BooK T.] ]g{ee, only mid ofa woman,like as ;~ 1 is only maid of a she-amel, TA,) cast her youw one, or fa.tu, or Aer you; brought forth her young one, or faetu, or her yong, abortively, or in an immature, or imperfect, state, (,0 M, Myb, 5, B,) or dead, (Mgh,) but having the form de- ueloped, or manifet. (Mgh, Msb.) _- 5 Ail .h: see 1. - U;S1j .L t :[The Itdn usade Aim to fall, or degraded Aim, -J- p" fn Ahis how station]. (TA.) - [J.L also signifies t He droppled, l out, or omitted, a letter of a word, a word of a phllrase, J&c.] You say, J4_ 1JaI, and i , and a. , and &.,JB J: see 1. And 'el ,' WlI i t The ppointer, or r,gitrar, of t.he ;tien~ of sodie,s or pemsionrs dropped, ft out, or omitted, his nam. (TA.) [Also t lie, or it, annouled; sade, or rndered, nd/l, toid, of no force, or of no accont; he r~icted; said in relation to a claim or demand, a due, an argument or a plea, a condition, a law, a command or prohibition, a gift, a reward, a punishment, a good action, a sin, c.; of any of these you say,' all, and "il 4: see an ex. voce M.s: and see 1, near the end of the paragmph. Hence,] 4;Jit * L: I IJ.b t lie abated of thi price so much; syn. £I. (Mgh and Mob in art. Ja..)_ - LI i erroneously put in the 1[, in one instance, for L... (TA.) Sec 5. u 1,filt i TLy reviled him with evil speech. (TA.) a. ; t lle jought his mistakec, or error: (,, ],TA:) t he drove, or laboured, to ,nake him .commsit a midake, or an error; or to *nake him lie; or to make him remeal what le ,had to tell; (M, ], TA ;) as also Lt Ji.ul; (M, TA ;) in the copies of the ~1, it ,I, whichl is a mis- take. (TA.)--°, I J I 1e took, or r~c ed, the news, or information, ly little and little; (]g, TA;) thing after thing: mentioned by Aboo- Turab, on the authority of Abu-l-Mikd&n Es- Sulamee. (TA.) 6. WJL3: see its variation Lijl in 1; first sentence. - It fell in coscutioe lortions or quantities [like the leaves of a tree, &ce.; by dre; y]. (M, V.) A poet says, i. e. t [Many a day] of wrhich the plaars comc one thing after another; [such a day being like the asterism of the Pkiadsb, and the pleasure. thereof like ita raiu ;] meaning the abounding of its pleasures. (TA.) And you say, l SL ,~ ',. [T77e rwealth of such a one fl, ox came, to me, one thing after another]. (TA.) l ;is M.JJL3 IIe thrmw himalf upon tJe thi. (a.) You say, &e ,; 1 q iWA J.L s 4 : [Ilie threw himself upon the man, protect- g A with his own person]. (TA.) 10: see 6. i-;: see .L, in three places: and £., in two places:- and i, : - and iLL 1381 i:: see 4L, in three plaes. LL and v L and t A cAhil, or young one, or fts, that fa j from the bey of te ( mother abortiely, or in an immature, or imper- fect, tate, (S, M, Myb, 1:,) or dead, (Mgh,) but having the form deeloped, or man fest; (Mgh, Mb ;) for otherwise it is not so called; (Mgh;) whether male orfemale : (Msb,'TA:) the first of 1 these three forms is the most common: and the pi. is LC1. (TA.) The reward which a father will receive for such offspring is [held to be] more than that for adult offspring. (TA.) - Hence, ' (M, B, TA,) the same three words, ( o,) or i ;.L and t; and tL.L, (S , M, Mb,) WhQatfals, ($, M, Msb, j,) of Jir, ($,) frJn the .3J, (Mqb,) or betnn the 1 j, (M, 1,) when one yrou fireJ, (,) or bef,re the ens-* sion of the fir is thwoughly ffected : (M, :) mesc and fem. (Fr, $, 1.).- Also , , and t L and tL (, M, Msb,]) aOnd'd V* (M, 1) and * :L& (M, TA) [The/aU, or slols, of a tract, or quantity, of sand;] the place where sand [falls, or loejs, and] ends: (?:) or the plaCe to whicd the ec trMnity of sand c :nds (M l,:) or the place nwhere the main pottion of sand ends, and where it [fa/il, or bdpm, and] becomncs thin; (M,15;) for it is [derived] from Jl;. [inf. n. of 1]. (M.) - Also Lt :The edge, or ewtreniity, of a cloud: (M, ]:) or the ypart of a cloud wher the edge, or ctremity, is seen as thougn it were fallinu uwpon the carth, in the horizon. (?.)- And lience, or from the same word as used in relation to sand, (TA,) The similar part of a [tent of the kind called] ,.1: (a:) or the lowest. drip of lot/h, that is net the round, on dither ide of a .ie.: (A, TA:) or the side of a .ftg: (]:) or [ench of] the tno ide thereof. (M.) - Also, (S,M, ,) and t ;'L and ' l.:;, (M, ,) t The wing; (]g;) each of the tro rings; (?, M;) of a bird; (M, 1;) or of a male ostrich. (S.) And LL )I41 t. t The part of the w,ing of the bird which it drg pon the ground (;,TA.) - [And hence,] . tL t T e twoside of the darkn of nijht; (TA,) the beinnin and end threof; (ff, TA;) as also ? U.ti: (TA:) whence the saying of the poet, (~, TA,) namely' Er-Ra'ee, (TA,) t [Until, wrmen the darn dshone, and the blackss of confused niglt became dilpeled 3wom it]: he r means by L&aW the "blackness" of night: he says that the night, having its beginning and end, e passed, and the dawn shone clearly. (i, TA.) J s. What is made to fall, thrown don, or droped, of, or from, a thing, (M, 1V,) and held in mean e~timation: (TA:) and [in like manner] V ;Wl the reiss of anything; (IDrd;) or what falls, of, or from, a thing, (M, 15,) and is held in mean estimati; (TA;) as also VIUm; (Is;) or, accord. to some, this last is a pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.], and t £tL is its sing. [or n. an.]; and ,i.LA is also a pl. of this last. (TA.) [Henee,].t;LI l : l 1hat is worthiam. offood: (M, 1:*) or what falls from, or of food: (M :) and [in like manner] V U,I, and V £L r4e/.L that falls, and is held in mean estimation, of, or from, food and beverage and the like: (TA:) the ·- el pl. of LL is UL.I. (g.) And 1i.., What is orthes, pnltry, mean, vile, or hell in little account, of the furniture or ttenxilx .f a house or tent, or of household ~os: (;, M.l)h, ]:) or th refe f there!f; (Mghi;) uind so eQ1 V ALC: (TA:) and t.*X I L ' sinifies the same; (M;) or such articles of the tent or house as the needle and the acxe and the tcooking- pot and the like: (Lth:) pl. as above. (MI.) And hence, ,?AI l4'1 (q. v. infra, as also ;L a.0WI, voce Lb ). (Lbh, M.) LL also signifies t Things of wvhich the sale is held in mean tw- tnat;lon; such as the stuls that are ?tJl in tnok- inj,fn' seasoning food; and the like; (M, TA;) or such as suyar and raisins. (A, TA.) Also t The 1a tt a slatghtered lb t that art held in mean etimation; sueh as the Iy and tide stomach and the lirer, and the like ¢f these: I d . as above. (TA.) -- A mistake, or an er.o.,' (., M, Mgll, M.h, 1,) in speh, (M, M, m , g,) in reckoning, (., M, ]P,) in nwriting, ($, 3, Mgh, ]g,) and in action; (Mb ;) as also *t L,. (M, 1.) [See also A JL .]_ 5 A disyarefyl; or damenful, thing; a vice, or fawlt, or the lke. (M, 15, TA.) -.. 1 L t eil ~seh. (TA.) ;L [A Jfall: or] a violent fall. (M, TA.) -_ A lip, lape, fault, or mwrog artflon; ns also * LL; (S, ;) and t L; which last is also used in a pl. sense: (TA:) or the stcond (bIL.,) is pl. of " : (Mhb, I:) as sillg., it is an inf. n. of MI.: (TA:) and "L also signi- fiee a bad wr or saying, that swerres Jr,,, rectitwude: (TA in art. a :) its pl., or one of its pis., is .!.L. (TA.) You say, 1 ;,..,J aLL. t [No one will he fiw fromn a sli;p]. (TA.) And tiU; $. 1; ;. ,b : 5[The .pebt ;, he w,we slis are so few that they may be conted]. (TA.) (Mtgh, 0) and ' LIt, (l, Mgl, ,) the latter disallowed by some, (Mgh, TA,) but occurring in a trad., ($, Mgh, TA,) A seller of what is worthlem, or mean, or rile, of the fJrni- ture or utensils f a hous or tent, or of hlusehold egood; (S, ;) or of the refse th~reof; (Mgh;) of what are ternred t. J .a,: (g, Mgh, :) those who disallow the latter epithet term such a person la ` t: (TA:) or 't the latter epi- thet sigifies a sller of thigs of which the sale is held in mean etimnation; men as the meb that are ued in cooking, for seasoning food; and the lbke; w,hich are termed ; r. (M.) [See also L/': see S lt. tU: see L,, in two plaoes. 9 i 3oll. Lnd :Hence,],atjjt 'M, Lnd IAM rrom, lge PI. t What litik house 5:) eQ1 the houw imi And 1.0ul, j maflon; iwj,fg,,s. or t in stowark as (, in, Mgh, (M, idiamefu4 (M, 11AL -:A also also (,bu.w) an flee ~itwk: P1s.' 311.d ind he emated]. (Mglt, the occurring witat tijre or 11 1' 1' of those person thet is are Uke; SW ttt. UM:

: 5[The - · PDF fileaccount, or tepit, of or the of hommi#old fumiture ~: or wtenxilx Q1.4, 51P.1),#.if a 5:) or tise refam floom!f, ... The such 1,wptt as soyar fy a sktisgistered

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Page 1: : 5[The - · PDF fileaccount, or tepit, of or the of hommi#old fumiture ~: or wtenxilx Q1.4, 51P.1),#.if a 5:) or tise refam floom!f, ... The such 1,wptt as soyar fy a sktisgistered

BooK T.]

]g{ee, only mid ofa woman,like as ;~ 1 is onlymaid of a she-amel, TA,) cast her youw one, orfa.tu, or Aer you; brought forth her youngone, or faetu, or her yong, abortively, or in animmature, or imperfect, state, (,0 M, Myb, 5,B,) or dead, (Mgh,) but having the form de-

ueloped, or manifet. (Mgh, Msb.) _- 5 Ail

.h: see 1. - U;S1j .L t :[The Itdn

usade Aim to fall, or degraded Aim, -J- p"

fn Ahis how station]. (TA.) - [J.Lalso signifies t He droppled, l out, or omitted,a letter of a word, a word of a phllrase, J&c.] Yousay, J4_ 1JaI, and i , and a. , and

&.,JB J: see 1. And 'el ,' WlI i t Theppointer, or r,gitrar, of t.he ;tien~ of sodie,s

or pemsionrs dropped, ft out, or omitted, hisnam. (TA.) [Also t lie, or it, annouled;sade, or rndered, nd/l, toid, of no force, or ofno accont; he r~icted; said in relation to aclaim or demand, a due, an argument or a plea,a condition, a law, a command or prohibition, agift, a reward, a punishment, a good action, a sin,

c.; of any of these you say,' all, and "il

4: see an ex. voce M.s: and see 1, near the

end of the paragmph. Hence,] 4;Jit * L: I

IJ.b t lie abated of thi price so much; syn.£I. (Mgh and Mob in art. Ja..)_ - LIi erroneously put in the 1[, in one instance,

for L... (TA.) Sec 5. u 1,filti TLy reviled him with evil speech. (TA.)

a. ; t lle jought his mistakec, or error:(,, ],TA:) t he drove, or laboured, to ,nakehim .commsit a midake, or an error; or to *nakehim lie; or to make him remeal what le ,had totell; (M, ], TA ;) as also Lt Ji.ul; (M, TA ;)

in the copies of the ~1, it ,I, whichl is a mis-

take. (TA.)--°, I J I 1e took, or r~c ed,the news, or information, ly little and little;(]g, TA;) thing after thing: mentioned by Aboo-Turab, on the authority of Abu-l-Mikd&n Es-Sulamee. (TA.)

6. WJL3: see its variation Lijl in 1; first

sentence. - It fell in coscutioe lortions orquantities [like the leaves of a tree, &ce.; bydre; y]. (M, V.) A poet says,

i. e. t [Many a day] of wrhich the plaars comcone thing after another; [such a day being likethe asterism of the Pkiadsb, and the pleasure.thereof like ita raiu ;] meaning the abounding

of its pleasures. (TA.) And you say, l SL

,~ ',. [T77e rwealth of such a one fl, oxcame, to me, one thing after another]. (TA.)

l ;is M.JJL3 IIe thrmw himalf upon tJe

thi. (a.) You say, &e ,; 1 q iWA J.Ls4 : [Ilie threw himself upon the man, protect-

g A with his own person]. (TA.)

10: see 6.

i-;: see .L, in three places: and £.,in two places:- and i, : - and iLL


i:: see 4L, in three plaes.

LL and v L and t A cAhil, or young

one, or fts, that fa j from the bey of te (mother abortiely, or in an immature, or imper-fect, tate, (S, M, Myb, 1:,) or dead, (Mgh,) buthaving the form deeloped, or man fest; (Mgh,Mb ;) for otherwise it is not so called; (Mgh;)whether male orfemale : (Msb,'TA:) the first of 1these three forms is the most common: and the

pi. is LC1. (TA.) The reward which a fatherwill receive for such offspring is [held to be] morethan that for adult offspring. (TA.) - Hence, '(M, B, TA,) the same three words, ( o,) or

i ;.L and t; and tL.L, (S , M, Mb,)WhQatfals, ($, M, Msb, j,) of Jir, ($,) frJn

the .3J, (Mqb,) or betnn the 1j, (M, 1,)when one yrou fireJ, (,) or bef,re the ens-*sion of the fir is thwoughly ffected : (M, :)

mesc and fem. (Fr, $, 1.).- Also , , and

t L and tL (, M, Msb,]) aOnd'd V*

(M, 1) and * :L& (M, TA) [The/aU, or slols,of a tract, or quantity, of sand;] the place wheresand [falls, or loejs, and] ends: (?:) or theplaCe to whicd the ec trMnity of sand c :nds(M l,:) or the place nwhere the main pottion ofsand ends, and where it [fa/il, or bdpm, and]becomncs thin; (M,15;) for it is [derived] fromJl;. [inf. n. of 1]. (M.) - Also Lt :The

edge, or ewtreniity, of a cloud: (M, ]:) or theypart of a cloud wher the edge, or ctremity,is seen as thougn it were fallinu uwpon the carth,in the horizon. (?.)- And lience, or from thesame word as used in relation to sand, (TA,)

The similar part of a [tent of the kind called]

,.1: (a:) or the lowest. drip of lot/h, that isnet the round, on dither ide of a .ie.: (A,

TA:) or the side of a .ftg: (]:) or [ench of]the tno ide thereof. (M.) - Also, (S,M, ,)

and t ;'L and ' l.:;, (M, ,) t The wing;(]g;) each of the tro rings; (?, M;) of a bird;(M, 1;) or of a male ostrich. (S.) And LL)I41 t. t The part of the w,ing of the bird

which it drg pon the ground (;,TA.) -[And hence,] . tL t T e twoside of thedarkn of nijht; (TA,) the beinnin and end

threof; (ff, TA;) as also ? U.ti: (TA:)

whence the saying of the poet, (~, TA,) namely'Er-Ra'ee, (TA,)

t [Until, wrmen the darn dshone, and the blackssof confused niglt became dilpeled 3wom it]: he

r means by L&aW the "blackness" of night: he

says that the night, having its beginning and end,e passed, and the dawn shone clearly. (i, TA.)

J s. What is made to fall, thrown don, or

droped, of, or from, a thing, (M, 1V,) and heldin mean e~timation: (TA:) and [in like manner]

V ;Wl the reiss of anything; (IDrd;) or whatfalls, of, or from, a thing, (M, 15,) and is held in

mean estimati; (TA;) as also VIUm; (Is;)or, accord. to some, this last is a pl. [or rather a

coll. gen. n.], and t £tL is its sing. [or n. an.];

and ,i.LA is also a pl. of this last. (TA.)

[Henee,].t;LI l : l 1hat is worthiam. offood:

(M, 1:*) or what falls from, or of food: (M :)

and [in like manner] V U,I, and V £L r4e/.Lthat falls, and is held in mean estimation, of, orfrom, food and beverage and the like: (TA:) the

·- elpl. of LL is UL.I. (g.) And 1i..,

What is orthes, pnltry, mean, vile, or hell inlittle account, of the furniture or ttenxilx .f ahouse or tent, or of household ~os: (;, M.l)h,]:) or th refe f there!f; (Mghi;) uind so

eQ1 V ALC: (TA:) and t.*X I L ' sinifiesthe same; (M;) or such articles of the tent orhouse as the needle and the acxe and the tcooking-pot and the like: (Lth:) pl. as above. (MI.)

And hence, ,?AI l4'1 (q. v. infra, as also ;L

a.0WI, voce Lb ). (Lbh, M.) LL also signifies

t Things of wvhich the sale is held in mean tw-tnat;lon; such as the stuls that are ?tJl in tnok-inj,fn' seasoning food; and the like; (M, TA;)or such as suyar and raisins. (A, TA.) Alsot The 1a tt a slatghtered lb t that art heldin mean etimation; sueh as the Iy and tidestomach and the lirer, and the like ¢f these: Id .as above. (TA.) -- A mistake, or an er.o.,'

(., M, Mgll, M.h, 1,) in speh, (M, M, m , g,)in reckoning, (., M, ]P,) in nwriting, ($, 3,Mgh, ]g,) and in action; (Mb ;) as also *t L,.(M, 1.) [See also A JL .]_ 5 A disyarefyl; ordamenful, thing; a vice, or fawlt, or the lke.

(M, 15, TA.) -.. 1 L t eil ~seh. (TA.)

;L [A Jfall: or] a violent fall. (M, TA.)-_ A lip, lape, fault, or mwrog artflon; ns

also * LL; (S, ;) and t L; which last is

also used in a pl. sense: (TA:) or the stcond(bIL.,) is pl. of " : (Mhb, I:) as sillg., it is

an inf. n. of MI.: (TA:) and "L also signi-fiee a bad wr or saying, that swerres Jr,,,rectitwude: (TA in art. a :) its pl., or one of itspis., is .!.L. (TA.) You say, 1 ;,..,J aLL. t [No one will he fiw fromn a sli;p]. (TA.)

And tiU; $. 1; ;. ,b : 5[The .pebt ;,

he w,we slis are so few that they may beconted]. (TA.)

(Mtgh, 0) and ' LIt, (l, Mgl, ,)the latter disallowed by some, (Mgh, TA,) butoccurring in a trad., ($, Mgh, TA,) A seller ofwhat is worthlem, or mean, or rile, of the fJrni-ture or utensils f a hous or tent, or of hluseholdegood; (S, ;) or of the refse th~reof; (Mgh;)of what are ternred t. J .a,: (g, Mgh, :)

those who disallow the latter epithet term such aperson la ` t: (TA:) or 't the latter epi-

thet sigifies a sller of thigs of which the saleis held in mean etimnation; men as the meb thatare ued in cooking, for seasoning food; and thelbke; w,hich are termed ; r. (M.) [See also

L/': see S lt.

tU: see L,, in two plaoes.9 i


gen. n.), and V ild.; is its sing. [or n. un.] ;


iLLtiwj is also a PI. of this last. (TA.)


LAIL 1 117hat is ~Alm. offood.


Y,:*) or what falk fmm, ot. offood: (M:)


[in like manner] V UU'."O and V 4UL,


falk, and is held in mean editnation, of, or


food and bevem and the like: (TA:) the


of LL is UL.A. Qg.) And



is ~ Aka, lxtltry, me an, v or lwltl in


account, of the fumiture or wtenxilx #.if a


or tepit, or of hommi#old ~: Q1.4, 51P.1),


or tise refam floom!f, �Mgli;) uitd so


V AIC: (TA:) and %:.*X IL'si,,,niifies


same; (M;) or such arf�1m tpf tist tent op.


as tlid i~e and tise axe and the typokiisg-


and tit* like: (Ltib:) pl. as above. (M.)


lience, ,41 4C1 (q. v. infri, u abo 1'i.'d


voce LAG). (Lh, M.) 11' . also signifies


Thing* of i;ltkk the usk is helel in wean twi-


such an flog imls that are timi in t-tsult-


seasoning fowl; ami the'like; (51, TA;)


such as soyar and raisins. (A, TA.) Also


The 1,wptt fy a sktisgistered lmd that are Md


mmis edismation; such tu tito ky anil tide


and the lirer, and tise like tpf ti#cm: 1A.


above. (TA.) - 41 A waistake, or an et.ttpo.,


M, mgll, meh, V,) in ~, M meh, ]�,)


rekoninq, (8, M, 1P in n-ritinq, M '31,


]g,) and in actitin; (MsM as also ItL.


]�.) [See also A dijvjiaref#ill �r


thing; a rite, or fawit, or the Ukr.


]�, TA.) -"&"1 Q-C 1 LJril ~. (TA.)


[A J411: or] a violeW falL (M, TA.)


d�p, laipe, fault, or mukiy arflon; on


fILL; and VIL; wltich last is


used in a pl. wnse: (TA:) or the stcoattl


is PI. of ": (Meb, ]�:) as Billg., it it,


in£ n. of 1IC: (TA:) and " also Pigni-


a bad rmW or saying, that swerres J;.wj;sa


(TA in art. "a:) its pl., or one of' itp


is !LLL. (TA.) Yoti say, !;J


: [No one will he fiw fiopa a &Iijp]. (TA.)


A'StLL !~" J."' �tbi 4'1[Tie yplbrt ;,


wlwm sPiss aie so ftw that tlicy may lx.




V) and 'V ILL, (�, Mgli,


latter disullowed by some, (Mglt, TA,) but


in a trad., �,.Mgh, TA,) A seller �f


is worthlem, or mean, or rile, of the firnim.


or utensils ef a A~ or tot, or of k~hold


of tio reftim th~ (Mgh





what are ternied tC-J$ &law: (g, Mgh,


who dimilow the latter epithet term sucla u


law ` ' (TA:) or 'C the latter epi-


sijifies a 'wlkr of tl~ of which the #ale


lield in, inean editnation; mch as the omb titor


und in cookipig, for seasoning food; and 0hr


witich are te;wW (M.) [See -also




see 4L, in two placm.