•'•i> 1 i v , "T «-..--n;<.-.-.•-. AV;-:. HAH/;AY, II..J. ^najs.-K.-', A <? - RAHWAY New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 VOL. I6"4 NO. 24 KAIIWAY, NHW JHRSFY, THURSDAY, JUNF 12. 19H6 USI'S 454 160 20 CI-NTS \ May 1987/Goal far completion of new first aid squad building by Pat DiMaggio FAST. I-irsi Aid S(|ii;id Tommorrow. li is a term coined by Mayor Daniel I.. Martin to explain quick, fas I track construction of a new first aid squad buildini',. After 35 years of volun- teer .service to the City, the Ruhway First Aid Fmcr f.ency Squad hopes to raise funds for a three phase plan to enable the squad to operate in a clean, modern facility by May of 1987. Various committees have been formed and a time table has been developed to see completion of the goal, I'hase I will run from May to,September of I9H6 and will include finalizing the design, finding a site and ar- ranging for the approximate budget of between 5.350,000 to $500,000 need ed to finance the building. Construction will begin dur- ing Phase 2, from Septem- ber to March of 1987, and Phase 3, from March to May of 1987, hopes to find construction completed and interior furnishings install ed. There arc various sites under consideration, all. on Rahway Hospital grounds. The present building, built for the squad by the hos- pital 20 years ago, consists of a bunk room, a small of- fice, a day room and bath- room facilities for men only. "All our equipment is up to date," said Bill Hering, presently in his eighth term HS-president of (lie M|tmd. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE . . . Bill Horlnn, loft, president of tho Rahway Flrat Aid Squad, In plcturod conferring with Ed Pulmar, captain, on plans lor the now Rnhwny Flrnt Aid Squad Building, slatnd for completion In May 1987. "We have been able to maintain the best equip incut in the slate because we are in this building and it hasn't cost us anything. Hut we rcully need the proper facilities." Bill has high praise for the support shown by the City administration. "I've been on the Squad since 1970," said Hering, "and, basically, in my whole tenure as a member, I've been involved with the ad- ministration of the squad. For those 17 years, 16 of which—have been under Danny Martin's administra- tion, the City has been one of the best supporting go- vernments in the entire state of New Jersey for a volunteer ambulance squad. I know of some of the critical problems that do ex- ist between municipalities and volunteer squads, We are very fortunate to have these people downtown in City Hall who support a group like ours. They clear- ly give their all to the Rahway Fmerneiicy Squad." Winner announced in Union County Arts Center -Logo Design Contest by Pat DiMaggio Michael Hiirtnett, vice president of Rahway Land- marks Inc., announced the winner of the Union Coun- ty Arts Center Logo Design Contest at the general mem- bership meeting held at the theatre on June 8. Four semi-finalists were chosen from over 100 en- jfrints, Dave Sherwood of ;F!dison, Donna Rudyk of •Clark and Judy Tomko of Vestal, N.Y. will each receive an honorary mem- bership in Rahway Land marks, The winner of the con test, Bemardine Pflieger, of Teaneck, was presented with a $100 award for her representation of ( lie winn ing logo, a spinxlikc lion with the face of a woman. "The design is highly ap- propriate," said Hartnett, "and one that repents in the theatre above the doorways and ramps. The lion shows strength, and the woman shows beauty, tin essential function of art. The wings symbolize inspiration and the spirnling tail ending in a rose shows continuing growth.". Ms. Pflieger will graduate from Kenn College in I V cemher and hopes to pursue a career in graphic design or advertising, She will spend the summer in Paris with the Parsons School of Design, N.Y.. for further study. Pflieger said she designed the logo front pic lures she took of the in terior of the theatre. "I felt that it reflected everything the theatre is about," she explained. Rahway Landmarks, Inc. currently numbers 608 members; 578 individuals, 13 businesses and 17 organi- zations. Officers include Sandra Sweeney as president; Michael Hartnett as vice president; Bruce Coiiwny, recording secrelnry; Janice Withcridge, corresponding secretary; and Leonard Vaiulerwende, treasurer. There are four general membership meetings held each year in June, Septem- ber, January and April. John Nakovich, Program Committee, announced the schedule of events planned for the presentation of the following: "The Pirates of Pen/anee," Gilbert and Sullivan Players, Nov. 9; The Newark Hoys Choir, sponsored by the Kiwanis, in December; "1776," the Mask and Mime Theatre, Sep. 25, if,, 27, 28; "The Wi/," presented by the Union County F.ducalional Association, Oct. 24, 25, 26, 31 and Nov. I. Under negotiation are events such as the Light Opera Theatre Company, Sept. 19, 20; Silent Movie, Lee Irwin; Jersey Lyric Opera, "Lucia," Nov. 15, 16; Gala Night, Jan. 10; The New Jersey Dance Theatre, "Nutcracker," Dec. 12, 13, 14; New Jersey Choral Society, Sing A Long Messiah, December. Alan Hurley, Historic Landmark Committee, an- nounced the theatre was ex pecting notification of being designated as a historical landmark through the De- partment of Hnvironniental Protection's office of Historic Sites and the Federal Government's De- partment of the Interior. Designation will mean the opportunity to apply for certain grant money and will offer limited protection under the law from future area development. The Rahway First Aid liniergency Squad numbers from 35 to 40 regular members, with 15 cadets and 4 to 5 probationary members. The Ladies Aux iliary adds another 20 members to the organiza- tion. All are unpaid volunteers. "Hveryone involved with the Railway Hnierj'.ency Squad and about 94 percent of Basic Life Support in New Jersey is unpaid," said Hering. "And 30 percent of the nation's volunteer am- bulance service is based in New Jersey." Fc|tiipmcnl consists of three fully operating emergency medic- al ambulances and one fully equipped rescue truck. Bill explains that there are two kinds of emergency medical service: Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support. "Basic Life Sup- port, in the state of New Jersey, is all of the volunteer ambulance squads," said Hering. "This includes first aid and emergency care of the sick and injured, emergency medical technicians and Five Point certified people. We also do all of-" "he transporting." Advanced Life Support is n paid ser- vice by the hospital whereby a paramedic is dispatched to a location to provide treatment. Squad members must in- itially have C.P.R. (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) training and enroll in cither an Advanced Emergency Care course with the Amer- ican Red Cross or an Emer- gency Medical Technician Course given by the State Department of Health. They have six months in which to acquire C.P.R. credits and up to two years to be certified, with, overall, between 150 and 200 hours of training. Why would someone de- vote this amount of time to be an unpaid volunteer? "I've been here for 16 years," explained Hering, "and, I think, it is a certain drive in an individual, male or female, young or old, to go out and help people. To me. it's just as important to be here, for free. Because the feeling of walking out of the emergency room and knowing some mother is go ing to see her child again, or a husband is going to see his wife again, through our help and expertise as a pro- fessional ambulance volunteer, is unique." Bill feels that the com munity shares his feelings about the squad. "After 35 years of service and countless community projects the squad has been involved in, this is the first time we are reaching out with this independent com- mittee," said Hering. "Maybe in dollars it is a large request, and to ask for a clean, modern facility to run a service that-is free to everyone of our citizens is a big step. Hut thaks to Rah way Hospital who has been supportive in their joint ef- fort with the City, and to corporate support, my opi- nion is that we will be in that building within a year. It is a valuublc service and thnt spirit of volunteers am bulance " service "is very strong in our City." On the Construction Committee are Bob Code, chairperson; Ted Corey, Bill Fascr, Jim Heller, John Hopkins, Dr. Adam Me- Daniels, Dr. Newman, Nick Quadrel, and Abe Reppen. On the Finance Commit- tee are Bill Rack, chairper- son; Frank due, Jim Daly, Carlos Gnray, Al Gardiner, Tom Cirahill, Juck McNa- mara, Bernie Miller. Ted Polhamus, and John Yoder. On the Legal Committee are Georgia Hartnett, chair- person; Dave Hrickscn, Marty Martinez, F.va Pas- cule, Ruth Simmons, and Al Snowden. On the Planning/Publici- ty Committee are Joe Col- cman. chairperson; Travis Corey, Rev. Donald Jones, Butch Kowal, Walter McLcod, Rev. Edward Meyers, Eileen Miller, Red Vigilante, and Bill Wolf. Board plans special meeting A Special Meeting of the Rnhwny Hoard of Educa- tion will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 16, in Room 105 at the Inter- mediate School. AWARD WINNING LOQO Mlchnol Hnrtnott, vlco pronldunt of Rnhwny Lnndmnrku, lit plcturod with lorjo contoat winnor Dornndlno Pfllorjor of Tonnock. The purpose of the meet- ing is to afford a hearing to an employee on a private matter. This hearing will be held in private in com- pliance with the open Public Meetings Act. SCHOLL SCHOLARSHIP WINNER ... Sharon A. Adfimua, plcturod 3ocond from right, of Kmak Placo, Rahway, hau boon nnmod a winnor of a Dr. William M. Scholl Worldwido Scholarohip. Sponsored by tho Dr. Scholl Foundation, tho scholarship prooram this year awardod individual scholarships of $4,500 por yoar to 28 sono and daurjhtora of omployeos of Schorinq- Plough Corporntlon, an international manufacturer of houlth and porsonal enro products. Hor paronts, An- drow and ConQtanco Adomus, aro picturod on tho loft. Scholl, Inc., a subsidiary of Schoring-Plough Corpora- tion, was founded by Dr. William M. Scholl, who Is pic- turod at right. Tho winner:; wore chosen by tho Collogo Scholarship Service of Princoton, on tho basis of acadomic achievement, leadership qualities, extracur- ricular activities nnd community service. This yoar, 111 applicants were reviewed by tho selection committoo. Sharon's mother is a general accountant for tho Schor- inq International division of Schoring-Plouqh Corpora- tion. Sharon plans to attend Rutqors College of Rutgers University in Now Brunswick, whoro she will pursuo tho study of physics. Spring Concert harmonizes high school band, chorus ,,.,,by Pat DiMaggio \ 'The Rahway lligh\J School Hand and Chorus j lined together to present the I'JH6 Spring Concert on June 5. Due to on going construction in the high school auditorium, the con- cert was held al the In- termediate School. -The High School-Hitiul.- under the direction of Ronald Dolce, performed various selections including the "Star Spangled Banner," "Handology," and the "Armed Forces Salute." Directed by Donald Pen nell, the High School Chorus offered songs in- cluding "Fill the World with Music," "Choose Something Like A Star," "His Truth is Marching On," and a series of poems set to music, "Carminia Burana,"by Carl Or IT. The Band and Chorus combined to present "You'll Never Walk Alone" by Rogers and llammersiein. The 1986 Chorus is made up of the following mem- bers: First Sopranos Michelle Boyd, Linda Bun, Michelle Dirini, Holly Jones, Judy Madas, Paula May, Cathy McCall. Teresa Morton, Sue McNicholas, Nieolle McQueen and AlKa Slalior, IN TUNE . . . Ronald Dolce, band director at Rahway High School, pictured loft, and Donald Ponnoll, chorus director, combinod their talents on June 5 to present tho 1986 Spring Concert ol the high school band and chorus Second Sopranos include: Deanna Acocclla. lirciula Berscy. Debbie F'edor. Elaine Garrison. Kim Kccnan. Lisa Klingcbiel. Rebecca McCloskey and Sur McCormick. Altos: Rebecca Arring Ion. LaTonya Brow n. Yolaudii Brown. Humid Bryant. Traci Billiard, l.illie Bumpas, Lisa Daniels. Deanna Dybo. Darlcne IAI wauls, Dorothy Ciairison. Cheryl Grabowski. Fva Hand. Michelle Harris. Angel Henderson. Karen llauscn. Ann HladuiL'c. Michelle Holmes, Monique Jones. I In/el Kmiki. Nanc\ I (ini 1 .. Michelle Millenck. Saudia Pascoc. Powell. Am\ Monica Vatzea I Ollglllill Sha Wiighi. and Sue I'cuois: Ions DePas qualc. Michael (iarcia. Tyrone Mc( loml. Sean Morgan. Ronald Rainonas, LANDMARKS' OFFICERS ... Plcturod at tlui mombor- nhlp mooting In which tho logo contoat winnor was an- nouncod nro niomborn of Rnhway Landmarks, loft to right, Snndrn Swoonoy. pronldont; Mlchnol Hnrtnott. vlco pronldont: Druco Conwny, recording secretary; Jnnlco Wlthoridgo, corresponding soorotiuy; and Lon Vnndorwondo, treasurer Jon Sallur and Taylor. Basses: Donald Barton. Peter Bilanvyk. Keir Chandler. Jason Gcchiherg. John ()ndo\ik. Tom Solli- van and William Smith. I'hc ('horns was accom- panied on piano by Susan L<Mighliti-atul-K;rrcn Hnn ~ sen and dance was perform cil by Rosemary Faliner. Meinbers of the High School elude: DiKini. McCal Peggy Band lor l')86 in Flute Michelle 1 lolly Jones. Cathy I. Pain Nielsen. Ryan,r~ Khalida Miihayinin. Jessica llulnik and Jennifer Goodslein. Clan lie I: Sharon Adainus. Chris Keal. Sue McNicholas. Nicholas I lore and (icianlo Ortiz. Alto Clarinet: Janice Keal. Alio Sax: Anthony Marsella and Amy Ryan. I enor Sa x: Steve Banasiak. Scott Rodger and Jon Sallur. Ban Sax: Jack Kopp. Trumpet: Tony DePas quale. John DiMaggio, Rodne\ lanar. Frank I t i / y . Robert Siephens and John Wiiheridgc. French Horn: Charles Brainard and Susan I oui'hlin I i oinhone: Robert laui'.liiiaii. David DcF'rccse and Allen Withcridge. Mallei Keyboard: Rudy (11111 is and Martin Quinn. Percussion: Rich Aloy, Sieve l)i\on, Andy Krivenko. Donald Smith and Stanley Wnuck. Downs reports to duty aboard U.S.S. Acadia Navy Hospiialman Chris tophei C. Downs, son of Rosalie Downs of 281 W, Grand Ave., Rahway, re- cently reported for duty aboard the destroyer tender tISS Acadia, homeporied in San Diego. A I'M graduate of Rah- way Senior High School, he joined the Navy in Novem- ber I'ttW.

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HAH/;AY, I I . .J .

• ^najs.-K.-',



- f»


New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822



May 1987/Goal far completionof new first aid squad buildingby Pat DiMaggio

FAST. I-irsi Aid S(|ii;idTommorrow. li is a termcoined by Mayor Daniel I..Martin to explain quick,fas I track construction of anew first aid squad buildini',.

After 35 years of volun-teer .service to the City, theRuhway First Aid Fmcrf.ency Squad hopes to raisefunds for a three phase planto enable the squad tooperate in a clean, modernfacility by May of 1987.Various committees havebeen formed and a timetable has been developed tosee completion of the goal,I'hase I will run from Mayto,September of I9H6 andwill include finalizing thedesign, finding a site and ar-ranging for the approximatebudget of between5.350,000 to $500,000 needed to finance the building.Construction will begin dur-ing Phase 2, from Septem-ber to March of 1987, andPhase 3, from March toMay of 1987, hopes to findconstruction completed andinterior furnishings installed.

There arc various sitesunder consideration, all. onRahway Hospital grounds.The present building, builtfor the squad by the hos-pital 20 years ago, consistsof a bunk room, a small of-fice, a day room and bath-room facilities for men only."All our equipment is up todate," said Bill Hering,presently in his eighth termHS-president of (lie M|tmd.

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE . . . Bill Horlnn, loft,president of tho Rahway Flrat Aid Squad, In plcturodconferring with Ed Pulmar, captain, on plans lor the nowRnhwny Flrnt Aid Squad Building, slatnd for completionIn May 1987.

"We have been able tomaintain the best equipincut in the slate becausewe are in this building and ithasn't cost us anything. Hutwe rcully need the properfacilities."

Bill has high praise forthe support shown by theCity administration. "I'vebeen on the Squad since1970," said Hering, "and,basically, in my wholetenure as a member, I'vebeen involved with the ad-ministration of the squad.For those 17 years, 16 ofwhich—have been under

Danny Martin's administra-tion, the City has been oneof the best supporting go-vernments in the entirestate of New Jersey for avolunteer ambulance squad.

I know of some of thecritical problems that do ex-ist between municipalitiesand volunteer squads, Weare very fortunate to havethese people downtown inCity Hall who support agroup like ours. They clear-ly give their all to theRahway FmerneiicySquad."

Winner announced inUnion County Arts Center-Logo Design Contest

by Pat DiMaggioMichael Hiirtnett, vice

president of Rahway Land-marks Inc., announced thewinner of the Union Coun-ty Arts Center Logo DesignContest at the general mem-bership meeting held at thetheatre on June 8.

Four semi-finalists werechosen from over 100 en-

• jfrints, Dave Sherwood of;F!dison, Donna Rudyk of•Clark and Judy Tomko ofVestal, N.Y. will eachreceive an honorary mem-bership in Rahway Landmarks,

The winner of the contest, Bemardine Pflieger, ofTeaneck, was presentedwith a $100 award for herrepresentation of (lie winning logo, a spinxlikc lionwith the face of a woman."The design is highly ap-propriate," said Hartnett,"and one that repents in thetheatre above the doorwaysand ramps. The lion showsstrength, and the womanshows beauty, tin essentialfunction of art. The wingssymbolize inspiration andthe spirnling tail ending in arose shows continuinggrowth.".

Ms. Pflieger will graduatefrom Kenn College in I Vcemher and hopes to pursuea career in graphic design oradvertising, She will spendthe summer in Paris withthe Parsons School ofDesign, N.Y.. for furtherstudy. Pflieger said shedesigned the logo front pic

lures she took of the interior of the theatre. "I feltthat it reflected everythingthe theatre is about," sheexplained.

Rahway Landmarks, Inc.currently numbers 608members; 578 individuals,13 businesses and 17 organi-zations.

Officers include SandraSweeney as president;Michael Hartnett as vicepresident; Bruce Coiiwny,recording secrelnry; JaniceWithcridge, correspondingsecretary; and LeonardVaiulerwende, treasurer.There are four generalmembership meetings heldeach year in June, Septem-ber, January and April.

John Nakovich, ProgramCommittee, announced theschedule of events plannedfor the presentation of thefollowing: "The Pirates ofPen/anee," Gilbert andSullivan Players, Nov. 9;The Newark Hoys Choir,sponsored by the Kiwanis,in December; "1776," theMask and Mime Theatre,Sep. 25, if,, 27, 28; "TheWi/," presented by theUnion County F.ducalionalAssociation, Oct. 24, 25, 26,31 and Nov. I.

Under negotiation areevents such as the LightOpera Theatre Company,Sept. 19, 20; Silent Movie,Lee Irwin; Jersey LyricOpera, "Lucia," Nov. 15,16; Gala Night, Jan. 10;The New Jersey DanceTheatre, "Nutcracker,"

Dec. 12, 13, 14; New JerseyChoral Society, Sing ALong Messiah, December.

Alan Hurley, HistoricLandmark Committee, an-nounced the theatre was expecting notification of beingdesignated as a historicallandmark through the De-partment of HnvironnientalProtection's office ofHistoric Sites and theFederal Government's De-partment of the Interior.Designation will mean theopportunity to apply forcertain grant money andwill offer limited protectionunder the law from futurearea development.

The Rahway First Aidliniergency Squad numbersfrom 35 to 40 regularmembers, with 15 cadetsand 4 to 5 probationarymembers. The Ladies Auxiliary adds another 20members to the organiza-t ion. A l l are unpaidvolunteers.

"Hveryone involved withthe Railway Hnierj'.encySquad and about 94 percentof Basic Life Support inNew Jersey is unpaid," saidHering. "And 30 percent ofthe nation's volunteer am-bulance service is based inNew Jersey." Fc|tiipmcnlconsists of three fullyoperating emergency medic-al ambulances and one fullyequipped rescue truck.Bill explains that there aretwo kinds of emergencymedical service: Basic LifeSupport and Advanced LifeSupport. "Basic Life Sup-port, in the state of NewJersey, is all of thevolunteer ambulancesquads," said Hering. "Thisincludes first aid andemergency care of the sickand injured, emergencymedical technicians andFive Point certified people.We also do all of-" "hetransporting." AdvancedLife Support is n paid ser-vice by the hospitalwhereby a paramedic isdispatched to a location toprovide treatment.

Squad members must in-itially have C.P.R. (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation)training and enroll in citheran Advanced EmergencyCare course with the Amer-ican Red Cross or an Emer-gency Medical TechnicianCourse given by the StateDepartment of Health.They have six months inwhich to acquire C.P.R.credits and up to two yearsto be certified, with, overall,between 150 and 200 hoursof training.

Why would someone de-vote this amount of time tobe an unpaid volunteer?

"I've been here for 16years," explained Hering,"and, I think, it is a certaindrive in an individual, male

or female, young or old, togo out and help people. Tome. it's just as important tobe here, for free. Becausethe feeling of walking out ofthe emergency room andknowing some mother is going to see her child again, ora husband is going to see hiswife again, through ourhelp and expertise as a pro-fessional ambulancevolunteer, is unique."

Bill feels that the community shares his feelingsabout the squad.

"After 35 years of serviceand countless communityprojects the squad has beeninvolved in, this is the firsttime we are reaching outwith this independent com-mittee," said Hering."Maybe in dollars it is alarge request, and to ask fora clean, modern facility torun a service that-is free toeveryone of our citizens is abig step. Hut thaks to Rahway Hospital who has beensupportive in their joint ef-fort with the City, and tocorporate support, my opi-nion is that we will be inthat building within a year.It is a valuublc service andthnt spirit of volunteers ambulance " service "is verystrong in our City."

On the ConstructionCommittee are Bob Code,chairperson; Ted Corey, BillFascr, Jim Heller, JohnHopkins, Dr. Adam Me-Daniels, Dr. Newman, NickQuadrel, and Abe Reppen.

On the Finance Commit-tee are Bill Rack, chairper-son; Frank due, Jim Daly,Carlos Gnray, Al Gardiner,Tom Cirahill, Juck McNa-mara, Bernie Miller. TedPolhamus, and John Yoder.

• On the Legal Committeeare Georgia Hartnett, chair-person; Dave Hrickscn,Marty Martinez, F.va Pas-cule, Ruth Simmons, and AlSnowden.

On the Planning/Publici-ty Committee are Joe Col-cman. chairperson; TravisCorey, Rev. Donald Jones,Butch Kowal, WalterMcLcod, Rev. EdwardMeyers, Eileen Miller, RedVigilante, and Bill Wolf.

Board plans special meetingA Special Meeting of the

Rnhwny Hoard of Educa-tion will be held at 7:30p.m. on Monday, June 16,

in Room 105 at the Inter-mediate School.

AWARD WINNING LOQO Mlchnol Hnrtnott, vlcopronldunt of Rnhwny Lnndmnrku, lit plcturod with lorjocontoat winnor Dornndlno Pfllorjor of Tonnock.

The purpose of the meet-ing is to afford a hearing toan employee on a privatematter. This hearing will beheld in private in com-pliance with the openPublic Meetings Act.

SCHOLL SCHOLARSHIP WINNER . . . Sharon A.Adfimua, plcturod 3ocond from right, of Kmak Placo,Rahway, hau boon nnmod a winnor of a Dr. William M.Scholl Worldwido Scholarohip. Sponsored by tho Dr.Scholl Foundation, tho scholarship prooram this yearawardod individual scholarships of $4,500 por yoar to28 sono and daurjhtora of omployeos of Schorinq-Plough Corporntlon, an international manufacturer ofhoulth and porsonal enro products. Hor paronts, An-drow and ConQtanco Adomus, aro picturod on tho loft.Scholl, Inc., a subsidiary of Schoring-Plough Corpora-

tion, was founded by Dr. William M. Scholl, who Is pic-turod at right. Tho winner:; wore chosen by tho CollogoScholarship Service of Princoton, on tho basis ofacadomic achievement, leadership qualities, extracur-ricular activities nnd community service. This yoar, 111applicants were reviewed by tho selection committoo.Sharon's mother is a general accountant for tho Schor-inq International division of Schoring-Plouqh Corpora-tion. Sharon plans to attend Rutqors College of RutgersUniversity in Now Brunswick, whoro she will pursuo thostudy of physics.

Spring Concert harmonizes high school band, chorus,,.,,by Pat DiMaggio \

'The Rahway l l igh \JSchool Hand and Chorusj lined together to presentthe I'JH6 Spring Concert onJune 5. Due to on goingconstruction in the highschool auditorium, the con-cert was held al the In-termediate School.-The High School-Hitiul.-under the direction ofRonald Dolce, performedvarious selections includingthe "Star Spangled Banner,""Handology," and the"Armed Forces Salute."

Directed by Donald Pennell, the High SchoolChorus offered songs in-cluding "Fill the Worldwith Music," "ChooseSomething Like A Star,""His Truth is MarchingOn," and a series of poemsset to music, "CarminiaBurana,"by Carl Or IT.

The Band and Choruscombined to present "You'llNever Walk Alone" byRogers and llammersiein.

The 1986 Chorus is madeup of the following mem-bers: First SopranosMichelle Boyd, Linda Bun,Michelle Dirini, HollyJones, Judy Madas, PaulaMay, Cathy McCall. TeresaMorton, Sue McNicholas,Nieolle McQueen and AlKaSlalior,

IN TUNE . . . Ronald Dolce, band director at RahwayHigh School, pictured loft, and Donald Ponnoll, chorusdirector, combinod their talents on June 5 to presenttho 1 986 Spring Concert ol the high school band andchorus

Second Sopranos include:Deanna Acocclla. lirciulaBerscy. Debbie F'edor.Elaine Garrison. KimKccnan. Lisa Klingcbiel.Rebecca McCloskey andSur McCormick.

Altos: Rebecca ArringIon. LaTonya Brow n.Yolaudii Brown. HumidBryant. Traci Billiard, l.illieBumpas, Lisa Daniels.Deanna Dybo. Darlcne IAIwauls, Dorothy Ciairison.Cheryl Grabowski. Fva

Hand. Michelle Harris.Angel Henderson. Karenllauscn. Ann HladuiL'c.Michelle Holmes, MoniqueJones. I In/el Kmiki. Nanc\I (ini1.. Michelle Millenck.Saudia Pascoc.Powell. Am\Monica VatzeaI Ollglllill

ShaWi ighi .and Sue

I'cuois: Ions DePasqualc. Michael (iarcia.Tyrone Mc( loml. SeanMorgan. Ronald Rainonas,

LANDMARKS' OFFICERS . . . Plcturod at tlui mombor-nhlp mooting In which tho logo contoat winnor was an-nouncod nro niomborn of Rnhway Landmarks, loft toright, Snndrn Swoonoy. pronldont; Mlchnol Hnrtnott.

vlco pronldont: Druco Conwny, recording secretary;Jnnlco Wlthoridgo, corresponding soorotiuy; and LonVnndorwondo, treasurer

Jon Sallur andTaylor.

Basses: Donald Barton.Peter B i lanvyk. KeirChandler. Jason Gcchiherg.John ()ndo\ik. Tom Solli-van and William Smith.

I'hc ('horns was accom-panied on piano by SusanL<Mighliti-atul-K;rrcn Hnn ~sen and dance was performcil by Rosemary Faliner.

Meinbers of the HighSchoolelude:DiKini.McCalPeggy

Band lor l')86 inFlute Michelle1 lolly Jones. Cathy

I. Pain Nielsen.Ryan,r~ Khalida

Miihayinin. Jessica llulnikand Jennifer Goodslein.

Clan lie I: SharonAdainus. Chris Keal. SueMcNicholas. NicholasI lore and (icianlo Ortiz.

Alto Clarinet: JaniceKeal.

Alio Sax: AnthonyMarsella and Amy Ryan.

I enor Sa x: SteveBanasiak. Scott Rodger andJon Sallur.

Ban Sax: Jack Kopp.Trumpet: Tony DePas

quale. John DiMaggio,Rodne\ l a n a r . FrankIt i /y. Robert Siephens andJohn Wiiheridgc.

French Horn: CharlesBrainard and SusanI oui'hlin

I i oinhone: Robertlaui'.liiiaii. David DcF'rccseand Allen Withcridge.

Mallei Keyboard: Rudy(11 111 is and Martin Quinn.

Percussion: Rich Aloy,Sieve l ) i \ o n , AndyKrivenko. Donald Smithand Stanley Wnuck.

Downs reportsto duty aboard

U.S.S. Acadia

Navy Hospiialman Christophei C. Downs, son ofRosalie Downs of 281 W,Grand Ave., Rahway, re-cently reported for dutyaboard the destroyer tendertISS Acadia, homeporied inSan Diego.

A I 'M graduate of Rah-way Senior High School, hejoined the Navy in Novem-ber I'ttW.

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MAOIC . , . Clnrk'dC.'irl Kurripf School Hand

Ohorun, undor thodirection of Mm. .Joannol.orrioriillo, brought mualcalrri;i(jlf; to Iho atafjo whonIhoy prorinritod tholr an-nual fiprino concort onWodn'i'iday, May '/A, Aroporloiro of popular nndpatriotic lavonton porform-(id with 'ip'irk nnd olylo putIho iiudiorif;o In a holiday'ipiril Hi()hlif)htfi ol thoiihow mr.ludod piano (solouhy Yolarida Urbari'iki with•'Htirnbl'i HUM Boonm,'1 andHnbokiih Bnkor with"tlluoti ;ind fiootjlo " Thohaf moriiouii blond ofvoicon in Iho ohoruu fnado"Fruind!> I orovor," and"I'd I iko ICJ Poach thoWorld to fiirici" momorablomolodioii Af;cornpanlutKaron Crincoli addod too-tappirio rhythm to "ThoUo.'il Tirnori ol Your L.ifo"porlorrnod by tho chorua.A potpourri ol boat!),oouiifl't, iind tjtylorjt;tmrticlt>n/(nl tho b/ind'.'jportlolio ol firrarifjomontu."tlaby fJlophnnt Walk" byMonry Muricini. "Trlum-phant March from Potorand tho Wolf," "Muulc for aColobrnlion." and "Supor-band Moolu Mr. Boorjlo"v/oro iiwriu of thoir ooloc-lioiri To clirriiix tholr Spr-iri() Concort, tfio KurnpfHludoiito porlorrnod "Ladyof Lit]orty " Thi-j mufjlcaltnljuto to tho cuntonniul'.itatuo. unhancod by aahdo pro'iont.ition, wa:i aproud and movino hi(jhj

po;nt ol tho ihov/ "ThoDattlo Hymn of thoRepublic brought downIho curtairvj ,\j Kumpl'atiilontoc) mu3;ci;.inu bid thoir

! auilicnco laruwoil

Miss Liberty paintingmay make Guinness BookAlthough pop culture ur

Hit Mlchiiel Howiinl ofNow York City husworking with targeand multlpnrtlto paintirif/'for more than u decudo, hisnewest commission fromUnion County CoHcyc topaint tho world's largestpainting of tho Statue ofLiberty represents n nowchallctigo."1 hava to find u pluw bigenough to work In,'1 ho said."Even tho College's gymwon't be nblc to hold thehugo one-pica1 cnnvuii."

Mr. Howuril huu proposdd to paint Miss Liberty fortho College on » single ennVQH 24 fcot wide nnd 30 feethigh. Scheduled for complc-lion in curly July, the MissLiberty painting will heerected on the front luwn ofihc College's CrunfordCampus in commemorationof this year's Siutiic ofLiberty Centennial Celcbrnlion.

"If no one else is doing itslmllur project, I believe wehuvc a good chance of making tho Guinness Hook ofWorld Records for thelargest puintliiK of theStatue of Liberty," Mr.HowurU Mild,

The 42-ycur old formerNew Hrunswlek resilientand Rutgers Universitygraduate is well knownomoiiH the current geiu-iutlon of neooxprcsslnuisiicpulntors in New York's I usiVlllugc whose iiitisticreferences lire to Americanmiddle-class culture of the'50s, when they grew tipTho artists of this "NewHohomiu" arc "concernedwith things and with theway culture immersesthings Into u pool of sluttedmeaning," according to acuruior of one of the NewYork tin naileries.

Ho ward's works, for example, Include hugemugaxinc'typc hunting andfishing scenes that arc pimcluutcd with u flouting pi/zaor a bottle of Rolling Rockbeer.

"I think my funny, colorful canvasctt re flee I thertallutlon of tho 40-ycniold man that It's OK tohove a good lime," Mi.Howard will.

One of his most recentNow York exhibits Included(wo lurger, imiltlpnrtite

p;iiiiiinns. which hail to liepresented in two separateshows, "l'i//a Mill liar" and

lie Way Toward nWonderful Life." as well asa mini-retrospective of hisother paintings presented in

third show, "OldWork/New York "

iluscd on a New Jersey>ar that Howard used tol'ri'qu!!iii,.-t)iLv. i'iz/u MilLispresented in eight sectionsof rectangular panels deluining emblems of a "man'slife." In the Wonderful Life,Howard uses six large paintings to por t ray anautobiographical set of rulesfor living. The first paintingin Ihe set is a huge lighthulb, and thereafter thepaintings are captioned:"Ask for Help," "SlopDilnking." "I :al (ioodI'ooil," "(iel a Hobby," and"Make New Itiends."

Still maintaining his tieslo New Jersey, Mr. Howardlast year completed a III byM) fool paint ing for theMelody Ha i in Newllruuswick. The paiiilini1., ofa ear sideswiping a truck,contains a message spelled

. out in .10 inch lelleis:"Don't Diink and Dnve."

According to the owneis*>fthe Melody Dai, llowaid'spaiiuinit is then statementthat if lawsuits and msunuiee costs continue tomount, the Melods will beforced to go out of business.

I .inking Ihe pi.uiK'.ilwoild to the ailisiie worldhas become a new UMIUICof ihe "New Dohcmi.i" ailist. I-III instance, in collahoniiion with "liiaeieMansion." an a\ani y<\nWart nailery in the I astVillage, Mi llimaid hascombined art .uul pionuilion hv lal'lling oil a pn/ewith the sule ol a limitednuinhei of painnni's In thefirst lalfle, Mi llnwaiil

painteil 100 identicalminiature landscapes thatwere numbered, which gavethe buyer both the paintingand a chance to win a tripto Paris. In the second raf-fle, those who bought oneof a series of $500 paintingsby Howard also had achance to win a car.

In his latest Miss Libertyproject for Union- C-ounlyCollege, Mr. Howard willhave a limited edition(numbered and coded)T-shirts decorated with aphoto reduced image of his"Liberty Painting," andthen link these lo the Col-lege's sweepstakes drawingfor a trip for two to anyEastern Airlines stop in thecontinental United States.

Mr. Howard, who wasborn in Alabama, began hisartistic studies in l%9ihiour.h the WhitneyMuseum IndependentStudies Program in NewYork. In I»J72, he earnedhis bachelor of sciencedegiee in are education atthe University of (ieorgla,and in 1(>7.S he received hismaster's in fine arts in pain-ting from Rutgers IheState University. He hashad several solo and groupexhibitions of his large-scale, neo expressionistspaintings in galleries in NewYoik, Chicago, San FranCisco, Phi ladelphia ,Washington, D.C, Atlanta,Florida, New Jersey, Loui-siana, and the Netherlands.Mr, Howard's works havebeen leviewed in tho "NewYoik limes," "VillageVoice," "llaltimore Sun,""People Maga/ine,"and the"New York l imesMai'.a/me."

Did you know?Muhammad Ali was the

youngest heavyweightchampion boxer: 22 yearsold




Mo. Rooo Hrudowoky

Ms. Hrudowskygraduates from

Muhlenborg College

Ko'.c M. llrtidowsky,dauiiliicr ol Mr. and Mrs.Konakl Youtijj, ivy St.,(lark, received nn AHdegree, inajorin;; inPsychology.

Muhlcnberi ; Collegeawarded 376 bachelor'sdecrees at its 138th Coin-niencenient exercises onMay 18. Dr. Jonathan ('.Mcsscrli, president of thecollege, awarded theliploinas to the Class of

Susan Walts oarnsHood College degroe

Among the more than300 graduates at Hood Col-lege's 93rd commencementwas Susan J. Walts, daugh-ter of Dr. and Mrs, John M.Walts of Clark. Ms. Walts

earned the bachelor of artsdecree in communications/sociology. A dean's list .stu-dent her junior year, she

was active in student go-vernment affairs, serving assenatoratlarge and chair ofthe food committee.

Ms. Walts is a graduateof Arthur L, JohnsonRegional Hioh School. Shewill be pursuing a careerwith Marriott Corporationin the Washington, D.C.area.

BUILDER'S CLUB . . . Tho Klwanlo Club1 of Rohway, oponoora of tho Klwanlo Bulldor'oClub at tho Intormodluto School In Rahway, were hoato to tho offlcoro and advioora attho Inot wookly maottno of tho club. Shown from tho loft aro: Jacklo Garcia, troaouror;Allyoon Crowloy, nocrotary; Kim Kootlck, vlco prooidont; faculty advlaor, Robin Shlployfind Dobblo Zapotocky, prooidont. Tho Buildor'o Club rocolvod tholr charter, bannorfind official pint), Tho Dulldor'o Club io for otudonto 1 2 to 1 6 yoarn of OQO In 7th through9th grndo. Tholr motto lo "Wo Build." Former International Truatoct, Art DoLoronzonotod that tho Klwanlo Club of Rahway lo proud to bo sponoor for tho Builder's Club.Pronldont Dobblo Zapotocky mado a roport on tho various actlvltloo ongagod In duringtho paut ochool year. Tho Klwanlo Club of Rahway moots on Wodnoadays at 1 2:1 5 attho Columbian Club in Rahway.

Rinaldo's mobile officegoes on the rood

to assist constituentsRep, Mat thew J.

Rinaldo's Mobile Congres-sional Office will tour theeastern portion of the 7thCongressional DistrictSaturday to assist consti-tuents with federally relatedproblems.

Rinaldo said the officewill make one hour slops infive municipalities in UnionCounty beginning at 9 a.m.

The tour begins with astop in lili/abcth at the in-tersection of Hroad andF.a.it Jersey streets. The se-cond stop will be at thePathmark Shopping Centeron South Avenue, Gar-wood, where the mobile of-

fice will be located from10:30 to 11:30 a.m. to serveconstituents in Cranfordand Garwood.

From Gnrwood, Rinnldowill truvel to the municipalbuilding in Winficld wherethe van will be parked from11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

The last two stops will beut the intersection of Broadand Elm Streets in West-field from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.nnd Five Points in Unionfrom 3 to 4 p.m. TheWcstfield stop is intended toserve residents of Wcatfieldand Mountainside, whilethe Union stop will serve

WOULD YOU DONATE A TEDDY BEAR? . . . The Rahway Area Junior Woman's Clubla collootlno Toddy Boara for locnlly hoapltnllzod chlldron who aro terminally ill or whonood omotlonnl support. Hoapltnl atnff hnvo dlacovorod that atuffod Toddy Boars oro ogrout help In comforting frlpjitonod chlldron In vnrloua clrcumstancBaTlncludlno. aoxualubuno ennoa, naanult nnd traffic accldonta. If you would like to donoto a boar or wouldIlko moro Information plon3o cnll Mlao Elalno Hamilton, Prosldent, at 233-8694, orProjoct Chnlrmnn, Mra. Lyndn Volkor, nt 388-0731. Tho Rahway Area JuniorWomnn'o Club la n community aorvlno orflanlzntlon for womon botwoon tho ngoa of 18and 3ft; far momborohlp Information, cnll Mrs. Marilyn Rood nt 388-8773.

, June 2ndMILAN0 French Cleaners

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residents of Union, RoscllePark and Kenilworth.

Rinaldo said caseworkersfrom his office specializingin Social Security, veteransaffairs, immigra t ion ,military problems, collegestudent loans, and federalgrants will be available tohelp constituents with pro-blems involving the federalgovernment. He said per-sons seeking assistanceshould bring all correspon-dence and records pertinentto the matter they want todiscuss. The congressmansaid no appointment isneeded, and constituentsarc welcome to visit themobile office site most con-venient for them.

Other mobile office tours,covering the remaining por-tion of tho district, aroscheduled for early fall.

"These tours have servedto bring government closerto the people, and to makeit easier for them to receivethe help they need to cutthrough the red tnpc theyfrequently encounter whendealing with a federal agency," Rinaldo said. "Sincethe tours were started in1974, more than 8,000constituents have visitedthe mobile office to citherask for assistance in resolv-ing n problem or to discusslegislation before Congress.

AROUND THE WORLD . . . Sixth grade academicallygifted 3tudont3 from all four of.Rohway'a ElementarySchools participated In tho district's annual "Around thoWorld wlth-G/T Travol Fair. Undor tho dlroctlon of G/Tprogram reaourco toacher, Mrs. Jano Stern, this exhibitwas n culminating activity In tho students' atudy ofcultural anthropology. Soon In photo aro Klmberly Rad-tko (loft) who 3tudlod Japan. Sho oxplalned tho ueo ofaoawood as a food sourco to teacher, Mra. Greek,

RESTORED MUSEUM CELLAR OPEN TO PUBLIC . ..Mlaa Lucia Pascale, president of tho Clark HistoricalSocloty, Is Jolnod by Clark Councilman BernardHaydon, William Caruso and Joseph Poznlak, at the Dr.William Robinson Museum, 693 Madison Hill Road,Clark, celebrating the rocont opening to tho public oftho restored museum cellar. The basement has beenoxcavated, ten Inches of earth removed In order to givemore headroom, and a brick floor replaced. Among thoexhibits on permanent display are a variety of antiquefarming Implements, a collection of hand-forged hingea,and oxamplos of wooden construction.

Runnells seeks volunteersJohn E. Runnells Hos-

pital of Union County inBerkeley Heights seeks can-dy stripers and juniorvolunteers for its summerprogram for boys and girlsage 14 to 18. Cundy stripersand junior volunteers willserve on nursing units and

assit with activities forhospital residents. Morningand afternoon shifts areavailable.

Contact the VolunteorServices office 322-7240ext. 450, 451 for an ap-pointment for an intorvlow.

• • • ! ' • - I I II I M i l I • I • I - ^ i — •

The Social Scene


DIANE M. BRESCHER, daughtor of Jo3oph and MarlonBroschor, of Prospect Stroot, Clark, rocolvod abacholor of ocionco dogroo from Albright Collogo,Roadino, PA. MD. Broochor, a bu3lnos3/psychologymajor, was nnmod to Doan'3 List, 3orvod as vlco prosi-dont of ACSIP (Albright Collogo Studonts Intorostod InPorsonnol), os troasuror for Dorm Council In hor dorm,and a roprosontativo to Campu3 Contor Board. Sho Is asiotor of Gamma Sigma Sigma National Sorvlco Sorority,and war> u mombor of tho Accounting/BuainossAssociation and tho Psychological Socloty. Sho wasalso involvod In tho Muscular Dystrophy DancoMarathon hold annually on campus. Ms. Broschorformorly attondod A.L. Johnson Regional High School.At tho Honor3 and Awards Dinner, May 7, 3ho rocolvoda Campus Contor Board Sorvlco Award.

4-H Music ClubreorganizingI'rika U. Fields, County

4-H Agent, has announcedthe reorganization of theUnion County 4-H MusicClub. Frank Alexander,4-H Leader, is seekingyoung individuals interestedin learning basic piano play-ing skills.

Mr. Alexander will in-struct boys or girls, age12-19 privately by offeringlessons in their homes.There is no charge to enrollbut applications will be ac-cepted on a first-come first-served basis.

For further information,contact Molly Brown, 4-HProgram Assistant at233-9366.

4-H is the youth programof Rutgers Cooperative Ex-tension, an off-campus armof Cook College. It is sponsored cooperatively by theUnion County Board ofChosen Freeholders, Rutgcrs, and the Federal government. Its programs areopen to all, regardless ofrace, color, sex, nationaorigin or handicap.

Libraryto presentstorytime

The Rahway PublicLibrary will present ;storytime for KindergartenThird Graders on Wednesday, June 18 from 3:15 p.mto 4:15 p.m. Stories, a filiror film strip and a craft wilbe provided.

Accessibility lor the handicapped may be arranged ithe Children's Departmenis contacted. Telephone381-4110 by MondayJune 16.

United W^y

Mary R. Muzik

Miss Muzikreceives degree

Mary R. Muzik, Clark,recently completed re-quirements and graduatedas « member of the Class of1986 at Thiel College.

Miss Muzik, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. I:. FdwardMuzik, 321 West Lane, par-ticipated in the college's re-cent 112th commencementexercises. She received herbachelor of arts degree in'accounting and business ad-ministration while receivingdepartmental honors andgraduating summa cumlaude at the western Penn-sylvania liberal arts college.She attained the dean's key,which means she was on thedean 's list all eightsemesters.

While at Thiel she waschosen for Who's Who inAmerican Colleges andUniversities. She was amember of Thiel Players,Chi F.ta Sigma, LambdaSigma, Alpha Chi, and thetennis team.

United Way holdsawards dinnerUnited Way of Fastern

Union County marked theend of its fumlraising campaign with an Annual Lun-cheon/Awards Meetingheld on May 21 at TheCellars res taurant inF.li/.ahcth. Fifty throe.member agencies will sharein the SI.H83.685 raised inthe campaign.i Among those receivingawards were Family ServiceAssociat ion with thehighest |K>r capita gift in theagency campaign.American Red Cross/E-UC,hridgeway House, Familyit Children Counseling &Testing Center, SupportiveFriends, Union CountyOetox, Urban League ofUnion County, and theY.W.C.A.FUF received(iold Awards.

The Hoard of Directorselected Christopher Arm-strong, Fst|. as president for•1986-87 campaign.

Entertainment was pnvided by Ihe Rahway DaCare Center.


AUXILIAN OFFICERS HONORED . . . Tho offlcoro of tho Rahway Ho3pltal Auxiliaryworo four of tho3o honored at a lunchoon hold on May 13. From loft: Mabol Inamlno olRahway, Socrotary; Alda Vasta of Clark, Troaouror; Shlrloy Lovltzky of Rahway, VlcoPro3ldont; and Marydol Grahill of Rahway, Prosldont.

Hospital honorsAuxilians at luncheon

The members of the Rail-way Hospital Auxiliary-were recognized at a lun-cheon held during HospitalWeek (May 11-17) in theirhonor. John I.. Yoder, hos-pital President, Anthony V.

aruso, Chairman of thehospital's Board of Ciover-nors, and Nelson I.. Taylor,'hairman of the Rahway

Hospital Foundation allspoke in praise of the Aux-iliary, which is responsiblefor running many service's,including the Rose TreeGift Shop, the Snack Bar,the Shop on Wheels, andthe Baby Photo Service.

"You should congratu-late yourselves," Mr.Caruso said to the Aux-ilians. "You have earnedrespect the old fashionedway—through hard work."

The following Auxilianswere presented with awardsat the luncheon in recogni-tion of 100 hours of serviceor more to the hospital:

Laura Epprlght

Miss Epprightgains degree

Miss Laura Eppright ofRahway was among 700who received degrees atMonmouth College's 52ndCommencement exerciseson May 18.

She received a BS degree,along with Sean Dorris andRoger Homsby, also ofRahway.

O'Connor onDean's Lilt

Patrick O'Connor, son ofMr. and Mrs. W, RobertO'Connor of Prcscott Turn,Clark, has been named tothe spring semester Dean'sList at King's College,Wilkes-Barre, Pn.

RAHWAY: Beatrice Ashelford, 4700 hours; Her-nice Walker, 4200; HelenStoops, 4100; Eleanor Ma-jor, 3700; Muriel Recs,3600; Marion Hall, 3300;Elizabeth Elder, 3300;Muriel Koehler, 2800; LenaSfor/.a, 2500; Marie Moran,2200; Isabellc Montross,1400; Flossie Abrahams,1400; Veronica Ritter,1200; Claire McClure,1200; Pauline Gwiazda,1100; Margaret McMi-chad , 1100; EleanoraCampbell, 1100; KiltyJohnson, 1000; CharlotteGi l le t te . 900; VivianJankowski, 800; AddieLudlow, 700; Barbara Sfor-/.a, 600; Trudy Yates, 500;Ruth Murphy, 400; Cat-herine Lucadamo, 400;Elsie Surma, 300; Mabel In-amine, 300; Dorothy Gros-k i n s k y, 3 00; MannyBeaton, 300; MarydelGrahill, 200; Frank Rees,100; Louise Kracht, 100.

CLARK: Aida Vasia,1200; Jennie DeStefano.400; Evelyn Iiaird, 300;Kay (iuarino, 200; Mariel.ongo, 200; and HelenBunor, 100.

COLONIA: DorothyWhite, 1400; Jean Confer.1400; Marie Miragliotta,1200; Tina l.alielle. 120(1;Rina Fonda, 500; AnnDoyle. 100

SCOTCH PLAINS :Margaret Under, 1200.

CRANFORD: SusanSandford, 1300.

ROSELLE: Kay Beckhusen, 2600.

UNION: Yolanda Cus-mano, 600.

AVENEL: Tina Avenosa, 1000.

WESTFIELI): BrendaBerkcbile, 500.

LINDEN: Libby Shaw,5000; Kay Nagy, 1600; am!Dorothy Thome, 100.

AARP Clark chapterto install officers

Clark Chapter No. 3733American Association ofRetired Persons, will holdtheir final meeting of Ihe1985-86 year on Friday,June 13 at the BrewerSchool- Center, WcstfieldAvenue, Clark at I p.m.

A sandwich luncheonwill precede the meeting tobe followed by a sing-along.Installation of officers forthe 19861987 year willtake place as follows: Prcsi

dent. Edith I.eibowii/;Treasurer, Michael Duilek;Recording Secre tary ,Frances Witkin; Correspon-ding Secretary, DorothyI'lynn and Vice President,

-John Regan.Final plans will be an

nounced for Ihe tour grouplo Expo 86. Keservatios arebeing taken for one-daytrips beginning in Septem-ber and a Caribbean cruiseon November I.

LORf E. LEHOTSKY, dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. M.Lohotiiky of Clark, wa:> awardod a Bncholor of Scloncodorjmo In Nurninr) cum Inudo nt Soton Hall Univornlty'tirocont Commoncomont. Lori, who majorod In Nurslnrj,wa:; tho 1 98G roclpiont of Solon Hall Unlvorrilty CollO()oof Nursing':; Gonoral Excollonco Award.'Whllo at SotonHall, Lori war. a mombor of tho Studont Nuruoo1

Association. Sigma Thota Tau Honor Socloty forNursos, and chairman of hor Sonior Pinning Coromony.Lori is a (jrriduutn of A.L. Johnson High School in Clarkand is a mombor of tho Holy Comfortor EpiscopalChurch in Railway. Lori will bo working at RahwayHospital as a staff nurso.

Retired Men's Clubslates activities

CLARK MUSICIAN IS GRADUATED . . . Borkloo Col-logo of Musk; fjr.'irlufttfj Efll/aboth Mary Canavan ofClark, who WHH nwHrdw.1 tho Bnchnlor of Music Dorjrooin Music; Production and Enrjin'jorinfi by Borkloo Prool-dont Loo Eliot Burk, is congratulatod by Horblo Han-cock, intomationally ronownod koyboardir;t and com-posor, during Commoncomont Coromonion at thoBorkloo Porformanco Contor Hancock, a GrammyAward winnur and consistont top porformor in majormusic polls, was prusontod tho Honorary Dogroo ofDoctor of Music during tho graduation oxorclsos.

Library, planssummer clubsand activities

I he liniil nip lo AtlanticCity sponsored by IheRahway Retired Men'sClub will be on Fiiday,June .'7. Joe Wighard willschedule the first fall trip inSeptember.

The annual picnic will beon Monday, June 16 at IheSenior CiiiA'iis ('enter parkiii|', area. The lurnoul usually exi'ceeds 225.

At Ihe .liini- I meeting,Dr. John II. Carmichael.Professor, Union CountyCollege, Scotch Plains,presented a series of slidesdepicting ihe many Flags ofIhe U.S. from 1776 lo ihepresi'nl.

Mr. CarmiehatTs slidesalso included flags of explorers 1 .oil' Erickson andChristopher < nltimbns aswell as the various coloniesprior to the RevolutionaryWar. All Wroldsen. Program Director, introducedMr. Carmichael, who provided a commentary ex-plaining the origin and

DONATION BENEFITS ST. ELIZABETH HOSPITAL . . . Mrs. Domlnick Caruso (stan-ding) nnd Ms. Elloon Koolnn (loft), Prosidont of tho Cnthollc Woman's Club ofEliznboth, rocontly proaontod n chock for S 1,500 to Sistor Ifll/nboth Ann Mnlonoy.(rlfjht) Exocutlvo Dlroctor ol St. Eliznboth Hospital. Tho chock roproscntod procunulsfrom tho Annuol Lunchoon nnd Fashion Show of tho Cnthollc: Woman's Glut) ofEliznboth. This yonr'3 ovont was chmrod by Mrr.. Caruso Hold in April at llu>Coachman's Inn in Crnntord. tho show loaturod fashions by Gn/obo of Illooinfmld

function of each I'lac,shown.

The new officers of Iheclub will be installed at theJune 30 meeting, They in-clude: Eld Cwirko, prcsident; Tom (ianlly, first vp;

d Meffe, second vp;Chester Arnold, secretary;Ray King, t reasurer;(ieorge Black, Chaplain;I-rank Walker , Assl.Chaplain; and trustees(ieorge Black. Ed Sellwcinberg and Joe Wighard.Program Chairman All'Wroldseu will conduct theinstallation ceremony.

The Rahway PublicLibrary will offer readingclubs and activities forRailway boys ami girls thissummer.

Those of intermediateand high school age mayjoin the Young Aduli ( litbin the Adult .Department.Activities, which includebook bingo, games, craftsand programs on singing,will be held from Thursday.July 3 to Friday. August I.Lor further information,call the Adult Department.388-0761.

Children in First throughSixth Cirades may join asummer reading club in theChildren's Department. Activiiies such as game days,crafts, a puppet show andfilm and book bingo will beheld from Monday, June 30to Friday, August K. Aballoon launch is alsoscheduled for August 8. Aseries of storytime programsfor those in Kindergartenthrough Third (Irade willbe held beginning Tuesday.July H.

Parents of children who'do not read yet may sign up!with their child for the.'Read To Me Summer Read-!ing ( lub. Activities for thisigunip, which include crafts,'bingo and storytime pro'grams, will be conducted;from Thursday, July 1 to;Thursday, August 7. For,further information, call the*('hildrcn's Department;381 41 10.

Those interested in par*licipating in any one ofthese three summer readingclubs may sign up at anytime during Library hoursbeginning Friday, June 13.'

Historical Societylooking mombori

The Rahway HistoricalSociety always welcomesnew members.

Phone the Hotline at38LO.MI for further infor-mation.

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Kci U (3 ifecorb 'VCarfc'O "Patriot

K.II A M I I;I.I.I:N VIGII.ANTF:A'lvcrli'.iii'i M.iti.iiji-r

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Did you know?Sail was so \aluable iiIhe wuul "salan " 11salt niunes

some homes"Superwomen" for

Hands Across Americarate applause!

I lie !• >'A II i 'I K.i 11'A . i ' . h.nl a | i i ' ii ii I (l.i v mi May .'.''III.I hoiisaiul1. ill 11. u in i JI.I 111 •. 11 lined I I.HHI1. Aeioss Ainnica

(HI Si ( I I :U|( ' I " I AM' I I IK 1 ill .1 I'l.'lillc .mil < onipav.lonali1

ik-iiiiiii'.ir,iiimi nl ihcii i n i i i c in lui mil I I I IMI ' IV amiI II uncle.1. population As nnr " I l.niun ( uniily1'. live"I ini' I ov, Hi' Kahua1. u ,r. ;il'.i > ,i I'liii'iiiii'i lio'il In iiliiny,main pi-'ipk1 l imn oilu-i l ounv n iu" , anil Mali11,, Manythan!,1, in Rah\ l.a\'1. I 'n lur Di 'panmi 'n i ami KcsenrS ( | l l . l l l I I I ! l I l C I I I I " i p c l . l l l l H I . 1 1 1 1 I . r . S l s M I I U '

I n all nl 111 L- ' . i i l i i i i l i 'ci ' . 'A In i l i im i f l i l then dine.f i i f f j'S ami l.i It'll t In i lu ' pioj i - i i . I hnpc yon cadi canii'• IW; I \ Iroin iIn.' i.'M.'iil '.'.nil a Ircliii)1 nl pi'i'.onal sulishiclion lor v< ii11 u i i i i i i hu i n HI in K a l i u a v \ <iVIT whutiiiinj'.siincss I Ili-n \ ' i ; ' i l ,ui l i ' . Kahua\ I H H I I ( ooi i l inalor lorllns I 'wnl. | ';nr (il Ik-r.rl l lai and ahuvi1 any uriilislie i/xpcciaiion l l f i dcdicaiiiin in 111• 11>iM>r other, r. ,i mo.i lullnil' conniiciil ahnii! v.liu she i-, Vmi i l u w n Marslial,Sisici PHIS Ya\nr. ai ioinpl ishcd a i icnini i lo i is lask, in aUT\ sliuil 1 imc 1-v.i'ii i indi'i ink'iisi1 picssilR', Sislcr I'lliswas alwaw I'vcn ii ' inpcii-il, l u c i n l h , and supportive ol'olhcrv I n I ml 11 ul ilii'sc "Siipei umii iMi." I cxU'iid my persunal I'l.il 11 ink1 and adini ial inn

Shnron Ro5T>TTFnrb

Union County Coord inatorHnndi ; Acro i i i . Amor lcn-Now Jornoy

Kean and Shapiro. . .0 touch of class

II i s l i e i i r i i ' i n n r l o s i r i h a l s i a i i ' s n i a n s l n p i s a l i v e a n d

well! . ... .. . _._ - - .

I he pi 1 bin1. h;i\ in)1 In sin t ne on a diet nl .Ui.s days ayear ol adu'sai ial, pail 1'.an pulmral wiani'lini1. a I all levelsol j-'.oveminenl, \w'lroini ' i l wi lh open amis l l i i ' joiniii}1. olIi a 1 ids on Ma\ I.' ul ( K I W I IIOI I liuinas Kean and Issex

County l \ e c u l i \ e IViei Shapiro. 10 siippoil Cil i /eus'I ' i ' l i i ion Kii'hls.

Crossing, p;n 1 \ lines 1 H jusi siippmiinr, Assemblyman/.iniinei's bill which allows eiti/ens, ih ioni 'h the proeessol Ini l iai ive iV Keleieinl inn. in place issues on the ballot.is I n no means a simple mallei when \ou ennsidei ihenimihiT ol what are called special mieiesi I'.inups Inbhyin)'.ai'.ainsi "people powe i ' "

Where these croups c.ol then name isainune's cuesshni ''special" is a misnomer. A more appropriate titleini i 'hl be "sell ish" mieiesi I'.ioiips' (S.I (1 si.

Not all eleeied olhculs in the political aiena have Ihe111111 link1 ol spinal column to w 11 hsiand the verbal s1111 n 1 •arnnni1, which cues with supponini ' lei'islaimn unpopularwith the S.Ui.s.

A I'IMHI example nl how si i ih piessuie ean causelepiesentalnes to eau1 in was a \ote o| ".ibstenliou"leccntK In \ssenibl\ men Joseph Ch.ules anil JosephItocehim. \s ho 11 is 1 weeks eailiei inined a uiiauimoiis soleto hniif KVK out nl I'omimllec I01 a Mile b\ IheIci'.islaluie I uilunalels llic bill eaine mi l ol eomtuilteeWIlilDUl llU'll \nles

( io \e ino i Kcau and I'eiei Shapiiu both have ourdeep lespeet I01 I'IMMI1. "^ I a teal " louch ol class1"

Dotty A. Sehoroock, SocrotnryClnrk Civic & Tjixpnyorsi Commlt too, Inc.

AARP Chapter 3733appreciates vs

On behall o l ihe C l ink Chapie i No l/.t 1. Amene.mAssoeiai ion ol Reined 1'eisnns. we thank \ u u lui ihepuhli i ' i ty leleases ih,u ha\e appealed in \ o u i wcekl\puper.

^Di i a ie doui) ' an excellent sen ice in out me in be is inkeeping them inhumed ami in seiMii j1 ihe eoin imimis aswel l . I l is impni lan t i l i .n lesulenls .1 \ .n l theniselu's olyour new spa pel as theie aie m a i n ,11 I K les nl inteiest ,\\\i\h f l i c l i t Ihat do nut appeal in a daiK papei

Mm. Chnrlos Drlosonn

Publ ici ty SocrotnryC lmk AAHP Chnptor 3733

iMI h tunes ih,it 11 is ihe suuice ole I aim woid, "sal.uiuin". means

< cii'.n1- liuii.'au worker;will Ian 0111 acio'.'i Aincriciitins •ainiinei lo complL-teihe \'IM> Niiliriii.il ( nnlenlSurvey, an ev.i'tiiial pan olI>l;i 111111 if hy tin; ('oirnnerceDepai I men I \ ( c 11 s 11 •.lluieau lo delermine what(|iie',lioii'. lo ;i',k in the 19<;()nalionwide census.

I i f l i i dillercnl i|uesiionnairi". were used in a Marchmailini' to about •IH.000households incluilinc

some in this area scicnHlically selected In represent the U.S. populahon.Responses in various waysul a-.kin)' (|iieslioir. and inwhat order, will play a 111:1JOI role in detennuiini', whatsubjects wi l l be recommended to Congress in Apr i lI9K7 lor use in the \')Wcensus.

Many completed <|ucslionnaires have been mailedback lo the ( eiisus Bureau'sprocessini', center in Jellersonville, In i l . A secondquestionnaire was mailed inApr i l 10 those not respondull ' .

Census l lu ieau workerswil l visit a sample of thehouseholds that did not respond to the mail c|iieslioiiiiiiire, They also wil l visitsome households thai didrepoiul, lo measure thequality ol the responses. I ilie 1.1 ol' the U.S. code (thelederal eonsus law) requiresthose receiving the contentsurvey i| t ieMitinnnirc toanswer the questions. Ihesame law I'.uaianlees thec o i i l i d e n l i a l i l y ol ' i ndividuals' answers to censusquestions. Only statisticalto ta ls , c o m b i n e d I r on iausweis of all respondents,are published.


other ac

iVIu',1 e|uc",lions on (he\')H(> survey are similar lothe one1, asked in previouscen'iU',es: ai'.c. race, '.e.x,marital ',talus, income,education, type of housiiif.I I I I I I , and so on. I hese basic(|iieslions also will be askedin I WO.

Howeve r , i f surveyresults warrant, some newquestions includiiif Ihelollowiii)1 could be submilled lo ( on i ' ics for inelusion on Ihe \')')i) queslionnaue.

More detailed i|iiesiionsfor people who are disabledor have health problemsihal limit their abilitywork and perllivities.

— The addition of "solai"lo the possible answers to aquestion about types of fuelused lo heal a home.

A question on thenumber of smoke detectorsin a home.

More detailed questionsabout education, such ashighest decree received andin what field.

The number and type ofmotor vehicles used bymembers of a householdand the tota l annualmileaf.c driven.

Many of the questionswere su|'.c,ested lo Ihe ( e nsus liurcaii durinc. "5 localpublic mcctini's conductedacross the nation and attended by more than .\000

""persons"." """The l()()t) census is ex

peeled to show a populationof .150 million comparedwilh .MO.7 million now. Itwill mark (he .'.OOlh yearsince the lirM decennial ecusus in I7')(), when (ieoi)'.eWashington was president.

Survivors must applyfor benefits

lly John I I . MeCuicheonSocial Security Manager

in I'li/ahethSurviving dependents, of

a deceased worker shouldapply for Social Securitybenefits us soon as possiblefollowing a worker's death,John 11. McCulcheou, Social Security iuana('.er inI li/abelh, N..I. said recentIv

Applying promptly willallow benefits to start in theshortest possible time. MeCutcheon said. In addition,some benefits cannot bepaid for more than onemonth befoie the month ofapplication

Social Security benefitscan be paid lo these sur\ IVOIS;

• l lnniainedunder IS. or 1Slime secondarystudents.

• l lnniainedowi I S who weie disabledbelme .V and lemain disabled

• A sui \ i\ inn widow 01widowei of am aj;e caiinc.lui a child under l(> orihsableil who j-ols benefits

• Widow or widower M)or ovei.

• Disabled widow orwidow ei M) 60.

• Dependent paieut d.1 01ovei

Henelits can also be paidlu a sui viviD}1, divoieedspouse if she or he was marlied lo the deceased workei

childrenT* if full



len years or more, ( irandchildren ean c.et benefits ona crandparent 's recordunder certain cireumstances.

Ik'fore any benefit ean bepaid, the worker must havehad credit for a certainamount of work covered hySocial Security, lu l'\S6. theamount ranees from I I/.1

lo 8 .'/-I years dependinc. onthe ac.e of the worker atdeath.

More information aboutSocial Security survivorbenefits can be obtained atthe l l i /abelh Social Seeuiity office, located at .M.1

Westniinstei Avenue, Ihete lephone number isI SOU.1 / : I l l I.

Library will change

to reduced hours

Ihe Rahwa\ I 'ubl icI ibrary will chance loicdueed hours t'ot the summei bei'.inmnc, Mondas.June 16. Adult Departmenthouis will be 10a 111 l> p.m.,M o n d a \ , Tuesday andI huisday, 10 a ni 5 p.m.,Wednesdas and hriilav andclosed Satuida>.

Clnldien's Depai imenihours will be 10a.m. l ) p.in ,Mond.n, 10 a.m. 5 p.m.,1 uesda\ , Wednesday ,lluiisdav and l i i day andclosed Satuiday,

I he I ibiaty will letuin loiiy.ular hours on luesdas,Seplembei ?.

EDITOR'S HOTfi In oulcr lor ir, In adequately prcpan: i( ' i n i im i i i i l y 1 al' i idar. all evcnl1, Im llic lolluwiu)' week'.l i ' i i i ld be •aibiiiiiied hy 5 p.m. on the WEDNESDAY beforeyou v.uiild I j |. < • 111 - * 1 f 1 lo appeal.

• « •


THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 5ATURDAY, JUNE H I111011' o i i n i y A i r , ( ••nter (Rai lway Ihea l re l . I rv ine &. M a mSi . "•I.11 id Si 1 en a rlav.u. lu l l lenelh l i lm . and "I 'el l1 . areK n i e i u e " / K) p in . donat ion \>.

— TltURSOAY, iUHt 12 — K,<hw,«y ' haple i ui.lt!,An ie i i can A'.'.m i . i l imi ol k e l i i e d I'ei'.ous. Semoi ( i l i / eu< e i n c i . I •, iei| ) | in,k Av i : . . I . ' : 10 p.m.

• MONDAY, JUNE 16 Rai lway Hoard ol Adj i is lm e i i l . / .)() p i n . ( n \ Ha l l . ( oui ic i l ( ' l ia iuheis.

MONDAY, JUNE 16 -• Kahway Hoard ol I d i i c a l i o n .'•pei 1.11 i i iec l in i ' , /'.Ml p.m.. Room 10''. In le iu ied ia leSchool .

•- TUESDAY, JUNE 17 d l V V ( 'Ra i lway Area JuniorWoman ' ' . ( lub, pla i i inni1 nieeiine. K p-m . home ol Mrs..l i idv D 'A inbu l . i . ( I.uk

JUNE 23-27 I r i u i U I niled Melhudis l ( b i i i ch .Dai ly Vaca l im i l i ib le School. I. M i l i o n Ave and M a i nSi. A J ' C . -1 lu ( i i ade (1, '1 K) a m . lo noon, phone1HH I f.'H lor m lo rma l i on

- TUESDAY, JUNE 24 Rahwav I ' l . iunme l l oa i d ,'/: t() p.m. ( i l \ I l. i l l . < ou i ic i l < hainbei' i .

FRIDAY, JUNE 27 d l W C Rahwa\ A iea l u 1Woman 's ( lub. I'asl I ' le - jde in ' , Social. X p.m.. home olMl 1 . I .Mii la V i i l l .e i . Rahwav.

SATORDAY, JUNE 28 ( i l W( Kahwav AieaJunior Woman's ( lub. ( iaiaee and Hake Siile. home ofM11. I vudn Volki- i . 1166 Jelleisou A M 1 . Rahwa \ . 10.1.111.

SUNDAY, JUNE 29 Reception, l i m i t s l u l l e dM e ; In 111 r, 1 ( 11111 c| i . I M i hi HI Avenue and Ma i j ] Si 1 eel, loI IDI I I 11 member , w i l h the ch inch SO veals or more. I I.1.111.

MONDAY, JUNE 30 Kahwas ( liambei ol ( 0111

incu r , ( ( impuie i I \pn. v III p.m. Squire's Inn. 1.(0

Koi i le 17. Ral iwa\. Special Cocklail II0111 I ' locram;

U V S I ' In June . ' I . .'W4 r> / ' i Ihe chamber welcomes

new member.CLARK

• MONDAY, JUNE 16 - ( laik Municipal CouncilMieeiini'.. K p in.. 11 ' Wesllield Ave.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 - Ua i k I a\pa\eis ( 0.1I1Hon. H p in . ( laik I'uhlic I ihrary.

MONDAY, JUNE 23 ••• Claik l ioaid ol Adj i is imenl .i i ' l ' i i lai iii i ' i ' i in)'. X p.m.. (ou i i c i l Chaiuheis, WesllieldAve

- TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - ( l a i k Hoard ol Iduea l ion ,lep i lar meeiine. S p.m.. Adininisirat ion Huikl iui 'Schindlei RA

•- TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - Clark I'laiininc. HoardMeeime,. S p in. . \\> Wesllield Avenue.

PLANNING TRIPS . . . Wllllnm J . Mnnulro and DorothyFlynn nrn noon dlr.cusr.ino Clark Chnptor No. 3 7 3 3AARP final planr. lor tho group tour to Expo ' 8 6 . Roaor-vntlon;) aro boing tnkon for ono clay trips bocjinninr) InSoptombor and a Cnribboan cruiso on Nov. 1 .

Assemblyman Franksreceives non-profitnursing home awardAssembly m a n Hob

I'ranks who representsClark in the New Jersey(iei ieral Assembly, wasawarded ihe New JerseyAssociation of Non I'rofiiI Ionics for the A^ini'.'s Citalion of Merit for I'W* —ihe first elected official toreceive this award.

The presentation wasmade ai ihe association'sannual banquet on Mouday, June ?., I»S(>, N.IANIM IA is the stale associationof church related and eovei iimeiiial non profit lionsme and health facilities forolder people. With I i :Diembeis it can's for morethan l.s.OOO older peoplethioucJuuii the state.

I'lanks was awarded thisdistinction, aecordinn toassociatinn executive diree101 Dennis R. l i eu , "due tothe Assemblyman's spunsoiship of legislation to piotect senini eili/ens as theyseek adinission to nursing.homes."

"His eliorts culminaiedlast w.11 in a statute outlawme, pin ate pay contractsand disciiiniuatioii againstMeilicaid patients. It is forib is leasou that ourmembeislnp has voted himIhe aw,iid reserved forpublic lifiiies who have furIhered the objective ofi|iialiis hie for older persous," I leu added.

l-ranks, who now servesas Conference leader forthe JO.Iiul Session of the(ieneral Asseinbh1, was firstelected to the House inl l)7'). In his first three termshe served on the Hnernyiuid Natural ResourcesCommittee, Slate (iovernincut Committee and conliiuies to serve in his fourthterm on the Revenue.Finance and Approprialions Commitlec.

I le has taken a leading,role in or^ani/inf. variouspolitical campaigns, such as(iovernoi Thomas kean'sI "SI election, the I "S :iceleciion of Rep. James A.Courier and the I*->S-l elec-tion of Rep. Dean (iallo.

l i .mks has served aschairman of the Task Forceto Reform the Congressional Redisirictinc- Processand the Coal i t ion forRegulatory I'l'l'iciencv. Heis also a member of theStale and I ocal l!\pendilute and Revenue PolicyCommission.

" I he associat ion isdelighted to be able tohonoi so competent andcm inn a public official asAssemblyman Franks andwe look forward to workingwilh him in the luiuie onmatters aimed at improvingthe hie of New Jersey seniorcm/ens," 11011 concluded.

LEGION UPDATE . . . Frod Barth, loft, a mombor of tho Klwanla Club of Rnhwa'y,profiontri a certificate) of appreciation to fjuoat spoakor, Raymond L. Zawacki, At tholanl wookly mootlno of tho club, Zawacki, who ia tho Dopnrtmorit Sorvico Officor of thoAmorlcin Lorjion for Now Jorooy, rjavo an ovorviow of tho many activltlos of thoLofjion Ho :;aid that tho Logion wao firot formod In 1919 by World War I votorona.Thoro ,'iro 4 0 0 pont oorvico offlcoro In Now Jor3oy for which ho in rosponniblo for train-inn and dl:\;)ominatln("j votornn1!) information. Ho notod that tho Logion haa ovor 25 ac-tivo program:; in Now Jornoy with tho moat woll known bolng thoir basoball and.scholarship activitioa. Tho Kiwanin Club of Ruhway moots on Wodnoadays at 12:15 attho Columbian Club in Rahway.

FOR SAFETY'S SAKE . . . Matthow J. Dorhnm, prosidont ol tho AAA Now JorsoyAutomobile) Club, and niombors of tho Union County Modical Socloty Auxiliary displayono of 30 child roatraint aoats donatod to tho Auxiliary by tho AAA Now JorsoyAutomobile Club. Thoso child restraint soats nro available) as tomporary loans to nowmothers admittod to participating hospitals in Union County, and to nil AAA mombor'a.Tho niombors o( tho Auxiliary aro (loft to right) Jano Lorbor, Mrs. Josoph Caldorno,Christine Kloin, Botty Shorrott and Mrs. Robort Wogyan.

AAA Club donates seatsto Medical Society Auxiliary

The A A A New JerseyAutomobi le Club's Foundalion for Safety has donated.10 life savin;; chi ld restraintseals to the Union Coun tyMedical Society Auxi l iaryfor distr ibution to hospitalsin Union County. Thesedonat ions, part of theClub's on c.oing safely pro(•.rain to promote the use oflifesavitij ', automobile res11 aims and eliminate (henumber one killer and crippier of pie school chi ldren,are available as temporaryloans to new mother admitted to participating hos


Hostan International

Hi£h SchoolStudent.

pitals who cannot afford achild seal, and to all A A Amembers.

"Wi th more .Americansexpected to travel by carthis summer, all parents andguardians should protecttheir children with childrestraint scats. Hy doing so,they help eliminate the risksof death and unnecessaryinjuries that threaten allchildren when traveling in acar," says Matthew .1.Derhain, president of theA A A New Jersey Automobile Club.

The Un ion CountyMedical Society Auxiliaryesiablishcd its child restraintseat program in 1C)K.1 to en-sure every baby born in aUnion County hospital asafe ride home. Since thenover 500 babies and theirfamilies have benefitedfrom their loans. The Aux-iliary's child restraint sealprogram, which has receiv-ed recognition from boththe New Jersey State Senateand the National Safety

Council, has been an im-petus for other chjh lrestraint seat programsthroughout the state.

Since July I, I ' W . alkM)states and Ihe District 'ofColumbia have passed lawsrequiring young childrenwho are traveling in a cai^iobe protected by cbik lrestraint seats. To en-courage full use of this lawthe AAA New Jersey Automobile Club has niadosimilar child restraint sealdonat ions to hospitalsthroughout l;ssex, Morrisand Union Counties.

l'hc A A A New JerseyAutomobile Club and thoUnion County MedicalSociety Auxil iary want lomake sure all new familiesabide by these laws. I'oriTiformation on how to obtaina chilil restraint seat, pleasecall the Union CountyMed ica l Soc ie ty at21: 1707 or the A A A NewJersey Automobile Club'sSafety Depar tment at,177-7.HH), extension .174.'


FOR THE WEEK OF:June 2 thru June 7


•gy 132 »M9" V 381 SMOM ^d10 !22

"ET 844 '288 >96 W «W 803 '221 »36» '22'"" 544 '317»s105M

r," 610 '170'28 '17

H0K9AT. Jwit ] PICK 101'!

irwow IOI7517 W,193.00 J344.OO

ncnionono os w i? it n olOnpjMlli NO 41491


4764 S3 334.00 1194.50


2440 S3.614.SO $317.00



i s m IODI

1IUI0H1 101

S3.V74.S0 $248u ii it I I it M

mo ipwt no 4»IH


1070 13.441.90 1317.00

SAIURDAY. Junt 7 PICK FOURm tl l lKHl 101»53» J3.J44.5O 1337.00

tmHWA"YNrws^Hi:f""nnn;rrAni-: PATRIOT IIIUI<SI;AY, A \Y,

IN MEMORY OF " O G Q I E " . . .Rociplonts of tho J.Howard "Oog io " Frtrroll Scholarship ;irn Rnhwny HiqfiSchool c|raduatin() r>oniorr> Rudy Gibbs and Llonol Or-pilla Pictured durinij tho prosontation aro (l-r) Riilph

Smith, Cnrl Coulson, Gibb:;, Nicholn;; Dolmonaco. Or-pilla. Tom Giirjlttirdo, John Schmitt, Ab(.' Roppon, androtirincj Riihwny Hitjh School principal Roy Valentino

Two RHS seniors receive "Oggie'' Scholarships

-A- • ' •

In Ihe curly \l)?.()\ ;igroup of younn men phiycilbiiscbiill under the name ofthe Ramhler Athletic Club,taking the name of the teamwho played prior to VVorMWar I.

In the fall of I W ) a foothall team played a briefschedule of games usingR i v e r s i d e P a r k , n o wVeterans Memorial Held.In 11->27 a few more gameswere played. In I' '28 theRamblers requested a fieldbe made in the UnionCoun ty Park here theRamblers w i th a fully uni-formed team played a complete schedule,

The club grew m around225 members playing base-

Memorial Scholarshipcites local war hero

* • * • * • • • • • • •

ball, footbal l , basketball,solihall, track, bowline, andtennis. In the middle '.Misthe life of the Ramblers ranout. members married andstarted to raise families,

In the late '-IDs a group offormer Ramblers got logoI her and decided lo have areunion, and several werewell attended.

T o give more meaning tothese reunions, ii was decid-ed to reach out to help someoiie seeking further education, so the J. Howard"Oggie" l a r re l l l-ducationalH i n d was born.

The \l)M recipients areRudy ( i ibbs and l.iesel Or

pilla, graduating seniors o fRahway High School, l iacl ireceived Ihe fund moneyfor outstanding scholarathlete accomplishments.

Rudy ( i ibbs participatedin cross country and indoor-outdoor track anil l.ieselplayed soccer and volleyball. Both are planning l oattend Rutgers Universityin Ihe fall.

Oggie l ;arrell played forRahway High School from1^25-27. g radua t i ng inI(>2K. l i e played for theRamblers in '28 and ~2l) andwas an outstanding end.

In l°3() he joined theU.S. Marines ami continuedhis football w i th the (Juan

Workshop will focus onsingle parent therapy

Workab le therapeui ictechniques to assist lamiliesin crisis, especially singleparent families, will be ihefocus of a one day trainingseminar being, sponsored Inthe Union County YouihSeiA ice Bureau on 1 bursday. June " I * * at Kcan 1 nllege. M o r n s A *. e i iue .Union. Dow us Hall

Chilian Walker, a familytherapist w i th the Ackerman Institute of New York,and coauthor of "Unefl'lierapy w i lh Single I'arenilami l ies" wi l l conduct thetraining, which wil l takeplace in the college's DownsHall from l ' a.m. lo } p.in

In addil inu to the Haming. during lunch an assessmeiil will he made ol theimpact' w Inch the 1-ainiKCrisis Intei \en i iou I mlI Project AC C I SSi has badon families, the indicialsystem. Ihe police and socialservice agencies

Spcakeis at tins paneldiscussion w ill include Uaihara Draiulc ol ( ta i i lou l .Director ol I alholn. ( innnu i iuu Sci \ ices ui I nion

C o Dek SIM

R o b e r t D i s k o o f t h e

Railway Police Departmeni; James Stewart. C ouitI laison wi i l i the N..I. Divisu>n of You lh and lami l yServices. Union CountyDistrict Offices; SandraI'haler (ierber. co directorof" i lie r n u lily's Fa mil \ Inlake I 'un; Anne King., Ailin i i i i s i ia to i . Project ACC TSS; and (ieorgeite A.Schaeler. Director. Union( U n i i l y Y o u t h ServiceDiiicau.

funding, for the conlereuce is being, provided bya g.iaiu horn the lami lyC i i i i i i Opening remarkswill be made by the Hon.W a l l e t R l ia r i so i i ek .Piesuling Judge of IheI amily C lu i r i ; Ann Maran.Di iec to i , Union CountyI )eparlineni of I Ionian Serv ices, and Joseph I..Saleiiime. Duec io i , Union( ouniy Division of Yout l iSci v ices.

Sealing is available on aveiv limited basis and by in\ nation. I or further mlorinai ion please call ihe\ i u i i h Seivice Uuioau,

Barbershoppersplan guest night

Men of all ag.es who enjoy singing in hamionv areinvited to be guests ol theColonial C horns, Monday.June Id at S p.m. ai iheAmerican I egion I l a l l .101)3 N o r t h A v e n u e ,Wesllield

The Colonial Chorus ismade up of niembeis of theWestl'ield C hapiei of theSociety I'oi Ihe IVsei valionand I'.iKouiagemeni ofHarbor Shop Ouaitet Singing in Amer ica. Inc.,America's largest singingfraterni ty wi th nearly40,01)1) niembeis nationwide

oyiter it ciilltxl

An open invi ta l ion isalvvavs cMended lo malesingeis who may be int c r c s i e d in b i ' c o i n i n gniembeis of the ColonialC horns.

I oi I'm ther informationabout ihe June l(> guestnight or meniheiship in theColonia l Choi us, phoneDoug Hiown at 21U sKI I,

Rc l ieshmei i i s w i l l beserved

tico Marines, the ouisianding enlisted men's team atIhal t ime. Al ter serving Insterm in the Marines, ai thestart of World War I I .

before United Stales became involved, he. crossedthe border and joined IheIJIack Watch of the Canadian Army. As lance Ser-geant he was shipped loTrance and during, the inva-sion of Normandy wasfatally wounded now helies in a grave in Hanee.

The criteria for the awardis thai a deserving studentgoing on to higher educalion lie given an assist fromibis fund.




Finks and Ratfinks

Most etymologists agree that f ink, a purelyAmerican slang id iom, was, another form of "P ink , " anickname for a Pinkerton. The Pinkertons were namedafter famed Scottish • born detective, Al lan Pinkerton,who in 1850 opened his own f i rm, the Pinkerton NationalDetective Agency.

The Pinkertons' success protecting railroad propertyand their abil i ty at breaking up strikes caused hoboes,railroad hijackers, and union members alike to hate the"Pinks" or "Pinkies." The f ink derivative first surfaced in1^02 and meant " in former or strike breaker." By I(J2O,fink had the more general defini t ion of " informer,squeelcr or simply a contemptible person."

The public's intense dislike for finks has found expression in a newer and even more derogatory name forthis enduring breed, the rat fink, an idiom coined in the60's. Wonders as well as f inks, apparently never cease.


recognizes Rahway resident

Silver and Ciold. Membeiship in each level is deieimined by points earned Ioisales of new cars and u ueks.

The program continuesthroughout the ll'N(> modelsales year. Ihe lop M)Chiys le i P l ymou th retai lsales peisonnel wi l l win atrip to a three day NationalSales C onleience.

Thomas Tay lo r , newvehicle salesperson for WestI'inl Ctarage, Inc., ChryslerPlymouth dealer, Rahway,leceived an award for indiv idual performance inselling Chrysler P lymouthvehicles.

A lesulenl of Rahwav,Taylor has reached the

Silvei level of leeognii ion inC luvsle i P lymouth 's uniquo Sales ProfessionalsClub

Specially designed inceiilives and awards aie piovided for outstanding productknowledge and sales aeluevemeiil at l luee per form.nice levels Bion/e.






MIMIMUI*oii ivitr

300 C4II0N!COO

• • • • • • • • • • • • • «


III anlicipalion I I ! Inii '1 i inrProms and f iadi ia i ion. . th,- m nU n i o n C o u n i v I 'nl iee w i l l \>r\

be COIldllClilll ' loadside ! in il

sobriety checkpoint1, mi 'U n i o n C o n n t \ i I I ,n l ; ni'l

t l i rouKi iuul . the iiKjiuh ul . Uu:.June, Kichaid M a n i i i v , aw,C Ilicl ol Police, .iniiouiii n l (he

Al l eleven ineiiibei la.I. ! iheforce wi l l locus on suaii-pi allloealions based upon tin- : 11 anumbc-r of acciilcnr, i i iu iK , m.i

ni|i i in". and lalaliticsJ>i!<-<I In the New Jerseyuiiniei i i nl I rausporta-i Stair,iicjil Report.I im HI ( ouniy person-. i f luipeliil that through

(jublit couucl andueiic1,1,. they may assure..ili-lv and well being of( la1.-, ol "Sfi. as well asnilii'i niiilonsls who

\ c I on conn 1 yIwav',." Maiinix said.

Ihe Intern,ilS e r v i c e ca l l 1 .A i i l o i n a i e d (System, or A( SDuriii i ' , Ihe pasl two \c,ns.i h o u s a n d s ol NewJerseyans have come inknow it as a coinpulei i/eilautomaton thai paiienthpursues individuals ilu- IKSclassifies as " i a \ ilelinc|uenis."

A( 'S, which went on linein the (iiirclen Stale onMarch S, \W-\, esseiiiiall'.nets put on youi nail il \ouowe federal taxes ami \ m iTail lo respond lo IKS pa\meni notices. Once it .hasyour Itelephonel i i imi l 'e i . itwil l automatically call U H Iany weekday between Sa.m. and S p.m.. and e\enon Saturday nioi iunrs IIyou're no! home oi ibe Inn-is busy. Ihe AC S eonipniciwi l l simply remenihei i m allyou back later, and w ill conlinue to do so until il eels ananswer. About I 1.1)011 suchcalls are made to NewJerseyans inontliK

Once coutaei is established, a live IKS representativelakes over. A demand Imimmediate and lull pa\ meniis made. II' the "lav delini | i ieni" says ihal he oi shedoesn't have the inone\ inpay. Ihe repieseiiiiinvc- w illthen"re,i|uesl informaii ' m or.Ihal person's assets (cash.bank accounts, investment*,anil properly) lo deiei minehis or her nhiliiv lo p.i\ mborrow Ihe necessat \ fundsThis dala is added lo ia \payer information ahe.uKdisplayed on the icpieseitlalives coinpulei scieen

In instances wheie it isestablished thai the poisonhas sufficient assets to p.n .but still refuses to do MI . iheIRS may bei'.in onioned collection action, which ineludes the sei/ini1. bank amiother financial accounts, aswell as the cat nisheeini1 oiwai'.es.

Cases that cannot beresolved by A( S aie assu'ned lo field leu' ime oll iceiswho are aulhoi i/ed in seizeand then sell ieal and pelsoiud propei l \ , such ;>*• anaulo or house, in oidoi insettle a lav debt. About "percent ol Ihe cases ,uereferred lo the held

In New Jeise\. theimposed .IN,SMi leviesmade 70S sei / iuosprivate piopei l\ dui inrI'>SS fiscal seai

Individuals who i.rmake a lull paymeni

I ' IM' I I an

elili'i inliai'loeiiH'iitn o t h a v e I

opportunity toan installmentI hose who do

lie ability to paywill probahlv be named in aleileial lax lien filed wi ththe eoiiulv cleik's oll ice.I he lien allaehes lo all propel t v of the taxpayer and.id-, as public notice toi lei l i lois ol the individual'sia \ indebtedness. Il remainson Iile unti l all taxes arepaid



1 II

11 1


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0 1

ol lec l ion

S I 1 1 1 i l l

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processv I o r1 behind

Suchestablishments also face ihepiospect nl havini1 ani ipe i a 11 ni1 l icense eonlisc.ited In ihe IKS

" \( S. which eosl S?..2imi luI I i to install m Newlei v.-\. accnunls lot about ai ln i i l ol the over S-lOOinil l ion \ve col led annuallyin hack laves." commented( ni neliiis .1 C oleinaii, IRSI) , s 11 ic i I ) i i eel or inNewaik. " I l does so atinui'h lower cost, since AC'Sw nh a si.il l of 70 replaces aIn a nob n l neat ly I .U)einplowes who essentiallypei lomioi l ibo same (asks11 i.i M 11.111 v l i i addition, iti eplaood a paper ladenopei anon \\ nh a hii'.hly el'l'ioient eouipulci i/ed informat II HI ic l i leval system," heaildod

M i ( olenian said thatl.r.i \i-.ii IRS employees collooted an .ivctai'.e of ^7 10.in I IOI I I in oveii lue laves,11impaled lo loss than $.!()().ui I IOI I I bel'oie AC S.

I he Newaik AC'S "callMIO" as well as .?() similarl.u ibiies aio inul the conn-ir, collected N.V.t billion in"dolui i | i ieni" laves in I'W.S,a It ' peicent inciease overI ' is.1 w hen such colk'cliono.i-.e1. weio siill handletlinaniially. accoidui|', lo theIRS olticial

i | u

W hen asked how 'deliue i u " i. ixpaycis may avoid



I he



a i. i l l I IO I I I AC S, Mr. Col

emai l i c s p o i i d e d : " I ndiv uluals who for oneic.isiui oi anoiher cannotp.iv then taxes on time,should contact the IRS assoon as possible, evenbeloie thev teccive theirInsi pavnieni notice. Prociastinaiion can only leadto moie pmbleii is lalei. ineluding the imposition o fadditional mieiesi cliaiges.and possiblv. lailuie to paypenalties," he said





293 ST. GEORGERAHWAY 388-4220

Summer Theater Workshopplans "Annie" auditions

Auditions lor "Annie".vill he held at Davidireailey High School onVcdnesday. June IH. I T Ilay, June 20 and Inday,une 27 from 'y.M) to ') p.m.I lie auditions will be held inhe air conditioned ( hoiale<ooin at the school onMonroe Ave..- Kcnrlwnrtri,Rehearsals begin Monday,une .t0.

Current stiidenis ol bothhe grammar schools andligh schools, alumni, and.•ominuiiily niembeis of tlie

six lowir, '.eived by theUnion ( 'ninny RegionalHigh School District No. Iaie encouraged lo parlicipale II, ilii.1 SummerI healer Workshop. I'arin'ipanis I'IIIIII outside ihe

United Way

Re i ' i oua l I l i f h Schoo lDist i icl will lie chargedsummer school tu i t ion.

l o r luriher in formai ioneoniacl Mr . Angclo ( orbo,27 2 7r)()().






Oring Inthll ad

nd rocolvoa froo



W0 JO1.BBQ's


Intimato dinnor(or two

Dinnor partios

ns y«|i »»,;,,„„

o Vl) "S'""tios / k s PS"" 'N

' Gift Soloction 8. WrnppingPorsonalizod Pictures, Errands

Notary PublicWE DO IT ALLI

88 Cherry St., Rahway


Unuiiutioni.In/ i:A«i/*/ii-i/

Con,,'il., -' S,, d^u,••• Hi,.It) • S,mi/, Ir i

I'kli up out IHCr 'luiilf lu liuvInq uivll.ilnins .mil ,1 Ciionin'1.clu'tkllsl Op.'ii '( ,i in li> !i|) in . Mon nun IH

The Atom Tabloid219 Control Avo., Rahway, NJ



the Graduate,wli.it do you (|ive

Hie woiii i i i) who jusi yesterday^woie |)i(|t.iils--iiii(l

now has iiei lirsl johV

t l ' l l l l l i ' I l l l ' l h.II111 .II <|IUMM|O


170 Westfield Ave.

Clark, N.J. 07066

574-0510Mon.-Sut. 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m.

Sunday 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

Honor Your FavoriteGraduate with a Hallmark

Card & Gift


V? i^\f "T*\i'--''ih-f







• N.Y. Steamship Round

• Roast Turkoy

• Baked Virginia Ham









1:30 pm

and 4 pm



Assortod Puddings,

French Pastrlos,

Coffoo, Tea, Sanko

Yos . . .

Fishorman's Duffot

as usual


Friday, Juno I 3


Saturday, Juno 14

Alio fealurodriolum l lu l lo l t l ioaklai l /n iunch

9 urn lo 11 noonAilull i H" Children undoi 10 >3'



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Page 4:  · •'•i> 1 iv, " T «-..--n;



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( I I f . 1 l . ' l l a l l U " . I v ' . i l l | l | l l ( l l l ( . l -

l'l,i\ iiif nun' ' . IKHIMII I hrh.T.Cll (III |KT'.(III,|||I\

Smith's pi-ni.li.ml Im ',,ivIIIJ' •.', ]i,ic'•. mi hr. iniiid dnlmil L'liik'.u him'.ell I n l i,inkHIIMIY ilie he,id in,ni l dmHi)1 Ins lu i l hvn vcais ;ilKiiil'cis. Relations ilidii'iiiii[U(ivf \"'IK'N I)u.'k Andcrsun Kink DMT. And il hisassoci;ilimi swill Andcr.onwas chills . his icl;ilimi',lii|)'.will LiKiiilm.iIni Kii'li.iid( ml piodiiced enough Imsi

I M , , i . I T I I I ' ' I'll) lie g i a v ,

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I'. >; I i l l 11 , | i ' ' | i l I h i '

' I • ,[, I III ll, III III I)' ,ll II III I

I I I - :.-!• r-"> ;- ;"l,l VJII(" III1H" . I l l l l

Ml , l , | | , - ( | i i i l! ' .11 I 11", " N'l l l l

i . in p i n ' . !' '.'. l l . l l \ l i l l I. ,111

: , i . n r i i r l i . i l l I I I

l l l l , , 1 , ' . l , l | i ' . ' I I I ' S , I V - . I H l > " ,

\ l , .. i i " i .r.i'-'Ml I l l i l l HieIl , ' . . i , , ; , ' , ! til'' .1 Ii il I HlH'llli,i ., i '• i, i l i . i l l r d ll I li.nl

111. i -. 'I .ill,I I.I .1 Will' in , l l l l ll.ld l i r r n lll".l\ l l ',

li-i I i. i l l ' i l Ii', l< l l l l ' l ' l " . ,Il l l lS\ i,n i i \ r .i l i i- i ,i hue •.iTiimW'.ll ll I I l lnl i I Ii.' . l l l l l i r . l11 .H I . l i - ih i l I n S\ i,n Ti", i-l! I d III , lie".Illll,III Will As

,i r i i im In I.IIIK'IIICII I hi'l,i< I ih,H ii< iirvi'i iLiiish'iin l

\\ I It-11 \ i l l l ll.lVf Milllil l.IIII i'ir. ,il luil1 mil mi I hfihinl ,uid nnr. ill hull ill iindurn' M MI km us I line's ,i pcisun.iliiy |IIII1)IITII VVheii I•r.krd \ i i i l r is i i i i \\\\\ I

wasn't playing h'-'d '.a1.. " Ihave tailh in in'. < < ia< hinj'-.tall." If nrll didn'l v.anl ni'-lo nl,iv I lii'i'-'-. a "i ".'ii Ii '.i iiilr" ;inil I hr'. '.I in \

ln|"'lh'-| II .)'••.pil'1 hr . I I I I | I M | H I I ; I I I I ', '

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s c i i i i r , i - ', i - i i i s I I n i - . '

S i , I I I ' . I l l ', J i l l ] - , i l p i > > ' , I T I I I I I)

hull .'I '. pmiiiil hud',, |dulii'l I'i'l him ili.il11-i 1 Imi il

: dill Illll,II I Illill In I i ] • • I! (,1,1111s. I

" I his is I h>' In si l i n n ' H I

I I I V l i l i ' I 'm I I I - I ' .n i ls p i , I N n i l '

! l n n l h . i l l " S i i u l h , i i id " I h ' '

ii i l l r n s i v i ' l .', S I I T I I l i i ' i ' - is

' ' . n \ m l in , i l i ' I h i ' i i - ' s s i i '1 nun h In lr.i l n I'ul I I I l<'.n n I

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I ' . i l i . r l l s s . i l d II i s I n n r i l l l \

I i i r \ i l l l l , l l r n i n t . l i " , ,H id I l i - r

i i l ' t ' l l l ' . l i k e S l l l l l l l . h'-i . i l l 1 , ' -

. i l l l i l l l l ( . , i m p i l l i l l s , i l i - n u l l

j i ' i i i i l i i i ' 1 " l l ' s l l l i l l l i . " ( " i l l K I d

j s i , H I i i i . l k l l l ) ' | l l i | | - i T i l i T l l s .

Ill- '.Illll " I l l. lM" il I l l . l l l l f h Il i l l l l l l .1 d l ca i i l . " S i iu lh s.nd

I Ills is I lie i i i rd i . i is ipi l . i l < illilt" win Id ,'inil I like In pl .nniul i ' i [l ies'.me I I I I H I I I Y11, i v c , I I I i ippi II I mi 11 \ h i

I sho!'. ','. ||;|| | ( l l l l I''. 111', l l l lI mi ,i hinlhiill heldj I vCM lh,H mas mil IT,isc

llic InlliT ness he lecls i is ei aSlllll t I lllfj'l" I ' i l l f f l I ll.ll

e vc n se I I U I I I i ci. i ii d s

couldn't ssscclen."II I cniilil dn il nsei

again," Slllllll s.iul, " I ssniildhiise pliiyed l>,ischiill,"

Stavitskygets degree

Michiii'l I) Si.misks ,;.twkol Mr. mill Mrs. DiinielSiiiviisks, ss.is iiiiionr. .'dfiI'.liidiiiilfs ifieisini', dei'iecs;il ihf IfiMh idninicncenielli nl llic I'liliidelpliiii(d l l f I'f ol I'liainiiU'S andScieni'e l l 'CI'Sl. l ie wasnwii l i l i ' i l l l ic I l iuhe lu lScieiKi- Dci'ife in I'liainiiicy. Muli i iel is a 'T.uliiaieol Soinei villi- I li|'li School

Lastoila to gotart award

FRONT RUNNER . . . Jamns I Horlino of Railwayri(]ht, compotocl in tho Now . luccy Walcilront Marathonin Jc-riuiy City hold on May '1 Mi Horlimi liniiihnd in3 i i ' t , which war. hi:i hmit runniim limn Mr Morlnid alsocompotod in tho Now York Maialhon in I <)H!> Hn is picturod with Inn son, Jamns f'atnek ,ind hi:, liitlun, ,losc|)hM Horllnci, ownor ol Anthony':, Ktiy Shop m Unhway

. school has annouiR-ftl,

ol l)fsi|',n will honoi I.1.'iHilslanilini' hi|'h scluiol .HIstiidiTils wiih us AnnualAi l Awiinls. Ihi- I ?.? win-ners will icieisf ii copy olHi'lls' r.ilwiiids' Diiiwinj". onihf Arlist VViilnn. publishedihis year hv Simon anilScliusii-r

Claudia I asti-lla ol Ailinn I . .lohnson Rei'ionallliv.li Schotil, ( l i nk , willreceisc this awaul, I hi'

Women to run to Catch The SunRegistration is in lull ssv

i 11K lor the fit 11 AnnualCatch the Sun l ive MileWomen's Roail Knee to lieheld on Sunday, July ?.{) inWest field.

"( iitch the Sun is inoieofan event than u ruee." saidPat ( loins, ft) direeloi ."There are class compotitors alonn with womenwho participate just to havefun. We yx'i a lot of hecinnets."

Dlue Cross and IllueShield of Ness1 Jeisey is [lieprinci|ial sponsoi of ihisyear's event with additionalsupport niven In the NesvJersey Depart ineni of

loui ism Aiul , iill raceIUIISIHTS ssill he tieateil lo iihi mul l com less til Kui|p.sSiipenuaiket ami ho/ f ru i t .

I lie i ace begins anil endsin I annuities I'iirk amiwinds us ssiis lhii>ii)>h colomal Wrsil'ii'lil KTieo itiiieis ') Jti a in.

Specialls ilesif'.neil asvaulsss ill lie I'lven lo the lop liveI IUIIVUIIMI linisheis and thelop thiee I'niisheis in eachiil'.e I'.itiup. I uiphii's ssill beasvauled in the lop corpoi.ite, open (all af.csl, anilmasieis inmiiinuui aj'.e -101learns In addition, specmlasvauls ssill he I'.isen lo tholiisi Wesihtid lesiileni ami

ihe fust Mine Cross ,nulItlue Shield emplnvee locioss the finish line.

lo rec.istiT I'm the CatchI he Sun run, call Race inl'nrmillion ill !..•(> 11 .M.VS.Vi; orsvnic lo Catch the Sun.P.O. llox > l . l , Westficld.N.I. 070')I . The deadlinelor entries is July I'). Theress ill lie no i ace day fcnsirnlion. In t r y Ices are *7 untilJuls I.1 aiul 'Sid until Juls1'), I'lSfv


SKATING AWARDS woro proMiritorJ rocontly by tho Rahway Rocroation[jcparimi-nt lo mcrrihcr;. (A tin; wintor program hold ;it thrj Franklin School (jymna'iiiiin.l'i'.t!ir(."() (I r) front row ate Alir.on wddlak, acjlnovomont award. Kathy Ro;iky, aohios/o-iii'-nl .T'/yard, .uid Cirrin !iri(|houfio, rno;,l irnprovod award; back row: Torri Rosky,iliri"',loi, John I'.iul I liimul, .TfitiK.-vomont award; Jov.ica Ry.in'iki; achiovornont award,.imi Willi.irn I II.hoi/, ;i-,',l',t;int diroctor.

•;,...- ,*••, . . ; i ' i;^,: |Ki1 i «« _•

HOLMES EXTERMINATION TAKES TROPHY . . . Tho Rnhwny Rocrontlon Dnpt. yr,LlnrJon Rocrontion Dopt. Monu Baokotball Loaguo chnmplono gamo won by holmor,Extormination ol Rahway ovor Imago of Lindon by a 57-52 ocoro. Plcturod abovo an,-Thomau Morklo Lindon Rocroatlon Dopt. Sports Suporvl3or; Robort Johnoon, Mnnmjorof tho Imago toam. Holding championship trophy ID Grogg Holmoa, Managor of HolmesExtormination and Richard Gritnchko, Suporintondont of tho Rahway Rocroatlon Dopt

Seaman McKeown

JUST FOR KICKS . . . Rahway Youth Soccor Association is plcturod in action atf iroonlii.'ld Ihis "iptiiif| Fall succor registration is now underway All city children aoos !3lo 1 '? an" oli()iljlo to participate.


NASA Space Camp offersouft-of-fhis-world" adventure for students

POISON HOTLINE1-800-962-1253

I he lies', inns le "Space( . I I I I ] ] ' is mil iihmil II lielion,il plate in llic mind olihe .im ivic producers. Space( 'amp is leal, ami pios'ided,iu eu'it ini1 iitlsenlurc lor( i v.ial Van 11 isc anil lionme Moms, sesenlh ('.link-sludeiils :il Ihe ( ctlai I )i iveSi -1 u >iil. ( oils Neck. C'rvsialis ihe I'.iaiultlaui'.hler ol M l .iiiul Nils Atlolph < )skuiis ofI'l.unlield Ase . Railway.I lei moihei Iseiie Van I liseImiueils laiii'hl plissus ;ilKalnsiis I li|'.h School and ist in lenils ii plissus insiruc

,11 Mil l MIDI ii lli)',h- in .. iMu innuu ih -

t oiinis as ssell iis ii Nesv.leiscs I'hssies leachini1.Kesoiiice Ai'.enl. Koi'.eiVan I lise. hei fa lhe i ,leaclies ( liemisli y aiul( ) i i',line I beui is l i s i l lMadisoi i ( en i i i i l I li|'.hSchoiil in (>kl Hi iilfc.

While olhei simleulsspeul llien spiiui1. sai'iilionill Disiies Woikl or in iheHall,mi,is, ( issial iind lionme iindeisseui Junior Aslinn,mi [i.iiniiii' iii I hilledSi,ues Spate I amp based aillic Mai shall Space I l i i ' ln( en I ei in 11 u n Iss 11 le,

l o l

Alabama. Ihe camp issponsored In NASA anilmanuli icl iueis of spacetechnology lo I'lve youiij',people a chance to participatc in ii sseck of scienlific iidvenliire and Icarniiif,iiiiiiclied iiosvhere else onI I I I ih. . . oi off. They sasvfirst hand the challengesihat luce the men amissoiuen 'who |',o into spaceanil lhe ihousands of enI'.ineers. scientists anilsvorkers beliintl the scenesssho make their lli|',hts possible.

The week of activilyblastcil oi l , sviih an... .in-,iroduciion lo computersiiuil Ihe const ruction of a^liodel rocket. Tours of aspace shuttle simulator andmodels of llic space stationami Skylab helped studentsin ihe planning, of Ihcir ownprojects for later in thesseck, (iiicst speakers spokeon such topics ;is the Hub-ble telescope he inn designedI'm ihe shuttle ami rocketfuel ami engines, Specialenicriiiiunicnt ssras providedIn s less mi' of films al theSpace Dome theatre: "Hail!Columbia, lo I'ly." ami

"l inergy, Hnergy." Thesltidcnls loured RocketI'iirk, aiul svere introducedto ihe Neutral liuoyancySimulator in which theastronauts practice ac-tivities that they svoukl perform in the weightlessnessol' space.

The culmination of thesveek's events svas theSimulated Space Shuttlemission in which each stuilcni look the part of oneineinlier of the shuttle cresvor support ground cresv. Acompetition among theteams in launching, (heir

- i i iudcl. luckel i i'ullusveU, -with lionnie aiul Crystal'steiun svinning the even!when all of their rocketssuccessfully separated aiulreleased their parachutes.The "astronauts" for theselaunches were some verysurprised aiul usually nonairborne crickets.

Space camp offers iliflereni levels of camping experience for youngstersfrom 5th grade throughhigh school and has proven;in extremely popular waylo introduce them to the excitemeiil of space travel.

- •4

Oil ^RavingsArc you paying too much

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completes trainingNavy Seaman Judy. A.

McKeown, daughter ofRonald ('. and Mary \i.McKeown of Hamilton St.,Rahway, has completedrecruit tniiniiij', at recruitTraininc Command Orlan-do, l-'lorida.

Duriii)-', McKcown'sei|p,lit-week traininc, cycle,

she studied general militarysubjects designed to prepareher for further academicand on thejoh training inone of the Navy's H5 basicfields.

McKeown's .studies in-cluded seamanship, closeorder drill, Naval historyand first aid. Personnel who

complete this course of instruction are eligible forthree hours of college crediiin Physical Education andHygiene.

A I979 graduate ofRahway High School, shejoined the Navy in January1986.





^WAREHOUSE SALE*Monday June 16th

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Ivii-klm I-'.IIIH-I':. ll.iv 'l'nni's 'IV liHKlK.istnmuu-i i-um ;»iK-.lialuniin a |xnwilu! l t \v riixini' ,"i>l .HIIOIIUIK' lim- Uwl. Al $::oell, il':, ,m i-wlli-M l-'.itlu-i'» Uiv (jill, unit il.ulaln-.ulv knows.iNiul rouu|u.ililv l luny m ami KI'I il.ul what lu-iMuliI ii«.'W\ »•«• lotl-'athn'-iUiv

'IXM'-YCIII- l . i iuittt l WiuTiuity. \\w m.iv m-vi-r i w il lxvau-<-ulqu.tills1 and iluratnlitN1, Hul In-u- it is jnst m vas<s

InNtanl C'rtMlll. No numcy ihnvn, low m o n t h l y imyiiK-ntH.i>u|iulilu\l IHIVIM-SOII 'lino's u-voK m>j i k n n r plan Ask loi iloi.ul-,

Hjivvii't >i>u done withouta'lb l ^ ? "



349 South Avenue E.,Westfield


I lie .lei lei son lownshipI - a l ions ol the Sussex( m in i y- In le i scholasticl.eag.ue eliiinualeil ihe Ailinn1 I . Johnson ( i usadi-isV to I in a second roundgame ol ihe N..I.S.A.A.lournaineni on ihe winneisfield lasi l i n lay al'iernoon.I he Crusadeis, Hailing ') lo

I), scored in the late inningwhen Vm (it i lbin sent a runuser the plate. 1'he Crusadeis finished with a seasonmark ol 13 l l l l .

Senior ( i ina Adi i io l l ihurleil a five hitter to pacethe Lady Indians of Kaliway lo a - I I win over ( ranford.; The Lady Indians,winning its loth game in ?.(>slaris, opened a 2 0 lead inthe fourth when RosettaLllil i ' lripled and scored on asingle by Calhy Mika.Adiii'olfi, who had a seasonmark; of 14-6, struck mililuee, Tailed lo walk a baiter. -Cranfoid finished al

I lie Rahway and ArlluirJohnson Regional tennis

players competed in theI 'moil ( ouniy championship al the I'lainlield Il irhSchool last week end.

1 IKS I SIN(il.i-S: KeithKomer, Westfield • def.Mare Shander, Johnson6 0; (>•{). Dave Rajkowski.C ranford del' ChrisI avin, Rahway h 0; 6•().

SL( O N I ) SING1.HS:Sieve Valh. Jolinson • del'Ken Yaiif,, Oratory 7 5;

6 .'.TIM K 13 SINCil. l-S:

.lames /erweck, Summitdel' Dill (oiulesso, John

s o u 6 I ; ()•{).IIRSTDOUDI.IiS: Mike

Dniry, and Tnni Jaekmin,Westl'iekl, del' Mike Kelly.Howard AuslraKer. John-son 6 1; 6 2. Chris Heini/.,Jonathan l.i, Oratory • del'Hill Chapter anil MikeIrederieks, Rahway 6-2;()•?.. Mike Seliev and UriimI'snes, lierkeley Heightsdel' liruce (ioodmnu, I-lrieMarket, Johnson 6-2; 6 3.

SI-CONI) ROUNDS:Deer of Wesll'ielil - del'Chen, Johnson 6 0; 6-0.

Statewide 'Tun Runto benefit

Special Olympicsl o r the second year in a

row, Union County insiiranee leader5; are doiii).',their pan to aid SpecialOlympics. On June ?A, theywill join forces with morethan 200 insurance e\ccuiives from across theslate to participate in theI'uifessional InsuranceAifenis' annual 5K (.VInnjel l u n Run/Walk Runakfiig Atlantic City's hoardwalk. Al l proceeds willheiiefit the New JerseySpecial O lymp ics , anoi c,ani/ai ion p iuv i i l iu t 'athletic training and coinpetition for mentally letanleil children and adults.', l-'.nn Uun'Sd, sponsoied

by ,'Aineriean reliance Insur.vice Compain in lawrenil'ville. is expected togenerate $50,000 in haillsneeded funds for SpecialOlympics. Last year, hackedby employee, family andcommunity sponsorships,IMA members raised.00,0110 enough to seiulneaily 600 of New Jersey'smentally handicapped inSpecial Olympics annpetilions.

The annual Lun Run ispan of an unusual fundraising campaign launchedby the Professional In-surance Agents of NewJersey. In an effort to domore than simply raise afew donations al a charilydinner, IMA has asked itsmembers Vo demonstratetheir peisonal commitmentto the cause by participatingin such events as the FunRun. Special Olympics hasbeen the official charity of•IMA since ll>8."!.

Lnthusiasm for Lun Run'Sfi has already generatedan outpouring, of supportwithin the insurance in-dustry. Special challengesand incentives among agencies and companies keeppushing individual goals

and sponsorships higher.

Lor further informatioiand ihe names of insuranceleaders in Union Countywho are participating inL'un Run '86, contactCreative InsuranceMarket ing al (.1011747 f.S'JS.

Swim lessons offeredfree to handicapped

•Registration ends for theUnion County Departmentof Parks ami Recreation's"Special Programs forSpecial People" swimmingmsuuetions on I uday,June 20.

The program is olTeiedfree to handicapped ixnipieage 10 anil over, in a choiceof two sessions; Thursdays•July 10, 17, 24 A 31, from10'U a.m. nl Wheeler Pool.Iju^len or 7-8 p.m. atHtvhway River Park Pool,Rirtfwuy.iHotli pools are banier

fire! and have hydraulic

lifts, 1 essons will be taughtby i|uahlied instructors.

Registration is limitedand will be Imtulleil on afirst come, first served basis.This series of programs htubeen made possible througha grant from the NewJersey IX'partment of Community Affairs, Handicapped Peisons' RecreationsOpportunities Act.

Loi information am.registration forms, calNaomi Murphy, RecreationSuivrvisor of lluiulieap|X\lPrograms at 527 4^)12.

FirecrackerFour Mile Runset for July 4The Seventh Annual

Crunford Firecracker LourMile Run, which has devel-oped into one of NewJersey's premier summerraces, is scheduled for Fri-day, July 4. Starting, time is9:30 a.rn, with post registra-tion beginning at 8 a.m.

The start and finish arc alomuhegitn Park, Spring-

field Ave,, Cranford (op-posite Union County Col-lege). Parking and rest roomfacilities are available.

This event is being, run bythe Cranford Jaycees andprincipal sponsors includeScher ingPlough, CapGemini America andKolilcr-Mac Bean Agency.Prizes will be awarded tothe first three finishers ineach of eight age groups.

Race coordinator is JackMartin, Westfield HighSchool track coach andpresident of the UnionCounty Track CoachesAssociations. 'Liming, will bedone by Peter Mogcndorf,owner of the Runner'sI-dge, Westfield.

I-ntries may be obtainedat the Runner's !-dge,Westfield, or by writingP.O. Box 271, Cranford,N.J. 07016,

Lor further information,contact John Bashaw,276-4818.

Golf tourneyto benefit

Kidney FundThe Money Store, Inc.,

will host the Third AnnualMoney Store Charily Open,a celebrity invitational golftournament to benefit theKidney Lund of NewJersey, on Monday, June16, at the Metuchen Golfand Country Club of Plainfield Road, iidison.

Phil Ri/zuto, nationallyknown spokesman for TheMoney Store and Yankeebaseball sportscaster, will beamong the golfers on baudfor the festivities which willbegin with a buffet brunchat 10:30 a.m. lee off limewill be 12:30 p.m., followedby an awards dinner beginn-ing al 5 p.m.

All proceeds from, thetournament will be donatedto the Kidney Lund of NewJersey, an all volunteer,state chartered organizationwhich utilizes funds tobenefit New Jerseyans withkidney related diseases.

A 1986 BMW, donatedby Morristown BMW, willbe awarded as a prize in theevent a hole-in-one isrecorded on a designatedpar-three hole. (The firstplayer to register a hole-in-one svill receive the ear inthe event there is more thanone scored). Other prizeswill be awarded for thelowest gross score, lowestnet score, longest drive,closest to the pin, and insidethe ring.

The Money Store, headi)umlcrcd in Union, is thenation's leading indepen-dent home mortgage lender.The company has been ac-tively involved in funilrais-ing efforts for the KidneyLund for more than 10years.

Anyone interested inregistering for the eventshould contact MarilynHorn at The Money Storein Union, ci86-2000.

Hymanson graduatedfrom Emory University

(ierald S. Hymansonreceived a Bachelor ofBusiness Administrationdegree from Hmory University at its 141st commencement ceremony on May 12.

(.ierald is the son of Mr. andMrs, Herbert Hymanson ofCliirk. He was also a Dean'*List Honorec,

Approximately 1.700students received degree.-,this year from l-mory, a major, comprehensive university in Atlanta, CHIC, whichcelebrated its 150th anniversary during ll)86-87,

n the green© ©




Lou Petrozziello, HiSal Gentile, ll\5.Richard Gucci, II').SCATS SATURDAYBill Morton. II10.Glenn Morton, //16,Bill Murphy, in.l-'rank Cianeia, 112.

BLIND DRAWJohn Peltit Waller l-'ley

Minus I 5.Bill Capodanno Hud

llaroski • Minus 14.John Dcrola liwiin

Josephs • Minus 14.

John I.aGuardia BudDolhier • Mimics-14.

Hob Marguccio PhilLlcisdiackcr • Minus-13.

SCRATCH • SUNDAYDr. Richard Gucci. II \.I-rank Dclle Donne, /M,Joe Lanza, //3.Dr. Vie. Sabdi. «10.I. A. Pinto, ll\3.Tony Monaco, //17.

SCATS SUNDAYJohn I.aGuardia, II}.Joe Stella, 111.T, Canoiiico, H \ 2.l-llen Pcarlman. //14.Tony Monaco, //17.


RichAllen PciirlmauSqariota.

Vincent Partita DavidKiishinsky.

Dr. Richard Gucci PhilLleiscliacker,

COUPI.LSJean, Lenny Ilornsby,

Sylvia and John i'etitti. 21.OAK RIDGL. CLUB


Phil Aniaio, JamesScaiizzo. Joe Stupin andMike Canlcllo 72.

SUNDAYLuke Metz, I-dward

/.aniorski, Sr.; George Man-Iocs and George Mears 72.

THE RAHWAY YMCA IS GEARING UP for tholr nocond 24-hour r.oltbnll marathon tobo hold on July 1 2 and 1 3 (it Sullivan Fiold In Cartorot, Plcturod nbovu after lar.t yonr':;(juino nro (l-r) Jouophlno Polhomus, director of tho YMCA; Rotor Kowal, chairman oltho marathon; liva Pimento, who prosiontod n bonus to honor tho playors; and Carlo:',Gnrny, prosldont ol tho YMCA Board of Trustoos.

Softball marathonhopes to raise

$15,000 for YMCAA 24 hour sol'tlnill

marathon is scheduled forJuly 12 and 13 at Carleret'sSullivan Field -for ihebenefit "of ihe RailwayY.M.C.A.

This is the second year ina row ibis event will takeplace.

Last year SH.SOO was raised. This year S 15,001) istargeted.

As of Monday. June ').26 teams were entered inwhat is hoped will be a48 team, membership.More teams are needed tomake this event a success.

Telephone Josephine Pollienuis. Lxeculive Director,at 3SS()t)57,or Pete Kowal,M arii I hon Director57-1 S457, for information.

Prizes and refreshmentswill he featured and celebrily sports figures will be pre-sent.

The event will run 24hours straight until 2 p.m.on Sunday, July 13.

This event is open lomen's and women's, slowand fast pitch leagues.

"Your help is neededplease support the RailwayY.M.C.A.." stated a spokespeison.

Playground workersneeded in Rahway

Ihe Ralnsas RcrrcaiionDepartineni is seeking applicanls for supervisors oniis playgrounds for llic si\week summei program. Ap-plicants inns! be residents ofRa i lway and havegraduated from high school.

Applications can be ohtained Monday ihmugl iLiidav from l) a.m. lo 4:30p.m. ai ihe Department Oflice in (he Claude 11. ReedCenter. 1670 living. Street.Rahway.

Lor additional informalion, call Riehaul ( i i itschkeal 3SI S000. i'M. 221.

LDid you know?

In 1984, il became illegalfor cab drivers in Greece tochat with their fares.

Quick Muffler ShopsCourteous QUICK SERVICE While You Wait!

Expert Domestic & Foreign Car Service


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1574 Main St., Rahway, N.J. 3 9 6 - 4 9 4 9

A CLOSE THIRD . . . Dooloy, Mnckovick S Burko flmohod third in tho Rahway Rocroa-tlon Dopnrtmont Mon'a B.'iakotball LOUQUO. Pictured, l-i knoollng, nro Toam C.-iptain,William Klnfj; Jnmo;; Burko and Jonoph Forroira: :itandih(| nro Joff Bkihop, Al Krobothand Kon Pnrnos.

Wildcats shutoutin double header

by Ray I loaglandT in ; Clark Wildcats will

be in action in three ginnesthis weekend. On Saturday,June 14, llic team, will(ravel to 1 lainilton for adouble header at 6 p.m. andK p.m.

On Sunday, June 15 thelean'i will play al vVarinanco Park in Lli/abcih withthe Regals at 5 p.m. OnMonday they will travel toHraneh Urook I'aik inNewark ID incut the J.C.Dolls at d:M) p.m.

1 he C ills dropped a dontile header lo ihe loplon'sof Alleiilown, I'a. by Ihescores of 4 to 0 and 20.

I ina Sounders pitchedboth games and allowed ihe(lark hitters six hits in 14innings and 16 batters.

In the first game on Sunday al'iernoon al Arthur I..Jolinson Regional HighSchool field, (he Cats hadJill DeMark single lo left,and steal second in the firstinning. The only other hitwas when Janet 1 liggins hitto eentei but failed lo advancc.

In I he second game.Dcnisc Stanneck openedwith a single to short, butonly made second. In I he se-cond llic Wildcats had twohits on infield hit by Ki isWestra and a liner to left byJudy /.ambo. In the thirdinning after DeMark walked, Meg. Shechan singled tocenter field Ihat was thelast hit of the game for (heClark team.

On Saturday llic Cais lostlo the Allenlown ('rickets4 (o I and the second gamewas a forfeit, Kris Westiahad a triple and AndieaI'elers drove in the onlvrun.

Members nl the learn atIhe presein lime are asfollows Sonji Jenkins, ofRutgers. ,i piicliei. .leanelteI'asiula, of Manville, anon11 i e l de i ; I rishaI'opowski. of South Amboy. an inlieldei, DianeZareeki, an infielder fromRider; Dcnisc Sianncek. ofIhe I hiiveisny of ( onn.. anoutfielder; Maureen L'lanner>. of Kean ( ollege, anoutfielder: Jill DeMark,Kean, outfielder; Auilieal'elers. of Moiuclaii Stale,an out f ie lder : Kns ien

Dacck. of (ireenshoro. infielder; Sharon Kulsiip, apitcher from Arizona Stale.Janice I liggins. an inlieldeifrom Kean; Kalhy C'arreaof Rutgers, an outfielder;

Kris Wesira. of Universityof Conn., an inlieliler; Dina|)cAi|uino. a pitcher liomMonlclair Stale; SusanUleisvise of Miami, an infielder; Lori Lal/arano, ofMomnouih. a pitcher; Nancy Kasko, a pitcher fromC.W. ['list; Judy /ambo, ofKean. an infielder; Meg.Slieehan, of UNC. an infielder; Traccy Uurke, a calcher from Mouiclan Slate;(jayle (icg.a. an oinfielderfrom Rutgers; and SandsDaranowski. an iufielder.from ( AV. I'osi.

Students canprepare for SAT

1 llgh school j i in in isandseniors who want lo be wellprepared for the ScholasticAptitude Tests they may betaking this fall can icgisteifor special preparationcourses al Union County( ollege this summer.

Lour two and one halfhour sessions in Lnglish andfour in mathematics will beconducted by Ihe College'sDivision of ( oniinuingL.ducalion.

The mathematics coiusewill begin June .Ul and will

heor rered on Mondaysfrom 7 to {>:M) p.m. Thefour L.ngjisli preparationsessions start on July I andwil l be conducted onTuesdays from 6 lo N:.U)p.m.

Students may register foreither or both according, loI licit' needs. Tuition I'meach four session com si- isS.'O.

l o i regisiraiiiin minimalion icganhiig picpaialioufor Ihe SAL's. call WCC'sDivision of CL.ducalion. .'7(> 7.101.

Guaranteed to starton the first

or second pull.

MIKII- I .'UhH-l

^ H'W (< 1 v* 'l.itltMH £UM .inhi limn li>iu 'MIII|>I\•Htnl. I he d I Nnu.il .mice -,.n •• .1 new t» 1 S |»'VM U>I Imn l.iv. 11 im.w 1 1i- ^IMI.UIIi i d I i r , | . l l1 i nl t\Mi|.lllls Ini .' \ . .11 i>l 1 nl 11 w. ill l lMlItt-t- l^ i i t i* AW \ \ ilt it iuti.u\mi.if. ini i i * In f.u 1 Ihr (. 11< .t. iHinj1

KiLiMtitcc is su 11- vi )lu I inn, HV it . (hi* unlv nne " I it-- I. it hi in tin- indti- I M(. ."lie in .\\\\\ :rv (hr t\r\\ ( , I SI >l \\ \ <L \ t I. • .nut .' f\ • Ir i-'i^mr . \**\ w

I l i s lan l t r t i i i l . Ni l I IK I IU-N i luw n, Inw i imn(hl>)M\ l lU'fKH, Av^il. i l i lr 1iii|ii.ihlu<t bus n M I I I l<»n . n \ ,i| > uu>. h.iii'r/ . m ,V-k loi i lcl.uK

TORO Iliixin'l >\>u (loiu-witliotit

SAIES & SERVICE* 233-0363

349 South Avenue E.,Westfield


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ReligiousSKCONI) BAPTIST aiUHCU 01 KAHWAYlomorrow I'.vcnirif, ill K p.m., the Semi Annual Church

f unfertile,/: v/ill hi; held ai (he church. Al l members are•r.kcii to ()e prc'/cnt.

On SaltirfJay ;il 6 p.rri, the Senior Hoard of U'.her'. v/illsponsor a liaby <"ontc.t, All are invited, music renderedhy (he Youth choir.

On Sunday at 7 a.m., the women of the church(Women's Guildi v/ill -.porr-or the lather'*. (Jay Hrcakfa'.t.At 'JJO a.m., church school v/ill he held, At I I a.m., Mor-nine, Worship Service will bc^in. l( will be ofliciatcd at byjunior l i l t Reverend JMJIC:, W, Laley, The guvA ipcafcain observance of J-aiher's day v/ill be Dr. W.I ' . Collier.The music will be rendered by the Mule Chorus. All areinvited and asked to brine a friend.

In the afternoon at 4 p.m., pastor and coriy,re|/;i(ion willhe in fellowship at the Bethlehem Baptist Church,Koselle, N.J., for their Church's Anniversary Services.The Reverend Milton Hyrd is pastor.

livery Wednesday Hveninp, at 7:30 p.m. mid weekPrayer and Bible Study will be held.

The church is located at .378 Hast Milton Ave.


On Sunday, June 15, Father's Day, at the I I a.m.Worship Service, The Rev. Rudolph I', Gibbs, Sr., thepastor, will deliver the sermon, Music will be presented bythe Celestial Choir under the direction of Mrs, J. StanleyParker, and Mrs. Vera IterKcn, the organist. The SundayChurch School will commence ai 9:30 a.m. livangelislKeith Attics of the Kinfjof Kingr. Full Gospel-Tabernaclein llackensack will be the guest preacher at the 7:30 p.m,livening Worship Service,

Meetings during the Week: Today, New Believersand Refresher Course, 6:30 p.m., Prayer Meeting,Church 8 p.m.; Chicken Dinner sponsored by theCelestial Choir, 12 p.m.-6 p.m., Young People's Division,6:30 p.m.; Monday, June 16, Youth Choir Rehearsal 7p.m., Gospel Chorus Rehearsal and Trustee Aide Club Hp.m.; Tuesday, June 17, Quarterly Conference, 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, June 18, Hiblc Study and Steward Board7:30 p.m.

UNION COUNTY BAPTIST CHURCH Of CLARKOn Sunday the Main Worship Service will be at 11

a.m. and livening Service at 6 o'clock. Sunday School willbe at 9:45 a.m. for children, teens and the mentally bandicapped, and at 10 a.m. for the adults. Children's Churchwill bcBii) ill 11 a.m. Meetings'during the week: Tuesday,Ladies Fisher's Club & Fellowship • 10 a.m.; Wednesday,Mid-Week Prayer Service • 7 p.m.; Thursday, Visitation7 p.m.; Saturday, Visitation, 10 a.m. For transportation,please call the church at 574-1479. Nursery care will beprovided at all the services.

The church is located at 4 Valley road, at the Clarkparkway circle, Fixit No. 135 of the Garden StateParkway.

Dr. I-'rank Papandrca is the pastor.


The Session meets this evening (June 12) at 7:30. Ineluded on the agenda will be a discussion of the recentChurch-wide Mission Study

Sunday, June 15: Beginning this Sunday, and conti-nuing through the end of August, Sunday services will beheld ut 9:30 a.m.

9:30 • Worship: Rev. Kcosaian's sermon will be en-titled "Ordinary Or Hxtrnordinury?" based on the Parableof the Sower in Mark 4.

The Deacons meet Monday evening at 7:30.The church is located on the corner of Main St. and

New Brunswick Aves.

T I M P l . i : KF. I l l TORAI I OF RAHWAYRahway Hebrew Congregation — Temple Beth

loriih announces its schedule of activities for the week ofJune 19 26: Thursday, June 19: Morning Services at 7a.m.

Friday, June 20, and all Fridays throughout the sumnicr months (until further notice): livening Services at 8p.m. This will he an informal service of prayer and song towelcome the arrival of the Sabhath.

Saturday. June 21; Morning Services at 9 a.m.Sunday. June 22: Morning Services at K:3() a.m.Monday and Thursday, June 23 and 26: Morning

M'rvices ,u 7 a.m.


The congregation will observe Sunday, June 15 asthe Fourth Sunday alter Pentecost. The Church is nowon us Summer Schedule with one Liturgy only. Thecelebration of the Holy liucharisi will take place at 9:30a.m. The informal breakfast and Church School havebeen cancelled until September.

The church is located ni iht- corner of Him Avenue andIrving Street ami is now in their I5()lh year of service toGod and humankind.

I IRSI B A N INI CHURCH Ol RAHWAYI he Ki-u-n-iul William I.. Ficderiekson. Munstoi of

I KM Baptist Chinch, will preach at the 9:45 a.m. Servicenl Worship, mi June |s '\ child will lu-presented to Goddurini- the woislup e\|vrienci\ The choir, under theleadeishipol Mis. Deborah I. Klimni, Director of Music,will snii' ,in aiuhnn. Him- is child care provided duringthe SeiAice ol Worship lor young children.

I he I IIsi llaptist ( lunch ol Railway has been partnl the lile nl the community for 153 yoais.

I lie i lunch is located at 177 Him Avenue.


The Service of Holy Communion will be conductedby The Rev. Thomas J. Donahue at 9 a.m. Sunday, June15. Children are encouraged to worship with theirparents.

Meetings During the Week: Monday, June 16Lutheran Church Women meet ut 7:30 p.in.

Tuesday, June 17 • Worship & Music Committeemeet at 7 p.m.

The church is located on Film and Fisternrook Aves.

/ I O N I.UTHKRAN CHURCH OF ( L A R KThe Holy communion will be celebrated at the 10-10

a.m. worship service this Sunday by pastor JosephKueharik. There will be no Sumluy School or Bible Hour

Scheduled meetings: Thursday, Bible Study, H p m •Saturday, Family Open Bowling, 7:30 p.m.; Monday,Church Council, 8 p.m.

I IRSI I'RISHV I I - I M A \ f I I I l« I I Ol RAJIWAYI lie l < f v r i r / i d K ' I I M - I I < I'd'.1.1'",. | i ; r . l u i . wi l l con

di ic i (nomine v.uc.lup ui i lut i1 ' I I ;itb'-i '•. D.iv. ai 10:10a.m. I h r W r . i i i i i i i , i r i ( l i on . uinl'w lh<' d i i n l i o n olJames W. M i r . a u Inn '.'.iih I .r,>- \> VVIMI - I ,ti l l i r MIJ ' . I I Iconsole, Will |>l'".''Ml i l l ' 1 :111111'' I I I - ' l i i ld i , i i ' - wi l l hr provulci l I I I I I I I I I ' ,'lir v.< J I . I I I | .' l imn I'M n i l ,ml . ,m i | i I n M i r i i Inllio1,'.' i l l v c o u d I'r.id'1 I ullow in; ' i h r ' 11il< 111• 11'•. S i ' in io i i ,the you th s l l lmi1 ;r, a I ' lu i ip w i l l In1 '"..i i l v i ! In yn lo theCh i ld C;iic Rniii11 Im a •.111J<• ('. j-.'-'I pi 11{'ian i l i i i i in 'd ia le lylo l lowi l l ) ' w i i l ' . lnp lh'.- Slal l M a l l ' T . < i i in i i i i l l ' 1 ' 1 nl Si",'.innWill LUIIVUIU HI i l l - L I J U H . I I 111;;.II V-

I hi ' ( h i l l ' 11 Si I II ml a I ' ' I • a l.n , '.'. ill 11,1'. '• I hi ' i i do1.III)', |>jo)'r,illi " I i l l ' " .''a nn ' l i u n l i ' l i ' l inul '.'.ill I c . i i n i rSi.'plcinhi:i I •!. Kail ' , I ),i;

Mcr l l l l l ' 1 . Ol I In' VVn-l I n i l . i ' , . ( m l S rm i l I loop•101 wi l have a di i i i i i ' i at 'i p in in I );r. r. I <• How,I up 11 all.I i j ' r i I Jen and I J'"11 I n i ' - i i i i i ) ' ,il U i l l and1 / p in ir ' .pccl ively. Chr ist ian I d < mi II i nl In- nl S'".1.II ii i n i rc iu i i 1 a i 7.30pan Wir ' . ln i i i i ' . l r i I hnii i i 'h i 'a r .a l al X p i n

F l idav . I u in' I I f H I I Si m i l I m u p /1 n 11 H •< • I if i f a I /pan

SaHildas. 11111<• I -I . Ah UIHIIM , Anmiwnn i r , incuibcr,l i ieelni) ' al / 10 p in inS i | i i i ' ' i I l.ill ' r, iiin.i Minn

M n i Ii la V. III in' I << t in ' .' 'Ill 11 \ I I I I IVI ' I 'M'I I V < I I I I I I I I I I Ice

Mieeliuj' a I 7 II) p in in I lie i l inn h l i lnai \ , ( ub ( n inni i llee l i ieelmi ' al / '0 p in in llie Si m i l Rmiin

luesi lav. l ime I / , il i i- wni i ie i i nl llie A .-.ncial innWi i lk '.hop ;'a 11 i n nn' ,ii 11) a in in I he r l inn Ii l i lnai \ l inyScout l u m p 4 7 l i ieelmi' al / I • p i n SI",- ,HHI mcnihcr,ineelinr. at I'M) pan in l l ie c h i m Ii l i lnai \

Wedi ic.das. lone IK llie U e h e l n , l i ieelni! ' ai -t p.inI'lie Wonien's A'.'.ui lal ini i I'nl I nek Snppei wi l l he heldit 6 p.m. in Da vr, I ellnu '.hip I laII. •,pi UP.ined In Phoche

( liele I lie I ina id i il I i ir.lee1. i i ieelni i1 a I / K) pan in I liech inch l ib i ; i r \ .

I lie chi l l el I I'. Im .lied al I lie i i n liel nl We \| G landAvenue and ' hiueh Sneei

I R I N I I \ U M I I I ) M l I I I O D I S I ( I I C R C I IO l K A I I W A Y

Sunday, June IS, lather '- . Day: I he I I o'clockFami ly Worship Seivice wil l be conducted by the Pastor,the Rev. Donald I i . .lone1,. Special Music wi l l lie presentedby the Women's Choius and I unity'1! ( luldien's Choir '" T h e King's Kids," Ch inch School wil l convene at 9:15,fol lowed hy Collee and Fel lowship I line at 10:30 inAsbury I lal l .

Today, the Fair W m k . l i n p wi l l meet ai the churchf rom 10 unt i l .'. I he Seinni ( hmi wil l lehe.n-.e al 7:30p.m.

Tuesday, June 17, l l ie l i n n e d Methodist Womenwi l l hold their i:ml of l l ie veai picnic al (y.M) p.m. at theChurch .

The church is local ed a I the cm net nl I M i l t on Ave.& Ma in Street.

I I R S I I N I 1 I I ) M l I I I O D I S I ( I U R ( I IWin si up is at I 1 a in nn S i i in la \ . I line I 'i w alb 1 he

Rev. ( a i l l i le i ikm, pasim, pieai l imi1.On It iesdav. June 1 / at i p i n I lined Methoil ist

Women wil l meet Im ll ie i c rn la i nieeiiii)1 and a picnic.l l i e proi ' iam "A < Jill lo lie Simple" u ill be pieseiiled

by l l i e Re \ . Samui'l l i lenk in nl I Sandwich.Massachusells, the I'.nhei nl the pa-.lm Re\ . Hlenkin's interesi has been in the Shakei le l i r ion ,uul AmericanShaker I ' l irniluie.

I he ch inch is located al IM> W ( i i .u ide Avenue,Rai lway.

H O L Y M O U M A I N ( I I I R( I I O l (< ( ) l ) I NC I I R I S I O l R A I I W \N

On .Sunday, June l . \ S u n d a \ Si-hool wil l bei'.tn at 10a.m. Morn i ni1. Woiship w ill bee in at I 1.15 a.m. ol'ficialeilby Reverend Ruben I l i iac i1 I he music wil l he renderedby ll ie Young Adul l Chun i iudei I he d i iec l inn ol ' Ms.Yvonne Steele.

l-very Wednesda\ eveiuni1 ,u / Ml p i n . 1'iayer andliible Hand classes aie held, Keru la i serMce is held everyFr iday evening at 7.311 pan

On Satuidav, June 14. wi l l he the Second Annua lStale Counseling Seiniii.u ^ Music Woikshop; Get Acquai iued l l o u i . I I a.m. to noon: ( nunselini1 Seminarnoon In -1 pan and .' pan to I p in In the MusicWorkshop.

A consult ,mi, Ms. C \n i l u , i Itiai1)1.. the Pastor'sdatig.hler, is a l t e n d m r \ i n e i i e a n l ; u i v e r s i l y inWashington. D ( , puisiuni1 bei Dnctoia ie Degree inSocial l ' s \c l in lo | ' \ . M a m out ol I O W I I I'uesis wi l l be piesent in the Counseling ami Music Wmkshop.

I ) i . Wil l ie Hiai ' i ' , also l l ie I'astm's daug.bler. l i on i( luc i iu ia i i , Ohio is the- spei i.il I ducaium ( onsultant forthe Woikshop.

I heie wi l l be se\ ei.d Special 1 ducal inn I opjes. Coneluding ic i i ia i ks wi l l be made b\ mi l I in isdiciional Dish opI• s.iII ( oiittncN -u^\ .Im isdieii i in.i l SupeiMsm MotherI ueille Ha/enime Ml ,ue in \ ued

I he ( huri. l i is located al .VO I asi ( ua iu l \ \ c i i u e


St. Agnes to celebrateSilver Jubilee

1 he p.iush nl Si Agnes iin I I.uk wil l celebi.ue Us II weiits F i l th Auu i \e i s ,u \ j

on Su iu la \ , June ' ' ' •A coiicelebi.ued mass ,u '

noun wil l be llie i c l i nm is iInghlig.hl. and will be ,u !

tended b\ dienuaiies ol Iboth e l iu ich and P K W I I I |inenl Music wi l l be p m \ id |eil In Si Agnes I linn uudei :l l ie d i iec l inn nl Knbei l S :

successor is Bishop McCanickMo,I Rev, I'clcr I.. (ii-Ti:

ly. Archbishop ol Newark,aiuiouiKX'd hi: i1, ri:',i|',iiiii/',fnmi hi-, po'.iiidii as ArchIn1.hop, I In: resignation i1.ullcctivi: immediately. Mo1,1Rev, I heodnrc M<:< arrrck,lip.hop Of Meiiii.lien, h;r,been named .r, hi1, Mic<.<:•,sor; In: will become the

oinil i Archbishop of New.irk. Aichhi'.liop (icrcly will:xi vc ui> ApuMnlic AdM 11 r 11 -. 11.111 >; until Hr.hopMc( 'iirrick i1, installed.

Archbishop (icrciy, 7.!,has '.ervL-il llie people ol llie( lunch of Newark since\')l-\. Hi: hii', been tin:.piritu.'il Ic.-ider nl the moreih,in I..! million ( alholicsresiding in hsscx, • l-icri'.cn,ludson and Union conn

l ie . I le previously served asliishop of the Diocese ofI 'o r l land, Maine, andicccnily marked Ins 20thainnveisary of his consecra-tion as a liishop.

In iiiinoiiiiciii)', Ins resicnation, Archbishop Cicrelysaid. " I rejoice thai our I loly lalher. Pope John I'aulII. has appointed liishopI heodnrc Mc( anick lo be

come the I'oiirth Archbishop of Newark. Ourdei fy , relii'.ions and laitywill surely join me in f.ivini1.him a warm welcome- and inpledcinj', to him our enlluisiaslic support as heassuniL's ihe direction of llnsj'reat Archdiocese.

"The new Archbishopcomes to us wilh a background of rich experience invarious hi|'Ji posts of respousibility in the ( liurch of(iod, I le is a man of enor-mous vi|',or and exceptionalability as he has amplydemonstrated, in particularhere in New Jersey duringthe last four and a halfyears as llie fouiiilini',Uishop of llie Diocese ofMeiiiehen. His oiilstandiiif,success there aui'.nrs wellfor the f'ntlire of this Archdiocese.

"Otn people will surelyjoin me in thanking, the I loly Father for his appointinc-iil to ihe See of Newark,Our earnest prayer lo (iodis ihat 1 le will bless our newArchbishop wi th pondhealth and many years of

fruitful ministry iiniong us."As loi myself, I would

like lo point out that Icelebrated my I wcnlieihAnniversary of oidinaiion10 the episcopate I his monthmi June I. About a yeai agoI made up my uiiud that ilwould be a good tune lorme lo ask llie I loly Fatherto be released from mycharge as Archbishop olNew.uk I dtM.imM'd ihcmailer in detail last summerwith Archbishop l.aglu, llieApostolic Pro Nuncio lollie United Slates, l ie, inturn, procijsscd my lesginalion wbiqh ) submittedshoilly al ia ,my discussionwith him.,

" l l ie reasons Im my aelion in submitting myresignation are very simple,11 is well known ilia! aHishnp must resign al theage of 7.V I will be 74 yearsold next month and I midthe I loly Father in my leiler of resignation lliat "Forthe good of (iod's ('IIinchand for my own peace ofmind and relief, I believe itis lime for a younger man totake over the reins of officehere in Newark.'

"I will be a priest 47 yearsthis month and .?() yeais aliishop, I have my health,thank (iod, and I would liketo do some priestly ministryal my own pace and in arelaxed fashion.

"In my letter of resigna(ion to the Pope I said, ' I seeno point in delaying thisstep, Another year wouldonly put o f f certainnecessary plans for thefuture of ibis Archdiocese.'I have done my best and amvery happy now to stepaside for Archbishop electMcCarrick. I know that bewill carry forward the a I'fairs of this Archdiocesewith great vigor. 1 amdelighted in his nominationas my successor.

"At the same time I mustexpress my thanks to myAuxiliary Hisbops and toour clergy, religious and laity who have made possibleanything I have accomplished iluring, my 1 ?. years asArchbishop of Newark. Iam deeply grateful to all themembers of my close personal staff and to those who

• i

have served so laillilully inour Aiclldioie.an iifliees. Iam piolniindlv cniisi ionsthat In them lielnni's lliecredil fur wliali'vel sue(.esswe have bad

"We are living in aworidei till eia in the luslniyof llie ( alhnlii ( lunch. Iwas lliiilled by the calling ofthe Second Vatican ('niincilby Pop liiliu XXI I I . InIIHVC joiiM'd wtllt v i manyother, in caiiying. loiwardthe implement.ilmn ol llie( nuned'1, decisimi has beenone ol llie gieatesi salislaelinns in niv life.. I bespiritual lenewal nl theCliuieh is going Inward andIt has been a pnvilege Inhave been involved in it.

"I am giali'lul In ( intlllial I still have in', healthand I milv pia\ that I maybe able In seive I bin andI lis people willi much Ii nilHI ibe lime llial I le lias stillm store I'm me."

Speaking nl AichbishopGei'clv's resigiialinii, Rev, |Msgr. I lanklyn M. < asale, jVicar (ieneial and ( bancellol of llie An lldioeese nlNewaik, said, "For the lastI .\ veais Airlihi'ihnp (ierelyhas provided outstanding,dynamic leader.hip in theArchdiocese nl Newaik.Those of us who wmkclosclv with linn were coninitially challenged hy hisleadeislup, aina/ed al hispace and always convincedthat we were supporting thevision of a man whosesights weie set high on theFold and I lis people.

"Personally. I expressgiaiilude lo linn and withhim well on his letiiemenlwhich lie has been looking,forward in I'm some lime,With the test of the peoplenl the Aiehdioceesc. I addmy prayeis lot Ins continned gooil health and bappiness. At the same time, Iwelcome Uishop McCarrickas the new Archbishop ofNewark, who I know willalso provide g.rc;il lendership for the veais ahead. I lehas been v igotoiis and effec-tive in Ins many positionsespecially as Hishop ofMeiucben. Ma\ God blesshim as he lakes on Ins impniiant new post."

HUMANITARIAN AWARDED . . . In His Namo, Inc.PrnMdorit JoKroy Biirry, nt|ht, aw.'irdod Anthony Gmondr ol Uowoy Plnco in Lll/.'ibolh, loll, thn orijani/iition1!)fir:;t ;niiiiiiil roooijnition award for out:.taiidirui aorvico totin; community. During tho faimmnr nl li)H(i II-IN hadappuiilod throii(|li tho moilia lor (jofjpln to iiominaloIrii.'nd.'i in ncquaintuncos ffjr this award Mr arid Mrsdamn.1; O'Noill of Railway chaired thn solifotion commit-Inn lor INN Alter con.'adoration of twenty iioniination:;,Mr (iracn was selected The nomination was made byMi:;:; Lileen fciuunhmmr ol fvli/al)etli. She had first motMr Grace when she came to her homo to fix a tv Mh;:iI isenhauer has two brothers with muscular dystrophyand lony pitched in. to raise lunds lo huy the hoys acomputer. Additionally, ho has holpod Sr, Jacinta of St..Joseph's to feerl tho hunory and hi1 has worked to koopthe memory nl tho MIA':; alive in the media. IIIN Inc.plans to select another individual duriru] March of I OH/.Nominations can be sent to II IN Inc PC) Box 391:.Railway, N.J O/OO.'j.

Jewish Heritage Nightto feature

— Klezmer music

MacDnua ldA dini iei dance wi l l be

held at the G i a n Centur ions( Inb he i ' inn in i ' w i t h am c k l a i l l ioui al 5 p.inPnests and Sisters I'onucrKassociated wi th the palishl ia \e been invited

I ukets aie available ats ' s each I m inoie in lo iina i i i u i , call the iee in i \ aliSS 'S.s.1

Sp ring concertplanned

St. John the Apostle'sChoir will be holding thenspring conceit on Fudav,June 1.1. in the chinch. I bechoir will be under thedirection of Mr. JohnTutella. All are welcomeAdmission is free.


OIK1 ffioncLsliipatatinx1.

The Un ion CountyDepartment of Parks andRecreation wil l present"Jewish Heritage Night" althe Summer Arts Festival,Wednesday, June .15 at 7:.'()p.m. in lieho Fake Park,Mountainside, West field.Performing, will be the "An-dy Stntniiin Kle/mer Orelicstra," a five-piece bandfeaturing Andy Staiman,David Steinberg, TeddyHragin, Norman /amcheekand Hob Weiner. The group

specializes in K l e i n e rmusic, the popular music o\'Fastern Huiopeau Jews

A ilanee floor, snacktruck and Parks intorination booth are. available atthe concert site. Concertgoers are encouraged to br-ing, lawn chairs or blanketslo sit on, Admission is free.

In the event of rain, theconcert will be held on thesame date in the l'railsideNature A Science Center

Vacation Bible Schooloffered by Trinity

Dail\ Vacation HibleSchool ,u Trinity UnitedMethodist Church, cornerof F. Milton Avenue andMain Stieet in Railway, willbe held lioni Monday. June?.} through Friday, June }.7from (>:.iti a.m. until noondai l \ . I his year's HibleSchool theme is "Prospec-ting in i iod's Word," andeliildieu ages two throughgi.ule (i are invited to attend. I here is no charge.

Ibe lessons for all agelevels convey the messagethat ncli treasures are to hefound in (iod's Word andpanulcs incentive for thestudents IO go "digging" tofind those things that willmeet his individual needs,according to a churchspokespi'ison. Ibis is doneiluougb daily Hible storiesand cu'dible, present-daylife application stories.Othet liible School ae

l i \ hies include singing,games, crafts and refreshnieiits, Completing the aetivities will be a commencemem piograiu .it I I:.U> a.m.on F'ridas, June .'7,

l r i n i t v ' s staf f ofdedicated people aie asfo l lows: Doi a I ew is,legisir.u; Katln Jones, eooidinalor; Rev Donald ItJones, Fale I'mie SUM \Fellei, leaeheis and stall

aie: Marjone C blister,Albeila Smith, 1 lolls Jones,Joan leoiuud, Paiiv Hiadsbaw, I'.nu Iliophx. PbvllisC.iinev, (ieuuv Cedeivall.P in lbs l o n i a d , I uulaA \ e n t , Sue Hecbel l i ,K l isten Alv .ue. ' . A\\^Mel,uue Decker.

I or legislation oi huIher in lo i m,nion. cull.'SS 1.1 .''S, Monday ihioughFrulav, between l ' a.m. andI p.m.

auditorium, C oles Ave. andNew Piovidence Road,Mountainside,

For up to the minute inlorniation. call the Parks."'•I hour hotline al ,'x'1


BASKETRY WORKSHOPS . .". Wo,ivo your own trndl-tional r.tylo o<]() baukot on Thursday, dune i:.1, / to 10p in. at tho WiiKhlnpton Rock Girl Scout Council, 201Grove St., Wostliold. On Tuesday, dune 17, 7 to 10P m. will bo a Colonial Markot Baskot Workshop, Thosotiaskols uro roctanciular with a handle They servo asiiardon containor:; for tools or voi]otablo:;. Thoy nrowoven with split rood, a material similar to oak splints,but much easier to work with. This workshop will nlaobe held at the Girl Scout Olliee in Westtinld. Thoworkshops will bo instructed by Pamela Janus who iaon tour from Arkansas. She has boon woavmi) basketsusinii natural fiber for fourteen year!',, demonstrating atrestorations and schools throughout the country andhas iiiven seminars at tho Smithsonian Foi more infor-mation call 9:?3-01 ii:?.

Ji res kie 'Jtwmly B ibkPubllthar'i retail price $39.95


22 00nil OUIIM-. i.ln !-.< puk.Hl „,,



Atom TabloidI In1 I C|iMv.ilenl ol a compl i ' l ' ' II 'IHIKUI-. eiH\ekMH'ili,i in c i i f J

I ei.i '. l i ' i le l i 'u 'nei ' n l i l ion Will) llie MHV.I IM'.IUIIIUI I'.iilili-il Iniiil i1 :'M I 'M1 ' pl .uei i on Hit1 lli>l\ ;>cnpluie'. " !

I'uiti'Sl.int • Kino J.imiis Veisinn C.ithohc • ltu> Now Ami-uwn t

\ < ! • * , > i


Atom Tabloid m11* Central Avtnv«Railway, N.j. 07045i"..,*. i.«", iVil. iMi.. L.I •

Y A\— \

Ail.l'i-'.-. .

HAHWAY NKWS-RECOKU/C1-AKK PATRIOT www:A>/-,'I J U ; J I i x \'»'.<, I'/-.',i

OBITUARIESSister Miriam Judge, 90;

was principal ofSt. Mary's and St. John's

Sisiei Mir i i im jOIV. <H). ,,l Si, Cullierine< oiiveiit. Mount Si, Doniiiiie, (aldwell. lornifrly apaiofliinl seliuol principal,ilied June ? in St. CaiherineInfirmary. ( alilvvell

Sister Miriam wus born in.li ' ivv City itiill filtered (lieI )ominienn Order in Augustnl I *> IX. She was crailuateill ioni I onlhaiii University.New 'l ink wild a biielielmn! science decree in eclueaHull il I 111 I lll'Jlsll. In \')M),she e.II ued a muster's ilej'.reein eiliiciiiKiu from ScionI lall I .'diversity.

Sisiei Muiiiin Wiis imeleineiil.u y school iciicher.mil piiucip.il ; I I Si. Mary'sSclinnl in Kiibwiiv from

W\) to I945. I'roni 1951lo 19.S7, Sister Miriam serv-ed iis principal of St. John'sSchool. C"lark, and froml%() io 196.1 w;is principalof St. Aediin's School,Jersey City.

She had been ('omniunii\ Supervisor of schoolswi ib in the DominicanOrder from 1945 to I960,I rom 196.1 io 1969, SisterMiriam bail been the Com-munity Counselor of theDominican Order in Ciild-well. Sister Miriam retiredin 1969 io St. Catherine'sInfirmary. Caldwell.

Surviving are two sisters,Mrs. Catherine H(K)lahai)and Mrs. Horcnee Dunn.

Frank Manning, 62;WWII Army, Navy vet

Iriink I). Manning, 62,ilied May 31 ill Kooseveltf los|iit;il in lulison iifter aIOIJK illncs.

Horn in Atlanta, (ia., belived in Kahway for the last29 years. '

Manniii).', w;is a machinercpnirmnn ;it .lacobsenManufiicturiiH'. Co., inKenilworth for IH years,retiririf! in I9K.S.

He wus a World Wur IIArmy and Navy veteran.

Surviving are his wife,Mrs. Shirley F;urer Mann-ing; n daughter, Jane L.Hamaty of Rahwuy; a son,Mark Ci. of Rahwuy; asister, Violet L. Lambert ofDetroit; a brother, HuroldL of I-'ayettevillc, N.C.; undthree grandchildren.

Gertrude Bolstein, 76Mrs, Gertrude Dworkin

Holstein, 76, died May 30 atHayonne Hospital iifter alonp illness.

Morn in Newark, she liv-ed ' most of her life inBayonne.

Mrs. Holstein wus asaleswoman for the IdaSt<jfn Women's ClothingStore, Hayonne.

She w;is ii member oflludassah, the HayonneI kbrew Menevolent Asso-ciation, and a volunteer forCancer Care.

Her husband, Louis Bols-tein, died in 1966.

Surviving arc two sons,Philip of Scotch Plains andArthur of Washington,D.C.; a daughter, Mrs.Marlenc Succcr of Clark; abrother, Abraham Dworkinof New York City; twosisters, Mrs. Helen Rowenof Hayonne, and Mrs,Lilliiim Hoffman of LakeSuccess, N.Y.; six grand-children; and a great-grandduughtcr.

Connie Cappiello,30 years in Rah way

"" Mrs. Connie V. Hot-liglieri Cappiello, died June2 iit home after a long illness,

Mrs. Cappiello w;is bornin Verplanek, N.V., and liv-ed in Rahway 30 years.

She was a saleswomanfor Sears, Clark and Linden,?5 years.

Mrs. Cappiello, was ucommunicant of St. Mary'sR.C. Church.

Her daughter, Linda,died some years ago.

Surviving are her hus-band, Anthony J. Cap-piello; a son, Lawrence A.of New York City; threebrothers; and four sisters.

Stephanie Dilbatis, 76Mrs, Stephanie tStellal

IVu /ak Dilbiitis, 76, diedJune 5 ;it St. Lli/ubeili llospiii>l after a lonj; illness,

Mrs, Dilbiitis was born inMrooklyn and lived most ofhoi- life in l l i / ; ibetl i .

She w;is a communicantof St. l ledwig 's R.C.I hiiich and a member of itsSenior C iii/ens Club.

Her husband. StephenDilb.itis. died in 1970.

Surviving are two daugh-ters. Mrs. Paulino Yurcisinof Rahway und Mrs. HelenKlinger of Littleton. Conn.,three brothers, Steve Pietr-/iik of Linden, KdwnrdPietr/ak of WildwoodCrest, and John Peterson ofMrick Town; two sisters,Mrs. Jenny C idler and Mrs.Ldna Wesolowski, both ofLli/uheth; four grandchil-dren; and a great-grand-child.

Irene Schweitzer, 86;was Merck bookkeeper

Frank Petraroi, 78,Port Reading mason

Lrunk Pctruroi, 78, diedJune 7 at home.

Horn in Danbury, Conn.,he lived in Pennsylvaniabefore moving here 31 yearsago.

Mr. Pctruroi was a self-employed mason for 15years in the Port Readingarea before retiring 16 yearsago,

fie was a member of St,

Anthony's Roman CatholicChurch in Port Reading.

He was the father ofFrank Pelraroi who died in1976.

Surviving arc lih wife,Ann Uitsko Petraroi; threedaughters, Hllcn Vigilanteof Colonia, Mary Vaughanof Port Reading and LucyPetraroi, al home, and threegrandchildren.

Vincent Ciocci, 61 ;was church official

Vincent (Mike) Ciocci,61, died June 7 at homeafter u long illness.

Horn in North Plainfield,he lived in Rahway beforemoving lo Avencl 29 yearsago,

He spent 40 years as asupervisor at the ReginaCorporation in Railway,where he served as president of the company'scredit union.

A Navy armed guard inthe Atlantic und the Pacificin World War I I , Mr, Ciocciliiter served in the UnitedSlates Naval Reserve 34years. He retired from thereserve in I9H2 as a chief

Irene I I . Scliweit/er, S(),died June 7 ,u Raliw.iv Hospil.il altei a loiij! illness.

She wiis a lifelong resiilcui of Ralnvas.

She w,is a bookkeeper lorMe.uk \ i o. hie., Rahway,•HI 'UMIS, letuini1, in I %(>.

She was a meinbei of the

Merck Quarter CenturyClub and the AmericanAssociation of Retired Per-sons, Rahwuy.

She was a communicantof St, Mary's R.C. Church.

Surviving nre four niecesand four nephews,

Walter F. Kablis, 57Wiiliei I Kablis. S7.IIH.HI

lime1'» al \ le\ian liioiheisH,is|jital. I li/ahoth. after aIIMIJ' illness

11»- was bom in I li/ahetll,uul Imnu'd lo I IIIISKIC 10

ve.i i ;> . i j ' o

M,i Kiiblis was .1 postalwoikei loi die Pl.unlield1'iiM- ()|lice ."'I \eais. leiir

senior gunner's male,He was a life long mem-

ber of the Naval HnlistedReserve Association undthe Mulvey Ditmars VI-'WPost in Rahwuy,

A member of the hirstPresbyterian Church ofAvencl, he served as both adeacon und elder,

Surviving arc his wife,Mrs, Hurharu Decker Ciocci;two daughters, Letitia('oiighlin of South Amboyand Leslie Kuc/.ur of Munii-lapun; three sisiers, RIKKIIIDonoghue of Colonia andIrene O'Reilly and MaryAlba, both of Railway; undfour grandchildren.

John Dibella, 67;Air Corps veteran

John T. Dibella. 67. diedJune 7 al home after a longillness.

Horn in Hillside. Mr.Dibcllu came to Rahwuy in1951.

He wus u field managerfor the National CashRegister Co., Fair Lawn, 43yeurs, retiring in I9H4.

Mr. Dibellu wus u communicunt of St. John theApostle R.C. Church.Clark.

He was a World War IIArmy Air Corps veteran.

Surviving arc his wife,Mrs, Helen Kirk Dibella;three sons, John I), of Lit-tleton. Colo,, Alan M. ofNorth llrunswick, and KirkI'., ill home; two daughters,Mrs. Hurburu J. Dunaios ofRahwuy und Mrs, DeniceA, Anderson of Hnmclt-burg; two brothers, Vito ofHrick Town and Duffy ofNutley; three sisters, MuryDibella of Union, JosephineDibella of Washington,D.V.. and Mrs. Llsie Sul-livan of Hillside; und fivegrandchildren.

Aver Chiaramonte,Clark resident 26 years

Mrs, Aver M. HowardChiaramonte died June 9 atRahwuy Hospital after abrief illness.

Born in Miama, Ari/.,Mrs. Chiaramonte lived inMolton, Ala,, before mov-ing to Clark-26 yean ago,

Mrs. Chiaramonte wusan inspector for Westing-house, Bloomficld, 30 years,retiring in 1984.

Surviving are her hus-band, Nun/io J. Cliiuru-nionte; a daughter, Mrs,Barbara Ann Frost of Mol-ton; a brother, Paul Her-ryman of Huntsville, Ala.;three sisters, Mrs. Betty A.Uyars of Selma, Ala.; Mrs.Avis F.. Christian of Bloom-field, and Mrs. Isabellc M.Carroll of Molton; twogranddaughters; and ugreat-granddaughter.

Nicholas Klock, 87;Regina retiree

Nicholas Klock, 87, diedJune 8 at Rahway Hospitalafter a brief illness.

Horn in Minsk. U.S.S.R.,Mr. Klock came to theUnited States in 1902 undwas a Rahway resident thelust 30 years.

He wus a ciuality controlinspector for the ReginaCorp,, Rahway, 25 years,retiring in 1966.

Mr. Klock wus it memberof St. John's Russian Orthodox Church.

Surviving are his wifeMrs. [•'vn Tronovich Klocktwo sons, (ieorge of StateiIsland, N.Y., and Alex-ander of Rabway; a daugh-ter, Mrs. Soniu Tylku ofRuhway; seven grandchil-dren; and ii grout-grand-child.

Hospital to hold

Foster Coleman, 77;was maintenance worker

for City of RahwayFoster Colctnan, 77, died

June 9 at Rahway Hospitalafter a long illness.

Born in Henderson, N.C,Mr. Coleman moved toRahway in 1940.

He was a maintenance

worker for the city olRahway more than 30years, retiring in 1976,

Surviving are his wife,Mrs. IZIsie Durham Col-cman; a granddaughter; andthree greatgrandchildren.

mil in I9S4Surviving are his wile,

Mis. Annahelle ThompsonKiiblis; a son. Kevin, athome; two daughters, theMisses Kerne and KelliKablis. both iii home; hismother. Mis, Alice Kahlisof I liAibcth; and a sister.Mis, I leanote Casey of( link

Harold Kuhn,formerly of Rahway

Harold J. Kuhn. 71, ofMystic Islands, formerly ofRahway and Linden, diedJune 2 at the Paul KimhallMedical Center, Uikcwixxi,after a long illness.

Born in Ncwnrk, he livedin Rahway and Lindenmany ycurs before movingto Mystic Islands 10 yearsago,

Mr. Kuhn was an automechanic for many years,

retiring In I *>76.

He was a member of theMystic Islands CommunityAssociation.

His wife, Mrs, BessieRand Kuhn, died in 1978.

Surviving are two sisters,Mrs. Helen Hildingcr ofHarrison and Mrs. LilllcnHulzlcr of Sacramento,Calif.

colorectal programand screening

The potential for savinglives from cancer of the colon and rectum is among thehighest for any type of cancer. With early detectionand treatment, llie survivalrate could l>c much higherthan it presently is, Hccausccolorectal cancer \; seldomtalked about, there is atendency to avoid diagnosisand trcutmciii of ii.

To increase communityawureness about thisdisease, Railway Hospital isoffering a free educationalprogram on colon and rectalcancer, which includes asimple screening to delectblood in the stool that canbe done ut home. The prograin will be held on Tues-day, June 24 ai 7:30 p.m. inthe Conference Room, wilhHuinncrtoCampos, M.l).,usurgeon on the hospital'sstaff, und Gcrri Dcdrick.Chief Clinical Dietitian, usthe guest speakers.

A film, "The Cancer NoOne Talks About," will beshown at the program, andMrs Dedrick will discusshow you can lower yourrisk of this type of cancerthrough diet.

The colon lor largebowell and rectum form thelower end of the digestivetract. Their function is loextract li(|uid I'roni the remains of digested food andto hold the solid waste muller until it is ready lo be expelled from the body. Mosicancers occur within the


last segment of the bowel, upart that can be examinedvisually by a physician withan instrument called a proc-toscope. Regular check upsincluding a proctoscopic exanimation cm help in thedetection of very early can-cers when they are most-airable,

Tin: usual symptoms ofcolon or rectal cancer arc;bleeding, '.ceil as blood inthe siool, or disclosedthrough blood tesis; a persisient (for more than two,weeksl change in bowelhabits (either constipation,or diarrhea, or both alternately); increase in inlestiual gas, causing varyingdegrees of abdominal discomfort.

Al llie Railway Hospitalprogram you will recievc akit wilh slides lor a simplelest you can do ut home todelect blood in (he stool.The slides must be returnedto the hospital's laboratoryfor processing, which willbe done at no charge.

The June 24 program atRailway Hospital will giveiin opportunity lo learnmore about this disease, itsdetection, and the dietarymeasure1, you can lake- tolower your risk of thedisease, The program is freeand open to the public.Registration is not required,l o i further information,call the hospital's SupportServices Department al•I1)1; 607H.

.11'Smoking'* nursessubject of conference

I aye ( i . Ahdc-lliili, Depuly Surgeon (icncnil andChief Nurse Officer of iheUS. I'ublic Henlth Service,was the keynote speakerai a conference for nurseson sinokinn at the t enterlor Health Affairs in Princeton on June 10.

Sponsored by llie NewJeise> Division of theAiiiciican-r('aneer Society,the da\loii|'. conferenceforced the iiiirsinn prol't-ssion lo lake a hard look atUs own addiction to sinokinn. since some stalisiicsreveal thin 27 ix'icent of allnurses smoke. According losome recent surveys, nursesin general smoke more thanoilier health professionals,including physicians anddentists, There are few explanalions for these sintistics except for '.indies thatshow many nurses smokingfor the first lime as studentnurses lo help ease tension.I'hc results of OIK- particularstudy iiulicnle that this inmat siiitiknu', was nn ininnsic part of forming veryclose friendship groupswhich acted as a form ofself therapy in adjusting, loihe pressures of nursini;,After uradiinliiii',, Rc^istiTeil Nurses fell that they nolonger rei|Uired ci^iueiles asa psycholonieal crutch, hutcon t i nued to smokethmui'h social habit.

Must nurses, however,don't smoke . . . nhouithree i|itarters of Iheni. Andsince the largest uronp ofhealth care providers is thennrsiii); profession, they arein nn excellent position toinfluence people due iotheir regular, close contaciwith patients, according inthe American Cancer Society. As n result, ihe hulk ofthe agenda focused on ways

A Qift to the


muses can help people slopsmokiur it nil influencepublic policy.

"Nuises anil Sniokui)'"was co sponsored by llieNorth ( eniiiil New Jersey( hiipiei of the Oueoloi'sN in sing Society; Ibe Amei ican I ting Association olNeu Icises, ami llie Newleisev Sliiie Nurses Asso

L 1,11 II III


CEREMONIAL RIBBON . . . Momnorri of tho Avonol/Oolonla Pint AIM .'Iiiuail n,";oivntho $ 1 00 coromonlul ribbon uisorl to r;ommoinonitu tho roconl opnnirKi ol Axia I orfnralS.'ivlnrjfi' now Avonol o(lk;it. PlcturorJ from loll lo ri(jht nro Mobort (ioll'o, .'ii)iiriil Av,iutunt cuptaln; Ellnnmnry Holly, '-irjufKl Dmirnlnry; Clinrlufi Cofrado, .'iquarl I'm'iirtnrit;John R, Rowon, Prnnkinnt und CliO ol Axia; arid Uavirl Hri(jn, Avniml ulli i.n UraiK.li

HEALTH ALERT , . . Ai. pnrt of ilu community-huMid Hypniloimion .'icrci'iiimi I'mdrum, Aloxlnn nrollioru llonpllnl In l:ll/iibotli mnkoci nuuibor onu in tho •.1:11<• ol NewJornoy hint yonr In roforrlno iinawuro hyporlniiMlvnii lor nvnlualion to Ihoii own privalrpliyulc.liin nnil alno rnnkod numbor ono in conllrmod unwly (IIHIIIIO'.IKI clicnl1, A IMIavnllublo tbroiijjb tint Mypnrlonnlon -'icroonlno I'loiiraui nro Iron hloiul pin'.i.iiri1

!u;roonlii(j!i hold ovnry Tunndiiy ovonlno from 4 to / p HI In tho main lobby ol IhcHnnpltnl lofintod nt O(jf) Hunt Jornoy Stroot Abovo, Joan lioolnrmnii, H N (lull) iintn ablood proMiiuro roiudno on prooriim iiurllclpiint Armiiidina Liumlia at tho Hinted Connllosi Trutit Company ricroonino nlto on l.ll/ntxith Avonuo, I h/ahoth I ookimi on (ci'iitci)in Konnoth J. Howlnuky, Aimliitant Vlco I'loiildont ol tho hunk

m iniHn.irt A t tack Warmnij ! i l(|n.i l

\\ .1 n i i * f * t ,


• • •Ours Is a bargain compared with some others. For oxmnple, an arts center In San PIIHIO rn| i i l iv, ,i $MXX)donation, spread over five years, for a slnojc commemorative sentback pla<|iie. (I'or the's.tme sl/e clon.itlon,we offer a distinctive Individual w.jll plaque In the lobby.) Our required minimum donation fo i . i Sk.,,t ofRecoqnltlon: only $1000 — total,

- • • • •

It should be made clear that the Seat of Recognition Is merely a perpetual memorial, ,>nd duos NOT ii.r,int tin-contributor a pemianently reserved seat for attendance at future shows, The honoree may he a per.'on llvlni)or deceased, nn orgnnlzntlon, a pet, a memorable event. . . . There are no specific stipulations, I lowevi-i, thewording will be negotiable, the number of words being limited mainly by the approximately 4 * (> Inchuniform size of the plnque.Location within the auditorium may be freely chosen from amoni| av.ill.ible se.itsIn designated areas,

As a bonus, the contributor Is granted a 3 year complimentary membership In Rahwav I andmarks (thenonprofit orgnnlzntlon operating tlie arts center), and tin1 honoree's name will be listed In all future printedprograms. Membership benefits Include receipt of the Arts Center Newsletter (six Issues pei yeai) and dls-

A c t N O W : * h l s ° ' f c r wl11 b c limited to the first 200 noatn only. SendIn your check now to Union County Artw Ci-nter Svat ofRecognition P.O. Box 1061 — Rnhu/ay N..I. 07065

Please Prlnt-or-Type Name Muut Bv. Lcglbltv


Address __

"S«a| o/ flat ognlllon" i>fRm«


$1,000. Enclosed

Remember: Your contribution la n tux deduction.




b: 74;:

• • . ,&••

Page 6:  · •'•i> 1 iv, " T «-..--n;


w®(V.t - .




get the job done 57*1200CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR THREE TIMES-




[master charge]


., Thurs., Sot.Tho Atom Tabloid

Kiihwuy N»wl Uncord/Clark PolriofTrio Alom Toliloid Wookond Mo()<i; ino


Oiitjfaniflod Unndor to Roador wtinf od'. oro fornon commiirciul mWerlisrrrs only. Harm for solomini not nuciind $1,000. I'rico and phononumlxu mint bo in od, Autov rotjl c i tato,cjaruQo ",ulr> i babysitting not uccoplod inGuorantnod Rpodnr to Rfludor Soclion.

NO HiOUl 0«OI«S ACCirTID A D i M U l I S E M A I I I DIN on moucHr TO THI O M I C I


OfSK, while formica, rcceptionulw/cajli rcji ittr, double shelve),lulled lor beauty salon { ISO

92S-7411 or 974-1200Salon ilyle c lmu. Hydraulic. Dryer

Contents of House, Mo* i r t j ,Fvcrylhing must jo, L/R, D/H, f l /H,much more, c«c1cond. 753-5754Uinnlte sel. 6 pieces, Oak, Best Of.fer .M ! :«J»?

III.1CK leather ficcliner $400 ,Leather chmr J200 Sola bed J600,Dining room set J400, All sevenmonths old 634-9548


FACTS I KIGULATIONSNOIICf I'lnuso cluck yourml Iho ilny it nppaurii TimAtom Trillion! will not Imriupontililit loi nrrort nftorIlin fir-.t rloy Cnll tliockmil iod Dnjit to miiku for-foctiofil.


AtR COND.. 6.000 I I IU $ l ? 0 Sola-lird lull J'JO vi'i» gixxl cundilionCill 541-6573

AIR COND,, Inrdricli. 10.1)01) I I IU.tii'* in ori|{i,ial union Sfj00

382 8253

AIR CONDITIONER, ? Ain.iii.iIH 000 I I IU J'JO cacti Call


OASKETDALL HOOP, llacfcbaard and[jolt Yours life la carry aw.iy. CallI Yrs 382-7220

BEDROOM SET. b IIIPCD J500 Mnvni l Mull sell, lihcnst, tauln,ralnnrl I I /O I IP I AlUjim541-7920OEIGIAN BLOCKS, irrriular. al)|ir(i,ini«lel;?O0JI5O 75S-0099BOAT, 14'Aluminum drop V, 10 ICCJohnson Motor, anil timid J'J&O orUrilotlr-i 283 1115

BUFFET, Mrd ,8'5201) QUPPII AnnOak dinmn| room, lahlf A (i chnirsS<V)ufl ,nlol l f i 390 1547

DUNK BEDS, n/liumlln, Srms.sleeps 3, 6 months old J400 Iwinbrdmlh names! J3 i 574-2104

OUREAUS,(2)olatkw/||ie)Sl)adow.conldnp lormicandcond $400 orti'o Mine 11 7pm I I 3961585CAMPER, Crickut sell conlmnrdslri>|u4.litionpiclui|)i40.l)orbrMn i l " 382-6283

CEMENT MIXER, elrclnc 5100 Callnl lerbJOpm 7381229

CEMETERY PLOTS, ? dbl ijraves. 4bin $111 (liacplaml Mem I'KI'livileownpr 388-2341

COLOR TV, 2V console ricrllrnlcondition $181) Call jltei b p in

9253767COUCH, Ivory, leather, four piececurved sectional like new $1000

636-5?37COUCH, flatian J 4 M Svmrt TOC*?T& ottoman $200 [lutcheiblockdiiimnj lb l $200 636-5237COUCH AND CHAIR, i iern plaidcouch, solid green chair both in HercutonSlOO 382-6281

DINt rTE IB l . , Wood * / 6 matchingchins good condition 5.150 or b 'oCull Mane 11 7|imT I 3961585DINING ROOM, I ' tcin table sucliaus openstnseat 12 people, padsincludrd$40U 388 6057

DIRT BIKE, t U K X H O w , lull n c i n jlObc>l,(newudiatoi)m«nye>lia sriilmjiH'iiip $;bO 382-6441

HEAD BOARDS, I m n J i O V.mily lotbathroom $b lancet lw bathroom$!> 9255603

HOSPITAL BED, rlecliic used I S>fars mig $?ll)0. askint JbbO


LAWN MOWER, Snapprrlligh vacudei fi II I ' . dec sljit * basuriA\knn$,VIS Allei'.lpm 382 2267LIVING ROOM CHAIRS, ',.'> r<ipllenl uiiulil ion JSO e i t hCall 6340925LIVING ROOM COUCH, ami I oirsralI W M I P J J D O 63S-2J12

LIVING ROOM StT, .' |>iivr-\ $400llrtlrmun -,p| I. p i n r \ $.100l-.HI itlllSI

LOVEStATS. inn nl lui>.i,'andN,i«)\lnpr$400 I'honc 3JI-2O42PATIO BLOCK, uwl .'X8M6 ,'Si r n h r j i h Cili ,t|| r l s |i in

381 6537

PLAY YARD, J..IS uiljnt srjl $10(lib k mj l l ' rw JI00 »,llkfl $;ll14 It herin$4/S 4«6 2986

POOL ACCESSORIES, Utldp. l i l lniiuiUn ttivinn bo,iiil all in rMPllpntunuli|uMi{4li0l1uall 6)6 7977POOl LADDER. ,n ti.n.iul <wt

Mrfllikpne»5So 396J123

RANGE, Kriin.oH- \r l l i lrjmni; , oil l i" i ; ton $l . " i l l r ln j h f n r ' 1.'

in II $llilWut>f\|1.|l|.| 3H 1547

RrC ROOM rURN , Spsruh l«,.

pir i r uniih I l.ilili-\ ,' l,im|i\ in l

<»iihV 494 1713


1,1i l i l

855 I39«


SL(fMRSOIA.I|.iiian$.HH) .'mmi l i i s l l j i i n \ $ . ' S r » . ' \ u i r i h i \ 5 M in u-u.l.S:M) KH 10 494-0136

SWA. \,ilul «iwl thin n rt.nvjblrui\h i'i»r SKIP tiuiwn Ir-alfiri tripolhtibiiihriiul,iiijr.S 1750191SOI A. ln.nr. i l .' I j t i ln K itm»ri< iinul Mull »rll Iml 5,'IHI piII Ulakrut 5414140

SOrA t CHAIR, Umtrnnnirmilliuoil'iml yellow (Ml ttmilituinH 5 '


TABLE, solid pine, lour chair] 5100I'nie bench $2'j 382-1530

TIRES, I ' I / ' J ' B O I ) 13", I new tireson new urns (Chevy) Al l 1011$/!) orti/(i Call 4990978

TRUCK CAP, with insert Good condit ion. l i l iS I I brd,$2bO 3821256T.V,, color 2.1" console, Admiral,very nice $ 7 j Scirsconsole sewingmachine,McellentSlOO 225-1341VIDEO ARCADE MACHINE, Timef i lo l . rxcellnnt condition 5400


WASHER, Maytag and gas Dryer,gold, su month usr-d Musi sellMoving Asking5550.Call 396-9017WASHER, Norgo Heavy Uuly 5125,Mcellenlcondition 381-0458WASHERIDRYER.C-I ,goodcondi-lion, 5125 separate, 5225 lor bothAsk lor I d 8551119or843-7077WASHER/ORYER, Maytag matchingsot, almond Gas dryer, good ConditionS?50takesset.Eves 855-1398


H5 UodgeColt, runsand looks gif i t ,two lone, auto, $4,100 Call Don


83 Ford tscort L, b spd , greatcond. must sell, being replaced bycompany car, 5359b. Call Tom

499-8295 ot 388-1789'S3 ToyotaCclicaGT5 speed, p/wm-dons, p/doors. Cruise, am/lmstereo Upo, p/s, p/b. 4b.000 mi.minlcond Call at 7 pm. 381-630181 Chevy Monle Carlo. VG, a/c,p'5. p/b, a/I om/lm cass, c/cGH.OOOmi Asking$44OO 396-8134HI Dalsun 310. Blue, 5 door, list

chb.ick. p/s, a/c, am/lm, 42.000mill's, very good condition, $3400Alter 6 pm. 382-0568

HI OldsCullasslS4dr,e«c condong owner, 79K nn , loaded, mustsell. 5.1900 733-375*HI Plymouth Reliance, excellent

condition Allei6p m 634-231180 Chevy Chevelte, slick shilt, 4

iJu».5B0O. _ 349-6485-

'H0 Dalsun ?10, 4 d i , 47K mi,nm/lmcass.2b .lOmpg Dost oilerCall,il[ei/pm 499-0978HO Olds Wagon, p/s. p/b, a/c, 2

spam lues 5400 or bcsl oilerCash 3821103

'79 f oid Fanmont Wagon, like new,ong owner. 6 cy l . p's. 52400 orbest oiler 756-8004

'79Gtand I 'm t W . p / y p/b.cruisecontrol, new lues, l ieat condition$.'H00 561-1485

7lJ Mustang, 6 cyl .auto, a/c. p/s,p/b. 63.000 imlos Asking $2500


' / 9 Ihi i i idcibiul, mint cond insidek out, 44,000 mi, aulo/power52700 .3M-5143

7H Ihundeibii i l ! black, 60,000miles, picellenl condition 52b00Altpi f tp m 541-7971

'77 Lincoln lownCoupp,e«c cond ,fully lo idfd 65,400 miles, askingS3000oibeslollei 388-7373

'76 Chryslci Coidova, like now,60,000 m i , lealhei elec buckets,etc 4004[ l i l am. Im,honee is te i ,Di( i lalc.ns.$?400oib/o381-4486' t i I klp.iado. 40,000 onginalmi l r i .

IIPW |i.iml. lues lully loaded, askingS.'/OOCallal b.10 634-6740!b iQ idGnnai l t 4 d i .'bl.QOOmi.

i mint, new lues ballery, imitller(i \ (i ti askiiij$12bO 387-70777hloi i l i ; ianadahcyl.$bOOorbest

ollei Call 381-0(95

/6 li iaiul I 'm £ixx1 Irans p's,l> li l - ( . ruin tm.\\ 5600 A\k lol1,-hn 416 8353, 985-4410

''(> Volljip 1'iemiei, auto, a'c,bu i k r l \ r ) ts inns giKxt. M.isl sellW'lOui.twMolIr i 381-1J3J

M I'lvnioulh Satellite ninniniicoiidilion$.'S0 Callantlinie 381-9101

7.1 lord Wajjon $.100 oi best. i l l - ' ' 49907397.1 MiAtaii j Maih I .151 VH p v

li !• J i auli' i ass new paml Kr > ! u \ l u m e n $,'S00 382 0192'.' I'tiPM V f j j (.0 000 mi jixyl

m i l l i ng (oihtition 5.150 turn Callallei.'|im 283 2232

' I li i lrii i.itioii.il luiuhlunk lull)i'Hi"l'lied liiuul iiiniiilion

636 7977<' 11'utUw i i (i \ mn tin 4 new

t. ' r \ j iw t lunv $150 ,.i b ol l f lAl 4 pm 636 0747

.'OlJilillji'iiHipel'rvile p s |. t>J i i If in I I I I I \ (AX I $f.00 Ask lot>oi'i «»8J5J. 985 4410


SOf A 1 L0VE5EAT. llnnltnipoimy|llac*|l io»n Huge (M l uiiKlil.onJ.'lH) Call iliei Spin | ) ) I I NTABLE. l>.iiiii«iiKiinlJble«0 it>4loo lea>e\ mul pnh iljik Annull ikfnf.JIUO 725 24U


$12.95 A DAY* SO I l l l MUll WIIN AD*•iM|« Auti, UUt Int.

k N l rflP

H6.J65J US


1981 Yamaha XS400 Special, Lownnleago, f <c Cond , Musi sell 5800firm AflejSpm 634:0913

1981 Honda C0650 Custom Motor-'cycle, only C000 miles, new tires,sissy bar Highway pegs $1300. Askiorlohn_ 486-8353j983-4410


DOLL BIRTH CERTIFICATES ADOP-TION PAPERS. Send i l cash lorcomplete sol 1 include soil-nddrcswd, ilamprd nnvclopo lo'RFL SALES. I'. O.l!o» 205. Avenel. N.J 07001

HEFFMGEHATORS. WashersT Ui'yeiiColor IV'i. Good condition. Willr.uaranten.Coll 7547209

i'li i l ic ilip covnu Cuslommadepin lilted. Expgrtly culm your homeSola, S85 and I chair, 542 50NcNllecralt

Attention Moms & BridesmaidsLuokinl for a unique bridal showergift? How about a handy maid at 4 It,p ac ked, ]_u l[ic_ompjoto I 3411:2542

ARMANDO GULF has good "used tirebargains. Most sliei. Main St. & E.HaiJewoodAvrj. 574-8772

ATTENTION HOME OWNERSMajor Manufacturer wonts 5 Homesto display new vinyl siding oricplacomentwindows. Will install atfactory cost. 100% Imancmj. CallEddmH?"?i?**5J?Rugs {2) one 11X11 Salmon color!and one 8X10 Light Gieen. Call after5 pm. 634-7193

Hi Prcssuio F'owerWasher. portablemakes steam, many extras $1495.Also Honda Generator ES6500J1495. Alter 5 p.nv 382-3265

WEDDING mvifATIONS i ' acces.Disc. 20%. tako callgs o/night. alsoBaimit.Anni.BirthAnncJlHi^lMThree air conditioner, 3 yrs. old,$100 each Sears Coldspot refng.5100. V*3*P?

Notice to prospective renters: Anyrents advertised heroin for qualifiedreal cstato rental may be subject toany rebate or credit required bySUIoUw(N,).S.54:4-6.3ctscq,) tl


Colonia 3W room Apt., convoniontlocation immediate occupancy$500. plusulilities. 821-6960RAIIWAY" T250 sq. ft. building,prime loc. on St. Georjc Avo, amplepark, possible ollice or ictail store.Call Mrs Scarpono _ 3 8 B J 9 0 0Apt, 3 rooms plus bath, modern 1 stfloor. Railway, closo to trans., heat &hoi water, $500 per month, no pels,7/Jnvail_ f??:L95.3

Linden- 1st llooro! modern 4 lamilybrick, Tromlcy Poinl arcs, 2bedrooms. S47S & utilities. 1 month

.secunly 233-8115or789-9551


Gov. Homes from 51 . (Uropair). Alsodelinquent tax prop. For info call

l-805-_68J'-6OO.0 E . "J - .PM 3 J!WE BUY nil 01 part of oxistma 1 st &2nd mortgages at a discount. Fastturn around lime, usually 72 hours.CallluAnnellarnsat 486-0400


Seaside Heights. Town house onocean block. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,sleeps6, lully lurmshed. everythingnewjtaijjmsiummo_r_ 574-3225Toms River area, nr water, fish,iwim.slps6,Igyd.Wknds Juno$75Wkly$275 225-1896,382-1499

Springer Spaniel Puppies. AKCicgis. champ. Sally Lynn bldlinc,Livcr& white 201-668-4797

Piano Conn upright 5700. Alter 6pm 381-5107

SUCHT PAINT DAMAGE, flashingaiiow signs 5285! Lighted, non-arrow 5265, Unlighted 52391 (liceletters') Few loll See locally.Anytime IJOO-JI^O'63

Video Set 5895. 35 mm cameras$39,95 4 up, Cameia bugs. Tripods,etc. All in ono organ, tape cissam/lm radio, etc, 5395 Gallard'sPhoto 1056 St. George Av«, Avenal


WANTED 3 HOMESTo disploy now insulated vinylsiding mode by IXXON COR-PORATION. Qualified homeswill recpivp hugo discountsNo money down IOO"» II-nancing

Call 286-2477


Hoidihous starts now obo-dionco class, Thursday, Juno19th, at tho VFW, 6 Broad-

woy, Clark at 7,30 p.m.Call 718-9572 or 3 J J - J J I 4

OOO OWNIRS WANTIDProfosiionol Groomino

-Complfl to Animal CoroAt Your Doorstep


M O I I l l VANM t n t k . TTlU Ad ft

Rtt ihn •> OH



CAU 283-2690








W t d . , Ttturt., Frl.,

« o l . , 11-5



Flea Market every Tuesday. 6amlpm. New Oowr United MethodistChurch, 690 New Dover R ,, Edison,Dealers$BS$IO 381-9478


S N U O CASK*I buy BEFORE p u ptails, morlni.Old cutumt |«w«ltj,Oldlttmi.Dlni 634V-7742

Will buy beloic Garage Salt, or Con-tentsolllomo AlsoAntiques Phone

634-7510 or 635-2S6SAVENEl. 400 411 Remsen Ave. Fritune 13. 9.1, Glassware. Clolhfj,I l l l . Misc

AVENEl. 556 [arisenAYS'" tuno' lT iU . 10 i. tablei. Cameu. Clolhei.TOYS. MISC

AVLNli. 1087 RahYiayAvc & cornernl Dartmouth Ave. 6/13. 6'14,10 4, ? lamilies. Toys,Clothes, MiscCailtrtt. Shmccresl (oil Poplar)f> '14, 9 4, In numrry Hikes. |lasss.Uis diapes, much moif, R shineCARIIRET West Block lonj GarajeSale. Uhend£t> Dr lune 14 4 Ib10 4, also Clover Ct, Vl' inho

^AIJJL lOSGIenwootl leiiacc. lunr- . 1 3 * 14 9 ' Misc loys. Ram dales

lunr r 0 i n d ? l

I'lARh 9.' Victoria Drivevcrf-fi'p*mK I vfivlhini; iimM no1

- **-l^ara([p and Fl'ouse Sale' * ' 'lune l i t 15 ,94













ISELIN, 634-2417


COLONIA. Corner Highland * W, HillFid. Sal 6 / 1 4 , 10im-4pm, Lota ofM isc. J lams.

C O L O N T A , ' / Outlook A*s. (oil NewDover) Juno 13 & 14, 10 til 4. Lowprices, Household, Lincnj. Carnc/as.f ojrs_4_C la sswmiv

COLONIA, 205 Lake Avo., Sal7Su710 4. Yjrd Sale, furniture, Crib,Skis. Curtains 4 much more.COLONIA, 9 Bonmo Ln (oil KleinIllvrJ) Thurs, Fri, Sit. Juno 1 2 , 1 3 414,_9-4_._Clothm|._Mrsc. * Yard.COLONIA, 55 t lmontPl jco (oilCar-con Or) Friday, June 13, 9-3pm

I U I . toyv niisc.

COLONIA, 113 Cleveland Ave, Juns14, 9-3pm. Ethiopia Benefit. Furn,Lcno>, H,f)., clothing, drapes, misc.COLONIA. 38 Clover Ave., Sat. June14, 10-3. Kit, set. On. Rm,, Sola,bed, larjostulfcd chairs, Misc., H.H.items

EOISON,25StralloidCucleoflNewDover Rd, Juno 14, 9-4, Toys,Household items.

i S ElTNTlO6 CanalSt, 2 blocks bhndGrccnSt. FrroHouie. Juno 11,1?, 13& 14, Many items prcd low & clthsISTUN. 94 Pleasant Avo. (oil ChainO Hil lRd(Sat. lunel4.9-3:30,Misc.ISELIN,8BloomfiekJAve, June i : ,14 £ 15, 10-daik, Furniture.


PH k up (mt f 'H f . l . OUKIC lo buyinq uivitalK)n% (iria A Cirrxirn'-irhi'CkliM O w n l) .1 m to fip m . MOM Inm f r i

Th« Atom TabloW

219 Central A * t . , Rakway, NJ

5 7 4 1 2 0 0


LINDEN, 1017 Lincoln St. Sat. June"14,10-4pm H.H. & misc. items. Mov-ingfrUNlb PARK TERR., 21 JelleisonSt.. lune 13 & 14.10-4, Moving, H.H4 baby items, clothes, etc.

MYNLO PARK TERRACE, 21Maryknoll Rd. Sal. June 14, 8am-6pm, Behind Dtuckets

H AHWAY.T340"Kn« pp 5 7 Thursday!June 12. 9-5, Everything must go.bike, crib, bullet.

RA'HWAY, 561 Union St, June 14(Rain date Juno 15)9am-4pm. Yardsale_No carjj_birds.

RAtlWAY" 254 W lake Ave. June 14&15.R.D.Junc2l&22.1O-4pm Noearly buds H.H. ilems, etcRAHWAY, lellerson I Inman AvesSat June 14. 8-4, Rahway KiwamsGolden "K" Yard Sale.

RAHWAY. 228 Williams, bet. Main &New Brunswick. Sit. & Sun. 6/14,6/_!5. l-6pm. Many items.

RAHWAY, 911 Pmrpont St. Sat. 4Sun, Juno 14 4 15,10-5,3 families.Furniture. Toys, Books. Etc.RAHWAY,~436 Princeton Ava7co7ner of Lake Sat. June 14.8:30 lo*Four families, Toys, Householditems. Bargains Giloie.

RAHWAY. 757 River Rd., Wed lune11 lo Sat, June 14, 9 5 A lillle oleverything

Sat 6/13 4 14, 10 4, H.H, Hems,drapes. Clothing, Cinlems. NoE. B.

R N ' l

F/T P/T P«r Diem

All Shift*

Soeking RN's who desire

autonomy in thoir pro-

fossion. Geriatric ox-

porionco a plus. Liberal

bonofits and com-

potitivo salary. Por

diom ratos availablo.



lladtn, N J .



CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Greit incomepotential. All occupations For info.Call (312)742-M20nL186TRAINEES.. Join a progressive salesorgannalion. Wo will train you. Caramust. Call lor an interview bstv/con9a.m. 44p.m. 574-1579

Full Tims in our Circulation D«pt.,General clerical, some typing, mustbe good at detail and have goodtelephone personality. Apply in per-son anytimt botween 9 a.m. and 5p.m. Tho Atom Tabloid, 219 ContralAvenue. Railway. Full benohts-Hos-pitalnation.

F/T Beautician with following, alsoManicurist, all fashion nails.


F/T enperienced mechanic wantedwith customer contact, top dollar

WORD PROCESSING is easy to learn.Try 1 hr. Earn more! Becomo wordprocessor. 272- l tM

Experienced babysitter needed inmyhomo, Monday through Thursdayevenings.Alt. 7pm. 541-1955

Work. Mother netds babysitter lorpre-scfildnughterin home. Hrs 7am-4:30pm,Salnegot.AI5 3M-5747Photo Lab A_L ono Hour Photo Labin Colonia seaksfull time Lab techni-cian. Photography background prof,will train in Lab procedures.Call 3M-8448

Landscape helper wanted, must boreliable. Call after 7 p.m.


Looking For A R M I CtwIUng*. . . Tttn . . . Htrt'a TbiJob For You. . .

n*«d*d lor foil growingf>twipop«rv [ip«rl«rH* nol ntitnory.Will trom Cor a mini — Coll lot op-pointm#nt



Experienced ho'uss painter. Musi bereliable and dependable. Call


WE NEED PEOPLEto sell classified ads by phone. Flexi-ble hours, experience not necessary,will train. Mustapply in person. 219Central Ave,, Rahway. Hi.

Are you the kind of personwho gets the whole job done...who loves to go to work...in the rain and in the sun...who likes meriting people.,,and talkingonthe phone...who does Iho job well...without too much of a moan...who's good at spelling...and typing too...Then by all means, slop in,we've got tho job for you...We're open 9 to 5five days a weekWe've got all the benefits,Probably more than you seek...Now, why don't you come here,and lill out tho application today...And it we find you qualify...You can begin almost right away

The Alom Tabloid219 Central Avenue

Rahway, N J .No phono calls accepted.

Driver wanted, active Lumber Yardin Avenel needs good driver fordeliveries. Good driving record amust. Salary, Medical 4 Benefits in-cludcd.CallKcn 634-2000

Experienced Recep. Bookkeeper.OB-Gyn office Woodbridge area,20-30 hours per week. Send resumeAtom Tabloid BoxC.F.

PART TIME AT HOMETolophono commission soles.Use your tolophone to sellsubscriptions for tho R oh woyNows Record/Clark Potriot.

OUI 574-1100


11 am-4pmPer fect for homo-

m a k e r s , r o t i r o o s ,

students. We of fer

floxiblo hours to meet


Car a definite plus. Ap-

ply in person betwoon


26S7 Rt. 22

Union, N.J.

GRAPHIC ARTSSeveral full-timo permanent positions exist on our

night shifts (4i3O p.m. - midnight, 7 i 3 0 p.m. - 2

a.m.) for paste-up people and ad operators. Union

shop with good fringe benefit package including

fully-paid medical, vacation, sick time. Part-time

positions also availablo.

Call 354 -5000 botwoen 9 a.m.for Mrs. Wolfe.

4 p.m. and ask,

E.O.E. M /F

The Dally Journal

295 No. Broad S t r u tEUulMtB, New J t r t t y O72Q7


2 Working, Fortmon to work July 1 to August 28 . 1986 . Rato is5d 50 per hour, 40 hr. w M k . M m t b« txDorioncod intorior/ox-tenor pointor ond/or groundikwper capobl« ot directing ondworking with 2 to 4 other summer workers on painting, ground-sWeping or building malnttnonct proltcts. This position willreport to tho District's Foreman of AAolnttnonc*.

4 Combination paint«r/groundskt»p«r/moint«norKo persons towork July 7 to August 28 , 1986. Rate is $ 5 . 2 5 / h r . 40 hr.week. M u i l ba copabla Inttr ior/txterlor painttr and/or copobloof operating kiwn coro equipment ond/or txporiencod in build togmaintenance. Rosponslblo college students or* encouraged toapply

6 Cuslodial Aides ag i 16 or older to work July 1 to August 20 ,19Bt> helping School custodians In ooch building clean •auipmtntand ptoparo building for September school opening. I t x workcan be dilfkult ond is repetitive. General skills, a wlllingrttst toan dully follow directions, ond a pride in neatly completing onuuujnment ore much more Important than experience. The rateis S.I ; 5 / h r 35 hr. we*k. All Aides will report to the HeodC I I M W I K W m Iho Building to wtiich they ore assigned.

1986-87 SCHOOL YEAR -

Substitute von mvl bus driven. Must b* responsible odult ondhove appropriate license. Von rote — J8.Q0/h/.. Bus I rote —S8.°J;hr.

II you have the requisite skills ond/or attitude and you ate areliable worker, pleatt Illl out on application ot the Clark Boardol education Dusmest Ollke. Schlndler Rood, Ckuk, NewJersey for information. Coll Mr. Fkjnogon, Business Ad-ministiotor ot SM-9602.

Your application will b* ocknowWdg*! ond those chosen (or oninterview will be notified ol a date ond location no later thanJune 30. I°d6


Data Entry

OperatorThird Shift


We aro seeking an individualwith Key to Diskette ex-perlenco. Coll Olga for ap-pointment between 10 AM-6PM ONLY. (201) 272-2511


75 Rod Safth PieceCnrnfortl, NJ 07016

on tqucl opportuni



• Goad pay

• Excellent benefits

(including B/C-B/S

and pension plan)

Prior oip«ri«nco pr«f«r-

red but wDI train. Apply

in person 9am- lpm at :



40 South Aye. , West

Cmnford, N J . 07016





Shifts available:

7 am- 4 pm


6 p m - 12 midnight

Herman's, the notion's ttod-ing retailer of sporting goodsis currently seeking matureindividuals to work In theirwarehouse d is t r ibut ioncenter I

Previous security backgroundhelpful but not necessary.Positions are now available Inboth our CARTERET & EDISONFACILITIES.

We offer good starting sala-ries company pokt benefitsond employee discounts.





E.O.E. M/F

COV. JOBS 116,040- 139,230 yr,now hlrlni. For current fed listcell m 4 l 7 - t O O 0 c t « - 2 1 «Full Time Selesperjon. Must havetir. Knowled|e ol Union & Mid-dlesex County irea helpful. Fullbenefit] including Profit Sharing,Sorry, no information | i«n overphone. For appointment only,ctl\ 574-1200

Sales, Earn SI80, 9 hrs. per weekshowing high fashion designer'sJewelry. Desire (or high income, P/Twork necessary, 106-00*6

PART TIMESeveral hours each week afterschool. Must have car. Jobentails Instructing new car-riers who hove betn hired todelivor The Atom Tabloid.Meal for Mnlor <imen».

CM 574-1200


Work in a Machino Shop on-vironmont. Must road &spook English. Call:




• Drlllere• Tool Peiken• Pipe FHtera• Heery tqtlpm»tr)


• Ilectrkbra• Trytk Dtiiitn

D k M l / 0 «Medxmki

• Engliwera• Menogenent-AD

Level*Transportation, housing andmools providod. U.S., U.K.South America, Saudi Arabia.No Taxes. Up to $6100 pormonth. Call now.



PERMANENT• UCMTAIftS• nran• W O I D Mtocasots• DATA IHTtr O i W S

aim• ACCOUNTING CUM• toonmns



574-263867 Walnut Ave.



Oert , HJ 07066


FuU Tta i t /Par t Time

Join Cbanrxl. Get Hie

Horn* Team Advantagel

It's a well-known foct. Chan-nel, Amorlca's favorite"home team" is o leader inthe do-it-yourself home im-provement industry, ond agreat place to build a career.Right now we have IMMEDI-ATE OPENINGS for qualifiedmen ond women who haveupbeat personalities ond awinning attitude. We willtrain highly motivated, In-telligent individuals with thedrive to succeed I

We offer on attractive saloryand benefits pockoge, alongwith the opportunity for rapidadvancement.



t t t t * 1 ft Ott U MWeoArWj., N.J.

•r306 bate* Ave.

, H.I.




National Health LaboratoriesInc., a teoder In the clinicallaboratory Industry is offeringon outstanding opportunityfor a senior systems an-aryit/programmtr to join itsteam of profttslonoli InEdison, New Jtrtty, Sue-ctssful condldatt will pro-gram laboratory data systtmand accounts receivablesystem. A college degree Isprtf t i r td ond at Itost 3 y nof programming is required.In txchongt for your pro-grommtng skills w t offer com-petitive salary tuctl l tntbenefits ond a ttam orientedenvironment that encouragesgrowth. Send resume ondlokjry history to M n . B.Smart.


71 M SoM fleetOmhri, Mev J«M| 07014

HELP mnno

Teller F/T position available, ex-perienced pref. Reliance Savings &Loan. E.O.L Mrs. Dunn 3J&22O2

Certified Life Guard needed (orweekend swim, actiy. with develop-mentally disab. adult males at Edi-son Hibililslion Cenler. Contact R.Rentschler Mon-Fri 9:30-4:30 pm.E.O.E. 4 « - 5 4 3 6 o ( 4 » - 5 1 9 2

Earn }400 plus per week. Sell FaySwafford O/lg's custom handbags,luggage, gifts. Home shows, lund-raisers, direct sales. Free training.Eitabfished Co. Call Carol 312-0239

Telephone solicitor t i p , pleasantspeaking voice, steady work, goodbenefits. Apply in person. AlliliatedServ,,276HamiltonSt Rahway. HJ,

SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR-Custom drapery work room, ex-penanced, full or P/T. 486-5111



NO UPIRIINC1 HIOSJABTsnmo t WMMn toouiosur TO sii.ee m MOM MM.


CompteilV, lSCIorielenertlrfleld, N.J.



Ful Timo or Port Timo. WillTrain. Excollont Bonofits.Salary based on oxporionco.

Caroor Opportunity.




Experienced Mother will babysit inmyCartcrethome, 541-56M

Caring Mother willing to babysit tod-dlers 3 yrs. and up in my Avenelhome. 396-4354

Looking lor a babysitter from Mon-Fri,, 7am-6pm. In my home. Call

3 I 2 - 7 W

Child Care- Housewife & mother tocare for toddlers in my home. Noweekends, lunches & snacks provid-ed. Must drop off & pick-up, Wood-bridge area. 836-4758 or 636-0103Childcare my home all ages lOyr. ex-perience, References, lunch &snacks. Call anytime 283-2840


Small Industrial selling businesswith exc. growth potential. Good op-por. for entrepreneur. 574-2945


Witness needed, car ace. TuesAp 15,6pm, St George Ave, Avenel St WriteMary PO Box 331 Wdbg, 07095

Thank You Saint Jude and SacredHeart of Jesus for prayer answeredajlirv LijK.

Thank You Holy Spirit lor f a r a ;granted. _ M.J.S.



tXitatl i f led?Dovokjp Your Inner Gifts.Classes Now Doing Hold.CALL MARIA 3 5 4 - 8 3 6 6


PIANO INSTRUCTIONSBeginners thru Artist levels

ASaldutli 381^976

Tutoring by public school teacherAll sublets. Grades K-8 MATH &READING,Callaftcr5pm 283-1349

TOOLS WANTEDHighest Prices Zk*:*™JUNK USED disabled cars andtrucks. Hiihrtsi prices paid. 24 hr.towing. Snow plowing.

KDTOrVIWG 541-8162Your |unk car towed away lor cash.Call anytime 862-O104

Used Passenger Car Tires Wanted.Anysue. 38M1I02.

Able to pay high prices lor gd runused cars t. trucks No Junk CarswanlcdyOasisFoid 721-7100.

AUTO WRECKER " ' •BigSa*mgsonusedparts&cars Webuy disabled & . wrecked cars


JUNKCARS'rYANrED "» 388-2457 SS

Junk Cars & Trucks J25 5100~7-Day pick up Call anytime



CALL BEN 548-2174



Wanted Twin beds & Night tables.Call evenings 499-0529


Ideal Conditions. Air Cond. RefrigIco machine and heating. Sales 4Service. Residential, CommercialIndustrial ' 548-5793

Air cond. Central windows Sciv.Repairs, all makes £ models. 14 yrs.cxp. Fully Ins. Rcas. Steve 541-1743

SEIFERTCooling & Heating

Sales, Service


Free Estimates


Own your own Jean-Sports-wear, Ladies Apparel, Chi Id -rons, Maternity, Largo Sijo,Petite, Doncewoor or Ac-cessories Store. Jordocho,Chic, Lee, Lovi, liod, Gitano.Guess, Calvin Klein, SergioVolonte, Evan Picone, LizCloiborno, Members Only,Gasol ine, Heo l th tox ,Chorokco. Qvor-lOOO othors.$14,300 to S25.900 inven-tory, training, fixturos, grondopening, etc. Can open 15days.

MR. LOUGHLIN(612) 888-4228


Allan's Wasner-Drycr Repair Service,Specialist on Whirlpool, G E. Ken-more and on most makes & models

574-0289. tf

JACK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE GE&Hotpoint. Refrigerator, Washer,Dryer. Range & Dishwasher. Call

636-3963 or541-5734

Professional Service on washers,dryers, gas & dec. ranges, dish-washers. All major brands.636-2484


THE MUSIC CO. ( B t B MUSIC) "HotTunes-Cool Prices". Prof. D.J's. Alloccasions, any music, 541-2333MUSIC DOCTOR professional D.J.music (or all occasions, lights.

750-2439,283-2425,3821733Stel Entertainment. Band or D.J. (orhire. Music for any kind ol affair.Call 855-0159


Parties. Weddings, ALL OCCASIONS.Guitar, K/boardt l50ni tet3S-5239


Be Thin forever. Lose up to ThirtyPounds per month through excitingnew Herbal Program. 561-5340

APPLIANCE SERVICER e t r i g e r o t o r s , e l e c t r i cranges, washers, dryers, etc

19 y t o r t whh G.E.Senior citizens discount given

Call 4 9 4 - 0 4 8 1


REPAIRWashers, Dryors, Refrigera-tors, Dishwashors, Air Condi-tioners 3 8 2 - 8 3 7 5

RorwM O'Hea131 Florence Ave.,

Colonki, N.J.

47 Overweight people to loseweight & feel great in 30 dayson m AU-NATUUl

H K U l f t O O M Mup to 39 lbs./month. As seenon T.V. 100% GUARANTEEDCALL ARLENE NOW



t lAMt » ADVBOI• Cert*Ft*t

• Cryifri• AveiltU* fer PrivetePwtiea t CcnVer*»(i

Special Discount With Coupon

22SS St. Gaorg* A»».,Railway • 574-6693


CERAMIC TILINGBathrooms remodeledJim Moyer 6 3 4 8 6 4 3

Tile Bathroom repairedRemodeled-Masonry

Emery Glaiola 381-4307


Any carpentry work. Small jobs in-cluded Free a t 283-0604 H

All types of remodelingAlum, siding, baths, decks.

basements, kitchens, panelingFree estimates. Call Joe. 636-4244

Diywall installation. All types of ceil-ing installation and replacement


Air conditioners expertly installedthiough wills, 26 years experience

3821486Decks. Porches, Garages, Windows,Doors, Roofs, Shcetiock, Paneling.B/ments, Ceilings, f /cst . 634-4351


I n d u s t r i a l . C o m m e r c i a l .Residential No job too big ortoo small Free Estimates


Don't mi l l placing your Classified,

Use Your MasterCard

or VISAwhen telephoning your od



EASTERNCARCrrciFANFRr, I'rufClcanpi-. olCirpi:!', t IJ[)liol J ,,i\:andli.ills.J34 95 241-7647

(JlMnCarpi'lClf.iiiini! jli-jmcli.-jiiing. 3 room-,,irul lull $,!!> 'j'jCal l . 381-8518


Instal lat ions & RepairsPownr Ko-Jrrjlf.hp^

'lop-,, Pick-up-, K Roluy.Low Price', & fan: Estimnti>',

Nrjy; Cnrpot Soli..-,Insurance Claim',


Cffl 769-0118 =:

li(!lilliaulin^ o/ilijiiip ir i j thmtjr. l i' . lirii-.li rr-rni.-i.il fir'-Ao'/l r)r:li«i-r'•rl Id.r.if. Ho#drrl I n.-. 583-5885I'Af, IKDCKim; Di-molitiori r/lK-ir.liii-'. (.I'-itnup/rijf^ tAu\: {.i-W.tr.1l,oyj". liillyin-jiiKi 388-7763


AIICO MAINllHANCf .'iFKVICf';INC Orfir.<T!».inin£.wjfirJtjrttltJ.'l'

ing. c i r p d clrMrnrij! [j.iint !.

paperlunemi! Cill 277 1490St'rvcr fx Df.nn Clcimnp ln-i-e'limali", Cill C34-4987




. . - , , [ . . . . .



lr.lv I ' ln i ' i l

, . ,,i i..-1-.i-. 1


HI I n ! - , | .

'•i . ' . . - f. ['.



OR flNCf CO All typ,... iV,!0<lcluin link ii-|),nr, ,.|L I,,.,. ,,.)Cilllii l l -All type-, of leiitinWo-Kl freerMinut

B&Z FENCE COMPANYChain link 8. wood, dog rum,pools, free ost free wolkgoto wilh purchaso of 100 fr.or more. 24 hour sorvico. Alltypos of fencing, f a t ioDecks

381-2094 or 935-3567 .





1lV 283.26261349 Ook Troo Rd,, liolln




382-2141 r.


Hardwood lloon inilallcd. sanded,finished Free fst A Melchoir634-1105 ||

r'lOORSANDINGFloors sanded 1 linished n.iluMlandstmn CallAICrui 574-2898


Cabinets antl Wood WorkingRrfirmhcd I me I '.lim.ite',



P II IANDSCAPING SPUINGCHAN UPSLiwnm.iml sod shrubdfsjn f rst 382-64470(382 8951

HAS Rototillinj! f. l,inil'.(.JIIinnLei us t.ikp .1 ci.ick ,it Jvm^l )oiuback Bob 634-8718.721-4892Lawn cutting, Mainttnance 4 clean-up, reaunable and icliable. CillGirji 2832282Rntiert '. L i m h i M n i n f \n,nM.nnlt-n.ince Swl .Snruti', KocKKJiilcns frroesliin.ilrs 769-9038It's not too Lite lu i l . i *n Service CallGiountl s Kt't'pn l.iwn M.nnti1

mnce 381-6340

DON FUENTtS LANDSCAPINGQuality Worknianslnp. QunhlyService Coniplelt1 lownMmnlcnanLe. Design Plun-t"H], Soil Grodiny, Ou]iniH|ef. Rail Rood Tic wod

Day 332 8715N i l e 5 4 8 1 3 0 3


Troo Service

Outdoor Construction


l a n d i c a p a Contractors

7380415ful ly ( m u r e d Froo E i i imu le




6 3 4 - 1 3 1 8

NEVINS MOVERSOfjy or Hir jhl i , f f i ;o f v l

Hou'.i.-liolti (mc) CommercinlI"1. '- l i e . N



634-5688luin link /.

636 4652or 381 6124

I .A f lDC: ; H I I ' A I K A M ) I H M A I I Ano:r

i < i i . innc rlirr.rjliiic..s•-•-i-.t <Ji> it itur.i-llci 634-4259

Bathroom Tile Rtpairs. Inline lr,rj-M'-V lecriiulii1.^ l.iulkiin' f.,ill llii.li•ill'-r'jiim 862-5?77


I'.iml f'.iriel fn-.-1-.i | , i Hi, If,/

BESriMPROVEMENTS 283 2262Kot i ' - r l C i t r i x J i ' l l i i G i - f i Crjr i tr . lc t i n ti

' • ' . r . i in I ' . I IK , • - , ' , , A , i l k , I i r . i p e

Di'r>s Mui n, I i-.| 5743386

l..n[J'-'ilir Mm in- lin|jf,j,i-nM-nl-,

f l r rno ( l i - l i i . ( i f ree e<,t i r l i , i t i " .



MIJMI I M P I K J V I M I N I : ;634 5333 WOODBRIDGE Lie. 826

(.nw:iiiii VA:;oNfo DIHHA.,,-..C.ilnr, :, w.ilk-, (Hoik :,liine I I I - I -I'Mirn.lte llntn-,il,il)li- p,,[;,-•, Any•-i;i-|ul) li-.ni-irn-v.jKi- 4397746

HICK:; DICK1 , DICK,:, Promini/iluili- .mil lully insiiii-rt Cill liiVHninrlrltp/ovi'/nnnl', 382-9015Mrjini- liiijuoji-inrill', .ill-ty'pr..sumi' V.i'.iinly ll.'ill (; ViVII'.


GENERAL HOME REPAIRfrm l i t . Interior, EitoriorPainting, Wall Papirlng,Maionry Word, Sldewalki,Patloi, «tc. No Job Too Small636-6361 or 855-0483

Alt. 6 p m


KilchPir, line wood .mil lnimit,,ir . i l j in i ' t i j Cir.tuni tjuilt (]Lj.ikty

in rial Jiul »iiikrn,in-,lii|) f re i :(••.tirnalr-. 442-5062

.mil -.ul) Hour, iM'.l.illt'il I urt [iriLi-^A-.UnrM,i,k 634-7261


1 llfln fin.

• A i l l .,n ( o L n e n . . . i . J i h ^


Eipirt lowWork Prleoi



('.lintinj lipcnoncpd Inlcnor/I i

tenor VIRVRFASONAIllf Frpi-fst

Fullynn 24 hr .ins sve 499-9234

-Jw iV i f j i nb r i t t I n t - f i l Fr«>f>,t

Avr-ragcRmirn-$35 636-3161

I I W.illp.ipci lungiMj - ln'l I'-nnliriK M yl'.irs mi'i'iiPiiccfrCLTStimntr". 574-3027

I ipiMir-nci'd I'.nnlins 4 P.iprrh.inij-

inj Int / L J I . frcccst CiU.ii.intfcd

Cilllrv 225-5170m634-5302

C.nmint Pjintinj Int X l«l Frci>

i".tiri),i|i^ 3 Average roonu $139

C-iH 494-5808

BELIINOPjinlini; MamlyivorK

Iri trr ioiAfit i 'mii 283-3065Striool tcichi-r". will expertly p.unt• our hou'.e tins iunimer torreasonable estimate Cill 499-9485



Prolcssion.il House PiiinlinR Scrappi"K Riiolnii!. Repjirs AluminumRultrrs lifi-i'itimati's 382-5979

*Pa!nt I Paper Co . *

V*i'il.,"j - ' ,



Call Vic at 636-7913

PAPER HANGERFlocki, rolli, W«l Luk Vlnyli


Interior and Eittrlor








AtticV i c l l a i i SJUjtsOi ipuul nl cuiitri i ls l i e f I si Call

388 7295

All typrs ol tush irmomt I ulln insuirtl Puwiuil '.civnr- hep estinutrs S419SS7.

LENNY'S PLUMBING A HEATINGI riit-inNU'y sewei clt-anini; Pluinhn't; ft H IMI I I I ^ Kefuiis I r e e l s l HutW.iti't MI'.IIPIS Su nip I1 um(i v It-niiyCiiieio St.itelii nn f,?4'l 574 0480I i p f i l plumtimi; K t i fal i i i i ; it-p^iisWjlei h c j l i !






.frtt EH. St. Ik. N«. 41)1

6340354 388-6678


j w i f i i fun C

j V.ti\\ui\n'.in:tA /5O8KOO


HEATINGWater Heaters

Repalrt & Alterations

Gai Grills Installed

And Serviced

No Job Too Small

Call 750-9261

Licensed & Insured

Wf SIOF' IIAK', Ui-ti roofing Irr-|j.iir, Work Cuaranli-i-d cijik .Huilrlr-islric, ICyr-. « p 381-5145 :


Storm doorv Int'-nor floor,, lightC.irfj**ntfy fiut! ' ' f ' i (.lc;)fi('(] An/inij i l l jul) C i l lNn l 548-65D7

H.indyrii.iri. You N.irnc II We Do It.|ir,t .ibout f'.ifif-lifiL). C.i/penlryl i g f i l f i l cc t f i t . i l K f'lLffMbinfjHpj i.on,tMi'.f»i'i'i' i-l J.)i;h549-I0/3Moan- fd'p.ii/'. Ciifitint; Cif|)Mit(y,f I u rn b i n f f <• i* c •, 11 ni .1 I P ^




Lie. No. PM00112 2419791

SUMP PUMPSDiiutjlf [JKjIcr.lKjri In;!1 (.-'.lim.itr,


SIIEETROCK, •.ii.icMinc new t,repair-, f'jinl t. [i.ipi-i CONCRETESPECIALIST.CHARLIE 388-2245HOCK GUI 1I IHGSI OR YOIJII GFtACJUwionO,' , i - l1i ' 388-5948

3 room1, of ? roonr, f, -,Mir; slr-nmtlfiini'tl Only S'l? I'.iid •,li,ini|ioum(; 245-4561

We Do HoiiM- denims !ilioi)[)i'itlie Call 442-3873


Nri-d .in l l tclr ician'Cil l rVUNDIIIILKIHICLicHuil 'r-ir i i i tNo 57363880855 II

HoilriKui-; I Icrlnr.il Cnnli.utnrl.ii.i:n-.i-(IABundi:iiNii WH NniuiiIriinriull 636-3297

I11I111 W f ' jul ik.n No inli loo '..nullLicpri'.r-Ni) 4?83 283-2194

K A I O H A I l i a i l l C I N C , I'uuls Suvice-,. LiKliltnn I Ir. I ire Hur(jl,Tr.il.mm i'i|)i ' i l l» iii'.l Vrry rt.i'.onabli'prices lie 6417 C,ill225-9010Di. ' l l . iWyi . - i l tc l i ic to. l ic 8IJ«!),?4hour I nii-igijiicyScivici.' 2830710


Rl-SU'l'lllKllln-,uii-il 1 llriiirli-il34 Hour SirvlcoFr<« Imtlmole •

I __S74-1175 I


I l l HIP. I ' I -MI I I I HlY.\.\t, III)

inl) ! i i [ i -.moll Spt-t inl i / ini i HI

hniiu- ini|ii(ivi-on-iil K -,i-f VII i-

u|xjru(li ' i i) Wil l wur V /..-i-l

piiil1, K t'v.'ii inij-. Ml no i-. i rn

1 u.l Dayl 863-0933, Ev i l .291OO5O

CALL M.i.MAZUR Electric

lie. Ow, Permit No. 79/h

Freo Estimates



NORMAN'S IV SIRVICI.- l i p M I Vfor ?0 yr. I I IMS r.ilti D.iys ,imlIVPS 494 0898or276 177G '

HAIIWAV t-u-:wsi<i:coHi^:i.Ai<K IVWKIOI . _JJlUL'^b/-.:jLJU;.;L.12. I'ji'A, I 'AU. 11

SERVIC IRE/ We'll Give You

/ASweet^of a Job \


Specializing in:



ALL TYPES OF WINDOWSI Office & Showroom At:

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CompanyColonia, N.J.

Alll-Hltll/M'.HI-'IMI wlililion

388-5490 382-1844

CISLOrSiSii)iiN(;f? All Typi:s^J., ol Siilini',LL) • Rooting• • Windows\^\ • d'ulliTs£B\ 634-6630

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David Ginfrida -:^\:11OMK IMPROVKMKNTS (Jo.

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2 8 3 0 1 6 0









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fully (niurerjand Guoranfood





llniiily Mnn S|»-i idlr.:-.

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' " ' I •'"•' I ' " ' " ' I » I' I ' 'ill ., I-. I. ,1 I,. !,„„,




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, with this ad382-5459

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750-27175 3 5 A m b o y A v o . ,



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US St. Caorgn Avo. (roar),

Roi.lU, N.J.

Op«n Wed. thru Sol.

9am to 6 pm


A.C. MAINTINANCF. CO.Waterproofing ContractorDonm.nt WalFi Repaired, IInitallatlom of Sump PgmpSyitemi A Underground RoofLeaden


PaintingInterior literlor

CarpetingSold, Initelled, cCoii.il

free litlmateiCall Id at












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All lypi" . o l <.rir|]('illry

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and additions

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No Middleman6 PM 634-0116


WINDOWS• l<oolin() • fjiittin*. I |ir iir.tdlliitiiin

• Stonri I'jooi1,


^ 382-1362















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Of fie • ond Showroom ot:40 Woodbridgo A«o.. Sowaion, N.J, 07077

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396-1590 ' KNo Sub Contractor*

"wo do it all"! ,-,

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N.-w I ..rr.1i in Hun

lli-lluvill.l.M Wi III-

2<1 Hr. Sorvicolluhway Illiaboth•1V9 722-1 353-7039


POOL MOTOR?We ii'pnif K Mill:

• All Mul.1--. '.IIMIII I'iniiji'. •f. Mutiii-.

' W.n.li.tv A.i I .in.liluiiiiimIllill'. l(.'| ...I ,". 'ml,I


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If- '-s: ' :

Homo Improvomonts

Interior 4 Ixtorlor

Aluminum & Vinyl Siding

Kltchons & Baths

Addition* &


Goatlve Carpentry

Custom Decks




• U A I GUAHOSI N M A l l l l )




p T 7 ^ WINDOWS '



381-6311 ADDITIONS,

nsa l , l-'nr IslinuiU',I i i u ; ,-Wiiilahli1


Complet* londicoplngS«rvic« including

•uckt t Trtieh R«ntal




Page 7:  · •'•i> 1 iv, " T «-..--n;

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. /




A FRIEND IN NEED . . . Mnmni ii'.'ods somoono whocam:; I hi:; boautiful Slnlfordshiro tumor was foundwithout I U ' ih'1 !'• orif!-yoar-ol(i, hoallhy. irioculatod, _and in ur(|ont nood ol a homo II intoroiilod in B;imbi orono of Iho other puppio-., dor|S or kitton:;, [)loaso call4Bfi();).'.KJ or V /dd'iO? I'ot ownor:; aro also urtjod tophono lor Rionds ol Animal:; low-f;o:;t spayint] andnoiitonno al convoniontly loc.itod participatingvot'Tinanans

elected to AcademyLes l ie I a I s I v c r s e i l .

I 'h. I ) . . <>r tin- Merck Shaip

c'i DiihuiL1 KCSL'MCII l. i ihorn

I IIICS l i a s I lLT I I I ' l l ' l ' l l ' l l l<)

l e Nalional Aciiileniy olfi JHMICCS. He becomes I he

nitilli Merck scientist MII nimcd.

I he Naiittniil Academyi Sciences esiahlislieil inIM.? miller ;\ (oni'.rcssioiialAct signed by I'resideniLincoln is a private orl^nii/iilion of scientists anileni'.ineeiT-Hiartipon ri'ijTrcsiacts as an ollicial adviser tothe l:cileral coveinment inmatters ol scieiKj or technoloi'.y. The Academy,which is based in *Vaslini)r,ion. l) .( ' . , is dedicated tothe furtherance of scienceand its use for the cencialwe l fa re . Dr. I verse nbecomes a foreicn associateof the Academy, a nou voiinc. role reserved for memhers with citi/eiiship outside

"the United States. I heAcademy has neaily I,Millmembers and mine ihan?()() foreii'.u associates.

Dr. Iversen is executivedirector of Merck's Nemoscience Kesearcli Center inTerlini'.s Park, l.ni'.land(neat ( ainbrid|'.el. Meickscientists there are usini1

ness knowledge about thehi,nil in llk'ii quest lor 1111proved medicines to tiealmenta l d isordcis andneurolo|',ical diseases, includuij' senile dementia andAlzheimer's disease.

One ol the leading neuropliaiinacnloi'.isis in the



world, h i . Iversen is notedoi Ins woik on the ni'iiro

chcinisiry and neuropliariiiicol(i)'.y of psychoactivcIrill's, lleliirc joiniiij'. Merckn I ')H.y lie was director oli lie Nt'iiniclieniical I'liarniacoloj'.y Unit of theMedical Research Councilal ( ambi'idi'.e University in

ni'.land. The ( oniicil is llielain I'.overnnienl ac.cncy

for I he proi i io i ion ofmedical ., research in thellnitd-Kiiii'.ilom.

Horn in l.xeler, I'.nf'.kuul',Dr. Iversen was I'.radualedwith honors from TrinityColL'i'e. ( ainlirid^.e, andreceived his I'll,I), in phariiiacoloi'.y al (anihridia1.Selected as a I lark nessIr l low of llie Commonwealth I'111ut ol New York,lie worked at the NationalInstitutes of I leallh and atI larvard Medical School inllie I lulled Stales. Theauthor nl numerous publications. Dr. Iversen also is aITIIOW of ihe Royal Societyof London.

Olhei i i i i rent or retiredmembers of the Merck i t( o.. Inc. oij'.ani/ation whoaie members of the Naiional Academy of Sciencesaie: Dr. Karl A. l-olkeis,l ) i . Max Tishler, Dr. IVRoy Vai'.clos mow chairman and C I O of the companyl, Dr. Alexander ( i .lleain. h i , I ewis 11. Sareit,Di Kail II Meyer. Jr.. Dr.Idwaul M. Scolnick, amiDi Maurice R. I lillcman.

iii',i v wow i.

I HV " I K.lli'.'.MV. I'r. ' l. luM <it W. l l iT .Ill III.- ' , l l | . .TI I l | | . | | . | i ' l | l ' . O l l l l . . ,||10 1', W.' . i f i . 'M Av.-nn,', H.ili'A.iv,!;.•••.• . I . , . v m i . l i n n . : ; ( ) , \ ' > H I , .,<

1000 A M I-.i H.i.nl M,it..ii.il-. f i . -K.inkini. I1 .• ( li-.m Mniii.. ',"I !i-in Strmi-. Knvt Mr,n,' <',-,MI'.ilili I'.iliiiiiiniyir. .mil ' '(JIII ri'li',.in-l ,il I I 00 A 1-1 I'-r I I.- In. .il In

• . l . l l l . l l l . i N .111-1 M . H M l i ' M . l l l ' I ' I'll . i l l

e n . ; . . I K . , l r A . , v l i i i i l i l i n - r , f j

I , H i l i l i . ' I . 1 - I i ; y m | i - j . , , i l m i l - . I I " '

I I 1 . 1 ' K ' I y | I ' il I i l l . 1 [ ) ! ! " , < f l l M ' - l f ( J I I I I ' ,

I.IMI ;.• ] v.t\\, lli,. p. , ii,< .ilinn.,I1I.I-I.T-. ..li.ill -...liriiil lil-l-. in ..,.,il

.•il ,'M1.,'!. ij H". |il.nlilv II j.it I'.i'-I wildIII,- n.IMI.' - I III.' IIHM.'I .in-! !h.'

i l.ni/ ...|...III.'. un alii- Ii In- i'. liul-limi Hi.I . i .in Ii.' II.IM-I -l.'llv.'i.'-l - I Iin.ill.'.I Inil inn ,l . i i i iu. [II it ir l-i dieinn.' • --I I.-I • >["''"' •' 1 III'' I'i'l1' M.ill-'dIn-I' MIII'.I Ii.. '..-ill In/ ' ' , . r | , | | , . , | .H.'liini Kr in i i l M.nl

I'd'l'l.i . ,IM' ii'(|iiiii'-l Id ((imply'.illi III.- ii'-|iiiii'Mii'iir, nl I' I I'lV.'i

( i :•:/liul " i l l I-.' .I'v.inl.'.l v.ilhiii -.Kii/

.l.i.,". ..I lli,. In.I -l.il,'I n i l l , - . ' . . m i .: d i i | i l i i i i . ' i ! ! M !

' , ,,IN, ll I,' . . ' I ' . . " . !h,' l!,|ht In tll.il.,!'III., .IK.nil I-. III.' Inilili'l II l . ' . l . Kill»>,' i , ' i . . , ' ih,' n.-.'(I1, i l l ill.- i itv

Mum. ip.il ( nuiii il ,il-,,i I.'M'IV.".ll i, ' ll,|lil In l,'|,'< I .HIV m ll! hid', In'. ,11' •' .Ml1; 111 fnilllillltl,". ' n II

i..,|ill.lMH.". Ill III,' lil-l'. li'i i'llv-1 .r.11, '.'111,', I ill ill,' 11,".I Illlt'I,".!'. nf III,', l|,,'

' ,p,'i ill. .ill. Mr. in.).; In' ,,III,un,'(I11, ,in I In11n.i-. K \ i l i l inin.' l.' ,ii[i,'niil,Mi|i'iil nl W.il.'i. I )p.i'.i< ,n, ,1 W.il.'i KM', W.".tli.'!,l Aivnu...H.iti'.'.'.iv. I'M O/tXi'i

I llnllM'. V\ Si Illmilli'lL'up.'iiiil..nil,'iil , if W.ili'i

( ll,/ -if K . i h w . i y

I I I , ' I ; ' H f . I ,.,• -y.'.H'.'.l

ui.if: noi in.

I ' l . l A S I . I A K I . r f O I I C I . I I M I.ipplli .ill.HI Ii.i'. b.'-'ii ui.i'l,' I'/ III-'AI--<li'ilU l!.-V.'M<-y f.'oilliul lirj.lffln( lli-' f ,'lly nl Hnhw.iy lo Inwi'.frf l-i\W/ MHd M.iln Si , tin I/,.f;,iMV'.l<«.il' ' ' l.il 11HZ l'IKCM.il.iSi , H.ihw.iy, M.-v/ ,)cr..'y ()7O//i,ill,' ri.'li.ilV Hrl.ill (',,[!',llln|llii,II

\vmrr No W)\'.i •'.M W.?. <X):ilii-r.-lofori- I'.'.u.'-I in J. I . I I I I I Mill'.,I dill1, H Pi'inn-1, fnr die |)r.'rril'.i".In-.iivrl .il \i\W. IIHf, M.iln Si ,H.iliw.iy, N.w ,J.T',«'y 0706',

M.inir .111(1 .u idr i " . ' . of•,l(« kliul'li't'., u l l l i r f . .111-1 cllr.'( lor1,.in' l'ri",lilnit, .l-r.i'ph Wllkow.kl,.iildrc-,'. W)7. M.iln Si . Kuhw.-iy,M ,1 . Vi- .' I'ric.ld.Til, I'.iinfl.iWlll'.ow.kl, .i-l-lri'v, l'l '(7M.iin SI ,H.ihw.iy, N ,J .Tii'.iMiriT, l',nni'l,iWlll '.ow.kl, ' i i ' i icl.iry, Jo'.rpliWllkow.kl

OliJIXniONS, ll ,,m; ..Imuld In'in,idi' IMiMU'ill.ili'ly In llii'Clly Clrrli,Irani I1, If S,'iil(nw,ky, Cily I l.ill, IC'lly ll.ill I'l.i/.i, H.iliw.iy, Ni'W

Tall singlesmingle

The New Jersey Moonrakers is a club catering ex-clusively lo tall and singleadults. It is the only one ofits kind in New Jersey.Monthly meetings are heldevery second Tuesday ofihe month at the Meadow-lauds Hilton, 2 HarmonI'la/a, Secaueus. All a[',esare welcome to join.

The height requirementsare: men. (>'?." and women,5" 10".

I lie 'fee is S3 per guestand free for members. Thesocial meeting begins atK:.il) p.m.

l o r further informationabout the club, please call,l.atita Hag:mr2'»H«%4 nrwrite to N.J. Moonrakers,I'.O. Hox 121, I'aramus,N.J.

Did you know?Researchers al severalleading medical institutionsare evaluating a computeii/eil system whichheals cancer by applyingheal pmdiicing radio Ire(|uenc\ energy directly lotumors. The process, calledhyperi herinia, involveshealing. I l l i no i s loleinperaiuies from 106 loId1' degiees lahrenheil, alwhich point cancers areseleeli\el\ allacked.

Diving?Check depth


And PreventSerious Injuries

\'W.'. l'lHd M.iln Si In.

l/.l C.IM'l/'.MKX 14H(J Mam Si

K.IIIW.IV. Ni-w JITM'V 07(Xi.r)

), ()l\'.'.IH(i l-'iv y.V) <>H

I ' l l l i l I f M O I I C I .

NO IH'I IO I'.lhhl UsHi,' Hi MI-I nl I dm .ilmn nf l l ; , '

Cily nl U.ihw.iy in III,' Cniinly ..II linnn, N.'K- .I.T.."/ Oan.'i

un, , -,.MI,.II lild-, fni

K.-pLii.'in.'iil ,,f Ai.i.l I in,-.K.ihw.iv lli.|li S, h. ,••!

In i - inn.'i 11, HI ^^ill i tin' 1,'pl.u >'in,.1.1 ,,f ,11 id I ,il K.ihu'.n/ I 1;.|)IS, h,,.,l. H.ilm'.iy. ii,'w .l,'i-.,-v liy III.'hn.iid nl l.ilni.ilmn nl lli,' I'll,/ nlRiiliK.il/ in ill.' ('niinlv nl I 'in, ,n.N.-w .I.T.fy

S, ' , ,UI I,RI', will 11.- i. '^'iv.-d until1 0 0 0 ,i in mi.Inn. 1 . '-I. I ' lHd.i l lli.1

nil ,f ill,' lin.H.I S,1, I,•1,11V'Hn-.in,".'. Admini-.li.itni nl lli,1

K.iliK.ii/ Itn.ud nl I dm .ilmn in ill,1

H.iluv.iy lnl..|nirdi,il.' S, Imnl. Klin,-I'l.u.'. H.IIIK.IV, N.'w .l.-i-,,1./ Hid-,

will III,'II Ii.1 pulilli I.,' .ip.-ll.'d .111-1i,'.id .ilnnd .il 100', ., in

All link .in1 in h,, -.til111ii• I>-c 1 in-,,..l!.-d .i|i.v|. >|),". b.-.ll[!l.| nil ill,1

i nit-.ill.1 llu' n.un.1 nl tli.' lildil.-i. In-,.iilili.".'.. .ind Ih.1 n.un.1 nl lli.1

|iln|.'i I "K.'pl.li .'III,'III '.I Al III I 111.".il K.iliw.iy lli,|li Si In «il K.iliK.iy.N.-w . I . . . - . , . . / "

I I,,1 Cnntl.ll I I )nl lllll.'lll', 111,IV I,,i'\.l!lllll.'d .11 III.' i ilfn .' < if III.''i ilr.nltllli| I liqin.'.'l -,. .],-l(l.'V .Hid

K, ill. nil. . 'W l Mnlll-, Av.'lill.-m i n i . N . I O V O H . t . , i i i , l , , i [ i i , " ,

I I I , ' I . ' . , I . , I I I . I l l l . ' . I w i l l I n - I I I , I I I , ' ( I

Wll.'li fniw,iidlni| I,id-, hv ni.ill......ll.-il ,'iiv,-!ii|i.,-, -.li.tll li,- .'nili,-..'dIII ,llli)lh.,| t'lKi'l'ip.' ,lddl,",',,'-l .I '-ll llInK",

Mi Aiilhniiy Km . . , .Ii•"• • "11, Mill S . ' , l.-l.HV-"" "

Hii-,iii,'-,-, Adniini-.li.ilniK.IIIK-.IV I.n.ml nl I .In..Hum

l ' ( ) HUH •]'.'K.ihw.iv. N.-w J.-i-.i-y OV(Mi')

A ('nip.il.lllnn nl ill.- SI.lie i .1New .]i'J-..'V, -.tllimll Illl'l ,1 Itld 111i,".pnn-..- tn tin-, .i(Ki.-itl-..-iii,-nl.-.li.ill .111. iinp.inv -.it. Ii l>nl ui lh ,\l,'-,nlut n in .lull nil l,.|lli| ll-> pii.pt-lnlfll ,'l In .-\ri III.' ,1 I nnlMI I 111 il l . 'rv.-nt it-, hid I-. ,u i «-pl.-d .Hid .1 Il-.I i ifill -.In. 11.11,, 1 •• I.• I•. hiililiii-i in , ' \ i . " , - , nlIDI , ,,l III.- lnl|l.,l.lt,' -.Imk

All bid.!,,.-. ,m- li.-n-liy n,,tili.-.llh.il i ninpli.iiu.- with llu- N.-w.l.-i-.,-y I' l i ' iMilimi W.iiii1 A i I(t 'll.tpl.'l I 'lO I ,1K", I ,f .II].1!!! V,ind;<.i d.'p.ulin.'iil. .ipplu ,lhl.' tnpin|,'. Is in wlm Ii -,,nd (It'p.iiliu.'iitp.ntli ip.iU".. will hi- i.-ijii'i.-d in llu1

p.-i Ii ii in,in. i' i if .inv i nut i . i . I

.IK .IK It'llI )in in,| lit.- [i.'i f. urn.mi I- nf tin-,

i mitt.II I. Ih, ('mill,i. I. i u|ir,". In. .imply wllh I' I I ' l / ' i . . V.'.'l."I ,IK- A.|.iln-,l I ii-,i innlliMlli HI.i nit.-nt iriinUlli in-.

I In- ()wn,-i u'-.i-iC". lln1 il.(lit tn..'I.1, t .inv > nnilMii.ili. ,n n! hid-, HI In.nv.iid tin-1 nl111,II I in p.nt nl win il.-.,\tu\ In w.iiv.1 .inv uifi II111,iIlll,'-. ii i . .1I., u'l.'i I .my -ind .ill In.!-, il il.-.-iii.-dIn llu- h.".l inli-n-vl nl l l i . ' Own, I tndn M I

I ..IIhr Mn.ud nl I dm it"'.i nl Ih.'

Cilv nl H.ihw.iv in th.-I'minlv nt I 'in.HI, N.'W .I.-IM'V

Hv Aiithmiv Km i II , .Ii .

hi Mill S.'.H'I.IIV'hn-.lih1-.-. Adininl'-li,it'llDat.-d .Inn.' t:1. I'ISdI1 (. r . ' . s i , i . - , - < - i ; Y-i

* Pubtla fwvlo* trami Kastlar I n i t l l u l *l R h b M I U l l

SAFE DIVING TIPS• 1 iclos iiiul shiflinii :;.ui(1ti,us can make wator r.hnllow.

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• Stay away liom alcohol .mil dnuis when divnu) ;w.J :.wininiinf),


• OIVIIH) accidents ,ue the leading cause ol spnuil cord injury duimc]Juno, July ami August

for fiirlfior inlormalion contact

Kosslcr Instltuto for Rehabilitation, Inc.(201)731-3600X312

/o \i\n\rot\r xou /olr

Your Mfttwrmt (lift

hr/p\ \uppori mtitnol

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DECORATORS 55(W2 fioiil<:v.ir


• ' H i t , , . , , ,,. •

• '/ ( ' h . i i r . .- .. i• S.-ll u.vll• Ov.-ilu, I,• 1 i l l i ' i l A n n I ' M I I I ' I I I I I - .


• S u l . i o r '.'. 1 h.ilr-,• N V w Cii-.hiori-.• I'll klip h l),-liv,.iv

Shopat Home >

• Slipcovrr1, j• Hrllpl lol ' . l i ' lV '

• ViTllc.ll ' . i

• I" H H I K I - , I

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hi i ipcr i i" . 1

• K.-fill O ld !





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H«S»iy, N.J.(i & II1)60 SI. Cleiiim A.e.

Kihwiy, N,,l.

DRIBYDCUt>9\ Jicquti A>c,H.hH.y . J74HJH0


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Hihwir, N.J.

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SCORES OF DISTINCTION Mm M;iry rosier (contur), (juifJfiiico eounnolor ;it IhoyCarlKumpt School in Clark rtiviowu tho ricornr, of Ilifiror.a 1.otjiid (loft) nrir(.David Ikoloi(fight). Both of thoao tiUidontfi attiiiiiotl nf;oro;i ol (fhtiiicllon in inathdinatici) and hnvoboon Invltod to u ,'itnto coroiTiony to couiinonci thoir adiiMvomont TIKIKIMII l.oono alnoocorod with dliitlncitlon In tho voihal and writton Rnuli'.h iiot:tion:i rjl Iho lo:it

MEET KUMPF'S HIGH ACHIEVERS . . . Twonty-two ntiidonls from tho Carl KumpfSchool In Clark who rank In tho top 3"u nationally In ninthoiiiatioM and/or vorbal !ikill;i onatandardlzod tontu took tho SAT'si thin your. lhi:i dducational opportunity hi iiponuororiby tho Johna Hopklna UnlvnrMlty Contor loi the /Vivnncomont of AcadcimlcnllyTnlontod Youth Picturod In tho front row (loft lo light): Htophnnio Horlinu, StofnnloNovy, Thoroan Loonci, Lnurio Quorroloro, Jimmy Jorclon, David Ikolor, Robort Guarlno,and Kovln Fnzondoiro, Mlddlo row; Loiini Van Borijon, L.no Mkirano, l.oo Cohon,Donald Brny, Dnnlol Nydlck, Qlnn 5oohur(|oi, and Krlston hiaknon Hack row: MmMary Footor, nuldnnco counoolor, Mlchnol Puciiko, Anthony Aromnndo, Krlnton VonSt. Paul, Knron Crincoli, Llndn Grontio, Eclln (:rnnt(iln, and Kolly Qonnott.

Laura Lang winsaccountants award

ream I crrcinonic.;il Kaliwiiy I fif• II School,l.iiura A. l.ann w;r, awardcd iin ciiKiavi'd cold key bytin: Karitan Valley Chapterol the Nalioaal A'.'.ocialionol Accoiiiilaiit'i in lecoi'.ni

lion ill her oiii'.landiii)'.

jUiidci in iitcotintini', and


I aura is I lie daui'lilci ol

Williiiiii Lanj: and Mi;.,

l.oivlie ('rdckett, Railway.

She w.r, an llonoi roll sin

dc'iil elected lo I lie national

Honor Society, and also

won llu: U.S. llir.incss

I'dlicalinn Awaid. Oilier

iiclivitics included the from

(Oininiilee, the Scnioieiics

I'ep Club and the N A A C I ' .I.aura plans lo attend St.John IJinvcisiiy oi KamapoCollege lo inajoi in Accoiinlini',.

One ol tin- laifesi accnunliii)'. ()i|',iiii/:ili()ii\ inI he world, wiih almost77,000 members in theUnited Stales and 17foreign countries, NAA is anou profi t organizat iondevoted lo the improveinciii and dissemination ofuccmintiui! knowledge. Theaward was presented lo theschool by die Chapter1'.Director ol Public He-lalions. Morris II. Kiulm,( I'A.

Help bringthe worldtogether,

one friendsliipat a time.

lie a hoMt family.

Did you know?liven minor discomforts,such as headaches, can leadlo accident1, nn Ihe job. Thrmay be why more coinpanics now provide compiehensive first ait! In lienliniiiiies and help eliminatediscomforts.

Here are two progress reports onDiabetes Research.

One is available by mail.

•Y-:I A',

| O \ i \ H \ , l ; V > I l i r . , ' n l I M i i " • . • i ' . . ! - . . . i • i

I n I I I I , i l i \ r l i i h i ! , l , . i i - ' ' h , ' ! • ' •'•'•• '

H i l t l l i . i n K 1 , ! , , , | . , i ! " l r - . ' i - . i '• ' • ' • - - , '<•' " !

t l l ' l l l V V H I I H ' l i ( . U l l ' ( ' , ' ' ' I . I , ' - '• I '•• l l i •'• . " . i ' i '

A n d H i , i f ' , i i c l m i ' " i i i ' i " ' i M i ' M •• • l •• '•••••'

d i l l 1 i l l i l l . l l H ' i i '• i l " ' ' • ! I ' ' . - ' ' - I • i l " ; ' . ' ' ' " I ' • i ' •• '

I H i W h i ' l l f . i l c i l i - . r M | , | , - . i " ' , I i . n , n , • . i ••

M m I n . I i h r . p i i ' c n - v . ' i . r . • i • . . M I i - ' i ' I , , I ;, . . i

V ' l M I S S H U r 1 1 1 ' 1 I l K i - M i l r I l i . i t . i | . . I n ' l l . i l . , ' i I , M "

l u i l i l i n i ' , h ' M M i i l i . • . i n • 1 1 . t I 1 1 1 * i . • " ':• ' , i ' " ' - ' I . ' , • ! ' • • I 1 '

O i l ! i n u ' s l l l i r l i l r . I - , i \ in,1 '. ' ' '

V o t l i ,111 l i M i l t h i ' > M l i , l r - , | i ' \ - n •' ' •' I I,1'1

I ' l O f J U ' S S l \ ' i ' | > i l l I l l '• | ' , ( > i " l " - . i J - ' i r | l i - i , '

p i O V I ' S M ' M ' . l l i l l !'• \%. I M 1 1 1 1 1 ( ' M i l • I . I l l l 1 . l i ' I - ' I '

d i M M s r l l i . i l \ \ i \ U i t ' . ' u i i i i ' l " . I ' I - • ' < • • ' • '••' " I

thud lii||i;i",l Kiilci•', JOl i'<( (IIKIIII I'll iii.ii tin,iin..; i , U'I ' i

d i i i l u ' t t " . i ' i n n l \ . i i n . i i l i - i i ' ! i n ' " \ M ' I ' r - ' - M i - - ,

H.lppilV l l ' l ^ I l l l i l l i ' l l \r\ I , . In I M I H M" Mi

(an buy |U(i|;u".'.

Kl 'SA( IIKI .ANHWI 'I I' . I .'. I 1 ' I " l i I I 1 ' . . 1 . , | , . l l I I I ••. I I •-.!•. I I

I ' • . | ', ' f i I I l l , r | , " . I C I •. • •, I I . I l I ' l l

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V i ' , 1 , ^ , i l " , . \-, N u l l l ( ) l i l l ) I ' . ' i l )

I n i . i i i . i i l . i - i l i ' , ' V i i i | V ' . t i r i ' l ' i i n l i ' . ' I )

W . l l n . ' . i l . i l i - I ' M l , i i m i . i n . n l . i M , ' x i ' , M I




10 Remson Avenue, AvenelH m i l d n l S i ( i c i i i K c . A v i - . l

J U S T O N I I I K K K S O U I I I ( ) | - O I K O i l ) I ( K A I I O N

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30% OFF ON ALL PRISCRIPTIONSplus f ree t inting

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12® 1! 396-0850

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David Kinlev, Jr.,I..IM., C.A., Director

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• • • » • • « * '


/ • •


WAGENHOFFER nARN^ DISTINCTION . . . Olllnor John W.ifjonhodrjr of tho FtnliwiyPolk;rj Dop.'irtiiiofit li.'i'i o.-imurl th'i rJiMiiiotiori of r;omplotlri(| tho li/inlr; Tr;ifll<; Aooklontliivo'.tKj.'itlfjii Coiir'.u (;o-ri[)oii;.or<j(i liy Iho AAA Now Jorfioy Autoinohllo Club mirJ thoNow Jor',oy O I I I M * of I IIMIIWH'/ '.Sufoly f'mi><inllii(j it Coillflciito of Aplirodiit lon to Of'licor W.-ifjonhoffor, v<,on<J from loft, arc (loft to rlcjhl) M.'iltiiow J. Dorhnm, pronldont oftho AAA Now .)or:.oy Automohilo f;iub, Onry I. Mopl iorn of Iho Intitltuto of I'ollnofochnoloiiy ;in<l M;in;i!|omoiit ;ind WIIII.IIII Inylor, f n.if nif j or of tho Now Jor.'ioy Olllco ofMif|liw;iy .'jiiloty

©ffficer completesaccident investigation course

Icl ol 1111: Railway I'oliecDcpailinrni Ii;i'i caiiicil • iit-ill'.IIIK'lltill ill niinplrlill)1,I lit: H;i'.ii: ha l l i r AiviclriitIllVCSlil'.illillll ( 1)111',C CO•,poir,oial hv lln" AAANew .liTM'y Anioiiiohilc( lull mid tlie- New .IfiM-yOlfic.v nl I lii'liwav Salciy.

In iiil i l i l i i iff' in Wa)'ciiliullei, l() |)(iljfc oirjci'c, I I I I I I II'.'IM'X, ^ loni ' i , in id HMKII I(oiuilic", |iaiiii'i|iaU'il iiml(.'oiil|ilrle:il tlit- I wo wi'ckcoiii'ii- iii 'iinii'ii ' il liy IIK1 Insimile <>l I'oliir TI-I-'IIIIOIIIC.Vami Maiiai'ciiu'iil ai l l ir



on ('on n I yAi'iiilniiiy.

I he: olijeclivivi oli •iiitr.c arc In nr.lill I liei i ccc i ' . i i ry ' .k i l l 1 , nndiiwarriu'v, to propcily conduel i i i i l i i i : accident invi".ii|'!iii(iii'., with '.pix'i.'tlc i i ip ln i ' . r . p laced onevidence f'.ailiciini', Icchini|in:\ mid I In: importance ofphy.iciil evidence in iiceidcnl reeoii'.lniclioll midlilil 'ainin.

"Accident Invctij-Mliun( 'OIIIM", air bencliciiil to allcniiiininiiiiev They hellereipiip our police ol'liccrs to

analyze potent in l lyani^ l i iniioii ' i on

Mrccpi and hjf.hways andmake recommendation', loimprove niotori'.t Mif'cty,"•.ay. Matthew J, Derhain,president of the AAA NewJersey Automobile Club,lieiul(|iiartered in Hoil iamI'ark.

Since IW.t tin- AAANew Jersey Automobile(' lull bus sponsored annually both the IJiisie and Ad-vanced TnilTie Accident Invcsticiition Course (lielirst private ori'.iini/ation todo so in the country,

"GrairCeiTtiirtons awardsix scholarships tograduating seniors _

Best annuals forsummer-long color

I'lanl markets, caidenci'iilcrs ami I'leenbuiisrs aienow lilled wiib tol i i i lul annual llowei'., all lulled loperlivlion lor irair.planlinrinin the I'arden, windowbox in1 plautei I lowevei.there will be iinisideiable\il l iatl i in in die pelloiluaiici' of species and

ihii i i ir. luiuivarietiesiiimiK'i

I henual I)i


A ni Kiiiiris| i \ ( laideu will

lealure annual llnweis that-hiivt* fiHfd voitMMntdv Inirhdiiriii)'. the past h w \eais.Plants aie indeed on I'.iowihhabit, freedom l ioni problems, colm and i|i i. inti i\ nlblooins. and lenelh oflloweiini1 elleiineness

(laideneis lonkiii)1 loisummer lone color w il lpleased with the pel lormance of . i r i ' i , I I I I I I I BlueDanube, sweet aKssinn(liiental N i f l i l , and beeoinavarieties I hula, V i \a , I iinami Siailamla

hnpa l iens a ie now,i\,ulahle in a wide MI I JT ofeolois and bloom l ioiu nowiiniil host. I lepemlable mipaliens si'iies in last seal'sKui|U'is l iaiden inchuledI he ( asi ade Heaui ics,I'li iui.i, No\eite, I'lineess,Super I Mill and I l ln/

I )warl I leiuh nun le.oliKwill llowei lluoui'.h the

nei if dead llowei-. an"

leimived ice.ulaily. Janied o l d , I 'e l i le Ye l low,I lonescouib and (.hiecnSophia reci'iveil hi|>h markslast yi'iii. l o r cut flowers,tin1 taller niaiii'.old viuielieslus i I adv. I'rinuose I adyand the Ilia senes are excelleul.

I he I'elei I'au dwarf / innia-. aie available in a widecolor ranee and aie verydependable, Taller cuttiue.zinnias the flower proliliealIv all summer ate the Kul'flesrrirs, ( ink! Sun, Krd Sunand I n u h ,

l'lan to attend this year'sVee.elable l l o w e i OpenI louse at Kute.eis on Salurlay, July .'6, from H:.N)a.m.l .t p in . lo see over 100hie.h rated varieties duiine

Hided touts of the emilen.I he Display (i.miens and/eeeiable Kese;1 eh h u mme off Kvdeis I ,iiie which

xists from Uouie /' I.

RHS Class of 36seeks classmatesfor 50th reunion

I hi1 MMh Keiiuiuii nl Iliei l.lss n l I 'I Id o l k , l l m . l \

Il i i 'h Srhiuil will In1 heldS. i l ind, i \ . Sepleinliei ' •'. ,ildie ( i i lni l i . i ( m i i i l i \ ( lul l

II i i l iMine k I ii >v\ s thew lu'ie.ihiHil-, ol the lollnwill)'. ple.iM' , id\iM" W illi,uIl lond. 'nw , I S 1 \ \ i-sl Si n i l\ \ e n i i e , K. ih\ \ , i \ tWUd1'

I l i e o i l o l e W Hecke iMi ld ied Hi'iieci hi , I ) n i n l l l \I leshle i , \ \ ,dlei I incus11,in \ I i'.lu'i, It>liii 11.nilNnl ma I l l ) ' l i ' \ , I Inu' l l i iKiel. I'elei ko.'.i, ( h.nles IMi l let . Helen l 'av.l\kI le leu K nj 'n.1 insk iI liemloie I Siiiilh, I I.IIH e-Siiinh. I Milk ( SleelrK.ihelle Slnne, Unln-il I mllei I* •! II i \en l ln , I'.N adlou ^k\

Art Show and Saleslated at CenterAn A i l Show ami Sale of

painlini'.s by New .leisey arlists will in- held at theI IIIIOII ( oinit y Ai Is ( enter(Kahwa\ Iheaire), I fill I Irvine. Slrei'l, on Sunday,June .'.' from Id a.m. to .!p.m.

Ibis evcnl uiaiks the lustlime visual artists will havea chance lo play a pail inthe Arts (enlei 's manyplanned nrtivit ir;.

Informal touts of thetheatre pnlace will lakeplace alone, w ith impioinptupeifoiniances on the fumedMif .h iy W u i h i / e r pipemean.

Artists niav enter the dayof the show oi before, alSIS per H feet. Ribbonawards will be e.iveu.

Tor fuilher inl'ornuitioncall -WO-MI .

I he ( i rau < ei i iunonsClub held its I'ith AnnualScholarship Awaids I'lesenlalion on May . ' I , I In-e.uesi '.peaker, Dr. I'aiil(J l le i l / io, SiipeiUltelldeiit olthe ( link Schools, commended the scholar.hip iccipieiils" on thru accoinplr. l imri i ls, l ie ri.'iiiiiided(lie award winner, ol the elfoils put Inr lh. lo attain thise.oal and how these el for I1.have been lewardcd. I Icl i i r lher cncoiirae.ed thescholais lo continue stiiviiie.and siieHeslcd ibeir l.unilir'.lend all the support that isneeiled In puisne llieirendeavor,

On the recommendationnl the I ' m . Scholarship( o n i l i i i l l e e , Joseph ineVinccnl i . chairperson, and-nii'inbeis, Valerie l iar lo,Rose A n n r o i n a i o l l o .K o s e m a i ie Mai :a l u s o ,Aue.elo I'riele and StephenSie.na, the ( i i a n < eii lui lous(' luh awaided scholaislnpsto the lollowine stiideni'.:

Stacey n 'Kane, daui'l i leiMr, and Mrs. Thomas

O'Kane of Railway, is asenior al Railway IliehSchool. She is a member ofthe National I louor society,the Vars i iv < l ieenueSi|iiad. llu1 Siuileni < invnnuii'iit, the prom ( ominitteeand lieasuici of ihe IllueI ii Service ('lull, In addilion, Slaeey is also a twil lme. insliiiclor of the Rahway Recreation Dep.nlnienl, In Seplenibei, Slaeeyis |)1,11u11111' to attend Shippenshui y I luiveisitv in I'cnnsylvania. I Icr e";|l •'' | ( l

pursue a dee.ree in econoniics.

Michelle Kine. daue.hleiof M i . and Mis. (.ieore.eKine. of ( lai k, is a senior illArthur I . Johnson Rei'.ional I he.h School.

Michelle's school aclivities include iiieinbeishipm Ihe National l lonorSociety and (ierman ('lub,

She r. also t i c a s i i f i o l theI!.mil and N; i i ional (i'-r 10.111I l ono i Society. M ic lw l l eplans lo , 111' • 11 < I R i i l i ' c i sI Jin v>:i s i l y ( i»11 < • j ' <' o ll i i e m c c i i n j ' . She w ill u ia io iin e lcc l i K al c i iemeei me andmm* I I in < i i ' i man.

1. 11111; i ( o . i no .. ( lai i) ' l i lern l l i a i I I . I I . I ( o . i i i ' ) ' . o l< la ik . is a SI- I I IOI al A i t l i i uI... Johnson Rei'.ional I he.hSchool

I inda is a iiM'iiibci ol dieA i l ( lub, ( oloi ' HI .mlKil le Squad, Spanish I lo i imSociclv. Nat ional I It nunSociclv. Ainh.issadoi lo iI l i i) ' l l < ) ' l i i ien Stale I enilci'.lii|i Sennnai and schooli i 'p icscnia l iv r lo the Newleisc\ Si,He I cadc ish ipSj ' in inai . I I L ' I comini tn i ty, I I In il ics mi Inilc 111 <' ( lai I.A i l Associat ion. ( In' Silverand ( io|i l Awaid.. l io i i i_( H I ISeoul',, hum n \ ol i inteci alK a l i wa v I l« isp i l a I andJi i inoi l. lbiai \ ( lei I. al the( lark I' l i l i lu I ibi.uv InSepleinbei. I inda intends loal leml Setini I I,ill I iu \e is ilx lo |nusiic ,i ileeiee in tunsine

Sl.icc\ M : i / / e i . daui ' l i le iI I I V ' ic lOI M . I / / I M 111 I i l l Mill,i\\[\ S l i a i o i i l ' e l i o i : \ o l( lai k is a se iuo i o l A i l l i l i iI IOIIIISOII Rei'ional I hehSchool

Slaccv has been on iheI x H II ii loll loi loin u'.usShe is ,i ineilibei ol llicSpanish I lonoi Society M\i\has icceived a businessaward loi . H I ouiiiine. InSepteinbei, S.tasrv will be afreshman at Seion HallUnivi'isiiy and maim in accounluif.

John A. I aceonc, son ofMr. and Mis Joseph .1. l accone of Scotch Plains, is aseiuoi al I lishop (ieoii 'eAhr I lie.li School in l ihson.

While al Bishop A l i i .John has pai licipatcd in a

ItMii sear I Imiois I'roeiam.I le has earned \aisit \ lei

leis in football, swirninirif,and lenins. and has been involved in various extral i i i i icular activities, amonethem: I lie editorial board of"Saioma," the Spanish andSki C lubs and the Sciencel.eaj'iie of New Jersey.

He has lepieseuled his'.ehoiil al ( lose Up andAmeiicaii Lcpon Jerseyl !oy, ' State. J o h n , anieinbcr ol . the NationalI IOI IDI Society and Who'sWho Ai i ioi i) ' AmericanIhl'h School Students, hasleceivcd the (ia'rdeil StaleDisi i i i i ' .uished Scho la rAwaid and also severalawauls from the UnitedStales A eh i eve in en IAcademy

He has recently beenselected as the Valediclonaii and Scholar Athleteof Bishop (ieoree Ahr I fif,IiSchool

John is plannine ><> atlend l i a i i k l i u and Marshall('ollefe in Pennsylvania lopuisne a caieer id medicine.

Iniery M, I'isher, IV. sonof M i . and Mis. I'.mery .1.I ishci. I I I . of Ixlisou, is asenioi at John P StevensI lij'h School in lulison.

I I I I C I y. an honor student,icceived the Robert liaroneScholar Athlete Award andthe Physical 1-dticationAwaid.

I Ic was inducted into theNational Honor Societyand elected into Who'sWho Anione AmericanIlieh Students. I'niery wasalso nominated as a (ianlenStale Scholai.

I Ic participated in varsitybasketball ami baseball andwas a member of theDebate Club and the Acadeniv of Science.

In addition to the abovenienl ioiied scholarships,awauls were bestowed on(iiei ' .oi y Demar /o andMichael Caie.ill lor theirItalian I aneuae.e Proficiencv.

A LASTING DONATION . . . Maiy Potor, outiioinii piositiont of tho Railway Junior Sor-vlco Loiifiuo, priinontn n $1,000 ilonutlon lor .i Sel l ol nor.oonltion at Rahwny Land-miirkti thoutro to Sandru Swonnoy, piusidi'nt ot H.ihwny Lnndmark:i, ar. now Sorvlco

pro:ilclor,t lorry Sllnskl look:; on


• Clvll/Constmcllontnulnoorlnu lochnolouy• flocliomochanlcal (Conipulm lOopcilr) lochnology• Llocltonlcs tnalnnorlng lochnology wllh option in lasot lloclio-Optlcs•Mochanlcal tncjlnooilnej tochnolouv

High Quality Low Cost Programs at Scotch Plains Campus

Call Admissions Hotline


' I'k'viM1 M'IKI me inoii'motion nhoul vmn


IO.TJ Spilnyllold Avi)liU(>.I UANtlM.ll (ll/AIIOIf IIJMNHUI*

I i in

; M-VI

I I'll' 'NI ManII


SUPERSTUFF SATURDAY PROGRAM SET . . . Looking forward to Suporstuff Satur-day, a day-long educational prooram (or childron with a:ithma and thoir familior,, ,-iroCarly, Juntln and Krlnty Ulrich ol Rahway. Tho program, which in cospon:;orod by thoAmorican Lunf) Afj:;ociation of Central New Jorfioy, will bo held at Children's Specializ-ed Hospital on June 2 1 . For more information call 233-3720.

Asthma program

at Children's HospitalKali way residents, Carly

and Justin Ulrich, ae,es 5and 3, have asthma. Theirmother, I'eri, is taking themanil C'arly's twin, Kristy, toSuperstuff Saturday, a day-lone, educational anil recrea-tional proe.ram for childrenwith asthma, their parents

ml sibline.s. The Program.vill be held al Children'speciali/ed Hospital in

ylounlainsiile on June 21.Superstuff Saturday,

.vhieh is cosponsored by theAmerican I.unu Association

Central New Jersey -he Christmas Seal People

is designed to leach the

participants the facts aboutasthma and how to copewith it. " I want to lieprepared lo help Carly andJustin when they have anattack," says Ms. Ulrich,''and so does Krisly."

A team of health careprofessionals will presentlectures on asthma medica-tions and their effects, thebenefits of exercise and thepsychosocial aspects ofasthma. Durine, informaled neat i ona l sessions,children will be taught avariety of straight-forwardtechniques to prevent an attack such as diaphragmatic

b r e a t h i n g , posturaldrainage, identifying triggers and signals of an attackand relaxation exercises.

liach family will receive aSuperstuff Kit. "SuperstulT'includes preplanned ac-tivities that transfer theconcepts they have learnedinto real life situations.

"We're all looking for-ward to Superstuff Satur-day" says Ms. Ulricli. "It'sgoing to be a good learningexperience and a fun timefor all the kids."

For more information,contact Cherec I'osch at233-3720.

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ahway Day Care CenterSummer Fun Camp

A rocrcational program for childron,6-12 years old, Juno 23 — August 29, 1986

REGISTRATIONApplications will bo accepted May1 — Juno 20, 1986, accompaniedby a S5.00 nonrefundable regis-tration foe. Spacos available willbo on a first como first servo bosis

FULL DAY CAREMonday — Friday

8 am-5:30 pm

*50 PerWeek

Computer Camp RatesAvailable on Request

1071 New Brunswick AvenueRahway • 382-0544

Weekly Activities

• Swimming,Rahway Pool

• Roller Skating,USA Skates, Edison

• Trips,Popcorn Zoo, Pt, PleasantBeach, Groat Adventure &more!!

• Arts & Crafts* Breakfast, Lunch, AfternoonSnack, provided at no additionalcost.

"Program staffed by CertifiedTeachers

*Computor Camp available/Discount rate for childrenenrolled inSummer Fun.

loot o(o duo coth Momlny lor cuuh wook nl (uu!Ki(Xittcn. if \)