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Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.Everything bad in the world happens because of money. Rich countries shouldnt spend money on their armies, they should spend it on helping poorer countries.

Jane, New York.

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.Ive been working all my life, so the government should give me money now that Im old.

Eric, Berlin

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.People today are obsessed with money and possessions. People in the old days didnt care about it so much.

Rita, Sao Paolo

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.People like actors and sportsmen earn too much money. They dont give enough money to charity.

Julie, Paris

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.In the future, people wont use money. Everything will be electronic payments.

Kenzi, Tokyo

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.I dont buy anything on the Internet, because it isnt safe. Anybody could discover your bank details.

Jim, Denver



Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.Its impossible to have a good time without spending money. Staying at home is too boring. I prefer going to the mall or movies with my friends.

Chris, Los Angeles

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.There are many rich people whoSupport artists in need.

Elisa, Santiago

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.Its unbelievable how badly the wealth is distributed in my country. There are people eating from garbage cans and people who fly their own planes.

Isabel, Lima

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.They say that money doesnt buy happiness, but rich people seem to enjoy life more than poor people.

Frank, London

Read peoples opinions about money and underline the ones you agree with.If you dont have money you dont have access to education. Therefore, you can never get a good job.

Patty, Bangkok

Complete the sentences with the correct names._____________ and ___________ think that crimes happen because of money. ____________ thinks that famous people receive too much money.____________ think money makes life more interesting.____________ says that money is more important now than in the past.____________ believes that we will stop using coins and bills._____________ claims that the government should give money to old people.Jane DimitriJulieChrisRitaKenziEric

14Look at the sentences and decide if have, be, and do are being used as main (M) or auxiliary (A) verbs.Isable has a weekend job.We didnt know the banks closed so early.Sam was really angry with the bankGordon has made over $1,000,000 this year.How much money do you earn?The euro was introduced in 2002.Justine did a lot of work to buy her car.Hed never spent so much money before in his life.

MAAAA AMAUse the correct form of an auxiliary to complete each sentence.How much money _______ you spend a week?Nick ______ never had a credit card.______ William have a good job now?Louis ______ working overtime tomorrow.Sam was disappointed when he ______ not get the job he applied for.Im boredIve _______ working at the same company for twenty-five years.

dohasDoesisdidbeenLook at the words and phrasses betow and identify the corect term for each word in itatics.adjective adverb auxiliary verb gerund main verb modal verb noun prepositionI went to the mall and spent a lot of money. I dont have a lot of possessions.Sissy didnt pay for her French lessons. They were free.Kelly always wears very expensive clothes.People today are obsessed with money and possessions.Rich countries should help poor countries more.Money can make your life easier.Shopping can be addictive.

prep.a vmainadvadj m vnoungerundNow look at the definitions below and use one of the grammar terms from 1 to complete each one.A __________is a word that usually come before a noun or a pronoun and shows the relation to another part of the sentence.A _________ is a thing or a person or a place.We use _________ s to describe nouns.A ________ is used to talk about an action.We use ________ s to describe verbs.An ________ is used to modify the main verb. By making it negative. Changing tenses, etc.A ________ is used to change the meaning of the main verb.We can use the ________ in many different ways, including as a noun!

prepositionnounadjectiveverbadverbAuxiliary verbmodal verbgerundHarrys going to the bank.Id never seen so much money before in my life!Were going shopping on the weekend.Ive been working at this job for seven years.Bill spends about twenty dollars a day.In five years time. Ill be earning over two hundred thousand dollars a year.If I hadnt spent so much money at the club. I wouldnt have had to walk home.Sallys never had a credit card.I shouldnt have spent so much money!I wish I had more money., because then I could buy a car.Francis found fifty pounds when he was walking down the street.The euro was launched in 2002.If I had more money. Id go traveling this summer.Jessicas got a rich boyfriend who buys her everything!Look at the sentences. Are they talking about past (Pa). Present (Pr) or future (Fu)? Be careful!

prpafuprprfupaprprpr papafuprAll the words below are connected with money. Are they nouns (n), verbs (v) or adjectives (adj)?Use a dictionary to help you. Some words may belong to more than one category.bankrupt ____ bargain ____ bill ____ bonus ____ borrow ____ broke ____ cash ____ change ____ __

cheap ____ check ____ coin ____ credit card ____

currency ____ dear ____ debit card ____ debt ____ earn ____ economic ____ economical ____ economy ____

gamble ____ lend ____ loan ____ lose ____

mortgage ____ poor ____ rich ____ spend ____

wallet ____ waste ____ wealthy ____ win ____

adj., v.n., v.n., v.n. v.v., adj.n., v.n., v.adj.n., v.n., v.n.n.adj.n.n.v.adj.adj.n.v.v.n., v.n.n., v.adj.adj.vn.n., v.adj.vComplete the sentences with one of the words above.The dollar and the euro are both types of _________As well as being bad for you health, smoking is also a __________ of money.Have you got _________ for a ten dollar bill?Amy and Tom bought their house with a _______ from the bank.David and Alice ___________________$15,000 a month!

currencywastechangeloanSpend/earn/borrowComplete the sentences with the correct preposition.Im really badly ______ debt. I owe the credit card company ten thousand dollars!Can we pay ______ a credit card?Joanne must be really rich. She paid for her Ferrari ____cash!Dont spend all your money _____ clothes. Try and save something as well.Can you pay ______ the meal? I left my wallet at home.

inwithinonforEach of the pairs of words are frequently confused. Choose the correct word for each sentence.a) This cars very economic/economical. It does fifty miles to the gallon.

b) The governments economic/economical policy has been criticized in the past week.

a) Can you borrow/lend me fifty dollars?

b) Can I borrow/lend fifty dollars?

a) Luigis really lucky. He earned/won a thousand dollars on the lottery.

b) Sam earned/won two hundred dollars a week when he worked he worked over the summer.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.How much does the salesman want to sell the car for?

How much does the customer offer.

How much does the customer pay.

$ 15,000$ 5,000$ 10,000Now listen again and complete the phrases.How much are you selling it _________ ?

() its a __________ at (..)

Thats really expensive. Ill _______ you ()

Maam, I wont accept anything ______ than ()

(..) and thats my final ________

Okay, its a ________
