Professional Learning Communities: Building Curious Learners

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Professional Learning Communities: Building Curious Learners


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2018 OUTCOMES 14



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The College community can be proud of both review processes that acknowledged thehigh level of engagement of staff, students and parents with our current Business Plan.It was noted by both review teams that Joseph Banks Secondary College has set thepre-conditions for an environment in which students will be able to flourish. The reviewteam for the Independent Public School Review, Lindsay Usher and Donelle Church,wrote in their concluding remarks:

2018 was a year that saw Joseph BanksSecondary College reach a point ofconsolidation. The rigorous self-evaluation that wasconducted at the end of 2017 provided ablueprint of strategies that were implementedthroughout the year. Most importantly, in thefirst few weeks of 2018, the College underwenttwo reviews. Our College was one of the lastschools to experience the Independent PublicSchool Review process. Shortly after thisreview was completed, the College underwentthe new Public School Review process as atrial school. Our commitment to this process was to informsystem use of Public Review for theDepartment of Education.

1 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

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Eleanor Hughes

2 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

“Joseph Banks Secondary College has commenced on an innovative pathway toensure that all students are encouraged to become curious learners in a safe andinclusive environment that includes ‘state of the art’ facilities in which a rich teachingand learning environment is being developed. The vision, mission and values of the college are already well embedded in teacherpractice and are developing greater acceptance by students and the community. Theprocess of managing transition to a new learning environment that has a clear studentfocus in both ideals and practice is not without its challenges. The leadership and staffhave risen to the challenge through purposeful strategic planning, successful ongoingreview and reflection on practice and actions to maintain the intent of developingfunctioning Professional Learning Communities, classroom instruction that works anda culture of inquiry and powerful learning. The principal and leadership team are commended for their vision and the applicationof well-researched strategies in developing the college as a lighthouse of qualitypractice in which professionally developed staff can provide a student-centred focusto learning that has the potential to benefit students, their parents and ultimatelysociety.”

At Joseph Banks Secondary College our cycle of review is continuous. We are lookingforward to further consolidating our success as we move into 2019, which will be amilestone year. Looking back on 2018, we have much to celebrate and I take pride incommending the 2018 Annual Report to our community. This document, our fourth annual report, outlines our achievement of outcomesaccording to the Business Plan: Professional Learning Communities: Building CuriousLearners 2015 – 2018.

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It has been a privilege to chair the Joseph banksSecondary College Board for another year. 2018 wasan enlightening year with the Board engaged intraining that focused on the roles and functions of aneffective school board. The Board plays a significantrole in advocating for the college and also plays a keygovernance role for the strategic development of ourschool. Early in 2018, the College Board, along with our P&Crepresentatives, participated in 2 reviews conductedat the College. The first was the Independent PublicSchool Review which was conducted at the end ofthe College's first 3 years of operation. The reviewerswere in awe of the quality of learning taking place atthe College. Importantly, College staff, parents andstudents were engaged in a robust self analysis andtheir data was presented to the reviewers who alsoconducted a number of interviews.

Michael Richards

3 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

I would like to thank Principal, Eleanor Hughes, and her team for the comprehensive workundertaken to date, especially the resultant improvement initiatives. The second review was a Public School Review, a new process introduced by the Department ofEducation. This review confirmed the findings of the first. Please find details of strengths and areasfor improvement in the 2018 Annual Report. As a College community we have much to celebrateand be proud of. I commend the College on its development thus far and look forward to the nextcycle of Business Planning, 2019-2021.

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At Joseph Banks Secondary College, staff undertake rigorous self-assessment andreview throughout the school year. This self-assessment takes place at multiple levels:at the whole school level; at the Professional Learning Community level; at theDomain level; and at the Classroom Teacher level. All levels review a range of datamade available through the Department of Education and the college at differentpoints in time during the school year. A comprehensive data review schedule is wellestablished and documented. The College Board plays an important governance rolein ensuring the college staff are using the data to plan for improvement in studentachievement and that the priorities as set out in our 2015 -2018 Business Plan arebeing realised. In 2018, the College Board welcomed new parent representatives who were electedby the community. We welcomed Jane Tempest, Alex Gruber and Amormia Uy to theBoard. Parent representatives are elected for a three-year term. Details of the Board’sTerms of Reference can be found on the College website. During 2018, members of the College Board attended training offered by theDepartment of Education. Under the guidance of our Board Chair, the Board hasestablished a program to deepen our understanding of the functions of School Boardaccording to the Education Act (1990). In 2019, the College Board has undertaken toraise the profile of the Board within our community and the Board will undertake aprocesses to self-evaluate its effectiveness.

5 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

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6 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

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In 2018, Joseph Banks Secondary College participated in two reviews. The first wasan Independent Public School Review and the second was a Public School Review.The latter was a new process introduced by the Department of Education and JosephBanks Secondary College acted as a trial school. The two reviews identified the following strengths:

7 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

The implementation by leadership and staff of strategies outlined in the BusinessPlan 2015-18 to successfully develop and direct the work of Professional LearningCommunities (PLC’s) with their focus on the needs of individual student learnersand on developing teacher skills in implementing quality instructional practice.The leadership focus on embedding a challenging engaging and intentionalinstruction model to drive teacher learning and practice.The development of processes by leadership and staff within the PLCs that focuson a collaborative model that supports ongoing monitoring and adjustment to meetstudent learning needs and the enhancing instructional strategies to supporteffective teaching.The development of innovative and engaging pathways in Year 10-12 to ensurestudents can reach their potential and achieve quality outcomes to support post-school options.The developing culture of self-assessment and evidence-based decision-makingevident at all levels of the College.The care, wellbeing and safety of students is paramount in the college’s practicesand proceduresThe use of mentors, coaches and peer support to build the capacity of staff andenhance their wellbeing in an inclusive environment.A comprehensive workforce plan which supports effective planning andmanagement of human resources.The College’s capacity to resource priority areas to ensure they provide for theidentified needs of all students.The development of a PLC for corporate services personnel.The supportive and productive cooperation between the principal, Board Chair andBoard Members.The Board’s enthusiastic support of the college is evident in its advocacy role.

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9 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

Semester 1

Yanchep Lake Hike Let’s Get out Mapping Swimming & Lightning CarnivalsSnorkelling LessonsDarklight Laser Tag HASS FieldtripsRAC Safety Vehicle Demo10th Light Horse Trail HikeBlessing of the Roads CeremonyNECA Try-a-TradeMullaloo TriathlonATAR Biology Field TripLets get out – AUDRC DesignWorkshopR U OK DayCo:3 FranensteinAnzac Dawn Service Daycare VisitsOutdoor Education ExpeditionSuperCars ChampionshipSpace Academy ScitechHarry Potter Azkaban ConcertStage 2 OpeningYear 11 ATAR Law CourtsStreet Art tour with ‘Oh Hey WA’SSWA Cross CountrySSQAQ Netball CarnivalWorlds Greatest ShaveJapanese ExchangeMath's CafeScouts CampPortrait Drawing with R.DustingYear 7 Picture BookChoreography Night

Here is a snapshot of some of our activities, events and excursions. There are toomany to share, but some student examples are listed below. Our events calendar onour website is the platform which is used to communicate our activities to thecommunity.

Semester 2

Skate Park OpeningExploring projectile MotionUWA Aspire CampPearce Young Leaders ForumYanchep Lake HikeSkills West ExpoPerth Dance ChallengeBrilliant Biodiversity at Perth ZooYear 10 and 11 River cruiseMusic SleepoverCheer AASCF States CompCheerleeding CampMathematics Challenge DayABODA Festival PerformanceCheer CUA Spring StatesCompetitionLatitiude for Triathlon AcademyAnnette Petersen Art WorkshopKings Park Botanic TourPhysics Day at Adventure WorldCity of Wanneroo School ThinkTankF1 in SchoolsATAR Maths Boot CampRomeo & JulietSSWA Track & FieldSpring SocialHolocaust Institute of WADance/Spring Music/DramaShowcaseECU Explosive Science ShowCatering for Senior’s WeekBell Tower and Perth MintEnd of Year adventure day

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12Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

Georgia Payne Year 10.5 Enterprise competed at the SummitCheeleading competition in the International Division, inOrlando Florida. The Summit is an invite only Internationalevent, with only 300 teams across the world invited tocompete. Georgia competed in her team SuperNova, for herclub West Coast Fury. The team competed against 32 otherteams. Whilst the team did not make it to the final 12 teams,the team performed their routine fabulously and ‘hit zero’ whichmeans they had no deductions for their performance.

Kayla Going Year 11.3 Odyssey was selected to participate inthe prestigious Young Originals competition.

Lochlan Paton Year 9.1 Endeavour was selected to representWA in the recent State AFL competition. He represented thestate for his Team Western Australian Swan, they placed 3rdbronze and played 4 games over 1 week in Adelaide, whichincluded all states and territories in Australia.

Hollie Johnson Year 11.1 Odyssey was one of six students inher heat who competed in round 2 of the APEX AustraliaTeenage Fashion Awards. She was recognised for herexcellent construction skills and original design in her outfit.


Eleanor Parker Year 10.1 Enterprise was selected torepresent Western Australia and One Mob Studios at the VXWorld Supremacy Battlegrounds Hip Hop Competition inSydney, New South Wales.

Jayden Collins Year 9.1 Endeavour was selected for theRugby WA team Elite Program for the next 5 years and willeventually compete in a professional capacity.

Rowan Young Year 7.3 Challenger competed in the WA AllSchools competition in both the 100m and 80m hurdles.

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Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 201813

A fantastic effort by our students on the 16th of March 2018!We are very proud of our whole school for coming together tomake a stand against bullying. This is something we will doannually! @Public education in Western Australia #NDA2018 #BullyingNoWay #TakeaStandTogether#ImagineBullyingNoWay #ImagineNDA #publiceducationwa

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15 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

Not only are there high rates of participation in our Academy Programs, there are alsohigh levels of success. Some examples of our co-curricula and extra-curriculaprograms are: Dance,Triathlon, Music, Cheer, Peer Support, Vocal Extension,

Mandarin, Soccer, Rugby and Maori to name a few.

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We set a target for attendance in 2018 to reach an overall rate of 95%. We achieved 87%in Semester 1 and 86% in Semester 2. We have an attendance plan in place and we areworking to improve an overall attendance in 2019 to at least 90%.

16 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018


" A t t h e e n d o f t h e d a y , t h e m o s t o v e r w h e l m i n g k e y t o a

c h i l d ' s s u c c e s s i s t h e p o s i t i v e i n v o l v e m e n t o f p a r e n t s . "

J a n e D . H u l l

Semester 1

Semester 2

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In 2017 the following changes were identified as necessary to shift a perception thatbehaviour and well-being were declining in the College. All initiatives were introduced in2018 and proved successful in changing the overall tone of the College. One data setthat changed significantly as a result of these initiatives was our suspension rates whichreduced by 3%.

A fourth middle school learning community was created.Three Youth Support Workers were employed to develop and create positivesystems for pastoral care within the college.A fourth Deputy Principal was employed as an Impact Analyst. A key function of thisrole is to work collaboratively with Leading Teachers to ensure that data is beingproactively monitored to support student learning, a positive learning environment,and well-being.A comprehensive pastoral care program was developed. This program was aimed atreducing the opportunity for bullying or negative behaviour to occur, while at thesame time increasing the opportunity for positive behaviours to be evident andprolific. The Well-Being Warriors team came into existence as part of this program,and the team is now an integral part of the College.Parents were invited to participate in a Parent Working Party to contribute to findingsolutions to issues that are identified by students, staff or parents

17 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018

" H a p p i n e s s i s n o t s o m e t h i n g r e a d y m a d e .

I t c o m e s f r o m y o u r o w n a c t i o n s "

D a l a i L a m a


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It is evident from our data that there is an increase in the percentage of students Pre-Qualifying for OLNA through the NAPLAN testing in Year 9. Prequalification requiresstudents to achieve Band 8 or higher in the corresponding test for NAPLAN. A large percentage of students continue to meet the requirement on first attempt in Year10 with +28% for Numeracy the lowest of the three components. Significant gains wereagain achieved by the end of Year 10 for our 2018 Year 10 students. In 2018, our Year 11 student data for OLNA continued to improve, indicating our targetof +90% of students in Year 12, 2019 meeting the WACE Literacy and Numeracyrequirements for WACE Graduation is within reach. To exceed 90% across the threecomponents is now our goal. Targeted OLNA sessions were utilised in 2018 for our Year 11 students, and our Year10 students continue to be supported to develop their literacy and numeracy skillsthrough the flexibility offered by their personalised timetable and the completion of theYear 10 Certificate II Course. In 2019, targeted invention will again my timetabled forstudents across Years 10-12 to ensure continued success in OLNA.

18 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018


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19 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018


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21 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018



All teaching staff meet the professional requirements to teach in Western Australianpublic schools and can be found on the public register of teachers of the TeacherRegistration Board of Western Australia.


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22 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018



First Aid TrainerMaking LiteracyWorkshopATAR computer ScienceMathematical SecondaryConventionCooperative LearningCourseCMS Foundation ProgramBronze MedallionPLC’s at WorkCert II Hospitality TeacherValidationBronze MedallionMindful LeadersGrowth CoachingSSEN Behaviour andEngagementImmunity to ChangeBarrie BennettWorkshopsCert IV trainingWASSEA ConferenceCoaching Conversations

In 2018 our staff had the following professional learning opportunities:

WACCSEAConferenceRM BillingRM FinanceSenior First AidCyber SafetyWAMCSE ConferenceStudent HealthAdministrationManagerWASTAA ConferenceRhythm 2RecoveryOccupational FirstAidYouth Ethics trainingBrain GYMSafety at HeightsSecondary ComputerScienceLab TechniciansConferenceICT TrainingHospitality CoffeeAccreditation

Youth FuturesConferenceGAWA ProfessionalLearningVirtual Fieldwork PDPLC internationalSummitAspirant LeadersModern LearnersInstructional LeadershipSTEM LearningConferenceATOMWA PDDeputy PrincipalNetwork MeetingsHome Economics PDLead Like a WomanThink Differently PDCoach Ed ConferenceCMS FoundationWorkshopCoaching ConversationsConferenceAccreditation Trainer

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23 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018


During 2017 and into 2018, the following areas were identified through self-analysis asareas for consideration:

Whole-school planning with a focus on the areas of concern identified in the collegeself-assessment to improve student learning (progress, achievement andengagement). The focus areas should include the development of challenging andmeasurable targets enabling appropriate progress reporting to staff, the Board andcommunity.Maintain and enhance planning and strategies to improve teacher effectiveness indelivering instruction that leads to improved literacy and numeracy outcomes totargeted levels.Implement the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework.Implement the revised Child Protection Policy, including Protective BehavioursCurriculum.Ensure all Board members undertake Board training.Ensure all Board members undertake criminal screening.Conduct a Board effectiveness survey to reflect on Board performance.Raise the profile of the Board in the College Community.

I n 2 0 1 8 , 8 4 % o f s t u d e n t s a t J o s e p h B a n k s S e c o n d a r y C o l l e g e

b e l i e v e d t h a t t e a c h e r s e x p e c t t h e m t o d o t h e i r b e s t .

I n 2 0 1 8 , 7 8 % o f s u r v e y e d p a r e n t s b e l i e v e t h a t J o s e p h B a n k s

S e c o n d a r y C o l l e g e e x p e c t s t h e i r c h i l d t o d o t h e i r b e s t .

I n 2 0 1 8 , 9 5 % o f t e a c h e r s a t J o s e p h B a n k s S e c o n d a r y C o l l e g e

s a i d t h e y e x p e c t t h e i r s t u d e n t s t o d o t h e i r b e s t .

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26 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018



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27 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018



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28 Joseph Banks Secondary College Annual Report 2018



E v e r y c h i l d , E v e r y L e s s o n , E v e r y d a y , E v e r y T e a c h e r

m a k e s a d i f f e r e n c e .

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40 J oseph Banks BLV , Banks ia Grove

Per th WA 6031

Te lephone : 9303 7400

Emai l : J osephbanks .sc@educat ion .wa .edu .au

jbsc .wa .edu .au