My name Madalina My name Madalina Florentina Florentina Sandulescu and I am Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges Romania, Arges county, city county, city Stefanesti Stefanesti

M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

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Charater moral  I am an ambitious girl, stubborn, pessimistic, but always with a smile, more crazy, but I know what I want from life

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Page 1: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

My name My name Madalina Madalina Florentina Florentina Sandulescu and I Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. am 15 years old. I live in Romania, I live in Romania, Arges county, Arges county, city Stefanesticity Stefanesti

Page 2: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

About meAbout me Physical

characterization I have blond hairI have blond hair Blue eyesBlue eyes I have a height of I have a height of

1.63 meters1.63 meters and 50 kgand 50 kg

Page 3: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

Charater moralCharater moral

I am an ambitious girl, I am an ambitious girl, stubborn, pessimistic, but stubborn, pessimistic, but always with a smile, more always with a smile, more crazy, but I know what I want crazy, but I know what I want from lifefrom life

Page 4: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

II love love drawingdrawing inin pencilpencil

I casrigat 2nd in a I casrigat 2nd in a painting contest for painting contest for the countrythe country

Page 5: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

But also danceBut also dance

Page 6: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

I have many friends and colleaguesI have many friends and colleagues

Page 7: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

beforebefore andand afterafter

Page 8: M M M My name Madalina Florentina Sandulescu and I am 15 years old. I live in Romania, Arges county, city Stefanesti

This presentation was This presentation was made by Sandulescu made by Sandulescu Florentina MadalinaFlorentina Madalina