
• Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

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Page 1: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE


Page 2: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

• Non-Profit

• Established in 1989

• Conservation and Development

• Publishes Scientific Research and offers qualifications

• 8 main conservation projects in 6 countries

• 400+ Projects Worldwide in over 60 countries

• Work with Governments and Charities

About Us

Presentation Notes
Publish online- www.SEEconservation.org
Page 3: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Volunteering and Travelling Abroad

• Why volunteer?

• What can you do?

• Opportunities with Frontier

• Choosing a volunteer organisation

• Things to consider• Costs • Budgeting • Fundraising

• Health and safety

• Precautions

Page 4: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE
Page 5: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Why Volunteer?Broaden your Horizons

Travel for 1 – 30 weeks


• Time to decide your future

• Freedom & Independence

• Time out from study


• Add UCAS Points

• Gain new skills & qualifications

• Improve your CV and personal statement

• Work Experience

Presentation Notes
* Split two views- careers/cvs or break
Page 6: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

What can you do?

• Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation

• Community Development; construction, healthcare and journalism

• Learn Languages and Teach Abroad (TEFL)

• Adventure Travel and Action Sports; scuba diving, snowboarding, rock climbing, surfing, horse riding etc.

• Internships and Staff Roles

Page 7: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE


Sign up for more information!

Page 8: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Terrestrial Wildlife Conservation and Expeditions

• Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats

• Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians

• Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation

CoPE Certificate (16 UCAS Points)

• South Africa: Field Guide Course

FGASA Field Guide Qualification

Page 9: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Terrestrial Wildlife Conservation and Expeditions

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘The experience was amazing and the project wasincredibly varied with dedicated members of staffthere to support the volunteers. I learnt a hugeamount studying for my BTEC but also got tostudy an abundance of wildlife such asbutterflies, otters, various primates, birds and seaturtles. Words cannot describe the experiencehere but the camp has been exceptional, the staffand locals so warm and welcoming and thelocation is just astounding.

Although there has been a lot of hard work, wehave also had tons of fun with camp party nights,horse-riding and swimming under waterfalls toname just a few of the activities we got up to inour free time.

Vicky Armstrong – Costa Rica Big Cats, Primates& Turtles Conservation

Page 10: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Wildlife Sanctuary and Rehabilitation

• China: Panda Breeding Centre

• Australia: Kangaroo Island Koalas and Conservation

• Costa Rica: Animal Rescue Project

• Ecuador: Amazon Wildlife Sanctuary

• Thailand: Elephant Sanctuary

Page 11: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Wildlife Sanctuary and Rehabilitation

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘As I currently study Geography atUniversity, I feel the project wasbeneficial for me as I learnt so muchmore about how volunteering projectsare run, and the impact that they haveon countries across the world. Eventhough washing the elephants was fun,we were also helping the localcommunity through our donations andhard work.’

Karah Philpot – Thailand ElephantSanctuary

Page 12: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Marine Conservation

• Tenerife: Whale and Dolphin Conservation

• Madagascar: Marine and Coastal Conservation

• Tanzania: Marine and Coastal Conservation

• Fiji: Marine and Coastal Conservation

• Belize: Marine Conservation and Diving

PADI Dive Training!

Page 13: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Marine Conservation

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘Everyone should come here to dive with orwithout previous experience. There arecrazy cool anemone fish, octopi, turtles, eels,etc. and my new favourite fish, MoorishIdles. There is not much missing from anexperience like this. All of this happened forme in a mere two weeks leaving me withonly one regret, not staying longer.’

Will Runwitch – Madagascar MarineConservation & Diving

Page 14: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Community Development and Teaching

• Madagascar Teaching

• Costa Rica Teaching

• Fiji Sports Coaching

• Nepal Teaching and Temples

• Cambodia Teaching in SiemReap

TEFL Certificate and Edexcel

Page 15: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Community Development and Teaching

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘Best thing about my time on the projecthad to be the final day of my project whereI organised a Champion's Leaguetournament for the Island's footballers.Witnessing the joy on the kids' faces reallymade my project worthwhile and I wasamazed at how much they had progressedover such a short period!’

TJ Taylor – Maldives Island Sports andFitness Coaching

Page 16: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Medical Volunteering

• India, Kenya and Namibia Medical Internships

• Fiji Healthcare Project

• Nepal Children's’ Hospital

• Ecuador Medical Project

• Cambodia Community Health

• Brazil Childcare

Page 17: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Medical Volunteering

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘I'm a fourth year medical student in England.I've been on lots of wards, tended a lot ofpatients but I realise that up until now I hadnever made a real difference to someone'slife... The doctors are all really approachableand they made me feel like part of the team. Igot to see a hugely diverse range of medicalissues from the unfortunately common roadtraffic accidents to tropical illnesses not onlyseen normally in the West.’

Patrick HM (Medical Student) -Kenya Hospital and Beaches

Page 18: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Ethical Adventure Trails

Combine responsible travel with wildlife and teaching volunteer


• Central America: 6-10 weeks

• South East Asia: 6-10 weeks

• South America: 4 weeks

Page 19: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Ethical Adventure Trails

What Our Volunteers Say ...

‘This trip has been the most incredibleexperience. I was absolutely terrified gettingoff the plane in Mexico City and had no ideawhat awaited me. As much of a horriblecliché as it is, I've definitely changed and gotto know myself better and it's down to theamazing people I've been travelling with andhave met on the way and the crazy stuffwe've done!’

Charlotte Myerson – Central America EthicalAdventure Trail

Page 20: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Work Placements Abroad

• Fiji Journalism

• Madagascar NGO Media & Journalism Internship

• Costa Rica Teaching & Community N.G.O. Internship

• Tenerife Whale & Dolphin Conservation Course Credit Internship


Page 21: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

• Offer structured placements

• Exclusive experiences

• Pre-departure planning

• In-country support

• Meet other volunteers

• Reassurance for family

Why Volunteering Organisations?

Page 22: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Things to consider

• Type of agency - read mission statements.

• Reputation and Achievements

• Operating Standards

• What can they offer you?!

British StandardBS 8848

Independently Assessed

Page 23: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Budgeting Checklist

• Flights

• Visas

• Insurance

Budgeting Considerations

• Can you earn money abroad?

• How are you funding your trip?

Travel Advice


Travelling AbroadBudgeting

Presentation Notes
Flights – Book early and use comparison websites Visas- check embassy for costs- prices vary depending what country & length of stay Insurance - Comprehensive cover for varying trips, e.g; scuba diving- does it cover these adventure sports
Page 24: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

How much does it cost?

• Most projects require a financial contribution

• Based on duration, food and living costs, staffing, equipment and training

• Community development less expensive than conservation

• Check what you get for your money!• Accommodation? • Meals - how many?• Airport transfers?• Personal allowance?• Excursions?

• Frontier 2 week project: £495 - £1095

Presentation Notes
Most projects require a financial contribution – money used to keep the project running
Page 25: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

The more creative, the better!Looks good on your CV


• Sponsored activities

• Promotional events

• Grant awarding charities, bursaries and trusts

• Crowd funding websites

• Business sponsorship

Travelling AbroadFundraising

Presentation Notes
Volunteering Agencies can help!
Page 26: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Travelling AbroadHealth and Safety

Top Tips

• Check the NHS website

• Vaccinations

• First AidAre you in the know? Which is the right medical Kit?

• WaterIs it safe to drink? Do you know what to do if it’s not?

• FoodEmbrace but be safe

Presentation Notes
Vaccinations - most are free
Page 27: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

• Destination Research

• Currency

• Pack Light

• Photocopy Important Documents

Having the right Attitude is vital!!

Travelling AbroadPrecautions

Presentation Notes
Destination Research- respecting cultures- clothing etc * Currency- may need to order in advance, varying currencies
Page 28: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Offers…

• Group Leaders Get 5 friends to go and your project is free!

• Win a free trip Sign up to enter our prize draw!

• Voice for the future Budding journalist?

Presentation Notes
Group leader: 5 friends and go free, 15 friends and we’ll pay your flights too Everyone from events sign ups gets entered into a prize draw Pre- university blogging comptetition
Page 29: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

To Summarise ...

• Many reasons to volunteerWhy do you want to? What will you get out of this experience?

• Many exciting opportunities available!

• Volunteering agencies offer you support on your travels

• Do your research!

• Plan early to avoid unpleasant surprises

• Be flexible and open minded

Page 30: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Thank you for listening

Any Questions?Don’t forget to hand in your sign up cards for more





Frontier Official


@FrontierGap & #frontiervolunteer


Page 31: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 32: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 33: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 34: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 35: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 36: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 37: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 38: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 39: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 40: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 41: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422

Page 42: • Tanzania: Birds, small mammals, crustaceans, insects and bats • Madagascar: Lemurs, reptiles and amphibians • Costa Rica: Big Cats, Primates & Turtle Conservation. CoPE

Frontier Official www.FRONTIER.ac.uk 020 7613 2422