I 1411 WEDNESDAY BEITE1IBEB W 1 00 Subscription b7 Malt Pottpal- daT per Mouth OUNDAY ptr Vt- UAJLT AND 8UNDAV per Year DAILY AND SUNDAY per Month FoaUf to fortlf n ooutUles added Tua sun New Totlc pAMSUtoaqnt No K ntar Grand Hotel Kloaqnt Na 10 Boulevard det Capuclnes- H nir frUfwM i o w mamuttlpt txtlkatlon itliJl to annln returned Ift tain M J ilanpj lot 1iJl purpv- iinrlvlnjf lluslneis Away A deepAtch from Lincoln printed in yo- tardar SCK gave thu tnio tory oftr short but comploto In Xcbraafc 1s a factory bflon 1n to tl great starch company or starch trunt as- U called This factory reprwonU th towns chlet industry The Nebraska A- torncyGeneral htw lxKun suit to bar t larch from tho State as an m lawful anti tho of th factory have announced tho Intention to tholr buslnow olsowhor In cio this Naturally alt the employees of the starch works hav passed resolutions denoUncing thn It tended abolition of their of Uvel hood and dmiwmilnK that bo tib missed Hie Nebraska City people M their bread nnd butter llko other peopl and they know moreover on which their brewS is buttered Drynnlam would drive th Btarch tnn out of tho Stnto of Nobnwka Carri1 to its bitter eml Urjanlsm would driv the ntlr trust buslne out of tho Unite States NVhereupon it would follow tho btislniwi would be carrlfxl on in oth oountrlw since as the JOHN 1 STANCH Ft KU says thei riKr tlor of capital represent the unification of ever Important Industry In thu land HryanUi would by tleHtroylruf the trust prlnclpli drive from tho Unltel Btatw ini portsjit industry tn the land c transfer o say It In no deslro to iw daM aKolnat rlas but HIITAX STANCH TIELD A Co nte flrstcla for Ui business employed In trus voto against Hailit Oft for thp unocrtnlnty about th nnd disturbance product by the coal strike whlrh i nt least so connected with politic that tho year of i national election was chosen to precljiltal it the course of the c mmerolal and linen tnarkcta would now he Indicative only o prosj orlt and unlverenl bu neaa confidence That Id not an electioneer- Ing statement but nn expresSIon of th actual sentiment of tho wholo bimlneni community throughout America and o the universal financial opinion In forelgr perth It U fact not fancy Neither U the business community in tho opinion that all tills protenl and this ansttranco of ercatei prosperity to come would at onco be re Toreed and dentroycil by thn election ol BRIAN Nor U tho opinion any tho lem strong or unanimous among lemocr U than among Republicans of IntelllgoLOo- buggestlonH of Improving chances for lintAN nro put out M bear arguments even by his nominal supporters asabauli on which to sell stocks short Hiat s paulo would be the prloa tho country would have to pay for his election U recognised M fcievltable by Democrats who are seek- ing by apologizing for him to rbtabliah their party regularity with a vi w to tlrelr ftiturn political profit Now this Is a slut of thlmM which ought- to hMmpowlble In great arid rich countryol- snventyflso millions of pople with a com- plex should lo put In jeopardy by a political contest fur the control of the Ocvernmcnl- wvora of turbarity and nut civilisation In tilvUlon of partlfw In title country there U alway little preponderance on either f ld The American people nre so evenly divided l rtweon tho Republican and Pemocratlo pirtlfH thit sven thn greatest vlctortiu nt election won by either never rlso above a small jvroontngo- nf the total vnto and tltiw every election U hroudoi with uncertainty Take tho national elections slnco the Ivll Wnr In flH out of a total of about fIve and thrpoqtiartfru of a million votes tho Itepubilcaru won by I M then s lvrn In 1R77 when tho nomi- nation Clf HollAl iltKRI FV dLsorgtllllZPd th DprnooraUf art the Uepitbllcana won bv only a little ovr it per out of a total of nearly six ami onehalf million rotes In l il out of nearly fl ht and onnhalf million votes thtro was only a difference nf about 5 per rvnt between TtuiBX nnd HATTH In IKSO out of nearly nine awl oneivwrter million votes tho difference between the part was only on Inn thousand In 18SI the Demo won by IIMS than t per cent out of moro titan IMH million vof In ms the Ilcpubliiatis wmi by than I per cent out of mnr than rlrvrn nd onethird million vott In isoj trio Democrats were put In power by only a lIttle over 8 r cent of tie twelve million vot s ifnn HrtrAN wai only by about A lr c nt of tho fourteen intlllnns rf votes polled Of coursi the o pTriMitajert rclntn to the popular vote and not to the they can show how elr ely divided r Htlrnlly r the people How then can there lie eln than biislnewaraioty- a to ilo refill of the romlnc nlevtlm with trtmenoiw c insouences for business and every lnt r t of llm nation and of rlilon With the rounlrv nn closely divided politically th welfare of our clvlllratlon demands that both parties shall rn- Ktrnincd from policlvt danaerntu to It by the arnin f tt i iMijHiliir of Inovltiilili li t ni IliU country I too hljj and Its lnt nr too dsanilp far rennhlne for any irty o lie xtifTcroii to Imperil tlwin to dUturli to check tho nittonal progress any taitlc anti expTimrntnl which runs contrary to nit the eiv Hfnco of clvlllrjitlin Wo cannot niTonl to allow tem to bo tivnl is tilth polittml Rnme There an nwwtui prnrtlcal princlplM- Rittlcd hy tho oirenii i of rlrlllrAttun which no rmrtv nlmuM darn to nnciertako t tlct nwiiKt UeU nrt ahouUI uvulc i inl r ani in rli and ltitelll iic f ttn country no matter what may be IU partisan attnchmentn I b- I mbt U1t- I l 00 CO 0 aDd tar n tat It complY owner tau men I side I I that Jon err t parr len RCpt 1 tar cal I unIt I I i Ion ThAt o th I poll I nt Abut roN roll E mol ral- vo It pry 1 Iud h pOW the t Inl of Olr h ole t a v I u Inku IlaulL at UI VI I I so i- Ii bAILYt1ItYw I air uag aU i pushed I tic lid I 4 i a nrc it let n Iii reyt rot Ti I rte acid them tAi nq b Always tc only lice I- tz I iu < > < > ¬ > > < > THE SUN WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26 190d I M e rr rIT peril Ground of safe and proper politic dlvUton on great questions of policy a Constitutional Interpretation which ha exbted la this Republic from its oundatli till remain There are different shad and differentiations of economical financial which may reasonab divide But to put business and all property at stake an election U a crime to that 1 commission by ambitious politicians mu always be visited with crushing punls- ment If our civilization Is to endure DBTAN wu defeated four years ag but not badly enough He should ha received a punishment so dire that li would never again have the assault initiated changing a party of an Illustrious in American history Into an engine for tl destruction of the foundations of all pro portly and all sane and prudent business Hands off let tin people cry out to over party which ventures to Interfere with the obvious practical welfare and let ever public roan concerned In such an atterap directly or Indirectly bo punished unspa bigly by their resentment The duty of administering that punls ment now rests on Democrata peoullarl for It is party machinery used for the U Is duty too which thoy must perform If the party Is to bo preserved from deserve reprobation as an organization To tun Introduced such an Issue as that whlc- Is to be decided at the coming election- a political crime which will bo repeatc In on even more odious and dangeroi form If It la not now castigated by the l- Jtelllgnnoo and sobriety of the America people of both parties BO bitterly that tl unprincipled ambition will nov dream of making political pro y on attack on property and the foundi of prosperity U the issue of tho election 1- msume that the division In It will be o tho old historic party linos 1s to Insult th Democracy It U not a natural tnent of either party political monstrosity for which neither ngltlmatnlyrwpons10 anew nnd morbid frowth which both parties must unite jxtlrpatincaa politically cancerous ho Withering of Cart Schurr- Illclit To accuse the non CARL Scimnz of pout cat vagrancy 1s like blaming a Jellyfish of fibre or impeaching VANDKRDECKE or Irregular habits of navigation It icarly forty years since ABRAHAM LINCOL he most tol rant and patient of manklni Correctly rfUlnuted the Inflrmltlfa of per lonnl character that account for M- iCitunrB publlo selfmanifestations LIN ouv understood Mr Hcitunz then everybody with a single exception as come to understand him now The single exception Is tho statesman am rator who during the TlliionHayes rum algn of 1870 In tho Academy of Muslo a ewark declared that lila right hand shook sooner than his voice shouh 0 raised against the sound financial pollc presented by tho Republican party ho on the same occasion pledged hlmdcl oppose tho Democratic party wheneve menaced the public welfare Mr SCIIU- Bas then speaking In German and his Ian uage and gestures wore reported as fol iws In tho 4Vf i Jtrtcy Krfio titvng o- ctobqr 25 187- leh UHrnpte Manner sondern fur OBent rte Zwecke FUr tint gesunde flnanipolttlk bat- h Jahre ling itliimpll writ lie fur dn Wohlslan- is Landrs nolhwendlc tit und eher mites dlesi- nnd Hand erheben a- lii trh melne atlmme dstcfcn sbrebe Die F- inipolu der repuUIVanbchen Pattel war IU Kht r Nation fUr fnic lie Khtllchkell und nlema- tabslcliuite eli nepudltUonjseti wle n rraoVrMen In t8M vrsucbten- In GeldMcrien hotl die OeralHhllelikell ifh tl rtiflnen demoVrsUtrhen Vreunden venn die Tsiehi crelten und uhlen rnttvvn Kit itbsfhn JAbilrtr firicer fdntr rail den Wotfn Vnr vlr JahrenNCHUI- tlttnStiunzct lrdrttaproiLl Wool felt sprat rdeitStlden tr Inrecbl lilt ten wean M tnrtcbt thud nelfsll Irr die dmofcialtsehe Panel twin wenn l m oflentllche Uohldkntr abrr Ich Mn ef en II Me demvlbcn MbadcL Irh die attscht Partel kenncn srelernt lnmil tc- rtenrimmer fr ehlen hibe Or In English 1 do ant Osll lot nen but for public objects ve fouzhl or yf t for a sound financial pollc U nereswry of the ttellhrlnr nl lh- unfy and nay tbh hand wlher taWne hl tlghi- ndlWfore I site MY foteafaln tlL The financial Her of the KepuUlexn part wai lor thC honor e- lr nation for financial honesty sad neter hm It d In wind a repudiation lav aueh ai the i tried In U6 In money n ll u good reduce Unpt and 10 II- f Kith my IVinwrnilo rlend they art lid to put their Into their pceVcia sod ti- T I Young mm IS interrupted speaker tewlththe wordv Touryear a o ScHtTizT Ur Itni answeul promptly Certainly I spcki for- e South no long ai It suffered wrong but I am ipMid to U when It does wronr Applai r I icilii b tot th IVmneratle party I It aerrtd it le tuil 1 am icMnst U beru e It la burn 1 to U t harm Iarnd to know the raoeratlt tIT b AUM I Mept In the neit For the party of repudiation the party even In tfifl Scnnrtz had learned i know for the and causo of dls moot money his volcn Is now rotted Hn- is found a pretext satisfactory only to mnelf for ranging himself with HBTAX remit the welter of the land and the nanclal honor of the Notion It does not seem to be SCHUBZH- ht hand that has or but intellect and bis politic conscience Knlnrglng the Asiatic Squadron In order that American Interests In China ay not he endangered by the Impending of our troopi front that country only a legation guard Is to he main Mt ths Asiatic squadron bo r nforro 1 the aulgninent to it of several naval seU now In the Atlantic ami orders v t o ii Issued for tho ttattlrahlp Ken rky tho cruiser Albany the gunboats llmlnston Annapolis and Vlcksburg id the converted yacht Dorothea to pro ol nt once li join Admiral REMKT- Stnniand battloship KentuckyIs one of w t ihipv him ha a dlnplacerncnt M5 ton rarrlt four 13Inch and tour lOch rlflw In turrets and- i a of Ut offlcers and men no Kentucky Is the first vessel of her po to go Into general service and her havlor on voyage around halt the arid and under the conditions of active rvke wilt followed with Intcrwt In ery navy She wilt doublo the number bsttlrMliips tn tho The protected rnilser Albany was bulk Ilrfl7ll hut wee taught the Inlted Ktntes at the beginning of- IP SpanUh wnr She has been corrunUU- IICKI for only a few and Is now tho rirmus In a leisurely yago tluougf the Mediterranean U and ploy In I I ply dare to I b record who R mot ton develop L land for lack b prob- ably wllhnr or and I It d rna d te die auf und ole I Mann I IU I lre lch Urde tar tie hah dm I Ih bn bal t I the b the one rom which GAL Her his I Iso h c The mil n mont be or fleet l b mOlt at I v I their rot n1ct fur dPbeI die recte untnbrach bier din ahr bin tIm I eau lImo < rood here liceI hereafter superposed the > > > < < < > < was expected at one time that she have a message to the Sultan to dclivt but the exigencies of the will lila Turkish Majesty from seeing tong guns title vewaal carried The Albai carries six fllnoh and four 4Inch fire rUles and baa a complement of 24 oflloe S41 men The is now South Atlantic fact si- is half that squadron She carries 4inch rapid tire rlflw and 200 office and men She la to go by tho Med terranoan and will be employed rath in Philippine waters than on tho China coast tier small draught valuab among tho Islands The two smaller gunboats the Annapol and the Vlcksburgr are likewise destlm for Philippine service They carry s rlflw and about 175 officers and Tho Dorothea U n converted yacht or will be usud as a gunboat at Manila To take the place of the Wllralngto the rejuvenated protected cruiser Atlanl been ordered to Join the South Atlant fleet She has bonn entirely altered her first and now carries two 8lnt rifles rapid fire guns has about 300 officers and redistribution of ve wola will Increw the Anlatio squadron by six vetwels one them the powerful battleship afloat or will add personnel of tho nboi 1400 officers and men sufficient large landing parties in case of nee lly this reinforcement Admiral RKMFT fleet will consist of thlrtyflvo vessel Of these the smaller are In Philippine where large ships are lees useful vessels are along the Chinese coast John McAuley Inlmer of honors as was the llfe of JOHN M PALMEn and great as were h- lervleea to tho country ho never nttalne higher honor or served his fellow citizen hotter than when ho uttered these low than two ago InperUlIm li rm The country li Ur McKrxLitr and inc followers In ImptrUUim Ur I the high priest i Populism a faction already strong enough menace tut Inttrtsli of a Goternment II- tweea ItclJlNLRY and DnvAN there Is but o- rcouneto vote fur UcKliLKV No man Ip this campaign had stimme up the whole situation mor tersely an vigorously Gen PALMER lived long enough nile 1809 to wltnww tho full vindication of hi refusal to remain with tho party that Itaelf and dishonored tho nan if Democracy at Chicago in that yea Ho long enough likewise to sen aselertsneM of such halfway measures am Indirect movernonta to defend tim nation honor as that which ho headed tour year go And now ho depart leaving thl- inunsol of wisdom anti patriotism to thos who were with him then Peace to tim ashes and honor to th- neiuory of this line American rite Kxpimure The dUoover that Mr 8TiNCHriKU th- eniocratlo candidate for Governor I- Tew York hml committed himself iltcly and elaborately anti more than s an ultraexpsrxtlonUt that ho unit n- esltancy In accepting the Ilemocrnt- lntlexpnnslon nomination with tide recort- ichlnd him find has endeavored to stippres hat rcoonl since It has horn revealed- y till sorts of foolbh evofiloiia and pre arlcntlom IKVUS acutely of course pon tho eatlniato which must l o fornu f Mr STAXciinEinri personal and politico haracter His Itch for office seems to b- ueh as to blind him to the pnxllgloui- pconslrtency and public linmornlty o- U conduct to the wholly rldlculou- celtlon In ho now finds himself What to a little of the Constltu between said of on statesmen to an eminent politics ereonage In Washington some years ago bat phrase and the of pnlltica- Udom anti honor It stands for baA stint rep Into Mr KTASriiriRiin Vlia- i common decency a previous declaration f solemn principles a profession of public lolloy or of public or private Mlef In any Ing If a nomination for thn Governor hip hangs in tho balance Wo tlw- eople In thU State will he found to liavt different views about tliesn- hings from Mr fiTAMiiriKinB Hut In a deeper and graver B nso the nelatlon SvxsniPiKiDs hUtorj1- sa rabid Imperialist U a Huperb exposure- f the utter hollowness of the entlro Demo ratio anilImperialist outcry If It was real thing wUh any soul In It that t any way appealed to mens Intellect r inflamed their hearts Mr STVXCHFIKM- Iotild not have dared to accept the Demo rntlo nomination for Governor on n plat reaffirming the Hryan declaration of at Kansas lily If the mo rata of the State or any proportion of the eople in the State thought about cxpan as th Dcmocratlo platfornw dnelorn do there would lucre been no thought- f nominating for Governor a man who Ighteen months before haul lauded the jcress of American arms In the Phlllp men and had declared that every law and divine us to the legltl into nilts of WIT victoi Irs over the Spanish rm The dealings and nttitidn upon th Phil pine queatlon of Mr HHTAN and through of the Uanoonitio party have been mm start to finish those of tenet and arTy Instead of a wholesome and sturdy iand Mr BRYAN anti lila followers have ndeavored to tn place themselves that icy could be In opposition to the llepubU in party no matter what tho event proved iCpubllcan action to bo If n d vl Ioii of Supremo Court was handed down at ny declaring thai our po ft nd present covernment of Iho isliuiln as wholly sanctioned by the ConMituiion- r BRTANS battle cry would havo the pountry wouid bo flooded with static labor If we haul abandoned the hlllpplncs HntAM would today be de- nundng President MrKiNLKT for it THn Deinorratlo L mi of anllimiorlal m I fictitious factitious anil fraudulent Is the mot bimcllng nttempt to tnnkc 1 Issue out of nothing of which a pnlitlml- irty In this country wits ever guilty A boot the flllrer Trait To TnT RDITOH OP TUB avxsir will you idly Inform melt there U not a SllTer Titut wiioia an eeatfed In the election ct W J Urran NEW YORK flept 25 u The meanlnf ot tbt word trust trine questioned i saT to thli Inquirer that spraktnr accurately rre Is no Silver The llTer InVrests are not tnlted on the plan 1 same lout is were underitoid lobe for llrran In i B and all at we ran be cf Ibli la hat they aTe not- r Bryan a oHdlyn they four jeara ago tot reawn Ihal etery Luilcew cern the sliver mla f bualneaa knows that Bryans election means IneM dlaiuUr enerally and that no buslna uld come ihrouf lbs without harm might what rapid and Winton In eIght abut taO Inch men I from ton and I mot fet water wont month a not DIY A the R 1 Stanch del j Inc N mAter ton one pi heart thin fIn for son I human him the lon i been that Jt hop II trued silver lilt r tI service preyed baa men- The Full fri not are best suite de- graded lived ion entitled thus Trust brie euro year s ere tituS > > > HKN WHO iroiK ion TRV6T8 The Necmlt of OrianltalUa tbe W- llclac of SocUtT To rUB EniroR oir TUB BUN Bin I like to tell the Independent Republican wl writes tnjreiterdariUsuea sad story about young man orkln for A trustat III week of a younit man I know who went to for the terrible Standard Oil Trust In a subo- dlnito place Without stir Influence except t- rteady and attentive Judgment he U now ft tins 13000 a year Young will better oft by not lUUnlt to denm oifuei like Dan telllne need help Manly thoughtful youth can itself It Is only tho boy who loafs on corne- iticklnif cigarettes the young man who pu duty aside for plruiir who needs help I- bns to tM helped All hla life The outcry udni commercial organlutlon Is born of demagog soptiUtrr and not of economlo study It hard to get men to recognize Th will flaht tho Irresistible lilts a child Organization everywhere has corns to Ita It U the growth of promts IndlvldualU means only the lonely navige or In drllltatlc the and the mean who must be trolled by thoughtful organization wild and uncontrolled production would meal with our Improved machinery trial troubles brinirinir mlw ry to thousands Tl Almighty irAn us brains to Invent i- to lesiten our hours of labor and bring happ and only oombin itlon will think out tt way You can get nothing from Indlvldu I remember that the market of the meanest roan In It BuMnoi men combine to cut him out the standard of Urine would bo too low to I worth tho thing He has too much power Organization tins conic to stay so cimr iltlve srHtcm exist Young men mu- ipeolnllzo Drifting when young will not special bulncs education Is better than prolo Bfd oolleee education that baa no profe view O 0 NEW YOHK Sept J4- bei Conitqnrncm e Ilrj n Eltctlea M 8 by an Kmploje To THB EniTOR or Ins Bnw Wfr I in employee of the Metropolitan Traction percy and am fairly well satisfIed regardli- wagen and workas tbe company In Justin treatment of the ran I know that there hundred of men waiting on the application I1 U In cwo of Bryans election with Its throwing out of employment that mnd4 of men at present worklne what a pre sure there will for work from men who hay it i ollllcal pull or otherwise and what an moor live for the oJinpany It will I to discharge provocation to say nothing i the effect of such a pressure rxardliHT vn e am Lolnit to lot well enough alone and Vote for my family by ctuulnx a ballot for M- McKlnley AN If08 HBTAH MAS Nay YonK Sept 24 Question of Another Trnst Man ToiniS Epiion orTnz 8fX Sir lam etr loved by a and set 3 SO day ndwli Mr Ilryan or Mr Croker get me n- bd n place If bey succeed In nmashlnc th- rust JAMES K CHOA- KJUtooKUN Sept H PROSPERITY fV KAXSAS- trmarkabl Showing In the Stat Hank El- amlners Report TOPEKA Kan Soft M lank Examine lohti W nreldenthal has Usueil a itaununf- gurdlnit the condition of the State hank o iiinas Mr llreldcuthal In tho candidate o- do Democrats nnd PopulUtd for Governor File statement thows that there are now de units atnountiiiir to J3lwseoM A yen IKO the deposits were t2J 3i7B8 On Juno idA tic deposit to 2fl372J 2M- lh re rva now a c- uToonMKo of rewrvo In the li of thi hmco June 4 six Ktato banks will lt uK rnR tlne limiitxo have ho national hence tho actual Increasi- n deposits MIB lode and private banks lno hat 3i7J iiinnionu uu on the condition of the IVan a bROke Hrcl rnthnl say The lm- ncnse surplus of niCono for loan tin 1 moro when coimvir- niih the tli A v Hanki New York on the Mine into ltl npr li uuiniii of nepiwlts on Sept I tin ievr York bdiiki excess oi ho Irsal re vv whlo Kansas State private iinkn with titan littWOCAl ol- rx r have over Ii0nognio reserru re irve In Sew York h decriwilnir while Ir ian a ii InTcninir I ronfldontly- xpoot th poiw In hank under my control roiion Soi mr before he of year- n umtrap whnt thl lar surplus meAn all attention tr the fact that our roiilt- ltnnd u of niiumt withdrawn during the panic of i fi- irltaout rulltii in a have 1- oervf per cool in eireii of thn legal re ulrpinont- Thn Increase of rank and in Improvement In till condition f K nv natural result of years The bid wheat crop f i 7 mAn of our to pay ff thfir entire proceed f tho eros l ns soil HS3 were ircelv In nt tn the of lachlnery liotisehold fiirnltur anti In stock Time of this year s Immense wheat rAil will lircol co Add to thla- in of a large number of ontt that of our short corn unit the result ill lie a Increase In bank Itl- pofjiililn reduction of loans Sorrow cf the nich and Great Pity the torroTfs of the poor rich end the retcned who are placed In high statlonsl The tiohens of Arayle wrote the other day tn the mperor Klnus Irlnces and Princesses of hope aokliic them whom they In this rordofsi rrowa Thn mpllsi which One can almost sea the tear sin li tweeii the Hn or fancy the sigh and 1 nl the end of oath period first come the of Wales with the following dl mal all I envy ties men to whom It a i u xllKhtlv i without the fact h jig ut Intu thiK hhape pread nil over tbn of Ills H ghnea U seriously can breakfast In pe c nunciMii tit I newnpaper iin lllghneni- e with ii mod who can o to in without llndl the next 11 ame papers H nlghtinu heavily i a word I man who to unity and w no movementu are not and fal el tntrrpretfid h Dtnmsrk oomwi When 1 run take a ride on Icicle devoe myself entirely own family affair I envy Rut hen I to bo her Itoyal I envy re ry bod jr Emperor William II give thla melancholy rn t calculated in pmri There l only one mitt In the that I do not envy that Is the rascal hi don not love Kinporor 1raicia comes thla- fitwer doubtless writen In the tone of n nigh thai lie I the fate of the How who tint an Emperor With note moro the ilinof i mUlo in ie Czar limns dole ully in iW n an who not loaded down with ie cares of a great Empire and who not to- p for th of a people T Is a mighty how nir surely in the of where the are From Another virginian oTHRKmronoKTHB avu mn I notlwd in of thU dale a onmmublcatlon lcntd- Irglnlan aylnt he was ont of a dining party elm up of flte Southerners all Democrats and that Oar Intended tu cute ton Ur McKinley wee one of a pear of six Southern men a few rrlnfs adore rut of U Democrats but not Ansr and flte rt the six said thy Intended to vote ilr McKInley We are supposed to be branded Democrat at our Ib tot when we arrive at years of discretion w- netlmea have addrd the vordi patrtoUim and one ly ALSO A VinoiMAH YORK Sept 24 erH nfi Uagatlni for October I an Interesting with contributions rom Hsnry Norman chard herding tuna Ur Darrte Walter A rckoff John It Spears Lloyd Osbotne and hers not so well known to magstln readers aa The Jacob D Cox prepared an ul- a oo the convention txtwern Oen Shenaaa and a Johnston tautly to ths latter aumnder aislDthU Dumber It U t much Mskjrt- InterMV I for would I a per work I men be I them thy help I I I II for I thoughtless COIN In industr flees n mutt IIlwlL1I at the mere now long u the do- A ston or IIpcclalluUon In am Con Its are conse- quent tlllt slightest I trust a Can tn 1 4 I < the 1 lint anna Into I 1I IOIO I ate rcMI t1 S lila I I I 11 the 2 11A 0 1 lour tIC good lI Tics f Inn Ill be In the next nlnst Be d pMI B reeelvlrt fire lit f t and II IlL A bet I nv n or tIe afterward hut rom whIrr 11111 oMumln for that a 1111 181 is OIL l f we nil at four hour a all I ch lor I nom be t Ill sac deb frequent indtu greed must bu me- an aba lied ii W cud ie Ii nnttit close tbs farmers da a envied abe ibm slits nbc nnornun a alone donut Irinraa flu has Ic pee out Joseph the sigh lute yaw tat lea la < < < > > > > < > < < THAT WORE ro aooo- Tbe Foil ef Opposllles to Matoral flaunt taws Trusts Emma or Tn Bvn SIrt The la of volution work upward and each of lie pn note U of hither order than its predeceu It I the law of supply and demand In its action and cannot successfully In the last Presidential election Bryanl attempted to override the law of supply ai demand by seeking national authority to ei to sliver a fictitious value beyond that fixed Its quantity and the market call for It Four natural laws make It Impossible for people permanently to endure tree sliver 1C tot Tbe law of supply and demand tl law that bad money drives good money out circulation that bad money enhances the pile of staple oec Mltlos and that In an era of bi money wages Increase muoli slower than price Mr Bryan says very little now In regard his silver plank For a time be awaided par mountoy to nonexpansion Here again counter to a natural law growth that all creatures must grow until begin to die Expansion baa been the policy of tbe nation continuously line Its I aucurUlon by Jefferson In tfX 3 The sever expansions under McKinley are Just as flu are with the national policy of yean weakening Its la cap growth of lerrllor The latest II another ansi upon a law of evolution And this he dotS I aeektna to utterly trios ojttit nations of brains and rronuy witch are styled trusts Infa icy of mankind each man WM- unit a workman hunter fl band man evei man against him under time law evolution small bands combined or eomnu protection or co moo a ault YIILtves ure then towns oltlw Hut and nations In Ilk manner the agricultural tics trade man and the manufacturer th two band two head and two pure we better ama stronger than otis of half the powe Ho firms or partnerships aroe Nut as better r son a larger scale ae mi- deilrable om whereby on of urall cat hal inlfht contribute to his ahilltv even thou hut one share in amount arid proportionate share In the caln This was a on the lines of ev lutloa for tbe clevelofinent As It had been proved that firms were nor Instrumnts were more effloent no It became vldent to tl m Rt r of commerce comport like other persons might aggretfa their rep rate forces one trreat and as a trust make prouuct buy ann greater ac vantage to the and the than Its member acted a separate cor on lion This wu or natun evolution ef the original and fundamental ld that In union there Is sir ngth I no other reason for forblddln great than for anna pne In the rear of their rower ft harm Hut Ihelr power for IIIt n W W fill and there l but one principle ever combination whether U ono hundre or one billion dollar and that l the sire u- at union Per e there Is no wroug In a gigantic combination Indiscriminate nttn- It l nol to Inilst Jratlo leg slatlon to destroy or cripple livat trusts That extravn paternalism which U rratlc and antlreaon It d restrain ill united effort In commerce and manutac ares Ihn glorious common law la droad enoug every wrong that may b done by Th rn iieecU but MK and high ability amone the Ktat Chnt Judgn to regulate and nn oi noratl n or oomblnatlot Ind ed U ono of dutiesif th- lnluncttoni a touch denounced HryflntMi If fall In their duly got tin but do not strangle or prevent the if till of ard tat which are newlr evolved machlnei he hlshMt national Some iru ia have OeD revive hut th pprewor halts when the oiprewed eeUts- AH a consequence of evoluton nearly H In agriculture nantifacturen oheml ar law ar ixvl carried on by combine Ions of united for the com on cood Th world will never go don nard and hick vent to the ancient plan of Ind action What M the party but a true uanlttlated by b- IcKlnlny Tammany by Croker Yet I woul lot e aggregations o force removed from the sum of our country lower Ileculste It If you will nil rlsly hut never d Mroy any vital toro The labor and lu union are the moi- iowerfulof all the fomet ms he- o their power very harhly yet I would by n d vtroy power of unions n are a duot of and In the nea- uture a further and upward clip will be takui their power will as nuklni- jr good and not 111 No the Isles schnmn of Ilrvan Is a bull taint of end tt wil I nece aa hive failed hi at upon lila other nat nil laws whlehpovrr relating to money und to nations The principles I have are In rom lets the platform are Idntlcnl wih tho thus Dernocrat ho nod In J and hs UCCO OM th anon their faith and In lInen an title over to ihn extravacanrcgo modern which was a armoire nm nightmare to the Fa hers of the o CtrLBRRTSON CtATTO- NKiw YORK Sept II A Werd From Ilaaleton To TUB rnrron or Tnn SUN sirt The tn Cued piece of poetry was printed In the Hail imlntatthebtilnnlngof the prevnt eat strive Is not p rbapi cry toad poetry but summarise- e bednnlnc and the end nf the whole matui i the miners are concerned STRIKE lilkel tilt tbe bait armed woe sodler appears Hlrlktl why heed the women hey tie olderof illlcbell and Oorapect- aatrlkel for your powderto upend more for beer trlkel cart far bed and board Obey the mandate of the elfish Western horde irKel no maILer what you ran ftord- He loyal to dart Mitchell Lord titled but remember one isd when Foul arltators Ulgottea gains art ron fa away hen return In your faminefed families and your work II bin nut CITIZR- MTbt article In Tins Stilt tut week was the Or nice wrrld had ot Father Phillips Flop To city with the exception 01 the miners I ylog sham Father Phllllpsl city and region hereabouts will suffei- eal hard tlmeswhlcb have already begun Fathei Sop wlU only the strur le and opeialvs can Mend th rain In the meantime all the cliltn of llarletnr the miners as welt a consumers coal in the great eitlea Tile Is not an operator or a miner but stra- y A BLSINBSS MAN IlacurrOiT Pa Sept 21 Sam Jon en Oar Aboandlac Proipcrlly Sum Jonei In tie Journal am not a Democrat nor am I Ikeei- ylng it I am a ProhlbltlonltU I care no more I 10 li elected DID or UeKlnlry then I lelher the party carries the day In Erg Urn the next election but 1 say It from a knowledge o- h country which coniUot travel only can lire that wa are today eajjylnc the solid sub intlal prosperity tbat I have ever known Fbere Is not a nook nor a corner of this country that not prospering America as a nation never pros red and never cams to the front as he basin the it four years not only In all her manufacturing mmerrial InvreiM and with the balance ot trade llioas on mlllloos ta tier favor but for the flnt time her hlHorywt art the mossy linden to the Im- rial countrlta beyond the waters Confidence Is the baris of prosperity l- it of an Individual Business Is done on confl Mmclblng lured to order like shoes or machine but grows out as a condition cf things A men plenty of mosey nobody baa confldrnct him he hat got a herd Job In this country I care may have however small If be the unbounded eanfldtnct of tbe community and r banks bt bat got something WIder than money known some rich fellow to bun became of c lack ot tonfldtnct In them I have known some or fellows to do a big bustntaa because they bad unbounded confidence of all clawss There art Mn ubou ei In Atlanta whose capital stock may I be large but they are doing a large business plta1 has confidence In the nutui of things as y are today I dont know whether or not with a ante of political parUet Ibis confidence will abide lie IUU oa Common Sense o THB EDiron THE SUNS Till corn ems of the American II on ttt of Unity Tin whole argument of common sans Is blm and 1 bet oa oomuoi aene every Torfac dept I 80WBKH one To I a lIke In- evitable be I I our at of I to lawthe fit they I fixed rreet Dmen nln is hlon to greet now a her builderhi of Oa I red ro I d Iho even mind that < but an IIIIn ion I There omblnallr nil vellllrttr or wrong I determined by e k the e of antt Demo sari to II trust honor ollllnr end ThaI the our Cmetra inca CliP the for 11 human III 111 nil r- And r ldulII UIIOoIh wtl II T 0 thlll hadd attack upon all eotnbina nn1 ill II- nI 111 tho sketched Itepuhll al and of Tins of thaI II o obey lIb d The whole Phillip the will suffer the I pi alta I a CAre Liberal al a mILl mot h and la conllden La not Is manu U nosy han buIlt In man has I hare I Ibt OP moa with I lOW rita resist ran the In benefactorof the onora pooior tomb due iw bird proton hoas lien one upon otte lie row Jose sofa leanT the It this wIth whit This Dee and that It poop aid tim < > > > > < c Q I JVDOK DALY OV PORTO RICO lie It Imprcsstd With the People and Iirs ircs of the IsUnd Former Justice Joseph F Daly return yesterday from Porto llloo where ho as a member of the commission authorized I the last Comrress to rovUe and compile t laws of that Island Tho other members a lo 8 ilowo of the University of and Henor Hernandez Lopez of Iorto Tho commission held two sessions dally in t Executive Mansion at than Juan so aa to a hearing to all partlce Interested In the leg latlon needed for the Itland The soseb were attended by the Judges of the and District courts of the island the m mb of the Oovernora council tho Porto Rl bar was representad by Its dean and the Amei can bar by n committee leading memo of the two political parties were present and commission had tho cooperation all branch of government Tho commlisloti apportioned its work nmoi the members as follows To Seftor was allotted the civil code civil and procedure and the mortgage land and n lanai laws Mr Rowo took rural and urbi local government taxation and revenue po laws and charUlew arid former Justice Da the code statutes on and procedure habeas corpus evidence and Mr labor Jointly Seftor lx on the tlon of tho courts for the island and all members will devote their attention to tics for of insular government and the of tics Sir wild that ida vl island w Impressed hint concerning Its cit tnnn political partly which will give employment to ma s will rcu The seem to bo spirited good nature and far uabln addition to the Inlted HUile- dIhecitlzK u are being America and the sItuation It from the most Pup th United Stales c ni rriinir Phil It l ln the of tics Unite State to give Porto Rico good government ber people will welcome It novr DKUTTIK njsircr VICTOR nobtnn Pained at the Mltconstrnctl Placed Vpon JIll llords- aval Constructor Hobvin who gave an I ervlew upon Us arrival at Vancouver U eoently which In the form It prlnte seemed to liellttlo Admiral Detw victor Manila and who reached thU cltr late on Mo day nUht retorted at the navy yard ve tc div tartd for Va hlnton on a week leave Ilefore leulrul cltj he told tl reporter who saw him that tho Intnvleiv nnrotver bid beer distorted and mWnte- TOtod I think Admiral Dewovn victory thecreatn- vw won said rjeut MobionTe terday Admirals work ha been underestimated S- trier naval batllo ices ever worm In whir lice victor cntr d wlthni Inmrv and I a- rottd of his work nnd so l the whole navy Mr Ilobvin then rirrnted tho clrdinutani- if the Vancouver lnti rvlaw He HH that t to a MtmUnT from a correspondent timer ad thit hn hnd been mUlne ra- liltH whlnli led ton k If the iiirl not In hells I MIt Ilent llobson that the Sad not been tliat tho Hpanlnrds lied sun heir own vcels hv cenM ks csriHil to explain riitht ther tIt It Admiral finn atiRnd thnin to do one who know tnythlnjr sunlit warships well knows that in cannot mink by dIrect tire knock a h l in II bnjow vat r line she will not Kink tinier her nmitain- ixplodei Admlrnl Snmriunn did not Vrveran squadron but no otto belittles rlctorr on account snlil th t hn had not willIe Admiral but at thn first opi irtunlf on him mnttoM Th- leutenantv leave may bn extended when h- en lie on account of troubl- fhlch hn l having with his which hay teen weakened by tIll glare of the water I rOHPKltO DO AT HAOLFY LAOffCIIKl Craft Ii amed After the EnsIgn Klllei In the Hdr huh Spain HATH Me Sept J Tho new torpedo boa laglcy was launched from tie yard of the Hall ron Works this Hfternonn in tie o i lanes crowd The veMcl which iran naniei or Ensign Worth Hairiey the Spanish Wa cern was named by Mm Jovphus Daniels- i sister of the enlen mong the decor hone mIcro floral offerlncs from naval officer nd from Knign Worth Ilncley Camp 8 Ier- lnn i Spanish Veterans of Hunker IIII- IMrlct Boton Commander Willis W Stover- ommnnder of the ramp and a deleeatloi- rern among those present Mrc Hngley- nolher of tho ensign Mrs Uentamln Miffltt Dudley II Uncle of Itlchinutid Va Cade nvld V anti Mr timid Mm anlel Itnlcluh N wero among the guest if Ilin bulleri The 1 one of three voi es ofthi type contracted for time Hath lot Vorki in ISM the other two being time Jlarney- rhlch wa launched lat uly and the hn not vet Invn but which l U expected will be ready for launching neil- OIltll The dimension of the are length beam mo ded 7 fe t depth at centre amidships 10 Inches mean draught on trial i feet 8 Inches S TO THE CAENS OP TltAirORT- L Decision That They Are Not Subject Co tb Jurisdiction of Foreign Court WASIUSOTON Sept 2J The Judge Advo ate Uaneral of the nrmy has given an oplnlot- pholdluir roiirun of Cart SaxvHIe of th United Stake transport Thomas In refualn a surrender to the Japanese authorities a1 Nagasaki Melvin C Scott a fireman on th- ewwl who wee accused of assnulllng a Jar ne e boy Japanese authorities amerted that hcott wa not an enlisted man In nted State nervlce aft a thn Iran ort was not a ve l of war thIS caw M subject to the International rules applyin 1 merchant hips They threatened to unit detflll of mini to Scott force antelln replied that he would resist such at American on board tin attempt WM not made The dvonte that transport while tInt n vo nl of war N a hit i tile of the Lnled State nd her officer nnd errs are as free thi of fmelirn tnuru a enllbtcd room n ve H of the nnv It hi been ascertained Ibit Scott l a de the nar and hn will be tried bj- lurtmarUal it Maim Fraidco for ertlot- irvorAv rnTB OEI TO JAIL onvlrted In Ottawa nr Obtaining Jewelry Inder Ialse Pretences OTTAWA Ontario Sept IS Advanl who lye he 1 an Indian PrInce and a spire with house In London Uombay ulcutln convicted today of obtaining uantlty of Jewelry hero nder false pre ncft He was 10 four montha Advanl testified hl a a member of the legislative Council o- otribay a d a year KO bn had i with him I father hiu rn- eieed allowance but laHy hud relented dvanl Is much deprr over his o bo which he ay will end neer his goor lion both In London and lly Coantrr libyan Version From llu rftrofo Times herald Poor country tis of So Islngl Ijinit where the beit Is bad Land where were all ao sad Let me and be Thou poor uld thing O luckless tied to Ninth hateful plenty a sway I weep for thee blow ran men for what promIsed nr got Aalangas hints are nut All run by me Poor birthplace cf uur liars doom Is not at hand Gloom spreada oer alt tbt land Vu hear rat ahouUnr acid I went Penn Rico live Supreme the the criminAl trial with the fllu alpm hll ship are very In ice lfln and There > a good deal of bllt of IlL tlIbllhl11tnt of a tile country rich and oUIIM under to become A olla or fr mlii one divide public MnIIITtnl and It r and Unto C W at lie spent unlv a few hour there end f- ob nctl till The 0 loon the h1 link hewn tot r n ou the kInk his nt on ttt PI China The lop he 11cn unquestionably poverty which lie people A lc exceptionally va el nUest I lice rum s was wits tim tIde sea L tile nun a presence late cir Iiciuie u let iveen Ii Sect fee them iIi the i from clef net ant and wee Iii lalioni with iii nod damage bli repu thee 0Z thee rare they w lie au Whodane to isy I in her to stayl < < < < < < < < uia ironr or LOOTIXQ VMraujs- Landiman Oibornt Admits Tbat He sad Up a Philippine Oatrag- WAsntsoioK Sept 2J The War Depart tnent and time Navy Department have had occasion recently to Investigate charges of outrages committed by American soldiers and ration In the Philippines Most of tha charges have appeared la letters sent by en listed men serving la the United States Army arid Navy to relatives at items In nearly every case It has been ascertained that the writer mode up the stories of excoMra out of the whole cloth to Interwt and horrify his family Those yarns as naval men call them were probably never Intended to get Into print but a great many of them have found their way into newspapers which used them for partisan purposes The moat recent osco of the sort Is that of letter which appeared In the Oregon Btotmnon list April Tho letter was f rora Ouy R Oeborne- on enlisted roan of the navy to his lather WS Oabornc who gave It to the newspaper lie roads sensational statements of American sailors and an Investigation woe ordered by the Navy Department which has Just received an official report showing that young Onborne did not tell the truth Osborne was attacked to the gunboat Con- cord In his letter he described lila alleged cxperlenm with a landing party from the gun boat Paragua at Nueva Caccro P I Hn toll of looting the town anti described the booty he secured K Hly of Halem Ore forwarded H ropy of the letter to lice Navy Department a Navy Department forwarded Onbornes litter tu oommnnd and his report Just thnt Osborne after ll to reading of this letter stated before wltnewe h Iced to n good Mory rnttur than the mid the fuels Mlxirni- ndmlllod time falsity of each Item regarding thn A of reve iled two rosaries ntid solos photographs which he said were glvmi or Ilout Althou member of the Paraguas crew but could not any evidence to show that 0x stolen the articles mentioned Members of the crow told him that Osborne tuid tent other letters homo containing statements an false as tho n published Ueiit Allhouse denise that thorn wile any the ParnguaH men at Nueva- Cacerai When they returned to lice the landing party were and found to have only aim old Winchester shotgun and H few war To IJeut Altbouses letter li appended the following statement from to my letter published In the Ktatmmnn a copy of was for- warded time Navy Deportment to tic com- manding officer for 1 acknowledged that the letter was written for home and that part which rulers to looting done In Nueva by and others I not true A few I have were given mn and are of I have regarded them M curios Respectfully OsnonMt Landtman U 8 SHe eno Hollo P I JfKIffLKl VISITS OSVAIIVRO Drive to the Place Where He Was a Freqoent- C mp liner ID Former Dayi- CA TOV Ohio Sept a President and Mrs McKinley took n long drive today and visited another little village that was oa Mr McKl- neys regular circuit when he was campaigning district as a Congressman Tics visit oday was to Osnaburg five miles east cf city and was similar to yesterdays visit o New Berlin Many familiar faces were seen In the town and along the road and there were ninny to Venezuela rank D Looral1 who made his call the had n- nore extended conference with the resIdent today talking over official uonio- izU nt discussing politics Two commercial C end i K Poe told the President had ob served In their travels over a large part of time ll was all to McKinley They said travelling men am- niiokt Moro f them are steadily employed they said and of them are more money than they Mf I Ion with a of this they are going to code for continuation The Itev S lt Hamilton of Los Angeles Cal who was on his way to a conference of denom nation nt stopped over between rain to meet the Social callers handshakers were moro numerous than isual today OH 3AVRE LKFT S0343- Ot Roes to nil Widow and Childrenlilt Swed- ish Order and IllilliUhara Toang Itattoni The lll of Dr Lewis A Sayre dltpo a of 00000 In realty and M430 In personalty Tlin widow Eliza A H Sayrw li to have his late ecldenre 284 Fifth avenue for life Including ta contents and his lioroesandcarrages At er death the houa will belong to hla two hlldren Reginald hell and lull nd lbs ills deceased eon Low H ayre- Iho Inalgna of tics order of WaAi which th received from time King of Sweden a ttcr accompanying It are bequeathed to hU- on Dr Sane mayA his medical and Instruments looks and and a set of sil- erware presented to him by the contrregntlo- nf the ll v A prize pllchir von by n horse owned by thn testator a nun saddle and bridle und several other anti les go to thn son Anumberof articles urn also liver stand to tIme tmtator by Haron Von ichellha lewis Albert a it- o tinvn a of gold sleeve whine given to the testator by Hrfghuru Yoiitu n IM The residuary estate goes to the two children TIB CAXK nvan 3tAY UK Anoiisnrnt- atgeri Students Slay Conclude to Spree Take Its Place NEWriBCNsWICKNJ Sept Z5 ng of the students oi Rutcers College was held his mornng and the question of sboli hlncrthd rush wa debated It was denuded to roer he matter to n coitmilitee of on member clear w let will report on the HdvUiMHtv- f having a cane In which tlie conical nts be nicked omen chna n with r ard to heir fltn ai cake th of the usual sac rush Ill action l the recoil of accl- e tto Fritz the Frldiv ast when Mltlg sastnlnnd a conru slon- f lice brain H Is Hill under the care of byslclans but will recover WhAT BO WAOK EARKit WANT rotectlv Tariff Taking a roll by Mall The American Protective Tariff League Its Vest Twentythird street has Issued a clroiilar and addressed towage earners asking for re ionIc from em loyees In establishments or em auto he poaltlonof arners In the present c o mv red with heir in U0 It w nt to find out how the are In fiivor of and how In avon n tree trade Oi the ba k of the cards are blank for a poll ir McKinley and Bryan lobbed Sttffel Jlmlet of Handsome Avenue 8ATT1MK Iis I Sept While Stuffel- Imletof this place was peacefully making his ay along Handsome avenue shortly after mid Ight last night two highwaymen Jumped from In front of S A Fishers residence an I pounded his money end fin rotib n his dollies hi watch and chain a scarf pin and a ooketbook H They nat the was base but kept time cash Trailing Ship Hawk om the Laktt- MOXTMAU Que Sept The lulled State alnlng ship Hawk which arrived tiara lat enlng from Norfolk Va left at daybreak ils mornlug on her way to Cleveland Ohio tiho ill go the Bt and the madlan canal She U t Jn dimensions of vesels which the American Govern ent U permitted by treaty to maintain Great la manned by five ofBoeri- iid thirtyfive men tin Bryan flail RootviuH CHXTOB L I Sept 15 Mix Illlam J Bryan wife of lh Democratic can dilate for Im hrm o eped tn the II of the hutch n large doll to s sold a t n to bn held early In October Meat Jleade tIles of Typhoid WASHINGTON Oen MaoArfhur re- nts to the War Department front Manila that Int IJeut Francis K it Infantry Kept 12 of typhoid fever galley a looting by lag the en till I search nfl Guy this time C Df all ever did before and creditIng Its inn Sus re and given to lice daughter iticlumcling a yen Let a Cane mcci meet line ire Inc the Vi ittt in can much on League loyed In any the wage iso age earners man still neturnaJ lAwrence n the lie on- ce En fair 4 Sept dl heads died r h d ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > °

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-09-26/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · I 1411 WEDNESDAY BEITE1IBEB W 1 00 Subscription b7 Malt Pottpal-daT per Mouth OUNDAY

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Subscription b7 Malt Pottpal-daT per Mouth

OUNDAY ptr Vt-



FoaUf to fortlf n ooutUles addedTua sun New Totlc

pAMSUtoaqnt No K ntar Grand Hotel

Kloaqnt Na 10 Boulevard det Capuclnes-

H nir frUfwM i o w mamuttlpt

txtlkatlon itliJl to annln returned Ift

tain M J ilanpj lot 1iJl purpv-

iinrlvlnjf lluslneis Away

A deepAtch from Lincoln printed in yo-

tardar SCK gave thu tnio tory oftrshort but comploto In Xcbraafc

1s a factory bflon 1n to tlgreat starch company or starch trunt as-

U called This factory reprwonU th

towns chlet industry The Nebraska A-

torncyGeneral htw lxKun suit to bar t

larch from tho State as an mlawful anti tho of th

factory have announced thoIntention to tholr buslnow olsowhor

In cio this Naturally altthe employees of the starch works hav

passed resolutions denoUncing thn Ittended abolition of their of Uvel

hood and dmiwmilnK that bo tib

missed Hie Nebraska City people Mtheir bread nnd butter llko other peopland they know moreover on which

their brewS is butteredDrynnlam would drive th Btarch tnn

out of tho Stnto of Nobnwka Carri1

to its bitter eml Urjanlsm would driv

the ntlr trust buslne out of tho UniteStates NVhereupon it would follow

tho btislniwi would be carrlfxl on in othoountrlw since as the JOHN 1

STANCH Ft KU says thei riKr tlorof capital represent the unification of everImportant Industry In thu land HryanUi

would by tleHtroylruf the trust prlnclplidrive from tho Unltel Btatw ini

portsjit industry tn the land c

transfer o say It In no deslro to iw

daM aKolnat rlas but HIITAX STANCH

TIELD A Co nte flrstcla for Ui

business employed In trusvoto against

Hailit Oftfor thp unocrtnlnty about th

nnd disturbance productby the coal strike whlrh i nt least soconnected with politic that tho year of i

national election was chosen to precljiltalit the course of the c mmerolal and linen

tnarkcta would now he Indicative only o

prosj orlt and unlverenl bu

neaa confidence That Id not an electioneer-Ing statement but nn expresSIon of th

actual sentiment of tho wholo bimlnenicommunity throughout America and o

the universal financial opinion In forelgrperth It U fact not fancy

Neither U the business communityin tho opinion that all tills protenl

and this ansttranco of ercateiprosperity to come would at onco be reToreed and dentroycil by thn election olBRIAN Nor U tho opinion any tho lem

strong or unanimous among lemocr U

than among Republicans of IntelllgoLOo-

buggestlonH of Improving chances forlintAN nro put out M bear argumentseven by his nominal supporters asabaulion which to sell stocks short Hiat s

paulo would be the prloa tho country would

have to pay for his election U recognisedM fcievltable by Democrats who are seek-

ing by apologizing for him to rbtabliahtheir party regularity with a vi w totlrelr ftiturn political profit

Now this Is a slut of thlmM which ought-

to hMmpowlble In great arid rich countryol-snventyflso millions of pople with a com-

plexshould l o put In jeopardy by a politicalcontest fur the control of the Ocvernmcnl-wvora of turbarity and nut civilisationIn tilvUlon of partlfw In title countrythere U alway little preponderance oneither f ld The American people nre soevenly divided l rtweon tho Republicanand Pemocratlo pirtlfH thit sven thngreatest vlctortiu nt election won by

either never rlso above a small jvroontngo-nf the total vnto and tltiw every electionU hroudoi with uncertainty

Take tho national elections slnco theIvll Wnr In flH out of a total of about

fIve and thrpoqtiartfru of a million votestho Itepubilcaru won by I M then s

lvrn In 1R77 when tho nomi-

nation Clf HollAl iltKRI FV dLsorgtllllZPd

th DprnooraUf art the Uepitbllcanawon bv only a little ovr it per outof a total of nearly six ami onehalf millionrotes In l il out of nearly fl ht andonnhalf million votes thtro was only adifference nf about 5 per rvnt betweenTtuiBX nnd HATTH In IKSO out of nearlynine awl oneivwrter million votes thodifference between the part was only

on Inn thousand In 18SI the Demowon by IIMS than t per cent out

of moro titan IMH million vof In msthe Ilcpubliiatis wmi by than I percent out of mnr than rlrvrn nd onethirdmillion vott In isoj trio Democratswere put In power by only a lIttle over8 r cent of tie twelve millionvot s ifnn HrtrAN waionly by about A lr c nt of thofourteen intlllnns rf votes polled

Of coursi the o pTriMitajert rclntn tothe popular vote and not to the

they can show how elr elydivided r Htlrnlly r the people Howthen can there lie eln than biislnewaraioty-a to ilo refill of the romlnc nlevtlmwith trtmenoiw c insouences forbusiness and every lnt r t of llm nationand of rlilon

With the rounlrv nn closely dividedpolitically th welfare of our clvlllratlondemands that both parties shall rn-

Ktrnincd from policlvt danaerntu to It bythe arnin f tt i iMijHiliir ofInovltiilili li t ni IliU country I toohljj and Its lnt nr too dsanilpfar rennhlne for any irty o lie xtifTcroiito Imperil tlwin to dUturli tocheck tho nittonal progress anytaitlc anti expTimrntnl which runscontrary to nit the eiv Hfncoof clvlllrjitlin Wo cannot niTonl to allow

temto bo tivnl is tilth polittml RnmeThere an nwwtui prnrtlcal princlplM-Rittlcd hy tho oirenii i of rlrlllrAttunwhich no rmrtv nlmuM darn to nnciertakot tlct nwiiKt UeU nrt ahouUI

uvulc i inl r ani in rli andltitelll iic f ttn country no matterwhat may be IU partisan attnchmentn

I b-I mbt U1t-








complY owner

















Ion ThAt o



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roNroll E

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rte acid


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rr rIT

peril Ground of safe and proper politicdlvUton on great questions of policy aConstitutional Interpretation which ha

exbted la this Republic from its oundatlitill remain There are different shad

and differentiations of economicalfinancial which may reasonabdivide But to putbusiness and all property at stakean election U a crime to that 1

commission by ambitious politicians mualways be visited with crushing punls-

ment If our civilization Is to endureDBTAN wu defeated four years ag

but not badly enough He should ha

received a punishment so dire that li

would never again havethe assault initiated

changing a party of an Illustriousin American history Into an engine for tldestruction of the foundations of all proportly and all sane and prudent business

Hands off let tin people cry out to over

party which ventures to Interfere with the

obvious practical welfare and let ever

public roan concerned In such an atterapdirectly or Indirectly bo punished unspabigly by their resentment

The duty of administering that punlsment now rests on Democrata peoullarl

for It is party machinery

used for the U Is

duty too which thoy must perform If the

party Is to bo preserved from deserve

reprobation as an organization To tunIntroduced such an Issue as that whlc-

Is to be decided at the coming election-

a political crime which will bo repeatcIn on even more odious and dangeroiform If It la not now castigated by the l-

Jtelllgnnoo and sobriety of the Americapeople of both parties BO bitterly that tl

unprincipled ambition will novdream of making political pro

y on attack on property and the foundi

of prosperityU the issue of tho election 1-

msume that the division In It will be o

tho old historic party linos 1s to Insult th

Democracy It U not a naturaltnent of either partypolitical monstrosity for which neitherngltlmatnlyrwpons10 anew nnd morbid

frowth which both parties must unitejxtlrpatincaa politically cancerous

ho Withering of Cart Schurr-Illclit

To accuse the non CARL Scimnz of pout

cat vagrancy 1s like blaming a Jellyfishof fibre or impeaching VANDKRDECKE

or Irregular habits of navigation Iticarly forty years since ABRAHAM LINCOL

he most tol rant and patient of manklniCorrectly rfUlnuted the Inflrmltlfa of perlonnl character that account for M-

iCitunrB publlo selfmanifestations LIN

ouv understood Mr Hcitunz theneverybody with a single exception

as come to understand him nowThe single exception Is tho statesman am

rator who during the TlliionHayes rumalgn of 1870 In tho Academy of Muslo aewark declared that lila right hand shook

sooner than his voice shouh

0 raised against the sound financial pollcpresented by tho Republican party

ho on the same occasion pledged hlmdcloppose tho Democratic party whenevemenaced the public welfare Mr SCIIU-

Bas then speaking In German and his Ianuage and gestures wore reported as foliws In tho 4Vf i Jtrtcy Krfio titvng o-

ctobqr 25 187-

leh UHrnpte Manner sondern fur OBent

rte Zwecke FUr tint gesunde flnanipolttlk bat-

h Jahre ling itliimpll writ lie fur dn Wohlslan-is Landrs nolhwendlc tit und eher mites dlesi-

nnd Hand erheben a-

lii trh melne atlmme dstcfcn sbrebe Die F-

inipolu der repuUIVanbchen Pattel war IU Khtr Nation fUr fnic lie Khtllchkell und nlema-

tabslcliuite eli nepudltUonjseti wle nrraoVrMen In t8M vrsucbten-

In GeldMcrien hotl die OeralHhllelikellifh tl rtiflnen demoVrsUtrhen Vreunden venn

die Tsiehi crelten und uhlen rnttvvn Kit

itbsfhn JAbilrtr firicerfdntr rail den Wotfn Vnr vlr JahrenNCHUI-tlttnStiunzct lrdrttaproiLl Wool felt spratrdeitStlden tr Inrecbl liltten wean M tnrtcbt thud nelfsll Irr

die dmofcialtsehe Panel twin wenn lm oflentllche Uohldkntr abrr Ich Mn ef en

II Me demvlbcn MbadcL Irh dieattscht Partel kenncn srelernt lnmil tc-

rtenrimmer fr ehlen hibeOr In English

1 do ant Osll lot nen but for public objectsve fouzhl or yf t for a sound financial pollc

U nereswry of the ttellhrlnr nl lh-

unfy and nay tbh hand wlher taWne hl tlghi-

ndlWfore I site MY foteafaln tlL The financialHer of the KepuUlexn part wai lor thC honor e-

lr nation for financial honesty sad neter hm It

d In wind a repudiation lav aueh ai the

i tried In U6In money n ll u good reduce Unpt and 10 II-

f Kith my IVinwrnilo rlend they art

lid to put their Into their pceVcia sod ti-

T I Young mm IS interrupted speakertewlththe wordv Touryear a o ScHtTizT Ur

Itni answeul promptly Certainly I spcki for-

e South no long ai It suffered wrong but I amipMid to U when It does wronr Applai r I

icilii b tot th IVmneratle party I It aerrtdit le tuil 1 am icMnst U beru e It la burn1 to U t harm Iarnd to know the raoeratlttIT b AUM I Mept In the neitFor the party of repudiation the party

even In tfifl Scnnrtz had learnedi know for the and causo of dlsmoot money his volcn Is now rotted Hn-

is found a pretext satisfactory only tomnelf for ranging himself with HBTAX

remit the welter of the land and thenanclal honor of the NotionIt does not seem to be SCHUBZH-

ht hand that has or butintellect and bis politic conscience

Knlnrglng the Asiatic SquadronIn order that American Interests In Chinaay not he endangered by the Impending

of our troopi front that countryonly a legation guard Is to he main

Mt ths Asiatic squadron bo r nforro 1

the aulgninent to it of several navalseU now In the Atlantic ami orders

v t o ii Issued for tho ttattlrahlp Kenrky tho cruiser Albany the gunboatsllmlnston Annapolis and Vlcksburgid the converted yacht Dorothea to proo l nt once li join Admiral REMKT-Stnniand

battloship KentuckyIs one ofw t ihipv him ha a dlnplacerncntM5 ton rarrlt four 13Inch and tour

lOch rlflw In turrets and-i a of Ut offlcers and menno Kentucky Is the first vessel of herpo to go Into general service and herhavlor on voyage around halt thearid and under the conditions of activervke wilt followed with Intcrwt Inery navy She wilt doublo the number

bsttlrMliips tn thoThe protected rnilser Albany was bulk

Ilrfl7ll hut wee taughtthe Inlted Ktntes at the beginning of-

IP SpanUh wnr She has been corrunUU-IICKI for only a few and Is now

tho rirmus In a leisurelyyago tluougf the Mediterranean U





ply dare toIb











wllhnr or





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The miln



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hereliceI hereafter











was expected at one time that shehave a message to the Sultan to dclivtbut the exigencies of the willlila Turkish Majesty from seeingtong guns title vewaal carried The Albaicarries six fllnoh and four 4Inchfire rUles and baa a complement of 24 oflloe

S41 men The is now

South Atlantic fact si-

is half that squadron She carries4inch rapid tire rlflw and 200 office

and men She la to go by tho Med

terranoan and will be employed rathin Philippine waters than on tho China

coast tier small draught valuabamong tho Islands

The two smaller gunboats the Annapol

and the Vlcksburgr are likewise destlmfor Philippine service They carry s

rlflw and about 175 officers and

Tho Dorothea U n converted yacht orwill be usud as a gunboat at Manila

To take the place of the Wllralngtothe rejuvenated protected cruiser Atlanl

been ordered to Join the South Atlantfleet She has bonn entirely alteredher first and now carries two 8lntrifles rapid fire gunshas about 300 officers and

redistribution of ve wola will Increw

the Anlatio squadron by six vetwels one

them the powerful battleship afloat orwill add personnel of tho nboi

1400 officers and men sufficientlarge landing parties in case of neelly this reinforcement Admiral RKMFT

fleet will consist of thlrtyflvo vesselOf these the smaller are In Philippinewhere large ships are lees usefulvessels are along the Chinese coast

John McAuley Inlmerof honors as was the llfe of

JOHN M PALMEn and great as were h-

lervleea to tho country ho never nttalnehigher honor or served his fellow citizen

hotter than when ho uttered theselow than two ago

InperUlIm li rm The country liUr McKrxLitr and inc followers

In ImptrUUim Ur I the high priest i

Populism a faction already strong enoughmenace tut Inttrtsli of a Goternment II-

tweea ItclJlNLRY and DnvAN there Is but o-

rcouneto vote fur UcKliLKV

No man Ip this campaign had stimmeup the whole situation mor tersely anvigorously

Gen PALMER lived long enough nile1809 to wltnww tho full vindication of hi

refusal to remain with tho party thatItaelf and dishonored tho nan

if Democracy at Chicago in that yeaHo long enough likewise to sen

aselertsneM of such halfway measures am

Indirect movernonta to defend tim nationhonor as that which ho headed tour yeargo And now ho depart leaving thl-

inunsol of wisdom anti patriotism to thoswho were with him then

Peace to tim ashes and honor to th-

neiuory of this line American

rite KxpimureThe dUoover that Mr 8TiNCHriKU th-

eniocratlo candidate for Governor I-

Tew York hml committed himselfiltcly and elaborately anti more thans an ultraexpsrxtlonUt that ho unit n-

esltancy In accepting the Ilemocrnt-lntlexpnnslon nomination with tide recort-

ichlnd him find has endeavored to stippreshat rcoonl since It has horn revealed-

y till sorts of foolbh evofiloiia and prearlcntlom IKVUS acutely of coursepon tho eatlniato which must l o fornuf Mr STAXciinEinri personal and politico

haracter His Itch for office seems to b-

ueh as to blind him to the pnxllgloui-pconslrtency and public linmornlty o-

U conduct to the wholly rldlculou-celtlon In ho now finds himself

What to a little of the Constltubetween said of on

statesmen to an eminent politicsereonage In Washington some years ago

bat phrase and the of pnlltica-

Udom anti honor It stands for baA stintrep Into Mr KTASriiriRiin Vlia-

i common decency a previous declarationf solemn principles a profession of public

lolloy or of public or private Mlef In anyIng If a nomination for thn Governor

hip hangs in tho balance Wo tlw-

eople In thU State will he foundto liavt different views about tliesn-

hings from Mr fiTAMiiriKinBHut In a deeper and graver B nso the

nelatlon SvxsniPiKiDs hUtorj1-

s a rabid Imperialist U a Huperb exposure-

f the utter hollowness of the entlro Demo

ratio anilImperialist outcry If It was

real thing wUh any soul In It thatt any way appealed to mens Intellectr inflamed their hearts Mr STVXCHFIKM-

Iotild not have dared to accept the Demorntlo nomination for Governor on n plat

reaffirming the Hryan declaration ofat Kansas lily If the mo

rata of the State or any proportion of theeople in the State thought about cxpan

as th Dcmocratlo platfornw dnelorndo there would lucre been no thought-

f nominating for Governor a man whoIghteen months before haul lauded thejcress of American arms In the Phlllpmen and had declared that every law

and divine us to the legltl

into nilts of WIT victoi Irs over the SpanishrmThe dealings and nttitidn upon th Philpine queatlon of Mr HHTAN and through

of the Uanoonitio party have beenmm start to finish those of tenet andarTy Instead of a wholesome and sturdyiand Mr BRYAN anti lila followers havendeavored to tn place themselves thaticy could be In opposition to the llepubU

in party no matter what tho event provediCpubllcan action to bo If n d vl Ioii of

Supremo Court was handed down atny declaring thai our po ft

nd present covernment of Iho isliuilnas wholly sanctioned by the ConMituiion-r BRTANS battle cry would havo

the pountry wouid bo flooded withstatic labor If we haul abandoned thehlllpplncs HntAM would today be de-

nundng President MrKiNLKT for itTHn Deinorratlo L mi of anllimiorlalm I fictitious factitious anil fraudulent

Is the mot bimcllng nttempt to tnnkc1 Issue out of nothing of which a pnlitlml-irty In this country wits ever guilty

A boot the flllrer TraitTo TnT RDITOH OP TUB avxsir will youidly Inform melt there U not a SllTer Titut wiioia

an eeatfed In the election ct W J UrranNEW YORK flept 25 u

The meanlnf ot tbt word trust trine questionedi saT to thli Inquirer that spraktnr accuratelyrre Is no Silver The llTer InVrests are not

tnlted on the plan 1 same loutis were underitoid lobe for llrran In i B and allat we ran be cf Ibli la hat they aTe not-

r Bryan a oHdlyn they four jeara ago totreawn Ihal etery Luilcew cern the sliver mla

f bualneaa knows that Bryans election meansIneM dlaiuUr enerally and that no buslna

uld come ihrouf lbs without harm




and Winton In




Inch men



ton andI



wontmontha not









mAterton one









i beenthat



trued silver


r tI

service preyed




Full fri

not are

best suite








euro years ere





HKN WHO iroiK ion TRV6T8

The Necmlt of OrianltalUa tbe W-

llclac of SocUtT

To rUB EniroR oir TUB BUN Bin Ilike to tell the Independent Republican wl

writes tnjreiterdariUsuea sad story aboutyoung man orkln for A trustat IIIweek of a younit man I know who went tofor the terrible Standard Oil Trust In a subo-

dlnito place Without stir Influence except t-

rteady and attentive Judgment he U now fttins 13000 a year

Young will better oft by not lUUnltto denm oifuei like Dan telllneneed help Manly thoughtful youth canitself It Is only tho boy who loafs on corne-

iticklnif cigarettes the young man who puduty aside for plruiir who needs help I-

bns to tM helped All hla life The outcry udnicommercial organlutlon Is born of demagogsoptiUtrr and not of economlo study Ithard to get men to recognize Thwill flaht tho Irresistible lilts a child

Organization everywhere has corns to ItaIt U the growth of promts IndlvldualUmeans only the lonely navige or In drllltatlcthe and the mean who must betrolled by thoughtful organizationwild and uncontrolled production would mealwith our Improved machinerytrial troubles brinirinir mlw ry to thousands TlAlmighty irAn us brains to Invent i-

to lesiten our hours of labor and bring happand only oombin itlon will think out tt

way You can get nothing from Indlvldu

I remember that the marketof the meanest roan In It

BuMnoi men combine to cut him outthe standard of Urine would bo too low to I

worth tho thing He has too much powerOrganization tins conic to stay socimr iltlve srHtcm exist Young men mu-

ipeolnllzo Drifting when young will notspecial bulncs education Is better than

prolo Bfd oolleee education that baa no profeview O 0


bei Conitqnrncm e Ilrj n Eltctlea M 8by an Kmploje

To THB EniTOR or Ins Bnw Wfr Iin employee of the Metropolitan Traction

percy and am fairly well satisfIed regardli-wagen and workas tbe company In Justintreatment of the ran I know that therehundred of men waiting on the applicationI1 U

In cwo of Bryans election with Itsthrowing out of employment that

mnd4 of men at present worklne what a presure there will for work from men who hay

it i ollllcal pull or otherwise and what an moor

live for the oJinpany It will I to dischargeprovocation to say nothing i

the effect of such a pressure rxardliHT vn e

am Lolnit to lot well enough alone andVote for my family by ctuulnx a ballot for M-

McKlnley AN If08 HBTAH MAS

Nay YonK Sept 24

Question of Another Trnst Man

ToiniS Epiion orTnz 8fX Sir lam etrloved by a and set 3 SO dayndwli Mr Ilryan or Mr Croker get me n-

bd n place If bey succeed In nmashlnc th-



trmarkabl Showing In the Stat Hank El-

amlners ReportTOPEKA Kan Soft M lank Examine

lohti W nreldenthal has Usueil a itaununf-gurdlnit the condition of the State hank o

iiinas Mr llreldcuthal In tho candidate o-

do Democrats nnd PopulUtd for GovernorFile statement thows that there are now deunits atnountiiiir to J3lwseoM A yen

IKO the deposits were t2J 3i7B8 On Juno

idA tic deposit to 2fl372J 2M-

lh re rva now a c-

uToonMKo of rewrvo In the li of thihmco June 4 six Ktato banks will

lt uK rnR tlne limiitxo haveho national hence tho actual Increasi-n deposits MIB lode and private banks lnohat 3i7Jiiinnionu uu on the condition of the IVan

a bROke Hrcl rnthnl say The lm-

ncnse surplus of niCono for loantin 1 moro when coimvir-niih the tli A v Hanki

New York on the Mine into ltlnpr liuuiniii of nepiwlts on Sept I tinievr York bdiiki excess oiho Irsal re vv whlo Kansas State privateiinkn with titan littWOCAl ol-

rx r have over Ii0nognio reserrure irve In Sew York h decriwilnir while Ir

ian a ii InTcninir I ronfldontly-xpoot th poiw In hank under my control

roiion Soi mr before he of year-n umtrap whnt thl lar surplus meAnall attention tr the fact that our roiilt-ltnnd u of

niiumt withdrawn during the panic of i fi-

irltaout rulltii in a have 1-

oervf per cool in eireii of thn legal reulrpinont-

Thn Increase of rank andin Improvement In till conditionf K nv natural result of

years The bid wheat cropf i 7 mAn of our to payff thfir entire proceedf tho eros l ns soil HS3 wereircelv In nt tn the of

lachlnery liotisehold fiirnltur anti In stockTime of this year s Immense wheat

rAil will lircol co Add to thla-

in of a large number of ontt that

of our short corn unit the resultill lie a Increase In bank Itl-

pofjiililn reduction of loans

Sorrow cf the nich and GreatPity the torroTfs of the poor rich end the

retcned who are placed In high statlonsl Thetiohens of Arayle wrote the other day tn themperor Klnus Irlnces and Princesses ofhope aokliic them whom they In thisrordofsi rrowa Thn mpllsi which

One can almost sea the tearsin li tweeii the Hn or fancy the sigh and1 nl the end of oath period first come the

of Wales with the following dl malall I envy ties men to whom It a

i u xllKhtlv i without the fact h jigut Intu thiK hhape pread nil over tbn

of Ills H ghnea U seriouslycan breakfast In pe c

nunciMii tit I newnpaper iin lllghneni-e with ii mod who can o toin without llndl the next11 ame papers H nlghtinu heavilyi a word I man who to

unity and w no movementu are notand fal el tntrrpretfidh Dtnmsrk oomwi

When 1 run take a ride onIcicle devoe myself entirely

own family affair I envy Ruthen I to bo her Itoyal I envyre ry bod jrEmperor William II give thla melancholy

rn t calculatedin pmri There l only one mitt In the

that I do not envy that Is the rascalhi don not love

Kinporor 1raicia comes thla-fitwer doubtless writen In the tone of n nigh

thai lie I the fate of theHow who tint an EmperorWith note moro theilinof i mUlo inie Czar limns dole ully iniW n an who not loaded down withie cares of a great Empire and who not to-

p for th of a peopleT Is a mighty how nir surely in the

of where the are

From Another virginianoTHRKmronoKTHB avu mn I notlwd in

of thU dale a onmmublcatlon lcntd-Irglnlan aylnt he was ont of a dining party

elm up of flte Southerners all Democrats and thatOar Intended tu cute ton Ur McKinleywee one of a pear of six Southern men a few

rrlnfs adore rut of U Democrats but not Ansrand flte rt the six said thy Intended to vote

ilr McKInleyWe are supposed to be branded Democrat at ourIb tot when we arrive at years of discretion w-

netlmea have addrd the vordi patrtoUim andone ly ALSO A VinoiMAH

YORK Sept 24

erH nfi Uagatlni for October I an Interestingwith contributions rom Hsnry Norman

chard herding tuna Ur Darrte Walter Arckoff John It Spears Lloyd Osbotne andhers not so well known to magstln readers aa

The Jacob D Cox prepared an ul-a oo the convention txtwern Oen Shenaaa anda Johnston tautly to ths latter aumnder

aislDthU Dumber It U t much Mskjrt-InterMV






men beI

them thyhelp




IIfor I

thoughtless COIN

In industr


n muttIIlwlL1I at the mere

nowlong u the



ston or IIpcclalluUon In




tlllt slightest


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THAT WORE ro aooo-

Tbe Foil ef Opposllles to Matoral flaunttaws Trusts

Emma or Tn Bvn SIrt The la

of volution work upward and each of lie pnnote U of hither order than its predeceuIt I the law of supply and demand

In its action and cannotsuccessfully

In the last Presidential election Bryanlattempted to override the law of supply aidemand by seeking national authority to eito sliver a fictitious value beyond that fixed

Its quantity and the market call for ItFour natural laws make It Impossible for

people permanently to endure tree sliver1C tot Tbe law of supply and demand tl

law that bad money drives good money outcirculation that bad money enhances the pileof staple oec Mltlos and that In an era of bimoney wages Increase muoli slower than price

Mr Bryan says very little now In regardhis silver plank For a time be awaided parmountoy to nonexpansion Here again

counter to a natural lawgrowth that all creatures must grow untilbegin to die Expansion baa been thepolicy of tbe nation continuously line Its I

aucurUlon by Jefferson In tfX 3 The severexpansions under McKinley are Just as flu

are with thenational policy of yean

weakening Its la capgrowth of lerrllor

The latest II another ansiupon a law of evolution And this he dotS I

aeektna to utterly trios ojttitnations of brains and rronuy witch arestyled trusts

Infa icy of mankind each man WM-

unit a workman hunter flband man evei

man against him under time lawevolution small bands combined or eomnuprotection or co moo a ault YIILtves ure

then towns oltlw Hutand nations

In Ilk manner the agricultural tics trademan and the manufacturer thtwo band two head and two pure webetter ama stronger than otis of half the poweHo firms or partnerships aroe

Nut as better r son a larger scale ae mi-

deilrable omwhereby on of urall cat

hal inlfht contribute to his ahilltv even thouhut one share in amount arid proportionateshare In the caln This was aon the lines of ev lutloa for tbe clevelofinent

As It had been proved that firms were norInstrumnts weremore effloent no It became vldent to tlm Rt r of commerce comport

like other persons might aggretfatheir rep rate forces one trreatand as a trustmake prouuct buy ann greater acvantage to the and thethan Its member acted a separate cor onlion This wu or natunevolution ef the original and fundamental ldthat In union there Is sir ngth

I no other reason for forblddlngreat than for annapne In the rear of their rower ftharm Hut Ihelr power forIIIt n W W filland there l but one principle ever

combination whether U ono hundreor one billion dollar and that l the sire u-

at union Per e there Is no wroug Ina gigantic combination Indiscriminate nttn-

It l nol to InilstJratlo leg slatlon to destroy or cripplelivat trusts That extravn

paternalism which Urratlc and antlreaon It d restrainill united effort In commerce and manutacares

Ihn glorious common law la droad enougevery wrong that may b done by

Th rn iieecU but MKand high ability amone the Ktat Chnt

Judgn to regulate and nnoi noratl n or oomblnatlot

Ind ed U ono of dutiesif th-

lnluncttoni a touch denounced HryflntMiIf fall In their duly got tin

but do not strangle or prevent theif till of ardtat which are newlr evolved machlneihe hlshMt nationalSome iru ia have OeD revive hut th

pprewor halts when the oiprewedeeUts-

AH a consequence of evoluton nearly H

In agriculturenantifacturen oheml ar law

ar ixvl carried on by combineIons of united for the com on coodTh world will never go don nard and hick

vent to the ancient plan of Ind actionWhat M the party but a trueuanlttlated by b-

IcKlnlny Tammany by Croker Yet I woullot e aggregations oforce removed from the sum of our countrylower Ileculste It If you will nilrlsly hut never d Mroy any vital toroThe labor and lu union are the moi-

iowerfulof all the fomet m s he-o their power very harhly yet I would by n

d vtroy power of unionsn are a duot of and In the nea-uture a further and upward clip will be takui

their power will as nuklni-jr good and not 111

No the Isles schnmn of Ilrvan Is a bull

taint of end tt wilI nece aa hive failed hi at

upon lila other nat nil laws whlehpovrrrelating to money und to nations

The principles I have are In romlets the platform

are Idntlcnl wih tho thus Dernocratho nod In J and hs UCCO OM thanon their faith and In lInen an title

over to ihn extravacanrcgomodern which was a armoire nm

nightmare to the Fa hers of the oCtrLBRRTSON CtATTO-


A Werd From IlaaletonTo TUB rnrron or Tnn SUN sirt The tnCued piece of poetry was printed In the Hailimlntatthebtilnnlngof the prevnt eat striveIs not p rbapi cry toad poetry but summarise-

e bednnlnc and the end nf the whole matuii the miners are concerned

STRIKElilkel tilt tbe bait armed woe sodler appearsHlrlktl why heed the womenhey tie olderof illlcbell and Oorapect-aatrlkel for your powderto upend more for beer

trlkel cart far bed and boardObey the mandate of the elfish Western hordeirKel no maILer what you ran ftord-He loyal to dart Mitchell Lordtitled but remember one isd whenFoul arltators Ulgottea gains art ron fa

awayhen return In your faminefedfamilies and your work II bin nut


MTbt article In Tins Stilt tut week was the Or

nice wrrld had ot Father Phillips Flop Tocity with the exception 01 the miners I

ylog sham Father Phllllpslcity and region hereabouts will suffei-

eal hard tlmeswhlcb have already begun FatheiSop wlU only the strur le and

opeialvs can Mend thrain In the meantime all the cliltn of llarletnr

the miners as welt a consumerscoal in the great eitlea

Tile Is not an operator or a miner but stra-y A BLSINBSS MAN

IlacurrOiT Pa Sept 21

Sam Jon en Oar Aboandlac ProipcrllySum Jonei In tie Journal

am not a Democrat nor am I Ikeei-ylng it I am a ProhlbltlonltU I care no more I

10 li elected DID or UeKlnlry then I

lelher the party carries the day In Erg Urnthe next election but 1 say It from a knowledge o-

h country which coniUot travel only can lirethat wa are today eajjylnc the solid sub

intlal prosperity tbat I have ever knownFbere Is not a nook nor a corner of this country thatnot prospering America as a nation never prosred and never cams to the front as he basin theit four years not only In all her manufacturing

mmerrial InvreiM and with the balance ot tradellioas on mlllloos ta tier favor but for the flnt timeher hlHorywt art the mossy linden to the Im-

rial countrlta beyond the watersConfidence Is the baris of prosperity l-

it of an Individual Business Is done on conflMmclblng

lured to order like shoes or machine butgrows out as a condition cf things A men

plenty of mosey nobody baa confldrncthim he hat got a herd Job In this country I care

may have however small If bethe unbounded eanfldtnct of tbe community and

r banks bt bat got something WIder than moneyknown some rich fellow to bun became of

c lack ot tonfldtnct In them I have known someor fellows to do a big bustntaa because they bad

unbounded confidence of all clawss There artMn ubou ei In Atlanta whose capital stock mayI be large but they are doing a large businessplta1 has confidence In the nutui of things asy are today I dont know whether or not with a

ante of political parUet Ibis confidence will abide

lie IUU oa Common Senseo THB EDiron THE SUNS Till corn

ems of the American II on ttt ofUnity Tin whole argument of common sans Is

blm and 1 bet oa oomuoi aene everyTorfac dept I 80WBKH



alIke In-

evitable beI






lawthe fitthey I


rreet Dmennln

ishlon to



builderhi of







mind that<

but an IIIIn ion


Thereomblnallr nil

vellllrttror wrong I determined by




e of antt Demosari

to IItrust

honorollllnr end

ThaI the

our Cmetrainca

CliPthe for


human III 111 nilr-

And r



wtl II T

0 thlll

hadd attack upon all eotnbina nn1 ill II-nI



Itepuhll aland of

Tins of


o obey



The whole


will suffer theI


altaI a



amILl mot




conllden La not Is manu

U nosyhan buIltIn


I hare




withI lOW






benefactorof the

onora pooior












theIt this




Dee and that


poop aid











lie It Imprcsstd With the People andIirs ircs of the IsUnd

Former Justice Joseph F Daly returnyesterday from Porto llloo where ho

as a member of the commission authorized I

the last Comrress to rovUe and compile tlaws of that Island Tho other members a

lo 8 ilowo of the University ofand Henor Hernandez Lopez of IortoTho commission held two sessions dally in t

Executive Mansion at than Juan so aa to

a hearing to all partlce Interested In the leglatlon needed for the Itland The soseb

were attended by the Judges of theand District courts of the island the m mb

of the Oovernora council tho Porto Rl

bar was representad by Its dean and the Amei

can bar by n committee leading memo

of the two political parties were present and

commission had tho cooperation all branchof government

Tho commlisloti apportioned its work nmoi

the members as follows To Seftorwas allotted the civil code civil andprocedure and the mortgage land and n

lanai laws Mr Rowo took rural and urbi

local government taxation and revenue po

laws and charUlew arid former Justice Dathe code statutes on andprocedure habeas corpus evidence and

Mr labor JointlySeftor lx on thetlon of tho courts for the island and allmembers will devote their attention to tics forof insular government and theof tics

Sir wild that ida vl island wImpressed hint concerning Its cittnnn political partly

which will give employment to ma swill rcu

The seem to bo spirited good natureand far

uabln addition to the Inlted HUile-dIhecitlzK u are being America

and the sItuation It from the most Pupth United Stales c ni rriinirPhil It l ln the of tics UniteState to give Porto Rico good governmentber people will welcome It

novr DKUTTIK njsircr VICTOR

nobtnn Pained at the MltconstrnctlPlaced Vpon JIll llords-

aval Constructor Hobvin who gave an I

ervlew upon Us arrival at Vancouver U

eoently which In the form It prlnteseemed to liellttlo Admiral Detw victorManila and who reached thU cltr late on Mo

day nUht retorted at the navy yard ve tcdivtartd for Va hlnton on a week leave

Ilefore leulrul cltj he told tlreporter who saw him that tho Intnvleivnnrotver bid beer distorted and mWnte-TOtod

I think Admiral Dewovn victory thecreatn-vw won said rjeut MobionTe terday

Admirals work ha been underestimated S-

trier naval batllo ices ever worm In whirlice victor cntr d wlthni Inmrv and I a-

rottd of his work nnd so l the whole navy

Mr Ilobvin then rirrnted tho clrdinutani-if the Vancouver lnti rvlaw He HH that

t to a MtmUnT from a correspondent timer

ad thit hn hnd been mUlne ra-liltH whlnli led ton k If the

iiirl not In hellsI MIt Ilent llobson that the

Sad not been tliat tho Hpanlnrds lied sunheir own vcels hv cenM ks

csriHil to explain riitht thertIt It Admiral finn

atiRnd thnin to do one who knowtnythlnjr sunlit warships well knows that in

cannot mink by dIrect tireknock a h l in II bnjow

vat r line she will not Kink tinier her nmitain-ixplodei Admlrnl Snmriunn did notVrveran squadron but no otto belittlesrlctorr on account

snlil th t hn had not willIeAdmiral but at thn first opi irtunlf

on him mnttoM Th-leutenantv leave may bn extended when h-

en lie on account of troubl-fhlch hn l having with his which hayteen weakened by tIll glare of the water I


Craft Ii amed After the EnsIgn KllleiIn the Hdr huh Spain

HATH Me Sept J Tho new torpedo boalaglcy was launched from tie yard of the Hallron Works this Hfternonn in tie o

i lanes crowd The veMcl which iran nanieior Ensign Worth Hairiey the Spanish Wacern was named by Mm Jovphus Daniels-i sister of the enlen mong the decorhone mIcro floral offerlncs from naval officernd from Knign Worth Ilncley Camp 8 Ier-

lnn i Spanish Veterans of Hunker IIII-

IMrlct Boton Commander Willis W Stover-ommnnder of the ramp and a deleeatloi-rern among those present Mrc Hngley-

nolher of tho ensign Mrs Uentamln MifflttDudley II Uncle of Itlchinutid Va Cadenvld V anti Mr timid Mmanlel Itnlcluh N wero among the guest

if Ilin bulleriThe 1 one of three voi es ofthi

type contracted for time Hath lotVorki in ISM the other two being time Jlarney-rhlch wa launched lat uly and the

hn not vet Invn but whichl U expected will be ready for launching neil-OIltllThe dimension of the are length

beam mo ded7 fe t depth at centre amidships 10

Inches mean draught on trial i feet 8 Inches

S TO THE CAENS OP TltAirORT-L Decision That They Are Not Subject Co tb

Jurisdiction of Foreign CourtWASIUSOTON Sept 2J The Judge Advo

ate Uaneral of the nrmy has given an oplnlot-pholdluir roiirun of Cart SaxvHIe of thUnited Stake transport Thomas In refualna surrender to the Japanese authorities a1

Nagasaki Melvin C Scott a fireman on th-

ewwl who wee accused of assnulllng a Jarne e boy

Japanese authorities amerted thathcott wa not an enlisted man In

nted State nervlce aft a thn Iranort was not a ve l of war thIS cawM subject to the International rules applyin1 merchant hips They threatened to unitdetflll of mini to Scott force

antelln replied that he would resist such atAmerican on board

tin attempt WM not madeThe dvonte thattransport while tInt n vo nl of war N a hit

i tile of the Lnled Statend her officer nnd errs are as free thi

of fmelirn tnuru a enllbtcd roomn ve H of the nnvIt hi been ascertained Ibit Scott l a de

the nar and hn will be tried bj-

lurtmarUal it Maim Fraidco for ertlot-

irvorAv rnTB OEI TO JAIL

onvlrted In Ottawa nr Obtaining JewelryInder Ialse Pretences

OTTAWA Ontario Sept IS Advanl wholye he 1 an Indian PrInce and a spire

with house In London Uombayulcutln convicted today of obtaininguantlty of Jewelry hero nder false prencft He was 10 four montha

Advanl testified hla a member of the legislative Council o-

otribay a d a year KO bn had iwith him I father hiu rn-

eieed allowance but laHy hud relenteddvanl Is much deprr over hiso bo which he ay will end neer his goor

lion both In London and

lly Coantrr libyan VersionFrom llu rftrofo Times herald

Poor country tis ofSo

IslnglIjinit where the beit Is badLand where were all ao sadLet me and be

Thou poor uld thing

O luckless tied toNinth hateful plenty a sway

I weep for theeblow ran men for what

promIsed nr gotAalangas hints are nut

All run by me

Poor birthplace cf uurliars

doom Is not at handGloom spreada oer alt tbt landVu hear rat ahouUnr acid











fllu alpm

hllship are very In ice lfln

and There >a good deal of bllt

of IlL

tlIbllhl11tnt ofa

tile country rich and oUIIMunder to become A

olla orfr

mlii one divide public MnIIITtnland It






lie spent unlv a few hour there endf-

ob nctl till



theh1 link hewn



ou the









unquestionably povertywhich



lc exceptionallyva







waswits tim


seaL tile







let iveen Ii Sectfee






netant and



lalioni with iii nod damage bli repu


0Z thee




Whodane to isy

I in her to stayl









uia ironr or LOOTIXQ VMraujs-

Landiman Oibornt Admits Tbat He sad Up

a Philippine Oatrag-

WAsntsoioK Sept 2J The War Departtnent and time Navy Department have hadoccasion recently to Investigate charges ofoutrages committed by American soldiersand ration In the Philippines Most of thacharges have appeared la letters sent by enlisted men serving la the United States Armyarid Navy to relatives at items In nearlyevery case It has been ascertained that thewriter mode up the stories of excoMra out ofthe whole cloth to Interwt and horrify hisfamily Those yarns as naval mencall them were probably never Intended toget Into print but a great many of them havefound their way into newspapers which usedthem for partisan purposes

The moat recent osco of the sort Is that ofletter which appeared In the Oregon Btotmnonlist April Tho letter was frora Ouy R Oeborne-on enlisted roan of the navy to his lather W SOabornc who gave It to the newspaper lieroads sensational statements ofAmerican sailors and an Investigation woe

ordered by the Navy Department which hasJust received an official report showing thatyoung Onborne did not tell the truth

Osborne was attacked to the gunboat Con-

cord In his letter he described lila allegedcxperlenm with a landing party from the gunboat Paragua at Nueva Caccro P I Hn tollof looting the town anti described the bootyhe secured K Hly of Halem Oreforwarded H ropy of the letter to lice NavyDepartment a

Navy Department forwardedOnbornes litter tu oommnnd

and his report Justthnt Osborne after ll to reading

of this letter stated before wltnewe hIced to n good Mory rntturthan the mid the fuels Mlxirni-ndmlllod time falsity of each Itemregarding thn A of

reve iled two rosaries ntidsolos photographs which he said were glvmior

Ilout Althou memberof the Paraguas crew but could notany evidence to show that 0x stolenthe articles mentioned Members of the crowtold him that Osborne tuid tent other lettershomo containing statements an false as tho npublished Ueiit Allhouse denise that thornwile any the ParnguaH men at Nueva-Cacerai When they returned to licethe landing party were and foundto have only aim old Winchestershotgun and H few war

To IJeut Altbouses letter li appended thefollowing statement from

to my letter published In theKtatmmnn a copy of was for-

warded time Navy Deportment to tic com-manding officer for 1

acknowledged that the letter was writtenfor home and that part which rulersto looting done In Nueva byand others I not true A few I havewere given mn and are of

I have regarded them Mcurios Respectfully

OsnonMt LandtmanU 8 SHe eno Hollo P I


Drive to the Place Where He Was a Freqoent-C mp liner ID Former Dayi-

CA TOV Ohio Sept a President and MrsMcKinley took n long drive today and visitedanother little village that was oa Mr McKl-neys regular circuit when he was campaigning

district as a Congressman Tics visitoday was to Osnaburg five miles east cf

city and was similar to yesterdays visito New Berlin Many familiar faces were

seen In the town and along the road and therewere ninny

to Venezuela rank D Looral1who made his call the had n-

nore extended conference with the resIdenttoday talking over official uonio-izU nt discussing politics

Two commercial C endi K Poe told the President had observed In their travels over a large part of time

ll was all toMcKinley They said travelling men am-

niiokt Morof them are steadily employed they said and

of them are more money than theyMf I

Ion with a of this they are going tocode for continuation

The Itev S lt Hamilton of Los Angeles Calwho was on his way to a conference of denomnation nt stopped over betweenrain to meet the Social callers

handshakers were moro numerous thanisual today

OH 3AVRE LKFT S0343-Ot Roes to nil Widow and Childrenlilt Swed-

ish Order and IllilliUhara Toang ItattoniThe lll of Dr Lewis A Sayre dltpo a of

00000 In realty and M430 In personalty Tlinwidow Eliza A H Sayrw li to have his lateecldenre 284 Fifth avenue for life Includingta contents and his lioroesandcarrages Ater death the houa will belong to hla twohlldren Reginald hell and lullnd lbs ills deceased eon Low Hayre-

Iho Inalgna of tics order of WaAi which threceived from time King of Sweden a

ttcr accompanying It are bequeathed to hU-

on Dr SanemayA his medical and Instrumentslooks and and a set of sil-

erware presented to him by the contrregntlo-nf the ll v A prize pllchirvon by n horse owned by thn testator anun saddle and bridle und several other antiles go to thn son Anumberof articles urn also

liver stand to tIme tmtator by Haron Vonichellha lewis Albert a it-

o tinvn a of gold sleeve whinegiven to the testator by Hrfghuru Yoiitu

n IM The residuary estate goes to the twochildren

TIB CAXK nvan 3tAY UK Anoiisnrnt-

atgeri Students Slay Conclude toSpree Take Its Place

NEWriBCNsWICKNJ Sept Z5ng of the students oi Rutcers College was heldhis mornng and the question of sboli hlncrthd

rush wa debated It was denuded to roerhe matter to n coitmilitee of on member

clear w let will report on the HdvUiMHtv-f having a cane In which tlie conicalnts be nicked omen chna n with r ard toheir fltn ai cake th of the usualsac rush Ill action l the recoil of accl-e tto Fritz the Frldiv

ast when Mltlg sastnlnnd a conru slon-f lice brain H Is Hill under the care ofbyslclans but will recover


rotectlv Tariff Taking a roll byMall

The American Protective Tariff League ItsVest Twentythird street has Issued a clroiilarand addressed towage earners asking for reionIc from em loyees In establishments or em

auto he poaltlonofarners In the present c o mv red withheir in U0 It w nt to find out how

the are In fiivor ofand how In avon n tree trade

Oi the ba k of the cards are blank for a pollir McKinley and Bryan

lobbed Sttffel Jlmlet of Handsome Avenue

8ATT1MK Iis I Sept While Stuffel-Imletof this place was peacefully making hisay along Handsome avenue shortly after midIght last night two highwaymen Jumped from

In front of S A Fishers residence an I

pounded his money endfin rotib n his dollies

hi watch and chain a scarf pin and aooketbook H Theynat the was basebut kept time cash

Trailing Ship Hawk om the Laktt-MOXTMAU Que Sept The lulled Statealnlng ship Hawk which arrived tiara latenlng from Norfolk Va left at daybreak

ils mornlug on her way to Cleveland Ohio tihoill go the Bt and themadlan canal She U t Jn dimensions of

vesels which the American Governent U permitted by treaty to maintain

Great la manned by five ofBoeri-iid thirtyfive men

tin Bryan flailRootviuH CHXTOB L I Sept 15 MixIlllam J Bryan wife of lh Democratic can

dilate for Im hrm o eped tn theII of the hutch n large doll to

s sold a t n to bn held early In October

Meat Jleade tIles of TyphoidWASHINGTON Oen MaoArfhur re-

nts to the War Department front Manila thatInt IJeut Francis K

it Infantry Kept 12 of typhoid fever



looting by

lag the









allever did before and creditIng



Sus re


given to lice daughter iticlumcling a


Let a Cane

mcci meet



Vi ittt in can much on


loyed In any the wage

iso age earnersman



lAwrencen the





Sept dl

headsdied r











