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( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

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Page 1: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing


( 模块七 · 高二下学期 )

Page 2: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Grammar and usage




Verb-ed and verb-ing

Page 3: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Unit 4 Unit 4

课件描述: 本课将分别从四个方面向学生具体介绍了现在分词和过去分词作定语和状语的用法。教师采用“悟、导、练”的教学方法,先让学生通过朗读例句自己领悟语言规则,然后再引导他们归纳和总结。最后配一些相应的练习或创设各种真实的情境帮助学生运用所学的知识。

Page 4: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Cars are the leading ( ) causes of air pollution in the world today.

Realizing( ) how serious the problem has become, the government has been encouraging people to walk, cycle or make better use of the underground system.

Read the following passage and identify of function of verb-ing.

定语 adj.

状语 adv.

Page 5: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

2. It is an exciting match.

Conclusion: it usually expresses an action that is going on, or what something is like.

v-ing like an adjective

1. She sat beside the window, watching the falling leaves floating in the air.

Page 6: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Part one a v-ed or a v-ing like an adjective

1.The police found the stolen car.

2. There was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground.

3. Many excited people wanted to travel on the underground.


express passive meaning

refer to a finished action

tell how we feel about something.

Page 7: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Have you read the book _________ to him? (relate)

It is a book ________ by J.K. Rowling. It’s an____________ book most teenagers like.

(write, interest)




Will you feel ________ if Harry Porter is your teacher? (excite)


Page 8: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

1. Realizing he would have to take two different trains, he decided to take a taxi instead.2. Encouraged by the success of the Metropolitan Railway Company, Metropolitan District Railway opened another line in 1868.

Part two a v-ed or a v-ing like an adverb.

express reason or cause

Page 9: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

3. Traveling through the tunnel, the man felt uncomfortable because of the noise.

4. When asked how old the underground system was, she made no reply.

refer to time

Page 10: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

5. The train headed for London, puffing and rattling.

6. He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself.

express manner

Page 11: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

7. Turning to the left at the crossroads, you will see the railway station on your right.

8. Given another chance, I’ll do it much better.

express condition

Page 12: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Please rewrite the following sentences with proper conjunctions.

1. Being ill, he didn’t go to school.

2. Walking in the street, I met a friend.

3. He watched TV , drinking beer.

4. Given more time, I would finish the work on time.

_________ he was ill, he didn’t go to school.Because

_______ I walked in the street, I met a friend.


He watched TV_______ drank beer. and

4. If I were given more time, I would finish the work on time.

Page 13: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

______ the picture, I feel very funny. (see)

The cat carried many things, _______.(sing)


______ more money, I would buy more presents for my wife. (give)



________so many things, the cat felt very tired. (carry)


Page 14: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

1. The underground system being built in the city will be open next year.

2. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes tried to improve the system.

3. Having been developed over many years, the underground system is now able to transport millions of people effectively.


being + done

haivng + done

having been + done

Part three passive and perfect forms of v-ing

Page 15: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Please rewrite the following sentences.

It is said that the second line of Nanjing Underground is being built and it will reach Ma Qun.

After the government has realized how serious the financial crisis is, it has been taking many measures to help people out of difficulty.

After the plan had been revised many times, it was carried out last month.

It is said that the second line of Nanjing Underground being built will reach Ma Qun.

Having realized how serious the financial crisis is, the government has been taking many measures to help people out of difficulty.

Having been revised many times, the plan was carried out last month.

Page 16: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

________ the differences between London Underground and Nanjing Underground, our government took some measures to improve the underground system.

A. Having compared

B. Compared

C. Having been compared

D. being compared

Page 17: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Do you think we can rewrite the previous sentence in this way?

Having compared the differences between London Underground and Nanjing underground, some measures were taken by our government to improve the undergroud system.

Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.

Part four the subject of v-ing or v-ed clause The understood subject of v-ing or v-ed clause is the same as the subject of the main clause.

Page 18: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

________ this public service advertisement, we think … (see)

________ on internet or other media, the public service advertisement can call on more people to… (show)




Page 19: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Sometimes commercial advertisements can be useful.

___________ what to buy, consumers may turn to ads for information. That is to say, ______ ads, you will get a better understanding of each product. However, some consumers may also be cheated by __________ advertisements. _________ by these ads, they are likely to make wrong decisions.

So what attitude will you take to ads?

Not knowing


misleading Guided

mislead, know, guide, read

Page 20: ( · ). Grammar and usage Unit 4 Verb-ed and verb-ing

Please finish the exercise A, B on page 57.