課課課 8 課 1. reception n. [C] 接接接 A reception was held in the church hall following the wedding.

課本第 8 頁 1. reception n. [C] 接待會 A reception was held in the church hall following the wedding

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課本第 8 頁

1. reception n. [C] 接待會

A reception was held in the church hall following the wedding.

課本第 8 頁

2. miner n. 礦工

Gold miners sometimes became very rich in the American West.

課本第 8 頁 3. wagon n. 四輪馬車

第 8 頁

3. wagon n. 四輪馬車

The early settlers traveled across America in covered wagons.

課本第 8 頁 3. wagon n. 四輪馬車 補充 : cart 二輪馬車

第 8 頁

4. tough adj. 艱困的;強壯的

Life was tough when Jack’s family first arrived in the new country.

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5. tailor n. ( 做男裝的 )


Mike had the tailor make suits for him to wear at the wedding.

第 8 頁

5. tailor n. ( 做男裝的 ) 裁縫師

dressmaker n. 做女裝的 裁縫師

第 9 頁

6. rough adj. 不平的;粗糙的;艱難的

When you are driving on a rough road, you should slow down.

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7. weave vt. 織;編

Lily is weaving a rug for her living room floor.


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8. competitor n. [C] 競爭對手;競賽者

Olympic competitors spend years preparing for the Olympic Games.

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9. uniform n. 制服

Many schools require that their students wear uniforms to class.

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10. battle vi. 作戰;戰鬥

The soldiers battled bravely against the enemy.

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11. rebellion n. [U,C] 反抗;反叛 ; 叛亂

The rebellion was soon put down by government forces.

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12. authority n. [U,C] 權威 ; 官方

The man has no authority over the passengers on the plane.


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13. oppose vt. 反對

Many people oppose the government’s current policies.

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14. style n. [C] 款式;風格 ; 種類

The store has shoes in all styles and colors.

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15. standard adj. 標準的

It is standard practice to have an interview before being given the job.

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16. hip n. [C] 臀部

Thomas stood with his hands on his hips.

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17. variation n. [C,U] 變異;變化

Jeans nowadays are made in many variations.

牛仔褲現在有各式各樣的變化 .

第 11 頁

18. waist n. [C] 腰部

The waist of the average person tends to grow wider as the person gets older.

第 11 頁

19. patch vt. 修補

Jane loves her old pair of jeans and has patched them several times so that she can keep wearing them.

• Reading selection:

• The gold rush in the 19th century brought many people to California to find gold.

Gold rush : 淘金熱

• One of them was a young man named Levi Strauss, who came to San Francisco in 1859.

Levi Strauss

• He brought some heavy brown canvas that he planned to sell to miners for use as tents and wagon covers.

Heavy brown canvas

• However, he soon discovered that few miners had work-clothes that were strong enough to stand up to the tough life of the diggings.

the tough life of the diggings

the tough life of the diggings艱難的挖礦生活


• So the smart young man asked a tailor to make pants for the miners out of his rough canvas.


• Pleased that the trousers were the strongest pants around, people began telling one another to buy them. The trousers were sold out very quickly.

Trousers = pants 長褲

Pleased: 使人感到滿意

• Convinced that he had found an idea that was good enough to start a new business, Levi changed his plans and decided to go into the clothing business.

• He moved to San Francisco, where he opened a work-clothes shop to sell his specially-made trousers.

Trousers = pants 褲子

Work- clothes

• When he ran out of canvas, he changed to a tough cotton cloth called “denim,” which was originally woven in Nimes, France.

Nimes, France

• The denim pants made by Levi Strauss were called jeans by Americans.

• Quickly, these jeans made by Levi Strauss and his competitors became the uniform of the working people in America, such as cowboys and farmers.

Cowboys farmer

• By the 1950s, jeans had become the main play clothes of American children. Furthermore, teenagers began battling with parents and schools for the right to wear jeans to class.


• Jeans became a symbol of rebellion against authority. During the 1960s, blue jeans were very popular with people of all ages who opposed the Vietnam War.

• Before blue jeans became fashionable, there was basically only one style of jeans. But then a funny thing happened.

Fashionable girls and dresses

• Suddenly, stores were full of jeans, not only for workers and rebellious youths, but for all members of the family at all income levels.

• There were no longer only standard jeans – tight around the hips with lots of pockets. Instead, there were many variations, such as bell-bottoms, wide waists, and many different colors.


Wide waists

• Fashions come and go, but blue jeans live on forever. For many people, it is next to impossible to give up their old jeans, which often seem like a second skin.

• If there is a hole, they patch it. If the lower parts of the legs become badly worn they simply cut them off and make the pants shorter.

• In this way, the tattered look of beaten-up jeans has become a look that never goes out of fashion.