page 1 Word Study Level 5 Name: Lexia Skill Builders ® A. Underline the vowel team in each syllable. Then, read each syllable. breem thray swoan gree frain shaib zoam choal wheeth floak dray veesh B. Write the syllables from above in the correct list. Contains ē Sound (Long e) Contains ā Sound (Long a) Contains Ō Sound (Long o) breem C. Look at the syllables that contain the ē sound. Write the answer. 1. Which syllable rhymes with tree ? 2. Which syllable rhymes with seem? 3. Which syllable ends with the same sound as nosh? D. Look at the syllables that contain the ā sound. Write the answer. 1. Which syllable rhymes with cane ? 2. Which syllable ends with the same sound as cub ? 3. Which syllable begins with the same sound as thatch? E. Look at the syllables that contain the ō sound. Write the answer. 1. Which syllable rhymes with shone ? 2. Which syllable rhymes with broke ? 3. Which syllable ends with the same sound as tame ? On the back, use nosh and tame in sentences. Use a dictionary if you need to.

ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Page 1: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

page 1

Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

A. Underline the vowel team in each syllable. Then, read each syllable.

breem thray swoan gree

frain shaib zoam choal

wheeth floak dray veesh

B. Write the syllables from above in the correct list.

Contains ē Sound (Long e)

Contains ā Sound (Long a)

Contains Ō Sound (Long o)


C. Look at the syllables that contain the ē sound. Write the answer.

1. Which syllable rhymes with tree?

2. Which syllable rhymes with seem?

3. Which syllable ends with the same sound as nosh?

D. Look at the syllables that contain the ā sound. Write the answer.

1. Which syllable rhymes with cane?

2. Which syllable ends with the same sound as cub?

3. Which syllable begins with the same sound as thatch?

E. Look at the syllables that contain the ō sound. Write the answer.

1. Which syllable rhymes with shone?

2. Which syllable rhymes with broke?

3. Which syllable ends with the same sound as tame?

★ On the back, use nosh and tame in sentences. Use a dictionary if you need to.

Page 2: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

F. Divide and read each word. Then, write a new word that rhymes.

1. rattle ê / / ê 2. bobble ê / / ê

3. candle ê / / ê 4. fizzle ê / / ê

5. ruffle ê / / ê 6. throttle ê / / ê

7. pimple ê / / ê 8. nibble ê / / ê

9. rumble ê / / ê 10. giggle ê / / ê

G. Read each pair of words. Write the one that is the best match for the listed word.

1. cot / coat bed ê 2. weed / wed commit ê

3. step / steep stride ê 4. cost / coast price ê

5. paint / pant huff ê 6. bran / brain grain ê

7. plan / plain dull ê 8. claim / clam mollusk ê

9. sop / soap suds ê 10. red / reed blush ê

H. Pick the word that fits best with each set. smuggle crumple riddle bundle

assemble babble tangle settle

1. chat / gossip ê 2. crush / scrunch ê

3. meet / huddle ê 4. packet / bunch ê

5. conclude / complete ê 6. twist / bend ê

7. hide / stash ê 8. puzzle / problem ê ★ Pick 4 sets of words from the task above. Using a dictionary or thesaurus, find another word that fits with each set. Write the complete sets on the back.


rat tle


Page 3: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

I. Combine each closed syllable with the consonant-le syllable. Then, answer the riddles.

rip ripple baf

am wif

sup ple chom fle

sam raf

drem snif

1. These two words above are not real: and

2. You may do this if you are in pain:

3. Water may do this if you toss in a pebble:

4. This is a small chunk of the whole thing:

5. If you confuse someone, you do this to them:

ban ven

pon tat

strug gle shut tle

tog throt

sin gen

1. These two words above are not real: and

2. If you tell on a friend, you do this:

3. If you have a big pack on your back, running may be a:

4. A bee is not said to be this:

5. This can take you from place to place:

★ Pick 3 real words that you did not use. On the back, write a riddle for each.

Page 4: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


J. Write the phrase that is close in meaning.

a sheep in the street a snail in constant pain toast on a boat a stain on a coat

paint to keep a toad with some bloat a coach in the spray an oat that does sway

1. a snack on a ship

2. a grain that tilts

3. a frail slug

4. a splotch on a frock

5. a ram on the road

6. a frog that is plump

7. a train in the rain

8. stain to save

K. Write the phrase that best answers each question.

on a mime’s face in the hand of an infant at a slapstick play

in a dazzling lake in a rotting tree on a rumbling truck

1. Where might a jingling rattle be?

2. Where might one go paddling?

3. Where might a dangling hubcap be?

4. Where might chuckling people be?

5. Where might a twinkling grin be?

6. Where might tussling bugs be?

★ On the back, write each of the examples as a complete sentence (A jingling rattle might be ).

Page 5: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


L. Read the recipe. Circle FLSZ Rule words. Underline Dropping Rule words with a suffix (like timing) one time. Underline Doubling Rule words with a suffix (like tapping) twice. Write the words in the correct spaces below.

Apple Cake

Put the temp on a mid-range setting. Then, grab a glass baking dish. Slice the apples into bite-sized bits, but do not fuss too much to make them all the same. Lay the slices in the dish. Put a cloth on top.

Make a nice crust, and make sure it is topped with lots of nutmeg. Toss the filling into the crust. Place on a sheet and bake until you get a whiff of spice. Take out your sweet apple cake, crumbling it if you wish, and dine!

FLSZ Rule Words (circled), , ,

Dropping Rule Words (underlined one time) , Doubling Rule Words (underlined two times) ,

M. Whisper each word aloud or read it to a partner. Underline the syllable that is accented. Then, answer the question and complete the puzzle below.

1. ex/cite ê What is the first letter in the unaccented syllable?

2. sub/mit ê What is the first letter in the accented syllable?

3. pub/lic ê What is the first letter in the accented syllable?

4. han/dle ê What is the first letter in the accented syllable?

5. can/did ê What is the second letter in the accented syllable?

6. com/pose ê What is the third letter in the accented syllable?

7. in/spect ê What is the first letter in the unaccented syllable?

8. shuf/fle ê What is the first letter in the accented syllable?

Puzzle Answer: / / / / / / /

★ Use a dictionary to find a definition for the puzzle answer above. On the back, explain how the word is related to this activity.



Page 6: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


N. Read each sentence. Circle Agree or Disagree. Then, explain your answer.

1. A pebble could make you stumble.

ê Agree or Disagree Explain your answer.

2. It would be a problem to smuggle a rattle that jingles.

ê Agree or Disagree Explain your answer.

3. If your bones are brittle, you feel nimble.

ê Agree or Disagree Explain your answer.

4. We should trample all of the plants in our jungles.

ê Agree or Disagree Explain your answer.

5. If a doc trembles when putting in a stitch, he may bungle the job.

ê Agree or Disagree Explain your answer.

Page 7: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

O. Highlight the sentence that makes sense. Then, draw a picture of it.

1. A fiddle could tumble onto the bed of a truck.

A truck could tumble onto the bed of a fiddle.

2. You could scramble on nibbled eggs.

You could nibble on scrambled eggs.

3. A log raft may ripple in toppling water.

A log raft may topple in rippling water.

4. People can shuffle as they crinkle their eyes.

People can crinkle as they shuffle their eyes.

5. Use babble in one sentence about an infant.

★ Find 2 synonyms for ramble. On the back, write a sentence that uses 1 of the synonyms.


Page 8: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


P. Put the words in the correct list.

nobody always somewhere moves

walks answer few both food city

pushes bury wants pulls great higher

kinds young nowhere only knowledge woman

Begin with A-H Begin with I-P Begin with Q-Z


★ Pick one list. On the back, put the words in alphabetical order.

Page 9: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


Q. Read each set of sentences out loud. Stress the words in bold. Write each bold word three times.

Read Write

a. The young woman always walks.

b. The young woman always walks.

c. The young woman always walks.

d. The young woman always walks.





a. This door both pushes and pulls.

b. This door both pushes and pulls.

c. This door both pushes and pulls.




a. Do only a few have great knowledge?

b. Do only a few have great knowledge?

c. Do only a few have great knowledge?

d. Do only a few have great knowledge?





a. You can eat all kinds of food in the city.

b. You can eat all kinds of food in the city.

c. You can eat all kinds of food in the city.




a. Nobody moves and wants higher rent.

b. Nobody moves and wants higher rent.

c. Nobody moves and wants higher rent.

d. Nobody moves and wants higher rent.





a. Dogs want somewhere to bury bones.

b. Dogs want somewhere to bury bones.



a. Nowhere could I find the answer.

b. Nowhere could I find the answer.



★ Make a list of words above that are hard to read or spell. Make flashcards to use for practice.


Page 10: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

R. If working by yourself: Set a timer for 30 seconds. Try to read each set of 50 words in 30 seconds. Start at the first word and read across each row. Put a slash (/) after the last word that you read. If working with a partner: Set a timer for 30 seconds. Read the words aloud and have your partner follow along. Try to read each set of 50 words in 30 seconds. Start at the first word and read across each row. Your partner should put a slash (/) after the last word that you read and circle any words that were hard for you to read.

Set 1

knowledge always young moves answer always 6

young moves answer knowledge answer moves 12

knowledge always young moves always answer 18

knowledge answer always young moves knowledge 24

answer answer moves young always knowledge 30

moves answer always knowledge young always 36

young moves answer knowledge young moves 42

knowledge knowledge always answer always answer 48

young moves 50 I read all 50 words correctly in 30 seconds.

I will keep practicing these words.

Set 2

both nobody woman bury wants nobody 6

both wants bury woman wants woman 12

bury wants both bury both woman 18

wants nobody bury wants both woman 24

nobody both nobody bury want woman 30

woman wants nobody bury both woman 36

wants both nobody bury nobody both 42

wants woman bury bury nobody woman 48

both wants 50 I read all 50 words correctly in 30 seconds.

I will keep practicing these words.


continued on next page

Page 11: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

Set 3

city walks somewhere few nowhere walks 6

city few somewhere nowhere nowhere few 12

walks somewhere city nowhere few city 18

walks somewhere walks few somewhere nowhere 24

city few walks city nowhere somewhere 30

few nowhere city somewhere walks city 36

few nowhere somewhere walks somewhere city 42

nowhere walks few somewhere nowhere walks 48

few city 50 I read all 50 words correctly in 30 seconds.

I will keep practicing these words.

Set 4

food great pulls higher pushes great 6

pushes food pulls higher pulls higher 12

pushes food great food pulls pushes 18

higher great pushes food great pulls 24

higher higher food great pushes pulls 30

great pushes food higher pulls pushes 36

great pulls food higher higher pulls 42

pushes great food pulls higher food 48

great pushes 50 I read all 50 words correctly in 30 seconds.

I will keep practicing these words.


continued on next page

Page 12: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®

Set 5

only kinds young bury few kinds 6

bury only few young kinds only 12

few bury young young few bury 18

only kinds young few kinds only 24

bury bury kinds few young only 30

bury only young kinds few few 36

only kinds bury young few bury 42

only young kinds bury young only 48

kinds few 50 I read all 50 words correctly in 30 seconds.

I will keep practicing these words.


Page 13: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


S. Read the texts below with a partner. Take turns reading and listening. You may need help with the bold words.

First, read the entire text aloud. Then, read the text again. Use a timer this time to see how long it takes you to read.

The Reader Should

1. Read the words carefully and clearly.

2. Pay attention to punctuation and read with expression.

The Listener Should

1. Listen closely to the reader. Is the reading smooth, clear, and easy to understand?

2. Ask the reader a question about the text when he or she has finished reading.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Calvin’s family lives in a building next to train tracks. All night long, trains rumble past. Just as Calvin is settling down to sleep, a train rattles by, and he wakes up. He goes back to sleep. Then another rumbling train speeds past. His bed trembles, and he wakes up. “I wish we could move,” he grumbles every morning. “I need a good night’s sleep.”

One day, Calvin’s mother tells him, “We are moving. I have found a nice place away from the tracks.”

The new home is just what Calvin hopes for. It is on a dead end street, with no trains and no traffic. On the first night there, Calvin gets into bed. In the still room, he is sleeping in an instant.

The next morning, Calvin’s mother asks, “Did you get a good night’s sleep?”

Calvin answers, “No, I didn’t. All night long, bad dreams kept waking me up. In my dreams, trains were rattling and rumbling past my bed.”


Have you ever seen a juggling act? It takes skill to keep objects in the air. You can juggle, too. Begin your training with these simple steps.

Take one ball. With the ball in your left hand, keep both hands palms up by your sides. Toss the ball up and a little to the right so that it will drop into your right hand. The ball should get as high as the top of your head before it drops. Keep at it until your toss-and-catch feels easy. Then train yourself to toss the ball from your right hand to your left.

The next step is to toss and catch two balls. Hold one ball in each hand. Toss one ball. As it drops, toss the other. Catch each ball, wait, and do it again. You will fumble, but keep going until you can begin with either hand.

This training will help you take the next step—juggling. For that, you need three balls.

Page 14: ē Contains ā Sound Contains Ō Sound (Long a)...Then, answer the riddles. rip ripple baf am wif sup ple chom fle sam raf drem snif 1. These two words above are not real: and 2. You

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Word Study Level 5Name:

Lexia Skill Builders®


T. Read the texts below with a partner. Take turns reading and listening. You may need help with the bold words.

First, read the entire text aloud. Then, read the text again. Use a timer this `time to see how long it takes you to read.

The Reader Should

1. Read the words carefully and clearly.

2. Pay attention to punctuation and read with expression.

The Listener Should

1. Listen closely to the reader. Is the reading smooth, clear, and easy to understand?

2. Ask the reader a question about the text when he or she has finished reading.

A Little Speech

A pet peeve is something that bothers, or peeves, a person. Do you know what my pet peeve is? I hate it when others ask me something and then do not let me answer. For example, a teacher asks a question and calls on me, but I need a minute to think about the answer. The teacher does not wait, but calls on another person. That makes me grumble! Or a friend might ask me, “What did you think of the game last night?” And I begin to tell him, but he cuts me off and babbles on about what he thinks of the game. That nettles me! I wish that people would wait for me to complete a sentence. I know that a pet peeve is not the most important thing in the world, but I did feel the need to complain. So I want to thank you for giving me the time to explain my pet peeve.

Vampire Bats

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Their wings are made of membranes of skin. The skin stretches over the bones of their hands and connects to the sides of their body. Most kinds of bats eat insects. One kind of bat feeds on something else. The vampire bat feeds on blood.

Vampire bats are the only mammals that live on blood. Most vampire bats live in warm places in Mexico and in Central and South America. These little bats sleep in the day and hunt at night. The bat lands on the ground by an animal. It bites the animal with its needle-like teeth to make a little hole. Then it laps up the blood. Cattle are common victims. They do not feel the bite. They may sleep through the 20 minutes or so that the bat is at work. The loss of blood is not a problem, but vampire bat bites can spread sickness.