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Prevention of Injury

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KS4 Physical Education

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Learning objectives

What we will learn in this presentation:



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What factors cause injuries

Safety precautions which prevent injuries

The importance of choosing correct clothing, footwear and equipment for different sports

How body conditioning helps to prepare the body for activity

Why and how we should warm-up and cool-down

The need for balancing competition according to grading, skill levels, weight, age and gender

The importance of rules and laws in sport and the role of officials in preventing injuries.

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What causes injury?

Injury can be caused by internal or external factors:

Internal factors

These are factors to do with the performer themselves, for example lack of proper conditioning, poor technique or failure to complete an effective warm-up or cool-down.

These are factors from outside that affect a performer on the day, for example the condition of the playing area, the equipment used and the actions of competitors.

External factors

How can risks from these factors be minimized?

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What causes injury?

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What happens in your PE lessons?

Think about the safety precautions that are taken in your PE lessons. These may include:







Which of these procedures are followed before every lesson?

Which additional procedures are followed before:

Kit checks

Use of safety equipment like crash mats

A warm-up and cool-down

Pitch inspection

Instructions about technique and safety

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Before the game

Many precautions must be taken before participation.

Make a list of everything you can think of that can be done before sport to prevent injury, then look at the selection below.

Describe the importance of each item.


Correct technique

Training Fitness, strength and flexibility

KitCorrect clothingAppropriate equipment

in good condition

Inspection of playing conditions

Pre-event precautions

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Correct clothing – what not to wear

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Correct clothing – what you should wear

What should you wear?

Protective gear appropriate to the activity should be worn. Some dangerous sports require protective equipment like body armour, gum shields or helmets.

Warm clothing should be worn before competing. During the activity you need clothing that will keep you the correct temperature.

Generally speaking, you should wear comfortable clothing that allows a full range of movement.

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Correct clothing

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Correct equipment

The equipment you play with needs to be in good condition, up-to-date and used correctly.

What are the possible issues

around using the items shown



5-a-side goal

Gym mats

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Fit to play

It is said that:

What does this mean?

‘You must make sure that you are fit to play sport and don’t just play sport to get fit’

Body conditioning is important in preventing injury. An athlete should prepare their body for the demands of their activity.

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Body conditioning

One way of preparing your body for sport is weight training. Weight training can:

Tougher tendons, ligaments and bones are harder to damage, therefore the risk of injury is reduced.

increase tendon strength

increase ligament strength

increase bone strength.

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Body conditioning

Some sports require a high degree of flexibility.

Flexibility training can help participants to prepare for sports like gymnastics, diving, martial arts and climbing, where the body is required to perform extreme movements.

Increasing a participant’s range of movement reduces the risk of injuries like sprained and pulled muscles.

The easiest way to increase flexibility is by stretching. Yoga and similar activities can also help.

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Body conditioning

Fatigue is associated with problems like cramp and dehydration.

Fatigue can also lead to a loss of proper technique, causing injuries.

Improved fitness helps to prevent performers becoming excessively fatigued during their activity.

Endurance training can also help to prevent injury.

What could happen to a rock climber if they became very


What could happen to a swimmer?

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Body conditioning

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Correct technique

Poor technique can lead to injury.

It can cause you to have a sudden accident like a crash or a fall.

Think of four sports where injuries can be caused by poor technique.

Over a long period, poor technique in sports like rowing and weightlifting can cause strains or joint damage.

What sort of injuries could be caused?

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By warming-up properly you will reduce the risk of soft tissue injuries like pulled muscles, strains and sprains.

The aim of a good warm-up is to gradually prepare the body for exercise. This is done by:

increasing body temperature, making muscles, tendons and ligaments more elastic

stretching to increase the range of movement around joints.

A thorough warm-up should consist of three main stages:

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Stage 1: light aerobic workLight continuous activity such as slow jogging, is used to increase heart rate and blood flow. Muscles, ligaments and synovial fluid in the joints are warmed, increasing flexibility.

Stage 2: stretchesStretching the main muscle groups and joints increases their elasticity and mobility so that they are less likely to be strained.

Stage 3: specific stretches and skills-related exercisesThe final stretches and exercises will tackle the muscles that come under particular stress during the planned activity, for example, a javelin thrower may do some throws at 50% of maximum effort.

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Balanced competition

Would you allow these two individuals to compete against each other in a boxing match? Why not?

In order to make a competition safe for participants, it is important that the organizers balance it.

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Balanced competition

It is particularly important in contact sports that competitors are reasonably evenly matched. This reduces the risk of injury to younger or weaker competitors.

There are many different ways of balancing competition.


Many sports have junior leagues or competitions.


Women and men compete separately in most sports.


Many combative sports like boxing and wrestling have different weight divisions.


Most sports have separate competitions

for beginners.

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The rules of the game

Rules and laws in sport are not just there to ensure fair play – they are also designed to protect participants.

The rules of each sport depend on a number of factors, including the level of contact and the equipment used.

Think of how the rules in the following sports help to protect participants.

1. Ice hockey

2. Boxing

3. Track cycling

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The rules of the game

Referees and officials play an important role in ensuring safety, by enforcing the rules.

There are a number of ways in which offending players can be dealt with:

1. Warning from the referee

2. Advantage/points given to opponents

3. Sending players off, either permanently or temporarily.

4. Disciplinary proceedings, including lengthy bans.

How do these punishments help to improve safety?

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The rules of the game

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The rules of the game: a case study

During the 2005 Lions rugby tour of New Zealand, Brian O’Driscoll, the Lions captain, suffered a dislocated shoulder when he was tackled by two New Zealand players.

Video footage later showed that O’Driscoll had been lifted off his feet and driven into the ground head-first in what is termed a ‘spear-tackle’

Why is this type of tackle particularly dangerous?

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The rules of the game: a case study

The IRB rules state that:

“A player must not tackle an opponent early, late or dangerously.”

Although the evidence emerged too late to take action against the New Zealand players, the footage was presented to a conference of referees.

Referees have been instructed to be vigilant against this kind of tackle and punish offenders harshly.

Players found guilty of spear-tackling can be suspended for up to 6 months.

Do you think that this will deter players from spear-tackling opponents?

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Is the playing area safe?

Before sporting activity commences, teachers or match officials must check that the playing area is safe.

Pitches must be checked for glass and other sharp objects, and sports halls need to be checked for wet or damaged floors.

Javelin Sailing Basketball

Rugby Long jump Ski jumping

What other factors could affect the playing area?

For each of the following sports, consider the safety implications of freezing temperatures, strong winds and the permanent fixtures required (e.g., goals, nets).

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A proper cool-down after activity prevents muscles and joints becoming stiff and sore. It helps you to recover more quickly so that you are ready to take part in activity again sooner.

A cool-down should consist of some light aerobic work followed by stretches.

Keeping the blood moving prevents it pooling in the limbs which can cause light-headedness. Stretching helps to disperse lactic acid.

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Preventing injury

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Exam-style questions

1. Pablo is about to play volleyball in a sports hall.

Pablo often has stiff hamstrings the day after playing.

a) List three things that he should do before playing to reduce the risk of injury.

b) Explain the importance of body conditioning in preventing injury.

c) How could Pablo prevent this?

2. Explain the roles of rules and officials in ensuring the safety of competitors.

3. Give a detailed description of a warm-up that is appropriate for a squash player.

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Glossary of keywords



Blood pooling

Correct technique

Body conditioning

Balanced competition
