Book Platform TRANSLATIONS OF FOREIGN LITERATURE INTO UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE research by Kostyantyn RODYK, president of All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year”, scientific expert of Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Book Platform



research by

Kostyantyn RODYK,

president of All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year”,

scientific expert of Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



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1. Scope, objectives, methodology ……………………… 3

2. Summary ……………………………………………………………… 6

3. Chronology and trends:

3.1. Late 1980s – 1992…………………………………....9

3.2. 1993–1994…………………………………………….....14

3.3. 1995-2001………………………………………………..21

3.4. Second wave of Russian-language translations

(1993–2000) ……………………………………………….31

3.5. 2002– 2012……………………………………………....38

3.6. Last decade: languages, topics, names ………………….42

4. Translators ……………………………………………………… 51

5. Recommendations …………………………………………………….53

6. Addendum: The most relevant translations of 2002 – 2012 according

to expert community evaluation………………………………………..54


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1. Scopes, objectives, methodology

With regard to the task itself this research is a pilot one, as this scope of

translation activities has not been studied before. The repertoire of new Ukrainian

book industry (during the twenty years of Independence) includes only several

studies in translation theories and historical and personal essays.

The main problem of studying translations from foreign languages into

Ukrainian is the lack of full register of publications in Ukraine. The task to

compile national bibliography has been given by the government to the Book

Chamber of Ukraine. However, this task from the state is fulfilled by mere

primitive accounting of copies sent by publishers. But not all publishing houses

send their products and if they do, not every published book is sent in: according to

the evaluation of Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers,

nowadays Book Chamber of Ukraine does not receive between 10 and 15 per cent

of control copies. The situation with accounting published titles in early 1990s was

even worse. Still, both then and now the Book Chamber of Ukraine does not deem

it its obligation to track down the real assortment of book market in Ukraine,

though without such activities full national bibliography is impossible even in


Therefore, due to the lack of exhaustive bibliography, only the analysis of

preliminary data is possible. Besides, the available statistics of publishing provided

by Book Chamber of Ukraine contains numerous discrepancies in numbers. For

example, in an official bibliography of publications for 2002-2012 submitted for

purposes of this research 4,607 titles are listed while the combined number of

translations in ten years (from the same Book Chamber) is equal to 6,454

publications. Where almost two thousand publications not accounted for in general

bibliography come from only full repeated accounting can show, which surpasses

the capacities and competence of this research.

Still, the statistics of Book Chamber of Ukraine also contains some

structural defects:


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the general register includes both books and brochures on equal

statistical basis as well as mass publications and those in only 100


departmental publications, which are issued in hundreds of titles every

year, are not singled out;

a great number of publications from higher educational establishments

designed mostly for internal use is also documented on par with

market publications.

According to expert evaluation of Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers

and Book Sellers, the number of publications available on retail book market

amounts to only a third of the annual number reported by the Book Chamber. In

this situation, the percentage of translations in the general number of publications

loses a role of credible indicators.

Even the very notion of “translation” according to the understanding of

Book Chamber of Ukraine is blurred. It includes both classical translations and

linguistically adapted technical publications, e.g. bilingual dictionaries and

phrasebooks, problem books for school leavers, advice books on breeding and

keeping domestic animals, various international industrial classifications, etc. –

that is, printed publications, which do not correspond to the traditional

interpretation of the role and meaning of translations accepted all over the world,

which is “to make an irreplaceable contribution in intellectual and spiritual

progress.” 1.

Therefore, the statistics of Book Chamber of Ukraine does not provide

information on the basis of which one can construct standard analytics of

translation process. The official data require detailed checks by different

parameters and making corrections, which allow us to come closer to a more

adequate situation with publishing. That is why in this research such additional

resources were used as catalogues of publishing houses on their own website as

well as the statistics of All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year”. This campaign

1 Дейтус К.Сміт молодший. Посібник книговидавця. – К.: Любіть Україну, 1999. – С.136.


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has been conducted regularly since 1999, and from the very beginning has been

oriented on expert evaluation of the fullest possible assortment of each year. “Book

of the Year” nomination lists are compiled on the basis of bibliography from

National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine (which, just as the Book Chamber,

receives obligatory copies from publishing houses) and monitoring of the

assortment in Kyiv book shops. Naturally these lists include not all publications

designed for regional markets, but among such “local” books there are no

translations as a rule. On the other hand, “Book of the Year” lists do not include

school textbooks and manuals, which are extremely rarely translated. Translations

for internal use published in a small number of copies, advice books on

housekeeping and popular astrology books, brochures for children between 8 and

20 pages are also not included in the list (all these categories are mostly translated

from Russian). Therefore, we can believe that all “meaningful” translations in

important segments (fiction, children’s literature, humanitarian sciences, and

professional literature) are represented in nomination lists of “Book of the Year”

All-Ukrainian rating.

If we take up as a workable hypothesis the evaluation of Ukrainian

Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers that only a third of all published

titles accounted for by Book Chamber of Ukraine appear on the market, in 1990 –

2001 “Book of the Year” evaluated almost all newly published titles; in 2002 –

2008 it included a fifth, and in 2009 – 2012, a tenth of the whole market

assortment. Besides, the percentage of translations among all books appearing on

the market is comparable with the official data. A certain correlation is observed

in the number of translations into the principal languages (English, Russian,

French, German, Polish, etc.) and theme groups of translated publications.

The study of this problem is further complicated by the fact that the very

history of new publication in Ukraine (1991 – 2012) has not been written yet.

Therefore, to understand reasons and consequences of changes on translation

market, we had to restore the general course of events in Ukrainian book


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publishing field in twenty years. This is why this research has become a sort of a

historical essay.

As for the material situation among translations, the portion of expenses for

translation and editing in the cost of publications, specifics of translators’

cooperation with publishers and the like, this information is accessible to a

researcher only out of carefully conducted and non-recorded interviews of the

participants of the process; therefore, now it is impossible to provide any tangible

confirmations for that. Using the formulation of “commercial secret”, publishers

never disclose any technical information, which is mostly open in countries where

the shadow part of economy is much smaller than in Ukraine.

A great number of modern Ukrainian publishers does not note the number of

copies in the book data. That is why even on the level of publishing statistics it is

very hard to compare quantitative impact of books by these or those authors on

readership. Besides, it is not a given that even the noted number of copies was

really sold and did not stay behind – due to marketing and management mistakes –

in stock of publishing houses (or given up for recycling when it is too expensive to

pay rent for the warehouse). As for sales, Ukraine still does not have either a

system of accounting book sales such as BookScan or accounting of each single

copy. Therefore, we can imagine the number of books reaching the end use only in

a very approximate way. In its turn, it makes it impossible to study translation

market further and deeper, to find out the real impact of specific publications on

the development of critical thought (intellectual, aesthetical, social and political)

and the formation of popular mentality in the country.

2. Summary

The main problem of publishing translations from foreign languages into

Ukrainian is the critical over-saturation of Ukrainian book market with Russian

products. Russian Federation has much more publishing houses specializing in

translations; they are more stable economically than the Ukrainian ones and

therefore can afford buying licenses for popular foreign new publications in the


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amounts financially inaccessible for Ukrainian publishing houses. According to the

expert evaluation of Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers,

the books published in Ukraine amounted to about 5 per cent from the assortment

on the market in early 1990s and now amount to 25 per cent. Sociological surveys

testify to the fact that Ukrainian consumers mostly choose translations from

Russian publishers (i.e., into Russian language).

Therefore, excessive export of Russian book products in Ukraine is mostly

noticeable for translated publications. It creates additional pressure on Ukrainian

translated publications, because in most cases Russian-made translations appear on

Ukrainian market earlier than the same translated literature in Ukrainian languages.

Only several economically successful Ukrainian publishing houses are able to

oppose and attract demand; they can issue popular foreign new titles in Ukrainian

translations earlier than these books are published in Russia. These publishing

houses include “Family Leisure Club” (Kharkiv), “Tempora” (Kyiv), and “A-BA-

BA-HA-LA-MA-HA” (Kyiv). A “second wave” tactics is also used when the

works by a certain author are translated into Ukrainian in several years after their

first appearance in Russian translations; in this way, secondary demand is

stimulated (this is how “Folio”, a publishing house from Kharkiv, brought to the

market the works by H. Murakami, M. Houellebecq, U. Eco, A. Perez-Reverte, and


* * *

If we review only significant translations into Ukrainian (fiction, children’s

literature, humanitarian sciences), not taking into statistical account “cheat notes”

for school and university students, calendars for kitchen gardeners, interpretation

of dreams, horoscopes, etc. (mostly translated from Russian), then on the basis of

studying all available information we can come to a conclusion that in 20 years at

the Ukrainian market approximately the following number of titles appeared (the

second row contains quantitative barriers taken in a respective year):


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50 30 40 40 40 40 50 60 80 90 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 300 300

Small numbers of translations published in 1993 – 1997 are explained by a

period of search by Renaissance international fund and other foreign institutions

working on grants for an optimal model to support national book publishing. As

soon as the noted programs intensified, it was immediately seen in the dynamics of

publishing. The programs of Renaissance fund in 1998 – 2009 supported 768

projects (for the general amount of about 4,461,000 USD) from almost 100

Ukrainian publishing houses the contribution of which amounted to 50 per cent of

each project sum.2

Practically all translations into Ukrainian language from world

humanitarian sciences (philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science,

cultural studies) published until the end of 2000s appeared thanks to foreign grants.

Now the “non-grant” portion of humanitarian sciences translations is growing, but

very slowly (now it amounts to about 3 per cent).

Fiction had also been almost exclusively translated thanks to grants until

mid-2000s, when the portion of translations performed independently by

publishers started to grow, but even now the publication of translations with

external financial support exceeds 80 per cent of cases.

The first one to start independent publications of translated literature were

children’s publishing houses (in early 2000s). However, even today over 50 per

cent of translations for children and youth are additionally financed by foreign

grant providers.

The structure of modern Ukrainian publishing of translations by enlarged (in

comparison with classification of Book Chamber of Ukraine) theme sections looks

like this:

2 Access code: http://www.irf.ua/files/ukr/report%20-%20publishing%20initiatives%20of%20irf.pdf


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humanitarian sciences – 35% (the portion of humanitarian sciences

has been slowly diminishing after a peak of 54% in early 2000s);

fiction – 35%;

literature for children and youth – 22%.

As for languages from which translations into Ukrainian are done most

often, the current situation is the following:

from English – 44%;

from Russian – 16%;

from French – 13%;

from German – 11%;

from Polish – 7%.

The noticeable trends are slow decrease of translations from Russian and

small increase of translations from Polish.

3. Chronology and trends:

3.1. Late 1980s – 1992

The year of proclaiming Ukrainian independence (1991) influenced the book

market of the country very little. A systemic degrading of Soviet economy of

“stagnation” lasted for the whole so-called “perestroika” period (mid to late

1980s), and powerful negative trends could not but influence the publishing field

as well. In 1990, in comparison with the previous one, the volumes of book

publishing fell by almost 17 per cent; next year, in 1991, by 19 per cent more.3

However, the decrease in the numbers of book publishing was conditioned

not only by a depressive general economic background but also by changes of

work/free time correlation among the people. On the one hand, the slogan

proclaimed in late 1980s “everything not prohibited is permitted” opened a way for

personal welfare growth due to various cooperative activities; a great portion of

citizens of the most active age group (25-45) became involved in that. It is this

3 Олександр Грищенко, Валентин Солодовник. Пророки, пірати, політики і публіка. Культурні індустрії й державна політика в сучасній Україні. – К.: К.І.С., 2003. – С.18,20.


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group that the Soviet statistics used to consider as the most active individual

readers – now they had much less time for reading.

On the other hand, the structure of free time has changed abruptly.

Television successfully transformed politics into an action show; the era of

television series started. Live radio broadcasts from political sessions, which then

took place on a permanent basis, and a new format of talk show also took up time

traditionally belonging to reading. Everywhere, from the capital to district center,

half-legal video salons emerged, which gathered full houses. The youth started

going to the first exotic discos. The book quickly lost its monopoly right to

everyday leisure for a more or less educated population stratum.

However, not only economic but also intellectual factors impacted the

decrease of reader demand. The consumer refused to continue reading social

realism novel, historical works unified to a format of “crash course”, and pseudo-

comments on politics and philosophy – and state publishing houses of the time did

not offer anything radically different from that at the time.

Then, in late 1980s, new private publishers started fighting for the return of

the reader. Mostly they were recruited not from professional book publishers but

from two main sources: 1) politically active humanitarian intelligentsia; 2)

technical and administrative intelligentsia, which was beyond ideology.

The priority of the former was to saturate the market with historical

literature prohibited during the Soviet times, i.e. publication of pre-revolution and

diaspora works opening up the real picture of Ukrainian past distorted by Soviet

canon. The improvised book tents massively welcomed reprints printed badly on a

low-quality paper. Until 1990, the demand for this reading was mostly satisfied;

then the turn for publishing fundamental works came, which could be made

commercially profitable only by state publishing houses having access to paper at

solid state prices. In 1990s, the academic publishing house “Naukova dumka”

publishes “History of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks” in three books by D. Yavornytsky

(200,000 copies) and issues the first book out of eleven of “History of Ukraine-


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Rus” by M. Hrushevsky (100,000). After this the age of amateur historical book

publishing actually ended.

Another type of new private publishers is business people who viewed book

publishing exclusively as a method to earn quick money. They betted on

publishing popular foreign literature in deficit in the USSR, i.e. detective stories,

science fiction, and adventure novels. Mostly classical authors were chosen for

publishing, those whose rights were either already in free access or, in the opinion

of publishers of the time, those could be neglected without any penalties.

The peak of filling Ukrainian market with writers from Europe and the US

hardly available before was in 1992. In every issue “Drug chytacha” (Kyiv), a

weekly newspaper, published bibliography lists of new titles compiled by state

library of Ukraine (now National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine). That year

about 500 titles of translated literary publications were documented, and it is about

every tenth book out of all issued, including textbooks. There was three times more

foreign prose published than works by Ukrainian writers. In no time after that the

share of actual literary translations achieved such abnormally high result.

Mostly works of authors well known in the West were published: different

publishing houses issued novels by science fiction writers Asimov, Zelazny,

Simak, Harrison, Sheckley; detective story writers Chase, McLean, Gardner;

adventure genre classic authors Dumas, Cooper, Mayne Reid, Golons, Stevenson,

Collins, Druon. Despite the expensive commercial paper, the number of copies was

rarely less than 50,000 (quick sales compensated expenses in a timely manner).

Burroughs and Haggard, practically unknown in the USSR, started from 150,000

copies, and an erotic novel “Emmanuelle” by Arsan, from 200,000.

But those were almost exclusively translations into Russian, over 90 per cent

of the whole number of titles. Only state publishing houses dared issuing foreign

literature in Ukrainian. Here are some characteristic examples:

Артур Конан Дойл. Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. – К.: Україна

(50 000 прим.);

Артур Конан Дойл. Собака Баскервілів. – К.: Дніпро (100 000);


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Герман Гессе. Сіддхартха. – К.: Молодь, (15 000);

Роман про Трістана та Ізольду. – К.: Молодь (15 000),

Агата Крісті. Дельфійський оракул. – К.: Всесвіт (65 000);

Себастьян Жапрізо. Убивство в купе. – К.: Всесвіт (50 000);

Угорський детектив. – Ужгород: Карпати (б/т),

Жуль Верн. Таємничий острів. – К.: Веселка (100 000).

By topics, translations from foreign languages represented exclusively

belles-lettres. In philosophy, sociology and psychology during the whole year of

1992 only several titles of popular occult nature in Russian language were found,

and in Ukrainian foreign humanitarian sciences were represented only by a book

by S. Vishnudenavanda “Full Illustrated Book on Yoga” (Kyiv, “Zdorovya”

publishing house). The only noticeable exception was the translation from English

of a book by history and political science professor of York University (Toronto,

Canada) Orest Subtelny “Ukraine: History”, In 1992, Kyiv state publishing house

“Lybid” published it twice and then printed several more editions for several years

(including its translation into Russian for distribution in eastern and southern

regions of Ukraine); it was the first Ukrainian longseller.

In 1992, private publishing houses graded up to state ones by the total

number of published titles.4 The dynamics of private sector development was so

quick that it was able to slow down the rate of book publishing field decline. When

in 1990 there were 3.2 books published per capita and in 1991, 2.6, in 1992 this

number was 2.4.5 This slowdown of regress happened namely due to the boom in

translated book publishing (partially of popular history).

The extraordinary marketability of popular translated belles-lettres very

quickly restructured the whole book publishing field: on the one hand, the “cream”

of mass foreign literature finished after some time, and managers of private

publishing companies required professionals who were able to evaluate the

prospects of translation activities development and to denote strategies of market

4 О.В.Афонін, М.І.Сенченко. Українська книга в контексті світового книговидання. – К.: Книжкова палата України, 2009. – С.11.5 Костянтин Родик. Невивчені уроки Ситіна або «Гоголізація» триває. – Л.: Кальварія, 2000. – С.164.


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saturation; on the other hand, the experts from old publishing institutions noticed

“high profitability achieving several hundred per cent”6 and risked to go beyond

minimal, but guaranteed salary in state publishing houses. “Soon, approximately in

three to five years, many professionals from former Soviet publishing houses were

invited to work to new publishing institutions and stayed there.”7 It is in these

years that current leaders among publishing houses by translated literature on the

Ukrainian market were founded: in 1990, a group of editors from Kharkiv

University publishing house registered “Oko” publishing house; in 1991 “Folio”

(Kharkiv) and “Universe” (Kyiv appeared); in 1992, “Osnovy”, “A-BA-BA-HA-

LA-MA-HA” (both in Kyiv) and “Missioner” with headquarter in Zhovkva, Lviv

region. Lviv publishing house “Svichado” resumed its work after Soviet

occupation in 1987.

3.2. 1993–1994

In 1990, Renaissance International Fund started its work in Ukraine; the

fund is part of the network of Open Society Institute established by American

philanthropist George Soros. For a certain time the fund looked for an acceptable

method of financial support of intellectual book publishing in Ukraine. First it

considered cooperation with “Dnipro” state publishing house, which was the leader

of Ukrainian book publishing in the Soviet times having annual theme plans for

two hundred titles; its specialization was translated fiction, and the best translators

were also grouped around “Dnipro”. Besides, as of 1992 the publishing house

portfolio contained several scores of manuscripts fully prepared for publishing,

which were not issued by “Dnipro” due to the lack of circulation funds.

In cooperation with Renaissance fund, “Dnipro” published three books but,

as the press of the time wrote, “due to our beggar ways of taking everything from

the good guy, they asked such enormous sum for services from ‘Renaisssance’ that

American donors estimated it would be much cheaper to have their own publishing 6 О.В.Афонін, М.І.Сенченко. Українська книга в контексті… – С.10.7 Ibid. – С.11.


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house.”8 The decision of Renaissance fund to invest in creation of a new

publishing house, which would implement plans of the former, was accelerated by

paper crisis of early 1993: it was the first price leap (approximately twice) for

paper. Actually, this crisis took “Dnipro” out from the active players of Ukrainian

book field; after that the publishing house never even approached its results of fat

years. Besides, this paper crisis “buried” the weekly newspaper “Drug Chytacha”

which had been published without any breaks since 1960. One of cofounders,

Ukrainian State Committee (the other one was Ukrainian Book Lovers

Association) did not find the opportunity to finance further publication of the

weekly when in 1993 the newspaper increased its issues by ten times in

subscriptions (from four thousand copies the previous year to 40,000). Therefore,

the interested readers were deprived of the opportunity to track down the

publishing of new titles via bibliography lists of Parliamentary library (including

translated new titles).

That is how during the critical years of 1992-1993, thanks to the support of

Renaissance international fund, “Osnovy” publishing house was founded. For the

following ten years it became the “trend setter” at the market of foreign literature

translated into Ukrainian. Apart from grants of the fund for certain translations,

“Osnovy” achieved certain preferences in negotiations with foreign embassies that

wanted to support translations of their classical works in Ukrainian. Thanks to the

support of French Embassy in Ukraine and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the

following books were published: “Nausea. The Wall. Words” by Jean Paul Sartre;

“Spectacle” by Jacque Prevert, “Selected Works” by François Mauriac; “The

Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir; “French Plays of the 20th Century”. Thanks

to the support of Federal Ministry of Education and Arts of the Republic of

Austria, “The Last World” by Christoph Ransmayr was published; the support of

Finnish Embassy of Ukraine helped to publish “Kalevala”, etc. Actually, “Osnovy”

initiated the method of publishing translated belles-lettres and humanitarian works,

which is a leading one until today: publishing a minimal edition of a work in 8 Кость Родик. Передбачувана аудиторія – «масовий інтелігентний читач» // Ліберальна газета, 14–20 жовтня 1993 р.


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Ukrainian translation (now it is 1,000 to 2,000 copies) with the biggest possible

compensation for a translator (foreign donors mostly reimburse about 50 per cent

of publishing expenses).

However, in early 1990s “Osnovy” could still afford to publish titles in

15,000 copies on average (and some translations, such as those of Erasmus of

Rotterdam and François Mauriac were published in 50,000 copies). Each of the

abovementioned publications of “Osnovy” was a real event, for Ukrainian

intellectuals at least: all those were new translations of classical works previously

unknown in Ukrainian translation. Some books were not known even in Russian


Along with the active work of “Osnovy”, in 1993 other far-reaching (as we

can see today) movements at publishing market of Ukraine are observed. Three

small books are published, about a hundred pages each: Jean-Pierre Vernant

“Death in the Eyes”; Michel Foucault “Rules of Speech” and François Mauriac

“What I Believe”. They are marked as “Spirit and Letter” series of an unknown yet

publishing house, which hides behind the name “French-Ukrainian laboratory of

humanitarian research of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Several years afterwards the

publishers became legal under the name of their first series and occupied a leading

spot in publishing translations of foreign humanitarian science works at the

Ukrainian market. But then, in 1993, the publishing house confirmed the

competitive wish of French Embassy concerning G. Soros’ initiatives at the

Ukrainian book market. The French Embassy even founded a prize in Ukraine for

translators from its language. This is how it was described in the press of the time:

“The French Embassy offered the Ministry of Culture to found a joint prize for the

best Ukrainian translation of French literature. The newly born prize was baptized

after Mykola Zerov. The judges are Minister of Culture I. Dzyuba, Ambassador of

France M.-I. Pessiq, head of Verkhovna Rada Commission L. Tanyuk, leader of

many NGOs I. Drach, one of the officials from Institute of Philosophy M.

Popovych, dean of foreign languages department O. Cherednychenko and

literature scholar Mykhaylyna Kotsyubynska (…). The first prize and a trip to


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Paris for the celebration of this year’s laureates of Goncourt’s prize were given to

Anatol Perepadya (translations of works by Albert Camus). The best poetic

translator is Vyacheslav Tkachenko. The best translation debut prize was given to

the works of Yevheniya Kononenko. Both will obtain a one-month translation

internship in France.”9 А.Perepadya was then noted for the book published in

1991, “Selected Works” by Albert Camus (Kyiv, “Dnipro”). These and other

translations of his will then become a part of a three-book title “Selected Works in

Three Books” by Albert Camus (Kharkiv, “Folio”, 1996-1997), which was also

published thanks to the support of French Embassy in Ukraine. By the way, in

those years it was the first precedent when Ukrainian translation of a world

classical author was published earlier than the Russian one; “Folio” published it in

five books only in 1998.

The call of French Embassy to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine to found a

translation Prize named after Zerov did not find any support, and it was only in

2001 that the embassy returned to this idea: within embassy program “Skovoroda”

encouraging publishing in Ukraine Grygoriy Skovoroda Prize was founded for the

best translations from French into Ukrainian. In general, thanks to the support of

French Embassy in Ukraine and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1993

publication of nine translations from French was financed (these grants were used

by “Osnovy” and “Spirit and Letter” publishing houses).

In 1993, the one and only time in the whole history of new Ukrainian book

publishing, the number of translations from French language exceeded that from

English. It is explained by the fact that Renaissance international fund did not

immediately concentrate on financing translated literature. At first,

“Transformation of Humanitarian Education in Ukraine” program was

implemented (1993-1998) where a place was found only for one translated book:

“Modern Foreign Philosophy. Trends and directions: Reading Book” (Kyiv,

“Vakler”, 1996). Another initiative by Renaissance fund, “Publishing program”

(1994-2000) was also first of all oriented at supporting monographs of leading

9 Ліберальна газета, 23 вересня 1993 р.


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Ukrainian scientists and only in 1998 acquired an additional vector of development

entitled “Translation project”.

To finish the review of Ukrainian translations in 1993, let us also remember

a translation from Hebrew, “Tales” by Amos Oz (Kyiv, “Vsesvit” – another book

by this author “My Michael” was also published there in 1994). Both publications

saw the light thanks to foreign sponsorship (Institute of Hebrew Literature in

Ramat Gan, Israel). The only exceptions were four books in the series “Well-

known writers” in Lviv state publishing house “Kamenyar”: “Life” and “Mont

Oriol” by Guy de Maupassant, “Life of Jesus” by François Mauriac and “Hearts of

Three” by Jack London (at least there is no information about any grants in book

data). The following year, in 1994, “Kamenyar” published bilingual editions of

Adam Mickiewicz “In a Friendly Home” and Andrzej Bursa “Selected Works”;

those were published thanks to the support of General Consulate of Polish

Republic in Lviv and according to the order of Ukrainian Ministry for

Nationalities, Migration and Cults.

This detailed bibliography was provided not for chronological statistics but

more for illustration: practically all translations published in Ukraine since 1993

have a visible sign “first publication in Ukrainian”. And all of them, practically

100 per cent appear thanks to foreign grants. At the market of translated belles-

lettres and children’s literature such situation would be the rule until early 2000s;

at the market of “fact literature” and popular humanitarian science books, until the

second half of 2000s, and at the market of philosophy translations publications

upon the order of grant providers constitute an almost permanent rule even today.

The conclusion from the situation of 1993 is the following: despite the start

of activities of foreign funds supporting Ukrainian book publishers in Ukraine, the

number of translations from foreign languages is so small that it does not impact in

any way the structure of reading. The press of the time published the results of the

survey of 13.5 subscribers of State Youth Library of Ukraine held in 1993 in 20

regions of Ukraine.10 It stated that the reader’s choice among youth is 85 per cent

10 Костянтин Родик. Новое поколение выбирает «pepsi»-литературу // Зеркало недели, 19 ноября 1994 г.


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foreign literature (out of those, 19 per cent Russian literature). We can see which

literature was in demand out of the top ten of readers’ preferences:

А. та С. Голон. Усі романи про Анжеліку.

2–3. Ж.Бенцоні. «Маріанна» і «Катрін».

К.Маккалоу. «Ті, що співають у терні».

Е.Берроуз. «Тарзан».

М.Мітчелл. «Звіяні вітром».

Дж.Х.Чейз. Усі видані детективи.

А.Ріплі. «Скарлетт».

А.Кристі. Усі видані детективи.

М.Булгаков. «Майстер і Маргарита».

As we can see, this survey rating exactly reflects the repertoire of

translations of the previous 1992 both by trending titles and by translated language:

out of top ten, only two titles had been then translated into Ukrainian – several

works by Agatha Christie in various publishing houses and a novel by Margaret

Mitchell “Gone with the Wind” in two books. In 1993, Rostislav Dotsenko

obtained a Prize named after Rylsky and founded in 1972 by the Council of

Ukrainian SSR Ministers for the translation of the Mitchell’s novel.

The problem of low mass demand for topical translated novelties appearing

at the Ukrainian market since 1993 was that Ukrainian population knew practically

nothing about publications of Ukrainian translations. When mass weekly “Drug

chytacha” disappeared, a sort of informational vacuum formed around books in the

press. There were no special review publications, and other press fascinated with

chasing “hot” facts did not pay attention to books. In 1994, book hunger in the

press became so noticeable that certain publishing houses started issuing their own

newspapers independently: “Oberig” began issuing newspaper “Knyha i kultura”;

Lviv “Publishing union Prosvita” – “Knyzhkova TEKA”; book selling association

“Slovo i kommertsiya” (Lviv) –“Bestseller”; “Zodiac-ECO” publishing house

(Kyiv) – “Knyha-Tele-Video”; Lviv “Svit” – “Knyzhkovy svit”; five state

publishing houses from Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Uzhgorod and Odesa


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started “Advertising and informational news”.11 However, all these projects were

normally marginal both by periodicity and distribution and therefore soon ceased

to exist due to unprofitability.

Acute deficit of information about novelties was also aggravated by

intensive degradation of book selling network, which started after the appearance

of Cabinet of Ministers resolution in 1992 about denationalization/privatization of

Soviet association “Ukrknyha”: in two years half of bookstores were turned by

new owners into something not associated with books.12

Therefore, book publishing crisis, which aggravated significantly in 1993,

was caused by several price leaps for paper (within two years), marked decrease of

book selling areas and informational vacuum around few novelties. The state did

not provide any economic preferences to an actually new business field. The

dynamics of the fall was really impressive:

Year Copies per capita Dynamics

(before the previous year)

1990 3.2 –17%

1991 2.6 –18.75%

1992 2.4 –7.69%

1993 1.7 –29.16%

1994 1.01 –40.59%

1995 1.33 –31.68%

1996 1.01 –24.06%

1997 1,1 +8.91%

1998 0.88 –20%

1999 0.36 –59.09%

If we take into account the fact that “official statistics of book publishing in

those years should be perceived as indicative and rather approximate”13 and

11 Костянтин Родик. Невивчені уроки Ситіна… – С.110-115.12 О.В.Афонін, М.І.Сенченко. Українська книга в контексті… – С.12.13 Там само. – С.10.


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extrapolate somewhat more precise data of 1992 to the next periods, we see that

not more than 30 to 40 titles of Ukrainian translations from foreign languages

(belles-lettres and humanitarian sciences) appeared every year (demand for

applied and technical literature is satisfied by respective Russian translations and

Russian import).

For example, the following 1994 only such publications are memorable:

“Osnovy” publishing house (Kyiv):

Клод Адріан Гельвецій, «Про людину, її розумові здібності та її


Хосе Ортега-і-Гасет, «Вибрані твори»;

Йоган Гейзінга, «Homo ludens»;

Карл Поппер, «Відкрите суспільство та його вороги» (у 2 тт.);

Макс Вебер, «Протестантська етика і дух капіталізму»;

Ісая Берлін, «Чотири есе про свободу»;

Ентоні Д.Сміт, «Національна ідентичність»;

Вольфганг Краус, «Нігілізм сьогодні, або терплячість світової


Іван Лисяк-Рудницький, «Історичні есе» (переклад з англійської у

2 тт.).

“Spirit and Letter” publishing house (Kyiv):

Андре Глюксман, «Одинадцята заповідь»;

Жак Дерріда, «Позиції»;

Анрі Берґсон, «Сміх».

“Folio” publishing house (Kharkiv):

Рене Шар, «Слово-архіпелаг».

“Svichado” publishing house (Lviv):

К.С.Люїс, «Листи крутеня».

“Abrys” publishing house (Kyiv):

Карл Поппер, «Злиденність історіоцизму».


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3.3. 1995-2001

In 1995, Ukrainian culture and art informational and analytical agency

(MIAU-cult), in cooperation with the Department of control copy in the Minister

of Press and Information initiated weekly reviews of novelties in several popular

newspapers (Kyiv – “Vechirny Kyiv”, “Kultura i zhyttya”, “Chas-Time”,

“Vseukrainskie vedomosti”; Lviv – “Post-Postup”, “Ratusha”, etc.). Those micro-

reviews recall practically all translations published during four years. It is worth

remembering those, which are a real cultural transfer for the sake of intellectual

development of society and its civil institutions:

“Osnovy” publishing house (Kyiv):

Платон, «Діалоги»;

Сенека, «Моральні листи до Луцілія»;

Фернан Бродель, «Матеріальна цивілізація, економіка і

капіталізм» (у 3 тт.);

Арнольд Дж.Тойнбі, «Дослідження історії» (у 2 тт.);

Людвіґ Вітґенштайн, «Tractatus logico-philosophicus»;

Жан Бодуен, «Вступ до політології»;

Жан-Батіст Дюрозель, «Історія дипломатії від 1919 року до

наших днів»;

Святий Августин, «Сповідь»;

Домінік Ру, Даніель Сульє, «Управління»;

Клод Леві-Строс, «Структурна антропологія»;

Ніколо Мак’явелі, «Флорентійські хроніки. Державець»;

Дж.Е.Стіґліц, «Економіка державного сектора»;

Мішель Фуко, «Наглядати і карати»;

Роман Шпорлюк, «Комунізм і націоналізм» (переклад з


Зіґмунт Фройд, «Вступ до психоаналізу»;


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Ціцерон, «Про державу. Про закони. Про природу богів»;

Фердінан де Сосюр, «Курс загальної лінгвістики», «Сучасна

політична філософія: Антологія».

“Spirit and Letter” publishing house (Kyiv):

Поль Рікер, «Навколо політики»;

Сімона Вейль, «Укорінення. Лист до клірика».

“Kamenyar” publishing house (Lviv):

Олександр Дюма, «Три мушкетери»;

«Антологія сучасної польської поезії»;

Віслава Шимборська, «Під однією зіркою»;

Тадеуш Ружевич, «Вибрані праці»;

Лелек Енгелькінг, «Від цього не вмирають».

“Folio” publishing house (Kharkiv):

Борис Віан, «Вибрані твори»;

Альбер Камю, «Вибрані твори» (у 3 тт.).

“Prosvita” publishing union (Lviv):

Бруно Шульц, «Цинамонові крамниці; Санаторій Під


Ґеорґ Тракль, «Твори».

“Abrys” publishing house (Kyiv):

Томас Гоббс, «Бегемот».

“Smoloskyp” publishing house (Kyiv):

«Консерватизм. Антологія»;

Йозеф Рот, «Білі міста».

“Universe” publishing house (Kyiv):

Марсель Пруст, «У пошуках утраченого часу» (у 7 тт.).

“Litopys” publishing house (Lviv):

«Слово Знак Дискурс: Антологія світової літературно-критичної

думка ХХ ст.»;

Юстейн Ґордер, «Світ Софії» .


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“Manuscript” publishing house (Lviv):

Астрід Ліндґрен, «Пепсі Довгапанчоха».

“Dovira” publishing house (Kyiv):

«Над озерами білі вітрила. Збірка фризької поезії».

In spring 1995, MIAU-cult agency initiates regular (monthly) surveys of

Kyiv book shops directors and book tents owners to define the best sold titles

among the products of Ukrainian publishers. As mass Ukrainian literature had not

yet appeared at the time, the first publication of the rating contained a hit parade of

intellectual literature. Seven out of ten titles are translations14. In the end of the

same year, monthly hit parade of novelties was transferred to the newly founded

newspaper “Zerkalo nedeli” (at the time Oleksiy Kononenko was responsible for

culture department; now he is director of publishing department in the State

Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting in Ukraine). The frist rating was

compiled on the basis of surveys among publishers and visitors of the 2nd Forum of

Publishers in Lviv15 and consisted of two “top tens” – Ukrainian- and Russian-

language products from Ukrainian publishers. A fourth of positions was translated


In three years MIAU-cult agency transformed into a civil organization “Elit-

Profi center of rating surveys” (with a status of informational agency) and initiated

“Book of the Year” All-Ukrainian rating. The first campaign was held in 1999,

when book market suffered the biggest losses (–59%) due to the “drop” of the

dollar, which happened a year before and reached its lowest falling point. The basis

for compiling nomination lists was the bibliography of National Parliamentary

Library corrected by the assortment of book shops and publishers’ proposals.

Rating experts (professional critics, historians, culture scholars, librarians, book

sellers) entered 235 publications into the lists, which amounted to a bit less than a

third of all novelties published in 1999. If we take into account the fact that

brochures, school textbooks and purely specialized publications (such as various

international classifications or legal comments) and advice books on housekeeping 14 Сергій Грабар. У пошуках втраченої статистики // Час–Time, 2 березня 1995 р.15 Константин Родик. Хит-парад как прививка от «экспансии» // Зеркало недели, 9 декабря 1995 г.


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and household needs, the general picture of published translations was rather


Translations from foreign languages amounted to 28.9 per cent of books in

the lists; out of those over a third was from Russian. Ukrainian-language

translations were 40 per cent belles-lettres; almost all of those were classical

works. Modern literature was represented only by Peter Handke “The Left-Handed

Woman” (Kyiv, “Universe”) and Svetlana Aleksiyevich “Chernobyl: The

Chronicles of the Future” (Kyiv, “Fact”). Translations of humanitarian sciences

amounted to 35 per cent, and translations of specialized literature, 25 per cent.

Grand-Prix of the first All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year 1999” was

given to a translated publication: Universal Dictionary and Encyclopedia published

in Kyiv by “Iryna”. It is a Swedish publishing project EUROPEDIA with relevant

Ukrainian information added (the head of the project was Oleksandra Koval,

president of Lviv Forum of Publishers). – Олександра Коваль, президент

Форуму видавців у Львові). Top translations in “Book of the Year 1999” are the


1. УСЕ: Універсальний Словник-Енциклопедія

К.: Ірина

2.Марсель ПРУСТ У пошуках утраченого часу. Твори в

семи томах. Том 3. Германтська сторона

К.: Юніверс


Любовні елегії. Мистецтво кохання. Скорботні елегії

К.: Основи

4. Сергій АВЕРИНЦЕВ Софія-Логос. Словник К.: Дух і Літера

5. Джордж СОРОС Криза глобального капіталізму: Відкрите суспільство під загрозою

К.: Основи

6. Франц КАФКА Процес К.: Юніверс7. Генрі ЛОНГФЕЛЛО Пісня про Гаявату К.: Веселка

8. Гленн А.ВЕЛШ, Деніел Г.ШОРТ

Основи фінансового бізнесу К.: Основи

9. Вітольд ГОМБРОВИЧ

Щоденник. У 3 тт. К.: Основи

10. Єжи ГРОТОВСЬКИЙ Театр. Ритуал. Перформер Л.: Літопис

11. Мішель ФУКО Історія сексуальності. У 3-тх тт. Т.2. Інструмент насолоди

Х.: Око

12. Патріція ГЕРЛІГІ Одеса. Історія міста 1794-1914 К.: Критика13. Девід Г.ЛОУРЕНС Коханець леді Чатерлей. Сер. К.: Основи


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Зарубіжна класика14. Гері СМОЛІ Пізнай свою дружину Л.: Свічадо

Apart from those noted, in 1999 the following world classical authors of

fiction and humanitarian sciences are published in Ukrainian translations for the

first time:

Томас Роберт Малтус, «Дослідження закону народонаселення»

(К.: Основи);

Еміль Дюркгайм, «Самогубство. Соціологічне дослідження» (К.:


Макс Вебер, «Соціологія. Загальноісторичні аналізи. Політика»

(К.: Основи);

Алексіс де Токвіль, «Про демократію в Америці» (К.: Всесвіт);

Джозеф Кемпбел, «Герой із тисячею облич» (К.: Альтернативи);

Дені де Ружмон, «Європа у грі. Шанс Європи.

Відкритий лист до європейців» (Л.: Літопис);

Еманюель Левінас, «Між нами. Дослідження думки-про-іншого»

(К.: Дух і Літера);

Христос Яннарос, «Варіації на тему Пісні пісень» (К.: Дух і


Габріель Гарсіа Маркес, «Кохання в час холери» (Л.: Класика);

Томас Бернард, «Старі майстри. Комедія; Елізабет ІІ. Катма

комедії» (Івано-Франківськ: Лілея-НВ).

Despite the general drop of book publishing in 1999, simultaneous increase

of Ukrainian-language translations by about one and a half times is documented in

comparison with the previous year. It is explained by more activities of

Renaissance international fund, which participated in CEU Translation Project

network program in 1998 (Center of publishing development IBC-Budapest) and

initiated “Translation project”. In 1999 the fund supported publication of 73 books

with basic works of foreign authors in different humanitarian sciences (out of those

12 were published in 1999). Over 90 per cent of all translations into Ukrainian


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were published thanks to the support of foreign grant institutions. Translations

from English dominate; they are followed by those from French and German.

Grand-Prix of the next, 2nd All-Ukrainian rating “Book of the Year 2000”

was also given to a translated publication: Hans Christian Andersen “The Snow

Queen” (Kyiv, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA). The top expert preferences are the


1. Ганс Християн АНДЕРСЕН

Снігова королева К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА

2. Норман ДЕЙВІС Європа. Історія К.: Основи3. Леопольд фон Захер

МАЗОХВибрані твори Л.: Літопис


Велика шахівниця Івано-Франківськ: Лілея НВ

5. Марсель ПРУСТ У пошуках утраченого часу. Т.4. Содом і Гоморра

К.: Юніверс

6. Франц КАФКА Щоденники 1910-1923 рр. К.: «Всесвіт»7. ПЛАТОН Держава К.: Основи8. Вітольд ГОМБРОВИЧ Щоденник. У 3-х томах. т.3.

1961-1969К.: Основи

9. АРІСТОТЕЛЬ Політика К.: Основи10. Ясунарі КАВАБАТА Країна снігу. Сер.

Зарубіжна класикаК.: Основи

11. Григорій КОЧУР Третє відлуння. Поетичні переклади

К.: Рада

12. Макс ФРІШ Homo Фабер. Сер. Зарубіжна класика

К.: Основи

13. Кнут ГАМСУН Вибрані твори Л.: Літопис14. Тома АКВІНСЬКИЙ Коментарі до Арістотелевої

«Політики»К.: Основи

Among names well-known in open societies Ukraine first published books

of the following authors in Ukrainian language:

Іммануїл Кант, «Критика чистого розуму» (К.: Юніверс);

Ганс-Ґеорґ Ґадамер, «Істина і метод» (К.: Юніверс);

Анджей Валіцький, «Марксизм і стрибок у царство свободи:

Історія комуністичної утопії» (К.: Всесвіт);

Реймон Арон, «Мир і війна між націями» (К.: Юніверс);

Ноам Хомський, «Роздуми про мову» (Л.: Ініціатива);

Славой Жижек, «Метастази насолоди» (К.: Альтернативи);


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Луї-Фердинанд Селін, «Подорож на край ночі» (К.: Юніверс; Х.:


Вільям Ґолдінг, «Володар мух» (К.: Основи).

Acute debate in the press was provoked by translation of a book by Harvard

professor Hryhoriy Hrabovych “Shevchenko We Do Not Know” (Kyiv,

“Krytyka”) from the English language.

That year the nomination lists of the rating included three times more

publications (about 700) than the previous year, which enables us to define a share

of translations in a more precise way. In general, translations constitute 32.9 per

cent, out of those 16.2 into Russian. Ukrainian-language translations are divided

into two groups: fiction – 45.1 per cent, humanitarian sciences – 45.1 per cent; the

few remaining are applied publications. Just as the previous year, over 90 per cent

of all published translations were financed by foreign grants: under Renaissance

fund program 52 books were published, under Skovoroda French program, 11

books, etc.

Two years in a row (1999 – 2000) the rating prize of “Publishing Image of

the Year” was given to the main producer of translated books, “Osnovy”

publishing house. Other confident players offering Ukrainian-language translations

were Kyiv publishing houses “Universe”, “Krytyka”, “A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-

HA” and Lviv publishing houses “Litopys” and “Klasyka” – all of them are among

the leaders of translated literature and became a part of the next “Book of the Year

2001” rating:

1. Льюїс КЕРРОЛ Аліса в Країні чудес К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА

2. Едвард КІНАН Російські історичні міфи К.: Критика3. Надія СУРОВЦОВА Листи К.: Видавництво

ім.Олени Теліги4. Алан А.МІЛН Вінні-Пух К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-

МА-ГА5. Сен-Жон ПЕРС Поетичні твори К.: Юніверс6. Анджей СТАСЮК,

Юрій АНДРУХОВИЧ Моя Європа Л.: Класика


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7. Марсель ПРУСТ У пошуках утраченого часу. Т. 5. Полонянка; Т. 6. Альбертина зникає

К.: Юніверс

8. Мілан КУНДЕРА Смішні любові Л.: Класика9. Евдженіо БАРБА Паперове каное Л.: Літопис10. Мірча ЕЛІАДЕ Мефістофель і андрогін К.: Основи11. Д.ГЕЛРІҐЕЛ,


Організаційна поведінка К.: Основи


Картезіанські роздуми К.: Стилос

13. Ерік ГОБСБАУМ Вік екстремізму. Коротка історія XX віку 1914-1991

К.: Альтернативи

14. Пауло КОЕЛЬО Алхімік Л.: Класика

Several books translated for the first time did not make it to the top; still

those were able – at least in theory – to influence the intellectual landscape of


Юрґен Габермас, «Філософський дискурс Модерну» (К.:

Четверта хвиля);

Елвін Тоффлер, «Третя хвиля» (К.: Всесвіт);

Бенедикт Андерсен, «Уявлені спільноти» (К.: Критика);

Едвард Саїд, «Орієнталізм» (К.: Критика);

Пауль Целан, «Антологія українського перекладу поезії»

(Чернівці: Букрек);

Роберт Музіль, «Сум’яття вихованця Терлеса» (К.: Юніверс);

Анрі Мішо, «Внутрішній простір» (К.: Юніверс).

Statistical correlations inside the segment of Ukrainian translations are

almost the same as the previous year:

54.3% – humanitarian sciences,

43.9% – fiction literature (children’s books included).

Thanks to the support of Renaissance international fund, 49 books were

published in 2001, Skovoroda French program facilitated publishing of 14 books.

Respectively, in the general volume of translated titles translations from English

and French lead the way.


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For three years stagnation dominates at the translation market. In 1999, up to

60 Ukrainian-language translations of belles-lettres and humanitarian sciences

books appear, in 2000 and 2001, about 80. In general, the publishing picture is the

same: in 200 the index of book publication per capita returns to the crisis one of

1998 and stops:Year Copies per capita

1998 0.88

1999 0.36

2000 0.89

2001 0.9

2002 0.9

In his textbook for students of Publishing and Editing department, professor

M. Tymoshyk writes the following: “it is not the numbers that raise concern. It is

something else: consistent and growing trend towards permanent preservation of

this state.”16 When starting from January 1996 publishers in Russian Federation

obtained certain benefits (zero VAT), book publishing in that country soon turned

into a real business; the cost of mass Russian book significantly dropped in

comparison with similar Ukrainian one and it is only natural that the shelves of

Ukrainian book stores quickly filled with economically more profitable and

quickly renewable merchandise from Russia. According to expert evaluation of the

Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers, in the end of 1990s the share of

imported Russian books in retail reached 90 per cent. No practical steps were taken

by Ukrainian government to protect local producer, which can be only rated as

criminal negligence (the head of the Association O. Afonin defines it even

stronger: “the period of conscious destruction”17). Here are some telling numbers:

in 1998 Renaissance international fund spent 1,079,971 USD for Ukrainian books

publishing, and the decree of the President of Ukraine on correcting state budget of

the same year only 1,620,900 UAH were planned for publishing. The exchange

16 Микола Тимошик. Історія видавничої справи. – К.: Наша культура і наука, 2003. – С.463.17 О.В.Афонін, М.І.Сенченко. Українська книга в контексті… – С.7.


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rate of the time was about 5 UAH per 1 USD, i.e. it was almost five times less. But

in reality, only 18 per cent of this sum were provided. “It is scary to imagine a

book desert which would have formed had it not been for the Renaissance Fund in

Ukraine,18”. Unfortunately, the emotional evaluation of the time stayed 100 per

cent relevant until the second half of 2000s.

Therefore, in the situation when even publications financed by foreign grants

were hard to sell due to priority filling of book shops with Russian assortment it

was impossible to launch a mechanism of independent publishing of translated

Ukrainian literature (without grants). We cannot blame only Ukrainian publishers

for that. Global experience shows that publishing expenses for preparation of a

translated book are at least 50 per cent higher than those for an original title

(payment for translator and editor-reviewer as well as additional promotion) 19 –

and Ukrainian-language publishers did not have enough circulation money to

launch even cheaper projects. Therefore, not only translations into Ukrainian but

Ukrainian-language publishing as a whole looked on the verge of 2000s as

“patriotic Don Quixote escapades.”20

However, apart from those recalled (and well described in professional

literature cited in this research) reasons for stagnation of Ukrainian publishing

there was one more, which has not been accentuated yet: a vivid and powerful

second wave of Russian-language translations done by Ukrainian publishing

houses in 1993 – 2000.

3.4. Second wave of Russian-language translations (1993–2000)

The first wave of Russian-language translations in Ukraine, having attained

its peak in 1992, disappeared totally in the next few years. The publishers oriented

exclusively at quick money to sell foreign books, which had been in deficit during

the Soviet times, either stopped their activities or invited professionals to key

publishing posts; these professionals re-oriented the trends to issue the earlier

18 Костянтин Родик. Невивчені уроки Ситіна… – С.98.19 Дейтус К.Сміт молодший. Посібник книговидавця… – С.142-143.20 Іван Малкович. Патріотичне дон-кіхотство // Столичные новости, 23–29 мая 2000 г.


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unknown texts (even by journal publications). Multivolume editions of authors

well-known in the world who had only several works translated before also

became popular among buyers.

At the time it was fashionable among readers to read mystical books; the

offer was adapted in a respective way. In late 1980s Carlos Castaneda was a reader

brand in the Soviet Union; his works were distributed as typed up samizdat. Later

Viktor Pelevin, one of the most famous modern Russian authors, claimed that

“samizdat actually meant Castaneda”.21 It was Pelevin who founded “Mif”

publishing house (Moscow) along with supporters from the Literary Institute and

legalized Castaneda for the first time in three books published in 1991. The next

translation of Castaneda’s works was published in Ukraine: in 1993, “Sofiya”

publishing house in Kyiv started printing nine books by Carlos Castaneda (initial

number of copies was 80,000). In just five years Sofiya publishing house in Kyiv,

which published esoteric and yoga literature, turned into a leader in publishing

applied esoteric works in the whole post-Soviet space (10 – 15 novelties per

month) and opened branch offices in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.22

Another remarkable translation project of 1993 was “Series 700”, which was

at first marked by two publishers, “Fita” and “Nika-Center” and then was taken by

the latter (which is still actively publishing translations, now in Ukrainian). The

first tile of “Fita”/”Nika” was a two-volume edition of selected works by Richard

Bach; next year works by Gustav Mayrink, and between 1995 and 1999 new

translations (new for Russia as well) of classical psychological prose bordering on

esoteric and mystic (this was a speciality of the series) in the collections of selected

works by the following authors:

Howard Lovecraft,

Italo Calvino

Boris Vian

Marcel Ayme

Eugene Ionescu21 Код доступу: http://pelevin.nov.ru/rass/pe-mesc/1.html 22 «Випускаем книги, которые нам интересны» // Книжное обозрение, 3 сентября 2001 г.


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Samuel Beckett

William Holding

Frederic Tristan

Umberto Eco

Patric Sueskind –

over thirteen publications in total.

In 1994, a short but memorable book series appeared (most translations were

done into Russian for the first time) from a union of publishing houses “Novy

krug”/”Por-Royal”/”AirLand” (Kyiv), which presented the following works:

Хосе Ортега и Гассет, «Этюды об Испании»;

Сёрен Киркегор, «Наслаждение и долг»;

Карл Густав Юнг, «Воспоминания, сновидения,


In 1995, this publishing union issues a two-volume translation of Jack

Kerouac’s works, which were at the time unknown at the Russian market as well.

In the second half of 1990s, Kyiv publishing house “Vakler” issues its own

“Library of esoteric literature” translated into Russian; it contains about two scores

of classical works of the genre. At the same time, “Vakler” supports the series

“Topical psychology”, where new translations, done predominantly in Ukraine,

present both classical and modern works from the field of Jung psychoanalysis. In

the same series, a unique project was executed – translation and publication of

works by Karl Gustav Jung in seven volumes. The third publication series,

“Constellation of Wisdom”, represented anthropology direction (Joseph Campbell,

J.G. Fraser, Bronislaw Malinowski, Michel Foucault, Aldous Huxley, etc.). The

only Ukrainian translation in the series was Roger Calliois “Man and the Sacred”

(2003) published thanks to the support of Renaissance fund.

“Oko” publishing house in Kharkiv started from works in Russian-language

translations. The first publication was Washington Irving “Life and Travels of

Christopher Columbus” (1992). Another translated project, which immediately


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entered Moscow hit parades, was the work by Martin Luther “The Time to Break

Silence. Selected Works of 1520-1526” (1994). In 1996, “Oko” translates

fundamental German encyclopedia by Max Tilke and Wolfgang Brun “The History

of Costume” (published jointly with “EKSMO” from Moscow). For some time,

“Oko” participated in the implementation of “Translation Program” of the

Renaissance Fund as well as of French “Skovoroda”:

Мішель Фуко, «Історія сексуальності» (1997–2000),

Жак Дерріда, «Привиди Маркса» (2000),

Клодін Фабр-Васса, «Оригінальна тварина» (2001),

Жан-Клод Шмітт, «Сенс жесту на середньовічному Заході»


At the same time, starting from 1999 “Oko” initiates packager relations

(executes single projects for a conveyor-type publishing house) with a Moscow

publishing giant “EKSMO”: Kharkiv publishers provide translations and

commentary for the series “Anthology of Wisdom”, which included several tens of

titles. Among the most interesting publications we should name the following:

Оскар Уайльд, «De profundis. Из глубин. Тюремная исповедь»


Сафо, «Остров Лесбос» (2001);

Уильям Баталер Йейтс, «Роза алхимии»;

Уильям Блейк, «Видения Страшного суда»;

Морис Метерлінк, «Тайная жизнь термитов» (усі – 2002).

Among Russian-language translations of humanitarian sciences works there

was a remarkable but short-lived (1995-1997) project “The Heights of Mystical

Philosophy” from “UCIMM-press” company (Kyiv). However, high-profile texts

by gnostics, Plutarch (“Isis and Osiris”), Plotin, St Augustine and St Angela were

only a return of mostly pre-revolution translations into readers’ circulation.

Most multivolume editions published in the 1990s by Kharkiv publishing

house “Folio” also were not original translations:

Thomas Mayne Reid (20 volumes),


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Jack London (17 volumes),

Herman Hesse (8 volumes),

Friedrich Duerrenmatt (5 volumes),

Albert Camus (5 volumes),

Arthur Conan Doyle (4 volumes),

Max Frisch (4 volumes),

Gunter Grass (4 volumes),

Franz Kafka (3 volumes),

Jean Paul Sartre (3 volumes),

William Faulkner (3 volumes),

J. Salinger (2 volumes),

Par Lagerkvist (2 volumes).

It also was a sort of packaging: Russian partner publishing houses provided

translations to Folio, and the latter provided commentary and high-quality


A yet simpler scheme was practiced by Kyiv publishing house “Borysfen”:

they gathered all known Russian translations (often from Moscow journal “Foreign

Literature”) and issued multivolume editions (e.g., Iris Murdoch in five volumes)

or series such as “Library of a Nighttime Reader” where well-known French and

British novels of the 20th century were published.

Approximately until 1997 Kyiv and Kharkiv publishers of Russian-language

translations had operated freely at a Russian book market. Their novelties usually

made it to the bestseller list published by a weekly Moscow paper “Knizhnoe

obozrenie”. Professional journal “Knizhny business” (Moscow) compiled a rating

of publishing houses on the basis of sales statistics at a wholesale and retail

Moscow market “Olimpiysky”: “Folio” and “Sofiya” were in the top ten according

to annual results, and the top five included Kyiv publishers of computer literature

“Dialektika” (a very popular “For dummies” series of the time) and “BHV”.23

23 Костянтин Родик. Невивчені уроки Ситіна… – С.97.


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The situation with Russian-language translations in Ukraine started radically

changing in 1996. The benefits received by Russians that year allowed local

publishers to print books at home spending less (during 1996, most Russian orders

in Ukrainian printing houses was canceled). The buying capacity of Ukrainian

citizens was on the lowest level during the whole independence period. To

maintain book price at an acceptable level, Ukrainian were forced to print such

amounts which were very hard to sell in Ukraine, and it concerned almost

exclusively translations of foreign literature into Russian. It was becoming harder

and harder to sell products in Russia with activities in Kyiv or Kharkiv. At the time

natural exchange baptized barter dominated the Ukrainian economy; it was also

used in book field: “Barter with Russian publishing houses is in many cases a

solution to the problem of sales for our publishers in conditions when full sales of

published titles in Ukraine are either impossible or unprofitable,” noted “Folio”

general director who had the biggest experience of trade operations on the territory

of Russian Federation.24

However, book exchange did not last long. The cost of Ukrainian book

increased even more in comparison with Russian one (“the cost of book produced

in Belorus is 90 kopecks, in Russia – 1.3 UAH, and in Ukraine – 2.3 UAH”25). It

was becoming less and less profitable for Russian partners to take Ukrainian books

for barter and sales. In early 2000s, book exchange dies out, and big Russian-

language translation projects of Ukrainian publishers are suspended. In late 2000s,

even “Folio” stops its operations on the Russian market. However, this publishing

house – one of the few in Ukraine knowledgeable in book strategies – in 2001

restructured its risks and initiated a series “World Literature Library”, which still

publishes (the number of titles approaches a hundred) both new and edited Soviet

Ukrainian-language translations of classical texts. Ukrainian translation heritage is

made yet once more relevant under the aegis of Literature Institute of the Academy

of Sciences of Ukraine; its scholars compile and comment the editions of this

series.24 Александр Красовицкий. Любите книгу – источник налогов // Бизнес, 21 января 1997 г.25 Вахтанг Кипиани. Если бы я был… Драчом /// Киевсике ведомости, 13 июля 2000 г.


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In 2001, Kharkiv “Family Leisure Club” starts active translation activities

(into Russian), but it is associated with the fact that the publishing house acquires

the right to present a club sales scheme from the world book leader “Bertelsmann”

on the territory of both Ukraine and Russia.

A powerful and vivid second wave of Russian-language translations

completed in 1993-2000 by Ukrainian publishers had a general negative impact on

the development of Ukrainian-language book field. Pioneer translations of both

fiction and philosophy works created a feeling of Ukrainian language inferiority

among mass consumers; its book status was then supported only by Renaissance

international fund and French Embassy in Ukraine but not in any way by

Ukrainian government. Moreover, book exchange with Russians provided

additional pressure on retail, pushing Ukrainian books out of book stores as it was

not protected by national legislation.

However, the activities of noted publishers, which was mostly negative for

Ukrainian book market, also had positive consequences: the publication of

Russian-language translations of classical fiction (from “Nika-Center” and

“Folio”) and humanitarian sciences works (from “Sofiya” and “Vakler”) brought

design and print work standards to a high level. The books were published in

luxurious slipcovers and with internal decoration with then little known and now

leading book illustrators Vladyslav Yerko, Matviy Vaysberg, etc. It is generally

considered that the bar of book art in new Ukrainian publishing field was raised by

“A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA” publishing house, but it is true mostly for a

children’s book. As for mass literature – and it is the abovementioned publishers

who were first to recognize the reader’s fatigue from sloppily printed texts and

encouraged colleagues publishing Ukrainian books to move away from dominance

of content over form, which already had an important meaning in society then. The

analytical part of “Ukrainian Bestseller” collection (Lviv, “Kalvariya”, 2001)

predicted that “world classical texts published as gift books will be in biggest

demands… It is this, the alchemy of ideas, professionalism and ambitions, which


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will define the ‘face’ of selected book assortment in 2002.”26 This forecast came

true, and since that time the visual and tactile quality of Ukrainian books, and first

of all translations, has been constantly growing.

3.6. 2002–2012

According to the official information from Book Chamber of Ukraine

provided for this research, in 2002 there were 292 translations into Ukrainian

published. However, it is not confirmed by their own bibliography where only 167

titles are marked as those of 2002 (also including 6 language manuals which

cannot be considered “real” translations). The last number almost coincides with

the statistics of “Book of the Year 2002” All-Ukrainian rating (top list of

translations is provided in the Addendum) where 131 books translated into

Ukrainian are included. The nomination lists of the rating do not include brochures

and purely professional publications – because, as an American book analyst

Andre Shifrin would say, we need to take into account “the books requiring at

least some strain of the brain”.27 The Book Chamber uses its outdated

methodology and counts books and brochures together, which distorts a general

picture when a twelve-page brochure and a new translation of, say, Dante

constitute equal statistical units.

Just as in previous years, over half of translations are humanitarian sciences

works. The amount of fiction translations grew a little bit, but due to closer

attention of publishers to foreign children’s literature. The year of 2002 is

memorable due to the fact that Kyiv publishing house “Universe” started

cooperation with Netherlands literary fund, having issued a novel of modern writer

Harry Mulisch “The Procedure”. After that during the next 10 years 15 translations

from Dutch were published, most of those in “Universe”.

In 2002, Renaissance international fund reported that 157 titles had been

published in the framework of “Translation Project”. The organization’s report

states that “the time frame of projects’ implementation on book publishing is

26 Український бестселер. – Л.: Кальварія, 2001. – С.4–5, 12. 27 Андре Шиффрин. Легко ли быть издателем. Как транснациональные концерны завладели книжным рынком и отучили нас читать. — Москва: Новое литературное обозрение, 2002. – С.25.


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gradually decreasing (from three years to one or two) due to publishing houses

gaining experience in implementing academic translation projects… The sales of

60% of the whole quantity were effectuated during the first year after publishing,

and 100%, during three years… Gradual decrease of the fund’s financial share in

translation projects was also observed: from 70 to 80 per cent in the first years of

activity to 30 to 40 per cent in 2001. (average grant sum was 3,661 USD). A

portion of thus liberated funds was directed at improving the quality of

translations. Therefore, an idea emerged to fund… “Scientific Translation Lab”,

which would become an area of cooperation for translators and scholars working

on publications with the fund’s support.”28 Therefore, Renaissance fund, apart

from financial support of translations’ publishing, also started training a new

generation of Ukrainian translators. In the first project there were 29 participating

students (19 Ukrainians and 10 foreigners): “The main component of training in

the Center for Humanitarian Research (Lviv) was the individual practice of

translation skills by working on fiction and scientific translation, essays, book

reviews and scientific articles. It was a week of practical improvement and a three-

week summer session with lectures and discussions.”29

In 2003, Book Chamber of Ukraine documented 344 translations into

Ukrainian. However, the check of respective bibliography confirms statistical error

of 24 per cent – actually it has 263 publications. Again, it correlates with the

statistics of “Book of the Year 2003” rating where 219 publications are mentioned.

The proportion of belles-lettres and humanitarian sciences books stays the same,

approximately half-and-half. Interesting publication projects of that year include a

series from Kyiv publishing house “Fact” entitles “Text+Context” – literary studies

of available Ukrainian translations (added to the book) of a certain author:

“Favorite English Poems”; “Sorochynsky Fair at Nevsky avenue. Ukrainian

reception of Gogol”; “The Echoes of Solute: Knut Hamsun and the Context of

Ukrainian Modernism”. The top of the rating includes translation of “Aristos” by

Jown Fowles; it was the one Vinnitsya publishing house “Tezys” chose to start its 28 Access code: http://www.irf.ua/files/ukr/report%20-%20publishing%20initiatives%20of%20irf.pdf29 Там само.


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work with foreign licenses (further it would concentrate exclusively on children’s

and youth literature and occupy a noticeable place among translators of foreign

books for teenagers).

In 2004–2008 the proportion of Ukrainian language translations had been

growing every year, and in five years the growth by bibliography of Book

Chamber of Ukraine amounts to 65.9 per cent; by statistics of “Book of the Year”,

21.1 per cent. This great discrepancy is explained by the fact that in these years

Ukraine started mass publishing of translations from Russian for popular advice

books (household, gardening, self-healing, games, horoscopes, etc.) – most of

these publications did not make it to nomination lists of the All-Ukrainian rating

with regard to the lack of intellectual component inherent to “real” translations.

The increase in the number of translations is conditioned by both general

(though slow) development of the book market and structural changes in the

repertoire of Ukrainian publishers. A critical mass of Ukrainian genre literature

had already been published (“Word Coronation” All-Ukrainian competition of

action novel founded in the very beginning of 2000s actually rendered a service to

that). The demand for it had been before satisfied by Russian import or translations

of foreign works. Translated belles-lettres completed their first circle according to

the theory of “emergency aid” from the president of Association of American

University Presses Deitus K. Smith Jr.: “With the help of translations it is possible

to fill temporary lack of certain books, which would then be written by local

authors.”30. At the same time, according to the same theory, the development of

national belles-lettres also stimulates new translations. The first ones to enter the

market of translations without support of foreign grants are publishers of literature

for children and youth (“A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA”, “Vydavnytstvo Staroho

leva”, “Makhaon-Ukraina”, “Teza”). In the sector of translated fiction “Folio” also

starts a program of independent translations; starting from 2006, it is joined by

“Family Leisure Club” (that year it initiated a project “World Bestsellers in

30 Дейтус К.Сміт молодший Посібник книговидавця… – С.137.


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Ukrainian” where books by Dan Brown, Stephen King, Elizabeth Kostova,

Danielle Steel, etc.).

In the sector of humanitarian sciences, new players became very active:

“Nika-Center”, “K.I.S.”, “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (all in Kyiv), “Astrolyabiya”

(Lviv). However, the progress in this field was still determined by foreign grants.

In 2004, Goethe Institut jointly with Renaissance fund initiates a program for

translation German works (the contributions of the parties are 45,000 EUR from

each per year). British Council in Ukraine and Instytut Polski in Kyiv also become

more active.

The crisis year of 2009 caused decrease in volumes of book production as a

whole, and the number of translations (in comparison with the previous year) was

32.1 per cent smaller. However, according to the version of “Book of the Year”,

the fall of Ukrainian-language translations did not happen that year. It testifies to

the fact that, on the one hand, the translation of applied works dropped abruptly

(mostly from Russian language) and, on the other hand, foreign grant programs

continued functioning in a stable way and maintained their status of donors for

translations of world classical works in fiction and humanitarian sciences.

Ukrainian book publishing almost returned to the results of 2008 (according to

chronological bibliography of Book Chamber of Ukraine) in 2010, and the

following year it surpassed the amount of translations published before the crisis

by 27.7 per cent (according to the statistics of “Book of the Year”, by 49.7 per

cent; again, due to constant positive dynamics in the segment of belles-lettres and

humanitarian sciences). The year of 2009 is remarkable due to the entry of

“Tempora” publishing house (Kyiv) on the market, as it was independent from

foreign grants. The following year “Tempora” started publishing independent

translations of belles-lettres and essays from Scandinavian, Central European and

Balkan literatures.

In 2010–2012, publication of translations at the expense of foreign grants

statistically diminishes in the general repertoire of publishing houses (just as a

reminder, this process started in 2006) approximately by 41 per cent for fiction


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(including children’s books) and by 12 per cent for humanitarian sciences. Still, it

is not always possible to determine full independence of publishing houses with

translations; funds for publication are often provided by Ukrainian businessmen

who, due to the law on philanthropy ill-adapted to modern conditions, prefer not to

disclose their participation in such projects. A portion of translations (starting from

2011) is done at the expense of budget program “Ukrainian Book” funds, which is

maintained by State Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting. Presently

the leaders of independent translation publications in Ukraine are “Family Leisure

Club” (Kharkiv), “Folio” (Kharkiv), “Svichado” (Lviv), “Makhaon-Ukraine”

(Kyiv), “Tempora” (Kyiv), “Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva” (Lviv), “Navchalna

knyha-Bohdan” (Ternopil), and “BAO” (Donetsk) – the latter mostly translates

applied works into Russian.

3.6. Last decade: lagnuages, topics, names

In all twenty years of Independence translation from English in the

repertoire of Ukrainian publishers have an absolute priority (which, naturally,

corresponds to the global translation practice). According to all statistical sources,

the number of translations from this language constitutes about 44 per cent of all

translated publications. The statistics of Book Chamber of Ukraine gives the

second place in the rating to Russian language, with exaggerated percentage, which

is allegedly half less than that of translations from English (a more realistic number

is about 16 per cent). Scanning respective bibliographies testifies to the fact that a

significant number of such translations is represented by texts of minimal

intellectual significance: advice books on household, gardening, cooking,

horoscopes and dream interpretation books, leisure, as well as translations for

internal use and children’s brochures of several pages. There are practically no

translations of humanitarian sciences works (which is explained by direct entry of

original Russian research works on the Ukrainian market). M. Gogol and modern

Ukrainian writers writing in Russian (M. and S. Dyachenko, A. Kurkov, Henry

Layon Oldie – pseudonym of D. Hromov and O. Ladyzhensky; A. Valentynov) are


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in biggest demand for translation into Ukrainian. “Children’s” authors from Russia

are also often translated into Ukrainian (a half of the top list provided below):

Author Number of publications (2002 – 2012)


1. Mykola Gogol 33 V. Verkhoven, I. Senchenko, T. Mykhed. E. Solovey, M. Dobon, A. Khutoryan, V. Shklyar, M. Sadovsky, M. Rylsky, A. Kharchenko, S. Vasylchenko, M. Zerov, M. Komar

2. Korniy Chukovsky

21 H. Boyko, V. Herman, O. Yakymenko, M. Pryhara, M. Rylsky, Yu. Vesnyanko

3. Maryna and Sergiy Dyachenko

17 О.Yakymenko, Ya. Zhytin, N. Bryskina, L. Voronina, I. Andrusyak, D. Klochko, L. Lyulyk

4. Myths of Ancient Greece

16 T. Ilyk, O. Ivanchenko

5. Mykola Nosov 12 F. Makivchuk, I. Spodarenko, M. Dobon, A. Kaminchuk, A. Kachan

6. Tamara Kryukova

11 А.Zinkivska, V. Omelyanenko, V. Verkhoven, V. Boyko, A. Kaminchuk

7. Andriy Kurkov 9 H. Osadko, V. Levytska, V. Boyko, V. Herman, O. Slyvynsky

8. Oleksandr Grin 7 І.Andrushenko, О.Taranenko9. Eduard

Uspensky7 B. Boyko

10. Hanna Vladymyrska

6 L. Kozlovska, O. Heyko, I. Andrusyak, Yu. Tymoshenko, S. Andriyovych

11. Natalia Guzeyeva

6 І.Andrusyak

12. Sergiy Mykhalkov

6 B. Boyko, Ya. Skydan, V. Herman

13. Oleksandr Pushkin

6 М.Rylsky, Т.Korolyov, N. Zabila

14. Oleksiy Tolstoy 6 N. Zabila, N. Kyryan, O. Skopnenko15. Mykhaylo

Bulgakov 5 М. Bilorus, Yu.Nekrutenko

16. Arkadiy i Borys Strugatsky

5 А.Sahan

17. Oleksandr Volkov

5 Yu.Popsuyenko, F.Ksenzenko, М.Barnych

18. Kateryna Matyushkina

5 N.Ivanchuk, H.Khotkevych, Т.Schegelska, N. Tykhonovska, L. Dubas

19. Yana Dubynyanska

4 І.Kalyta, М. Oliynyk, Ya. Myshanych

20. Andriy 4 S. Yovenko, F. Makivchuk


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According to the announced quantities, “children’s” authors are the leaders:

Korniy Chukovsky (over 140,000), Mykola Nosov (over 70,000) and different

variations on Ancient Greece myths mostly told by M. Kun (over 112,000 copies).

Translated literature the authors of which are little known to the public but in

great demand among publishers of various reference and advice books is published

in a much bigger amount of copies (the main producers of such literature are

Donetsk publishing houses “BAO” and “Stalker”):

Author Number of publications (2002 – 2012)

Number of copies

Translators Original

1. Hubarev, Viktor Kimovich (reference books for school students)

15 200,000 І.Danylyuk, B.Hubarev, Z. Trofimova


2. Aksyonova, Larysa Volodymyrivna

14 54,000 Т.Ilyk; І.Dynylyuk; О.Kuzmenko; O. Rosinska; V. Ihnatova; Yu. Zhyronkina


3. Miroshnychenko, Svitlana Anatoliyivna

14 172,000 О.Dyomin, І.Danylyuk, V. Ihnatov, О.Zavyazkin, О.Rosinska, S. Klymenko


4. Zhukova, Valentyna Mykolayivna (cooking)

13 182,000 М.Bohatyrenko, Н.Klyukina, V.Kutsenko, І.Danylyuk, О.Kuzmenko, S. Klymenko


5. Kordemsky, Borys Anastasiyovych

11 No data А.Kravchuk, V.Dyachun Russian

6. Popova, Olena Anastasivna

11 180,000 І.Danylyuk, О.Rosinska, Т.Ilyk, О.Zavyazkin,


7. Korneyev, Oleksiy Volodymyrovych

10 137,000 І.Danylyuk, О.Zavyazkin, О.Kuzmenko,


8. Belyanska, Lyudmyla Borysivna

8 120,000 І.Danylyuk, Т.Ilyk Russian

9. Bilyk, Elina Valentynivna

8 102,000 V.Kutsenko, І.Danylyuk, О.Dyomin, Т.Ilyk, О.Rosinska


10. Zemtsova, Olga Mykolayivna

8 40,000 Self-translation (Makhaon, 2011) Russian

11. Komrat, Yevgeniya Pavlivna

8 107,000 І.Danylyuk, V.Ihnatov, N.Kosakovska, О.Zavyazkin, S.Kalitich, Т.Ilyk


12. Zavyazkin, Oleg Volodymyrovych

7 85,000 Т.Ilyk, N.Yakymenko, І.Danylyuk,B.Hubarev,



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О.Zavyazkin13. Carnegie, Dale 7 23,000 L.Pidlisna English 14. Kolyada, Mykhaylo

Georgiyovych7 90,000 І.Danylyuk, М.Khlaponin,

К.Rozov, N.Kosakovska Russian

15. Lenz, Nikolaus 7 60,000 Not noted German

The third to fifth places in the general translation repertoire are occupied by

translations from French, German and Polish (approximately 13, 11 and 7 per cent

from the general number of translations; once, in 2010, the number of translations

from German surpassed that from French). All those are predominantly belles-

lettres and humanitarian sciences. If during the last ten years 389 titles were

translated from Polish (according to the data of Book Chamber of Ukraine),

translations from other languages were done in much smaller volumes: 127 titles

from Italian, 88 from Danish, 87 from Swedish, 77 from Spanish, 48 from

Japanese, 39 from Norwegian, and 37 from Czech. The number of translations

from other languages does not exceed 20 titles (14 from Georgian and 4 from

Armenian). Translations from official languages of Ukrainian national minorities

can be neglected as there are only several of those, which forces us to draw a

conclusion about insignificant development of literatures and humanitarian

sciences in these languages in Ukraine.

The noted correlation between the main languages from which Ukrainian

translations are done is also observed in the top list of most translated writers:

Author Number of publications (2002 – 2012)

Translators Original

1. Gogol, Mykola 33 V. Verkhoven, І.Senchenko, Т.Mykhed, Е.Solovey, М.Dobon, А.Khutoryan, V.Shklyar, М.Sadovsky, М.Rylsky, А.Kharchenko, S.Vasylchenko, М.Zerov, М.Komar


2. Shakespeare, William 26 Е.Scherbenko, D. Palamarchuk, Yu.Kocherzhynsky, М.Rudnytsky, L.Hrebinka, N.Torkut, І.Steshenko, H.Pylypenko, H.Kochur, D.Pavlychko


3. King, Stephen 22 О.Krasyuk, К.Borysenko, О.Lyubenko, І.Andrusyak


4. Verne, Jules 17 О.Dyomin, О.Tymanyuk, S.Sulima, French


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D.Palamarchuk, L.Kuznetsova, Т.Voronovych, L.Kolodynska, P.Sokolovsky, V.Omelchenko, М.Shudrya

5. Dyachenko, Maryna and Sergiy

17 О.Yakymenko, Ya. Zhytin, N.Bryskina, L.Voronina, І.Andrusyak, D.Klochko, L.Lyulyk


6. London, Jack 17 V.Gladka, К.Koryakina, Yu.Lisnyak, М.Hiptenko, О.Donicheva, D.Radiyenko, P.Sokolovsky, І.Rylsky, М.Rylsky, М.Ryabov


7. Brown, Dan 14 V.Horbatko, А.Kamyanets English8. Twain, Mark 14 V.Mitrofanov, L.Krasavitska, С.Sulima,

М.Ryabov, S.Fesenko, І.SteshenkoEnglish

9. Wilde, Oscar 11 І.Korunets, D.Radiyenko, R.Dotsenko English10. Kafka, Franz 11 N.Snyadanko, P.Taraschuk, Ye.Popovych,

І.Koshelivets, Yu.ProkhaskoGerman

11. Scott, Walter 11 І.Davydenko, І.Yeryomina, S.Sulima, Yu.Lisnyak, H.Lozynska, А.Volkovych


12. Gaszek, Jaroslaw 10 S.Maslyak Czech 13. Doyle, Arthur Conan 10 М.Dmytrenko, V.Mykhalyuk,

О.Donicheva, V.PanchenkoEnglish

14. O’Henry 10 О.Fedorchenko, М.Dmytrenko, Yu.Ivanov


15. Austen, Jane 10 V.Horbatko, D.Radiyenko, Т. Shevchenko English16. Flaubert, Gustav 10 М.Lukash, М.Hayday, D.Palamarchuk French 17. Coelho, Paulo 9 V.Trylis, V.Shovkun Portuguese 18. Pamuk, Orhan 9 H.Roh, О.Kulchinsky, Turkish 19. Grin, Oleksandr 7 І.Andrushenko, О.Taranenko Russian20. Eco, Umberto 7 М.Prokopovych, Yu.Hryhorenko Italian 21. Murakami, Haruki 7 І.Dzyub Japanese 22. Servantes Saavedra,

Miguel de7 М.Ivanov, B.Leta, М.Lukash,


23. Steele, Danielle 7 Ye.Kononenko, L.Dolgopolov, І.Panchenko


24. Byron, George Gordon

6 V.Bohuslavska; S.Holovanivsky; N.Zhluktenko; P.Hrabovsky, D.Zahula, V.Samiylenko, М.Kostomarov, Lesya Ukrainka, І.Franko


25. Boccaccio, Giovanni 6 H.Kochur, М.Lukash, V.Shklyar Italian 26. Dante, Alighieri 6 Ye.Drobyazko, B.Lonchyna Italian 27. Krajewski, Marek 6 B.Antonyak Polish 28. Proust, Marcel 6 А.Perepadya French 29. Beigbeder, Frederic 5 М.Ilyashenko, О.Nogina, М. Lutsyuk,


30. Borges, Jorge Luis 5 V.Narizhna, V.Shovkun Spanish 31. Bulgakov, Mykhaylo

Opanasovych5 М. Bilorus, Yu.Nekrutenko Russian

32. Wells, Herbert George

5 М. Ivanov, О.Logvynenko English

33. Hugo, Victor 5 P.Ternyuk, A. Dmitriyev French 34. Dickens, Charles 5 R.Dotsenko, V.Chernyakhivska, English


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О.Mokrovolsky, І.Andrusyak35. Kostova, Elizabeth 5 V.Polyakov, L.Dolgopolov English36. Mickiewich, Adam 5 М.Rylsky Polish 37. Pavic, Milorad 5 N.Chorpita, O.Ros Serbian 38. Plato 5 V.Shkoda, H.Kuts, D.Koval, U.Holovach Ancient Greek 39. Poe, Edgar Allan 5 Yu.Lisnyak, R.Dotsenko English40. Strugatsky, Arkadiy

and Borys5 А.Sahan Russian

41. Houellebecq, Michel 5 R.Marder, L.Kononovych, I.Ryabchy French 42. Abe, Kobo 4 І.Dzyub Japanese43. Akutagawa,

Ryunosuke4 V.Boyko;


44. Burroughs, Edgar Rice

4 Ye.Bondarenko, О.Zavyazkin, Yu.Pokalchuk, О.Pokalchuk,


45. Jerome, Jerome Klapka

4 О.Yakushyk, Yu.Lisnyak, R.Dotsenko

46. Dubynyanska, Yana 4 І.Kalyta, М Oliynyk, Ya.Myshanych Russian47. Suskind, Patrick 4 І. Friedrich German 48. Kawabata, Yasunari 4 М. Fedoryshyn, І.Dzyub Japanese49. Loe, Erlend 4 V.Verkhoven, І.Sabor Norwegian

Publishers do not always indicate the number of copies, so the

reconstruction of general quantities is possible only according to expert evaluation.

The biggest publications of the last ten years are probably Stephen King (about

200,000 copies) and Dan Brown (over 160,000 copies).

Publishing preferences for translation of literature for children and youth

are the following (works of O. Pushkin and O. Tolstoy are represented by their

fairy tales):

1. Kipling, Joseph Rudyard

23 D.Radiyenko, H.Shvets, Yu.Siry, І.Yeryomina, S. Sulima, L. Solonko, Yu. Lisnyak, Ye. Bondarenko, N. Dyomova, V. Chernyshenko, V. Panchenko, O.Nehrebetsky


2. Chukovsky, Korniy 21 H.Boyko, V. Herman, O. Yakymenko, М.Pryhara, М.Rylsky, Yu.Vesnyanko


3. Carroll, Lewis 20 V. Korniyenko, V.Narizhna, V.Panchenko, О.Koretska, S.Sulima, H.Bushyn, P.Taraschuk


4. Rowling, J. К. 18 V.Morozov, S.Andrukhovych English5. Pullman, Philip 17 S.Savchenko, N.Ryabov English6. Grimm, brothers 13 R.Matiyev, Ye.Popovych, S.Sakydon,



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7. Defoe, Daniel 13 О.Zamikhovska, О.Khatuntsev, V.Derzhavin, N.Tysovska, H.Hritchyna, N.Bordukova


8. Stevenson, Robert Louis 13 К.Pluhatyr, І.Toloka, С.Tuhay, Yu.Koretsky, R.Dotsenko, О.Terekh, N.Klymenko, О.Rosinska


9. Nosov, Mykola 12 Ф.Makivchuk, І.Spodarenko, М.Dobon, А.Kaminchuk, А.Kachan


10. Andersen, Hans Christian

11 О.Panchenko, H.Kyrpa, А.Kraft, О.Ivanenko, О.Zozulya


11. Kryukova, Tamara 11 А.Zinkivska, V.Omelyanenko, V.Verkhoven, V.Boyko, А.Kaminchuk


12. Lewis, Clive Staples 11 V.Narizhna, І.Ilyin, К.Voronkina, О.Manko English13. Rodari, Gianni 11 І.Korunets, А.Illichevsky, V.Chaykovsky Italian 14. Besson, Luc 10 О.Dumanska/Ye.Morozova Russian/French15. Baum, Lyman Frank 9 L. Solonko; М.Shavryna; S.Sulima; А.Sagan;

Yu.Lisnyak; М.PinchevskyEnglish

16. Kurkov, Andriy 9 H.Osadko, V.Levytska, V.Boyko, V.Herman, О.Slyvynsky


17. Kun, Mukola 8 О.Ivanchenko Russian18. Myths of Ancient

Greece8 Т.Ilyk Russian

19. Cooper, James Fenimore

8 L.Solonko, О.Terekh, А.Marchenko, І.Muraschyk, Ye. Kryzhevych, І.Korunets


20. Lindgren, Astrid 8 О.Senyuk, H.Kyrpa Swedish21. Meyer, Stephanie 8 N.Tysovska, О.Ryda, К.Pluhatyr,

О.Fedorchenko, U.HryhorashEnglish

22. Raspe, Rudolf Etic 8 All translations from Russian German 23. Hoffmann, Ernst

Theodor Amadeus7 Ye.Popovych, S.Sakydon, German

24. Maar, Paul 7 Ye.Horeva, О.Logvynenko, О.Sydor, V.Romanets


25. Milne, Alan Alexander 7 V.Panchenko, І.Ilyina, О.Mokrovolsky, М.Savka English

26. Swift, Jonathan 7 М.Ivanov English27. Tolkien, John Ronald

Reuel7 А.Nemirov, О.Feshovets, N.Fedorak, О.О'Lear,


28. Uspensky, Eduard 7 B.Boyko Russian29. Funke, Cornelia 7 V.Vasylyuk, О.Logvynenko, L.Ukrainsky,

S.Slipchenko, P.TaraschukGerman

30. Vladimirska, Hanna 6 L.Kozlovska, О.Heyko, І.Andrusyak, Yu.Tymoshenko, S.Andriyovych


31. Guzeeva, Natalia 6 І.Andrusyak Russian32. Mykhalkov, Sergiy 6 B.Boyko, Ya.Skydan, V.Herman Russian33. Pushkin, Oleksandr 6 М.Rylsky, Т.Korolyov, N.Zabila Russian34. Reid, Mayne 6 V.Mytrofanov, М.Dmytrenko English35. Tillmann, Christian 6 N.Snyadanko, І.Andruschenko, S.Matiyash German 36. Tolstoy, Oleksiy 6 N.Zabila, N.Kyryan, О.Skopnenko Russian


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The basis of provide lists is the bibliography of Book Chamber of Ukraine

with titles missed out by this institution (e.g., the official statistics lacks seven out

of thirty-three publications of M.Gogol, four out of eleven publications of F.

Kafka, etc.).

It often happens that world classics are translated in Ukraine not from their

original but from Russian translation. This method is most often used by Kyiv

publishing houses “Shkola”, “National Book Project”, “Makhaon-Ukraine” and

“Family Leisure Club” in Kharkiv where such practice became popular in 2010-

2011 (publication of works by H. Wells, J. Verne, A. Conan Doyle, R.L.

Stevenson, J. Swift, R.E. Raspe, Daniel Defoe, etc.). “Krayina mriy” publishing

house (Kyiv) also practices translations from successful Western adaptations: L.

Carroll from French (2012), fairy tales by Grimm brothers from French and

English (2008; 2012).

Children’s literature translations are the most dynamic sector. In 2004, the

index of translations of such literature exceeded 15 per cent and reached its peak in

2011, i.e. 29 per cent (“Book of the Year” statistics). According to the data of

Book Chamber of Ukraine, translations comprise over a half for all children’s

books, but here brochures are also included, so translations as such for children and

youth constitute about a third of all publications.

The classifier of Book Chamber of Ukraine puts humanitarian sciences to a

theme section “Political, social and economic literature”. The section of

“Literature on linguistics” is singled out for no apparent reason as mostly

conceptual works are translated constituting a part of philosophy category in

Western classification. In part it also pertains to the section “Literature on

education and culture”. If these discrepancies are unified and internal brochures

neglected and then the classification compared with the data of “Book of the Year”

All-Ukrainian rating, the types of translations by subject will look in the following



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humanitarian sciences – 35 per cent (the share of humanitarian

sciences slowly diminishes after its peak of 54 per cent in early


fiction – 35 per cent;

children’s literature – 22 per cent (after the climax of translations in

this group in 2011, the statistics returned to average annual index).

Such proportion can be accepted if we neglect advice books, internal

publications and brochures with little intellectual significance.

Among applied literature, only a group of religious and motivation

literature is statistically important; it allows us to compile a list of authors whose

works are translated the most:

Author Number of publications (2002–2012)

Translators Original

1. Ferrero, Bruno 20 L.Haydukivsky Italian/Polish 2. Grun, Anselm 12 О.Mandryk, І.Terzova, N. Lozynska,


3. White, Ellen 9 V.Petryuk, L.Kachmar, О.Pervanchuk, А.Hrechyshkin


4. Augustine, Joseph

7 H. Teodorovych Polish

5. Ratzinger, Joseph (Benedict XVI)

6 N.Lozynska, К. Stasiv, О.Konkevych, О.Dvernytsky, Z.Kurdin


6. McDowell, Josh 5 О.Hladky English 7. Philippe,

Jacques5 Z.Kurdyn, І.Dukh French

8. Chapman, Gary 5 B.Pelenska, N.Rymska, О.Feshovets English

4. Translators

Translators are the most vulnerable link in the process of creating a

translated book. Average remuneration for translation from more or less

widespread languages (English, French, German, Polish) is between 18 and 30

UAH per 1,000 characters. Approximately the same remuneration is received by

book reviewers in Ukrainian-language press, so both participants of the process


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have the same problem with quality: the former often produce a mere pownie, and

the latter almost never read the “reviewed” works.

This comparison is not accidental: as cultural journalism is paid for very

badly in Ukraine, nobody engages in systemic and specialized translation critique;

therefore, pressure on publishers of translated literature is practically absent, and

the criteria of publishing houses for quality of proposed translations are too low.

A bit higher remuneration is provided to translators from less widespread

languages, but for translators from Russian they are extremely small. The

publishers probably believe that any Ukrainian citizen with higher education is

able to translate from Russian.

However, remuneration for translations done within book programs of

foreign funds may reach 8 EUR per page – still, these programs are now becoming


The interest in translation activities from the side of government is limited

by two annual prizes. In 1972, Council of Ministers of Ukrainian SSR founded

Maksym Rylsky Prize, the monetary equivalent of which was 1,000 Soviet roubles,

which was a pretty sum of money at the time. The prize has existed until now

(under the aegis of National Writers Union of Ukraine), and its amount has not

changed – it is the same one thousand, but in hryvnyas.

Starting from 2010, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established a new

Hryhoriy Kochur Literary Prize under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture with

somewhat narrower scope: “For significant achievements in poetry translation and

translation studies.” The prize fund is defined as “twelve minimum living wages

for active citizens at the expense of state budget funds envisaged by the Ministry of

Culture and Tourism for a respective goal.”31

One more prize – Ars translationis named after Mykola Lukash – was

founded in 1989 by Vsesvit journal for the best publications in this

journal (prize fund is 1,000 UAH).

31 Decree No. 1010 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Establishing Hrygoriy Kochur Literary Prize” of September 23, 2009.


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When Ukrainian experts started fulfilling programs of Renaissance

international fund, they almost immediately had to face problematic quality of

translations; first of all they created a control expert group, which had to return

weak translations for further work. However, they quickly understood that the

situation could not be changed by imposing administrative barriers only. This is

how in 2002, “Scientific Translation Lab” emerged (and a year before that,

Renaissance fund had supported “Translation Workshop”, a local project in

Lviv32). From 2002 till 2009, the Lab conducted over 100 seminars (practical,

terminological and discussing completed translations). The result of the Lab

activities was the compilation of several dictionaries:

English-Ukrainian dictionary of educational policy


English-German-French-Ukrainian dictionary of European

integration terminology;

German-Ukrainian dictionary of humanitarian sciences.

To a great extent thanks to the work of the Lab, the work on completion of

two volumes of “European Philosophy Dictionary” (Kyiv, “Spirit and Letter”)

became possible; these volumes were then highly estimated by experts of “Book of

the Year” All-Ukrainian rating (prizes in the nomination on humanitarian sciences

in 2010 and 2011). For quick information exchange, a web resource

http : // prostory . net . ua was created; in particular, it was dedicated to fiction

translation issues and financially supported by Renaissance international fund.

Starting from 2011, TRANSLIT International translation festival has been

held in the framework of Lviv Forum of Publishers; this event is supported by i3

program of Rinat Akhmetov Fund “Development of Ukraine”.

5. Recommendations

32 Access code: www.humanities.org.ua/TW/alm.htm


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At the developed book markets, publication of translation is a self-regulated

issue, which does not require special state preferences. However, Ukrainian market

cannot be considered a developed one – it can become such only with significant

state support:

administrative limitation of excessive Russian book import by

customs duties and tariffs (as it is practiced in other fields of


providing economic impetus to book stores prioritizing national book


introducing state guarantees for book publishing loans;

real fight of law enforcement institutions with counterfeit goods;

significant increase of library financing from state budget;

supporting events to promote books and reading (including financing

of specialized press, TV and radio programs, web resources).

The implementation of such range of activities will add real features of

book business to Ukrainian book publishing and automatically improve at least the

amount of published translations.

Just as for book field as a whole, for its translation segment the quality of

statistics is very important. In this context, it is necessary to expect and require

from Book Chamber of Ukraine not passive accounting of control copies sent in

but compilation of full specialized register of books with accompanying details by

market features of each documented publication or their absence. The outdated

subject classifiers also require review and updating for harmonization with the

European standards. It is necessary to enter bibliographies in electronic form into

software suitable for further content analysis.

An efficient step towards support of translation activities as such and raising

its social status may be the introduction of best translation nomination to National

Taras Shevchenko Prize (with a radical change in the Provision on prize, i.e.

introduction of expert nominators and independence from signature of the

country’s President).


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The most relevant translations of 2002-2012 according to the evaluation

of expert community

(by results of “Book of the Year” All-Ukrainian rating)

20021. Насильство. Влада. Терор; Топос поразки; Покоління і молодіжні

субкультури. — Л.: Журнал «Ї», 340+302+260 с.(о)2. Марсель ПРУСТ. У пошуках утраченого часу. Т 7. Віднайдений час. — К.:

Юніверс, 384 с.(с)3. Дж.К.РОЛІНҐ. Гаррі Поттер і філософський камінь; Гаррі Поттер і таємна

кімната; Гаррі Поттер і в’язень Азкобану. — К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 319+346 с.(п)

4. Лібералізм. Антологія. — К.: Смолоскип, 1126с.(п)5. Класики політичної думки від Платона до Макса Вебера. — К.: Тандем, 584 с.

(с)6. Джеймс ЛАЛ. Мас-медіа, комунікація, культура: глобальний підхід. — К.:

К.І.С, 264 с.(о)7. Вільям Ф.ҐАНОНҐ. Фізіологія людини. — Л.: БаК 784 с. (п)8. Стефан П.РОБІНС, Девід А.ДЕЧЕНЦО. Основи менеджменту. — К.: Основи,

671 с.(п)9. Загублена арфа. Антологія німецькомовної поезії Буковини. – Чернівці: Золоті

литаври, 543 с.(п)10. Вітольд ҐОМБРОВИЧ. Фердидурке. — К.: Основи, 326 с.(о)11. Ганс Ґеорґ ҐАДАМЕР. Вірш і розмова. Есе. — Л.: Журнал «Ї», 188 с.(о)12. Гіроакі КУРОМІЯ Свобода і терор у Донбасі. Українсько-російське

прикордоння, 1870-1990-і роки. – К.: Основи, 510 с.(о)13. Сьюзен ЗОНТАҐ. Про фотографію. — К.: Основи, 189 с.(о)14. Петер СЛОТЕРДАЙК. Критика цинічного розуму. — К.: Тандем, 544 с.(п)15. Ніколя МАЛЬБРАНШ. Про пошук істини. Т 1. — К.: Port-Royal, 404 с.(о)

20031. Казки Туманного Альбіону. — К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 24 с.(п)2. Юрій ШЕВЕЛЬОВ. Історична фонологія української мови. — Х.: Акта, 1054

с. (с)3. ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ. Нθικα Νικομαχεια. / АРІСТОТЕЛЬ. Нікомахова етика (грецьк.

та укр. мовами). — К.: Аквілон-плюс, 780 с.(п)4. Петер ЗІЛАГІ. Остання вікножирафа. — Л.: Класика, 124 с. (п)5. Роберт КОНКВЕСТ. Роздуми над сплюндрованим сторіччям. — К.: Основи,

371 с.(о)6. Джон ФАУЛЗ. Арістос. — Вінниця: Тезис, 336 с.(п)7. Енциклопедія постмодернізму. — К.: Основи, 503 с. (с)8. Мислителі німецького романтизму. — Івано-Франківськ: Лілея-НВ, 588 с.(п)9. Норберт ЕЛІАС. Процес цивілізації. Соціогенетичні і психогенетичні

дослідження. — К.: Альтернативи, 672 с.(о)10. Дж.К. РОЛІНҐ. Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню; Гаррі Поттер і Орден Фенікса.


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— К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 670 + 816 с.(п)11. Григорій ОСТЕР. Шкідливі поради; Задачник. — Х.: Школа, 112+128 с.(п)12. Пауло ФРАЙРЕ. Вчителі як працівники культури: листи до тих, хто

насмілився вчити. — Х.: Акта, 264 с.(о)13. Богуміл ГРАБАЛ. Вар’яти. — Л.: Класика, 183 с. (о)14. Еліас КАНЕТТІ. Засліплення. — К.: Юніверс, 512 с. (с)

20041. Омелян ПРІЦАК. Походження Русі: стародавні скандинавські саґи і Стара

Скандинавія. Т.2. — К.: Обереги, 1304 с.(п)2. Г.де БЛІЙ, Пітер МУЛЛЕР. Географія: світи, реґіони, концепти. — К.: Либідь,

740 с.(п)3. Ендрю ВІЛСОН. Українці: несподівана нація. — К.: К.І.С., 552 с.(о)4. Туве ЯНСОН. Країна мумі-тролів. — Л.: Видавництво Старого Лева, 352 с.(п)5. Історія європейської ментальности. — Л.: Літопис, 720 с.(п)6. Елвін ТОФФЛЕР. Нова парадигма влади. — Х.: Акта, 688 с.(о)7. Анна ПОЛІТКОВСЬКА. Друга чеченська. — К.: Діокор, 296 с.(п)8. Юлія КРІСТЕВА. Полілог. — К.: Юніверс, 480 с.(п)9. Жан БОДРІЯР. Символічний обмін і смерть. — Л.: Кальварія, 376 с.(п)10. Алан Александер МІЛН. Вінні-Пух і Всі-Всі-Всі. — К.: Махаон-Україна, 224 с.(п)11. Пьотр ВАНДИЧ. Ціна свободи. Історія Центрально-Східної Европи від

Середньовіччя до сьогодення. — К.: Критика, 462 с.(о)12. Антологія японської класичної поезії. Танка. Ренґа. — К.: Факт, 912 с.(п)13. Жан ЖЕНЕ. Щоденник злодія. — К.: Юніверс, 304 с.(п)14. Ольга ТОКАРЧУК. Правік та інші часи. — Л.: Кальварія, 224 с.(п)

20051. Франсуа РАБЛЕ. Ґарґантюа та Пантаґрюель. У 2 т. —  Л.: Кальварія, 584+416 с.

(ф)2. Ґюнтер ҐРАС. Бляшаний барабан. Сер. «Лауреати Нобелівської премії». — К.:

Юніверс, 784 с.(с)3. Короткий оксфордський політичний словник. — К.: Основи, 789 с.(п)4. Ханна АРЕНДТ. Джерела тоталітаризму - 2-е вид. — К.: Дух і Літера, 584 с.(п)5. Френк НЕТТЕР. Атлас анатомії людини. — Л.: Наутілус, 592 с.(п)6. Джонатан СВІФТ. Мандри Ґуллівера.«Помаранчева серія». — К.: А-БА-БА-

ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 384 с.(п)7. Дж.К.РОЛІНҐ. Гаррі Поттер і напівкровний принц. —  К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-

МА-ГА, 576 с.(п)8. Мішель УЕЛЬБЕК. Елементарні частинки. Сер. «Література». — Х.: Фоліо,

287 с.(п)9. Туве ЯНСОН. Країна мумі-тролів. Книга 2; 3. —  Л.: Видавництво Старого

Лева, 432; 520 с.(п)10. Льюїс КЕРРОЛ. Аліса в країні див. Аліса в Задзеркалі. «Помаранчева серія». —

К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, — 264 с.(п)11. Джонатан ДОЛІМОР. Сексуальне дисидентство. — К.: Основи, 558 с.(о)12. Чарльз ТЕЙЛОР. Джерела себе. — К.: Дух і Літера, 696 с.(п)13. Навіщо писати? Антологія нідерландської прози. — К.: Юніверс, 424 с.(п)


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14. Любомир ГОСЕЙКО. Історія українського кінематографа. 1896-1995. —  К.: КІNО-КОЛО, 464 с.(о)

20061. Умберто ЕКО. Ім'я рози. — Х.: Фоліо 576 с.(п)

2.Д-р Ернест ДРЕЙК. Дракони.; Єгиптознавство. Пошуки гробниці Осіріса. — К.: Махаон-Україна 30+30 с.(п)

3. Микола ГОГОЛЬ. Ніч перед різдвом. — К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА 25 с.(п)


Слово многоцінне. Хрестоматія української літератури, створеною різними мовами в епоху ренесансу та бароко ХV-ХVІІІ століть. У чотирьох книжках. — К.: Аконіт, 799+799+799+799с.(п)

5. Енн ЕППЛБОМ. Історія ГУЛАГу. — К.: Києво-Могилянська академія 511 с.(о)6. Демократія: Антологія. — К.: Смолоскип 1108 с.(п)7. Карел ШУЛЬЦ. Камінь і біль. — К.: Юніверс 688 с.(п)8. Ден БРАУН. Код да Вінчі. — Х.: Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля, 480 с.(п)9. Фрідріх ВАЙДАХЕР. Загальна музеологія. — Л.: Літопис 632 с.(п)10. Патрік ЗЮСКІНД. Парфуми. — Х.: Фоліо

11.Семюел П. ГАНТІНҐТОН. Протистояння цивілізацій та зміна світового порядку. — Л.: Кальварія 474 с.(п)

12.Націоналізм. Теорії нації та націоналізму від Йогана Фіхте до Ернеста Ґелнера.— К.: Смолоскип 684 с.(п)

13. Марина та Сергій ДЯЧЕНКИ. Ритуал. — К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА 280с.(п)

14.Анджей САПКОВСЬКИЙ. Божі воїни; Вежа блазнів. Сер. «Іноземний легіон». — К.: Зелений пес 640+736 с.(с)

20071. Салман РУШДІ. Опівнічні діти. – К.: Юніверс, 704 с.(п)2. Генрик СЕНКЕВИЧ. В пустелі та джунглях. – Л.: Артклас, 424 с.(с)3. Євген МАРКОВ. Нариси Криму. – К.: Темпора, 584 с.(п)

4. Олександр ГВАНЬЇНІ. Хроніка європейської сарматії. – К.: Києво-Могилянська академія, 1006 с.(п)

5. Александр А.МІЛН. Вінні-Пух і всі-всі-всі. – Х.: Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля, 256 с.(с)

6. Ернст Роберт КУРЦІУС. Європейська література і латинське середньовіччя. – Л.: Літопис, 752 с.(п)

7. Гарольд БЛУМ. Західний канон. Книги на тлі епох. – К.: Факт, 720 с.(п)8. Тоні МОРРІСОН. Пісня Соломона. – К.: Юніверс, 376 с.(с)


Казки Африки; Казки Австралії; Казки Китаю; Казки Індокитаю; Казки Англії, Ірландії та Шотландії; Казки Іспанії та Португалії; Словянські казки; Казки Скандінавії; Казки Латинської Амекрики; Казки Японії. – К.: Грані-Т, 56+56+64+56+56+64+64+64+48+48+54 с.(о)

10. Філософія права. – К.: Основи, 1256 с.(п)11. Мішель МОНТЕНЬ. Проби. Книга ІІІ. – К.: Дух і Літера, 383 с.(п)

12. Франсуа ФЮРЕ. Минуле однієї ілюзії. Комуністична ідея у ХХ столітті. – К.: Дух і Літера, 814 с.(п)

13. Ліман Френк БАУМ. Дивовижний чарівник країни ОЗ. – Л.: Видавництво Старого Лева, 256 с.(п)

14. Антологія феміністичної філософії. – К.: Основи, 800 с.(о)


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20081. Едвард САЇД. Культура й імперіалізм. – К.: Критика, 608 с.(о)1. Алан Александер МІЛН. Ходіть зі мною! – К.: Перископ, 64 с.(п)2. Славой 56ЖИЖЕК. Дражливий суб’єкт. Відсутній центр політичної онтології.

— К.: ППС-2002, 510 с.(о)3. Ален БЕЗАНСОН. Лихо століття. Про комунізм, нацизм та

унікальність56голокосту. – К.: Пульсари, 136 с.(п)4. По одному віршу ста поетів (1235 р.). Збірка японської класичної поезії VІІ–

ХІІІ ст. – К.: Грані-Т, 232 с.(п)5. Єжи Ґедройць та українська 56міграція: листування 1950-1982 років. – К.:

Критика, 752 с.(п)6. Деніел С.ГАЛЛІН, Паоло МАНЧІНІ. Сучасні медіа системи: три моделі

відносин ЗМІ та політики. – К.: Наука, 320 с.(о)7. Сергій ЄКЕЛЬЧИК. Імперія пам‘яті. Російсько-українські стосунки в

радянській історичній уяві. – К.: Критика, 304 с.(о)8. Карл МАНГАЙМ. Ідеологія та утопія. – К.: Дух і Літера, 370 с.(п)9. Норман ДЕЙВІС. Боже ігрище: історія Польщі. – К.: Основи, 1080 с.(п)10. Відкритість. Суспільство. Влада. Від Нантського едикту до падіння

комунізму. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 264 с.(п)11. М.В.ГОГОЛЬ. Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки. Миргород. – К.: Либідь, 488 с.

(п)12. Клаус БАЙМЕ. Політичні теорії сучасності. — К.: Стилос, 398 с.(о)13. Вільям ШЕКСПІР. Гамлет, Принц Данський. – К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА,

238 с.(с)14. Генрі МІНЦБЕРҐ. Зліт і падіння стратегічного планування. – К.: Видавництво

Олексія Капусти, 412 с.(п)

20091. Блез ПАСКАЛЬ. Думки. – К.: Дух і Літера, 704 с.(п)2. Богуміл ГРАБАЛ. Я обслуговував англійського короля. – К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-

ГА, 240 с.(п)3. Джеред ДАЙМОНД. Зброя, мікроби і харч: Витоки нерівностей між народами.

– К.: Ніка-Центр, 488 с.(п)4. Ларі ВУЛФ. Винайдення Східної Європи. Мапа цивілізації у свідомості епохи

Просвітництва. – К.: Критика, 592 с.(о)5. Планета Земля. – К.: Махаон-Україна, 304 с.(п)6. Умберто ЕКО. Бавдоліно. – Х.: Фоліо, 444 с.(п)7. Адам МІХНІК. У пошуках свободи. Есеї про історію та політику. – К.: Дух і

Літера, 554 с.(п)8. Астольф де КЮСТІН. Правда про Росію. – К.: Український письменник;

Ярославів Вал, 242 с.(п)9. Орхан ПАМУК. Музей невинності. – Х.: Фоліо, 671 с.(п)10. Стівен КІНҐ. Коли впаде темрява. – Х.: Книжковий «Клуб сімейного дозвілля»,

432 с.(п)11. Карл Отто АПЕЛЬ. Дискурс і відповідальність: проблема переходу до


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постконвенціальної моралі. – К.: Дух і Літера, 430 с.(о)12. Микола ГОГОЛЬ. Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки. – К.: Махаон-Україна, 136 с.

(п)13. Ґурам ПЕТРІАШВІЛІ. Чудеса Маленького Міста. – Л.: Видавництво Cтарого

Лева, 216 с.(п)14. Літературознавство; Німецькомовні письменники; Англомовні письменники;

Композитори; Філософи. – Тернопіль: Навчальна книга–Богдан, 280+352+464+430+368 с.(о)


1.Європейський словник філософій. Лексикон неперекладностей. Том перший. – К.: Дух і Літера, 576 с.(п)

2.Григорій СКОВОРОДА. Повна академічна збірка текстів. – Х.: Майдан, 1400 с.(п)

3.Ксаверій КНОТЦ. Секс, якого не знаєте. Для подружніх пар, які люблять Бога. – Л.: Свічадо, 224 с.(о)


Ірина МАКАРИК. Перетворення Шекспіра. Лесь Курбас, український модернізм і радянська культурна політика 1920-х років. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 348 с.(о)

5.Салман РУШДІ. Флорентійська чарівниця. – К.: Видавництво Жупанського, 288 с.(п)

6. Віктор ЄРОФЄЄВ. Енциклопедія російської душі. – К.: Ярославів Вал, 224 с.(п)7. Чеслав МІЛОШ. Абетка. – Х.: Треант, 354 с.(п)

8.Вільям і Марта СІРЗИ. Ваша вагітність. Практичний порадник від зачаття до народження. – К.: KM Publishing, 608 с.(п)

9. Вольфґанґ РЬОД. Шлях філософії: ХІХ–ХХ століття. – К.: Дух і Літера, 368 с.(о)

10.Оксфордська історія в‘язниць. Практика покарання в західному суспільстві. – К.: Всесвіт, 560 с.(п)

11.Усе про виживання у школі; Усе про виживання у поході. Абетка туриста. – Х.: Ранок, 64+64 с.(п)

12.Єжи ФІЦОВСЬКИЙ. Регіони великої єресі та околиці. Бруно Шульц і його міфологія. – К.: Дух і Літера, 544 с.(п)

13.Ентоні Д.СМІТ. Культурні основи націй. Ієрархія, заповіт і республіка. – К.: Темпора, 312 с.(о)

14. Жозе САРАМАГО. Євангелія від Ісуса Христа. – Х.: Фоліо, 539 с.(п)


1.Європейський словник філософій. Лексикон неперекладностей. Том другий. – К.: Дух і Літера, 488 с.(п)

2. Російський імперіалізм. – К.: Києво-Могилянська академія, 395 с.(о)3. Грюнвальдска битва – битва народів. – К.: Балтія-Друк, 272 с.(с)4. Пиво і філософія; Їжа і філософія. – К.: Темпора, 264+346 с.(о)

5.Анрі БЕРҐСОН. Творча еволюція. – К.: Видавництво Жупанського, 318 с.(с)

6.Ульріх БЕК. Влада і контрвлада у добу глобалізації. Нова світова політична економія. — К.: Ніка-Центр, 406 с.(п)

7. Вільям МАК-НІЛ. Піднесення Заходу. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 960 с.(п)8. Ганс Християн АНДЕРСЕН. Кресало. – К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 28 с.(п)9. Чеслав МІЛОШ. Велике князівство літератури. Вибрані есеї. – К.: Дух і


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Літера, 440 с.()10. Стівен КІНҐ. Під куполом. – Х.: Клуб сімейного дозвілля, 1024 с.(п)

11.Барбара КОСМОВСЬКА. Буба; Буба. Мертвий сезон. – Л.: Урбіно, 240+224 с.(п)

12.Марія МАЄРЧИК. Ритуал і Тіло. Структурно-семантичний аналіз українських обрядів родинного циклу – К.: Критика, 326 с.(п)

13. Джонатан ГІЛЛ. Історія християнства. – К.: Темпора, 560 с.(п)

14.Януш КОРЧАК. Пригоди короля Мацюся. – К.: А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 534 с.(п)


15.Інокентій ГІЗЕЛЬ. Вибрані твори у 3-х томах. Т. ІІ, ІІІ. – Л.: Свічадо, 460+450 с.(п)

16.Єврейська цивілізація. Оксфордський підручник з юдаїки. У 2 томах. – К. : Дух і Літера; Дніпропетровськ: Центр «Ткума», 560 с.(п)

17.Сергій ЄКЕЛЬЧИК. Історія України: становлення модерної нації. – К.: Laurus, 376 с.(п)

18.Джордж ВАЙҐЕЛЬ. Свідок надії. Життєпис Папи Івана-Павла ІІ. – Л.: Український Католицький університет, 1040 с.(о)

19.Макс ВЕБЕР. Господарство і суспільство. Нариси соціології розуміння. – К.: Всесвіт, 1112 с.(п)

20.«Скарбниця потребна й пожиточна». Українські монастирські літописи, житія, повчання ченцям, чуда та інше. – К.: Либідь, 488 с.(п)

21.Аляйда АССМАН. Простори спогаду. Форми та трансформації культурної пам´яті. – К. : Ніка-Центр, 440 с.(п)

22. Енциклопедія винаходів і відкриттів. – К.: Махаон-Україна, 496 с.(п)

23.Волтер АЙЗЕКСОН. Стів Джобс. Біографія засновника компанії «Apple». – К.: Брайт Стар Паблішінг, 608 с.(с)

24.Ю.ЧЕПОВЕЦЬКИЙ. Веселі пригоди Мицика і Кицика; Пригоди шахового солдата Пєшкіна. – Х.: Школа, 160+192 с.(п)

25.Бруно ШУЛЬЦ. Книга листів; Літературно-критичні нариси. – К.: Дух і Літера, 360+176 с.(п+о)

26. Ернест СЕТОН-ТОМПСОН. Маленькі дикуни. – К.: Темпора, 446 с.(п)27. Умберто ЕКО. Празький цвинтар. – Х.: Фоліо, 633 с.(п)28. Мішель УЕЛЬБЕК. Карта і територія. – Х.: Фоліо, 347 с.(п)