AMONG THE COLLEGES x-xv,\:::..:.!,. ¦iii: yiR*T FOOTBALL GAME COIJ.BQR ii.i-lvii- KltH Itharm. N v- Sept 9 (Special) The, toolba 1 ...mn- |. ,\ .-. Cornall and Syracuse on Septembci _¦.; excited tress" balcrest smong the stud.-nts. Al¬ though thc hstni hsd lined np only a few tunes prf.- von-... it siad* a good showing. Ohl'* continued practice >" kicking during the Bummer bore good fruit, aa B* Sicked a beantlfol (toni from the Held. Dy, r. c*pl*!n, snd Amnion, 'Ss, did son,.- good norh ai Balf-hacas; In fad, Ihi Interference of a.l the I , k. *rai go l foi tin- lim* ol yaar. The new ridei" m.ik'- a ena' Improvement In th* game. Mar¬ shall Newell, 'h" roach, is exceeding!) well liked. The schedule of gamea arranged b) Manager M- icinseii for '.'.. an n f ISM ia a* foll w* 11¦¦. itx j. l'nlon, at Ithaca. October 13, l<afayelte, at Ith- _.,-: october SO, Princeton, ai New York; October Xl Harvard, at New-York; Novcmbei .. Michigan, :. ithaca; S rember IB, Williams, si Albany; No- r**sbei IT. Pennsylvania, st Philadelphia; Novern . Sn i Michigan, st Detroit; November Et (Thanks¬ giving), Lehigh, Bl lt-'ia -' I-.. Student Commlllee on Discipline, which was tried si an experiment last >. ir, pi »ved factory tie- faculty thal th*) offered al the cl .*« jf inc year t.. coniinw ol tbe commu¬ tes and to enlarge its functions, so sa to Invest thi committee with original Jurisdiction In all casi university discipline The committal .-.:. i to ac¬ cept ihe faculty's offei and In trlew of nj ;i f 1 duties decided to change Its nam* lo ti"- I'm:!-nt _.,,,,..- : Cc i'..ne ll BtUdl :.:.- hal thus na ni it ¦' bound what ihe student* ot many other college* have been irj ng for ir. to secure _. istem il college governmeni which make* the joint action ot thi factulty and a repr 'dilative In>,1c of Btudenta necessary to thi Infliction ol ,. n< Us pllni .; :. in) sta lenti Professor Mers.- st. philis. Cornell's new profes- aoi in modern European his! r; irrlved from Cambridge, England. He will glv* a three-hour turai In ih< general history' "r ,:';' '!>* from the Seventeenth Century io the present una. a two- hour cour** li- the general hist rj of England and e two-hour courae on the French Kevolutlon, be- *i'l** conducting a seminar) i study and research in his fleW of work TRIXI"! 'i Hartford. Conn., Bepl 9 (Special)..Th* Hag that iloats in front of tin- college buildings was placed at halfmast on Monda) for the first time in its his¬ tory, In memory ol Dr Wainwright* of th. cia** of 'M. son of Bishop Wainwright, of New-Tork, Dr. Wainwright was a member of the board of trustees of Trinity College, and for many year* was a lecturer at this Institut.on. Ile was on* Ol fie best-known surgeon* in this Stat.-, being presl deni ol th- Hertford County Medical Societ) an i a member of the Connecticut Medl al s-.- lety. ll- wa* a prominent member of st Johns Church, of this rity 8. Han ntton l.itt.-ll has been elected president of the Mailes! Organisation, and lt. 1-. Welsh manager, li Q Barbour was elected dlrei tor of the Ole* <')ut'. and P J. MeCook director of th* Mar lolln «'lnh lu the tmals of thc college tennis lournameHI Orave*. 'Bs, defeated Carter, Si. Ghravea will prob ably play Hamlin, sr., for th* championship, I WELLS Aurora, N Y.. Sept _g (Special)..Wells College began its iwenty-*eventh year Wednesday, Bep tember it, with a lar^e Incoming .-lass and favor- abie prospe ts fur a successful year. For the first time In nlneteec year* a change has been made in the presidency. Dr. William K Wa¬ ters, formerly of thc t'nlversit. of Cincinnati, ha* entered upon the dutle* of this orTi-.- Dr. Waten was graduated with honors from Tale In the class of Ts, and subsequently occupied there a position as tutor. In IW he ba caine Instructor In clas¬ sics nt Hughe* High School, tn Cincinnati, and In IM*) was elected professor of tireen, and Compara tlve Philology in ihe I'nlverslt) of Cincinnati. }'r. si.lent Waters took his doctor's degree st Yale in 'ts. He has studied at the t'nlversit) "f Ber¬ lin, and. as a meribe ni the American S. hool in Athens, has recently mad- an extended tour through Offsse*. Th* chair of English Literature and Rhetoric ls tilled by Dr. Edward Fulton, who foi three years has been assistant in th.- < i. rtmenI English at Harvard 1'nlverslty, where he took hit doctor's degree In last Emil K WInkier haa bees made director f th< musical department He is a sra luate of t servatory of Vienna, and for five years was di¬ rector of the Conservator) of Music in Dei ei Mr. winkier is a 'cellial of repute. The .-hair of Mental and Moral Science, held for nany year* by Dr Edward s Frisbee, and now left vacant by his resignation of ihe presi¬ dency, is filled by the addition to the faculty of Miss Margaret Washburn She ls a Vassar gradu ate of the class of 'Sk and lias studied In thi Bagi s.hooi of Kthies nt t'omeii I'nlverslty, when sue received the degree of Ph, D. *s . BROWN providence, it. I., Bent. 2s (Special). Football ls claiming a large share Of the Btu lents' t : attention Just now. Al a second ma s-meetlng, held in Bay!** Hall on Thunda) nearly at,.m« sub¬ scribed by the students In support "f me elev* n. M..re thai- thirty men are In training tor th-.- team, the large: part of whom have been sent to the training table. <>n Wed'.--liv n*xt Brown faces the Yale eleven at New-Hav n The annua' election of the Symphony Bode!) lo k p see la«t weak ani resulted af follows President, E L Walling. '96; vlce-presl lei t, B E Bucklln .il. secretary, C. W Park. 'Et; treasurer. A P. Stevens, '*3; director J. C Anthony, '15; manager, F F. H-.rt- n. a*. The officers of the <<ar< Reading-Room Associa¬ tion elected last Wednesday were President, ll P Dorman. "f*V, vlei-president 1! C Vose, 'M; secre¬ tary, 1 H. OsmweU. fal; treasurer, H F H.is-. MS; directors.W. w Bustard, 'tte, A. !'. Meacham, '91; M. H. rook", ff. The University sustained ¦ severe 1 >*s on Wednes¬ day Issi In tnt sudden death if Profesi r Jenks, professor of agricultural aoolog and curator of ..ie ,l*nk* Museums In his -loath Drown loses on* of III mos; l-jal s m.* *ind llle-ra! benel cl rs; h. had i.enn a mi mix r of the facult) for twenty year* and a lftrgi contrlbul tr to th- museums which bear hi* name, ne was graduated from Brows in iw. with the lat.- ex-president Robinson, and wa* called to hi* pr e*f .rship In 1*74. A* a token of respect lo his mi seary ail collegs exer were suspended on Thurs lay. . ?-_. I'NTVERSlTT OF VIRGINIA. Charlotteavllle, Vs Bent a* (8peclsl). The seventy-Aral year of the Cnlversltj of Virginia has begun with atiout ,".20 stud.-nts Th* n-w school of EngttSh Literature. Which wa* established las' year, continues to bc de rn .st populai conn* In the academic department Professor Perkins received a y*ar*a leges of nbs.-nee for study In Europe, and Professor Bslnhai 1 I* niling hi* place Only rivi ntembsra of las- \. n's football team have returned, but th.- new mat'Hal is good, aid the indication* are that Ylriglnia will continue to hold the championship of th. South. Tia- manage¬ ment ls desii iu.- o' makin*, arra igement* foi game* with the Northern collegei ano several are under consideration Poe, of Prince! m. is trainer again this year and ls doing good work. WELLESLEY. Wellesley. Mass.. Sept. 1*1 iSp. cia!».The r'is* ..f '95 mnde Its appearance in CSP* and gown* hi the chape' service on Tuesday morning of 'I is week. Recitations and other classroom work began on Tuesday morning. The courses lu chemistry will not be offered at present because of the unfll state of the new selene- building, atlas Charlotte F. Robert*, associate professor of chi-n.l.-ry, who has b*en studying at Yale for the last**** year*, ls again at Ihe college, and wll. be in charge of the dsparunes! this year. Tin- new regulations for stu.len's contain nothing in r*gar1 to ansaoc* from chapel or from class appointment*. Students are no loncer required lo present written excuse* for absence* from chapel and cia*«room appointment*, the records ..f ab¬ sence from chapel kept by the college officers and the record* of absence from classroom app...n: mest* kept by the instructor* being found sufli- cl*n:. No change 1* male In the requirement >.f attendance upon Chun*] BSTVlC* and classroom ap¬ pointment*, but th* student ls no looser required to add her excuse card to the records kept by Ihe COlbge. -*. SMITH. Northampton. Mass, Sept hi (8pe. lal) During ihe last week consl.l.rable.excitemeiit ha* prevslh In college over the -lass and soclely elections. In the Junior dnss Miss Qgofglg W. Pope, of Boston, wa* elected president; Miss Mary H. Post, sf Sm-, Clara, cal. rico-prcsldent; Mi-s Elisabeth King, of PortUad, Me., secretary, and Miss Kathai,ia p Grane, Sf Ml Sterling, 111.. treasurer. The sopho¬ more el»ct|(,i|., were as follows: Pivsld-nt. Miss Margaret Miller. >.f New York; vlee-presid-nt. Misi Albertine Vf. n*r*hias, of rhicngo, sserstary; mis-i I'arrle T. Mitchell, of 8t. I'loud, Minn., and treas¬ urer. Mis* Hiuco Whiting, of Lexington. Mavs. The annual meetliiuf of the gymnasium and Field Association w..s held on Bl|)IS*abai H f ff he el-e- tlon .rf offlcer*. A econ lin;.; to the constitution of the association, the instructor In gymnastics, who ls Miss Benda )Jeren*on, ls the president. Miss Her¬ tha Herilck. 'M. of iVekskill, NJ, Y wa* el-c-.e, Rr*t vlce-peesidetif. Of m*noger, of thc association. Mlaa .aura V. Crime. <*i. g| Scarsiale. N. Y.. second « '-prfsldent, Mihi Ruth Hun'lngton. '97, secretary and Miss Elsi* Tallant. 'K, treasurer. Th* Biloela- t on al present owns two boals and keep* In order the fourteen tennis courts on ihe campus, as well bi superintending Ihe basket-ball games held oc¬ casionally on the ground laid oui for that purpose "ii the lia' k campus A large -tatue ot Slink. recenll) been presented i'i.I stands le'iu th* -I -Ve ipeare, by I u \\ ard ba th* college l.v Miss .lor- ai V 'di.f tl M -li: PRINCETON. mum wini WILL sim; in THE CHOttt i'"¦ r ItKUl'N. Princeton, v j Bept -"' (Sperial) Th.- candi- .laic* for the university football eHtven wen! lo the training table ia. Wednesday evening. The fi Howing iixn were taken .'..:,. ||, ii. Brown, II. F. McCormick, F. B. Morse, K. Taylor T <; Trei l ard, W. Ward; '**, ll. W. Barnet!, I. l.-a. A. i.. WI.br; '91, e. li. D'.rt, W. W, Church, N. Poe, T. D. Riggs, .\. H. Rosengartea, J. M. Rhodes, F, Smith, A iv Tyler, H P. Vorhis; 'Ss, n. C. Armstrong, <!. Cochran, ic. <;. Crowd!*, Mote .n will be taken aa soon aa the) al elves competent. Hoi!) ls expect) to return any moment and play al his oki place of tackle. Thi- will leave last year's rush line sith lb* ea- ptlon of entre, Intact and n ll na bb Tyler, promising man lor tackle sn fullback, lo dev de his entire time to training for fullback Holly's return bringa great Jo) into thc Tigers' amp, bi he will materially strengthen the team R Barten and Poe sre the mi st pi mi im m< n I . take i'i,il King's place al querier, while McCor¬ mick, Tyler and Burtare are all showing up well for fuUback. Centre Ile* between CrowdM and Riggs. Rigg* is a brother of Jesse iti^-ts. and has ill bred in him, while Crowd!* li"" the ad- \ intage ol hiving played against Bslllei las' year on the scrub, Cochran, Armstrong, Hayward and i Smith are showing up well for end. The advsn- tage of having one constructlvi chlel coach, Phil King, acer even this early in thi season In j the tendency toward team work on Ihe pun of even ' andldate. The following men have been chosen aa M.e Chapel Choir BO, Beverlge, Brndner, Butler, Con- row, Cramer, Crawford, Darby, Egbert, Fisher, risk. Fox, Frame, Furnajieff, Hamilton, Harding, Rangier, Haynes, Herrick, Hodge, Huntington, Inch, Koehler, I.i Felra, Lane, ll M C rmlck, Muipln. North. Ot beman, otto, Payne, Pierson, Shaw, Bherman, Waldo, White, Wyman; ':..'.. Blsh- op Brace, Brien, Briggs, Cadwallei Chamber- lin, Doty, W. Oreen Flamlli, Han Johnson, Jones, Judson, Kerr, Klrkman, Lamp". I.eas, K. MUN. Bcd. Robertson, Bpreeher, Spriggs, Tal- mage, Wayave; 'fl, Angleman, Bodman, iden, Colwell. Kidman. <; Evana, W, Evans, Frame, George, Hallet. Hani-. Havens. Hill, A Jfmlson, ll .launs.ai, jessup, Keener, Reese, B, Miller, Moor,-. Post, Reeves. Beymore, C Taylor, .1 P. Wheeler, P. H. Williams. Woodward; '98, Bond, Churchman, Comstock, Drips. Fosier, ll. aid Mc (' .nibs. \\ ei-c..: . In addi:;'ti tn the curs.- of study offered Bl the seminary last year, nineteen new elective sub- jecta have been added to the curriculum. In the ill Testament Department the ne» subject* . Criticism, Exegesis, Bibil, al Theolog. ..f ihe »i 1 Testament and Contemporary III r) In the Sew Tcstamcni Department ihej ure Eseg -ij. Bibli¬ cal Theology of the NeaVTestament, Post-Apps. toll.- Literature and New Testament Ureek. i'i * llrst two ol these ar- open t-. four-ye.tr nen ..nly. In the ¦!. parin..nt of dogma) I.log) lhere hav* been added Apologetic Theology, Dogmatic The- ology, Hiaiory of Doctrine and Biblical Theology, In the department of histor) Histor) of Doctrine. American church History .ml nwt.av of Medl ieval S- hoJastlcism, ind the department of practical theolog; thej .-:¦ ii t..r\ of Preaching am! th. position and D. liver) of B rm-.ns There are also ¦ vera! nen coursi i in minor mbje. ta .MUNS HOPKINS. Baltimore. Bepl The Johi ;i i*:..\ rslty r* n* ni x- Mon lay foi thi rn academic year Th* numb r if students will l- greater thia ye u than rere ! n thi r. glster lasl yeer Thi firsi wi ek * ll iph-d w .rh Dm m itricu Ul m imlnatlon \ n im t. -r of chang, a In tl taff an The foll wlm; formei Inatrurtora have been mad* ... tat) pi ife* : \ loiph '; im- m. igi liorraln B, Hulhui mat hei ; L Emil M< -ri: :. In Roman ii un Rei ird C Steiner, In hist iry; Chi . in Bern tl igi -. I.- -a-o'¦ !' Bal foi . . B. Meade Boltol linga I a lc li ic - Jae .!. II iTollandei . n le*. Wi -. ,! li Will ia by, readi I rn poililc* imy, A B li .; Han ii ¦. I irer In mathemati. and asti a . cw bu , unlversli th ancli nt an I mo 1 ing.iai hav* been n >ved Inl tl'- n< rn McCoy 1 llbrarj * tip han liing nnd n ruing of ov< RCTOKRH New Hr in IW k. N. J., Sept. » (S| Thi I editorial boar I of Tl - Bi irlet I.- tier 0, from the lass f M, ha sen am a* f illowi M litor-li ' e .¦.. W \ Chi Pl :- an- r. ":. irll . A. 1 Beta Theta Pl: Q '. ¦'< keon, get* Psi Georgi s Nob irl, Chi Phi; K .1 M lev, Dell* I ;¦¦ per, " lt* Phi. Claren W Bj ran Delia Kappa Epsilon. Th- senate, -.r governing b f Wli int'» I.. I lormitory, has bet n lei li Thi are irving Salmon, *6; lt ii Linell, :.'-. Henry Mareil!, >'.. Frank Mai lim SS; Edward St ryker, Tl; Fl \! Deckei M 'I -,. off) -'. I ol Ih* ar- i*n -. dent, Lt Mer Inglis. vlei pr< al i- nt, Hilson Ruome; treasurer, Ufred < Gregory; se relii Irving 1. Ree I; * til apt.i .-, William A K kii ii Th* fr la iffli rs ir. Pre«l lent Pl- yd »eckei. v pi -. nt ;. irge Kyno, secretarj and ti Frank Drury; historian, M r k. captain ol fool ball team, Bert ('oliver. Th- college Y. M .' a baa meda pamphlet tiile-1 "A Handbook ol Rutgers," containing arti-l.-s ..n Interesting subject*, pertaining t. th* Ti., lt- .. Di W ll tl Grims, of itha-i. N V. presided a! the exei Isca li K rkpai rick Chapel on Fi la) morning, and gave the stu dent' an -. res* on "The Vi ar In the Ka-t ll ;. Hart. M ford Enrlahl an Warren C I'nn Slyke ol thi ni ir 11 is, ha' - '<¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦-.. ted of "The Targum." the weekly publication students The Rutger* Club of New-York s ll first dinner of th.non In Nea Y .rk on the evening ..f Ocl bc 16. John N. Carpender, pf N*w Brunswick, a mei preside of the class of IMS, will HOBART (leneva, N Y. S-J'l 9 (8|.lal).-Th.- Bept usg* ll ma' year of ll 'art opened last w-'k with a larger numbc" of applications lhan in any pr.lins ... ir and with fen losses. President Potter returned from a four month*' tr.p ahmad, th-- ape lal objeel of his trip being a Hud) ol some of the leading educational Institution* In England and on the Con tin. nt. Pi ifeaaoi Turk, of th* English department, ;¦¦ thi vacation abroad collecting material foi a book which he ;j preparing, Professoi lt-.--, the head of the department of modern languages, is ,,t ..ii i- rve .i. li rmany foi one veal Work on th* new Damaresi library ii ail linn. ., will duplicate ihe present Merrill llhrarj building an i s an extension of lt, lu going "ti rapidly lt ls exp "led that tl." building will be Inclosed early in Novembei Urea! Interest In footbal prevails, and .. team ha.- been organised. Floj i McCauley, of Princeton, ls acting temporarl!) a* coach Edward I. Cook, formerl) ol Oberlin, will be the regular ouch and w li pl* y on the le im .- ** DARTMOUTH. Hanover, K H.. Bepl 9 (Special). -Th* increase in the nurobei ..t volume* aide.; to the librar) dui lng the y.-ar jusl passed is S.70B This ls great i\ iii execs* of the number uauall) added, which ls l "'»i hoiks, not Including pamphlets. No monej was expended In purchase this summer, but large orders *.>. soon lo be Issued. The tllee and Banjo clubs have bein reorganised for this coming season A nen constitution has leen ..'lawn up. The leader* are thc univ permanent .nei. In the club* All Ihe place* ar.- to b.rn petltive, and the linn sr* 10 I.- -elected l.\ a ...in millee consisting of two nwnbtri ..f the faculty and the leader* The winter trip will begin on December Mi, snd continue for thr.-. ween* All the pun.-,pal ellie* In New-England will be visited Mr Blalsdell, of Concord. N H.. will instruct the Olei Cluh during thi fall tern,. Dwight Hall, 'M. has been secured to .li til" athletic leam durint; thc I ill Th.- candidates f..r th* college trusteeship, which soon becomes vacant, ar.- <'. W. Spaulding, ''.:. A K Hamilton. 'BS; J. S. Connor, '86; J W Lenehan '81; N A McClary, 'M. On ihe rot* t..r the new trustee, which was announced si commencemeni nme. near!) hair ..r ih< living alumni sent In th-ir ballots Xit the I.isl Votes casi, i'. K. Matthew son rei eh ed QB and was elected. The Haskell House oas been purchased by Ihe college. The price paid was X:,,i«.m Professor E. B. i int has .e.-. mic published B translation ofBcbrin. i-r'.'i "Astronoml al Bpectroscop) " tvwn Collsge HUI, Mass., Bept. Si (Special).--Wince the beginning of ihe college snesftor th* n. rn Comm -ns Hail, with accommodations for a large iiinmx- room, a poatofllca, and a i»; >k store, hus been com¬ pton Melcsll Hall, In the i!urmlt.ir\ for women, ¦¦ ¦: (inlsbi I. nnd the wing to th* Barnum Museum completed, with ihe exception of the in¬ terior. Work *n lb* Chemistry Building, which the tm-.' is recentjj decidi to ronstrUcI baa been rai idly pushed, and the itructure, with smpfc laboratories and private workrooms for the in- Btructors, arlll he finished In i month, and ready for occupancy, lt ls probable that the freshman cisss uiii consist of forty-nine student* In the de¬ partment of ari* thlriy-flve In thc engineering csuncs, and fifteen In the Divinity Behool. Tzar Medical Behool doe* no! open until next m..nih. Th* most Important change ir ihi lt) is the return of Professor Michal, who has been chosen I io fill the -. iran! char In I misti ;' has re- irned to "ii- country fi >m Englai whe .. hi has resided ts wu*. Professoi Wsrren S. Wood- bridge, new!) appointed :.. Ihe enan of applied I rhemlatrv, '.¦.- mule t .; Europe to mak* a stud) ol the Church in its relation* to thi al prob¬ lem*. The TllflS -har.'-: of I'.-Ila I'pallon ll.'- In* '¦'--- ¦. -' ri IRYARD. Cambridge, Ma.-, Bept, 9 I Special) Several Im¬ port pi ange* ave l-. n mad* al H ard r..r iii present college > ir. Two ne* ormitorii were pened on Thursday for Ihe first time Perkins Hall, with elghty-elghl rooms, ami Conant Hali, with foi ty four loom K n the Bi it lin n st i- d-ii'-' ...n find good accommodations In Cambridge Harvar<I new building, thi Fogg Art Museum, I-. also rm en..-un advanced toward completion to g ve an Idea ol gi nei il app. aral ll nil! be ready for ipa nc. rome lime In Xoveml r Profi if >i Frat ki InQ rn in, Pl fe* i Taussig n economics, Professoi Foj In Bemltic, and Protea ti irreti \" endell Ki gilah, hav< li va allom th's year, Of Ibe professors who wer* awa: Issi j. ir, .--. J. w White In On k, Prol C. C. Kv-i-f In the DB nil) School, ITofi Cherie* Eliot Norton m th* fine ar's, and Profes- ¦oi Han h. hist irj. a III be at wi rk a n th Football ls ti.ni) bi ar ii of athli tlci yet In I Crack athletes and .men sill begin training n< nt wi ck. i - material ,¦¦ od for a man x en, tho igh moat ol th. pron low training th \ Mina Varsity e'.evei ha* made good progresi ring tl we l< Two ¦¦ ei lined up foi tulai ini¬ on :.| -ii .a- on have done «-. evei -. da) Tv. regular playing i- a* yel ..: ahorl duratton, never .'\-i twent) minutes. Most of th- timi g p. pi e Using ind | ii.t.i.-- Lewis still i- bulk of Ihi cos bins, e. uugh h* li -tai .---I- ants; 'r. by, '91; Willard, 'Et; Tlllo i pi n, ':.¦. and ii Brooks, the tnalrman ol th* er* Several nen men have made their np pi..i..n- Doueetie, 'gi, a big candidati foi cent ru rush, an I "I! h Wn i . ot lennis fame, who bi; i.. to I* qu 'I"- r'.'-e k for this yeai. i- ll n. ai notable . ni Fri io ¦ -. nlny hi dk-ge gavi a rei ptlon to new student* lr .-.mi-' Thi ure Thi new stu il nt* weri addiesseil b) l.leutenanl Hovel W kl- . ott, May.,1 Baner -lt. President Eliot an IE ll Warren ., chali man " i'he 'rimson "The Harvard Dall) News.' thi new rival of "The ii: il,.;.i- :, s;r.-ii,- bl tor l.-'i lt* Board of l-l Mot* Im lu. i: M F indr ni, editor; l. W, Mott, '96, m mag ni lil >i \ K Moe, 'Pi, aecrelary; Charles Houcfter, H, Brui P S Biran ".". i- .-u ts manager* md A P. St on mid C. (1 Kn.dilan.-h. ':>¦'.. ass,.cia'- editor* When Its first Issue ..j p. ired ip il .':.- nun. ol Miss Johnson, ol Radcliffe College, bul 'I authorities il lt., litre obji -t-l thal ll wen no . ; in of Harvard I'niversllv, and forceil th. wi hdrawal of Mis* Jo! i m. I.Hill.ill South ''. h'.i hem. Pei I >>';- lal) Fool- ball has h. en the all-ab if conversa lion at Lebii foi I* »i weet Ever) ifti ri ¦> u tb rn ole co li c. turn* oui to wat. Th* can lld*ti - ap| ar on th* Del l b> i ¦. They nii.ni -t ab ut fort\. an I for Ihe) i-i .! falling -n thi ball, pal n kicking and ere wal then .,:¦,- US tW'-J eleven -, ir-1 practl fl takes plan Hie pr pi .i *t ', team l.ast Krld r M !.-. In-'- Ul .- r- lb ck and K trip . ' 'omi ll I'nlversli \ r. returnli Ul ¦f the large work the i sere In- i-- .. 1 and severs vain .!¦;. '. «. n The l-l,-, -i leal Em llrst mi Ung n Ti ired.iy evenlni :. Houston a lr. Ki !' i Mi -.., i - . rd Nen \ rh WILLI \MH WI ito* Ul Sp' nge In the collei rule*. 1 ... -.,.-'. nra w rk. A mlttee of th. t> r an -. 1 '.'.-¦ . '. can pf I ' Thi ' LAFAYI penn. Bej tllh k n elected. » mai io r rt, sprain. \ gi' lo the si ' li tun-*. Pp ' v Rp.Ml Pr .fep r li ll \ ll il Ja... "Polli il Ora UH 'V .-ii \. H Klrkpa 11 k tb* H*-> Di Ki. an 1 Pi .'.**dr ^ H Owen "Hom.i Y \KK. N-w Haven. Sep! M (Special). Cornellui Vsndei Mit, Jr. tendered a friei lahip dinner laal rvenlng to twent) five Val- students al Heubleln'i ire Arrangements h.el (...r. male on Ihe mosl *i tensive seale, and it eclipsed anything or the kind given In the pa*t Th* eas! banquet hall "f Ihe raft gras i ly decoraled for Ihi.tasion with p itted plant, and . ut flow* i ind pr. ntl 1 (al M-Ctic. The new freshman elssi numben it. .rdlng to the register yesterda) lt ls sn In ress* fifteen over ihe clan of 'tl last year, and of thirty over tl.- class "f M Iwo yeal as-' Amil ll Davenport, of New-York, ba- left by will to the Yal.- College Library hi* manuscript volume 260 years -ii. written b> th* Kev. John Davenport, .-! London, and afterward ol Sew Haven I'olony A tn- etina nf Ihe \ ali oi. it lon ha> I.n railed to lake . Hon on th* Deposition m hi. h to be mad.- of tl-. .Man.'-i" left l.v Willi,nu Walter Phelpi and ids fat!., t.. erect ¦ bulldini on the campus. Th.- .-.np..ration has under advisement thre. l.n. im. li enhvrno the new library; the ...-.on. to c.. 11*1111. ¦. a building between I.. --. -1 and Welch hall* for refectory or lormttorj ii and thi thu to build a dot nillo' -,- ni I t to Whlti Hall, on ihe new campus. There u clause In - i. .quest, bowel.-, arl lated thal the building -hall be erected on ihe dd ....;-.-. which v. ill probahl) i-i- hide Ihe onsumin it of the lasi named plan 1NI\ EKS1TT OP it. a'HES 111; fi "h. Bier. Sep 9 (Bpi . Th* fr -.m. in i elected Ihe follow,ng named officers on Wedm I';--- li nt, W liam I Rakel. vice pr alden!, \l irl rt A. '"ha* ' iry, Ra) ifha : -¦¦ treasurer, Ar ti ii L. Bmpey; toastmaster, Bradlej i irroll; his- torlan, Howard D Taylor; poet, Ira S Wile; prophet, Charles P. r.-». orator, C. P Williamson; .: i. Iwar I ll »ennl t m; member ol Btu- dents' Association Executh Committee, Fred :< C <;." iv. in There are now eight) thr.tudenta t- I-- I a. the ti anal. la** Fi ilbnll pt i tlc* ha* . in The athletic Interests of th* college ir- th- aeason In lb* entire charge of an executive committee composed -.f Thoma* Freeman, 18. Wnitei M (Has*. ''.»., Smith. Tl, and Ooodwin, 'M There li much good athletic material In Ihe freshman -ia-- The football team lost a numbei of it* n..-i. thi utgolng rlaas, bul lie "t the number, Wynne, ia*t year's captain, la likely to inter foi a post-graduate rou rsi Whian* who wa* elected to i. captain of this y.n> team ha n il - entered iib g<. Miss Wilkinson, the uni) "..I." has resumed '"i idle A11 hoi i«h em .lb -1 a* a -;--i' .-til bul sh.- sill tak.- thi sophomore bi.in rai ¦ I SWARTHMORE Swarthmore, Penn.. Sept 9 inpeclal) \ maaa- in iii of tbe students rn is ii-id on Tue day -itt' noon for iii- purpose of arousing general Interest In tb- .M.- football - n| sign, Mn iger ¦'. i the meeting t" order, and when sp echei had been made b) President De Oarmo Captain Hodge, , Manager Clothier and l-l. P. Bond, ft, tb* plan waa idopp "f selling season tickets for th- thre* gsmes .ai tin- home ground! I th.- reduced price of one dollar. Aa Ina sun a are with Dickinson, Buck¬ nel! Pnlversltl and Franklin and Marshall, this ..- .-ir should attract more people rrom outside nie college and thu* materially Increase thc nat-- i.ipi* "v.Iiik to th* lack of int.-r.-sl sh. w n for th- Inst fea years in th w .rk of he literary * >eletl* i proposed that the pres.-nt \ ear the Incoming *to- .1. nt* be equal!v allotted to tbe two s. eli li 111 .S'l', IA Bonton. B*pt, BJ (Special). Dr. Oeorg* K. Morris, Of ('itu-Inn.ill. univ."I In Boston t1:- Hr t of Ho¬ wick and inti rd anon his duties ,-is pmf*ssor i.f practical theology. Dr. Morrl* tak.-¦ the Harris chair of theology, which, up to a year ago (his fall, wa* ao successful!) held bj Luther T. Townsend, Professor Townsend having resigned si the end f a term ol twenty-fiv* \. ir- servlee. Matriculation <J»y «t the School of Theology will thia year com* aa October lu. th* Ho*. Ur. U. Eh Rlahell, of Springfield. Ohio, being chosen '. deliver the nn- im.il address rho etas* of tl of th. College of Liberal Art* held its annual class tn'etina on Tuesday, st which the following ofRcen were chosen; President. James H Hayley; ,-lce-presld»nt, Mi-1* Esther Doilge; sec¬ retary, H.is- I1 lloultenhouse; treasurer, Miss I.mr 'I lb nd. i- KXIVKRSlTT OF CHICAOO ¦ago, Hep!, -ti (Hpecial) i.i*t week wai ex« amlnntlon week. No itudenl li admitted to the un- graduate department without examination. Bf- forti have been made now and agsln lo obtain ex- n.pti.-n f .r ihe Chicago hi>th schools, but without Ighteii -acc.-*. President Harper hims.-if ia o ¦¦- ¦! t. an] system ol admission on certificate om twenty-two unit* (each "unit" mean* a year** work In one branch) each *t.|.|ent is required t-> in examination In Hurt.'en. tbe selection being m -!¦ eco lin* ihe degree at which he alms, Na on. is permitted to take an examination with .ut a certificate from his itrui i r.. the effect thal he I*. ul ii.tiid tu I.. *-. Thia nave* considerable --.1 labor In reviewing worthless papers ¦.( ll n ni idi ii. the i ri li hi* ..wu teach*) if th ¦ few lix undent who The examination* may !.-. taken ¦ few al a tlnu. bu ihi indent musi pas* In al l*a*l liv* iiubjecia '.. Ural ime rn orJer to g-iin an) credit. One .>r tw conditions ar* sometimes permitted, bul the) trlctli limited Students ma) be examined in er, January, April and .lily, and enter th' ts*, ..r. Indeed, any department, at those t.ai- ismln uloni bi held In several pla. * i.. Ch igo. and arrangement* are mad- to give them *!sewher* whenever tre-rc ls a sufficient num- I i oi in lld kies t ¦ warrant lt. Profess riailsburi ha* had a geology eui** of i Inc th:* i|uarter, which ha* dune noteworthy work th dx wi rk* the; have been al Devil'." i.iU... wi*., where they hav* >. en making a geologt. .. map of the various features of the mirroundlna. tn Thi flt ld .... atlon* w a* ti act ti on.-. .mi seven mlS wk!* which they ha\ explored In parlies of two ir thr. willi a \ :. w io noting ' ;¦.'...;¦. li [luria! fea tur* DIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Phllaile'.phlt. B»pl. 9 fBp la'.)..The various di thi ni versify n;:. .¦;-- n on M >n ly, T ¦' lance, ^ is expected, wl'.l abom emmi a*i m ison In th* college lepartmenl 17S .- have ei admitted to the freshman class, m.! pi ... tl imb*i wl'.l re.eli MO before ihe op nu The School of Architecture wl!l I -.- mimi r of tudenti this year. Dui ¦' nimmel numerous chang** hav. i.n mide in mai i b) th- n ilgnatli n of '.¦ Pepp»i and lean Ja) n--, of the c >'.>g* Vctlni Pi ivosl Harrison hai issumed the duties of ht* off) bi ¦! ls in I li offli tw ' d ij -i "f sh a ".. ty i r>-.. si lents, a.* Pro¬ vo*! Pepper lil :." regulai Offlc* douri. Pr ;.. irge H Fullerton is now vlce-provo*t lean of the rollen* Profes ., ('r ,\ \ i* suh-dean. and ll W, Mumford li asalstanl to the Pri»l r i. La b xl >tx Li ihi dean "f Ihe if I . » Xtu.ructors sp| ..:.... I for thi omtng i u ir- .";,r..- i; stendenha'.l, In physics; < I ¦¦ ii Hallen, in mathematics; V. .v Wl'.mer, n elvli 'n tv'.- v lt 'amac In bl il .¦¦ Di San..!-. |{ Lind*!) has b>»n appointed Instrii toi Yhirton Behool In thi Mi Heil Dr. Di viii itelsman was cho en demonstrator gy. Dr. Hem Ij Hey r, '.n and assistant demonstrator Kr. W .X. I. Dilan 1, isslstani In thi l.a-.'. Behool Pr ¦- .ssh . is beet r of lan traci porai na ind pleading st . W . ? .- \ X SS Alt. P ghkee| .-'.;.. i (gpc. ,;, Tl; al litloni the I .. ia follows: In tin lepartmenl Professoi Bimi r Elswoi th placi '-f .x' fun ¦'¦ isor of English Hm Mr* I. N Tllllnghaat, essay critic . th* io tm math il -I i- ii ind In the I. itin tis graduate ..f the class of '90 ken the 'cir of phi osophy An hemleal ¦..< i i.- .i I. ll.x\ ERF" d'.l' M.'- ¦:. -il. Penn.. Bepl S3 (Special) Haverford -ir on xx. ir.- id i\ w Ith an .. mil h. Tl - ft' abm in cl* .* is un- me vi r> promisti -. .ii an -ri. kel Win' even lpg I'ri lent gi irpl*** nave out he most Imporlai ol . il .il. ellon from ei en- - .'.. .' il In the upper class** wa* alao an i foothill thi* f ill ls aomewh il ¦! o u All of . leal !.. rolli . I Mo tai kl- Th* neat, and . n cal bini and kl. king I f the pr* ni and *ei i-i.trv ,.f th- lei Hall to .-. Hali, thu* bring ni thi Ideni carer Kl* n placed all through Bar ciay ll .ming from the new -I, In the IlKKK X r-r. Kv Bept . (Hpeclalb- Olorioui weather greeted thi Hud nu who gathered for thc the fail term While man] ai. li lalned b) Ihe summer v hool- In which Ihey are "nine instruction ihe attendance wa* much larger thm evei b fore He'tween fifty and *i\i> student* from >ai.. Northern Stat' arranged t" meet in I'ln.-lnnnl good r impany and re lu ed ia- * for the last I3ti miles of the lournei Miss Itlaruhe Freeman enter.- upon thi duties of prln KU l>odge, . la- lied to Ih" fa- ultv in -la*-: -. and <'lay H. rrlrh in history The latter 11 a grandaon of Cassim M. clay, of White Hall. Ki. . ? . WESLEYAN Ml Ilelown, Conn Bepl 9 (8pi lal) Thc silty nf Wi in I'nlvi rslty began on Fr ,.. ir th* *. 'dor .: - ii hom ire t ,:. el ns I* th* in ti ¦¦ red f-.r sever if v. irs, with an *ni m-¦ of IOU students, Including fourteen young w ti. a d/creaac of four in the -ii itiona', dei.lent North Collage, the largest ipi* :. m sever il atu '-. ti ,,r. .- imp* led to im In thi town, The .cu . of phl'.oaoph) ho* been material!) en md A ii in l*rof« *5 ir xx J. shaw begin i esl tl Wealeyan Profi asor shaw __ i( Teronto, cia** of 'K, an i ¦ t. tow In the u i.i ii* 'al; u post-graduste ... ii i nto ai I Princeton. Dr. Alfred Pierce Dennie, a Blatant profeaaor at Princeton foi thi laai three ... entera upon the dutie* of professoi -ry. niling Ihe v keaney kim c. the departure of Professor Stevi to ihe chair of histor) in Depauw I'nlverslt) In .!,. j ii physiology, gi >'.og) an I astronomy hgv. been li - --. '-I ii In t Ihe rea Un 1 studtei in psycholog) and economic* Senior* hav ru,I i .i,.. in eil itu st! in evident ¦w\.- studlea barring ethlci ..:. -, which are rt iuir- d. IXION Sch-'u 'lady, N X'. Bepl ."> (Special) The w->rk done i... the football team tim* far haa creati the greatest enthusiasm, Th* men ar* all la tin- cm li¬ tton, and ii- a who:* th- team has mad.' good prog¬ ress kinder lb* experienced supervision of th* coach, .Mr Thompson Williams, tee new half from Will¬ iamstown, ie a strong acquisition, running k>w and foiiow im, hi* Interferei. well Next Saturday, at Ithaca, i luni meeta Cornell, and fully expect* to keep th* uppoaltlon from scoring Kirkpatrick, champion half-mile runner of Amer¬ ica, Li i.ek al moa on.c more, and i* Iii hard n |nina He will take par! In thu annual Fall AtKb tlc hand cap meet, whicl.curs on tbe college ., October .'¦ Numerous entries have been ., |) n le, and the day iii.ls fair to be an Inter- .; me Th* sophomore das* mel last Tuesday and organ- Ixei] follows: President, Swetland; vice-president, Hm lecretary, Cleaver; treasurer, Cotton; foot¬ ball manager, Cummings; beanball managar, Cooper; manager track athletics, flower*; asalstanl man- of "The Concorillenais." Draper; historian, Pershing The senior election* will occur next Mon¬ day. .\t a ollege meeting in ld last Friday morning, inn-- l-l Kelly, >'.. wa* elecled aaslatant manager ... track athletics, and Kuasell Oreenman, >'.. assist- snl foot tall m mager. Tb.- Man loiin club will glv* lt* tirsi entertalnm nt thi* season, at Ilalislon, uctobei '. The annual con¬ cert t,..ir will be mad.- als.ut Baster. lill'. <' I tv COLLROE. The bill for a new college building, which wss In¬ troduced before the Legislature of thi* State last f.,',1. win i.sjaklered again during lb* neal few ., ;.!,; |q friend* of Ihe college here. Th.- college authorities hop- this y-ir to obtain a better result. Thej ar-- nut nt all down-he irte.I. but Seem mote iirfldenl than ever of getting what they wish In the next fi « ve ir*. The tulon who have taught i" th* colleg* f-.r Are year* have sent m their application* for the title of lilli ruclor to the Board Bf Trustee.*. Til- moll .n granting this was passed OJ the board Bl the me meeting, it further mya thal after thc instructor ha* taught leven yean he wl'.l recelr* tin- tit... ..f asststani profesew sm.- McGuire, Qlnsburg, Oppenheimer, Creen- baum ani student* of th*lf stamp left th. college, there hi* been ne lacross* whatsoever. Bul this year a sreu effort hu* been made to start a t*um tbai wei equal tbo*« of ytari gone by. A mealing was cali i last w-'-ek at which Ft. Tdmbo, 'Mi. was president; Mr Barnhurat, IB, -.-¦".arv; Mr. Lyon*. 'Jg treasurer, and Mr. Bimbel, "st, captain. At th* meeting trrsngem nu were made for prac- Using on Wednesday and Friday iii Central Park. The sesson for ''rushing'1 men for fraternities ha* been ,,p,.n f,,r the laal tw« week*, st Ih* co.- l"g*. ftfen were "cornered" in a.. par-* of the build¬ ing by member* of fraternities, who described th-- meriti "f their respi :tie< locietlea. a* a re»u t. Phi (illina.i Delta initiate 1 Xl: V"*rmilya, '97; Theta i '.. -1 Chi. Messrs Bryant, 'SB, ani Foster, 'SJ; Delta Kappa Epsilon, .xi *»r* Tripp, 'ag; Dunn, 'IE; Ka.fa. '97; Tun .-. 'fg, an ivla. 'nt. Al the r uti.,;; rm ttir.g thia week Mr. Martin, 16, wa* sleeted manager BALTIMORE WOMAN'S COLLEGE Baltimore, Sept :". (Spacial)..Al bo tim- ha* there been m ire di* .rder in th* arrangement of the schedule* "f the nev stU'lentl than then .va* thi* var The troublous tltnei have, however, been 'safely pe.*., i, ,,n.| .|.. college routln* pr.I* peacefully, Nearly tl hundred itudenta aaaembled in the chapel sn 'Mon lay morning al the opening exercises, which were conducted by President k hei Tne continue) serious Illness of the dem, Dr J, B, Van Meter, ls deepl) regretti 1 b) the college, for si no time ls ids presence more needed than now, The duties of the lean have, however, been admirabl) fulfilled by Dr. x\' T. K. Huton, who his b-¦ i: compelled .n the interim ti give up some iiI on "r in* classr tom work. lu addition to the new Instructors appointed al the beginning of tin- v. ir, Mis* A. Hertha Miller, a graduate of th. clea* of 'M st th* Woman's College, hal been appointed assistant instructor in Latin In th" Olrls1 1. ititi School. A prli !:''. hi* been offered bv Profesi ir J, s S iffii for the is si col all be Bent In beti December i TN THE I.(icA I. COLLEGES. Cl 'l.KMKIA. For the Issi week, the reglstnr*! ollie- ii «"..111m- bia Col!eg* ia- been the main p:.u- ,.f attraction. The rei ina from the ondltl >n and titran te ex- imlnatlom har* be n ciimlng in and the ll I -ti !'-* im. been Bled away. The number of students who will be In attendance la still uncer¬ tain, for, although the regular .lay* foi matricula¬ tion ended on Batui lay, many ..f thi rn ni hav* as yet returne l to thi city. The dh ge yi it i.- ,n* to-m ar. w ai 9 W a m.. and it la exp .. l President I, w will make a short elli.**, ii usual, to the itudenti sssembled al the chapel exer¬ cise, which 'ak-- place |uai bel re the r Itatlona bemn. Dr Win D Wal iplsln ol thi lege, will deliver to-morrow the Aral addresa ol i ntltli Thi s « anal Faltha of the W irl I." "Brahmlnlsm" win i the lim one treati I. Sh last year i veral change* hav* b en mad* in the facultlei of the varlour department*, and abm In the colli te bulldingi Th* faculty of Ihe School "f Arti ii* i. :i mil. larger by the addition of several professori from the faculties "f other de¬ partment! in which courses hav- been opened to the ai ideml tud< nt* li P. Starbuck, A. B.. LL tl .u.d K. F. Cai fi. id x M.. LL. B., b ith leeton rs ir. hav.- been admitted to the facul¬ ty -if the l.iw School, with *h" title of pi m of law In thi Heh iola of Mm- . an Me heine leveral chang-* have als j been made In tb lect¬ urer mts. Th* old boardwalk aero* lpns, which was ¦.¦¦¦ lt. fee I the boi itlon of the tra.-k athletic team Ia*t pp ring, has been replaced .. ibatantlal |. .. 1 ..¦- ¦-¦¦- have .. ihi library, which will probably force thi Junior* to h.ll their bill in thal ;. irt of the ltbran floor r. n l--r- I suitable la n it lara re now ;.- . - volumes In .tl r hall, s hi th can ti >w . rh T lion Th*- departm ni of romance languages his r inged for a seri popular subj he dellvi ter* on Thur lg) iften ¦. " m In lian llton H ill, begln- n ng n ¦. ber iv Th. '.-. tuns w fne, with- ti io «--i i. nt* 'f all denartmi tr* ¦ . :¦' ty, Hamal College, Inion Theological nary and ': Ti ;' C i!!< ne ll I* .rn '.-. to pr-li" th.- future of the ath- ti 'in- bul ihe freshman football eleven bids fair : > be n.-'i-r than .- lal, sad will begin il practice tai* w k Thei will probably be no universlt) football team ,vii« year \ un x ¦¦ if the c il li ge will hold lu annual meeting thi leg* hu hiing to-mor- row evening officer* f i th* ¦omlng year will he eli 'b I. ml also foui memberi to the standing ST .I.'MN'S. \i hi no i.:l etina ¦' .' .- .1 philosophy In s.-.-n -. Hall, held -. Tue* ly, the fellowing of¬ fer th- coi ir wei lent, William Xi Royle; resident, J ihn J. I.kry; correapo .--,.¦ rerence J Doyle; irer, .1 Hal ling Fisher. Thc present .lass ..f phllosoph) li ¦.¦ largesi ol tl.Iles* fo* -..m. \..ir* In accordanci i rder .-* u .-- ttur la) Bi pteml er ti. the batta uleti formed on th.liege .- .:. Mon lav, thi -I'.. Lieutenant Orangei Adams, '-'ii Artillery, i'nlti i State* Army, eomn indiug. The following w re il) i r imoti to .iii- i In the « tri ma com¬ paniea Compan) A Captain John -I Doekry; Iii I lieutenant, Edward M Kami., iccond leutenant, john J o'Rourke; eergi ima. Charles T Binnott, Francis N O'Neill, John J Cavanagh, John T. i.. -.\ Georgi K iiayea; corporala, George A'. Oralnfl r, Joseph Kelley, '.-rall Harry and Robert sin.dds Compan) ti Captain, Mauri e Doran; Brat lleutensnt. James Fir ier; econd ii-m. nant. Trigan! Burrow; sergeants, Josep.i Farrell, lllchard Mitch¬ ell, Frank Quinlan ai Rober! McDonald; corporate, 1' Brant, Clarence Malone, Jamel Wilson and XX', Beman! Wingate Compan) C Captain, C Kan-; ur.*! lieutenant Terenc. Boyle; second lieutenant, Edward Connell; sergeants, N. l>elehanty, Jamea M Donnell. Stephei Caasld) John Claffy and James Donovan; corporals, Charles Carr John Joyce, Lewis i 'allan and '. Ol ge >al) Cndl r tl of the Rei Mi.h.. .ll .. .-.¦ s .1 a new al of the students' llbrar) ia* been recent1) Issued. \ oui *- "' religio iructloi i ..- in on Siii-i.u, September 23, In itu chapel bi the Rev, jo*epn /.wa.--, s J th* -ib.i.-ct being "Th- K\:*t- i-n. ol I. a- u tia la) vesperi were lung by '."" voices An Ave Marta sa* also given by Klchanl O linet:- Hi tenor. The baaeball team mtioucs it* fall outdoor practlci 'rn Thursday, September .7. thi flnl i'.i ; ayed another irp fielding game with the iccond team and defeated lt h) the * in ol 7 to I The first team' fielding wai luperb, but ll wai weak at the bat. Mai lg "Tom" Ca'.k la to hiv- th team pra. tine batting the real of the season, and not pa) io much attention to fielding Thi football team li hard at practice ever) dy under the captain. William Boyle, who has play**] halfback on the Fordham t- mi for iw .-. irs, and understands the game Qa mea are being arranged w "i many "f th- different colleges. Out of thi forty .andi.I.in-* the following are the moat prom¬ ising Nicholas Delehanty, .Junes Fisher, Frank ..ninian, .b-hn Claffy, Andrew Croaaa, Charles Downes, I.-wis Callan, Frank O'Neill, Maurice Dorian, George Hayes, Gerald Darry, .l"hn McCar thy, Clarenei Mal.-. George Granger and Law¬ rence Dunlavey. Thi Rev. Thoma J Campbell,, 8, J., sx-Provincial, who has i.n vialtlng the col¬ lege for the la-' few daya, lefl .: Saturda) to begin hil missionary work The Parthenian Sodality, under th* direction of the Itev. John c. Han. s J., held lu firsi mi 'ting on Sunday, September 23, .m.! elected several of thi offlcers for thi first term. Those elected are L, Louis Tracey, pnfeet: John i'. McCarthy, Brat ai- ¦litant. and Thomas Culktns, second assistant. The meeting daya arc Sunday and Wednesday. NORMAL COLLEGE Ex-Preildenl Hunt, of the Hiard of Education, win- hai no! been pn lent alncc the fall opening of the Nounal College, waa present Pride) morning In thc chapel at the assembl) hour, ani made an ad¬ dress of welcome to the new itudenta \- Iti meeting lasl week th Alpha1 I'...: i Cam- ma society had a discussion on "Dree* Reform." Ml-i Ads lt Winn-, a former president ol tte society, gave a talk on Deteart* and hi* work Tie- Philomathean Society, al ns weekly meet¬ ing! save an Ii.k.'I iw performance moat inti fa tortl) Thia week the Si debate of the year will be bel I. Th" iir*t exercises of each morning In Ih* col¬ lege ai. caltithenttci in tbs gymnasium b) one- half th* dud..ai-, and chorus Binging rn itu- chapel nv th- other half The pupil* alternate event other lu im.- feature of the normal ir.lining ls th a each young woman may learn, while In the college, how i" govern pupila, and uc ardingly a >. .rtain number I* selected from the senior claaaei to sci ki Instructor* Following li .. bs; of the teachers ,n calisthenics Jessie Qumbrecht, Elisa XX'. Whit¬ ing, Piora Tompeon. Jeannetti Barr*, Eltea M. I'n derhlll, Florence V'lbber, Julia Davis. Adc lt. Br*- voort, ''aroiine Pfortner, .birnie t Cohen, Marv Davidson, Marj V. M.... Marj I. Herbert. Anita Stromeyer, Viol* Cohn, Fanny I. Oppenheimer, .Min.- Kab"i'. Nelli- M Bowtell, Beatrice Stern. Teresa Harri*. Clarinda A. Rourke, Florene* L Frobisher, Christine Snow, Hertha Ruben*, Flora K.nv.'iithall. Neille Miller. Ella Schwerin, Hara Chapple, Susan Rodler, Bridge! M. F Caulfield. Babette A, Kayton, Isabella Levy, Florence gchwals, Emily Uluck and Helen F. Robinson. Th PRATT lNsrVn tk rt Department of Pratt institute open* with encouraging!) largs number of atndenta who an- ready '" give all da) ti their work, Thseoura* In design has been greatly strengthened, and addi¬ tions have been ma.le tu the corps of instructors. Beside* th* line* Of work already fallow.-,!, the c..ilise wUI In.dude special ns; met li ul In the funda¬ mental principles of design, showing the derelop- meiit of simpi- principia* and their technical appiu iM.ui Add-I I.i the course of applied design for .a U paper, ru*-. *llk*. etc., opportunity will be given for the pursuit of general interior decoration and designing for stained glass, pottery, atlver and metal work The Department of Kindergartens has planned a two v*ar*' course for th* training of mir***. Thi* c.nirse will begin In October, and will meet everv Wadneauay evening for twenty weelu. Tb* theory of the kindergartens most helpful to the nurse will tie given, together with the stories, games, gift* and handiwork. Talk* on clothing, feeding and exercli- ing the child will also come within the scope of this .ur**. FBOM BENCH A.\D HAR. QATIIBRED PROM LAWYERS AND AMOHVJ Tl IK COURTS. All the civil c.,uris in thi? city resume rh- ir *«*- a< ma to-nwrrow and thus begin th* work of th* i'»*il year. Presiding Jeanie* Van Brunt and I ce* i) Brien an! Parker will sit at thc General Term ef tin- Supreme ..ur; to bear non-enusBsrstea1 ni uion*. Justices Barrett. Andrews. Tm.ix and Besch win preside at th- CJrenil <'o:rr*. All the Judge* of th- Superior snd Commoa Plats c >urts will h.- In their place*, the trial term* In th" dm- mon Pl-a* being held Chief Justice Dal) and Judge* Hooks:a<- t ard KischoiT. mil in thc Sj- l.erlor Court by Chief Justice Sedgwick and Judgei K - lilian and McAdam. New ab noir* hav,- been j..'"Pared in m..-: of ti.- .-..ir'.-. Tne calendar of the new cases in th* «'.rcii|r 'eur;, numbering several hundred, ha* been published. The Saturda) cai¬ nbil- tn i;i.. Superior ('..um eoaai*i*d of an un¬ usually large number of eas* ind iii all th* branches of th various courts there la a large accumulation of causes in m mt of thc trial couria ayateia f i kiting the .-a*.* in one pan of the courl snd sending them to other parts for trial be follow..I out, a* -h.- Judges believe that a considerable daring ..' time la thu* affected. Th* year in thc court* of tm city win be memorable a* thi last in which the ancient Court of Common i- and th- Superloi Court will exist, if the Constitutional amendments prepared by 'he Con- ventlon of tin* year sra adopted ut the poll*. Th- fine months ..f steady work by the members jf th- Constitutional Convention will, unless the people r- t" t their labor* at th- Nov-mber election, lie the m..*' Inapor a-n :.] th- Constitutional history of th- Sta) m nearly forty years. Thc Convention of this year will he noted a* one of the most husi- nessllk* of the bodies engaged in revising th* indenten tal law of ti,ls .-tat... Tn.- Constitutional Com gut hm of IHI sat for ab.ni three months. The Convent on of ibis, which, in the Importance of the work accomplished an I lu lasting Influence on the law* ol ta- Slat-, is 'i b- i-ank.-d among the llrst in the history of it-.- States, remained in sealion abai; ih" sam- length of nine ai the Convention of this year. Thc Constitution whi-h it pnparad still li in most ..f it* Important feature* a* th* highest law ..f the Btati The Convention of 1*67 .' from June t of that rear, with some interval* if leisun, until the end of the following February. ani. although ila- debates were eloquent and long, a large pan of th- work wa* rejected by the people. \- the ''.invention f thia year the preliminary w-.rk was accomplished slowly, ard some com¬ plaint was mil- of delaya hy th- various corn¬ ices, but tall nv* a whole il wasted little time, and the Imp .r;,mt changes were accomplished de¬ li!..¦: ar. 1\ and without unnecessary speech-making. The latest r.-ports of decisions in this State con- t.-in an unusual number "f j.uiiar accident cases. a Buffalo b..y wu., undertook to steal a ride on a hors* car wi* startled by the unexpected appear¬ ance of th- conductor, whom he supposed to bc at the -.ii.er md "f th- ear, ard in his fright he fell ..ff of th" .ir and waa injured. Although the Court nell thai he was a trespasser, h was allowed to r- rover damage* from th. atreel railway company. A Drool, lyn niau was found -lil on the «|.lew ilk close to a bridge built over sn excavation in the ¦idewalk The bridge was Imperfectly constructed and the position ..f the I.-, ly indicated that the man mu*: have stumbled and fallen at the place where lefeel existed Ki* legal nnresentattrss were allow- to r.vcr t'.-r the los* of his life from the builder of the bridge. Prom Columbia County cornea th* f.a'f vi a man who wis salting on the river wh. rc the Ice nil been cut and the surface had again fros-m i ver, brr. not to a sufficient depth. The law require! that a parson cutting Ice shall surround th place from which he has taken the bro wah a fence .r gu ul.* until new ;< e hid formed to ; ii d-pth of six in.he. Th- sk.it.-r fell Into 'he ric. r wh-r- tia- Ice was only thr.flirters of an Indi thick and was drowned. A verdict in favor of ins representative! ani against th. company which .-ut th- - wai sustained In two ca*e*. also re- ;.. rt. within the ins' few weeks, men Jumped from moving trim.* al the suggestion of conductor* and were Killed Tin- court* held that the passengers wen guilty "f negligence in jumping from the 1;. tllow verdict* In their favor, <-v. -i ;h nigh tli- official representing the company Hinged th- acta >: recklessness. Kv- of the -ix candidates of the lauding partiea for sm- nfl) tn ar- lawyers and moat of them are in early millie lift, They all became pr uninent In teal irYiirs it a comparatively e,rl>- age. I.iw- y.-r* usually hav* an advantage OV*r those of other ¦..-;il tri n- in gadilng early admittance to aubils li!'-, i ul i; I tea n u often hap; >n thal so large a pr .p-irri »n of the .ind:dates for important public .-¦ fr mi amuig th- rank* of members of .he i'- having a Ilk- history of "arly rojLit.it sj won In the court* and pul.ls- affair.-. Kaw journal* In iii parts ,,f the country have dis- .< with v irving .omni, nts the eas- of BchehV enberger against Ransom, recent!) decided by th* Supreme '.mrt of Nebraska If for BO other rea¬ son, the case would be r-mark ibl-. because the N'c- braska Bunnin* Court, after deciding the case tn on- way, maa;. a - irgum-nr, ani after holding th. mattel uniii consideration for nearly three yean rendered an exactly contrary decision to that iir*t announced. The main .(io rtlon discussed was as to whether a father who had murdered hi* daughter could inherit her property. The New- Tork Court of Appeal* in the well-known case of Rlggi against Palmer, held that though there wa* no legislation providing tor such a .st. yet the curt* aa a matter of public policy would not allow a p- raon to inherit the property of ihe one whom he had murdered. The ..pinion at that time, rendered by .iuige Kari, of thc Court of Appen ls, was re¬ garded a* a noteworth) "t.". and was commended by many lawyers as laying down a straussry and pr er rule, although u..i founded from any law passed by the Legislature. The Nebraska court at first fol!,.w.-d teat de.-lsion, but nev the Judges have corni to the mor.- conservative opinion that in thc absence "f set* by the Legislature they can¬ not overturn th.- established rule nf descent and .le¬ pus- a criminal of the property which he scquina through the murder of a relative. Then I* much proper criticism of some attempts by the court to leg -at- --ii matter* which si "lld prop-rly lie Beted upon by the LegllUtun, but in this InsbMOg thc allowing of tx profit to ,( criminal from tie ner- petratlon of a murder i* bo opposed to public policy and natural Justice that the New-York decision la more r pulu- among laymen if not among lawyere than that now a lopteg by the Nebraska Supreme Court. Th" effect of neem statutes In England a* to the righi of niarri. I women to ho 1 and convey property ha* t.n a iubjec| ..f much discussion In English law Journals. "The Justice ()f the Peace." in .rn artic:.- on "female Trustee*," reviews the legislation of recent ycirs, and BOOWfl bow BM and ther restriction haa I.b removed, so that a married a :nan can ivuv BC! as trust** or executor wirti almost much fr> . lom aa B min cm. I'nder th.- common law. tin- husband he 1 the property, and wai also lim;.¦ it breach** of tru*t committal by thc wife, BO that then Wen grave objection* to a w ng her :¦' ac: i- I trustee The pr-s. nt libera. a.-rs regarding the pr pert) of married women ai.ow a woman to make contracti and i. ho'.d trusts free Mom rh-- control of h' r husband, and without ronder- mg him table for her acts If she should i rove dl*h'»n- .--¦ Tl'.- British Parliament .- ;.i rome respect* con- aervatlve in dealing with property rights, but haa tak-n .u. idvanci ground in relation to the right* ..f married w 'min In the management of property Independent of control b) thc husband. ?''.¦ English !sw* relating to offences agilnrt cnildron hav* undergon* oonsiderabl* a'.teratlcni rec inly. Acta har* been pawd providing for tbe punishment "f ass mi's committed against children In such m inner as to be likely to CaUM suffering or Injury to health or to maim er disfigure a child. punishment is made much ni 're severe when ther.- is m ai. v payabl* to th.- defendant in cue ol leela "f the .hid This law was probably In¬ ti n.b ,1 to reach eases "f those who have the live* of children Insured tor their own benefit, and then maltreat the children. The laws of evidence ar* changed in several particular* in cases affecting chil¬ dren. Defendants, who in general cannot testify in English criminal trials, are a.lowed to take the witness .-rani In lucn ca*<>s. and their wives may -, ap; u i- witnesses. The evidence of a child may in lorn* ca*ei be received without the admlnls- tration of an "ith arri if a child I* Injured Its lepoaltl rn ma) be taken out of court. Some technl- as lo pleading in criminal cases are a'.ao lg* moved lil accusation* arising out «f the ill-treatment children, Tia- societies for the prevention of cruelty to children are the principal agents through walch these reforms were carried through Par.la¬ ni-ur. Provisions of the statutes relating to th* employment of young children have also been modi¬ fied, an 1 English legislation upon thi* whole sub¬ ject ls more sdvaaeed than In most of the countries of tn- world, and approaches c.ose'.y to that of Mew-York Bl I CAWAWDAIBVA WAE A FAIR. Ci nandalgna, N. Y.. Sept. 29 (Speclall.-Thls hag 1.n a gala wei. hats bscawm ot the County Fair, and resident* «^iih..| io Issi the presence of aueh crowds an there was little going on socially. Th* ..vening race* at the fair proved a great attraction. The thlrty-ilrst annual meeting of the Ontario orphan Asylum will be held In the Presbyterian < 'hapel next Tuesday morning. OeesMja Kate* and wife, of Detroit, have been spending some time with relatives In this village. Mrs. p. B. Hibb.'ll. f New-York, ii visiting In town. M.ss Carrie Lung, of Camden. M. J., ls spending some time in Canandalgua. Mrs. Harry Perkins, of Boston, i* the guest of friends In this vlllageTrh* Misses Coleman, of Gibson-st., gave an enjoyable "thimble party'' Frldav afternoon, lu honor of their guest, Miai Clara Wliion. of Lakewood, H. X

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...AMONG THE COLLEGES x-xv,\:::..:.!,. ¦iii: yiR*T FOOTBALLGAME COIJ.BQR ii.i-lvii-KltH Itharm. N v- Sept 9 (Special) The, toolba1...mn- |. ,\ .-. Cornall

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...AMONG THE COLLEGES x-xv,\:::..:.!,. ¦iii: yiR*T FOOTBALLGAME COIJ.BQR ii.i-lvii-KltH Itharm. N v- Sept 9 (Special) The, toolba1...mn- |. ,\ .-. Cornall

AMONG THE COLLEGESx-xv,\:::..:.!,.

¦iii: yiR*T FOOTBALL GAME COIJ.BQR ii.i-lvii-


Itharm. N v- Sept 9 (Special) The, toolba 1

...mn- |. ,\ .-. Cornall and Syracuse on Septembci_¦.; excited tress" balcrest smong the stud.-nts. Al¬

though thc hstni hsd lined np only a few tunes prf.-

von-... it siad* a good showing. Ohl'* continued

practice >" kicking during the Bummer bore goodfruit, aa B* Sicked a beantlfol (toni from the Held.

Dy, r. c*pl*!n, snd Amnion, 'Ss, did son,.- good norh

ai Balf-hacas; In fad, Ihi Interference of a.l the

I , k. *rai go l foi tin- lim* ol yaar. The new

ridei" m.ik'- a ena' Improvement In th* game. Mar¬

shall Newell, 'h" roach, is exceeding!) well liked.

The schedule of gamea arranged b) Manager M-

icinseii for '.'.. -¦ an n f ISM ia a* foll w* 11¦¦. itx

j. l'nlon, at Ithaca. October 13, l<afayelte, at Ith-

_.,-: october SO, Princeton, ai New York; October

Xl Harvard, at New-York; Novcmbei .. Michigan,:. ithaca; S rember IB, Williams, si Albany; No-

r**sbei IT. Pennsylvania, st Philadelphia; Novern .

Sn i Michigan, st Detroit; November Et (Thanks¬

giving), Lehigh, Bl lt-'ia -'

I-.. Student Commlllee on Discipline, which was

tried si an experiment last >. ir, pi »vedfactory tie- faculty thal th*) offered al the cl .*«

jf inc year t.. coniinw ol tbe commu¬

tes and to enlarge its functions, so sa to Invest thi

committee with original Jurisdiction In all casi

university discipline The committal .-.:. i to ac¬

cept ihe faculty's offei and In trlew of nj ;i f 1

duties decided to change Its nam* lo ti"- I'm:!-nt

_.,,,,..- : Cc i'..ne ll BtUdl :.:.- halthus na ni it ¦' bound what ihe student* ot many

other college* have been irj ng for y» ir. to secure

_. istem il college governmeni which make* the

joint action ot thi factulty and a repr 'dilativeIn>,1c of Btudenta necessary to thi Infliction ol,. n< Us pllni .; :. in) sta lentiProfessor Mers.- st. philis. Cornell's new profes-

aoi in modern European his! r; irrlved fromCambridge, England. He will glv* a three-hour

turai In ih< general history' "r ,:';' '!>* from theSeventeenth Century io the present una. a two-hour cour** li- the general hist rj of England ande two-hour courae on the French Kevolutlon, be-*i'l** conducting a seminar) i study and researchin his fleW of work

TRIXI"! 'i

Hartford. Conn., Bepl 9 (Special)..Th* Hag that

iloats in front of tin- college buildings was placedat halfmast on Monda) for the first time in its his¬

tory, In memory ol Dr Wainwright* of th. cia**of 'M. son of Bishop Wainwright, of New-Tork,Dr. Wainwright was a member of the board oftrustees of Trinity College, and for many year*was a lecturer at this Institut.on. Ile was on* Olfie best-known surgeon* in this Stat.-, being presldeni ol th- Hertford County Medical Societ) an i

a member of the Connecticut Medl al s-.- lety. ll-

wa* a prominent member of st Johns Church, of

this rity8. Han ntton l.itt.-ll has been elected president

of the Mailes! Organisation, and lt. 1-. Welshmanager, li Q Barbour was elected dlrei tor ofthe Ole* <')ut'. and P J. MeCook director of th*Mar lolln «'lnh

lu the tmals of thc college tennis lournameHIOrave*. 'Bs, defeated Carter, Si. Ghravea will probably play Hamlin, sr., for th* championship,


WELLSAurora, N Y.. Sept _g (Special)..Wells College

began its iwenty-*eventh year Wednesday, Beptember it, with a lar^e Incoming .-lass and favor-

abie prospe ts fur a successful year.For the first time In nlneteec year* a change has

been made in the presidency. Dr. William K Wa¬ters, formerly of thc t'nlversit. of Cincinnati, ha*entered upon the dutle* of this orTi-.- Dr. Watenwas graduated with honors from Tale In the class

of Ts, and subsequently occupied there a positionas tutor. In IW he ba caine Instructor In clas¬

sics nt Hughe* High School, tn Cincinnati, and InIM*) was elected professor of tireen, and Comparatlve Philology in ihe I'nlverslt) of Cincinnati.}'r. si.lent Waters took his doctor's degree st Yale

in 'ts. He has studied at the t'nlversit) "f Ber¬lin, and. as a meribe ni the American S. hool in

Athens, has recently mad- an extended tourthrough Offsse*.Th* chair of English Literature and Rhetoric

ls tilled by Dr. Edward Fulton, who foi three

years has been assistant in th.- < i. rtmen IEnglish at Harvard 1'nlverslty, where he took hitdoctor's degree In lastEmil K WInkier haa bees made director f th<

musical department He is a sra luate of t

servatory of Vienna, and for five years was di¬rector of the Conservator) of Music in Dei ei

Mr. winkier is a 'cellial of repute.The .-hair of Mental and Moral Science, held

for nany year* by Dr Edward s Frisbee, andnow left vacant by his resignation of ihe presi¬dency, is filled by the addition to the faculty ofMiss Margaret Washburn She ls a Vassar graduate of the class of 'Sk and lias studied In thi Bagis.hooi of Kthies nt t'omeii I'nlverslty, when suereceived the degree of Ph, D.

*s .

BROWNprovidence, it. I., Bent. 2s (Special). Football ls

claiming a large share Of the Btu lents' t :

attention Just now. Al a second ma s-meetlng, heldin Bay!** Hall on Thunda) nearly at,.m« sub¬

scribed by the students In support "f me elev* n.

M..re thai- thirty men are In training tor th-.- team,

the large: part of whom have been sent to the

training table. <>n Wed'.--liv n*xt Brown facesthe Yale eleven at New-Hav n

The annua' election of the Symphony Bode!) lo kp see la«t weak ani resulted af follows President,E L Walling. '96; vlce-presl lei t, B E Bucklln

.il. secretary, C. W Park. 'Et; treasurer. A P.Stevens, '*3; director J. C Anthony, '15; manager,F F. H-.rt- n. a*.The officers of the <<ar< Reading-Room Associa¬

tion elected last Wednesday were President, ll PDorman. "f*V, vlei-president 1! C Vose, 'M; secre¬tary, 1 H. OsmweU. fal; treasurer, H F H.is-. MS;directors.W. w Bustard, 'tte, A. !'. Meacham, '91;M. H. rook", ff.The University sustained ¦ severe 1 >*s on Wednes¬

day Issi In tnt sudden death if Profesi r Jenks,professor of agricultural aoolog and curator of..ie ,l*nk* Museums In his -loath Drown loseson* of III mos; l-jal s m.* *ind llle-ra! benel cl rs;h. had i.enn a mi mix r of the facult) for twentyyear* and a lftrgi contrlbul tr to th- museumswhich bear hi* name, ne was graduated fromBrows in iw. with the lat.- ex-president Robinson,and wa* called to hi* pr e*f .rship In 1*74. A* atoken of respect lo his mi seary ail collegs exerwere suspended on Thurs lay.

. ?-_.

I'NTVERSlTT OF VIRGINIA.Charlotteavllle, Vs Bent a* (8peclsl). The

seventy-Aral year of the Cnlversltj of Virginia hasbegun with atiout ,".20 stud.-nts Th* n-w school ofEngttSh Literature. Which wa* established las'

year, continues to bc de rn .st populai conn* Inthe academic department Professor Perkinsreceived a y*ar*a leges of nbs.-nee for study In

Europe, and Professor Bslnhai 1 I* niling hi* placeOnly rivi ntembsra of las- \. n's football team

have returned, but th.- new mat'Hal is good, aidthe indication* are that Ylriglnia will continue tohold the championship of th. South. Tia- manage¬ment ls desii iu.- o' makin*, arra igement* foi game*with the Northern collegei ano several are underconsideration Poe, of Prince! m. is trainer againthis year and ls doing good work.

WELLESLEY.Wellesley. Mass.. Sept. 1*1 iSp. cia!».The r'is* ..f

'95 mnde Its appearance in CSP* and gown* hi the

chape' service on Tuesday morning of 'I is week.Recitations and other classroom work began on

Tuesday morning. The courses lu chemistry will

not be offered at present because of the unfllstate of the new selene- building, atlas CharlotteF. Robert*, associate professor of chi-n.l.-ry, who

has b*en studying at Yale for the last**** year*,

ls again at Ihe college, and wll. be in charge of the

dsparunes! this year.Tin- new regulations for stu.len's contain nothing

in r*gar1 to ansaoc* from chapel or from classappointment*. Students are no loncer required lopresent written excuse* for absence* from chapeland cia*«room appointment*, the records ..f ab¬sence from chapel kept by the college officers and

the record* of absence from classroom app...n:mest* kept by the instructor* being found sufli-cl*n:. No change 1* male In the requirement >.fattendance upon Chun*] BSTVlC* and classroom ap¬pointment*, but th* student ls no looser requiredto add her excuse card to the records kept by IheCOlbge.


SMITH.Northampton. Mass, Sept hi (8pe. lal) During

ihe last week consl.l.rable.excitemeiit ha* prevslhIn college over the -lass and soclely elections. Inthe Junior dnss Miss Qgofglg W. Pope, of Boston,wa* elected president; Miss Mary H. Post, sf Sm-,Clara, cal. rico-prcsldent; Mi-s Elisabeth King, ofPortUad, Me., secretary, and Miss Kathai,ia pGrane, Sf Ml Sterling, 111.. treasurer. The sopho¬more el»ct|(,i|., were as follows: Pivsld-nt. Miss

Margaret Miller. >.f New York; vlee-presid-nt. MisiAlbertine Vf. n*r*hias, of rhicngo, sserstary; mis-iI'arrle T. Mitchell, of 8t. I'loud, Minn., and treas¬

urer. Mis* Hiuco Whiting, of Lexington. Mavs.The annual meetliiuf of the gymnasium and Field

Association w..s held on Bl|)IS*abai H f ff he el-e-tlon .rf offlcer*. A econ lin;.; to the constitution ofthe association, the instructor In gymnastics, whols Miss Benda )Jeren*on, ls the president. Miss Her¬tha Herilck. 'M. of iVekskill, NJ, Y wa* el-c-.e, Rr*tvlce-peesidetif. Of m*noger, of thc association. Mlaa.aura V. Crime. <*i. g| Scarsiale. N. Y.. second

« '-prfsldent, Mihi Ruth Hun'lngton. '97, secretaryand Miss Elsi* Tallant. 'K, treasurer. Th* Biloela-

t on al present owns two boals and keep* In orderthe fourteen tennis courts on ihe campus, as wellbi superintending Ihe basket-ball games held oc¬

casionally on the ground laid oui for that purpose"ii the lia' k campusA large -tatue ot Slink.

recenll) been presentedi'i.I stands le'iu th*

-I -Ve

ipeare, by I u \\ ard bath* college l.v Miss .lor-

ai V 'di.f tl M -li:

PRINCETON.mum wini WILL sim; in THE CHOttt i'"¦ r

ItKUl'N.Princeton, v j Bept -"' (Sperial) Th.- candi-

.laic* for the university football eHtven wen! lo

the training table ia. Wednesday evening. The

fi Howing iixn were taken .'..:,. ||, ii. Brown, II. F.McCormick, F. B. Morse, K. Taylor T <; Trei l

ard, W. Ward; '**, ll. W. Barnet!, I. l.-a. A. i..

WI.br; '91, e. li. D'.rt, W. W, Church, N. Poe,T. D. Riggs, .\. H. Rosengartea, J. M. Rhodes,t» F, Smith, A iv Tyler, H P. Vorhis; 'Ss, n. C.

Armstrong, <!. Cochran, ic. <;. Crowd!*,Mote .n will be taken aa soon aa the) al

elves competent. Hoi!) ls expect) to returnany moment and play al his oki place of tackle.Thi- will leave last year's rush line sith lb* ea-

ptlon of entre, Intact and n ll nabb Tyler, .¦

promising man lor tackle sn fullback, lo dev dehis entire time to training for fullback Holly'sreturn bringa great Jo) into thc Tigers' amp, bi

he will materially strengthen the team RBarten and Poe sre the mi st pi mi im m< n I .

take i'i,il King's place al querier, while McCor¬mick, Tyler and Burtare are all showing up wellfor fuUback. Centre Ile* between CrowdM and

Riggs. Rigg* is a brother of Jesse iti^-ts. and has

ill bred in him, while Crowd!* li"" the ad-\ intage ol hiving played against Bslllei las' yearon the scrub, Cochran, Armstrong, Hayward and

i Smith are showing up well for end. The advsn-tage of having one constructlvi chlel coach,Phil King, acer even this early in thi season In

j the tendency toward team work on Ihe pun ofeven ' andldate.The following men have been chosen aa M.e

Chapel Choir BO, Beverlge, Brndner, Butler, Con-row, Cramer, Crawford, Darby, Egbert, Fisher,risk. Fox, Frame, Furnajieff, Hamilton, Harding,Rangier, Haynes, Herrick, Hodge, Huntington,Inch, Koehler, I.i Felra, Lane, ll M C rmlck,Muipln. North. Otbeman, otto, Payne, Pierson,Shaw, Bherman, Waldo, White, Wyman; ':..'.. Blsh-op Brace, Brien, Briggs, Cadwallei Chamber-lin, Doty, W. Oreen Flamlli, Han Johnson,Jones, Judson, Kerr, Klrkman, Lamp". I.eas, K.MUN. Bcd. Robertson, Bpreeher, Spriggs, Tal-mage, Wayave; 'fl, Angleman, Bodman, iden,Colwell. Kidman. <; Evana, W, Evans, Frame,George, Hallet. Hani-. Havens. Hill, A Jfmlson,ll .launs.ai, jessup, Keener, Reese, B, Miller,Moor,-. Post, Reeves. Beymore, C Taylor, .1 P.Wheeler, P. H. Williams. Woodward; '98, Bond,Churchman, Comstock, Drips. Fosier, ll. aid Mc(' .nibs. \\ ei-c..: .

In addi:;'ti tn the curs.- of study offered Blthe seminary last year, nineteen new elective sub-

jecta have been added to the curriculum. In theill Testament Department the ne» subject* .

Criticism, Exegesis, Bibil, al Theolog. ..f ihe »i 1Testament and Contemporary III r) In the SewTcstamcni Department ihej ure Eseg -ij. Bibli¬cal Theology of the NeaVTestament, Post-Apps.toll.- Literature and New Testament Ureek. i'i *llrst two ol these ar- open t-. four-ye.tr nen ..nly.In the ¦!. parin..nt of dogma) I.log) lhere hav*been added Apologetic Theology, Dogmatic The-ology, Hiaiory of Doctrine and Biblical Theology,In the department of histor)Histor) of Doctrine. American church History.ml nwt.av of Medl ieval S- hoJastlcism, indthe department of practical theolog; thej .-:¦ iit..r\ of Preaching am! th. position and D.liver) of B rm-.ns There are also ¦ vera! nen

coursi i in minor mbje. ta

.MUNS HOPKINS.Baltimore. Bepl The Johi ;i

i*:..\ rslty r* n* ni x- Mon lay foi thi rn

academic year Th* numb r if students will l-

greater thia ye u than rere ! n thi

r. glster lasl yeer Thi firsi wi ek * ll iph-dw .rh Dm m itricu Ul m .» imlnatlon \ n im

t. -r of chang, a In tl taff an

The foll wlm; formei Inatrurtora have been mad*... tat) pi ife* : \ loiph '; im- m.

igi liorraln B, Hulhui mat hei ; L

Emil M< -ri: :. In Roman ii un Rei ird C

Steiner, In hist iry; Chi . in Bern tl

igi -. I.- -a-o'¦ !' Bal foi.

. B. Meade Boltollinga Ialc li ic-

Jae .!. II iTollandei . n le*. Wi -. ,!

li Will ia by, readi I rn poililc* imy, A Bli .; Han ii ¦. I irer In

mathemati. and astia . cw bu,

unlverslith ancli nt an I mo 1 ing.iai hav*been n >ved Inl tl'- n< rn McCoy 1

llbrarj *tip han liing nnd n ruing of ov<

RCTOKRHNew Hr in IW k. N. J., Sept. » (S| Thi

I editorial boar I of Tl - Bi irlet I.- tier

0, from the lass f M, ha sen am

a* f illowi M litor-li ' e .¦.. W \

Chi Pl :- an- r. ":. irll . A. 1

Beta Theta Pl: Q '. ¦'< keon, get* Psi Georgis Nob irl, Chi Phi; K .1 M lev, Dell* I ;¦¦

per, " lt* Phi. Claren W Bj ran Delia

Kappa Epsilon.Th- senate, -.r governing b f Wli int'» I.. I

lormitory, has bet n lei li Thi

are irving Salmon, *6; lt ii Linell, :.'-.

Henry Mareil!, >'.. Frank Mai lim SS; EdwardSt ryker, Tl; Fl \! Deckei M

'I -,. off) -'. '¦ I ol Ih* ar- i*n -.

dent, Lt Mer Inglis. vlei pr< al i- nt, HilsonRuome; treasurer, Ufred < Gregory; se reliiIrving 1. Ree I; *

til apt.i .-, William A K kii ii .¦ Th* frla iffli rs ir. Pre«l lent Pl- yd »eckei. v

pi -. nt ;. irge Kyno, secretarj and tiFrank Drury; historian, M r k. captain ol foolball team, Bert ('oliver.Th- college Y. M .' a baa meda pamphlet

tiile-1 "A Handbook ol Rutgers," containingarti-l.-s ..n Interesting subject*, pertaining t. th*

Ti., lt- .. Di W ll tl Grims, ofitha-i. N V. presided a! the exei Isca li K rkpairick Chapel on Fi la) morning, and gave the student' an -. res* on "The Vi ar In the Ka-t ll;. Hart. M ford Enrlahl an Warren C I'nnSlyke ol thi ni ir 11 is, ha' - '<¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦-.. tedof "The Targum." the weekly publicationstudents The Rutger* Club of New-York sll first dinner of th.non In Nea Y .rk on theevening ..f Ocl bc 16. John N. Carpender, pf N*wBrunswick, a meipreside

of the class of IMS, will

HOBART(leneva, N Y. S-J'l 9 (8|.lal).-Th.- Bept usg* ll

ma' year of ll 'art opened last w-'k with a largernumbc" of applications lhan in any pr.lins ... ir

and with fen losses. President Potter returnedfrom a four month*' tr.p ahmad, th-- ape lal objeelof his trip being a Hud) ol some of the leadingeducational Institution* In England and on the Contin. nt. Pi ifeaaoi Turk, of th* English department,

;¦¦ thi vacation abroad collecting materialfoi a book which he ;j preparing, Professoi lt-.--,the head of the department of modern languages, is

,,t ..ii i- rve .i. li rmany foi one vealWork on th* new Damaresi library ii ail linn.

., will duplicate ihe present Merrill llhrarjbuilding an i s an extension of lt, lu going "ti

rapidly lt ls exp "led that tl." building will beInclosed early in NovembeiUrea! Interest In footbal prevails, and ..

team ha.- been organised. Floj i McCauley, ofPrinceton, ls acting temporarl!) a* coach EdwardI. Cook, formerl) ol Oberlin, will be the regularouch and w li pl* y on the le im

.- **

DARTMOUTH.Hanover, K H.. Bepl 9 (Special). -Th* increase

in the nurobei ..t volume* aide.; to the librar) duilng the y.-ar jusl passed is S.70B This ls great i\ iii

execs* of the number uauall) added, which ls l "'»i

hoiks, not Including pamphlets. No monej was

expended In purchase this summer, but large orders

*.>. soon lo be Issued.The tllee and Banjo clubs have bein reorganised

for this coming season A nen constitution has

leen ..'lawn up. The leader* are thc univ permanent.nei. In the club* All Ihe place* ar.- to b.rnpetltive, and the linn sr* 10 I.- -elected l.\ a ...in

millee consisting of two nwnbtri ..f the facultyand the leader* The winter trip will begin onDecember Mi, snd continue for thr.-. ween* Allthe pun.-,pal ellie* In New-England will be visitedMr Blalsdell, of Concord. N H.. will instruct theOlei Cluh during thi fall tern,. Dwight Hall, 'M.has been secured to .li til" athletic leam durint;thc I illTh.- candidates f..r th* college trusteeship, which

soon becomes vacant, ar.- <'. W. Spaulding, ''.:. AK Hamilton. 'BS; J. S. Connor, '86; J W Lenehan'81; N A McClary, 'M. On ihe rot* t..r the newtrustee, which was announced si commencemeninme. near!) hair ..r ih< living alumni sent In th-irballots Xit the I.isl Votes casi, i'. K. Matthew son

rei eh ed QB and was elected.The Haskell House oas been purchased by Ihe

college. The price paid was X:,,i«.m Professor E. B.i int has .e.-. mic published B translation ofBcbrin.i-r'.'i "Astronoml al Bpectroscop) "

tvwnCollsge HUI, Mass., Bept. Si (Special).--Wince the

beginning of ihe college snesftor th* n. rn Comm -ns

Hail, with accommodations for a large iiinmx-room, a poatofllca, and a i»; >k store, hus been com¬

pton Melcsll Hall, In the i!urmlt.ir\ for women,¦¦ ¦: (inlsbi I. nnd the wing to th* Barnum

Museum completed, with ihe exception of the in¬terior. Work *n lb* Chemistry Building, which the

tm-.' is recentjj decidi to ronstrUcI baa beenrai idly pushed, and the itructure, with smpfclaboratories and private workrooms for the in-

Btructors, arlll he finished In i month, and readyfor occupancy, lt ls probable that the freshmancisss uiii consist of forty-nine student* In the de¬partment of ari* thlriy-flve In thc engineeringcsuncs, and fifteen In the Divinity Behool. Tzar

Medical Behool doe* no! open until next m..nih.Th* most Important change ir ihi ;¦ lt) is the

return of Professor Michal, who has been chosenI io fill the -. iran! char In I misti ;' has re-

irned to "ii- country fi >m Englai whe .. hi hasresided ts wu*. Professoi Wsrren S. Wood-bridge, new!) appointed :.. Ihe enan of applied

I rhemlatrv, '.¦.- mule t .; Europe to mak* a stud)ol the Church in its relation* to thi al prob¬lem*. The TllflS -har.'-: of I'.-Ila I'pallon ll.'-

In* '¦'--- ¦. -'

ri IRYARD.Cambridge, Ma.-, Bept, 9 ISpecial) Several Im¬

port pi ange* ave l-. n mad* al H ard r..r iii

present college > ir. Two ne* ormitorii were

pened on Thursday for Ihe first time Perkins Hall,with elghty-elghl rooms, ami Conant Hali, with

foi ty four loom K n the Bi it lin n st i-

d-ii'-' ...n find good accommodations In CambridgeHarvar<I new building, thi Fogg Art Museum,I-. also rm en..-un advanced toward completion to

g ve an Idea ol gi nei il app. aral ll nil! be

ready for ipa nc. rome lime In Xoveml r

Profi if >i Frat ki InQ rn in, Pl fe* i Taussig n

economics, Professoi Foj In Bemltic, and Protea

ti irreti \" endell Ki gilah, hav< li va allom

th's year, Of Ibe professors who wer* awa: Issi

j. ir, .--. J. w White In On k, Prol

C. C. Kv-i-f In the DB nil) School, ITofiCherie* Eliot Norton m th* fine ar's, and Profes-¦oi Han h. hist irj. a III be at wi rk a n th

Football ls ti.ni) bi ar ii of athli tlci yet In

I Crack athletes and .men sill begin

training n< nt wi ck. i - material ,¦¦ od for a

man x en, tho igh moat ol th. pronlow training th \ Mina

Varsity e'.evei ha* made good progresi ring tlwe l< Two ¦¦ ei lined up foi tulai ini¬

on :.| -ii .a- on have done «-. evei -. da)Tv. regular playing i- a* yel ..: ahorl duratton,never .'\-i twent) minutes. Most of th- timi

g p. pi e Using ind | ii.t.i.-- Lewis stilli- bulk of Ihi cos bins, e. uugh h* li

-tai .---I- ants; 'r. by, '91; Willard, 'Et; Tllloi pi n, ':.¦. and ii Brooks, the tnalrman ol th*

er* Several nen men have made their nppi..i..n- Doueetie, 'gi, a big candidati foi cent ru

rush, an I "I! h Wn i . ot lennis fame, who bi;

i.. to I* qu 'I"- r'.'-e k for this yeai. i- lln. ai notable

. ni Fri io ¦ -. nlny hi dk-ge gavi a rei ptlon to

new student* lr .-.mi-' Thi ure Thi new stu

il nt* weri addiesseil b) l.leutenanl Hovel W kl-. ott, May.,1 Baner -lt. President Eliot an IE llWarren ., chali man " i'he 'rimson"The Harvard Dall) News.' thi new rival of "The

ii: il,.;.i- :, s;r.-ii,- bl tor l.-'i lt*Board of l-l Mot* Im lu. i: M F indr ni,

editor; l. W, Mott, '96, m mag ni lil >i \ KMoe, 'Pi, aecrelary; Charles Houcfter, H, Brui PS Biran ".". i- .-u ts manager* md A P. Stonmid C. (1 Kn.dilan.-h. ':>¦'.. ass,.cia'- editor* WhenIts first Issue ..j p. ired ip il .':.- nun. ol MissJohnson, ol Radcliffe College, bul 'I authorities illt., litre obji -t-l thal ll wen no . ; in ofHarvard I'niversllv, and forceil th. wi hdrawal ofMis* Jo! i m.


South ''. h'.i hem. Pei I >>';- lal) Fool-ball has h. en the all-ab if conversa

lion at Lebii foi I* »i weet Ever) ifti ri ¦> u

tb rn ole co li c. turn* oui to wat.

Th* can lld*ti - ap| ar on th* Del l b> i ¦.

They nii.ni -t ab ut fort\. an I for Ihe)i-i .! falling -n thi ball, pal n kicking and

ere wal then.,:¦,- UStW'-J

eleven -, ir-1 practl fltakes plan Hie pr pi

.i *t ', teaml.ast Krld r M

!.-. In-'- Ul .- r- lb ck and Ktrip . ' 'omi ll I'nlversli

\ r. returnli Ul¦f the large work the i sere In-i-- .. 1 and severs vain .!¦;. '. «. n

The l-l,-, -i leal Emllrstmi Ung n Ti ired.iy evenlni


Houston a lr. Ki !'iMi -.., i - . rd Nen \ rh


WI ito* Ul Sp'nge In the collei

rule*. 1

...-.,.-'.nra w rk. A

mlttee of th.t> r an



;¦ . '. can pf I'

Thi '

LAFAYIpenn. Bej

tllh k n elected. »mai io r

rt, sprain.

\ gi' lo the si'

li tun-*. Pp ' v

Rp.Ml Pr .fep r li ll \

ll il Ja... "Polli il Ora UH 'V

.-ii \. H Klrkpa 11 ktb* H*-> Di Ki.

an 1 Pi .'.**dr ^ H Owen "Hom.i

Y \KK.

N-w Haven. Sep! M (Special). Cornellui Vsndei

Mit, Jr. tendered a friei lahip dinner laal rvenlng

to twent) five Val- students al Heubleln'i ire

Arrangements h.el (...r. male on Ihe mosl *i

tensive seale, and it eclipsed anything or the kind

given In the pa*t Th* eas! banquet hall "f Ihe

raft gras i ly decoraled for Ihi.tasion with

p itted plant, and . ut flow* i ind pr. ntl 1

(al M-Ctic.

The new freshman elssi numben it. .rdlngto the register yesterda) lt ls sn In ress*

fifteen over ihe clan of 'tl last year, and of thirtyover tl.- class "f M Iwo yeal as-'

Amil ll Davenport, of New-York, ba- left by willto the Yal.- College Library hi* manuscript volume260 years -ii. written b> th* Kev. John Davenport,.-! London, and afterward ol Sew Haven I'olonyA tn- etina nf Ihe \ ali oi. it lon ha> I.n

railed to lake . Hon on th* Deposition m hi. h tobe mad.- of tl-. .Man.'-i" left l.v Willi,nu WalterPhelpi and ids fat!., t.. erect ¦ bulldini on the

campus. Th.- .-.np..ration has under advisementthre. l.n. im. li enhvrno the new library; the...-.on. to c.. 11*1111. ¦. a building between I.. --. -1

and Welch hall* for refectory or lormttorj iiand thi thu to build a dot nillo' -,- ni I t to

Whlti Hall, on ihe new campus. There i» u clauseIn - i. .quest, bowel.-, arl lated thal thebuilding -hall be erected on ihe dd ....;-.-. whichv. ill probahl) i-i- hide Ihe onsumin it of thelasi named plan

1NI\ EKS1TT OP it. a'HES 111;

fi "h. Bier. Sep 9 (Bpi . Th* fr -.m. in i

elected Ihe follow,ng named officers on WedmI';--- li nt, W liam I Rakel. vice pr alden!, \l irl rt

A. '"ha* ' iry, Ra) ifha : -¦¦ treasurer, Arti ii L. Bmpey; toastmaster, Bradlej i irroll; his-

torlan, Howard D Taylor; poet, Ira S Wile;prophet, Charles P. r.-». orator, C. P Williamson;

.: i. Iwar I ll »ennl t m; member ol Btu-dents' Association Executh Committee, Fred :<

C <;." iv. in There are now eight) thr.tudentat- I-- I a. the ti anal. la**

Fi ilbnll pt i tlc* ha* . in The athletic Interestsof th* college ir- th- aeason In lb* entire chargeof an executive committee composed -.f Thoma*Freeman, 18. Wnitei M (Has*. ''.»., Smith. Tl, andOoodwin, 'M There li much good athletic materialIn Ihe freshman -ia-- The football team lost a

numbei of it* n..-i. thi utgolng rlaas, bullie "t the number, Wynne, ia*t year's captain, la

likely to inter foi a post-graduate rou rsi Whian*who wa* elected to i. captain of this y.n> teamha n il - entered iib g<.Miss Wilkinson, the uni) "..I." has resumed

'"i idle A11 hoii«h em .lb -1 a* a -;--i' .-til bulsh.- sill tak.- thi sophomore bi.in rai ¦

I SWARTHMORESwarthmore, Penn.. Sept 9 inpeclal) \ maaa-

in iii >¦ of tbe students rn is ii-id on Tue day -itt'

noon for iii- purpose of arousing general InterestIn tb- .M.- football - n| sign, Mn iger¦'. i the meeting t" order, and when sp echei had

been made b) President De Oarmo Captain Hodge,, Manager Clothier and l-l. P. Bond, ft, tb* plan waa

idopp "f selling season tickets for th- thre*

gsmes .ai tin- home ground! I th.- reduced price ofone dollar. Aa Ina sun a are with Dickinson, Buck¬nel! Pnlversltl and Franklin and Marshall, this..- .-ir should attract more people rrom outsidenie college and thu* materially Increase thc nat--

i.ipi*"v.Iiik to th* lack of int.-r.-sl sh. w n for th- Instfea years in th w .rk of he literary * >eletl* i

proposed that the pres.-nt \ ear the Incoming *to-.1. nt* be equal!v allotted to tbe two s. eli li

111 .S'l', IA

Bonton. B*pt, BJ (Special). Dr. Oeorg* K. Morris,Of ('itu-Inn.ill. univ."I In Boston t1:- Hr t of Ho¬

wick and inti rd anon his duties ,-is pmf*ssor i.f

practical theology. Dr. Morrl* tak.-¦ the Harrischair of theology, which, up to a year ago (his fall,

wa* ao successful!) held bj Luther T. Townsend,Professor Townsend having resigned si the end f

a term ol twenty-fiv* \. ir- servlee. Matriculation<J»y «t the School of Theology will thia year com*

aa October lu. th* Ho*. Ur. U. Eh Rlahell, of

Springfield. Ohio, being chosen '. deliver the nn-im.il address

rho etas* of tl of th. College of Liberal Art*held its annual class tn'etina on Tuesday, st whichthe following ofRcen were chosen; President. JamesH Hayley; ,-lce-presld»nt, Mi-1* Esther Doilge; sec¬

retary, H.is- I1 lloultenhouse; treasurer, MissI.mr 'I lb nd. i-

KXIVKRSlTT OF CHICAOO¦ago, Hep!, -ti (Hpecial) i.i*t week wai ex«

amlnntlon week. No itudenl li admitted to the un-

graduate department without examination. Bf-forti have been made now and agsln lo obtain ex-

n.pti.-n f .r ihe Chicago hi>th schools, but withoutIghteii -acc.-*. President Harper hims.-if ia

o ¦¦- ¦! t. an] system ol admission on certificateom twenty-two unit* (each "unit" mean* a year**work In one branch) each *t.|.|ent is required t->

in examination In Hurt.'en. tbe selection beingm -!¦ eco lin* ihe degree at which he alms, Naon. is permitted to take an examination with .ut a

certificate from his itrui i r.. the effect thal he I*.ul ii.tiid tu I.. *-. Thia nave* considerable

--.1 labor In reviewing worthless papers¦.( ll n ni idi ii. the i ri

li hi* ..wu teach*)if th

¦ few

lixundent who

The examination* may !.-. taken ¦ few al a tlnu.bu ihi indent musi pas* In al l*a*l liv* iiubjecia'.. Ural ime rn orJer to g-iin an) credit. One .>rtw conditions ar* sometimes permitted, bul the)

trlctli limited Students ma) be examined iner, January, April and .lily, and enter th'

ts*, ..r. Indeed, any department, at thoset.ai- ismln uloni bi held In several pla. *

i.. Ch igo. and arrangement* are mad- to givethem *!sewher* whenever tre-rc ls a sufficient num-

I i oi in lld kies t ¦ warrant lt.Profess riailsburi ha* had a geology eui** of

i Inc th:* i|uarter, which ha* dune noteworthy workth dx wi rk* the; have been al Devil'."

i.iU... wi*., where they hav* >. en making a geologt... map of the various features of the mirroundlna.

tn Thi flt ld .... atlon* w a* ti act tion.-. .mi seven mlS wk!* which they ha\

explored In parlies of two ir thr. willia \ :. w io noting ' ;¦.'...;¦. li [luria! fea tur*

DIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.Phllaile'.phlt. B»pl. 9 fBp la'.)..The various di

thi niversify n;:. .¦;-- n on M >n ly,T ¦' lance, ^ is expected, wl'.l abom emmi

a*i m ison In th* college lepartmenl 17S.- have ei admitted to the freshman class,

m.! pi ... tl imb*i wl'.l re.eli MO before iheop nu The School of Architecture wl!l I

-.- mimi r of tudenti this year.Dui ¦' nimmel numerous chang** hav. i.n

mide in mai i b) th- n ilgnatli n of'.¦ Pepp»i and lean Ja) n--, of the c >'.>g*Vctlni Pi ivosl Harrison hai issumed the duties of

ht* off) bi ¦! ls in I li offli .¦ tw ' d ij -i "f

sh a ".. .¦ ty i r>-.. si lents, a.* Pro¬vo*! Pepper lil :." regulai Offlc* douri. Pr

;.. irge H Fullerton is now vlce-provo*tlean of the rollen* Profes ., ('r ,\ \

i* suh-dean. and ll W, Mumford li asalstanl to thePri»l r i. La b xl >tx Li ihi dean "f Ihe

if I .»

Xtu.ructors sp| ..:.... I for thi omtngi u ir- .";,r..- i; stendenha'.l, In physics; < I ¦¦

ii Hallen, in mathematics; V. .v Wl'.mer, n elvli'n tv'.- v lt 'amac In bl il .¦¦

Di San..!-. |{ Lind*!) has b>»n appointed Instrii toiYhirton Behool In thi Mi Heil

Dr. Di viii itelsman was cho en demonstratorgy. Dr. Hem Ij Hey r,

'.n and assistant demonstratorKr. W .X. I. Dilan 1, isslstani

In thi l.a-.'. Behool Pr ¦-

.ssh . is beetr of lan traci porai na ind pleading

st . W

. ? .-

\ X SS Alt.

P ghkee| .-'.;.. i (gpc. ,;, Tl; al litlonithe I .. ia follows: In tin

lepartmenl Professoi Bimi r Elswoi thplaci '-f .x'

fun ¦'¦ isor of English HmMr* I. N Tllllnghaat, essay critic

. th* io tm math il -I i- iiind In the I. itin

tis graduate ..f the class of '90ken the 'cir of phi osophy An

hemleal¦..< i i.- .i I.

ll.x\ ERF" d'.l'

M.'- ¦:. -il. Penn.. Bepl S3 (Special) Haverford-ir on xx. ir.- id i\ w Ith an

.. mil h. Tl - ft' abm in cl* .* is un-me vi r> promisti -.

.ii an -ri. kelWin' evenlpg I'ri lent gi irpl*** nave out

he most Imporlai ol. il .il. ellon from ei en-

- .'.. .'

il In the upper class** wa* alao ani

foothill thi* f ill ls aomewh il¦! o u All of . leal

!.. rolli .'¦I

-¦ Mo tai kl- Th*neat, and .

n cal bini and kl. kingI f the pr* ni and *ei i-i.trv ,.f th-

lei Hall to

.-. Hali, thu* bring ni thi Ideni carer

Kl* n placed all through Barciay ll .ming from the new -I,In the


r-r. Kv Bept . (Hpeclalb- Olorioui weather

greeted thi Hud nu who gathered for thc

the fail term While man] ai. li

lalned b) Ihe summer v hool- In which Ihey are

"nine instruction ihe attendance wa* much largerthm evei b fore He'tween fifty and *i\i> student*from >ai.. Northern Stat' arranged t" meet inI'ln.-lnnnl good r impany and re lu edia- * for the last I3ti miles of the lournei MissItlaruhe Freeman enter.- upon thi duties of prln

KU l>odge, . la- lied to Ih" fa-ultv in -la*-: -. and <'lay H. rrlrh in history Thelatter 11 a grandaon of Cassim M. clay, of WhiteHall. Ki.

. ? .

WESLEYANMl Ilelown, Conn Bepl 9 (8pi lal) Thc silty

nf Wi .¦ in I'nlvi rslty began on Fr,.. ir th* *. 'dor .: - ii hom ire t

,:. el ns I* th* in ti ¦¦ red f-.r sever ifv. irs, with an *ni m-¦ of IOU students, Includingfourteen young w ti. a d/creaac of four in the

-ii itiona', dei.lent North Collage, the largestipi* :. m sever il atu '-. ti

,,r. .- imp* led to im In thi town,

The .cu . of phl'.oaoph) ho* been material!) en

md A ii in l*rof« *5 ir xx J. shaw begin i

esl tl Wealeyan Profi asor shaw __ i(

Teronto, cia** of 'K, an i ¦ t. tow Inthe u i.i ii* 'al; u post-graduste... ii i nto ai I Princeton. Dr. AlfredPierce Dennie, a Blatant profeaaor at Princeton foi

thi laai three ... entera upon the dutie* of

professoi -ry. niling Ihe v keaney

kim c. the departure of Professor Stevi

to ihe chair of histor) in Depauw I'nlverslt) In.!,. j ii physiology, gi >'.og) an I astronomy

hgv. been li - --. '-I ii In t Ihe rea Un 1

studtei in psycholog) and economic* Senior* havru,I i .i,.. in eilitu st! in evident

¦w\.- studlea barring ethlci ..:.

-, which are rt iuir- d.


Sch-'u 'lady, N X'. Bepl ."> (Special) The w->rk

done i... the football team tim* far haa creati the

greatest enthusiasm, Th* men ar* all la tin- cm li¬

tton, and ii- a who:* th- team has mad.' good prog¬ress kinder lb* experienced supervision of th* coach,.Mr Thompson Williams, tee new half from Will¬

iamstown, ie a strong acquisition, running k>w and

foiiow im, hi* Interferei. well Next Saturday, at

Ithaca, i luni meeta Cornell, and fully expect* to

keep th* uppoaltlon from scoringKirkpatrick, champion half-mile runner of Amer¬

ica, Li i.ek al moa on.c more, and i* Iii hardn |nina He will take par! In thu annual FallAtKb tlc hand cap meet, whicl.curs on tbe college

., October .'¦ Numerous entries have been., |) n le, and the day iii.ls fair to be an Inter-

.; meTh* sophomore das* mel last Tuesday and organ-

Ixei] follows: President, Swetland; vice-president,Hm lecretary, Cleaver; treasurer, Cotton; foot¬ball manager, Cummings; beanball managar, Cooper;manager track athletics, flower*; asalstanl man-

of "The Concorillenais." Draper; historian,Pershing The senior election* will occur next Mon¬day.

.\t a ollege meeting in ld last Friday morning,inn-- l-l Kelly, >'.. wa* elecled aaslatant manager... track athletics, and Kuasell Oreenman, >'.. assist-snl foot tall m mager.Tb.- Man loiin club will glv* lt* tirsi entertalnm nt

thi* season, at Ilalislon, uctobei '. The annual con¬

cert t,..ir will be mad.- als.ut Baster.

lill'. <' I tv COLLROE.The bill for a new college building, which wss In¬

troduced before the Legislature of thi* State last

f.,',1. win i.sjaklered again during lb* neal few., ;.!,; |q friend* of Ihe college here. Th.- collegeauthorities hop- this y-ir to obtain a better result.

Thej ar-- nut nt all down-he irte.I. but Seem mote

iirfldenl than ever of getting what they wish In

the next fi « ve ir*.

The tulon who have taught i" th* colleg* f-.r

Are year* have sent m their application* for the

title of lilli ruclor to the Board Bf Trustee.*. Til-

moll .n granting this was passed OJ the board Bl

the me meeting, it further mya thal after thc

instructor ha* taught leven yean he wl'.l recelr*

tin- tit... ..f asststani profesewsm.- McGuire, Qlnsburg, Oppenheimer, Creen-

baum ani student* of th*lf stamp left th. college,there hi* been ne lacross* whatsoever. Bul thisyear a sreu effort hu* been made to start a t*um

tbai wei equal tbo*« of ytari gone by. A mealing

was cali i last w-'-ek at which Ft. Tdmbo, 'Mi. was

president; Mr Barnhurat, IB, -.-¦".arv; Mr.

Lyon*. 'Jg treasurer, and Mr. Bimbel, "st, captain.At th* meeting trrsngem nu were made for prac-Using on Wednesday and Friday iii Central Park.The sesson for ''rushing'1 men for fraternities

ha* been ,,p,.n f,,r the laal tw« week*, st Ih* co.-

l"g*. ftfen were "cornered" in a.. par-* of the build¬ing by member* of fraternities, who described th--meriti "f their respi :tie< locietlea. a* a re»u t. Phi(illina.i Delta initiate 1 Xl: V"*rmilya, '97; Thetai '.. -1 Chi. Messrs Bryant, 'SB, ani Foster, 'SJ;Delta Kappa Epsilon, .xi *»r* Tripp, 'ag; Dunn, 'IE;Ka.fa. '97; Tun .-. 'fg, an ivla. 'nt.Al the r uti.,;; rm ttir.g thia week Mr. Martin, 16,

wa* sleeted manager

BALTIMORE WOMAN'S COLLEGEBaltimore, Sept :". (Spacial)..Al bo tim- ha*

there been m ire di* .rder in th* arrangement of theschedule* "f the nev stU'lentl than then .va* thi*

var The troublous tltnei have, however, been'safely pe.*., i, ,,n.| .|.. college routln* pr.I*peacefully, Nearly tl hundred itudenta aaaembledin the chapel sn 'Mon lay morning al the openingexercises, which were conducted by Presidentk heiTne continue) serious Illness of the dem, Dr

J, B, Van Meter, ls deepl) regretti 1 b) the college,for si no time ls ids presence more needed than

now, The duties of the lean have, however, beenadmirabl) fulfilled by Dr. x\' T. K. Huton, whohis b-¦ i: compelled .n the interim ti give up some

iiI on "r in* classr tom work.lu addition to the new Instructors appointed al

the beginning of tin- v. ir, Mis* A. Hertha Miller,a graduate of th. clea* of 'M st th* Woman'sCollege, hal been appointed assistant instructor inLatin In th" Olrls1 1. ititi School.A prli !:''. hi* been offered bv Profesi ir J, s

S iffii for the is si col all be BentIn beti December i


Cl 'l.KMKIA.For the Issi week, the reglstnr*! ollie- ii «"..111m-

bia Col!eg* ia- been the main p:.u- ,.f attraction.The rei ina from the ondltl >n and titran te ex-

imlnatlom har* be n ciimlng in and the llI -ti !'-* im. been Bled away. The number

of students who will be In attendance la still uncer¬

tain, for, although the regular .lay* foi matricula¬tion ended on Batui lay, many ..f thi rn ni hav*

as yet returne l to thi city. The dh ge yi it

i.- ,n* to-m ar. w ai 9 W a m.. and it la exp .. l

President I, w will make a short elli.**, ii

usual, to the itudenti sssembled al the chapel exer¬

cise, which 'ak-- place |uai bel re the r Itatlonabemn. Dr Win D Wal iplsln ol thilege, will deliver to-morrow the Aral addresa ol i

ntltli Thi s « anal Faltha of the W irl I.""Brahmlnlsm" win i the lim one treati I.Sh last year i veral change* hav* b en mad*

in the facultlei of the varlour department*, and abmIn the colli te bulldingi Th* faculty of Ihe School"f Arti ii* i. :i mil. larger by the addition ofseveral professori from the faculties "f other de¬partment! in which courses hav- been opened tothe ai ideml tud< nt* li P. Starbuck, A. B..LL tl .u.d K. F. Cai fi. id x M.. LL. B., b ithleeton rs ir. hav.- been admitted to the facul¬ty -if the l.iw School, with *h" title of pi mof law In thi Heh iola of Mm- . an Me heineleveral chang-* have als j been made In tb lect¬urer mts.Th* old boardwalk aero* lpns, which was

¦.¦¦¦ lt. fee I the boi itlon of thetra.-k athletic team Ia*t ppring, has been replaced

.. ibatantlal |. .. 1..¦- ¦-¦¦- have :¦ .. ihi library, which willprobably force thi Junior* to h.ll their bill in

thal ;. irt of the ltbran floorr. n l--r- I suitable la n it lara

re now ;.- . - volumes In

.tl r hall,s hi th can ti >w

. rh Tlion

Th*- departm ni of romance languages hisr inged for a seri popular subj

he dellvi ter* on Thur lg)iften ¦. " m In lian llton H ill, begln-n ng n ¦. ber iv Th. '.-. tuns w fne, with-

ti io «--i i. nt* 'f all denartmi tr* ¦ .

:¦' ty, Hamal College, Inion Theologicalnary and ': Ti ;' C i!!< ne

ll I* .rn '.-. to pr-li" th.- future of the ath-:¦ ti 'in- bul ihe freshman football eleven bidsfair : > be n.-'i-r than .- lal, sad will begin il

practice tai* w k Thei will probably be no

universlt) football team ,vii« year\ un x ¦¦ if the c il li ge will hold

lu annual meeting thi leg* hu hiing to-mor-row evening officer* f i th* ¦omlng year will heeli 'b I. ml also foui memberi to the standing

ST .I.'MN'S.

\i hi no i.:l etina ¦' .' .- .1 philosophyIn s.-.-n -. Hall, held -. Tue* ly, the fellowing of¬

fer th- coi ir wei

lent, William Xi Royle; resident, J ihn J.

I.kry; correapo .--,.¦ rerence J Doyle;irer, .1 Hal ling Fisher. Thc present .lass ..f

phllosoph) li ¦.¦ largesi ol tl.Iles* fo* -..m.

\..ir* In accordanci i rder .-* u

.-- ttur la) Bi pteml er ti. the batta uletiformed on th.liege .- .:. Mon lav, thi -I'..

Lieutenant Orangei Adams, '-'ii Artillery, i'nlti i

State* Army, eomn indiug. The followingw re il) i r imoti to .iii- i In the « tri ma com¬

paniea Compan) A Captain John -I Doekry; Iii I

lieutenant, Edward M Kami., iccond leutenant,

john J o'Rourke; eergi ima. Charles T Binnott,Francis N O'Neill, John J Cavanagh, John T.

i.. -.\ Georgi K iiayea; corporala, George A'.

Oralnfl r, Joseph Kelley, '.-rall Harry and Robertsin.dds Compan) ti Captain, Mauri e Doran; Brat

lleutensnt. James Fir ier; econd ii-m. nant. Trigan!Burrow; sergeants, Josep.i Farrell, lllchard Mitch¬

ell, Frank Quinlan ai Rober! McDonald; corporate,1' Brant, Clarence Malone, Jamel Wilson and XX',

Beman! Wingate Compan) C Captain, C Kan-;

ur.*! lieutenant Terenc. Boyle; second lieutenant,Edward Connell; sergeants, N. l>elehanty, JameaM Donnell. Stephei Caasld) John Claffy and JamesDonovan; corporals, Charles Carr John Joyce,Lewis i 'allan and '. Ol ge >al) Cndl r tlof the Rei Mi.h.. .ll .. .-.¦ s .1 a new alof the students' llbrar) ia* been recent1) Issued.

\ oui *- "' religio iructloi i ..- in on

Siii-i.u, September 23, In itu chapel bi the Rev,jo*epn /.wa.--, s J th* -ib.i.-ct being "Th- K\:*t-i-n. ol '¦ I. a- u tia la) vesperi were lungby '."" voices An Ave Marta sa* also given byKlchanl O linet:- Hi tenor. The baaeball team

mtioucs it* fall outdoor practlci 'rn Thursday,September .7. thi flnl i'.i ; ayed another irpfielding game with the iccond team and defeatedlt h) the * in ol 7 to I The first team' fieldingwai luperb, but ll wai weak at the bat. Mai lg"Tom" Ca'.k la to hiv- th team pra. tinebatting the real of the season, and not pa) io muchattention to fieldingThi football team li hard at practice ever) dy

under the captain. William Boyle, who has play**]halfback on the Fordham t- mi for iw .-. irs, andunderstands the game Qamea are being arrangedw "i many "f th- different colleges. Out of thiforty .andi.I.in-* the following are the moat prom¬ising Nicholas Delehanty, .Junes Fisher, Frank..ninian, .b-hn Claffy, Andrew Croaaa, CharlesDownes, I.-wis Callan, Frank O'Neill, MauriceDorian, George Hayes, Gerald Darry, .l"hn McCarthy, Clarenei Mal.-. George Granger and Law¬rence Dunlavey. Thi Rev. Thoma J Campbell,,8, J., sx-Provincial, who has i.n vialtlng the col¬lege for the la-' few daya, lefl .: Saturda) to beginhil missionary workThe Parthenian Sodality, under th* direction of

the Itev. John c. Han. s J., held lu firsi mi 'tingon Sunday, September 23, .m.! elected several of thiofflcers for thi first term. Those elected are L,Louis Tracey, pnfeet: John i'. McCarthy, Brat ai-

¦litant. and Thomas Culktns, second assistant. Themeeting daya arc Sunday and Wednesday.

NORMAL COLLEGEEx-Preildenl Hunt, of the Hiard of Education,

win- hai no! been pn lent alncc the fall opening ofthe Nounal College, waa present Pride) morning Inthc chapel at the assembl) hour, ani made an ad¬dress of welcome to the new itudenta

\- Iti meeting lasl week th Alpha1 I'...: i Cam-

ma society had a discussion on "Dree* Reform."Ml-i Ads lt Winn-, a former president ol tte

society, gave a talk on Deteart* and hi* workTie- Philomathean Society, al ns weekly meet¬

ing! save an Ii.k.'I iw performance moat inti fa

tortl) Thia week the Si debate of the year willbe bel I.Th" iir*t exercises of each morning In Ih* col¬

lege ai. caltithenttci in tbs gymnasium b) one-half th* dud..ai-, and chorus Binging rn itu- chapelnv th- other half The pupil* alternate event otherlu im.- feature of the normal ir.lining ls th aeach young woman may learn, while In the college,how i" govern pupila, and uc ardingly a >. .rtain

number I* selected from the senior claaaei to sciki Instructor* Following li .. bs; of the teachers,n calisthenics Jessie Qumbrecht, Elisa XX'. Whit¬ing, Piora Tompeon. Jeannetti Barr*, Eltea M. I'nderhlll, Florence V'lbber, Julia Davis. Adc lt. Br*-voort, ''aroiine Pfortner, .birnie t Cohen, MarvDavidson, Marj V. M.... Marj I. Herbert. AnitaStromeyer, Viol* Cohn, Fanny I. Oppenheimer,.Min.- Kab"i'. Nelli- M Bowtell, Beatrice Stern.Teresa Harri*. Clarinda A. Rourke, Florene* LFrobisher, Christine Snow, Hertha Ruben*, FloraK.nv.'iithall. Neille Miller. Ella Schwerin, HaraChapple, Susan Rodler, Bridge! M. F Caulfield.Babette A, Kayton, Isabella Levy, Florencegchwals, Emily Uluck and Helen F. Robinson.

ThPRATT lNsrVn tk

rt Department of Pratt institute open* withencouraging!) largs number of atndenta who

an- ready '" give all da) ti their work, Thseoura*In design has been greatly strengthened, and addi¬

tions have been ma.le tu the corps of instructors.

Beside* th* line* Of work already fallow.-,!, the

c..ilise wUI In.dude special ns; met li ul In the funda¬

mental principles of design, showing the derelop-meiit of simpi- principia* and their technical appiuiM.ui Add-I I.i the course of applied design for

.a U paper, ru*-. *llk*. etc., opportunity will be

given for the pursuit of general interior decorationand designing for stained glass, pottery, atlver andmetal workThe Department of Kindergartens has planned a

two v*ar*' course for th* training of mir***. Thi*c.nirse will begin In October, and will meet everv

Wadneauay evening for twenty weelu. Tb* theory

of the kindergartens most helpful to the nurse willtie given, together with the stories, games, gift* andhandiwork. Talk* on clothing, feeding and exercli-ing the child will also come within the scope ofthis .ur**.



All the civil c.,uris in thi? city resume rh- ir *«*-

a< ma to-nwrrow and thus begin th* work of th*i'»*il year. Presiding Jeanie* Van Brunt andI ce* i) Brien an! Parker will sit at thc GeneralTerm ef tin- Supreme ..ur; to bear non-enusBsrstea1ni uion*. Justices Barrett. Andrews. Tm.ix andBesch win preside at th- CJrenil <'o:rr*. All the

Judge* of th- Superior snd Commoa Plats c >urtswill h.- In their place*, the trial term* In th" dm-mon Pl-a* being held t» Chief Justice Dal) andJudge* Hooks:a<- t ard KischoiT. mil in thc Sj-l.erlor Court by Chief Justice Sedgwick and JudgeiK - lilian and McAdam. New ab noir* hav,- beenj..'"Pared in m..-: of ti.- .-..ir'.-. Tne calendar of thenew cases in th* «'.rcii|r 'eur;, numbering severalhundred, ha* been published. The Saturda) cai¬nbil- tn i;i.. Superior ('..um eoaai*i*d of an un¬

usually large number of eas* ind iii all th*branches of th various courts there la a largeaccumulation of causes in m mt of thc trial couria

ayateia f i kiting the .-a*.* in one pan of thecourl snd sending them to other parts for trial'¦ be follow..I out, a* -h.- Judges believe that aconsiderable daring ..' time la thu* affected. Th*year in thc court* of tm city win be memorablea* thi last in which the ancient Court of Commoni- and th- Superloi Court will exist, if theConstitutional amendments prepared by 'he Con-ventlon of tin* year sra adopted ut the poll*.

Th- fine months ..f steady work by the membersjf th- Constitutional Convention will, unless thepeople r- t" t their labor* at th- Nov-mber election,lie the m..*' Inapor a-n :.] th- Constitutional historyof th- Sta) m nearly forty years. Thc Conventionof this year will he noted a* one of the most husi-nessllk* of the bodies engaged in revising th*indenten tal law of ti,ls .-tat... Tn.- Constitutional

Com guthm of IHI sat for ab.ni three months. TheConvent on of ibis, which, in the Importance of thework accomplished an I lu lasting Influence on thelaw* ol ta- Slat-, is 'i b- i-ank.-d among the llrstin the history of it-.- States, remained in sealionabai; ih" sam- length of nine ai the Convention ofthis year. Thc Constitution whi-h it pnparad still

li in most ..f it* Important feature* a* th*highest law ..f the Btati The Convention of 1*67

.' from June t of that rear, with some interval*if leisun, until the end of the following February.ani. although ila- debates were eloquent and long,a large pan of th- work wa* rejected by the people.\- the ''.invention f thia year the preliminaryw-.rk was accomplished slowly, ard some com¬

plaint was mil- of delaya hy th- various corn¬ices, but tall nv* a whole il wasted little time,

and the Imp .r;,mt changes were accomplished de¬li!..¦: ar. 1\ and without unnecessary speech-making.

The latest r.-ports of decisions in this State con-

t.-in an unusual number "f j.uiiar accident cases.

a Buffalo b..y wu., undertook to steal a ride on a

hors* car wi* startled by the unexpected appear¬ance of th- conductor, whom he supposed to bc atthe -.ii.er md "f th- ear, ard in his fright he fell..ff of th" .ir and waa injured. Although the Courtnell thai he was a trespasser, h was allowed to

r- rover damage* from th. atreel railway company.A Drool, lyn niau was found -lil on the «|.lew ilkclose to a bridge built over sn excavation in the

¦idewalk The bridge was Imperfectly constructedand the position ..f the I.-, ly indicated that the man

mu*: have stumbled and fallen at the place wherelefeel existed Ki* legal nnresentattrss were

allow- to r.vcr t'.-r the los* of his life from thebuilder of the bridge. Prom Columbia County cornea

th* f.a'f vi a man who wis salting on the riverwh. rc the Ice nil been cut and the surface hadagain fros-m i ver, brr. not to a sufficient depth.The law require! that a parson cutting Ice shallsurround th place from which he has taken the browah a fence .r gu ul.* until new ;< e hid formed to; ii d-pth of six in.he. Th- sk.it.-r fell Into 'heric. r wh-r- tia- Ice was only thr.flirters of anIndi thick and was drowned. A verdict in favor ofins representative! ani against th. company which.-ut th- - wai sustained In two ca*e*. also re-

;.. rt. within the ins' few weeks, men Jumped frommoving trim.* al the suggestion of conductor* andwere Killed Tin- court* held that the passengerswen guilty "f negligence in jumping from the

1;. tllow verdict* In their favor,<-v. -i ;h nigh tli- official representing the company

Hinged th- acta >: recklessness.

Kv- of the -ix candidates of the lauding partieafor sm- nfl) tn ar- lawyers and moat of them are

in early millie lift, They all became pr uninentIn teal irYiirs it a comparatively e,rl>- age. I.iw-

y.-r* usually hav* an advantage OV*r those of other

¦..-;il tri n- in gadilng early admittance to aubilsli!'-, i ul i; I tea n u often hap; >n thal so large a

pr .p-irri »n of the .ind:dates for important public.-¦ fr mi amuig th- rank* of members of .he

i'- having a Ilk- history of "arly rojLit.it sj won

In the court* and pul.ls- affair.-.

Kaw journal* In iii parts ,,f the country have dis-.< with v irving .omni, nts the eas- of BchehV

enberger against Ransom, recent!) decided by th*Supreme '.mrt of Nebraska If for BO other rea¬

son, the case would be r-mark ibl-. because the N'c-

braska Bunnin* Court, after deciding the case tn

on- way, maa;. a - irgum-nr, ani after holdingth. mattel uniii consideration for nearly three

yean rendered an exactly contrary decision to

that iir*t announced. The main .(io rtlon discussedwas as to whether a father who had murdered hi*

daughter could inherit her property. The New-

Tork Court of Appeal* in the well-known case of

Rlggi against Palmer, held that though there wa*

no legislation providing tor such a .st. yet the

curt* aa a matter of public policy would not allowa p- raon to inherit the property of ihe one whom hehad murdered. The ..pinion at that time, rendered

by .iuige Kari, of thc Court of Appen ls, was re¬

garded a* a noteworth) "t.". and was commendedby many lawyers as laying down a straussry and

pr er rule, although u..i founded from any lawpassed by the Legislature. The Nebraska court atfirst fol!,.w.-d teat de.-lsion, but nev the Judgeshave corni to the mor.- conservative opinion thatin thc absence "f set* by the Legislature they can¬

not overturn th.- established rule nf descent and .le¬pus- a criminal of the property which he scquinathrough the murder of a relative. Then I* muchproper criticism of some attempts by the court to

leg -at- --ii matter* which si "lld prop-rly lieBeted upon by the LegllUtun, but in this InsbMOgthc allowing of tx profit to ,( criminal from tie ner-

petratlon of a murder i* bo opposed to public policyand natural Justice that the New-York decision lamore r pulu- among laymen if not among lawyerethan that now a lopteg by the Nebraska SupremeCourt.

Th" effect of neem statutes In England a* to

the righi of niarri. I women to ho 1 and convey

property ha* t.n a iubjec| ..f much discussion

In English law Journals. "The Justice ()f the Peace."in .rn artic:.- on "female Trustee*," reviews the

legislation of recent ycirs, and BOOWfl bow BM and

ther restriction haa I.b removed, so that a

married a :nan can ivuv BC! as trust** or executor

wirti almost a« much fr> . lom aa B min cm. I'nderth.- common law. tin- husband he 1 the property, andwai also lim;.¦ it breach** of tru*t committal bythc wife, BO that then Wen grave objection* to

a w ng her :¦' ac: i- I trustee The pr-s. nt libera.a.-rs regarding the pr pert) of married women ai.owa woman to make contracti and i. ho'.d trusts freeMom rh-- control of h' r husband, and without ronder-mg him table for her acts If she should i rove dl*h'»n-.--¦ Tl'.- British Parliament .- ;.i rome respect* con-aervatlve in dealing with property rights, but haatak-n .u. idvanci ground in relation to the right*..f married w 'min In the management of propertyIndependent of control b) thc husband.

?''.¦ English !sw* relating to offences agilnrtcnildron hav* undergon* oonsiderabl* a'.teratlcni

rec inly. Acta har* been pawd providing for tbe

punishment "f ass mi's committed against childrenIn such m inner as to be likely to CaUM sufferingor Injury to health or to maim er disfigure a child.

punishment is made much ni 're severe when

ther.- is m ai. v payabl* to th.- defendant in cue ol

leela "f the .hid This law was probably In¬

ti n.b ,1 to reach eases "f those who have the live*

of children Insured tor their own benefit, and then

maltreat the children. The laws of evidence ar*

changed in several particular* in cases affecting chil¬

dren. Defendants, who in general cannot testifyin English criminal trials, are a.lowed to take thewitness .-rani In lucn ca*<>s. and their wives may

-, ap; u i- witnesses. The evidence of a childmay in lorn* ca*ei be received without the admlnls-tration of an "ith arri if a child I* Injured Itslepoaltl rn ma) be taken out of court. Some technl-

as lo pleading in criminal cases are a'.ao lg*moved lil accusation* arising out «f the ill-treatment

children, Tia- societies for the prevention ofcruelty to children are the principal agents throughwalch these reforms were carried through Par.la¬ni-ur. Provisions of the statutes relating to th*employment of young children have also been modi¬fied, an 1 English legislation upon thi* whole sub¬ject ls more sdvaaeed than In most of the countriesof tn- world, and approaches c.ose'.y to that ofMew-York Bl I


Ci nandalgna, N. Y.. Sept. 29 (Speclall.-Thls hag1.n a gala wei. hats bscawm ot the County Fair,and resident* «^iih..| io Issi the presence of auehcrowds an there was little going on socially. Th*..vening race* at the fair proved a great attraction.The thlrty-ilrst annual meeting of the Ontario

orphan Asylum will be held In the Presbyterian< 'hapel next Tuesday morning.

OeesMja Kate* and wife, of Detroit, have beenspending some time with relatives In this village.Mrs. p. B. Hibb.'ll. f New-York, ii visiting In town.M.ss Carrie Lung, of Camden. M. J., ls spendingsome time in Canandalgua. Mrs. Harry Perkins, ofBoston, i* the guest of friends In this vlllageTrh*Misses Coleman, of Gibson-st., gave an enjoyable"thimble party'' Frldav afternoon, lu honor oftheir guest, Miai Clara Wliion. of Lakewood, H. X