----------------------^(B O ^ ...... ... Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI Between 300 and 350 bodies have fouiid at the cult headquarters < Ifeoplcs Temple In the jungli northwestern Guyana, survJvo the camp said early Monday. The discovery of the b apparently conllrmed earlier rt that the American religious - would bonor^a-maBS-suldde. following the ambush and mun if^nS REP. LEO RYAN ... m urdered Brezlnm on Iran ^ angry n By BERNARD GWERt^MA) N.Y. Ttnie* Service WASHINGTON - President C nwved quickly Sunday to rcb warning Issued by Soviet 1< Leonid I. Breihnev against all American lalerfoTacs In In •fftlrs. The Brcthncv itatcmenl. print the front page of Pravda. the S Communist Party newspaper. Su morning, was regarded by the \ House as "highly Insppropr because ll felt thal the Soviet I was trying to embarau tt>e U States and was offering gratu criticism of Carter himself, offi said. First word of Urcihncv’i comn on Iron was received in Washji eariy Saturday night \khcn Tom Soviet press agcncy. filed an ad\ story. This led to an unusual kt : high-level meetings at the ^ House and SUle Department S day night and Sunday momlnK Jones ByRONJAVERS San Fraflclsco Chroricle DUtritjuted by LPi SAN JL'A.N, Puerto Rico IT Ctaulfled ..................B7-JJ Comic* ............................. B€ Magtc Valley .......... Bl-2 Obltuartea ..................... B2 Opinion ................ A4 People .............................A6 Sport* .......................... B3 5 Weather .......................... A2 ' Football rrtutu, B-3 -------------- £>• ItiU cTSotQh 8411 ies ^ (UPI) - an American congn iave been However, first rej ers of the. on whether the 3: angles of fanatics had comi vlvors' of wore murdered by: the Peoples Temple J bodies Fanatic American ;r reports and killed a Callfoi lous cult thrwU^rjouniills Jde. p act. gunning, them -dou nurder of- them and flrlng'bu 5 = ^- .heads, official? ar Sunday. The shaken men survived the mass alrstri;x«ald th«y bi Intenfl^ to cariy c pact after the origin Americans v 10 others were still the shootout, whic B jS the party led by p ■TeH D-Calif., was'prep f f >• Jungle airstrip Satu mSfjr cult members who i |FJf to flee. B lf < The State Depa Fff I'J Sunday that two l-E •/] Mark U V f'.-fj Garry, -were rep< Ur '^onwfown. thejung ■* J nb' mysterious cult Temple. ^ “I expect tomon Intelligence lhat thi said Steven Katsar ________ from Potter Valley, lev quot Ipromp] ^'esponsi ,MAN A formal rejolnde Issued Sunday nt Carter SecrcHiy “< Slatt rebut a , t leader Zbnlgnlew Brrei t alleged advlier Iranian Harold I met at the Stale D< irlntedon nw m lnj to »t)rk on he Soviet , r. Sunday •"Innins Jie White fl*!" h" l» Inten roprlate" • '""mai ; let Union m'nt c^ltd on th. t untlKl t<*IilnlHproniliei ratullou. , ''" ? “ “ !'^'^*'" olllelall I" I’l* ' domestic tranquilltj ommentj 'h»' 'rar liWnnton , Tasa the »urfaiT, iad\jncv BrriJ series of scsdcmlc. »ii le \S-hltc denied any int. nt Satur- current I u.Tno ‘K #ConHnuc stown Jonntc^n Ihf «p;n :le Guw.'-.a. r\rr> eNrr>t>od> rn i.‘u : w. - ' - -rartPC - - Th* lc rr..;r» 7.11 J '•*» tjr; iI 2 fnrr,i. -.v B2 c..'Orj; A4 ^ fe I Woi Ml nti::, i*” . ' ^■jr . I; a.*!.: '.r'r-'.:rirt P^H ■.rKTTt.M u Jsur IV'7 EHBE tv c v » '.'. r*'.r ■ i \im tkU juH B-3 !1 i 9 W |Y 2 73rd year f350 ngre^m an Saturday. .25-year I reports were unclear__ Jonesto i 350 dead religious__ the Pmi ommitted suicide or ____ KUled by felloW followers of'__ambush iple cull._______________ dent Do :an cultlsts ambushed___Brown, llfomla congressman,__ Gregorj illsfeandawomanby __ *0Pthe5 dowB, walking up to_- fifth vlc [ bullets through their__ PKrl". l ' arid_siiryivors said , _______ nen and women who lassacre on a Jungle y believed thecultists * “ thefj ry out^aln'als sOrdde ' if- Iglnal killings. you t IS were wounded and if still missing following prob k ’hich occurred while movj y Rep. Leo J. Ryan. Th »reparirig to leave a 20ltc Saturday evening with and 'ho reportedly wanted Unlv To eportment said lale you : wo prominent U.S. stron Lane and Charles j. ' reported to be at womi iingle headquarters of 2.1 tilt called the Peoples man: 3.^ lorrow we will have 4.V ; they are all dead,” 5. V sarls, a psychologist mam. ley, Calif., who left a c, womi tes 1 "; marr yt i;’ , schoc ie 14 j M. Jidertolireihnevwas ! husb; y morning under [ 15 ate Cyrus R Vance's j men I IG lezinskl.the nalional 1 arew ser. and Defense j 17. id Brown and Vance, ' yoiin, ! Department Sunday , ij con the draft before ll 1 19 1 20. ng that the United i Koi ilentlon of Inlerferlng I each iOl affairs, lhe stale- Uiree the So\lel I'nlon to dlsag ise oot to do 10 al^. , rema II "w» firmly support stron 1» efforts to restore if ou :llUy In Iran and ha\r point: lrincaniol%eitio\»n Th« A s IT, Ihc rxehariiC*' of plnce reihncv and Vancr raiigt '. Since twlh cuu;;tnr» Vot Intention to inlprffrr tol.il rmoJlnlron. pin lucd on p»Qe A2 I “an € p;rt2 rT!;t;;?ui r.:;! !'.. v !» ■n that {,; 0 U|?.! r\rr. ji t.'-rf- » - S .h ..r : .- .; .‘. - IU -..1 iKiJc. *: * uw r r - * 'J.x\ lc W-r. Ki c-'--, ; - : J/> ui -J t Ur.--. i. i a L*-- ;.T SH ' r.*-- :i,r .. -W i-. .• I >■ , ,,'w i .. tx t j;- , »rld p o m .J. l.j-J. f..<H -.r t v . •« i - , r ,r r. •.‘if c-u-i •■-•fi. . , (1 ; . .-Vfr:.;,.r.r '"gL\3.|fr ir Twi year-old daughter behind lestown, the Jungle headquarters :Pw ple Temple cultlsts. [Uled along with Ryan In I ibush were NBC News correspc It Don Harris, 42, NBC cameram. )wn, 36. both of Los Angeles, a: sgory RobinMn, 27, a photograph the San Francisco Examiner, T h victim was Identified as Patric rk, 18. a defector from Jonestown Newspaper Enterpri NEW YORK .-T hi! husband si thefamfty, ^ If you strongly agree wlih tho you have male chauvinist lendeh' If you violently disagree. 0 probably liave some sympal movemenl, The issue of who controls the f; 20 items on a sexFsm test dcvelo] and Joseph Ventimiglia, sock University of Texas al Ariington' To determine your own sexlsi you strongly ag w . agree, havt strongly disagree wllh each of the 1. The Job of plumber Is equa women. 2. It's ail right for the woman man to stay al home wllh the chll< 3. Men make belter engineers 11 A. Working women are too indcf 5. Women should not be dlscrin manual labor Jobs. C. Driving a truck Is equal]} A'omen. 7. It Is more Important for a > ;han lo have a career herself. 8. A woman should willingly tal marriage. 9. The husband should make the 10. The husband should handle t 11. A woman should wall unti school before she goes to work, 12. A woman's purpose In life lerfamliy. 13. Women should stay home an M. The major responsibility 0 husband and children happy 15 Women should have lhe > men. 16 Men are more emotionally are women 17. Voung glris are entllled to i young boyn. 18 Men are better leaders than 19 Women are more envious th 20. Women ha\ e more Intuition Kor Items 1. 2. 5. 6. 15 and 17, j cach If you slron^y agree. Iwo three points if you havo no op jlsagree and f|\ e points If you str remaining Itfms, award yoursc itrongiy ditagrre, U o points if y f ou have no opinion, four poln joints If you strongly agree Then add up your toijl points A scx>re of 20 makes vou a frri winces you in the liberal cjlegwrj ■aiige If your lotal ts beluren W a: Vou holdtr.iditiori.it \ir« s if yo: otai i» »Ltor ahovp. yc>u rould I'T 1 y-v. evil pl n.-.'-:; r . rr<: r. n t.^^ 4;;j.-»rr> .j.:> jri.-r-J i t ' ju* J..K- I -me-. 6rc.' I J -■ il,-..; opulat ^ .... r ,-t i. iy.; .. 1'. ■ ' ■ I i J ” .-- . . ; w ■ i • 1 I.'.- 1 . vln FaUsriddHo from ^ In The United Stales irs of there and see If anyone said Beverly Oliver. wh< the massacre with her hus spon- behind two sons in lh iman, quarters. . and NBC field producer >phcr__described.the ambush , The triggered by a supposed Lricia -the group who pulled 01 wn. weapon and began flri prise Assocatlon 1 should handle the moncyjn that statement, chances are lehcles. , on the other hand, you ^ palhy wilh the women’s e family checkbook Is one of jloped by Shirley Rombough >clology professors at the Dn which appears below, clsm quotient, nole whether Dve no opinion, disagree or the followingslalements: luaJJy suitable for men and an to have a carcer and the (illdren. s than women. Sependent. rimlnated against in getting ally suitable for men and a wife to help her husband take her husband’s name nl the m ajor declslon.s. lethcmoncy. ntil her children are out of fe should bt to lake care of and care for the children y of the wifi* Is to keep htr e sanif sexual fn-edom as illy suited tor poillllcs lhan to as much Indi'ix-ndonco ak an women ^ , than men ^ onlhanmvti 7, give yourM'lf om- jxmit on *0 pomts If you anJ opinion, four points if you itrongly di»agrr<‘. For the rsclf one point cadi If iou If you dis.i^riT. thrrt' po;i;ts oints If yuu .T>;rve an-l fn r I frmlnr ! , .i M-orr in ttn- .'y. ;ory . yuu arr in thr avrr.i^v (JandO yours.-orrinlfi.-7i.‘s. il ic .1 malcch.iuM-;:'; lace, r;:: ^ 1 1!. i ‘ . '; - ;... l!.-t !.V:r . -■ - .r-, 1 »4i fj' ' • ,i ' I^.’ hw ' . . . I-*::.' tion gr : .11 T'.' ..•'.f • i ^ .'.-I ' ;4- : ...........,r . •• • . Monday, f m te lies should go In shots appan y’one Is still alive," gixtup of oil: •.who survived the adjacent fli • husband bul left heavlerwea; in the cult he.id- “There w( was being lo leer Robert Flick plane was s ibush.. which .was_San-JuanrP *osed defector from.. flown from C ed oul a concealed - 'There wt n firing. The first werebelnn\ In , . . re ( IU ’s ' _ o{ ' Hei ; you /tcsl g ; ; )^| n ,^1 u I ; 4 repoi r;.iJ r-..- - >»;a:r-s irowth Broun J), Nqvember 20,19 ;rs foi .c ipparently were a signal for a of other cultlsts walling on an ! nl flatbed Irailer truck with i r weapons. . . . i ;'re were two shots as the plane' i ting loaded. The lefl part of the was shot away," Flick said In lanrPuerto-Rlco.-wherehehad i 'rom Georgetown. j ;re were 50, 75 shots and people' < lelnn wounded and failing to lhe i guy, i ua sexi st and s< -------------- )rter n Ui !n h. frtj.'n f a! t.hi- h . . . :;.-rr » tl slow; M il seeks draft rt 1978 15< aiiidi a ground and as they fcU.*p n shotguns would walk over a h blank range shoot people Ir Congressman Ryan diet e manner.’’ e n Mrs. Oliver, who was si d feet during tho attackr's members of the _Jo e community apparenUy wer e plot . - - are . ist? 5ce... ^ \_ : f-'V ' *' ''’W ecalls 1 half the jttarkrn tuTT » ha!f *crr black ■nv.»fcc of Ui hi'J tu.'> We lock ij : z:.i\ V-'lJrrj !mt - r rc^.-rd :ntj IV.'i Ka;: .ortl ;<j j.r t- T>ir iofil »r<r-^ t.r>r» IV.r c r u'f'.;. L> : W p 1 . :c ;-j r> > '..v ontlriurd on p. 's dou a jT" M -K-- ' ; -■* : '1* r*. • ' •* : ' ' -■ I y-;! .1 J' nyistnitions \ ~ Jl.*peopie with 'er and at point )le In the head, died in this is shot in both_ k. Mid r n ^ __Jones{pwo _. were In on the" \ : j 5 rr and ■»*-rr •il '* !mt. i.’yJ Iftcn Ka;:j:r-.a. IV a.’xj ca;ir.j a rjin »trc L> ;rt:;r.iu» ; *• v :t r-.aV- -• • -Vj n pagr \2 A/n - •. M •• ,■ i; I .11 LA.,; I

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

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■----------------------^ ( B O ^


. . .

B o t i sGEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

B etw een 300 and 350 bodies have fouiid a t th e cult headquarters < Ifeoplcs Tem ple In the jungli northw estern Guyana, survJvo th e cam p sa id early Monday.

T h e d iscovery of th e b apparen tly conllrm ed earlie r rt th a t the A m erican religious

- w ould bonor^a-m aB S -su ldde . following th e am bush and m u n

i f ^ n SR E P . L E O RYAN

. . . m u r d e r e d

Brezlnm on Iran angry n

By BERNARD GW ERt^MA) N.Y. Ttnie* Service

WASHINGTON - P resident C nw ved quickly Sunday to rcb w arning Issued by Soviet 1< Leonid I. B reihnev against all Am erican la le rfoT acs In In • f f t l r s .

The B rcthncv ita tcm en l. p rin t th e front page of P ravda. the S C om m unist P a rty newspaper. Su morning, w as regarded by the \ House as "highly Insppropr because ll felt thal the Soviet I w as trying to e m b a ra u tt>e U S ta tes and was offering gratu c ritic ism of C arter himself, offi said.

F irs t word of U rcihncv’i comn on Iron w as received in Washji ea riy Saturday night \khcn T om Soviet press agcncy. filed an ad \ s to ry . This led to an unusual k t : high-level m eetings at the House and SU le D epartm ent S d ay night and Sunday momlnK


San Fraflclsco Chroricle DUtritjuted by L Pi

SAN JL'A.N, Puerto Rico I T

C t a u l f l e d ..................B 7 - J JC o m i c * .............................B€Magtc V a l le y .......... Bl-2O bltuartea .....................B2Opinion ................A4P e o p le .............................A6S p o r t* .......................... B3 5W eather .......................... A2

' F o o t b a l l r r t u t u , B -3


I t i U c T S o t Q h 8 4 1 1

ies ^(U PI) - an A m erican congn

iave been However, first rej ers of the. on whether the 3: angles of fanatics had comi v lv o rs ' of w ore m urdered b y :

the Peoples Temple J bod ies F an a tic American ;r repo rts an d killed a Callfoi lous cult th rw U ^ r jo u n i i l ls Jd e . p a c t . gunning, them -dou nu rd e r of- them and flrlng 'bu 5 = ^ - .heads, official? ar

Sunday.The shaken men

survived the mass — alrstri;x«ald th«y bi

In te n fl^ to c a r iy c p a c t a fte r the origin

A m ericans v 10 others w ere still the shootout, whic

B j S th e p a rty led by p ■ T e H D-Calif., w as 'p rep ■ f f >• Jungle a irs trip Satu m Sfjr ■ cu lt m em bers who i | F J f to flee.B l f < The S tate Depa F f f I ' J Sunday tha t two l - E • / ] M ark UV f ' . - f j G arry , -w ere rep<■ U r '^onwfown. thejung ■ * J n b ' m ysterious cult

Temple.^ “ I expect tom on

Intelligence lhat thi said Steven K atsar

________ from P o tte r Valley,

lev quot I promp] 'esponsi

,MAN A form al rejolnde Issu ed S unday

nt C arte r S ecrcH iy “< S la ttrebut a ,

t leader Zbnlgnlew B rreit alleged a d v lie r

Iran ian Harold I m et at the S tale D<

irln tedon n w m ln j to » t)rk onhe Soviet ,r. Sunday • " In n in sJie White f l * ! " h " l» Intenroprlate" • '" " m a i ;let Union m 'n t c ^ l t d on th.t untlK l t< * Iiln lH p ro n ilie ira tu llou . , ' ' " ? “ “ ! '^ '^ * '"o llle la ll I" I’l* '

dom estic tranquilltjom m entj 'h » ' 'r a rliW nnton ,Tasa the »urfaiT,ia d \ jn c v BrriJseries of scsdcm lc. »ii

le \S-hltc denied any int.nt Satur- curren t I u.Tno‘K # C o n H n u c

stownJ o n n tc ^ n Ihf «p;n

:le Guw.'-.a. i» r\rr>eNrr>t>od>

r n i.‘u : w.- ■ ' - - r a r tP C - -


u» lcrr..;r»

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E H B E t v c v » ' . ' . r* '.r ■ i \im tkU

j u H • •

B - 3

!1i9 W |Y 2

■ 73rd year

f 3 5 0n g re^ m an Saturday. .25-yearI repo rts were u nclear__ Jonesto i 350 dead religious__ th e Pm i om m itted suicide or____ KUled by felloW followers of'__am bush iple cull._______________ den t Do :an cu ltlsts am bushed___Brown, llfom la congressm an,__ G regorj i l ls fe a n d a w o m a n b y __ *0Pthe5 dowB, walking up to_- fifth vlc [ bullets through their__ PKrl". l ' ■ arid_siiryivors said ,_______

nen and women who lassacre on a Jungle y believed th ecu ltis ts * “ thefjry ou t^a ln 'a ls sOrdde ' i f -Iglnal killings. you tIS w ere wounded and ifstill m issing following p ro bk’hich occurred while movjy Rep. Leo J . Ryan. Th»reparirig to leave a 20ltcSaturday evening with and'ho reportedly wanted Unlv

Toeportm ent said la le you :wo prominent U.S. stron

L an e and Charles j. 'reported to be a t womiiingle headquarters of 2 .1tilt called the Peoples m a n :

3 .^lorrow we will have 4.V; they a re all dead ,” 5 . Vsa rls , a psychologist mam.ley, Calif., who left a c,


tes ’1";m a rr

yt i;’, schoc

ie 14j M.

J id e r to lire ih n ev w as ! husb;y m o rn in g u n d e r [ 15ate Cyrus R V ance's j men

I IGlezinsk l.the nalional 1 arews e r . and D efense j 17.id Brown and Vance, ' yoiin,! D epartm ent Sunday , i jcon the draft before ll 1 19

1 20.ng that the United i Koiilentlon of Inlerferlng I eachiOl affairs, lhe stale- Uireethe So\lel I'nlon to dlsag

ise oot to do 10 a l ^ . , rem aII "w » firmly support stron 1» efforts to restore if ou :llUy In Iran and h a \ r point: l r in c a n io l% e itio \» n Th«

A sIT, Ihc rxehariiC*' of plncereihncv and Vancr raiigt'. Since twlh cuu;;tnr» Vot

Intention to in lp rffrr tol.ilrm o J ln lro n . pin

l u c d o n p»Q e A 2

I “an €p;rt2 rT!;t;;?ui r.:;! !'.. v !»■n that {,;0 U|?.! r \ r r . j i

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'"gL \3.|fri r Twi

y e a r-o ld d a u g h te r behind lestown, the Jungle headquarters : P w p le Tem ple cultlsts.[Uled along with Ryan In I ibush w ere NBC News correspc It Don H arris, 42, NBC cameram. )wn, 36. both of Los Angeles, a: sgory RobinMn, 27, a photograph the S an F rancisco E xam iner, T

h v ictim w as Identified as Patric rk, 18. a defector from Jonestown

Newspaper E nterpri NEW YORK .-T h i ! husband si

thefam fty , ^If you strongly agree wlih tho

you h av e m ale chauvinist lendeh' If you violently disagree. 0

probably liave some sympal m ovem enl,

T he issue of who controls the f; 20 item s on a sexFsm test dcvelo] and Joseph Ventimiglia, sock U niversity of Texas a l A riington'

To determ ine your own sexlsi you strongly a g w . agree, havt strongly disagree wllh each of the

1. T he Job of plum ber Is equa women.

2. I t 's ail right for the woman man to stay al home wllh the chll<

3. M en m ake belter engineers 11 A. W orking women are too indcf 5. Women should not be dlscrin

m anual labor Jobs.C. D riving a truck Is equal]}

A'omen.7. It Is more Important for a >

;han lo have a ca ree r herself.8. A woman should willingly tal

m arriage.9. T he husband should m ake the10. The husband should handle t11. A woman should wall unti

school before she goes to work,12. A wom an's purpose In life

le rfam liy .13. Women should stay home an M. The m ajor responsibility 0

husband and children happy15 Women should have lhe >

men.16 Men are more emotionally

are women17. Voung glris are entllled to i

young boyn.18 Men are be tte r leaders than19 Women a re more envious th 20. Women ha \ e m ore Intuition Kor Items 1. 2. 5. 6. 15 and 17, j

cach If you s lro n ^y agree. Iwo three points if you havo no op jlsag ree and f |\ e points If you s t r rem aining Itfm s, aw ard yoursc itrongiy d itag rre , U o points if y f ou have no opinion, four poln joints If you strongly agree

Then add up your to ijl points A scx>re of 20 makes vou a frri

winces you in the liberal cjlegwrj ■aiige If your lotal ts b e lu ren W a:

Vou holdtr.iditiori.it \ i r « s if yo: otai i» »Ltor ahovp. yc>u rould I'T 1y-v.

evil pln . - . ' - : ; r . rr< :

r. n t.^^ 4;;j.-»rr> .j.:> jri.-r-J i

t ' ju*J..K- I -me-. 6rc.'

I J -■ il,-..;

opulat^ . .. .r , - t i. iy . ; ..

1 ' . ■ ' ■


i J ” .-- . .; w ■ i • • 1 I.'.- 1 .

vln FaUsriddHo

f r o m In The United Stales

i r s of th ere and see If anyone said Beverly Oliver. wh<

the m assac re with her hus spon- behind two sons in lh im an, quarters.. and NBC field producer >phcr__described .the ambush , The triggered by a supposed Lricia -the group who pulled 01 wn. weapon and began flri

p rise Assocatlon 1 should handle th e m oncyjn

tha t s ta tem en t, chances are lehcles., on the other hand, you palhy w ilh the women’s

e fam ily checkbook Is one of jloped by Shirley Rombough >clology professors at the Dn which a p p ears below, clsm quotient, nole whether Dve no opinion, disagree or the follow ingslalem ents: luaJJy su itab le fo r men and

an to have a ca rce r and the (illdren. s than w omen.Sependent.rim lnated against in getting

ally su itab le for men and

a wife to help her husband

take h er husband’s name nl

the m ajo r declslon.s. le thcm oncy .ntil her children are out of

fe should b t to lake care of

■ and c a re for the children y of the wifi* Is to keep h tr

e san if sexual fn-edom as

illy suited tor poillllcs lhan

to as m uch Indi'ix-ndonco ak

an w omen ^, than m en ^on lhanm vti7, give yourM'lf om- jxmit on * 0 pomts If you anJopinion, four points if you itrongly di»agrr<‘. For the rsclf one point c a d i If iou If you dis.i^riT . th rrt' po;i;ts o ints If yuu .T>;rve an-l fn r

If rm ln r ! , .i M-orr in ttn- .'y.;ory . yuu a r r in th r avrr.i^v (JandOyours.-orrinlfi.-7i.‘s. il ic .1 m alcch.iuM -;:';

lace, ”r;:: ^ 1 1!.

i ‘ . ' ; -; . . . l!.-t !.V :r . -■ -

. r - , 1 » 4 i f j ' ' • •

, i ' I ^ . ’ h w ' . . .

I-* ::.'

tion gr• : .11 T '.' •

..•'.f • i . ' . - I ' ;4- :

...........,r . •• • .

Monday, f

m t elies should go In shots appan y’one Is still a live," gixtup of oil: •.who survived the adjacent fli • husband bul left heavlerwea; in the cult he.id- “There w(

was being lo leer Robert Flick plane was s ibush.. which .w as_ S an -Ju an rP *osed defector from .. flown from C ed oul a concealed - 'T h e re wt n firing. The first w erebelnn \

In , . .

re (IU’s ' ■ _

o{ '

Hei ; you

/ t c s lg


; ) ^ | n , ^ 1

u I

; 4

’ repoir;.iJ

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• B r o u n

J), Nqvember 20,19

; r s f o i.c

ipparently were a signal for a of other cultlsts walling on an ! nl flatbed Irailer truck with i r weapons. . . . i;'re w ere two shots as the plane' i ting loaded. The lefl part of the was shot aw ay," Flick said In lanrPuerto-R lco.-w herehehad i 'rom Georgetown. j;re w ere 50, 75 shots and people' < lelnn wounded and failing to lhe i

g u y , iu a sexi st an d s<


)rter nUi !n h. frtj.'n f

a! t.hi- h

. . . : ; . - r r »

tl slow;

M i l s e e k s d r a f t r t

1978 1 5 <

a i i i d ia ground and as they fcU.*p n shotguns would walk over a h b lank range shoot people Ir

Congressm an Ryan diet e m an n er.’’ en M rs. Oliver, who w as si d fee t during tho a tta c k r 's

m e m b e r s o f th e _Jo e com m unity apparenUy wer e p lo t . - -

a re . is t? 5ce... ^

\ _

: f-'V ' * ' ' ' ’ W

ecalls1 half the j t t a r k r n tuTT »

ha!f * c r r black ■nv.»fcc of Ui h i'J tu.'>

We lock i j : z:.i\ V-'lJrrj !mt

- r rc^.-rd :n tj IV.'i Ka;: .ortl ;<j j . r

t-T>ir io fil »r<r- t.r>r»

IV .r c r u 'f '. ; . L>

: W p 1

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o n t l r iu r d o n p.

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-■ I y-;! .1 J '

n y i s t n i t i o n s



Jl.*peopie with 'e r and a t point )le In the head, died in this

is shot in both_ k. Mid r n ^ “__ Jo n es{p w o _. w ere In on the"

\ :


5r r and


•il '* !mt. i.’yJ Iftcn Ka;:j:r-.a. IV

a.’xjca;ir.j a r j in

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Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

rCarter could I\ \ WASHINGTON ( U P I ) - T h e ; ^Inflation figh ter said In on Inter ; lUio new W hite House campai*• :and prices “ will be exire : iP rw id cn lC arte t.: : A lfred Kahn, picked by the ‘ ^fight ngainst Inflation, said Ci• IpersonS &ta]» in (he oulconfen •?^vflg0ipMce'gQWcJtnes, '

Imow th e president Is de •understands tJie consequcnces

; ' l t w ill be extrem ely dam aging ; ^doesn*twork.'’ Kahnsaid.• t In on Interview in the currc ; :a n d World Report, he sold "si . ^off-agaln wage and price guidi

• for several yea rs to come,”i K ahn predicted the fldmlnis* cu rren t Vijluntary wage Increas

B urgerC hefb fo u n d in Indio

. SPEEDWAY. Ind. (UPI) - young people kidnapped fr res tau ran t have been-found County, authorities announced

(See earlie r stor^ The announcement was m

-P o llc c 'a n d Speedway police conference.

The bodies w ere found earli( Indiana 37. a few miles south ol

Jazz pianist 1 dead-of heart,

NEW YORK (UPI) - Planii of th e great im provisers in Jau York of a h ea rt attack. He was

B om in (Chicago on- March weak-sighted a t b irth and blin y e a rs old — also played d arim leading groups In the 1940s and

F rom th e late 1950s on, rem ained In seclusion, prefen and em erging only for occasloi

Trlstano "worked succes: harm onic horizons of ] a u in F ea ther w role In the Encyclc s a id Trlstano led " an informa school of progressive Ideas."

His playing, which a t tim i im provisation without chon

Among th e pianist’s carl ' saxophonist Lm Konltz, w

T rlstano "turned a lol,of peo| thousands of people over ll them ."

Konlti, who said he spilt wl w hen "I h ad to go out and teach ," regretted the pianist

' * c rcd it" from m any ol 11 Innueoced.

“ 1 don't know why that was.

California qw. PASADENA, Calif. (UPl

California Inslilute of Tcchi earlhquokcs were felt In the (. m ortlng . TbllDwtng s sm a ll qu

One quake at 9:40 a m. R ich ter Scale, Another tc reg istered 3.1.

The Saturday night quake ccnlered In the soulh-ccn Lake\('ood a rea near lx>ng Be:

No dam age olher Ihan crac a re a al.Los Angeles w as irpo m agniludv a re nol expecttxl tc dam afie. a Caiti-ch spokesmar

. The qu.nki*s were not fi-ll Angeles area

Snow sh" ; Tw m F>Hi7BuHey-Rig)eifir>

Cloudy an d windy w Ilh an i o r snow show ers tonlghl ihroi 30 lonlght a nd highs T u e« lj> ,

C « m u P ra irie . Hailey a. ■ VaUey:

T rav e le rs »dvif«.rKT. * f f r i and snow w ithdriflm j;^^^* « a re a s [)ocrraslng sno*

. Lows m ostly in lhe Synopsis:A heavy sno* storm in U j

to dlmtmsh la jl nij;ht, bcl h r. up in Iho mounlair.s of ^n-stc California Wimli. c]

N a tio n a l■ - By Uollad P ress ItUenuUo.’'^

.M axM inPcA lboqw rq-j.' i j c: Boslon y.QllcaKOQ evcJanil :.i j:Dalla.^ :Denver : : 'Des.Mo:m-.sDetroit ->i iiHom tuiu > r;Ind ian jiu li^K ansas Cit>UttsVcicas / : ■:L ^ttA nildci ii LoulsvUU- « •M emphis 41Miami Beai. h y M llw aukw ..Minneapolis Nok' Orlea.'i-s *;.New York 11O klahom a Cll)O m aha : ■philftderpm a r : m P h o en ii VPU t»burgh X U

'P o r f lin J . M<- » ’ IP ortland . O rr

l iouu ^ ^

^ •2Tlm eft*N ew s,T w lnFa1]e,Idaho ''

ib e dam itgediThe adm inistration’s chief t Interview Sunday failure ofpOifin.tp hold down wages . tjtirem ely d a m a ^ n g " to ^ i

the president to lead the £ d C arte r reaflzes he has a W eT)nh(radm lnlstration 's-------

s determ ined, because he \ ices to the counti^ and tR af i ^ n g to him If the program i

u rren t issue'of U.S. News i 1 "som e form of on-again, £ ^uideUoes'inay. be d iif fate 1

ninistration would cut the ( irease ceiling of 7 pcrccnt if . I


fbodiesi __ \Hana jI) — The bodies of four I from a B urger Chef I )und in nearby Johnson i iced Sunday night. Iitory, page 5) ’> m ad e by Indiana Slate* }lice officials a t a new&^ I

' <a r lie r Sunday night east of th o f th e ln d ian ap o llsa rea . <


t Tristano r ta ttacklanist Lennie T rlstano , one I Jazz, d ied S aturday In New i w as 59.orch 19, 1919, T rlstano - blind by the tim e he wos 9

ir ln e l and tenor saxophone, and 1950s.on, though, he generally e ferrlng to teach his music oslonol club appearances. :cessfu]]y to expand the I im provisation,” Leonard ryclopedla of Jazz . Feather rm al cu lt" lhat provided " a s."timfcs featured totally free hord slruelure , w as con-)Dservotlvc jazzm en. _______early disciples was alio . who saJd Sunday lhal people on. He worked wllh

•r the y ears and Inspired

It w ith Trlstano In the 19G0s m d play and he w anled to nlst never received "publicI the m usicians he had

* as," Konltz said.

juakesU Pl) - Selsmologl-sts at 'echnology sold Iwo minor he Los Angeles a rea SundayII quake la te SaturdnvI. I>ST regislered 3 4 nn the • tem blor a t lOiIH a m

lake was only 2 8 All wi-ri- i-cenlral Los Angeles lo : Beachrracked plaslcr In thi- W jlts reported and quitkcs of lhat I'd to cause m ore Ihan minor m an saidfi-ll In lhc downtuun Ixs

'w mihowers possU■farid Je rom e are**"an mcrvased c h jn a - oJ ra:n Ihrough Tuesdj) l i> . 35 to 40y and upper Wood K h c r

iTr issurd last ( 'f or-.* cxpcctc'O ;:i rr;

lo Ja \ and Tj -'v I.iv ■r.s a.-Kl h.Klhi

*(-rri-stcm OrtV'^i a:vJ r. .■•.f.i rr;•.»; cp tu J>' IT..;*'* i« f

J* _l l - c p


, V . J - *

r - i1 ' . ,

T t t i n / ' ( i / /


Ko M onday, N ovom ber 20, ICTft

lifin fla tid n ^ ldthe guidelines k e extendedi>e

"O ur Intention Is to Ughten tim e goes o n /; he-M id. "U increase ... Is not com patible v

- Kahn acknowledged the somewhere between “yoiunti — "ca ll it ‘sem ivoluntary,’’’ h<

“ W hat-I!m -saying464haiJ ■fteavUy on-public exposure"

^ work,’’ he said . "W e ‘U have t M ttle' for 7 i«rcenV to compla m ore."

He declined "lo g et into a nu m uch the pcrm lssab le wage said "Ih the long run, clearly, lesser ra te o f increose. ’ ’ T

Kahn sa id the first m ajor guidelines will b<; the for

. between the Oil, Chemical j«nc ond the energy Industry.

“ Everybody tries (o read sees ," he said . “So if we car

— com e ' w ithin the 7 percei negotiations beginning soon, good sign.”

He said success with th increase th e likelihood” of accepted by other unions abou the T eam sters, Uniled Autc workers,

Kahn repealed his warning inflation d rive \yould lead to c or m andatory wage and price

" I f the program flops, the deep recession o r m andat controls,” h esald .

Som oza w on’MANAGUA, N icaragua

Anaslaslo Somoza addressed supporters Sunday, Just t opposllion’s deadline for h is i crowd he w ill not quit.

" I am p roud to be your prc the presidency, God willing, 1981," the West Polnt-educati sun-scorched field-outside a dedicated.

"Wllh a deep sense of patri( In the N icaraguan people. In I of N icaragua, the ballot Is t rin e ."

As the deadline approach' Liberation Front guerrillas anti-Somora activlly wilh b berWs, c a r thefts and hijac


by Tuesday when lhc 15^ Sandlnlsla gucrrllias will fc< their much-anllclpaled. ant l-

They h ave been regrouping ves, reportedly wllh VenczL supplied a rm s, in training operated In neighboring C Argentina have reportedly Somoza arsenal, badly dei fem bcr’sS and ln ls la leduprls

S om oia 'has repeatedly sal unlll. his six-year lerm s eni Broad Opjxttllion Front has d resignation and his departur hts family.

The crowd, whtch lhe presi chanted ".So-mo-za. So-mo-z; One bnnntT n-ad. ‘ Ncilhc-r Somoza for N’lcaraiJu.! “ ' ' -

Am y plays reW A S Iii.S G T O S tn 'h - I’:

relum od from Camp Dav ul S Ix’inj; pan*nls nnd llilrn lo ih olher childrwt play a l a church

The Su;uki Students of i{( playi"d 17 p irc rs mcluditiK " .Star "

' C S J . i !_ !.

ible today & TiW'l’VT'it iTy i ULT::i-T

T hr fi.r ;.‘>r “n . j '

r> j :! of i ta ir

J I - o ' : ; .r,

rrj» .-t^; J r

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i l l s ' •

h l a


ilanfdilsedl>eyondiiyear. . ihten up on’th e standards-^s.:,... "L o o k ,.a^^ perroo ttw age.lb lew ithpricestab llT fj|._ --'

the C arte r p rd ^ a m , Is tiuntary" and "m andato ry" .’’’h esa ld . ^h a t we’ll hnve to rclv very- a m r l i rm f lk c ' th is program " ' ave to count on w orke rs who m p l^ rn ilfe h e in ro th e rs g c F ”

) a num bers g am e" over how — vage rise m ight be cut. but larly. we’ve got to hope for a

lajor test of the wage-prlce < forthcoming negotiations ll j«nd Atomic Wo_rkers Union

‘cad the' Hrst te a leaves he - c can get the oil workers to -ercent guideline in their won, thnt would be a very

h the oil w orkers "could ' of getting the guidelines about to negotiate — such as Auto W orkers and rubber

•ning thal failure of lhe anti- d to either a m ajo r recession irice controls., the only alternatives a re a indntory wage and price

m ’tq u it?ua (U PI) - President essed thousands of cheering 1st two days shy of the his resignation, and told the

r p resident and I will deliver illing. to another Liberal in lucated Somoza. 53. said In a Je a governm eni hospital he

patriolism, of the fallh I have J, In lhe vole. 1 tell the people t Is more powerful, than the

oachcs, Sandlnlsla National lllas have stepped up lheir ilh border raids, bank rob- hijackings of milk delivery

r Somoza does not step down 15 ^ ay deadline ends, lhe

ill feel com pelled to unleash antl-Rovcrnmenl offensive, uping and rearm ing Ihemsel- pnezuclan and Panam anian- ning cam ps beileved lo be ig Costa Hica Israel and (^iy supplied a rm s to the ’ depleted during lasl ^ p - uprlslng.ly said he wQl nol sti*p down ■ s ends on May 1, 1981 The has demandi>d his Inumnllate arture from tlic couniry with

president eslimati-<l at 40,0<)y, ■noza" and •M ay, don’l no " Ihc-r C .irlcr nor .■a lr> , only

recital- l'ri-sld«-nl and Mrs Carter

\ 111 Sunda> aftrriwom Ici i-iijov lolhclrdau jllitiT Am> and H

t ra i'ilal ifi it >-ul>urt>nr)

of itondii C(il<'. ,i in i:,tiK ••TwinKlc', l« : r :k ir l.mi,-

Tuesdayrrn ■ f*T^r:irr? ’ r'.'T 'TrT’"

h ; r

,■ J- U..' .'T i:--':.-. M


# C o n tin u e d from p< But the sp e ^ with \

a d m i n i s t r a t i o n r e s p o B rezhnev indicated the set

. th is govcmmpnt to develo-thaU k«‘y ‘PerslROjS>J^

'• - - a n y cffbrts b y tfie Soviet com m ent on United Stat

. re lations. -Only In moments of crisl

____ United S ta tes cofnmenl a t I-------levels-on Sun'days'r'Hsaall:_ developm e n t - are dealt

e a rlie r th'aifMonaay. Brezhnev w as asked b

— - alw ut "Foreign press ropoi “ interference by Westen especially the Uniled Stai events in Iran and even the o f m ilitary intervention by I

in response, Brezhnev si pu ts one on guard is the

Evilcu]# C o n tin u e d from fTho ra in m ayhavc saved

>-* ■ E very Ume we' heart especially whenever wc he along- th e Port Kalluma tfiought we would be attack

Of coursc none of us weapons.

And lim e moved slowly slowly.

When we first reached on F riday night, lhc atmo; lively and cordial. We foun' getting a real Cook's tou; People’s Temple Inhabit everything arranged for w as g rea t rock music Jonestown band and en l during dinner. -

And while we tried, vair to gel away from the org; we w ere lold how happy was.

Bul before we left for ai drive through fool-deep m K aitum a, a young man s H arris of NBC q messaKO v child 's slate saying. "Plea get out of Jonestown,"

I th a d four signatures. Back In Port Kalluma,

en tire group of us spent K in a tin-roofed disco — a

_ p arlo r with n phonoKraph records — local” CJayan telling us horror slork-s.

They told us aboul one m escaped from the colony la only to be captured l)y g Jonestown and Ihcn bealer

When wc returned thi m orning to Jonestown, w siffprised to sec Jim Jonc stage-managi-d produclic c ra c k .''

E d ith P a rk e r , one of fo llo w ers tra p p e d In

1 a p p ro a c h e d C onK n-ssm ar I sa id sh e w anli-d to le a se w I T h c l ls tn r e w I A txiut an h o u r b i'fo rr it \ ; u s lo le av e Joncslo^kn, i ■ 5A id lh<rv w aivlwl U>

Then h.

Anti-Mcj TO KY O t l - P i i — W char^;lnK t l f l.iti- Chai Tso-TunK"as<j'.i[ u( touch a n d j;o\crrH -d "fjin il> d lc ta to rs l iiji " in his la^l apjH -an-d in Peking:. J.ip n e u > ag en c y rt-por!«-d -M' r

Ja[>anos<.-students of Cf; p o 'f r r ^ m ay r r f l r e t a pov p itt l::,; Vice l ’n-mi>T T I’Kit;. tw ice 0 e p -.id <.-0 t^' life ttitu * . o n a in s t o th f le aJr.'-s u h o r u v t'> t«i

— M e v s iM e r y r e n -The p o ite r s i i r r pari <!

of c.-wh') Iml t^ rt'j,:a,r:-.::'.-,'-.:5l r«-\..

il> fr-.ilfOPrt-iilr-Irn

T*.- ;t, ..r, j ; ; ; -

ly.- ’-.rr.ir.K of-

Tfxj-.j- !• rr. ar. •.*..» I . r

J ..-.n I

l . - r r j r . - . i i t - r - , . ■ ■ ; O r,t r , .s ( l i . .r .r 't Ir, : c t j N i’ ,.

a rn a r-J .V 'j'!,..M -tti H i. !,r>; - • ■ :r: t.V S e - F . • - •

Ii . ;* .• . - '

•.S V..

Nast;in p a g e A l oKlclals ot I ilh w hld i -Die's o o n d e d ' to W hat partli S sensitivity ot evclopm cuti-ln ■

States-Iranlan presW ent - v < «scrvatlons w;

cd by P rav d a I n t e r a a l a t t ereports" on the W henpresiseM tem powers, g iven th e h1 States, in th e involvem ent Inn theposSibifUy w as“ s ittingba n by them ,"lev sold, "W hat "W ed o n ’th as the f a d th a t Involved In tl

ult reporo m p a g e A l F inally abclaved our lives, courage to def]leard a : n o ise .. T here w erevo heard a tru c k t ru c k lo a d . ':uma rood, w e cam eram en W(Hacked again. fn the f irs t biif us had any R yan would

second,lowly, infinitely We w ere rell

Jones h a d st:hcd Jonestown We w atched 1itm ospherow as p ills until h e scfound ourselves H e listed ;} tour from the diseases h e sahabitants, w ilh s ta rtin g w ith e

for us. T here But he d id ausic from the who w onted toI entertainm ent even said he i

. " b e t te r o f f ’ so, vainly a t firsl. longerw anted! organized fun. Suddenly thelappy everyone the c en tra l bul

colony's meetfor an evening 's stru c tu re w ithcp mud to Port floor,lan slipped Don A c heer ran jaKc w ritten on a Then a youj'P lease help m e d irec t lunge at

The b ladees. when M ark Ulima, where the Jones’ lawyci?nl F riday night porters, g rabb- a sm all beer The attack( :raph and a few could be d lsan avanese Ix -^ n And K yan’s; fs. U.C a ttack e r’s me m an who had Ryan ra n to my last sum m er, andw elum be; liy guards from to the airstrip , ealcn. Shaken by v d the following successful nai .n, wc were not us as w e rea Jones' carefully wouldn’t be i lucllon sta rt lo M arkLarx?”

Ryan livedle of the l.:oo longer,in Jonestow n. After the vl

sman Itvan and the a irs trip , \ivew ilhhim rescuc.

II was gelli:re itw a s lirn e fd r no chance fo.wn nine fXMple m orninga, W f spt-nl th

storli-s the 1

la o poster- Walt ixn lm c tpmtx^r 197Gal Chairnian Mao J a p a n rx - n Dijch with rejlit> lhe posters a; ;nil> st>le fa -.ti't in the ccn tr:

la 't \ e a r Jia\<- capital. Polic, Jap.Ill's K 'lxlo nor discouraj;J.Muriday them Theyof Cf;;r;a said lh<- forei^nncw sra powTf Urupcir- lhe p o s t r n•■r T«-r. ; Ms;a-. cha irm an ami

tj> Mad In f;;s The m ost tjcithiT I'hi-’-.rsi' ^ !^ o ap p ca r '1n (I'jrir./ in tim a lr advi

(Tl < f .1 tr.'-i:.’;'.;;:,; by •'fam iU st ■rv, J,:j:r;-! M.jri durinn th e 1. '..•fj,:’; power


• 22 Daylr.:rrT-_>'..vr.a; • F irs t C

!, ' ... . . M O M t D{

, p c u v l* ’ VI

1• v»l

Oik * t Nr

tyjiptcof the sta tes concenied a n

k) not deny such re p o rts ." * se< p a rticu la rly irked W hite ne< Iclals was tho next sen tence i ha' I deny attem pts t? in te rfe re In i tntftrm l affairs — as w a s - .

eirtly-Dy-the United S tates .1 they righ t aw ay m ake

3ns which do not exclude the / of such Interference under >rlaie excuse." .

;'t-lry_ to-Iiilcrf«ire„ia_the__th«ffolrsef. Iran .” dii

resised by M oyers a s to why, ^le history of A m ericon , en t in Iran, the United S tatesn g b a c K ," ( ? a r te r r e p l l e d : ^

n 't have ony incllnotion to be mi In the internal offalrs of va

irtedinC■ about 20 got up their0 defy Jones. ' w ere too ifinnyof us for one id . The r e p o r te r s ond ien wer&told wc woulcLgoout''!^t balch, but C ongressm an ni; 3uld wait to leave In the ,

In■e relieved to be going.la d struck us as a m odm on.hed him os he kept toklng: h e seemed dazed by them .ted a whole catalogue of ash e sold w ere afflicting him,v ilhcanccr.d id agree lhat the 20 people oc ;ed to could leave w ith us. He1 he thought they m igh t be Jo ff" somewhere else If they no in ted to stay in Jonestown.lly there w as a commotion in P® a l building that se rves a s the m ecllng place — a la rge G'

I w ith tin roof and p acked d irt K;

r rang Ihrough the crowd, M I'young white m an m ade a ^ Ige a t Ryan wllh a knife, lade was a t Ryan’s th roat irk Lane and C harles G arry, aw yers and longtim e sup- w grabbed the weapon, thttacker was cut before he - disarmed.r-an ssh irlw 'asd renched wllH ^ k e r’s blood.•an to the truck a t th a t point, umbered off Ihrough the m ud •strip.1 by what bethought was his ™ ul narrow escape, R yan lold * e reached the a ir strip , "I

be alive If ll was not forn c " • Slived only a few m inutes

:he violence of lhe a tta ck at rip , we still had to w all for “

gelling dark, and Ihere was ^ ce for a n-scue p lane unlll

L-nl the nlh^it llbtenlnK lo the the IJ fornu-r resldom.^ of "

ers go up97G a l l h e a l 'o r 8?L-M- rep«irlen. in Peking said ers appean-d m busy stn>etS x-ntral part ol the Chinese Police did nol rem ove them uurajje Chlru-Ne from reading *hey did nol in terfere wilh Tcwsmen who itxjk p ictures of i t r n drnouncinn the la te m and his aJvis<-rs losl tjitlcrl) worded a ttack on jcanx l Mcnda) It said Mao's • advisers, known in China as n gq f Fou r.' ‘ to t him to c o v rm - ii:> st)lc fasciit d jc ljt 'jrsh lp '" th e lait lU >ean. he w ai In



2 Days 0 6 Me Irsl C lass H otels •F u lly I


4 WAYS TRAVMMnAvt » n 1 Ti


A t D C H V IB t

T I M I t - M I W f t TOLL-VSI«*4I

MO.16- 3 MW

tesovea n o th v countiy un less o se c u h ty should be d iractly ned, and that Is a phOoeoph have espoused ev e r since I h i In the i^atlonal pcdlUcal realm .

W hat was annoying to A oniclalB.was tha t C a ^ h a d ; o f, h is way to ’say th a t tbe S ta tes had no evidence t Russians w ere s tirrin g up tr Iran .

~ " W i ^ T h a v r B n y - e v i d e -theSovlfltSi-for-lns tance, a r e ' d isrup t the ex isting govi s truc tu re in Tran no r th a t thi source of violence in I ra n .” h< think they recognize th a t te very long m utual bo rder w and a stable govenunen t tl m a tte r who Its lead e rs mlgl vau lobleto them .”

GuyanaJonestown liad ib tell.

They corroborated e v e ry e . aboyt the place th a t w e h a d h(

They told us bow J im Jonei tho en tire colony Into m m aniacal suicide p ac t w ith hli

They talked about s to res of In the so-called peacefu l mission.

And whenever th ere w as they recalled, Jones h a d oi the whole colony into a huge, assem bly and m esm erized t] agreem ent.

We underrstood then w hy t been an ominous c h e e r I Peoples Tem ple residence Jonestown before th e your w ielder charged a t Ryan.

Daybreok - which w e n peeled to soe — finally cam e.

At 8:30 a.m . the f irs t ! G u y o n ^ troops a rriv ed Kaitum a.

They had flown to a landln Mathews Ridge, about 30 mil and transported by tru e halfwoy from the ridge to v w ere waiting.

Then, to insure them selve being ombushed In exposed they completed the ir q io rch t - Still more troops arrived .

There w ere enough a t last -the^J«1m ete^o^thc■Po^^K«i

strip . It was Sim fairly ea r morning.

While 80 soldiers m ar Jonestown to m oke su re m arauder? could sweep out deadly settlem ent, rescue fl rived to take out the surv ivo r

Soon we w ere In Georgel a tw ard an Ahterlcan C-141 hospltai plane on ou r w ay safety.

F ive In our group w ere cri severely wounded.

Tim Rellcrm an, rep o rte r E xam iner — with two bulle In lhe left arm — and I shoulder w-ound w ere am ong ones

"SoiioRCTTOimiR ON HIGHWAY , .^ r i i f 1 tk t tU ortkH cfl a in n v * i p ■ t i U{bnj U tta r I r t n . b rrtc H p v ln u K t b M m msM o M o u t a & a M b t lit MCkaiui prtL k a d c JU m n d n M k r u c i t a b k i■ titk i o M r a n *( K m -W . t e fav B r u M wwii k V b M Hi t t n k I lk P k t n mlifkn. iMk H im h t s k n W tipnJU. Sl k Ilk

' lt(lnT M t . f f l r [K K R H -V M it .

j 6 S C O D R U Q


IINCHTOUR«ES mON IWIN f*US I ' j !M eals VIly E sco rled \


iVEL SERVICETwin r t f I n j

r i O N R A T E S :BY MAIl

r a i l ^ « o « i M U M B taii

erira it nI ou r own stly threate-- jophy t h a t l I have been

a im .” '

0 Am erican la d gone out

tbe. United « th a t the p trouble. In

Wdeigfe uiat ^ are tty lng to— - govem m ent it they a re a ,’’ h esa ld . “ I It to have a •T w ith Iran nt there, no m ight be, Is

• s

ar y evil story id heard, ones had led

m aking a h h lm .!Sof weapons :eful Jungle

vas a crisis, d a s se m b ly uge, clrculu* ed them Into

by there hod T from the ace back at k^oung knife-

fe never ex- me.-st batch of •ed a t Port

id in g field at1 m iles away, truck about to w here we

elves against sed vehicles, x h on foot.Kl.last to securei-K «ltum aair-----------ea r ly In the ..

m arehed to no more

out from the Lie fllghta er- Ivors.irgetown and J41 Herculea vay home to

e critically o r

rte r from the >ullet wounds J I wilh my long the lucky

m d I

fh ra je*k NCkim at kr M xtd- m Aasa M m- wtid kr-

O-m m *i M b b n im a i m m i

Ilk r m i


ru -r ta s

n t t

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Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

M A R C E L L e F .................................. C a t h o l i c d

Terro on pa

TEL AVIV, Israel (U P l) - exploded Sunday on a crowde< the Israeli-occupied W est Bai ing four people and injuring » in thc worst terrorist a tl civ ilians In more than three mi

T»x) other persons were Injured by a small explosive w hich went off on a " c tMulcVard In Jaffa, near Tel th ird device found a l J e m b u s ie s t co rner w as dlsn w ithout injury or damage.

Thc Paicstln inn news WAFA in Beirut said the be w ere the work of "the <

/• Com m and of the Palestinian tlonary Forces." m arking tl anniversary of Egyptian Pi Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusali

Thc Israeli nntionai radio s

No pro(JERUSALEM (U Pl) - :

cab inet mcl for nearly five Sunday on the first annlver E gyptian President Anwar h isto ric visit to Jcnjsiilcm . bu to ag ree on Egypt’s latest proposals.

P rim e Minister Mcnachcrr la te r sa id he feels the cabli endorse a peace treaty wilh E the basis of the Camp David ii but will reject dem ands fror m ade a fle r lhe summit m eelin

Degin called a spcclal session Tuesday to contin debale on E jo p fs propos Israeli wlthdrnwal from th Bank and G ara Strip and au for the occupied trm to riM . t they likely would Ix- n-jwti-d.

A V /mW l


/ •• s r r aDOOHS Hl LP

. hide:\ . p n ; C E n p n i f ; T S ^

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!> S ;: j ■■ •

; ' P a t

- e F E B V R E ic d i s s i d e n t

3ristsla c k e d) — A l» m b of thc 30 Injuredwded bus in w ere in critical; Bank, kill- o thers w ere In serng 30 others The bus drive

a ttack on rad io he had just:■e months. A rab passenger3rc sKghtJy selUem ent ot Misive device Je richo In lhe W1* ■ crow ded explosion occurecTel Aviv. A “ I stopped o t tJerusalem ’s people X)ft and thcd ism an tled gea r to leave, 11

flew forward amvs agency filled immediatele bombings cou rsew ilhscreaie G eneral Thc d river saidilan Revolu- bus also was Iig thc first explosion cul a I: 1 Presidf/nt^* a c t i o n of the vehlLisalem. 'T h € bus bomblIlo said two civilian injuries

ogress ir- Israe l’s Efiypt. awaltimfive hours Presiden l Hosni 1

Iversary of w ith President Ca r Sadal’s no immediate re

1 l>ut falliHl In Israel. Mobaritcsl peace a rriv e in CafroM

Cairo has pro•hem Begin E gyplian presenrablnet will to nuperv(s« arIh Egypl on takeover of lo.k id accords Caifrom Cairo d ip lom aticsourc

•eling. Egyplal cobinel u n accep lab le)ntlnue the leadership of hijposals for tha t Israel was wI thv West com m llm cnts olJ auloiK.tnv ^ '« . tnil said eslabllshmpnt of

Sam aria (Ine Uc

f i y S p ^

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J j S ^ \ ^ 1 1

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... . . . I >•, |>'l . -

u l k a ]A p p lia n c e a r



sw eeping move aim ed at church, received rebel L efebvre ln privatCr-audic Sunday.

V atican press spokesman 58-year-oW Polish pontiff :

. ;SaU m uy.ev<uitng afte r. 1 lihnotiw d.

The F rench archbishop r sources sa id , he m ay hav

___reconc ilia tion ._____ . _— — ;L e I e h v r e J 2 ^ a is u s p e i i------ by-E opc_E auL yj.on_JuIy i

re jec ted the reform s of thi Insisted m ass be said only ir

Such a n “ a dlvinls" susp church’s m ost severe sancti

Lefebvre, who arrived a j b lack robes of a simple pri I continues to ordain priest

sem inary .V atlcon officials refuse,

d iscussed o r how long th e ir : P ope John l*aul H. whc

b o m b

1 Israel*ed In the bus explosion terro: cal condition and two outdo1 serious condition. Injurl river told the national In ust stopped lo le t off two dlrecigers a t th e Jew ish porte r Mfzpe Verfcho n ea r th e ?e West Bank when thc Davic ired, "Tla t the station to let two the ai1 the m om ent 1 went inlo visitJ. the fronl windshield condcand the the whole bus said,

atcly with sm oke and of A :ream ing,” h esa id . cealei»ald the re a r door of the o n a cIS blown off and the passea large hole In Die re a r gloss vehicle's roof. I n .mblng caused the most wrapi•Ies in Israel since a dism;

n peaceIting a report from Vice “ I ;sni M obarak on his talks the g(Jt C arte r last week, had to slj; response lo the cvent.s read jtbarak was expt'cled to “ TJ0 Monday. _ the Iproposed u perm onenl frami •sence In the G a ra Strip the s|

and p rep are for thc undci local governm ent as C artt

Camp David accords, a "I iurcesald . rejec gyptlan dem ands are wu v e ." B egin to ld Ihi- wrltti t his Herut P a rty , add Rul IS willing to c a rr \ 'o u l lhe dcnl> of Camp David, bul AJiroi K- no tim etab le for the ri'jfClt of autonomy for Judea, wouk Wesl Hiirik) and Gaza. ' nu'iil.

►ol 19.6 Cl frigeratorADJUSTABLE \ ZmC-PLAJED J


JP 0 /i C £ L A /EUA!.>l Ll D \ tlW ti

niR/JRP.LYI'M '.;R U STA \D j

S | p ;) s V - ; ;

s p j-w s y " L - ,

, • r : ,; - : L.:, m

[ I b f l e i ia n d TV S e rv ic e


ident se<ip l) _ popc Jo h n Paul II, in d a t uniting th e R om an Calho bei F rench . Archbishop M ar audience, the V atican announc

;man Rev. R om eo Panclroli said i itlff m et thc renegade derfc. l; ter. LeXebvro.,#llppj>d..Jnto; BOi

lop requested th e meeting, Valic ■ have come tO' Rom e seeking;

Lsp^ri(^~from ~oirprlcstlv functli ulyi4_13I6.-t>ecnU5e_hC-tei)eate of the second V atican Council j nly in Latin. .suspension is one s tep short of

anetlon — excom m unication.'ed a t the V atlcaan dressed in le priest, has Ignored the edict j )rlests a t his Ecpne. Switzerla

■fused to say w hat the two n Jie lrm eetlng lasted .

who is known for his'sitppnrt

t) k i l l s

i\i b u sLerrorlst bomb exploded in a Tel suldoor vegetable m arket AUj lnJurlng<19persons.

In Beirut, WAFA news agi jlrecto r Zlad Abdel Falah told porters Sunday’s bombings she ije PflJestlnian reject/on of the C David peace talks.

■’These a ttacks w ere carried oi Jie anniversary of the tra ito r Sac /Islt to Je rusaJem - to show condemnation of his actions,” F a id ,

A second explosive dcvlce realed in a brown p aper sack we;i )n a crowded boulevard in Jaffa, jassersby w ere Injured 'by fl ’loss.

In Jerusalem , an explosive dt vrapjMxl in 'a rug was succes.'; lism anlled by police.

^ a l f c s _ _

•'I suggested and will suKKl• l iie govem m enl express ils reiidi .0 sign a peace trea ty If Kg\j •eady to do so," Begin said

“ T he 'E gyp tians wont change lhe longuoge of the Camp U frameworks which would go ag. Lhc splrll of lhe agreem ents rea under the medfalion of Presi [Jarter," hesaid .

"I can assum e the governmenl reject these E gyptian sugiiestlon; Ae will stand on lhe accord: ATltten,” hesald .

Rul on Sunday, E gypt's Vice P lenl Mobarak lold Israel's Yw \Jironoh neuspaix-r thal an Is ■vJt>cllon of Eg>ptlan suggesi vould be a "m ost negative devi lU'lll."

¥ a i i y f


^ 0 0



• .......... V ' -

i s c hceDRIVE O U T

& SAVE!!

jcredy irIn a church d iscipline and

Ihohc doctrinal m a tte rs , h larcel ' volatile Lefebvre Issui unccd Thc ^ r e t m eeting

.with a pope. Popc P. id the sum m er re tre a t In Ca : . l a te ' unsuccessful attempl-i s a m e .i. -.- ThaL-enM UnteScai

denounced Lefebvre ilican ■ church,

“ Lorcbvro re jcc ts r , second V a lican -o o i

------Trldentlno-W atc, ost"“■“ ^ ' '— 1503 to counteracrthe;

He accused Pope f of the spread of com m unlsn

■‘The pope knows h< in the one Vatican Insider, d nnd Lefebvre Is said to I rland, throughout the world,

Sunday 's announce » men before John Paul ga

crowd, of more than ifirt of Square.

t rN/


'el AvivAug. ■ ■

B b h

old re- ■ ■showed " ®? C a m p

lou t on ISadat's ■ W Mw our . . . I M

F a tah ■ ■

e con- ■enl off

fa. Two . flying


F.’s l th a la d in e ss i ,,.,1g \p l is

iiges In David

against rcachM

Vedloih J o h n s o n &I s ra e l i ^ ■

!esllo n s | l 0 |levclop- U f l l

—, Pow2 4 o z . i

^ R e g . $ 3 .6 9 .

‘ F &V J Re


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- ■ s -

_ 1

■ ' 1

metpop<and Is also considered a conserv

rs, has no t.p icv iq u sly mentibi Issue,

eting was not Lefebvre’s first er pc Paul arid Lefebvre met a t th In Castel Gandolfo o n Sept. II . 19: jnpM o oal the thfologlcat^dispuli r^am i?- otUyi wtJckS' after- the pi ivre a s “ hostile and extraneous’

: ts reform s Instituted by the fi -councils. -H e-contlnues to s

riheP ro iesjjin rfcrbrm allon .

)pe Paul p t giving ta c it approval m lsm in the world.” ws how much support L efebvre hi Ider. There are no exac t numbI to have tens of thousands of f orld.luncemenl of thc m eeting cam eII gave, his traditional noon blcs£ than 50.000 people In sunny Sl,

_ Firsl Money Me

1 i g h €

n t e r €■ o n s h o r t te rm

d e p o s i t $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . Ea to S 40.000. A sk (o r (

F ir s l S e iF if.t S- Cur.U il.in. (,l U A( .f.l unt, Citfi.-,l ;,.cu'.l, B.v> Ol O-rn, HAF if.t t.i-c uiity Sulc li.ink o( KjyS.ilii’

>n & J o h n s o n

Jahyiwder$ 2 4 9



4 o z . m m

R e g . S l . 1 2 .

I iiifaiii Sleepei

* S ........ . !\ •/■ B *g.S 3 .2

Nice & EasyI r u ; c : , r .I o ’l

I ' R o g . $ 2 . 4 3

I 1®

■ > L y n w (

pe B Tnservatlve on >entlbned . me

rs t encounter ' .a t the papal

n . 1976. In anlispule. ' ' ^Lhe popti.htid leous” to the

the first and to say - the -


)roval to ‘

v re has.” said num bers, s followers

:am e m inutesblessing to a P O f

ly Sl, P e te r’s

rst Secyrity /larket Cerl


e s f B

e s t R2 6 -w e e k s * - c e r t i f i c a t e s . I. E a c h d e p o s i to r 's a c c o L (o r c u r r e n t ra te a t y o u r n>

^ c u r i ty E( ir-.t Rank ,r ,n l ii-cu>ity Hank

.».• Cit, Ul.ih r,.-.t Srcunly Bot».

i.iiri,Mpmtx,'.5 FOIC

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g Bab]4 o z , —

R e g . 9 5 ' . .

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O P E J O H N P A U L I I . . s e c r e t m e e t i n g

syrtifi cates

^ a n k

l o \ e3S. •M in im u m ' '•* : o u n t in s u re d r n e a rb y

B o n karik ol Wu-t.i,. A ink ot Luu.in (; A Ot»« ol Huth iV,otat-(l.ink ol M.rli>.'f

V a s e l in en s iv o C a ro ,

ibyOII ,

■ G o r b o r p u

j] Vinyl Pai

. . 3 p e r p k . $ 4

R e g . $ 1 . 7 5 . I

jmetic'uffs4 9 * ;

m'' Final 3 Nettet ,‘ " ' i ' ' ' R * g $ ? 3

* r^ W IU U A TS SUNDAI\ 9-9 10-5

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Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

Q d m------ B y POX BUTTERFIELD -:2-£iiflZB li.lL llm eaN ew a5€nlce, 'H O N G “ KONG” - - r a e - l o l u ^ touthcast Asia by the senior ChliK )eputy P rim e Minister, Teng Hsli ling, which ended lost week on ubduech note in SIngnpore, i lerscores the problem s Chine orelgn policy faces.

China tlnds itself caught In mu he s a m e ' quagm ire as the Unit Itates was In Indochina. The Chine irc locked in conflict wllh w hat lh cc as an expansionist Vietnam a ire committed io prop up a faltcrl [ovemmcnt In Cambodia.

As did a succession of Amcric iresldents from John F. Kennedy ic ra ld R. Ford, the leaders In Pekl Ind Ifiat Iherr optloiis a re few and tt nvolvement In Indochina is havlnj iegaUvej>fleclon.thelr.pollcy towc he re s t of Southeast Asia.

T he re c e n t Sovlct-V letnam c riendship treaty , which am ounts t n lllta ry alliance, has only m ade i )roblem m ore'acuto, for i t Incrcai he danger of Soviet Intervention rhlna’a northern frontier If it pu ts i nuch pressure on- Vietnam In I outh,

This Is an unhappy situation ’eking, m arring w hat otherwise t )ccn a trium phant y ea r for llplomacy.

W ith high-level visits abroad. P< ng has em erged a s a m ajo r wo: orce a fte r y ears of paralyzl ireoccupation with internal politl< ;tn ig g les .-T h « -trlp 8 -o f- th e -p a < diairman, P rim e M inister Hua Ki eng, to Romania, Yugoslavia a ra n , and of Teng to Jap an w ere i nost spectacular of these Joum e rhe last tim e a p arty chairm an v

E (A new pricii

A s K e t c h u m 's S k i n a t i o n c / a l l e y r e s o r t o w n e r E a r l H( n a b a t t l e o f l e g a l f i s t i c u f f s )O th s i d e s s h o u ld lo o k u p : : o n s i d e r t h e r e c e n t c o m i r t i t c h e l l . .. M i t c h e l l . s e r v e s a s _ e x e

C o lo ra d o S k i C o u n t r y USA*” .0 p r o m o t e s k i in g in C o lo ra d

L a s t w e e k , t h e s a m e w e e 0 c o u r t to b lo c k th e S k if l i t t e m p t t o o b ta in - i t s 1 V lltc h e ll o f f e r e d a m o u n ta in X) r e s o r t o w n e r s a n d c o n s u n

I m p o r t a n t f r o m th e S k if l s ta n d p o in t w a s M U c h e l l ’s j r i c e o f s k i in g n o w is s o h T ia y h a v e to c u t b a c k o r m t i r e l y .

T h o s e c o m m e n t s w ill a s p ^ u p in i t s f ig h l lo l e a r n if, ■nust c h a r g e $15 a d a y f o r a 1 ' a i r p r o f i t .

B u l M l lc h e l l o f f e r e d so r 5 a r l H o ld in g a n d o l h e r r e s o i

A c k n o w le d g in g s k i in g is j r i v i l e g e l h a t c o s t s m o n e y )u U in e d s o m e c h a n p c s in sk

' David M

g ; —T h is h a s tx i-n j > i'.ir of

Ticm orips I t Is 197H, atKl s ix lJ ra J ) it is j <J(fi

lin cc 19G8, th e >«Mr it a ll canu - jp . i r T e n y r a r s apo, M .irtin l . i i 'h r r K

* a s Tt-ii ;lo b c r t Kcnne<5> u a s a ssasM ru t re n y e a r s a^u , th e Ix-nK x-rj ijw iven tloo In Chicakio ilj .so lv t'tl i: ta rR a sa n d b ro k i-n h .-a d i T n iv c , Igo T c t e n d « l a u r tTiilitar> p r» \ Io n s a b o u t th e H a r and Mv I le s tro y e d Ihe m o ra l ju .'.tif io jtiuns la d d w p Jo w n bvlii-'.cO iii T en >»•.

HiciiartJ .Nixun anJ Sp;rij A»;ri inJU ght la w a n d o r d r r tn to *hr V if louseT here have been ciiuukJi s!<ir

ilrvady about "the rv;:;i:en t slorlt-s <*ilh a pDint t.>> j-. lem izatlon of what oct-urn-d c]j.' hose \c a rs . Mi»l of us still DO cloariy w-hcrv wc w err wh'-n Irst le a n x ^ of .Sirhan .Sirfi.i:i . am es K arl KayMosl of us still clutch Wh< :i .

cm em ly r.But a fle r a decode pertiaps ll ' i u

> s i t b a c k a x td a u M S . t o u u n l e r u ;r If .w e’ve lcan>cd arxl w here i alk>rt has (tone »incr those sha tle r c a rs

a r e - <• *■ -

) - outsldcC hlna was In j vice Tse-tiuigwasinM osco ) u r ^ r ~ ~ A t th e - B a m e Urac Cl ^Inese Jap an and the Unite Hsiao- begun to improve so ; on a o n ^ y s ts speak o( a

un- alliance. There are s hlnese differences, no^the le

the fu tu r^o f Taiwan a much a s Daniel Tretiak, a

United Chinese foreign pol Ihlnese University In Toronto, it they " a -broad convergenc m and and economic interests Ite rln g ' As he ouUlnes it, th(

generally provides the lerlcan ing for the developing icdy to offers a new m arket fo Peking A m erican industry i ltd t h a t . slugglsh.buslne$s:conC ivlng a to pay fo r .Imports tow ard technology, Ciilna find

custom er for Its grow am ese ' and coal In Japan, nts to aide the This proto-coalltion :rcases d e a re s t sign of a recc tion on In C hina's foreign poll tuts too still based on hostilit; in Uie Union, as il was ui

search for strategic co Ion for the R ussians has nov Isc has with a desire (o find i o r Its trad e and technology,

diplomacy a more praf i. Pek- This process has m e

world old friends and enei ilyzlng once China’s only al olitical E urope, has been abai - p a r ty — of—Y u g o s la v la ^ a —r a Kuo- partn e r. The new rcl la and Ja p a n , ' the country ere Uie China from 1931 to m s im eys, im portant shift. The an w as tradepactslgnedearlii

:ing plan fo}n com m ittee and Sun he 1 Holding whirl aboulIffs ov er ski lift prices, opap from the fray and or om m ents of G arretl

mcxecutye__direclor of th3A, a group organized h i rado.week Sun Valley wcnl orikiflation com m itlee's sh s -financial rccords, lainslde of good advice fosum er groups alike, sh kiflallon Com m illee's ti< I's com m ent lhal ihe p(10 high som e familiesor give up the sporl is

assist the Skiflation th) if, in fact. Sun Valley c( r a lift ticket to m ake a

d(som e sage words lo w

esort owners, loo.: isn 'l a r i ^ l but a ailey to enjoy, Mitchell siI ski lift ticket prlctnp cc


Disturb!tur(> :ns -1 tx -U o i- t h r r r is« v*

c a m e o l a fif dun r^ : tlwill fje m,

a p a r l cx p » -n rn c f Kur la dT KtnK tk “s<TiptHHi lh<-v >.vr.-r> j>:o th e s u t i e ? , frjl r%e:> t■iruti'd InR In fac t,(x -ralic t h e s f U T . l i nf t l ir.to T b e tim e p e f j j J w r11 >(‘j r s w a y i 't m arln 'O t;) a <. prf^Jic e v e n ts Tlx- u*ur-,; T; ly Ij i w ho m a lu r rd ()ufirj luns W f r\'C.'iI) rn/t d u tc '. (»jl «•II >.-ar> M it ir^ U-ftJ.-i L',-, A»:rifw No^ Zi. i v a . U’lrn I ■ S^fr;tr K*-nne<Jv wa» r i ’j r iW r

nian> ol us it tfi( s!t)r,,-s irTia>:r» lu la rr;,

I-;:;!:,:-. It w as a;:-,) tr.r >> j-j:f t of

,.,11 all H -!ri'-n w c eikJi-O. ll Urfv .III .ir> ] ,S;i

o llice Hv tr_it i l j t r i,..i C \K inlleii h<-jMt'frak.

w u l iU f A i lv »I’t time H>ikhui|Cturi th jt i erw ru t •* pla>::■ r r , , , , r .> Ia n >*i.hlUerinn fw :, l.V |

• e v a l iin 1957,. when.Moo’ now expeciiscow. bilUon InjTj cC h ina’r u e s ^ i m — ^In-tii’c-J!nited States have have olsoso m arkedly Utat- United S ta ta nascen t-trip le President

■e still unrcsiilved long-delayce least of which is diploiriatlcm and Korea. But, change ai:, a specialist on wiUioutnor policy a t - York - — —

Ito, pu ts lt, Uierc Is On the:enc8 of stra teg ic been scveests.” NY ' developme Uie United S lates . ilM lsIm li

the m ilitary back-- exchange (ing triangle. China Chinese ■ w:t for Japanese and Ivcrsitles iy a t a Ume of insisted Ui; rondltlonsrlirtum ;— to-wait-um)rts of advanced re la tionsfinds an Im portant tionallsts.rowing sales of oil ,

neg o tia tir

Jon represents the ■ecent realignm entpolicy. Though It is K l s i ^ lLillty to Uie Soviet M“‘»slorti: under Mao, Uie Peking I:countervveightsto m ore connow been coupled Taiw an, a:nd new sources o f w llh thosegy, giving Chinese, island at>ragmatlc thrust, ferences om eant a change In Taiwan lhenemies. Albania, visiting J i' a lly in E aste rn "unlficatioibandoned in favor a_ process I—more—valuable— yea rs— ra

relalionshlp w llh o ( ‘‘liberal:try lhat ravaged His mcsIMS, also m arks an China now*he keystone Is a relations varlicr Ihis year and resolution

S)ifnli]or ski liftsh e believes c a n help resoi

The Colorado executi^ operated on a one-ride t on a daily basis.

M llchell reasoned a ‘ m ean active sk ie rs would the cost of a l if t’s operalit be charged for each lim e

Beginning sk ie rs who i o r tw ice a day would not I ski u nder this p lan.

Next, M ttchcll-theoriz' for the challenge of the b( should be charged m ore I ticke ts than those skic popular runs.

This kind of prem ium is used in am usem ent par

M ilchell’s commenLs, I th at consum ers and reso com m on desire.

T hai com m on jjrou developm ent of a new .s which can m ain tain skiin

When fam ilies can affi a re happy and resorts sim ple equation that ti; continue to w ork dihpenti

ing men«V’-r>'Tatwnwr,;,h TTiom' t1: th«-M- th.i: t!i

marki-0 I--, [hi- Ifx-ti:;;i-{-lacK o.f d !K-::i-r ' ‘ 'T'-vr«- (N- cfiil'lrm of curefH-<~-r:> If.y. ;s of I t i r ' !.:rv!i.(x-d K'.Iu w;:h

.aiarii .ittawr call t.V t)> wr;;c,'l -a ia :.-rv jjr f-u: P»-ri'-i o '

; r.rr. arri »or:..-r, l*/:4 a:v)■firi: lh<>^ > riir ' pt>hlK..i1 (crurrnc*-. !f t .'-

t.rK d ... ,l l! ,rn iT r s .i - .- . : J .-Nr.i:,krerltnl*.'»i!R'' Fr*r whi)*-‘h-*

tfic f:r^•. t:;:,.- !!..• afi ] i;,.-

» 1V.-4 -N -ti I*!'--,

ra lv lai.-r,iijj fc*crr»J I - J i III rn r th y m ji>. Aix] I fTriiriT;:--r s iu j i r .u va>:rR •.n f-M n j ; t l u w : llh tf ir w ufiislie Ij lltu U>vuKht Uh

nii-.’v t.

p i n i

u a t e 5xpected to be expanded to $60

h c -Ja s t-fe w -m o n th rre in tio n s- also been Improying with th e I S tates, though without steps by lent C arter lo complete the elayed process of norm alizing • laUc lies. In some woys, Uils e am ounts lo norm aliz ing itnormdllzalion,

the Chinese side, there have several m inor, but significant jpm ents. One was Peking’s on last sum m er to begin a n nge of students; for.a sUirt. 500. se ■ will - go to American un ­ties next year. Formerly China- :xl th a t such a move would have it-unlll-the United-Stales-broke- ons w ith Ihe Chinese N a- Ists.

re Im portan tly , P eking is :ia ting with, a t least five lean oil companies for aid in oping offshore resources under a production deal - a break wllh >l orthodoxv-;lhg has also begun lo lake a

conciliatory* atlitude toward m, allowing lls delegates to s it Ihose from the Na»onallst-hcId I a t two IntemaUonai con- :es ond encouraging trade wllh in through Hong Kong. While lg Japan Teng referred to the .cation" of Taiwan with China — cess lhal, he said, m ay lake — ro th e r than lltcusuni formul« - w ration" of Ihe Island, m essage oppeared to bc lhat now regarded normalization of

ons with Utc Uniled Stales and llion of the Taiwan question a s

e s o r t s s l a y p r o f i ta b le . : u t i v e s u g g e s t e d l i f t s b e d e b a s i s r a t h e r t h a n s o ld

a single-ride fee would ould pay a higher share of ration becausc Ihcy would ime they rode Ihe Iiii ho ride a ch a ir only once not have lo pay so much to

o r iz e d s k i e r s w h o lo n g e d ie b e s t r u n s o n a m o u n ia in j r e f o r t h e i r in d iv id u a l l i f t s k i e r s w h o u s e Ihi* le s s

um ticket pricing a lready i p ark s like Disfieyland. iLs, laken as a whole, show ■esorl owners can share a

’round boils down to vv ski lift pricinf* sy>lem k iin g a s a family sport afford to ski. con.sumcrs

irts m ake mone\'. It's a I tiie ski in(lii>lr> niuvi ;enty to solve

mories cIM' t!n-\ !r,.- . f

1 , (•■'..►i .ll t.,

Thr r:" .cr.w

.u taA r;.-. . ,: i , i ;r

i U - : .u r . a- •a:v) .,|i ;

: v '-M.. -!l -■ .■ ■; I • ■ ;r,

•ll.v.K c!e.in V ,y rr:a \ v - rt ;: iu :> r v, I '/? '

who : r . r - • .w '• ..lu w ll-Iv:;li.il J» I . • , ‘rMUk;v t.asv .................... •. .

s f r i e0 s ep a ra te Issuesrin this view,

tn hn caylng a^ rOflall'?s ” U n tic d "S ta te r 'o r iir :? c fc n i e w ith Taiw an would not by ils y th e sliflus of the island, e . The new Chinese Interes g • United S tates m ay bc partly s by a fea r of being c a u ^ t bel g Soviet Union and Vlelnam. 1

indications lhal some Chines a re em barrassod 'bv {hc'cx


1/ * * % ' Williar

r w ~ a(e- X __ 1 .............a- ©N.Y. Tim es Servl(

WASHINGTON - Thla . intended for Ihe ,eyes onl;

fcsslonal speecliw rilers; Hi1 is to illustrate Uie lalesl leci

weasel-wording.W henever a political figu:

a slightly awkward or oi ■phrase into a specch or p

a ference answer, o r when h id last-m inute quallfer in froni it seem ingly a ringing pledge, td of the old profession kno 1- weasel-wordlng. h Jim m y Carter is gelling y le Observe:le 1. TH E SIX-MONTH PUJ - Vour object is to minim :e budget deficit for the comi « - y e a n thereby creating the in

you a rc not a big spender. 1 >l find a lim e when the deficit

high and m ake it seem as if id when you entered office.IS T hat accounts for Ihe

wording of his goal as “ deficit less than half whal It 1 w as running for office.’' \V: I was running" Instead of n a tu ra l "when I becam e pn

, B ecause tlial wording pu ■ complTrlMn back eight m

June, 1976. when sensible e dem anded a high deficit to hi

C a rte r’s pu.shback to mid rem oves the em barrassm cr Ing lo com pare with the $ deficit he presented when hi p re s id e n t- adding. $11 bllll budget suhinlltetl by Ihe P re s id e n t F o rd . Hy 11 pushback Irick. C arter cai hImM-lf as li*ss a deficit- lhati his predeci’hior. whei

I , posllc is true.. 2 T nK S t2 HII.LION 'AB





of the y€I . ■ !.‘h' ..

^ i i . v i l v . i t i i . . u ' . ;u

( , .5 ,,. ......

• •'•'t.v. n 'p*-’ ■... u-'-y ( ;• 1

Inker <r>r j-'.-'-trO hjM- ; .. I .- ,! .- ! .,M „•

2J l d s ,vlew,-lt seem s— th e Cambodian < igatlon-by-the— equally-see-an-li tcfcnsc^trraty— a s - V safeguard by Ilself affect expansion.

The qucsllon iteresl in the- P eking do If Vl( lartly Inspired toppling Pol I *it between th e loader? am. There a re This question hlnese leaders h as aroused li ic'cxcosscs o f ' T en g 's 'sw in g

Iiam Safire ,

'!arter*svService try ing to appeaThla essay ia ing ,-he has hit ! only of pro- soaring standar s ; lls purpose Gross Notional I lechniques in to say you are

spending ra te I figure Inserts which gives you

or out-of sync since the G N Pn or press con- • But, a t the

len he slips a Inserted Uie ke rronl of what is W hite Paper - ■dge, m em bers Since cach one

know he is equals aboul $2 .— still under 21

ing good at It. g lv e sh im a $ l2 t 3. THE FIRN

; PUSHUACK. TH E AMORPH ilnlmlze your- is a C arter inn( coming fiscal close stiidy b;

tho Impression - ordsmim.';:— ler. The trick:e f ic l tw n s a la O bject: loapf as If tha i was m atters, and to

will keep our in Ihe careful of a bargain wli

as " a budget the money, lal It was when H ere’s Uio '

Why "w hen encouraged ot d of the more particu la r lo li le p resident"? d llu res for a Jol R pushes Ihe and Uierefore u; li ■ m o h ih s r i6— a t» v c -th r in n a ible economics . honor Uial c*omnI to bring down Sounds like a

percenl real I> mid-l?7C also spending, no? Ajimcnl of hav- Uie weasolwordithe SC8 b lilbn of Europe.’’ Helen he becam e I'cre only to a :I billion lo tlif money we sper

Ihe outgoing "h ic h la a mln<y Ihis n ea l defense budgelr can priseiil Navy, or slra-•ficit-projct-lor Pacific. Tlial zipwhen the op- Sludenls of p

will note Uial Im"ABDUT.’’ in vveasel words i

H T .

/car it all: ‘'I Ifi'- If:,in .i Jru fo-p.

• (a

^ ■:-il caM-^ Ific ch.i:ii-

I - : - t.^ .-,: t,»r; . vu J .sc tn-. !1

.... . .....

• . . . . 'I [.,■

. I ■ ■ : ; r r r . ,;-, ,JM- I i *.. tK jr{ij!ig;;„;;ru

' ir,. '..Tv .ir,l ;

a 4 tii

, e r i e iidian Com muniiispbui'ihey—Mai e-an Independent Cambodia—llk6 guard ugalnst~Vlotnamcse unqi

hostjsllon rem ains: What will nan If Vietnam is successful in IcU

Pol Pot, Uie Cambodian Rus ■■ . am(

cstidn and the anxieties It In tl >ed in China hung over sup] w ine ‘ through T h a ilan d ;- ann

u^eosef-iappear to be culling spend- Wllas hitched his wagon to a ofandard of comparison —. the pen;lonal Product. The trick Is dec1 a re "holding” the federal ausra te lo 21 percent of GNP, HEBS you room to spend more, ^3NP must rise. his

the lasl minute. C arter "cuhe key weasel word in his 0?er — “ about" 21 perccnt, budh one tenUi of one percenl thniul,$2.5 billion, Uiat "about" todjJer 21 and a half percent — pena $ l2 blllloncushion. forFIRM PERCENTAGE OF Wcj5RPH0US SUBJECT. This hanT innovation, and deserves cosidy by aspiring wcaselw- spci---------------------------------------------- jijp ,

paylo appear strong on defense wlUind lo assure allies Uiat we _ a our Increased spending endlln wllhout having to spend i|

Inlctho wording: "Wc have•d our NATO allies In hou

lo Increase their expcn-r a Joint defense of Europe, of’ore us, by 3 percenl a year hav-innationT ate.-I intend to yc*ommilmcnl." youlike a commllmenl lo a 3 jiq, ■eal Increase In m ilitaryno? Ah. but you've missed con[words: "for a Joint defease ban.’’ He's commllled himself Vouto a 3 percenl increase In touj

; spend lo defend Europe,I minor portion ol the U.S.idgel - does not cover the -cu

strategic arm s, or the of (lal z ip p ^ past ever>body youi of poliUcal slighl-of-hand „ ptial Images a re not made by ••3 .ards alone- Photographers rat«

J ^ F O R

i n' 9 .

ill came t. i - -p - 'n N f- .u -lu --.r t . ;.,-|s ine',

lhr..c t,-r. r w,.fft-., c:, 1;, anoi

■-" if C'.a:r...''..j::^.-., a;«J (i.o»t Keii.}•. a ll II. ,v ! ;; jy• Tl il- A:, I ::j rart

irrn i !huv- pr .>! ..■.■,sv:v.-U;a!ir-.-. |.,avcLrr-J: r v i r v -^ s ;r, r.->rr%r M CX..T


tf.il:--n' :• -T.

\ : i r ; ; . r M

!; :• K. ; .-,.>1■ 1; . . ; • . r. tf.;-

.. ll * .'ATN -u.ttdiln.iu “ f--

a 4 Tlmeo-Nows,Jvi»ln F«ll#, l a i h o -

m i e sM a l^ s la and'Slngaparer-whlc ilk^ his to u r of Jap an rw asfaH i unqualified-succesfi.-He-lecUu Hosts on Uie perfidy of U»e tiamesc, and , perhaps oul of I leUlng th e V letnom ese 0 Russians increase Uielr Inf among th e Communist Insure In Uie region, he refused to rej support for Uie guerrillas, annoyed h is hosts.--------- --------

‘Wordiniwill have to be invited In for p of a grim -faced president, pencil In hand, making Uie decisions" leading to a ‘ auste re” budget. And the secre HEW will be encouraged lo ^ a t bellows of anguish aboi his inflated "requesls” hav( "cu t to th e bone,”

Of course, we all know wl: budget is going to be after Uie ( thrcc-monUi charade is over, today 's level of $490 billion, perccnt for inflaUon, add a si for NATO, chop a few blUlor W eslcm sla te s for Uic appear* hardheartedness a t lltUe p< cost, an d you have $530 bill spending, figure lax-brackel ci filch' an ex tra $ 1 0 1)illion’ fror payers (som e "cut” ) and you ct wlUi 8 p rojected deficit of $29.2 — as prom ised.

In th a t way, you rely 01 inlcrest ra les , which you cai denouncing next year, to trlg{ housing recession; meanwhll a re able to adopt the slem den of budgel< utlcr without aihaving cu t Uie b ^ d g e ^ ____

Thanks lb this use of weasel you have avoided Uklng Uie | step of using genuinely rest fi.scal policy to brake' Uie Comes th e recession, blame the bankers and the g re ^ y buslnci You can half-lruthfully InsU toughmlndedly reduccd Uw defi less Uian half of what it was \ was running for office," th t "cu i" spending to "about" 21 p of GNP, and that you have "1> your com m llm ents" on m expenditures lo (mumble, mi "3 pcrcent a year above the Ir ra te ."


apart:ne'p;l> p^-rsislt-d. inwi-rv u-MrouMcO U e a;^prar U anothr.' such ir .Im a l toda> 1

i mes^afje of eommv lo the Oe:,ol4 le a n d ihc cLv;rJ>rr rarel> s^iLnded in Ihe !»?:.■» H

wtiicfi be ca: rr:jch rT.-r.am The linv wiU cx .Tie a*;a :n w hen Uy ncheit r a i-arUi w ill ovrrrom e Hj irKl;lfen Ify (Vgr..'J.V.K<n of ;i\ c ;'::er« U.il tl.'TU- rr:u rru . Hubert Ken

w ;]], I ln-li,-^r. [<■ w-^-n t

t th :rj; it,-;■'-iJ !"- t-t{.a:>dcd lu r

I.I or>r fT-.an t.’Jl lo fT .jJr t;;s {)•,;! Ilf |; f r [o ^ v t le *

• » rtf.:-'.;,:?. t>rrijd Df fric -tv

C-. w r a . 'r *!.> t..* *€ I,'..- r« .»--'.r% frc-ni I.’ir t i r r r l iH

!.*.«• «-i»l fT-siill f^r U>r “ .11 I t aw?.jt wi‘ a.'-e and wftere w a - ;n r O u .'\ al jr* » ill fie »tr\ir.


Ir Jrtj

i o - - M o n ^ a y , November2Q,107S

S - 'w hich,.un -.

iclured-hlB— —— Uie Vlel- of fear of

} o r th e Influence '

surgencles •D renounce as, which

m Zor p ictures enl, sh arp •Uie “hard

a “ lough, ecreU iryof

lo lel ou t about how have been

I w hal Uie Uie coming ' jver. Take Ion, add 7 a smidgin lUlon from earance of ! poliUcal

billion of el creep lo n tim u ix -— —

)u come up 29.2 bUllon '

Y on high can s ta r t

trigger the while, you I dem eanor I actually

isel woTds, the painful resW cllve the boom, c the damn sinessmen. insist you ■deflcir'lo •/u wben 1

tha t you 21 pcrcent

* "honort?d 1 mliltary- , mumble) - ye Inflation

in po-»cr » r lo b f m s> K o tje n n m i t lm e r t r J ir r i le d a B ut th e

c a r e d >0 tu r r l>

ra tion on ffer e n ce to rm Whm Keri.Ted.'.'* t- -n to h a 'e

iT,rTif:ier.Un u juvt

: * > which ;■> «.->J U v ^e(.f»K*e 1 I iijlh p a u iC-tK-n fcT*d t..' M ^arate r M » i>l U>e U«r rjlK >n

arrncM of rr we hJ^e tr\<r.hTf for

td> tvi;* -;irl


Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

Plane cffiW DELHI, io d |o (U PI) - Al llan a ir forcc p lane carry ing Indlai d lers back from leave c rashe nday In mountainous northem Ir 1, killing all 77 persons aboard and imon j!n J h e ^ u n d . an’ a ir (ore j k w m a f t i a t d . '■*’ Dfficlals said th e -c ra sh was th

l^meket sBy bA V ib HARDING” “

United P re ss Internationa] F raternal A ssociation of Stee lulers P resident Bill Hill sal ndoy the s trike by his group < I'cpendent truck d rivers Is " esca la }’’ and “ quite likely" will gain th p port_oL -truckers-w ho-lranspoi xl.He vigorously denied weeken .H il^m pany claim s th a t 90 percei their shipm ents a re flowing freel id said he Is "definitely concerned out legal^actlon a lready taken c ndlng agalnstFA SH .The sometlmes-vlolent walkout wiIts ninth day. _________“ r d ’feny w e‘re '75‘perc’cnrT f fcctiv

this point and escn latlng ." sal ill, whose m em ber dem ands Indue c righ t to bargain collectively a r dependence from the Teamslei nion.

FBI calle iddBurgSPEEDWAY. Ind. (U P!) - Tl UI has been summ oned to scarch fc tra il left In the d isappearance < ur employees on midnight cleani it>-nt a B urger Chef Tostaurant wt )parently were kidnapped by roi ?rs.lx>cal police form ed scarch parlU id a statewide a le rt was Issued, bi ere was no tracc of the four u t snppeared la le F riday or carl ilurday.Pollcc bJid they bcliirvcd th d im s wcrt.’ forcvd to leave tho fas od re.stauranl In a c a r owned !;>’ 11 si.stanl m anager. Jan e C. Krledl, 2

-irst flu eported n TexasATL\NTA (U P l) - The first cas Russian flu Ihls w in ler have bei

■jwrtt-d in T fx as and Influca (jxTts al llio national Center f iMMse Control say olher sUl lould L'xjH>cl outbreaks of thc flu.Dr Kichard Goodman of the CDC

iflueiua burvciilarujc unit u i d I as chiM'lv watching thc Texas f :iscs tn set’ if there a n ’ any ctuinK ithe iKilurvof the Russian flu viru-s In previous iiiflueni;i epidemic

;iaiu’.es in tlie m akeup ot the v lr :n e U fn fullowetl hy chan>;rs In tl .•verily of the infittiun und in lar^ umlxTh of {H'«j)le iRi-ominj; suscej lie tu uifcctii'nTtie CIK' ian t m its riiurbiclily ai

lorlalily vM'»-kly reiKirt that fu ases of Ku'siaii influen^j had tx'' Dnlirnn-tl in T e \as . one of them a ( ear-<ilil liouslun wuiJian. Tlic olh ir» r cas<‘s invnKi-d childri’n a^e 4 oun^;(TT he H u s iu n flu MOi-s s im ila r

IO so < a IU tl A p r im e in f lu e o ia c ar.Sbm th a t f irs : a p p e jr* ^ ! a ro u n d I.■ urld in iw : and was the pnncip au.s<' of flu fo: 10 years ll diw <>arwiin lli'jT 'iurfaced agJln in 19 T Cf:;r.a anij th f S u u ft C'nion, t. rrivcd ;.T th:i cvur'ry U it Jar.uary


lU S T ^ V n .I .K A la C P I* ,la -.u r J « - I > j \ ; i tn rc a le n(. I ; r r j.’-.J ^r<•.';^;^.tfrb if thr f u ' j ' ! lo e n J a s’.r .k e rr-.arknJ

tr\-<><T> Cou:J ie r i 'f s J f j . - l i f s o r.f S a tio : j u a r i '.i.'.:; 'i rA ir , ; H

‘>.-".‘1 Alalw;

r-v uti:

J ••SIT'' f

• r..K * -.5 -Sluw- r,.; •. -

tU' ( : f r rM -jJ i- jr-,K4i'.;r.‘ ,n r a : .l ! - • ' f:

crash- An w orst In th e Indian a ir fo id lan T he four-engine. AN ished p lane w as carry ing 70 n In- --enlisted m en, and a se\ and a w hen th e c raM happene f p r ^ i e h ^ ^00 m iles ntt'th

.an d about iOO m U es^es 5 the w ith China,

Strikers"W e 're getting mot

volved through meeting S teel steel h a u le r s ' and b said tn ic k e rs In other are

ap of " J ’ve been In contact v calat- C alifornia who haiil st« In thc ta lk ing about them gettiisport----- iiA lso,.llls quUc-llkel}

who haul food and pro jkend u s ,” said Hill.:rcent T he w alkout leader s: freely have re leased "untrue m ed” as lo the" sta tu s of theli en o r an effort to “ psych oui

news m ed ia ."It w as ‘,‘T he biggest mill_____ _ B h lp p e d _ 4 7 _ J o a d s .. fectlvc—clD im e<lr’'a n d - |t nisui

said Why, all the compan iclude nation could haul only y and th e s te e l.” . is te rs A l the request of t

S te e l C a r r i e r s As;

ed to inv ger Chc• The Thc c a r was found ear ch fo r Speedw ay, an Indianap ice of Gone wilh her were eanup 16, R uth Shellon. i: it w tio 'T lo m m o n d srif irA trw c I rob- have iK-en w earinu IM'

o range ihiiforms when I arlies T h ere w ere no sl^ns d, bul bu t an off duly em] r who K ring. 17, told police early the re s tau ran t’s hack

slightly open when 1: I the p la c e a t 12:15 a r

fast- N orm ally, It would ha' t;y lhe from 11 p .m . on, unles dt, 20. w as out em ptying trash

been lucnxa L'r for


In the^^___





liar to za or-

incipal disap- In 1977 n. And

'.da'.m rd If the) ird t)>

a.'^i H m 1 s 8 k ^


h B | | h Q m ^ k



. . . I

1 kills 7Ir force's history. The spokeAN.-12 transport w as c lea r at

! 70 soldiers, all the cause oseven-man crew known,

ened a t 11 a.m. In T he deput,r th .of New Delhi sa ld witnessc■vestoftheliorder In 'lh c o lrb e l

short of then

r to t;i5 p rcm ore ’ people In- Youngstown lings In pockets of h a s Issued .

by talking to o rd e r that b: a rea s ,” he said. Ihg wllh o cl with drivers In carry in g coi 1 steel, and w e're In w estern P ;etting involved. A request kely-thosc drivers been fUcd-ln produce ylll Join Common Pk

And in Pli: r said steel firm s M onday wll rue Information” stool firms, heir shipments In perm anent I our men and thc FASH fror

com m erce, ill In Pittsburgh " I 'm def. . ..F cJd ay ," Ulii th is ," said isual!yshlps"50{r— s c n T d with pany rigs In tho Ohio case,, miy 10,percent'o f contacted i

seeking In] 3f the Penn-Ohlo lorneys are A ssoc ia tion o f now.” ,

vest!gat< f burgla

early Saturday in Invcsligal'napollssuljurb. he found Ihtcre Daniel IJavis, Shelton 's Jai

17. and M ark inanaK er'soI w erc hollpvt’d io • • Two-cmpt; their brown and em pty roll oilen they vanished an open safiUns of a stniiii'le, vvheniwllceumployci.. llrN.n |.rol,^.l,lv I let. Ir. discovi.rwlICK diKir standini: 'n he passed Ihc None ofa .m Saturday , ransom denhave iK-en loeked the abductk

iless an employt'c Ll. Williamash. it w as no pra

77 in Iipokesman said the w e a th e r . . ar at the tim e of the c ra sh but i ise of the accident w as not ;

leputy commlB_6ioner_Q( ,Lch nesses saw the p)pne In flam es. : Ir before ft crashed, 555 y a rd s * the runway.

read —itown, Ohio, a federal -judge ued a tem porary restra in ing la t bars strikers from Interfer- ' ih or threatening iti steel- lg companies, including some L*rn Pennsylvania.!]uest for a s im ila r o rd e r has Icd-ln Trumbull Counly-iolUo)— ]n Picas Court.in Pittsburgh, a federal judge y will hear motions from six Irms. seeking lo reacilvatu a lent 1971 injunction preventing

from disrupting in te rs ta te ;rce.

definitely concerned alxiut said n ill ,_ ” W e_were- .n e v e r . . with any papers in (he P e n n --

:ase,. There’s no way they led us thal they w ere even ; Injunctive relief. O u r ' at- > are looking into the m a ile r

itelaryitigators said Krinn told ihein id lhe ca.sh draw ers and I's Jacket on the fUxir and the er's office ransacked, empty currency bags a n d -n r r - roll of adhesive tape lay next to [) safe In the m anager’s qffiee ollce arrived,

ably tes-s lhan t m was laken in lup, authorities sai<l.

of the families receivi-d 1 demands and no w itnesses l<i luetion were found, but I ’oluc Ham Crafton said he w as sure 10 prank.

W;'f ■

' ' ' '

p ’ ® f e 'iM^^"•T Ir

Indian- - One of the wings of.the ti

c ra ft plowed into a hut and young woman, thc official porters.

Leh Iiidio^s -h ip e s t ^ c d te d a t 'a n {iliu^uSc of lifiS:

: 'm ountainous Ladakh prov Jam m u and K ashm ir. The i dotted with Buddhist temf settlem ents and, has recen

I Let 1: Y o u i

• ' i________________

5 i A N ice <

— : W i t h H aL- I C rea te a bi< • c lean-up cii partyw.are.;i ccntc>rpieccc- accessories

I p b cem ats,,t ;r ..........- . : -

'ifmI C«|i ------ --- ----------



IN THE NEW ________ O W N

n m ouh e turboprop reopened lo tou rl; and killed a B ecause or Its

Iclal told rc- w ith wlilch Ind ia In i m - U d a k

lest airfield, popUfttwTbytKff if ,870 feet ia * T h e -p la n e ' ' hi province q( C handigarh, aho

The region Is New IJfelhl, lo r Ut tem ples and In a p ress re le i ecently been it sen t an Inveslii

t Hallmark 1 ur Thahksglc an d Easy T h an H allm ark P arty u: a beautiful Thanksgiving ta b le j p easy. too. with H allm ark pa] a r e . S tart with o u r colorful tu rl p iece and a com plete ra n g e of o ries — banquet plates, n apk in nats, and more! ^

rv ____


UN'Si f i i lA V V C iA fe .


V aI j u j

m m ]I o n

' T m w i l l

I x i t l a s i L - i s n ' t (1

l i i . ' , i r d t h c t ; i r s i

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" T i - u u s \

" W i t h V

f o r i n t h c f i r s t

t o f i n d i n a l o v

■ ' Me

iihtain!tourists. «))f Its proximity to China, e raslIndla-fought a bortjer w ar Thi;adakh ~ls also hc&vily whiley tK ffW d la n tr ta i^ .- - Alrtlil e ' had -takeft' o^^■from arm j . about 140 m iles north of crewfo r Ute flight to Leh. ' .T hI re lease, the a ir force said duty vesllgatlon team to'Leh a s from

c Help Make giving Mem(a n k s g i v i n g T h a i

t y w a r e C a r etab le , a n d m ak e R em em k p a p e r - - * friends i1 tu riiey thoughtic o f m atching o n T h iapkins..cups.

f c r l i' - ^ 2 :



Pennal- f f o C f i w


a n t £ ^

i s t W (i p r o r

n t a s t

^ v i l l i n ” 1 0 m a k e s u m

i ' t o n c o t t l n . - n v H \ ’c n

i r s t t ) r i c s . 1 s t i l l w a n t

. t s w h y r m f i l a d l s w

h V a n t a t ^ c . I j j c t t h c t;

r s t p l a c c . . A n d t h a t v

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■ ^ " F u r n i c A ' . i n t ;

■" l a s t i n ' ; i . i r ^ ;

p i > £ A J b . a

a i . f

Mondayi N ovem borM , 197B" ” T

ISMjn as they received news ( rash. • . •Tho release said the p lane " c r h lle coming In to land al Irtleld, Seventy passengers rm y personnel, and n sevcn-mi r e w w e re o n b o a rd ." .The 70 soldiers’ w ere return

uty nt Leh, 3 fonvard arm y •om vocation, thc re lease said,'

\R ■ ■; ■■ ■ k lorableanksgivingirds.em ber far-aw ay ds and relatives w ith ; ghtful Hallm ark c.-\r<is • jT h u rs d a y . N o v . 2 3 .

■ : ■

___________ IN IE N C E

iWiseH O P P IN G C E N TER • D R U G S __________

g e .o n t

m i s e

t e !

imc concessions, .■n though l'\ c lit a ci>;.ircnc wiih

iwitchcd t 'A ’.intai:_• t.istc 1 ^nl )kcu!I wa.-n t c,!'\

itauc 1' ti'.c

/ i e u t . € y y i .

■ V A N T A C 5 E


Tlmoa-Nowa, Tw in Falla, Idah

A'S of t h e .

: "c rashed 1 a t Leh gers, a l l - . . n-m em ber •

turning to rm y post,aid,' .

• J


i l l

t i i U c


Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI



Peoples TempThe San Francisco shown here. Ooe investigate the teir aw ay from the prob

TOtherfact: \ by Peoples: : SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) ■ I woman from Ukiah, Calif., whei : t>e<^les Temple was first estabi : In California, sa id Sunday sho tr■ m ake h e r own fact-finding trip

religious commune’s Guyana s■ m ent but was turned back by th

burned oul hotel rooms and a. ^ a r d s .

; Kathy H unter, a frce-lancc rpj• hnd wife of a newspaper cxcc ' S aldshew as/o rcedou to fG uyan . M ay under arm ed guard after li ! Ing lo Georgetown and unsucces : ieck lng an Interview with the ; J im Jones. Tem ple leader• founderoflhejunglecom m une

« ; Rep. Leo Ryan. D-CaJlf., a « r oCDen on « /»ef-ffmt(ng mission ; killed In an am bush near the


B u y m c am e from as fa r as Uu lie , Ala., to bid for b u ffah a y early auction In Custer .Stale b u t the p r tie bull u rn l to the Ya SkKix Tribe of Waimer

The South Dakota In b r U>ufcl year-old b l« n *clj;hing alwul pounds for f?00. park dirrclor U Jackaon u i d in a Irlrpbonr Intrr

T he sale was m eanl to rrdix 1,400 buffalo herd, r rp r rv n tin la rgest public herd in th r ruliot

' V — '' l '

i p !


c n m m Y

: - > r - - - x r r : — ^

fA-fl Tlmea-NowB, Twin Faila. Idal

B f - 'm.-

nple headquanisco headquarters of th e Peoples )ne California woman who on( temple and its followers w as f


i-finder see s Temple i

I) '1. m uneSaturday,where the M rs. H unter, 58. s;slabilshed “ f' interview wiih Jfie tried to strange talcs itrip lo the forced labor, bealiina scttie- of Peoples Terly threats, Jones’ form er connd armed Francisco v

o husband. Gi*

w h ic h p r im e d sc v ile r l r a v e l . J » " « 'o n i i m a l local

ccessfully Bul M rs. Hunlerthe Rev. OcorMlottTi becam

idcr and dem ahded lhat a rjne Jones and ol his, ancl four dueled in lhe open .'alon v»m la te r claim thal thethe com- of the ir convcrMtloi

3uyers flo<:U PU - m anaj{rabklc% rl$ Huntsvi Also at the aucik:h at lhe weekend wrrv sixale I’ark, danU of .inimaKp Yanklon attractions lcc.ld<•


o u m a j ■ ■ B r l i jd u b n l i l iT

»r W o irn i d . y . . r h . d - ,o lU K .. ; J .c k x , .N

rdiXT thr v»ralf>rr. pn-plc c; •ntiii*: Ifx- txjftaig aliofi. lo a H rc rip li tolalrO


: ...j

j- 4 . 1

r gItwh


. Id a h o M onday, N pvem borM ,

■■■ ■

— EON0 * ^ Albert

- . iS m i- produc.......... Ire

• • . ■ tha t A----------------. conque

-b d u i .

• I----------


n eccn<


-- "Issi------- nego

conf< an 0 C ast

■ ■ n M U :charj

■ j B I r J p | B B Comi • Invili

i r te r s"We

pies T eu p le is be sconce tried to \va

IS frightnened depeicounl heals

I Wh:area ' action8. said she had .sought , |il Jones to find oul If f ^ lJS she had heard of • ' V *•atings and Inllmlda- m o s cT em ple memlKTs il va,slly rc o m m u n c s In U k la h j ,CO w ere true ,

Gi«orge, is executive;klah Dally Journal, * ieveral stories aboutx a llo n ln lh e lo w n ^unday

Pravdailer said mcmlKTs In Sever;•ame angry a fte r shi* of spa

any Interview wllh alcoholliils m em l)ers be con- crumbs:n. w here no one could tipplersthey h ad IlitJ tor f e j r drunkenItlon b i'ln tilaped The b

3ck to s . I1 inlh ac llo ti bliK-k OUT Ihl- com j>.irfMX burrus. dt-H-vii ISJ-Ijwrl iK us<>d as tourist "Wc >.

a ^i) tn I h r IU.Kk anij ifi.

.Wl fniu;U rn . i h J l rf>:istrn-d.(i iU t I'u m idfT in^: lb«- |,^Jtl,Id. ov rrrav t an;l a t ! ! ' ij ir - ,

■ Ih " ' i can ic tu bu> ^

IrO a!..u l 1171

i 4 JEftfiME

SjFM iK~ T N O s " ru ii ■

/ ' — 7W uT|j ! * ! j ' f f —

MorouIWUCKTo arwts / V a ictur l i J K V

« U n

I CM ------- ■■>nr. .........«

■ 11 I


H it le r ]"BONN, \Vest* G erm any (UPI) jbert Speer, the fo rm er N a z lj ■oducllon chief,. s a id :S u r id a y ^ at Installm ent of h ly new m em i a t Adolf H itler rea lly intended nq u e r the United S tates ai bduing Europe.

K lir tW a ld h e iNEW YORK (U P I) - Unite.

Gcn<;ral K urt W aldheim said S u "in principle" an Invitation to indicated he intended to couple Vietnam .

He also said, during an app "Issu es and 'A nsw ors--program negotiation? bctw een lsroe t and conference Involving all parties I an overall com prehensive setU E ast.

Cambodian F oreign M inister I charges of m assive hum an rigl Com m unist govenunen t In Ph Invited Waldheim " to como a n eyes.” the secre ta ry general sa lt

"1 have accepted in princlp "W e have not yet se t a da te for ti; be se t through reg u la r dlplomatli

Waldheim added th a t " the d depend on the ou tcom e" of ' » u n tr ie s in the region ^ includi fie a lso wants to see.

W hether W aldheim would be Vietnam and Cam bodia on the !]uestionablc.

emperate old in Sov10SC0V|'‘(UP1) - Soviet Journal: Ily Peskov has told all he kno> ut drunken pigs, alcoholic sp t s and a dog tha t Is a one anlm I perancecrusade eskov wrote alw ut his observ IS of anim als and alcohol In t: .day edition ol Komsomolska; ivdacviTal years ano, he found o flo sp a rro w s th a t h a d beco r

Jhollc tx'cau.'.o they w ere fed bre, mbs dippiHl In vodka by I x )lcrs wbo wanti'd lo watch I nkcn sparrow s for enlertainm eni he birds just like peopl

Dakota1 a per head a \ r r j i ; c uf S44 IJi.irt-rl Ici last IIJXT hvddrtc sold a liltle i-.iriicr this >r.i

IJic .mim.ils u*-rv liK^itrr, k -in N.iid. adcJitii: that 2to of ih fnu ;;i Kjld u r n - c a h o . :<• \rjrh r:» :i j ;k1 tfn- ^•^t cu»s jn

llirri- u j i J K.- uf if-.lf-.TNt in l^ i>i ITir wvr.l for rflKAJl r 1 .1-.! th .il J p r in


* j i ( i A < ^

p l a n nP lT "!: Speer said HlUer ll w a r envisaged a rm adas < jfi’ lijc ' m arines a ttack ing-th t ?molrs 'l ^ e United Stales,-w l led t& bom bers deslroycxl Ai

a f te r from e ir bases seized in HlUer, described bv

! i m p l a n s v i s i t

Ited NiiUons Secretary- ' ' ■Sunday he h a s a c c e p t^ f lto visit Cam bodia and I

)le 11 with a stopover in > I

ippearance on ABC-TV "

nd E gypt a G eneva style - - es is n ecessary to obtain • : ' ;tUement in the Middle M

;r leng Sary , reacting to I rights violations by the ■Phnom Penh, recenliy I and sec with your own I>aid. I:ip le ." W aldheim said. ■rth a tv ls it .T h e d a te w ill ■atic channels.” I> d a te of the visit will ■if con tacts wllh other Iudlng V ietnam — which I

X allowed to visit both he sam e trip remnlned

€ dog's ta met paperlallst dragging Ihclr wings nows stum bling around and spar- Peskov said ilmal Then he met a pig wh

addicted to the sugar Ix crva- to m ake home-brewi*d vi 1 the And he m et some ( kaya frequently becam e drun

t>T>cs of mash from flock brews:om e But Top. the dog. w; iread tion. according to the rej local Peskov said the dog. w I the living Un the home o enl provided a double benef ople. Ing drinking and keepln,

th f riv IT clean of bollles IJehind the fores te r 's I

said ho foundacollectioi I.UX) vodka and Ix r r boi hraj)

"They worv l*r.>ouhl ^ the fo rrs trr viid

U-licvc n ir . Jusl t;iKc liottlrs to th r r i s r r anij t

Th,- ”Thr dog rrtunxM v

lind up a d o in i m orr divcart;

r : ,■ICT


ti. ■ J i

A lso

n i e d a i t itie r told .him h<^ logical am las of g ian t. Eub: .an.uprlslD , g the coastlines of A m ericans 9, - while* Luftwaffe - victorious- id A m erican cities from Latin ;ed in the Azores. Yonkeedoi d by Sneer-as “ il- Speer, r

•it t o r a v a g e d C

K U R T W A L _ . . . U . N . s e i

.alei rIngs In the sand, and falling over.

g who had U'conio a r Ix f l ma.sh u.scd ■e'd vodka, me chickens who drunk eating other from home-made

i;. was an Inspira- w reporter k)g. whom he found ne of a fon".ter, xmefu — dlscourg- ■eplng the hanks of >ltlesc r 's houM-, I’nk o v MTtionof more than •r txjltlfs piird in a

■oitht b r r r hy th rviid "If >ou duiit . .:aKc one ol lh<-M- U panij t<>v II inlo Ihr ■ ■ W

HavetM u .ih th r trs j - u j - ,(j'jriit picknil ucardrO vodka and ^


) T o n ig h I6 :0 0 p m 7 : 0 0 p m I

1 0 :0 0 p m 1 0 : 3 0 p m

a m

I t a c k c^ and Irrational,” also spoke of prising by ’’lO.mlUion G erm an- ricans” and support, th a t .a ' rlous Thlrd-Bciclr could expeci Latin America revolting aga inst eedom lnatlon, . .wr, now 73, rem inisced aboul

1 C a m b o d ia

/ A L D H E I M . s e c r e t a r y

B l i

r o

J Wp l H

Hey Kids...Havo you s e e n th e My sh ipped from th e North Pc

S ee h On The Blue La


h t o n CheBour miDii SHOW

i r m E HOUSE ON M



m m

o n U .lo f H itler and his hypnoti

in - p c rw ;ia llty In a se r . a ' nfew ^aper'W elt ^ Sor

?c l--h is to rian s read-w lth ^ nsl because of Spw r’s cn

H itler’s closest friend anti )u l Speer granted th a t li

H itler’s p lans to ru le lh has lo take into account I

- | bom bast, Jove of thea tric sophistication - “ He

< restra in ed and unpoli; S-jear-old child,”

- “ It Is true he did not th fo r 'w o r ld mostery Ihh end ," Speer'w ro te . "B m uch evidence tha t he

■ p lans seriously. H itler’s c subjugating America wt random thought."

............Speer said Hitler told Ih ad conquered Europe lely would begin a gigar m ent cam paign to ovc U nltedS tates.

"B efore the Americans re a rm a second tim e we v ahead they rtever will be up ," Speer quoted HlUer a

“ These Jewish demo< have shown any detenri wUl not sacrflce Uielr n addition their soldiers a r HlUer told Speer.

"H e went on lo say t v ictory In Europe we wo Industrial potential of mc million m en available, i don’t take into conslderal and Ita ly , tha t Is twice as U nlled S tates has.

'l i i i i i i

| | H '

M ysterious looking ci P o l e ? . . .L akes Shopping Mall!


G r e a te s t ^ H e r o e s o i ^ A e B ib le

a n n e l 1IW


I _____________________

1 ;noUc, dom inant se rie s In ihe Sonntag, which i

H g rea t interest credenU als--as

I and confidant.I t In discussing e Uie world one - unt Uie fu eh re r’s itrics and lack of 3e was a s un­polished a s a

)tU iink his p lans *• lhix)Ugh to Uie ' "B ul th e re is '

. he took these r ’s conception of1 w as not som e

old him a f te r he ‘ pe he im m edia- [Igantic rearm a- overpower Uie

:ans.can begin lo we will be so fa r be able lo catch

le r as saying, im ocra ts never ;erm lnatlon and ir m am m on. In s a re cow ards.”

ay Uiat a f te r a ! would have an f m ore Uian 300 Ic. Even U you oration England2 as m uch a s the


c r a t c


' . M .




Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

V ,V‘ '-‘*^J ‘ . M • ••

A u t o m o t i v e h e i r W a i t


NORFOLK. Va. (UPI) - Waite C hrysler J r . was 47 years old be he could give full tim e lo what becom c the ruling passion of his 11 a r t collecting.

Now. a t C9. the automotive p resides over Norfolk's Chrj M useum, which houses the i inclusive a r t coUcctlon In tho S< Almost every Hem in 11 was pers Ily selected and bought by Chry R anging from Old Kingdom E k>-] C arte r Contemporary, It Is one o: few g rea t public collections A m erica with soul,

" I t 's my soul." said C hrjsler. lives In Norfolk about five monl year, although New York h his : residence. " I t ’s nol Just ant museum. I f s a personal stalem er

Chrysler, presidenl of the boai trustees. Is In charge of thc m ui

■ again a fte r delegating the d ir




- • _ r _

i . i i i i j

a l t e r P . C h r y s l e r a n d

^ loves i>HIP rshlp for two yearWalter P . specialist M ario Amd before a leave of absence. Chat had A m aya as " a very ills life— but obviously the>

ferences. Chrysler,Ivc heir genial man. has j Chrvslor rn«rcurlal tem peran le m S The of a sell e South ^ “ Shl out the

lnl923.ChrysIerbou? rv s le r “ '*’a ‘<-T«>lotS t o fe^hcr gave him for;fcg>-ptio O n a lr lp to P d r is a f i

*" P icasso and began tc He has owned 375 P

iler. who m any have been solenonlhs a collection purchaseshis legal " I 'v e used so mucanother collection to divcrb

■meni ” collecllon.” Chr>sltboard of lha l he once tradedm useum bought for WM for Sdlrecto- of pictures.

lo o rs L ig


rI - ^K - r --------PiTTs:V already (

banking . g rocery ,

the touch • to pcrton

altax tliT ! ■ J Now, 1


esoteric f 01

i i : . : . ._ _ ____ UPL _ .

n d t o m b e f f i g y

artears to veteran a r t - JAmaya, said to be on :e. C hryslerdescrlbes B Ty creative person ," K Ihey had their dlf- ■ ■ :ler, a rotund and IS a reputation foe

self-taught engineer thc Dodge Motor Co. bought his first a r t - B | E olor - with WOU his B | for his 14th birthday. i a few years later, he

by Matisse and in to buy their works.5 Picassos, althoughsold to flnancc other [ ^ , .'

nuch of niy pcTsonal i'crbify thc m useum 7 sler .said, adding led a Picasso he had or SI G million worth

f i ^ t h a s s


! j o m p iBy GEORGE L O R E N Z

T T S m C ; ! 'U P D - Thej ady 'dole out your cash a t 24-houj dng windows, zip you through « ry checkouts and allow you, ai »u ch of a few calculator buitons j f o r m m athematical gym nastic; jctlm e.)w, if assorted professors anc luate students a t thc U niversity o; sburgh tiQV.c.thelr_way,.compulen ■ m ove In .a considerably m on eric field, ;Ve a rc pioneering tho use of th.(


.. R O C K E R S

R C * - L I T T O N

K j Q K v Q n j R R B Q ^ ^

■ I M M O m - A R »

7 ^ / M


[ r / -


so m e flu i

. ■ B i

u te rs tcom puter a s a tool for mi

tiey w ant to composc electro our . says music professor Rol ugh “ We’re ' so rt o f a t th , a l between cver-imprbvint >ns, tiechnology and the crealtics Im nuslc^______ _

Squirrelled away in the and (he Music Building a l P itt

of a hondAil of co lleag u e a ;ere ^ . .w jth a J I^ ta l.L S M l coir ore hooked up w ith a roomfi

synlhesliers. the Although syntheslzier


m 2 s *» ROCK a t > s


> .. R E C L IN E R S %:r LA Y AW AY

/ f \ \~ W H IB L P O

mtM S T B O M O - l A

b r t * r s t r f c V r t f i S A i ' . k r

m g n o o t

to conj r m usicians who been a s ta p lectfonlc music.” som e Ume, Ir, Robert Morris, p u le r conne<I the Interface c rea tiv e vl&tjbving computer m usicians Inicreative Impulse e lectronic m u_______ _____ As_MQrrlS-

a the basement of p u te r Is proI Pill, Morris nnd score,". lhos<abs a re tinkering com binations LcflmpuU^.thnt's .fo rm lhc_fouj x m fu l of analog piece. W ilh i

ou t the b a s ic Izer music has fre e to lm p ro \



\%AoyiKER RECLINIsta rtin g F rom

$ |g g o o"Ifil'sa La-Z-Boy

we've got ii ’’

W A L L R E C L IN E I f A Y N O W F O R C H R

■POOL - S O N Y -

L A -Z -B O Y - G U «

I -V

* ■

) th e r l i£ ^


M onday. N ovom bor20.1678

m p o s €s tap le of rock and Jazz for o me, M orris thinks, the com-ronnectlon m ay open new c

vl&tas, e s j^ la l ly for those tlas Interested In progressive ^Ic m usic. t( o r tis_ d esc iIb esJi_ lh c -co in -— u 5 program m ed to play " athose basic rhythms, lone n

itlpns or-chord ,changes*ihal UC-ioundaLlDii-of.anyr m usical - aVllh the com puter knocking e^ I c s , thc composer-Is then tlnprovlseandem belllshoivtop u



■ - J V C - B O P t I

nU t S T M A S T E R -

w .

I* -

h t b e e r h

C 0 (

578 Tlmo8-Now8, Twin Falla, W

e f f i u s iofthescore .

" In a sense, we a re _u com puter as an Intelligent though, of colirse. It is nc Morris. "Like any compowr, lo come up with a score — ai

—w haltho computer proeram I "The computer can take c£

m ore mechanistic aspects of th c n ^ t l t lo n of a note.or whi allowing • th e -c o f f lp o s e n ( e g r e s s himself. It m akes thi tlon clearer between sheer I things and aesthetics," he sal



■ER - J E M N A I R ^




l a s .


e w in g lhe ■ •It perform er, s not," said )ser, we have - and th a t Is am<e c a re of thc Is of m usic —: w h a tev e r— n o ^ W o M y - s the d lstlnc- • ■ Ecr technical csald.


R ^

/ICEfERY ■'r E B

5 .

la, Idaho A-7 .

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

H o t tu b c raze hac

| B ^ B Dear A


© ByChlcagoTrlbune-N .

DEAR READERS: As Thanksgi' ilzxUuI of m y m any b ltts tngs. rivUege of w riting ihls column. Al t u t half a dozen heart-wannerB. ne w ith you:

DEAR ABBY: Our problem dau| way from hom e 14 m onths ago. SY N £h Ume for aboul a year. — sktpi lie, and lying to us constantly, Ai a rm e d out of lhe house w ith ony t ^edldn 't have a clue a s to w here sh Only a paren t who has lived

Ixhlm arc can realize w hat wc wen

M O N D A YTwin Falla B talness and Profi

m eets a t Sunn>-Mcw Courts at 7 p

P arenU Without P a r tw n h hostess Ruby Jocns, 45 Clinlon p o rjec ls >tju have for i*hni C hristm as c ards BnnK sn jcks

Company I free acllni{ workkh a t Robert S tuart Jun ior H i^ S< building th r o u g Nyv 27 II R obert S tuart, wilt conduct al workshop ts open to the puMii-

T»-ln FaUs senior c il i im i /■„. m ac

YFCA aerob lc i jotiCir.*: m * i p ,m a t Harm on p a r t an;j !rL:: m em bers C lo r i : w eek.s

YFCA i^ lm )oulh Ir iv r-,» < p aren t and tol. 9 to lOa rn . tj-.*;., 5 p m

YFCA dalJ) lap r* im farr,,:'.swim F ree for rr.p.T .>n I ; : i i n4-U »4fortr.'o rr-.j;)^n

Silver and Coid Q ub jBlr.go a f .r r t .> rr.w,;.-,^ Sir - f j n i i

JR 14 C B 'n r. .1 H .cir-, V , ••.— i ; . r.

^TCA, T» J5 pgu •ln>;!r<J S - ; arr.-K-,'tk-.t ; >.• ; r , :

T w L iF iIlj I _ in r» i parkL-.fi L f f.— ,Apart.'Tver.tj t: •R e lirrm rr.; O r .t r ; fr * : Retirf.Tirr,; i,>r >.• !,• ••Home J V ;i . t . . : frx>fn 3 ill < .1. ;N orm . 4 4: 1- ! .V;,,;-. . .

TOPSM onCj^.Mtr-'tT T - • } . .

or 71i Xi:-.-

HcaJlh l>rp; !*r . .. ; * (or r» r r ) -iDr > . . . . . H u ;x -rt , C f c z : ; i .•

H raJlh l>fp! : r , - _C a ij;a 1a.'id l-:rx"v«:nI ' •-•••.

HeaJlhlJep* U c u d p r r ta - 't u •• C'<Mnl> ■I'cKXit.i CtiurlN.«aK^ ;* f . ' r . ' flriJ * rtj th u d .IU lir> (ran) I U> J;i

HcAllh rn > ( tmrrrA: Scciind.M K T - . f , » , i i

llea llh !>(%>! ir r - ij. *;».r

k-6Tlme»>Nowa. Twin Falls , Id a h o .

h a s b e e n p r o f i t a b l e f<


(^bby apiW B U R E N offr-N .Y .Synd.Inc. . po

ncksgiving draw s n ear, I am ih igB. Among them Is the I. Almoel dally I receive a t v.« 5FB. T oday 1 w ant to sh a re wi


d augh ter, not qu ile 17. ran ^ 5, She had been giving us a y,.( ■kfpplng school, s tyalng out /. Afler a noisy scene, she ny the c lothes on her back, su e she went,^ed through this kind of wen: IhrouRh, Afler a year

W sir

Professional W om en's Club 17 p m

have crafl wiihlion I j n e . «t M p m H nns ■hriilma.s or tirm^; vour C ks pi

flrkkhop from 7 ,n to I'j p :7i h School sjMvial c'tJui-.iiK.ri :d Unit, d r ji i i .1 lc ..ih .-; y I aluii>: \»iiti . i i tu r . Tf,.' y

i /'.,n r i-rads > r. Cl> (V

1-* Uvr.-. I a if.n;::: rv»-. !n ! - rv. S -.

■.» 4 lo 1, p a.; :r ,r.> • ;

Tk » ,rn - . j ,

: j fo.' nr.-r, r:.r.~.:<:-5 .

• - n i r r . f . - , • ■ ■ ■ ; ,

: r- • ,1 . . . I-

-k f r- r .; . .-1 . (,■

ft.tr • ■

Ho_ M onday, N ovB m ber20, ig7i

M e ]



z f o r ‘ B a r r e l W o r k s , ’ a

)preciatesof hcartachcs and sleepless nl( police lo give up ond’fls-suine s never give up. We continued to tha t she’d re lum lo us one day.

Well, our p rayers were answe wc received a telephone call fr w as a volunteer wilh Operation (We live In Michigan.) We were read of tho toll-free number In t she wanted to let us know lhat s Fort Lauderdale. Fl:i.l The vol would call them a p in on (he foil hod n m essage for her.

We told Uiem we i*ould wclcoi Sure enouRh, she calk-d us ih W’onderfu] and said sJie was wi school lo finish her educalion. Oi daughter Is comiSn lo spend Tha

r i l l t eInfanls and cfiildren, firs! apixjinlmcril in Twin F alh , 7.>l

T U E S D A YSojourners havr a !u:u ()'•- .

(■«i-.t is C .Mrr.u u N i lp ruv iJc a musical ifi>r rt'MTv.ilK'iu

P a r r r . l i \S UJkiuI I ’a rt; irf» ;• - M or<I.\r,r TJ.:r. JMtv. M iO r r a l r f M , - } .Uf-.

Tvnn K »I'' Hra.'jc^ w t w •('<.;ic »:r (■' ,•• I

) .-

T « l-3 K*;;: ^

Trr*-» Sucv H.-**

\ } \ \ i . ~

T u p s \ v ;

p .

^ V .,- ) , ,

1878 , ______, '

y K j

R / ' A

/ a s o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i

3S receiviriS nights, we w ere told by lhe me she was dead, Bul parents )d lo scarch and hope and pray lay,inswered when, out of the blue. • all from someone w>ho said he llion Peace of Mind in Houston.A cre told thal our daughter had r In lhe Dear Abby column and lhat she was well and happy In le volunteer said ou r daughter ic following m orning In case we

clcome a collect call from her,IS th e next dayi She sounded as working and gomg lo nl>Uil )n. Our story has an ending (Jur 1 ThankskJiving with u s’

of Itic i -.h . t \>,7.>l

U r; , : '. ' ^ : l:i ' .1:1

• - . I f ',Vr .. *

f e

n l a m a n u f a c t u r e r

ing the fnc Abby. will youpleasepubll. s so o ther runaway kids can es y Ihfelr families? Our daughlei

column wilh lhe number p< j. • n inaw ayshungoul. e We will nver be able lo th; 1- the happiest Thanksgiving wi d d

DEAR GRATEFUL: With e toll-free number: 800-231-6M(

An operator will lake y( r p aren ts an)-where In the U <j from you. There w’lll be no n Your call will not be traced. ,r asked; "Doyou need anylhlr

w here you can get It. free,

h D (b i

p.ifk A p ,.rtn ..' | ) r u . - \ ir j» i r l K n .td , i 4 :t( j

W E D N E S D AV n 'A «rn?tilcs}ojycinj{ f f

*• <■> p TTT ftrr- n

VM’\ I,-:'!- ir.

Al \r*,mKan;U)h Uw K .ril P;---*-,.:--1 :.'n :.r v r. ;

: . ■ - J ’ , . ; . f.

Vf ' A t i l c!fcLxt rr. u , Ikx*- W t . . , : r.-,,T.

T - ' f »,.»

T - ' > i „ i W r

p»* * : . - - v


■ H o. .B y i i lC H /

LOS ANGEl skyrocketing p

U continues, the with hot w ater te s ld e the avoc a s Callfomla Ir;

Of the soaking tubs in about 48,000 an In the southern]

Mosl'conslrui the total yc

.. E ven by > hod-been sold, y e a r and the common amon^

theM artin Shadwl

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ : ~ ~ H [ l i r h o m e ,y ea rs and I don

"Petftilc say popular In olhei

canover big In Iowa

U oyd KurU,

heart-warpublish tha t toll-free num ber agal an establish com m unications wit ighler said that she had seen you e r posted near'le lephones wher

lo thank you enough for giving u n gw e’vo ever had!


With pleasure. Runaways, call Ihl 1-6M6,ce your call and telephone you ^e United S tales with a messag « no lecturing o r recrlmlnatlonj iced. And only one question will b ylhlng?” If you do, you will be toi' free, 1 repeat, no attem pt wUl b

m(S\nrtn .riils , 4 1.1 .n p rn , K jrl d u : j j p iij , M.i.'-lv iM ark.i'l

)A YiKfrM rTww..:itnip,n . , ; u l 40 In

P. for i : v».t K

..n j 4 '

- ,',.^ rP ,rr^ ,l.• ‘••,.:rr...-. 1 -;ri P j :;-.«r. : ».• jrt- • >

*; : v

1 : • ■ • ■ i r

i: I - ‘ ■

: ' ■ ■ , I I .


o t tubs:LICHARDM.TOSCHES - W( NGELES (UPI) - If th e w ilng popularity of ho t -tubs - t o , the redwood barrels filled w ater m ay lake Ihelr place J avocado and nude beaches ^ 'n la tradem arks, An

estlmnled 50,000 c ir c u la r ' tujabs In existence nationwide, ' M100 a re In California — m ost salLhem part of the sla te . «>| instruction sources esUmatesbc years ago a l about 100, (o.last year, fewer than 1,000 "Bsold. The boom began Ihls '.Itci

1 lhe tubs_ have btecome Mfimongexecutives. - oilk they’re fabulous,” said 1 fiadwick from his Beverly [ ^ “ I 'vy iia 'd mine for'tw oI don’t know how I ever did Uoi

spl: s a y hot tu b s will b e c o m e ofcI o lh e r p la c e s bu l th e re ’s no 15t c a n ’t p ic tu r e th e m go in g n iaI Iowa," repiu rtz , o w n er of T h e B a r re l lis t

irm e rs ’r again n iad e to contact you o r b :s with o< your «g»- n your If you a re a runaway, where send a m essage lo vour p

tonight and so will you. ^Ing u s T hanskgivlng you’ve had

IIGANP .S. Operation P eace i

ago by a handful of pi all this support of the governor I

approxim ately 240,000 a c your fam ilies th a t they a re ok essageallons. Problem s? You'll /eel will be chcst. F or a personal re be told Angeles, Calif, 90069, wUl be addressed envelope,

m fp j r l Y FC A B w im : p a n -n l an k i’l p til

O v e r r a le r s A nonym ous B a p tis t ("hun-h

H a g e rm a n a re a C*hrlit4 0 In stu<5y fn im in lu II 30 a

v»*t K P v e rv o n e vl,»•lalrn(•

T^»l^ F a lls W eight Wat;.I'l'l KpAaijial C hurrhon Hlu<-

T » ln F a ll* ken lo r cl !<• T7-.ar.kj»:iv;r,^

- i • i H ra l th D rp t im m u n lra f i r i ! TT;-jrsda> o.'-J.v, Jn Jf .'v jrr .r. 1 la 4 p m . f ir

j-xr-: Jr:x,;T.r{',y '-.:\

H r i J ’J i D rp t t)lood p rr : : p rn , tr.i.'-d TT.u.-via

1 lo 3 p m , F ; ri i . . r r . v r : ' j . - r B.:.^; I

ccJ> t.rr.. f c ; '. ; f m s c r r , t r ;

; : v H e*JL *iD rpt v r n e m J C

F R ID A YT »;r, F*::i terJ'.r

; •• V l f . .J c v T s C-*. .

•i ^v 'A i» ;r r , . i . :

* ' H f i . - , I>r^: ’. . '-•jtim ■ ' ■ ; ^ r ,: ‘•t.-.r-; }

I*r;4. . r ' r . ' r i ; ,

T» .-, » i - .t L : . - : ' . ii

S A T U R D A Yy .J t- : * . r , V iU ,--.

I f j - V r

: - ■ M .: 1 ■ -


>:neweWorks in Los Angeles, sa id h com poiv will net S2.5 million t

-from_p’roducnon.iand-Iastall the tubs.

It tak es less than two hours a tub wilh seven-fool clrcum Another hour Is needed to a ss tub a t home and one or two 1 add wooden decks around ll said lh e average cost Is $2,0 some going a s high a s {5,000,

"This rise In dem and wUl’i to a point, then level off,” Km "Bul 11 won’t stop as long as keep moving and buying Many people buy homes h e r e . aho t tub before they move In,’

The tubs a re bull l of redwooc has been known to last_lS( under w ater with’very little de tlon, K urtz said. O ther woods I split a n d fall apart a fte r 10 o r ] of constant use.

The Los Angeles a rea m anufacturers and distribute report brisk business and a list In m ost cases.

or b ring you back hom e — reg;

lay; I b eg you to forget tho p{ ur parcn ls now. T hey will sleec ^ u . And you will a ll have U had in years. God b less you.

ice of M ind w as established flv f public-spirited vo lunteers w w r of T exas. To d a te they have W calls from runaw ays, assurli ;okay. Beautiful!

feel b e llc r If you get them o J reply wrile lo Abby. Box 697 69, P lease enclosc stamped

1 and lo t, 7 lo B p tn . a d u ll, 7

0U5 m « f ( s a l 7 :iu p rn in t h r F

irlitla rt W o m en 's C lu b lia s B; JJ a m C all H,t7-I401 fur lixrat:

A a tch e rs iTicft al 7 .t-i p in iil l i u - i - l k r s

c l l l ie n s ci'i'.liT IS i lo s i t l

I lla tio n c lin ic l lu l ; i , y ici 11 a healtf i a n d A f l 'a n - bu ild ;

firsl arHl thir<l H iu r v l j .v s o; ►-■UW

p m s u r r c lin ic s ';<>>-l;r;^ II

■;rsl‘ T>---rviav o:-,:v. hc..:th , 1 to : p rr; , s.-c.rv.l T h u rv

r.tf .'

Ai d '-U i'l; a,-,.! p.'evT - ; r .P a : :» i ; !o> .i r:; ,7>C.*X I

s - .il ’j p r \ r:,r.-.

c;;r.:c 7 - :, f . i i : - , . ' ;

■i; c;:.'..c " .

, IV... „ r . . . . : r-..-.


\]__T .

s&tlid h is.sioall • - ion this year s ta lla tio n o f---------

aurs tohu lld tu m fen iice . - I assem bly a wo hours to Id It. Kurtz$2 ,000 , with 00, ■ _ ^Urciontinuc K uttz said,

Ig a s pefiple ng houses. . ^ e re and add :ln ,”wood,wblch ; _ 1 5 0 _ y e ^ _ ede te rto ro - txls begin to lo r 15 yea rs

ea has* '22 ibutor8<-All 1 a w ailing '

regard less

lo p a s l andJeep b e tte r______'c the best1.


dflveyeoirs rs wiUi the lav e placed surlng Ihelr

m off yoor : 69700. Los iped , self-


I, 7 to H

i r F irsl

.!s B ib le ! x ra tlon j

I 111 liie ]

■<■<1 fiir j

il a III .J ild ;:;.;, s onl>,


Ith ^r;.! ■

p.'evuib: .*xi '

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI


i;ONDON (U Pl) - When w i ^ e n ls and spring returns, ter mUllons of enthusiasts will dig gardening, a hobby whose ontli v N u S a s t o i ^ i ^ t o f them.• Qardens- and garten lng , says

- t ^ n y Hipdcy. tipye b y n with n» t least 3,500 yeara. More than tha

-sayfl, neariy every totil and techr used today, every gardening Idei noOon, has roots Ihbiisarids'ofv deep.

“ Thcstudent of the ways and m of gardening cannot fall to be om by how lltUe Is really new and m uch is astonishingly old."

S e l f - h eByDEBRABEACHY

MEXICO CITY (U PI) - “ Yc a ro a n neurotics here. Welcon

J 'le u ro U a s—A nonym ous.-^soys ywmg; pretty w oman who ans the door of a n old, dilapidated I onTeoccloStrctft; .

Inside, a sm all group lii attenU y to o balding. 30ish, bes o d e d m an named Gonzalo a s he o f his b a t t l^ o overcome nri obse Jealousy obout his wife.

A lisp mokes him hard to d erstand but the audlcncc I

M ob battle s iVANCOUVER. B.C. (U PI

G eorge Potey w ants lo sell his p 413- old, chipped, red-cluy bi Asklngprlce:W 13,000."B u t these a ren 't Jusl any old bi

Oncc,-When - assem bled, tiuiy-w 7-by-ll-fool woll lha t seven Ch g angsters stood against on Fel

' ' K E E P



i m


holida' $ l , 5 0 i 3 mon

Dia l F i n aW» Cto’l I T<> tn

n ? r.tfi-.'i W rit

le n in cIN - Huxley's massiv n w inter lustra ted History

tens of leaves the convlci dig Inlo nothing new under I

antiquity The British edlUo recently In associat

says An- Royal Horticultura luftfor at ■ A m ertoan^U on-fai I lhat, he Paddington- P ress ' cchnlquc G rosset& t)u^ap~t2 Idea and Huxley’s Is not a * of years Its blend of scholars

incidental Informal id m eans to the amazing num ) amazed give In to tha l “ Ir and how have plants ah)und.

He says 51 perc

e l p c e nIf forward, trying to“ Yes, we w ords a s c igarette! Icom e to along faded green soys—th e— faded yellow plastic

answ ers When Gonzalo is i led house w arm round of appi

Then H ilda, tl I listens answ ered the door,

bespect- she Is overcomln s he tells complex ond how obsessive m ade her feel like i

Is roundly applaudo J to un- The group rises :e leans p ray e r: "God g ran t

site wall for S(U P I) - 1929 a s they w ere r tiisp ilco f death In a battle f bricks, c lty ’sc rtm crack c lj

They aro w hat r id bricks. Valentlne’sD ayM ay-woro-a----- Patey,-a-travelI Chicago the bricks slncc 11

Feb. 14, down In 1968.


rA L K INEvery We

Mom a t 9:1

J o in T e r ry Tai g u o s t fo r a n ir

S m V p b u t in te re s tln ( s o m e t im e s c(

B t V y g s ia l. d is c u s s lo t o d a y 's t o p l c j

^ A p r o g r a m <f o r y o u r

II y o u

. . . g o t in '

: 733-7512

T 14St

lEST-Ff■ Special ge l 'acqi day offer lets you borrc 5 0 0 withou t in te res t fc lonths.

lance C

g r o o tsslve new "Art' ll-‘ househo)ry o f ^ a r d e n ln g ” Ing:.. thlivlctlon that there 's gardeneler the gardening sun. In Billtlon was published househoelation with B rita in 's garden"ural Society and the fa r behii n^>y-New YuU-tjased . . -pe iw iife ss_ td istrtbuted t? y ‘ Denm arp$24.»). Huxle;t a “ how-to” book, but • farfbus ilarship and delightful sa>^ aptmatlon should appeal our garclum ber of people who bonfrdig“ Instinctive u rge to P a lrtlltl

md.” - - • The ajcrcent of A m erican and led;

i t e r s g ito catch cach of his accept

ttesm oke drifts lazily the cou !cn walls and row s of t*an an isllc chairs.------------------- d lfferer1 is finished, th ere is a - F rom ipplause. p e o p le :

the w om an ' w ho o ffsho t•or, gets up to tell how Anonyninlng an inferiority has gro<how being divorced alone ike a failure. She, too, C uem a\uded. . “ Here'ises and reclles a from rii•ant us the serenity to workers

sale 1—re machine-gunned lo lie for control of the kels. ' Iat rem ains of the St.M assacre Wall,

T l agenl, has owned * ------c the wall was torn

M G ' 'Weekdaym ing j

9:00 iT a r io a n d h is n im partia l ting, a n d 3 c o n t r o v e r ­s io n of )lcal e v e n ts .

n d o s i g n o d

l o r t i c ip o t i c n .fC o c o m m e n t

In v o lv o d I


> 0

cquain ted rrow up lo [ for

^ n

• t s r u riseholds “ t;arry oiit 'som'e gordcr :. thls means roughly 80 mliilo ■dene^s."™ Britain "80 perccnt of a] iseholds have some kind of privat d e n " 'and other countries a re no behind - .7 0 percent in Ireland, G e en t-ln -H o lland, b j fk:rcerit I)im a rk ^ ----------------------...luxley, a ' mem ber of a worl fojis scientific and litera ry family 8 ap a r t from plows “we can trac gardening tools right back to th

iOK llg^g implemeilts- of late r tllth lc times, from 40,OOQB,C." he ancient Egyptians lised tool I techniques still In everyday use

j i v e h o ]:ept the things we cannot chang I courage to changc the things v 1 and the wisdom to know U

i^om a tiny group founded by th r )ple In Mexico City in 1976 ns j sh o t th c U.S. Alcohol i( onymous. Neurotics Anonymoi } grown to 17 groups In the capIL ne and others in Monterre; im av aca and G uadalajara.H ere we gel all kinds of peopli m rich to poor, professionals I •kers," explains Alberto, who sal



( f i' M



• A d e i 'c o i^ ly• F a b r ic 5 5 * . a c o f• N o I ty n o o » y c o re• Co 'o ' ( o \ t , tu m b le• S^iodci o* vshiic b'• C l io o v o l tu - 1. iK c CT

NOW -THRU ^ NOV. ^22nd

S A L Es t a in l e :• = ‘ . I : o• C . - , I

R E C U L A R IY 2 9 .9

f tK H IO R C tT lllH t: 1

" I

' i Wden- Homer wrote" about gar llion ■ den t Romaps, like ti

dwellers, "grew" -plant d]) dowsllls, balconies and n>

/o te “ In recalling prlmillvt not of cultivation, one Is r

1, C7 njan’s. constant instinct: In ' liuve plants a ^ u n d nin

. - those tha t a re m ost atlra< b r id ' “"d lo grow Uiem lo thelily, PblHty.” Huxley says___•ace "Oyr gardens a rc cd Uie primeval green world ir

Qter . Jinccstors lived and evol\ which we a re all too bus'

ooisuse Huxley has been a gard

• p e t o rmge. h e 'h e lp e d found the s wc suffering traun ja caused

the o fa ^ n , _______________

Ihree clasa. But h e re insideIS an equal.”ol ics A slip of paper explainnous Anonymous ask s: "Do yip ltal neurosis Is? N eurosis is tTcy, It Is an emotional 11

characteristic symptom:jple, and nervousness."s to Both (jonzalo and Hiisaid tried p sy c h ia tr ic hei

lO W N T O W N



l0C«* »ob'tf<lo*H:o f a i« . 35*» f iy lc m o n d 1 0 * . n ire , n io c t 'i ’jp w o ih o b lo le d ry o r d r ip d ’ f b o n e g o 'd g r c i . - i o r

? ri>oM m :.-1

1 0 %


' . 9 5 ............................................

= IT IS N * r R IG I

0 0 y e1 gardening. An- for m ost of hi le today's c ity A m ateur G a plants on win- .. e a rlie r tjooks ndroofs." Some gart nillve beginnings play m usic tc

Is reminded of Most people itinctlve urge to m odem idea. i nim, to- ^ e c t BuTnoTHii B llractlvetohim , "an tiq u e ' cn .0 the best of his advice tfn ‘do5.____________ ■— p la n ts -a re -sc echoes o f- th e specific waysrid in which ou r T here secevolved, a world gardening foi> busy destroying an ancient pa

He says-Ni gardening expert Her C enter

n e u r o t ithe group a f te r overcom e j

lused by the d ealh neurosis but_________________ found t ^ p In

"respect for social "W hen Fw nside -we- a rc all m y ^ a m ily ,

T here Is nc plolning Neurotics Gonzalo. ■•] Do you know w hal a lw ays the ( Is is not craziness, tb e ^ a s s lc ln al Illness whose becam e Jtoms are anxiety m arijuana . 1

th a l an d psyi d Hilda say they work for n

help f irs t to psych ia trist i




\ -D is h w, \ * 8 d in n

^ I e f l c u p j• ' I • I p lo f i

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a q r s oit of his'58 years. He Is editor of i r Gardening and author of 2G books onphm ts.! gardeners talk to plants o r lisle to m«Ve them grow better, cople 4hLJt this is an ultra- lideo.lot Huxley. In India, he notes. ie_.garttenlng mnnunU give— tfn ‘dohada,’ in which treesand ' a re -sung o r played -to -..- In -1 : ways to encouroge growth.”J seems to be nothing In Ing for wh(eh Huxley can't find cnt parallel.lys-New York City's Rockefe- :nter has "roofs dolhed in

t i c sme severe depresslo. iind is but it d idn 't help. Then theylelp in Neurotics Anonymous.____;n I was~17. a psychlotrlsi told mlly, - 'L eave the-boy-nlone.Is no hope for h im ."' says ;

0 . "My twin brother w as / the classic extrovert; I w as '

B iclntrovert,■came addicted to alcohol and ana. 1 couldn’t go on living like d psychiatric treatm ent didn't o r me because I saw thc Irist as a symbol of authority.

IY ^

E ! _ a> A L E 1 41INNERWARE'JTERNATIONlishw osiio f ond ovoii safo d in n er p lo lo j, B solod p la ic ‘> cups. 8 sa u c o rt. 8 »oupt p lo flo r. I vogofablo , 1 su g o r su g a r covor, 1 croom ciG U L A R L Y $ 9 5 .0 0 ................

:r E E «■ I k k Wl

LE ! GENUFAL BARWARn 1 0 o z . d o u b lo o ld lo s h i o n o d ( c o n f o r m s fo I n lo r n o tio n o l s l a n S r i l l ia n i o n d c l e a r c ry s to lITED ^

..........^ FOR

' ►


^ \ *


............ 'M o n d ay . Novombor 2ci, 1978

i e e pgardens” Uiot ’" a re pro h ighest hanging gardens In c reated nearly 5.000 years z iggurals or Mesopotamia, z i ^ r a t s “ were built to t led” a s parks in thc sky.

___ O ther fnsclnatlnt!_lnfQrjH uxley 's new-book Includes

:------ »l^SQm c-of—tiie worJcelaborately executed top;

- hedges trimmed in fanciful .Ihc cem etery ot Tulcan, E


•--rW o 'tfany

I i m t m ,i--------------WL ’■ J i g

7 0 E I I V { R ~ B &ANTtfUlEnE~. MAQIC :VAUEY




UINE LEAD RE» d o r 1 2 0 7 . bigli ball l a n d o f d s

$ 1 0 9 ? ; 1 A


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1978 TlmoD-Now^. Twin Fallo,

probably- ihc IS 111 the wi)rii<, ea rs a f te r (t]i> inia." Hc«o.V;; to be-culliya-

n lo n n a lio a lu i—■des: . H.’orJdls— toplury,'^ «o}'

rlfiil shap«f;lr:— m. Ecundcv**!

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C hinaTbKYO (UPI) - A new s ta r

olnlng lhe cast of th e * t h Cenlur 0 ^ t economic d ram a >4- the purs of money aod power from oU.

China, a Iste com er to th e ah( apparently is elttlng on one of w ood 's last big untapped poolspetroleum,--------------------------

E n d ^ y Secretaiy Jam es Schl Inger recently said C l ^ ’e _ o i l ' s e rv es 'm ay am o u n flo M 'le a s t’ bllUoabuTOlft, m ore lhan th ree tin th e proven reserves in the Uni Stales.

Schlesinger had Just completec t h i s w e e k lour of China, du r which he offered American coope Uon in develc^jing China’s coal, oil i hydroelectric power resources.

Chinese officials told him Ihelr g

Sylvia f

(P lf th ln a so le s )The "real wage insurance” pi

gram which President C arter h asked C o n g r ^ lo approve in its IS session is a form of “ Tax Incon: Policy," o r "TIP” - among the f( truly Innovative anti-inflation a cepts to emerge in the U.S. tn yeare.

Under Carter’s version, a worli who had accepted the wage-t^cncgittrfprtno nf nn nnnnnt fn<*r^nci» (jjpercent o r ie ^ and than had t>ecn I by an annual rise In the cost of livi of more than this lim it would rccei a " tax rebate" to m ake , up t difference between his wage hllcc a theinflalionhlke.

To illustrate, say you cam $20,00( yeor and you get a pay-benc Increase In 1979 of 11,400 or 7 perce Then, say the consumer price Ind nexl year jumps 10 percent. Y would receive a checlt for J600 fn the IRS (3 perccnt of your base p and equal to the difference bctwc your pay increase and your cost living increase). Your total pay bo< would come lo C ,000 o r 10 pcrcent and you would have been ’‘insure against ’79's Inflation.

But as Congress debates Carte "w age insurance” proposal, you m be certain 11 will probe Into th e wh< concept of a Tax Incomes Policy. A w hat m ay emerge a t the end m ay b whole new program of curbing Inf llon. Thus, this Q &.A lo quidc > now;

Q: Just what is “T ip"?I l 's full name is Tax-based Incom

Policy, and 11 would use Ux rebates B "ca rro t" lo encourage unions a tHislnesses to m oderate wage-prl Increases or u-ouid slap on I Increases — os a "stick” lo punl Ihem If their actions add to Inflation

The schcmc rests on a principle w known lo psychologists: you c an oil

Brakes o sought b:

t Wiihlngton SUr WASUINGTO.N - Assistant A

omey Oenerii John Shentflcid thin] l‘s tliM the govenunent got a iUt Twre adven lum a in Its f (lorU lo stc h e of m e rg fn rxm sw ffplr h e countr)'

"I Ihlnk we h iv f in obligation est Ute hmlU of lhe l iu uslt h e a r le s som e m a y c o n s ld t Kimevtut novfl," Shenefidd u l d In ■ec«nllnter>Jn»

•'We’re nol go'xg to win llx-m a xjt » el U w In our sh irr . ' he »<}(3ed

Sienefleld idm iU that !.•!> rffon ±allen*e congJom«-ile m rrKefi ( ■wn-tradJtkml p w n d i ru-is the H' 3f dupllc illn j the abortive i llm erjer drt*e of ooe of his pr ipceuoci. lhe U te R ichard M cL sm

McLaren running lhe A.nlitnj Dlviskc In lhe l i ’.e lieas - anoO> pertoj o( m w s«-frver Me b.-ougM number of c u « b iM ^ o r nov Iheorte* - SUrt: u the rcn!fr.:»on th I m erg e r » o d d r i ; .T . r j t e LV c h in c ' Ibe t»o fbrci » t» i3 cci.'r;^c<e v«; fad ) other al le.-ne poi.-4

"Judge M cij.'T f,» r .u irev iew s." Shrr.f.'ifld co.'-.ceir K rv e rth d fu . he c ^ n r * . "Tl KXffts cti.’iSt 11 tjuuinm m l :

Some ct*irU r r js rr»: lo s*e U itop &fJerrnli) ncm '

E v eo ll lh e gijv-fmrrvenl l i »> t r n ; C4own out of lhe couriroor'. Sf^rrx- r id • « » to m e tienrfi: •'The ir-.plic lion for Cor^rTM woc:2 tie c l e i r t^. ih« U « Is I s d f i i vt'.ihr u r r e o t i i t i u t i y . '

axnefVeid. sjer.; n a t! c.' r r a r r e r a s i p n v i t r ■ : tc m rr (JHen Lng a a l i l ru t t r i M u.<i» he ilw p ccncTfn L*. c w r~ .-) t tw s:ae»s fe<t i'.^ t

T h e c i t i im in ShenefW id fjrrr»rfl} naocrnved th jl r. t^uv r«-uilisappeA rvt^ H e s i « i .*t f:rr I h i t WTTT run (/> h r k n e a ibe log KTfiirrO i n r r v m .ia i (crwln K e * Y < » t'

A law fVi“ .v til.---.;.--! m r r i r l*<wT#n r o e ^ s lK n i o< • r m a in t:

p « a iN y th e l» lw K r* t -vuJJ ' rtillrrJ) « ; ^ r ^ . i ' . e he fre ;i tn * k » pe rtecU j fru -j iK-r.i^ f rw n l

ot vkr» cf 1

i 4 a t € c <s ta r is . 'n lu ry 'spursult_ ■

t flhow, ,of the

ools o f .

Schles- o i l 'r e -

as t 100 w as to raise o lTpi^iic e tim es— 4 mUIion dnd-6 mUlioi United by 1985. That would p

sam e league wiUi su< leted a I ra n and the United S t during "China .has visibly c

oopera- th e road ," the energy t oil and "T he emphasis is.

on ecoftomlc progres 2ir goal longer em phasis <

2 Porter

'ime for-'.peoplc’s actlons by i

” pro- 'desirable behavior a r sr has Ihelr bad. And Ils ra t Its 1979 Uie tax system can b< icomes. desirable goals as spi he few. sp e n d in g on new I) con- equipm ent or encourii !are. of homes, why can 'l kvorkcr com bat Evil No. 1 — in benefit I t first cam e lo my ase of-7__ 1371 when D r. ifen ry Jeen h it Y ale University, and i [living of Uje Federal Reserve ■ecelve tha t he and on oss ip the W eintraub of the kc and Pennsylvania, had

p rog ram . The Wai:0 000 a < ^ n « P l favored the s b in c l l l " P P ro a th .ercent■ Index Inslllutiqn economist1 You chairm an of the Counc0 from A dvisers A rthur Oki ^ pjjy version of T IP favor e lw « n oPProach, The Okun v PQs( rebole lo Ihose who ot> y boost Carter adopted cent - Q-su red" ®TIP concept;

In today’s atmosp:a r tc r 's Inflation and a deep In:)u moy ‘’Ry- everyone tries to! w ho le CosU a re pa!TV And ullln ia le consumers; tay be a provides IltUe inccnliv g ln t lo - l a b o r o r b a s l n c s s - l o l d c y o u P f ' " * “™’" ' a IW and I

overall economic wt v e rs io n ol T IP m precisely lhe prod neeC

icomes "Nobody says TIP isa teaa s eicgam ,” Okun lold rf** associate, Brooke Se-prlce question Is: is It m anan lax thinks It Is — ond sopunish m ay conclude, tooItion. W hafs more, Oki'lewTll - th c r r 's not a lot of dn a lte r toy,n really confrontin

on merg by officii

th e r e ’s not m uch e It Al- Involved th ln its " T h e rea so n s u su j1 little Justify merger* are ac lo jtop technolofO Well. ?eplng Uiat size h is a ccrsj to c

buytectinolojO' " lon to C u n m l odds leem ujinjj suab le number of a rlin s ld e r coming monlhs Of Uu Id In a 2® proposed mergers

govemment under lh r:i *j] fw tJficatJoorU eithitvi

o r Sept S. in formal fort lo ^ u if tc d i.n :< tn on SQ.Tie in liln u l theo,- K n ik some in Jia tice ind f an- T rid e Com m luior. fa I p r ^ cocglomerale mergers a re n ’'big u b id " b i i i i n tru it T r i d i t i o n i l l ) . ch

congJoroerile m erjer» focus on whether the CO.

novel rrtJtxe cofrpe<;!>ofi :n j f ith it la^^mirte< A s ir rw iI lATKT ther wi'j, m cT srr r i r : e f lv .r

com peiiljui i-T LV r .u rO h i : t c n « vicujj tie r r i • e ir» n ijcu icx a ," i.'»;C-rr h.;j

..Php ti:ni»! offjciil w ij vr. m - .v

Shrr>rf.eid m .w S.*«t.* f j . i^ I

"T h e w . , t'.plica partic-u;*: n-.irtrt» *r. IT t.^al tc A» :! ►;if. ! .v ^ tV c n f i ».*T

' K-»:,'r)enU;>jr f.,< rrl;ic: h ;i

• ir t 1

h e • f d n t t I i.-.'K»i'KTr:>ef.: !.*j: c\

I, tiiTT !.•.

f !r r :uP« i r r »tC*<»7jrrT: c iv n

dlctfO In Unr r p - n t««:*a»e «t le., ^ h iv r 1 pulx-? <« u ;jt» fi;*-*i ••

ll Mf U»J l.Sr > 'r -IN- • ‘. • - v .v

V 1.^5


SiicUon to bctwech ” differences illon b a rre ls a day— ical-reflne Id pu t China In the goods." - • such oil Ulans a s ’ The gla

1 States. w estern \ly com e to a lum In P c tro leu n ■gy secre ta ry said. originally is, w holeheartedly vvorld's b

pt!ss. There Is no communis t on ideological -^Ukely to (

‘im d mry rew arding U»cir There’s Jur and by punishing dark ." Tarationale Is thot If forcc m ortn be used for such beating Inf: spurring business Q; Whiew p la n ts a n d agolnslTIl}uroglng Insulation A comnan'l It be used lo plons (the- Inflation? will demorly o tlcntion back in Increased ' ry-W alllch, then of— and Uie bnd now a governor along Uiel‘rve Board, told m e customers,associate. Sidney inflation,

le U niversity of AnoUierd developed the proposal niVallich-Welntraub gress. it« stick o r penalty Uirough le

system of wccnlly, Brookings AnoUiern lst ond form er proposal n)uncii of Economic gress. ItOkun developed a through leivoring Uie carrot sysiem of win version Of a lax Some lal) obey guidelines is hidden wajIted. , the nation’;ime argum ents in lhat wageepl? matched bosphere of steep Olher admp Inflation psychol- enforelngTI to look out for me Q: What’ipassed along to As the n

s ; the free m arket in tensifiesnlive for anyone - inflatlon-fl|10 keep wages und stra ln t. go

ind put the nation's slashing b'w elfare Mrsl. A terest ra im igh t prov ide panslon (oi

leeded. or bolh) wiP is easy, lovely o r Its lim e hasId m y Washington N exl: 1; Shearer. "The dollar, ipu ianageabic?" Okun O Flelc . so Congrcs-s well

Okun continued, y>»of dialogue in this Cnting those issues ^

gers m ied mI ecofwmlc cujt '

isu iily KJven to ‘ a c c m lo capital ell. m y company to capital and can -

rem to favor a nlim erger cases in

Uu sJighUy over ers filed «ilh the

the pre-mcr>;er I t vter.l inlo eflect

>eo.''.>:5. incl ind the

favor allick:r.»; fers o r a *;rrp!e -

challe.'^>;ev to ;er> have had lo

:n w m e p a r ltr j011 theinjiv»:v(.'fI jr M - iJ ■ ■

to vihr'..^rr W m -ilr cf a j t tm o t.le ] r r i j c n J "Th^: I '■^T

vr.;> i

S .- rv r . '

*-.j i;.j ! » -r.j'.

ITT i;

f " - 3

v n , *1 '.r.f J • .

le.1 - r i I

•to caf

I t i s i liinccs. T^ey have’found Ideolog-, eflnem ents-don’l-produce-any-'

giant oil companies of. the m world like Shell, B ritish ileum , G ulf jind S ta n d a rd lally developed most of the 's big oilg,fle1ds outside Uie lunlst bloc. They do nol seem

to get much of the action In

>XJL!’s Just a lot of whistling In the " Talking T IP Is one way to m ore courageous Uiinklng aboul ig InflaUon.

Whal a re some argum ents s lT IP ?::ommon criticism of penally (Uie stick) Is that unions sllll

emond — and firms wlli poy — . ised wages above he guidelines, he business simply* w ill-p a ss -

Ihelr penally taxes lo ihe lr ncrs, thereby fueling m ore- on. . ' .Uier fea r is Uiat as a T IP sal m ade Ils way Uirough Con­

it would be- transform ed (h legislallve tinkering Into a n of wage-prlce conlrols.Uier fear Is Uiat os o T IP >al m ade Its way through Con-

11 would be transform ed ^ legislative tinkering inlo a n of wage-price controls, e labor leaders fear It Is a 1 way to keep labor's share of itlon’s wealth from rising, fear wage restra in t wouldn't bo ed by a slowdown In prices, adm inistration officials Uiink

In g T iP would be a nightm are ilia l’a likely to haM>«>? iie nation 's dread of Inflation ilfles an d the trad lllo n u l on-flghting methods (credit n.-- I. government spending cuts, ng budget deficits, higher in-

ra les) undermine the ex- >n (o r kill It) TIP (carro t, slick h) will get a try In some form, le has come.I: T r id e proteciion. w eak , spu r spiral.Field Newspaper Syndicate


s to f f <

n e s sS’.. China, a t least for the tim e I » y - S lm piy"by 'pe'rslslienc^

Uie Chinese have got the : le drUling. They siu riack Uie sh for drilling w ells ’in di '■Q ■■ offshore, a field where ''c -W estern countries have o

T hat m lf^ l eventually gl role when the Chinese gc

l'l w ater drilllnii. Schlesinger

he \to V Xul ^

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O i t p r cIs unlikely lo 1983 a l Uie eari

S China’s oil

desperalion. T m ent th ere cai relations wIUi

— --------------- :— lo n g r deep - fre' wiUi North I

K orean W ar- U m ^telng. For about:nce airid Stiidy, 'revoliilioh ; \hi the hang 'ot oil -Tse-Tung cop

k the technology trad e bloeka In deep w ater economically vhere the big W hen th e t ive a monopoly, countries beg ly give them a.- 19*30, the late sc go Into deep Khrushchev, t; Inger thinks this Its knees with

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• d d u c ily lo happen bcfore 1982 oc cu e earliest. mc> oil Industry was bom of ' ion. The communist govern- ou: re cam e to power In IW9. Its dri

wIUi America went Into o Ta jp-freere-w hon-Chlna-sided—n t rth Korea in Uie l'J50-53 19(V a r- ................ . _____ • ^bout 10 yoars a f ^ r the rboi h; \he l«te"Charrtnah~N !fi'o ''an 5 coped with an A m erican Uw loekode by lying China of rally lo Uie Soviet Union. kn< ho two b ig com m unist sui I began to quarrel around hir la te Soviet P rem ier Nikita 1

lev, trying to bring China lo coi 1 with an economic boycott, oil

TOM DR,\m-lO t e r 'h o H o ' G a y S e ; i - ^ c

ilitian A ntique Sal * g U CO

/^S.SGycJ rd lna ting S h e e r

» • ( U : :


r-:oM to d o , 7 33 o e } H o ' i«»«

l i o m I m o d * < o rc

R s ; t ; i7 s

M onday, N ovom bor 20,1878'8 T im oa-N ow s, Tw inFalls, Idal

^ ;

cut off oil. shipments which s most of China’s needs.

Vowing they would never de] outsider? again. Uie Chinese drilling Uielr first big oil 1 Taching on Uie cold, windswep

-oLnorthcasUM anchudo-ln-lii 1900s. •

Wang Chln-HsI, Uie-englne rbossed Ihe projecl, drove his 'a ro u n d Uie cilock an's stayed i them days on end In Uie field. I of overwork hi Uie age of '47 knowing he had made Chlr sufficient In oil. The governme him a here’s funeral.

Taching In .the early 19i counte^i for moro lhan half of ( oil production.

mW \ U ' \CTiikoi \ \ mS ^ jflc .ji.iu N ico cn«M;,*t »i*M «»


Id o f f

>atin 1 \V {‘

niak(‘ " Olisi

■ l(’ajl;

R» • ondO fO tirig ( o n tw H o '’ **


ch supplied

r depcncl on nese. began ail field a t ; iwept p la ins ' n _U ie,ear)y_____

gineer-w ho— — his drillers ,

/ed up wllh eld. Ke died : 47 in 1970;China self- nment gave

1970s ac- f of C hina’s



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re th e rlghl your decor!


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$ 1 5 9 7^ CARTON

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WILSON-------------TWIN FALLS • J i

SpecialR e g u la r s tu d

' ‘ 13’>nclud»t lhampo'

T u o s d a y , W o d n o s d a


Variety ot sizi for vans, pick


B lo d o o n d C o m p I


e c ‘. I 7 3

Western Ai s e x p a iWe re closm scctioDiin 01

•0 make room for• 1 . ' : M r ;

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• i i r ; i «

W l • i i r»TJ

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ed Occasional; ........* 9 9 “ : ;OR CHRISTMAS! '

N-BATESJE R O M E • B U R t E Y ^ "

ll Valueu d e n ts only


ip o o < « t i h o i r cut.

doy & T hursday O nly

College of

y DESIGNty n w o o d


lizes and scenes ickups, arapers d autos.S: A d h o ftiv * , T rim i p lo lo I n s t r u c t l o n t l

r x cI I d SUPPLY IN r A i i s7 3 3 : : < i HAjfPA

Autoa n d in g !>mg ou! m a n y I o u r s to r e . .

fo r m o re l u r n l lu r e

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Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

A i r p o i- T W IN -E A L L S -.C lty^ C ound l w in dlscuss~proposQls for a (90.0CH th e Clty-County A irport during th< lonlght.

Council m em bers will be asked QTchllectural serv ices for cx{ te rm ina l to' (acUitate handling liit

City M anager J e a n MUar said tfo r-In -th o -a lrp o rt-m as tcE -p lo r Im provem ent m ade la s t year baggage.

M llar s a id the Im provem ent w


By BONNIE BAIRD JONEJ Tim es-News w riter

TWIN FALLS - Citizens m em bers have upped Iheir goal S23 s igna tu res to 2,400 on i election petitions against Twin M ayor Leon Sm llh.

J am es W illiamson, chairm an • citizens group which was organlz p ro test o f a Local Improve D istric t.p roposa l, said the org£ tlon a lready h as well over th s ig n a tu re s of reg is te red v n eccssary lo force the recall d e c

"W c have gathered through m enls from lh e mayor ihat he there a rc Just a handful of cl' who oppose w hal he and lhe council a r e doing. We w ant lo | least 1,500 and possibly 2,400 sif re s on thc petitions, nol becau need them for legal requirem ent10 show w e have wide suppor represen tation . We have 2,400 lli ou r p etitions and we hope lo Itll a ll," W illiam son said Sunday.

He said while the move s la r p ro test to thc LID, and lhe high11 would bring most p roperty o In the p r i s e d d istric t, the p rc B gilnst hl{(h spending In thc cll ts aim ed a t getting clly govcr back tn lh e hands of the people

C ltttens F irs t hopes to cbmpl< petitions by Dec 1. nnd then h( will be possible to Ml thc election for about J an 9 Theci have no l e u lhan 30 and no mor 40 d iy s In which lo »el a date f election a fle r the clly chrrk > k lg n j lu m on lhe petitions a: q u jle The pelitlons will ha contain S23 jlg n a tu rrs o( city > regU terrd lo \t)te In city ele- The m ayor will then have lh e C which to m l j jn o r • i i r r r lo aco (leciiion ot lhe vw lrn in lhe i elet'tiu.n

of cyurw , a r r hopir.f: 1 rr»npi and u > e lhe C.WO an c:

f ijx x - '.rJ lo cxni." \SiIll4 n-.VDr T hr (.'.Ujrrii n .-^ l Ic iJ c r n

ilv j tl cil> I l-'-i’-'' to »prr»J r-.;;;rx'. or. LV Ci!> t.'T.;

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n c ll m em bcrsJn_T w ln .F alls_ J0.000 im provem ent p ro ject a l i g lhe reg u la r councU m eeting <

sked to authorize selection df expansion of th e airport '

g Inbound b a ^ a g c . ' ' 'aid the Improvem ent is called p lan- and_follQWs_a_slmllar__ 'e a r for handling outbound

nl wlli nol represen t a $90,000


ignaturNES property owners ani

will be for them . 11

.ns F irs tgoal from Hfembers of the CJ jn recall have been going doi win F ails signatures for their i

‘•We a re finding ala n o f th elanlzed In ^

r the 5231 vo te rs ••election.ugh com-t he feels ^f clllzens , Y

lhe clly h o p in g he o“ g™°u'. a n d s a v e t h E rcnusc wc e l e c t i o n i s enenl*, bul , , • pport ond C O S t . — J o t00 lines on s o n 3 fill Ihemy- _________________sta rted In ~high cosls ty ownersprolcst Is Iss'ws O H " ’e city and have lo reg ister fo>vcmmcnl «aiWlon to gcnenjjp think If they re}m pletethe counly they a re q u im hopes It c ity ." he lamenled thc recall w illlam son c hanw e lly will i j lu ien in jl lo I

^ate far lhe l iU and the oppos 'k >rrUie» opjKwlnIS ade u»f(3ijtricl1 ha^e loIty v o lrn , i l h l n k lh a ll» aclectioni wwuJdn'l lu lcn lo i

U e d iy i ln The m ayor U ihc oaccept thc golnu ahead w ilh itUf Lpn-Ul whal IN ') toJd u» w

IhP) »UII ItyKrffir.^ hr xnill fco.T,eof>r oti t.V co»ncI«vtio:j ll> a i n-.a>ur. wt>.r.vDrivaiJ p e o p le ." t^ eT la id h:» k|«okM::;a.n s j iJ

^ Mr ofKT I

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M mTwin Fatls, tdahd

p r o y e is loss If th e a lr term inal Is obaj1 som e fu tu re d d lc i^ c p la c e i g ex is ting term inal building Is

for fu tu re development of. the If ‘‘By th c tim e we a rc re; t te rm in a l the baggage are • usefullne5S,“ M liarsald :“ '

d The c ity m anager said a x_Jterm lnol_bulldlng ls_probabl d least.

He sa id a m inor Improven 10 p re sen t t im e and Involves re

:erstresand how expensive 11

. I think Ihey deserve aid.

e ClJlzens F ir s t group door to door seeking

e lr Dclltlons.

Ig a tot of support for we a rc also ilnd lng 10 don't know what Is » city and whal the _

c o u rs e , a re2 will re s ig n h e $ 2 ,5 0 0 an i e x p e c te d to o h n W illiam -

?rs do not realize they r for clly elections In ^ le ra l elections They reg istered with lhe ' ,

qualified to vole In the ! led

uirgcs lhe clly council * lo Ihc people. He said ; ' homes Involved In Ihf iposlnK forces hod 000 » ln g tbe form ation of ■

It a m ajority , bul Uiry lo Ul and Ignored us >c one who Inslilpd on h It >^c com plird wilh u WT n rrd tx j lo do arxl u rrd Ui Wc wani• c w n c l . a n d rs;>pcia v>t>y »i:i liitrri lo Ihr e c i t . : r n » u ru u p 1T Hit rT>«.ail r!r^.-li'jn

>•»<. Kir\?'.a »a;t-?i tl-.’,; ' c*xr>cii rrx^lir.iCk at»J

•'-> r -a k r crr*.a;r.

I I. '.!ir ( .

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m eM o n d t


tm e n t sI abandoned and a new one built a »ldcemeht“ ahd"reloCatloh ofTh ng Is a lso p a r t of the m aster pia' if.the a irport.e ready for replacem enl of th

a rea s will have realized fu

lid a n y re lo c a t io n o f th c alrpo i o b a b ly e lE h t to 10 y e a r s aw ay i

-ovement Is also being done at th e s relocation of thc m ain cnlranc


( > f i I I u J r D e a n r i

A lot o f pride

Filer s< celebri

ll.M O U ’ IUKLT.T.T. S m.1 .

» ..f-f I. Ll .

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s o n c<It a t doors of, thc term inal bui TheT serve th e ;p u b lic ru s in g pia'n^-Mlliu' sald the p resen t do<

thc east. At the p resen t t the lhe term inal building coll full a l the m ain desk to pu - - -baggagefo rboard ingp la i

port Cost of this p roject Is al y a t .co n trac t work Involving p

■ ■ ' Twlii F ails city and coi t the oboul 577,000 this year ance operation.. In oddlllond i

u '

— ' - t ) , - i H

s .> r c ty a c K k I n a u iiii* f d i ' i i d i v

»enior cii ate new

: U K KM v s f ”

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" I I'l

day, N(ovemb'er 20,. i i

:o u n d lI building. This Is expectc^ to be >ing the building for a irline fllgII doors will be moved aboui 25 fei en t time, persons going In and oi ? collide wilh lines of persons wai 0 purchase airline llckels or cl ip lan cs-r, ^: is about St,5(^, he said, vv’ith thc Ing purchaseof m aterial, d county officials have each budg y e a r for alrporl malnlenance pnd revenue sharing funds nre .b

r»dlv 'g o % » i|r u l l l i Jcfc^U" B«-

:itizens A/ center

; i • ' i> - I t»-»r •: «i . jT I',.,, irf r

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I ' • O b i tu a r ie s' • Sports. - 7 - 7 i C f ^ l / l e d

i l a g e nto be tte r 'budgeted ' by~both

le f l l ^ l s r Commission chalrm 25 feel lo sharing money can 0

m d out of and thc airport qual is waiting taxpayers a break in or check-------- - Im provem ents plah lhe only includc extending th<

in length. In the tenU budgeted Is ^ e d u l e d to cxtei

ance and ro ad Into the alrporl nre .lwing th e runway expanslo

B - ®J* ' cfJ V

c ' ^

iT r

■ ^ iw ■■■imrn— >iww

U- B r c k t l r a n d

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Wt¥ ■ Ip '

i d a :ith for' m ajor improvementj I rm ah -M erl-E -L eo n a rd -sa l( m only be used for cap ita l Impi lualifics for this, glying clly a ^ in taxation.

planned a t the a irp o rt In the r ? the main runw ay from 7,250 ti e n lh p h ^ o f thc m as le rp lan , t xlcnd if full 10,000 feet. Reloca port is contem plated In conjur islon. .........................................


SUN VALLEY - Th. owner of the Sun Valley charged two California de who once w ere hired lo redes of the Sun Valley resort, » and he Is suing them for $1 m

Form erly called Sun V Inc., and owned by th e rc so r owner, William Janss, Sun

~ In c ." ' n ied : lhe" IT -m m ior agalnsl C harles Dwlghl am Fenlon recently in Flftli Court In Hailey,

This fraud and dam ages la test chapter In a mulll-mil litigation carried on for n years between the two p a r ti

Also nam ed a s a defend] mosi recent sull, filed Nov.: De,G, Vanderbilt, a meml blue-blood Vanderbilt lar Philadelphia,

Sun Valley Co. and Dwlg and Co, have already be land righls a l lhe core i Valley resort. In Janu D istrict Judge Douglas Kr the two California dcvcloj c laim lo about 40 acre; properties.

That sull has been app< Idaho Suprem e Court an< suit lo determ ine flnancU aw aits irtal.

In this Dew lawsull. Sun Inc claim s Dw lghl and I lhe company nearly $700.1 debls

The form er reso rt 0 charges the Iw-o devclt

■ fraud Sun Volley Co Im Dwight and Kenton sold tv Sun Valley condominium! pany run by Vanderblll T Chirges th e rwTj defendai ately under-valued the cor when selling them and th their company Insolvent

Sun Valley Co Inc I ; ctJod'Jfntnium transaction I ! lo hinder a.nd defraud I I ■ Kenlon’»crrd ilor»

The com pany h u ihercourt Ul declare the

and lo orrV-r l>wn{hl art pa) .Sm \ alley Co Inc t ptr-./.ue ar*3 e je rr .p la r pil'os Ihc c u i'.ic f allti.Tie) I


K .^uj^ v . i ' . .i.T.Ar «V",r^'.or

crrr?K-al a.-»3 ci'.;s rT caJ> ‘ v .- . '- 0 : XI. '

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. V 1_ ‘r iv t .

lents.- County--------:s a id -rev en u e------- r

im provem ents - Ily and county

Jie n ea r future » 0 to 8,700 feeta n . th e n m w a y ___location of (he injunction wilh


esThe form er

Jlcy Co. has a developers, •edeslgnmuch rt, with fraud $1 million, n Valley Co. esort's fo rm er >un Valley Co.m ion ' law suit----------I and R ichard Fifth D istrict

ges su it is thc 1-milllon dollar o r nearly two lartles.cndanl In this lov. 7, Is Oliver icm bcr of the

lomlly from

)wlght, Fenton y botUcd over >re 81 the Sun lanuary, F lflh s K ram er ruled ^elopers had no icres of resort

appealed lo the : and a re la ted mclal dam ages

Sun Valley Co. jkJ Kenton owe rroo.ooo in prior

1 owner also pvelopers with

inc contends ild two valuable lums lo a com- ill Tbe plalnlllf ■ndants deltt)er- r condominiums d then declared ■nlrK argues the rtlon was m ade ud Dwlghl and

Iherefore asked lhe ta le invalid I and FenUm loic t l million for plar) dam ages. j ne) Jecs . j


cf a rt-j^.n'tUy

a r,aveI. <; L v w. '.«x•.»r-j1:, K .rr l*fT>tc•, i:.-

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Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

singing in h a m; !. E nterta in ing the crowd al! ; F rid ay and Satunlay nig; : T a tm . The local a rea b u■ * laughing and applauding U

t o l b f i f l ; I r i s O r c h a r d: : TWIN FALLS - Iris Peck ; Falla, died or n atural causes S ; home of a daughter.; • S h ew asb o m A u g .3 l, 1B91 Ir I m arried Louis Earl O rd io rd < : Lake City LDS Temple. Mr.! U e iln Twin Falls.

She w a active In the LDS Oi ' tho 7th W ard In Twin Falls. Sh : D aughters of Utah Pioneers.

She moved to Twin F alls In 1 1962. F or the past 18 ycai W ashington and California f t F a lls In August of this year.

Surviving a re six sons. Dear Calif: Merle O rchard of Ukiah of R iverside, Calif; Wayne Ort Hezzle O rchard of Sanle Fe O rchard of Las Vegas, N cv.; E iva Black, Seattle, W ash.; N W ash., and Cheryl Orchard Hi grandchildren; and m any gn w as p receded In death by her

J iv e s ls te n and six brothers. v F u n v a l ' s l i c e s ' wDl' be

W ednesday In the Seventh M aurice S treet with Bishop R Ing. F riends m ay call a t White Tuesday until 9 p.m. and Wed tim e of services. Burial will I P ark .

F e r n D . S i m s

B E L L E V U E -F e rq D . sin L uke 's hospital in Boise o(j

She w as bom A pril» . 1931 schools in P aul and In Bcllev high school here in 1949. Sh< Sim s N ov.29.i95l.lnM agdclc

They lived in B attle Mounla they owned and operated a r widely recognized as a leading

Surviving a re her husban three brothers. Gene and Har

. and Lee Drussel of Rlchlan Donna B. Anderwn of Boise, a FaUs.

Funeral scr% lc « will be cor m the Hallcy LDS Church * presiding Wood River Chapel

, arrangem ents.

MALTA - G raveside funer Paul Angus, Infant son of E r M alta, will be corvlucted todJ; Cemeler> U u ria U a i be und* Mortuar>

ROGERSON - SerMCTsfor Rogerson. »bo died ThiirKlav In the LDS Chapel on A\ WUilam LouRhmiilrr will corxl

F rlen d i ma> call a t the v, a.m . and at lhe church fn. services

_ MURTAIGH - G raveijJ. S u rr> '. c . of Murtaujch. wtio today al 3 p m in Sunset Me G ilbert M \e n cfricUtinj:

F riend i mav ci!l at the Wt..' today. The farr-.llv suf^^rits n C lliiens Center of "N ir, F a lb

JEROM K - VrM cr^ 'a r . Je rom e, who died FncJj\ the Hove t'unera l l t > Biirlal will be in the Jen.'m»-

F rlerxls m j> call th r r. arjde% eninKarxlu;;;;l: ...-p;;.

y - - IHI©':-"MA GIC V A U J : Y M K M o

Sonya L ierm an, n i e r . Kj > ll H. R T urner, H ajeilon. .Ma:> > W ade. Shoahone. Jack lloo>rr M cDonald and 'H u s Astoo. u . Larsen . R upert, and I ’auJ SchM> a

M n K arl Ilo i aixl xm . ( ie t .1

. . . . . . I

m o n y'd a t th e CoUege of Southern I<

night cam e •easy to the Com I bori)ershq> quartet kept the cr ng th e ir songs during the I3th an

ftonn irndV ' ,

■cck Orchnrd, 87, of T»1n *« s Saturday evening a t the n

91 In Thatcher (Idaho) andard Oct. 3. 1913 In the Salt h« r . O rchard died June 12. ti

rS Church and a m em ber of 1

She w as a m em ber of the■8. <1i In 1930 and lived hero until Vyears, she hod lived In IiaCihd relum ed lo Twin S

>ean O rchard of Petalum a,kioh, C alif.; Lorin Orchord '•O rchardofC ochltl. N. M.; I

Fe, N. M., and William (rv.; th ree daughters, Mory »• 1.; M arge Shlndler, Pasco.■d Holloway, Twin Foils. 38 i r g reet grandchildren. She her husband, two children.■s. «be conducted a l I p.m.

Ith Ward LDS Chapel on)p R ichard Stoslch offlciat- rh lte M ortuary this evening. rWednesday from noon until F vill be in Sunset Memorial



• Sims, 47. died Friday in Si o fa sh o r tl l ln e u ^

1931 In OaWcy She attended ^ellevue and graduated from *. She m a rr i« l Raymond B. ' :dclcna. Mex.untaln. N ev , 21 vears w here '1 a rock shop The shop was ^iding silversm ith “ ibarid of Battle Mountain, Harold Drus>el of Bellevue

hland. Wash ; two sisterv. sc . and.M arie Sweat of Twin

; conducted today at 11 a m ± wilh Biihoj) John Troc> apci In Hailey is in char^r


uneral w rM crs fur r E n c arid .S.’MTr Ar, -.;s. of:odJ> a: 1 p m in th«- .SJiMa Iind^r the dir«- -l>..n >jf I

s for K jch jrd H rLurj. 7j of I>da.v. will tje tudj> j ! I p t:i Ih Aveni>e .Vorth I*r»n>.i<-.'.t Ict>r»juct the »er* I>e White Mor1 ai.'-> ur-'.;l IQ II frtrn noor. ur!.l t.ri.r cf I

p iiJe s e r \R 'r j ! r Iwtio iicC I; Memor;^: }'u:k Hr^ I

W'h.'.e N!c.r:uur. u r . ’ p m I•ts n.rrTi. : . j S : j ;.v v-r.ijr Ilib I

.'ar J e r K s;a ;v^.x ' It> H r. v:rr>r<; Mj;.t , : - ! I

:M n n K M !t) s r iT \ ; . j '

• u t : . . , f . V :. > s-’> <'r.Vv ji..- : .. U«rr. J r . ^'r^ I,. •, H, liou. Jerom r y.r..!«n i-w .- i ; (;

tSMJl( ie a n j • J '

ih o “ J r tb o d a y T f lO T ^

-t; *

~ W


n Idaho H arm ony Showcase Common ' O rm ond Smith and 7 e cn>wd and told Jokes In bi 1 annual T a te rs w ere ju sl one

K a y L i e r m a n

< ^ 1 N FALLS - Kay Liei morning in h e r Twin F alls 1 illness.

She was b o m M arch 7,1916, had resided In Idaho since 194: the Im m anuel L utheran Chui m arried C arl L ierm an in O r 1935,

Surviving a re her husba daughters, M argie Boian o W alcott of KaysvUle. Utal Kindred of Sacram ento, Cal Springfield, Ohio and five grai and one son, Burton Lierm an,

Funeral serv ices will be W ednesday In the White Mortt E rw in B cm thal officiating. Clover C em etery. F riends m: until 10:30 a .m . W ednesday.

C a t h e r i n e K e e nBURLEY - Catherine Kee

of Burley, died Sunday m orr Center,

Bom Nov. 13. 1833. a t Fou moved to O akley when she m arried D r. George E. Keer preceded h e r In death In 1951,

They m oved to Buriey in 1‘. resided.

Survivors includc seven so Burley. R ay M. Keen of Coo: Keen of Boise, Charles L Kci Jack Keen of Burley. Gerald Calif.. Gale E. Keen of Burlc M artin (L.eone) Edw ards of 1 (G eorgia) W ilbanks of llous lidren; ar>d 12 g reat grandchlli

P riva te graveside servici Tuesday a l P leasant View Friends m ay call a t the I aftenw on and evening

L e l a n d W . B r i z e

TWIN F A U ^ - h'uneral B rlice. 77. of Twin Falls, who will be Tuesday al 11 a n .Methodist Church with RevInK

F n en d s m ay call at V Tiile p m and Tuciday until 9.31 Sunset M em onal Park with liJdtff AF and AM in charK

The fam ily lugKcsls m er Hospital for Crippled Chlidr lefl with the White Mortua M ortuary, BoxM STw m Falls

L e l a n d U '

M .. rv T.'J >V r’, ..-T ri:

. \ allj-k ;r ;v j - .I •••:•. ,i.: Jm-rT.r

, XTJ Mr> ItK tiam Ha



fcase. F red B urkhaller, John and M orris S a ttgast san g severi In between their num bers. Th' t one of three local g roups a t the

Lierm an. G2, died Sunday Ills hom e following a short

1916, in Stockton, Calif,, and e 1943. She w as a m em ber of Church In Twin F alls. She

n O range, Calif., M arch 29.

lusband, Twin F a ils ; two an of Wendell, and Carla U tah; two s iste rs. Anita

, Calif., and Dixie Dean of : grand children. H er paren ts n an , preceded h er In death.I be conducted a t II a.m . VIortuary Chapel w llh P asto r ling. Burial will be in the Is m ay call a t the m ortuary ay.

: n• Keen. 85. longtime resident m orning In the Burley Care

Founlaln Green. Utah, she she wos 17 y ears old. She Keen a l Oakley In 1914. He 1951,in I'JIB where she has since

sn sons. Dr. 0 . W. Keen of Coos Bay. Ore . George I)

. Keen of Portcn. llle. C a lif . ;ra ld D. Keen of F a ir Oaks, 3urley; two dau^^hlcrs. Mrs 5 of Payette, and .Mrs Toby Houston, Tex.. IG grandch- dchlldren!rvlccs will be conducti-d »'lew Cenu-lery m Hurley, h e P a jn o ChajH-1 .Monday

i z e e

tfral M -nicfs for U-land \V . who died Saturday rnannn>;. ;. a m in the Fin.1 United ; Rev F m n t Wilson officinl-

^Tiile Mortuar*' todav until S ■, 9.30 a m Burial will U- in with the Twin F alls Ntasonic harKeof final riles m em orials to the Shnnerb

'hlidren .Memorials <na> U- jrtu a ry o r m ailed lo WTitie - Falls, 81301

d W B r i / r r

u M J i: ^

Sal Hj;.;.: a :.] V rs Sa-.r-.. cr:;r H r;:*;,; J. • •il u,ihn. .,11 hiihl Oiv."


wMM. ~7~ '

tm Crawford, o th e rs lndud< e ra l num bere Music Compj T he Common international' the showcase.

- Ciistic Fibros

BowliTWIN F A L L S -B o w llr

Valley com m unities a rc co B rea th" fund raising prog Foundation.

The bowling meets a rc p; the Idaho Foundation of ' sponsored by 37 bowling throughout Idaho.

Funds from the event F ibrosis victim s In Idaho i tow ard future solutions lo tl

E vents scheduled In ^


M ayor Paul Walaha Frida a grand ju ry report sayii other soulhwcslcm Wyomli deserved the blame for failure to regulate prosll pimping.

"We c an 'l arbitrarily rc j load a paddy-w-agon with they think looks like a p W alaha said, ■‘ll's a vi statem ent for them to maki


TWIN FALLS - The ' unit of the U S Army Hi break ground today at 10 r>cw reserve training centi Twin F ails Airport

The new- cenlcr will h< square feet of ofllces and i and will b f surriiiindcd Iiy; tim es a-s mucli parkiiij; r c i e n e vehicles as the oh

: KimfKTlv Road ; At a cost lo the V S f.ov

Filer girl hit by car

FIl.FK - An 8,vear ok I'scapt'd Wllh minor inju; w-hen struck b>- a ca r Hifcfiway 30, bul Filer p<jlii tim e IhrrL- couJd tx- j lrj>;<*-

Th<' > ounp ter. Ama.’ da across the hiRhwaj- tn li Casa G rande apartme.'^ts , end of F lie r about 3 4j p r lhe pain of an oncorr.;r« \ ■ Bob Doulhinais of lh<- F D epartm ent said childn apartinvnt building arvl olf tial a.*ras have |depart.Tirr.t fm o n th s r ,j*

"T h ;' Ihr first tm^«- tK -r. an ..ccidei.; cffre^i.i'-:,;;;. plavin,; t.“.c c.-os'..-,; ,i uiihoul ch< traffic This IS a rr.a;.'i h:,. we ; ;.k r ih<- pan-r.ts on Ihi'M ch lld re r, tr dar,»:.Ti.,us he^^;'J

H r s , , . j : . v w estl...^.',J v dnvrf; f a JUVenilf a:>j IfK

• r>-: rv:.-,. ...-d pen'.J;f'.»: f'aT..* Kal:-r, s,;: [)ou'.h;r.a;s !.j::

• n p r c t r r .. .v c s to tn- r.: n u ttr r

Tfir ;n.TM uas V a:;-, V. r:.,r;al tl - ; r.< r . r . r a w !

R u p e rt m eetiiItl I 'M '. : TT.r K.

lu u rn .l fT>uir-i u;i 1fTlrr!;;.,; !r r-: T u rv 'js

TT.e im;.' ,1 illo',.-.-! •• p in in( H a ir i f i - o r :^

„r. T u rsd a v a l R p m wn

\s F • II.;; '.vhuicfiikj.j Vlt',:;!..r-> . .; l l Ih/- t : . - '

• NKiv-k'-.--;4

T . ; “ r r


iduded th e M aglcords and the So Dmpany. H eadlining, the show. onal w inners f ro m Salt Lake City.

o s i s

ding to howling alleys a n d bowlers of M: rc com peting in a speclo] "Bowl p rog ram lo a id the Cystic "Fibn

ire p a r t o f a s ta te-w lde cam palgrI of Cystic F ib ro s is and are be vling cen te rs a n d Circle K stc

^enl will be u sed to assist Cy aho and to help th e foundation w s lo the child- k illing lung disease. In Magic VoJIey include bowl

Springs/m^IVyo. (U PI) — In Its'-^tiial'r id a y d isputed Friday, the grsaying he and Police Chief Lr'oming officials Counly Altorrfor the c ity ’s Sheriff Jam es

roslltulion and responslbillly enforce muni

y reach oul a n d s la te statutes.*with ev e rjo n e The reporta p rostltu le .” continuous st

a very un fa ir practiced In R(m ake.” 1978."

le center t< ig new fac:rhe Twin FalLs J870.000. the rly UeM.T%e will capacity ofIt 10 a .m for j capaclly of ccenter near th e Kimberly Hoa

Tom WemlKerltil house l2.mw the reserve In 'and cias-snKinis ' Wendgert siII ljy at)oul thn.-c be bulll spe- kiiij; space fo r training progr le old re n te r on arm y reservt

over the forr ilDvernnii'nt of sales building

"It Is hard I efficiently In i[ Wendgert sal

program s in constructiontr building brid):for the actual

ir old F lie r ►;irl He saidinjuries F rid ay currently hotc a r on r S only B.OCiOsqu.p<jlK-e s;i,v next not provide e

ra>:<*d> for training pii.’ dj lirifi^ls. ra n The newtn frcnt of th e completion w-p.' ts al th r west a 2 ,cix squanIj p m and i.Mo In addition lo;n« vehicle offices and c

F ilr r I’u life building n;Idrt-n in the vi olher rr-»id«-!i- --n Kiwng th r ,rs fur sev rra l

tm^'- iJx-re h.is

: i l l l |


2 t i i i g

■ I t .


.j .J



i w

: Wl




^ g S S S S f ^ S S ^ -^si.......................................... se

ththe South Central Idaho Bihow w as the Saltflats, m 5 City. Bi

pr a(

_____________________________ VI

help chilof Magic Sunday a l the Magic • ^ w l for Bowl, F riday, 10 a .r : F ibrosis Friday. 10 a.m . to 6 p.

.a.m , to noon and 1:30 ipalgn by Lanes, noon lo 6 p.m, ire being F riday 10 a,m . to 6 j K stores Lanes, F riday. 11 a .m

Winners in lhe me< st Cystic home such prizes a s I Uon work balls. Prizes a rc base< sease. by the bowler and not

bowllnK lhe bowlers.

mayor blai'i t t ia f report mado publiciie grand Jury said W alaha. . thilief Louis Muir. Sw eetwater d iAltomey ftobert Bath ond colames Stark "m ust accept lh()illly for failure lo act lo up municipal ordinances and

ijlc s ." th<^ r t also said "Open and wtus street prostitullon was thJ In Rock Springs from 1973 lo wi


to begin ' icilitythe new center will have u

of 100, compared to a i of only alwul 75 a t lhe \

y Hoad facility, according to Tdgert. civilian ti'chnlclan for ■veinTwin Falls ;ert said the new facility, lo , specifically fur reservist program s, will offer the local L*sencs Srt.-veral advantages ; form er tracior i-<]ulpment Iding they now occupy, hard to Iraln and operate

ly In Kuch a small iHJilding," rt said "We have training is In demolition, highway rtlon and blowing up and bridges We net-d mon.- room d u a l tra in in g ''■aid th e building w hich y houses the reserve unit Is i t square feel In ar*a arvd does ■ ide efficient use of the space ling purpow-snew building, sla ted for ion within a year, will feature iquan* foot tnaintenance shop ion lo the 12,000 sijuarx.- feet of and classrooms in the main

C o m e e n jo y a p o r i e n c e in W e 'r e p r o u d c o u f p f t c « , o o r c u s l o m o r . O u s a t i s f y y o u , n o Y o u c a n ' t I M A U R IC E S ihi b a c k If y o u 'i s a t i s f i e d . E v w w a s o n t a l e , w a d j u s t m e n t , e : bficauM wm t i y o u w e l t . V l f t l i i


. ■ . . -p.,. r

State b<W( receiving - water inpui

BOISE - l l i e Idaho Depai ] WatCT R esourees will recelv. ' com m ents on InBtivain flow Uons for 11 r ivers hnd d « e k 8 ;

— A -pubU c-m eeU ng-to-acc com m ents w as held In B<

• week. W rftten c o ^ e n l s si l-addressed to C hairm an, Idal ■ Rf*yH*rcM''BftPrdr S tat^ tous I’idaho.rarafi: ^' . I M I M MMof Um 8th liH M i ^M liea tlB o i a n be

Vloyard Cr«ek li Counfy to maintain trout pofi w ith rearing and s p a w n l^ 1 LltUe Wood R lv w a fg a g e st

-1 8 1 0 - ln L in co ln -co o n ty -f p a w n in g and rearing ; Silver B laine County_at U. S. S3 t o : w ild trout rearlifg Habitat

'W hite Spriiigs^ln Gooding C p reserv e trou t rearing and i h ab ita t; Bancroft Springs Ir County to presehTJ aesthel population and fishery; Blln<

- S p r in g s In Gooding County se rv e fisheries, fish populat the aesthetic resources of the B riggs Springs In Gooding C m ain ta in trou t populatloi B anbury Springs in Gooding ( p reserv e fishery, fish pop aesthetics, r e c r ^ o n am values.

lidrenQglc Bowl In Twin F a lls ; Bu] a.m . to 5 p .m .; Burley, Y-E

6 p .m .; Gooding, R anch Bowl, I ;30 to 3:30 p .m ,; M ountain Hor m . Saturdoy; R upert, Rupert I 6 p .m .; and Shoshone, Moun

[i.m .to6p .m .m eets will have an opportimll a s bicycles, television s e ts an ased on the num ber of sponson not on the Individual skills and

imes cityW alaha said he took cxc<

the docom ent, and pointed d u r i n g th e e a r l y 197 conim unlly 's population doul the loca l police force stralnec up w ith problems.

" I f w e had put all the pollc the s tr« e ts patrolling procUt would have left every nefgW th e dow ntow n s to re s ai w arehouse distric t unguard said . " U ’s a m atte ro f prioritli



B O U Q U E TTHA.S*MJVlHt B -n iB V f€MM.

S u n yoor n m tratfmon m th e u t n t t r t tall Rowin

Coll or Hop .n W* ivnd He

ih«(TD~0, J Z 5

^ C ' u i K c i a U i .

a n d M a s r t H a l i m

7 3 3 - 3 0 4 4113 Moln A««. fait

T .ln f^ il

' a n e x c i t i n g n e w e x - 1 f a s h i o n s h o p p i n g .J of ou f m erchandise . njr s to re , ond you...oof O ur b u s in e s s is to 10 m atter w hat it takes.

b u y a n y th in g a t lhat you c a n 't txif>g u ’re not com plete ly ten H your p u rch ase , w e ’il gladly m ake an

e x c h an g e or refur>d I tMkm p ride in tenrlng it u s today!



lUtepah m en to f celve w ritteo □ow appllca- ■eksinldaho. ■

-acccp t-o ra l— r ) Boise last te should be Idaho-W at^ • l>ouse,-Boise,-— —

stream s for I being co» lekln Jerom e

Ing habita ts; • ge staUon 13- y - f o r - 't r o u t Uver C reek In 3 to m aintainJ U t r i i n *Ig OMmty to ii^ o w n i n g ^ in E lm ore stheUcs, fish Blind Canyon unty to pre- lulatlons aod f the w rin g s; ng Counly to atlons; aod IngCoim tyto populations, and social

Buhl, Sunsci Y-DeU Bowl,

iwl, F riday. 10 Home. Strato . _

lert Bowl Inc., iountain View

limlty to take s and bowling isors obtained i and scores of

Vexception lo ted out that 1970s th e doubled and lined to keep

Kilfcemen on -ocUtutas we H^tborhood.I and the uarded," he oritles.

^ H O N E

/ E R

r[ A O a a a ion win mwn.■d li<m«ft

' s '





•Ofto»s.a tng»iyseanr>dn g



■ ■

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

F o u r 1

4 e a m s

b o w l tBy Uniled Press IntcmatJona:

^ - I t cam e up-sm elling roses foi Paclflc-10 Conference team s, es{ Uy the U niversity of Southern C{ n ia Trojans.

USC defeated UCLA, 17-10, in clim actic gam e a t Los Ar Saturday to win. th e .Pac-IQ fetence title, a p lace In th e Rose on New Y ear’s Day and a po

■ shot a t the national cham pionshi

F o r the Bruins, who fell to UJ th e 'th lrd stra igh t y e a r when v would have m eant a R ose Bowl i there was som e consolation thl2 — an Invitation to th e F iesta B< Tempe, Arlz., on C hristm as Day $400,000 payday.

Stanford Joined th e T rojam Bruins in the holiday bowl ll beating Califomla, 30-10, to w Invitation lo the Bluebonnct Be Houston on New Y e a r 's Eve i guaranteed $250,000.

And Arizona S tate, ~playlng 1 Poc-lO for the first tim e, becan

- fourth league tcam -with a post-s Invitation — to the new Garden Bowl in E ast R utherford. N .J. - beating Oregon S tate . 44-22, Garden State guaran tee is a $125,000.

The Rose Bowl Is worth ov million, so there wlli be close million to split up am ong the te: the P ac 10, By for, tha t Is the money ever made available i conference, and four team s In season play also Is a Pac-lO r L ast year, W ashington played Rose Bowl, USC in th e Biucbonn Stanford In the Sun. but thch guarantee <ivas som ew hat Icsi this y ea r’s pot.

The T rojans, who have gam< at hom e ogolnsl N o tre Domi week and on the ro ad a t Haw Dcc. 2, now a re &-1 ond in the n for the national championship.

UCLA, which was 6-0 in the 1 race two weeks ago a nd seemln the rood lo the league title 0{ Rose Ilowl. losl to Oregon Slal USC In Ils lasl two s ta r ts ond fc 3, But Fiesta o ffk ia ls wasted

Oilers, 1HOUSTO.S (LIM) -T J jc I lo i

Dolphins tonlKl't In an NKLU-ll way toward determ ining Iwo c one ru-shlng Illle

Oilers head coach Hum Hilll w ear a cowlxjy ha t Ix-cauM.* Indoors, nevertheless will pull ( an teatcr bools for lhe fin 'l tlmi ABC-T\’ cam eras rt-lurn to lhe

Thri'i' M.*aiofu> - Ibe lasi Football W.1S in tfr*-n - V appcan-d n-aJ> to challeii^: supn-macy tiu- ira iiis male.

Van Eeghei Raiders win in mudOAKLAND r i ’ l . Mar

Keghvn sccred tw ice on sm ashes and the Oaldand fi added a third Unjclidoan \ fumble rcc o 'e r) Sunday uh il Ing the Oakland Haidi-n. lo , victory In lhe ram o \e r the , Uons

If y.as Oakland's ei^;hlh again it four Iosm.-s and ke Kalders In a lu- ’* :th l>en\er I place tn the A h f West TT dropped the Ijju j. to 4 8 Th< vkas m a n rd by X) jK-nallK-s a played almost ctrripli-.i-lr m th

The Raiders bu::t a 0 lead Ke^;hen's J ir .1 l>»u tcucfid-** traUed 1413 at Ap.-ii4 frt^m Ca.') I).ir,;dson l Scott and a l ya.'d b>Kln>: ac<^.u:■,t.^l fu.- t* o

Ken .St.it)l<-r co;r.;)l<te<l a pass lo l-liffHrarKh.LuM lH-r wide r e c f u r r fu:r.Med the bai I yard line mid'^ay ttm'Uf:h II quarte r and \an and ran one \ ard !u {lut ttx- Ka frvntaK aln.ivM

SlaM rr a >.irdDave Casf>rr (iC Ojklarnl tnucbcJown arxl the H J1drr^ jn Ivi-o Iniurancr points on a q u a rirr iafrt> llnetwci Vtllaplaiw taiVIrd Dar.lrli.-;; etxl rone

trnurt.r;h ^O f)-JhaH fuIJ



P a c = H

s l a r #

b e r t h sional tim e Inviting the Br

, , „ T ho t m ay have so

■ S i T a -uC allfor- u s e Jum ped to a

on the B ru ins in the0 , in their P a c - lO tlU e o n a p a l

Angeles by soph quarterbacc-lQ Con* an d a 21-y a rd fielfloseBowl Jo rd an . UCLA car1 p<p!ble y a rd field goal by Fiishlp. in the th li^ q uarte r:o USC for P®®® ®en victory Reece..owl b e ^ . T here w as a lit t1 this time m inutes left whenla Bowl a t g ap to 17-10 but thDay and a v ^ y hold off the

b ecause of Chari)Jans and finished th e day wvl lineup, th a t m ode him theXI win an back in USC hlst<it Bowl in ahead of such starsIvc and a Rlcl<y Beil and Anlh

I - . S tanford {7-4). iring in the trouble handling Ca jcam ethe of their se rie s as c

o n s se t Ifiree mori rden Slate ing reco rds for a tot

D arrin h; „ yard s , caugh t four Is around

purpose back to g< h over $1 rushing and catch :Iose (0 $2 sccond s tra ig h t yea e team s In h as done it once.

blc'to"!!#!’ F resh m an lullb;IS In posl- scorcd th ree TDS tolOrccord. ov er Oregon S tate (yed In the S ta te will be Abonnet «nd ap p earan cc In Uic I,thclr total u ,„ „„]yless than pjayed during lhc

(5-5) edged Wash!i..fi 31-24- In tha t on<

f a r , h i sHawaii on r ” ” ""Ue™nnlnR In te r c e p ts , Inclu.,lp re tu rned for a touc

the Pac-lO PCAA, Sim lnRlyon M ontana. 35-7, Frele and lhe FulleiSlate and F">>' Pom ona, Jd-2

Id fell to 8- 'o Mexico. 44isted little conference leaderi

Dolphil’ Iloastoii O ile r; host lhe iliam l , iH-ll-rlnKiT w hich will go a long wo division ch.impion-ships and

lillllps. w ho by the u a y will not lUM.' the gam e will l>c playi-d ;>ullonliisnew pair of $40U white time lo nole the cK-caiion of the

)lheAstn*dome last time ABC's M onday NiRhl

- Phillips' fir>l OikTs. leam leii^:e Pilt-sbur>:h for divi.-iion nalchi-d excellent n-cord.s In lhc


Ion !)d j kfl I

to 1the LK-trv:!

I kepi the ■ ' ■ » l i | ^ .er for fin.; 7 J a

The^tov. '



ball at 'IN-

r.{)irlLMu;iII ^ backer n ; : l ;

In tl; . ' ' ^

. O l I J t = | S I

‘ B ruins to their bowi. tmm;: f saved Coach Terry - J J ;

0 a 17-0 first half lead J | | B the ir m atchup for thep air of scoring passes -back Paul McDonald , field-goal by F rank - c am e back on a 22- ' j ^ H }y P e te r Boe'rmecsler t e r and an 81-yard TD < Bashore lo Severn ’

little more than five ien UCLA closed the t the Trojans effecll- the Bruins, mostly l l i ^ |

la rles While. While mH y w ith 145 yards and the greatest running H H

ilstory, pushing him H E lars as O.J. Simpson. 2 3 inthony Davis.

I. meanwhile, had no > Cai in the 61st game as quarterback Steve lore conference pass-' ■1 total of nine this year m Nelson ran for 177 ]ur p asses and scorcd iabled the soph all-0 go over 1,000 yards pich 50 passes for the year. No ono else ever

illback Gerald Riggs is to key/\SU 's victory ite(3-<j-l),TheGardcn

ASU's sixth Ik)wI he last eight years, j SAf

o ther Pac -10 game lhe weekend Arizona ,

ishington Slate (3-G-l). one. Jack Thompson ^ ,

:a A career yardage bul had three passes Coi

eluding one which was final ouchdown. last \

flvecSan Jose State beat

Fresno State defe.iU'd alierton Slate bo.nt Cai 26-22, and Pacific lo.M ; I-«;

44-C, Utah Slate, the • ; le rn l 4-1. ••m idle

ins’ clasl»nil Astrodome n ie Oilers w e a ong Sti-elers handed them anothi and .Monday nlghl losses:

•'We »anli*d to kill instead not M id "IM tkburgh treati-d il yi-d u h a tw ew illd o th ls tim e " lilte 11 ^till be hard for the the trvaling tonight's game a s s

a t B-3 and Uou.stoii at 7-«. th Ight playoffbpot ,-am “ I know it's importai-.l.’ sion Bethea said "1 ]ust hojK-tt the tK-fore lhe kjaine 1 don t v

W m i

•v nv tT Q u a r l e r b a i k C i

^ p r

R a m f i e l d g o a l k lc k <


:o rra i kicked a 24-yard field econds left Sunday to give lhe I Los Angeles a 3l-2fl victory h'ranclsco 4acrs, extending thi rtTcslem Division lead to th ree ca

C orral’s kick climaxed a C2-y; final 1: lt> w ith P a t Haden. a ques lasl week because of back spas five passes for 55 yards during th<

The victory was the lOlh In 1 Ram s while lhe 49crs dropped to :

U(s Angele.s' earlier scores c

sh to plawea- not ready, liuweviT. and t inother in a string of em harrassi

stead of tackle th;it nlgJit." I’hilli i-d ll as just another gam e Thn e "the Oilers players lo ke<-j) fn • as somethin>; special With Mia A. the Victor is alniDst assun-d o

laiil." U ileri dele;'.sr.c e:v-l Kl )IK- they k.-i-p iH-ipIi' (rurnKi t >.a:;t .iinUKly t.'ll;i;^ me i:

s ^ 1


m< C r a l 9 M u r t u i i h a & t i u

r S s

: k e r F r a n k C o r r a l w a f

f i e l d s— R o o k ie F ra n k p a s s e s ofId g o a l 'w ith tw o a n d 47 tole h e a v ily favo red C a p p e l le t t•V o v e r th e San B o b B ru d zth e R a m s ' N FC P a u l Hc a m e s , to u c h d o w r

i-y a rd d r iv e in thej e s l lo n a b le s ta r te r "

~1 s t a r t s fo r th e o n ly tw o Tto 1 11 In 11 g a ms c a m e on H aden m o s t e lv e r

ay role iid th e im jK jrtan t."ss in g T h e ga m e sho ',^case^

T e x a n s IK'l W illia m s o f I iillips th e O ile rs W illia m s , a •h n t 's g a m e s w ith 1.007 y ^ rd s

d e fe n se in th e A FC Roo! f ro m y a rd s

l ia m i T h e re Is a d if f e re n c e d o f a v a r lv a n d h e l d o n W iln.

v k h ic h lh e y lo d a lh a l f t i r

■ rn u- M.’\v r i \ ic t i i r ie b . they tra • i: IS T lie u .in u 'IS r a te d a te

E $ 1

r . i & il u - b a l l k n o c k c c i l o o s i


L v a t c h e s b a l l s a i l t h r o u

g o a l s<s of five yards lo l,jw rence Me* 7 to Ron Jessie, a 1-yard run ;Uetti and a 31-yard Interception i >rudzinskl,a Hofer scored th a “i; San I downs on 1-yard plunges, ai jm s capped the scoring with a: ff re turn, ftofcr, who wound up ; on 20 carries, tied the gam e 2«-a over with 11:13 left In ttie final per; ; R am s' defense went Into the g. w o TDs yleldtxJ lo opponents on tl gam es and lhc 4aers' point to la Clven up by the Rams this yenr.

in deddicases the l\io AFC rushing le;i IS of tho Dolphins and Karl <^impl IS. a bcalback, leads the AFC afi i r d s . But h '' is facing the No 1 Rookie CamplH-11. a bullish runne

■nee m team styles alvi Miami h Witness lheir ability low iii ei,ery alftime. Hnarton. on the <ilh«-r h.m m lcrmission lu get cranking o t •> tra ili-d a tlh ch a lfin M x o lth em d a toss up The series is w e n al ti'


I H ua iX-r.

more IhanI Wl;>.


■ \ M'cund \^ tJ,.->I 1

aW r i [o ::e . a,:r<

■ i tjV-,.,: !(.-•;

r.i:. •> r , i . r - . ;! wl vv.i'.r .1;».

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i ' t ”* -

‘ Morid^Vl^owomborZO.'l’flj^ -Tim

i r o u g h t h e u p r i g h t s t o !

s a v e s Je M cCulcheon H aden's sc<

run by John CappeUelll’s 1)tlon re tu rn iiy l -‘i*d,

Afumi)lere<lan F ranc isco ju r y led to lh<s, and D ave sa n F rancisith an fiO-yard opportunitiesid up w ith 105 R om s'terrftoi(?2a-2a w h e n h e 3 , bul on bolhjlperiod fleld-goalatlei the gam e wllhs on the g round Corral, whoL lolal was th e lhal sent the g,■nr. Bay, missed fr

Jing chaiMiami lit playing

ig leaders. Division l l ie I^lph^implK'll of Kngland al 8 ;i-'C after 11 Houston k-d the AS'o 1 ra lt t l gam es behind AF(runner, has T he O ilers host the

final five^am esami has hit .Miami, the hight•\ery gam e ,*iH (x- atile to har•rh .ind .has national Icievivtonig 'H ih .'ir v,atching. The Doi,them u h lle iiuustun is 1-nalt;-'. Oct

nverl6 -3

Lytle pays to offensivNVKH l l ’I ' - It s not often >1 U -nu -r lironcu rus):es In.- ii

Iban IW yard s in a 1When ll happrr.s, a s;x- i.il 1

: e h ; , io n l - r kI l.ytl-'. r.uc-d fur l l" ■ o:i 1'. c ..r r .—. ' (,vicli^r;. lA.T t>.- <;r.-.n H.,, i rrs . t;.? ti> (, ->U,'llf,.' Jur u lf r r .- : ; . ' I::." did .. -ifu: ‘ .i:-; i-:-tU'. .-i *V.I\('uT ,K K Wl,' :,!,u; ;! 1 '■■■• r. .1

r : r

i !;.vl MJIct. |

a,;rr-i d t,'-> fa .',rr ;

1. .i:riA.l- r v i . : , , i l I,.- 1

i.vlM- Ih- l...,l ..(-1 ••A .;; I !• 1! ;,••• t

,• r-. ; :.i;. i-! ■> :ti < ri” . r ,1 ; ’..ir ! :■ r lo )

(..r , ■ f.':i V . !

t : - : !■ r ! : r - i l.n It ••I 'e; ’.r.il .> ,'.I: 11 '• 1us ;n-.; '

t> . '* h '' 'AI'-.', i:'.!o ■■1- A.;r'. i : : y.C'.:, ru-f:;;;,;

H r ; P n 'rr." ' ;vr t'.' Itv'' I " ' .i: !

'i 's . ' '

t o g i v e R a m s t h e w i n

R a m sscoring pass to McCutche-

I’s TD gave the R am s a 14-7 h

; recovery on th e Los Angeles t ) lhe 49crs' tlrs t sco re on Hofe: icisco m issed a pair ot :lcs After recovering fumbles rftory. Including a flrsl-«nd-goj oth occasions. R oy Werschlng itlem pts - from th e 29 and 34,

,ho Iwo weeks ag o kicked 0 flc le game into o v ertim e agalnsl d from 34 yards o u t wllh 2:34 le

impionsing for lhe IcaduTbhlp in the A jlphlns enten-d th e weekend tl'

le AFC w lid c a rd chase althouj AFC Central D ivision leader the .Stnelen. and th ree o ther tc

ighest s a in n g te a m In the N handle the u n usua l clrcum sL ston audience a n d mostly b Dolphins .ire U -2 in Monday IS 1-4 folloAU'.g a 2417 ^Mn ove

's tribute ive line

>ard ru;i in th e 1 iiroiK'us also sClJri-.J I'Tl a 1TI> p j s i fru.T. Cra;,; N!or Hav.-n :it'>'-»-s ..nd l.'.<> .it

(Ic;*'!'.'-c- «-n M r./'ii- t.K'>,l«'.l (ir.-'-n ( J ' r t . . K > , U.',;',' !,If,-' io:,e

C (;-;-T ,V..i:. : -o r.-; it P.n;.--: .1 :»■ ..,1 r; -I

f .r . : ,• ,1! (,r^v,i ’.K K'Ts - ,tr. .1 ■ hal!;;:r.

ikiA i., I--:.'.' : 1 'Tjin - '- l t-'i'-

j :Tl.all>-

i-o :-::.. '! Jl "JC'-J f';r in*' f;e

I * U '; . U*' 1■ tf:.rtld"*:;

r. 'aT.;. Jl •'.r. ! >,i:,l l. ’.-il i; I,,.'! .1- »• fri'::; its !,i- . r.-t-"!c>u^'h'k)Ai;s

If,.- t.r-.’ came - :;h • t:..: • »■ Ih'- t! .- '1 '

'■! 'f, ' :! h;t wM '.->rd ^oT i!i,; }>4»s M )-; t!i- -{..trk n th*-

'?nv»*, ptilt-r'K! \ ,i:'l [■,r., !>ir • t f'.i, i.il !.:

,i! •,,• •• 1' ;■ ,i:>l I,:.'- : •>

Tlmo8‘NOws, T w tn Fallo, Idaho E

• ' r l j ; ; _ ^ : j ' -

ihoB<} - : Ix

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E B D * 1UPI-

v i n

s:cheon and t-7 halfUme

ies 8 by Bob lo fe r 's dive, ot scoring

!)lcs deep In f-goa lon the hlng m issed 134,

0 field goal Insl Tam pa 34lefl,

IShe AFC K astem id tied with New

hough It was two ider Pittsburgh L-r team s In their

e NFL. possibly m slances with a y hostile crowd Jay nicht g a m n , over l’ittsl)urgh

IT,-'1 a M > .ird Mortu;; tu > ..diJ.-J a

rr.' ;<-.-n H.i> ■

It,.- .. . . . i : . ; ' . : ;




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Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

' : V■ WTlm<i^N«w8,Tw[nFall»,ldi

' p ^ F ^ P e o p k i n i

^ M l i s o n w i T im es 5(K

ONTARIO, Cailf. (UPI) : : w ho didn’t win a race

. : , Nationa} seasons, climax© Sunday when he outdueie

- i la s t 16 to-win tbe Los "B ecoH aifiire :------------ —

• ■ A111SOD..40. Hueytown, . ah e ^ o rY a r to ro u g tr fo rJ i

: 111 . failing.toArin a rece .ln i n - 1 - — g7-racg.wlnleas s t i y j j ^ y .

. Feb . 19,Allison led 133 laps of th

. the O ntario Motor Speedw

. oval and he averaged 1 Industries’ 1970 Thunderi) TimM5001nl974.

-----N ew spe^ rcconMACAO (U PI) - Italy

speed record Sunday in w ■ M acao G rand P rlx in on

seconds, driving h is C hen n illes p e r hour.

'' P a tre se slashed through R oad Circuit from the th e W ,3 0 0 w li^ 8 p u r s e .

T o d d i n j u r e d —NEW YORK (U PI) -

. . . jc tu m e d to a s ta h ln g n ; . quarteHia'dk a l t t f .ffsevet . . th e rem ainder of the i I ■ coU artooe for the second I I ■ Todd, who suffered tl; I ■ W ashington Sept. 24, was• th ird period when he . - quartertMsck draw play.

’ I c k x in f i r s t• MACAO (UPI) - Belg ‘ world-famous race ca r dr I R ace of Giants, a unique e\ ; is not cash, but love for the 2

Ickx soared through 12• C ircuit in 42 minutes. 10.24

■ . l-m llc sp tr-b o u rln aF o rd E s i

McEnrcGulUks(LONDON ( U P D - j i ) h n Me

threatening to quit over t troversia l first set point, around to edge fellow Americj

. GullUtson 6-7. M , 7-6. 6-2 Sund Ih ire hour, 42 minute m arat c a m the $36,400 Jacltpot a t a cham pionship a t Wembey Aren

In a repea t of last M onday's I t h t Swedish Open, the felity 1' o ld lefl-hander fom New Yoi la « « d h ls unaeeded opponent foQTth G rand P rlx title of Ihe and his second in a %i«ek whl< e a m d him neariy 173,000.

M c£nn>e‘i walkout th rea i c t} » tie-break ing tSth game opening le t a fle r G ^likaon hac off five succcssiv* polnU to 1« N lcE n ro e '* a n g le d ifrv< Gulllkson icam perlnR wide ;

Nicklaus {or most (

SYDNEY, A u . l r . l l . IL'I' A m erican Jack N lcklaui brrrt< tU -stroke victory In th r c A ts tra llan 0 p m champkun the 7.U6-yard A iulraJlan GoJ Sunday

H t picked up h li iU ih Cf ooe Ir ts lhan Utr neon} hrl(j A frican G*r> P li)T r - tr »-inoer'i check of ^»,cw:l i >*'fth a onr-undrr p j r 7| fc< a la lly of M a f lr r vpl^y for c m hour

JUone in K>ccnd t'. T*cou n to m afl IWn ('rrra.-am %t)OoKir.si 1 73 in l.V f.rX i C rrm h a * »wi C» d.C thrplacf^ pc.Trf- cf I ; : o . •rr: • A m cncan IJrucr I jf - i j ir *: Tt'.

K lckiauj r»XchpO • -idofUncT ot i-nj r* .- l;. :i

I M R .BLU E L ^ K E S S K



- , - i ^

. , ld . l i= - W . r N o V . m b , 7 2 (

n S p o r t s ^ ^ viris ~ ~00JP I) — V eteran B<*by Allison, ace for. two NASCAR Grand taxed his sensational com djack iueled Cale Y ariw nxigh In tbe I Los A ngeles T im es SOO for the

ivn. Ala., finished 1.78 s e c w ^ for JUS rinii w in of Uw y e a r a fte r 0 1976 and 1977. Allison b i ^ a L b y ^ c ^ tu r l^ l t f e J a y tb a ia K L

of the 200-lap T im es m a h u n d sedwsy 2.S'mlle, t l ^ U y tuh ied id 137.783 m ph in h is Norris de'rblrd. He won th e I n a u g i ^

o r d -Italy's R lcah to P a tre se se t a In winning h is second stra igh t 1 one-hour, 37 m inutes, 42.21.. h e ^ n a reco rd av e rag e 93.34_

ugh 40 laps of the 3.8-mUe Gula I ^ d ’s second ^ I t l o n to take Be.

I — R ichard Todd, who Sunday lg role a s th e New York J e ts ’ eveo-week layoff, w ill be out for he season a fte r b reaking his ond time.d the previous in jury against was huri on the final play of the he was tackled following ay-

Belgian Jack ie Ickx beat 14 r drivers Sunday In M acao’s je event In which the incentive theq?ort.I 12 laps of the 3.8-mile Guia 10.24 seconds, averaging M.87 J E scort. — ...............................

Toe gets i 9onfort1 M cE n™ . re liim hit Uic ncl; r a con- out.nl, sU yed There was noerican Tlm either the line or>unday In a um pire awardedlarathon to and the setat a tennis An angry M(\ren a . " T h a l 'i It now ily's final of Pl«y*ng *«y more,ilyl»-year- out. m an.”York out- ^

cn{ for hlx u y ln ^ GuUlkaon':Ihe M cEnroe waswhich has No. 3 seed wi

and he ioat the llet In an absorbing

•al cam e In u>e capacity B.Ottime of the u»ere was little Ifih a d r r e lfd between the UU» lead ft-S conlrast to Ihclr nf r v e h a d McKnroc *dc and hU flna l» tacan tc r6 -;

s nears rei t open vlti

- ocipof on ly f l« r p i ir w r d lo a t h r f l r u l f w i dr CX.OO) "11 1 Ih r t n l Ipku fttM pa t i l n r e I » o n t ^ r l i rGoJf n u b h r u i d

H r khot h:» rrv»; _____ __ a t I h r Uurd hoJr.

- r'* . N*ckj*u» u i j hr

Sund*> . - a !&/

t rw. »*» rrcuft: a L'. LV KT *r^rf ■ J <ix. ! .-T-.J-.J J

<i.r rr._-»j j f th r Uif«-(VT ».-rf j'C^J; : u » ^ cxfr.;Ti'. U.» urj> r r- r r j .- . .

ytXT » !«• L 'r M r**jk *» M riKVi :•

. M A R IS H O P P W O C E N T E R '


Jf207r978“ ‘';------ ---------------------

e a ■ l " *Sflf t ....... .

.21 . . ....... p i

T I e g s o n s W s

^ fashion inodel, ( enjoying b m e U as she

. counbyBkU ogatSoow m Is on locatkm filming a t< M o n itn g A n i^ c a riww,-

S ' ( ^ e i i ' h o l d s l e a d' “r BIRMINGHAM, E n^ ^ M arrku Alen driving a L

slim six sccond lead ov ^ Rohrl In a F la t Abarth a tbe the 2,000 m iles RAC rou : 0 began Sunday.

Rohri stood another 311 M ikkola from the power seventh successive Wctor

14 B Jom W aldegaardofSw cf

I-J T o s e in s u r g e r yEACT RUTHERFORD,

ia Tose. ow ner and president B7 has undergone successful - — N F L club announced Sundi

; b y ' [ 5

titlenet judge and bounccd

no call however from •‘ o r net Judge and the led Gulllkson ^he point

McEnroc told him: w then. m an. I’m nol 'o re. m an. T hat ball was •,>•”udge then Intervened Jt lon'i re turn h ad hit him ' ' w asg lvenlhepoln t. But I was plainly unnerved (lebreaker»-7. ring contest, which hold 1.000 C T w d spellbound, e if euiythinK to choose

t>*TJ pla>Tr». a far ir m rr tln g ilx da>-«aKo c wxw t/K- Stockholm r 6-3.6 2

B c o r d

t l o r i e sp i i ) m lo tjrrah p ar in '

U r » r d n 'm Ih r ►•ill ■ IJnlii.*! (>prfi in Ju J > , '’

rv»! »{jwt>rular t;;rOir odr. » t> rrr f ir hcJrO a

th .r .k ll d : J IW-n > fM d ■ f>ri h r f r ; i J KX’f r Tl

riue r fk r ! to riMTti

•1 a ! .! :> r*_ '. trii 1 ’..Srrr,

,.c. tie U iJ r

i l l ^t * *


I )

— --------------- ----------------- ^

\s ' ' ■ -el, Cheryl Tiegs, Is obviousl I she g e ts h v firs t ta s te of crofi lowmass, Colo. recm tJy . M s. Tleg g a television spot for ABC’s <3oo How,------------------- -- ......—

: a dEngland (U PI) - F inland’;

g a Lancia S tratos pulled out to t id over West G erm any’s Waltci r th a fte r seven special stages o: ' round'Brltain auto rally which

•r 31 seconds c lea r of F inn H annt owerful Ford squad chasing its -•Ictofy, and defending champion Sweden In anolher Ford.

ry)RD. N .J. (U PD - Leonard dent of the Philadelphia Eagles, •ssful open h ea r t surgery , the Jundajr.------------------------------------

' . ‘ii


E ) C T R A

~ E X T R A

I T H E T O ^

F i r e d. sn c K N E Y , n i. (Ul

broke out early Sunda naUon’s fifth oldest dam age , investlgalon

T lie fire broke olit a^ th a t separa tes the se<

.pariclng garage a t the in both directions, de* dam ag ing the dubhoi C a i ^ .

------Ntnw uf tliu Uiofou

w ithout injuries, autho



<rds .He-----------UklMtt Wvaui «>Hli


r a i A}79 O ’- ■ .1 t

T. c b c J . - t 'M ! •, i f .u 1. ; . ^ ; , ^



d e s t f o y i1. (UPI) - A 'Uilnl (Ire 'ln a s m an Sunday a l the H aw thorne race trai dest — and caused up to 110 lalorssald.olit a t about 3 a .m . MST in a w oa le second, level o f th e b a n d s tan d It the 87-year-old track . I t qulcklj s, destroying the g randstand and ubhouse, sa id tra c k co-owner R<

loroughbred • hors e s -w eriT' injur «

authorities said.

i i i i i g e t b e t

J \n c i e i iSTILL 86 P

«■ I.HXUI. w NOW - O WeUCHkl tCi DI5IMI

E X I R ATf'-.'19’9 C '‘iic;i G I Lid[ >!r,i tun c t.cn .il VViIti (

_ I ' Uy 'o ijf Jficj a

' . r : ' 'J f 'I'-'i'.-; ,1

E X f R A /

W S . . . 3 0 N l

' t O U ,

_______ T

\/s llHnpjl!} w e ^ /■ '.'Stale' an d ' » t r a c k - t h e begin a n Ini > 110 ' m illion d e s t r c ^ tb e w

clubhouse w aa dl 1 wooden wall m a in 'e n t r a ^ to

M ls to y Z i lo , . . L aw .E n lo rcem ei

ler R o ^ F . Indicate arson.

I'ljured in-the------Some-lSO-firafin«.|flhhnHBffghIft before it w aa exUj

[ a v 5 " : a

Age. a

^ n tc A g e iSPROOF . ^;i wsininixB.fsuiuMi.it. - Individ

j l Lidtj.icK E X T R A-Vilti p l,.n!y The- 1979Coro!lifid a i.itQL' D im CDOfiy O.r i''” ': ¥*•!»• { -fr .» y c 'CI’.-.; ,1 i.ri.ip '.Vl,'c.i'i i; :.


^ E W 1 9 7 9 T


r o Y C

l s t r < ^ e l c

Indiaw eofdrdemo^'lnvesfiita I Intensive, lovestlgatioa Into i i wDoden-flot^bandstand. T 18 damaged in a fire two weidc e to the track caught fire th iee ' , a q)okesman forthe'llUnola E nent, said the recent fires i but there, was no immedlatt

^ g h t« r» A o ro - f ivo-dq>ar t m<

ixtlnguished. -

ividuaHy g ift-w rapped a t n oe :

iro!MSR'5L<tlb,-iCk ' C0fiiL;.n*;5 (JnvTtirj lun s ' c n r .ic : :yt.‘ :.:'':y f,carA a';oM


E X T R A.1 F .v .'j rx .-„ ',T


t A


r M D U G o r r r



l i ' : ' : :i.; .

i. I te -H aw thdh ie i^eids « o , and tbe re ew ee to ag o .>la D q u rim e n t of e s prom pted tbe ' Uate evidence to

rtm antM noIudlttg-^abo« t-fhw -ho i* r

w ex tra cost. .

I '" f ■

• •!

, ^

L _ ■ I

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

V i k i n g c o r n e r b a c k 1

Beat RedskinsCardina

W /\sniNGTON (UPI) - Ev« one louchdown on a 70-yard pur dcflcclcd pass, St. Louis quarte adm it surprise over any aspe< upscl triumph Sunday over thc V

"We have reached lhe point v.1 to happen for u s .” said Ha touchdowns. "We could soc all li we w ere Just inches away f'T>m u

Thc Cardinals have won four and lhe suddenly inepl Redskin; -season wllh six s l r a l ^ t wins.

"There w ere a lot of odd thlr said lU-dskIn Coach Jack Pardc w ere on the bad end of all of iho days."

WillarU Harrell re lum ed a p t touchdown ond H art followed > Iwunced off Mci G ray 's hands

Seahawks beat KC

KA.VS.VSCITY, Mo a ’l ’D - ll iT r iT a Ixw li'd tw o fn-ld I ) ; iv ld S im s a d d e d a 10 touclidow n ru n Sunda> lu niv .St-anlc S< 'ahaw ks a 13 tu v ictor} th e t- r ro r p ru n e K a a ia s C ity C hu

T h c In u iiip l i S<Mlll«- a r t-co rd mx M ctorif% and pu lle S*-ah:iwks to Ih r y » Jm a rk fo r th ' Time th is M'ii.vin II U iis K a a s a s ' fo’j r l h stra :^;h l lo ss and e.'i.surr C h iefs a l U-as.1 a tip for th c s» s tra iflh ! las', p la c e fir.iiJi in Ih r

-* ith a : U 'n it .rd

Bucs 31^10T A M i’.'S. H o I i T M;ki

p.l W ll lor t*«i tc*ucM'*r.» a n j ll<-n far, \qt ofy U*/urc bc;.’ »: >id w;:h a ir.jur> a i ihr Tarrp li'jrc j.’VTri iTjpprO a th.-rr

* '*

. £ a g / c s 19- 17KV'T laTH K H S-'iH P S J

Hrrrvu:-. KO

:.v'.0 4 i ; ^ r

l.’i'- S r - Vori. I..ar.',s i:

liic-c .T Jf.'f.,- B-:

i k u r s 13-7t i!U •. r : :

H r r ) U ’fJ.s •ir>’2 4

;.*n-r.] 1 , i r o r : V . i-

r-.' ■ • ■ i I ■ . . ■ )i ^ .

Br<a K: k B o b b y B r y a n t h o I d i


lals stretclE v en th o u |^ h is club s c o re d

1 p u n t r c lu m a n d a n o lh e r on a a r te r b a c k J im H a r t refusi-d to isp e c l o f th e C a rd in a ls ' '27-17 Lhe W oshlnK ton Rcdskln.s n t w h e re we e x p e c t f’ood lhl^^;.s

H o rt . w ho p a s se d fo r Iwii a ll throuf^h o u r b a d }.lreak th a l o m w lnnlnK ."

four s tr a ig h t a f t e r a n O B s la r t skln-s o re 8-4 a f l e r oj>enin(; Ihv >.

th ln i;s h a p p e n in g out Ih c r i ', ’’ a rd e c . " a n d It s tn m i'd lik e we t thorn . It w a s Ju s t one of lho:.o

0 pun t 7U y a rd .s fo r a C a n lii ia l .'cd w ith a 2 l-y a n J p a ss w hich nds to r e s e rv e tlt:h t e n d O avi'




) - K fn-n T ! o e:K oali and !

lO -y a rd iji-'ci r 'l-p c ie j t , - • Hive th e , r i

r lo r j ove r c a iB f r - 'j i .- ',* ; c - r - j

]<■ a club Vl*)ull«*d th r j r t h r f i l l hLsasCilv'j vr.-*C''*’'C * ‘-( Lsured Ihrric soa )nd ,■■ ■1 Ih r , \F l '

M ;kr H a r 1 ; / ’ , *,' * ' / a n d Kicki) - - y ' f >\

> iJrh .^ rd . " ‘V ! *a rrp a Uj > c'* * .-'. . 'r r Kj.’n r

. J l i ’ l / '* V , - I .

J . 'V ,

• r ' r ' * * * ^ 'f ■ ^

> '••-1 T!,- ; i> •

. . . i s :‘. - ' • a > ^ '1^

~ .1 -• r »■ ’ * »

r t

AI d s o n t o i n t e r c e p t i o n

:h streak t-■d .Sleif. i \n o th e r l la r l l o u d a C h a n d le r, a n d Ihc firs t of t\

lo th e C a rd ln a ls o n lo p 2 - t- « ln l l 17 " W e d id n 't t ry lo s ll on tl

H ud W ilk inson . "U u t w e Ju st o f fe n se In th e second ha lf, W

Ml " K v c n w hen w e w ere 0-«. a t a n d h a d e x c e lle n t m o ra le . '

w ay . L ike Itn lay . a lol of ou Y ou c a n sa y wv ^ol l-l c h ea p

B a k k en niovt*d into seeoi .sco ring lis l w llti h is field ^o; e x t r a po in ts , p its h ln ^ h is 1H-;

T h e lo ss d roppt-d th e lli 'tl; th e N F C E a s t w ith D allas , a W o sh ln ^ ln n m w ts lh e Co' D a lla s .

lai W ash ln j;ton lo st dc(rii.siv ch s e a so n w ith lo rn ii> ;jrncnls VI' under>;o sur^HTv .Monday



i .V ’

f - . jp i j ''" : C ' » ; u i -

cr.Vo' ^ •■;••

D*I C*-» ■■■ :■.• 1 • : V*:

■J-C«-=I D«I c»'». . . . . . i p , , .

r . 1-“ -' C* .--t ' *•.' •. ■■. '


I S . C ‘. . . I Ml* •, ,


i o n a g a i n s t C h a r g e r s

: to fourtouchdow n p a s s . A y a rd s to of tv^o J im H ak k e n field jjoa ls j

O ln th e second q u a r te r .(in th e le a d ." s a id C a rd in a l Co;i

L* Ju s t c o u ld n 't n e t a n y th in g goinn ilf. W e trit*dever> 'th lnK , too..• O-ll, w e m a in ta ln i*d o u r confidei a le . T h in g s Ju s l s ta r li-d fa llin g i of o u r e a r ly s c o r in g w as fortuii;i h e a p [x n n ls ."se co n d p la c e on th e a li- tin ie N! Id g o a ls of :\2 a n d 27 y a rd s a n d tin IS IH y e a r lo la l lo l.:ir.7(Xiinls lli 'tlsk in s Into a lie fo r ( irs t p la c t

laii, a 27-7 w in n e r o v e r New OrliM : C ow boys T h u rs d a y a fle rno itn

• iis iv f ta ck le D iro n TallK -ri fo r i ic n ls in h ts le ft k n w T ail>ert Is•ly


’'i : : 's * o s Ovt “ ='lC.-.:sL*GOOSO tc

111^' C hargers 'perform ance bf tb e yi

■ : bl&nlccdtlioMlQnfl 'V;A n d th r e e p^ixis'S& iiiti

■ - f e n s lv ^ r r< « t tU‘ ^^9)cn you only yte;I<tare

| H S w a d o y ’swork.7 ^ "Wc knew (F ran ) Ta

going to bo throwing a Io i and we proctlced aga

^ week. I feci our llneback WM sccondory did a m arv ^ bottling up thc VIkingB

m oke the playoffs you I S i gam es like this to bull WM' Within the tcaftl.”

A thlrd-quortj^r. from Dan F o u ls . to

H Jefferson proved th e wli | H fo r thc Chargers, who i !W t fourth consecutive vwln----------- r ^ r d a tC - 0 . -------------------

According to Je ffe r P [ c a u ght a 14-vnrd TD p«i

p lay of overtime lost i 1 ^ K anssas City — Sund

II «

to Al Iis pul 1

NKL IIlia>c I

ii'ans. xm tn '

. . . . IIs to I


‘ ■'.NQ I I

■ I

1 '

" H j

' <

: jsw mI TV\ I

------- «••— r ~ " " " " "

against thU all backing crew and • narvelous Job In-J® *-“ v fW W WngB’ attack. To you have to win Mp a t w , bu iia . confidence

i^^ard ..T Dto


SERVICECOUPI! LUBE-Oil lII Wv'll U»l«l> up ••

” •11. l«WI<a<« th*II «un«i«an Co>«I


& ™


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fS TO CHARGE* Tv!?^all4 10 M o ln A v* . So.

|b ^ : i lU .e a n 't . . i l o igiliB t FM c ttH a lv e up wtaiit ire gave

tlliiiblM tn d


I^FILTER I I. $y88 j



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. $1 '


. $1

f lS h i tB iOVERI


O R O V t ■) »>

H;;; 2


B l ^ ^ ^ l ^ t u n i o v e r s and 'l Vikings <^ppe>

R K f c k ^ punt and fan the B lt td o iM i^ n e a r mldficld. A5 | 8 te t tg T lM ve a h ^ p i ly n u

^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ m a n i ^ b l c In £

P.'.; Ploylhg In'15-degree weat

J N F L s t a n d i i i !

i p a g e B 1 2

i.A u o ta .and S au Dlcgo

, Wuchdo'MJS and key turr f b« tU lngtoa7.7first-halftle.

The Vikings, taking advai p a n interference penally, sl

B ..Wllh Tarkenton hitting Rick i (Ml a lO-yard TD p ass mldwo r—th^ffrn^^^iarterrThesconrl

. tt-yw d penalty against Sa u^rJjiniroeDove.

'V ^

BRTR—5 W . M olnV A ■ « < I

( t a e l■

n a n a g e d W v ^ - second h a lf , ' i/!

ind'poof flcldVa ipped to7 -5 in rv ifter suffer-'' outings. .:o lc m o ia r ie < lv >

th e boll fo f •I. AfdwpJDJr£,.'‘-,- ''^z^^ed w hetf"7^“i jc c o v e r e d i : i u Li in Son D leg it,. *•.

iveather, MJi^ -

in g s ■

lego t r a d e d turnovers la

[tie.dvanlagc of a y . struck firstRickey Young------1-dwoy throughonrfolh)we(rn---------I San Diego’s


Ila. Idoho - '

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

Moon children i not take health Libras should b following hunef; G tN E llA L T E N D E N C IE S; A n i positive p lans to incrvasu octivltic: bounrfrics ond th u s Knin more obi ahead. New socrc is comc lo li^ h t a l ' A R IE S (Mor. 21 lo A pr. 19) Pla

( \i(ure eorly in the day and the business m a ile rs th a l n c ^ your a ll - TAUKUS <Apr.-20 to May 20) Cor f iifs th a l could im prove conditions I riow could p rove worihwhik'.

G E M IN I (Moy 21 to Ju n e 21) Ta ob ta in valuable da la you need for you r time ond ac tiv itie s wisely.

MCX)N C H IL D K E N Uuni- 22 lo . on how best to add lo your presen t i brigh ter. T ake no r isk s w iih you r he

L E O [July 22 to A uk. 211 Go a fte r i ing and th a t have bi-cn d ifficult to Sociability p a y s off handsom ely now -V IR G O (Auk. 22.10 &-pl. 221 Gow

w here you artf headed career wise and easily gain th o cooperation ol o thers

L IB R A iScpt. 23 lo Oct. 221 A n cx( ing -your hunches. S tudy approve g reo tf f abundance in tho future.

S C O Iir iO lO c t.2 3 to N ov ,2 l)C om morning who con bi-of assistance to ) llnesi talonls. T hink construciively.

SA G IT TA R IU S iNov, 22 lo Dec. 2 rww inlercstii a n J pu t yuu r ideai succcss. Sidc.iicp one who is working

CAPRICORN lDi«c. 22 to Jan , 2 0 | ' promises to o th e rs and n iuiniain ih t^ '. - T a k e no risk s w ilh money. jA Q U A R IU S (Jan. 21 lo Kvb. 1<J| ^

t i a l can be (inc for you. You can n s s ih rrs now sinrr-y«u u n d m ls n d th«i :PISCK S (^’eb. 20 tu M ar. 20) I'loncU

nbw a n d you can harullo im iiiv rs Mtni|t r m l t in the paxt. Use care in niuiion

•IF YOUR C H IL I) IS BOHN TOD^ need encouragem ent in order n> do kc p ^ v M f the best education vuu lu n s ll folkiw.lsiake su re nol U> ncfilit i religi life. T earh good m anners, aWu


No outsiders \ 1 com( will be ,— V b'r allowed

puntin' /} KJadgf FI tw a s ,

t n e m a n s f s l *

n p C O tH A Y .. 4 - ____________________________4 ^ 'MMr >M RON» AOCUT > a j

l l tT U lAllJY

t/ I 'M 6IV IN G y o u


S O L P I E R "

: , D tH N H T H lM IN A C C


i p : '

U»i C 1 u r r j r ■ ’ •

n must thriiks; .Ibe -ehes— _An excellent doy to mukc vities far beyond pri-senl ’ abundance In th r dny.n fit a t th is lim e, '

Plan recreflliiinK for lIu' then handle im portiinl

r altcn tiiin .( C oncen tra tr nn hnnir-nf— ■ -- . ons there, A i-rriilive idi-a

) T ake .the rijthl slrp^t In , for fulure use, Si'Iutiuit-

: lo Ju ly 21l Conii-iiirati- • v n t income und make life j r health.fte r Kouls th u io re iipiieiil- . _ I lo a tta in prior Ui now.

G ood day to analyzi- ju s ;■ and (inanciully. You cun Lhers a t th is linn-, n excellent doy fur foINiW' iroved wuys ol ’nlnint;

Contact hl^hcr up^ :n the e to you. Show thi'ni vour ■ely.)ec. 211 You cun look ItUo ideas (o work for f;ri’uler •king again st you 20) You are ulih- to k .rp n the ir goodwill ul (ll^^

lit! Sicuutionb now ;>riso 1 reach ogrvcini'fU^ wilti

a notary anjxT ls un- MtKily th ill havi'lHTM ilil- ilion.ODAY . ii.M.1 slK-**ill lo g(«id work. Hr ^url' to .n sKiird und willeliKiou^ truiiim^i-urU in

J t someone mus'Tlhls clc omfo't th is OQ A o‘moo( b'reave'chile, f „

L u m ^ f

I> O J TOO A L S iy . K iw t r MIRVIN’ / TMS WO»CV / A *

-A n T x rt-c

i f e3U , , ■ ••i ^ p I V .6*

I I N G / ;

" : ■ c'-


PE A N inS



■ '"B L O N D fE ”

f f l iliii PeuCAHS-MAK6 y-[- —• (g ureA WOtuMUSWt: • r \ M O U & E H O L O



______ _______


— L n ^ c e m m u x m i r a RxmvTDouRcm O m6t<r.SK.T}£omt. IW - emfi^TfDCfysAf

e - Tie H e t f n m a r -


closet were full^ ^MfSQ9^

AM CAN'T M JkXfi f &UT_ H * tO f

i S^ ' r ■

: ; \ r :3BVHcr* I »•

~ * ■

111 W,. I.,.AS




I . ^ H o n d i


UKE I OlOYDUkklOV TWBV CA>« iSlW; = 3.TeCgJaS.U:lMTUglg-fteAh lOl-O •— <=OHALMX ;TS T ^ Z \ - r

1 - = = = /vou ctTt/ AU«HNIGHT

= 7 XY lu « > N lC H T - r V « « / — ' > t r v i n ‘i o g e I ^ T I (SOMESHur-g^

_____ ~

■JfJ5 _____ ■f0UV£NOT6OH6T07E vi/£Meit)Aasc^.<£R Af^VOUSf^TlA^.Af } S \ rkinjrsa!£f-mrsE ------- W - mCmCTDHmETD'. ilh —I BR tW

Jfflril i ' / ^'move Mer''tfi B g p ^ a p , R u f u s ^ -.,

'm M

*tOf AH CAN T»*VAM HAfC** r-« r M t i - VAH &UM


_ J ____: *!•>»'

J F y S S S B l

■t.< .

■ ' M -


)nday. November 20.1978



» 4 I V.0UJ?NT-TH£SMELL. f 5 o taiC$ _ l-T«fl,T:BSUNaeARASUe;*J

r 'AU _______ A..NO 6XP€RIENC^

&ET : ± J fl r MUST BE A V

’A2o\ \_______________________

^ nzz ^TTS O TID' W-‘ ---------



T H E iO tN tO S L R

THkX' \ SiT M -fv-. i

A t t lT O O ^

l-^vV X V*.— M E r -C 1 0C»'. •*! CAS*CMH

- r . - * s c o ^

. 4 ^


T.;. /

,R *O m | ''H !(H ECK ,N 0-"TW E t e m r - — ■-r— ’-r-i^OOMTCAaE

^ 1 / \0 U 'R £ T h 1 iSn =w!o live ire

m o s t l y

—_____ __ / _____________

I!rSf£ALLi CMN6££IM > a //S v r HAIRAUTTL

.. . . . __ fTf-____ VWMAYBtI Twwtevew

I "f

T r ^


I : ^

V N TlfiK

i lHr -C- M_Cv-> . • aiCJ-uH - - t l

S6- S o vX"’S T " a n

. • . . . 7 ' ^ T?^ .

- - r r r 3:>es - - S *^c

v - t t

■' ' . . . '▼......

, M-1 ^

3 Tennis ^ goesbc

and it U who pu

________,_______- Q. "Hoit<W_•"TWEV • Hich «ni)ddbiD w•CAOEjj - -x-WoH'ihieri —-A— ^ »4icn Hraethiof <

V. viooey. b wdtht' totalor60point<

k Between 1310 lok ' out ia (ucfa deaoi

was worth 60 m i y ' / ' -»oui.-A lot o f b y ) - ] icored by the mo. 4Sw titbbrertete

' I- ** of o>

P^lce RMUcb It tako the vfctii report the ciimt, i

' ^ I __ te ltth ta -o t-*ho i T H £ ^ 2-mlnutet-5&«co'/RE • > • o ffk o i 5-miDUte

^ ^ 5 Q ue^ionarf^t P < buDet. Afl rJiht,t Y t»W*c, ihot fron

rifle. At about 4.0

True, the Loa ■■ Scries, but the t a

— r — other. About S203 -^ I •*« nitjor (eafue c

Chiiitopber Co

V;?. I M oitoflhfw c'6£DMf tin* on their otiDi<\um£. .

______ What town Is IWuhlDiton Court

i P P T h t tnedicof Ideimk Deedie hw

0 ^ with alcohol. Let I

J L p —i. Am aiked the <—4 ^ New York City. 1« ■ ■ ■ juit rtmrsed frooP ^ l of It do n i Broad*

----- Afldrwj fn«B 10 U M^_______ Cepirn

T r t ^ i H?THlN(5- IU p a *j H4n

Cfc>.*?(M8E5 TS»i > i 'J P T P |4 w X - C S ^ ^

I" D :

l i j iI --tCE 5 I ( r c <1- 5” -- - - •*6 vX ''6 CT I S v C S " - C-rf.'V-

a » « c 5 . 1 Sii a . " ' . .

w .»AW.i* C » C .l


, n . /

- f /W .

i ( •


IS scoring SDste back a long wa Was the' Frenc mt money on tUiLthe4 u ae of tcnnii come to I iQ w»y7^ ,ie e r t i r t i - t id o lH t^ io a ^ a ^ i^ ^ iof caUed the (txatetimal lyitein i i^ ts aad mctfuret. Etc. It'a bated inb dhU U e into group* of 15. Ai D lod 1410 In Fruce, co in tha eooffiinationi. The mo«t comsoa ) MUI. Each of itt fottr parti wei > rb e ttia | went-on.-The « riiirt money won n d loit, it'i beliem

i»ted to 40, u d the 60 wta timpi) e, o rp m e .

CRIME•rchen itudied 1.000 fdonki. Tl rictfan aa tvenge of frainute»-3C a«, after looking o m die Kcneaa ■homem-fint^Taket-thfr-poBce Hcoadt to’ get offlccn undeiwiy. au(c*-304ecoBds to ihow up at

riK t u to bow f tt t it fu ter thu fct. fa te* t bullet !• the .220 cap 1 from I hi^-velocity, .2Z«aIibcr l4,000fcetpa(ecoD d.

Loa'A ngela Dodgen dkln't win e team took io more money thb yt S20 mfflion giota. Twice as much ;ue d ub made.

; FfLECKLES r Coiumbui had.fredila.

e world’s leading aiiUoe* uie qualit >Uaes.

i>)'theU .S .A .huth«loatertna» 3urt House, Ohio, oo?

Of in A uitnlia u y they’re lean hurts mote when injcctd inlo tl

Let It fuOy dry fbit, they adrlie.

the occaion of the Ont ticker U{ ty. In 1910, that wu. Teddy Ro from an African huntio| trip. Muc •dway.____________________U M. Bord. p. O. Bo» I I I . WMifwflor PPirrtfnt. l» 7 i C/own SmotCJli. In t

VWpP rn/■SPHtMr P - I

TiCK T i/i A ■''**^


iS i. • * At X . ’’ S .-V- t v r - m O S 5 ,

m :


X: ■- I ■'

p A - —itemoay,nchli t: to be acored in -

W T m r X g 5 = = = = = tem was used. In M tedoiiaround 5. At on a dock.; there were put m ondhpcxplm I were worth 15 lUtrt'tcBnlf WM tiered. Later, tbe inply recognized


S. They learned: es-3&«coads to leaadcaotactiniwBce-dispatcher-----------n y . Takes those p st tbe icene.

than a Speedhii capS S w iftca^ ililm ocntfr-fire

win tbe Worid lb year than any n u ^ as the aver-

luality rttrtaded

name? Posribly.

leaned a hypo- Ilo tkin itiO wtt Ite.

er tape parade hi yR ooaerd thad Much w « made

-Mrlard. Tx 7&0II


i fS'— !- ... - - J

H iX IN 'oX XO TV cyjSLS

A■A■ I .

'. -


Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

‘ T T W HC3fe a I

A n n o u n c e m e n t s '." '.

OOJ Anf>ounc»m»ol» - q« ,Q04Sp«C>olNolt«> 0,81

iOOSM«mMMlNol<c«t , 006P.t«)nal. . ‘ -Voo,SELEaiOOFFERS 10<

I007j0bi0llnl«>til 103 - -*0«tmplcYfT.wifAa»f.o«» — '0*

’OSiJ))6 S11uai>o><iWoni*d 106017B«»ln«iiOppOtl«ni1c»i . 108OlOUanvytoloan 110

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0)SA(t»og*Cloi> 03»0u»n«t*prt.p»rly0 « C .m ,..„ lo i» J* OlSvicolIonPcop..-,0*4 Condom,n,um.Fo.Sol» «04jMob.l*Hom,.fo.So'€. ”kENTAlS 'eSOfuin.«Uol„.n Hout«»05? furn opi» *Dupl»-»» 0J4Unluirt Apit (OvpU>«>046»oom,Fe. ««''1 AUI0}T Hanlsl Mobil* i ] | .0JBOIU.«Buii''»»»»»'''ol ,33.061 Co'ogvRf'ioli 133..063WoM,dIO«.-l ,31.065lou-i.llT .o .I.r« .'''0 l 13}'Ot6Mob.l*Hom.ipo<* ' 1361

MERCHANDISE u : i067M-iC.1lon.o«.(o.iol. 146.070Woni«dtoei-ir '4»,07 > St»«» ond Clolh.ng 148i07JAnr,q«.. U J.

077 llod>o tV tS » '» o '3607Bfu-n.r„t.tCo'p»'> >5B.079Appt.on<.» “ 0DBOtUO'ingt Ai'Cc'vtl - 163

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OBB Oowl Th.og'To I «)• '090P...«i«l.pl..* I '4P»JAoi..oo. I ' l

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FR E SH COMMERCIALFLOWERS FOR LESS* *11 nil)ocCBB'on*- (Je liY tn es TUM «r/ori«l F lo»*'3. &4S , y..s p t / k . 7j4-jo?i

Fo<OOJ Lo*t»nd Found ^

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o u SpacttNoiCM and------------------------------------ 714

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’oraon to isb IbI m»nBOor- 0 'loa l appoBfancOi oood <0 mlicharaolor, opportunlly' ol^ PHono22S pof wook. Also Rop. REQIC3bs. Phone733-5818. PLANN..-_AUTO.MECHANIC'..... * S^^.T.C

■rofor Corilllod. Eatiblisnod dlslriclrw. AMC Jeep aflency. Sun yo irs'alloy aroa. Top benoUls. roglon,Send resum e or call Koi- 20 hot.ihum Motors, Box 408. Kol-. monlhi:huin. ID, 726-8340. Ms. ABARTENDER* Exparlencod j>oly. roleroncoa. Pondoroaa oononn.Bufloy-CalorOracc. 'll’s:!!:; :OCKTAIL WAITRESS- o«-

iuney.CalcrQ raci).:0NSCIENT10US Cloanofs leodod to clears ladloa In- ie s s salon. 6 daya oor wook. '"0 IlallMa.Inotamat. 734-7313. :0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N a n d o„dSn NSTALLATION tSovoral JOBlllonB). J8.000 10 *13,000 D.O.E. Can Dwilno, 734- oopan ?S50,Snolllno and Shelling.:OWBOY FOREMAN tot ''oodlot fanch opofallon. Re- News !orer\ees foquked. Contact tdaho'f iBko Para, IS09)4M-M27 or •68.3654, P.O. Box 368, SECP3lh .llp ,W .iM n tlo^--------- WDAIRY PERSONNEL- 2 pose o rQ ,,,iion».,aami. (1) asBisiafii to Tianaoer (2) (ooder. Must bo V ' Dxporloncod In (jeneril dairy ciocirc •o rk . Llboril BJlarlos anfl Denoflia, Wtiio or ptiono.Rlck Sii»», Rl 1 Richlioid. , ''®*2 ldar'OS3349.?C8-4S7-;651.DAY CARE, your home ^UPEI Aqos 5 monlhl .nd km- d e rga rden Moininosido734-0714.________________EXERCISE CONSULTANT ^ ^ 77: noedod lor nation Icjdihg ' cnam ol lidy 's (ifluto and w i'tNi I llness salon Mu»l t>o 5 ° ^ '“ Co.ili.o minSM. .mb.TOu., p “ «- na»u oicoiiom porjon*i ap- ®£J— poaranco and b« a qooO o a m p io ol physi;*! M iiesj J R i Physical otJocalion or rioailh . t.ackOrnund hclp'ul H.Jh pay Call 734.7313. a s . Ic- “ ,

______________ c o r.»EXECUTIVE GALEG pss.Lcn p ,„ ,„ . Must ria.o orC'neo-i--g m oY tJ«CkOrounfl Also must Lir Avo V aMo to deal *nlf< o«<3C'*-' m laclo-y lo C 'clidoni, o' l»<i;o coiTipatiics C*:i Kay. n,Thn lobS hop 731-71i? r'xPERiENCED Wa.l'«.»i«» po- -t'lu -allo 'noon in .'l and o.pn. mg U[mo »fii11» Aopij in o«-Sjn e ip « , »’1Q' Spm, Goo-c» K a Bond,,fooda I7l8 t^.mb«iir Ro4J C/OT IDAHO STATESMAN n o . laNinc acpi‘:al,0 ''» n Gun p4„ , |,

r-cl',-- -Ov;l» C*t-,»- Ca'i MuJI I733 74:i_________________ , , .p e „


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ANCH HAND lor yoar COUPLEround lat»f. proter -family p«tra 1■Ilh grado school'chlldron. MANAG } miioB wost o( Rogorson,' hono 733-4823,iEQIONAL PROGRAM oUR C(LANN1NQ ASSISTANT FOR you ho.l,T.C.C, Mubt be cerllllod ^^oek Injachof rosldlr'O I" rBB'o"*' a daV,"iBlficI, wilh -mlnlmucn 2 734-7095oars oxporloneo Iri the boiweotaglon.5 yeaf»do8lro d .l5 io ----------D hou/a por week for 12 TEXASlonlha. Sond fOBumo to oilers Fts, Annabollo Lerch. <0 plus eaordham Street, Pocalollo, benelitala h o 83201, A ddlllonal in Twlr>itormatlonwlllbeaupoUed. less o(ALES CLERK- 3 days a CJJ; P-oek and more. Must have «« ' xp«rier»e»-)r* Bewing-and. l o r k in g . P h o n o (orDoolntmonl. 733-5542. . 015 8l;ALES Inianglblo. Oulsland- ■ ■10 compar»y. J12.000 D.O.E. OABySIilua com m ission . Call uH-lIrm)wBlno. 734-2550. SnoIUng Hol lumndSnollIng,_________ __ BABYSiEAMSTRESS lor altoration any ag(lepaftmont, ladles’ apparol rPon°-loro. Top wasea. good EAilOurs. Full lime or pari time. LE>Vrlto Box B-14 c/o TimoB- Houra;Jews. Box 548, Twin Falls, 6:30 pr3ahoM30l,______________ InciudoSECRETARY* Mual be ablo3 lypo 4 take Bhorlfiand. 90WJB'onderosa Inn, Bu'loy. Cal *MY HCirGrace ■___________ __ DisirlcI,iERVlCE TECHNICIAN, Roasoi•loctronle ot mochalnclal loioncol■perlor^co. tS,500 D O E. WANTEHub ' c o m m iss io n sn d fo r3 chnlleago. Call Dwalne. 734- w eo k c'550,SnellinqandSnelling. bolwoo:UPERVIS0RY POSITION. ’O p ?_■ianulaclutino, Otoal luturo. WORK;I0,000 D.O.E. Call Owaino, W eek(•34-2550. Snoiling and Snoli- b a t) y snjj____________________ NIghl/ir n o u S A N O S o f pji^ o :5PENIN0S. Call Army Op- --------jo r iu n l i io a , S g i. Uee a, ,3ood*m ai (TO8)733.?e7l col- “.1 ____0£l_____________________ CONCF

TROY NATIONAL8 proBOnlly hiiing men and Hianin!«omen who ata Inleiesled .7 ? ^ n luil-lime«mployinonl. lob : o r . s l s t o l; F o ld in g .’f03S.no- Sorlihfl Apply ^ * " 7rROY NATIONAL. Wl 2nd ^ ' ’ t i c

'■ ""■ ■ '.T - '" NO To’------------------------------------ amall/VANTEDI OHiCo ManaBBt carpalmd Dookkaapet lot medium ^a >ue law lirm Salary JVOOO :io- monlh and up deo•-^d-

»ip«jionca Reipon3 Cylending -«»umo 10 Oon A-14 "O-k I :/O T i-r.,»N e« l Twin ■Vanied' Wan .me-a»led n

io'rk ’47fT,".!',r's,'p„

D.i ■ d.-»CI.C 3 14. C.O T.--.1 Ne»s H,Ii f - l - . i l * ' . . . ; Cl?

C A T .. E Fl I : A T I 0 *. --------

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°NEW° iHORIZONS r..;.„


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r ^ , - . .]"■ ' ., FOHJAL.E . - d u p j„ „ , c

”■ " bath; and 1 - — . . .family root

tuBomenl. 1 • Ridgoway 1

• ■ • ••, - - end the Mal

an ytuft S S f v S ^ . LOVETO B p . THI

~ ' ___ Boaulllul c5 a T ~ ’ - torlor. 3

------C tJh -u - tMiBomoi't.^ I carpotovor-----------------------------------Moalpfopa

Ihls ultra

Sliw P tn o n f n ixoB ir# 1PLES WANTEDI Earn ^I incom e; LIBERTY AGEMENT, 734-7557,'• q


how 10 make S150 a 525 Bl I In your home, 2 hours _ 7iy,"For inion'IoW call,095 aak for Mr, Lindsay . ■ -eooBam-12noon, ATTHAC____________________ ___bodroom.« REFINERY CORP. lull s PLENTY OF MONEY--- MroplaeoS' cash bonuses, fringe--- of towr>.

lilts lo mature Individual--- *<7,00(7, Ci «lr> Falls aroa, Regsrd---- ^ Edw I

ol oxporloneo. wilto--- 734-7765, Palo, Pros,. Toxas «BY OWNI

ieryCorp„Box711.Fort h o m o « Ih, TexaB 76101,--------------- ComntnlBl' ------------------------------- ---- now palnl 1

Btt,llllw li«IC»lklC .r.YSITTING-W Says Of Fl'Oplaco.Imo, 2 yoara and oldor. b«®orneniluneltoa, 734-8105. h flYSiniNQ My homo. p'age, lunch and snacks. 06150, 734'

EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNINOCENTER ,nd amtar ra; 7am to 6pm.(Ftldaya *"?

Omi U .X ALL 0«V. J K . , " Jdos hol lunch and *37 0X1 tv ;k=. A o .. ! l i -S 733- .46) Nofmi-ocml. RENTALHOME* Lincoln School chT« Q«'i?

riel, anytime. RelliDIo- sonablo- Have Ro-nces, 734-5783.________^TED Mature babyslllor puuJv,^»Ti ichiiflten, OYoninga arid -

" " Jlocated on

RKING MOTHERS- land. PRICe k d a y a m e o k o n d s . q n lY 0 6j y s i t . my h o m o , w eal Reihl/Ony, 2W 4 over. h UTCH 73no7J4-4B32 41S4 01 /-------------- '---------------- WATCH F

SHuitioniWiniBd *


SCRETE WORK, all JM,000 3IS F-oe osiimaios E 0 b a lh s3in» 423-4696_________ w/IireplaCi^TRACTOR Elly.1,1c

1PENTRY AND CON- VA loan;TE Compclilivo p 'ico j appoinlmeT. 9I1II 10 Imijh ot patt. moQiaiecK)oli 100 blfl No )ot) 100 OY OwnEHI Carponlry, concrele, Mali Oe3*1. lotmica. tock l«,ing. Oeauliluir>Ca'i 733-7t)S4_________ ___j i j , c

’ERlENCED.Acg'a>|i<« New cuSIc peniet. know! all I.eias Cioss lo c o n iu u c lio n t e e k t tiock i t<

k 0 «n louii & itantuo- Siotaga ^

N T rD ~ H 0 USCW0 HK. =Q anr.c.> 733.377a ____.0 FOWL C 'aan infl 7 3 « .J iB r

Bv».h»llOpponvl*rT, CEI0 a 'o b r 5MJP. J OAT

^I„ -'.G OEEH OAII I;- l i 'c

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■ Homes Fof.S»le -----------------« M T O R 8 A L E _ _ , p , ______,

SALE^by. bulldOf. hvo j B ^ ^ M < xes, O n aJbed room .2 .and on# 3 bedroom. J 51.600. Shav

' roorn, 2 ba in s-and . .733-3367o r73-

S ' i 5 : ' . ™ N '’r - S ' i B u s c r p :

rTURKEYWOULD. buy” ”now1 ETO BE SERVED IN c w i .im .ir

THIS HOMEillul powder blue ox-

im S 'w a n U ZIt ovorywhoro you look, .pfOparlno'B abreetem - -BY_OWNEP ulira modern kllehen, house. IW

; ir# luBt Bom o-D t-ttfF---------- —■' ’J'.**. EXCELLENT

2 homes. Fi bodrooma.fi

. I j t M baaement, 0homo - 1 D

T A TEREA L TY ' Bothomy«5 )25 Blue Lakes N. 2 b ed ro o m

-7 3 3 -5 3 3 6 --------------- lorlngcarooonly $2,000

RAC“T ivE b r l c k ~ 3 'olalprleo, oom. IW bath homo v „ ,,

lull basomont and 2 ^RADE YOU la eosonW acroaiodgo town. A ppralaed al W, Call ,llm at 734-4649idna Irlah ^ a l EbUIo OSfago on 2-Tg* ^ mllos from

palnl In and out. carpol- BROKnomrer gaa lurnaco. row 71new oloelrlcal llxluroa, Alior ho

}laco. Qood sloragem e n i , L andB eapod. pnMo pcnn:od noar to aloros and P^OfliOl. Soo a t 546 2nd ®.*

o r /j4- j j4s.__________ __ lifoplaco rtOWNERI 2 Bodtoom (o, joconc10 on Vl sere- Niee shop baaomoonisiotsge buildings. Cash 543-4D84 orind assum e 9*. loan sl andwoekompor monlh. Total ptico, -----------------

m T v E S T M E m : G O B B L)S on 1 lol. 128.000.- Realty, Mary 733-3367. You can pure 76S 'isled 2 bod E F A IL E D , NOW

ed on 2 seres o( choicePRICED TO SELL AT Onlyl32.ejO

Y J5a,000. Call North ^1 Really, 734-5181 ot ( _CH 734-4567. IQAN 4J3- '•*

OLAIR 733-5045 OR STATECH FOR OUR OPEN ' i ' f ' , ' -SE AD IN CUNDAVG WbblUER______________ 7J<E FOR SALE OY lEP 1024 Toiaway Cir .lOO 3 t)ed-ooMi. 2\^ HELLCepiace and hoal pump.t,;c K alerans t*000 Yourlorc'at: n assu-ro low into'oslloan ol 6 'j* . Call lo- »ou- kids .

)irMmont 734-53CS In- ll iS. SpiC «laie occupancy__________sueoi, 3

P " 0 ^ d 't0^ .S * H 0 m T =ledrtoraVod "-

af>d oul Ideal local.on _cuslom made cutlam j ^

.0 to downlown Twok. to .upe- market STAT(aV ."sinV ;T .roV a= cV ■' S a S /L•d in ta c k ,a -d xiih 73a sh a d e tr e e ana« t| l?».90C P ^ L ■ - B --------------• 2167 Of 4 23-4 3 1 3


iulhernkJaho Realty OF; *N3 PETG «* ;- T J ■ _ ,- > .............. ►'-'I ■• I ,n D r IIv.»'r 3 J"*'

C r.‘ B-3 'a - i

(AH* 0 • .E ic . - i i : '*

’. I J «

p i ^ H ;r.

■i r S e r A ; ; j : - A-e

734-2111 • •


M O H .T H R U F R I..4:001

— T h o F a l r m o n

• l« S C I> * » «

i b ^ W I L L S ,7 3 4 4 4 1 1

Homo* For Site. ,C00_.

)OOM Sr2baita. nlCQ’< MOVINO.'Mudo u b le c a rp o r t , bodroom hom

. Sliaw F^oalty, Mary balh. family rc7 or 734-7785. - foneed blcKyi

Now 3 - bodroom, 2 , —home'.' Ownor ->wlll NEW ,lunlor Hi) at 9% Iniflrest, Call bodroom 3 yoai7, evonlngs, balhs, don, I,NOWI Bo In by 5 “ ’! ;* 'i![

rnro";r.7:o‘S™“::|2 MNW. paYOd road.733- NICE 2 asdroo

__________________ small incomolW N ER _3-bodroom _ Soiling wilh lo . IVj .bath, J27.500,

733-7605 734-5578.-----------1--------------oNE_^ACf,6^

mobile home. .LENT INVESTMENT. Aee Really733- 10S, From houae - 4 d o i u f i rii ama. family room, lull .ent, garage. Second t39 m Ca - 1 bodroom ronial,

'" '^«5.000. U nilm llo?7^ '

JROOM, nood tondor careotyndr.Alllcairy. .HORSES $2,000 down. J15.000 rleo, n U n

E YOUR old houae In 3 ACRES all riis now 4 bedroom, 3 horaos, wim

24x24 lamily room oulbulldlnga, FlOl bar. llroplaco. 2 car dioam' home0 on 2.5 acres |usl 4 homo. Idoal fo

from Twin. Only Twin Falls,$21,0- today, 324-432J

note inlormBtlon call

BROKERS, INC, »7?3-5042 /

.florhouta 733-7828 ^

t BEDROOM fiopoon '3 TWIN FALllor salo by ownor in MQAddiSOnFull/ carpoiod. largo

J room , c a ro u s e l ^yg-RiICO. room complelod n EIQHBCjocond both, largo PflQFESInooni for slorago..B< or 3:S.4155 ollor 5 ^ .^a trn iV T r " 1 -----------------

IB B L E T H IS U P °"‘anpurchaao this nowly 2 bodroom homo on

Ptosidcni sirool. Cozy toom is watmod by MOVE III

llroplaco. Living room nnwlocolio1 onoiiflh lor mssslvo roM uinT it ih ln g s , bul sm all CONVERT IT jh lot a nomoy air moke petl,

dowt. and asoutno PHICEDATJ ;32.9M DEVELOP IIGEM loTwinrull.

FATE REALTY , ^ 1 ^ 2 5 B lu o U k 0 9 N , ^

733-5336 ■


lorc'atr'crs would ha«-> lik«a lhi» homo and

kids will loo Ct-l-Ck spiC and tpaa, qu.oi I, 3 Pcd'DOrti. r ,

. ci-acc l,>ru>., l« n :o j ! « ■ ■ ■J3S.800 i:.*e ■

GEM ;iTATE REALTY I ' P fU 3S /uB L ik fl8N , ■

733-5336 l | & A_ _ ---------- I . g y g p i

I • • • I


i "■ _

. . i 7I W EI

I A M L E H I .. . . . . .

T D :n E A L T Y I • - . . . ,1 . .

. A - : , - . - - *i v m ; I

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m m NEV R

n m r ^ ISH> I ^a rk

5 OPEN :00 10 7 00

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S ,IN C .

M o n d a y ,No»orTibor20,'

Jfew ForgalO : ,0 3 0 . , , ^

• M ir t; .-8 0 ir r - 1 • q u « l t t y 'c e o ^homo wllh 1 Vl bodroom, 2 batly room, carport, ment, fencedicKyard. $42,500, i r o o a . . g a rd- assum able 8U‘ir High location.4 t44 ,^ .-M arH otyear old home. 2 <o». Realtors. 7;

n, lamily room,and lull IlnlBhOd M O V E IN

: r r r f . M i ' : . " ; ' s ' t ™ * ; ; ,

« F f asS s;'Ss“*i'“"— c q n a tfv c tlo n -

droom homo with llroplaco. Coi mo unit In back, lig h t in g , Un Ih lormB, 128,500, sprlr^klors, Exo onlyr324:jfl0B-or- 'In lasi gtowin_______________ O'Uoary BchoIE^Shanj-t4K7&^ iOwr>or=wUtw ime, 3 bodroom, fo r R eal or733-S217, Pfoporty.$6«.50

Moke'll,?oVsco® VETERANS i Ft'»i CONSIDER THl;i if l» r , BAKiiofS home wlihfutlbM 8 ^ or Rooliors ^^a\\\or,H bodZ 2112L_______ knotty pIno f

dotached garsi; s , H O R S E S HO", h .. h,r i D c c eU n o c o .. Finish upper II

tionai living, $3?sll roady lor your<im corrals and 2 COMMERCIAJS, Roady lor yot;r Washington, 1ome or mobile approximalolyll location east ol l bodroom.$21.500-Call,ludy property. Cutt432Jor733-772t, $12,500,

m t - u r y —A pproximatol

> 1 Sower oasBtr' provided. Exce

tial aroa. $6800.ALLS.REALTY}on Avenue East AMEF

RealEtlatelE'RE THEIHBORHOOD 73i.iFESSIONALS-------------------- — OougVollmerf 3 Bodroom, don, AldiStroflfl.Q Isrgo loncod yard. Mason Smith , old. $37,900. J23- DanlBVollmer

Mary Akkerms

Tl A 1072 sq fl.. 3 bodroom hom olion, $7,500.)T ITI Thit do~tMov«n Twin Falli hi »etfoct oflico* Wllh a liiile >e AT J41.900.P ITI I6 'a (tn> hot 2 >oniol ho-n. Twin ra lli Walu- CIk)ko p-opo'l] fall.

\ . m h 7 3 3 - 2


;O X - H O W A IIt Associates REAITCn n n T -am l«.-»d S Mui

lh „ ,niJ«G-,->o 5 b.<l-oo ^ 'o m .o < ^ [ .• .u .• • o D - |.• I (l*(o-o<»d wiO< full bai lain,I, -oo-'i wiifi <if*plo<l^rl'OJP n ,(» l, I.

5 0 0




I6C S A t^ d .to n A .« I T » m

g ^ STROW reali>* l* t S o u ’ h on l i r 'c o ln R ood


iHEDINTHECOL I CARPET YOULa r g o 4 * B e d r o o m h

’64,9501 . 9 3 6 S q w a r e Fo<

L i v i n g S p a c e •


3 2 4 -5 0 6 6

■ V

20,1078 TI1H08-N0W8 . Twin Fall1 Falls, Idaho g«7 ' '

...CEOAR-HOMBrS..L-2 balh. ftjil bta»- ' icod yard. IniU - t ja r d o n , la rp * ‘I 8U S loan.'ofily - ' arkolino AsBoela- >rs. 734-4875,

IN B E F O 'flEkSI 4 bedroom Ing loft lor Bddl-room. - L o v o l i - --------iBllly doalgn and♦lonr— --------

Control pntujl-. U n d erg ro u n d

Exocullv_e_ living_____owing Sawlbolh- school dlBirlet- tt~ rn nBidtrr~t^^^'~1 or PorBona);e«.500. ..

B & FHA BUYEW . UHlSI 2 bedroom full basomonl aod . ,, bedroom. Hugo

no family room: garage, wld» ipt.la had. oncollonl_____3d family tiomn.3or lloor for addl' g .$37,500, • ^ ■

RCIAL LOTS or»'S,)n, 1 package lolal ,Holy 104' Ironlago- lom houBO on Curb and gu)lor;

Q LOT. M ofh:-school—dlBtrJCt-------nato ly- 52 'X l6 i 'r BSomenlB , to Ce Excollonl rasldtjn-

[8800. , '

r l E R I C A N " . ' 'I la le 8.Appraisal'- '

734-5650 ■ - Titner ........73M057nfl.QRI ,.73M 90«n llh ......... 734^800Imer .....7 3 M 1 9 9 ____erman , . . 734-3882

homo noedi a '

llll ho-’>o coulti e jornodeling,'

hotnot and 14 ' po 'ly odjocent , ;


3 - 2 6 2 6 iBtu*Lak*t id . N o rth

^ ]

ARD ILTORS ; i ;; u „ . r S o < r , l „ i ' | . d-oo-n 2 IkjiIi •1.0 eeou 'ilu ll, . ■

b a ie m ,o i » . ■ ; vp lo o Double ^. 1, londicop*^ I

I• 4 bedroom I• Uu'r'ul (O--'*' ■Oite fo .k 7 -, . 1 .


M I S 1 :


e » o » t» ■ '

i i i i \i . .I,

3UT i lLTYo o d J * r o m e


DC o o t o f e •



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^ ^ A J0 R .'W H 0 y ^ $ . \M 3 N I T ? ; < T H E

• x q g ^ X c L i

030 HometForSUt u i


eiO Blu* Uk*a North on f 7SMJI1 lohn


ONE OF p'le. A KIND! Z I

Unlquaty ilylKl tnditlontl 2 foR• t^ ry hom * h a i baan 4(1

. draiiteaMy raducM. It h o 4 tp p rbadrooma. IH baih. antiqua ing.parlor a tova. baautlfu l a»yt a ta lro aaa , lo lld mapla cablnata. Modarn hlicfien and balhroomi. All m il on a

. doubfa lot. profatilonally i_ _ ,landacaped. REDUCED TO 3 r

- TERMS AVAILA- S J ;,BL.E1 locti.

VIEW ACREAGESOvariooklng Twin Falla with cupaian oulitanding view ol tha *nd •vallay. Pricaa ranga Irom l*'0*$S.eSO to J12.0M. Tarm* « c u iavailable. "'Co

combAFTER HOURS &'>«

""WeliWDppllger TT733-IOir' •O'.lack Blahop...........7340099 o * '’*n..l,Schw*ndlman 7J3-7100 '52:2_______________________ .lERC

room5 $ « S A V E $ $ $

149.000 TWIN FALLS* 3 Bedroom wllh (udMnlit^ad I^'IL

baaamant with 2 badrooma. o . . i , aacond bath and r\lca limliy

• room, 2 car garaga. Top NEW :N orlheaal locailon,

taa.900 KIMBERLY . 9 Bedroom, full baiameni,■ chain link (anced back yard qm -SHARP,: . WAN

127.600 KIMBERLY acrai‘ Has 10 be a "B eit Buy". 3 Lakai'.bedrooma. c lo ia In, clatn Falla■ atM aolld. yJT ”

, W.flOOTVrtNFALLB S!ildCOMPACT but luper deal 42^4ior a iamUy. 4 M ro o m t. 3 —balha. famlir room SHAflP. ^

FELDTMAN-REALTORS km 733-1988 4ZM636 fu>i

aprtnFrank Feldiman, Broker rigtli

Steve Feldtman . , . 734-US »m.oO eofge Merritt . . . . 7344S19 «a ACD ortaw ali............... 42)-97se »ti«i

Kimberly build - - K*yPe<Una.Bfok«f 42MH7

•P aaJS tadm in ....... T34.«li: ./g” ,

. R N p l ir j M . . C A MAC

° REALTY ^ Si04JBi«*eUk*aa<<ii H ’°hn

Twlr»F»m W*h(5 COur73M 227 >',«onljt

• OUTSTAHOmOVTtWOtrna Canyon 1 S Acr»«. n«tr n«> hom a Two t i t io itc « » . ^ beam ed canmg. a iic t ix - ~ heat. CaJI Joi*ppo.-'iLm«ni F»n»STARTER HOUE in s^ni } Bedrooma. Ool,. MI,MO.

WMBERLY. : c.-'


Tony Barnet 4:}M U l*'>^NofmiE»fl 7 3 K lt; ’G xlim Piulaon W J-W M a t

G lannyi P»ui»:^ $4>-49X 0LMlerry Bo<3e''n*TvT*' {.'1- f i t - '

S 1 1 < MX____________________

SNUG fcsj"-, : ! 0» Cr'O I't C10»« I, t ; , . - ' I.

CCAS ' • (« ,^ •* l T(, » \ iCall ECN* iB.Sh R „ r - , ; - E i t i t i n4.r:{«. cr . - r v g - ..4*«__________________ , T .31 ? .? :C A 0 ‘. - -lv tn i |h* i, 13 Lr 1 ■ ** ^m iiea a tto tp * .. *'■

n Ocio<To*«hOP.#« j

nT ST m om T 1 ;;•Kj.nj 3 : t .-M 'oouei* £ ••• ;#

B u .is t ' 'e. - - 7 ; H i t : : ' '* ’•S W T ______________THE P E « f E C T - f «• s ar*d ^^e c^»! r . i • ; .badtoorT> IIIce»^pieie'rr>«ii lo »r'2p: »;• src 1lofiri Tol« J:« !;«■ ;•


« 0 , ac

---------- w g A m a f g m•lnS«<lw«.on *o » ': *oil b'.<fc 5ui«« ♦ro'« t . . . - 0 - * ‘ 7S:mJrioof ot . . .p l( X .. ♦o-'-ol d - r .3 -OO"<-v,lf0,rv.*'0->J NOriHLAtT iOCATlON - i tn

At*© « '3t •lorS9B.OOC.

D .c h i-- .” U J ( r> .4 I . '* ',


a HOUSE wfth Majo

H W ER61TY PU R ->epFE«O I H A 5 E P T H E < ^ N - N E E P { J/IN M IK6 T i c k e t ) t s m a n cWHILE M A K IN & > T H £ X O :^ ;A S U R V E Y A T X V /K A T ^ f

I Q if

Ml ’ OutofTownHomii CJ7

COUNTRY LIVINQ In city c lo ie to -B uhl.'R aal nice rAI oldar homa. Flna plac*. 2 We f atory. 3 bedroom, oarage, «vallal on aera land, {41.000. acrea ■lohn 5434339, Town & . cholc< Country Realtora 733-0W8.--— Martin FILER 4 bedroom. Daa*- 1®” mant. Q.l. No down. AceReally 733-6217.__________FOR SALEI Naw 3 bedroom -------all eleclric home. FHA approved. Located In Qood- r e e l Ing. 733-39e5 (Aak lor .loy) daya, 934.6340 alterflPM. 40 a<


Immiculale IWO aq. It. 3 Excell, bedroom, 2 balh, 2 ear “ fool g a ra o e . 2 aiory hom e #hop, located In .laekpota nicaal aub^llvleon. Amenlliaa In- f e luded . Immediate oc> I’*' cupancy. naw palnl Intldo and out. 2 llreplacaa, den, Quaiiri. large redwood deck, central Conlac vacuum ayalam. Side by Tarry\ aldo relrlgara tor/liaa^er comblnallor^, kitchen aiove Sl hood, diahwaihar. waaher S' •flry*rr-14t.T50.-Brok*t“ - — CT ownar. Call 10-S waakdaya702-7W0773-____________ 525.JEROME AREA Need loia Ol room? Sae thia 4 bedroom home In good area. Free a tandlng llreplaca. (uii baaement and many aitraal U4.S00. Call Su:anna Warr. ^ 324-SM9 or flobari lonea ■Really 733-04IM. '_______ ■NEWER HOME. 3 bedroom. * 1 bath. In .Ierome Sut> V A divlilon. 324-3173.324-eSH

ne FUalEitataWaniadWANT TO BUY am ill ■acreage. Buhl o> Clear *Lakaa. Qoodlng or Twin IFalla County. 128-4S47. ZWE BUY older hom** in ■need ol repair and i*iiao Ibuilding altea. Call e>enlnoa S

0 7 F i n u l l W a i ' J

U ACRES ro> aaTa. U ncto. Slu ll a h a rea ol w ater, ■aprtnkier and gridiy If. ■rigaled. good home m e. *ini.OOO B2t-S520_________ ____ I«a ACRES, no Dvjiidinoi. lull m iwaiar. Eicaiient place to V Jbuild a dairy. M4.?»8 ■ ’ M « AOnee* - OrevrtT t»- •rigaiea n i i r H anttn inih 2 ■«..hom»« plut o l^ • ' good IlmDro»em*nl» Farm O j'* iu 5 \Really, 711-7212 ct Qienn ISchroeder.7M-eei2 ■eOACRESSW 0lW«n3»ll 3 JOeflfoom homt full w ild ■HCM Pnc#a tl ItIC.OOO Zlohn. Ml-eJM. Tcw' a.^3 I >.

Counlry H««llQ(t. HKMB ■37 ACRES ol tia'e s'ouns § . only 2 fT'il#! Iron lo « p ,

W m if l To-n in j C c.M ', I .Be»llort 71 X rit f-11 : ,*tO ACRES SC c ' T . •< I ..F»ll» <t l».#i *•'3 ■ ■P 'oducine v»>r j ■

P _

ol r>«4.in B.,i IS»« T c.n m 2 c*..-!-, IRetiio>» T lK ^ t r j i ■M45 » : ’i i IK »c (•.. I I• G x ^ ^ 0 - . ..................... ■U a ?-e t ' « «: « | IOLM s r . i x c e i s i . - . SF it- 'C tt H # ||» • ; ] PM * £3-4 I- »n P»4 C«-4-» ■ -

________________ !o r C.SHEH ;4; i ; . - |

I " i

P r . . - e l . t 4 'H . I 'C M C» T -( Of - m ^

i , .



i;^E M .’ !! c ■r«iM I - ___________ I=c u . J

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a jo r H o o p lc ^

4930. a 6227.- - BY OWN

EPEpjwOH IN. n c e / fcol. . . K I " : 3

PUMMV.' llreplace

A. ^ i i F ' ' machinecorrala.

X meni onl

f f i y f c i t i J C — — ~j T i f l S 3-ii-,t' c .loromo

- - _______ 511r ll TwIn.Fall

'c S rc ie '^_______ C V v— g r a in .


X r O ^ J = $19,000 CC A M b > . . 100 acre

T O THE P” *";®-

. - : = ._________/ '- i - * SEE THI

163 Acr«• b a rn .1,0

oxcotloni1 FinntaiRuKlm eleclric i ---------------------------------- Bodroorr

FAHMSJRANCHES"e have over-' U (arma COMBINellablafrom 40toov*rl000 Row Cro:rea In alze. Alao aaveral backoullolee ranehea. Call Arl plua 75 artin or -laok McCall,-734.-. .under. Ir176 anytime. Markellng ment dl»aoclalea, Reailora. MLS and maember. good rer

home---------------------------------- ----*335,000.IE D LOT OPERATION

Q O OOacrea near .(erome. SETTUP-

iven corrala wllh ahollort 0 t.M An at owner uaed a t leed Iol cheek n r ralaing Holaleln calvet. |t^|, ,( |g :cellenl wood lencea. Two ungi 4 1leol llnea. ono handllne, „u^p , qo p ,-a h e d , 2 garages. ,„do lho i mmer homo, targe 5 4 bodroodroom houae. Wilf trade Bedroom r houae In Ierom e, $soOlerwlao good lerma to down allMed buyer. S13S.OOO.mlact Lou Thoraon or ............ .

i n

g e m

^ T A T E R E A L T Y - - "2S ™ i 525B lu»U ke.B I,d .

733-5336 934-5231.

Mi / y• / r■ / / r I // ^ L

( ^ R ‘ / / A-ICLEANI

I 1 A lo iind f'J m o r c i m

1* ^ Cerpels •Mosl oenor

I 4781. 714-41'

I" r * ACOUSTK’ ' i ^ SPRAY

I _ > O

J Gold or s.


I ■ '

I RI ' l \ .■ ' - , A'^rEN^^6^ I ^ \ / CUSTOM Cl

I I ; ; - - . . , I > II ' BAChhOC

! CI . r ‘ ^ '. - '4 ’ ’j ' , Q BUILD-BEP

II > ; . .I BUSM TH:M

I - - rI r .I CAPP£NI»I BEM00tl.l»


I ^ “ s r ” '

I r ' 'I ^

I ■' * C * n n w i

b t;

k i , # 1 i s y p

l3 iE 5

FwrnatRwchM 0»

IH'? FARM. " o T atirea. ACRES F in * a ld e ..C e ll Jim 443- mile r»rt0 . Bame* . Realty ..733-, ,v (fw ^ |.-l

------- -------^— T * fSnilnrRhOWNER large, comlorta:' waWr. 8

r country - nome on 6 water yei •oa. wltlj-3 b*drooma. 3 barn—wll Iha, Urge covered patio, garden a (place, and landacaped, 116.600.64 :h h e a le d ah o p and 2v, ACRI chine ahed. Barn and Shoahono •rala. Shown by appoint- canyon rlr nlonly.PhonB32»4i34. ing oppor

carry. ^

...6n2ndA ¥»..W eat_____............... l" e n 7 re a

UtCB g S ^ i n - u - t ow crs :le all on.paature and (all BARe aci l ln . No b u l ld ln g a . Mo0.000. Botwoen

.loromo. f ,000 DOWN Will buy Ihla , \°

acrea all In hay and ' ! ^ o n ^ Iture, lota ot walor. good BEAUTIF ma. Fair 2 bodroom Vatley-13. ne. ground...6............- ......................^------ StricklandE THIS DAIRY SETTUP- Qoodlng.

Acrea, double 4 milk Weekondi n, 1,000 gallon bulk Unk. 637-4816. iotlonl 2 bedroom all oo YOU clrlc mobile homo plua 3 with ihe droom homo, liaS.OOO tract?N oi h29Sdow n. V* e a s t . '

MBINATWN DAIRY Andw Croo- 272 Acrea. Hal 6 'J ^ tL L E :koul bam. 140" walor. '•:a 78 HP deep well, all L , ^ V . je r . Irrigation, aome c e - - ml dltchea. Large ahopJ machine ahed. Very ^ ^ '^ '* 1 ;Jd remodeled 3 Bedroom FOR SALmo wllh 2W balha. Northweat5,000. 28% down. Ownor *n acre-32icarry. FOR SA

Northwotl> 0 0 S T O C K COW ooracro.l:ITUP- With 190 head, _________VI. And (or that montniy lek. milk a (ew eowa In *HAQEI I raised barn. 3 whool Ela. 4 hand lines, 100 HPnp. Qood aotlup corrals 140 ACRI Olhor oul bulldlnga. Ono Parodlso,odroom homo and ono 3 Ironlago. IIroom home. 858 Acres ing walor.$800,000 or wllh 29S land bird, (

<n. , (lahlng on_ 3 bodroor

k ' H i':flES.~6 uhF.~8tream, I7i0 Bulla (or (-n,lrado pickup or carlor INQ ASSO(r/r734-3555:-------------------U RG E Bi,CR ES.allorpen. E aiiol • Twin Fal>dlng. tlOOO per aero. Eatatea.S231. ulllltloa. PI

^ P HB e lo w y o u w ill \ V a l l e y B u s in e s s e s y o u ' f f in n e e d o l f i n e s t in s e r v i c e c s e c !


nd f 'J C loa-'n ;. CC':'- D*l^'». no^rtJim rT jT — — rfnop*,

H» »nd uphon te r, 3?4-<moenoril Clem,no j:i- COMPLE^K-419t___________ _______ IngServkUSTICAL CEILING V<oui3Y o»li'Ti»te

Cn.r^ne,or S .i .„ »cceni K< __7 j} .i:^ c - n i : i t ) c o n ir a :lANCE REPAIR

CAflPEN5/r.i.-, K ,e « 'i e .. CRETE (

• er„*r°r,*g!,*,n c c « ___________ c«NitoNOMCONCRETE


- * ,i p i ' - j * * * ; '; ; ’- C - n f - i

• ; ; i « n _ CRArtrE. 'hO£ ^

P * ; . - . . ! , • . : • T :;. r . ; - I - . . J. 'DAT


. - >ij -DOdoS'C


W ' - . T i- .# Or‘: . £ 11>>

£N iR T . Cu s t o m ' lO tLisd

.» DflTrtiLl' «-•»• . • TEkTUR.*

;* »,»EHT«*y -C * B iSET ■■•f -.1

EUPi.C’ k

f s ' t “ > - '•-

'■ ,

« -

/ J ' •

• o i w t u u . - a ■

r p lv * Acres plua. 1 - ' N m > 8 HE w rU i-« l-6uMr-0 eetf- -tworoom.

Spring* with live Unlimited. 7i yoar around. Horae rimviEW ti w llh - -corrals.— Bio Ing Iol “i f

I apoi with berrlea. auVdlvlalott> •6 4 3 ^ 1 . uiilllle* witCRES 1 mile weat end pavedono Falla Roed on 733-4391.1 rim. Excellent build- SPACIOUSportunlty . aeller will, .balha. Trept o l7 7 i . anytime. tradeable, tCHES-Oood develop-- S217. ■ - -

r33-3367 734-7788. .73 4-70 1 03R PART SO acrea Number*4i4j;- Plenty oC'water. 's View ACRiroa. SlSOOperaoreor Buhlpnpavt

ACREAQES- B uilding "^ le .0^1643-Mobile homo silos, ^ ^ b s b an Twin Falla and9. From 1.8 Aerea lo 030ros. Handy Roally, —r—r -------a_I_32M339or324^3$3. -TIFUL H agerm an 5?,nar iL i i i13.91 A crehc le ln the V i i h

I...64" of dllch walor. 1 , ™ , 7ind ReWty; 2115 Main-ig. Idaho. 934-4231. COMMERCmdo or evenlnga. J 'g u

^0 rock .3% nonhand

(arm homo alto, barn. ete. 2U acrea. M3

I. FrarKea Heaaelholl. ----------------VOUROWN

’o*\oV.lVromo%l50o' IDAHO1-324.5922._________SALEI 40 a c r e a <W3 deedeceal o( -Pofomo. $1250 'I'O *00" ’"0 124-5922 Mountalna. I________ I________ ponda, hoalt

lonn ia coiGERMAN VALLEY houaea . io

ESTATE' caitl mont.

.CRE S p o r tm an 'a You can ow0, Vj mllo o( RI»or Inioroat tn tl0. hay. pasluro, apr- dollar cattle Of. ponda, good up- -Umilod uaoa d, doek huniing, and Aa lltlio aa |i on property. SuportJ 2508, Hidd oom, 3 balh. 3200 Ranch. Falrlli0 lo -o t h o m o .

T)ic view of river andall lack MeCallor Ed- (uj ' U(,>, or dotalla. MARKET-SOCIATES, 734-4875. io .55 '2 bodr

BUILDING Lola'In condlllon. J4Falla. Churchvlow $80 por mont1. All undoigtound aot-up Inclu' I, Phono 733-9544. Homoa, 731-7

IO N E 7 :1 f i n d m a n y s e r v i c e s c e s . C h e c k w i th o u r S ( o f a p r o f e s s i o n a l . T h e

? o n d q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s .


», t h o - ^ r j , coun-i», en trrw iy j Pnon» - - • ' * I«1______________ __ '>LETE Chlmnty Clesn- 'irvkea '|. Co»l- Oil f re e ’■ • te s ' Ki(*i!n.s*B«c I n#, C c T t* n ,. 734-

RAcioR ;

■ENTRY *rO CON. ^E C or-ijc i:.o pr.:M »

ICO ?■; ]zi*'oo CC fse r- ir , f

• j _ n y j : u ' ^ 'IMARVESIISO •'

- ' 11- J.r r - . c ' rU l u * ) c


■t - "• : ;» i ’ • C* ''e’ *HTtSO'SER^iCE’*


I . J D,c : w , ; : z ,-

S'CO O RS'tX CnS''"


I*L-. Ta p ,*,3 ASOIR.SO | H

^ r w E ^ r s tP .C t


' C

% ' ) 5

\ i j f l

§ ______________

M ttofaM

ted. 78M107. ■ in glM H enl ci•W residential bul(d- OM

a with private parli. lu r n l lu r e n<aved rood*. $1<000. Alrwdy eitush . *pac* .a l i-M ous IIMIV.1. 2U. ’ “ 'Si

ifea . Owner cerri**..S A

r.ACRES aoulhweal o f “ n paved roada wllh lull •W ''^hta=$«ra» ::aY eiffc rcnUI Incfltnii. III64340S0. - LANDSCAPE

apaca.vMariett' Ataaka etenda

Builnm Property many extraal 1---------------------— Heaaelholl Mlommerclal Frontage Irlah Reel Eaui le U k ea Boulevard, u a r i c ttf m location. Call Paul al

S ! » ; ilERCIAL ahop, 2 apoael. Spada , c o m p r e a a o r . Awnlnga, nev e. Buhl area. Francaa cov*r front Iholt. 537-8838. Edna matching ahec»al EaUte. 5434494. landecaped m | . lt. downtown, zoned eystem. On coie rc la l /re a ld a n tla l. deluxe mobll . Low down, carry ahopplng oen:l. 734-1282.733-4807. Cell Ken Blngh= ’= ^ = = PRICE REO

available. Bpai OWN i n o u k e ^ e *


heated pool andapa, ‘USL c o u rta . eablna.

J. iodgaa. bfcna. TO P CAScaitlo and equip- FOR 8 ,1 0 01

» Iravel I tn Ihla muttl-milllon;attle ranch wllh un- d d /-u->i/ iusoaoe for $40,000. BROCK

I aa lOOOO down. 764- MOBILE IH idden Parad lae Call collect, 73Falrllold, Idaho. 4203;

WILL RELO B roa tim ora

MoU»«H«nillorSile carpolod wiih_________________ Including dish

bodroom, eicoitont garbage dlapc$4400, i6M down, I0<I16 Wllhin or

montht Dfltl«ary and $19,500. FInancIncludod. Hacienoo Call Ken Blngl

.731-75M. or 734-7060.

a l ”'33-093•5 a v a i la b le .f ro m M a g • S e rv ic e D ire c to ry w h e rh e firm s b e lo w o f f e r th ic ts . C heck w ith o n e o n


- Ir»tefl0 f -a n d ■ m r l o r i«model<rg. wtii ceiimg lo n ljn n g , w tllpapanrifl. ptlnlinj m d t'C H Pfione Wtll Kyiti. 714-8871 HOME REPAIRS

Sp'inklcr ir il« r ,it. Or,Mtll.• ad'lmni ir\3 ,|ir-'C>Cei."3.No job 13 louc'i' Ctii Al, 7 1 4 ^ 4 M ______________home ' cxsiqninq

CuitiT ' r-:~»

INTERC'lTY a ppliance SERVCE

C crr.T f:.4 ' f i O cT .j: .;

714'v r i

M <

^ '

UofaM HeiM iiorM - M

. 1 . . . N, ATTRACIlVE*^ J E « U K E 8 . . _ ; > i S S S S S J

s s S B f f i S S

• t^ j r e r w e e o to o ^ - ; « l * ^ . r a toed C re d it - eoi*- »i»*

re no t n e e d e d . 324-?123or32^eltuated on beat 'DOUBLE WIDE

al I Ja n a 'e Trailer :Moblle Home-(oebum of Kelchum, .years old. 3 bed

7SJ-T111 Caln'i In -:btthe.-Alreedy.11*. or 73S44M tor {re« aundingn*ht. ____ _• j8;6p0._B48jp08..

n .73»W 1.-----------SoaoeliiLaiy.l.Chempkin with new-

epplUneea. Qoodcome. 423-4073. ■■ « Fw H UCA PEO . g a rd e n 3 BEDROOM h<ilariette. Inaulaled to a t 227 Slh Avetandarda. Pull-out, month, tlral &(traal Filer. France* required. 733-71lOlt 6374838. Edne AM • .SiOOPMll E au te 734-7765, •' evenlngsand wiITE DELUXE 24 X 84. FURNISHED 8homa. 2 balha. Fully <135 piua depoa

c a r p e l l ^ R e ^ C e ll 7S4-66:

°"hed "^be'“ ll ll5

^ o - ^ o o ± i S f f r ; h a z e l to n .n ( c - mobile pork near

g oentera. m .800. nnfle,frldfle.4g iBlnQham7a4J0eQ. MODERN 2 Bed

REOUCEDI im . le , doub le wide f*<>Be and atovi

n 2 balha oaa NICE U nturi irnace, dlahvraaher. Bedroom will It condilloh. 324- $200 month pli -------------------------- depoali. Ho pela

P CA SH PAID illnS^all’. 'V lM l.10o r12W ID E S $100 d a p J i , iavol trallora and 328-4224.______a m pera . THREE BEDRO<

lOCK M A N 'S S « a " '? iX '.n c ;BILE HOMES $275,73M721.._.acl. 734^320 or 324- TWO BEDROOI

lurnlshod MotRELOCATE 1975lo re 24 X 84-- 9i5L__________I wllh appllancot WENOELL. 2} dishwasher wllh houae, $160 mo

d isposal. Can ro- Depoali. No pola;ihln one weak. Only 538-2774.Financing available WENDELL Cloar I Bingham. 734-3187 cloanino depotM- 538-2248s(lor5Pl


3 1 d ir9 1 31w h t 3 0T th e 1' a n d


C om m «rcitt- IriQutlriti. RestSBntlir f |rmfft«rc»r RernodBling. faptii. Irfiji- Hon pump ttrv ic t. w tlt' ^ • tte r service, b tiebotra nester* J4 hour tar.ice ' Rkihard Carpenter. 40-5713 NOBLE'S REFRWEflATKJN ANDAlRCONDiTWNINQ

n«1rlg«rtl.on, t.r concilicri ing. r>»*t purrpt SceC'ti.I. ing m d tlr j »na Itir^ »qj D meni Service and U ’es A' mt>e« ro i rei>4Lie ier>.c< Ct!IC h tr1 .«» ;t:e n 3 7 :7 ; PAINTING

r r .e


n e -^ o d e ''';” • *.e» t i Pet»or-»t « r * .,, 7J4 “ 73B 73>-«3K

I REMOOELIn'o ' ' Ne* H^^e■ OwneriT

W r i c , r , ~ ; . 1-1 -

I t *n 'c i.* . S ' . .- .*71WI41_________ _______ROOr PAINTING

□ 'i V - J t” ’

e«; -.»-»» :i4-t*..'!ROTARY LAWNUO'a ER STORAGE

i ; - . r ; M r . ,

M 11

|[ . : --------t a

i''a5Snm' s tMdnom

bedroom *,-tir. |gflehid;-A leo, lots of extra*, trallar home (r2»aC33. * o n tic t Don or IVIDE a X 55' d a y e4 2 3 « te . _

b M m ^ r s f u l l f e n ^ '^ % ^ledy.'SeMip for OKI t2 U * diling fireplace. __________008------------------- 2 - B e d r o o m77- i 4«»-O O V »- Ju rn n iv td . hom

rv.l.7*«733. «473. _______-3 -BEDflOOM,

________house, $228 rLt>WOT.HWim -cieet^lnQ depositM home lo c a le r "4 BEDROOMS. I

Ave. E. $225 single c ir garaiI & laat month $225 par monir0-7180 from 8:30 2972.0PM. 733-0178 3 BEDROOM Iidweekenda. ,|o v * & rorrfgen> Studio Home- depoait * loaiipoalt. No peta, A ve.W .733-1148,-6679 d a y * . 2BEDROOM.4I»44m ; - _ .5,rn.--walHo-w

2 b e d ro o m home,$328monilfnobile home, j bedroom homivery nice. 423- 1 child. $78 depoi

— CLEAN 2 Bedn,'Nlce1 bedroom t i 4o month. Dopcarpet, drapea, p«ia.Call734-24C

----------- FOR LEASEI $i:Bedroom horne bedroom home

■ge kitchen with c arpeted , lotaitov*. Large llv f e n c e d y a r

nice laundn' #eeurlty/cleanlru r n ^ , atorage required. No pi

$78 Cleaning- ,ceep ted . Alterlelerencea -re- 3112.^ f o r e 10am or

----------- ----- bedroom. 2 balhtu rn ie h -e d 2 homo, FIroplaciwllh g a ra g e . diahwaahar.$32!

jrch, nice yard, dopoalt. Retoiplua. cleaning QuIred, 733-0553.

pela. 733-3077.Iroom houae In$150 per monlh. p ^II. Roferaneoa. rum.^sp_____________ ___1 BEDROOM)ROOM. 2 balh, apanmenl, wim, fireplace- No all uillltlos paid,ances required, ie p o ilt . 7U-KV1 ____________ ___1 BEDROOMlOOM- Parllally a p a r tm e n t .Mobile homo, ulillllos, $125 mc, no pels. 733- 317 Shoshone S_____________ ___phone 68fr2585.. 2 bed room 1 BEDROOM SI monlh. Loaae. no pola or childpola. 538-2505 or utlllllos + $50 1_____________ ___poall. 733-8352iloan 3 bedroom. 1 BEDROOMipotlt required. Convenleni locirSPM. 7290 or 714-8551.


RECTORYI L IN E S ... B D A Y S ...$ 1 6 «


il«i. Doautily your hom* r;tr--------— Ataoe—fiM ptt e »■ -»<i

pelios We tito insti'. itindinfl 910.e i TX

■Otrd _________________vice' SWAP SHOP

ON Ouying, Sellmu, Tr,3 used merchtr^(3,je trij

Uuoi. Swap Sruo. 4S1 ,,,cn. A.b e .Twin Fill, 714->ti l- TELEPHONE ANSWERI qj 0- SERVCE

r>.ce We a n jo er in ,cuf n»r;77 h o u 't I d tr • ’'3 wveti

CaiiTettr-.>,ei.711.:m TREE SERVCE, KONC

.'e!! M c :^ t- ,: t l l '» e l;p c ,n ;>!•! rBfro.ms L.TSt Cui'» » l '» ’yiO w e'f3f,=flL .’.

l-.Surea 711-»M.S41 i: ’ UNRUHC0N8TRL>CTI

Nea ^ ^^ .e |• Reirode “ 73 C « l - e : i - C e - t - . : i..e

e t l '* > t• *_M3-41K B.rUPHOLSTERY

— tJ .-u -i s U rS: irer,ome i- .h - r - ,


■"* ' [!•» .',» > *' C . ^ ; . . : e r -e ti c - i ■

-* •* 1 C n - «

t t l - D ,« L*««»


'* • C* • I '# i ,•



S - o lD f B r "'s '.

Lt l i iS iC iia g i i i .

a " e p * r tm 5 ri t^ ' Illy carpeted, un- iteo 3 biadroom le (n Kimberly, n o r Rlla Harney 18. ,

+ deposit- 7 ^ ,

om p e rU e l ly ^n o n !« .-!« ? q " !_____1

iD»rt210r728-3na » M 0 4 e o r 734- .

O M ,-IM b a lh ----- -28 month. $75 ooalt. 733-7806.MS, lamily room, garage in Filer, nonlh, Call 734-

)M houae wllhrigeralor. $195 + _____

loaso. 830 4ih•1148._________<4.4 acres, 3-aUl1

B^h.M 4-So52” home In country. jeooalt. 733-1691. Bedroom Home- . Depoait $7S. No14-2494.________£1 $176 month, 2 -------ome In Jerom e. . lotal e lec tric, y a r d . $ 1 6 0

**nlno deposit 'Jo pela. 1 child Alter 5pm, 324-

SEI U nique” 3 balh. all aloclilc

iplaco. dlapoaal,. $325 month plua ^eforoncoa ro- 0553.


OM baaem en t with, lurnllure ,

paid. $165 * $50 U KVoe 733-2513.OM furn lahod it. I n c lu d in g !5 monlh. Soo al <no Sl. North, or585.___________M Single oduii. Children. $tlO «$50 soeurtiy-do- 152OM apanm enl.

location. 73J.5551.



• sIf l

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H. I . . ■

711-1570 I

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Trtding !) snd »nb- . I. 4 il UeiA ■714-WS3 ■

w e r in g " I

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}.:iM I3NCEK I

- !Ml ! : m _ ■ UCTtON* ■

n-.od*; ' i ’ ■: I... F r . , I


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Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

5 W (

H T h e J a c o b

NORTH- -- ♦ K10 9- -

'V A B 6 2---------- ----------- ------------- M ^ Q - J ------

• ♦ K 74

. ____ 4 42 ♦ J3V Q 10 7 » J 9:

— -• - ♦ n j n r ♦ a k■ ♦ J 10 : ♦ A Q

----— -----SOUTH—♦ AQ17(S V K 43♦ 6

......... ♦ 852

' V u ln e rab le : Both D ea le r:. N o rth W e i t - N o r th - E a s t -

' - IN T PassPass 4 4 Pass


O pening lead : 4 J

B y O swald Jacoby a nd Alnn Sontag

Alan: "W c discuss S taym an convcntioi week. L e t’s go a iit t th e r Into no trum p t and show th c Jacoby fe r bid. w hich Is r a lm ost un iv e rsa l cxp< a nd w hich has sprca g re a t m a jo r ity of I m en t p lay e rs .’’

OswaJd; ' ‘The bidt th e box is w hal tra i w ithout a Jacoby tn South p lay s in four and is ve ry unlucky i

0S2 fum.ApU.&Dupl8i i i

FRESHLY REMODELED lT f A p*nm«nts For Roni In yoa Filor- 1 b«drooin, lurnianod, hog •ppll«nc«s. t«. wiior. un lU - mo U (in.. alectiiclly arvd gig fbrn lohod . Oopotii. Cm im)J26-5386.________________ boaFURNISHED ONE Bodtoom too •parlm ent. all ulllllea In- Um eluded. $105. a month plua condepoalt. 733-4;«a._________ ifaFURNISHED Apaftmeni.Soo a t 1615 Klmca Avonuo * » 'Call 73J-MrB.___________LAROE, aitiacttvo. unugjal.Qood nolohbothood. Sinfllo Nfci norv-amokof. Has complolo.n 4 .n 0 5 -________________ CIOLOOKINQ r o n A HOUSE OR APARTMENT? Call QuIllct'a

LUKE’S MANAGEMENT. Furnlahed and unfurnished •p a rlm .n l. . all a ltca .tW toI 2M. Ulllltlog Ijrnlshed TM-&125. 7^-We?.________1 or 2 Ooflroom apartmania ^ In Klmboriy. Now cafpalt r*., Cloan, 1135. or TV-

____________________ „°nSMALL furnlghed apart- Adt. moni. Uliiiiiag paid. Very n»eo. No paig Dspoail rj}-6819 _________________ ___ylii,STUOtO'APARTMeNT -AO *p,otiillt** . JIW per rtignlh “

________________ ___la°lTHREE BEOROOM- 2 bain, olvory tpaclou l. t72i • litfhtg ApiA heal Dopogit. rafsrencBs 119A,aiiaW oll/W HJ-745a 5- ^■ ' ' ■ apa

(64 UnlufTi. AfU I DupH«ei iJ*AIL NEW 2 Oodroom- r.ce,

' Includoa ranja, rolncetatc' 'J2J5 plua uliiiliei. | 1W de- po a H .m -0 4 « o r rM-SO^ ‘■1^

Ing. 2 balhg. ranc«. te- “ Ingerator, aduHg. nu pels m i . d*po*.i Phon. ;jj .•oei2 OEDROOM dupiti gto.e re!rigo;ttOf. C 'S ''«*s''e ' i-ij "®' digpoaai. garaga

drapoa. 1225 a momh. | 1X I'w dapoait N opau 7^4 3:41 lui: 2 MOROOM C u titi, g ii.a . ' ' ' ' >«<r>eo'aio<. 0>an»a»h«'a>N4 diapoaai. ga '»;# «.i*i ut. .ir »oom , c a rp e ia e .drapoa. JJOO a momn HX * '* oopoo't Nopaig r?4-3:<3 *11. 2 BEDROOM DUPLE*. f#« C*;p*J.ng, rv.« p i - C.Jr . t . l g o r a t o - N e . l f ' fL,-wooc C t- fand achcol* i : : s p .- montti A3v’!» -0 c» 'i /• l« 'a r^ ;« i a '^ t i r**'-nvo p g _______________tv , BEDROOMS. C iat. d upio .. i :m c.rYou {ML*ii re.-.; c : t tC . Y o u r c o g U : ic i .» u - . : t . 1 ' rea r i*«ae r*3j ;»3 u * i . ' . , • '* coup-o de» -*J m TK7 c- !

_______________I rM: BEDROOM •*- , ! ; .room. «>pi>arKai | -■O&Od '0ea!0 n So c«-i 'i.’io r3J-e4*4c- :»■«'<; | a-: DELUXE DLJPLf * m Q j.e i fo n if ! .* : a-»* *t^TflAJia'^o^i-a ; t - e : ’- ' . - i ;: bai.M. » ' c ; - : - . . - * : c « /p « t» a . d > g * '-» i-g f.. 10. 0 , ro tr ,; ,- ,-y . , r t lpiu» carport ■> , »•’i*r^d»c«ped « f> iT u t t a - . ; •“

' MP*!1 i.oaia at n i : :»• ■ j-',

C a .im :r> : _ : fOR RENT 1 a-^a : te c - :- . - ; ic

,_t.i,t.ea [>■ 1. I —:■».


TK« Fall* A p a r ln io n i i c N oy» w o h a v o » p o c io t o n d r* o lly n * o » 1 b o d fo W * poy oil b u t p o n d *mol! p*U con».d< co<*d o<ro»» FqIU Avi co lio g o

CALL 7 3 4 -

>by T ra n sfe r bi~ I W csLopens h ts jo 11-20 a n d 4 h c defense.

)■ "■ c lu b s a n d th'(2 diam onds.”i----------------------A lan: " H a y i i

tran sfe r. Sou th r<itST---------- hpnrti,

13 bid to sh o w -sp aj g j , dutifully b id s ti A 1 0 7 ' - South- ju m p s - to A Q 0 6 3 8 ° i" 8-------------------JeasL fouc-odd sL

on Icad .” . • ** O sw a ld :‘'T h e l

doesn 't a lw ay s u will produce an a t leas t h a lf a

ith wHen'uscd y e a rout."

i a i i t t j t t e a sass P a s s

S e v e ra l r e a i asked how th e J i

. A I fer w as InventedOswald Jaco b

' “ When I g o t bai Korean w ar, Da'

--------------- J SL Louis h a d in t. f o u r - le v e l t r a

y aponses o f f o u iand fou r h e a r ts Ing no tru m p . 1 1

cussed th c bid e n th u s ia s t ic ntion la s t 1955. R ich a rd Tn l i i t t le fur- ia ta .M in n . .s u g j ip b idding two-lcvel transl ;oby t ra n s - p roceeded to dev Is now in p icte sy s te m oi ex p ert u se em ploying th es p rcad to a t ra n s fe rs .” of to u rn u - .

biddi/ii’ ]/) (for a copy o f Jl tra n sp ire s sontf SJ -

y tra n s fe r . Brldgo/' caro ol 3ur sp a d e s per. P.O. Box-48! ;ky indeed. Station. Now York

fty Unlurn.ApU.iDuplaiM |0M

LARGE2bodroom. 2bath > V Iyear old dupio*. oloct : /chorhoat and Qirsgo. j : n . «J>>Jm onth. Call Evorgfoon ^ noaltyn4-3200. or 733-4018.LUXURY Duplox with 3 QS7bodrooma, 2 batha. living room, kitchon and dining. 2 Do(amily room, fireplace, air p ^conditioned, garage plus o>- OOLtra parking aroa. Iav.n care homlurnlahod. no amall children. 423-! }}00. Call 734-4411 dayg.733-8400 ovonlnga and Sur»- '.VJ‘>•11___ _______________ J185NEW 2 bodfOom doluio 5pmduploa In quiet Iocalion. .Closo to ahopplng. J325 u „ „ monlh,. Fireplace, centralvacuum, to ll water. 734-1720 '* JaltorflPM._______________NEW 2 Badioom Dyplo«- “ “stove, dispoaai. dighwashar. Qjg

Ilreplaco. Some uiiiitiea 13Mpaid Loaao prolerfod. S340. Sho733-«8eaner5:»pm.---------------tXC NEW 1 bedroom duploi.---- FOP Carpet, drapea, gtove. re-----gam Irlgeralor, garaga, waler and---- U7-i aanitalion paid. Reaaonable.---- fQp Adutisno peta. 733-0707.---------- yy„ ONE BEDROOM Apartmofit-----734-: no children or peig All uiMiiies paid See at Co>e---- ;vaa Apadm emt • - --------------t or 2 Oedroom apartmentg, lot <carpeted, electric heat, lola Bullol ato rage CanyOnviiie romAparlmenlg. 128 Martm Sl catic*29______________________Ir QUSPACIOUS 2 bedroom ^apaam snt, »n oiecir.c. kii- n OvChen appiiancea lurnighed. mo>la rge waik-in pamr,. arvd builclaundry (ecum ea , with to ■carpor! AduHa onl, J220 Eastplua t'OO depogil 7U-3668. 2323Lynwood Manor_____________ QfpTWO AND TH REE 300 OEDFiOOM Duplei- c isie ir. 700 a u i e t a t r e a t . '■i 733-:

TWO OEDROOM Apart. p,ol nor^t* pe;» L».-»i Pi-« 35M Aparl-ve-'t*. 17« M .U 'I', N —734-«18_________________ t 1V.0 BEDROOM 4 P;e.. tui^r ca’p e ie l C-»pei, *'i.

lei, c c te 'e J pjffc.-'j area Ho p e t. t2 C Or*•!.- Tp-. rw *->! C' :24- *21

__________________IWO B£C«OOW g i i ' t - e - t Ml

p rc ra 3 "V^MJ.

I u ; ’- * » / ’ c j t a 'e 3


! aB V '» ;rc£ ‘ T Y .— ' :

2^ ' : - " : - - - , - " I iA '

' i -

■ ! <x. OH Rco*:|l:Awt I

1 ' i ;-aW L'-V -A pti lX ;..e ia i i d o*

‘ I a.*;- — , I

^ A R ’. l A l N T a I » • .

Hi oro ri* « opom ; j'a. iciouJ 2 bodroo'T^i r-«ijd fo o m o p o r tm o n t i .• poMor C hild '*nn .d * f* d l<y j TMI

Avonuo ( to .n iho {

, ta i' f t l

4 - 6 6 0 0 _ S

ojt]___*500 QAI

. . . Compfoi .GAMES

- ■ - . « • - .£5 - MnboHti 7 '0 1 0• ■ i Numt>onD i O HANN>

H ector r3 ]^ackoJc lu to

t h e a c e • o f , kinqsiz■________:_________ _ - iio o -F o

aym g Jacoby >n goodh responds tw o o_r_sooa]|)M > n -« c tlf ir ia l__________ L£AVJNls p a d e s . N ortB 1 tw o sp ad es, '- to - fo u r - ond - .............. itom r"lg to m a k e a t anooui> Epf>t !■»-,_____^ o»nf.32'

LIKE Nh e t r a n s f e r b id ■s w o rk . I f J O s f ■ a n a v e r a g e o f SVr l'Tij!!a t r i c k e x t r a iZ50?Bo

a r iri a n d y e a r compioi32M217 MANUA

a a - x a m y S J CM8-2774

e a d e r s h a v e j^ a rye Ja c o b y trarw - UNFlNijited. Drotsorcoby an sw ers . rockor#, back fro m the D a v c C o r t t r o tin troduced th c oil Eaaii

t r a n s f e r r c - mU ^four- d iam onds- — you wtlr ts to th e open- Sorvic#I ado p ted th is <<

U caU y .T hen in T ro x e lo fW ay -

l u w e s t e d u s in g ,,,i n s f c r s a n d I Socrotad e v e lo p a c o m - dard 41 o f r e s p o n s e s *» • c . h e s e lo w -lev e l

, PITNEYNTOHWllKi-: ASSN. ) “ I'l}?®!Ford Tn^fJACOBYMOCy XI,to: "Win at ollhlsr)Owspa- •489. Radio Clly

'ork, N.Y. m i9 .) woig^ dlamon(

------------------------------------ Whilo {

------------------------------------ novof u

, r l•VINTER RATES KM- booths' :honottos and room*, all tablo. with cooking laellttloa. 733- 888-2384 “ 33. s eT I ^

Also Wl

” r , o „ '2 Oodioom. lurnlahed. adult -lerome park, no pols. tt80 734-8782. s jq n DOUBLE WIDE mobile llghlod, home. 3 bedrooms. 1230. with X<23-5312.________________ __ bora, ITWO BEOROOM • furnished,all aaa with lenced-in yard.J185. 10-5pm. 733-1388. Alter TWO I-5pm. 734-il73.___________ snow12*e0 MARLETTE Mobll Home, 2 bedroom with — carport end awning. Adulls USED 1 only. I1S5 § monlh. nS-24tO. seloctli

Equiprr 409 2nd

0 » OfflctlBuilMuRefital USED

1300 teot Ollico Space alShoahono and Main Street. •>300 month 713-2628 ' g glFOR RENT: Cale. hoioi, Irt beagame room and apanmenl, Moyes637-6677. 747V. FOR RENTI 2100 aq. llWarehouae with oM<e Can WATE734-2323________________KOH TRAFFC locatlor on SPE Waahlnglon DJvd. Lol m e125 X 1K3 Ide*r ror utad C ar------- ~lot or recreational vahiciea We bu)Oulidirg wo sa fl. We win fumiiurremodel or di>lde lo apecili- Cain'acation tor Ihe right parson 733-7111irtQuire al Taylor Rofltala, ---------734-4147. yyci NOW LEASINGl New com-m erclal and w arahoute . . . .buildings 10 be constrvcled INto your fequi'em tntf on East Kimberly Road 734-

OFFICE SPAC~e7 0 R LEASE w . i .300 Sg Ft »1M per monih ' i . , . , . 700 Sg Ft 1300 per mon!-,733-3000 or 734 2Qt_______ __ .■OFFICE SPACE Now •PAIN1A.a.iabie‘ Caii733-4.r< . HARD 1000 eqoaf* <e*t, chCKeptotess>or\ai tocat.on ; n - »ELEC35M______________________ SUPPLIt OOO SQUARE 'ee l lof -artLocated on SMOvO A ..n ^ , TABLE!

734.MB3__________ * 5*e CWAREHOUSE SPACE m • ' " - o 'downiow-' area 7» i« t; = '•-*» »90 m orih 733 300C or 7H.4»1— — C79

*1 04ng» Rarsalt aT u s' ■ ' ' ' " ■ " O ee '

oe: W itaiJteRrJntSPO N SA Q LE p erse -' S ' want* grrsK rea * cn it 'e c : '3^o«*e Viood 0- e ie tf ,: to : ia : tM3-4177________________ Ga;*-..RETintO MONTANA CO'.P •«.*heg 19 gpen] H i'ltt B t.AYlSCU.T-;n Ll Iw.T f*^». C*-32«lor li,rrM»hed ap«riT ,-i, gpoT (nom*. or n o 6„« t j , , 3 r*nt la^i.* ', March V<:.'3

« -!e-• .Ilili * £ . : !__________ K„ IVNANTEO PASTunt 10 (»-r Ip -; C 825-^18

et 2i ioec UoC.e Har* Space

....... w'oTT;«7 iL K tlv ^ li'5rvyORu*'MDs“ .• r V 0*

O n u N -r tC '. ASD lASCtU

DOS 1 R t s t TC.MLS :-]

iU 3 ~


, : f -raa l » ':ar t**., j ' » ,», qh>.t# s.-'* ■ ',h C '« -- to*-:1MW Adjac- m i a ; _FOBD 5 H P SNOrt s t r t ' T»<nOW(R-VeM 1 >,r-s-sonty. 1435 U c ; ' Ford

tM lJ M d l? '" '* ' ’ f t lL C » ’ EC l - J . i - , ' ;

r' IteeaiAM ua 077X) QALLON Bum Tank ai>d COMPLE imDre>«orC«tl82W7<2. . , J» Jon« f. iMES f o r Fam ily .Rooml I f#

H O ' o r atoreo aimbor«4143. ■ ©layer,VNNAH’e H U 8B A N 0 '« 2 L 1 l£^ ictor hates hard work, t o ELECTR( cloana me ruga with Blue tu rn la b l stre. Roni oloctrlc aham- opoakoraOWTtCTOTgBtB: ■ ' -------- 0«2E S S^QS IZE 9^ and Uamo

good condition. 734-29&i amiC wll seo al137 Filer Avo. W. opoaKor AVING STATE. P o '^ r bolwoen

Indore, vieoa? lot# o l RCA col la o o llo h o o u o g a ra o o Uke now.m r r Lot«—o t- m u c o i i . - -s a n s u iooui VW pana. Mako tunor. Nciir:324-3437._____ .. .734-21I«9j

NEW IO" R o c k w o r U SED)Io u w . {200.11962 Baja Contotltf. Runa. MOQ, 73J-T6Q5. TV. malellm .lostor Iroo Btandlng '«o p iaco -co rno r m ode l. °'®-,»..BoH & Howoll Super 8„ nowisoii mplole movio outlll. $150.M217._________________^NUAL typowrliora. somo 07!Ih long carrtago. Wendell rnlluro and Appliance. Comlortii-2774, h^ultl-atrl---------------------------------- COUCHMARY CARTER CENTER old. $30 JFINISHEO FURNITURE,ossora, chotia, dosks. COUCHckors, chairs. .-iQll top orongo I'8ks. cradles, toy b0«09. after 2PKsols, and mlSCollBhOpu# OOUBLE .ma. 2118 Avo E.. ]uotI Eailland. 733-3493. ■■ , 73<.5032.JFFLERS Installed while extra'U wait. Comptole mufdor tojiurincirvlce Includinp cuttom b«elala for car and pickupa. insots SJBOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY. j V p - - , 5 Shoshone SI. South.=FICE EQUIPMENT: F ^ l- 9(0 standard desk. $150. oi(jicrolary chair, MO. Sian- aido-by-ird 4 drawer lllo cablnol. undorw;0. ConUal Ofllce Equip- Party 73< onl. 734-8882. 103 W. Ad-

TNEY-BOWES 2S3 coplo7. 32 59,5 moat oow. *650. Luclch )nJ Tnclor, Klmboriy Road lat 734*4121

EOISTERED D iam ond t,uef,od igagfiment. Center alone Q774

j j ""';hllo gold. 1 yoar old w / P®*'®' ‘ alctiing wedding band. "ivof uaod. $1600. Write lo P*®'’®'’. , a«W.13C;OTlmoaNow9, »'

RESTAURANT plastic M oving >oths wllh pedoBlal legs on bedroorr bio, $695. -lohn Wade.^-2384,_________________ _____ -EVERAL » gallon U rre le. ■ ■ so wood and sleel lonco >sts.5W mllosw oalonBob arlon Hwy.. w esl o t >rome or 733-2085.:QN (trailer type). 4xfi )hied, changeable lelior,Ith 300 letters and num- >ra. For aale. $35, por onth. Call Ruporl 436-3932renlngs,________________

H78 I 14" Sluddod low iires- $40, Also, 4 ooden chalra. $15 543-»4__________________SEO CHAIN SAWS Good election, $X and up, Qom guipment Lawn & Leisure.?9 2nd Ave.S,733-74W.SED aewlng machines, reat Christmas gilt lor witoI daughter Many makea ______err. 125 and upi Touch 4 ew Singer portable $49 95. (mI beautiful cabinet $115. ______loyes Sewing Center 733- CERTIF17V;____________________ cloan ri



324-4WO foOUter-- - -------------- -SApOM'e buy and Irade lor used unilure and appliances aln'a Cleaience Cenior nj.0141 13-7111_________________


Dell Rap(S EXPANDING! Twm f .

Cutting■e-re CiJi'fS Oul r a - . , 600 ol t »leCI'0ni,r,o».'Sl3te 6174 Ev

DAIRY tAUTOPARTS . n s c ' . c r r (y, „ i , PAJNT U pl3X *. QfF 4,-85 HARDWARE n1Tn7“EUS ..20V O FFELECTRCUPPUE8 K -.C ^FRAROAIt CXCtLLaBLES K - . c r r

«*wVj^ ! i'm** ' c o c o ”— — — - 2nd, 3'd

^T T t’iTO*. LEAF CUTTCU 3-3 Cute e rta r .T C :; ' 2947

! co c o c^WED'ATE C * ;» f c n |

I* " ' IATISO Ht-iS V .f.-L D ! HAY.31-a-3:* _____________ : i j i IiT.POT CASH, * • t . , ; ; ; .2 j 4«i8

r * / a '(A N T E D M G m T C B . t s n . l , ; rtl.£RS P ^ ^ '* 734-l'p« C 'W W

..-.3 Da; i r . q u * ^ i;

r - - - i i . i _ I Cf^«-.A '.T tD T O tJJV i;,^ ;- ,; .• q .j a T,; I 2 ii C ' f . ' ; f a ; - . _• ; -3

k-! i uV - f i ' t * ofTi

n S.*oei ».i; Oct j f , ; ; ; ; ,

* .-x -e i j

j w i ’«■ ___________ [ 16! To-

:4 u .i< « M-/.-«-,-.s I v '”

, IS G B I !«• • f . ■ ’J’ ;*

, : a . ' t ‘. : y

tUilC 1»


Rtdlo.TV,&St«io 071 : / I

’LETE altroo •yatom. 2 Piece brcer.recolMir,..100 watla -and chair. Blannol, BIC #60 lurnU- Caln’o Clei rUh-duaLcov«f.-8on)i. .723.7111.--) qu ad ‘6 Irack, tapo r e c l inERr, cuttom madoape- aoctlonal n<.All tor WOO,734-1796. ‘ uaod Caraq'TROPHONIC Sieroo- table. 733-S5:a b le - 6 track* 2 ,tw IN olzo

T CHfllSIMAS PRE- CloarenceC-tof-ioonr-Turniitiio. tw o qrejWllh 8.|rack-play«r, 2 Qiuo/aroon

color TV. Very goodP mBW. 734-3596- 734-2421,lUI TU-7900 a l o r o o ' ..................... Now 1978 modol, 1200.l«9aftflrS- - ■- ■ D. E n to r ra ln ih o n t III Packard Boll color DELUXE OElatching sioroo wllh 8 now. soiltape. Garrard turnta- A lso . (>at

AM/FM aloroo- (2000 mallrosa-S4<5olller$300^733-«750, Fn,Q,OAiRE

S 1 5 0 . S | outomallcdr

Fumlluro&C*fp«H Boih very cir

5H FOR salo, I yoar CloaroncoC$300. 543^892 Or 625- ^ |7 e h g re o__________________ good condlti

flloopar, brown & oiler 5PM,‘* « d . $75 , 733.5158 Konmoro

_______________ rftftQ0 . 734 |SUE bod with Sorta llrm kENMORE080 and box springs, ,oeondlllonii i i :________________ $128,00. C«lA Long Oavono bod Center. 733- rlno-HaidW ood- irm s

S I SE rifi

. sell lor J800, 1 yoar cioaroncoCre lr lg o ra to r/Irco io r - - ^ 'V '" r n

by-8ldo. copporiono, « c N T TOrwarranty, 1400, Private wniripooiai.734-1396;__________ aB»izam or3E o'ld wfllnul dining S'"®''i , i. a " ' ; ; . .IE Uluu-groon boIb. Ex-nlco. 1139.95. Cam'B TOUCH-TonceConfBr, 733-7111, Microw»,» ILY Croaconi shaped

tultod. mossy of«en,lod velvol. $450. 537- WASHER

good condi. . es97

inih old king sl:o 4 ir waterbod. coipplolo

m atlrosB. h o tte r , m Haalini od aide rails, maltress

shoots, bedaproad, SPARKS d$400. will aoll lor $300, heater. QuiIng D ec. 1. now Cain'a Clo5om loo small, 734-1796, 733-7111.

Fsm$e«j 087

TIFIEO Seoa Poi»l7ol TRAOE~apn reaamg, virus lo ted bales tS78 :)ld Otil an3 Soni, mg g i i i i fnglon, Idaho S32JI Call t97t doioc1322________________ 51MlO Grown All4il« Seed- — —Iterod cprr'mcn Rinrje _____OK criup lia n d i iUa a . Discount p ticn lor

i . i o r n n ' . i I'.'.!; J , '! ; ':•• •— -------- « :5

Kay,Gr»M4feed — —ALFA HAY, C l.an, 1®3-lree, high piolem IO20S) H i,n » ;» t3 a l

Rapidg, 45 m,[ps Keii c ' '«

IY ANDSTOC*. CO. le,orT^e >ale Sian C.rle-, 3:«.------------------------------ Angus Dj "lY HAT (Q. M'« J . R.r-Ch, H ►i L, Tw<rv PrK*f%e*?6-!

________ F ^ sT uU L £ M HAY. jr.t,-., bet)

h e a .r La;»s JJ W 0- O r s c 'R i ' 'ton Close..n 731 V!8,- 3;^

; h straw - mI g i s t e.••ao, 75« P,;-, A D . (iJLLS H:h 825-ilM !D alfalfa m, , r , . ] rp H L .Q t3'd Cutt.n; V.. Cf ,«r mC;F£PSI'T^e-ri _____IOD ClIALltr' ' c -a ' t ■Cut- 'S t C» :.-4 . C' P»-'

^ L ' aU t' ■ V.ASTt^' ■'3 hsr *■>; : e»- • Or—* C**

___ _____ ’■*’w anted' ,v ' , - j •*-'*' 'c r o Oa- ^1, ,• : ; V.ASUD ’

'J Cl' C .- r - ; ;. •-;:m_________ ___ ■ r.'y.•31 T c^ 'n i ' 'IiT., c ._le.r. C*.

' B «:SG yO.U H -r . TOTmE

ijrr .______.liT't ma* tJ ■; V

e t*»' u .- . ’ ,* •

’ *■

.............. ■ * - rV,:

»% I. U- <4V.

•* ’ ■ ' BUHL

' • » ’ f A I

. u ~

/umfturolCarjut* _ _ _ _ _

:e brown trlexe sola m i olalr. Both for only $»». - ........ -

Clearonce Conlor.l l y - m Blrchl4'xBNER .chair. 2-plece 3f40akV X B')nal, noods rocovored. 3f.4 Mahoganydarpot. Rattan colleo Bl Fold Doore733-5532.___________ 22" D o o rs ...Blzo bookcase bed. 8f> Cladwood

” 9 8 ^ s T ” ^ ’n ^ bOlUjRIb'lin'.'.

, r e o P a o l . ' 'A l '’oood tv^llPa'n^lInoion. $250. Call 02 - « ■ " ^ • " • " " 0

RBEO wllh 0 drawers- • Mondaytcondition, J500, CAU' ------- ff(^4pm

........ ... ’ NORTHWES________ ______SAI

---------------- AwfiafttM---------- lOii Klmb(EOE 30" Range-llko ^ o h l ^BOll cloanlng o»on. »*>r

b a b y 'c r i b and ____________BS-$40. Call 734-2577. QoOD RA1LR(JAIRE Range, brown- Bllor Tom. 764- . S p o o d O u o o nalls dryor, whilo- $100- ------------------ory cloan. 637-6293. ^'O IN T a u to m a t ic W R O Cr. Reconditioned 1 i ■> ,.itoed. $99.50. Cain's T R U S imcoContor.733-7111.

s r o i ' s s a c A L L ^ ia i _____________ (208) 72M61Ioro autom allc gao 2nd AND V.7^4^931.__________ _ ST ,m E T C HlORE oloctilc dryor.dlllonod&guararMood. ^06)733-2210. Cain's Clearonce 301 ond ST. T.733-7111,_________ FALLS. IOAH(

Capacity Kunmoio A . C . H CBest oiler, 734-237I. / / i i ^ O

IE oleclric range, con- L U M B19 cloan ovon. QuBran- ___________, S198.00. C a ln ’B WHOLESALancoConler, 733-7111. SUPPLIES. ir TO OWN, Now IhBulatlon,>00lapp1lanC0B,aal0w 4469,726-8410 am onlh .733-4090.

Compaci HOOVER 083Ing Machino. Now 1 1 1 year old, $200, 733-isk lor Gene. 09j__________CH-TONE SoflBOr BLOCKS orw ire ot»n. W50. 3- niocoa SVi rI microwave ovon. ,[2i:2*2i____________ .loromoof733IER AND DRYER In ORDER NOW condition. Phono 733- „ 1 ,


HMting&AlrCondttionlr>g Ott Q

KS dolu ie home~oll POTATOES fr. Guarantood, $99.50. from the fanI Clearonce Conlor. iivory withinIt. 6156,

Hay. G nm t feed IM)E approiimateiy 800. tS78 slacked li'st cull- SPEra il hay lor 600 bales HORS dolc.erod straw 42J-


paslute. good cor- Twin Falcn;inB, T.gk room H I

Jf tw.n 3-5 head 934- _ _ _ _ _ _THE HITCH

- 1 • -T w eccvpiing tn< chaiiengel Tl

IMttOCkWLMed are nol alrai................... ................ ou rp .ice* l2 l

Horae- J:i95a ra * $t»95 2 H o'i

GaTe c=od selectionha.lera, «M lo 700 *,“• ? - - ■■■■

]s Chuck PeMenonI3t : r>crth. 2'1 a m cl lOe

-----o-.V -. i . . ■ LARGE. n L n ,^ J^ . aI I ? WEANEfS aiI W o 'm .a a-

° J ? :5 4 _ S i2 r:"SAlE COLOSTRUM

^ eJJ441 i2 ________IST E f'E D ANGUS 1*

• c ,» f ^p 1 ■' •-*' r-» I . '! " • • • ’ **■'

. 324.1111 J

T t::' p .W V i.

.K j’TtD ’ C D jt 'yy. •..ry . " r / —. t - j

Hor»t1 - -----. . . ------- '*G T O 'jnooooH O ftsE ,-1TmE P C mTP'JI.CEi fr-:-"’’

1. >'*.{ f_: w A - .u t :

i*yy. __

■ t.f . " ' . • I , - ' !<•!<


. . : — ; r-p* J**-**

.* ........ Monday,"NovomSor2(), ■

..BuHdlngUtlsfUl*--------------------------- ORR ORCHARDh«'X B '>- 124M soldo? O B ') ....... $ « 95 -lennalhonB ondogsny (4'X9''i ' $22.95Doore • $13 95 oiiofnoon only.i r B $ 3 ! 9 5 ^*^” 93.-Iwood siding • • __7T r:-,:r:, . . '. , m81l5~ 1 b )'--------- — Jb lln ........55«Lln, Ft. _____________

; ^ o .$ l - « .o a c h - -AKC-Br)ttfi^P'i e l " H o o ..... IS tfl. 543-5579.Countertop ,, 29* ll. aKC REOISTEI nollnolrom .,,$3,79 spanlol lor i>'

(Bull). 543^066, JlSiBawUoidCpm--------'


fK?m* M f-Rar---=--'^ 'w ^ c iv v ? only. Call 543-45

BRITTANY SP__________________ ploa. AKC-Qor=IA1LR0AD TIES. Call want tho ' boatm.764-2512..,___ ... . Idnfto..Natlona

Champions bio--------------------------- Bidot. Dam a

collenl hunter:

3963aftor6pm.U S S E S e x c e l l e n t -

GIFTSI AKC t Spanlol pupplu

X)LLECT 1958.> « 6 1 6 FOR SALE: TnND WASHINGTON Hounds. Phono ETCHUM. IDAHO FREE to som

country. Unlqu)3-2214 tsofl. ^ ifi»n

: H O j^ S T O W z m i r .I M B E R C O . ShorilooB Poc

tho Holiday!.ESALE BUILDING IES. apoclBllzIng In i ^Ion, 788-3185, 788- ’W410. N9W ,

I ' rabbits. 2 SplL puppies. 625-5(

(UfigoSBl#* playful be” ' PIES, good


S or amallnr cui INQ - VacstloniSV) miles weat on your dog Cho

irton Hwy., wosl ol nels423-5104.' ^ 2 0 8 5 .__________-PURE BREDI NOWI $90 a cord. 5 pie*' Call 537-6!0 location. $50 cord,__h a re Akita Wi 3.733-0013. •____Refllaterod AK<

. and protectionQoodThlr»itoEil ’«'ll0o''co. pi uoooim ngtiom breeding stock

OES for »alo direci REGISTERED 10 farmer, Free do- Poodle pupple within 20 rrlles, 536- lemale, $100, i


Horwt tl] F irm it 500 GALLON

SPECIAL wai lake m,IK <HORSE SAlE m en lorpayrr'.

10 Roil* ol DC r-N ovom ber2«-lPM new $15 per


win Falla, Waho ------------------73M512 ’8” l'®ei & =Rolling cuUi.a!

HITCH.N POST . sing t i e undB'SOlWri O'O O* 7 **iiig«l Thai is why we *’*^51 alraid lo advertise Trgclor. Kim :e*l 2 Horge- H595 • 4 Eaii 734-41 21

J2195 • 18’ Stc<‘ ' OmCH TAPiDE2 H0'* e wf dress ng L'*-'d new. On I23S5 Kimtjeil,, 423- lu c ic h For

Kif-t>e>'r Rea......... 4t21 ___

CASE I__________________ I0*3er jW tE ASSORTMENT T ri:io r, k - E fS anc p ,g i E ,|t 734-4121.d ana v.c inalea i - ;

_________ UI...I, 1M..A4PEORED Y crtth .r* w lh a£p r^ i 7 , 432 i l » a 't* ' h3,-* n j - l tO

, 19,•• fARWAL

________ : , i . - x ' i : o r .,ES ,e a ii .n ; i* n a y j, n . j » C a"4»^?20 4U)______

I - ' i ^ 'a - a V c i - ' ' I : 'b . . ' i ; ' ' - >” ■

Pou-ryitUot.ti : - I ' , ■ , 't*.

a’ cIU S,: , -

; t . f b t- ,■ t , , , i

: , - •» ' t u \ ' •

V'’•' 1 'i » •-«

i: ' H>r I

2br^97 rT im e8-R iv»O w T i> F a lli

QoodTTilngitoEtl qoo Pi

ARD has appjos. RUST RED I oldon-iJollcloua. Io au le iM 0i«l«r< ond Romo. Ono 7pm 784-2512. -

jf Buhl S a ^ rta y p ^ R g q ^ E q inly. 543-5330 or pinochbr. wllh p

Innliirlnn aiton houBOPOt.CailQ

— pfllllSuppirtJ. ______________

iy pups for salo. • ' —--------- ------------ CE6BNA—« 0 .

STERED Cocker- $18,500. 1500 f r Blud sorvico. now has 1000 066. Lyc. 0-320 forOBERMAN "Pup--oalol Excoll«nl now 1P00 hOUra. : Call 734-6137. 19 0 6 CESSNA rman pupD. $69.' "Qooo'conaillofl

ond uphol8tor>

13-4586 FLYING CLUB c" s pai^IeT ^ .^ n ' t uipn I* ypM LEARN TO

)08l In Soulhorn' InslfuCllon ancIona! F lo Id Jilal ntnl/chartor.blood llnoa l)Olh Roundy‘s Sk;

n and alro on- 6201. Evonings ; ilors, havo Holdpolnla. $100. 726- , 2, 0j„{,

IT- CHRISTMAS CHRYSLER £,C black Cockor motorh. Calkipplos. $125. 733- loromo linpl-

324-3311..lorom: Trained Coyololono 536^2607.. KEEPYOLsomoono In Iho ]M C|niquo largo black TUie lA/irlBh.sollor, Ex- I n i a w ijtch dog. loves . .J3-2B91 or 734-79B3 Llmllod BtorngiAak lorGrofl.- - bJo— Reaeivo-5 18 a hail CUI at S o a s o n Poodio Pull lor ^ r - a i - e -

la y !.'A ll brood P C M T. pood les lor I!2ii£!L____ AUTOWmostly whito. 2 261 AddlBo

w Zealand doe Tn^c SplU PomeranianJ5-5631.733-6939. ____________

BEAGLE PUP- VALL)d lor chlldion,, a n d MARINA I

doalor lor Iho

ONAL-QROOM-- -g 2 2 F d 'S ° 'Z - ‘i OMC S

Chorl Miner Kor>- swirl boat;i l ____________ Shotollno, and)ED Collie pup- Irallors. Plus37-6521._______ adPplloslortesa White Pupplosl wE HAVE )u AKC, Family lovo another load

:llon, Spood. in- Swirla. Many poworlul and colora. Pick yot

lock. 678.7925, w hile Ihoro ED Sliver Toy modola nol soli pplea. 1 malo, 1 Magic Valloy 00, 837-6116, 837- Marina, wher

always beilor b'

mitRancfiSupplieg tU Fa

3N BULK TANK- 3020~io^ ^iilK Check assign- g o o d i-.-ndlyrT'ent 543-4782 evenings, .^3-1I DOD WIRE- like 1977 Long b<3er roll Call 423- comb.no EiC'

m i 5 ” _ _' M F 246 Ul

farmknpJementB LOADER to M______________ traclor. Will ae6 t)Ojn Liiujton fTTChineiy 4B;

li.a ^ r U *odo.ii, ,C32 New Hoi IJ68M ________ ___ 19^ modal 2t

**ian« 'i r r e r , i ' D itor; n15 L ut':!' Ford rna»on«t)i« 73 Kimt)»rl|t Ruad n'oCK PiCKEfI 'J ____________ ___ M',v iarr.es T|<DEM12S C ik. Swalh 2 'j 3.T:;,, one c " ', i::r: Paienipa i.u . Fo rd T ra c to r, tes 1>*>'< a-.JRead E»»t 734- $4»C ;

F O D T» -1 j ' l - .c iV w.th l e a . e - »1B

K -it)»ri, Hoad C'»'"

v r * ; . . r .» 4 M :

i SEEU.-u t t ___




V . ; . ' - : . ■*

*g *E, i / . - EQUIP


y - y y . t i . , . . .. -

; • V 1. • '

i .‘ ,

*, r< ' , • .

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*■’ ' ' • * ; l. ' .V / .

- ............ ........................


PotiliSuptJIw- !D D oberman- Wtored.Callaliac-. ,2. - ' . - . . . IED )M ln ia tu rf ' vllh papora. tlOO, Buppllea. Gooil Caii678?43t.- -

„ ; '.z r ^ T in is a .- - .- « 0 . lo f salo.500 hour origTno.1000 hours. Also for $16,000, Hfljl

0Ur9:733.8976- 3SNA— SKvnnwP— aiiiofirNow'pfllnt~T“ Istory. Low limnbttuLJIJJ.SM^A!!!___» -8 9 n . ------.UB openings. Fly . 4-4057 or 543-4464, ro FLY, Flight I and Blrcrair ro- ' or. Phone loo

Skyways, 73J- ^ ' Inga 734-2777,


fl BOATS nnd Calkins Irallorn, linplomont po , orome. *

YOUR BOAT NSIDE ;S WINTERlorngo Sllll avoH.i- )ivo_your»- nowl —

NTURY-■OMOTIVE?IdlBonAvo.W: '733-5070

/ALLEY MOBILE INA 19 a Iranchlto Iho bottar bokls

■/fl— fohnsflninut:___ho all new. and 1C Sloarn drives, boats. EZ kiidor, . and Calkins boat

Plus all mtlrlni) ■ 3rleSB:733-614r.E jusl recolMd oad cf 1979. ^aa any model* and k your choicoitow oro aro ftomo “It sold. W ha'ul Al illoy Mobile end ' whoro Ihero Is iloi buys. 733-6141.


DEERE Iracli» - n d l l lo n Csll.^3-4062_______

g bean and p«iE.CellOr.l .h.pr

! UUiCKATTACH lo III 1085 or Is-g"Ml aell or ttida li <1 4b;-»2o ___

8l 200' t f'ry-*-V, f t model i

ciders '.es T e n , ND V ■

»1B ' fl L c ■' t jb g - .- J . i* & ■■






n 3 -~ 7 2

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Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

r*;r--& tpT T m yB iT re '>^T w lnTattgri(

1^ 'Botls&MvintHsm* ia^/MU~CATiM-IHft YACHTB '*1 —u( 1B,'1S. 22. 25. 27fl. 8 'pnm * , sh

-•-- -Mil- Of row; -P irt# - •n tf - - a l := -A aRiW iro.-fiA IL HAU8JU3 S._ m

U c u i t. Twin Ftlla, 73M »7. ~


, 122 ' Spotting Qood« "iio

BRUNSWICK ANO LANCERpool tablos, Bccoatorles. ^Now end used. Qamolablos. I ;

. Servlco all maltP*. Evenings ■£

FC123 &kUng£«;ulpmenl

12< SnowVehUM hJ

1977 POLARIS TX 340 wltti covor, 225 miloa. Ilko now - I i i»129«. ’73 Panthor 400 with Wcovor & now dutch, 'good ^C0ndltl0n>tS65.734-6250, • VA1873 SCORPION anow [ fmobllo 440.1600 fnlloa. 1500. Me

. . a a a -7 m ._______________ ___ *«8KI DOO SNOW Mobllo. 'J® b o il tor work. >175.543-C31B.4 SNOW MOBILES or c j j j to r n t r jH o r C j^ ^

125 TnvolTnllen - i r ARISTOCRAT Lo-Ilner . i roxeolloni condition. S9S0 _934-8378. ovonlnQ» boltor, DC33' Boloa Affow-Park Modol fNow Ro d s , . boda . ah ” ■

------ oond.ExoollonI - corvdltlon------i®?Will (ako trado. Suburbar

. Trif Park, Addlaon Avo. W. Fom _____________________ cylEQUALIZER hitchoa In- 5?'oUllod. no waiting. Irallor ^brakoo and wiring welding. NEPhona 733-8281.__________ rot1B~loot HUNTER'S SpocUI. Pul Qood condlilon. t i n s . 733-Tsea.____________________ onj1B«4 23(1. fan aolf-conttlnod.Air condlllonod. Subuiban <00 Camp, Addison Avo w.Spoco 18,12700.__________ biu1877 WEAL Slh Whoal, oi- rt* collont condition. Many oi- Z,,' traa. 16800.43ft-452«.

1979 PROWLER SSTtndom Axlo rioi

flSotlorlnthoN allon Compl«t*ly8oll-conuinod WA

J5.495 S!WE


3 'mllos nonh ot PotrinoBrldgo or Hlghwiy B) and ISIntoraUto WJunctlon. Phono m 73*-Jie7or32*.4203.

- - - ' ._______________ - O i 1971 ROADRUNNER. 15'. _ oxcoilont condition. Spart m

-tlr* tw ty control hitch. Uk ___________ lu

2 $ aori-con itinod . I ^ n MCbM a. full awning, totlcfoan. Kail« 7 » . Phono 733-4IM o»j

1871 4 CifflponlShoSt

CAMPER SHELL to (It ■ motindard 0' boa. 1ntuiai*d. <jra

324-5118. . _ . J 2 4

is j A utoPvuiA cceuiyifi IS

| c i

I B^ L I B B E J C

P n 2.oacm ^ i r a i r a

p j 4 G R E f l T

m SS- m Im

B 1 1 ;0009

K l t f THAT SaU T fl


tiBfiaaho •WontfByrNovemtwrso,

128 CMpofiAShelU, - i j j- “ GAP-IT»'-Qu«llly—ptofcup----- U7

Bt^ella. only S249. Huntor'o ool ' Au»o»wnr^a22-.Ma^ w

1972KrTCampor.8W’ wlth4' 'Q &-.oxlonslon, J ic k a . atovo. Maj

turnaco. Exeolfont condl- H a-lion-. 1879. 73J-859e or 537- m o

6774.___________________ ImcUSEO Soll-contalnod 11'. -[orvorygood-condltlon.Torms. 1971

W MotodWnei J™

FOR RENT SoK-conlolnod 5^0;mini motor homoa. call Rull" 197I11-Eaoy. 733-8244. mill •20 Ft. 1977 DODQE MoiorHomo for oalo. Call 733-0244. • ^ c MOTOR HOME FOR RENT.d_ayorwook.5<3^27B _ • J S RENT . 23' moior homo.733-1674.________________ _VACATION BPECtAU For ^1®rent 1S76 2511. Explorer 5,5Motor.Homo, by the day, ~wook. or monih. Reaonro i» 'n o w . .lo rom o F lsc u a . ? ! ',,loromo.324-4'42fl or 733-9295 *11ovonlnaa. ' 1971

125.■ n o t

128 UllJi1yTnlI#f» “•-------------------------- :-------- IX

tf i AutoPvti&AccouoriM CHI

DODQE slant 6 cylinder haao n o ln e wllh 3 sp e e d vvortrano.....Want 10 buy Wlllys —

_JeoajKlndahlold.lranio-.734' ------1239.___________________For Portal 61 Chev Truck. 6cylinder, new tiro*. 383. |N[ ^ o ^ ^ n g ln o . runa good.

N ^ and ueed”^ "porta, rebuilt englnai, atl sljoa. , Fully ouarantoed. Wltl In- stal[.'7&7B67 ader 5pm. and anyllmoon weekend!. jOLDS Cutlaaa parta lor.ulel 400 motor, 4 apoed tramml- aalon. poatMrack roar ond, J blue printed headai rtover u tod . 1 pair 14" ailcka on Chovy II mag rlini. 423-4355 ralter Bpm._______________ CSNOW TIRES CR7M4 W/S FIroatono Town & Country, Mounted on Ford rim*. Llko now. Vl price. 733-4M8 atloi Be4PM;-__________________ yWANTEDI Front end lor '89 — Trons Am. Ccnildor '69-'77.0011825-5118.____________ 1 «WE REBUILD Hydraulic Iscke at ABBOn'S AUTO .,u c SUPPLY,MS Shoihono St. c g rr Somh true!

62«I S AutOtWlfltOd 1977


- J * ------------ r ; > [ k u & « i u- auto

1B7S Kawetikl 75 Mlnl-blke. lion

•U e U l* * 'MOVINQI Muat aell 1B7B ape< Kewaaakl 650. 1300 ♦ Uke 5022 OYerpoymonti.73UM9.1973 850 Roediier Norton, n |r |, rebuilt moiof. t900 755-22JS cvlit'i£ i£2J_________________ Q 2«1976 850 YAMAHA- Full tBW d/e*a, very loo miUige Can 32&J728,

IS Au«oP»iiilAatuo>«} ts


■ O F F i x :

u P B I C E- 'JJ> C .y .-;;u iC V .A '., a ; » -


■**■*1 o u t l e n e *UT QH n t U « a WTT* •(WVtVt 9M

NUNROE CHEVB(Fkui 543 U l l

20 N. Breiliir ii likl


. - I'

r a . ig T B --------- ------------------------- ---

Large In The

-1)9 CydM&Suppllea

^971 CL 760 HOHDA ~oit — oellent condition. teOO. Call€43-5716 attof8pm. . ........ ..........

;EOfl=BAL£t;J977^3UZUKt— ------QS-750. Qood condition.Many extroal 6 ^ 2 9 6 ._____________

'H a r l e y d a v i d s o n m o lo r c y c lo a . - lo ro m o Implomont Co.. 324-3311.•loromo,____________ ,1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON •200 cc E lecira G lide. C on toh ttla r' m odel. 'F ull dross, low mlloaoo, LIko Nowl MUST SELLI CollStovo 01733-5110__________1976 HONDA OL 1B00, 6,000 miloa, vitter lahrlng, onglno bare, luggage rack and backrest. Brand new tiros. ' ' Porfoct condition. Call 825-

1074 750 HONDA. wlnd|om- mor III, fohring wllh saddle bago. Qood condlilon. 13,000 m llos‘approximately, t1400.S15EostH.-lerome._______187B HONDA 750, only 1,000 m |l« .y ,0 0 0 .423-4078 Of aoo 0t219Plno8t,. KImborly.1976 Honda El SInoro CR- 125. Looka & runa like now.1400. 324-4759.

IX . HoayrEquIpmanl

CHICAQO PNEUMATIC air com proaoo r, runs jack hammer, ole, needs motor worK.<400, 543-6512.



J. D. 544 LOADER $28,000

J. D.300BACKHOE $12,500

J.D. 544 A. LOADER134 500

J. D .4 1 0 to H O E $24000

ELLIOTTS INC,,mOvorlandA vo,

Qurloy. Idaho67»se5

Bob Houston. Salos Rop.Home Phone 733-1490.

I« Truck*

1B73 CHEVY 65 Sofloa. dump ruck , w /tsn d o m ax le . C om bination h a y /g ra in :ruck. 30 It. hay trailer, 536- »69-____________________1977 CHEVROLET Lovo- low — — mlloago, atool bolted iitaa, 17J >Ofy Clem. 541-5255.1972 Chevrolet Subur6ar». --------automallc. ai(. good eor>d^lion 734-3000_____________1961 Chev tsua motornome. Iconvo'ted. e cyimaer. 2 'apeed ./lew H-ei 1900 543- 1 ,5022._______________________ I i1985 FORD E c o n o iin e 1s ickup , good Iitok . 6 I:yllnder, 3 -lpO td. runa 1jood.MOO 543.MM_______ ___ | 'IBM FOflO PICKUP V, lof,. I• Ilh camper atieil. 2 n«« |Iff*# »4-saw - i -

--------------------------------- a !t s Ablo Parti I Acceuo(«( "

1 ^ P l l < i

' I

I I p r

^ i S i .

M K E R 3 3 rd ^ ^ 1 * .

H ^ L

B o i i r B i .

I t ____ I

»st Aul B Class] ■

A CRO SS 47 Exporin 49 Aciross

---------- S?al.lJ?i>A, , SQYr>ii(Ec5-2 Sossmc

...........-tH«t»stron5---54,Ojclllw-----Ci.mbm g-----------------59 Charita


14Howaiion 60 Food 9t

. l c £

- '8 J o « o r (c o V

2 0 Wily '. 2 2 Montal

component Chicagt (pl)

23 Spasm25 Fruit rcsiduo P®'"'

,27_Mu»jcnl..................movomoni DOW

31 Sac34 Ascot ■ ’ P'OJido35 Oosofvo YuQosli37 Songjtrois ‘ - FiUQoiald Toinblo38 Ojgons ot 3 Kind

hearino 4 Exhale40 Bridle pan 5 Constol42 Asironauti' 6 Slumps

"all right'- Roligiot (comp w d) po'om

43 Lyricists - 8 GrooV 1( 45 Bsno 9 Otic

1 ] 3 “ j

12 “ ■

15 ) 6 ~ ~

Te “ ■

23 2

^ |2 8 129

34 ■ ■ 35” "

3 i 3 ^ * ^

43 4 ^ 1

47 4

s o " S l l U p i ” '

l i 59 6

63 6

66 i

n liU Dilkrs m

1 9 7 9 ^" ACE han:

Reasons 1• A ttrac llv e ty p riced w tth a• C h e r ro le t '* lo w e tl p ricee• G oodsenricetblttty,

lo n g reco m m o R d ed &e *- O o-tl-yourrelf m a ln ten ,— S ta n d a rd en g tn e dU gn

• lm |r r ^ s lv r In lcrlofIn ?• o r V door m o d e ls

• W»0 . , f . Inc'ui}in ito m a tic Irani

• Qua b M ^ .i t tc r e d f no Oc— C e n e ro u t ap p lica tio n o— t x t c n t i r e wte of an ti-c i— S ta n d a rd b ill >oint w ea

s t n i o n . co o lan t r tc o T ba lie r>

n ! _ i :4 r . r x __________

^ 1 G fSB?

S E K t E J U . M CKeep That C rest CM f

ACE HANS" l!» F u n T o O r i» o A

1 6 5 4 B Ju c l a k e s B lv d

. . . . . .

to &Tsifiedsjrimont . A nswer to Previous OSS Nouak p . , ^

»mo'pliJflt I S 4 4

■ng motoi | s | E t

ronmont ^ !1 Oj'** J. sIm{ icy (abbr.) tT [Y |p |TTo norothon 10 Runnorod ' 39 Foi "0° , ' vohicio (at

11 Thighs 41 Loi'P®** 19 Colorado • 44 Fa: ' Indian {ab

- - 2«-Puppy.soi.n(J-46_Mi' 24 Russian '

p E " ' . §ibio- 28 l l . l i .n “ “ “I • Orooi.ng g j ilg 29 0 ( unacceptedItollation doctrines 53 fjitip j . 30 Source ot 57 Bii,(lOui metal* 59 po(n 32 Choko up LovV lottor 33 Marine fish 61 Ma

•36 Notch ■ fol(

"Ti Is 17 I Is 19



’ 2 ^ | | l 2 5 26

3 ^

| 4 0 ^ T B 1 4 2 ”

I j B p S 46-

' 4 ^

5 ^ 55"

‘ 60 61 62~

64 . ~

67 ^

S H lw iffl i i i

to buy Chevn a h igh le v e l o f s ta n d a rd eq i :ed 2- o r 4 -d o o r m o d e ls .

s e rv ic e In te rv a ls , e n a n c e h an d b o o k . gno»«ic c o n n e c to r . r ''n ir» .is e n d h a tc h b a c k « i

e n [e n c e o p tio n s avt B n iffliiiio n .oev j^n^ 'd fo r bu ltt-ln v a lu e

n of a c o u s t ic a l m a te r ia ls . i-corrosJon t r e a tm e n t i a n d rr e a r In d ic a to rs , d isc b rak e pi ovcry s y s te m , a n d O e lc o Fre

1 9 7 9 CH EV ETTJ 2 0 0 0 R H A T C H B A

^ 3 8 1

^ Q U A U T Y ' S

n V K X R M 7 T S I K

O T O B S BARIS o n n

I Feeling W llh C onulne G

SEN CHEVRO\ ’ 7 » C h c r y A n A H A m e r i i H O p c n 'lll |:O O P .M .

' * "

rriicfefIs TuScfcivious Pu«lo .

2 4 i V IaI bI ' ' ' 1977—E t—CZ ■7 X ^ c E l ■ motollic blij■ ■ ^ T T c l ' Ihg Qom1 1 ° * i i U J _ - l o ^ ^ U* i £ --------------62B9.

.....i . ■ J l Inaldo. oxcE L A J J N J J J Aftor8om.4

o ^ A p | a| 1867 InterE ” I B l . i ls opprox. 30.1M 5 l I e I s yosr old

N T f D r ^ bod & 1871 Intern

39 Fomolo saini V-e, autom(abbr.) a te o r in g /l

n Loudly condition, T>4 Fast aircraft 1966 KENV

(abbr.) «onsi irocle.Mino w pikoii;________K nnw nrtv

union (abbr.) . Ir^ck Jim18 Lasted b u l k o r ^ >0 Noophyto • i'sM p e r ^ i l Talisman ] » 3 l o w >3 Bulgarian S14.000.543-

currency I M Petorbi15 American 4x4. good a

Indians wtth40'Frui16 Nibbles drive wllh 117 Bite condlilon, 3:19 Poetess RANQEN (

Lowoll 'NC. Now I

M M IJI.Q l i o 111 1 1B73RANCJ1 ® 10 ' ' mllea. Prlci ______________ 4235 or 734-7

--------- iii


„ BOM55 156 157 j_____________ orvd br<62 onglno

work (--------------------- good,V

68 ^


h tiD ukr;6-Cylin (rontrr comma

1 mltron ? truck. \

Jf mlitio/

ffiOlETl i

^ -■ 3 Doo.

I ^I

Bvette. IJ equipment. *

I mir 1 m n \' I . c-., -

i versatilil)f 1 *’ * *I lO T fl

s ava ilab le I tO K I


ndmatenals 1 ifTJ C ke p ad w ear .J F reedom f c, .

liuT] i s 8881 I f ;


Iiv isnN I1 0 CM Pans I H |

tOLET 1 IIw r t c a n C a f | Tk '.M . 7 3 3 .J0J3 j 701 f

fc • _ __

Markcav l

Trucks 140

-EL—O om ofio-C iA O ^ _1973-Chovy^ llle bluo/whlto;;m«tch- 4 whoel drl Qem lop com por. power, with

»d -U w ..m lleage- 324r _citM iv<>r.corr

.EORD...EcOno[ino^.100 H y8'M 3-&5now tiroa, customUod 1872 Cheyer0. oxcellent condition, oulomallc. 1 8om.423-46M. Unka.tlSOO.

IntemaUonal truck. ieo^o?'o^'^UiDx. 30.000 mlloo, wllh 2 Motel, 1201 1

old 18' Williamson moo.I^b0d& hoist. 733-8666, 1973DAT8 U?Intornatlonol PU. 345 a llltle work, I

!S 5 ! !J 2 « s ______KENWORTH Conven- nA T 'fti'iM~ '

li Iroctor. 1883 Cat 10. 4x4 trana ' 1853 r i rH iroftn ''convonllonal : Wllh new 20' spud tr.536-2842 1959 DODDPETERBUILTCOE.ra,L ' l S R - J , i m FOHD

--------------- csmpor ahiPetorblll-250 cummins, automatic. 53

»lm I HP motor, w

Trucka. South Truck .J h1 BUM. Id. 733-7222 or ^ “ 0' nc‘SL____________________32,000 mllooWNCHERO, clean, low it'C am per.':. Priced to sell. 734- C orner ofir734-7279. Eastland. Atti

Alls Delias 175

riiEisENIdaho's Oldest lodLargi

I B S n ! ?loie. w hite foot, oulomotic ron im liilon . pow or iteering irvd broket, regular go» v a * inglne, e xce iron t » e tond / vorit car, looks good runi I9ll food. Wo* S695. Q[(|

^ a a a


^-cylinder e ng ine . 4 -ipeed Med fon»ml»»lon. heovy duty:omm *rclol w h«« li. big brok n itro n , good I orm and ronch vVm ruck.W o.S795. •

» S 8 8 ! S

iJ racH R y aa z :KWPOHT4-DOOI!•ngin^ OUtO*i*^*C *tiui!i i i / i

"lU ion ( U J>»ok»i AM rodio 2 ion* b«o

• .t.ll* < il t.o '^ipo.to ,n1,

i’? o « r

$ 0 0 0 1S7iO O O m

1(0 '

im F o m iu v n ic iiI0CN>» B)^» •<o«o ''<,(qI 6 jl./'d#* AM l " / ‘.K.t»w<3llt.r*« VVotH795 HIQ

* 8 8 8 i - '


O u r s o U s m v n c a n h « s a l v d l o n f o r y o i

w \ n ' f w m $ 1 0 0 0 m m i - m 1 0 0 01.c-., - . ; t < , - .

,OV - s , . , .... J . . '

>.<• •- ' ■ *1 rt Cl J 'tv *

isnfonuc SICOOmmmwa IJQO

• •> ' J

W i O E T C in ^ O f ^ D O ' 7 T o h ; 4 d p O O

( f i n o o J 7 9 J M JvTo f u» ZZOO


1^ . : »c-i c. . 1* I ' l lA .I

FHEISENTK» E a « l* a i P i» c « In T

O l M ain A v .

’Trucks 1«

vy-Ch«yonnoJfUxui_ i^M.Ford 1 drlvo. Aulomitlo. roBuJr

vith 8' quoen 0I20 4660._______comper-jacKs-bool... .19S8.FORD Vt-»hot»H.1uot-oolll- w e d ^ ie o o ;3-6584._________ __SPM.»yenno-Hl6nrV-.ar 1B73TORD1B. power, oir. 3 oteel flat bed500.64M5t2, Bucko Slh wlaVAlR pickup, col- « l l jofllhor

llom. Woolern 324-3923 or 32m KImborly Road, 1B6I FORD C_________________16' bod ond hSUN pickup, needs 1B77 QMCirk, taso. 536.2256. mllea.' 13 80aun PU, Inaulatod 90.000 mlio«.22.000 miloa. like oitor. Phono

»■ 324-3876. . . 1963GMC3/4N Lono b o d . V-6 onglno. 1c tranamlaalon. Ex- 324-2025.condtllon.. S2600,. ,ig73 OMC-

_________________Qrando. Pow3DQE Pickup- 4 Otoorlng. 35»0,Ceii637-e293. wheel, hea'_____________ponolon, r*<RD RANQER with' collenlcondll

,y-8. 3p0. 1077 QMC 3;.S37:6954._ d u ty , poD 10 V^eolor- 20’ Ing /brakosI and 20' boot bed. tranamlsalon2-4327 ovonings or control, donlnps._________ __camper sho0 F-250 XLT Ranger P“5>5*B«. Cl Special- 460, elr,

ich. cruise. 2 tanka. 1959 OMCwindow, heodora. duols, 1873 V-lies, with Eldoredo ohaoo. phoni,er i5M5. 734-6219 qqod Clean

of Florol ond . Excellent cAttaa Sales Co.. oasmlloaQO.

AUb Dtakrs 175 ”

niioir g e s t U D C oln-M ercgry D ealer


W U niK Y A -IM O R .........................Ivy yellow, conlroillng Ivy too oil-nylon Interior, lolly oqulpped. Ilret. W o«SI295.

i J T o r n io iu r E i i i c K c tm COUPE ................................G re en , c o n tro i tln g vinyl roof go* 6 cylinder engcr<*. ttondord• ion, pood tfoniporlotion Woi Si;

r o i p o m i c $■M IH U M 2-IX I0R ......................Medium gr»«n matoMic whii* v ButofT»olk Iron jm iition , po~»r »■ broke*, o ir condclionlng, low. Ion tVo»S*593

i97iincnr $*IKiTEMSPOIT COUPE.... ieconom ical 0 -cylir\dec engin* lran im c i* lo n , w htl»«»all t>r«i IrManor. teicilic CKt.t’mot thotilud»fMl W a* JJ3 9 i

U J 2 P M I U C ________ ' - $ ■CAIAinU 4 - 1 0 ) 8 .....................Bmu'iIwI 2 IO^« d«tua«>>oi.n1,t.o*. cH to u -.* I - . o .' (O. pv w r i*»»nny I Innfc r t O W ott< 795

197; AMC $i RODCTi-pOOR.............. I

- H „ l <0 . . . . U A Z

1974 F0(0 S'm m ....................................1 o«J t-'o'k 4 h »*>J U (» ‘ '-0.J

i ; t v 5

M E E T O N E O F T h

O P S A L E S M E N !h « I p y o u m o k » ! h » r ig h iTOur d r i v i n g n * « d s .

8 irs FOOr m v u o i i

• 1 --s

1J74 pimoimi $1 g fitr 014-0001 .. . I

8 1175 m otr MQuia ) J M O I B I U 1

n 1171 nCViT $i g lunmttOQcuM ^

N ^ ^ A L M A R K V


I MOTOI* T h « W o r l d T o l l u y A

7 3 3

r - • 1 . ^i_ I;

.. .

iRD Mton. 302.V-8, 4 leOOr-TM ^Bfr-afW-t—

RDVfon'Uuek'r'1»ri.'^— tbed.Also197620ll. ,,Ilh whool iroUar. Will ., Other or aoptrato. •• ior324-4118..'.~~ .'RD 0-700 iruck ^ lth , - - ind hoist. 65543M: - MC Vt ton;'84|000 13,800. 1974 fQ(d, .; nlio«. 12300 oiCbest ■> ion»7334406r— ,IC 3/4 Ton: spin runs.Ino. good tlroa. .Call .

MC-W -.ton..§io'rfa_!, _.

:^C 3/4 T o n - -^ v y

p o w e r « l,9A r- ' ik o s , su lo m allc salon. AC. • c^foo '

doluxo Ifitertbr. • shell, irir lowing

I. CB. new •flros, ‘

MC 12' stap.,Ven, ' B73V-«onglno'.!0(lod ' >hono 734-3694r ■:iean 1970 f -IBO^Ord ont condition. Qood ISQO. 423-4454.' " -

“ C iTSi;

iS |aler 7

roof. deiwM.)ped. excoMoOt

roof, regu lar dord Ironiml*.» S I3 9 5 . . t„

m! '• vlr>yl rool.^••t *te«rlng * ,, loM m lleo ^ ^ '

noaain* Itondord r« i. o il ylnrl


m• : r r r f


n mjt.c tfon»/r.|.J.o » h .i, .o U

A D A ttn k

*1788t ' l *I '•> V.ai

THE« i ~ :•IgKI '

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Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF348/PDF/1… · ----------------------^ (B O ^....... . . Botis GEORGETOWN. Guyana (UI

I ----------» pc rt-» P rtiC ffi «

r AUtN i m b . 4 door.

gb « it o f f # f . " c i f f ^ iH

8-CeUCA IlflbMk. will" ik»t1000orrttU bl«picK up y » q t f t r t n d tu u m a lo tn . ^

IS78 DAT8 UN B-210 itlll

onUitiun. T34>40Qr. m a rPM. t f l l i

im D A T 8U N :40Z -4apa»d,> /C . tn v tr wllh burgindy P^n3iphotstary. ExMllsnl con d t {nlfrn gn.rW W »vtnlnm . J W : i9 n -D A T IU N tso -z . S - ~

r ;1973 MAZOA RX-2. Will sail lo r 1000 or b«st olfsr. Call

_ i » -MEflCGOCS BENZ. iy75. 240

alrcorKllll-- l"v„ onlno’, '47.000 mtlai, Inv fMCulala.l18.7W. 733-1462. 1«)V 9«U ,'M u tt aall 1»M 15.0C VolkawtM ft Van- rabiilll uo-C »noln», IMO. Call 7»-tOiO. =

tlft«.7g4^ia23«nar5.1B77M PORSCHE B24 (Sam* pow<« s 1978) Sllsr will) sun rool. 17MIrally ; .p se k a a « , AMVFM imq C4M «t1a playtr, naw Ursa,Aasumabta laaaa or n.BOO. L m<78-aa44ore7»-42M. 3244 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 ^Ooor - (ow milaaoa. Sallino an„ilorl1200.Call 324-3118. ^aw1974 V olkaw apan Van- .ItcK 7p«s»anoar. PM alsrao. Michalln tIraa. 13145. M3- .,116841 a»ef4pm.___________ ___Slad1971 VOLKSWAGEN bus. =axcairdiit.con{llllon. Aakino . u I220<K. 636-2394 . c a llavaploga._______________ ___, j ;51970 VOLKSWAGEN Baatla- VillaExcallfpt condlllon. 30 MPQ. 6233. Call B8.2724 avanlnos.1968 V)V Basil*, nsw palnl Vlll*. lob. iQOka and runs good. X T lia

i-oo( W I M tm i bafo

1949 .lasp wllh canvas top, good palnl. rabuill67 F-Haad wllh laas man 3.000 miiai, 19roll bar. tow bar. t993. 733- -----4569. _________________

: •' BLAZER 1Q7B1972-Chan Blazar CST with powonljr '« .W 0 mll*i, Naw t>rakAmjflrong Norssman llrs t 12.OCand 40 gallon lual tank, powiOranga wiin wMia lop and (S27 vinyl InJiftor

•3,000 llrsa

• L“;31966 BRONCO 4-»n**l drW*. '»79a * 4 » 7 a .a » 6 M 0 _________ con>.197# 'C n a ro k a a C hi*(: SL” qusO rfclrtc. air, AM-FM,CfMlaa. automaiic. StMB. „ 42.0W mllaa. tS,000. Osys 7»^74 .E Y sn ln fli TIVMOO ItTT CMfVY 4-«ti**l iJrlT*, r»*ary dutr. H tor*, 9H a o e ( U . . 4 ^ * d irin.mi-

1976 O W JEEP: Quadra- , 7 ^ -Tf*C. automatic tranami. ssM r. aoft lop. tTDO (nu*ti s » a . Locatad sl a n Bius r ^ 'Lakas BlTd 733-tn« Aitsr —ipm . 7334101 __________ ’ *^3

< » < .a fl^ t> o i . 4-so**fl. J ^roll ba«, trtds tirt*. 0»/li Wu*. artf* Sharp, mg»t tail Any rM»or\«t)<a oilsr co«-SWaraa. S « 3 - « 6 n -------------li r a FORO U 100 4 .n s s i OOif drt««. a o *nglr\*. sulomtiK. pOVafWMflnO «n<J C»lk«t. *CP* dual t v « l Sl-ai-a r s .r t a t • indow . rasio , tifc tiic irs lls r t r a tS I l.'«-47t3 C<»!M O ___________________ *17;'•71 F0f*0 «.< ••CS S 'I COOC't-OO. Sit'S »^•rp c*ll P®“ 's f t» » » jc m -* i:3 _________ *"sittP -.W A O O N ttw laoc

C«M Q»wg H ;»s':3 rU -O U . ?

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i f i k a k M l ID

iMinnKiiH C i w

i m n m i u a i i u w M

j n u a m u a « M M

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W I L I■:jK-fip-ftynm

t K * n e b U Q i ^ t M r >H t (

*»»• Ml

,u t 4MwslDr(vn m.1981 Jsap , 12 volt, pood 19741aW 4 -% ton suburb^rr 4-’ * •"fli" jrhaa i drive, naw motor and condl)TM*mls*IOft.63«256. 1970

K AfKtqmAutoi

rtslortW a condlt!or».'’phon* ^^ j7 3 0 a t to r 5:00 p.m. ^ 1936 CHEVY Mastsr Oaluxa losd* 4-door s* d a n . 327 hi- cattlo

1996 CHEVROLET Nomad cyllni P**<- -cfsan

d*r trmda, 733-0092 *v*nlnQs. la J i" '1937 DESOTO Coupe. n*w ' Clssii

Ct. new whitewall liras, B34-<; io r lair, runs good, lo jr " t1700. Must 'seu , a S ^ 1 2 ^ atterTp.m . ~ > j J J

1949 Ford PU. 312 anglr*. (M i mag w hw le. Body tn good 7 r6 « «hapo.S37-6571.

i7 t7 AMC Maudor; V-6, Mus® •U tom alic tranam laslon. Baal


K “n5s;”' M""s(Inse21081

1S2 Autos-Buick ____

1969 Bulck Elactra. lull H5 power, cnilss. Mlchsllns,17MPQ. 1895,423^860. -------1969 BUICK. 430 4 ^ r r s l . lull power, air. local 1 owner,WOO firm, 324-2727 9-5PM.3244464 evenlnos, ’ I ft 68 Bulck 2-door h/i, 400 angina, mechanically good.N eeds llrsa. S550. 755-2229.■isckpot. ___________1971 LA SABRA- air. powor aleerlngfbrakes- 1500. 2062 S _ l « lu m B l^ ^ m m 7 ^ ^

IM Autoi.C»aiR»c

1976 CADILLAC Sedan Oe- Vllls. Losded. 16800, 934.6233.____________________1966 CADILLAC Ssdsn Ds- ^ Vllls. $200.733-2461 SftSf5.TAKE A LOOK around your - home and make a litl of Ihe Ihlnga you no lonper nesd —LOOK AT THIS 1B74 Cadillac bafor* you buy lhal aeeond car. Phone 733-7719.

19 Autoi-Qi«rrDl«t


1B7B Capilce Clatiic 4-door, | pow er s tse r ln g . power brskss, sir conditioning, -s 12.000 milei or 12tn montn powsr trsin warranty. 733-6527or 734-6140.__________1B74 CAMARO LT- rsQlal Urea. air. AM/FM atereo. aulomatic tranim lttion.324-3168_________________197B CHEVY VAN. Delta c o n v s 't lo n . cu itom U *d gr**n Interior. 6' coucn. Ke b o i. sink. clot*t. 350 V-8. su lom illc , 17,000 miisi Make olfsr. 326-4062.1965 CHEVELLE. $400, 8 cyllndsr fK snily Ovarflsj- led, nsw tlsrlsr, tolsnoid. plugs, potnu . *tc 4»-M4S No csJIs FrkSar nigrm orSaiurdsy.________________n n CHEVt Nomso Vsrv. • cyllndsr, good MPO. n*w wne*la I rsdUl lirsi &3B-6566____________________1873 CHEVROLET, tour door HXW 32*477:. i;4- » • ___________ J _______1957 CHEVY :-doot po ,i. :S l ttl Ifoni »r.a», laoo 0* be lt o lf e r S a a in a A flhuf I«—CAe< S^■^h>ndC^l<>4 OOIHO ON MiSSCN M.«tl tell ;» Cfterr R*;> No<« ApplcS-v:* nm i, n«» fsjL«i TA t. air sr«0CM. A U /ru | t'SC*. 305 4 4Cs»5J>-7>M US-51?t 117; OLOSMOOiK

pCaS’ (>'*•»• pc**'*"S '»<■*■ ’ •••kc. &oo» D«ri T J n r


iin 7 t"Q 7*0M l7^1HXK L'*5*tJ ;* . ! V*1 7 -

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* 4 9 5

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. L SDtnH-TDrOTAMy U » » d C e r i'M {■..>,

M t r u i •> * l> t*<>

» IB

974DODQECl»rD«r8E;Wr7 - 4 0 7 3 .-P ow ar a tasring , pow er 'wagon, i mkes, AM-FM-r^lo, 1977 .cal173i« nglna, wfdailrys. sxcsllent - ^ s r s r . s r f i m j p o o . u u s n . , ; ? n d l ^ 970 & 1972 Dodge Dart

________ 1969 Ul

JtCEPTIONALLY Clean 1971 S 2 2 2 i5 ilalaxle 400- lull power, ^Mided. *900. or trade for t « atlle of equal vslue. 324-

B74 FORD Maverick-- 6 ?ion’''lSn

lea'rf'N ew ridJle /eh it"* ' W3-6605.

a743bRD ...M uat*no.! IL- SS-'LViS

B77 UU8TANQ II Cobra,M w r ttaan n g . M tkaa. S S S b8 >M. 392 angln«. 6now _M .with extra rima. 734- IMi f f Of 637-4528._________ m m m96B MUSTANG, good _nolne. needs body work. ■'“400.733-1273.-------------------- -- "lUST SELL now 1976 mlusUng III. fully loadsd. ________leal Ollsr. 733-7233 aflsr 8 1969 PLY.m, _________________ low mll<lOW-SELLINQ-1977 FORO -«‘o«UMOC TD four doors srtd otherne cara. Hertz Renal A Car, >71108ho«honeSt.W. _ "*

fS ta\9 Oejirrj U5

FREE BALL!for the ki

All Day Saturday,

1979 CHRYSLER I».« • J ll V»

nirmunina......isnioKEauLifiicii 2-ansmr COUPE



" U i oi97iciflTSiai«un

_ HNAUn^^

*69751971 nie an cu 4-wMa im new

r . m t w i u i

S’: M a ' SMBI




5 0 0 2 n d

- J

ra .-P IN TO BTATtON ........Don. see at The Camp or 17334769.11100.1 Rsncharo, vary good " 'jd l l lo n J3 0 0 ^ B 4 ^ 1 2 *

AuM-Uncoh 9 Lincoln ConllnanlSl__________

0 O « 4 4 W o r r a + 2 ^

Autw-llHwryCOMET 2-doof.suiomslle.__________:yllndsr.Excsllsnt condl----- -1 throughout. Sscrlflcs.•6 6 0 5 ._______________

'chsn lcally exee llen l. ee$395.-Call 733-4417:------------------2 MERCURY MONTEREY oor. a x ce lta t candKW^'

. ~ A u io 9 .0 t ta ^



^PLYMOUTH Fury II. V-8,I mileage. Qood condl- 1.M00J34-6300.:______ __________


AaloDeilers. 175 '

LLOONSJ kids ,day, Nov. 18 /



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1 S I 99 1S4 2 6 1 139 117 UCLSOimiEASreilN Wail

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00 170 81 9 0397 HS Artu0 1 IM 90 8 1 239 134 Calll

1 I 113 70 C 1 222 IS7 Ore. . '3 I3BI0°< 4 0 207 IC3 WmI

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pW W W = ’ •Conferenee All

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iSiSlii Houston3 0 104 121 8 3 0 07 160 POSCV'iSiSiJll with 2:3

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'Kis one ‘ romNeuJE W .YORK (U P I ) - F o r t h i N c ’ r k J e ts , S u n d a y ’s g a m e a g a in s t tli w E n g la n d P a t r io ts w ill a lw a y s b n c m b e re d a s th e o n e th a t g o fa w a j . •■ontrovcrslal p e rso n a l foul th i

u p D av id P o s e y 's 24 -yard f id ll a n d a b lo w n field goa l w ith > w n d s - lc f t - b y n ts u a H y r e l ia b le - R ahy e n a b le d N ew E n g la n d 1 jti irb a 'g h o k y tO 17 tr lu n tp h --aa le a half-g& m o lo a d o v e r M ia m i i ! U ^ t A F C - E a s t —r a c i :^ .N e igland Is 9-3 a n d M ia m i, 8-3, is i u ston ton ig h t.^osey’s g a m e-w in n in g field goi Lh 2:30 le l t w a s s e t u p w hen J i [ety B u rg e s s O w ens w a s c a llc d ft ig h ln g H a ro ld J a c k s o n a f te r If Irio t r e c e iv e r d ro p p ed a p a s s a t U Is’ 20. ,'^ e ither O w ens n o r Ja c k s o n thougl v a s a foul b u l s id e Ju dge Dicic Cre<I. a n d h e w o s th e m a n w ho countotl 'I don’t iu iow w h a t h e c a l le d ," sa /e n s . " H e to ld m e . ‘th a t w asn c e s s a ry ’ a n d I s a id ‘w h a t w a s r c e s s a ry ? ’. I j u s t pu l m y h a n d ou t cp f ro m fa ll in g o v e r h im . T h e Ihir i t h u r ts th e m o s t is th a l.w e le t th e slip a w a y w h en :w e sho u ld ha^ m.”‘Y our g u e s s is a s good a s m ine, Id Jac ic son w h en a sk e d abou t tfII. "1 d o n ’l r e c a l l h im h itt in g m e, IS ju s l u p se t abo u t d ro p p in g tl II. H is h a n d s c a m e o v e r m y b a t I t h a t 's a b o u t i t ."


' A dv«nlt*m»M otlcrt I O lb

N O V I...........................RfOV^Alne*

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w % r kNew Dallas 27-7« b e IR V IN G , T e x a s ^ g y “ D a l la s - e o w b o y a -d id -n

S u n d a y . In s te ad , th e y t< f ie ld I ^ k a t th e ir p rev io u s

tf, 3 i d id th e .th ln g s th e y h a du . t o t - 9 U j £ f l r t _ : ___________j l o . T h c C ow boys d id r

m i in n i is ta k e s , th e y re tuh ie<N py/ m id f ld d (o r th e R rs t til

is a tO rle a n s S a in ts 27-7.

goa l C o m b in ed w ith W aI J e t^ {QJ. C a rd in a ls , D a l la s ' w ir th e C ow boys in to a ■ ^ a r e oI t th e th e N F C E a s t.

jught SteeIers7-6 ;recti P it t s b u r g h (UPitod. M ike Wngncr socked ' s a id a n d e a u s ^ a fu m b le £ 'a s n ’t J a c k H a m r e c o v e re d 'a s n ’t t s b u r g h 49 w ith on ly A }ut to S u n d a y to e n a b le th c SI Ih in g c n fo r a 7 - 0 v ic to r y .o v e r t th is B e n g a ls . h a v e R o c k y B le ie r p lunged

o n e a n d R o y G e re la cc in c ,’’ se c o n d q u a r te r fo r th eII th e s c o re In th e g a m e , In m e . 1 ' t e a m w a s a b l e - t oI th e offense.- T h e g a m e w, b a c k e r r o r s a s e a c h te a m t

o v e r f iv e tim es .

f I M B I R 1 0RCIABIACK A U aiO N •m »nl;N oy«m b«rl8 O iboin*. Auc1lon««ri

V l M B I R a Sm e»«T A T 8. JtffOME

No**ml>#f 23 •II i M »ii«rtm llh , Aucllen»«rt

r i M B I R 2 5i c m v tR A t ja io N TWIN FALtS •m »nl: Nov*mb«r i*

V I M B I R 2 8:H 00L D IS T R ia4 l2• m «nl:N ov«m b*r:». O tborn*. Au(llon**ci

I C I M B I R 1>4rOK> ANTIQUII l«m*fll; No**mb«r 39 lO ib o fn * . A«<llon*»ti

SHING ^ ROUGH ^ DOUGH?0 h ig h c o s t o f C h n s t m a !r T h o r o ts o " s t o r o ” w n in 'i n s t h o v a r i e ty is q n e s f ig h t t o y o u r d o o f e N’o w s C in s s i f io d a d s , o - a n a n ’i t h o l im o

f t m y

m ns:

i:m ’. t r a i l D t c t c i r

R l I t Jl U X o r I m

a r n t b t i f

■ iiti ii II i K t i He

■Ic: cmratrcti’ t»')' ft ri pr'. Ujrn'.fti

D a y s - O n ly


r‘gcSrawjv ay ’ iJ

I ( U P I ) — T h e id -noH ook 'Q h«ad— : e y to o k a lo n g h a n l . o u s 11 g a m e s a n d h a d n o t b e e n d o in g

id no t c o m m it a •

n i e d a k l c k o H p a s t s t i im e ih l s 's e f l f i o n — la s 'r o u t e d th e N e w '

W ash in g to n ’s ' 10- 3 t o ' t h e S t L o u i s '

w in m o v e d th e fre o f f f r s t-p la c e in

(U P I ) - S a f e ty le d K en A n d e rso n )le a n d l in e b a c k e r ered o n U ie PU: ijy 48 s e c o n d s le f t « S te e le r s to .h a n g o v e r th e C in c in n a ti

ng ed o v e r f ro m th e a c o n v e r te d in th e th e S t e e l e n ' o n ly

, In w h ic h n e i th e r to g e n e r a te a n y e w a s m a i t e d b y u n tu r n e d th e baU


m a s g i f t " w t i e r o s g r o a t .X e v e r y I, a r e a l




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