mmmmmm^*^- jap?* Fmm ihe Ft. *•««- ef JiyHw »ttt<j«titte4 *K<mrl from nn •bit article in the •Wiluip'.m Brotinrt ttaeeif » n h (Hir hearty com-urret.ee ;—- From I As \«r l'«o* fe«»*r. •>rMreirtl*M •! Use Bvwerf Tnt-Mlrr. Fori il'"1 tone, it i* ovtt met»t.ch«>L Pr**.. r Mi«.-.NAMM.-Wrl«nifroiP . ht0 >.M-.n M»u».... n. that the iw'lan. rl,..\ ..." ^"'»^ l,,,n ' ( '* ,cv "" ,M,fc .'T' riveters! m ».»««n. '•• '"«' death ol Rev ,.»> R, i«r.W ,lK-d«tH.C.«,.,oUK J U J - Joci*bun, J « H,,^,,.. M a mm Ttte A«mWr <"f Ull*' CnrinflV fcarevo.rd 100 g,tii»»*ns Itr «fw,.rd" fee . w a n t e d <« «U«r H«n Rr»k«". * °' Ttaf-nti .f», ilNSl Y.*«i*rdsy tnoinmg. nl*'Mt 2 < thick, itn' pii»»ic wntchmei ,! in It's! huihl'ttg »cl« »ittli-ine oie w ib- n m ol a ttjf I"t tin nu» sta 0V l i I t ' . - I t ) L i e tip|HTI (111 11 l i i t m II'II i fin .! 1- tlUI thug. I—-—••- * " " 1 H It t i n - i n . . . i . r r . . PI NnK AIMI 75 g u i n e a * '•"' * «*<»•»! •<•! ' Ttw fitp wa«ju«t then wrraking out in tin d t p * . D*****', Rove' Nav»,/t«r 'Ben rfutltrn I i-*.r|>t-nle>».' shop, whih ««> s-iuVrd nomo Iff fae«ptl#jif Ine firrfind tV»*»A»f.*' \ dttiielv- under the roof HI finnl i.f the buitdmg. ..',:iiiti w n * . » | •< ; i j with till 1-^-iii.ii THat a mainrifv ef the prtMases in L Canada liata alo-aye artptatided mid j i*. filed tht aunrimie outrage rom«u«t*il •n m American «e«e*t, in an Aniciicen | pOfi, e-almgunder em Antericatt fl »g, nn<l approved tiie coM-Woodrd murder of «••. ernn*daitdd' 'cncelr-* Atnettran t i ixcm-, W« »•«*• *«U a» ttrr; bin «« IIIMM con- feeewe Vcre mrt prtjmred for <)u# w]tott> • e l e »|ipi*iSai»o«i by the ron*itinted eu- lltfNhks tea* tlim f'rov»»rr. It it a dirrci |t»ml< to tWe feelii R« of our wliolr com- ittiiHitf. H i t * dtrwrt i«iduc«tn«iit \wU\ —t,irfappuAmttoit «tWI reward, f««r ant •Ottafe Htc tW»ea of Cat*mia ttmv tarn- \ l»Ht «fiMi«We pe»e**M« and unenepertwii: i Hit*«U>aMit «>fe«r frmttier io»ru«. Tliet«- «•»«• l a t * * t | « j | M i t t f a%ent gbe mailer: #«k«- tWt art * « • Ut* fe4 or it v a t * « . IfM ««e a k v f y i f t C t , «tt#«i itirjr k«v<- •Mminttt ft«f IkMitieAM yon, and burn . mmtmtpf' yay tttaat ttwy choeee, upon t7|MMi <las eume ytawiide migfti i bry ect»d ttic# ti'deiwinK twiiiiniia, tmi hwiii eu»a |^M|ev M;''ef «i*r vdiaft*, on pretencr iM lor a*d«if and w JHiC«ni*i. Vllw , tleaji eiatltiiif ahort of tf faji ef 1 ijMi McMfatathe i fewacoer ernH iiw iMni> ev UKU vain' 'OJon^Rem 17 1 •« mt^k ftfoiofy Irotti 1 of OalMda » Ho *»*« «*• NlMltbMt of <^« wttider, , tWe, trribfilartssef. 11* Wttte aptrMonor ttir ", ! It iMasMn aiwaml t tlktii»t ihe ooMte. nMiyi onnpn louaro- u TfceJfeJW «WtHf •-aatna ! of tWe Qooefhl - 0o». [t|k«t iwi ootipa wuet ol QfOWijii " tf4ea,md Ike fade »• f.MlorttMHta coorat of 0 twcaeiary.* tiro can cntaftain no at will lake itlito »ttb> iforoif j»ti>u 1 »"ini«. - . , . . „ . ih- iki, 1K»6, in On* Kii»aU«tl«, a* n mm Mittiuiy '11 1 in? K.u»i Iniltci Mr. Thuinn iMtt Miitoi HI tiic Wnu-limcn, bad left tU' Iwdjifi..** 111 wtncl» were In* ciiiiipntiioii*. winir mi tnc Hijlntiii|Mii rn, on IIH wity i" SiiUn u. in H Mnmll C.IIUHJ »i.li fuur men, mi the tiiot ui Ju>> lti&i,aiiii when in i-i^lii tit tiw fitlil til l:ib»r, while pushing Uri»k'\ "E'liist a utrt.nj; current, IWD tiwadidiirnW WU-WHI to the •(Kit. Uul before nny wntiM,^^ w j llch ciu , r a lt mklamlv to tmk. ctM.W U- bri.a^tit in tM-ar ii|K.n tin- lmiltJi«>». I , ilKlll) , ^ j fi 'I'I,,,,,,,, W1 h lt h btmg nl.t>»! tUe win*' luieiior »«* m I! tint's aittl tdt.- , Wu , „, c ol ^ Mi „„, n ,,,,,^,1 a f, n ,!ii.g. nml pt».wh.tn> ..f wring any tlimu »«• almost u . ril esl . lv ..(.dunvor lo di*fti g ny« the Lodx » -i-i. »«. ma a e n: :„, M..T.'. hut witlrout »ucc«?k», us they bad kSlldf lltil li.«- v > f ii'mtauli. The liuiw 11 «UU lUttr t-iiguie* t •••• l-«l.>i» nnv ttnll'l t »». . *' K || ™»" ' wm quefciHMi. A tla*b urn made oi | u | *>) 1 ,n ,.r„.,eii\ itMMn. *l««*fe tlie w«u!iube «•* \ ..either Undo no. 1 t' 1 , 11 I ..... IL ,,f ...rm»-nl» 1 -I'll. l,ir(Ti't.t II \C. Ut-jii, hut ituly t>n« *m.tlt IwiKlle of garment* t»»» rx'trueti, and ilu- »-ltol« valuaU'e and tteautitut wordio'oe, esiimittud nt •T.OOO nr *6.(KK> k-!l a prt-y 10 the (1 unci. The Mcticrv, iiiHclurwrry and »Uge pioperty, be- ing nil highly cauituMihle. were MH>U con turned, and at about three oVIock the rtnil letl in. aeodiae obit a mast nf rindera, arbicb flew fat and aidi. and burying be- neath it all that remained of tbe iiuttaned Rawety 1 heal re Ttae 1 n»o aale, containing eume money aad alt the book* and putter* ol the eainb- liabtnent «*aa tared ; but rsccpl iiu«, noth- my t*fanv *»lu« we* rencued limn ihede- •wuring element. The wiirdrohe, acenfry, rnwl nther propertta* were eaktetl at attout fftO.IMM, u|am witich tbere was uo inaur- aooe. loan ranee to t be amoMnt of •86,000 bad brea eftected upon tbe building, which it i* auppoaed wi'l oot cover one bolt of the wboh* actual lute. Very few ol the ad or* wad any effect* ia tbe theatre, and ihey have thus eeoaped tbe general tuin. Mr. Du- tasraay, enrpenter to the eatabtiabroeou had 4hraecbea4*oftoo)aaad other properly de- stroyed, antefe. was oot iaaured OflHeertxiaoltbe ire,, there can he but oot ooi«ioa->lhat it was the work ef some dtatettaaj joeandiary. Twe flames when diet discovered, were oroaltutf u«tfiomthe tOfioftaa fattildiog in froot. There waaa oaal efove in that room, but no (be bad been ia it sioce half paatdo'ctotk tbe previous day, and ran last pefton who left ihe build- i«g. cjtoapi auch as eras below, and was attended to by tbe watchmen. Them ore moreover, eom circametances, which we ate wow not nt liberty to divulge, which tend >o atrMgtben the general opinion that the fiie was tbe work of an ioceriisry. Ft mm th*Jt. Y. EM. &«r. .., •>«mii •• #>«••!•% Aewotuid roaaon to anttctpate from Ihe Jsepindeney ayakan erf iu hie letter, n sky or iwoaioos publiatMrd in the Rur, logatDer with tbe ateoiw eitack of quioaey eore throat which Ibia ehMrlauSbred a lew days bafote Mt. Catlin left tharleetoo, has (alien a vtctim to iwoan eotBbiwad oaneee, >nnd now •• LifcV fttrol (ever o'or Bbjapi q«kt in bis grave." The lnrgt-*l tii-i! lay ncroi* hit body. w Inch prfsfd *o closely to the l»oal that he wan nut tuken out until other a»Miii>'C« ar> nvt'd. lt is pmbnblu tint the blow hum the tree caused ahnost indaut deitlh, as ihoKC wnh liim never hcurd a groan nr a •tiugt>l<\ Mr. Tlio.nQi was a native ol Abridge, in this f>t»te. We also team from the same source that a letim ba* bet n ireeived nt the linptint Mu*ii)tiary room*, dated Kyouk I'hyoo, ktnting tlmt Mr*. Catherine 11. M. II'ill. •tile ol Hev. Levi Hall, died at that place ol ('wet alter a lew dnya i'lnesa. Mr. and Mr*. Hail sailed Irom Boaton in the Kosa- Utlla, in October, 1630. Mr. Hall was n nanve of Southbridge Mass Mr. Hall and Mt. Thomas were ttnt out by the fia)>li»l Board of Foreign Missions. "IUII.T, iMI rtlMOT' rtmtttburgh, M*reh S, l#»8. DCIIOCatATIC RCPI BLICA« rmndttittlfu, TOR TOWN OFFICERS. I«anc II. Pstchin, Supei\i*or. Abiam Sciibncr, Justice IVace. tiro. F. Huik. Town Clerk. John Hnktr. ("ollrcior. N.ives P. Giej»oiy, ) llmvey Smith, > Assessor*. George Stickle*, } Abel Turner, Jeremiah B. Banker, Lyman Thomjwon, Smith Mead, Truman lie Forri* Geo. M. Beckwith Geo. Mooie, I sane W. R. Btomley Piatt New comb, llrnrv K. Avetill, K. L.'C Sailly, Geo. Moore, Rdwin Benedict, i D „„ ^..,.._ Hemy Lobdeli. ( Poof m » le « For 1 onatables. John Baker, Uriah M Thorn, Eliakini Ma • son, Eli Robe it*, Peleg T. Statfurd. [ Sealer of weights fc measure*. Eras us 8 Mead. on, ; ri*. > Cotnmi*»ioner» of Highways. Commissioners of Common Schools. Inspectors of Com. School*. Truster* of Goape! and School Lots. Foreign Items. We are without advices Irom Europe later (ban those received by tbe Sylvie da Giaase, bom Havre, and tbe frigate Inconstant, from Ireland. Col 4tllu*,—This distinguished individaa' who it appointed to succeed Sir F. B. Head to Upper van»d», was formerly governor of Van Dieman's Land. If the following recommendations, which we extract Irom paper* published at his old place of residence, can be relied upon, the Canadians bavo but li'tle cause to rejoice at the icmoval of Sir Francis. Froa Iht Tree Cofoaisl. A public meeting will immediately be called to Ihank Iht Kimq for hsving at length bad mercy on his poor afflicted subjects in this col- ony, snd to present n trut addrett to Col. Arthur from the colonists It is proposed to have an illumination on Mondsy, with a bon- fire and fire works, at tbe Halteiy point. He will be wafted from these shores with the sighs the groan*, and the curat* of many a broken- hearted parent and many a destitute child, who owe iheii misery to the loutish, wicked «, Uw which the Colo* C7"A mistake occurred in the date of part of our impressions this week—it should be March 3. •all ••«« Heeling. An adjourned meeting of the citiseos of the village of PUtUbuigh, was bolden at tbe Phoenii Hotel, on tU evening of the «3d inst., at which meeliag the following persons were chosen as presiding officers, JAMES BAILEY.. Pttridtmt. F. L. C. FAH.LV, ) ' . . . WH. II. MORGAN, > V. Prtnd**t$. S. BEAUMONT, ) E. BENEDICT. ) &<.„,„&. Geo. MOOBB, S The Committee appointed to prepare lew- lutions at a former meeting, consisting of the Messrs. A C . Moore, Woodward, Skinner, Boardmsn and Beckwith, then presented the following resolutions, which were adopted t . - . I.I.JD.IIDM i'be prr.ol of suspension was too short % that 1 he- bunk* would not issue mini 11 notes under 1 it 5 and thst it wou'd 1 ot thetefurc afford the eapeiied relief. Thr coinrniitre of the sen» ate rrWt the obj. cti<w (uurea' nnd groundless IIK it wiu) by Yr<<p'n>iiig « lunger period thrrt nnd Jour year* nnd the nsacmbly's cointiiitiet! ncrcpied td it, provided the b^r^k^ . cuuld l>u pcrniitlrd to i»sue these notes and} i ii.it retlt-em th< m in »pecie on demand. And! becuso this wus not yielded—because the! Imnk* could not be pet milled to do, whtit they did not ask nor the people desi-e, IKSIIO on irredeemable paper currency, the leuLMsl citiniiiiHee broke up the- conference, eported n distmiectnenl to tbe house, and niter a week's caucusing, night ol'ier night, divided and wrangling among themselves, nnd in no pleasant humor with oihere, they take the " back track," and insist upon the thorier period of suspension, which they declared was too shott for iho purpose ol relief, nnd which they agreed to extend!— They even nutCTED, yesterday evening, by a strict party vote, a motion by Mr. Mann, that was voted for by nearly eveiy republican then in the house, '0 ex'enti (Ac I period 0/ tutjwatioa for THREE and voun. Such is tbe length and breadth oi * whig' consistency, and of the federal love oi the people. Briefly, the matter comes to this complexion: the -house resolved to adopt tbe sAvitest period ol suspension, oecauis IAC •ana-t were not permitted lo issue mali biih irredeemable iu epecie—and because, as was inorethnu intimated in debate, they im ogiued tbeir party interests, and the conlin> unnce of agitation, might be promted there- by! A vain and illusory hope—and n miserable party teliance—they will find ii to be. troops of Jiihn Bull already began lo pour into the ill starred city lo defend hsr Irom hostile invnition- Here iho plot began to thicken, ns the novelist would my, nod three alternatives ptesented lliemletves to lb* patriot force : En Iter to march forthwith upon Kingston —remain whets? Ibev were, or disperse. Tbo latter was chosen, and every man, we suppose bad so large an M* rf«'mr»i< in number out, that few words were exctinngiiri, and activity became the mmt sti iking feature in the c'osing scene of this bloodless pttnonnvi ! In justice to those of our citizens who aided in the nboveenierprixeeithei - by con» tribution or otherwise, we will say that they were deceived, grossly deceived. It had been confidently asserted by McKenzio and others, that the mosl hearty co-opera- tion would attend their efforts—that all that was neceitftary was arms to fight with, and the day nnd hour for assemblage lo be un- dei stood, to secure the action of ihousanda of the persecuted patriots ol Conoda. The sequel gave the lie to these professions, and t 0 u the disgraceful trsnsaction upon the hand* ol a fcw men whose philanthropic motives should have interposed a abield to sny dishonorable imputation" JJfo/riwony— "Ton ought lo many."— •Never,' •* know a good girl for you. *Lei (nenlono* 'Bui |*"triapa, y o u — i w b a w ! - v»u don't know lui t *b» is young •Then aha Italy-' Beautiful.' 'Th nwe dangir ens' *Of good Itmilv." •Then she ia piuutl.' •Tender heaited ' "Then she is jralou*.'— •Mie has la euts.' ' T J kill me." 'A tine nun dred thousand dollar*.' -I will take nor.' Srrtoii* Jtre at H'e$t Point." A fire broke nut Sunday morning in the Cadet'* Barrack* in the Kngineriing Academy. 50 feet west ofSv'Uth Barrack. The valuable models in 1 the saint; we e destroyed ; but ths cbemicul anJ ph|!<iKophiCH! apanttu* KHved The walls ait« all thai is It'll standing of the buildup. jl/irhii/ati. — This mint*, yet in its inl'uncv ciiuunt ncnrly nne hundred aiitl seventy nine thiiu«,<iiil inhaiiitanta, and prnduct'd fmin the cup* ol la*t sea.-un. one million five liiuulietl thousund bushols of wheal. No dungc; of u famine thin yuur in M cbigan. Fniihful Sentiuelt,—Tho negroes ol Mc NuhU's urniy wasticcjsiniiallv placed as i*en tiitela, and oi cJiirxu entitlsteil with the conn tfi-ign. tir pumwoid. One n<<ilit it wn* Vx ton*. One nl'lhe "liiviticihU? MIIIS ol H»n» nihiil" wasiippnim hed ; he hailed us follow a "who culm* dai- ? Advnnce nnd gib ilecoun tersiyml. Say Victoria, or you no pass here (lis inglit!" ttlit Pa un»siate I N iMtlt-r t . i t i n ' n i d i t i »»' „,„,,. lb... ... us- B «n* •»•'•»• "' , - U - 1 | l , ( r«,.»rt»-g»M..i.m|.os.l.o...il'«o'..Ur. ::;r^couHti'T.i;LBM;^'«- AL TEETH, MI .... gol.l. .11 O. H_S..v ion', was done wlmlU hv me. 07"A* I .Lin. MOW in hi. em y. il... r«pl-.*. .inn i. I.ttt mi nrl «>l jiiMiw. J- •-*•« >»• Bill lit.ViKtll. Feb. I J, '8.1K. •_ D CHARLES G. BKVANT.—This man wasta- ken near Sax's Landing in Chazy, on Tues day last, with 11 kegs of Powder, 20 bones of balls and one iron cannon, which he was transporting towards the Canada line. Tbe I property was seixed and he was put under a Military guard, An application was made by the acting District Attorney ol the U. S. to the First Judge of this county, founds j upon offiJavits, (or a warrant against Mr. Bryant lowing resolutions, which were aoopwu s for , violation of tbe 6th section ot the act Retotted, Thai the contemplated Rail Road of Apri , 80| 1819f p roC est was thereupon from Ogdcntburgh lo Lake Cnamplain, is an imea tnJ delivered to the Deputy Sheriff. object of the first importance and ought to re ceiv* liberal aid fiom this State. I HaJSnlTtiewoar,aiiU•*Fori Mouliire. #W»l«i.rE««i n l X S T t l ^ % IH. ha.bour ol , r ^ Hit « » « • »>»d\charWietoo. Mr. Catlir. informs us thai a bear.su i»i«™ »~- * , , .• L «irked *»t*» .«"•••• »"• ••-— .. wn o owe ihei. ~~l*£2$.the l\o*\ Ire.olred. That the citixenaof the northern and ,n t W f i ^ f f i ^ X Z * * colony „ction of th. United States, through which « K ape. nv has been rutne« si" _j.kiHi» . .... J ™;n „... h.vn contributed who took him into custody. The hearing was then suspended lo wail Ibe a nival of witnesses and in the mean time the prisoner effected his ny has been ruined, no •».,.. — . raptdK increasing in wealth snd recpectsbility —be has loft it sunk in debt and miser.-. He neglected the useful roads and ruined the ag- ricultural interests ; be was the father of u- sury. From Iht Robert Tow* Aran*. lt was with tattings of most sincere satis secuuii u. iu* v ....vw ~——, the proposed road will pass, have contributed largely towards Ihe internal improvements in other portions of this Slate in which Ihey have no diiect interest, while Iheii own section has been neglected. Retolted, That aside from bringing at once (^Considerable excitement has existed in this vicinity during the past week, in con* sequence oi an unusual movement among the Patriots and an evident preparation lor an invasion of Canada. A Brigade of Mi- litia was called out and stationed at Cham* plain and other points on our frontier to preserve neutrality. Un ihe night of the 26th ult., the Arsenal at Elixabethtown, in Essex county, was broken open and 1000 muskets, 30 rifles and a (ew swords stolen. Mr. Hand, the keeper of the Arsenal, pro* ceeded immediately toward the frontier for the purpose of recovering them} but ihey l.nd pasted the Canada line, near Alburgh Springs, and were in the posaeation of the patriolt. On tbe 1st instant, however, tha patriots concluded lo abandon the etpodon —delivered the arms to Gen. Wool, and have dispersed. |C7"We understand that tho committee sppoioted at the Rail Road meeting, ate ta- king prompt measures to bring the subject be* fore the Legislature with a view to irnmedi* ate action. Petitions have been circulated here asking the State to appropriate 0500,000, to thia important object, and we would suggest that the citizens of the other towns bo up and do* ing. ...„ Tremendou$ slortn.—A western editor, in giving nn account nfu huticane, says--" It is utterly impossible to desci ibe the scene nl'j desolation presented to the eye. Wy suw | a. inviy as four ho^s kilted.'* A getitltMnan in this neighborhood, enter- ing his office during n storm, pluced his urn btella upon n chair nnd spread hinxeif out to d r y in tha hull. Anothe.'. upon reiiring, blew himself out and put the lamp to bed. TO TBE PUBLIC. K. O. II. SAXTON. Sn u .oi. He... tint, I't-peellully muni* In- thuiKk ii-i ihe libeiiil . atitinnjje lie I.a. rtt.it 1-1I lor 1 In 1 lee.. \ e it-)I;I»I, the «liu'et>( uhuh tune I lutvi bet 11 eittplovetl lit L)tnli»ii\, unit l.nve spuittl no pnm< or expense in i|uulilv .sst**••*I lor the l»n»ine»*. I umuiU Unu 'i> w.t.i'il.il nnv wo.k in be iltn.e skllU mil. ; niitl its I .11te1.it i.t reii.1.1.1 10 touu .mil t iiiilinne u.\ I'tiiclU'e, I >l..i|l IdlMiily ml willing l,i tiuikt ituy iea-oii .lilf n pair- i.t Illy «.tik giatis. Allc itn years | i.ieliee I Willi It. riilliitelj.hi 1 illi.l-.peol 1 lie xtl.tl int. tit prut 1 11 « Willi Dr. S, S, I'hi li, i). e ol ibe 111111.1 »i lenlitie noil i-elelilni.il piae- i.tiniii-itt 11. Dinial S.iio.r. in the IJ. 8., »U.'ie I |iinii lite liimtlit'il dolli.K I'm 1 U. 1 imi, lu>itlei> oiI'ei e\|>iti»i>, 111.1l nttivtfl a l)i pli uiii, iinih'ii ./my an.I ui iiini.te.iil- i.ty, me In pne lire lltnl.il Surgery in i>« Mtiitui-, lu.iii he-, 10 any nf l'ie U. S — I ti.11 a>«nif ihe ptililit' ili.it ibe'e |> no l»».».inci-h thui ittpii.t* uit.ie p ai'ii.'.* tt> ....ike 1.1' 11•«• 1 ib,ui .he Det.lisi lio-iiie-s ; a.1.1 il tl.t-i wfluhl itu'ize imll.n»e who bi.vt eK|i..Mii'eil, tin- yreai injuries done l>\ OLD MNP. OF JCCOMMODJTIOX TAOSli prom pi»«-*»-'«* •• •"•"rfr" •fMllRaubu-rilttts In.VP ^.i.l.l.Oie.l » V Da.lv t.»e ol STACKS. Infer.. iM5.a».«rg«\ .... iB...i;.;«'«-'./-»; i .;:; l .„„ linilI |. 1 „«.,ol.lM-pnbl.f. ..".I « ' ; « |„||, ...li.iMbeifUr «»...!.he I.H»I "it. L.....I ^ ta, ""{ b,, "r;; ir...M..-l l«-lween Iho l«« I';"'''' hx " ,Mn« .. .0 Ibetr car.". U f.H l-e prom,..- K - l,e,7dedio.f..raro-.o..»bleco.npe..a- lion. pnrlpnll•ToR•• WH LAUO & MORSE. It the Ueneraljnd Variety Slo r $ \VM, II. MOilCAN H T Feb Fmin r.ii.ln'Ut»ii I" Phelps'. IIFNUY IMJMKEF. I.-,,,,,, Pbtii.i.unjb 10 Phelps. 1. '»-»8- T Mlll-l l-llUlfl It C III lb II"" ' > • the lid G7*The Muntretl Herald, one of the fierc- est of tho Royalist newspapers, copies the lines by Mrs. Nelson, which lately appeared in thia paper, entitled "The Patriot Chici," with thia introduction : Appointment by the Governor and Senate, Feb. 20 : Clinton comfy— Wn. Hedding, judge. I? # ^laoWbtf froj* tbe Btifalo Jowtial ta i«> * a)*oMbw oftad srifstance mai ac«ivii) ol lt» BwtoUot rn iliie titauer. It it al- «fjr« tteceaaary to be provided with evi sknee before ) 011 go tr tria'-.— *Mr, Benton, the \j. S. D»«uct Attoi stey faf litis otaie, lias besni 111 to* 11 aev ondtlaya, eotWctittg, in |mr«iianre of 11. aa^ortiossa frasti ike FieMdettl, all ill* in. sorwiolioM attad oridewee iliat can lw olt- tatssas) in retalMsn to ibe deatrnciinn t.( tbo steamboat Caiwtit*, and the murdei of Aeacricaii ciJiEeua." Tlte following t-nld and manly la gitage i* fiom ttte Lo..doii True Sun.— tittctt sentut.eiiisuliered lit tlowniitMliten aod oopreaaed Cnitndw would d'tiiii ihr offender i o n B n>*li linnpeon. Tlo fsteofili* Vindit n'oi i» prt«fof tlr.i>. We will not say tliai tlieu Wns no id- ling wUrte il will tint; Low it m 1 v it" voU« America md Ku'i|.c in wuli •»a«tiij; tuin't MIL. , nlitit |.u«ts 1 live* it nny II»., ..t.t' v l.r.t ..il'..iit.n.i IlllillOur .'• lll.iV (ill.I to lo- tlel.l liljn died n l 0111 ('•> l-t , W e r iK I,«I| i.i.. 1 '.' lli ilitfll. liji'itili« i I .(.ui- , ; ilii.i t. .|1 1 in j. C/f f.ittitflilMi: 11101.si. .'il- , (.11 I l i t 1 1 ' 1 ,. ,1 til ! i.'inr in MII 1. i. t .. 111,1 % li* I ,,u ,,' fit tl vs 11 It A i n f 1 ic in 1 (1 III' 11 e\ 1 1 le.u! In |K'l't liuii-> llif li ill 11 1 I D ; • iii., - VI .1 • l i e Mite I tu-jw (. < 1 I I 11''. I', 11 Iii. it.lilt Milt > 1 lii|.lr|t' fllfr."-, \\r •hull! I m l l « , 1 1 . ,1 .' ii. I,II" j ,.i, »: . 1 e ,ii--i 1: CdlHll - . 1 >ii 1 ' 1 £ 1 t 1. 11, 1 ( , .1 I lie l(-m>tU 1 I , •. 1 i.i't, 11 in we inn tm inu ...... trtrvment that M t . C saw Oceoln undei cir t:um*tsnces «f so impressive a charade 1 . iliat he can never cra-otlKitn from his mind 1 For aon.s distance before .enchinu In* quar-1 lers, Ive tieard hi* deep nnd heavy g.iuiiia,' and on entet ing found Ihe noble chit-limn who could endure every Imrdahip in Flori- da's desolate hammock*. 6. who dared |tcnl audttMug'sr •'tl\(ii man dure do"'—ptnsliMte 1 m hi*bat-k, unnerved, und conquered by di>eane- Hi»p<i)ud spiiit in lis gramluie ''h.tfii.g liken torii'iit in a ct.mpic*»ed ravme a.aiiMt lite (iestrtirtive nnd p^-risbab'e em- it.nktTMH.ls iliat im|M-dt"d iu tmu.idmK course For itobly h.ritied as his outward pciann Mil* he tt'H lh«t it Was lie 1 CI CU.likCI.tK.-il to euii «III j soul like hi., ruiii w n h nil other j mings t Biihiy, it carried (be laul nnpruss j >•'. deml. 1 t;i Ins et'reme sufli'iiivi be haJ loin off c^w.•":-•-- li _ noflwc \ve yesra ; dur K.ng.*nu, « i u « " t - ' - r " - " •— « c h a rge ol h gh treoson. Awwy™".^ V ^ W w n i l ^ ,,0rfi, ..Mr. B N.!.on\ then Mrs. Coxon. contitbu* . the wh .if m .J,; wretr .hed. un- a ' 0 ng the northern frontier, the expenses a c „ d fwqoeB Uy to the Canadian Lourant and ^ruiKotnted'by the misrule of ht. L u , d fo -these purpose, alone du.ing the I ... .. theHeald W.««,«.ko. .jg^kn-* .vcrnment. | war being sufficient lot itt conttruct.on. nucss for the feelings wntcn u.c Jtstoleed, Thai the conatruction of the road ing the whole ot wnwn IU«K j^,.— , , havelteen rendered tniserab'c, wretched, un gov From the Trumpeter Gt.nRtot*t NEWS.—At length the happy intelligence has a.rived of the lemoval of the most unpopular Governor that evei ruled a Butish Piovince. Prom He Colonial rimes. Goe. dnh'ir'e trcall! Glvriout newt!! — It was with great sstislsction that the in- hiitii ants id' Hobtst-Towii welcomed that Imp py intt-liigriice, publicly made known or Wednesday last, that Col. Anhur i* forthwith to bo rentoved from this government. A worse I'lilisl. Uovertiur utver ruled duiiug (he pre sent cri.tuiy , !ii« Ani-ia unban, m.d l.i» hack ciu- «•> n.g ITI-SM-S n o w flo M e d i n (ti.'ol'Vr I t-d WidlM'h- i0t.»n hi. nol.iv tixinrti neck nint Khouldeis, 1-1.J t i i t - i Hit- l.i ( ' ui 'ia (..vi'iitu wile un t> I . HI In* IM ud it JH.I-C '•• Tut t.Hii r v*ii» II'. Mi .lij; I t llC-l. Mini ll W Jt Ull,-. t'nllt tilt •Jin 1,, w 1 1 r in Minted when lln; nrl.sl satv ' '!o» i'i.t|ibif seen- tlefoiit, iniitifijl'y lis l.r I'IIII'I'I. niora' nmu'e, could in" con- , i'ii. 1:1 r.i nlh.il lie i-iiduitil II,» Uittuie* « te 1', »|. 11 ti il, ni lion" n 1111 u nn t-xpress on ii-iioite li rinni'ss 'o •ii li.t. in in /1 ••• I,I» la 1 ' In i.»-.i i li 11 1 ' ' K u I lie Itf l'i \v I I ' le-J 0 ^ Hi .', i.i^ in vt MI! biow ; tin' , ,*)>; Hie \ | j - l iN a " . Some tMiris have a great deal of humm- in Hem, ptnticula'ly the riiveu. Onn lb at ta-'ougod u. me wa» iho must niischmvous ami aiuu'iiig cieiltiire 1 ever met wnh.— lie won.J yet into the (l)wer gmden, go in ine U'iU wheie the gnrdner had mw-d :. Uient vani'ty nf seed*, w i'ii slicks put into the, uround will. InVU, und then he would iiinuse biin»ell by pulling up every atick, • ml layini! iheui in he.<n> ol ten nr Ivvehe 'on 1 he paiti. Ths used to in I lite the oM j-aidner veiy niucn, who would drive bun jitwny. The rsven knew lh.it be ought not phien- 110 tin |i, 1,1 he would not bavtt done il.-- cbe.-i 1 lie would stsiti .eiur.i lo lo* ini-ehief, nrn l 1 in 11 1 »in 11 ihe ganhic-r again eh:.ted bun [the o'd 111:111 i-iiiild no' vsiill. viiy ' •-' ' ih«i tiiven Would tend lo secure to the State a large, and valuable western trade which in consequence of the improvements made in the St. Law rence Uivcr and at othei places by the British government has been directed lo Montreal, Retolted, That Mrtsn. Wm. F. Hsilv, J. I). Woodward and A. C Moore, be a com- mittee for Ihe pur|>o*e of furthering snd car- rying out Ihr objects of ihe meeting. Urtohed. Thst the pioceedingt of ihil meeting be published in the ptpertof thil vil- lage, lirori. t Moonr. ? &>m(aHe| , L.UWIN liENKOiCT. S ' the lieitta. wo cm. «••»•»• »...,._ ' nnces for the feelings which dictated the " lines." The Albany Aigus nddt: •• We cannot yet believe ihe laat stanxa tobe prophetic. Dr. Wolfred Nelson in one ol the ablest and mutt estimable of the riti zen* of the Lower Province—pottetting qunK itie* that enoble snd adorn our nature- chiv- ' atric, brave and accomplished—beloved by a numerous population who appreciate hia character and his virtues. A liberal and a generous course on the part of the govein* ment townrda such a rr.nn, could not fail to redound to its ultimate honor and advantage —his sunguinary death may aroutc a spirit not easily allayed, perhaps never subdued Mr. J. Pierce, whose advertisement will be f jund in our columns, is again in this village, and ready to wail on any who may wish to »\ ml themselves of on opportunity of being Insuied in either of the companies which he it'prrscnts. Wo umieistand he intend* to call »uuug.:i» , .... « r ...... .. on ihe Fatmer* in this and the neighboring uncommon ncttvity nnd Iho public mind be towns. enme nfu with conjecture. At length the belief been mo p.evnleiit thnt n gunenil lising -•- •- •••» l.i.i.lu.r in.1. The late expedition against Kingston is thus noticed in the Ogdensbuigh Republi- can : •• For n day or iwo prior to the Md ult., mi unusual movement was peieeplibio-— tniiignrs wore passing and re-piissing with ' •' »>ii« ...i.ul he. U-t." the ii.vi.Mi .1' w I - 1 at 1- ri iltn.'iiif* 1 f f 1 .;< r I f I • ii It 111 If .... , .... [.'. i. It^ • - • < " H '! ' I ' ' .fl,"! J '•' ' • U .1 I • 1 nil I •• , i,l i . 1 . s 1 mi t 'I e.i.^ .1 U'U I ' I t \ lilt .S.-lll "I I-'IIH' I i t . .1.,' „,,. ,.,., Keep cU-.r nl l».f rake .11 ,„ ',H,.I. u.i.cn.Bbvlo..-l ••',.! Ill *C! \ K f * (• 1 1 1 1 1 f 11.' 1... 1 1 s .1. I i " i if MM \'. . i I ;MHIII ,. 1 - « . 1 >i 1 I',.. I 1 1. < •> h i a „ n •' I ij : I .1 t e ",r ii'iist l"' M,» \ r » •«, II 'luf.li/ i.! IMi ! s'. til I.. I .', wh'. - , SL.til'l ,11 M . I . 1 , IM: I. 1 - so >'" ,. 1 .ti * llll 1 h i I' I II . .1 . Ill It - I. : tch. II . , . , f <• , 1 ' I i!i-(/.' i,io« MI ii' M r , '.tj •est ' fjin-fis, hio .1 i»ft l ! r « - I. 1 il t. ef 1 T T-i a -• A< A i.i.d i- i;„.\<t. . • « oral. I ; 1. . . r.ii . 1 t, 1 ! /iff Ili'O if' singing , . .. raven could. ' T<»l •!« '• l » l dc la II •• I It , ** " * M * 1 1 I ..I , • I .1.. nil dt! to' W' 11 ' " " l> "" 1 * "' ttl . « I"«- n..r lenil'-.-Mlo (l..d :,, ( | ( „le, ,„r « ' : m - ,,,n ' ,H , I, .eiiiiva'toiml 'I ^K'lluu, Mnv.l , M .).|,„ll l e«>.ubhOn..fl.l nlAg.lt «•• •Z i( iso...•«•.•- »» n " ,,,,r " ,ui " l ; ,i -" 1 , r.,r...'."«,.l.nlaMi.l«f-'«'-''» ,,ure ' : 1 ^ , l . a M,C..U".Vnkrn.,.f-:i..Wr..,E^ •„(,.. ,„ii:-..x,U,be,'i,aml.loi.g ,,,,",1 rnn.n ••ft*" 1 ' ,,e ' ,. ,, lil( . |,.,M.laiure on ihe M.l.jei il:::- . onne,ted«. 1 ., l i.«lt-,rol .^-rinp... ?..a.e.n...l.he.l.recl..H«e^ „. ,|, e too.11111i1.ty «" Ur **'.„ ., ,, "' ' ' AV-irri//* lltrald. The tsiiiull BUI LntvPassvrlt The Omly Albany Aigu. ol the 28lh nl'., says—Il will be perceived thnl yester- day, niter 11 cloii.y of nearly a week since the it port ol the coinmit'eo of conference. .Mi. Taylor, tlte HIIUIII bill clmmpion in l!io House, culled up ;ho subject in ihut body, und moved that tiie house reccdo fiom its votti of non-cnncutreiicn with the scnnle in its amendments to the bill, u:id thai it con- cur in thoso niTiend.ncnti. This motion was discussed with much warmth by the fcdcial member* during the g.eiilct part of the forenoon sitting; nnd the debate was continued, in n similar turn per, nt on afternoon titling and until 9 o'- clock Inst evening l when the r|ue»tion wn* taken, nnd the motion CARKIKD by a vole ol 03 to 2, The (Heel of thil vote ia to ptti the bill ns it cams originally from tho tcnale, aua« p'-nd ng the oiH'ra ton ot tho low of 1B35 (or two and three years; nnd in this shape itVi.tN now be. said lohtiv Incomes liw, at Aisdvwb..r..raome tunc hvl V"' n n t n \ \ has doubt lost received iho signature of the A w jutted ..xqutaiif. trnttod, t ni.iii'ii f l./t I i' t r.ri|f ' '»;.*'. > I «t J K » rx'tf n 1 * 10' ** '"'"• "..i ' '• r , 1 , 1 1 1 1 / i i i ' :•;• 1 ' ' ' '•'•'•'' i M , mir, fin' 1 " f'"! ' t,li " '• f*Cld»:l/i« tt'SS'- 4 X w^"" p"j*' !"• > M,, '>' " ."",''""*hKhbo pc-.ceiving. 7^Xrv™''-^^''•""•'' ;;. 1 , *!'„:.„..„,«,». ? d.... .1 •>• l.sve*, I w vi koa* v r , , i h , i ' •"'• Governor lt will be rero'lected, (hat the fedeial mrmbert of tl.a h use of»erted indebautand tht •!/ . ... • •• "'•fftrri '•'" "•' frfarenca, thai wnsto tiiku place niong lbs l.oniier, pur sunnt tun pieconcorted plan, nnd a general rush bn mode upon Kingston, on the tt2d To this end, men, arms, nmunition, provis- ions, tnd all the pie-requisites of horrid wur poured into French Creek like a torrent.— The jam was descti jed as temundous \ the people there assembled being estimated nt 3000. At length, the projectors luaringn visit from ihe United Stales aichorities or not wishing to violate the Iswa of Uncle Sam, concluded to remove to Hickory Island, bulonuing to Csmtda, and situate 24 miles from Kingston, The business of transport- ing the military stores, arms and tmunition, having bnen accomplished, the next step was to ascertain the available fotce thus assem- bled. Eighty-six men only name for word un volunteers! Thi* was a damper upon the intrepidity of the few whose coumge snd vnlnr deserved a better fata. Ae we Im lorn remarked, the number assembled waa computed nt 3000; but when tht moment arrived to test their ehWalry. but 0 0 res- ponded to the call In tht mean time, in. ulligence of an ittaek upon Kingston had reached tht Canton Hda. and eiprtttet wf e mr'ud in awry rlirecMdH, trxj tht Alreclent 91 M r t i e r . [Correspondence oi tht Argus.] WaiMngton Ftb. 24,1838. " This city ia in great excitement nnd grief, on account of Ihe tragic death of lion. JONATHAN CII.LEY, nf Maine, caused thus day by the fire of Hon Mi 1 . GrAvm. 01 Kentucky, in a duel, fought near hou.— Graves wns the challenger, hnvir jfiMCI' ried n chul'enge f.om Jsmes Wataon Woliti of New York, which was declined by Mf Cilley, for the reason that ho did not con- sidei .»lr. W.a gentlemsn. They fought wiih rifles,and on the fourtS fire, iho bill from Graves' rifle entered near the left g<oin of his innocent victim, who expired in 11 moment, • Alter the third fire, Mr. Cilley'a friend* Duncan, ot Ohio, and By num. of N. C . proposed thnt tho challenge he withdrawn, but this was denied unless Mr Cilley would acknowledge Webb I» be a gentleman! ' Tho friends who attended Graves, wero Wise, Menifee, of K y . , und Culhnun of tho snmu stnto. Mr. CtHuy, was n gentleman nfnbontSS years nf age, and much belov- ed, and has an amiable lamily in Ihe stato he .cpretenUid. •Tho challenge, which Wuhb came rin here in prepmc, was bawd on snmn rxpresi- inns tif Mr. Cilley, in tho Hnu*o, to tho effect • thnt Webb was no better than Iu should be,'or something of ''mt nuturo— duiing Ihe Into discussion growing nut of in article from the Spy in Waahingtoa. churging corruption. "Thus, the infjinnus Webb, and (il pot' sihle) his more infamous pnnder tht 'Spy,' have been the means of murdering a highly gifted member of congrrss, aad a ci«iz*n great- ly esteemed for his personal worth." On Fiidoy last, aevenil nbotition memo* riuU of men and women in Oneida county wern presented in the Ansembly, some of ilium to abolish nil DISTINCTION of color.— We hnidly know bow thia dial'motion of color is lo be abolished, unless the black 1 can be colored white, or the whites black.— We recoiled th.t when Timothy Pickering waa Secretary nf State, he wns applied to ns to the best manner that could be adopted to christianize the Indians, he rtnliod, (but Hit best method ht could think of w a s thai the miasionnriea ttnt out among tho Indiam , should bo in.tructed to mnrry at toon at ihoy could find a young Squaw—hit influ* once nt a husband would convert hor t» Christianity) their children could be brought up and educated in tht right way, and their joint influence with family connection! vtould induct those relatives to bacomt Christian*, lt it possible tht wtH and «»• men of Oneida with to abolish all distinction of color by in'armsrringt with tht blocks, and expect Iht Legislature to pott 1 In* compelling ptoplt to tmalgamve. hxvt no ohjtctiont lo Iht whitt gentttman tnd whitt Ladies ol Oneida IntarrnarryiiiK with tht bltcka, but we rather think lint the white cliiiens In ihliptrl ol tht ttnw I will be Qjmoaod 10 any la* compelling them to abollin dsMitct'on of oolor by •matg>»«' MIW.^HEOVOO Oti. Tumporuitco Caiivviilioil. T HE Clinton County Temperance Soci oty will bohl their annual meeting in the CourtTlnu-e at Plalishoigh, on Wednes- day tho 7th of i\ftrch, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The nieinl.eis of town societies, and our lellow ciii/.-ns generally are invited 10 attend- Rep.111« from town rs.tcieliet have nut been received und tbeiefuro should be fi.rwnnlu.l iniiiied'wtelv. Huecl 10 B. B Newton, Plaits- burgh. E-necialiy let these repoits be accu- late nnd hi I upon the l'ol|iiwin<- points : 1st. The number nf place* where intoxica- ting liquors are «oh) 1.4 1. beveiagf. 21. Tho itniount of l'iiii|ieri-iin und Crime «.ci*uciii<ii''il bv Inleinpeiuucu a* far us it cun be ascei' an.ed. aCJ'Adilie-te.-i, and public discussions of Ueaulolioiisand plans und means for promot- ing thu c inst- of Temperance, will occupy the ntluntmn of the convention during the day und evening. A full and punctual attendance upon this Annual met ting n confidently expected. Mjiterary €tub- This Society wilt bold its ne\t meeting on Tuesday evening next, at the Academy Hull, at \ past 6 o'clock. An ESSAY by Isnac Fitch, SflOXiAMaVrXOlT. By G. B. Hibbard. QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. •'Ought the United Slates receive indem- nification for the outiage committed atSchlos- er.' Affirmative. Negative. Amos A. Hade. V. A. W. Merrell, Albert Marshall, J. Moore. DtALOGTE. By J. Ha gar, & Wm, M'Dcrmot. 0O»Lailiea and gentlemen nre lespi-rtfully in vited to attend. A' THUBBIiU. Ser UU.lul I.V»'MI.-.I . ni|.|oyiu_ iiii)>.i-tors. I 11111 son 1 , to he in.iler the ii'ttsMls of speakiiig p.lbtiely of a \ tiling tti.iii bv tbo nunc of .lnl.n I.t Wis, ,. ho ml* fit IMS Ibe p.ailiie uf Deulis. I.\ in ibis plate; Ix.l us he has Inivebetl onl of bis path, ami ii.a.le an ..i.unr'i.iiti.lile use ol my inline Iu give himself euricney in the Den list l.nsii.ess, jusliee In Ibe iinblie its well a mt sell, re<|ii..i-. Unit I sntait.l slalt some fuel .11 iilaliuntu Mr Lewis imd bis .piatifteiiiioiis, nr lalh. 1 tv.iul (if (pi ililie.ilious. Mr I., e.i- teretl my cifliee lusl May, tiiuler a toiilriil lo woik tor me ''or lite spuee. nt i w o yeais al tin \\ bite Smith husuit'SH, ai.tl uiakn.g aiitl it pan in a Mii-b nl lusiiumeiils, ami the Metbauiial |ii.n ol'Deutist.y. lie It fl my .'iiiplov uiiiei 1 - 1 i.ioi.iiillsl\ hi Jatn.arx las! ; nbonl ihn'efumlh of 1 be $ ...o.iilihlnne be wai will, me,be woik 1 it 01. Oijiiuis. oe. asioiiallv .i.si«iiiii> ine in Ibe 1 hi lineal nper-iiious, .i.i«...if)«,'lt.iit.u: ponehnn •-••lli. I n.vt r euleicil iiiluaiiN iniileitliimliu^ vv Alt Mr. I.i wis In lean. In.n Dentistr\ ; ami hum;; the lime he w us w ill. me, I never ili.ee- iftl or perluittl'h Inn. to pe.fti.1.1 auv opeiallon 111 Dentistry...'Xfi j.l tie Mt ib.i.iieitl pa'I of ii.a.iui.iet.irni!; tbe malet'iiilsfin my operaliuiis, And I ion not ai> .lie of hisevt't' pr.irli-.inir. deu- ttslr), nr thai be eve. 1 intended 10 piarMir.mi- ni I saw Ins advertisement. I l.iil inaiiiil.it- liii'e.l le.'ll, and m .I.TI.HS licl'u.e Mr. I.ettu eauie Iu work for me, and tooloi.te to l.ii.u..- fin lore I hem, and inn prepared lo instr.111 oth- ers bow lo ii.auiif.il In.'.- Ilieiit, as well its can be thine in tbe U.S., but Ibe ml einuiot lie inquired in 11 few weeks or even 11 few mot.lbs All Ibe knowledge Mr. Lewis has it. the Me 11.a.ileal pari ul Dentistry, be i.i.pii.t'il from nit- in lite manner above stated. I have been thus p^rtit uliir iu ilftai buii the hislorv of Mr. L'M e.lntalinu iu Sni^enn Deutislrv, 111 older In eaiition Ibe I'libhe I'ljaiusl lielievui'j; everv f-lmiek's mlvt tiise.licit. |l nt pnres no In-^ii Iu t Olivine.'sen ,ible people iliat it does .ml lollow ol I'm.isc Ibiil Ihe White Smith uli im.nul'aii tires Ibe Sainton* lust .... i.e.its, knew* how, when i.utl where lo use I belli as skilllullv ns the Surgeon himself. I>. II. SAXTON Biiiliniiloii, Pi II. 2-2'I I KIM Mutual InMirnnce. |HE stilixiil.tr »on Id lespe. tft.Ht ant. nnee lo ibe |.ul.|.e, ami |i,n- tii t.Lilly lit lb. 1 inb.iliilaiil-. nl the ennolie. ol Itet.-Kt'l 101, Wa-biii^ion, Wur.iii, K.* -ex, Clinton iiml I'rauklin, that be 1. pie noeil to set ve tin in in tbe eapai iti til ,1 Ttitv. Iling Ag< nl t'.irilielrtllnuiii" Mu- tual I..onrant 1 .' Companies, viz : Wa-b- iiiU'tin t'tniiil v, 01-iiniJteil l-l Noveiiihei , .8:14 ; thitt ol'Saintogti »•• unty, oroiniiseil Isl lleeenilier, IH.l* ; nml thui of Urn- -. laer e unl v , tiroiini/..al in June lH.lt>.— ,\l| of which are .lomg n sueetssltil ou»i- r.e»s, and thus far tbe most snuutiiue e*. Iieelalitiiis of the members have bun fully realized. Wi'h rrgiiid lo Ibe pnilieulu. i latins ol either, the |>IIL>IIC ean ea.-ilt jmlge by ttiun'Ui.n^ lb.- Animal Itepuria of lliosi IIISHIUIIIIII". Tbe Kuttstril.er liitving bail t'onsiilu.alile ex|ieiit'nee in the businoss, anil it'Miived in the tl'iM'lmr-t.' uf bis dtitit-s In aci wilb litetiniiuu |>ioiupliliule and nil |iaiiiality, hopes HI secure the conuMcnct anil further lite interests of nil who- unit ia mi in in with their pal unlade. Com iiiotiiCatioos nthlitN»til 11. itie snltsei'ttiet at Whitehall, N. Y., will le.e'ive due ui. lention. JULIUS P1EUCK. January 26, IB3B. tiwi7 AS 1 rl in 11 (il fiom Ntw Ynik anil now ret .'•> >n)i a I I ' LP ailiiil m i I o i u < fin mer sintk, iultul.ti.il Im tin Winler tuiile, wit.ill n o w t ni|i|o i - e » i b e largest und mosl |(t iiei.tl M»»ot muni in lb. coui.lv. A moii',; his iis.nriiiieiit ITIHV Lt II.I.IIII i. v.iuetv of Call.ot-i, Iron. IUI11 37 cuts 11 v urti, SILKS, (.lVC.IHMS, CIUCASSIAN8, lltlMHASINS. INDIA III'BULK APRONS AMI Hll>tS TOYSel'ull kiniUaittt prucs. —TI:AS— from Iwo It, leu ttlnll.ugl per lb, Finll S.1I11 ton, sh.ol,matkcrel. Ctlilli-h, pin k , ham* anil |'«s, W In ill, ive, 1 on, OJU, peas, Btl< k-« beiil, fir, Hmrel, ib.nv i.n.l t onise S A l , T j fine a.id miptiline I' L O l ) I t ; A Lug.' In' ot (»i tinLto. t» ; 11 oil, mills, steel, bunts, shin *, ltc1.1L ii.atle t'liiUnn^ ; llov's rnp« ; Clte..|. 1.1 r, wool anil palm leaf HATS. Hi* ntil tii-toine.s, ami ll.e pilbln ^eu ernllv are re-peti ItiHv inVil.-.ltti 1 till un i \ iniltii 1 101 llll lli-i l.es. Plutt^ltt.r^b, Niivtuiber, 17, I 1J7. STaT^*t^**v*sws *ojaes. atef*w*sw' . FKKSH GOO VS. I IF. ,-i I -ti.lui Iwjr* lease Ininfnui In. in. it . .... I Hi • Public, iliat In .« iii.ta uj.ri in^ Wrli >• It leit a«»'tt liiirm .-I l i O II |> S, ..I in, , o. ,lr- up 1 i n i n . l i I e i l I n t i e . . 1. 11 ,i.,i| 11 ,>• in irki I . ml I IMI 111. 11 ti 11 li.t.eil i n n i>, o l i b . i t , 4 I I • • 1 1, ..M I 1 e,101 tit N> » Yot k 1 o n • S, lie l> 11 « i . lbs), il Will l.e ill li » (Kilter lo |.len>- IM- 111.tn.liei . H.nl s i n II .t« 01 tv fivii' louiv.nl 4 1 nil, Ltit b as 10 ft'• 11 nnd tpiiliiv, f 1 imlv |• iv 01 very limited cteibl. II assort ii> in c >i.»i.ts >if » III... k, STORE. s * T II|F. Pnl.lic m^ '''t'*"' Mil I. COMPANV ft C * "A m H O w 1 be 1 II|I lir, "it t I Itl.ok, 1 Biii'. f II...«... SBRO tJieeit, W >« ••••'' •?.,. . AUCLoTHS. Muslin* and lt«lMP.tfBS.MniF-HKISfl. ,». ne.ient. IM-«'» »«•« P'"" t -'" , h wintor wt.ir, I' , (.,•«, tV.'mli.niis. liin. lb' Na|t , (i.o. lie llione. (it... ile SA.-S. I'I.III «'o Soul, mil Florence .i|.|.l\ nn b.i."I. •'• ,,, wl.O 11 < lie v.ilit^o • • n r , t|i... ,.| I it I fin Ctl SILKS. 1 I , TI:AS, siiff«^* MOI.A>^|'>- i ol ;?,! : !': ,,.,11. H.« T It. It l v UAISINS.CI -WHAM*. Is A T I. Ar rur. rlM.HM t «a' A .. 1 1 Pi IIV...IM'. HO.I I". SSll" ,. ii, 11 r man's •'! ' I ou« 1 Inniiti »t tb.ir Stoie in la t.t ii' n 1, A lilt I V \ | 4 , Mi: i. Co Snii A ^ DM- S, a >u| ti.nr ai V M Co. S'.oe, i,n«l i«U.n .,.—Zim W Just Rvrvlvcd AT TUB •Will Co. Stare, [WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ] gineial ...s.n 1 tit. ut »»l Ciaocr.aiE*, consisting 111 pint ui th« lullotving II'I icIl'S 160 Cl.estaTKAS. 10 IIngslicnils SUGARS. 40 H'li'.U dt pipes- L I Q U O R S . 1500 It Hotels collide. SALT. 300 Lnirela do 500 GaU. Winter Strninecl OIL. 2 0 bnxeH S p e r m C A N D L E S . 50 do Tnlltw do 40 boxes SOAP. 10 Imga COFFEE. CO tibl*. lu.li & H'liuter bbls. Mnckerel 50 boxet Herring, Snlnmn, Ci'illinb, S urcli, Nails, Sieel, 1 Iron, Slei^b ik Cutler Shoes, Hoise Chuins Open Hills, Buffalo Kulie*. Leuther Mil- ivattumj Tf-Aet 1* •• **Bt 11 . •.liirKl-.I.Ya...l<.LAV»v \ A U I»-^.M. •••%'X , 'a8M.v! PUtlsl.iiittb, N (W ' n,,, » ,8 ' 17 " MllHII.I. FLOI'R.— Ladies a»d Cientlennn'a Shoe Manufactory. H vybol«anl« and Retail- N I \ \ 1 on, l\ o| I'nuking „,. STOX L.^, suite |'l|... lot poltilg llli.lt r .1 t t . Air. f. w. 11 Dec. 1, 1H.17 1 A A Dnrrrln Kr.»u •wtrwi# ju,i irc'.l ui the Mill. Co. SToae. IU*SHF.I.Scearse Salt For Stile nl the Miit. Co SToet. latlj <V BroiUlrj/ ln..e fir sale NOIITDNS •elr-sliarueiii.tg J' LOUG H The Furmeis wnt.l.l do ««ll lo examine this Plotigb l.tlo.e Ihey buy any tuber ; as NORTON'S IS consul*ml lo b« inpc.ior lo any now in use, W A01F.3 Maiinn 4i Caitassiau'CUrnks ew-4 grn'«. over COHI-, Yests, Pi.iilalnn.ia (iurusey shut*, anil O.awir., for sale l.y W. II. MoBOAN. Dec. 2, »»37. NKW GOODS, a XA.Li2^ H AS itist rweivwl and ia now optuius u general assort.nent ol FALL tfc WIMTBBGOODS. -H^iir^^r-ofuie ri.llownig»iiii'l»'» Rliu.k, Blue, Blown, Cl...n & clKlMEUES. MOLE SKINS B^i.ee, Plui.l .... dPl..o Cloth, fo wi S t V V i r : Fietub Mosl Litbco. (Sioghama, Silka, &«-•. Ate •ens, H«M'»'- • > , ' ,, , " ra ' ' 1 J.i-sa.nt P is, &:c. *-.-. I'lnttsbutgb, Nov. 30, mid Stone 1837- a/Veii? Firm. snpil E Subscribers Wt (BROADCLOTHS. In >hit town, on tho 22d ult , by the Rev Fied'k Haltey, M-. Jeiemiah Dominy of Beekmantown to MiesTryphena Lewi* ol this pi see. PfcATTtlaHJBfct H H A It 14 IS?', •• ••CORRECTED WKKKLV'... Butter, Cheete, Tallow. 12 Lard. 10 Pork. M b . . ffl<) Do ptitne,..^l!> Beef, hd 4 a Mtithni, lb . . ••! .1 Poultry. 0 Flour, hi. ,•••0 I'm k. lb. 0 11 7, Wood pr. c. •. IJ a 1 Whom, b-hl-tH'i IJ l>'V p i n e , . . . «ll a 1 Nl VV IsNTAKIJMim M TIN, s1llERrTl,6N aTMl~COPPEtt MANUFtCTORY. 14 a I61 Potatoes, • • 2oc 7 s 8|..ve, 69o75 it.'iirn, 75 lOi.i*. 31 a 34 Pea., 7J DfiMTISTRY. 9. J. JtWiJO, B I.Sl'l.Cl I Ll.t.Y ml im*the pub. lie that he is now ienlv to pru-tice in i lie uliove business, From u per feci knowl .lite ef ibe same be fiefs ((inlulent that it will be done in the best po.sil.lt K'tiiiner. Pe'aons will lie iitteu.lr.l at ibeir res oettive lesitlen.'s or at Ins r 0111* ul Mr. 15. Pollers, ti'llett-'tieel. Butlnui.in, Fell. 5, iHJM. SMMWIJYG MlltS. M IASII I'linl for Shipping I'uis unci %.J Sheep IMu, l.y VILAS & EDSALL. Jan. 17, 1837. 1 VIIAEI «r ttU k '"" ,!, t i»» 1 "' , »'* if * " T d Prices. SU(1AU9. MOLASRS. COFFEE, HILL,, FIOCK, FISH, ItAlMNS. be A I. S O A spleu.il iissorliiieiit of CHOCKKIIV &i (1LASS WARE. Which he will sell as low fov Cusb or approvetl Credit us tiny o but stoic in the eniiutv. ' Nov. 30, 1887. MTIV K. 8r3r-YOUB DF.F.OS ARE READY.^) T ill'', subsciilier woul.l beieby iufurm - »• 1 . . . 1 . . II K .-«. have I'orinc.i u eini nexion iu business uutlt 1 i the lir in nl I lf>fAt SC Punly, \ --t^—-—. mid ti.tf.nl I'ltrriiiig on i ^4>«t»7tvv5*'thc SADDLE, WAR- NEsS .mil TRUNK uiaking, in.ali its vsnioiis brunches ; in the shop heretofore 01 cupietI by L. Wetks, east cud of the Bridge. They intend keeping oil hand Common 1.11 J Extra line HARNKSSF.S, SADDLES, BUIDLKS, TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, Valice?, &c. &c. Curringes iin.l Sleighs trimmed in the laUst style, in.tl Jul. work of all kinds done on ibe sboitesl notice. Tbeir Slock is procuied al the south md is oi the best (iiiulitv. " L. WEEKS, A. I'LUDY. Plnllsbiirgh, Jan. 13, IH38. EltEBY Inl'oinis tbe titisrus nl Plnllst.iirgli. ami Mercbinils ^ener- -iii, thai be is coii.«Miollv matiuLicini in',;, mid will keep on bund fur »nle, 11 general le-.t.itmeui ol LADIES, MlSShS, und L'lllLOIlKN's C5t'iillemeii'« B O O T S ami SHOES of >. I ilcsciiptious made lo ui.hr on ihe short- est iiotiie. Merchants can tie supplied with ibe above arlit les at a lair rale, and ni.de ol ibn lir-t rate s'O'k, und in the best and la e-t bullion*. AM older* ttricvly altendetl to on tht slm; test notice. N, II. LAtMESfc GENTLEMEN'S Cm k SHOZ9S & BOOTS l,iH "" luiitiittl lo order. Sioieiiitht building formerly occupleil bv A. Present!,opposite E, Buck's S.otr. Plultsburgli, Oct. 141,1837. Wanted Immediately. ROM SIX TO TWELVE Jour in ymen tow.uk nt the a :»ve bust 1.ess. None but ciiinpil.nl mid linished wokniei. iiecl apply.—To inch yoodwu gea will be paid, New floods. First iri Market. ^ar trJsTJJ*Btsr EEw Vtawf o^aWBwWtjr*JJawol»^*Eo»*aoW'ERBW or** H AVE Jusi Heceive.l in udilnioii lo 1 In n foriner stix k, lire now ..penins* tit llirir stoie, one .lour -otiili t.f ibeClnilon Co'iuly Bank, in 1 Im village .1 Plalls* biugh, * lull und t Irgui.t »s»orintent ol J&XIVZ St SUAlFllslt WMWt ©«»»». which they will *rll ns t-lieuii u* ciin he> IH.OUIII tins side uf Troy. The public art t,(|itcsleil lo < nil nntl txniiino our si oik ami pi nc» ami judge for ihe.n*. Ives. Montreal & Albany P' o iBenni, f>! 11 ti v lon.»«« 5'Plank, hd... IPoaids, •«• • Mimg'es. M ShirtingH, t\r. 3 0 0 0 0 Yu.d.tif heavy bio«n Sblit- .11 |||>II till. Bulling, Im in 11.», by mil- IOOO l" ,,,, "'' > *-'""" ' iiTai % 'W Yo.k wbolf.ile . CM>. * IHHIMI.M. A«...|.f.f Ci nCi. Co'toitM.I L,..."-Jli. I** 1 **' __ those w ho have loll lit oils lo lie ie» 01 tied at ll.ia i.(lice, that they me not. ready bn'tleliveiy, lo the number 111 000 falls In. ll.e same will betoi'iiully ret'eiv- til and piou.t.lU atienil lo, THOMA** CROOK, Clerk. Cleik's Ofriee. D e c . VH, l»:l7-_ AimTI* MtnAKD, *|j|riil , l.|) i,H|.m ifnilv mloriii to Jieirlttiti'H ..niiurtt ba.t » •'!» I"''" 1 .ale, Cnlmii "' »'""«» """ B.,l,i..«.whi.-I.iht> W.U sell to.I . ... us nl A'olne I V l i ' •"••"" mid (. ap ... tie ill if., us vl Pli.ttst..iri;b ami lit' plll.l.t ^e.ieiiillt, Ibni Ir Im, Uiki n lie ~ • • -tore, reel (l.uli oci iipiml by CJ.-' wluie In- inteinU t'Mir.inu on «.i>C* in al' its loan' lies. nil llif «t 11 gt uU'iil I" ^ - shop .,,1,.0-tie E & < J. F. Buck < Ma gut Sk iniietl I la* .ibiive lo He tiiu nil* kiepiui; ussii.ln.eut of UN-WAHKt STOVK-PIPB which be will sell .henper ibnu 111 mi*, nth. r c»inMi.iimeut 111 Uns sulii I t otlnli'V. Oil W OP.K nf iillkii.dswill.be .Ion. im s l o t nniico and 111 the Inst uii..".e. Cult uuilsiit, tl t) I'lultslitiigb, Feb. 8, I&;1H. Wanted Immediately, [ ir nur SHUN, IT'J RBTTLBMENT with all r>t-is..n* who lone sfi'o.inia nt ibis Ollic '•yvar's stmnliiig, Snl.sciibers will pi H-C Hike nut ice and ••gnwiii ilieiliseltes n.'- lor.Hngi, ,•» • R. O. STONE. Dec. 15, mi Ntw Yoik « bob sale pui is li)' cash til |.until p..|iei ul four llioiilbs. All orders pinii.|.t|v i.ileu.letl In, CADY it BROMLEY. A v'.'tii s fo. Clinton Co, Cm ton Mil .Imi. '.'7. IH3S. mm mv~W a F * «Y «> nERIHltT TAIL«>ll*i. BDUI.INOTON, vr. A N Eli'g.int iissoitiiieut i.f B.ni.li loth Cessimers, Ve-ltonS, &c. &e , cmi- •ii.utly in hit...I, G,mucins 11 inle to iirdi 1 on ahnil" inn ice, niiitfutly fmwii.iliil 11 ill |.n.it nf the ei.iiiiliv. ' Jan, I, t83-t Surrogate's «'rrfrr. , . M l t s l ANT 10 un onler nf SI, John B. IP ffim^miria air f lh. C........ V »••»•'••"; "*7. . .... '.valvetl I a" I'eiw"" 1 «'"» ,, ' ,Vr "'." '7. V"n.u rsasiil. in.* 'I"' '»«» '*' clti.n.o it ttln-t fS.tn.oi 1 •-*••*'* . . ,. ., Peru, o. sab' , ...... '>. .It'teM-l; " e>h.I.H1 11. .0,1.. will, ll.e v.nul.ei* ilieri">li Waiiltm U S:!!^K :';«;;;-;,;; .„...,Hi..|. I, use a.i'l> use. I •'»/ * " |„ , ,„ ,.el S.,,i,l, ileceusr-.O.. He '<'«" <' ""'.', .ai.1 cum. y al nr It-lore I ..* '««;"""'"> » f J, " J m*i ban' ilii-ft.h.hty ol Januarj, |HJ» OYTKUS. Y tbo Hundred, Ki*g»r Gallon fnrwle ,, v E *. O. F. BUCK. i,„ iin«:n. iloOvtlH i:ottoii 8li«jl- •rin* STORK AMD xtrnw *»««©«* HE sqli-t-iiber lakes ibis nut bod to ll.loiin lis filends unil ibe pi.Lli.- gouerulK, that he* is now receiving, (Xi' > *iii the Suuih end of 'Sone Itow.^/J) u gen- etul assuilmeut of Dry Goods <5f Groceries, (Liiptors Excepted.) logetber with such nther i.nicles us areosu- iilll lioiiot in ,1 c.n.iiliy h'ni e, v> In. li he u ill sell Cmnp for Cin.li, cotiniiv Ptniluce, or approved C.e.lil for sis months. The pub- lic tnc iiiMieil loi'all iiml eM.utn.e. WM. PALM EH. I'luiisliurgb, Nov. :io. is 17. S. JUU*aej»**»»»»-»-»»»»»»»«««, LINO OriTAOBI. N the wc«t .uU'nl LakeChiia>pl«in*»> il.rougb 111 tlnee .I.i.s—-leasing Men trei.l ev.iv tiny (•Miml.i*, a rx.'(-|iUtJ) at S o'clock, P. M., until ihe "iver cloao]} thro to leave at 'i A. M,, passing llirOUgJt Lapiairie, |)uni;)a.stilb*,CluirMph.i.i I'latt* bor-h.Keo.eville, Saodv Hill, to Albany t umnj |ni.-tube's si.flicienl time to).fj|fc||«l| each infill. Passenger* will rind .lUfp'f 1 .tile to be ul least iweaty utile* all! 'hai. any ..liter rouie from Mn.ilret... Albany. The pto,.'ielors of ihi* lit* baaja put on new Coat hes and Slugs* Sleigbt, gn.1.1 Hor*** and carelut Drivtva, |pa mum will he aputed by 1 fit pr«fr«b]ttsj» Sheriff's Sal*. Y virtue > t two Ese.tilious, i-sneil out ef ll.e Cleik's Olihe, of the C.nity of Clinton and slate ol Ne.v-York. UMinst ll.e (i'.oti* anil C'biilte's, Lautls.ii.il Teiiemenis t.f J.i.ros Liilraii.liois, Ibi.vesn 7.eil i.utl lake.., Al. 1. llu.i cert mil piece or |iaicil o! land, sit.iuie lyin; ami It*.11.' in the town nl Chay.y, nml Lonodttl us lol- I :—Being lot nn. 72 in Demi's |ialtiii. I.01111.I.-.I no tbe north by lim.l owned t.n.11 uuim -*,,i ..» ., ,. f tut11 pied tiy Miles Sievnistn. ; on ibe wist 1 and Diivv.s lo make PatscngtV*' by hiuil owned l.y Phillip Duel unit Le»u-1 ul.le ; mid they hope, by silenli ...il K1 ii.li.il I ; 01. the sooth bv I amis t!«vn- - -- eil anil oc. upieil by I'lu'imt. Dnu^'.iiss ; st.|i|io»iil In 1 (.ilia. 11 one bombed at'ic... Li I lie same mine or le«s—which I sln.ll ex- pose lor sale.il |nibli( mo Imn, ut the Lm ol Shtili.i.l lluiiln k, in Chiisy, un the 17'*• il,i_\ o| li In inn v nest, at IU uM'ik in ibe |i..e.ionit ol lh.il day lo ihe highi-'iil liiililer, lor tush (but 11 a. ibe law .litects. Diilttl Det ember'iri, IH37. ICHABOI) I ricll, She.iff. By H. Rlliuir K, Drpttly. pMtri liuu.-iualily, lo 111e.1l the Ihe l.a.elbng puLUc. . . ^ Fur s.uis upplv, 111 Montrral, tl, *f• !• AC8LK HOTEL, M'O.ll »ir«t* . 1 AUK. ilnritiob lo Albany, 14 Dollar*. V'^KTAD^COI^^^ I'M AN CIS IWCM ,Ots / i WOOD CH«PPI "«• W ANTED, i.v ii,..n..!f«.d <••"-- On.pii.iv »«« W.....I * b«|.. .„,., will, .I.e.! ir sfm .|.n*.»a ««*...! ! he highest pi.ee, I '" ( "'^V,;' '^ I Oats. LANK, C0.lMM.tVSUVI.AM. Ilrilf -nl, J.m. .«. ,1J " S ' "NEW'GOODS. AVINd .eiinnul f'ooi New Yo.k, ft rail supplv B a OOl) BEEF HIDES, inUtn in pttv* .-a a t I . men lot Sole Leuilm, L> II. FOLLETT rilON amlsletl ol iill k.ml WMI.'UI" Nn'-*. ^'" ,v ' u « ' | „„„,„.« lot**. b'dloW ...nl -ale by Dec 3, 1837. Cu' ...lies NN un iiinl .tone U.Hi'i I" 1 || MolVI.AS. W IN8EED O'.Li "I W bn|.>nle, Ly j J, BAIOV. B rOR S ALB ! iY In' »nb». iiliti, K llmse nntl ti ule NN iigi.u ami lluiness. . t.Eo. MOOIIR. CELEBRATED LIFE PHXS AM) PHOENIX RITTEKS. P O U ^ule by F. L. C^AILLY. N. B Tin* iitlnitisenn'iti i.mini..in. the rtiiiiii ns Im u-e ike. will be pn'di-h il in u slio.i tune. Dee. 8 1837' IHOOMS, n good tiMoiHiivn'. Jul ' retoived »t »"• Mill Co. Store. %M. *" e " w °i H '" , "t* §\iLL* M.VTER HOOD* *„.,.IH.gl..|.H.Ii»l'l--«-"- ,W t*" ,,,HW Hroatlclnlh', (a^imcrcs Snltiiicis lirra-'iaii", S '^S (!amlcis Dnv t* W K r t;HOI tuns. I Cnocn/;av, i I. I. il.»u will sell H« I " * h** I-Alll « :;^IT^,.. »-c: t>. T,.e, ? gcnc.i.i.1 .."• ••'"••'"••«"y, ,, l :j: ...II ami rs » 'I"" ^|J^!~^- "TTXTA.. r"s'.'.Tl.-..i •" "' ••• '"' " ,U * '•' , A ||. t'OTTH.IL put bluik- ' Flannels *«-'• * c ' (il.ASS AMI llARO WAKES. PAINTS, OILS, " c . Sheriff** Sale. urine nl oie F xectition issued out of Ibe C'etk't nlhce nf the COIIIII> ol Clinton, it. me tilre.lt tl and .bl.vei.rl auaiusi Ihe t itiiiil. ami Cb.il leL, l.iHti-ati.l Tenements ..I PETER UOBARUK, j I have seizttl nml t ikeu, AI L Ihut leitum pie. e or pan il ol'bind s.tualo lying and . tieiug HI thu town .if Cbi.zy, being u p.t.tl ol lot no. 77.in Dean's patent, knotvu aiot ' ilesi rtbeil us loHo't . : Bouinli tl on tbi 1.1.ub Ly lai.il i wot'l by John I) Ttuiu- lily; on the suiitU tiy Lu.il t.ici.pie.l by Alb.il Dross ; mi tbe west I.v l.ieds ol Albert Cross ami J. I). Timulily 1 mi tin usi by Lake Chitmpltitii, supposed loeen into 4i) in n s l.y ibe same more or Its*.— Al-o all Lis n;lil, title and inlertsl Iu lot un. *2———which I shall eXpo.e to suit >i public unction nt ibe Inn of M.utuci liiiiiluk, iu ('bull, on t'.e 2-t' l. < Lis H M.ntb m \ t , at In o'l tin k in the Inn IIIIOII ul that ibn , in tbeliighcst ind.lcr Im • a li tb.wn n« Ihu law llntfls. Dat.dJau* uaiy *27, In.I». K'HAIIOII F I T C H , gitalin*. Bv S. IlllllMlK, l)e|,u A grnl at Montitol^ Montreul Dec. 14, IB 3?. Tint Line lewves P ati.bnrgl. fo* list North al 6 oMosk A. IM. and lor the Heath at ft oYttMX P . M Fur stats, apply Bt J ON a Nitaots' hotel. F IVE . ..es Bta.cr hu.p'd »mi 8»lb HATS, by J. BA»W* 'IJNITCD 8TATBS ROTBL IEAS, St.ti RICE. - ARS, COFFEE, NM.I| Ci.lv It Bronilev iP o T i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T K L AMP and LINSEED OILS for •ale at Ibe M1IIC0. Stiie. II. FA.'* to debt, i » . t t» titterj tnd (IE Subscriber ha* l»k. 11 this turjrt MIHI ct»in.toMIi ns T A V E II N ST A N I), sunai.nl on .be tusl »id* tf ibe Bri.l^t — nra.ly ..ppisiio Ibe •Mill Co. Slore ;' ami having liietl up list Same ill ^iiu.l style, will teaili nt nil tirr.r* to ,111 .tMiiinMlt.it- Bo.iril.rs, Tiavr In. .tr pur* In-, ol pleasure. Every u'lru'.o.. will bt |i..id lo'hose who may l.voi bun w.thlboir eustnni. (.J..ml Y.ifls . nl Siabbng for T.» ..... , rs. *.... NV. NV. KEY Eg. PlatisbliiAli, Jitu- 1, I8JII. *ro« m * f s#itrajr PRIVVIIf-tl. |"6g At Vzrtt, 1 HiK^i.lfl, (jrbff|<«_. |pt*<'! |VE tV (MIRN |iisl r.«'tl ami I. sale ul tbe Mil.I. 10, HloRK. at 1 lie Mi 1 1 Co. Bio*-' IP! • «' Mil •. He. Ire. Itc. Neatly, correctly and cxH^^*" 1 ! AT TUB __ »18»t»»l»10AK taTarTEWt tTilTttl'T'll *•' t-

-H^iir^^r-ofuie - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1838-03-03/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · M a mm Ttte A«mWr

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j a p ? *

Fmm ihe Ft. *•««- ef

J i y H w »ttt<j«titte4 *K<mrl from nn

• b i t article in the •Wiluip'.m Brotinrt

ttaeeif » n h (Hir hearty com-urret.ee ;—-

From I As \ « r l'«o* f e « » * r .

•>rMreirtl*M • ! Use Bvwer f Tnt-Mlrr.

F o r i il'"1 tone, it i* ovtt met»t.ch«>L

Pr**. . r Mi«.- .NAMM.-Wrl«nifroiP . h t 0 > . M - . n M»u».... n. that the iw'lan.

rl,..\ ..." ^" '»^ l , , , n ' ( '* , c v "" ,M,fc . 'T' riveters! m ».»««n. '•• '"«' death ol Rev

,.»> R, i«r.W ,lK-d«tH.C.«,.,oUKJ U J - J o c i * b u n , J « H , , ^ , , . . M a mm

Ttte A « m W r <"f U l l * ' CnrinflV fcarevo.rd 100 g,tii»»*ns Itr « f w , . r d " fee . w a n t e d <« «U«r H«n Rr»k«". * °'

Ttaf-nti . f » , i l N S l

Y.*«i*rdsy tnoinmg. nl*'Mt 2 < thick, itn' pii»»ic wntchmei ,! in It's! huihl ' t tg » c l « » i t t l i - i n e

oie w ib- n m ol a ttjf I"t tin nu» sta 0 V l i I t ' . - I t ) L i e t i p | H T I (111 11 l i i t m

I I ' I I i f i n .! 1-

tlUI t h u g . I — - — • • - * " " 1H It t i n - i n . . . i . r r . .

PI NnK AIMI 7 5 guinea* '•"' * «*<»•»! •<•! ' Ttw fitp wa«ju«t then wrraking out in tin d t p * . D*****', R o v e ' Nav», / t«r 'Ben rfutltrn I i-*.r|>t-nle>».' shop, w h i h ««> s-iuVrd nomo Iff fae«ptl#jif Ine firrfind tV»*»A»f.*' \ dttiielv- under the roof HI finnl i.f the buitdmg.

. . ' ,: i i it i w n * . » | •< ; i j w i t h till 1 - ^ - i i i . i i

THat a mainrifv ef the prtMases in L Canada liata alo -aye artptatided mid j i*. f i l e d tht aunrimie outrage rom«u«t*il • n m American «e«e*t, in an Aniciicen | pOfi, e-almgunder em Antericatt fl »g, nn<l approved ti ie coM-Woodrd murder of «••. ernn*daitdd' 'cncelr-* Atnettran t i ixcm-, W« »•«*• *«U a » ttrr; bin « « IIIMM con-feeewe Vcre mrt prtjmred for <)u# w]tott> • e l e »|ipi*iSai»o«i by the ron*itinted eu-lltfNhks tea* tlim f'rov»»rr. It it a dirrci |t»ml< to tWe feelii R« of our wliolr com-ittiiHitf. H i t * dtrwrt i«iduc«tn«iit \wU\ —t,irfappuAmttoit «tWI reward, f««r ant •Ottafe Htc tW»ea of Cat*mia ttmv tarn- \ l»Ht «fiMi«We pe»e**M« and unenepertwii: i Hit*«U>aMit «>f e«r frmttier io»ru«. Tliet«-«•»«• l a t * * t|«j|Mittf a%ent gbe mai ler : #«k«- tWt art * « • Ut* fe4 or it v a t * « . IfM « « e a k v f y i f t C t , «tt#«i itirjr k«v<-

•Mminttt ft«f IkMitieAM y o n , and burn . mmtmtpf' y a y tttaat ttwy choeee, upon

t7|MMi <las eume ytawiide migfti i bry ect»d t t ic# ti'deiwinK twiiiiniia, tmi hwiii eu»a | ^ M | e v M;''ef «i*r vdiaft* , on pretencr

iM lor a*d«if and w J H i C « n i * i . V l l w , tleaji eiatltiiif ahort of

tf faji ef1 ijMi McMfa ta the i fewacoer ernH iiw iMni> ev U K U vain' 'OJon^Rem 17

1 • « mt^k ftfoiofy Irotti 1 of OalMda » Ho *»*« «*•

NlMltbMt of <^« wttider, , tWe, trrib filar tssef. 11* Wttte aptrMonor ttir

",! I t iMasMn aiwaml

ttlktii»t ihe ooMte. nMiyi onnpn louaro-

u TfceJfeJW «WtHf •-aatna! of tWe Qooefhl - 0o». [t|k«t iwi ootipa wuet ol QfOWijii

" tf4ea,md Ike fade »• f.MlorttMHta coorat of 0 twcaeiary.* tiro can cntaftain no

at will lake itlito »ttb>


j » t i > u 1 » " i n i « . - . , . . „ .

ih- i k i , 1K»6, in On* Kii»aU«tl«, a* n mm Mittiuiy '11 1 in? K.u»i Iniltci Mr. Thuinn iMtt Miitoi HI tiic Wnu-limcn, bad left tU' Iwdjifi..** 111 wtncl» were In* ciiiiipntiioii*. winir mi tnc Hijlntiii|Mii rn, on IIH wity i" SiiUn u. in H Mnmll C.IIUHJ »i.li fuur men, mi the tiiot ui Ju>> lti&i,aiiii when in i-i lii tit tiw fitlil til l:ib»r, while pushing Uri»k'\ "E'liist a utrt.nj; current, IWD tiwadidiirnW

WU-WHI to the •(Kit. Uul before nny w n t i M , ^ ^ w j l l c h c i u , r a lt mklamlv to tmk. ctM.W U- bri.a^tit in tM-ar ii|K.n tin- lmiltJi«>». I , i lKl l l ), ^ j f i ' I 'I , , , , , , , , W1 h lt h btmg nl.t>»! tUe win*' luieiior »«* m I! tint's aittl tdt.- , Wu„ , „,c o l ^ M i „„ , n ,,,,,^,1 a f,n,!ii.g. nml pt».wh.tn> ..f wring any tlimu » « • almost • u . r i l e s l . l v ..(.dunvor lo di*ftigny« the Lodx

» - i - i . » « . m a a e n: :„, M..T.'. hut witlrout »ucc«?k», us they bad

k S l l d f lltil l i . « - v > f

ii'mtauli. The l iu iw 11 «UU lUttr t-iiguie* • t •••• l -« l .> i» n n v ttnll'l

t » » . ^ « . * ' K | | ™ » " ' wm

• quefciHMi. A tla*b urn made oi | u | *>) 1 ,n ,.r„.,eii\ itMMn. *l««*fe tlie w«u!iube «•* \ ..either Undo no. 1 t ' 1 , 11 I . . . . . I L , , f . . . r m » - n l » 1 - I ' l l . l,ir(Ti't.t

II \C.

Ut-jii, hut ituly t>n« *m.tlt IwiKlle of garment* t»»» rx'trueti, and ilu- »-ltol« valuaU'e and tteautitut wordio'oe, esiimittud nt •T.OOO nr *6.(KK> k-!l a prt-y 10 the (1 unci. The Mcticrv, iiiHclurwrry and »Uge pioperty, be-ing nil highly cauituMihle. were MH>U con turned, and at about three oVIock the rtnil letl in. aeodiae obit a mast nf rindera, arbicb flew fat and aidi. and burying be­neath it all that remained of tbe iiuttaned Rawety 1 heal re

Ttae 1 n»o aale, containing eume money aad alt the book* and putter* ol the eainb-liabtnent «*aa tared ; but rsccpl iiu«, noth-my t*fanv *»lu« we* rencued limn ihede-•wuring element. The wiirdrohe, acenfry, rnwl nther propertta* were eaktetl at attout fftO.IMM, u|am witich tbere was uo inaur-aooe. loan ranee to t be amoMnt of •86,000 bad brea eftected upon tbe building, which it i* auppoaed wi'l oot cover one bolt of the wboh* actual lute. Very few ol the ad or* wad any effect* ia tbe theatre, and ihey have thus eeoaped tbe general tuin. Mr. Du-tasraay, enrpenter to the eatabtiabroeou had 4hraecbea4*oftoo)aaad other properly de­stroyed, antefe. was oot iaaured

OflHeertxiaoltbe ire,, there can he but oot ooi«ioa->lhat it was the work ef some dtatettaaj joeandiary. Twe flames when diet discovered, were oroaltutf u«t fiom the tOfioftaa fattildiog in froot. There waaa oaal efove in that room, but no (be bad been ia it sioce half paatdo'ctotk tbe previous day, and ran last pefton who left ihe build-i«g. cjtoapi auch as eras below, and was attended to by tbe watchmen. Them ore moreover, e o m circametances, which we ate wow not nt liberty to divulge, which tend >o atrMgtben the general opinion that the fiie was tbe work of an ioceriisry.

Ft mm th*Jt. Y. EM. &«r. .., • > « m i i • • # > « • • ! • %

Aewotuid roaaon to anttctpate from Ihe Jsepindeney ayakan erf iu hie letter, n sky or iwoaioos publiatMrd in the Rur, logatDer with tbe ateoiw eitack of quioaey eore throat which Ibia ehMrlauSbred a lew days bafote Mt. Catlin left tharleetoo, has (alien a vtctim to iwoan eotBbiwad oaneee, >nnd now

•• LifcV fttrol (ever o'or Bbjapi q«kt in bis grave."

The lnrgt-*l tii-i! lay ncroi* hit body. w Inch prfsfd *o closely to the l»oal that he wan nut tuken out until other a»Miii>'C« ar> nvt'd. lt is pmbnblu tint the blow hum the tree caused ahnost indaut deitlh, as ihoKC wnh liim never hcurd a groan nr a •tiugt>l<\ Mr. Tlio.nQi was a native ol Abridge, in this f>t»te.

We also team from the same source that a letim ba* bet n ireeived nt the linptint Mu*ii)tiary room*, dated Kyouk I'hyoo, ktnting tlmt Mr*. Catherine 11. M. II'ill. •tile ol Hev. Levi Hall, died at that place ol ('wet alter a lew dnya i'lnesa. Mr. and Mr*. Hail sailed Irom Boaton in the Kosa-Utlla, in October, 1630. Mr. Hall was n nanve of Southbridge Mass Mr. Hall and Mt. Thomas were ttnt out by the fia)>li»l Board of Foreign Missions.

" I U I I . T , i M I r t l M O T '

rtmtttburgh, M*reh S, l#»8.

D C I I O C a t A T I C R C P I B L I C A «

rmndttittlfu, TOR TOWN OFFICERS.

I«anc II. Pstchin, Supei\i*or. Abiam Sciibncr, Justice IVace. tiro. F. Huik. Town Clerk. John Hnktr. ("ollrcior. N.ives P. Giej»oiy, ) llmvey Smith, > Assessor*. George Stickle*, } Abel Turner, Jeremiah B. Banker, Lyman Thomjwon, Smith Mead, Truman l i e Forri* Geo. M. Beckwith Geo. Mooie, I sane W. R. Btomley Piatt New comb, llrnrv K. Avetill, K. L. 'C Sailly, Geo. Moore, Rdwin Benedict, i D „ „ ^ . . , . . _ Hemy Lobdeli. ( P o o f m » l e «

For 1 onatables. John Baker, Uriah M Thorn, Eliakini Ma

• son, Eli Robe it*, Peleg T. Statfurd. [ Sealer of weights fc measure*.

Eras us 8 Mead.

on, ;

ri*. >

Cotnmi*»ioner» of Highways.

Commissioners of Common Schools.

Inspectors of Com. School*.

Truster* of Goape! and

School Lots.

Foreign Items. We are without advices Irom Europe later

(ban those received by tbe Sylvie da Giaase, bom Havre, and tbe frigate Inconstant, from

Ireland. Col 4tllu*,—This distinguished individaa'

who it appointed to succeed Sir F. B. Head to Upper van»d», was formerly governor of Van Dieman's Land.

If the following recommendations, which we extract Irom paper* published at his old place of residence, can be relied upon, the Canadians bavo but li'tle cause to rejoice at the icmoval of Sir Francis.

Froa Iht Tree Cofoaisl. A public meeting will immediately be called

to Ihank Iht Kimq for hsving at length bad mercy on his poor afflicted subjects in this col­ony, snd to present n trut addrett to Col. Arthur from the colonists It is proposed to have an illumination on Mondsy, with a bon­fire and fire works, at tbe Halteiy point. He will be wafted from these shores with the sighs the groan*, and the curat* of many a broken­hearted parent and many a destitute child, who owe iheii misery to the loutish, wicked

«, Uw which the Colo*

C7"A mistake occurred in the date of part

of our impressions this week—it should be

March 3.

• a l l • • « « H e e l i n g . An adjourned meeting of the citiseos of the

village of PUtUbuigh, was bolden at tbe Phoenii Hotel, on t U evening of the «3d inst., at which meeliag the following persons were chosen as presiding officers,

JAMES BAILEY.. Pttridtmt.

F. L. C. FAH.LV, ) ' . . . W H . II. MORGAN, > V. Prtnd**t$. S. BEAUMONT, )

E. BENEDICT. ) &<.„,„&. Geo. MOOBB, S

The Committee appointed to prepare lew-lutions at a former meeting, consisting of the Messrs. A C. Moore, Woodward, Skinner, Boardmsn and Beckwith, then presented the following resolutions, which were adopted t

. - . I . I . J D . I I D M

i'be prr.ol of suspension was too short % that 1 he- bunk* would not issue mini 11 notes under

1 it 5 and thst it wou'd 1 ot thetefurc afford the eapeiied relief. Thr coinrniitre of the sen» ate rrWt the obj. cti<w (uurea' nnd groundless IIK it wiu) by Yr<<p'n>iiig « lunger period — thrrt nnd Jour year* — nnd the nsacmbly's cointiiitiet! ncrcpied td it, provided the b r k . cuuld l>u pcrniitlrd to i»sue these notes and}

i ii.it retlt-em th< m in »pecie on demand. And! becuso this wus not yielded—because the! Imnk* could not be pet milled to do, whtit they did not ask nor the people desi-e, IKSIIO on irredeemable paper currency, the leuLMsl citiniiiiHee broke up the- conference, • eported n distmiectnenl to tbe house, and niter a week's caucusing, night ol'ier night, divided and wrangling among themselves, nnd in no pleasant humor with oihere, they take the " back track," and insist upon the thorier period of suspension, which they declared was too shott for iho purpose ol relief, nnd which they agreed to extend!— They even nutCTED, yesterday evening, by a strict party vote, a motion by Mr. Mann, that was voted for by nearly eveiy republican then in the house, '0 ex'enti (Ac I period 0/ tutjwatioa for THREE and voun.

Such is tbe length and breadth oi * whig' consistency, and of the federal love oi the people. Briefly, the matter comes to this complexion: the -house resolved to adopt tbe sAvitest period ol suspension, oecauis IAC •ana-t were not permitted lo issue mali biih irredeemable iu epecie—and because, as was inorethnu intimated in debate, they im ogiued tbeir party interests, and the conlin> unnce of agitation, might be promted there­by! A vain and illusory hope—and n miserable party teliance—they will find ii to be.

troops of Jiihn Bull already began lo pour into the ill starred city lo defend hsr Irom hostile invnition- Here iho plot began to thicken, ns the novelist would m y , nod three alternatives ptesented lliemletves to lb* patriot force : En Iter to march forthwith upon Kingston —remain whets? Ibev were, or disperse. Tbo latter was chosen, and every man, we suppose bad so large an M* rf«'mr»i< in number out, that few words were exctinngiiri, and activity became the mmt sti iking feature in the c'osing scene of this bloodless pttnonnvi !

In justice to those of our citizens who aided in the nboveenierprixeeithei- by con» tribution or otherwise, we will say that they were deceived, grossly deceived. It had been confidently asserted by McKenzio and others, that the mosl hearty co-opera­tion would attend their efforts—that all that was neceitftary was arms to fight with, and the day nnd hour for assemblage lo be un-dei stood, to secure the action of ihousanda of the persecuted patriots ol Conoda. The sequel gave the lie to these professions, and t0u the disgraceful trsnsaction upon the hand* ol a fcw men whose philanthropic motives should have interposed a abield to sny dishonorable imputation"

JJfo/riwony— "Ton ought lo many."— •Never,' •* know a good girl for you. *Lei (nenlono* 'Bui |*"triapa, you—iwbaw!-v»u don't know lui t *b» is young •Then aha Italy-' Beautiful.' 'Th n w e dangir ens' *Of good Itmilv." •Then she ia piuutl.' •Tender heaited ' "Then she is jralou*.'— •Mie has la euts.' ' T J kill me." 'A tine nun dred thousand dollar*.' -I will take nor.'

Srrtoii* Jtre at H'e$t Point." A fire broke nut Sunday morning in the Cadet'* Barrack* in the Kngineriing Academy. 50 feet west ofSv'Uth Barrack. The valuable models in 1 the saint; we e destroyed ; but ths cbemicul anJ ph|!<iKophiCH! apanttu* KHved The walls ait« all thai is It'll standing of the buildup.

jl/irhii/ati. — This mint*, yet in its inl'uncv ciiuunt ncnrly nne hundred aiitl seventy nine thiiu«,<iiil inhaiiitanta, and prnduct'd fmin the cup* ol la*t sea.-un. one million five liiuulietl thousund bushols of wheal. No dungc; of u famine thin yuur in M cbigan.

Fniihful Sentiuelt,—Tho negroes ol Mc NuhU's urniy wasticcjsiniiallv placed as i*en tiitela, and oi cJiirxu entitlsteil with the conn tfi-ign. tir pumwoid. One n<<ilit it wn* V x ton*. One nl'lhe "liiviticihU? MIIIS ol H»n» nihiil" wasiippnim hed ; he hailed us follow a "who culm* dai- ? Advnnce nnd gib ilecoun tersiyml. Say Victoria, or you no pass here

(lis inglit!"

t t l i t Pa


IN iMtlt-r t . i t i n ' n i d i t i » » ' „ ,„ , , . lb... . . .us-B«n* •»•'•»• "' , - U -

1 | l , (r«, .»rt»-g»M..i .m|.os. l .o. . . i l '«o' . .Ur.

: : ; r ^ c o u H t i ' T . i ; L B M ; ^ ' « -AL TEETH, MI .... gol.l. .11 O. H_S..v ion', was done wlmlU hv me. 07"A* I . L i n . MOW in hi. em y. il. . . r « p l - . * . .inn i . I.ttt mi nrl «>l j i iM iw . J- • - * • « >»•

Bill lit.ViKtll. Feb. I J, '8.1K. •_


CHARLES G. BKVANT.—This man wasta-

ken near Sax's Landing in Chazy, on Tues day last, with 11 kegs of Powder, 20 bones of balls and one iron cannon, which he was transporting towards the Canada line. Tbe

I property was seixed and he was put under a Military guard, An application was made by the acting District Attorney ol the U. S. to the First Judge of this county, founds j upon offiJavits, (or a warrant against Mr. Bryant

lowing resolutions, which were aoopwu s f o r , violation of tbe 6th section ot the act Retotted, Thai the contemplated Rail Road o f A p r i , 8 0 | 1 8 1 9 f p r o Cest was thereupon

from Ogdcntburgh lo Lake Cnamplain, is an i m e a t n J delivered to the Deputy Sheriff.

object of the first importance and ought to re ceiv* liberal aid fiom this State.

I HaJSnlTtiewoar,aiiU•*Fori Mouliire. # W » l « i . r E « « i n l X S T t l ^ % IH. ha.bour ol

, r ^ Hit «»«• »>»d\charWietoo. Mr. Catlir. informs us thai a

bear.su i»i«™ »~- * , , .• L «irked *»t*» .«"•••• »"• ••-— • . . w n o owe ihei. ~~l*£2$.the l\o*\ Ire.olred. That the citixenaof the northern and ,n t W f i ^ f f i ^ X Z * * colony „ction of th. United States, through which «Kape. nv has been rutne« • si" _j.kiHi» . . . . . J ™;n „ . . . h.vn contributed

who took him into custody. The hearing was then suspended lo wail Ibe a nival of witnesses and in the mean time the prisoner effected his

ny has been ruined, n o •». , . . — . raptdK increasing in wealth snd recpectsbility —be has loft it sunk in debt and miser.-. He neglected the useful roads and ruined the ag­ricultural interests ; be was the father of u-

sury. From Iht Robert Tow* Aran*.

lt was with tattings of most sincere satis

secuuii u. iu* v ....vw ~——, „ the proposed road will pass, have contributed largely towards Ihe internal improvements in other portions of this Slate in which Ihey have no diiect interest, while Iheii own section has been neglected.

Retolted, That aside from bringing at once

(^Considerable excitement has existed in this vicinity during the past week, in con* sequence oi an unusual movement among the Patriots and an evident preparation lor an invasion of Canada. A Brigade of Mi­litia was called out and stationed at Cham* plain and other points on our frontier to preserve neutrality. Un ihe night of the 26th ult., the Arsenal at Elixabethtown, in Essex county, was broken open and 1000 muskets, 30 rifles and a (ew swords stolen. Mr. Hand, the keeper of the Arsenal, pro* ceeded immediately toward the frontier for the purpose of recovering them} but ihey l.nd pasted the Canada line, near Alburgh Springs, and were in the posaeation of the patriolt. On tbe 1st instant, however, tha patriots concluded lo abandon the etpodon —delivered the arms to Gen. Wool, and have dispersed.

|C7"We understand that tho committee sppoioted at the Rail Road meeting, ate ta­king prompt measures to bring the subject be* fore the Legislature with a view to irnmedi*

ate action.

Petitions have been circulated here asking the State to appropriate 0500,000, to thia important object, and we would suggest that the citizens of the other towns bo up and do* ing.

...„ Tremendou$ slortn.—A western editor, in

giving nn account nfu huticane, says--" It is utterly impossible to desci ibe the scene nl'j desolation presented to the eye. Wy suw | a. inviy as four ho^s kilted.'*

A getitltMnan in this neighborhood, enter­ing his office during n storm, pluced his urn btella upon n chair nnd spread hinxeif out to dry in tha hull. Anothe.'. upon reiiring, blew himself out and put the lamp to bed.

TO T B E P U B L I C . K. O. II. S A X T O N . Sn u .o i . He...

tint, I't-peellully muni* In- thuiKk ii-i ihe libeiiil . atitinnjje lie I.a. rtt. it 1-1I lor 1 In 1 lee.. \ e it-)I;I»I, the «liu'et>( uhuh tune I lutvi bet 11 eittplovetl lit L)tnli»ii\, unit l.nve spuittl no pnm< or expense in i|uulilv .sst**••*I lor the l»n»ine»*. I umuiU Unu 'i> w.t.i'il.il nnv wo.k in be iltn.e skllU mil. ; niitl its I .11te1.it i.t reii.1.1.1 10 touu .mil t iiiilinne u.\ I'tiiclU'e, I >l..i|l IdlMiily

ml willing l,i tiuikt ituy iea-oii .lilf n pair-i.t Illy «.tik giatis. A l l c itn years | i.ieliee I W i l l i I t . r i i l l i i t e l j . h i 1 i l l i . l - . p e o l 1 l i e x t l . t l

int. tit prut1 11 « Willi Dr. S, S, I'hi li, i). e ol ibe 111111.1 »i lenlitie noil i-elelilni.il piae-i.tiniii-itt 11. Dinial S. i io.r . in the IJ. 8., »U.'ie I |iinii lite liimtlit'il dolli.K I'm1 U. 1 imi, lu>itlei> oiI'ei e\|>iti»i>, 111.1l ntt ivtf l a l)i pli uiii, iinih'ii . /my an.I ui iiini.te.iil-i.ty, me In pne lire lltnl.il Surgery in i>« Mtiitui-, lu.iii he-, 10 any nf l'ie U. S — I ti.11 a>«nif ihe ptililit' ili.it ibe'e |> no l»».».inci-h thui ittpii.t* uit.ie p ai'ii.'.* tt> ....ike 1.1' 11•«• 1 ib,ui .he Det.lisi lio-iiie-s ; a.1.1 il tl.t-i wfluhl itu'ize imll.n»e who bi.vt eK|i..Mii'eil, tin- yreai injuries done l>\


• TAOSli

prom pi»«-*»-'«* •• •"•"rfr" • f M l l R a u b u - r i l t t t s In.VP ^.i . l . l .Oie. l » V Da.lv t.»e ol S T A C K S . I n f e r . . i M 5 . a » . « r g « \ . . . . i B . . . i ; . ; « ' « - ' . / - » ; i . ; : ; l.„„ l in i l I|.1„«.,ol.lM-pnbl.f. ..".I « ' ; « | „ | | , ...li.iMbeifUr «»...!.he I .H»I " i t .

L.....I ^ t a , " " { b, ,"r;; ir...M..-l l«-lween Iho l « « I ' ; " ' ' ' ' hx "

,Mn« .. .0 Ibetr car.". U f.H l-e prom,..-K - l , e ,7dedio . f . .raro- .o . .»bleco .npe. .a-lion.

pnrlpnll•ToR•• W H L A U O & MORSE.

It the Ueneraljnd Variety Slor$ \VM, II. MOilCAN



Fmin r.ii.ln'Ut»ii I" Phelps'. I I F N U Y IMJMKEF.

I.-,,,,,, Pbtii.i.unjb 10 Phelps. 1. '»-»8-


M l l l - l l - l l U l f l It C III l b I I " " ' > • the lid

G7*The Muntretl Herald, one of the fierc­est of tho Royalist newspapers, copies the lines by Mrs. Nelson, which lately appeared in thia paper, entitled "The Patriot Chici," with thia introduction :

Appointment by the Governor and Senate, Feb. 20 :

Clinton comfy— W n . Hedding, judge.

I ? # ^laoWbtf froj* tbe Btifalo Jowtial ta i«> * a)*oMbw of t a d srif stance mai ac«ivii) ol

l t» BwtoUot rn iliie titauer. It it al-«fjr« tteceaaary to be provided with evi sknee before ) 011 go tr tria'-.—

*Mr, Benton, the \j. S. D»«uct Attoi stey faf litis otaie, lias besni 111 to* 11 aev ondtlaya, eotWctittg, in |mr«iianre of 11. aa^ortiossa frasti ike FieMdettl, all ill* in. sorwiolioM attad oridewee iliat can lw olt-tatssas) in retalMsn to ibe deatrnciinn t.( tbo steamboat Caiwtit*, and the murdei o f Aeacricaii ciJiEeua."

Tlte following t-nld and manly la gitage i* fiom ttte Lo..doii True Sun.— tittctt sentut.eiiisuliered lit tlowniitMliten aod oopreaaed Cnitndw would d'tiiii ihr offender i o n B n>*li linnpeon. T lo fsteofi l i* Vindit n'oi i» prt«fof tlr.i>.

W e will not say tliai tlieu Wns no id­ling wUrte il will t int; Low it m 1 v it" voU« America m d Ku'i | .c in wuli • •»a«tiij; tuin't MIL. , nlitit |.u«ts 1 live* it nny I I » . , ..t.t' v l.r.t ..il'..iit.n.i I l l l i l l O u r .'• l l l . iV ( i l l . I t o l o - t l e l . l l i l j n

d i e d n l 0111 ('•> l-t , W e r iK I , « I | i.i..1'.' l l i

i l i t f l l . l i j i ' i t i l i « i I . ( . u i - , ; i l i i . i t. . |1 1 i n j .

C/f f . i t t i t f l i l M i : 11101 . s i . . ' i l - , (.11 I l i t 1 1 ' 1 , . ,1

t i l ! i . ' i n r i n M I I 1. i. t . . 111,1 % l i * I ,,u ,,'

fit tl vs 11 It A i n f 1 i c i n 1 (1 III' 11 e \ 1 1 l e . u !

I n | K ' l ' t l i u i i - > l l i f l i i l l 11 1 I D ; • i i i . , -

V I .1 • l i e M i t e I t u - j w (. < 1 I I 1 1 ' ' . I ' , 11 I i i .

i t . l i l t M i l t > 1 l i i | . l r | t ' f l l f r . " - , \ \ r • h u l l !

I m l l « , 1 1 . ,1 . ' i i . I , I I " j , . i , » : . 1 e , i i - - i 1 :

C d l H l l - . 1 >ii 1 ' 1 £ 1 t 1. 11, 1 ( , .1

I l i e l ( - m > t U 1 I , • •. 1 i . i ' t , 11

in we i n n tm i n u . . . . . . trtrvment that Mt. C saw Oceoln undei cir t:um*tsnces «f so impressive a charade 1 . iliat he can never cra-otlKitn from his mind 1 For aon.s distance before .enchinu In* quar-1 lers, Ive tieard hi* deep nnd heavy g.iuiiia,' and on entet ing found Ihe noble chit-limn who could endure every Imrdahip in Flori­da's desolate hammock*. 6. who dared |tcnl audttMug'sr •'tl\(ii man dure do"'—ptnsliMte 1 m hi*bat-k, unnerved, und conquered by di>eane- Hi»p<i)ud spiiit in lis gramluie ''h.tfii.g liken torii'iit in a ct.mpic*»ed ravme a.aiiMt lite (iestrtirtive nnd p^-risbab'e em-

it.nktTMH.ls iliat im|M-dt"d iu tmu.idmK course For itobly h.ritied as his outward pciann Mil* h e tt'H lh«t it Was lie 1 CI CU.likCI.tK.-il to euii «III j s o u l l ike h i . , ruiii w n h nil o t h e r

j mings t Biihiy, it carried (be laul nnpruss j >•'. deml. 1 t;i Ins et'reme sufli'iiivi be haJ loin off

c ^ w . • " : - • - - l i _ n o f l w c \ v e yesra ; dur K.ng.*nu, « i u « " t - ' - r " - " •— « charge ol h gh treoson. A w w y ™ " . ^ V ^ W w n i l ^ , , 0 r f i , . . M r . B N . ! . o n \ then Mrs. Coxon. contitbu* . the wh .if m . J , ; wre tr .hed. un- a '0ng the northern frontier, the expenses a c „ d f w q o e B Uy to the Canadian Lourant and ^ r u i K o t n t e d ' b y the misrule of ht. L u , d f o-these purpose, alone du.ing the I . . . . . t h e H e a l d W . « « , « . k o . . j g ^ k n - * .vcrnment. | war being sufficient lot itt conttruct.on. | » nucss for the feelings wntcn u.c

Jtstoleed, Thai the conatruction of the road

ing the whole ot wnwn IU«K j ^ , . — , , havelteen rendered tniserab'c, wretched, un

gov From the Trumpeter

Gt.nRtot*t NEWS.—At length the happy intelligence has a.rived of the lemoval of the most unpopular Governor that evei ruled a Butish Piovince.

Prom He Colonial rimes. Goe. dnh'ir'e trcall! Glvriout newt!!

— It was with great sstislsction that the in-hiitii ants id' Hobtst-Towii welcomed that Imp py intt-liigriice, publicly made known or Wednesday last, that Col. Anhur i* forthwith to bo rentoved from this government. A worse I'lilisl. Uovertiur utver ruled duiiug (he pre sent cri.tuiy

, !ii« Ani-ia unban, m.d l.i» hack ciu- «•> n.g I T I - S M - S n o w flo M e d i n ( t i . ' o l ' V r I t - d W i d l M ' h -

i 0 t . » n h i . nol. iv t ix inrt i n e c k nint Khoulde i s , 1-1.J tiit-i Hit- l.i(' ui ' ia (. .vi' i itu w i l e un t> I . HI In* IM ud it JH.I-C '•• Tut t.Hii r v*ii» II'. Mi .lij; I 1« t llC-l. Mini ll W Jt Ull,-. t'nllt tilt

• •Jin 1,, w 1 1 r in Minted w h e n lln; nrl.sl satv ' '!o» i ' i . t | ibi f s e e n - t l e f o i i t , iniitifijl'y lis

l.r I ' I I I I ' I ' I . n i o r a ' n m u ' e , cou ld in" c o n -, i'ii. 1:1 r.i n l h . i l lie i-iiduitil II,» U i t t u i e * « • te 1', »|. 11 ti il, ni l i o n " n 1111 u nn t -xpress on

i i - i i o i t e li rinni'ss 'o •ii l i . t .

i n i n

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••• I , I» l a 1 '

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b i o w ; t in' , , * ) > ; H i e

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Some tMiris have a great deal of humm- in Hem, ptnticula'ly the riiveu. Onn lb at ta-'ougod u. me wa» iho must niischmvous ami aiuu'iiig cieiltiire 1 ever met wnh.— lie won.J yet into the (l)wer gmden, go in ine U'iU wheie the gnrdner had mw-d :. Uient vani'ty nf seed*, w i'ii slicks put into the, uround will. InVU, und then he would iiinuse biin»ell by pulling up every atick, • ml layini! iheui in he.<n> ol ten nr Ivvehe

'on 1 he paiti. T h s used to in I lite the oM j-aidner veiy niucn, who would drive bun jitwny. The rsven knew lh.it be ought not

phien- 110 tin |i, 1,1 he would not bavtt done il.--cbe.-i 1 lie would stsiti .eiur.i lo lo* ini-ehief, nrn l1 in 11 1 »in 11 ihe ganhic-r again eh:.ted bun [the o'd

111:111 i-iiiild no' vsiill. viiy ' •-' ' ih«i tiiven

Would tend lo secure to the State a large, and valuable western trade which in consequence of the improvements made in the St. Law rence Uivcr and at othei places by the British government has been directed lo Montreal,

Retolted, That Mrtsn. Wm. F. Hsilv, J. I). Woodward and A. C Moore, be a com­mittee for Ihe pur|>o*e of furthering snd car­rying out Ihr objects of ihe meeting.

Urtohed. Thst the pioceedingt of ihil meeting be published in the ptpertof thil vil­lage,

lirori. t Moonr. ? & > m ( a H e | , L.UWIN liENKOiCT. S

' the lieitta. w o cm. «••»•»• »...,._ ' nnces for the feelings which dictated the

" lines." The Albany Aigus nddt: •• We cannot yet believe ihe laat stanxa

tobe prophetic. Dr. Wolfred Nelson in one ol the ablest and mutt estimable of the riti zen* of the Lower Province—pottetting qunK itie* that enoble snd adorn our nature- chiv-

' atric, brave and accomplished—beloved by a numerous population who appreciate hia character and his virtues. A liberal and a generous course on the part of the govein* ment townrda such a rr.nn, could not fail to redound to its ultimate honor and advantage —his sunguinary death may aroutc a spirit not easily allayed, perhaps never subdued

Mr. J. Pierce, whose advertisement will be f jund in our columns, is again in this village, and ready to wail on any who may wish to »\ ml themselves of on opportunity of being Insuied in either of the companies which he it'prrscnts. Wo umieistand he intend* to call »uuug.:i» ,....« r . . . . . . „ .. on ihe Fatmer* in this and the neighboring uncommon ncttvity nnd Iho public mind be towns. enme nfu with conjecture. At length the

belief been mo p.evnleiit thnt n gunenil lising - • - • - • • • » l . i . i . l u . r i n . 1 .

The late expedition against Kingston is

thus noticed in the Ogdensbuigh Republi­

can : •• For n day or iwo prior to the Md ult.,

mi unusual movement was peieeplibio-— tniiignrs wore passing and re-piissing with

' •' »>ii« . . . i .ul he .

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„. , | , e too.11111i1.ty «" Ur**'.„ . , , , "' ' ' AV-irri//* lltrald.

T h e tsii iull B U I L n t v P a s s v r l t

The Omly Albany Aigu. ol the 28lh nl'., says—Il will be perceived thnl yester­day, niter 11 cloii.y of nearly a week since the it port ol the coinmit'eo of conference. .Mi. Taylor, tlte HIIUIII bill clmmpion in l!io House, culled up ;ho subject in ihut body, und moved that tiie house reccdo fiom its votti of non-cnncutreiicn with the scnnle in its amendments to the bill, u:id thai it con­cur in thoso niTiend.ncnti.

This motion was discussed with much warmth by the fcdcial member* during the g.eiilct part of the forenoon sitting; nnd the debate was continued, in n similar turn per, nt on afternoon titling and until 9 o'­clock Inst evening l when the r|ue»tion wn* taken, nnd the motion CARKIKD by a vole ol 03 to 2,

The (Heel of thil vote ia to ptti the bill ns it cams originally from tho tcnale, aua« p'-nd ng the oiH'ra ton ot tho low of 1B35 (or two and three years; nnd in this shape itVi.tN now be. said l oh t iv Incomes liw, at

Aisdvwb..r..raome tunc hvl V"'n ntn\ \ „ has doubt lost received iho signature of the

A w jutted ..xqutaiif. trnttod,

t n i . i i i ' i i f

l./t I i' t r . r i | f ' '»; . * ' .

> I

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!"• >M,,'>' " • ."",''""*hKhbo pc-.ceiving.

7^Xrv™''-^^''•""•'' ;;. 1 , *!'„:.„..„,«,».?d.... .1 •>• l.sve*, • I w v i koa* v r , , i h , i ' •"'•

Governor lt will be rero'lected, (hat the fedeial

mrmbert of tl.a h use of»erted indebautand tht • ! / . ...• •• "'•fftrri '•'" "•' frfarenca, thai

wnsto tiiku place niong lbs l.oniier, pur sunnt tun pieconcorted plan, nnd a general rush bn mode upon Kingston, on the tt2d To this end, men, arms, nmunition, provis­ions, tnd all the pie-requisites of horrid wur poured into French Creek like a torrent.— The jam was descti jed as temundous \ the people there assembled being estimated nt 3000. At length, the projectors luaringn visit from ihe United Stales aichorities or not wishing to violate the Iswa of Uncle Sam, concluded to remove to Hickory Island, bulonuing to Csmtda, and situate 24 miles from Kingston, The business of transport­ing the military stores, arms and tmunition, having bnen accomplished, the next step was to ascertain the available fotce thus assem­bled. Eighty-six men only name for word un volunteers! Thi* was a damper upon the intrepidity of the few whose coumge snd vnlnr deserved a better fata. Ae we Im lorn remarked, the number assembled waa computed nt 3 0 0 0 ; but when tht moment arrived to test their ehWalry. but 00 res­ponded to the call In tht mean time, in. ulligence of an ittaek upon Kingston had reached tht Canton Hda. and eiprtttet wf e mr'ud in awry rlirecMdH, trxj tht

A l r e c l e n t 91 Mr t i e r .

[Correspondence oi tht Argus.] WaiMngton Ftb. 24 ,1838 .

" This city ia in great excitement nnd grief, on account of Ihe tragic death of lion. JONATHAN CII.LEY, nf Maine, caused thus day by the fire of Hon Mi1. GrAvm. 01 Kentucky, in a duel, fought near hou.— Graves wns the challenger, hnvir j fi M C I ' ried n chul'enge f.om Jsmes Wataon Woliti of New York, which was declined by Mf Cilley, for the reason that ho did not con-sidei .»lr. W . a gentlemsn. They fought wiih rifles,and on the fourtS fire, iho bill from Graves' rifle entered near the left g<oin of his innocent victim, who expired in 11

moment, • Alter the third fire, Mr. Cilley'a friend*

Duncan, ot Ohio, and By num. of N. C . proposed thnt tho challenge he withdrawn, but this was denied unless Mr Cilley would acknowledge Webb I» be a gentleman!

' Tho friends who attended Graves, wero Wise, Menifee, of K y . , und Culhnun of tho snmu stnto. Mr. CtHuy, was n gentleman nfnbontSS years nf age, and much belov­ed, and has an amiable lamily in Ihe stato he .cpretenUid.

•Tho challenge, which Wuhb came rin here in prepmc, was bawd on snmn rxpresi-inns tif Mr. Cilley, in tho Hnu*o, to tho effect • thnt Webb was no better than Iu should be,'or something of ''mt nuturo— duiing Ihe Into discussion growing nut of i n article from the Spy in Waahingtoa. churging corruption.

"Thus, the infjinnus Webb, and (il pot' sihle) his more infamous pnnder tht 'Spy,' have been the means of murdering a highly gifted member of congrrss, aad a ci«iz*n great­ly esteemed for his personal worth."

On Fiidoy last, aevenil nbotition memo* riuU of men and women in Oneida county wern presented in the Ansembly, some of ilium to abolish nil DISTINCTION of color.— We hnidly know bow thia dial'motion of color is lo be abolished, unless the black 1 can be colored white, or the whites black.— We recoiled th.t when Timothy Pickering waa Secretary nf State, he wns applied to ns to the best manner that could be adopted to christianize the Indians, he rtnliod, (but Hit best method ht could think of w a s thai the miasionnriea ttnt out among tho Indiam

, should bo in.tructed to mnrry at toon at ihoy could find a young Squaw—hit influ* once nt a husband would convert hor t» Christianity) their children could be brought up and educated in tht right way, and their joint influence with family connection! vtould induct those relatives to bacomt Christian*, lt it possible tht wtH and «»• men of Oneida with to abolish all distinction of color by in'armsrringt with tht blocks, and expect Iht Legislature to pott 1 In* compelling ptoplt to tmalgamve. W« hxvt no ohjtctiont lo Iht whitt gentttman tnd whitt Ladies ol Oneida IntarrnarryiiiK with tht bltcka, but we rather think lint the white cliiiens In ih l iptr l ol tht ttnw

I will be Qjmoaod 10 any la* compelling them to abollin dsMitct'on of oolor by •matg>»«'


T u m p o r u i t c o C a i i v v i i l i o i l .

TH E Clinton County Temperance Soci oty will bohl their annual meeting in

the CourtTlnu-e at Plalishoigh, on Wednes­day tho 7th of i\ftrch, at 10 o'clock, a. m.

The nieinl.eis of town societies, and our lellow ciii/.-ns generally are invited 10 attend-

Rep.111« from town rs.tcieliet have nut been received und tbeiefuro should be fi.rwnnlu.l iniiiied'wtelv. Huecl 10 B. B Newton, Plaits-burgh. E-necialiy let these repoits be accu-late nnd hi I upon the l'ol|iiwin<- points : —

1st. The number nf place* where intoxica­ting liquors are «oh) 1.4 1. beveiagf.

21. Tho itniount of l'iiii|ieri-iin und Crime «.ci*uciii<ii''il bv Inleinpeiuucu a* far us it cun be ascei' an.ed.

aCJ'Adilie-te.-i, and public discussions of Ueaulolioiisand plans und means for promot­ing thu c inst- of Temperance, will occupy the ntluntmn of the convention during the day und evening.

A full and punctual attendance upon this Annual met ting n confidently expected.

Mjiterary €tub-This Society wilt bold its ne\t meeting on

Tuesday evening next, at the Academy Hull, at \ past 6 o'clock.

An ESSAY by Isnac Fitch,

SflOXiAMaVrXOlT. By G. B. Hibbard.

QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. •'Ought the United Slates receive indem­

nification for the outiage committed atSchlos-er.'

Affirmative. Negative. Amos A. Hade. V . A. W. Merrell, Albert Marshall, J. Moore.

DtALOGTE. By J. Ha gar, & Wm, M'Dcrmot.

0O»Lailiea and gentlemen nre lespi-rtfully in vited to attend. A' THUBBIiU. Ser

UU.lul I.V»'MI.-.I . n i | . |oy iu_ iiii)>.i-tors. I 11111 son1, to he in.iler the ii'ttsMls of speakiiig p.lbtiely of a \ tiling tti.iii bv tbo nunc of .lnl.n I.t Wis, , . ho ml* fit IMS Ibe p .a i l i i e uf Deulis. I. \ in ibis p late; Ix.l us he has Inivebetl onl of bis path, ami ii.a.le an ..i.unr'i.iiti.lile use ol my inline Iu give himself euricney in the Den list l.nsii.ess, jusliee In Ibe iinblie its well a mt sell, re<|ii..i-. Unit I sntait.l slalt some fuel .11 i i la l iuntu Mr Lewis imd bis .piatifteiiiioiis, nr lalh. 1 tv.iul (if (pi ililie.ilious. Mr I., e.i-teretl my cifliee lusl May, tiiuler a toi i lr i i l lo woik tor me ''or lite spuee. nt i w o yeais al tin \ \ bite Smith husuit'SH, ai.tl uiakn.g aiitl it pan in a Mii-b nl lusiiumeiils, ami the Metbauiial |ii.n ol'Deutist.y. l i e It fl my .'iiiplov uiiiei1-1 i.ioi.iiillsl\ hi Jatn.arx las! ; nbonl ihn'efumlh of 1 be $ ...o.iilihlnne be wai will, me,be woik 1 it 01. Oijiiuis. oe. asioiiallv .i.si«iiiii> ine in Ibe 1 hi lineal nper-iiious, .i.i«...if)«,'lt.iit.u: ponehnn

• •-••lli. I n .v t r e u l e i c i l iiiluaiiN in i i l e i t l i iml iu^ vv Alt Mr. I.i w i s In l e a n . In.n D e n t i s t r \ ; ami • hum;; the lime he w us w ill. me, I never ili.ee-iftl or perluittl'h Inn. to pe.fti.1.1 auv opeiallon 111 Dentistry...'Xfi j.l t i e Mt ib.i.iieitl pa'I of ii.a.iui.iet.irni!; tbe malet'iiilsfin my operaliuiis, And I ion not ai> .lie of hisevt't' pr.irli-.inir. deu-ttslr), nr thai be eve.1 intended 10 piarMir.mi­ni I saw Ins advertisement. I l.iil inaiiiil.it-liii'e.l le.'ll, and m .I.TI.HS licl'u.e Mr. I .ettu eauie Iu work for me, and tooloi.te to l.ii.u..-fin lore I hem, and inn prepared lo instr.111 oth­ers bow lo ii.auiif.il In.'.- Ilieiit, as well its can be thine in tbe U . S . , but Ibe ml einuiot lie inquired in 11 few weeks or even 11 few mot.lbs All Ibe knowledge Mr. Lewis has it. the Me 11.a.ileal pari ul Dentistry, be i.i.pii.t'il from nit- in lite manner above stated. I have been thus p^rtit uliir iu ilftai buii the hislorv of Mr. L'M e.lntalinu iu Sni^enn Deutislrv, 111 older In eaiition Ibe I'libhe I'ljaiusl lielievui'j; everv f-lmiek's mlvt tiise.licit. |l n t pnres no In- ii Iu t Olivine.'sen ,ible people iliat it does .ml lollow ol I'm.isc Ibiil Ihe White Smith ul i im.nul'aii tires Ibe S a i n t o n * lust....i.e.its, knew* how, when i.utl where lo use I belli as skilllullv ns the Surgeon himself.

I>. II. SAXTON Biiiliniiloii, Pi II. 2-2'I I KIM

Mutual InMirnnce. | H E stilixiil.tr »on Id lespe. tft.Ht

ant. nnee lo ibe |.ul.|.e, ami |i,n-tii t.Lilly lit lb.1 inb.iliilaiil-. nl the ennolie. ol Itet.-Kt'l 101, Wa-biii^ion, Wur.iii, K.* -ex, Clinton iiml I'rauklin, that be 1. pie noeil to set ve tin in in tbe eapai iti til ,1 Ttitv. Iling Ag< nl t'.irilielrtllnuiii" Mu­tual I..onrant1.' Companies, viz : Wa-b-iiiU'tin t'tniiil v, 01-iiniJteil l-l Noveiiihei , .8:14 ; thitt ol'Saintogti »•• unty, oroiniiseil Isl lleeenilier, IH.l* ; nml thui of Urn--. laer e unl v , tiroiini/..al in June lH.lt>.— ,\l | of which are .lomg n sueetssltil ou»i-r.e»s, and thus far tbe most snuutiiue e*. Iieelalitiiis of the members have bun fully realized. Wi'h rrgiiid lo Ibe pnilieulu. i latins ol either, the |>IIL>IIC ean ea.-ilt jmlge by ttiun'Ui.n^ lb.- Animal Itepuria of lliosi IIISHIUIIIIII". Tbe Kuttstril.er liitving bail t'onsiilu.alile ex|ieiit'nee in the businoss, anil it'Miived in the tl'iM'lmr-t.' uf bis dtitit-s In aci wilb litetiniiuu |>ioiupliliule and nil |iaiiiality, hopes HI secure the conuMcnct anil further lite interests of nil who- unit ia mi in in with their pal unlade. Com iiiotiiCatioos nthlitN»til 11. itie snltsei'ttiet at Whitehall, N . Y. , will le.e'ive due ui. lention. J U L I U S P1EUCK.

January 26, IB3B. tiwi7

AS 1 rl in 11 (il fiom Ntw Ynik anil .» n o w r e t . ' • > > n ) i a I I ' LP a i l i i i l m i I o i u <

f i n m e r s i n t k , i u l t u l . t i . i l I m t i n

W i n l e r t u i i l e , w i t . i l l n o w t n i | i | o i - e » i b e

largest und mosl |(t iiei.tl M»»ot muni in lb. coui.lv. A moii',; his iis.nriiiieiit ITIHV Lt I I . I . I I I I i. v . i u e t v o f C a l l . o t - i , I r o n . IUI11 37

• c u t s 11 v urt i , S I L K S , ( . l V C . I H M S ,


T O Y S e l ' u l l kiniUaittt prucs.

—TI:AS— from Iwo It, leu ttlnll.ugl per lb, F i n l l — S.1I11 ton, sh.ol,matkcrel.

Ctlilli-h, pin k , ham* anil | ' « s , W In ill, ive, 1 o n , O J U , peas, Btl< k-« beiil, fir,

Hmrel, ib.nv i.n.l t onise S A l , T j f ine a.id miptiline I' L O l ) I t ; A Lug.' In' ot (»i tinLto. t» ; 11 oil, mills, steel, bunts, shin *, ltc1.1L ii.atle t'liiUnn^ ; llov's rnp« ; Clte..|. 1.1 r, wool anil palm leaf H A T S .

Hi* ntil tii-toine.s, ami ll.e pilbln ^eu ernllv are re-peti ItiHv inVil.-.ltti 1 till un i \ i n i l t i i 1 101 l l l l l l i - i l . e s .

Plutt^ltt.r^b, Niivtuiber, 17, I 1 J 7 .

STaT *t **v*sws *ojaes. atef*w*sw' .

FKKSH GOO VS. I IF. ,-i I -ti.lui Iwjr* lease Ininfnui

In. in . it. .... I Hi • Public, iliat In .« iii.ta uj.ri in^ Wrli >• It • leit a«»'tt liiirm .-I l i O II |> S, ..I in, , o . , l r - up 1 in i n . l i I e i l I n t i e . . 1 . 11 , i . , i | 11 ,>• in i r k i I .

• m l I IMI 111 . 11 ti 11 l i . t . e i l i n n i>, o l i b . i t , 4I I • •

1 1, ..M I 1 e , 1 0 1 t i t N > » Y o t k 1 o n • S , l i e l> 11 « i .

l b s ) , i l W i l l l . e i l l li » ( K i l t e r l o | . l e n > - I M -

1 1 1 . t n . l i e i . H . n l s i n II .t« 01 tv f i v i i ' l o u i v . n l

4 1 nil, Ltit b as 10 ft'• 11 nnd tpiiliiv, f 1 imlv |• iv 01 very limited cteibl. II i» assort ii> i n c > i . » i . t s >if »

III... k,

S T O R E .

s *

T II|F. Pnl.lic m ^ '''t'*"'

Mil I. C O M P A N V

ft C * "A m

H O w

1 be 1 I I | I

l i r , "it

t I I t l .ok , 1

Biii'. f II...«... S B R O t J i e e i t , W

>« ••••'' • ? . , . .


Muslin* and

l t « l M P . t f B S . M n i F - H K I S f l .

, » . n e . i e n t . I M - « ' » » « • « P ' " " t - ' " , h

wintor wt.ir, I' , (.,•«, tV.'mli.niis. l i i n . lb ' N a | t , ( i .o. lie llione. ( i t . . . i l e S A . - S .

I'I.III «'o Soul, mil Florence

. i | . | . l \

n n b . i . " I . •'•

, , , w l . O 11 <

• l i e v . i l i t ^ o

• • n r ,

t | i . . .

, . | I

i t I

fin Ctl

S I L K S .

1 I ,

T I : A S , siiff«^* MOI.A>^|'>-

i ol;?,!:!': , , . , 1 1 . H.« T It. It l v U A I S I N S . C I - W H A M * .

Is A T I. Ar rur.

rlM.HM t «a'

A . . 1 1

P i I I V . . . I M ' . HO.I I". S S l l "

,. ii, 11 r man's •'! ' I • • ou« 1 Inniiti »t tb.ir Stoie in

la t . t ii' n 1,

A l i l t I V \ | 4 , Mi: i. Co S n i i

A DM- S, a >u| ti.nr ai V M Co. S'.oe,

i,n«l i«U.n .,.—Zim


J u s t R v r v l v c d AT TUB


gineial ...s.n 1 tit. ut »»l Ciaocr.aiE*, consisting 111 pint ui th« lullotving

II'I icIl'S

160 C l . e s t a T K A S . 10 IIngslicnils S U G A R S . 40 H'li'.U dt pipes- L I Q U O R S . 1500 It Hotels collide. S A L T . 300 Lnirela do 500 GaU. Winter Strninecl OIL. 20 bnxeH Sperm C A N D L E S . 50 do Tnl l tw do 40 boxes S O A P . 10 Imga C O F F E E . CO tibl*. lu.li & H'liuter bbls. Mnckerel 5 0 boxet Herring, Snlnmn, Ci'illinb, S urcli, Nails, Sieel,

1 Iron, Slei^b ik Cutler Shoes, Hoise Chuins Open Hills, Buffalo Kulie*. Leuther Mil-

ivattumj Tf-Aet

1 * • • **Bt 11 *»

. • . l i i r K l - . I . Y a . . . l < . L A V » v \ A U

I»-^.M. •••%'X,'a8M.v! PUtlsl.iiittb, N ( W ' n , , , » ,8'17"

M l l H I I . I .


Ladies a»d Cientlennn'a

Shoe Manufactory.


v y b o l « a n l « a n d R e t a i l -

N I \ \ 1 o n , l\ o | I ' n u k i n g .» „ , . STOX L.^, suite | ' l | . . . lot po l t i l g llli.lt r .1 t t . Air. f.

w . 11 Dec. 1, 1H.17

1 A A D n r r r l n Kr.»u • w t r w i # ju, i irc'.l ui the

M i l l . C o . SToae.

IU*SHF.I.Scearse Salt For Stile nl the

M i i t . Co SToet.

l a t l j <V B r o i U l r j / ln..e fir sale N O I I T D N S •elr-sliarueiii.tg

J' LOUG H The Furmeis wnt.l.l do ««ll lo examine this Plotigb l.tlo.e Ihey buy any tuber ; as N O R T O N ' S IS consul*ml lo b« inpc.ior lo any now in use,

W A01F.3 Maiinn 4i Caitassiau'CUrnks ew-4 grn'«. over COHI-, Yests, Pi.iilalnn.ia (iurusey shut*, anil O.awir. , for sale l.y

W . II . MoBOAN.

Dec. 2 , »»37.


HAS itist rweivwl and ia now optuius u general assort.nent ol


-H^iir^^r-ofuie ri.llownig»iiii'l»'»

Rliu.k, Blue, Blown, Cl.. .n &

c l K l M E U E S . M O L E S K I N S B ^ i . e e , Plui . l . . . .dPl . .o Cloth, fo

w i S t V V i r : Fietub Mosl L i t b c o . (Sioghama, Silka, &«-•. Ate

•ens, H«M'»'- •>•,',, , " r a ' ' 1 J.i-sa.nt P is, &:c. *-.-.

I'lnttsbutgb, Nov. 30,

mid Stone


a/Veii? Firm. s n p i l E Subscribers



In >hit town, on tho 22d ult , by the Rev Fied'k Haltey, M-. Jeiemiah Dominy of Beekmantown to MiesTryphena Lewi* ol this pi see.

PfcATTtlaHJBfct H H A It 14 IS?',

• • ••CORRECTED W K K K L V ' . . .

Butter, Cheete, Tallow. 12 Lard. 10 Pork. M b . . ffl<) Do ptitne,..^l!> Beef, hd 4 a Mtithni, lb . . ••! .1 Poultry. 0 Flour, hi. , • • • 0 I'm k. lb. 0 11 7, Wood pr. c. • . IJ a 1 Whom, b-h l - tH' i IJ l>'V pine , . . . «ll a 1



14 a I61 Potatoes, • • • • 2oc 7 s 8 | . .ve, 6 9 o 7 5

it.'iirn, 7 5 lOi.i*. 31 a 34 Pea., 7J

DfiMTISTRY. 9 . J. J t W i J O ,

BI .S l ' l .C l I L l . t . Y ml im*the pub. lie that he is now ienlv to pru-tice

in i lie uliove business, From u per feci knowl .lite ef ibe same be fiefs ((inlulent that it will be done in the best po.sil.lt

K ' t i i i n e r .

Pe'aons will lie iitteu.lr.l at ibeir res oettive lesitlen.'s or at Ins r 0111* ul Mr. 15. Pollers, t i ' l lett- ' t ieel .

Butlnui.in, Fell. 5, iHJM. SMMWIJYG MlltS.

M IASII I'linl for Shipping I'uis unci %.J Sheep I M u , l.y

V I L A S & E D S A L L . Jan. 17, 1837.

1 V I I A E I «rttU k'"",!,• ti»»1"',»'* if * " T d Prices.

S U ( 1 A U 9 . M O L A S R S . C O F F E E , HILL,, F I O C K , FISH, I t A l M N S . be

• • A I. S O

A spleu.il iissorliiieiit of C H O C K K I I V &i (1LASS W A R E . Which he will sell as low fov Cusb or

approvetl Credit us tiny o but stoic in the eniiutv. ' Nov. 30, 1887.

MTIV K. 8r3r-YOUB DF.F.OS A R E R E A D Y . ^ )

Till'', subsciilier woul.l beieby iufurm - »• 1 . . . 1 . .

II K . -« . have I'orinc.i u eini nexion iu business uutlt 1 i

the lir in nl I lf>fAt SC Punly, \

--t^—-—. mid ti.tf.nl I'ltrriiiig on i ^ 4 > « t » 7 t v v 5 * ' t h c S A D D L E , WAR-N E s S .mil T R U N K uiaking, in .al i its vsnioiis brunches ; in the shop heretofore 01 cupietI by L. Wetks , east cud of the

Bridge. They intend keeping oil hand Common

1.11 J Extra line

HARNKSSF.S, SADDLES, BUIDLKS, TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, Valice?, &c. &c.

Curringes iin.l Sleighs trimmed in the laUst style, in.tl Jul. work of all kinds done on ibe sboitesl notice.

Tbeir Slock is procuied al the south md is oi the best (iiiulitv.


Plnllsbiirgh, Jan. 13, IH38.

E l t E B Y Inl'oinis tbe titisrus nl Plnllst.iirgli. ami Mercbinils ^ener-

-iii, thai be is coii.«Miollv matiuLicini in',;, mid will keep on bund fur »nle, 11 general le-.t.itmeui ol L A D I E S , M l S S h S , und


C5t'iillemeii'« B O O T S ami S H O E S of >. I ilcsciiptious made lo ui.hr on ihe short­

est iiotiie. Merchants can tie supplied with ibe

above arlit les at a lair rale, and ni.de ol ibn lir-t rate s'O'k, und in the best and la e-t bullion*.

AM older* ttricvly altendetl to on tht slm; test notice.

N, II. LAtMESfc G E N T L E M E N ' S

Cm k SHOZ9S & BOOTSl,iH"" luiitiittl lo order.

Sioieii itht building formerly occupleil bv A. Present!,opposite E , Buck's S.otr.

Plultsburgli, Oct. 141,1837.

Wanted Immediately. ROM S I X TO T W E L V E Jour

in ymen tow.uk nt the a :»ve bust 1.ess. None but ciiinpil.nl mid linished wokniei . iiecl apply.—To inch yoodwu gea will be paid,

New floods. First iri Market.

^ a r trJsTJJ*Btsr EEw Vtawf o^aWBwWtjr*JJawol»^*Eo»*aoW'ERBW or** •

HAVE Jusi Heceive.l in udilnioii lo 1 In n foriner stix k, lire now ..penins*

tit llirir stoie, one .lour -otiili t.f ibeClnilon Co'iuly Bank, in 1 Im village .1 Plalls* biugh, * lull und t Irgui.t »s»orintent o l

J&XIVZ St SUAlFllslt

WMWt © « » » » . which they will *rll ns t-lieuii u* ciin he> IH.OUIII tins side uf Troy. The public art t,(|itcsleil lo < nil nntl txnii ino our si o i k ami pi nc» ami judge for ihe.n*. Ives.

Montreal & Albany

P' o

iBenni, f>! 11 ti v lon.»«« 5'Plank, hd. . .

IPoaids, •«• • M i m g ' e s . M

ShirtingH, t\r. 3 0 0 0 0 Yu.d.tif heavy bio«n Sblit-


| | | > I I t i l l . Bulling, Im in 11.» , b y

m i l -I O O O l",,,,"''> *-'""" '

iiTai %'W Yo.k wbolf.ile . CM>. * I H H I M I . M .

A«. . . | . f . f Ci n C i . Co'toitM.I L,..."-Jli. I**1**'

_ _ those w ho have loll lit oils lo lie ie» 01 tied at ll.ia i.(lice, that they me not. ready bn'tleliveiy, lo the number 111 000 f a l l s In. ll.e same will betoi'iiully ret'eiv-til and piou.t.lU atienil lo,

THOMA** C R O O K , Clerk. C l e i k ' s O f r i e e . D e c . VH, l » : l 7 - _

AimTI* MtnAKD, * | j | r i i l , l . | ) i,H|.m ifnilv mloriii

to Jieirlttiti'H ..niiurtt ba.t » •'!» I"''"1

.a le, Cnlmii "' »'""«» " " " B., l , i . .«.whi.- I . iht> W.U sell t o . I . ...us nl


IVli' •"••"" mid (.


... t i e ill if., us vl Pli.ttst..iri;b ami lit'

plll.l.t ^e.ieiiillt, Ibni Ir Im, Uiki n l i e ~ • • - t o r e ,

• reel ( l .u l i oci iipiml by CJ.-' wluie In- inteinU t'Mir.inu on

«.i>C* in al' its loan' lies. n i l l l i f «t 11 gt uU'iil

I " ^ -

shop .,,1,.0-tie E & < J. F. Buck < Ma gut S k i n i i e t l I la* .ibiive lo

He tiiu nil* kiepiui; ussii.ln.eut of

UN-WAHKt STOVK-PIPB which be will sell .henper ibnu 111 mi*, nth. r c»inMi.iimeut 111 Uns sul i i I t o t l n l i ' V .

O i l W OP.K nf iillkii.dswill.be .Ion. im s l o t nniico and 111 the Inst uii..".e. Cult uuilsiit, tl t)

I'lultslitiigb, Feb. 8, I&;1H.

Wanted Immediately, [ ir nur SHUN, IT'J

R B T T L B M E N T with all r>t-is..n* who lone sfi'o.inia nt ibis Ollic

'•yvar's stmnliiig, Snl.sciibers will pi H-C Hike nut ice and ••gnwii i ilieiliseltes n.'-lor.Hngi, ,•» • R. O. STONE.

Dec. 15, mi

Ntw Yoik « bob sale pui is li)' cash til | .until p..|iei ul four llioiilbs.

All orders pinii.|.t|v i.ileu.letl In, C A D Y it B R O M L E Y .

A v'.'tii s fo. Clinton Co, Cm ton Mil .Imi. '.'7. IH3S.

mm mv~W a F * «Y «> n E R I H l t T TAIL«>l l* i .


AN Eli'g.int iissoitiiieut i.f B.ni.li loth Cessimers, Ve-ltonS, &c. &e , cmi-

•ii.utly i n hit...I, G,mucins 11 inle to iirdi 1 on ahnil" inn ice, niiitfutly fmwii.iliil 11 ill |.n.it nf the ei.iiiiliv. ' Jan, I, t83-t

Surrogate's «'rrfrr. , . M l t s l ANT 10 un onler nf SI, John B. I P ffim^miria air f lh. C........V »••»•'••"; "*7. . . . . . ' . v a l v e t l I a" I'eiw""1 «'"» , , ' , V r

"'." '7. V"n.u rsasiil. in.* • ' I " ' '»«» '*' clti.n.o it ttln-t fS.tn.oi 1 •-*••*'* . . ,. ., Peru, o. sab' , . . . . . . '> . . I t ' t e M - l ; " e>h.I.H1 11. .0 ,1 . . will , l l .e v .nul .e i* ilieri">li <» Waiiltm U

S : ! ! ^ K :';«;;;-;,;; .„...,Hi..|. I, use a.i'l> use. I • '» / * " |„ , ,„ ,.el S.,,i,l, ileceusr-.O.. He '<'«" <' • " " ' . ' , .ai.1 cum. y al nr It-lore I ..* '««;"""'"> »f J,"J

m*i ban' ilii-ft.h.hty ol Januarj, |HJ»

OYTKUS. Y tbo Hundred, Ki*g»r Gallon fnrwle

,,v E *. O. F. BUCK. i ,„ i i n « : n .

iloOvtlH i:ottoii 8li«jl-

• r i n * STORK AMD

xtrnw *»««©«* H E sqli-t-iiber lakes ibis nut bod to

ll.loiin l i s filends unil ibe pi.Lli.-gouerulK, that he* is now receiving, (Xi'>*iii the Suuih end of 'Sone Itow.^/J) u gen-etul assuilmeut of

Dry Goods <5f Groceries, (Liiptors Excepted.)

logetber with such nther i.nicles us areosu-iilll lioiiot in ,1 c.n.iiliy h'ni e, v> In. li he u ill sell Cmnp for Cin.li, cotiniiv Ptniluce, or approved C.e.lil for sis months. The pub­lic tnc iiiMieil loi'all iiml eM.utn.e.

WM. PALM EH. I'luiisliurgb, Nov. :io. is 17.

S. JUU*aej»**»»»»-»-»»»»»»»«««,

LINO O r i T A O B I . N the wc«t .uU'nl LakeChiia>pl«in*»> il.rougb 111 tlnee .I.i.s—-leasing M e n

trei.l ev.iv tiny (•Miml.i*, a rx.'(-|iUtJ) at S o'clock, P. M., until ihe "iver cloao]} thro to leave at 'i A. M,, passing llirOUgJt Lapiairie, |)uni;)a.stilb*,CluirMph.i.i I'latt* bor-h.Keo.eville, Saodv Hill, to Albany t

u m n j |ni.-tube's si.flicienl time to).fj|fc||«l| each infill. Passenger* will rind .lUfp'f 1 .tile to be ul least iweaty utile* all! 'hai. any ..liter rouie from Mn.ilret... Albany. The pto,.'ielors of ihi* l i t* baaja put on new Coat hes and Slugs* Sleigbt, gn.1.1 Hor*** and carelut Drivtva, | p a mum will he aputed by 1 fit pr«fr«b]ttsj»

Sheriff's Sal*. Y virtue > t two Ese.tilious, i-sneil

out ef ll.e Cleik's Olihe, of the C.nity of Clinton and slate ol Ne.v-York.

UMinst ll.e (i'.oti* anil C'biilte's, Lautls.ii.il Teiiemenis t.f J.i.ros Liilraii.liois, Ibi.vesn 7.eil i.utl lake.., Al. 1. llu.i cert mil piece or |iaicil o! land, sit.iuie lyin; ami It*.11.' in the town nl Chay.y, nml Lonodttl us lol-I w» :—Being lot nn. 72 in Demi's |ialtiii. I.01111.I.-.I no tbe north by lim.l owned t.n.11 uuim -*,,i ..» . , „ ,.f tut11 pied tiy Miles Sievnistn. ; on ibe wist 1 and Diivv.s lo make PatscngtV*' by hiuil owned l.y Phillip Duel unit Le»u-1 ul.le ; mid they hope, by silenli ...il K1 ii.li.il I ; 01. the sooth bv I amis t!«vn- - --eil anil oc. upieil by I'lu'imt. Dnu^'.iiss ; st.|i|io»iil In 1 (.ilia. 11 one bombed at'ic... Li I lie same mine or le«s—which I sln.ll ex­pose lor sale.il |nibli( mo Imn, ut the Lm ol Shtili.i.l lluiiln k, in Chiisy, un the 17'*• il,i_\ o| l i In inn v nest, at IU u M ' i k in ibe |i..e.ionit ol lh.il day lo ihe highi-'iil liiililer, lor tush (but 11 a. ibe law .litects.

Diilttl Det ember'iri, IH37. ICHABOI) I r i c l l , She.iff.

By H. Rll iuir K, Drpttly.

pMtri liuu.-iualily, lo 111e.1l the Ihe l.a.elbng puLUc. . . ^

Fur s.uis upplv, 111 Montrral, tl, *f• !• AC8LK H O T E L , M'O.ll »ir«t* .

1 AUK. ilnritiob lo Albany, 14 Dollar*.

V ' ^ K T A D ^ C O I ^ ^ ^ I'M AN CIS IWCM

,Ots / i

W O O D C H « P P I "«•

W A N T E D , i.v ii,..n..!f«.d <••"--On.pii.iv » « « W.....I * b«|..

. „ , . , will, .I.e.! ir s fm . | .n* .»a ««*...! ! he highest p i . e e , I '" ( " ' ^ V , ; ' '^

I Oats . LANK, C 0 . l M M . t V S U V I . A M .

Ilrilf -nl, J.m. . « . ,1J"S'


A V I N d .eiinnul f'ooi New Yo.k, ft rail supplv


a OOl) BEEF HIDES, inUtn in pttv*

.-a • a t I . men lot Sole L e u i l m , L> II. F O L L E T T

ri lON amlsletl ol iill k.ml WMI.'UI" Nn'-*. ^'" , v'u« '

| „„„,„.« lot**. b'dloW ...nl -ale by

Dec 3, 1837.

Cu' ...lies


un i i i n l

. t o n e U . H i ' i I " 1

| | MolVI.AS.

W I N 8 E E D O'.Li "I W bn|.>nle, Ly • j J, B A I O V .


iY In' »nb». i i l it i , K l lmse nntl ti ule NN iigi.u ami lluiness.

. t . E o . MOOIIR.


POU ^ule by F. L. C ^ A I L L Y .

N. B Tin* iitlnitisenn'iti i.mini..in. the rtiiiiii ns Im u-e ike. will be pn'di-h il in u slio.i tune. Dee. 8 1837'

IHOOMS, n good tiMoiHiivn'. J u l ' retoived »t »"• Mill Co. Store.

%M. *"e " w °iH'","t*

§\iLL* M.VTER HOOD* * „ . , . I H . g l . . | . H . I i » l ' l - - « - " - , W t * " , , , H W

Hroatlclnlh', (a^imcrcs Snltiiicis lirra-'iaii", S ' ^ S (!amlcis Dnv t* W K r t;HOI t u n s . I Cnocn/;av, i

I . I. i l . » u w i l l se l l H« I " * h** I - A l l l «

: ; ^ I T ^ , . . »-c: t>. T,.e, ? gcnc.i.i.1 .."• • • '" • • '" • •«"y , , ,

l : j : ...II ami rs » 'I"" ^ | J ^ ! ~ ^ -

" T T X T A . . r"s'.'.Tl.-..i •" "' ••• '"' ",U* '•' , A | | . t'OTTH.IL

put bluik-

' Flannels *«-'• * c ' (il.ASS AMI llARO


" c .

Sheriff** Sale. urine nl oie F xectition issued out

of Ibe C'etk't nlhce nf the COIIIII> ol Clinton, it. me tilre.lt tl and .bl.vei.rl auaiusi Ihe t itiiiil. ami Cb.il leL, l.iHti-ati.l Tenements ..I P E T E R U O B A R U K , j I have seizttl nml t ikeu, AI L Ihut leitum pie. e or pan il ol'bind s.tualo lying and . tieiug HI thu town .if Cbi.zy, being u p.t.tl ol lot no. 77 . in Dean's patent, knotvu aiot ' ilesi rtbeil us loHo't . : — Bouinli tl on tbi 1.1.ub Ly lai.il i wot'l by John I) Ttuiu-lily; on the suiitU tiy Lu.il t.ici.pie.l by Alb.il Dross ; mi tbe west I.v l.ieds ol Albert Cross ami J. I). Timulily 1 mi tin usi by Lake Chitmpltitii, supposed l o e e n

into 4i) in n s l.y ibe same more or Its*.— Al-o all Lis n;l i l , title and inlertsl Iu lot un. *2———which I shall eXpo.e to suit >i public unction nt ibe Inn of M.utuci l i i i i i l u k , iu ( ' b u l l , o n t'.e 2-t' l. < Lis H M . n t b m \ t , at In o'l tin k in t h e I n n IIIIOII ul that ibn , in tbeliighcst ind.lcr Im • a li tb.wn n« Ihu law l lntfls . Dat .dJau*

uaiy *27, In.I». K'HAIIOII F I T C H , gitalin*.

Bv S. IlllllMlK, l)e|,u

A grnl at Montitol^ Montreul Dec . 14, IB 3?. Tint Line lewves P ati.bnrgl. fo* list

North al 6 oMosk A. IM. and lor the Heath at ft oYttMX P . M Fur stats, apply Bt J ON a N i t a o t s ' hotel.

FI V E . ..es Bta.cr h u . p ' d »mi 8»lb H A T S , by J . B A » W *



I E A S , S t . t i R I C E . -

A R S , C O F F E E , NM.I| Ci.lv It Bronilev

iP o T i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

T K LAMP and L I N S E E D OILS for

•ale at Ibe M1IIC0. Sti ie .

II. FA.'* to debt, i».t t» titterj tnd

( I E Subscriber ha* l»k. 11 this turjrt MIHI ct»in.toMIi ns T A V E II N

S T A N I ) , sunai.nl on .be tusl »id* t f ibe Bri.l^t — nra.ly . .ppisiio Ibe •Mill Co. Slore ;' ami having l i iet l up list Same ill ^iiu.l style, will b« teaili nt nil tirr.r* to ,111 .tMiiinMlt.it- Bo.iril.rs, Tiavr In. .tr pur* In-, ol pleasure. Every u'lru'.o.. will bt |i..id lo'hose who may l.voi bun w.thlboir eustnni. (.J..ml Y.ifls . nl Siabbng for T.» . . . . . , rs. *.... NV. NV. KEY E g .

PlatisbliiAli, Jitu- 1, I8JII.

*ro« m *fs#itrajr P R I V V I I f - t l .

| " 6 g A t Vzrtt, 1 HiK^i.lfl, (jrbff|<«_.


| V E tV (MIRN — |iisl r.«'tl ami I. sale ul tbe Mil.I. 10, HloRK.

at 1 lie Mi11 Co. Bio*-' IP! *» • «' Mil • .

He. Ire. Itc. Neatly, correctly and cxH^^*"1! •

AT TUB __ » 1 8 » t » » l » 1 0 A K taTarTEWt

t T i l T t t l ' T ' l l *•' t -