. CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N ew D ealt ‘L ittle C Adm m isjl N atural Resources H Country Into D _ Federal (ByTTjc/ WASHINGTON, Die. 27- -------- .ililif I'lit/i ft'n n r ttv/'Iifi lid, iictiviticH loiiijclit cvokcil u jcrcasmc^, and ironic comm lejiiruc. if The rccomniondatioti, int< " Kfams more rcspoiisivc lo jjt’OKrnpliic framework for .soiirwa wa.H mnilo by Ihe. ii tionni cummillcc on nutui ro.sourcc;>, incl^uilinjr fi mcmlwrs of tiie cnbiiwl. II iUKKCSlcri Hint lor e irh «lhir iltere bc-n~"IIUlt‘-cji}JHiJ- aiul.- Iioulblr locailoiifi. iinniKl Do^l< New York, Knoxville. Allaiim. N Orlcan.1. ClilcoRO, PorUMid, Orcfii 8im PrancL'co. ami Denver, w roiuMoralloii proiiowl nho for 8 U k e CUy. DUmiirclc, O nuhn. Niw vlllr. CIncliinali. St. f.iul and C luih, ^dvanUtn Seen Tlic Wcsicrncra. loiijKtl by Sei: lor McNary of Oregon, the minor IcBdfr. ihouaht ihc Idcn nwrlforlt --------■aacneouragliiRiw deocniralUaUojv Kovcnimcm. and as holding i> oa bllily of cxiwdltlnc whcai nlli menu. The Liberty Lcacue l«uctl ►talrmonl tierldinc Ihe propt>»al i rvtdenre (ha( U’ashfiij;(on "h m Idly beremlne Inadrquale for t> horde o( play*buy expcrlmentn \rho have Uken up Iheir aboileii s — ' the banlci'of the Polomae.” A Mtiliou.s iioic Whs noinidril lieprcunuulvr Biichamm < I T.-xiuM. who lus gh.ilnnmi nl 1 houv n|>iiroprl.illoia e o m m lll would flrsl rxnmlne any rrt)iifj.l ; lunds lo cArry GUI the iilnii. ------------------Oppcaei-^•cw-ip.l.dln^----- ■Tm flgalnu iiiiyiliiti;: ihat e.i lor iiia.i! money," he &.iid, McKary wiid thal bi-cau:e ol "I . i;i-KPully of deccDiralijailiin of rc ■c. irnmcni something along ihU ll _ ? ___fiiiould be done." -------- Bennlor Thom.ih- iD.OU ' tlioiiKht the proijotcil rcdlitrlcti "worHiy-of-cciu.idcrmloir' n fimliar lo Callfornlti's ^ub-cttl>ll at Loj AiikHm And Bhn frnnclKO ncprwnutJvc Plcrcc <D-Ot •j • Mirt rrjional oflicc.% would bo •'* —^— trm ? iy a<i\t»rt«c«niE" (Continued on,Paw 2, Col, I) IG H T S and SH A D O W S ' . In D ay's Events •By The A.s:^laled Prf;.s» Lion Lamb— SEATTLE - Mayor Charle.s SfHlih wpfci.? lol.» oJ pijblle bc •• Irom IlLVIalfSl' ldea; a‘ luibllc “bi Ihe liAichei" ceremony ihc liwl d <»r Ihe year. In which "encmle.V i .supiJOifd lo nuircli urm*ln-iirm ;i i^irade, "111 only one couple Irom nnio Mvcriil groiiiw .ot our wi-ll-kiio clllzfiw who h alf ihelr dlffcrt vlfwpolnU get. icscllier and uhr Mld. ' 1 :i\Vc’re cvl-ii iiiviilng Ihe IX'n jr- craiic imil RciiubllCHircollhtycna V • men to sei toBcther." H> JlCArly jip|>roval (;r(.elri) the nu H, or's proclamnllun. Churrh |»-0| A tho 101 club, a croM-wellon nf t B l '• city* bu.slne.vi nnd profcMlimal m' |H ' '^and others endorsed the Idea. IH '.Mayo.- SijiliJ) J'i Ihe orlKl/i;iior fA H ' the "goofy hor.so, rnccV nnrt Hie "f — mirttic-cnt*—rtrrbr^hlch-iimii. Hy &;»(lle |>coplc fr\ernl inonth:i ng Woman's Sphere— •; LAWUtNCt: K»s. - Bobbi li;tircd Mr», John Ary.- KO. who 111 to lcol« At life ihrouRh ciRiir .^mo ' Init In politic.^ mid buitini.-.^. It the; May home th?y’d bc bi'llcr off; n they'd live loiiccr, too.* A pioneer moih;r nf 10, che m uhat Ihc country needs B Inrf InnilUr;.. "And nboul ttonspu »hn .Mm clK|ircilc.s-lhey‘rc sKMes jii'i l>li ^L'.'lea. 1 Amoltc cigiirj, iN^n or llii . n dny, probnl)ly." Erabarrasamcnt— MAIISIIKIELU. Wb, - TllKRfi . p,»p(«M Wll,? Jiblf lu brralhc iiiid iiwceler—yesterday. Several d. iif.0 PappnR w ughl relief Irom n ci bv fcwiillowlng ;i plceo of i:nrlle. iKiMmc lodged In'hls lhro.it. hn cirr. TJjc cnjlxirniiinicnL of a.hen garlic brfalli, he cxpliilneil. Ilna Ird him lo seek medical aid al i M.irihfleld clinic where dooiori i iniXi'cd Ihe object. Woocipeckor Culprit—- UNION AIR TERMINAL. BU BANK, Cnllf. - James BerO'im Iiild I'lectrlclnn. nccuKil n woe jw'Aer of wboinKC. Thr field Ushllng ijitem lulled b BO on. Berryman found all fuses a comiecticiis okch. _ He tt-eiil to the time mcchniil clock, loc-iicd 111 a I'ine Mbliiei ft pou In Ihl! lii-ltl. The door was | of holes, inside n ttoodprclscr, Mid. was tlituifi on Uia cock. . H E T WZUniR AVVIT nUMAV Of CmCULATIOMa lers Suggest C apitals’ foi strative A rea s Board Proposes Spllttli IDistricts To Promote, rai Activities Tjc Aiioclnlcd Pre»t 27— A iir«|H)snl that the coiiiilry lulmlniH^iiUvc di.strict.n for fedc [| il cordial word Irom ucstorn ci mmciit from the American Lilu': intciuk’d to rjujkc [> to Hcclioiial iieeilK and iimvidf I'or thu devetoimicnl of iiatioiui! 10. m i - f ------------------------------ --------------- !--------------------------------------------- Auto Death Toll iiwriti This Year Near .....Total For liH ». New )rcfiOn.. WASHINOTON, Dcc, J7 •. wllh' Aulomoblle falallllc.v Ihts ye or SfiJi; nrr nmnlng neck-and-nrck wl Niwh-. 1031'*, id Dll- JVjr llie 51 week.', rndi'd Dfceii ber 21. Ihc commi.rcc dcjwrlme I tinld tod:iy B70.| were killed I niitomoblle nccldentv eomjinn Seiin., with BIOS in ihe >,nme wcck.s la inorlly: year hi the 80 olllc.i which repo forloit.^: weekly to the deiwrtmeni, JIOMl-1 ~ ftllol. • = ------------------ = m LUIS II ^ , m u is ] ir.l b> { *•-------- ni'tiie ‘Destroy This Monster wum Bureaucracy,* Chicago Publisher Urges t C.1l’.^ COI.VMIIL'.S, Ohio,. Ilrl-, 1: . -Colrnrl Krank Knox a:ir.) I, )I "the lo^ KepuLliran fdllom tonljbt rnlMtam, Ux-arow 13 nne e|,fUn»U and "dwlroy iMu re QK. enue-devourln:. l.ix-eallnc mo rVcUir iupllaLi •.Some m v n-.ii-'i ir- found ifl iore), " *^1’ »‘''"nm :iit «.«le.''t 10 " c s- Chicago publl'hrr,. s ikb/i cm am -:rm i'‘n5e'Rtpiiiu;={5^:. J, dcnlliil nomtnallon, ______"Milking Ihc pcoiiU- - all --------- p.'opl*' — rrullfp litr r'^n! nl nd ■tn ri'onomicnl Kovenimcnl, ihiiii :t / O chr," ; -.Colonel K im . iiQUicisliiu tlu: 0 t/c I Republican Kiillorial ii.sjotjial; . iiriiPd iicw-siiaif.-rnien 10 take the ------ "* i lllnllve. In n rrmprelM'iuivc c.i , palgn for "in\-con.scloii:.np.‘' " I Tax l.at>fl ^ "Even' bu-sliirM miu). m Iiilx'l hU-owi.. pro<tiie(," irm”ln boiighi, . . It woulct ni; III! pfDplc tax cnasrlous iind wo nmoiiK ’^n.Mi'ful ;.i>endlnR •kiiovn mnno'.” ffcrenl lU- termed the .Mlminbiriilion iihakc Piv.-id-.aiiRoa'cvrli'Yociallrillc'ii Ic.— lic- <k^-!»fPd-(hr-r»n^r!mrhsrt-r}o;,'7 the prlnclpk'h ot the roiMliiiI and ihe Dcmocrailc pblform, ctiair- —----------------- ——--------- ------- ••Mr. Roojevclt hns almost co l«-0|iie* ‘Conllnued on Pnge 10, Co|. Ji nf Ihc -------- ' ___ II men, ;.o, o . Five Army B “Attack Er obbed- Ovc. 21 oil - V 10 likes I'lrpliiiivs bombarded Mai; .■<moke, Lo^ ''olcnno today in man ,. I, atempi lo turn back n l.ivn rn they'd Ten 000-i'oiind bomb.1dropiied n If; nnd explo<Icd on the river of moli rock Ihnl for five «<rek.i had b( le ^ald crecpliiR mciiaclnRly toward thee Inntcr of, fflio nnd (t.s wnter .■'uppiy. ?:very bomb made a direct I .Mnoke A.1 Ihey exploilnl, wUin'v« mi I plain iinaj m, w cnormciits piifl:. of mu r H int nnd c.uth shooi inti) the .^ky, 1 tenth mli.Mk‘ hurled l.i\a nheei.s lil M l the air, inilleaiini: It had nn dlrcclly In llie llery ehaniiel. iKRtui^ w ovrnim cnt ViilcnnoloKat Tiio iu. A. Jnssav .\ald iho lighting ii III dayi men hnd "rrmiifknblc iucce.'.V , n cold hliilnR iln- i;in;m dcsliinaicti lie. It him, : • , how- C.ipialn Jiv'eph .1. Udd. « i.heavy droji}>.><1 llm lit*l bomb, sairl it ? Ihinlly parently hll lu. mark but he nni ftt the no chiingc In the lava [law, n i» o n rc- .<jiid. however. Ihp ov.ulu would i b«’ nppnrcnl fnr 34 liours, bomb.? wrn- flfoijpt'd )il up on Ihe sloi^r ot ihr volrni BUR- “•’out iO ml!-.'' from llllo. llie plui O'Uinn, “t nboiit 13,000 feet above i wood- nnd the bomb;, dropiwd ab< :.DCO U-ct to Itrul tliflr (argels n( illPdto ll>c n ,000-foot leycl of ihe inoii iti and inin. Plaiu ttvre made tn agiiln boi liniilsm bard iin nren near llie laVa lotir iiei on Spot-^ ijetwcen rrtl [nva pniclir.s 9 .as lull bc koiiRht oul. Ju:!gur bellevo la :cr, he lubes mny he umicr the Hirfiice I Ucca* liicM palelies., flhoiUd b ^ ^ " Acm * W IN t eoMsicnio » i H i l l ias H M D lil tting Idaho Senator Acccptt \\ tation From Rcpubli 'Progressives', at \ W itti ‘Old Guard’ Foi try lie _____ 'ed<'r;il ......... II C l l . NKW YOUK. Ucc. 27 ''In'rly SciiaU.r William K. Corah . inviiiic Ntw York City J;i tijirih nry 2H. for his initial cast idf il upiii.iinkiicc ill prelimiimrie ’■‘I r*-- d c l . 'i m i n c t h e 19:56 Uopii can prc’siduntial iKimiiiuti --------- Till; [daho senator's de I ; ion lo jippoar in Now. York caiiU' known loniKht. and ‘ * was Kcnrrnlly necepled Jlie /orm»i'Of»eiitti»f < !drui- to capture New Yotk's c t:iU!iin to the national conven - in June. , •','!" ’ Invilcd hy tJberaU ' II,- «|(J ccmie a t the mvKntloi r-r-,.,,', Republican hberals riif ' ■ ‘>*■‘"8 J, : IiKiil lo Win Ihc Empire stale's < ,™ "1 ,vi'ntioii strength. extended M no’. nnd Will ripori ijicUiT, jr.. hcnds ol the ainic ; publiL-an ■■jirogrcsslves" nl war ' -=^]n~^iaiulird'^niiclljiirpni - I .Senator Bornh. tt wns fcnr I will iidcircs.-. n New York nudli Mn Ilrooklyn ai KLvnet hnll, wi i.m . Korm.il nhnouncen cl llic dale and dclnlls is tn luad.’ within a few days. M.uy l.i lormer Republican s L | , cliiilruiai) ivhoi.c wnr on M.ca ll. _^oUI Kuard'-'- coiucrvallvcj In I)nii> rc.-ultcd in Ills oiisicr year. ZleijlcT wits .M.icy's a -I ircaaiicr. and is clo,M'ly ,vs.vxl, er Ol ulili hnn 111 tlic current piogro iiic)Il:iioiiL for Uorah's caiididacj 1[|0 ilhe lU'iuiblioan presldenllal ik ______ ;______Nl. Time 1.. Uf Wa»lfd , Till' oeciMon to urite Sen - Jluc,,h to cimur cast xs early , , , January is b,l^ed. ll Is uiideru ou Uie buhef that no llmejs U uonvi.nium di-lcKates. won’ r^,,.--Varl;-4..[i0_iIcIiautci..ilKa,.ii0l. .uiiiii AiHil. bill Bo)-..h supiwi .Iiillclpalr n por.Mble ^h;l.>]) In Ifl uut ”*'” '8 progrtrMvc-i „ '' fcrvniivo Unci’ wllh the • ore jwic Icadcrfhip llghiins lo i IK«HbIc ,.in unplcdscd delcgallon to Cl J^tiTir-lann: . -z-... ----------- fit.iic Chalnnan Melvin C. E. all me i__IConiinued on Page 2, Col. 'i :^r| mm.mm 1:;^_____! S i x Persons Die in Con’ sions After Drinking ‘S S ‘ Moonshino:....... en llie ALIQUIPPA, Pa., Dec. 27 M ct niako Traki.dy invaded six iuo<lr.s; In I would i„ 11,L, lutle Meel town lodny w dhiR of two women nnd four men. nil nt born, died in conviiLMoiis .liter d: lion of "'noiuhlne" liquor. Ic' iuid « L’^iralysed.. i''- - jZarktjTtch; <5 yenm old-nnd I com- ! mother of n «ix.jx«r-old dnuK i|. l> ( (ConUnued on Pnge I, CoJ. f Bombing Plane Irapting Tolcar - ttv c . jtrovi- true, tiie bomiis miKht t Mauim ne-iJ vent-s hi the voIv(lno'.^ s l.-M through which tlie lava eould csi I rrup- tn » illrteilon nway Irom Hilo's led and ment began, and wns alwut 15 n moUen liom the cliy. During the night d been liamlng river advancecl by .sp :hcclly Inr nboul a mile. The K tns w.i.'. n«v.v)mc nnd 'Ct lilt, rlfylng, i Hides tonguL- of flro 200 feci wide '. llil, runiWi'd. JiMed nnd dcvouu'd bi kli^ck ,1 j To the rear ol thte licry heail Tliom- ^ N’fead gradunlly to a w ng air-l"^ l’^ir-n>lltllnR cxplo.s ■"V in '•^‘•urrctf, n,s if uniferRtound nci ictl by l’.'fnlWing ihc surfacc f "While itwrc Li no occasion 1, who! panic." wild Dr. Jaggar. "ihcr It a p - .! rnn.stdiTable concern in the pro ! nnicd . .’.liiiatlon among ofliclnLs nnd oil II WAS ) KMllr.lng the condlllon U unusii j|<l n o t' ^erinub ns Ihe Ituw Is directly In ' (iralmigc palh (leading lowiitd Ii '(! JilgJj I uJi.TDi.s olbfw arrc noi." o’rnno,' The drnhinRe palh to Into is lilune:. IWiiiluku river. About ll miles ive ICH I thl.s river Irom llllo me the rc i about I loir.s coniiilnlnR the municipal w is nenr,'f«t>(>Jy. inoun- I Should llie lava enler the re ; ;oir.s nnd tin.' Mre.im. ll might i I bom- ■ vori the water Inlo sleum nnd i lourrc. : jiu.s; e.-Aloii (SI the river bed to rnci ir.s wli: i'liHo tlic city, f.s lavn I Ullo hns b « ji ihrciitcnert by : lice lr;- ' vlous flows but llie Uv» never Id UjIs I entered llic city. URATE-AK 'A33CC1ATE1 F A L W IN FALLS, tPAHO. SATU [n M ilw aukee's H ero Adds To List 0 nc Rescued Childn ______ IlHLWAOKES, D(rc 37 UIUL «•» Ihe unotflcUl tllle Orel Vi 1111L *0”’ iddlns more children to Ihe gtouphe cared from dcalii or Injiirr. Inui Yesterdny an ftulomt^lle drl r III»I i,y wiiiim Onnikc of Evansi ihltron llllnoU. kklddcd on nn ley pa JDiican 5 W nr where Civo IS-jYAr-old Hegi were mnklnj snowbAllv Ffirrp^ Volgmin. wAlklng near rushed oul and pushed Ihe t from ihB p«th of ihe car. 0 >i till— .mc-tliUim-ll-CM'/LJinsU 27 __ Volgmnn's "<iulek action m uh \\'ill ^ ago vogmon savei Janu- two-yenr-ald sirl from belns astern C0«t him i«rt _j 4. hLs irou.<iers. Lnal year he rcjci .. mI.i : tfom flrownlns. •; Lpillill- national sMety commission lutlon. informed him he is eligible fo deci-s. Carnegfc dravcry mednf. irk Iw. — ------------------------------------ Illtl a t ----------- IIIW IM ISIS ... SBBm \ls wlio inio the -------- '■ 'All America Is Menacetl wmi.,m Violence,’ R c p u t l i c ’s “t'.lui Leaders Declare pnily, -=— Icnnied, JIIONTEVIDEO, l-'ruguay. I udlcnce ifl-^The republic of Uruji , which ajTcrllnc thal "aU America icenicnt menaced by violence." form i lo bc Mvered diplomatic reUllons v Knvtet Roufa (oday. n slate This »a» (he only eoanlry Q.called South Amcrlc» reroinltInK In Uiu Masco*. sovenuornU cr last puiiporia were given the Si ' nilnbtcr nnd his sinfl, A gov vocuita ,„p„i insinunled tlmt gre># vc government through 11. lacy i(jr ,,gf5 nnancmg lel , iioml- pinnijcd rcvolt-s ihrouj " Soulh Ainerlen, d________ "According to Intorinntlon I Sciiniorluic BraslhaiT cmbnsiy.”“ snra' arly as i decree, "nnrt Informallon of crilocd, (-overnmeni the Bovlcl IcrbUo Is lo bc I .Montevideo has remitted In eti Jhl Ipr payable lo thu bearer large s h'Ciplent.'i ot which cannot be ^f New icrimned" bui "providlnK th* f lOl.-lall daUon'-'-foc.Uie pruumpUoii.ln. iiwrirra zn iimi me soviet icKrtllon »cl I Inlrn- aided plnnsol tho Third Intern; vc-con- iiioe In Soulh America. *,d ‘" c i? « . Jn fMiOon lo gMng jasspoj- . Al£jumdiu'_JiUnlmL.iJ^«_R«! ’ Kitflii inhiistcr. nnd oiher Rovcrnmenl ploycj. Uruguny recalled Its cli 3l, J) d'affnlre* In Moscow. -------------- The octJoil WAI. lin of " I’reuuiionnry movem Illl. nsftliiM a Dor-Mble armed -uprl UM nnd al.so mus ii reiK'r:uLSlon ol rcccnl lelllsl revolt In Brnill. Ijiril Aflcr Ihc Ura^lllJH} govenii III ' U crushed .a. radicnl uprUing III 11 l)roie.slcd to .Montei lhat the plot wns inspired thn the Soviet .U'gAiion here. 'nn>iiil d c m r -wiW nn hivcaubj LOnyUjii,„,.rcsulii;d.UUi-SUenBtheni!, the •'nlllrmnitoli.s" by Brnsll. ■ing Relailuii' were broken. It ndded, "not only n.s nn net ol leriisiJflfwJ lulidarJt)-.': but Jilsf the .snlegiiardlng of Inicrnall J i,vi — imntiullliy," ; l,on,e.i The .Iceree was signed by P ,y where ,co))iliiUed on F-.ijr.- 2, Col. . ;g;PASQlMCCI 18BWJI jj. f» Qivorccd Husband of The Todd Denies Reports it IGS Dcath'Mystery- ino UIS ner. :t - PnsqOAle 'T a l" Dl (’leen. dlvnl /lOfliand at Tlirim* T<«id. uru 'V dlllonany denied lonlihl all 3.S side hnklns him wllh the lilo i cscn|)c In the dayi Ju»t before lo> died, • iftimi'fli' ~ n e niiiiiun-<l MlOit fWTT 15 miles jur>’ invc.silirntmg MIm T< Ight the death, hrid to be iiecldcntnl by .spurts Bee nnd a coroner's Jury, Deleetivi's had been lold tha n,i Iff. Clcco /tc Ills nwii miUMt find ' seated next lo her; ihi.t, nllhi he did noi sil nt lhat Inblr, hi ” .ippcar nt Illl' snme restaurniit II spoke lo h'T several ilnii's d bnish nijhl. Snl»r<ljiy. December Jf r flamo. Ilml he hmchcd wllh her at i ead the of Ihe snme day I width The netrc.is wns tound dr»i nloslons I'fr gornge. .Monday. Dccemlx-i ncttvl- surgeon flow wns monoxide pol.-'<mhiq, , The infereiice was thnt Dl C ' nnd Mlsj Todd, dlvnrcrd n ycai ^ were nbout- to become reconcili pr<>fenl. f.-anrelled Invliailon 1 others "I Imd „o di.[mlle dnic lusunlly night,"' the dnrk Dl Clcco sau i' In the lold Ihe grand Jury. “1 klddrd rd IIllo) Luplno Into Uniting nir. hut 1 celled the invliailon Snturdny } IS the tenioon. illes up "Thnt nlRlii. 1 went in the ' . rcscr- eadero cafe with Mnrgnret Un U water nnd the only llmr I ww Tlielma vi'ticn wc dniieed near her. • r e y r . hi poii. npologUe lo Idn for this,' nnd 1 nd lik e P>‘« ' “ ■ tnke me srrloii.sly nboul comm her party. Thelnin Inughed nnd , Wll* nil there wns to It. *’> ; "I never hnd lunrliT.u vini 1 ver JULS____________________ ______ j (Coallnued on Pasc 10, Col. 1 'El[^>‘RES3 NEWSPAPER- .L S D rURDAV JfORNING. DECEMBE FLEET CiPLETI ivoii- nstvo I llni! I IILrnlln I’ll he h u I r. ' ,S : III Duce's Mighty Arn bl"; ; Decks (or Ai !,pca in .;|„y Ewnluallly' I Recruits Join Air F 3»nltf ------- Italy’s \varshi|w have c »ved a na run T’aiiy eventuality,’ it «rt^ iNs-irned Frid/iy fiiffht, «!*Tlie ' Ihe most powerful m has ' Uome Ims over as.ncmble : for R i|„, ]{,.(| HOU hiW jii.st com I'd maiietiverH, apiiarentl nn rmcrRcncy naltire. More t h a n M.OOO reci * ,fu;.thc air «rvice nbo have I rail'd out. II wiis rellnbly rep III Rome. Tinili 1 This dticlo.\ure followed upc I llllll Iexpri'.sslon of belief In London I jy i l j Premier ,Mui>ollnl, .hnrrajset |The.^e quarters said Ihe lack )ed Uy ' n|)|ironchlng raliiAsra.son. tog -V I wiUi Ihe economic and flnanclt ^ uatlon nl home, mlghl force It --------- --- ^Vai^Developmen' . Wee. Hy The .^swetated Fm») •u*u»y. MASSAUA. Erllrea - Mu rica If llnl'a Red sea flrtl eompl irmally mancuven In prepare It for " s with rvrnlujllty." RO.Mi;—Katr reported rat >Iry in , 4 >00 neir rrerullt lor air 1 ir ‘he ‘ vlrr: heavy Kthloplan lossei - - , norlhern front rlilmrd. Sovlcl LONDON — MusioUnl. aull govern- iiitlve wuref* hflleve. may * lilt the Tfk praee in Afrlea. I lls le. ,M)|»JS AB.^BA — Kmi>. lefllsls , I,all, selaule aulliorliei le ouBhOUt dlscus-sloa PAnjS — Ural renewi l->e n irpa .piedje—io_ald—Urltala_aci sld th e ' ntiark: fnreeaits renuncia sanetloni agalnil II V>!-'>AnA. KrJirra - Italy cia c 'S ' -»'P>;«;ro...ofKtl.lapUnfo be dc- , n'Uthxe.l. ,» foun-1 ,— ' -in-BH-.. ui-calt-tt-hatl .oii-liis.rcolonln actively' \eiiiiiie“ emailo-1 |„ uils comiecilon. it wns .lc. , 111 Addi:, Ababa th#l terms on « e niie Ethiopian drlcgntlon lo G. po/u It* cnl em»" T l i r ; ; leriits. u *as Mid. 11: ‘. “ ’" ‘^ ‘ 1 iCoiuinucdon.«m'.a, Col, iiWlfrlT through i ____ I Ex - Wile's $75,000 E I ' lor Lost ATfeclion I «i In- Dismissed Jilso "i;i ....... ............... . ............ national ------- . CHICAGO. Die 27 c-V— L y ' PrcM. . lion over llic lave ot Norberl ---------- - t h e felloiv who iiivltetl Ills ol. 10 Ik pnrty cclibratmg his cn ment lo nnolhir woman—hi )n for-BiioUicr courU lunlitht. - I] Circuit Judge llniry Klshcr JU nilised Ihe 175,000 alienntlon < M Kolb."«. the wile'‘mho came I bctliroliinl nffnir. hgnm.sl - Ocrtjudc Onbricl Kolb, H. tin whase trblli was plighted'm KalhcrlHB. rilClma Win wild Ihiil b- toil' iheir di iJiinuary 20, 1034, Kolb Imd S in 1vertlscd for n husband for her her objections. .EMfl M id A)ir Or'r 115 000 to ghe Ktim up. but ----------- •trnflr-uita-nni-nnir^crrKto'ni 7 „v— ! own nnd didn'l nrcd anv nu)i Ivrirrrd ' At the time nf their r.rpiiti unran- ; £ll« saio, KoJb -M:llled »-i:i..^n all re. , her. Iilondr , The mnrrtase <if Kolb mid ore shr ' Irude casued. In Us walie cnni I rS.OOO love ihi li Milt nnd no Todd's I --------------------------- , by P<i- ' ihNi 111 Now Old Man i;;,,';,;;; Buds:et Takes . '" '“ i Santa's Job Kilt mid _____ ‘i'i PIERRE, S. 1), Dee, 27-T II im n' O*'* I ernr the President again. 1 di ........... guess anyone Ims even ihou brr Ifl ’“I" '"f " •on',.Id' j------ T'O- , ,io Luul.'.ay; go [[ nke *105^ bush ima wius up we nre goln' Jinvc to QUlt plnyiiig Santn Cl and do a llllle bnlnncln.' 8a Claus is A great old feller . he's been ovcrn'orkcd nnd ahc " ‘" 'f , l i A V f A rest. When we hired 1 ,nu uiai jifijiin, j„r „ full I Job. TOM flEnii! oi. 1) j — Vtr-COMPIETE___________ )A IL " _1 = ~ - -- BER 28. JM5 i Officer’s g I To Foi * Murd irmada _____ Action W illiam Henry Kr ty' as AttemptToE Force After M «ByTh - t i l ^ i ’- V H r M r m r r D c c r t! finr, itl v ia .stuiKht for fout* shiyii I ,v ,' ’ l">‘ " '“ 1 to (’sca)H! from a hide-oiii Officers, m 'kinj; Kniu ,, , y laiiii for two days, .snrpris bled in j,c i„„| j|r«. j umjilet- cliildren pri.-'oiiers all dav, ntly of 'ivar kus forced Knitjhl upon Ilim a.s he atlemnlei ecniit.s Jack Dufftran, assistant ive been hi,‘ad.jusl.back of .the car. reported Calif(irnia-anii Idaho was ,limit nn dicil throe and Jon Ihnt first «J'»I they bclievt'd Ki 3sed by time DiiKJfan shot him, se peace, 1,1^ 1,0,]y horc only one h; 1 ; ' , ; wmimi. toRciher Offlcvr.t attemiitod to i| '"t* (joH hini. cH}«?ci«lly a*«>ut ' " slaying of Floyd Woods, a i cnictaUef of Hmchlns, Mnn tntq- .Kh(WLJisxli_K«a_l(iundJaji. near there this mornhig. ^ ’1 , Woodi' abandoned car wax covrred. blood-stained, aoutl ' Toiilghl's bliwly capture cm r.iiinr two-day search of ritcgetl, n Lliion. cunlry uiull, .1 U L bundled when Knight fled : -sn on chrWmns day ntler n.vserledly ln(f pollcemnn Torn Q-Nelll luiiior* pnrni- Walsh, a boarder, In a r y *oon Iiouse dlslurb-iiice. comwnlon, Jcnn Miller, hitn police Knight lold her he hnd . » deputy sherJtt nl Sejiltle. V l-Tench Ingion, November 13 when ihn fleer-cntisht-hlnrstenhnirchlc elatlan ^nlglii sped soullicnstwnrd l Ilaly. commandeered nulomoblle i claim* found obawdwied near Hul I forrrn about the llmc Woodi dlinppt Po^cmcn found Woods' bo<i ____ n cand spll hi lurbtilenl Mn nial Bd- f'" niorning. Tliey Ihct , ' back toward Butte nfler he I ^^■*[•1 , hlim-clf blocked bS' snowlall n conimtntal divide 150 mile* » . I >een au. Woman Wllh fli ____ ___ Mrn, QllUcfliLlold.Kninhfa . involve (on ihe killer cnlered her hoi -rr ,— 9a.m.^hos.Hdaliewnsalone her smnll children when K ------------ rni)ii> io-lnT door-nnd-menact' wllh n gun. . Terrified nnd rccognlr.inj trom' newspnper picture*. Mrs, MiiMW ''R'*'* ndmlllcd him. flllDT 8'"“ “’•‘I '>»‘"r* he sat calm II in I ” JUn I the frightened fnmlly how he ' killed Depuiyflherlff 'lliornn.s hnn nt Seattle In November nm C laim I'L' lii'lle's sent Police Officer ________ 0,'Ncill_nmLclllzcn.Fnincla_\ ons lo "1 0**“ ' Christmas i llieii. Mrs. Oilllgan told 1 Chlcf Wnlier I. Shny. Knigh ........... plained he klllcd.no>'d..Wooi Ituleheiis, Montana, Clirb -l-iiisn- nlghl on hi* wild escape, erl Kolb He htul boAtlcd an hour nboi his wife killings, Mr*. Ollllgnn said, nnd cngiigc- Kite njiked his jierml.ulon lo -headed nic hou.se to iiurehn.sc some --------- for lunch. - - her dis- "All right." she (|uotcd the n of nl- "bui don't dare cnll the polli <• to the kill the kids and then kill mysc <t Mrs. Mrs. Ollllgnn, close-mouihe the girl she visited her grocer, eame ' Bl the to her prbion-homr. Knight renewed Ills Ihrenl r divorce ■1''' long aflernoon pasi.ed. Al ud- m,. Ollllgnn, n-WPA employe, !■ her over ed home nnd wns made n prLsoi nilriy minutes later Knight Gertrude lUt Oer- ‘Continued on Pnge 3. Cof. ; S ' « H o H y w o o d i G ir ls U n fi HOLLYWOOD. Cnllf., IX-c. ’i - n i e men had llielr sny lodn thls mntier of unpnrdonnble si I And wlint they nnld. In cnnse ' A girl who Hears a scnnty I Uig tult on the beach, goes nr wllh n clgarcltc dnngltiiif Iron - I sfu mouth, or Appears in publl fwifi- P“Jni»n.v lias no flgl I don'l tllseu.ss the crimes aKi'lnsi cllti iKiuifhL ('‘Sle thnl men comm P Jf, Sevcrnl day.s ago, n writer lUite n :embllng dnta Inr n book, .siibn; . queiiioimiilru.1 lo groups of ll wood ntffresji-s nsking them to I I him (be unpardonable sins of men, 1a n I n Muny were mentioned, TUtci s with cclvcd unnnlmims votes nf . ia.„ npprovnl. Ilie girls raid n mnn ‘ ” U'cd A toothpick hi iiublle, li ir San- |,bom a noncioo-pure past. I n r. ogled girls on the streci, was be en you aU lolerntlon. can't Todny., Ihe men replied. Old pni O'Brien suid he didn't i down, being near n woman who ch u.slness and talked between cl mil' to Richard Alien said the kind I Claus hiftkcs llllll giiiish lils tceUi 1 ' Santa one wllh the affected EnglUl: cr but cent, Rnlph Bellamy denoi; ahould Uie bnby-tnlkers, nnd Krcd He cd him "jiui his pet pccv(* agiilnst wi ill lime wa.s; . :'So mnny would be struck i ^IIV. It you took 'divine' nnd 'lousy ..... ^ o l’Uielr vocabmarlcj.'* _________ •s*. ’s Gun Dea >rmerJ4ali ierer of Fc Knight t'atally W ounded ■Escapc From Hide-Out M enacing Family ' The Associated Prc^s) Ilyinas, u'li.'i captured toniRht hy Ii fatally wountlcd him as he attom •out here. niniil throughout soutiiwo.stPrn I iriscd tho fugitive in a lUitte n'sii] n. Jam es T. GilliKaii nnd hcV two . h lay. s'hl frum the refii«o. and officcr.s 1 pted lo escajH.* throujch a window, ant chief of jMiiice shot fCniVht in ar..Tho former convict of Wa?hinj as rushed to a hospital, md one-half hour.s later. Officer 1 KniKhl had shot himsL-lf al the s m, hut"~ - . :::::|E w DEATH C H I S s .AGAiTlVLfl UJUtlVIX - —------------------------ ------------- M il "of ^'''I'l® Slayer cuscd ol Murder o i.''m™n'I Former Wile )f here. _____ ■dly slay- 1) oukI»-'» Van Vlack of lelll and’-coma. allcKcd triple sli A room- form jjJiy i-Jijirjft-jJ t. wiHiian ikTreo miirde hilormed hi.s former wife. Mil Had slnin Hook, who.se body with uin't‘“oN c-iuthefl'(iiid.<Jril)ed chleknn- H-hullot.-waa found-iiuo- srd in A rojid culvert southwest » r.Mnl ‘'«y« ' Van VJaek nllegediy rhot nnd I ippennd^ wounded two olllcer* who I and hi* • asferijdly kUli theorl":; termer wife at Duhl last n.v. ».teTS:r !. ,. h yesienJny alicmooii •* llie prosecution may •'pQs*lbly'' ^ Van Vlack to trial first for tt ht" mtird^ofM I^ Hook. homoni T^J.TD.l«-Tfrr- lone witli Previously Van Vlack lud I Koliihl arraigned nnd IteJd for trlnl lacwl-her flrn-de*i«e-tnurdfr fhariie In nectlon with the Heath ot I'or ^.inj him Cooper, iiaie traffic offlccr, Mrs.- Gll- on that charge haa been net I lltely by Dbitrlct Judge Ada :nlmly on Barclay for next January 20. nnd lold Van Vlack Is accused nlso o f : ^ he had ly. wounding Deputy Sheriff I IW .S Me'e- C, Givens of Twin EnlLs. who nnd how la.st December H, ' leer Tom Tlie |iro«cutor said ll wai la_Wolah llkely_lliaCchnrKe*_nsalnsi_ ns day, Vlack In connection with G Id Police d^alh would be tiled unlll nJtei light ex- on one uf the other murder ch Vooda.al .......Ueath Hour ihrlstmns Sheriff E, P, Prnter slgnei . compalnt which wn.s filed IT Kboul his r-obatc couri here late . j-cit nnd then charging Van Vlack wllh murt lo leave Miss Hook. It nllcRcs .the m line eggs was cominltled on or about Ins -- vember 30, eai-ly In the day folli Ihc mnn, »ie shooting nf the oftleera nt' pollci; or niter Vnn Vlack and his pretl] 11-dort‘ll ner-wtfe-hnd-wnnderetl-for- lyself," ihniURh n dcjiolnte descri regli iihed a* which southrrn Idaho's hlgge.st me bnck himt centered, converting ii li "no man'* land." rents n.s KUing of the new murder c Al 5 p, follovied shnrlly nfler nimouncc fc, nrrlv- Tlnirsd.iy thal J, W. Taylor, a rLsoner. nni; ittorwy gencnil and Ii Ight per- T-^ln Knlls couniy prosecutor :of. 0) if;ontlnuert on f»ngc tO, Col. ! Men Map List ( forgivable Faul «. ’i7 (-1V Another poll nl au ficiors t ,odny oniUiK- in "Anthony Adverse" bit e sms. pile rollowlng lable of nn.'wci insensui. t t!ic unpardonable sins of wc Tlie (|Ue.aion-, were phrnsed, "( ty bfltli- yii'i Iw h.ippy with n woman wl from h e r ' ( ubllc In Yes N fight to- M.-klJDjiy b;)tJll»K clltiucUe nl the Dcacli U 3 '';;;;''\he‘'t.;c’i'7‘'''" " * ii ^ iMil.oui sUKltin.s? 10 I lonnme Citx,'. withoul makeup? . 18 l len. tj„.: heavy makeup or luce re- r,:.i,ii-iic.s? ....14 1 J ’I l!,u^ curlcii to bed? ... 0 J inlked ' asl. nnd U:es stiung perfume? .,_ + I s beyond H:is a cigarciir eon- •t;iiilly m her lips? ..... n 3 ,llrlnU-.loeX(;ess7 ... 7_;i rt enjoy Drink' moderntely? ....... ;’0 1 I chewed , Driiik.s at nil? ............. i chews. Tal^;.^ baby l a l k ? ............5 i Ind that •ralU^ alwui operations h Is Ihe' ilirrs or oihersi’ . 0 1 ^ll»h a t- Dl'Ciis.'f.s la n night's Miounced date? ........ .....-O-.t Keniuiglls easily Insulted? ........ i 1 I women ' U.-es ptolniilty I eKeMlvclyv .................. 2 I ck dumb U.'es prolniilly nt nil? . . 20 )U3v’ out; Eats cnndy In a thenier? 25 • J 1» Irf<iucnllj'on a did? W..10 I TODAjfeli VWW9 __________________ J PRICE FIVE CEN^ als Death ULCmivict, our Persor ""BlKETDFSii FALLS I FIE AREAS|1ATI I storm Accompanied by i.^iniiiil ing Mercury; Cold V , ,, (j„,|! Causes Upwards of I- Fatalities In 28 St in the I _____ 'm im . ■ ijiy Ti,p A sjw Jil^ Prcasi ! CHICAGO. Dcc. 27— F :crs atj|,iiio\v« of snow from e same | Northwc.<it tonight aprea (n'armhiif hJAnkct over 2 pr nipped areas of the nntlor ir Accompanied by Kcnci rising temperatures, it am I ipi/ ered mo.st of the flcverity i L H u l\ ^1’** two.dny frigid \ _______ .whiuhJiEaiurht_filiUU)iRin nil bni four-^^WaahJnBion. Or ip A r. Cjill/omla nnd ?^erAda->0nd n ' directly or Indirectly. up«arda o g( faLintlea m 3B lUtea. Tlie snow began falllnit with bicnk In the Dnkolas. tlurrled .M/nnesotn. Jald trejfi fajers ct i In part* ot the Rocky Moui of Ta- states, united with slcei lo Blve loilJiy for most of the Great Lake* n •der of from Illinois and Wlaconsln «i •1 1 ,^ ' ” i>ect It by Saturday, ith the „,„ti,er obsjrver* aald. 't “Iil' ~AHlirmcfcuo''araVted-lU-tl the middle sialM from .aut H a fte r minimum* which *cnl It lobe d fatally nhig it* lov m li belov at Dan 1 halted Illinois^ Now Yofkcra. begin dU tUlnnped’but of their heaviest anow In y ovembcrjAfler n 21-hour fall nt Rochi ------------ lU-rcacl«d.a-di()tJi-ot-«lght-lr -fM«ar(ifArH>-A'a»-Alllt-e«nbtf-dotrn.-Bu iiird e r shovelled nwny al Its litavlesl oon. tnld In years- nnd the anow waa a ly'brtni deep ln*wealcni New York. - the al- Scores, nf mlaimums near 1 vUle'x low ivcn reportcit a* ( flocrhi ad beci^*f« lof badlf* of inl on-alP<f‘^n* drowned ta Ute Cbrlt ..tn-cnn.-2Yc„bJl»*jn the_Ohlo river, l-'onlalno formnf on '(¥« edte" ol th'e'l r Trial t tenia- Other extra cod apotjs Inclu idnm B H below tero al Alexandria In nc , enp Kcntuekyl mlnu.s 13 at C of fatni- fordsville, Indiana: minus 10 at f Henry IlUnois; 12 below. >'l .Ch. I'ho died City. Iowa, Brookings. 8, 0.. H jlow; Fer}(u.s Fall* and Grand P iL 'iiA un.^t^. I^., 13 below; t^evll's Lake. N ‘sl__Vnn I? - Givciks'! '"O nlynlne- of~«T-'eajtem—c fter irlnl *■'“ « readings it records, had a charges >reezlng. mlnlmuifis. the wei burcau.^ld, Ihc .........srorm Htlpa' S m e n " cilerday icrmcd a great 1 urder of •‘B*'leultural areas and brc murder * K«“ t'rnl liinUKural to winter sp Inst No- l-'inclliig ot lUe body o t a ro t nt' Buhl, liroi'll**! Muinesoia» toul mortal cilvWor- during the cut w-}Iwif» cojd_si)eiL to four. North Daki •Klon on '<'«cl‘C(l ilif Mwr ligure whe .,,t mnn- tnrmer nnd hts leam of horses t Into n IConiinued on Page 10. Col. -J SjfiiPEiM A Il g jE S C M J o f I Passengers ol Trapperl \ ,, i scis Slrar.Kd loi Ulo^ More Than Week bioughi MOSCOW, I>.-e. 27 _ EfI wcrs on lenij.'it ir>-rr.-.ciii women. Pf-‘on.' Mramlr^ hi three s "Could -"leamcr.-. cauiilit In the I'cc In Cn^i.lan ten mI iiIc fOO pa»:netfi f-o nnoiher inippril vci;el wrre I king iicrri,:.s elslit mlle.s ot Id I No lon ^hoI.'intlle01^1lol'k^;a. Siw.i.-inrins forced back r 30 0 .'-■ntioamtliJliOlnlheC-iiplnn I P.•l.^.^en3• s have been .-.tr.uKled n- I ; more thi'ii a i\ecU. ;! 'l One nf il.o ihic^ veveLv ' •'jstenm-.T Kfli.-oii. played sirciin ni 2 hnt w.ver fm the Ice lor len h I but Ma.1 .ibic in move mily six u 1^ 10; The j.nwi ion frcl<;ht and |: I c!rnKer iv»ri u>:oc!kl >vts irai ,3 J ill lee «hl'e en route to Vlai M(>:: trom Sakhalin Island. Ice r sure Ls thic.itenlng is crush lu! „„ Members of Ihe crew guided s ' *" : pa.‘.',en;:crs tn shore, while Ot —n up irn^-besWe.the-eleftmer- , , arc nwaltmg help, ■Jl 0 Irrbrtaker Trapped ■nri icebreaker Krii^sln, sent ii; 14 I lo n!d the ,U)wvskl. waa Itself ti [ jKvl tn llie Ire ntuut 30 rollM t . K u l thcihlp iiioaght to nld. *10 16 Both vc.<.::ls have extiauilcd t coal supplies nnd are using oUaU IS ij Anotlwr ie.scue tlilp. iho Url 8 3 MC Vlartivo-'tok }‘etlerdM)' 3 -t 1pliitined lo uia dyiuiiulte.la an la . S tempi to lre« Uw vesitls.

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

. CllltMIUo*

■ T I~ V O L . 18 , N O . 227 .

N e w D e a l t

‘L i t t l e C

A d m m i s j l

N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s H

C o u n t r y I n t o D

_ F e d e r a l

(ByTTjc/W A S H IN G T O N , D ie . 27 -

-------- .ililif I'lit/i ft 'n n r ttv / 'I if i lid,iictiviticH lo iiijc lit cvokcil u jcrcasm c^, a n d iro n ic com m lejiiruc.

i f T h e rcc o m n io n d a tio ti , int< " K fam s m o re rc sp o iis iv c lo

jjt’OKrnpliic f ra m e w o rk f o r .so iirw a wa.H m nilo by Ihe . ii tio n n i c u m m illc c on n u tu i ro.sourcc;>, incl^uilinjr f i m c m lw rs o f t i i e cnbiiw l.

II iUKKCSlcri Hint lor e irh «lhir— iltere bc-n~"IIUlt‘-cji}JHiJ- aiul.-

Iioulblr locailoiifi. iinniKl Do l< New York, Knoxville. Allaiim. N Orlcan.1. ClilcoRO, PorUMid, Orcfii 8im PrancL'co. ami Denver, w roiuMoralloii proiiow l nho for 8 U k e CUy. DUmiirclc, Onuhn. Niw vlllr. CIncliinali. St. f.iul and C luih,

^ d v a n U tn Seen Tlic Wcsicrncra. loiijKtl by Sei:

lor McNary of Oregon, the minor IcBdfr. ihouaht ihc Idcn nwrlforlt

--------■aacneouragliiRiw deocniralUaUojvKovcnimcm. and as holding i>oa bllily of cxiwdltlnc whcai nlli menu.

The Liberty Lcacue l«uctl ►talrmonl tierldinc Ihe propt>»al i rvtdenre (ha( U’ashfiij;(on "h m Idly beremlne Inadrquale for t> horde o( play*buy expcrlmentn \rho have Uken up Iheir aboileii s

— ' the banlci'of the Polomae.”A Mtiliou.s iioic Whs noinidril

lieprcunuulvr Biichamm < I T.-xiuM. who lus gh.ilnnmi nl 1 h ou v n|>iiroprl.illoia e o m m l l l would flrsl rxnmlne any rrt)iifj.l ; lunds lo cArry GUI the iilnii.

------------------Oppcaei-^•cw-ip.l.dln^-----■Tm flgalnu iiiiyiliiti;: ihat e.i

lo r iiia.i! money," he &.iid,McKary wiid th a l bi-cau:e ol "I

. i;i-KPully of deccDiralijailiin of rc ■c . irnm cni something along ihU ll_ ? ___fiiiould be done."-------- Bennlor T h o m .ih - iD .O U

' tlioiiKht the proijotcil rcdlitrlcti "worHiy-of-cciu.idcrmloir' n

fimliar lo Callfornlti's ^ub-cttl>ll a t Loj AiikHm And Bhn frnnclKO

nc p rw n u tJv c Plcrcc <D-Ot •j • Mirt rrjional oflicc.% would bo •'* — — tr m ? iy a<i\t»rt«c«niE"

(Continued o n ,Paw 2, Col, I)

I G H T S a n d


' . I n D a y ' s E v e n t s

• By The A.s:^laled Prf;.s»

L io n L a m b —SEATTLE - Mayor Charle.s

SfHlih wpfci.? lol.» oJ pijblle bc •• Irom IlLVIalfSl' ldea; a‘ luibllc “bi

Ihe liAichei" ceremony ihc liwl d <»r Ihe year. In which "encmle.V i .supiJOifd lo nuircli urm*ln-iirm ;i i^irade,

"111 only one couple Irom nnio Mvcriil groiiiw .ot our wi-ll-kiio clllzfiw who h a lf ihelr dlffcrt vlfwpolnU get. icscllier and uhr

Mld. ' 1:i\Vc’re cvl-ii iiiviilng Ihe IX'n

jr- ■ craiic imil RciiubllCHircollhtycna V • men to se i toBcther."H > JlCArly jip|>roval (;r(.elri) the nu H , or's proclamnllun. Churrh |»-0| A tho 101 club, a croM-wellon nf t B l '• city* bu.slne.vi nnd profcMlimal m' | H ' '^ an d others endorsed the Idea. I H '.Mayo.- SijiliJ) J'i Ihe orlKl/i;iior fA H ' the "goofy hor.so, rnccV nnrt Hie "f

— m irttic-cnt*—rtrrb r^h lch -iim ii. H y &;»(lle |>coplc fr\ernl inonth:i ng

W o m a n 's S p h e r e —•; LAWUtNCt: K»s. - Bobbi li;tircd Mr», John Ary.- KO. who 111 to lcol« At life ihrouRh ciRiir .^mo


Init In politic.^ mid buitini.-. . I t the; May home th?y’d bc bi'llcr off; n they'd live loiiccr, too.*

A pioneer m oih;r nf 10, che m uhat Ihc country needs B Inrf InnilUr;..

"And nboul ttonspu »hn .Mm clK|ircilc.s-lhey‘rc sKMes ji i 'i l>li ^L'.'lea. 1 Amoltc cigiirj, iN n or llii

. n dny, probnl)ly."

E r a b a r r a s a m c n t— MAIISIIKIELU. Wb, - TllKRfi

. p,»p(«M Wll,? Jiblf lu brralhc iiiid iiwceler—yesterday. Several d. iif.0 PappnR w ughl relief Irom n ci bv fcwiillowlng ;i plceo of i:nrlle. iKiMmc lodged In 'h ls lhro.it. hn c irr . TJjc cnjlxirniiinicnL of a.hen garlic brfalli, he cxpliilneil. Ilna Ird him lo seek medical aid a l i M.irihfleld clinic where dooiori i iniXi'cd Ihe object.

W o o c ip e ck o r C u lp rit— - • UNION AIR TERMINAL. BU

BANK, Cnllf. - James BerO'im Iiild I'lectrlclnn. nccuKil n woe jw'Aer of wboinKC.

Thr field Ushllng ijitem lulled b BO on. Berryman found all fuses a

comiecticiis okch._ He tt-eiil to the time mcchniil

clock, loc-iicd 111 a I'ine Mbliiei ft pou In Ihl! lii-ltl. The door was | of holes, inside n ttoodprclscr, Mid. was tlituifi on Uia cock. .



l e r s S u g g e s t

C a p i t a l s ’ f o i

s t r a t i v e A r e a

s Board Proposes SpllttliI D istricts To Promote, rai ActivitiesTjc Aiioclnlcd P re» t27— A iir« |H )snl t h a t th e co iiiilry lulmlniH^iiUvc di.strict.n f o r fedc

[| il c o rd ia l w o rd I ro m u c s to r n ci m m c ii t f ro m th e A m e ric a n Lilu':

in tc iu k ’d to r ju jk c [>to H cclioiial iieeilK a n d iim v id f

I 'o r th u d e v e to im icn l o f iiatioiui!10. m i- f ------------------------------ ---------------


Auto Death Toll iiwriti This Year Near

.....Total For liH». New )rcfiOn.. WASHINOTON, Dcc, J7•. w llh ' Aulomoblle falallllc.v Ihts yeor SfiJi; nrr nmnlng neck-and-nrck wlNiwh-. 1031'*,

id Dll- JVjr llie 51 week.', rndi'd Dfceii ber 21. Ihc commi.rcc dcjwrlme

I tinld tod:iy B70.| were killedI niitomoblle nccldentv eomjinn

S e iin ., with BIOS in ihe >,nme wcck.s laino rlly : year hi the 80 olllc.i which repoforloit.^: weekly to the deiwrtmeni,

JIOMl-1 ~ftllol. • = ------------------=

m LUIS II^ , m u is]ir.l b> { ■ *•--------

n i ' t i i e ‘Destroy This Monster wum Bureaucracy,* Chicago

Publisher Urges

t C.1l’. COI.VMIIL'.S, Ohio,. Ilrl-, 1: .-C o lrn r l Krank Knox a :ir .) I,

)I "the lo^ KepuLliran fdllom tonljbt “ rnlMtam, Ux-arow

13 nne e|,fU n»U and "dwlroy iMu re QK. enue-devourln:. l.ix-eallnc mo


iupllaLi •.Some m v n-.ii-'i ir- found ifli o r e ) , " *^1’ »‘' '" n m : i i t « .« le . ''t10 "cs- Chicago publl'hrr,. s ikb/i

c m a m - :rm i'‘n5e'Rtpiiiu;={5^:.J, dcnlliil nomtnallon,

______"Milking Ihc pcoiiU- - all--------- p.'opl*' — rrullfp litr r'^n! nl

n d■ tn ri'onomicnl Kovenimcnl, ihiiii :t / O chr,"

; -.Colonel K im . iiQUicisliiu tlu: 0 t / c I Republican Kiillorial ii.sjotjial;

. iiriiPd iicw-siiaif.-rnien 10 take the------ "* i lllnllve. In n rrmprelM'iuivc c.i

, palgn for "in\-con.scloii:.np.‘ ' "

I Tax l.at>fl

^ "Even' bu-sliirM miu). m Iiilx'l hU-owi.. pro<tiie(,"

irm ”ln boiighi, . . It woulct ni;III! pfDplc tax cnasrlous iind wo

nmoiiK ’ n.Mi'ful ;.i>endlnR•kiiovn mnno'.” ffcrenl lU- termed the .Mlminbiriilion

iihakc Piv.-id-.aiiRoa'cvrli'Yociallrillc'ii Ic.— lic- <k^-!»fPd-(hr-r»n^r!mrhsrt-r}o;,'7 „ the prlnclpk'h ot the roiMliiiI

and ihe Dcmocrailc pblform,ctiair- — ----------------- — —--------- -------••Mr. Roojevclt hns almost co

l«-0|iie* ‘Conllnued on Pnge 10, Co|. Ji nf Ihc ■ -------- ' ___

II men,

;.o, o. Five Army B “A ttack E r

obbed- Ovc. 21 oil - V10 likes I'lrpliiiivs bombarded Mai;.■<moke, Lo^ ''olcnno today in man ,. I,

atempi lo tu rn back n l.ivn rn

they'd Ten 000-i'oiind bomb.1 dropiied n If; nnd explo<Icd on the river of moli

rock Ihnl for five «<rek.i had b( le ^ald crecpliiR mciiaclnRly toward thee Inntcr of, fflio nnd (t.s wnter .■'uppiy.

?:very bomb made a direct I .Mnoke A.1 Ihey exploilnl, w U in'v« mi

I plain iinaj m,w cnormciits piifl:. of mu r H in t nnd c .u th shooi inti) the . ky, 1

tenth mli.Mk‘ hurled l.i\a nheei.s lil Ml the air, inilleaiini: It had n n dlrcclly In llie llery ehaniiel.

iKRtui^ w ovrn im cnt ViilcnnoloKat Tiio iu. A. Jnssav .\ald iho lighting ii

III dayi men hnd "rrmiifknblc iucce.'.V , n cold hliilnR iln- i;in ;m dcsliinaicti lie. I t him, : •, how- C.ipialn Jiv'eph .1. U dd. « i.heavy droji}>.><1 llm lit*l bomb, sairl it ? Ihinlly parently h ll lu. mark but he nni ftt the no chiingc In the lava [law, n i»

o n rc- .<jiid. however. Ihp ov.ulu would i b«’ nppnrcnl fnr 34 liours,

bomb.? wrn- flfoijpt'd )il up on Ihe sloi^r ot ih r volrni

BUR- “•’out iO ml!-.'' from llllo. ll ie plui O'Uinn, “t nboiit 13,000 feet above i wood- nnd the bomb;, dropiwd ab<

:.DCO U-ct to Itrul tliflr (argels n( illPd to ll>c n ,000-foot leycl of ihe inoii i t i and inin.

Plaiu ttvre made tn agiiln boi liniilsm bard iin nren near llie laVa lotir iiei on Spot- ijetwcen rrtl [nva pniclir.s 9 .as lull bc koiiRht oul. Ju:!gur bellevo la :cr, he lubes mny he umicr the Hirfiice I

Ucca* liicM palelies., flhoiUd b

^ " Acm

* W I N

t eoM sicnio» i H i l l

ias H M Dlilt t i n g Id a h o S e n a to r A c c c p t t \\

t a t i o n F r o m R cpubli

'P r o g r e s s iv e s ', a t \

W itti ‘O ld G u a rd ’ Foit r y lie _____'ed<'r;il .........II C l l . N K W Y O U K . Ucc. 27 ''In 'r ly S c iia U .r W illia m K . C orah

. in v iiiic N tw Y o rk C ity J;i t i j i r ih n r y 2H. fo r h is in i t ia l c a s t id f il up iii.iink iicc ill p re lim iim rie

’■‘I r*-- d c l . 'im in c th e 19:56 Uopii c a n prc’s id u n tia l iK imiiiuti

--------- Till; [d ah o s e n a to r 's deI ; io n lo jip p o a r in Now. Y ork

caiiU ' k n o w n lo n iK h t. a n d ‘ * was Kcnrrnlly necepled

Jlie /orm»i'Of»eiitti»f < !drui- to capture New Yotk's c t:iU!iin to the national conven

- in June., •','!" ’ Invilcd hy tJberaU• ' II,- « |(J ccmie a t the mvKntloi r-r-,.,,', Republican hberals

riif ' ■ ‘>*■‘"8J , : IiKiil lo Win Ihc Empire stale's < ,™ "1 ,vi'ntioii strength.

extended M no’. nnd Will

ripori ijicUiT, jr.. hcnds ol the ainic ; publiL-an ■■jirogrcsslves" nl war '

- = ^ ] n ~ ^ i a i u l i r d '^ n i i c l l j i i r p n i- I .Senator Bornh. tt wns fcnr

I will iidcircs.-. n New York nudli Mn Ilrooklyn ai KLvnet hnll, wi

i .m . Korm.il nhnouncen c l llic dale and dclnlls is tn luad.’ w ithin a few days.

M.uy l.i lormer Republican s L | , cliiilruiai) ivhoi.c wnr on M.ca l l . _^oU I Kuard'-'- coiucrvallvcj In

I)nii> rc.-ultcd in Ills oiisicr year. ZleijlcT wits .M.icy's a

- I ircaa iicr . and is clo,M'ly ,vs.vxl, e r Ol u lili hnn 111 tlic current piogro

iiic)Il:iioiiL for Uorah's caiididacj 1[|0 ilh e lU'iuiblioan presldenllal ik

______ ;______Nl. Time 1.. Uf Wa»lfd, Till' oeciMon to urite Sen

- Jluc,,h to cimur cast xs early , , , Januar y is b,l^ed. ll Is uiideru

ou Uie buhef th a t no llm ejs U

uonvi.nium di-lcKates.won’r^,,.--V arl;-4 ..[i0_iIcIiautc i..ilK a,.ii0l.

.uiiiii AiHil. bill Bo)-..h supiwi .Iiillclpalr n por.Mble h;l.>]) In

Ifl uut ”*'” '8 progrtrMvc-i„ ' ' fcrvniivo Unci’ wllh the • ore

jw ic Icadcrfhip llghiins lo i IK«HbIc ,.in unplcdscd delcgallon to ClJ^ tiT ir-lann : . -z-... -----------

• fit.iic Chalnnan Melvin C. E.

all me i__IConiinued on Page 2, Col. 'i

: r| mm.mm1:; _____! S ix P e r s o n s D ie in C on ’

s io n s A f t e r D rink ing

‘S S ‘Moonshino:.......

en llie ALIQUIPPA, Pa., Dec. 27 M ct niako Traki.dy invaded six iuo<lr.s; In I would i„ 11,L, lutle Meel town lodny w dhiR of two women nnd four men. nil nt

born, died in conviiLMoiis .liter d: lion of "'noiuhlne" liquor.Ic ' iuid «

L ’ iralysed..

i ' ' - - jZarktjTtch; <5 yenm o ld-nnd I com- ! m other of n «ix.jx«r-old dnuK

i|. l> ( (ConUnued on Pnge I, CoJ. f

Bombing Plane Irapting Tolcar- t t v c . jtrovi- true, tiie bomiis miKht t Mauim ne-iJ vent-s hi the voIv(lno'.^s l.-M through which tlie lava eould csi

I rrup- tn » illrteilon nway Irom Hilo's

led and ment began, and wns alwut 15 n moUen liom the cliy. During the night d been liamlng river advancecl by .sp :hcclly Inr nboul a mile.

The K tns w.i.'. n«v.v)mc nnd 'Ct lilt, rlfylng, i Hides

tonguL- of flro 200 feci wide '. l l i l , runiWi'd. JiMed nnd dcvouu'd bi kli^ck

,1 j To the rear ol thte licry heail Tliom- N’fead gradunlly to a w ng a ir- l" ^ l’ ir-n>lltllnR cxplo.s■"V in '• ‘•urrctf, n,s if uniferRtound nci ictl by l’.'fnlWing ihc surfacc f

"While itwrc Li no occasion 1, who! panic." wild Dr. Jaggar. "ihcr

It a p - .! rnn.stdiTable concern in the pro ! nnicd . .’.liiiatlon among ofliclnLs nnd oilII WAS ) KMllr.lng the condlllon U unusii

j|<l n o t ' ^erinub ns Ihe Ituw Is directly In' (iralmigc palh (leading lowiitd Ii

'(! JilgJj I uJi.TDi.s olbfw a rrc noi." o’rnno ,' The drnhinRe palh to Into is lilune:. IWiiiluku river. About ll miles

ive ICH I thl.s river Irom llllo me the rc i about I loir.s coniiilnlnR the municipal w is nenr,'f«t>(>Jy.inoun- I Should llie lava enler the re

; ;oir.s nnd tin.' Mre.im. ll might i I bom- ■ vori the water Inlo sleum nnd i lourrc. : jiu.s; e.-Aloii (SI the river bed to rnci ir.s wli: i'liHo tlic city, f.s lavn I Ullo hns b « j i ihrciitcnert by : lice lr;- ' vlous flows but llie Uv» never Id UjIs I entered llic city.


F A LW I N F A L L S , tP A H O . S A T U

[ n M i l w a u k e e ' s H e r o

“ A d d s T o L i s t 0

n c R e s c u e d C h i l d n

______ IlHLWAOKES, D(rc 37

UIUL «•» Ihe unotflcUl tllle Orel Vi 1111L *0” ’ iddlns

more children to Ihe gtouphe cared from dcalii or Injiirr.

■ Inui Yesterdny an ftulomt^lle drl r III»I i,y w iiiim Onnikc of Evansi ih lt ro n llllnoU. kklddcd on nn ley paJDiican 5

W n r where Civo IS-jYAr-old Hegi were mnklnj snowbAllv

F f ir rp ^ Volgmin. wAlklng n e a r rushed oul and pushed Ihe t from ihB p«th of ihe car. 0 >i

ti l l— .m c -t liU im - ll-C M '/L J in s U 27 __ Volgmnn's "<iulek action m

uh \\'ill ^ ago vogmon savei J a n u - two-yenr-ald s ir l from belns

a s te r n C0«t him i« r t_j 4 . hLs irou.<iers. Lnal year he rcjci. .mI.i : tfom flrownlns. •;

Lpillill- national sMety commissionlu tlon . informed him he is eligible fodeci-s. Carnegfc dravcry mednf.

irk Iw . — ------------------------------------Illtl a t -----------


. . . SBBm\ls wlioinio the --------'■ 'A ll A m e ric a Is M e n ac e tl

wmi.,m V io le n c e ,’ R c p u t l i c ’s

“ t ' . l u i L e a d e r s D e c la repnily, -=—

Icnnied, JIIONTEVIDEO, l-'ruguay. I udlcnce ifl-^The republic of Uruji , which ajTcrllnc th a l "aU America icenicnt menaced by violence." form i lo bc Mvered diplomatic reUllons v

Knvtet R oufa (oday. n slate This »a» (he only eoanlry Q.called South Amcrlc» reroinltInK In Uiu Masco*. sovenuornU cr last puiiporia were given the Si ' nilnbtcr nnd his sinfl, A govvocuita ,„p„i insinunled tlm tgre># vc government through 11.lacy i(jr ,,gf5 nnancmg lel, iioml- pinnijcd rcvolt-s ihrouj

" Soulh Ainerlen,d________ "According to Intorinntlon ISciiniorluic BraslhaiT cmbnsiy.”“ snra' arly as i decree, "nnrt Informallon of crilocd, (-overnmeni the Bovlcl IcrbUo Is lo bc I .Montevideo has remitted In eti Jhl Ipr payable lo thu bearer large s

h'Ciplent.'i ot which cannot be ^f New icrimned" bui "providlnK th * f lOl.-lall daUon'-'-foc.Uie pruumpUoii.ln. iiwrirra zn iimi me soviet icKrtllon »cl I Inlrn- aided plnnsol tho Third Intern; vc-con- iiioe In Soulh America.

*,d‘" c i? « . Jn fMiOon lo gMng jasspoj-

. Al£jumdiu'_JiUnlmL.iJ^«_R«! ’ Kitflii inhiistcr. nnd oiher Rovcrnmenl• ploycj. Uruguny recalled Its cli 3l, ’J) d'affnlre* In Moscow.-------------- The octJoil WAI.

l i n of " I’reuuiionnry m o v e m I l l l . nsftliiM a Dor-Mble armed -uprl UM nnd al.so mus ii reiK'r:uLSlon ol

rcccnl lelllsl revolt In Brnill. I j i r i l Aflcr Ihc Ura lllJH} govenii III ' U crushed .a . radicnl uprUing III ■ 11 l)roie.slcd to .Montei

lhat the plot wns inspired thn the Soviet .U'gAiion here.

'nn>iiil d c m r -wiW nn hivcaubjLOnyUjii,„,.rcsulii;d.UUi-SUenBtheni!,

the •'nlllrmnitoli.s" by Brnsll. ■ing Relailuii' were broken. It

ndded, "not only n.s nn net ol• leriisiJflfwJ lulidarJt)-.': but Jilsf

the .snlegiiardlng of Inicrnall J i,vi — imntiullliy,"; l,on,e.i The .Iceree was signed by P

,y where ,co))iliiUed on F-.ijr.- 2, Col. .

; g ; P A S Q l M C C I

18BWJIjj. f» —

— Qivorccd Husband of The Todd Denies Reports it

IGS Dcath'Mystery-

ino ■ U IS ner. : t -PnsqOAle 'T a l" Dl (’leen. dlvnl /lOfliand a t Tlirim* T<«id. uru

'V dlllonany denied lonlihl all3.S side hnklns him wllh the liloi cscn|)c In the dayi Ju»t beforelo> died, •iftimi'fli' ~ n e niiiiiun-<l MlOit fWTT 15 miles jur>’ invc.silirntmg MIm T< Ight the death, hrid to be iiecldcntnl by

.spurts Bee nnd a coroner's Jury,Deleetivi's had been lold tha

n,i I f f . Clcco /tc Ills nwii miUMt find ' seated next lo her; ihi.t, nllhi

he did noi sil nt lhat Inblr, hi ” .ippcar nt Illl' snme restaurniit II spoke lo h'T several ilnii's

d bnish n ijh l. Snl»r<ljiy. December J f r flamo. Ilml he hmchcd wllh her a t i ead the of Ihe snme day I width The netrc.is wns tound dr»i nloslons I 'fr gornge. .Monday. Dccemlx-i

ncttvl- surgeonflow wns monoxide pol.-'<mhiq,

, The infereiice was thnt Dl C ' nnd Mlsj Todd, dlvnrcrd n ycai

^ were nbout- to become reconcili pr<>fenl. f.-anrelled Invliailon1 others "I Imd „o di.[mlle dnic lusunlly night,"' the dnrk Dl Clcco sau i' In the lold Ihe grand Jury. “1 klddrd rd IIllo) Luplno Into Uniting nir. hut 1

celled the invliailon Snturdny } IS the tenioon.illes up "Thnt nlRlii. 1 went in the ' . rcscr- eadero cafe with Mnrgnret Un U water nnd the only llmr I ww Tlielma

vi'ticn wc dniieed near her.• re y r .hi poii. npologUe lo Idn for this,' nnd 1 nd lik e P>‘« '

“ ■ tnke me srrloii.sly nboul comm her party. Thelnin Inughed nnd

, Wll* nil there wns to It.*’> ; "I never hnd lunrliT.u v in i 1ver JULS____________________ ______

j (Coallnued on Pasc 10, Col. 1



FLEET CiPLETIiv o i i -n s tv o I l l n i ! I I I L r n l l n I ’l lhe h u Ir . ', S : III Duce's Mighty Arn b l " ; ; Decks (or Ai!,pca in .;|„y Ewnluallly'

I Recruits Join Air F3 »nltf -------

I ta ly ’s \v a rsh i|w h a v e c

»ved a ■na run T ’a iiy e v e n tu a l i ty ,’ i t « r t ^ iN s-irned F r id / iy fiiffht,

«!*Tlie ' I h e m o s t p o w erfu l m has ' U om e Ims ove r as.ncm ble : for R i |„ , ]{,.(| HOU hiW jii.st com

I'd m aiietiverH , a p i ia r e n t l — nn rm crR c n cy n a ltir e .

M o re th a n M.OOO rec i * ,f u ; . th c air «rvice nbo haveI ra il 'd out. II wiis rellnbly rep• III Rome.T i n i l i 1 This dticlo.\ure followed upc I llllll Iexpri'.sslon of belief In London I j y i l j Premier ,Mui>ollnl, .hnrrajset

|The.^e quarters said Ihe lack

)ed Uy ' n|)|ironchlng raliiAsra.son. tog - V I wiUi Ihe economic and flnanclt

^ uatlon nl home, mlghl force It

--------- --- ^ V a i ^ D e v e l o p m e n '. Wee. Hy The .^swetated Fm »)•u*u»y. MASSAUA. Erllrea - Mu rica If llnl'a Red sea f lr tl eompl irmally mancuven In prepare It for " s with rvrnlujllty."

RO.Mi;—Katr reported rat >Iry in , 4 >00 neir rrerullt lor air 1 ir ‘he ‘ vlrr: heavy Kthloplan lossei

- - , norlhern front rlilm rd. Sovlcl LONDON — MusioUnl. aull

govern- iiitlve wuref* hflleve. may * lilt the T fk praee in Afrlea.I lls le . ,M)|»JS AB.^BA — Kmi>. lefllsls , I,a ll , selaule aulliorliei le

ouBhOUt dlscus-sloaPAnjS — U ra l renewi l->e

n i r p a .piedje—io_ald—U rlta la_ a c i sld t h e ' n tiark: fnreeaits renuncia

sanetloni agalnil II V>!-'>AnA. KrJirra - Italy cia

c ' S ' -» 'P > ;« ;ro ...o fK tl.lapU nfo be dc- , n'Uthxe.l.

,» foun-1 ,— '-in-BH-.. ui-ca lt-tt-ha tl .oii-liis.rcolonln active ly ' \e iiiiiie“emailo-1 |„ uils comiecilon. it wns .lc.

, 111 Addi:, Ababa th#l terms on « e n iie Ethiopian drlcgntlon lo G. p o /u It*

cnl em»" T l i r ; ; leriits. u *as Mid. 11:

‘. “ ’" ‘ ‘ 1 iC oiuinucdon.«m '.a, Col,

iiWlfrlTthrough i ____

I Ex - Wile's $75,000 E I ' lor Lost ATfeclionI «i In- DismissedJilso "i;i .......—............... .............national -------

. CHICAGO. Die 27 c-V— L y' PrcM. . lion over llic lave ot Norberl---------- - t h e felloiv who iiivltetl Illsol. 10 Ik pnrty cclibratmg his cn

m ent lo nnolhir woman—hi ) n for-BiioUicr courU lunlitht. -

I ] Circuit Judge llniry Klshcr JU nilised Ihe 175,000 alienntlon <

M K olb."«. the wile'‘mho came I bctliroliinl nffnir. hgnm.sl - O crtjudc Onbricl Kolb, H . tin whase trblli was p lighted 'm KalhcrlHB.

r ilC lm a Win wild Ihiil b- toil' iheir di iJiinuary 20, 1034, Kolb Imd

S in 1 vertlscd for n husband for her her objections.

.EMfl Mid A)ir Or'r115 000 to ghe Ktim up. but

----------- •trnflr-uita-nni-nnir^crrK to 'ni7 „v— ! own nnd didn'l nrcd anv nu)i Ivrirrrd ' At the time nf their r.rpiiti unran- ; £ll« saio, KoJb -M:llled »-i:i.. n all re . , her.Iilondr , The mnrrtase <if Kolb mid

ore shr ' Irude casued. In Us walie cnni I rS.OOO love ihi li Milt nnd no

Todd's I ---------------------------, by P<i- '

ihNi 111 Now Old Man i;;,,';,;;; Buds:et Takes . '" '“ i Santa's JobKilt mid _____‘i'i PIERRE, S. 1), Dee, 27-TII im n ' O*'*I e rn r the President again. 1 di...........guess anyone Ims even ihoubrr Ifl ’“ I" '" f "

•on',.Id' j------

T'O- , ,ioLuul.'.ay; go [[ nke *105 bushima wius up we nre goln'

Jinvc to QUlt plnyiiig Santn Cl and do a llllle bnlnncln.' 8a Claus is A great old feller

. he's been ovcrn'orkcd nnd ahc " ‘" ' f , l i A V f A rest. When we hired 1 ,nu uiai jifijiin , j„r „ full I

Job.TOM flE nii!

oi. 1) j —


) A I L "■ _ 1 = ~ — - — - -B E R 2 8 . JM 5

i Officer’s g I T o F o i* Murdi r m a d a _____

A c tio n W i l l i a m Henry K r

t y ' a s A ttem ptT oE F o r c e A fter M

«ByTh- t i l ^ i ’-V H r M r m rr D c c r t!

f in r, itl v i a .stuiKht fo r fout* shiyii

I ,v , ' ’ l">‘ " '“ 1to (’sca)H! f ro m a hide-oiii

O ffic e rs , m 'k in j ; K n iu , , , y laiiii fo r tw o d a y s , .sn rp ris b le d in j,c i„ „ | j | r « . ju m jile t- c liild ren pri.-'o iiers a ll d av , n t ly o f 'i v a r kus fo rc ed K n itjh l

upon Ilim a.s h e a tle m n le i e c n iit .s J a c k D ufftran, a s s i s ta n t ive been hi,‘a d .ju s l .b a c k o f .th e c a r . reported C a lif( irn ia-an ii Id a h o w as ,limit nn dic il th r o e a n dJon Ihnt f i r s t «J'»I th e y bc liev t 'd Ki 3sed by tim e DiiKJfan s h o t h im , se peace, 1, 1 1,0 ,]y h o rc o n ly one h; 1 ; ' , ; wmimi.toRciher O fflcvr.t a t te m iito d to i|

'"t* (joH h in i. cH}«?ci«lly a*«>ut' " slaying of Floyd Woods, a i — — cnictaUef of Hmchlns, Mnn t n t q - .Kh(W LJisxli_K«a_l(iundJaji.

near there this mornhig.^ ’1, Woodi' abandoned car wax

covrred. blood-stained, aoutl

' Toiilghl's bliwly capture cm r .iiin r two-day search of ritcgetl, n

L liion. c u n lry uiull, .1 U L bundled when Knight fled : -sn on chrW mns day ntler n.vserledly

ln(f pollcemnn Torn Q-Nelll luiiior* pnrni- Walsh, a boarder, In a r y *oon Iiouse dlslurb-iiice.

comwnlon, Jcnn Miller, hitn police Knight lold her he hnd

. » deputy sherJtt n l Sejiltle. V l-Tench Ingion, November 13 when ihn

fleer-cntisht-hlnrstenhnirchlc e latlan ^nlglii sped soullicnstwnrd l Ilaly. commandeered nulomoblle i claim* found obawdwied near Hul

I forrrn about the llmc Woodi dlinpptPo^cmcn found Woods' bo<i

_ _ _ _ n cand spll hi lurbtilenl Mn nial Bd- f ' " niorning. Tliey Ihct

, ' back toward Butte nfler he I ^ ■*[•1 , hlim-clf blocked bS' snowlall n

conimtntal divide 150 mile* ». I>een au . Woman Wllh fli

____ ___ Mrn, QllUcfliLlold.Kninhfa. involve (on ihe killer cnlered her hoi - r r ,— 9 a .m .^h o s .H d a lie w n sa lo n e

her smnll children when K------------ rni)ii> io-lnT door-nnd-menact'

wllh n gun. .• ■ Terrified nnd rccognlr.inj

trom' newspnper picture*. Mrs, M iiM W ''R'*'* ndmlllcd him.flllDT 8 '"“ “’•‘I '>»‘" r * he sat calmII in I ”JUn I the frightened fnmlly how he

' killed D epuiyflherlff 'lliornn.s hnn nt Seattle In November nm

C la im I'L' lii'lle's sent Police Officer________ 0,'N cill_nmLclllzcn.Fnincla_\o n s lo "1 0**“ ' Christmas i

llieii. Mrs. Oilllgan told 1 Chlcf Wnlier I. Shny. Knigh

........... plained he klllcd.no>'d..WooiItuleheiis, Montana, Clirb

- l- ii isn - nlghl on hi* wild escape, erl Kolb He htul boAtlcd an hour nboi his wife killings, Mr*. Ollllgnn said, nnd cngiigc- Kite njiked his jierml.ulon lo

-h eaded nic hou.se to iiurehn.sc some--------- for lunch. - -

her dis- "All right." she (|uotcd the n of nl- "bui don't dare cnll the polli

<• to the kill the kids and then kill mysc <t Mrs. Mrs. Ollllgnn, close-mouihe the girl she visited her grocer, eame

' Bl the to her prbion-homr.Knight renewed Ills Ihrenl

r divorce ■1''' long aflernoon pasi.ed. Al ud- m,. Ollllgnn, n-WPA employe, !■

her over ed home nnd wns made n prLsoi n ilr iy minutes later Knight

GertrudelUt Oer- ‘Continued on Pnge 3. Cof. ;

S ' « H o H y w o o d i

G i r l s ’ U n f i

HOLLYWOOD. Cnllf., IX-c. ’i — - n i e men had llielr sny lodn

thls mntier of unpnrdonnble si I And wlint they nnld. In cnnse

' A girl who Hears a scnnty I Uig tu lt on the beach, goes nr wllh n clgarcltc dnngltiiif Iron

- I sfu mouth, or Appears in publlfwifi- P“Jni»n.v lias no flgl

I don'l tllseu.ss the crimes aKi'lnsi clltiiKiuifhL ('‘Sle thnl men commP J f , Sevcrnl day.s ago, n writerlUite n :embllng dnta Inr n book, .siibn;

. queiiioimiilru.1 lo groups of ll wood ntffresji-s nsking them to I

I him (be unpardonable sins of men,1 a n I n Muny were mentioned, TUtcis with cclvcd unnnlmims votes nf. ia.„ npprovnl. I lie girls raid n mnn‘ ‘ ” U'cd A toothpick hi iiublle, liir San- |,bom a noncioo-pure past.

I n r. ogled girls on the streci, was been you aU lolerntlon.c a n ' t Todny., Ihe men replied.

O ld pni O'Brien suid he didn't idown, being near n woman who ch

u.slness and talked between clmil' to Richard Alien said the kindI Claus hiftkcs llllll giiiish lils tceUi 1'Santa one wllh the affected EnglUl:

cr but cent, Rnlph Bellamy denoi;ahould Uie bnby-tnlkers, nnd Krcd Hecd him "jiui his pet pccv(* agiilnst wiill lime wa.s;

. :'So mnny would be struck i^IIV. It you took 'divine' nnd 'lousy

. . . . . ^ o l’Uielr vocabmarlcj.'*

_________ •s*.

’s Gun Dea >rmerJ4ali ierer of FcK n i g h t t ' a t a l l y W o u n d e d

■ E s c a p c F r o m H i d e - O u t

M e n a c i n g F a m i l y

' The Associated Prc^s)

Ily inas, u'li.'i c a p tu re d to n iR h t hy Ii f a ta lly w ountlcd h im a s h e a tto m

•out h e re .n in ii l th r o u g h o u t sou tiiw o.stP rn I ir isc d th o f u g itiv e in a lU itte n 's ii] n. J a m e s T . G illiKaii nnd hcV tw o .h lay.s'h l fru m th e refii«o . a n d officc r.s 1 p te d lo escajH.* th rou jch a w indow , a n t c h ie f o f jMiiice s h o t fCniVht in a r . .T h o f o rm e r co n v ic t o f W a? h in j a s ru sh e d to a h o sp ita l, m d o n e -h a lf hour.s la te r . O ff ic e r 1 K niK hl h a d sh o t himsL-lf a l th e s m , h u t " ~ - .

: : : : : | E w DEATH C H I

S s .A G A iT lV L f lUJUtlVIX - — ------------------------ -------------

M i l "o f ^ '''I'l® S la y e rc u s c d o l M u r d e r o

i.''m™n'I F o rm e r W ile)f here. _____

■dly slay- 1) oukI»-'» V an V lack of lelll and’-com a. allcK cd tr ip le sli A room- fo rm jjJ iy i-Jijirjft-jJ t.

wiHiian ik T re o m iirdehilormed hi.s f o r m e r w ife . M il Had slnin H ook, who.se bod y w ith uin't‘“oN c-iuthefl'(iiid .<Jril)ed

chleknn- H -hu llo t.-w aa f o u n d - i iu o - srd in A rojid c u lv e r t so u th w e s t

» r.Mnl ‘'«y« 'Van VJaek nllegediy rhot nnd I ippennd^ wounded two olllcer* who I

and hi* • asferijdly kUli theorl":; termer wife a t Duhl last n .v .

» .teT S :r!. ,. h yesienJny alicmooii•* llie prosecution may •'pQs*lbly''

^ Van Vlack to trial first for tt h t" mtir d ^ o fM I^ Hook.hom oni T ^ J .T D . l« - T f r r -

lone witli Previously Van Vlack lud I Koliihl arraigned nnd IteJd for trlnl lacwl-her flrn-de*i«e-tnurdfr fhariie In

nectlon with the Heath ot I'or ^.inj him Cooper, iiaie traffic offlccr, Mrs.- Gll- on that charge haa been net I

lltely by Dbitrlct Judge Ada :nlmly on Barclay for next January 20. nnd lold Van Vlack Is accused nlso o f : he had ly. wounding Deputy Sheriff I IW.S Me'e- C, Givens of Twin EnlLs. who nnd how la.st December H, '

leer Tom Tlie |iro«cutor said ll wai la_Wolah llkely_lliaCchnrKe*_nsalnsi_ ns day, Vlack In connection with G Id Police d^alh would be tiled unlll nJtei light ex- on one uf the other murder chV ooda.al — .......Ueath Hourihrlstmns Sheriff E, P, Prnter slgnei

. compalnt which wn.s filed IT Kboul his r-obatc couri here late . j-cit nnd then charging Van Vlack wllh murt lo leave Miss Hook. It nllcRcs .the m

line eggs was cominltled on or about Ins - - vember 30, eai-ly In the day folli

Ihc mnn, »ie shooting nf the oftleera nt' pollci; or niter Vnn Vlack and his pretl] 11-d o r t‘ll ner-w tfe-hnd-w nnderetl-for- lyself," ihniURh n dcjiolnte descri regli iihed a* which southrrn Idaho's hlgge.st me bnck himt centered, converting ii li

"no man'* land." rents n.s KUing of the new murder c Al 5 p, follovied shnrlly nfler nimouncc

fc, nrrlv- Tlnirsd.iy thal J, W. Taylor, a rLsoner. nni; itto rw y gencnil and Ii Ight per- T-^ln Knlls couniy prosecutor

:of. 0) if;ontlnuert on f»ngc tO, Col.

! Men Map List ( forgivable Faul

«. ’i7 (-1V Another poll nl au ficiors t ,odny oniUiK- in "Anthony Adverse" bit e sms. p ile rollowlng lable of nn.'wci insensui. t t!ic unpardonable sins of wc

Tlie (|Ue.aion-, were phrnsed, "( ty bfltli- yii'i Iw h.ippy with n woman wl

from h e r ' (ubllc In ■ Yes Nfight to- M .-klJDjiy b;)tJll»K

clltiucUe nl the Dcacli U 3

'';;; ; ''\h e ‘'t . ; c ’i'7‘' ' ' " " * ii iMil.oui sUKltin.s? 10 I

lonnm e Citx,'. withoul makeup? . 18 l len. tj„.: heavy makeup or luce re- r,:.i,ii-iic.s? ....14 1J ’I l!,u^ curlcii to bed? ... 0 J

inlked 'asl. nnd U:es stiung perfume? .,_ + I s beyond H:is a cigarciir eon-

•t;iiilly m her lip s? ..... n 3,llrlnU-.loeX(;ess7 ... 7_;i

r t enjoy Drink' moderntely? ....... ;’0 1I chewed , Driiik.s at nil? .............i chews. Tal ;. baby l a lk ? ............5 iInd that •ralU alwui operations h Is Ihe' ilirrs or oihersi’ . 0 1 ^ll»h a t- Dl'Ciis.'f.s la n night'sMiounced date? ........ .....-O - .tK eniuiglls easily Insulted? ........ i 1

I women ' U.-es ptolniiltyI eKeMlvclyv ..................2 I

ck dumb U.'es prolniilly nt nil? . . 20 )U3v’ out; Eats cnndy In a thenier? 25

• J 1» Irf<iucnllj'on a d id? W..10 I


V W W 9__________________


als Death ULCmivict, our Persor" " B l K E T D F S i i


A R E A S |1A T I

I storm Accompanied by i.^iniiiil ing Mercury; Cold V, ,, (j„ ,|! Causes Upwards of

I- Fatalities In 28 Stin th e I _____

'm i m . ■ ijiy Ti,p A s jw Jil^ Prcasi ! C H IC A G O . D cc. 27 — F

:c rs a t j |, i i io \v « o f sn o w f ro m e sa m e | N orthw c.<it to n ig h t a p re a

( n 'a rm h iif hJA nkct o v e r 2 p r n ip p e d a r e a s o f th e n n tlo r i r A cc o m p a n ied b y K cnci

r i s in g te m p e r a tu re s , i t am I ip i / e re d m o.st o f th e f lc v e r ity i L H u l \ 1’** tw o .d n y f r i g i d \ _______ .w h iuhJiE aiurh t_filiU U )iR in

nil bni four-^^WaahJnBion. Or ip A r . Cjill/omla nnd ?^erAda->0nd n ' directly or Indirectly. up«arda o

g ( faLintlea m 3B lUtea.Tlie snow began falllnit with

bicnk In the Dnkolas. tlurrled .M/nnesotn. Jald trejfi fajers c t i In part* ot the Rocky Moui

o f T a - states, united with slcei lo Blve

loilJiy for most of the Great Lake* n •der o f from Illinois and Wlaconsln «i

•1 1 ,^ ' ” i>ect It by Saturday, ith th e „ ,„ ti,e r obsjrver* aald.

't “ I il'~A H lirm cfcuo ''araV ted-lU -tl the middle sialM from .a u t

H a f t e r minimum* which *cnl It lobe d fatally nhig it* lov m l i belov a t Dan 1 halted Illinois^ Now Yofkcra. begin dU tUlnnped’but of their heaviest anow In y ovembcrjAfler n 21-hour fall nt Rochi------------ lU -rcacl«d.a-di()tJi-ot-«lght-lr-fM«ar(ifArH>-A'a»-Alllt-e«nbtf-dotrn.-Bu i i i r d e r shovelled nwny al Its litavlesl oon. tnld In years- nnd the anow waa a ly 'b r tn i deep ln*wealcni New York.- the al- Scores, nf mlaimums near 1

vUle'x low ivcn reportcit a* ( f locrh i

ad beci^ * f« lof badlf* ofinl on-alP<f‘^n* drowned ta Ute Cbrlt . . tn -cn n .-2 Y c„ b J l» * jn the_Ohlo river, l-'onlalno formnf on '(¥« edte" o l th'e'l r Trialt tenia- Other extra cod apotjs Inclu idnm B H below tero a l Alexandria In nc

, enp Kcntuekyl mlnu.s 13 a t C of fatni- fordsville, Indiana: minus 10 at f Henry IlUnois; 12 below. >'l .Ch. I'ho died City. Iowa, Brookings. 8 , 0 . . H

jlow; Fer}(u.s Fall* and Grand P iL'iiA un.^t^. I ., 13 below; t^evll's Lake. N ‘sl__Vnn I? - •

Givciks'! '" O n ly n ln e - of~«T-'eajtem—c fter irlnl *■'“ « readings it records, had a charges >reezlng. mlnlmuifis. the wei

bu rcau .^ ld ,I h c .........srorm Htlpa' S m e n "

cilerday icrmcd a great 1urder of •‘B*'leultural areas and brc murder * K«“ t'rnl liinUKural to winter sp

Inst No- l-'inclliig ot lUe body o t a ro t

nt' Buhl, liroi'll**! Muinesoia» tou l mortal cilvWor- during the cutw-}Iwif» cojd_si)eiL to four. North Daki •Klon on '<'«cl‘C(l ilif Mwr ligure whe .,,t mnn- tnrmer nnd hts leam of horses

t Into n IConiinued on Page 10. Col. -J

S j f i i P E i M A I l

g j E S C M J

o f I Passengers ol Trapperl \ , , i scis Slrar.Kd loi

U lo ^ More Than Week

bioughi MOSCOW, I>.-e. 27 _ EfI wcrs on lenij.'it ir>-rr.-.ciiiwomen. Pf-‘on.' Mramlr^ hi three s "Could -"leamcr.-. cauiilit In the I'cc In

Cn^i.lan ten mIiiIc fOO pa»:netfi f-o nnoiher inippril vci;el wrre I

king iicrri,:.s elslit mlle.s o t Id I No lon ^hoI.'intlle01^1lol'k^;a.

Siw.i.-inrins forced back r 30 0 .'-■ntioam tliJliO lnlheC-iiplnn

I P.•l. . en3• s have been .-.tr.uKled n- I ; more thi'ii a i\ecU.; ! ' l One nf il.o ihic^ veveLv

' “ •'jstenm-.T Kfli.-oii. played sirciin ni 2 hnt w.ver fm the Ice lor len h

I but Ma.1 .ibic in move mily six u 1 10; The j.nwi ion frcl<;ht and |:

I c!rnKer iv » ri u>:oc!kl >vts irai,3 J i l l lee «hl'e en route to Vlai

M(>:: trom Sakhalin Island. Ice r “ sure Ls thic.itenlng is crush lu ! „„ Members of Ihe crew guided s

' *" : pa.‘.',en;:crs tn shore, while Ot — n up irn^-besWe.the-eleftmer-

, , arc nwaltmg help,■Jl 0 Irrbrtaker Trapped

■nri icebreaker Krii^sln, sent ii; 14 I lo n!d the ,U)wvskl. waa Itself ti

[ jKvl tn llie Ire ntuut 30 rollM t . K u l th c ih lp iiioagh t to nld.*10 16 Both vc.<.::ls have extiauilcd t

coal supplies nnd are using oUaU IS ij Anotlwr ie.scue tlilp. iho Url 8 3 MC Vlartivo-'tok }‘etlerdM)'3 -t 1 pliitined lo uia dyiuiiulte.la an

la . S tempi to lre« Uw vesitls.

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

l i i i i i c f ;t ..-suade .'Students' to i

■ Turn Back ’ ! — . ,

7 k M ^ t« tte la p * r tB B llU « r » I v o n k d fom am cn l. Cblatw t icnU calM «tr lod«r Ibctr du lD i •^draaM r a N uk ln r* In » n il* i « u r t r tlo tb«7 had Mlied. B'nw iludeoU hu l coounindeerad

th« tn to here Monday tn d tU rted H for the Mpltttl. 3,000 itrtm f. to per- MMUy pUM befora lorem m ent »u- tborltlci Ihelr proteit n a ln i t the NorUj Chtaa aulonomy movement.' Alanned by J»p» « m reaction to t

■ tho itudeat afttatlon. the Clilnsie a MWTinwnt aent etn^tarlM tO-Dlttil £ TlUi ttw itudenu to call oft heir b -adnnce." Troopi were K n t lo e block the train If nece«arjf. n

^ IDemand T tw uponauon ,lUllway eonimunlcatlons had been >

diinipted. Another atudent pou p In a Honan ptov1nc« had thronjed rail- *road atatlona demandlnj frefl trana-perutlon to tbe capital. '

Scores of atudenU were lutrerln i ^fn m n p o iu r t In ih« cold wealher. n

The atudent* wew only 78 m lla IhJm K anidnijrhen th e ir .d rtw .w a

■ ■ called o« . The tro o ^ had gone out " from Iho a p lta l In armored careu d u a further precaution a brldi# „v u tom up. n


_____ L(Continued Prom Paje One) jij

___ up tnti> m a tta rw h « a V llo U n « n U f raddlnc tha t deUy* have been " » J extremely vexatious tha t gorem- ” n e n t aicpdes here leem almott to have broken down tmder tbe n l f h t i.

. • of detail.” 5Conklitee 'i P repcu l *

Holding placet on th s committee v which madd* Ihs recommendation w ve secretaries leku . Wallace, Rop- F «r, Perkins, and Deni, u d In addl>

.. tloo, Harry Hopkins. In chan* of . U u goTermnentls relief uU vltles u VDrki progKi* admlnlatntor.

•y i t receouoend,*' the committee n ld . "pointing federal policy toward n ro u p ln g the field dlstrlcU used by - tbe numeiws United fitatei agendei n i a v t taTOlvVtii some \<* d itfenn t ^ arrangtmenU of dUtrlcta v lth u «

— h!fh-u-Wag<n«U» In *em* c*at«n> P la the direction of achlerlng a l la - >i lied number of regional centers, say

..... U n to twelve.------------ «■* lt Is, of course, necessary and da*

•trabls th a t there be B ^ y types ot »

. enclea of the fedenl government * — Ta&giar*imr-raany-klnd>-o(-puUle

.aervtcea In l there are distinct ad* < n n u k to tn economy of time aAd ■;

. effort -In directing t t i e s t ^ a n l n ' . *' ilens m e n st|trply tow»rd s o u

_______, . C eaten for PUnnlnif bn tn th eoncentraUon of t h ^ JW d P

- headquarter^ tho estabUshment ot. ten, or tm lre somewhat unified re- hJ__Itaut-Bgenelea of the-Unlted States

foveroment could be made to eo- laelde v lth .the state rtglon'a) aeore* u

' to tla tt a o v dettioplng. and might |<

BaUonaT^Linlng agendes" ''Tbe oommlttee'a earlier reports ^

utUlted by tbe president as ths basil for tbe prewnt vork lellsf pro- P

' gram, but lU ambitious plana for > . coordinated derelopmenu of natural « . w ourcga vere laid aside, partially 0

■ ^ ie sau se bf ■Hopklha’’ InsUtenco onUgllt..con»truetlon-pco)ecta.---------- , *

• Ickes. u bead ot a committee a . ^__ lotting space to federal departments *:

In t t» DUtrlct ot ColumbU, already P bad suggested tha t because of th t « ahortage ot the rentable buildings ° here some nev agencies might be ^ tiaw ferred to Baltimore. c

Ei(paai|on DeUyod «No space outside Washington has <>

. ;rct been rented, however, and It wat explained tha t tbe-committee's rec- a

— ommsndaUona awillw l-tm ly-to-the - federal field s u i t . o

Tbe committee emphaslted tha t it did not recommend a "sud4en and complete'* rwlston o t present ad- > m lnutn llve d i s t r i c t s , "although > •ome revision would probably eniue“ <

U suggested both grouping by Atues and by areas crckulng sUte lines. Tho former would Include ona group compoeed ot- North D«kni« <

------Soutn U U b u , M onianaridaho. Or- 'egon and Washington. ■


(Continued From Page One) |

the second a t noon the same day; 1 the third yeslerday, and the l u t three thla womln*. i

Police Bald House Chief W. L. AabrOM of the All-

qulppa police, acting on Information be said waa given him by two ot the victims betore deatli. raided a ' bouse. arre«ed ihe occupant and aledge<hammered a brick wall to pleccs to find, a 15-galIon conlaloer I of alleged "moonshine."

The dead, in addition to lito,• Zarkovlch. aro: '

Mike Wasauowsky. Bl. widower, and father ol three ehlldren.-

Mike Maravleh. 40.U ia. Anna BecUsh. i t .John Qora, SO,

- - Oeorge Oerglch, 51.Those critically lU vere Mike nal-

Jsh, a boarder a t the bome of Mrs. Zarkovlch and John Oplsh. a . ___ ;

T o o L a t e I

T o C l a s s i f y I

■M U U ai!i!i!l!J«t«aM W Sn3g il» l o s t - w h t it : s e t t e r d o o .

B rovM ars and small brown spou OD n o * and front feet. Name-plsle

.: on e ( ^ . CaU U r. O tt, Pb. I$7i .R ev in l. 1

S i H r - ,• rbR B C A Sr 'rO R TOOAT AND• T O M O UO W — U abei f U r Sat*

orday S aptay cieady, followed by (aaw -o r-n la-«arau l tcapanU u ti—

U _____________ -■— _______________.. . fllgb and. lov temperatures yes-

tanUy as reporUd by the govem'>- m enl-veathsr observer vere 98 and

IS degrees; there w u JO of ao lncb of prtclpiuuon, a varUblo wind a|)d a cloudy aky; barwnetrtc prw-

a the humidity range. 19 per cent of• saturation. !I Weatiier a year ago w u cloudy ‘- wllh temperitures ot 46 and 37 de> ‘

grees.Bd -------- ----------------------,^ Temperatures Above i a* Normal In N orthw est!w ■ _____ (It. Low preuure covers a large por*to tion ot the west. Ita several cenura ite are locaud In central U uh , e u u m l

Ir U na. Precipitation has been-gen- t10 eral over the weal, excepllng in

northern Callfomla. southern Ore- i gon, and Wyoming' Temperatures i are near no raa l in most su tes, i

•n and above normal In the northwest. Iin and m e u lern Colorado and easum IJ . Wyoming, ii . Hifii pressure Is moving in on Uie 1

Pacliic coast, and coven northern <CalKomia. souuiem Oregon snd i nofthwest Nevada, l u tempfraiuresare mild. i

„ High pressure ts centered over^ nonhem llllnou-and overlies the (“ surrounding su tes . Temperatures <" are low In the ceniral su iea , and '

there has been snow around Omaha, *K ao su Olty and Minneapolis, >

Hai. sun. PrM. W(S. <D dlw ______SS U .11 Cl0U<l7 I

} c a o to n i —.u r t j e cieuar• Cblcaio ___ It 4 M CIttr ^

lU t«u — _ U « T

»' .i i.MlDatipolU . S ‘I T Baa> ,Ntw Veik _ : t IS ,e« c iu r !

— UbuIu - ___ IS S____T aoo» IISf r ix iu iu)'-- = ^ i — n« inbi* |so P e ttU n d -----14 4t .eS Claudr

I t. LouU —19 I ,»0 Cloadr

to Sta uu io a ciaadr ,ht Sta rrsn 'ico«« s« M Cisudr ’

SUltll --------- ----41 . ... Cloudv ISpokiB*___4t }( .10 Cloudy (Twla filU - J l IS .I t Cloudr )

ee wuhlBiien .11 11 M Cleir J


NEWYORK.ORIVEee -------- . Ird (Continued Prom Page One> |

M h u announced unqualifiedly to keep t nt New York's delegates unpledged, t u while Macy and othera plan to op- iII po«_alLdeIentei_not_ftnaoune!ng, | g. for SenMor Borah. 1 i . While the &(acy group has Appar­

ently-received no overtures from' 1a . RepresenUUve Hamilton Pish, *tho 1o( has also entered the llsu In B onb 's <. . . bebtflU t-vas-m adrclear-today-ther '■n( would not balk a t . cooperation > lj0 should U-advnnce Senator Dorah'aJ . chances. Pish w u one o rtlib se whC (u aided In ousting Macy- from the J• . state chairmanship. . tu Flads StroAg la p p ert 1

U w a s ^ rejw rud th a t dittrl- « butlon of peUUons for Borah*

M pledged-delegttterw ould-bc-unjsr- Ig( taken prior to Borah's appearance Ie. h ire, although these n p o ru lacked 1e i autborlxed confirmation. _ I0. I t is generally known, hoveyer. 1B. th a t Macy h u tound strong support ih t to t B o n h to Wtw York O ty . par- i

^ Ue alto has received encouraging I .it reporu trom up-sUte distrleta.1,1 “1 havo talked wltb. many Re- i0. publicans from all pans o t Uie i or state and 1 have found a ven* active t l demand for Senator Borah'a can­ity dldacy.” be u ld . , jn An open break betveen tho-Brle : ..,countV -iB utfalo)-orgM laallon-and ,1 . the state leadership h u aroused , its speculation over tha exUnt of sup- iy port 'which might be 'g iven 'M acy tit lrom-*that quarter. County Cbalr- gt man Edwin P. Jaeckle-yesterday b« charged S u te Chairman Eaton "U

controlled by the big n)opey crowd which h u brought our party into ‘

•I disrepute In recent years,'' and with ,1 -‘downright betrayal ot the rb ]^ <

and tile ot the Republican party." < ^ . .MeBnvhlle._there_*cre_proepe£U :

ol n movement Ui the near lu ture In i11 New York sU te for oovem or AU

nd U ndon o( t^ansu . A copimltue o t i 4 . young-Bepublleans w u entouto to ' gh K an su loday lo urge Landon to iV' coma east. _____

Ite Enlry In Illinois,na WABHJNOION, Dec, S7 U . r. fifnntnrinwah-Uv-)r- the lUlnoU presidential primary

against Prank 'K nox, pubiuher ot • lha i state, u-as announced loday by

Edgnr J. Cook, Chicago altorney. Uuok, a bull mooaO parly vvotker

; m of oilier days and now o{ Uie liberal Republican Voiers Leigiie o{ Illi­no is.'tsld atler a conterenco with the Idaho senator ihat tho league'

— vi\'uld_put_im ft !ilBiti.(if_n()ah candidates lor Republican conveu*

' ' tloh delegates whellier Borah -tor* mally entered his name tliere or not. Time tor tiling expires February 0.

... . At Columbus, Ohio, tlie chairman of Ihe Knox-tor-Presldent coifl*

. . mlttce, Edvard A, Hayes, took cog*. - nltance of ilie Cook siaieinent only

‘0 wy lhai Htiy clllicn lind u right . . lo enter a sltio ot candidates In

the Illinois presldentlsl primaries. Hayti u ld llio Illinois su io Repub- llcan committee had given IU un­animous endorsement to Knox.

In Every Diitrict • -In A tomiai statement after he

had talked with Borah, Cook said: "We are not In a poeltlon lo lU te

Benitor Borah's atqtuda m to the Illlneis primary, but It u tho pur- pose ot our group to pul up a set of delegatei and coatesl Uio oppo*

' slilon In every congressional dlsUlct~ Ini llllnoIsM -------—

\"We are lure iha t S tn tto r Bor* % ah 's naiM will be w tuw n in vhe g space reserved for presidential can- g dldsles and to an extent th a l wlU E be entirely saUstaclory." g In reply (o reporters' quesUons, g Cook said n majority Of his group

J l belieitd Borah should enter the !l* llQols delegate race. OUiers, ho»-.

>0 . ever, thought "pomical amenltlcs- «U should be observed in view ot Ihe sle Knox movement and Ihat Qoreh 174. sliould refrain ttom a formal filing,

l a deference to ibis group, ap*

IliBICIIBIITISn; 'issiimcciisEo_ l im a n - B la m B F o r e l m T t a -

K chers for Chinese « A g lla t lo nId ♦ '

Bf through reporu f r r a consular agenU, charged th a t Amerleaji and

1, B r l t l ^ mlsslonfriei vere le ad ln r ^ stiftt»nt| Ig iu tle n Itf China against

Japan.A govim m iat ipolcetiaan while

diseloalog th a t theie aeeuwtldna were made In the r tp o ru . declined

t to sU te v h a t action. If any, tha government vould U ke In th e m at-

r* Missionary partlelpatlon waara notevorthy, h e commented, because7» la proTlous student agluU on andI - demonstti O onnnugloirK flooU 'had1- remained aloof.In The icbools Involved ve re not!* nsmed by the spokesmen. Japan*u ese preaa dlspatehea (rotpI , u ld . however, tha t an Aijierlcan o(tIt. flclal of Yinehlng unlveralty a t-n Peiping, center ot the N orth China

outonomy movement, v u a leading10 Instigator o t student sUlkea andn oUier manlfesUtlons against Japan*Id eK control.

Sf Dispatches from China during the

;s educated Chinese teachen In tbe id various unlversltiei as among the a, leaden against the North China au*

Theae edueaton, hovever. tnsUt* ed th a t tho dsmonttratlona vere

' parinUy, Cook u ld It was decided f to adopt the •'writing ‘n" program,

aiUiough thU would be unnecessary _ lL»ic.MnfttQr. e n n s iin u d - th a ^ -o f-

bU name u ho h u In Wisconsin.[ Becalla IKO Campaign

Delegate c&mpalgna for Borah al*’ 10 have sU rted In Massachusetts' t and New York. In hU only format t declaraiion to date, the Idahoan ’ h u said his aim w u a "liberal plat-

foim and a liberal candldte," but ho added he would "cooperate fully" wllh any move to make nitn o r some other progreaslvo the R epuU iun nominee.

E Cook likened Uie present sltua* tion with th a t of 1030 when he said

' ho spUt Uie Ililnols delegaUon by ^ favoring Senator Johnson o t Call- p fomla over UllnoU' lavorite aop. t former OovinVJr P rank O. Lowaen. }. He said he bad no doubi he could i | divide l i u t su te 's rep ru en u u o n

ih Uie~CIovelahd cohventloh June (I. r* T he_ liberal Republican Voiera of league, he said, would conduct Uio 10 B onh drive on t}ie basis ot the bull ■s moose platform In 1S20 on which ! f •T h e o d o rc -R o o s iv e l t '^ a -B in llo r m Johnson ran.,-i Cook la ier called on Johnson aft* iff- e r-K em rB on ih rpT in rrtsrto -con= - 10 Jecturrs th a t lie m ight be seeking

I ’JI . Johnson Is one ot the Republlun r- independanu who supported Prankir ee lln D. Roosevelt ogniniil Herbert •d Hoover. The.Californian and B onh

have been a t odds for. yean , a re- ir. lallonshlp th a t was sald 'to 'H ave r t grown a little more friendly when r* Ih t tu o touaht tldn bv is. enlry Into iho world court a t the >8 lu t session.

Cook said he had Invited Borah e- to address his organlutlon, bu t thal 10 the senator had given no promise. «a T ta-Polnt Program

The prtnclples on which the Ull* nols_drIve_woutd bo based, he said,

;? eontatntd_nlns ^ i n u in th o ^ iu s ^11 Mooee platform and a tenth op*

Q poilng entry Into tho League of '* Nstloas or-world c o u rt.- ' The nine planks. In brief, a ri:

[y 1-ProhlblUon ot child labor,If 3—Minimum wage sundards, rd . 3—Publicity u lo wages, houia to and condition o{ labor.Lh 4-Proteellon of home life agilnst Jc tlie .la u rd s of sickness. Irregular

employment, and old age. through U "social Insurance adapted to Amerl- in can use.“Of 5-Prevenlloii. of "exlsUiig con* o t cenlratlon of v u t wealth under a to corporate-lystem -unguarded and to uncontrolled by the nation." and

prevention of "monopoly," e -P rolecllon ot American Invest­

ors Irom purveyore of "worthless" jA Mockt.

^ ernmenl agencK's alone and not Ihtouih private agencies which «-u

"y described ns "liarmful and uiLwlen- lltle" and apt lo bc dominated by

w WsU strte t.g -A reascnable profit a b o « cost

of prodiKilon tor t h t farmer- » -U p to tho limit o f the consll*

^ tmion, and later by amendment ot

“ * advocaUng the "bringing under et- Q, fecti\-e national jurlsdtctlon Uiom J problems whieli ha<« expanded be-

J-ond r^ach ot the Individual staus." A. "We believe that Senator Borah Ig. tepresenu these principles and we ily are ROlng lo support him on that ;ht buls," Cook aald.In • . — — et. Advisory PropoiKlanlb. apRlNOPICLO. 111.. Dto. 37 OPH- a . Announcement in W ashington Uiat

a slate ot candidates- favoring Sen­ator Borah *ouId be entered In

he Mch congreulonal d lslrlc l caused Id; lltiU exclleminl among Illinois Ri* Ite publican chieftains here loday.,ho They have been mosUy cencemtd ir . a lih the subematorlal nemlpalten

flihl In which four candidates havo ,0, already appeared, let Tbeii, too they polntid out 11-

jr . primary Is purely an advisory prop* .he cnuon. lu remlis being li\ t» va^

buidlng on the delegates chosen.rlU ------------------------

WOMAN FOUND GUILTV ns, OF FOUQERY OF WILLlUp w s ANOELES. Dee. 37 (;T) -II. Mrs. H uel Beltord Otab. a ttneU w

widow, w u conilcted today by ancs- all-man Jury on charges ot forging Jie ft will .which bequealheU lo her •ah moii of the HOO.OOO e su te of the og. Isle Albert. Chenej-. ^ Angelesip* capitalist.

_________ TWIN F A l i a


raenittlng oHIW . jreit*nUjr m »___plans for aeniling a quoUia» ot applicantt t t r o Twin PalU

Sergeant Pool oakid a ll m aa now - on the local walling list to contact

him ImmedUlely.

l ? r l i w iJ J*. Approiliiiaiily PO m»o la r «u i be recruited from the district

to fill the quoU a t F ort Douglaa.

s r ----------------------

a nPHiPraFra ' K loBESiNiopyeroa — —

B U fu iy , Dec, 37 Mrs. Olar*. MallKla-Haskellr-wife-trf-DaTld-Sr Hukell ot View, died a t a Burley hosplul a l 3 p. m . today Irom U u

0* typhoid fever.She U survived by her husband

and the touowlng sona and d«ug|}* ■'il te n ; Velma, U V enj. Joyoe. Arvln, i“ H aney and Bdln, all of View, tn d

Merlin ot SU rrh 's Ferry, A daugh- ter Dora, died In November from

” , typhoid fever.The body rests a l Uit Johnson

n’orw ao' h«re pepdin? Jtmerai ar*rangemeriU,


Icy sirs tts were given u the cause •t* fer Uiree minor automobQe colli* ^ tlons yesterday.

Machines d/iven by F. C. Nowlin — ot Twin PalU and E. H. Pe ten of

Edtn colUdtd at, the InUrstcllon o{ td Second avenue souUi and SecQnd

stiK t south. Damage w u estimated ^ a t U6.<t-L -P rattIealirno"d i«S 28 'e^w araoH e

In tho other two accidents. Cara driven by M. Orooles and Ray Lyd*

J . c ruhed a t the corner ol Second tta' street east and Seventh avenua eaae ,4) and a Silver Top cab driven by El* in more Hagler w u Involved In a cot* , t . iision wltn n car driven by Charice ml Heppler a t (he Intersection oteSec- y " ond street east and Ftnirth avenue ne *Mt.-an ' ' —”

s i n MEN File WITH J- SMIFTCM!n.lid --------on R. S. Turner in d MarUn 0 . J tn - ' a: sen aere arrested ycsterdnrand-aro •ra scheduled lo face charges ot steal- lie Ing seed from the IntermounUln ull Seed ccm^pany wsreho«se |n Justiceeh court oi_>. K U J o j l r .M ty .______M Complaint w u filed agalns(

Turner tollowlnr his n m s t early [t- yesterday. Jenten w u arrested l u t

ng yet been filed.!pf Both are Mid in T vm fa lls city P* _


- .- iC onllaued-Fnan.Page O n e j . . . ve •en dont Oabrlel T erra t n d his entire

he A foreign oiflee otflclal presented It to Minkin and his sta ff along with a

ah copy ot the decrce. lai I t asserted Uiat the congress of n . the Third intem ationale In Mos:ow

had agreed to push the communistic U. drive throughout SouUi America td wllh agitators rallying Icttlsu par* 43 tle j v n e rc -lt-w u-conven len i.-' — o . The statem ent osserted tha t the

Soviet government could iiui dis­claim any connection w ith the Tliiril Inlernatlbnale 'and IU program. In SouUi America because Joseph Stalin, chief of the communist party, opened and closed the con* grws.

The decree quoted the Brajlllsn government u su tln g that tho

a r "Soviet govemmem Instigated and y* aided communist elemenU” wlUi G l iheJegaU ooJiero.9ecY lngj4.atuln2.

lermedlary.»- I l set lorth Uiat exiiausllve In* a veetigition by Uruguay rtsuiied m

nd th a t "afflrm tU Ons'by Uie Brazilian' nd govemmcni hove been strength­

ened by our own tnfomiatlon." st* "Brasil h u u k e d our aid and all a " America is menaced by violence," ■ _ Uif ilfcren tsin --------------

lot CAR BUROLARIZED Its R. S. Bacon l u t night reported n- th a t his car. parked near the Odd hy Fellows hall, had beeri broken In­

to and th a t a Colt 33-!l0 plitol and Wt A ttomjn'tf brown purse containing „ car keys and betwoin 44 -an d -llO

had been taken, ot t

— CllARQEU WITH MDRDElt— ff* TOPEKA, R u .. Dec. 37 (fli — ** Louise Founiain. 30 yeara old. w u

charged wiUi piurder today follon'lng \ tho deaUi today of Robert EdUn, **' 28-year-old WPA worker, who w u

shot last December 15.Tlie shooting, officers snld. fol*

ioviYd a quarrel between the couple in a room they shared here.

u tin-In ,

Saturdlay1'^ VEAL ROAUT.

lb , ...................... ...............- w C

B i t _ m L - n y w , '- ' '■W LB. ........ ..............................

la^ VEAL CHOrS, 1^

BEEP ROASTS,LL LB. ___ - ................ ........... ® C

I SUNSjETthe lt< Boutb U alies


rslSOLiS SPLIT o T£ w i i i y iH>» _ _ _

^ Series ol Dtvclepmen'« At- »w cenluates Cleavage ue-

tween Factions.I ta WASHINOTON, D « . H W — le t A seriea • ( dtvelepnwala M a y

b«<h aceeaUated eleavago be­tween itroBg raetloas Moklag sew

^ neutrality ieglaUtjon, aad preieet* ed th a t ISIM u OM or tba R n t and thom kst to be faeed by tbo Incoming eongvtM.

W. Among the actions relaUng ta tho delicate problem vere:

A predletlon by Senator Nye (R* ND) th i l eontress .vould enact

ir». ' 'l<hln ta-o monUu a ”genulne guar*

| » ! m enu" In foreign wart. Ke called lh a ' tor a "quaianUne" ‘ agaUul 'both

loans end credits u well u arms n d tlilpmenis to belllgerenU a ban Ih* a is ln st travel on billlgerent ships, in, and a rule forcing «-arrlnf n a t lm n d to como here a t their own risk for ih- any purchases whatever.

U taba Issne* Warning « n A warning trom Senslor Thomai ir* fD.Uiahi th a t over d ruU c neutral*

tly Isws wolild compel the president- to override IHtm should an- easer*

gen.'y arise Justlf)'lng use of his dls-. . . erbium not contemplated In the VS la«.

I An action by the sUte department use dlsspprovlng a proposed shlpm tnl of Ui*’chromium ore from the Philippine

I Isltnds to Italy, taken on the ground tin th i l this would constitute an ab- of normftl export of an essential war oJ m sm lal IR conlllct v ith govem-

>nd ment policy.t e d ' pr.'parotlon by ihe senale munl-____llona„com m U tet_lQ jum m on_i_P.

Morgan and T hom u W. Lament, a ara Momnn tiartner, on January 7 for '<^'nue.Mlanln7 on the part played by >hd. foreign loans In this country's en* “ t:t rsn e e Inlo the World a’ar.

i The dIvUlon of views u to the I form to be taken by the new neu- I irallty Icglslntlon promised one of till* most dromsllc battles ot the tes* slon.

The sU to depsrimsnt is genariUy supposed 10 be on the side of gnnt* ing dlscretlorury power to thO president. Some senators favor this. OUiers favor a rigid program of en*

• n forced neutrality. Still others hold • S Uist there should be a minimum >U m t(rfer;nee with trade, whether »

, nation Is a t «’ar or not.>n-J_________ c jU , '

, ( | . > Advocating discretionary author* lilu Ity. Senator T hom u. a member of :lca foreign rejaUons committee.

n ld : _________i m "Su^pou a situation should arise irly where a nation made war on tbe u t Itepubllc of Panama. Would thla no t-«H in lry-w lsh-lu-oh l«f-execuU va

, powerless to Inlerfore?:|ty "It we aMume th s t ttie peutn llly

's ; t U le see th a t w i do not g-sl into war. th a t Is one hlnf. But If n assume. It is ao act to keep uf

- out of-somebody’s-else's-w ar. tha t JN Is quite another thing. I t war comcs

Inlo our neighborhood we surely do not w snt to see our president's

.LI hands' tied."Ire The Slate departmeni'a oppoal- ‘t u , lion 10 tne m u p p m e tlllftWWm I It o n shipment tb lU Iy v u made ■ a through the war dsparifflenl. Un*

, d tr Ihe commonwealth form ot gov- Of ernmenl now In toroe In U u Islanda.

IU foreign a tta in are subject to Uie approval o t the United SU U t. '

- N o r r i s U r g e s - V a s t ~

£ ; ■ F e d e r a l A u t h o r i t y

m ■ WASHINOTOK, WO. S< W -3 « n - Ph ator NorrU (R-Ncb). faUier of the u ( I Tennessee Valliy authority act and ii]. olher new departures In govcm-

I ment, will soon ottsr congr«M a pro- an I pcssl vaster than all Uie rest, ho He u ld today bo would Introduce nd a t Uie coming session a bUl for a lUi I Mississippi Valley auUiorlty—along i n . ; the lines ot the TVA.

j~lt~v,'6UId"em brac«-considBrabls In. I more than half the contlnenUI in I United s u i t s . Its terrliory would

ijh'r include all the broad plain between ;h. the Aliegheney foothills and the

western contlnenUI divide, all I t would reach from the rlk-ulets e '■ th a t feed Uio Mississippi from neut J _ the, Ctnadlnn .bordtL-ta-ibg-UtHa

Where Uie huge river poura Into the Oulf of M ei^o.

In this fdr-flung area, only th; Tennessee valley, which h u lu own

„ TVA. would bc omitted from tht |)lati for developing the g n a t waler-

Ihg —110------------ C .JM N -BB 8I0N 8


~~5.°‘X iS S X ! jy i 'h 5 i '— delphla bureau announced Ute todaj

v u he l^ad teilgned to Uke a pcattlor in i In tho legal department of the Du- Un, pont De Ntmour company In Wilm' ^'U ington. Delaware.

Harvey, a "0-m an“ lor 11 yean Fol* h u been In charge of Uio Phlladel- iple phia office for Uie p u t three and i

half years.

y S p ec ia lsl c 2 ? “ * " ..“ ” *.“ :....1 5 c

r g - fO ltn-LO IN -R OA BW. - ■

t ^ ACORN SHORTEN- | C ING. 4 LBS__________ 4 0 c

t c ? ; r ° " ^ ' M e

r M ARKETU .ID PtlOUl 111


l o f f l o e r ' i S u n b e l l i D ea tli

T o F o r m e r I d i h o C o n v lo t,

W M u r d e r e r o f F o u r P e r so n i

(Owttotwd W o o Ptga One) ’

inRt«d tb i husband and vUo te

:--------- ''I 'll I I I yuu all fvur U y(M duulcomo back.” K night abouud al them.

Tbo OUllgaM b u n M to the___

« story to OhUf Shay.J . O fflcen iped to Uw bouu . Uielr M patrol c a n brlstUng v ltb arms. A ,i . tear bomb v u hurled In to Uit

bouse and Knight dashed out.7 . Duggan fired a n d Knight d r o p ^ “ to too ground.

tndleaUoa U u t K night conUm- Uie plalMl Uio poMlblUty of killing

Mmeone In Butto came today from rR* John Ollmore, service su tlon em'' M t ploye. OUmore n ld h i had loaned ir* Xplght IS on hU fu n saveral days

a ^o -and thal. on Chrl|t[p»^ dfy led Knight redeemed tbe veapon, re* oU, matkUig:TOs “01»e me baek my gun. I might « nip4, O fflcen suspected th a t Knight

u v danger lor hlmMif in Jeap ^ Miller's knowledAd of Uie Seattle

shooUng and planned to remove Uiat Uireat. Mlsa MlUer. Knight's former svieU ieart told PoUee Chief W alter {. -Bhsy th a t Knight had

“ I X im U»e officer who CM iht him lUaliiig ehlckms. Knlghl v u a t. teenptlnt to in te r her room vh in O'NeJlJ ir r tre d and v u shot down

Miss MlUer lold Bhay (hat Knight U'f had “Uireatened to bump m i otf if

1 told.".They had quarreled, sho ex- ent plained.' of Policeman James Mocnty and Ine Mni. Florence Benevue. also thot by md Knlghl In the rooming house dls- nb- turbance. v u recovering todty.- var SherUf Larry W eir u id K nlghft m - criminal rteon l ahoved acWvliles In

Washington. California. Nevada and f il. Idaho, w ith several burglary con- _P , victloni . _______________ • _

for ^ ~ ~by F a r m e r - L a b o r P a r t y

G a i n s S e n a t e S e a tthe --------

ST. PAUL. Dec. 37 ( ^ M in n e - sola's Parmer-Labor party obttlned

*** a second plnct In tho United SUies tenata today with the appointment of Elmer A. Benson, 40. to the va-

n ‘* carjey created by Uie death ot fte- th« publican Senaior Thomas D. Schall (vH- Farm er-U bortte Oovimor Ployd en* B. Oison named Benson to succred old schall. who died In Washington um Sunday sfier being strwck by in r » automobile, and to Join the sute 's

senior F irm er * Laborlte senslor. Henrik Shlpsicad,

___ W^ntnn—« iTflall h»wlf«r gjhno r. became s u te banking commlsslonei of —asserted he vould align himsell

tee. w ith the "liberal bloc" Friends pn* dieted be would ba in sympathy viUi

rise' Roose«ie— pollclBr-i«-whireu- th« tho blind Schall had been one of the .his most bitter foes o t tho New Deal. 4va. —Like_<?Ugn=wh&_hu_.suppo.-te(l

Ihe president — Benson advo»tei Illy public ownership ef monopolistic ip; . . . dustrits. un tm M ynsn t iniurano), J. coUectlve bargaliUng for labor, and uA cooperaUvea for farmer and con-

L..J siimer.. ____ ____" Neither he nor the governor corn-

g mented on reporU Benson vould be a csndldste for govemor a t lha next

, Benson will leave for Washington z z JanuaTV L He.wlU aerve untU J3 |.

cember 31. 19M, . . . • "

Jn* ---------------------- —ov- MARRIED AT FAIEnELO ’J*' FAmPlELD, Dec. 37-M U l HuUi

Edwards, daughter of'M r, and Mra J. L. Edwards, and Elmer Hanson were united In marriage l u t Pri-

__ day evening i t the Communlli, churSi pwionsge^'Rev.'aeorge ElU* l y performing the • ceremony. Thej

were a ttendtd by Mr. and M n 4 ii. -Clxdo Lee.

,^ d BORN AT F A ntnE L O m . PA1RPIBLD..DCC. 37 -A son ww iro- bom Chrtitmss day to Mr. and Mr*

Harold L«e a t ih il r Iwmo bare.lUce ■ ■ . II.


si CITY PARKeen - ..... — .............. .............

: GROCERYSSI Sboabone North ■

the ----- BW Th r DtffCTCTlta-APd—T '^ e 'H ere '

the,1*^ Bacon Squares, a « -the Pound .........................ler- Acorn Shortening. A O ^ t

« pounds..... ...................A w m .S h 9 r w n i M s _ _ _ j , j £ .

a !!“? ' ■' - M e -day CaUup. ••Uon ISH -ov b o ttle _______ J l A C

rnines.3 pounds ............ ...

, Quick Quaker CaU.del* P»r package..................mId a Jan e Oood sa lad a h _

D reuing. q u a rt..............~ O nngas,— 10 slie. dot.................. - i V CH Lettuce, largo h e a ^ ,

3 for - .............. ............ — ... S BMince Meal. a pounds....... ......... ..

3 4 c

! 4 8 c

rL oganB eny ."

5 Gallon ____ _______ 4 “ ®Cranberries, l ^ C



Pboao 10S.W F rte DiUvtry At AU’U o m

d s c c t b t o m , i h s

2B 0F418TI1TE8 : OPPOSEeDEfllI to -

■'*• I V S o u l l w m C m

— m o n w e a lt h s - S up iiii r l

A d m in is t r a t io n9llC« • — •a e tr T WBtyiUlMUf u l i m w u f w

which balloU ha re been tillled 1 heir the laU st retum a of Uie LlUrar L A Dlgeit’i naUoo*vl(le poU aro roUn Uja agalnat Um N ev Deal, only Utab an _ 11 aouUiim atates lupportlng Ui

idm iau trtuon 'a poUciea.“m o 39 l u u a voUng in iB i t th

line *ro u l d to represent oreU per cent of tbe toU l populiUo ot tbe couniry and to have give

.ned D'S president nearly U p tr een U yi of the lotal vote be leceived v h r day elected.re . ~S eia lle^ rasuliT orU ie l a K s l~ ^


*1 PIght « e t

s h • ' ilove I 5 I 5 JIhfa ? !hlef t l l>had s l a him j i p,3 ^ ' AUbaaia ---------- 10.1tt I m U4

Ariaon* ------------ i . l j ; m ^)vn Araansu - ....... t .n i 4.1a s.caIght calirorali ............loi.tio 4S.0H ll.TIp? if Caiorado -----------17,SJ1 « ,m ii.o‘‘ “ ConaMtleui____ 31,911 S.IM 13.71« - n o r ia * _______ _ 10.411 S.141 s.?i

OMnis ...............is.s:4 lo.u} s.oi“ ? f f a „!S J i i ,i:!!‘ “y iDdlUia------------SI.ITJ 21.00} 90,«dls- lova --- ----------- 3»,321 ie,«J 29.M

"hf. ao!i>s ijo j i *s!m------ . . . 4,S10 1.M1 i n

» w MsryUna _____ l»,7Ji S.U0 iJ,o:and UMsae&uMtu ...... 40JU a .iti sa.4iv,n- UlehltMi _______4TJ0» ll ,M tt.23

UI0D4MI4-------- U ,M 1S.S34 }>,7:w u*ou /f_______» ,? S ~ j s .ts l '»,»(U o n u n a -----------4J33 l.no 3,SIHttitMka ........ — a4.JSJ l,es) 1I.S1

s a t ” o rth* 'c i^m "rr“ I :m I .S ! 1.11“ KOfUl Dtkot* J.... .3SJ J.«49 ],K

Ohio .....—______ I ,1TJ U.319 se.UOklihoma _____ 2 .TU 10.424 }|.3<

P*T Ortpin ................ .Ija I.M1 I.SIIned ntiixia i4 itn d ___.110 u i t s.oiales (South ctraiins — . tn s.ou i.}|. .n i South D*kau'__ _ 1 .014 3,«oi tf.ii31 T»nn*MH -------- I .6» i:.4» 7.11

tiall V ir im it________1 ,309 P,iss s.j:i . ,d WuhlnffWn ------ 9.JM J.Ul S.ffi‘v ° We*t VIlllQla ...... 14.S9S «.23e I.U:eed wueoatin ______ o.sio a,ij7 4JJfton Wfomlni ______ 2.1S1 S» • I.K

, ,* j ...TflUl -------- M7.138 4«*.»7 sn,B3Her. ................. ■ ■ I . .

* b J ^ U , O O Q - I n - J e w e I s —

SS," I n T e l e p h o n e B o o t !

Slth PA IU M O R eT ^ i . 37th t dlaeovery of-lll.OOO l^^^nlsslng Jaathe els in a telephone booth in Oran

I. Central station In New York Clt..-ted *as disclosed here today,a te i Tno“Jewets a is s p ia re d trom 'Ui; Ipi honia of Alexander £ . Duncan D(n n , rCIPber }4> «'((l4lni day o t hiUld daughter, Mrs. ?dw&rd S. Ytggeon* Jr. Duncan said, today th a t tho Jo«

d ry had been^recovered.by .an irorn'- surance agency,1 be Ho said ih t gems were found 1next the phone booth Docembsr IS by___L Brooklyo..N--V, man-wliose-nani[ton ho declined to disclose. Duncan salj)K. ths finder wrote him th a t ho b i

-'a •package oi ink^W ." j .—

I KENNEDY TAXES JODluUi NEW YORK, Dto. 37 (<IV-TakU Mra. on hU first m ajor Job alnce his reslj uon nation u chairm an of tha securlll P ri- and exchange commission. Josef n lly P .-K onnody.«ju_reuined lo d a y l ElUs uie Radio CorporaUon ot Amerii rhey to make a itudy of Ute capital stnii Mra, ture 01 the m ajor radio concern.

*■* "Your feet serve yoo for tvo- Mn- third! of Iho day. i f abused yog

really can 't blame th e n for kieh- iffg occulanally.’'

They w on't kick a t (ho kind ei H vork v e do.^ TWIN FALLS S^lOE REPAIR

~I}2 Bhothoae West Phone 991

^ ... . \ . ■ . '

- 1 =— — -SIN^JS-IPROMPTLY Responds to J

£ ( Techalque. Quick, Effective lloors. A Proven Sclentltlc

* Xl DR. H.C A - l W M . I t H V n l - . . .......

Y Phone i m - ( 0 « r T .

CC, c p — — ■

c P U B L iIQ SALE TO 8, I WUI tell I t pdbllc Aqeilon a t | C west e t the Bank ef Kimberly ^ >VUblagt#n school ot Twin Fai

MONDAY, 1l ( j 6 COWS—Yellow J«raey cow. ^ cow. dry now: Jersey cow.

Im Guernsey cow, gjvlng milk: Ot I® P u n Bred G uem siy Bull, i ye ) | i H O RSES-Black mare, imool

hone, sm w tb mouUi. v ilgbj l j - iitba ni8BU.‘ ---------

SM CHW ERY-MsConnlik.Dei I Q bean planter, good one; Eme

cutlcr: p . 610 , tw o-vay plow; 1 I f i good grain drill; good dltchei

steel corrugaior; light wagon , 3-aectlon wood harrow: 9-fo« ^ too numerous to nehtlon-

t - TCBj

■ I ' ' C . B R E N' W. J. Ronenbock. A oelleaKr

r \ •

i j E i i no m ; 8 c l t l « l « l ~ A u l p 5 - O w i t

[--------oHO-Per C<ntof Most ,Damaging Temblors *

^ ^ come from breaking 0rary rocks more U un « 0 mllia belov th lllng .‘lurfaceand The mechanism of tb e « -deep Uie focus" quakes. Uio g«olcglul soclet;

Of America v u told W Andrev U ltl tha a sd J. A. Sharpe, la fraeturlnf du

over (0 one of two causes, tion ' One is stress exurnal to tbe ahat iven tering rocks. The olher cornea whei eenl rocks flow like molasses under prea r h n sure and heat..

AlUiough pressure and lempera

, the strength ot the rocks to reals • > th ise two forms of energy. The rock

!< will flow provided they are not foree I too fs»i. If tho flow became to _ rapid, they fracture.

J David X orlggs. placing m k a I: • laboratory,undir a pressure 0

- I 1,450,000 pounds, found m at they be i g come p lu tlc and shorten about 3 t ’ per cent. After tha t point, they n 8 longer yield but become brttUo an- - brtsk.

^ '. A nalaeb laa H btorr? '? 2 '‘ T h t ■"geosynellnei' idea of th I m building of me Appalachian moun 3.7IT u rn s 01 e u te rn New York w u ex

plained by Henry V. Howe aad Dj Rudolf Ruedemann of the Ntw Yoz:

4!s7s a u te museum,oieas oeotyncUnes are great, elongatci

a re u ot the earUi'a crust a t or nea s;o»4 margins of conUnenu, which to 2.147 reasons not well underalood ilttk to

vast periods ot llmo.3 M Tha geoaynctina under, tbe presen 9,271 a lu Oi Ntw Vor< sank unUl 11 wa L«..«boutUO,OOa.feet-uodar-Uio-prasaii 5'jS levelo fU iesea .A sltw en tdoanm u i 's » and sediment plied on lop of It, s 3,291 U u t lu surface load was probabl

aiways a t pr near m e top ot th 319} *’aicr- Tne sedlmenU were presse «;9}4 into rock by their own great weigh' U44 Then p;cssure tram each side c

Uie gcosynellne forced ll up like liiM gable roof, l u rocks broke and fold tf.4i2 ed upward like shingles. They ver

elevated Into high p lauaui. out c l u s which the w iiu ie r carved Uto Ap S.UI palachlans.s.ffn --------------- ------------


7,031 tlstlcs here show 81 births and 1 diM hs duilng th* past year. T h « bnve been (Ive m arrU gu perfono

_____ fd vlthin -------------

» t h CAR 0VERTUB.V8FAIRi-IELD. Dec. 37-Occupapl

of tha E. W. Moody automobile e: i .£ eaped with m inor bruises when Ui |;" ;~ c a r ^ e H u r n e 'd - last' P rld a y liT U i ‘ " 5 rood between here and Soldier.

De- ■hta

3 , ' ; g 3 t u ] k ( k o p

t!ud MIOICATlDW iTKM . . . I H m B lI M I t - O g ____________

“V lC M V A P O R U B ^ g ^

e*lg«rllles ••

■0. M e d am g tK c a iio r i; ; ; X e * ' « tii - f a ih i. ii« d « o u i :

g v n ip t> t< m o t« c en • f v a n l t n t . . . l m m

p a n a l v t . . . i l n g a r g j ---------------7 I o n B iF tn t t t « rtiroo

-INFECTION- ■ ■ ' I0 My New Treatment ot Eleclrleal A Ive, La:llng. ResulU la Forty-eight T Ic .Method. y

Hi, W. HILL %----------- ^TwlnFallt. Idaho- A

Twta FalU Pain t ft Glass c l ) Y

j C S A L E1 8TAET AT NOONa t m r place. 3 m llti north and H mUo l ^ o r 1 mile north, 4H ntDea a u t ot.

, DECEMBER 30V, giving milk; O uom w r and Durham V, dry now; Jersey cow, giving milk: O uim iey and J in t y eow, giving milk;year old: 4 im a U ^ v e s . ...........oo'Ui mouUii weight iMO lbs.; black Ight 1000 ibi,

Deirlng mowir, nearly new: Mollao menon bean plow, good ont-, good bean, v: imall disc; Emeraon'ridlng culUvator: her: lu y lUcker; good walking plow: ron; le t haroeas; good hand leeder: fodt Dieting hay rake: oUier aniclci

5BM »-«A8H

NNON, Ownerc r CaH Bollenbeek, d e r t


Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

~ t e t o m o ^

A chwmlnB m to m th a t U gro* In* In IkTor •leidlly U l« hold op t Jiouw on New Ye»r‘8 day. TJie ooea *lon may be w ry Informul — Juj !« It be known by telephone, no! or friendly irreeUnjr tha t you ai • rewlvlng’* on ihe l in t day ot tl: new }-ear (rom 2 o'clock until 8- or whatever hours are most conver

T lllM U ^ 'T rrT u p i5 5 W r^8 “ aro In caiually, remain for a cup < ten, coffM, or punch, nibble few eandwlchei, ch at a bit nn ro on to w rne other (tjilvliy. I t I'll very , almple and eajiy — yov

K only duty 1* to provide a « i liberal quantity o t itmple npp< tlicr*. aandwlche.? and »u;h drtnl a.i j-eu choose. Arrange j'oi liible buffet <tyle. bflng cnreri to replenish dwlndllnR nupplli from Ume to time. And »mcc brlik walk In the c rbp winter a! M ap t to sharpen api>etltes.' t liure your tuppUc* are adequm fnoujh to meei the ex p x tt demands tha l will arlje. If yc arc servlns tea and coffce yc may invite wme »pecUl frlen( t^ pour. If your table Is to t graced by a punch bowl your hui band will probably do the honor "if j'ou do not cnre lo ic n c a alcoholic punch there arc a nun ber of dcllclous fn ill punchcs thi atv ideal for such nn- occa.^io H W 'n re '-T cd p e s i— fo r- tw o - ftr tome iURgcsllont (or unusual n| pcllaen and cakes.

Fm ll rnnch Take the Juice of 12 lemons ar

1 auart .of grape Juice. Add quart of Mrong t r t . 'C ut up or 4 oranRC.% and odd. T ^o ru |

'• o: maraschino cherrlcs, cul fin nre then ndA’d with tlielr Julc MIX all together nnd pul In U punch bowl. Sweeten to ln.il Ice when ready to /erve and nt1 qiinrt of chareed water. Mu ttply th u recliie to m e:i ll quantity desired.

Delmonlco I'unrh---------- ljuSo*-ot-3-dM<?n-lemoni. --------

Orated rlndi ot 8 lemon.i Juice ot 3 d onn ornnKr.^Juice and pineapple from 3 la r

fans ot diced plneapiilc.Pour oi-er ihJ* Ice- water

• l r ~ TOkeM-irBUons.—SwMion-to iw i r Carbonated water may bc 'ad d i

to the punch ju»t before .‘,er\'ln

Hot Cheoe Caiiapr*ThL^ rccliw muy 1>.* prepared

D ie , monilng. placed on cook ... .. .slice'ta..snd UMj>K<d a* needed, M

pound mlUI cheese,, grated .fii2 tablespoons chopped green pi- ixr, small onion, ginlcd fli

---------I ’- i- tm p o o n /i' InVlled buUer.'tca.ipoon snlt. , ■; teas|>oon d mustard and a (ew grains of ca

:_____ fnng- SnKurl on smnll Muarr« .brfnd which have been toasted i one side. Ju st betore wnnl toast under Uie broiler.. Tl

I ' recipe makes 30 small canaiw .

I Swedish CroutoniCut out small round plece-i

--------white b read;-8prcnd-w lth n -lh llayer of buller. place on each fllleU of anchovy. cra.v<d, sprlnV with gnvted Parmer,in clw-ci Ju st before sen’lng bake crouto n golden yellow. Stick . a toot pick In each. Serve hot.

DfWipd Kee*To each yolk of iuird*cook

CRR a d d , 1 tnblr.ipoon croa clKCse. a K nni teaspoon Prcn drcMlns nnd n b ll of minced pnt

____ Jc j '.__Maih_(ind_blcnd_thorouBhUiu> mixture to stuff egg whi Chill well,

nolird Celery Sandwlchr* While bread

■ ■ Celer>- ‘H Qutter

Thou^und li^land Dt\-Ming H L , Cut ^i-lncli slices ot bread frt

n fresh moLst lonf. Remove cnn U T — aud-M irrnrt llfT. i ffllh. folL-bl K H I ter, Cul stalks of celcr^' tr I H ) lengths equal to width ot .tlic M / Fill stalks v llh the dre/slng s M pUicc a stalk on the edffv: ot ca

Twin F e

K v cry “ Ulue, R ib b o n '

grpccric.-^. f r u i l s . vcrc

o r d e r Is f ro m th e N ew 1 1

f Open HouseV

grow* slice ot bread und rolt Into t! open bread 'like a jrlly toll. Itoll i>nn oc«n- wlches In a dump napkin and p• Ju.1t In tlie refrlcerator for a fi , note hours. Chopped Inm nnrt dre.- u are Ing may be u.ied a s ' a flll.'r I it the the celery.II 8—nv«n- Prune and naeon Sandwlchei

Cut crhj) Iwcon Into 1>Iia

u p * ^ Senson lo ta:.te wllh cliopprble n sweet pickle, lemon Juke .u

nnd prepared mustard. Adtl mnynr. I t ’s ” '‘1 ^ unlll the right cor.'lAiru

your sprrad. u.y? bctwrcn :.;iiw ry cracked wheat bread.

Honii ot rienlyvnii'f Scr^e smnll horn.i m.idc frr

^ th ill slices of i>mokr(i salnu,, cooked ham ur dried beel ttll

nw aI . hard-cooked I'gg. Sea.-«n to u :- ^ uicf sariiisfi n ith « bll o/jM rjJvj.

•qunte Tonjue Sand^^^c^l^^\rc te d Ij t t 'p . onion Juice .( you I ttap. minced’ green ])cp;>cr sf you l-i cup mlncetl cold bollod lonxucrienils MnyonnaL<«to be Mix all the lngredlm-_% ;ind :n

hus* enough niftyomial!-.' lo molsl<onora, sp read between thin >llcc.sfC an wlllle bread.num - Turkey Sandwlchr* With Sl.nconI th a l Toiul 12 .'llce.s of Urc.id quid :a.-aon. so that ll will not be too tiard ;i:— and t)uticn!cncnn»Jyr-Top-w!ih-sH«I np- of cold turkey, th-.-n crl.'p slices

bacon. Add a leal ot Iciiuce a siireacf with mnj'omwl^e and wftler thin s l i c e ot rranbci

i r t "">■up 3 Slutted Celrry

I ru |u I pkK. Cnmcmbert clictvt fine. '• Clip Ir.'iivy crcan

Juice. I cup chopiK'd walnut iii’.'ais n the Snil lo tiislc inslc. 1 ibsp.- lemon Juice

d ndd Few drops ot tnba.«o iiiute Mui- Paprlkn

. Ihe Mix tORjiher llie elu'.M- a crenm uniil ihoroushly blviiiii Add the cliopiX'd nuu. lom Juice. Kibn.wo .'-lUcc nml .-Jilt

---------T a«c:" 'T lU'~3mall titiirorm 's iiiof cclcry and .-prlnklt with ju rIKa.

Cheese I’ulfiIB two-lnch loiiit clicle.Nl-efiB..benir.i]__ ..... ..................

added c lw e■r\'lnj, len*i»on hon^enidbh

‘i lc!l. l>oon prtiirtku \3 f.tbV.rpooiis folt biiivr.,

i-cd In Place •circlc.s on flat p:iii. Ejirv cookie wllh rcM o{ Inqreillcutv toj.st ui 1. Mix lops are wcll-browiird. e rrrc iirn I fine, diately. The toast and i<i;iiiliJi: i , pi'p- Ik- prepared before senmK. but I line, not spread unlll llm'* 10 fcrvc.cr. >; ......................Onion nilsI dry 12 toiul flngcr.s f cay- 'i tensiwon • horscrnili.'hre« of 1 tnblesffoon mnyonlu^l^f_______,ed on 1 teaspoon chopi^d nnlun lanted ‘i teii.MX)on cclerj- .’■alt

Tills 3 tabIesi)boi» M fl buutr s. Place toa.'t fliiBers o" bai;:

jh e « . .spread will) rest ol 'liisre c n u and bake 5 mlnultfs In moder;

ot oven. 8cr\-c .w.um.................. .......thick Ha\'c bowU of popiKd corn, ini

■ach 2 j)rci«is nnd ]x‘«nuls a l hand, irlnkle ~ " —

C O N D IT IO N O F W R E C K too th . V IC T IM S IM PR OV II

RUPEflT, Dcc. ;i7-Do;h o! cooked IlUDcrt boys, Uob Adaiiw. ^oll ol : cream ‘“ 'd Mr.t. L. K. Adam.s and Le.

McQuiilnc. son of Mr.s. A. li. IH in n - rcci'lvcd Injuries lu nn n

luohi'w w rcclT Prar.H o 'buriiJa iL Saiuri • night nre Imiirovlnc.

' ^ Young Adams. wIiom: liijurle> broken pcivb bone iihd imiiclti bladder, were ihe more wrlous, Atlll In CoiURc hwjilUl lu.Uui wJjrrc )!c B'wi nx'Jifd loJJo^vlns Occident. Vouns McQuiilne. ;.utl Inn ^hock nnd b.idly J,ured

1 irom |,rui.sed .wm brouttlil home I cniM.i xui,.srtiiy iiiicrnoon and Mill o

L-bUl:- jmr.,l.,|» jiu u-d. Adiiiui,• into ously 111, n mnklns steady inipro .■dices, „ic„i According to reports from

■K 2nd bed.ildc.t cach mil creason, w n of Mr. und

R i b b o n

V Q u a l i t y /

F a l l s ’ E i n e a t T a

)on” o r d e r R u a r a n lc t i l In p lease

c R c tn b lc s c r s c rv ic c . I l will b e "I

s’e w C c n tr a l M a rk e t. .1 1 _____________


r7=7— X l w - & U r t v - H o m e i n a k i; iM eil, KorTttoi


L/ V UroVlrt'a'aiiMKriV Scrambled F.(jvs

Uuiicred To.i.ii'0 the , OrajiKe Marmalafle Mind- CoJIfpd put l.uiielirflii

few Celrry and Co;ii Koiip Cracl: dre.-i- P!ckle.ir for •’'•■ar S.uice Su^ar CooKk

Tea Dlnnrr

hei Noodlf MoldUutiered G rwn Ur;m%

‘ nrfiiil O r.iw Jpllv .Oivted Lelluce Uus.\in« Urev

■ , j I’r.ich Pud;lliiK Creaminymi- --Irucy < clery And ta rn Souji

't 'o ad U;c fo r Lcftovci.M 'j c!i|i canned corn 1-J cup diced celery 2 !.ilj '»poon% thOiippcl onior.v

from ; - i''iJleiveon.s chcpiii-d i)iniiciiu ilnidti. * ' ' ;e;i>j:rw) .i.i):

ftUr;l) '• i>'-i'inx>ii p;ii);llM io;.|:cd; - f 'il ''

: l.llx-.pOOIl.v bmilT .1..,. , - i:iijlf.',pjom {Jour

■; I f.ip m llK- - ...........k ' Mi\ rorn. ci-ler>', .-icu;,oiilnt;x f

iw au r. Cover and 'sim m er Z'j m ^ Ilte-. ihrcuKh co.irne .•tr;;ii

uut Mri; Duller and luId Hour, ii'id n ui:;i ((ink until creamy ^auce lor

d a r id * ''' ' ' ' '■f,>lf!e' mUldre and cook■ niir.ii;e Serve in bowls.

■•.s of i .'Inndlr MoldI *■ ' 'Me.-itlcv.)

icon 1 r . luiH cookcd noo:1Iesitilckly i *d jind ' '• ‘ ‘'1' clH'cs-'. Kraii'rt

— 1 ^t.iiuouu-thojipjd .onion___CCS o: i ' U',i,'iioon clioppt;d purMry e nn ii' * i’'ii-'i'win choppcd pimleim) Hd 1 1 '• ‘'■■“ I'®'” ' iiher-v '• 'laspooii celcr>' .Mill

: ', ie»»|);:on paprika ! 2-J cup nulk

M,>. liik'iedleut:; .nul ixiur Into ll ! leri’d uuild. Set in p.iii of hot 'a :u ! ii.ikc M miuuies ni mock; ' uvc'ii. UniiiiilcI and i.urround iviiti■ Clfell UwiisI • I'eacli I’udcllncI J iMiined peach lulh• •.; 4 .:.>ic.i

J ;i;.irNlima1ow:,' 3 i,.blvMKx;iis cinni!.- ju;ccvni.eii.' [,,bcb|K;oiiN cocomi:. lom iai; jiiirri'dieiilv Pl.ice (vac

jn i;l,.'.s duhf.% anc! icip tti:)i (e.v

luii.I ---------------------------


.............................M E M B E R S ELIG IB

_________ aHOdHONK. l>c . : t — Kulir fi1 .MiDir,' 4-11 ciutj.s iMVe inrmDiT!.

iiibir to reciivc iirlii-v.Mii--:il awr ior Ihe 103j tli iJ MM'oii. - I

£4in.';ul , Tl).. N,.t„b Cloihliij club in ti t uiilU '-iit,:;,. |,,1 by Mr .. .Maliel H iirm ?. thV \.-.il,-TiS Col:!xbr(KiKii, D< n: lai; U;j. Hello:i .mil Madellii.- "ibut ,(to ry <ompIeiIiiB flr.M yisir jirojr e-..... _ JunlC'.: RttU.and.Jcuii Wmimcr-.

isiung fourih ye.ir worit.In Ihe Niirlh iShdUinnr vlcli

the MiiRle SlUclier.s floUilii-; <______ nnd the Magic CooHen; ll::.l ; I baHlni! eUib tt.'re led by Mrs. I)

Mlicliell. tin- :,;!m? mvmber.i rnt •liiR tn Both orEnnlr.ulon.';. Li

baiiiiK Huhl'T. Viva Jnrk^on, t.oui.T MU . !J. Mir)r>rir ^1yct\ Joyrp Will),

)deratc ;a,<i Youiir cnm|)lcled I---- .li^iojccli------------- -------------■ itiiail 1 ^Jr^, Clem 'A-rry'.s Dasy Bee eli

| in;j elub complelod four proji ' recoiils bt'in’: rccelvcii from ir.irl

< ■ Cheiiey. Alice Uae Mulllncr. I Mulllm-r und Vi-rgll T m y .

1 * = —o! Ihe ! 11. V. Crca.son. the iliitd lii the p oI.Ntr. , oI .'ix in Ihc wreck .Miffered Le.'Uc em.s nnd brul.v.'^ abou; the Ii;m<1 Hum alicr suitclcal dre.i.'ii'.i; wni nW

n aiiio rflu rn lo h b liuiiie folIoaiMKiiuriliii'.:.“cj'iji'-nv._____ :-----------------------

I Owen Stapleton, owner and di irle>, 11 ot tho wrcckcd car einiped u iicUircd Jured exccpl* tor brin.^cs und r,1 lous. !5■a- did the other two occupant .Uurlci' the car. Corwin Orv;n nud Clar Ins lh:* Dagimll.;.uffiT-' The nccldcnt oi'curred a< the I ■d ami all home from Hit' IJnlverMi; i(‘ l.iiu Idiilio, .soutliern branch, lor (lie 1 III coi i diiy^ were enroule tu HurUy S.i

iiprovc- ol llie read lo avoid colltrioii ttll •om Ills ni-.pro;ielihm_car the inachUK*

OUL of control nnd c.ireened in .id .Mr.',. bruise approach near Heybum

km N e w

P C e n t r a l

M M a r k e t

----------- - - P h o n e 3 H — 3 1 3 -

'able Supply.•use y o u . W h e ih e r i l 's tneiitj*.

" l i lu e K iiiiiiin” iiu u l ily i f vou r

S e ru e Festii____ < — , —. -

aiuci- Ihc lu%lJih (east day* .Meirte Fjialind. roast beef

«. te rji llif pier* if } rejh lanre ot m; n Itnlld.iy dinner. And rightly tor a foa.«i of hcef. nicely brow on th r ouflde uud lender i

nni'f-v '»Hhln. makes a me.it wli olea.'o., even the moM f.istldl dinrr. anil h c 'lvclally approprl (or Se'j Yo.ir’.s day.

In oril'v ih.il von-i be 'f hnve liiiinilniily it diwrve.'. It must

1% I'ropnly preijared. with n.s m

revlni! it5,\sibli', wl'.leli. iicccrdlng lo I ram g. wr..w»i, luune c.-oiiombt. me

t'.ial 1! Iui::,l be toaM:d nt a I ruii)ei-.iture, Fi'om er;i>crUnenl

S' !;u.s Ix-ii ^l^ov.n llial a trmperat _ o; DM) (leKre?^ K. for iV.c en ' roa*tliK- |«;rlo.i eook-s the roiu't n

' a minimum of >hrhikai;e. and L'liioi vlll,-,. II I'loiliire--. r'^iMs whlcli

rvriiiv (I.,lie tfiroir.'huut as ttcll leiuler iiiKl Julry. In me.-.t cmcj iirasi pieiiarid a t ihi.s lemiierat '■111 b' ?uftirl«uilv ijrnuned.

i.'!:ciiJd ;;o:. t.'i’j. ovch icnipc nnii inrreaicd d

I mill. 1““ ^1"' tew mlnuie.s of co

:dm llki Mil“T a .•tiindlni: or rolled li)!-liu.' " " ' t ai.: llic cuts moM ;,»lt:

cook 2 rtt.iaJ Iwcf. Ch£lav in which the lean Ls <

;;:Kiit)!e,l iiiul Wllh a KeniTOUS C 'hr;.iK <if ta t over llic onMde. t! IV Ill tl-UMMNl nj. de.^rllx-d b:l I It «:11 make a roa.'t n.s leiii!-.T i ( ti -'innii' a.s could 1* desired.

--------- j— n ja )- lh o - to a i l Ial side* up-o*' I i u un open ronsilnit pan. '0 ; ll'i; nild niiv •.•.-atcr and do not <

'r r , I'ljf-' 111 a #Io«' oven 1300 l.K -es V ' nnd roa.st until doiw. ijii.MiW lor a standlni: rib r< i i ; ;h:'-i 11 lo f.veiiiy minutes

' ^ “ '.‘■• ■it.iiii.t f.ir a ran- roa.-;. f icn ty -

Lla,',:'‘ 1".-.'vn ta ihiriy mlnuies ix-r iio

i (lU- a n- ll-diiii'' roast. For ii bo an,I rti!lr,i roa--l. II will be ne

|: iiy 10 i.lUw ;i .\ll';tilly loiiKcr t i; : .r innind tor ro;i.s(infr.I II l.s r.ii.y 10 buil:l a wholeClii ir..^s n rn u around ro.i.st biTf. '

v iic li,, belo'.v may :iilt j

i N>» V ejr's iflim rr MenuI c:ii:ird Tom ato J uI.t

C'I'-iv Olive;| i : .a . ; ilivf Mllh Voili-hlK- Pudi ' -llunMl Giavy

j IB L E \Vlll;i;i.il Pn;i,ti,e.---------- :— ......-CTTiTrjrnir^:—jr _________________ Huitereil Uro<rFTTir: r rm rrru iE H ^ d ’

iMliM M!n.-r Pir.i Nut.s Cc

.•icliiity, I ■' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '’" '!■! club ' Vnrli'lilre fuddiuj r,l Vtfir, _ __ ___

rn ro l l-1 1 ia;i ;iii!.;L a n a y i-;im,>.ui "Mlich-;

.'JllJaiH M :' ":e .'lom .nul »all lonei a bolh ; ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _

L' elolh- ; iroJeclJ,

f 'S : ' HONH ______ I ’ l C K I N C ;

Now th i l l Ih e b lu ■ a irh u im s r ™ i i»

,a<l ami oviT . vou w ill ncetl nbic 10 m a n y s ta p le i lc n is

to fill ou t th e nn 'iii ----------f r o n - l l i m i c h - v o i r

II unui- « i [ | jirob iib ly he d r.iiocK 1,,,,,^. jiifk in R Tor a

r ™ i ^ , y . J t o n l -- ir'C's Ilf y n tir neeiH .

he boys, y iiu c an iiTways tie-r^">' <'! p t’iul on « e 11 i n ir• 'a iu ir! e M -ry th in i: in liinh111,. ..Illl- ____( |iin li ty . f 'in i i s a n dttiihiiii viiTi.>^isloi»ll.s I 0 wtine ;:i.i ,,l v iin r 0 . P.i “ S!.;,.-,.s .STli lT ,. ,-

-- ---------------------- m r m s i T T -


I 'n r uiKiil bi-iiltb— ■ ■nrrvFiiTrin’. '^ i 'T n i 'c -

T o jiroiH 'rly diijc.sl riKid >011 sliou fd l)C jo lly a n d in roo iI s p i r i l s w h ile e a t-

I Inu . ( 'no il (iiiiilily ( H fo o d s a t s iv i n u

jirii 'v .' a re n e c e s sa ry f o r lia iiiij’ m e a ls . U f'^idve lh a t yim w ill Inty y o n r fotnK

' t h r o ii.i: ll 0 lit th ey i 'i ir ni;H) a t a s to r e

I ( h a t w ill se rv e you iH'-<t iinti you n i l l he

I----- - ------ I’.--S la« « > i-K yxtc in e n tlii is ia s t

r b e fo re Ibe y e a r is v e ry o ld .

I 3.PSKACCj 1 IS .Main A v f. S o u th

l.')7 .M ain.-Avc. W est



SCe" Rod<^l' B e e fays 0' j nrudually add milk” to form : hB^|^moolh paite, then %dd the t ! mnny nnrt bent vljorously with nn lly W), beaicr for several m l;iut«. P •omied into p.in with bottom and si

nnd greawd with beef dripping* i which bake lor Ilflecn minutes in n

tldloiL-, riei;p,-e F. oven, and thirty mini jprlate lcui;;rr In n slow oven. 6«r\'e v

ln>a*i be:t.,ve the ’*h? lemjw.iiure Of ronsting I u sl be be incre.i.’.ed tor the,shorl t

mnny ni-ee.'viry for sturting YorksI uvi ii.. inuildlut wltlioul nnv dlsnntroiis J Inez 'ulw to the rMsl. t t Ls Importi means houevcr. that the temperature ft low uduivd Immediately after the

enl. I t ' "'en inlimte intcnnl, rrature ■

, r . i m I C H R ISTM A S PR O G R A M

A T H A N S E N CH U Rtell «s --------MCX a HANSEN. Dec. 31-T he Christ: ^ratu^e i i'in;r.im given by the tlansen chi I. bill v.a,s prcfrnted Tuesday evcnlnsnpcra -,'1 " 'chu rch ,. ____ ..d du f. i H‘'v. E, L. While gftv<* the opei

cook- l’!-iVer. A .%ong "Tlic Little Cl: A'Im-])" was given by nic prln

ed rlh Eljle Undf

of Ea.'l" nccompanled^ n '’>■ Doro'fK-tt Wf

I A iTadlng "Disappointed." wns g| '* |by .Marlon Ualley.'■Jl i Ctirntmn* wns givenb:low. I [niitirtu primarj' children. A iv

-T and mil ■ Peacc I Drlng Tliee." was gl I ijy members Irom the primory ui

,i-on-ji_U it -youna -p«>i)l,o.-cin(if,.-A-r: an. Do . loiuiWied ot the fourih nnd t st cov* 1 KrndM sang.100 d e -1 Tlie cvenliut was completed IK. Bj. la m ta Clau.s |i;is.slii« out trvnts.

roa.M I - 'her the prognim the member i w l ' l 'e Senior Epwo.-lh U aguc T

„y:,^.o;caro!iiiKiw und ' —

'3 d : RICHFIELD 4-H CLUBS i«ned ; COMPLETE YEAR’S WOneces- • _____

:r time | iucilFIJU,D. Dcc. S7 - In R : (Kill and Burmah vicinities,

•f The ivoi r ' “ ' “ Wllh good I '‘'^jc.-iiMKcs. Mrs. Evu Sorenson

. Mr». Myrtle Freeman, leader.s ,u I Cros.'i Countrj- Slltehcrs, lurnct

I ri'cords tor Oall Freeman, Mi Ivcs i «o:'R'Oii. Nlim Sorciwon. P •uddhiB . Sorrivcn nnd Loreta Vnushn. C

I McKiMick 'hnd Mnrgarei Swlr ; rnnipK-terf second j-ear clod

---------- t-tvrrriirM r*rAntr\5ciaun;-ka“ iiro cc o lli^ ^ f Cl'Ker club.

fiiini record keepini! elub. were H CoIJet ] Ill-ill IliiiOI, Hnymond Crowtl tracll- j CUlr Sievcuv aconr.- aicvenCT

i!t beef Vaiitlui and Tliomnn Vniiuhn. ( ■n:-y be Jo!in*on rerred a.s club lead-rr i;h thevenlrni ----------

bre.id f:--------------- - -------- ,] |- j ; n

_______ Hous

a e th e r , '

5 ' " —


I ^"PTkes t PEAK"

!!!------------- - - . - K L O U I l ---------------

I'._____________ * _________________“ * t.adlcs . , . nuikf Ihi-. .i .Ve'

Years Dinner that >ihi wl

■ ......... enjoy pirpurim;.- "I'ilie


(or ll.s«lf. a iiaiiuiinl repu

latlon II.S llie Ilm-st C.iU

_ Flniir nn Ihe uiark'-ii Tr

■,sj It lodayl . . . Till- tine H;x

be lure of the raXe.s that yo

Ij* bake will t c i i l \ to 11* tx

ly tfllencc.nu

£ V , .

lls ■h e '

nn '/Ilf

c s UNI*^TORll

‘ ■ M i l l e d a n c


r r - i l M f l Me egg,s ____in m .

Pow njAKLKV. rifC. 27-Oakley In.I slde.s (iiiitiei No. 3 p

' f t '♦00 lolloping ChrUtmns p ilnutrs U rnm in liie Cn.\'la Slake plnvho’.i e wlIh:Mon'la> pveiuiiit; "Schoolroom P

jgfani." Ililrd grade; .'OUK "Sen Ig b e d |.i|.;|,p- (if^i ioiiB,. "I’le.

'Jl' Clock." M^iind umi rkshlrc ..j.,,,. L-mbimas ajunt.' n Ilia, r r • 1 ;.n;;ii;y -iounn -n !itr-T ifnnn '.n t oriam . -i-i.jior; , oiik. " t Dt

I'f l*-''' in Haiilj Claiu," Marl Cla;k .111(1 Clianiiuii! Lake; ouid' icciie and .suiuiiiii, i>iMh nnd m-vci vMd.-.s; • ’Ihe Cliris;m,v> Spirit ol Naiioiis,” eighth iiradj. The progt

II w:i.s under ihc direction ot mi I t p p u Uaclirr. n.iirta black. Principal u n o n „ {.Ortii-.s; ie.ieher... Kcroilt Pcrr

Wjifcrd a.ii;cr.>. O.unrr Leu.'. El ristmas , Arwi lii'iiui.'on nnd Arlei church CiiTi;.s,ling 1 ^ ii'ilowins Albion Normal.s .oenlntt ' ' ' 'J'* *''''■'1 holidays a t il Chrl-St ''0 '“ ' ' ' *'ere; Ediel Hale Oeorge O

irlmnry ■ — ■ i , ,, ,ndgren. .' "T hcj

,, JJ,"" 1 SI'Kl'1,11. I'lUCESiwlnnev IlodilMBj^ » A (V > \ 3 Q cj-Four ] ^

i T r r V - --------- - 4 - P o u n d s - 8 0 e -T Ken-1 W hen Ynu W an t A ({i iw thcrs.,Cliud* I ----- \VANT A TUI

isewives: Here'. “New Years’

Insist on -

■ J |

—- ---------------------- :5»-----------

)NOM|CAL, IT [FORM, labora


i d G u a r a n t e e d B y

rc, DECEMBER 28,1035

>1 ; r*rd, Merrill Roblnion, Eliphri Hi N Ruston Hunter. OelU Severe. A

ttnn trr ............ °-v— '^hi-m i l Luella Anderson, ^

i t f l l l l i tlndile; M rrrlll \W ker, I)w Smith. Madge Matthews, Helen VJ

i Katherine Cranney, Alma Tolm ,„ ,i . ‘Otthene trlckson, Philip- lUlg

IS pro--' The following Mud'uis t r i hn-i« B'Y-U- » l sp e n fth ; holld

' • vtim their relatives hrre; Allceb " 1 Whiteley Wlbon Hari-er Wes Service I Htriier. Almn Mercer. Ko.'i Pick I*lea« I Schlferl. siuiUtu ii SianIumd.'; I ynivernity, njjcnl the hnlldnys «

i Don't The (ollowlng siudpnts from larilyn University of Idaho a l Mo-cuv. »i> luidoor Ihe holidays here; Floyd Plcl vvcnth ' Donald Soulhwoiih. Mark Sou I ol All nortli. Osbourne Wmieley. Jim L, rOritam{lt, Oeorge Elliot. Ludwig Halj

m usic! D eltert Bmllh.1^1'*■ Haltle C ra n n ^O iu d e n t at '" 'i ''''; .so u th ern branch ol^ihe Unlvcr , ftt pocitelo. >pfiit the liV rlea iu-j,y , her home here.

Lourle Curlls, &ili tiikr C ■al s;u*i-'P?nt the holidays Mih tWLl*are i ihelr ix tr. and Atrs. flay Curtu.;e Oer* 1 MUs Mourlne RobliiMUi, 6«ll L

^ IN D E ]

i l MEPhon

JS A L L D A Y S A T l’KDAY ON Al ••F A L L S B K A N l) S P E C IA I

lOcJI;.___II ....3 2 « J) I F r a n k n — M inted H nme ---------------;------ 2 - H « u n d » - 3 5 « ------(Q uarter H eef o r H iilf H o r W n tch

U p A k Y ou W n n l I t A l N n Ex rU U K E Y F O U N E W Y E A R S? H

;'s the Solution ’ D in n er” Prol



more bakings atory controlleD AT YOUR GROCERS

t T H E T W I N F A L l !

Hale. City. *P«nt the .holldayi w im 1 , Aha parent*. Mr. and M n . U J . RobUiuiiA. w n. J r ,_ / _______

City, spent the hoUday* w ith 1 p*rcnu. Mr. and Mr*. Clytle D*

'"""''•IqUUt,' > Mr.. and Mr*. Kendrick H ** jsiwnt the holiday* In O gdea

Iurt?.« 1 E- Hubbard. Polo Alto, Ci : e ^ i t i ' '■“ “ *<* (rlend* here lo r a J I'eston ,i.«Ickeit.l Osmer Lowc spenl ihe bolld

I wllh his parenu In Duriey. uilord I Mr. nnd Mr*. K erm ll perrtn*»p * f tith lihc UoUlaj-A-wUh rclallvei In Albl ilfcrl,.j_ ., ■


UOISE, Dec. 37 t,Vr-C. Ph n™ !* Wilf,on. M. Boise and Caldwell mu u iV

lie w u born in Chatlonoc It the Tenn.verslty Among the surviving relative* e lioli- his widow. Mrs. Morfe, Wtlt

Ihree- sLstcrj. Mr*. 0 . C. Lynch City. Nashville, Tenn.. Mra, A rthur B r

arenis.! Ing nnd MIm Irene Wilson o t Ch ■ [hnoSgii. Tc/iH ...and-a-half brotl

i I.ake I Huston WlUon of Caldwell.

T he

: p e n d e n t

E A T C O .

o n e s 1 6 2 - 1 6 3 -------------------------

A I .l . C U T S O F F R E S H M E A T A I.S -- III. S A L T I’O K K ...... 2 5 c lb .m B o n e le ss S in o k cd

ch f o r O u r S p e c ia ls . W'e C u t I t K x lrn CokI.

H E tT E R O R D E R N O W !

n to Your Mem

A r

r —^ "PIKES^


PURPOSE ' r ' - --------- -F L O U R —

You'll like Pikes Peak All- Puipi-M- Flourl You'll eii.

------^---------- jny-tnc-ricli mit-hfcr Haiofniul fliic texture, the reMili

b le ird lr .K lilKli-iu-einluni Idiiiiu w tniii. Tlicrc arc utore bnkuiKS per i-nck anil

■ ■ _ fewer baklUK fnllurc.s. Buja sack todny nnd expert- iiice thl.s new ’'Kitchen

, .s , Muktc" ^ I h Plkcj Peak

f e " " ' ~

'.■a' —

per sack____ed blending1


1 ' : ,

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

g ] TWfi^ f Au s d a il y n e w sI f . u a i t t m mtmUif « n w t Ifi irfM , W T O 6> ■ w u »»«• « m I m , n m

f c - " ^ '* ° ~ S 2 S l 'S S " . -

[■5 S S lT id S to tmder the »ct ot M irch 3. lITf. ■ 'i * , S ^ C R i m O N RATtS!*■ ** tly «?«rr1gf

~ IOC per week or «Se • mooUi. pojrtblo ta c u rle r . or a t otflce. *

“ OT J tA a

S ’i S f c — = = — SiSThree U onlhi — ■— ...........—........... i

OuUlde BUto eft IdaboOM Ye«r ------— ' ................

M O m e iT o F ASSOCIATED FBEflS m o AnoeUted Presi If excluslveljr enilUed lo

the UM for pubUeatlon of oil nevs d u p itc iiu cndiced to It. or n«.etHCTwUo cred iud .ln thU

—hardn olw rm rrrd .

(fli nteoiu A w cteted P rt«-________________

Audit Bureiu ot CIreulallona.


T ort; CblctKO, Sen m n eb eo .

' Tlw Newi oMiimM no flnimclA] respotulblTitjr for errors In advertliemenU but In c u e s w t } f ^ ) th* paper ts a t fault a correcUon ot ttuu p n r t ' e f lAo advertbenent tn whieb tho error occun

— - win t» pnbUshed w ttto trth a iT c - — ■ —

Alt ootleca required by law or b r order o( eourt of competent jurUdleUon to be publUhcd weeklr. will bo publlihed in the Wedneeda; lauo of th is paper putsuanl to SocUoo S3*I08 1. a A. U32, u added thereto b r Chapier IM. i m gfSrit o U w s of Uabo.

S T U P E N D O U S O V E R H E A D A d m in la tra t io n o f Uic S o c ia l S e c u r i ty A ct

w h ich s o e s In to e f f c c t J n n u a ry f i r s t n n d b y ' • rm e a n s o f - w h i c h ^ t h o - j o v e m i n e n t - h o p c r t i ) '"

r a is e , b y m e a n s o f g rn d u n tc d ta x e s iiiw n ]i:iy- i ro lls ufiscsscd ARninst e m p lo y e r n n d em ploye, a n a n n u a l su m s u f f ic ie n t to re liev o n ir s o c in i d is t re s s , p ro b ab ly w ill r c n u iro m o re re c o rd s a n d rec o rd k c cp in jt th a n th e C e n au s B u re n u , , th e V e te r a n s ’ B u re au o n d n il th e in.Huninee : co m p an ies com bined .

U n d e r th e la w i t w ill b e necesB rtry to k e ep rec o rd s c o v e r in g th o cu ses o f t h i r t y m illio n - • em ployes w i th a co m p le te e m p lo y m e n t hi«* to ry o f cn ch . I n a d d it io n s im ila r r e c o rd s m u s t b e k e p t w ith rc s p c c t to n il e m p lo y e rs o f c if:h t o r m o re p c rso n s . T h o a c tu a l c o llec tio n o f th e '

— ta x - w i l l - r c q u lr c - a t l lL iu r th e E _ J ) o o k k e c p in K ..! a n d flc c o u n tin s a n d e v e ry chunK c in Ihu s ta tu s o f c i th e r e ;n p lo y c r o r em p lo y e m u s t bo

T h e re i s i l t t le d isp o s itio n to q u e s tio n th e — BN-PKSitv n f gomp BUP}] )nw n s th la b u t i t does

's eem a s th o u g h so m e lesx in t r ic a te sy s te m I ; co u ld bo d a v lsed fo e th e c o llec tio n o f lh « t a x . H u g c su m s o f m oney w ill bo rn ls e d by su ch a lev y b u t th e e x p en se o f a d m ln js trn tic^ n w ill

■; b e 'e n o rm o u s .------------- ------------

T h u s a s u b s ta n t ia l a d d it io n ia m a d e to th e — e x p en se o f .g o v e r n m e n t jh c c o s t o f_ jv h ic h is

a lr t f ld y _ h ig h c r_ th a n e v e i; b e fo r c - in - th i i hl»-^ - — to r y - o f th e - c o u n t r y .- ------------------------------------------

P K IV A T E IIIG H T S I t w as m o re th a n th e c rim c m e iiace , m o re

th o n f e n r o f p e r i l 'f o r th c l r se co n d so n , th u t d ro v e C h a r le s A . L in d b e rK h n n d h is w ife

“ “ f c b m ' l h o l r n a U v o 'c o u n t r jT i t \v{\s-Tib«rpcUs? - {K rsecu tion , in the. fo rm o f sno o p ln K n n d Uu t r a s lo n u p o n th e i r liv e s n n d w o rk , in puW ic a n d in p r iv a te , u n ti l th e y s ic k e n e d W i t .

•H ere is a f a m i ly t h a t a w a rm - lie a r tc d ifa- ' t io n loves m u c h . T h e p e rs e c u t io n w l\ic h -h n « ' f i lia lly a l ie n a te d th e m Id, m o re th a n a n y th in g e lse , a p e rs i s te n t , a h u m eles? e x h ib it io n o f b a d m a n n e rs .

--------- N o t-n ll-o f tts h a v e b e e n ifu i l ty .-n o t h a l f o l - .u s , b u t e n o u g h o f u s t o d e s tro y th o p r iv a c y o f p eop le w h o h a v e a r ig h t to p r iv a c y , o n d s e n d 'th e m flce inK to a fo re ig n c o u n t ry . T o a c o u n iry w iie rc a n iu n 's ho m e is' h i s c a s tle , u n d th e p r iv a t e r ig h ts o f h iit isb lf a i \d h is

f)lacc3 a d is t in g u ish e d p p rso n m a y co m e nnd go w ith o u t b e in g fo llow ed by « c u r io u s ond

. e .xcited m ob .____In th is s lin n ie less ijc rsu cu liu n , i l n u is l lie |

a d m it te d by l^onest w l U o ^ th e n e w sp u p o rs \ Tiave p la y e d a p l i r t , T h ey . l o o r w ith th e i r

____t h o u sa n d ovoh a n d i-nr.-j, th e i r s w a r m s o f r e ­p o r te r s a n d photographer.-* , sho’u lil 'e a se u p in t h c l r e f f o r t to s u p p ly a c lam o ro u s p u b lic w ith nl] th e p e t ty in f o r m a tio n n b o u t its h e ro e s nnd i t s v illa in s t h n t i t !« enp n b le o f c o n su m in g .

A ll o f ll.s cou ld nsH nm e. lo ndvnntnRO, m oro • s e lf .rc s tr n in t .n n d d ig n ity , m o re re .sp e ct fo r j iu r s c lv e s ;m d m oro c o n s id c rn lio n f» r o th e r p eop le .

— Ill I M l II— .

_________________ S A M E J I U L Z D E X — . _______ _P e o p le l iv in g OMt-slde o f I ta ly a r e a m u sed

b y a n in c id e n t in R om e. T h e re w a s a r e s t a u ­r a n t th e r e c a llc d ' ‘K d en .” T h e n a m e h n d no r e f e r e n c e to A n th o n y K rien. th e hnnd.'some

___a n d d a s h in g E n g lLshm an M*ho h a s b oon ron -r e s e n l in g G rc a t .B r i t i i in n t G eneva a n d (lu sh ­i n g n b o u t f r o m c a p ita l t^ c j^ d ^ u l n s Mw t.-nv , c l in g s a le s m a n o f B r i t i s h d ip lo m iu y . B u t w h e n th e B r i t i s h g o v e rn m e n t w a s fo rc e d lo a b a n d o n i t s e f f o r t t o m a k e p e ac e by g iv h ig I t a l y t \v o 4 h i r d s o f E th io p ia , th e c i t iz e n s of R o m e b la m e d C a p ta in E d e n f o r i t n s m uc li n s a n y b o d y , a n d g o t m n d d e r a n d m a d d e r a.s iiicY lo o k e d a t t h a t n a m e o n th e r e s t a u r n n t . ’ s o m e r e w a s a b o y c o ttr " ^

.The re s tc u V a n t p r o p r i e to r th e re u p o n m u d e j

1 '--------------- - - ...........• • -

7 ^ I n e a t c o m p ro m lw b y c h a n g in g " E d e n ” to p ’ I ta I t a l i a n sy n o n y m , “ P a r a d ls o ,’*^and p a tro n * « a g e w a s rc su n sc d o a u s u a l . T h e y a r e s a t i s f ie d 0 w i th t h a t n a m e . S o m e ta k e i t a a a sy m b o l o f

E th io p ia , th e c o lo n ia l p a r a d is e th e y h o p e to c o n q u er . B u t" th c y w ill p r o b a b ly f in d • »«r*

0 I p e n t j t t r e . l o o . __________________________

F A R M S A N D ZOOS__ __ ^A_zoo su j ip r in te n d e n t n n d a t f a rk s d ir e c to rp ' ' l i i s 7 iiu liu |iu li t a u l e i iUii a n r UtBLTrimtiitf"n ie '-

a d d itio n o f « c o w a n d s e v i r a l c a lv e s t o th e ’ ' zoo collec lio ii. I t s e e m s t h a t u lion o r t ig e r0 is n o m o re n f a n o v e lty to c ity c h ild re n th a n s t h a p la in u n d g e n tle cow t h a t p ro v id e s t h e i r ^ d a l ly m ilk. T h e m a y o r in th e s a m e c i ty a d d s

th e Hugge.Htion i h a t th e r e r e a l ly o u g h t t o b e a m ode l b a rn y a rd w ith p ig s . A n d i f p ig s , a n

f o u ts id u r im iiiire s , w hy n o t sh e ep , h o rs e s a n d* pou ltry .?Ir-----------T h c m i r o i i ' l iiiiuuuli' jrrflhd))its u n d g r a n a -

m a s on f a r m s a n y m o r e . C ity c h ild re n h a v e n o n a tu r a l ru ra 'l h a v e n s in w h ic h to s p e n d s u m m e r v a c a t io n s l ie lp in g w ith c h o re a , c lim b in g a p p le t r e e s , p la y in g h id c -a n d -se c k

» in b a rn s , w ad ln g -ii i w o o d lo t c re e k s a n d p ic k -1 in g w ild b la c k b e rr ie s . |

f I n s te a d (if e s ta b l is h in g in c o in p h jte f a r m j ex liib il .s in zoos, h o w e v e r, s h o u ld n 't c i t ie s

1 J o ( ^ in to tlio m a t t e r o f n c i i j ^ in g g e n u jn ^ f a r m s f n 't i i c n c n rc s t r u r a l se c tio n s , w h e re

f d e fra u d e d l l l tle c i ty fo lk s c an v is i t?1 . ^ ...............— gggr CZECH PATRIOTj lOmnlia World-Herald 1

In the coiiIUJlon ot govemmcni nnd poUllca Uial • J lui* existed In Europe since the World wnr. Ctcchoslo-

vokla has loomed os an bland of dcmocrscj' and peace. AUlmutili the couniry waa made by Ihe VenalUc* map

^ drawers out ot land* whlcU luid belong** to olher _ ji«ilon»,_lupeop ie liav e b tc iiu ndlaturtfcdJaLthecrup-_

tions o t comrnunUm and (nKlsm whfch awept nelgh- oy- borliiR coimtrln. Credit lor this must go. not alone to lyo, the cl).imcler of Uir popiilallon. bul to the wisdom ot ^1 1 a Kreut prcsldcnl, 'n ionuu Mnviryk. and a greal diplo-

, mut. Dr..Kdoimrd Bcnci.Tlicy mnnnKcd to eel up a stable republlcon form of

govcmintni to bring about asrarlan relorms which lice helped redbtrltjulo liugp Auslrinn land Mtalej amonff

the pen»«tus a* »mall fnrm.i. and to maintain tn for- clc» a ((a ln a la fe middle courM.wtUch t m avoided

. _ cnmltlcA-jn'tlic evenl o i a European w arth e coantry Aoiild be olmwt certain to be drawn Into the conflict, and the eflorts of Its leaders have always been for

u s t tlie inaimcnaiiee of stability.g h t Now Masoryk hns rctlsned. He Is an old man.

nnd Ured. Even thouKh u gratclul peeople extended• to illm the privilege of beln« president for life, lie pro-. ' m s to-Tttlrr; A m trtta htis had-nn- aflecUonato a d -

miration-for. him. bn»ed upon hls residence and work ’ bo here os well as hls Aucceu In helping form an endur*— - -IftR^opubllo-of-lhe-Oeeehs-rtnd-the-atonJx-Uts-pollcr!th o seemed alAnys to spring from n wholly unseUUh love

tor h is i>eopIc and hU actions Iiave been marked by a~ *|UHMlimjll liMlHipnl liy [iKiiil rni-pai-«fjial_[w«»h Ttllfl

Kcmeci i'll marked contrast to ihc.moUves Intluenclng other powertul flgurts-ln Euroi>e. Perhaps tri thU m iy ;

l>cb be found tlio reason for Uio sccure basU o l govern* | tvill ment In Ct«diMlovaUu, os compared «MUi Ihat of I— .neighboring.stntcj. , , !

Cscclu and aiovuks feel aboul iheir flra; prejident i ■ very mueh ns Aiiieilciijis tiavc iilway.s lelt nbout George-;

. - W a a li lm io i) .^ them lie l.i the "father of liu coun- i^ 'l i f . ‘'a n u d w r t^ 'ly 'w .___________ ’ ' ~ i

The aiMlosy l» iliiiwn clo^pr by Dr. Masiiryk's a-s- Ignatlon. Uccautc o( ilie Rrnlltudu ot Ihe young Amer* lean republic lo the leiulcr of Its revolution, the con- tldpiice ot hU jUdKiiinii and a feeling ot dc|X'nden«o uiwn h li lenderjhip Waililngton might iiuve remained

h a t Bl the heud ot the govenimi-nl lo the end of lUs days. I'ife Notwlth:tandUi« tlve cun.iiliutioiial regulreineiit for a

-quttdrcmattt-cietUnirtlIf'Jl«vvir<: Vi'wriiwKeT'uMU' j , j , Washington hlnwclf tirmly pu l lils toot down on It.

Idic exhibited a talUt In republican governmentRhleh thp people needed and established a* precedent tor the oltlce which has had the to.-ce almost ot stac-

ifa* utory law. \h a s ' re rh aju Dr. Masoryk's tetlgiiatlon Is tlie sign ot a Ing similar faith. For It Is true th a t republics, If they nre b a d ^ leam to lean )iot too mueh on a lew

leaders, but must develop the Hblllty to g.«t along with changing leadership hi auch manner n» will not great-

t-o i- -ly disturt) an MtaWlslied nnd eommulng otder. u U *- n c y good thing for a nation tha t u stroiui lesder should o n d show it that It Is capable of stAiidhie nione without T o him.

itle . ---------------------------. IH i: NKZAM'S OOI.n

Muit ot oiir trudrrs ivlll have otwened the siori’ a n d nboul th t Nlian of lijdcrivbad, wliojc wealth Is a t least jind twice tha t ot elliirr llu- t-ord or Ilockefoiler tamlliea.

whu hns ordered 10.000 aiiecp roajitil for his slh-er Jub- I j„ . i .llee. to be held nrx t momh.

i tven mftfe InU'u-MliiB than the cstlmaied Value of ■ -the ludiiin prtiici'# e iiatern s compared lo Uie value

of the ejtate of tlie rithcst tumllles. la the matter o! re - "iy()c of wealth." T lir pfincc's fortune Is In gold, sll-

p III ver. jcwfu.'tlWi'ji; '.ii!lli‘.'erepnirntsnanartJDt5e*r7n|r- v ilh ‘'‘■f*- ThcM hove clmnsing bul more or lets eternal

wortii. whereas tlic American fortunes are In compll- caied syMems of luciorlw. gas pipes, Mils, refineries

®" aud ahliuitus Itnci, These have no woctu a l all except lo ro iij(y afg j„ oixratlon,fo r The tlUIcrenec u hluiily signiliwini when one con-

tlio r slders the problem of redtslrlbutlon ot wealth pul forth by the RooH-veit ndmlnlairallon and present In many people's mliiils. ObvlouiJy the riches of the Nlram ol Hyderabad could be broken up and handed to mU-

--------- — --------------------------- lKNi»-of-peoplo-wniwHt-l<»3. The BocJrefcllenram jro-iscd properties would MM; toward the valueltM VI they did ta u - rowiiln cowpleic and bu»y. There can bo transfer , of ounerslilp, putilic or private, tliere must not be dla-

peraat.om e Wealth may be di-.Mpjii-d, u can never be redla-roi>T ■irihutgd________ . 1 ......... ....................... .............................iish- — -----------------------m - - -<■ ' ' -

'> » t B R E A K F A S T FOOD '.(1 to j________________ _____________________________'■ing Old 8am Blyihe, in the Saturday Evening Post, say* H o f ‘he next jirewdcmial campaign wUl need aloBans, ond

, aUKCsts this one: lUCil •i\ve cannot nchleve prosperity and bankruptcy n ,• 11,. "llie same time."

j yi i uJ— l a llm uilltk. J e a k u u r"I've noi formed a ver>' favorable opinion of him.

, Mr. Me M>ent fl Kood deai of the morning trying lo .lUUe J get -EstabUshod loot.’ oo the telephone.-

_________ TWIN FALto t i l t ;r t ;y n e w s , t t o ? >aU8. i d a b

to Shirley 1ed

g i i M Eir - '

o r L ~ Z _ 8 K i

i r M^8 . - j bem . J .id

a rve M

ck k -1

m Icfl S H IIlL E Y T E M P L E lsshow nh

• said nhe sent l ^ t h c Dionne qi


New Y ork i ;; Day Day i

By 0 .0 . M cINTYRE

" NEW YORK. Dec. 38-T here are : P '- tlmeg.'T'prtJUtte.'when almwt e tery >1' dub of (he n ltlng elan longs fo r a ; to ttab a l being tenous. even ponder* < of oua. To click tor one of thoae fleet­

ing moments u a Wells. K lp lliv or 0* ■ ■ K S S P ^ ^ Bolltho. I Ml

balic^*-ed Ing ego sags Into

5- - 0 . 0 .rk but with nothlno Im porunt to say. ir- A donkey, to to speak, y l th tlie m eijicy-jtal-heares;--------------

From a lent In Artuma the other day I recelvctl a note from a loiKiji

" valiant fighting back to health: "ll, Hs-lnnra m r t In your rnliim n i t n tf l- :. Dg low named Rocky Waterson or R a d - ; IV idy Wnihacker. If* one or the other.' / 11 know, but «iileh7" Well, it Is W ad- i

Idy noihacker to bc prcclse'. i I It strikes me tha fs aboui as near* j :ly right ns anyone u aboul nny>:i

n t lUiliig. I've yet to m w l ilie lOO per) gQ.rccnt corrcci iiuman. Indeed I would,

’shrink from-meeting,one .wJio lud.i !'■- ireached Uiai.iiertecincas. I.tm vc a!) — ^dednllft-UuuUi Uv HDUld be u icr-'i

rltic bore.

1 warm to people wiio aecrpi ii fi'W* things by tallli. too. Tliey i\tc motiv- 'i

ICO Bled by n iKiliig Uiey cantiot ex- cd plain and dnpite high ncw<i ... of th r self-anointed Uiey kcI nlorjr. 1

packing a »ei«ilty the fnltiilc(-viicv.-| eLattain^tolw rtrM ost-dnintTrnop'i'

.tu __ ______________________________It. -

“ ~ H i g h T iIt- -

ewIth .


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■Mi*Sm P. / 1.

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n h e re w llh f iv e d o lls m a d e to rese ! q u in tu p le t s f o r ( !h riH tm n8 .rr{ /nM

» ad.\ and aswrttrf perverts I've run acrovs have a )eer tor the blessed' proiiiLwa. Any crack-iwi can maks; a ^«rloualy religious fellow look looIl^h In debate. Such emotlnns'are' not deb iub le. But ilio.« with lalth hnvr a happy conviction the doubter! ra.'ciy a itnlni. j

New Vork Journalism has a.carp*! Ing omnlsctent who trivois many ol i

w hiv-ttoikin« tioura beagling tor thel H' blunders ot ills tciiow writers. And* his Riifiilc of ecstasy In’ finding ihem [

reverberate.? In his writing*. Every ( l»iycho-anaiyit knowa tha( flaunt-1

w tne such a te « book superiority Is a fixation wltli tiio^e whu feel in* terlor. It is the oIde;i of tl'.c recos* nlird complexM.

t wuuld not care to write, even Ift acre Intellectually powlble, a column '

»• th.it was nir light grnmatlcnily. Tliat pj im atks too much .01 n Jta t ot o n f i „ audience. A .dally coimn Is noi a >

^acrcdotal aiiUioicjy rctiuirtng great' kl liiougiit. I l ha^ a h ii nnd m lu h’lrry

thal never atialn% formality. In In- ,,, formality la often It. clurm , If any._ Headers hke to feel one up on * . ’ .<1)111 infinitive, mixed niftitptior or'

pie|)o>itionnl ending. I’m quite ccn- J sciouj, for in.«tanec. that beat Jliouidl

_ uo: bc,u«dJcir,<i'M,e«t._BuiJ),Kk in* our country we no*rr lriq'uircd ''W io

■on?" a bail game. We nsked: -Who— bmc?“-t"1Ikr“Btf(l U it H when ihc

ccpy reader Un't too qibby. er ___’1^1' t get a kick out ot r..'nnge .md

ob-olcte word.?, loo. N olfo ap-

‘'■iknrw.i I wnnKle Uiem out of a die*' tloiinry a t my desk .side. I hke ihcml

'*■ (ir the wny tiicy roll off Uie tongue.:I their euphony. I cannot recall the I

j*ilople of a single esaay by tho Icono-I y'leliiatlc Bninn. but I like the lUt and! •cr'pcnni of ht.i jiiira.^coiojy. lU* made ild,wordi march, ils down, nnd .iwlng id.o-U iB-rijliiR tmt>err.-Mucn of wrtt- a!ing is_hi.- r r ' 'n '’- '''-v *-

r- itMublc Itve-doUac Dolcl-Mend baoki ,to aiiou liiv- rnnjt akeplieal no one,

ivrittrn imytliliin im portant that '» hii.s no: boni wrlttwi before In a i- ' v- moM idi'iuiciii i.iiiguiiKe. I

lliv- noiiiliiKujy iiotchcd a .p lacc hu ilterniure by Lhueklng polished Hub*.

v* 'dubbery nnd .--ockliig Hie reader WlUU P -iw hnflhc 'fln ic icy can T ucern bu t|

Time To Rescue The Pati

1 yo j|L,


W~ —

copyright IS

. D E C g B a g R tB . i m

i i n t u p l e t s

wtemble h e r w hich h e r film studio ^ ^ ’h o t o . ____ __________ ________

in which he called guts. Kl« inUe-loof, (d Involved senteiKes vould pot Mcapa k s ; ft freshmaifs corrtcUoa In a P«tU- >k,coat oulch high Khool. Hti books r e ' are flocked wiUi grammaUcal awful- th ness, b u t Hemlnc«'ay managea e r ! sonwhow. Indeed Uie rcpcrt ts be^

I slttln prltty. Ke did n o t grease hls wares to slide by. He festooned them

p* I with thorns, ihlsUes and cacti, aad ol I they stuck.he I ■ • — ....... .................

Will Rogers. Ring U rdner, and I" It. C. Wllmer d idn 't do badly » a k - 7 1 Inw UWtwlUM of HUteracy. Nalthtr ‘‘’ |hn s Sam Heilman. Shnkespeare had

h b finlr for redundancy, Meredith doiible-negatived all over the lot

* and Joseph Conrad had no knowl- . edge of grammar. I enjoy tbe wgrki 'o f Ihe ma.Mrrs and have probably

JJlrend them a.? much a s many llv- , ing contemporaries. BUt I ’m not

going to try to compete with th im ' I In the he(wr-*kelt«r of a dally col- , j iu m n even though I could. -And .jy which, as any one m ust know. I

fCopyrlght. 18M.\ McNaught Byndleate)or ■ --------;--------

,7Ji Unhappy Home Gets I'a -Blame-ForJKunawaysho ■■ ___________lie “ N eW 'Y O RK . Dec. W i/P) - • An

unhappy home, not the lure of ad­venture and Uie "wild *rst." Is the

nd Rreateat reason why boys Icare hooM |i- todny.’"I ~ n | t T«- tlippftl^ thl^

i conclusion were j l « n by tbe beys'I bureau of the New York. AssoclaUon

if; I for im prortng the Condition of to#I Poor.

JI Only four per cent ot boj's r»:elv- ^ fiin g aid from the 'bureau left home

111 .search of adveii'tiire. Director i;. Ororge -Hniiw nelts-found, but M _ „ ,p -r f fn t tnnlf In the.road_becauM QV:;of.family discord, death of parents .„(,|and dlvorcc or unsympathetic slep- ini I parenis,i j . ' A strong curb o n ,adolescent de-

|.«lrcs for travel hns been Impooed ; by .state ban* on hitch-hiking. lh«

hi;dlenppcarnnee of Ihe more ‘'wild" b - ,a sp tc n ot the "wlMI west," and a |ji ,cliaugliig a tUtude.tQwaKLlfansiaits.. iu t|lhe director » a l ^ .

jtien t

) i>

/ f r

t la u , by Tbe N«w to r k Titbuaa, loe,

^ N A T I O N A LI ( N E W 8 B E H QI ‘ tOovrrtfM . u e o i m


CO M BM . ta_^ ..a*M « .lV .T tlU ^ ctear th a t Cotonel Uod«r “ u c fiii'i UBittnutfl ’T w rn i i iB f l - " ' whu« esrtAtnly motivated in part t by th r e t t t a g tb u t hU famlly-wlll

espedlta. ooopwaUm. betwacn firtl* ^ a ln and the Unlte^t etatM In the !■ a ir iraDsporuUon field. ‘Hw Brit*

Ish axe keena (w Aniio-aasoTiS worldwide a l i1} d e v e lo p m e n t

u n d « rB leadership. TheB B T C tS S tfM Pl<^n reoenUy K B M H R H h announced foi

a n w U g S B j j r transport is■ the f ln t ol■ many projectec■ steps along uiii I EnglatKi I WlU not onlj I ^ fo rd Colonel

I ‘5u=55=«d h i r S n , :I bu t also a chance to expand hla■ professional opportunlttei.

Uo OoopemUoo in aviation U only . . . 0Oft.pAtM^xf-rapkUy-U|hUnlnff r«-

• laUeoa between BrtUsh and Amer-— Ican enierprtse. English caplullsta u , t u n teamed th a t Uielr talents can- ipa no t bo employed as well a ( home fn ■U. the futur* as In th# p u t . Thero are jk t many signs tha t they Intend to use ul- th e United 0Ut<« u a springboard gea ~ '*W ch wogJd extend the ir horlson

tremendously. They a re naturally Ws akin to tha oonserraUve elemenu en> In our poUUeal aod flnaadJri U fo- md and to n e of these hav* formed the

. perhapa uneon»clouiJabtt-oU ook- Inc to London for leadership.

indEngUsh InvesUnents In American

_ corporations a rt already mueh more substantial then most' people real* lee. The BrIUsh are also Uklng an Increaslnely active part in olher af*

_i fairs of our*. Tlte price we pay for ^ gold has given them approxlmatoly

a 40 per cent discount on Uielr Amertean purchases and they are

. . . m aklnf full use of tbe remarkable bargain. Some' of the ir shrewdest scouls h a w combed the UnlUd S tates from end to end In search

J of opportunlUf* which promise the ' richest return In profits—sjid in


• LACKING. Two new fscM hai'e- been added to Dr. Toa-ruend's gen- ” eral sta ff In recent months wtth- y g out attracllng much attention. They

are worth noUnf u giving signit*

veiopments lr»tha Townsend move* ^ ment. One of them Is Huey Long's ^ fonner secretary — crUtenberry by

name. He brought to his new cause valuable mailing lUU used by Uw

bu. U t,. B»n«tnr In fnmariny hts (iharf. »y*' t h e - '» ^ l h d a ta . The other Is Boyd on aurley. who w u edilor of tho In-

Ine dlanapolls Times some years age when I t won tbe Pulltaer prise fot

Iv- exposing the Ku Klux Klan. met t f — Mr. Ourley U publicity director M of the Townsend movement, al-

LIU .though.he dagan't n m tn b» Irirn. nts titled u sueh. He Is also editor ol (p . the Townsend weekl>^wli<cJi aimi

a t a elreulstlon of aMO.000 wim the lie- prloe Jacked up to |3 a year. Our* Kd l-'Sy t* responsible for Uie new poi* the ley o t buUdlng strong couniy and id" township organlsaUons u ihe back- 1 a bone of the movement iu ien d oi its., tfy lcg -to jiaod ia .eveo 'th lng -. from

i ta ts hcadquariers. A good organl- ^ la tlon In a township can alwayi ~ get out enough voters to m ai« nr

Kv«n Dr. TownMnd's severvsi . J critics adm it th a t he Is sincere anc

th a t his moUvtt a re above reproadi T b ty are net so kind tn their ap­praisal of his entourage. HI* prin­cipal advlsen do not have Imprw-

- Guiding_Your_Child

Oy_ A U CE o u a i a s A iu c h m o w p

MO&AL COWARDICE “W hat WlU Ull neighbors th ln k f The world Is tull ot moral cowards

brought up on this code o! dcferrlnR 10 tne JudgmenU of other*-i>eoi>ic who are atrald to make an lndet>en* dent stand even lor rlghi and juitlcu I tti-M iiw T a lk . .

This moral cowardice haa Its rooti In a childhood spent a t the mercy ol Uie neighbor*. The mother corrccts her clUldren wiUi an lye to tlie next

_ door iwlghbor, and I h n a te u with the big lUck of publle-op in lon ;---

i t Is true th s t much of wliai passes tor morality is only convention, but it Is also true ihak what b right tor one person Is not alivays right, in* deed may be wrong, for another. In 0 » end ihe decision must bo iel'. Wllh the individual, and if .he goes contrary to Uie borles ot the society he lives in. h*>must make his van equation and bs answerable lo him­self.

“ — onW rttlT houid Iesi;n baiic'mlca from t lu outset, and these rules Ihould be unlvenal In aiiiilleaiion Ha should be tauglu not to dUiurt o tben , not because of what Uie oth­era may think, but because thought-

_ t^incM of oUiar* la esstnUnI to right kno TltaUU/ui avtiig.

Tliire are too many children U— -w h o m -r lg h ra iu r» « a g -a fe only i

question of immediate convenience wllh no tAUwal bas'A (or M lnj. tl Is a -» o | to scream becailse of whai U n . Jonaa may think; it Is aToat to hang out clothes on Sunday be­cause Uio nelglibora alii be shocked; It U wrong lo lie and steal becau» no one wUl tiusl you; It Is wrong tc smoke and drlak bwauH the peopU

_ n tx l ilflor mlght.ssa,-----------=- —Tne ansa-er Uie chUd makes Is. o,

• course. ‘T u li down the shaaej," l> wbat you llkl w long m no on knovs, and la Uii end llv« u a cow

I. a id Iset MCDHoe Hod out.

. W H I R L I G I GU N D T I ^ N B W S )n H m p a p e r a n d ica U ) |

sive record* of financia l experleace

R lU -------------- - — --------------------tld* lA O . Because New Tforii and oth*

* r t s u te unemptoyment-tnwrance l«wi;irlU nearly SO per cent of employee el*rtl- Iglble tor federal unemploymentthe benefits under the social securitynt* act will soon bo cmered by staleKn legislation.(on Meanwhile many manutaclurlngl i r corponUons h * « been qtileUy busyent revamping detalU ef productionlelr schedules lo mlnimlK forthcwnlngnw payroll taxes. Keen obeerrers re->Uy m ark th a t perhap* these aelf-de-for fense meamres -aM wnt largely

1» busineM recover}'. of

Ited --------UiU Q. 0 . p . Senstor Borah's decision tnd to participate aeUvely In Uie lie- miy publican convention campaign baa >net New York 0 . O. P. Iradera biting

e the ir nails. Hls Insistence on a lib- nco eral candidate doesn't tit In with his their plans a t all and they frankly

admit t ^ y have no Idea how far , h e Is going lo gel wllh 11. T heir

scoutt report Ihnt Uw. Idahoan Is ” ■ geltlhg a rema'rkable popular"re- , spoa*j from all eectton* of the “ “ counto'- Thffc Un't the remotest

chance th a t Borah can Impoee his .J " trust-busting Ideu on Uw party u

a whole-rbut he'* In a position to ^ make life dUtlncUy uncomfortable * " for parly gWets who try to Ignore f?,2 him.“ J* The New York s u te Battle about

whether to send an uninstrueted delegation or a delegation pledged to Borah to the Cleveland conven- tlon -w on t-be anykid-glove affair.

Bx-Stat« Chairman Klngaland ^ Macy will try hard for a political ore comeback by riding Bonh's cent- It), tailii. He may not win out bu t the Ul oppo.sltion «111 know they hnve be<n n f. In a fight. He wiil make eloquent for hny on the polnl of not sending an ,oty unpledged delegntlon subject to

"boM rule." Tlic p re«nl Stale ,f e Clialrman. Mel Eaton, will try hard j5l8 to pacify Macy'* (and Borah's ' Icjt supporter*. But even Grade A dl- led ptoinxcy tAW no t avert healed in- reh t«mal friction alt Uirough the the SU ie orgnnlMilon.

in --------S VAl*. Tlic Lumber AssoclaUon

haa b^en able to engineer an atl- vantngeoua swap as a result of the hue and cr>' in tlw northwest about

'U ' the etteci of the Canadian trade treaty. The Association haa'com e

''.y to the admliilsiratlon'a rescue by V’" uttering kind words ibout.lt-l.gQWt

Intentions. Financial Inslden un- dersiand th a t lumber will be given the breaks In future trade agree-

^ m en u In exchange for, the aen'ice rendered, and may also benefit from cio.-er relatloivs wlUj tlie govern-

In* •^ PLEASURE. A wealthy New York-

er recenUy told hla frientto th a t I t’s a pleasure to.'spend money these

;tor days—nnd 'he u c i t in g Che nction a l . to the word. "Bvirj' tim e'I spend a rn . dollar I snr to mywit 'Anyhow, ■ of there's another 80 cents tha t Uncle Ima Sam doesn't g«l.‘ “ the . ------ ^ur- - '


‘ of KIMDKItLY METHODIST•om ____________CUVRCIl____________j i | . C. I. Andrews, pu to rays 10 a, m .-Sunday.K hoeV Mrs, on Clyde Ewing, superintendent.

■ I 0 ;« a . 'm .—Morning worahlp. Sunday sciiooi assembly and c h u tth

r**t worship combined. Sermon subject: and -Old Father Time." The acnlce ‘ell. clones a t lt;30.•P* 7 :X p. m.—Evening service. Boyd ■In- Walter nnd Norene Uhilg will give f*e* a report on the Kirby Page meel-

Ings recently held In Pocatello,

— rr.EARANT V AIXty10 a. m .-su iiday school, n . L.

Wright, aiiperiniendent." ’W n. mr=TH om rng worahip -and sermon by local interest. Rev. V. A. Tc-jters. Ills sermon theme will be on tbo second coming of Jesus.

ID -------M1'RTAI!6 h —

IO:iS a. m.—Sundnv school wllh William Llndau in charge.

11:30 n. m .-neR uinr morning Ins worsliiii with a sermon bv thp ptstnr.

8t)« ia l music will be tiimlsiwd by en- U>o choir under Uie direction of llco Mr. tee.

1-.M 0. w.—Eivworih Lsagufi dev*'- Kita tlonai fw ice .I of --------Sts HANSEN COMMl'MTVext 10 a. m.—Regular mnminv worship Ilh wlMi a sermon by th r pastor.

■ U H .'m ." — Snndavschoei-w llh ises Harvev Fornwait In ciiarje. but 7;30 p, m.-Ei)worth League dc- tor votlonal senice.

»er. GOLDEN RHI.E COMMUMTi' Icl'. CHURCHoeS R. tJ. Reynolds, minister fly Mrs. 'P r in k Thlelcn. Sunday * n .school auperinUndent.

to n, m.-rSunday school,

>1“ 'T h e C all'o f IBIO," A challenging >1“ Ntw Year Woally. O ut 1W9 plans '“ 1; will be announoed. urb _


iS i — _ « ) S B C E 4 M U R t «

^ u u i tu ; v . Ucc. U7 - Li™nee 8><les- daiiehtcr ot Mr. and M il. i t J . D. Sides, residing near Burley,hat *nd Raj-mond Kindred, Burlej-, ve\eong married a t i o'clock December 3f.be* Justice of the Peace Arthur C. Dunh,ed! officiating. C hrlstm u decoratltflia.use i^ere used throughout Uie home.{ to Only Immediate friends and a few)ple relatives ■ witnessed the ceremony.

, ot shade gon-a and had no atiendanls. Do Tho couple will mnke their home cti one a ranch near Burley, about one mile ow* from U » home of M n. Kindred's


S S ^ S B g S S q S 9 9 5 9 = ^ = S 9

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

f e wPESI -

V yiM S C I E W C E

— i(laho-eHieiaMteiioFt»-Re- ------ ductitin--oI“ Codlino—

DOISE. Dcc. n M’J - T lif COi- llm moth. ■ purailie live* on the brlRht red ip p l« th» t ItJljwd rr.skc ld.iho famcas. U on Ihe r t-

Tlirounti the romblnrd « k n llf c cKnrti of «i! Idalio Iru lt groMW Htul Ihe M.ile dcyarimenl of »«rl* i-uliiire. d»m*g3 clt«rjed to the motlw ttn« rrtliicfil I:om more tli«n H ner cent In 19« to e,l« In 1BS5. W 11 \VlrKn. rilrff^^r * f b«rf»ii of plunt Induitry. annoiinc-

tOIlllltU.The »»vlng la 10 per cent, he not-

nl.Thf IdBho apple crop totaU ap*

proxlmat.'lr ixiooixa biMhel* an* iiiinlly. and lost Jf» r brought 716.W0 10 iirodiicer.*, flBurea a l the <»rilw of Richard C, Rom, federal ajrlcultural natU tlclan for Idaho, allowed.

TraniH'ork WIni

BomJ'Vii Ure»c~niuVtJ"int^oa» prevented this year would be 509.- 000 buiheU. Wick* obaerred. The vftiue of thU year’* crop was fUed by noM a t lajyid.ooo.

Through the leamworlc of Hie orchardijl* In applying »pray to the apples on the dates Indlcattd b r our dUlrict a |c n « . ond by rtmoval o( 37,339 Infetted treea. * aavlns of many thousands of dolUrs h u been m ide." Wleka aald.' The legislature last winter ap> pn>prtated-ll0.000 to r- th « depart* menl of agrlctllturo to carry on the work.

Tho number of carloads of apples lost on account of codling m oths vas 35S ond the total number of rara produced wns S,763 In 103S, WIeks' llgures alioved.

Tho loss Irom San Joae scale, ou apple tree dlMasc w*,l% 13 cars or .13 per cent of the total production.

wum\m iARDED 0!IIIP[llI|llMMinERUPERT, Dcc. 27 -O f the many

beauttfully decorated trees gracing the lawns of Rupert residences, lha t

. of K. C. Wlllms w-tLS accorded flrsl — prise-itUh-aeeond-placo-tn-aw ards

f being made to the tree on the la*-n Al tho home of O ltn Nelson. The committee he-ded by Mrs. Alan aoodmaii composed of m em ben of Rupcrt Women's club announced Che <lectslon Chrlslmas eve.

A iifl prlte fo r flrsl and t S for aecond was o f?cr^ for outside oeco- rated trees by the m erchant's bureau of the chamber of commerce and ihrousU tho president L . P. Dick­son the Rupert Women's club waa requested to name a iudglnc.com - inlttee. - - ....... ...........

the J il t in g was confined to trees on lawns. Honorable mention was Klven the larse trees lighted on the lawiis of Mayor R. B. l^ m e r . Dr. Pnyro H. Kenagy and A. H. Baker and for the nttraetU'cly decorotcd entrance ot the Albert H. Leo home and the electrically lighted mlnla-

— -ture-tre«-m ark lng-the-en tranc«-lo . the Thayer Btevensort bungalow.

Rupert’s municipal decorations were outstandliiR for the holiday reason. thou>*nds of colorcd llghu nnd scorcs of lighted trees outlining the business center with a large tree in fagpole c«nWr topped by an elec­tric sta r wllh forty llghl bubs shed­ding radiance on Theatre Plaza.

MAKE T H IS M(,_______Twin F a lls Pail;


r S O C IE T Y. ............... Phone

la- - ~— :______ In tc r c 8 t_ in C hriK tm iiiU Y cek

pe ak l i i s t ovenInK w h en tl ic P a I th o a n n u n l btti) fo r th e Bcholiu'f

— u n d - th u .T ru u U u b prcalflcd a t th e .Olid Fcllo\v.s H all. CoIIckc j

on t c r y c a r m ln s lc d cunKcnfnliy a t »d ( la n te , w h ic h w aii iirccsd i'ti by f«- “ n t home.H."

T h e P a n * H ellfn lc C lu b 's no- th i r t y o ’c lock . C h u ck H elm

r i. u n d l i l s C u n tiiic n tn U pliiyiiijr ;he t h e d n n c e nui.tlc. F e s tg u n s o f an c c d n r b o u«h» , il lu m in ii in l '3S, wttl^ a lternating' red and g.-rcn ste. Il»hu. |n Hirandt« - from the center of the ctlllnt; id the

earners of ih# east and west walU ot- of the ptWllon. Unllghted boughs

were looped along the side walls, and ip* colorfully Illuminated evergreen tn - trees were a t cither side ol the orch- I],, estra platform.

^trs. O. W. B ur;cu wn> general rai chalnnan of arrangi-mrms, Mr^. H. 1,0 A. Ball w u hall chairman; Miss

Miriam Babcock, chairmBii o( tlc- • ( keu. tn d Mlsj Helen Tarrolt. the

music. Ml&s Jane Maxwell Is pKsU dent of Pan*llellenlc club: Mks VIo*

oa» l e r Adams, rtce president, and Mrs. O.- Ben TUfeo'. lecretary-ireosurcr.

iS ■« ■J”"Quests attending the Trl-C alum-

Uie na« ball were rectlTed b>- Mr. and to M n . R. L. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. by H arry Benoit, patrons, nnd Mls.i v«i Pranees Wilson, club presldenu nnd of Woody Reed. Mra. Benoit was re-

;en cenUy elected junior sponsor of the T rl-0 CJub. The Ambassadors played

,p. the danoe music. Dunng Intcrmls- r t . slon the TH-0 Club song was sung, [he The grand march; opcnlng liie fe.v

llvltles, was led by Miss Wilson and ijjj Woody Reed..wj The iwlnkllnc l i g h t s of vnrl- - f colored bulbs, strung on snoa’*flnked

, , , C h rlstm u trees on either side of the ' orchestra plalform: blue llghu

which Illuminated a silver Clirlst- " ma.'* tree In the center of the pa.

vUlon, over which hun* a sliver C hrlstm u bell, and spotlights form­ed the UumlnaUon for the dnnce. A row of tnlnlalure green and red

D C h rlstm u trees, electrically llRhtwl. outlined the orchestra plaUorm. The Trl-C shield was sutloned on ihe

E south wall of the pavilion.Punch and wafers were scrt’ed

from a Uble centered with a mod- frnlsUo w’hlte sUk tinsel tt«e lighted with minute forget-me*not blue and

in y cr>-st*l bulbs. Punch girls « r c Marj' .Jnc Prances Bales. Becky Victor, Doris } ,,t Reed and Joe Blille Morehouse.Irsi ^ Veronica Thomoy was sen* irds eral chairman _of arrangement.^: iwn Wchnrda. elialrman ofrhe >>*11 and orchestra; Miss Rulh Wtie- j j n man. decorations, and Miss Womlu , o{ KImes. punch.(he Members of the club are; Ml^s

Prances Wilson, president; ML« Ida jQP I^e^ Lamb, secreury: M is' Helen

cnii Thomey. sergeant*at-armj; MImcs Vivian Andefwn. Martha Asbun'.

Ick. Helen Bond. Eileen Bracken, Cniher- Ino Colwell, A gnu Davis, Jeanette

jjn . Dickerson. Maxine Do*i. Margaret Oce. Carol Heinrich. Martha Holmes


Luclle Lawrence. Helen Lind, Anna' WM Mae M a lb ^ , . M ariha . Marehou.v. the J « n Olmstead. Alice Peavey. Ann Ur. Peavey, Alice Reed. Enid Richards, ilief Helen Severtn. Lols “tevens, PhyllU

Sheneberger. Helen Slack. Dnby „ne Thomas, Marjorie Victor, Mar- ,1a- Karel Voorhees. Betty Wegener. Dar- ».lo lcn6_Werner, Florence Wlilie. RuUi

Wiseman. ....... ..............Ions ' _____

l*,i! z u ZIM S HONOR ;} ||j viLi;.u.N7 / i r p ^ . v c r tree Alumni of Zu Zlni, many of w’hom lec- are home from universities and col- led- leges for ihe 'holidays, will be

guesta of honor a t o formal dance

HODEL A T HOME^ ly News Pattern


" LINES-----r - r r r - r - ^ A T r a t N - 7 5 3 1 --------------

i t f C ^ n n c C iJ a m SHere'S a coat-frock tliai calU for

.luperlatlvfs—lots o t themi I t ’i, easy to mnke—Ukes but a Jiffy to

\ don In Uie monilng, ajid makes you ^ comforUble and right for all day, a Foremost are Its alendcrlilnu M fcntures. which dore not be over- ^ looked by the woman who weara J site forty*odd. Sec the way gored

paiKls shape a t the waist to give you those m rtable “princess" lines unbroken by sash or bell? Buch lines nre bound to add Inches lo your iKlglit a n d .detract from heaviness of bu it or breadth ol hips. Could on}thlng be mote splc *n s]>an tlian na\T and white polkn* dot percale or broadcloth — with crL<,p while pique for collar and cu»s.

K ___P“t t^ ? 5 2 iJ s _ £ a U » b le In s l» j" 16. IB. 20. 34. 38. 38. 40, « . U and --•t 40. flUe 39 takes 4U yards 39 inch > ! fabric and ?« yard conirsitlnc. 11-

w J lu-straied siep-by-step Mwlng in- sirucilons Included.

V l ..1°^"- CtXTS (lit) In eolm

U\ aimi: t o s t a t c size. i; tiib -a n k k U d ash PATTi:n.v dook- fof PHi-inU Winter Is iiu t cull In i:»

. . \ ronr haDOMtnilr - lllum*td pMP. ’• <) you’ll lind Jtul lh« »mirt tnd

I iu« p ttttrn dwlfM you w in l-to kem •,< jrouiwlf and Uuilly veil dreunl n;i

U a«uon throusli. incluilTe dn lim ici

v J ?*!?“ *• f’r«>e2^una!^ 'nd 'e ‘’fu dell wanlmbca. rMclnallni •prcikUlf

miiArtdhw o « f« .10 Twin raiii D.ily

N ^ ’Pattfm 'DepariniMi. Twin ruia.

i"„„d C L U B Sne32 - - _ |

c u k .s o Q u I . ucUviUca>n>Achi‘« l 'th c P a n -H c lk 'n ic C lu b c n tc i 'ta in c i l n t

lai'H hlp f(i» (| il t th e E lk s ba llroom . a t u lo r n ia i daiK-u to r alumniii* a l

Bti ftlu rten l.’i a iu l.K i'aduntc .s o f yos- • a t th o P a ii- I le l lo n ic scnu*f(irn ia l

by niinu-i;oiH s iip iw r p a r l i f s and

n o - itro n m n i ihinco l« t? au a t n iiir-:lni ;---------------------------------------------Illjr Ihl^ e;<'iiliiit at the Elks Hnll. Ulrii o f Uttie.i' Mjilu llimk* Kill pln> lor

, I . the dnncr, «lilch will bcKlii ul elglil foru’-live o'clKk. Si^clal eiitcr- lalmnnit_ will be iirw iiirtl l>v the

......'••■hvhtl—alU --------gh> n n s T K s s K s a iv Kand ATA-.V/.Vt,' CAUO IWh'TY

.Mrs. y. W. i ;^ k tt l th and Mrj. John Nyr. Junior, emcfiaiiicd Ttiiir.iOny evening a t n card pnrty

i a t the homo or the former on Blut ■ ' Lnkc.'. Boulcvntd; Mls» .Mnrjorlt

; Smllh. here from Long Dench fo« “ <=' the hnliday.<.,nnd Mrs. John Dn> “ ® won Ihc prue.',.

IU‘liT.shnienis were served al c lable npijohiicd In y.'lliiw nnd rryi-

'“ ‘-ilo l. Mliilnturc Suiita CJiimrj. »ert the lovois,

im - BKTA rHKTA / ' / snd S C II t: iW U :s IJIXSL-R '•P ' Suntliiy cvcnInK nt seven-lhlrij aiM o'clock Bcln Tlictu PI tvlll enteruir “" ‘I n t B frnternlty d lnnrr a t llic Patk ‘®* Hoti-I. AitciidinK will be llio "old

Kmd.^" pledRcs and active memberj ol Uio Iralcrnliy from Jerome. Riip. crl. Hurley. Twin FalH. Uuhl nnd otlicr.MUlllcriLltlnho cltlrs, MJrlnrd Scvtrln Is m cluirgc of ihc arrniiBC-

“nd Dicnis.

( i r l - ---------------------------ked I

|B R € V IT I€ Spa . _____Iver Irn j. Herr From CallfaniU — Mr.v J >, A I'roluiger Is here Irom Los Ang' '(({] eles to »|)vnd the holidays, letl. ■ '

Leave For Coast — Dr. and Mrs Ihe fl- A. Drnke nru siicndlnc the hoh'

days M'lilhg Irivnil.s m Cnlilonila •ved —’ • '"IOd. Here From Soulh — Johnnie Fo\

Chnttnnoop,!. Tonnci.M\-, Is ihi and KUe.’>t o! hb «l:,ier. Mrt. Jcuejil larj’ Swope, jr., und Mr. Swoiw.«rls ■

Leavlnj; For California—Mn, J ;cn. A. Dyiitrt is leaving this momlni nt.^: (or CnlUornla where >he will spcni—ort^hc-nexfthree-or-Iour-m onihs:-----lie -1 ------—ndu I ?<on Arrive* — Mr. and .Mrs. W

] e . Tcnitr. Eden, arc the parents o UliS a son bom Thur.iduy ul the Twli Id,I m ils county h'cnural hojpiial.

clen - » ■rtloa Nephew- VWli------ Mr.-und MuMcs U. t . HcKi'll 1.11! uiiiuriamiiii; .\ti urj'. Regan’.i-nephew, H arold. Murph) HfT- Oakdale, Nebraska, for the hollflayjeite ----- •aret . Vlslls Aiinl — J J lis Irene Vllli

le lt yesterday morninit for Sal ■nes. Lake Cily to visli |icr num, .V.ra. 1 ur>'. 0 . Mays. Jr . niitll nltO]’ New Year’ nna dny.

Ann i’a r rn u of Son — Mr. and Mr: ird-s.! L. R. Evans, Twin Fnllj, nre th yllU iiarent.v ol n son born Tliurr.day o nby ihi- I'lvln Kails county general hos la r- lUtal.5 a r- | »Ulth I D auihler Arrives — A duuglite

jvCii's‘ lJorirDcccm&cr'27.‘ io Mr;nni I Mrs. Clyde Dclton. a l Wood's Prl , vale Saniiariiim , 75J Sccond avcnu

I D auihler' Arrives — Mr. and .Mn c o l- ! E^irl CollliiA Twin Palls, arc th

be : pnrcni.s of a daughter born Thurs nice (lay nt the MoniooUi matcrnit _ home.

----- LIccBjed lo Wed - .M- M. McCa

E 'a iu l Rachel acn irj-. both of File; : iibialiicd a maniaRc lici'iije a t T»l Falls county recorder's oftlce yei lerday.

Z l J n o r ir a r rI iim a » ■ n » y = 'M m in •K Mrs. Howard Mlllj. Twin Falls, ni jLK the paii'iits Of a son born Wcdnc;

dll)'' a l the Twin Falls county Keii

H rrr From Colorado — Mr. an f* Mr». D. E. Cain ot Fort Collin

^ Colorado, nre visiting nl the hon; , for ol Cain’s parents. Mr. nnd Mr I t ’h a . G. Allen,

y to •yo„ Announcr lUrlh - Mr, and Mr

Lindsey Holmnn, Ouodlni;, annonnt j j , ■ the birth of u dniighlcr bom U. . . . . . cemboc 18, Mra, Holmnn was forn

erly .Miss Helen Slrlckllng.

Inltlal'e -> Mbs AllPc if« .. Orooine, daughter of Dr. nnd Mr n /h H. R. a room e .'has been• Inlllnle

Into Delta Delta D elu, social SOI 'rom ■

"■"'n Jand <f W l, . ^ \ /

^ 1y “f t e AM '■ ' s s U m ^

U^! j T" V ■ t l TOMtO

1 ^ 1 T o d a y ’s exijulsiii ?*{•' footwear requires rx. [ oWM acting workmanship J Ky.iD- /C A for proper repairs- Hern I V 4 . The costliest slioi'I lire repolred here B l

f \ K R - 'f \ S U Q ^ S H O P

u v ! \ »3J Sho. No. ^ST*. \ A. Puillann " p

" 0


^ rorlty a t Uie U nlvenlly of Idaho Moscow.

2 Cenelud# V l i l t ' - Mr. and Mra I Amcl Onmwpll, Pierce, Nebraska,

left for Los Angelea Friday mom*

! lng after spending C h r litm u will: Mr. QrunweU’a sister, Mrs. O. W U u ^ u .

” Reluriii To uoue — uiemen Iho «ire»(u*-lii»*-felum ed'i0 'B 0tse-t<

n t reiuine Ills position wltli the ldah( planning b o a r d after vlsltUi)

• Hi Ctirtstmr.s:------- - ,■

On Vaeailon Trip MUa Cecelli 1 D.'ckniih, UijlJ-uotor a t Wasliing

j lon tthuul. Is Kpending the holiday \l.tllhix frltnds In Idaho Fnlls pm

ni‘. lu'r kUler, Mrn. E. U. Ilulcomb, li — 3«li Luke Cliy.

Tell* of t r a v t l i - Uoyd W. Col ‘“f ; tier, at otic time employ«l by lh

'• “ ^[SiRndiird Oil conipnny. told ul hi irnvels for the company, especlall.

, in the Orli-nt^ a t a hinchean ui(pt

.j the Park hotel.

Nevada aueita — Wiilier Oreen , I wijod returned Thursday to Boulde

City. N e v a d a , nfter spendln Christmas a t the home of Dr. nn Mrs. ChorlM Welhcrbce. Mr; O reaiaood Is remaUilng ac th Wetherbce home.

Surileal PallrnU - Dr. R. / , . Parrott. Mrs. Maiid Tli>u>n. Mb

Dnrbara Arnold, ull of Twin FitllJ *ere Solomon fi|)erle. Filer, and Mb

Marian Straw.ser, Ouhl. nre sur Kicnl pa tlenu n t ihe Twin Fall county general hospital.

Adnillted lo Hoipllal — Mcdlci liny patlentA most recently mlniilted C u m the Ttt'lii Falls couniy general hoi ’atk ;ili.il aro George Anihls nnd Mnaie "old Harry Hubbell. Junior. Twin F\illi bers MlM LaVoniw Hnnthk. Buhl: Mr hip- R. K. Bendorf, Hagerman and I and D. See. Uuhl, '*Inrd , _

Leave for Callfornla-.M rs. Oeorn A. Bender of Woodland. Cnlltonili nccomiMiilcd by her uncle, James 1 Bame,< of Iifln.^en. and Earl Bamc

S will leavo this mom lns relurnln to her homo by motor. She hns bee j viJlting relatives and friends hct the past several woc-k.v

*. J. Slakes Plaerr Claim — Vlcll .Miimbrue of Buhl ha^ dlscove.-e and located the Brown Derby plact claim a t the m outh nt tlic Mals riu-r In Snake river canyon, nccort

;i® ’■ ing to a l(?pition notice placed o ™'“' iccord In w i n FalU county ri _ [lorder'i office j-c.Mcrdaj’.Fox,


(leal «n> clos'd beiucen the Franl , hn Iin’c4tmcnl company nnd O. i

ninif' and Oeonjr Sllchter, I" „ 5 'vlilcli Ur: la tte r bought the tnI_____im* on tlie -corner o! .Main strei

-nd.Lincoln avenue. Work hns n learty sinned on a r.cw bulldlti

IS oi ^ tnnde mto two storer^ ln the lars'er of whieh ha-s alreai

liven itM.-\'d by 111.: J. C. Pcnm company.

Mis - -------------------------- M l-1

days.' C o m i n g E v e n u

S*'ih **' " • ‘, The B._nnd H. cliib pnriv ar proctam whldi wi« ( o ' be hel

-- - - January 3. ha* been posiponcd Unt turther notice on account of sict

Mrs.- .................................................the ---------------------

ly at

Walk ill Vide om. do v.ltlioul I -car-iio-la;ii.ei-— blulilla rd^Jln i

, nre looking. Sirvlccable car:) for lit incs. He ca.ih.

'31 Ford IH-Luxe KurJyr Si-

ilri-3, l'..r. a IC.OOO 'mile,1111.,, m m a t ..........................home Ford Di'l.tjxr Knrdor, new Mrs " f s aiul hi excellent con-■ ■ ( l l t l o n ...................................U \

'33 Ford D( L.uxe Fordor. lias Mi^. new niDiiir. Is n local car.

)rnre It's g o o i i .............................M4i, U '- '3 0 'o rd •KiUoi-Sr;d;iii J42. orin- .JJ 'I'lKior Seilnn. low

mllengu ..............................•28 Chcvroli't Conch ............ S 7

Mrs. 17 Bulck Sedan .......... .........» 7.■Inled -29 ''OnkJaiid Sedan ---------- » 0.

'23 Chevrolet Coach ......... —.$10^ = r -28 ChevroU: Conch ............SID

■20 Pontiac Coiiiie .............. Il<>n -M Ford Coai'e ...........»10■ I ■29 Plymouth Coupe ... - ....... $ '3 U I '38 Hudson Sedan ...........

-30 Dcaoto H bL<l.in ............. *20^ "SO Plymouth Sril.in ............412I II -ja Pontlae S'd:>ii ..........512.n -JS Ford Scdnn. ne^v ir.otor 120 ■I '30 Ford RcndMcr • M«

-JO Ford Coupe ........... .. . MO.1 j '29 Ford T oaii S'.dan .......... UC

':io Ford Foidor Sedi^n ...........j:t>;t"tt— -3tt-cnc\Toirr-srd!itf*.v.r:r:'... Jiir

18 Bulck Sedan ....' .......... M2.■30 atudehaker Coupe ..........M i

M i '» Fdrd Trurl: ................... M5/ f o \ '31 Ford Plel:iip ..........*10

CftAli or Terms Your Kmd [SF Denier Is HraOiiuarteri for

-W F.concmical Transportation

^ - U N I O N - M O T O R -

^ C O M P A N Y

l i l ' ' ’" “f f'ORO Dealer^ I Twin Fall.. Idaho


\ '


i UURLSY, Dec. IT •> MUa Mai ( llh I Wright, daughter of M r. an

w . ! Mrs. Lee A. W rl|b t of B n iter u . Harley w . M a ||o rt . io n of U r. u M n. u U Maggart of Burley, m

' uiiiiw m muTliiB » t i»n Iw ne « *-to U M -brlde 'i-pw en ta-^-C brU lM i laho eve.ting I Tlie home w u decorated « lt

•; T ape tirttr c e rem o n rb e ln rtT ttf bIR ::. J. S. Kelson before an a lta r (

» a a I evemreen with brats cantt.'labi >"*•'* which held seven Ivory lighted ts . i l I * mantel above on eac

I ot niilch were liny Chrlstmaa tree »• ' U.Iwrs M re Homer W right an

. I U e W’rljlit. Jr. B«fore the cercmon P , I Mrr. finnford Connel. sister of tl:i*» I * ''‘o '’",,1 ,1 Vou Truly," followed by LolKngrlii

|. |l_ I weddlns march, played by M n . 8., y i . . ; :hoii Und.y m t hrlflr wnt In ■ whll

I moire tatfeU gown with a flng< I tip i-eil held in plaee by » v reat

■een-iol lilies of the valley and carrlj i ld e r la bouquet of pink roaes. llliea i dliiK llie valley and maiden hair fer and Ca.M1da Wright, a alster of tl kirs. bride, was her only a ttendant ar the ^ 0I( 0 gown of blue .allk wllh

eiir'iiKc of pink sweet p e u and fer I’oriy guesu wltnesaed tbe cen

M A. mon>. *Immedlfttely lollowlng the ceri

moiiy un Informal rccepUon J ii held a t Ihe Wright heme. A Ub eovcred wllh a lace cloth was cei i< red wllh a large weddUtg cake ar decorated wllh Ivory U p en v presided over by M n. L. L. Uaggai mother of the bridegroom, and ML

0 (o Luclle McMillan and le« cream An *'“ * ornted with liny wedding bella ar

enke wert served by Miss E m ^'1*; Le»u, Mrs. U M ont ParUh. Mi Mrs. aucm o it and M n. Calvl0 R- WrlRhl.

Tl;e couple left for Chicago t Chrislmns day where-lbey will mai Iheir home. The bride h u for aon

™ , ’ time past been a teacher In 0 Durlej’ schools. The bridegroom h; been engaged In farming with t: father a t Declo. residing both i llie Declo rnnch and the Magga !o'*n -home in Burley where boi

■- young people are well known. 'Icior ■" 'le.-cd VISITS m T H PARENTS 'laccrUlad BUHU Dec, 27 - M lu T rb cord- Kiiyiuira. senior student a t Mer d on ho^imnl In Nampa, Is spending t ' re- holidays a t the homa of her pa

enus liere.

Dlly a■ank- ll,- —3. A.

' '

1 —

STARTS TODAYl ‘— Every Article

I I’rlecd TorI- Quick S filB !. .

and 1h e ld ' .......- n * --------- --------

K ' " P i a n o !

= 1 Martin Bros.Good Practice I’lam

I $ 7 5 . 0 0

I 1 Dentzcr BrosI PianoI A real buy—

I li $ S 5 .0 0

( III Krancls Bacon ‘ i Pianoj 1,“ j L ik e n e w a n d a r e a l I

I $ 1 9 5 . 0 0

J ~G olt»aireen~PiaL ik e new — O nl.v -

$ 1 7 5 . 0 0

•i;; ill Extra Special!: H alnefl B ro s . H ab y f in i I Hcgulnr $425.00. Sal

$ 3 9 5 - 0 0

tZ ' ManyOthers-!!JJ li IVERS and PONDj '75 l i W HITNEY% r., ' GL'LBRANSEN



iZ I MI I’rlecd to Sell Bet MCi : January t« t. 10.1G

M2r. 'M33 ’ tisa I



R - ----------- i-------------

II 112 Main Avenu


> i

. A M U SEandand ----------

Sunday at Ihe OrpheumiM U — w .

With •

tf b r ~ ---------'T S * ' ..............

abra - i ' - :‘ “ • * ‘each i^TMS. ;and '

nony I j - Athe l:ve

81.Dlek Powell aad Ann Dvoral

Chile, h u ll « f««Lrr-m»nf«r>l..hflllr« «p Inger pearlng a t the Orpheum (omorroi reath W *Thonki A .Million.- the Kteen' r rk d latest and most sncerasful moslea » ot hit. P»«l IS-hlleman’s band. Rabin (em. aff. rr«4 Allen, Patsy Kelly, an

the many mere ore featured in the bi tn d eait. Today (or Ibe last tinea WW

Ul t llam Pawell heads Ihe Orpheum pro fern. I^am In '‘RcndrsTaus,” an esrlUn cere* and humaroiu .lory a t the Seer.


’ Coming to the IdahoUble ^ ^ ____


Crma Q B i f l B HMrs.'


Bringing ( « • new yoothfsl ar ) Uleiited playen la the srreen. ar

lavishly gamlAied with ealchy im Procy Paramosnl's mnslral romance. ■‘Co: Kercy anado" win open Sonday a t II t the Idaho. Rddy Dnehln and bla »

par* chcsira provide Ihe musical bael I grennd for the picture wllh J e h u


► S- M a s i i ^ s

Thor Waslier" $ 7 .5 0

Voss-Washej:— $ 1 7 .5 00 8 .

Maytag Washers • froiS $ 3 9 .5 0 “P


H B Woodrow Washers

N eiy— P rle ed lo se ll a l 520 .00 leiw th n n new

> l j w ___________p rice ._____ :____

»mmi Prim a Washers la n tr - N e w — I’rittff-sziniirorly ._ on eac h m a ch in e .

d W e h a v e ’m n n y f in e l)uyIn w ashcrH , A il p rice d fo q u ic k rem o v a l. C om c ii

n i t to d a y n n d p ick ond 0 .* th e s e f in e b u y s . T erm n

G ro n d Y es, ea.Hy term H on nl 3ale— m e rc h a n d ise In th e s to re

» — — —

■ i " ----- ^Rcfrifferator3— Croslcysn $ 5 9 .5 0

T e rm s


J. BandInstruments

B efore A ll p ricc d lo se ll.

l.tG T e rm s .

nue E ast i Twin !

3.PEeE M B H tM ,iw »


n Roxy Tomorrow •

I k *i





e bign i l . S . r J f■ pro- ....................rlUnr Tam ara (eenierl and daneen 4er.(. "ApaMl'inala D allef in *-Sweet 8a

render.** apening s t t'nrle Jee.|< Ilosy Iomorrow. Yon'll rarrend year heart lo these h ll iunea, “La Mike* the WheU World Go Roam

_ “I'm So Happy 1 Coold riy ." Twei■ ly roDi HoBn a Day,-* *nrake Tt

H Dowru and Kelly P.urgeM a i I!M leadlne players. The action lakN plaee- a t the lletel Coronada M so0i> -rn Caiifornis, ■ resort fi S 9 quenlC-d by the anper erost ef sM eieiy. Olherii In Ihe esst are Ja f y Haiey. Andy Uerlne. Allee Whi * 3 and Leon Errol. Also on Ihe sat M program, a eemedy, norelty a;

| y Ending loday a t Ihe fdaho iht■ ier is Barton MsrLane In "Man H Iron'* with Mary Aulor snd Jol■ Eldredge. This Is MaeUne'a fli H starring picture. Vou will remti ^ ' ber him as Ihc leader of the gan

- J itera In •0-M en“ and la ‘ Dr. 8<I ratea.” The program Is'eomplel. and chapter i»o of T h e Phaim ea Etnplre." a comedy, noreliy a-Cor* “**■•t Ihe Th« Idaho preunU as iu gala Ns or. Year'a ere mldnlte show. J ubaek. Cagney and Fat 0*Brlen In “Dtihnny , D on of-the Air.” <

RANCfs Radios





' P H L C O R A D IO S

u p . A T W A T E R -K E N T R A D IO S

In f a c t m a n y o u ts tan d *

inff l>uv^ in rndlofl.n t

!W____________F O R E X A M P L E —

R n d i o l a .................. $ 7 . 8 0rs'

------- 7 -T ub« -C roH ley -IU d lo —S h o r t w a v e ......... 9 1 9 .0 0

>«>'« A ir lin e C onso le . $ 1 5 .0 0 I fo r

' S l lv e r to i ic C unsole .$ 1 0 ! o r

M o jc a t ic C onso le — F ine l o „ ! ^ h n p o .....................* 1 » .S 0

R n d io P h o n o jfrn p h Com - - - - W im t lDn ....... .'. ..$ » ; 8 f r

In f a c t w e h n v e 50 fin e

iiuyn in good new nnd

UHcd rad io s . T e rm s .

Sheet Music Records

3 f o r ............ .......... * 1 .0 0

n Falls, Idaho


— " w m . n t i « --. l e m U t i m

trip to a fiy w o o d irtUi *a,«ip»^ paid a n d »eo«-d«y T U t t« tbe |«

■ ^ K W F lu S I k S l a L S lM J lL j l«Ki% ttia

IQ eenlly eoB*ict«d by t in Twin r t m • county Citl«R*R«eord. Fll«f w■ ly n m p tp e r . .■ second tw u d of radio fO » to M■ Helen Doud and M la sU K o ra D n1 2 U to reoelw a » n * t watch. Oth«■ w lnnln i prUe* were M n . T. B . : Sa , tin , Mlaa frene Meyer and M g a Maiy WygaL


■ JEROME, Deo. TT - PunerU »■ ^or John Will Pa toe r vlll■ held Saturday a tteraoon a t 3 o’ok■ ttk Ute Jerome Nazarene chtnxh v ! « Rev. O. TL Reeder officiating. 1 f f l body re su a t the Wiley fune

home. In term ent will ba In the J „ IB ome cemetery. •


I N otice!* ' T O O l.D C U STO .M ER S

iakep I C o ll a t S t a t i o n a n d c e l a In > . Y o u r M e m b ersh ip

C h eek .,

i • ____■'■HI'same

‘ " '. I _ W o I n i i l e . U i e - i U B U I to I n v e s t ig a te O u r

J J " ; .M em bernhlp P l a r .John ------

i C O V EY ’S?!*<»< S e n ic e W ith A S m ile rhan. J - - ' ........ ■ . - I MI— . . -

- j S j I& I c o m r " j s e n l c e ‘D stu 'j m m m m B ir Z m m a m m m

t m m C O M E E A R L Y

E A nd G e t T h er E ---------C h o lee llem s iii V""

T h is S o le l

L S te y e sr3 Monarch Ranges

S A ll In f in e s h a p e . P r ic e d f o r q u ic k rem o v a l.

T e r m s . '

5 Majestic RangesF in e s h a p e , r e a l buy."

Universal RangeP o rc e la in m ode l.

I- ' D ir t C h e a p .

M a n y o th e r s a l R eal P r ic e s ! ’

C o a rH S te fs '® Circulators — • a n d m a n y

^ w o n d e r fu l b u y s In

K) H eating Stoves f ro m $ 5 . 0 0 up

Electric RangesA ll f in e b u y s a t '

real priccsl10 - ---------------------------------- --------------

S e c T h e s e T o d ay !

A ll In A -1 S h a lie l

A n d R e a l B u y s !

Oil Burning Heatrola— >-

S u b s la n l la l ly r e ju c e d !M I 1935 . t lo d e b l ^




Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

p 3 * A q B « i r . ’

N i v E i T M i r i i5 P g y A Coottnued from LMt I«c»>

_______------- -wUh. AUalr*.We»l-iru J f t .

Ihe tropic*.' npan whlcb oreuion «hp ih t i ■ m m lo uTc Tcrry'i llff. They tn d «c»>n In W*»h-

r«llurr. l!at 'u M « rr i< IrrJo f lo blackmtll R ar >Vrtl. AlUlre'i T a- Ihrr. a rer th« iroplral ihoolltif. tnd Rar 1< (r7l»C <a find Altalrc. ■nd lliroath roK lU rriu lon ,

• -h o rhsffd W llftt »« S>* York, nay h u foBnJ T ftrr iMiMd of hll dsDihlrr. G certf Fo* of the dIplotniMf wnlf** l» on lili way 19 *cp Terry lor Rjy.

Clisjitpr 23.TKNSK MOMENT

----------li aimin.! n i lw i mlalilM '!.ncr thal th rw wm a knock on ■ ;h} tloor nnd th f knob * a i rattled : linporntlvfly. Puff up nulek.iy. h rr Ilu'- fonnins ilie word*:' v.’ho l» il?"

•0«ni-J rnx. I he m I<3,At hrr In niirprl^c.

•ShP 5kli>i>?d dL'crreily arro.'o to ' <h! d<vir of tJr** JriiJi, toach(d her U f' « lth her rortflii>i<’r In aamlnB a r j tlirii r lac d tl'o iloor behind ,

IWtlktt wniled /ll»liil>. Hurray ,

for (lie UiilirU Siatf* Sciinte; he'd , lo.ijotirn nbmii that. Her RCtlon m;(l^ him Irrl a psrtv lo backdoor U! rlgii!. • I

tie Arm on-r 4iid opriml the ro?m floor. Fox and two other msn ■arte MaiullnR th e rr 1

"Hiillo. Ororse!" he frceted. ‘T ills , ' li a .Miri)rt»e. The Amba.swdor Irom

WjybitckI Iloa are you. boy?"They srlnn;(l tciiMly a t f»ch

niaer anti shook land*. Tlw other <------ u 'oT m r-triin ired liy TS'nwranTI- 1

wrnt Inlo the room. t They lookrtt kornly aroimd and

nudflv'nl) one of them uttered n iirlumphnnt exchtmallon itnd pickrd | up Puff* clEftret caw from thetable, t t VIUI a Ihln rold tlilni wlt^ |a small-Rnilty mirror *e( In plaU-' (nimi on the eorer. I

Terry rrcnrded them unfAVorably. p■Wlio a rr the.« birds, OeorjcJ" t Fox eloMd the doer Iwhlnd him."Tliey're private de tec tlw . Ter* x

D', Tliey Rv>nt to #. k you a few \quejtlonii. Allaire W rit hAA dUap> tpcared, and her (alher h u an Idea rj t u knoa' Mmethlng nbout It—"' (

-And he doei." B»ld ■)ne of them:n. holding up the co»e. 'T h is li |TOnan'* Irinkrl. 77ierc‘« been a twoman hen?. Where l» *he. buddy?" a

a mimile,'’ ordered Fox. aHP turned to Terry. t•"Don't nel an«ry. w n. Allalrr'* li

'bccn 'm U iInj'tw iy dyiyA.'KikWyou '■----- any " Mra^yhrrT -she-to?* "" y

■DlS4pi>eared?" r<|ieatrd Terry, li Somethlns teemed lo ehue.O p and (javn hlR tplne. "Dliappcaretll''.T h r (letrcttvea were ln*pcctln«

thr room. One of Ihrm su rlrd (or n llie M ttim m dcor. WJlWt »flrd

hrn/li-rf thft ..man-Ott- .«Puff had put him In a rott-.-n jkmI- I<lion. t

"Hold oni" he Mid. •'•■ho wkrdyou In?" P

•Q li- I 8<) thnt'a w hrrr .ihe Ij I'’ «-------- ’T r r ^ - l " ” I t“ Vaa~I\>»'» voUe. k

dcvalrl)i(, dUapiwlntrd, tHe Toloe

_____ I'll. U a't-Allmic.’.:— sail-.W U lell h■' stcftriliy.

'•Yen])? Well bell>;ve It when *e y sn- iier." r

■'Il L'n'l Allaire, " rcixaled WUlett Atowllly. "t iilvc you my *ord."

•'Well. ilwn. wlial# llie harm U | «c-4.'tW ll0lt U?" |P

------- :Ui«<WMiA*AM-Will«W,-^IV'i-iiODC t:o; your d.-iinnc(i buslnc.'s,

"T Iu i don't AUifme-:," bcjan .. . . U:2..(ktccUvc. -but Fox tupped In.

• "I know Mr. Wllletl and he'* a t. « [raljhi khootvr. I( he aaya It b h 'l » .MIm W « t- l t lln’l. t il t«kc the re-

. M>on.'lliimy with Mr. WtJl." 'Tiiere wo* a 'brlcl di.'CuiNlon, "

Clc*rly, the uin'tailvra iiii>u||lii it th rir duty to mak; cetluin. bul fin- - ally tlx-y K-ft.

"IMrdvn II. T .'rrj. Wt ro all »or- rim »l:k. Altnl.'e-dUapiH'uied rliihl aficr you Icll tlic hoiuc the other n l;h t Bud R ay liad im Idea yuu

___.Xi'iK-tomstlilui.ttboat-JLJfoa don'i. _*0 fle'll hiivr to M;in ovcr.ngatn. Lrt'a 80. you'iv nvi'dod."

In tlic ta.tl Fo:< csplalncd i'A'lftiy.II • d ''oiae to Nc-*- Vork lo wnrii m r W v i i i ;u i CaMair wa.s con. " ir.-npliitins b:-,»ckmiill. llc Iiniiid U . Marr hiid iilrt-ndy n-en him.

''Ih iil buAlui-.vi Ht llw ducka has toinc up. Lj\Mnrr'» ihrciitcncd tu repa ir the story—"

"Illlrt^v died of hL «oiimU. Trrry. That cluiniii-.' iuii;c'. And lu'tiwly vo-.Cd ijrovc wll) All.Hrc -ilioi but -

)> -n '..’ iifli hr dl'-U' lie pull.-d

:; uiuxli. i>rob..bly Kick floiiblr- evcnbf'dy il^h’. and Irfi

Jca'ii. ’" W f i/T m T - " m r “ co-.iTIi“ '..u '

"I don't si-i 11•You lc!l tu-.vil. H 'lllri u,i. jllli

Ilirtintr -aiiu ihci'.,"'O h," ^.lul W.i;:c-:i. Tliiil'.i riiihi.

In 'd forKOt i-n. n;c-y ihoUKhl lir'd (qsii Of! ;he •■Rir.iJ.iiOo.''

'And 1 Icl the ta .v Alip p.i.rt." Fo\ ■ihook !iLi head x^ca.-lly. -Wp c.mi

• prove liiM arr ttTonj nnd Hny hn»n'i r:;ou?li iinie to tok»' the cimnc«. ^la^ .lr;■ .^■nnn tlilriy tlioiiinna dol- lura rli;lit 3«-ay. Wlist I can'l Ilgiirc

why LaMa.*T upproaciifd me be- fort' he Rir.t lifter Ray. That'* both, rrcu me, winiffhlng (unny nbout

- ,VVjl;rT‘ lanffhad.ahortly.- -=--------" n * Ainiple. lie m i t r d <o to- .w e of hoa- imieh you knew. You prob­ably ayptnud on the scene Juit as

.. he- about to uprlnR tills nory nr.d ho wanted: to ■Ynake sure no- b'xii could 'c.ill h ll bluff."

"Bluff!'' •Willett put a Imnd briefly on ilie

aiiaciifi'd kiirt-. • (.

■I'hat Kirl d.ivi-d my Ufe and neither snr nor anybody connected wllh h r r iM gaing 'to M ller lo r II. W hen ran I Jind tl|U . U X U c r-n i dnmn ‘ ic m ronrlnoe him he'a got no !>ton-. I

T H E L A D Yv i d G a r t h ' E S ^ B

" 7 P b firl him. bu t-abou t Allaire.*n (____nut-m pk-a-baod-acrou-b li fore^1 ft. iieod._________________ ______»n “I haven’t alrpt in tw o 'd ip - I'm f"* ao Jifrald *hf» cracked up *ome- h- where — the Ihoturht drlrej me T - M .«o Tvrry. and she can 't Ijrat that i»mc » - forrvrr. She riornn't carr about any-, f . th ins rlM In IKe. tie r partnu -e. atacTtd her for affection when ih»' n. wa* younir—."k. IIU TCl«* faltered a momrnt, then »f hfl BSltwd control of hlmwlf nnd ir « n t on, "She’s often Rone off by ly hrrw lf In Ihe pa*l and turw d up

when she was ready. That'* my hope now. Dut It iprms IM tip B-Uh tiemnad by J j iM a r r -n r - ry. r r e |o{ to fin<l"WrrTTe-|fOt to."

ra- Wllleit had never w m UxL rom- on posed, strong man flustered brlnre; ed he w u always so steady under fire. ;k- "Ejtsy.-Orome." h r said. .Js: "Easy be damnrd. I'm In Ion* with

tha t girl. You don’t know ho» r Id, feel."

"No." n ld WUlett thoughtlully.10 ••! Aupposf not."

ler --------

IJ5 And analn Uiat liauntlnR vnicr ot Tommy flprcde with thr, Kame dr- spalrlng nolo ns wa.i even noa In Ororgr Fox'* lone quivered In hU

•<* ears—: ''You don’t know nnyihlas about those Ihlnits, Willett. Vou'rr a fighter. I snw you go nfter a man tonight—"

lie Pox was calm again. sn -you haven’t told mr ho« you

happened to be In th r Stairs. They il» spike you down there?"■m '•! spiked myself."

"And the Job?":h ■•Slill waiting." Wlllril looked out

of the_»-lnrt(!w.ALllit-lon£j}iQmiJU% . ifl' ode'of liglit* tha t flashed do*n,lltc I

avenue. "I’m golntf back soon" id -What’* Ihr srnM? You can't get

Into Proplonolre, It’s blocked nnd (d at war."

■■( cun get lo the capltnl ihMiith. and I have plenty to do th rrr. Haw lo get (his coiilmct rcapprowrf and Ihlngs under wny. Need tirv npiiro-

>'■ prlatlona (rom the coffi-e com- '■ pany.-n. T liat ws* *11. Pox relap.vrd into r* alienee. They arrived before Ray ■w West’s homr, lown liouae. I l «tw .a >• fine grey stone building, mil and :a narrow; th r windowi on the ground

(loor werr prolrclrd by bar*. ie Ray’s vnlel. a silent llttlp Jap, let 1* Ihem In nnd thry w rnt down a Imm A halJ lo * W/r AtiJdy. TJir hwiir b-aa )

?" Allll nnd «em «l p rrradrd with an - X. nir of desertion nnd stuKlnrM a . ',

Ihough ll hadn’t been iL' ed fur a ’* long lime.)U "-AIIalreV.'lianttsome—(ather— -

-waIWnirrtowty-up“ ftna~“dovn a" y, liearth mg. smoking a eUar. id "Here he Is. Ray." said Fox. t

••You've mrt hlm-Trrr>- W llk tir ig Ray didn’t make n move for a ' i r moment.?d "My men jjlioned thriv wns a ’ :u. .woman-wlth-hlm,-b.il-y<Hi-M,o.iliin't— I- let tlwm Inwsllgnic, 1 don't .like ,

th a t Interferrncr. Oeorge," ^d ••Terry a,iid ll «-n»n't Allfltiv.'’ ■ |.

Fox retum rd quietly. "And hls I” word’s good enough for both you ' ie. and me." ' ■ ----------------X They looked nt cach other, ami I - a h « ^ - R a y ^ ! n l « - f t l l : - H e ‘ hoolr-^ a bauds .with T erry ................................ ;

“Can you lirip in? Ororge »nld || 'e you knew all nbout the facu of ih^

rotten btudnesa." ■"tt "I know rnouKh." tald Wllletl 1

'•Whrrc’s U M arr?"U I "Jlf* coming here soon, fm nbout I'

I rrndy lo pny him off nnd gel rid ol • le thn t worry nt least." ; *•

"You won’l pay him n nickel.'' |,n nay look'.'d doubtful. - ■ ^n. T l ic Ircnt door bell pm lrd ,<li'- ' a tnn tly u p th eh n ll. RoylookiHlnthLi ' I'l watch. ;•

•'U M arr," ho Mid. '(CopyrlKhl. IMS. by D.ivlii (luiilii '

IContinued m Next Ivur)V- — _______ ____________ — ^. J.

Cables M i u l c11IT ruiuiiiirT, liT~g;m J l

'.ll -

MT J C E Z 5 3 ^ B I * i 8 8 E f f l


•d . . ' . p. ft






ut N ^ ■ ■

ih 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ j p * ^

” A SA I.V ACJE p a r ly na Ihcy mn T. 1 a f it pIunKvd in lo th e Appomu



I I; V <jlA «T 5 TO /- W \ 7 o g s i R > ^

ly --i

enndb>- r « s j £ ,upny i__________I M B l _____________tin ________________________________•r- ------------------------------

W JUST K ID S - r '

i I h e ' s

" I r A U N T' N E U E ! ) i

: : * '

lu I -

lli _:P IX iE D JiG A N ___*1, . i W ELL SA M M Y , s o A la Y O U'RE T H ' N E W I



I d

" Ja ' _____________________

SERVICES AT OAKLEY ' a ' FOR CLIFFORD MARTIN',• nt;fei,Ey. Dec. 27 - Kutipra”; »<T- ‘-"vicfrAjr-'CTiric.rd Sti.rlln'.-WIIu-VTrr ■* ■ klll-.-d by u fiilhnR u .e at tho CCC ■

cim:> a: Bl. Marir.t. iiiaho. ivrrr held ' . ' in the 0.tl;lf>- I..-'U. .S. t.ibnn;u-:'- ' ' Thursday iifiprnooir Ublmji Iviin W.

; Iloll (iflli'laipd. ___u, j T hr oi>cnhis numbc-r » n ' ijy .1 iH , nilxcd-<iuaH4il-c»-nn»-»<t^i|-W*'!irir~

M. Clart:. Radii HIti:k, Ciror^v liut- Ij ■ !rr nnil Uiainc Martinrinlp ^-iio •n rr - u "JrviLs S.ivlour Piloi Mr." I'riiv t

, by fd iia rd Wiirr, ni:!;<' <I n'lnrii'l .‘•■'n:: "Ovi-r J u 't Ilcyniid .

, the llllliD’.V 111'- r|ti;irici brill-: i-om-' I U po'pd of Ill.ili;- M.iriliul.il", C iraiit" ,( .Si-vi-rr, N«'I.'fin lluni-rr iiiul Georcc :

Kiill-r. '!I .';i>r.iQ-r,i « r ir iii.lioi. I,-.-At. R !CrlM;I!,-lil. Ill-.:i');i*-J.tr.Tl'A -Mrr--i

I.'r, l>i,-.-iili-iii r;-.'c:r. c:.irl; m u lj l ,,-P f.;!lfi;t-W i;;nn i - iv - l ln r r r ^ : 'h ; ;

i-lfi.UK' tmMtkv bv lU'hi'ii llfill I Ml.lllll- M.irlliul.ilr ;i ;r,l,i "A

,, U;ij-," .lll lt'!; • II-,; .1-,; '-_ .'..iiii; - , I M v ;i.ivi.>ii:. 1

I’l.-.'.ld'ii; Mivv.,'t!, M.iiiiii inu -ii

[ lc I ' a s l T o I ’ a s s e i i K e r H i

■ m


& ^ d—

m a d e fiiMl w ith c a l i l c .s th e ln i s w h nm ato x r iv e r a t Honc^vfU. V irKlnii

>1L(X r«c> no , iV T tn r A u x j o , j i t A l

1 ! ^ r > r < S ^ > I ^ W E t L - - X

g - ^ i - I " ”

S I E D W A K I ^I T H 0 U 6 H T r 7 5 r ) i

J Y O U 'D

S W L E D l i ^ l ( r i S i

( \ C r ' M a i l - t h e s e s r I H ^ B R O U C T H C

R SSibunccd llip b.-nedlctlon and In-j ii'imrnt Wn.1 miuir In the Onkley

N ’lpuicii'ry. David R. Mnrtlndalo ded- ifatlng ihr grnve. Pnllbenrtra were

r . II Ciltclifirld. K.i>» Batrs, William P__fVu>r-.inr-H*r«UI—M cBv«r*,-Oraut_ ^.HM1 mid Jack Clark, Flowers were t,l rnir.--d by c lar* and Ocmldlne M ar- *

mi, ila-.hel nnd Honnle Smllh, EUIa; V ;iud Anna Harper. i

. FORMER BURLEY B0Y” H t: fffTfl'MyrO PROGRAM,'•r nUKLtn-. Drc. 27 - Curtb Con- !' > (dt. U-jear-oW w n of Mr. and .Mrs. , :d .1. J3. Condlt. formerly of Hurley' 1 t - ' b.it now residing In North Holly* '1 It > '.-.o:kI, Callfornln, wo.i oil tJncK; Bill ! :c ;!:i;arples program broadc.vn (rom '

■ UNX 111! morning before Christmns, , \ CuilU Ll u s lu d 'n t of the Fan- . r- -rhrtii imil Mnrfo sciiool of music and i;I, (li’nriiiR in Hollywood nml iw.'c-mm ;, h j r n u n in n l mice for a child of-lit*:.

A Tlio !-'!>-cilon sung over the radio j -1.1 -SlJcfii W stit.’’ Hr Jia-1 nir(trni\'((' 111 Lns Angrlcx thrai'. 'is bc 'lil's sing- I

I-Miiv on radio iiroftrams, '

Bus In River

I ■ III !


■>. . |K H |

w hich c n rr lc d M p e rs o n s tn d e a t h ' P h o to . j



^ KHEV. r POOE.v V


\ ; ^ 5 * ^ S O f j ~ C O U L D

W a W leave 'fou

= 0

^-.E A ID JN . AIffiAN.CE!

EX PL A IN S -----------SR O C E R IE SJ f W M - A N ’ H E l l

\ \ m M \


; IWSMSIlTBOPEaTr-ll», RUPTOT. Dre. 27 - S h iy -flir

{tncmbers of the O rd :f o( Kilsi-.tii la iar , Rupert chap t;r .'w ere In a t- 1 lendi»ncr,_nl_lhe__lns,iallatlon cen-

_l_monles for recently elect-.'d' nn il' ^ ile«-Jy ai)^lrited"offieerar 'durliiii t in ' " 1 regular chapter session Tlmrsday

evening al I. O. O.-P. hnll.---------- -'■ ' Mrs, Charle* Burgher waa ln.Mall- ’•;in g o llte r as.slat«tt by eiia

IB. Clement*. In.Ualllng marshnl, Mr,->.,T t . H. FJmore. chaplnln. and Mr.v., “ Hu»h A. Baker, orgnnlsl. TTiey In- " ducted InU) office Mr*. E. E. F I'Ii't.*' wortliy matron: Carl Lippi, worthy ' patron: Clyde R. Isenburg, na.V)- “ elate patron; Mra. Price Scars, con- :*;duclre.w; Mrs. Rai* WooKord, n«- ‘* 'socla le conductress; Mrs. Ediih ^ jM orjan/ Bccrrtary; Mrs. Fred U n- ',t I ;------- r — . ----------------------

i Conllnuou* 8haws 'ENDS TONIOHTI |

. BARTON Mact^\NE j".M AN O F l i iO ^ T

— Also —"The Phantom Kmpirr"

No. I


l u V e E S

^ f f J i e k H A I . E Y ^

D u c m i L

II — •

• I

a , D E U lSM B tSR 28 , 1S36 '

L V r C T O R Y r - .

"1 \ r M THK-s um w Vft GIT6) TO R . SHOOTlN' V v jP lK A C H OVft

- - l NTO-' \ ------------------L OOR I ; ROW- / j V r


- - I f i _ .

El______________:___ -

3 p -AHEM 1 - -T E IL M E SO N — 1 ■ I W E R E V O U -E R -U M — J l i j ^ P A I P IN A D V A N C E ? I j M

f i

(laupf, irra.MKpr.

Apimlnitic l)II;c.■r. in.vMii.-d mitc Mrs. C. H. Smilli. m;i.-Mi;il: Mr.^.-H.i

T ,V . Cn-.i-n:i,’ ihii|U;it»; Wiird' I . lVrtfl.7on(. o.-s.ifiM; .Mi.-. F.'r;((h

.'Ir.s. Ciyil- R. lii-iiliurr. E.*:lr-.-r; Mr», .M. K. Willi-. M,iril-„i; Mrr.

f., Anna Fnrm.xn, Kli-CM; Mr.'. r . K. J. I (Mr.-nil. .'■'niliiri; Mr.\. Hl.iinc Ci'i'ii.,

v.-nrdrr; Mr.s, C. C. Ualch. lUn Lrar-

1-; n<-iir!i!« ndriliy n-.uroit l M:v n- CliaiU-,-. UoII nnd r,-i:;lni: wurtny• -|'..li.iii. RII W.-Korliii;, -----

,1. U.-.sldr.v M^ . l!|irKl:ir jiiul llw In-, U M .illUiK of.'lcrrs nivi;iiimi-d the fo l- ! •,v la\klii;,- pa.-i lna;ron^ and p.i.sl pa-! -.V Irons iisvLMcd in Ihc .ri'ffmnnk.s: ,

Mrv Ciyi;- Handoliih, Sir;;. C. M .' •r. Hciii-dlcl. Mr.'.. Jack Woliv.'k. Mi« • ij- Anna U H iir. Mi>, .\yiiii McPil:?, 0- .Mr.s. Jim noi.'.. j ^ x r c ltrl Llpps. M r:..,

\ \ S j S n W h

1 ' ^ m S s 01


I m c K ' ^ ^ sI V 0 W E L L 1m / / ’ ■ In /# nicii»'«

’ / / b ' ■ " -J I '■" t. «iim;,»i.\% s .I - I IIISI)f I • ”iJ l A • ’

- \ \ »NN- DVOIt.VK' f <T.SV^K>:i.t.V

~ ~ ^ — ^ n n j - in r r —

(JE T Y O L'K TK----- For

I NEW YliAll’S EVI!I . r .w o H s : f i ;n; CL.M’UKTrK COt.UEKl

^ h e B r i d g e

|« R E & T « E P U E R S . \ A l A O niRfW .-BE T T E R \GET THEM NOTi POT _B <\C K 0N ,T H 1&


la R B _________


g M [ ( g O N 6 B A T U l

B y J ^ P . - M e E V O Y - a i K

CliarU-,-( Gn:r, M. E, Willis and Kll(,fi, Ill>"n'•^,,,' r A j'Diiiniltti-c of men of ih t rliap-

. • !-r. .Mr, Horlni:. Robert U fiU h :. M. K. \Villi«, PiTC>- Riillvdx-.', C-,irl Upjis.

' 1: Wilkln;.oii. Ciydo b f iibiir; and

I ' ' ' ----- !_______


■:v DIFTrmCH. Drc. -il - F iir nirm- ny lurs-of th r inditslry- Siiud club, led - -1)}' Hr^rc Oiitjr. Dtetnch^romplpicd

In- iirojpc-li and turned In u-cord;! Ill-1 jliowliiK a pro.'H of SlW.Cfi on a vnl- la - : iiailon of | |0 5 ’j0 from lhr;i' acri'S ..s: I I'.irrd for during ih." vjinmrr. Mcm- M.'biT.i other than Dnice G ag; w«Tf i« • Krill Gave. John JnurcquI, Luis 1:?. JsiirequI and O.'rar Rinehart, r:.. I D. E. Nrl,-.on Ird th r Junior Dairy

T i T HT 0 M 6 R K 0 W ! •

When You Comlilnc This Array O fT alcnM V ilh A C om lS liiry ! !

-YOU^V E-(;OT-SOM KTH IN (! •—

. . . And wliat a kometliing II f»! 1 Thr lit»l l«o hnur« of swell entrrtaln- I mcnl. Ibr irreen ha* bniuxbl ynu In !

mnny ■ moon ! '

TICKETS TODAY!For Tltr -----

!•: MIDNITE FROLIC7VS'. s t:R rn isK S !ERT . n tE I ) MacMURRAV

I n _______

r C o m e s H o m c " ~



'R O M T H E G A L L E R Y

n d - J ; - I t S T R I E B E L — .......

( ^ - I N S R O C E R I E S ^ l l

f c '

IJpTTK li'i'liib a! Dlvirlcli, llie followlnc live

ir.pin'j-.-i-.s timipliMliij: J.ick G.mri 'j l ' ■ A.-l;ljy Ncij.on, U'.valnr Ncb.ou, U e

P,i!mri- uiiil Cecil Wnlfon.

Ktni)»:>l .*•,<• SHOW lU A. M. -------- rN i 'i.i ; JOK-K'S -t—

, I.AS’f 'lt.^:^:s t o d ,\y :leu

' '

■* Anil Tallspln Tominv In

‘■i;ni:Ar ,m r M v.sTrK v-n . f S • Cnmpdy-Cartonn.News

t'O .M IN lJ S l 'N O A H


’ / rs*.lieIe>oiUSK«n«i<>S>n ,"* / loTo.n. 8-oo</.ar-| I

1 f»(n.irii<o(«o»'»i/r I'oi, ia"3 /• 'S -o lfC r. In Io./ I ,ti" r /

■•No» ili»'icn'^»»[i«nuflnH / -.rp.5ir.one-io»[|.to):i/,o.. ^

l . S l l l l l M i l i

n tt \ '***1*.S j o j \

\ m i n trm>,' j ; \ Duss aiowM. . i ^ -• ASfMU* nmsoM,

JACK DlMntY,1 i l 'V Asr irwdN

— - —ht:W-YKAR’«-KV»;-ritOUC___

NO'IK: I fs All In Fnn, and We__ . V „ , r tJiilfo O ar Pricet! .

K in n iK s 10c — AntlC¥}TJlc

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

J ^ o s e I7 * ¥ *

-Leaders"Police a n i

ToAsseml Strong i

H o r d e s O f D i s a p p o

E x p e c t e d T o A u s

O f A t t a c k e r

B r FAUL :

„ PASADENA. Cnlif.. Dec. K stepa today to build up w h a t t

defense aga inst thousands o f ; for the New Y enr’s jtame here JUethodist.

W ith hordes of disappoini ' nutfm cnt th e usuni forces who

fence o r a ttem pted to, th ree li anticJpation of troub le or •h n u ary 1.

Tbe f i r s t is & new steel fence w ith tURScd posts im- tm lM In eoncnw. Behind thU «U1 be 100 policemen. The rm rv e line will be ooropoied of the F m d e n i lire deparUntnl. h o u Iloei hooked up Uld fOitnea running.

g h o S d lh T iJ iii lio B T ^ f « t " 6 / hand of the cotuUbntary. Ute m h lo f hm aanll; «1U be met irllh a waterr b a m ie ot iat> tid en t fore* to mew down the a(tacken a t (wenty paeet.

In recent ye an small rloia along Uic l im line ol detense have de­veloped u the denied swept ovei o r broke dovn tlie fence and dash< cd Into the lUdluro.

But once they get In thU year, they will be nuhed r ish t out again, ftlnce each one o( the 84,700 odd aeaU U re»rved and on occupant m utt produce hla stub as evidence o t his right to the space or be pre- iHred (or a a unceremonious trip to the axlU.

More than SOO ushers will uke charge of thU particular phaw ol the setup. ®

_____ R x trcm e_p jT cau tl^ a « _ beJjijjUkch because o f th e unprecedented

I demand (or tickets. More th a n 300,- 000 appllcaUohs were received.

( In splie or Ihe early selloul.«hleh u m e (We days a lter South, ern Methodist had been annouBC- «d u Stan(ord's opponent, an ad>

I vanee giurd o( tlefcciless football r— en thuila itrfrM m n*^*T U “ of • (he

conntry has irtarUd t« arrive. ‘

' Strange, heart-rending stories m oti o( them involving prombej given by Southern CalKomla (rlend: (hat they would obtain uckeu , were heard on every side. And th e cu ei

I were (ev where even the (rleiidj . i\-ere able to get the coveted lltho-

graphed pasteboards, decorated witr a basket of roses.

I K im berly T eam s

Down C astleford

Bullilogs, Reserves and In depetid«nts Score Wins

in Three Games

KIMBCnLY, Dec. 27 - Kim- btrly basketeen soored a triple Ulttmpb over Castleford teams

; here this erenlng. Coaeh Jsy k — .Thompion‘1 Balldop downed the ■ Castleford Wolves. 3 t to :0, In ■ , the (lesdtJRer and (he DalUog

reservH tcorrd a 19 (o IS w in over the Casllelord seconds in the pre-

H i^ l lm ln a r y . In a (own team game I H I the Baraie Indspendeats o t Klm> V beelr tn u n c td (he C uU tto td W ) town Uam, 11 to U .■ / Kimberly led (he high sclioo W game, IB to 13 o t halt lime am I eontlniieri the psce thraushout Du

rtmslniter o f (he battle., ZAmb(n< led Bulldog scoring wlih ll'po lnL and N.Hiompnon of Coliiloford aC' counted (or iwelve. j

Lead At Half K tm b«ly. led the aeoood tean

game, 13 to 6. a l U u haU anc------- In th i

l u t half. Drury o( CuU eford waj high with e lfh t points and Neelj nmde seven (or Kimberly.

The Savnge Independenu hac llltle trouble w ith the ir opponent! In tlJC tlilrd game. After holding i ;5 (0 1< ndvsnisge a t (he half the] opened up nnd piled In the bo). kets late tn tho game. Moon fihcp, srd o( Kimberly led scoring wiu M polnu. Bllek was high (or Castle

■ (ord with ten.Billiton (U) Wolm IM)

UmBlni ( I I ) ___n r _______N»»nuiVS

- — iUs(ln»BUum(Z) n o (i) i . ThompioiStll (2 )_______

RubiUtuiioni; ximbtilr •> Mltitun (II, Mettn (S) tad Tste; CMtltttrc -lUlly, H«te (»1 snd Coorsrt.

- n=,^s;lubtiuuitonii Klmkrrl]r.^uieT (t)

J m ” . T*t«. nsuiira; c t . i | . j . ta - . itVoj rn. gattiflff (t).

I astis* Ina. (»» CiiUelord Town. (WlA ; s s s s v j z S ttJ ' i . r r ;

IT) m II. IHH*.*'_____ K ’- a - y . , " ' - i 'g .........■ a - . i a


B o w I GV « «

s of N. IFiremen^

nbleBehin j Steel Fencc

(pointed Ticket Seeken LUgment Usual Force ;ers A t PasadenaUL ZIMMERMAN :1 Press Sporta Writer! tec. 27— Rose Bowl officials-tool a t they hope will bc a n impregnabl of iw tentittl Kutc cn u h e rs expcctci

lere between S tanford and Southeri

oin ted ticke t soeicers exi)ected t ivho annually have broken down th M) lines of defense will be erected ii

Increase in Duck

P opu la tion Loonu

S Wifd^Life^ Conservallonisl ~J Rejoice Over Season’s

DIminisliBd Kill

WASHINOTON. W c. 27 (J-, — Al over hunters call the recent diieJi„w !»«wo" poorest In years, blolog

Icnl survey experu rejoiced toda; tliat decrtosed killings gave th

year,' birds a chanee to rebuild their de gain. I pleted numbers.

I. "AlUiomJj good in apoU, Uie sea son os a wliole has been i>oor (run

, the hunters' vle*T>olnt." said F « i P” * . Lincoln ot ihe division of wild lir

: re:;arch . •'! would pu t the kill con iM rratlveJy a t i i per e«nt undr

(ake ' the annual average, with perhap « o( 90 per ceia as n maximum."^ I Hunters blamed the bsd Kcasoi ■*, !on poor weather and stricter got-

300. The duck conservatlonlsis wcr ‘ henrtened by the general reporu o

s'dlmlnlstKd kill, leaving more bird oul. to (ly to northern neiriing and mat itii« Ing grounds,

Tliey felt thnt n few more .luel • seasons vi-oulil rtJlore the duck pop

s i R u p e r t P ira te s

f i ~ O verc line P a iiltho«with .......... ...............—-

;Lacymen Score 31 to 15 Wii in Fast Game; Declo

S Girls Lose, 36:18

|W |] PAUL. Der, 21 ~ Coach Rill l i l t Siiuance-i Paul high sthool hoop

qointet (d l be(ort>an aeenratcpass- Injc and shooting eombinatton

)n - “ ‘0 15'1 Coach Ed Lacy's invading PlraU

IS [held the lead throughout allhoug {a t Umes Paul showed spuru o( po itenlia l poa-er (or an inexperience !leam.

;itn- ! Tlie Paul girls capiured tlie prc •(pJe ; llmlfiary encounter by scoring a 3 ama lo IB victory over the Invading Dccl Jsy mbjcs.(he ; _______________________

itf S. M. u .’ MASCOTpre- _____________________________

f H “ “ 1 m T T M ~ ~■ I '

totd I , B L

ciiooi V V V g J k Hand I ' y

t Die ^ibjng I

a ac> I ■ j p

teamU d !


ing n ' theyb o v ^ ■ ■ 1 ■


■«> 'B T . ' j 'x F yV-AjI■rnun j B f Y y Jiiouk * * 5 f l T - ^ 8 |u n ? 3 T l ™npioB

itun ,' ;» |/m g*G ]n[i ’-d B D e w S ^ B S ^ letsrd ■ '.u l lw L v j*

U m<tt)


TMiJ ------ ---------H M I

lienk CalKomU sun. The Mustang bat

l a t e C r i

-^_TJioniiiil]D enies_

I F ea r of Texas

: e Eleven’s Passei

crs Stanford Team ConcMitr«t( on Detenu Agalnit Ai Allaok m ile Palo All Mentor Voices Optimisi

tM k PASADENA. CUU, Dk . t! Wt >able —Stantord's (ootball leam tooli C ted «nott»r large helpinc o( de(ens«

r t (odsjr a t B m ksld t park «o*a j field mads slippery by jj ih t » l a

1 to under the waichiul ayes o( Coac 1 t h e O ^ude iTlnyj Thornhill, the ind: , , Jins sfpeared lo do quite well i

breaking up the Umjws executed s Stan(ord expects the Mustaiig aerl

I a t cirtu] 10 per(orm in the Roa ( I . Bowl here New Year's day.

ThomhlU w u opumliuc." I ’m not parUcularly worried ow

Uielr passing alUck," s tld Uie SUn m n (ord mentor.1115 worried a lot mere over Call

forala's long -hope' pwaea 'Uj i Ckil den Bears Uirsw i t us in Ui

l i s t s *^fiou"he^M ethodU t, I under stand. Uirowi mostly sliort ones an

I think we can handle them ade quQtely."

InUresUng Words These words, aiUiough spoker

. perhapt, with a tongue In Uie cheet were extremely intertstlng in viei o( what transpired when a u n fo r

o‘«g- lo it to AUbama in Uio Bose Boa «tay last year,

t h e , Stanford by no means h a t (or- r d « - , (oilen how "DUle- HoweU Uittw

1 strikes most o( the afttraoon and MS- > swamped Use Indians as a resoll.

(n m l>ot the opinion prevails lha i F « a Coach Matty B«U baa no pUy. { ii{e; ers who ean do aO ihe UOsgs

Howell did. or so well ! The delenslve driUs have Indlcat ed Siantord'a (ast endi. Monk Mot crip and KelUi Topping, wUl b rusnliig Uie passer moet o( tb ademoon, In (act, Thornhill, wh

BO'* docs not beUeve In secret practiw-------- lia i.sa il,» s much,.____were "Why lock Uir~ga£M r'"aike. u ol 'n ny . "Any msn who csn see wha blrl» Rc re doing (rom the sunds ove m at- mere w eiiilUcd to all lils W orms

tion. Now if he were standing on Ui .luch ( t t *n idea, c r 1^ he W1S in tha t blUnp.-

I ThomhlU gesturtd to a s advet

i “You know we almoat lost ou 'gam e to Southern California be ;cau.*c Of tha t blimp. Every limb th boys Kent Into the huddle, the

. .looked up a t It and irled to flgui.....I - oul whst the trailing stre sm ^ salen i l - — It took 'em-almostflO m lnu tiU l U l find out before Moscrlp kicked th

[leld goal th a t won Uw game.”

"''"Camera Ordered ° To Join Italy’s

Army in EthiopiiRill --------

lOop NEW YORK. Dec. XI (« -U b 1 i >^1- I Sor«l. r o a n a r e ^ ( ^ jh ^ C a t o «

0 IS. plon, u ld t«d«y hs k t4 tW slT^ , a cablegram fm » Dm nOiUr.wb*D?,»h « '* • *• »•**»•( ^ >“ • n i^ had been drafled m der Italy i

" . milllary (raW nf Uw.Soretl said he wss Informed Usal

pre- Csniera would have to ’spend 6(1 a se days In Eihlopla with a uprclal

Dccio m annuin artillery unit o( whicb he Is a member,



n Metbodlit Irats oot «n the B m B««1 liave a lombrero to shield him (rom th band Is shown le ttlng him ready for lh

lena and Ilowardlne Daaean preaenta Ih n r u u ban t. M trB a lk rriM k t-M w U I

T W W m M P A ItY

' a s h e r s I

~ [ Z s T A N F . p R D S

ies S i l


Altclism '


n avln.'oacbuidi-u a t


o m ',‘J i

‘CaU-Ool. ’ "

ider- ■ rrT -r.T v .' i i>I and

)ken. . i . . .seek. J K J •

)(ord - . 1 2 bBowl ■ .

for- . '. : ' ^ra* .. ijBd .........................

ANGELO •‘HANK" LU18ETTI, a< >>at —points a larae.durlng his frtshm:

ance thU season srored SO b le ^ Is SUnford’s bope (or a con(en

l«lat- ‘V I , •s s ^ = = ^ =

SBigMustaiE --,T6S t5^X Five Field Goals And

down Top MoscIver- ------------H e ld .____ _________, By m i x

our TOsoMRW Pi. be- TUCSON. Ariz.p Dcc. 2.1—. *they m anufacturers ofigura punched footballs 0ver the ci u id ^ S outhern M ethodist's Alusta

IflrUi^ijf ypp!, w hen th e MustunRs collide v___ D ay RofM). Howl game a t Pa, Bell adm itted,I F rom th e 40-yard line an i_ closer th e 210-pound tack: S blasted his unerring kick

- • HU live (leld goaU and 33 poln J l d a tte r touchdown thU season top tl

pertormance n( 8un(ord 's ni obU boolcr. Monk Mokcrlp, all-Amer icn , can end.'UB— -‘'O rr-m lfiht win that-gam e (< lT»« U3.” mused Uell, "but Mojcrip migl w b«' Uiat game (or SUn(ord toO' i ,n - they get close, r lie “O rr csn kick cwjjUteniJy fro Uy^ the 9S-yard line on down to t^

goal lint, but seldom otlempts i lh a i' kick ' (rohT"0liUiai5“ tnc '-33 :y ii I ea stripe."

l.aat Hfsvy >S'otVoui

The Muitongs worked s t tc epeed on psMlng, kicking, olfen:

-------«nd-dc(ense in-a--sircmiou»-drlll-iIhe ITnfversdy of Arfunn. tlic («: heavy workout before the cnme.

^ » 4 —.BcU.lHll_b»cked nway (rom nn outrlgni prr'dlciioii on che“ gnn'

H I Ibu t ilay Morrison, (onner ring H master of the Southern Methodl; W ‘ "ftcrlRl circuA," and now conchln

a t Vanderbilt, predicted:; i "Southern Mcthodlat, 33; Sian

ford, J3,"C a M ortlion figured three Muttan i f l twichdowns, with bounding Bobb M WlUon a l his beit, and a (leld got B 9 and two poinU a(U r touchdoa-n bR a

a ^ t e v e n s o n ^ d e s -

I P a ir o f W inner

[ 1 Boise Joci(ey Holds to LeaI I ol 11 Victories Over W Rexburg Rival

B n e w YORK. DM. n (J>-C turle B H Stevenson of Boise. Idaho, toda l l h t ld j o hla lead of eleven winnei ■ ' ovCT“ W a ^ 'i W rUht-trf-Bexbiifi H Id iho , u esch rode tv e winner H C te \iiu en > p ilr boosted hla toti B (or the year to 30] triumphs whll■ W right sen t his soaring to 111.

H " ~ 8 ieT cnsm T r-rtd ln t-« l-lh4 -> ’al:■ grounda, won ttia Mcond with Ills■ fianta, odds-on«favonte, ptyln

I3.W and 6un Caprice, a member cJ the (isld which returned (ISO fc

a 13 straight ticket,

I the W right w u aboard Jnmes Boy i r Ihe the UUrt and Boeastette in th I Ihe alxUi a t Tropical. Doth were itroni -yp> ly hacked. Jsmes Jloy paj-iag

t a a B ocucua «9JD. -


Face Tl%otUghS H ^ P S H O O T E ^

- ^ - 1 -----------------------

, aophetnore (orward, averaged nearly hman year and In his tlrs t varsity appea I le u than a ha lt game o( basketbalL 1 (ertnea bszkelball tltie.^/T) Photo.

in g K icker ^ ccu ra teJT o fnd 22 Points After ToucI scrip’s Performance, ix E . Mc k n ig h t- P i eu g pori a-WHteet-------------- ■— B lfr M a u ric e O r r a n d h is prec ioi o f 37 p o in ts in th e f i r s t 12 jjamc

I c ro s s b a r f ro m al! a n g le s to d a y s ta n g a s to p p e d h e re f o r a w o rk o t m a y th e d if f e re n c e in th e aco e w ith S t a n f o r d m th o N c w -Y tin P a s a d e n a , C a lifo rn ia , C onch M a t

" R u p e r t B oosters

D efeat V isitorneri-

■ Overtime Exhibilion ResulniRtuloo- in Downfall of Broad- iroi. way ClownsI the _____ts to •rrgrd RUPERT. Dec, K Co1er(t

a n t in o t Ihe Inuird IlrosHwa Clowns. Colnred b a rk r lrm e tir i ordinary dlreet trnm llarlrm . roi (he bam s(orm lnf entcrUlnera

r , „ ^ basketball n m e here (hl> erenlnII a t a fte r jh c y Rnd_hft<l a 111 lo 18 a

'ra n tag e al"ihe end"o( Ihe rntiU J p laylnr Ume.

P r t w l throughout by llie br ' Ilant aU w k ot the nui>rri BnaMe

riiia- Oloans did not have time d t odisi course of ih'“ f s ihma through all thelr tricks m

aaked for a nve-minuie overiii Mrlod In which to romiileie t rtemfmslratlon. K\-erylhlni; work

, out aJl right M M r s.i the (rirk Bhbv Pl*nng was conc^rnfd, but Cro enni Rupert Rirtrd, looped a b s r te t Ju ^ t,- betore the clow o( the game to gl

^ the Booaters a ao lo 19 vietory. tVfeky Sho««iv

E\-ery mithod of bsaket shootli and pasting was demonstrated

J t lie Cloa-ns and several (ootball ai 9 U K B ni"T 5^iynpcr«Tritnrcd.- Hi

time score « -« 10 lo IS fnr Rupe PuIIin« ot Iho Clo»n.f led scorli

t f C Wllh 13 iMlnu and Cro(t' was hli *• w tor nu p e ri with nine.

In a pr»llmlnar>- game U u t wc Into an o«rilm e period, the Boos

pari e r ReMrvcs scorcd n 2S to M w over the Rupert M-Men. 6coru.,

■ the end o( the regular game was to 3}.

aum m an-:&>«»urs (to) ci««t>t (1*1T uinta* <S) __ K r---------- (1) C»i

oday ciofi (») ..........rtci____ (ii) ruiiimers ... nroi. SBbttlttHleni; tloottm — liuiitai.

!S O’Mahonoy Tossee Man Mountain Dea

hMlr. ^CH IC AG O , Dec. 21 W'l - Or High welghcdD>TTTKmndflrOanno_OW lying honey o( Ireland, slammed the 3 tr ot l» “nd Man JtounU In P e tn te d I lor betore 8,000 spectators In t

Cliicago tU dium tonight. 0'.Mahoney threw Dean with i

>y ili arm lock and body slam In 31:21.the Ray 6(eele. Olendale. CaXrctni

eng- 308, threw Rsy Richards. Chleti tS X 33S. w ith a head K lason a&d b

arm m 2a:U ,


hree Lii« « «

t t - o f t - O g

5 5 € o a d i e s - €

^ T e a S rP l i I; HSgh-Sp

L o c e y A n d H o t l i n g

p L a m , W a l l a c e A i

F a v o r e d E a

BAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 11 («>. keynote ot lli attack, the E u le t (avoriie In Ihe anntu l East-West Day.

Pile driTinc laellcs eontinned t Ihe ro llriU le s ta n selecUd (rom who have watfhed Ihe sqnsd eoael llei-e it will be the popular choU

A backfield used for wveral dr(i includes Quarterback Riley 5mV of Alnbnma. U i t Hnlf Back Dli Heekm of Ohio Stale. Right Hi Dick CrajTic of Iowa and Fullba. Sheldon BelM of Minnesota. TI tverrage weight of th'3 qusrlet

^ 1»SH pounds. Smith, the heartej .; > Upa the beam a t 205 pounds.

Speed Chfef Asm(

Coaches Percy Loc«y and O r HoUlngbery o t th« v w t will p tReIr hopes (or Ute elghUi victory

- eleven annual games on a t n •— - whlch-makes-up In npecd..i^aX.

Ucka In the poa'cr type o( play.

BUI "Knyo" U m ot Colorado a> ’ Tlieron Ward. 200 pound Idal

- ' pIa)Tr, have clicked o(( lOO yar<in O B seconds; BIU Wallace ot Rl Institute Is u ld to be « 0.S nu while Charles Cheshire of U.C.L. can nm (tie dIsUnce In around seconds.

— -1 Right on tho heela o( these fo J , „ are Jtrry U Noue o(_Nebraska. 1

Justice o t a on ttga . Ted Chrislc . r i i l tcrson of Waslilnglon Slate ai

Herb Schreiber ot 81. Mary's.

— - - QaKback Recovers

The easiem coaches were cheer by news ot an expected speedy r covery o( Walter Crulee of M waukce, Wisconsin, hattback on II year’s Northwestern unlreral team. He dlslocsted a knee In scrit .mARLtW«jft«k;_______________

Stnrtlng Ilne-upf nre not exp«< i r h a cd to be selected until the (Irst

nexi week. T *o eastern ilnemi expected to get (Irtl call, howeri are Art LewU of Mlddleport, Oh who played tacklt (or Ohio ut

_____ verally t his year, and Bttore A

a o u * I r o ^ ^ i o n , ' indiw!^^"'**” * ' *' m e s , ; - .

| B O W L I N (l u t t y Slatkln bowfert last night scor-------- a Wctoiy over Uie KwalltrK ld-v

' three straight games, copping t (inal til t by one pin. All gam

k were close and Uie total pin cou ’ WAS 3435 to 2306.

Jones a t Blatkln's led tcorera ( -the series with 6fl4 tind tied wi

u r s in^tc, Mclntrye, (or slni** game honor* n t 20J.

SUlkln'is u i t s i S S ; . , - — r : = i S - u IK 1I Dunimr ------- ^ _ .1 M 41 IW i

n if im ___ _ _ _ , U 4 u* I t l 4, MetntTti ............ .. .M t t* 11* J

. i* is i ........ ............ it» 111 m uKMiiiir Kidi

ar(ol n. MtCtacktn .........IIO IM Itl !r.llw<XHl ............IU Ui 11] <

’"■J' .tlMwortti ................Ul Itl IU It ira - MrdinnU . . .......... ISl IH U l <

..........- l « <* TaUI ....... ............ 171 Ut (11 «


WlNS'SO^lJfHe r Sb rii- l ______________ __

»ters, dur-

(Time ( ntid riime


rk of T VCroft, / t A

} g h t

Mtlng < by la n d

Half ^pert. coring high

went toost- S winri- .a t :as 25




e a n

^ 9 1 3 '

1 t te

.h an ^;21. p a T*Xb b OTT (rlghtl, U-year-f )tnl<, fasadeaa eommtuUty pUyhatci Icogo. goltera lo win thg Soulhern Ci 1 bar wlU> a loUI score o( U l for tbi

FraoclKO pro, whose lolal wa* t

DECEimER w . i m

n e s o f I• • ¥ • /

p e a - S n b g

O f-W e ste m - in^H opes^O n p e e d Q u a r teigbery Count On War And Cheshire Against Eastern All-StarsIA>-Wllh » powerfni m nnlng game as s tem team It expected to line up as i > st charity fooiball game here New Yri

d (oday (0 feature the practice seulon »m the Eastern hal( of (he country. Thi oaeher by Andy K err and Dick Hanley 1 holce.* ' ' >1---------------

S B u l i l Girls FaU

IH B efore H agerm aule jt, •

I n d ia n M is s e s D rop Coi o r t» T i l t , . 1 7 - 1 3 ; P i r a te s

U l : ; D e f e a t R ich fie ldt« m

— HAQEBMAN.-DbuJH _ = _ 111| “ • powered Pirate* of Hagerman hi|0 and eehool rolled along a t a bresi Idaho pace this evening and aeon yards a donbleheader basketball vletor ; Rice The Haterman doys downed U

mnn Invading RIehdHd Tigers 40 i CUA gS. and the Pira(« Mlaiea scored nd 10 17 to 13 virlery ever Ihe dbtri

championship Indian mallei from Buhl.

•a^M Although H agtnnan held a m ^ ’l ^ row k e d virtually throughout, ( ; Kiris' game stole the ahow as Bi

tried desperately to penetrate i Ironclad defense o t the Pirate ml es and a tre bottled out a t e>-< turn. Parsons led the H agtnr

leered scoring wlUi nine polnU and 1 It re- team mate. Rogers, made elghl. i

Mil- son of Buhl led her team male w n IhU Mven.

A/(uv Richfield had held afl I 'r im - , *dVanUge a t the close of the (1_____ qiiart» ,_H agem un tied the bexpect- game up a i ' the hftir.~14-aU.~Ca rst o( In tlte third s tsn ta the Pirates t( lemen a six point lead and avre ne nerer, again headed. BarlogI o( Hagerm Ohio, led scoring with 20 poinu and Cc

, uni- nor w u high for Richfield with s An- summftry:

~ llit? rimB W I--------lutiofi ( » ) ___ nr... <i) LiciDntiH-Sttofl (S) -l-r-....- (U> Con:LMeh <SI --------C ._---------(»» Cl

r ^ DtnnU <J) ------- J tO _ - _ _ (*) p.1 g j Woedhud .......--Ld. ........... Jebm

■ ^ Subilltullani: llsitrniiB — Owil V T rondii, wirklttnd - sod - Cbstinti ^ Rlchfitld - WcMsan.

ililJd-1 In lu ttn < s \____I i . r - l lZ .~ f f l a«vg tho aidff _________c --------- -- Skim

S 3count « |..r tan ____ _t.CJ_______ U>|Sukimullont: lU irm sa — Mo

ra (or snd ru tk : nubt - oiisn O), n«i with!<*>' •"* O'nrltn.

single I

Veteran Boxer Wins >« m D sputed DecisicS H? HOLLYWOOD. ColK.. Dec.It Ml (/»V-Mldget W olgut, 12«, r t la :T — PJiUadeJphlk boxer, won a dedtl ” *“ * toBlgJit from Dick WfJih, tlto I

and trom Philadelphia. ■!! 4<e <u «is cislon ot Itcferee Abe Roih dr » JJ* ' a lol of y rrs (rom llw pneked si ” * ^ '!dium holding approximately i.i 11 MM j persons.


: f / ; i

>1 J t

* 0 2 ^

p » yar-old formtr csddy and an actor a i I Joitse. dcfeatftl a IMd al Amtrkt't ^ 1 California n|x-ii loBriiamenl a t Olriidi ■ tbe f ittr rounds, Willie G ofiln tlefli, 6 u 2U earrleU olf to? m o n e y I ' l i o l o .

s a s x m e a m m m m a m m

D e l e t i s i


n~ AtUetesH)rawi e t Criticism, Prsdi»r<l> President ol Southeasti

Conference to—Expt .Radical Declsliin at I

«. u>. sociatlon’s ConventIIS the Year’s

By ALAN OOVLD on of (AasoeUted P re u Sports Edlto Those NEW YORK. Dec. 27—i l i ! : ter debating the conflictl

issues Involved behind cloi doors or in the hotel lobb

1 for two days, lenders of i National Collegiate A .A. pi

l a n to turn the spotlight of tomi Id l l row’s aoth annual meoti

upon this radical decision, the Southoaatern conferei

,OUrt 10 lubsldlte atbetea.Binoe UUng acUoo two weeks i

is a t Vtuanu, the B ou tbeu tem gro composed o( 18 o f Um U ifw t i oldest edueaUonal UuUtuUans ia deep Boutb, b u b e ta under flt* ft

. academid sources. C rltlcisn. b« lU gb. oa th i ground U » t open lubtldi high tion of ttudehU'wlthTftlbletto-abl ts k - will only lead to more abutci, 1 :ored been offub by p r tlM In many qu tory. ters for Uu ''p ro freu lve '' cbarac I the of a move which b rlng t out i n to ' « (o open, where It can be properly a r»d a uoUed, a common collegiate p rac t tlrict WheUier the N .C A Ju a t a whi Ident approvu or dlsapprovet U u aet

already put Into effec t by U u Sou e u t tm group, tom onvw 'a dU euu

' nar- u expected to help d e a r the a tm t, t ^ pbere. .

ItoU Changea Eapeeted n , i„ . H ie concluding te u lo n t o t ' i . ...ry thrce.dty asKmhly o( college i

crman leadert, reprtM nU nf aU p i ri h - f of the country, ochenrlM atv ila . QU (0 feature a vote In tupport o f i , -rtih American Olympic program, f lu s wiin oUwrwUe. by tbe N.OJI

. . , MeanwhUe Uie American loolt } I to coaches’ tu o d a tio n . (n <ep«nt« i t ( In t nual meeUng, i t expected to endp >»y» a few changes in Uie ;bJ# fooU

*arly rulei.-lncludln»-<llmlnaUon-«f-] I took so-called "slow whistle" and a p ncKt slbte change (n th e reguadons :rman penftlties (or p a st interference., Con- A Joint session of the aUilotlc i th 14, ganluU ent today, devoted m at

to (ormal taUu and an elabor _ _ ttioadae-oL-cotiege-tootbalLjBm

under the direction ot Mlbblga :onnof head coach, H arry Klpke paved I ' way (or the more Im porUnt me IbMon '"'B* tomorrow, iwifrr. To present iho Southew lem c< ertent ference’s vie«-point.' on the subsid

ing issue, it wat understood Dr. Jo < i j )_ JJngerLfiLJTorlto . president of I iRiith conference, had accegttanm M C A .k « jnv iu tto j to addresj the W.C.A.«

r l k venilon. Meanwhile such leaden riu>tr Dr. Wilbur Sm ith, athletic dlrec: K xka a t Tulane, and H . J . Stegeman. al

Ift'e director a t Uie University "***" OeoTBia. rallied support w sought

put a t rest any feara tha t Uw at letlc b a n were bflng let down

I S O M t.'

jion-----------BUilblilng- the- text of the n

„ rule nilopied by /h e SouUieuU eonterenee Dr. sm ilh poliiied out

H>inn K rred mainly the purpose o( putU under strict faculty control a pn

” ‘ ” tiee H-hich b u been going on unc cover, (or yeari.

« * Siegeman. emphasised Uiat •' drew cash nt nU will be given lo Uie st

1 s u - denis receiving scholarships.'* 4.400 Major Jolm L. OrKfllh, preside

of'the N.C.AA. and commissioner _ _ _ the Big Ten conference, tleclared t — executive committee hadyecldedJ 1 ' to rtfcommend any actloQ, tor

against tlw step uikeo by the 6out eastern conference. He emphasli

I liowevrr. th s t sha rp dltferences vic>points existed, lh a t he Intent 10 b rm r the lub jcct Into hU ann report and encourage (uU debale, open seMlon,

Albion P a n th e rs

T rim K ra z y K a t

Teacher Basl<et6ers fial in Lasl Half to Win

Over Aberdeen

ALBION, Dec. : i - > r s n th tn i ^Albion SU te Normal school broi

loou ill the last half <4 a (a game hrre this evening and scorc a lhrilling 09 to s s vielory over U Invading Aberdonian Krasy Kai frem Aberdeen.

~ Both ica.iu ekhiblied ponerlul < fenslve play, bu t Coach OrvUle Hi of Albion discovered a comblnall lule In the game th a t saved ihe di At the Half Aberdeen led. 3J co 23,

Bll Clegj!. Vharpsh03ier from A

Jf ih erdeen, led tlie gamo's scoring wi ftjK T R t i r s n J c c u n i e n and ®en*tf<

was high (or the Normslltes wllh : The Ptnchers wilt meet the Sarsi

Independents e t Kimberly, Satu • day evening.


fiSLQRADE. YuRula>-ln. Dec. : U V -T lu wmi-oificial new*iwp

I (j,( Pravtla reported Irom the Albanii border lodny th a t 40 iKrsoRs In

iidale been drown.’d In the Albanian ci , San o( skodta by floods on the Adrlal 0. corn.

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra


Sm all U p tu r n 'i n “ ln d a s t r ia l s

C a n ce ls D ip s In H alls

a n d U tili t ie s

7 ~ M A R K tlS f ll-A i^U L A B U t I

____ fiJy Tll« A.vsoCl.ilfrt Ptm *) INL-\V YOTiK : ----------------TTStocks lrrc«uUr: Iiitluilrbl !

»p.-cbliiM tcJiM i>fo/it ;.-king.8oml»; llisiicr; lo« -i>nco<l

ailvar.cc. 'Ciirlj: lti'!i..!rk-W nntl

fjH-ci.illlrs In (U-m:uut.KorclKn rjchiinRc^: J..r>y: Kold

ciirtciiciw (li-clinc.Cotton: Q uid; hiRlitr n lj:rs;

local nnrt tnrlc biijlrn:. - SuKnr: Higher; Itrmer tpU

ni.irkcl.-.Coircc; Quirt; /tcaily BrnJilar.

tr.iirkci!!.CHICAGO;Wlirat: LHnuir.>!i.vii. D f 'in -

r r "/yiicpM" ci>HiiiiM-a.Corn: lirc(;iil;ir; U c c rm b e r

Il(jiil(lallii)i ulc:>.CatllC. IJuidy ;.lon.!j lo wcjU IfoKs: IS 10 23c l:i'Avr; tl';)


ny I IJANK Sl.\CMIM.rN(Asjoci.iicil I’K'Vi Miiaiici;!! Writer)

NKW VonK, Di-c. -il i,T/—‘nic tiiiirc market t:iiii:lcd 'vith mlti:« liiK Inlc iwlny after ii Miuxjtli Irli) OUT m « l nl tlic trinlliiK rimlc,

Yi'ar-ciul ;itl]ii£t:ncia u( orcuutit^. tax KlllMS und piullt-lakliii; wiu leporlctl by brokers lo liiivf i>lnycd ' ft part III oflcrliiKv

A rcaiiccuble M-i:tnciit «r tlic llM ' »»& iihl« IQ t'.oUl McuJy. uud u tulc • nunibiT ol rnlus were rcRUtcrcd. ■ Iiidustrtiil. oil und J.|>vclnlly clat«l'- -

____Jicatlons were (iirong. :.Mmliig itmri'j K«ve Ihc be*rt»r- ■

lornianec. Tlib followed n rl.w In i tlic London silver iirlcc, ending a ' llirrc-tti-ck ilrcUiif, 'Itiiilcrv lio»- i pvrr. liilfr Ift-t ^olnc ol tlielr cn- : tiiiuiu.li. :

AvrrJie Itnrliancrd The nci rrsiili i>r (la- nuldly Ir- '

rcRular marnct wm to Ituvo the Aaioelatod I’reis nvcniHB of CO : slocks imcliansed a l St.O, with a ; *mall upturn in the indiisirlaU can* • rcUlns minor dipi In ralb and mil- Ulcs

Tudlng * u moderately iictlvc ul .

• The dccllne rejwrtcd for ihc Int- r n w»k in cnrloadlnp wus a »liiidemore than Aosonal. bui fnilcd to 'inipteu lolloser* ol the carrier jMiarck unduly, since hidlce.i arc '{reouently ihtunn In a llttc askew In 'holiday twrlodt.----------- ----------------,

HulllJlily Inclined traders were cn- ;roiiMKrd by the rcfwVt on coiislnic- , tlo:i auaiila by F, W. DodRc Corp.

----------Alrarirr »liafcrroolc“ .f ‘Jiri'atntr ,uller (hi'lr recent tliar]) upward ,movement, wllh dcctlne.i ot (rac- | lions lo arouitd n polnl alionii Insuch luiics M DouRln.t nt 51-., ,

__U oct»fl-« t-W ,-U iillcU A lltra lt III^ n n d Wrlglii Aeiunaiitical iti U, ,

SIDNEY KATKS-------- N E W v o r k ; - tKC--i7- vl-r-C-U. ;

moiwy slciHly; |>rr eenl nil day: ■ prime commercial paixr -u per ccni; ; lime loans sleady; CO duyj>0 mos.1 per crni oflercil; bankers iicccp*

----- tanecj'unchangcfl; rcdlscoimt n>te, i— .Nr-y. r«:ervc bank. IS iwr cciil. - ,

........................ - TiKT.\USNEW VORK. Dec, 71 t,lV-Coppcr

(luici; clcctrolytle /pol nnd Xuturc 1033; cxiwri 18,75. T in Ric.idlcr; >poi and nearby »l8 .n to «8,75: Iu- ture $17.75. Iron quiet; uilchanRcd, Lead sleudy; spot New York H,30 , to $4J5; Eajt 81. Louis_S<JS, Zinc i

----- dull; £n*t St: tou ls *[x)t «n3 future ,MAS. AlumlwiiH %IB lo »2^. Ami- Jnonj-: Spot IHiO.

T W IN FA L L S M A R K E T STito T«ln tall. (ll.lrlcl m aika yet*

U ;a.y v u u fullciw.;iJ th t biitclicn ___ ___________ laoo

buiclier.. jio-ajo IlM. » _ 4 8 J 0 Unucmct^lil utilrlicrv

1J5.1J0 iMurnlj -------------------UOOllrav^ bju-li-ni^lo-3>x) Ib fc__^W M

____ r iZ .T T s o l^ n «il i r ' i c i , -------------------- IVW

ri>UlonT'i'ce tn ry»''ri'iII;l».-'I.., Nil. Ij . . . _______ rv

iiu-icy, :>'u- i> ...... ..............

(Lo*i!''l Jirlrr'HmVrl .Sp*m»li. I l» 3 liicll - j__ 1U«I6.1-ti ap»nuii. J ll,.;, ..................11.11

llT.tl' _______ ______ _

p ■!!“:!! 'i"> n .'* , ..... ........... \Z I— ' ' '’'mm .... ; ,;- ; : i ; ; i - i i i r j

Inocli tiMKl. Uv-ixjiiiiil lulA — — il.Zi;«toct InoS. JOO.pngnil luU ____ ll.W.Oa-j. too-poimil l o u ___________ 1*V;

- a r y s ? n s s = = = = « :llpUll I 'tlrn i

r.— roan lionrr. t«o for ... . IV:'■ ilojr:; __________ :oc-3Jc|

l_.ritutf. t»T litad ______Sc «na lOol

. . J c - l te !Pmdoe* '

Tiu'.irr. fincli _____________ ___ 35r ■nulltr, rrrsmrry _______ Tie *tin »cZcts ia iTMl* . u d 3K ,

■ n (OoaptlKl by AttocUtM PrtM)■ ” ^ “ ' 5 - „ ,. I ind'l* ruil'dJ UIII'I fltocki

N«t ehsnfs + J - .1 ■ - J I'neli.! i;; T .

! ! ! E f c 5 L E i s L Hin t liiih 1~«M « o « 8 ii.«m t Im . ..4J3 22» H 2 J4.9

U orcnnt IQ (««ol >**r»iin s low ... n .l B7 23« I8»i r a hlfb l»B II4J I 'l l

_ IPJT low ...,S t« B3 3 OU <18

r f ' ’ .

: _ TrMd O f__^ Sfapic PriccsU-

. NEW YORK. Dec. 27-Tlie id Boclalcd Prrs^ wholei.air prlcr index

|o f 21) bn-ilc romniodltlr.s lodiiy ad« Id vnnccd to 75.59.

1‘revloiu day 75-')(, ucrk a tn monih aRO 75.60, year nRo7I.W,

nanRc ot rtccni years: jt 1035 1031 1S33

niKh . ..........7Bi4 7;!i5 CilOLow ............. C3.I1 50,01 38J7

(1020 avcriiRe erjuals 100)

1. |-OI»:i(iNKXXfIIAN(iJ;N tw YORK. Drc. 27 (,n - l’\Dr-

cUn r*clinnKc irreRuIar; France de­mand CJUS; cftblr.i Monl- real in New York, 9U.I8;.; New York in .Monitc.il 100.01',.

— (07T 0.V ! NE\V YORK, Dec, 27 uy, - f;ol.

ion continued In n narrow rancc ,, lo<!ny. rlo'lnR Heady n rt 2 ixiint.i rl,; hlKluT to I iH3lnt l(iw.-r,

,1 GOVKIlS.MKNT HONHS,'a NEW YORIC. Dec. 27 (.Vj - Dond cd quotations:

Trra.uryl« l ’ i.' <7-.« .. •. .................... 1155Hit J ’..% H3-<3 ............................... lOj.lOrd ............... - ........ ....... 110.3041, 3>.s « . « June ...................... 107.20

3 S s 11-43 M .irch ..................... m JB'.f. 3 '.s 11 ...... ............... -.-irw.lOIn a !." 11-10.......................... - ..... 105.7a 3 '.s l(I .1 9 ..._ ....................... . lOJJR

»•. 3 ': s 13-52.............................. .. ID3J0n- 3.S 18.1H .................................... I02JI

3.1 51-55 ..................................... lOliO2 \* 51-M ...................... .... 09.31)

Ir. 2 ’.S 15-17.............................. 10031tic Cedrral Farm M nrlcatrCO 3.1 17 ..................... lOMUa 3.1 19 ..................................... 101,1

Jl. 3 '; .i 0 1 ............................ 102,18l]. Uomc UiMirn l.naii *

3^ A 52 .............................. 100.2i:ul 2 '.» 39-10 .................... IWJ:!

U- . c m c ,\c i0 I’ltODL'tK ■'‘‘f CmCAOO. IX'C. 27 MV-l’oiiIlry: ‘b Live rccclpt.V, 21 mickx; turkry,i ra.^y.

balancfl (inn; lieiui Ir^^ iliaii 1 ', Jb. ‘f® 21c. I ' j lb. up 23c: LcKhorn lieiw ‘n 17c; Plymoutli nnd White Uock

- sprlnc.i 2Cc. colorcd 24. to 25c; Lck- horn chlckenii lOc; roaMcr.s 16c; hen

“=■ lu rk f ji 21c. jQiUiK l«ms 20c. oUl I8c;• . ,N o,.2jurj(cjs )8c; liriivy while and

colored ducks 23c. w iall 2lc; north- ‘f** cm m u - 20c, foutliern. IBc; capons •c- 0 to 7 Hu, 2Bc, <■Jn Drelv:d turkeys: Easy; unchanj;-. i . --------------------------------------------------"I D ultrr recelpi.i 7133 Ibi; firm;

crcamcry-BpcclnU (03 .icoro 31 to 3 1 ',e; Mtro.% i92> 3J'^c; c.\tra (irst.i (PO-91) 33 to 33'^c; .(iMts (08-891

>'“ • 31^ to 325|C; »«oral5 (BO-67) 31c; ly: sti\ndur«U'(BO"\'cnlriiIired ciirloU) 't : 33 be.« • Ent rccclpt.i 1210; steady: extra '!>.• tirsts 2Gc;. frcili-Kradctl lirsta 25c: tc, eum 'iit recclpis 28 ',c ; rt-trlgcraior

cxlras 19c, aii>ndnrd.i IB^ic, firsts tO'.ic.


celpts: Butter 102,000 Ibs.i CRiiJ Iu- U81 eases.ed. ehr,; canillcil clcan ' cxira 31; l'30 clltto large e tnndardr20; ditto me- me dlum cxuas 27; dlllo medium sU n-1 life ilnrds 25; ditto smnll extras 25 'i . I ‘U- Live liirkeys. No, 1 prime; Youni!

toms, imdvr 18 lbs, 31-22; youiiK 101113, over IB lbs. 21-22; young hens

— 21-25.t Dre.'. ed turkeys. Nn. 1 prlmr:

younR tnnw. under 17 11>». 30-27; f“ * youni; toiiw. <»vrr n 11m, 25.25'-.;

youMR hciis 27':-26.

SCti.MlNL-W YORK. D>v, 27 l-V) — Ri\w

djo <>u««r-WBi>-Iliin-l<*<lii)T-nn-i>vernlt!tii- ‘ «i ndvani-r o( In’ ixilin.' Ihe ba.Mj

of 3.30 (or .'I'liis bi-liis nnlnlnlnnl. (i(.i TIiLi (ollowod falr.1 o( 30,100 ba::;.

of Piirrto Rlcim Iiitr yr.Mrrdny hi 3.20. nirtluT oalc.i ot 29,100 bns.'. «i'ix! made n l the .wmo level, nil lor January .ihHim'-nt,

j;c >n nddltlon ihiTP was a sale ol 27.000 bass of l'hlhp|)iiK-.% (or Jan- uiity-rcbruarysfitinnrnt nl thesam r

I1I.I prliv.1.11 m iiit-a wrrr- (Irmer on nclhe |

tr:i(!r rnvcrlni.' I'nd Cuban buyUiK.j I’riiv.i .It Iiol .vlHwrd Kalns of 5 Jo 1

■ 7 iioiiiUi will! tlK- (Inal levrK 2 to r • UlRivrr, Jnntiarv ftliowinc «ie m a u -j

: mum upturn. Sale* 25,050 tons. | H,-l Closlns; Januao- 2,lflB, Match

2 l7 n „ M ..y ,,2,2011,- l i' lV 275n, Hfii. : |ic m b rr 2 -.I'n^Nowmbcr 2.J3B. 11-

Did.•| Refined WM tmclianccd a t l .» j lor line iiranulatcd.

i ' OMllN SIAHKKT[ CHICAOO, IVr. 27 (-T) (U SD A i-

; Oiiic'i.-: .suiiplli'^ modrrnte; prac-i.-- -I. allv nn iviuliii;; orrniinL conllivii'd

,''n;il vM-iiiln'r; t c c in r s not opcniiii: ,cai-. Lite rali-' ’nuirw lny-ldnlu.

ID. j.iik.-, ^Ulll^^, (air quality,. ni. iMini lo laii;.', lew sales Jl.OO,

• ^ I SAX v u .\s< is c ( ) i-nonw cr.,, .S,\N-f »ANCnii;0. Dec, 27 MV-

iiiiiicriaiSl.ii; I'nialtx'.-.; l-arked. por cwl.. Cnhf, »,;W. o ,iia 1, 1, 1. ,vimes, JlJO-10,

jm o ; Nu, 2 iij-75c; OrcRon "71c Klaiiiaili |it;,t. I'S naUcd Kfiuv

■lli;hl <»lur, 5ir,o.ti(i, ^ome $2 W; ,^ ;tli i rk ci'Iiir »1.7y-B0; Idaho lu v r b

; .5 i ;U a Is ji.'io-w.:-3Jcj Onions; 50 lb b.iRs Calll. Delta

*?«p i n , whites. J1 25-35; white boilers $135-15; OrcKon yellows Il-I.ID;

“ teUVaihlujituii__idlovvi- $1.00. . Ifirsc.»’■<: *1.10: Idalio leils $135-10.: \ Z \ nutter, score: 02, 30; 01, 35; 89.

ia i ' j i cjbii. hrRc. 28‘ i; mediums, j j ^ | 2l ! i ; inialls. 2l l i ; checsc unclmns-

Stook Market Averaora

w l ------

' 1-W lN n i l A h A l L

“ I SCORCH SM imI) r T H B yO lD N Y «& U 9/

- I 'D LIKfi T 'P B TH eee • . \ WHEN «WITH a m

\ B tow fip T ' a i r s I * Ml) 7 -H E V r «HIVCRIN'H.« v-wHcsTB^s yoo<r y -


_ l%48 r

n ¥ vT

: i s w t t iIJ,

Illy Ttir A»ocl»i«t rre»»jMlEh l/»w Ckwr

a r s E - 'ii; 'El; 'iiiiJc- Amfrlein C n .. . I3fl‘. I3«». I ll

a"">fk Am I.c-..im ,l1.r' .. » ; ! 54|! is'*

J l E l i tiKc w l I knui AlflllAOn T A: b>- 17 MJ.

L-J!umrl‘ k ‘'i lrd .

i:m ( TIirr liliiB . I '] '. M'.

I.30 c U I A: I- . . I’. I '. I '. I ia Cluy.lfr C0t|i W'^ 91‘, M’.

ii:: s :,.7 com Ho»inr,|, . .. . 5>. . J>.IID Ci>li"lll>lnl> l Ull I1'< >■'•

IJI i;i.ru» Wrlnlit . 4>, 4 4 '.20 nM»»«rn 1111(1.311 . Ml'. 31'/ 33'.■ 51, llu IVM <l» !«<-m . I3'4'i t3"'» 139’v

“ J r ' ” !•

: r i l k ' “ : | i i i ' !MB <)j-nrrM M..I0M M |.

'J ; <ici«upur tiiDtjrr . . ; r , : i ‘. a ; ,• UocOvcar.^Uilli [If .... *41, *4 84J,

'k;>• m t llJ rir .|fr - . « M '. -BOV, lb- s ic u i 4'*. 41’, 431,■ns llll Trl »c Tfl . 13'. IJ 'i 11’.Kk Umi-Vlllr ......» P3>, B3>.

KriirroU,Coi.i>fr.. . 2"',

Be; ' un_ u » ;| n v ;, '

iim ."coat!.r« ____ j3 i!_ ia u . is ’I:Ih* Miwimi 1‘Dcific .. . I’. lU P .MIS Ul-«oiirl r>c i>f r . . 1 '. } 3 ',

MnnlKumrrr W«<t . 39', 3B'i 3"'i

---- N .l C«li Km A . . . J3'-. T}‘, 3J*.tn; N .t n*lry . . ?>•. 3"'-.

N«i nixiiiriiM . ... so’i :q>t 3o%N *Y 'crnt«t'‘' ' ' ’‘ ’ 3?': « ' i :6>i

891 NV Nil A: llii.l . . . V* n 'l '


1.0 s ANT.EI.es. Der. 27 (.11 (U S I) .ll-l'otatDT!.: Stockton nurhanks

"S’ br»t J1.R5 <u $1.73 C«t.. (air St lo „ S1.25. orjllnary M lo 95r. small 7Cr:

Idnho RuM rl»V. .S. No, V S1.60. f . ‘®' S No. 2 $1.05 ewt.

lUMlO VOTATOES , . ID.MIO FALI.S. llrr, 27 i;!-) lUS

M. I>AI-Shlmiln* point ln(onnallon ■ fop Thunday.

I'ppef Vallrjr; CarlnaiU I,o,l., rash I,.' Irark: ItiLvsrt.i U.K. I muMlv SI.10. T’- A vrry frw lowrr. I'.S. 2 nimjly COr.

' \ frw iMtj-rr. Kurnlt plain b a n 70 lo 73e. Cash lo jrowrm bulk prr rwl: ItUMrts I’.S. I ninMly HO lo iiOr. A >rry frw mostly rxira fliir SI U,S.

.i\w 2 3U lol0e . m o .tly 3 JU 3 J 'ir .Kilt ~T»h)->-'al»>ilurlr)r|-r.arl<>ails-(<a>h i.\U trark In d ralrr .: H u« rh f .S , 1 SI.05 ;nl 1<> .'iUD. I,’,S. 2 .55 tfl Oflr. mostly aj,, 57 ',r. Tanh lo srti«rr» bulk iK-r m l; HI ltu‘.rt» l'.S, 1 80 lo 90r. V,S. 2.3,'(

nc. ‘o _____

c in c , \c .« VOT.VTOV.S( IIICACI). Drr. 27 i.VjlVSDA) —

I’.italo rrrelpU 5 lT an : on «ra<k IM; total I-,S, >hlpmrnt< 315 r a n : sup-

" pllr< miidrratr; nn Irailine arrount I r.il,l wralhtr. rrrrlvrrs not oixnlns

■ M K . ' _____

: i i M i f f i stch


l .» Hnj rccrlpu 100: no cliolc- HkIiI tteiKlits ('Ifcird cary; triiilf inter- r>l:, talklni: urotiml $10 nr fully vU-.'.vly t»r VM \ishv v,tlsU’,.>,

C.ittle focrlpts 50; calves 2i; kmI- ii-:,<i falc'.H aronnd Meadv; (<•«

'•l:|aii.:IH cr Mecr^ J,'. 10 I0^.^; lew cut- 7 " (IT and cutter cowji $2.50 to M.7. ; ‘" ’‘‘ Uhelly cows dnwiiwnrd to S2; Rood " Uvf COAA (juolable upward In J5J0;

, bulh saleable iiruund Sl ln$.\; t iiolrv |V('nlcr.' (jiioiiiblc S8.50 or iibn\c; odd ihi-.iii ^clccls SO laic Tliurjday.] iiliccp recelpu 25; nominally

1’,— iMi.iily; RODd lo cliuicc tniekrdin lambs quoMblc J9.25 to J9J0 o.-

nhf, .'bo\c; common t o ,medium Rrndrs •10, S7,.50 lo S9; mrdliim yrarllnes sale* Rnn I'hlr »5 W to JO.-iO; (at pwfs Sl to ■mv $1.75.()0;

,‘rl.s 0 «-,llKS l.lvrSTOCKOODtN. Dcc, 27 i-l’ilU SD M -llon

elta receipts iBl: U a AnRclrs markei ,lrrs 318. San mnel.vro tuckers 139; I.ID; early snlrs besl butchem 15, to 30c use. low-er; top $0.75 on br.M <lrtvrlns;

mixrd kinds lOiO' down;' ■packliu: 69. sows $7.73 down,

ims, Catlle recrlpu 111; Los A ircIc,' ms- mtirket 20; limited c.irly sales uboul

steady a t week's strong prlcc.i; lai ' ,ll£h l IHO lb, Iccdcr steers $5,75: {oi

I l y K E W B . J W l H r A L t S , I LIAI

H -

; / / « R v a i=ee r to a r V . : : T - • > ■ \ pot oc

J IT, I ^ ' I MB AH

y / - ----------------

— " r ;

r V o R K

MMKBa.iviiii n tl - ........... 3o't » • .

■ .".'.11 w * )»'"• 1S>*.Ra.no corp ot Am.... 1I-4 t l ' i

“ i. |llr)niil<t« TDl)»eco - .M |i 5<J»Korlmck .J , - U 'b -(H^ M>;

U N»l Inr lif . ... (U<j tH.ii Se>j;MI.rll Union Oil .. ... 13J. lJ|k ISJ.

* . i-'kHlv'Oil . ....r MiJ Ifli* l»i,‘ !v rwny^VjinMim •• • :j,. >J|*

1 ' I I «>I'«’• i.st.nil llM * >arc .... S>, S*.I--'* Kl.n.1 Oil f«U( .. 3H'. 37', M ',

:n^n.1 on H J ....... 49>, « » , «rl W.tlKf . 1* J7S n>;

* i T»"'/Corn y . SOI, s*>JTI111»«> IlnU nr«r ..IT?’, t i 13',

I TT.n-, Amrr .13 11% U>.', ” 1;

■U'., rmor. oil c u t IV , « ' I 33<,r»rlllp W ', JflA'-, t(n>,

1'. , rmir<l Alrrr«rt . 27>,'J ’. l i:„;t ( l« A: Imp . IJ>, n> . 17<.!«•., U S l.icl Alcohol . , 43'. 4]3 '. . (I H lliil)1) r r ....... . I.1‘, IJ>, IJ>.:1 . II H Hi«l_______ _ 47% 46>, .« > ,a|..Vrilir.Uiim^^^ ^.....:.... 19'i 19Ji

34', « ’i M«; i3'l] rtiKtt'.MAiiKrr*;9’v sy.w \ojiK , D«. -.1 quo-O’liA -urT'loprrl'ourr JiS ‘ 1 liMiikp'r inn * aiiliuan SO’] I4 |.!crii! Bl« nrctric-.. •.___ _______ 1».

^ '. li'/r K * Sim" pf .......7®’.V . I„ d i Minms . . ______ tt^2‘| ««■. IM»*T A: t.lgln «IK pf 19 *

»:ssi>ra Iliimpn- ........ ■..._...... «».mmilMii* Minins ............- _ _ _ -.i l ',

lov] • Vuk'. nw e- 'i^ 'in rSn,’’*"’’'3 '. Holr t>rr Cpnt diir 1949 ... « • . 1’. m t i ; 3 prr rrnl rtur 1047 -..lOt’, '3 '. tdsho I'oUtoriS '. January I<ola(cmi .....II.7S ti> tl.U« li i Marrll PolaUH . .M .OJtoH.IJ 0 ln<r<- Tnittt9'iiC orp T tu.l ...................................«,5SS ' . ’ K.inO Inxc^ ........... ...... IJ.M

3 '. ' S,iUL«krMlnMij|, WoiiHl.In^Cuy Copper ..

----------K.--v«ik Biothi-------- :— ~ll*. Am I'owrr anil |j«n i ...-............ l»ifl'. An, Oa. and m m tle __ ______38>.0% Kirr I'nirrr and Llglil .....0 Auburn . ........................- 4 l ' i8«i ^»tIon«l ni.ruii .............. ........... a n ,n*. Ttl-con Corp ........... ..... ............. 7iB«. Ilocl^u M o w n ........................... IS'ihi; Ilm unount-ncturt*____________B>.'

metllum hrlfrrs $5.10; odd Ini* med­ium »nd pood co»-s $1 lo $150; cut­ler and common cows $3.50 to S3.7S; low cutlera down to $235; late

^ TlmrMlay nbout car good local fed cows $1,00; Jew good nnd cholcc veal-

1 ^ ers $7 to $835; common nml medium ,1 Sl lo SO; few bull.i $4 lo S1.35.

: Sheep rfeelt>t» 012. lnchide.< 352 - . . 'd ir e c t ; late Thursday deck 00 lb.

, lambs nboul stcndy u t $0.60; (ew Ints I tnickcd In lambs $0.' nboul drek 130

.. . . Ib..cwca $1.25: ab ^ 'c auolaUt^tu on ' r a i l ' ■'ihlpmentA r c d c c l variable Irclgtit bcnem* on sheep'bouKhl tor

Ion . _____, .S,\N f llANCISCO l,JV»;STOCK

. SAN FRANCISCO, Dcc, 27 i,1HU8 D A I-H os rfCflplA 75: |Mrt loid IfiO

' “‘■.•Mb, nnd pnrt lond 115 Ib. $lOiO; . heavier abMint; packing sows scsrcc.

strons; odd head $8.Caltle tecclpU I2 i; l«id 000 lb.

Arlronn s tw s $0.80; Rood under 1000 lb. steers nbscnl quoted around $835; ymnrtot-RW X t-lOia-tbrCnIKoniln miiRo rows $5J0; few dslry rows

" J J1.M; bulls Acarce. Calves: None; choice vcniers quoted np to $950.

Sheep rrcrlpU, none: cholcc under 110 lb, wooird Inmbi-quolcil up to $10,25! ewes s.tlnble $1.75.

, ” rn iC A O O UVKSTOCKCHICAGO, Dcc. 37 (U S D A)

“Pj - c im c : Hors: RecelptA 18.000; bol- 1 ‘ (om dropped out of miirkrt orv. lale

^ rounits (or hORs Kcallntt iiounds lip, llie.r' closlnR unevenly 25 to 50c

__ lower lhan Tlitirvlny's nvenfre;pmrllenllv entire Mipplv lirhl

' wrisht.' cleared rarly round IV I loner. In I n . 'ta ^ * 23c lower, the ■ bulk ROhiff lo MirA>ers: numerous

-w^Unadt ttood nnd rholcc-2nO .10 250 l»un(Li late $0,35 to $0.05; 200 lo

>A* 300 ivmnds now x'llInK MtRrly nl S9 Kht 18 $0.25; (ew biR wflRhl.« down lo •ff- $8.75; «n .s more thnn 25c lower ■‘“y in Instances; shlpprr.%;ook 1000; c.s-

tlmnled hnldo\rr 5000.Cattle: Reeelpt.s :i,SOil; (ed sterrs

, L-rnernllv ; v lo w r In w ry , lnw nnd „ * I .irfri'rndBhte-mnfket wllh some

: l)ld\ 50c off; clearance meomplrle; .g , tnp $12 fnr nround 1275 pound

v~', welf:hts but ihrcr loads .Vebra.ika fed Mf.Ts held nround Sll, I lw r rattU' belnc teed lot males o( SlliO

„l]y s!ccr.< ^londiij-: hcKcrs dull and •dm lower; bulls .stroni: lo

p . lOe hlclirr: tnp jaiLsnse offerlns* n j.j Sii35; \ra le ts strong lo 50c hl?!?.*r; ale. *13 priiftlcal top; odd hrad *rleet- I [0 ed SI2.50; rows Rrnernllv ftea'iv;

Mofkrrs and feedi'r.s nominal. Sheep: n« rlp t.i lO.OPO; fat lambs

and jTarlhiR ewr*, mfv'tlv 25c lower; Hon in lo 25c oil; n ireprket and fecdhiR lambs Ilttle cltnnsed 139; KOod to eholee nntlw and (cd wc.st- 30c em lambs S IIJJ to $11,10 mostly;

Ins; vrry (ew nbove out.slde o t tlmt diu! >iirca[i; o iifsh o r i-1oaa-niit»iea to

yard traders $11.63; Karccly a ;clcs criterion ef clasliiR market; cholcc Mut Colorodo (ed lnmb« in d tomt

lOll.wlliUtS M ML 103 MJw iSU .lO ; plulncT m d llghl

)A H U . f lA T tm P A T M OR N W O ,

V a« Y(30 RI6MTOOUBU ato$m' ]AH’ B O ^ f - i S J ? , V

p e Tueeff-----------

l & i B b h *'

<1111 miCES FILL: l i i i f B m i i

i;;; i Collapse ol Expectcd Wheal SJ:! Squeeze Results In

Wild Fluctuationsle jl: . . . —^iB 'li By JOHN P. nOttCIIAN '»'> M«McJ*ff<( Prc«« ^(/lrJ:rt Zditcr)

CHICAGO. Dc«. 37 (,?) - Suddcr a eollapsc of an exptcled w heat prlc* 'Ji* .viueej* resulted today In some ol i i i | the mo.st mptd (lucluattons c m !»■ witnessed here.'Ij* A sheer tumble ot 6 'i ccnts « bu- is>J Micl for December dclh to" of wheat i3'» marked the chma.'c. In a Iwlnkllng. Ijl* prices sliot upworil 5 cenla from the (OS Inw point, nnd then a scrlM ol

*«-lti convuLsh-s chanRCs ensued, JJJ* btji Ihe outbomfl wasfc virtual de- 17% (eal for traders who had looked foi ‘J a finish a l Abnormal premiums,[5 • Tlie spectacular finish wsu lh« loi-; h^m iM ihlm ent " o f ati unusually fJ'. .stubborn trnde battle between vnr-

lotw iwwertui Inlrrcst* Ihat harl ' .^llnrply dlwrRenl views of Ihe s-ahie , of wlienl n l this time In Uie Chi-

caKo nwrxet. whcro there h w beer 11. a deeld-.'d ftctual .scarcity ot gmd« » 'j of wheat deliverable on futures con- IJ* trnct.i,-AddlnR..len.«nc.w lo the *il- is ' nation ha-s been knowledge Ihal Im- f"’i mediate delivery whoat hns beer

commnndlnR u premium In c 'cry 19 * market of every country but Canada.

Wide M r c Ranjc 3'.’ Chlcaiio w heat prlccs clo^cd half-

rS'inomllwd. ranRlnir nil Uw way from '■ ceni lo l ' i ceniA undci yc'trrdny'5 late.st (Ijurea. w llh Dc- cember $l,02'i-$1.03'i. and May 09c

' tn 09‘ic, Com closed '1 off lo >i IM up. May 50-S-'.j. onu iinchanRcd lo ’•'5 '.decline, and provisions n l it-<cl- J 5J backo t7 lo l7ccn lA , i.M . Dramatic tactlcA o t tlw opjwslnt

,(orc*s ln.the-»hcjil.iilUuid.m uch-to do with Ihe exciting flnbh.

3 90 Contributing lo Uie imdolng ol holders o( December contracts who

iv iiiid exi)ccl?3 u 's tcep upllFl'ininilC i8>i last was-the (act th a l the oivn In- "I* terc.sl ouUlondlng had been Uducetl

10 a greater degree yesterday th.m 7 vias Rcnerfllly sUppoecd. and lolaK-d '«;• ihl.^ morning bu t 2.710,000 bii.i'hels *'* Partly because of IhUclrcumstancc, = r December today (ailed lo cqunl it.' , . «cn.son top price rccord $1.00'i . and

rrachrd only $1.08, This, hovfc;-?r was a premium of f l'to 8‘i ccmi over Siny. which normally should b« a t a discount.

■al. Under newly, catnbllslied rules, to- um day was the last dny on which De­

cember irftdCA could bc settled cx- 352 cept by actual delivery o( grain, lb Corn. oaU and rye avenstcd lowti

:nts on account o( Dcccmbcr iiqdldAtlns m salei,on --------

,ble CHICAOO, OfC. 71 m - ^ ^ Opta Ittstl U lt Cta«

?l7y t.OO-'rCiO'i'l!oO''.''*9»?,” lW-99'I ^ July 8B’, »8>i M’.-IS

SO; July CO’. 00’, W'jDt"*'*” » ' i M’i J5% 2d'i Mny 3S', 17% 3S',

lb. 2i>, M*1 34'.

’1'!' July----------33--------3:f»-J3 — t-J'.—IWS lUllPJ— , _

Kv - •:U td—der t}cc. 11.90 11.00 li.ii iie i

lo Jan. n.77 11.77 11.70 11.71M.r. 11.00 11.M ti.rr 11.77VIM ' U JI 11.71 1171

llrlU n- IDre. lUnciiioled). |

A) — — — ■ ' '41-ale kinds Uownwnrd lo $11; yearling:nds mostly $9.50 down; one choice dcct50c $0.75; native ewes mo»tly $1.50 t<(re; S5; fee<llnc lamUs $0-W to $10; buUrh l S0.75.I,V ------------------the ST. JO iiE ru SHEEPoiu ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 21 (/IT lU 8 I 250. A i-S heeu : Recclpis 3500; 5 loadi

(0 wheat-iKUture lantba - >ii.i3: HIT19 tlvcA S lliS down; bcal led we.stcnvlo Iteld-$11.50.


Sheep; 3500; asking uleady to stroni ' or nbove $11,25 (rclghl paid; bid;

weak to lower; welgmy tnirked U lambs $10J.V'

O.MAIIA 8IIEEP OMAHA, Dcc. 37 a '» <L'SDAt-

f-'l' Sheep; 5,500; compared Tliur.sday U m bs steady to 10 lower, decline oi

»nd oflerings: built (cd woolci'0 Inmbs $11.00-10; lop $11.10; year

lings und ngcd sheep 25 hlghci feeders steady; fed ycarlliiRs up b $10.00; ewes up to.$SJO to sliipper*

' ''1 early snlcs tccdlng Inlnbs SIO.OO-SO

nbs WOOL.er; BOSTON. Dcc 27 i/l’)iU 8D A )-ln ircp ercBMd interesl was ihown lu !a' sed Tcxa.s wools. Sales ot iatr wclglil cst-. were reported In greasy and scoure tly; lines. Prices on grcaay lines wer Iml fllghlly 111 glier Ihnn ranges hi wtilc I to most transAcilonA were clo»ed dut

a Inc the prevlou* two w-eeks, Recer olcc sales w-ere reported a l 70 to 71 3mr scoured basis to r greasy lines nnd i > ait around 78c foe KOiirtd (all T e u ight wooU. \\

O .P B CEBf f l g B a , O f f ---------------

“ I ^ETTukeTWrt o S J V DKAWTOR ) ? /

Prices Rule Firm In Wool M arket

I r BOSTON. Dec, rr (/?) - Tho com- I f merchil Bulletin will s»w to m o m r;

'M odemte wlU lly a t prlna which nre fully firm h u character-

I Ized iKe market thin pa«t week e a i Certain m tniifKlureni appear to b<

anticipating their wanta & little or lha theory th a t prices may be high­er a fte r the turn ot tbe year.

"This point of view appears to b< rclnforced by the strength of thi market* nbrond. where Ihe trend o

ar) prJrM li agaJa^t (he bujvr. irherer- :dcn there Is any octlrlty lo be noted Tlce "The position of tho pleccgood/ ! of maTketa and the clothing Uado I; t « r without material chnng« and sub}eci

to the usual holiday dullness. AI- bu. Ihough by no mean* unhealthy .. w at “.Mohair continue# ra ther alon lug. bui ven- firm." the The Bulletin wlU publish the fol-

Qf lowing quotations: j(d . I (^hlo and Pennsylvania fleeces:

1 Delaine uii'XMhcrt 33-53; U bloot r . . combine 33-31; blood comblns

. 3M 0; i; blood combing 38-30,Ihe Michigan snd New York fleeces;

ally Dtlalne-ttnioiAhed 30-3J;- fi- blooc ,.nr- combing 3^-33; K blood combing 30- l„rt 40; ' i blood combing 38-39, ">hie WIvroiiMn. MlMouri and nvcmgf ;hi- Indiana and Nrw England; la blooc

combing 30-31: *■ blood comblnf id n 38-30; ' . blood combing 37>38; com- •on- mon nnd bmld 30-31; block, burry sit- M^dy cott.1 23*35.1 . Scoured basU;

Trxn*: Fine 12 montlis (.mlectedi .fry 78-83; (Ine Ahort twelw monthA 75- jdft. 7B; (Ine 8 montlM 73-75; (nU 70-72,

CalKomia: Northern 75-78; mid- tile county 71-7J; loutUem 1W7J; (Ine scoured 73-73; carbonlicd tlm

*">' 75-70.Oregon: H ne and P. M, staple 80-

83; (Ine <md T . M. combing 77-80; (liw and P.M .clothing 73-78.

I '• Territory, scoured basis:‘ I*’ Montmia and similar: Fine su -

pie choice 82-85; *i blood comblnn aO-83; \ Wood combing 71-78;

'" '6 blood combing 70-72.!i.tQ- — p,jiiedf-Delalne-M-05:-AA'#0.03|

(Ine A supers 85-87: A super* 82-83; B Buiwra (choice) 79-81; D supcn (ni-eragci 75-70; C super* 70-71.

™ O m m K . ,o o i l5 i rn i l -S 5 r T e x : n.s spring, 55-57: Texa* kid 65-67; Arlrona nnd New Mexican 50-63;

v.H Of*8on 5I-33.Domfcstle gnwied: First comblnj

**«• C5-9B; second combing 37-60: thirc " ff- combing 83-55; (ourih com bing-18- ■ 50; good, c.irdlng 53-55; (irat klC nnd 70.7J. M^ond kid 65*70.'" f- Cape winter firsts, nominal. 20-

21; summer (IrslA 28-28; cape Jtim- ’ mer kld-s 52.53; Turkey best 21-20;

Turkey good 23-31: Turkey (nir 20- 21. nominal. (Forvlgn priccs Ir


•wheat; No. 2 red $1,10; .Jrnplc Rmd( red musty nnd lough 9So. Corn: No

... . 5 mixed Sl to Sl'.ic; No. -t yelltr* 3,^, 55 'i to SO'.ic. Oats: No. a 'w in ie 3:

to 28c: No. 4 white 25 -to 2 5 '.r'. N( rye, Buckwhcai: No. l $100; No, ;

” 1' white 37 to 3Be; No. 4 whlW; 25 t( ' 25UC. No rye. Buckwheat: No. 1

$1.00: No. 3. $1.03. soy beans; N o .: yellow OMic bid Chicago; uimpl.

' yellow 83 to B9'4o; net i r ^ k Chicago i Barley: Sample grade 03c; nomlna , feed 30 to 45c; malUng 40 (o Sl(* nominal. Tlmolhy w d $3.10 to J3,^l , cwl. Clover seed $13 to $1835 cwl., Lsrd; TIerccs $1U7; loose $1123 ■«— Bellira S 'ltia.----------------------------


5’ . wheal: No, I noriliem 81U; No, S ■ northern 81 '.; No. 3 northern 7G\;

71 oat.s. No. 3 white 30%: No'. 3 north-

( _----- FLAX

DULUTH.'Dee. 27 (^^ -H a x or track Sl.80n; Dec, $ 1 .N \; Ma> $1.80\.

1 to _____3Ulk PORTLAND HAV

PORTLAND. Dec. 37 W) - Hay; a icadr. unchanged. ,


WAR PREPARATIONS(Continued Prom Pnge One)

rong wlUidrawal o( Italian troops fron bids Eihiopln and payment oT an Indem 1 U) nily by Italy. U woa stres.vd, how

ever, Ihat Emperor Ilallc Selasilo I not actually o((crlng peaec terms.

All oU sanction—which Premie \ t — Pierre U val oi France said Hal; lay: would Interprel as nn act of v a r - e on n|>i>nrently Is dead, London sourcc olcd » ld .ear- Oreul Britain, ll appeared..liavin ;her, received assurancca ot support (ror p to league Mediterranean powers if Ital w n; attacks her. Is content to rest pi )-50, her oars and sec ho*, things tu rn oui

W hether Laral would follow Sl Samuel Hoare. Britain'* foreign sec

- in - retarj-, to the political chopping lall block because ot the dynamite

Igliu Anglo-French peace plan remalne lUred to be seen, were Defendi Cotirse■lilch Laval warmly defended hU cours dur* when the clumber of depulle %ent opened debate on the foreign altiu > 71c lion, A vote. dela>-ed when the sea id a t ' alon w u ended In disorder, pratebl ! em ', will be reached Saturday. Observet

. prcdlcicd the wily U vaI vould «1


i?0A py ^ 1 1 / ««” ■ A ««r w o T S ^ ^ f ) I « * W PB/

M a r y l a n d S e n a t o r

r e t G e t s Q u i e t W c d d i n ;

om . WASHINOTON. Dec. 27 (.Py-In police guarded gray mansion o MouachusetU avenue. Senator Ml) lard E. Tydlngi, of Maryland, wa married today lo blonde Mri. Elcar or Davlfs Chresborough.

“ « The lall. socUlly ptomlnctM «ti 1 a to r wanted a quiet wtddlng tn ^8*'* got It. Not until Ihe auilcrly simp

ceremony wns over, nnd Kues0 be started arriving for the loter n

the ception did police slacken th r ir vIrirt of Then Senator nnd Mm. T>-dini ' i r r . came out (o face the preK wlilc Hed. lu d been shivering In ncar-iei oodA .Winds for houn,M Is The wedding nt the liandson' )}ect home of tho bride's mother, Mr

AI- Emlen DavlM.ly The officiating clergyman wi siini- ‘he Rev. Albert J . McCartney. <

the Presbyterian church of the cov( nant. The senator's two listers an their husbands. Mr. and-Mrs. J . . Pickett and Mr. and Mrs. John X Egor; nnd the senator's llfelor, friend and best mnn. Donald Syn

“‘" f Ington. of Darlington. Marylani and Mrs. Symington wera amon

«es: the guesu. • ______lood Bcnatof nnd Mrs. W. E. Bora ! 39- were among the reception Kucbt*.

^ ‘J a f s i c ’ A v a i l a b l e

w™ T o S t a g e , S c r e e i

irO'. NEW YORK. Dec. 27 f,TV-"No available for personal nppoirnncc In vaudeville or motion plclurt

tedi theaters , . . '75- “MOfil enigmatic, colorful nn

J2, widely publlclKd personnlity l n ld- America. . . . "•TJ; W tth Umt ndvertiseiMW In Va tine rlcty^ the Iheatrlcnl mnKarine. D

John F. Condon, the eldrrly "Jnl , 80- of Ihe Lindbergh kldnnplii ■.80; case, was launched today na

vnudevlllc Irooper.The energetic Intermedlivry I

j t a . ncRotiatlons with the mystckin,. "John." however, was not cj r*?? ncily b' beginner.■ •* T h r-no tice mratlonefl that it , retired edijcator nlrcadyJias "playe I*” ! lo-terrific lirowes" a t theaters I ,•83: Bojlon and Lynn. Ma.is.pcra ---------------------------

____ N t.a .C . PRESIDENT RESIGN.SNEW YORK. Dec. 27 r,l’)-R<xlR

nation of M. H. Aylesworth ns presl dent and the election o( Leno Rllty Lohr to s«c««d him as prrsl

blng dent of the Nationni Broadcnsiln hlrd company wns announced after 48-. mcctlng.of-the.boanl-o(.direclor3 ( kid the network this afiernoon.

20- SHIPPING .MAGNATE DIES um - — YAR^lOUTH. N. e . D « . 37 (.Pr -20; H arry Howard Raymond, retire 20- United States shipping mngnai

1 In died tonlghl nt his home In Helron. He wna 71 years old.

; , j j i a narrow but aafe margin In a s’olmile of confidence,jjo Tlic premier rei>ented an omui

•jltj*, nnce th a t Prance would aid Ore;^ 37 Brltaln-lf .necessary ,.bubhe.uw u' ^ 0 ngalnst Imposition oJ lu u h c i^ c ifo 3 tlons on Italy;■ .Q Both Rome and Addls Abat , 1 claimed victories In the nortli.,0. 2 EUHopla said lla tighter* route

Italian oulposLt w«.st of Makalc an captured eleven machine guns

linai An official communlnue In Rom gle ‘he enemy wa* defeated yestei

*3^5 day. w ith "serloiw" Ethiopian Iosm In the Takkaw sector.--------- ' ■ ■ ------

:ash W U

fJ. C O M M E R Cr th l DIRECT FRO


on W A R E H O U S E R E C E IP T


i a y TWIX F/r a i l a l i3 t ShMhone Bt.

" DINES QUifrom1cm-

M IN E D A l

mV E P Rs A.ratw a At

S L U M V » _________ $0.

iving S T O V E ____;___ 8

S s . N U T __________ . 8

O ' P E A ____________7

■ ? ' O SL A C K ________-5«ec- np

>lng- T PLInlted — — lined S h ip p e d in n o x C a rs— i

A lw a y s G e l

A c ro s s th e T r a c k s F rom itua - O .S .L . P a s se n g e r D epo t

» 1 . R . E L L '

«!6N y A C H lU R M T p .v " - . e l - f VOtftPNOPT o u r i STOPFOB JJ A o a r i c a t ^ / " . ' f e n / V O ftl

SNAKE RIVER REPORT n g ---------------------------- -

There was no precipitation on Ihe I n a uppjr Snake river watershed Ihe

on week ending last Saturday, accord- Ing 10 n reiwrt by Lynn Cnmdali, watermnsler. Ice Jnm.s near HelM rn iw d tloodhig nnd Io.«a with a drop In the river (low n t Cloughi,

**“■ Minimum icmpenvwrt a t MotTiti during Ihc week wns 31 dcgttei

"’P;® below rero.Snow (leptlij were rciwrted na fol-

low.s: Ashton. 12 liiohc.s; Moran, 14 inclirs; Snake River stnllnn. 35 In- chfs; M«7ul Park. 20 InchCA.

hicn g„akc river storage, (low aii,d dl- verjlons, as compared with those ol the previous week, were sliown by Ihe lost report ns (ollows:

Slorage. Acre feetDcc. 11 Dcc. Jl

. '‘•J Jactson Lake ..........150.310 101,690Amcrlcan FalU 379J50 IIO.IM

■'l',T Lake Walcott ........ 67.870 M.llO, , Stream How, Second Feel

HCLSC ... - ....... . 2,0M 2,1«: ‘'t ; ciouRh .... :............... 3.000 i^mJ„7 . Neeley ................... 685 l,l«nnd P«fry ......... 1.150S ...... ............... 378 381

- D lren liw , Second Feeln n ii Milner' N. 6 .............. 451 151, , Mllncr S. a .............. 505 59:


Nownces JEROME. Dec. 27 — CharlOiK urci Rolirrron, Jerome county aiidllor.

reports an Incrc.i.Ke of $10,807.:! nnd In dlitributln? o( lax collcctlons'Ioi

m; the month of November, 1935. ovc: the jnme month of 1931,

Vr- Tivi Novomber. 1035. colk-ctlon; Df- have been tlLsirlbiiled its tolloM.s:

S tate nnd cr.uniy, $10,153.35; Inxlm P‘»5 di.stricts. S39,532.i:; nirftl IiIrI ‘ "I ichWl nnd couniy /chools, $1,318.13 ^ for * total of $G2,30l,fi0..■ste-


<'V(-Evcrcll O. Butt.';, counsel (o “>“ 4:co-H nil,--fllc(ri.'-^-rllteiniotIcni ® iippeal today, of H.iir.1 conviction 01

a charRc of murdering EuRciie A .„ Clicnevert, one of tlir .sK victim

of the Erlaiid Point massacre.■*ls- TliP nction poslpnnes Hair.i execu

lion for n t least 60 days,

FIHE CHIEF RENAMED■r a JEROME, Dcc.,27 - Jerome flti rs 01 de|arlm fiii.-au-tho4isj mcctlng-ni

clcctcd the toUowhiR olllcers; Chlcf ^icrt Shlmmln; a.%sUiant chlcf. W. L Iknrd; captain. Hnrr^- Forbes; lleU'

; ,JZ Icnaiil. S llv .r P;Uiidl.s; Hcr(!tttry tK-a.<urer. Ollc Smith, who L% ali(

Hcl). driver.

^ ' T l l t f i r / flfN D RED SACKS

•w- i H t o n s e e d3 |p P _ O TAT.OES: __

hvihn Salurday,S e« .M eA l...

H O O V E R S E R V IC Es t a t i o n

*me ta s l Main

. C. L . A S n i .E Y


c i a l b e a n sflOM THE GROWER


T s” a N D F E D E R A L C R A D E S

BARLOW c o m p a n y ,in c .FALLS. HIAHO

Bt. Houth or Tcl. 519 For Prices


r i c e s eSark ^

Aty»r(J Oeilvrred lOOllifc »

59.00....V-..... SO.TS..... ........ r»Qc S

S'.75...... 9.30---------------- oOc8.25..............D.OO............... IBc ^

7 .0 0 ...- ........ 7 .75 ......._.:.,-IOc

.............. '• ™ - ........HPLUS T.1.N

- S to r e t l in C overc tl U lns— V ou !t C lea n . D ry Coal.

7 P h o n e 3 7 5

.L W O O D i M rf.

t o a t i g h t s p o t ,

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

^ h e n '


— n!O m d a r p n ;

■ W i% D l ic o u u t F o r C a a h

^ 1) duceuat tiiowtd U U*trtiM- a w t U paid for withto m«(S d*n.W : tu t i nutrllnB

ntwin« M tta . «f« A ilffcp

IND EX T O W A N T A D s " '

- i ; ‘S g g " “= r r ^Auto t t m f . PMtl _nttutT "vSRuilnHi OpyiTWirnuw —»QutlflM PUpUr ”

m - ° S . k 5 = = ^

l«(?^nl"w>n;iUB«OUi---------— M

fruit, ind V«wt tb m . — «M Mmltiit* for B*t* ... i..I s r E i X ' 1 .£ E = = ± : 5

! 5 S ! r - K ° ~ ‘ ■— Su d iw aod ttiy . ■ "■> M 9 W f'w iB U d ---------------- _ »i K . “ . a S c = : :----------= i!pouitiT iM ayp iiM - 3;ludio* «nd 6« fT iw .... n-Antti t t u u for ■»'» "Rnl bU U for TyMlii ------»

^nuattOM _ nts 5 ^ —

K ! 5 S . S ? ^ s = n f irsr M * or ,TT»d»__________ i_3 l

TH* KIW 8 m S H E S TO M A Itt tt etiw to n t d t n ot tbe eUul>

fled PM* tb a t the re U a ctrlct nil« M tlo tt r lr ta g u>r-*ddlcion-. t l inforsitUoo eotieemlna 'b llnaidf.’ th a t tl. tdrertlM ineDtt ilCMtf With » bo« number In ear* e( tbe NtWBi


. know address or Chnrlcy Bronne.-, Write to Je ff Bronner, brother, Prow. Texas.__________________

m COATS REPAIRED. 329 STH A « . North.

- OEOROE C. KAt^LEY, M. D„ HAB opened h it offlecs In the Smlih RlCM Dulldln;, 130 M^ln Ave. North.


f Beautv Shops 6

odt and the lUU of our operaton t r e tupenor Vou may con have one ot our oU wavet lor u low u

, Main Art. Bouiti Phooe i m

p e r m a n e n t ” ” WAVE, IIJO TO MiO. 238 6th Ave. E. Ph. I5C0 M rt. Beamer.__________ ________

- - aoU D A Y S P E X ^A ia ,. QUARAN- toed permanenw 2 tor »5 ond i

~ for M. Ph. 2 « . T lic Beauty flox.

Autos fo r Sale ~1

DAROAINl ■31 Chewolct c A . NEW tir tj .

good condition.

The AUTO MARTNext to Kyle Walie'.i

..1 - .....WE BPY --6ELL-TRA D E


F w e L L .M A M A . M 'V ? 'L_____ { f i n a l l y s e t t l e dI • t f M iW < 3 S '.-A K )P V A M P m a r e M O V tS i C r y

_ _ _

I' / PWVI L \S , W M ERE Dl< V O O P U T T H E THJMC< THAT W £ R 6 LEF=T iS : T H S C A R W IT H JG D ' • t h e N IG M T .I FOUMI

The Eas;S Autos'(or Sale 7

(rtnUaBt.1 etaa f fitidlin ColamBl

i ! * S * * » »a t * . ■ . SPOT •- ♦

» • • CABHl • «♦ For Your «

^ U8 SDCAR **J, « D n le r In Uted Cart Only. *

Jno .B . Whitfi *r * 1 f ------. "The tl« d Cor Mm - J, * M4 2nd Ave. Nortfi *

^ « M « W ¥ « « «

It 193< CHEV. TRUCK. NO FINANCE :»■ “"ciuiTgB. P h . '^ H J l . .

i 120% Down I10 1 TO APPROVED DEAW *J » *M Sev'ersl ovrt to e lttr out tor 41

» a email D. P. Bol. a t $3 or 4.A ' M per w e e k .________ 15 S ■28 Stude. Touring, good— *0 » motor ................................ 30 ♦* * -25 Ford Cpc,. Rood Hrei... 35 *n * ■20 Olila. Tourtnc curtnlnj. 30 *1} * -28 Ford truclc. RourIi Oi ♦^ * Several Oilicra on Ewy T cnnt *iJ * J O H N O ’C O N N O R *ii * U S E D C A R C O . * J * JJa ahosJionff Wejt. Ph. INO ♦A >(■ We Quy Equltlet *

- ------------- 1» CHANEY MOTOR CO.S U «d Cnr CLEANUP SpecialA J935 rtudioii Con-.erlable cpe,>1 radio ....... .......... - ........... $fl83— 1933 Ford Tudor. Jumbo tires 355— J 1930 C hrj-’’r 7 0 3a5£ 1930 Ford S edan ....................................33S1 1930 Chev. Roadster______ _ 225' 1928 W. K. Sedan------------------------------------- 124, 1D29 Marmon COUP*............— „ 120.'■ 1928 Omham P a ig e .................................................. 95“ O ther Qood Uicd Cart at!: Cheap Price.i^ CHANEY afOTOR CO.

_ Located :«t Llnd’t—

4 .. ■■TO STUDEBAKERler. Certtned Uted C an

*29 Plymouth Sedan ^ 1934 Ponilac Sedan, t i l 1023 Stude. Die. sedim

■33 oidsmobUe Sedan _ 1930 Ford Sedan:as 1934M0 Bulck Sedanilih Packard SedanUe. tJMd Cars Inside!

— Sales and Service”2M Main No. Phone K


15;---------- M a le H c lp W a n te d — 9 ‘;lh. . , . , . lor, WANTED - yoUNQ MAN WTHI 4 ve ^ 0 ^tr. D tlilkt. Caledonia' “ •-•.otel.

Female'HeIplVantEd-10^ UNMARRIED LADY. 20 TO 25 YRS. 500 with ability to sing and face

Hawaiian guitar with i'oung man. r r ..Inquire Albert Hartley't, 1«T l « ■ '“ ...... .... - _____________

WANTED - EXPERIENCED GIRI. tor RcnerithOHScn-OTk. Reasonable

/ • wugch. Phone 1421.

WANTED - RELIABIX GIRL TO work tor toom and board. Inquire 1B3 Adnms St.__________________

Situations WanteU 14C U l\N*AND WIFE WANT^WORK

on ranch, experienced in dairying and gen. rnnch work. Reierences

^ UkW. Id.i}io. ' ---------------------- ■’

i«U TUB CALL rOR B£<ULT8--PboM »

T H E G U M P S — SE

y p \ ^> 1 / F i n e / a n d i f ^K IP y - T H E y 1 ? £ : ^ V » h J 0 - r - / \ T O C f t « i A IT V j i V w i L L B E > j?


D IO I G O TJM G S / ) HID A 8 0 0 Tr iM- T H E M i T O S B□ D V A W A V . V •LJMD V^HW ! r ?

■ I


siest Wa;7 ' Business Opportunities 15

•1 s ^ ‘ l i i s E AND STOCiT o t* s t ^ c ^ m i o n , Mnall f tm ii l Kill « hanaiT w rlte Box W, c a n Newt.41

* Money to Loan 16« M O N iv*TO l o a n " V n D W tU -

^ ^ e k lerrt'K, ,8angBf-Jooe*l .Ph.

S = = . _

For Sale Misoeiianeous 17I T OOOD "m o n a r c h c o a l ' RANdlf , „ tor dcctrlc range. V. L. Wilson,

* Hansen.

* fE ED Pe AB, EXCEPTIONALLY . « good fetd tor cattle, theepi hpgt

« and pouliry. W ulibum WUion - ^ Co.. Twin PaUs, Idaho. Ph.

' « FIRE INSURANOB-OITY RESI- « *n» rtiM ,« ilafj«K w r70e.cc tm p.

, M n o t file, 3 y n . dlvldendt s tld In ' ^ addition. Lou Heller, Ph. 14SIW.

I 110 TONS FIRST. SECOND AND i ♦ third cutting extra good hay. E.I * H. Snyder. Ph. M. Filer. Idaho.

* BEEF BV flUARTEBS. Tc AKD Ifc.* W. P. aiUi. Kimberly.

4c TO CURE YOUR MEAT0 th a t old-tashloned flavor, uso Old

9 HJckonr Smoked Salt. Dingel i t__ Smith Seed C o . __________

— I FIRE INSURANCE. RATE RESI* dence 70c per hundred, 3 yeart. Outside Twin FalU city $1J». J. E. Roberta.

U II ■ . IS5 PURE SORGHUM MOLASSESS5 now t t tho Publle Market,

l i CORRUGATED ROOHNO, RE*U intorclng ttM l. atruetural Iron20. attd plate tK«l.. Kreogeri Uard*n _________________________

W H Y P A Y W A R P R IC E S ?A carload ot iS u m ea In bulk.

Buy what you .need, bring back1 wliat you havo leCt. We loan you

a bru.^h to put It on with (rve.___ McMuriry House , Paint. 4*

Hour Enamel. Floor and Lln* oleum Vamlih drlet In two hours—A largo tlock o( WtU Paper.


LOW PRICES ON FIRST GRADE plumbing {Ixturet. valves, [Ups and pipe Ottings. KrengeJ't Iftrdwar#

' 5 T T r ? T T ¥ T T * T 5 T T *

U STOP. SHOP or SWAP the * u ' If things you. got for Xmat. and ^ cant use. to r anything wc *

have In the utorc. *_ Q _*_-------------- SPECIAI,--------------- K

" ^ 2 dandy small pianos. Both « = r , * lia\-e a beautiful lone. 145.00 m

» and MO.OO. I

.* Hari'y Musgrave «________Masonic Bldg. , *

^ j i ¥

370 LINEAL FEET. NO. 30 OAL* ■““ I vanlted flume; 20 gauge new.

I Peatey-Taber Co- Inc._________ •

S i ! S A L EI Number ot good used lieaw ri~

•—} - — and ra n g e t. . ._______TO M T N . S T A T E S IM P . CO . ulre L —

^ ffOMEMADE PIESCity Park Grocery

— 333 Shoshone North

Jing FOR SALE-VACUUM CLEANERS nces In good condition, any make; lUii'T ^ H .rA KuiiiiiiLi.1;. iJ M u y I'lium

----- 213-J~<w demonsiratJw).

7 n , ■^iiB CALL r o n Bts(n.T8--rboBi n

S E T T L E D TO H E i

f IT W O N 'T B E Q U IT E SC B F A R — T H E Y 'R e O N L V

^ f . M O V IN C i IN T O T H E L E F = ■ I wiNCa O r ^ H l S H O U S e ^ V ti J, B ^ ' ^ A . r S F A IR ENOUQI


3 T T O T W 1 N K IM G ^J T T M 6 M . TD U K E / < s e e TH 6KA A G A IM . / : i

illB rSs


ly Is Th(IS F o r S a le . M is c e l la n e o u s n

i u r o n n i T U M - w cw a n d o s i d ~ (u m itu rt Oi all u n ~ ^ coti rangas

_ electric rtngea coal tio te t. clreu-— latori and other household funi- l e Uhlnga UooD't. Ph 5. Stort No t:

P h 318. S tort No 1 ___________

■'Music Co. » • ^

— POTATOES AND CARROTS. “ _ P h j ^ 6 l M ^ 4 _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^

- W a n t8 d -M l8 C o lIa n e o u U 7 -= A

FT m m uR B W A JT rib " - w e b u y__ used furniture, coal ranges, atoveiLY A&d let boiet. Wa pay ctah. Pb. M t S. Mooo^a._____________

Ph WANTED — ONE OR 2 PASSD«< gert to Los Angelea. leaving soon

^ Ph. 1503J.31. - =

F r u i t s a n d V e g e ta b le s 18

[l_ APPLES "-"R o"sffl "b e a u t y iNE ND Jonathan, picked beroro the treete

E. . m l e u t 00 tUnberly Road 0 . B. Vosburg.

iic! APPLES - JOKATHAKS, ROMES and Delicious. M ML E ot Kim*

— berly Ph. 27R3. John W Ilardln TH ' ~ ~ i i ' —

E le c tr ic A p p lia n c e s IS

__ 8G S hS y ~ u b e d ~ m f w o S a31. (ori, tubacantlal discount. Eat]

terms. Sampton Music Co.

F o r S a le o r T r a d e 21

i i s • CITY " p R O P n i T r "t o r W lA liI acreage. Improved or unimproved

— I Termt. 335 <th Ave. N.IE* --ron TRADE ■28 TUDOR CHEV. FOF rd* I later model. Earl Clonu, Hansen

— GOOD DOUBLE UNIT EMPIRl ;S ? mUker. Fred HUls. R t. 2.

» F u r n i t u r e f o r S a le 2 !lU -------------------------------- '-------- ------ -e. OOOD USED PIANO. <75. TERMS | . Sampson Music Co.

!• R a d io s a n d S e rv ic e ~ 2 3 - (11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OOOD USED RADIOS. EAS1 terms. Sampson Music Co.

8 GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE— Sec C. Brown Music Co i5E -----and SPECIAL BARGAIN PKICBS Ol are un-d Radios U oon'i ra ise <b Furti— Iture store.

e * " — W an te tJ - to -B u y — 2J

I * ' ANYONE WANTING .T O SELl * ; eggs irom heavy breed IlocKs, In 41 * JenHnc~Hatchffy u. n.ic

H .K i Pox 300, Jerome. Idnlio.________

® * WE WANT TO BUY 125 OOOl * I feeder Umbt. W. c . HarrU Grali «> Co.. Ph. 048t*Jl or 1024, Twl: « P«Ut..________________________

r<-& ETK >U R-B;D S-0«-Il£D X LQ i[EI— and altatfa seed before selllnn AL* GioiM Seed and Feed, I'u'U) Fallj lew. — . —


~ rUlOH EST CASH PRICE PAID POI I hides, pelts. lurs. Twin Falla JunI

r~ j House.

k " W ANT'TO BUY OOOD 8 0 'ACRl larm. Write Box 75. care News.

CASH PRICE OFFERED fO R RES Idcnee p.-opcny o.- »niail «c.-cai: near Tttiii Falls. AtlU.-c.i P. C box 986.

Er s ' FUBNITUHE WANTED-WE DU tke; I uted turniiufc. coal ramies ttove

' ft. Moon’s

7 5 , - ru e call'FOB B B auL ir'-ruont i


S O ^ / 'F A I R . I S I T ? C O N I L V I y T O T W £ n > T Y -S IV R = F T M t m A T ’S H A R p L Y D f i t H I N K n s P A C t S - F A I R , - H U H J Q H V / W OT < jlV E T H E M Tf-

y U H O U SE A N D M O V E I— ^ ■■ - < r H E s e


T H E R E 'S T R E L rT T L E Dl S H E C A M e fM, T H E C A ^ T H A T W A S T IE D A R O U N C M E C K A M D H E R E 'S A V I M P R E S S I O N T H A T IS 1

D E S I G N A S T H E ^


J ® '‘V

_____- - V


e Best"¥17 Houses tor Rent 27

for rent. Offlc* o ie r Fidelity Bank « • Ph. 11J5J. w . B. Sanger, m - ■— I

t : FURNISHED HOUSE. PH. 308, 7W 2nd Ave. N ft;____________ __

------- ApaiTiptSi—— a.f Cr n is S e d i ' a p t .^^a t bu c k

Apw- 133 W. Main. ■ •


,5 , Rooms for Rent ZitiOONI" FOR RENT,' PK. VsIb T «

_ 4ih Ave. No.

81.F.EPING ROOM. A D U L T ^ 10 7tli East.

= ROOM A N D B O A R D P O l f g genUemtn. Atrt. S t t t r u , P t t H7l

•5 = BOOM SUn-ABLE P O R TWC vscant today: twin bedt. W it

^ board. 120 S U th 'a m u o north.

BOARD AND NICE LARGE ROOIJ ~ suitable for 9. IM Stb Avt. E.

Im* ROOM AND BOARD - TTIdin. Avf. No.

Tb ------------------- --------------------E- RUPERT GIRL MARRIE! w TEACHER FROM WVOMIN( _ - lU —■«T RUPERT. Dec. 27 - A pretty hom' fcl wetldlng Monday evening a t th

home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeise L. Rob erts, marked tho marriage ot thel daughter. Marro Roberts, and Rcei

_ Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Klran Lewis of Declo. the ceremony belni

ista. •...........—

^ W edding Belli

i s .

3 5

- ^ICE ‘ ' - M H f

M^ M l B nm* M fM ' | M K arrltB - j f l B ---------- — ;---------------S I

^ b S

M r ' 2 H

W M r '*W ylEs- '

. 0 . f l W i

3UY J m Movet: I H K ^ ^ I P I B I g W i i g j ^ M B

rniN CESS MARION .SNOWDEN___’ rirnl a l .Vcwark. .Vrir Jrr»ry. aln>t Ji suclallte, who said lie c\i>cclcit U

D I S S A T I S F A C T l

I N F IN IN O w e r F I R S T TH IN ( R O O M S - . h a v e y o u

D REA TM IN C i a N P I’L L B EJ M ? - VVHY-----------T H IS H O U SET H E Vk^HOLE ■■ IT A L L RlOH 5 U S IN T O ^ ^ L E A 6 U P S E R V A N T S ' I \ f c - t A V U t J A R T E R S ^



; TWE S A M E / F R O M 'i . M e o . ^ A o a I


Vay”-Us27 Wanted to Rent 315 5 W& WOULD RENT FOR CASH A <>tt, gnnd larm.?fH> tn 41)0 arrea and uik. fertilize II reasonably cIom to

Sugar Factory. W. 0 . Ha'rrls - - Grain Co. Ph, 01B4.J1, or 1824. ’ M Twin. M is. ._______________ [

= Rea! Estate^r Sale 32r^ROOM RESIDSNCE, B A 'ni. 3

JCK I*o.-ches, furnace and garage, Write Box ft. ears News. ■

40 AORES IMPROVED SO. OF ImSerly. A good buy. 14000

1 Terms, Al Smith, Ph. 810,

performed by President R. C. May q28 Ot Minidoka L. D. S. sUke.

Relatives ot Uie iwo young people — and a eominny of Iriends numbered

IM elnec lo fllty »erc present tor Uie oc- ■ caslon. Miss Vlolel Scdgwlck of Ru-

pert and Uoyd Fisher ot Declo wert , r . r bridal atumdanu.

A program of muilc and r«td- WO, Ing* participated In by R e it Hum- iVlth phrles, Maurlne Qclllston, Delm?

Garner. Prank Watson of Pnyelle Leona Fisher. Deelo. Mr. and Mra

OM, jo a p h p. Payne of Burley and Mra Eella Humphrlea p rm d ed the mar'

yZ n rlage ceremony.Christmas decorations embelllshec

the Roberts home and a lunch fr c)iar«e ol MLvi Dott* Roberts, als. ter Of the bride, and Mr*. A. C

IE S Dullln concluded the eveni. li»/5 After vlsliing In Rupert. Twlr l« U Kali* and Declo the newly wedded

couple will RO to Alton. Wyoming ome where Mr, Lewis teaches.the ------------------------

lob- BORN AT BURLEV.heir BURLEY. Dec. 27 - A daughtei Iced was bom to Mi. and Mrs. T. E. Dav- m m enpcrt on Thursday. December 26 elng a t MUs Mabel Jonef tahltarlum.

ills Will Ring Soon

iN KO.SI'IGLIOSI, 1)11 helrf«. on lirr a t airport «n» mel Iiy Uiuli Itcftl. .N>» Vof it lu marry her very inon.—<i1’j riiuto.


IN & YOU K N O W T H E V L L ^ t t ' U P R E S S E D A S A B U T L E R i E J U S T T H E M ^ A R D U N D - S E - Y E S '- V O u V t S E T T L E D ' Q H T -JUST A ONE MAN . JE OF N A T IO ? J S /^



3 S I R , - m e V ^A '* S E A L T R A N G E R H A N D E D M E iS A M E A S T H E O N E O N - A T E R N O T E V ^E G O T I T H E M O T H E R >T W A ,S E B S T H E S A M E IN T A G L IO

■ — • ■ - - - -


se The3 1 R e a l E s t a t e f o r S a le 3 !~ <CoBUnu*d ti»m mMAiat Celana) inH OOOD h . O O OD IMPROVE

m mentt. J8300. J . t!. WBIUi. >

m . F o r ’ S a is L iv e s to c k . 31

= 100 HEAD HAMPSHIRE EWE«3 2 «>U In-----------------------0<S3J ^ UVt rol.-no.,ot g-est end of Main. I. '3-- ' » ■ - age. J— I----------------

-5 1 Real Estate Transfers 10001 ---------------------------------------------___ PumUhed by the Twtn FalU HUa

TrfCTRSOAV, DECC.MBEB U De«d: M. Olrdner to c . E. Sum

m en. 81. Lot 1, block fl. McCollui BddlUon.

Deed: D. W. DnnleU to M. M. M< CAll: IIO. Lott 1. 2, block 13, FUe

Deed: w . T . Klaglnbouitm. e*c cutor, to J .R .L o n f« » O .N E N W J

,'{!?: * Deed: F, W. H a m to A. McOor iRBle.Lota 18,17,block6 .B l u e s t , addition.

Mra' DMd: Milner Stalo bank, Umll» to W. N. McConneU, »S00. L ot I block 19, .Sfilner.

*hed ■ ■ > ., I , —

T i m e T a b l e s• C- fleheduie ot r u x n tf t Tialni i t

M^at Buirt Psuini throuih tw

w!!!!? ' oneao .s ih o u t tw e Ided tiiibounaling. lerreetlt* Jtnuuy 31. lt» )

Tntn 9M leavci _________t:SO a. 1TrtlQ 373 KtTM ----------- _ J :1S p. I

Wotbeuna Train S71 1» tm _____L-_IO :00 t. I

‘'v t S i . r p a ^ c u ‘ "“ '

"*• Taisio 4» •m v (» ________ aflO p. t_ UNION PACinC 8TA0 BS— ------.^tlbOUDt . ________

UaVM ------------ i'tn ». I

K S ................... — - .g !AtrtiM I , ■ t;3i p. ILm'in .. ........... . ...1:30 p. 1

a u te Krtltliig kt l2:iS >l« Jeroir Wtndrll tnd OooUlsi' otbtrs flt.Uu

WnibouBd ArnvM 1, I

Arrlvca ----------- ^ 1________ :_______ 3:0J a- I

S U |f learlna ■( S;OS p. m. m Ji om*. Wcndiii and ooodint: oibcn 1 Duhl itid HiRtrinui

OTIlEn trAOE LINU Twid raiu-llillty-xtuhum

U «T M _______________ ll« J a.mtura* ____ ___________ JJO p.

Twin nilt.iVtilt USTf* ■ - - ;n w ». ;Altlvri _ ...............— . ...730 p.

Aim Clotlni Tima ei* ' Rlall 140 p. m. tnd 4:iO p.

— w m -T n iit-« JS -a ,-m .-i;« -p -ou -a 4'SO p. m.

U i^ i i m a u t L ^ A t r t / / r o m c e

I j s o ' r o u ^K N o u j m - m e

•m e > J A M e ] l a c € . ,--------O P -T W g-----------V ^

L A R 6 E 6 T ,

Crufis! ACnoss Sclulloh at I !. Uan •..)T

I. CoiiltmMlblo I rt)j;jw |p |sHfi. ... , awTi” "" S i 0 5 aM

■. 1:. Kill. s . u »rnt«dl«iil ot ^ 5 5 S g l

li. B 9 ! ? g |§ |k) cBH'«« ____JQs Vt

^ ' J* Asr*"” *''nio” tur’»t i ; j{-r[;.n,r- — — st •U trtralfd--

I V) rhi'ii'iw lltwiuM loel

_ _ _ /

— ^— ~^ / s / ? ■

)S I I " ■ p j I

_ i T 2 T 27 “

_______ [ 3 S _ _ ______

~ v ? 5 i Mr i l _____________ ^

Z T 41 43

s r i ---------------------»■ • ''-M;

s T ---------------------------- ^

VairtM3 2 b u s i n e ^ - ^ ^ '

■«_ D l R E C T O R t , f e ;

^ PE A V *»T A B *R 0 O . ij«0 ^ pkoJl36 301 Flra w d w to t a j i r t i m

J5.B U R L E ^ Y ^ C W L P J T^

BURLEY, DW .37 S U tf S iQ' 11-yeuvold d a u ih tv of M r. i i

~ M n. B rjrtn KaUy. w u in ju n d W«<itle nesday when c r o a ^ k Burley (tn<— l» e 'T n u n tru c irb y ~ » -i« la ird r tT «___ by M n. liow ard Manning. T lte ohi:M * did no t.tto Mra. Manning a p p m e t

ing nor did M n. Manning m6 hK S h flw tt ttken to tb e C ottateW i

plUl w h e n he r in jurlet are repofU to be no t eerloui, the extent o l lz juries be li« aUght e u tt on h e r IM

e*e- _ , ‘= s s a s s = = s =n r t

Newt i o .

= Items Daily!

’■ “ ■ , W a t c h t h i s p a g e

► “ e v e r y d a y . M a y b e t o -

d a y s o m e o n e w i l l o f -

f O T ^ u a t w h a t y o u

i S : h a v e b e e n l o o k i n g

J: S : f o r .

■uubl — I M i l l —

M a k e I t A H a b i t T o

i S R e a d T h e W h o l e

P a g e E v e r y D a y . I t

P a y s O t h e r s .

W h y N o t Y o u ?

P- “ I p. n I

— I I f y o u * d o n ’t - s e e

^ - w h a t y o u J v a a t * . J i k

® s e r t y o u r o w n a d .

£ C e n t s Y o u C a n P u l

- ' - Y o u r R e q u e s t -

^ ‘ B e f o r e '

. T h o u r a n d s o f P ^ l e

I --------- P H O N E 3 2 ----------

l i — —

iy-Word Puzzle9f Y aitardsy'i P u n l t L loMct

M I I I I MriAiw.1 *’ " '0 f B a a t ^ r k B a g r a '<’■ Cruitid auhwW . H a ■HvE g n a “ •M&LMB t ^ 1 ^ 3 '- 3 It. On* whs

p p lB M . RtrrUr

I T A B ? ! n lO I~ tn '5 'Iv lf f lS c '^ W I^ clf-lnl AIJ»W n e tc TlAlO B m «• ‘-‘'‘•'I'B e Si n 'n

A S P ^ to i ff- Hrmloha M H e T rrS T S S m N S lM T ^ a t k j ff.'.?.™,

"■ “a r , "IM IE IL16 Ea MIE I DIE ISI ‘J. Utetrtt iif

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0 : (iiii H . tobrlguit .r» S l.lliil »ro«fn tt Itiijl rnlnr '

i t e ' V , " "'■ “ I ' i " ' ' " " !! J i S ' C7. l^ s ii ton- pnrarilr

bl* • • t r tn f t 10 Kfl«ll»h riVCT

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Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · . CllltMIUo* T I ~ VOL. 18, NO. 227. N e w D e a lt ‘L it t l e C A d m m isjl N a tu ra

: FICESHIS— Iniumllon-Proeeedingj-ln'

volve Questions of Con- ' ' Stitulionality


• CoMtltunonallty'flf ptnalty pro-. ,

*''• t n l . t i n w u qu(4tlon«I Jn district ■ court herft bjr »ltom fj» ,

♦ t a Ihffe TwlH n u u retorU which Twin PalU couniy’* pnMcfutlng At- tomty. Ww«r<l Babcock, U Jeckln* to h*v* permanenlbr re»lr*lnfd

- Irom Mlllng.IlBuat.-------------------------Uf«nnB» on the proseeuUJr’i »p.

pUc»tlon for Injunctions which had ' been #rt tor yesterday w r« con­tinued to Thursday. Jnnuar>- 3, when defenw atlornfys nibmUt<^ demur-

- r rr t tha t raUrd quesllonii ol con* , atltutlonallty and atUckcd Uie ni(> ' Httenty oJ Ih t ptwtcutoT's » » * | pUInt and ot U>e attldavlu on which j DUtrlct Judsr Adam >B. Barclay U- < n e d temporary restraining onlers Ut« last Salurday. The prosccutor ynt«rday asked for eontlnunnw! ot the h ta rln ts In order Uial he mlglil

.amdy qiiMUon* raised’ tn Uie de* m untr*. ,

>Uny QoMtlBM ,AUoraeya tor the Courlesy dub. ,

Main awnuc west and for Sietv ^Batin,. Main avenue i/>uUt. Chnp- man and Cliapman ot Twin nilU Ina Jj.polnt demurrer questioned vaU ^tdlty of lha liquor control acfa pro* j,TUloni tor abatement and criminal ,proaecuUons. and aUo questioned Uie ^pro«ecuU)r'a rijh t » bring the nc- |, Uon without auUJorUatlon by theboard of county commlsalonem. j

AUomey for the Ptna Tree cJub. ^Bhothona itr te l north. raUed- slm- ^Uar quesUons in hU demurrer, mak- }Ing a point of aUeged contravention ^by Um liquor law of tbe contlllu- ;

■ --Uonal prohUtlUon-asalntUlaklna-or iprlratie property wlUiout due process -

,o t J«». _____________ ^ . . . I


. (ConUnued Ptom Page One)

pleUly Ignored the DemocraUc plat* J. form," he. said, and • • • be had v

written li}lo law, wholly or In part, dthe twelre principal planks of Ihe 3

■ leclatut platform." ■’Colonel Knox tald he made his a

' criticism of the new deal in the ti , “Mmo spirit th a t the DemocraU a

a rt saying the u m e 4hlng-D em o- S■ craLi who are American l in t - re- F

gardlfna of party prefertnce." ^-Publlo senUmsnt h u begun to 1

.— oove 'aw iy from the new^rteiih^hr -p said, because “whip cracking.* 81- F

" •M cnT fg w a r^ n re a i oi^gay^rnm ?^ ■

-"-Ic5hTprlt.'W ifcA m encin-habltt“ — t Even after the hUtorle demUe of

. ths NRA. Colonel Knox decUred. -young UieorisU In Washington were . kpiit busy cutting U)lo_Amerlcaa

■ Ul« - and I r y f r ig lo l l t Uie Jig- “ aaw pJeeea together InU) a new pat- °

-Ancient fallaelea - Iheorle* long ^- Ilnce tried and-found wanUng - ^ ' were being enthusiastically expound- ^

«d as literal UioughU ‘'New deal propheU cluttered up '

- Ih e aJr. prwUctlng dUailerninlesa ' every one swallowed Dr. R oosem ts j

- lugar-coated plIU. If“WholB aeU of lawi were ground ®.

« u t lUn to much sausage — and “ thoae who dared to dUobey wert called Uwlcss. But Uiere came a »

__Ume K ith court decision* lha t wc learned th a l tbe Uwleas a tre the ® sew dealen." ?.

Referring u> m atatcment by Pres- ” Ident Boo8e\-eU U?at spending will « u p e r off. Colonel Knox said "we

" lia v e lU d experience wllh the prom* ’ Ues or Mr. Iloosewlt." and added:

T h e new dealen haw spent bll* lions of dolU n: before Ihe end ot * 19M they will have spent more bll* lions • • •" and “Mr. Rooeewlt un- f\ doublcdly will request more billions ot the people's money a t the tonh-

. coming »«slon pt congress *. • *. “The billions being wasted now

will haw to be imlil back-m ost ot - — JVcol!ected ln-the tax-p«niiW. nick- »

els, dime* and dollars hidden awny * •hi the-food we eat, ihe clotlwe we w-ear. llw luel th a t brlniis ii» " warmth, llic home.'* Uiat glvo us shelter - In cvcrj'thlng we buy.• “ • • • We shall be bankrupt be- tore « 0 ' long It the prrstni rale ^

• and manner ot spending arc con- „ tinned..! do not agree Ilmt wv'are \ compelled lo keep i:p Uie MienillnR. f

"Lel us protect nnd prevrve Uie -i, same form of 'govemmvni tha l our , children shall po.v« jdi ,llie right to ] p rule tlwmaelves - and mak*: ,Uirlr~ v own laws."

- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ f

PASQUALE Dl ClCCO' I ___________ G O E S -B E F O R E ^ U R •Y -

(Contlnued Prom Pase One) |

ma. I havpii't even sei'n her. alone. ' • ' i n six m on tlu - *

Dl Clcco who arrived here by air­plane from the F.iliI (oday. mIiI lit- took Mlsa Llnrtwy to her home "bt'- *■ twrrn 13 and 1 o'clock .Bnturdny nlghl," and then wcni home him- ‘ self. I

He gave sutUIactorj- iccouni ol ■ hU movements Butiirdny niRhi and Sunday. Deputy District AHomcv | Ugeno Blalock s.ild.

Meanwhile, drlenives reported they were unable to coiillmi ihe rc> port Mlis Todd had been scvcrclj’ beaten severtil days belore her death by a man In her cafc.

Roland West, her buslnesti a.'vw •__ clat«..juul R..H . .W. S«hB(#rrniaiin- 1

Kff o( the SldcValk cafc laughed ni 1the report. •' ‘ <•

“It's rldiculoua. like most ol Un- 1mysteries, here." West said. r

I 'he grand jury deferred liikliiiilutlm ooy of West unUI Monday. 1when the Inquiry will be tuunied. c

Charles iDuke) York, actor and t"Lord Lnnsdowne." wrcsUer. wrro cdlsmlsaed after'questioning by dcp- lUUe:. They were no t suUpoenac-d. 1“Nothing to It." Foreman Oi-orRc \Rocbestcr said. ‘ Tliclr stories, dun't «in a la K iu c ." t

I W i l l i e W iJlis■8 I By BOBgHT QtllLLEM | j

■ '

¥ m p*ad "1 rouldn't he lp bustin' Uir old tnir* n- ror. They make you slay In when en It's rainin', and you ran 't drop ir- kick it you don't pracllre."

i w ILLNESS CWi BESIOENT OF FILERlit ______** Oliver Clinton Joliiuslnn. SS.J-'ilcr.

died a t 4 o'clock ivxterdiiy utter- noon a t hU home, folIo'AiiiK nn 111* nea of tf yenr's durnllo/i. He waa bom April I. 1880, a l Dinar. .Sc-

f*- bra^ka. .Tlie body re.Ms at the Wtiitc mnrt-

*• u«ry cluipcl. Funeral urfaiigrim-nU h a « no t bcen'comiiletvd. Mr. Jclin- slon waa a member ot ilic I'roW - terUn church and ol Muyjiilc lodge No. 07, a l Edgiir, S'rbrn.-.ka.

* Ilf U survived by hU wllc, .Mrs.Bcrllui Johtulon and (hrre clill-

"• dren. Robert R.. llslcn and J.iac.i B, Johnston, nil ot Filer: lils pan-nW;

'■ Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Joliiwlon, Llii- den, NebrBslui; two brnllier», U;. J.P. Johiuton, ■ Tft’ln FalU, and Ur. t.M l.-JohnsKm. Uncoln, NrbrSka,'

” and one sUter. Mrs. nilcy Haynes,. Billings, Montana.


^ A D M iN IS T R A T O R ’S PO ST

„ On behalf of hU mother. Mrs.I* JulU Van Leuven, Alfred Viin Leu- id ven, son of William Van Leuven who •t. died .In Twin FalU laiil DcccmUer W 31. applied to Uic probnlo cuurt j

here )vsterday lor appointmria iu ! Is admlnUtrator of hU faUirr's vi- j le late. Tho estate wa» valued a l ISiU j U and Included n Iioiim- and lul in I- Suburban Park addition Ki Twin •- Palls. There arc no minor flilltlrrii..

A’fred Van Leuven'* iwlitloa Mid. | 10 H a^s repn.'sented In the prob.Mc; i r ■pnwptttnir-tjy-j; JU B arats.i^T slnJ I- PalU attorney. ' '5T - ' • - = i - i — .----------- n

^ C R U E t T X - A L L E G E O I I N i^


„ • AUeglng_enirliy_jind_lutm ptr*-r ance, Mrs. Inez Cal.iacorla, moUii'r ,

[. of Iwo children. 0 and H years old, ' siarled sull In the dWrlct cnuri hen: yesterday to r divorce from John

_ ColJflcorta. AhccplxrOer. to , wlinm I. ahe vas married In Bobe. August 1

1930. She Bsk«l aL'o for custody ol the children and tor t30 ii monlli

g for Ihelr support. Hiid upplltd for u- >2 court order lo c<sUr.li\ CnUacotUv

from Inlcrtcrlng with Itvr or (lie ri children^ E. V. Larson of T ain PiUU

If licr atlorney in IhU action.

B SENTENCtn KOR DISTUUHAS'CK ^ Accuscd In n misdemeanor chariic j . ol dUturbaneo of Uw. peace, Don

Bhdly of Twin Fa)U pleaded guilty In Justice of th e Peacc H, M. Hni*

ilj Icfs court, and ,'ciiKnc4'd yc.'- •g lerday to serve n M-dny term in j r y iiiii- p .iiis fOTiiii J.H1 .i im ^ ii era-

fine a n d -n .4 0 co.it.v He 'was ar- rested by policc oftlccrs, Claude Del-

j{ wellcr signed the coinplalnl.


w (Continued Prom l*aRe one)

tjecn 'K lccifd 'to o.«»urin'lhc pru»^' cutlon of Van Vl.uk.

Tlie prowcutor ln.'t rvc-nlna wild j he had no informallon us tu wIii'ii

' Van V lack'w ould bc iirralRiicd on : llie new murder clnirKe.

DUcitvilni! w h e i h e r llie Slnle I , would conllmio u llli iiro'TOiilon li'r

\he allrRcd nuirdcr of ihc iritmc *' oKlciT. or VA-lieU lo drmnnd Viin ^ VUck’n IKc for the -vlaylnt! ol lll

fnrinrr wllc, Mr. Hiibcock Mid Hit" 'Istlrr ca!< U iM'rliai>s MroiiKcr ml

'If 'ome rosi'ccl.'i niliounh. lie 'addid, ■oiniDre cIrcum.Mantlal cvldciice Ii In -•'lrJvi<ln-d.

Ill' Indlculcd lib b<-Ilcf Hint de- 1 feiiie ngaln.M any o f ihc'■miifclrf c‘-srsea would Ik; b.i.M'd on u pli'aot Insanity._______________

-Y" — in c Amu-, nc m»»i. r.m prosecii'c *] on either of Uic niurdi-r rlmrgcs n l- ' ready filed, and. If ni-cr.uary ll iiuiyl

_ file a new clinrKC iicrusliii! Van V1ih"k || of Ihr murder nf llic ^lalll depiiiyll lOiptiif. ' . ;

ir. l)«li‘ii.M> a ilo n io '. E, V. Lirson ol il In. T*lii r iilK liLM I'vrnlng diflnicd loll ,,,. rommciil on tin- tlllna ot tho tirw 'l ny cliorKo. A.Mocl;»U'il In llu' dt'Ien.w Ull

I.i'oTcm.v Tacoma atlnriify. who I 'j rriioried\i) bc « t wiirk on the ou-'I

Pl Itom 'iliciTatoinu angle. !


i a .F A L L S ON F R 0 Z E > l ’ j

5 A R E A S O F NATiONier _____

(Conllnued .FVom I>ai!C One)

n- lii-U-.<i.fcam#-wny wv <hrli~if«y-to hHni home. IlllnoW total Irom cold i>:

r*V()4tire reaclictl IC; Pciiu.iylvaula:. | 111- H: North Cirollim 's 0: ami Clilo:>l

mill New York'a four e.ich.IIR >'or the country the unind loud ly, frnm ih b enu»c ellnibed 10' (;?., dc.Uhs In Irafflc nccldonts iiltrlbuifU nd to flick |iavcim.'nis or other wcaUier ■ro cau'M iium bm d H9; flrc.i were n'.i- p- iwmlblf Jor, 2:! dcallis awl tnlfcel- .h1. lancuus lncl'di-nL-> ut the HcaUier's ue visitation m ih as carbon monoxldi; n't gas iioltonmK cMilci.ilon ol water

.plpci e ic , look 38 Uixs.

^iETiEsrlinENDfllllllLRITESImpressive last rllos were eonduct-

— ■«H;e»lcrd^l^^o^D^Emffl9 CrotaUnd. •iracUcIng wlcbpaUi of ’Twin PalU for Ihc past 30 years, a t the Pres­byterian church. The servlcea wire lanroly attended by friend* »nd member* ol the Twin Palis d}apu«r

• liyua.and I^oftliilanal Women's club •ind the Women's C^rlsUan Tern-


! RJ (ainciJUY Kk 1 1 /^ i 'l lO N E 1 5 0 0 VA

IT “ -----------------Drive lit a n d Pa


H E A N S — u t e H ran tJ,N o . 2 C a n , :( C a n s ___ ___

« ! C O R N — S liin b v B ra n d .I ' I N o . 2 C an , p e r c a n .............

C O H N — A rro w l{ock.in ; N o . - m S ize . :i c a n s .........

TO.M ATOKS— S la n b v i: " 'I P e a k s . ]()c C an.in i .............................^ ' M A ( *A ltO N l—• ■ .'Mil. pa ck n ^ c .....................

z z - i i u a r A R g ____ :: ........ :£ F r i 'j 'h . 2 ll)H...........................

I - ■ - S y r u jh S t .v k s U n in d(“■ ' 1 ( ;a l . ( io ld c n T al

: —£2 1' ■' . • '

A laxw cll ‘H ouse (!()F F E tC

f l i m ; H K D l'C T IO N\ l \ . (JA L L O N r i u

W h ile K ln « W ASH IN CJI'O W D H H . Lko. I’k c .........

K (•OI-’K E E - A I I l*aik:iK e C o f fe i 's a l ............ .............. .

I C r y s ta l WccUiin t; 0 A 'l'S ,

P n c liiix e ............" .........

H A IS IN S —■1 itiiund pai-kam ' .........

O a t s. ,A lb ( j '.s . C ii k ’:iiu I Sail

Hu.so w are

i ; I M o r e M e a

“' i B I l U M l ' R O A S T , 1 0

j | D R Y C U R U D B A i

• n 4 S w i f t ’s S h o

. I ’ o t R o a s t s , l i c c t (

R o l l e d p V i r a c R i b

lal -

V K AI.icr -S T E A K

5 . 2 l b s . 2 5 c



I [xrance Union. organUaUona of I which i>lie was a memt-.-r.

nev. 0 . U Clark, pastor o t the r p ; Pres^jyierlan church, paid ' h igh r n trlbulc to her a* a tcaclicr for •

numb:r of jears In tl:<) Presbyter­ian SunfV*y school, and (o her Inter* r.it 111 communliy affairs. QuanUtles

t of flnnl iribHtefl bor.*mc«agea o t e** «’<!.! t„ m .■alU' Mii'Ical numlxTs were presented . f , ; Dy n m i'cd quartet. I*ollbenrjni ,i< .|w c rr f)r, II. T. Bllllngton, Dr. J.

McMi)l?n, J. H ,,ai3ndon. Wll- 1 llam Kiilixin, F. 8. Bell and A. c .

7tcr I Xmiirrlofd.

:lub e lm , . iinHer llii' dlrpctlon of the sm* While morliwr)-. '

I4N VIQDQ B S E 3 3 I S ^ f l E a

P a r k ' . 3 r d a n d S

I'lC .S— W liilc iin<...... iiliick. 11!)............................................1. « H E ST E V E R PU...... A V v n m l, N(Hidlcs a n d

fc rc n t V aric tic .s .......V V O W D K U E l) a n d

a n (i T w in S U (;A R — ;J Ib.s.R IC E — F a n c v ISli

A / V R ose. 3 lIlH.

...... l y v Utmch ....... ■ .___ ----------------------L E T E U C E - U t ^......H c a tK c a c i i ....

-------^VV-EIiA-Y-HIGHEST■ ■ ■ H I C R A N K K R H IE S -

■J:tc lit. o r2 f o r ^ .............

I O , iMlLK— SfK o. Mo C a rn u lio n , i-:ins

_ ,l ' A M . ItU A N I) t ' i . A T S I» E l'L

A-1 SO D A I 'U A t 2 ll». hov .............

C P E A N U T m U TE m p ire B ra n d . 2 '

•• .MATCHES— « n ,a CorUin

PHONE YOUR DKLIVc o n r ^ i 't .A K E S I

)N O N - packaK fs ........’R U IT S S A l .M O N - l 'i n k .

■ N o. !• la ll c . m ......

' 2 9 c SOAl*— A -IM .U S._ .J i,itrs f n r ..............

C A .M I 'llR I .IA S T t/ ^ S ( ) i : i - - ;{ fo r . ..

i i c " " ' ' ' i i i ' i i ' s I 'o ic i......2 potind p a rk a i;c

A « ^ A U . l iA N I) SO A .....i b .*>c lia r . I fn r . ..

ree Delivery On All Ordec i i v s T A i . w n rS O A l’—10 lia r . '^ ..................


O .K . I .A l NDEIY•I lia rs

........... ........:----------------------- S lH tA i t— *—

KKMl). iKii; .........■ -------------------------- ----------------------------i» 2.1*lb. liiit,' ____________ T O n .l- T T IS S U ?

B I B I H H i *’ ................


! o t f o r L e s s M o

1(1 P o u n d s o r O v e r ..................

i A C O N , H a l f o r W h o l e , “

h o r t e n i n K ........................4 7 c '

i f o r V e a l ....................8 C I b . |

■ » > ............. .......1 7 V a c l b -

HACK. ' v tH O N E S S T

5 c l b . _____ 5 c


- 1

; foneiieedF iio y in s

Funeral serYlecs tor Fred G. Da- ' \i5. 63. who died yesterday mom*

, J , Ilia a t hl> ttsWtnce and place oS I bU'liirM a t BOJ'f.WB^wcnuo south.

, I will bc held tomorrow afternoon al , . f ' i 3 o'clock nt (lie White mortuary i'lf liiin - 'l . Ret. H. J. Reynolds will be

I 111 cliarg# of uic servlecs. The bodyLain ■ha_l»Vflii_li‘. f^rygnn

tor burial.. Mr, DavU had opcralc<r x Stan-

1 S h o s h o n e S t r e e t s f

IM IIID IIC T S— M ura. T (nd l,'i l ) i r - « 's . pkK....... 1 5 cind B row n ^ ^, ........... A A V C am i

- - 1 7 c ^

urf{(;._t:riK p— H I H

S T - P R l f e i C S F O i r E G G S -•:s— C ape Cod B n ind . lO D iZ E !)

J’n c k a R c .....................M A Y O N .'

M o rn in g . ' « . 'C o o d c U n" I H ..............A y V p iN E A i‘1s’U S O l ' 1-I,0.L'R . 2 l j . C a n -I 'lA L PR IC K S . 2 f o r .......A C K E R S . ^ C A T S U P .................... A A V K j-and. 1)0

IT E E l— K .C . BAK 2>o-II) j a r ^ S ^ riir B o x e s ’t<» 4 K .C . BAK

..................... A / C 2.'>.o/. c a r

I V E R Y O R D E R S E A R L * !

S nm l I’O S T T O A S- I H M

19c > ' 10c V ..... 15c


"''■:'^„i9c HJ e r s O v e r .? 2 .f l0 I n C i t y II IIT E a n d ]>. & ( ;. ■ H O M IN Y

5 5 U i n r « e 2 !i

H E R S H EtV S O A I> . j . l h . a i n ,

■...................* IM )»K &C i S f * 'V a n C am

------ S-W E ET -i

U E — 4% U — C R E A M i ..............- ......P .i fk a i;c .


o n e y i n T h e B i

“ S w i f t ’s " ..................... ..........

C l b s . “ F a l l s B r a n d ” 1

R i b B o i l B e e f ................

S w i s s S t e a k s ...................

r r ? ! I I F R E s i i

C k n n c d

» c ■ S c l b .



dard Oil company acrvlce itatioi here for the p u t year. Ife iiad bwi a resident ot Twin FilU communlt;

[in sinco IQIS, Por a number o t year IIIj hU health had been falling.

)fe wa* bom June 10.1873. in Ver million couniy, IlUnoU. He wiL

>t* ndllUiefl wllh Uw Oolden Ruli m* MethodUt church near Twin PalU ^ Surviving him are hU wife an<

the following children: Homer Da '. ‘ vU and Earl DavU. Lebanon. Ore J , gon: Richard DavU, Buhl, nnt ” Helen DavU, Twin PalU. Ho als<

! u l brolhen. Paul R. DavU

MlMOurl. and a sUter. Mr*. J f R >n. U ddle. Liberty, Kansas.

IUPrices Effective

T o d a y

M o n d a y

T u e s d a y


r O M A T O


m p lie ii 's , :i l .a r j ;c C a n s

= p i= ^HI) S A L T — g -; c ............. ....................N .N A ISE — J a n e 9 9 ^n ? i n i d ; - ( i i : : : . ' . . . : ' 3 i C “i1‘P I ,E — B ro k e n S lice . N o

: : : : 3 3 s -IP— H ein zeh o t l l c ........................ •

A K IN (i I W D E R ^ a ^ c an .............................

r ' ‘ " ' ” 1 9 « I


C o f f e e IA n y B ra n d B

' 27c I^ P n iin d s 5 3 c I I

' Limits . HS'Y— V an C a m p 's U'■Vl c a n .............................y | C B

H E Y 'S C O C O A — i

I------------ 1 9 C - I

; ; r ^ i r ” ’i 4 5 c . |

M lit W H E A T — 2 2 c B MCES I

i l g C o u n i e r

.................. lO c II).

................... 2 8 c Ib.” L a r d ...............7 6 *

......................6 c li^j

.............. .............. I S C » > ;1

_ * ------------------- ; — ,)■R O L L E D

;T • SM O K E DS H O U L D E R S ^

_____ I 2 8 c ,

G. DECEMBER » , 1988 ' ‘

ition ^ ' '■

=iPEMIl a S E Q ^ Q Q Q

Rule .............

i FEATnndalso


InventoriD O O R S 0 1

J U S T )

3SC h i l d r e n ' s ’ ^

\ '.Snow ^ Suits

------S i z c s . l - lo .6 - —

$ 1 . 9 8 ^

R cce ivcd to o la to fo r ll)e H o lid a y s ^ so o u t t i i c y KO a t j i i s t^ L D S . C lev e r ^ 1-jiiucc s t y l o s I w ith c ap . T a lo n / , f a s t e n e r f r o n t ! j j Bn’K lit r e d , l)liie, j f pink a n d Uiii.. ' ' - y

lia rK a in .s!

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a S tu rd i ly c o n s tra c tc i

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OvershoesO u l th e y uo a l—

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„ I Pepsodent I Antiseptic

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