I ' mJ I 1 1 UfliiillCM .T) 1 J I I Fair-an- d warmer; fresh to brisk H JS M9BSS-1mm- ' JS Ww southerly winds. ; Txa-N- O. 173. " NEW Y0RlI7 MONDTeBKUaI'JIsoI.-COPYRIGII- T. 189!)" B TUB SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICE TWO CENTS. 1 SKIKMISH BELOW MANILA. urnrts imvK oim t.jsk at T Mn VFItltO MACAU. "' "l,r Tr""" 'rom ndn-- , itltlinrswsl ,. Lair Thrm Courage-Fir- st At. Iek llriiiils'dt lull "lbcy Kept lip n light tiring imrltiB Lnst XlElit-Se- w rnl shot Penetrated Gen. Kins' ilmtQ"r""r"' 1)l" ,lf,1",m ltenchrs Ma- lls H.lit 1 applied Nnrth o( the City, r,,, iicif' tfipatrhn lolnr Sin fliMU l''b 1!1 4 !"'' M In ,1C clty ,loro r grossing- much ns usual Tim itter ari I mtar iiith 'i '" nr0 ei'Inf ft r eloso .ph'ipnn tli nml whatever nppro-- . sions vim 'elt foreigners ot elnngor frflin this nartor li wo now been dismissed The retell in Urn country In front of Urn IrftfriM" 'in lr" o'0'''' sonnulng every mTe nndn In the American troops, but thoy Afently (ad t renlirn thu significance of c 0 ,pm ihcli nllogod sharpshooters ndvintiKs : even opportunity to att- empt to pick off our men nt long range, but ,ke) tpidom sti'ceo in hitting any ot tlicin letini: under orders from Gen F.lwoll S. Otis. ommati'l" of tin- - American foicos hero, four toMpanicsof tliel. ihfmila reglmout and two companies f lif llll,1 oglmenr, who baa lfn occur irKtti" villngeot Guadeloupe, ie-- 1 red tln morning to bin Pedro Macatl. The enoms appnronti) took this move Tor a retreat ami opened " or' tooblo attack. Tor W ,i first llmo licMhe Inttlo ot Fob. 0, when J neywere eevoretv punished, the rebels used H uiiivrj' ihev fired two shots at the Amori-- n tar, loth of w,,leh foil short. fho Uih Unttery replied to tho (lie rind a I fcwshots Ind the effect of silencing the ono- - rtfrsituns m clailral Done) s Ueet has been strengthened H bflhe cunboit Helena, which anlved y II from the I nitcd states I iBtEorTs Kur cr Tnr attack iastmoiit. I Umla. M mla). Feb 20. 10 A. M- .- The I injurgenls were evident Iv oneoungod by tho wlthinwnl nr the troops from fSnadaloupo I Thr followed the moilcans nt n sn'o dls-- tanco as thoj rctiied to San Pedro Macatl. 9 nd durins the nlu'ht they kept up n desultory II tut annojine lire. Sevonl of thoir shots pene-- trsted the headquarters of Gen Klnc, which i. in tha bmldlnK formerly occunled by the I obelOen Tilar fl The unusual number of tho onomy who have I Wen seen to the northward causes a suspicion I IhXthcr areplanninc an on Gen Mac-- B Arthur s division. trlMOnCFMESTf 1 OH GES. OTIS. R Fife Thouitinri ItpBulum tVUl Ilench Ului In la Mirdi-T- en Adititlonnl Cmunltlei. I Waihinoton. lob 10 Major-Ge- Otis did 9 cot advise tho i- - Department to-d- about H the situation at Manila, but ho sent a list of U ten casualties not previously reported, result- - II its (rom the several notion In the vicinity of H Manila during the past week. Willie the do- - rattment has not been fully Informed by Gen. Otis as to his plans. It is supposed here that he l ltaitlng until the Bcattord remnants of Atulnaido's army are reorganized, so that another telllnc blow can bo straok by the Americans It Is reallzod ho re that Gen. Otis has not enough men to encago In a ceneral camaicn with tho object of hunttne down the Filipinos and crushing tho uprlslnc. tut it Is expected that as soon as tho now on their way to hiin reach Ma-rl- 'a he Trill beem nccre&slvo operations re man miles ticyond the capital. Tho 'rinsport Grant will probably reach Manila on March 4 and the Sherman about ten days later. Wore the Mieruinn arrives tho two expedit- ions from San Francisco will doubtless be there Moro than r,000 regular troops are In theso several expeditions, thus mine Oen Otis an nfre.tlve force of about 2"j0u He has Informod tho Woi wpartment that if those troops were at Mo-- nl hscould crush tho insurrection or offoa-ual- lr I r ent any further resistance to Amerl-fa- n authority It ma ho anticipated, thero-lor- e. that Oen Otis will resume operations about March 10, with the expectation of put-t- u an end to the outbreak early in April These operations extond only to the Island of town, but no croat amountof trouble la likely woecur. according to tho opinion held here, in tr-- other Wands Tie ten additional rnsualtles mentlonod four deaths from wounds recolvod In uecghtlnR last week. Tho names of these al the dates of the actions In which thoy mortal wounds sre. Prlvats dart nee U llrlcgs. band. First Mon-ttf- a, and l'rivate Bruno L I'utrker, BnttoryK, IMrd United Btitos Artillery, action of Fob U Prltate William 11 Moierslck, Company 1, lrit Montana, action of l.lth. and Private John i Limpbeil, Lompany M, First Montnim. act- ion ol 10th Oen Otis added to the despateli eontalnlnc W list that I lout, licrt 1 Whedonof tho First AHruVa, who was wounded, wus dolnc well. i he other osualtios reported nro- - First WasMricton-Nound- ed on 17th; Beict MnoD HapiH. slleht, Berut. LeKovI..Chllds, tompanr I. moderate: Corporal Edward 1). n?i'n,.'r,l,t9 IMward K Dyer. Waconer mnr MuIIlii, Company C. Injured sllehtly tfthe eiplrwion of i HprliiBfleld rifle. .ill u'.ftf hraska-Woun- ded on Feb. 3 .1 Mual-VI- V Ji."?ln " Dlsbrow. Company H. severe. the folloTflnc dentlm from natural causes "lofted to Gen. Otis durine tho past net r)lbvi1I,r!,a," Banlol K White. Company tVAuKi"11" l "'t"'1 "tatcs Infantry, nt Ilollo. Jiaiar forer and pnoumonln. Feb. "!'1" Irussnian. Company O, First JMWoitton chr mle diarrho a Feb 'Beant Arthur J Smith V H It . iVifi .'I'V"' Olluro leb Wll-ffl- JI t?!rne. Lomp-inyF- . Flist Houth ,' !."b 17 I'rlvato Jacob Htnssen. " Iwentj third Fnlted BUtes r, (,e lrt faur unaBr Oi,ioroform "" I (tit MAMIA AT I AST, ' fronpulilu Slieridnn Stnrts on Hri r.oiic Jnumej s ipn itiips on tlir Wnj, lnii'"i q,a,(!, troopship Bherldan. with Titelttli Infantry nnd oue battalion of the enteenth Infantry aboard, sta'tod for Ma- -' at i , 0u )Psterday afternoon All werc ' ',M7 I'ursons on board. lorti.fjur a(it,, the wlosof offlcers. .,' M,ter'11 ' fiJUIreii Amonirthe ladles was e if . f( a, ,, SruUl of 10 Tweift, i1 wl" ' ""oinmiind of the ovpedl tion to Rmfi'f"'", ' ' X" J"Iy In Rfttlnir away tatum h"3"1 i6erdi just before tho do-th- .'..."" " '""- - bad been wasted, nut Itir k, f!.' r'"ieut )nd been In do-fo- ri H.,hlni: that would ndd to tha com. ThVff '"?" on tho VOTDUO ! ',r. '"('"mint left it with me," Col I5,",i ''," ""'I and told me to tnko all lbs !l'tii . thuiiRlit nei essary for inaklnu done in i - ?!arul m '1 hat s just what I have l lllio AM "i'P!'.1.10' these two orsanlatlons J ora i1.0,1 t'l'll'i'lncM In a shin that is Juel I ( i',' "' " troopship ran imselblybo 1 " T.V"" "HI l"ive his bunk. The 1 K11,' I'l.h'-R- that could be nrranued, 1 i.i1 11" ".',l""J " of "ood food. I l.i IimIV1 ' a" '' tho onicers ami men 1 "otJuiuY. ,e"1"PP"rlunitlc- - to bieak up the 1 J.V r ,ln f rlt hv colnc nshore We r 'm s, i un provisions at Gibraltar. aiii 0n ' den I'oluiutHi hiiiKapore frratw k''! '' slure Iciavn will be In or- - ' iei. " "' ' !""' niilrthemen will be "liti.v , .' ' ." "" "'"I HiurRaiiirutlons one I '"lu IL" .'", "' 'oipimniid ot an ofllcer. U rnt ih. .'" ' V,lu,llh Mth that nrrnnce T& ""lniii kV.1. " nr 'omnlalnts of bkilark. (a ttS H. llt'Ts" it it. ,'.!!, nt IJor I M Ollrlen. who is tftnth ' ,"'' hanallon of tho Beven-- 'alantri. Loth uported that all of their men aboard the shin woro In porfect health. Twelve orivatersoldlors, slckwlth measles, were left bohlnd Tho arrangements for were, well In hand early yesterday tnornlnR. Col Bmlth announced at M o'clotk that the ship would sail at 3 o'clook, and It was lust a when tho lines were let bo u was an Ideal lav torn spootneulnr-devm- i turo Tho bin ship, with her white sldos c In the sunlight nnd above decks hrluht in her liolidny dress of many-oolnrc- d buiitlnir, with a brand-no- American lias llontltiK (istern. and wliha solid wall of men In bluoiit tho rail, made a beautiful slchtns she backed out (rom hornier nt the foot of Pnolllc street and turned slowly downstream IIIrIi tip above every one elso on the hurrl enne dock was a llttlo clr. In nicd hood nnd cloak, parched on tho shoulder of n very tn'l Lnptnin Mho was wavlne a handkerchief pud shoutlns pood-h- y nnd was the only one on board who didn't stop laushlue and look n lit- tle bit serious for nil Instant or two when tho shin beunn to move Th Twelfth lleeiment Hand was ptaylnp soiuethlnB. but the folks on tho dock couldn't tell just what because tho wind wan tho wiomi way nnd beeauao of the farewell shouts ot Good luck ' JGoclr.I.o ooixa 10 Kvnoru. I.rrt Montreal I. nut Nlclit (or Thin City nml Will Salt by tlin Iniiiiin Line. MosTnKAi. (Juo. Feb lit Aconclllo left Montreal suddenlythlsevenlnir Juki pievious to his departure the Filipino delegates, who toadied Amorlca a few days aco, nrrlvod from ban Francisco After a bilef conforonco with them Agonclllo hurt led to the railway station nnd took tho train for Kcw ork lln stated ho was bound for Fnclnnd and that ho would sail bj tln Inninn line from Now York Bettors do ltlos and Illvera, when seen, de- nied that their mission I mil nuythine to do with Aeoncillo, or that it was of a imiIIUchI na- ture at all Thoy snj that they were appointed by tho Filipino Government tovlMt tho dif forent countries ot Kuropo with n vlow to on lightening thorn on tho military, civil nml Industrial characteristics of thol lllpliio- - Tin's woro surprised to henr on their nrrlvnl In America that hostilities hod brokon out be- tween tho Americans nnd tho Flllpluon. but they doelnred emphatically that thov had no political mission They will remain here for about n week and will then go to London, nfter-- aril v Kiting tho chief i Itlee of Kuropo. JtEIIKJ. SClIOOSKll X(,SJ'BOW MOIIILV. Chartered by the NlrarnBunn IiisurEents Two Agents Arrlvi tin the Stiniitvn. MoBtir. Ala.. Feb. 10 Tho Xoiweglnn steamslilp Kunnlva. which arrived here r. brought deiratohes from Nlcaingui tho situation there. At the time the Sunnhn left lllueflelds things were uuiet. nnd nothing had occurred slnco the foreiblo sell- ing of the Xorweclan steamship Condoi some twelve days aco. The Condor was blue along- side tho Sunnlva when she was selred by Gen. Luna, Military Commander-in-Chie- f for Gen. Itnyes. who leads the Insurgents Protests wore unavailing, and the Condor was seized a second time after havlns besn released by the insurnonts. The order for tho closing of tho port of Blueflclds was made by President a. Gen. lleyes and bis troops are In eon-rol- the port, however, and the order will not be noticed by them. Nlcaraguan Consuls in this country axelnot Issuing any consular clear- ance papers, but several vessels aro to soil for Bluoflelds without them In the not few days About 100 foreigners. Including maoy Ameri- cans, havo joined Iteyes's forees When the Hunnlvaleft Illuofleld" elaya s forces were marching upon the Insurgents In several columns, onoo! which l directed toward Blueilelds." Another Is beaded for llama, also a seaeoast town. Reyes has force of six or seven hundred men and llluellel Is is well garrisoned, besides having a war'veisel In the harbor. Seflor Hafael Marerro. who arrived hero yes- terday. Is still In the cits. On the arrival of the Hunniva y he met three ot her They are from the Insurgent army and are hers to purchase war materials One of the two schooners charteredlby beBor Mar- erro sailed from Ship Island nothor schooner and a steamship will sail in a few days Boflor Marerro will not disclose tho names of the vessels nor whence they sail until tliev aio at sea rOUIt KIl.T.KD Bl OASAriUR 4 HEFKl. UoiIIck ot Two 'Women and Two Children Found In at Uedroom In riillredelphin. Pun.ADEi.rniA. Feb. 10 Four persons woiu found to day killed by llluminntlng gas in a front bed chamber of tho dwelling at H1U Xorth Fifty-secon- d street Thoy were Cora rnhren-knm- 28 years, and hor two children. 1 lorenco nod Willie, andnwonnn ot dark lomplexion. apparently M5 years old, whoso Identity is un- known. Very llttlo is known ot tho Fahron-knm- p fumlly In tho neighborhood On Thursday night there wcro sounds of rev- elry in tho Fabrenkamp bouse. At (I o'clock Trlday morning Mrs Vi llson, a neighbor, beard loud screams next door. An horn and a halt lator Florence rahrenkninp eimo to a rear window on tho second floor and called to Mrs Wilson Who told Mrs Wilson that hor mother wns nBleen and could not bo nwnkoned JIrs llson asked where the other woman was nnd tho child said she was asleep, top Mrs llson told the llttlo girl she could do nothing and Florence went back into thu Iioubo No sound was heard from the Fabrenkamp houso after ' Mrs. Wilson's husband nnd n policeman tho house y They found tho bodies of the four Inmates In tho second-stor- y room Lvlng about were n doron empty beer bottle-- ) nndavrhlHTjoybottlo Thopas wns turned on full from a side bracket In the room wero found a check for J10 to tho order of Chnrles Kahronkainp on the National State Hank of Camden, N. J . signed ' M O Bonstedt." dated leb It: a pawn ticket for n diamond ring pledged for Jit n few days ago. nnd a letter, In an envelope bearing the address II It Lamport, l."r.8 Broadway. llrooklyn.N The loiter was addressed 'My dear daugh- ter." and was signed "Dick FEARS A POLICY OF IW1.. UeUgato Unly ot Sure n to the Wisdom of Persecuting Corpointloiis. Delegate Daly of the Metal Pollshors' Union made a report to the Central Foderutod Union yesterday on behalf of a eommitteo Bent to Al- bany to advocate Senator Ford's bill providing for the taxation of franchises Tor surfaeo rail- roads and gas and water plants Ho said thnt tho opposition to the bill came principally from the Metropolitan Street Hallway Cominny. tho Third Avenue IlailroadCompuny.theN'ewYork Mutual Gaslight Company, nnd two Buffalo C0"K'dgte0llBrbwn. on behalf, of the Metropolitan Street Hallway Company," ho said, contended that If the bill bocamo law It would drive tho company out of existence, "This made us hesitate." he continued If n railway company is driven out of existence, it means the rendering Idlo of a great number of i en I went, us you romembor, us a lommittco rom this bnlj nt tin. ryiuost of acltlens'iis soeiatlon and others who were supporting the I must sny tho association hnd iioriirn. arod Its side of the ease properly, nnd tho earing was adjourneil until Slareh il." IIOl.S THY TO iritF.CK THE OVKHI .V, Threr Attempts In lortnlBbl- -t might by n Hritlon Host on Hnturduj NlEht. KrwAE. III.. Fob 10 -- Three attempts have beon made hero in tho past two weeks lo wroek No 0. the Burlington road's east-boun- d Over-l.ui- d "lljer " Two boys have been arrested Tho boys, William I)ng and Hugh Vandujn. woro seen by tlio soetlnn boss, Jumps Trout. nlacluB obstruction on the trucks night ii fov" minutes before tho (lynr was due 'rhe boys havo been reading dime novels about tr nfia vvrookfc Tho railroad had olTerod a of 00 for the arrest and conviction of the wreckers VOISOS CASE I.SQUfl. Kltlier Mrs. lingers or airs. Mollnaiis lo " the Chief Witness Tn-Iii- Assistant Dlstrlit Attorno) Oxbnrnosald last nlglitthat he understood that Mrs Florence lingers, daughter of Mrs hntherine J VdaniH. was so much better thut she would be able ap-nt- the imiui st Into tin) murder of Adunis by rolson If Mio should not fe'l noil enouglito undergo tho ordiul Mrs Holand It Molliioux would b Mired. Mr Osborne said, and eltlior one of the greater part these vvaiicssea would occupy day Hucb other witnesses as may bo tilled will not be important. - Ml) MAN IX PORTO 1UC0. tAOI.F. l l.lTTI.h 1IIUXVKH COMK inch ai t ni.i' to I'ATtinnt.Asn. llieiiueltrs. Their Variety Minw nnd Their liiillnn Medicine, l'nrtlriilnrly the l.ntter, Unnpprerlutpd In Ihn l.nnd-t'nr- te Sum's Hoys Were tlnod lo Tlietu. According to tho lows of Knglo and Little Thunder, thn Porto Hlenns of tho present day (the Spaniards exterminated tho nboilgines long ago) aren't of much account Having just returned from Porto lllco after various adventures there, thu two gentlemen nbovo named, who are of tho Iroouols trlbo. consider themselves lu a position to judge. Asl'nglo It a patriarchal Indian of 00 and Little Thun- der a clean-cu- t voung buck of "J7. thov fairly roornscnt somewhat different points of vlow Through an Interpreter, White Moon, who is School graduate nnd owns n head ot hair for which many n voting woman would Inula her wisdom teeth, they told the storj of thoir trip In n series of grunts, gurgles and gulps which tho Interpreter turned Into vory good liiisllsh. nt their lodgings, fion Broome street, yestorday A few dnvs befoie New dear's the two In- dians sailed for Porto Hlco to become part of ,i vnrletv show evplolllncn certain Itidlnn rom-ed- which Is warranted to be n stomnehlu powerful enough to euiethe Spnhlsh ting of jaundice Itlwas the business of the two In dlans to do n "turn" Illustrating theli tribal dances and songs nnd to sell as mnnv bottles of the lemtdy as possible I'pon their arrival the manager or the show, n man named lllge-lo- told them Hint bea sales wero neces saiy, as he had beon compelled to pay forn theitrlenl license and permission to sell Ids medicines, sd OOtl to the American authorities nnd SHOO to the Spviiish autho'ltlcs During tho llrst day alter thelt arrival In Ban Junn the Iroquois spont most of thoir time wander- ing uround the streets, lo tho undisguised nnd rather impertinent Interest of the naties, who gathered around them every time they stopped "N'o good." Is Little Thunder's expression of his Impression "Plenty chanoe for fight, but I was very careful Too many for light " Nobody olTered them nuy violence nor were they seriously Interfered with They were gieitly scnndnllred. however, by the fact that the children, both boys nnd elrls. un to the nge of 10 voars, ran about without the formalllj ot clothing, a thing which would nevor be per- mitted, they declnred. on their reser.ntlon. In one day they had satisfied their prouensltv for sightseeing, and went to work at getting the show Into shape. The first thing to do was to put una canvas Inclosure 'Ibis was resented by the Porto llicans, who regarded It as an Infringement of their rlcht toseo evon-thiu- g that was going on Iherefoie. these slmple-soule- d children of nature produced their knives nnd jnbbcd holes in the canvas, to which Holes they nuplled their eves Both Fagle and Little Thunder are dignified per- sons, and this peek-a-bo- o performance filled them with disgust. 'Ihey discouraged It for a timoby throwing dust nt the holes, but the Porto Itlcans were persevering and stuck to their places Presently a noweomor selected n place In the canvas and with Ids knife ripped n gash a foot long. Tho next Instnnt Little rhundor poked a revolver through the liole. and both Iudlnns let out In warwhoou The enterprising Porto ltienn departed and as- cended t) e naxreat tree as a toy monkey goes up a stlk He left his knife behind The In- dians Inve It now. But another Porto nie.ui was meanwhile avenging his fellow countryman F'agle had brought with him n vallso containing two suits of American ulothes.'n pair of moecaslns and some bend work, which he left in his tent When he eaine back it was gone He went to tho manager, who made iininpluints, and that evening an American soldier appeared a Fngle's tent with tha valise in his hand lln saluted Faglo and said How. Chief" ' How," responded'FiElo gravelr 'This roui valise. Chief" "eo' I guess they cot 5 our tuff Look In It " 'I aklng the valine tho old Ironuols opened It and found Inside only the bend work nnd the moccasins. Tho two suits of clothes, pride of his heart and made especlall for tho trip, wero cone For a moment Fnglo recaided the vallso blankly, then looked up at tho soldier. "How you say ItV ho usked "Sav whut'" naked thn BOldler Fagle looked In tho ti.r. tore his hair, gilt-te- d his ieth, brandished his fists and oxpres-Blve- kicked the vallso end over end. How you say that9 ' he domanded )h.' the eoldlor "hav that, damn ' ' That all" slid Fagle. looking disappointed "No,"sald tho soldier, "there s plentj more," and he gave specimens Fuel lotlredto his tent and SDont tho even- ing In tho vocalization of a chant which fairly came under the head of profano music 1 here- after his vocabulary became a' source of un- mitigated joy to all tho American soldiers With tho soldier boys tho Iroquois soon great !rlend. Tho soldiers escorted the Indians around town. Instructed them in the manners and morals of the. place and themselves thoir champions. It soon I AAt.n.n known to Him niitliMa that n w;ih rmf wise to subject the copper-colore- d Americans to any impoliteness upon the nubile streets, for tho list ot I'ncle Bam. his soldier. Is hav beyond expression and ns swift in motion as It is straight of aim Nevertheless, tho In- dians weren't popular with the Porto Itlcans One reason lor this wns that the latter de- veloped a habit of crawling under the tent Haps into the Indians' tents When taught they wero pounded over tho head with what- ever camo handiest When nobody was around they looted what they could find, Thore was another renson for tho dislike con- nected with the Hist performance l Die com- pany After the "turn" of the Indians was completed they went nmone the spectators selling tho bottles of medicine with only fnlr success ns the Porto Ilicaiib complained of the jirlce A nuinbei purchased, however, ami It then appeared that they were under a delusion regarding tho nature of the bottles Hero wns a performance and here worn bottles con- taining Ihiuld Obviously tho enjojraent of the performnnco wns to be enhanced by the nlisorptlon of tho conti nts of the bottles, ith ono accord and In ontlro disregard of the dl lections tho Porto ltlcims removed the corks ami drank lmmediatelv there was n wild ihorus of spluttering and strangled coughs ami mad bowls for Iho inedlelne while not hsrmful, is hot and unpleasant to the taste '1 ho victims of the erroi. when they recovered artleulntii speech, arc.0 and demanded the hearts' blond ol the whole show In oiineiul and the Indians in particular, and but for tho restraining pre enco of i number of soldiers there would pnh 11111; have been a riot then and there 'i he management hastllv hlied a local orator Itn make an eMlauantloii In Spanish to the thut the bottles contained a madleine and not a bovorage, but the Innocent IioijiioIh wer thereafter regarded as poisoners by ninny of the Porto Itlcans. It mav have been an out- come of this that Little Thundei had a tilt with the authorities on the following I riduy night He Is a devout llbninn Catholic See- ing a church open lie went In and took neeat. As bo was coming out nttei tho service two loi al ofllcers arrested him, and lod bini nwnv to jail, jabbering Sianlsh at him It looked dark for him. but fortunately luh arrest was scon by an Aniieleaii soldier v ho knew him nnd followed to tho jail 'I here the soldier de- manded to know on nhnt charge his friend, who was n mlghtr man In his own inuntri was arrested Somewhat staggered, thn an thoritlrs said tint thev luidii t supposed thu prisoner amounted to inueh nud that he wns arrested as a spv 'Bpv ' orled the soldier vMu, Ids folks have been Americans since there was any biicIi idaio as merlca Hie olllolals wereverj orry and full apolo- gies should be made If there was a mistake but they couldn't release the prisoner. 'Cnn'tllmw" erled the eoldlei "We'll see about that. ' He went awav nnd returned with two non commissioned ofllcers. who spent nn hour In unavailing arguments. Then they went awav and relumed with n man whom Little Thun- der describes ns a vorvgient chief, who must hive had a record, because even body rut bis bnnil to his scalp when the ofllcer He said n fow words to the jnllers which Llttlo Thunder remcnibois to havo beard In the ihnnt of F.ngle. nnd the thankful Indian was straightway sot nt llbem with a warning from the officer not to go nuout alone nt night Two weeks the troiui" stajed at him Juan, then wont Inland thirty-liv- e miles to n place inlled Lnslma. where tliov stnvod a week, but tho natives there didn't nppreolato it drink that bad no morodeclslvo cITects thin the In- dian remedy, so the company broko up. with Plentv of money, howevor. to cenio home In style And very well satisfied thev are to get back here. "They don t like tho Porto llicans nt all said lillo Moon ' 1 hev sav, thoy aren t civ . Ill70il They don't like the tllmnte. either " ' sk them if they would go hick there, ' said the reporter White Moon It in two warbles and a ihlrp. and Fagle responded In two chirps and a warble. "He says, 'not thete s nny other place open," translated Whlto Moon, nnd Llttlo Thunder nodded to show tint lie was of tho same opinion jxss urivasTOV a ciihohc. A Mrnilii a of the Well-Kiiow- ii Tamil, the i:pls(opnl I iiith. II beenmo known vestoiday that Miss F.llra-bet- h Kilsyth Livingston had embraced the Catholic faith Miss Livingston into the Church b tho Hev Fither Healcy. S .1 , ot tho Church of bt Ignatius 1jyole, r.lghty-fourt- h street and Park avenue, last week She 'received llrst communion nt tho Convent ot the Sacred Heart In Madison avenue Miss Livingston is u lineal descendant of Peter Van Brugli, Livingston, whose wlfo wns Mary Alexander, sister of tho of Sterling Peter was the son of Philip, second son of tho l.ord of the Manor of Livingston, who was President of tin- - llrst Provincial Congress lu Nework An older brothcrof Peter was one ot tho signers of tho Declaration of Independ- ence, ind iinothcr brothorwns a Governor of New lei spy Aliss Livingston was born in Bnlllmme Him p irnnts nnd only slstor dlod n ear ago and she lias slnco livid with ho- - uncle mid aunt, Mr nnd Mis Van Brugh Livingston, who nro also her guardians, nt. invest Forty-nint- h street During hor early llfo Miss Livingston was n Baptist, but Inter she joined the 1 piscopnl Church Her aunt and uncle nro Catholics Stinls well known In Now York socletv.isu member of the Colonial Dames nnd is Inter- ested In chniitablo work Sho Is heiress t a lal go estate I II fKCi'S I A CUT IK II. I might by n Worshipper Who Prayed with Ills i:jr Open mid Itoughl) Handled. Miehaol Ansonlg of 'J4 Clinton street always pravs with his ees open Ansonlg Is one of the parlshlonois of Bt btnnlslaus's Polish Cntholiu Church, at Fon-jt- h and btanton streets, nnd he puisued his devotions In his usual manner yesterday While engaged In prnving ho saw two men In the pew ahead of him pinking the pocket of a woman who was praying with hei ores closed. "Gonofl Gonetl" shouted Ansonlg, and ho jumped over tho pew nnd fell on the two thieves His cries startled the worshippers and the services wero suspended, while evorv mnn In thee ongregatlon rushed to assist An- sonlg in Ills effort to bold the pickpockets The two men were faring ill at tho hands of tie ex-- i i'lsl people when Policeman Carroll of tin; 1 Idridgo street station nirlved nud plaeed them under nrrent Two-thir- of tho congregitlon followed i.uroll and his prisoners to tho stntion. In the excitement tho woman disappeared, so thn men wero locked up on Ansonlg's chaigo of "attempting to plok tho pocket of Jane Doe " The prisoners doacrlbecl thomselves ns Samuol Schwartz. 40 vears old. of VMY, Dclaneej. street, and Louis Sllvorbloom, 1H years old, of 45 Ludlow htroe. niOT i t cirictao TiiKiTnn. Mm Ilrokn hnlrs nnd Tore Up CnrpeU He- roine the Curtain Didn't Go Up. Ciite-vao- . Feb 10 A lively riot occnired this evening in tho Court Theatre. It wns brought on by the failure to ralsa tho curtain for more than an hour aftor the scheduled time "Tho hpan of Llfo ' w.is the announced nttractlon Ldwii. Birboui, who sas ho owns tho play, secured attachment against the Hlllli- - an of tho copmimy. alleging that bo was lliegalli presenting the dram i Barbour hold tho sccnory on the attachment ManagorI.ee of the Court tiled to explain to tbo.iudlenie, but theeiowd would not listen to One man veiled. "Lets teir up the old shack I" nnd inn moment two hundred angry men were npplhg up carpets, te.irlnctheohnlrs from theli fastenings, and destroying ovcrv thing thoy could Iho tore down olectrle light fixtures nnd threw (hem at tho stngi-- . A riot call was sent to the neatest police sta- tion, ami the tumult w.ih ended, when alt bad the lr admission monei returned Several wo- men wero slightly hurt In the rioting IIEAX OF llARVAItlt lO MAMi. t iigngeiiieiit of MUs I.ttilly .Inutes Smith mid deorge Haven Putnam Announced. The engagement of Oeoigo Haven Putnam of the publishing house of G P Putnam's Sous to Miss Kmlly James bniith. the dean of Barnaul College, is announced The llrst knowledge that those outside of tho Immediate families ot tho two had of the engagement was when Miss Hmlth announced hor Intentions on Friday la-- .t to the trustees of tho college M the sime time Miss Smith asked for it vacation to reeuporato In health, ns she had worked hard for tho col- lege since It wns organlrod Bho Is at present on her way to the Bermudas, vvhero bIiu will stay a fow weeks Tho marriage w ill take pi ico soon alter her return Sho Intends to retain her post ns denn as long ns hni health penults Miss Smith Is the daughter of Justice James l Bmlt h of Canatidalgiia. formerly oftho Supreme) Court bench Mr. Putnniu is u widovvei and has sovcrul giown children . 7,000,000 1 YEAlt FOR CI ItV EG IF. If the Pressed Steel Cnr Company Mnl.p All the Cars It Inn. I'lTTsnuno, Pa . Fob. 10 OiTie oih ot the Cai -- negh) Btool Compnnv confirmed y the slory sent our Inst night from Now York that, at n mooting hold In New ork, tho Camoglo Company uud tho Pressed Stool Car Com-pin- y bad made an agreement b which thu former was lo abandon its Intention nf louipotlng In thnsteol car trade and thu lat- ter inmpaiiv was to buv all Its steel from Cnrncgio Hie car company's new plant will liavn a capacity of soventy-llv- o cars a dn i nch cm contains twelve tons of steel As the st l vv III tost about tlB per ton and as tho car company w 111 require about 'JSO.OOOtonsn v oai. It will tin rehire pi) tint Carnegie Company thnut $ri,UU0 000 aniiii ill) The nr vomiuiliv has ordors booked for $10000,000 worth of i nrs I dwln Gould Hits a heioud Son. Announcement cards conveying Information of the 1)1 tit of a son to Mr uud Mis Idvvin Gould were sent out last week Tim hnr was bnrn on Feb 0 Ho has been named I rank Mlll.it Gould, attor his fnther'H brother 1 rank and his father's mother who was Miss Millet Hh is the second son of Mi and Mm Gould, his i Ider brother being between fi nud 0 )oars old I dwln Gould Is the second of Jny Gould His wife wus Miss Sarah Shradv, dniMhtei nf Dr Geoign I Shrad) GEllHA.S VI K OF r.oi ni'.r. rieillu Cnrrrspoiiilant Hn) His lleiliiin li Mi wed with Sntlilai lion. Vpeiici Culte I'eipaicA to Shi Hit. London, Feb 1!0 ibsp-ite- to the tlu Stumlmii from Berlin sn)s that M Ijoubot's nloctlon Is, on tho whole, viewed withgener.il batlsfac tion in Germany, as it suems to prom- ise a pacific, tactful foreign jiollcy and u u tiiniiiilllty In Fiance 1IVICF OF OIll.Kt.VS'S .11 .yim:m', KctIimts the slotn of Affairs in Finnce, but Vilnius No tlenlloii. .'trctul rnllt Ititpatrli OTiirSi's PaIIIH, Feb 10 Tho (.tizettr ilf I'ltmii' pub llshch n munifnsto in tin Duko of Orlenus n prt tender to the throne, lev lowing the present condition ot nffiilishi I ranee Snoiiupioti any ntttiition to It rifteen Per tout. Per Annum lu rrftiilai Dividend, nlth udditicmil isrui. l'rotils, buuiiiI Mire Cripplii Creek tlidfl Murks Ad IKafi lli I'ro.li) hlirlcli S) udicmt, tulorsdu Culuudu, ifr, JtlOTOUS aMOBS IN PARIS. VOl ICE VXAIil.K TO SUFI'llESS AMI-I.UVBK- T nE.MOSSTltATIOVs. ItiMiubllrnn Guards Cnllcd Out to Dispeise it Crowd lu Ihe llnulotaril Miinlitmrlro Xtub Sinnshts XVIndnvv. In ltolhschlld's timers nml tho Petit .luminal Oltlce iitl-l)re)fm I'ress Attacks I outlet. i)tctal Callt linpntth Ik Thk Sis PvlitH, Fob 10 A campaign of Insult and nbuso far more violent than thnt which diove M Caslmlr PiSrler from tho pnlaco of tho F.ly-so- o uow ragos around the now President of tho republic. Yesteiday's shouts of 'roslgu"niid 'Panama" In tho streets of Paris havobocomo contemptuous Insinuations and open slanders in the press v Tho vpnoni-ou- almost Insano nngei of the opponents of revision ov or tho crushing defeat ol their can- didate at Versailles Is sufficient Indication of their Intention to resort to desperate means to satisfy their passion There wns n demonstration of considerable Piopoitlons tho loft nnd then on the llgliMinnkof tho Seine, tho crowd traversing tho Boulevard Montmnrtre, shouting "Conepuo? Loubetl ' Travel on the guind boulevards was Inteirnptad, omnibuses nnd carriages being compelled to remain nt a standstill for half nn hour The pollca arrived tardily nnd dispersed thociowd At a Into hour n riotous band passed down lluolullllo and broke the windows on the ground floor ot tho building In which tho ofllces of the llothschllds are loented '1 he police dispersed the mob Liter a crowd assembled In front of theofllcos of the 7'ifit .oiinialnnd smashed doors and windows During tho rioting In tho Boulevard Mont-niartr- o the charges of tho police wcro Ineffec- tual in disponing the crowd, nnd the mounted Ilepubllcan Guard wero summoned Aheu tho rioters saw the guaids thoy lied At a meeting to-d- of 1.500 lnijierlallsts a resolution was ndoptod declaring that M. Lou- - bet's election was nn Insult to the army & An announcement mado furnishes rtason to fear that the snvago attacks have alreudy produced some effect upon President Loubet. It was made known, ). this ovenlngthat Frlmo Miniitor Dupuy had consented to remain in poweremly on condition that the present polloyof the Government be continued, and that the bill transferring the Dre)fus revision caso to tho whole Couit of Cassation be pressed lu the Benato on Frida) nnd made n question of confidence lurthor-more.an- d this Is aslgiilileant fact.it is nfllrmed on the authority of M. Dupuy that the "Prosi-dento- f the republic recognizes that the passage of this bill is necessary " This attitude or M Loubet does not nrguo opposition to revision. There ure. indoed, many Frenchmen who can bo best descilbod ns modorntp revisionists who aio willing to support the Government's Iniquitous bill as a matter of expediency. M. Loubet s consent to tho measure, which, according to Amorlcar and English standards. Is a gross violation of tlio llrst principles of justice, seems at least a sign of weakness, nnd weakness nt this mo- ment lu the President of tho republic Is a fatal crime It will encourage tho enemies who at- tack hi in to be florcer and Invite revolutionary outbreaks Another unfortunate Incident Is tho change or modification of President Loubet's brief spoech ot nccoptnnco from the version printed In Inst night's IVmjistoaverydltlorontcolorloss thing which appears in the.Aournal Ojyicia! This naturally calls out anti-re- v islonlst sneers. 1 housands of persons y passed through the chnpol in tho Palace of the Elystio. where tho body of tho dead President will lie In state until Tuesday night 'J ho moit encouraging feature of tho situa- tion Is tho fact that no opposition to M. Is shown anywhere In the prov- inces On tho contrary, the news was genct-all- y rcceivodwitlt public satisfaction It is believed by politicians thnt M Constnns. 1 n nch Ambassador at Constantinople, will be recalled to the President1) of tliobennte. Even tin supporters or tho republic who are not his fnonds regard him as the ono stiong man His presoncont the Palace du Luxembourg would be a source of confident e Among the choice names applied to I'iCM dent loubet by the opimsitlon press aro "Im beclle,' " Panamlst." "wretch, "liar." " Pres- ident of the i'anninists, "nomlneoof tlin He- brew press, ' and " vowod protoctorof ls ' Piiil do Cassagnao sa- - in the Aiifm ite Hint it Is Imposslblo to dionm ot a more damaging chief of tho State thnn M. Loubet He adds "After n strutting tuikcy wo Inve.i cackling goose, and the whole Ipoultry )nrd will proba- bly follow Wherever Ixiubet goes he will be stuttered with tho mud of ihe Pnnnma Canal " The I.ibie lii ofe Is equally bitter, accusing tho Piosldontot having robbod tho taxpajers. including the unfortunate Panama share- holder The Tempt rejoices unreseivedl) ov.m M foubet's election Mmo I'uuio has rce elved lelegrains of from the President, of the United Stites, President Heuienux of the Dominican ltepubllc. President ham of Hnytl. President Krllgei of thn Transvaal. President Din of Mexico, tho Sultan of Turko), tho Shah of Persia, the Pope, the King ot Doninark, the Grand Duko Vlndlmfi and the Roumanian Senate Tho body of President Fnurn was placed lu a eoflln this morning In tho presence of Prime Minister Dupuy and tho ofllcers of tho Presi- dential household 0 GItEiT 1'IIAl'tE I Olt I Ol HE1. London Pi est Hnys Only Thai lie tlin, I'el-liap- i, Ihv licit holl'l- - Avutlllble. pttta! Call' Dupalch to Tut Sis London, Feb 'JO Tho pn ss hcin Is inclined lo adopt a sonievvnat skeptical tone in dis- cussing M Loubet s quallilintions. though it Is, pcihnps, igreed that he was thn best oholesnvallable The Tnien says that Flint is to be ciiugrntiilatod upon Hid usiill of tho pioteedinga at Veisnllles vvhi h made M Inibct President In no uthui country nud under no othei Const i tutlou in the world could the higliPi--l exeeu-tlv- n unite 111 the Mute be filled with Elealei ease and smoothnosn 'I he l iper thinks it was imi haps fortunato that no llngei lug Illness i nine toM I nitre, blneu through the suddiuinessof hlsdonth events did not allow ot the org mini-tio- n of n revolution or even a dnngeioiis move-inc- 'Ihe lrteaiih sa)S that tliein In this much to bu derived from the elettlonof M Loubi l that It was due iiiuinlr to thn fait that he was not committed toclthorsoctlou 'ihe yjiiifiy .Ynrs Hays that the choice w is probibly the best that lould be iiiailn under existing circumstances The Muitiiiii) but declares that tho oi deal which liauin has been suddenl) lequlred to face has for tho moment, bellied to allay the apprehensions ot the past few mouths Tho comparative unanlmlt) and the promptitude dlspliDnd In Uniting a capable substitute foi M Fnure will be wel- comed ns some proof of the stability of the ev- icting political Hystcm in 1 rnuce Tho ( In nun If says that M Loubet is a man of whom It Is Imposslblo to spunk ill, and not ens) to speuk well, except in terms applicable to any dignified, honest statesman 'lUv Dailu Villi sns thai M Loubet Is it man of no euiineiu e, and, us far as known, of no re iiiiirknbje strength of ilinraotor He Is one nf those moderate, respectable iionoiiltles who nro usually holpk'is lu a tiuio cif.c'rUli,, SOr.l'TIO.V OF THE SA.MOiX tVFATtt. German Proposition That the Attsof 11 Itepresentlitltes lln Disavowed. Sprcmt rnllt Pmuttek in 'tnr fit's London, Feb 20 Tho Berlin coirespondeut of thn 7'miM snvs tho news that thu action ot Chief Justice thambors in Samoa has not been disowned by tho Government of tho United States Is In ncionlnnco with what was nlreidy known In d quurtors lu Berlin It would nppcar, however, that tho Gor- man Oovornmont has piotosted nt Washington agnlnst tho notion ot Mr Chnmbors, while tho Government of the United Stntes has entered a counter-prote- ngilnst tho action of llerr Bono, tho Got mnn Consul nt .pia In Influontlnl political circles the view Is expressed that perhaps the best solution ot thn difficulties which have arisen would be a disavowal of tho action of their representatives on tho part of all three powers concerned Tho way would thus bo cleared fot n unanimous decision ns to future action OFFltAI. Er.hf'TIOV IV OltEEIl.. All of Minister Drlyniinls's Cnn-lldnt- ltpjertrtl In Alliens. .VD'tiat C'' DtiBDlth loTur Srs Atiifns, I'ob 10 At the gonoral eleetlon to- - la) for members of tho Boulo there weroOoO candidates for the '.''17 seats Of the candi- dates 180 liolongcd to tho lato Trlcoupls part v. which has been reorganlfed under the lendeishipof M Thcotokl, Dopnty for Corfu About tho same nuinboi supported Minister Delanns Two hundred belonged to thoMliilstorlnland sniallor partics.nnd theresl wore iudepondonts Tho results, so farns known, wero favorable to the supporters ot M Theotoki in Athens all the Del)nnnlst candidates WJro rejocted. KVSIIA-CUIAKS- E (I, ISIf. About n Ilundrrd Chlnaiuen ltepoiteil Killed in it Tax libit nt Tulleuwitii. .Tfcial Cable DttjiatcK loTme 8ox. London-- , Feb. 10 A despatch received hero fioni Pokln stutes that tt conflict ins occurred between tho ltusslnns und Chinese at Tallen-wn- n About ono hundred Chinese are reported to hnvo been killed A question of taxes Is said to havo led to the collision SEXA TO 11 31 A 0 V HISSED. Sons of the Itevolutlon Oltlii'l Approvo of Ills .Sympathy with the Uillplnos. Washinoton. Feb 10. Seuator Mason of Illinois was one of the speakers at a meeting in tlio Interest of tho Lafa)etto memorial fund hold at the Columbia 1 heatie, under the joint auspices of tlio Sous of the Revolution and bons of the American Itevolutlon. In mentioning the nations of the earth who had hnd their Lnf.Dettcs. Senator Mason referred to the Philippines. sa)ing be had no doub thov. too, would have their I.af.Detto. Tho sentiment wns ovldeutl) an unpopuhr one with the utidionce. for it brought fot t li a storm of hisses Other addresses weie delivered by Repre- sentative Gillette of Massachusetts. Secretary Cox of the bulled States Semite. Chapln Brown ot this cit), nnd Robert I. Thompson of Chi- cago, the origiuntor of tho movement. a sunvniiAX MinviGiu Ai.itni. "litrn Off Your )," the Police Shouted ns They XToikrd lth Club and Hell. Residents of the Richmond Hill and Morris Park sections had an hour's lively excitement, beginning nt 12 'M o'clock yostorday morning. Tho East Now Y'ork Gas Light Company sup- plies that district, and shortly aftor midnight a message was received ovoi the telephone at tho police station In Richmond Hill that the ompany was about to turn off tho gas to make some urgent repairs. Sorgt Kreamer din ctod the gas company not to cut oft tho supply until ho communicited with It later '1 hen nil the risorves woio hiiatlnd out nnd directed to mike a hoilse-to-hous- o eanvnss through- out tho entire section, ntouso the In- mates of each house, and toll them thn gas wits to be turned off This moasuiu wns deemed necessary to provont families who kept tliu gas burningnll night from being asphyxi- ated should (lie gas be tinned on again With their night sticks thn rcKerves si t oft at a liMible-ijuic- k pace through tho village Wholn rowsof slumbutliiK residents wore iiwa.kenid bv tho b ingiiig of doors uud liiglng of dooi bells ' Turn oft our gis, ' shouted the policemen in answei to eveiy query '1 hen the lights wont out 'I ho gas was turned on again Inst evening SAI'1IIOTS IT IHE NFRVOJI. Ainntetii Photographers Vlndi Ihn Mom of llei llml I, in U nnd Ihn ItrlBhl Jluy. '1 ho White Star s'oamer Germanic, which ret on tlio bottom at her slip, foot of .West 'lenth street, proved t drawing caul yester- day thoiiBaud sightseers were hanging about the dock all da Only a few wcro ad mltted to tho piof1. nnd tho remnlnder had to boiontent with looking at thc.Gerniniilc. bow on, fiom tho end of tho slip Amateui pho- tographers were Iiidp). It Isn't very ofton that ono has a chance to snap a sunken steamship on i bright Sundny afternoon vlth drv feet 'Ihe Germanic's position wns llttlo chnnged. There Is n slight llst'to starboard, which brings the rail on thnt side on a level with the Ice '1 ho afte- - inrt of tho vessel appears to be sub merged The bow ilso three or four feet above the Ice Several wreckinr tugs and 8C3WS wore clustered around the steamer nnd there was constant aotlvity on board Some pumnlng was done, but the ves- sel s condition was not visibly altered sf.chftaiiy hi.iss's sricrssoit. 31r. Illli hi nek liny Un Sworn In y ns ,sei i clary of the luterloi. AhiitNi.TON, Fob ltl-ld- Hitchcock, the newlvappolntod Secretary of thn Interior and formei Ambassador to Russia, nrilved in Washington fiom Now Y'euk, He was accompanlod by Seeretai) Cornelius Bliss, whoso successor ho is to bo In thn Intorloi Department Mr Hitchcock snld to night Hint ho expected to entci upon the duties ot hlsncvv oflh n Ho will u ill on the President row morning nnd will prob ibly be sworn in as hecrelar) of the Interior Inter In tho da) fill' OF SIN t.VTOXlO III. ItlGHT, A l riven nt Itiiiiistvii U Willi Ilolh 4.111I101 out. mid I luce llor.es I'lueit to llcnlh. Hill NKWICK, Im , lob 111 rim ovoidiln Mal- lei) liner lit) of San Antonio arrived hoici this iiioining Shu expel lonccdver) heavy weather She lost both mi hors, and cabins und state looms vveiin Hooded 'linen horses for thu Jokyl Ihlnndt lub were froen in dnnth 'Ihe ship vv III Mill on 'J uesdu) for N'ovv ork SO C III EH V Ill's TF.lt S I It OF. , I OO. Norfolk shlppem I'ri'dlil it Si.'mllr nml High Prit foi it Yrni, Noniotu, 'a lob 10 -- The recent rive was disastrous to thu n)stei Industry in this vitlnit), ileports from e oast points state thai the ovsterh gcnmally wero froren and urn worthltss Pin kers hern say tint oysters will be scai eo a nil piobabl) vurydrarforaoar l'elinn) IviuiIm llrmoi ints s Holding Dill, IlAiimsiii no, l'a . I cd 10 Senator Vua) s friends nio liupefiii that the Democrats will break the deadlock this week but Domncratlc leadeih declare thut no stub thing will ever happen It was the hopn of Senator ,'ua)'s llciiliinunth that ".loo Bible) would lie nblutn start the Dcmouratin dlsinlDgratlon which has been regarded for two vviinks as the onl) pern hilile hope of I lit Quay men One of the ileiks I county uieiiilcrs ssld this week that they would prefer 0R) to am other Republican but that under the circumstances it would bu I politlial suicide for them to doseit tho candi- date of their pact) at uor stuge ol the game. s PAVONIA IN DANGER AGAIN" I It Kit PAHSEVGEIIS 1,I)EI) ATFO.STl U itEi.GAit.t is a si:rniii: timtv. "U Crow Irfied lo Abandon the Vessel, lint Its ' fused An Italian Hark XVim ked ill the - Itay and nu Uugllsli llnrk Mimiiloiieil f The I'nvonln Itrsrtte nsTnld In Her l.ng. f .Vpecnil Collf Ittipalck to Till Sis 1 PontaDkuiaui. Azores. Fob 10 1'hn pns pengersof tho ills ibled Cunard liner Piivonlu, 5 which wns towed here )estcnla), wore landed ) tills morning under great tllffloultins bad , wenthor hnv lug commenced ngniu. Tho ttaliiin bailcf Into his been wrecked In tho open ba). The members ol tier crow wore saved Tho I crow ot tho Lngllsh bark Tliomns'lhomiwoii I have abaudoiiud thoir vessel, which will proba- bly sluiro tlio ate of tliu Cinco The Puvoiiiu'sj D crew wero asked to abandon hci, but they re- - 1 fused. Thcio nro good hopes that the Pnvonla t wlllildoout the storm, owing lo 'ho strength of her mooring chnlns ' Following nro evtraets from tho logbook of ; thoPavonla i "l'eb.:i,.'l 20 P M Engines slopped Strom? t gale from tho nnrthwost . heivysni BolloM f. adilft, caused hy ship's laboring heavll). H "Feb l.i.IIOl1 M -- Fired distress slgnnls to ft steamel In sight h "Fob 0. 0::i0 P M that stcnmoi wnal !( the Colorado, of Hull, which arranged to tow It thn Pavunln, conimonoliig nt 0:10 A, M., but at 0 '10 tho Colorado tarried away hor bltts anil p rigging, bolng obliged to lot go tho tow rope, j and signalled 'I cannot tnko )ou In tow ' At I 2 P. M snine day the Colorado signalled 'Do (, )0U wish mo to stand by?' tlio Tavonlu reply- - Ing "Yes '" f The log goes on to sav that it daybreak tho IE following moinlng the Colorado had dlsap- - i poured A heavy gnto was still blowing and Ja there woro dangerous high 3uas, which con- - i tinned until Fob 0 During tho interval from Feb 0 to Fab W no vessels wore sighted. On FobO, at.'l A. M., a steamer wnslslghted, bound. ji east. Distress signals wore fired to attract hor 'J attention. She proved to bo tho Horatio of i Liverpool. Sho was asked to tow tho Pavonla. but replied that it was Impossible owing to the state of the wcathor. At 0 o clock tho Horatio departed from the Pavonla, but halt an hour later she returned and offered to take, j tho Pavonla in tow. At 10-4- o'clock, how- - over, tho Horatio again stood on horoourse, f signalling that she could not wait. i' At about noon on Feb 10 tho stoamor Wol- - vlston of West Hartlepool appeared and agreed I to tow the Pavonla to St. Michaels Bho took. I hold of tho Pavonla at U.30 P. M. and towed hor until 11 P. SI. when sho broko the tow ropo owing to tho heavy weather, but sho did not abandou tho Pavonla. Tlio next d ly tho Pavo- - nla signalled to tho Wolvlston, "Walt for finer weather Do not desert us." Tho Wolviston replied. "I will wait until All night there wus veiy bad wouthor, with vivid lightning nnd rain The latter caused tho Pa- - vonla to lose sight of tho Wolvlston for twent)- - J four hours At S P M , Fob 12. tho Wolvlston was again sighted nnd remalnod standing br J until 7 HO V M Feb 14. when sho took tho Pavonla lu tow and succeeded In taking her to Punta Delgardu. where sho arrived at noon vestcrday Tho passonsors and crow aro all j well J WAVY SCIIOOVFHS MAY HE LOST. 1 Several Out of Charleston Long Overduo- -i ltescued Crevv on the Mount llopr. m N'okfoie. Va, Fob 10 The schooners Van Lear Black. .vJIco Holbrook. Annlo Brown and j; Fannie Ritchie, tow od In here report that ij the recent storm olT tho coast was toi rifle. 4 Several schooners are still missing, nml. It is H feared, may be lost. Tho schooner Mary I ur- - W. tis. Capt. Maker, which sailed from C hnrlcston W' for Richmond on Fob. &, is one of these Sho Is tlvo days overdue It Is regarded ns posslblo that sho may have gono before the wind,, is somo othois did. and been blown further oil j her course than they The Annie Brow n, which left Chirleston four dnvs after the Curtis however, arrived hoi e to- - da In distress Capt I nmson said tint n whirlwind struck the Brown on Fob. Ill while, hound tho mate woie below nt supper This took her new foresail away with u rush, cross-tre- es and boom going with it Subsequently about a thousand railroad ties on deck wont by tho bonid '1 lie schooner, which was bound for Now Tiondon, was blown 200 miles nut ot hcM eoiiise Capt Lamson said that ("apt I indxtiv of tho tug Annie 3 nf Richmond reported tint ho towed Into Ifamp- - i ton Roads thu schooner Mount Hope, Capt Mi 8 I can. bound from Boston for Norfolk, nud i ttboird her was tho crew of a schoonor aban- - I doiied nt sea It Is not possible to J ascertain tho name or tho derelict Incoming I Captains say thnt reports of muny disaster I niu) well be expected 1 Trio British tramp Windsor is still hard j aground on Slxteen-- 1 oot Rldgo in Chesapeake t Bay The Merchants nnd Miners' liner htato I of Texas, which was sunk at Gwlnn's Island, 1 came up to her pier this afternoon I 5 HAS 1IIJS JAMES- - CUT SETT COUtlSEf I Tho lei Jam Snuius lo Have Tinned this I hmiiiel Through X nlunblo Lands, RtriiMONi), Ya , 1 ob ID Tho Ico goigo In j thu James River apparently has caused the ilvettocnta new channel through tho valua- - j ble I inds on tho Chosterblleld sldo. A false) ' channel now might destroy much of tho work done by the Government to improvo tho navi- gation of the James to Richmond In tho largo amount of floating prupert) carried away by thn lie yestenliiv wns tho entire Government plint used in tins work, consisting nf tug, dredge, hoisting anpiratus and birgos. all aground with ico piled over them. The river Is falling, und tin effort will be made to break tho gorge with explosives. MH I VI) PA nil STAGE IX COLI.ISIOV, nlnge's V heels Slipped on Ihe Track I'lip.rngrrs Shaken Up. A ISreadwar cable car and a Central Park I stage hired by a thoatro party were in collision eirl) ) i storda) morning at Eighteenth street. j Tho stage, which contained somo fifteen or twent) people nieii and women, cams oust S through Eighteenth street and was just clear- ing thn uptown inr track when the wheel httmed I Car No "J'eO wns coming up. and tho gripinitn, IJ Jo-ep- h Mosnior, was iimble to avoid the ol- - a Union 'lhnctti knoeki d dT thn steps of the B singe nnd damaged the finmn of the vehicle se ft Hint the occupants gut out and went to their i homes bv other convoy inces Sobodv was hurt, bcvniid a few biiilsesanil a severe slink- ing up and the drivii of the since. Michael Sheridtiu refill-oi- l to mnkuu comidulut against thegilpmiin One of the passengers on this stave was Aiimld C Well a lawvor living ut loll West .Semnly-sov- i nth street TIIF Mill I. Y HOVE IS 1,1 Ml KOIUIEIt. llrlirfl hilt Ihe I llievet Stole Vnlllllblr lie- - i IoiieIiie to VI r.. ah In s, llrlie. ' I ima, IJ , Feb 10 soiiii) tliiin last night burglars broko into thn ri Mdiuu'f of Mrs ' Mellly thiiiiioihei of vlis t nlvlii 8 Bileeof Nevvoil. In West Market street and ran- - , sacked thn premlsin Mrs Modi) Is on i visit ,' to another d uigblei at tioshin. 1 ml and no ' i one Is living lu tho hou-- e dining heriibsnne ; It Is pot known whether thn thieves got in . thing of vuliip, in. limine Is at hand who knows - I what is missing 'Ilils istho hmii-ofioi- n wh oh 1 i tlin funeral of Ihe late nv seiuitut Rneo i nk i ;j pIiiip It w.is leteiitl) lepnrltd that Mis, ij llllcehud sent Imm Vvrl irk iniieli vnliiiibls , f brle-.- i brae and other hi lungingH in b. I opt , hern In tin old fiunii) innhii towbiih -- Im v intended to n llllll in live ll is In ln dibit ft the mbbeis' nbji cl was to gi I thi'se mill ms ' . Mnini-liPi- i. I.rnluim Itrtui n on the Iterlln. . 'ihe transport Berlin whl h unveil icsirr- - i day from San limn, I'niiie and Snmingii, brought nlnvt) soven dim haired soldiers and t among whom were ilaiui-Ue- a. ,' Sntiseiigors, aud Uuut'htur, ) V Iil

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1899-02-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · I ' mJ I 1 JS1 UfliiillCM .T) 1 J I I Fair-an- d warmer; fresh to brisk H M9BSS-1mm-

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I ' mJ I 1 1 UfliiillCM .T) 1 J I I Fair-an- d warmer; fresh to brisk HJS M9BSS-1mm- ' JS Ww southerly winds. ;

Txa-N- O. 173."



urnrts imvK oim t.jsk atT Mn VFItltO MACAU.

"' "l,r Tr""" 'rom ndn-- ,itltlinrswsl

,. Lair Thrm Courage-Fir- st At.

Iek llriiiils'dt lull "lbcy Kept lip n

light tiring imrltiB Lnst XlElit-Se- w

rnl shot Penetrated Gen. Kins'ilmtQ"r""r"' 1)l" ,lf,1",m ltenchrs Ma-

lls H.lit 1 applied Nnrth o( the City,

r,,, iicif' tfipatrhn lolnr Sin

fliMU l''b 1!1 4 !"'' M In ,1C clty ,loro

r grossing- much ns usual Timitter ari I

mtar iiith 'i ' " nr0 ei'Inf ft r eloso

.ph'ipnn tli nml whatever nppro-- .

sions vim 'elt foreigners ot elnngor

frflin this nartor li wo now been dismissed

The retell in Urn country In front of Urn

IrftfriM" 'in lr" o'0'''' sonnulng every

mTe nndn In the American troops, but thoy

Afently (ad t renlirn thu significance of

c 0 ,pm ihcli nllogod sharpshooters

ndvintiKs : even opportunity to att-

empt to pick off our men nt long range, but,ke) tpidom sti'ceo in hitting any ot tlicin

letini: under orders from Gen F.lwoll S. Otis.

ommati'l" of tin- - American foicos hero, fourtoMpanicsof tliel. ihfmila reglmout and two

companies f lif llll,1 oglmenr, who baa

lfn occur irKtti" villngeot Guadeloupe, ie-- 1

red tln morning to bin Pedro Macatl.

The enoms appnronti) took this move Tor a

retreat ami opened " or' tooblo attack. TorW ,i first llmo licMhe Inttlo ot Fob. 0, when

J neywere eevoretv punished, the rebels usedH uiiivrj' ihev fired two shots at the Amori-- n

tar, loth of w,,leh foil short.

fho Uih Unttery replied to tho (lie rind a

I fcwshots Ind the effect of silencing the ono- -

rtfrsitunsm clailral Done) s Ueet has been strengthenedH bflhe cunboit Helena, which anlved y

II from the I nitcd states

I iBtEorTs Kur cr Tnr attack iastmoiit.I Umla. M mla). Feb 20. 10 A. M- .- The

I injurgenls were evident Iv oneoungod by thowlthinwnl nr the troops from fSnadaloupo

I Thr followed the moilcans nt n sn'o dls--

tanco as thoj rctiied to San Pedro Macatl.9 nd durins the nlu'ht they kept up n desultoryII tut annojine lire. Sevonl of thoir shots pene--

trsted the headquarters of Gen Klnc, which

i. in tha bmldlnK formerly occunled by the

I obelOen Tilarfl The unusual number of tho onomy who have

I Wen seen to the northward causes a suspicion

I IhXthcr areplanninc an on Gen Mac-- B

Arthur s division.


R Fife Thouitinri ItpBulum tVUl Ilench Ului Inla Mirdi-T- en Adititlonnl Cmunltlei.I Waihinoton. lob 10 Major-Ge- Otis did9 cot advise tho i-- Department to-d- aboutH the situation at Manila, but ho sent a list ofU ten casualties not previously reported, result- -II its (rom the several notion In the vicinity ofH Manila during the past week. Willie the do- -

rattment has not been fully Informed by Gen.Otis as to his plans. It is supposed here that hel ltaitlng until the Bcattord remnants ofAtulnaido's army are reorganized, so thatanother telllnc blow can bo straok by theAmericans It Is reallzod ho re that Gen. Otishas not enough men to encago In a ceneralcamaicn with tho object of hunttne downthe Filipinos and crushing tho uprlslnc.tut it Is expected that as soon as tho

now on their way to hiin reach Ma-rl- 'a

he Trill beem nccre&slvo operations re

man miles ticyond the capital. Tho'rinsport Grant will probably reach Manila onMarch 4 and the Sherman about ten days later.Wore the Mieruinn arrives tho two expedit-ions from San Francisco will doubtless bethere Moro than r,000 regular troops are

In theso several expeditions, thusmine Oen Otis an nfre.tlve force ofabout 2"j0u He has Informod tho Woiwpartment that if those troops were at Mo-- nl

hscould crush tho insurrection or offoa-ual- lr

I r ent any further resistance to Amerl-fa- n

authority It ma ho anticipated, thero-lor- e.

that Oen Otis will resume operationsabout March 10, with the expectation of put-t- u

an end to the outbreak early in AprilThese operations extond only to the Island oftown, but no croat amountof trouble la likelywoecur. according to tho opinion held here, intr-- other Wands

Tie ten additional rnsualtles mentlonodfour deaths from wounds recolvod In

uecghtlnR last week. Tho names of theseal the dates of the actions In which thoy

mortal wounds sre.Prlvats dart nee U llrlcgs. band. First Mon-ttf- a,

and l'rivate Bruno L I'utrker, BnttoryK,IMrd United Btitos Artillery, action of Fob U

Prltate William 11 Moierslck, Company 1,lrit Montana, action of l.lth. and Private John

i Limpbeil, Lompany M, First Montnim. act-ion ol 10th

Oen Otis added to the despateli eontalnlncW list that I lout, licrt 1 Whedonof tho FirstAHruVa, who was wounded, wus dolnc well.

i he other osualtios reported nro- -

First WasMricton-Nound- ed on 17th; BeictMnoD HapiH. slleht, Berut. LeKovI..Chllds,tompanr I. moderate: Corporal Edward 1).n?i'n,.'r,l,t9 IMward K Dyer. Waconermnr MuIIlii, Company C. Injured sllehtlytfthe eiplrwion of i HprliiBfleld rifle..ill u'.ftf hraska-Woun- ded on Feb. 3 .1 Mual-VI- V

Ji."?ln " Dlsbrow. Company H. severe.the folloTflnc dentlm from natural causes

"lofted to Gen. Otis durine tho pastnetr)lbvi1I,r!,a," Banlol K White. CompanytVAuKi"11" l "'t"'1 "tatcs Infantry, nt Ilollo.Jiaiar forer and pnoumonln. Feb.

"!'1" Irussnian. Company O, FirstJMWoitton chr mle diarrho a Feb

'Beant Arthur J Smith V H It .

iVifi .'I'V"' Olluro leb Wll-ffl- JI

t?!rne. Lomp-inyF- . Flist Houth,' !."b 17 I'rlvato Jacob Htnssen.

" Iwentj third Fnlted BUtes r,

(,e lrt faur unaBr Oi,ioroform

"" I (tit MAMIA AT I AST,

' fronpulilu Slieridnn Stnrts on Hri r.oiicJnumej s ipn itiips on tlir Wnj,

lnii'"i q,a,(!, troopship Bherldan. withTitelttli Infantry nnd oue battalion of theenteenth Infantry aboard, sta'tod for Ma- -'

at i , 0u )Psterday afternoon Allwerc ' ',M7 I'ursons on board.

lorti.fjur a(it,, the wlosof offlcers..,' M,ter'11 ' fiJUIreii Amonirthe ladles was

e if . f ( a, ,, SruUl of 10 Tweift,i1 wl" ' ""oinmiind of the ovpedl

tionto Rmfi'f"'", ' ' X" J"Iy In Rfttlnir awaytatum h"3"1 i6erdi just before tho do-th-

.'..."" " '""- - bad been wasted, nutItir k, f!.' r'"ieut )nd been In do-fo- ri

H.,hlni: that would ndd to tha com.ThVff '"?" on tho VOTDUO

! ',r. '"('"mint left it with me," ColI5,",i ''," ""'I and told me to tnko all lbs!l'tii . thuiiRlit nei essary for inaklnu

done in i

-?!arul m '1 hat s just what I havel lllio AM "i'P!'.1.10' these two orsanlatlonsJ ora i1.0,1 t'l'll'i'lncM In a shin that is JuelI ( i',' "' " troopship ran imselblybo

1 " T.V"" "HI l"ive his bunk. The1 K11,' I'l.h'-R- that could be nrranued,1 i.i1 11" ".',l""J " of "ood food.I l.i IimIV1 ' a" '' tho onicers ami men1 "otJuiuY. ,e"1"PP"rlunitlc- - to bieak up the1 J.V

r ,ln f rlt hv colnc nshore Wer'm s, i un provisions at Gibraltar.aiii 0n

' den I'oluiutHi hiiiKaporefrratw k''! '' slure Iciavn will be In or- -' iei. " "' ' !""' niilrthemen will be"liti.v , .' ' ." "" "'"I HiurRaiiirutlons oneI '"lu IL" .'", "' 'oipimniid ot an ofllcer.

U rnt ih. .'" ' V,lu,llh Mth that nrrnnceT& ""lniii kV.1. " nr 'omnlalnts of bkilark.

(a ttS H. llt'Ts"it it. ,'.!!, nt IJor I M Ollrlen. who istftnth ' ,"'' hanallon of tho Beven--

'alantri. Loth uported that all of their

men aboard the shin woro In porfect health.Twelve orivatersoldlors, slckwlth measles,were left bohlnd Tho arrangements for

were, well In hand early yesterdaytnornlnR. Col Bmlth announced at M o'clotkthat the ship would sail at 3 o'clook, and Itwas lust a when tho lines were let bou was an Ideal lav torn spootneulnr-devm- ituro Tho bin ship, with her white sldos c

In the sunlight nnd above decks hrluhtin her liolidny dress of many-oolnrc- d buiitlnir,with a brand-no- American lias llontltiK(istern. and wliha solid wall of men In bluoiittho rail, made a beautiful slchtns she backedout (rom hornier nt the foot of Pnolllc streetand turned slowly downstream

IIIrIi tip above every one elso on the hurrlenne dock was a llttlo clr. In nicd hood nndcloak, parched on tho shoulder of n very tn'lLnptnin Mho was wavlne a handkerchiefpud shoutlns pood-h- y nnd was the only one onboard who didn't stop laushlue and look n lit-tle bit serious for nil Instant or two when thoshin beunn to move

Th Twelfth lleeiment Hand was ptaylnpsoiuethlnB. but the folks on tho dock couldn'ttell just what because tho wind wan tho wiomiway nnd beeauao of the farewell shouts ot

Good luck '

JGoclr.I.o ooixa 10 Kvnoru.I.rrt Montreal I. nut Nlclit (or Thin City nml

Will Salt by tlin Iniiiiin Line.MosTnKAi. (Juo. Feb lit Aconclllo left

Montreal suddenlythlsevenlnir Juki pieviousto his departure the Filipino delegates, whotoadied Amorlca a few days aco, nrrlvod fromban Francisco After a bilef conforoncowith them Agonclllo hurt led to the railwaystation nnd took tho train for Kcw ork llnstated ho was bound for Fnclnnd and that howould sail bj tln Inninn line from Now York

Bettors do ltlos and Illvera, when seen, de-

nied that their mission I mil nuythine to dowith Aeoncillo, or that it was of a imiIIUchI na-ture at all Thoy snj that they were appointedby tho Filipino Government tovlMt tho difforent countries ot Kuropo with n vlow to onlightening thorn on tho military, civil nmlIndustrial characteristics of thol lllpliio- - Tin'sworo surprised to henr on their nrrlvnl InAmerica that hostilities hod brokon out be-tween tho Americans nnd tho Flllpluon. butthey doelnred emphatically that thov had nopolitical mission They will remain here forabout n week and will then go to London, nfter--

aril v Kiting tho chief i Itlee of Kuropo.


Chartered by the NlrarnBunn IiisurEentsTwo Agents Arrlvi tin the Stiniitvn.

MoBtir. Ala.. Feb. 10 Tho Xoiweglnnsteamslilp Kunnlva. which arrived here r.

brought deiratohes from Nlcainguitho situation there. At the time the

Sunnhn left lllueflelds things were uuiet. nndnothing had occurred slnco the foreiblo sell-ing of the Xorweclan steamship Condoi sometwelve days aco. The Condor was blue along-side tho Sunnlva when she was selred by Gen.Luna, Military Commander-in-Chie- f for Gen.Itnyes. who leads the Insurgents Protestswore unavailing, and the Condor was seized asecond time after havlns besn released by theinsurnonts. The order for tho closing of thoport of Blueflclds was made by President a.

Gen. lleyes and bis troops are In eon-rol-

the port, however, and the order will notbe noticed by them. Nlcaraguan Consuls inthis country axelnot Issuing any consular clear-ance papers, but several vessels aro to soil forBluoflelds without them In the not few daysAbout 100 foreigners. Including maoy Ameri-cans, havo joined Iteyes's forees

When the Hunnlvaleft Illuofleld" elaya sforces were marching upon the Insurgents Inseveral columns, onoo! which l directedtoward Blueilelds." Another Is beaded forllama, also a seaeoast town. Reyes has forceof six or seven hundred men and llluellel Is iswell garrisoned, besides having a war'veiselIn the harbor.

Seflor Hafael Marerro. who arrived hero yes-terday. Is still In the cits. On the arrival ofthe Hunniva y he met three ot her

They are from the Insurgent armyand are hers to purchase war materials Oneof the two schooners charteredlby beBor Mar-erro sailed from Ship Island nothorschooner and a steamship will sail in a few daysBoflor Marerro will not disclose tho names ofthe vessels nor whence they sail until tliev aioat sea


UoiIIck ot Two 'Women and Two ChildrenFound In at Uedroom In riillredelphin.

Pun.ADEi.rniA. Feb. 10 Four persons woiufound to day killed by llluminntlng gas in a frontbed chamber of tho dwelling at H1U XorthFifty-secon- d street Thoy were Cora rnhren-knm-

28 years, and hor two children. 1 lorenconod Willie, andnwonnn ot dark lomplexion.apparently M5 years old, whoso Identity is un-

known. Very llttlo is known ot tho Fahron-knm- p

fumlly In tho neighborhoodOn Thursday night there wcro sounds of rev-

elry in tho Fabrenkamp bouse. At (I o'clockTrlday morning Mrs Vi llson, a neighbor,beard loud screams next door. An horn and a

halt lator Florence rahrenkninp eimo to a rearwindow on tho second floor and called to MrsWilson Who told Mrs Wilson that hor motherwns nBleen and could not bo nwnkoned JIrs

llson asked where the other woman was nndtho child said she was asleep, top Mrs llsontold the llttlo girl she could do nothing andFlorence went back into thu Iioubo No soundwas heard from the Fabrenkamp houso after' Mrs. Wilson's husband nnd n policeman

tho house y They found tho bodiesof the four Inmates In tho second-stor- y roomLvlng about were n doron empty beer bottle-- )

nndavrhlHTjoybottlo Thopas wns turned onfull from a side bracket In the room werofound a check for J10 to tho order of ChnrlesKahronkainp on the National State Hank ofCamden, N. J . signed ' M O Bonstedt." datedleb It: a pawn ticket for n diamond ringpledged for Jit n few days ago. nnd a letter,

In an envelope bearing the address II

It Lamport, l."r.8 Broadway. llrooklyn.NThe loiter was addressed 'My dear daugh-ter." and was signed "Dick


UeUgato Unly ot Sure n to the Wisdomof Persecuting Corpointloiis.

Delegate Daly of the Metal Pollshors' Union

made a report to the Central Foderutod Union

yesterday on behalf of a eommitteo Bent to Al-

bany to advocate Senator Ford's bill providingfor the taxation of franchises Tor surfaeo rail-

roads and gas and water plants Ho said thnttho opposition to the bill came principally from

the Metropolitan Street Hallway Cominny. thoThird Avenue IlailroadCompuny.theN'ewYorkMutual Gaslight Company, nnd two Buffalo

C0"K'dgte0llBrbwn. on behalf, of the MetropolitanStreet Hallway Company," ho said, contendedthat If the bill bocamo law It would drive thocompany out of existence,

"This made us hesitate." he continued Ifn railway company is driven out of existence, itmeans the rendering Idlo of a great number ofi en I went, us you romembor, us a lommittcorom this bnlj nt tin. ryiuost of acltlens'iis

soeiatlon and others who were supporting theI must sny tho association hnd iioriirn.

arod Its side of the ease properly, nnd thoearing was adjourneil until Slareh il."


Threr Attempts In lortnlBbl- -t might by n

Hritlon Host on Hnturduj NlEht.

KrwAE. III.. Fob 10 -- Three attempts havebeon made hero in tho past two weeks lo wroek

No 0. the Burlington road's east-boun- d Over-l.ui- d

"lljer " Two boys have been arrestedTho boys, William I)ng and Hugh Vandujn.

woro seen by tlio soetlnn boss, Jumps Trout.nlacluB obstruction on the trucks night

ii fov" minutes before tho (lynr was due'rhe boys havo been reading dime novels abouttr nfia vvrookfc Tho railroad had olTerod a

of 00 for the arrest and conviction of

the wreckers


Kltlier Mrs. lingers or airs. Mollnaiis lo "the Chief Witness Tn-Iii-

Assistant Dlstrlit Attorno) Oxbnrnosald lastnlglitthat he understood that Mrs Florencelingers, daughter of Mrs hntherine J VdaniH.

was so much better thut she would be able ap-nt-

the imiui st Into tin)

murder of Adunis by rolson If Mio

should not fe'l noil enouglito undergo thoordiul Mrs Holand It Molliioux would b

Mired. Mr Osborne said, and eltlior one ofthe greater partthese vvaiicssea would occupy

day Hucb other witnesses as may botilled will not be important.




inch ai tni.i' to I'ATtinnt.Asn.

llieiiueltrs. Their Variety Minw nndTheir liiillnn Medicine, l'nrtlriilnrly thel.ntter, Unnpprerlutpd In Ihn l.nnd-t'nr- te

Sum's Hoys Were tlnod lo Tlietu.

According to tho lows of Knglo and LittleThunder, thn Porto Hlenns of tho present day(the Spaniards exterminated tho nboilgineslong ago) aren't of much account Havingjust returned from Porto lllco after variousadventures there, thu two gentlemen nbovonamed, who are of tho Iroouols trlbo. considerthemselves lu a position to judge. Asl'ngloIt a patriarchal Indian of 00 and Little Thun-der a clean-cu- t voung buck of "J7. thov fairlyroornscnt somewhat different points of vlowThrough an Interpreter, White Moon, who is

School graduate nnd owns n head othair for which many n voting woman wouldInula her wisdom teeth, they told the storj ofthoir trip In n series of grunts, gurgles andgulps which tho Interpreter turned Into vorygood liiisllsh. nt their lodgings, fion Broomestreet, yestorday

A few dnvs befoie New dear's the two In-

dians sailed for Porto Hlco to become part of ,ivnrletv show evplolllncn certain Itidlnn rom-ed-

which Is warranted to be n stomnehlupowerful enough to euiethe Spnhlsh ting ofjaundice Itlwas the business of the two Indlans to do n "turn" Illustrating theli tribaldances and songs nnd to sell as mnnv bottlesof the lemtdy as possible I'pon their arrivalthe manager or the show, n man named lllge-lo-

told them Hint bea sales wero necessaiy, as he had beon compelled to pay forntheitrlenl license and permission to sell Idsmedicines, sd OOtl to the American authoritiesnnd SHOO to the Spviiish autho'ltlcs Duringtho llrst day alter thelt arrival In Ban Junnthe Iroquois spont most of thoir time wander-ing uround the streets, lo tho undisguised nndrather impertinent Interest of the naties,who gathered around them every time theystopped

"N'o good." Is Little Thunder's expression ofhis Impression "Plenty chanoe for fight, butI was very careful Too many for light "

Nobody olTered them nuy violence nor werethey seriously Interfered with They weregieitly scnndnllred. however, by the fact thatthe children, both boys nnd elrls. un to the ngeof 10 voars, ran about without the formalllj otclothing, a thing which would nevor be per-

mitted, they declnred. on their reser.ntlon.In one day they had satisfied their prouensltvfor sightseeing, and went to work at gettingthe show Into shape. The first thing to dowas to put una canvas Inclosure 'Ibis wasresented by the Porto llicans, who regarded It

as an Infringement of their rlcht toseo evon-thiu- g

that was going on Iherefoie. theseslmple-soule- d children of nature producedtheir knives nnd jnbbcd holes in the canvas, towhich Holes they nuplled their eves BothFagle and Little Thunder are dignified per-

sons, and this peek-a-bo- o performance filledthem with disgust. 'Ihey discouraged It for atimoby throwing dust nt the holes, but thePorto Itlcans were persevering and stuck totheir places Presently a noweomor selectedn place In the canvas and with Ids knife rippedn gash a foot long. Tho next Instnnt Littlerhundor poked a revolver through the liole.and both Iudlnns let out In warwhoou Theenterprising Porto ltienn departed and as-

cended t) e naxreat tree as a toy monkey goesup a stlk He left his knife behind The In-

dians Inve It now.But another Porto nie.ui was meanwhile

avenging his fellow countryman F'agle hadbrought with him n vallso containing two suitsof American ulothes.'n pair of moecaslns andsome bend work, which he left in his tentWhen he eaine back it was gone He went totho manager, who made iininpluints, and thatevening an American soldier appeared aFngle's tent with tha valise in his hand llnsaluted Faglo and said

How. Chief"' How," responded'FiElo gravelr'This roui valise. Chief""eo'

I guess they cot 5 our tuff Look In It "'I aklng the valine tho old Ironuols opened It

and found Inside only the bend work nnd themoccasins. Tho two suits of clothes, pride ofhis heart and made especlall for tho trip,wero cone For a moment Fnglo recaided thevallso blankly, then looked up at tho soldier.

"How you say ItV ho usked"Sav whut'" naked thn BOldlerFagle looked In tho ti.r. tore his hair, gilt-te- d

his ieth, brandished his fists and oxpres-Blve-

kicked the vallso end over end.How you say that9 ' he domanded)h.' the eoldlor "hav that, damn '

' That all" slid Fagle. looking disappointed"No,"sald tho soldier, "there s plentj more,"

and he gave specimensFuel lotlredto his tent and SDont tho even-

ing In tho vocalization of a chant which fairlycame under the head of profano music 1 here-after his vocabulary became a' source of un-

mitigated joy to all tho American soldiersWith tho soldier boys tho Iroquois soon

great !rlend. Tho soldiers escortedthe Indians around town. Instructed them inthe manners and morals of the. place and

themselves thoir champions. It soonI AAt.n.n known to Him niitliMa that n w;ih rmfwise to subject the copper-colore- d Americansto any impoliteness upon the nubile streets,for tho list ot I'ncle Bam. his soldier. Is havbeyond expression and ns swift in motion asIt is straight of aim Nevertheless, tho In-

dians weren't popular with the Porto ItlcansOne reason lor this wns that the latter de-

veloped a habit of crawling under the tentHaps into the Indians' tents When taughtthey wero pounded over tho head with what-ever camo handiest When nobody wasaround they looted what they could find,Thore was another renson for tho dislike con-nected with the Hist performance l Die com-pany After the "turn" of the Indians wascompleted they went nmone the spectatorsselling tho bottles of medicine with only fnlrsuccess ns the Porto Ilicaiib complained of thejirlce A nuinbei purchased, however, ami Itthen appeared that they were under a delusionregarding tho nature of the bottles Herowns a performance and here worn bottles con-taining Ihiuld Obviously tho enjojraent ofthe performnnco wns to be enhanced by thenlisorptlon of tho conti nts of the bottles, ithono accord and In ontlro disregard of the dllections tho Porto ltlcims removed the corksami drank

lmmediatelv there was n wild ihorus ofspluttering and strangled coughs ami madbowls for Iho inedlelne while not hsrmful, ishot and unpleasant to the taste '1 ho victimsof the erroi. when they recovered artleulntiispeech, arc.0 and demanded the hearts' blondol the whole show In oiineiul and the Indiansin particular, and but for tho restraining preenco of i number of soldiers there would pnh11111; have been a riot then and there 'i hemanagement hastllv hlied a local orator Itnmake an eMlauantloii In Spanish to the

thut the bottles contained a madleine andnot a bovorage, but the Innocent IioijiioIh werthereafter regarded as poisoners by ninny ofthe Porto Itlcans. It mav have been an out-come of this that Little Thundei had a tiltwith the authorities on the following I riduynight He Is a devout llbninn Catholic See-ing a church open lie went In and took neeat.As bo was coming out nttei tho service twoloi al ofllcers arrested him, and lod bini nwnvto jail, jabbering Sianlsh at him It lookeddark for him. but fortunately luh arrest wasscon by an Aniieleaii soldier v ho knew himnnd followed to tho jail 'I here the soldier de-

manded to know on nhnt charge his friend,who was n mlghtr man In his own inuntriwas arrested Somewhat staggered, thn anthoritlrs said tint thev luidii t supposed thuprisoner amounted to inueh nud that he wnsarrested as a spv

'Bpv ' orled the soldier vMu, Ids folkshave been Americans since there was any biicIiidaio as merlca

Hie olllolals wereverj orry and full apolo-gies should be made If there was a mistakebut they couldn't release the prisoner.

'Cnn'tllmw" erled the eoldlei "We'll seeabout that. '

He went awav nnd returned with two noncommissioned ofllcers. who spent nn hour Inunavailing arguments. Then they went awav

and relumed with n man whom Little Thun-der describes ns a vorvgient chief, who musthive had a record, because even body rut bisbnnil to his scalp when the ofllcerHe said n fow words to the jnllers which LlttloThunder remcnibois to havo beard In theihnnt of F.ngle. nnd the thankful Indian wasstraightway sot nt llbem with a warningfrom the officer not to go nuout alone nt night

Two weeks the troiui" stajed at him Juan,then wont Inland thirty-liv- e miles to n placeinlled Lnslma. where tliov stnvod a week, buttho natives there didn't nppreolato it drinkthat bad no morodeclslvo cITects thin the In-

dian remedy, so the company broko up. withPlentv of money, howevor. to cenio home Instyle And very well satisfied thev are to getback here.

"They don t like tho Porto llicans nt allsaid lillo Moon ' 1 hev sav, thoy aren t civ .Ill70il They don't like the tllmnte. either "

' sk them if they would go hick there, ' saidthe reporter

White Moon It in two warbles and aihlrp. and Fagle responded In two chirps anda warble.

"He says, 'not thete s nny other placeopen," translated Whlto Moon, nnd LlttloThunder nodded to show tint lie was of thosame opinion

jxss urivasTOV a ciihohc.A Mrnilii a of the Well-Kiiow- ii Tamil,

the i:pls(opnl I iiith.II beenmo known vestoiday that Miss F.llra-bet- h

Kilsyth Livingston had embraced theCatholic faith Miss Livingstoninto the Church b tho Hev Fither Healcy.S .1 , ot tho Church of bt Ignatius 1jyole,r.lghty-fourt- h street and Park avenue, lastweek She 'received llrst communion nt thoConvent ot the Sacred Heart In Madisonavenue

Miss Livingston is u lineal descendant ofPeter Van Brugli, Livingston, whose wlfo wnsMary Alexander, sister of tho of SterlingPeter was the son of Philip, second son of thol.ord of the Manor of Livingston, who wasPresident of tin- - llrst Provincial Congress luNework An older brothcrof Peter was oneot tho signers of tho Declaration of Independ-ence, ind iinothcr brothorwns a Governor ofNew lei spy

Aliss Livingston was born in Bnlllmme Himp irnnts nnd only slstor dlod n ear ago and shelias slnco livid with ho- - uncle mid aunt, Mrnnd Mis Van Brugh Livingston, who nro alsoher guardians, nt. invest Forty-nint- h streetDuring hor early llfo Miss Livingston was nBaptist, but Inter she joined the 1 piscopnlChurch Her aunt and uncle nro Catholics

Stinls well known In Now York socletv.isumember of the Colonial Dames nnd is Inter-ested In chniitablo work Sho Is heiress t alal go estate


I might by n Worshipper Who Prayed withIlls i:jr Open mid Itoughl) Handled.

Miehaol Ansonlg of 'J4 Clinton street alwayspravs with his ees open Ansonlg Is one ofthe parlshlonois of Bt btnnlslaus's PolishCntholiu Church, at Fon-jt- h and btantonstreets, nnd he puisued his devotions In hisusual manner yesterday While engaged Inprnving ho saw two men In the pew ahead ofhim pinking the pocket of a woman who waspraying with hei ores closed.

"Gonofl Gonetl" shouted Ansonlg, and hojumped over tho pew nnd fell on the twothieves His cries startled the worshippersand the services wero suspended, while evorvmnn In thee ongregatlon rushed to assist An-

sonlg in Ills effort to bold the pickpockets Thetwo men were faring ill at tho hands of tie ex-- ii'lsl people when Policeman Carroll of tin;

1 Idridgo street station nirlved nud plaeedthem under nrrent

Two-thir- of tho congregitlon followedi.uroll and his prisoners to tho stntion. Inthe excitement tho woman disappeared, so thnmen wero locked up on Ansonlg's chaigo of"attempting to plok tho pocket of Jane Doe "The prisoners doacrlbecl thomselves ns SamuolSchwartz. 40 vears old. of VMY, Dclaneej.street, and Louis Sllvorbloom, 1H years old, of45 Ludlow htroe.

niOT i t cirictao TiiKiTnn.

Mm Ilrokn hnlrs nnd Tore Up CnrpeU He-

roine the Curtain Didn't Go Up.Ciite-vao- . Feb 10 A lively riot occnired this

evening in tho Court Theatre. It wns broughton by the failure to ralsa tho curtain for morethan an hour aftor the scheduled time "Thohpan of Llfo ' w.is the announced nttractlon

Ldwii. Birboui, who sas ho owns tho play,secured attachment against the Hlllli- -an

of tho copmimy. alleging that bowas lliegalli presenting the dram iBarbour hold tho sccnory on the attachmentManagorI.ee of the Court tiled to explain totbo.iudlenie, but theeiowd would not listen to

One man veiled. "Lets teir up the oldshack I" nnd inn moment two hundred angrymen were npplhg up carpets, te.irlnctheohnlrsfrom theli fastenings, and destroying ovcrvthing thoy could Iho tore down olectrlelight fixtures nnd threw (hem at tho stngi-- .

A riot call was sent to the neatest police sta-tion, ami the tumult w.ih ended, when alt badthe lr admission monei returned Several wo-

men wero slightly hurt In the rioting

IIEAX OF llARVAItlt lO MAMi.t iigngeiiieiit of MUs I.ttilly .Inutes Smith

mid deorge Haven Putnam Announced.The engagement of Oeoigo Haven Putnam of

the publishing house of G P Putnam's Sous toMiss Kmlly James bniith. the dean of BarnaulCollege, is announced The llrst knowledgethat those outside of tho Immediate families ottho two had of the engagement was when MissHmlth announced hor Intentions on Friday la-- .t

to the trustees of tho college M the sime timeMiss Smith asked for it vacation to reeuporatoIn health, ns she had worked hard for tho col-lege since It wns organlrod Bho Is at presenton her way to the Bermudas, vvhero bIiu willstay a fow weeks Tho marriage w ill take pi icosoon alter her return Sho Intends to retainher post ns denn as long ns hni health penultsMiss Smith Is the daughter of Justice James lBmlt h of Canatidalgiia. formerly oftho Supreme)Court bench Mr. Putnniu is u widovvei andhas sovcrul giown children

. 7,000,000 1 YEAlt FOR CI ItV EG IF.

If the Pressed Steel Cnr Company Mnl.pAll the Cars It Inn.

I'lTTsnuno, Pa . Fob. 10 OiTie oih ot the Cai --

negh) Btool Compnnv confirmed y theslory sent our Inst night from Now York that,at n mooting hold In New ork, tho CamogloCompany uud tho Pressed Stool Car Com-pin- y

bad made an agreement b whichthu former was lo abandon its Intention nflouipotlng In thnsteol car trade and thu lat-

ter inmpaiiv was to buv all Its steel fromCnrncgio Hie car company's new plant willliavn a capacity of soventy-llv- o cars a dni nch cm contains twelve tons of steel As thest l vv III tost about tlB per ton and as tho carcompany w 111 require about 'JSO.OOOtonsn v oai.It will tin rehire pi) tint Carnegie Companythnut $ri,UU0 000 aniiii ill) The nr vomiuilivhas ordors booked for $10000,000 worth ofi nrs

I dwln Gould Hits a heioud Son.Announcement cards conveying Information

of the 1)1 tit of a son to Mr uud Mis IdvvinGould were sent out last week Tim hnr wasbnrn on Feb 0 Ho has been named I rankMlll.it Gould, attor his fnther'H brother 1 rankand his father's mother who was Miss MilletHh is the second son of Mi and Mm Gould, hisi Ider brother being between fi nud 0 )oars oldI dwln Gould Is the second of Jny GouldHis wife wus Miss Sarah Shradv, dniMhtei nfDr Geoign I Shrad)

GEllHA.S VI K OF r.oi ni'.r.

rieillu Cnrrrspoiiilant Hn) His lleiliiin liMi wed with Sntlilai lion.

Vpeiici Culte I'eipaicA to Shi Hit.London, Feb 1!0 ibsp-ite- to the tlu

Stumlmii from Berlin sn)s that M Ijoubot'snloctlon Is, on tho whole, viewed withgener.ilbatlsfac tion in Germany, as it suems to prom-

ise a pacific, tactful foreign jiollcy and uu tiiniiiilllty In Fiance

1IVICF OF OIll.Kt.VS'S .11 .yim:m',KctIimts the slotn of Affairs in Finnce, but

Vilnius No tlenlloii..'trctul rnllt Ititpatrli OTiirSi's

PaIIIH, Feb 10 Tho (.tizettr ilf I'ltmii' publlshch n munifnsto in tin Duko of Orlenus nprt tender to the throne, lev lowing the presentcondition ot nffiilishi I ranee Snoiiupioti anyntttiition to It

rifteen Per tout. Per Annumlu rrftiilai Dividend, nlth udditicmil isrui. l'rotils,

buuiiiI Mire Cripplii Creek tlidfl Murks AdIKafi lli I'ro.li) hlirlcli S) udicmt, tulorsdu

Culuudu, ifr,




ItiMiubllrnn Guards Cnllcd Out to Dispeiseit Crowd lu Ihe llnulotaril MiinlitmrlroXtub Sinnshts XVIndnvv. In ltolhschlld'stimers nml tho Petit .luminal Oltlceiitl-l)re)fm I'ress Attacks I outlet.

i)tctal Callt linpntth Ik Thk SisPvlitH, Fob 10 A campaign of Insult and

nbuso far more violent than thnt which dioveM Caslmlr PiSrler from tho pnlaco of tho F.ly-so- o

uow ragos around the now President of thorepublic. Yesteiday's shouts of 'roslgu"niid'Panama" In tho streets of Paris havobocomocontemptuous Insinuations and open slandersin the press v Tho vpnoni-ou-

almost Insano nngei of the opponents ofrevision ov or tho crushing defeat ol their can-

didate at Versailles Is sufficient Indication oftheir Intention to resort to desperate means tosatisfy their passion

There wns n demonstration of considerablePiopoitlons tho loft nnd then on thellgliMinnkof tho Seine, tho crowd traversingtho Boulevard Montmnrtre, shouting

"Conepuo? Loubetl ' Travel on theguind boulevards was Inteirnptad, omnibusesnnd carriages being compelled to remain nt astandstill for half nn hour The pollca arrivedtardily nnd dispersed thociowd

At a Into hour n riotous band passeddown lluolullllo and broke the windows onthe ground floor ot tho building In which thoofllces of the llothschllds are loented '1 hepolice dispersed the mob Liter a crowdassembled In front of theofllcos of the 7'ifit.oiinialnnd smashed doors and windows

During tho rioting In tho Boulevard Mont-niartr- o

the charges of tho police wcro Ineffec-

tual in disponing the crowd, nnd the mountedIlepubllcan Guard wero summoned Aheutho rioters saw the guaids thoy lied

At a meeting to-d- of 1.500 lnijierlallsts aresolution was ndoptod declaring that M. Lou- -

bet's election was nn Insult to the army& An announcement mado furnishesrtason to fear that the snvago attacks havealreudy produced some effect upon PresidentLoubet. It was made known, ).

this ovenlngthat Frlmo Miniitor Dupuy hadconsented to remain in poweremly on conditionthat the present polloyof the Government becontinued, and that the bill transferring theDre)fus revision caso to tho whole Couit ofCassation be pressed lu the Benato on Frida)nnd made n question of confidence lurthor-more.an- d

this Is aslgiilileant fact.it is nfllrmedon the authority of M. Dupuy that the "Prosi-dento- f

the republic recognizes that the passageof this bill is necessary "

This attitude or M Loubet does not nrguoopposition to revision. There ure. indoed,many Frenchmen who can bo best descilbodns modorntp revisionists who aio willing tosupport the Government's Iniquitous bill as amatter of expediency. M. Loubet s consent totho measure, which, according to Amorlcarand English standards. Is a gross violation oftlio llrst principles of justice, seems at least asign of weakness, nnd weakness nt this mo-

ment lu the President of tho republic Is a fatalcrime It will encourage tho enemies who at-

tack hi in to be florcer and Invite revolutionaryoutbreaks

Another unfortunate Incident Is tho changeor modification of President Loubet's briefspoech ot nccoptnnco from the version printedIn Inst night's IVmjistoaverydltlorontcolorlossthing which appears in the.Aournal Ojyicia!

This naturally calls out anti-re- v islonlstsneers.

1 housands of persons y passed throughthe chnpol in tho Palace of the Elystio. wheretho body of tho dead President will lie In stateuntil Tuesday night

'J ho moit encouraging feature of tho situa-tion Is tho fact that no opposition to M.

Is shown anywhere In the prov-

inces On tho contrary, the news was genct-all- y

rcceivodwitlt public satisfactionIt is believed by politicians thnt M Constnns.

1 n nch Ambassador at Constantinople, will berecalled to the President1) of tliobennte. Eventin supporters or tho republic who are not hisfnonds regard him as the ono stiong man Hispresoncont the Palace du Luxembourg wouldbe a source of confident e

Among the choice names applied to I'iCM

dent loubet by the opimsitlon press aro "Imbeclle,' " Panamlst." "wretch, "liar." " Pres-

ident of the i'anninists, "nomlneoof tlin He-

brew press, ' and " vowod protoctorof ls


Piiil do Cassagnao sa- - in the Aiifm ite Hintit Is Imposslblo to dionm ot a more damagingchief of tho State thnn M. Loubet He adds

"After n strutting tuikcy wo Inve.i cacklinggoose, and the whole Ipoultry )nrd will proba-bly follow Wherever Ixiubet goes he will bestuttered with tho mud of ihe Pnnnma Canal "

The I.ibie lii ofe Is equally bitter, accusingtho Piosldontot having robbod tho taxpajers.including the unfortunate Panama share-holder

The Tempt rejoices unreseivedl) ov.m M

foubet's electionMmo I'uuio has rce elved lelegrains of

from the President, of the UnitedStites, President Heuienux of the Dominicanltepubllc. President ham of Hnytl. PresidentKrllgei of thn Transvaal. President Din ofMexico, tho Sultan of Turko), tho Shah ofPersia, the Pope, the King ot Doninark, theGrand Duko Vlndlmfi and the RoumanianSenate

Tho body of President Fnurn was placed lua eoflln this morning In tho presence of PrimeMinister Dupuy and tho ofllcers of tho Presi-dential household

0 GItEiT 1'IIAl'tE I Olt I Ol HE1.

London Pi est Hnys Only Thai lie tlin, I'el-liap- i,

Ihv licit holl'l- - Avutlllble.pttta! Call' Dupalch to Tut Sis

London, Feb 'JO Tho pn ss hcin Is inclinedlo adopt a sonievvnat skeptical tone in dis-cussing M Loubet s quallilintions. though itIs, pcihnps, igreed that he was thn bestoholesnvallable The Tnien says that Flintis to be ciiugrntiilatod upon Hid usiillof tho pioteedinga at Veisnllles vvhi h

made M Inibct President In no uthuicountry nud under no othei Const i

tutlou in the world could the higliPi--l exeeu-tlv- n

unite 111 the Mute be filled with Elealeiease and smoothnosn 'I he l iper thinks it wasimi haps fortunato that no llngei lug Illness i ninetoM I nitre, blneu through the suddiuinessofhlsdonth events did not allow ot the org mini-tio- n

of n revolution or even a dnngeioiis move-inc-

'Ihe lrteaiih sa)S that tliein In this muchto bu derived from the elettlonof

M Loubi l that It was due iiiuinlr to thn faitthat he was not committed toclthorsoctlou

'ihe yjiiifiy .Ynrs Hays that the choice w isprobibly the best that lould be iiiailn underexisting circumstances

The Muitiiiii) but declares that tho oi dealwhich liauin has been suddenl) lequlredto face has for tho moment, bellied toallay the apprehensions ot the past fewmouths Tho comparative unanlmlt) andthe promptitude dlspliDnd In Uniting acapable substitute foi M Fnure will be wel-

comed ns some proof of the stability of the ev-

icting political Hystcm in 1 rnuceTho ( In nun If says that M Loubet is a man

of whom It Is Imposslblo to spunk ill, and notens) to speuk well, except in terms applicableto any dignified, honest statesman

'lUv Dailu Villi sns thai M Loubet Is it manof no euiineiu e, and, us far as known, of no reiiiiirknbje strength of ilinraotor He Is one nfthose moderate, respectable iionoiiltles whonro usually holpk'is lu a tiuio cif.c'rUli,,


German Proposition That the Attsof 11

Itepresentlitltes lln Disavowed.Sprcmt rnllt Pmuttek in 'tnr fit's

London, Feb 20 Tho Berlin coirespondeutof thn 7'miM snvs tho news that thu action otChief Justice thambors in Samoa has notbeen disowned by tho Government of tho UnitedStates Is In ncionlnnco with what was nlreidyknown In d quurtors lu BerlinIt would nppcar, however, that tho Gor-

man Oovornmont has piotosted ntWashington agnlnst tho notion otMr Chnmbors, while tho Governmentof the United Stntes has entered acounter-prote- ngilnst tho action of llerrBono, tho Got mnn Consul nt .pia

In Influontlnl political circles the view Isexpressed that perhaps the best solutionot thn difficulties which have arisenwould be a disavowal of tho action of theirrepresentatives on tho part of all three powersconcerned Tho way would thus bo clearedfot n unanimous decision ns to future action

OFFltAI. Er.hf'TIOV IV OltEEIl..

All of Minister Drlyniinls's Cnn-lldnt-

ltpjertrtl In Alliens..VD'tiat C'' DtiBDlth loTur Srs

Atiifns, I'ob 10 At the gonoral eleetlonto- - la) for members of tho Boulo there weroOoOcandidates for the '.''17 seats Of the candi-dates 180 liolongcd to tho lato Trlcouplspart v. which has been reorganlfed under thelendeishipof M Thcotokl, Dopnty for CorfuAbout tho same nuinboi supportedMinister Delanns Two hundred belonged tothoMliilstorlnland sniallor partics.nnd thereslwore iudepondonts

Tho results, so farns known, wero favorableto the supporters ot M Theotoki in Athensall the Del)nnnlst candidates WJro rejocted.


About n Ilundrrd Chlnaiuen ltepoiteilKilled in it Tax libit nt Tulleuwitii.

.Tfcial Cable DttjiatcK loTme 8ox.London-- , Feb. 10 A despatch received hero

fioni Pokln stutes that tt conflict ins occurredbetween tho ltusslnns und Chinese at Tallen-wn- n

About ono hundred Chinese are reportedto hnvo been killed A question of taxes Issaid to havo led to the collision


Sons of the Itevolutlon Oltlii'l Approvo ofIlls .Sympathy with the Uillplnos.

Washinoton. Feb 10. Seuator Mason ofIllinois was one of the speakers at a meetingin tlio Interest of tho Lafa)etto memorial fundhold at the Columbia 1 heatie, underthe joint auspices of tlio Sous of the Revolutionand bons of the American Itevolutlon. Inmentioning the nations of the earth who hadhnd their Lnf.Dettcs. Senator Mason referredto the Philippines. sa)ing be had no doubthov. too, would have their I.af.Detto. Thosentiment wns ovldeutl) an unpopuhr onewith the utidionce. for it brought fot t li a stormof hisses

Other addresses weie delivered by Repre-sentative Gillette of Massachusetts. SecretaryCox of the bulled States Semite. Chapln Brownot this cit), nnd Robert I. Thompson of Chi-cago, the origiuntor of tho movement.

a sunvniiAX MinviGiu Ai.itni."litrn Off Your )," the Police Shouted

ns They XToikrd lth Club and Hell.Residents of the Richmond Hill and Morris

Park sections had an hour's lively excitement,beginning nt 12 'M o'clock yostorday morning.Tho East Now Y'ork Gas Light Company sup-plies that district, and shortly aftor midnight amessage was received ovoi the telephone attho police station In Richmond Hill that theompany was about to turn off tho gas to make

some urgent repairs. Sorgt Kreamer din ctodthe gas company not to cut oft tho supply untilho communicited with It later '1 hen nil therisorves woio hiiatlnd out nnd directed tomike a hoilse-to-hous- o eanvnss through-out tho entire section, ntouso the In-mates of each house, and toll them thn gaswits to be turned off This moasuiu wnsdeemed necessary to provont families who kepttliu gas burningnll night from being asphyxi-ated should (lie gas be tinned on again Withtheir night sticks thn rcKerves si t oft at a

liMible-ijuic- k pace through tho village Wholnrowsof slumbutliiK residents wore iiwa.kenidbv tho b ingiiig of doors uud liiglng of dooibells

' Turn oft our gis, ' shouted the policemenin answei to eveiy query

'1 hen the lights wont out 'I ho gas wasturned on again Inst evening

SAI'1IIOTS IT IHE NFRVOJI.Ainntetii Photographers Vlndi Ihn Mom of

llei llml I, in U nnd Ihn ItrlBhl Jluy.'1 ho White Star s'oamer Germanic, which

ret on tlio bottom at her slip, foot of .West'lenth street, proved t drawing caul yester-day thoiiBaud sightseers were hangingabout the dock all da Only a few wcro admltted to tho piof1. nnd tho remnlnder had toboiontent with looking at thc.Gerniniilc. bowon, fiom tho end of tho slip Amateui pho-tographers were Iiidp). It Isn't very ofton thatono has a chance to snap a sunken steamshipon i bright Sundny afternoon vlth drv feet

'Ihe Germanic's position wns llttlo chnnged.There Is n slight llst'to starboard, which bringsthe rail on thnt side on a level with the Ice'1 ho afte- - inrt of tho vessel appears to be submerged The bow ilso three or four feetabove the Ice Several wreckinr tugs and8C3WS wore clustered around the steamer

nnd there was constant aotlvity onboard Some pumnlng was done, but the ves-sel s condition was not visibly altered

sf.chftaiiy hi.iss's sricrssoit.31r. Illli hi nek liny Un Sworn In y ns

,sei i clary of the luterloi.AhiitNi.TON, Fob ltl-ld- Hitchcock,

the newlvappolntod Secretary of thn Interiorand formei Ambassador to Russia, nrilved inWashington fiom Now Y'euk, He wasaccompanlod by Seeretai) Cornelius Bliss,whoso successor ho is to bo In thn IntorloiDepartment

Mr Hitchcock snld to night Hint ho expectedto entci upon the duties ot hlsncvv oflh n

Ho will u ill on the Presidentrow morning nnd will prob ibly be sworn in

as hecrelar) of the Interior Inter In tho da)

fill' OF SIN t.VTOXlO III. ItlGHT,

A l riven nt Itiiiiistvii U Willi Ilolh 4.111I101

out. mid I luce llor.es I'lueit to llcnlh.Hill NKWICK, Im , lob 111 rim ovoidiln Mal-

lei) liner lit) of San Antonio arrived hoici thisiiioining Shu expel lonccdver) heavy weatherShe lost both mi hors, and cabins und statelooms vveiin Hooded 'linen horses for thuJokyl Ihlnndt lub were froen in dnnth 'Iheship vv III Mill on 'J uesdu) for N'ovv ork

SO C III EH V Ill's TF.lt S I It OF. , I OO.

Norfolk shlppem I'ri'dlil it Si.'mllr nmlHigh Prit foi it Yrni,

Noniotu, 'a lob 10 -- The recent rivewas disastrous to thu n)stei Industry in thisvitlnit), ileports from e oast points state thaithe ovsterh gcnmally wero froren and urnworthltss Pin kers hern say tint oysters willbe scai eo a nil piobabl) vurydrarforaoar

l'elinn) IviuiIm llrmoi ints s Holding Dill,IlAiimsiii no, l'a . I cd 10 Senator Vua) s

friends nio liupefiii that the Democrats willbreak the deadlock this week but Domncratlcleadeih declare thut no stub thing will everhappen It was the hopn of Senator ,'ua)'sllciiliinunth that ".loo Bible) would lie nblutnstart the Dcmouratin dlsinlDgratlon which hasbeen regarded for two vviinks as the onl) pernhilile hope of I lit Quay men One of the ileiks

I county uieiiilcrs ssld this week that theywould prefer 0R) to am other Republicanbut that under the circumstances it would bu

I politlial suicide for them to doseit tho candi-date of their pact) at uor stuge ol the game.



itEi.GAit.t is a si:rniii: timtv. "U

Crow Irfied lo Abandon the Vessel, lint Its'fused An Italian Hark XVim ked ill the -

Itay and nu Uugllsli llnrk Mimiiloiieil f

The I'nvonln Itrsrtte nsTnld In Her l.ng. f

.Vpecnil Collf Ittipalck to Till Sis 1

PontaDkuiaui. Azores. Fob 10 1'hn pnspengersof tho ills ibled Cunard liner Piivonlu, 5

which wns towed here )estcnla), wore landed )tills morning under great tllffloultins bad ,

wenthor hnv lug commenced ngniu. Tho ttaliiinbailcf Into his been wrecked In tho open ba).The members ol tier crow wore saved Tho I

crow ot tho Lngllsh bark Tliomns'lhomiwoii Ihave abaudoiiud thoir vessel, which will proba-bly sluiro tlio ate of tliu Cinco The Puvoiiiu'sj D

crew wero asked to abandon hci, but they re- - 1

fused. Thcio nro good hopes that the Pnvonla twlllildoout the storm, owing lo 'ho strengthof her mooring chnlns '

Following nro evtraets from tho logbook of ;

thoPavonla i"l'eb.:i,.'l 20 P M Engines slopped Strom? t

gale from tho nnrthwost . heivysni BolloM f.

adilft, caused hy ship's laboring heavll). H"Feb l.i.IIOl1 M -- Fired distress slgnnls to ft

steamel In sight h"Fob 0. 0::i0 P M that stcnmoi wnal !(

the Colorado, of Hull, which arranged to tow Itthn Pavunln, conimonoliig nt 0:10 A, M., but at0 '10 tho Colorado tarried away hor bltts anil prigging, bolng obliged to lot go tho tow rope, j

and signalled 'I cannot tnko )ou In tow ' At I2 P. M snine day the Colorado signalled 'Do (,)0U wish mo to stand by?' tlio Tavonlu reply--Ing "Yes '" f

The log goes on to sav that it daybreak tho IE

following moinlng the Colorado had dlsap- - ipoured A heavy gnto was still blowing and Jathere woro dangerous high 3uas, which con- - itinned until Fob 0 During tho interval fromFeb 0 to Fab W no vessels wore sighted. OnFobO, at.'l A. M., a steamer wnslslghted, bound. jieast. Distress signals wore fired to attract hor 'J

attention. She proved to bo tho Horatio of iLiverpool. Sho was asked to tow tho Pavonla.but replied that it was Impossible owing tothe state of the wcathor. At 0 o clock thoHoratio departed from the Pavonla, but haltan hour later she returned and offered to take, jtho Pavonla in tow. At 10-4- o'clock, how- -over, tho Horatio again stood on horoourse, fsignalling that she could not wait. i'

At about noon on Feb 10 tho stoamor Wol- -vlston of West Hartlepool appeared and agreed Ito tow the Pavonla to St. Michaels Bho took. Ihold of tho Pavonla at U.30 P. M. and towed horuntil 11 P. SI. when sho broko the tow ropoowing to tho heavy weather, but sho did notabandou tho Pavonla. Tlio next d ly tho Pavo- -nla signalled to tho Wolvlston, "Walt for finerweather Do not desert us." Tho Wolvistonreplied. "I will wait until Allnight there wus veiy bad wouthor, with vividlightning nnd rain The latter caused tho Pa- -vonla to lose sight of tho Wolvlston for twent)- - Jfour hours At S P M , Fob 12. tho Wolvlstonwas again sighted nnd remalnod standing br Juntil 7 HO V M Feb 14. when sho took thoPavonla lu tow and succeeded In taking her toPunta Delgardu. where sho arrived at noonvestcrday Tho passonsors and crow aro all jwell J


Several Out of Charleston Long Overduo- -i

ltescued Crevv on the Mount llopr. m

N'okfoie. Va, Fob 10 The schooners VanLear Black. .vJIco Holbrook. Annlo Brown and j;

Fannie Ritchie, tow od In here report that ij

the recent storm olT tho coast was toi rifle. 4Several schooners are still missing, nml. It is H

feared, may be lost. Tho schooner Mary I ur- - W.

tis. Capt. Maker, which sailed from C hnrlcston W'

for Richmond on Fob. &, is one of these ShoIs tlvo days overdue It Is regarded ns posslblothat sho may have gono before the wind,, issomo othois did. and been blown further oil j

her course than theyThe Annie Brow n, which left Chirleston four

dnvs after the Curtis however, arrived hoi e to- -da In distress Capt I nmson said tint nwhirlwind struck the Brown on Fob. Ill while,hound tho mate woie below nt supper Thistook her new foresail away with u rush, cross-tre- es

and boom going with it Subsequentlyabout a thousand railroad ties on deck wont bytho bonid '1 lie schooner, which was boundfor Now Tiondon, was blown 200 milesnut ot hcM eoiiise Capt Lamson saidthat ("apt I indxtiv of tho tug Annie 3

nf Richmond reported tint ho towed Into Ifamp- - iton Roads thu schooner Mount Hope, Capt Mi 8I can. bound from Boston for Norfolk, nud ittboird her was tho crew of a schoonor aban- - Idoiied nt sea It Is not possible to Jascertain tho name or tho derelict Incoming ICaptains say thnt reports of muny disaster Iniu) well be expected 1

Trio British tramp Windsor is still hard jaground on Slxteen-- 1 oot Rldgo in Chesapeake tBay The Merchants nnd Miners' liner htato I

of Texas, which was sunk at Gwlnn's Island, 1

came up to her pier this afternoon I


Tho lei Jam Snuius lo Have Tinned thisI hmiiiel Through X nlunblo Lands,

RtriiMONi), Ya , 1 ob ID Tho Ico goigo In jthu James River apparently has caused theilvettocnta new channel through tho valua- - jble I inds on tho Chosterblleld sldo. A false)

'channel now might destroy much of tho workdone by the Government to improvo tho navi-gation of the James to Richmond In tho largoamount of floating prupert) carried away bythn lie yestenliiv wns tho entire Governmentplint used in tins work, consisting nf tug,dredge, hoisting anpiratus and birgos. allaground with ico piled over them. The riverIs falling, und tin effort will be madeto break tho gorge with explosives.


nlnge's V heels Slipped on Ihe TrackI'lip.rngrrs Shaken Up.

A ISreadwar cable car and a Central Park I

stage hired by a thoatro party were in collisioneirl) ) i storda) morning at Eighteenth street. jTho stage, which contained somo fifteen ortwent) people nieii and women, cams oust S

through Eighteenth street and was just clear-ing thn uptown inr track when the wheelhttmed I

Car No "J'eO wns coming up. and tho gripinitn, IJJo-ep- h Mosnior, was iimble to avoid the ol- - aUnion 'lhnctti knoeki d dT thn steps of the Bsinge nnd damaged the finmn of the vehicle se ft

Hint the occupants gut out and went to their ihomes bv other convoy inces Sobodv washurt, bcvniid a few biiilsesanil a severe slink-ing up and the drivii of the since. MichaelSheridtiu refill-oi- l to mnkuu comidulut againstthegilpmiin

One of the passengers on this stave wasAiimld C Well a lawvor living ut loll West.Semnly-sov- i nth street


llrlirfl hilt Ihe I llievet Stole Vnlllllblr lie- - iIoiieIiie to VI r.. ah In s, llrlie. '

I ima, IJ , Feb 10 soiiii) tliiin last nightburglars broko into thn ri Mdiuu'f of Mrs '

Mellly thiiiiioihei of vlis t nlvlii 8 BileeofNevvoil. In West Market street and ran- - ,

sacked thn premlsin Mrs Modi) Is on i visit ,'to another d uigblei at tioshin. 1 ml and no ' ione Is living lu tho hou-- e dining heriibsnne ;

It Is pot known whether thn thieves got in .thing of vuliip, in. limine Is at hand who knows - Iwhat is missing 'Ilils istho hmii-ofioi- n wh oh 1 itlin funeral of Ihe late nv seiuitut Rneo i nk i ;jpIiiip It w.is leteiitl) lepnrltd that Mis, ijllllcehud sent Imm Vvrl irk iniieli vnliiiibls , fbrle-.- i brae and other hi lungingH in b. I opt ,hern In tin old fiunii) innhii towbiih -- Im vintended to n llllll in live ll is In ln dibit ftthe mbbeis' nbji cl was to gi I thi'se mill ms ' .

Mnini-liPi- i. I.rnluim Itrtui n on the Iterlln. .

'ihe transport Berlin whl h unveil icsirr- - iday from San limn, I'niiie and Snmingii,brought nlnvt) soven dim haired soldiers and t

among whom were ilaiui-Ue- a. ,'Sntiseiigors, aud Uuut'htur, )

