreover, many people can achieve the health and the body composition they desire following these 7 rules alone.
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  • 2- Bad nutritional habits(not useful):
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  • Which should be omitted and not encouraged like:
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  • introduction of foods rather than human milk to infants in the first month after birth or prevention of milk in the infant diet during diarrhea.As this leads to malnutrition in infants. Eating fast foods, like hamburger, pizza, etc. which are high in their content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol and thus leads to increase in body weight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.
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  • Eating large amount of sticky and non stick sweets which leads to teeth decay, obesity and diabetes mellitus. Drinking large amount of tea and coffee, which increase irritability, hinders the absorption of iron and calcium and increase cardiac diseases
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  • Eating while watching television, because this leads to eat much foods hence suffering from increase in body weight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Eating much salt which may cause increase in blood pressure or affect the kidney.
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  • Eating one big meal in the lunch while omitting breakfast and dinner as assort of regimen. this leads to increase amount of fat in that diet and this fat will be accumulated in fat cells in our body leading to increase in body weight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.
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  • Eating large quantities of food in celebrations, which contain large quantities of fats and carbohydrates, leading to increase in body weight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Drinking large quantities of beverages, which contain soda that replace calcium from bones,leading to osteoporosis.
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  • Breaking Your Bad Nutrition Habits For most of us, its pretty easy to focus on the foods that we like rather than the ones that our body needs. This isnt so much of a concern if it isnt a daily habit. Eating some of those tasty desserts at Thanksgiving is probably not going to cause you any health problems - unless this is the way you eat all the time. Unfortunately, for many people, it is. Thats why one of the first steps in improving your overall health is to find ways to break all the bad habits that have been established over a lifetime.
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  • The first step to breaking bad nutritional habits is to know what a healthy diet looks like. You need to understand what foods your body needs, and in what quantities, before you can recognize which habits are bad for your health. A basic healthy diet consists of a variety of fruits and vegetables, grains, and low-fat protein and dairy foods every day. If your diet lacks in any of these areas, you arent getting all the nutrition your body requires. For most people, the lack is in enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
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  • After determining the nutritional needs your diet lacks, you can start to replace the unhealthy foods you usually reach for with healthy ones. If you love to snack, start replacing those snacks with chopped up vegetables or a piece of fruit. Youll find that you are actually more satisfied - you might even begin to realize that you like them better.
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  • One important factor in changing bad habits is getting the right kind of motivation and support from your family and friends. Habits can be very addicting. If you are spending time with people who share those habits, they will be harder to break. Since you cant change others, you may need to change where and with whom you spend your time.
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  • As you begin changing your bad nutritional habits, dont forget to reward yourself for your successes. Give yourself extra privileges as a reward for sticking to healthy meals. This will serve to reinforce your new habits.
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  • Everything you eat as part of your daily diet is a choice. Most of us unconsciously make these choices because theyve become ingrained habits. While you are changing bad habits, you have to start consciously thinking about the choices you are making. Eventually they will become second nature. You will find that you are feeling better and have more energy, which will also reinforce your choices. Since good health is based on healthy nutritional choices, you will find that you are less susceptible to many common ailments, such as colds, dietary distress, even diseases such as diabetes. Healthy nutrition is the foundation of a long and healthy life free from disease!
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  • 3- Un-useful nutritional habits: Which is not good nor bad like eating high fat high carbohydrate diet rarely during wedding celebrations.
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  • Factors affecting nutritional habits : 1-Social factors: The change and social development lead to change in individual behavior and nutritional habits; the most important social factors are:
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  • (1) Religion: Islamic religion prohibits eating pig meat so pigeon meat is not eaten in Arabic and Islamic countries. Indian does not eat cows meat because their religion prohibits eating it, so they are called vegetarian. Drinking alcohol is also forbidden in Islamic religion, which was found to cause damage to the liver. In certain months; like Ramadan, Islamic people fast and eat certain popular foods.
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  • (2)Educational level: Ignorance of the healthy basis of nutrition almost leads to malnutrition,while the increased educational level for individuals leads to better choosing and preparing of their foods. Many studies showed that educational level is one of the most social indicator related to nutritional habits in developing countries; so any increase in educational level of each parents leads to increase in eating healthy diet like fruits and vegetables and animal protein of high biological value as fish, chicken and meat.
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  • 3) Age) Infants depends absolutely on breast milk in the first six months of life. During winning mother introduce soft foods, juices to her child and this differ from one society to the other. Children eat what their parents eat and learn also from their peer.
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  • Adolescent begin to be different from their families, eat fast foods, chips, pizza, and drink soda. Adult eat the food available in their societies, and may change their diets in cases of diseases. Pregnant women eat certain foods and increase her caloric intake during pregnancy.
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  • Elderly eat less amount of foods Geriatric eat less food and mainly soft food and changes their nutrition according to diseases they suffer from.
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  • (4)Geographical position: Geographical position for any reason, determines their nutritional life style in consuming foods. Countries which lies on the sea, eat more sea foods, while in desert land, people depends on camel milk or goat milk and dates. Agricultures countries lives on their products of plant foods, like vegetables and fruits as the main meals.
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  • Also, the type of food the people eat in each country depends on the main plant product in that site due to its availability in low price and good quality. In hot weather, dates, is the main food eaten.
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  • (5)Work and function: Income is linked mainly with the position in the work. Those who has increased income usually eat high price foods, like animal protein as meat, fish, chicken. Also the type of work may affect the type of food eaten or nutritional habits in an indirect way. worker women prefer readymade food.They may purchase fewer snack foods for their families.
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  • She usually begin weaning of her infant early in his life. Also the number of working hours affect the time of the main meal; when the working hours are less or minimum the main meal is the lunch, but when the working hours are big the main meal is the dinner.
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  • 2-Psychiatric factors: Everyone is affected by his environment. The family plays a major role in our mode. So some of our nutritional habits result from psychiatric factors which result from our family believes, problems and stresses. Sometimes we find that depression,anxiety and irritability cause increase in eating foods in some people or refusing eating in another people.
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  • Some mothers give their children more food as a sign of love. Some parents prevents giving chocolates to their children as a type of punishment.others give chocolates to their children as a reward when they do good thing. This make the child relate this type of food to the good or bad thing so he loves or hate it.
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  • Some person during stress drink more tea or coffee or alcoholic beverages. Some feel safely when they eat certain foods in certain celebrations with their families.
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  • Physiological factors: Physiological reactions which occur in the body affect personal behavior. It is found that different chemical reactions are affected by equilibrium between chemical products, like hormones, enzymes and nutritional elements. - Nutritional habits during pregnancy:
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  • Nutritional habits changes during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, some pregnant need certain foods to eat and hate the odor of others, this habits may remain through the whole pregnancy. Also pregnant women may suffer from vomiting and anorexia, so they are not able to eat well.
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  • - Nutritional habits during geriatric: Nutritional habits during geriatric is a result of many factors; like living alone, Physiological reactions which occur in their body, weakness in sensory system, affect their method of eating. They suffer from weak vision, hearing and taste. they also suffer from decreased body activity. All these factors leads to changes in their nutritional habits
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  • . Poor chewing leads to eating easy digestible foods and soft foods, which does not contain solids. Also they start eating less amount of food due to decreased activity and also the length of time taken during eating meals.
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  • -Nutritional habits due to sensory feeling of foods It differs from one person to the other. also it differ in the same person at different times at different situations. Every person has different sensation to foods than the others, so some persons like acidic foods others like peppery foods and some like salty foods.
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  • - Nutritional habits during diseases: Physiological reactions which occur in the body during diseases, lead to change in their nutritional habits. Diabetics should eat certain amount of foods. He should decrease eating table sugar and sweets, and regulate his all diet, also people suffering from cardiac diseases decrease their cholesterol content of diet and follow certain dietary regimen.
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  • . The person suffering from hepatitis, needs to decrease fats, protein in the diet and increase carbohydrate and sugar in diet to rest the liver metabolism. also during fever we should increase fluid and use soft food and decrease fatty diet, until the temperature returns to normal.
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  • Food sensitivity: Sensitivity to foods is present in many peoples. Some are sensitive to eggs, others are sensitive to fish and others are sensitive to milk. So those patient should avoid eating these foods which cause allergy and fever and abdominal pain, so this lead to change in their Nutritional habits.
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  • deficiency diseases: Enzyme like lactose intolerance disease, due deficiency of the enzyme lactase. When these patient eat milk they cannot digest it, so they have abdominal pain and diarrhea. This leads them to avoid eating milk.
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  • In cases of favism, due to deficiency of the enzyme glucose sex phosphate dehydrogenase, these patient should avoid eating fava beans, and thus changing the patient nutritional habits.
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  • How can we improve nutritional habits Since dietary habits are formed at an early age, the link to weight and particularly health could be stressed to children. They may not fully understand some of the health problems, but merely stating that some foods are good for you and some foods are bad for you is unlikely to change food habits.
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  • As for teenagers and adults, some possible linkages between food, health, and weight include acne, overweight, heart disease, and diabetes. Such conditions may be of concern to these people. Focusing on these types of conditions, as opposed to the traditional deficiency diseases, would be more appropriate to today's lifestyle.
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  • Extension home economists won't change all those who don't care about nutrition, but we can place the responsibility of one's health more firmly in a person's mind. The important issue is to make a strong link between the foods eaten everyday and one's present and future health and weight.
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  • The study also documents the importance and effectiveness of social pressure in constraining one's eating habits. Those women constraining their eating were receiving and responding to more social pressure
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  • Therefore, peer support groups could play an important role in educational efforts. The effectiveness of peer support weight reduction groups has been recognized for years. However, health related support groups are a newer concept. Extension home economists could endorse and promote the establishment of groups for concerns such as diabetes and heart disease
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  • Extension home economists need to do more than teach basic nutrition. Some women don't care about nutrition, some want to lose weight, some are concerned about their health, some relate health and nutrition. Programs directed at audiences with specific motivations should result in more effective education.
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  • False Nutritional Believes 1-Vitamins 1-enuromous intake of vitamins is safe: This is a false believe, because every one should take only his recommended nutritional daily allowance ( RDA),especially of fat soluble vitamins; because the increase in its intake cause hyper-vitaminosis and toxicity to the .body and dangerous symptoms
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  • e.g. increase intake of vitamin A causes hyper- vitaminosis A which cause headache, vomiting, fatigue,falling of hair,osteoporosis, foot edema pain in the bone and enlargement of liver and spleen.
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  • vitamin D increase intake of vitamin D causes toxicity appears in the form of loosing appetite, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, lassitude,fatigue and elevated calcium in tissues; like heart, lungs and kidney and in blood.
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  • 2- the use of fruits &vegetables only in summer to remove toxins. remove toxins ; Is a false believe ; The body can by itself Through the liver and using only vegetable and fruits prevents the body from the use of the important other macronutrients; proteins, fats and carbohydrates in appropriate amounts. Water soluble vitamins ; like vitamin C when used in large amounts is removed from the body via urine.
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  • 3- large volume eggs contains more.vitamins Is a false believe ; the yellow part of eggs is rich in vitamins. Large eggs contain small amount of the yellow part while small eggs contain large amounts of it..
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  • 4-vitamins is a source of energy A false believe ; it only aid in all metabolic reactions in our body, so its deficiency can cause many diseases.
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  • Rapid loosing of body weight is safe: Dietary regimen which cause rapid reduction in body weight is dangerous; because this may lead to loosing fat around the kidney and hence cause dropping of the kidney and kidney failure. It also lead to malnutrition and anemia.
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  • The use of certain tea or herbs to decrease body weight Is a false believe; these products help loosing large amount of water and body fluid through diarrhea and cause loosing vitamins. After drinking the body resume the same weight easily.
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  • Drinking a cup of water with a spoon of acetic or apple acids twice daily dissolves fat Is a false believe; this is may be painful in case of the stomach ulcers, or inflammation.
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  • Drinking beverages after meals helps digestion Is a false believe; this leads to indigestion and also increase the time needed for the processes of digestion, because it decrease the concentration of the digestive juices so hinder the digestion.
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  • Hydrogenated fat( plant fat) is better than animal fat Is a false believe ; plant fat contains monounsaturated fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids is more useful and recommended for our body. But hydrogenated oils cause increase in LDL- cholesterol which is dangerous,and increase the risk of cardiac and atherosclerotic diseases.
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  • Carbohydrate in bread, rice and cereals increase body weight than proteins ; like meat, chicken and eggs: Is a false believe; as both carbohydrate and protein give the same calories after burning ; one gram of each of them give 4 calories.
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  • White bread is more in its caloric content than whole wheat bread: Is a false believe; whole wheat bread contain the same calories as white bread but is more in its fiber content. fiber help in decreasing body weight Because it give the sensation of satisfaction for food, thus helping in decreasing body weight.
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  • Diet foods is good for reduction in body weight Is a false believe; diet beverages, contains sweeteners, which is less in its content of calories than natural sugar, but experimental animals showed that sweeteners may cause cancer.
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  • Prohibit eating milk with fish Is a false believe; some also prohibit eggs for children. They believe that they can harm their body. This food contain protein of high biological value.especially during cold. These food increase the immunity.
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  • Large amount of tomatoes may cause cancer: Is a false believe; tomatoes is rich in vitamin A, C and iron. also it is rich in fibers.
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  • Some children eat mud in Africa, They believe it as beneficial to them. Is a false believe, as it contains microbes and so causes infection to them.
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  • Some drink fresh cows blood after its injury while it is a life They believe it as beneficial to them. Is a false believe
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  • To summarize: 1. THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE BLOOD CHOLESTEROL IS NOT TO EAT EGGS. Eliminating eggs will not automatically reduce blood cholesterol. Reducing the amount of dietary fats and saturated fats has a more significant effect on blood cholesterol levels.
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  • 2. FOR WEIGHT LOSS, ONLY EAT FOODS LABELED LOW-FAT OR FAT-FREE. Fat-free and low-fat foods may contain high amounts of sugar and calories. Remember, fat free doesnt mean calorie free, and in weight loss calories count, too.
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  • 3. SALT RAISES HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. For people with high blood pressure, reducing salt intake may lower blood pressure, but studies have shown other factors may play a more significant role in blood pressure control. Losing weight, exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables for the magnesium and potassium and eating low-fat dairy products for the calcium can help manage blood pressure.
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  • 4. SUGAR CAUSES OBESITY. Obesity is usually a result of excess calorie intake and too little physical activity. Sugar can contribute to the problem, but it alone does not cause it. 5. BUTTER CONTAINS MORE FAT THAN MARGARINE. Butter and margarine contain equal amounts of fat and calories per tablespoon. The difference is butter contains cholesterol and more saturated fat.
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  • 6. VITAMIN C PREVENTS THE COMMON COLD. Vitamin C supplements will not prevent a cold. It may reduce the severity of the cold symptoms. The egg myths are several. What about that white eggs are less healthy than brown ones. Most people assume that eggs from hens eating greens are healthiest because they feel more comfortable with the thought.
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  • The salt debate is running high. Salt is what makes our food taste good and we can't avoid it as it's in all processed foods. But no scientific research has been able to conclude that salt is the only cause of high blood pressure.
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  • I've often heard people saying that eating a mega- dose a Vitamin C should prevent colds and reduce their severity. In this article from Quackwatch called "Vitamin C: Do High Doses Prevent Colds?" - they conclude "If you choose to supplement when a cold strikes, there is no reason to take more than 250 mg per day". If you "have" to eat ascorbic acid you might just as well drink some fruit juices.Vitamin C: Do High Doses Prevent Colds?
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  • Creating a myth is done to help oneself understand what might be going on. They are preserved by skilled story tellers and delivered to the younger through oral communication. The power of the myth arises when it's believed and deeply held as true. Don't believe everything that is said....