. . \ Spri!lg 'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A. MO!.RISSEY. With the prospcctnow or fine weather, a good co .l.t t'g E: .. },(;. L'!v.:J and the Best SEEDS, specially selected for this country, we can look forward with hope to & bright sen,sou which will terminate w.ith crops at W o. t e.r Hr. Gro.ce I I V0.LUME XXX IV ( 'l:WO POLLARS PER Y E \ R) HARBOR GRACE, NFib, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1893. (SlNO:.E COPIES TWO CENTS) FOR SALE :J 1 . STRA w HATS ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS ' -- -- ? Central - House . . Removal Notice. CHOICE ROSE. Potatoes. Goo<l quality for 8rl' de . Or d(' rs cnn be le ft at Mt' esra. W. Ward's or C. BuUcr'e. A. R. HIE'RLUIY, Bay Robert.s. ==== =============== Public Notice .• . JUST REC"EIVED, ladies' · Black Straw HAT- p er S. S . .As81 .Jricm, for th e CHEAP CASH OP Look out for Friday 's issue which will co n ta in a. fu ll list of SPECIAL CHEAP LI NE ' of and Goods. Mns . P fK F: Prt>pri t>lr ce!l of th o ITousc, lwgs to thn nll: thr puhl ic fl)r t he snppc,rL :tC liht"ntlly h<' wwcd upon h< r. nu•l ,,·n•thl i nl i maLc that 11h c hn& :TCin'• '' t'tl h t>r hu si nU!S to t hat h t>IUifl T \\' 0 \\'.EST of the OLD THE CE N'l 'RAL from 15c. up, Staple Th e Public Are hereby notified that NEWEST STYLES. bytheProvi11ion&ofCbapter1lofthe M J Jo · N ES MUNN BROS . Fancy hM now l wLt<•r u :ul l?r"nt cr n• ·rntn m o;(,\ · tinn t! Otl mor" f lwill ti• · :il h 1'.1 <>r••Ln f• ·ro which ('1\ llll\l l ltut ltl!d to tho and cnn vr nienc<' ol i to; ConsolidatedEtatutea, t.hey are required · = to ket'p their . • . • 1 ' nt nlilto ''·'· r r. ;, ( 1' \'try l'lii' C : mJ at l<'IILit.n gt \'l' lt ltl l'.tb lt .. l dstLon;. YardsiPrem1ses 93 Water Street, : : Harbor · 1 - . _. ·- _ _ [ . - . . ---· fr<'c from all noxious nuisances and .. ,h.pob- New Seeds I New Seeds .! A-MERICAN CpODS The Cen tral H ouse , Water St ., Harber Gr 1.ce :\fny- ltf A Thorough Inspection · PATERSON & FOSTER Just ex S.S. from Liverpool, P" I at\' t J ( )'• I '-''"J Great of premises found in bad Garden and Agricultural condition.will be liable to a fine of , 'have just received from Boston per Surah A. Town Jen d. n. 1 lnrge shi pment of American Goods, which will be old nt our usual LOW PRICES. Ties and Collar s f ro m 7 c. up. "" S E E D S • Sti prndiary Ma gistrate. Brown, Blue and White Cotton Ducks, Cotton . ni l Duck, Cotton Sail Twine, Cotton Bank , Shore and Sed Lines. Poli ce: Office, H nrhor Grace, } · A pri I 2S( 1 !13. The Celebrated K. TEAS. FOR AT BUtler's This T EA is unexcelled for Strng th and Fla your. TRY A PACKACE and be con vin ced, Bouquet - Store. FOR SALE! By Public Auction on '"" FRIDAY next, 19th May, at 12 o'cloalc noon, on the Prcmiaes ail th at Mr r cn ntile Water-side - Premises, lately occupied by :'If· l'&rs. J. & R. Mad· dock, consi11ting of . · Dwelling-House , Shop; Office, and Grocery Store, wi th CELLARS, all built of Brick and Stone, witlr:Slated Roof, of th e best materia ls . The Pro- perty is 83 feet in front and 45 feet deep more or le u, with YARD and WHARF. ALSO, A Large COAL SHED R oofed, opposite on nort.h side of Water Street. A. RUTHERFORD. Auctioneer. Ha rbor Gr.ICI', Mny lG. NE'W GOODS I Just. received ex schr. Thrasher (rom England, a shipment of Dry GOODS consisting or Tweeds, Moleakina, Flannels, Calicos, eta., eto., Also, a, -:tunntity of Hardware and Earthen- ware Se.lling at loweat pricea for eaah. On hand and to arrive a few ton1 of BEST . No.1 TIMOTHY HAY &t 128 per too while landing. Oats at 65cts. per bus. to clear. -ALSO,- Duck Overall s and Jumpers. 15.0 00 Paper 2Q ba gs Choice Feather s. 300 , nits C n.pc Ann Oil Cl othe s. Clover and Timothy and al.hoice assortment of 25-dozen Bfnkers Bats, Ann 's and ou-We tC !'R. . FLOWER SEE ,DS . t k t 30 brls assorted Ln.mp Ch1mneys . Large Y:l :"t.r 'V1 cks lll -cen pac e S and Burners. W H THOMPSON &, Co. 12d uzcn American Ax e. 100 Casks Keresone Oil. ' . T HE W"hi te is King OF ALL Sewing -. Machines. Hand nud Foot nlwnys on hand, and selling chcnpc.· thnn over. A 11 Stock!is i rn ported 'direcL!from th e F11ctory ut Clr\'clund, Oh io. Outport Ord cl"l! promptly tilled. We keep Xeedlcs and Oil of be st quality. The White S ewi ng Machine Co CASEY, Gene ral Agent, N ot for getting om· immense Stock of DRY GOODS as adYertis- ed l ast week. Water Street, -. - - Harbor Crac e. HALL BROT H ER S·, . CHEAP CASH SH OP. I Dress Cottons, Delanies: Sat eens, e tc. I Cottons- from the cheapest to the best. Fancy and Tweeds - all pric es. I n r. LEl!e "l 'i •f'•l\'h' ri tt Pd up • . . • J I l!Ol'RE. ror 1 -. .• , ·,, w,J;. ' :,:t .! to •Lt tC'nd to nn y IJ ·ul·q '' l"'rott '• '1•. ::r , ... \\ .•lL:t, ':'"'Ill , 0--w·r tt lnJ: Dr !lnrt- u •• It t nd L \It" ''", (v• !t,u ull cOr n plcLO. \\' \ ,.,: !TEETII \I: POB l 1'.\( 1:, - NFLD. ' Gent'$ American White Shirts <Un l aundried) $1 each; for solid comfort and good wear Skinner's Monumental Art Studio . cannot be surpassed. I J st e 0 d th' I t ROOM PAPER : hl'f=den('l'f·fUuilcli ng, byE.W.Thm \Vater St., Harbor Grnce, Nfld. 'PECI A.L O UR Business Place anrl E' ntire Stock was des troyed in the Great Fire U r CeiVe an0 er 0 - 1 rice, of July 8. We have s in ce s ucceeded in erecttng a manufact urin g' HAL L B R 0 s WATER ST. hy F . 1'. Hodgson Shop and War eroom on th e old spot . We hnv e received .a large s up ply t H b G :--.. w ;; ,, 1 ,.m or 1111111 r. 1 1!Jm:. b" of 'Marbl e, freBh fr om th e qon rri es; together with a nu mber of the lat est I . •· ar or - rac e. ::-IInl r llnlhll n s; )l :ul\' ll\ .!o.-1. 10 d ....,b ·r 1 d · f C t d · · H d d Aprtlll Tl,.. :-. tt·<· l nnoJ th I 'Nc5. liy tlo.-1.10 an moo u eautt u es1gns or erne ery ecorallons. tn ea stonoo an I · Hnn tlrnll ln:tand Monomeots. Marble or urn ni ts . A lao, a few iJi eces of Italian Art, which . II I) Jtll-'S )h' nMt n•r (Or Ti mber. · · · d ' d fl · h · bl r C I Tlt n lx•r nn,t 1 .< > !; are exqu1s1te 1n es1gn an tots , BU'ltn e tOr burch purposes, or home ,. .. l'r: ... tll·nl T ct· hn h-n l rnn :rut'lor-!'lrc. or . namentation. Personal attention is given to each order, small or large. · A • d Ammon 1 · a T : .. ·l• •··•raror's n11<1 •'rrl-<uu' <l tunll book-30o S & Vo I '1' 11 ll tu lfh' as well ever to aud execute order .e. Every· tewart Munn Co _ Th•' Boot•--OOo th tng lB new, every !htng 18 goorl. \V11l our pntro ns and frtends ., ) Tlw :\ I •·I nl- 'l'urtwr•,. Hnll<h · llook-J;.'<'. " Al T ltt' !':t lott wt W ork,• r',; lfnn •IY this ? As in the past, we will do n othing but first-cla ss work, and tboe SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER- · ... .. .... UlU T h•' r·,., ·k " '""'Y ll•lOt.-.'!Ct' . · h d ' d · · f · CHANTS Th<: ); ,·w Hook o( Fnn t'\' Alphnl-clli.....,<Jlc sustam t e goo reputat10n earne 11\ nmeteen years 0 SUCcessful busi · , s r 1Purity Th t• Cati>t' nt<'r'K I' ocl a•t n (>SS life. Tools, Cemen t, Plaster, o.nd Malle,ts for sale. 22 &r, JOHN ST., MONTREAL. I ecu e TERRA NOVA MA.B,BLE WORKS I Pnl llscr's Uulhlc r'l' Uscn11 · . . , ·- - . .. .... .. ........: . .. \\'h olesomc.:n ess Duckworth St ., east of Beck's Hill, St. John's. BJ!eoi . al to:t hesale I BY s E GARLA N o · of F is h and Ftsb Ot is . 1 Al so, to th e 11nd VV () () J) 11 1 A. SMITH'S Marble GERMAN BAKING sts. ,, . . . . FOW D R ST. JOHN'S. . ESTABLISHED 1847. I BOOTS&. SHOES. E - NOTICE ! we beg to inf orm the · public that we h ave moved into our J W T rENN EDY Picture Frami tl g n ew Work shop and Show-room, next to Sailors' Home and op- · · .n.. ' T he bPg to in fo rm posite our old Stand, where we h ave in stock one of the largesSJt Boot and Shoe - Maker. Just received and for t he trnde hn" i 11 " .Put up a and best-selected Stocks of HEADSTONESandMONUMENT . Vi t . d cr,ft SALE CH E.\P, ' n ew nnd Hnprova!l 1\l a cbtnery for I V<FT7Kff tc :orta an rrU«;r I.;Jws 100n FEET th e of . ever seen in Newfoundland. Having purchased the stock an d . , · business of th'e l ate ALEX SMITH at a rate far below cost the . EYCTydelorlpUon·or LEATRERWARE PICTURE MOULDING. .· . . MUL\'N s. . , I made nnd repaired. All •. Q L d F 1 S H C L U £ S ubscriber is in 8 position to sell durm· g this year ever ·ythm' g Ra.nd-&wcdWorkotallltlndtaepeot.,uy. l:!tses, unlitie11 n nr l !'rices. ' JqUI ...: , . Cu.\Om worktlromptl•pertormedatlowe•t ED PARSONS in his line at lower r ates t han ever before. pr1ce• a.nd wttb dupateb. · ' t hey a re prel)!\l'ed to fill ·ord ers for Cnbinct-Makcr, &:c. . Best Stock and first;.class Workmanship. Harbor Grace, April IS. nuy qun.n t ity,--10 casks from 5 lo OUR AIM-Durability, Strength and Beauty.. . A. SMITH 'S MARBLE WORKS, ·• ' AT TRE · CHARLES F. MUIR, Bliilding LOT We Strength ' '-- • ., c .. of this artiole ngl! inat all Compeli- ,; 1 on tbe North Side of WATER tf.L'REET -ua, l'WI tors. · 1 . Great ; rozra. · tb'e l ropertr MIBBES Plain t.nd Mate, • J. J. BENNE5SEY. , :MARLIN Johnston Fluid Beef Gold Braid, Tfasue &o. " Jorpudoulara t.pplf aUhlt A. & A, BBU . Higgins' Hail.· - Dr e ssing Rooms Ryall, . •. 1 R CJVID'Oif T.&.ILOR . ' \J • W .A.TER S'l'.BBET, HARBOR GlU.OE. , ln out, Qual- Bu. SblJ, 8Jp Bit 8eBBra1. Plfltur and ;;;ucn Qa,D rely on\ Jtl & lbefrrequlretntllltauU.!&ct4toilf Venotla.n BUnda made, NA&aecl ADd Uendc>«lt•). It, !)or Grace I :p. HIGGINS,

collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930516.pdf · ~he Spri!lg'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A.MO!.RISSEY

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Page 1: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930516.pdf · ~he Spri!lg'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A.MO!.RISSEY

. .


~he Spri!lg 'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A. MO!.RISSEY. With t he prospcctnow or fine weather, a good FIS:aERY~ th"c co.l.tt'g E: .. },(;.L'!v.:J and the Best SEEDS, specially selected for this country, we can look forward with hope to & bright sen,sou which will terminate w.ith goo~ crops at harv~st-time. Wo.t e.r ~'t., Hr. Gro.ce •

• I • I




-- -- ?

Central - House. . Removal Notice.

CHOICE fE~Rti ROSE. Potatoes.

Goo<l quality for 8rl'de. Ord('rs cnn be left at Mt'esra. W. Ward's or C. BuUcr'e.

A. R. HIE'RLUIY, Bay Robert.s.

=================== Public Notice

.• .


ladies' · Black Straw HAT-per S. S . .As81.Jricm, for the

CHEAP CASH S ~~- OP Look out for Friday 's issue which will contain a. fu ll list of


and Goods.

Mns. PfKF: Prt>prit>l rce!l of tho ITousc, lwgs to thnnll: thr puhl ic ~t"ncrnlly fl)r t he snppc,rL :tC• liht"ntlly h<' w wcd upon h< r. nu•l ,,·n•thl inl imaLc that 11hc hn& :TCin'•''t'tl h t>r husinU!S to that h t>IUifl T \\'0 no~;~d \\'.EST of the OLD ~TA:\D.

THE CEN'l'RAL from 15c. up, Staple The Public Are hereby notified that NEWEST STYLES.

bytheProvi11ion&ofCbapter1lofthe M J Jo· N ES MUNN BROS. Fancy hM now l wLt<•r u :ul l?r"ntcr n•·rntn mo;(,\ ·

tinn t! Otl mor" flwill ti•·:il h 1'.1 <>r••Ln f• ·ro which ('1\llll\l l ltut ltl !d to tho Cl•lll •Hr~ and cnnvrnienc<' o l i to; ~un,t..~.

ConsolidatedEtatutea, t.hey are required · = to ket'p their • . • . •

1 '

{;(j)'-~[l•nl !l fu mi~ltc·<l nt nlilto ' '·'· rr. ;, ( 1'\'t•ry l'lii'C :mJ atl<'IILit.n gt \'l'lt ltl l'.tblt .. l dstLon; .

YardsiPrem1ses 93 Water Street, : : Harbor Crace~~ · 1

- . • _. ·- _ _ [ . - . . ---· fr<'c from all noxious nuisances and

n~::;~~~."k.,,... ;n;u .. ,h.pob- New Seeds I New Seeds.! A-MERICAN CpODS The Central House,

W a t er S t ., Harber Gr 1.ce :\fny-ltf •

A Thorough Inspection ·PATERSON & FOSTER ~~~hrr~da~ntot~~Y 0~~ti~att" isf !~ Just rec_~ived ex S.S. A~strian from Liverpool,

~Ia P" II at\' t ~. J ( )'•

• I '-''"J 0~

Great pl~~-Owp<'n of premises found in bad Garden and Agricultural condition.will be liable to a fine of ,

'have just received from Boston per Surah A. TownJend. n.1lnrge shipment of American Goods, which will be old nt our usual LOW PRICES.

Ties and Collars • from 7 c. u p .

Twenty-Fi~e n~~~~.. "" S E E D S • Stiprndiary Magistrate.

Brown, Blue and White Cotton Ducks, Cotton . ni l Duck, Cotton Sail Twine, Cotton Bank, Shore and Sed Lines.

Police: Office, H nrhor Grace, } · A pri I 2S( 1 !13.

The Celebrated


BUtler's This T EA is unexcel led for

Strngth and Fla your.

TRY A PACKACE and be convinced,

Bouquet - Store.

FOR SALE! By Public Auction on '""

FRIDAY next, 19th May, at 12 o'cloalc noon, on the Prcmiaes

ail that Mr rcnntile

Water-side - Premises, lately occupied by :'If· l'&rs. J. & R. Mad·

dock, consi11ting of . ·

Dwelling-House, Shop; Office,

and Grocery Store, with CELLARS,

all built of Brick and Stone, witlr:Slated Roof, of the best materials. The Pro­perty is 83 feet in front and 45 feet deep more or leu, with YARD and WHARF.


A Large COAL SHED Roofed, opposite on nort.h side of Water Street.

A. RUTHERFORD. Auctioneer.

Harbor Gr.ICI', Mny l G.

NE'W GOODS I Just. received ex schr. Thrasher (rom

England, a shipment of

Dry GOODS consisting or

Tweeds, Moleakina, Flannels, Calicos, eta., eto.,

Also, a, -:tunntity of

Hardware and Earthen­ware

Se.lling at loweat pricea for eaah. On hand and to arrive a few ton1 of

BEST . No.1 TIMOTHY HAY &t 128 per too while landing.

Oats at 65cts. per bus. to clear.

-ALSO,- Duck Overalls and Jumpers. 15.000 Paper Coll ar~. 2Q bags Choice Feathers. 300 , nits Cn.pc Ann Oil Clothes.

Clover and Timothy and al.hoice assortment of 25-dozen Bfnkers Bats, Cn.p~ Ann's and ou-We tC!'R. .

FLOWER SEE,DS . t k t 30 brls assorted Ln.mp Ch1mneys. Large Y:l:·:"t.r 'V1cks lll -cen pac e S and Burners.

W H THOMPSON &, Co. lOObo,xesHiggin'sCel~bratedSoaps. 12duzcn American Axe . • • 100 Casks K eresone Oil . ' .

THE W"hi te is King OF ALL

Sewing - .Machines. Hand nud Foot ~fnch iues nlwnys on

hand, a nd sell ing chcnpc.· thnn over. A 11 Stock!is i rn ported 'direcL!from the

F11ctory ut Clr\'clund, Ohio. Outport Ordcl"l! promptly tilled. We keep Xeedlcs and Oil of best


The White Sewi ng Machine Co JOII:~ CASEY,

General Agent,

Not forgetting om· immense Stock of DRY GOODS as adYertis­ed last week.

Water Street, - . - - Harbor Crace.


I Dress Cottons, Delanies: Sat eens, etc. I

Cottons- from the cheapest to the best. Fancy Regett~ and Tweeds- all prices.

I n r. LEl!e " l'i •f'•l\'h' ritt Pd up • • . . • J I ~ " l!Ol'RE. ror 1-. .• , ·,, w,J;. ' :,:t .! to •Lt tC'nd to nny IJ ·ul·q ' ' l"'rott •'• '1•. ::r, ... \\ .•lL:t, ':'"'Ill , 0--w·r tt lnJ: Dr !lnrt-u •• It t nd L \It" ''", ~ (v• !t,uull cOrn plcLO.

\\' \ ,·,.,: !TEET,· II \I: POB l 1'.\( 1:, - NFLD.

' Gent'$ American White Shirts <Unlaundried) ~==-====~~=====~.=~ $1 each; for solid comfort and good wear T~.Tradesmen Skinner's Monumental Art Studio . cannot be surpassed.

I J st e 0 d th' I t ROOM PAPER : hl'f=den('l'f·fUuilcling, byE.W.Thm

\Vater St., Harbor Grnce, Nfld. 'PECIA.L

OUR Business Place anrl E'ntire Stock was destroyed in the Great Fire U r CeiVe an0 er 0 - 1 rice, ~l.:!.i. of July 8. We have since succeeded in erecttng a manufacturing ' H A L L B R 0 s WATER ST. l'r~~i1·.·j·J t ':~ri'"11 Lr_l', hy F. 1'. Hodgson

Sh op and Wareroom on the old spot. We hnve received .a large supply t H b G :--.. w ;;,,1,.m or 1111111

r.11!Jm:. b" do.-~l. IO

of 'Marble, freBh from the qonrries; together with a nu mber of the lat est I . •· ar or - race. ::-IInl r llnlhllns; )l :ul\' Ea~y. ll\ .!o.-1.10 d ....,b ·r 1 d · f C t d · · H d d Aprtlll Tl,.. :-. tt·<·l s.,unr~ nnoJ t h I 'Nc5. liy tlo.-1.10 an moou eautt u es1gns or erne ery ecorallons. tn ea stonoo an I · Hnntlrnll ln:tand ::italr·<'•u-.IJ t,~rh>:Colllnt-~

Monomeots. Marble or urn nits. A lao, a few iJieces of Italian Art, which . II I)Jtll-'S )h'nMt n•r (Or T imber. StOIH!,<~. · · · d ' d fl · h · bl r C I tl\·nw·~ Tltn lx•r nn,t 1.<>!; llook~•·.e. are exqu1s1te 1n es1gn an tots , BU'ltn e tOr burch purposes, or home ,... l'r: ... tll·nl Tct·hnh-nl rnn:rut'lor-!'lrc.

or. namentation. Personal attention is given to each order, small or large. · A • d ~ Ammon 1· a T: .. · l•,·•··•raror's n11<1 •'rrl-<uu'< ltunllbook-30o

S & Vo I '1'11 l'nii •·rll·~l ttkt·r'• lltu lfh ' !ltkl/<~~le. W~ ar~ as well pr~pa~ed a~ ever to rec~ive aud execute order.e. Every· tewart Munn Co _ Th•' -'' ''''" 1mt•··~ work~hop)lnnt.~.,· Boot•--OOo thtng lB new, every!htng 18 goorl. \V11l our pntrons and frtends note ~. ., ) Tlw :\I•·Inl-'l'urtwr•,. Hnll<h· llook-J;.'<'. " Al T ltt' !':tlottwt Work,•r',; lfnn•IY Hook-~ this ? As in the past, we will do nothing but first-class work, and tboe SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER- · ... ... ... UlU T h•' r·,., ·k .Jol •l~t• r'h " '" " 'Y ll•lOt.-.'!Ct'.

· h d ' d · · f · CHANTS Th<: );,·w Hook o( Fnnt'\' Alphnl-clli.....,<Jlc sustam t e goo reputat10n earne 11\ nmeteen years 0 SUCcessful busi· • , s r 1Purity Tht• Cati>t'nt<'r'K I'ocla•t Cntn~n~tlon--4-.c n(>SS life. Tools, Cement, Plaster, o.nd Malle,ts for sale. 22 &r, JOHN ST., MONTREAL. I ecu e f:.~~,j~~'i-'~>:~~~~:~~~~~~\<·:~r.~c';!~~->()

TERRA NOVA MA.B,BLE WORKS I Pnl llscr's Uulhlc r'l' Uscn11 Dl'llllll'-~:!. :.0 · . . , ·-- . ...... .......... : ... \\'holesomc.:ness Duckworth St., east of Beck's Hill, St. John's. BJ!eoi. al atte~tion.glven to: thesale I BY L.SI~G s E GARLAN o

· of Fish and Ftsb Otis. 1• •

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, to the bu~i!lg 11nd shippin~ VV () () J) 11 1 L'~

A. SMITH'S Marble Works. , ~~Ji~:::s:ro:;:~::~ ::,:n~r:1:~~al GERMAN BAKING ~at.randBond sts. ,, . . . .FOWD R ST. JOHN'S.

. ESTABLISHED 1847. I BOOTS&. SHOES. E - NOTICE ! we beg to inform the· public that we have moved into our J W TrENN EDY Picture Frami tl g

new Workshop and Show-room, next to Sailors' Home and op- · · .n.. ' T he uoden:~i~ncd bPg to inform posite our old Stand, where we have in stock one of the largesSJt Boot and Shoe - Maker. Just received ~B;;cloM and for the trnde t~ln t hn"i11" ju~t .Put up a and best-selected Stocks of HEADSTONESandMONUMENT . ~-~-- Vi t . d '1TT~·12 cr,ft SALE CH E.\P, ' n ew nnd Hnprova!l 1\lacbtnery for

I V<FT7Kff tc :orta an rrU«;r I.;Jws • 100n FEET the manufaotur~> of. ever seen in Newfoundland. Having purchased the stock and . , · ~ business of th'e late ALEX SMITH at a rate far below cost the . EYCTydelorlpUon·or LEATRERWARE PICTURE MOULDING. .· . . MUL\'N s . . , I made nnd repaired. All •. Q L d F 1 S H C L U £ Subscriber is in 8 position to sell durm· g this year ever·ythm' g Ra.nd-&wcdWorkotallltlndtaepeot.,uy. l:!tses, unlitie11 nnrl !'rices. ' JqUI ...: ,

. Cu.\Om worktlromptl•pertormedatlowe•t ED PARSONS in his line at lower rates t han ever before. pr1ce• a.nd wttb dupateb. · ' they a re prel)!\l'ed to fill ·orders for

Cnbinct-Makcr, &:c. • . Best Stock and first;.class Workmanship. Harbor Grace, April IS. nuy qun.n tity,--10 casks from 5 lo

OUR AIM-Durability, Strength and Beauty.. . ~!JET. FoR=-=s=-A~L=-=E:---- !0P~~~~~~~I;d~~ iC:~s :~<;{12iJ:tL~~~1~ A. SMITH'S MARBLE WORKS, ~ ·• ' AT TRE by"'tb.egro<~s ·

CHARLES F. MUIR, PRo~xroR. Bliilding LOT FANC'(,y~~!~rW_ZAAR, We ' Ch~ll~nge th~ Strength ' '-- Birth..:~ • ., c .. -.:~.,- ~ of this artiole ngl!inat all Compeli-,; • 1 on tbe North Side of WATER tf.L'REET -ua, l'WI tors. · 1 •

. Great ; rozra. ·tb'el ropertr ~!the MIBBES Plain t.nd sh'!:~e~~~~ B~';!~ Mate, • JOH~ MU~Rcg.~A--a J. J. BENNE5SEY. ,

:MARLIN &/~A Johnston ~~.~~RIFLES Fluid Beef


Gold Braid, Tfasue ~~ &o. " Jorpudoulara t.pplf aUhlt omc~. A. & A, BBU .

Higgins' Hail.· - Dressing Rooms

;w:~liam Ryall, . w· •. 1 R u~ssell [Twodoorawee~oftlieTelegraphOf&ce] CJVID'Oif T.&.ILOR . ' \J • W .A.TER S'l'.BBET, HARBOR GlU.OE. ,

r,:~=:=oa: ~ ln out, Qual- Bu. SblJ, 8Jp Bit 8eBBra1. Plfltur Vlait.on~ and ;;;ucn Qa,D rely on\ Jtl & ba~ lbefrrequlretntllltauU.!&ct4toilf

Venotla.n BUnda made, NA&aecl ADd Uendc>«lt•).

It, !)or Grace ~em ..-~ I :p. HIGGINS, Pl'trnP~AM~Ii:J

Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930516.pdf · ~he Spri!lg'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A.MO!.RISSEY



THE HARBOR GRACE STANDARD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~==~--====-~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ;;= - l . ~


''AUgust Flower"

I hlid been troubled five month1 with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I bad a fullness iller eating and a heavy load'Ih the pit of my stomach . I suffered fre­quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick­ness at'tbe Stomfcb would overtake me. Then agai4· I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and couid not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Co~;. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City1 Pa., in whose employ I baa been for seven years. Finally I used A»gust Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en­tirely relieved of all the trouble. l can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you ~ Mr. McHenry, for whom I work~ who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bOu~bt the medi· cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny Ci'ty,Pat Signed, JoHN D. Cox. ~


G. G. GREEN Sole llanufacturer, Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. ~

apendlni your money for worth·

leu medicines and buy a bottle of


THAT will prove of Inestimable value.

~ it Ia almost certain to cure

at once that severe and ruping


""'..,.~ ~,..,,~ .. ., JnU ~ 1uu 6•- 0

,._.MoU foeorUe f~ top•

.,...... of ca llol/ o ""'"rrl• 0 ..... 10-44, 1M 8oHMglt B-.4~ for aU


r' .,.,.. u.. eoAfl••k4 pea•­•• , .. , ~l4 1M ,._.,. cf·­,.o~, oll4 611 .._._ of 4U ~ polUwJW04-o JMorl~"OPJNIUf on& q(ffU ~ •114 OI'Wirfn/ to eA. JHS''-'·

.,n,. f0l4 611 aU ~,,wu.






.IOM,Pb w. Bueodale Ela. BriltOW BoYilh_Eiq.

The non. Jamu BJDJ. J'olul OlattoD ~ Qc\a;\aa &. Coope, Ela .• ){.P.

o.o,.. At1bor 11'~!1•!1 Eaq· Obarlu E. UOOCUlU~, E~.

X. Baaode R&wldlll ~. 8iz JohD Labboolr, Ban!, M.P.

Charlet Tb.omu Laou, ltlq. Chu'IH Macuay, Eic.

Th• .Hoo, Edw1D ll. I'oTt.mau, 214. DadlqBobe11. 8m1,b, ~.

WllU~.~.~~. ~OmJ*)D, ~.

~r-JOBlf J. BLOOK7I.&LD,ltlq .

0. Jl.umoJrA.Ll) l J' OlD' B. ll.UmoJrA.Ll) ' 8eontartee.


WEDNESDAY, April5. The Houae opooed at. 4 p. m.

NOT!CU OP"QUDTIOlr. (1.) Mr. Morum:-To u\c Bon. Sur-­

Yoyor General to lay on tho table a copy of all correapoodeoce in bit poaaeaaion relative to ' railway conneotmg roada," and the expendhure of$619upon a roAd from Gooso Bay to the NorLliero Rail­way.

Hon. the PRE!ilER would inform tho bon. member; in tho abteoce Qf the ht>n. Surveyor General, that tho information would be furnished to him. .

(2) Sir J. S. Wum:.a-To uk Hol'l. Attorney General under what authority ~he enquiry into the circumatancea of ~be firo of July, 1892, by Judge Prowao, upon which he made a Report. in August laat, waa made1 and if auch authority waa contained 10 any special commia­eioo or other instructions, to lay a copy ofeuch commieeion of inetructiozu upon

•the table of thte House. Ron. tho PRDt!ER bf'gged to inform

tho ·bon. and learned m ember for Burin that the inquiry wu made under the ee~tion of the Consolidated Statutes appertaining to inquiriee into the origin ol tires. Tht!ro wu no special coiDIIlU­sion issued nor instruction• given aa t.o the mode or procedure, but ihe in· quiry waa made &8 in ordior.ry cues. Judge Prowao waa requeat.ed by the Gov­ernment to make the inquiry, but the r]ueat wu not in writing.

8) Mr. Moanu:-To aek Boo. Coloni­al ecretary to lay on the table all cor­respondence relative t.o the Act paaaed b;r the Legielature laat year, entitled " An Act reapcoting Foreign Fiahing Veuet.."

.Hon. "CoLOlCUL SECRETaRY-There waa no correspondence on tho eubjcct, but tbo Government bad received an iutinJation from the Secretary of Sta~>e for the Cololi'i-N that the Act in question was not incon•atent with the Imperial Statute of 59 Geo. 8 Chat>. 88, and that a proclamation undeuectton t.breo of the Act could be ieaued if required.

(4) M.r. MullRA.Y-To aak the Finan­cial Secretary to la;r on tho table an itemized copy of the following account., togrther wttb the voucben appertain­in(t to tho anme : Paid Canada. Bank Co. for

Railway Debenture Bonde, • ~c............. ........ ............ . e 8020.75

Ditto Ditt.o.. .. .. 1960.00

$9980.i5 1111 l!aid items nppearin Financial Secre­tan·'a annual at&tt!ment. ·

Boo. RECEIVER GE:o.t:R.l.L begged to furnish th~ information aak.cd for by the the bon. mrruber.

(5) Me. MURRAY-To ask the bon. Receiver General for what services, or under what warrant, or under whoae authority, the following aume, which ap(le&r in the Financial Secretary'• Con­solidated Statement aa paid during the year, were paid, namely :-~0''· 2.-Hon. M. Monroe,

b&lance due as dele~~:llte ..... " H on . .A. W. Harvey,

b&lance due ae delegate ..... " 0. H . Emen on, bal­

ance du o ae delegf\te ......... " A. B. Morine, balance




dur a11 dE>Iegate ............... · 11 Dr. Pilot, Secretary t.o


delegation .. .. .. .... .. ........... 1200.00 " Sir W. Y. Wbiteway . .632.25

t.5SS2.2li and what 1\'1\1 the date or the authority under which the above eume were paid.

Bon. REC.ElVER GBl\'EIUL would in­form tho bon. member that the different euma of money referred to were paid by warrant to the varioue pArtiee, and were cha'*ed, aa wot.ld appear by tho Finl\n­cial Secretary'• atatemen~. 'fbo author­ity for tbe pll;rment.a waa the re•olution of the H ouse appointing the delegatee.

(6) Mr. MuRIU\'-'Io aak tho Hon. Premier to furnieh particulan of the fo llowinSt •ume paid on account of the Fr<>nch Shore delegation in 1891 and 18!r2,namely: May 28-To paid J]nion Banlc account of Sir William Whit~ way's expeoaee t.o London. $1,210, June 5-To paid Commercial Banlc. ditto tl itto $2420. Nov. 25-To paid SirWm. Whitet.ay $532.25-$4192,50.

Hon. tho PRElliER could no other in­formation ~han the Houao waa already in pouusion of, and contained in tho puhlic document. pl .. ced upon .the table.

(7) Mr. MuRR.lY-To a.lc "the R on. lcl\der of the Government whether the u nenditurea under the Fieberiea Com· mi~elon are to be continued during thn preaent. year.

Hon. the ~)pER believed ~bat there wu au intention to ~etablisb a Fieber­iee Department, wben t.be ,:pooey voted fur the present Commuaion would be apP.ropriated for the new department..

(8) Mr. MonuoN.-To uk the Roo. Financial 8ecretar1 to lay on the table of the B ouse a detailed ata~ementofaU tho e:rpenera paid or ioourred by the Government in connection with ~e maintenance of a put. or tho crew of the Jleamer NewfoundlAnd al Cow Bay 00 ber TiiCeDt Yoyage, and O( the COn• nyance ot p.n of the crew of the aaid et.eamer from Cow Bay to St.. John'a. .Aho,-To uk the Hon, Premier (1) t.d lay on Ute table a copy or .U correapon­deoce relatin~r to the maioLeoanoe or .. Ji ot lhe crew or the a&amer Ne fouodlao4 at Cow Bar..S their OODTe • ance to Sl, Joba'a, aDd (I) U the Gov· erPinant ID\elld SO lake ~ ~ to~ ooYer the &IDODJl~ ot N17 e~ ~

·11Jiii~i:!ft'~OID~ov':f' ~ ~== oafred by the GowernmeD~ Qa OO@P~ ~ ~oa oW don wi~ tbe or•• ol tbe ateqa• JJ,..

,g;;r1;~ UBI' 1 t'oundland &om lobe ownen ol 1&14 J and .... - •• -tM~!i:HJ~~;w:~~= Boo. 'be Pu1aa repUed thai there :..4 , wu no nu r.oooum at pr~eo' Ill bia

BDDBIJ., a. J'ohu. ~but he F.,e~WDICI he would be able. ,...,... 1ar Kwwtuldl'epct, '9 piDCIQI't IMlDfonnNIOD ..ad tar.,

Highest of all in Leavening Power:-Latest U.S. Gov't Report.

. I ~ Bakillit Hr. MoRllfE-For bill to amend the • • Licenae Act. of 1875. 'TABTTTi'r.lS

the bon. member. 1 o tho lMter part of the question he said that. the subject had not engaged tho attention of tho Go\'ernment.

(9.) Sir J. 8. WlNTER-To aa\c the hon. Attorney General whether it ie hie intention or that of the Government to introduce any legislature during the preeent eeeeion to amend tho law at preaent in force in relation \o tho sittings and distribution of busineee of the Su­preme Court.

Hon. the PREMIER-It waa not hie in­tention nor that of the Government to do eo Mat present. advised.

The H on. CoLOSJAL SECRETARY laid on the table of the H ouse report of GoY­emmcnt Engineer on the Hall'• Bay Raihmy.

H on. RECEIVER GE~ER.U. laid on the table or tho House · the following docu· m cnu:-

Statement a bowing tho aggregate pub· lie debt of tho Colony.

Statement of balances in Treaaury to Dec. 81, 1892.

Current. account for 1892. 'Goneolidated accountcurron~receipt.e

and pay menu of Cuatoma' Department . R et urn of vesaela fitted out for tl.e

Bank fishery. Return or dutiea on goode by parcel

poet from GreAt Britain. Return of said duties on goode from

Canada. NOTICES oF MonoN.

Hon. RECEIVER GENEIUL mo~d, sec· ondf'd by tho Hon. the Premier, that the Houee now rcaolvo•ittolf into Com­;Ditt.ee of the Whole on Way a and MOI\ne.

'l'he q_uf'ation " that I do now leave tho cha1r." beh.g put bylbia Honor the Speaker, it!aeeed in tho affirmative and wu ordere accordinp;ly .

Committee of the Whole on Ways and mel\oa.

M« \\' HIT.EI.EY i n the chl\ir. The H on. RECEIVER Gss.t:n.u. deliv~

ed hie budget speech. (The sreech WOII published in then

columns on Monday, April10.) TheCommit tce roeeand reported they

bad made 110me progreas and a a ked leave to ait ngain on Mondny. ·

ORDER OF THE DAY, Committee of tbo Whole on pri\'ilege

in the matt.er or certain words uaed by Dr. Tait, and ordered to bo tt.ken down on the 15th of March laat.

)!r. GR&£.-:E in tho chair. The Com mit tee roar, reported pro~ress

and naked leave to eit aguin on Fmll\y next.

The H ouse adjourned until to-morrow Thursday at four o'clock.

THURSDAY, April6. The Houae opened at 4 o'clock. The H on. CoLOmAL SECRET.lllY lAid

upon the table of the H'oueo the follow­ing document. :-Report of Nowfoun~ land Coa•tal Steamship Co: Account Poetmaater General with local Govern­ment; at.atement of groaa revenue in the Newfoundlnnd Poet Office; al&tement of amount paid to poatmut.ere, c.lorlu, ae­aiel&nta ; etatement of amount. paid to contractora t\nd other carrif'ra ; etD.te­ment of nmount paid to Cl\rril'ra in thl' northern district and iu the districta of St. George and St. B&rbc; statement of number of regiatered lett.cre for 1892; statement of lett.en received at tho dead-letter office.

Mr. CI.rFT preaooted a petition from 0. F. Payne and o~ben of the district of HArbor Grace, on the euhject of 1\ re· tiriogkllowanco, The petition act forth that petitioner hlld been for o. period of

TWO mKS vs. FOUR YEARS Xidkapo:) Indian Sagwa Showa

Blood Clea.naing Qual! tie• of

Roots, B~rka and Herba.

Mr. MoatNE underatood.that & delcga· l U .LJ.I!J tioo from the difleront tempor"nce ,arr I · cietite had wl\i~d on the Hon. Piemier REOUL4D mE

wi~h I\ vi.,~ wcouai~ering tho propriety . Stomach Liver and Bowels or mtroducwg cerl.lun amendmt:nt.a to d 'p 'f h Bl d

PoWder I the Lic~lllse Act which wouhl Also in- an Uri y t e 00 Jt( elude lue a .ncud:ncnt. .For th.eae TCf\8· RtPANS TADULZS-;;;;-tbe bes£ MMieJno ons be would rusk foe th te notice to bo known ror Indlgcatloo,lilllouaneN.RcadAcho, 1triclr.cn from the motion paper. Or· COoaLipaUon, Dy•po:&:la, Ohroolo Liver dered accordingly. . I ~~~~~.'oa~~~~~~'1~cnt~ .~'!W':~r':le~~-

H on. the PREmER-For btU to amend I Lhe atomacb Liver aod BowelL 55 Vic Cap. 10 entit led " An Act re- Rtpaoa Tahutc.w cont.nlo notblog lnJurlona

• ., • . ' , Lo Lhc tnolt dcllcnto conaLitutloo. Arc p!ea-epecung foretgn vcaeela. aant to take, we, eaoctnatanll glvelmmodi-

On motion of R on. Premier, this bill ntc rollof. waa then rc Hll\ finst limo and ordered May be obtnlood by applleatloo to nearca'

" I . dru~QCIIL to r1.'1UI a sl'coud ttme on to-morrow. ================

fifty yenrs engaged aa n -.ohool tcnch cr ; Mr. CAHTY- For the llppo int.ment of a thRt h e wns now eevcnty-tbreo yCJ\rs of aell·Ct committee 0 0 tho petition of Jas. age ; wae put hie labour and had no R. ll.\yl'.a, to take evidence tht"rcon und mel\n" of eunpoct. Petitioner naked ropoct to tbie House. Mr. Hayes wne · that tho peculinr circumstances of hie an induatrioua and etoterpris ing citizen, case bo taken into consideintion by tho and being deairioue of erecting looat.er House, an~ t.hat . eo me provision bo ft\Ctoriea 00 the w ..:ot Coaat during the m11.dc for h1m 1n .hts ol~ ag~. He had inter ol 1891, had fire~ communicated ru~ch pleaaure 1n aakt~g It to bo re- with Sir. William Whiteway in order ce~ved and ordE>red to he on the table to lliiOert.ain whethenhe modua vivendi and would .at a later date move an n:l- bad .expired or would be renewed the dreae to Hte ~xcellenoy tho Governor In I ensuing sei\IIQP The bon. Premier wired reference to 1t. . to certain parties that there was nothing . StR JA.YES WI:O.'TER pru~nted n peti- to prevent them continuing the lobster

tton. from _J ohn Brake a~d.n num~er of businees and 1\11 & rcault ofthn.t informa­t~e 1?hab1tan~ or Mortt!'r Bay, 1n tho tion, ~1r. H&yca had incurred considt!r­dutn~t or .Bur_ID. Morttcr B_ay ~u a iih le oxpenee iu erer ting tbOoiC< fi\CIOrit:a p~o~menogru~ultural locahty, tn ~he and omplo;•ing labour in connection d1atnot o!. Burin~ ind the populat1on therewith! Tbia gentleman bad also had been 1ncre11.atng to a great extent imported f. lArge quan~ity of goode frum fr~m yeac to_ yel\r; but. unfortunately, Hlllifa:r, on which he had pBid duties, th11 population h ad not got tho ad!an· and whitaq the factories were in opom­t~tgC& of roads to connect tho .vartou• tion be was compelled to close down by aettlementa along tho co~t. whtch pr~· the order bf Sic Baldwin Wnlker. 1'ho vented them_ from pu~·nng t~o bua1· goods which be bad imported remnioed ne~ of agriculture wtth t~oi: ()tber oo his bnnds as worthleaa and rtJprcs­bue.toen : The l_ocal approprtatlonl was anted a d~d 1088. Me. H.area there/ore cnttrely 1a.uffic1~nt to m~kc su~h n road simply asked for tqc n.ppowtment of 1\ AI t.he One requtred.£jilt wwaa .~only _hy <!elect ~.:ommittce tG tl\kc cr iJence and ~nlttng tho matter up nne! d~ahng wtth roport on the amount of loae and dam· tt on a la~o scalc,1hann~:.found out ago which be had sustained Ly rclliiOn th11t the proepecte of the futuro wo.uld of thoee orders g iven ~,Y tho H on. At­~ar~l\nt the expendlture,t_hf\t the object torney Go:ncrn.l to conttnue operations, tn Vt t>w could he a cc.>mph11bed. Me. Murray and Mr. Fearn hnd much

Hon· E . P. MoR_~s would support the plensure in aec<Jnding the motion, be-pmycr of the pet1l1on. Jic\'ing, as he did, thRt Mr. Hl\yea' case


: ~ypophospbltc3 o! Lln::a an~ Soda. I No ot't1C!' Emulsion is so ca~y to ta!~c.

It do~s vet s~parate r:or · Si)C~l.

It is a lways swet·t as cream. The most sc::sltive stomach

I can retain it. I


Srrofulous and \"J lt.Stinp: D::>eases. •

C:u or.ic Co::g ll. , Lo::;s of A!)petlte. ! Mc:1: :tl an~ Nervous I. I' -o,..•r- ... o ...

~ •' .... "-... ·"·


Ge~~ebi::ty, &c. '

1 Ce \·. :.r:: o~ :-.i! i ::::!.-.~ions. A:;!: r~r

I "·· • l ' "- L " :--.-• ...: ..,~ --d rc'"~c t 0 0 0 0 T···· · ·- · • ...,.,..

__ ; o ::.c:.:..

\ ~'Ro:: t C.OC. Prl:: tt P I!:R ~L!:.

Ho.n: SURVEYOR GEN~RAL pre11cnted 11howcd aomo merite upon tho face of i t. n pet!tton from James. F1tzgera!d a.nd J . Hon. PROflER-Witb regard to tho :'t[orrlasey, teacher~ 10 tho dtatnct of present m otion for the appointment of nay-de·Yotde, prayt?g th&t an;.ll\~end · ~ ~ 11clect committee, hou. membcn mont may be mad~ 10 t~e Educ:attonl\l t~lu .ultl .be awa~oro thn.~ th11t c\lurdo was Act ao 1111 to leave 1t option~! w1th the ucceded to ooly when a ciRim wae re· teaohera to enter the peneton scheme. cobnized by tho Government. In I!Uch He was prep&rcd to support any. amend- u c114o a select committee would be ap­ment tklnt waa ~lculntecl to tmprovo pointed, in order that the Go\'ornment the prrsent penston ech,.me. mny be fully informed as to t he facti· J A TIThl• tman

Mr. ~fURRAY nml Me. ~[~RIXE support- lout with reference to tho matter no'~ • • VV • cd tho prayer of the petttl~f!· Leforo t he chnir, t he Government re· Custom Tailor, l>r. TAIT preaented 1\ petmon frl?m tho pudiated any claim what~oevcr on the R evds. J. T. Newman, L. 9 urlls and J.la rL of tho petitioner. If Mr. H11rcl! ~thf're of F o:tune ~n tho llllhject o~ ~he w 1111 w jured in any way, it Willi brou~ht \\'ill gu1trnntce Fit, WorkmtJUBhip

ttndRy ahng Bt~l. _Atso. n pelttt_rm :t l,.>u t by the act o f some Superior PoJwcr IUlll ::itylo. • fron.' thd R ev. L . Curlls anJ other In· .,.1L ide t ho Go\'crnrnent of thill colony. Give us 1\ call. hnlo_ttnnl8 of Orand Bank on tho eamc Tho• diLIIHLge auatainod by that gentle- Out port orders receh ·o prompt attention euhJect. • . . m•u1 wus owinli to tho action of 11 na\'id Cot<!'<.ER \ 'tcroRa A SO \\' ATr::R Srnr:1:.-rs

l 11 pt.l~h w('prcsented,a. petit ton from otlicN in obed1enco t.o tho commands G. Mnktnaon a~d o thers of Hn_rbour oJf Her :'t!t.jl'sty 'a Go\'crument. That ---~ARBOR GRACE, .1.\flu .• GrAce. on tl~e subject. of a fire h_rtgRtle. being the Cllllo, he mus~ llllk tho H ou11o As tl_ue au~jCCt was 1\t present undertl~c no1t to aproint t hid select committee. conslderntto? 2f the Government _he tlid Tho bou. Premier contin~;cJ, l!howing not dcrm 1t ,nl'ces~~try to detl\tn the wh:1t tho petition s•!t forth, 11nd wlmt Ho~l~f', but wo~ld atmply ask thl\t the the law 11a1d in regarJ to tho pr.teecu­polltton be reco1veJ. . t i.,n of the lobster b uc~incss. Ae far Rs

:llr. ~{u:-~s- gR~-~ hts ll llpport to tho tho Go,·ernnu:nt wua conc<'rned, every pr:t~•er of tho petttlon. 11_rmptLthy would bo extended t• warJa ~~n. SUR\'.E\'on GF.S,F.RAL pr<'sr nted " .\lr. Hayse, 11nd no atone wouhl be left

pcttt ton from Edwa.rd furner11nd ~there unturned to secure compensation to o( Lo.r:er l8lnnd CoTe on_ the auhjCC~ ~f him for hie loeses , but thia Government 1\ landtnJ: J?lac_e at Bacc• hou. A public repudiated any liability wbn.tever in the worlt of tlue ~tod wo~ld be of·~reat ftc! · matter. I n repudiating that claim, be vantllgo to hya conattt~tent• Sf!d to the would object to the appointment <Jf a people of Tcu~ity Ba;r\ to eOAbhng thorn Select Committee to onquir& into and to haul up thetr bol\lem 11tormy weather report upon a rnlltter which tbe Gov­He hoped there~ore that the_ Oo.ve_rn· tlrnmont could not a fterwarda recognize. ment wou!d eee 1ta way clear tn gtvtng Sir JA:\1£8 WISTER rose for the purp088 a n allooAtton for thRt purpoee. . . of 11upporting tlto motion that & Select

Mr. HALJ.-\R£1{ prc11cntod a petthon Committee be appointed to enquire from Edward Turn.er nnd Others of into tho merita of Mr. Hayes' claim. Belle ~a!e on the eubj~ct of ro;Hl.s. Alao, fhe course Sir William bad taken 11·a11 "' pt>tltton from Josc·ph \\ httc .Anti tht\t the Govecnmert were not liable in othore or Torbay on the anmo eui ~J~Ol. Rn action at law, and therefore they

Mr. WHITF.LEY prf"a!'nl etl n pelll1on were under no lt gal reapon~ibility. The from t.b e Rev. W. 8!-undl'raon llnd other pl'lilioner came beforo t he Houae ~nh11.b1tants ofSpnnuuds B:1y on tbo 11ub- maintaining thl\t a '1\'roog in his oaa~ jcct. of roade. hl\_d been nllicted upon h1m, and that

Cnpt. Dawe and Mr. Mun_n_ both sup- th ta bad been done by the a ction of the po~ the prayer of the petmon. . . Govt~rnment; but ho did not eay a1 to

Mr. E. MoRRIS prt>eentecl & pcttttoo wht>ther that action waa right or wrong. from N. Crowley and otbe"! of the Tbo Government ehonld therefore take ~orth Arm of H olyrood, praytng for a the petition into consideration upon ita ~um of money ~o construct"· r~l\d load· mcr1ta, and in honesty pronounce u'g fro~1 the ho~ee of pct1t1onera to whether or not the petittoner suffered the Rall_way elation. ILL their. After aOmo deb•te, the quca·

Mr."\\ <>?'?FORD supported tho prayer tion being put, the H ouse divided there-of lho pctHton. . on, when t here a ppcn.rccl in tho affirmll-

Mr. WmTELEY, on behalf <?f. C1Lpta1n th·e eight, namely : ~fes!t-s . Carty, Mo­B~'_ln~ford. prrse:tted a pcttttnn from rinc, UoUe, Munn, F earn, Murcay, Shell, \ t ll~llm Dorer and otht•ra of E:tet t. and .Sir J. s. \Vint.er· nnt\ in tbo nf's;:a­~fodaste, p~n)'~ng thnt a Itt w may be en- th·e nineteen, namely: H on. the Pre­noted proh1htttng the uro of bultows on micr Colonial Secretnry R eceiver tbat pnrt or the conet . Gcneml, SurvoyorGeneNl; E. P. Morris,

NOTICES OF QuF.sTIO!i. t he Finuncinl Secretary, and Meaers. Mr. MURRAY-To aalc the H on. Colo- Murphy, Thompson, Burgeee, Webber,

nial Secrcl.l\ry to my on tho tRble nll Pe_y ton, Duff, White, Whiteley, Dawo, cm-rPsponnf'ncf' relating to tho suiJeidy Chft, llallarcn, Fox nnd l'ait. of SIG 000.00 to Hall line of eteamere. So it. passed in the ncgA.tiv"e. Ho~. CoLOSlAL SECRETARY be~ged tQ Mr. MuRRAY-F or bill entitled" An

inform the bon. member thn.t tho pa- Act to an1end i>a Vic. Cap. H, entitldC.I f\t'l'll t\llkl'cl Cor wero being prcpnred. "An Act to amend t itle 28, chapter 109

Mr. M01pln-To aa\c Roo. Colonial of tho ConsolidatedStatuea, en~itled" of S<!'eret.11ry tb cauao to be •lair! on the Mastel'S and Servant.." . t~ble a detl\iled list of nll clerk a 1\nd Tbie blll waa read a6nJ ttl me and order­o~here em Joyed in ' the General Poet ed to bo read a aecond time to-morrow. Office, St. o 'a, giving namra ofnme, Mr._ Mu~Y-For bill entitled. ·• An amount. o! aala or each, and capacity Ac~ to amend Sec_. 61 title J8, chapter 86 in which each ' • employ~. and date of the Cooaolidat.e<J 81.1\tu~ea. entitl"d whPn each ent.ered into the service. " of lot.teriea."

Bon. CoLO NUL 8ECRrrARY beg~ed to Thia bill wu &lao read a firat. time and state that the information would be ordered to be read a aecood dme W. ff'nnrf in the roporta laid on L,he.. table o! morrow. the Booae. ..., lrlr. MU1UUY-For bUl .to amlnd the

Hoo. SUK~oR GIDlEIUu--In ropl;r tQ ·law relating to ~be preaervat.ioo of game a qoeation Ulted by the bon. m ember and deer, . · Jli. Koriu, the other day oonoeming Tbia bill wu &lao read a flrat time the expenditure or the aum or 1619, be ADd onlered to be read a aecond time wiaMd to at.aLe &ba" a Terbal arrange- to-morrow, , . . . IIUIJ;lt bad been made b7 the Qo,qn. Mz. 8Ru-For bUl to amend.66 Vic., mat wldt one Tbom•• Howe, wbo 'Cap. 2, enuUed "An Ao~ to resula&e the tmdertoolt &oau"ey two~. oae from Jl1'91tOU"M of the aeal flaherr," Gnoee BAr &o th•iall..;ay track and the Tbil &ill ~ r.d a flnt time and GUJer trom Alexandtr B&y to the rall· 5 to be Nacl a HOODd d1De &o-~r~•td tlowelndlncallma&erlal and • • Jabtltit, 'Jiae OCIIdlao& wu a nrbal 4 IIGIMe ~ .. ~ utU &o-.. IDOITOW ~7) M fCNI dtloGk. .


OOPYRIOHTS, et Fe.- lnformllllon ;~., tree lhntlboot •rr1te to

:UU.S:i /It CO- • UltOADWAY, Nnl' Yonrt. OIC:est bc .... au tor ...oeunna ~teou In .1\mUiCL 1:~err l'~c..·nt tum out br no 11 llrouth~ bclo:o tllo publlo by ct. DOt! co at•cn troo o1 cb4rao 1D tllo

$ dtntifit ~tuetitnu ~t ,.lrculallon o f anyiQ\cmUfto paper In the world. :lr•lcntlldly lllu.nra1.41d. No wt&llgem, man 1hou1c1 be wtthou~ lt. Wteli:lr 83.00_ a leAl' I fl.!~lllx m c zltba. A d.CtJwa l.1UN.S .t CO...

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ton a 8tree~ • .Harbor Or.ee, b-" J41Jl(Jr ct OlD. I:IOIIICilD"'''on RA~ :-f.i J!Or annum:

•1 60 per balr leal'; to forelp eublcrlbera the ra""' will be IUO. A'Dv1PlTt81lfG ILI.TD :-a~ oeuu per Inch ror

ClnL lntenlon; ~wen\7 oenta per lllch ft>reach oontluoa\lou. 8poolal ra\M for three or more JDOD&bl . Tbe number ot lllaenlonaot ouuat ~tementa au\ be epeeUied b)' t.be


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of "'l:i : h vo~~ are tile cnly m11 nulacture rs.

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~)sheries Exhibition, 1883.

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Purify the Blood, correct a ll .Diso:d~rs of the

LIV ER, ~TOMA CH, KI.DNEYS AND BOWELS. ThP.y invig.)r:~.tc :11 d rc!'i: cn: to I\C1lth D ebilitated C ;lnsli\utions. n••tl n:­inv::~.lu~l~ 10 all nom I a int:;• it;ddcn:~ll to Females of ::.11 agces. F or Ch I r -:.

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it h:lS no equal.

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and stif1 joi::n s it acts like a charm. . . , ~L:muf.tcru"d moly :1~ T11C.~IM llOLLO\\',\V's Rstllbli5hment,

'18, N .ll.W OXFORD dl.'l-.EET (late 633, OXS'OH:p STREET), LONDON, And o.te so.d o11 u . r~tl .. l 9-l. 4•· 6d., t r~. Z23., and 33~ e ch nux or Pot, ancl may be h~tl

of •I• .\l ,!..ine Ve11do"' throughoul the World. · · _. Purcbuor, lllc.u l.l ;.,.,k t? t'to I.o.~l on the Boxu ud .Pc.u . 1t the addre11 Ja u

t.!:::, 0;;;:C .. r4 su .. ot, Londb, \he7 are 1puiou. •


Satilf'atcion ltJ&raDteed in cut, Qual· ft.y andprice.

W~ter St, Harbor Grace

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w. e Russe·ll Sip Bid Belml Pa1JtBr

V eneti& BUnda made, re6¥ ancl ~ted. . -. WaiAclion J111&Dnteed.


. AlLEN'S'


Legl.slat.·ve Counc··· otlv. Ho (Mr. M.) rOm('m!J<'roil havin . . -o-- • ""~ed the hon. gon\leml\11 oppoti~u (Mr.

WD!UCS»AT, Arn l .s. ll.) nL An early dAle in the t!t'uion, Tht>HOUI'4' m"t.R~4..3'lo'c:loct. w othr r nr not it"'"" tho i nt~>ntiun of Hon Mr. HAR\~Y rc,rettt'd 'ho dn\.1 or-··--··L- GoT"'mnlont to enforce tho &iL Act nocmolnr to tho Bonae tho dca&.b of one ....

fur many ycmr• 'll'ruJ" p~om'nl·nt m11rn'"'!r this 18'1r. 'fh r- h~"~n . r,nnt.Jrml\n h~ttl

poeed to nliow r.Jtti ng \"1'-i'~Olt! to co n Oll OUI' r~hort<S nn•l. ! :J>it• l• .~ilo-by l'''Y•Il,! $1.5() JWr Lnn o.t L!o••i r r• :lA\.•l,a. 'l'hero IYnuhl Jlot l1c lUll •>l•j •cti.,11 '" Aiut•ri ·

.cans ·C<llllihg in tor hniL :ishr-.s if thtly,

tb~olr bod1, Kr, Rondoll . lf,, bad •:'lent. tbu ~airl at that 'i·n·· tl••l h,. "''" • .,,,hi " <Tt'flter part nf hill llf,. In .N•'""'OIIwlh·nd, bavloc I'Om<''oul bcru 1rom En&: land ,•hun gi-re tho infvr m .. tiuu r, 'L'! iced, ·• 1\ullo 11 ln•l, nnol the uumcrou• rrleml, he wnuhl olu 1c.. ··If 1\·h f!l ,.,. l'""'ll lm•. till•o-

•m thPir pnrt, 11howed nn\' willingn"a"' . '.:i''" •l• - .,.,j,j r·¥0 '!'II), ·.n.,_ .. ho·v ·!ici

· • ' " •a .,., ,. t 1 t:: :., ''" Ln:\L; 1 L11uy W·•llhl m.~ ti v.~ lid ~ ·l'rao market for fr uu lmit. W··'h•• ·l hi!M 1 .. ~·)().) .JL'al] 1\lH)llt tho . Bond·lllainP tr&lty auJ wv had bcl'n U\ld th11t if tha C:mrlt.linn Gov­eromcnL wo uld wi~hdraw its proleat t hnt. 'renty would be connrmc:rl by th• lrnporial Government. Under the · opemtion of the pusent bill, 'vhil•· AmoriCJm Veelleli! will hn vo to P"Y $1.50 per ton ofnr the p ri vi logo of cmmn~ in' ( In our 11horc11 for Rupplies of bn.it ht

madedurloctbatoerlodwlllalnoerelymourn · h · bl• deml~e. WhiiU re•ldLntr hero be WU!ll· ' 1\0ttUtlllhY L u &D.me qucauou was put w~tvs R promlnont oharoter In publlnJif~. again w.ucl the eame reply Jrlvcn. It belnr rorPruoeL In all undertaking, mor01111- A'Aa an unfortunBte condition or aflilirs tllo and Governmental, and ebewed tho deep Lbat one eo cl08ely allied to tho Gove rn· eat lo~retot In "11 matt.PI'3 pe.rtalnlorr to tbt-wPIJare otthcColony. Nor did this lnt.erest mont And taking eo mtich int.orl'l!t i u ;:':.~h~~!~o~fttecs~,~~~e~~~0:0"u\[:i~1~ ite public coucernubould not be in a h,. eontlnnc:d •~ wALI'h with 110ualtudo tbll p<Miltion t.o give the information re­nrovrPII8 or evt'nl4 out herP Rfl.('r M had re- quired upon 11. queet.ion of much gnn· """" tq hill homo In tho WeAL or F.nstlnnt!, ern! import.nnco to tho prople throtwh-"'ndlt wM onlv a 11hort time nl:() Lhnt he ?of-f'. ('>

Harvey hnc1 rPC('IVt'd " lettPr rrom him. the ielnnd 1\nfl ellp<'ciully to th081' whll'h 11hdwc:d thRL hls \ntt-rcst. In the Colonr rE'11iding on th f. W,cet Cnnst, whi lo h P WNJ In no drl!rec nhat.fo<l h~ hi I nhtlcnro rrom ( llf M ) I" h . r I h h .,Pr IOhorell, In IIO<'Inl life Mr. Rendell '"Rll P r. . con " 1\\"e 111 orrnN l A l)n. heltl In ennallv hlllh est,.l'm ; anti In movlnc;: zentleml\n thl\t tho Gover llln"lll harl thnl.the Houlie now Rdjourn till Mondny, dPCided At a. pA.rty mPeting, prior tn th4' "Ut or rPIIDf'Ct U> hl8 memory, bo hellovod ho . wAc A.lfordln~ "" onoortunlt~ to honourable tlmo when hi11 quE'stion WM l\3kPcl, to Ynt>mbcMI to~11llt'•; tholr l't'llpect and regiU'd IIUspend tho Bnit A ct tlris s cnson. fnr the dt'e~ued, Of whloh thoy would Will• Some h onorable gentJema.n bad rlc-ln,.ly 1\.VAII, .

Tho motion bl'lnc: Mrrlod, tho House nd· acnbed the Government as a bnppv ournc:-ct till Mo.~dl\y~t, Rt 4.80 p.m. family. Judging from this circumi!!Jinc'e

Mo~DAT, AprlllO. ~e (Mr. M.) diCl not think thA dPt~crip-'J'hc non11o mrt At ~.110. o'oloolc. p.m ... nnd Ad· tlon was a correct one. R!'fPrAncc hnd

Joumod until to-morrow at 4.30 o'clock, p.m. frequently been mado in thi11 H ouse to -:--TUESDAY, Aprllll. the position or tho Jato Hon. Mr. Avre

'T'h" Hou!l" m•t nll<UI.O n.m. with r egard to tho Placontill rnilw.l\v, AU nolnolr Hie F.xl''lll'l""" thP Oov11rnor llbowing the reMon why he rrAi$;neci hia

""'"'"d RL thP Connell Chnmh•r and bolnst poeition in tht. Council. The hon. "~'"1"<1 on thP 'J'h·on~ and tho Bon. SpeA'ker. aen•leman oop"'"t"te (Mr. H .) W"ll t"n a rmd hon. mcm'hl-r"or tho':lfouso o f Ass,.mhly ,.. ~ "" .. l>oln« nresent npllo bnr <>f tho HonM. Hill 11imilar position with rega.rd to the Bllit Exc:ellenev 'II'AII plenacd to MJ~cnt to" An Act Ac• _. • h t" d t h to Rm~nd 54 VIc:.. Con. s ~'ntltlr<i " An Act tn ~ Bnu ye~ e con tnu(' 0 e 1\ Wl\rm Amend'An aot.."nn•Jtetlln tM 6Srd yt'nr 6f the supporter of tho Government, nnd di•l relsm orHer .. T>III'IIen~ ~~"'""ty. t'ntltled "An not appear to he disposed to tC'nder hi11 Al't to amend li'.! VIr .. CAp. 4, nnd t~ mRltl' · • W ' t\JrthPr nrovlslon ror th" con•tructlon and r('8tJ:natlon. bat hnd the h on. "QUipm~'nl"ofn'llnr or rnllwnv townrdll Hall11 tleman to 11ny to thEBe statement.'! 'Rav and nf 1\ hrAnl'h to Brian~ or Clarki! o r hie, now, when it is known thllt thn 13<-il,.h, •nd for ol hPr I"Uri)OIICII." ''

Ht1 Elf,.ellon<'Y hnvlntr reurerl rrom tht~ Government had orncticnllv decideci Counc-Il Chl\mhcr. th" Honao then adjourned not to enforce tbo Bait "'Act this yenr? till Friday next, at 4.:10 p.m. The interests Clf thi11 H ouso demanded

FRmAv, Aprll14. courte11y with re~orn.rd to questions on '!'he Hnnae nncn"tl nt ·VIIl n'cl""k p,m. mnttors pf grea.t public imoortnnce. nnd 'I'hll hon. thP Pllv.~<mx:o.-r lnformPd the th .. H ho ld b t • ·

Hon•'l that. hi' bRtl rPrelvrct 11 mePnc:~> t"rom " 01180 8 U e Pll lD POIIIII'IIIIIIln the Ron"" or A~tcrmhh· lnformlnv: th" Conn- uf' the-fullest informA.tiqn therrupo11 "'~ 1111 thl\t tt hat! ""-~"" lho Fnrf'lctn Flshlnct early ae it wae po8sible. Ho (Mr. M.) Vr118el11 Bill, to ,.hlch tt. requeatod tho eon- had not been prompted to ask thn q•l l'"· currenc-1> nr thlll Hou•"· . D

On motion or ht'tn.'~lr. trnrvry, th!' Forelrrn tion by 1\nJ p t'rsonal or pri vat.e intr rrat. Fl~<hlnst ve ... •el" Bill "'"" rend " t11'11l tlmll, J:Ie had rec4'ived letters frnm St''·en~.l ;~:.orderPd to~ rend" •ec:oud tlmo to-mor- parties on tho West Con11t who wish eel

Hon. Mr. HAR'\"lt'T lnld nn thn tahiP nfth"' t.o know the intention of Government Hoo11e tho follow In~: rnper• for 11191! :-Report with , re•unrd t" ' tht"• ml\tt"'r b,.roro nfthP llfonrM Flhre Co. : StAtcmPnt or tho r " " ,-rrtnadiAn Lifo A~tcurAn<'" co.: Report. or thl'y comme nced their 1111mmr r't1 husi· ~hlcrlntTlCCinror'PI<'kln Fl•h ~tAtf'meotor n ess nnd thnt wa11 his (Mr. M'11) r'cMon XcwrnntUIInnd Ool\~lnl 1'11<'".:'\"rchlo Co.: 'RPctl@tnr Ol'ncrnl'll RPflOrt : P.t.n:tPm<'nlll or for aalcing tho question . H,. could 1\Cquit amount11 ronld rnr l'on,·oylntr mAll~< In north- tho hon. ~entleman. Mr. H., from any ern dl&t,.lcl.tl and In district• or I'll.. Oeor«l' ·ricsiro to withh,.,ld sr1ch t"r1forn1ntl'"n !'• nnd Rt. BArbe. nntt on Lnbrnllor; Stntoll'}Cnt~ '' ·• ,.., or nmounlll paid b y contrMioriO nnd othl'rll he Wl\1 iu & position to give . Now, hnw rnro-mvovanet>ol'mnll;tho Poalml\lllerGcn· did we •- -' 1'tl 1 t t l B · ern! In nci'Ount \VIth "thi'" 'Loi'Al Govern- 11""n" vr 1 re~arl 0 lf1 IUt m~'nt: Stnt~m,.nt 11how1n~: th,.~:rnllll rt'v•muP Act. That Act wns pt\8aed in !SSG 1\ncl l'nltrcted at thP Po•t omen tn ~~>wfoundlnnd failed, at th:lt time, to rccl'h·e H •'r Stn{emcnts or nmonnu nnld to ,Po~tmn .. ll'rs, '( · , ,. Tl · t~lerkll nnd neC'Onntnntl' : ~tntem,.nt llhowlntr " llJeety II .11.UI'nt. 1e follow tog yenr rhe numhl'r or lt'lterll rcc:t>lvl'd nt the Dead Sir Ambrose ~hea nnd Sir Robart Thor­Letter Omco dnrlnc: tho ~·,.nr ; Stnlcmonts hum, two of our ablest atl\t4'smon, \Yent ~hnwln~~: the numhPr or letter!! rc~:IStcr•d at 1 th" n en,.rnl Pn.t omro dnrlnll' th" :vcnr. ,o EnS! land to prQtest agtlinet the action

Hnn. ~fr. Rr.snr.t.L ~:nvc not Ice thnt he or the Imperilll Govern mont with rf'~'~'i\rd wouldpn to-mnrrnw. Mk the hlln. repre11en· 1 · A h · l "' rnth:P'Ortho o0 ,.11rnmt'nt whPtMr 11. 111 the: to t liS mnttcr. tt &t ttmo t H' rnpre-lntl'nllon or the O•wcrnmcnt to cnfor~:o th~> 6P.nt.ativcs of other coloni <'ll intc rcale•l pr.nvlsloll" ofth<' SL. .John's rebullrlln~; Ac:t themselves in our behalf nml snoke nnd the ~fnnll'lnnl Ac 1U r t«nnlll tho I'On· r· l!tru<'tlon of build In~: ; nlso. thnt ho woold tin wnrmly in our fl\ ''Our. 'l'hc reprct~cn la· tl).morrow.Mk the hn11. ronrl'll~ntntlvt' or tho ti vo of Australia mado a om <' verv no.,.ernmcnt what 11tc:lS wl11 b6 tnk~>n bv tho k • Government tn reoiMc rho dnl~ntnre!l d<'· It r emar ·s on thi11 Qtli'Stion lltroyc:d bytbenroortho lh nnd Otb or July in the presence or thr )[l\rCtU i8 of Ia Roo. Mr. ~nvr.v. In movln~: ndlonrument ' ••liebury i and. llll II reau ltC'Isuch cnrn· wlshc:d to M\'tlll\l.nbltt h ntl b«'en lntroducetl est representatilln, tho m "a,uro finn.llv Into thO othorFiou11e f'rovldlntrtbl\t IIIPamers rrcriveci ImpC'rinl ~an e li• on. ~ow the l'l'lllhi i:O f\11 Lbo ~ceomltriJ'I to till' I'CI\I n~hory. Whllle thin~'~' had b<'l'n tlruoet, nnll tiiC He (;\fr. H.) w M not In 1\ oo~ltlon to anv ,., ,,~ .. '"hethPr or not th<' bill '"onld he n-•~e nted to. 81\it Act suspondCJd 1\t 1\ timo when, Irltllhonld h'l BJ!ccntcd to. It Yonld b" nct~M .,.. h Jt cnnvonlcuce to the trAde, 1r thi111Iouso would ,.rr ~ps 1 W~ll ne\'er m ore nt•ec~tSnry meet to-morrow nnd pnt tho hill throuqh. Ir th11~ 1t should be puL in force, and we the other Houae ahonlil not n.~rnt to the bill, were sbowin_g ourse h'e11 to the world ns It would not bo nceei''U\r,,· ror this Hoult' to 1l lot of cht'l·'ron '"ho rlt'·' no• know meet unt il Mondny, In ord~r tn bo In n posl- u • u ~ tlon to tnkc sueb 11ueh sto11s ns ma:v be nee<'"· what they wanted. By the suspension 1!1\rv In the lntere~t or thlt< ob;eet, be CMr. H,) of that meaeu ro we bnd rondt.: r l.'d our­woi•ld gtvo notleo that. ' on to-morrow. be would move the •urpenll1on or the 8.5tb rule or •elves entirely powerless to fi~ht aJ:&inst the Houao wltb r nard to any bill tbat may French bounties and American duties. ;;:b~~.re It to-morrow relattor to &be ~~eal H-ere bon: Mr. Monroe read extracts

On motiQn, the House ndJourned nout to- 'from a despa.tcl:& of Sir George D eVceux morrow atUOo'c:loek p.m. on the Bait AcL, which. h e Mr. M.sl\id

Mo:mu, April 17. bon. gentlemen in this House had de-The Houaeat •.so p.m. scribed ae ooe"of the 11lllest dcepatohee Beeond.readlnrorForelcn Ft.blDr Vc1101• ~hat evor went from this country.

Bill. . Th , Hoo. Mr. HARvxv-Ablll tiOmewhAtalm\lar O arguments put 10rward b,Y Sir Geo.

totthe present ooo w'aa before the Houae latt Du Vceux, in favour of the Batt Act had year, but u It wu not u complete a meuure been mpported by all the Jftliticinns aa It 11hould ba't'e been, It waa n~eeMary to f h' d wuhlltttut.e tbe preunl ror 11.. It ,,.... In Lbe o te ay, and, notwhhstan iug these knowlc:dgeottbe B"ou1e that. thoBattActwu I\~ menta held gOOd at tho pr~aent not to be~nrorc:ed lhll teAIIOU a dotermln· , . d 1 h" Rtloo on the part or tho autbori.ltee wblob b~ olme, an oet not lng of tboir weight regretted, but 'll'hlc:h I he peoJ:IO;"repre11enta- and irr.portaoce. bon. gentlemen had tlvcs of the In their wlldom eonstdared Ad· on· b' k th · · · d vlaable. Under the provlalon dt tbo Bill ~ e ao on etr O~tntoos nn pro-forefgn ve•~ela may eome Into our porlll to Jeuione, and injudiciously consented to to purchase bntt, but will be obll~ to take a euapemion of the meaaurc. The hon. out a licente ror tbeprlvllen and pay a llc:ons ~'~'en tloman onpn.oile "'"r. H. bad not rn­roe $1,60 per ton ot tbo 1b£pe moa1uremonL o " .,.. " IU """ Tbe reo. t.bou~rb notuoreuouably hlgb, will canted hie opmionl; but still maintain-be e.eollroe of eonsldcrRble revenue. Rnd our d b · ~ 't" "th rd llahermen will a1110 obtain tho adnota~re or e 11 ormer poet ton Wl r egl\ to botog able to1e11 bnlt at good prlrea, and Ice tho Act; be had frequently spoken in and otbcr eommddiUo• to Amertcana for ita favour t'n •his H ou d •h h . I wblch there 11 ture to be a considerable do- • s o, n.n yo ... O o&u man d. Ho &bought the principal or lbo bill allowed his collcaguf:e to pnaa A.D net to wonld bo fooernlly eonourre(J In; tbe aev· eospend the Bnit Ac t without even a oral c:lnoao provtdo ror tho oiJ'ecllvo carrying protest and was a collearruo still. . 'fho out. or tho meuure and rnlee and re~rull\tlon ,., to bo obaorved bv veuols avnlllor or It, nod hoo. gentleman ccrLainly did not appt nr nlao a ponalty fCJr lnt'rlngomont. Ho need to be t.akiog 11 co · te t H not now ente.rlot.o tbo mcrltortho Bllll'lD· nsts 0 course. 0 dJvld~lly be mlgbt bo or opinion tha It d id not even put a bn.nd on his urm to ongbt not to be eororc:ed a~rnlnlt Amer1can1, show that he waa in mourning for tho they bavln& abewn 110good a illsJ)OIIILion to me• •u 6 H .,..,_ ,,. ~ed B ' t A meet our ~fefw11n Lbo matter of reolproolt.y; - r · e au . .ill. regl\.'1 at .n.Ct wo bad lat.e y been tnklog tho will for tbo 1\.8 the charter o( our Jibodiee. Keop· dt<td and ])4lrmltt.ed tbom Bcocn to our bait ing it clear of ~arty politics we should

· eupply bul.Lbe preaaent. .bill wUI put them h b 1 d on Lbo ea·me tooLingM other rorelgoor•. AL avo oeo ena c to accomplish what-theume lime be agreed lD tho prlnelple or OYer We wiabed Wit~. regard to free trad& obllgtug rorel~rDorll who enteb wbM wo mlr;bL and French bounhes. Aft.er ba"t'ng call our lllb wlth our own ba.lt to pay for the • prtvelegoot 110 dolo&. Be would move that epcnt hundreds of thousn.nda of dollars the Blllberead R .eeond time. Tbe motion ir nutt ing the act · " b d bolorpm wuoatTic•l Rod tbe bill reRd. 1 , ln •Oree we n

ROn. Mr. HAavsy be&&od to move thatthe now cOnsented to hA\"Et brown away Bill be eolllDlltt.od to a committee or the ae valueleea. aa if the consequences of WhOle bouae ta'morrow. _. t" f ' d · Tbe mouon wu put a.nd 01\rrted. ou.r-ac 10n waa o no cons1 e,attoo

On motion &be hou.o then adJoa.rned ~Ill. wbaW,ver. ''Ve were.lilce a lady smug·

( \!r. ~.) did not think tht>rt' n-sus a'•ufi. •·innt reason to hopo th'lt the tr..:aty ll''lllld r Pcei vo con fi r m!\tion. 'l'hl· l"r!'nch conld n ot como iu 1\nd p:w $1.50 per ton on the ir vessels whi le hnml~nd~ of. cmfte wonld be emp loye(] onrrytng batt to St. Pierro. n wo uiJ bo there for shovoUint{ ov'erbo:1rd 1\11

would be n. vailnble · t hero for alrnn!'ll nothing; nne! wh il<:' this lmffic 1\11• wast.c of our !mit fi.shE'~ wonhl be goin.11 on o ur own peoplr would I.e 11imph· ruined. This bill wns so inim iCil l t'o the interests or our own people that h<' (~rr. M.) could not c:onRislently ~i\'o it hts support. Tho Bnit Act hl\d hcon s~tspendeclat this e leventh hour wi th a n~w t.o obtnin pol iliCill fa.vour for the! ~llvcrnmcnt. Tho e lections we re com­Ill~ on and the Gllvcrnmcnt thought thl\t by suspending thn Act Lhe~ w~mld be placed in 11 better poeition wtth r egard to the dis tricts lln thP W est Co:lSt, a.nrl h e orr. ~L) hRd no doubt' that if they should be auc­Cellsful afte r tho ett:ctioos Lho Act would be put in force for another four yenra. If tbo hon. ~rnUcntrut fJpposite, Mr. H., had not llttffif~irnt powe r to induco the Government to continue to enforce the Act. ~~~ was occtjpying rm inconsis~nt PllfiiLWn nnd hl\~f no buainct!.a whe re h e vras. H e, 1\[r. • r., 1,.145 one of those who r eg·lrdcd tho ait Act as our sheet· J\nchor and was ound to protest ngrdnst tho course ·.vhi h hnrl lcccn Adopted Ly the Governme!in tho snppreuion of tbat rnensu re . o Wl\8 not in fa 1'0 ur of the p resent bi I nnd wou ld therefore mo,·c that the c mmi~toc rise.

(To he cnntinnf'fi.)

w. n. LY~CII, M. 0 ., nf i\UIIIm !. X. Y ., 91\)'S tll:\t hn hJ\s llll('d \VI ST.\ R'~ BAUH~I Of' Wttu Cm:nR\" in hi-1 fnm ily · fo r COUJ,:hs nnd pulmonn.n· comolninta hn11 n •r.omrncnded it to o thr rs ~~· ith in~·.ui­nhly happy rrsnlts, nnJ f'Ktce:n:s it 1\ vnlualllo rcmody.

Consumpt ion and Lung Difficulties A!lrRys nriso frm n p:trt ic ll' '\ of corrupt

m :tlLI'r de posilt!ll i11 th r- n ir·cl'l lt~, h y im­ruro blo01l. Puri fy Lhttl alrea m of ti ll' 1\nd it will \'r ry soon cl\rry oil' •mel ell.!· stmy th~> poi !lnnou:~ m•lltl'r, a nd li l.:l' 1\ r n ·Atl\l riYcr flowin~ thMII!' h a dt"'"r! 'Yill hrim~ with i t nntllC'Il.\' •.' thMtt~hout the horiy the C'lc mrnts nf heAlth 11ncl str,'n~th. As th t:> rh·l' r , IC'c\\'i n,.. tho c le· me nt.s o r frrti lit,r in its cou r!!P7 nt once CRII!'Ics the be fore h!l.rr••n w.1,st r to blnnrn with llowe rd n.ncl frui , M puro b lood r.nnSI'R th e frn.mr to r(ioic•fl 111 ,;lren~th nnd honlth . llncl lcloom \riLh unf.~lr rl~ hP.Illlly. All ~[eclic inf' Dcnl<'l'tl sell Dr. Mor~c·s Inuin.n R oot Pills.

H o e.LOWAY's Orsnt£~"T As o Pu.LS of· feet wonderful cures of blld lc~ Rlld wounds. If these m edicine bo used RC· cording to tho directions which are wn~.pped rounrl Mch pot and box, there is no wound, bad log, o r ulcoroussore, h owever obstinate, bu~ will yield to their curati vo properties. Numbers o f pereona who hn.d bren patients in the lar~oro hospitals, and und••r the Cllrd of eminent IIUrgeoDI!, without dorivin~ the least benefit, have bf'en cured by H ol­loway's Ointment nnu Pills, when other remedies hl\d aignl\lly failed. F or g landuln.r swollin~s. tmnoura scur •v nnci di8CAI!f!ll Of the skin the ro is n~ medic ine thl\t CAn be nsed with so good an ofl'cct. Though pot<>nt for good, it is powPrless for hRrm ;nnrl though the cure 1t effects is rnpid, it is a lso complete and permanent.

- The mnrriage ring of Llllh er's wife hns hr en diacoverf'd A Amn . C ob.urg, \"Yhero 1\ fa mily hl\5\ pn~se s­ed tt for 1:1. numbe r o f gerl~,rntions w itho ut koowiug it-1 int\'lr~sling hi11· tory.

- Oue of t he lur~PRt for c!'t'i in t he world is situntf>d bctwoE>n Uml anci tho Okhotsk -Sc". A w d l WIIS re· ceotly du~ in t.h is r"l£i\ln, whf!n it was found that u t '' cleplh I)( 340 fel"t tt.e gro und w.,s s LiJ I frozoo.

'' Brace Up."

Wedne'<la)' oext,at 4,80 p.m. gling a bonne~, who coneidered that W.EDnab~Y, April 19. tbore, waa no harm whatever in' tha

t.ranaaot.ion. Under the operation. of Bait The Hou,e met at 41 P· m. Act. h wae poor peoplo wbo bad boou

Is a tantnliziog admoniti'lo to those wbo 1\t thia seliSon foollt all tired ou~. weak, without appetite and discouraged But the" JVa.y in which H ebel's S:~rsa­pariUa builds up the tired frame and

-g ives a good appe tite, ie roaUy wonder­ful. So we any, "Take Hood's and it will brace you up."

• 0JU)ER or Tim D.u. foond O&rr,71ng a few barrel• bait to For a go~:~e.ral fa01ily ~rtbRrtio we

confidently r ecommend -HooD's Pn.LS. Oo motion ol HO\). Hr. H.utn."Y the St. Piez:re Lbat bad been punished wuile Hooee reeohed itself intocommit.teft or othen, who wereregarded aa im~aot •'- h 1 h F · F' hi v party eupporten, bAd been allowed to ~o~~e w 0 8 on t 8 ore1g1r 11 Ill ee· go ~free. Now tbat tbe Act had · -Dr. B. W. RiP,har.lsoo says, tba~ "~:~ !th. iiaRRq in tho chair. been etiapeoded, bow did we appear the first words of mo!IL physicians

H ..,_ ..... 'd b·., .,_ before tbe pubUo, or wpa~ argument wbeo they eolel' siok r~oms in 1.,ri-on. ms. liLONBOB l&l • eucre ""e oould,-e nn.MlbJly ·-ploy •- a' bow tbat t I mot.IOD ~ adupt ~e-flnt aeoLion wu we bad fOUOwecl ~._.qoaall~t courae? va e nousri e··ou J 11• Goethe's dy • pu'- be wiabed to make a few ., we bad taken cer- in1 exollmation: • More light 1 -..&be ohataOter of more light I" 1L certainly itt true, wblcb beeo DniYez:ated 11 0~ that gen.ral~ bttCor" tbe doctor can mtlrfuc oa & ~ 181111&- aet a look at tbe patient be hl\8 to ~ra~p:icl;.im~':&k.!::-:.- a.dlQr. been ~· ask \bat the cul1aioe be raia~, 'in

JlueD& tla:ie be lnolioecl to\ er healer than the •bleat pbyaloian

lJY US/1/G

i ,1, r~

lfl1 tJ ~~-8ROCKYILU, Onr. IIORRISTOWII, 11.1.

GUARDIAN Fire and. Life

A$surance . Co'y. OF LONDO:N.

E~TABLf~HED A.D. · 1812.

• ·unscmllf:n C.\ l'rT \.L .... .... £2,0"{1,000 Sf g. 'TOTAI.l -;\"i;,.,1':; o F t:S!lS U1'- r · WA~I's o~· ...................... 2,ii!O,(l(.l(l Stg•

AN~'UAI. l s~,;o~u; Ul'W'O::; OP &'>U,\100 tg.

'l'hc GUA.RDIAS being 1\. tll"!lH~la'i.'l E nglish lrufllri\UCO eom pl\ f.)', offcl'l\ a.U th ose admntng!'s mc~Jt d csirtblo to in· HllrCI"'I, dr.., unc!ouht~d sl.ahihly , f1WOr· aulll t.Ormll ami pro~l 8C:llkwcot. tO cln i 1113 f .r .l.rtc:s.

'l'h<' \ imh' rsignr.d bnv-log been ap­pointe: A!fcnts for NewfbtwdJaml a!'f' prop.~r<'d to i uo Policies n~o,;aiuat. sa hy Ji 1r~. .

JAi\fES S. WTh"TEB, t. ,T\lhu'e. JO;:>EPH GODDEN, nb·Ago!nt,

Hnrhor GrncC'.

Insurance · Coy. Lpst iu th~ 9'reat Conflagt~tion

the sum of

- · $541,ooo andw

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid ont to 398 of it~ patron~~ "'hose policies were · involvea in the fi.re, exactly a similar amount, viz.,

• -.u,. 3~!i!Jf;l;;,~~t lq t.hU bl.ttie order that the rays o( a much areal·

--.ute wbiob beton t.h~ J!oau- mty ·ever hope to be may be ad· · JM-up the W... ot the Batt .A.oa. ' 1& pro- mlhed, . I ·


Page 4: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930516.pdf · ~he Spri!lg'weather has arrived an'd so has a.nothe11 oomplete stock ofN (D w Seeds toH.A.MO!.RISSEY

l~t Jjar'or •r•ct Sf••~•r' -.um-


means or oommuniqatlC?n aa are to be fou.nd in every other ci vtlised pan or the


CONciPTI(Ut BAY ADV.BRTISD. . .vorld, ia fu too great. ·

Why did I first come to take 4n inter­·e~ in tho mineralogy ofNewfoundlan~l?

ioatancea or the uaea to which this ex&raordinary mineral may be pu~ and or &be reason why it fetobea 10 btgb a p!ice in the market. n Ia one of Nature's marvela, and from ita aiogular­ly beautiful ailky appearance, one can­not be aurpritod at the cause or a man'a wonderment that it can be got ou~ of the earth &a eui.ly aa ooai, limeatone or ,,ny other minfll'lll.

dellJMed apdience, which indeed b d1d. She wu Mcom panied by Rrofeuor Flynn, (pil\nf·~rLe) a1\d Mr. lfarold Bennet' (vwleu). ~lr. Cue1'1 eong "The Monarch of Lhe Wood•," wu well given anti de· serndl1 well received, and Me11!Sra. B'o'wlow and Go.ff as y->uthful !hl!•l· iere were well to ttae fro.nt wttb ·~~-Geadarmes." Mies Hennedsy. another talented young larly and ll !{eneral f4vorite at concerts, 1\S I dare eay Pnrywhere else, p-leased aa with "Lovelight,'! whilst , th~ Aria and Chorus ' • Inlhmmatns which fullo'Ted,aplentlidly ren\lert1t1 1.>1 Miss F lynn .a·11d u~h.:r talented ones, was truly a m ustcal ~reat, re· fleeting no lit\le bonr>ur upon thA eoergetio·cond uctor, Professor .Fynn. Mr. flurold Bennett · Jllayed two violin solos, o.ocomptioied by Mr. Flynn,nnd Mr. W. Ke?ned 1earned a vociferous encore w1th bts funny,

'l'tTEaDA.Y, !UT 16, 1893.


A't .we told 01;-;:ad.ers in 1\ l ilt~ I&~Sue therftOAmo to the Colony I11)J» umd'on, England, bY 1ft . t " 0

etel'mttr " gentl.,man det>p y tn er; . e.<~tfd in tne mint~ral resourcPa . o

- Newfoundland, more particul~~ly the one Of aabe t08, We ,mean I r. R. H. Jones, who paid tbll town a ebort visit late lut week. ~f e lndlj availed' of the opportun.tt:r

fo gather from him a few intereatmr facts in relation to thf' above ~~­derful mineral, which filets we df

le&a ure in laying before our rei\ . ~ra-with the prefatory remark t~at . Mr. Jones's utterance~ are .deservmg of weight ' and att~~t1on, lnasmuc~ as,besiclee being a 1(9.ea o~server an. of much pracLical expe~tence. h~ I" one directly interested. 10 asbdeot?•

· · The observattons ma o1n mmmg. h t• fora relation not only to t e ma .. era · aa!ct. but as well t~ the urg~~t nt· ceasity that now exists o~addttlo~al employm.ent being speed1ly provyd ed for ~ewfoundland'a growtng

alation, are, as 'twere needless ~!oat to·eay, worthy of.~ucb con· sideration at the presentJ\tme, when the tide of emiarati<;m seems to havP

t . nb11.p" pilv 1n real earnest se 1n, u J • t tb r and it now fast beartng o o e l&Dde many-alas I too many::-of the 9e!'t of the leland's. p<>p~lahon Anytning,therefore. whtch wtll help to llttly tlle current-eoy remecly or suggested re!lledy for the ex?·lus­ehout~. and "e feel sure wtll: be gladly hailed, nntl,ao (~&r as posstble, be 1\cted on ai4 800n evt~r ns can be. . Yes it ia this ttnfo~cecl idleness of her' populaition-tbtll o~Ieplorabl• exodus of he r valu.a.h le bone and . tb t 1·s te1w 1o., Nowfound-ame,•- ~~o · " d' ·

land in tile unfortunate con Jtton in which ~the i o~ fo nnrl tn·cll\\'. Suo~. in all lrulh, is \lit~ Old CJlony I

' bane, her millfortune a.nd ~er lose. And the query that artees 111 a very pertinent one-viz., Where can the remedy IJe fou nd ·t ' .\hI whtore?

Let ua see .... now what our worthy corres~ond .. nt bud to te ll us o. b:>ul

• asb83los. Prt.bau!y t ho bez~t w~y of doiog 80 wil l b" · no~ far nP, posstble. to U8t~ h iA ow n wnn ls : . .

A sBESTOS.-\\'e naked htrn •fhe wou,ld tell us something Rbou.t tlus ~~rnl'!ge and eo litLI•• known ~mer,~l. . Wnb

rent. g}.eatture," bo rephed, I w1U t!l!J ~ou auylhiog I can. Is tbe~o ""Y a~ectal poiut upon which you w1eh for : nfor­mation, or sbnll I speak of the mtneraJ genem lly·tf A h, ye·"'' yvu Nant to .know what it io~ 1\nd ~ow 1 ~ COJ?~• to be 1n the peculiar form lll whtch}t 1s us.ed. W~ll, aabestClS llllll'r; •enli ru•,t~unply serpentme in & fibrous form; uut. when you. ~U~k me bow it oon1Ca to bo in that p'ecuha~ form you go a step or two berond me. No one knows b.ow or 1vhy thla ahould be eo. Asbestos is Ly no mea na . the only

'mineral which 111sumee thta strang!' form . we CAnnot td l you why. In the

reeeht at&te or u~r know.lcdgc, l!e ~mply know .~hat it 11 10. It a found 1n thU a tate in every part of t he .world,but, atrange to a:ly it i• not round tn any tl!o

·Veil, it is very e.C.y to~~~ you that.


• )n geological grounda I had long been ,f opinion that the peculiar formati~n

:n which aabestoe in ita pu~Uorm .a ··ound in Canada wu a lao to be found tn ''iewfoundland. U you will look •t &

-'eological map, you. ~ll aee ~hat the

t..-re&t bPlt or aerpentine wbtoh rune. Certain resolutilna have recently through ao laTge a part of Quebec, ap· been before the House or Assembly, . nears and dieappe&lll frequ~ntly, BOm~ • d time dipping pnder or betng overlau:l in respect of th~ cooatr.~ctlon an hy other roo lis, unt.il it finally orope out equipment of a hne of ra1l way from "gain and ia \argely ditpla~ 1n the the Exploha River (Notre Dllme Peninsula of Gaape. There 1t Ia loet, Bay) to Porbau·B~aque (Diatriot that is to say, it dips under tb~ tea, but Burgeo and ~a Potle.) Tb~ pr~· only to reappear again on the wee tern posed line wtll start at Btebol> a coast or your laland . . Now, altho~;tgh Falla· on the Exploit• River, dte· ,·on 'nlBy have many hundreds or miles (diat~nt ahout .200 miles (rom ~be of serpentine, it is only here and there Plac .. ntt'a Junction), via the nortll-md in extremely few placea, t~at an>\ .., tendency to the f!bro!le f~rm a found! eastern end of Grand Lalce, 'hence But still, if the fprmatton u the aame to the nortb·eMtern end of Deer in that part. of Newfoundla!ld. where t~e Lake, thence b~ the ·North side of 11erpent10e 11 found, then, ~t le only ~a~ · the Humber Rtver and Deer Lake to aasume that the same mtnerala whbol t ·l, or near to, Bay of Islands thence occur in t.he Canadian part of the e. t t •l, or near to. Bay St. George: thence will at10 be foun~ in that part o.f 1t p t 1vhioh lies in Nqwfoundland. Th1e I by the ... ost desirable route t? or -waa detennihed to investigate; but y~ar au· Basque. 'lfter year alipP.ed by without my beLDg The price to be agreed on for •lble to undertake th'e journey. ~n t~e cnnatrnction will be at the. rate of spring or laat year, however, betng 10 Sl5 600 per mile-in nil $5,804,000 Canada I went to Ottawa to contult my dol lara. , The contractor, it ia said, friend, Dr. Selwyn, the Director or. the ••t'll operate the line free of charge Geological Sutvey there; and to htm I .. mentioned my ideas. WeU,aaid be,! am to the colony for ten years. convinced of it. I have long been or Nol't', admitting all that can bo opinion that good aabeatoa would be arivo.nced in f"vor of the ~on­found. in Newfoundla~d. Indeed, for etruction of the praposed h.ne, years past whenever any one hu come there are one or two thoughts wbtch to consult 'me reg&rding aabeetoa,Ibave will nevertheless force themaeh:es tllwaye said, "G? to Ne~~~undland>,that &nd are deserving of attentt.oo ia where lou wtU find tt. Tha~ pedratoc· -(1) I .. not the drawback. wtth 'tioally dtcid'ld me, and I determtn ., go. A little later on in the year.I cam.e the new line tbi11; that, VIZ., no over here, and the reault of my ~nveatl· survey has been made before·. gation was such that I d~term1ned to bancl to determine wbat are the pay your hand another vult1 to con· resources to be opened up, or tinue thl' investigation, and ir poeelble. whether there are an1 to j uatify to give effect to the dit13overy. · Yea, I d 't •} intend to aet to work at once, and tbaU such an immense ex oen t ure ' leRve by the next coutal •teamer .for Stil~ with all tbat,it may chance to the West ~t,wi.th men and matertal-; happen, good m!'y C?me out of it...!. nnd. if my efforts meet with auc~ea•t I if there is anytbtng tn the country. ltulieve that it will be a good thing ror But to oolonizJ the interior must Newfoundland, by,amongatotbertbi?ga necessarily be a slow affair. Our giviug ..... ompl~nt to her inoreastng own people will never do it. Mean· popula tion, whio oannot,under preaent tt'tn'"' th ... fisheri '"'a are and must long conditione. be Ice tat home, .but. has to " " " ~0 abroad in que1t or that whtch.tta own be our people's main dependence, land is powerleaa to afro~ tt. The and should therefore be carefully staple trade of the country a flab, or guarded and improv11d. course, flab before anythin~ but~ co~n- The second thought is this ­try is generally proaperou1,1n proportton w bo:ther we. are not going ahead too RB she hai aome alternative buait.eaa to f~t,. whether, in otber words, the f"ll bBck upon. The fishery may be.a

• k II lr" song "Dr. Kill-e .n ·q utc . 1u1u

hRd one some season~ the whole h· ()olony can no w afl\nd to enter upon land suffers; but, if any part of the Roy further railroad construction'? population is engaged in eome other As it is, bas she not t1vo very large hus iness in ndditton t{) the, ata.pl~ trade railway subsidies to meet nnnually? tho difficulty 1\nd consequent distress Has s~ 1111t,then,well nigh reached a re certa inly in some meaaure arne- the enq of h er Ctlpacity- in the a bov., By Teles;rraph. tioro.ted. But to give effect to any of partioulrtr? Newfound ltlnd 's pu.b· ..... • these things, the country waJ?ts open· lt' c debt 1.:1 a• ,.resent about 7!- mtl· ing up, so aa to welcome th!l tntroduo- • ~ HALtF.u, May IS~ A dynamite bomb •ion of r.npital. At present 1t Ia not eo. lion d ollars. and at the end of the has been found neatr the P11rliamcot

~{nrphy was absent from. town, and eo we unfortunately mtS:t'ld 1\

repetition of h~~r pretty song •· Ter· flnce'e Farewell to KllthiMn.'' The Tickling Trio, splendidly .sung by Miu Flynn wbo never 1t seeru:t grows weary of ... working for tile public good, and Mes:nd . .El_anrahau and Kennedy. was a gre11.t success . Miss b'11nny Kennedy gave 11 very sweet little aong, ' · The. Piirdon came too late' singing wittuskill and grace, an<l Mr. Ha~rabu~ repeated his sucoeasful comtc song .. ~oom · ta-ra witll the oleYer i10p11rson~~o­tion ~f the great J. F. A., obt~~.ining .. nother caH for pia pains. The Chorus "Call John'' was, first r-•te and was highly appreciated, ~lr . C.u~ey's Toioe ia a fi~e, d.eep one ~lias Lynch was agam qulte at. her beet, and this ia spealdng very htgh· ly of the ~reat that a~e gave. u:~ >Vitb•a psrttcularly taktng tnUYIC~I te.le of C)untry adventure, ll flltr •uiden'a ditliculties at • style !l!iss Flynn again afforded pleasure to all with "Tell me, Oh Btrd. And .. The Bull .:>og " Oh'lrUd ( .\L,le Voic~) brought doiTn the bouie. ,\{r. Lynch was in first clll!IS trim as ua~ual and at hi• funniest pi tch, he was loud If. called upon for an flncvr tl ~tB usual. rue splendid An vii c llorus immediately followed by God Save tbe Q ueen brought t.hi• mo~L suo· ceasful Concert to a c l .. se. aod llll wl!nt home Jeligbted with the B.ul· quet of Melody which our indus· trious friend Proft~ssor Fiyna and his tll leuted and o bliging assist.LtltS had provided for t bem.-C. H. B.

Look for 1ns~aneo at my own case. I y ear will aggregat~ nearly nine mil- buildings, M•ldrid. h:w <> found asbestos on the W~t Ooaet, lions, And on.tbts lar~e· d ebt we Threo dyn11mite cartridges exploded and wish to give effect to the dtacovery are beginning with a l~ght he~rt. to in Barcclon4. hy opening a mine there; but, t<) do construct a line of r&llroad wbtch Fielci·llllrjhal LorJ William Puulct tliia I have to encounter extraordinary .,t. ll cost nb••ut four •nillioop m ore. ia dead. difficulties. If we had only a cattle The Cunnrder Oampania made the trnck to pau over, it would be eome- 1f other things were equal, well and p.l.l!ellge from New York t{) Queenstown thing; but unleaa men of energy and goo.J. But are thfly? . 10 fi ve days, eaveuteen hour:~, and forty· persevetance can be .fou~d to foUow up BB all tbia aa it may, howevor. four minutes, being the quiokest eo.atcrn any discovery of th11 ktnd, the g~eat the f•ct remains, llod must nnt be pilasa.ge on record, mineral wealtll'of Newfoundland mtght lost aight of, that M ~· Reid, the en· The Grand Trunk strike is ended, just aa well,for&ll the benefi t the leland ergetic contractor, lS prepared to wag& having been advanced ten cents ran derive from it, be in Alulta or ( h C 1 per day. Timbuotoo. When I reach the Gravela, run,tbe road, free 0 coat to t e 0 • Tho following American ban lea have a.t Porl·au-Port, I have about1t":el!e ony,for ten ye4r~, l:Ie._ia t~u.alarge· suspe~ed, Genol\, Rockland Moreye· miles to go, but tlie country th~e 1110 ly auuming a btg responatbtlitylls town, Conroy, Columbia., C111ey and a. primeval state-there ia non ·oad or solely relyinl[ on tlle po.a~ible Y& lle Green ood, aU in Ohio, .todiaoa, pntb, or even cll!ttle traolc, conaeqqently II( hid land gr•lntt, It lS devo utly A!ichi an and Illinoie. • we muat go by water, AU OuJ! goode ·to be hoped that his enterprise lll!lY M4y 15,-Tqe eteaQler Hamburg too mu1t go by water, and ~be pro<luota be abnndant.lw revrarq~:u, &I it rQuat 11trqok: the ship Ooqn~eu Evelyn. or the mlne. mullt aleo go tbe aarne .. J d b h b' •- d 16 f tb way, The Ooaat Une hers ia rqgged assuredtr deae;vea to b•. •n t e Tue s tp aan-. an o e cr~w in the extreme, ani by water, I believe, countr1 and ~be people oe U~e lllrae llDd 9 pasaengers were lost. 1t oc· the distance is about . 1.5 tnilee, Now, g"iners, curred off the English coast.


A solemn funeral service wu conducted by~ the Rev. J. M. Noel tn St. Paul's Church laat Sunday evening in memory of the cretf o( Lhe mi~11iug -v .. s,el. The •• Ro1e':ear. " 1\ bril(IUtlino of 153 lo.Jos. belong!ng.'o Measnt. John Munn & Co. of H~r~or v race, uiled from Trapant. on lbe 29;h day of Decem~er 1892, fvr thia port,aod though fiYe m onths have elapsed ainctt her <tepartur&, no tidings of the ship or crew hne come to band. and it ia now bitterly fMred by the most unguioehearted, that abe must be reckoned ampng~t the thou'3and:t of ill-fated vetsels tn the past tb&t have sailed away from hocne. alas never to return . . Sh?rt· ly afte~ l he Rodevellr left T!a~aot, &

terrific gRle raged •. a~d lt 1s the opinion of the !naJ •mty of th?se best qualified to Judge, that durtng t.bia atorm the must htlve been driven on the rocks, but of ,;oursJ this is only theory and th.e fLLte of bo~h a hip and crew rematns clouded 1n rnydtery a mystery that will pro · lubly ne'vsr be unveiled. 'fhe d eep· e3t sy 10 pathy is felt by a ll . onr c itizens fur the unhllppy r·lattons and friends of poor Captain Pardon• and his crew, for the poor,sorrowing ,vives; motber11, flllbere and little children, whoa- for so many weary weeks have been eagerly scann.ing tbe horizon from grey dAwn to crlm· liOn sunset in que~t ofthewhite wings of the vesseJ that never cam.e. A host of ell r friend• have been oonst~~ontly n the stir in expeotaLion of some •ig from the vast ocean or so ua word of news Bashed· acrou the electric wire that would tell of the mis11in 9nes, until at last ~I bopes aee to be blighted, and in sincerest orrow tbe1 mourn fur their old comrades. It w~~oa not our intention here to re9!r to any partie· u lar member of the. Rusn~r'a c rl\v, hut we cu.nnot close this short notice ,vithout u. Stntlll tribute of rospeot to t ne rnet.Uory of Ca!Jta.in . . \{os~ Pa~· 11ons, in lovingly rec11 lltng hts um­versal popularity in 11ar1Jor .Grace. his long ~~.nd u1aful o~~.reer 10 t~e ., ,u ploy of Mes:trs. Mu on & Co, hu uublemi~hed name and hi1 generous friendly diapodition. \V e d eplore 1\ldo tbe los:~ of our gooJ iriend Mr. Doodj, an exc~llent o fficer nnd k indly companion. L ife at be:~t i~ Kwiftly fleeting. a nd ruany nf IH are but too apL to regarJ with i n·liffer· ent. urbllnity the d e . .t.Lh of ~ho:~e nround us; but a wider feel i ng of 11y mpathy tnan is extandeJ by U:l t o m o3t (If our fello w creatures usually ' 'UC:I out from our b e1uts to t{lose ~ho "go d own to the sea in ship3 anti do bu3ineu in great watero .. , .\f r'y our united wis h be for those wh) bave beeu so s ud d en ly soparat· 1·\.1 by tbe re ru orse les3 s~a fr om their deu ones, thaL their parting may n ot IJe eternal.

C. H. B. Tb6 following are the miasing

ones .

(1) Captain Uose~ P•raons, Master, liarbor Grace, ::> . S. {2) ~!r. David Dl)o,Jy, mate, Carbonear. (3) Jobn ~t. Ash, Bo&tsl'faiu. f:Iarbor Gr&ee. (4l J uaiab o8h. Cook, HaroorGrace. (5) Stet,ben French, A.. B., Harbor · l..i r .. ce. (6) Archihald l1r4y . .A.. B., Barbor J-ract~. (7) Loreuzo Par· sons, A. B., Harbor Grace, S.S. (8) Jame~ Lane, A. B,, tbe Gouldll.

ca.l a.nd other Items. . The steamer Portia left for Halifax ,,JO New Yorl{ on Saturday evening.

Eler paaaengeri were-For New ~ork­Dr. Fitzaimon. wife and· tiYe chtl~, Meaers. L. Pike and and W. J •. Ve1~h. Eor Halifax-Hr. J. Furloog and Wlfe Mrs. LindaiLy, Miaa Ada Payne, Dr. MoKentie, Measr.. BeU, W. Waugh and 0. Knight, 81 in second ·cabin, and i20 in steerage , . •

-~ Excellency the Gove;.;(or baa ()eon pleaaed to appoint Commodore the bon. Aeheton Gore C11rzon Howe.

'H. M. S. CleopatriL ; Commander James Beckford Hay, H . M. S. Buzzt.rd; Lieut. SackviUe Hamilton Curden, H. i. S. Cleopatra f a':ld Lieut. the ho!l· eo. Arthur Hardmge, H. M. 8. Perhca , to be Justices of tlie Peace for the leland of Newfoundland and its Dependencies, whilst engaged in the protection of the fisheries:

, CONFIR!IED, The favourable impreuion produced

on the finit appearance of the Agreeable. liquor fruit remedy Sy rup of Figs a few years ago haa been more than confirm­ed by the pleasant experience or all who have ueca it, and the aucceas of the proprietors and manufacturera the Cali­fornia Fig Syrup Company,

-ANOTHf:R F m &.-At 4 o'clock Sat· nrday morning, an alarm. was giv~n for 11. tiro, which proved . to be in a house on Andrews' HiU, owned by Mr. W. Andrews. 1\nd lately rented by Mr. Thomaa Godden. The fi re was first seen by a woman living near by, who gave the ala rm, and neighbors bad the water on the building before tbo towns­people were fully aroused. The fire hurst through the roof on the baok, and it wo.s with considerable difficulty and hard·worlc that. the Bame3 wcre subdued The force of water waa, i t m ust be ad­mitted, ver.v great, and all the equip­mente, hydrants. etc., were iri a. eatta· factory state, reflecting much credit on the ene~elio Superintendent or the W"ter Company. The firemen, too, worked with & will, and must receive a full mead of praise !or their praise­worthy ende.n ors. Tho policemen alao, who were flarly on the ecene of dhnger, are deserving or praise.

The causo~and origin or tho fire are un­known. An enquiry was held yesterday at the Court H ouse, but nothmg resul· ted therofrom.


1 CARPET 28 yds. J. J. MURPHY.

H nrbor Grnce, ?tfny I G, 1 !J3.

Public Notice! TENDERS will be received at

Office, until WED:>F.SDAY, the 8 of May, for a suknblo

To ply nlong tho Conet of Labrador for about Four Months, making say, Seven Ro1.1nd Trips.

All pnrticu lArs or Sen•ice can b e aeen at this Office. Vessel to call at Harbor Grace oo hec way to Labrador. Sen·ice to commence July 6th.

Steam Vessel,

Go\·emmeot do uot bind tbem,elvea to accept the lowest .or any tender.

'R.BOND. Colonial Secretary·

Colonial Secretary's Office, May 9, '98

Public Notice· -o-

In accordance with Chaptef 79 or the Consolidated Statutes,

lacee aUkc:-" I~ Vlldca oo~ ~nly tn ~lour, but in . etr.angelr dtlferont forma Of oryat4lltzlllt_o~, J~lt. tp.CCOrd· lng to the plllce in . whtcb 1~ 11 found. lt..ia moat uaually found l_!l Cauada ot a light or dark &'l'eell . colour. aometimea. amber, .at other t&mee lt t&ltes a fine golden hot, alt~ou~b ~lly t.he Colour baa Jittlo to do wttb lta value for commercial purpoeea ; be~ use, u a mtterorract, when the line ~llky fibre b tea&ed out, it it moe~ly w~u~, what. enr •hade 1t may aaaume to tta. rook· like form. In that atate it takea the oolour of the mother rock, and· that Ta!ita .very. much accord!ng. ~ local enirOundiop. lQ Auattalia 1t ~ fre­quently of a bluitb green, talcin~ ex· actly tbe peculiar colour of the fohage or the encalyptue,tbat wooder~ul Auetlll· !ian tree which haa euqh manifold uaea ; and in Sou~b Africa, near t\)e Ora1,1ge River, it la found of a dark Pruuu~n blue colour. In many other places, 10 tbePyrcneee and the l)a.voy,forhutance it is or a pure white. The moat valu· able quality u· found in the Queb~o

eo great ia the di1Jlculty of tb.ia passage .. . The Ataiv&. of L'>ndon, rsports occAsioned by 'be orou currenta aod The Concert at St. Paul's Hall. 11inking an unknown •Lip. sudden equallt raaeior over tbe oreat 1'wo b'•nlu iq lQt.liM.Q... une in of the hills,that have freque~tly beeq On Friday evening last, our pop JrloriQ4 and one in Olllif..,roia, have kept out for twelv~ boura dUllnLt~e -Jar and accomplished citi~en. ~lr. f 'l d trip i and the landtng

00 tbe roo a, D. A. flynn, a"'ortle,J ~ tln•lthe r · •tsetor.rny dt't~cuas'tons·on the flo me from the atat.e of the eurf on that roo~y ~· ,.

- The schooners Ethel, from noae Blanohe, and the schooner Wentzel, fro 111 Burgeo, lately tandeq-~t St. John'a 1465 and 168laeals reapeotl1ely.

'Swi.ne found at large, by' any pe.rson, may be impounded in the nenreat common pound. Penalty not exoeedinll $'2 each for Swine eo impounded-with coste

cout, abraye more or lese in the nature treat to Harbor Graoi"l'l' hy a !lule Bill continue. of a shipwreck. Twice !_~ave bad my a repetitio~ .ofth'tl ohM•ll!"ng.oi)~Cert The lttvee oltbe Missiuippi broko, dory amaahed up and twJce tll'e Olen ~ivon by htm on ~t. Patrtok a mght an4 .t\rkanl!lls city is qnder water. were wrecked and on'one occ41foqJ W48 St. Paul's Hill I IVI\8 "g d n t hA scene 'l'be. success of the Nioaragu:' re· detained on this inh<Upit.n.ble coaa' fo~ of the (esLi vitiJt&, and ul ~hough lhe fOI utiQn ia OOQlplete. three mortal daya, before we coqld se$ts, owing, it ia~ eqr, ui:~e.J, to l hs Cholera it spreading at Tobolak. launch a boat to get olf. Sqcq a et4te

or things ia dieoreditable ·to the COUQ• lo.•enen of the tlei.LSOrpy.,rtl O•lt. q I lite The German elections take place try, nod nothing I believe c4n be fo?~d as well Q lleclos nt thn ~ ro~t coucer t Qn J nne l q. · . 1ike it in any other ,part or .the ClVt)· yet the Q.U.di~uce was 1\ yurr eel~ol Droughl b., fQined *he u .. u~n

A:ll Coats running a t largo m ust be y olced, each with a good eubet.nnLial yoke, of which the lower bar shall be 8 feet, and the uppe.r not leu than 18 inches in length ; otherwise play be impounded in the near~t common pound by any person. Penalty pot etceeding $2-with coata.

ized world. Ob, yea ! Ireadtly admat and appreou~ttveonJ. ~l r. •ud .\ltdl orops1 that you have got .good roada here, eo Flvnn furnjl!h~d ~~" O\•ert4rd O~trdinal Zi,brara Is dead. .

thuy ba ve In 8• 1~bn'o. You ourbt to ,, ~••o pa," ; 0 their nau"l 8 "' ot v lo, 'Tbe Hpe oiob oaraVol will vioit - FtRE ••. Lown I¥,4No. CovE • .,-A

-RoAD Wo~l\.-1'heRoadBoard have rqen employed in all directions olean· iqg up the hills and streets a.fter the winter. Kitchen's and-l!1lls are being cleared of atones and gra \telwh ioh hnvo been wMhed out br tbe•rain tnd snow paat wfbter and eprwg .. ~he streeta iu and about town are recetvwg atten· tiou whioh will greatly improve their oouditioo. The energetic chairman and the i11;1pecwr seem to be very busy at leu't l ney are, here there and every­whore looking out for work in hand. No Entire Horse·

ahall be allowed to go at la_rge, or '}Stray, Penalty not exceeding ISO.

· Province of Lower Canada. lfere 11. t&kea a ai~ly beautiful form, but little diffenna in f:ppea.rance !rom t~e product or t.b,e silkworm; .whil.et, lD America it utti&lly appeara 1n a woody alate; ... ~ry often, euoUy lilce a brown a tick.

No there is no ubHtoa or any nlue In ~erica· \bat ia according to our preaen' ld~. It ia alrt.nre Ui&t, in all ~t oountry, nooe baa yet been

of that be•ut.ifnl ailky texture ,. are aocunomed &o in tbe prorluct. of the uluable

fa&obe ODIJ OD &.be

give aU honor to S1r Thomas Coobrane d . '[r 0 mnt~ ll (olloweJ wiLit H l ' f . store belongtng to Mr. Edwto Turner, f• te b · ou how to ma.ke tt1em an ., · All u:. LO\vor · Ialaqtl- Oove, wu totally con-.~;,1 b',:',,'.':,\lm,. lj>em when made, . •Come where ~ylov•lie.o _dr,.o'\iu(' lll&v 16.-~e fint ol'"'' o~ the ouoned by a,. on lut Wodneoday

Well Mr. Editor, I '"' "'"'ld I which aong wuh oh<ruung o;...,.,, Hoone Rule Boll h .. p .. oed oomant~. D>• roiOg. The otoro oontainod • trap, have .C.upied • .,..., dool ol your wu one nf tho gemo uf I he ovonong ' The &onb"91oteooner Wonlrab4~" no,., Un .. , and other 6oblng gear .. time without te1ling you about Mr. Law,,m Rgairl di~t.ingui'4h. d • !lfll~re 100 111111!1 belolf que~eo. WHil woll u other Rroperty, whiob wu aU .. b,..,. ofier au. I ohoutd Uke to bitniOif with lois well g t••n •·•• •- '~C~:~',1~~ ,_

1 do

00 10,.u . d•troyed.Tbe ti<Obrokeoutln the oorty

have apolcen ~tboqt J~.· ~lay vatu- comio ao11g '•One Huml re 1 ye •rs ·...f 10

!l;+'i!!.t q~ 1.:.h folln"d wmf'860 morning, a11d no alarm waa given untU obi~, and totally _,,., \. "':; ago," and .&lisa A. 'l'"""l•Y •. .,, , ;;)\j,,.lo, ~ . _ the otono and oonten,. w...., oompletelf. ~':!,"::!"..!":~";;' ~: ~n- '' Tbuong lb., .,..,.,., "11 >lo.,rt:'l ?b.,. lo • ponloky leoti .. on the, ~~: =too~~~':;qe~~~:f. ~ "b~~: Jaoture or oJ.othtng and ev~ of lace- ,. awee~,'melodtou• pll~:e. rentl .. •eJ' ~nJon Stock Ezobange: Two B•nb work:ing indut ua man, and much

rtaint ·u the ODJy epbetanoe &bat with altill and tbe gre•tu'-1"•Lu "Y ua Qu"enaland, Autwlia, have •ua- 1ympa~h7 t. fe & for him. The fire fa ::'welr.C.u&Urolooethe b-h· orthe lhilolevor)'oans , • •• ,. ···- ..... . pondi>d. The ~e· Boutb w .... Oov- IIOUeyeoj I<>- have been the- or .... , big rona, the 100 or 110 pouod~ lot oaono\ be prainJ lO•J hi1h~y. ~lr. ::o~en& p~laim b~ JloWe a lepl evil diapoaedpenon.

Obapter 118:

EVERY DOG. found at larp:e without ita owner, or other nenon 1n charge thereof. mutt have f .. tened to ita neck a olog or ­piece or wood of not leet than 18 inohea in length, with the name of tbt· oner atlmpOd or marked thereon; or to be etfeotuaU1 mu.uled ; otherwiae may be abot or destroyed byanr per­son, The aball not ~ppty. to P010ten, ,Betten, Spaniels or Terriers. ~=&-::\

~alll ioi&&n~, 10

b"' to Pl:,"=.~t':f" ..,:'! W. 1toaMc11 with "•11

tr.lot<d · ''/~u~\dtor Loan Sqoietr !l<loboae hao -The Jlev, F. Son•• orBoy-de-Ve:de, pe ...... ' 8

J11D balloone for ohoraa pleued all !Jreeent wlt~ auapeodecf. ' · ' - ..

"" -~~lor .-..·or "'rho- nr a Gataboller." aad au ' ~· .. ~ ll:.!::''1!1f:.".~ ~~.J:i UH·in aedble :to ~!'!."'lali""' 1!11' - wu to.adly oollod for au4 -,hex R -Tho brfa Traetr, ~v41Utd hhnoelror the -nlt7 to fC': &he • ;r~~ _., __ lf.ill inn, w~oee ~' Oa~Jt. 4P'e1&..~ e4ln~ozaPJi4Al d ooa leofdawahereoabltwa7 ~ o1-1n 'trblab iG!Iil bO ~ &1!4 ob"'' .. "'"""" 0 dR· = ·!:\::".:"'- 8bO ,f' • .,:l.'il !C., • a..!de-Vtml~ mlooloa lo ,pm-~~~~~ 1 u,., ..,"'~l!~ r b:~n~ lj. •• "'" .a~ut ".::l' •• s".T .... ""' :;:::r ':l!lt.:~:V;:~':!:l -lbo~ ot_,.. J'!I!!Pia . ........ '"·n."'fi: q • .~~ -· daJo ~ to ..... ..:-· .... .. ... film, Be -h~lltd'ooll~ =~::::·=~~-:J~·= .... ..=.· ...... ._ .. •tp.ar~~ .:."Jt: =--~~"'--ll!lllllilli ...,OOGY .. atloaMIItosbetoatw~ ·t '1.~ ..... ~~''- . · . · 't

I (' •

No penon •hall have in hia ~ aioo anl Pointer or Set~r~ SpaD.iel, or Terrier~. wit.hout a wntten li08111e from a Stipendiary ~r.ra&e1 .~er a penalty not Uceedln1 •· AUIUoh d~-Boe01ed •hall wear aoollar wl&h &he er'a name in full tbtreoD.

Coaetablte are ~ to O&ITJ' au' &he abcm npJa&ICJalo Pen· al&J (or D&gleo& of cJU&J, fa nlat!na \0 tfealfoy clop, t clollari tor Ill& <d~aoe.. - . ~BIDNBBrr, ~~. 1'oUGI Oll£;,u, Ja.a...,} .