June 2016 No 364 www.adelaideanqueauto.org.au

June 2016 No 364

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June 2016 No 364


Page 2

Mechanical & Electrical

General & Manufacturers Service

(including Light Diesel)

Suspension, Exhausts, Brakes

General Electrical Repairs

(Body & Engine)

Security & Air Conditioning

188 Magill Rd, NORWOOD

08 8332 3920 Mon - Fri

The articles and views expressed in this newsletter are not nec-

essarily those of the editor, the committee of the AAAC or the





Have you been past to look in awe at the new AAA web-

site yet? If “No” why not drop by and see how good this

all looks in colour!

Hi All

Just a couple of items that

require your input about

membership fees which are

due. There is a late fee to

beware of and also your ve-

hicle will be unregistered so don’t forget or it could be a

costly mistake.

Secondly, the committee positions will be up for grabs. If

you would like to be involved with the committee fill out

the Nomination slip on page 12 and have it in by the AGM






Page 3

Cover Photo

Austin Healy

Club Runs & Events

Club Runs & Events

Page 4


Should members no longer require a printed copy of this newsletter as they would prefer to download it in colour from the

website then please contact the Secretary or the Editor who will make the changes for you.

Would you prefer an electronic copy of the newsletter in colour rather than drab black and white?

Christmas in June Sunday 19th June

9.30 am for a 9.45 am start

at the AAAC club rooms

Lunch at the Boat House Hotel

Victoria Road Taperoo

Rocker Cover Races Sunday July 17th 9.30 am for a 10 am start

For a short flat cruise suitable

for old cars, trucks and bikes.

The club will be suppling

steak, sausages etc

for the BBQ lunch back

at the clubrooms and

then for some fierce racing

after lunch.

race rules on page 14

Sunday the 21st August 2016.

The Gully to Gawler.

Come with Malcolm & Carly, 041234 111 5 for

The most scenic drive in South

Australia This is an all Weather run, so come in your Air

conditioned modern or old car. We are booked as a private function into

the same Hotel as last year, for that 3 course meal at those excellent prices, in-

cluding seniors discounts.

your booking is very important today.

Meet & start from Tea Tree Gully Hotel car Park. At the

most easterly end.

The address, 1349 North East Rd, Tea Tree Gully

Meeting at 10-15am, leaving 10-30am .

After our leisurely guided drive, we should be seat-

ed in the Hotel for lunch by 12-00 noon. Roast of

the day is $10-00, the multi choice lunch special

menu has an average price of $10-90, to $12-90

including, salads, hot veg, soup, and ice cream.

Seniors less 10%. Kids have a multi menu which

includes rump steak, and schnitzel for a fixed price.

There is a detailed multi-page run sheet on the day.

If the temperature is 35 degrees or above, there will be no organised club run. However, if you wish to participate on any run

it will be voluntary, your choice. This does not apply to the Christmas run. As broadcast on Channel 7 TV news, on the Satur-

day evening prior to a run.

Invitations and other events

Page 5

Padarc Rally

Pt Pirie

11th 12th June 2016

Invitations and other events

Club Meetings

Third Friday of each month

June 17th 8.00 pm

(except December )

Combined Car Club Rooms

Committee Meeting

Monday June 20rth 2016

Combined Car Club Rooms

Have an idea for a run?

Why not help organize a club run (it does

not take a lot of work) - contact the Club

Captain and help be part of your club

Old Car Day Gathering

Thursday 1st Sept 2016

Bethany Reserve ,Bethany

Lunch at 12.30 BYO

Dubs by the River

10th 11th September

Morgan River front

not a show & shine

All Ford Day

September 2016

Bonython Park

Loxton Mallee Run

October long week end

1st 2nd 3rd 2016

Details on page 10

Page 6

AAAC Club Run, Mt Bold Reservoir, Echunga

AAAC Participants

The forecast was for a very windy and wet day which perhaps kept numbers down as only 13 cars were on

the run. With a lot of dust in the air, we arrived at the clubrooms to find a few members of the Mercedes

Club ready to set off on a run to the Waite Arboretum. They thought that our Mercedes was an extra to join

their group until we advised them otherwise.

We set off along Cross Road and Marion Road and then up Flagstaff Road. The wind was quite strong as

we got to Clarendon and as we drove into Mt Bold Reservoir. The road was littered with some bits of tree

branches and lots of blossom. I was glad when we got past the big gum trees as I had visions of larger

boughs dropping.

Just after we arrived at Mt Bold Reservoir for our morning tea break, members of the All Cars Club from

Willunga arrived. Some of our members walked across the reservoir wall to the other side and Brenton and

his granddaughter Maddie walked down the path to the bridge across the creek at the bottom of the wall. To

get back they had to retrace the steps up the same path as the other path was closed.

We then drove back to the main road and on through Kangarilla and Meadows to Echunga Sports Ground.

Quite heavy rain had started so we gathered for lunch under the veranda and carport in front of the

clubrooms which was fortunately out of the wind. After lunch with the temperature dropping we decided to

head for home after an interesting run. Thanks Edd.

Libby Ottaway

Dick & Inez Johnson 1958 Austin Lancer

Brenton & Maddie Watkins 1959 Zephyr

Basil & Lyn Mason 1960 Zephyr

Roger & Kay Keane 1962 EJ Holden station wagon

Dennis Fordham & Rosalie Elsworth 1963 Colt 1100F

Brian & Cynthia Davey 1965 Ford Thunderbird

Edd & Chris Gray 1971 Rover P6

Ric & Libby Ottaway 1973 Mercedes 220

Bob & Marie Winen 1974 Holden HQ

Barry Scrimshaw & Brian Collins 1993 Mazda MX6

Mike & Heather Mundy 2009 Hyundai Tucson

Robyn & John Sommers 2011 Subaru Forester

Malcolm & Carly Goldsworthy 2013 Toyota Yaris

At the Mt Bold run I had the pleasure of the company of my 7 year old Granddaughter, Madeline Watkins as my navigator. She is the 5th generation of our family to have ridden in the Zephyr which was bought new by my Grandparents.

Due to time restraints for other commitments we had to leave the run at Mt Bold Reservoir so decided to do a circuit down to the swing bridge and up the other side. It wasn’t until we got on to the bridge that we found the gates at the end were secured and had to retrace our steps.

We waved up to the members on the dam wall then made our way back to the top. Maddie counted out aloud the 103 steps all the way back up where we joined others for morning tea.

Maddie thoroughly enjoyed the outing and was please to meet other members as well as the two canine guests. Brenton Watkin

Page 7

AAAC Club Run, Mt Bold Reservoir, Echunga

Page 8

Bits & Pieces



Now Available

Swap Meets

Sedan Swap meet

Sunday 19th June

All Makes Swap meet

Sunday 24th July

Globe Derby Park

Willunga Swap meet

Sunday 21st August

Binney Road

Gawler Swap meet

Sunday 11th September

Strathalbyn Swap meet

Sunday 16th October

For swap meet information


Market Place

Notice to Advertisers All Vehicles offered for sale should quote

their registration number or engine number

if not registered Advert will appear for 3 months from first publish

Adelaide Antique Automobile P.O . Box 363

Plympton, S.A. 5038 Membership Subscription Renewal

Member’s Name …………………………………………. Account for the year 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017

Full & Family membership fees $40 Please pay with the correct money, as this will help the treasurer

A late fee of $10 applies after the 31st July

Page 9

Annual Membership Due!

Conditional Registration information

Every historically registered vehicle (owner) MUST provide a Statuary Declaration, signed by a JP, for that vehicle, - each and every year -- before the end of a club's financial year, in this clubs' case -- 30th June. The club is obliged not to verify the logbook until this is provided and the members subs paid, if the subs are NOT paid by 30th June, the vehicle (s) are deemed unregistered and SHOULD NOT BE DRIVEN until those conditions are met and the logbook verified. You may use a multi vehicle stat dec and there is usually a JP at your local

Govt. member's office, Police officers and the AAAC has JPs as members.

A reminder -- the Historic reg. scheme was introduced to enable club members to use their vehicles for club, and club related events, while it is not illegal to use it occasionally privately, it is not in the spirit, or intent of the scheme.

Another reminder --- a condition of membership of the Adelaide Antique Automobile club is that you attend, two meetings and take part in three club runs in a calendar year, not onerous

really, there can be exceptions of course, at committee discretion.

Your friendly authorising bloke -- Arthur D

AAAC Club Invite

Page 10

Clover threshing at Moana early 1950’s

Days gone by

Page 11

Images supplied by Bob Lumsden

Sheaved hay from Strathalbyn 1964

Could this be the first motor home ?









Buicks of Adelaide


0415 038 038

Page 12

Nomination Slip

A grass hopper walks into a bar and sits down to order a drink. The barman says, “Hey, did you know that

there is a drink named after you?” And the grass hopper replies, “what a Kevin?”

Joe King

A young blonde woman is distraught because she fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. Hysterically the blonde responds to the husband, ''Shut up...you're next!''

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: ''Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!'' The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: ''The driver just in-sulted me!'' The man says: ''You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you.''

Little Johnny asks the teacher, “Mrs Roberts, can I be punished for something I haven’t done?” Mrs Roberts is shocked, “Of course not, Johnny, that would be very unfair!” Little Johnny is relieved, “OK Mrs Roberts, sorry, I haven’t done my homework.”

Page 13

Buicks of Adelaide


0415 038 038

Just for a Laugh

Page 14

Rocker Cover Race Rules ROCKER COVER RACE RULES What is it? — It’s a fun event for Young kids & Old kids — Anyone can enter — all you need is a rocker cover off an engine, some wheels and lots of imagination — have a go - and join the fun!!! THE COURSE Consists of a launch incline 2.4 metres long with two lanes 450mm wide, then a level run of 6 metres with two lanes 900mm wide. THE RACES Races are heats of two cars each. The cars are launched with the fronts on the starting retainer. The first car to have its front cross the finish line is the winner. If neither car makes it to the finish line, the car going the furthest in its lane wins. If the wheels of a car should touch the lane markers or cross over the lane marker the car shall be disqualified. The competing car immediately becomes the winner. Winning cars will advance to the next round until all are eliminated except one car. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into, the judge shall be provided with body guards and whisked away at the end of the race. THE CARS Cars shall be based on an actual rocker from an engine. • The cars shall have no power source or steering • No moving weights allowed • All motive force is provided by gravity • The maximum weight allowed is 4.5kg • The maximum length allowed is 750mm • The maximum over-all width allowed is 380mm • The maximum overall height allowed is 250mm • The maximum ground clearance allowed is 50mm • The car must have four wheels with a non-metallic surface contacting the track, each no more than 150mm in diameter. • Nothing can extend beyond the front of the rocker cover • 75% of the original rocker cover must remain. Drivers, downforce wings, spoilers, air dams, racing stickers, car names etc are all permitted providing they are inside the overall dimensions. (They probably won’t do any good, but we will all get a good laugh out of them.)

AAAC General Meeting Minutes

Page 15

Minutes of the AAAC General Meeting held on the 20 th May 2016 at CCC Clubrooms Meeting opened - 8.00 pm; Meeting chaired by President R. Courteney. Present approx. – 42 members.

Visitors – Nil.

Apologies - As per apologies. Sick List.-Nil.

Minutes of previous meeting as printed in the Magazine -

Moved – Malcolm Hatherly. Seconded – Barry Scrimshaw. Carried.

Business arising from minutes - Nil.

Magazines – Crank Talk; Chrysler Collector; Rover Drive; Steering Column. The “Con-Rod”.

Correspondence Out – Nil

Business arising from the Correspondence - Nil

Membership Report - 103 members plus 3 pending. New membership name tags will be issued when they arrive.

Treasurer -

Membership fees due, please note late fees apply.

Editor: - Please Email any Show and Shine, Gatherings or Special Events information direct to the Editor.

Would appreciate any early motoring photos and stories of interest please.

Historic Vehicle Registrar – All going well. Make sure all log books are signed.

Club Captain -

22nd May Run to Echunga via Mt Bold Reservoir, 10.30 start. Morning lunch at Mt Bold.

June –Luncheon at the Boathouse Inn with a run to Garden Island.

July- Rocker cover races at clubrooms with bbq.

August 21st Malcolm Goldsworthy is organising a Run back to Williston Hotel. We’ll be meeting at Tea Tree Gully Hotel for a 10.15 start. Meals start from at $10.00. There is plenty of parking at Hotel.

29th Oct. Four Clubs Run at Kingston.

Federation Report – A. Doecke said that there was not much happening at the present.

Issue on power steering is a concern for those wishing to have one fitted. More information needed.

2 new clubs joined the Federation making the total now, 140 clubs in all.

AGM in August, new president to be elected.

Arthur pointed out to all members to make sure membership renewal is completed by 30th June 2016 if not your vehicle is unregistered. CCC Report – Nothing to report.

Swap Meets – 22nd May Kapunda.

General Business – Last month a club member asked the President if an earlier starting time for the general meeting could be implemented. This issue was discussed by all present today and no change was decided.

Ian and Judy Matthews mentioned a Run to Lake Goldsmith they attended. The stream driven machinery there is well worth a look.

Meeting closed at 8.30.

General meetings: 8 pm, 3rd Friday (excl. December), Combined Car Clubs Room, Clark Ave., Glandore.

Membership Fees: Nominations $10. Annual $40 (half fee for new applicants after 1st January).

Subscription renewal: Due 1st July, if unpaid, lapses 31st July.

Vehicle Eligibility: All cars, commercials and motorcycles of historic interest or other vehicles as

approved by the committee.

Club Sales: Cloth, Lapel & Car Badges – see Steve Thiselton.

Advertising: For Sale and Wanted adverts appear free for a maximum of 3 months.



NAME …………………………………………………………………………….

ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………...


……………………………………………… POSTCODE ……………………

If Undeliverable, return to

Adelaide Antique Automobile Club


P.O. Box 363

Plympton 5038


POST 100000240





South Australia