ஸ்ரீ நரஸிம்ஹ உபனிஷத் முன்னுரை

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Lord Narasimha Part 1

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  • Atma

    Ego I




    Objects/ World








    The Gross outside world which we see, including our organs, Body are only waves. The wave function collapses once mind or mental waves enters it and makes the waves appear as objects as predetermined by mind.

    The Mind perceives and memory corroborates or records, Mind doubles up as Intellect or analyzing pros and cons, determines responses for the stimuli received.

    The problem starts with I. What is it? Who is it? Why is it? It may be that Like a photon in quantum physics, The I can exist in a particle form as life or living principle in Living Beings or as wave after death. The wave can merge in the ocean of Atman. Atma or turiya is the observer of this wave or particle and source of energy.

  • Atma

    Ego I










    OUTSIDE WORLD : Can be particles or waves, The pattern depends on how you see it, Virtually no control over it, Can not be destroyed, can be converted from one form to another in a limited sense, but to overcome resistance. The energy required is once again has to be supplied by nature itself. . On this aspect, Nature determines its course. Beyond time space matrix. Nature also resists any permanent conversion. Self Balancing.

    INNER WORLD: These are waves. Comprises of Mind , Intellect and Memory. The pattern depends on our own character. Operates on response and feedback. Subject to limitations and forces of nature, limited control can be exerted by Willful Thinking. The limitation can be from external world or our own body. The changes can be permanent or temporary. This happens within ourselves. Operates in Space Time Matrix.

    SOUL: One without a second,

    EGO: Also are waves. This is our own character. Controlled by Outside World, Our own body, Our own Mind, Intellect and Memory. Energized by Soul. Without energy from Soul, this can not exist. Afraid of death and its own destruction. Knows fully well that it is the soul which calls the shots and it has to die one day. Constantly tries to get rid off dependence on Soul for its survival and to conquer death. Driven by this fear, tries to operate and consolidate as a particle by relating itself to the outside world, unmindful of repeated births and deaths. This is due to ignorance over the superiority of Soul.

    5 elements, 5 karmendriyas, 5 Jnanendriyas, 5 Pranas, Antakarana ( Mind, Intellect, Ego, Memory) , ignorance, desire, and actionthese eight cities together constitute the subtle body. Ignorance, Desire and Action provide the driving force. Maya contains 3 gunas, Rajo projects,. Tamo Avarana veils, Pure satva is always contaminated by Rajo & Tamo. This contaminated Sattva causes transmigration.

    Waking state Sukshma Sarira acts with the help of physical body. Subjected to resistance from outside world.Dream State Sukshma Sarira acts without aid of physical body. No resistance offered by outside world.Avyaktam This unmanifest, described as a combination of all three gunas, is the casual-body of the individual.

    All these are Wave forms.

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