© Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 – 2013 GROW YOUR SALES THROUGH THE ONLINE CHANNEL WITH ECOMMERCE INTELLIGENCE Clavis Technology March 12 th , 2013 12.00pm EST

© Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 – 2013 G ROW YOUR S ALES THROUGH THE O NLINE C HANNEL WITH E C OMMERCE I NTELLIGENCE Clavis Technology March 12 th, 2013

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Slide 2 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 G ROW YOUR S ALES THROUGH THE O NLINE C HANNEL WITH E C OMMERCE I NTELLIGENCE Clavis Technology March 12 th, 2013 12.00pm EST Slide 3 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 T HE CHANGING NATURE OF RETAIL WITH THE RISE OF O NLINE Slide 4 3 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Slide 5 4 Demand Research Feedback Fulfilment Purchase Evaluate Slide 6 5 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 RetailNext, Forrester Slide 7 6 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Global - Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion for First Time in 2012 1 CPG online increasing 2530% annually to $32 billion in 2015 2. 18% of households purchased groceries online in the past three months. Global - Ecommerce Sales will Grow 18.3% to $1.298 trillion worldwide in 2013 1 Average Online basket - $80 vs $30 Sources (1)e-Marketer (2) Nielsen Slide 8 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 O NLINE I MPACTS Y OUR T OP L INE Slide 9 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 8 In-Store Sales GrowthOnline Sales GrowthTop line Growth Supplier A2%30%4.2% Supplier B2%10%2.6% Source: Sainsburys (UK top 4 grocery retailer) Online makes a big difference Suppliers that focus on e-Commerce see very significant top line growth Slide 10 9 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Sainsbury's - UK big 4 Grocery Retailer Two suppliers, 9 Months - Q1-Q3 2012. In-store Sales Growth Online Sales Growth Total Sales Growth Supplier B - Average online performer 2% 10% 2.60% Supplier A - Top online performer 2% 30% 4.20% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 [company name] Revenue 2012 (USD Million)$1,000.00m * Source: [revenue source] Current Online Store sales % of total revenue3% Four-Year Cumulative Total [company name] eCommerce sales 10% Online growth$30m$33m$36m$40m$44m [company name] eCommerce sales 30% Online growth$30m$39m$51m$66m$86m$241m Value in Revenue Growth A vs B USD (million)$6m$14m$26m$42m Slide 11 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 M AXIMIZE THE O NLINE S TORE O PPORTUNITY Slide 12 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 11 Promotion Compliance Promotion Compliance Product Assortment Placement On-Shelf- Availability Pricing Pack Information Slide 13 12 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Slide 14 13 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Demand Research Feedback Fulfilment Purchase Evaluate Promotions Right place/time Promotions Right place/time Top 5/10? Feedback Consistency across chain No Barrier to Sale? Reviews / Assortment Online Store Slide 15 14 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 Grow Online Sales by 15-30% with optimized Assortment, positive First Moment of Truth (product available, with the right information and in a very visible aisle) & Compliance to Promotions Uncover issues with your Brands identity. e.g., wrong/out of date images & product specific naming/branding issues Ensure compliance to national & international regulations. e.g. EU Food Information Regulation Slide 16 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 15 Slide 17 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 W HERE TO START Slide 18 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 17 Start with 3-5 Online Stores in one geography Focus initially on the basics, e.g., 100% of products have an Image Consumer friendly descriptions Eliminate out of stocks Full and clear product details Deploy to several key brands/categories and reapply set clear targets for the organization Share with e-tailers, fix broken work processes, grow business together SCALE by Online Stores, Markets and Metrics Slide 19 Clavis Technology Ltd. 2008 2013 18 Retail landscape is changing as never before eCommerce will have a significant impact on your Top Line Opportunity to audit and optimize the online channel to: Contact Clavis Technology Today to get your Online Store Program Started Today: e: [email protected] t: North America +1 800-693-9591 T: EMEA +353 1881 8580