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I ntroduction

Checl<list for Movers

Map of the Student's

Topic index

G rammar index

Unit guide (teachers

Test preparation





Photocopiable activities

Alphabetical wordlist

Photocopiable Practice Test:

Listening Test

Listening Test tapescripts

Reading and Writing Test

Marl<ing l(ey

Speal<ing Test



1A_j. -t









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Topics animals body and face, p aces

Functions describ ng an mals understanding and givingfa-tral r'orro.o doo, dtr"t,r' e.p e,.ir g"o,.,Grammar conlundrions (becouse, or). hcve + ingpreposit ons (obove, in, instde, on, out af, under, Lo)

Vocabulary See the word si on page oftheStudent's Book.

Flyers words: little, sound /ike (v) Not in YLE word ists:

cr1cK v )Movers practiceReading and Writing Parts I and 6, Spea<ing Part 3Equipment neededCards wilh anrma names on them See E. (See alsot

wr.rw.cambrr dge org/e t/funfor)

Movers tipSome of the animals on the lYovers wordl st m ght not befound in the part of the wor d where your earners I ve.

U - oi. u -: o'tl-e.o "- .1 r'< ard rd.- ,-e . d. /oJr

learners are fam ar wth thern or ask rftheyve seen theseanima s n boo<s, on TV in fl ms or at a zoo.

* t"o then write the onimols.

Ask different leorners questions qbout onimols:

Whot's Aour fovourite onimol?

Are gou ofroid of ong onimols?Which onesT

Which onimols ore beoutiful?

Which onimols ore uglg?

Which onimols ore funng?

Use the pictures to teoch or revise the onimqts whichoppeor ot Movers level.

Sog o number. For exomple: one.

Leorners sog the nqme of the qnjmol: beor.

Sog onother number.Ask the whote cLoss to nqmethe qnimol qnd then continue with individuol leornersonswering until theg cqn sog the onimots with confidence.

Write the words ond numbers on the boqrd.

Check qnswers: 2 bot 3 rqbbit 4 kongoroo5 flg 6 dolphin 7 pondo 8 whole9 Dorrot 10 shqrk 11 lion 12 lizqrd

Cleon the boord.

Using the pictures, proctise the onimol vocobulorg usingone or two of the fotlowing octivities.

\Nriting rqce: Leqrners write qlt the onimots os quicktg os

possible on the tines in A. Check their onswers bg oskingdifferent leqrners to spell eoch qnimql qnd write it on theDOOTO.

Noming roce: Leorners sog the onimots correcttg osquicklg os possible.TheU prqctise in groups, with evergonein the group soging the onimqls.Time eoch group to seehow lonc it tokes them to sou qll the onimols.


Longest to shortest: Leorners write the onimql nomes,stqrting with the one with the most tetters ond finishingwith the one wirh the fewest tetters. Check this oro[[g bU

osking o group to reod out their [ist.

Biggest to smqtlest: Leorners sog the onimots in orderof size, storting with the biggesr.

Moke groups

Write on the boqrd: lions, lizords, robbits. Drqw o circleround the three words.

Sog: Lrons, lizords ond robbits can run quicklg.

Write on the boord: rabb,ts, kongdroos. Drow q circle roundthese two words.

Sog: Robbits ond kongaroos con .. . (jump)

In groups of 3 or 1r, leqrners choose onimols which hovesomething in common ond write them together in o circle.Ask one leorner from q group to come to the boqrd ondwrite the onimots in o circle.The other groups hove to sogwhot the connection is.

Suggestions: TheU eot meot.Theg con flg.Theg cqn swim.Theg hove/hoven't got legs.

Which ports of o crocodile con Uousee?

Point to the first picture.Ask: Whot! this? (q crocodilelheqd)

Poinr to the eges. Ask: Whot ore theseT (o crocodile s


Leqrners look ot the pictures ond tell gou rhe ports ofthe crocodite's bodg theg con see.Ask different teornersto come to the boord ond write the words for the portsof the bodg.

Check qnswers: 1 the crocodile's (eges ond) nose2 mouth ond teeth 3 foot 4 tqil

Asl< questions obout q crocodile:

ls a crocodile\ mouth big or smoll? (6ig)

ls o crocodile\ toi{ iong or short? (tong)

Are o crocodile's Legs uglg or beoutifui? (Leorners'onswersl)

Point to picture 5. Ask Whott this? (A bobg crocodile.)

Point to the egg ond osk: Did gou know thot crocodiles

come from eggs?

Leorners write o bobg uocodile on the tine in B.

How much do gou know oboutcrocodiles?

Reod 1: Do crocodiles live in the seoT

Ask leqrners whot theg think or know obout wherecrocodiles live.Write the different things theg sqg on theDOOTO.

Either:Ask the ctoss questions 2-6.

Page 4: womsend.com for Movers TB .pdf · Created Date: 9/12/2013 12:32:26 AM

Or: leqrners look ot questions 2-6 in poirs. . Exptoin the meoning of rhe expression sounds [ike toWrite their suggested onswers on the boqrd. leorners.

Note: Leqrners do not write ongthing on the lines next \ y'rite on the 6oard" mot hot

to the questions Uet. Sqg the words: Mot sounds like hot.. Reqd text I with leqrners: Crocodiles eot fish, birds, Write on the boord: toke mokeonimols ond sometimes theu eot peopie too!Theg do not eat SqLt the words: Toke sounds like mdke.gross or plonts. . Reod out the sentences obout the different qnimqls.Ask: Which guestion does this onswer? (5 Whot do crocodiLes Leorners write the nqmes of the qnimqls on the tineeat?) beside eoch sentence.Ask four different leqrners to telt gou one of the four Note: The onimqts qre oll in the pictures in D but qrethings crocodiles eat. (fish, birds, onimois, people) nor in the some order qs the sentences.Leorners write these words on the [ine next toquestion 5 in their bool<s.

. Reod texts 2-6 with teorners ond onswer the questions.

Question I (Text 4) Yes.

Question 2 (Text 5) Becouse theg need to see obove thewoter.

Question 3 (Text 2) Yes.

Question 4 (Text 6) Yes.

Question 6 ( xt 3) About 12.

. \ y'rite on the boqrdl

Check onswers: 2 goot 3 mouse 4 lrog5 cow 6 bird 7 shqrk 8 snol<e

9 whqle 10 bqt

\ttl Now plou the qome! lt sounds like ...tnr. Write eoch of these six onimol words on big cords: cot,

snoke, goot, beor, bird, flg.

Show the words to leorners ond osk them ao squ them.Then put eoch word (cord) in o different port of the

... ore between 60 ond 80 teeth in o Crocodile! mouth. Here clossroom so thqt leqrners cqn see them.

o \ y'rite on the boord:

Now fhere . Sqg: i m going to sag words. Point to the onimol word which

Point ro the gop ot the beginning of this senrence. sounds the some os the word I sog. For exomple:

Ask: Whot do ! write here.. Here, Now orlhere? (There) Bot. (Leorners Point to the cord with the word cot on it.)

Write There on the line in the sentence on the boord. Y{ords: word,hoir, coot,bug,cake, mat, moke, third, there,mg, boot" hot lake, weor, ege, thot

crocodiles don't {ike ... gross or plonts. eot eots eoring Alternqtive suggestion: You cqn qlso wrire these

point to the gop.Ask teorners to sqg which *ord"go", words on cords ond sog ond show them to leqrneTs'

in this sentence (eoting becouse ofter like we use the -ingform of the verb).Ask o leqrner to write eot;ng on theLine in this sentence on rhe boqrd.

. Vy'rite these sentences ond words on the boord.Leorners copu the sentences ond, in poirs, decide whichword goes in the gop in eoch one.

1 A mather crocodile takes her bobies ... the river.

(aDove to at)

2 Crocodiles con see .. . their eues ore not under water.(or thon becouse)

Check qnswers: 1 to (You tol<e something to optoce.) 2 becquse

f-fl Reod ond write the qnimol nomes.

o Tel[ leorners to lookotthe pictures ofthe qnimqts.Askthem which onimots theg con see.

. SoV the foLtowing sentences. Leorners listen ond sogwhich ofthe onimols in the pictures in D the senrencedescribes. For exompte: fhis onimol hos got four legs.

Leorners put up their honds to onswer. (o cot, o frog, orawananrnmnrr<e\

This onimoL doesn't hove legs. (o shork, o snoke, o whote)

This onimol con fLg. (o bird, o bot)

fhis is o big animol. (o shork, o cow o whote)