Google Cloud Messaging for Android Shcheglov Maksym MTS1 at Magento inc.

Максим Щеглов - Google Cloud Messaging for Android

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Page 1: Максим Щеглов - Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Shcheglov MaksymMTS1 at Magento inc.

Page 2: Максим Щеглов - Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• no signup to get access;

• no authentication using Google account;

• no message quota.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• Android 2.2 or higher;

• Google account (OS version < Android 4.0.4);

• project ID (using Google API console);

• API key (using Google API console).

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

GCM Server

Mobile phone

Registration ID




Registration ID

Sender ID,Application ID

Enabling GCM

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Enabling GCMimport com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar;

public class UAMobileActivity extends Activity {


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


final String regID = GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId(this);

if (regID.equals("")) {

// register application

GCMRegistrar.register(this, "484449755275");

} else {

// Device is already registered on GCM




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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Enabling GCMimport com.google.android.gcm.GCMBaseIntentService;

public class GCMIntentService extends GCMBaseIntentService {


protected void onRegistered(Context context, String registrationID) {

//send registrationID to the server

registerOnServer(context, registrationID);



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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

GCM Server

Mobile phone



A message with API key,

Registration ID

Sending a message

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Sending a messageRequest


HTTP headers:



HTTP body:


“collapse_key” : “news_update”,

“time_to_live” : 100,

“delay_while_idle” : true,

"data" : { ... },

"registration_ids" : [”ID1”, “ID2”, “ID3”],


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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Sending a messageResponse


"multicast_id": 112,

"success": 2,

"failure": 1,

"canonical_ids": 1,

”results": [

{ “message_id": "1:2036" },

{ "message_id": "1:7695", "registration_id": ”102" },

{ "error": "NotRegistered"}



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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Sending a messageClient

import com.google.android.gcm.GCMBaseIntentService;

public class GCMIntentService extends GCMBaseIntentService {


protected void onMessage(Context context, Intent intent) {

// received the message

final Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();

String data = bundle.getString("some_data");



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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• manually by sending an intent com.google.android.c2dm.intent.UNREGISTER;

• uninstall the application;

• registration ID is expired;

• application is updated, but does not have a broadcast receiver configured to receive com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE intents.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

GCM Server

Mobile phone








Device not registered error

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Message states

• sent;

• stored (a device is offline);

• collapsed (a device is offline & we have a new message);

• throttled.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• send-to-sync;

• message with payload.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• no broadcasting;

• no guarantees about delivery and order;

• message multicasting (up to 1000 devices per 1 request);

• multiple senders (max 100 project IDs per application);

• store up to 100 non-collapsible messages;

• maximum 4kb per message;

• optimizations;

• analytics.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android

How to migrate from C2DM


• deliver a new version of your app;

• send a flag with registration ID.


• new endpoint;

• API key in the Authorization header.

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Google Cloud Messaging for Android


• no certificates;

• one http address for development and production;

• uses json or plaint text in requests, not binary data;

• no feedback service;

• developer-friendly error codes;

• no actions (alert/badge/sound);

• message size (4kb & 256b).

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