.:-¯.i. +’ :- ...... i. + ; Ox’~lll+ 1~’~. ~[o:~;, PulbHsh=~r. Tct.ms,,S~.~+ Pe~’ Yeax~, .... , ................................. V.+"’ ~i’;." ’. " eel 80. " HAMMO:NTON, N. J:, FEBRUARY 27, 1892. NO. 9 IPeekly ++hool Jl~elmrt. ,.. UNIO.~ ,CAD. HAIKMONTON ~~~" ’6 "~ TXTUS Nellie Tudor. Teacher. Real Estate ~ ~ Week ending Feb. 19, 189"2. Mary Pneano WllUe ~’eckerly ~,VtlbJrt Flttlntf (’hnrlle Julla~o Nu.ch, Capella Aalol|lo .~t. Angelb Successor to J. D. Fairchild, The following pupils receivedaa average Lizzie ~&’erner Genrl~, Wer,er recitations, and wets) regular ill attend- M.Iteo C~pell~ Jnsepulue Guirudo ]1" or ,~.-~ as e Dealer in Groceries" ’t-"our +o, +,o..+co+. 0,,,,,,++ ,o ,,=+++ unrotlmest in this SYATIUTICS. l. Two lots.on Pleasa, t Street, ) 9 + ROLL OF HO~’OI~ ----+ , I=~ t ol ~1 I ~ large house--handsome,wzth ¯ AND-- ¯ ¯ ¯ , = = ~ .o . ~ every con,emence, heater, Samuel G. Ndweomb. "ettleFord " " oL~. _ -. g- -z~ ~.= enngorv tory. etc. Fd,+~r,lood ++er+E~,, I~ Im=b~l~ml+-- _-+ .......~.. --. ...... ~L~.n_~J’tP.’[~. " J/?A’L+.~-’Y~ .... i 2 tD-’/~q-~<l~ Z. Lot on bee0nct blree%--nne HurlburtTomllu NiuaMonfort - ] [--I I ’1 7.~-+a~r~ hr~l~to nt~n~,.d--xrOr~ Mollie D. TIILou Ida BlyLhe 1 ]tlgh School .............. I 19 r 18 ] t~+ s }2 , . .u.~,. ..... --: ....... ~, - ~.j Josephh,e Rogers - blaud r~eonard - ! 2 t~ra.mmar Dep’t ...... / ~ / ,9, ,-’ i "’ / a I +-reasonable Drle( [Ialur~L’aRer Belle Hurley | 3First+to ePnPdiate. .I ~J’l/ 5 t >71 401 5 I ’ - -- + r~ " - I Lella DePuy I 4 8ee<,nd I,,termt~llat~... I 8~ | ,~l i ~3 [ 28 [" t+ I .~ " Another on. ~eeon¢l~treet. c er .................... ~,.;. thr somebody. l.~nls Doerfel Albert Setley I~ ...... . ~ enerally%4p+:+ + ~.Goods delivered, £nd orders taken at your door’~l’ Jackson is Selling Round Steak at 11 cents. Rib Roast at 12 cents D+vl,lDavie~ r~arrvsl,nons "The death of Walter B. Earl, Who 8. Overthree acres on Chew llarry Davlm, n Isale Seely Rump and Sirloin Steak at 14 cents, - Faauny French WalterSheppart£ q3ccame violently tam,us.alter underRt~ Ida French Ru~ell Treat inff the Keeley hi-chloride of gold treat- Road. near 12th St. 5-room THIS WEEK,--next week may be selling lower--don’t ^,,n~ Holland Harry Treat Jennie Hannum meat, has arsenal public interest lu the house; nearly new. Berries ............ know,--COM AND SEE. Sh+0cs Fancl+ BALDWIN APPLEtS Selling this weekat ~2.50 per barrel. Maybe higher next Week. P.S.Cooked Foodfor Dogs, 2 cents per pound. S for the Dining Room lil01 K for the Chamber for the Kitchen :~ ....................... T~+3x_ ~ox.- I~n~ ~elow regular .prices during the atoath of FI~-]I~]E~.+U~.+]~’~r.-. Cash Faid for old Gold and Silver HA.~MONTON, N.J. DRALEIt IN Hardware, Tinware, Furniture. ~~ia~lKornin~ht ~unace,_ ]~lla Twomey :Harry Jacobe+ Eddie Whlfl~’en LIIIle Jacobs I,’lore~ee Wood Lizzie I~ayer COra Wilde Mats le Lovelaed E~le Wemcoat- " - -I.atthrola ~- lle_W-hl~ Daisy Matbls . Percy Wblffen Bertha Matthews FIRST INTERMEDIATE. Clam Cavlleer. Teacher. Joseph Herbert Geo. Whlffen Sanltlel Irons I, en+’t Davlsnn Clarence Fittlng Itoberta ,~IaxweIL [’aul Hnow }toy Alle.d’ar Eddze ’l’hayer " Ret.ecca DIIkea Willie King Katie Davis iI~attle Norford PL~ebe Neweomb oward French Nellie tlorley GeOrge 8pauldlng Fran k~enl~on Frank Tomlln Bertle I(lng Floreace MLller Churlie l,ayer blaurlee Whittler - + Iteury Whlffen blaud I+.~W - NIck Mink Charlle Fltllng Grttcle Thuyer Beulah Jones Emily Morrill Parker Treat <21If los ~h In n Walter French Llzzto ttarley SECOND INTERMEDIATE. Loltle 8. Cilne. Teacher. Morris ~imons Bessie Swank Howard Bntdbury Carolleo Mason ~fflllie 811none -Cora Warller Johnuy blyera Mary Layer Alllo 311eli Atldl0 Ptlrdy ~ay- ITr~wli ...... -L] z z lb lhlren~tl --- ttarry ~Valthcr Je~ie Rogers ia)uls Allendar Olive Ilohand .j£tatu e~+a~ndl~liuL b|/[ I_L e I~.Ut lda’l I _ L~.onanl Rozeru Katie &,d,,rson -- _-- Rtcll~trd Suzby 5Iagt, le Olll’~rd Frank Crelmt Mary Davey Ernest Jackson Lizzie M|iler Albert Irons Sltdlc MLIter Howard Bakely Julia MnHose ...Cll~zel t -’lq es~ le Hay o~-ca r~Td~ U~ -, , - Ralph Coast Lena Molt ellis DaPuy FI B.~T PRIMARY. . Nellie D. Fogg, Teacher. Bea~;e Morris Laura Davldson ~ /;ertle French Kosle Rooit ..... Harry Hluehnlaa ~rab l~,t,erts George Dilke Alleo llerry Harvey Horn tta)sLe-slnsan ttarvey King 8arab Heusbaw XVilhe Ta3’ Lor Beckle BirdcalL EddLe I~twsoa MolLie Fledler Ei:ner Horn Edllh 81races Norrl. Hurley Bertha ~hinn Joo Naylor Lena Warner ttarry blLllett Blaunhe WI llama DeWItt ,~lorrls Stuart Wblllen Jttlllsle Grist AUell L~tphore Ctarnuce Brownlnl~ "Reglnu!d N~vison Louis ltubell| -H~lvor-Harley ........ l-lonry Lmyer Willie~Bowles Wlll|e Anderson George Rubclll Georgo Mitsoa .. SECOND PRIbIARY. Nettle Moatfort, Teacher. .~ Mary Buzby Harry SI,nons Marlon G~Inort Joheph Baker Nellie Layer llarry Purdy blay Naylor Hugb Davies Cleveland Austin Mabel Gill;err ~oloroso NelLie l~OOd Annie Duncan Ernest llot.~plng + ;/ " ! "" -" The be~t tn the market..A htrge assortment of. R AN~E~NIVSTt3VES. PRACTICAL ’PHILADELPH [A .... Sani ary-P!umbing, Ilot Water and SteamI[eating. " D~ep WdlDriving made a Specialty, ~ " Andthe ’Be~t Pumps Furnished. Particular attenti,in given to underground drainage, " " ’,and ventilation. J + P*+m ¯ Maua~er of~-- Plumbing,etc. Marie Adoloroso LA KI.~ SCHOOL¯ Hattie A. 8mith.~her~ ~ All~q Cloud Fuirland Wetherbee ~eorgo Myer~l Katie l,’uglletlaJ Llzz|e Rultelo Johnllie Penao Ellqe <2load Joe PI,II~) [~)tLLe Ctotld" Jt.ltltlll|e Pasmllaqua Edna Wenrlch Jtmt hlyers -A,mle Weerteh ...... ]~tlWIl| Myers D~Ila Nl~lai Mery Pinto H lckulaa Cload +~11; ry Tel 1 Georgians R|enzl +PetcrTell Touy Plnlo Tol, y l¢,Lenzl O~rgo PIu to MAIN ROAD. Lllla Rub)’. re, eaer. Ge~). Parkhutst : P;’va .i,,anum bial IC ~wift Jl+llltt~ l"Itblug ~d[ary LUgall ~lal )’ ..%Otl h)rO ~le Adam~ Mahde J.~rrlecnetto Amelia ]~po~l~o J,,s.pl~iue H4xnere Albert G~ty l~n,.oll LOgalZ Froddlo Mo~slcy Mdry Jenlsou Charles .’~IscR Ito~to l;sp.slto ¯ t’.?llllftlg .]ellls~*n (;.’O, .Xl ea-h’y J*t’arl ++~tllun~ ~+~lll~ILiP-,x-[l’itsle~ ," ..... ," ~¯ .Nello A.delto ’J’Ol,}" l|crhatha LeWls, l,’o..ter ’l’u |+y t+’ra|+elmo Ma*y Ke] set ("’ MIDDLF. ItOAD. El.is hi..A.Ildersotl, Teacher. ¯Toslo Campahella Msry +~lollcnso l~ant P~etlllhl . ¯ ,Itllll|n[e I~t)lllLILtl’do Lulu Clllllpal|ella ’J’l-alo +~] Iiiou ~ierelle~ z~.lldel~OU l’t’h+r PIttlltbla Bel’l I,It ~l~elq~onl I qll IuInll ,v .~l uoho, ~h|ly .~11 hlun 3|ql’}e L|)inbulxIo I~.ln|lLilt Phll|lps 3ial’y ])lltlgt)stlno M.rte I~lllll~lhl t.’OllgelLe D|ago8tlna "C||tiide tJ,h’li ’6 "_" -’ ’(’har|lt~ttlnp~oella -- Ib+y |It’llell Tol|y Ib, lU,uelo Matte. l~,ppucclo 51 is.tel Manho + MAGNOLIA. On ee U. +~u~’tb Teacher Eddie (;~l|pert Andrew LItU0fleld J,,qqdl Yi;iiwg- ~Tda Roller O~n’ge ~lleW Jane Heely ~Vlllle Daerl~l /Id|ll btaerl Jo~epl|lne 8malt Cbrlsta ltennz -t~ha~r-Lttttefleld .... ,;t+~t I~aso ---- Ulatonee Llttlefleid Erma MorHmer : ?+! L "L~I ~r mq, rb str~; l,ek .am~t.. + L ,u~v~ ~..,; ............ sO.~. I~,.,"F’A .o.+ =,~ ?+,m ~’+ -~ . .| ~i~~o~ -Prlco Only Lak .......... I ~-~~ ~mfi,L o,ter.-~ : ...... , - ’ o cure, aud aa ,investigation of the mysteriousameut, which ts nowsaid to b0 largely emupoeed of atrychnine, haB -been--dema.ded=-~mw-10~~ damages Is now threutened by’Earl,s rehtlves, and his death has led to ttle introduction hi the 8tat~ ~l..trate by ~enator Endres, of Buflitlu, of a resolu- tion. providing for an investigation ot the mysterious Keeley bichloride or" gold cure, ¢o determinewhether it is tletrimental to the pubhc health. It the re~olutiouh~udllpted a legislative com- mittee will be appointed at ouce, with full power to examine witnes~s. The rest, Its are to be repelled to the Legiplaturc by March 17. Charles ~.. Earle, ol Albany, Juurnal Clerk of the Assembly, Is a c,,usin of the dead maa.- .Phila. .Ledger of .~eb. 20th. A daugerousbenelactur of suffering humahity is he who "’kills to cure"l Timely indeed is the achievement, and t!mely the announcement, whichIs be- g~t~g to reach the public, of Dr. Ni- visou’s scientific and humane treatment -for t he~lcohol--habi .t:--From-wh~t t=-h~- already been anauuaeed to tho readers of the .It,Iaublieanr~spt.cting Dr. Ni~i- 8ou’, aLmolutely salb and reliable method -o Lace.at i-, ,_%_tlm_llq~ t,_~la~__l~t~_ only t,, vote wllat Dr. Keeley has ac compli~l~d iu tho matter of exciting public ~entiua to his claims, and tho and fruit. A "daisy" place for chicken business. 7 ¯!’ 9. A pretty homeon Third St, ten minutes h om stations, in sight of four churches and new scho01-house,--two lots, 9-roomhouse, heater, vines, flowers, fruit, berries. 10. Prominent corner on Belle- vue Avenue -- fine bnsiness locatioia=: 144 feet on the avenue, 100 deep. A good huuse included. ] 2. Twenty acres .on Pleas- ant Mills l{oad, teu acres of’. berries in bearing, good 6-ibom ~o us+e, Cheap__enou~h._--_ Fine 9-room house on Fair- v_iemr,~heater_in-cellax, a good barn, windmill and force-pump, some fruit., 7 acres. At fair price, favolable termS. -/~Fo~partieularsr-lnq at the REPUBLICAN Office --over the post-office. _. -’.. " ._ ". : ~= _- .... iu a brief period o| time, to reallze how [~-~ ~mi~ N IW’i ’zal incalculably great is the demand for a cure of some kind for the poorinebriate. It goes without sayiug that |n the long run the mt~leol cure which proves tobe the safe and better modeis the one which has come to slaT. Note the followiug: Dr. Leshe E. Kt!eley,-of Dwight,Ill., ha, c-t,ciuded to cooLract wiLh tile Ullto l*tl 8t|ttc~ {.~ovcrnlnent h) put his rrm. c|lle~ |tied tl’eallnent Ibr the cure |~f t|lO hq|l,,r ~’m|l -I,imu habits lU all of tile biati-nal and ~t~ate mi|it.ry and nitval horace II~" America. lie haa also made a CO[|I r.ct with ,1.8 Vlbkers~ of Loadon, En~ialld,.repre~ntiu~t ,t -roup o, capi- -tal/~,--t~_~ so: tm ee’ey- g||hl remedies fi)r the curs of in~empeL,- auce and ,,piom in lhe Uuited KillgdOlU -ol--Gx’tmt~dtitain_atu,I I telantl.__~lk_l~ sl.|Hed that the Eu+dteh svu|lic:tte have a e;|pital;z~d ~t(mk ot" l,A~Jtl’i)il(} I)t|untti+ sterhn,_,.- Phila. Ltquirer of Feb 24th. I.i(,d speed Lhe rlghtel,u~ workel~ h|r hunmni;y ; umi- who~ -a m,)h~ a II -:’tll~- I’IHIRe. L~ L-- be Inoro cut I|e~tl}" clllllU.~uUd- e|l, m~lL’e justly lnalort¯d, than pill- o~,~,u town~womau, b11t, s S. +S.N’Lvieon, +~[. D., --lititidul Its a [riend, loyal as a citiz¯A h ekililul at, a ph)~icL|l|t. Ae the outed)me of the temperouce que~tlop in Newport. Tenn., a saloon ~waa blown up 133’ dynamite. ..... :+:+2~,¯ J (S I~ ITI:;I~-’ : .... NOT~RY’~PU~LIC . \ "" "\ Oonv©¥ance~. 0--+-- De~lt-, vlortkage~ Algreemelals,Bllh o I ~lah~ and .,ther papersex~utedln a neat. oarefu~ ano oorrestmanner. H mm~onton. N. J. ::.JOHN :ATKINSO~ ....... :, CommiSsioner~De~ ds ~t-xzya~efu=z.~ (3o==.’t~n,t4Us~¢+,o X F~EDA/’tSVIT.L4~: ttsznHt(+la Lo.. 0., JUU0,1~. O13u b~t:le o| l’a.t~¢ K6imL~’. ~+’:~’O ToniO enrod, me, eat/rely| , a l....or l)ltys|cJaus hml t¢ted uueuc~ufu-1T for e,{ght ,,l~,~t.bs tA, I~+l|e.ve KleoJ~.: Ize~oua deblhty. ~,,,+ U L;N.N flPELD. My wife ¯ hkn t.~k,,n clx b~tth~ ot Pasto~.- Koenlg’s Neryo Tt,z,ic ; sh. Lss lx,~,a~ x,o rctln’n of’ ,Uae. fits, and I think thi~ remedy ~ he~i the oestrea effo?t. I ehem’fully re~mmet,a l~ to emy o~e nuffermg lrom that dread:ul, mlklaAy, " "pllepsy." - JOHN G]tAIWT. = ~:+ " ¯’. :{i /.¯~ + --~ - .+ ~ )+ ¯ and .... PENSI01~..CLAIM AGtlNT, Attends to all matters pertaining thereto. ¯ 6UBSGRIBE F0R THE 8.J,R= :~:! ":.,-: :7 . Abqut a ~ar ,,go I a.tte’tat my rlgh t hand con- ~: ~muauy enal,.in& A i+_--lod u£neron~ xnedictnea ¯ but thoyuUhad nooff~0r. * * * After usll~.." th~eo or four bottlv~ of Pastor K0onig’s Nexve,, 4ba~-my-ha~d-~od-lm-ahv~k o~.nd-1- fom~+mv .~ ........ Halt gtkta.ing everydaty. I think thh med/ctne ]e~ o~ tna g~e~t~ ~odles TIIOS. 0’lldTdI.~y.. ’l~te;~’e~odyha4 beeu~prep~-.cd bythe Iteve nd Pastor Koenlg, of Fort Warno. Ind. slee~ ’1~,6 lul - " ._ " Imn0w prelmred uqdor his dLreet~ou by the KOENIC I~II~D. ~O.,Chloago, I S01dbyDrug’gist~at ~I I:~.vBet,!.’~ G~O [~ . gft’t’l +~" , " " ~ .’ . "~ - " 0" ’.;’~.~’+" ~ ",}: ::7 TO enl~ n~}loaet~r,& SlCi; ".ls:Jd,’.’"", t:(~n~ pl~tlon,~lalnrl.%Lzv.:.,:~., p .i:~ "+ks ¯ \~le.ss.f0 n|:d G~’~l’tt+.~ :~.:|..’ . ....... BIE +,+++m ~rs+ the Nlll ALL +ize ¢.,’0 lit tl," R,:ana tr. tr.m +b0ttlo). ThEY ARE Till: ~tIF+’r Ct,.~*¢:.g~L~PN’P. _i+ ¯ Prlee Of eltllOr ai3so. ~-~e, De~ ~Ot,Ak ~ . ,.. ::5 Kll4P~l .ltmlmlti~ *"I~ P’+ ’~"P~lara0r, awqt’ llq& ~klel111~Arl-+d-l+ I~AN’FL 8rz~,. II~WiIP~ll~lnall~l ¢0r4 ¢II- (~p~¢r~~" I?e.alllk - " J.F.$MITH &l~O.U,,,r==r ’ag+¢ u=az+8 "$T. tS+d|~ MS.

+ i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a

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Page 1: + i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a

¯ --. _ .

Woe D~. dr. A, Waa~+,IIE~IDImNT

Notary Public, ~~TII~,Conveyancer, ItAXMONTON, : : N;J.

Real Estate & Insurance Agt omoe o.~,,- ~,ory weekday.HAMMONTON, N.J. O&t~ ADMINISTERED.

Insursneo pla~ed ouly in the most No chargn fur extntctle g with gas, wh0ntooth are ~rdered.- .............. rnliable_oomp,miea.

...... zooa~ Leases. ~o,t~ago,,~.Youtake NoCarefully drawu.

: ....... , ..... .. .,- . . . -..

: There was a hca~ enowtall, Tuesday,throughout England, traffic being great-IV impeded and te]e~apbln eommunie+:tlon cut off.

A delegation favorable topolntment of Judge Ali~ed Hugg vlsRedGovernor Abbett at Trcuton, on Tues-day. A number of petitions from Glou-cester and Camden people wee alsoreceived. It is said that Hugg,s~appolntment Is ......

New Lard - Ne, W Lard."AT : ....

!me ro +S, ......... +

OCEAN TICKETS By uelr.g the The Municipal Election In Phlladol-

pondenee solicited. " ..... Police Magistrates and a number 0f

lM’oney to Loan on mortgage, ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton,¯all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag-

Scud a postal card order for a true For every 8allen is istratce aud Select Council+ and all the . .

!: +/

sketch <If Hammon~o.

|COTT+$ :m,mut Prtc.~C~tOFULA


\Tas~ng Diseases_ :_ . ._-. Producer.

~amy "hays gained one poundday by itu ust-.

Scott’s ~hmlt~iou i~ n~ a secretIllmedy. I~ eontltins ttte ztimulat,-lmR properties of the Hypophos-l~h]t~s and pure lfforwegian Cod~ver Oil, t},m potency ot aotn¯ ~ It is’usectll~tnff largely nt.erer.~e L ,.I~ Physicians aa over ~ao wor,,,-

GUARANTEED ! party candidates for Commonwith a few exceptions.

Any’one wishing to experimentwith Paint is asked to do ~.o at ~Phey ~re .Famous.Camden, N, Y,, Sept. ".~, 1890.my expense. Past one-half o] Having suffered from dyspepsia andany surface with Hammontonconstipation f6r~everal years, and having

Paint, and the other half withtriedImanYwas emident doctors without suo-


Hammonton does not cover as m.oSpeedYam cured.relief’ andAlterafter a few son

much surface, and wear as long, how can I prsa~ them tnohlghl¯ ought to become famous, and

under the same¯ conditions, ] to~ao all in my. power to


JOHN TT-~R:ENCH, RemarkdSle Rescue.Hammonton Paint Works, ~rs. Michael Curtain. Plainfield. Ill.

Hammonton, N.J. makes the statement that she-- cold, which settled on her lungs

~g~, Send for samp~ card ol was treated for a month by herpbyslelan, but grow worse. He told her

C0]ors. she was a hopeless victim of consumptionand that no medicine could cure her.

Veal, Hams, BaCon,,

,+,. ¯ ’:

Home-made Mince-meat

ry Pine Wood,i foot long, and st,li ,

.:-¯ .i. +’ :-

...... i.+; Ox’~lll+ 1~’~. ~[o:~;, PulbHsh=~r. Tct.ms,,S~.~+ Pe~’ Yeax~, .... ,

................................. V.+"’

~i’;." ’. "

eel 80. " HAMMO:NTON, N. J:, FEBRUARY 27, 1892. NO. 9

IPeekly ++hool Jl~elmrt. ,.. UNIO.~ ,CAD. HAIKMONTON~~~" ’6 "~ TXTUS

Nellie Tudor. Teacher.

Real Estate~ ~ Week ending Feb. 19, 189"2. Mary Pneano WllUe ~’eckerly~,VtlbJrt Flttlntf (’hnrlle Julla~oNu.ch, Capella Aalol|lo .~t. Angelb

Successor to J. D. Fairchild, The following pupils received aa average Lizzie ~&’erner Genrl~, Wer,er

recitations, and wets) regular ill attend- M.Iteo C~pell~ Jnsepulue Guirudo ]1" or ,~.-~ as e

Dealer in Groceries" ’t-"our +o, +,o..+co+. 0,,,,,,++,o ,,=+++’ unrotlmest in this

SYATIUTICS. l. Two lots.on Pleasa, t Street,) 9 + ROLL OF HO~’OI~ ----+ ,I=~ t ol ~1 I ~ large house--handsome,wzth

¯ AND-- ¯ ¯ ¯ , = = ~ .o .

~ every con,emence, heater,Samuel G. Ndweomb. "ettleFord ’ " " oL~. _ -. g- -z~ ~.= enngorv tory. etc.Fd,+~r,lood ++er+E~,, I~ Im=b~l~ml+-- _ -+ .......~.. --. ......~L~.n_~J’tP.’[~." J/?A’L+.~-’Y~ .... i 2 tD-’/~q-~<l~Z. Lot on bee0nct blree%--nneHurlburtTomllu NiuaMonfort - ] [--I I ’1 7.~-+a~r~ hr~l~to nt~n~,.d--xrOr~Mollie D. TIILou Ida BlyLhe 1 ]tlgh School .............. I 19 r 18 ] t~ + s } 2 , . .u.~,. .....--: .......~, - ~.jJosephh,e Rogers- blaud r~eonard - ! 2 t~ra.mmar Dep’t ...... / ~ / ,9, ,-’ i "’ / a I +-reasonable Drle(

[Ialur~L’aRer Belle Hurley | 3First+to ePnPdiate. .I ~J’l/ 5 t >71 401 5 I ’ - -- + r~ " -I Lella DePuy I 4 8ee<,nd I,,termt~llat~... I 8~ | ,~l i ~3 [ 28 [" t+ I .~ " Another on. ~eeon¢l ~treet.

c er .................... ~,.;. thr somebody.l.~nls Doerfel Albert Setley I~ ...... . ~

enerally%4p+:++~.Goods delivered, £nd orders taken at your door’~l’

Jackson is SellingRound Steak at 11 cents. Rib Roast at 12 cents D+vl,lDavie~ r~arrvsl,nons "The death of Walter B. Earl, Who 8. Over three acres on Chewllarry Davlm, n Isale Seely

Rump and Sirloin Steak at 14 cents, -Faauny French WalterSheppart£ q3ccame violently tam,us.alter underRt~Ida French Ru~ell Treat inff the Keeley hi-chloride of gold treat- Road. near 12th St. 5-room

THIS WEEK,--next week may be selling lower--don’t ^,,n~ Holland Harry TreatJennie Hannum meat, has arsenal public interest lu the house; nearly new. Berries



¯. ~.;,.,.



~. +

p£LATP-,GLE AS lgl’,LK. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New8old by a;l Dr~gffists.

~TT-&4~W NJ~.-G ~c m I sts;t~.Y."Ask my agents for ~,V. L. Douilas.Shecm, She continued its use and after taking~F’~ot for sale in }’oar place ask your ten bottles, found herself sound and well,~Snler to ~ead far cu.tulogue, secure the Dealerln~ney, and get them lot you. +. ¯ /~. now does her own housework aud ia aa " * +

,,Att~O su-sT,~.u,m" Tobacco,Cigars, Confect,onery weU msbe ever ~a+. Free rmttlesof At WBernshouse’s Yard

~+i~ " ~l~.~ON~Ol~l’,~r._ J.

this Gre~’It Discovery at any Drug Storo,large bottles 50C. and $I,00.., 7 K~NOLIN~ WOoD

HARN~S Kirk Spea~P, Jzr,,A fullassortment of hand and machine

"made,---~r work or driving. + Plain aud Ornamental -

............... ,0, Paste "rag .and+ ~l~~~Jl~S Riding Saddles, Nets, etc. Bnddaymg. Five Barrels for One Dollar.


W. L. DOUCLAS Lfi w. ~-6mr.,mY,,+.,,,o,~,,+.+.

$3 SHOE =e.¢lkPms.~ S,~ST s.oe ,, +,~ ,om ,0, r, yj?ANt Is a ~mlegs shoe, w’lth mo t0,eRa or w~.] .__II hurt the feet; made of the beet fine earl etl~~

easy. and bee<tulle we make ~ i/1~(~ o~ ~n~than onlS , equa_ ___-

at this

thcln; flee calf,, lasldc, heavy three Imle=h exten-

Ilonedge. OnopalrwlUwearayear. __ -~IIE~ 50 fl.o calf! no better shoe ever orrereu at~S’~-= this price; one trial will convince tho~

want a ~lhoe for comfort anti service. ,~5 and 0~.00 Worklnamnn s shoesdurable. Thoe~ who

no other n~oko. ,nnd $1.7.~i ~hoo| sho~l are


--H, FX~IDL~F+, for consumption ; she boughtManufa, oturerof teat del,gh+ foun $4per e0rd of 128 feet, ................................. know,--COM AND SEE.

Hammonton, N.J.

A. J. KING,Resident Lawyer, "

M~ater In Chancer....... -l/Igt-alInsures in No l companies,lowest rates. Personal attention given

Ar T D.- A good man to .be lntcres+.cd In starting a

Castle (or bench) or,he Order or

of Golden Eagl~i~Plrl ] rAll~ rg. 1~ H ~4 ;I n I a ECg

F. WAY LAND PO’PrEILGraod Cbler. Camde~. N.3.

m,,...-+o th.’ =° i HUM PH REYS’so.n n+ ~JVff£111HARYSPEClrlCS

_Fruit 0rowers’ Union’, r~ ~, 0a~e, Eaeep, Do@, rr0g%dL~D POULTRY.

¯ ~p ~00]Page llog~pn Treatment of Anlmala

"Sccing is Believmg, ...a.~e.,~’,ee.I~u’al~ ~ l~’ewers, ~ooEeat lona~ In nal~lmnllonA.A.] l~pins| Blenlngltt~ i1411k ~ever.B.B.--~ltrains, LameneSs+ Rheumatism.O.~.~D|otemner, l~a~tl D|echargcs.D.D.--Buta er Orubs, Wnrm~E.E.-,~ough~ Heaves~ Pneumoula.]8’.~.--Col|e or Grlpee, ReUyaehe.|].G.--~llse~rrlage, llemorlPkages.H.11,-- Urinary and ]Kidney Dl~eaees,I,l.--Erupttve DIseaees, l~la~.e.di.K.--Dlseases of Dlgestlon, raralysls.~I~ Bottl~ (over 00 dmesk - .S0

$obbingprompt]y attended toOrders by mail will receive prompt


Always a Good Stock.

Onl~, the ]i3¢s~ I

Specialty, and fullsatisfaction is guaranteed,

Repairing donc.


’ ++ 00gs, B00tsang+Sh+0cs ....... +Flou~, Feed, Fe~Ptilizers,

,griculturalN. B.--Superior Family Flour a Specialty.

an----~--~ an c . ax roa--d7I$11tlllPdilff. ~’eb. 6, it891g.


STATIONS, [ ~lall.]atAo.lAteo t l~zp.I Ezp Ib:gz~lt+o.~ 8.Exp.lae.a, ’

-- Os-,dou ............... I , 4091 ...... I S IL)~ .~-...| 4 l(I]l/addonfleRL. .......... 8 8O < -17 .................. ~ 8 &;I ...... , 4 3 I

MU~L’DOC~q .......... ..................... ..... ......... .......... ........I

S ~[At** 1 ~ ~ o~, ~ om I .... s l~:, ....... , ,,~1

Bellevue Avenuii~-+ + Wster~ord.7..;=.=.:.l ’-;;.T..l ’9 ~1 --5 14~-a:=; -"i.;;a- :i.=:l ft 101 .... , 5 ~+........... I ~ ~0t¯

W|o|iow ............. 1 9 IU’, 5 k’2| ............ , 5 21q

Hammonton, : : N ~ H~mmontoo. ........... | 1,2tI 5 3115M ............ .....: ..... } 9~[9 ~4 ....... 55 ’~:lal.i¯ DsC~st~ ............. i 9 ~8’ 5 :t~| .......... ,¯

~lwood ............. ] 0 41I 5 4t+/ ........ ’ .........t ~’f/ , 5 :t,~1

J(Jl:tl~i~ ~-~mSO~~ggHarborClty ......... t 951 t 5+71,1’+ 9 ..... 54,,I~u,~n ............... 1+0,~ e l,I s’.’t "": :]D 101~, ..... OLm ,

-/ Atleult¢~ill--.~." .....I 10~0[ il;’716~f ~’~, ...... tl0~l ...... , e 171

Second Street and£ad

Fancl+ BALDWIN APPLEtSSelling this week at ~2.50 per barrel.

May be higher next Week.

P.S. Cooked Food for Dogs, 2 cents per pound.

S for the Dining Room

lil01 K for the Chamberfor the Kitchen :~

....................... T~+3x_ ~ox.- I~n~ ~elow regular .pricesduring the atoath of FI~-]I~]E~.+U~.+]~’~r.-.

Cash Faid for old Gold and Silver



Hardware, Tinware, Furniture.

~~ia~lKornin~ht ~unace,_

]~lla Twomey:Harry Jacobe+ Eddie Whlfl~’enLIIIle Jacobs I,’lore~ee WoodLizzie I~ayer COra WildeMats le Lovelaed E~le Wemcoat- " -

-I.atthrola ~- lle_W-hl~Daisy Matbls . Percy WblffenBertha Matthews


Clam Cavlleer. Teacher.Joseph Herbert Geo. WhlffenSanltlel Irons I, en+’t DavlsnnClarence Fittlng Itoberta ,~IaxweIL[’aul Hnow }toy Alle.d’arEddze ’l’hayer " Ret.ecca DIIkeaWillie King Katie Davis

iI~attle Norford PL~ebe Neweomboward French Nellie tlorley

GeOrge 8pauldlng Fran k~enl~onFrank Tomlln Bertle I(lngFloreace MLller Churlie l,ayerblaurlee Whittler - + Iteury Whlffenblaud I+.~W - NIck MinkCharlle Fltllng Grttcle ThuyerBeulah Jones Emily MorrillParker Treat <21If los ~h In nWalter French Llzzto ttarley

SECOND INTERMEDIATE.Loltle 8. Cilne. Teacher.

Morris ~imons Bessie SwankHoward Bntdbury Carolleo Mason~fflllie 811none -Cora WarllerJohnuy blyera Mary LayerAlllo 311eli Atldl0 Ptlrdy~ay- ITr~wli ...... -L] z z lb lhlren~tl ---ttarry ~Valthcr Je~ie Rogersia)uls Allendar Olive Ilohand

.j£tatu e~+a~ndl~liuL b|/[ I_L e I~.U t lda’l I _L~.onanl Rozeru Katie &,d,,rson -- _--Rtcll~trd Suzby 5Iagt, le Olll’~rdFrank Crelmt Mary DaveyErnest Jackson Lizzie M|ilerAlbert Irons Sltdlc MLIterHoward Bakely Julia MnHose

...Cll~zel t -’lq es~ le Hayo~-ca r~Td~ U~ -, , -Ralph Coast Lena Moltellis DaPuy

FI B.~T PRIMARY.. Nellie D. Fogg, Teacher.

Bea~;e Morris

Laura Davldson ~ /;ertle FrenchKosle Rooit ..... Harry Hluehnlaa~rab l~,t,erts George DilkeAlleo llerry Harvey Horntta)sLe-slnsan ttarvey King8arab Heusbaw XVilhe Ta3’ LorBeckle BirdcalL EddLe I~twsoaMolLie Fledler Ei:ner HornEdllh 81races Norrl. HurleyBertha ~hinn Joo NaylorLena Warner ttarry blLllettBlaunhe WI llama DeWItt ,~lorrlsStuart Wblllen Jttlllsle GristAUell L~tphore Ctarnuce Brownlnl~

"Reglnu!d N~vison Louis ltubell|-H~lvor-Harley ........ l-lonry LmyerWillie~Bowles Wlll|e AndersonGeorge Rubclll Georgo Mitsoa ..

SECOND PRIbIARY.Nettle Moatfort, Teacher. .~

Mary Buzby Harry SI,nonsMarlon G~Inort Joheph BakerNellie Layer llarry Purdyblay Naylor Hugb Davies

Cleveland AustinMabel Gill;err

~olorosoNelLie l~OOd

Annie Duncan Ernest llot.~plng

#q~,mveII~i~kable, which

¯ clear, loft+

ll~mefllll I~_ Ilg.ht, ~ ....l[lla ¢le~rl¢ ugh,,t more eheefl~t this

..... !. ~’The Rochester,.,’:~ : " £=d with it ther~ Is no smoke+ no em.lll.

~ImDthE Up Of tllO tlltme, DO ~ummm~. .....o .t ..y_ ~,_ :.d.; .g.~................. ~ trlmmlnl.._ Im t[afanta (OIL r . .

to0gh ~oll®a_ .m~t~ou arc.a, ~.r~_£.~..i’. - Dill ih’lll~ It Ill lll~_Ulll~ILF..l~l~It’~Ir~’tOltet

- , fin as sift tt~ a ¢~ tam~w.n~r a ~tiil~ a~ul a, _ =.-.:~. .....~ ¯ COOP

I~ lamps nuty come sod"Rochester" sh|neo

;/~ "- i¯d Tltbll LsmlMI, l~anqtlet, 8tuuy, v¯-----_=IPllmo LalOl~--Ivlt’Y kind, in Rronze, Pot’.

Blase. H/Cll3d I~d Bla¢,k Wrought Iron.


¯ L L:i;,


.¯ ...

I~ Dy

’ n1~ll~llllt~S, in~. CO.. III & 118 ~ ~, flew ra,.k.

.0.m0,A~m 0 0~T~P~C[~I~e~0Aq

teed Ln every case.

.... /~,t,~m~_ , , ........

Pmmarttlon. fro~ ovm, nm+z or ota~ ~ Neavspaper Advertising ]Bnreau (iO 8pruco

W pllg~,t.,or ~nt Im~lt~am¢ll r~C~,l~ o! ~ tlMngcontractsmnY iv.PJ I~1"~1 ~J ~tlI~i~[,’P& ’ItUll,1111VlPllt~.¢O..,Zl=’llSWl~mmSt-.S*wlrm’k* Im imu:le for it In rt~dlWM iM~i|l~n’l~

S01eallllo AmeHoao

~.ments made m the besi manner. Phlladelphl* .....

Securing aud Repalrtngpromptlv done. c, m0,n..++ .......gates reasonable. 8atisfactionguaran- H~ldonfleld. ......

BerUo ..........&L00***~,. H..~...


. +


Illmqlstamp: TUSI~¢al~I~.’ lzaemMat Fo~formatt~m~dfl’ee~an~qkwrl-t@to " !- IKnlqN ~k (~’t ~OL nBOADWa"/’ I~I0W "~O111~"

b*ek onkly P ,~ ....

....~. =o+...., =a:.~. ~.a.p:"¢:,~ .,. .o~..,...,...=....._, o,. ._. .+ ++ ,n ̂ =--+ TI Ph’ladelpbia :oIlltmtmt41~ .¢l.t~L.oIIll .(and. t~dlt~ed ~vm.yimtmat lake’s outbyusllb~htbe_f~o~, mltlo~,,..,,.,..., ...m ...-- .... ,- -, th. =.a .... +’ I e 1 Wee r e s s:++ ̄ _ +,,, h, ....+ ,.,, ,o ,-- --,. +o+ dentifi+ .,,.""’--’.e,. ¯ ...... + ..........

byiphl oloi "" -"

The be~t tn the market..A htrge assortment of.



.... Sani ary-P!umbing,Ilot Water and Steam I[eating. "

D~ep WdlDriving made a Specialty,

~ " And the ’Be~t Pumps Furnished.Particular attenti,in given to underground drainage,

" " ’,and ventilation. J

+ P*+m ’¯Maua~er of~-- Plumbing, etc.

Marie AdolorosoLA KI.~ SCHOOL¯

Hattie A. 8mith.~her~~

All~q Cloud Fuirland Wetherbee~eorgo Myer~l Katie l,’uglletlaJLlzz|e Rultelo Johnllie PenaoEllqe <2load Joe PI,II~)[~)tLLe Ctotld" Jt.ltltlll|e PasmllaquaEdna Wenrlch Jtmt hlyers

-A,mle Weerteh ...... ]~tlWIl| MyersD~Ila Nl~lai Mery PintoH lckulaa Cload +~11; ry Tel 1Georgians R|enzl +PetcrTellTouy Plnlo Tol, y l¢,LenzlO~rgo PIu to


Lllla Rub)’. re, eaer.

Ge~). Parkhutst : P;’va .i,,anumbial IC ~wift Jl+llltt~ l"Itblug~d[ary LUgall ~lal )’ ..%Otl h)rO~le Adam~ Mahde J.~rrlecnettoAmelia ]~po~l~o J,,s.pl~iue H4xnereAlbert G~ty l~n,.oll LOgalZFroddlo Mo~slcy Mdry JenlsouCharles .’~IscR Ito~to l;sp.slto¯ t’.?llllftlg .]ellls~*n (;.’O, .Xl ea-h’y

J*t’arl ++~tllun~ ~+~lll~ILiP-,x-[l’itsle~," ..... ," ~¯.Nello A.delto ’J’Ol,}" l|crhathaLeWls, l,’o..ter ’l’u |+y t+’ra|+elmoMa*y Ke] set ("’

MIDDLF. ItOAD.El.is hi..A.Ildersotl, Teacher.

¯Toslo Campahella Msry +~lollcnsol~ant P~etlllhl . ̄ ,Itllll|n[e I~t)lllLILtl’doLulu Clllllpal|ella ’J’l-alo +~] Iiiou~ierelle~ z~.lldel~OU l’t’h+r PIttlltblaBel’l I,It ~l~elq~onl I qll IuInll ,v .~l uoho ,~h|ly .~11 hlun 3|ql’}e L|)inbulxIoI~.ln|lLilt Phll|lps 3ial’y ])lltlgt)stlnoM.rte I~lllll~lhl t.’OllgelLe D|ago8tlna

"C||tiide tJ,h’li ’6 "_" -’ ’(’har|lt~ttlnp~oella --Ib+y |It’llell Tol|y Ib, lU,ueloMatte. l~,ppucclo 51 is.tel Manho+

MAGNOLIA.On ee U. +~u~’tb Teacher

Eddie (;~l|pert Andrew LItU0fleldJ,,qqdl Yi;iiwg- ~Tda RollerO~n’ge ~lleW Jane Heely~Vlllle Daerl~l /Id|ll btaerlJo~epl|lne 8malt Cbrlsta ltennz

-t~ha~r-Lttttefleld .... ,;t+~t I~aso ----Ulatonee Llttlefleid Erma MorHmer


Press the ButtonIt

ilOlUell oppI~’gelt dr~alattol~ of any scientific ImperJ!l th$ embrace thewor]d, Splendidly lllos/A’lal~l~, NO te~lll~e~t *o and lhe dl~a llhould be Idthol~ It,. Wl~kly,;+ll~0@_a th* ool,p~t~l,year; IqJ~0 six mouUu~ ~+~em+ ~i37~ & ~ appnm wor~PU’I3~+II~II& ~1. ~I’OIM~Wly, ANew X Oa’lL " eels ful men ¢


r to emeh psrllon at Imme I~rl, sad ,he pours o~t her rlcl~elto retell." now ithl|l

o|| all o

and the Republican, botfi a year > ’:

tot: $1.25, cash,

rlto. r+m=Irl~ Addrt~ III oriel !’-’ ̄

lllm~! -?+!

¯ ..o .





L "L~I ~r mq, rb str~; l,ek .am~t.. +L ,u~v~ ~..,; ............ sO.~.

I~,.,"F’A .o.+ =,~ ? +,m ~’+ -~ ..| ~i~~o~ -Prlco Only Lak

.......... I ~-~~ ~mfi,L o,ter.-~ : ...... , - ’


cure, aud aa ,investigation of themysterious ameut, which ts now said tob0 largely emupoeed of atrychnine, haB

-been--dema.ded=-~mw-10~~damages Is now threutened by’Earl,srehtlves, and his death has led to ttleintroduction hi the 8tat~ ~l..trate by~enator Endres, of Buflitlu, of a resolu-tion. providing for an investigation otthe mysterious Keeley bichloride or"gold cure, ¢o determine whether it istletrimental to the pubhc health. It there~olutiou h~ udllpted a legislative com-mittee will be appointed at ouce, withfull power to examine witnes~s.

The rest, Its are to be repelled to theLegiplaturc by March 17. Charles ~..Earle, ol Albany, Juurnal Clerk of theAssembly, Is a c,,usin of the dead maa.-.Phila. .Ledger of .~eb. 20th.

A daugerous benelactur of sufferinghumahity is he who "’kills to cure"lTimely indeed is the achievement, andt!mely the announcement, which Is be-

g~t~g to reach the public, of Dr. Ni-visou’s scientific and humane treatment

-for t he~lcohol--habi .t:--From-wh~t t=-h~-already been anauuaeed to tho readersof the .It,Iaublieanr~spt.cting Dr. Ni~i-8ou’, aLmolutely salb and reliable method

-o Lace.at i-, ,_%_tlm_llq~ t,_~la~__l~t~_only t,, vote wllat Dr. Keeley has accompli~l~d iu tho matter of excitingpublic ~entiua to his claims, and tho

and fruit. A "daisy" placefor chicken business.

7 ̄ !’

9. A pretty home on Third St,ten minutes h om stations,in sight of four churches andnew scho01-house,--two lots,9-room house, heater, vines,flowers, fruit, berries.

10. Prominent corner on Belle-vue Avenue -- fine bnsinesslocatioia=: 144 feet on theavenue, 100 deep. A goodhuuse included.] 2. Twenty acres .on Pleas-

ant Mills l{oad, teu acres of’.berries in bearing, good 6-ibom~o us+e, Cheap__enou~h._--_

Fine 9-room house on Fair-v_iemr,~heater_in-cellax, a goodbarn, windmill and force-pump,some fruit., 7 acres. At fairprice, favolable termS.-/~Fo~partieularsr-lnq

at the REPUBLICAN Office

--over the post-office._. -’.. " ._ ". : ~= _- ....

iu a brief period o| time, to reallze how [~-~ ~mi~ N

IW’i ’zalincalculably great is the demand for acure of some kind for the poor inebriate.It goes without sayiug that |n the longrun the mt~le ol cure which proves to bethe safe and better mode is the onewhich has come to slaT. Note thefollowiug:

Dr. Leshe E. Kt!eley,-of Dwight, Ill.,ha, c-t,ciuded to cooLract wiLh tile Ulltol*tl 8t|ttc~ {.~ovcrnlnent h) put his rrm.

c|lle~ |tied tl’eallnent Ibr the cure |~f t|lOhq|l,,r ~’m|l -I,imu habits lU all of tilebiati-nal and ~t~ate mi|it.ry and nitvalhorace II~" America. lie haa also made

a CO[|I r.ct with ,1.8 Vlbkers~ of Loadon,En~ialld,.repre~ntiu~t ,t -roup o, capi-

-tal/~,--t~_~ so: tm ee’ey-g||hl remedies fi)r the curs of in~empeL,-auce and ,,piom in lhe Uuited KillgdOlU

-ol--Gx ’tmt~dtitain_atu,I I telantl.__~lk_l~sl.|Hed that the Eu+dteh svu|lic:tte havea e;|pital;z~d ~t(mk ot" l,A~Jtl’i)il(} I)t|untti+sterhn,_,.- Phila. Ltquirer of Feb 24th.

I.i(,d speed Lhe rlghtel,u~ workel~ h|r

hunmni;y ; umi - who~ -a m,)h~ a II -:’tll~-I’IHIRe. L~ L-- be Inoro cut I|e~tl}" clllllU.~uUd-

e|l, m~lL’e justly lnalort¯d, than pill- o~,~,u

town~womau, b11t, s S. +S .N’Lvieon, +~[. D.,--lititidul Its a [riend, loyal as a citiz¯Ahekililul at, a ph)~icL|l|t.

Ae the outed)me of the temperouceque~tlop in Newport. Tenn., a saloon~waa blown up 133’ dynamite.

.....:+:+2~,¯ J (S I~ ITI:;I~-’ : ....NOT~RY’~PU~LIC . \

"" "\


De~lt-, vlortkage~ Algreemelals,Bllh o I ~lah~and .,ther papersex~utedln a neat. oarefu~

ano oorrestmanner.

H mm~onton. N. J.

::.JOHN :ATKINSO~ ....... :,CommiSsioner~De~ ds

~t-xzya~efu=z.~ (3o==.’t~n,t4Us~¢+,o XF~EDA/’tSVIT.L4~: ttsznHt(+la Lo.. 0., JUU0,1~.

O13u b~t:le o| l’a.t~¢ K6imL~’. ~+’:~’O ToniO

enrod, me, eat/rely| , a l....or l)ltys|cJaus hml t¢teduueuc~ufu-1T for e,{ght ,,l~,~t.bs tA, I~+l|e.ve KleoJ~.:Ize~oua deblhty. ~,, ,+ U L;N.N flPELD.

My wife ¯ hkn t.~k,,n clx b~tth~ ot Pasto~.-Koenlg’s Neryo Tt,z,ic ; sh. Lss lx,~,a~ x,o rctln’n of’,Uae. fits, and I think thi~ remedy ~ he~i theoestrea effo?t. I ehem’fully re~mmet,a l~ to emyo~e nuffermg lrom that dread:ul, mlklaAy," "pllepsy." - JOHN G]tAIWT.






= %

~:+!(;=" ¯’. :{i_{


¶ t.


--~¯? +2

- .+ ~



and ....

PENSI01~..CLAIM AGtlNT,Attends to all matterspertaining thereto.

¯ - ..!+

6UBSGRIBE F0R THE 8.J,R = :~:!

": .,-: :7:,’

. Abqut a ~ar ,,go I a.tte’tat my rlgh t hand con- ~:":~muauy enal,.in& A i+_--lod u£neron~ xnedictnea ¯

but thoyuUhad nooff~0r. * * * After usll~.."th~eo or four bottlv~ of Pastor K0onig’s Nexve,,

4ba~-my-ha~d-~od-lm-ahv~k o~.nd-1- fom~+mv.~ ........Halt gtkta.ing everydaty. I think thh med/ctne ]e~

o~ tna g~e~t~ ~odlesTIIOS. 0’lldTdI.~y..

’l~te;~’e~odyha4 beeu~prep~-.cd bythe Iteve ndPastor Koenlg, of Fort Warno. Ind. slee~ ’1~,6 lul - " ._ "Imn0w prelmred uqdor his dLreet~ou by the

KOENIC I~II~D. ~O.,Chloago, I :.,S01dbyDrug’gist~at ~I I:~.vBet,!.’~ G~O [~

. gft’t’l +~" , " " ~ .’ .

"~ - " 0" ’.;’~.~’+" ~ ",}: ::7

TO enl~ n~}loaet~r,& SlCi; ".ls:Jd,’.’"", t:(~n~

pl~tlon,~lalnrl.%Lzv.:.,:~., p .i:~ "+ks¯\~le.ss.f0 n|:d G~’~l’tt+.~ :~.:|..’ . .......

B IE +,+++m~rs+ the Nlll ALL +ize ¢.,’0 lit tl," R,:ana tr. tr.m

+b0ttlo). ThEY ARE Till: ~tIF+’r Ct,.~*¢:.g~L~PN’P. _i+:

¯ Prlee Of eltllOr ai3so. ~-~e, De~ ~Ot,Ak ~ . ,.. ::5

Kll4P~l.ltmlmlti~ *"I~ P’+ ’~"P~lara0r, awqt’llq& ~klel111~Arl-+d-l+ I~AN’FL 8rz~,.II~WiIP~ll~lnall~l ¢0r4 ¢II- (~p~¢r~ ~" I?e.alllk - "

J.F.$MITH &l~O.U,,,r==r ’ag+¢ u=az+8 "$T. tS+d|~ MS.

Page 2: + i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a




¯ ..’i¸

other are the rings of Saturn? der. The dead was Him on the juJgment throne. ,akes the selectioP. 2 Color haslittle to(Judg. 16 : 21). hostilities against Jerusalem Jere-

Insur n " . ¯ unusual size and weiss four ponnds wlAchSampmn smote the aes? I-be- most lives. Verylittle man, to chatlnvze you. No ruthles~ officer do with it, weight something, ~ ~e- us, ms-nu- tea;injustices hecau~ they are¯ Herod had laid hold upon John" and mlah is war ted that the Chald’eaus will a co iwptaced anti increased on each. . lieve ten thousand things, but none or them. . scrutmiz.~ the papers you present, lmmedi- ~eme more.

.... ¯ the buildings as their construchon have an to do with ex- childhood m sot a desirable .parr. of . a~ouse. ]~amedL~t~Lorgixe -’.n2s~lmme- ....--- - Clavier -I ex~stence--they-g~t-wha~lre-doF-~ (~ace. Through what struggle people~tme to save me, - .... at twelvo years o[ a~etheehildhas comets must go to get ~ pardon from worlds

"Musicians fell us that the octav~ consist~ [ self assertion and is apt to make her rights 1 authorityI By whatpetition, by what hin-enJ of flve tones and twosemt~ne andall known Andthen twelve sara era e Is ’ d what v ~ ofy. " s, - ~ ¯ . . ,- -y - - g -’~ reneeroy "’ nor ous-stra’fi -"aaxiet~Lhb Han-de~a~hd Haydns aud Mezarts and | too early zor the cares and anxieties o£ life ’ by wha~ a’Iroituess A count st Itelv w~s

i!i! " ¯ ."U lm "..... ! ....;..."

" ’" "" " "~"....ne,rauoramen~wmneutll ....

¢:" i’ "" """ -- "]~ec~ot~;~ii~::::~::::n::’s :, [ ~ .... ...." .’- ’ "~~~;!~’ ......!-: " ¯ - ! ............

~atrwork within thor ariSe of those five ,the hou,hold. Shofurnlshed for them,he countes, hearing of thesea~uee hastened

p t h" in prison ~b~att. 14 : 3). return and capture the city During .... ! ~ NEW~ [N BRIEF, ~The Persian Government has abel-" proeeeus lne amount now c~trrl:The dew’l is" about to-east,som~h- this-temporary-withdrawal of-the Am- . "" ~ " ’ ’-- ~-- "Oa--~ .... " " ’ ~r -- ished tl e tob~cC0-m-d~,~,~u ~,~-,- -:Into prison (Roy. 2 : 10). tossers, the lesson be~rina ..Dove $./,.000,000. During the Expos|- . . - ¯ fvln~ thn en,.mtnv .n,l ,,armltt.ln~ it ,, .

:.: " ° ".., ............................ Pr, acz.--Jerusaler~. The ~ra~ of ~m-n2^][ )s estimates, "not less than ~--M~-xlcodentiats pull a tooth for ~aoV~o~ofvoie~xtg~r~’-~hee~l’es~f~n.’~;.. ...... ~,.~..., ~ .-,,~.~,~ ....... Z~,~,,~’.t’~L,. ]3 " " ’ ¯ - V~-O%U~,OOU or $o00 000 000 of i s ez. - ..... ¯ ..... ~- ...... -,-.,~. .:: . . en]amm, on the north szde of t~he ctt ¯ [ . - , n ur- ~ .............. ~ ; ............y~ ...... .: ...... . ,h s by forblddlng the poe le to_ : ............. ~l. Anxious Quest|suing: - then the house of: Jonathan theseribe,-I ano.e .wt!l.. be carried on the buildings _ --There are 587 languages spoken m smoke, P ~Vagnera and Schumannsof all ages must do [ So this girl was, I think, the merriment o~ eon~lemaed to be l~t~t to de~tta st Milao: The

i’" ¯ 0

i" ’ " " " ’ " : " ¢ one or twoyears later ~" 60,000,000 feet of lnmber and From- ~.,, ~.~.:,,r, a~. ...... [ recent y walls endeavoring to ca’oh a " ".’;:: "Sire whatmust 1 do to besaved? Acts ~ - -- ’ :. ~ ~18 0110 t,,-o ^¢ -~-’ - , .,.. ~ ~ ,. ,,, ~a.., ~,~,, ..... ~,, uu,,,~- .... ’ " " ":!.": -- 16’ : 30) . - ~ x~c~vicwrs.--When me siege of Jet- t u’~i In"~h o., o;ev, ann lro..n wnl 13o l sweet potato " I xerryooat.:~-: " " " usmcm was tom oraril raised throu h " " " - ’. - , "

n -P,, Y ’ ~ ~zed Lh~ British Parhament has ~ ~aeen V ~torm s crown ke t wttb~.~ ,l. Frank Answer, g: Ifearof Phar,mhs army, Jeremiah at- 1% .nearly 84,000 pieees of ornamenta I.,, ~ . . . ’ " .... net atl_.,’~_ . :’.. , . . P . ,~ .::’.~. ̄ Thou shall .be delivered into the ~ temptod-~-go-outxz to the land of ~Ben. ’[ are"StallalreadW°rk’tom°f )lWhich- about one-third ,] czsven_ places 1sea|sos we~mms~er.. ". l[ anther, tl~er°’y’a!mu tower,regau’~sunUerwortlls~r°ngauou~ :~600,,ffua~ ~i¢~ ’ "hand of the king of Babylon (17). ~jamm. ~e was arrested a’t the gate, | Y 1 eted. "] ~An average acre ot"grass newly t000 . . . -=-. :Samuel said, Speak; for thy servant !on-the charge of fleeing to the Chal- | ~- , . I mowed welghsnearty.two and one-half ] " ’ ’ : ’ ’ ’

’ .... ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ " " , - -’! ’ ’ ’ I~.EETINO’ l"tSowEns t I~:::.. . .heareth~l Sam. 3:.]0). . :’. . . tdeans, wmcn neUemeu.!aewasorbught’ / ~, . . ¯ ’. [ 0"~. ’ - ’ I,’ ~-.----------r------

~:’: :: ::"-::’:’~’-~:’’-"Th~ii~@ill~-~Pr6fo~s~°nnto~omb-I n~v~i‘~.t~t~p~n~ee~w)~smo~himT--an~-put~:¢~J~p~;pas~sgm.:.-‘‘m‘qL.~J~.davol~pech" aJ.,~..<ltarr~ .V/~.-~,goo~::--~, ~,,~a,.~/r,~.~ [ --Ireland IS te.h:we’, a.,.trottlng .as~ :-:. .......... ,.,.,. " knewyou (Matt. 7:23). ¯ Ihim in prison. After somotime, Zede- |~t~sr~rl~ga~aturd ifi- tlie¯"f~tdil ’~d~.ldi~locat-’0~i li]ssi’~ou’i,~e~r~’wl:l"l~~[S0eiim0a~:a’ C0rp, oratii~/"tb]}6" ka0wh-".-:iX ..... :’~’ " ’ ’Ready a]ways to give answer toevery kiah sent for him, tolearn, iftherewas |. ’ . r to, s~ys a writer in 2he|hlmeelf . ~s/;ts" the irish ./.rotting Ash.mistieR 1~;’.~ . man (1 Pet. 3 : 15). " . lany word from the ’Lord. Jeremiah |~u:ev’zcan emra.cn , that bids fair tot r, :’. ..... . " ilL|mired) b0ing in the process Of for..¯: ’ ,. ’ ¯ |announced the captivity of Zedekiah, ~mam~atn a popumr, imld, recommended| --~augum, . tile .~toman ~mperor, ~matlon. The track will be built near:.:.. :: re. ~nE Kixo s ~mssE.~ov.n PAresEs. and asked to"be taken h:om the prison. / as ~.~ as oy~ts simple, refined elements‘ [causes a poet to go tarowu to the wild ~Dub!in,land havtug bees rented from

t HIS re u st 1sis new line of trade Is ex reams beast8 Or tile arena Lots Ash~’:!: ’ ’ ’ .t. Conscious of Innocence- ’ ’ ’ ’q~ "e was granted, and he was |. , ,, . ,! p " ely{ ¯. ’ town for a long term of~:;i!. . Wherein have I ~inned n~a~nuf, the,9 !placed m the court of the guard, with [termeu grecnng sowers," The re- / ~Apples were worth from 12:t to °5 ~ears. ."~: - "’ qS, -- - 7o- ....... 7" ]a daily allowance of bread ~ " [.membrancebasketfor cicpartinglriends ]cents each in the reign of Hour" VIi ¯ " _";,::" ’ ........ ’ ;, - _’_L ~. ..’-’ ..~ I .... ~"r-~" ’ . ’ I l~oana on ocean or’ trans.contincntal|Of England. ’ , . .., ~Tl!i.rd.o.n thehst of wlnnklg sires .~:- ’ ~v/a~l~ nave.t eerier or w~a~ OVl£ ls 1£ I fi. oto "h~-*-’~’- -’" .... -" - . . /trips, the elaborate Vrescntation t-nn | Tn th,; t. ~____ "~ , , .. . " ." c0|nes tllo-Jli-~3"se I,un~tl}or represent-~¯7¯:;J . " mine hand 9 1 Sam. o. ¯ 18 " I - . ~ u a m oz ~ue ~ne me~eorlc . _ v .... ~ ~,,,~ ~ommun tmanus tee market , ,:..’:~:.:: ....~ ......... -~/g;,~, .... - ;,.-(---.- __:7_fi" !)," ::"’. .... m’~sses tha~’~e fallen from hme to |quct, the c,tmnmg boutounmre; a myr. |am atlon o~ a ,,~,oa, ,a,,r,’, ,., e~ ,. atlvo of the late AU,USt Belmont s .:..,’: . ......... ~uer o.au. moy prove .... me tnxngs Itimo on thn earth t,,n,,mn,_~h~, ¯ .... ;.,. [lad of devices for wedding and oth [l’a nr,a ......... ,o--- -, ..... , ....... ~rea; ~,~ursery Stud. . HIs Highness.~’ ::.,: : . ~’ w.aer0oz they nOw accuse me (Aet~lhaw ~ -/t~,]~,o,~’’"a~’;~’..~,~:.:"~°..~ ~ .... ~ ceremonials, have all drawn u on

or .~,~_~ .,:~,w:,,+~..,. hends the list of the Ill.USed winners.... . .... bc~n a..v ............ ,,,,-,~,~ a p the. - .......:.:. . z~:l,~). " ~nowtr-ln-tosotvel, he-ro’.’e "-- r9 taste and ingenmty of the decorating[ ~lmmenssfloeksofcrows have ex- with 8107,2~5 "Then comes Badge:::-). . ..~ . :Iampnreffromths: blood ofallmdn ~ ~ . "p m m.ot_~ne~r . ’~ termlntted tie r wit - ~ -"’"" - el,,. on o,:~ [or|gin lt~two wa s--=flrst- by tr 1 ~, tier:tat.. . [ . . . . ~ .g ass-hopper pe.-t In _ _h $40#5, Falero, $B68o, an~l Firefly ,." .: ~ ...... : "’:" ’ " lth, ,,,,h, ,,e ~,~Y ~.~ ’___L.,- ~ac~,~ .. The-donor eu~eest~ the s,~eeial va,;, some parr, s st t~alirorni~. ~3625 "’: " t d 13 fore ’ "

¯ .-~ v ....... ’ .,,~- ~.~..u pin-=on C s~ar ¯ . o’~ ¯ . ----’. - , , ’., .... :ll. Vlndlca e e Man: Ishnw, rs and comparing them wtthtbe tins approprmte to the oceamon, and [ .--A curiosity-has-been found ]finn ~When A. H, ~o0re get~ through .-hereto m a charm connected w~th":::~: Where now. are your prophets whioh lunknown, eome~.s.-, a!~ secon ly, by- .- " ~ ..... ?~. i thelAlpena county, :Mich., wood. Two buying trotters he will have about as~:- .......... -provheeied unto you? (19), ¯ Isxamlnlng their light by the ape,fro= rues. Tnus,.at the. wharf, aepot or tea ~hemlock tree*, the trunks of whlch are ~ood ~ lot as anybody, RecdJtl he "~:: ..... ~Waen nil--the people saw it...[.thevl~e0pa, T! o generally accepted theory ~plo, a Vlemng remttvo or eneriehed Ifffteon laches lndlameter, are ~rowln~ purchased Pale Alto Belle audy tmr., satd, The Lord, he m God (1 Kings]among astronomers Is that they are ~__ona_maype_~ree~qwith .a tuft of J~lx. f.eetapart. ~/t the height of ten colt by,Al0antara for $2a.000; Mary’" : " , £1ea~lle]r ~na~ Will Call D~lf l~ne nreatn Iee~ trom the round t 2flareaall Ior¯

_ 18:39). . .. . [,~olld, .masses and. are formed by the .f f.~.~ hmo T. * ...... |- ¯ g2 hetrunks unite, $12,850; Lizzm Mac forcan as I sl na ¯nl~,-rln u ,, ~nlS ~1 nlneanco or f"..gee man nese g ..... oxoopt ’ g per the comets. ~’_--_’_ ~=, ..... ~.’ g .. I ormm.~ an arcn and then forms single ~i~0; Posllion by ~nolyte for $I0,000o "/ . #~..,~ ~ .,,~. h;..~ ~z,.t,~ a, a~ . , swore mere can ne a graoezm poBy ] eezm eighty zeet h|gh, ~ ann,several BmaIler priced anlmal~. ." j

’ SUNDAY SCII()0h LESSON. ~ m tmapPr°veu°’ . 5~Uo~’"’~.~°u v Yi WORLD’S FAIR. ’ ~blending that will contain the, best Th, ’ltu~’an Government ,-’ i.

Jeeem,nh ~ ................ .......t,~a .. ~IZ I= V r " "q: "’ "o in’" " o .-~ Taz WOm, D’S Co~oaess AWX~Z~I’V. Ic°nsideratelY i_dentifled ....with pleasant [000,u00 ,Jthout I ,retest ’ ~" .’: ~lqr~’ ~d~re~r ..... ,,-~m~ .... .. | lilies. Theworld’s populatlon,annuallyin, economlcal whcthu itb" ¯ . " ~atmo me not to return t e n use ~ . - lexperlon0es. The range of -resources I " . . . . ~’ . . . ,,-¯ -- I el t mac, than (Of~ ’ -- - iq urn,fie- "^v---"- ,, . / --A seer was sno~ in a l~onemlan . . ........ v- ...., ........... ~-~s. ’ ,. t ~ evr ~mng goes, , prmcety ,

I¯VS’~ON TI".~T l a$,t~ .... rio,, ,,~ ,,,~ ,,nt,, p~i,,,h ,^’ ’]?his conshtutes the intelfeotual and I or plo|:eian, flttfn~’g vlavful or hi~her [forest, on ~hoso head.wa~ ~, huve hal ¯ "

tJer ~- 1’ "1 .~!-no’r’" verses 15-17" I--.’--. .... ".~; .~". S - --7 ..... . moral branch of the Exposition. lts I mood~ . - - o |u~.a~neor2~,,rns m ~lm l,l.’ree or the’ ....... ’ ) .... ~ I ormg me ou~ oz ~ats nones (Gen. 40" , motto/s, "Not Matter, ~out Mind " nl I Iho fleld-epanglinc, dalsies--nowdi,, " ........ "

I, 14). I ~t ~s orgamzed to prowde for the are- intfled to "Mar~ruerites‘ dahlitts and | ~Xennebunlf, Me., elalmstheyoung- .’ - t " " ¯ " " -- ¯ ¯

LESSON PL,kN . ~ n pr.~son in the house of Jonathan the sentatton,, hy papers, addresses and [ geranmms m thmr palotte-suattered lest grandfather iu th0 Btu~e, lu the per-



~i ~[NebuchadnezzarCi°~’e carrted a~ )~ p~a~oe~=~ " ~: :::its hl n~ "~d~ "~ihfe

n’n’l [ fu .~ii umoo, a~2~h~d orse ownea ny a ~avln~ffb ~!dl!ii~ .’~- " -.. " s

amc o

" - " muy supervised pharmacles, by all odds the largest’ (}t,f ~t> kind .........

ever ’

, t

C .-

e s

_ " "" ~_ scribe (Jer. 37: 15). ’ ~ disoussio% of the mental aud moral I nrrav, oI al-linted r.ea--bloshom~, dande- [son of Davld Parent, whole only thlrt¢-

" ....


" ’


~’X~: "And He cams down. t~ith them 2z0,000,00o Brahmans, - " on high festivals. . ¯,.Term oe ’rm~ t~u~wt’s:a: Christ t/,c, ’1"Imt he wo.}tld,not cuuse me !to return I status and ach~.evements of the human ~ hens that vie the guinea:’ swugge~ing; | slx years .of a.g.e~ .....

fro a|nn ~va~nlno~ m that W~.~ | there boflfteen million persons added every | the two blind men near Jerzcho ~Vltnes~ 18 the V, arlC8t tllt]e. ,

¯.> ! i

,, ~ ooa~ couec~eu auou~ use Or taO trun~

. t’nrtst had pn~sed the nlghr~ but now. at ear- I _’~ne vas~ ma3or~y o.f t~e church member. | "t~ea are e~’pected to be phfloso hers at r~n . ’ ’ c e. ¯ ~ ," ~ ¯ .¯ , |


GOLvrv~ TEX’r:" 2" aTn witA thee, I;nv nanic P i era may participate in discussin~ the [ ,~ ....... ¯ "" . ttmes the amount of the orl intd loau, ~ the lain. Comedow g - ¯

¯ aaith fho Lord, /o deliver Ute~-~Ter. t o~- .- , ] vital antt imuortant ouestiona- aud~,~-o-/. ~Yu.e,e’nt, ns.the oulture of thin very ~haa l~pnn said In inram~ar g . 1~ " 19 verse ~2.--"Jeromiah went forth out [ sentin~ the" best a~ad h~ -..h;r.~,~ [ a. csLrame plant, a writer in the May. I -- =2~- "7-. .... "~.’:"" . . ; - .¯ " ’ " ~ufJerusa " ’ ~ " - ............. " owerea.s" ~£notoml areaot~og lanct in lre-lem. (ll :Che hberated etty; monte of the human mmd in each /z ¯ 3 . . ~ ¯prophet’ser nd; ,Theooa. I "/ oorder secure a ease.ion of _wh oh

dble misoonBtr t" n "- . bloom from see r ¯ =o~,uuu m mountain ~og, and the otherDAIr,Y Hom~ 1~.u)r.~’~a: ue Io s. I PnoonEss OF cossxnuCrlOX | . . e al Cyclamen bulbe, dz. [ ........

M.---J’er. 37 : 11-21. Jeremiah per-IuV~1::;=’;Th°j~:eallei:L~W~Yotai°titohre ’t The aotnal ereetion o; the Exnosi:f~’l~lv~tt~o::°~kbisn::atS°?r~nt Pn~r~i°~: r/~ag~V~":lac~e~t°orf t~e~eat ~h~We~V;secured. .o .... ; ,_ ......... n; ilion buildings began in June, ~891 |the earlier bloom a t ....... * .... .|feet. ’ ,

., - ¯ -, ~ t-~ ±njan s charge.--(1 1 A legzrlmato . , , ~t,~-,.*~-~ ,,, . ’ a - -- -T.--Jer. 31 : 1-10. Jeren~ane,~.’.,__: ........... [ ~ ow all of them are bemg pushed rap- |about flftv.five deorees until ,,~’~ho| --Ahouseln Dedham Mass. built .- " ’ ’ ¯ usmess of gathering fuel is-uu~.um~, t~) ~ oaseloas BuspIClOn - o --- ,~

on theside where tee premp~es ts and off

;r~’~h ch multitudes ar~, falhng but on tho

0 autunm aod winter a ~ast arm oflai~er side of the road so that people willy--oer --~ z~ z~ ~onorea, out eb w’ mmmtry Take this pulpit, takn all theno$ fall uphill, of w~tch there ia no danger. _ . .

¯ e enna . (ll’Xno aozv re net; a a. , ~.

¯ - .... P P . ¯ ,, ,, ¯ :Engllsh cr~aders who etrayed awa

~ anu settles m ~urdlstan, aud mlngIIng¯

to el; (lows on th . b" uume c~o~ ~ecl,or

~he " i ’ " ¯ -. , r~ ~ =o a~u uezuS -

__ _ . -- ~ ~thoe~- (-14~datt’ermg--from--m -up.--to-~allery-floo~,-and~nearty~R--o gru~-thmr~vm ma be ml~;liu h’]-~I-/-~SL--L~nm Me., re.- --~,--’r-he-~re-tg’aisect. ¯ . o . . . ~ y gotten

~,... . *. ..... ’ ...... L ~rer~e 19---’ Where now are your I " .-- /p " " ns are upl "" er blooming, theCye/ameneradu, l ~" P y . Im to-.racy arose and nee m me twutght C’- lproDhets~,, fl~ Fal-e Pronhets" m~ ~ to the roof line. The west curtain ~slally passes into a state of rest ~ and furnish every guest who left the dis-

,age , . ,). i~ra, n .,ronheeies- ’3, Brokeu confl |roofed and wzndows are being placed ithcrefore, the SuPD]V of water shoul-ci I !n~ room with h:a proper 1,ea~gear... ~ret?:~d(o~h;?:% oflf, aeo to hts I,~ence." .... ]The. ,ron.w. ork~of the dome is being bo gradually reah;ed until none-i;l --;’l,e report from the new art~slan’-¯ . . .. : 2 )"al m " Verse o0 "Lest L- die- there " 1-

I pu~,zn peeress. " ..... I given, and the, earth and bulbs are ver- I weft In Huron, ~ouLh Dakota:, eliow----’The Clmldeansthat bes~e~edJerus e t, - .- "-- ¯ . .’, ", ( ! Transportation --Framework ~racti , fettle dug. Ihis beginning to rest is [ that It is the most wonderful well.... brake up iJer, 37 : 51. ¯ mremmn s prtson narclsnlps; .(2) Jerk__., ........... " ............. ,- - ’-"-she " - -= ........ ~-’;0- ........ ~ ..... " .........

. ..... ]~miah’s iust annrehensio ¯ ~a~ .T~.. Icallye~.m. pleted, as/dsoroof sheathing[ ~,wn by.~lrc--/eaves.-htrnm~ol-6~lknowh~f6ex]’st, T she-water spouts up~. ~n ~scave AttemDcea: /~:-t .... t __ ff ~ _:_ n, ws ~- over galleries Clear-’story trusses are ?anu’aecaymg. If the leaves turn yel- a uistance of 100 feet, a~ d the amount~m,a. ~ :vasuuame ue~re.

’ b i ’ " ’ low befor t " " " ’Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusa- t ~ V-- o- ,,, ....... t e ng rained. , I o he blooming season, ex. [ flowing front the well ,s estimated at -lem 12 . crse~~.-- £nusoerem, muramameu t ’ ~ttminzstratiom Structural worl~ ofl amino the bulb to see if it is rot- 8000to40~0 aIloas ermmute.- -( ) .... iu thecourter the guard ’ ~1) Re al " " " -- t"

, g p ...... . ..... o ...... . . =~he let them clown by a cord through tifanvor . ,o, Ne~ ...........

:’ ....Y I the four pavthons completed and ex. t mS. [ --Tl~e creature h’,vln= th .... ,**, ...................¯ ~_ ~.~z ,T--t. ,~ ,r. I%. " ...... P" , terior covering being apolied Iron *’,’sen potting use’soft’baked, porous [ number of d’stlnet ~v~ ~’a t.ha ~h~;’~ " a

. ___ ........ . r p~uu w,uuvw [au~u.. : ~). I nlles. ’ - " " " " " ’ " " " " a " ’

David went. and fled- and eseaned I~ -- I worg m place up to base of dome, 170 1 p0.ts ann m proportton to the size of I sn~q.l~a ,~F moU.~- ~ ~h~h=u :.~"~.~’~(1 ~.nm..19 ̄ : I2). | LESSON BIBLE REAI-’IN G. | fe~ro..m g_r_ound., ........ I li~:lbes,sglOod r~ehloam, leaf me.hi ms.d a I has ~en found as many as 11,000 sep-

~LUCUIUe£rlall JVloor antt O tRY) - , makes cuerl nt Kln(1~nm utsctples let hun down m a I Y , g¯ " " --. " , .... " |o Pulsers OF ~- nmLr. " " " "~ of sol ~ .....". tarae and dlstinct eyes., . ¯

basset (~ots 9- -)5~ t ............ "~ o~ I supporhug piers completed; super-I ¯ l fo. fhem, /3o sure to provzde I ~ . . ¯Ill =us I" " " " " -

[~arues~ menuonea t~en. B~ :~ZU-~). I structure gmn~r up, and foundation for |goes urainage. Water sparingly at / ~ ~enezueia ass fifty-rex holidays- - ¯ - v c=on ~rousea: It~t various graaes (Gem 39 : .0 ; Act~ Jannex betn~ laid. /first and increase as growth advances. !every year. Oa these occaslons theHelaidh01donJeremiah ..... saying, [~.5 .: 18)¯ .. ~t Agrioulture.--Interior columns audl Whenplanleare budded water occas~ IP:e_ °Pleclose their storesandenjoythem- ~7~:~-~--_ ........ , ma~e t.ciear-that all Infants dying ~’t~ I world~ and they. have ~H- us how greati~ Ithewor,d~. Never order.a¯ man to do .any; served that gnats and mosqultoes al- : ~,~ ,h, ~h~, d,,~ ,, .....

~d h~, h ....~’Saou fullest away to the Ohaldeans~.tn_°zT.speeml=featuree -( Jer*- 38. : 6 -; |gattervgirders andj6istsinvosition.]-fonally with--liquid man~e, k-ee~ a]Selvesmchlck~n fight~andothe~ tropi- . ~oavent z am so glad that the eomm~tte~ tnocareumteronce o~ thts world aud how Ithing ~nat 7ouaro a[raia to uoyoarse~z, ways bec~ ...... ~.,.~.,_~,.~h..,.~ ~ ............ ~, ’" .......... ~s~-- " .............. ( ¯ ¯ 0 ¯ " 0 ¯ " ¯ " -- "] ¯ ° -¯ (13). , ~ . [ ~ecn~ 9 : 112 ..’~ts 1.6 .../~, L~e.n. 4.. [and the great ~ron cohtmns supporting ,g°°d. look out for ap.h~des, for ~f .left J cal amusements. .are going to let the babies in Thank your [ great is its diameter, yea, they have kept on [ Glory be to G-od, the Captain of our mira-

~eparture" "- ’’~’or ....swauows?" ......auu"Y ?’~°’~aereroro" .... I and q’ueer fish that was extended along-"Lh~ ~u, ~ze~ ~u u ,Marx 6 17 Acts the roof bern laced Of t undisturbed the will do eat m r fhe Pe sl’ "nketh thou to kill me, as thou kilt. i ,, . ¯ . ¯ .; ,, . "~. , ._ | g p ¯ he 7,000,- I .... .y ~ gr - ]u y - ~ ~ an carpets which adorned

I~...ffaany of them are already’in that all the J unttlthey have weighed our planet and found J ties hn.q 1-Ltmself gone through all the ex- ’ ....... " ...... the frame of the truck To every an.7

edstthoE vtiaa? Exod._O-l~l [ ~ :v;i_anng’~°:,~;z .~.mgs.22" ,000 feet oflumber which thebuddin Its n~n,eavesanduowerethe_]2Levent_]thohaIIsorU~¢_Simh,sPalaeea~ Tehn-~~umotne~venmokUkeaSuaday-~choolau. ,, its w~ght to oo six sextalllon tons. But bv|pOsures in whichHocommanda usto be suggests ma~ these mras snouts ~e ....... ".._..~.’,-..

.... ~ __ g53_ -( ........... 2 .... = o -- :.-~.o ........................ - .... g ..................... ’ .................. . - . . __ .... __ nl~T~_~, ow~l~t-~the-u~f‘~xingu~.n~-*eIen~hus-the--welght.of-this.wor~drr|..~u~n~-=He-has-~h~q~-.spec1a~I~e~- - ~--~.-peatancezae-nsa-oemuge.q--~n~-~rou~- .....-VVi~teh st us ~e for the kin of Israel 7,2 King~.u..9, Mark ~..~; will contain, more than ]~lf ~s alread I tee st Course ;s whs~hTng the reaves at- ran have l~en ~u use for 200 year a vz~md w~ca left any doubt on that sub trouble seen weighed. Now Chr/st stand | now otters his sympathy In similar struggle ~ family and was judged to be a freak kn~

~o Kin,,, 6 ̄ 11~ g Places of suffering (Pea. 79 : ~± ; ~o2 : utihzed ........ Y ! ticularlT o-n the underside P l ~ . ....... _ 8. ~ l~o man ever doubted that all infant~ ] Lug on the level of our humanity stands in | One of the kings of England one nigut i~ .... 7 ~-- ~ , ¯ size .... One of the curious lonkers.oa~T e~lSob~wtrayn~hOtfh~e~n~a~C ~:y

e25 po:a on (A.:ts : o[~ Si inn andmmu~mg~eold creedata~, butnow that i~[ thorns -,nerearosomany weary feet: Hi~ |and putm amiserable prison. Wheats- specles of insects are so small that a touna a~ to oe nearly seven ~eet, wnue¯ n$~.~e.nllf.tednp and It~ Imperfections m: [ were worn wlth the lees Journey up and |leased and getting back to the palace, he number r,r~at~ o .... ~ho ~,,t~, ~,,~L~ the reatest breadth about the b~w.a~ _ _ _....... I Y nces(t" s. 14. :7 ; .t9 : |be~tun The huve~teel trus*~s ¢,,, ,h~l’~ .... , t menesfJ. .. ,, oanu.uuo- . ttpmthe..aight of the world~ / ~wntholandthat - . " ’" ’ _ " ’ r ~ :- ._ ns--of--eoat-emd-w--large-- ___..,.,:_ ,-.~ ."-~" ’~-- -’~’--’~-"~’~-- three and a half feet. Thos~ cales o~-=’tV. Arrest Accomplished: ~Lfil "_~. ; !~t~y °0 "_L~ freer ~’i ..... =-2 .... "=~. ...... I tetegrapa operators in the conn~ ~- -. - :-" ,." = ’:" -" ’ ¯ L~4~rl~.8~_ - -- ~~an.-a-l~e a new creod.~ are~. ,re.any persecnted souls. Every hour i supply of food for the night prisoners of p opu,U~Un o~ ~ne gmoe coma uo saxeiy .... ea v .... u-h l.t-~ ~; ..... ¯ ~.,=~-- --- .. ] . ¯ ....... *-~ ~ ...... = .... ~- ,tt uu-~u~-’~ilel’~Will~ll-u]O . .

~. hold on Jeremiah, and , _~__ lmetal by 50 ........ ~ ,h.. +he ,~.^^~" I tin, were f~erally united into one Do-¯ ~-anero are ~o-aay m our denomination five ~ o~ mia ~ito wan uuuer human outrage. The I London. Out of his own exp-.riesees tuat stowea away In an ounce win. " e ...... : ~- .... t, ........... r ....

\.. I L sso l.,,n,on o fCan a..... _~r took him, and put hiw~ . ~ ................. ?- ..... _ . " ! " .--- .omen. an ; sort .- - -- ",.s o_ o:_ ones which-~Ua, Central America, . Morl)hmomauia is takin~ a groat pa;ntand b- the inevitable know-uP-- --- ---- ¯ e prison t on. :.: : ’ -). .~RVS~’L~’~ Ev~:xzs. ~ Jehoiakim, I ~ briclc "~-afi~ i the noble can bear to offer-er~o the statues of the ~ode wcre generM~y " nora u~on v,tris. ~,ranee. nuT1t is ere- ~" " : ~’-

sable that, If the scandal .increases, came alon~ and he explained the woa~They eeize-d him, and led him away rust heeding the i)rop~s of Jere- I~]at-of’ten receive., p an.eel-at the foot of .the pyramids, .... I ¯ " . . " " ........... . "

([~uk°~°: 5~)" ~~~:-![ ~~ii:~]


slaw willbe pas~e~ to s~on the sale nf tier to the crowd. The sea levi~ha~the enticiu~ dru~ ~,~ ~- o,~- ’ was a sneciesof the black seabags and2

It down in my momoraudum booi~ some six [ th’~ " , the Courtesan. the re.~eataot ~nany of them never find the’G~snbl They ’ ’ ¯ ’" Y " " - -months ago, nnd it reads as follows: ’;My i brik’and_-vwhich one did He’turno11’,~ whici) I slt high up on the Moat Blan’c--o’f theist -- captured on this coast. Its weight was..creed: The glorious Lord. To trust Him. ! sub did He not pity which one (lid He not i opinionativenesS, andtlmy have theirooinion t~ ...... ~a,~ ~ r ~ ~,~ ;, ~u~ , -,^- ahou* 400 sounds It was ca }tured -~"

. . love Him nnd obey Htm la all that is re. t he p. The umversal troubleof the world i~ ’. at)out Go’.], and thetr opmton about the .~ ..... , ........ .~.~ o....u .... ~.~A .... ~ .t ......... ~..~quire& To that’creod I invite allmankind. I bereavement. One may escapeall the other ’ soul and their opinion about eternity. Haw J. aclue L;ompany s saeu a~ t’orLmuo, ~ ,~ ...... ~ ,?.~-yo, ~,:,, .*,,~ l,~-~.~,,-¯ " _ : . * I y ..... ~-p. ~ras kept I ~.~q-"ais m about three-I fecllv clear in the next war tt, o-t-* nets and habits of these abori- ’ 2’. DoWltt Talmage.’-’ "" t troubles, but that no soulescap~. Outer I you any idea that your optnion will have Oregon, rorremowng dust from the rope fastened tlarougu its enormous. ’

:E_heprmces" were wroth with Jere.]aprisoner at Babylon for thirty-seven I] fourths finished, and will~~ ~., be occt~i-~l~,~up,vu~ ~, .........~mu~e~enn"":-L" powuer, ......~nere wet:" I)s’" ......no sines, - - The reason Christianity has not made, that bitter cup every one must takondrink ~’nnyeffectu~onthe two tremendous facts-- railway c~rs itts delivered f’om a mouth attested its ~rodi,,ious strcn thtorah, and emote htm (15). l years, and then released and honored. I b~until s-drOner_’ smoke - . ....... more.rap!d .ad.yance is b’ecauso the lmople t ?or instance, in_erase that all might know i th£t. you are a sinner, and that¯ Christ is flexible l.o~e with a Small nozzle’ at -~i- -’ It wa~ learued-th}:r Zs/i~]ler specS:One.:- ~ ....The chastisement of our peacowasl.’ . : "ay ten jW~ork w~/[-~o!- An’interesting’ cale-latlou h.~ h,.t Iloe--l~shl build r. issad I

. ..aroasltea to t~eneve too many things‘ There ipownesympatmze.~ with those who have , reaay at your earnest prayer tosaveyou? ...... ur~.ffiftvu.~uud~ t~ th. ~ ...... f,hi~a~r, ...h ........... ’ .... ~ c ¯

upon him (lsa. 53:5).. ’ . ~nousand of .the leaamg people of [put~temporaryroof willbe[b.e, maA~hi/a~;~:.~[ "’~¯" ...... st --P _.e .....I ..!o_~_th0 la~ ......... ~e~1b~e~e.-t~.day-mi11i~aa~g~d-Chris-~-~s~ndauzht~a.~-C~ist‘e~mest~.th~.h~u~t-L-1nthefina1davofacconntsh~wmuchwil1 ,- ..................... ~ ......... ~,:o.a.o .... ~.p,.o ..... e~,an~u

"They .... took the reed and smo~ him ’, °uaam__’~6edLkiab, theson of Josiah, [replacedbvathatch-edoffo. " I ........ :-..--.~-.~?geo]oglsttotho ge hor~.ltlConn.ectlcut fie lsnear.iy " tlaus~hohavonever joined the church and iJ~arius. Therels sucha bigcrowd’~roumL~vouopinionb~’wortt9 ~’our opinion wll lush. I~arbarhaud sold to who[csaie deniers,. ¯

I~d;%:pr ~l!!:i:i.c%ar:[:n:7~go i e~ ;e~

’ . , ’the door He an Hi "~’not counted among the L~rd s frlend~ I .... n d sdLmples have to push-]not be of much Importance before the blast -- who m turn retali them to rcstaura~ts.An°:n]ah:::mad(a’nM~et~ 2t7e2!" to smitotrSU;ce~d~ad ~a~h:othr:neidVg? m~;a~natst n~h% 1?~c[e~er~tt~; ]~

Uo:¢’~rllll~%°~v~l?~t~:l~P°d.u~:il~eau~o they cannot beliers all thetl#ine’, ; tnew. way. m. ~-rom t hotlarong of people It of thoarchangel’s trumpet. V¢i~en the life I~ selectlnq Hrong lumber weight The restaurants, by a process of season.~n’tt they arerequtrt<l to believe. One-half continue ttmt this gir~ must have been very I n[ this planet shall be thrashed out with the

"-" vet~ little cunstderatlon Onlv~4- ;-~, o~ ~ ~ ...... : ..... , ,, a_ u ^.^him on fl/6-mouth tAste 2.q": 2t l the warning of Jeremiah.. he eon~nired I b~ ~- --- o ..... . -~v: .o I " asnmg, rivers, "wind attd gei with apparent ease a two tou lo:ut, um t.hi~l~s a man is exp~ted to believe in [ Impular, She was one of those children t flail of thunderbolts nobody will ask abou; ~’~ ’ "~’- ’ ’ n ..’. a -.- ,.~ ~, u=,~..~.,~,~ ~u~ .~e uu~., atu ¯¯ " ~’.. "" laoainst £Nebuchadnezzar "~ , i-= ..¢~V~a’~. v&~# I --~.f,~"~#.ork on thn’~- IHi,’n;~’r " .~h,~,~ ~,,;t.~;.." """ ; weather, and leavlng out of the calcu- Wlth the children, hetss great favorlt~, order to enter the church.~nd reach heaven whom everybody likes. . I your opiniuas. Come down out of thb moun. man Wltn experle ce ca~ cull ~Ee goes enabled to serve the fish to their, l~atrons~.il Imprisoned r O K on fne JLUEOI8 Slate bmldm lat o ¢- . . - " . .. . !E~ypt. 1he ChaldeausbesiegcdJerus. am1 o- "-^ i, ~, ....... gl ’2 n vflcanlc action0 the world willln It costs a good deal to feed hlm, a~ ho havenomorotodowithhis salvatiouthau After Chrls~; got in tho *house thero was tainot ooiuionativeuessand meet Christ on horn the bad Um~,er w,tb almost an unde~ a d^zoa dif~e-~-~ -um-s". ~--

ooremmn wa~ come into rne aungeon aem ,nd ZedeRi-h =~.t +~ ~ ...... i. . - -,o ~-o~. ~overnmen~ uuu¢,zng *, four and a half refill v are h~ ~.m has eight.necks st oats a* eae thequestmn. How manyvolcano.~s are there uch aloud eepmg thatthe ordmarytones I the plain, where you must meet Him, or intalhblo jud~,ment, and probably Franeiseo Chronicle ’ " "house(16).. " " i to pray for the p~opl~ =’But Pl~ac~o~’~ ~i^~et~g,.I~U~:aed.-rap-tdly; .The.’mtt.a’rPlet~yunderwater,°nnd~lo dry land makes"awaywlthtwol, undr~lm~oMuan~ds in the moon~ or, How ,ar apart from each og voice could not be heard, ldonot.on- never meet H,m at nll. except asyonmeet without the ability to tell wlty he -¯ ,.va u.~,co~y I~1 sore le[eG ~QjIIO_ -exi.s~He-d~d--geh~d--im-4ho--prisoa--hoa~ . -. =.. - : := " f- , ec eve. --.~- " LaL-all :

Id-is-oomputed by leading physlo]o-g~s~ that, since one-third of a secondsufllc~s to producs-au-rmpression up0h-the br’ain, a man of 100 )ears of ay, must have col ected on or in hls brain

~one$ and two semitones. Bo I have to tell ;mimicry and" the harml .matter- 9~467,2S0,~,C0-impt’esslons.--O~rang through warrant wasalready suits way. again, talte off one-third ot the lime

use in our is made eater ~tbat happy home. But now she is dead, tmd Tisecount;e_s_% arrtvin~ in Vienna in tha forsleep, and we stl]l find 6,811,5~0-two-facts of human sinfulness and ~tho grief ather deparmret is as violon~ as her night, hastenect to the pMae~gat~-s. Th0 at- 000. Thls would give 3,155,760,000¯ divine atouoment. Wttbln that octava presence had be~e~ vivacious and/n~pirJting. tendants forbade her entrance at all and es-

"’~he t~ong of Moses and the Oh, the bereavement was so sharp, ~Oover. @ocially at night, but she overcame them separate wak£ng impressions, on the:* ~," the "Christmas chant above ,whelmingl How couhl they g,vo ner us’ ’ with her en~reaties, and the empress was man who lives to the age of .fifty

~thlohem and the Hallelujah of all the ’ 1 suspect that they blame.I thdmselve~rforwakened aud the countess pleaded before years. ~,::gta~. this’or for that. Oh, if taoy bad had some her for the lifo of her" husband, and then the ~_ I ~ there notsome moao of getting other doctor, or taken some otaer m~Ucine,, emptor was wakened to hear tho same plea. ~uthe wky of these nonessentlals, these had been more careful of her health, or i~ Commutation of sentence was granted, 5ut An Americ~ b11slmsasuff-

flulU~ these d/vergencies from th~ her that reproof some how could.she overtake the officer who had alien fo~ tamerS of wild 13en.%s. He-Issuer Is ldaero not ~ome way of briuging the r dbsorvodil~ ¯ It started.with the death warfau~, -aud would that whenever ;t tamer ls per-

~.* .--:,churcl~’down out st the mountain Of con. thoyhad boenmore horhtlari. 8hebatool~/t~ ~aVo thd\life of h erhus= insideac~geasery,ant shotlll~tr~yeray and conventionalmm and to ptit it instead bushiug her play, had ~xand? By f0ur relays of horsez, ann stop-on r~e.plain where Christ stands? The pres- in it? You know there s‘ro’su ping not a momeut fur food, she reached th~ s~tioned outside hoidhlg a large

...... :lmt attl_l~adeofthlngRlsllke, this:’Inafamine ~hat parents alwa~azi~lamq city of~tl/~j~_~s her husbandwas on the syringe full of caustic ammonia. One’ r ala-tlck-dlsh’leea-tsblelaiht I~edii- at SUCh tim~;=Onty:¢~ :t~ ~tier~us~=ti/~.-~me.to’~h/iltg .etr0ug~squirt;o~:this’lnt~ the_nosttd.ls~£:

Is loaded with food enough all. Th~ gears of/tg~l" So’fair, so 13romising., sq full and not a minhte to spathe, she came up. any hrlld beast would, he says, half as-..odors of th0’menUrflll-tbs-nar.- Evorythtng of life a few daysago am| now so still l ’Oh ’ You sea them were two difficulfies in the phyxlate the aulmal and render it pow-isread:~. Thop[ntteraarefull. Thecllalieo~ what. it is. to hava-a.,laughtordeadh The way.-Thoonewastoget-thopardonsigned,are full. The basket~ offruitaro full. Why ~room is full of folks, bu~ yond~,r is thn room sndthe other to bring it to the ri;ht placeiu er]e~-f0Y atffti~~eitt-tTfi]e--to .eoable th~not let the peovlein? The doortselJen. 3/’es, where the young sleeper is. .’[hecrowd can- thus. Glory be to God, we need go t.wough tamer to each.pc from the cage.bUt thern/~ a cluster st ’wise mou-" bloclting nor, go in there. Only six persons enter, five us such ex’igeucy. No loug teas to travel.

- up the door, discussing tho contents of.the besides Christ~threo friends, and, of course, ~o pitiless beatiog at a ~alaeoght~,. Fardott.oas.terstandtng midtablo, They aroshakiug the father and moti~er. They havo the first; here: tr~rdon now. Pardon for as,; ’IX. Dr. :Ellcin, the as, ronomer of ]’ale~aearllstsat each other. . " right to go in. Tho heaviest part of th(~ ¯ Pardon for ever.. A Saviour easy to get ac. University., an(| formerly of the (.]ape

". One ~ys there is ted much Vinegar In that grio~ was theirs .... All eyes ha that..room are :&Chrtst on-~:0-151ixta~":~" :-’ "’ .... " ’ ’ ~ ............ o f,:G,x)(1 .II~q;0, has, -by. ;3. 10ng set-~ff,~:: o.~caster, and one says there is too much sweet on tim face of this girl, " " ": " ": "" " .... " 4"’sin =’I"" " "

There lay the beautiful hand, white and . ~ ....... "]AtlO’hSO’U the I)aru]{ax of the staroil, and another says there is not the nroper.pr~portiono[rod pepper¯ ’I~ay, "Getout ilnely~hapen, but it wds not lifto2 in gTo0t. A Gla.~gow [~cot]an(1), chomi.~t Arcturus, arrived at the eonel,.~lOll’.of thoway nnd Jot the hungry peopla com~ lngto nny of the group. Christ st~ppod for~ "~cov(rod It new me~t|lo~, of Droduclt~g that it moves with the Inconce[vab|e

¯ " dn. Now our blessed Lord has provided a ward end took hold’of that hamt and said, cyanide that Is Olle-t, bird~O~f the velocity or 318 lulls3 a second, that is Lotgroat supper, and the oxen_nn~ tb.e_fatljugs with n tone and-aL’~qitimt[0ii--cl~ed~Ith out cost of manufacture, ~ ~ ~,res-,~ wouhl traversesay it thedi~tance from;have b~a k/lied,and frulk~ from all the vine. tendernes~ and "coJnm~nd, "Dathsel, I sayyards and orcharas of h~aven-’crown the uuto thee, arise!" Aud without a moment’s ~ LoBd0n toEdlnbur h between twotlcks

’ - -- of a "~atclt. This is twt nty-ono times" : tahle.. The world has been Invited to come, delay she arose,- her -eyes wide "spot/,- he/" The flnest~ hl~ I~arls are from In’-faster tbau the speed of the earlh in its" and they look In, and they are hungry, and cheeks turning from white lily to rod ro~o;

thepooplewoald pourlu by the mflltons to tmdthoparentscry: "Shelivesl Staellvoal’~ dla, the Person Gulf and Panama’, the orblt round the sun. ~r. Elkin alsothis world wtdotablo~ ~ut thedoor is blcoked and in thenextroom thoytakeup the sound, finest bluer and gray pearls from the/ finds that Aroturus is so far away from-’ upby.oontrowxateg and men with whole "She llvesl She livesP’ and the throng in coast Of Lower California,. Beautiful xts that his light, t~avellng 180,000 miles’uorarles ca tdl~r baclm ~ _~put~ as to fron~ of the doorway repeat it, "She livesl pIDk andred pearls are often secreted- a second, tak~ 181 years to reachwast prolaxtlm o~ sweet oll/~1 mymus Bl~llv~i"= WIILg~0~Lgk~o2~ho.i~k~.~L~

by thp common ca’eeR_muaml~--.

There ]s a ~mnt chestuut trc~ growing_at Center Rtdge, Buck County, Penfi.~

¯ near the Delaware River. The trunk.measures nineteen/set ia_cir~cumferene%and the tree still yields au ~uuual cropof chestnuts. It is enid that"in primevkt .......

.d_aya the Indians ..... .we_uld.gbranches on a hot summer’s day to enjoy’a cool breeze from theDelawarc hard by.It is also rclatcd that- W’illiam Peas once-gathered chestnuts from it.~Ncw Or-.- ""leans Picay/me.

Recent delicate eXtra’meats wit~

............ ._ )¯ . ............ ____:._. ¢


- I

kites show that the amouutof eldc. ~- "~L.ltyin the air-i~ proportloaal to~ the -he~ltt above the earth’s surface. A.:galavanometer placed" in: the.’¢ircuit ....eb0~ed at once tl~e vh.~oge~ in elev~tion, or whoather the kite was rising O~falling. ,. ’" - " :"

Asto the qrlgln of tim th0 metecrk~-mas,es tltat havefallen’from tlm9 to~timo ~n tho ~arth lunt tneritble th~ozie~have-been ad~,afiedd. 2,atrdnomer3 aronow trying t’) so bye Iho problinn of-their-origin |ll tWO: ways--:lrst, b¢ LracingIh,~ paths of ’ the great pericdc sktr.B~:~*.’~’. r4 ant~. CeUlpttl]l}g th.em w~thtlll~,

examifiindthi~lr li~lit by’ the spe,:tro--se;,ir.t, The uenorltlly ncc0pted- theory.among astro:tomer~ Is tha~ they are,solid mas~esand are formed b2 the~- -bt eaaiug np of tile e,mlel.~ .... .

The deepest ttu-tworthv sea-sounff-..Ins ever ma ’e was "26,850 leer, ¯thisdepth I,:lng/tuna twenty-three mlle~due north of :New Guinea, Deeper- - ....~oundlngs have ! sen reported, but~geographers do not consider them’fable. -- .




Page 3: + i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a



-=., , .. . . . _, ...... , r,. ,¯ .... . , . . .

7?, ...

- . .

¯ ¢l uottfan. oral W’; amak;r ,’por that penny Ph;hdelvhia Press. =c~ "~" =- ’ n Oqtsl cards "" ~ J~’ ma’,er p ~etege with half-pen y p ,~T~ ~ FI~,B. 27,[ I~a.~t,d ~ ~.u,,ud ohms .] ~ II Sunds ~ -" I~’~

Go to we lid retluce the revenue 825,07"2,839.28 ua y, $, weemy. _ _ - :?

T LTON CO.’SFor imything that you

ma~ want iu timline of

Gents’, Ladies’,Boys’ and Children’s

on the heels of th|e year’s rec~ipte. ..........SATURDAY¯ r EB. ’-’7. Z802¯._~--=_ ,/innua! ~leettng.

The annual meeting of the etookholdera¯ %horg "~¢ur[tT ~ertJtott~,. of the Whi/t’eu-Lake Lasting Machine~ Company will be held at ltammtmton,’NO. VIII. " ~. J., on Monday, March 7th, 1892, at

10 o’clockA. M..:In the tires place, wital are raw ma- ~ E. WIIIFFEN, 8eerstary.aerials ? Ore and equal in the mines, February 6th, 189~trees in the Ior~st--in short, anythiut~ CIi||tldeg ~18he8.that ha~ undergone no change by the I am now prepared to take orders forlmnd-of-mau,- .... the - Putm-Un leached -Canada-Ashes.--If

Taken, however, in broader aod-com- not satisfa~r~Jry witch they arrive, noU sale. Order early, as it take~ ab,mt twondo~ wo~br monly accepted sensd, the team raw weeks to get a car tbmul~h, after they

material has a difl’~r~at significance-- are ordered. Bottom prleen euaranteed." JOHN SCULLIN, AgnuS¯In all sizes, from No. 11 to 44. namely, the material which lbrms the

basis ofanindustw. A linished product Hammontoo, N. J.. 1-25-92.of one industry may therefore become ]~’ltl’l|l to ltent.--’rhe biartino farm,on blata ltoaa, between Oak and Walkerthe..rawntatcriat"ofauutheriodustry. Roads. Applyto

OR IN Pastura~re is the raw material of the KING ~¢ S5lITff, Camden.

Bed Blankets sheep grower, and woo[ his product. ~"Tho fiues~ locatton m town for

or Horse Blankets wool is lberaw mater|al ofthc spiuner, aAvetiuebank building,and Thirdthe Street,c°rner opposite°f Bellevuethe

and yarn Ins product. Yarn is the raw Post Office, is for sale. Inquire at themntcrial of the weaver, aud cloth hi~ Republieart office.pro~luct. Cloth is rite raw material el Bucklhf8 Arnica Salve.

of Domestic


Canned Goods~ :Dried Fruits~ew Crop Dried Apples,New Crop Dried Peaches,

:New Crop Dried Raisins./

Flour, Feed, Hay.

With a large vari,.ty of goods.too nufnerous to mention.

the tailor, dud farm. nts are hts product, salve in theFor~t trees are the raw materi~t[ ot chapped hands, chilblain, s, corns, and all

the woodman, and logs are liis product skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,Logs are the raw mat~ttal of the lure- or no pay required. It is guaranteed toherman, and lumber his prodoct, give perfect satisfaction, or money re-Lumberistherawmat~rialofcarpenters funded. Price, 25 cents per box. Fordale by all-druegiste.and cabnmt makers, and ltom,cs and ~ If this should meet the eye el anyfurniture are their prod|teL,, one wb(~’would like to buy a line busine, ss

The mine is the raw luateriai of the property, let him write to the Editor ofminer, ore is iti.~ product. Ore is the the REPUBLICAN for particulars.

raw material, el the lurnaceman, and A Fifty Acre Farm for Sale,--1¼miles from EIw0od station. About 20

iron his product. Iron is the raw ma- acres have be~n cleared and tarmed. In--terial-of...Ole ..steet--manutactu rer,-aad quire ofsteel his product. Steel is me raw Hammoaton. N. J.

materiaI of file spriog maker, an~ COIIS~IIHpI~oIt Olred.springs his product. Spriugs aru one Anold physician, retired from practise"raw material ot thu watchtuakeG and haviug had placed in his hanna by aawutche8 his pr~duct. East India mine|unary the fi, t-mula of a

simple vegetable remedy for the speedyThereh~re, when FrecTraders talk and permanent cure of c,msumption,

ab,ut ¯’z~tw material" theK menu nla-tertal upon ~hich lab.r has been exl~nd- throat aud lung affections, al.~o a positive

ed ; in other ~sords, they would admitand radical cure f-r nervous debility sadall nervous complaim~h after having

free the product of certain mauulactttrel~ tested- izs wonderf,fl curatt~e powers iu|or the benefit of ct.rgam other maanfac- thousands of cases, has felt it his duty



Clean and Unsensational,An~ 3Ue~ Ib6 Paper -

For the Azii6r[ei~ffi~f6idb:

The Pre~s hu the beat po~lbte organization to~ltro nowa fro~ tile nloltt Ilnl~orhtet I~ul’~ea~ uudwith Itcurly li~ curre~ltOmlnate ill I’enosylvauln, .NewJ~re~y a*~d Dehtw~ro, th~atate aPd near |at home,towN

-l#eover:d win, n routhio carefalt,.,~ and ettenU0a:~:dora I not eros a,tem ,t~,d by au7 nti,er paper.

Tile l’r,~ has also thn bt~t ef correep~uu,,llia In allt e great rltl~e o! the Unit.data|. e **s*vt,li ~t~ floaltghdand raUroad eXi.’rt4 lU C~UlDtgO M, lld tile Wt*t, whokeep the Imper more ttu~n al)rea~t whii eventa.

The ¢oillu.te of the ~ul,day l’t’,.m~ are relished byc~otributhme from show ~huee uames are writteu highso our ]Ishta of gloat aUtllor% novelists, emtaylet~, aawelt as ft6m men of high reek In public Illo. TheI~eei authors keotv that their i~eat audience, are the

....Portrait and Landn0 pePHOTOGRAPKER.

Rutherford~a Building,

¯ Hanunonton, New Jersey.

Iustsntaueous Process used exclusively

LOCAL MISCELLAHY.~ho le the town ’ibex" ?

Many fisge were displayed intown, on Monday.

A new invoice of banamm jusl~~ecelved at Jackson’a,--flne ones.~" II~.Wm. H. Burge~ is building an

.Childrg~:Piet~:e~oialty! ~ addlflon to his-already largo-barne¯--~ :~.~:~?::~.:.:~:.~ ................ i _ q~___ ...... ;;t~ ..... tii.lli~bert-E:Thbtha-@and-familv-aro

to be counted among Hammontonians.An a~eortment of""Pletttre Framesconstantly on hand. Frames of all

sizes made to order.6’rayon Portraits a ~pe¢ialty,Pictures copied and enlarged.

readera.f the DMIt’, 8unthty, and Weekly Pre~.Iu pelt ca, The t’Pr~, k ..... nnotber master,lzne Ellis ~ ~n~-,~


tho pt~pio, llPd the pt~t Year haa seen. I~ IIl~ beellaeeu before, til, marked fi~ct that It Is auh~er, ie~t to ]IlbnllltOlttOIl, ~T. Jonopol t cai ~’~s. It h *s m) iwlillcal a nablll,ms ores"

tl.r. but Io~ke at~er el., lulertwbt of tea ro,tder~ and Contractors for -dellver~ II~lf up~*n the Issues of the ,biv lu ¯ ntanuer,,,th the ,o, Tubular & Driventhemsel’¢e~ ned .... ling u’o I ........ but meut]ng them .&~,rttesa,~v]~laii on theKasls or fMr play Ioall men stall times. It*........ ,== .........,,__o, ....,= WELLSover another are not recognized tier an ) mrt0d.

2kdvertleemeuta nf ]leip Wanted, l~.ueines, Opl~3rtu- ¯Real Estate. etc. ia Tile Prone

Terms of the Press.By mall. postage free in tile U. ,.and Canada.

DoAty(exeeptSumluy),o.e3ear, . : . ~IL00:Daily (except fiu’lday;;ollo UlOntit. ~ . . .rio:Daily (Inciudl.g Sundey), cue ,ear. . 7.~)3~aily 0neiu’ling ~uuday~,otto month, . .65Sunday. o,,e ,ear ......... 2.¢gl

Weekly Press. one vt~r, ..... 1 o0

Drafle0 Cherke, and all other remittances should bemade imYabie t~ the order of

"[’he 1’reds Company, Limited,PnlL.~.n~LPnlA. PA.

Mr. Knights has followed this busine~for seven year~, and understands it. Wewill charge a reasonable price for ourwork, and fully guarante~ every welL


GE0. W. PRESSIgY,Hammonton, N. J.,

Justice of the Peace.Office. Second and Cllerry St&

IF YOU. AR E A B APTIST,And w~nt ~,, know wh.t is going on in the

world of Baptists, and Itre not alreadytakiug it,

ewspaper.The TIIIBUNE Ior 1892.

Resw.ll G Herr en the Tariff.¯ The R¢lmldleaa party, triumphant In 1~01. where-aver nalional I~,1o~ w~re at ut~k., ren*w~, a~Rr~iveIr and ¢,ravely, Ihe fight for 1h92 T~e Ngw YoI~KTgIBU~,, the abh.eL tuo~t reliable, and beat of aii EXAFI R,

I~" Cut-rate flruggist’s sundrlee andpatent medicines. Rutherford’s haild’g.

ltla~Born, ou Saturday~ Feb. 20th,1892, to Mr. and Mrs. Cha~. F. Money,a daughter.

Gideou N. Lymau and familyhave moved into their new ltouao, on:Maple 8trees.

t~W* What has become of the Enter-l~rise Association? Gone to scck the:Board o! Trade ?

." ~ "’ =-~ -"_’- : ¢7..

to-day; and report saT8 that the dateie fixed for another.

gi~T’The slate-reefers have made agreat improvement in the appearance ofthe new school.house.

There will be a school trustee toelect next month, iu place o! P. HenryJacobe, whose term expires.

I~’Mr~. Carrie G. Whitmore anddaughter Lutie returned on Saturday

witty or~tor, witl cot,tinue In ,he TribUhe iris fcluarR. THKaideartlcle ua the Tarlg It~cipr,~elty, t’0i,,ag., nodt~eCiirret*ey. Tb*~e ,ol,lc~ are all ond~iallthtbie; ]~ n+; r P~nt,,,,,io, i .....,.right, p.lrlutie a,ld In|prig,ibis ; bul du,t Iron*beenihruwu in the peopl,,’a eyeS. and the a r hm* been Tt will tell y,,u weekly wh,t Is ~olng on Io the

........................... 4"ram ~.visit-in-Waahington;D~.EL = .........Miss Mabel Parsons, daughter of

Vlneland’s postmaster,.epent Sundaywith her Inend, Mrs. B. Eldridge.

Tbc Reading Railroad Co., havemoved thetr freight depot to the .6.as|side of Twelfth Street. A wise move.

C. P.. Hall is about to erect a,~ store building and dwelling on the tel

....... adjoining his own residence,--for rehk.... : .... tiFJean B. Pressey" received has degree

I~, make it known go his suffering folh, ws. flUed tlth fog t.y :}’leg and tricky Ta,lfl lt~Joru|e~,dnnomlnation--En~t, We~t, North and 8outh~The Tribune pdnta ¯n,m erie tn five exc~dlngly en for it i~ the national Ba||*i,t p.per, taking eogo

at the anuuat commencement--of-=the~lurers. Actuated ,by this motive autl a desire to

que~liooe. "__ Tills ie }usL the opposite of what a re ieve hu nau ,uffer|t+g, I will send freetedMnlog artlcle~ every ~eek¯ explaiuh, g tb~e niznueo Io the tvt,rmt,~t bordora ,ffourdeonm~ Philadelphia Dental College, Thuraday

Protective l’arifl" w,m d do. l’roteeti-n ,,fcharge, to all whorls,ire it, th|s recipe Mr. ltorrbegloaat Ihebeglun[ngof everysut.J~c,,inatloualreenr or; it i~ u evening.¯ odmakeal,.o ,--, that ..... ......... Family Newspaper,... a,,d .o ,,,,~a~ .,,,.er i,~,. ~,k auy n.lat, bor I~* Thc "Bcetou Shoe Store" has

P. S. T ,TON & CO. o,you that tizzy are genial cle~r,~nv-|t~ielng ~,d per- ~ but one price, "and that the lowest. S.iectly | eansw, rabl~. A sl~la~tY is made uf av,~wer-

gaul editorials and I a;a~traph comment~ lher~o

lug all ~u~.llona, aak~t le g,~d faith, on the Tariff,on. be~i<es all ti, e Bapli~t Sews end Note% " S. LlgWlS, proprietor. In Rutherford’a

OU lhe2arlff, lt~elp’t~<lty, ~lllllg et ".he Currency. and with Outlnok¢ on Other Denotainatlope and

thep,ospecl~-flhe Far0wre’ Alli~|ce, TheTrll.,nv religious bodies. Its St,,rv Pete ia filled whhbU~Bg.

ia the best antlered R~*p|tbl|cau p~per to aupl,ltmeet serial and short s,or|e~ and a Puzzler% Realm!

protects everything from the moment tu German, French, or English, with falldire6fious fi;r prepari.g ned ttxtng. ,’tentthe ha~d of mau first tou~he~ it up to hv mail.by axldre~.sing with ntalttp (tl,~m-its higllcbl, at.~l mr, st liltiehcd menu-i,g this paper) W. A.. NOYEa, 8=0 Power#facturn. Block, Rochelle’, ~. Y.

Fr~e ore dud coal means ruin to the CHEAP. For s~le,--a n~w modelStar bicycle, lnquire a~ the l~epublieav.

miner. Free wtml means ruin to the office.sheep raiser. Free lumber, tree salt, free

and free that each means ruin to ..... ~r~_some A,neHcan icdustry. "’L-leo us ~/~+~T~#~/~

free taw matertal," 8a)s the Free.Trador, "dud we will capture tile markets el

that vest thin~. It give~ a drawback el Philadelph|a.


Win. Bernshouse’s

your l~c,l paper during l~r2. it’~upvties review articles, b-ok ~otieee. I terery,llow tu Su:ee~,t in Life. a¢leeti0e and art chat. sermons, Sunday 8¢h*ol

Th .T:lbunown. alo,,conth]*letheaerle~e! arllcIP* le~.npn and edueatioaM tnlormMion, has hellas1o Young M~n al,d Wout:n. peuned by men who. tin. farm and g.rdeu departmeab market reporthginning lifo th.|uqelvrl wl.h o]ar Washlngtos letter,--in .hort, takeS

tt6vefnl, "week=eomelhi~gwnl aim) n’ply ~o que.tit~na ¢.~ to what yvlltlg UI~’U ttn*lwomen a],oubi do (o ,ucceed In hf~, unuvr Ih~ .’mrtic- suited to thn lntellectttai wantP of erery mem.ular clreum.lanrt~lu ~hleh the.Is lot |u life h cat, ber, from ,he wnrld-knuwing grnp,lei¢a tu the

~ill ,. writ uuda Ih- diabetic..,f

oppurlu.ltl~., all*l wl,~ *loa and col,hal e,’u|tmtily hi| knea.

~l,h ~11 ~h. r+- ~truegllmt .mb.r adwr,e Three Months for ~0 Centn.s,a,,¢ea pt~+ml~, to u.aae the rebilc~ prac*.Jta*i lud Send 30 eeo’l and try It fur Ihe mn~thl of 00-

Hr.-waneD: Packer called uponHammouton friends, Wednesday. Herepute buslness prospects eocoura~ing,in ~nmton.

_l~’-Rent~ collected,deeds, ~or t ~age~~il~ eft, carefully dmwu. Iasuranea


~lrThe Seashore Railroad, from Wia-

r. ; ":.~ ~" The Democralle town caucus wash01d last 8aturda¥eveaing~and nomi-nated a full ticket,

Oa Monday eveoln~ Republicans metIn caucus, and after organlzlng, passedthe following :

WnztmAs, The policy of the Repub-iicaus of Hammonton ha, always beento Ignore party lines tu our Spring elec-tions ;aed ¯

WnzltZAs,The admluistr~Llon of ourlocal affatrs has beeu satisfactory to thepeople ; and

WmmF,~s, At a caucua of citizensheld on the 20th inst., the retiring o111-core were, with one exception, renomt-sated ; thetefbre be It- l~e~olved, Thatwe, the-~RepublioaneofHammoatou, in caucu~ assembled, doendorse the ticket so nominated, viz:

.~or Councilmen,, Win. Bernfihouse,C¯ S. lqeweomb,Thos. Roger.

Tou~rt Cler~, A¯ J. Smith.Collector & Treasurer, A; :B. Davis.

fcehva~;t~., lu Irvln~ Ha]i,by theMothodlst Church Socisty~ nn tile eve-niuge of Feb. 19th and ~0th, proved asuccese, notwlthstandin~ the fact that itrained on beth evening~. RefreshmentsIn the form of frnite, cakes, Ices attdoysters were nerved, and aomethlngmore than thirty dollars wa~ added tothe church funds. A charm is added tothis beautiful village, with ita healthfulair, by the concord’which exists betweenthn two church societies here. Allsocial occa~lons, and mauy auxillarymeotings and societies, are auatained by_a mutual interest, while each dcu6mlna-ties, aa ie perfectly right, limbers to up-build its own church. Hence, iu thefestival last week, wc were not surprisedto see Presbyteriau fa~nilie~ Whiffingwlth Methedtste, dud b, their aid and

Assessor, D.F. Lawson. patronage helping to make it a euccesa.Overseer of .rIiqhways, W. H. Burgess.C~wsen/~eeho’/der. M. L. Jackaon.

Another social event was au evening

Tows Justice, G. W. Prenney. party at the home of Mrs. Bischoff, on

Orerseer of the Poor, Geo.Bsrnehou~e.the evening of Feb. 22nd, the ~ucetsCorn of AFpeal, M. L. Jackson. beiog en costume. Owing to the preva-,n,¯

J.T. French. lense of la grippe for the ’past mouth~,E. It. Sproul.

Pound 1looper, Daniel Rood. ~lwood has been ycry quiet : hence, with

Money tbr-Town Purposes, $800. he~l.tti, and milder weather,

¯ Highwa~e, ~2500.: " ....... ~SZ~’6t~tghte, $400..~ ..:.The questiou of I~litical a ~liatton wasnot considered at either caucus, but arevtew shown that six of the nomineesare knowu as Republicans, three Duroc-crats, three prohlbitioniet~, and twonot located.

A citizeus’ caucus was called by theTown Clerk, he being requested to doso by about thirty petitioners T~m all-po-litr~l--pax~t~t--tho-appointed-time, Tuesday evening, at eight o’clock,several citizens approached the hall nodfound it dark and the door locked.It is elated that the hall was openedand lighted, but that one man a~umed~uthority-to order=hghta_o ut,_befo~e_t heappointed time for meeting. ~ow someof the petitioners are inquiring for the"boss." Who is he ? Who hat cheekenoughflo close a public hall against_mcafink~_o~i/~i_z_ene/eg~v called ? Theiriudignation le justifiable, and may bevisited upou the man who 8o tar forgothimself.

Where do you get your coal ? Doyou know? Were you ever in a coalmine? Can you Imagine what onelooks like? or what kind of iblks theminers arc ? or how¯their tamiliee live?After you have read *’Through the CoalCouutr, with a Camera,’? in the Marchnumber o! Demorest’s Fatally’Magazine,4mdstudied _.the tw~d line p!ctu_rc~_which illustrate it, cver, piece ot coal.you see will beintereet; ttud when you read of strikesamong miueres you will better appreci-

was a pleasant’ change. ManyWried w~re the costumes worn, and asmany ’and varied the comments theyevoked. COR.

: ~-"~ Lumber, Mill-work,:~.~!- ~’ Windo w-glass,

Brick, Lime, Cement,~t:/i

::!’( :iPlaster, Hair, Lath, etc.

Ligh Fire WoodsFor Summer use.

..... : ......... We manufacturei

I~. BerryCrates &; 0hestsOf all kinds. Also,

Cedar Shingles.We have just received our Spring

e~eok of qoods.

Can_ fu rnish-ver-y-ntc

Penrisylvania IIemlock.............. At Bot,~m Prioes~-Manufacture ot

own Flobring. SatisfactionG-uaranteed.

Oux speci dty, tllis Spring, willbe full frame orders.

Your patronage solicited.


..; - ¯

.’i "


.... ,,- ..¯. "L

,_, _. -

u~d in manulacturee for the e~ Prospectus for 1892.trade. Dou’t be deceived, then, by the It ha~ not be~n our eus,um tu b-us a pres-

peetu.. A [IEWItPAPEa CaTI nevnT |e 1 beloru.delueit eaud dishonest cry lot ’¯free raw hand inst what subject, wi 1 b- di.cue.~d. Wematerial."--Amerman .E,~om/~t. - ho[~otirealves io realine*s, h ,wewr, with ear

~ell trained ed~t-rlal f, tee, dud our l~rge ~tafl".... ~ of .postal eoalributore, to treat any subject

Edison thlnks he may be able to hear whioh may pr~eent |te,lf duTi,g the y ar Uur

the sun SlX)t roar¯ HIS idea ie that plan. for 1892 e,,ntempl~te en enlargement oflong ~treteh el copper wne ta~ beset up 0,a~ newt ,lepartme.q, . pnrfeetln~ of the nth~

departmeet.~ ~, d Ihq hrtng ,,g up ,|fwill be aff~teJI by the eh.ctrleal disturb- p.per tu s .lill aiEher standard o. ¢l~cieuey.

ancea on the euu. From the wire these PREMIUJLg.

disturbances-Will be translated into Th, Natlnnal B,|pnst le .if’riot a Ih a

Vital Tnp~% °u~re

~lany ~p+’clel e, mtrtl,ullw¯s will t~ prl,|ted, fromplnae~d, we’ll he glad to bays yn0

men a d w* ,u-~ ofdi~tiugu ,l|,.l r~i,,llaatll. AmO|lgyearly .uuseriber at our regular pr|cn of TWO

file t-p C~ are.-- ~llver I.~ll|lt.:,.. t|le I¯tte~t views;Dollars. Address¯

Prod.r Yuuctlou o| the Blluorl|y ll| I,~.glsls~ ~m. to ~4~ ~Tzaminer. Boa 3661, .,~reto York.Include o| e pai~r each trmu a Demt+crat en,I a It.pub.liras, lhomin~’-t io p,bllc life; llarotf.d (end*uct~of rru.t,: Artd !~ ...... fthe Umt~l S~’,.; Milll.m-

le’u,o lo The Peo s Bankntlt~l Communltb.~; B.tier Pay fur F,d|rth Clxenpi)alnlatl.l~ ; ilulm[lallee of lhe .~l,-itegu~ C.,ll~i’.VUlag,, huprovement ; U,,r norman Ifellow.CiGzeu luAmelha,--.nd o,ai,y .,hel’~.


In a&llll.,a to ,I,~. r¢~,|l*r tw~ Ir~ge~a we.-k ,/f.]*owttl gila a fares acid ;UtkO ii |~?. ther~ ~’lll be, ~tl~ll~l~92,**i~’clal I~I-’r~ ,,n ’-- II.t il,m~ L~n,b~ ; ~iodel

~low to ~ca Isle City, wile bought, on ciute their stgnillcanee. There is-much

Co., for $1~,000. number- Bring us yvu/ subscriptFinst-cla~ dress.makcr,-- 911 the lot a year.

leadlna styles in P, ris and London rash- ~ From au article in Monday’sions, HRs. M. LuI~z~, tn the-iie~hel~ Philadelphia .Record, some of our readezela0U~¢, Third Street. received the idea that a law r~centlv

Of Hamm0nton, N, J. is-The Board of Registretiou ha~;e enacted chauged the date .or" uur townposted uottces of their meeting ou Tues- meeting and election to the eeeoud

Authorized Capital; $50,000 dav, March 8th, lrom one to nine o’clock Tuesday In April. " The law referred to

Paid in, ~30,000. r.a., lu the Cnuncil ltvom, affects only ,.couutics of khe first cla, s,"and makee no change exvept in Etmex.

Surplus, ~000. " . ............... ~ Up tn Thursday, for six dave,¯ " WC have scarcely had four hears of sun- By the way, who ltuowa iu what cla~s

R. J. BYRNES’~ President. ahlne,--not half an hour at one time,-- Atluutiq Couuty beiungs~ Although as

M. L. J~cKso~, Vice-Prea’t and humanity feels the bad efli~cts, gooduot entitleas theherbeSt,to raukher t~p°pulatl°nllt~t class.dee’

W. R. TILTON, Cashier:- IT SL blark’s Church, Qulnquagesima Suuday. Litany, ~ermon aud lloly

~ For some time past. our Overseer

DIRECTOBS: C, ommunion at 10:30 .~. ~. Eveu~ong

m0 t a tratqiw pre,uiuu3s. For ex ,|uplo c,~m* F,*rmi; T,,I,,c~, It~t-t,lll: S,|g-r B**,.; |’.t.cy Ulgll8canal wa.¥es, mn~;on per,’tees, org¯*lt* dud hymu-~lm,,x~, cal. Prlet~l Ihllt~r 5i~ i,,g; 4~ar~ ,~1 i|~; 31~gtt., I/aldell

uable b,),,ks uf Te eleuce and greer:d iuloema, lug; l,lv. s’,,ck ; aml s ,*allel* el olllee,q,l~l., lat _Atlanta has been flo,)ded with an t.o% f.unt,|o i|ene. One uf tt, m,~., .t~r~c~i¢e t~.rtaul b~anchetvrAlll:’l~c.tt aru*ies.

issue ot et,unlerleit silver dollars, which offer~ In the cue .ffering Io lhe hew ,uh~etibor ~,,r 0t,l ,~u’dlurr.

are Of r, ntltrkably fine workmanship, aa,, to the e-rs.,P eeeor;||~ Is- n-w name, paeh For vei~ns elthe V/~T. theV6will tea~ volum.~ of Pr,,t. Drumm,md’~ faro. u. address of w.r s.~,fl,.~.au.~’er~.go qqntlone, n~wa itud gossip.

The Majestic has beaten the record, e,, atir~ ively b.und iu while aud g,|ld. Mrs. Aeole Wltt,.o|uyer ~¢Ill aupply pn htt~’~tblg¯ - .. odu~lnofueweoftheW, n G. ghe Trlbu,.’n Warmakiug tim Lrip acro,e the Atlantic AGE~¥T,S ~tvrl~of*hela~tyearhurnpeverbeeatur|~tut"|f~r

ea~twqrd in 5"days, 20 llours and 2’2 Arm wa~led In ev."y Church. Io esevt~, for thrltll,,g;lelere~t." u,w names ]Ah.r.d ~.t~|uis.,,ms ,re uff.,r-d " "’ ¯ """ )’or Famq[ee. -

succeea Whitelaw Reid a~ Mini~ter~toFrance.

gun paying the 4090 widows of the Con-lederatesoldiemin the S~tethoauthorized by the last Legidatu:e. He


Tile PRIO~i~ ~ par ynar. i. advaaee. ~end for P*mpleeop,e~, wheeh W*II be cheermll3 ~ot. Addtesllall e~,mm]iu~o*ttddb to ..........

Clln,s, tt ll,sgers

1200 Ches,nut SI., Phih, d~lphia.

has paid out $00,000 of the ~’400,000 "¯ "S. TH ER, "which the set will c~t the State yearly. J AY

Silver ~t.eadi]y lalls in price and ever, Contractor & B derday renders it clearer that SO,he nution .... -can tnalnt|lin silver at a parity with Kamm0hton, N,$.

~old even though it buys in opou markethall" th,: wnrld’a mlver prodtlct, ~ theUnit~,u States is now doiag.

The road t~ economy i~ a prudent


Plan~ Speciflc~t:ons, and Estimatesfurnished. Jobbllzg promptly

attended to.

Lumber for Sale.Also, First and Second-QualityShingl~e

~._~T,~-~.~ .... ~ ........ ~ ........ =-. _. Shop.on ~fine Streot~ near Unioz

~E~pyJ ~oo~#’r$. Charges Reaeonalubl~.

Wm Trlmm-na. l~,sr,,nw~fer (,f Ida* P O BOX. 53. rville. Ind, ,vr,t,, : "El~ntric~ B+tt6r, bas De P. Lawson d,,nen:t, te f,,r me Ill tn all o, her medi-

I~nlltlng aud C~het: Youns ¥~,i~., " Ash Wetlttesday service, 10:30 A. 3t.,

tha YMhloa~. George Elvins,~-lam Stoekwel~ ~r:30 1’. ~." Oilier ~rvie~s to be duly

A ~roat,~lli~rlal peso" will be printe.t, aml fl¢llnn. G..F. Saxton,.anlllg~lnt~d.

t-r~t~,, l,t,ets, h,.k t,vh,,,, travel,, c,ed~er~and;" " -J ..... t’- s .... " " I~..It is sitid that withln .aa area ofC FOegood.h~;,,h f.u .;..a;~tIF,~vvll~d:.___ _ ~. U. ma~)t,n~.w$,il,_ - -: = ]ha~ .a mile wide and one mile I,mg, ut

¯ . , wNe ’ " "’d nATJr-Smlth;.................. r .......................~gl~’~dalc r there are o vet sew u ty--e-n ! L re_- _i.; .... ][~reinhlllig.- ..............

¯ DeeerIplive Circular wLI beeent free.Over $2000 lu ~,aeh Prizes

8~.nd for lerme toagen,e, aud ntl~e a club for theTalau%%.- Sab*crlptions.

The ’Pribune. New York.

Hkvlngstocl~ed my yard for the winterwith the best grede~ of

I amprepared to furnlsh/it in large or

J. C. Anderson.

Ce~tflcatesof Deposit issued, bearinRInterest st the rate of 2 per cent. per sa-sum if held six months, and 8 per cent ![lte~d one year."

Discount days~Tuesday andFriday of each week.

/.a ~s~t~fion. T N,’,.+J::n’d ~,opUtatk, m

Peirce co!!¢ge = :..... o ! /%¯/::

of t~dhool age without sch0ui facilities.~hts hhnuld uot be. Whose li~t is it ?~Havo tim rutu-sltops iu that n~,hbor-hood4xttythieg to du witl~ tt ?

The Magnolia Sunday ~lt001, - gave an entertainment ca Moudt~yteve:

" n[llg, the llro~eds for, their a~latance=" fund, which is usud to ald deserving

poor in tllat seeti6ffof town. We hearexcellent repurts el the good work doneby .that sellout. May it coutluue tO

.... loieat~ lU 1 laitiin0/it0d’~’Pr~ml sin g" "=¯ ploy from- fifty to onu huudred ltaitds,

clnes e ~mt,|n~d. i~r T,t,,r t|a fee[i,,~Z a-i~.kidney and liver tr0,ubte."

say~ : "Fi,~d Electric Bitterst~, be the be~t, k,|owtt kituey ,ud hvermedicine¯ made me feel bkos new m.Ln "J. W, Garduet’, hludware ttterohantt ,amn Hammonton ,N.J. .....~Wtl, says: Eleofrio Bi,tet~ Is i, zSt the ..,..t.l,in~, f.,r a man wile in ~11 r,m do~vn a,,ddon’~, c,,re wl~ethor he liVep or dies ; he Plans, Specifications,and Esti-found ve’~ etreo,Jtlb g ,,~1 appetite andIt,It just like he h~,t a,,,*~ 1,,~so o,; hie mates furnished.Only 5t’e, a bet|h,, at auy Drug Store. $ )BBING promptly attendcCt


small quantities, at shortest noticesand as low aa any.

CONTRACTOR AND Your patr0nagceoh01ted.

W. H. Bernshouse.Ofltce in Win. Bornshouse’so~ee.

Tard opposite the Saw MiU.

I’lll ¯ I~ ~.UANAKL’AIU" g~"e Instantl’ill II[-~t]lrellef a,td laan ln[alhbloUil ll~Cureforl’lle~. Priee$1.ByIw~¯ ~m ~ Dreb’gmtsor marl. 8ampk~i ¯ 1 B Bird.. A,ldrt~t"ANAKl~l~"I ¯ I BT~ ~,~ ~qew ¥org CAW.

Shorthand,’A2~rd:Eatldl~$, 8e~0adr ~ hir~ a~ ~ ~’©~th PI~ ’-:~ ......

017-919 Chestnut ~t~eet, Ph~ladelphle.For yearn ao ann,ml ourolmcnt of morath~

¯ n tlto~i.*,anrl st|ideaLs, I’.hlL ~tudenh~ l~t year.Faculty of thirty ~l~clall~t~,~t~or:dng. Afternoon mad NIg|tt ~oe~lonS.

I’rh-ato Cl:t~es In Ger:nan and French." F, tll term bc’xIns 5font~y A,,gawt 31. APpH-

eailo:t In mlvan¢o nee~tr~’. Iqlth,g~ Lludfed,l’rw~uro descriptive Collegu Anana|. n~.

THOMAS MAY P~IFIC~.. PH. D.Prlnelpal e~_F©undsl~

~I=G rm~atos ~uoeost.~al:7 assisted to poaLtl, on~

pmvidc~l lie can eecuru a suitable but|d---~.-lngand be exempted front local taxes

~ : ........ for’a’ieW 3"e’at~. :’ We"belii~Vd’~ou’rP~Ople’

would be ghtd to accept lltl.q proptlsltiunaud give him the u,a tff thu old .~Clltmlhetty. ~t~plm.~e lifts be brought up l.r

copsideratioil IlL tltu aliproactnug townaua fa¢ltoui ll’euthlgs,

Insure wllh A.H.Philllps& C’o,.’.328 ~ tiautt~ Ave., A thistle City.


Successor to A. H. Simons,

Ba. rer and Confeotioner,

Confectionery, Nuts, Oranges,

Bananas, Lemons, Dates, gs, ete,



THE BEST BREAD(Wheat and Graham), Roils, Buns, Cakes, Pies, etc.

We fill orders for all kinds of Fancy Cakes,Furnish "Weddings, etc.


Try our home-made Mince and Pumpkin Pies.


Mark’s Church, Hammonton, N..J., onWeduo~ay, Fob. 24th, 1892, by theBeer, or, Rer; E. B. Ilus~ell, hi.~& , ~tfr.----Wit;i~t-47ol~el

Trowbrid#e, both of Hammonton.S~. Mark’a wan well filled on thecession, and all unite in wishing thei~ride and gfo6m- many happy years intim be~autiful now home to which theywill return after a shots tour.

A majority of the Legislature laverSunday opeoing of the World’s Fair.- The steamship Indiana started on hererrand to the famine.stricken districtsin Russia with 3v00 tons el euboard. Fifty thousand people lined the

Better’ than Lara =u~ed tbr, and far cheaper, asonly one-half the quantity is

’needed to accomplish the sami~’result. D0fi’t stick tOger,--Keep up-with-the.times

and help us "down the hog." "


Usc+Pratt/s Horse & Cattle FoodFor your stock. Just wha~ they need

at this season.Pr art’s P_o_u!try_E -g at-= :

Egg producer ! Try it. -

wharves and bade the steixmship a ben

’ra ak E. Roberts, Grocer,on Monday hat.

Second Street, IIammonton.

Black’s General Store.

Secretary of the Treasury ChadceFoster aailcd for Europe, on Tuesday,from New York.

A Vienna correspondent aaya thatnegotiations lor thu establislilnent ofreciprocity relations are about to be_commenced _between Auatria and__ th_e


el the Poor has takeu all hospital casesuader his charge to the Cooper

!ltmpitai, Cam|leo. As this iustitutiouby voluutar~ contributions,

andwlil acquits no payment, the voterswill probably be e~kpdv at town meeting~

to donate sue.hundred dollars to thehospital-(und.~:=Yt-w-oul~:be"’d i~r0p~r-thiug to do ......... -- ....... " .......

t4r Heretofore, our School Board hasappu[ntt~d a mad’to take the annual~chool-eensu~ The State Legislaturehas passed a bill providing ior a State8uperiutendent el School Censu~ ($2500a year salary}, to be appointed by theGoverner. ’J.’llis.gentleman will appoint

Eleclio~ of Dircctors.The People’s Bttt|lc.

lfammon.on, ~. J., Feb. 16, I392.

this Bahk will. he held a~. the B~nkiegRooms, ou Thursday, March 10th, 189"-,between the hi, urn’of cue and three, p st

W. I¢. TILTON, Cashier.

A 4e-acre Farm f0,r sale cheap,~about thl,ee.l,,llrtha tsf a mile Ir,*in SlIM I|HIou Sea isle t ity Ratlrt,ad. Six or eigittacres have been cleared. A gm~l ch,ecefor a small crauberry bog. Inquire of

B. F. IIENStlAW,Loek.l,~x 54, tlau, mont.m N. J.

Or hi. L. J^CKSONotSeooud St. and Bellevue Ave.

Sheriff’s Sale.By vlrtueof ~t writ of aerl facln~,tamedl-

reeled Imi lad Silt of the Stl ,’e,,t+* Conrt OfNew .J’el’~ey. will be ~tt)ld at II,|blte vendue, on

At two o’clock It, the aftern|mn of said da’¢,al tile I’~IlUlIIIOOIOII Hotel, to ~-~a|,l,nont, ili.Courtly of Allallt.le¯ New Jersey, all Lha| e.r-lalll I race or parcel nf iliad add I~relll b4ex here-inditer i-artlcularly descrlt,ed, altuxle In IIio’rown Of HallllnOlltOn. tn tho C~)nuty ofAthmtlc, 81ate ,,f New Jersey.

l]e.glltlllnR J~.lhe ec tre.,,f blahl Road, allhe’ i~l,tlth*eRat c~w~lor ttf a tall-ante lnt I)¯W|ll~NtlUy onn ~alllariue ~Drlgnlun ; thelleO I,nrlhforly.fonrdegree~i ttllrl~’ iiii IlteN e~ll~t tweelyelili,/n,4/h/t sl.ng¢,~-lht:13rt,~’ou’h iorly-eYftdt~. . --grees lhtrlY E011]ute~ PUnt ave fQl~illa t~ A

Bulletin Week

Fresh Bostori Crackers !

New No. 1 Mackerel (fat).

g’oo~article of Laundry Soap at/ 3 cents per cake.

Flue Canned California Crawford Peaches.

A new and v:lried assortment of Pri/eswith Tea,~a new scheme.

Merrick’s Spool Cotton.

A Reduc i0n in PricesFrom ahd afterOctober-2-tst4-d u ring the-wiuter,-I--will__ ~-


at4Lke, eoruer m |allll¢ N icRola’tl lalld : thenceaotll.h forty-four tlet~teex thlrly mh|ulee west 8ell meats at tile follo~ing prices : ....twt~nly ehaln~ to the middle of ,~luln Rr,adaforemtld; Ihelle~ norlh f~,rty.flve degr~egthirtY,’ mlnuteu WeSt elOltg tht. Ioldllle I~l ~nldroad’tt, the piac. of hegi"nh,g; c.i,,tatl|tlng Round steak, 12 cents.".Ott 8cr~ Of [and nll~ro or le.q~. " ................

Al~o, all thatcerh,ln stool¯or pie-eel land J~ P~L~"~nn,,,,t, onlo,,s,,,r ,d and Sirloin Sl ak, 15 Cents.ned bOlllldvd l~ltti tle.,~eTlbt’d t~q tel,OWe :Beglnoi,|gln thecentre:ofM.tn Road, nt Roast 2 ibs ior 259t ~0 Republican the al~tance of rort, r,~, n’,rti"we’t stone Riball local enumuramrs.

~leI,Oll’s t..t,rl|er: I.bettco ~qXte|ldlllg ii,lrlh ’ i

seed apply, forty.tour degrees thirty nlhtutea ~tal, elgh,¯y --

I~rLtst°[unelaimedlettersrematnlUs ~!![~;u~:;:~e~:!~r:~ttt[fl:~i~sv~:~:~r~ ~ t~i~!! Pork Steak 14 Cents,V,stO ee -- --’ ’ ’ " "" " ’ ""= ’ ’ ¯S~tlt~lay, Fob. 20th, 1892 : ~4~ ,i; t ¯ Y" gfl, .~,.¯ Ill ’__,L b~. .... - tj .... ;’/+,,at Iw.-.,y r,,,,, to nt~ ; |eet t ~t,,,,l.x, ’ =~ Nfl~[ ., IO~ Tt~r _..~t 0 "

" " "" AtltOllloCarrltdtl, i . nt |tel ih|gtoneert’8Ol hl~nd, IQrh:Llilcttsur~. 1 o. JL.~ , ~ , . . ,~-..---~ -L" ’~letre’ltt’~’ " ¯’ ..... ~ - llell g:tll t~r aat!te,:two tt’*~el9 ol’,lafl(i.wl,leh ] ........ ~ ,.. ~" -..-.,- c., ~t~-v~;.~,-.¯ ,%- ~.., :~::¯.: .~ :--.;,--’- ,’..j:z’.:;1.~!-i; == ~ ""::"..... , .... itt,/61~ca~. ~’~ ........ Mlehuel tti,t,t~ti,,t, by n,tre,lnre i,earh,gdate t - .... la~. =i"TT~-S~’~t"f~’L~ ......... ! I’i"~ii~i’~ "" ir~ ¯~’~i’~i’l’T’~ ill ’~e,e~...... ¯ . ’ th. tW,,uileth’,bty,,fJttly, A.D.l~.~9,"ndre’| " k’~,~Uk-’~2~.UJ[~.Je [U q.Jt’k-~)e ~1| [k~.JlUIllUqP31tUle Ifimlt, n. eorde,I In tli.ClorlC~Otllee of Ai.l~lntlnuot|nly | - "~ ~ -- "

Persons oamngfor any of the ahove [|,,4,,~’ ’’ ’ " ’ ~’’ ~’ ’"~,., l~::~ 7~; ~’’r~ ~ ~’~’~., ’"~’r D72~ [~t~ I. ’’ ’ " ’ " "

" ¯

,ettvrawUipiea~estatethatithasbeen[F,.-hi,,,td thu~t~-~"-~"’;~’-"~ln=~’l~’~’"tb"Meat fox ste m_ , 5 to 10 ets."; ’ ., - j ..... ’" ~ ¯ ~ l,l,|a~+*ffA’i t tl~~,,,, d’the rotld¯l "~’’-~’’ "~,Y ...... "’"<~"¯~"-"-:’"’¯~’" "¯:’¯""’¯¯¯¯0 ........ : ....... " ............. -~, "- -¯ - ; .....waverstseu. ~ ~ s. ~tt!t,lll F~.*lbt by’lll(h~r,turt, Ilvltrlltlf dat~ Ihel - . ~ - -- ~’" -- .... ::"" ..... ~ ......... :" " "¯" ""¯ G~o~t¢IP- JSLVINS. x-. ~t. I two tt|.lh ,lay .if June A. 1). l~h ul,d r~- I "~.’][-~l’lq~t~ I~’ITsI~I/~]P~F~ "~ if~ ~"~_/~,~l’~t’~

¯ " i corded ht the t,fllc~ ttl.rexahl. !,| th) ,k No. 14~ | . ~g~.t.JLIk/,’~ t,JAaXlJ/2aV~UI.9 A~,P¯q~J~21J~s-- -- ....... - I ,,f 1},’,.1~ 0~IIn3|2 etn. la’l~lll.f~| el,el eollveycll i

George B. McCIdlan, son 9f "LIttl01 ullltlt~undlv/dedot,.u¯¼a[f I.~t,ere~tln t’l’tet~!,l|~ . - ,

Mac," is secretary of the bridge trustees/~rl::’~b~"’T~°e~tt[~t~t~’ct ~t’~:::["~:’;c::;/ "/’VT,.,Tan+~..~iu New York, snd is.very polt,lar. In i l’;r,’;i’~e,I ue it,. ,,.,petty ,,f ~.,,t,,,,to M,,,+na,~ ~ UW&~ %~J J.,l~]~,~.~,,]kJl,.IL tl.I y .I. %~V~ ,

........ and liJIta tt traits of character / a,,,I L;dl011 ell ux,ht:|ltn|n fit theeull t,f Gltlel tee|" ,

;t~i’~:’r:= ,t+ou~ res~t~hlauce to l,i~ [ ;l:’,::l~’.:i:’.’:l’/~!’~]’:~!~’~*::t~!~.~.’~’~:i:srur. I F~g@ Harbor R~a t and Chcrr~ St eet, Hammoa:o~.father, " A.. 11. OA,’,lOKWt~it, A ,to ’y, / ........



/ ~. .., ,.,,.

: L¯


Page 4: + i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a

.7 "


~e green Madeira vines etretch’d up aloft -l~ko fairy i~ders to the sheltering eaves

bore their wealth of snowy bloom hoyon~M,y utmost reaehAbove the shim’ring leaves.

IDtwy-fresh, the a|lken leaflets glistened~I wateh’d ~hem waving In tile breezc’s play

~lFhau suddenly, a wee child standing near m(Cried; "Ahl what useless Vines ~e~e are.

I esy l"seJv~t taking all the sun and dew God aendt

them1Lad growing, growing through the Sum¯

mcr hol|rs,

............ On|y ~vtug back these ]eayc~ 1hst flutter~ .With not a

Page 5: + i.lM’oney to Loan on mortgage,¯ ltflttllliUlltUll I +oooo,.oo..,+ in the el+flop o, Beef, Pork, Mutton, all the Republle~iu candidates [or Mag- Scud a postal card order for a

By u?l,.g the

Paint,For every ~allon is

ship In implied tn the order recently re-ceived by a firm in the United Statenfor printing premms,to bc usfd iln the

office of the .E~idoa ~imes. Thdsatis-faction naturally Iblt by the Americanhous~ ie all the a:mater on.account of thetact that the machine which la to be re-placed by one ot American manufacturewere Invented by Mr. Walters, the

founder of the 1~me+.

Mi~s Canada, this 18 leap year, Doyou hear?--ILvou want-a union ~vithUncle Sam, popular opinion will upholdy¢,u In "popplog the question,, any timeduring the year 1892. Think it over.

Wheu a man is "laid up- he is very



Insurance placed only in the mostreliable companies.

~eeds, Leases, ~vfortgagos, :EW.Carefully drawn.

OCEAN TICKETSand from all p-orti+0f Europe. Corres.pondence solicited.

Money to Loan on Mortgage.Send a postal card order for a trueeke,oh of Hammonton.

A fallaesortment of hand and machinemade,--for work or driving.

Mrs. hIiohael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill.,makes the statement that she c~ughtcold, which settled on her lungs ; shewas treated for a month by bet familyphysician, but grew worse. He told hershe was a hopeless victim of consumptionand that no medicine could cure her.Her+druggist suggested Dr. King’s New

_~js~f_or co~ she bo~ta bottle and to her great de~h’f-Ttm-u-~6herself benefited from the first dose.She continued its use and after takingten bottles, found herself sound and well,now does her own housework and is aswell a~ she ever was. Free bottles ofthis Great Discovery at any Drug Store,large bottles~50c+_a, d $1.00. ..........

Kirk Spear, Jr,,Plain and Ornamental

Plastering andFOR

Home-made :Sausage;_ ..... : ....... .............. : ¯~:

Beef, Pork, Mutton, .....

Veal, Hams, Bacon,

Home-made Mince-meat

ry Pine Wood,I foot long, and spitil:+


,t Win. Bernshouse’s Yard

VOL. 30. HAMMONTO).~, N. J., MARCH 5, 1892. NO. 10

Successor to 3. D. Fairchild,

Dealer in Groceries, Flour,AND

Family Supplies Genexally.

Jackson is SellingRound Steak at 11 cents. Rib Roast at 12 cents

Rump and Sirloin Steak at 14 cents,THIS WEEK,--next week may be selling lower---don’t

kn owr----C 0 M ~,---A-ND -SEF_+. +~

Fanc~ BALDWIN APPLESSellimg this week at ~2.50 per ¯barrel.

May be higher next week.

P.S. Cooked Food for D0gs, 2 cents per pound.

To the Influenz~ Gorm.By the shivering fits which chill us.~y the feverish heats which grill us,/~y the ImlO¯ acute which fill u~.Dy the uchea which maul and mill t~s,.~ tl/e quack¯ who dmugl~ and pill u~.~" the hydropaths who swill u%D~ the alloputbs Who bill u~,liy tim nervous fears which kill u~.

Tell us. tell us. wee Ba~/llus.What. aud why. and whenc¯ you are.

Say, ar~you a germ ntomlc ?Hard y[3a used economic ?Are ~:on truly mlasm¯tlc ?

Are 57~tl ~OtJd or ly~ psi,tic?

Frank~%l~your cause zymotlc ?At0 vonn/tiveor excite? "XVhea 3"our Doslne.~s Is tt’nn~acted

your stay to be I)r~And do yoo Intend. Bacillus.To return again aud gill tu; ?

Do make answer. If yell Please ?Tell us briefly, tiny rnyslery,

¯ ~,Vlmt’s your source, and w haL’s YOU r history?C] ear the clouds of o bfusca tl onThat surrooud your incubation !

Ft,rnlsh. wlthot~t more obstruction,

Your belated iatrodoctlon !Let us.kn~2~.Ur why and Wherefore

Wh~A.tt-d~oo’re in thenJr for.And meaowhlle. O! wee Bacillus.

.f ~Inee w|th morbid.dre~’d YOU fill U~,

_ Prithee, take 3"our leave at once I

|~eekly School l?,eport.

Weak endin’~clr.,26, 18921

The following pupzls received an averageof 90 in deportmctft, and 80 or above in

~ecit’ati°n~rand-we re regui~rin attend=:Once, which record cu~itles them toenrollme, t in this




Lllla Ruby. Teacher.

MIDDLE (tOAD.Elsie M. Ande~oa. Teacher,

No Report.

MAGI~OLIA.Grace U. North, Teacher.

E,ldle (lopper, Dew SeelyWillie ~)atl J.ne ~eely"WIllie D,)vrlhI All)err [t,.I,ma~

Chris. Lltll++fJehi John MuerlClareliee Llttletlold Itelberl .Iat-ksonAnd|’e,v L’lttlellehl El’rim Morllmt r .J=£cnry Secly J,~seph Youug


Nellie Tudor, Teacher.An~’eIo Jut/cue Cllarlle JullafiOt~eavltu, Mli hi Lewh! GIIlh)ghamJ~s-ph D,lao Anlcmln ~t. A HgelOErnest Werz)er Wilbert. Ialtl.hlgArtle Werner ]+~IntP, It 51[Ihl]N’ioI1OIHS Jnllnno CharLie Dt’lttoJoseph Gro~.s Lizzie l’ers~e,~~’llho Weckerly Matted Cape/In


Real EstateFor Sale

]. Two |o~s on PJeasal, t Street,large house--handsome,withevery convenience, heater,conservatory, etc.

2. Lot on Second Slrcet,--fine"/--room house, heated,--veryreason ableA) ril.e

3. ,dnother on Second Street,--fine housc--che,tp enough.

6~ INine acres on Central A~e.,large house and harm Allin first-cIP,~s order. A bar-gain Ibr somebody.

S, Over three ~cres on ChewRoad. near 12th St. 5-roomhouse, near]t new. Berries

for chicken business.9. A p~etty home on Third St,

ten minutes fi’om ~talions,in sight of four churches and

--.~t~o-lotsr9-reran J+ouse, heitter, vines,i~owers, fruit, berries.

10. Prominent corner on Belle-


Orders b’ ma:ttt:_+tlcr~, rye Pr°mPt

Always a Good Stock.

Onl~ the. Best I

Shoes made to Order is mySpecialty, and full

satisfaction is__guaranteed.

Repairing done.

z. mu --voc]z,¯- Bellevue Avenue,

ffammonton. : : N.J.

Tailor,Second Street and Bellevue Ave.,




Particular attention given to underground draina~,

’ ~ Manager Of Plumbing~ etc.

The PhiladelPhia+ weekly Press

and the~l~epublican, both¯ i a ...... ~i

f6p-$1,2o;+:cash./++ /-I +

