Комплет Комплетније Компетентније Уџбенички комплети 2019/20. www.logos-edu.rs w w ww ww www ww ww. w.lo w.lo log ogo go gos os-e s-e -ed edu du du.r u.rs .rs rs ПРЕМА НОВОМ ПЛАНУ И ПРОГРАМУ НАСТАВЕ И УЧЕЊА савремени дигитални уџбеници ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИК 1 2. 5 6 . РАЗРЕД

ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИКlogos-edu.rs/_files/file/content/2012/26-engleski5-6logoskatalog2019.pdf · Lesson 1 92 Unit 7 Lesson 1 1 Find and colour. Say. 7 My clothes F&F Foundation

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  • КомплетКомплетније Компетентније



    КомплетКомплетније Компетентније

    ПРЕМА НОВОМ ПЛАНУ И ПРОГРАМУ НАСТАВЕ И УЧЕЊАсавремени дигитални уџбеници


    1. И 2.5. И 6.Р А З Р Е Д

    КомплетКомплетније Компетентније

    савремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеницисавремени дигитални уџбеници


    Нови уџбенички комплети за 1. и 2. разред

    Радни уџбеник за 1. разредSusan Iannuzzi

    Радни уџбеник за 2. разредSusan Iannuzzi

    Радни уџбеник Радни уџбеник Радни уџбеник Радни уџбеник

    Поштованинаставницe и наставници, драге колеге,

    Представљамо вам каталог уџбеника за енглески језик за 1, 2, 5. и 6. разред Издавачке куће „Нови Логос” написаних по новом Програму.

    После десет година постојања, у понуди имамо више од 300 успешних наслова: уџбеника, радних свезака, збирки задатака, радних листића, речника, приручника за наставнике...

    С квалитетним материјалима за енглески језик, које смо за вас и ученике припремили у сарадњи са Oxford University Press-ом, можете бити сигурни у успешно извођење наставног процеса и резултате које ћете постићи у раду.

    Наш циљ – квалитетна едукација

    Припрема ученика за будућност. Развијање различитих вештина и основа

    апстрактног и критичког мишљења. Грађење позитивног става према

    предмету и учењу. Примена знања и решавање проблема у

    свакодневном животу. Подстицање радозналости, истраживачког

    и аналитичког духа и упорности.

    Школска година која је пред нама доноси низ промена и иновација у настави.

    Верујемо да ћете и ви, попут многих ваших колега, препознати Издавачку кућу „Нови Логос” као партнера са којим је рад успешнији, лакши и пријатнији. Наша издања и наша подршка учиниће вас јаким за све изазове који су пред вама.

    С поштовањем,Небојша Орлић


    Радна свеска за 5. разредJanet Hardy-Gould

    Нови уџбенички комплети за 5. и 6. разред

    Уџбеник за 5. разредBen Wetz

    Радна свеска за 6. разредJanet Hardy-Gould

    Уџбеник за 6. разредBen Wetz, Diana Pye



  • Нови уџбенички комплети за 1. и 2. разред


    При обради нових садржаја треба се ослањати на

    постојеће знање и искуство ђака и настојати да ученици исказују своје мишљење и

    износе закључке.


    Избор метода и облика рада зависи од наставних садржаја и

    предвиђених исхода, али и од специфичности одређеног одељења и индивидуалних

    карактеристика ученика.


    Исходе треба посматрати као циљ којем се тежи током школске године. Приликом

    планирања наставе исходи се остварују кроз

    различите активности.


    Доноси две групе новина – промену у садржају и

    промену у приступу. За сваку тему изучавања наведени су

    исходи који се остварују након обраде њених



    За квалитетан наставни процес, најсигурнији

    партнер су савремена и квалитетна наставна


    Успешно реализујте наставу у 1, 2, 5. и 6. разреду





    Нови уџбенички комплети за 5. и 6. разред

  • У новом издању уџбеника Family and Friends Foundation потрудили смо се да прихватимо сугестије досадашњих корисника и учинимо учење и наставу енглеског језика још занимљивијим и лакшим. У потпуности смо ускладили садржаје са новим Планом и програмом за 1. разред. Уџбеник је радног карактера, с обзиром на то да план предвиђа само радни уџбеник као обавезно наставно средство.

    Како сам назив уџбеника сугерише, учење је стављено у контекст породице и пријатеља, чиме је створена топла и пријатна атмосфера која олакшава успешно усвајање градива. Живописни ликови са којима се ђаци идентификују доприносе не само лакшем учењу језика него служе и као модел лепог понашања и подстичу ученике на усвајање правих вредности.

    Family and Friends Foundation 2nd edition

    Susan Iannuzzi

    Jасно истакнуте

    нове речи и конструкције

    које се обрађују у датој лекцији.

    Lesson 1 Listen and say. 63Listen and f ind. 64Look and say.


    Vocabulary: bed, behind, blanket, next to, pillow, rug, shelf, in, on, under, wardrobe

    Unit 12 Lesson 1


    My room12


    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 54 30/01/2018 09:39

    Lesson 2 Point and say.Listen and say. 65Say and do.


    Structure: Where is it? It's in / on / under ... Unit 12 Lesson 2 55

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 55 30/01/2018 09:39

    bed, behind, blanket, next to, pillow, rug, shelf, in, on,

    Радни уџбеник за 1. разред


  • Lesson 1Listen and say. 51Say and do.Act.




    Review 3

    Value: being neat and tidy Everyday English: Clean up. Let's work together.

    Review 3 Units 7–9


    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 44 30/01/2018 09:38

    Lesson 2Listen and stick. Point and say. 52Circle the odd one out and say.Colour for you.

    Now I can…Now I can…Now I can…Now I can…Now I can…

    Review 3 Units 7–9


    Now I can…




    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 45 30/01/2018 09:38

    Now I can…




    Unit 8 Lesson 3 Critical thinking: matchingReview: parts of the body, I’ve got …

    Lesson 3 Listen and sing. 44Sing and do. 44Think and match.



    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 38

    30/01/2018 09:37

    Промовишу се позитивне вредности и лепе норме понашања – љубазност, уредност, брига о другима.

    После сваке друге лекције следи Review којим се обнавља научено и уводе нови садржаји. НOВO

    Лепљење налепница уз

    учење енглеског језика развија

    и фину моторику.НOВO

    I can... Изрази се

    подударају са формулацијама

    исхода часа.НOВO

    Груписање предмета,

    упоређивање, настављање низа... подстиче ђаке на


    Песмицом се на занимљив начин обнавља

    научени вокабулар.

    Речи научене у првој лекцији

    у другој се обнављају у

    склопу реченичне конструкције.

    у првој лекцији

    склопу реченичне конструкције.

    Lesson 2 Point and say.Listen and say. 65Say and do.


    Structure: Where is it? It's in / on / under ... Unit 12 Lesson 2



    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 55 30/01/2018 09:39

    Now I can…




  • Lesson 1

    Unit 7 Lesson 192

    1 Find and colour. Say.

    Lesson 1

    My clothes7

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 92 30/01/2018 09:41

    Lesson 2

    Unit 7 Lesson 2 93

    1 Join the dots. Colour and say.



    3 45






    76 5










    I 2 3


    8 7 5 4

    Lesson 2

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 93 30/01/2018 09:41

    Festival Merry Christmas

    1 Find the reindeer. How many?

    Festival: Christmas Vocabulary: reindeer, Father Christmas, present, cracker62

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 62 30/01/2018 09:40

    2 Make a reindeer card.

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    New: Merry Christmas! This is for you. Festival: Christmas 63

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 63 30/01/2018 09:40


    2 Make a reindeer card.







    Божића и

    Ускрса дају идеје

    наставнику за


    ових празника.

    У радном делу уџбеника заступљена су вежбања која подразумевају

    бојење, повезивање,

    проналажење и цртање.

    Разноврсне активности подстичу развој интелигенције ђака.

    1 Join the dots. Colour and say.







    Family and Friends Foundation 2nd edition1.разред

  • НOВOДидактичка играПокрени ПРИЧУ

    9 коцкица са 54 оригиналне илустрације за развој комуникативних способности!


    А СВЕ



    Teacher’s Book

    Идеје за реализацију часа и опционе активности за што занимљивију наставу.

    Assessment form за лако и прегледно вођење евиденције о напретку ђака.

    Сертификат о успешно савладаном градиву ђацима даје додатни мотив и стимулацију.


    У обогаћеном сету, на 129 флешкартица приказан сав нови вокабулар. НOВO


    На 12 постера приказане све приче из уџбеника. НOВO

    Audio CD

    Допадљиве песмице, приче и дијалози.

    Puppet Jig

    Глума по улогама ће бити још занимљивија узлутку израђену по лику омиљеног Џига из уџбеника. НOВO

    Наставнички комплет

    Project 2 61

    1 2

    3 4

    CLIL Project: Science – growing a bean plant

    Make.Sing. 71Sing and do. 71

    Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2Project 2

    F&F Foundation Serbia.indb 61 30/01/2018 09:40

    Израда пројеката подстиче

    креативност и уноси разноликост

    у наставу. НOВO

    Корелација са другим предметима.


    Годишњи и месечни наставни планови и предлог дневних припрема у Wоrd-у, са унетим

    исходима и стандардима постигнућа.

    12 постера приказане све приче из уџбеника. НOВO

    Допадљиве песмице, приче и дијалози.

    Глума по улогама ће бити још занимљивија уз

    израђену по лику омиљеног Џига из уџбеника. НOВO

  • Језички садржаји укомпоновани у контекст породице, симпатични ликови са којима се ђаци идентификују, пријатан колорит и певљиве мелодије осигуравају да учење и у 2. разреду буде пријатно искуство са позитивним резултатима.

    Почетно читање и писање, који се по новом Плану наставе могу уводити као необавезне теме, присутни су у овом уџбенику од самог почетка. Уз минималне адаптације, активности могу бити обрађене са читањем и писањем, или без ових метода чиме се добија диференцирана настава. Овако се излази у сусрет потребама ђака који већ долазе са предзнањем о читању и писању, а којих је све више, и осигурава се да и они напредују својом брзином.

    Family and Friends Starter 2nd edition

    Susan Iannuzzi

    На почеку сваке области, јасно истакнуте

    све нове речи путем


    Лепљење налепница је

    једна од дражих активности ђака овог узраста, која

    олакшава усвајање нових речи и развија фину


    олакшава усвајање

    1 Listen, point and repeat. C 36

    2 Listen and chant. C 37

    3 Point and say. Stick the stickers.


    Lesson One Words

    Unit 3 plane, puppet, robot, balloon, teddy

    Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?Is it a plane?3

    SO.indb 22 22/11/2018 21:16

    Let’s sing!

    1 Listen and repeat. C 38

    2 Listen and sing. C 39

    3 Match, ask and answer.

    Let’s sing!


    Lesson Two Grammar and song

    Is it a balloon? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Unit 3

    SO.indb 23 22/11/2018 21:16

    1 Listen and repeat. 2 Listen and sing.

    3 Match, ask and answer.

    Let’s sing!

    Радни уџбеник за 2. разред



  • Everyday English


    Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time!Values Time! 3

    Values Time! 3 Be kind to animals

    1 Listen, read and say. C 119

    2 Listen and number. C 120


    James, be kind to the cat. Yes, OK. Sorry, Kate.


    3 Now point and say.

    FAF2ESCB072cH 80 mm

    W 183 mm

    Be kind to the ducks.

    Yes, OK.

    SO.indb 72

    22/11/2018 21:18


    73Project: an animal book

    1 Listen, point and repeat. C 121 2 Listen and chant. C 122

    3 Point and say.

    4 Make an animal book and say.

    goat hen sheep cow

    I like cats.




    Be kind to the goat.

    Yes, OK.

    Colour. Write.

    Fold. Say.

    SO.indb 73

    22/11/2018 21:18


    Yes, OK. Sorry, Kate.

    1 Listen, point and repeat.

    3 Point and say.

    4 Make an animal book and say.




    92 Cross-curricular: Science


    Cross-curricular: Science

    Cross-curricular: Science

    1 = green 2 = brown3 = blue

    4 = yellow 5 = grey

    2 Talk about your pictures.

    The leaves are green. The chameleon is g

    reen too.

    1 Colour by numbers. Then colour the ch
















    1 1







    SO.indb 92

    22/11/2018 21:20

    Подстицање правих вредности и лепог понашања прожима све садржаје овог уџбеника, а у новом

    издању су им посвећене и посебне лекције.

    Израда пројеката

    даје часовима динамичност и


    Посебне лекције посвећене

    корелацији са другим предметима.

    Граматичке конструкције, дате у

    контексту песме, лако се

    усвајају на тај начин.

    Разноврсни задаци који

    подстичу когнитивне активности.

    Values Time! 3 Be kind to animals

    конструкције, дате у

    контексту песме, лако се

    усвајају на тај начин.

    подстичу когнитивне

    Let’s sing!

    1 Listen and repeat. C 38

    2 Listen and sing. C 39

    3 Match, ask and answer.


    Lesson Two Grammar and song

    Is it a balloon? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Unit 3

    SO.indb 23 22/11/2018 21:16

    издању су им посвећене и посебне лекције.

  • Review 1

    30 Sounds and letters Review 1Review 1 Words and grammar

    1 Look and draw what is missing. Colour.

    2 Point and say. It’s a balloon.




    SO.indb 30 22/11/2018 21:19

    Review 1

    31Sounds and letters Review 1

    3 Trace the correct sound.

    4 P f, fish










    SO.indb 31 22/11/2018 21:19

    3 Trace the correct sound.

    4 P






    Алфабет се

    уводи циљано и


    Обиље прилика за вежбе графомоторике.

    Активности подстичу развој моћи опажања и логичког


    Family and Friends Starter 2nd edition2.разред

    уводи циљано и

    Активности подстичу развој моћи опажања и логичког


    Complete the writing task on page 78 of the Workbook. 78

    d ckdog

    1 Listen, trace and point. Repeat. C 22

    2 Listen and chant. C 23

    c d

    3 Stick and say.


    c d c d c d14

    Lesson Five Sounds and letters

    Unit 1 Dd – dog, duckSO.indb 14

    22/11/2018 21:16

    1 Point and say. 2 Listen to the story. C 243 Listen and act. What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?What colour is it?1





    Lesson Six Story

    Consolidation: What colour is it? It’s red. Unit 1

    SO.indb 15

    22/11/2018 21:16


    d ck

    c d

    1 Point and say.2 Listen to the story. 3 Listen and act.




    Духовити дијалози на крају сваке области консолидују

    све претходно научене језичке садржаје.

  • School things 12

    School things 11

    F&F Starter Flashcards.indd 6

    04/04/2012 09:05


    F&F Starter PC.

    indd 6

    04/04/2012 09


    Student’s WebsiteИнтернет страница посвећена Family and Friends серији уџбеника на којој ђаци код куће могу да преслушавају песме, приче и напеве (chants) и тако их додатно увежбавају.


    School things 12

    School things 11


    Teacher’s Book

    Идеје за реализацију часа, предлози опционих активности и преглед свих расположивих материјала за конкретан час.

    Teacher’s Resource Pack

    Флешкартице са приказом свих нових речи, фонетске картицеи постер са алфабетом.

    Audio CD

    Разумљиви и јасни аудио-записи, напеви (chants) и мелодичне песме.

    Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)

    Софтвер за интерактивну таблу нуди нове опције које ће наставу учинити још савременијом и ближом деци 21. века. Функционише o� ine и интернет конекција је потребна само за преузимање апликације.

    Наставнички комплет

    Годишњи и месечни наставни планови и предлог дневних припрема у Wоrd-у, са унетим

    исходима и стандардима постигнућa.


    Initial sounds 41

    © Oxford University Press



    F&F Starter PC.indd


    04/04/2012 09:08

    Initial sounds 41

    © Oxford University Press

    © Oxford University PressStarter

    © Oxford University PressStarter

    Zoo animals 36

    Zoo animals 35

    F&F Starter Flashcards.indd 18

    04/04/2012 09:05

    НOВOДидактичка играПокрени ПРИЧУ

    9 коцкица са 54 оригиналне илустрације за развој комуникативних способности!


    А СВЕ



  • У другом издању серије, која је по мишљењу корисника увела значајне новине у наставу енглеског језика, потрудили смо се да уважимо све ваше конструктивне сугестије и да учинимо овај уџбенички комплет још применљивијим у школама у Србији.

    Уџбеник ће олакшати рад у одељењу са ђацима мешо витог знања и подићи самопоуздање ученика захваљујући градираним садржајима.

    80 процената новог садржаја, више видео-записа, игара и пројeката, са садржајима и изгледом адекватнијим за узраст коме су намењени.

    Нови, занимљиви текстови и илустрације прилагођени интересовањима ђака у петом разреду. НОВО

    У потпуности усклађен са новим планом и програмом за пети разред. НОВО

    Свакој језичкој вештини посвећена по себна лекција.

    Садржаји прилагођени свим типовима уче ника (визуелни, кинестетички, аудитивни).

    Пажљиво градиран материјал осигурава подједнако ефикасан рад са ђацима свих нивоа знања и способности.

    По два видео-записа у сваком Unit-у доносе аутентичан енглески језик у учионицу. НОВО

    Опционе лекције на крају књиге: Project, Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture и Song дају слободу наставнику да бира садржаје који су најзанимљивији његовим ђацима на редовној или додатној настави.

    Анимирана граматичка објашњењаолакша вају памћење правила. НОВО


    Ben Wetz, Janet Hardy-Gould


    Harrods is a very famous 6 .

    The Savoy is a very famous 3 .

    Victoria 7 –London buses stop here.

    Nelson’s Columnis a tall 4in the middle of Trafalgar 5 .

    Regent’s 2 is a beautiful green area.

    THINK! What famous places are there in your town or city?

    1 1.13 Match fourteen of the words in the box with places 1–14 on the map of London below. Then listen and check.

    square restaurant school office building train station bridge café theatre sports centre library bus station cinema shop park shopping centre market monument

    hotel flat street

    2 1.14 Watch or listen. Which places from exercise 1 do the people mention?

    3 1.14 Watch or listen again and complete the sentences.1 There isn’t a here. 2 There are some in the city, too.3 There’s an old . 4 There's a .5 There aren’t any good here.

    Covent Garden – go shopping in the 8 s.

    The IMAX 9

    – watch a 3D film here.

    At the British 1 ,there are fourteen million books!


    Towns and citiesVOCABULARY • Places in a town or cityI can talk about places in a town or city.1

    Extra listening and speaking p92

    Curriculum extra p100

    Culture p106

    Song p116

    EP2e SB1.indb 12 02/11/2015 11:55

    На почетку Unit-a jасан преглед

    додатног материјала који се налази

    на крају књиге.

    I can... Искази на почетку сваке

    лекције су заправо формулација исхода

    сваког часа.

    Нов вокабулар је

    дат у контекстуквиза, упитника

    или игре, а потом и у видео и аудио


    The Savoyfamous

    there e fourteen million books!

    Extra listening and speaking p92

    Curriculum extra p100Curriculum extra p100

    Culture p106Culture p106

    Song p116Song p116Song p116Song p116

    English Plus 1 Second edition

    Уџбенички комплет за 5. разред


  • 12

    Harrods is a very famous 6 .

    The Savoy is a very famous 3 .

    Victoria 7 –London buses stop here.

    Nelson’s Columnis a tall 4in the middle of Trafalgar 5 .

    Regent’s 2 is a beautiful green area.

    THINK! What famous places are there in your town or city?

    1 1.13 Match fourteen of the words in the box with places 1–14 on the map of London below. Then listen and check.

    square restaurant school office building train station bridge café theatre sports centre library bus station cinema shop park shopping centre market monument

    hotel flat street

    2 1.14 Watch or listen. Which places from exercise 1 do the people mention?

    3 1.14 Watch or listen again and complete the sentences.1 There isn’t a here. 2 There are some in the city, too.3 There’s an old . 4 There's a .5 There aren’t any good here.

    Covent Garden – go shopping in the 8 s.

    The IMAX 9

    – watch a 3D film here.

    At the British 1 ,there are fourteen million books!


    Towns and citiesVOCABULARY • Places in a town or cityI can talk about places in a town or city.1

    Extra listening and speaking p92

    Curriculum extra p100

    Culture p106

    Song p116

    EP2e SB1.indb 12 02/11/2015 11:55


    The West End is London’s 12 district.

    Tower 13– see the River Thames from here.

    King’s Cross 11– take a train here.

    There's a good Chinese restaurant near my house.

    There are some interesting monuments here.

    What are the good and bad things about your town or city? Write sentences.


    Language point: there’s, there are + a, an, some and any4 Look at the words in blue in exercise 3. When do

    we use a, an, some and any?

    5 Write true sentences about your town or city using there’s / there isn’t, there are / there aren’tand a, an, some and any.1 area called Chinatown.2 nice cafés.3 flats in this area.4 bus station.5 monument opposite

    our school.

    Talking about placesThere's a/an … There isn't a/an …There are some … There aren't any …My favourite place is …


    6 USE IT! Work in pairs. Talk about places in your town or city. Use the key phrases.

    Chinatown, eat interesting Chinese food in the 10 s here.

    The Shard is London’s new and very tall 14 .

    is London’s

    er Thames from here.

    restaurant near my house.


    Talking about placesThere's a/an …There are some …My favourite place is …


    6your town or city. Use the key phrases.

    The Shardand very tall

    EP2e SB1.indb 13 02/11/2015 11:55


    PUZZLES AND GAMES • Towns and cities 21

    1 Complete the puzzle with places in a town. What is the mystery word in grey?

    4 Find the adjectives in the puzzles.1 4

    5 COMPARATIVES BINGO. Work in groups of four. Follow the instructions.

    3 SPOT THE DIFFERENCE. Work in pairs. Student A looks at map A. Student B looks at map B. Ask and answer questions to find six differences.

    2 GUESS THE SENTENCE. Follow the instructions.

    1 M T

    2 U R

    3 C É

    4 I A Y

    5 C E A6 H A R

    • Think of a sentence about your town or city with there’s or there are.

    • One student goes to the board and writes the first letters of each word in a sentence, for example,T– – – – i– a b– – s– – – – – – – – c– – – – – i– m– c– – –(There is a big shopping centre in my city.)

    • Take turns to guess the words.• The winner is the first student to guess the

    whole sentence. He or she then goes to the board and writes his or her sentence.

    • Repeat the game.








    r o



    d m


    • One person is the game leader.• Choose six adjectives from the words in the

    box. Then write the comparative forms in the bingo table.

    • The game leader says the comparative forms of the adjectives in the box.

    • Listen and tick the comparatives you hear. • The first person to tick all the words in their

    bingo table says ‘Bingo!’.

    friendly quiet clean pretty olddangerous dirty ugly small big

    bad exciting

    2 5 g







    l e

    3 6s





    d r








    e p



    Is there a … on your map?

    How many … are there on your map?


    Yes, there is.

    There are …



    EP2e SB1.indb 21 02/11/2015 11:56

    The summer holidays came, and there was no school. Tom didn’t want to think about Muff Potter and Injun Joe, but it wasn’t easy. At night, when he was in bed, he saw Injun Joe’s face in the dark, and he couldn’t sleep. But he couldn’t talk to anyone about it.One hot summer’s day he and Joe Harper were down by the Mississippi River. They sat and watched the boats, and �shed and talked.‘Let’s get away from here!’ said Tom, suddenly. ‘Let’s go and do something exciting somewhere.’‘OK,’ said Joe. ‘But what? And where?’

    was in bed, he saw Injun Joe’s face in the dark, and


    ‘I know,’ Tom said. ‘Let’s run away. Let’s go and live on Jackson’s Island. We can sleep out, under the trees.’Jackson’s Island was in the Mississippi, three miles south of St Petersburg. Nobody lived there.‘Let’s ask Huck Finn, too,’ said Tom. ‘But don’t tell your mother or father or anyone. Go home and get some things to eat, and meet me here at midnight.’So that night three boys in a small boat went down the river to Jackson’s Island. They had some bread and some meat, and Huck had his pipe, too. When they got there, they carried everything on to the island and made a �re, under a big old tree. Then they cooked some of the meat over the �re, and oh, that meat was so good – the best dinner in the world! Soon, they stopped talking, their eyes closed and they slept.

    Extract from Oxford Bookworms Library: �e Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, retold by Nick Bullard CURRICULUM EXTRA 105

    1 Check the meaning of the words in the box and complete the sentences.

    pipe sleep out carry the darkrun away

    1 There were a lot of shopping bags in the car, so I helped my father them into the house.

    2 When we got up it was 3 a.m., so we left the campsite in .

    3 We wanted to because there were a lot of insects near the river.

    4 Smoking a is bad for your health.5 If you in summer, you can look at

    the stars in the night sky.

    2 Read the text. Then answer the questions.1 Why couldn’t Tom sleep?2 Why did Tom want to go to Jackson’s Island? 3 How far was Jackson’s Island from

    St Petersburg?4 How many boys went to the island?5 Where did they make a fire?6 What did they think of their dinner?

    3 3.26 Read and listen to the text again. Find a person or place for sentences 1–5.1 Someone Tom didn’t like. 2 A place with boats. 3 The place where the boys went to sleep out.

    4 A town near the Mississippi. 5 Tom and Joe’s friend.

    4 USE IT! Work in pairs. What did Tom and his friends do the next day? Write a short paragraph. Then compare your paragraph with another pair.The next day the boys got up at 8 a.m. Then they …

    CURRICULUM EXTRA • Language and literature: The Adventures of Tom SawyerI can read and understand an extract from a work of literature.

    8 Options

    EP2e SB1 Endmatter.indd 105 02/11/2015 12:56

    PROJECT 113

    PROJECT • My dream schoolI can make a poster about my dream school.4 Options

    1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 What do you like and dislike about your school?2 What is your favourite school subject? Why?3 What are the people doing in the photos?4 What ideas have you got for your dream


    2 Read the text. How many of your ideas are the same?

    3 Make a poster about your dream school. Follow the steps in the project checklist.

    1 Work in groups. Think about your dream school. Write short texts about each of these things:• the surroundings• the building• the classrooms

    • the canteen• the people• the timetable

    2 Draw some pictures or find some photos for your poster.

    3 Make a poster with your texts and photos / pictures.

    4 Present your dream school to your class. 5 Put all the posters on the wall.


    4 Look at the other posters. Which dream school do you like the best? Why?

    CanteenThe canteen is amazing! The food is

    very healthy and tasty. Some of the vegetables come from the

    school garden.

    BuildingThe school is in a big and modern

    building and it’s very colourful. It has got big windows. It isn’t dirty or ugly. There’s

    also a really good sports centre.

    SMy dream school is in a park.

    There are a lot of trees and a school garden.

    PeopleThe teachers and students are really

    friendly and like the school.

    the same?

    My dream schoolMy dream schoolMy dream schoolMy dream schoolMy dream schoolMy dream school

    TimetableWe have classes �ve days a week from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The lessons are always interesting and students can study subjects that they like, for example, music, art, dance or sport.

    In this photo, the students are painting in an art class.

    ClassroomsEvery classroom has the most

    modern technology such as laptops and interactive whiteboards.

    In this photo the students are watching a video and �nding information for a project.

    They’re working hard, but they’re also having fun.

    EP2e SB1.indb 113 02/11/2015 12:08

    Шест Curriculum Extra лекција

    уводе CLILповезујући

    наставу енглеског језика са другим


    Use it! Омогућава сваком

    ђаку да употреби научено на

    креативан и себи својствен начин.

    Finished? Активности на

    крају сваке лекције за рад у

    мешовитим одељењима.

    Четири Project лекције за групни рад и

    кумулативно обнављање градива. НOВO

    Puzzles and Games лекција на крају сваког Unit-а омогућава утврђивање градива на

    занимљив начин. НOВO

    The Savoy is a very famous 3 .

    Nelson’s Columnis a tall 4in the middle of Trafalgar 5 .

    there e fourteen million books!


    Extra listening and speaking p92Extra listening and speaking p92

    Curriculum extra p100Curriculum extra p100

    Culture p106Culture p106

    The West End is London’s 12 district.

    Tower 13– see the RivThames from here.

    King’s Cross 11– take a train here.

    ChinatownChinese food in the

  • English Plus 1 Second edition

    Practice Kit

    LMS платформа за формирање одељења и праћење рада ђака.

    Разноврсна online вежбања за самосталан рад код куће и увежбавање садржаја на другачији начин.

    Аутоматска провера тачности решења задатака. За наставника могућност увида у активност сваког

    ђака и савладаност градива на нивоу одељења. Видео-записи, анкете, дијалози и анимације за

    мотивацију ученика.

    120 Irregular verb


    InfinitivePast simple

    Past participle

    be /biː, bɪ/was /wɒz,

    wəz/, were/wɜː(r), wə(

    r)/ been /biːn/

    become /bɪˈkʌm/

    became /bɪˈkeɪm/

    become /bɪˈkʌm/

    begin /bɪˈgɪn/

    began /bɪˈgæn/

    begun /bɪˈgʌn/

    break /breɪk/

    broke /brəʊk/

    broken /ˈbrəʊkən/

    build /bɪld/

    built /bɪlt/

    built /bɪlt/

    buy /baɪ/bought /bɔ


    bought /bɔːt/

    can /kæn/could /kʊd


    could /kʊd/

    catch /kæʧ/

    caught /kɔːt/

    caught /kɔːt/

    come /kʌm/

    came /keɪm/

    come /kʌm/

    do /duː/did /dɪd/

    done /dʌn/

    drink /drɪŋk/

    drank /dræŋk/

    drunk /drʌŋk/

    eat /iːt/ate /eɪt/

    eaten /iːtn/

    find /faɪnd/

    found /faʊnd/

    found /faʊnd/

    fly /flaɪ/flew /fluː/

    flown /fləʊn/

    get /get/got /gɒt/

    got /gɒt/

    get up /ˈget ʌp/

    got up /ˈgɒt ʌp/

    got up /ˈgɒt ʌp/

    give /gɪv/gave /geɪv


    given /gɪvn/

    go /gəʊ/went /wen


    gone /gɒn/

    have /hæv/

    had /hæd/

    had /hæd/

    hide /haɪd/

    hid /hɪd/

    hidden /hɪdn/

    know /nəʊ/

    knew /njuː/

    known /nəʊn/

    learn /lɜːn/

    learnt / learned /lɜːnt

    /learnt / lea

    rned /lɜːnt/

    leave /liːv/left /left/

    left /left/

    lose /luːz/lost /lɒst/

    lost /lɒst/

    make /meɪk/

    made /meɪd/

    made /meɪd/

    meet /miːt/

    met /met/

    met /met/

    read /riːd/read /red/

    read /red/

    run /rʌn/ran /ræn/

    run /rʌn/

    say /seɪ/said /sed/

    said /sed/

    see /siː/saw /sɔː/

    seen /siːn/

    send /send/

    sent /sent/

    sent /sent/

    sit /sɪt/sat /sæt/

    sat /sæt/

    sleep /sliːp/

    slept /slept/

    slept /slept/

    speak /spiːk/

    spoke /spəʊk/

    spoken /ˈspəʊkən/

    spend /spend/

    spent /spent/

    spent /spent/

    swim /swɪm/

    swam /swæm/

    swum /swʌm/

    take /teɪk/took /tʊk/

    taken /ˈteɪkən/

    teach /tiːʧ/

    taught /tɔːt/

    taught /tɔːt/

    tell /tel/told /təʊld


    told /təʊld/

    think /θɪŋk/

    thought /θɔːt/

    thought /θɔːt/

    wear /weə(r)/

    wore /wɔː(r)/

    worn /wɔːn/

    write /raɪt/

    wrote /rəʊt/

    written /rɪtn/


    EP2e WB1 Serbian skil

    ls.indd 120

    15/11/2017 16:26

    Непознате речи са фонетском транскрипцијом и преводом.

    Листа неправилних

    глагола са фонетском


    Радна свескаса Practice Kit-ом

    Прегледно конципиране лекције у радној свесци пресликавају структуру уџбеника, што олакшава сналажење.

    У радној свесци се налази Practice Kit– кóд за приступ online вежбањима и аудио-материјалима.

    Непознате речи


    104 WordlistUse the card in the back of the book to access your Wordlist audio files at www.oxfordlearn.com.

    Listen to the words and check your pronunciation.

    medium-sized (adj) /ˈmiːdiəm ˌsaɪzd/ средње величине mime (v) /maɪm/ показати пантомимом mosquito (n) /məˈskiːtəʊ/ комарац notebook (n) / ̍ nəʊtbʊk/ свеска PE (Physical Education) (n) /ˌpiː ˈiː (ˌfɪzɪkl eʤuˈkeɪʃn)/ физичко васпитање practical (adj) /ˈpræktɪkl/ практичанpractise (v) / ̍ præktɪs/ вежбатиprimary school (n) /ˈpraɪməri skuːl/ основна школа private school (n) /ˈpraɪvət ̩ skuːl/приватна школа project (n) /ˈprɒʤekt/ пројекатpronunciation (n) /prənʌnsiˈeɪʃn/изговорPSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) (n) /ˌpiː ̩ es ˌeɪʧ ˈiː (ˌpɜːsənl, ˌsəʊʃl ən ˈhelθ eʤuˌkeɪʃn)/ ЛДЗО (лично, друштвено и здравствено образовање)read (v) /riːd/ читатиrepeat (v) /rɪˈpiːt/ поновитиrevise (v) /rɪˈvaɪz/ поновити (градиво)Russian (n) /ˈrʌʃn/ руски језик secondary school (n) / ̍ sekəndri skuːl/средња школа

    exam (n) /ɪgˈzæm/ испитexchange programme (n) /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ ˌprəʊgræm/ програм разменеgenius (n) /ˈʤiːniəs/ геније geography (n) /ʤiˈɒgrəfi/географијаgrammar (n) /ˈgræmə(r)/ граматикаgreat (adj) /greɪt/ сјајанhistory (n) /ˈhɪstri/ историјаhomework (n) /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ домаћи задатак

    ICT (Information and Computer Technology) (n) /ˌaɪ ̩ siː ˈtiː (ɪnfəˌmeɪʃn ən kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn tekˈnɒləʤi)/ ИКТ (Информатичке и компјутерске технологије) Italian (n) /ɪˈtæliən/ италијански језик know (v) /nəʊ/ знатиlanguage (n) /ˈlæŋgwɪʤ/ језикlearn (v) /lɜːn/ (на)учитиlisten to (v) /ˈlɪsn ̩ tuː, tə/ слушатиlistening (n) /ˈlɪsnɪŋ/ слушањеmake notes (verb phrase) /ˌmeɪk ̍ nəʊts/хватати белешкеMandarin (n) /ˈmændərɪn/мандарински језик maths (n) /mæθs/ математика

    wildlife programme (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf ˌprəʊgræm/ програм о дивљим животињамаwing (n) /wɪŋ/ крилоwolf (n) /wʊlf/ вук world (n) /wɜːld/ свет

    Unit 4Arabic (n) /ˈærəbɪk/ арапски језик ask questions (verb phrase) /ˌɑːsk ˈkwesʧənz/ постављати питањаboarding school (n) /ˈbɔːdɪŋ ̩ skuːl/интернат

    boat (n) /bəʊt/ бродbusiness studies (n) /ˈbɪznəs ̩ stʌdiz/пословне студије check (v) /ʧek/ проверитиclass (n) / klɑːs/ разредcomic (n) /ˈkɒmɪk/ стрип compulsory (adj) /kəmˈpʌlsəri/обавезанconcentrate (v) /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt/концентрисати сеdifficult (adj) /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ тежакEnglish (n) /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ енглески језик enjoy (v) /ɪnˈʤɔɪ/ уживати





    business womanbuilder


    shop assistant

    English Plus WB1 Serbia bound proofs.indb 104

    15/11/2017 10:02


    104104 WW

    boat (n)business studies (n)

    check class comic (n)compulsory (adj)compulsory (adj)

    обавеconcentrate concentrate concentrate

    концентрисати сеdifficult (adj)difficult (adj)difficult (adj)English English enjoy (v)enjoy (v)

    12 Towns and cities12 Towns and cities

    2 ★★ Read the clues and write the places.

    café flats office building schoolshop shopping centre

    sports centre street theatre

    3 ★★ Look at the map. Write five more sentences about things you can see.

    There’s a café.12345

    4 ★★★ Write sentences about the capital city of your country or a big city near you. There’s a big new office building. It’s opposite the station.

    1 ★ Look at the pictures. Correct the words.

    bridge monument 1 market 2 cinema 3 park

    4 train station 5 monument 6 library 7 bus station

    If you’re interested in new clothes, this is a good place for you. shop

    1 There are desks, boards and a lot of students here.

    2 This place has got tables, chairs and good coffee, too.

    3 There are good actors here!

    4 These are people’s homes. There are a lot of these in one building.

    5 This is a road in a town. There are cars and buses here, and houses, too.

    6 This is a good place for people interested in basketball.

    7 There are different shops here.

    8 People work here. There are a lot of computers and desks.

    Places Quiz





    Towns and citiesVOCABULARY • Places in a town or city1

    English Plus WB1 Serbia bound proofs.indb 12 15/11/2017 10:01

    Градирана вежбањаолакшавају одређивање стандарда постигнућа.


  • НOВOДидактичка играПокрени ПРИЧУ

    9 коцкица са 54 оригиналне илустрације за развој комуникативних способности!


    А СВЕ



    Наставнички комплет

    Teacher’s Book Приказ страна из уџбеника за лакше сналажење и

    планирање часа. НОВО Решења задатака из уџбеника и радне свеске.Приступни кóд за online Practice Kit. НОВО Транскрипт аудио-записа из уџбеника и радне свеске.

    Audio CD

    Аудио-записи текстова, дијалога и вежби слушања.

    DVDЧетири различите врсте видео-записа – анкете јавног мишљења, дијалози,

    граматичке анимације и документарни снимци, уз готове активности за проверу разумевања и смернице за наставнике.

    Teacher’s Resource DiskДодатна вежбања за граматику и вокабулар за сваки

    Unit у три нивоа – basic, revision и extension.How to... Смернице и упутства за рад са децом са

    сметњама у развоју, са дислексијом, са одељењима мешовитог знања итд. Тестови: иницијални, за сваки Unit у три нивоа, са групама А и Б, петоминутни, тестови

    за крај полугодишта и школске године, решења тестова (у PDF и Wоrd формату).


    Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)Садржај уџбеника и радне свеске у дигиталном


    Интерактивни садржаји подстичу мотивацију ђака.

    Аудио и видео записи на једном месту.

    Решења задатака се приказују једно по једно или сва одједном.

    Функционише o� ine – интернет конекција потребна само приликом инсталирања.

    Годишњи и месечни наставни планови и предлог дневних припремау Wоrd-у, са унетим исходима и стандардима постигнућа.

  • Проверена и поуздана методологија и концепт једне од најзаступљенијих серија у школама у Србији примењена је и у уџбеничком комплету за 6. разред. Мотивишући ђаке савременим текстовима и освеженим визуелним елементима, English Plus 2 2nd edition олакшава усвајање нових садржаја.

    У потпуности усклађен са новим Програмом наставе за шести разред, са заступљеним свим језичким функцијама и садржајима, захваљујући чему се остварују сви циљеви, исходи и стандарди наставе.

    Конверзацијски концепт ове серије уџбеника оспособљава ђаке за сваку говорну ситуацију.

    Понуђене теме су разноврсне, примерене узрасту и интересовањима ученика.

    Вођено је рачуна о различитим способностима и нивоима општег и језичког (пред)знања ученика, као и о различитим стиловима учења.

    Захваљујући CLIL садржајима, учењем страног језика проширују се и развијају не само језичка већ и општа знања и компетенције.

    У аудио-записима заступљени су различити изговори и акценти како би се ђаци упознали са различитим варијантама енглеског језика.

    Теме и задаци подстичу критичко мишљење и изношење сопствених ставова.

    Израда задатака подразумева интеракцију међу ђацима чиме се развијају социјалне вештине.


    Ben Wetz, Diana Pye, Janet Hardy-Gould

    64 Survival

    6THINK! What types of sport and activities can you do at school? What about places outside school?

    SPEAKING • Giving instructionsI can give instructions and safety information.

    1 2.09 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Then watch or listen and check. Which two items of safety equipment does Mark need?

    fast follow head slowly small wear

    2 2.09 Read the key phrases. Cover the dialogue and complete them with one word. Watch or listen again and check.

    Giving instructions and safety informationIt’s 1 to …I / You / It need(s) 2 …Make 3 that …Don’t 4 .Try (not) 5 …Remember 6 …You’ll be fine 7 …


    3 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.

    4 2.10 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Then practise it with your partner.A You’ll be fine if you follow me.A Let’s see. It’s fine. Your helmet needs to

    be secure. OK, are you ready?A It’s important to check your equipment

    first, Becky. Is your helmet OK? 1A Don’t worry. Just go slowly and

    remember to relax and use your legs.B Erm, yes, I think so. I’m nervous.B That’s a very big rock! What if I fall?B It isn’t very comfortable. It feels very small.

    5 USE IT! Work in pairs. Prepare and practise a new dialogue for the situation. Use the key phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.

    Student A: You are going to go on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Ask the instructor to check your equipment. Tell him / her that you are a little scared of cycling in the countryside and ask for instructions.

    Student B: You are an instructor at an activity centre and you are taking a group of students on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Check student A’s equipment. Ask if he / she is OK and if he / she has any questions or doubts.

    Mark So, is this my bike?Amy Yes, it is. And here’s your safety vest. Mark A safety vest? Really?Amy Yes! And make sure that you 1

    it when you’re on your bike. Every time.Mark OK. Can you check my helmet? It feels too

    2 .Amy Let’s see. Yes, it’s fine. It needs to be secure.

    It’s important to protect your 3 .Mark You won’t go too 4 ?Amy Don’t worry. We’ll go 5 . Try not

    to be nervous or you won’t enjoy it. Mark OK.Amy Just remember to stay with the group.

    You’ll be fine if you follow my instructions. Are we ready?

    Mark Yes.Amy Let’s go, then. 6 me.


    Теме говорних вежби су из

    свакодневног живота, употребљиве

    и ђацима блиске.

    Посебне лекције посвећене

    вештинама говора и писања.

    Вештина говора уводи се слушањем и читањем говорног

    модела који се потом и анализира.

    Извучене кључне фразе служе као


    What types of sport and activities can you do at school? What about places outside school?

    Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Then practise it with your

    You’ll be fine if you follow me.Let’s see. It’s fine. Your helmet needs to be secure. OK, are you ready?It’s important to check your equipment first, Becky. Is your helmet OK?Don’t worry. Just go slowly and remember to relax and use your legs.Erm, yes, I think so. I’m nervous.That’s a very big rock! What if I fall?It isn’t very comfortable. It feels very small.

    Work in pairs. Prepare and practise a new dialogue for the situation. Use the key phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help

    : You are going to go on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Ask the instructor to check your equipment. Tell him / her that you are a little scared of cycling in the countryside and ask for instructions.

    : You are an instructor at an activity centre and you are taking a group of students on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Check student A’s equipment. Ask if he / she is OK and if he / she has any questions or doubts.

    English Plus 2 Second edition

    Уџбенички комплет за 6. разред



  • 64 Survival

    6THINK! What types of sport and activities can you do at school? What about places outside school?

    SPEAKING • Giving instructionsI can give instructions and safety information.

    1 2.09 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Then watch or listen and check. Which two items of safety equipment does Mark need?

    fast follow head slowly small wear

    2 2.09 Read the key phrases. Cover the dialogue and complete them with one word. Watch or listen again and check.

    Giving instructions and safety informationIt’s 1 to …I / You / It need(s) 2 …Make 3 that …Don’t 4 .Try (not) 5 …Remember 6 …You’ll be fine 7 …


    3 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.

    4 2.10 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Then practise it with your partner.A You’ll be fine if you follow me.A Let’s see. It’s fine. Your helmet needs to

    be secure. OK, are you ready?A It’s important to check your equipment

    first, Becky. Is your helmet OK? 1A Don’t worry. Just go slowly and

    remember to relax and use your legs.B Erm, yes, I think so. I’m nervous.B That’s a very big rock! What if I fall?B It isn’t very comfortable. It feels very small.

    5 USE IT! Work in pairs. Prepare and practise a new dialogue for the situation. Use the key phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.

    Student A: You are going to go on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Ask the instructor to check your equipment. Tell him / her that you are a little scared of cycling in the countryside and ask for instructions.

    Student B: You are an instructor at an activity centre and you are taking a group of students on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Check student A’s equipment. Ask if he / she is OK and if he / she has any questions or doubts.

    Mark So, is this my bike?Amy Yes, it is. And here’s your safety vest. Mark A safety vest? Really?Amy Yes! And make sure that you 1

    it when you’re on your bike. Every time.Mark OK. Can you check my helmet? It feels too

    2 .Amy Let’s see. Yes, it’s fine. It needs to be secure.

    It’s important to protect your 3 .Mark You won’t go too 4 ?Amy Don’t worry. We’ll go 5 . Try not

    to be nervous or you won’t enjoy it. Mark OK.Amy Just remember to stay with the group.

    You’ll be fine if you follow my instructions. Are we ready?

    Mark Yes.Amy Let’s go, then. 6 me.


    Survival 65

    6 WRITING • A blogI can write an advice blog using imperatives.

    1 Read Maya’s blog. Who is the information in this blog for? What advice does Maya give about school work?

    2 Complete the key phrases from the blog.

    Giving adviceIt’s a good idea to .You should .It’s important to .If you need help, 4 .


    Language point: Imperatives

    3 Cover the text. Can you remember the advice? Complete the sentences. Then read the text and check your answers.

    4 Complete the imperative sentences with the verbs in the box.

    arrive be organize worry

    1 Don’t afraid to say what you think.2 Don’t about ‘problem people’.3 your study time.4 Don’t late for lessons.

    5 USE IT! Follow the steps in the writing guide.

    A TASKWrite a blog for students with the title How to survive homework.

    B THINK AND PLAN1 What problems do students have with

    homework?2 When should you do it?3 What can you do if it is very difficult?4 Where can you get help?5 What about weekends?

    C WRITEPractical adviceIt’s a good idea to …ProblemsYou should … if …

    D CHECK• Your use of imperatives• should and shouldn’t• First conditional


    THINK! Which part of the school day do you like the most? Why?

    School is a big part of life, so why not enjoy it? Here are my tips for surviving school.• Friends are important, but keep away from ‘problem people’.

    If you’re friendly and positive, people will like you. • It’s a good idea to join clubs. You’ll have more fun. • Stay con�dent, and only do what is right for you. • Dress well. You can look cool in your uniform!• Don’t get behind with your work. You should pay attention in class

    and do your homework. • It’s important to arrive on time for lessons. • Don’t panic! If you need help, ask your teachers.

    How to survive at school

    Affirmative ✓

    1 confident.2 well.

    Negative ✗

    3 Don’t behind with work.4 Don’t


    1 We use the present con

    tinuous to talk about

    things happening now / h


    2 We make the present co

    ntinuous with the verb

    do / be and the -ing / base

    form of a verb.

    3 We don’t usually use so

    me verbs in the present

    continuous. Two of these a

    re be / live and make /

    have (possession).

    Communication 21


    4 Write true and false sente

    nces about picture

    B using affirmative and neg

    ative forms of the

    present continuous. Use t

    he verbs in the box.

    have helplook say s

    it sleep

    speak swim

    The man isn’t

    saying ‘We’re

    having a fantastic

    holiday!’ (true)

    The man is helping

    the dog. (false)


    sent continuous: affirmat

    ive and negative

    I can describe what’s happ

    ening in a picture.

    1 Complete the sentences w

    ith the words in the box.

    Check your answers in the

    text on page 20. Then

    choose the correct words i

    n the rules.

    are becoming aren’t spe


    is sending isn’t using

    1 Anna Lucy an insta

    nt message.

    2 Anna real words.

    3 They a truly intern



    4 We face-to-face


    2 Read the study strategy. T

    hen write the -ing form

    of the verbs. Check your a

    nswers in the text on

    page 20.

    1 become 4 speak

    2 have 5 sit

    3 send 6 write

    Finding spelling rules

    Sometimes the final lette

    r of a verb can show you

    how to spell the continuo

    us form.

    • Look at verbs that end i

    n -e. Do you keep or

    delete the -e before you ad

    d -ing?

    • Look at verbs that end i

    n a short vowel and then

    a consonant. What letter

    is added before -ing?


    3 Look at picture A. Compl

    ete sentences 1–6 using

    affirmative and negative f

    orms of the present


    1 A man, a woman and a

    dog (sit) in

    a boat.

    2 The man (have) a con


    3 He (say), ‘We're

    having a fantastic


    4 The woman


    5 She (sleep).

    6 The dog (point) to a s

    ign. 5USE IT! Rea

    d your sentences from exe


    4 to your partner. Say if yo

    ur partner’s sentences

    are true or false.

    Find another picture in th

    is book and

    describe it to your partne




    3 VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the words in blue in the text. For more practice go to page 20 in the Workbook.

    4 USE IT! Work in pairs. Do you like emojis? Why / Why not?

    READING • EmojisI can identify the main topics in an article.

    1 Read the article. Which of topics A–E are in the text? Put the topics in order.A Emojis to communicateB Fashion in JapanC Emojis in everyday lifeD Emojis and emotionsE Where emojis are from

    2 1.16 Read and listen to the article again. Write true or false.1 Lucy is reading a message made of emoticons.2 There are emojis on clothes.3 Emojis show only Japanese culture.4 The people and faces in the new emojis use a lot more colours.5 Emojis don’t help with communication.

    1 Anna is sitting on the sofa and she’s sending Lucy an instant message. They’re having a long conversation, but Anna isn’t only using real words and they aren’t writing real sentences. Like most other young people, they’re messaging with small, colourful pictures. They’re communicating with emojis.2 Look around and you can find creative emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, and emoji stories and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and why are they so popular?3 The inventor of the first emojis, Shigetaka Kurita, is from Japan, and ‘emoji’ comes from the Japanese for picture (e) and letter (moji). There are now more than a thousand, showing people and ideas from many cultures, not only Japan. They now have many different skin colours, and they are becoming a truly international language.4 Emojis and emoticons are popular because they can show our feelings. When we aren’t speaking face-to-face, it’s important to see if a message is sad, silly, funny or happy. So emojis are useful, but most of all they add a bit of colour to our lives, and a bit of fun. And that’s why we really love them.

    Emojifact fileFirst used: 1999, Japan

    Why: easy to send in phone messages

    Original number of emojis: 176

    Number of emojis now: more than 1,200

    Most popular emoji:

    20 Communication

    THINK! Why do people use emoticons?

    L k!I’m speaking emoji


    tonight? Or ?


    tonight? Or ? tonight? Or ? tonight? Or ? tonight? Or ?


    46 REVIEW • In the picture


    1 Choose the correct words.1 I was lying from / on / up my bed when I heard the phone.2 I was standing in / up / on the supermarket when I saw him.3 I’m climbing up / on / into a mountain.4 We were lying up / on / from the wall when we saw the accident.5 Lucy’s dog jumped up / against / over when her dad came into the room.

    2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.fast patiently quiet rudely sit on well

    1 Shh! Please be !2 You shouldn’t speak to your teacher.3 Don’t that wall. It isn’t safe.4 Wild animals are very so it’s difficult to take a photo of them.5 Antonio’s mother is Scottish, so he speaks English very .6 The teacher explained the lesson very


    Language focus

    3 Write an affirmative and negative sentence for each picture using the past continuous form of the verbs.

    4 Look at the pictures in exercise 3. Write questions and short answers using the past continuous.1 he / hold / a map2 she / read / a magazine3 they / make / dinner4 the cat / hang from / a tree5 he / listen to / music6 she / play / in a team

    5 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple and the past continuous in each sentence.1 She (find) a watch while she

    (walk) in the park.2 He (do) an exam when he (feel) sick.

    3 I (see) Katy while I (sit) on the bus.4 You (not listen) when the teacher (call) your name.


    6 Complete the mini-dialogues.1 A That’s a really great photo.

    B Really? That’s very k_ _d of you.2 A I took a great photo of my dad on my phone – he was dancing.B You’re k_ _ _ _ _ g!

    3 A What do you think of this photo?B It’s really good. I’m i_ _ _ _ _ _ _d.4 A Where were you when you took this photo of the car?B I was s_ _ _ _ _ _g in the street when the car went past.


    7 1.42 Listen to Jane and Tom. Complete the sentences with one, two or three words.1 Jane Tom’s photo.2 There’s a man and a in the photo.3 The dog was helping the man

    water.4 The man was having problems .5 Tom was

    when he saw the man.6 He used his to take the photo.

    1 hold / pick up map

    2 read a book / listen to music

    3 send a text message / play a game

    4 hang from / climb up

    5 stand in / lie on

    6 kick / hold

    Ђаци сами

    изводе граматичка


    Духовите илустрације уносе

    забаву и на часове намењене

    обради граматичких садржаја.

    Истакнуте кључне фразе и

    анализирана правописна и

    граматичка правила потребна за

    писање задатог текста.

    Детаљан водич усмерава ђаке

    корак по корак до успешно

    написаног текста.

    Теме текстова су модерне и прилагођене

    интересовањима ђака датог узраста.

    На крају сваке области

    налази се систематска провера

    усвојености свих језичких

    вештина и садржаја.

    What types of sport and activities can you do at school? What about places outside school?

    Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Then practise it with your

    You’ll be fine if you follow me.Let’s see. It’s fine. Your helmet needs to be secure. OK, are you ready?It’s important to check your equipment first, Becky. Is your helmet OK? 1Don’t worry. Just go slowly and remember to relax and use your legs.Erm, yes, I think so. I’m nervous.That’s a very big rock! What if I fall?It isn’t very comfortable. It feels very small.

    Work in pairs. Prepare and practise a new dialogue for the situation. Use the key phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help

    : You are going to go on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Ask the instructor to check your equipment. Tell him / her that you are a little scared of cycling in the countryside and ask for instructions.

    : You are an instructor at an activity centre and you are taking a group of students on a mountain bike trip in the countryside. Check student A’s equipment. Ask if he / she is OK and if he / she has any questions or doubts.


    6 WRITING • A blogI can write an advice blog using imperatives.

    1 Read Maya’s blog. Who is the information in this Read Maya’s blog. Who is the information in this blog for? What advice does Maya give about school work?

    2 Complete the key phrases from the blog.

    Giving adviceIt’s a good idea to You should It’s important to If you need help, 4


    Language point: Imperatives

    3 Cover the text. Can you remember the advice? Complete the sentences. Then read the text and check your answers.

    THINK! Which part of the school day do you like the most? Why?

    How to survive at school

    Affirmative ✓

    1 confident.2 well.

    Negative ✗

    3 Don’t behind with work.4 Don’t

  • English Plus 2 Second edition

    Practice Kit

    LMS платформа за формирање одељења и праћење рада ђака.

    Разноврсна online вежбања за самосталан рад код куће и увежбавање садржаја на другачији начин.

    Аутоматска провера тачности решења задатака. За наставника могућност увида у активност сваког

    ђака и савладаност градива на нивоу одељења. Видео-записи, анкете, дијалози и анимације за

    мотивацију ученика.


    ck your progress. Do th

    e exercises and then co

    mplete your own evalu


    I need to try this again

    .I am happy

    with this.

    I could do this better.

    I can do this very well.


    and places

    1 Complete the words.

    1 I love going on holid

    ay. It’s so r.

    2 I really like my mum

    because she’s always v


    k to me!

    3 I’m not mad about lo

    ng films – they’re

    sometimes slow and b


    4 My sister doesn’t like

    very strong coffee. She

    thinks it’s h!

    5 I think this castle is f

    ull of ghosts. It’s very

    s .

    6 I don’t like this new c

    omputer game. It’s

    a .

    7 Our grandfather isn’

    t scared of anything. H

    e’s a

    very b man.

    8 That famous singer i

    s very r.

    I can express what I like

    and don’t like.


    READING Museum exh


    2 Complete the dialogu

    es with the words.


    exhibitionexhibit bu


    The oldest museum in

    the world is the

    Ashmolean in Oxford.

    1 The National Galler

    y in London is very fam


    It’s got a of more tha

    n 2,300


    2 There’s an

    of Pablo Picasso’s

    paintings at the art ga

    llery. It’s brilliant!

    3 My favourite

    at the British

    Museum in London is t

    he Rosetta Stone.

    4 I want to visit the Ta

    j Mahal in India and th


    Colosseum in Rome –

    I love interesting old


    I can use photos to help

    me understand a text.



    s, were; there was,

    there were

    3 Write sentences usin

    g the affirmative (✔),

    or were


    2 the tunnels / really o

    ld ✔

    3 what / the name of t

    he tour ?

    4 the visit to the old t

    own / very long

    5 the tour guide / goo

    d ?

    6 our teacher / with us

    on the trip

    7 the tourists / scared

    of the dark


    I can write about signifi

    cant events in the past





    Common verbs

    4 06 Listen to Lily a

    nd Ann talk about a tra


    programme. Match 1–6

    with a–f.

    1 He explored

    a some animals.

    2 He visited

    b South America.

    3 He metc his scho

    ol friend.

    4 He stayed in

    d an older man.

    5 He took photos of

    e the mountains.

    6 He helped

    f two other travellers


    I can describe a journey.





    ck your progress. Do th

    e exercises and then co

    mplete your own evalu


    Check your progress. D

    o the exercises and the

    n complete your own e


    Check your progress. D

    o the exercises and the

    n complete your own e


    Check your progress. D

    o the exercises and the

    n complete your own e


    I need to try this again

    .I am happy

    with this.

    I could do this better.

    I can do this very well.


    and places

    1 Complete the words.

    1 I love going on holid

    ay. It’s so r.

    2 I really like my mum

    because she’s always v



    s, were; there was

    there were

    3 Write sentences usin

    g the affirmative (✔),


    I really like my mum b

    ecause she’s always ve


    I really like my mum b

    ecause she’s always ve

    ry Complete the words.

    I love going on holiday.

    It’s so

    I really like my mum b

    ecause she’s always ve




    30 The past


    На крају радне свеске дат јасан преглед граматике обрађене у свакој појединачној области, уз додатна вежбања за утврђивање.


    самопроцене је запр


    планирани исход.

    Након сваке обрађе


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    Радна свескаса Practice Kit-ом

    Садржај и структура радне свеске у потпуности су усклађени са уџбеникомчиме је њихова упоредна употреба олакшана.

    У додатку Skills Extra на крају радне свеске налазе се додатни граматички садржајизахваљујући којима је нови План наставе у потпуности испоштован.

    На крају радне свеске дат



    92 LANGUAGE FOCUS • Unit 8

    Present perfect: affirmative and negative

    We make the affirmative form of the present perfect with the verb have and the past participle of the verb.

    I’ve been paragliding.She’s painted a lot of pictures.They’ve visited three theme parks.We make the negative form with the verb have + notand the past participle of the verb.I haven’t ridden a motorbike before.He hasn’t seen this new film.We haven’t heard that song.We make regular past participles by adding -ed to the

    base form of the verb: climb → climbed. Note that some past participles are irregular, for example:

    break → broken fly → flownride → ridden swim → swumIn spoken and informal written English, we use short forms.

    I have won a competition. → I’ve won a competition.He has visited Italy. → He’s visited Italy.You have flown in a plane. → You’ve flown in a plane.Present perfect: questions and short answers; ever and never

    We make the question form by inverting the verb haveand the subject.

    Have you lived in another country?Has she visited the United States?We make answers with the verb have only, without the past participle of the main verb.Have we been to this restaurant before? Yes, we have.

    Has he touched a snake? No, he hasn’t.We don’t use short forms in positive short answers.Have you eaten Mexican food? Yes, I have.Yes, I’ve.

    Question words go before the verb have.What have you done with my camera?Who have you seen in concert?Where has he been on holiday?UsageWe use the present perfect to describe an experience in our lives before now. I have never touched a snake. (so I don’t know how they

    feel)We also use the present perfect to describe news or a change in a situation. He’s broken his leg. (so he can’t play football at the

    moment)We don’t use the present perfect when we want to say exactly when a past action happened. In this case we use the past simple.We saw James on Friday.We have seen James on Friday.I went to Istanbul last week.I have been to Istanbul last week.We sometimes use ever and never with the present

    perfect to ask and talk about experiences. Ever and never come before the past participle. Have you ever been to Prague? (= at any time in

    your life) He’s never eaten Indian food. (= not at any time

    in his life)Never means ‘not ever’.I’ve never done that. = I haven’t ever done that.

    We normally use ever with questions, and never with affirmative verbs, to give a negative meaning.He’s never ridden on a roller coaster.He hasn’t never ridden on a roller coaster.

    Affirmative NegativeHave I swum in a river? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.Has he / she / it swum in a river?Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn’t.Have you / we / they swum in a river?

    Yes, you / we / they have.No, you / we / they haven’t.

    Questions Short answers

    AffirmativeNegativeI’ve climbed a mountain.

    He / She / It’s climbed a mountain.You / We / They’ve climbed a mountain.

    I haven’t climbed a mountain.He / She / It hasn’t climbed a mountain.

    You / We / They haven’t climbed a mountain.

    I can write about signifi

    cant events in the past


    Listen to Lily and Ann

    talk about a travel

    programme. Match 1–6

    with a–f.

    some animals.

    South America.

    his school friend.

    an older man.

    the mountains.

    two other travellers.


    there was,

    or were


    they swum in a river?

    110 SKILLS EXTRA 4

    4 SKILLS EXTRA 4 • Adjectives; Plurals; Relative pronouns

    1 Look at the photos and match them to the texts.

    2 Read the texts. What do the numbers and dates refer to?1 1962 5 103 AD2 45 million 6 2003 0.8 km 7 15 metres4 40 metres

    Build your vocabulary3 Complete the definitions.

    1 A is a column of calcium deposits which grows from the floor of a cave.

    2 A is a column of calcium deposits which grows from the ceiling of a cave.

    3 A is a deep narrow valley with very straight sides of rock.

    4 is the process by wind, water and mechanical action that destroys something by making it smaller and smaller.

    5 are places where people have built a village or towns and lived for long periods.

    6 are the bones, teeth and other parts of dead bodies.

    7 If you are really interested or fascinated by something, you are .

    Adjectives4 Look at the sentences from the text. Which

    describes how the writer feels and which describes the place?A I was really excited to visit the cave.B Resava Cave is fascinating.

    Resava Cave

    I think a trip to the Resava Cave is a fascinating way to spend an aernoon. It’s amazing to think that scientists only started exploring the cave in 1962, although people say the shepherds who lived in the area knew about it a long time ago. They probably discovered it when they were looking aer their sheep. I was excited to visit the cave because it’s over 45 million years old and really beautiful, with unusual stalagmites and stalactites in red, yellow and white. There are over 4 km of caves, but you can only visit about 0.8 km. In the area called the Entrance Hall of History there is evidence of early human settlements and the remains of an Arctic fox. You might think caves are uninteresting but Resava Cave is fascinating! Ivan, 15

    Ðavolja Varoš

    The place I find really interesting is Ðavolja Varoš (the Devil’s Town) on Mount Radan. It’s an unusual place. People say these rock formations look like wedding guests who God turned to stone. These rock ladies and gentlemen are the result of erosion by wind and water. What’s really surprising is the number and size of them. There are more than 200 of them and they are up to 15 metres high. That’s as high as a four-storey building! We saw them in the evening when they looked amazing. They were decorated with lights, which made the sight seem really mystical. Some people think they are one of the seven wonders of the natural world. Béla, 14

    The Iron Gates of the Danube

    Last year, my family and I took a trip down the Danube by boat. The best part of the journey was the area known as the Iron Gates on the border between Serbia and Romania. The river here goes through a very deep, narrow gorge. Until the 1960s, this part of the river was very fast and diicult to sail down, but then the Serbian government built a massive dam and lock that slowed the water down. I was surprised to learn these works also raised the level of the river by about 40 metres. My favourite fact is that the Romans built a bridge across the gorge . Apparently, it took two years to build (from 103 to 105 AD). I’m intrigued to know how they did it.

    Filip, 14


    Adjectives; Plurals; Relative pronouns



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