{ Guns Control By: Amaris Martinez. Affecting academic freedom Crucial Roles Affecting society First Amendment

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Gun Control  Gun control proposal is viewed as nothing less than the future of life, liberty and justice.

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{ Guns Control By: Amaris Martinez Affecting academic freedom Crucial Roles Affecting society First Amendment Gun Control Gun control proposal is viewed as nothing less than the future of life, liberty and justice. History America has both a robust gun culture and an equally robust 300 million civilian guns in the U.S. basically one gun for each person In 2012 guns were allowed on 200 public campuses in six states The movement to pass the law was founded in 2008 during Supreme Court ruling District of Columbia V. Heller State Law State Law inforce that carrying a concealed weapon requires a permit You must be 21 or older You must be able to demonstrate competency with a firearm Ranking State Legislators Affecting the lives of many individuals such as the university officials Threating society Decreasing education for students Passed the legislation that allows the presence of guns in classroom, residence halls, and campuses events Individuals Dangerous place for students and faculties Increase of risks, it will not help future attacks Going to lead to confusion during an emergency situation Faculty members, administrators, and public safety officials say no guns on campus,, but decision is not up to them Citizens Views Half of the society say that gun-free zones does not work they are saying no guns allowed will just tell criminals and psychopaths that its absence of defensive weapons. The other half of the society argues that easing gun restrictions could increase both individual and security on campus and can prevent violence "Guns On Campus Overview." NCSL. Web. 28 Oct Birnbaum, Robert. Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight. Change 45.5 (2013):6-14. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.Web.28 Oct.2015 Hope, Joan. Prepare For The Implications On Campus Of Concealed Carry Law. Campus Security Report3 (2015): Academic OneFile. Web. 28 Oct Patten, Ryan, Matthew O. Thomas, and James C. Wada. Packing Heat: Attitudes Regarding Concealed Weapons On College Campuses. American Journal Of Criminal Justice 38.4 (2013): 551. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 28 Oct Sinor, Jennifer. Guns On Campus Have Already Curtailed Free Speech. The Chronicle Of Higher Education 10 (2014): Academic OneFile. Web.28 Oct "Concealed Carry Permit Information By State." Default Podcast. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov Work Cited