+ Elements of AR

+ Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

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Page 1: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture


Elements of ART

Page 2: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture


LINEArt would be NOTHING without line!


Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form


Contour LINE

Gesture LINE

Many others curved, dotted, jagged.

Page 3: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Contour Line

Contour means "outline", and shows exterior edges of objects

clean, connected lines, no shading (an open "shell" of the subject).

The line describes visible edges of an object.

Pure Contour drawings can have strength, clarity and simplicity.

Details like color, shadow and highlight are ignored

Draw only clearly defined edges

RESIST the temptation to color in shadows.

Page 4: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture


Gesture LINEAlthough a more relaxed line is used still pay attention to the direction of lines on the object.

This type of line is more free and Expressive

Quick line used to show motion or the quick form of a person or object.

Page 5: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

Try to make as many types of lines as you can.

Repeat each type of line several times.

Try all types of lines: wavy, curly, jagged, dashes, fat, thin, etc.

Fill your page with as many lines as you can.

Page 6: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture




Shape is an area enclosed by line.

It is 2 dimensional

Can be geometric or organic

Page 7: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+ Geometric Shape

Most are Angular except circles or ovalsMost Geometric shapes are man made.

Except Honeycomb

Page 8: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+ Organic Shape

Natural look and a flowing and curving appearance. Leaves, plants animals.

Page 9: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

In your Element Book Draw an example of geometric and organic shape working together to create a composition!

Page 10: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture



is the actual surface feel of an area or the simulated appearance of roughness, smoothness or many others.

There are 2 types of Texture



Page 11: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+ Actual Texture

How something ACTUALLY FEELS! The real feel of an object!

Page 12: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+ Implied Texture

The illusion that something has Texture!Implied Texture is created through value!

Page 13: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

In your Element Book, Draw an example of Implied Texture

Page 14: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture


Value (Lightness and darkness)

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Value is the lightness or

darkness of a surface.

It is often referred to when shading but value is also important in the study of color

Page 15: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture



See how the value goes from black to white, or Dark Value to Light Value.

Page 16: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

In your Element Book Create a Value Scale.

Page 17: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture



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Click icon to add picture

Color is the most

expressive of the elements

and can also be very tricky to use properly,

Page 18: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+ Color

 Color is the most expressive element of art and is seen by the way light reflects off a surface .

Primary-RED YELLOW BLUE.Secondary- Green, Purple, OrangeTertiary- Yellow Orange, Blue Green ect

Complementary, Tone, Tint, Shade.

Page 19: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

Create A Small Color Wheel with primary and Secondary Colors.

Page 20: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture



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Space is the illusion of objects having depth

on the 2-dimensional surface. Linear and

Atmospheric perspective are used.

Page 21: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture


Linear and Atmospheric PerspectiveAtmospheric Perspective

Or Atmospheric Perspective

refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance.

Colors become less Saturated (TINTS) usually blue.

Linear Perspective

Straight lines are drawn to represent the horizon and visual rays, connecting the viewers eye to a point in the distance

Horizon line

Vanishing Point

Page 22: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

Draw an example of Linear Perspective in your Element Book

Page 23: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture



 Forms are 3-Dimensional. They occupy

space or give the illusion that they

occupy the space.

Height + width + depth = form Examples, Sphere, Cube Pyramid

Page 24: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+Mini Sketch Assignment

Draw an example of Form in your Element Book…. Cubes, Spheres ect.

Page 25: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+A Mini ProjectDo you UNDERSTAND how

the elements work TOGETHER? Create a collage using our- Scrap Magazines and one

other medium to create a collage. { Make SURE magazines and Scrap’s are as clean or in better condition than when you found them!!!!}

Use 5 of the 7 Elements in your Collage! { Element Books will can be a good way to check if your Collage really uses the Element} NAME, PER, DATE and Write the 5 elements you use and where they

are found in your collage!

Use a paper out of your Sketch book or come to ME for a paper.

Use Rubber Cement to glue magazine pieces

Any other medium can be used to enhance: Sharpie, Pastels, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils { Try to make the

2 magazine and other medium work together.. BE CREATIVE!

Page 26: + Elements of ART. + LINE Art would be NOTHING without line! Line is a MOVING POINT Line Defines Shapes, objects and Form TYPES OF LINE Contour LINE Gesture

+COLLAGE??? col·lage  (k-läzh, k-)n.1. a. An artistic composition of materials and objects

pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.

Assembling (putting parts together) to create a unified whole Drawing!

Once finished you will be put into groups to discuss your collage each group will choose one collage to talk about in front of the class.