In the Old Testament the Gentile nations had the wrong concept of God. Most of the Israelites had the wrong concept of God too. They created “gods”

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In the Old Testament the Gentile nations had the wrong concept of God.

Most of the Israelites had the wrong concept of God too.

They created “gods” in their own image, according to their own wants and desires.



Modern man is no different; most claim to follow the God of the Bible but in reality do not.

They’ve replaced Him with a “god” of their own making.

“God” is a doting grandfather that indulges His children and is subject to their every whim.

He makes no demands on man, He doesn’t condemn sin or judge man.

He is a God of love only (1 Jn. 4:8, 16). A very one dimensional view of God (Rom.

11:22; 15:4).

Severity of God in the Book of NumbersRomans 11:22


When the fire of the Lord burnt among the people.

Israelites had escaped Egyptian bondage about two months earlier.

Received the Law of Moses and Ten Com-mandments; built the tabernacle, etc.

Broke camp for the first time as a “nation” and journeyed three days (Num. 10:33-34).

So far, so good! But everything turned sour in just three days!

How about you? Do you complain easily?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When the Lord smote the people with a very great plague.

Israelites complained about their food: Num. 11:4-6, 10

Didn’t have the vision to see the “big picture.”

Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it! Num. 11:33-34

How about you? Do you tire of being a Christian and long greedily for the world?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses.

Miriam and Aaron were upset that Moses married an Egyptian (Num. 12:1).

Perhaps they were even more upset they played second fiddle to Moses (Num. 12:2).

Moses was special to God (Num. 12:3-8).

The Lord punished Miriam for rejecting the proper authority, but Moses interceded (Num. 12:10, 13).

How about you? Do you reject God’s leadership?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When Israel was made to wander and men died by the plague.

The Lord instructed Moses to send 12 spies into Canaan (Num. 13:1).

Ten of the 12 spies “brought up an evil report” (Num. 13:32).

The Lord is angry, but Moses intercedes (Num. 14:11-12, 13-19).

The Lord relents, but punishes the people and the ten unfaithful spies (Num. 14:33, 37).

How about you? Do you trust God’s promises?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When a stick-gathering man was stoned.

The Sabbath was a special day with no work (Ex. 20:8-11).

A man was guilty of gathering sticks on the Sabbath (Num. 15:32-36).

No big deal…right?! Num. 15:35-36

How about you? Do you find some of God’s ways trivial and unworthy of your attention and obedience?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When the earth opened her mouth.

Korah and his company rebelled against Moses and Aaron (Num. 16:3).

They paid a high price for rejecting God’s authority (Num. 16:32, 35).

Some chafe when confronted with authority: 2 Tim. 4:2-4; Heb. 13:17

How about you? Do you chafe against God’s authority?The Severity of


“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When 14,700 died in a plague.

Happened the day after the incident with Korah and his company (Num. 16:41).

Some people can’t learn a lesson even when it is squarely in front of their face!

How did the Lord react? Num. 14:46-49

How about you? Are you learning the lessons God is trying to teach you? Heb. 12:5-11

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When Moses and Aaron were denied entrance into the Promised Land.

To provide water for the people Moses and Aaron instructed to “speak ye unto the rock” (Num. 20:8).

Instead Moses “…struck the rock” (Num. 20:11).

No big deal, after all striking the rock worked in the past: Ex. 17:6

The Lord thought it was a big deal! Num. 20:12

How about you? Do you respect everything He commands? Everything His word teaches?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people.

The children of Israel became discouraged (again!) and complained: Num. 21:4-5

The Lord was not pleased! “the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died” (Num. 21:4-6).

Moses intercedes once more: Num. 21:8-9

How about you? Do you get discouraged and complain?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22


When 24,000 died in a plague.

The children of Israel “began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab”: Num. 25:1

This is one of Israel’s lowest points: Hos. 9:10

The Lord’s wrath was kindled: Num. 25:3-5, 9

How about you? Do you think you can worship or serve God in any way that pleases you and then He must accept it?

The Severity of God

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God...”

Romans 11:22



God is strict. God is stern. God is severe.

“Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.”

Hebrews 4:1