" .. . - o .. . - . - CD lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair- woman (0" rllnnrl' celr- bri\UnA Ih' golden annln 'l'- SIll')' o( Ul" foundlnR o( Ihe Fn»no J CL (Am rlcon Lo- ;valty Lengue), hns Indlcnlro 111111 pin,,. for Ihls 1n11)Orlant In Ihe hl stol') 01 ''l'lll'llllllt O- OIlY. Momb " hlp PuLII,.IIon ; Jop.n.·, Am.rlcon Cillrtn Publllhcd W.ekly L.cepl H, 1 .nd 1..0,1 W.1f By Henry T. Tanaka Nallonal JA L Pre Id ollt VOL. 77 NO 12 J ,' IlJl>A Y, 2 1, 1073 12 eENTS 0" eJ.' a yenr ha pas ed since 1 as UIll ct lh e office of ational President. 1I's .. \ a lou gh bul very ex· cItIng and c hall engi ng ear. Reevaluating J L goals, hiri ng n ew laff, re- " iving lhe enthu in m and regaining the confidence of Ottl' member hip, and Na Uonal J I. Ex uUve Directo,' DR'''rl U,hlo will bo lhe guest spenk"r al this dln- net ·, which i. being held at new h N' aloll Tnn on WATERGATE New costs hit PROBE TO RESUME Pacific Citizen State of JACL re olving of the "banging" i \le. of JA L ha e been bul some of the Bctivitie of lhe past. ear. I reflect on that year, [ alll plea ed to report that mu ch ha been accompli ed . We sel 0111' goal wiUt h i g h · pectation . Our 'Wf set a gruelling pace. ational Board members geared them elve to lhe La k of i.nternal reorgani· zation and lhe remobiliza- lion of J CL volunteers. t the ame lnlle , there were disappointments and a feeling thaI we might bave achieved more had we been 1lI0re a tute in our planning and foreca t- ing of the future. Bul ala , this llIay be expected of any volunteer organiza· tion . I feel we are now pro- ceedin g in the right direc- tion . Board responsibilities have been regrouped and s t a f f assignments ba, 'e been realigned in order to be more responsi"e to the Interests and concerns of our members hip ; namel y, community- ba s ed se rvices and programs f or a ll Ja- panese Ame rica ns a nd o th- er Asian Ame ri cans as well . Three n ew regio n al di- recto rs, e ac h fully d ew· cated and commi tted to epl. 29. '1'h(' 1923 horlol' membe rs o( t he Fr", no AmericRn Lay- nlly and lnlc,' "old- time" lIl"mben; nrc sUII being C'OTltacled 10 In sure nttend- ancc at this gula fclc. All al'e .tronlll' en oum ltro 10 ma ke known Ihelr Inteullons to allend. The s lee rl n g conunlllco IUlanlmou"ly agt·c<'d Ihal this celebration also be 8 Irlbule to all U,IlSO members In"ol,,- ed in Ihe genesis o( Ihe Fres' no organi za tion, c.' pedally Fred Hirasuna In recognition of JtJs 50 year:< o( ded- Ica ted sen'lce In advancing the cnuse of Ihc J A C L In Cenlrsl California rly lIUory In the hi slory or the ALL, cha pt er his t.orl an J I n Ishi ka wa noles thai when the League w • fi rst organi,ed, nO ll e of lis member. had reached t he aile of 30. a lew had reached " Otill g age st al- us and thl> resl were teen- agers. In his words: "This was the group that organized 1.,.,1t and dedicat- ed to the Impro,'('- ment oC the wellore or per- sons of J apane,e ancC'Olry Tha t they succc<'ded >0 well is a trl buw to the calibre of the original leader> and members. That IhIs organiza- tion should continue to e. 'Ist, alway. ,en'ing our people and our community. for fifty y(.= is the Ilnal justillcation of U,C faith these youth: had III the organizauon's rums and pur- pose.>. We, who have since bl"COI11C' nlC'lnbrl'. un.' now hOr\'C, U llA Ihl' [ 1'Ults ,llld ht'll- ell., o( their loil nnd neti- n ," .-In!:lIng out Hlmsunll for spectAI honors, th,' . '1"1' no ChAptcr I. fornlul!) ack",,\\"- IroglnA IL' IIrnlltlld,' for th .. lIlam' slRnlllcllnt conlrlbllUon mad" Ihls d. dlcnlcd Indl- "I dual in till' org.lll- l,nUon "alive nnd Iloln.:" for almost 50:N . H,' hu. aloo and .1111 to I" a aolh'o " .. rl1cipnnl In th" "cU"III,. of Il" l'nlrnl Callforllla DI,I"lcl Council. Chapter hblnrlon I,hlkR" h a _ d""crlbcd Mr H'msunR lIS the "guIding Ught of JA- CL acu,·IU. In Ihe \'alle)''', 8 d rlpllon whkh all who art' (.mlllar \\Ilh Mr Hira. ulla' ontrlbllUo, 10 JACL activlUes in lhe "aU<)" agree 10 be "CI') arpr prlatc. Friends of th" Fr, 0 Chapter who wi h to rllcl- pale In Ihls I IImonlol din- ner fo, it.. plonl'('r ng m .. m- bers And c peelall) for 1r. Hlrasuna, should moWcl D., Henry KatAlo. E .• \u - tin Woy, Ffl'<no 93704 for tickcLs and d,'lall Surname of Sansei just as Ame rican as immigrant named Johnson c ommunity-based erYices By .n-L1E pan. Be IC"I It 0 hart g and programs will, I pre- ( eallle Times' "po6$ible c '" rcus- diet, play a major role in SEATTLE. \Vash. Dr. I:IOn5 on Jnpnne Americana" ma pp10g th e f uture direc- Jam e s K Morlshlllla, 35, While the d,'11 rights no\e- tions of JACL. They will spoke with drep menl hBS open d """ become effective advocates about the ouOook of some of th d I t f his fellow counlr)'tTIen. "Irw that "we hD\"' m d" j " 10 e eve opmen 0 new "Morlshlma _ II Is an servi c es and programs, in AmeriMn name," he ald. lItorbhlma ob C!r\' d. tali tics dif . . . sho\\- a higher proportion o( roo ymg exi s tin g insti tu· "Wby should the lmmlRranl persons of Japanl!Se nnd Chl- ti on al system to be come from Sweden named Johnson ne ancesll')' olwnd coli j;<;S r esponse to Asian Amer - be consIdered an American and unl,"c '1 than white i can needs, and in promot- whereas I. a thlrd-generatloll American American, sUll am seen by ing and developing new many people as being Japan- 1,000 Year lead ership in J ACL. Why? ese'" "Yet In Ie rru 01 mr,dlan B eca use regional directors Mortshlma, dirl'c!or ot A$- yeill'> of edUC<luon comple("d, rul . rtant Ian American studies and a.. ... Japan!!>e Am rica"" ear n \ assume an lID po soelate professor of education about 1.000 a Je .. MOo NEXI MONDAY Campaign Financ o and ' Dirty Trick,' to Bo Coyorod Ih. .. gn tr h<lIrll1"" .. ""ume nex t (Srpl 2'1 I, I h r Inquiry will rl"t\'" Inlo cnmpo lJ,l:n "d lr ty u lt'k It tlwu.:h Sl'n. O;,mlrl I nou ..... c (D-lIllwull) h R a .. xprt· ... " 'Og\'lt\'c dnubts and (cor," OY( I' thl phose. do dirty trfcktl eml d<X'll ('rlml' bl·gll1 .... h a kl-cl. "You hnvf' .Inl! Inwi covorlnR 1iI>I'1. lar l'1 n) lind fnmd," h, Mid In lin Inkrvil", S"p\, 13 w II h Hob rI L. Jock '011 of U, I Times Wo hlngton bun all. ". 'hould Ihl. matter "" "f t('(fernt l'01\t:"m?H II" nntro opInIon vnry on "hrre Con!:rr hould drn ... Ih., lin,' belw"cn Improp<r nlld un"lhleal campahm con- duel and thnl -hould c r- 11 criminal pennlU,' 0"" r • Itr c.. llcd linkage between our mem- at the Untv. of W""bingloD. rio hlma said. s hi p and our national or- spoke in reJaUon 10 recenl in- Morlshima objecl$ to the en ganiztion. cldenLs In wbich prominent television charact r, Mrs L(v- It' di . tm t the word "Jap" Ingston, played by IS a sappom en be(ore wide audlences; JOhll Umeld, In I h c Courtship 01 O. " tl'<'t t hat we have yet to hire a J. Wilson. attorney Eddie's Father. He. the the Pr , n. InOll" Id 'I etl Ihe P rto ' Youth Director. P erhaps be(ore the Senate Walergate role as a slerct>I)/X' o( Ihe lhe commillc COI..Jd wrile an now that the locatiou of hearillgs. and Bob al Japane e a Ing 'obS{'ljul- "adl'ljuatc report" WlthoUI the youth Directo r 's office the national Boy Seoul Jam- OUS. understanding a II d pa- hearing any H'Cr t lapcs of boree. Both since have apolo- tient" d . is not a major considera· gized. . Prel' ... nl 'Ixon', .... - Ii . h' - '11 find All Japan mo",. furlher tions ,,1th aldl'S Implicated In on 10 mng, we WI Paran oid Feel inr. Into world mark ... t. Iradltion- thr reandal. He aw no rea. - a director very shortly_ As for the classlllcaUon of ally cosiderrd to be American, on CO" the commlll<'e 10 poo t- Meanwhile, Pat 'akano Japanese Americans as Japan- and Japanese finru; cantlOuc pone ILs full report 10 I h e and Gail Nishioka h ave ese. Morlsbima said II "iJ; the capilal expan<ion In Ihls COun- S nate until the COUrl decide<!. Id d --, try, "SOOller or lalcr the Unl- He also defended the ae- b een assisting the JAYs same a or paranoid r=- ted IE oin to rcacl," d d . 'bl d ing thai people had In 1942 tlons o( Coogr to re- an OIng so senSl y an when they put us In concen- he 6ald. jecting the Id a that the Wa- s ensitively I think it's IIation camps" D ta,onl, m 10 JDcr .. " lel'ga\<! has IlymlPd gr eat that we h ave staff "I agree that Jap could be Morishima and Dr Frank the Congr and not mcct- 1 hr rlll,," Ihl. p"",t \\ C'f'k wu" hit h.V " 20"'0 In IlOHt a.r ,""I r..- or MO nllllllloll,, 1 p t'r hrtlril ll f\, ' rh tl fn rrrt"'IC' " \\ (Or,. !'WliNI ul . ,1 10 U.k •• fTert tho 11,,1 \\ nl'k of .'ul ,Y but hfWR. UM' of Ih . IIO· lI ay frr ... th.1I 1m DO!"lt d . tht IH'W rutf" wa,.: P08lpon.d 10 '\Ork or o . n) mltl · I On . \\ 111 '" Ih. pr oJC'c(rd llodul Inrrt'lllrte" full y II .. tllul.II, Ih. o\.ra ll Inorcn •• "III h. •• I. v.nl· ually , ub ... lpllon ra le mu.1 h. Incrr ••• d. Nisei farmers form patrols to protect raisins I wo Elk lodges r atify change A.' FRM,CISCO - T"o lk lod" In Bay An ratifted the cllminauon f whit,,· on\) membe<"- p rule \01 thctr re- cenl nauons' com ention. Th 1.200-m ""b r - n r. Lodge 1108 \"oted 3-1 to I 105-y r-old ban The 2.S00-membtr 'an ta- l Lod 1112 , .• I und,'!'- toad to ha\ e I'milarl}' \"oted 10 drop the ban. Joseph J. .oo'a, e alted Il'l' of I h e all Rafael £r. Indicaled other lodgr.s I the area !then> al'<' 20 In I. e Sail Francl..,o Ba' Ar",,) reJecled ban by 2-1 ar"ms. Some 2.000 lodg In t he U.S. nrc voUng on I h e rOpo/lal w ho are flexib le in their considered an abbrevialion for Miyamoto. a university 6OClo- assig nmen ts and m ost will - he "But 1\ Is logy proCessor. both were in- Prc'5ldent Spiro Al!I\ew In 8 Ing to h elp wh ere ne eded. tion. lli; terned at T u I e Lake, ColIC., pL't.-ch the e.enin g. I s en se a feeling of to- entire hlslory of the Japanese during the wal". MIyamoto "Ev ... ",· ludy made so far 1010 -ES LAKE, Wa5h _ The sees no Illcreased antagonIsm g etberness. The s taff reo American Oil the Wesl Coast, Ioward J apanese minorities In Continued on Next Par. M LAke cily cOl1ncll was treat provi ded time need- beginning In about 1890." this country and believ"s it urgcd b)' Edward M Vama- f) larify He said m ny persons do In I 010, cholrman 01 the cll)··. ed to re e ct, to C a was co cidenta that the Iwo SELF-DEFENSE FORCE d not comprehend apparently slurs occurred so close log th Inlerraclol Commission lor s Wf and boar roles and that the " gut-level react ion" er In time. But he also •• : Human Right.., 10 pass Its res- fun ctio ns, and to see JACL 10 the word "J ap" by many ed the Increased concern ISSUE TO BE APPEALE D olutlon condemning fraternal in i ts total persp ective. Japanese Americans Is the among Japanese American orgnnlzolion. with r a cis t In Jun e, the n ew Na- same reaction of a Jew to be- about prejudicial attitudes ex- TOKYO The Kakuel Ta- membtr hlp poUcle •. tional Board m et for t be ing branded "kike" or a black pressed by the white maJorlly. naka cabinel decided Sept. II A similAr policy wa, adopl- to the label "nigger." Th 10 appeal dlreclly 10 the Su- by Ihe Stale of Washlng- tfu. gu ed and f 0 ugh t over Icans finally are objecting willing to be palsies tor the trlcl COUrl decision thai the JACL . d 10 being called "Japanese, Japan.... . elr-defen. forces the iss\lc first on the many ISs u es, an Ni p, Gook and Chink." white majorily back In the were uncon.tilulional. Aug 14 agenda as Pinky partici pated in a res pon- I days o( the evacuation of Ja- Ju..tiee Minl.ter Jsajl Tana- Mlddlcbrooks, member of Ib sible dec is ion-making proc- Etba e ludles panese Americans," he said. local Elks Lodge, said their 01001 G l' On '25O,OOO- The Nullonal Cnmmlt\ct> for the Jup"nc ,. Amenclln ClulMUI BuUdlng Fund mol In Son F'dnd co tl) oc/lln plannlnll for the $230,000 fund rA IJ... tnM cllmpkilln. CommUlc., members plc lur l'd are (from I.ti) (;""'11" Yuma ',kl, Tad HlroUt, Moa S:.IO"', SI- v. Dol, 0 1110(> II lrO""I111, and Jim Murnk.,ml. OlhM m=bcra not plc lured ,,,. HulA AIl.w", W .. Dol, Hnrry Unl&><aka, Vo Hlronaka, Ldrllc Morlguchl and Fronk Vama •• kI. Nlollona l Co m- mUll'" wo. nppolnled by Shlg('kl Su giyama. Campaign ProJrc'l Cr"-'rdlnalor. Curr pnt plan. ot thr' group call for n mld- Fnll kick-o fT tor Ihe Building FUnd Drlvp, Dil trl ct bnd clu,pl"r (ulld monagen (or the Drive ar c to be named. Sacramentan directs 'meals by car' project 10 feed 60 shut-ins daily SACRAMf.NTO. CaliCo - Elale T kpl:\lchl II uklntf local area Iden.. "Ith just a littl. tirn on Ih.lr han<ll - no more Ihon IWo houn wrtkly to give her a call at H7- II Taktguchl II ex('CUU\, dlr lor (and the only full- t,me pnld '!.at! mem rl of Ical a la Cbr. "hlch pro- vld a hot m al each day ( no acramenlo-an abUI-Inl unnbl to .hop for thrnu h h IllYJ lhe fundd proJecI could ""'e .w more people who need It I( th r \ rc more volunl drh There ar currently m al rOUh dally, bul thr or four mOfe could be w drivers also needed. For th06e who think the &e""'lce might help th m, the meals are by a die- ticIan, can be eaolly by th()l,<!r who p,.,.fer theIr hot meal In eventog, and In addlllon 10 mt'"I, vegetablea, d rt. salad and milk. lub- acrlbtn, who pay 2 per day, havc a chOice o( potatccs or EEOC becomes major force in job market WASHJ. ·GTO. - T' Equal EmpIO)'tTIl"Il OpportunlUt8 Commlulon hu become a major lorce for equal employ- _m In walee of the land- ASIAN AMERICANS SURPASS NA T'L AVERAGE: CENSUS Report Now Obtain.bl e from GPO at $2.60 (The PC Wu hln,t.on BuruuI WASHINGTON - JapoM8-' Chln .. . -, and l"JUplno-Ama-. leaM wop." the U. S. popu- la ll on a• • Whole In 1 0m . f:Con<omlc and . ocI.1 mc:arurea, 10 report luued Sept 6 by the Bureau of CenlWl or the U.S. DepL of Commerce_ J apanf!Se American f:JmllJea h:,d a median I.ncome of '12,- 5 15 In 1969. and Chin American f:JmiU er had a me- dl.&n Income of $10,610. The medLa n Income tor all U.S. families wsa S9,590 thai year, according 10 a epeelal report on the 1970 Cemt/l! Just re- 1"",,00. Income for 1969 waa r epori«l In the 1970 ceDSUI_ On ly among Filipino Ameri- can famJUes, whose median tamlly income waa 59.3IS, W'sa the median for AsIan Americana leu than the U.s_ median_ Proportionately fewer Ja- paneo.e- and CllInese-Amerl- can famiUes were btl ow pove rty or low Income level In 1 969. the data Ihow. Aboul II or all U.S. families were below the poverty lev- el In 1969 but th.II; wa.o true 01 only 6 percent o( Japan- be Ameri can tamllIes and 10 pereent 01 Chinese American famiUes. Aboul 12 percent of Filipino American families Uved below the poverty level in 1969. Home Ownership lablllhro U the ,"olunl""", " re ov.ilable II •. m. - I p .m . Forty-eight pe:rcem or the homes occupied by ChInese-. and Filipino Amer- ican f:Jm1Ji.es were awned at beln, bought by the tamlJl .. living \here a t the time of the census. T!la c:o<npano 10 about 63 percent of all U.s. housing uni u that wen. own - er occupied but median val- mark American & ues of Mians' homes ranged Co. ca . $22,000 and $29.000, the AT&T dec ...... of a eve T a I thOU£aDd doUam Thr. a'" picked UP at Jail 18, plu, oongreaion al abo\ e the national median of 8 downtown SaM'1lmt'flto pow r to tal<e a company 10 $17.000. church 01 II n.m. dati). and fed .....1 court If a firm dis- WhIle n pereent of U. S _ drivers ar through and horne criminates becallle of race, residents 25 and 0 v e r ba d b) I pm. receIve mel- leX. age or national origin. completed at least four yean dMitall I 'nto mile nut JOT corporations and smalJ- of JtJgh scbool. about 69 per- for th Ir '(fortL er 0 n e. an In a HUtT)· of cell of Japanese Americans In addlUon to able 10 paper " 0 r k 10 Insure com- in \his age group, 58 percent .ke 8 daily rouW,!>Ii Take- pUance with the Rigbts or Chinese Americans, and 55 ",chi BYI, occuJonai 1Ub6tl- Acl of 1964. percent 01 Filipino Americana h ad completed high !Chool. Humane ways for police handling of people studied by Iowan in Japan Similarly, 26 percent of ChI- nese Amencans aged 25 and over had completed lour <:tr more yean of college com- pared 10 11 percen1 of a II U. S. residents In t hat age group. Among Fllipino Amer- icans 25 and over, 22 percent bad completed four or more DE Iowa - Bruce Iy the trlcep mwcles, It tern- years of college and among Brown retumln home here porarilv Incapacitales a man. Japanese Americans, 16 per- alter studying martial arLs for "Striking head is strict- cent had completed at least a hAlt year In Tokyo to In- Iy forbidden unlC$S one Is al- f our years of college. troducl' I h" "Iulte" (a lele- tacked with a weapon." the In addition to detalled oplc molal aUoy slick 30-year-old Iowan explained. cial and economic data on Ja- e oped lor Japane.c police) to "I want American police 10 panese-.Cbmese-, and Flliplno hi colleague>< h....., at the Po- get away f rom gangster toots American famili es, the report :.tee Regional Academy Uke the blackjack and learn Included selected data for the A Judo instructor and com- humane \\"ays of handling Korean and HawaUan popula- munil rplalions officen; with people WI h 0 u t brea.king tion>. Ut ... D Moln police. Brown heath .. Brown In Tokyo. Copies 01 report , uJa_ i a tormrr judo champion of panel'e. Chinese. and Filipinos th National Police Olympics Beside> aching Ihe use of in the United States", PC(2) - "ho "as Invlled to Tokyo by the jutte. he aL«> learned the IG (. 2.60 ) may be obtained Japanl'SC police he encount er- art 01 hojo (rope - t,yin g wJtJcb from the Superintendent of I'd al a judo meet In quaw mighl replace the handcuff), Documents, U.S. Government Valley, Calif. .everal years Jodo used et- Printing Office. Washington, lectl\'e1y In law enforcement D.C. 20402, or fro m Com· a g ?'JUIl..". carrIed by 200,000 In Japan), an d taljoJut..u district offices. police m Japan. can be Iele- (combtnation o[ karale and ocoped (rom aboul 7 IllChes 10 several martial art.. develop- 14 with a Rick o( the wrist. ed for police use only. 1\ can bt used for a dlsabl- W"hen studying aikido, a ing poke In the .Ide with the syst.em of barehanded selI- rubber point and with a defense. Brown was fiung exira (orce nap bones. around by Tsuneko l'Iliyake, Wilh another ft lc k, the pole only woman to hold a 5th- c);pand: to 21 Inches and by dan rank In both ailtido and thwacking the arm, p refera \>- judo. NOBU T. KAWAI American Indians most i mpoverished W ASHJNGTON - The U. S. Census Bureau survey shOW!! the Indian to be the most im· poverlshed in America. Their median Income in 1969 was $5,832 as compared \vith the national median of 9,590. By contrast. the medi- an lor hiacks was $6,308 and for peI'S0IIll 01 Spanlsh origin Why re th ti g' (This stTong view was ap- ka recommended the appeal membership ruling would be ess. M .J,. ey now parent in Morlshlma, who was be made directly with tbe Su- up for d is cussion at the slate- ••• Many cha pt ers and dis· n1ng on to World critical of Senator 0 a n I n- wide meeling Aug. 26. P ASADENA Calif. _ A Nisei He a r I Mountatn Relocation Retired dairy man heads Optimists $7 found 40 per cenl ot. Indian (amille. live on in- comes below the poverty level while only 14 per cent of all American families are beneath that level. About 32 per cent of black families are below i t. tri c ts are en gagi ng in com- Strike in California In 1969. ouye, Hawaii Democral, [0 r forees WIIS concerned ra U,er The National Elks con vell- who has communJty-in- Cenler In Wyoming where he munity -bas ed s ervi ces and when many minorlly groups not objecling strenuously to Ihan a judgment ot facls. tion voled 10 elimillote Its volved throughoul h is 50-plus served as assoclaw editor on P rograms , such as edu ca- convened and demanded th at Wilson'S caUing him "Ihal Ill- " while-onl y" clause I II July adult years sees no reas on to the Selltlnel. t' . t th UC Ber keley and San Fran - lie Ja p." Inouye shrugged oc but raU fi cation Is required by quit even in re Uremnt . Upon his return 10 Pasa<!&- lon, semor c en ers, you cisco State College begin tea- the Incident) the local lodges. The other Sunday (SepL 9) , na, he served on the cit y programs, and alliances ching more a bout the e thnic 'Sklbbe,,' Land pn'ces I'n Nobu T Kawai was Installed Human Relations CommIttee and coalitions with other heritage of the groupS ra th- C- 'I R- h C •• presidenl of the Crown and is CUlTenUy aetive with Asian American groups . er Ihan Instruction from the Dr. Mi yamoto said he does IVI 19 ts om miSSIon Optimist Club. whose mem- the Pasadena Sister Cities "t . al M i d d I A rI not consider Hope a racisl C unIt1ee hlch Nali?nal t s taf ( akre tjust thbe- e me can Miyamoto recalled t hat Japan going down leaderless but very busy ginrung 0 wor oge er Th ereafter, Asian American when he wa 8 a young man, o( the llewe r OpUmlst clubs Mlshima, Japan . and Lud- with the chapters and dis- programs and many others I h e t.enn of opprobrium to- WASHINGTON - The U.S. ill the ar ea. ,vigshafen, Gennany. tricts to maximize the ful· blossomed In many Instl tu- ward the J aapne6e was "Sklb- TOKYO Th tI .... t 0 y lvil Rig h t s Commission, In 1970 after 52 As chairman 01 the Japan- f h lions of higher learning . Ja- bee." II refers to a loose wo- - e .... m ne \vithoul a chalnnan since Fr. f S th est use 0 t ese commu- panese Americans and others eral derisive use. supply and severe c red II Theodore M. Hesburgh of years in Ihe dairy Industry, ese Cbildren's Home 0 ou - nity service programs. since have shown an increas- Sklbbee h as disappe,ued squeele has pressured real otre Dame Ull ivers it y left K awai was production super- ern California (Shonlen) from For some time. I have tn' g wililngness 10 speak 0 u I from mosl American voca bu- eslate prices 10 drop In AII- the po . I In 1969, has nol visor [or Meadow Gold, =v- 1948-58, he spearheaded the been bothered by ' the past agalnsl statemen ts they cons l- larles. gusl by as much as 10 to 20 slowed It.. day-to-day activi- ed as president of the Bea- drI". 10 build a new home in Could ' J .. _.- di per cent as compared with A B I.dcc Foods credit union for the Sllver Lake district. of our Natl ' onal der offensive. ThIs particular- ' ap "",0 sappear I d I lish tidi ·ers eclowlrl .h John . uggs as d lth th d Iy Is the case with the San- from usage? ren s es ab ed In May, ac- 20 years and serve w e Toumament of Roses oard in no t opell1Og Its sei, the third generation J a- "It Is perfeetly possible that cording to the Real Estate Lite ot the 200-member spea kers bureau of the June He is also a member or Ute sessions to the member- panese Americans, W 0 U I d happen," Miyamoto Companies Assn ., a group 01 agCl\cy was' recently exlend- Is Dairy Monlh commltlee. Tournanlent of Roses Assn. ship. This has now chang- said. B u.t he I sn't counting 189 malor real estate dealer., ed live years and CRC re- alive } 'asadena n and a II t e membtr of the As A,ilan Americans upon It 10 transpire Iomorrow. and the Real Estaw Center of cently contracted with Rand ed . For the first lime, to Many young people no long- Japan, a group consisting of 01'/>. 10 design a national slu- A native Pasadenall, Kawai Sigma Delta Chl, natiOtlal pro- The median age of the American Indlan in 1970 wal 20 - eight years younger than the national median. In education, Indian. haw made advance. In the past decade, the number of attend- Ing college doubling between 1960 and 1970. There were 792,73 0 Amari· can Indlans in 1970 as com- pared with 523,591 8 decade earlier. Near"]y haU llve in cities while the remainder lives ei Uter on a reservation or other rural areas. DUBAI AIRPORT STAMPS HOT AFTER HIJACKING oIl etl 'on the execu 300 maJ or and medlum size . I f h I III journalism from fesslonal Journalism tratemi- my rec e , er simply identify with being - dy 0 fthe Impac 0 sc 00 b ' tive .commiUee m e e tin g Japanese Americ.ft', Morishl- 38 bomb victims rea l estate sellel'll. desegregation. the Unlv. of Missouri, where 1\Y. TOKYO A p8.lI' of Dubal Th . b el hli Pr Id I NI 'x he was one o( Ihe few NI- Crown City Optin,isls have Issu-ed -m 1971 com- waS op ' en to any delegate ma said, but a. Asian Amer- e pnce oom was acc e- Mea nw e, es en - II In stamps tte d · th EDC MDC Icans. di e so far -in ' 73 rated after Premi er Kakuel on has appointed John H. sei to college foolbo been working with the Japa- memoratlng the completion of a n mg e He noted that there Is much Tanaka ass umed office In Ju- Powe ll Jr ., 42, of Glen Echo thai ela. At the oulbreak of nese Y0l:i th of Pasadena, cri p- 'ts International air po r t convention in Detroit. Del· more Interelhnic dating and HIROSHIMA _ TiurW-eight Iy, . 1972, because"of his """- Heights, Md., as charnnan of war , he was president 01 the pled childi'en, the Boys Club • ught the Interest 01 stamp egates were given copies and more friendship victims of the 1945 alom- saUonal book, Remod<;!mg the Equal Op- Pa sadena JACL and played a and this pasl year had over call lors as a result of the of the daily agenda as well patterns among Asian Amer- bombing of Hirosh.ima under- the Japanese Arcl!.ipelago. po r tun I 1 y Corrurusslon. A major l' 0 I e III guiding local 1,000 entries in Its Trl-Star J'M:'c hijacked plane slopping I . tr tm I t HI hi 0 . t Iold Kyodo black attorney who praetic- e" acuees Un-ough ulde baskelball conlesl and 38 par- here They wen! 011 sale fo r as the daily action memos . Cant!. . bJJna gOI ng ea en H a 'W ros dimd a N ne hecrtaonollUSf tru tI ed ' ,n Mineola NY he is a Assembly an 10 1. 8 Ii"'pants ,·n I 'ts annual a(t-'· a dealer Imported M f Ii th t However, Mons pre- AtomiC Bomb osp' e ews s 0 ge 0 cons c on , .. , R' R I tio Center m g T Y own ee ng was a an "economic collislon" during the flrsl haU of thI. materials was also a factor graduate of Howard Unlvel'- e Rea trnansferred to leal contest. pairs. Conl:l.qJted em Pege !:letw_ I!llC!. J" . lear. hospital reported. tor !all.\ng I.a!ld pl'ioM, and Harvard Law School.

pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~

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Page 1: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~

" .. . -o .. . -• . -CD lit


JACL's oldest chapter

to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair­woman (0" I h~ rllnnrl' celr­bri\UnA Ih' golden annln' l'­SIll')' o( Ul" foundlnR o( Ihe Fn»no J CL (Am rlcon Lo­;valty Lengue), hns Indlcnlro 111111 pin,,. for Ihls 1n11)Orlant mil ~' lon, ' In Ihe chn\lll'r ' ~ hlstol') 01 ''l'lll'llllllt O- OIlY.

Momb " hlp PuLII,.IIon; Jop.n.·, Am.rlcon Cillrtn

Publllhcd W.ekly L.cepl H, 1 .nd 1..0,1 W.1f

By Henry T. Tanaka Nallonal JA L Pre Idollt VOL. 77 NO 12 J,'IlJl>A Y, S IWI ' I ~M lJlm 21, 1073 12 eENTS

0" eJ.' a yenr ha pas ed since 1 as UIll ct lhe office of ational President. 1I's b ~e .. \ a lough bul very ex· cItIng and c hall e n g i ng

ear. Reevaluating J L goals, hirin g n ew laff, re­

" iving lhe enthu in m and regaining the confidence of Ottl' member hip, and

Na Uonal J I. Ex uUve Directo,' DR'''rl U,hlo will bo lhe guest spenk"r al this dln­net·, which i. being held at Ul.t ~ new hN'aloll Tnn on

WATERGATE New costs hit

PROBE TO RESUME Pacific Citizen

State of JACL

re olving of the "banging" i \le. of JA L

ha e been bul some of the

Bctivitie of lhe past. ear. I reflect on that year,

[ alll plea ed to report that

much ha been accompli h· ed . We sel 0111' goal wiUt h i g h ·pectation . Our

'Wf set a gruelling pace. ational Board members

geared them elve to lhe La k of i.nternal reorgani· zation and lhe remobiliza­

lion of J CL volunteers.

t the ame lnlle, there

were disappointments and a feeling thaI we might

bave achieved more had we been 1lI0re a tute in our planning and foreca t­

ing of the future. Bul ala ,

this llIay be expected of any volunteer organiza· tion.

I feel we are now pro­ceeding in the right direc­

tion. Board responsibilities have been regrouped and s t a f f assignments ba,' e been realigned in order to

be more responsi"e t o the Interests and concerns of

our membership; namely, community-based services and programs for all J a­

panese Ame ricans a nd oth­er Asian Ame ricans as

well. Three n ew regional di­

rectors, each fully d ew· cated and committed to

epl. 29.

'1'h(' 1923 horl ol' members o( the Fr",no AmericRn Lay­nlly L<-..~lIl1c and lnlc,' "old­time" lIl"mben; nrc sUII being C'OTltacled 10 Insure nttend­ancc at this gula fclc. All al'e .tronlll' en oum ltro 10 make known Ihelr Inteullons to allend.

The s lee rl n g conunlllco IUlanlmou"ly agt·c<'d Iha l this celebration also be 8 Irlbule to all U,IlSO members In"ol,,­ed in Ihe genesis o( Ihe Fres ' no organization, c.' pedally Fred Hirasuna In recognition of JtJs n~rl Y 50 y ear:< o( ded­Icated sen'lce In advancing the cnuse of Ihc J A C L In Cenlrsl California

rly lIUory

In t.racU1 ~ the hislory or the ALL, chapter hist.orlan J I n Ishikawa noles thai when the League w • • fi rs t organi,ed, nOlle of lis member. had reached the aile of 30. a lew had reached " Otillg age stal­us and thl> r esl were teen­agers. In his words:

"This was the group that organized 1.,.,1t and dedicat­ed thelnS~\'es to the Impro,'('­ment oC the wellore or per­sons of J apane,e ancC'Olry Tha t they succc<'ded >0 well is a trlbuw to the calibre of the original leader> and members. That IhIs organiza­tion should continue to e. 'Ist, alway. ,en'ing our people and our community. for fifty y(.= is the Ilnal justillcation of U,C faith these youth: had III the organizauon's rums and pur­pose.>. We, who have since

bl"COI11C' nlC'lnbrl'. un.' now hOr\'C,UllA Ihl' [ 1'Ults ,llld ht'll­ell., o( their loil nnd neti­n ,"

I ~' .-In!:lIng out Hlmsunll for spectAI honors, th,' .'1"1' no ChAptcr I. fornlul!) ack",,\\"­IroglnA IL' IIrnlltlld,' for th .. lIlam' slRnlllcllnt conlrlbllUon mad" b~' Ihls d. dlcnlcd Indl­"Idual in keepln~ till' org.lll­l,nUon "alive nnd Iloln.:" for almost 50:N . H,' hu. aloo ~n and .1111 conUllU~' to I" a \"~ry aolh'o " .. rl1cipnnl In th" "cU"III,. of Il" l'nlrnl Callforllla DI,I"lcl Council.

Chapter hblnrlon I,hlkR" • h a _ d""crlbcd Mr H'msunR lIS the "guIding Ught of JA­CL acu,·IU. In Ihe ~nlrnl

\'alle)''', 8 d rlpllon whkh all who art' (.mlllar \\Ilh Mr Hira. ulla' ontrlbllUo, 10 JACL activlUes in lhe "aU<)" agree 10 be "CI') arpr prlatc.

Friends of th" Fr, 0

Chapter who wi h to rllcl-pale In Ihls I IImonlol din­ner fo, it.. plonl'('r ng m .. m­bers And c peelall) for 1r. Hlrasuna, should moWcl D., Henry KatAlo. 13I~ E .• \u -tin Woy, Ffl'<no 93704 for tickcLs and d,'lall

Surname of Sansei just as American as

~wedish immigrant named Johnson community-base d erYices By .n-L1E ~tERl' pan. Be IC"I It 0 hart g and programs will, I pre- ( eallle Times' "po6$ible ne~aU\ c '" rcus-

diet, play a major role in SEATTLE. \Vash. Dr. I:IOn5 on Jnpnne Americana" ma pp10g the future direc- Jam e s K Morlshlllla, 35, While the d,'11 rights no\e­tions of JACL. They will spoke with drep con~rn menl hBS open d r~ny """

become effective advocates about the ouOook of some of ~~.Ut~e~~ ~op~~ ~~ner~ • th d I t f his fellow counlr)'tTIen. "Irw that "we hD\"' m d" j " 10 e eve opmen 0 new "Morlshlma _ II Is an services and programs, in AmeriMn name," he ald. lItorbhlma ob C!r\' d. tali tics

dif . . . ~ sho\\- a higher proportion o(

roo ymg exis ting institu· "Wby should the lmmlRranl persons of Japanl!Se nnd Chl­tional system to b ecome from Sweden named Johnson ne ancesll')' olwnd coli j;<;S

r esponse to Asian Amer- be consIdered an American and unl,"c '1 than white ican needs, and in promot- whereas I. a thlrd-generatloll American

American, sUll am seen by ing and developing new many people as being Japan- 1,000 • Year

lea d ership in J ACL. Why? ese'" "Yet In Ie rru 01 mr,dlan B eca use regional directors Mortshlma, dirl'c!or ot A$- yeill'> of edUC<luon comple("d, rul . rtant Ian American studies and a.. ... Japan!!>e Am rica"" ear n \ assume an lID po soelate professor of education about 1.000 a )~ Je .. MOo

NEXI MONDAY Campaign Financo

and ' Dirty Trick,'

to Bo Coyorod

W A~ III NG 1 'ON Wh ~ n Ih. S"'\ilI~ W u l ~ .. gntr h<lIrll1"" .. ""ume nex t M ondn~' (Srpl 2'1 I, I h r Inquiry will rl"t\'" Inlo cnmpo lJ,l:n " d lr ty u lt'k It

tlwu.:h Sl'n. O;,mlrl Inou ..... c (D-lIllwull) h R a .. xprt· ... " 'Og\'lt\'c dnubts and (cor," OY( I'

thl phose. " W ll~W do dirty trfcktl eml

wh~.. d<X'll ('rlml' bl·gll1 .... h a kl-cl. "You ntfl'IIr1~ hnvf' .Inl! Inwi covorlnR 1iI>I'1. lar l'1 n) lind fnmd," h, Mid In lin Inkrvil", S"p\, 13 w II h Hob rI L. Jock '011 of U, I "nA~I"" Times W o hlngton bun all.

". 'hould Ihl. matter "" "f t('(fernt l'01\t:"m?H

II" nntro opInIon vnry on "hrre Con!:rr hould drn ... Ih., lin,' belw"cn Improp<r nlld un"lhleal campahm con­duel and ac~ thnl -hould c r-11 criminal pennlU,'

0"" r • • Itrc .. llcd

linkage between our mem- at the Untv. of W""bingloD. rio hlma said. s hi p and our national or- spoke in reJaUon 10 recenl in- Morlshima objecl$ to the en ganiztion. cldenLs In wbich prominent television charact r, Mrs L(v-It' di . tm t ~rsons us~ the word "Jap" Ingston, played by • liy~hl

IS a sappom en be(ore wide audlences; JOhll Umeld, In I h c Courtship 01 O. " tl'<'t that we have yet to hire a J. Wilson. attorney ap~aring Eddie's Father. He. the the Pr , n. InOll" Id

'Ietl Ihe P rto '

Youth Director. P erhaps be(ore the Senate Walergate role as a slerct>I)/X' o( Ihe lhe commillc COI..Jd wrile an now that the locatiou of hearillgs. and Bob Ho~. al Japane e a Ing 'obS{'ljul- "adl'ljuatc report" WlthoUI the youth Director 's office the national Boy Seoul Jam- OUS. understanding a II d pa- hearing any H'Cr t lapcs of

boree. Both since have apolo- tient" d . is not a major considera· gized. . Prel' ... nl 'Ixon', conv~ .... -

Ii . h' - '11 find All Japan mo",. furlher tions ,,1th aldl'S Implicated In on 10 mng, we WI Paranoid Feelinr. Into world mark ... t. Iradltion- thr reandal. He aw no rea. -

a director very shortly_ As for the classlllcaUon of ally cosiderrd to be American, on CO" the commlll<'e 10 poot-Meanwhile, Pat 'akano Japanese Americans as Japan- and Japanese finru; cantlOuc pone ILs full report 10 I h e

and Gail Nishioka h ave ese. Morlsbima said II "iJ; the capilal expan<ion In Ihls COun- S nate until the COUrl decide<!. Id d --, try, "SOOller or lalcr the Unl- He also defended the ae-

been assisting the JAYs same a or paranoid r=- ted Sta~ IE ~. oin to rcacl,"

d d . 'bl d ing thai people had In 1942 ~ tlons o( Coogr to dal~, re-

a n OIng so senSl y an when they put us In concen- he 6ald. jecting the Id a that the Wa-sensitively I think it's IIation camps" Dta,onl,m 10 JDcr .. " lel'ga\<! h~arlngs has IlymlPd great that we h ave staff "I agree that Jap could be Morishima and Dr Frank the Congr and not mcct-

1 hr r "rlll~ rlll,," Ihl. p"",t \\ C'f'k wu" hit h.V " 20"'0 IIt C'trn~f'i In IlOHta.r ,"" Ir..­or rOIJ ~ hl y MO nllllllloll,,1 p t'r hrtlril ll f\,

' rh tl fn rrrt"'IC'" \\ (Or,. !'WliNI ul . ,1 10 U.k •• fTert tho 11,,1 \\ nl'k of .'ul ,Y but hfWR. UM' of Ih. IIO· lIay frr ... th.1I 1m DO!"ltd . th t IH' W rutf" wa,.: P08lpon.d 10 Ih~ '\Ork or !l~ pl . o .

n) mltl · IOn. \\ 111' " Ih. proJC'c(rd llodul Inrrt'lllrte" full y II .. tllul.II , Ih. o\.ra ll Inorcn •• "III h. 0 2~ •• I. v.nl· ually , ub ... lpllon r a le mu.1 h. Incrr ••• d.

Nisei farmers

form patrols to

protect raisins

I wo Elk lodges

ratify change A.' FRM,CISCO - T"o lk lod" In th~ Bay An

ha\'~ ratifted the cllminauon o· f whit,,· on\) membe<"-

p rule \01 • thctr re-cenl nauons' com ention.

Th 1.200-m ""b r - n ~­r. Lodge 1108 \"oted 3-1 to I j~1 th~ 105-y r-old ban

The 2.S00-membtr 'an ta­l,» Lod ~ 1112 , .• I und,'!'­toad to ha\ e I'milarl}' \"oted

10 drop the ban. Joseph J. .oo'a, e alted Il'l' of I h e all Rafael

£r. Indicaled other lodgr.s I the area !then> al'<' 20 In I. e Sail Francl..,o Ba' Ar",,) reJecled Ih~ m~ ban by 2-1

ar"ms. Some 2.000 lodg In the U.S. nrc voUng on I h e

rOpo/lal w ho are flexib le in their considered an abbrevialion for Miyamoto. a university 6OClo- ~~!bl~ as"~":teddb~~~ ~ assignme n ts and m ost will- ~.:res~ he s~d. "But 1\ Is logy proCessor. both were in- Prc'5ldent Spiro Al!I\ew In 8

Ing to h elp w here n eeded. tion. o~'1wor~~g~'1:;;:eJ/c~~~o lli; terned at T u I e Lake, ColIC., pL't.-ch the pr~\,jous e.ening. I sense a feeling of to- entire hlslory of the Japanese during the wal". MIyamoto "Ev ... ",· ludy made so far 1010 -ES LAKE, Wa5h _ The

sees no Illcreased antagonIsm g etberness. The s taff reo American Oil the Wesl Coast, Ioward J apanese minorities In Continued on Next Par. M LAke cily cOl1ncll was treat provided time need- beginning In about 1890." this country and believ"s it urgcd b)' Edward M Vama-

f) larify He said m ny persons do In I 010, cholrman 01 the cll)··. ed to re ect, to C a was co cidenta that the Iwo SELF-DEFENSE FORCE

d not comprehend apparently slurs occurred so close log th Inlerraclol Commission lor

sWf and boar roles and that the "gut-level reaction" er In time. But he also str~ •• : Human Right.., 10 pass Its res-functions, a n d t o se e JACL 10 the word "J ap" by many ed the Increased concern ISSUE TO BE APPEALED olutlon condemning fraternal in its total pers pective . Japanese Americans Is the among Japanese American orgnnlzolion. with r a cis t

In June, t h e new Na- same reaction of a Jew to be- about prejudicial attitudes ex- TOKYO The Kakuel Ta- membtr hlp poUcle •.

tional Board m et for tbe ing branded "kike" or a black pressed by the white maJorlly. naka cabinel decided Sept. II A similAr policy wa, adopl-

to the label "nigger." Th 10 appeal dlreclly 10 the Su- by Ihe Stale of Washlng-

~:~e~o~ ~~:;~ r ~re~ ~ ~!~ pl !~ M J:~~"J~paan!~~ d ~e~ ~i~ e:h~ip~ttf,£:~~ ~~:ria~o~~~'rI~~~:Ins':'~ tfu. ~ 1~~:~:lj!f '~::k~:~:~ gued and f 0 ugh t over Icans finally are objecting willing to be palsies tor the trlcl COUrl decision thai the

JACL . d 10 being called "Japanese, Japan.... . elr-defen. forces the iss\lc first appear~ on the

many ISsues, an Nip, Gook and Chink." white majorily back In the were uncon.tilulional. Aug 14 agenda as Pinky participated in a respon- I days o( the evacuation of Ja- Ju..tiee Minl.ter Jsajl Tana- Mlddlcbrooks, member of Ib sible decision-making proc- Etba e ludles panese Americans," he said. local Elks Lodge, said their

01001 G l'On '25O,OOO- The Nullonal Cnmmlt\ct> for the J up"nc ,. Amenclln ClulMUI L<- ~ RuP BuUdlng Fund mol In Son F'dnd co tl) oc/ll n plannlnll for the $230,000 fund rA IJ... tnM cllmpkilln. CommUlc., members plclurl'd are (from I.ti) (;""'11" Yuma ',kl, Tad HlroUt, Moa S:.IO"', SI- v. Dol, 0 1110(>

II lrO""I111, and Jim Murnk.,ml. OlhM m=bcra not plclured ,,,. HulA AIl.w", W .. Dol, Hnrry Unl&><aka, Vo Hlronaka, Ldrllc Morlguchl and Fronk Vama •• kI. Th~ Nlollonal Com­mUll'" wo. nppolnled by Shlg('kl Sugiyama. Campaign ProJrc'l Cr"-'rdlnalor. Currpnt plan. ot thr' group call for n mld-Fnll kick-o fT tor Ihe Building FUnd Drlvp, Dil trlct bnd clu,pl"r (ulld monagen (or the Drive arc to be named.

Sacramentan directs 'meals by car'

project 10 feed 60 shut-ins daily SACRAMf.NTO. CaliCo - Elale T kpl:\lchl II uklntf local area ~ Iden.. "Ith just a littl. tirn on Ih.lr han<ll - no more Ihon IWo houn wrtkly

to give her a call at H7-4U~8

II Taktguchl II ex('CUU\, dlr lor (and the only full­t,me pnld '!.at! mem rl of

Ical a la Cbr. "hlch pro­vld a hot m al each day ( aom~ no acramenlo-an abUI-Inl unnbl to .hop for thrnu h

h IllYJ lhe (ed~raJIJ"-fundd proJecI could ""'e .w more people who need It I( th r \ rc more volunl drh There ar currently nln~ m al rOUh dally, bul thr or four mOfe could be

w drivers a~ also needed. For th06e who think the

&e""'lce might help th m, the meals are pl""n~ by a die­ticIan, can be reheal~ eaolly by th()l,<!r who p,.,.fer theIr hot meal In th~ eventog, and In addlllon 10 mt'"I, vegetablea, d rt. salad and milk. lub­acrlbtn, who pay 2 per day, havc a chOice o( potatccs or rlc~

EEOC becomes major

force in job market

WASHJ. ·GTO. - T' Equal EmpIO)'tTIl"Il OpportunlUt8 Commlulon hu become a major lorce for equal employ­_m In walee of the land-



AVERAGE: CENSUS Speciali~ed Report

Now Obtain.ble from

GPO at $2.60

(The PC Wu hln,t.on BuruuI

WASHINGTON - JapoM8-' Chln ... -, and l"JUplno-Ama-. leaM wop." the U.S. popu­la llon a • • Whole In 1 0m . f:Con<omlc and . ocI.1 mc:arurea, . cc~ rd l ng 10 • report luued Sept 6 by the Bureau of ~ CenlWl or the U.S. DepL of Commerce_

J apanf!Se American f:JmllJea h:,d a median I.ncome of '12,-515 In 1969. and Chin American f:JmiUer had a me­dl.&n Income of $10,610. The medLa n Income tor all U.S. families wsa S9,590 thai year, according 10 a epeelal report on the 1970 Cemt/l! Just re-1"",,00. Income for 1969 waa repori«l In the 1970 ceDSUI_

Only among Filipino Ameri­can famJUes, whose median tamlly income waa 59.3IS, W'sa the median for AsIan Americana leu than the U.s_ median_

Proportionately fewer Ja­paneo.e- and CllInese-Amerl­can famiUes were btl ow poverty or low Income level In 1969. the data Ihow. Aboul II ~rcen t or all U.S. families were below the poverty lev­el In 1969 but th.II; wa.o true 01 only 6 percent o( Japan­be American tamllIes and 10 pereent 01 Chinese American famiUes. Aboul 12 percent of Filipino American families Uved below the poverty level in 1969.

Home Ownership

lablllhro U the ,"olunl""", " re ov.ilable

II •. m . - I p.m.

Forty-eight pe:rcem or the homes occupied by Ja~. ChInese-. and Filipino Amer­ican f:Jm1Ji.es were awned at beln, bought by the tamlJl .. living \here a t the time of the census. T!la c:o<npano 10 about 63 percent of all U.s. housing uniu that wen. own­er occupied but median val­

mark American Tel~hone & ues of Mians' homes ranged T~I~graph Co. ca . ~ty een $22,000 and $29.000,

Sanc~ the AT&T dec ...... of a eve T a I thOU£aDd doUam Thr. ~Dls a'" picked UP at Jail 18, plu, oongreaional abo\ e the national median of

8 downtown SaM'1lmt'flto pow r to tal<e a company 10 $17.000. church 01 II n.m. dati). and fed ..... 1 court If a firm dis- WhIle n pereent of U. S _ drivers ar through and horne criminates becallle of race, residents 25 and 0 v e r bad b) I pm. Th~y receIve mel - leX. age or national origin. completed at least four yean dMitall I 'nto ~r mile nut JOT corporations and smalJ- of JtJgh scbool. about 69 per­for th Ir '(fortL er 0 n e. an In a HUtT)· of cell of Japanese Americans

In addlUon to th~ able 10 paper " 0 r k 10 Insure com- in \his age group, 58 percent .ke 8 daily rouW,!>Ii Take- pUance with the CI~I Rigbts or Chinese Americans, and 55

",chi BYI, occuJonai 1Ub6tl- Acl of 1964. percent 01 Filipino Americana h ad completed high !Chool.

Humane ways for police handling

of people studied by Iowan in Japan

Similarly, 26 percent of ChI­nese Amencans aged 25 and over had completed lour <:tr more yean of college com­pared 10 11 percen1 of a II U.S. residents In t hat age group. Among Fllipino Amer­icans 25 and over, 22 percent bad completed four or more

DE ~IOJ.·E, Iowa - Bruce Iy the trlcep mwcles, It tern- years of college and among Brown retumln home here porarilv Incapacitales a man. J apanese Americans, 16 per­alter studying martial arLs for "Striking th~ head is strict- cent had completed at least a hAlt year In Tokyo to In- Iy forbidden unlC$S one Is al- four years of college. troducl' I h" "Iulte" (a lele- tacked with a weapon." the In addition to detalled ~

oplc molal aUoy slick d~\' - 30-year-old Iowan explained. cial and economic data on Ja­e oped lor Japane.c police) to "I want American police 10 panese-.Cbmese-, and Flliplno hi colleague>< h....., at the Po- get away f rom gangster toots American families, the report :.tee Regional Academy Uke the blackjack and learn Included selected data for the

A Judo instructor and com- humane \\"ays of handling Korean and HawaUan popula­munil rplalions officen; with people WI h 0 u t brea.king tion>. Ut ... D Moln police. Brown heath .. Brown ~d In Tokyo. Copies 01 ~ report, uJa_ i a tormrr judo champion of panel'e. Chinese. and Filipinos th National Police Olympics Beside> aching Ihe use of in the United States", PC(2) -"ho "as Invlled to Tokyo by the jutte. he aL«> learned the IG (. 2.60) may be obtained Japanl'SC police he encounter- art 01 hojo (rope-t,ying wJtJcb from the Superintendent of I'd al a judo meet In quaw mighl replace the handcuff), Documents, U.S. Government Valley, Calif. .everal years Jodo (~lic k- tlghti ng used et- Printing Office. Washington,

lectl\'e1y In law enforcement D.C. 20402, or fro m Com· a

g?'JUIl .. ". carrIed by 200,000 In Japan), an d taljoJut..u m~ district offices.

police m Japan. can be Iele- (combtnation o[ karale and ocoped (rom aboul 7 IllChes 10 several martial art.. develop-14 with a Rick o( the wrist. ed for police use only. 1\ can bt used for a dlsabl- W"hen studying aikido, a ing poke In the .Ide with the syst.em of barehanded selI­rubber point and with a IIttl~ defense. Brown was fiung exira (orce nap bones. around by Tsuneko l'Iliyake,

Wilh another ft lck, the pole only woman to hold a 5th­c);pand: to 21 Inches and by dan rank In both ailtido and thwacking the arm, prefera\>- judo.


American Indians most impoverished

W ASHJNGTON - The U. S. Census Bureau survey shOW!! the Indian to be the most im· poverlshed in America.

Their median Income in 1969 was $5,832 as compared \vith the national median of

9,590. By contrast. the medi­an lor hiacks was $6,308 and for peI'S0IIll 01 Spanlsh origin

Why re th ti g' (This stTong view was ap- ka recommended the appeal membership ruling would be ess. M .J,. ey now rea~_ parent in Morlshlma, who was be made directly with tbe Su- up for d iscussion at the slate- •••

Many ch a pte r s and dis· n1ngon

to ImJ,:ra*,~~ ~ e World critical of Senator 0 a n In- k~~~a~~W;;f ~~eS!\'~ d c.:r., ~~; wide meeling Aug. 26. P ASADENA Calif. _ A Nisei He a r I Mountatn Relocation

Retired dairy man heads Optimists $7 ' iI3~8S found 40 per cenl ot. Indian (amille. live on in­comes below the poverty level while only 14 per cent of all American families are beneath that level. About 32 per cent of black families are below it.

tricts are e n gaging in com- Strike in California In 1969. ouye, Hawaii Democral, [0 r forees WIIS concerned ra U,er The National Elks con vell- who has be~ n communJty-in- Cenler In Wyoming where he munity-based services and when many minorlly groups not objecling strenuously to Ihan a judgment ot facls. tion voled 10 elimillote Its volved throughoul h is 50-plus served as assoclaw editor on

Programs, s u ch as educa- convened and demanded that Wilson'S caUing him "Ihal Ill- "while-only" clause III J uly adult years sees no reason to the Selltlnel.

t' . t th UC Berkeley and San Fran- lie Jap." Inouye shrugged oc but raU fication Is r equired by quit even in reUremnt. Upon his return 10 Pasa<!&-lon, semor cen ers, you cisco State College begin tea- the Incident) the local lodges. The other Sunday (SepL 9) , na, he served on the cit y

programs, and alliances ching more about the ethnic 'Sklbbe,,' Land pn'ces I'n Nobu T Kawai was Installed Human Relations CommIttee and coalitions with other heritage of the groupS rath- C- 'I R- h C •• presidenl of the Crown Ci~ and is CUlTenUy aetive with Asian American groups. er Ihan Instruction from the Dr. Miyamoto said he does IVI 19 ts om miSSIon Optimist Club. whose mem- the Pasadena Sister Cities

"t . al M i d d I A rI not consider Hope a racisl C unIt1ee hlch d~-

Nali?nal ts taf( akre tjustthbe- ~~~~tive." e me can Miyamoto recalled t hat Japan going down leaderless but very busy ra:~~~s ~ ~~ c~ ~ e~ ~dW;:;;! ~ple-to-p.;ple pr~~t;;th ginrung 0 wor oge er Thereafter, Asian American when he wa 8 a young man, o( the llewer OpUmlst clubs Mlshima, Japan. and Lud-with the chapters and dis- programs and many others I h e t.enn of opprobrium to- WASHINGTON - The U.S. ill the ar ea. ,vigshafen, Gennany. tricts to maximize the ful· blossomed In many Instltu- ward the J aapne6e was "Sklb- TOKYO Th tI .... t 0 y lvil Rig h t s Commission , R ~tit ed In 1970 after 52 As chairman 01 the Japan-

f h lions of h igher learning. J a- bee." II refers to a loose wo- - e .... m ne \vithoul a chalnnan since Fr. ~ f S th

est use 0 t ese commu- panese Americans and others eral derisive use. supply and severe c red II Theodore M. Hesburgh of years in Ihe dairy Industry, ese Cbildren's Home 0 ou -nity service programs. since have shown an increas- Sklbbee h as d isappe,ued squeele has pressured real otre Dame Ulliversity left K awai was production super- ern California (Shonlen) from

For some time. I have tn' g wililngness 10 speak 0 u I from mosl American vocabu- eslate prices 10 drop In AII- the po . I In 1969, has nol visor [or Meadow Gold, =v- 1948-58, he spearheaded the

been bothered by' the past agalnsl statements they consl- larles. gusl by as much as 10 to 20 slowed It.. day-to-day activi- ed as president of the Bea- drI". 10 build a new home in Could ' J .. _.- di per cent as compared with A B I.dcc Foods credit union for the Sllver Lake district.

~r . ctl · ce of our Natl' onal der offensive. ThIs particular- ' ap "",0 sappear I d I lish tidi·erseclowlrl.h John . uggs as d lth th d • • Iy Is the case with the San- from usage? ren s es ab ed In May, ac- 20 years and serve w e Toumament of Roses

oard in not opell1Og Its sei, the third generation J a- "It Is perfeetly possible that cording to the Real Estate L ite ot the 200-member spea kers bureau of the June He is also a member or Ute sessions to the member- panese Americans, W 0 U I d happen," Miyamoto Companies Assn., a group 01 agCl\cy was' recently exlend- Is Dairy Monlh commltlee. Tournanlent of Roses Assn. ship. This has now chang- said. B u.t he Isn't counting 189 malor real estate dealer., ed live years and CRC re- alive }'asadenan and a II t e membtr of the

As A,ilan Americans upon It 10 transpire Iomorrow. and the Real Estaw Center of cently contracted with Rand ed. For the first lime, to Many young people no long- J apan, a group consisting of 01'/>. 10 design a national slu - A native Pasadenall, K awai Sigma Delta Chl, natiOtlal pro-

The median age of the American Indlan in 1970 wal

20 - eight years younger than the national median.

In education, Indian. haw made advance. In the past decade, the number of attend­Ing college doubling between 1960 and 1970.

There were 792,730 Amari· can Indlans in 1970 as com­pared with 523,591 8 decade earlier. Near"]y haU llve in cities while the remainder lives ei Uter on a reservation or other rural areas.


HOT AFTER HIJACKING oIl etl'on the execu 300 maJor and medlum size . I f h I ~ a dual.ed III journalism from fesslonal Journalism tratemi-my rec e , • er simply identify with being - dy 0 fthe Impac 0 sc 00 b '

tive .commiUee m e e tin g Japanese Americ.ft', Morishl- 38 A·bomb victims real estate sellel'll. desegregation. the Unlv. of Missouri, where 1\Y. TOKYO A p8.lI' of Dubal ~ Th . b el hli Pr Id I NI'x he was one o( Ihe few NI- Crown City Optin,isls have Issu-ed -m 1971 com-waS op' en to any delegate ma said, but a. Asian Amer- e pnce oom was acc e- Meanw e, es en - II In stamps

tte d· th EDC MDC Icans. die so far -in '73 rated after Premier Kakuel on has appointed John H . sei to ~Iay college foolbo been working with the Japa- memoratlng the completion of

a n mg e • He noted that there Is much Tanaka assumed office In Ju- Powell Jr., 42, of Glen Echo thai ela. At the oulbreak of nese Y0l:ith of Pasadena, crip- 'ts International air po r t convention in Detroit. Del· more Interelhnic dating and HIROSHIMA _ TiurW- eight Iy, . 1972, because"of his """- Heights, Md., as charnnan of war, he was president 01 the pled childi'en, the Boys Club • ught the Interest 01 stamp egates were given copies m~e and more friendship victims of the 1945 alom- saUonal book, Remod<;!mg the Equal Emplo~ent Op- Pasadena JACL and played a and this pasl year had over call lors as a result of the of the daily agenda as well patterns among Asian Amer- bombing of Hirosh.ima under- the Japanese Arcl!.ipelago. po r tun I 1 y Corrurusslon. A major l' 0 I e III guiding local 1,000 entries in Its Trl-Star J'M:'c hijacked plane slopping

I . tr tm I t HI hi 0 . t Iold Kyodo black attorney who praetic- e" acuees Un-ough ulde TuGI~rle baskelball conlesl and 38 par- here They wen! 011 sale for as the daily action memos. Cant!. . bJJna gOIng ea en H

a 'Wros dimda N ne hecrtaonollUSf tru tI ed ',n Mineola NY he is a Assembly Cen~er an 10 1. 8 Ii"'pants ,·n I' ts annual OI ~ \o r - ~IOO ' a(t-'· a dealer Imported M f Ii th t However, Mons pre- AtomiC Bomb osp' e ews s 0 ge 0 cons c on , .. , R' R I tio Center m ~ g T ~

Y own ee ng was a ~cted an "economic collislon" during the flrsl haU of thI. materials was also a factor graduate of Howard Unlvel'- hlz~na. e Rea trnansferred to leal contest. ~O , OOO pairs. Conl:l.qJted em ~en Pege !:letw_ ~ ~bF. I!llC!. J". lear. ~ hospital reported. tor !all.\ng I.a!ld pl'ioM, 1Ii~ and Harvard Law School.

Page 2: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~


" 'NRY r '1 -\ '.'1, Ptf' Idpnt

n. RR\ K

lnlllrlr ' nI\IJrf'\f<II'.lht-t

~ i~~,~~;-·~~\\'6~· ~K~~l' t~I~,:.'~~~.O(It)lllll~'Ukilhll~\~:t:., \\'I\) l ~C II\~~ " 0 k."., MOC .1(1" "a".14" f1)( I,~t OlfhUd

~f'(ond-cl" P"I\II~t p"td ., Iia URrir (.lIt :"ub nllllhm n",,,,

~r . ".! ' I ,~t~~~ ~~I~~l~~~l~Nl~.~t t, S '~~l(. ,t~,~ ~(I:l'!(I~~\'O 1;1~,1"1l ~,~~\rll,~:' l ~ lind Can da ~I!\ ,.,hjl 01"'1 "ton, JADMn, " Iw, 1"1"1\11;' . q~ f' 1111 'P"I \ Ul" l!'tO ('I f J "t-1 'Momurntl,\p Out', (01 allt-, NU ""h,,, Hptlun

JA pan Lflllf'l ~tJlI" ~~hl~~!, ' '''~·~' ' H" t ~f':.d~~i,~'''~~ 11~ ,t hI MJ •. '.'O'J

N.1\, .nd "PII'IIOl) ~ ,. prf M!d ", ,glumnl,' ("",rpt fill JAl l I,a" ____ ·r_"_Nc:.' . '-c1~, not n"N·~'.rlh tfoAt'" .t.A,\: I _ .:.;. • ..;.II_'·T..;. __ ~

2- I,'ndny, 'ept :! I, 197:1

Harry K. Honda


Refore this year 1$ out. we lllU·t I·Cl'Og11l7.C Ihe dedication of people putting out the ,1.\ L dlapter newsletters They continue to be a great 'OUl(e of JACL new for U as well a, I'aluable communlcatloll. link between the chapter and its re pectlle memhcrs. On the ba I of what Ill' hal'c recell·cd. therr arc :l8 out of the 96 chaplel" winch have I 'sued ncwslctl 1',

thi, I'car and 22 of them con istenlll' las mdicated in lhe li ting beloll capltalizecl \ The dinpters puhhshing new letter included

Alameda, Arizona. BA\ AlU;A ('O\Dll, 1'1\ Boi e \ 'alle\', ' HTCAGO, eIN 11" 1 AT! , CLEVEl. \. '0 o 'TRA CO TA. 0;\'1'1'0 1 Detroit ~ · R~ ; S~O . tiar

dena "allel, Idaho ~ 'a lls . ~IIL\\, AU'EE. ~IT OLY:'>! PU . ORA' 'GE COUI:TY PHlLADELPIllA. POnT LAND, P YALLUP \ ' LLEY. Reno. RIVER. IDK S.\l­RA~IENTO , l' LOl1 . ' Llt«,\ \ \LLEY .\LT L-\KE CITY. 1 DIEGO. an Frano co, :an ,lose ,Al\ ~I TEO. EA TILE, elanoco, lockton, Tulan'

ounty . \\ A HI ' GTO. '. D.C .. We I Lo .\ngcle, and We t \ 'alley (Chapters which hal'c been pubh. hlOg a new letter but unlisted above hould add th PC 10 their addre:s plates.)

On an unusual beat L< Ihe '1\1Iare lountl' n'II'­letter. edited by leteran.l CLer Tom 'hima ·a·ki . with Il.s local history feature. The fir, t Japane:e .cltled 111

Tulare County in the 1890 In the neighbonng Klllgs ount" at Hanford Ithat' onetll11(, I 'altonal .JACI,

treasu-rer Yone 'atoda': hometownl. the Jap3ne chad .etOed there a: earl~' a. 1872 and .Japant'. e Ilerl' III Fresno Count\' m the 1880 .

The fir.t hpanee 111 Tulare COUllt) lI~re 'ngagl'd 111 cutting oak tre~ for firewood The upply II 3! then plenltful in all the level areas of the (o\lnt~· but all that remains of them 1. the ·tand of oak tree at ,Ioone\' Grove near \ 'j. alia. And here (,OlnC the un u ual beat

In the June, 1962. edItion of Lo' Tulare. pubh ,I­

lion of Ule Tulare Count HistorIcal, odel) I a paragraph about a .Japanese II oodcutter named "BI . mark" ill the Three RlIer. area I~atewa\ to l'qU013

Nat'! Park l who :iub'i led main" OIl rodcnt - that he caught or hot wilh hi gUll in lhis early penod Tom wonders how he obt<lmed ,uc-h a name HI' ,JapanI.' e urname has not been established

ome Historical odely members pre ent at the meeting wben . 'Bi mark" came up for eli. cus 'Ion rl'­member hearing lhat monicker With the pa. lIlg of Issei and many ear1~-day pioneers "Bi mark" 11'1\1 be­come a I'oid in .Japane e Amencan hl·tory

Don E tes of an DIego .JACL ha JU. t ompll'tl'd I. manual on how to condud local hi. tOri' reo earch, which i part of . 'ational JACL'. "Work -hop I' kIt It IS still in the process of completion and WIll bl' avaIL­able through regional offices. In checking locdl new -papers. Estes sugge. t dates that were important to local Japane'e uch as , 01'. 3 IEmperor )leiJI ' blrlh­daYI and the 'horter ·tories. Burial record at lucal cemeteries villil sllltistic • police and court record: and census tracts (specific information 011 indmduals lhrough lhe 1890 cen us 15 available' are other :ourre .

ElJ'a • 'agaoka packs hiS attle JACL nell letter ~Ith names and names. chromcling Nikkel actIvities In a professional fashion lajor events and commen­taries command more space of cour e And oftenltme he sends us an advance copy of the newsletter before it's mimeograpbed as be did thi. pasl week to a story captioned "Was there a lack of sen~ltivity on race relations by couting officials' There was more to the Bob Hope joke at the recent l\ational Jamboree at Farragut State Park. Idaho. which was clearly enun­CIated by Ben lIIakagawa. chapter president al the

eptember meel1ng. aid Ben " Our 27 .lapane e American scouts who attended

the jamboree were subjected to racial ridIcule even day of that brotherhood gathenng. I can't re('all ever ml'o]vmg myself in 'omething SO depressing and dIS' atisfying I thought the kids lIere really great. They

had pride. They didn·t ha\'e to be told about thai. .. Ben wasnt 'ure he would ha\ e the gUls to eland

up and boo Bob Hope as some 01 the ansei scout did after that racial joke Because they were bemg ('alled ".Jap·· "Tokyo .Joe "Chop uey" and other raual epithets. senior scout John l\lshimura complained with lhe district couting director to counter-balance the raCIal slllrs but to no avail There was another mCI' dent where the ansel scout were playmg football and another group of scouts passed by saying, "lIey you guys speak pretty good English ." The ansei ~couts continued to be sassed racially till the la t day . After this story broke 111 the press, the .Japanese Baptist Church, sponsors of the troop. was su bjected to irate phone calls, accord 109 to board member Masao 'romilli. Fortunately. the regular clerk at the church was on vacation and Ben's unlisted phone numbel was not available. though he himself was nol spared of a few hate calls,

Going back to the question in the headline Eira tacked on to the story . racism is not dead. In fact , it's heing bred by apathetic scout officials.

2S Years Ago I" the Pacific Citizen, Sept . 25, 1948

Trca50n charges wllJ gJ'cet ,esllgators end );Ur\'CY of Mrs d'Aquino arn val m San coastal opinion Distncl l'ranc15co Sept. 25 • Ed- council to discuss JACL role ward EnniS, ADC counsel on on tiling claims Hotty­,avdcuation claims, plans visit wood studio produc~ docu­II) Wesl coa.t areas Le- mentary !ilm about Nisei Ilion leader. In New Mexico ("Nisei Sto r~") Stranded back Is.. ~ei btU Witnesses Nisei test ca~e hgure relul'lJ:-' urge legISlatIOn remoVlng ra- (.() Amel,ca Sociologist ria..) re&triehon.6 from natura- scores , ... 'est coast attitude to-ll1:aUon stfitus • •• Se.na 1.0" ~ ard minorJtJes.

Hakujin comic

mistakes Nisei for

native from Japan nl IW'1I ·1·.\IH:S III1·,\

«( 'ulth' ( 'U1'Itl\ ,I 1\{,1 I It ltlJpa)

Ult'hmonci, t ' nllf t Itt\\ 111lnl,\ tll1H'l' hll\l,. yO\l

• \lul I ~"lWI'I(llwr<1 thl ~ ~nlT1f'

I\lnel "r hlllUl'ncio Ihllt hll:l Ill'rt'O u!' Ihl. Pl1l't tlummf"il'

tilt' l"l'lllni k~ or Wllsoll nt tllfl Wn1t'1"J(ult' IWIIl"iIl5/, •• tilt" flf tlU

III 1111<''' ,,[ Bob Jl UPI .1 II>. !'oTnttl jumbol (,t' II i , 1ItI Ifl 1.\' clhwOlU lu"n~ \ 'h(,,11 u('h pt'o pit An' till 0 In'~I1.It"·e

II \\'nlt Ihr Il'ndlllvll,,1 bAn qU('1 "Iuht "I 1111 Int<"l"nnttonnl


-­. .... -.•.. ~,;. ,.'.'

#lt o . ·.O" ........... _; •.• .... ,,4....... ,. "' .... " t1 00 .. '" ."'''' :!: ... " ,," ... " • 0 0 UO ~ (I - 0" ,,' .'0" ".. .. .

..... 0 ~o 0 " " , " ,.,

0."." ' . "

u- «tBar


t 'n ll\'t ~ I1UOI1 I hnrl ItIlU nll<"nd"d In Purt1nnct. 01'('""11 nnd o\'t'1' I .noo tl1f'1Ubf'l"' nnel inl<'.t~

fn'll11 (111 nnd I1('UI". lnrludlnllt .J npnll. \\"l'I"I''' hi nttf"UChUlrf" .. \ UC'I rllnnrr, \\ r hnd thr \\ otld .. rumot1 ~ N",,\ Ort-Roll 'lI1~t"I~ \ 'I th AnlC'f' KI'Illy nll'

Iho dh«lor "ltd MC II. WR'

I\lnny fHld Ihr InAN. nlnloOjt 50 tron~ ." ("I t nil \'f'I"\' Rood

Th e E.cr.Growi n« CArd Section Halp.

The la"t three day" were spent al Three Kings, Park ('I ty, lah a condominium re ~ orl pfimarily tor aklers, miles away from interrupllon of family, busi neu and other dally (·hores. not alone, but with about 150 other community leaciers from throughout the stale mclud­lug Blaeks, Chll'anoft, Native AmerkanJI, ASIan Amer­i{'an~, ~dlltator8, ~dminlRtraton militants, cOll8erva­liveR, Democrats, Republicans, political and reltgiou8 leaders. or, in Rhort a crOSB sr·tllon of the people ol this st3t('

'\ . pllrt nt tllt' 1"01ltlnr •• om ... nf Iht· 1)1 I \t v Mill tllnMN~ l ·IIm ...

Oul Into tilt l1uclit'nrC' nnd nkkNJ nbnut (I\,C' Or t· 1n1't1

to All 1111 on lht' tnJ:C' nnd do omr I'ork nnti roll clnncina

One 01 tltr Jnpnnr r dtlrAIHt:~

no I \' ('rr nmol1J! I th... f' \" I "I \\ ho "<'I r plrkNl to P~l­

{01m nil Ih(' lUI::

'Amr 'l lla:

Inouye -{Olliinurd t lU", • toni PII'

WIll tlldh:8tr Uli" HI Cnll ltl' l' h" be: II OlH'I"",Un "h~i1d o( Jchrclult III III R " l'.UI!.·" WI' hn\t nlll·nd\ I' rd 100 blll~ "nd h." lJ,·, In -'(' tun O\'rl 600 hUlil "t f'! noh'<i. " ll ol( of Ihl 'PIHulll llt­Itonll: III P urc.~ had "'tht pu l'd 01' RIf ~ on JllI"lr w In Ih' Whll , IInll r • hr .," -rd

Renew JACL MembNshtp

William MMuldnl

E~I .. ~


MADE IN JAPAN Philad.lpl".

Till 0 rll~n ))\ V. "hll. \ l<kl "."1 t looklng_ I let • . ale mar t dk mt IIIto pW'chaaing (or my eJt on~ ot Lh(J (.

10-. p .d c"./I bIke. II had no dltlicullv r"tlon"ltzln~ II> I J IlN.·dt:!d 0'1(> to kN'P up \\ Ith £011 Matt wbo ahcady hid OUl' ) 1'\'0" f101hln~ unu~m .. 1 dbout R t~n-~J>('(>dpr. dnd that II was a Jopant'R-milkc mll\' 110t

bt" unu5u;!I rithp'1 Except thai J onc!> owned 011(' when I WR!I

IIJ gl'ildC! !Ochool, my mother h.l\'in~ had on,' shiPI>Pd b.c~ Jrom J;ipan. Thost' \\: C'tt' one­bill lemon!', or at lea t mLOe "as. M) en til (. blkin~ bol'­hood W <is J><"nt in hxiilJ:. flals. adju>tlllg blOlko hold-109 Pal·ts logether while 01\ bloodIed no!'e was techni'­color testimony o( mv futIle efforts to thw'.rt th.· .chool­~'ard launt of my fnends thot thing~ "~ lade in Japantl \.I. ere infenor As J sought to :> tem th. flow of blood. I had to ,ecrelly .dmit to my"tf that "that bike" at lea!'! t wa~ In­

de-cd 'Iou~y"

TIt ,t\ 'J' \\' AS J. ON'S "go. Or so it s~m~. Now th ai :oIliek job I picked up Ihe other day operates like smooth buttel and the "Made in Jnpan" legend Is • hallm.rk o( quall­t)· I noiiced that bike, with distjnctl~ · .Jnpane~e name: cost as much and allen more than my boyhood , tandby. 0/ "Columbia" and "Schwinn ." And the people bu) 'em. III fact there 's !'ome lellow by name of "Shimnno" who sce\ns to have a cOrne r 011 thOE compHcnled-looking de­railleur gearEhif ts. and judg­Ing by the perva, (veness 01 thiS mechanism, r \,"Quld can .. elude thaI Mr Shimano IS do­Ing quite well down at hi! locc.l bank. T SAW a Shima no gear II1corporated into a bike manufactured In Tal"an ,

BAC'K L'1I THO ' E: -arller


da)s 'hen Oil\ldde- In Japrll" labored under dcplol able l'OIl­

notaUon~ , uo.:td to wondt' l wh, the wOJ"dinJ! cO\lldn't be modi!led • bIt. such a. "C,..I!l­cd in Japan" aJthou~1> 511 h might be ,·u.c~ptlbl. to a ,~­

clal pun. Or "Created." An -IhUlg olh ... than "Made"

Some readers wil1 T~C'a ll

that l' devious devicl! Wit em­pJoJod some ycar:l ago by lome Japanese export<."r who . ought 10 capitali.e on 'om. .Iapan",e ,00lage named "Us. " But todAY "Made in Jap"n" I' practiCAlly " Good HOlls­keeping seal 01 approv,lI. bo It radios, tv's, camel'a~. automo" biles. l"lcchical appJianct!', .hotgun, (among th. besll and so on.

I F I HAD been born just one generation latc)", my bloodied nose would have been spared some traumatic moment!; in t.he ~choolynrd

W .... I In grade school toda)'. While I no doubt would have my nOse punched [01' a lot of ,.eason5 (as lhcn), " Made In .Japan" would not be one of the cause~.

-----Ceramic figurines LOS ANGELES - An exhibi­tion at ceramic flgul"lnes en­tombed with the dead in an­CIent China has openecl at the Los Angeles County l\Iu5e,,", of Art The objects wilt b. on display on the "I'st level of Ihe Museum's Ahmanson Gal­lery through Oct. 14.

Pal Nakano

Among thr .Japanese Amencans were Commls­ijiclIler Yukus Inouye and WIfe from tah C'ounty; Dr Wilfred /ligashl. director, Slate Division of Mental lJ ealth, Tom I Ishimatsu, professor. College of Nursing,



nil' of Ulah: Gloria FukUi Brady, home economist, ~llJunlam Vuel Supply Co.; and myself. By ratio. ill my opinion. Ihe .JAft had the largest representation among the mmontie.

The purp,0se of the Work hop was to exam me and delermine 'values that are important m relaboD to the family, and further. to determine whelher or not the resources of the tate, hoth in the public and

' UNEQUAL' EDUCATION private sectors. are being expended in accordance with priorities thai recognize the significance of the family

on ,SOlat


"lullr., Aummer or

1 b. .ub-<ommIU.. I '" th~ fol,INlnl ,"(ormltion

• In Call1om a 39.' p.rc.nt of Ian \uden~ .r ~ Ul pr ~·

dOlJur. nt mlnorit~ hoolt and 18 2 percent art In 80-1110 percenl min I'll) 'hooiJ. In .. few York 48 percent art In prcdomlnanU) mlnorlt)· school and 32.2 porCHlt are oil 80-100 p('f<OIll mlnorll) <choob Th,' IlllUr (or lb. ~·t.~l(' o( WashinGton a r f' 22 p~lcent .11 d 2.7 percent r .. -1"",UI·.ly." Slmllnrly high in­cidl'fl(.'t ex..'cur in IlhnoL, and Mlchlgun 10 Ih. Mid-we>l .

Furthennoll' Iho sub-cum­mttt<'"t' articulated tht in~qUi-1 Urs in .... hool financinK an d taIling pattern III minorlt)·,

\'~l" us majority (non-minori­l~ J chaol" Con~equently, mt·

n011l \' school were IOWld to I be h· adequate in term~ ot ph"",·.1 lacllill... material!. qualilicallon standard (0 r h.'aclu Ul and admini.ttMltorf'. h·xtbooks .. II d l"our e otTcr~

In general. l h •• choohng Ings. de I pru\'ld<'<1 10 rrunnrily children. Including Ian AmerIcans . .. mrt"l"ior and unequal.

Itatllrr than be In, lulled inlo (t fal e ~en..ie ot aeh.le\'e· m,cnt. I t becom~ Ulc.rea~ingly Imporhmt lot' Asian Ameri· can ludents. parents. teach­er and admlnistrato... to man' forward in sccurm&


California Aqueduct Dear Hun)"

Thnnk you very much tnr Ule plug on the Califoml. Aqueduct In your column of Aug. 31 It IS refreshing to nair cOlllme-nts pru·ticu larly 11'0111 peopl. not closely as­sociated wIth lbe proj.cl. Bul Ihen. Southern Call(omia is " beneficiary. In part. 01 the State W.ter Project and you may be as close to it as the tap In your kitchen sink.

TOM FUJIMOTO ~a('ralntnlO

I uJlmoto .... taft U31,tanl t.e Ih,. C~1If , Water Commll,lon • .nd with lh. n,.pl , or W.Ur n('lour('" • . -&d.

In our unt! . In addition. the workshop was planned to assist =~~:':I ' opportunltJ~. participant. to /lain a persona! value awareness, iden-

Tb. A lin Am.rlc.n Cf,m- tify ~tandards; and propose changes and processes of munlU .. Ihould no tonx", or- impll'mcntation which will Improve the personal and crpt till ~. I,,· PI <nlallon odal \I PIl·heing of l'lah re~idents." A tall order From of (I chi and t1ndlnp at hI r-inQ'. II II r,bvlou. Ihr,t allr, th~ lllformation I receIved from the people in the th... <'In, \f'ry IltU. h. knoll , the Governor is determined W senously con· I ""n dUll. III th. hdual Dr ider th~ Jlroposal~ made as a result of the Workshop

tal. It" 1.1 10 ,ml,ro, e t h r and hopes to base legislative and programmatic ~~Q~IIYA~(tri~.":·~~m~~:nlu - changes on the outcome of the Workshop. lhrou,h~ut Ih Umtt" Stal allhaulh Ih rr I ron, "vI­dmt. thl! une'lual opporlu­nlu cont nu to pr<·.,all In

our tducatiOllal. Irm.

I I'fInH:ali) my attendance at the Workshop \IV Mt because I was a minority. but as President of the Utah Slate Conference on SOCial Welfare. a statewide or­l!aniz8hon consisting of professional and lay people

----------. concerned WIth the delil'ery of ser.ices in the helping

Priorities onllilUtd 'ro(l) Pare I

profe ions and agencies. Our annual two day con­ference 10 • 'ovember 1\ ill address itself to just such n 'eds as dl. cussed at the Workshop. "Health ervices: Choice or Chance'"

EOC·MDC CONVENTION-The, -ational JACL Ex­eeu h\e Committee met concurrently lI;th the 10th hiennlal t:[JC·.\IU(' joint meeting in Detroit. The Pont­(hart raIn llotel II as a ~hort distance (rom the Sher­alon·Cadillac Hotel \\here the 1964 _ 'ational Comen­lion wa held It brought back memories of anolher great Com enllon

DetroIt .J M Lers are reall~' among lhe most ho plIable as 1\ clI as hard working we have in all of J \CL. Credit for Ihe uccessful Convention must be

n gIven to Ihe Com'enhon Committee and espeCIally the ·o-<:halrmen. Elaine Akagi and Hal Izumi

\lthough many and sundry Important mallers "ere dIscussed and decided by lhe EXECml. most meaD­lOgful dLcu,sion I bad while in Detroit occurred. Dot al the EXECO~I meeting. but after it, starting £rom abo\lt 9.30 p.m on aturday until about after 5 p.m.

unday morrung and el'en later than lhat in my room. Pre ent II ere Larr~' ,-akatsuka administratil'e assist· ant. 'enalor Hiram fonl!. Hawaii; big ugiyama. pres­Ident-elecl, • 'aHonal JACL; Harry Honda, PC Editor; Tom HlblOO, newl . appointed :\Ildwest District COUft­til Regional Director; and myself

.IACL and people of Japane.>e ance;try lIere dIS-cus ed from many different points of I-iew As I hal'e tated. time and again . JACLers are not of one mind,

phIlo oph~. party or what have you. We each repre­entcd different geographic areas, backgrounds and

belief . Bul for JACL. we would nol even be talking together as lie did We were hut a few, among many, of like status at the Convention.









Army ROTC P O. Box 12703 Philadelphia. Pa 19134

11[ Army ROTC

Tell me how Army ROTC can round OUI my educ~lIon wllhout

gelling III Ihe way

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College PlannIng \0 Attend SER 3·03

Army ROTC. The more you look alIt, Ihe better it looks.



Page 3: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~

8il/ H050kawII

Frolft the

Frying Pan

• • 1'O1'01l10, Canada



OF FBI BREAK·IN No Further Inqu l,y

Du. of 1957 Evo"t

at Seattlo Consul~t

THE TRA NQU IL MAN- Oul' lour of 'foronlo hael SE TTI,~ : , Wn,h A ,1.".-Included a quick visit 10 the Ontario ~ntre, a kind of n .. ~ tl)'lb.",y o01cl~1 In W •• h­living mu eum houseel ill II cries of handsom rOo Ina lon, n , " I, "pcr' onRlIy

I · t d l 1 ' Idl tl l I eI d 'AtI , O~d" with Ih~ FodorAI luorce COIICl'e e IUt ngs la seem 0 casen e own BUI· •• u 01 Invc ~ tlJ(Allon' . "OM a heavily wooded hillside . vasl fountnin fronls the rion l.I" IhAI ~ ', B I A~ CII\.' building. and somehow the , lark gr~y texturc of th brokr Inlo Ih. ,IAlllln ••• can­mu eum wa, in harmon' with its envlronmenl. II wns slIlnlr her. ('cr Srpt. 7 PC). onJ, later lhat I learned the Illall who designed the I,"mu NItIA, RISI . r<rrlary Science Centre was Ra mond MoriYama, also architect nr Ihe c"'b . ... y'. pol1 Ucol 'C'<:-

I lion, •• Id ( S~p t. 0) Ih. dr-of lhe Japanc e Canadian Cultural Ccnl r c, Ihe subject nl. 1 ho. bctn Irln<mlliod In of la t week's column. Tokyn. Aulhnrltlr. th t'! r hn" A

Our tunG in '1'o\'onlo was 100 short to Iry and set 1101 •• krd Nil ln In mnkr • up an interview with lonyama, bul by coincidence III 1III'Iht'!' Inquiry, h. "".d. day we were to leave the Toronto Star had an ex· Nilla hAd • • k.d Ih. SlAt A n.pnrlrnrnl In Inve«U,AI. .. ..... tensive tory about him. The peg {or the report was r h. r ~ .... b)' WilliA m Tumor, a lhe opening of carborough Centr~ , also deSIgned by rorm.r F.B I. ARonl . • n <I Moriyama and dedicated by Qut'en Elizabelh arller KI a-TV, . Sr A ltl~ 1 ~l o "i.lo n lhis • ummel' \ hat follows Is taken from the ta r'. ,tAtlon. Turner .. Id A ll rn~ n I.Rally hrokr Inln Ihr ronsul story by '!'rent Frayne: • I • nnre In IO ~7 KI NG-TV

1I10rtyama has been described as "compact, haunl- .ald RA~nt . brok. In Iwlre In ingly attractive." piercing his listener, "with a level 1~6fi. ~ark .velvet glance." Fra ne sav~ "there i~ a kinel of 'r.~o""11 1I.1I0RI'd' tran lucent qualily about him that per haps owes itsclf "Th~)' (SlIIt~ Dr llarlrntnt

HZ R 0011:11 Whon Son. nln lnouyn Clr ll) vloll NI !'m t­IRnd In AU~II.1 lor I rund-rAlalnR ,lInn.r, Ih. orro Inn w •• npporluno lnr a rrunlnn 01 hi warthnr huddlo. nl Ihn H 2nd nrRlmt nl.1 Cnmhot T.am. Hr.. h. mrru U,."" Mnrl.hllo, Indcp.ndonl .. .-vlre . Iollnn nwntr In !'nr\lAnd, \ ho WA' CApl Inouyr 'a mo .. tnaM durlna Iha H 2nd'l rom­p.l.., In 1101,

to hair that's 0 blaek as to be almo t blul'- lhe 10111( ntllelal.) ttll mr ,om~lhln~, curlin~ hair of his head , the heavy br ows, and Ihe Ih. kind or doni. I. the nA­• 1 II ' k th f lid bl k II H lur. nt Ih. dMlol," Nltla .. Id, "ye as es 0 lIC - ey orm a so ac' nE'T. e "hul I con'l dlscu". th I wlth-talks very oft!; it is often necessary to ask him to out Ihrlr \l<'nnl8Olon . repeat a word or II phrase." "I Inn" It 10 ht • ft.1 do-

He is 43. lives in lll e uburb of Ro 'cdale wilh h is nl.1 inel I Am personally .. I wife achi ad five children. likes to swim wit h his Isflcd," h~ .. 'd.

AII·Nisei Army Reserve unit sought

In Seattle area; NVC members asked t

PlIrpMe 01 I h. purportod fan'li! in lhe pool, grow things, collect art " lha ays b.t.k-hu w .. 1<1 photolll'aph SEATTLE, W. h. - Alt.mp somethin g to me." d""um.n~ And. drcndln dr- ar. b.'n, m.rle In rorm n

The tar headlined Fr ayne's slory. "The tra nqUil vice And 10 planl .I.clrnnlc alt- 'I rl Army n ••• ". unl man behmd our speclaculal: buildings'" Fra ne q uote~ bUAS, TUroN .,<1. In lh. Sr atU~ " .a One Canadian architecl commenting on ?lloriyama. "He 'rurnrr, who ".0 n,. .. hy Co"l Gnrdnn K Uml.

is b 1 t I t . I b ]], t If I h If Ihe hureou In 1961 oll~r 10 tomman<lln~ omorr or • Fn

a so u e y s aggenng y n Ian. WO lave a a ~·r .. n nt "",,'Ie., 'Rid h. IOrv- tAwlnn-baat<l rr,-",,·ft un I dozen d ~ ent architects in Canada, Ray 10riyama IS cd A' a "Iookoul" durin, Ih. I .. u.d An appral StP I In assuredly one of Ihem "Frayne's lory continues: 19~7 burllar)'. mrmhrra c>l Ih. S.altl. Nhol

Brlald., I04th n I v I In n (Tralnlnl ), Rulldln, 5-423 Fnr' I wtnn ~Rlnn '

* ----JACl-JWRO Fund

Goal : 515,000

* ---" [uch of his work is a refl~tion of nature. it ruchord AUNharh, ~Jlf'CI.1 \'. t r ron < Commlltt, lor seems. an attempt to reach people by surrounding ~Rrnl ~~ ~.~'f~t!lt7ha~tl~~~~ w~, ,Id·b. r~ .rv I. pI I I B~ 1<0"

th m with the water and Irees and space that produce d~n .. d Ih~ char~. and calii'd Th~ rmy n. or .• I .' L1nno" \ ml a feeling of freedom or of the outdoors . This in turn Tum.r R Irar. U"~ mnr. enmmunJly .. "I \I I 1,781 U

orl~n~d .• Umlnn notl'd In is a reflection of what. as Jack colt has written, was .1 E. Mllno., ,p.dal .,ml kUor • For ,xlml'l. W~ hi" 20 1 ",'''''' TotAl

urely the most shameful national aelln Canada's his· In chArCO hrr. 1M. IAftO, hI. h.lpod mn\'p • <rl'ls dtnlt ftt ~,7S.~ ~"k tory. lhe indiscriminate evacuation of .Tapane~\'I Can- r.rusl'd In on,mm.nl, II h a' rut wood Cnr • holl",. . hOU'~ 210 02g 00 adians from the West Coast 10 1942 in the months I h •. bur.lllo h •• dquartrr! rM th~ men~lIy rr~rded and

"tall 'n Washln£lon. D.C. h.lped n~v t.mlUu throu h f Ollowing lhe bombin of Pearl Harbor .tlll SAid .Iala Dtporlrnrnt a local chun:h. Ill'" R'r-" ( 'r' '_III

• [oriyama's falher, a hardware merchant, was ~ftlcl.l. told hllT\ there I. nn- "It Iik I I "' "'","~ ".~"~ q~t~i .'1:1lo~ cu· placed in'an internment camp along With hundred of ~~rlnTU~~r~~ r~~(I~<I to td In >:;: "'~I l';,rl~lrr~v~~d other Japanese Canadians. and the rest of Ihe family The ronnor tnl '. th. ,.t mono' Inti r.lnt. btn. was placed under guard at lhe grounds of the Pacific lImr ,old no r n,dI nC Ih. 8ull al t hr. 11m., lu,\

alional Exhibition 10 British Columbia. ntil they burdarl" w _ krpt ond th"L rnA • I' UI,. 0 r • m." were sent to an alien~ ' camp in the mtenor, they lived dsla ~aln.~. wu (lftlelAlly \Ion and \\ omon In a stall in the exhibition's livestock building. . r~f'dj.\td \.0 lIabl. Inlorm-

"The experience. mcredibly. did not leave iori· ama embittered. 'The Irue meaning of freedom i! S ft d ' k

often confused and taken for granted until it is 10 t' 0 rIO pact he once said. 'The end of the inlernment gave u~ a new ideal. a necessity to fulli! the responsibility of a regained freedom'

" With his passionate (though enforced) intere t in the outdoors, Moriyama moved east 10 Hamilton whim his f ather was relea~ed. He got his B In architc('ture at th University of Tnronto, then look hi~ master '~ at [cGill University. He worked for Toronto'~ clly planning board for a time and then, 15 ycar~ ago, struck out on his own. He has advanced ever since-I qulet man who produces spectaculars. parado ,"

In addition to the Ontario Science Centre. which was somethin~ like a 3 million dollar Job, and the Ja· pane5e Canadian Cultural Centre, Moriyama dui ned York Unlversity's jUBI completed Fine Arts building. A current project is Metro Toronto's 23 million dollar Central Reference Library.

"There is a romantic notion that a design comes In a blinding fla h of inspiration," Moriyama is quoted. "and oC course it's not true. It's bloody hard work ... "

Obviously the extremely talented Moriyama shares the Nisei work ethic with his meriean cousins, and It haA brought him a measure of fame, recognition and Eatisfaction destined to be known by only a few.


On Everyday Buddhism SAN FRANCISCO - T b .. W I ., the eonvenUona1 maUll­Spirit of Buddhlsm Today," ty of tbe Japon or mI.llY". • by Rev. Koln Takada ha. been I best . ellen- in the Japanese ago. \&nguage with over three mil- Buddhis\.<, .. peClally tho~ lion copies 601d. It is now of the younger generation and

D.~ !I , T •. - [1. prr Co or Dall ... I.mod WIth l • Tnkyn Cnca-CI\I. Rolllln~ Cn \n htll1n I~llln~ It~ loll drink In Japan. <ubJP<'1 In oppm!'.l nr h. Jap~n.. 8o .. mm. I. oU Ih~ counlry.

City dedicates

Japanese pagoda

from Kanemotos m:NvEn, C"I(I, - A ~v~ Ilo,'y p.aodl III .Iumlnum end .MAr wu tltdl o_tftd fI~tlt.

4 01 K.n.mOln P~fk In 4llulh­ern 1,0nRmnnl,

Th. QII· ,,,,,1 ItJw.r I. • m"morl.1 In Ihl III. aMoku Kon~mnln l • pioneer J_rmrr, U In '~I n( .r.lllud. by hi. J~mlly Ind no h.n~ wMr Gov. John VandMhool, clly "mol,'. ond n~~rl y 200 ohll­drrn Irnm IdJlc~nl 8urlln"­\.on ~ : I""'~nl., y Rehon!.

P'rIday, Sf',,!. 21, t973 __ 'AC:IPIC C:ITIZIN-J


To Build Expo '74 Fountain flI'Ol<ANr" W.,h . - ,. n u r m",~tI "In Ih. - ..... "t 100-IllA)or Aluminum producero- 000" will hr hull I AdJ~ .. nl ill AAIMI FoundAtion, I n I I leo Ihr W.ohlnll"n 1111, pavUl/)n

lumnlum Corp" Kat,.r Alu- n.ur Ih. ot)tJth blnk of Ihi mlnum ~ Ch~mlc"l Corp, 9nd Iip"kunP nlv~r n~ynold~ MotUo Co,, · hAve Thom .. n . Adkln.«m "j\­

rommluloned O~"rc. ornt..u- rullvr IIIJ' orphlteel 'M.' ~XI"I kIWI or 8eotll~, IntnmAlIrm- .. Id tho I"unleln will b. buui Illy known lounl.ln .culptor, ""n pavemenl 9nr.l Ih~,. wIll Il' crr,AI. I wMk 01 art lor h. n recopt.cI. to r.c.lv. Ih. . , ~po H . "",nl"n water" Th. pl.ce II

rh, lou"LAln Iculplur •• 8U- .xperW 10 h. 13 [eel hlah

Jerry (nomoto to emcee

UC Japan". alumni fetl

A .pnk .... m.n lor thl "u­

,fAm .. K3nemoLo, ~~, 1~ld SAN FRANCISCO J.rry In .Ivln( th~ J,pln~~ p'io- Enomoto, '49 , will 'me"" Ihe

mlnum grollp expreued pleu­ur. tho wAtor lounbln wOuld h. mAd. M aluminum h1 • mllor ",11.1 and "'m.ln e I><!rmAnrnt .llr.ctlon at~r th. pXl"IllUon 01_ •.

d. In Ih. "t ,II tho lnw~r la UC I nol • Ihrlne lor worship but Br'kt ty ,Japancl ' alumni I r.mlnd.r 10 p~o~, . 10 b. reunion dinner SPpl. 22 at th.

Kau KJu r ~ . tl ur ant , accord­~ O mIlI SJI lonal. Ind oped 10- Ina 10 8111 FuJI I" "nd Shin 001 churc!ht. unlto to rB!.IIh- !'londa, reunion <o-chalrmen lI. h 0 n ."nual dRY of com- I'replld r''',v atlonl Indica", p.,,'on only thow with r.B.rv. lIonl

Th. lowtr 01 whllt, cold, will bt 'drnltlfd \.0 tho d l nn~ r . red and . r ~en 10 lncMred In I

Somft 01 Tawk.wa'i prln­ripil wn, k oro at. th. Al. Mo. nA Crn\l' r In H«molulu, Pompann S~uarr In Florida, NatlMal CalhedrAI In Wuh­InRLon. D.C., and J.t'reraon PIA' . In IndlanapoUI. H. UIO deBlan.d Iht Naramor. Foun­laJn In 6e. tU.

• 30 IqUA 11\01 h ... dral*n- 7. ... ... ¢ t d.

od 10 wl lhl l nd wlndo up to • 100 milt an hnur Kln.­mn\.o bcll ev,o II 10 th. 01\1), ont til 1111 klntl In Ih . U,S. "uLoId th Son r r .nt hc ~ Uto H •• 1'0 . Itt Ih I. m-11,11 planl ttJ odd If ,lap.ne -lyl. hll!-mt>On hrlda~ next

yt .r nru by Letl Hind CrH Ic.

0 ... 50 Vea ..

Th. KlnemolQa amv'" In th. IUO In I DU, • • ubUlb­Inlt a Amo ll tarm alnn. Ih. SI Vrain Alv.,. In 1037, th ramlly purchlltd HO Acr •• In what '* now B6uth Lorlrmonl. Thll wh I Lt. t xpand.d to 350 .cr. nn wllleh thl Iwo IUnemo\.o brllthtn hHt d. ­velnped u l<l)uthmoor Park. Within It I. the .Ix-, .".. park IIIJ' dnna~d 10 th. clly which nQW cnnLoln I h . PI , ocU. I

ProlHlanl church, Burlln­Inn Elemenury SChool, I ft r. 11~~on Ind Ihe Gr attr Sl. Vrlln V fl.. ..."onl h .. d­'1UArVr .

Jlmt. K ~ n~motn I • lorm­... pr IdMI 01 th r aU.", I Ruddhl I Church .. oC Aml'r ­Ir.

JACL Chlrter Flight to Japan


LE.A\lE MI'.II,olll'S, P,ul 1.1.,.,tlo.,1 AI'port

o. NWIo, fo, To'yo Milch 30, 1974

RETURN "0'" To.yo 10 Twl. CltI .. AplIl 19, 1974

1.> 11 J CL 1000 Club ",. ",ber!. """"1, de"""". nl ch,ld,.n .e nd ~ .. r t nIS 'n " "HI hou~h"'d .r. £I! o,b l.

Round Trip Fare - $365

(s .. t4 .... plClt~ 10.4 .1 165 MI.,mum I .. d .f 130: UlS)

"11 T"",II I AIt"'notm, ,,,, by Hen"euef T,If;,t l ~ rvjc; . F&r 1000 Cluh Mf",b.,v"p ."d fl ight '"'ormJI1f)fI, u ll;

S, ... Hond. , 39H L ••• wood .YO., Whl,. 8 .. " Mi." JSII 0

M" M.,oko MIIIUI, .. 00 1",1. Rd ., £d ,." M,." . HUt

SERENITY is nearby at


t_ Hi1b _1Iy u In. priceless ~eritoge 01 re .... r. nl care. Il'ICOII'porobl.

'*'vl)' ••• wympothetie tJIIdlndondi"ll." 0 lull stoff of experionced couMelon ... oll iNl'ited by thl trodili.n 01 cor •. ROI. Hills olr.n ~oc.

01 .. 1.d .• • ood every needed .. ",ic" M.r1vary, Cemell ry, Chapel" Flower Shop., Mtlusoleunu, Cremalory, Colv .. borium. So much more

co .. lot! . •. morl convoni_e ••. moro co .. . . . in on. place alii ... 01 need,

3900 Wotl:m.o Milliood. WIIittilt, Calil.",io • TII,ph . .. : OXford 9.0921

SO much more -costs no more

av. llable In EnglJ.h, tran.- those inltre~led In Buddhbm, la ted by Philip YampolskY. should seriously read this proressor at. Columbia Unl- book In order to understand versity. the reason ror which t.hl.I book

Rev. Takada spealu of h"" been the cause of th. new Buddhlsm In term.. or the love interest in Buddhlsm In Ja­and compassion of Buddha. pan, it w"" suggested.

OUTSTANDING JAPANESE BEST SELLERS IN ENGLISH He tells of man's excessive This book Is available al Involvement with the ma- Ih. Buddhlsl Bookstore, Bud­terlalistic world and brings dhist Chw'ches ot America, new light upon parent-child 1710 Octavia SI, San Fran­relationship,. Hi.s wrillngs, cisco 94109. The price of though concerning the present $10.60 Includes tax, poslage, day world, reflect In man.T and handling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

H r: H r. !.t This. at;W0uncement is neith. r offer to sell oor a ~ !1 soliotattoD of aD offer to buy these seCUIities ~ H The offer is made only by the Prosnoorn,s. t! H ,..---- r: H ~ H 221,8S5 SHARES ~

Koin Takada transcends na rrow sectorianism and gives the

insight of the Buddha-Dharma so clearly to both scholars and com­

mon people . • • Bishop T. K. Tsuji, Buddhist Churches of America


BUDDHISM Today - This book is a MUST for all Japanese Americans regard loss of

r&ligion . It is a personal spiritual statement on the Japanese Way of life, H ~

~ POWER·SKI CORPORATION ;, Head pr i e~: o ~Et:~ ~~~~ I ~~~~: I-jl, Na ra

H COMMON STOCK : ~ ~ t ranslated by PHILIP YAM POLSKY ~ ~ Professor at Columbia University, New York

H PRICE $5.00 Per Share ~ Thft temple Yakushl-jl, which was lounded In 680, is Ihe possOSIor or ;,. ~ some ot the most Importanl works ot arl 01 its period. Amo n ~ them, th. il ~ bronze statues 01 Yakushl and two attendant deiU ,housed In the Golden ~ : Hall of temple, are counted among the nati on'. national treasures and aro H ~ sometimes reterred \.0 as Ihe mosl beaull!ul Buddhlsl slatues In the world.

!.t POwt!r Ski Corporation, an Illinois Corporation, recently ~ . R~v. Koin Takada, who bCJ(a n a rigorous course ot trainl n~ at the Yaku-il or~nized to manufacrur. and market a newly devel- Ii shl-l! at Ihe age 01 twelve, u .. s his long ex perience aL thIs greAt Icmple ~ Oped aquatic recreational waCer vehicle POWER.SKI ~ 1.0 analyze the spIn! ot t.he Japanese people and- perhaps for Ihe first time in ~ is offering in a new financing for i t~ own ,ccoun; r..: English 10 explam that. splrll In a way Iha! is bolh moving and Intormativ •.

•~ 221,855 sham of its common srock ar $5.00 per share. r.. He strongly warns agains! tht materialism Ihat is evercoming modern il The offer is made only by Prospectus a copy of human lile ~nd that, in Japan, ha. ~ive n rise 10 Ihe Ide. lhat people are !.t which may be obtain ~d from the Co ~ p 3 n y, whose ~ ;~l'.:W~~chi~~m a ls, He al.o has imporlant advlee to otrcr on paren t-children

~ offices are ac: ~ ;'1 Ii The tra nslaLor, Mr. Phllip Yampolsky Is a scholar ot Buddhlsl thought H 5500 Northwcst Highway, Chicago, Illinois 60630 ~ and history and a professor at ColumbIa UrIlverslty.

H 3445 N. Verdugo, Glendale, California. 91208 ~ This book has already sold millions of copies in Japan, and is 14 16131 S. Western Ave., Gardena, Calif. 90249 J

Available In Early October


Japanese Secret of Good Health


This is th( Il rst En,lllIh translation of a classic on nulTiUon and bealth ot ll td YOJok 'Ln 'Ind wrllten in 1713 by Kalban Ekiken. Many people wonde.r w)1.r ~ the JI~lne .. lind the enugy 10 work the economic miracles they lIertorm, esptclaUy a. U\e naUon I, nOw striving 10 lake fi rsl place in the world iii ~nn. ot gross n.Uon~ produel.

One of the .ecrets or the energy's outamly health and nutrItion. The Y.jokun, by Ille great 17tl\ arid 18th century scholar Ka ibara Eklken, Is ~ Itudy or nutritional theories thai !.likes Inlo considaraUon the menIal as well as thl Ph;!'slca! weli-belrtg ot the Individual In an allempt 10 develop tolal htalth. Tn. Iheories f,re clearly sound (or, (allowing Ihem, the author. lived to a vigorous eighty-lour years. Th~ book wams agalnsl reliance on med,cines, n ys thi.! too much r~sl is a bad thing, and that over-conSumpUon ot meal \I I caus. Of a~n •. 11 ilio warns agalnsl sexual overindulrcnee and adds polnls conoerning the wisdom ot proper bathing practices.

--- -- ----- --- ----------- ------------------------------. Published by Tokum. Shoten. Distributed by:

The Buddhist Book Store 1710 OctaviA Street

The Spirit of Buddhism Today 59.95 J.pan ... Secret of Good Health $9.95 C. ll fbrn i. , •• Idents: pl'4>O .dd 60t 66r boOk lor siles t.x ................. , .... ······ ········ ......................... .. Pld,. add 25c p6r bQok for pO.'.ge ................... .. Enclo .. d: 0 check D m.nev o,do,

San Francisco, Ca. 94109


Sub Tot.1 $----·T.. s ___ _ ·Po,t.g. $----GRAND TOTAL $ ___ _

NlmoL-________________________________________________ _

Add,e' .. ' ________________________ _

Clty' ____________ St.I .. O _____ ZIp.p ___ _

H r: Just now available in English.

~ r.""I~~§§~§§~§§§§§§~~ .§§§§~Ij§§§ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 1II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Page 4: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~


Friday. 'apt 21. 1973


s.n Diogo JACL pre ps fer 40th a nniversa ry

San OIe,o .IA L Is geltlnli1 ready to ~lebrat<' It.. 40lh on· niveNoan' at lts OV" 17 din· ner-dan< at Holel dol Coro­nado" .u~ s t , pcak~r will be BUI Rosokawn. Dellv.r Post . ""oclate <'<lltor and auUlol" who w I II also lIutognph copi", (If hi< book.. " Lei: the QUiel lne r lclll1 ~" and "Two Worlds o{ Jim yo, hi· d a"" ( ople, will also be on .al~ " )

Rc' el'\'ations {or Ihe dinner a re beinR IIccepted by calling the chapter JACL o ffi~ (280-11390), Tlckels 1\1'" . 7"50 per per.on. lIIain dinn"" entree "<ill be roa, 1 baron of beef.

The Pacific outhw~l't DI • trict Council is also planning to meet tbe sanle d~ ' In con­junction " ~ Ih Ihe chapler dinner

September Events Hollywood J AC L calls I p ~ial election

With the resignoUon or lIlrs. Amy Ishii os chapt"" presl· dent. the l'Ioll,-wood J .-\ L called a special lIleehnl: ept. 18 to reorganize the chapter board. inc1udinJ( the naming ot a member,hlp c1lRil1nan end insurance commt~sionel".

Mrs. Ishii l'esi!!ned because o{ h ealth reasons

San Francisco appeal,

to young adults

A no·ho", rocI..-u..1 pal' ,,:as called b)' the -an Fran­c~o JA L at Ule :lU\'ako Holel Garden Room on . pt 12 between 5 :30-a p.m to belp plan a ne" !!roup to be com· pri.ed or young adul '. mar­ried. single. di\'orc<'d. widow·

. Onl~' requirement is that persons be o\,er a((e 21.

Pas ible areas o{ activity Include hik!nl: trips. biking. tennis. wine t3sting and .kI· Ing.

Placer County holds benefit movie night

In lieu 01 the commuruty picnics of past Y''''''' Placer County JA L beld a tund­raising benefil mO"ie night Sept 9 at the Placer Bud· dhL<t Churclt. En~ene ,od~

hara was in charge, In his appeal to the public

he reminded that '''hen such respected men as Sen. Inouye are subjected 0 racial slur. "it is no time to turn our backs wben JACL ca1ls for IUpport."

October Events Tulare County slate, Oct. 29 dinn e r meeting

National JACL executive director Da\id Ushio and as· sociate director Pat Nakano will address the Tulare Coun· ty JACL dinner meeting Oct. 29, 7 p.m,. at Yuet Sue's in VJSalia.

Miss Nakano'. uncle. JIm Nishinune. has been assigned the task of meeting them at the airport and transporting them to the restauranL

June Events St _ Louis JACL reports on Fair ' 73

All of the 8.500 skeweI'S ot beef teriyakl . :""e sold by the - t. Louis J L al Fail ' 73 beld June 14-17 at Forest Park. according to chairman lI1ae Mar.hall. except (or several hundred passed to the policemen and ladies ",bo took charge of the International Villa!(e.

It was the fll .. l time that the chapter partiCipated and involved member •. {l'iends of members. JAYs and some young.ters. The chapter also manned a ;;ouvenir booth.

Ethnic Studies Friday evenin: cia. es (rom

6:30-9 10 conversational Japa· nese (01' adults are being sponsored by the LA City School System in the Sun Bldg.. Room 203. in Littie Tokyo wilh Richard Sbiomi (983-1839) as inst.ructor Classes commence Sept. 21 and registration Is 0 pen throuJ(houl the <emestel'.


('pl. :!4 C'I l o n da)) Tu.lar~ County· ·Oen ltte. Vlu.ha

~~uded~\ ~~c~h~~i~e :pCj.m., Callf StPl. Zi (Tburaday)

SeJ.anocc.-JACL Mtl· cpt. 28 (FrIday)

San Ou"go-Bd :-.111:. HoJinu5 Church, 7:30 p.m.

~epl. 29 (haturday)

Fr~~~t~lhlno~~~~~:r~danc c , Hacienda, . 6 p.m. "Dav.ld U6hto. 5pkr,

Cpl. 3U (SutJday) Por ll.wd· . J~C'l Appreciation

~f~~~tl.n~ ~~tzen Beach; Gov.

seatUe-GofI tournament, JeJ!er", liOn Park coune.

Oct . 6 (Saturday) Rlverilde-Geo Mtl.

Don £.cites, spkl' Oct. 8 ( Monday)

West Los Angele..--ElecUon Mt" FeUcla Mahood Clr. 7:30 p.m.

P uyallup Valley-Gen. Mt, .• Oct. 13 (Saturday)

P blladelphla-Jt;!liel Appreciation Onr.

East Los An,elea-Scholarihlp benefit ball

Oct. 14 (S w lday) Bay Area Comm.-Gen Mtg, Sao

Francisco. Oel. 19 ( rrJda.)')

T okyo-lOOO Club whlnl ding. K ~lo PJar..a HQtC'1

OeL 16 (r rlday) Sar\ Dleco-Bd Mtr, Buddhist

Chw-ch. 7:30 p.rn Oct . 28 (Su.n day)

West 1..0" Anaeles-Aux'y Wine tutln, party.

SHOSUKE SASAKI I t '~ ~ J OY 10 Shop dl

A Bid for FCC Post JOY'S HALLMARK Tokvo's Finlst Rlstaurant Comls to Los Angeles Largos l 5elec ll 0 11 of ('1'0011l1g8 Cdrds

8U~all~ :~~~~ , ~ ,t:lt t<'ltl"lr:r'fI ~~IJ~(> nttlro J \ Ct. (In \tl i . 3. 'rllfl

~ Utf' r" Ohitrh: t Ilm lt' li . It lt,r 1l11 ~ ~("Ir lll'\ r I Uht th' l UHIII (' 11 And NaUon I 1 \ ( 1 1:'l"cHlhr \0111 mttt{l(' , .\( II"" t 'fllrolt I\"'tHln . \u,. 3\ ~rlli . 1. II., f' f'OlldoUfitI h i T\omhH' lhm ttl 'lit'! I rdrrAt

(l1\\nlunh·" thn" ommbllllon , d .)

8y SIl Oll\1lm S.\ St\KJ

llf\lad[l~"lttllc f\ f' ull\ " , t.lUfItI H. QUl"llu ut Il fltrult '. \\ J Il. lO ,Utt\.,f'd u u I ' 1' uk f\ n 'Ir hul" J \\ llIuun . n f' I '~ 'IIJriC" !If It hi IItdll ll '

: ~) 1I h~:k~~ ~ ~~I\II(I~ I ~t~I ' I1:lr~ · r~~~~ IlUhH" Intnt''''1 at\l lll''' . '1 hlll'l fl tn ~n lWor, II' ... hufI\uk ro MltlW'kl ",htlultl "rllr tn Ihf' \\ hll r Ihl ,, "'" 1"\(\ tltfllr rrwt1(11I\,. ... HI\II) t . , hul "If" cl'h, lh 10 SflU .hlh " n . r~ .\ Unf . fl h Irm"" or thr l'iflIlAt f'. , "hrnmmllirr nn (" nnttIHIUICI"'· 110118 ' :{L'

II' San Gabriel V., lIoy Glfls PMly FAvors C a ndlo ~ Announcemen ls Wedd in gs Blrlhdays

Gift Books Tak~ Home" Box 0 1 D li cious Russoll Slove r Candles

SOM' S hopp l n ~ Conte r, EI monte 444-5424 Also ,11

882 5 E. V~lI o y . Ro.om oad 882 W . Be ve rly , Ma rt of Montobe llo 722-7799 ambi e"qul,tt. Dining

Flno.I J,pln0J4 Food

f" .. pllon.1 Serving

DI. lln,lI.o Quality

I , ,,til'~d IR. I (kl(1;~~ , lt~nrl l relu1'Iled t(1 al t\~ 10 b~ IlCR" ,~ . i.tN and h~1' rumil.I·. t Intend<'<l 10 d~\'ol. Ihe reo t of l~ " life to Ihr stud)' (1r ...... Ilg\on. hlst(ll'.I". the .Ial",n<'. l(lll!ll.altc. Rnd In medltnl. And



8rolbt,.bood R,g."dt In 0", 1,'p,mcII Comllll/lllly

Fashion ConscIous Women Roly on


pel'haJ>-' In \\'1'11. Th. mOllth, IIflO. ho\\ ,rr.

I was ~onl a rl<'d by n lO'OUll ot cw York~ rs Imow11 N~

Asians to.' Fall' M<'<lln and asked It I would permil th"1ll to recommend m(" 8 8 R po..t;!'l­bl~ nominee 10 hll onl' of the vacancies nn lhe Fed"I'RI CommunlcaUontt Conunt!"!'ion. r su ~e s ted Ihal 80me )' O Ull ~ ' e:l\ mort' able NI ~ t"i lJe chosen. but fou nd thul . lth,,1' I wou ld i

CU , Iom Sp".d Equlpm.nl M . ,~ and Chromo Wh.ol.

Grog.r Shelby GoodY' " Fir, n. Hollv Edlobroc:k

Fln.nclng Av. ll.bl. B.nkAmerlca,d M. 10, Ch.'Il"

1331 N. H .. I.nd, Blyd. L. Puent., C.IIt .

96B-.7 06


be their candidAte 01' Ihr 2330 South Atla ntic Bl vd. whole matter would be drop· M t P k Calif pcd, on e rey ar , _

Rather lhan stoe ,uch all op· portunlty to advent. the In· teresL< M Asian." \\' A s t ... d

728-449 6

through inactioll. I agl ,. d 10 BrOlhtrhooa R, 'tIr./f let tho IO'OUP sUIl~e. I Il~ llRme ' for the Mmlnation It Ule), 10 ,h, l.11' " ,fJ (n /I

could not lind an)'one .,Is. At thai time tI, .re were

two \'acancles rominfl up. of wh.ch 011. was ''eCClltl'· flllN!. One openinfl remolns, Thc.'e a1'O InAny candidate. bnck<'<l by segmonts or th~ radio And tele,i,ion in d u. t I' )". The chances of my ~ettinlt ,uch an apPOintment are Admitted· I." small. But., a blAck nlAn. a Mr. Rook., wa, appointed 10 the Commission wilhln Ihe pa~t I:! months


10 0 S. Mission Or. San Gabriel , Calit.



We I e'llr,,,, F.u 0 Shopping B

:l1J fTlend. In • 'ew York I nd r relt thot an attempt

should be made In order to I make known our wi.'h (or Asian repre'~ntntlon on th~ 127 1'01 _ Garfield Ave.

fo~C a~~!~O :he ~~~; ~;~;:r::: Monte rey Park . Calif.

opportunity an '05. if \\ (" do nOI ".cC«<! thi- Um.

I think Ihal la11 ror 1 U'

Media cho'" me b<!Cau. II have always been , trlend of the under~og. beeau,e I am "en' proud 01 my Japane e and A,ian heriuge. and be· cau."" ot my past record or fighlin~ the use or the \\'Ord "Jap" b' the American pub· IishJng industry

In 1952, with the help 01 friends , I _ arted the firs I su~. -tu1 atlack on the new • paper u,e 01 that term. Ancr 1952 I I as engag<'d In th~ fight intermitentiy until 19/.2 when I wrole 8 booklel for :he JACL called "How to A • ta<:k the 'e\\ paper U 01 'Jap·'·

Although the past tv .. o dec· ades hav8 seen relati"ell rew instan""" o{ th. "iclaus anti·

~\~:S~~"co~~:g:,~ =~ I

2 80-8681 --- ---I

R I , G r'


8737 Vall ey

Rosemead, Calif

B 'Q It


R '. J


2 441 W . Whittier 8lvd. Montebello, Calif.

724- 1300

1905 tiu'oul:b 1945. there reo - - - --­


H~lr SlylInll P rm.1nC'111 W~vos Natural Colori ng Wig Styling

737 W . Ga rvoy Ave. 576-1241 or 576-97 82 Mo nterey Park, Ca lif.

BankAmoricard Master ChArge Accepted

Brolhorbood R ~g. rrd, In O"r I" ('a",,. COl/llff/III;I,

PRADO JEWELERS Crown Diamond Rings Credi t Jewelers

Walch Repair Accu l ron S pe c iillr ~ 1 [ngraVlng J ewelry Repai rs Gill s

All W o rk Done on Proml e~

In Prado Shopping Canter 1 123 S. Atlantic 8lvd .

Monte roy P.uk, Calif. 262-11 B6

---------- ----------GLENDO RA COMM UN ITY HOSPITAL

638 S. Santa Fe 335-0231

Gl ondora, Calif.

J 'I'


16119 E. Whittier 8lvd. 697 -6703

WhIttier, Calif.

~ ......... ~


1113) ."-119. PEKIN G FOOD


Cocklill Lounl'

P.rty & "nqu.t r .. lllt l ••

Tin Sing Restaurant

c'f~~J~ll. CUIS'Nl

t523 W_ Redondo


__________ _____________ f AJ~l. 1 t ~


Alwa the Fine I In Mot. Picture Enlertalment Swap Meet Every Saturday and Sunday

13963 Alondra 8lvd. 911 . 3117

S~nt4 F. Sp rrn IC1, Cal,f

TOP TRAVEL SERVICE INC. Dome, t,c Inlernat'onal T A.r Stedm n;p

133 S. Garheld, Monte rey P~rk , Calff 288- 9471 573-1560

8748 E. Valley 8Ivd •• Ro. emel d, Calif. 593-4660 283-3164



Re-roof tng Repair • Ltber I Flnane.n

Urethane Rooftn I" ulat.o" System Free It attk

Phone 2 84-5861 " Over 50,000 Cu I ome r

8~ , -2G-200


L,g I~t 01 Uud Fum,tu, & Appll.nc: ..

B>y I Tf'O'i.

n09 [UfO,.. Avo. ,.11 Go ........ C.lff.



C 1> .... P :>Up' ''

A Br

1753 0.1 Mar. 373-24" S.n Go~n.I , Cold

CENTRAL TYPEWRITER G ""'PI p ~ to & "",.

" U.eel B/o,IE r &M.nu l

701 l. Lo H.b" 11.4.

cently bave been disturbing jgns that a re''l''al Of sucb

may be ,tarting. Tbe J apa· n"'e In America are .tilI al· most powerle, s to pre"l'1'lt be­ing made the victun" of hate


VACUUM CENTER , e Perf .. t T"bute 5"" 'e 1902 Lo H.b" . Collf

I PIERCE BROTHERS MORTUARY _ 691 -3112 __ campaigns

Without enormou;; amounts of money (wblch the . 'tsel and ansel lack) we can not do much to in!Iuence th" edi· torial pollcl"" of large ne"'" papers and ne' paper dtalns. it their owners decid .. to W'e us again as targeL' of hatA!. There is. however. 9 POSSl~

bility tbat b) placing a J apane,e American on the FCC we can restrain the pro· moters of prejudice and hatred from again !reely using the radio or tele"ision channels to make us tbelr victim.

31) N Fenlmor. oMU". c, tlf

1 Nelghbort->ood Con"enlen E Ser n All Cemeleries LiHle Golden Dragon Cafl CHARLI5 R MILLE Or no "'t' 001 V Country

1I apPOinted to the f , ( would fir.1 01 all try to make it a. difficult as possible for any radio or television station to renew it>; transmitting Uc· ense II the slation had a rec· ord of allo,,;ng its facilities to be used in broadcastin~ ridicule or bau'ed o{ racinl or ethnic minprilies. I would al· so make my attitude well !mown to the enlire radio and television industry.

econd. I would encourage



Home Entertlln Sale' & S

12311 Lo Mirld. 81vd La Mir,d., C.,.,

941 -1261


Cu,lorr Grooming All Breeds Rec.el\,t:' Spe,I.1

Acce,.sori .. & Supp""' C ,e Closed Sund.~

1018 5. H .... nd. Blvd. H.ciend. Heighu


A Friendly Welcome AWlit. You at

the ownership or tele\1s1on and radio stations by non· white minority individuals or 24 groups and would generally favor Ihe granting of new sta· tion licen ... to a member of


Hour Dally Spiritual Message 115 W . Ne...,m.,k Ave. Monterey Plrk, C.fif .

573-9569 a non·whlt.e minority group than to a member of the white majonty because the latt.er a1. ready control over 99C'c of the broadcasting facilitie£ in this country.

Third. I would sU'ongly fa· VOl' the increased employment of persons o{ non·white mi· nority groups in the television and radio industry at all levels

Fourtb. r would try to see that the Citizens' Advisory Committee wbich is supposed to exist for each and every television and l'3dio slation in tbe country be composed ot persons representing a true cross section of the communi· ty and not just a collection of white, socially prominent. and rich individuals" .

1 am not here a king' Ihe endorsement o{ this organiza­tion as any individual seeking selI· advancement. I don't need the job or the money. 1 am asking for your support as a member ot a group ot friends based in New York 'who have for years been active in the fight against racial discrimi· nation and deserve yow' belp in tbeir efforts.

( NeW6wee k, in Its Aug. 6 ,Per!· sc.O pe eolumn. reported "Pres· tdent Nix on has sele.cted reUred


1V Heated Pool We A,e Happv to Serve You

250 W. V.lley BI.d . S.n G.b,i.I , C.llf.



Hone.t & Dependable Service Complete Automotive Service

Tune·ups ~ Brakes , Tires Batterie,

100 E. Bo'e,ly Blyd. Montebello, Calif.



Planned Activities Program Ages 3 - 6

6058 Quinn 917 -5140 Bell Ga,don, C.lif.


An Equal Opporlunity Employer

10907 S. p.intor S,nt. Fe Spring., Calif.



f -h 1Vr>." & Chin 179 E. Garvey Ave., 288.2610 Food Se .... ed 0< 10 Go.

Monte rey Pa rk, Ca lif ()pon "\on,-Thu .. 7 "m.-7 I> m

------- ----- _ 1 ~ ~ 30 'E. 7 Wh7:t,~r p . ~ .. MONTEREY PARK CHIROPRACTIC Wh"f"'. C.hf (2131 943-'1716

Health Ca re Center CALVIN ART SHOP General PractIce • Fu ll SpIne AdJustrng

X-Ray Tech nician

Dr 0 A. Maslo> Dr C S Chaney 6710 S" G ... nlu' Avo.

Whittle" C.Iif. 236 S. Garfield AYe 280-2002

Monte rey Park, Calif. 696-0301


Dr.pery Sal", ICu I )

B.nkAMe"c.,d - M.l,te, Ch a­on Dr.per,- O,~"

300 L Valley Blvd 281 -1516 Alh.mb .. , Calil.

BrOlherhood R_g d 10 Ihc J4paf/tU CO/1/

EI Amigo Mexican Deli Also Some Cub.n Food

Food to Go Call YOI,Jr Order In 281 -1801

749 We.t G.rvey Aye. 'n Atl.nt ic .nd G.,vey SquIre

Monterey P,rk, Clil lf.


16415 S. Pioneer 8lvd. Norwalk, Calif.


Brotherhood. Regardl to Ih. j",plIlJere Com11lfllli/y

MON TEREY FRAME CO. Custom Framing

Hand Carved Frames - Paintu"Ig) ArtISts Supplies

807 E. G.rvey A.o. Monterey Puk, e,lif.


BRACK'S PAINT CO. Spectra-Tone

u.,gen Sel.,tion of Wallpaper Artist Supplies

Rental Equipment ~ Free Delivery 716 E. Garvey AYo. 283-6911

Monterey Plrk, Calif.


New & Recaps for Trucks Complete S.I .. & Installation

865 W. Washing,on 8lyd. Montebello, Calif.



MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Thomas~ Lowry, & Ylmlh, Orga"I, PIM»S, Sh--er Muuc1

Mu 1",/ In.truct,on, Gull. & IVr>po Prt..",ateo In~tructtOn & ~ n

PE DRINI MUSIC 201 5. Guh.ld, Mon,erey P.rk, C.lif. 714-2030 --------

KUN G FU STU DIOS The UIt,m.te In Self-Dofen~ - Pm ... & G,ou l> L""",n.

MM_ Women, Chlld,en of All Ag

1S333 E. Amar Rd. '''-3111 La Puent., Calif.


Spec.allsts In Dra perr es

2193 S. Garfield Ave_


PIc k-up and Delivery

7 23-4329

Park, Calif_


Complete Selection of Social & Business Stationery

liB E_ Garvey Ave. 2 80-7477 Mo nterey, Pa rk, Calif.

BrolhtJrhooa Regards to Our j"pallcl. Commuftily

CYPRESS J UNIOR DAY SCHOOL 1 172 E. CypreSi St. 332-0532

Cevina, Cali f.

COLOR DESIGN BY REX Specialty P"Jnting for ea,. - Boats & Motorcvcles

Metalf lake - Flbe,glass & Personalized Custom Pointing & Oet.1I Work

3649 Peck Rd. 443-1515 EI Mont., C.lif.

DANCE CORNER Tap - Baton - Ballot & Acrobatic.

Children & All Age,

16001 E. F"ncl.quito 330-1316 L. Puente, Calif.

REMNANT CORNER Smokers in Japan decline TOKYO-Cigarette consump· tion has increased steadily in recent years in Japan, but tile number of smokers - inc lud­lUg almost 80 pel' cent of the male adulls - decUned in 1972.

Catering Complete Arrangements

Fo .. All Occasions (Downtown Breal Large Selec tion of Carpet Remnants Your Location or In our 218 S. Sru Blvd.

AI .. Conditioned Banquet Rooms Brea, Calif . 160 E. G,rvey Ave. 2BO-6340 I

Monte,ey P.,k. Calif. ____ 5_1_9_-_7_33_4 ___ _

9657 Va ll ey Blvd. 442-1 0 64 Rosemead, Calif.


NOW OPEN Sambi of Tokyo

8649 Firelton e BI ... d. Downe y, Ca lif.

771 -48 71 869-1171

'lli ~ ~~ Nam's


~1 1 .m.. ... 20Jft. Dime.rs:: !. to om.


PoinseHia Gardens Motel Apts. 13921 So. Normandie Ave. Phone: 3~S883

6I-lJr< '. "'u'ld P ~;. . Cc.ndit·on. n; • GE KJtt:huu • T. '


UItl. TO~fO' l Fir


i i i

F."""", Chin ... Food

LOl An,ele. MA 4-1075 1


~ mlYRKO

LuncheOD Diantt Cockta.Uo

PASADENA 139 So Lo. Robles ·195-'001 ORANGR 33 TowD & Country . SU-3!lOS

TORRANCE :~ Del Amo Fasb. Sq., ,SU •• ",

UM EY A's exciting gift of crispy goodness TelU for slim fun. e.<dLtawtt" wlsdem pillS F1 ..... r1

Um.j'I Rice Clb Ce. Los Angel ..


; ~ Yamasa Kamaboko I ~ V- -W A IKIKI B R A HO - ~ § OlstrlbutDrs: YltWI Entt~ § § SIS Stanford A"., L.A. Ph. 626 .. 2111 §

~\UIUIIIIIIUlIlIlIlIll"lIl1l1l1l11"IIII"" " mlllnllllllllllllll"lI1l11lUlIJllllllmllll"IIUIIIUI UlllUIUIlb.~

10. 170, Elko, Hev. Tet. 738-S141




~un iiiiiiiiilll'"IIIIIIII""""II"III1I1I1I11 I1"III1""""""III"III""IIIII"nn,"IIII1I11I1I1I1Il1ll" lIm l ~

§ CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC. i __ ~_§ Bonded CommtsSlOD Mercllants-FruJts & Vegetable. 5 _ 174 S. Central Avo. L.A.-Wbolesole Terminal Mullet lIi = MA 2-359 •• MA 1-1038. MA 3·4504 '"

~1111111111""""n"III"""nll""III11I1I1I1I1I1I11I11 I11 I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I11I11I1I11I1I11I1I1I1 I11IU" 1I 1 IIU ~ ... ~ ... ~..... ."'.

Eagle Produce 929-943 S. San Pedro St. MA 5 .. 2101

Bonded Commission Merchants _ Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables -

Les Angelel 15



l .

Page 5: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~

Aloha from Hawaii' Taiwan's success

with Lillie League

easily explained by Rlchord Glma


Hlwaii Today

H"" ~ lulu :\hka,,~o and fnk olnlli .

Ml\u. , ,'('tUclcn l. len. ned to U V ~ w iU\oul w nlcr In thcl l" h omes u~ . 28. FRucols In man ' sections of thc i\ l't.'tl

\\ ~N! dry the snm. nlRhl " II'" cannol brlllg cllough ",a l<'r 111-10 IhE' Arc. to Ill..,t lh" 'm­mcdlate noeds o( Ih. nrca ." u ld Carl K alam B. dlreclor 01 the Maui Wnte,' IJcpl " Th. . yslrun rnn OUI ot watrr The amount oC use in lh areA was beyond Ihe s ~ 's l c m o( $uppb' . 0 tanks wcn I dr)' "

DrouC'hl MndUlo". Oil th" ' I! Island havr produced

oon'e serious sIde C((CCIS 10 crop. bul h BS nol dlsnlpted water ~ e r "ice to any custo­mer.. Aki t a F\,jimolo. mnn­AaCr o( the IJcpl. 01 Wnlc,'

uppb', sBld Ihe B I ~ Islnnd '-' fortunately is not in Ole kind of !>I'<'dicamcnl os lIIaul. " He . ald the ollly a((ccled arco I. WaimeD. where hIgh \I~gc

has caused a pre5SUrc drop b<:cause of the small ,ize of lht water main .

tmploymtnt In O ~1\.1I Sta t t ro aU, hUy In Jul." . cUmb1n to .5 9 p~r cent f rom • 5 8 rll' t> in

;~~ e · ln~hu~ t !r ' Rt f.(! t f~n' o~ I ~ ~ ~ n o",nceci . The Increa!t: "'-' " aUn -

~1s p: ~~a~:t tr t~~n1? , VCF~:r~~ ploymut dropped by 500 be·

ca.ust ot rttlr('mcnt..~ , and lAt e-p lO~1fn f!n t decru!1td b, 3 ,(\(1()

lu,tl.,v due- t o J~ ' otf. nr eln,. · room eleant'Nr. .-nd s:ub~thute tNcht N

The rro~ eMh tncC'lOl f' o( Ha · ", .U ' ~ a.cr1tu1turat Indu,uy rf' aC'h.

S225 mlUlon In IPn. . n In .. crease o t ~ mlm on (rom 191 1, accord ln l to. tatC' f)ubU eaUo.n, SUl ar cane, the State ' ~ .. ·0, 1 crop. "how.-d • toul tAn ,·.hl t' (Of ~ 1l 1 . 2 ",Ullnn a Of' V hh:h and up ~ 1 . mllltnn f rom tI P PI P­

'Iaus ,ou r. desphe a cut ' n cane &Cffllge. th .. ft: port »:,-s P tn ~ .. appl r 'I)O!'(\cd a <ill . ht d lInf'. !tom ~ mUUon to .t mUll on,

Business Ticker

"Japanese i n \ ' c y. to r~ , ill ~ ro\\' more ~electi\" (' ~ n d the Investmenl pace w ill be tem­pered," financier b.inn n o t old the Un"'- of HawaII Col­lege o! Busine ... Administra ­t ion Alumni A..<sn. Aug. 29 Defwding foreign invcstment. h e re. Ho said that if it wereo'l for Japane.c::e capi al flowlnJ:' to Hawaii. the tate·s econ .. omy "would be l'Iagnating. "'ith developmenl on a ,·e.­marginal basi. "

Political Scene

Rick Edwarw.. chamnan ot the Big Island Republican Party, h as launched a n a ttack 00 Mayor hunlchl KImura in ~ onn ectlo o \\;th t.hrce recent ~c "" ot emb<:J~elment· " 'ithln the K .mura administra. tion. Edwards has asked bow much "eorruplioo must eome to the attention of the pub­lic ~on po.ltive , tepo are taken to nd i'" Edwards " .s talkiog about di5clo.<ures 10 cent weeks of the theft ot SI ,OOO from the illegal sal~ ot ceme~ry plots by one ~ounty employee and of vend­Ing machine the fU al eounty

·recreation een ters by t '0 oth-county employeu.

Names in the Ne"'s Mn T lorenc. Gob M. ber..n ected pre:.s1de n t of t.b r "apane, ~

Women'. S'oc.h:t)· of Honolulu for 19'13-14.. Oth er ne"'}),, elt'C't~ of .. fi c e~ an ~ . Saburo Maktoo­din.. 1st V.p,: Mrs. Jack Waltay.­_, lnd v.p .• Mn. SlAnlet Ikeda. rt'C. RC',; Mrr. James ShlceLa, COlTf!S. see.: ~ I". Miuuo ManEbo. conn. sec, (Japanese); M". J oe Yosh1" ·Ir-a . t reas.; and Mn. 'Wa.r .. ~ Takeh.ua. hlnorlUl.

\Itfn 'anlad. h\\.ernal aud it

:! ~ n !l n'b~~'; , ~\c~\'" d U ~ ~ ~~(f l ~~ \ t T~ ~Wn ~ ~ l lh, w nU h"I,(C'r of th e In !l l itut f' l\t l ntN'IUt l Audltor'l.

W { !~' !\si C .. h\ll~ ~ \ ~ :~ it, f,G1S~I~~ ~; Mt nduftl\" "\\(1 l')a, Id l r(' ~1 mil' (If I,nhulul, ~ "\II. " •• atlunlt ('If Mld .. PMtRt" 111 tlh,tfl , hnve" bt't'ln Awurdcd to·nnt. under the" NAtion ..

:! 'llI ~ \l , ('Ir+\,t~('h~l~rJl~!rr(' t~ r ~)n frOG w hmrl " n"t~ n uwldt who "'Nt" nnmed la!\t prina

Congressional Scoro

Con II' .. will nol hn,' th. Rut 0 1' th(' vot('s to impl' nch I'l'csldent Lon 0\'01' I h~ Wn­I c r ~n t" lI tfnlr, n ep. 1'01, ),

Mink sold liN'll .. \ \ .~ . 27, B\lt Ihe "Olel's con ,'('och nn Im­porl nnt decision on WOIN'Rnle by v o Wn~ In n Democrnlic na­lionol ndmlnlslrnlion In 1~7G

and by MmondlllR l~fo r m$ In polltirol cnlllpolgn ontrlbu· tlons, she ' ntd .

Honolulu Scene

1\ do,tn Itnl lnht , ru ' '' tf' ~ tl' d w hat ttl !.')' ~ '. 11~ nn "anttttmin ..

~ i t " n~~~ I PI~il: ~ p aunl:).~ ~ u ~n ;; . , OUf t..a d~' or rC"tlr .. Cathedral In downtown Honolulu Cnra)'"ln.

~~ ~l~ f" n~~~~~ ·:I~~! m::: J !f~ \\' ('IIO('IU ' t..lb .· thf': mAl"(!hflJ'A pm­t r 'trd what lh t'\· t'flll r d nn ""nH·

~~m t l~ht;',, : ~tl}\~:~ ':::d "· t '~('1 r ('an.~ !lA1 , from f:J\h t "lfl.n. 52r .... ,:! .. tt't· . td t t'l f' " ,uh,,('If\'Ie-nt'f' "t w om ~n " both In thl chul"t'h and In t h~ hc'Ul"" \\'hfln U W".. "ad, ~ \' f' r. l pra tt tu'''' 10001n,. tht' c"th · Mira1 madp an C" . It Thf J)rotH­'''n 111('(1 tl ,f'm.C"l\ .. ot U'l(' o\tt Ro(' Commlttu tor Equal RU t !!: tor WOfn rn


,a ' John 8"rn. ",, ' nam e-d 10 p t' f'IIOn s to tal. bnarc1. anet cnm .. Thlplo n!\: . " follo\\ !: ~ 1411 111 1::0-, iron m e"I\U'1 Council lla t:'h " .. l Chr ist , Drnn'. 'Hlm l... . ~'ntoht.a U ll tl1l0rl ' Ka m ('h. ",~ h a Da'- Cttl~ .

hrntion COOlml lon -John Xaoua, Jr In Ktnnu l( "T1lMl l1, . In. I nn . a ret prrk tn • CharlC"1I Kanoho, Ad 'i!5ary C mmtJ ton ~n Pe lief· d t' _ H lrocht 1ltt'Nt.: Natural Al'u Rt .f"n· ... ~ . 'f'm ("nmml Inn ~ n. m() H ard~' • K flU,,1 Count · 1 IbraM' Commlulnn- Ra' am F~ n l

ton, . Johl1 nUf"", hili .. nnnoun(,f"d lOt ~ rlm An polntnl f' nt - of n tnt m r :nbt n tn St.a tf": board. . net

CO~:JS!~d D ~h1ttd' H ~ ~~b ; ~ Com!'r\t. Inn 10 p ro",nt ~ n\t(lm'l Ltrblatlon: th f R. \ Trancn tan· ut'l. "n.. Ktmho f"'uJloka, Ya ~ and ra tchl Uemura Com ..

MI .. -Jon on Actnl, • '" Ptl,.Ub paId In.. n.. 'Moll" Chur and

Robt'rt Glhnn, t.t t Foundation on CUlture and ttl .. Arl .


T n urlf,h If! n a .11 '111 ,tr n .. rdJ, Cor numbtn and '5rw"ndln l'l

thi!!! ·" Ar hut mnt Ilkt'1 IJ1 not ("Ombln l! to SUr04 t t Df.ft ,. D~pI ft. top doUar ('Ontrlbutor 10 aawalt' noryl Thi. Is a~rd· in ,"0 \\' M lt~· Ht1Ie'oda1'l1 ('of t t- " Bank of R.: 'aU fOlt u \d the' .. ~ C"f"lrrattd 20 ~ r Cf'nt 11'0" th tn ;oloQION. to abnut , .. mllUan i "

19:73. would ha, e U\l.ht and fur­f',,~d mUuary _pendln, If tt " l.tt "' r had h t ld I' t ad •

Tour bu. dn\' " .... ld t ,. ",,"Ould f'("t\J,. ,. to cam' tourtJU to t h e' Palynulan ulrunl f' n1 n In lA1P unlt'!S an Impa"" t" b rokrn 0 \ (Of who wtu pay for It' , ~ lr poliN­t r1.I Tt,.,. rb be-ran .. I t t" d rh complai ned ahnu t unh'lIn. URtd 1ndl\'ldu.h 'who ha f' J,u.n f iS thr bu r~ a \ti t ,' 9<\nct t hf'lr " .)' 110nl O.hu'!,; Windward md r .

Sports Scene BJ len ... , N'IndtUflt ' rf" u, t '0. tlo - nf tt- ~ nf"

nata". Stad ium now undtr ~n· ~('t!on Aur %l l1':e ,.un to", tht' ~eUoru of .r.:b by t h f'lr rootl and } ur1ed ,r !2-ton ~I" back to of'Irth .·0 OTlf' ,,'al In ure-ct. St.atf' omel.lI haw' tn_tli that the $O,OOO·;.u "a41um ,,,,ill b t ~Id" In mld-. tareh. In urr. t' for tbr liawaJl l!!!landt' ba! f'b.U ra ·

n. But construction ot5cial" c:t)n­lA!'nd that It cannat be eompJdf"d unttl n t' tirrl .. aller that .

Je'"c KubauJua of Hawaii W8.' demoted from komu$ubi rank to forth- raoked rnaega­shira in the new Japan"". sumo \\TrsUing rating. an­nounced Aug 26. Kubaulua lost his komusbi """iUon wheo he flrilihed the 'a~oya lour­nament with a 3- 10 reeord In July

[tI 1I\.ClI\iJ)


J1GriS /.5' the c1j/lfrfll(/

3630 V . ",t-,IW BIV(l . • c·,.: aw c .(j "' ~ 'l<

Los .Nlge es, CallI 90008

(2'3) 299-211 e


11.30·3 p.m. Luncheon, 3- 10 p.m D'nner Nude & Semi-Nude Enterta Inment Closed Sundays - A ir·Cond it ioned

Nlohld.1 lII ' h St.h",,1 uf '10-ky o dalrntr cl Hllo IIIRh Vlk inal, 24 .. H . ll1 nn Inh'rnn­Iiollni roolllol\ ~lll"" pill),"" III Hllo AlI i!. 20 bolOl 0 I ,000 ro n~ . 'rhe . moll. r bu t (00101' ' rokyo pl "y o . · ~ domlnll l,," th ~ . 111 11«­tic • • Ill.ludh," IIl'sl down with • 13·9 rd"o.

Univ. of Hawaii

1'110 niv . or 110wIIII 'I lion · r • • hIOIlI luitioll 100 nppnrclI l­Iv will be uphrld . nerordln" to ,; r ~d(' ro l com t tlr I:odnn 1!-;8uru AUR. 27. ' I' he rullllll (It'nll ' I,r clftenlly \\1111 whNI",,· Ihere WN "uOldt' lI t cOll8l1tu\iono l quesllons 10 be hcnrd 10 motll o dorl. lon Irom • 1Ill' -judae roderol COli"!. The nom'. Ident ler I. $080 tor Ihe Y' ar durin" whIch Il\c . Iudcnl. qunllr.v no • csidcnh b)' . howln" ,., 1-dency throuah vollnll 01' poy­Inll . Inle Inxes nnd . imll.r methods. 1'hr "C ~ ldrnt tce 18 170 A )CAr

Deaths 1), . _mu,,1 \\ alll _. M. " hh "n·

dear.d h'mltlt to th f: ("(Immunit y durin. <40 yu rt Ct t dfd l(ll\lnn tn tt hulth and '\ ,,It.u', died Au • . 3.' In Ka ual . r ""rl y In ,DlI It ,. hfl ­c.me PllrllYl f'd t1f'lnw Iht \\'"hl Col1o" In. an ('II,,, ,allnn , l\ut dfl ­

('IU .. 'hb hand It "'r, hfl conllnu .. ct to f; (!I'" the' ('(lmmunll~

Pollery fragments

in Sasebo may be

oldest in Japan !' .... -EBO. • •• 8 . kl r ­chenloRls probml In eA r at the tool of It EboshldAkr In rub llrban n, cbo hA 'r fou nd t raJ:l1l.n' of Tol')'\'· mo n dokl (br an - poll<-rnNl I .. arlhenWRr w hie h "' p ron 10 b<: J a p an'~ oldl! t

boul l O p' "crr found Au 15 by 0 team I. d b

ui\ltll A' Q 01 Koku,8kulO University In 0 layer b<:nca the stralum "h,,.. r cnrUer It 1960 earthen, 'orc was found And confirmed through radlo­aetl\'lly m uurcmtnl to b<: 12.700 Y f' old.

The pI .. arc bt'he, Nt to dale back 10 Ihe <srli I alB.:e o! nrolllhlc Jomon cra ot aboul 13,000 Han a&:o The SUrrAC bore tho ~ur of b<:ans ach measuring 7 10 8 mm; lor. and 3 0 • mm. ,\1d<

Jom Ihe JACL

It' IP.b:J, ' I'ulwftll Ark'i 'r ill \vUIl won Ib rln ~ l In lN nnUon­AI I.lttle Len Alle ch nmplon. hlp In I POD nt \Vllll nmapotl , P • . , II h"A 11000100 n nnUonnl o, · " ,. ~

nnd th .. tenml Irom ho.·o h n' t ~ 1ll0nopoli7('d Ih. I"n,' F.Oft I U\I(' nltd won Ihr World :-iNI.. 10\1\' ot Ihe 10.1 th" YM1', ""rordln" 10 " I-Ion . how, .pok •• mnn lor the 'r al­wnn Amo lr ur aoprboll A".n.

"IV~ wcleomr Ihe Inv • • Ii­lIulln" eommit lrc'. ,,1. 11 th l' rnll." h ~ ndd ~d , !lund Are con­IIdenl Ihol when It b.comr. lomlil.r wllh Ih. .IIURllon hCl'e 011 double wli l be dla­polled ..

MAllY AmorlcAn pla) t "" conch . nnd volunl •• r of­lIc1nl. could not bolle"e IUch n .kllied ttnm could be pro­duced wllhoul vlolAlInl Llltl ~ Lenlruo rcaulntlon.. I, MI monlh , T.t",an .co1'ed 07 1'\'"" In Ihrre 110"'.' while II1vln8 up no nln. and no hI. In rewrilln" Ihe record book .

Sa me Rtn,on.

8A ~ b oll oUlclalo no l~ the unit ot LIttle Lcoll\lc orlllnl· 7nllon In 1'olwon I. Ihe .chnn) rRlhcr Ihnn communlly Th ~ ,'RSon larlA eRrly to allow

time lor Ir a vel ov r r~e.s . Th . ,ml-troplcal wCRlher aloo provIde_ " car- round playlnl lI tn ~

·\ noth. r .... on . tho, .dd, I thRt )'oun~ 1<" " n r ~ u •• d 10 .,ceopllng dbrlplln • . drill hard In W", fundnm n lala undor a t rlc t conch rnth r IhAn ltaln ­

Inl b)' prnctlc. 110m ....

AR r bn ll \\'08 introduc, d b Ih. ,rftpRnr.c In TAtwAn br­lor \vW2 It r II Into rrlativt r cllp , un lll 1968, 'hen a h Ighly tOUlt'<l Lltt l ~ L.allUt from Japau \\' , aoo ndly d -Icalrd by • up of Talwan­c " from A mounl&ln "l11al'



TOKYO Th _ EducaU .lIn tl') h. .kMl 15 pub IWlII\jI 1Irm. to re,'1 r hool \l ... d aUna with th~ mtn­lBlly rclardMl.

T h mentally rclanll'd Is d er1b a h' editarr nAtU~1 I' In\,AUd. or moran ' althoullh r n l Ih r . con-Idrr othr rwUe. n,. EducIUon l ln1i lr,.

uPporUnll In a pP<'al mod. b docto Ind mmUlI htal

P' wbo declar. the d~ ­crlpUon.' a ml'lradln. I n ,nappnoprlatc


The Art 01 Self Defense Pro ale o r uroup Lc son ~

en Women. Ch drcn o f II Al:e

4S22', 2 ROleme.d 8lvd. 69S-9 31 8

P,CO Rivera , Ca li f.



Free De l, ery to Your Home

7938 VICki Dr. 692-0341 Whittier, Ca li f.


Cornplet f Autorno IVI Rtpilr Tunt·Upc Bra~ e • Tlr ..

8.lter ~ '"

13070 E Vati.r 81_d. La Putnl., Ca lif

330· 8$63

BrOlhtritnt J R(6"ds 10 Ib t }4(> rJl CO" r r ';1'1


FOI' 'nforfThttlo

Call 448· 0810

k for M M urdona

4SSS Mu" ... t A_ •• ROlemud, e.l.f.

B'Q//;,,/;004 Reg."Il 10 tbr }apal1ru Comm lilly


429 No Garfield Monte rey Pa rk, Calif.

573· 3967


Emergency l ock S er YICI

Truck Fully Loaded EqUIpment to Your Home

OfflC • • FaCiory

514 E. Valloy 8t_d. 288 ·4850 San G.Jbrjel, Calif.




1 SSOl E. Alican te Rd . La Mirada, Cal if.


B'Olhrf't.!oN/ R'g4rd, II) ", }4pJnrJt Co", ,,,,,,,;I;



Mon Fu 10'.m 9 p.m. Sal & Sun. lO a .m. I I p.m.

321 N. ""UII A ... Coyin •• Calif.


Res. le. Income PropertIes Member of the

Multiple LI , tlng Service

1309 E. Alo,'., Gle ndora

963 ·4188

294 E. f oolhllt 8Ivd., Arudia

3S 8·3251


2 548 W. Main Alhambra, Calif.



82S E .Valley, South San Gabrie l, Calif. 288·7412

Hon." & Oe""ndable Service Com plet e Auto Repair Cenfer

A ir Cond it ioning Special ist BoardinO & Grooming

214 N. Aspan Ave.


Resales & I nveslment Propert ies

10S50 S. Carmenita 941 -3201

Whittie r, Calif .


3282 S. Beach Blvd. 691 .2241

656S E. Olympic ElSt Los Ang el.,s, C.l if.


Contact Red for Informat jon

2440 N. Du,l .. El Monte, Calif.

444· 8880 --- - ----

Azusa, Calif.



2137 S. Haclond. 8lvd. Hacionda Heigh" . C.Iif.

333.241 S

Adventist Convalescent Hospital

Contact Mr Johnson f r Informal ton

BOOK REVIEW: Allan Beekman

Fight Against Injustice

·Aur· ORNIA- II'Jll:.flll 1 ' 1U ~ TWAIN DID IIfEET, b, Ann. Lolli., MI.mlllan , 28J pp., 11,9G.

Ono dn), In M"y l OSe, S.muel 13rRnnftn w Alk.d the Itreeu or Sun F"onoloco wllvJ ng • bollle ot du. t Ind IMull"" "OOIdI Goldl ~ 'ro rn Ih~ AmMI. nn Rlv.rl"

Lon(( be lOin Ihll incldrn l, ----------- ­

Chari.. McCab. R.altor

Op.n Mond.y ~ und.y

9 • m .. 5:30 p.m. Muillpil LI,lIng' . R ... I.

InYlltm.nt P,opertJea

1 un I . Whlttl ... Iv • • Whhtl .. , Calif.


IJrnlh"hQo4 RI~M41 10 Ih, }apllnlll Community

'AC"IC CITIZIN-S Friday, Sept, 21, 1973


• 81UlneA Opportonll7 ' 010, hod l u, peet d thr r x lft t ene. ot /lold In thr loli 01

oillornin . Som. hlld cv.n pr04! I,ootnd tor It, bu l hod Rolned Hlll nll .twnrd.

eRn tI_, ov,.... Monle,.y, pro­cl. lmln(( Cnllto''lli. to b. • pnr t ot Ihe Un lt...d Slnte •• Cn lltornln rn"", rd Ihe Union o. n IrP .tnte AUII. 9, 18~0 , .rtM Ih. d l,covny of ,old.

FRANKIE MOORE'S LIQUOR In 1042, aold h nel born dll­

cove.' d ncor l.,aft AnK I (· ~ • bul U,. tli lcovet/, ot r AI Im­portl"'C' WI~ tM OM pro­cl almod by Brannnn Jnn. 24, 1848, whll. bulldln R n mlll-• nee On U,. Rou lh tOl k 01 Ih. Amrrlcln Rlvor nrn r Colom ll , J .mcI W. Maraholl ,li lcovered cold tlnku. 11. nnd hla Ill ·

.ocln .... a t tlr,t trl.d to k .... p th. dl.cov. ry .. erNt bul nI · mon Iprrnd Ind Ikeptlc. I cotfod

Unnble 10 re. il t contound­In8 . kepUoo, the d llcovrr.r produced aold nuu.t. tor In I pectlon . In eon •• qurnoo. Itold I.ekerl be nn nrrlvln" In Ih. oren, ftl t lrat k.epln. th Ir In­tcntlonl •• errl to lV.r t rldI ­cui.

Brannan h ad ,.,.,11>0 to . n· cou r n"~ . uch .... rl".I., h. rAn n aenr ra l . t o. ~ In Ih, oren. An.r tl ra t .. ceru lnln, thol th. ,old depoolll ere rxl.n­.Ive, he h od lold ih IU ff lcl cnt ,00<11 to .upply I n Ann), o t 80ld M'kero. Now h. w .. publlcl. ln, Ihe lind to lur . cu.tomcra lo hll Ito .... .

Oold fove r felled Snn Fron­cl co. To Join th. qur l, . oldltr drl.rll'd theIr pOlU., ..men thtlr .hlpl. tarm,,"

their tarml, mt rchnnu thr ir lor .. nnd JudI" thrlr b onch

Th. t.v., IJ)ru d: 80,000 men N'ncht d th. PleWc coast In 1849 - aboul three-lourth. of them Amtrlcln.

B.tor. Iht gold ruIh. Call­fomll hid rtpo.rd In lonl. ­Won . To prreludr occupatIon 01 the ""Ion by Enlland .nd Ru. I • . who mllrht u .. 1\ .. • ba.~ to men... 1""leo.

pal" h.d occupl.d C.llfomla In th 18th cmlury panlsh mln lon .rI .. hnd built. chaln ot ml slona, lound.d on ."

nomy of Alrrlcullur. and eMU. rahlll, and dJr e cl~d ta­" lTd. Chrl.uanlalnl and do­me !I.alln, lb . naU". (n­dian.

F rorn Ihe br f lnnln(( ot th. Amrrlcon Imm ((m llon, C.II­tomlon. brhAvt(! bnrbnroully loword mlnorlllr • . Newcom . ... .nw nO dltfcrene. betwe.n Ihe ('nil lomlo In dl .nl .nd the wntllke Irlb.. W'AI hDd hA ­rn .ed thr .ottio.. on theIr ""rlond joum. y. Wh ir.. oeJ.­\I .... took IRvn((e reprl .. JI on thn Indlnnl tor roal or !anolf'd Jlrl.vnncr~ . "Som. townl p aId a bOlll1ly tor Indlnn ICllpl."

Lohor 01 Indlonl con vlcled ot uV(lS(rrmcy" waft lIold to the hl llhol l b l dd~r ; Inndown. u hId tor . urh Inbor nt the WM'kly Rucllon .t Ih~ ",Ieve­mArl" run by th~ Loll An""I •• pr llon. Ynnk"e trade.. kl~ ­n np(>(,d IndIan children, nnd occn~lo n.lly IndIan women, Rnd .01<1 thcm .. ocrvantJI and concuhln ..

81.. rlln. 1 Oklo

Not n il dl.crlmln l tlon de ­rlvr d t rom rael m and xeno­phnbla : CnlHomlanl mad. outc ..... ot the r tURe .. trom th, Oklahoml d Ullbowl In th~ th irll r . But In aeneral, dl -crlmlnalon " .1 d I r . c ted unlnlt those who di ffered from th ~ Amr rleM whltel In rnct", J'pCt'Ch, eultom and man­n tr ~

N, ve rlhrlt'M, .uch dl crlml­n.tlon "II mott eal t'Ula ted nnd cru.1 Igohlll l tmml,ranll !rom Norlh.ast AlII - arlit unlnn th ~ ChIne ~ who be­lIan ,rr\vlnl/ atler 1860, and Ih"" laaln.1 Ih. Inheritor. of Ihl, I'Racv ot hatl . d loward A. la lle., Ihe JlpAn •••

The authorc d • • " ork­man Ilk job ot Illowln. how min 0 r II v J.",a, F lllpinoo. Mexle.n lIallanl, Armenian and whllllOI atrulll<,d ualJul db er1mlnIUon, IUnnountinK It In " nry! PII dcgr CJ. With Au­dric Olrdnrr, Ill. as co­au lhor or "The Or.at Bt ­tr..,..l." r lew d In !hi. col­umn M.y 8. ID70 : .. In Ihll fonr.tr , ·olum. Ille .u1l ha.s

dml Ion ., "btt U'OUbl wi th nomen cl lture.

P.rtl)' ,.-au P r. 1 J&In Althoulh th. lenn Nlkk.1 K Polk vanted 10 anM r. lera 10 one or mOle perlODl

Calltornll . Amtrlel had l one 01 J apan • an ~t.n • • b. de- I to war \11th luleo In April Iln.s It .. meanln, " th. Jlpa-1841; On July 7 o t th o am ~ ~ " th o ugb th. Nikkei lb. H Ar, mmodorr J ohn Drake mcnUon.s a r. mort lIkdy

ID;l t h id raised the Am ~ - Amrrlean than Jlpaneoe

ARCO Plumbing & Heating

Sa les & ServIce (Slate Lic 0 220351) Forced Air - Floor Furnaces - Wall Healers

Day 8. Ighl Waler Healers - Waste K,ng D,sposals Repa iring and Remode li ng

S41 W. ~"ey Ave. AT 2 -9188 Mont.rey Pa rk, C.IIf.


For Informal ion Ca ll 289-S4S4 24. Hour Emergency ServICe

2 18 S. Sint. Anitl St. San Gabriel, C.l if.


Imporled . nd Com .. ,I, WIn .. & Chlmpagn. * liqUOri * Bar Suppllea

! ~: fr<l ~: :; n Fr .. O.lIv. ry

153 I . Ga,.,.y An. Monl ... y P.,k, C.III.

AT 0·1022

Bro/h,rhood R'R4,ds to Ih . }ap4n,sI Commllmly


370 E. L.t Habra Blyd. L" Habra, Calif.



37 V .. , [,cPO"'"'' Comple" M .... •• Wear

Cu, tom Ta ilored

901 .1 E. Ato." A.. 963·"10 Gt. ndora, Calif.

J ,pan ... T,llor W,nl.d

DR. ROBERT A. RAFT Optometrnt

Eyes txamlntd Ccnllct Lenus Gtl\' '' Pr .. , ,,bed

Budgel Term 8;30· 5;30 Dally F,I to 7;00

On. Day Sarvl,e

10921 V. II.y Mill. ( I M.nl. 444.0369


Quall,y WO, AI Budo I P" , .. Open N.on.·SaI 8 a .m. - .5 pm.

13904 S. C"","nlla S,",. Fe Sprint., C.ll f.

921. S947



H.I,Ifc- - Arc Moto«; .. , e IUclu

Wtought Iron

S. Pal", A... 211·7137 A l ha",~ra , Calif.


()pen: NOn. Frl 8 .30·6; Sa l. 8 :30 - 2

Conlact Vernon Oru.sm for In!"",,"1on

920 W. foolh lll Blvd. Alu .. , Calli.

969. 1 S17

Commercial R. frlSl."tloB O .. 'gnlng • tnsf.naUan

MA inttlW'lCl

Sam J. Umemoto C.rt.llat. M. mbv ot RSES Member of loPAn AsJn. of

R.frlgeratlon Lie. = 208863 C-38 SAM REt80W CO.

15011 W. V. man A, . . I Los Angel... I\X 5-520"

Over 80,000 Readers See the PC Each Week


R E FlI,. T'w' CO HO·""ES · ' '''JSU~f,r"cr

On. 01 ,h. La rg.al Sarect 2421 W. Jrife roon, LA

RE 1-2 121



I Flt." P '0 A U- .&-tla tOt


I Hansen Chevrolet 11 UI W. Otym'lclt ..... WutL.A .7f ..... II .... 11'-914'

- 14 H.., InMt •• KJ -

"W. 00 Anyth"", .. Quo" r


GLASS CO. ..... lU,-lkvuM (.0_

! ' '''fe ' rent •• 1NW'.nce PIPt.u SJ G· ... Doon · ....,.,., · Mlrton

.. ~ T<!f:; .. p~~~ ~ t=:u 714 S. San PHro SI., LA. 90014

UIl) 6l2-t2Al

Alk fo, . ••

'Cherry Brand' MUTUAL SUPPLY CO.

1090 S,n.orn. S'., S.f. 11

MikolfO}'O Sweet Shop

24 4 E. 1st 51. Lei Ang.!.. MA ~ 93 .5


Artistic Piano Tuning By HIRAOKA

wttn v.n\Ah.a TU'tI-tng Scoc» YOICH' HIUOICA

Tt'.: t11Jl 19~ - 11 11 ((aO ~.fo ... Hon 0' ( ••• ~ l

Los Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance Assn. A Un,que Dln,ng Expertence

Our Specialty ' Ribs ' Polynesian Drtnks • Cockta ils Expanded Dining A rea

- Compltt. INuranet Protection -

I Alh.,. In .. Agy., Alha,..om.,.u.K.oklla·Fu)loko

I 250 E. 1 .. 5' .... _____ ... _. ____ 626-962$

All Major Cred il C.uds Lunch & Dinners

1312 W. Franc'lquito 333·S91S West Covina, Cali f.

I'I"-"""",-,-"""",,,A 1974 JACL CHARTER FLIGHT


Spring Charter: Lv Mar. 30, Ret Apr. 20

Th!> chl rt er t. open to I II JACL members only r.gardl ... of ",hi ' chapler Ihey may belong This , ha"., hu been Ipproved and aUlhorized by Ih. JACL Nal lon.1 Travel Com­mittee . Reservat ions together with deposits or payments for the tllghl should b. mailed '0 the following addre .. as soon IS

pouibte 10 guaran,.e yourself a •• a' on Ih. lIighl . Thl. flight iJ not restricted to 1000 Club members on IV

Rese rvitions together with deposits Or payments for the fIlgh t should be mailed to ,h. following addr . .. IS lOOn IS posslbl. 10 gUI"nl .. yourself I ... , on this fl lgh1.

Ma' e checks payabl. 10: JACL Ch."., Flighl Mall to: Mr. Aki Ohno, Ckalrman

JACL 1000 Club Cha"" flighl1 P. O. 80. 60078 Loa Anget .. , Calif. 90060 . .

NEW LOW FARE-$325.00

Round Trip Los Angeles to Tokyo Tour . rrangemenh In Japan c.n be m .. de th rough the u rvleeJ of


LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90012 TEL. (213) 625·1505

Th. tour olfered for ,hI. trip will be Ih. ,am. as th. populI' Nisei Fun Tours sponsored by Mitsuiline .

A.",n Fu lloka Agy., 321 E. 2nd. Suilt SOO_62~393 263·11 09 funa ko.hl tn •. A,..,., Funakoohl.Kag. ",.-Monlko-Morty

321 E. 2nd 5' _ •.. __ .. _ ... _. ___ 626-5275 462·1-'06 HI",hala tn •. "91., 322 E. Second 51 .. __ 628·121 4 287.a605 Inouy. Inl. Agy., 15029 Sylv. nwood An .. NorwolL-86oC-5774 Jo. S. llano & Co., 3 1 8 ~ i E. 1st 5'-___ __ . _ _ _ 624.0758 Torn T. 110, 595 . Lincoln. p ... de". 794-7189 (L.AJ 68 1-.c-. 11 Minoru ' Hi .. ' Nag"a, 1497 Rock H"en, Monterty P.rk....268...t 554 Slt_. Hakoli, 4566 C. nl in. l. Ave ____ 391·5931 837-9 150 SilO In .. An .. 366 E. lsi 51 .. _ _ _ •. __ 629· 1425 261 -65 19

" -"'I'I"""'-""I"""I"'~


I Engll'h and Jap.ne,.

I 114 Weller St., Los Angeles 90012 MA 8·7060

.:nlb:m~.jl!1taMUIJmlilC:t.t I) ~itlvn'

Chick Sexing Course (J 8·",eek5l

Starting September, 1973

Acceptin, application. now.

Prepare for an income of u(t to $24,000 a year. Approved for Veteran. trainin,.

Limited enrollment

Evening clalle.; can work dlYt.

S."d for Free Bnx:hur. and Applic:.a llon Form


222 Prospect An., ~nsdal., Pa. 19446

._-------- --------------------------------.­-------------------------For Information In regards to lhe Charter Flight, please contact

Mr Onno. .i For Information in regards to the Tour Arr.ilngemcnts and ,


I TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WHO ARE MOVING Oocument.il tton. please contact Mitsulllne Trave l Service. I

------------------------ .... --------Dear Mr Ohno:

Please reserve sea ts for the Autumn Charter , I enclose $100 deposlI for each person. Please send me the contrl ch and other Information in detail. Nom.('I: ____________________ _

"'ddr .... ' _________ _ _ _________ _

I I I , New Addres.

City Stat. ZIP


Elfe,lIv. Do.. I I

• If \'ou're moving, pluse let us know .t lust three \o\eeQ I pr ior Att. ch current .ddress I. bel below on the mugln of I

La Habra, Calif.

Monterey Park Kempa Franco's Karate Studio

Spec. la li zing In Karat, & Judo Men. Women. Ch,ldren All Ages 131 S. Garfi old 288.91 SI

Monterey P,uk, Calif. 435 E, Gladstone Aye. ~",oun t enclosed: S Telephcn l, _____ _

Glendora, Cam. 96J.5955 I '1"""""""""""""~

, I , , , I I I I I I I

\ Ih" page J

THANK YOU Poelfi, Clliun Cireulllion Oepl. 125 W.ller Sty Los Angel ... u llf. 90012

Page 6: pacificcitizen.org · " .. . o .. . -. • -CD -lit 50TH ANNIVERSARY JACL's oldest chapter to honor Hirasuna FRESNO. ullt. - Ml'lI. Yo Taklkawu, g e n (' r R I chair woman (0" I h~

Japanese classes

underway al SIF.

grade, jrl highs No credit for

lunior high students

N FR N I CO - New Japnnesa Inllgllage classes bo­gan this past week (Sept. 5) with the n(\w term In the

I1n Francisco UnIfied chool Di 11·lc!.

A progrom developed by " eltizens 51ccrlnR COtnmitt..."O composed ot mSlIY bel, Ni­hongo is being taught dal ly I1t Presidio J r. High by Mrs. Kunlko Ozasa and t w I c e weekly at Roo.<cvelt J r. High by Ml'S. TctsuJ..-o Tanl\\l'R .

• No school credit is being of­tered fot' the classes which are meetIng fl"Om 7:30-8 :30 a.m . before regular school hours.

Mrs. Ozasa is a graduate of Kobe College for English and studied arl at Osaka Uni\'ersity. 1I1rs. Tamura grad­uated from Tokyo Women's

LO OTI~m 1I0 ~l' 1'1' r. WORl En -Mrs. I J1 nnnr " ~n of Los Angeles Is honol"''d for her ·16 yellr, ot nlll'slnil At Ctty View Hospital and lit the old Jnpunesc Ro.'pltal at It I rog· nJUon dhmor fOI' longllme employe s wllh a pre. entotlon from administrator Edwin Hlroto. Thirteen olher emplol'COl WiUI at lenst 20 ~'ent'S eneh weI' also cll<,(\. Records .how over 85,000 patients hll\,c been nccommodnW In tll~ 47-year hislol'Y of the ho.pltnl -Toyo lII1ynlnke Photo

UnJversity tor P~'SIcal Edu- ,------------, cation and from Waseda In law.

E10mentary Program

At Emerson Elementary School, three teachers are teachIng every day. They are


CAPSULES umako Morimoto, formerly

of Sacramento, in kindergar- \,.,----------.... ten; Lois Asahara, also of Sacramento who has been teachIng at Blythe. in the first grade; and Ernest D'An­jollX, a black Uni,'. of Hawaii graduate in Japanese lan­guage who speaks excellent Nihongo, in the second grade.

KIndergarten puplls are re­eel\oint: 15 minutes of Nihongo a day during Uteir two-hour sessions. First and second grade puplls have between 30 and 40 minutes a day

Enrollment Is restricted to about 26 pupils, one-third be­Ing Japanese American, an­other third from Japanese­speaking families and Ute fin­al third non-J apanese.

local Scene

Los Angele5

Business Contra Co.,la JACLcc f"r

over a decade. 10ho Dul.1I and his wife Tolnlko, opt'rate the Indoneslnn VllI a~~ In Berkeley, a rcstournnt .cn1ng

outhenst Ashtn cuIsIne. And Toha's Sanitotlon and R~­

tauran! Supply in EI Cerrito. Toba has been a U. • ...,.Idcnt for the past 23 ye,,", and is II

naturalized ciU.en ~ [ I'!I. To hlyc ·hlobku was

named as opt'ratioru omcer for the San Mateo-Hillsdale branch of umitomo Bank ot Callrornia reccnll~' by David H. Saito, vi"" p...,sidenl and manager of the branch. Mrs. Shlnlaku h a. been a I'CC<:P­tionist and sllPt!rvlsor at the bank since It S open In!; four years ago.

lIlasami Kono, n Francl!-eo· born rormer p...,sident of Japanese Tcavel Bu...,au In­ternational. ha., been appolnl-

The AsIan Women's Center. ed director of sales tor the 722 S. Oxford (387-1347), has New Olanl Hotel h~re tn To­hired hired new stoff 10 the kyo. Kono had b n aclt\'e in

Drug Abuse Program. They ~~ ~'!':~ a:;,~ ~:" ~ Include: Ivy Arashiro, Patrl- San Francisco for the past Iii>: cia Cager, Dolce de Priest. years before coming to t h Donna Mort, Kyoko Shiba- New Otoni earllCl this) ear saki, Marlene Weathers. and Honolulu financier ChInn Ellyn Wong. Geraldine (Gerl) Ho ot Capital Investment Co. Mit.suDaga will administer the has sold its 18-hole Peacock program. Gap GoU and Country Club In

Art. and arafb from Ibe San Rafael, Calif.. to Nitlo wartime camps for Japanese Hawaii Inc., a subsldJary of American evacuees were on Japan's largest golf dub de­display at the First Fresb, - velopment-managemenl Orm, t.erian Church of Altadena NiUo Kogyo Co. Fronting an bazaar Sept. 15. A number of Pablo Bay. Ib Hawall~ba-'ed ironwood sculptures and fur- company ts retalrung In ex· niture were shown. One chest cess of 1.200 acres but sold the made of wood with a kitchen clubhouse. 150-acre course for knife was beld together with $2.250.000 with an option 10 wooden pegs because the purchase the adjomIng 315 maker had no nails. according acres. Capital acquired the to Mrs. Donald Toriumi, wife land in 1956 and developed i of the pastor. The church was goU CCJur!;e m 1960. founded in 1913 and was one of the first ethnic congrega­tions in Pasadena.


dhl Is of the SOIC>-8hu Sea l wns welcomod Sept. 5 by Pop. Po,,1 V1 nt hi. summor polacc nt Cn"clllondolCo, Italy "Th purpo.."l" or your jounH~~ hn~

be .. n to work ror ~rent<'r un­derstanding bot wcon Chrl.­tlnns a \l d Buddhlst.., n pur­PO"" which we IIppreelrlt" .nd fa\"or. We our 'olvo hAVt' ,.t Ill' in Rom. n ,'c .... 1.I1I·1 I for dialogue with th~ menlb~I'S of non-Chrlstlnn no lIg10n . Bud­dhism Is one of the rich • or Asin: You tench mon 10 .pek truth and peart' In the klnll­dom etcrnAl, beyond the horl­.on. or I-I'lble thing.: You Ilk ·wl,,· trl\'e 10 oncourage 1 h e Qunllties of ll00dne , mecknr. nnd nem-violence!'

Press Row The Okln." a MornlnJ :,l4r,

tho on" pril'ul~ly ownl-d Amc:rtcan n\.~\1 .. '5pn~r in Asis, was reporicd sold to Toke. hi Oga\l'n. pre Ident of thr hln­Ryukyu JltsuAO. Ogn\\., took control or the LnRlIsh-Ian­lI\1ag' nC\\1<paPt!r Sept . 1 Robert P cr will continue hi. posl a. t'dltol nnd Gt'M Snll.zga\'cr will remAin as newil editor. Tht pnper ell\­pIa,,; nbout 60 Jopane"" and sc\'1!rll1 FlIfpln

Asahl Evcnln No\\ g"n-erRl man I~er Gt-or.t Y. 'orne-. kaWll occompnt ll-d an .!hl-.ponsored tour o. the U on AUII\ISI thai covered the 'I<

coast, (Hts brother Art Is an nctl\'e Puyallup Valley JACL­er) Be found Amcric n. "cre mo..., eon""rned aboul food prl than the Watt'rgatc hearin

Government Frank K. Goto. f( e n p r a I

manager of the United FIshlnll Agency. Ltd Honolulu. hal been named 10 the !>;ationsl

1 a r I n e Fisheries dvbory Commlttee, U.S. en RIo r Hiram L Fong announced. The appointment. by Seere­lan' of Commel'Cf' Frederick B .. Dent., I. for 0Ilt' Y'

Call!. Assemblyman Paul T. B. n n a I (R-Gardena) was nnmed to three legislative commlttees: ReUrement., El~· tlon and Reapportionment. U r ban Development and Housing.

'I' h fO Cotllmel'en !)cpt. an· r os hI Fr "~no.


nO\lIle('d AUI!. 20 till' "I,polnt . mont PI Ralal .. h M. N'akabu, ~7 . In " h"I ' II~ or II hlnR nl"·." In Lh ('lo Ffll' I1;U81. NokulMU, wnn hn l' nllt'llrit"lci n Inl'"(' llul1lbfW of tutC'rnnlloJ1nl r.on rCII' nrr. on lI . hln ~ botw~oll th ~ Unlt­od Slateo nnd ,! nplln , lho US­SR, Cnnndn nnd olh('1' nullo"". will h" .t.ntlonod hI Jllt'"ll, Ills npl1olnl!\l~nl I. nfTootl vr Snlll. 17,


CI ;N't, lIn ( tl iUJI (1<1'", " "IU)

M •• UII (Mu,') W okl" Nnm!! C NY)

A colt thnl Rcnr d n "olonU- "-11 ' (I,' c I.un (lrl ral V""r)

rAul. Natu (8noJ IIc breoktl1l'ollRh by !lvln" mOl'. lhnn 24 dilY. \V I I h 0

h"nl'l of ollleOl'" I1lhbol' nt lho 0 Unlv. of MIMI •• II,,,I Mt'dl onl II

ont.r WM Ihe PI'ojod or NII­"oya-boM) IIr. Tolonlo Aku- 1ft

",", nl , a ploneN III lh. dll­voloplIlent ot nrllllciol IWll li4r, 'I'h. 200- lb , en lt dl('d Sept. O. Arlltlel"1 he\l1'lo hnw Iwen u.,'d ror IImltl'rl pt'r\od. whi le ph y~ l rln n . IIwlll ted II dOMr ror n tron."lnnt. olle 1'1I1I('n l In liouRlon havi ng used ono tor tlll... dlll'" 0,,, Aku \I

hOll d for nil 80 pcI, II lIlmnl Im'vlvnl lor II month, I{(, rtlm 10 Ih U.S. In IA ~7, Joining R

Clev(' lnnd clinic ,1" fT whr!'/) h i. Il ... t IIrU tlcln l heul t lWlls­plnnt wno In \I dog tllnl l'ear. Tho "nlmal !lvcd r 0 r nbolll two hours. H. I. cUI'I'enUy on a S600,OOO ,b,-yrnr Ilrnnl rrom thr Nntlonnl Henri lind Lung In.tltute III MI ... I .. lppl.


#\1 .;\ 1\1 111 M Akll"I, Mr l1,ttl y Alwwl, U11tnJnll

IU-:N r.OMONU KA la . 1'oy.n

J~rr FuJlo, 33, J.pnne"~

Rim star aPll<'nrlnll nl tI". Ho. noluhl Club 100 ben.nl rr­crnUy, I, tilQ comlcnl .Idrklek,

I"ohlrl no alrolnl, 10 Ju­monjl no Ryu In the .Ix­month TV Aerial, "S.,ural no Okaml", which con r I " d (' d Sepl 2 on KWIIY (22) Los AnRrleR. He wos born In

COlt POR TIl MEMDER ·Snn Froncl.co ,lACL wrlcoml'S HanwH Blink or cum n. II IXlh 1000 Cluh cl')rpornt .. mpm­hN I'lctund IIrI' ((rom I .. ro Frunk Mtnntnl, m"mb'-nhlp ohmn., W, 0111. chnpter Im'~; Noboru HId" hlmn, Sanwa Bnnk v.p and .hnpll·r bd. memb.; and Mn.ahlko ShlrtUl, pn- ., Snnwn Blink or Cnm

hanllhnl, who,. (nthr'\" WftS

JupRn~.e nnd moth.r Amor­Ican-Jopnnr",,·. Tht, (a m II y movcd to Jnpan In 1946 and Fujlo rntcrt!<! .chool Six yean Inter hi. maU,pr dJ,·d. ,\\ .R~ 17, he "no In Ih~ tI­rune OIm. "Yojlmbo", .. the unrorillnate wnrrlor "ho h(ll hi. arm cuI orT and n dOll, wntehlnR Ihc action. ocam~ ... Into view and runa ofT ,,1th the bloody 11mb.

Crime Authoritl Al Irdad (Coi-

If) prison ...,ported St-pt 3 Oam)'on II, Toml l4, 27, ot an Frnnclaco had r,J>.> ·nUy sUp­pt'd aw8J' aU.,. ~.\'Inlt a dum· my brhlnd In hi' ... 11, 0 n " oth.r Inmate was 'port.<-d m tnll. Tomita I'U 'l"\'lnll 1\1'0 con=nt temu up to J5 yra for I1UUUlaughtcr and a 8ult

Politics l.ln Hilburn, ""rlUn, In the

Los Anl/cl 'clfl'O w""'kiy .nUnel. hI. handicapped Ute

29·man f1l In lhr 10th Councilmanic .p<clll! .1",Uon or opt 18 with Goorlt Taktl and O a~e unDlnfha m oa 2- 1 ravorll". 10 \\1n, tollow b

rd by I' .. ,1I1o'nt Nixon to the Nftllonnl ArlvlBOry Council on F: x t" n • Ion lind (onllnlling FAucRtlDlI.

Fine Arts

Th. ,fttlOllnl Elldo\fm~nl

lor the ArIlI gr.nWe! 1.650 to Loa '\ng,l. Count Iw'um of ( t'nlor (Urntof GtorJt Ku" .. ,am ot For E ..... rtcm AI rora I ·o·month udy In dol­.onn< eoll.ctJon In Taiwan J.pan, Koren And Enllland Thla W/I tim II t Indl"ldual NE.... ,·.Ireh IIrnnt awardrd

a mu tum t.1t member Whenev"r Pror Vir tor Ko·

b lallhl, n. \I' chalrmnn of Ih. D< pl of LIluc tion.1 Founda­tion. at thr Unlv. or H,,,, II, has f" Umft OIl h h,. d hr knud • ball of Iny to • nl ,plump t ond lit '''' 1I11t. .... crt' 011 dl 1'18J' t Ihe Hand lind Ey G llery In Ho· nolulu. HI! n ... t ... munter "lIh cJ Y ' .. allll' In I 'S~ ot • Unlv or H "au.wnm r cia , th n D nl wlUt the Air Jo"orr:r OJ ra t.·:aUlt.-I' lort~·t."fl

returning 10 hll postgradUDk' iludi D Itchl!:,," for his mul"r', .. nd doet.orat before r< urnh'lI to another dnss In clay In 1961

Sports Jordan Daniels 2'.-1, CIt'S T'< nt: _ • r-old Peter K.

~'::I~-bu::;b6_~d: ~~!l_ ' a,1 of St-ntU. won 10 If!

ter 7-1 Rank S;ndt, 10.1 honon nl lb. 'orth" , SI·I . Ialcolm Wood II-I and the La Day golf loumnmeul remalnd~ of the field runl- with • H· 74 - H8 at thc ing !rom 2~ to 250-1. PeJlC Portol GoU Cou In

Vau<Oll"cr, B C. A one-han­dlcapP"2", h. WIl! the tint San­•• 1 to "In In the 3D-year hll-Education lory or the loum m.nt P r-

Fre.sno JACL pre Id.nl Bill ticipanu Includrd RoUer trom M. T ".11 hu taken I I •• ,· Spokane PorUand Ontario of absence at F~o State 10 5< •• tU. ~nd Van"";\' 'r. m~ teach In Marin county. north ay P.~r Is belt .... than EN of San Francl5co th1a tall. Furukawa. anoth ... SealUelle R..-Ignlnll as chapter ~. who clnlmrd the California Ident. tint \'lce-p .... tJdent Don NIIt'i O~n tiUe three times In KUJl lmll u ha as.<umt!<! the the mid-50. 81 hi. prime.

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota


911 Venice Blvd.

Los Angeles

RI9- 1449



Nisei asks Actlon·7

man for assistance

Konko young people

hold conference

- BUI'n ... and -

Professional Guide

You, .u.", ••• C,,4 "'UI' '" u,h 1m,. '0' 21 •••• " ...

, """ c,."",,.,.u"', $2' rICh ddlflo".' 1/". It ' fI' 'h ..

• Gr •• tar Lo. Ange l ••

JACL Group Hea lth In •• Jimmy Go r ~.,. . l2I a) 76~ I& ~~ Claon Av •• ~ n V" U .. , ?1 352

Nisei FLO~IST In tho Hurl 01 LVI rll" YI'J 321): E I .. , ~t 110/0. IJ..~I)IJ ~

Fred MorlQudu lIemb r."'I&o,. YAMATO

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 312 E. t .. ih ~.?~;-O.lo' ?Ool 2

t N O~ nr~ Dally

YAMATO TRAVEL BUREAU )17 E I ~I. L ~ '900121

M~ .~I

TOM NAKASE REAL TV Actfl4QO J:PAnchl"l Horne .

'''''"r'' T TI T "'''''' :.0. RI!,fUor

CllffQrd Avt:. '40a» 72A ~ n

Sacramento, Calif.

Seattls , Was h.

Imperial Lanes 2101 - 22"" AVI.so. EA $-~ ~ tJ~MI ~ - _ F~ ~1c.e1J1. M~ l

Kinomoto Travel Se rvice Fr.n~ y r..~to

521 ~j" St MA 2.--1522

SAN FRANCISCO - Konko e You n II Pl'Opl.. F edPratl~n cl')nvenrd St-pl 8-9 Oft the them,', "New BulldJng - Nt!W Fallh" Earl Rnbb of thP San Frand",1') Jrwl.h Communily Rt·laUoru Caunell wa..; guest peak .. r, dlllCU .. lnll "J.pan~"

and Jew: Maintenance of Re­lIrioua and Cultur.d Identity".

The Konko Churches of e WlMhington, D_C. America round Ito root her.. -----;;...-----­in the 1930. arter tlv> KOftko relJlIlon was .tarted In Japan In 1858.

gele. over the Labor Day weekend. It Wal the 11m time tn"" 1957 that San Francbco

team won th~ .tate Iourna­mt'nt tllIe. Elllht ~anu com­peW,

J pan Gol! Promotlo ..... Inc •• which opera 21 country club. In Japan, Salpan and Oklnawa. has pur c h a , r d (Aug. 27) (or more than $2,-000,000 t h r 801.., - Cascade Corp. property at Inellne VlI· lage, N~\', comprising of two 1I0U COI1r'I<!S, .kl are a and bowling aIJ~y at Lake Tah()j' .'0 change In operation II. Ing plannt!<! bUI the new own­en ho~ 10 atlntct more Ja­pan~ to the area.

app)' El .. ada, who intro­duced Jap n .. e playe ... to rtUI­

jor U S profe lonal b",,~balJ

Ln thr 1960., IS ouc:ertaInlng whether Korea will ""II a.h ,. wood. 01 "'hlch bats are made and lu supply In the U.S. l! oImost depleted. Be Is repres­enUng the maken 01 L0uis­ville bats.

ThIU Gemralioru of Experience

F U K U I Mortuary, Inc:.

707 E. Temple St.

Los Angeles 90012 626·0441

Solchl Fukui. PtMldrnt Jam ... N.kag.wa, Marugel Nobuo Owml. Counsellor


c.or.y 202;' LS'w ~ (fOO3~"" '"

MARUKYO Kimono Sto re

101 Weller s t.

Loa Angeiea ~

628-1369 ~

Toyo Printing OHsrt • l . ~ , • UnotypIog

309 S. SAIl PEDRO ST. L .. Mltlr< 12 - 11M .... 6-815)

Nanka Printing 2014 E. ht St.

Los Angeles. Calif. ANgelus 8-7835

Appliances •

@TAMURA And Co., Inc:.

51UJ §tiUJS!

(it :Y&1II8 fJitlniVui'F

3420 W. Jeffe=n Blvd.

Downey Recrea lion Dept. Is offering an elgh~week course In hula dancing from Sept. 26, 10-11 a.m., at its com­munity center building with Mrs. Carol Kitagawa as in­structor. A second class will start Oct. 3, 7-8 p.m., at Rio San Gabriel Park.

The pre-school and kinder­garten Sunday School pro­gram al San Francisco'. Christ United Presbyterian Church has become bilingual •.• coord­ing to the Rev. K:o..uyosbl Morl",wa , Japane'c-spe"kinV minister. The program seek to Introduce children or Japa­nese-speaking parente to the church school and J ,pane. .. American children to more ,:­peets 01 Japanese cullllIlc

'In<. T",hlko YoshIda, ac­hve lA< Angele. JACLer, wal connrmed by tho CIty Coun­cil to the Human Relationl Conunisslon (or the term ex­piring June 30, 1974

top olllce Or.. I. n aya-

lta", .. , past president of an A blnck US. Air Force ".-1'1:==========:':::==========:::;' Francisco Slote, Wal appolnl- mlth, 23, Of:1

Los Angeles 18 RE 1·7261

• San Fra ncisco

A Tsukl.ml Pavilion donated by Ikebana International and the Japan Society of San Francisco will be dedicated Sept. 21 at the Stryblng Ar­boretum in Golden Gate Park. The garden p roj e ct was launched five years ago and designed by landscape archJ· tect Henry Matsutani of Con­cord.

The Committee Aplnst Nt­honmachi Eviction (CANE) will move to 1858 Sutter St., a 16-room building which needs cleaning up, painting and furnishings. Obtalned trom the S.F . Redevelopment Agency, it stands on the site of the future Japanese com­munity and cultural center. Otber community groups, in­cluding J-Town Collective, New Dawn and Asian Com­munity Television, are plan­ning to move in to the same huilding soon.

A group of J . pan •. ' Bud-

sei Buddhist Society Sept. 7 of his six-week experiences In Brazil as a member of a five­man Rotary Internalional stu­dy exchange program. . .

Sacra m e nto

Cultural Japanese displays and dancing were part of the International Festival Week highlights at the Crossroads Shopping Center dW'lOg the week of Sept. 10-15 with Mrs. Molly Kimura coordinating the Japanese participation. other ethnic groups tneluded the Israelis, Greeks and Nor­wegians.

San Diego

Project SAFE (S u m me r Asian Fun and Education) was concluded Aug. 18 with a slide presentalion of pro)ecl

A T uesda,y noon program activities shown at the Chi­sponsored by the Bank of nese Com m u nit y Cburch. America and California His- Funded by the San Diego torical S~iety ,!,eetinl1 at. the Council on Youtb Opportun­A. P. GtanDLnI Auditonum, ity, of which the local JACL 555 California st. sche?uIe<!- a is a member agency, lbe pro­talk on Japanese Amertcan ':"- gram marked the tlrst step In ternment on Sept. 18 WIth bringmg young Chinese and Edison Uno as speaker. Japanese Americans together

• •• with hopes of alleviating mis-S. F.-East 8ay conceptions and stereotypes

ot tbe 53 works included In "Japanese Paintings from the Collection of George J. Schlenker," showing at the University Art museum in Berkeley from September 26 through December 9, most have never before been pub­licly displayed and some were discovered only last year In J apan.

The nintb annual exhibit of the Ohara school of flower arrangement will be presented by Mme. Suiyo Fujimoto and her students Sept. 23, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, Oakland. . . .

Sa n Jose

A 3nsei lBrtl executive, Ko Nishimura, addresl/.ed the Ni-

eacb group has of each other. Robert Ito, project director, said lbe program will be re­sumed next summer. About 70 people attended the s I Ide show.

Na kayoshi-kai. opcn l<l any­one interested In Japanese culture and help spread un­derstanding and appreCiation of things Japanese, is seeking new members. They may call Mrs. Yoshlko Remmy, treas­urer (234-0422) for details. Membership fee is $5.

Will ie Tsunoda is president of lhe J ACP, which sponsors year - round basketball and volleyball programs (or youth and specIal evenls during Ih. year. Membership fees are SIO per !arnJly or $5 per individ­ual.

Rep. park 'Jabuna,a (D­Bawaii) is a principal 'pOIl­

iOr of the Runaway Youth Act which he Initially Introduced in 1971 and reintroduced on Jan. 3, 1973. The measure I. designed to help parents and local agellcles cope more ef­fectively with the problems of runaway ehUdren. Among other things, It would auth­orize federal aid for locally controlled "runaway houses" (instead of jails) to provide temporary sheller, food and medical treatmenl for run­aways, and would direct the Secretary ot Health, Educa­tion and Welfare to develop a comprehensive (edera1 pro­gram to deal wIth the prob­lems of transient minors and their parents.

Union Clly (Calli.) Council­man Tom Kitayama wanL, the city to have its 0 w n court­house but Alameda County Supervisor John Murphy told the Union City chamber of commerce "hot seat It luncheon chances this decade are pret­ty slim. The Fremont-New­ark-Union City judicial court dlstricl currently meets in Fremont. .

The U.S. Commerce Dept. appointed Raleigh lIL Naka­tsu, 47. In charge of tlshlng areas In the Far East. A par­ticipant of a number or inter­national fisheries conventions between U.S. and Japan, the USSR, Canada and other na­tions, he will be stationed In Japan . Appointment was ef­fective Sept. 17.

Alex KImura, son of the George Kimuras of Fresno, Is serving as a congressional page for a six-month period In Washington. (In 1958, Carl Omaye of J acksonv1l1e, Fla., was the firs t Japanese Amer­Ican to serve as a congression­al page. Today he is a clergy­man min istering In t h e Lo. Angeles acea.)

Alex KImura ot Fresno w1l1 be lhe first person of J apan­ese ancestry on lbe U.S. maInland to serve as a page boy in the jUdlcial-leglslaUve brancbes of government. He \vllI be a Page Boy r 0 r 26 senators, 51 l'epresentaUves and four Supreme Coucl jus­IIces. A I e '< wiJI serve as a Page Boy (rom September to I around February 1974. He Is the son of the George KIrou-

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Mld.Penlnsula Branch: r 01. (4151 941 -2000 Oakland Branch: (4) 5) 839·9900

San Jose Blanch: r . 1 (408) 298-2441 Westgate Blanch: reI (408) 298-2441

Fresno Branch: T.1. 1209) 233-0591 North F,esno Branch: Tel. (209) 233-0591

Los Angeles Main Offlco: r 01. (21 3) 687·9800 L.A Downtown Br.nch: 6)6 W 6th. (2 )31 627·2821

Montebello Branch: T 01 (213) 726·0081 Crenshaw·L A Branch: r ei (213) 731-7334 Westom L.A Branch: r ei (2 )3) 391·0678

Galdena Branch: Tel (21 3) 327·0360 Santa Ana Branch: To). (7 14) 541 -2271

Panorama City Blanch: T 01. (213) 893-6306 San Dlrgo Branch: Tel (7)4) 236· 1199

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